#she was already into him and you can't convince me otherwise
jeding-png · 2 days
Chapter 151 made me feel like a sadomasochist all over again.
OK. I was hoping to see Reynold in the new chapter, BUT NOT UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES—
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"Reynold told me that you weren't the one who stole Ivonne's necklace."
And in that moment, Penelope realized that the wounds on Reynold that she had seen on him during lunch with the Eckharts in the orangery were not from training.
He seems so... small. I do not know. What he did is truly terrible. But I just remember the affair and the Duke's attitude towards all his children. And separately, his attitude towards Reynold killed me. Because Reynold will not blame his father, whom he loves and from whom he has never heard the words "I'm proud of you", for this.
Do you think only this moment will break your heart, which is already full of events? Other Tumblr users will quickly convince you otherwise.
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The Duke has come to say 'goodbye' to Penelope, his immature daughter who is about to become an adult. Everything sounds great, so why so many cool colors? Why is there so much pain in their eyes again?
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Because those words were not heard by the one who was waiting for them the most.
"That day I thought you just wanted jewels for your young heart. As a father I thought it right to forgive your transgressions."
"If I knew it would take six years to hear you call me father again..."
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The real Penelope not only did not hear farewell from her father, she carried the stigma of a necklace thief until her 'death.'
Also, the duke says that he can't get the same look of Penelope out of his head the day Ichlis brought the protagonist of Normal Mode to the duchy.
"What... what expression in my face did you see?"
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"You didn't make any facial expressions."
This chapter isn't just about Penelope and Duke's conversation either. It's also a reminder of how much Penelope and Siyeon are alike. How past and present life echo each other.
— Nothing will be solved if you are emotional.
— If you hold your breath until you suffocate, everything will pass.
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"Dear... do you remember our first meeting?"
A tired and exhausted duke who is desperately searching for his missing daughter and that little girl from poverty who begs for some food.
As much as I love the Original Penelope... we really don't know much about this character. Except for general information or relying on the stories of other heroes. And it is her finale that breaks the heart.
The chapter is very full of events, but I can't tell more. It was as if I had taken all of Duke Eckhart's mood on me, fr.
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yocalio · 3 months
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loismagic · 1 year
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on tonight’s demily discourse, this would have been a perfect moment for a kiss :)))))
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ikarakie · 1 year
after everything, after all the adrenaline dies down, steve collapses one day whilst helping out at the school. the doctors say it was a delayed reaction, all his injuries finally catching up to him. the stress of everything making his stubborn ass keel over and finally give in.
everyone's fucking terrified. eddie and max are already in hospital beds, though at least they're awake. luckily lucas had been by steve's side as he fell and stopped his head smacking against the linoleum. for a fourth or fifth time.
the doctors assure them all he'll be fine. it was just exhaustion, his body needing some time to recover. there's nothing to worry about!
though when he wakes up, something is fucking wrong. robin tells everyone as much through tears, how he'd woken up and asked who she was. that all he knew was his name and basic information about himself.
dustin is beside himself when steve does the same to him. he'd held onto this hope that he'd be different. steve was like his brother, of course he'd remember him, right?
but no. no, the only person steve seems to remember is eddie munson. not only that, but he's convinced they're dating. won't listen to anyone who tells him otherwise. it's all a bit much, no one really knows what's happening with him, if he'll ever remember them. the case is forwarded, with vague promises that they would do whatever they can. but they needed the bed, so he can't stay.
when he's discharged, he beelines for eddie's room. he's in there and by eddie's side before anyone can even fucking blink, or attempt to stop him. eddie lights up seeing him, then dims a little, asking if he's okay, asking why he's up, if his head hurts at all. (dustin had kept him informed, but neglected to mention the whole 'steve thinks you're dating' thing. didn't want to stress his friend out any more than he was, you see.)
and steve just... kisses him. everyone freezes, but eddie only melts, leaning into it like it's natural. dustin is two seconds away from breaking them apart when they hear him ask, in the smallest voice ever,
"you remember me?" steve just nods, like an overexcited puppy. grinning from ear to ear.
and that's how everyone finds out that, no, steve's brain isn't as scrambled as they thought. he's just actually been dating eddie since a little after starcourt. and they've both been somehow hiding it from everyone.
(steve's memories fade back in eventually. eddie never lets the fact he's the only one he remembered go. ever.)
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thef1diary · 3 months
Little Big Fan | Eleven
— Little Big Schooldays
Series Masterlist
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wc: 2k
The last few days felt like a dream, one that you never wanted to wake up from.
Every morning after your date night, Max would come over with a coffee for you and a doughnut for your daughter. Then, he'd greet you with a kiss before entering your home. "Hm, I could get used to that," you told him, already having a great start to the day.
However, your morning didn't start like that today. Instead of you, Max was greeted by Isabella. "Good morning, princess," he ruffled her hair until she slapped his hands away—a moment they always shared whenever they met.
"This is for you," he passed her the doughnut. Isabella excitedly took it out of the wrapper, thanking him as soon as she took a bite.
"Maxy," she began and he turned to face her, "yes?" She chuckled before she even got the words out, "why do you come over everyday?"
Max frowned, "do you not like it?" He asked, but Isabella shook her head quickly, "I mean, why don't me, you and mama have a sleepover instead?"
"You want me to stay over?" he asked, smiling. He wanted clarification, even though he knew what she meant. Unbeknownst to her, his heart was bursting with happiness. Although the dynamics between him and Isabella remained the same after you began dating Max—mostly because she didn't know of it yet—he was extremely concerned about Isabella's reaction to him. So knowing she liked him now gave him hope that she would still want him around after you reveal the relationship.
Isabella nodded, "yes! We will have so much fun." He nodded along with her, "we can ask your mom later."
Max noticed your absence in the room, "speaking of, where's your mama?" He asked your daughter.
"She's working in her office," Isabella spoke, sitting on the couch to savour her doughnut.
Knowing his way around your house now, Max found you working away in your office with your head buried in paperwork.
He knocked on the doorframe to grab your attention since the door itself was open and he was met with a tired smile from you. "Is it morning already?" You questioned as he rounded the desk, and you were too tired to stand up so he crouched down and wrapped his arms around you.
You reached up as much as you could to wrap your arms around his shoulders. "Have you been working all night?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled as his head rested in the crook of your neck.
Parting away, you shrugged, eyeing the two empty cans of energy drinks on the floor. Technically, it was Max's fault that you had to keep a stock of it at home. Grazing your cheek with his thumb, he sighed, "you need to go to sleep right now."
You pulled away entirely, turning your chair to face your laptop and began typing away again. "I can't, I have so much to do," you shook your head as you spoke.
Max muttered your name, "c'mon, let's go to bed," he suggested and when you stopped typing, he assumed that you'd agree.
Noticing the time, you gasped, "I have to get Bella ready for school!" A yawn left your mouth as you spoke, and Max immediately knew right then that he had to get you to your room as soon as possible.
He grasped on to the back of your chair, dragging it away from the desk so you could no longer touch any keys on the laptop nor any papers. "Max!" You exclaimed, trying to reach something to stop moving but he made a sound of protest. "No ma'am, you are going to bed right now."
You didn't stop trying to convince him otherwise by listing out all the tasks you had to do for the day but he didn't budge. "You need energy to do those tasks and that is exactly why you need to rest," he finalized, stopping the chair once it was right next to your bed.
"What about Isabella?" You asked, and Max didn't even hesitate for a moment before replying, "I'll drop her to school."
He looked at you with a pointed gaze, gesturing for you to move from the chair to the bed, and you huffed before complying. "What about her breakfast and lunch? Oh and her hair too," you stressed, wanting to get up and continue your usual morning routine.
Max, however, pulled the blanket up to your shoulders and pressed his lips against yours to quiet down all the thoughts running through your mind. "Like I said, I'll do it," he stated after parting away.
"Will you come back after?" Looking at your face, Max desperately wanted to stay, but he was also looking forward to his new responsibilities. "Of course."
You called out his name as he turned to leave, but a yawn interrupted your words. With a tired smile on your face, you muttered, "thank you."
Walking back downstairs, Max called out to Isabella. "You're going to have to help me out here, I'm taking you to school today." She perked up once she heard his words, although with confusion taking over her expressions. "Why, what happened to mama?"
Max headed towards the kitchen with Isabella right on his tail. "Your mama is very tired so we’re going to let her sleep," he told her. He watched as Isabella thought for a moment before shrugging, "okay."
"Great, I'll make breakfast, you go change," he suggested and earned a nod from the little girl. "Are you going to do my hair?" She asked before walking backwards towards the stairs. "I'll try," he spoke truthfully and shrugged, making Isabella laugh.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Max called out since she had already begun climbing the stairs. "Pancakes!" He heard her yell back in response.
Then it was quiet. Max sighed, looking around the kitchen, "pancakes, okay, you can do this."
Fortunately, he knew a recipe from one of his friends, and began preparing the ingredients. In the process, his phone buzzed with a text, from you. "Are you sure you don't need help?"
He sighed, almost chuckling at your persistence. "This is the one and only time I don't want you to text me. Go to sleep"
He was relieved that he had not received any messages after that, and he resumed mixing the pancake batter. The first few pancakes were crispier than usual, and were nowhere near the proper shape. He placed it away on his plate and tried again to cook up appealing ones for Isabella.
Isabella tiptoed downstairs to avoid waking you up. "Look, Maxy," she twirled to show off the outfit she was wearing. "Very nice, princess," Max commented.
Fortunately, you had already chosen her outfit the night before, which made it easier for her to get dressed this morning. "Can you make two braids for me?"
Max paused his actions and looked at her with a wide eyed expression, "two braids?"
Isabella sat up on the bar stool, placing down the items she held in her hand on the countertop. It included various clips, bows, hair ties, and a comb. She brought everything down that you usually used in her hair to make it easier for Max.
She had no idea, however, that the poor guy was trying to figure out how to make not one, but two braids. He was mostly used to his nephews, and even then when they cried, he'd hand them over to his sister. Despite having a younger sister, he has never learnt anything about hairstyles or other such things surprisingly.
That made him realize he wanted to learn, albeit not right away, but he did want to learn all the basic skills for situations such as this.
"I can make a normal ponytail?" He suggested instead, and Isabella thought for a moment before responding with another question, "will you still add the clips?"
"Of course!" He could do that, it shouldn't be too hard. She nodded in agreement, and Max placed the plate stacked with pancakes doused in maple syrup in front of her.
As Isabella ate, Max packed her lunch. Truthfully, he was scrambling around, glancing at the clock every few seconds to ensure that he wasn't running late.
"Maxy?" Isabella started, a small pout forming on her lips. "Do I have to go to school today?"
"Do you have a good reason to not go?" Max countered, debating whether he should agree with her or not. "I'm tired," she stated or more so questioned and Max had to stop himself to chuckling.
"I think you're lying, Bella," Max decided and Isabella sighed loudly, "but why do I have to go today?"
"Your mama will think that I can't follow instructions to send you to school," he spoke truthfully. That caused Isabella to chuckle, "are you going to get in trouble?"
"If you don't go, yes," he nodded. "Okay, then I'll go."
It took Max three tries to make a ponytail before Isabella was satisfied with the result. The first time it was too bumpy, and the second time it was pulled too tight.
He scattered a few clips in her hair, and once she looked in the mirror and held a thumbs up in response, Max felt like he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
He buckled Isabella into the car seat after making sure she had everything she needed. In order to avoid problems in the future, he had recently purchased a carseat fit for a six year old to put in his car.
"Are you gonna drive fast?" Isabella asked, and Max glanced at her through the mirror with a grin. He didn't reply; instead, he quickly accelerated and saw the cheerful delight light up her face. Granted that he had prioritized their safety, it is evident that he wasn't speeding up excessively but it was still fast enough for Isabella.
Isabella guided Max toward the main entrance while she held his hand, primarily to ensure he wouldn't be left behind. A teacher stood by the door, holding it for all the students entering. Once she spotted Isabella and Max, she smiled brightly.
"Good morning, Miss," Isabella greeted, but her teacher's gaze was only on Max. "Good morning, I have never seen you here before," the teacher told him, introducing herself.
Isabella stood there with crossed arms, watching how Max shuffled closer to the little girl as he spoke to the teacher. "Maxy," she interrupted, immediately gaining his attention.
She extended her arms for a hug, and an attempt to bring an end to the conversation. He crouched and placed his arms around her. "I don't like her," Isabella said, eliciting a chuckle from him.
"I'll see you soon, Bella," Max stated, and watched the teacher lead her inside the school. "Let's go Bella," he could hear the teacher's words but Isabella's response surprised him even further. "My name is Isabella, only the people I like can call me Bella."
Returning home, Max dashed upstairs to your bedroom as fast and quietly as possible, sighing in relief when he noticed you were still asleep. He paused for a moment, unsure whether to climb in or not. But then he recalled your conversation earlier in which you said that you wanted him to return, so he drew the blankets back on his side of the bed and settled down.
A few minutes later, you turned around to face him, eyes still closed but you rested your arm over his chest. "Thank you," you sleepily mumbled. He brushed his fingers through your hair, "you're welcome."
Max usually didn't take naps during the day, but with the cozy atmosphere in your room, he couldn't help but fall asleep with you in his arms.
Taglist: @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @wonnou @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @hockeyboysarehot @formulaal @namgification @tallrock35 @bloodyymaryyy @formulanni @ellouisa17 @phantomxoxo @samantha-chicago
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fhatbhabiee · 28 days
Cuz I Loved You
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DBF!Joel Miller x Reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: light smut (nothing too crazy), touch of angst, heartbreak, Joel being a dick, plot twist ending, blue text is flashback from Joel's pov, pink text is flashback from readers pov
note: yes- this is based off the new Joel pic along w alittle help from @/corrodedcorpze on twitter who had the idea and yes i asked to write this before i did bc we don't steal ideas in this house
part 2
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Music was playing, people were talking and enjoying themselves, and your dad was having the night of his life. He never really liked celebrating birthdays but your mom convinced him otherwise.
You were running late as usual, stopping and getting the few things that had already run out at the party. As soon as you pulled into the driveway of your parents house you saw his truck. You felt your heart drop to your asshole. It had been months since you last saw or even spoke to Joel. Why did he have to be here?
You walked through the house, leaving the supplies in the kitchen before walking to the backyard. You spotted your parents and walked over to them, completely ignoring everyone else.
If I don't see him I won't have to talk to him.
Joel's laughter quickly died down as he looked over Tommy's shoulder and saw you. His eyes quickly roamed your body- you had on your favorite red sweater- the same red sweater Joel had got you for your birthday and a pair of black leggings. You looked beautiful as ever.
“Joel.” you gasped, pulling the knitted fabric out of the bag.
“It's the one you pointed out in that window in town.”
“Oh honey thank you so much. It's beautiful.”
“Cmon try it on. Wanna see how it looks.”
“Okay.” you smiled, standing up from the couch and replacing your t-shirt with the sweater. It fit you perfectly. It was a bit baggy but by the look on your face, Joel knew you still loved it.
“Beautiful.” he smiled, gently pressing his lips against yours. “But I think it'll look better on my floor.” he smirked, hands sliding up your sides under the sweater.
“Well let's try it out.”
“Joel.” Tommy called out, pulling Joel's head out of the clouds.
“Sorry what were we talking about?”
You got up from the table your parents were sitting at and glanced over, making eye contact with Joel. His heart sank as he saw your smile disappear because of him.
He looked good- so good that it hurt. He grew his hair along with his beard- covering the patches of skin you kissed all the time. You could tell he aged some but really he looked like the same man you fell in love with.
“What's all this?” Joel asked, eyes glancing over the dining room table.
“Well you told me you were working late so I'd thought you'd enjoy a hot meal.” you said as you poured a glass of whiskey and handed it to him. “Plus since we can't do date night this weekend I thought tonight was good.”
“I coulda put Tommy in charge.”
You let out a laugh. “Joel Miller don't make me laugh. You know good and well leaving Tommy in charge is the reason why you have more gray hairs then brown.”
He chuckled and kissed you softly. He pulled away and looked into your eyes for a moment, smile still spread across his lips.
“I love you.” he whispered. You were surprised. You were always the one to say the L word first in relationships but Joel beat you to the punch.
“I love you too.”
“Sweetie?” your mom called out, making you look over at her. “Oh sweetie…” she whispered, reaching up and wiping the tear that rolled down your cheek with the pad of her thumb.
When did you start crying?
“Come on. Let's go inside for a minute.” she grabbed your hand and walked you into the house.
“Mom it's fine. Just my allergies acting up.”
She laughed. “I wasn't born yesterday.” she handed you a glass of water. “Seeing him must be hard huh?”
You felt the heat go to the tip of your ears. “H-How did-”
“A mother knows. And after you two broke it off you stopped coming around and Joel was nothing but a mess. Sarah was calling your dad left and right because she couldn't get ahold of him.”
You couldn't lie to yourself, hearing Joel was a mess was oddly comforting. The sounds of his footsteps approaching the kitchen made your mom go quiet. She looked up at Joel and then back over at you.
“Do you want me to stay?” your mom whispered.
“No it's fine…”
“Okay… I'll be outside if you need anything.” she said to you, giving her a quick nod before she walked out of the house, leaving you and Joel alone for the first time in months.
“How have you been?” he muttered, finally breaking the silence after about 5 minutes.
“Fine. You?”
“Fine.” he replied.
“That's all you're gonna say?” he scoffed.
“Well you had a mouth full to say the last time I saw you.” you crossed your arms over your chest, digging your nails into the palms of your hands and repeating yourself not to cry in front of him.
He opened his mouth, about to say something, when the sliding back door opened and people walked in.
“Can we go somewhere private?” you gave him a small nod and led the way upstairs to your old bedroom, closing the door behind both of you.
“Look I'm sorry…”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “If 'I'm sorry’ is all you have to say I think I'll be on my way now.”
“Would you let me finish a sentence?”
“No Joel I will not! You don't deserve my time, you don't deserve to even be standing in front of me, speaking to me.” you yelled.
“I don't deserve it?” he yelled back. “You're fucking joking right?”
“Does it look like I'm laughing? You broke up with me, Joel Miller. You were the one that said it was too much. You were the one that wanted out. Not me.”
“Because you wanted all this life I couldn't give you! Do you not understand that I'm more than twice your age? I don't want to start over!”
You faced away from him, quickly wiping your eyes with your fingers.
“Don't cry…” he said in a soft tone.
“I am crying Joel. I'm crying cause I loved you and I hate you for that.” He walked over, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I'm sorry.”
“Fuck you and your sorry.” you walked towards the door but he grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him.
“Fuck you Joel! Let me go.” you placed your hands flat on his chest and tried pushing him back but he wouldn't budge. “Fuck you.” you tried pushing him off again but no movement. You stopped for a moment, staring into his eyes- those dark brown eyes that you loved so much. He leaned down, just one move away from pressing his lips onto yours.
“Fuck me.” you whispered. He didn't hesitate. He pressed his lips onto yours, his hands sliding down your curves and around to the small of your back, pulling your body closer to his. You reached up and tangled your fingers in his curls at the nape of his neck.
God you missed this but you knew this was a bad idea. There were nights where all you dreamed about was this. But no matter how much of a bad idea it was- you didn't wanna stop.
You both stripped down to nothing and he picked you up by the backs of your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist. It took him no time to bottom out inside of you, both of you groaning at the feeling.
“Fuck I forgot how much you felt like heaven baby.” he groaned, bouncing you up and down on his cock while thrusting up into you.
“God I missed you so much Joel.” you moaned, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“I missed you so much more baby girl.”
It was like you had stepped into a time machine and went back. The sweet praises he whispered, the way his massive hands roamed your body as his thrusts became sloppy. The way you moaned his name on repeat, the way you always had to be touching or kissing him while he put you in this euphoric state.
It had been so long for both of you, you both came before either one of you wanted it to be over. You stayed in his arms for a moment, trying to catch your breath and gather your thoughts over what just happened.
“I umm… Gotta get going.” you said as you dropped your legs from his waist and got redressed.
“Yeah me too. Got a meeting in the morning.”
Before you walked out of the room he grabbed your hand again.
“Are you free this weekend?” he asked. You let out a small sigh and shook your head.
“Joel I'll never stop loving you but it took me everything in my power to get over you. I'm sorry but it's best that we don't speak again unless we have to.”
“I'm sorry.” with that you walked out of the room, leaning Joel alone.
— • —
Weeks had gone by since you last seen Joel and you've never felt better. That is until you got a stomach bug. Your head had been in the toilet for the last few days and the smell of food just made you even more nauseous.
You were laying on the cool tile floor of your bathroom, not having the energy to get up and go to your bedroom, when your eyes caught a glimpse of the unopened tampon box sticking out from under the sink.
3 minutes. 3 very long agonizing minutes. Once the timer on your phone went off you looked on the bathroom counter to see what your future would hold.
“Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me.”
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beta'd: @clawdee @nerdieforpedro @iron-strangers @dancingtotuyo thank you all ily <3
divider: @saradika-graphics
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junkissed · 3 months
late night talking
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member — minghao x f reader genre — angst, idk if there's enough fluff for this to count as hurt/comfort but the ending is sort of happy ? word count — 2.1k synopsis — the best and worst conversations always happen at 1am. warnings — reader is very drunk and very very insecure, lots of crying, lots of internal back & forth, unreliable narrator moment, refers to reader as girlfriend/my girl/etc., idk if i'm missing anything else but lmk if i am notes — this is an old fic that i never really intended to be released but @onlymingyus and @wooahaeproductions convinced me otherwise. sorry this is not at all what i normally post lmao i swear don't write like this often i just found this in my drive that i wrote when i was in a very shitty mood. we will return to your regularly scheduled smut programming soon i promise lmao! leave a comment in the reblogs or send an ask if you enjoyed this? idk i am nervous to post this pls don't perceive me too much
you're ugly when you're drunk.
your voice rings throughout the house, the sound shaky and quieter than usual.
he wouldn't even have known you were home if he hadn't heard your friend's car pull up minutes ago, bright headlights flashing through the bedroom window. he wouldn't have known, if he wasn't already worried sick at you being gone so long and consuming an unknown amount of alcohol. he should've been there with you, but too much was riding on the deadline for his students’ grades that had to be finished before midnight. any other day he would've been by your side the whole night, a steady hand on your arm for balance and a sharp eye on your glass just in case. he loves playing the role of protective boyfriend, letting his girl do whatever she wants because he'll always be there to watch over her. but he couldn't do that tonight, and it tears him up inside.
he hears your trudging footsteps down the hall, soft footfalls signalling your approach as you drag yourself towards the room. he pretends not to hear; he doesn't want to make a big deal out of this and embarrass you.
“you're home early,” he comments with a chuckle, but his sarcasm is lost on you in this state. it's well after 1 in the morning, and you tilt your head in confusion at his words, brows deeply furrowed.
“what— are you working on?” you ask after a moment, focusing all your energy on not stumbling over your words. 
you know how drunk you are, he knows how drunk you are, but even now you're still putting on an act. you hate feeling stupid in front of him, and right now you couldn't feel any stupider. the worst part is that you feel as stupid when you're sober as you do right now, but you couldn't tell him that.
he pauses, choosing his next words carefully as he surveys your current state. he can't risk hurting your feelings, especially in such a vulnerable headspace.
“grading finals,” he decides on. not too detailed to confuse you, not too simplified to make you feel stupid, just enough to make you feel involved.
distantly you feel your eyes welling up with tears. you don't know why, but at the same time you know exactly why. you're never good enough compared to him, not when you come home drunk in the dead of night, and he never does. not when he's so good at everything he touches, so talented and beautiful and perfect, and you're… not. 
he deserves someone at his level, an artistic genius like him who can help him with his work. someone with an eye for his paintings, someone smarter, someone prettier, someone who can keep him on his toes. someone who won't drag him down and burden him with your obvious lack of skill and your quality of being so embarrassingly lightweight that you need to be supervised at all times. 
“i’m sorry,” you finally muster. you can't find the words to explain what you mean, but you hope he's able to sense your sincerity.
“what for?” he asks. his voice is softer now. 
you hate it when he uses that voice. he's talking down to you, talking like you're a child and he has to explain everything to you in the gentlest way possible because you aren't capable of handling the truth.
you love when he uses that voice. sometimes he can be so blunt it almost feels isolating, but when he talks to you like you're a child in that sweet, gentle, kind tone you feel like everything will be okay. he can soften himself for you, drop his straightforward persona around you and be the tender man you know he's capable of being. 
you lift your eyes to his computer screen and the feelings you've been struggling with float back into view. “i'm sorry,” you repeat, voice cracking despite the effort you put in to stop it from breaking. it's all you can say.
you don't notice when the tears overflow, bursting from your eyes without a sound. you're embarrassing, you're an idiot, standing in front of him with red eyes and hunched shoulders as tears stream down your cheeks. you don't even feel them fall.
if he knows what you're trying to convey with your tearful apologies, he doesn't mention it. 
of course he knows, how could he not when he's so astute with everything? you suck at keeping things to yourself. 
of course he doesn't know, why would he take the time out of his busy schedule to care about how you're feeling? you're not worth his energy.
the moment seems to stretch on for eternity, standing in front of him. you don't know why you started dating in the first place; he doesn't have the time, you're too annoying, too clingy, too affectionate. standing in front of him, you don't feel anything. you just feel cold.
you turn to drag yourself out of the room, deciding that you've embarrassed yourself enough by now. you don't know where you'll go or what you're doing, probably to pour yourself a glass of water and try to sleep on the couch. obviously he won't want you to sleep in his bed when you’re like this, why should he? you aren’t deserving of that privilege.
but then you feel a warm hand on your wrist, gently tugging you back towards him. you lose your balance, stumble over your feet, fall onto his lap. you're mortified, barely able to get another “sorry” out before trying to stand again on wobbly legs. you shouldn't be here. you're so aware, so painfully conscious of your weight on him, every ounce of energy you have left fighting to keep yourself from annoying him even further but it feels like it's too late. everything that comes from you is too little, too late.
“no,” he says. his tone is still that soft, sweet sound, but his voice is firm and you don't try to get up again. “we can talk tomorrow,” he says as he begins to run his hand along your back, and you hate yourself for the way you instantly melt at his touch. “just… relax. calm down.”
your body slouches against his chest, feeling like a puddle on his lap, head tucked into the crook of his neck whether you meant to or not. your legs dangle limply off his lap, arms wrapped loosely around the back of his chair as he holds you.
“it's okay,” he says simply, still stroking his hand along your back in small, soothing motions. “it's okay.” he repeats the words, maybe to convince himself but mostly to convince you from having a breakdown. even now when he's treating you so delicately, your brain won't let you rest: he's probably scared of you, he doesn't mean it, he doesn't mean any of it and he's using whatever means necessary to stop you from turning hysterical or even violent. of course it doesn't mean anything to him. 
“how much did you drink tonight, baby?” he asks, and you know you should take that as judgmental but you don't have the energy left anymore. you don't note the twinge of concern in his voice, you can't see the look in his eyes as he gazes down at you.
“a little— a lot,” you answer, somewhat truthfully. the real truth is that you lost count. you weren't trying to get drunk, but one turned into two turned into ten and before you even knew what you were doing a car was dropping you off in front of your house.
he shifts his legs for you to sit more comfortably on his lap, and as much as you want to fight it you don't have the strength to. “do you want to go to bed?” he asks gently. “or do you want to stay up with me?”
“don't… want you to go to bed ‘cuz of me,” you mumble against his neck. god, his skin is so soft and warm. you couldn't move your body right now even if you tried. “not your fault.”
“what kind of guy would i be if i didn't take care of my girlfriend when she needs me?” he asks. “i can put you to bed if you want. it's alright. it's late anyway.”
“it's not– your job,” you manage to reply, and his hand on your back stops for a second.
“it is my job,” he says softly. he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “i'm sorry if you feel like i haven't done that.”
“please, don't— no sorry,” you choke out as fresh tears prick at your eyes. “it's my fault. i'm sorry. it's my fault.”
he holds you tighter, both arms wrapped around you on his lap now. “it's not your fault,” he says in that same firm but gentle voice. “you haven't done anything wrong at all. it's alright, baby, i promise. you don't have anything to worry about. why are you sorry?”
“i don't know,” you mumble. your hand clutches at his chest unconsciously, balling his t-shirt in your fist. “i dunno. i love you. i dunno.”
“i love you, too,” he says after a beat. the tears, the drunken outburst, he just lets it all happen. without a word of complaint. despite the voices in your head fighting to convince you otherwise, he never says a single negative thing to you.
you know he's not normally like this. with everyone else he's polite, unemotional, reserved. he's never vulnerable. which is why you're so confused right now.
“why?” you slur, still grasping onto hope.
he hums in questioning, nudging you to elaborate.
“why are you like this to me?”
but now he's the one who's confused. “like what?”
you pause, and the room goes quiet for a moment, the only sound your shallow breaths against his chest. “nice.”
for all his knowledge, this time he's actually lost. “why would i not be nice to you?”
“i don't deserve it.”
he shifts again, pulling you closer to his chest as he starts to run his fingers through his hair. “of course you do, baby.”
“you don't deserve me.”
he stops again, this time in shock. “hey. that's not true.”
“is too true,” you say. your eyes are closed and you can't help the frown overtaking your face. “you should have somebody you deserve. it's not me.”
he just sighs, and you feel his chest expand beneath your cheek at the deep breath he takes. “i love you, baby. not anyone else. you'll feel better in the morning, and we can talk then. but i'm not mad at you, okay? there's nothing wrong. everything's okay.”
you try to mimic his sigh, but the angle you're laying at on his chest and the alcohol in your system makes it hard to breathe deeply. 
“do you want to keep sitting with me?” he asks. he knows how much you like the sounds his keyboard makes, the quiet tapping as he enters grades and types comments to his students about things you could never fathom to understand.
your eyes stay closed and your head doesn't move. “yeah,” you murmur softly.
he settles back into his chair, you curled up on his lap. he's not doing much, he's finished the worst of it and now just entering numbers. he glances down at your figure, almost asleep on him, and he feels an ache in his chest. 
every emotion feels amplified to you right now, but if it took getting blackout drunk for you to finally say it then it must've been weighing on you for a long time coming. he wonders how long you've felt like this, felt inadequate compared to him, and it makes him pause. it was never his intention. when you're awake and sober and hopefully not massively hungover, then you can talk, and he can make this right.
he loves the person snuggled against his chest, loves the feeling of you comforted and protected by him, and he'll do anything to make sure you know that. he'll do anything to let you see yourself the way he sees you. above all the worries he has about you, he knows one thing for sure.
you're cute when you're drunk.
i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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crownofgildedlilies · 2 months
oh, don't let your sunshine burn me!
in which: a son of hephaestus discovers a problem he can't solve. mainly, a daughter apollo who doesn't realize just how much her smiles hurt him.
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of apollo!reader
warnings: not proof read, slight cursing (otherwise, n/a)
tropes: friends to lovers, fluff, pining
word count: 3k
notes: my inaugural fic post on this blog. how special. plz enjoy. feedback is much appreciated.
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Leo Valdez was going to lose his mind.
Or maybe a limb. Maybe that would get your attention. He wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't that desperate for you to turn your focus to him.
Stupid Garrett from stupid Ares. Why did he have to go and nearly get his head chopped off by Clarisse while sparring, stealing his thunder?
He should have done more than let his finger slip while hammering away in bunker nine. An exciting injury would have earned the most prized reward of your attention, for sure.
"Are you sure she's too busy?" Leo asked Will for probably four times too many to be considered casual. The blond only rolled his eyes and shoved an icepack into Leo's chest, nearly knocking him back a step, snapping him from his far too obvious admiring of you.
Even from across the infirmary, three hours into your shift, you stole the wind from his lungs. He was convinced you were a favorite of Apollo's, what with the way you glowed and lit up every room you were in.
Which is how he ended up in his current predicament. Absolutely desperate for any hint of your sunshine smile sent in his direction.
"Positive. Now, get out." Will confirmed, checking things off on his clipboard. Leo figured he was probably recording basic information like the patient—himself—had all his limbs, both eyes, ten fingers, and was practically drooling at his half-sister. Leo darted another glance across the room to you, still diligently assessing moronic Garrett from Ares who had been brain dead enough to accept Clarisse's offer of sparring.
Why were you blushing so much?
Something awful and too familiar twisted in his stomach, and all Leo could hear was Piper's voice telling him that he better make his move on you soon, because you were too sweet and too pretty to remain single much longer.
"When's her break again?" Leo asked, ignoring the way Will tipped his head back and closed his eyes, like he was praying for the strength to not hit his patient while under his care.
"And you can't ask her yourself because...?" Will prompted, dragging out the final word and forcing Leo to snap his attention towards the son of Apollo, his jaw practically open in shock.
"Because then she'll know I'm totally into her!" Leo whisper-shouted, waving his hands around as if to emphasize his point.
"You come in here everyday with a new injury asking for her to fix you up." Will pointed out, voice flat. "If she hasn't figured it out yet, I'm not sure she will. You should probably just be direct and ask her out."
Leo narrowed his eyes at Will, but on a rare miracle, he was at a loss for words. Maybe Will had a point. Leo was never exactly good at being subtle about his many, many, crushes, and if you hadn't realized he was hopelessly in love with you yet, then maybe he was safe from feeling the sting of your rejection.
"You're not going to talk to her, are you?" Will sighed, tilting his head slightly as he studied Leo, who, despite having already been given the magic remedy of an ice pack, remained perched on the side of a cot used as a medic's bed.
Leo shook his head side-to-side so quickly Will was a blur of blond hair and orange t-shirt in front of him.
"No can do." Leo said solemnly. "She's miles out of my league. Not even I'm stupid enough to think I have a shot with her."
"Well, at least Garrett isn't as oblivious as you," Will shrugged, shooting Leo a pointed look he didn't understand. The ugly feeling was back in Leo's stomach as he darted his attention towards you and the gods-damned son of Ares.
You were laughing, and Leo wasn't the cause.
Jealousy flared up in him.
You, on the other hand, were completely ignorant to the conversation occurring on the opposite side of the infirmary, far too engrossed in charismatic Garrett from Ares who was retelling the story of how Clarisse had knocked him on his ass and sent him to get bandaged up.
For a child of the war god, he was surprisingly graceful in his defeat.
"Next time, at least bring a shield with you." You smiled at Garrett, checking off the final few items on your clipboard. No major injuries towards his limbs, nor his ten fingers, neither of his eyes had been affected, and he was able to hold a proper conversation with you. "Otherwise I've got nothing else for you. Just an order to take the rest of the day easy."
"I can manage that," Garrett relented, which, for a demigod, was a pretty big ask. Taking it easy was never really an option when one of your parents was a god or goddess. "Hey, any particular reason Valdez is looking at me like he's going to send one of his inventions after me?"
Your heart skipped a beat, but you forced yourself to act casual as you turned around slightly, finding that Leo had in fact found his way into the infirmary and in fact was staring at Garrett like he might make a good snack for Festus.
You had been starting to worry, thinking that maybe he wasn't going to show up that day.
"Dunno," You shrugged, ducking your face into your clipboard so you didn't have to look at Leo, or Garrett, or Will—who was sending you a look that was both pointed and annoyed at the same time. "But you're set to go."
"Perfect," Garrett jumped off of the examination bed, acting like he hadn't been carried in by two of his half-brothers, a sly grin on his face. "You sure that's not jealousy on Valdez's face?"
"What? Why would Leo be jealous?" You were ashamed to admit you stumbled over your words, your face turning a vibrant shade of red, as you considered the implication of Garrett's words. That Leo might have been into you, enough that just the sight of you talking to Garrett might have been enough to turn his mood sour. "We're just friends."
"Sure," Garrett grinned wickedly, the kind of grin only children of Ares could ever create. The kind that told he totally didn't believe her rushed dismissal of his words. "All I want is an invitation to the wedding. Talk to you later!"
Garrett darted off before you could swat at him with your clipboard, your face flushed with embarrassment. Gods, were you really that obvious in your crush on Leo?
Sure, he came into the infirmary just about every day you were working, with some minor injury or another for you to tend to. And maybe you took a little longer to heal him than you did when Percy or the Stolls came in, were a little sweeter, but were you so transparent that even Garrett from Ares knew what you felt?
"For the love of all the gods and goddesses, would you please just go talk to him?" Will grumbled, borderline exhausted, as he appeared at your side. You jumped, nearly lost in thought, and narrowed your sunshine stare at your half-brother. "He won't leave until he gets the chance to brag to you about his latest made-up injury."
You didn't have to ask who Will was talking about. Leo was still watching you from across the room, rather impatiently. He'd managed to find a few loose bolts and washers and was currently inventing something you couldn't comprehend while he stared very pointedly at the ground by your feet, having averted his stare the moment you darted yours in his direction.
"Shut up," You mumbled to Will, but regardless you dashed off across the room with what felt like permission to engage in your favorite part of the day.
You had received Apollo's gifts of healing, not his poetic words. And every day you cursed that fact, because never could you put into words just how much being around Leo Valdez made you feel centered within yourself. It was like his very personality gave you permission to the version of you that was nearly lost to time and circumstance and the tragedy of being a Greek hero.
"What's the problem today?" You grinned, the smile your half-siblings claimed shined brightest in the camp plastered on your face almost of its own accord as you stood before Leo.
"My hand, Doc." He sighed, playing along and holding up his left hand while the right shoved the ice pack Will had already given him behind his back. You snorted a laugh, and Leo's grin broke out from the solemn facade he had attempted. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to work again if you don't help me."
"Well there's only one solution," You nodded, pretending to read something off of your clipboard—which was still filled out with Garrett's information.
"Anything you recommend is good with me," Leo leaned closer, trying to read over the edge of your clipboard, which you quickly tugged close to your body.
"Right, I've got it." You grinned, dropping your face closer to his, almost like your heart was in control of your body instead of your mind. Leo nodded, and you would have sworn you saw his gaze shoot to your lips for the briefest of seconds. "Amputation. Mr. Valdez, I'm afraid we're going to have to take your hand off."
"But, that's my pretty hand!" Leo protested, playing into your joke quickly. You couldn't even pretend to hide your smile, laughter falling past your lips just as easily as breathing.
"Then I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do for you." You shook your head, grinning widely at Leo, who was—for a guy with ADHD as severe as him—giving you his full attention. "You're free to go. I'll see you and your pretty hand at the bonfire tonight."
"Glad to hear you agree that my hand is pretty." Leo slid off of the examination bed with a grin that had you flushing and looking over the contents of your clipboard simply for something to do with your eyes. "See you later, Doc."
Waving, you sent Leo off.
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Over the course of the following week, Leo had found himself at the infirmary—during your shifts only—six more times.
Three smashed fingers from equipment you knew for a fact he knew how to handle properly. One cut to his arm from a piece of scrap metal. A paper cut.
On Thursday, he came in complaining of a serious burn.
"Doc, you'll never believe it. My whole arm caught on fire."
Will hadn't let him into the infirmary, claiming that Leo needed a better lie than that to come visit, since everyone already knew he was fireproof.
Leo came back fifteen minutes later with a second paper cut. Will took his break an hour early, claiming he needed to for his sanity.
But then you didn't so much as catch a glimpse of Leo for four straight days.
You felt more than a little pathetic, jumping every time the door to the infirmary opened, hoping against hope that it would be the curly haired son of Hephaestus you so adored.
On the afternoon of the fifth day, the door opened and you couldn't stop the way your body instinctively twisted around from where you words repacking first aide kits that were left in various locations around camp.
But it wasn't Leo standing at the door, but Piper.
You weren't the closest with her, but you were friendly. So you didn't think she was there for you, at first, until you saw her talking to your half-sister Stella and pointing towards you.
"Hey," Piper's voice had an edge of seriousness to it that snagged your attention, halting your efforts of resupplying. "I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you."
"Okay...?" You trailed off, not sure what she could have needed from you.
"Would you be willing to talk to Leo for me? He's in Bunker Nine, convinced he's going to make some big breakthrough on whatever machine he's currently working on." Piper explained and you nodded slowly, not seeing the problem. From your conversations with Leo, he always seemed to be in the middle of some big breakthrough. "He hadn't come out in four days. It's not healthy."
You frowned, trying to recall the last time you'd seen Leo at any of the meals. And when your mind came up blank, you settled on your answer to Piper's request.
"I'll talk to him."
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You had never been to Bunker Nine.
As much as you talked to Leo, pretty much everyday, it was always in yours and shared spaces. The infirmary, mainly, but every once in a while at the dining pavilion or at the camp bonfires.
But you could barely focus on any one thing in the bunker. Half-finished projects littered the space, along with countless tools, scraps, and blueprints tacked haphazardly against walls and bulletin boards.
Since it was nearly dinner, the bunker had cleared out of all but one of its occupants. Perched over a table, working so diligently he didn't hear you approach, was none other than Leo Valdez.
Without thinking of the consequences, you dropped the canvas bag you had brought with you on his worktable, startling him so much he jumped in surprise and nearly sent his latest project clattering to the floor.
"Gods!" He shouted, wide eyed and hand pressed to his chest as if he could physically calm his racing heart. You couldn't help the way you grinned, a little lopsided, wholly endeared by him. "Sorry, were you trying to kill me? Because, if so, mission almost accomplished!"
"Actually, the opposite." With a confidence you didn't really possess, you leaned against the worktable next to him and started pulling tinfoil wrapped sandwiches out of the bag. "Everyone's convinced I'm your appointed caretaker, since you don't seem to do it yourself."
Leo had the good sense to seem chastised by the glare you sent him following your words. It wasn't like he could deny it, anyways. How many times had he ended up on your patient list?
"Did Jason put you up to this?"
"Piper," You confirmed, pushing a wrapped sandwich across the table towards him. Next out of the bag was a metal bowl, the bottom slightly charred and filled with paper scraps and twigs. "Light this for me, will you, please?"
"Well, when you ask so nicely," Leo grinned, a ball of flame forming in his palm and igniting the twigs in the bowl. Without needing to be told, Leo unwrapped his sandwich and ripped off a chunk to throw into the flames.
You copied his actions. And if you made a wordless prayer to Aphrodite to ask for a little assistance, that was no one's business but your own.
"I've..." You hesitated, darting a glance to Leo before focusing on your sandwich, biting down your declaration that you've missed him in the infirmary. He had already started eating, only further proof that he had been skipping meals while holed up in the bunker. "How come you're always getting hurt, Mr. Clumsy? I thought children of Hephaestus are supposed to be good in the forges."
You would have sworn you saw Leo blush, but your attention quickly darted away from him the moment he lifted his eyes to yours.
"You sure you wanna know the truth?" Leo asked his voice a kind of serious that was almost out of character for him. You nodded, slowly, and forced yourself to meet his eye. "I've been getting hurt on purpose."
"Leo Valdez!"
"Wait, let me finish!" Leo held up his hands to defend himself from your words and your glare, the healer in your absolutely hated the fact that Leo would have done anything to intentionally cause himself harm. "I did it because I got an excuse to see you."
"What?" For a child of Apollo, you sure didn't have a way with words. Distantly, you cursed the fact that you were a gifted healer and not a poet, because you knew what Leo's words meant and yet you couldn't get your own to function. "Wait—"
"I know this sounds stupid," Leo dragged a hand through the dark, disheveled curls atop his head. "But Will wouldn't let me in to see you if I wasn't hurt! So I... maybe... lied, a little bit."
You frowned, in thought. Thinking back, you couldn't remember Leo ever actually being hurt beyond the occasional cut or scrap. You'd always been so caught up in him and his visits to notice.
"I swear I'm not weird. I just really like you." Leo winced, no doubt taking your silence in a bad way.
And you weren't one of Apollo's poetically gifted children, so you simply pressed your lips against his and hoped he got the message.
It was a short kiss, a good first kiss, you noted with no small satisfaction. Your lips tingled and your fingertips were buzzing—and Leo looked like he had just won the lottery.
"You're sweet," You smiled, a thousand watt one that maybe Leo adored as much as your half-siblings did, and nudged his sandwich closer to him. "But you're banned from the infirmary unless you're actively dying. And for real!"
Leo paused, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head, trying to create a scenario that would get him past the barrier of your totally official and absolutely within rules ban.
"I can make that happen,"
"No, you can't," You tried to shoot him a discouraging look, but your smile was far too wide to deal any real damage. "Or else I'll go to tonight's bonfire with someone else."
"Nope!" He shook his head quickly, hair bouncing with the movement and expression light with an impish grin. "You kissed me, Doc. You're stuck with me, now."
You smiled, silently deciding you wouldn't mind being stuck with him.
"That's what I thought."
Leaning over to press a second kiss to the corner of his lips, you pretended not to notice the sparks dancing in his curls.
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starfxkr · 2 months
how fat your pussy is in your panties now you end up double stuffed on the couch
perchance ( in my Shakespearean era ) we get an more established intro ( jj introducting john b etc. ) and execution of this hehe🦦 - i need his tongue in my ass or i die thats what my doctor said honest
.~ 🍮
when jj said his friend was coming over you were excited, you didn't know any of jj's friends outside of those at the complex, and from what he's been telling you, this was his closest friend in the world, the only one he'd ever let stay in his house except for you.
john b was nice, very nice in fact. he reminded you of an old teddy bear, weathered and worn but still comforting. there was this overwhelming softness to him--a softness in his belly, arms and legs thick and sturdy, he had soft brown eyes and an even softer smile that you could't help but giggle when he gave you a little, "thank you sweetheart." when you have him and jj beers before retreating back in the house to finish your book.
it was getting late, but they stayed outside for what felt like forever, their deep voices rumbling with laughter as they caught up after what you now when was a year. by the time they came in you were half asleep on the couch when jj softly tapped your cheeks.
"alright, time to get up sweet pea, john b's takin the couch." he sits you up, already slitting his arms under your armpits as you grumble, "yeah, yeah i know."
"i'm up! i wanna talk too." you were being petulant and you knew it, but you did wanna talk. you wanted to be included for once, not sent to bed like a child.
"it's okay dude, she can stay." john b sits nexts to where you were with a kind smile and jj unceremoniously drops you back on the couch with a bounce, and you turn to the brunette.
"you see how he treats me? he's so fuckin mean." the look on your face makes him laugh, and jj flicks the back of your head.
"alright smartass, watch your mouth."
you turn to him, now leaning closer to john b, subtly aware of the arm resting on the back of the couch, "or what?"
the two of you are locked in an icy gaze, both seeing who'll crack first when john b clears his throat.
"let's not ruin the night huh? i wanna know more about this lovely young lady." the arm not resting above you loops around to bring you close to his chest, tucking you into his warmth.
jj stares at you, nose scrunching before he takes a sip of his beer and speaks, "she's a fuckin pain in my ass. aren't you sweet pea."
"mhm. but he likes it don't let him convince you otherwise." your squirming has caused your dress to rise up, you notice his eyes flicker to the man behind you, but john b doesn't let you move to turn around.
"mmm, yeah i like it. i like you a lot," a laugh bubbles in his chest, like his own joke is gonna be so funny he can't take it, "got the fattest pussy i ever seen too."
your smile flatters, and you feel the broad chest pressed against you rumble with laughter too, "s'that so?"
jj's nose scrunches again, jaw ticking as he answers his friend, "absolutely. c'mere sweet pea."
it was like you had no control of you limbs as you got up, crawling towards jj the second john b let you go, he stood you tall on your knees, facing his friend as he lifted the front of your dress- exposing your plump lips straining against the quickly dampening fabric of your cherry printed panties.
the brunette let out a rush of air, shaking his head slightly in amusement, "you weren't lyin."
a strong hand grips the front of your panties and jj hikes them higher between your lips and you whimper.
"the fuck would i lie about this for." finally he turns towards you, including you in the conversation like you'd been asking for. "gonna let my best friend here have a taste?"
frantically you nod, body trembling in need, "y-yes papa."
that's all it takes for you to end up in his lap with two pairs of strong hands keeping you in place--jj's keeping your pussy and ass open for john b's mouth, and the latter's holding your soft waist to stop your squirming.
you were dripping like a fountain as john b licked you from clit to asshole with expertise, tonguing your cunt in a dirty kiss to get as much of your cream as possible before reaching down to work open your puckered hole.
"you taste fuckin amazin sweetheart, he ever tell you that?"
your whimpered reply is drowned out by jj's incredulous one, "of course i tell her that, stop bein a fuckin dickhead."
the two start bickering even as you feel john b's thumb start to breech your hole, "wait! what are you doing?"
jj tips your head back to look you, his tattooed hand gently stroking the side of your neck, "you don't wanna feel the both of us sweet pea?"
"mmm...i do..." he rewards you with a kiss, capturing your strangled moan in his mouth as you start to cum in john b's
"then be a good girl and let him stretch you out."
it was a lit, it was almost too much. the three of you had shifted--jj laying on his back, filling your cunt as you laid on two of him, ass cheeks spread as you felt john b ease his thick mushroomed tip inside of you.
you thought you would burst, you were babbling please to stop, to give you more, to let you cum so that pressure building would finally burst.
"you're doin good sweetheart, i see why jj loves you so much, you're real good at takin cock." john b grunts as he finally settles flush against your ass and you squeal. they both take a second to let you adjust, your hearts beating so hard you can't even hear how they're praising you.
told you she could take it.
you're a real good girl, makes me wish you were mine.
takin real good care of us sweet pea.
they start moving in time, and the moan you let out is so loud you could bring the walls down. but they'd be lying if they said it wasn't just as intense for them. they could feel each other through the thin layer of separation, from the drag of jjs foreskin to the veins lining john b's shaft. it doesn't take long for them to find a rhythm, moving in synch in what seems like a well practiced dance as they completely ruin you.
"look at what you did to my girl, poor thing's gonna sleep for a week." jj mocked you as you laid there, drooling and grunting at the feel of them. your clit was smushed against your boyfriend's pubic bone, overstimulating you to the point all you could do was hold on and beg.
"please don't stop, 's so good, so-oh what the fuck i'm gonna cum.”
your impending orgasm invigorated them, both digging their feet in to fuck you within an inch of your life. your heart felt like it was about to burst, you turned your face into jj's chest and sobbed, pussy clenching erratically as you drenched the both of them in your cum.
the tightness of your ass sends john b over first, gripping onto jj's shoulder beneath him as he filled your ass, triggering the blonde who came with a loud groan.
soon john b collapsed on top of you, trapping you between their sweaty bulky bodies, "please move, i-i can't breathe."
"oh shit i'm so sorry." gingerly he gets off you, slowly pulling out allowing jj to do the same.
you're a disgusting mess--covered in sweat and cum as you lie panting.
"jj you're a very lucky man."
the man in question just barks out a laugh that makes you grumble, "yeah i think the same thing everyday." he wraps your legs around his waist the best he can and carries your limp body to the bathroom, "just let me get her cleaned up i'll be back out."
luckily for you, he still takes his time like it's any other night, cleaning you and rubbing your sore body down with lotion before he tucks you in with a kiss.
"you were real good for john b tonight, i'm proud of you. i'll see you in the morning."
with that he leaves, cutting the light off as you drift to sleep, and you hope john b visits again.
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hellcat8908 · 7 months
Neglected Rhysand x Female Reader
Over the last few weeks, you've noticed a growing distance between you and Rhys. At first, you told yourself he was just busy with his duties and that things would slow down. It seemed like the exact opposite. His nights got longer as he went over reports, and his meetings seemed to last longer and become more frequent.
You had tried to tactfully bring up your feelings, but he either made empty promises of trying to make more time for you, or he just disregarded your feelings altogether. After he seemed to be getting annoyed with the conversation, you stopped bringing it up. You tried to flirt with him and tease him during the day, craving any sort of attention from him. Often, he dismissed you telling you he had work to do.
Tonight was no different. After dinner, he headed back to his office and all but locked the door. You decided to go to bed. The bed had become cold and lonely in his absence. You reached over to his side, feeling the cold of his pillow and the emptiness under the blanket. You longed for things to return to how they were in the beginning.
When the two of you couldn't get enough of each other. You practically had to kick him out of bed in the morning. The way he would hold you until you both fell asleep. You missed those times. A few tears escaped your eyes at the memories. You decided enough was enough and quickly found a piece of paper and pen before writing a note and leaving it on the pillows for Rhys to find.
You grabbed a few changes of clothes and snuck out through the garden. You made sure to put enough distance between you and Rhys before reaching out to Azriel, hoping he was still awake. In a matter of minutes, he was in front of you. You asked him to fly you to the house of wind for the night.
He looks at you concerned, knowing something isn't right. "I'll be fine, Az." You say, not sure who you're trying to convince more yourself or him. He gives you a small nod before lifting you in his arms and carrying you to the house of wind. Once you're on the terrace, he lets go of you. "Thank you, Azriel." You say softly before giving his arm a gentle squeeze.
You carry your bag to your old room before climbing into bed. You wonder how long before Rhys finds the note and comes looking for you if he comes looking for you. Your heart becomes heavy at the thought he might not. You curl up under the blankets and cry yourself to sleep.
I have felt us slowly drifting apart over the last few weeks. I have tried to voice my concerns, but your focus is elsewhere. I have decided I need some time to myself to figure out where to go from here. I love you, but I fear you don't love me how you used to. This is not an ending. This is simply a pause in our story, unless you want otherwise.
Countless nights, I have fallen asleep alone in the bed we once shared and have woken alone, often unable to tell if you even came to bed at all. I understand that you have responsibilities to your court, and I can't fault you for that. However, you have responsibilities to me as well, and I've often gone neglected. I always knew that your court and your people would come first, but I am hoping you still have a place for me.
Love always,
Rhys sat on the edge of the bed, reading your letter over and over. His mind raced with how things had gotten to the point where you'd leave in the middle of the night. He thought of the last few weeks. He hadn't realized how much he neglected you. You had tried to tell him, tried to make him pay attention, but he just dismissed you.
He was torn between tracking you down and giving you the time you needed. He kept going back and forth, realizing he had already wasted too much time not giving you the attention you deserve. Within seconds, he was reaching out to Cassian and Azriel. "Y/n is gone, and you must help me find her." He commands them. "Calm down, she isn't gone she is sleeping in her old room at the house of wind." Azriel answers, sounding half asleep.
"I'm on my way." Rhys tells him. "Surprised you're not already here." Azriel replies with a smirk. Azriel is waiting on the terrace when Rhys arrives. "She sleeping?" Rhys asks, glancing towards the house. "For the moment. It's not a deep sleep." Azriel says. "I've messed up, and I'm not sure how to fix it." Rhys admits as he leans on the railing overlooking Velaris. "You'll figure it out." Azriel assures him as he squeezes his shoulder to comfort him.
"She left in the middle of the night." Rhys says, sounding distraught. "Yeah, but she didn't go far, and she made sure she was easy for you to find. Man up and go apologize, grovel, and do whatever it takes." Azriel says before telling him you're awake. Rhys runs his fingers through his hair and takes a few deep breaths before walking inside to find you.
He gently opens the door before stepping in, "Y/n, are you awake?" He asks softly, knowing you are but trying to guage your reaction. "I'm awake." You murmur. He shuts the door behind him and moves to sit on your bed. "I am deeply sorry for not realizing how I've been neglecting you these last few weeks. I'm even more sorry for dismissing you when you tried to tell me. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. I never want to make you feel this way ever again." He says.
The bond is full of all his emotions, regret that it took you leaving to realize the mistake he made, his undying love for you, fear that you won't be able to forgive him causing you to leave. Just when you thought you couldn't cry anymore, a few tears fall to your pillowcase before wrapping your arms around your mate. "I love you, but things are far from fixed. You'll have to prove things will be different, love." You tell him. "I will, darling." He says, holding you tight.
"We're both tired and emotionally drained. Let's get some sleep, and we can continue this conversation when the sun is up." You say before yawning. You lift the blanket up as a silent invite for Rhys to join you. Once he is next to you, you cuddle up beside him before he wraps his arms around you. For the first time in a while, you feel like you've made a step in the right direction together.
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reareaotaku · 4 months
My Sweet Valentine
Fuck Valentine's Day and every single couple ever! Also I know Valentine's Day has already past smartass. Leave me alone
Summary: How they act 4 Valentine's Day? Characters: Mike Wheeler, Luke Sinclair, Jane 'Eleven' Hopper, Maxine 'Max' Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley [I was going to do Eddie Munson, but I didn't want to write for him] Tw: None [That I know of]
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Mike Wheeler
He was FREAKING out
He had completely forgotten about Valentine's Day, because it never was important to him, because he never had a partner before
God, he's so fucked
Throws something together last second and hopes you don't notice [You do]
He tries coming up with an excuse but, he doesn't convince you
He tries getting his sister's help, as a last resort, but she makes it harder for him
She starts scolding him for forgetting and complaining about how she couldn't believe they were related
Feels extremely guilty when you give him stuff, stuff he likes. He actually thinks about death right then and there because he knows that he's so getting dumped
Thankfully, you don't dump him [He's thrilled because he doesn't know what he'd do without you], but you do ignore him and give him the cold shoulder for a few days until he makes it up to you
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Lucas Sinclair
He has been preparing for this moment all year
No way was he ending up in the dog house
He goes all out, getting you all that stupid stuff [Teddy bears, chocolate, roses etc]
He even makes a poster that has some stupid basket ball pun asking if you'll be his Valentine
Makes him so giddy when seeing you so happy to receive the gifts
Puffs his chest out in pride, because he did that
He'll be surprised when you pull out some Valentine's stuff for him
He wasn't expecting it and now you have him blushing
"For me?"
"Well, I don't have another boyfriend"
He frowns, but ultimately takes the gifts
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Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Valentine's Day? What's that?
Pretty clueless on the holiday, but when she learns about it, she falls in love instantly
She thinks it's so cute and wants to do something special with you
"What do couples usually do on Valentine's Day?"
"Well, they do a lot of stuff... You know, there isn't just one thing- You know?"
She hums, but she does in fact not know what you mean, but it's easier for her to pretend she does
"But uh, if there's something in particular you want to do-"
"I want to do it all!" She's quick and blushes because she didn't mean to outburst like that
You giggle, "I love your enthusiasm, but we can't do everything, but we can do most of it"
You both make cards for each other and she enjoys the time she's spending with you
She ends up loving the holiday and excited for next year, because she wants to do everything else that you couldn't do this year
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Maxine 'Max' Mayfield
She does not give a shit about that stupid stuff
If you get her something, cool, but it's not needed
If you want to do something, you'll have to talk to her, otherwise it's just another day to her
She might give you one of those stupid Valentine's Cards, just because she sees all the other couples doing it, but it's not something she thinks about
When she's writing your name on it, she frowns, because what if you don't like it?
She knows you deserve better, so she debates making you a home-made card
^ It does not go well, so she sticks with the store bought card
She also gets you those tiny heart chocolate boxes
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Billy Hargrove
You set yourself up for failure on this one, expecting him to get you something. Like do you even know him?
You'll be lucky if he even acknowledges that it's Valentine's Day
You can get him something and he'll keep it [Probably hides it, so his dad can't find it], but otherwise doesn't say much
He thinks it's cute how you act, but he doesn't understand it. It's just some stupid day and he doesn't see anything important about it
In fact, it just seems like a stupid excuse to spend tons of money for someone you might not even still be with in a month
He treasures the gifts you get him [Believe it or not]
If you make him a card, he keeps it in his nightstand
If you get him a teddy bear, it's either on his bed or in his pillowcase [When he wants it hidden]
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Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
He's quite the romantic and goes all out
He loves Valentine's Day, because he can show you off and show you how much he loves you
He'll ask you to be his Valentine, even if you're already dating
He's so cheesy and makes all kind of puns and jokes
^ It actually gets annoying for you and you have to beg him to stop
Makes you a homecooked meal with wine and shit
After that, he brings you to the couch to watch all your favorite movies
He wants to enjoy your embrace and cuddle with you
[It also gives him an excuse to not spend the night alone]
You'll be so wrapped into each other, nearly about to have a moment when the phone rings and Steve wants to kill whoever is on the other line. When he hears Dustin's voice, he wants to reach through the phone and choke the young man
It's fine though, you tell him, you were still having a good time just being with him
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Nancy Wheeler
Makes you home-made gifts
She wants to give you something that comes from her heart and has true meaning
She doesn't really like storebought stuff
She thinks it means more if you make it, even if it's bad
She wants to spend quality time with you
It doesn't really matter what you're doing, she just wants to be in your presence
It's a very chill day and you don't have to do anything over the top
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Robin Buckley
As a dirt poor woman, she works all year just to buy you something simple
When she finally raised enough money to buy you something nice for Valentine's Day, she was overwhelmed by all the Valentine's Day stuff
What was she supposed to get you? There was so much stuff! What the fuck!?
Pretty much has a panic attack, because she's scared she'll pick the wrong thing
God, why is this so stressful???
She decides to just close her eyes and pick something at random
Is thrilled when you like the gift
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irkimatsu · 4 months
Filling a request for @christinaatyourservice92! She requested a Husk x Reader where Reader "cleans up nicely", so to speak.
Husk/Reader, featuring Angel as an enthusiastic wingman. Some other characters kind of exist I guess. Reader is wearing a dress but otherwise their gender isn't specified; we're friendly to mascs in dresses here. Nothing further than dancing and kissing, anything with Husk is going to be a slowburn. But I love a good slowburn.
I'm still new to this fandom and haven't written most of these characters at all before, so please be patient with me! And feel free to send requests; I can't promise to have something for all of them, but who knows what could happen if you strike my fancy! (Probably only answering Husk related ones for now, though. Fuck I love Husk. Give me some Husk time for a bit. Husk... ahem.)
A ball wasn’t the worst bonding idea that Charlie ever had.
Granted, calling whatever was going on in the lobby of the hotel a “ball” was a bit of an overstatement. There weren’t that many guests, for one thing; the hotel didn’t have enough people for that, even including the employees. The decorations were set up quickly and cheaply, making the whole thing look more like a child’s birthday party. Entertainment was provided by Alastor, who stood off to the side and played instrumental ragtime music through his staff, presumably wondering what kind of nonsense this whole affair would lead to.
It had already led to Niffty dancing through the lobby with a “partner” made of bug carcasses, dust bunnies, and assorted other unmentionables, so that was a start.
Husk didn’t have to put in any sort of effort for this mess, but something had inspired him to clean himself up for once. He’d changed into a full suit and forgone the top hat, and he stood by the tables gently sipping a glass of red wine instead of chugging whiskey like it was a water bottle.
Angel, of course, noticed the discrepancy.
“Ooh, lookit you, all fancy,” he remarked as he took a spot beside Husk. Angel wasn’t too keen on the whole event, but he’d taken the opportunity to dress up in a nice skirt and wig, not one to waste a chance to play with his appearance. He certainly wasn’t giving up the chance to show off his legs, given how short his skirt was. “What’s the occasion?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Husk asked. “Not like I’m the only one dressed up.”
“Yeah, but I was born to look good. I ain’t showing up to even the shittiest party without showing off what I got! You, on the other hand, look uncomfortable.”
“It’s these wings,” Husk said. “It’s so damn hard to find a shirt that fits ‘em.”
“So why not take the shirt off?” Angel suggested, sing-songy tone confirming that he knew exactly how that sounded. Husk merely smiled and rolled his eyes at his friend’s sense of humor.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Husk asked.
“Ohhhhh.” Angel chuckled. “Ohhhh, I see what this is about…”
“Have you seen them?” Husk responded, his expression not changing.
“Someone like them at a ball? Uh-uh, ain’t no way they’re comin’ down here. You know they’re too much of a recluse for this fancy dress-up business.”
“You really think so…?”
“Aw, what’s got you lookin’ so down, Whiskers?”
Husk ignored Angel for another sip of wine, his desire to maintain some semblance of class preventing him from downing it as quickly as he’d like.
“Right. Be right back.”
“You better not be thinking about what I think you are!” Husk called after Angel as he walked away, but Angel didn’t respond.
You’re not going down there. You are not going down there. Not in this.
It’s not like it’s a revealing outfit or anything. It’s just a frilly, floor-length red dress. You’d picked it up when Charlie first announced the ball, fully intending to wear it that evening.
This is the first time you’ve looked at yourself in the mirror while wearing it, and the mirror is doing nothing to convince you to leave the room in this thing.
Even when you were alive, you were never particularly feminine; being feminine required being cute, and that just wasn’t something you were ever comfortable considering yourself as. Your appearance became even less of a concern after you died, with clothing being more of a suggestion than anything else. But a formal occasion sounded like the perfect chance to change that status quo.
What a stupid idea that was.
“Hey, Toots!” That voice along with three simultaneous knocks could only be one person. “You comin’ downstairs?”
“I’m fine! Thanks!” you call back without another thought. Why couldn’t you have gotten a nice outfit that was more gender neutral? Maybe you could change to your plain clothes and join the party that way…
But you know his tastes, and he might be disappointed to see you showing up for what’s supposed to be a major event in casual streetwear…
Better off not risking it.
“Aw, but it’s borin’!” Angel called from the other side of the door. “We could use some company down there!”
“Go ahead without me!” you assured Angel, preparing to change out of the dress and spend the evening to yourself in your room.
“But Husk wants to see you!”
The sound of his name makes you freeze.
It’s not a surprise that he wants to see you, really. You two have been getting along well, talking about your shared appreciation for music and the performing arts. Even the other members of the hotel have commented that Husk never softens quite as much as when you show an interest in his stories of his days as a performer in Vegas. He really does seem to like spending time with you.
But to hear it spoken out loud…
“You okay in there?”
You slowly open the door to see Angel standing there. At least you don’t need to worry about being overdressed; Angel’s got you beat in that department. He’s always impressed you with how he can take an outfit that should be so, so tacky on paper and yet make it work.
His eyes widen at the sight of you, and he lets out a whistle. “Well, damn. You in a dress. Never thought it’d happen.”
“I look stupid,” you mutter, holding your upper arm as you turn your head away. “I have no idea how to wear this thing…”
Angel scoffs. “You kiddin’? Look at me, honey. You know the types of people I hang out with, and let me tell ya, there is no one who can’t pull off a dress if they wanna.”
“Do you think Husk will like it?”
Angel laughs, and you immediately regret letting those words escape your mouth.
“Um, not that I… it’s just, he went to parties like this all the time, right? When he was alive, and when he was an Overlord, so he knows what people are supposed to wear… we’ve been getting along, but it might look bad if I’m underdressed…”
“You could go down there in a brown paper bag, and ol’ kitty cat down there would still be staring at you,” Angel assures you.
“Are you sure…?”
“Jesus Christ, you two are clueless.” He takes your hand in two of his and starts tugging you toward the stairs. “C’mon. You’re gonna go give Husk something to do besides finish off the wine all by himself.”
The reaction you get when you reach the lobby is less than you expected. Charlie’s happy to greet you, which you appreciate, but hers wasn’t the reaction you were looking for.
The only reaction you get from Husk is a briefly surprised glance before he turns away to refill his wine.
Is that really it…?
Angel must be equally unimpressed with the response. He storms over to Husk, and while you can’t really hear the conversation, you can see that it involves a lot of arm flailing from Angel and tail lashing from Husk.
The only phrase you can pick out is Angel saying, “Well, forgive me for trying to get you some-”
Should you go back upstairs? Husk doesn’t seem as happy to see you as Angel implied he would, and all you’re doing down here is standing in the middle of the room like an idiot. While you try to decide whether to run off and never think of this again, you notice Angel approach Alastor. He’s talking to Alastor with the same animated arm motions, while Alastor listens on in mild amusement. As Angel walks away, Alastor rolls his eyes and shakes his head, then gently taps his staff against the floor.
The bouncy ragtime music abruptly shifts to a downtempo jazz number.
Husk’s ears perk up at the sound, and as he looks up to figure out what’s going on, he locks eyes with you. You’re looking back at him, maintaining eye contact for far longer than he had when you first entered. He can’t just ignore you after that, can he?
Indeed, he can’t. Slowly, he walks toward you, uncertain at first but progressively gaining confidence. Angel flashes thumbs up signs that he can’t see behind him.
“Good evening,” he greets you, his deep voice so much more smooth than anything he’d shown as recently as thirty seconds ago. “You look nice tonight.”
“Thank you,” you respond, flashing your best smile. “You, too.”
Husk in a suit… you could get used to this.
His smile is surprisingly gentle when he does it without teeth. He holds out his paw. “Shall we dance?”
You take his paw in one hand, and he takes your other hand in his other paw. The two of you gently sway together, not making much contact, but even this proximity is making your chest pound. His confidence has grown considerably; he’s clearly used to things like this. He’s perfectly on rhythm, not holding your hands too loosely or tightly.
As if it’s the most natural thing in the world, he places a paw on your shoulder and pulls you close to him. You’re at a loss at what to do with your now free hand. It finds its way to his hip, and instantly your face starts heating. No, that’s way too much, way too quickly-
He doesn’t say anything about it. He only smiles.
Maybe it’s okay.
You stop focusing so much on where his hands are, or how he’s moving his feet. Your only concern is the gentle look he’s giving you as he dances with you, leading you in a perfect rhythm.
His arms have found their way around your waist at some point. You’re too lost in the moment to question it.
He whispers your name, and is it just you or is his face getting incredibly close? You raise a hand to stroke the fur on his cheek.
His lips are on yours, so chastely but they’re there, and you’re so floored by the action that you barely even register Angel whooping in the background. The kiss only lasts an instant, but you’re both a little more breathless now than when you started.
It’s the only time you kiss for now, but you spend much more time swaying together. You don’t know where one song ends and another begins; it’s only the underscore for one long dance, where the sliver of space between your bodies feels like a chasm.
No… not tonight. Not here. Not while they’re watching.
If it were up to you, that dance would have never ended… which is why it’s probably for the best that the sultry saxophone music abruptly changed to a loud swing number.
Alastor looks rather pleased with himself for the interruption.
You’d spend more time with Husk in the lobby, but not only is the music giving you a headache, but Angel keeps on staring at you with a raised eyebrow and a grin, and you don’t want any more time to think about what he’s theorizing in regards to your personal life.
“I wanna go back upstairs,” you tell Husk. Before he can look too disappointed, you then add, “You can come with me if you want.”
After you shout a good night at Charlie and Vaggie and Husk flicks a good-natured middle finger to the smirking Angel, the two of you head upstairs, and after some brief discussion, you agree to spend your time in Husk’s room. The two of you sit on the edge of his bed for a while as he shows you his collection of vinyls, and you discuss the possibility of the two of you possibly performing some of his favorite songs as a duet, with him on his saxophone and you singing.
“It’d be nice if we could sing together, too,” you say. “You have a really nice voice.”
The compliment flusters him enough that it takes him a moment to respond. “Maybe… but most of the duets I can sing are love songs.”
Now it’s your turn to blush, and it’s a lot more obvious on you than it is on him. You can’t hide the truth; you might as well say it out loud.
“I’d like singing a love song with you.”
Husk looks at the ceiling and smiles to himself, his thoughts elsewhere. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done a duet. Singing a love song with someone, and meaning every word of it… there’s nothing like it. I wouldn’t want to sing a duet like that with someone who doesn’t mean it.”
You snap him out of his daydream by placing your hand over his paw. “What about me? If I did mean it?”
He chuckles to himself. “You’d mean it? This soon? You just got here. We barely know each other.” Despite his words, he turns his paw around so he can hold your hand in return.
“You’re the one who kissed me down there,” you remind him.
“A single kiss isn’t love. Love takes time.” His body language doesn’t seem to be matching his words as he squeezes your hand. “It takes patience. Compromise. It’s not gonna fall into place easily. It’s easy to screw up… I’ve done it before.”
He’s looking at your face again, a once-unseen vulnerability in his eyes.
“...I don’t want to screw it up again. Not with you.”
“We can at least try.” You stroke his cheek again, now more focused than ever on the white hairs in his dark fur and the bags beneath his eyes. He’s been around for so long… he’s been hurt so many times.
If you could be the one to help him with that hurt…
You press your lips to his, and he accepts the kiss, holding it much longer than he did while you danced. He wraps his arms around you, not pulling you as closely as he could, but still letting you share in each others’ body heat.
It will take time, but you hope that someday, the two of you can sing that love song.
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viridwns · 1 year
I hope you’re having a great Morning, Evening or Night. Could I get some Bungou Stray Dogs, Armed Detective Agency Headcanons with A very very flirty S/O who leaves them red in the face and Speeches just because she thinks they look cute like that. Can it be a mix of both Sfw and Nsfw :) Thank you <3
The ADA with a flirty S/O headcanons + drabbles
warnings: none, some dirty jokes, just fluff
Characters: Atsushi Nakajime, Ranpo Edogawa, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Akiko Yosano, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
A/N: I'm not going to write NSFW, but there will be some implications on Dazai's part ofc because he's a slvt.
Atsushi Nakajime
He'll already get so flustered if you compliment him, flirting will just make him combust
Atsushi is such a bottom, no one can convince me otherwise. So seeing him all red and pretty won't be that hard
You made the first move when you two met, he was and is still too shy to make any moves
He tries tho, it's so sweet
He'll try and hold your hand, but even the smallest touch makes him embarrassed
But even if he tells you to stop your flirting, he hopes you continue because he is very touch and attention deprived
'Are my eyes deceiving me or am I a witnessing an angel gracing me with his presence.' You take the hand of your lover as you stare at him with hearts visible in your eyes. Atsushi looks at you in shock, the words visibly processing in his mind. His face slowly turns red as you kiss his hand, him finally getting what you meant with your comment. He is quick to hide his embarrassed blush from you as he pulls his hand away and moves his face the other way. 'I-I'm not an angel [Y/N].' He splutters, you giggle. 'Oh but my love I am certain you are one. How could I ever be so lucky to have a outworldly being as my boyfriend!' You hug his side and sigh dramatically. You could feel the heat of his body seeping through your clothes. 'If anything you are the angel here.' He quietly mutters only for you to hear. Your heart leaps a bit at his words as you only hug him closer. You loved it when he tried to counter your flirty remarks with his own, even if they weren't the best.
Ranpo Edogawa
He will literally ignore your remarks
There is no hope for you to make him flustered
You can try all you want but he'll stare at you for a few seconds and then focus on something else again
Don't let his calm demeanor fool you tho, once he's alone and the memories of your words come back to him a pink hue can be seen on his cheeks
The only time you'll get to see him all red and flustered is when you offer to feed him candy and coo at him how cute he is
That is literally the only time
After that he's never going to be embarrassed about something again
You smirk once you spot your target. Your boyfriend was busying himself eating the pile of candy Kenji and Kyoka got while trick or treating. You slowly walk up to him, your mischievous smile only getting wider the closer you got. You couldn't blow this, not when you worked days on finding the right thing to say to fluster your detective. Ranpo was oblivious to the scheming that was happening behind his back as he finally found his favorite lollypop in the pile of goods; happily unwrapping it and plopping it in his mouth. He let out the smallest squeak when you tackled him to the ground. 'Oh heavens! It seems that I have fallen for you my dear. Not that I mind at all, you look lovely under me.' You said to him with a much exaggerated tone of voice and a wink to finish it all off. You felt proud of your actions, but that pride soon sunk into your shoes as your boyfriend looked up to you with a raised eyebrow. 'You made me drop my lollypop.' He whined as he pushed you off of him, reaching for the now dirty candy. He pouted as he got up and threw it away. You sat there flabbergasted, all your planning gone in just a split second as Ranpo was unfazed once again. 'Why can't you just react to my comments for once!' You exclaimed as you crossed your arms. Ranpo sat back down in his chair again. The pout he once had slowly turned into a smirk as he saw you sitting on the floor in front of him. You looked at him with confusion as he grabbed your chin. 'You look even lovelier on your knees for me like that.' He mocked your wink as he turned back around, your eyes widening at his comment and cheeks flushing red. 'Was that a good enough reaction for you?'
Dazai Osamu
Who can make the other one blush faster?
match made in heaven fr fr
Dazai is hard to throw off guard, you can flirt with him all you want but he'll match your energy perfectly
And let's be honest, he'll get you perfectly pink by calling you belladonna
Oh how this man loves you when you flirt with him
makes him weak in his knees
He's super horny though, so don't flirt too much or you won't be able to walk the next day
You'll get to see him flustered more when your relationship progresses and he lets his walls down more often around you
But the majority of your flirts are cheesy af and he loves it
'Someone pinch me, I think I'm dreaming. How can a human who's so perfect stand in front of me?' Dazai takes your hands as he sighs lovingly. 'I am such a blessed man.' You giggle at his words, already knowing how to counter his attack. 'If Van Gogh had you as a subject, the sunflowers would have gone in the trash.' He let go of your hands to hold his hand over his heart. 'Oh my belladonna! you're going to be the death of me!' He gasped for air. 'You take my breath away, my love. Do you know that?' You bit your lip, concentrating on not getting flustered as his sweet words entered your ears. He smirked as you didn't say anything for a while. Already claiming victory, but you were far from done. ' I really like our friendship you know, especially when we make out.' It was your turn to smile as you stunned your boyfriend into silence. It didn't last long though as he grabbed your waist and gently pushed you against a wall. 'Don't think you've won my darling, I have allot more in store then you might think.' Your smile dropped as you saw his lustful gaze, but you didn't give up just yet. 'I meant what I said earlier.' You leaned in closer, making sure he could feel your breath fanning over his lips. Dazai's response was to only press closer to you. "Ah yeah? let's test that statement shall we?'
Kunikida Doppo
There are two things that can happen when you flirt with him
One: He'll get it immediately and 'get angry' with you for not being serious at work
Or two: He doesn't get it and will react super seriously
This man can not flirt if his life depended on it, his idea of flirting are sharing his ideals and then saying that you fit the majority of them
He once asked Dazai as a last resort how to deal with you and your flirts
Dazai had the time of his LIFE, he was actually so happy his suicide attempt failed that morning because he didn't want to miss this for his life
'Are you sure this will work.' The blonde man asked his colleague as he stared at your working form. He smiled at the sight of your tongue poking out because you were concentrating so hard. The brunette nodded eagerly. 'Yes yes! as long as you do it exactly as I taught you, it'll be fine!' Dazai ushered him in your direction. Kunikida swallowed a lump in his throat as he tried to look as relaxed as possible. You didn't notice your lover walking up to you until he cleared his throat. You looked up from you computer screen and lit up as you saw him. 'There’s an empty spot here and I'm waiting for you to fill it.' You said to him as you patted your lap. He had to bite his tongue to keep him from bailing on his plan, he looked behind him to see Dazai standing there with his thumbs up. Kunikida shook his head as he turned his attention back to you. You looked at him suspiciously. 'Is there something wrong, love? You seem nervous.' He shook his head. 'No, it's just that I think your father is a thief.' You looked at him with an offended expression. 'Excuse me? What did you say?' He immediately panicked as he saw your furrowed brows and fire filled glare. 'I-I mean that I think your father is a thief because he stole all the stars and put them into your eyes.' He blurted out. Your glare turned into a soft expression as you registered the flirty comment. He still stood there, Dazai laughing behind him. Kunikida was slowly turning more and more red as you smiled at him. 'That was very sweet, thank you.' You replied after an agonizing long silence. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he smiled back at you. He was never going to do this again.
Akiko Yosano
She can flirt, don't get me wrong, but her flirts are mostly medically related
in short: You don't understand them half the time
which makes you have the upper hand in a flirting contest
She'll laugh most of the time at your flirty remarks
Loves the dedication you put in them when you try to make her flustered
She doesn't get flustered easily
Only really gets embarrassed when you give her a sincere and simple compliment
She's a baddie, but immediatly turns into putty when you call her beautiful
It was your monthly dat night. You were waiting calmly for your girlfriend to finish up as you stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her. You knew how much effort she always put in her looks for you. But she could wear a plastic bag and be covered in mud and you'd still think God sent an angel your way. You smiled at the thoughts of your ethereal girlfriend as the stairs creaked, making you put your attention towards the sound. And there she was, the woman of your dreams in a beautiful purple dress and a face that could only be the definition of gorgeous. The corner of your lips lifted upwards as she descended the stairs towards you. 'I'm ready if you are.' She said, you couldn't take your eyes off her. 'I'm so lucky to be blessed with a beauty like you.' Your voice was soft and full of sincerity. She looked at you with those wide eyes and your heart skipped a beat as you saw her face redden. She pulled your arm and walked towards the door. 'Yeah, yeah. Let's go already.' You laughed as you opened the door for her. 'Anything for you.'
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
He's used to it because of his sister, but that doesn't mean he is immune to it
He still gets super red every time you hit him with a flirty remark
He can't flirt, but he always has the best compliments ready for you that'll make you speechless
He always does it at the most random times too
when you're wrestling to get a hamburger in he will just sigh dreamily and call you gorgeous or something and you'll look at him all confused with your cheeks puffed out because of the food
If you flirt with him + touch him you'll get bonus points, he will not know how to act if you do that
You two were just chilling on your lovers bed with each other: You had opted on doing a face mask while eating ice cream while your boyfriend was reading a book. You looked like shit, but you never cared how you looked when you were with him. You were just putting another spoon full of chocolate sweetness into your mouth as Tanizaki looked up from his book and at you with adoring eyes. Scanning your every feature and noted the way you scrunched up your nose as the cold ice cream touched your teeth. 'You are so perfect, you know that?' He said and you stopped eating, the spoon still in your mouth as you looked at him. You raised your eyebrows as it took a few seconds for you to function again. You took the spoon out of your mouth and swallowed the ice cream, suddenly very conscious about your looks. '...thanks?' You said with a questionable tone. He just hummed and stared at you longingly for a few more seconds before going back to his book. You looked at him, sighing at how adorable your boyfriend was. A mischievous smile crept onto your features as you thought of a way to repay his kind words. 'I would look even more perfect on top of you.' You giggled as it was now his turn to stop functioning.
I am not down bad for Yosano or anything pfff
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leclerc-s · 5 months
big reputations - part eight
series masterlist // previous // next
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charles leclerc i've decided that this week i will be driving like a menace.
daniel ricciardo i see track terror is making a comeback this week.
max verstappen no more inchidents please.
charles leclerc mate let it go already. it's been over 10 years.
max verstappen admit you pushed me into that puddle and i'll let it go!
oscar piastri i see why the entire internet is convinced you two are secretly dating
charles leclerc excuse me? max verstappen they're what? sabrina carpenter lestappen is lestappening
daniel ricciardo to be fair, they think k-mag and nico are in love with each other, have been since the whole 'suck my balls' thing
daphne jones didn't we have this conversation already?
max verstappen that was in the other group chat
oscar piastri OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
charles leclerc THIS IS TREACHEROUS!
daphne jones oh grow up, it was started before you three were even in the picture. we don't use it much these days.
sabrina carpenter good. otherwise i'd throw a fit.
max verstappen don't you always?
sabrina carpenter i will make your life miserable verstappen
max verstappen you already do by existing every day.
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daniel ricciardo the hell are you talking about lando?
pierre gasly so you saw the same twitter thread i did?
max verstappen i completely forgot daphne had performed at the 2016 austin grand prix.
lewis hamilton huh that did happen
logan sargeant was going to ask why but then i realized what the song is about.
mark webber i don't get it? what's the song about?
oscar piastri forgive him, he's uncultured.
mark webber that's it, no more sabrina time for you. oscar piastri sabrina said you can't separate siblings. tell him charles! charles leclerc yeah! what she said! lando norris wait a fucking minute, are you all together right now?
carlos sainz is that family thing working for you guys?
max verstappen it actually is. you should've seen the group chat after texas.
max verstappen on second thought maybe not. daniel ricciardo yeah, that's not a good idea. oscar piastri things were said by sabrina. charles leclerc well when you say it like that you make it sound bad. nothing bad was said, they're being dramatic. although, she might be in love with fernando daniel ricciardo you do remember the spa inchident don't you? alex albon they call him fernando rizzlonso
lando norris renamed daniel ricciardo
mastermind hilarious lando. truely.
lando norris you never confirmed or denied it. i took matters into my own hands.
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pierre gasly question for sabrina, how does one get a song like nonsense written about them?
sabrina carpenter what an odd question pear gasly, i'd say by dating a singer? which is better for me because that way i can steal your girlfriend with no obstacles.
aelx albon she's a menace.
max verstappen THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!
oscar piastri it's not that great of a song. i don't get the hype?
sabrina carpenter added one person
sabrina carpenter oscar's been disowned. he didn't know the words to love story.
charles leclerc max doesn't either?
oscar piastri what the hell are you talking about sabrina?
sabrina carpenter i saw that mclaren video.
daphne jones it's one song sabrina, let it go. this is not going to turn into another spa situation.
yuki tsunoda excuse me while i go scream into the void
logan sargeant wait for me! lance stroll and me!
lando norris daniel probably
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sabrina carpenter lando with all of his teammates
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lando norris man fuck you sabrina
carlos sainz what's the spa situation?
daphne jones you don't want to know, trust me. oscar piastri for your sanity, you don't want to know. daniel ricciardo please don't get her started again.
sabrina carpenter mr. sainz, you truly do not want to get me started. as i said before, i may not have been present for spa but i can and will bite ankles for oscar.
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mastermind so who's free to go to daphne's concert in argentina on the 11th?
lando norris SIGN ME TF UP!!
yuki tsunoda I'M IN!
alex albon depends, can i bring lily?
mastermind of course! - sabrina mastermind that's my wife! - sabrina
logan sargeant ready to dance along to the fearless era
mastermind bold of any of you to think you have a choice. I EXPECT ALL OF YOU THERE! - SABRINA
mastermind love the name btw - sabrina
charles leclerc to quote sabrina, "i expect ass shaking for vigilante shit."
oscar piastri dear i god i hope none of you do that.
lando norris well now i'm going to.
sebastian vettel well she's certainly something.
max verstappen she's a menace.
lewis hamilton huh, sounds like someone back in 2016 to 2018. max verstappen YOU TAKE THAT BACK! lewis hamilton i don't think i will
oscar piastri she just likes to stir the pot.
mark webber sounds like someone else and the infamous alpine tweet.
oscar piastri okay, that was one time.
esteban ocon argentina right before vegas? doesn't seem like a good idea to me but i'm in.
jenson button so is daniel dating daphne or not?
mastermind that's a secret i'll never tell - xoxo gossip girl.
alex albon something is brewing i can feel it.
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg @spilled-coffee-cup @1nt3rnetgf @six-call @smol-scream @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @tygecjjd @cataf1 @nothaqks @caipng @nataliambc @formulaal @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @hobiismyhopeu @melissayalene @nikfigueiredo
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i’m back for 2024! i tried something different for this chapter and i think i liked it so i'm going to change it for all of the other parts, which is going to be a bitch because it's gonna take forever. it's also not that big of a change but i think it makes a difference.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet. enjoy!
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saccharinesyrup · 1 year
The Quickly-Solved Struggles of Having an Internationally Famous Boyfriend
Your boyfriend Isagi has been getting too much attention lately.
You never really pinned yourself as the jealous type, but hearing several different batches of random girls squealing over your now internationally-famous boyfriend on the tv screen was starting to convince you otherwise.
This is not to say that you aren't proud of your boyfriend, absolutely not. You've seen firsthand his dedication to soccer and how far it's gotten him. He's on a world stage now like he deserves, but international fame coupled with being a fairly attractive athlete makes for many many fans. 
You know in your heart you can't blame them for pining because obviously you knew your boyfriend was attractive. But you were also one of the only people who bothered noticing that fact in high school, so you weren't used to sharing and honestly never thought you'd have to (the girls in high school knew you got to him first already so they didn't even matter in your mind).
A good handful of people in high school managed to realize that Isagi was a perfectly good, boyfriendable choice, but most preferred the more extreme, exciting types. You pride yourself on realizing early that Isagi Yoichi was the best and only choice for you, taking him off the market as soon as humanly possible.
But these girls were innocently, blissfully unaware that Isagi Yoichi had a perfectly good, wonderful, cute, pretty, hilarious, vibrant, lovely, amazing girlfriend waiting for him at home already. And although this is not a sin, the territorial little green monster inside of you would like to claim otherwise.
You almost want to be mad at him for being so obviously attractive in front of live national television. Considering how long it's been since you've seen him last, you might just let yourself be just to keep him on his toes—can’t let him get too comfortable.
"Do you have anyone at home outside of Blue Lock you want to dedicate your winning goal to?"
Your ears perk up at the recognition of your boyfriend's voice coming out of the speakers again. For the man that just confidently claimed he'd lead Japan to victory on his own just a minute ago, Isagi seems to have reverted back to his normal self with a shy, but earnest grin on his face.
"I'd like to dedicate it to my girlfriend back home! She's been my biggest supporter ever since high school and I owe a lot to her! I love you!"
You hear the group of girls immediately groan in disappointment and you feel a sense of smug superiority fill your bones. That's right. Isagi Yoichi loves you , an honor you share only with his parents and soccer and no one else.
"Aw man…"
"Of course he already has a girlfriend…"
You suppose you won't be upset at Isagi for now.
It's been several days since then, and Isagi Yoichi's mystery girlfriend has since been the hot topic of the Under-20 soccer world. You are currently laying on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your socials and reading outlandish speculations and theories. You think your favorite is one about how Isagi's girlfriend is a Blue Lock PR stunt and doesn't even actually exist.
You wouldn’t personally call yourself a sadist, but maybe all of the posts lamenting his taken status make you chuckle.
Meanwhile, the very man of the hour was peacefully snuggled into your stomach, arms secured firmly around your waist as you brushed your fingers through his fluffy hair. He’s halfway off to sleep already and you told him just to knock out already, but he’s been fighting off his heavy eyelids for a while now.
Something about missing you for too long and wanting to stay awake to be with you or whatever.
A sleepy grumble.
"The web is talking all about you, you know?”
“They are?”
“Mhm. You’re apparently Japan’s number one heart-breaker, right now for dating me. You sure you’re not gonna regret rejecting all the attention?”
You had meant it as a joke, just a little tease to bother your boyfriend. But Isagi has a way of reminding you all the time why you fell in love with him.
Suddenly he’s fully up and awake again, his eyes are meeting yours from below, his eyebrows furrow in seriousness. “Never. I’ll never want anyone else, but you. I’m glad they know I’m taken now.”
You sweep his bangs up with your hand and lean down to give him a little kiss on his forehead.
"I'm just kidding. I know I’m your number one just like you’re mine."
Oh maybe you do feel just a little bad for those girls online. Isagi Yoichi is all yours and they’ll never be loved by him just like this in that way that makes your heart feel full and light.
And they’ll never get to tease him like you get to do.
"But about how those other soccer boys were looking at you…"
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 7 months
First Date
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none at all fr fr except idk first date jitters???
Genre: fluff central
Summary: Your first real date with your former fake boyfriend; "I'm just scared of what you think // You make me nervous so I really can't eat" ~ First Date by Blink 182
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A/N: This is technically part 2 to Nervous but order is arbitrary fr
The following Friday Bucky is at your apartment just before 7 o'clock trying to convince himself to knock on your door. He knows he has to because you otherwise won't come out and that would be awful because even if every muscle in his body is tensing up at the thought of this actually happening he does really want to take you out. The only problem is that standing in your hallway it feels like a dream he had long given up on is coming to fruition and he's starting to wonder if maybe he's not ready for this. It's too late for that now though, he's meant to pick you up in 2 minutes and he'd rather lose his other arm than upset you by canceling last minute no matter how anxious he is.
"If she didn't want this. She wouldn't have agreed." Bucky tells himself, steeling his nerves. He raises his fist and raps on the door far more confidently than he's feeling at 6:59:37. He knows because he checked his watch. Barely a minute goes by before you swing open the door with a soft smile.
"You're right on time. Hi Bucky." You say. Bucky freezes up as he takes you in. You're wearing a crop top and faux leather pants with a matching jacket. Bucky told you casual dress was fine so you wanted something cute but practical. Bucky can feel his brain short circuit as he looks at you. Just compliment her! 
"Punctuality- matters. We should get going." He says instead of anything charming. The sentences come out chopping and strained and he almost outwardly cringes at himself.
"Alright, well lead the way James." You say, pointedly ignoring the tense undertone in his words. You're not sure what that was about but you can't imagine drawing attention to it will help. Bucky nods and walks you down to his car where he opens your door and lets you in before he jogs over to the driver seat and slides in. It only takes another moment before he's pulling out of your parking lot and cruising down the streets.
The ride there is pretty quiet, which is fine. You're trying to guess where he's taking you anyway because he refuses to tell you. It's not until you see the big neon sign as he turns into a parking lot that you finally crack it though and you can't help but chuckle quietly as he parks the car. It's been such a long time since you've been to one of these.
"Bowling?" You smile at him.
"I've heard how boring you find regular dinner dates." Bucky shrugs. It's true you much prefer activity dates, but you're curious how he'd know that already. He gets out of the car and rushes over to your side to open the door for you. The two of you head inside and get set up with a lane and a pair of bowling shoes. You both are quick to grab bowling balls and start the game. You're always down for some friendly competition and honestly, it'll be nice to do something you haven't in a while.
A few rounds in though makes you painfully aware of how little Bucky has said since picking you up and it's starting to get to you. If you get excited over a strike or point out the score he'll offer a little smile and maybe a couple of words but he's not actually conversing with you. When you commend a particularly good round on his end he just nods a 'thanks'. Not to mention he's hardly looking at you which isn't a big deal exactly but in combination with the lack of talking it feels very awkward. Especially for a first date. Who bowls in silence?! About halfway through, you stand up before Bucky takes his roll.
"I'm going to get some food. Do you want anything?" You ask him.
"Oh! Let me get it. What do you want?" Bucky puts down his bowling ball and jogs over to his jacket draped over one of the chairs.
"A slice of pizza and some lemonade." You say.
"On it." He nods dropping the jacket and walking over to the food counter. You sigh to yourself as you plop back in your seat to wait for him. You can't understand why he's being so quiet but this date really can't continue this way. When Bucky returns with your food and drink he hands them to you quickly. You barely mutter thank you before he goes back to his jacket, presumably to put his wallet back in the pocket he fished it out from.
"You know Bucky, you've barely said anything to me all night. I've been on some pretty awkward first dates before but never ones where my date avoids looking at me." You stand and walk over to where Bucky is now lining up his roll.
"I'm not avoiding looking at you." Bucky says. 
"If this has been your idea of being present with a date you are more out of touch than I thought James." You muse. Bucky sighs and turns to you, finally looking at you properly. He's silent for a moment, just looking at you before he speaks again.
"You know when you talk to people you look at them so intently. It's like you could uncover their every secret in the time it takes them to finish whatever sentence they're saying."
"Is that why you wouldn't look at me?" You ask.
"I'm already terrified of saying the wrong thing. When I look at you it feels as though you can hear my every nervous thought. As if you'll-" Bucky's words seem to get stuck in his throat as his brows knit together.
"As if I'll what?" You prompt.
"Be able to see me the way I see myself." He mutters.
"You- don't want me to see you the way you see yourself?" You frown.
"It wouldn't end well if you did." He shakes his head.
"Well, why don't you let me decide how I see you? And in the meantime, you should just- be yourself. Trust me you're way worse off if you don't speak to me the entire night than whatever you're so scared of." You tell him. "Right now your worst crime is sucking at bowling."
"Hey! I'm doin pretty well."
"I mean I'm beating you pretty bad so-" you walk back over to your seat where you'd left your pizza.
"You're distracting." He mutters.
"I'm distracting?! You've been avoiding me in all ways but physical Bucky. How could I possibly be distracting?" You ask.
"How many times are you going to make me say how nervous you make me?"
"I dunno, how many times would it take for you to stop being so nervous?"
"More than is reasonable for you to say."
"You'd be surprised how far I'm willing to go actually." You tell him, taking a bite of your pizza. "I just want you to relax Bucky." You say before you drop your pizza plate back on the chair.
"Easier said than done." He muses.
"I'm sure. I mean up until a week ago I thought you hated me- so there's a learning curve for us both. But you can't expect me to not get to know you. We're on a date I mean-"
"I know." He mutters quietly, though you can't hear him as you keep rambling.
"Dates typically involve a lot of getting to know people. You're lucky we're not complete strangers-"
"I know." He tries again but you're still going.
"Otherwise I wouldn't even bother with this I would just never see you again but I like you and I want this to go somewhere but you have to try, and sometimes that's gonna mean stepping out of your comfort zone and if you can't do that-" Bucky grabs you by your shoulders and yanks you towards him until your bodies are flush, his head tilting down and connecting your lips. Your eyes widen for a moment before closing, surrendering to his kiss. It's strong, unyielding, so much like him and finally, for the first time since you got here you get a glimpse of the man you're familiar with. When he pulls away your eyes flutter open.
"I know, y/n. You're right. I'm sorry for being so awkward." Bucky says and you shake your head.
"You don't have to apologize. I just want tonight to go well." You say softly.
"So do I! So much so that I-"
"That you're too scared to talk to me?" You chuckle.
"It- sounds silly when you put it like that." He muses.
"It's okay. As frustrating as the silence is I think it's cute that you're so..."
"Insecure?" He scoffs.
"I was going to say shy." You roll your eyes with a laugh. "I don't think it's insecure to care about what you say to a date, but I do think you worry far too much. You're not under evaluation." You say.
"I'll- try to relax." He says.
"Great, now hurry up and roll your ball so I can wipe the floor with your cute ass." You smile.
"Oh-ho-ho don't get too confident there sweetness. Relaxing means I'm definitely going to beat you." Bucky says.
"I mean you can tryyyyy but I'd keep those expectations low if I were you. I'm currently doing way better than you."
"We're barely halfway through the game, you're counting your chickens too soon." He smiles sweetly.
"You're talking a lot for someone who still hasn't finished his turn." You shrug. Bucky shoots you an incredulous look that has you laughing as he walks over to the lane to roll for his turn. Now, if you can keep him this relaxed for the rest of the night then this date is going to be every bit as amazing as you could hope for. Even on the off chance he beats you at bowling.
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