#she was so pretty too but i just sort of panicked and said yes
happybird16 · 10 months
Self check out host just went out of her way to come up to me and tell me i'm pretty and now i'm all andnjvjvksngnkdngng
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dollerines · 6 months
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How I entered the void so easily after 1 year of trying
So after 1 year and half of trying to enter I finally did it and I am so mad because it REALLY IS SOOOOO EASY and tbh if in this post you are looking for any sort of validation or info you smart ass already know then please REMEMBER THIS : entering the void is extremely easy. You just have to do it in a way that resonates with you.
Personally for me since I had adhd I couldn’t just stay still and affirm for 1 or even a few for 10 mins. Not just because I was lazy but because just repeating “I am in the void” for so long gets me tired and makes me think of the void more and you actually don’t want to think too deeep about it. I couldn’t wake 3 hours prior and then affirm or even have the patience to do the psych k, yes I was extremely lazy back then and unpresistent but one thing that helped me even backed then was THE ALPHA STATE MEDITATION !
You just have to find what works for you, find a method technique whatever you want to do that doesn’t seem like a chore. So In a post back then I found on @gorgeouslypink acc talking about doing the alpha sate meditation and I tried it back then and I felt really relaxed and it was a good feeling but like I said back then I was realllly lazy so after a few mins I stopped. Then many months later passed and I was still looking for anything and everything on the void. Then just like two days ago I came across another post which was pretty simple and the technique I used was called the DISTRACTED TECHNIQUE.
All there was to do was the usual you get into a comfortable position and then she said to use the alpha state meditation and used the one gorgeouslypink recommended. So I used it and then what she tell you to do is to just think of anything else just get distracted basically and this WAS SO GOOD 4 ME because back then I had adhd so it made it harder to concentrate on just affirming and so yeah I just thought of random things and then at some point where I was completely distracted I felt my body like lift up 😭 if that makes sense I just can’t clearly describe it. It felt really like a shift and I was like ‘panicking’ in a way but I wasn’t actually panicking I just kinda became aware what was going and then I got scared a little but I just relaxed shortly after. Also my fan that was making like a loud noises was coming in an out and then I only hear it in one ear and then I didn’t hear anything and I just stayed there wondering if I reached the void and i actually was!!! I didn’t feel my body it felt like I had no body at all and it was pitch black just like how I imagined the void to be. For a few minutes I just stayed there feeling the most surreal peace I have ever felt. I needed that peace fr 💀.
So then I affirmed for my desires all I said was “I have all my desired results from my subliminal playlist.” Then just to be extra sure I just said “I have everything I want.”
At that point I got really excited and then I wiggled my toes to get out because I was too dam happy I needed to see all my shit the moment I wake up and then I slowly started getting out and when I tell you I cried for like a good dam minute when I woke up and saw how DIFFERENT. My room looked. I literally screamed onto my pillow. I was so dam scare and yet excited to see how I looked.
Desired body and face
Having silky straight tailbone length hair cuz mines was originally curly
And everything in my sub playlist
My desired boyfriend and guys I made him be like Gojo Satoru ( because we are all delusional over him 🤪) and let me tell you he is so tall, handsome, sexy and a literal god. He is so silly too 🩷
Moving countries I now live in ny
Never actually meeting my ex and all the people in my old school forget me and have actually never even met me. Like if u asked them about me they have never heard or known me before
Extremely rich rich like hella bands
Got rid of my anxiety and mental health issue
Plus +++
Even if the circumstances seem to be eating you alive don’t mind that too much. Even if all seems hopeless don’t give up because you already know nothing can decide or be unless you give it power to be. So stop being goofy and take responsibility and DONT STRESS!! You don’t see God stressing do you. All he has to do is blink and whatever he wants to happen, happens. Plus a lot of confidence came from non dualism that I owe a huge thanks to @trynafindbarbiee she really said it like it is !!
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mypoisonedvine · 10 months
another idea for dr crane but i'm afraid it might be too similar to thoughtless so please just ignore if it is!!: from personal experience, being a patient of his who is seeing him bc of sexual trauma. fear of penetration due to previous sexual assault. and ofc he's all about exposure therapy. and you wanna trust him so so bad bc he wants what's best for you, he's encouraging you ("you deserve to embrace your sexuality, you get past this one barrier and you're free"), but you start to fight back. and he takes personal offense bc he's your doctor, why don't you trust his expertise? but then it starts to feel good~
idk i picture reader trying with a toy in front of him but he gets impatient sees she's struggling with going that extra step further so he takes control either with the toy or himself.
warnings: not actually that dark (I mean, it is cause he's her therapist lol but he's not nonconning her) but still manipulation, slightly medical kink?, praise kink
(oops this turned out pretty long how did that happen? lmao)
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"Did you try what we discussed last week?" he asked, and you pressed your knees together as you looked down and shook your head. "Really? You seemed very positive about it before."
"I was," you admitted. "It seemed really easy-- just sort of training myself, you know. But then I got home and... I guess it was a little overwhelming."
"Hm," he said, and you started to feel guilty for disappointing him. "That's interesting-- it seems like you were more comfortable here than at home. I figured it would be the other way around."
"Yeah, that would make more sense, I guess," you shrugged, "but-- I dunno..."
"Do you want to try again?" he wondered.
"I do," you admitted, "but I'm nervous that I'll start panicking again..."
"Then why don't you try here?"
You tensed up at just the suggestion; "Wouldn't that be... I mean, isn't that...?"
"I'm a medical doctor," he reminded you with a chuckle, "I've seen much worse. This is simply part of your treatment. I want you to get better."
You took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay," you decided. "Okay, I can try it."
"Great," he smiled, uncrossing his legs and resetting his clipboard in his lap. "We agreed before that you'd be more comfortable with your fingers than silicone dilators, is that still--?"
"Yes," you interrupted, "definitely. Feels too... clinical, otherwise."
He nodded, and there was a brief silence.
"So, do I just... start?"
"I'd like you to try," he said gently.
You noticed that his gaze never broke away from you, but you looked down into your lap as you started to slowly spread your legs. "So I just.. reach under my dress?"
"That should be fine," he encouraged. "There's nothing to be afraid of-- this is a safe space."
You nodded in agreement, pulling up your dress enough to reach into your panties. Sighing, you tried not to let nerves get the better of you as you pushed your lips apart with your fingers. But still, the anxiety was bubbling up, and you pressed the tip of your finger to your hole only to feel resistance alongside your distress. "I-- I don't think I can--"
"It's alright," he soothed, "start with the outside first-- stimulate your clitoris."
You choked on a laugh, still too nervous to look at him. "You really are a medical doctor..."
"What, too formal?" he chuckled. "Alright... rub your clit."
That shocked you even more than the clinical language; but it made you pulse inside, too. "O-okay..."
You pressed your fingers against the bud, trying to rub it, but it didn't really feel like anything-- like rubbing your elbow or something. Jonathan corrected you right away: "Not so hard," he said, "start gently."
"Sorry," you breathed, shutting your eyes.
"No-- it's fine," he assured, "I just want to help."
He was right, though; when you lessened the pressure and gently rubbed in circles, it started to feel good-- slowly, but surely. When your next breath came out shaky, you heard him hum with satisfaction.
"Is that better?" he asked.
"Yes," you answered, but you didn't mean for it to be a moan.
"I think you're ready," he informed you-- and something about his voice, it was lower than before, it was different... it was making you wet.
"Ready... for what?" you whispered, daring to open your eyes and see the darkness in his expression as he watched you.
"Ready to fuck yourself with your fingers."
"Oh," you sighed, feeling like you'd been punched in the gut-- in the best possible way. "Okay..."
"Just one to start," he encouraged, "put a finger inside yourself, nice and slow."
You sighed as you pressed the finger up to your hole again, smiling as you realized it was more open-- and wet-- than before. You gently pressed in further, finding some pressure but pushing through it until you were knuckle deep in yourself. You smiled happily; "I did it," you breathed, "oh my god, I-- I never thought I'd--"
"Don't stop," he cooed, "move it back and forth. If you do well enough, you can add a second finger."
You figured he meant it that you would be able to add a second finger, but it almost sounded like a bargain, like a reward. Do what I say and I'll let you add a second, or something. Surely that wasn't what he meant.
"A little faster," he encouraged as you pumped the finger. "That's it, very good."
You whimpered, biting down on your lip to hide your moan. You wanted him to say that again, to tell you that you were doing this correctly.
"Add the second now," he instructed, his own voice suddenly sounding a little hoarse and needy. "Stretch yourself out-- and tell me how it feels."
"It feels good," you panted as you started to add your second finger, whining at the stretch. "Fuck, I-- will they both fit?"
He chuckled a little-- a low, rough sound-- and promised you: "Yes, they'll fit. You can take a lot more than two fingers, with some patience."
You hadn't even imagined being able to do more than this-- for years, you hadn't been able to put anything inside you, and now here you were... fingering yourself in front of your therapist. "How much more?" you wondered, hardly imagining how it could be possible.
There was a long, long pause; you worried he hadn't heard you. Looking at him again, you found him watching with a tight jaw.
"How much more can I take, Dr. Crane?" you asked again.
"You can take anything I give you," he answered tensely.
A shiver ran up your spine; "F-fuck," you whimpered, and your walls pulsed around your fingers.
"You're going to come, aren't you?" he noticed, and you nodded. "Good."
You gasped.
"Very good," he egged you on, seeing the effect it had on you; your head tilted back as you pushed your fingers into yourself faster. "You're doing very well for me-- now I just need to see you come. I just need you to make yourself come."
"Yes, yes," you chanted, hips rocking, moans growing louder. "It feels good-- fuck, Doctor, I--"
"I know," he soothed, "just let it happen. Keep going. Come for me."
It hit you all at once, a heavy and numbing feeling that left you shaking on his couch; he purred out his praises, telling you how good you were doing, and it only made the feeling stronger.
When you exhausted yourself, you stilled; there was a moment of silence, just your panting filling the air, until you found the strength to meet his gaze again. He was smiling at you sweetly, looking oddly similar to how he always did at the end of a session. "That was incredible progress," he said proudly. "You should be very impressed with yourself."
You sighed as you nervously pulled your fingers out of yourself. "I-- do you have a tissue I can wipe these with?" you asked nervously.
"No need," he said, "you should taste it."
"Wh-what?" you choked out, your face even warmer than before.
"Just taste it-- I think you'll like it," he encouraged.
Though you hesitated for a second, you brought your wet fingers to your lips and gently licked off some of the sticky substance left behind.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"It's sort of strange," you admitted.
"It's an acquired taste," he shrugged, making your heart pound as you realized just from the look in his eyes that this was absolutely a taste he'd acquired... then again, there must have been a reason that he knew even better than you how to touch yourself and make you come.
Then, it was impossible not to imagine what he's like when he does this off the clock-- the way he touches and pleasures the women he takes to bed. You imagined him with his fingers inside lace panties, whispering in her ear about how good she was being for him; you imagined him pushing two inside and promising to give her more; you imagined him making her come, over and over, until he's satisfied and brings those soaked fingers to his lips and calling her delicious.
And even though you tried not to picture who that woman would be, you couldn't help but wonder if he'd like a woman like you... if you were the type he'd do that to, if you weren't his patient.
"Thank you," you blurted out. "I never thought I'd be able to... thank you. It's been a long time since I was able to feel that."
He nodded. "Thank you for trusting me," he replied. Glancing at the clock, he sighed a little through a polite smile: "Oh, look at that, we're out of time for today. This has been a really excellent session."
"Yeah," you agreed as you both stood up, "definitely."
"And next week, we can discuss the next steps in your recovery."
You raised your eyebrows when you heard that, already almost halfway out of the office. "Next steps?" you noticed.
"Yes," he agreed, "you made great progress, but there's still so much more for you to learn."
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tink27 · 6 months
Steddie ficlet (might do a follow up to show Eddie's reaction)
"He likes a boy"
after years of friendship, and being joined at the proverbial hip, Robin liked to think she could read Steve pretty well, however, his love of being just vague enough to confuse her made this difficult.
"who likes a what now?" still trying to get a read on Steve's feelings, but as of right now he just seemed, disconnected. Since showing up unexpectedly at her house, he had maintained that far-away sort of look that showed that even Steve didn't know what he was feeling.
"Eddie... he... we were hanging out and he" finally he fully met Robin's gaze, and the heartbroken edge to his vacant stare became evident "he was implying, heavily, that he likes me"
"... likes likes you?"
Steve's expression briefly switched to mocking disbelief at her childish choice of words, but he didn't have the energy for any kind of clever retort
"Yes Robin! like likes me!" throwing up his hands before allowing them to smack down against their Jeans ("their" because they fit them both and had been making the rotation between both Steve and Robin's wardrobe for months, she wasn't entirely sure who they belonged to to begin with, not that it mattered)
"And you're... upset?" This was baffling because in the months since Eddie returned for the upside-down, the two had never been closer. Far too many shifts consisted of Steve waxing poetic about Eddie while Robin vaguely tried to relate and be supportive. Although why Steve seemed so utterly smitten as he talked about Eddie's hair or musical elitism would never really make sense to Robin. But still, she saw how they were together.
Steve had a bad track record for love, pouring every part of himself into another person in a way that was truly heartbreaking to watch. However, it became significantly less heartbreaking when it was accompanied by Eddie's eyes following Steve around every room, and always looking to him in conversations no matter who was there because it was Steve's opinion and thoughts that mattered to him most. They truly were obsessed with each other, and honestly, Robin had been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So Steve's stricken expression made no sense, nor did his frustration that Robin - despite being his platonic soulmate - didn't magically understand the issue he was having.
"I dont know Robs, its just he likes... Steve Harrington" his voice was defeated as he said it, but it still explained nothing
"....you're Steve Harrington" The confusion in her voice was evident "Am I missing something here, this isn't a 'King Steve' thing is it, because Eddie has made it pretty clear that he thought you were a jerk back then"
the noise of frustration from Steve showed she clearly had missed the point and never had she wished so badly to read her best friend's mind as when the tears began to well up in his eyes. She wanted to hug him, but knew from experience that Steve needed to get the thoughts out first.
There was a minute of silence that Robin had to try desperately to not break, every instinct wanting to spit out an awkward and unhelpful comment to lighten the mood, but she knew she just had to wait.
"I'm not..." the words seemed to get lodged in his throat, even those two words came out scratchy and uncomfortable
He squeezed his eyes shut "I'm not a boy"
Steve opened their eyes, with a desperate expression "I'm not a boy"
It was a statement but also a plea. Begging for Robin to know exactly what to say. She didnt.
"you're not a boy." Robin made sure to sound confident, at least she could pretend to know what she was doing. It seemed okay because they gave an awkward nod, head moving slightly too much for it to seem natural
"you're.... a girl?"
the tears seemed to spill the second she said it, and a choked noise lodged itself in their (her?) throat, but after a moment of panicked pause their eyes screwed shut and they nodded but also shrugged. Clearly just as confused by their discomfort as Robin is.
"Okay, thats okay Ste-" shit, stupid "that's okay babe, you're still you, and hey I might be... severely romantically challenged but even I know Eddie is obsessed with you"
there's a brief watery smile before the corners of her lips are pulled down "He likes Steve, he wouldn't like me"
"Horse shit" Robin wasn't as confident as she was trying to sound, but she knew that her best friend was still her best friend and that anyone who didn't adore her was an idiot (as all best friends know)
she moved to sit next to her friend who had ended up on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest, and once again the silence was allowed to stretch out before them, only broken up by heartbroken sniffles and shakey breaths
"so..." Robin wished more than any other moment that she wasn't so awkward "Not Steve?"
"I-" the thought gets broken off " It doesn't feel right, doesn't feel like it's me"
"whats you?" two words encapsulating a question that was near impossible to answer, but it still felt right to ask, to show that Robin wanted to know the answer.
the expression on her face showed that her friend also thought the question unanswerable, and a frustrated shrug fell from her
Robin hated that defeated expression, so she tried "Michelle?"
Clearly, the scrunched-up expression implied it wasn't a fit
"Hannah?" no not that
"Sarah?" seemed less disgusted but still no
"Becky?" okay back to disgust, moving on
"OH! Punch me if this sucks, but... Stevie?" Robin felt the need to justify her choice, showing that she wasn't just trying to make her keep her old name "Like Stevie Nicks! I could see that, dye your hair blonde, get some bangs"
the comment about changing her hair was obviously met with a scowl, but after a soft smile found its way onto her face "Stevie feels better"
Robin had never felt so smart, she was a fucking genius "Stevie is it babe"
Stevie spent moments looking at her, seemingly deep in thought before softly speaking "Thank you Robin"
it seemed too formal for them, to say it so directly with her name like that, but she could tell that Stevie was really grateful so Robin held back the tears (one of them had to be the butch one in this relationship)
"no problem babe" it was spoken just as softly as the thanks, and for now it seemed enough
"Now, tell me what happened with Eddie"
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tragedyslut · 2 months
bully abby x nerd reader. LET'S THINK ABOUT IT
♡ shes totally not your type ♡
✶ [a.anderson] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — you could never like abby. she was nothing but a bully, she's totally not your type. pt2 🪽
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there was no way you could ever like Abby. she was so mean. she was in most of your classes, and you couldn't stand her presence. she was everything you weren't. athletic, muscular, tough.
every time she saw you, it was either a nudge, a snicker, or some sort of tease. she couldn't stand you, obviously. you were a nerd, so to speak. you weren't muscular, or tough, or athletic. and you could tell she hated that.
on one specific day, you were hanging around out the back of the school. you just, liked it back there. it was quiet, somewhere you could think.
you thought nobody was there, until you felt someone push you out the way. it was Abby. of course it was.
she pushed you up against the wall, getting really close to you. you were so close you could practically be considered conjoined at the hip, it was definitely not comfortable.
" what the fuck are you doing out here? " Abby growled out, grabbing your shoulders and getting even closer. she smelled like lynx men cologne. the most obnoxious one, which wasn't surprising. (yes she wears lynx men. fight me.)
" .. nothing.. just- walking around. I like coming here to think.. " you mumbled out, intimidated by her being so close.
she scowled, roughly pushing you against the wall. you hit your head, and you felt your vision go black for a minute.
you saw Abbys face turn from pure hatred to fear when she saw you get visibly dizzy.
" fuck- are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you that hard- " she said, visibly panicked as she shook you to get some kind of reaction. she was clearly freaking the hell out, which was new.
" yea.. just.. dizzy. I'll be fine. " you said, staggering a bit. Abby gave you a look that said 'whathefucknoyouarenot' before dragging you over to the bleachers which sat nearby, she sat down with you on one of them. you felt a bit less dizzy, mostly just really confused. why the hell was one of the most popular, (most sexy) , and more importantly, your biggest bully, trying to help you right now?
you were convinced that you were somehow dreaming. that this was all one big joke. you half expected Abby to flykick you off the side of the bleachers about now. but instead, she was sitting there staring. she kept mumbling out 'im sorry' s and 'areyouokay's but you didn't really answer her. seeing her up close, when she wasn't ready to tear your face off and beat you up and down the school.. she was really pretty. you couldn't help but get lost in her. she was so mean.. but also so nice.
your fantasies were interrupted by Abby roughly shaking you. " you gonna answer me? are you okay? still dizzy? " she said, still seeming slightly panicked. you couldn't respond, just staring at her.
" .. do you uhm.. like girls? " you blurted out. maybe you hit your head too hard, or maybe suddenly you had the ego of a 6'2 jock. either way, you had just said that, out loud to her.
the look she gave you could've killed 20 soldiers. she was looking at you like you had grown horns.
" what the hell did you just say to me?! how hard did you hit your fucking head?! " she yelled. you couldn't make out her tone this time over your embarrassment. that also meant you didn't notice her blushing. the way she was stuttering and jumbling your words.
of course she liked girls, I mean look at her. but she wouldn't admit that to anyone. especially not you. you were so.. below her. but yet, you were so attractive to her. your eyes, your hair. everything.
for once, she wanted to blurt out her entire life story to someone. she wanted that person to be you.
so, she swallowed her pride,(quite literally),clearing her throat a few times before she mumbled out a quiet,
" .. yea. uhm.. I do. "
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
Request for Touch Starved if possible.
I need a moment where JK actually deeply understands that MC loves him. Not situationally. Thanks ❤️
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Sometimes, Jungkook wants to be a bit selfish. He's got the urge to occasionally just withhold certain info about you just so it stays something only he will ever get to do with you. He wants to have Yoongi care for you, yes- because you love him, and you deserve all of that.
But what is Jungkook to you then? Just a comfort person? Just something you don't want to miss?
"Did you two fight?" Yoongi wonders, making Jungkook look at him before he shakes his head. "Oh. Because she said you did."
"No we didn't?" Jungkook responds, brows all scrunched up in confusion. "She was with you the entire weekend anyways, how would we have the time to fight?" He wonders to no one in particular, while Yoongi looks at him now a bit baffled.
"She thought you didn't want to come with us." Yoongi tells Jungkook. "Because you only really take care of her when she's regressing."
Wait. Jungkook pauses, before he sorts out his thoughts. "Wait- she thinks I only want to be with her when she's regressing?" He asks, and Yoongi shrugs, before nodding.
"I mean that's what your relationship has been like until now, right?" He asks, and Jungkook has to agree that pretty much yeah, that's how it's always been. Your inner puppy seeks him out, yes- but you don't. Right?
Wrong. Because a few hours later at the pack dorms, he can feel your eyes on him like little lasers burning into his skin. You're also obviously wearing his sweater, the thing way too big on you but it seems to be perfect, because you're practically trying to hide in it.
And later, when he's retreated into his room, suddenly Yoongi walks in, closes the door behind him-
tugging you with him by the hood of the sweater you wear, your panicked eyes watching him pleadingly.
"Alright, I hate this bullshit." Yoongi crosses his arms, refusing to give you any comfort. "Jungkook, you love her, right?" He asks, and Jungkook's eyes are as wide as dinner plates as he feels himself called out, before he slowly nods a little, earning a surprised stare from you.
"huh.?" You wonder, looking at him. It's clear that you're not regressing at all, but obviously bothered by something.
"I mean, yeah? It's- I thought I was obvious with it.." Jungkook mumbles, while you shake your head.
"You like me when I'm.. like, you know." You say, sleeves of his sweater empty as you'd slipped out of them to hug yourself instead.
"What? No!" Jungkook argues. "You only want me when you're like that." He responds, and you open your mouth as if offended.
"Where did you get that idea from?!" You challenge. "I want you all the time!" You say, before you both just stare at each other for a good moment.
"Cool, now that we've solved that, can you both hug or something so I can stop having to listen to her whine the entire time how Jungkookie doesn't love her?" Yoongi jokingly sighs, making the young wolf in question shake his head and open his arms to hold you close.
"No, I very much love you no matter what." Jungkook tells you, and your arms slip through the sleeves again to hold onto him properly.
"Did you really not know that I liked you all the time?" You ask him, and he shakes his head.
"No-" He starts, genuinely confused. "I thought you only saw me as like.. a comfort person." he shrugs. You shake your head.
"I though you didn't like me but.." You explain, "..that you, I don't know, felt bad and took care of me because I was part of the pack." You say.
"I did it because I had a crush on you forever now." Jungkook chuckles a bit embarrassed.
"..you did?" You ask, face moving to look up at him.
"I did." He says, slowly leaning down-
When Yoongi clears his throat, pulling you both apart and making you realize that you're not alone. "Hey no, don't make me bother you, go ahead-" Yoongi jokes. "-but please if you're about to fuck let me know and I'll leave you be." He says, making you growl and throw a nearby pillow at the wolf.
"I think we need some.. family-friendly bonding time, don't you think, puppy?" Jungkook asks, and you nod-
both of you pulling the older wolf into bed with you two, to cuddle and eventually even fall asleep all tangled up with one another.
Finally on the same page.
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nikethestatue · 11 months
Plot Twist
for my darling beautiful hilariously funny kind and irreverent @impossiblescissorspeachpaper
Happy birthday, my love! I hope you find this familiar and enjoy this gift. This also goes to @tswaney17 because she is the star of this. And all the girlies!
Based on a true story
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There he was. The most beautiful man in the world. 
Strong and lean. Muscular. Powerful legs steadily pumping the pedals. Thighs of a Greek god. Arms of a Roman god. Face worthy of a Raphael’s painting. 
He was so handsome, she wanted to cry.
He also paid her exactly zero attention.
She loved this trail and has been jogging around the pond, the hilly slopes, the grassy knolls, and the paths shaded by massive cypresses and oaks for two years now. Bicyclists, frankly, were usually nothing but a nuisance. They sort of tried to stick to their side of the path, but it was like they were just so very important they expected everyone to move and give way. 
Well, she was Elain fucking Archeron, and she wasn’t moving for nobody!
She pretended not to hear the annoying sound of the bike bell, but then someone was shouting ‘On your left!’ and she made a panicked swerve to avoid being hit by the cyclist. 
“Dipshit,” her sister Nesta muttered next to her, throwing daggers at the cyclists’ backs, as they rolled smoothly past the two sisters.
“T!” Elain muttered in turn, blushing. 
Nesta, who usually went by T, because she felt that her name was too weird for an average American to comprehend, was sharp and bristly, and would’ve been perfectly fine getting into a shouting match for a bunch of muscular bikers. Elain was…well, not cowardly exactly, but she preferred to think of herself as rational. Yes, she was a rational person who did get into fights with strangers.
She just ogled them.
This one particular stranger.
Pulling her AirPods out of her ears, Nesta threw Elain a withering glance and said, without slowing down, while Elain was beginning to pant.
“Why don’t you just approach him?”
“No way!” Elain exclaimed in horror. “I am not approaching strange men in parks!”
Nesta rolled her eyes and then gritted out,
“Can’t you think of something? Not weird, but just…friendly?”
“No!” Elain wiped her brow, as she attempted to keep pace with her more athletic sister. “Because it’s always weird. It’s like that scene from ‘Get Hard’, where they go to the gay bar brunch and Kevin Hart is instructing Will Ferrell on how to approach a man and ask him to suck dick! And Will Ferrell is like ‘Oh hi, hello. Can I…uh…can I suck your dick?’...”
Nesta was laughing. Elain was ridiculous, but also adorable in her inability to approach men, have conversations with them, or even look at them without being painfully obvious. Elain, her sweet sister, who was pretty as a peony, smart and funny, who wrote excellent fanfiction for her favourite series ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ and was a superstar on AO3, who volunteered at dog shelters, and dreamt of brooding dark dominant men, who’d come into her life and sweep her off her feet–Elain had no game. None. 
Nesta wasn’t exactly surprised that the idea of approaching the biking hunk was abhorrent to Elain. She’d never even consider it. 
“Well, it’s that, or Tinder,” Nesta shrugged, her expression somehow fatalistic.
Elain shuddered and shook her head vigorously.
“Why?!” she demanded. “Why can’t I just meet a good man and fall in love,”
“You don’t want to fall in love with a good man,” Nesta argued. “You want to fall in love with a bad boy with knuckle tattoos!”
“No I don’t,” Elain argued prissily, though she was blushing ferociously, and Nesta knew that she hit the spot. “Why would I want someone like that?!”
“Why? Because you think that Zade Meadows is a romantic. And your Pinterest is filled with hot dudes with knuckle tattoos. You literally have a board named ‘Hot Dudes with Tattoos’.”
Elain stared at her sister in abject horror.
“You snooped??!?!” she screeched. “You snooped on my Pinterest?!!?”
“Simmer down. It’s not like I went through your PornHub history! Jeez,” Nesta shook her head.
“I don’t have a PornHub history!” Elain exclaimed.
They were standing in the shade, and Nesta was stretching her long, slender limbs. She didn’t need to stop, but her less fit sister definitely did. Therefore, Nesta pretended like she needed to massage her hamstring and roll her shoulders. 
“El, you need to go after what you want,” Nesta insisted. She knew the conversation was pointless and Elain never would, but it didn’t hurt to remind her. “Listen, you are a 30 year old virgin,”
“I am not a virgin!” Elain’s eyes popped out of their sockets in righteous indignation.
Nesta cocked her brow and put her hands on her hips.
“Yes! No! I am not a virgin! Also, I am not 30!” Elain yelled. “I am not a virgin!”
Two things happened.
The hot cyclist, and his posse, were just below them, resting and drinking, parked at the curve of the road. Elain’s shouting about the state of her hymen to the whole world solicited sniggers and chuckles, and the hot dude lifted his head and looked up. 
Nesta could see the appeal–he was handsome indeed. Excellent body. A smirk on his lips–which she felt was warranted–as he looked at her sister, while Elain was about to explode where she stood. The rest of the cyclists saluted them, grinning and laughing, and got on their way, while the Hot One lingered behind. He was staring upward, his eyes skimming over Elain’s voluptuous body, gliding over her ample chest and her long slender legs.
The second thing that happened was Elain scrambled backwards, gasping like a fish out of water, staring at him in horror. Before Nesta could make a snide remark about hoping that the Hot One was up for the challenge of deflowering a virgin, Elain tripped on the rocks, slipped and fell on her ass. Her leg shot out in front of her, pushing on a large rock, which skidded down the path and bounced against the dry slope. It was like watching a murder in slow motion. They all saw it. Elain–arms outstretched in silent horror. Nesta, her hand flying to her mouth, while screaming ‘look out’ and then the Hot One being knocked on the head by the rock.
“OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!” Elain screamed violently. “I killed him!”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Nesta took off at once, running as fast as she could down the path, with Elain flailing her arms and hurrying behind her. 
“Is he dead?” Elain wailed loudly, “I killed him!”
“Fuck, I hope not,” Nesta muttered to herself. 
They finally reached the man, who was splayed on the dirt path, arms out, head bleeding.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” Elain clucked incessantly, watching him in horror.
“Yeah, he is gonna need some help,” Nesta decided.
“Am I going to prison? For murder?” Elain cried.
“Well, let’s see if he is dead,”
“He can’t be dead!”
Callously, Nesta murmured, “could be dead…”
“T! What the hell!”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have been announcing to the world that you are a freakin’ virgin and none of this would’ve happened!”
Elain dropped to her knees in front of the man and pushed her face to his chest, and her fingers to his neck, feeling and listening for his heartbeat.
“I am not a virgin!” she grumbled angrily.
“Yeah?” Nesta demanded. “And what are you?”
“I’ve had sex!”
“With who?”
“Men! With lots of men!”
“Yeah, okay Mata Hari,”
“He is alive!” Elain declared excitedly, while Nesta was dialling her phone.
“Well, thank god for small miracles. Guess you aren't going to prison after all.”
“Shut up,” Elain pouted.
Smirking to herself, Nesta turned away from her sister and then tossed over her shoulder, “I think he needs mouth to mouth.”
“Yeah, you know, CPR. Give him CPR. Revive him.”
Unsure, Elain looked down at the unconscious man and murmured,
“But…I…but it’s like kissing…”
“Okay, well, it’s not really kissing, but you’ve had sex with many men, so kissing shouldn’t be an issue for you,” Nesta noted. 
“Elain! You might save his life!” Nesta cried out dramatically. The things she had to do to get her sister a boyfriend!
Then, she added, “911 is telling me to give him CPR!”
She was lying of course. 
Reluctantly, Elain crouched over him and wincing, pressed her lips to his.
Someone somewhere was having a good laugh at her expense.
This was just hilarious. Her first kiss should be with an unconscious guy who probably got brain damage because of her.
“Deeper!” Nesta urged her on. 
“Yeah, yeah, that’s what 911 is saying. Put some…you know…muscle into it!”
Elain frowned, but breathed more air into the man’s lungs. She didn't want to think about how soft his lips were and how he smelled nice–something earthy and citrusy. He definitely took good care of himself, and even clad in all spandex, she could smell the cologne on him. 
“They are on their way,” Nesta said, placing the phone back into her arm pocket. 
She looked down at Elain who was still trying to revive him, and then commented,
“His package is…moderate.”
Elain’s head jerked up and she stared at her sister in disgust.
“What is wrong with you?!” she demanded, “he is half-dead and you are looking at his…his…”
“What?” Nesta teased.
“Yes. His modestly moderate penis.”
“You are gross!”
“Why isn't he waking up?” Nesta crossed her arms on her chest. “What a wimp.”
In the distance they heard the wailing of a siren.
“I hit him with a rock!” Elain exclaimed, “a boulder!”
“Please. It was a pebble.”
Elain gently smacked his cheek, and then dipped back in to blow more air in his lungs.
“Please wake up…”
With a moan, the man twitched and groaned, and then hissed,
“Who the fuck are you?!”
Taken aback by his tone, Elain quickly explained, “We called an ambulance…I am sorry…I am just trying to revive you,”
“Trying to revive me?” he grunted menacingly. “Maybe don’t fucking throw rocks at me in the first place. No wonder you are a virgin!”
Elain blushed profusely and gasped, “I am sorry?”
Nesta frowned at his tone and stepped forward.
“Simmer down, bud,”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” he snapped, “she threw a rock at me,”
“It was obviously an accident,”
“Yeah, an accident where I have a rock embedded in my head.”
“It’s a scratch. Calm down,” Nesta argued lazily.
“Can I get you anything?” Elain offered softly.
“Yeah, step off, missy,” he suggested and then tried to move, but moaned loudly instead.
“This guys sucks,” Nesta whispered, “I wish we didn’t help him,”
“What did you just say?” he glowered at Nesta but she ignored him.
Thankfully, the tense moment was interrupted by four brawny paramedics who were running up the path.
They surrounded the man, asking him questions, taking vitals, looking at the gushing wound on his head which was spewing blood.
Nesta shrugged and said, “Head wounds always bleed a lot.”
“Nesta, he got hit in the head by a rock!” Elain reminded her crossly. “Come on, let’s go. We’ll follow them to the hospital.”
“We have to go to the hospital with him?” Nesta gritted indignantly.
The drive to the regional hospital was only fifteen minutes long, during which Nesta was silent, but rolling her eyes excessively.
…”It’s been almost two hours. How much longer do we need to sit here?”
It has been almost two hours. They’ve been sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by some ‘shady people’ in Nesta’s words. She kept trying to guess what was wrong with each individual, proposing things like “definitely herpes!” and “you think a bear attack?” and “oh god, this dude is hacking out a lung!” and “I think the clap!” and “jeez, I hope it’s not ebola”.
Elain was chewing on her nail, her head jerking every time the door opened, as she waited for the cops to come in and arrest her.
She looked up at the sound of a deep, gravelly voice.
The first thing she saw were big, scarred hands holding an IPad. Large male hands, covered in tattoos. Each finger and knuckle has a symbol of some kind inked into the tanned skin. Looking up, Elain was faced with a man dressed in civilian clothes, but in a blue scrubs coat, which, it seemed, he wore out of expectation, rather than necessity.
“Miss…?” he repeated, and she just stared at him.  Because he was breathtaking.
“Elain,” she answered, her voice hollow, her eyes roaming over the man’s imposing physique and enormous height.
“Mamma mia,” Elain heard Nesta’s breathless whisper behind her.
Mamma mia indeed.
“Miss Elain then?”
“Yeah. Elain,” Elain repeated stupidly.
He smirked and said,
“I am Doctor Azriel King. You came in with Mr. Nolan?”
“What?” she mumbled, unable to tear her eyes away from the stunning beauty of this man, who was all sharp angles and gorgeous hazel eyes, which were a dreamy combination of gold and earthy brown and emerald green. Thick black hair, stylishly cut, crowned this exceptional specimen of raw, aggressive masculinity. Even his neck had tattoos. Elain was beginning to hyperventilate. If she fainted here, would this Dr. King give her mouth to mouth? If she knew he was a doctor here, she’d come here every day to faint!
“Mr. Nolan, Graysen Nolan,” he glanced at the IPad, “you came here with him? He said that you hit him with a rock?”
“Is he going to be okay?”
“Yeah, no concussion. Just a bad cut on his forehead, for which he received stitches.”
A smirk played on his beautiful mouth.
“Mr. Nolan doesn’t tolerate pain very well it seems.”
“Did he cry like a little bitch?” Nesta huffed, standing behind Elain.
“I would say…” he pretended to think for a second and then grinned. “Yeah. Yeah he did.”
Eyes back on Elain, he asked,
“Why did you hit him with a rock?”
“I didn’t!” she said defensively. “I mean, I did, but I didn’t do it on purpose.”
He looked her over, something dark and desirous flashing in his unusual eyes and said sternly,
“You shouldn’t be hitting people with rocks, Elain. Especially your boyfriends."
“Usually I don’t. And he is not my boyfriend! You are a doctor here?” she blurted out and then blushed furiously.
He gave her a slow, languid look, and then drew his thumb over his lower lip, sizing her up in the same manner he would a delicious, sinful meal.
“The hospital is low on staff. I am filling in. I usually travel during forest fire season with smoke jumpers,”
“Oh my god, that’s so dangerous!” Elain gasped.
“Yeah, tell it to my brother Cassian. He’s been a smoke jumper for 7 years. I head their medical team.”
Abruptly, he changed gears, and looked at Nesta.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
Her eyes bugged out and she cried, “Excuse me?!”
“It’s just that you are exactly his type–sharp and beautiful.”
For once, it was Nesta who was out of things to say. She just glared at him in shock.
“She is available!” Elain piped in right away. “She is not seeing anyone. Does he look like you?”
Dr. King laughed softly, and Elain fell in love with the sound at once.
“He sure does. Just brawnier.”
Elain turned to her sister and hissed at Nesta, “his brother looks like him!”
“I…I…I am not going out with a smoke jumper!” Nesta protested feebly.
Dr. King popped his lips and said, “well, you are in luck! This is his last season. We are both done, and he won’t be smelling like a smoked mackerel anymore.”
Elain giggled. That caused him to look back at her, and he drew the tip of his tongue over his lips.
She swallowed. Loudly.
“And you?” he asked.
“How serious are you about Graysen Nolan?”
He smiled a savage smile.
“That’s what I thought.”
Extending his scarred hand to her, he ordered, “phone”.
Wordlessly, Elain handed him her phone, courteously unlocking it for him.
He took it and quickly typed something into it.
“Cassian’s number. And mine. Your name, miss?”
“Nesta,” Nesta breathed.
“Perfect. He’ll love it.”
He handed the phone back to Elain and said,
“You and I are going on a date tonight. Seven PM."
She just stared at him in shock.
"I am not a stalker," he assured her lightly, those eyes sparkling with mischief. "Unless you want me to be a stalker?"
"Ummm, not particularly."
"Alright then. Just a bit then. Not Zade Meadows level stalker,"
The expression of shock and bewilderment only intensified on her face.
"You know Zade?" she gasped.
"Well, not personally. He is a character in a book. But I am familiar. So. I shall see you at seven tonight. And every night after that.”
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imnotselfryed · 1 year
hi there👋🏼 it's me again (non-sexual touching with Din) since I might be here again, just think of me as your friendly neighbourhood AceAnon.
i humbly request another Din Djarin fluff drabble in which Din is mesmerised by the way reader looks at him when he takes his helmet off❤️ (they're married at this point) and he asks her why she's looking at him like that and she goes "I don't think it's fair that you're been hiding that pretty face all this time" and he's just blushing profusely because 1.she thinks he's pretty and 2.she looks at him like he hung the stars
again, feel free to ignore me.
omg hiya aceanon! so sorry this took decades I was going through a huge writers block! hope you enjoy
(and thanks to @letusbeseventeen for helping with the beginning ilysm pequeño huevo)
New Faces [d. djarin]
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word count: 814 | rating: G | pairing: gn!reader x mandalorian (let me know if i used any pronouns)
☆ Now newly wedded, you finally see your riduur’s face for the first ever time
content/warnings: just fluffy fluff! <3, not proofread
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The two of you limped into the Crest after a tiring mission. Thankfully, the both of you only had minor injuries but you were still in pain after trying to wrap up the small cut you got from that mission. 
It was now surprisingly quiet, a bit too quiet you thought. You sat in the passenger seat with Grogu in hand while Din settled in the pilot seat, pressing buttons to get the Crest started up. You were both trying to unwind and finally rest but you couldn’t help and observe your husband, looking at his cold and stoic figure. He looked..uncomfortable. He looked in pain after that mission, sore. You noticed how he didn’t have any of his other armor on, except his helmet. The helmet that kept his face from showing to you, or anyone for that matter.
You remember him saying he might show you soon, now that the two of you were married but now, it’s like he’s sort of forgotten. You didn’t want to bug him about it though because if he took it off, he’d be going against his creed, his people. You couldn’t help but ask though, feeling sort of bad once it came out of your mouth.
“Do you have a reason why you haven't decided to take off your helmet around me yet orrrr... cause surely it would be more comfy after that mission…right?”
Din turned around to look at you as your face clearly showed how sorry you were for asking that. You stared into the T-shaped visor of his helmet as it was so quiet, you could hear Grogu’s soft snores coming from your lap. 
“Possibly.” was all he said. You knew he probably wasn’t comfortable with that question and you regretted it once it actually sunk in. You decided that you’d let him actually get comfortable and not force him. He’ll show you one day.
Little did you know, today was that day.
The two of you were now relaxed in your seats, you dozing off sometimes and Din smiled sweetly at you, admiring your features. He’s always wondered how you could ever love a man like him, let alone marry.
You felt someone staring at you so you opened your eyes slowly and saw your Mandalorian looking at you. “What are you staring at?” you smirked.
“You, cyar’ika.” he started. “Look, sorry for the way I sounded when I said that. I just didn’t know how to react.”
You looked at Din, and how his body language spoke millions as he said this. Then, he did something you wouldn’t have expected him to do. Especially not today.
His hands went up to the sides of his helmet, as if he was about to take it off. You panicked slightly, feeling like it was your fault even to have the idea to reveal his face. You should have never asked that question, you thought to yourself but Din looked as if he wanted to do so. “Are you sure?” you asked softly as you put your hand on his. “Yes, I want to. I want to see you from my own eyes, your beauty, and not from this helmet.” 
The helmet hissed as he took it off and Maker, were you mesmerized. It's like you were looking at him as if he hung up all the stars in the galaxy.
His hair was curly, quite ruffled and messy from it being in the helmet all the time. His eyes were a dark brown as he looked at you softly and lovingly. His nose was aquiline with a small curve. His lips were a slight pink and curved up into a nervous and sheepish smile, wondering what you were thinking and you wanted to kiss them so badly. He had a mustache that decorated his top lip with patchy stubble along his jaw.
Din had a small blush painted on his face as he looked at your mesmerized expression. He was slightly nervous at how quiet you were, but he noticed your mouth was a bit agape as you stared at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he chuckled nervously. Sometimes you’ve always wondered what he looked like under there, and you were not disappointed in this moment.
“Well I don’t think it’s fair you’ve been hiding that pretty face all this time.”
Din was definitely flustered now knowing you think he’s pretty. You cupped his face and traced his jaw, just trying to feel his texture. You caressed his cheek as he leaned into your touch. You never took your eyes off him and he never did you. This was the first time the two of you had skin-to-skin contact, and it felt magical. 
You both just sat there and enjoyed each other's company. You were overjoyed to know that there was some softness behind that helmet.
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vshthestmpede · 1 year
please, don't go - romantic wolfwood + platonic sibling!vash
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wc; 725
cw; near-death experience, guns, canon violence
note; a little more angsty than my usual works but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless! any sort of criticism is always welcome <3
cross-posted to ao3
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"c'mon, stay with me."
you groaned loudly as there was some pressure placed on your abdomen. you wanted to push whoever was on you away and curl up but you could barely move.
"(name), please, open your eyes," a soft voice pleaded somewhere to your right. vash. you didn't even realize your eyes were closed but you did as asked, squinting at the harsh sunlight. "okay, that's a start, good. okay. alright."
he was panicking. you slowly turned your head to look at him and attempted to give him a reassuring smile but he couldn't calm down while his eyes darted between yours and the blood gushing from the bullet wound in your stomach.
"where the hell is wolfwood with the bandages?" meryl cursed, doing her best to keep her hands steady as she kept applying pressure. "don't worry, (name), it's going to be okay. he should be back any second."
she had hastily added that last part when you looked around and realized that your lover was nowhere to be seen. your heart dropped when everything caught up to you all at once: the fight, pushing nicholas out of the way, taking the bullet that was meant for him.
"n-nico." you tried to sit up but the combination of vash, meryl, and the excruciating pain forced you to lay back down. "is he okay?"
"he's fine, (name)! healed and dandy like always," meryl promised you, holding a hand up to vash to try and calm his nerves. "like i said, he should be back any -"
"BANDAGES." you flinched as a door slammed open and hurried footsteps came towards you. "oh my god that's so much blood."
meryl grabbed the bandages from him and began to work on patching you up, muttering something under her breath. wolfwood settled on your left, frantic hands running through your hair.
"the hell were you thinking?" he asked and you shrugged. "you think yelling and tackling me was a good idea?"
"you're okay, are you not?" you prompted and he sighed. "then i'm fine with my decision."
"i'm not too happy about it," vash piped up but you waved him off.
nicholas pulled a handful of vials from the inside of his jacket, holding him up. "you see these? these mean bullets are pretty much useless against me, my star. which means all this -" he gestured to your bleeding body "- was heroic, yes, but not needed."
"totally necessary," you concluded. "i think i totally took that guy off guard, too. made it easier for you guys to beat him."
nicholas chuckled. "well, yeah, screaming like a lunatic would throw anyone off their groove."
meryl finally got off of you, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "you should be good for now, (name), until we can get to a medic so they can get the bullet out. just. . .keep laying there for a bit, okay? i really need to wash my hands."
"thanks, meryl," you called as she shuffled away. "vash, go make sure she gets some rest."
vash pouted. "but i - my sibling just got shot and now they're sending me away. what a life."
"i got them, needle noggin," wolfwood reassured. "you'll be the first i call for if anything happens."
"fine, fine." vash pushed himself to his feet and, after giving you one more look, followed meryl.
"so, are you going to start referring to me as your personal knight in shining armor?" you teased, earning you a laugh and a kiss on the forehead. "on a serious note: you know i'd do anything to keep you safe, right?"
nicholas hummed, his lips trailing chaste kisses down your face until they reached yours. it was like that kiss brought all the energy and life back to your body as you reached up and cradled his face, running your thumb over his cheek.
he pulled away slowly and you realized there were tears running down his face.
"nico -"
"i know you'll go to the ends of the planet for me," he whispered, voice cracking a little as he sniffled, "but please, my star, stay with me forever. don't die for my sake. we have so much we need to do, so much to see. promise me."
"i-i promise." you nodded, wiping his tears away. "i'm not going anywhere, nico. i belong here, right with you."
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ameliagiovanna0 · 3 months
Thoughts on The Rookie 6x02
This might include some repeats of things I've already said/posted, but I wanted to include it here just to get all of my thoughts in one place lol
Daddy Cop 😂😂😂😂😂😂
For a hot second, I thought it was the wrong episode
The choir showed up and then the guitarist. PURE GOLD I LOVE IT SO MUUUCCCHHH
Nolan was so pissed 🤣
Henry called Bailey. Too cute
Nolan literally had a jump scare seeing Randy 😂 He's so unhinged and I love it every time
Luna is always wonderful. She's close to everyone under her husband's command too
Tim shutting his office door with Lucy standing outside was so despondent :(
Yes, the angst is there, but so is the humor, and that, overall, out-weighed the angst. The humor on this show is always top tier. I'm always here for it
The scene between Lucy, Tim, and Angela is one of my favorites, tbh. Angela is such a chaos gremlin and I love her for it. And more Chenford arguing. It's not light hearted like it usually is, but I like to see the different sides to their relationship.
Angela: Let what go? Tim and Lucy: Nothing.
... Tim: Fine. Whatever. Lucy: Great. Angela: Maybe I'll go too. Grab some popcorn on the way for the show Tim: You're not funny Angela: I'm hysterical. Ask Wesley THIS IS WHY I LOVE HER
Gotta admit, Nolan and Bailey both trying to keep each other from finding out things to keep the other calm is pretty cute.
This DJ is so unhinged lol. Bailey shooed Nolan out being like "please don't arrest this guy and make our wedding even more difficult than it already is." First the switchblade, then a robbery, and the molly was the last straw 😂 Bailey's face said it all
Lucy being like, "ok, go ahead" and Tim saying "ladies first" I just-- 😂😂 They're so perfect for each other
Reason #95238 that Lucy Chen is amazing: "I have to look amazing in a dress tomorrow. Nobody care what you look like. He's huge. I'm not fighting him." Tim fighting this giant ass dude simply because his girlfriend asked him to will never not be hilarious and pretty adorable to me. And the fact that the only reason she didn't want to fight him was because she wanted to look good in her dress will never not be badass to me
The Hammer just THREW Tim into those cabinets, across a table, into a TV, over the back of a couch, and against a bed not once but twice. Tim HELD HIS OWN. I know it shouldn't have been, but it was really hot. Poor baby crawled to the coffee table for the ring. THEN, proceeded to hand it to his girlfriend while on one knee and bleeding. LUCY AND I ARE BOTH ABSOLUTELY FINE I PROMISE. He didn't realize it at first, but he definitely did once Lucy stood there stuttering at him. He tried to hand it to her and she just sort of froze. Her brain short circuited and he panicked, and it was all perfect. She still managed to compliment him on the fight though 😂
Lucy: Good job Tim: Yeah, thanks Lucy: You ok? Tim: Yeah, I'm great. *falls over*
It's too funny 😂😂
Angela and Nyla are bestie goals 😁🥰
I love the cuts between the bachelor and bachelorette parties 
Celina bringing up Lucy's future bachelorette party because she knows that she and Tim are a forever kind of thing 😩
Lucy scooted so far into Tim, oh my God. Bestie was practically in his lap
Lucy: I knew it! You just kill them?! Tim: Yes! Because they're bugs.
 I can't, they exasperated way Tim said 'yes!" was just hilarious to me
The little breath that Tim lets out before he says yes to loving Lucy was like, "Do you really even have to ask? Yes, of course I love you. There's no other option."
Tim and Lucy spotting each other across the courtyard and then again across the dance floor. They're always going to find each other whether it's buried alive in the desert or at a friend's wedding, which seems to be their thing now 😩
Aw Luna finishing her degree. I seriously love her and I love her and Grey together. He's so supportive of her, it's just so clear that they're a strong, loving unit
"Sit down, German" had me wheezing. Grey's delivery is everything 😂😂😂
Bailey's entrance was pretty adorable, ngl
A lot of people were saying how Bailey's vows were really beautiful and how it was so great seeing her say those things and mean it after she had been in an abusive marriage, and I couldn't agree more. She was right, what she said was simple, but it covered everything it needed to. And I think it was really beautiful in its simplicity. Nolan's vows were really great too. He's not normally great with words, but it was really sweet, and it's really obvious how much does cherish Bailey. 
Ah and Henry made it!! I miss seeing him. I do wish we got to see Abigail too though. I LOVED her. Plus, their relationship is adorable. 
The dance floor scene with everybody was so cute, omg!! I loved it. Everybody looked so happy and like they were having so much fun. Jenna even said it felt like a real wedding
Aaron and Celina watching Lucy look at Tim across the dance floor was amazing. They're so invested in their relationship, and I think it's hilarious. Chenford had groupies on screen too 🤭😂
I felt so bad for Aaron. He's not handling everything very well, and I do think he was kinda hyper-focusing on Celina a little. It's natural after a shared trauma like that. But he tried to kiss her and she shut him down. It was sad. I was really trying not to like them as a couple, but I kinda do now. IDK
Chenford rampage incoming:
It seems like they arrived separately, but they still sat together at the ceremony and honestly looked like they were enjoying themselves. So to me, that's just an other testament of how solid they are even if though they're fighting
Tim couldn't take it anymore and went pulled Lucy onto the dance floor. He knows they have more talking to do, but he wanted to be close to her. And her pulled her out to If I Ain't Got You of all songs. ARE YOU JOKING????? *squeaks* The way he looked at her when he walked over to her and the way Luna looked at Lucy AHHHHHH. Nope, Imma need a minute
Lucy dragged her hand down Tim's chest and looked him up and down and Tim leaning into her, looking at her lips like LET ME BREATHE
Lucy running her hand through his hair
Lucy did not say, "We're gonna get through this. I love you." with this playing in the background just for the hell of it 
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all 
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
More thoughts on their fight. Highly recommend checking out the points @sylvies-chen, @morganupstead, and @sisterofficerlucychen made. Of course, my thoughts are also in there
When Lucy said that she loved Tim, in true Chenford fashion, and despite the serious moment, Tim couldn't help but argue (affectionate) with her saying he wasn't sure until he hooked her up to a lie detector. Lucy smacking him. Ugh I just love their banter so much
Aaron came up behind them and Tim was so caught off guard. His facial expressions were very on point for annoyed!Tim. Plus, Aaron was right. Chenford is solid. I'm not worried about them. Is there going to be angst in the future? Yes. Is it going to break them? Not a chance. Their relationship is strong. It's built on friendship and mutual respect. Tim has always respected Lucy, even as a rookie. Yeah, she annoyed him, but she had the guts to stand up to him in ways that no other rookie did, or would have survived doing
EXSQUEEZE ME where you y'all coming from that you came up the stairs together??
end of chenford ramage 
James offering to get everyone's go-bags and Wesley automatically jumping into help. They're helping their women and being good friends. I love it
"Sit you ass down and do some praying" This is why I love Tim 😂
Randy and Chastity being the responsible ones for once keeping Aaron occupied
Super random, but why does Nolan have police lights in his personal truck, but Tim doesn't? You'd think a Metro Liaison Sergeant having them would be more likely than a random training officer 
Celina, my love, this is why you bring backup when you go to meet CIs
Tim in a dress shirt and tie with rolled up sleeves. Dear God   🥵🥵
I was not expecting Nolan to just throw the guy out the window. He's the most laid back out of all of him, and he didn't even hesitate, just pushed him out of at least a second story window. I-- 🤨😂
Poor Bailey flopped on the bed just still in her wedding dress 😂
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
Steddie Week Day 2!
A little less late than day 1
Read part 1 here
Thank God we didn't peak in High School - Part 2
Prompt: Bittersweet
Eddie can’t believe he let Robin drag him out tonight. The bar was fine and he didn’t even mind the fact that they were hanging out with their co-workers. They might all still be hung up on high school style drama but most of them were nice to Eddie now. Friendly even. It’s almost like they didn’t remember how they had treated him just years before. He certainly didn’t trust any of them, but he was happy enough to drink a beer near them as long as no one was being a dick. 
Most of the store was here tonight in support of one of their managers whose band was playing a set. They were actually pretty good. The only reason Eddie didn’t want to come tonight was because he was scheduled to open the next morning. That meant getting to the store at 6am which was a challenge for him on a good day, let alone hung over. There was absolutely no other reason he had tried to get out of it. No sir.
“Eddie, you’ve got that look on your face again!” Robin chastised, elbowing him in the ribs.
“What look?!”
“The kicked puppy one, you know the one!”
“Jesus Christ Buckley, I do not. I'm fine! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddie grumbled.
“Dude, you haven't looked away from them once since we got here.”
Eddie groaned “I’m not looking at them!” He absolutely was.“Besides, I couldn’t care less if Steve is here with Nancy fucking Wheeler. She’s his girlfriend, of course she’d be here. I’m telling you, It's fine. I'm fine.”
“So, you won’t be upset if I remind you that they’re engaged now so technically she’s his fiance now?”
Eddie let his head drop to the table with a little thump. “Nope, totally thrilled for them. Thank you for reminding me” He said, deadpan.
“I thought you liked Nancy?”
He spoke with his face still pressed to the sticky tabletop “I do, that’s the worst part. She was always nice to me and she’s smart and she’s so pretty. Goddamnit.”
“Oh shit, speak of the devil. Get your face up, she’s coming over here!!”
He shot up straight. “What, why?!” Eddie said, panicking.
“I have no idea…Oh hi Nance!”
Nancy approached their table cautiously “Hey Robin, Eddie. It’s good to see you guys, it's been a while since I came along to after work drinks.”
Eddie just nodded, letting Robin do the talking for him.
“Yea, same. I mean it’s good to see you too.” Robin replied.
They both sort of expect her to walk off after that. When she doesn’t and it starts to feel a little awkward, Robin jumps in again.
“So what’s up? Are you and Steve having fun?”
Nancy’s smile wavers a bit before she answers. “Well, it’s a little uncomfortable to tell you the truth. We actually broke up on the way here tonight. I tried to go home but he insisted we still come to support Jonathan. Which is…. kind of ironic.”
Robin and Eddie share a confused look and he can’t help but ask the question. “What do you mean, Nancy?”
“Well, the reason we broke up…I broke up with him… because I hooked up with Jonathan the other night. We haven't been happy for a while. Not that I'm making excuses or anything and I'm not proud of myself but he can’t be surprised that something like this would happen.”
Eddie was dumbfounded, for so many reasons. Weren’t they engaged? Why did she say yes if they were unhappy? How could she do this to Steve, didn’t she know what she had?
“No offense Nance but why are you telling us all of this?” Robin asked, and god wasn’t that the million dollar question. Eddie was so grateful for her lack of social skills.
Nancy’s cheeks turned a little pink with embarrassment, but she answered anyway. “He talks about you guys a lot, especially you, Eddie. Seems like you’ve been good friends to him and I thought someone should know what was going on. Steve’s not good at talking about things or asking for help. He’s more of a suffering in silence type.”
All three of them looked in Steve’s direction at that. It wasn’t subtle but thankfully his attention was otherwise occupied. Some of the guys had taken over the space Nancy had vacated. They were buying Steve shots and he was throwing them back like there was no tomorrow. Yikes. So not a good idea. 
“I’ve gotta go, my Uber is outside. See you two around!” Nancy said abruptly before making a beeline for the door. 
“Did she really just drop that on us and then leave?” Eddie squawked.
“Yes, yes she did.” Robin said, equally shell shocked.
“I take it back. She might be pretty but she most definitely is not smart OR nice. I think I hate her now.”
“I think you should go over there. He needs to know someone is on his side.” Robin suggested.
“He doesn’t want me over there Robin. Look, he’s got Tommy H. They were besties back in the day, I'm sure he’s fine.”
“Eddie, I know you weren't back in town yet when it happened but surely you heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Steve and Tommy had some kind of falling out. I don’t know what happened but they both came into work the next day with black eyes and they haven't spoken since. 
“Why is he letting Hagan buy him shots then?”
“Look at his eyes, Eddie. I don’t think he’s very coherent right now”
Robin was right, Steve definitely looked a little out of it right now. “Jesus. Okay fine, I guess I'm going over there to rescue him. Shit.”
“Oooh you’ll be like his knight in shining armor.” Robin said, waggling her eyebrows.
“Fuck off Buckley, he’s my friend.”
“Love you too Munson!”
Eddie was nervous approaching the table. He wasn’t sure how his presence would be received. He didn’t care about the others though, if Steve wanted him there that was good enough for him. 
“Mind if I join you, fellas?” Eddie asked, not waiting for an answer before sliding into the open seat next to Steve.
“Not at all buddy, you want a shot?” Tommy said, the buddy sounding more than a little condescending. Prick.
“No, I'm good.” Eddie answered before turning his attention to Steve. 
“How ya doing there, Stevie?” He kept his voice low in hopes that the other boys wouldn’t hear him over the hum of the bar. 
Steve met his gaze and Eddie knew right away that he was gone. Full blackout.
Still, he smiled widely at Eddie as he slurred. “Hey man, when did you get here?” 
Eddie smiled back, couldn’t help it. “Just a minute ago. Listen, I was getting ready to head out of here and I thought maybe you could use a ride?”
“Yea, I'd like that. S’pose to open tomorrow with you.”
“I remember. Come on big boy, van’s right outside.”
Neither of them paid any attention to the loud objections from Tommy and the other guys. Eddie made sure Steve had his wallet and phone and they were out the door with a little wave at Robin. If he kept a hand on Steve’s lower back all the way to the car, there was no one around to see it. He just wanted to be close in case he tripped or something, that’s all. 
Steve had never been in his van and Eddie was feeling more than a little self conscious about it. The thing was a pig sty. Had he known he was gonna have company he would have cleaned it up a bit, or at least gotten the trash out of it. He was sort of thankful that Steve was unlikely to remember this, what with his current state of inebriation. 
It took about 15 minutes to get to Steve’s house from the bar. Eddie knew where to go without having to ask, his friend still lived in the same house he always had. He wondered if Steve’s parents would be home, he never talked about them directly but Eddie got the feeling they weren’t around much these days, if ever. 
They didn’t talk on the drive. Eddie looked over every couple of minutes to see if Steve had fallen asleep in the quiet dark of the car but each time he was just staring out the window. It wasn’t until he pulled into the driveway that Eddie realized Steve's car must be back at the bar. Not that it mattered, the guy was in no condition to drive but it still might pose a problem for him in the morning. He also wasn’t entirely sure Steve could get into the house without help. 
“We’re here.” Eddie said softly. Steve finally turned away from the window to look at him. His eyes were so beautiful in the low light, Eddie couldn’t help but stare.
Steve, for his part, also seemed to be staring at Eddie but it wasn’t his eyes that had the other boy's attention. It was his mouth. Steve was staring at Eddie’s lips.
Eddie gulped, heart pounding. It wasn’t the time for this. Steve just had his heart stomped on and he was far too drunk to be making healthy decisions. Eddie had to break the silence before it was too late. 
“Did you need help getting inside? Or…um… a ride in the morning? I know we left your car back at the bar so…” 
Steve didn’t answer but swayed forward, his face just inches from Eddie’s. It took every ounce of willpower in his body not to cross that gap and even more to back away from the other boy. He itched to know what it would feel like to have Steve’s lips on his own, but not like this. 
Steve seemed to realize what he had been about to do and his face paled. He scrambled out of the car mumbling thanks to Eddie for the ride and disappeared into the giant house, all in the blink of an eye. 
Eddie’s drive home was a blur. He was on autopilot, unable to stop thinking about everything that had just happened. Steve Harrington, his crush, the boy he’d been half in love with for years, had tried to kiss him. Granted he was drunk as hell at the time but it still meant that he WANTED to kiss Eddie, on some level, right? 
In the past, this bit of information would have been all he needed to pursue the guy but now it was bittersweet. Sure, now he had confirmation, of sorts, that Steve might be into him too. But if they tried to start something now, Eddie might wind up nothing more than a rebound for Steve and he wasn’t sure his heart could take that.
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darth-sonny · 1 year
(i am so sorry i keep sending asks, i'm just very excited for all your AUs)
For Weary and Wild AU:
Is Casey jr clise to any of the brothers? Considering he has his peepaw back..
Was it Donnie who figured out that four was with big mama?
After the final "failed" attempt on retreaving Leo, what happened to the fam? Does Donnie officially have a full on resentment hatred for F!Leo? Is Mikey broken.. bcz he thought he was too late?
Hc that Four likes getting pet by big mama and One, also One and Raph/Donnie has a rivalry on "best sibling on Leo's book" and that when Four and Donnie reunite four almost bite his whole hand off but Donnie is too emotional to care
For your Prime Leo AU:
Who does Leo meet first out of all his Yokai friends? ..koya?.. Natsu?
Can Koya fly? Since in the idw she lost her ability of flight.. (also bcz i'm a sucker for a disable meeting/helping another disable)
How panicked was the fam when Leo "disapeared" and who broke the most things in their panic (i'm betting on Donnie) ?
ahh~ no probbles!!
for the Weary and Wild AU:
he's close with them, yes, and he's close with Lee too. obviously, he's known him his whole life. but there's this...tension surrounding them in part due to Leo. everyone heard that it was him that closed the portal, and while they don't blame him, Casey fully blames himself and kinda believes that everyone is just acting nice to not hurt his feelings. and he doesn't know if he perfers that to them outright hating him
Donnie, surprisingly enough, isn't the one who figures out Four is alive and is staying with Big Mama. that honor goes to the one and only......... Sunita *jazz hands*
after the final attempt, everyone just sort of went...numb. they got the biggest lectures of their lives by Draxum but they were too despondent to hear it. Raph doesn't know what to do with himself anymore, Donnie's officially entered a depressive state, and Mikey has now been banned from practicing mystic arts for the unforseeable future by both Draxum and his dad. watching them is like watching zombies walk about
YES!! Four does love pets!! i did say he acts like a cat, so he loves chin scritches a lot
as for title of "favorite sibling". hmmm...i'd say Donnie would like to have a fight for that title. One doesn't really care about her status in Four's favortism (she already knows), and Raph wants to pretend he follows her thinking but he secretly wants to know who Four likes best too
for the Prime Leo AU:
the first friend Leo met was Kōya!! they met when she kinda sorta accidently kidnapped him (unknowingly) to help their team win some sort of race. Leo, after a full minute of trying not to panic, thought "eh? why not?" and decided to help. they've hung out ever since <3 (Bludgeon was second, and Natsu was last)
i've finally made up my mind about that tidbit and the answer is: no~!! i decided to skip the amulet thing bc i had no idea how to write that into their character. so yeah. Kōya can't fly due to an accident when she was small (tot age) and they help Leo when it comes to his disabilities
when Leo snuck out for the first time, no one noticed. he did it all sneaky like (not with his portals bc those are pretty on the fritz thanks largely to Prime. they'll go back to normal dw, but his ninpō is pretty unreliable after Prime). but when he met Kōya he stayed out far later than he normally does. Casey was the one who found out that Leo wasn't in the lair anymore, but Donnie (as you said) was the one who freaked out about it the most (followed very closely by Raph)
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Tumblr media
“You put your hand out, opened the door... You said, 'Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more'..."
My WordGirl fanfic Factor It In is here! It's the multi-chapter sequel to my one-shot "AlgoRhythm", which centered around WordGirl introducing Kid Math to the villains on villain karaoke night. If you liked that 'fic, you might like this one too. Check it out!
Chapter 1 - “Order of Operations”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Summary: Being a 3rd-grade superhero-in-training isn’t easy, especially while bouncing between foster families. While 8-year-old Rexagon Pemdas struggles against his controlling nature and inability to keep a secret, 11-year-old Becky Botsford fights major burnout and a rapidly increasing fear of being replaced. Maybe Fair City doesn't need two heroes after all...
(First 1,800 words under the cut)
Minor content warning for this snippet - Canon-typical implied backstory trauma (Potatoes, bruises, neglect).
Order of Operations
.:: January 3rd - Saturday ::.
"One must be taught his place if orderly structure is ever to be maintained."
(Ancient Hexagon proverb)
➕ ➖ ✖️ ➗
Psst! Look for the words independent and uneasy
It's a chilly winter afternoon in the home of Milo and Miah Pirakell, who have just received a familiar visitor on their doorstep…
The word hovers like a sugar cube on the end of his tongue. H-E-L-P exclamation point exclamation point… Milo stands there, as frozen as the snowboy, snowgirl, and snowmonkey in the yard across the street, quietly goggling the woman waiting for him on the front step. She isn't very tall, though the high heels help a ton with that. She smiles back at him. It's a pretty smile, her lips a sparkly glossy pink. Is she as nervous as he is? She's rocking back and forth on her toes, and he can't help but follow every movement.
Sandy blonde-brown hair. She kept it tied back in a bun. Does he know her? She looks sort of familiar, but this silent revelation doesn't stop the panicked heartbeat bouncing up and down inside his chest.
Maybe he's seen her face smeared across the newspapers or thrown across the TV screens. Is he about to be robbed blind in his own home? Does this woman have some sort of knock-out gas in that briefcase? He tightens his fingers on the door frame, saying nothing, until his wife's careful, loving hands grip onto his shoulder and pull him aside. Like a slug, he oozes at her command.
"Clarissa!" Miah - his beautiful, smiling Miah - pushes the door a little more open. "Please come in. Milo, you remember Mrs. Argent, our case manager with the foster system."
Milo peers at the sandy-haired woman again. Clarissa Argent, our case manager with the foster system. Yes. Yes, he does know her, though he's grateful for the set-up. He's struggled with memory problems all his life and Miah always grants him context like this when introducing someone he might not recall. Name. Job title. Location. Easy peasy.
Yes. He remembers. Her name's been on the calendar since yesterday, and he's been counting his heartbeats all this time. Clarissa Argent has eyes as silver as her surname, and she smiles up at Milo and switches her briefcase to her left hand. She extends the right for a shake. Milo blinks back at her, then uses two fingers to carefully adjust his glasses on his nose.
Clarissa. Case manager. Foster care.
"Would you like to come in?" he asks. His voice trembles when he says it, but neither Clarissa nor Miah mind at all. He grasps Clarissa's hand and gives it a shake. Sweat drips down his palm and smears across the creases of her fingers. He winces, but Clarissa's smile never wavers.
"Thank you so much for letting me visit. I wanted to get right down to it."
"Have a cookie," Miah offers, waving her into the living room. Milo stands blankly by the door, watching them go, until Miah glances back at him and gently motions for him to shut it so the snowflakes stay firmly outdoors. Right. He pushes it shut and locks it out of habit. He always locks the door when he's inside. Fair City is teeming with wild villains who could snap a lock like this in seconds, but it eases the anxiety very, very faintly anyway. Milo keeps his forehead to the door for three seconds, clicking through his memories and trying to remember why they're meeting with Clarissa.
Something's wrong… Help, help…
The girls are already chatting in the living room. Miah just redecorated in October, freshening up the place with a much more modern look. Clarissa hasn't visited since last April, so she's astonished by the changes and has to comment on every one of them. They even replaced the bulging, waterstained wood with nicer carpet.
Why is she here? This breaks the routine. Milo curls his fingers against the white door, blinking over and over as the world sways beneath his feet. Usually when there's a kid who needs a place to crash for the weekend, they get phone calls. Half the time, they aren't even "real" foster kids- just kids who temporarily lost track of their parents in some sort of villainous mishap like a cheesy tidal wave, a thunderstorm of bread slices, or a giant robot crushing the subway lines.
He's been there. Milo remembers all too painfully the chaos of his own youth, stranded and shocked in the road in the middle of a rainstorm while his house crumbled beneath the weight of potatoes before his very eyes. He'd been home alone after school. He was only eight. He's held a lot of shivering kids in his lap, rocking them back and forth while they watch something happier on the TV than the news. Even if he's fidgety, desperate to stay up to date with this crazy world they live in, and he can't resist flipping through the channels once he's safe inside his own bedroom.
Clarissa's personal visit does not take his anxiety down. But she's here, with Miah, and there are chocolate chip cookies waiting in the other room. And somewhere out there, one file folder away, is a kid who needs more help than he does. Milo inhales through his nostrils, counts to six, and exhales between his teeth. Though still uneasy, he peels himself from the door and trudges down the hall to join the two women in the living room.
You have to take a step down from the hardwood floor to venture into the new living room. Milo does so, keeping his hand braced on the short handrail as he moves. He blinks at the bright lights, blinks at the snowflakes twirling on the other side of the open blinds, and blinks at Miah as she scoots closer to the pillows to make room for him beside her on the gray couch. Pleasantries are exchanged. Small talk. Milo, fidgeting, zones out for part of it, until he hears Clarissa shift the topic to the kid in question.
"He does need a close eye on him. Someone experienced with home security, who won't let him jump down from second-story windows. That's why I wanted to ask you in person. He's a very sharp-minded boy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Pirakell. Very kindhearted."
Milo glances at Miah. She glances right back at him. "But…?" she prompts the case worker.
"Just… extremely independent." Clarissa drums her fingers against the top of her briefcase. "He's a loner. Very detached in conversation, struggling to pick up on social cues. He shows very little interest in anything beyond math, science, and music. Oh, and cross stitch. We're worried that the neighborhood kids he's currently around are bullying him in secret. He keeps slipping out through the windows and coming home an hour later covered in bruises. We were hoping to place him in a home where we can trust he'll be closely supervised, and the Pirakells are always the first to come to mind."
Of course they are. It's who they are. It's what they do. Milo stares at his toes, his heart plummeting towards the floor, even as the Narrator lets out a soft, breathy sigh above him. It's relief and amusement and gratitude all rolled into one, though nobody acknowledges it and the Narrator says nothing else. Miah glances uncertainly at Milo, then carefully speaks on behalf of them both.
"Clarissa… is this kid charmed? Is that why you're here to visit us in person?"
"Well, yes."
"Didn't…" Milo fiddles for a moment with his wedding ring. "Um, didn't we put in our file that we might not be a good fit for charmed children right now?"
Clarissa rocks back and forth in subtle hesitation. Her long fingernails, painted turquoise, tighten in the ruffles of her black skirt. We did, Milo reflects, but says nothing as Clarissa drops her gaze to the file in her lap again.
"I saw you made that request, but… we're still facing a shortage of families, especially with the holidays. He's really struggling to get along at the group home. The staff suspects he and one of the other boys got in a fight just yesterday. If you reject the placement then I'll understand, but I at least wanted to meet with you in person so we could discuss any questions openly and face to face. His status is a little odd."
Help, help…
Miah slips her hand in Milo's then, tightening her fingers around his own. And he's grounded for a moment, firmly planted on the soft gray couch. No one's wailing for him. There are no invisible children on the floor.
There are lots of things he should probably ask. If the kid has siblings who have also been pulled into foster care. If any extended family members are known. If the kid will be transferring schools. If there are special food needs to keep in mind. If he has any appointments with doctors, dentists, sports teams, or music recitals just around the corner. If he likes to walk. Milo does a lot of walking, though Miah prefers long drives along the coast. What's the child's cultural background? Did he have a nice holiday? Are there parental visitations planned? If he and Miah say yes, will the child arrive tonight, and if so, has he had a chaotic morning? All these questions are things he can, and should, probably ask first.
But he doesn't.
Because his heart is pounding and his fingers look like dancing worms.
"Well…" Milo draws in a long, careful breath. He slowly releases it again, lowering his chin to his chest along with it. It does help him focus, but it doesn't calm the rapid kicking in his heart. "Okay, then. If he's charmed, what, uh, range of powers does he have? L-let's put that in the open first, before we talk about anything else."
There. He feels guilty just for saying it. He can feel the Narrator's wispy silence like the breath of a ghost above his head. It makes the hairs behind his neck stand on end. Milo bites his lip, squeezing Miah's hand, and she squeezes back in gentle reassurance. Maybe it's not an unfair question. Even though it nibbles at his skin.
But it's important. It might make a difference. He can't do invisibility again. He can't.
The lines around Clarissa's eyes crinkle with relief. She pulls her briefcase on her lap and clicks it open. Idly, Milo glances at the numbers on the combination when she tilts back the lid. Then he hates himself. Clarissa picks up a manila file folder and passes it over to Miah. "Yes, we've been looking into that… He's been staying in the group home over the holidays. So many families are out of town right now. I promise, I wouldn't come to you about this if I felt there was anything extreme in his file. He only has two powers that we know of. His skin will rapidly repair any open wound… and he can fly."
[ Cnt'd on FFN / AO3 - Links at top ]
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Awake My Soul (Sasha Colby x Anetra) - Athena2
Summary: After Sasha walks into the coffee shop where Anetra works, Anetra makes some discoveries about herself.
A/N: So this was inspired by the Blame It on the Edit episode, where Anetra is just talking about how hot Sasha is. I thought it would be a fun idea for a fic. That said, thank you so much to Writ for all your help! Thank you for brainstorming ideas with me and helping develop this. Please leave feedback if you like!!
Anetra tightens her apron in preparation as Luxx unlocks the coffee shop door. A few minutes pass before the first customer, and she actually makes Anetra’s jaw hang open.
The woman is absolutely beautiful, even from afar. Dark brown hair falls over her shoulders in gentle waves, thick and glossy. Her skin is smooth and soft and actually seems to glow like in a commercial, despite the coffee shop’s dim lighting and windows that receive no sun. Looking at her instantly makes Anetra’s face burn, makes her stomach twist into knots, and it only grows worse when the woman reaches the counter, and is suddenly close enough to touch. Close enough for Anetra to see that her eyes are hazel, with flashes of green and gold, like sunlight shining through leaves. Eyes that are looking at her expectantly.
“I can help you?” she half-asks, half-shouts, the heat spreading from her face and into her stomach. “Sorry. I mean, can I help you?”
“Can I get a large coffee with caramel syrup and one cream?”
Anetra nods and begins typing it into the register, grateful for something to focus on besides staring at the woman. “Um, for here or to-go?”
Anetra grabs a to-go cup and taps the marker against it. “I just need…” She makes the mistake of meeting the woman’s eyes again, and her train of thought flies off the track and into space. The seconds tick by, and Anetra is still tapping the marker against the cup as she scrambles for what she’s supposed to ask. She feels like a wind-up toy made solely for this purpose, and her face is on fire. “Um, your name. For the order?”
It’s a pretty name, a soft name, and Anetra writes it on the cup with the soft smoothness it deserves. The woman pays, and counting out change gives Anetra something else to focus on, before she grabs the cup and order ticket and flees from the register, sighing at the coffee station.
“What are you doing?” Luxx demands, because Anetra can’t even have a second’s peace today. “Are you lesbian panicking over that woman?”
Anetra’s heart skips a beat just at the thought. “I’m not lesbian panicking, I’m…I’m regular panicking. I’m not even—I don’t even like women.” She was too shy to even look at the other girls for most of high school.
Luxx blinks. “Okayyyyy,” they say, drawing it out for about ten syllables.
“I don’t. I’ve never liked a girl or anything, and I had this boyfriend in middle school.” Though come to think of it, Anetra was never really sure if she liked him the way boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to. He had nice hair, and didn’t make fun of her for being quiet, or for being faster than the boys in gym, so that was something.
“Did you have a boyfriend, or did you have some boy who held your hand at lunch and said he was your boyfriend and then broke up with you twenty-four hours later?”
Anetra crosses her arms. “I’m not answering that.”
“Look, I’m not blaming you. She’s really hot.”
“She is,” Anetra breathes. “Oh my god. Am I lesbian panicking?”
“I think you need to sort that out yourself.”
And then Luxx abandons her, the first time today Anetra didn’t want to be alone. Her brain works in overdrive as she gets Sasha’s coffee ready.
Sasha’s pretty, yes, but anyone would objectively say she’s pretty. Luxx just did. Besides, Anetra’s found girls objectively pretty before, without it meaning anything; doesn’t everyone? But something about Sasha feels like more than that. Anetra physically has to stop herself from looking at her. Looking at her feels like what she always thought love was supposed to feel like—the animated hearts in cartoons, the endless staring in rom-coms. But since when were rom-coms realistic anyway?
Any further thinking is cut off by the hiss of an espresso maker as Luxx works, and Anetra takes it as a sign to forget this stupid panic and finish making her order. She sighs and returns to the counter, where Sasha is waiting. It sends a jolt through Anetra, one that grows when their fingers touch as Sasha takes the coffee.
“Have a good day,” Anetra says.
“You too.”
Then Sasha is gone, and Anetra bends over the counter and buries her still-burning face in her hands.
“A little birdie told me someone was lesbian panicking yesterday.”
“Mistress, it’s too early to be this loud.” Anetra starts the morning with her head in her hands again, trying to block out the onslaught from Mistress on her right and Luxx on her left. “And it wasn’t lesbian panicking.”
“Bisexual panicking?” Mistress asks, undeterred.
Anetra sighs.
“She was so far gone,” Luxx announces gleefully. “I mean, the woman was gorgeous, so I don’t blame her, and—look, she’s back!”
Anetra’s head flies up so fast her ponytail whips around and smacks the back of her neck. Sasha is in the doorway, and the sight of her makes Anetra’s stomach twist again. Maybe it wasn’t a crush at all. Maybe it was just indigestion. Maybe she’s having some sort of internal issues and she’ll just collapse here because she can’t stop staring at Sasha and her brain is shutting down and—
“One of you should wait on her,” Anetra says quickly.
Mistress claps her hands to her chest. “Oh, but I just remembered I need to check on those scones.”
“And I…need to help her check the scones,” Luxx says, sprinting after her.
Anetra swears softly. “Can I help you?” she asks Sasha. It’s right on the first try, and it makes Anetra buy into the indigestion theory again. This isn’t a crush, and she’s not lesbian panicking.
“What do you have that has a lot of caffeine? I’ve been up since four, and it’s gonna be a long day.” She runs a hand through her hair. The collar of her shirt falls to the side, revealing the soft curve of her shoulder, dotted with freckles and beauty marks.
The entire coffee shop menu promptly flies out of Anetra’s brain.
“I, um, I…let me check with my coworker.” Anetra runs into the kitchen like she’s escaping a fire. The dumpster fire of her life, maybe.
She grabs the portable fan Mistress keeps for when she’s working near the ovens and aims it at her face on full-blast.
“This is so bad,” Luxx says to Mistress, in a whisper that’s not a whisper.
“What do we have with a lot of caffeine?” Anetra chokes out. “I need to tell her something, she’s out there waiting—”
“Okay, breathe first,” Mistress says, and Anetra does, her body starting to function again, like a rebooted computer. “Tell her to get a blonde roast or one of the cold brews.”
“Right.” Anetra nods desperately, then takes a breath and goes back to the counter. Sasha is waiting patiently, like the wait didn’t even bother her.
“Sorry,” Anetra says. “I just wanted to check. But we have a nitro cold brew you can get with different syrups. You like the caramel one, right?” Her brain remembers that much from yesterday, but she hopes it doesn’t look creepy to remember that.
“Right.” Sasha grins. “Okay, I’ll have that.”
Anetra manages to keep her brain working as she completes the order, and hands it off without a problem.
Sasha is back the next day, and it should be easier for Anetra to get a hold of herself on the third try, but it gets harder, because Sasha is wearing a purple dress that fits like it was meant just for her.
“I think Anetra stopped functioning,” Luxx says to Mistress. Anetra barely hears it, because she did, in fact, stop functioning.
“Yeah,” Mistress agrees. “I’m gonna have to be the adult here, aren’t I?” She sighs and heads to the counter, taking Sasha’s order, then pressing the cup into Anetra’s hand. “Can you get the order done?”
Anetra nods, staring at the order slip until the letters make sense.
“So, what do you do?” Mistress asks Sasha, and Anetra listens in while she fills the cup.
“I own a dance studio,” Sasha says. “I teach and choreograph a lot of the classes.”
“Anetra, did you hear that?” Mistress calls, despite the fact that Anetra’s just a few feet away. “Sasha’s a dance teacher. I bet she’s really flexible.”
“Maybe not as much as when I was a kid, but yeah, I still got it,” Sasha says with a smile.
Anetra’s face could not be hotter if she dipped it into the espresso machine. That might actually be preferable to putting up with this.
“I heard,” she says.
“Anetra can dance too,” Luxx says loudly.
“I’m not trained or anything,” Anetra says, trying to deflect. She’s already thinking about Sasha dancing, about how graceful her arms and legs probably are. Her heart is pounding.
Sasha shrugs. “I’ve seen great dancers with no training.”
“She has no training at all, she’d need lots of practice,” Luxx begins, but that’s too much even for Mistress, who quickly starts talking over them.
“And Anetra teaches too. She does taekwondo lessons sometimes.”
“You do?” Sasha turns to Anetra, whose face burns once again at having Sasha’s eyes on her, with nowhere to hide.
“Yeah. Just part-time,” Anetra manages, passing Sasha her coffee.
“That’s really cool.” Sasha smiles shyly. “This is probably a stupid question, but do you know how to break boards? Or is that just something people do in movies?”
“No, it’s a real thing. I know how to do it.”
“That’s amazing. You must be really strong.” Sasha’s eyes sparkle, and Anetra is captivated at the thought of Sasha being impressed by her and her strength.
“I’m kinda strong,” Anetra says. “I usually lift all the flour and stuff in the back.”
Sasha’s smile grows. “I bet.” She finally takes her coffee, her fingers brushing against Anetra’s, and Anetra’s just grateful the cup is out of her hands, because she absolutely would have dropped it. She can still feel the lingering warmth and softness of Sasha’s fingers even after she leaves.
Luxx swarms Anetra, throwing an arm around her. “Look at you! You made it through a conversation with a gorgeous woman for like a whole minute! How do you feel?”
Her head is spinning, the lights floating in dizzying circles. “Like I just got off a roller coaster and want to throw up.”
“That’s the spirit!” Luxx cheers.
Anetra is a few minutes early the next morning, and spends it hunched over a table in the kitchen, scrolling through search results on how to know if you’re gay and even delving into a few quizzes that ask her questions she doesn’t know how to answer, pointing to results she doesn’t know how to react to.
“What are you doing?”
Anetra jumps. “Nothing, just looking at stuff,” she says, trying to tilt her phone screen away from Luxx’s prying eyes.
It doesn’t work, and Luxx’s face shines with a mix of horror and adoration. “You are not taking an ‘Am I Gay’ quiz. You’re not.”
“I’m just…really confused about how to know for sure.” Anetra shrugs, closing the window on her phone. Her feelings for Sasha sure seem like a crush, but how does she know? Why does it feel so different?
It softens something in Luxx a little. “Anetra, I know we’ve been annoying you all week, but seriously. You’ve been trying to convince yourself this isn’t a crush, but don’t you think doing that kind of proves that it is?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…I don’t know, do you think straight people spend as much time as you have convincing themselves they’re straight? I know it’s scary to realize you’re not straight, and it’s really hard. Sometimes it takes a long time to realize it. But if it feels right…maybe you shouldn’t deny that? And you don’t have to go through some giant change or anything if you do. You can just acknowledge it and work on it slowly.”
“Since when did you get so smart?” Anetra asks, because it’s easier to say that than to describe the heavy feeling in her chest at Luxx’s words. The weird feeling she’s had all week, and doesn’t know how to put into words.
“I’ve always been smart,” Luxx says, and then they swing out of the kitchen.
Is Luxx right? Has Anetra spent the whole week trying to convince herself that she’s straight? How does she know for sure? Because the quizzes and other google tabs she had open weren’t helping much.
Anetra sighs. She guesses, if she really thinks about it, that her objective noticings of girls might not have been that objective. She suddenly remembers the smug smile of a taekwondo opponent when she was twelve, how it almost distracted her into losing the match. It causes a domino effect in her, and she thinks of how easy it was to say she was too focused on sports or school to date boys, because there were none she ever really wanted to date in the first place. Even now, when she had time for dating, no guys ever caught her eye. She deleted her dating app minutes after signing up, because scrolling through all those mens’ pictures just made her feel nothing. She’d always blamed it on guys not meeting her standards, but what if she’d just been looking in the wrong place? Or not letting herself look in the right one, really. There were times when she knew she noticed women more than what was probably normal, and just ignored it, not letting herself even consider that it could mean anything. Not wanting to admit that she could be anything besides what she was always told was normal.
“I think I’m a lesbian,” she says quietly, just to herself, to see how it feels. It doesn’t feel like some grand revelation; there’s no sky opening up, no light shining down. But it feels right inside her somehow. Like maybe all those things she tried to ignore—the girl in taekwondo, how she was always mesmerized by the clinking of her classmates’ charm bracelets, why she could never feel excited about boys—are finally explained, finally adding up to something beyond confusion.
And maybe Luxx is right—again, Anetra thinks—that it doesn’t have to feel like some big change. Maybe it can be small right now, and she can work it out from there. She can admit she has a crush on Sasha, and talk to her. She can let herself look at other girls instead of turning her head away.
She heads outside. Sasha is at the counter, and even though Luxx could have taken her order, she’s waiting. Almost like she was waiting for Anetra. The thought makes her heart flutter, and that tingling in her stomach is still there, but it doesn’t make her feel sick this time.
“Hey, Sasha,” Anetra tries.
“What would you like today?”
“I actually wanted to give you something.” Sasha slides her a piece of paper. “When you work out whatever’s been going on in that head of yours—and trust me, I’ve been there,” Sasha says kindly, “you might want this.”
She slips out the door as Anetra looks at the paper to see a phone number, one that steals her breath and has her counting down the minutes until her shift ends.
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magidragon12 · 2 years
"This is what I do. Every time one of us moves on. I find them a star. That's where we go. Whoosh. Back to the stars."
One thing I really loved about this episode was a chance to show all the different grieving styles of the characters. It was definitely the "very special episode" of the bunch. So I present: the ghosts (and Alison) and how they grieve.
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"Lots to sort out, I imagine. I can help if you like. Please may I help, I'd like to help."
First off we have Captain, who I feel any of us could have predicted. He throws himself into task after task, and I think it was actually pretty vulnerable how he kept asking Alison to give him things to do. He likes a distraction from his grief so he doesn't have to process it, and it was nice to see him actually 'break down' in a sense during the eulogy scene, dropping his stoic facade in a way he never would have done in earlier seasons. And the way he then comforts Julian... argh!
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"Thank you for coming. I realise today that we've all been running away from the one thing that unites us all. The one thing that I think we've all been feeling. Grief."
I feel like Alison was kind of similar. Trying to go about her day as normal, doing tasks, except with her she doesn't have much of a choice, it would be pretty difficult for Mike to throw together an entire party by himself. But the way he took charge for her in the end was sweet, and she let herself feel the grief normally, while helping the ghosts out of their rut like normal.
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"You know, today reminds me of when Maggie's cat died. She was so angry we had to hide the nuclear launch codes. I'm not angry with you lot."
Julian's struck a particular chord with me. His nitpicking, his need for "OOORRDAH!" in a world which doesn't make as much sense as it did a day ago. I feel like he doesn't exactly hide his grief, just channels it into bossiness and a different kind of frustration. Grief is frustrating. Death is frustrating. But it's easier for a devil may care guy like him to pretend that he's upset about something like misplaced library books than the loss of a friend, especially when during his political career showing vulnerability could be your downfall.
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"She is finding it hard to process. But I'm just trying to explain it in a way she understands."
Pat actually took a pretty mature aproach. He helped Kitty through her own grieving process in a way which makes me feel like he's done this before? Maybe Daley lost his grandparents at some point and Pat helped make sense of the loss to his son. His "she might still be with us!" line feels like something he would have said to his kid before learning of what the afterlife truly entails. He plays the responsible figure, as always, but ended up spiraling a bit trying to spare Kitty's feelings. Like with the Captain, he also tries to be useful, but wasn't as panicked about throwing himself into it. 8/10 good grieving strategies.
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"She's gone, Pat. She's gone."
Kitty... I feel bad for her honestly. It reminds me of the therapy episode, everyone trying to spare her feelings, but I'm glad she managed to come to terms with it in the end. It was really sweet how Pat reassured her, and her tearing up just made the scene.
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"Alison, Mary's gone. She's actually gone! What are we to do?"
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Fanny's big grief moment hit me the hardest honestly. When she turned around to fetch Mary so they could watch Loose Women together, and was left calling her name for a bit too long until she finally remembered, and then broke. Even went to Alison to vent about it during the party, unbecoming of a lady I'm sure, but I feel like in that moment she didn't care. In the end they were friends. And she's lost a good companion.
"Forgive me. But how do I..."
Thomas, oh boy. He wasn't simply grieving as much as he was overwhelmed by grief. Just the image of him sitting in the bathtub made me sad, because that is exactly what I would have pictured his grieving style to be like if you would have asked. And yes, he made it about himself as he makes all things, but once that was pointed out to him, he decided to be selfless instead. To do something much more appropriate for mourning Mary. It was a really great Thomas moment what he did with the eulogy, and made the final scene of the episode really touching.
We didn't get to see a lot of Humphrey, but honestly I think he'd be a little distant from it. Sort of "well it is what it is" like he is with most things.
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"I've been around a long time. Like a really long time. I've seen this happen so much... can't do this every time. The pain? I deal with it my own way."
Robin's grief method was one I predicted from the beginning. The way he seems to not care, well he's been around the carousel a few times. He's desensitised in a way the others aren't. That being said, the ending while he named the stars, and picked one for her, they had a connection. Even if he's had a connection with thousands over the years, a connection is still a connection. He grieves in his own way, detached but still meaningful towards her memory.
Long story short, this episode ate my emotional state alive. Please feel free to add your own interpretations.
Pls reblog this took forever
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diathacorny · 3 months
More story concept thingies by moi. Not much to say, but lemme know whatcha think, y'know? My birthday is in a couple days, so I'm excited for that, but I'll be extra happy if ppl were to comment their thoughts:)
Title: Eight Days Of L¿ve
Basically a girl who was transported to a different world for almost a year finds a way to go back. But she no longer wants to leave, and the only way she can leave is by true love’s kiss. The thing is, she isn't in love, and none of her companions feel that way for her, though they're desperate for her to stay. That's when one of her closest friends steps up, offering to be her true love. But, they don't love each other like that! And they only have eight days to fall in love.
(I kinda don't like this one, tbh, idk. Current era, btw)
(Same girl, kinda - alternative - not rlly. Current era, btw)
Title: Alicorn
“That was almost thirty years ago, and it was nothing more than just a dream. A weird one..” Forty-seven, almost fort-eight, it was a very long time ago for this old girl. Compared to how she was in that dream, she was pretty different. To everyone she was The It Girl, but as an older gal in the face of reality, she looked like any other mid age woman you'd see at a grocery store. Just a bit of a loser, never married, never had children, and really just some lame old librarian (sounds like the life for me, lol, jk). “Life is simple, can't complain, and at least I get paid. Then again, the pay really is ass..” If the people in her dream saw how she is now, they would have never guessed. Two days after her forty-eighth birthday, another tired night of sleeping on a hardass mattress and papers of bills that have yet to be paid, she wakes up to be falling through the air. And next thing she knows, she's back in her dream - thirty years later in Alice Sworn (idc I already have several characters named Alice, I'll name a whole world Alice, idgaf).
(Entirely different thing now. 1700’s)
Title: Man In The Box (And yes, HIS NAME IS ALICE, I DO NOT CARE, HIS NAME JUST *HAD* TO BE ALICE. It's just too perfect in his case. For bg, I have *several* characters named Alice.)
A young man (Alice) who was abused all his life, scorned and ridiculed, and literally the only job people would let him take was the jester in a box. He'd pop out, they'd throw all sorts of matter at him - smeared makeup, clothes stained from either rotten food or blood, either way it hurt his feelings and his body. He never understood why everyone treated him like this (his parents had the black plague, he doesn't know this, peeps won't tell him shit to keep up their laughs), but he wants to be seen, seen beyond just an object of entertainment that no one directly touches. Not even a prostitute paid handsomely would touch him, so he automatically had to sigh and turn his gaze downwards when he spotted a daughter of an aristocrat brushing out her hair, sitting ever prettily at her open window. “A beauty, yes, but I? No.. She'd soon scoff and order me to be pummeled for existing in her rich perfume-sprayed world.” In an alleyway, as he slept, cultists took him away, finding him to be quite convenient, nobody would give a shit if he went missing. Eyes flutter open - “Ah, it's waking up.” - lights are bright, eyes squeeze shut - “It needs a moment to process.” - and eyelids shoot open once he realizes people are talking. He looks around, automatically freezing up as he sees that he's chained down to a.. Stage of sorts..? “You're on a sacrificial altar. You are to be sacrificed to our deity, our reason..!!” One of the cultists said, his hands hailing the ground. Alice sputtered, weak wrists attempt to pull out of the rusted bonds, “Y-You- You can't! This isn't right! What the fuck is happening!? Let me go!!” He sputtered and yelled with fear, hardly understanding what was happening, though it was (loosely) explained. The cultists all laugh together, and one of the women are heard saying, “Oh, look at that.. It's panicking! Hahaha!” Alice can only look at them all, their voices mixing in with an ear ringing effect in his head. He speaks again, “Why are you doing this to me?? What did I ever do to you?!” One of the men replies, “Simple. Nobody cares about you, nobody wants ya, so you going missing.. We're practically doing the streets a favor!” And with that last sentence, the cultists jeer and chortle again, truly making the fool a fool. “Aren't you called the thing in the box? Oh, don't worry, we'll make sure to mark your grave as ‘Man In The Box’, since no one was ever willin’ to see you as a man!” More malicious mockery is heard, insults barely audible with all the noise and Alice's inner turmoil. Anxiety causes him to choke and cough on nothing, breaths coming out heavy and sharp, “I don't want to die- I don't want to die!” The cultists together reply, “He who is breathing, yet unliving, is dead. He who has suffocated, yet living, is alive. You are dead and breathing, so we'll give you the ‘life' you never had,” the cultists all hold up a long knife at his chest, and then it thrusts down into his chest. — ‘Everything is black, no.. There's flickering of lights. Am I blinking? I can't seem to be able to control what's happening.. People are screaming, I can taste something so delicious and juice inside of my mouth.. Something I never tasted before. I want more, I need more, it tastes so good..’ — ‘When I open my eyes, all those people who were going to kill me.. They're all dead - torn apart, mangled. As if a great, big and terrible beast has gotten to them. I lick my lips subconsciously, that deliciousness lingering on my tongue like nothing else has. Now that I think of it, it tastes just like a pomegranate. I blink and look around, really taking this all in. Surprisingly, I don't feel so scared anymore, not even as I stare at dead bodies that I don't know the cause of death for. There's something that seems to be so natural about this.. I'll just collect my clothes and go.’ (Dawg got turned into a vampire and doesn't even realize it yet, crazy. Yolo, ig)
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