#what a mentally ill ally truly.
ozlices · 1 year
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beguines · 7 months
As neoliberalism has infected higher education, research on "mental health issues" in the academy has become increasingly conservative. My own subject area, sociology, is as guilty as any other. We have lost sight of what it means to think critically about the mental health system, to be able to challenge the work of the psy-professions, to interrogate meaningfully the production of knowledge claims on "mental disease," and to adequately contextualise the expansion of the psychiatric discourse with reference to theoretical sets of ideas which refer to labelling, power, and social control. We have effectively become pseudo-social psychologists whose research agenda is passed down to us by state agencies, requiring us to do little more than identify marginalised groups who can be labelled and policed by the psychiatric authorities and the criminal justice system. Having a once proud tradition of highlighting the systematic, oppressive practices of the mental health system, the sociology of mental health is now in severe danger of simply becoming another arm of the state. Far too much of what passes for "research" in the discipline is flawed from the beginning: it takes for granted that the mental health system is a fundamentally caring, scientifically sound discipline; it accepts mental illness diagnoses as valid and having a proved aetiology; and the empirical lens is focused outward on "undetected" pathologies in the general population rather than inward on the pathological behaviour of the institution of psychiatry and its allies. The result is that we end up with sociological research and scholarship which perpetuates the myths of psychiatric knowledge and aids the expansion of psychiatric hegemony (how many times have we read at the conclusion of such articles and books that there is a gap—an "unmet need"—in current mental health provision for which further resources and staffing is required?).
Thus, we need to resist the top-down state-run agenda and reject funding streams that tie us into conservative, surveillance-focused projects. We also need to be vocal in challenging the scholars who take on such projects and reproduce the same old nonsense on mental illness prevalence which reinforces the hegemonic view of black, female, young, LGBT, working class, and other marginalised populations as pathological. As always, sociological investigation needs to focus on the powerful rather than the powerless. This requires the revitalisation of a truly critical research agenda for the sociology of mental health in which the operations and practices of the psy-professions and their production of knowledge claims are prioritised. Research would then focus on the politics of diagnostic construction and professional power, on how psy-professionals turn subjective, personal understandings of human beings into categories of pathology, on the inner workings of the mental health system, on the conflicts and alliances made internally and externally to these professions, and on their constant need to justify mental health practice as medically and scientifically relevant.
Bruce M.Z. Cohen, Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness
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mamuzzy · 2 months
— Is “psycho” a slur? —
My easiest answer to this question: ASK IF A REAL PERSON IS OKAY TO BE CALLED A PSYCHO. If not, then you are not calling the person with ASPD, BPD, or any other PD a psycho.
Listen to the people with personality disorders, not the people who claim they are allys so they call everything ableist that can hurt our pretty sensitive disabled heart. There is a chance that someone is made the label their own. And someone is not okay with it. No, you don't make a fucking a poll where everyone can vote, and even the neighbours cat can puke on the reblog button. YOU TALK TO A REAL PERSON, YOU ASK. End of story.
Personality disorders and especially Antisocial Personality Disorder are often associated to “being a psycho”.
And you especially met with this term in RepComm while reading.
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When I mention TODAY to someone that I have personality disorder, people are being like: okay and you are eating that with fork or spoon?
You call out ableism because you heard it somewhere that being called a psycho is ableist, and calling out ableism gives you browney points on tumblr.
“Psycho” is not a slur. Sometimes not even the self-diagnosed psyhopaths know about the existence of the term of ASPD (that's how personality disorders are not in every speech!!!), they just now that something is wrong, because they always hit walls around people. Psycho or sociopath was the closest that you could name this condition in the early 2000's.
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Nulls being called a psycho is not Kal Skirata’s elaborate trick to enslave the nulls or whatever the fuck anti-kal people comes up with. People with pd-s are mostly self-aware. Being always fucking self-aware is why we know that we don’t fit in.
Someone with personality disorder is extremely important to be self-aware, that's why name-erasing, mental-health erasing cause more harm. You don't say shit like to a pd that "you are completely normal, there is nothing wrong with you, carry on" because the next time we actually do something mentally ill™, you will be the first to call us "fucking psychos".
(yeah. I know. so much we, and them, and us, like I'm one with ASPD too, I'm trying to figure if I have more personality disorder than BPD, and probably have.)
In this age where everything is within reach via internet, people truly forget that media is accessible written by different generations, and when I see younger people engaging with the Republic Commando series TODAY in 2024 with today’s tumblr sensitivity standards, I think: vod. Are you aware that the first book came out in 2004, TWENTY YEARS AGO? The accessibility to everything is great but it totally messes up the ability to see TIME CONTEXT. And this time blindness can truly mess up communication between different generations too, causing rifts and we end up invalidating other’s experiences if we are not careful.
“But there were more progressive books even before 2004” - Probably. Only we didn’t have an entire library of progressive labels of genders, sexuality, phobias and MENTAL ILLNESSES AND CONDITIONS.
Not in everyday speech. If no one talks about it, you won't know the concept. You don't know how to ask questions aside from "what's wrong with me?"
In the early 2000’s and before if your teachers hated you, your parents weren’t educated (or just didn’t care), or your parents themselves never got proper treatment for their neurodivergency, there is chance that YOU ALSO didn’t have a chance to get a proper diagnosis for different types of neurodivergency as a child.
children with dyscalculia were called lazy.
children with dyslexia were called retards who can't even read.
children who were fine playing alone were the weird ones.
autistic people? You mean rain man? Or those braindead retards shitting themselves and throwing fits and should have been euthanized if their parents had any love for them? Oh no you are not autistic, stop being oversensitive to noises and shit and people bullying you for your special interests is not bullying, they are just trying to involve you sweetheart.
ADHD? Problem children with behavior issues.
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Antisocial Personality Disorder? Psychos. Problem children. HOOLIGANS. DEVIANTS.
Sounds familiar? No? Then I am truly happy for you.
People like to use this quote to prove that the Nulls didn’t have mental illnesses, it’s just Kal who spread the rumors about them, and the Nulls weren’t more than your ordinary bad behaving children. Because Vau is an outsider, therefore more reliable and objective narrator about the Nulls and because fuckkalskirataingeneral. Yeah. Sure. But we are talking about Walon Vau.
Walon “my father beat the living shit out of me as a child but I turned out fine” Vau.
These kind of abused people In real life with the exact same mentality tell you that you don’t have a problem, you are just oversensitive. You don’t need therapy, you just have to man up. Don’t take pills because pills are for pussies. YOU DON’T HAVE MENTAL ILLNESS, YOU ARE JUST A BAD CHILD. Generational trauma is fucking shit and affects everybody.
Walon Vau alone deserves a separate post about his non-existent mental health. And Sev, now that he was mentioned here. Sev is especially heartbreaking, seeing how Nulls as psychos are treated, and how Sev as a psycho is treated in the books.
This blurb is born from the thought that the Nulls are having Antisocial Personality Disorder and I’ve come to this conclusion because they are constantly called psychos, the most common label people used for this kind of behavior patterns they show throughout the series.
ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder and the usage of this name is encouraged in scientific circles because the symptoms and traits of psychopathy can’t be measured objectively anymore. Psychopathy is a neurological/hormonal condition, but no longer its own sickness, because other non-related disorders, diseases and illnesses can mimic the symptoms of psychopathy for eg.: DEMENTIA.
If you ever wonder how can a 80 years old person who never showed any sign of aggression before just go and brutally kill their neighbor for a sole treebranch hanging over the fence and littering the garden with leaves, there is a chance that something is not alright in the brain anymore.
Emotions developed healthy with healthy self-restraints and and self-control will not let you do socially unacceptable things like killing to solve problems, just because your brain tells you: BASH THEIR FUCKING SKULL WITH A ROCK.
Every emotional response are hormones and neurotransmitters in work. Brain is responsible to give the appropriate response to each situation we are facing. If you have hormonal problems, or neurological conditions, different brain structure than a neurotypical people, there is a chance, that these responses are not working as they are intended, you will have different or more extreme emotional responses to things, or not having at all.
So that is why we don’t use the terms of psychopath today as an individual sickness, because PSYCHOPATHY ITSELF IS A SYMPTOM of various conditions! People with psychopathy, the “psychos” are usually on the spectrum of ASPD.
So again, repeat after me like I'm Dora the explorer who put you on gunpoint:
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theseventrumpets · 1 year
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A loud, trumpeting sound goes across the entire Plain. All cats are overwhelmed for a moment by an ethereal sense, something that they can't control and can't find the source of. The sky pulses white for a moment, but no one can tell if it was a hallucination or not.
♪ ♫ The Seven Trumpets Sound,   ♫ ♪
The cats of the Plain have experienced a lot of loss recently. With the Red suffering an attack from one of their own, the Pale discovering a monster in its depths, an illness finding its way into Black, and the White having its final battle with the raccoons, things don't seem to be going too well for them.
Trouble stirs, as Calandivaspade heightens tensions with the Red Face, Volcanicdiamond, bringing the two decks ever closer to war, while Turnclub suffers from losses after a war with raccoons, and his only ally, Aegisheart, is dealing with a mysterious disease with no cure. How will the canaries escape the coal mine when there's no exit in sight?
►► The First Trumpet Sings. ◄◄
This RP has been running for 10 months now, and after 3, I finally make the announcement that we are OFFICIALLY IN THE 1ST ARC!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I have never run anything on this big of a scale before, and I hope so desperately to create a memorable experience for everyone involved. All of my members and moderators mean SO SO MUCH TO ME. It is truly amazing to me to see your creativity shine, and all the wonderful characters you've made so far. I'd love to see even more as time goes on!!
Now, of course, there's still room for those uninitiated. The current plot needs to be updated on the website, but if you hop in the server, you can get some pretty decent rundowns from fellow members if you're interested! You must be 18+ to join, there's no applications, and there's little to no restriction on the kinds of cat characters you can make in here.
If you’re interested, read below the cut to see more in-depth details about the server and story, or check out the links right below to get started on reading the lore, about the Decks, and so on. To join the RP, just go ahead and click the link to the Discord server! After you’re in, wait some time for our mods to check you over, and give you permission to join. I would love to see a batch of new members and potential helpers/mods in this first arc, so please please PLEASE take a looksie at my story, and I hope to see you there!!
"We picture seven swinging branches, with seven swinging bodies--seven singing trumpets, with seven seals to come! We shall overcome!"
Here’s what you can expect from this RP:
► Oh god, there’s elemental magic built into the cats. ► It all takes place entirely in a world of my own, so there’s a shitton of worldbuilding! ► Paranormal and supernatural activities, including Gods and ghosts from the grave! ► Non-feline animals are allowed in limited quantities! ► There’s no Starclan, just Ad Infinitum and it’s subsections! ► A completely overhauled and hand-crafted Warriors ranking system! ► A mostly liquid time based RP, both in events, roleplay, and aging! ► Morally dubious and evil characters allowed in certain quantities! ► Neurodivergent/mentally ill/physically disabled characters are allowed with no restrictions or paywalls! ► Currency system to add rare traits to your cats, AND MORE! ► Occasionally fun games and events to earn you points for currency, as well as to bond with your fellow server-mates!
The Seven Trumpets is an 18+ horror Warrior Cats Roleplay based around the concept of a biblical apocalypse, inspired by the album 'Until The Horror Goes' by the band John Congleton & The Nighty Nite. It uses a lot of horror themes, though mostly focuses on psychological horror and the idea of unreality and fear, and how those can drive characters to survive, or cease surviving entirely.
This RP will focus on some darker topics, and gore will be featured from time to time. This RP may not be for the faint of heart, and I encourage you to make sure you can handle psychological horror before coming into this server! Although this RP is horror themed, it will not be purely angst and hardship. As the goal of the story is to stop an apocalypse, there will be themes of hope and light coming through the darkness, and characters finding the strength to keep pushing on even when everything is against them. Don't expect this server to be purely dark with no happiness, as that just wouldn't be fun for anyone to constantly deal with anxiety and pain and suffering all the time!
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hellbentrapture · 7 months
I did not think my first eulogy would be for my best friend. I did not think we would not grow old together, geriatrics doing movie nights. I did not think I would not always be cooking and sharing meals with him, so candid and excited about each one. I did not think he would let go. I did not think he would not be there. Ever. Again.
CW/TW: suicide, grief, loss, depression, mental illness, abusive and manipulative family, funeral arrangements, C-PTSD/PTSD, OCD.
My best friend committed suicide on February the 7th of this year (2024), I learned about it on the 10th after myself and my other best friend filed a missing persons report for him on the 9th. He had been struggling only a few days prior with an episode that involved C-PTSD and a flashback - I cannot divulge more than this, only that it was so complicated and there is so much more to it. He did go to the hospital, on Sunday the 4th. He did spend the night. He went home Monday the 5th.
Myself, he, and my other best friend had a group call. We talked for awhile and he was genuinely hopeful for the future. He had plans, he was talking to people, he was reaching out.
Wednesday the 7th was the last time anyone heard from him - it was me and my other best friend, at 10am. We were told he likely died around 4:30pm/5pm. A matter of hours, lessened when you account for him writing the letter and travelling. We were informed it was a train. I will never look at trains the same ever again, I do not know when I will be able to truly look at them yet...
The space between the 7th and the 10th is because he was unidentified, and was only discovered and connections made because I insisted we check on him. I insisted we make calls on Friday, we go to his apartment, we involve local health, we involve the police. Had we not filed that missings, who knows how long it would have been.
Worse yet, his abusive and estranged mother is his legal next of kin. So she gets to make all the calls on his arrangements and care. He had technically cut off his sister 8 months ago, but she is our only ally and is the far far lesser of the two evils. Working with her has not been as bad as it could be - without her, my other best friend and I would have no power nor legal recourse anywhere.
Before his mother intervened, we had picked a lovely funeral home to have him cremated at, that even said they could arrange a viewing for us. Instead, he will be going to literally the cheapest crematorium in the city (that actually advertises as such) and does not do viewings. His mother has been withholding what belongings she has gotten and has threatened to withhold all of his ashes if his sister does not see her for them. His mother, and her partner, have also threatened to keep the ashes out of spite. Luckily, the crematorium has promised us half the ashes that we can pick up separately.
I am trying not to fret that She will intervene once more...
I have not been fully processing or feeling it all yet - I don't think I will be able to until we are done planning the official service (that anyone who knew him is welcome to) and the wake (the tight circle). So a big part of me feels like I am in wait mode still.
But I do feel it every now and then, the deep cavernous sadness. The utter despair. The loss. The denial. The anger. Grief. More grief.
I loved him so very much. We were two struggling souls caught in a ruthless and relentless storm, gripping each other's hands, terrified but knowing we could make it together. I had so many visions of my future, and he was always going to be there with us.
In the end, as he told me in his letter, it was the OCD. I am angry that he gave into the impulse to find only the worst stories of OCD, where he believes those to be the all. I am deeply hurt, wishing I had known it felt so bad for him. And I am mortally terrified, for I did not know OCD could take you down like that - and I have OCD.
And you know what this all needs? Therapy. Do you know what I cannot access? Therapy.
I am so lucky and thankful for the Tight Circle I still have, we are supporting each other so much right now and I am so glad for it. I know I have others. I know this awful, awful pain will pass eventually, with time.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Manfred Von Karma
How I read a man I love to hate
TW for abuse- specifically parents to children. Take care of yourselves y’all
I subscribe to the idea that Manfred is verbally, and mentally abusive. Specifically towards Miles. But in a very undercut way. Like guilt tripping and gaslighting. I’m talking mother Gothel from Tangled but softer towards his children. He is the reason Miles’s guilt runs through him so deep. Van Karma made and grew the scars that grows on Miles’s soul. Under the guise of being a rather respectable father and remarkable prosecutor
Manipulate, Mansplain, Manfred.
Francheska wasn’t a intentional victim to any of this. She was an observer though. I like to think that she was clueless to the majority of this.
She understood that her upbringing was different to other children. However, she couldn’t process exactly what it was.
I also like the idea that Francheska was Miles only ally for his adult life. Especially when Miles’s dog dies.
Yes y’all- the I’ve seen a free clips of the AA anime. (Because it of Wendy Rocket’s video on the man we’re talking about today)
Sidebar- please watch Wendy Rocket’s video. It’s wonderful. It honestly made me reevaluate how I view this… monster of a person. It’s gonna be right here. Please watch it when you have the time
Back to the action
I like to think that Von Karma only had two loves of his life outside of his children. He was married to both his profession and his wife.
I like to think the marriage was arranged at first, but slowly the couple fell in love.
I don’t know if his partners death is discussed in the anime. Like I said, I’ve only seen clips. However, I’m assuming either a car crash, freak accident, or may be a terminal illness.
Whatever it may be, I like to think that Manfred truly loved this person, and they were understanding of the fact that he loved prosecuting more. Even if he wouldn’t admit it.
 Regardless of who Von Karma was married to, I don’t think Francesca remembers them.
Whether it be out of grief or respect, Von Karma doesn’t mention them nor does he show any photos or paintings of this person in the house unless it’s in his room specifically or in a secret section of his office.
Manfred absolutely listens to music without earbuds or headphones in public. He is that bitch.
At the same time he isn’t because he doesn’t think Starbucks is real Coffee. On the rare occasion that he does order coffee it’s always black.
I like to think that if Francesca and Miles have trophies, he has a trophy case set up in the main living room/entrance of their home, showing off everything his children have done until Miles heads off to college
He is one of those dads who lives by bi-curiously through his children. You cannot tell me otherwise. Other than the obvious that both of the Von Karma children pursue prosecution as a profession, I don’t think it ends there.
Clubs, friends, partners, etc. If their lives were cars, Manfred would be at the wheel. Or piloting from the starting line with the remote control, meeting them every other mile.
Speaking of miles, if Miles were to have met Phoenix at any other point in his life, weather be in or out of court, and they became friends or something more, Von Karma would put an end to that immediately. For lack of a better example I’m thinking the situation from Crazy Rich Asians. Very much “you aren’t good enough for my son”/ “you could do so much better”.
In the same vain, I don’t think Francesca would choose her own partner either. If we’re going off the same train of thought that I have, I think she would be in a arranged marriage. Unless Manfred takes the excuse of being married to the profession.
Regardless, I like to think that after Manfred was convicted, and once the adrenaline of not guilty leaves Miles depressingly empty, I think him and Francesca have a long conversation about their childhood.
Agony would be an understatement.
Truths that neither of them would ever speak out loud finally coming out. So many tears. So many things broken-!
Like how Francesca truly cares for Miles, even though she is brash.
And how Miles felt very alone in the years after his father’s death. And how he hasn’t really grieved because of that need for perfection that Manfred stride for.
I think that ordeal would be one of the reasons why Miles left the country, other than Phoenix making him reevaluate his career.
I also like to think that both of them have strained contact out of fear. And ofc for the fact that they can’t communicate for their lives.
At least not with their words.
For better or worse Miles and Francesca communicate better with their actions. Both with the understanding of each other that no one else really knows yet. Mainly since they are very afraid of making connections outside of themselves.
I’m going off into a tangent about how I’d like to think they overcome this. I’ll put all that in another post and link it once I finish it,
right here
Regardless, this is the end. But there is more. This post is a part two to this post. So go ham if you want more of my ramblings.
Take care of yourselves yall
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
GUNNM // Canon x OC Ship - Sechs x Ratte
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#gunnm - Battle Royale in the Asteroid Belt! ✨ Check out full post on IG for timelapse drawing, wip and close ups! www.instagram.com/p/Cq7ZEHaMvy…
Here’s the first artwork of my Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita) ship released on this profile. I really need to redesign my #ocs old design and see through that I make a proper sheet with a proper reference. Anyways, I’m waiting for the release of the next instalment of the #battleangelalita Mars Chronicle and to satisfy my needs during the wait, I present to you the first picture of what is going to help me to survive the wait!
Ratte is my #owncharacter . She is Zekka’s actual child, although, Zekka ran away to get some smokes and ditch the responsibility when a girl suddenly carried his genes! Ratte wanted to know her father though, so when she found him, he told her that he’d only take care of her, if she would beat him in a fight. Of course, Ratte was but a kid in a cyborg-body. She had no chance against the strongest fist in the universe! However, Zekka was so impressed by the gall this girl had, that he began to teach her martial arts. Fast forward to the Z.O.T is when Ratte had become an adult, a formidable fighter and one of the allies of the Space Angels later on, opposing her own father this way.
More stuff is coming soon! Please stay tuned! 👾
Things to do: Design charactersheet for Ratte. Design satisfactory version of her Fizziroy-Body. Make some slides from the manga. Make a few edits. Make lotsa Gunnm Art! Make more face studies and get into the grid of drawing GUNNM Style. ^^
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Ratte belong to me. Sechs is from #yukitokishiro#gunnmlastorder
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#gunnm - #charactersheet
❤️ Ratte: German for “Rat” // Built 5 years ago, equaling humanoid age of 20 years currently.
👾 Ratte is the dishonourable daughter of the great and famous Zekka, the strongest fist in the universe. She was born a cyborg, an accident that shouldn’t have happened and naturally so, Zekka ditched all responsibilities in this very drunken incident, leaving the "alledged mother/creator" of the child, getting a pack of smokes, never returning again. Ratte’s mother was very ill, taken by a cybernetic virus; she died shortly after the “birth” of the child, hence Ratte “grew up” in the ranks of the Stellar Nursery Society - Guntroll.
💀Only one year after she was built, she changed from a children’s cyborg body to an adult one. The girl never truly had been a child, nor did she ever have the mentality of one. Basically, you could say she was born as an “adult” (mentally). It was Yani, the Cybertech, who eventually built her new body, therefore, Ratte is a secret fizziroy-body-user. Qu Tsang taught her some of her martial arts, however, it was obvious that this fighting style wasn’t for her. Eventually she studied Capoeira, mixing it with influences of Wing-Chun and some secrets of the Panzerkunst, to form her very own, personal fighting style.
🤖Shortly before the Z.O.T Zekka and Ratte met once again and their first meeting wasn’t a pleasant one. Ratte had every reason to be mad at her “so-called father” hence an immediate fight occurred, which Ratte unfortunately lost. However, Zekka had to admit that the girl had some gall and after “somewhat” sorting things out, Zekka taught her some of his techniques as well, being a proper dad for the first time. During the Z.O.T Ratte allied with the Space Angels and the Guntroll team, opposing her father once more, rooting for Sechs to kick his stupid ass!
❤️More info and art coming soon! Pls stay tuned! Love ya’ll! Likes, comments and shares are very much appreciated.
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Music Credit - AIM TO HEAD
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astriwilt · 7 months
So I’m rewatching The Sopranos for the third time and omg Caitlin deserved so much better. She was struggling with bad mental health issues and everyone treated her like shit.
Now I can’t talk about Noah without mentioning Tony’s racism. Tony is a racist piece of shit and judged Noah based on his race instead of his character. That part has been analyzed to death though and everyone knows Tony is a raging racist asshole. What I wanna talk about is Noah’s character; which is what he should be judged on and not the color of his skin.
But in all seriousness; besides showing the audience how deep rooted Tony’s racism is….I think Noah served another purpose. To show the audience half assed “love and understanding” if that makes sense. I’ll explain it better: the first scene we see after Noah and Caitlin are in the same room; Noah is alone with Meadow and is talking to her about how they should just be patient with Caitlin. She’s far away from home and has obvious mental health problems. Meadow even comments about how caring and understanding Noah is and how “most guys wouldn’t even give a shit”. Then later Caitlin comes to talk to Noah while he’s studying. Noah lets her in; and then Caitlin talks so much that Noah can’t concentrate and gets a C on his assignment. Does Noah have the right to be mad? Yes. But should he also understand that Caitlin is literally mentally ill and that he was the one who let her in? Yes. Instead of being bitter about it for a bit he decides that his father’s restraining order is an appropriate response and bashes Caitlin for always intruding on him and Meadow. So kids, what does this say about Noah? It says he only cares when it’s convenient. He only cares until he sees how bad mental illness can be. Meadow has this problem as well; she was an absolute bitch to Caitlin at times…but at least with Meadow there was still some real concern there instead of virtue signaling. Noah’s character is a great example of how people treat mental illness. They’re all for supporting people going through it until they truly see the ugly side of it…..the illness part. If you’ve watched The Sopranos and seen how Noah acts then you know DAMN WELL this guy would say something like “We should do everything we can to help people struggling with mental illness 😢” if he was asked about the topic. But as soon as it affects him in the slightest way it’s a different story.
So is it unreasonable for me to write a whole essay about a guy who was kind of an asshole in a show about murderers and gang members? Yes, it absolutely is. But also people tend to be pissed off easier by a fictional character they’re more likely to meet in real life than ones they aren’t. I’ve met a lot of Noahs but I haven’t met many mafia members LMAO. Also for all the theatric anger in this post….the point of this post was to applaud The Sopranos here. Like I said before it’s an amazingly accurate representation of how people are mental health allies until they actually see how mental illness works. It was just so beautifully accurate and beautifully portrayed. So with that all being said:
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scarletwitching · 2 years
If you could rewrite several things about Wanda, what would they be?
I think I have rather basic preferences in terms of which comics are Bad and Should Not Have Happened. Certain things are obviously offensive and published during times when Marvel editors were letting writers do whatever, and that sucks. John Byrne? Sucks. Do not like him. I'm not the first to point out that continuity, for all its joys, negatively impacts female and minority characters in disproportionate ways. Beyond the big, obvious answers though, I don't especially want to erase much. It's all part of the tapestry, and the pick-and-choose nature of the canon means I don't have to care about most of it anyway.
My unique-to-me answer is that Marvel has done some reprints of old Avengers comics where they recolored Wanda's hair from black to red, and that should be stricken from the record. Stop this redhead propaganda! Give her her black hair back!
I realize that's not a rewrite, strictly speaking, but...
Maybe a more satisfying way to look at your question is, if I could start over from the beginning, what would I do? Tom Brevoort said in a recent newsletter that writers frequently pitch a do-over/restart of the Ultimate Universe (see also), so if I were to pitch a fresh reboot of the Marvel Universe, what would my pitch for Wanda be?
There is not much from the original Ultimate Universe that I consider worth keeping. This, maybe, if only for laughs. I don't love the probability powers, mostly because they don't make sense and not in a fun magic way, but I am amused that they accidentally make her a math savant. I wouldn't care about keeping that aspect one way or the other. She can be a math genius. She can not be a math genius. I do not care. There's nothing else worth even mentioning in Ults (and I'm not getting into rewrites for The Movies, even though any actual comics reboot would naturally be influenced by them, because we don't have time to get into All That), so that leaves us with the main universe to pull from.
First rewrite: The Brotherhood of Mutants are not evil. They're not villains.* They've just separated themselves from human society. I am so tired of "the villain has good ideas, but they've got to kill a puppy to prove that you shouldn't question the status quo TOO much." They can be a foil to the X-Men. They can be allies with ideological differences (maybe leading to the formation of Krakoa or some other island nation at a later date). But no more of that same fucking villain plot. It's tired. Do something different.
If you're introducing a new version of Wanda, she should start out as a teenager by default, and personality-wise, I think 70's Englehart is the way to go. Strong personality. Not a wallflower. Kind of bossy, not the biggest fan of humans. She can change over time, but that's a good starting place. Be creative with her powers, however you define them. No omnipotence shit. Let the inventiveness take the spotlight.
That's a good foundation to go off of and potentially launch into stories about the Avengers and whatnot. I'm not so worried about the precise backstory details (I wouldn't get rid of Django, but the specifics are not too much of a concern). I guess my overall rewrite is digging into the mutant separatist thing from a more modern angle, emphasizing creativity over raw power, and giving her the Englehartian personality from the start, along with the easy stuff like more respectful portrayal of her background and not doing the truly awful mental illness/trauma portrayals. There's a million other little details to get into from there, but this answer is already long.
*If I have another pointless rewrite to add to the main universe, it's that they have to stop saying she started out as a villain. No, she did not. Abused children are not supervillains. Stop saying this nonsense.
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rabioromantic · 1 year
one genuine question can you describe what rabioromantic/sexual means for you? sincerely a person who is a part of the rabies pride (the trans nd part) I'm just perpetually confused about things heh
I feel ready to truly go in-depth about what the label means to me, personally. I’ve said things in the past that have generally aligned with what other rabio+ folks have said but my connection to the label runs deeper than what I’ve previously stated. I have suffered from medical malpractice and a mother that would diagnose me with things that I never had (can’t remember the term but it’s been proven what she did to me was a result of mental illness) and as a result it left me with trauma that involves me fantasizing about being ill, hence why I feel the strong compulsion to infect myself with rabies. Romantically, I am attracted to eccentric people and those who (to me) embody the spirit of rabies because while I have suffered from suicidal ideation I do not feel it is my time to leave this realm by contracting rabies and being intimate with a person like that, and exhibiting those behaviors myself, brings me fulfillment and (at least temporarily) wards off the compulsion to actually catch the disease. I’m not attracted to rabid animals, though I do find them cute. I consider myself a close ally to the therian and furry communities, as part of my gender expression i practice quadrobics and I often attend local furry cons. I do not feel sexual attraction, it just doesn’t interest me, but I would imagine a person in a similar situation to me that could feel that attraction and I believe rabiosexual would suit them. For my self however, I prefer to use the rabioromantic asexual label
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fecto-forgo · 7 months
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my toxic trait is i go to make a tier list but i keep adding more and more and more and more tiers n then ive used up all the damn tier colors again.nyways rambles
-dont ask me to explain susie/zan my bestie mentioned it once n i thought it sounded cute then i thought more abt it n was admitted to an asylum for developing a new mental illness over them but i have aphasia i unno how to explain it listen it just works ok
-i am only capable of truly liking doomed ships n foil ships n oddly specific crackships.alas why every tier after sectonia/taranza is not an actual ship i have
-metadedede to me is like.sorry beforehand but its kinda like when a show has a straight ship thats quite cute so you dont actively ship it but you do think "aw thats sweet :)" when you see stuff of them.sorry for claiming theyre similar to a straight ship again
-carol/leon is that too but slightly less effective bc theyre not as established as meta n dedede
-i dont ship ribbon/adeleine but a mutual does so its the best of the ships in the yellow tier btw
-i think magolor should just be stuck forever to be platonically obsessed w chilly who doesnt want to be bfffffs w him.he doesnt even know what that is.that or rly fucking dramatic relationship drama theres no way magolor washes the dishes.n i want a damn latino novela w 300 capítulos of metasusie not working out.
-i dont get the knight ships or why theyre so popular at all but again im legally not allowed to judge most ships
-marx is like.12 to me kirby will grow up to be a dense aromantic (they already r but the wording sounded funny) (THO i do think ribbon n prince fluff liking them one sided-ly has great comedic potential).elfilin is beyond the need of romance.also hes too dumb anyways.also bandee isnt aro but he lowkey hates most of the star allies hes not gonna date marx lmao.n ngl i never even thought of bandee n sailor even knowing each other.i dont know why i put the two enemy knights there.
-i refuse to have in depth thoughts on the mirror world lore bc hals gonna debunk all of it anyways but the little i do have.girl youre not dating d minds little dedede puppet who runs on pure rage lmaooooo
-remember the toxic dysfunctional yaoi from the kirby anime.yeag.
(og tierlist post btw i got shy for putting it in the reblogs u_u)
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A theory on the Primarch Mirror-Pairings and figuring out the identity of the Lost Primarchs from that
So this theory as a whole is nothing new, and I have seen versions of it going around. However, as a fun thought exercise, I thought maybe if there are two able to match up, that could be a hint towards two two "mystery" ones. Generally when dealing with Chaos you never just get the thing you want - you usually get two, neither being exactly what you wished for but technically fitting the definition. Given how the Emperor "tricked" the Chaos Gods in cooperating (strong word for just saying "No Fuck Off when being presented with the bill), the Primarchs should be no exception with this.
For this we will start with the most obvious pairings, and then move on to the speculative bits. Overall we should get ten pairings, each themed around a thing one would need as a load bearing pillar of the empire.
Pairing One: Rogal Dorn and Peturabo. Infrastructure. Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists are probably the only two legions that are actively involved in building infrastructure. These two are the ones who even in peace times could have their place in the Imperium - just imagine construction crews of Astartes taming even the most dangerous deathworlds and turning them into habitable planets. Sadly, in their timeline, there is only war.
Pairing two, Roboute Guiliman and Horus. Logistical prowess, with the difference being that while the Ultramarines are superior at running a multi-system-empire, in terms of pure war logistics Horus is superior. The Lunar Wolves always won because they were good at fighting, stealth, speed, and anything - but because it is hard to lose when you got a fuckload of tanks and artillery backing you up and blasting the enemy to bits before you even get into close range.
Pairing three: The Lion and Alpharius. Secrets. Oh so many secrets. One is vey good at keeping them, the other at getting them. Both are defined by a paranoid streak that puts their own little club above everything in the universe, inculding the Empire they are a part of or the Chaos Gods respectively.
Most likely pair to do a loyality-swap in the future edition.
Pairing Four: Leman Russ and Angron. The "send them somewhere quick and brutal"-team. People tend to forget that lore detail, but given pre-nail Angron's palandin-equse abilities and personality, the War Dogs were initially designed as a rapid responder to help other legions. They were the cavallary coming in to save their friends in trouble by straight up murdering the enemy full-force. Sadly, the Nails in Angron's head had other plans.
Meanwhile the Space Wolves are there to get sent on allies should they pose a danger. They are the only legion that had combat experience against Astartes before the Heresy. Both would rush into combat with absolute savagery and brutality.
Pairing Five: Corvus Corax and Kondrad Curze. Role: being in your vents. Right now. These are the stealthy boys. Not much can be said here because the premise is quite simple, even if both legions draw entirely different conclusion on how to operate with their stealth.
The Raven Guard is more about surgical strikes from impossible positions, while the Night Lords are, well... more prone to evading the actual enemy while forcing a planet into compliance by sheer incomprehensible terror.
Pairing Six: The Khan and Mortarion. Movement. You wanna go somewhere and you definetly need to go get there? Either get there faster than anyone else, or just get there absolutely no matter what stands between you and the destination.
Pairing Seven: Sanguinius and Fulgrim. The potentially cultural icons of the Empire. Aside from both legions being some of the few that truly respect the arts, they are also both the legions with the most severe build-in mental illnesses. Both of them are a result of how "emotionally crippled" Astartes are by design when compared to regular beings. This probably deserves its own post.
This leaves us Ferrus Manus, Vulcan, Magnus, and Lorgar. It could make sense to put the first two into a category, but that would be the first pairing that would not follow the pattern of "loyalist vs. chaos" which by now has been established. Meanwhile Magnus and Lorgar do not really fit together either. Sure they both meddle with the warp, but that's something other Primarchs do too, even if to various degrees.
Assuming we put Vulcan and Ferrus Manus into the "Craftsmen" category, that must mean that the two Lost Primarchs might be mirrors to Magnus and Lorgar respectively. Alternatively one could put Magnus and Ferrus Manus into a combo themed around transhumanism, either by technology or psykic ability. This would fit with the established pattern.
Then the two lost would be mirrors of Volcan and Lorgar.
Since it is Lorgar in both cases, it would make sense given how out of his brothers the purge of the Lost shook him the most. In fact, the Emperor's lack of mercy in this case was probably the one thing that set the conditions for the heresy to happen. Him having a counterpart, probably a philosophical mind to bounce of his theologics, would make sense, and given how both within that theme would be more civilized than some of their brothers, they'd probably have some interesting contrast him.
Both would probably be the same in the way that they seek their salvation in something deemed superior to them. For the Word Bearers that was the Emperor. But who could it be for the Lost One? Maybe the Glorious Machine God? The Omnissiah? Given how the Word Bearers have a lot of cybernetic constructs fighting for them, despite that having little to do with their original theme, and Lorgar canonically having being close with one of the Lost, it is save to assume that Lost Legion One went HARD into tech - and probably got purged due to meddling with AI.
Vulcan meanwhile, while being a big guy with a big heart and some mad smithing skills he picked up at his core is about one thing: survival. He is a perpetual and just can't die, and under that theme his legions self-reliancy when it comes to weapons and other tech makes a lot of sense. The Salamanders are probably some of the toughest Astartes around, and they are very aware of it. Ironically that combined with the personality led to the highest casuality rates of any legion early on, as they would sacrifice themselves a lot to get civillians and guard out of the danger zone. Because who if not the toughest boys around should be the ones to rush head first into danger? It could also be that Perpetuals in general have an subconscious lower self-preservation-instinct, and that gets put into his Astartes as well - who sadly are NOT Perpetuals. They just get the brain of one.
So how would a mirror look like to this? Simple: survival through adaptation. A highly adaptive biology that with some bio-science adding it up could probably do everything from making them grow protective scales to getting gills. It could explain some of the weirder animal-themed chapters running around today.
They were probably purged because they went a bit too hard into "becoming their own species" by accident. Turns out when you are biological clay, changing one's sex is not exactly hard. So yeah, this is where the Lady Space Marines ended up - with the response of the Emperor being "Ew, girls are yucky - and also you are about to betray humanity as a whole by evolving away from it" followed by a purge.
Who could have known? It's almost like I had some thought put into it for a long ass time :>
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So I watched 3x02. I…have thoughts on Lois having cancer, but I don’t know how to write it all together in a way that makes sense? So I’m just gonna ramble my thoughts *shrug*
I guess I’ll start off with the blunt truth (in true Lois-Lane-style): I don’t want this.
Something that’s being said a lot by a good number of fans about this, is that, after both seasons 1 & 2 - S2 especially - this really does not work. Lois has pretty much only had really traumatic and/or emotionally devastating focus, if it’s just hers I mean. Obviously there’s been some fluff in this show, but…first we had Lois feeling less important to Clark in S1 to his other stuff, then her miscarriage storyline, then the almost dying because of Tal and losing her husband to brainwashing and begging for his life, then S2 starts and she’s reliving her trauma with her mother abandoning her, her sister betraying her and her career+integrity being questioned (no resolution to the Ally plot WRT Lois, honestly, which still tastes bitter to me). The whole of season 2 for Lois following that - like. do I truly need to go point by point? Literally S2 was Awful to her.
And now, S3 opens, and she discovers she wants another baby. But not only can she not have that right now (and Clark seemed hesitant but playing along, so maybe not at all and she’s gonna havefta find out later, as she’s dealing with Everything Else), she’s got aggressive, deadly cancer! Hooray 😒 /s.
Like. Why the fuck is it only this? Always?
I hate it. And don’t mistake me: I am very, very chronically ill myself, I KNOW what kind of strength it takes to be THIS sick, to be so weak in the limbs, having to lock yourself in the bathroom for hours because of the more gross stuff, being so fatigued you just can’t shower without help, etc. This is absolutely a storyline that can show strength, because, frankly, the mental fortitude required, and having to completely reshape the way you think, all while grieving losing the autonomy, the functioning of your body, is MASSIVE.
But Lois has been through E-FUCKING-NOUGH ALREADY. We know her strength! We know she’s badass! This is just. It’s just utterly unnecessary and painful and cruel.
This isn’t the storyline she should’ve had.
That’s it. That’s my post.
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therealnightcity · 11 months
White for Hiro ; Red for Avi ; Green for Ares and Ily <3
Character asks for @gloryride 🥰💕
White: When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
Hiro felt the most vulnerable in the weeks prior to his first attempted break with the Claws. He knew he didn't have much to lose, and everything to gain, and it was ill-thought out, but a single decision set the next eight years in motion, even if didn't realize how. He was surrounded but not by allies, and he knew that any sort of ties to people would only be something to be manipulated or trouble for them down the road. He almost considered asking Judy for help, one of his few friends, but decided against getting her involved, and if things went poorly, he didn't want her tied to his mistakes. It was one of the few decisions he's never regretted.
Red: What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
That his desire to be in control is a thin veneer over anxiety. If he controls the situation, he controls the variables and his emotions and responses to it. He doesn't know how to turn mission-mode off. He's always on alert, head on a swivel, and as much as it's kept him alive in the corpo landscape, it's not particularly constructive for his mental well-being. He had a wellness coach when he was at Arasaka whom he frequently ignored the calls of, or interacted just enough with that they'd leave him alone. He's hard to read at best, but if you watch closely enough, you can see a muscle in his jaw twitching when he's absolutely had it. Most emotions get worked out through gigs or sparring, preferring not to bring them home.
Ares, Ily
Green: What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
Ares knows that her trust in people can come across as downright naive, and sometimes it does. But it also leads to her making friends in places she doesn't expect, and offering empathy or understanding when people are accustomed to very little. It's both endearing and endlessly frustrating to her inputs, but as she'd point out, she's still alive so she must be doing something right. She's also capable of an incredible amount of focus when she has a project or a task she's buried in, and is capable of a truly unbelievable amount of work. However, she also blocks out the rest of the world, and would literally not realize if the surroundings were on fire around her, and often doesn't take care of herself when she's zeroed in on something, and requires an external nudge to get her out of it.
Ily is good at talking, at schmoozing people, and has his fingers in a lot of different pies It leads to a lot of opportunities but it also puts him in the cross-fire often, and luckily for him, he's good at slipping away when he's neck deep in trouble. This hasn't always been the case, and he likes to claim he's older, and wiser but it isn't always the truth, and the list of alliances he has is precarious at best. There's a faresightedness to him that makes him hard to trust as an ally, but it also means he's a damn good information broker, and a slippery bastard, who can deliver on what he promises, even if it's not how his clients would expect.
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whatiremembered · 11 months
Taking Sides
Everyone is taking sides, and I don’t want to. My side doesn’t have sides. My side only wants the fighting and hatred to stop. 
It is easy for me to say, sitting here on the other side of the world, but it is still a harder position to take than picking one side or the other in a stance of righteousness.  Nothing about this is righteous or right. Everything about it feels wrong to my bones. 
My grandparents on my father’s side lived in the farmlands outside Rotterdam during the Second World War, under the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. My grandfather was active in the resistance. If you made it to the end of the underground railway on a boat to England, there is a chance it was my grandfather and his friends who put you aboard. 
Although we don’t know the details, there is reason to believe that he and these same friends executed collaborators in the night,  after the allied forces liberated Holland. He was a devout Christian, and it was because of his beliefs that he felt called to protect the innocent Jews and others who were persecuted at the hands of the Nazis who had taken his country. But participating in cold blooded killings must have been too much for him, because later in his life, after immigrating to the United States,  he suffered from severe mental illness, which led to periods of hospitalization. 
I have no doubt that he believed these acts were necessary. After the atrocities of Nazi occupation, for society to be reborn, these elements could not remain. I have no doubt that he saw no other option, and that justice would never reach those who named names for favors and protection, while innocents suffered and died as a result. 
But such acts take a toll on the human soul. It is not so easy to end a life and not be burdened by it. I won’t pretend I know first hand, but I am certain of it. 
Such is the state of Israel and Palestine, and the rest of the world while we watch on. How can we participate, or even observe and bear witness, and not be contaminated? How can we stand by and not be driven to madness by the horror? I don’t believe it is possible. We all lose something of our humanity as this happens. 
300 miles of tunnels. Imagine it. Like an ant farm under Israel. The only functioning democracy in the middle east. What else can they do? It is an infestation and stamping it out is the right thing to do, for history. Cut the cancer from the body and let the body heal. From a ruthless, purely rationalistic standpoint this is the right approach. In time they will have casinos and become sports mascots.
This is how colonialism works when all else fails. It is not unenlightened. It does not start with eradication. But if the native population refuses to conform to the laws and behaviors of the “civilized world,” it is inevitably where it ends. There is no place else for it to go. 
I can make no judgement from where I sit, comfortably in California, far from the obscene tragedy of war. I can only reflect that war will never end until we can truly love our neighbors, and our enemies, and ourselves. 
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driderwife · 2 years
Recently I kind of unofficially stopped talking to my therapist of like , 5 years and I’m feeling like weird and bad about it rn. The thing that happened was like, idk I just got so frustrated and didn’t wanna talk anymore. She’s a really nice person and We have a rapport bc of how long I’ve been seeing her, but at the same time there have been several things that have just been compounding over time and I couldn’t rlly take it anymore:
Last year when I brought up to her that I think I’m autistic, her response was that I couldn’t be because I have an excessive amount of a empathy. And I did explain to her that lack of empathy is not an autistic trait & that it’s a classic ableist mischaracterization, which she SEEMED to be open-minded about at the time. But consistently whenever my BF comes up in convo (he’s diagnosed with autism) she makes it a point to remind me that because he’s autistic he lacks empathy. That’s one thing that really REALLY started to grate on my nerves. It wasn’t relevant and it was factually incorrect. And I guess it hammered in that I will never be able to discuss with her the possibility of me experiencing undiagnosed autism.
Another problem is that still to this day, despite NEVER knowing me when I identified as a girl, she continues to accidentally misgender me or call me “ma’am” instead of sir. She corrects herself but like, idk why I let it go for so long? I’m VERY bad about correcting people IRL so I just let it go time and time again. I was never going by she/her pronouns when we started talking. Clearly she’s just another cis person who hears my “girl” voice and decides internally that I’m a girl.
And on a less serious note I just didn’t feel like I’ve improved at all in the 5+ years we’ve been seeing each other. It wasn’t a waste of time; I’ve learned valuable coping skills and made some important life decisions with her help. But like, I have a litany of mental illnesses that feel untreated at their core and I never feel comfortable enough to open up about them to her on a deeper level. I don’t feel like we’re dealing with anything except little IRL problems I encounter, and my general anxiety. I feel like I’m far worse off mentally than I was years ago and it makes me really unbelievably sad.
I guess all this is to say that I know I NEED a new therapist but Im terrified of the process I have to go through to get one, and get to know them. And I feel like I lost a friend in my old therapist and I’m having trouble not seeing myself as a failure for that.
The only thing I KNOW is what I need, but I have no idea where to find it: I need remote therapy available because I travel across the country several times a year and it’s just a much easier format for me because when I deal with people in person I get way too focused on masking my awkwardness and social anxiety. I also need a queer / LGBTQIA therapist because I’m genuinely tired of babystepping around cis ppls surface-level understanding of my trans experience. Having an ally as a therapist is truly not enough, I don’t want to have to explain the intricate details of what it’s like to be queer.
Sorry for rambling, I don’t wanna put too much of my private life online but it’s something I’ve been wrestling with for a couple months and I needed to write down what I was feeling. If you have any advice, a similar experience, etc, it’s very much appreciated.
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