#she would absolutely come home to him
aaandbackstabbed · 1 year
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - 38
If it weren’t for the fact that he and Riko had stumbled across a truly traumatizing video of his birth that they had watched secretly in Tetsuji’s office when he was away on a business trip one weekend Kevin would believe that he was born with an Exy racquet in his hand. But the image that is seared into his retinas to this day has proven that he came into this world empty handed.
That doesn’t change the fact that Kevin has spent the majority of his life utterly and completely submersed in Exy. He was trained as a Raven, he was court, he was a champion as both a Raven as a Fox and if he had his way he’d leave college with more Championships under the orange and white than the black and red.
Exy was everything in the world to him.
He could overlook many personality defects if someone brought something to the Court.
Apathetic five foot nothing who was more likely to stab him than shake his hand? Well, he’s the best goalie that Kevin had ever seen in his entire life (and that was saying something).
Tight ass who has anger management issues and will not shut the fuck up about his girlfriend now that he’s not even allowed to have? Well, he is a very solid backliner who has excellent ball handling skills (even if Aaron keeps telling him to stop saying it like that or why he keeps yelling that he’s straight).
Overly touchy, too emotional, will not shut the fuck up about his fiancé in Germany? Well, he is a very solid backliner who is great at rebounds (Kevin doesn’t get why Nicky gets mad when he says that or why he brings up Erik).
Guy who actively dislikes him and is dying for any chance to punch him and also being overly attached to his friends? He’s a great enforcer on the court and had the stamina to play far longer than the other two backliners (Why Dan always said “yeah he does” whenever Kevin commented on Matt’s stamina he will never understand, and he also doesn’t want to.)
Suspicious kid from Millport with a mouth that could strip paint and a past so shrouded in mystery that it even had Andrew perking up in interest? Well, he’s the fastest Striker in the game and the only person that has ever kept up with Kevin’s obsession with the sport. (There was the minor downside that he was the son of the Butcher and almost died before the championships, but Neil pulled through.)
He tolerated all of them and now they’re his best friends.
There are some who he does find personally objectionable but so long as Jack and Sheena manage to continue to be good on the court he doesn’t care about the many many faults in their personalities. They’re his teammates, they aren’t his friends.
He accepted that he might not like any of the others that came onto the team. For the most part he had never given a shit about before the Foxes, content with his brotherhood with Riko even if it wasn’t…perfect. Then he became friends with FF and FF had done him a truly large favor and Kevin wanted to pay that back the best way he knew how. Through his truly infallible health advice and through perfectly crafted smoothies.
Then Daniel appeared with the truth that FF truly met all requirements to be a Fox and Kevin tasted his own smoothie for the first time.
He considered both revelations to be equally upsetting.
FF was one of the best dealers Kevin had ever had the pleasure to be on Court with. The man knew his position well and interrupted offensives with an enviable ease that made Kevin wish to possibly strap some sort of device onto him and figure out how he did certain things.
It wasn’t that far off to believe that a man raised in the same environment as FF could possibly have similar talents and since Lisa fucked off back to some small town cult they really did need a good sub. Sheena was a good offensive dealer but they had games coming up where defense would be imperative and FF did not have the stamina for a full game and likely would not for quite some time considering he’d be recovering from being stabbed.
So, he’d defended Daniel’s right to try out.
At first, he had felt vindicated. Daniel kept up quite well during the initial warm-ups. Kept pace with Jack, Sheena, Aaron, Andrew, and Nicky. Kevin had been bringing up the rear mostly to make sure that Andrew didn’t stab the guy during warm-ups.
Then it was time for the first precision drill.
The other thing about how Kevin was raised is that he was raised surrounded only by the best of the best. The Ravens were at the top of the Collegiate hierarchy. The National Court used their stadium for practice.
The worst Exy that Kevin had ever seen in his entire life up until the moment that Daniel took hold of an Exy racquet was still only the worst team in Collegiate Division 1 Exy.
Then Kevin watched the ball go so wide that the entire court went silent.
All of the drills that followed were as bad, if not worse.
Kevin felt himself start to vibrate with anger the longer it went on. He started to shout corrections at Daniel but the younger man merely rolled his eyes, “I think I know what I’m doing.” He would say before pointedly proving that he did not.
Kevin only realized nearly an hour in that he had wasted his entire practice shouting himself hoarse at the actual waste of human life that was Daniel Stanton.
Kevin could accept being bad at Exy and having an inoffensive personality. Kevin could accept being good at Exy and having a bad personality.
Kevin could not accept being bad at Exy and having a bad personality.
Coach Wymack called the practice to an end and Kevin thought that he’d manage to keep his anger mostly inside (he is ignoring the near hour of practice he spent screaming directions) when Daniel decided to deliver the Coup de Grace.
Sweat soaking his bangs, panting, and without a single thing done correctly (even the way he was currently holding his borrowed Exy racquet set Kevin’s teeth on edge) the man had the gall, the gumption, and the absolute AUDACITY to come up to the coach.
“So, where do I sign?” he asks.
Kevin sees red and unleashes hell.
This was the most fun Andrew has had at a practice since he started having to come to them.
The look of embarrassment on Daniel’s face as Kevin accurately tore into everything he did wrong on the Court and every personal failing that Kevin could home in on. His attention shifted away to FF sitting in the stands near the University official who was shaking her head at the obvious poor showing. The University may have wanted Daniel around to spruce up the Fox’s marketability but even they couldn’t let someone so obviously awful onto one of their few Division 1 teams.
FF was sat sipping one of Kevin’s god awful smoothies looking completely unshocked by Daniel’s showing.
Kevin turned his attention to FF, “You said he was good!” Kevin points at the freshman as he continues to sip the drink.
Andrew interrupts, “He never said he was good.” He remembers the conversation so exactly and there are few things he loves more than having the opportunity to rub it in Kevin’s face when the man is wrong, “He said ‘Daniel has always been athletic’ never anything about him being good.” Andrew reminds.
Kevin whips back around to Daniel, “Have you ever even played Exy?” Kevin demands.
“I didn’t think it’d be hard to pick up.” Daniel argues crossing his arms defensively.
It sets Kevin off on another furious rant.
Andrew had thought that FF didn’t have a mean bone in his body and he’s quite pleased to have been proven wrong. The thought that FF had let Daniel get all the way into embarrassing himself in such a way?
Andrew had to give him props.
“How does it feel getting to watch this idiot crash and burn?” he asks coming to the glass.
“Really thought he could manage it if I could.” FF says with a shrug that has Aaron bark out a laugh.
“You really figured?” Aaron asks coming to stand next to Andrew.
FF just shrugs again, “I mean I also started not knowing how to play and now I’m on a pretty good team.” He says as if FF starting as a child not knowing how to play is the same as someone walking in demanding a spot on a college team.
Nicky lets out a laugh.
“Oh, Smithy I could kiss you.” Nicky laughs and makes his way towards the Court entrance to likely do exactly that moving past a Daniel who was so red in the face with embarrassment and anger that he looked as if he was about to turn purple.
Andrew tuned in.
“…small pond. The only reason you ever felt like you were worth anything is that Smiths was too nice to put you in your place before now!” Kevin was probably talking about medium-sized fish in a small pond but Andrew didn’t really care to know.
“Are you going to let him talk to me like this?!” Daniel finally turned to Wymack.
“Kevin, you shouldn’t talk to the public like that.” Wymack says without a hint of chastisement in his voice.
Kevin still straightened at the reminder, “You’re right. Sorry coach.” Kevin sneered at Daniel, “Get off the court before you taint it.” He hisses.
“You’re really not going to sign me?!” Daniel demands.
“Why would I?” Wymack asks with a raised brow.
“You took a chance on John!” Daniel points towards FF.
Andrew watches as Wymack’s face does something he’d rarely seen it do, it goes utterly and completely cold. “I don’t take chances with my kids.” He spat, “I give my kids a second chance. Get the hell off of my court.” He hisses.
Daniel’s face purples further before he stomped off of the Court.
“Don’t you dare walk off with that racquet! It’s worth more than you!” Kevin shouts after him and Andrew in that moment realizes that Daniel is going to do something stupid.
And FF is on the other side of the Plexiglass with only Nicky at his side.
It’s like watching a train crash.
Daniel might say something, but Andrew doesn’t know. He sees Neil rushing as well, his sense of danger always well-honed but Neil had been in Captain mode in the moments before walking some of the sophomore and freshmen through what they had done wrong.
Neither of them will make it in time.
Daniel throws his racquet, and he throws it right at FF barely 5 feet away in the stands.
The Racquet blows past FF’s head and Andrew lets out a breath.
Then before it could crash into the seats behind him and break FF’s hand wrapped around the shaft of the stick and stopped it’s trajectory.
“Your aim really isn’t getting any better by not listening to Kevin’s advice.” Smith says as he twirls the racquet in his hand so that the net was on the ground. “Also, don’t break the equipment, like Kevin said it’s pretty expensive.” He says.
Daniel let out a primal scream but where Andrew had stalled out to watch the miraculous catch Matt Boyd had not. Daniel was tackled to the ground by the backliner, “Absolutely not.” Matt said with a scowl.
“Smithy are you okay?” Andrew hears Nicky ask.
“Yeah, why?” FF asks as if he hadn’t just been attacked but considering everything that Andrew had seen it wouldn’t shock him if Daniel’s attacks were just par for the course back home for FF. “The racquet looks okay too.” He adds.
“Coach Wymack,” The University representative made their way down looking flustered at the outburst of violence.
Obviously not someone who regularly watched Exy or paid attention to their team.
“This is why I wanted absolute control over who does and who doesn’t get a shot here.” Wymack hisses pointing at Daniel as he struggled under Matt.
“You have our sincere apologies for this.” She says looking at Daniel, “He didn’t… we thought he’d be good for the team’s culture but it seems like we may have misjudged-“
“That guy just tried to take Smithy out!” Nicky interrupts.
“I told you he was dangerous.” Neil adds.
“Can someone call campus security?” Matt asks from the ground, “This jackass keeps aiming for kidney punches and I would like to not be pissing blood during winter break.” Matt requests.
“O-of course!” the University representative says fumbling for her cell phone.
Andrew looked at Matt and figured that the backliner had a handle on that particular mess at the moment.
He made his way over to FF and Nicky who was checking over the freshman.
“Nice catch.” He says.
FF shrugs, “It’s my racquet he was borrowing.” He says, “I didn’t want to get a new one.” He adds.
FF watches as campus security took custody of Daniel as he continued to spit and scream. There are talks about pressing charges, but FF just wants Daniel off of the campus and away from him. It’s Jack of all people who says that getting a restraining order is a great way to make sure Daniel stays the hell away from him and FF nods consideringly.
Honestly, he’s still mostly in shock he managed to catch his racquet the way he had. His reflexes weren’t quite up to snuff since he’d been trying to catch the netting, but his hand only closed around the shaft.
He really hopes no one teases him about his slower reflexes.
“He needs to be charged for assault at least.” Kevin hisses as they watch the security officers take Daniel away.
“It’d be attempted assault.” Aaron corrects.
“He assaulted my eyes with his Exy.” Kevin insists.
“If that counted as assault, don’t you think I would have pressed charges for all the times I have had to see you dance at Eden’s?” Neil asks. “Also, you’re the one that insisted he try-out.” He reminds.
“Smiths told me he was good!” Kevin screeches.
“No, we’ve been over this Day. Smithy said he was athletic.” Nicky reminds. “Are you going to do what Jack suggested?” he asks turning to FF.
“I’d like to see significantly less of Daniel.” FF admits.
“You know he did actually commit assault, if I pee blood I’m making Kevin go buy me pads.” Matt says.
“Whatever.” Kevin says as they continued to make their way back to the dorm to get ready for the day.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
*Skitters up to you on all fours and drops this in your lap, then scrambles up the walls and onto the ceiling and immediately falls asleep*
Comic time! Lucky wakes up in the middle of the night and has a chat with Sen in this one.
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#ah yes. the struggle of seeing yourself as a machine incapable of truly having an emotional connection with others#no matter how deeply you long for such things#whilst simultaneously seeing that deep longing within you as a mistake. a flaw. an imperfection#you were made to be absolute and impartial#to be biased in favor of your charges beyond that which your ‘programming’ dictates is shameful#you are broken. you are flawed. you want and you want and you want and you’ve never stopped /wanting./#you aren’t supposed to worry or care or love. you weren’t made for it.#and if you were not made for it then you simply cannot worry or care or love.#these /things/ that haunt you and make you inefficient are not emotions.#they are your imperfections; flaws in your make; symbols of your failures to live up to your purpose#you are broken. you are flawed. and you want so deeply that you can scarcely keep the longing inside you#such a failure you are; to not only survive the fall of the metropolis you were built to give your life to defend#but also to stoop to and revel in such indulgent imperfections as these false emotions the moment your makers are gone to dust#Fun Fact! Sen doesn’t require sleep#and spends every evening standing outside of Sharpedo Bluff / whatever campsite the gang have set up to guard the entrance.#she doesn't stay inside at night because it wasn't something done in the metropolis she hails from.#sentries are meant to watch over their charges. they are not meant to indulge in the pleasant and dry warmth of their homes.#Kip hears about this eventually (he thought it was just Sen not trusting people enough to sleep around them) and FLIPS OUT#“PLEASE would you come inside IT'S LITERALLY HAILING”#Sen is taking so much hail damage and has the gall to look at him and say “You should return to your home. the weather is unfavorable”#Kip just screams into his hands because he might have found someone even worse at self-care than Twig#And with that#it is beddy-bye time for Sofie :)#the present is a gift au#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd eos
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tojiscrack · 26 days
jjk 268 spoilers!!! scroll away now if you haven’t seen it yet!!!
and it genuinely took me by surprise how he ended up LAUGHING at gojo’s letter? 🤨 WHAT is funny while the rest of us were clutching our chests trying not to cry when that scene in shibuya happened (‘not zenin, eh? i’m glad’).
he really and truly became gojo’s son the more time he spent with him and it shows 😟
nobara being so cocky about her return is the cutest thing in the world ‘cause as much as people don’t acknowledge it, she also happens to be gojo’s student and also had a near death experience which she bounced back from, GOAT behaviour ofc 🤭
speaking of, guess whose return is next? 😋
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IK sometimes Bruce and Zatanna are friends, or just friendly tbh, but I want them to be like FRIEND FRIENDS. Like they were both semi-famous Emo Teenz™ growing up in the public eye! Come on now!
I imagine they're a little like sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Houdini, as in two silly little guys who could be hyper competent on their own but together are a walking, talking, unlikely friends comedy show.
Just thinking about emo Battinson and his goth Bff Zatanna who go on a spooky zaney adventures as teens whenever the Zataras are in Gotham. (This doesn't just apply to Battinson tho, observe)
Thinking about 16yrold Bruce needing to understand magic on a mathematical, scientific, and logical level and Zee being like " uhh, sorry bud we just say shit backwards it's like uh..it's like magic"
Thinking about them in their 20s, after Bruce's round the world in 80 days training montage, meeting John Constantine and being both DISGUISTED and kinda having a crush on him. ( It's the accent, they both think the accent is kind of hot, they will take it to their graves)
Also thinking about Zatanna showing up to Wayne manner to meet Dick for the first time looking at Bruce like " OH NO BRO! Baby??" And then immediately bonding with him because they're both performers and showmen at heart. (Aunt Zee is fun and cooky and will do magic anytime a nephew or niece asks, she will also let them wear the hat)
Not thinking about Zatanna coming to Wayne manor after her father's disappearance and death. (Or the way Bruce would feel gutted for one of his oldest friends having to experience his own trauma)
Not thinking about Bruce in the desperate throws of depression and grief after Jason's death or how Zatanna would come hold vigil beside him. Performing whatever magic rites she can to let Jason's spirit rest easy. (Bruce does not ask her to find a way to contact Jason, Bruce does not ask her to bring him back, he wants to tho so badly)
Anyway I just think it would be neat.
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willowcrowned · 1 year
yeah like. if Roy and riza get married it’s half fake marriage to trap each other in misery self harm style and half being genuinely in love. insane of them
no exactly because they don't love each other really and they don't even hate each other really (except for the ways they do) they just. are each other. you don't love your liver or your heart or your lungs they're just a part of you. and they're just a part of each other. but they should never ever get married
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woodsborostabathon · 2 months
pondering the kirsch siblings orb yet again and you really cannot convince me that quinn would not have been moving like depression era bella in new moon from the moment she even FOUND OUT richie was moving to modesto...
#like bc LISTEN.#anyone with eyes can tell richie was clearly her everything 😭#and idt she was super young bc i hc he moved out about 1-2 yrs b4 the events of 5cream#and richie wouldve still been 23-24#but just given how close they were + how spoiled he was at home LMAO idt she wouldve Expected him to leave 'so soon'#read: EVER or at least before the twins graduated hs#so i think that news hit her like the final destination 2 log truck. like that HURT. DEVASTATED her even. esp given the distance bc-#i hc the kirsches as Wisconsin People (source: kinda sorta radio silence but also my besties knowledge of Wisconsin People)#so from wherever the hell wisconsin to CALIFORNIA?!?!?!?! ik quinn was crying screaming throwing up like that was the worst day of her LIFE#up until then at least. like maybe she was onto smth bc nothing GOOD came of him moving there.#but yeah no i think she was absolutely moping about emo as hell feeling like a piece of her was literally missing.#bc and i think this goes wrt both of her brothers but since im kirschcest pilled yk theres an extra element there#quinn is very like family oriented in general and i think she doesnt know how to think of herself/what to do w herself if shes not like.#being their sister. best way i can put it thats not so convoluted but ykwim. like so it just does Not feel natural for her#for them to be apart & SO far away from each other. i think it wouldnt be nearly as big a deal if he moved out but stayed even just in stat#the only bright spot for her wouldve been 1) getting to visit and 2) getting the idea that she could just go out there for college#then yippee!! the whole gang is reunited!#bc obvi ethan is coming with. im ngl i do not even think she would ask or be like 'so i wanna move to cali to be close to richie hbu?'#i think she'd assume like well theyve been together their whole lives? why WOULDNT ethan go along?? 😭#and she's right except he is 100% agreeing bc he'd be with HER#but thats another post and or tag essay#ceci speaks#scream franchise#scream vi#kirsch siblings#richie kirsch#quinn bailey
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theheadlessgroom · 3 days
"O-Oh, yes, I'll be fine, thank you," Susannah smiled sincerely at him, her cheeks warming at the warmth of his tone, the compassion in his eyes: When was the last time someone cared that she made it home safe? It felt like eternity since then, but all that time, all the loneliness...it just seemed to fade away in his presence.
She thought that would be the end of that. The buck stops here: They would bid each other good night, and that aside from her completing his order and giving it to him, they would never see each other again. She figured tonight was a one-off, a fluke. He merely wanted to check in after the night before, just to put his mind at ease, and then they would part ways forever, and she would look back on the short time she spent with him fondly.
But in that moment, she decided this would not be the end.
"U-Unless...y-you'd like to come in..."
It was a silly, simple offer, one she was sure he wouldn't really take her up on...he probably had better places to be than sitting in her little kitchen, drinking tea or coffee or something like that and continuing to talk, the way they did the night before...
...but if he did accept (and a small part of her, very secretly, hoped that he would), she wouldn't object in the slightest.
#((she would love to see that! even something subtle; just a rebuttal of mickey's attitude towards her))#((a firm but measured response to her boss's nasty behavior would absolutely THRILL susannah to no end!))#((it'd be kind of her princess moment; her knight in shining armor coming to her aid in that moment))#((and putting down the proverbial dragon with a terse response; it'd be extremely touching to her))#((as well as extremely funny in a schadenfreude kinda way because surely NO ONE has ever talked to mickey))#((in that way before; nor has anyone ever so firmly put their foot down in regards to how he treats susannah))#((and so it'd kinda give mickey pause because his first instinct is to get angry and bark at people))#((but with philippe he *can't* do that...so all he can do is play nice and apologize-even though susannah knows full well))#((that such an apology isn't sincere; he's just doing it to cover his own ass; that doesn't matter!))#((what matters is that he got put in his place and she got to see it!))#((and true; living well *is* the best revenge; and susannah will certainly prove that down the line!))#((she's gonna be living a better life than her boss ever did! sure mickey's haberdashery *is* successful))#((but it'll pale in comparison to susannah's store; and not only that; mickey still has to deal with lazy employees))#((like abigail and co. that he's cut WAY too much slack; as well as going home to a nagging wife!))#((so yeah; susannah's really gonna be living well compared to him!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Genderbent
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
📝 💐 🛼 💔⏪️💭🧊🌄❤️‍🩹
Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
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#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#el hopper#el's pov#to the byler editors out there that use this song for edits that absolutely slap:#my sincerest apologies#but this one goes out to el#first lines of the song in particular fit so well with el's feelings about mike at this moment#his reaction to everything that just went down sort of complicating el's already conflicted feelings#up to this point she was okay with keeping up the act#we saw that with angela and how even though el just got humiliated she follows it up with rushing over to angela begging her to play along#then everything really comes crashing down#and mike isn't showing any sign of empathy at all#it's instant lashing out#then staying distanced by choosing to stand next to will instead of her after the roller skate incident#then not even once looking over at her in the van on the way home afterwards#and ending the night with him making an unnecessary comment which didn't help seeing as she was feeling low enough as it is#and now it's as if the act isn't worth it anymore#she went from wanting mike to tell her things (even if they weren't true) in hopes it would make her feel what has been lacking#to now hearing what he has to say...#and she does not like what she's hearing (refusal to understand and comfort both before during and after everything that happened)#suddenly i think she's finally beginning to realize that what she thought she wanted is not actually what she wants#suddenly she is going to find out that words were never what she needed in the first place and in the end... it'll only do harm...#also the red rose cover art? el hopper all day#4x03#gif
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ziracona · 2 years
Thinkin abt The Long Halloween film, (& spoilers for it), and remembered someone once complaining they made Gilda’s character bad in the film adaptation of The Long Halloween and a whole ‘she’s just evil because she can’t have kids anymore’ trope and like??? I have to kick in a door and say HUH??? What movie did you see?? Like the character is hella different from the comic yes, but 1, not necessarily in a bad way, a 2, that’s not her motive??? At all?? Like she’s not happy about that, but she’s not ever a ‘im inhuman now I can’t bear kids…’ The woman wants revenge because she experienced an insane trauma, and a betrayal, and the justice system is so broken that even as a lawyer herself, doing everything right, it left her empty and broken and abandoned too.
If anything, she’s just a strong foil for Harvey. She is never like ‘I can’t bear kids so now I must kill’— she’s like ‘I was in love and engaged to the man of my dreams and pregnant with our child, starting my career and family and unbelievably happy, and then his mafia father said ‘no’ to the union and child, and he just…abandoned me. For the family. I fought it, and he didn’t. He didn’t stay, he didn’t protect me, he didn’t love me. He didn’t even try. He let them cut my child out and kill it in front of me while I went kicking and screaming and fighting under the blade 8 months pregnant in a gang nonconsensual abortion, and left me literally hollowed out and alone to ‘recover’ from that, and nothing changed for anyone but me. I died that day, and no one faced ANY consequence. Not even guilt. I lost my ability to do my job, I lost my future, my hope, my ambition, my kid, my plans, my personality, my desire, my emotions, my being. I walked around as a shell. And when the justice system failed me, I found a lawyer who cared and was gunning for that mafia family, and married him, gave him more reason, but even he and Batman and the whole police force weren’t enough to stop them, so I decided to do it myself. I killed them, one holiday at a time, until everyone I wanted dead was fucking dead, and I got my justice.”
That’s an incredibly understandable, well done motive. What she did to Harvey specifically is fucked as hell, but she’s not a badly written lady. I love her comment about Harvey at the end that “We were so similar. Just. What was inside him hadn’t been ripped out yet.” Because she knows (and literally says) how broken and hollow what happened to her made her, and she can tell that what’s happened to him by the end of the story has done the same thing. She’s an incredibly cold and brutal character, but the bitch is well written.
​Like, she’s an excellent tragic film noir parallel for Harvey in the film. They go through almost the same trajectory. She is a hopeful young lawyer who believes in Justice who is betrayed and broken by the Roman’s people, and turns to extreme violence outside the system to get her justice when the ‘right way’ fails her. Harvey is literally the exact same thing, and scarred the exact same way, and changes to violence because of it. They both even say the very iconic ‘It had to be done’ close to the end of the film, in their last major scenes. Not echoing each other—neither hears the other. They just felt the same. The deep tragedy of the narrative is that in her search for justice, Gilda did to Harvey what was done to her—an utter betrayal and abandonment by beloved spouse. And he does not do to her what Alberto did. He takes the fall for her, even after the things she’s done, to him, because he loves her. The narrative repeats, the cycle of pain repeats, with the Roman at the heart of it, but with slight aberration because of the people involved this time. And if that ain’t film noir.
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lorebird · 2 years
hi lore hi hi hi you said hisui headcanon lore???? 👀👀👀 hisui hc lore please 👀 ty
HIIIII I was gonna draw some stuff for this but. Alas it is 6 am and god has seen fit to punish me for my hubris (cramps) so I’m just gonna distract myself writing this while I wait for the ibuprofen to kick in
So this is like. Completely out there bc it’s just me cherry-picking the series’ worldbuilding that I enjoy (and also completely changing it) for the sake of self indulgence <3
The Celestica people lived in ancient Hisui and were part of a trade network with the other regions. 3000 years ago, there was a war between Galar and Kalos that resulted in the darkest day and the ultimate weapon, and the news spread all over. A few centuries later, a traveller from Hisui came across the decimated weapon and its story. Idk who this character’s gonna be, probably a new OC bc I can't think of a canon character to throw this backstory onto
A bit of hc lore regarding how the ultimate weapon works: it's powered by infinity energy, the life force of pokemon, which is canon. I elaborate on that by having all infinity energy sourced from Arceus. Every pokemon is tied to it through the infinity energy necessary to live and exist (oh my god I just thought of the implications of this for manmade pokemon holy shit that's so cool I gotta think about this more), but some have more power than others. Legendaries (and maybe some mythicals?? I can't remember them all rn), which have power over nature/reality, have some of Arceus' own creation power tied into their infinity energy. All those mons are some of Arceus' thousand arms. This power can be harnessed by the ultimate weapon, which is how Lysandre intends to make the player immortal by powering it with Xerneas (so if someone powered an ultimate weapon with Kyogre, it could manipulate the oceans; if someone powered it with necrozma, it could manipulate light; etc etc)
So anyways -- the Hisuian came back and began building a new weapon, this time with the intent to create an entirely new world, just like Cyrus and Volo. Instead of a singular body like in Kalos, the three "petals" were placed around the region, equidistant from the temple of Sinnoh in the center. Each third was powered by one of the creation trio's orbs.
But tracking down those orbs was tough work -- the weapon-builder, who I'm just gonna call ZA for ease, reached out to historians and merchants to try and locate them (no one knew what they were up to at this point and what the orbs were intended for). Once all 3 had been found, the finders were told to bring them to a certain location at a specific time. At this point, ZA was at the temple of Sinnoh in the center of a region-wide weapon, and they fired.
Each third of the weapon created a crater, the three lakes. I made this shitty little representation like 3 weeks ago DHFJDKFK it's based off my vague memories of the nationwide transmutation circle from watching fma like 6 years ago
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The weapon tore open a massive rift that kinda threw everything to shit, like having a spacetime distortion covering all of Hisui. This is the threat that the ancient hero mentioned in-game solved (I like the theory that the hero is Alder <3 so he was dragged in by the distortion like Ingo was, just. A couple thousand years earlier)
As for the people who delivered the orbs and were caught up in the blast -- idk who the lustrous globe holder was tbh, maybe I'll make them another oc if I don't find a character to chuck that lore onto. The one who had the griseous core was Volo; Cogita had the adamant crystal. Like AZ, they gained immortality from proximity to the weapon, but also inherited other elements of their respective pokemon's infinity energy. Cogita can see the past and future; Volo can access the distortion world. The theoretical third character could warp space or teleport.
The weapon firing and ensuing chaos killed off a lot of the Celestica people, and the remaining few had no stability in Hisui and so left for other regions. A few centuries before pla, the diamond and pearl clans' ancestors arrived, taking up the title of Celestica and upkeep of the temple of Sinnoh. I'd like to think that Cogita had passed on some of the ancient stories to them, which is how they know about the rift and hero from the past, as well as Dialga and Palkia (even though things got. A little misconstrued there)
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ozlices · 1 year
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apathyfairy · 1 year
#tonight or tomorrow morning actually is the 4 year anniversary of my dog dying and like surprise surprise lol im still not over it like.#i honest to god dont think i ever will. i honestly dont know how people move on and get other pets and just. keep on living like i#understand it like for some people it's part of the healing process but i just could never do it. like i just cant even fathom#i dont know that's not the point. the point is im having such a hard time because everytime i do anything tonight i keep thinking#4 years ago i still had my dog or 4 years ago in 5 hours i didnt know id be going to the vet at 1am and going home without my dog at 5am#and i just keep reliving it no matter how hard i try to not. and on one hand i want it hurt like i want to remember it just to punish myself#i just i just cant move on like it's just. i went 24 years of my life without ever experiencing death and then 4 years ago today my dog dies#in the most tragic possible way ever and then 11 months later my other dog who i had for 17 years since i was 8 dies and yeah still#not over that one either because i never let myself process that or truly grieve her because i had to shut that up real tight#or i would have lost it for real. and i have the most fucked up miserable tragic dreams about her so many nights a week#because she was old and had been u know. like old dogs do they just decline and that was impossibly hard to watch but at least i kind of#knew it was coming u know but like with my other dog. there was just absolutely no warning it was so sudden and it just ripped me apart and#i honest to god will never be okay again and then 6 months after all that i find out my ex died and only because after 6 years i finally#Finally decide to have the guts to talk to him again and apologize and explain and try to be friends and then nope he's dead#then in between all those deaths a super close family friend died and my grandpa my dad's dad died and like it's just#i had never even experienced death before and then all of a sudden i was engulfed in it and i just dont know how to come back from it.#but tonight is just. painful. like i havent even said his name out loud since it happened. i cant talk about him at all just writing this i#want to cry like  it just fucking hurts forever. and it should i guess.#and i feel so stupid because so many times i wonder if my cat even remembers them and i wonder if she misses them too and idk#that makes me feel stupid and emotional and im just a wreck but i should be.
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asyourshadowfalls · 1 year
people who don't understand how long distant friendships can be healthy and safe really infuriate me. sorry babe you don't even know how to navigate a streaming site without getting ads if i don't give you a pay by play, i get that you're a dumbass when it comes to how people can be digital yet safe. but fucking hell throwing away a 10 year relationship over your fears? rooted in truly thinking i must be a dumbass who didn't do my due diligence in checking all the details of a person who's been my friend for 3 years. if i were a petty bitch i'd tell her how fucked it is that as she believes im going into a dangerous situation is when she's okay with stepping back and losing my trust? like yeah because that's the right thing to do when youre worrying about someones safety. also petty x2 would be saying how i kept my mouth shut beyond initial complaints when she was in toxic relationships because i knew i needed to be someone she felt safe coming to when she finally got to the point of leaving.
#fuck#god i needed to rant#it just boggles my fucking mind#like im fine with her thinking my choice is absolutely stupid AND with her telling me that#i expected that#but going no contact for over a week after telling her the news?#“sorry i forgot cause i was coming home from mexico”#babe that aint a 10 day trip home#and you know what N has adhd too so yeah he has also forgotten to respond for days at a time#but when i drop a bomb like moving out of state#you bet your ass he'll be remembering the need to respond before being reminded by me 10 days later#although to be fair ive never dropped a bomb like that on him#but we've had many breaks in convo between his and my forgetting but when its something that he cares about ofc hes reaching out#and thats the point#anyway if only she still read my tumblr lmao#i just don't get how she seems to not even know who i am and what processes i went through to make this choice#shit was like a year in the making#she's known about the possibility! fuck#petty x3 would be telling her that if she had followed through with our plans to move in together when her lease ended#right at the perfect time of when i would have to move out#well then id still be here. but no she did what was right for her and her boyfriend#which obviously frustrating but i fucking respected it#personal#liz#she just sent me a snap#im curious but no#i refuse#ill check it in 10 days lmao#its been 40 minutes but im back baby#i just remembered that she even knows that i was “catfished” when i was like 12
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isaacathom · 1 month
bad alternate timeline is going well in that my character, a perennial wuss, realised that another pc has kidnapped her aunt and threatened her cousin and immediately went 'oh im gonna fucking kill him'
#naielle odelia is going to fucking murder morgaan vandervest#and if youve kept even the faintest track of the lore in this campaign you know thats WILD#like a) vandervest should be dead and b) naielle deeply respects him?#in the prime timeline the situation was very complicated but naielle felt a strong responsibility towards her boss#and felt compelled to repay what she saw as unfounded trust in her. shes tried to be the captain she thinks he thought she could be#she doesnt know that isnt remotely what he had in mind and in fact her character growth from that undermined his plan#which was to have a captain who would be loyal and manipulatable#but she thought he had faith in her to rise to the challenge of command. and she did. and that made her harder to maneouver#because now she has the confidence to tell him his decisions are shit. and doesnt move around the board the same#but she still is 'loyal'. she chose to keep trusting him where she felt she could. she thinks he was a good commander#meanwhile in the dark timeline the first time they met he was coming to seize her aunts estate#and now hes kidnapped her aunt and briefly held her cousin hostage and naielles like oh im gonna kill him#she'll do it crying. not because she caresabout him but because shes scared#and i know that the moment he dies naielle will actually remember who he is. who he was to her#and shes going to have a very bad time#the dread timeline has been bad for everyone but at absolutely no point has naielle had a good time#like its been probably the worst 48hrs of her life i think she can say that confidently now#like before it was like 'this sucks but is it worse than exile' and once she got home and found out about her aunt#its like yeah no we've got the no1 spot locked in. worst time i have ever had. wow!#theres so many other things making naielles like miserable in there but atp the tags are overloaded haha
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chastiefoul · 2 months
“my wife” ft. nanami kento
in which the married man nanami kento cannot stop using every single excuse to call you his wife. he just can’t help it, it sounds really nice.
at the bakery, instead of looking for it he went to the counter to ask, “excuse me, do you have whole wheat bread? my wife prefers that over the plain one.” was there a reason for him to mention you? nope. is he going to to it again? absolutely.
he now brings home cooked lunch to work. the man who usually dreads the small talk from his coworkers now becomes quite eager when they notice the bento and asked him about it. “my lunch looks great? thank you. my wife cooked this for me.”
or when it’s after hours and there’s random talk amongst the workers such as places to visit on vacation. “these are really good recommendations, i’ll have to visit them with my wife if i have the chance.”
when he’s on grocery shop duty after work when you asked him to buy something from the market. kento tasted the one of the sample food and perked up, for two reasons. reason one is that he finds something you’d like, second reason, “where can i find more of this? my wife would love this.”
when a random stranger flirts with him and he didn’t miss a beat to say, “ah, you find me charming? thank you, my wife would agree.”
his phone would ring while he’s occupied in a work discussion and he had the slightest smile on his face as he stood up, “excuse me, my wife is calling.”
the way he always tried to insert you in every conversation even if the topic barely correlates to you. “i seriously almost drowned that day, the beach can be really dangerous,” one of his coworker said, finishing a story. and who would be able to know why kento felt the need to say, “my wife quite likes the beach.”
even in front of mutual friends such as gojo, as he knew the both of you back from high school days. “let me ask my wife first if she wants to come.” oh now it’s gojo’s turn to roll his eyes after so many years he has tormented the blond man with his antics. “you know that i know ‘your wife’ right? that she’s my friend too?” nanami looked at him, “what’s your point?” he deadpanned.
on the most random time of the day, his mind wandered to you as always. “i miss my wife.”
guys i think he has a wife
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