#she would always hang milk out of the window of our study room to keep it cool so we could have hot drinks with milk
bincliff · 10 months
0 notes
440mxs-wife · 4 years
No One Hunts Alone
Pairing: Dean x Reader. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Ruthie (Reader’s BFF) and Amber (OFC’s), Jim and Trevor Morrison (OMC’s)
Word Count: 6460
Warnings: Some mutual pining, Reader is a little stubborn, dreaded class reunion, mostly fluffy though.
You were putting away some freshly folded laundry when your phone buzzed in your pocket. The screen showed the call was from your best friend, Ruthie. "Hey, chickie, what's going on?" you asked. Silence. "Ruthie? What's wrong, honey?" you insisted. Your panic level escalated with each passing silent moment. "Please, Ruthie, answer me," you pleaded.
"Hey," Ruthie finally answered softly. "Listen, I know you said you wouldn't be able, or didn't want to come back home for the class reunion, but...." she trailed off. "I really think you should reconsider. Please. There's something weird going on around here. You know, your kind of weird," she emphasized.
Dammit. You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger and sighed heavily. "Yeah, okay. I'll pack up tonight, and leave early in the morning. I can bunk with you, right?" you asked.
"Of course you can stay here, you never have to ask. You know that," she gently chided. "Just you, though? You're not bringing the Wonder Twins?" she asked.
"Nope, just me," you replied. For now, anyway. They have too much going on already, wouldn't want to be a bother to them, you thought. You heard a knocking at your door. "Ruthie, I gotta go. Someone's at the door. I'll text you before I leave tomorrow," you promised.
You opened your door to find Dean standing there. "Hey, sweetheart. Ready for our Movie Night in the 'Cave?" he asked.
Ordinarily, you'd jump at the chance to spend any amount of time you could with Dean. But you had to pack tonight so you could easily slip out in the morning. "Is that tonight? I'm sorry, Dean, but I'm kinda tired," you replied.
"Aw, come on, it's still early. Please?" Dean tried his best to give you the puppy dog eyes.
"Not tonight, Dean. I'm sorry, I'm just tired and I have a lot on my mind right now. This thing with Ruthie--" you stopped short before you gave everything away.
"Wait, what 'thing' with Ruthie, is everything okay?" he asked with concern. Dean knew how close you and Ruthie were, that you were more like sisters than best friends.
"It's just some local stuff. It's probably a bigger deal in her mind than it actually is," you explained, hoping he'd buy it.
"Well, if you're sure," he remarked, raising one eyebrow. "But you owe me for missing our regular Movie Night," he grinned and tapped the end of your nose.
"Put it on my tab, Winchester," you teased. "Goodnight, Dean," you replied softly.
"Goodnight, darlin'. Sweet dreams," he responded. You closed the door and leaned back against it, breathing a deep sigh of relief.
After he left your door, Dean walked into the library, where Sam was sitting at the table, reading. He looked up to see the concerned look on his brother's face. "What's up with you?" Sam asked.
Dean explained that he had just reminded it was time for your usual Movie Night in the Dean Cave, but that you had backed out. "So what, Dean? Maybe she really is tired and has a lot on her mind," Sam defended.
"Nah, I think there's more to it than that, Sammy. She said there was a 'thing' going on with Ruthie, then tried to play it off as no big deal. Some kind of 'local' situation," Dean muttered.
"You want me to check online, see if there's anything resembling a case in her hometown?" Sam asked.
"For right now, let's just keep an eye on things, see what happens. There has to be some reason she didn't or doesn't want me--er, us--knowing what's going on," Dean replied. Sam nodded in agreement but grinned internally at Dean's almost confession.
You went to bed shortly after packing your bags and stowing them in your closet. You felt a twinge of guilt about turning Dean down for your Movie Night, considering your feelings for him. As far as he was concerned, you have been and probably always would be just his best friend. For you, though, it was more than a crush. Yep. You were full-blown, head-over-heels, heart eyes, Cupid's-arrow-in-the-butt, in love with Dean Winchester.
Too many times, you were almost caught staring at him, wondering what it would be like to be held in his strong arms. Or kissed by those plump, perfect lips. One look in his forest-green eyes and you were a goner, throwing almost all speaking ability out the window. For all his strength and take-charge attitude, though, he let you see his tender side as well. The one that brought you tea when you weren't feeling well, or held you close when you watched a horror movie in the 'Cave. How tenderly he dressed your wounds after a hunt.
Yep. In love with your best friend, and you couldn't do thing one about it. Not without it becoming awkward around the bunker when he didn't return your feelings. Sam figured it out a long time ago, but you made him promise not to say anything to Dean about it. So far, so good, but you weren't sure how much longer you could go without him finding out.
The way Ruthie sounded on the phone made your heart clench, especially when she said it was your kind of weird. She knew what you did for a day job and that it was important, even though she didn't like thinking about you in danger.
Ruthie didn't give you many details, but because she was involved, that made it personal. Despite having so little to go on, you knew you had to drop everything and go. There was no way you were going to trust another hunter to handle it.
There was always the hope that it was a 'milk run' kind of situation, and that you could cover it on your own. If not, you were sure that you could call Sam and Dean for help, though you considered that as a last resort. They have enough to worry about. No, you thought, this one's on me, I can do this. I have to do this myself. You rolled over, closed your eyes and tried to get some sleep.
Early the next morning, you quietly slipped out of your room with your bags and locked the door behind you. Using one of the secret passageways, you silently made your way to the garage, undetected. Your weapons bag was put into the warded compartment under the trunk bottom, with your other duffel bag on top. Before you left, you turned off the GPS function on your phone so you couldn't be tracked. You texted Ruthie, then eased your car out of the garage and headed for your hometown.
Your route out of town took you by one of the nearby parks where Sam usually went for his morning run. You hoped that you had left the bunker before him, to reduce the chances that he would see you as you drove past him. Just as you passed the park, you saw a familiar figure in a navy blue jogging shorts, sweatshirt and beanie. The figure turned his head in your direction and you knew you'd been made. Welp, you thought. So much for a clean getaway.
Sam turned his head just in time to see you drive past the park. He stopped on the path to stretch, then pulled out his phone to call you.
Next to you on the seat, your phone rang. A quick glance at the Caller ID showed that it was Sam, but you chose not to answer it at first. Immediately after it stopped ringing, it started again, so this time you picked up.
"Hey, you're up awfully early, what's going on?" Sam asked.
"Nothing, Sam, I'm running some errands," you explained.
"You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?" he shot back.
"Believe what you want to believe, Sam. Listen, I have something that I need to handle. I'll be back in 2, maybe 3 days, tops. Bye, Sam," you replied.
"No, wait, don't hang up! I'm headed back to the bunker now. Just please pull over and wait so that Dean and I can catch up to you. Whatever it is, we want to help. Please," he implored.
You thought about doing as he asked, but then you realized that they have enough to worry about in their own lives. Surely you could handle this one case by yourself. "I'm sorry, Sam. You guys have enough to deal with on your own, I can't put this on you. I have to do this on my own. Please understand. I'll be home in 2-3 days," you said. After you hung up, you turned your phone off.
Sam knew there wasn't a moment to waste. Whatever you had going on, he knew it was better for you to have back-up, despite what you thought. He hightailed it back to the bunker to wake up Dean and try to figure out what you're doing.
"She WHAT?!?" Dean roared.
"I saw her on the highway, headed out of town, so I called her to ask what was going on. All she told me was that there was something she had to handle, and she'd be back in 2 or 3 days at most. I tried to get her to pull over and wait for us, so we could go with her. She said we had enough to deal with on our own, that she wasn't going to put this on us. Then she hung up, and I haven't been able to reach her since," Sam explained.
Dean cast his eyes downward and shook his head. "That stubborn woman. Doesn't she know that I--we--would drop everything to help her? That hunting alone in a highly emotional state is dangerous? What if something goes wrong, what if she zigs instead of zags and she ends up getting hurt? Or worse?" he whispered the last part.
Sam studied his brother as he ranted about you and your decision to hunt alone. Granted, he had the same thoughts as Dean, that he was worried about you, but with Dean....it was more. "You care about her, don't you?" he asked.
"Of course I do, Sam! She's my best friend," Dean snapped.
Sam gave his brother an epic bitch face. "C'mon, Dean. You know what I'm talking about," Sam admonished.
Dean couldn't form the words at first, so he just nodded. "Been wanting to tell her for a long time, man. I decided that last night was time to 'nut up or shut up', which is why I waited until our Movie Night in the 'Cave. I was going to tell her everything," he explained. "She's amazing, Sam. So sweet and kind, smart, she's got the best sense of humor and she's an awesome hunter. Damn gorgeous, too."
Sam chuckled softly at his brother's assessment of you. "So, you said this had something to do with Ruthie. Wouldn't Ruthie's house be the first place she's going to go?" Sam asked, to which Dean nodded. "Okay. I'm going to go shower, then we're gonna pack up and head in that direction. You with me?" Sam inquired, his hand out for Dean to take.
"Yeah, let's do this," he said as he locked hands with his brother to bring him in for a bro hug. Dean caught a whiff of Sam's shirt and immediately drew back, waving in front of his nose, which was wrinkled in disgust. "Whoa, dude, you reek! Get to the showers, man, before I pass out!" he grinned. Sam shook his head, and as he left, Dean clapped a hand on his shoulder.
After Sam left the room, Dean pulled out his phone and dialed your number, only to have it go straight to voicemail. He decided to lay it all out on the line and let the chips fall where they may.
"Hey, sweetheart. Listen, Sam told me you're on your way out of town, on a case. I-I know you have your reasons for doing this alone, and I hope you'll tell me sometime. But please, honey, whatever you do, be careful," Dean pleaded.
"I'm....I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm kinda freaking out right now, 'cause you're out there, alone, and you don't have to be. I wish you were here with me, because then I'd know you were safe. Please call me back when you get this," he ended the message and started packing.
Ruthie was sitting on her front porch when you pulled your car into her driveway. You got out of the car, grabbed your duffel bag with your clothes and headed into the house. Ruthie's husband, Jim, was waiting inside the door and gave you a hug when you came in. He took your bag and put it in the back bedroom, where you would be sleeping. Ruthie gave you a hug as well and asked you to join her in the kitchen while she made you something for lunch.
A plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips and two cookies was placed in front of you. "EAT. Then, you're going to tell me why you didn't want the Lumberjack Brothers to join you on this case," she remarked grimly. "You know, they've been calling me, asking what's going on and if I've seen you. They're worried about you, sweetie, especially Dean. He sounded miserable," she added.
You dropped your head to the table. "Oh, man, that is the last thing I wanted. I thought I'd come here, take care of things and that would be it. Zip, zap, no muss, no fuss. I can see now that was a mistake," you admitted. You pulled out your phone and turned it back on, only to see about 10 missed calls and 4 voicemails from Sam.
There were twice as many calls from Dean, but only one voicemail message. You punched in the code and waited for the recording to start. What you heard was the last thing you expected. Instead of an angry tirade, you heard the concern, the understanding, but mostly the fear in his voice that you were out here on your own. You realized that you had made a huge mistake in thinking you could work this case without them. Time to face the music, you thought.
With trembling fingers, you accessed your contacts list and selected Dean's number. You wondered if he'd even pick up, and if he did, how would he react to you calling him? You had to try, had to start somewhere. Just as you were about ready to hang up, you heard, "Hello? Sweetheart, is that you?" he asked.
"H-hey, Dean, it's me," you answered. There was an audible sigh of relief on his end. "Dean, I'm sorry for leaving and not telling you where I was going. I--" you started to explain, tears threatening.
"Never mind that right now, just listen. Sammy and I are on our way to Ruthie's right now, so stay there with her and Jim, where it's safe. We should be there in a couple of hours, hopefully less. I am very much looking forward to hearing your explanation of why you thought hunting on your own was such a good idea," Dean replied sternly.
You swallowed back a sob at hearing the disappointment in his voice. "Yes, Dean," you choked out. "I promise I'll wait here, talk to Ruthie and see if we can figure out what's going on," you whispered.
Dean agreed that talking about the case with Ruthie and getting some details down would be a good idea. "Hey?" he called.
"Yes, Dean?" you answered.
"Whatever this is, whatever is going on, we'll figure it out and fix it together. Remember, sweetheart?" he inquired softly.
"I do, I remember, Dean. See you soon," you responded.
After you hung up the phone, Ruthie pointed down the hall and ordered you to go get some rest. She said she would wake you up when Sam and Dean got there, and then you all could talk about the case.
You thought about protesting, but you figured you'd made enough bad choices already. Finally, you relented and trudged to the bedroom at the end of the hall. Once inside, you changed into more comfy sleep clothes and crawled beneath the blankets. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out cold.
Around a couple of hours later, you awoke from your peaceful slumber to voices and laughter in the kitchen. You splashed some water on your face, took a swig of mouthwash then pointed yourself towards the voices. Ruthie looked up to see you standing in the doorway. "Hey! There she is! Did you enjoy your nap, honey?" she asked.
You nodded. With your eyes transfixed on Sam and Dean, mostly Dean, you tried to gauge their mood. Sam rose from the table, coffee cup in hand. He motioned that he was going to get a refill on his coffee, and as he passed by you, he squeezed then patted your shoulder.
"I'm going to get some coffee," you mumbled. As you walked by Dean, he stood up and you knew he was following you.
He brushed his knuckles up and down your bare arm. "Can we talk?" he murmured. You nodded and led him by the hand out to Ruthie's back porch. Dean stood next to you at the railing, neither of you speaking at first. You turned to Dean and opened your mouth to say something, then closed your mouth again as if you'd thought better of it.
"Okay, I'll start then," Dean remarked. "That night I asked you to watch a movie with me, this was what you were talking about with Ruthie? A case?" he asked.
"Yes. She told me about the stupid class reunion a while ago, and I had already decided that I didn't want to come back for it. But, when she said something else was happening here that was 'our kind of weird', I had to check it out," you replied.
"But why didn't you tell me or Sam about it? Why did you think you had to do this all on your own?" he demanded.
"Dean, we just got back from a series of back-to-back hunts. You and Sam were exhausted, I was trying to give you guys time to rest. Besides, you two have enough going on, you don't need me adding to your list," you retorted.
"So, what, you don't think you need rest as well? Last time I checked, you got thrown around pretty good on that last salt-and-burn we did," Dean snapped.
"Dean, she's my sister! No matter what, no matter when or why, if she calls, I drop everything and come running. That's how it works," you shot back.
He put his hands on your shoulders then ran them down your arms and cupped your elbows to pull you closer. "Sweetheart, I understand that, really I do, but you are just as important to us. If you had brought us in on this case, exhausted or not, we would've dropped everything for you," he affirmed.
You laid a hand alongside his face. "I know, Dean, and I'm sorry for running out like that on you and Sam," you replied gently. "Let's go back inside and Ruthie will fill us in on what she knows. Then we can hopefully fill in the blanks," you started to walk back into the house.
Dean caught your hand in his and pulled you back to face him. "Hey. I'm still a little upset with you," he declared as he narrowed his eyes at you a bit. Then he cupped your cheek and caressed it with his thumb. "But I'm also glad you're okay and that we're working this together," he added, softening his gaze. He pressed his lips to your forehead in a lingering kiss and you closed your eyes to savor the moment. "Come on, let's head inside to see what we're dealing with," he said.
You and Dean walked back into the kitchen, hand-in-hand, which did not escape anyone's notice. "I was just starting to tell Sam what I know, Sis," Ruthie informed you. "I was in the grocery store the other day, and I heard someone mention Trevor Morrison's name."
"Ugh," you remarked, rolling your eyes and making a noise of disgust. "And?"
"And, they were saying that he just got back from some overseas trip, and that there was a late-night delivery to his house the following day," Ruthie explained.
"How big was the delivery? Did anyone see any strange markings on the package?" you inquired.
"No one mentioned seeing anything strange on the box. Size-wise, not that big, maybe the size of a phone book and about as thick," Ruthie answered.
"Sam, do you think you can patch in to the cargo plane manifests and figure out what it could be?" Dean asked.
"Let me see what I can do, Dean," Sam replied, taking out his laptop.
While Sam was getting his laptop set up, Dean noticed the troubled expression on your face and pulled you aside. "What's the deal with you and Trevor Morrison?" he asked.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself before responding. "He's an ex-boyfriend from high school. We were supposed to go to Prom together, but we sorta didn't after I found out that he cheated on me with the head cheerleader," you muttered.
Dean put his arm around you and rubbed his hand up and down your back. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, sweetheart," he murmured.
"I got it, here it is. The Grimoire of Astaroth is what Trevor had delivered to his house," Sam swung the laptop around to show everyone the packing slip.
"So, what's the significance?" you asked. "Who's Astaroth?"
"Astaroth is a demon, who makes his appearance by riding a dragon-like creature and carrying a viper in his right hand. The lore says he knows the answers to the Past, Present and Yet to Come, and can discover all secrets," Sam explained.
"That's an awful lot of power in the hands of one man," you warned. "We need to get in to his house and retrieve that Grimoire."
"Leave that to me, dear sister," Ruthie said with a smug grin on her face.
You quirked an eyebrow at her statement. "And just how do you propose to get us in there?" you asked.
"I can get everyone tickets for the reunion. You go in with Sam or Dean, then Jim and I will go in with you. Whoever doesn't go in is in charge of surveillance, telling us where the cameras and security guards are. Sound good?" Ruthie suggested.
You, Sam and Dean looked at each other in silent communication. "It's worked for us in the past, I don't see why it won't work this time," you acknowledged. "Which one of you is going in with me?" you asked.
The boys looked at each other, brought up their fist for Rock, Paper, Scissors. You and Ruthie both rolled your eyes at the way that this was being decided, but you knew this was the easiest way. "Okay, winner goes in to the party, loser is stuck with surveillance," Dean said.
"Ready? One, two, three!" Sam counted. He chose paper, while Dean chose scissors. A smile as wide as the Grand Canyon broke out over Dean's face.
"You bring your 'Fed threads'?" you asked.
"Always, sweetheart. What about you? Do you need to go shopping for something to wear?" Dean inquired.
Ruthie spoke up. "I'm sure I have something she can wear. I might have picked something up for her when I was out shopping for my own dress," she added with a wry grin.
Your eyes narrowed at her. "Did you set this up just to get me out here?" you exclaimed.
"Relax, would ya? No, I did not set this up, but there is definitely something weird going on. You coming out here is just a nice little side bonus," she stated simply. "Come on, let me show you what you'll be wearing."
"I'm going out to the car and get our bags," Dean announced.
As you walked by Sam, you caught him chuckling quietly to himself. You took hold of the open sides of his flannel shirt and yanked him downward. "You lost on purpose, didn't you? You KNOW he always chooses scissors, and you planned your move accordingly, right?" you remarked, then let go of his shirt.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. If you'll excuse me, I have to set up surveillance," Sam replied, still with a smirk on his face. "But you're welcome," he said in a sing-song voice.
"Yeah, right, you have no idea what I'm talking about," you mumbled. "Ruthie! Where's this dress you have for me?" you barked then walked down the hall towards her room.
"Step into my office, sister dear. It's time to make some magic!" Ruthie declared.
"Where did you get this dress? It's gorgeous!" you whispered.
"You'd better hope Dean's wearing socks, because you're going to knock them off of him when he sees you," Ruthie smirked.
"I don't know about that, but thank you so much for this," you turned and gave Ruthie a hug.
The floor-length dress was a one-shoulder, with the strap encrusted with crystals in a starburst pattern. The bodice was black, which continued down the length of the dress until it faded into a deep red at about knee-level. There was a band of crystals at the waist to divide the top half from the bottom half. A pair of black pumps completed the outfit.
Ruthie even did your makeup for you which was great, because as a hunter, you didn't have much call for it. She curled and fluffed your hair, pulling it back on each side with crystal-encrusted clips. "There, I think that should do it, don't you think?" she remarked.
You stared at yourself in the full-length mirror, trying to recognize yourself. "Whoa. This can't be me. Is it?" you asked.
"Of course it is, silly," Ruthie chuckled. "Now wait here while I get ready, then we'll walk out there together. I'll go first, save the best for last," she giggled, while you just shook your head at her in amusement.
While the two of you were getting ready, Dean slipped out and found a place that was able to rent him a tux at the last minute. He was looking forward to going to this party, because it meant he'd be going with you on his arm.
Ruthie was wearing a floor-length navy blue dress, strapless, with a gathered bodice. The pattern was criss-crossed in the chest area, so it held everything in place. "Okay, Sis, it's your turn. Come on down!" she called.
You stepped into your black suede pumps and nervously strode down the hall, fidgeting nearly the entire way. Sam saw you first, a look of surprise mixed with wonder flitted across his face. But his was not the opinion you sought, the one that meant the most to you was yet to be determined.
Dean raised his head and locked his eyes with yours when you stepped fully into the room. His eyes widened and his lips slightly parted in amazement, then closed. He slowly walked towards you and held out his hand for you to take, which you did. Dean raised your hand to his lips, brushing them gently across your knuckles. "Wow. Sweetheart, you look gorgeous," he rumbled in that deep, sexy voice of his.
You could feel the heat rising from your neck, all the way to the ends of your hair. "Thank you, Dean. Might I say, you look particularly handsome yourself in that not-Fed-suit tuxedo," you noted with a small curtsy.
"Whaaaat? This old thing?" he replied then held out his arm for you. "Shall we, milady?" he asked.
"We shall, good sir," you answered, taking his arm and feeling him tuck yours in close to his side. "Here," you reached into your small handbag and pulled out the keys. "You can drive my car, because I know there will be valet parking. And there's no way you'll let anyone park Baby except you," you remarked.
"You're right about that, darlin'. You trust me to drive your car?" Dean asked.
You stopped him and stared straight into his emerald eyes. "I trust you with my life, Dean. Why wouldn't I trust you with my car?" you reasoned. When the two of you reached your car, Dean opened the passenger door and waited to close it until you and your dress were all settled.
The short ride over to Morrison Manor was mostly silent, except for the rumble of the engine. Dean took hold of your hand and interlaced your fingers. Every once in a while, you'd catch him looking in your direction, so you sent him an encouraging smile. He would respond by lifting your joined hands to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. The toothy grin he gave you afterwards was more than enough to make your heart flutter in your chest.
Dean pulled up to the valet station, stepped out and hurried over to your side of the car to open your door. He held out his hand to help you exit the car, which you readily accepted. Just before you entered the manor, Dean tugged on your arm to pull you back a little. "You ready for this?" he asked softly.
You looked at Dean and gave him a soft smile. "Yep. We go in, get the Grimoire, then get out. The rest of it, facing everyone in there? That's nothing. I don't owe anyone an explanation, nor am I required to have lived up to their expectations. I'm good with who I am, with who you and Sam are. I'm proud of us," you replied while you walked into the event.
Dean leaned over and placed a lingering kiss to your temple. "Let's do this," he murmured against your skin. You nodded slowly and the two of you walked in behind Ruthie and Jim.
Sam's voice came over your earpiece. "Okay, I've found it. The book is in his study, but unfortunately, so is he at the moment. You'll have to do something until he's clear," he informed you and Dean.
"Come on, sweetheart. Dance with me," Dean said, leading you to the dance floor. You followed, and Dean took your left hand and curled his fingers around it. His other hand snaked around your waist and splayed across your back. The contact of his fingertips on your partially bare back caused you to gasp at the sensation.
"Relax, darlin', it's just dancing," Dean whispered in your ear.
Easy for you to say, you thought, with your heart beating a mile a minute. At that moment, the voice you never wanted to hear again was demanding your attention. Your dance with Dean was interrupted by none other than the former head cheerleader, Amber.
Dean must have sensed your apprehension because he tightened his hold on you all the more, making sure you knew he was there for you. "Do you trust me?" he asked. You nodded slowly.
Amber stood in front of you and Dean, holding on to Trevor's arm. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to grace us with her presence. I thought you weren’t coming," she drawled. Shifting her attention to Dean, Amber let out a low whistle. "Wow, she must have paid a fortune for you," she sneered.
"Excuse me? That happens to be my wife you're talking about, and I think you should be a little more respectful," Dean snapped.
"Ha! You expect me to believe that? You and her, husband and wife? Prove it. Let me see the ring," Amber demanded.
You looked around nervously, but when your eyes met Dean's, he gave you an almost imperceptible wink. "Honey? You left this on the sink in the bathroom, remember? You must've taken it off while you were getting ready for tonight," Dean pulled a ring out of his pocket and slid it onto your left ring finger. He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a tender kiss to where he'd just placed the ring.
Amber gave you a snort of disgust and stormed off, while Trevor shook his head at Amber's lack of manners. "Excuse me, I have a business matter to attend to," he left you and walked off in the opposite direction as Amber.
"That was smooth, and quick thinking, thank you. Where did you get the rings?" you inquired.
Dean wiggled his left hand for you to see his ring before grasping your left hand. "Remember that museum job where we went undercover?" he asked, to which you nodded. "Well, these are the rings we used for that case. Good thing I kept them in the glove compartment all this time," he declared.
"Thank you, Dean. I don't know what I'd do without you," you remarked, leaning into his embrace.
"No thanks necessary, darlin'," he replied while his hand settled on the small of your back.
"Uh, guys, I hate to interrupt, but a window of opportunity just opened to go into the study and grab that book," Sam interjected.
Dean released you from his hold and grinned as he searched your face. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded your head enthusiastically and took his outstretched hand in yours. "Then let's get this thing and go home," he remarked.
Around 90 minutes, a couple of slices of pizza and a beer or two later, everyone had returned to Ruthie's house to relax. The Grimoire of Astaroth was safely stowed in the warded compartment in the trunk of your car to escape detection. Once you returned to the bunker, it would be catalogued as had been done with other charmed or cursed objects.
"Who's up for another round?" you asked, rising from your chair at the kitchen table. Everyone raised their hand, so Dean got up to help you. Before you could open the refrigerator door for more beer, Dean caught your hand and motioned for you to follow him outside. Curious, you slipped out the back door to the porch and into the cool night air.
"You warm enough?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you replied just as a shiver ran through you.
Dean chuckled. "Come here," he said as he unzipped his sweatshirt and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"Mmm, that feels nice, thank you," you sighed and closed your eyes.
"There's something I've been meaning to tell you," Dean began. "You've been my best friend for the longest time, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. That's why what I'm going to say next is so difficult," he added.
You turned around in Dean's arms to face him. "Dean, no matter what it is, you know you can tell me and I'll still be your best friend," you tried to assure him.
Dean looked up to the starry sky and took a deep breath then locked eyes with you again. "I hope so, sweetheart, because I wanted to tell you I'm in love with you," he declared.
"What?" you whispered.
"It's true. You're smart, kind, you have the best sense of humor, even though you still laugh at my feeble attempts at telling jokes. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know, and your dedication to family is almost stronger than mine. As was just recently proven, I believe," he chuckled.
"Yeah," you returned his chuckle.
"And for me to say you're so beautiful just doesn't even cover it. From your eyes that look at things from a different perspective, to your cute little nose that crinkles when you're researching. From your smile that brightens up my day just to see it, to hands that are tough when swinging a machete and soft when sewing up an injury. Ones I can't wait to have roaming over every inch of my body while I'm taking my sweet time to learn every inch of yours," he explained.
"I had no idea you felt this way, Dean, but I'm glad you told me. Kinda makes what I have to say next so easy, which is I'm in love with you too. I have been for a long time, but I didn't want to give up what we had if you didn't love me. So I kept my feelings to myself," you finished.
"Oh, sweetheart," Dean whispered.
"There are so many things I love about you. Such as, you like to show the world how tough you are, but I know about the flip side of that. The one that tenderly patches me up after a hunt or takes care of me when I'm sick. Or holds me in his arms so I feel safe from my fears, real or imagined. The side that knows when something's bothering me and won't let up until it's out in the open. And believe me, you're no slouch in the looks department," you giggle at the last part.
"Really? Well, don't stop now, baby, I think you're really on to something," he replied.
"Let's start with the eyes. I know I can tell you anything and I won't see an ounce of judgement in them. Plus, they kind of shine when you talk about the things you love, like music," you started.
Your index finger began tracing a line down the edge of his jaw. "Your smile is contagious and it lights up the room. And last but not least," you whispered, inching ever closer. "I really want to know how soft your lips are. So, for the sake of science," you closed the gap and meshed your lips together with his.
The kiss itself was perfect, all you'd ever imagined, and then some. Your lips left his for a brief second until he recaptured them and dove back in for more. As your mouths moved in tandem, Dean's tongue swept along your bottom lip to request access, which you readily granted.
"Mmf, sweetheart, I love you so much," he murmured against your mouth. He nudged your head upwards to trail a path of open-mouthed kisses across and down your neck. Once he reached the place where your neck met your collarbone, he attached his lips and sucked at the skin. When he pulled back, he had left a mark there for all to see. "Now everyone will know who you belong to," he grinned.
"My heart was always yours, Dean. Always and forever," you sighed. "I love you."
@janicho88 @yourelivingwrong @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @supernatural-jackles @idreamofplaid @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @winchesterprincessbride @babygurltt @ejlovespie @flamencodiva @deandreamernp
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With Zero Power
Pairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle) Rating: E Word Count: 3382
For @spiderman-homecomeme, with the following prompts:
winter power outage
holiday smut
“I can think of one way to warm you up.”
Summary: Peter and MJ return from skating to find their apartment not quite how they left it. Between the warm fuzzies of the evening they've spent together and the holidays right around the corner, it isn't hard to find a little romance in the situation.
“I’m not saying it wasn’t beautiful,” MJ insists, “but think how much lighting a tree that size costs. With the number of homeless slowly starving in this city? With the number of children below the poverty line who are going to school in this weather—” The arm she waves is instantly layered in thick, wet snowflakes that glisten as they pass beneath a streetlight. “—without winter coats and boots?”
“With the number of college students trying to make rent with only their girlfriend to live with because their three previous roommates staged a mutiny and forced the couple out because the volume of their nighttime activities was, quote, ‘obnoxiously loud and unprecedentedly lengthy’?”
She sighs in exasperation.
“I’m making a point.”
“I agree with your point,” Peter says. “Completely. I already told May I’m volunteering with her all next weekend, and I’ll call Pepper tomorrow to see where she’s committed Stark Industries’ holiday donations.”
“And ask her to triple the amount.”
“I can suggest it,” he laughs, “but I’m not her financial advisor.”
“Mmm you should be though,” MJ says, shifting from holding his gloved hand to pulling his arm around her. “You’re so sexy when you’re redistributing the amassed wealth of a late billionaire.”
There are icy crystals glimmering in her eyelashes. She’s beautiful. He could walk the borough with her all night, live in a loop where they’ve always just disembarked from a late bus, disoriented to step from its stark light into the soft glow of the snow on sidewalks that aren’t cleared with the same diligence as they are in Manhattan, around Rockefeller Center, where they’ve spent the evening skating. That would be a nice life—tonight, with her, forever.
Peter halts them for a moment and wraps his other arm around her too, pulling his girlfriend in to kiss her. He sways them as he does it, smiling against her mouth, her cold nose pressed into his cheek.
“Did you have a good time though?” he asks. MJ nods and her face rubs against his.
“My rental skates were a little tight, but I did wear two pairs of socks, so it’s kinda my fault.”
He has a new pair of skates for her, exactly the right size, but they’re wrapped in red paper featuring dogs with candy cane antlers, waiting to be snuck beneath her tiny artificial tree on Christmas morning. A totally outrageous gift—figure skates in immaculate white leather, like she wears in the pictures he’s seen of her at childhood skating lessons—but he hates it when all his money goes to rent. This might finally be the gift to make her cry. He’s cracked the bottle that stores his girlfriend’s tenderest feelings before, making her eyes shine the winter he knit her a terrible, uneven scarf (she’s wearing it now), and he’s certain the skates will be the thing she really loves. She’ll cry with joy, she’ll say they’re too much, he’ll carry her from the little tree to bed and keep her there until she’s begging for more instead of less. The thought makes Peter grin now.
“Take a bath when we get home. Your feet will feel better.”
“They’d feel better if you carried me,” MJ suggests slyly.
But she screeches when he jerks her against him and, in the relative darkness of their street, looses a web, swinging them both into the air. They pretend it’s still a secret how much she’s grown to love the sensation of sailing through the night with him. What Peter is far from secretive about is how much he loves the way she clings to him, trying not to feel too guilty when he remembers he should attribute some portion of her grip to the time he dropped her. Ah well, it’s in the past. His girlfriend’s laughing shakily as he lands them on the roof of their building and crawls deftly down the wall to the fire escape.
“Cute,” she says, shivering with the aftereffects of cold winter air whipping around her face. The tone is both complimentary and accusatory. “But we have to climb down now, unless…”
MJ’s eyes narrow.
“I… might’ve left the window unlocked?” he asks, because asking implies someone else has the answer, that there is a buck to be passed, as much as he would simultaneously like to hang on to any spare bucks during this expensive season.
“Peter, you can’t do that. You know break-ins are more frequent during the holidays.”
“Yeah,” he allows, edging the window open, “but who’s gonna climb up to the twenty-second floor to try to get through our window?”
He dives inside, then helps her through. The proof that she had a good time tonight is that she lets the window thing drop. Peter shuts and locks the window as loudly as possible behind them.
“Didn’t we leave a light on?” she asks.
“I’m not—”
“When I say that,” MJ cuts him off, dropping her voice to a hiss, “I mean I know I left a light on.”
Instantly, he’s stepping around her, keeping his arm out to hold her behind him. She has a bad habit of going rogue in dangerous situations. More likely than not, she’d grab a kitchen knife and end up stabbing him by accident as they checked every room for intruders. Safer for him to lead.
But it’s not a break-in.
“It’s cold in here,” he realizes.
As they moved through the small number of rooms that make up their hideously overpriced apartment, they left the lights off. Now, MJ smacks at the closest wall switch. Nothing happens.
“Aw, come on,” Peter begs the overhead light. He tries a lamp. Click-click, click-click. Nothin’. “Man!”
“Fucking Rockefeller Christmas tree,” his girlfriend accuses, though it’s not possible that even an energy-suck of that size could drain their building, way out in Queens. “I’m not having a bath now. I’ll be freezing when I get out.”
“Ok. Let’s get some candles first.” Peter starts to walk away from her, down the hall. “MJ, where are the candles?”
With his enhanced vision, he can see her well enough to catch the eyeroll. Fair.
By the time they have a dozen candles lit, it smells like every holiday scent at once. Vanilla smudges cloyingly across the sharper sweetness of candied orange peel, the heaviness of pine battles the richness of milk chocolate, and the cinnamon that seems to have been included in every candle is giving Peter a headache until they agree to space their light sources out. The room is darker with the candles far apart, but the smell is bearable. He also doesn’t mind how the flames catch in MJ’s eyes when she blinks, how a streak of gold will dart across her throat when she turns her head to watch him watching her.
Peter’s mouth is dry when he stammers out, “Y-you look incredible,” like they’re sixteen again and he’s got his gaze fixed on her legs because it’s 90° and she very reasonably wore shorts to school.
“How I feel is cold,” she admits with a small smile. She stirs under the blanket that’s draped across both of them. He strokes her shoulder over her wool cardigan. “I really was looking forward to that bath.”
And because the way she says it sounds nothing like how a person might casually look forward to anything, Peter swells a little in his jeans and shifts his legs closer to hers.
“Were you?” he asks.
MJ’s gaze goes from his mouth to his eyes as she smirks subtly. She knows she’s got him. When does she not have him? The complaints of their former roommates were undeniably valid. It’s a miracle he and MJ accomplished enough in undergrad to even get accepted into grad school. If she hadn’t been the responsible one, he would’ve been pretty damn content to spend those four years in bed with her.
Innocently, she rests her head on his shoulder. He swallows thickly.
“Mhmm. I was looking forward to getting out of my cold clothes. I was looking forward to grabbing a big, thick—” She grips his thigh suddenly. “—towel from the closet to wrap myself in when I was done. I was looking forward to using my cranberry bodywash in the tub. That one smells really good, right?”
Peter nods because forming a sentence in this moment is beyond him.
“And it foams up really well,” MJ continues, tilting her face, passing her lips lightly across his earlobe. He’s hard. He’s so fucking hard so quickly. “So, I was looking forward to popping those bubbles when I ran my hands all over my body to work it in.”
“Fuck,” Peter groans. He digs his fingers into her waist, through the sweater, blood pulsing in his groin.
She shrugs, abruptly nonchalant.
“Mostly, I was just looking forward to being warm.”
“I can think of one way to warm you up,” he pledges.
Trust me, he mentally urges. Right now. Trust me like you trusted me to keep you on your feet on the rink when your legs wouldn’t remember how to skate right away.
“Good, because I need you.”
“Say it again?” Peter requests, hand on the back of her head as she raises it from his shoulder.
“I need you, Peter.”
MJ’s hand jumps from his thigh straight into his lap and squeezes him through his jeans. He crushes their mouths together, the two of them breathing in hot pants like they can warm each other that way. Making to move over her, he’s pushed back instead, winded from more than the shove as his girlfriend straddles him with the practiced efficiency of a quickie before Spidey patrol or as an incentive between study breaks. When she rolls her hips against his… shit, she might observe Christmas on the 25th, but the friction of her grinding on his dick is the only Christmas he’ll ever need to celebrate. He plunges both hands deep into her hair to seal their mouths together and slumps into the couch, offering maximum opportunity for her to rock that beloved place between her legs along his erection. He’s already feeling warmer.
“No,” she yelps when he tries to push her sweater off. She snatches it back on and pulls the blanket up over her shoulders. “I’m still cold.”
“Ok. Let’s work on that.”
Peter tilts his chin up in invitation and repositions his hands on MJ’s ass. When she kisses him in a slow brush, he begins forcing her back and forth over his lap. He groans into her mouth to feel her angle her hips just right and shiver. Not letting her back down, he grips her and drags her across his erection repeatedly, until she can’t kiss him anymore, until her forehead’s pressed hard to his and she’s hissing his name. The oscillation of her hips in his hands is hypnotic, even with his eyes closed. He’s groaning and trying to hold back, having a hard time concentrating on an idea of what to do next to get his girlfriend off before he reaches that point himself. He wants her warm skin against his when he sinks inside her, not a sudden gush in his jeans.
Still grinding, MJ sits up straighter. She doesn’t take her sweater off, but she pulls down the front of the camisole she wears under it and tucks the material below her bared breasts. Peter’s happy to enjoy the visual while he rubs her over his dick, but she grips the back of his neck and compels his head forward.
“What do you want exactly?” he teases. “I’m a little confused.”
Eye narrowed down at him as she pants, MJ plucks one of his hands from her ass and guides it up to her face. It fucks him up pretty good when she folds down all but two of his fingers, sliding those into her mouth; she sucks with that almost-angry gaze locked on him before bringing his wet fingers down to circle her nipple.
“Ok, ok,” Peter says desperately.
“Just helping.”
A laugh pops out of his mouth, but then he touches his lips to her breast, kissing lightly as she sways. Her hand twitches on the back of his neck. Ok, he thinks again, pulling her nipple between his teeth. MJ moans blissfully and heat floods both Peter’s face and his groin. He jerks roughly against her and clutches her body close when she comes, cradling his face to her chest. There’s still something of the briskness of their walk home to her smell as he inhales against her skin, but also wool and the smoke that’s clung to her after lighting the candles. Her scent is rich. He feels rich, with his arms wrapped around her.
She shimmies her shoulders and the blanket drops. When she slips out of her sweater, Peter rushes to tear his hoodie (and the t-shirt caught up with it) off. MJ halts him in the act of flinging them away; right, candles. Gotta aim for a spot where he won’t start a fire. He unbuttons and unzips his jeans as quickly as he can, gasping in relief at the sudden extra room for the erection bulging beneath his boxers. His plan, as he hooks his thumbs into his waistband, is to yank his clothes down only as far as necessary, then guide MJ back on top of him as soon as she’s out of her sweatpants and pick up where they left off with her first orgasm. But, bottomless, his girlfriend settles on his lap before he’s ready. She shuffles forward, rubbing herself against him, making his boxers damp. Peter closes his eyes as they roll back. His hands skim blindly up her arms to fiddle with the slipping straps of the camisole she still wears—if the way it’s clinging to her from only below her breasts to her navel can be called ‘wearing’.
She kisses his cheek.
He opens his eyes and watches her tilt her head to speak quietly near his ear. Candlelight seeps over and through her hair. He kisses where it pools on her naked shoulder and her soft breaths form words.
“I want you to bend me over.”
Peter turns his head and groans into MJ’s neck.
Running her fingers through his hair, she asks, “Is that a yes?”
“’Chelle, you say, ‘jump,’ I ask, ‘how high?’” he promises.
He whips a condom out of his pocket. She draws back and smirks at him, eyebrows raised.
“And how did that get in there?”
“I might’ve grabbed it while I was looking for the matches.” When his girlfriend continues to stare at him, he adds, “It’s dark! You were lighting candles! I dunno, MJ, it seemed kinda romantic. Why are you still looking at me like that?”
“You’re cute when you babble.”
“Stop talking,” Peter interprets with a sheepish smile. “Got it.”
She climbs off of him and stuffs the blanket into the corner of the couch while he stands and whisks his jeans and boxers down his legs. He almost trips peeling his socks off because MJ waggles her bare ass at him very unfairly.
“Come on, I’m getting cold.”
“I’m—” he starts, struggling with the condom. “I am… I’m going as fast as… there!”
Peter bounds onto the couch and catches MJ’s face in his hand, kissing her lovingly. Then desperately. Then sloppily pulling away to sneak a hand under the back of her top and press her down until her elbows rest on the arm of the couch. Taking a deep breath, he strokes his other hand from the back of her neck all the way to her ass. This is kinda hot with her shirt still on. He’s glad that, for as much as they discuss and debate things like the misuse of municipal funds on holiday decorations, they’re still in their hasty days. Still young, still eager. He grips himself and flexes his fingers as he traces the head of his dick through MJ’s arousal.
“Getting cold,” she repeats.
“Spider-Man is here to help, ma’am,” he jokes, pushing inside her.
Fuck. Peter works his hips gently forward and back, building up to plunging deeper the same way he tiptoes out into the water when they visit the beach too early in the year. But this isn’t like the chilly springtime ocean because she’s warm as she takes him—so, so warm.
“Uh, MJ? Baby? Sweetheart? I thought you said you were cold,” he grits out.
She presses back against him as he finally thrusts all the way in.
“I always keep the home fires burning for you.”
“Well, that was raunchy. You’ve been living with me too long.”
“How could I ever move out with perks like a December power outage?”
Grinning, Peter begins a loose swing of his hips, gazing down MJ’s back at the shadows and light sliding over the rounded edges of her neck, her shoulder blade, her ear as she tips her head to let her hair hang to the side. When her low moans start, he repositions his knees on the couch cushions and digs in with his toes. The wet smack of driving into her is loud in their little sanctuary. He takes her by the hips as she bows her head to her crossed forearms, moving faster, gliding in and out with more grace than he has when navigating an ice rink with skate blades on his feet. MJ spreads her legs wider and drops her head even lower. She is graceful, with the steep slope of her back that Peter can’t resist pressing a hand to. At his touch, she bends even further and he chokes on an already raspy inhalation.
“Faster, Peter,” she requests.
Not loud, not demanding. She knows he can hear her because he’s always listening for her voice. It coaxes him onward from beneath the urgent slap of his thrusts.
He hunches over her, wrapping one arm around her waist as they buck together, his other hand diving between her legs. She’s soaked and her hips are jumping in time with his, so it’s hard to keep his fingers on her swollen clit. Suddenly, MJ has her hand over his, directing his fingers. Reality grows hazy as pleasure creeps into his thighs and trickles invisibly down his stomach, like the phantom touch of his girlfriend beneath him. Peter squints against the light of their candles and so much feeling, flicking his fingers over the sensitive nub that has MJ’s legs quivering. He kisses her spine and scrapes the edge of her camisole with his teeth. She’s shaking too hard to thrust back. Groaning, Peter bucks in a quick burst, holding her body up as she threatens to slump flat.
“You warm yet?” he huffs. “Show me you’re warm.”
“Peter… almost.”
Abruptly, he sits back on his heels, hauling MJ with him. Sweating now, Peter bounces her on his lap. His hands squeeze the smooth skin of her hips. She gasps before moaning deeply and reaching up to wrap an arm behind his neck, arching against him.
“God,” he mutters, looking down over her shoulder to watch the jiggle of her breasts and the tension of her stomach, “I already want you again.”
Because of his words, or his hands, or his cock slamming up into her, she climaxes, clenching around him and stuttering over his name. Peter buries his nose in her hair to avoid the overpowering scent of the candles as his senses sharpen to the finest point; he’s learned this only happens when he’s lost in either the pain of a grave injury or the satisfaction of releasing into MJ. He pulses, hips snapping, hugging her against his chest, flushed with warmth from the top of his ears to where his toes grip the couch.
“Bath?” Peter pants in her ear, dick still twitching inside her. “I swear I won’t let you get cold.”
Just like that, the overhead light and the lamp on the end table blink on. Huh. Power’s back.
“Or maybe you don’t need me to,” he says.
MJ turns her head and kisses the corner of his mouth.
“Don’t be stupid. I’ll grab the candles. You hit the lights.”
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muilkyu · 4 years
Treasure vs A Bad Day
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🐷 Hyunsuk 
A chuckle comes out of the phone, "Did you just wake up?" 
You yawn into the phone prompting another chuckle to come from Hyunsuk, "Yeah. I was tired after class so I came home and went right to sleep." 
"How was class?" 
"So boring. I forgot my laptop so I had to take paper notes. I even had to tap the guy in front of me to ask. It was embarrassing," you groan. 
"Sounds so dreadful," he replies, voice coming out with a hint of teasing. 
"It was," you say, shifting you look around the room to look at the clock on the wall, "When are you coming back?" 
"That's why I called. Do you want to go get food?" 
"What are we going to get?" You question. 
"You can pick might cheer you up," he replies. That night you settle for pasta which you'll both admit was overpriced, but it made you happy. 
🐼 Jihoon
"Frowning causes wrinkles," Jihoon says walking into my bedroom. 
"Does it look like I care," you respond, shrinking further into your blanket. 
He signs making his way to the windows opening the curtains letting in the sunlight, "Get up right now." 
"No, leave me alone." 
"You know I can't do that," he replies sitting down on the side of my bed, "What happened?" 
"Nothing happened. Just everything today is irritating." 
He nods, "Okay, I understand that, but that doesn't mean you can't make today a good day. Let's go on a walk." 
"That's the last thing I want to do right now." 
"Come on trust me." 
You look up at him. You can see that he is trying so you groan sitting up, "Fine now get out I need to change." 
🐯 Yoshi 
"Hey come to the kitchen!" Yoshi shouts. 
"Okay," you yell back. Shuffling over to the kitchen you are met with a smiling Yoshi holding a plate of cookies. 
"Did you make these?" 
"I attempted to yes. Here, try one. I hope they taste good." 
Reaching for a cookie you look over the plate. They look like regular chocolate chip cookies with caramel drizzled on top. The color is golden brown so he cooked them at the right temperature. Grabbing a cookie you take a bite.
"Is it good?" 
"They are delicious," you reply, taking another bite it melts in your mouth right away. 
His eyes widened like he's shocked to hear the answer, "Really?" 
"Yeah. What did you make cookies though I have some in the pantry?" 
He sets down the plate wiping his hands on your apron he has on, "You looked a little bit down today so I thought I would cheer you up." 
"That's so sweet. Thank you." You reply before giving him a hug. Honestly, you had no idea Yoshi was paying so much attention to you. This sudden gift makes you love him a bit more. 
🐨 Junkyu
"It's okay you're okay," Junkyu comforts rubbing small circles into your back. 
"I messed everything up. I won't graduate,  then I'll have to go back home and I already have a life here."
"No, you can just take a summer course." 
"Then I'll miss out on our summer," you say pushing your head farther into your knees, "I don't want you stuck at the library with me." 
Sighing he runs his fingers through his head, "It won't matter as long as you get to stay here. We can study at some pretty cafes around Seoul and outside as well. The summer won't be a bummer as long as your here." 
Slowly you lift your head out of your knees facing him, pout still hanging strong on your lips, "Are you sure? What are you gonna do while I'm studying?" 
He thinks for a second the thought never came across his mind before he proposed the idea, "I don't know but there is no way I'm letting you go back home. You are here to stay." 
🐹 Mashiho 
"On a scale from 1 to 10, how sad are you?"
"Ten," you reply. 
"That bad?" He questions. 
"Yeah, migraine, and I have math homework." 
"I can't help you with your math homework, but I can get you some ibuprofen." 
Nodding in agreement you smile sadly, "That would be great." 
Mashiho is already making his way to the door, "I'll be right back then. You're getting cuddles when I get back!" He adds on at the end before he's out the door. 
🦁 Jaehyuk
"Come on one smile." 
"I'm smiling see," you reply, smiling but it doesn't reach the eyes. 
"That is a fake smile. I want a real smile," he says. 
"Jae I'm not in the mood," you reply.
"Why not," he questions. 
You look down at the table, "I just don't feel happy today." 
"Ahh okay well is there a reason?" 
You shake your head, "Not really I just woke up and it felt like it was a bad day." 
He reaches for your hand holding it, "Why did you tell me?" 
"You were so happy this morning I didn't want to ruin your day." 
"No matter what I'm feeling you should be able to tell me how you are feeling," he tells you, he starts playing with one of the rings on your finger, "I'm your boyfriend. I want you to talk to me." 
You nod knowing he is right, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't know how to tell you." 
Smiling he says, "You can always tell me." 
Giving him a little smile back you reply, "I will." 
🤖 Asahi
Mindlessly you click through the TV channels. Nothing good is on or well at least anything you currently want to watch. Groaning, you toss the remote down and reach your phone. There are a bunch of missed calls and messages from your friends. The thought of responding to them runs through your mind, but instead, you just swipe away the notifications. 
One of them catches your eye though actually, two new messages do. Both are from your boyfriend so you skin over them. 
I'm coming over with food.
I'll be there in 10 minutes. 
The messages were sent 10 minutes ago which means he'll be here any second. Just as you get up to look out the window to see if he's outside the bell to the door is already buzzing. Asahi doesn't even say hello as he walks in just walking to the table and setting down the food.
"Are you hungry?" He questions already opening up what looks like Bibimbap. 
"Not feeling that hungry right now actually," you reply taking a seat across from him. 
He stops adding the bean sprouts to his bowl, "If you're feeling down you should eat still."
"How did you know I wasn't in a good mood," you ask, surprised he was able to randomly guess how you were feeling. 
He mixes up his bowl and without looking up replies, "I had a feeling so I brought you some comfort food and now I'm here to listen," he grabs a bit of food onto his spoon leaning over to bring it to you, "Now eat and tell me everything you have on your mind."
🦊 Yedam
Notes have to be the most boring thing in the world. You write them for hours only to study them and then take the quiz and nothing you wrote to be on the quiz. It's boring yet primitive to get through school. 
Currently, you're at cram school, it's already 7 pm. Which isn't that late, but now you have a hand cramp from writing all day. Yedam wasn't able to join you today so here you sit face timing him instead. 
"Korea is trying to kill me," you complain, placing your pencil down. You rub your eyes to stop from feeling sleepy. 
"You only have 2 more pages to study," he says back. 
"2 pages too many," you reply glaring at the textbook. The font is the size of an ant and it's history. Not even Korean history, world history about America, nothing fun at all. 
"If you're like this I wonder how you studied back home." 
"Back home I studied, but I only studied a few hours. Most of the time we had study guides so we knew what was on the test." 
"Just think of this as a longer one than. It's just a self-written one with probably way more words."
You pout at the screen, "It still sucks. How am I supposed to remember all of this?" 
"I'll help you study."
"No, you already have so much going on," you refuse. 
"We can study together. It might actually help us. You can tutor me and vice versa," he suggests. 
"Are you sure?" 
"Why not. What could go so wrong?" 
🐰 Doyoung 
"Hot chocolate, coffee, or water?" 
"What about a Vanilla Bean Frappe made with almond milk and a little caramel drizzle." 
"I don't believe this is a Starbucks," he laughs. 
"Then what is the point? It's either that or I'm going back to bed."
"Okay so you've decided to be grumpy today," he responds walking back into the living room. 
"I've been grumpy all day. Which you would know if you weren't late today." 
"Oh, so this is why you're mad," he replies, eyebrows raised. 
"Not mad, 'grumpy'. I'm also extremely tired from staying up waiting for you," you say with a yawn following. 
"Do you just want to go lay down?" He suggests. 
You nod, "I want to take a nap while listening to sad music." 
"Okay," he replies walking over to the couch to sit. He taps his lap, "Lay down here." 
So you lay your hard down on his lap, "Where is my music?"
"Right away your majesty," he teases, pulling out his phone. 
"Majesty?" You question, then you smirk, "I could get used to that." 
🐏 Haruto
"I'm here." 
You sit up wiping the tears from your face. You call back to the voice, "Bedroom." 
A few shuffles are heard before your door opens. A concerned Haruto appears walking over to you, "Awee babe," He says so more tears come down your face. Arms wrap around you pulling you into a hug, "Are you okay?" 
Shaking your head you place your head in his neck. Giving him a small reply of 'no' which has him holding you tighter. 
"I'm here okay?" He comforts. Weakly you nod your head back. 
"I'm getting you all wet." 
"It's fine," he laughs lightly, "I wonder how bad today was for you to be this shaken up." 
Burying your head deeper into his neck you sigh, "It was terrible." 
"I bet. Look, we don't have to talk about it until you're ready." 
🐺 Jeongwoo
"Why is she so annoying?" You groan. 
"I don't even know who you are talking about." 
"I told you that one girl at lunch, she keeps rolling her eyes at me. I haven't even talked to her before. I don't even know her name," you continue on. 
"Okay slow down. When did she start this?" 
You shrug, "It was so random. I was walking in line with some friends getting food and we made eye contact. Jeongwoo I've never seen this girl before yet she's so rude to me." 
"Why does it matter then?" 
"What do you mean?" 
He sighs, "Well it's like you said, you don't know her. People are mean for no reason sometimes. Don't let it get to you." 
You think it through knowing that he is right, "Still makes me mad." 
"How about we go get some ice cream so you cool off?" He suggests. 
"From the convenience store or Baskin Robbins?" 
"Which one do you want?"
"Baskin Robbins. I'll pay, let's go!" 
🐮 Junghwan
"I don't want to go." 
Junghwan pouts, confused at the sudden change in your mood, "Why not? You've been wanting to go for weeks." 
"I know just now I'm not interested anymore," you respond, crossing your arms. 
Junghwan stops walking to pull you aside. He looks you up and down before asking, "You've been waiting for this shop to open up for months and now you don't wanna go. So can you tell me what's wrong?" 
"It's nothing serious," you reply, uncrossing your arms. It doesn't seem to convince him because his eyebrows are still raised, "Fine there is a reason, but I don't wanna tell you." 
"Why not?" 
You shrug, "I don't wanna talk about it right now. We are in the middle of the street Junghwan."
"We are in a park," he points out, so you send him a small glare. He seems to get the message, "But I understand. Look we will do whatever you want today." 
"Yeah, anything to make you happy again."
Officially back! Requests are opened again for everything but fics!
Anon request.
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baldwin-montclair · 4 years
The Unlikely Advocate - Thunderstorm
Baldwin looks after his niece in France whilst his wife wrangles a troublesome witch in Oxford
“Darling, she’s asleep, has been for the last hour!” Baldwin took a sip of wine from the glass in his hand.
“Did you read her-“ Eileen started.
“Sleeping Beauty, I know it’s her favourite tale, even if it’s an entirely butchered version of the initial moral.”
“Maybe, but let’s not scar the seven year old with original version, just yet.”
“I defer to your wisdom,” he smiled a little, “how are things with the Oxford coven?”
“As expected, that bitch Alison is trying to get her little clique to oust me again.”
“Should I-“
“No,” the answer was abrupt, “I can handle some jumped up little cow with delusions of her own importance.”
A bright flash of light flooded the study of Baldwin’s Chateau, followed by a loud crack of thunder.
“What was that?” Eileen asked.
“Thunder clap, we’re due quite the storm.”
“Izzy hates thunder, I should come back.”
“She’s fine, she’s asleep and if she wakes up, I’ll take care of it. You can’t travel in this weather, it’s not safe.”
He heard her sigh on the other side of the phone.
“I just miss you both so much!”
“As do I you. Be safe and I will see you soon.”
After exchanging their farewells and hanging up, Baldwin returned to the pages in front of him.
Two empty wine glasses and several financial reports later, he put the pen down and leant back in his chair, turning to look at the heavy rain beating the windows. He closed his eyes, enjoying the soothing sound.
A definitive tug on the sleeve of his shirt drew his attention to the little girl in her pyjamas and holding a stuffed toy in her arms.
He had bought it for her from an old toy store when she lost her own comfort toy.
“Mr Nibbles is afraid of the thunder!” She told him, matter-of-fact.
“Is that so?” He asked in a mock serious tone, receiving a nod in response.
Eileen initially disapproved of the antique toy, frowning when he brought it home.
‘It’s creepy!’
He saw where she was coming from.
Older toys did have a tendency towards being less saccharine in expression than modern ones. Regardless, it didn’t matter, at three-years-old, Isobel studied the rabbit for a moment before picking it up and never putting it back down again.
“He told me he usually gets hot chocolate when he struggles to sleep!” She had a very well developed vocabulary for one so young.
Baldwin got up from his chair and effortlessly swept her into his arms.
“Who am I to argue with Mr Nibbles?”
Isobel giggled.
Isobel watched from her perch on the counter as he warmed the milk over the stove, chocolate and vanilla essence nearby, just one of the many pieces of culinary tips he’d learned between babysitting his niece and nephews, and, helping to raise Isobel.
“So, what is it about the thunder that scares Mr Nibbles?” He asked.
“It sounds angry,” she shrugged, “I don’t like when people are angry, or fight, fighting’s bad.”
“Sometimes,” he half agreed, “but other times it’s necessary.”
“Sarah says it’s the primitive male response to everything.”
Baldwin chuckled, the child had clearly heard the red haired witch say this thing often enough to repeat it.
“That’s possibly also true,” he nodded to the vanilla extract and Isobel dutifully handed it to him, pleased to be helping, “which is what makes it necessary.”
“Well, sometimes bad people threaten those we care about and we need to protect them. I actually faintly remember being called to your pre-school when some boy tried to take Mr Nibbles from you. Remind me?”
“Tommy’s was being mean. He called Mr Nibbles ugly and tried to take him to throw him in the trash!”
“And what did you do?”
Isobel thought for a second and then raised her little fist in the air.
“Bang!” She giggled.
“Exactly, bang!”
Baldwin had heard the boy’s father ranting before he even arrived at the principal’s office. As soon as he entered, however, the look of abject terror on the face of the hedge fund manager upon recognising him signalled a swift and favourable resolution.
Still, the man and his son were fortunate in not having faced Eileen, given her species’ extreme impatience with abusive males of any age.
“We’re fine now, he always keeps the bucket I like for me at golden time.”
“I feel like I have to at least try to advocate that violence isn’t always the answer but, it’s hard to argue in this case.”
“It wasn’t because of the punch,” she smiled, “he said it was because his father told him to be nice to me or they’ll have to leave their house!”
“Because all of their money is in this one big bag and he said that you decide how much that bag is worth.”
“Such an exaggeration,” Baldwin rolled his eyes, “but if it makes him play nice then fine.”
“Yeah, he shoved Brian the other day when he was being mean.”
“To you?”
Eileen nodded.
“What did he do?”
“Nothing, he was just saying things to try to annoy me.”
“Such as?” He asked, pouring the hot chocolate into a mug and sliding it across to the child.
“Well, we’re having a faire at school for parents and he said I can’t come because I don’t have a Mum and Dad.”
“You know that’s nonsense? Your aunt and I are your parents.”
She nodded.
“I know, he’s just-“
“An asshole!”
Isobel stared at him in shock for a few seconds before collapsing into giggles.
The storm passed, Baldwin looked over at the child fast asleep on the sofa in his study, a comfy blanket draped over her.
He picked her up and carried her to her room, settling her into the bed and left the room door ajar, just so she could follow the light if she was scared and wanted to come find him.
In the meantime, he had a vital project to undertake and dialled the number of the only person who might be able to help him.
“What have I done now?” Diana’s tone was airy and playful despite her exasperated words.
“Nothing, I uh-that is I wanted to speak with you regarding-sorry, it’s late it can wait until tomorrow. Goodnight.”
“Stop,” he heard her command as he moved to hang up and thought better of it lest she materialise in his office right then, “you’re freaking me out, tell me what’s wrong!”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just need a sounding board before I speak to Eileen about a matter regarding Isobel.”
“Is she alright?”
“Yes, she perfectly fine.”
“Then what can I help with?”
“Well, you went back in and met my father, he made you his blood sworn daughter without turning you.”
“You’re still doubting that?”
“No, not at all, in fact,” he hesitated, “I want to speak with Eileen about my adopting Isobel, properly, legally and in the eyes of our community. I just don’t know the procedure, he never told me how.”
“I’m sure I can help when the time comes.”
“If, I still need to speak with Eileen first, and if she consents then I will put it to Izzy. Should probably speak to Miyako as well.”
“Why? In case she takes the news about as well as you did?” Diana needles him affectionately.
“Something like that.” He answers with a weary sigh.
“Are we talking about the same Miyako who basically kidnaps Izzy and spoils her with ice cream and gifts when she visits, that one?”
“They do get along well,” he agreed thoughtfully, “so you don’t think it’s a horrible idea?”
“I think it would be a horrible idea not to!”
“Thank you, sister, having your support in this matter is welcome.”
“Don’t mention it, and Baldwin?”
“You are already her father in all the ways that matter and you’re a good one, she’s lucky to have you.”
“Not as lucky as I am to have her, and, I suppose,” he started grudgingly, “to have you for a sister.”
“Aww, that’s so cute,” she teased, “you’re gonna get such a big hug from me next time I see you!”
“You shouldn’t threaten the head of your family, it’s disrespectful!” He retorted with a smile.
“Goodnight Baldwin.” She chuckled before hanging up.
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tomiokai · 4 years
Between The Pages || Spencer Reid
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{not my gif, originally posted by @toyboxboy​}
A/N: Honestly there are so many cafe AU’s and it’s crazy how I’ve read so many of them. But per usual I wanted to write my own version with my own twisty twist. This fic has literally taken me so long to write! I just sometimes couldn’t find the motivation to write it and then I’ll just abandon it for a period of time and I HATE writing two fics at a time because I personally can’t do it because, I’m a control freak and everything needs to be in order so if you’re a writer and you can write two fics at a time, please teach me, you’re so gifted. IMPORTANT! Spencer had to go to prison and got out around February and May but this fic is set around the Christmas season so just roll with it. Fake dates. They aren’t real!! If you are not happy with this AU, the door is that way. ——> Also I write in Canadian English so some of the words might look weird. 
Summary: Y/n works at a very unique cafe, it’s a cafe plus a library, where there are shelves of the most classic books to the new poorly written rom-coms. A perfect, warm, and cozy place, to read, study, or even to hang out. Spencer Reid was one of the usual there and he may or may not have swept Y/n off her feet over the years. A poorly written rom-com following the lives of Y/n and Spencer Reid. Anti prison to post-prison Spencer.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Fluff
Warning: Fluff. Angst if you squint. 
Word Count: 7.3k
November 30th:
‘Between The Pages’ was quite the most unusual name for a cafe, I had thought when I first started working here. The cafe was a cozy little building sandwiched between two bigger buildings, bringing all the attention it deserved away from it, but that’s how I had liked it. Only the usual elite that know about this place and a few drop by’s once in a while ever enters the small building, everyone who comes into the shop falls in love with it immediately, giving them a sense of home. The insides of the shop gave you old fashion tiny cute library vibes. The walls were covered in bookshelves full of books ranging from the classics to the very new ones that I would bring in every time I made my way to the book shop eight streets down. Through the door to your left was the display case for all the delicious baked goods and the counter where you place your order and pay. Where the door was, there were two windows and on one side there was a small comfy couch with a small wooden coffee table in front of it and the other had two couches facing each other with a coffee table in the center (the couples hot spot). Smack in the center of the room was a big round table where the college girls like to camp out for their study sessions, and around the room were numerous armchairs and giant fuzzy bean bags. The area was filled with warm colours, dark greens, dark reds, beiges, and browns. Small plants and succulents hung out around the windowsills and tables giving the area a nice nature vibe. 
Memorizing each and everyone’s orders was my very special skill. The usuals were a group college girls (a new set every four years) that come for their study sessions every Friday and Saturday, a group of teen boys that storm the bakery section of the cafe once a week during their lunch break, a nice middle-aged lawyer that stops by every morning for coffee, which might I add had given me his business card, says if we ever needed help we should call him, two young couples that regularly have double dates, a few other individuals, and a very nice looking man around my age. He was my favourite customer, he came to the shop almost everyday ordering a single large cup of coffee with milk and loads of sugar, but when it became fall his coffee would be switched to a pumpkin spice latte. 
Between The Pages have become my home the second I graduated college. The little old lady who owned this shop had taken me in as a daughter of her own, and I had my own room above the shop. I was a writer at heart, I loved writing stories that I would usually share with the bunch of college girls and my colleague Chloe who might also be my best friend. The life I’m living in was humble yet the best, I couldn’t think of another way to live. This shop gave me time to pursue my love of writing and interact with some of the best people I have ever met. I earn enough money that I am comfortable with, and live a life nicely, considering if I wasn’t here I would be nowhere. Let’s just say all my living known relatives are all gone after an explosive fire at a family reunion I had not attended in my Junior year of College.  Call it lucky but unlucky. 
Today was a quiet day, Thursday. The group of teen boys had already passed by causing Chloe and me to rebake today’s special treats again. Chloe was a wedding photographer (she’s here usually 60% of the time) but she also loved hanging out with me so much so that she got a job here with me after the year we graduated from college. We were literally joint to the hip together, ever since grade three when I first threw up on her because she showed me a disturbing picture of a giant spider with wings. We were in each other’s same classes, had millions of sleepovers, and we even went to the same college together. She lived in the room right beside mine, so yeah we are literally joint to the hip. I baked the sweets and made the drinks while Chloe usually took care of the sandwiches, wraps, and organizing everyday menu items. 
“I noticed that your boyfriend didn’t come today,” Chloe said as she grabbed out a freshly baked tray of cookies. 
“For the last time Chloe, Spencer isn’t my boyfriend,” I said rolling my eyes as I snatched a cookie off of her tray. 
“Ugh yeah, you guys literally look in love every time you see each other.” Chloe shot back. 
“Not true” I snapped.
“Not to mention your crippling crush on the guy.” Chloe sang with a smug lip on her lips. 
My eyes flew open and scanned the empty cafe. “You’re lucky no one’s here,” I said flipping her off. 
“Just watch Y/n. I better be your wedding photographer.” Chloe laughed stacking the freshly baked cookies in a perfect tower in the display case. 
“Not happening as much as I want it to happen.” I laughed back biting into the cookie in my hand.
 For the past few years, Spencer was the only person I had a crush on, he was always here and it just felt as if we had known each other for years, which isn’t a lie considering I have worked in this cafe since senior year of college and he started coming not long after. We got along very well and we always talked in the morning when he waited for his coffee. We knew so much about each other yet so little. 
“Is it okay if you run this place a few more hours on your own? I have some unfinished wedding photos to edit, one being editing the mother in laws white dress to another colour,” Chloe said as she removed her apron.
“How does one not know to never wear white to a wedding that’s not theirs, but yeah sure,” I responded pulling out a stool from under the counter. 
I watched as Chloe made her way to the back room where the staircase was and turned back around pulling out my laptop to the horror story I was currently writing. 
As I typed chapter twelve of my story the little bell on our shop door rang and my head turned to the grandfather clock in the corner and saw it was two hours before closing and then to the door. 
There stood Spencer, unusual to say the least he usually comes in the mornings. He was in dress pants with a dress shirt and a purple tie, unusual again, but as always his hair was tousled around wore a huge smile on his pink lips, travel bag hanging from his shoulders, and book in hand. 
“Hey!” I called brightly hopping off the stool I sat on. 
“Hey Y/n,” Spencer said back as he made his way to his favourite seat at the back of the room. 
“The usual?” I asked. 
“You know it,” Spencer answered sitting down and opening his big book. 
I smiled as I got out Spencer’s favourite mug, a simple black mug with a single purple stripe running through the middle of the cup. It always amazed me how fast he was able to read, spending basically seven seconds on each page. 
I poured Spencer’s coffee into the mug and added milk and loads of sugar into it. I picked the mug up and grabbed a slice of strawberry cheesecake and a fork and slowly made my way to where Spencer was seated. 
“Here I said, setting the mug and cheesecake onto the small coffee table in front of him. I then made my way to sit in the armchair right across from him. 
Spencer looked at the cheesecake and then at me quizzically. 
“It’s on me,” I said, realizing.  
“Oh no I can’t do that,” Spencer said, pulling out a few extra bills and holding them across the table for me. 
“No, really it’s on me.” I laughed pushing his hand back to him. 
Spencer closed his book and set it on the table and picked up the slice of cheesecake the fork and took a bite. “This is some good cheesecake.” He pointed out.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile. “Hey, you usually come here bright and early in the mornings. What's with the sudden change?” I asked out of curiosity. 
“Oh, I just got off from a long day of work and wanted to come here and relax,” Spencer answered, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Wow, we’ve known each other for literally years now and I still don’t know what you do for a living, mind as I ask,” I questioned watching him. 
He set his coffee down and answered, “Oh I work for the FBI, I’m a profiler. What about you? Any other jobs other than here?” He asked out of curiosity.
“Wow, very impressive..” I laughed. Spencer joined in. “This is actually my only job, aside from another thing,” I responded. 
“Well, since I told you that I’m an FBI agent, will you tell me YOUR very secret job?” Spencer spoke.
“If I tell you, you have to keep it a secret,” I responded arching an eyebrow.
Spencer exaggerated his thinking face, looking up to the ceiling then back to me with a grin, “I will,” he said. 
“Well, I’m an author. But you won’t find my books by searching my name, I have a pen name.” I said as I stood up. I ran to a nearby shelf and took out one of the hard copy books and ran back. I hid it behind my back and spoke again. “Remember, secret,” I said sternly.
“Secret,” Spencer repeated, bringing his fingers to his lips to ‘seal’ his lips. 
I laughed as I pulled the book from behind my back and handed it to Spencer. 
Spencer scanned the book and looked back up at me with a shocked look on his face. “This is one of my favourite modern-day books,” Spencer exclaimed.
My face immediately lit up and I asked, “Really?”
Spencer nodded his head eagerly. 
I leaned back into my chair and whispered. “Wow, for a guy who reads like 100 books a month, he actually thinks mine is really good.” 
 Spencer broke out in a laugh and said, “I actually have the first edition copy of this,” placing the book onto the table. 
I sat back up straighter this time and exclaimed, “I’m actually writing a new horror book right now and my writing has improved a significant amount after I was done reading one of Shakespeare’s books.”
“Mind if I take a peak?” Spencer asked, finishing his cheesecake. 
I mocked him and looked to the ceiling with a finger on my cheek “thinking really hard’. “No.” I laughed.
“Why not, I won’t tell.” Spencer jokingly pleaded.
“Still no,” I laughed, “but once it’s finished I’ll let you have the first copy before I officially launch it.”
“I better be first to read it, I’m like your biggest fan.” He laughed. 
“False,” I answered, “my biggest fan is actually a lady named Penelope Garcia that sent me a huge gift basket, with a letter that proclaimed her love for my books.” 
“Wait did you say, Penelope Garcia?” Spencer asked looking shocked.
“Yeah. Is something wrong?” I asked.
“No, no, nothing wrong,” Spencer laughed, “She’s actually my colleague.”
“What a small world,” I responded amazed. 
“Yeah, now I have to fight her for number one fan,” Spencer said with amusement in his voice.
“Oh we’ll have to see Agent Reid,” I joked. 
“Actually it’s Doctor,” Spencer corrected. 
“Wait but you’re an agent,” I stated.
“Yes, but I’m titled doctor,” Spencer said matter of factly. 
“Alright Doctor Reid,” I laughed. 
We sat together discussing multiple things with each other and we just clicked. Lucky for him, he got me to spill a little on the new book I was writing and even gave me a few ideas from some of the cases he has dealt with. I asked him about his job and he immediately started talking joyfully, he really loved his job. He also talked about his team a lot.  
“Hey lovebirds,” I heard someone call. My head whipped around towards the counter and glared at Chloe so hard.
“We’re just talking,” I called back with annoyance dripping from my voice. I turned back around towards Spencer and saw that he was very flustered, his cheeks were all rosy and red. This made me blush seeing him blush. “I’m sorry for my friend, she’s a little crazy in the head,” I whispered the last part.
“No, no that’s fine,” Spencer laughed. He had found it amusing.  
Ring, Ring. 
Spencer pulled out his phone and held up a finger to his lips. His face was blank throughout the whole conversation, at times his demeanor would stiffen. After his phone call, he started chugging the rest of his coffee, and putting his satchel on, “I’m really sorry, duty calls,” He said.
“Hey wait, here I’ll pack some sweets for your team.” I got up quickly scurrying towards the desert display.
“Oh no you don’t have to do that,” Spencer said, a small smile on his lips. 
“No, no I insist, we’re closing in like 5 minutes anyways, we can’t let these go to waste,” I answered, grabbing out a light purple desert box and placing multiple chocolate chip cookies,  slices of pie and cake into the box. I closed it up and ran back over to Spencer and handed the box to him. His hands brushed against mine when he took the box from my hands and butterflies erupted in my stomach. 
I bit my lip and smiled, “See you, hopefully, tomorrow,” I said.  
“Maybe. Unless the case is going to be overnight, thanks for the sweet, it was really sweet of you.” Spencer responded with a wink pushing the door to the shop open.
“Bye!” I yelled back as he left through the door.
I turned away from the door with a big smile forming on my pink lips. I walked over to the table where we sat and picked up the mug, fork, and plate and carried them over to where Chloe was washing the dishes. 
“Dude you’re whipped.” Chloe laughed, drying the wet dishes. 
“I know,” I responded with a big smile still on my face. 
December 1st:
It was early in the morning and I was down extra early to bake pastries and cakes, the sign was switched to open and Chloe was sitting criss-cross applesauce by the special menus board drawing cute little cartoons. After I put in the last tray of danishes into the oven I started up the coffee pot for the early birds. Mornings at Between The Pages were always calm and peaceful, Chloe and I would both wake up, do our parts and not talk till 11:00 am enjoying each other's silence, then the morning guests were always calm and nice too, we would exchange some friendly words, I would give them their coffee and they’ll wave goodbye and leave. Here at the cafe, there's no such thing as a lunch rush so that's a big weight lifted off Chloe and I’s shoulders. 
As I was frosting the danishes the bell that hung on our door rang. I looked up from my frosting to see Spencer in a black suit walk in, my face immediately lit up but then dropped when a blonde female walked in right after him. The female had pretty blonde hair that was in loose curls with small butterfly clips on either side of her head and perfectly cut bangs, she wore a pretty light pink dress with black lace on it, over top of her dress she had a cute white cropped cardigan. Never would I have expected her to be his type, but no one’s judging, I personally loved her style, although I was jealous of her. Maybe they're just friends. Hopefully. 
I put on the best smile that I can manage and walked to the cash register and quietly waited for them to walk to me. Before I could register what was happening the blonde lady rushed up to me with a squeal and excitedly said, “Hi, I’m Penelope Garcia, Spencer’s coworker, you must be Y/n, Spencer was talking about. Oh and thank you so much for the sweets yesterday! The whole team loved them.” 
Spencer was talking about me?? That was what hit first, then reality. “Nice to meet you and yeah I am Y/n, and I’m glad you liked the treats!” I happily said back. I already liked her completely leaving my jealousy behind me. I turned to Spencer next and smiled even bigger, “Hey Spencer. You want usual?” 
“Hey Y/n, yeah the usual,” Spencer responded smiling back at me.
“And you Penelope?” I turned back to her. 
“Oh I’ll take a french vanilla with whipped cream and mini marshmallows please,” Penelope responded. 
“Hey! I’m Chloe!” Chloe cheerfully explained coming up from behind me and wrapping her left arm around my shoulder. “I’m Y/n’s best friend!”
“Hey, Chloe.” Spencer and Garcia said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh. 
“Chloe, could you get their drinks for me?” I asked walking to the back table to pick up a dessert box.
“Yeah sure,” She said to me then turned back to Spencer and Penelope. “Just a moment.”
I picked up the desert box and started placing two dozen danishes in it. They were  strawberry, blueberry, and chocolate cream danishes. I closed off the box and walked over to Penelope and Spencer. “On the house, for the team,” I said handing the box to Spencer with a wink. 
“Y/n! This is too nice of you, here let me pay.” Spencer rumbled reaching for a few more bills from his wallet.
“Spencer no, it's on the house,” I laughed, pushing his hands away. 
“Are you sure Y/n?” He asked.
“YES,” I exclaimed. 
“Oh you're the sweetest Y/n,” Penelope squealed joyfully, as Chloe handed them their drinks.
 “Be safe!” I called to Spencer and Penelope as they walked out the door of the cafe.
“We’ll try.” They responded together before disappearing around the corner. 
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the closed door, my mind never leaving the picture of Spencer smiling in my mind. How was I supposed to do anything if all I could think about is Spencer Reid? That stupid adorable smile of his whips me up every time. I snapped myself out of my trance and picked up my piping bag filled with creamy cream cheese icing and resumed icing the uniced danishes. 
The morning came and went in a blur, regular customers and newcomers here and there, the danishes were a hit and sold out fast with the coffee ordered. I was currently mixing some brownie batter when my favourite group of college girls walked in, they took their usual afternoon seats at the center round table and started pulling out their laptops, textbooks, and homework. 
“Usuals?” I asked as I already started their lattes and mochas.
“As always!” Cherry White, one of the blonde girls replied, rapidly typing on her laptop. 
After I poured their drinks into mugs for the girls I brought the mugs to their table. Their heads were all buried inside their textbooks and laptops studying feverishly. I placed all their orders by each girl and watched as they intently worked. Papers and pens were already scattered everywhere in a short time, laptops open and bright as the clicking of the keyboards filled the warm homey air. 
“Studying for midterms, girls?” I asked as I placed the last girl's coffee by her hand. 
A few of them responded with a quick ‘yup’ and went straight back to their studies.
I went back to baking my brownies while daydreaming about Spencer. The thing’s I would let that man do to me, I thought as I placed the brownies into the oven. 
I pulled out my own laptop and continued from where I left off from yesterday night, the chapter I was currently working on was almost done and I had used some of Spencer’s great ideas. Trying my best to focus on the task at hand my mind just kept slipping away to Spencer and the conversations he and I had had yesterday night. 
“Look!” I heard Darcy Shawma, a cute Asian girl with braces say. She was pointing to the windows by the front of the shop. Following her fingers' direction, I find soft snow falling from the afternoon sky. I sighed in awe as it was the first snowfall of the season indicating it was the perfect time to start baking Christmas sweets. 
Ditching chapter 13 of my book, I pulled up a new search tab and began scavenging google for the best Christmas baking recipes. As I searched I could already just taste the delicious gingerbread in my mouth and the sweet smell of sugar cookies. This had reminded me that I needed to get the annual Christmas tree out soon. This year I had already decided that I would get Spencer Reid a Christmas present. We’d known each other for so long now I just thought it would be a good idea. 
For the rest of that night, I surfed the net for yummy Christmas treats to bake and possible presents for Spencer. 
December 2nd:
The next day Spencer was a no show. Not thinking much of it I assumed he was away on a case as usual. Chloe and I started putting up the Christmas decorations. 
December 6th: 
He hadn’t showed up again for the fifth day in a row now. It could just be a long case, nothing to be too worried about. The book was going great. I was now halfway done. 
December 13th: 
Now I was getting worried. He never in his life has done this. He never not came back after a week. I didn’t have any contact with him so I had no way to know whether he was out on a very long case or he got hurt or if he got tired of the place or oven ME. 
December 14th:
I had gone full panic mode. When he hadn’t shown up in the morning I had a whole meltdown on Chloe’s shoulder. She tried telling me maybe he was just away on his own holiday but I didn’t believe her because every year he would tell me. 
December 16th:
To cope with Spencer being gone for so long I decided to start decorating gingerbread houses. They turned into piles of gingerbread frosting and candy, they looked as if they were going to be a part of Halloween rather than Christmas. They failed big time. That afternoon the group of College girls came by and they had gotten me a present! I was shocked and very flattered that they thought of me. They explained that it was their senior year of College and that next year they would be leaving, they noticed that I was constantly typing on my laptop that they had gotten me a brand new and updated laptop. The rest of the afternoon we hung out and decorated the leftover gingerbread houses together before they left for their holiday vacation with their families and friends. 
December 20th: 
Once again I had another meltdown but this time there were no witnesses, we had closed down for the holidays and Chloe was off in New York with her family. She invited me to come with her but I politely declined and stayed behind in case Spencer came. The book was finally done and the first rough copy was printed. After the holiday’s I would bring my book to my publishing company and they could take care of it from there. As for the first copy as promised, I tied the stack of paper that formed a story with a single red ribbon running horizontally and vertically across the book with a pretty bow in the center for Spencer. It was the best gift from my heart. Along with the first copy of my book, I wrote Spencer a letter of confession where I poured my heart out about my feelings for him. 
Dear Dr. Spencer Reid,
Merry Christmas! You’ve been gone for a really long time. I hope you’re doing alright! It’s so unusual not to make your daily coffee loaded with sugar. Chloe started asking about you too. We miss you, you know? 
I miss you.
We’ve known each other for so long now. Ever since I graduated from University you started coming here too. You fell in love with the place just like I did, I could tell by the expressions on your face. Ever since that day you started coming every possible day possible. I baked a strawberry cheesecake today in hopes the smell will attract you back. Sadly it didn't. 
When you walk in through that door everyday my day immediately gets 100x better. Your smile literally radiates serotonin to me. (Please don’t correct me on that, I know that’s impossible.) I really miss your smile, your voice, and your everything really. I wish you would walk through that door right now. 
By now you have probably picked up that I like you, I make it very obvious. I LIKE YOU SPENCER REID. There I said it. Chloe has been egging me on for forever to tell you. The day you walked through that door I fell for you hard, I was young and naive but even now that I have grown into an intelligent woman I still like you, you’re something else, Spencer. 
I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship, Spencer. I really like what we have right now but if it could grow into something more I would love that. 
Bottom line I think I love you, Spencer. God, I don’t think. I do! I love you so much! My heart hurts when I don’t see you, it hurts me when I think about you getting hurt or even seeing you with other girls. I love you, Spencer. I hope you’re safe and you’re having a good Christmas. 
With unhealthy amounts of love, Y/n Y/l/n.
December 25th: 
He didn’t come again. I left his gift leaning on the glass of the cafe with Spencer’s name written in loopy holiday cursive indicating it was for him and that he’d know it was for him and pick it up if he decided to walk past. He didn’t. For Christmas that year, I sat at the armchairs by the fireplace drinking hot cocoa and eating gingerbread cookies while watching SpongeBob cartoons on my new laptop. To be honest it was a sad way to spend Christmas. 
December 31st:
The cafe was re-opened up again. Spencer’s gift was tucked inside a cabinet where I kept my personal things downstairs. He still didn’t come. The worry was now burning inside me. I thought about just showing up at the FBI and asking for Spencer, but he and I weren’t anything. I had no reason to be there. 
January 5th:
My book was now officially launched. I tried holding it back for as long as I could but the due date was fast approaching and I had no choice but to publish it. The copies sold out fast and I already got new fan mail. I may have promised Spencer he would be the first person to read it but he was late and never showed up but he would still have the first-ever copy if he ever came back I suppose. Chloe also got back!
January 17th: 
The teenage boy’s stormed the bakery. The college girls finally return. The old lady, Granny Lizzie I would call her that owned the shop passed away sadly.
January 20th:
It was a sad day, it was Granny Lizzie’s funeral. I inherited the cafe in her will. 
January 29th:
February 7th:
Chloe’s birthday! We shut down the cafe for three days and she and I flew out to LA together to celebrate her birthday. Lots of drinking. Maybe even a hookup. 
February 14th:
Chloe got asked out. No Spencer. Valentine day dates overflow the cafe. Red velvet cheesecake cookies, big hit. 
February 26th:
Started on a new book. More mental breakdowns. I really missed Spencer. Snow is gone now.
March 4th:
 Discovered one of the couples got divorced and no longer came to the cafe. Bummer they were really nice. 
March 20th: 
Rain. Closed off early to lay in the rain on the top of the roof. Relaxing. Cried for Spencer. 
March 26th: 
10 minutes until closing.
The bell to the cafe rang and I boringly glanced at the door, not a single interest in me. I hadn’t seen Spencer in so long I gave up in hope. A tall man appeared in the doorway, he had longish curly hair and wore a tight black suit with a purple tie. It took me a moment to realize who it was.
“SPENCER!” I yelled as he approached the counter; the way he walked and carried himself changed, he no longer had a doubt in his steps, his strides were now confident and long. He carried himself with confidence and security and looked like he didn’t have a care in the world, he was more relaxed now and not uptight and stiff. 
My whole mood changed completely, I was no longer sad or bored and was now full of energy and excitement. Ditching the register I ran around back to get to the other side of the counter. As soon as I was close enough to Spencer I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tight. Immediately he responded and hugged me tight and held my weight. 
“Where were you?” I whispered, not letting Spencer go. 
“I was in prison,” He whispered back, his voice cracking. 
“Wait what?” I asked in disbelief but that wasn’t enough for me to let go of him. It didn’t matter. 
“I was framed for murder,” He responded no hesitation. 
I immediately relaxed again and melted away in the hug. 
“I missed you!” I grumbled, finally pulling away from the hug. 
“I know, I missed you too,” Spencer whispered. 
“Can I just kiss you!” I blurted out suddenly. 
Not needing to be told twice Spencer immediately captured my lips in his. His lips were what I had imagined soft against mine, and moulded perfectly into mine. The kiss was sweet but also hungry yet still gentle, his hands held my waist as mine tangled into his soft curls. It was probably the best kiss I have ever had. Scratch that it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. 
“I have something for you,” I whispered, pressing my forehead against his, our nose tickling each other. 
“Mhm, and what’s that?” He asked, smiling. 
“Go grab a seat,” I responded, already running around the corner to get Spencer’s very late Christmas present. 
Swinging open the cabinet door excitedly, I grabbed my wrapped gift for Spencer. 
Gripping the three-month-old gift tightly, I made my way quickly back to where Spencer was sitting. Our spot, I would like to say. 
“This is for you,” I said, handing him the gift with a wide smile. “You were supposed to receive it on Christmas,” I finished with a shrug. 
“You didn’t have to Y/n,” Spencer said, unwrapping the gift.
“I definitely had too,” I reassured with a warm smile.
“Y/n is this what I think it is?” Spencer asked, picking up the first-ever copy of my semi-new book. 
“Mhm, as promised Spencer you get the first copy, even though you weren’t able to be the first one to read it.” I shrugged. 
“This is great! I don’t mind, it was something both of us couldn’t control,” Spencer responded, picking up the letter I had written for him. 
“Read it!” I exclaimed.
Spencer nodded and unfolded the perfectly folded letter. It barely took him a minute to read the letter, it looked as if he just scanned the letter with his eyes but in reality he definitely memorized it. After his eyes landed at the bottom of the page he slowly looked back up to meet my eyes. 
“I love you too,” He breathed. 
“I’m s-sorry can you say that again, I heard you the first time, I just need to re-hear you again to make sure,” I stuttered happy tears escaping my eyes. 
Whipping the tears away Spencer leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Y/n Y/l/n I love you.”
“This is probably the best thing that has happened to me ever since my Junior year of University.” I happily cried. 
“Me too,” Spencer said.
“Does this mean we’re together?” I asked suddenly. 
“Yes, this does,” He responded.
“Good. I’ve waited for this for so long,” I breathed. 
“All throughout prison you were the only thing I thought about, other than getting out and trying to stay alive,” Spencer said.
“That’s flattering yet scary,” I responded with a light chuckle. 
“I guess it is,” Spencer responded. 
April 5th:
“SPENCER, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING! THE DRY INGREDIENTS AND THE WET INGREDIENTS NEED TO BE SEPARATE,” I yelled as I dumped burnt to crisp cinnamon buns down the garbage shoot. They were like pieces of black coal that were steaming a very unpleasant smell. 
“I forgot!” Spencer yelled back, unsuccessfully cracking an egg. 
There were three more hours until opening happened and baking was not being done. Well, it was being done, just very poorly. Spencer asked to come over very early in the morning to help me bake, he had reassured me that he would be helpful but right now he’s not really living up to his promise. 
Two batches. That’s it, two good batches was all we got out of a dozen.  
“I thought baking was easier,” Spencer puffed, ditching the eggs and plopping down onto a stool. 
“It’s just math and science Spencer,” I laughed. 
“Well it’s complicated,” He pouted. 
“Oh, boo-hoo,” I mocked, rubbing my eyes, fake crying. 
May 21st:
Chloe got engaged! So her date went well I would assume. I’m so excited, the weddings going to be so amazing!
May 30th:
CHLOE ASKED ME TO BE HER MAID OF HONOUR!!!!!!! It’s party time bitchessssss. 
June 3rd:
“SURPRISE!” Was the first thing I heard walking in through the doors of the cafe. Looking around the whole cafe was decorated in streamers and balloons for my birthday. 
“You guys! You didn’t have to do this!” I exclaimed. 
“But we did!” Spencer said kissing my cheek. Taking my hand in his he spoke again, “Come meet the team.”
I immediately stiffened at the thought of meeting Spencer’s team. He most likely noticed this and gave my hand a small squeeze. “Don’t worry they’ll love you,” He reassured. 
“I’m counting you on that,” I whispered. 
July 25th: 
Chloe’s wedding is today! The day was perfect and sunny for a beach wedding, everyone who was invited to their wedding flew out to California for their beach wedding. The groom’s name was Ricky Polern and he was actually a pretty nice guy, funny, and respectful. 
I brought Spencer with me as a plus one to the wedding and Spencer gladly came with me. Although I had to push some buttons with his team to drag him with me. 
The wedding was spectacular and everyone had lots of fun, the food was great, and fortunately, there was no case to steal Spencer away from me. Spencer and I even had our first slow dance together. He looked so handsome in the dim light and he had told me I was the one he wanted to grow old with. I cried tears of joy. 
I caught the bouquet! 
August 7th: 
David Rossi invited me over to dinner to get to know me better, it was VERY scary at first but he ended up loving me. Chloe was also finally moved out, it was very sad but we promised to call everyday.
August 22nd: 
Spencer proposed! I think I might die of happiness. I will die of happiness. 
“Spencer, what are we doing out here on the roof so late at night?” I asked as Spencer dragged me onto the roof. 
“I have something to show you!” Spencer excitedly responded. 
Spencer had set up a table with red table cloth and vanilla-scented candles with perfectly placed table utensils. All of it seemed so cliche but it was adorable coming from Spencer. 
Spencer pulled out a seat for me to sit at and I chuckled and gave a little curtsy before sitting.  Pushing me in gently making sure he didn’t push me in too much he ran over to his side of the table and sat down too. “So do you like it?” He asked.
“Spencer this is great,” I answered.
Spencer’s smile widened and he looked as if he was a child again and he had just discovered he was going to DisneyLand.
Pulling out a very delicious looking strawberry cheesecake out of a picnic basket, Spencer set it down between us and said, “I have successfully backed a strawberry cheesecake for you Y/n just like how you baked one for me.”
“Spencer you didn’t have too! This is so amazing.” I exclaimed, examining the perfectly baked sweet. 
“It took me a few tries but I did it,” He admitted. 
“What matters is that you did this for me,” I said reassuringly with a warm smile tugging at my lips. 
“Hey could you cut the cake, I need to do something,” Spencer said, handing me a small cake knife before he disappeared out of my sight. 
“Spencer, this has great texture,” I explained cutting into the fluffy cheesecake. 
“Y/n turn around,” I heard Spencer say from behind. 
Not giving it much thought I did. What I saw surprised me completely. Spencer was on one knee and in his hands was a beautiful dark purple velvet box and in it sat a beautiful diamond ring. The ring had a thin silver band and a beautiful perfectly round diamond. 
“I know this is really early in our relationship Y/n, but it feels like I’ve known you for my whole life. You’re the one person that makes me happier than the books I read and you make me feel so special. Your kind, beautiful, smart and you love everyone you meet. That day you met my team they loved you so much Rossi told me to marry you and when you caught the bouquet I knew I had too. Y/n Y/ln will you marry me?” He proposed smiling up at me.
At that moment I fell in love with Spencer all over again, to have him say those things warmed my heart to the fullest. I felt tears in my eyes when I answered, “Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to marry you!” I cried.
Spencer gently slipped the ring onto my finger and jumped up and brought me into a big hug. Without much thought I crushed my lips onto Spencer and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. This kiss we shared was beyond special as our bodies pressed together and our lips moved in sync. 
“I love you so much,” I whispered, pulling away.
“I love you more,” Spencer said, reconnecting our lips. 
September 1st:
I asked Chloe to be my maid of honour! She said yes! 
September 16th: 
I met Spencer’s mother and she was the sweetest person alive, she and I started the planning for the wedding. 
September 30th:
Wedding dress shopping!! 
October 1st:
Spencer and I had the best time together decorating the cafe with Halloween decorations. It was his favourite holiday and he was definitely living up to the Halloween spirit.
October 28th:
It’s Spencer's birthday! The team called me up in secret and we planned a secret birthday party for Spencer. He admitted he figured out we had planned a party for him because he knew we were sneaking around, but he still loved it. Everyone had fun and very very drunk.
October 31st:
Spencer unfortunately couldn’t spend Halloween with me this year, he was away on a case. But he promised he would make up for it when he got back.
November 15th:
Spencer and I were finally getting married. The wedding was beautiful, nothing grand but it was spectacular. The dress I wore was beautiful but simple, it was sleek and fit me well hugging all my curves and was floor length. Spencer looked very handsome standing at the altar as I was walked by Rossi to him.
The wedding vows were said and both Spencer and I had no hesitation. When we kissed the whole crowd cheered for us. The night was magical the best I’ve ever had, we danced the night away and in the end we took a jet to Sydney Australia for our honeymoon. But not before Chloe took mass amounts of photos of Spencer and me and rubbed the fact that Spencer and I did get married in my face.
It was great. 
December 25th: 
Spencer and I had our first Christmas together, it was also the day I told him I was pregnant. He was very excited. We were ready for children.
Somewhere in the future:
We had twins, Amelia and Claira Reid! Spencer is the best father ever, he loves his girls so much and would do anything for them. 
We ended up moving in together in a small beautiful house in the same neighborhood as Rossi, who treated them like they were his own grandchildren. I retired from the cafe and became a full-time author writing horror novels. Cherry White and her best friend Rossa Lenney ended up caring on the legacy and I passed on the cafe to her and her best friend. 
As cliche as it sounds, Spencer and I had a happily ever after. 
156 notes · View notes
Carry on Countdown - day 5: Sleepless.
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Midnight dates
I'm going with fun and fluffy for today's prompt! @carryon-countdown
The world looks like an entirely different place at night.
The streets aren't really desert, but it's close enough to it that it feels like we're the only people left here. Just Baz and I, alone in the night.
Or: Simon and Baz go out on a (way past) midnight date.
Word count: 1,3k
Read it here on AO3
Or below the cut:
I can't sleep. 
It's almost three in the morning, and I've been tossing around on the bed for what feels like forever. I've used the restroom, tried to drink warm milk (which usually helps me calm down), and I even tried studying. I'm running out of options at this point.
It's hard to tell what triggered this. Most days, I'm so tired I'll collapse onto my bed and sleep for eight hours straight just fine. I have nightmares, occasionally, but nothing keeps me up for too long these days. 
Except, well, when I can't seem to turn off at all. 
So, when I can't think of anything else, and it's obvious that my brain won't shut down anytime soon, I call Baz.  
He picks up after the third ring. "What?" 
His voice is groggy and heavy with sleep. It makes me smile. I used to feel guilty for waking him up like this, but… well, I've been learning to reach out to him more. Tell him what I need, ask for help, and sometimes just… spend some time with him. 
"I can't sleep," I say, pacing around my room. 
"What's going on?" He asks, sounding a bit more awake now. "Did you have a nightmare?" 
"I'm fine. Just… feeling restless, for some reason." 
"Oh, I see." There's a brief pause. Then: "Snow, is this a booty call?" 
I bite my lip, nervously. "Depends." 
"On what, exactly?" 
"Would you like to go out on a midnight date?" 
"It's… three in the morning, darling," he says, a taunting edge to his voice. 
"Anyway. Would you?" 
He doesn't answer immediately, which makes my resolution about this falter. I'm about to back down the offer and hang up when he says: "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." 
I grin in the empty room and open my wardrobe. 
Snow is ready to go when I get to his flat. Off to where, I'm not sure yet. 
"You wouldn't be content with bothering Bunce, would you?" I ask, jokingly. He knows this is not a bother to me. (As if I don't break into his room every once in a while at the wee hours as well.) 
He grins at me, and I can't suppress a smile in response. 
It's nice, the way we can do this now. Rely on each other and joke about it and know that we're solid. That none of us is a burden to the other.
"She has an important test tomorrow," Snow says, seriously. "Finals, you know how that goes. So, I didn't want to wake her." 
I nod, taking his hand as he comes out into the hallway and closes the door, quietly. 
He's dressed nicely, wearing that pair of jeans I got for him on his last birthday, with a light blue shirt and his favorite denim jacket. (He spent the summer holidays learning how to embroider. Now, there's a pair of red dragon wings ornamenting the back of it.) 
"Hey," I say, squeezing his hand when we enter the lift. "You look nice." 
He blushes, and it makes my heart skip a beat. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." 
I snort. "This expensive thing?" I point at my velvet overcoat. "Don't let yourself be fooled. I'm wearing pyjamas underneath." 
He chuckles, his eyes crinkling up. I swear to Crowley, everything about him at this moment makes me want to smash my face against his. 
Oh. Wait. I can do that now. 
I turn to Simon, cupping his jaw with my hand and running my thumb over his cheek, just under his eye. A question. 
His lopsided grin is all the answer I need before kissing him. 
It starts softly, as it is more often than not. But we haven't been seeing each other so frequently lately, what with his job and uni and our therapy appointments, and I guess we both missed this. 
His mouth moves hungrily against mine; just for a moment, though it's enough to light me up from the inside in a way that makes me think the overcoat is useless. 
It's over too soon. We part when the lift's doors open, and get out hesitantly, still holding hands. 
"Wait," Snow mutters as we reach my car. "Were you being serious?" 
I stop with my hand on the door handle. It takes me a moment to remember what we were talking about, but then I snort again. "Wouldn't you like to know, Snow?"
He takes that as an excuse to start unbuttoning my overcoat. I laugh, grabbing his wrists. "Not in the middle of the street, you nightmare! It's fucking cold." 
"I just wanted to check!" Snow says, putting his hands up. 
"So it was a booty call!"  
"Merlin's beard, no," he laughs. "I mean, not really. Yet." 
"If you say so." 
He shrugs. "C'mon, Baz. We need to be back before dawn." Then, he takes the car's keys from my hand and plops down onto the driver seat. 
I stare at him, eyebrows shooting up. The audacity. 
"What?" Snow asks, grinning. 
"Who gave you permission to drive my car?" 
"Wouldn't you if I asked?" 
"Yes, but you didn't!" 
He huffs, getting out and crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Can I drive?" 
I consider saying no, just because I love the way he pouts when I do that. (His lips are already twitching, anticipating it.) 
I lean in and kiss the corner of his mouth. "Fine." 
The world looks like an entirely different place at night. 
The streets aren't really desert, but it's close enough to it that it feels like we're the only people left here. Just Baz and I, alone in the night.
I don't know exactly what about driving feels so calming to me, but it does the trick, so I don't dwell on it. 
We turn the radio on and drive around for a while, singing along to the songs. I've got my window rolled down, and the cold night air fills my lungs.
(It makes me feel good, being aimless like this. Like I'm an arrow whose only purpose is to fly, not to land.)  
We stop at a red light, even though we don't really need to. I turn to Baz. 
"Are you cold?" 
"I'm fine," he says, the overcoat closed tightly around him. "Where are we going?" 
"I'm not sure yet," I say, my fingers thrumming over the steering wheel. 
"Do you want to stretch your wings?" 
I think about it. It's been a while since I've had time to go flying, and to be honest, I miss it—the cold wind on my hair, feeling weightless, and being up in the clouds… 
I smile at Baz. "Would you go with me? Flying, that is." 
He frowns a bit, and I wait, expectantly. This isn't something we usually do, but when we do… 
It's incredible. I mean, flying is always incredible, but having Baz in my arms and knowing he trusts me enough for that…  
"Alright," he nods, eventually, smiling shyly at me. "Do you prefer to go to the beach or the country?" 
I think about it. The night stretches before us, and so does the road. 
"You know, the sea looks beautiful at night. We could see the stars." 
He's smiling, and the street lights light his face beautifully. "Sounds good, love." 
The light turns green, but my foot hesitates on the accelerator. "...But we can also go home, if you're tired." 
Baz lifts an eyebrow at me. "Please, Snow, don't insult me like that. I'm a creature of the night. I can handle some sleepless hours." 
"What about your classes?" 
"Ever heard of afternoon classes?" 
I grin widely. "Brilliant." 
Then we're hitting the road, and I know the night is just long enough for today's adventure. 
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
The Usual
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@shinsoubowl​ Week Day 3 (Prompt: coffee shop)
A/N: I’m so excited for this prompt uwu
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x reader
Description: Shinsou was by no means a coffe drinker. But if it meant that he could see the cute barrista who worked at the coffe shop by the corner, he would gladly pour that disgusting cup of liquid down his throat every day.
(guest starring the pikachu boy uwu)
Word count: 2131
Earth Angel(Will You Be Mine)//The Penguins
Coffee Breath//Sofia Mills
Cherry Wine//Hozier
The small bell hanging on the door frame chimed as Shinsou pushed the glass door open, the strong aroma of coffee immediately filled his sense as he walked in.
He first came to this small coffee shop by the corner of the agency he was working at a few months ago when he was asked to get a cup of coffee for his boss on his way to work. It was a cozy shop, the light shining in through the tall windows and plants sitting by every corner. There was only one barista by the counter when he walked in and the barista immediately greeted him with a bright smile as he walked up.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?”
“Er...” Shinsou looked at the message his boss sent him and winced at how specific the order was, “Can I have a tall caramel latte with double shots of espresso, one extra pump of hazelnut syrup, skim milk and a thin layer of foam for takeout please?”
He felt bad for all the extra requirements and was fully expecting the barista to gave him a look but instead of that, they laughed and the sound made his heart skip a beat. “Would you happen to be working in that pro-hero agency down the block?”
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “Yeah, I suppose very few customers would give such a long order except from our boss so it must be quite obvious.”
“Oh, trust me, his regular orders are far from being the most complicated ones we’ve gotten.” the barista said with a smile, “Anything for you?”
“We have a new blend of roast that just came in yesterday, would you like to try that?”
Shinsou had no intention to get anything for himself originally but something about that barista’s lovely smile clouded his judgment and before he knew it, he was walking out of the shop with two cups in head. Since that day, he had quickly become a regular at the coffee shop, stopping by each morning before work.
For the record, Shinsou hated the taste of coffee.
Perhaps it was the unhealthy habit of drinking black coffee as an energy drink back when he was studying in UA, but Shinsou could not help but scrunched in disgust at the bitter hue of that dark liquid. He tried adding heaps of sugar and milk to it but it did not make the drink any more appealing to him. How some people genuinely like the taste of it, he could never understand.
But something about that coffee shop made him want to go back day after day and it did not take him long to see just why that was the case.
“Morning!” you perked up from the counter as you caught the vivid shade of purple at the door from the corner of your eye.
Shinsou smiled. You were always so energetic each morning and seeing you made it just a bit easier for him to get through another day of hectic work. “Morning.”
“Should I get you your usual or do you want to try something new?”
“The usual would be fine,” he yawned before continuing, “I would be down if there’s something you recommend though.”
You quirked a brow upwards at the hero’s tired expression, “You look exhausted, even more so than usual. How much sleep did you get last night?”
You gasped and sent him an exaggerated glare, he grinned apologetically in response. You picked up on Shinsou’s sleep deprivation very quickly since he started showing up, seeing as how he had drifted off to sleep several times while waiting for his order. “What have I said about-”
“Getting more rest. I know, I know.” he sighed, “I really tried, I swear. But villains don’t wait till you got 8 hours of sleep per day to start crimes.”
“I swear, you’re gonna get a sudden cardiac death one day at this rate.” you rolled your eyes as he laughed.
“Aw, you’re worried about me. That’s cute.”
“Don’t laugh, I’m being serious.” you glared at him before resorting to a soft sigh, “Can I get you a double shot to wake you up?”
Just the faint memory of the bitterness was enough to send him war flashbacks to when he used to stay up all night for catching up to school work after training. In all honesty, he would really much rather stick to the more tolerable taste of latte that he normally get but you were suggesting that to help him, how was he supposed to say no to that concerned look in your eyes?
“Of course.”
Shinsou cursed himself for not having a back bone as he squeezed his eyes tight the moment he tasted the strong coffee on his tongue.
“Are you planning to make a move on that cute guy who looked like he haven’t slept in ten years at all? Because I swear he is only here for you and I can tell that you are always being extra nice to him. It infuriates me that none of you are doing anything about it.”
You looked at your colleague as you tied the knot of the apron on your back. “What? I treat every customer the same!”
She clicked her tongue as she slammed her locker shut, “I don’t hear you gushing about other customers.”
You blushed and tried to brush her off, “I do not gush about him.”
“Oh, so not only were you gushing, you were also doing it without any awareness.”
“Just stop it,” you pretended to fix your hair in front of the mirror instead of looking at your friend as she snickered, “the coffee is not gonna brew itself if we stay here at the back.”
“Keep denying it, it’s not gonna change the truth.” she smirked as she yelled after you escaped to the store front.
You were still thinking about what she said to you when you were setting up the register. Were you being extra nice to Shinsou? Well, he was one of the nicer customers around. Literally every person who worked at the shop had their own favourite customer so it wasn’t that abnormal for you to act just a little bit differently in front of him. Right? Right?
“Daydreaming at work? That’s unlike you.”
You let out a soft yelp as the sudden voice startled you. You looked up with wide eyes as Shinsou stared at you with a crooked grin. He was one of the nicer customers you had here, and it didn’t hurt that he was also one of the more good-looking ones either. You felt warmth spreading from the tip of your ears to your cheeks at the realization that he was standing there while you thought of him. “You’re here earlier than usual.”
Despite not knowing the true cause, he did picked up on the faint blush on your face. Assuming that you were embarrassed from being startled, he couldn’t help but widening his grin at how adorable you looked.
“Got some work I have to finish before the day starts so I need to get back to the agency earlier.” he sighed as he felt the rumbling in his stomach, “I regret skipping breakfast for it though.”
“Oh,” you frowned at his lack of care for his body, “your usual?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Sitting on a bar stool as he waited for his order, Shinsou was scrolling through his phone when he saw you put a brown paper bag in front of him.
“What is this?” he asked and picked it up. The bag was hot under his touch and he could smell a faint sweetness as he held it.
“A muffin.”
He tilted his head in confusion, “I did not order that?”
“It’s on me,” you smiled as you watched him peeking into the bag curiously, “no way in hell am I going to let you go to work with an empty stomach.”
Part of him wanted to tell you that he could not take it but the way you cared about his well-being filled him with joy and the pastry smelled so good. “You’re a god-sent.” he said as he hummed in content after biting into the warm muffin.
“Anything for my favourite customer.”
He wasn’t sure if the sweetness of the cake could compare to your words, the idea that he was at least somewhat special to you sent his heart pounding furiously in his chest.
You waved at him before he left and watched as Shinsou’s frame disappeared from your sight. You pressed your cold hand to your face and shivered as your heated face came in contact with the icy fingers. Your friend who was talking to you in the back room earlier leaned against the counter, “You looked flushed, what happened?”
“That man had no business looking that good in the early morning-” you paused as you realized what you just said and your friend gave you a cheeky grin, “oh my god, I do gush about him.”
She snorted as your eyes widened, “I told you so.”
“Let me repeat myself,” Shinsou stared at the blonde who was having the widest grin on his face, “why are you here?”
“Since our agencies are working on the same case together, I think it’d be nice if we catch up!” Kaminari said through his toothy smile. Shinsou was aware that he would be working with his UA school mate for the coming days since he got a heads up from his boss but he was not expecting to find Chargebolt waiting outside his apartment as he made way to work this morning.
“And waiting outside someone’s house is definitely a normal way to do that.” Shinsou said dryly but his friend didn’t seem to pick up on the sarcasm as he continued babbling on about the time they spent in UA as they walked.
“Hey!” you were wiping the counter when Shinsou walked in with someone by his side, “You brought a friend!”
“He’s not my-”
“Kaminari Denki, or Chargebolt as you will. It’s a pleasure.” you reached out and shook his extended hand as Shinsou clenched his jaw. “Is this the one you were-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Shinsou quickly cut him off before he kept running that large mouth of his, “I’ll have the usual.”
You smiled as you marked down his order and handed him the change, “One tall latte, coming right up.”
“What?” Kaminari looked at his friend and furrowed his eyebrows, “But you-”
“Don’t say it.”
“-hate coffee.”
Shinsou wanted nothing more than to slap the blonde for saying what he had been trying to hide in front of you for so long. He was filled with dread and embarassment as your eye widened in shock, “What?”
“It’s nothing-”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you nearly screamed at how bad you felt for basically assuming that he would want coffee, “I just thought you like coffee since it’s what you get the first time you were here and you actually hated it?”
“It’s fine! I’m the one who asked for-”
“No you did not! I thought you could not make your mind up so I took you not refusing my recommendation as a ‘yes’-”
“I could have said something-”
“We also have tea, you know? I could have gotten you tea!”
“It’s fine! Really, I’m here to see you anyways-” Shinsou stopped mid scream as he realized what he just said. You flailing hands froze mid-air as his words settled in your mind.
“Oh.” your voice softened as you finally got what he was implying, “Oh.”
“Yeah, so it’s ok. Really.” Shinsou said as heat spread all across his face and he sent a sharp glare towards Kaminari who just avoided his accusing gaze.
“Well, I still feel bad. Can I make it up to you?” you shyly looked away as he looked at your face that was as flushed as his own, “I know this really nice cat cafe, we can go there? You do like cats, right?”
“Love them, actually.” Shinsou smiled and it made your heart flutter, “That sounds great. Pick you up when you get off?”
“Sure. Tonight at 6?”
“Tonight at 6.”
Kaminari’s eyes flicked between the two of you as you just stood there and sheepishly glance at each other occasionally in silence. “So... Technically, I did a good thing right?”
“Shut up.”
“Ok. Sorry.”
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x06 - Sex and Candy
Maria’s (Heather Hemmens) investigation into her mother’s disappearance leads her and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) to the home of a mysterious boot maker named Travis (guest star David Anders). Meanwhile, on her journey of self-discovery, Isobel’s (Lily Cowles) night out leads her into the arms of someone unexpected. Finally, after making some major scientific strides, Liz (Jeanine Mason) is dealt a devastating blow. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingrao (#206). Original airdate 4/20/2020.
Max and Isobel's fight:
Lights start flickering when Max starts getting aggressive and then get brighter as he gets more worked up.
The first attempt to expel it seemed like he was causing an earthquake.  He blew out all the windows in the gym, knocked Isobel down, and there was shaking.  But it didn't seem to go beyond that room - no damage is seen when Michael arrives or around town.
Note, after the earthquake thingie the lights go out 
His hands are doing the electric power thingie and THEN he also grabs the lightning.
I think Isobel used her telekinesis to stop it and then push it away, which seemed to work...but if so then why couldn't Noah do that last season? 
Was it the sheer volume of electricity? There was definitely MORE than with Noah.
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Michael uses his telekinesis to manually reset Max's heart.  This is very smart of him. Note that he's using his own heart/pulse to get it right.
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They are using the antidote to Liz's serum to try to heal Max's mind. 
Michael says that they've been giving him antidote injections for three days (time jump).
Three days of antidote and no new memories for Max.
Isobel remembered her blackouts within a few hours of getting injected with the antidote in 1x10.
Note: Liz hesitated using the antidote this way in 1x10 because Isobel could still be dangerous and they didn't know about the 4th Alien yet.  There doesn't seem to be a similar hesitation with Max. Because Liz trusts him more? Because him forgetting her is more personal? It's not like there isn't a chance that Max is still dangerous…
Maria arranged a Mexican market in the Pony parking lot to subsidize her income.
Buffy the Beagle is Forrest's dog!
Maria comments that the meteor shower makes animals act strange. And humans too.
Forrest and Maria are organizing an open night mic at the Wild Pony.  Free drinks for performers.
Maria clearly approves of Forrest and Alex getting to know each other.  She smacks Alex for his awkward flirting.
The bootmaker's farm is about an hour outside of town.
The Science:
Kyle and Steph are watching a "surgical separation of craniopagus twins".
Craniopagus Twins = twins attached at the cranium/head. (Aka not a heart surgery).
"Did you know, ever since 1947, twin births in Roswell are higher than the national average? Maybe it's aliens."
Speaking of awkward flirting…. "You're just my favorite person I can't stand."
The Spanish:
Le cambio una bolsa de chiles para mi papá...for the free fries next time you come to the Crashdown.
Liz is bartering.  She says basically, I'll trade you a bag of chiles for my papa for free fries next time you come to the Crashdown. 
Note, the captions for this are wrong and use the Spanish word for grasshoppers instead, but you can clearly hear Liz say chiles. Thanks to @rosaortecho for pointing that out to me.
Max says:
I'm trying to eat clean. Uh, tiene carne seca sin como se dice, preservativos.
He's trying to say, basically, does the jerky have preservatives. 
Quiere carne a sin preservativos?
Basically, you want meat without condoms?
Lo siento. Uh, no lo entiendo.
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
Él quiere decir conservantes.
He means preservatives.
Gracias. Estoy embarazado.
Thank you. I'm pregnant.
Michael asks Max who he's texting. Max says everyone has been messaging him but Cameron is the only one who hasn't responded, which isn't like her.
Wildly curious who he was texting though.  It's not like he's a social butterfly. His mom? The sheriff? Who? As I pointed out to some friends the other day, he spent his 21st birthday getting trashed with his SISTER. This is not a trait of a guy with lots of close friends.
Just as another note, Michael says he ghosted her. When exactly was that? Yes, Max ran out on her in the middle of a handy in 1x03, but they addressed that the next day.  She "broke up" with him in 1x07, but they were still good right up until she left town. 
"Does he seem different to you?"
Alex and Maria playing "Never have I Ever" in the car. Good way to do background on characters.
Maria has never cheated on a boyfriend
Alex has never been in a real relationship. Not even "Kellie Sommer-something".
Alex says that whenever he was with a woman he was trying to disappear.  Except for Sophomore year after Battle of the Bands. Seven Minutes in Heaven in Haley Moore's hall closet. Alex and Maria kissed and it was Maria's first kiss (and boob graze).  She always thought she'd marry Alex. Had to come up with a new plan after he came out. 
Alex says "I did too."
"Kissing you in that closet was the first time in my life that I enjoyed touching someone."
Max picks up Liz for their first date…
Just as a note, Save Tonight was the opening song in the pilot of OG Roswell. During the "oh, Max Evans is staring at you again." exchange between Liz and Maria.  So, it might go well with new beginnings or something ;-)
The Science:
"Psychogenic amnesia limits retrieval of stored memories, but if we light up your limbic system and gustatory cortex with some familiar signals…"
"Your milkshake might bring all my memories to the yard?"
**Note, second reference to this song in the context of Liz bringing Max milkshakes. First was in 1x06 by Isobel. Hmm. 1x06 and 2x06… maybe they should crack this joke in 3x06 too.
"Sometimes when people wake up from comas they have different personalities, different tastes even…"
Everything you ever wanted to know about psychogenic amnesia:
But, my main takeaway is that it's a specific type of amnesia where there's abnormal memory function but no brain damage or other clear cause of it.
Limbic system:
Basically the part of your brain that stores emotion, behavior, and long term memory.
Gustatory cortex:
Basically the part of your brain that processes taste.
Maria compares Michael to Chad because he starts fights and lies.  Alex disagrees and lists ways that he was doing good things:
He lied to protect his family from Alex's family.
He shouldered the burden of a murder he didn't commit for ten years so that Isobel didn't have to.
He pushed Maria away to protect her - which might be a good thing too because of all his baggage. 
First Date:
Max went to Ranch camp one summer and dislocated his shoulder while trying to read Lord of the Rings on horseback. #nerd. 
Liz references the gala as not their first date, but there was also the desert in high school.  I guess she doesn't count that either. 
Side note: Cam and Liz talked about him peacocking in 2x03, but that kinda felt out of character at the time to the Max we knew.  This Max DOES seem like he's peacocking a bit. Got dressed up, taking Liz horseback riding. He admitted to trying to one up whatever they did together before. Just an interesting (to me) observation.
Liz looks panicky when Max suggests truth serum (because Science!Liz probably could make truth serum), but once she realizes he means whiskey she's like, "oh yes, that's fine." Oh Liz… 
Diego details:
They were engaged just last year
Liz left without saying goodbye
They were working together on the Denver study
They would come home and keep talking about work
He had ideas to help improve it
They both spoke The Science
He pushed her to get better at The Science
When the funding was cut she realized she loved the work more than him
Liz couldn't figure out how tell him that so she packed her things in the middle of the night, hit the road, changed her phone, and blocked him on Facebook.
**This is the first time LIZ has mentioned social media. Interesting given the crap Maria keeps giving her about it!
Travis and fresh warm milk. What is up with it??
"Nice ring. Does it keep you from burning up in the daylight?"
David Anders introduces himself as Travis.
Just as a point of interest, Maria researched enough to find the bootmaker, figure out where he lives, but she didn't get his name??? 
Vampire Diaries/Originals reference.
Travis says he can't help with car stuff.
The milk was from a cow named Jennifer.  He milked her for the last time today. (Creepy).
Weird contradictory statements from Travis:
"You're the best thing I've seen in a long time."....
"Mm, I'm sorry. So many customers and all their ugly faces get all sewn up and stitched together in my mind."
"Yeah, that's the woman that bought them boots. While back. Nice lady. She paid cash."
Second reference to animals behaving strangely during a meteor shower:
"Meteor shower's got my girls singing a bit off key tonight.  Jennifer, she likes a good lullaby."
"Okay this guy is going to turn us into skin suits." (OG reference? Or just general sci-fi?)
Meteorchella at Planet 7 (Coachella-style party during meteor shower?) with any excuse to add sparkles!
Kyle says he's at Planet 7 because he's trying not to hang out with people from high school.
Isobel says she's trying to have fun without feeling like prey.
Don't think the details of Kyle/Isobel dancing matters all that much, but as a point of amusement I'll share that in the panel on Tuesday night they shared that Lily whispered something different to Trevino on every take...And they got progressively dirtier to the point that she finally felt like she crossed a line and profusely apologized.  Also the lick was a Lily addition. 
Max's confession about killing the drifter:
Kind of an interesting thing, comparing the first version of the drifter story in 1x06 to the 2x06 version. 1x06 was more dramatic, but 2x06 was more personal, I think. 
"There are moments that define our lives, and there are moments that divide our lives. Incidents that separate us into two different people: who we were before and who we will be after. Forever…One day we were children and the next we were something else. I was a killer. Michael an accomplice.  And Isobel...Isobel was broken."
"I killed a man once, on a camping trip. This drifter came out of nowhere, attacked Isobel.  I wasn't even thinking. I killed him. With this. I arrest people who kill people. Most of them usually regret what they did. You know, you can just tell that they're forever broken. It's like a piece of them dies with their victims. So when I could feel that darkness, like I had to kill, I wanted Isobel to let me die. Because I couldn't risk hurting even one innocent person. Cause life just wouldn't be worth living."
Kind of an interesting narrative choice to confess to murder on a first date and then have the girl just brush it aside. 
"No, it just hit me why you're so happy and idealistic, and I feel like an idiot. You are that way because you don't remember me. It's a clean slate.  It's like when you got out of the pods with whatever memories you had erased it's probably for your own good."
"Last I heard you were the love of my life."
"Your cohorts, they left out some details. Cause if you had your memories I'm positive the worst thing that's ever happened to you is connected to me. And I can't bear the weight of making you remember that again."
**Note, second time this has been implied.  Last time was by Michael in 1x08 regarding the alien symbol.
"...it's gotta have some connection to us right? Maybe it was something we saw somewhere before the crash."
"Sorry, are you, Max Evans, acknowledging that we must have had lives before we hatched out of the pods? You never want to talk about home."
"Hey, Roswell is home. Look, I'm sorry man. You're right. I've spent a lot of time not talking about where we come from or why we're here.  Keep thinking I can pretend the past away and just be normal. But if Isobel's blackouts are some alien thing, then I need to know more. Okay, and this symbol? That's all I have to go on. I mean don't you think it's strange that we don't have any memories? I mean, no parents, no language. We weren't infants, man. We were seven."
"I just figured our memory faded. Over 50 years in those pods. Maybe it was just time. Or maybe whoever put us in those pods doesn't want us to remember."
Travis and Trevor's house...with added bonus of his ring that Alex comments on.
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Leather ribbons/strips on the wall are for (from?) Hayley and Gertrude. More cows, I presume. 
There's also a framed Purple Heart on the wall next to a photo of Travis?
"War really messes with a man's mind.  Gets it all twisted up.
Timeline issue!! Alex says Mimi was missing for 3 weeks, but according to the clearly established timelines in 201-203 it was 4 weeks (or a month ish).  I wrote about this here:
Maria put her jacket on a scarecrow to trick Travis. And did she leave it there?
(Answer: yes. She doesn't wear it for the rest of the episode. Smart of her, actually).
Michael sees Trevor come out of the house and is about to shoot him. Maria immediate knew it wasn't Travis and threw herself in front of Michael's gun
Trevor shoots Travis.
A bullet from the Crashdown shooting falls out of Max's journal.  Does it look like it has blood on it? Or maybe just ketchup? If it's THE bullet it would make a lot of sense that he kept it hidden - evidence that Liz was shot. See this comparison between one of Wyatt's bullets in 1x02 and the one Max finds in 2x06
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"Sorry about my twin here. He's had a rough go."
"Combat does not make you an axe murderer."
"No, it wasn't the combat. It was the R&D. If a paramilitary group ever asks you to take part in a study, you run the other way. He showed up a few weeks ago. Locked me up out back. Lucky y'all showed up when you did. Gave me a chance to escape."
R&D is a military acronym for Research and Development. (Aka...The Science.)
Priscilla - the cow Mimi's boots were made from.
This is literally the only direct information gained about the boots from this little sleuthing excursion. 
Well, and that Mimi paid cash, which isn't like her.
Side note - I didn't really know what Paramilitary meant, so just in case any of you are also not good with military stuff, Paramilitary groups are like private armies. Like, I dunno, the private security firm that Jesse and Cam discussed in episode 2x04. 👀
Male doctor operating on Steph clearly states:
"All right we're approaching an arterial junction."
A female doctor replies and its less clear.  What I hear is...Blood gasses are back? Anyone else hear something that makes more sense than that?
He replied something like...the stint through here
She says something about pH levels.
Max admits that he didn't know what would happen when he decided to bring Rosa back.  He just wanted to fix the worst thing that ever happened to all of them.
"I can't believe we were Shyamalan'd by an evil twin."
I think Alex is referring to the twist ending? Or maybe just the insane axe murderer stuff.
M. Night Shyamalan wrote and directed the Sixth Sense, Signs, Split, etc…
During this scene is the first time we see Michael's tattoo… it's on his arm. I struggled with getting a cap of it, but I know there are gifs going around.
I had every intention of detailing the dialogue in the trailer scene, but before I could get to it, Carina posted the script, so I didn't think it was a good use of my time. Here's the script:
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The next morning, Alex calls the Sheriff from outside the trailer for an update.
The Sheriff tells him that Travis and Trevor burned their home and ran...weren't caught by the sheriff.  Which means we may not have seen the last of them.
The Spanish:
"Oh my God. Dios mio, Max. I took off your pants before I even said I love you. I'm some kind of zorra."
Dios mio basically is Oh My God! So Liz really was spiraling. She went, "Oh my God, Oh my God..."
Zorra - female version of Zorro. Basically a vixen, bitch, prostitute… the internet has all sorts of fun words that it translates into. 
"I call this one Visceral Werewolf Part 2, dedicated to my boy Chee Chee, may he rest in peace."
Can we have more Bert? Bert is the best. Also kudos to his goofy friend who is wayyy too excited about this.
Forrest's slam poem:
Locked up for days,
Time slipping away,
On my knees I would pray to break free from this cage.
But bargaining for keys, you forget hidden fees.
And wishing for what you’re missing ain’t the same as living the dream. 
And now I’m fighting to stay on this side of the cage.
Even though I know a part of me wishes I’d stayed. 
Ain’t no prophet or rebel or savior or devil
Could have predicted, fought, cheated or leveled. 
A life with potential that’s squandered, 
A comfortable cell is a question I ponder. 
Am I a free man or a prisoner wanderer?
Max's memory flash:
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Young Max, chained to the ground as described in 2x03. 
Max looks scared.
He's dressed all in white like the 1947 aliens after the crash (As shown in 1x12 and 2x03).
He's in a cave or something like a cave. 
Holes in the wall are glowing an orangey red color.
The ceiling is like the alien ship material with the alien symbol in it.  
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A figure approaches from behind him, bends down, and places a hand on his shoulder.
It mirrors the figure approaching Nora in 2x03 and touching her shoulder before burning the military men...probably the same person? Noah? The stowaway? Someone new?
After the figure touches Max, he looks at the hand, and then a red glow lights his face.
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1. Xocoyotzin Herrera "Esperanza"
2. Jose Luis Lepe "La Carreta"
3. Eagle Eye Cherry "Save Tonight"
4. Lousiana Red "I Done Woke Up"
5. Whissell "Magnetic"
6. Stop Dead "Alchemistress Dance"
7.  Orville Peck "Turn To Hate"
8. Kim Petras "Close Your Eyes"
9. Orville Peck "Queen Of The Rodeo"
10. Moontricks "The Fall"
11. Years & Years "Hypnotised"
12. Jordan Critz Feat. Birdtalker "Through Your Eyes"
This time I couldn't find the Whissell and Stop Dead tracks on spotify - however the Stop Dead track is referenced at being by Chelsea Dawn in the closed captions.  Which I did find. Trying to confirm this. Let me know if anyone else had better luck!
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 6: Heart Monitor
Hello readers! This chapter is about half way through the first season. This chapter has some really great Stiles x Reader moments. This is also the longest chapter so far! I hope you all enjoy and as always constructive criticism is appreciated.
Season 1, Episode 6: Heart Monitor
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend, Nate Wilson (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Some violence and mention of death
Word Count: 3,994
Season 1 Masterlist
Scott and I were just finishing up the grocery shopping. We both had our hands full as we were walking through the parking garage trying to remember where we parked. “Click the alarm, it will be faster than walking in circles.”
Scott nods then gently puts the bags on the ground pulling out the keys and setting the car alarm off. While listening for the beep, a bottle of milk rolled out of one of the bags, moving under a car.
Scott sighs then kneels to grab the milk, feeling blindly under the car. Before he finds anything, the bottle rolls back as milk spurts on the pavement from punctured holes in its side.
The bottle slowly stops as Scott gets off the ground and makes eye contact with me. “RUN”
I drop the bags and run, Scott and I moving in different directions. I am so happy I didn’t wear heels... After a couple of minutes of running I pause behind a parked SUV. I look through the windows trying to see if it’s following me, or it I can find Scott.
I can feel my heart pounding but can’t see or hear anything else. I slowly lean around the car and quietly move around the parking garage keeping a lookout for anything dangerous. 
I then start hearing the sound of multiple car alarms. I take off running again, trying to find Scott. I know he has to be close to the cars but far enough away where he won’t be found.
As I run in the direction of the cars, I can just make out the sound of a cell phone ringing. I turn the corner just in time to see Derek reach down and pull my brother out of his hiding spot.
I take a deep breath as I throw my head back and slowly walk over to them. As I approach, Scott is brushing Derek’s hands off of his jacket, “What the hell was that?” Scott is angry.
“Yeah, I would kinds like to know that too,” Both boys turn to me.
Then Derek answers, “I said I was going to teach you. I didn’t say when.”
“You scared the crap out of us!” Scott exclaims.
Derek sniffs the air, “Not yet,” he deadpans.
I try to hide a smile, “Was that a joke?”
They both ignore me as Scott continues, “Well, I was fast, right?”
“Not fast enough.”
“But the car alarms. That was smart, right?”
“Until your phone rang.”
“Look on the bright side, your phone ringing distracted him from me.” I brightly smile.
Scott sighs, “Would you just stop? Please?”
Derek pauses and turns to face my brother, waiting for him to speak. “What happened the other night... Stiles’s dad getting hurt. It was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this.”
“I’m what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I’m not even sure I can teach you.”
Scott takes a breath, “What do I have to do?”
“Get rid of distraction,” Derek grabs Scott, pulling out his phone and turns it around to show the display that says there is a missed call from Allison. “This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her.”
Scott looks shocked and angry, “What? Just because of her family?”
Derek throws the phone, breaking it. My jaw drops as I look on in shock. “Getting angry? That’s your first lesson. Do you want to learn how to control this? How to shift? You do it through anger. By tapping into a primal, animal rage. You can’t do that with her around.”
Scott has his teeth clenched as he speaks, “I can get angry.”
“Not angry enough. This is the only way I can teach you. Can you stay away from her at least until after the full moon?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
Derek interrupts him, “Do you want to live? Do you want to protect your friends,” He glances at me, “Your family? Yes or no?”
“Yes. If you can teach me, I can stay away from her.”
I nod, “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
I was in my room texting Nate when I heard Scot’s door slam shut and not even a minute later he screamed. I quickly stood up and rushed through our bathroom and into his room just in time to hear him tell Derek, “You seriously need to stop doing that.”
“What happened? Did he talk to you?”
“Woah what? The Alpha? How do you know it’s a guy?”
They both ignored me, only sparing me a quick glance. I rolled my eyes, though I should be used to being ignored by now. “Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather.”
I move out of the bathroom door to sit on Scott’s bed as he continues, “No. He didn’t talk.”
“Did you get anything off of him? An impression?”
“What do you mean?”
“Pretty sure he’s talking about your other senses. I mean they are heightened no, use them to your advantage.” I state.
Derek nods, “Communication doesn’t have to be spoken. What kind of feeling did you get from him?”
Scott pauses to think, “Anger.”
“Focused on you?”
“Not me. But definitely anger. I could feel it. Especially when he drew the spiral.”
“He drew a spiral?” I questioned, knitting my eyebrows together.
I looked at Derek to read his reaction as Scott spoke, “Yeah. In the condensation. What You have this look like you know what it means.”
“It’s nothing.” Derek brushes off.
Derek goes to open the door but I scoff, “That faces says otherwise. You know, you can’t ask us to trust you ad then just keep things to yourself. Trust is a two-way street.”
Derek is adamant, “It doesn’t mean anything.”
Scott prompts, “You buried your sister under a spiral. What does it mean?”
Derek hesitates, thinking about telling us then answers, “You don’t want to know.” He then leaves the room as Scott and I glance at each other. I slowly stand up then head back to my room.
I was at lunch talking with Allison and Lydia. Allison was telling us about her history project and The Beast of Gevaudan. “The what of who?” Lydia questions, clearly confused.
“The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen...” Allison then flips through the pages of one her books and reads,
“A quadrupled wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the years 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over 100 people, becoming so infamous that the king, Louis XV, sent one of his best hunter to try to kill it.”
“Boring.” Lydia states.
“I think it’s kinds interesting, but it is obviously fiction. I mean c’mon. A wolf-like monster.”
Allison continues reading, “Even the Church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan.”
“Still boring,” Lydia pipes up.
“Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a sub-species of a hoofed predator, possibly Mesonychid,”
“Slipping into a coma bored,” I gently elbow Lydia and she purses her lips in response.
“While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster.”
“Any of this have anything to do with your family?” Lydia asks.
“Yeah, I’m confused too. Didn’t you say this was for your history class?”
Allison smiles then continues to read, “It is believed La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature. The hunter’s name was Argent.”
Lydia speaks, unimpressed, “Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?”
“Not just a big wolf. Look at this picture. What’s it look like to you?”
Allison flips the page, revealing a drawing of the monster to Lydia and me. The beast stands on two legs, enshrouded in mist, with red eyes and sharp claws. The bodies of women and children lie at its feet, looks of pure terror are etched on their faces.
As we study the picture Lydia finally answers Allison’s question, “It looks. Like a big. Wolf. See you in History.” She then gets up and walks away without another word.
Allison looks at me, “Do you think it looks like just a big wolf?”
I glance at the picture and sigh, “It looks like a classic werewolf. But Allison, it was obviously just a big wolf, or something similar. I mean these mythological creatures come from our history. Take mermaids, for example, they are really just manatees and dugongs. It’s how they got their scientific name Sirenia.”
Allison nods, “Yeah, I know. But it’s still cool to think that my family had a part in a classic myth like this.”
She then goes back to reading her book as I stand to throw away my unwanted food.
As I was making my way to the library I heard my name get called out. I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see Nate jogging to catch up with me. I smile, “Hey, sorry I haven’t been able to spend more time with you. Scott’s been going through some stuff and I’ve been helping him.”
“Really? Is it just Scott?”
“Well, Lydia too. With that whole thing with her and Jackson. I’ve been wanting to make sure she was okay.”
“So just Scott and Lydia?”
“Um, yeah?” I raise my eyebrow, “Why? Should there be something else?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” Nate sounds accusing like I did something wrong.
I stop to think about what I have done in the last few days to see if there is a reason why he would be angry at me, “I’m not following... Did I do something wrong?”
“Well, I’ve seen you with a guy that I don’t know, twice here at school.” I knot my eyebrows together unsure who he’s talking about. “I think he’s older. The first time I saw you two together you were both getting into Stiles’ jeep. The second time he was talking to you buy your locker.”
I sigh in realization, “That’s nothing, he’s Stiles’ cousin. I’ve only seen him a few times, always with other people. Except for that time in the hallway. Wait, are you accusing me of cheating?”
“Well, what did you expect? You’re hanging around a guy that I don’t know and you’re not telling me about it. On top of that, you’re being secretive. We haven’t hung out in days.”
I scoff, “What do I expect? I expect you to trust me! I know I’ve been M.I.A. the past few days but I just explained why to you. I didn’t tell you about Stiles’ cousin because he’s not important. Don’t you dare accuse me of cheating! I would never do that, the thought wouldn’t even cross my mind.”
I turn to walk away but before I make it far Nate’s hand is tugging on my wrist, “Babe, I’m sor--”
I cut him off, “Don’t. I don’t want to even look at you right now.” I yank my hand out of his grasp. After a few steps, I turn back around, “And an ‘I’m sorry’ isn’t going to cut it. For you to even think I would do that...” I trail off as I shake my head then continue down the hall.
I walk into econ and head to my usual seat beside Stiles. As the other students enter the room coach starts talking, “Sit down. Sit, sit, sit. Lots to cover.”
As Scott sits in his usual seat and watches as Stiles goes to sit in between us he speaks up, “No Stiles. Take the seat behind me. Stiles,”
He gets cut off as Allison takes the empty seat behind him. She then leans over to talk to Scott, “Hey, I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Oh, sorry? I’ve been super busy.”
They continue talking for a little bit as Stiles leans over to tell me about their test with coaches heart monitor during their free period. Coach then smacks a book on his desk to get the classes attention. My head snaps to the front of the room as the coach begins.
“All right, settle down. Let’s start with a quick summary of last night’s reading. Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading. How about...” His eyes search the room and land on my brother, “McCall.”
I quickly ask, “Which one?” knowing that Scott didn’t do the reading. Coach glances at me almost like he forgot I was in this class.
“Uh, Scott. Summarize last night’s reading.”
Scott hesitates, “I forgot.” He looks uncomfortable.
“Okay, then. Nice work. Because it’s not like you’re averaging a D in this class. You do know that I can’t keep you on them with a D, McCall?”
He waits for Scott to say something as a few students giggle. I turn in my seat throwing a glare over my shoulder at the students.
Coach continues when there is no answer, “How about you summarize the previous night’s reading? No? How about the night before? How about you summarize anything you’ve ever read? In your entire life.”
Scott is getting flustered, I look towards Stiles who has coach’s phone out, tracking Scott’s heart rate. It’s continuing to rise and my only thought is that this is not going to end well.
“Anything at all. A blog? The back of a cereal box? The adults-only warning on your favorite website.” When he still gets no answer the coach continues in disappointment, “Thank you, McCall. Thank you for extinguishing every last flicker of hope I have for your generation. Next practice you start with suicide runs.”
The class laughs as Stiles and I keep our eyes locked on the phone. Quickly, Scott’s heart rate starts dropping back to normal. Stiles and I glance at each other then look towards Scott to see Allison holding his hand under the desk.
After class, Stiles and I quickly rush after Scott. When we catch up Stiles speaks, “It’s her.”
“What do you mean?”
I explain for Stiles, “It’s Allison. Do you remember what you told us about the night of the full moon? You were think about her. About protecting her.”
Scott nods along, still unsure of what we are trying to say.
Stiles continues where I left off, “So remember the lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field.”
“Yeah. I did.” He nods again.
I take over, explaining, “That’s what brought you back so you could score. And then in the locker room, you didn’t kill her. At least not like you were trying to kill Stiles that one time. She brings you back.”
Scott pauses as he thinks, “But it’s not always true. Because literally every time I’m kissing her or touching her,”
Stiles cuts him off, “That’s not the same. When you’re doing that you’re just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex. See, you’re thinking about sex right now. Aren’t you?”
I instantly start shaking my head and rolling my eyes at Scott’s dazed expression. He snaps back into reality and apologizes as Stiles continues, “Now when she was holding your hand in class, it was different. I don’t think she makes you weak...”
I finish, “We think she actually gives you control. Think of her as an anchor.”
Scott nods in understanding, “You mean because I love her.”
My eyes slightly widen at his words. Scott himself looks surprised that he said it out loud. “Did I just say that?”
“You just said that,” I confirm.
“I love her.”
I smile along with Scott though Stiles ruins the moment, “That’s great. Moving on,” before he can continue Scott speaks up again.
“No, I do. I really do. I think I’m totally in love with her.”
“And that’s beautiful. Before you go off and write a sonnet can we figure this out? Because you obviously can’t be around her all the time.”
Finally, Scott focuses, “Okay, what do I do?”
Stiles starts pacing as he thinks, “You’re getting an idea, aren’t you?” I ask.
“Could this idea get me in trouble?” Scott asks.
“Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?”
I bite my lip already hating this idea, even though I don’t actually know what it is. Scott and I follow Stiles outside to the parking lot. Nearby is a group of seniors, laughing and smoking by their trucks.
Stiles pulls Scott to a certain spot, “Over here.”
“What are we doing?” I question, my voice laced with concern.
“You’ll see. Stand right here, Scott. Do you have your keys?” Scott takes out his keys, showing Stiles, “Hold them up. Now, whatever happens I want you to think about Allison. Find her voice like you did at the game? Got it?”
Scott nods as I realize what Stiles’ plan is. I take a deep breath and let my head fall into my hands. Stiles continues speaking, “Good. Keep holding the keys.”
Stiles then walks over to the senior’s truck, takes out his own keys and drags them along the truck, effectively scratching the paint. Once he finishes and puts his keys away he loudly yells at Scott, “Dude. What do you think you’re doing to that truck?”
The seniors turn around to see Scott holding his keys. Scott steps back and tries to hide his keys but fails miserably as the seniors start to make their way over to him. They quickly start beating him up as my hand flies to my mouth and Stiles and I watch the heart monitor.
Not too much later and Mr. Harris comes around the corner breaking up the fight. The seniors take off leaving Stiles and I looking at the heart monitor and Scott bloody and on the ground.
Scott sits up and turns to Stiles and myself as Stiles shows him the phone. Displayed on the screen is a normal, steady heartbeat.
Scott, Stiles and I sit in the empty Chemistry classroom as Mr. Harris grades papers. I can’t believe I got detention. I didn’t even do anything. I was just standing there!
Scott speaks, breaking the silence, “Excuse me, sir. I know it’s detention and all, but I’m supposed to be at work. And I don’t want to get fired.”
Harris, of course, ignores him, not caring that he has work.
Scott then leans over to Stiles, talking about what happened. I choose not to listen and instead continue to draw in my notebook and think about the fight I had with Nate earlier. I still can’t believe he thought I would cheat on him. I’m so angry and hurt, he better come up with a damn good apology.
After a few more minutes of silence, Harris finally speaks up, “All right, you three can go. Out of here.”
We quickly grab our things and head out of the building.
I was with Stiles at his place working on homework. I was laying on his bed while he was working at his desk, I was telling him about my argument with Nate, “Do you think it’s stupid, that I’m angry with him?”
“Not at all, I would be angry too if someone accused me of cheating.”
I nodded my head and bit my lip, unconvinced that I had a reason to be mad. “I feel stupid for being mad at him. I mean, I’m pissed that he jumped to conclusions but I also understand feeling jealous.”
“(Y/N/N),” Stiles sighed. He stood up and walked towards his bed sitting beside me, he slowly placed his hand on my shoulder, “You have the right to be angry that he accused you of cheating. That’s more than just being jealous. And anyone who knows you knows that you would never do that. Your feelings are valid.”
I slowly smiled then sat up pulling Stiles into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around my waist as I whispered, “Thanks, you always know what to say.”
Before he could say anything back his bedroom door burst open and the two of us sprung apart.
“Sorry... Am I interrupting something?” Scott asks looking between us.
“Uh no. What do you need?” Stiles gulps, rubbing his hands on his jeans.
As the three of us arrive at the school and get out of the jeep Stiles speaks, “This is a terrible idea.”
“Couldn’t agree more...” I mumble.
“Are we seriously going to do this?”
“Can either of you think of something better?” Scott asks with just a small glimmer of hope in his brown eyes.
“Personally, I’m a big fan of ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away,” Stiles replies as I just shake my head.
“Just make sure we can get inside.”
Stiles then yanks out a pair of bolt cutters just as a pair of headlights approach. Derek’s Camaro parks in a nearby space, he kills the engine and steps out from behind the wheel. As the three of approach him Scott asks, “Where’s my boss?”
“In the back.” Derek walks over pulling the door open allowing us to look inside. Deaton is bound, gagged, and blindfolded. “Comfy.” I deadpan and put my hands on my hips.
I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, “I’m going to wait out here, the school is creepy at night.”
As the two brunettes make their way over to the dark, empty school Derek turns to me, “Where are they going?”
I sigh, “You said that Scott is linked with the Alpha. He wants to see if you’re right.” I pause, “You’ll understand in a minute.” 
As Derek and I wait outside, standing by his car we hear a very pathetic attempt at a howl ringing over the PA system. Derek slowly moves his eyes away from Deaton and locks them on the school, “You gotta be kidding me...”
A few minutes later a powerful howl blasts through the PA system, my jaw drops, impressed that he could actually do it. Derek looks impressed but definitely not happy.
He turns to look at me with a clenched jaw as I raise my hands, “Don’t look at me.”
The moment Scott and Stiles step out of the school Derek speaks, “I’m going to kill the two of you myself. Are you trying to attract the entire state to this school?”
“I didn’t know it would be that loud.” Scott tries to defend.
“It was loud. And it was awesome.” Stiles says, clearly happy with the howl.
“I said it was a bad idea but nobody ever listens to (Y/N),” I cross my arms, looking towards the three guys standing in front of me.
Scott’s eyes linger on Derek’s car. Derek and I follow his eyes and see that Deaton is now missing, “What did you do with him?”
“We didn’t do anything,” Derek replies.
He doesn’t get the chance to continue because the next moment he jerks forward. Blood spurts from his mouth as he rises into the air, held aloft by something dark and large.
I am frozen in place looking to my right. Stiles then pulls my hand as we all stumble away from Derek and the Alpha. We watch in horror as Derek’s body is thrown and slams into the brick wall of the school.
Tripping over our feet we race to the school. The two boys let me in before them, then they quickly yank the double doors shut. Holding them closed, we try to catch our breath as a shadow with glowing red eyes emerged from where we were just standing.
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thoughts-n-paper · 3 years
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When people speak of fairies, they often think of the wise fairy Godmother or the tiny passionate Tinkerbell, but let me tell you the truth, fairies can be as vicious as any wolf you might encounter in the woods. Take my mother, for example, I am about to fail a class and might not be able to graduate but here she is shouting at the principal, questioning his competency and making things worse. To be honest, I should have known this would happen. Ever since I was a toddler, my mother was ready to fight the Alaskan giants if she felt that they insulted me, although that seems a lot better than calling the man, an imbecile elf.
I had never been good at school, I was not born to do this. I cannot do magic, cannot fly. I do comparatively good at empathy, but that is probably due to my human side. All my teachers earlier were very understanding in cutting me some slack, but the new guy doesn't want to bend the rules and my mom just doesn't understand that.
As we entered the house from a tiresome argument with no conclusion, I watched my mom sink in her bed as she tried to push her tears back to space behind her eyes. On the side table there stood three photographs, one of her with her husband on her wedding day, one of her holding her baby and one of me and her on my first day of school. The one with her baby was the only one facing towards her pillow so that it is the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes. I was never jealous of him, but I did feel that my mother's life would have been easier if she never interchanged us.
I wound up the music box, placed it beside her and tiptoed to my room as the lullabies of her ancestors brought her calm.
I often wondered what the other me would be doing right now, my brother from another mother and raised by my own. And just in case, miles away he wondered that too, I started keeping a journal where I would write everything that happened on the day. I would walk him through every road that I mapped, what conversations mother and I had and what kind of jokes she laughed at. Just in case if he ever plans to return, he would never have to feel out of place because he had me to guide him, and just in case if I ever went back, I think I would have the same.
A knock broke my nap. As I looked outside the tiny round window, I could make out the prettiest face I had ever seen. We were in the same class but it was incomprehensible that she would be standing outside my window. And then it hit me, I looked her in the eyes and said firmly, "You don't fool me."
"Not fair. I need to practice my deception spells." saying that, the figure in front of me transformed into my childhood friend, Jaadu. One of the rules of bending spells, if the target of the trick sees through the rouge, the trickster has to come clean.
"It was good. If not for my trust in my status as a loser, you would have convinced me."
"Ah! I should study the target more. Will keep that in mind. Are you coming?"
Jaadu and I always went to the edge of the forest in the evenings. With the sun coming down and night beginning to rise, you can watch the shadows of all the travellers passing by. Some of them would sit and have their meal or set up camp, completely unaware that we are hiding behind the tree mere steps away, watching them. But the most exciting moment is when you see someone go from one realm to another. Sometimes you can see their shadow change shape or colour or sometimes nothing changes, it is always a surprise how the inter-realm travel reacts.
Jaadu enjoys it because it is something he might never do, he was to be part of the administration, like the fairies of his family before him. This was his way to vicariously travel through these evening rituals.
For me, it was the time I had felt closest to my mother. Although her husband was a traveller, she only planned one journey in her life. The one to save her baby.
In a way I had already travelled from one realm to another, I was just unaware of the magnitude of it. I sometimes think of going back, maybe visit my birth parents, might even bring my mother's son back. She would be delighted beyond belief, and maybe then, she wouldn't regret taking him. But I would always push the thought back, too afraid of the unknown.
The next few weeks were spent retaking and retaking the test until I was cleared to graduate school. There are three categories of fairies, one that is naturally gifted in all arts, whether it is music, the science of medicinal plants or chants and jinxes, they are fluent in all. Then there is the average category, the ones that work hard and learn and the last are the week students, ones who work even harder. And then there is me, the human among magical beings. I am the only one around like me, earlier there used to be a lot of us but with the danger of exposure and the spiritual fabric between realms weakening, it is just me. Potions are easy and I am good with plants and animals but I can't cast spells, at least not the high-level ones. So, it took a lot of convincing the new principal to test me only on the spells that I can do, but I finally succeeded.
Later that night, my mother organized a celebration for me, every house within a mile was invited, distant relatives came too. Some families brought a dish of their choice, some helped clean up space and some brought with them the sweetest water of different streams. But with all the gifts and praises, come the whispers too, how I was not one of them, what an achievement the real son would have been. When I was younger, my mother would often cast a filtration spell on my ears so that I wouldn't hear what they said about me but as I grew older, the spell weakened. She never herself told me the story, would always insist that I was hers just born with different abilities or as I see it, no abilities.
From what I could gather, my mother was with the child when her husband died. The grief was too much for her and the baby and so he was born with defects. A shaman told her that the milk of a human could cure him and so she left him in the first crib she could find and took me from mine as her own.
"Oh my son, come sit with me." my great-grandmother called me."How are you feeling? You are a big fairy now?"
"I am not a fairy Gre-ma." I sighed as I sat beside her.
"Oh, it doesn't matter what elements bind you. Tell me, Elven, how, do you think, is your mother?"
"She seems fine. I think she is alright."
"She is strong, but separation and loneliness often mould us into something much fragile. She has lights of sorrow surrounding her, you must make her happy. Bring her joy before the black lights swallow her."
After the celebration ended, I kept thinking about the words my Gre-ma said to me. She was the most powerful empath in the town, nobody could dare take her words lightly, especially if she said something like that. This was serious, I had to do something to cure my mother.
The next day, when I and Jaadu were sitting in the woods, relaxing as the shadows disappeared around us, I told him what Gre-ma had asked me to do. "Getting a good position in the council would cure all the sorrows of my mother." Jaadu joked.
"I am afraid, that doesn't work for mine."
"I know! My point is, only you know what will make her happy."
I thought about it for a while and by the next morning, I had an idea of what to do. I made up an overnight camping trip with some friends from school, which in retrospect, how mother agreed or believed any of that is beyond me. I checked in my bag to confirm I had the fairy dust with me that Gre-ma had given me the other night, without it, I would not be able to cross over. The plan was simple, follow the map she used years earlier and just knock on the door. Jaadu came to see me off, he wanted to see how my shadow will react.
I, on the other hand, just felt a slight current run through me, and on the next step, everything changed.
It took me at least five minutes of coughing to get used to the air around me. The map was magical, which meant that it would alter according to the destination desired and the time and space which surrounded it. But there still was no magic that can help me introduce myself to my birth parents or tell me how I am supposed to walk when each step is followed by a loud noise and a beast flying past me in a blink of an eye. The first thing I noticed was humans were tall, back in woodland, I was the tallest there, here I barely come up to the shoulders of some of these giants. And they all had different feet, different colours, shapes and textures. And walking for a few feet made me understand why. After walking a small distance, my feet were coloured black, they were damp and a new pink coloured flower had found a way between my toes and was now stuck to my skin. But ignoring it all, I marched ahead.
A few yards away stood the blue gate I had dreaded all through the journey, a million thoughts ran through my mind with each step till I lifted my arm to knock.
I looked around the house as I waited for them to make sense of everything that I had just finished telling them. Surprisingly, it was not that different from my house. it was filled with photographs except for the giant black frame in the middle of the room, which stood empty. Lamps were hanging from the walls, but there was probably some human magic that made it not look like fire. There weren't as many windows, or plants, outside or inside. We all sat on cloud-like cushions with brown milk in front of me.
When I introduced myself, I showed them my infancy photograph which my mother had taken with her. Then I told them about fairies and woodlands. I told them about magic and music, potions and pirouette. And then I told them about my mother, my fairy mother.
"So, you are ours?"
I nodded.
"And, you were kidnapped?"
"Exchanged!" I nodded
."And you live among fairies?"
I nodded.
"And, our son was a fairy?"
I began to nod and then stopped midway, "was?"
"He died ten years ago. Road accident." said the human mother and started sobbing.
My father stood up and came towards me with open arms, "We want to believe you, but we can't, at least not without tests I hope that is alright with you."
"Oh, I can't stay. I just came to take my mother's son back to meet her. I really should go now."
"NO!" my human mother shouted and holding my shoulders requested me to stay.
"I suppose I could stay for another day."
"Wonderful!" the mother smiled and ran to the kitchen mumbling recipes to herself. "She is going to make his favourite food," Father said to me. His eyes followed me suspiciously as I sat back down in my spot.
"Hey Dorothy, Can you do me-." A stranger walked into the house and stopped mid-sentence to stare back at me. "Family member?" she said while pointing at me.
"How can you tell?" mother came out of the kitchen.
"Well, he looks so much like Steve."
"Doesn't he?"
"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have to run tests."
"What do you mean, Steve?"
"Yes, what do you mean, Steve?"
"Uhm, I am just saying..."
"Wait, but who is he?"
"Oh! It's a miracle from Jesus. My son has returned."
"Jesus! Dorothy, honey."
"Your son, the one whose funeral I helped organize."
"No, you see, he was exchanged, Uhm kidnapped."
"Jesus! Dorothy!"
"And now he is back, back at home."
Finally, silence fell. I looked up and all three were staring at me. "Hello," I said in a low voice. "I come from the woodlands. My mother who is a fairy..."
"Well, he is still processing his trauma." Father interrupted me. "Don't worry, we will have him checked shortly." Saying that he led me upstairs to a closed-door with the picture of a masked man on the door.
"This is your room. I will call you when food is prepared."
I had just turned back to stop him, he shut the door to my face. I tried to open it but it seemed locked from outside. I sat down on the small bed, trying to process whatever happened in the last few minutes. And then I remembered the word funeral being uttered. Their son's funeral.
My mother's son. The one I came to take back with me.
I had to get out immediately.
I stood in front of the door and chanted a simple admission spell. I tried to open the door again but it stayed locked. I tried the spell again, but it was all in vain. Casting spells in a new environment is always difficult, even for skilled casters. You have to be able to borrow magic from your surroundings. Often before any major spell, fairies perform cleansing and calming rituals to make the elements around them aware of their intentions, and once the fairies and every particle around them are in agreement can they cast the spells successfully. I did not know anything about those rituals, nor have I ever performed magic in an unaccustomed environment. Being human and bad at magic did not help either.
I sat back on the bed and waited for the door to open from outside. I looked around the room, there stood various balls of different colours all around the room, on a shelf placed in the corner, there were several miniatures beasts like the ones I encountered on my way. On the walls, there were drawings of different humans in various attires and figurines made of cotton and stone of different animals. I lied down and my eyes sparkled as on the roof I could see the sun and the moon and all the stars that the roof could fit, it was the only thing that reminded me of home. I could look at it for hours like I did back in the woodland, I smiled at the memories, glad that I could find at least one familiar thing.
A few hours later, the father came rushing in and closed the door behind him.
"Hey, buddy! There are a few people who want to meet with you. They are super nice and very friendly. They will ask you some questions. You don't have to worry, just nod when I answer those okay?" It was a question he did not wait for an answer to. I was held from my arms and pushed into the front room. There stood the two women from earlier, a man with an unusually shaped head and another woman with a toy in her hands. They all had their mouths in a curve and their teeth were exposed, I think they were trying to smile. The father sat me down and placed himself beside me.
The woman nodded and pushed the toy towards me.
"Hello, I hope you don't mind introducing yourself once again. Your father had already told me about you."
"Uh...my name is Elven."
"His name is Simon. He thinks his name is Elven and he was kidnapped by fairies. He is still recovering from the incident." The father interjected.
"Okay." The woman looked at the man and then back towards us. "Can you elaborate on the fairies that abducted you?"
I looked at the father he gestured me to go ahead. "I wasn't abducted, I was exchanged. My mother, my fairy mother gave birth to a weakling which could only be saved by human milk."
"We believe that the kidnapper left her disabled child with us in hopes to raise a healthier child, obviously for her benefit." The father looked towards the woman, and they both nodded. Like they agreed to not believe anything I said.
"Do you think drugs were involved?" The man asked the father.
"Well, listening to the absurdity, I am certain that the woman herself took drugs and gave my son some too. That seems to be the only explanation for his conviction."
They kept saying the word "Drugs", I didn't know what it meant, but I could conclude that it was bad. And if they think my mother gave them to me, they would never let me go back to her.
"Look," I stood up, "I should go, my mother would be worried."
"I think that should be enough for today, I will answer the rest of the questions." The father said as he directed the mother to take me.
"Oh, just a picture of the family would be great." The woman stopped me and the mother.
All three of us stood side by side as the man took out a small metal from his pocket and a light flashed towards us. I couldn't see for a while but I could feel being steered somewhere.
I was sitting on the tiny bed again, while my human mother was sobbing with her head in my lap. I looked up at the painted night sky and dreamed of the real one.
The next day I woke up to the sound of a crowd of humans in front of the house. A lot of them were holding the same toy as the day before, some had big boxes on their shoulders and behind them was a long queue of the white beasts. The father came in with a gentle smile and said, "Son, how are you? Breakfast is ready. And you remember yesterday, the people in the front have the same questions. Whenever you are ready, we will talk to them. Is that alright?"
I could simply nod. It was very clear that I did not have any choice in that.
The mother came in afterwards and asked me to take a bath, but when I asked for the stream nearby, she started crying again. The father came in and showed me to another room where twisting on a knob I could make it rain inside. He laid down a drying cloth, top and bottom covers and coverings for my feet. It was a strange feeling to not have my feet touch the earth. For fairies, it the only consistent relationship between them and the ground. Although it did feel better to not have my feet be dirty or cold. For breakfast the only thing that looked familiar was fruit, so I picked a red apple and bit into that, while the father and mother stood in front of the black frame, only this time it had a man talking in it.
"We have something like that in woodland too, motion paintings. It is a very complex spell though. My mother's uncle is famous as the most proficient in a 1000 step radius."
They both looked at me and the mother ran out of the room looking like she was about to burst into tears again.
"Hey, why don't we stop talking about woodland in front of mom." He gave me that non-smile again.
The whole day was just sitting in front of strangers and nod as the father told lies. And every time I tried to stop him or correct him, it was blamed on trauma, another word they kept on repeating. According to them, I had a trauma because of drugs and my mother was a criminal and she should be locked up. I did not most of the words in that sentence. They asked me to do magic to prove my story but when I failed, they simply smiled. When I first showed them my journal, they scanned through it within minutes and gave it back to the father. Mid-way through the day, I gave up. I might have been naïve in the human ways but I knew what a lost battle looked like.
They kept asking to take a picture, after a few I gathered they were just still drawings of us. Out of the corner of my eye, I would often catch someone pointing at me and chuckling with his or her friend. The mother spent most of the time crying and repeating that she was just glad to have her son back and she loved the other one too just like her own. In between taking pictures and answering questions, some would come up to me or the father and offer their condolences.
Everything resembled the kind of community I had left in woodland, but that was all it was, a resemblance, a mirror image. People offered help and sympathy but always from a distance. Some neighbours brought their children in hopes I could make friends with them but whenever I tried to talk to them, they pushed me out of the circle and talked amongst themselves, mostly in gibberish I might add.
I missed my mother, I missed Jaadu and Gre-ma. I missed the smell of freshly bloomed flowers in the morning and the lullabies of the moon as it sang us to sleep. Out here all I could smell was something burning, constantly. The food was like eating mould and every variant of the juice I was offered did not taste like its name. I wanted to see the real night sky and not the fake colours on the roof.
By midnight, the father and mother had fallen in deep sleep. And that was when I slipped out, fairies were of course famous for being light feet and my mother had taught me a few tricks early on. I decided to leave my journal with them, in case they ever wanted to visit. Although they would have another day of asking and answering and crying over my departure, I did not feel bad. I realized they were not my parents and this was not my world, my only link was my brother. He was supposed to be my guide, and without him, I had no purpose but to get lost.
I stood at the gates in the woods and waited for the sun to go up and night to fall. And when the moment came, as I stepped through the fairy dust, into the realm of my home, I could make out a figure that I was much too familiar with. And as I inhaled the blossoms, I could see Jaadu smiling at me. And I smiled back.
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lofitowns · 5 years
a miracle and a tragedy - e. kaspbrak
in which you love him and he loves you. but that can’t save him. (fem! reader)
             fandom ; it (2017) / (2019)
            word count ; 4411 (it’s a long one boys)
            warnings ; cussing + character death :(
             (y/n) - your name :: (y/n/n) - your nickname
i haven’t written in forever! so here’s a little come back. if you see any mistakes, please tell me! i didn’t really reread this after i wrote it lol
     you love him, you do.
     You were 15 years old when you realized you were in love.
     You were sitting on your bed, paper and pens and pencils spread all over. You were seriously stressed out. Your freshman year was coming to a close and finals were starting next week and you had no idea what you were doing. 
     It was a Saturday, you should be hanging out with the losers but your dad had told you if you didn’t get good grades on these finals, you wouldn’t be able to hang out with them at all over the summer.
     You checked your bedroom clock, it was only 2pm. Your dad wanted you to study until at least 4pm. This was exhausting. 
     There was a sudden tapping on your window making you turn your attention to that. There was Eddie Kaspbrak. Thank god your room was on the first floor. He definitely wouldn’t have been able to get up if it was on the second.
     You raised an eyebrow at him as he waved through the window. You laughed at his big grin as you made your way over to open it.
     “Hey! Can I come in?” He asked, looking up at you.
     “Eds, you know my dad wants me to study.”
     “Yeah, well, I can be your study buddy! We have some of the same classes, I can help.”
     You debated it for a few seconds before finally taking the screen off and letting him in. 
     He climbed inside, almost falling to the floor, but you caught him. 
     “You’ve gotta be quiet though, my parents are just down the hall.”
      You studied in mostly silence for a while, every so often you would look up to ask him a question and he would already be looking at you. This made you blush.
      “God, Eddie. I’m so stressed out about this. What if I fail all of them and then I can’t see you guys over the summer?”
     “Okay, first off, you’re literally the smartest person in our friend group. You’re definitely going to pass. Secondly, even if you do fail, I’m going to come visit you every single day. And I’ll bring all your favorite stuff and movies and I’ll hide when your parents come to check on you. How about that?” 
     A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as the boy spoke. You felt like you might cry. No one had ever said anything like that to you before. 
     “Yeah, that sounds great.”
     That’s when you knew you were in too deep with this boy.
     and here’s the miracle: he loves you too.
     He was 13 years old when he realized he was in love.
     “I can’t go home like this guys. My mom will kill me.” The small boy, Eddie Kaspbrak, said with a face covered in grime. 
     “Dude, you’ve been gone for 24 straight hours. Your face is definitely on a milk carton by now,” Richie joked making Eddie’s face fall in terror, “Also, that puke smells worse than your mom’s slippers.”
     “Oh, shut up, Richie,” You interjected, Eddie noticed you were gripping the handlebars of your bike to the point your knuckles were white.
     “Okay, first of all, my mom’s slippers smell like potpourri, asshole,” Eddie retorted as everyone started to wheel their bikes down the main street of Derry.
     You all started joking, just like normal. Like you hadn’t just crawled out of the sewer after fighting a child-eating clown.
     Everyone started going their separate ways, going to their respective houses, until Eddie was left alone with you. Your house was just around the corner from his so it wasn’t unusual for you to walk home together. But, Eddie felt different this time. He wanted to make sure you got home safe and you were okay.
     Your words interrupted his thoughts, “Do you want to come to my house? To clean up so your mom doesn’t freak out even more,” You offered, keeping your eyes on the bike wheel you were guiding next to you.
     Eddie’s mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally answered, “Yeah, sure.”
     When you arrived at your house, you checked to see if your parent’s car was in the garage before dropping your bikes in the front lawn. Eddie watched you move the small cat statue on the first step of your house to grab your spare key. You unlocked the door and led him up to your bathroom, grabbing a towel from the hall closet on your way.
     Eddie sat on the seat of the toilet, following you across the room with his eyes as you turned on the tab, trying to get the temperature right, before wetting the towel and putting soap on it. 
     You made your way back over to him, kneeling down. When you started scrubbing his face, his breath hitched in his throat. He kept his eyes on you as you continued your work, focused. You also reached up and tried to get some of the puke out of his hair.
     “Sorry, I don’t think I can do anything about the smell. Or your clothes. You’ll have to go home for that,” You told him, turning around to get some of the grime off the towel. You also grabbed a few bandaids and another washcloth with soap and water to clean his smaller cuts. Good thing he didn’t have any major wounds, not like Stanley.
     Eddie’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Not because of an asthma attack, not because he had just fought a killer clown, because the girl he liked was sitting so close to him. If he just leaned in... 
     The brunette boy cleared his throat, averting his eyes away from you.
     When you announced you were done, Eddie quickly asked if you wanted him to help clean yourself up. He wanted to stay here with you longer. He knew his mother wouldn’t let him out of the house until school started, even if he just said he was at Bill’s and fell into a puddle or something.
     “It’s fine, Eds. Go make sure your mom knows you’re alive so she doesn’t actually put your face on a milk carton,” You joked, sending him a weak smile.
     Eddie let out a small chuckle, his eyes trained on you. You let out a small awkward laugh, reaching up to rub the side of your neck. He saw you open your mouth to say something, but he just moved forward and took you in his arms.
     “Hey, you’ll get dirty again,” You pointed out playfully, but none the less, hugged him back.
     Eddie could have stayed there forever. He didn’t even care that you both smelled like sewer or that his mom was probably freaking out. He didn’t know what he would do if something had happened to you.
     He slowly pulled away, looking at your face. You were looking at him too.
     “I’ll see you later, yeah?” You asked, smiling softly at him.
     “Yeah, of course.”
     Eddie walked past you, walking back out your front door. Once it was closed, he let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding. God, he was in love with you.
     you are allowed to have him.
     It was Christmas break. There were still three days until Christmas but Bev was leaving to see family in Portland tomorrow and you all wanted to give each other presents.
    You were squished between Richie and Eddie on the plush couch in your living room, watching A Christmas Story. Ben, Bev, and Bill sat on the floor in front of you, if you looked close enough, you could see her pinkie finger resting on Ben’s hand. Stanley was sitting on the chair next to the lit fireplace but was still curled up under a blanket. Mike sat in the chair on the other side of the couch, resting his head on his hand.
    You shivered, causing Eddie to switch his attention to you.
    “Are you cold?” He whispered as to not disturb the others.
    You nodded and in response. He turned around and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch. He leaned over and spread it over the two of you. You sent him a grateful smile, your heart starting to flutter as he hesitantly laid his hand on yours under the blanket.
    You had had a crush on the boy since you started middle school. He had always been there for you, especially after everything had happened with Pennywise. His laugh was like music to your ears and you always wanted to keep a smile on his face.
    Your eyes kept switching from the TV screen back to Eddie, from the TV to Eddie. Your eyes finally decided to stay on the boy next to you. You felt like you hadn’t taken a good look at him in a while. His hair had started to curl more and it lightened a bit. He had grown too, you remember being at least four inches taller than him, but all of a sudden he shot up. He had stopped carrying around that dorky fanny pack when you started high school.
    He turned his eyes to you, meeting your gaze. He moved ever so slightly to be closer to you, fulling wrapping his fingers around your hand.
    The movie ended soon after and it was time for gifts. All of you moved to sit on the floor in a circle. You had done Secret Santa this year so you all didn’t have to buy seven different presents.
    “Okay, I’ll start. I got Bill,” You announced, leaning over to him to hand him a rectangular parcel. He took it and quickly ripped the wrapping paper off. Inside was a blank sketchbook and a packet of colored pencils.
    “T-Thanks, (y/n),” He sent you a warm smile, “I had M-Mike.”
    Mike had Ben, Ben had Stan, Stan had Bev, Bev had Richie, and Richie had Eddie.
    “And that means, Eddie had (y/n)!” Richie teased, nudging Eddie in the side with his elbow.
    “Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna give it to her later,” Eddie retorted, a flush coming to his cheeks.
    A shit-eating grin grew on Richie’s face, “Oh I bet you are Eds.”
    Eddie groaned, putting his face in his hands while the rest of the losers club laughed at him.
    “Beep beep, Richie. And I told you not to call me that.”
     “But (y/n) can call you that? Suspicious.”
    It took a few more hours for the losers to start to leave. Richie tried to stay until Eddie gave you your present, but Bev made him leave, already knowing what you were getting. Eddie had asked her what he should get you since the two of you were so close.
    “Alright, what’s this thing you couldn’t give me in front of the losers?” You asked, pulling him down to sit on the couch facing each other. 
     Eddie chewed his lip nervously, holding the wrapped rectangle in his hands. 
     “Okay, please don’t laugh.”
     “Of course I’m not going to laugh, Eds.”
     He took a deep breath, pushing it across the couch cushion to you. You took it in your hands, taking the wrapping off of it. 
     It was a small brown book. 
     You furrowed your eyebrows, looking up at him. Eddie made a gesture to open it, so you did. It took your breath away.
     Inside were pages filled with pictures, notes, movie tickets from different times in your life with the losers. You let out a breathy laugh, smiling brightly as you flipped through it.
     “Oh my god, Eddie. This... This is beautiful,” You told him, setting the book aside and reaching over to take him in your arms. He wrapped his arms around you in return, resting his head on your shoulder.
     “Well, I’m glad you like it,” His words were muffled by your shirt, “You... You didn’t look at the last page though.”
     You pulled away, reaching over to open the book again. You flipped all the way to the back, seeing a picture of Eddie and yourself that was obviously taken by one of the other losers. You were sitting together on someone's couch, your head was on his shoulder and he had his eyes trained on you, a genuine smile on his face.
     Your eyes moved to a small patch of writing under the picture.
     Do you like me back?
          yes          no
     You let out a small giggle, reaching to the table next to the couch to grab a pen. You circled yes, closed the book, and pushed it back over to him.
     The tips of Eddie’s ears turned red as he opened to the back of the book. A smile pulled at his lips, passing it back to you.
     “Okay, well... Would you want to... Like, be my girlfriend?”
      You let out another giggle, leaning over to him and pressing a short kiss to his cheek. 
     “Of course, Eds.”
     Two and a half years later, you were all packed up for college and leaving in the morning. You had spent the whole night before with your friends, knowing it was going to be the last time you saw them for a while. 
     You walked back into your room from washing your face, looking around your near-empty room. You jumped at a sudden knock on your window.
     Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned around. A laugh fell from your lips, rushing over to the window to open it. Eddie’s grinning face there to greet you.
     “For old times sake, right?”
     Eddie climbed through the window and followed you to your bed. You both laid on top of the blankets, Eddie wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you to him.
     Neither of you spoke for a while, just wanting to cherish each other’s presence for the last time. 
     “I’m gonna miss you,” You spoke up, breaking the silence.
     “I’m going to miss you so much more,” He answered, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “And after we graduate college, we’ll go away somewhere. New York, California, I’d go anywhere with you.”
     You giggled, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips, “I’d like that.”
     You stayed like that until the sun started to rise. 
     “Shit,” The boy whispered, rubbing his eyes and sitting up, “I really need to get home.”
     You nodded, getting up with him, “Eddie,” You called softly as he walked to the window.
     He turned around as you walked towards him and planted your lips onto his.
     Your hands cupped his cheeks, his right hand going to your hip and his left going to your cheek as well. The kiss didn’t last long enough for your liking when he pulled away.
     “I love you,” He whispered.
     “I love you.”
     As he crawled out the window, you didn’t realize it would be the last time you saw him for 22 years.
     and here’s the tragedy: it’s not enough.
     The lights of Jade of the Orient shined down on you as you worked up the courage to walk in.
     It still baffled you how you could forget your whole childhood. Where you came from, your friends, your experiences. Eddie.
     When you did push the door open, a young lady greeted you and brought you to a room towards the back. When walked in, there were already two men standing there. 
     “(y/n)?” One of them asked, stepping towards you. Bill.
     “I’m so glad you made it,” The other greeted, taking you into his arms. Mike.
     You let out a laugh, hugging him back. “Yeah, of course I came.” You broke away from him and pulled Bill into a hug as well.
     Mike opened his mouth to speak when you all heard a voice behind you. You all turned around.
     “I am allergic to soy, anything that has egg in it, uh gluten, and if I eat a cashew I could realistically die,” The man told the waitress, making his way into the room. 
     He paused when he saw the three of you. 
     “Holy shit.” 
     “Good to see you too, Eds,” You greeted, quickly walking to him and taking him in your arms. He immediately pulled you closer. It felt warm and safe and like home.
     “(y/n/n)?” He whispered in your hair.
     You pulled away from him, giving him a warm smile.
     Bill and Mike moved towards the two of you to give Eddie a hug as well. You made small talk while you waited for the others.
     When they did get there, everything felt right. Richie hit the gong and announced the beginning of the meeting of the Losers Club.
     “Look at these guys!” Eddie exclaimed, pointing at Beverly, Ben, and Richie.
      Then you got drunk.
     “So, wait, Eddie, you got married?” Richie asked, his shot glass falling out of his mouth. You were sitting in between him and Eddie
     “Yeah, why’s that so fucking funny, dickwad?”
     “What, to like a woman?”
     “Fuck you, bro.”
     “Fuck you!”
     You let out a laugh, nudging Richie in the side with your elbow.
     “And what about you, Trashmouth, you married?” Bill asked, leaning forwards.
     “There’s no way Richie’s married!” You joked, holding your glass up to your lips.
     “No, I got married,” He answered, looking serious.
     “Richie, I don’t believe it,” Beverly retorted, eating a piece of chicken.
     “When?” Eddie exclaimed, eyebrows raised.
      “You didn’t hear about this?”
     “You didn’t know I got married? Yeah, no, me and your mom are very, very happy.”
     Everyone around the table lost it, Bill choking on his drink and Beverly letting out a loud laugh and covering her mouth. You threw your head back in laughter, glancing over at Eddie who’s eyebrows were furrowed.
     “Fuck you,” He pointed at Richie, taking a sip from the small bowl he was holding.
      Richie wrapped an arm around your shoulders and leaned into your ear, starting to do a Jabba the Hutt impression. 
     You laughed and pushed him off, “Oh, leave him alone, Richie.”
     While everyone was joking and laughing, Eddie turned to you. 
     “So, did you ever get married?” He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
     You shook your head, “No, I just... Never met the right person, I guess,” You shrugged your shoulders.
     Eddie nodded slowly, “Right. What do you do?” 
     “I actually work as a psychologist. I like being able to help people.”
     “You were always the best listener,” He told you, making you giggle.
     “So, you two are still in love,” Richie cut in, looking at the two of you.
     Both of your faces flushed before you spoke, “Beep beep Richie.”
     That night, you sat on your bed, blankly staring at the TV screen, it wasn’t even on. You kept seeing flashes of your younger self in your mind. A lot of them with a younger version of Eddie.
     You jumped at the sudden knock on your door. Your eyes turned to the clock on the nightstand, 11:53pm.
     You hesitantly walked over to it, cracking it open. There stood Eddie, looking at the floor. You opened the door fully.
     He looked up at you, opening his mouth to say something but nothing came out. 
     “You wanna come in?”
     He simply nodded, following you inside and closing the door behind him.
     You both sat on the end of the bed where you had been moments before.
     “Do you... Do you remember?” He finally broke the silence.
     You nodded, getting the hint at what he was saying, and he set a hand on top of yours.  
     “I still love you. I know I didn’t even remember you until a couple days ago but I don’t want to go anywhere without you again,” Eddie confessed, turning to face you fully.
     “Eds, you’re married.”
     “Fuck her. I don’t love her, not like I love you. She’s basically my mother and I would leave her in a heartbeat for you.”
     A smile tugged at your lips as you leaned into him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, “ Okay.”
     Eddie grinned, moving his hands to cup your cheeks, pulling you into another kiss.
     you are allowed to count the constellations in his eyes as they blink out,
     The house on Neibolt looked the same as you walked inside. The sewers felt the same too. 
     You emerged from a cave after escaping your fear. You were shaken but you knew your work was not done.
     “Hey, fuckface!” You heard Richie yell from across the room. Pennywise dropped Mike who he was holding and turned to your trash mouth friend.
     “Wanna play truth or dare? Here’s a truth, you’re a sloppy bitch! Yeah, that’s right! Let’s dance, yippee ki-yay mother-” He was cut off when Pennywise opened his mouth, showing him the deadlights. 
     A sound of distress fell from your lips as you saw one of your best friends rising into the air. You scrambled to get down from where you were standing when you saw Eddie run out of the cave behind Richie.
     “Beep beep, mother fucker!” He yelled, throwing the spike he had been given at the clown. 
     It went straight in his mouth. You couldn’t look away as Pennywise stumbled back, landing on another spike that went through his back. You let out a shaky breath, turning your gaze back to Richie and Eddie. 
     “Holy shit! Rich!” Eddie exclaimed, turning back to the man on the floor. “Hey, Richie! Listen, I think I got him, man! I think I killed it! I did! I think I killed-” He was cut off. A scream passed your lips and everything felt like it was going in slow motion.
     Pennywise stabbed Eddie through his back with one of his claws. He pulled him off of Richie and dangled him in the air, making taunting noises. A sob left your lips as tears started to fill your eyes. 
     With blurry vision, you watched the clown throw him into a cave and you had never run faster anywhere in your life. You slid down into the cave, your hands shaking as you helped Mike and Ben flip him onto his back. 
     Blood was pooling from his mouth and there was a gaping hole through his chest. You knelt in front of him, Richie shrugging off his jacket and handing it to you. You pressed it against his wound. 
     Pennywise clawed at the entrance, shouting at the seven of you.
     “We have to get him out of here,” You pleaded, brushing some of his hair from his face.
     “How are we supposed to do that, (y/n)?” Beverly asked, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
     “I almost killed it,” Eddie said weakly, “The leper. My hands were at its throat. And I... Could feel him choking. I made him small. He seemed so weak.”
     Mike and Beverly started making a plan when Ben came back and told you all there was a tunnel. The next minutes were a blur as you helped carry Eddie to a sheltered area while the other losers went to distract Pennywise.
     “Oh my god, Eds,” You whispered, pulling the jacket back to look at his wound. 
     “It’s alright, I guess you’ll just have to clean me up again,” He spoke, referencing the time you did when you were younger and when Henry Bowers stabbed him in the face earlier that day.
     You let out a watery laugh, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
     “You gotta stay with me, we’re gonna get you out of here, okay? And we’ll go away like we said we would. I’d go anywhere with you.”
     Eddie tried to smile, his lips completely covered in blood. 
     “I’d... I’d like that...” His voice trailed off and you let out a loud sob. 
     No, no no no no. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. You had just gotten him back and he was going to be gone again.
     “Eddie?” Your voice broke. He stilled but you could still hear shallow breaths. You needed to help your friends.
     Your pain mixed with your anger as you looked over to where the losers had cornered Pennywise. You shot up, running over to them and ripping off the spiked arm the clown was trying to use to stab your friends. 
     The six of you circled around the monster that had tormented you, calling him a clown. Making him small.
     Pennywise’s breaths were labored but he still brought out one more jump scare as Mike got closer to him. Your friend reached into the clown’s chest, pulling out his heart as he screamed.
     Beverly grabbed onto the heart first and the rest of you followed.
     “Look at you, you’re all grown up.”
     You all squeezed, watching him shrivel up and everything started floating up.
     It was finally dead.
     You let out a breath as Beverly leaned onto your shoulder.
     “Eddie,” You broke the silence, turning around and returning to his body.
     The rest of the losers followed you as you knelt in front of him, taking his face in your hand.
     “Eddie, hey Eds. We got it,” You whispered and when he didn’t respond, your heart shattered. 
     You heard Beverly let out a sob behind you, “(y/n)...”
     “He’s gone,” Bill spoke.
     “He’s alright, he’s just hurt. We gotta get him out of here,” You argued, turning to look at your crying friends.
     “(y/n), honey... He’s dead.”
     You turned to look at Bev, you knew. Of course, you knew. You didn’t want it to be true.
     “We have to go, come on.”
     You took the man you loved in your arms while Bill and Richie tried to get you to stand up. You cradled his head in your hands, crying in protest as they started to drag you away from his body.
     The six of you rushed out of the sewers, out of Neibolt house, as it was collapsing around you. You almost tripped from rushing down the stairs, Richie’s hand still on your arm to keep you going.
     As you watched the house crumble, you pulled against him, making Ben grab your other arm. 
     “He wouldn’t want to die in there,” You sobbed, finally collapsing from exhaustion into Richie’s arms. The man kept you standing, holding you and rubbing his hand over your hair as you cried.
    You were 40 years old when you realized you had lost your love.
     but you are not allowed to save him. 
thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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btswishes · 5 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
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A/N:  Here we go ladies and gentlemen. Part3, sorry for any mistakes made and I hope you like it.
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,431
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
  During the ride home Hae didn’t say a word. He looked deep in thought and you didn’t know what to say to him. That night he asked you to sleep in his room just in case that thing comes back. You did feel more calm and comfortable in a room with a locking window and a brother to keep you safe. You were so relaxed that the next day you woke up later than usual.
  Breakfast was the same, nothing to serious. You went to study in your room, but the door was constantly open and your brother would check on you a few time in an hour. After the sun started setting around 5, you got up and started thinking what to wear. It was almost time for the unexpected and sudden date you had. 
  There was this cute winter dress that you loved so much. You paired it up with thick leggings and high-heel boots.It felt warm and comfortable. Fixing your hair a bit and putting the tiniest amount of makeup, you took a look in the mirror. 
  You were happy, your face was shining bright.In a way it felt like there was some kind of meaning now to your life.It wasn’t just living and studying. You were excited for once. You were going out with someone interesting and kind, you wanted to enjoy this time and remember it for the next 100 or more years. As long as the memory lasted.
  There was a small knock on the door frame, when you saw your mother leaning on it. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she was looking at you with loving eyes.
“You look amazing sweetie.Going out I presume ?” 
“Yes. I think it’s a date...” you mumbled the last part as you looked down at the floor.Your mother pushed herself off the wood and reached out to fix the lose strand of hair trying to run from the elastic. 
“You think?”
“Well, he said it’s a date, but I didn’t mean it like that.” you moved side to side a bit uneasy as this was new to you
“If he said it’s a date than it is.Don’t worry about it, just enjoy it.” you turned towards your mother and asked her how you looked “I told you already. No matter what you do ,or what you wear ,you will be beautiful in my eyes. Even if you weren’t who you are, you will still be the prettiest person.” 
  You ran downstairs to get your boots on. Tightening the coat belt, you took a deep breath.
“Have fun honey.” your mom smiled at you “Oh and...” you looked at her waiting for the end of the sentence “Make sure you have as much fun as you want. Moments like this one don’t last long for us, but the memories we build are always going to be a part of who we are. Enjoy yourself.”
 “I will mom.” you waved to her and ran our of the door. The plan was to catch the bus and go to the cafe. But you were surprised when a car stopped next to you.The window rolled down slowly and a boy stepped out. The moon popped out from behind a lonely cloud and illuminated his face. In a way he was reflecting the light around himself, making it look like he was glowing.
“Kihyun?” you were a bit shocked “Why are you here?”
“Well it’s pretty dark outside and I thought I should come pic you up. “ he walked over to you and opened the door, making sure you were sitting comfortably in the car, before jumping in the driver’s seat “ Truth be told I didn’t want you to walk alone at night.Especially when you look this good. That color suits you very well.” you blushed unintentionally and flashed him back a smile 
“Thank you.I was going for a warm look.It’s absolutely cold outside and usually I am warm only home.” you placed the seat belt on and Kihyun drove off.
  In the meantime your mom had already locked the door. Your dad walked passed her and stopped in his tracks, his head moved side to side before he spoke.
“Why do I smell the faint sent of a corpse?” he looked at your mother with a raised eyebrow 
“Don’t look at me like that, there is meat in the fridge.” she slapped his shoulder, when your brother walked down the stairs, hearing the conversation 
“Corpse?” he grabbed some milk from the fridge and sat on the table, pouring out some in a glass “Speaking of potential corpses, where is Y/N?” Hae looked around but you were nowhere to be seen
“She went out.”your mom giggled to herself.Your brother’s eyes squinted and he crooked his head to the side, focusing on your mother.
“With who?” 
“On a walk.”
“Mom” Hae was focused on her “We have been over this so many times.Why try to lie in the first place?”
“Ok,ok. Your sister is on a date with someone, but I don’t know who he is.” she shrugged, lifting her arms in front of herself in a defensive position.
“Date!?”Both your brother and dad almost jumped out of the house, through the roof
“Fuck!” Hae cussed out as he ran to get his stuff “That rotting son of a bitch came all the way here! So he was the one who busted in her room!”
“Hae what are you talking about?” your mom started panicking a bit after her son’s reaction “You know the boy?”
“Yeah, I know that ass and he is in deep shit when I find him.I will send him 5 feet under ground where he came from!” 
“Will you tell us what is going on?” your dad jumped in the conversation as the air was getting tense around the room
“Hae sit down and calm yourself. What is going on!”the table shook after your mother hit it with all her force. Hae stopped running around and decided that it was best to tell the truth from what you told him.
 The car ride with Kihyun was very pleasant. You were making small talk when a sudden silence hit the atmosphere. Looking outside the window you saw the same poster as the one on your way home from the supermarket.
“They still have them up?”you asked out-loud and that peeked Kihyun’s interest 
“Them?” he asked
“Oh, I was talking to myself, sorry about that.”
“No no. I am actually curious now.”
“Well lately there have been these sightings of some creature ,that apparently hurts people and all that jazz. I was just surprised that the posters the media put up of the this story are still hanging on the trees and buildings. “ you said looking at the night sky
“Do you believe in them?” Kihyun was staring at the road, but this question was pretty serious to him
“Do I believe in the media about this story?Yeah I do, all kinds of creatures exist in the world and most just want to live away from the public’s eye. Do I believe it hurts people? I do believe it could be harming them, but then again I haven’t seen it myself and i don’t know the full story.”
  Kihyun was staying quiet, listening closely to your words and thoughts. 
“Humans haven’t exactly proven themselves as the calm and peaceful type of creatures.They bully their own kind and even in literature try to kill or exile them as far away as possible-.”
“You know that most eat people right?” he cut you off 
“Yes, we are talking about mythology and stories, but have any of the people saying these things actually talked with a creature of the particular kind?No.Plus that there are supermarkets these day.If they wanted meat or blood you can find it online too. We don’t live in the old days anymore, where you had to go to the forest and hunt during the night so you wouldn’t be seen.”
“You are saying that if the creature wanted a particular organ, it can go to a butcher shop?” his voice was higher than usual since he was particularly shocked by your words and way of thinking.
“Well I mean yeah.It’s easy and it’s clean work.Livers, hearts, brains all those things are super easy to buy, since they are a delicacy to a lot of humans.” you were talking and talking when the car suddenly stopped. Your eye’s landed on the parking lot you were at today with your brother.
  Kihyun leaned onto the steering wheel and began laughing his heart out. You didn’t know how to react ,so you just waited for him to calm down. It took some time but he ended up relaxing. 
“You are an interesting one indeed.I haven’t met anyone like you before in both my lives.” he leaned slowly towards you and for a moment you were expecting a kiss, when he unclasped your seat-belt. 
  You panicked because of your thought and rushed out of the car, making him smile since he knew what you were expecting. In his own way he was actually enjoying teasing you.
  The cafe was still open but there weren’t many people inside. You walked in and the orange haired boy greeted you two.
“Wonho, bring out the cake I made an hour ago.It should be chilled enough.” the boy swiftly stepped inside the kitchen and disappeared from your view. You found a nice cozy place next to the window and sat there.Looking outside you got lost into the moon the same way Kihyun didn’t notice his eyes focusing onto you. It felt strange to him. He would usually have many dates in a week, but this was the first time he couldn’t look away. 
  Your hair reminded him of the many days he had seen during his life, your face reminded him of the bright sun he used to hide from in the past ,in fear of burning. For a split second he didn’t mind turning into ashes if he had to. During the years he has spent on this earth he had seen many beautiful flowers ,that withered in his arms in one night, leaving their life force with him. Yet this was the first time he didn’t want to harm such a beautiful creature. Kihyun was worried that if he even so as touched you, you would crumble in his hands.Maybe, he thought, if you sat in the moon light you would grow more and stay longer with him. 
  “Kihyun. Kihyun!” Wonho patted his friend’s shoulder
“Uh?” he looked up at the strong boy with eyes lost in a far away place
“I...I brought the cake you asked for.” Wonho couldn’t speak clearly, confused as to what was happening in front of his eyes. 
“Thanks, put the rest back in the fridge or it will melt.”
“Sure.”he was about to leave, when he turned towards his friend again “Weren’t you going to take her to that place?” he was hinting at something you weren’t understanding, but obviously Kihyun did ,as the look in his eyes changed.”You have to, it’s been too long.” Wonho emphasized on the time aspect. 
  There was a moment of silence before Kihyun looked at your shining eyes.His hand rubbed his chest, grabbing onto the talisman necklace. 
“Kihyun?” his name echoed in the empty cafe
“We can go there next time. It’s too cold, she might catch a cold.”
“A cold? When is next time then?” the orange haired boy became a bit aggressive, there was anger in his voice mixed in with worry 
“Is something wrong?” you finally broke your silence. Wonho was about to say something, but Kihyun’s words cut him off fast and pretty rude.
“Everything is fine. We were just arguing about something.” he looked at his friend noticing the concern “You can go now.”
“Fine,” turning his back on you two, he placed the empty tray under his arm “Just keep in mind that the cafe is empty, no one is here.” and he left
“Don’t mind him, he has always been like that. Bites hard like a dog.” he passed over the fork and encouraged you to try the cake “I know that it sounds a bit strange, but it kind of reminded me of you.Sweet and smooth like the cream.” he leaned onto his hand waiting for you to say your judgment.
  The cake was really good. Not too sweet, nor to bitter it was the perfect balance between textures and flavor. Pulling the fork away from your face, the corners of your lips curved up into a smile. Your pearly teeth peeked from under your lipstick and you turned to face Kihyun.
“It’s super good!” it was so tasty that you couldn’t describe it
“Is that so?” he smiled back at you “ Have more, I made if for you actually.”
  You didn’t hesitate to take another bite and another one, you just couldn’t stop yourself. While you were enjoying yourself, in the distance you were being watched by Wonho. 
“I just don’t know what is happening!” the boy sighed ”This is out of character for him.”
“Calm down Wonho.” a tall and well build man placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder “It’s strange to me too, but do you have it in you to stop this?”
“Shownu is right.”Jooheon was standing in the darkness observing with everyone “ He looks...happy.”
“He does, but for how long?It’s been days since he last ate anything.” Wonho hit his hand onto the table almost spilling the glass of water
“We all have a choice here.” another boy spoke out “ We can A/ let him enjoy this and watch as he slowly dies, or B/ we can intervene saving him and watch him live his life is sorrow and pain. Which one do you chose?”
“We have been through a lot of things together as a family, we can deal with this too.” Wonho said 
“ It’s because we are a family that we can’t do this. What proof do you have he won’t tear that talisman and jump in the sunlight, or starve himself after we quote on quote save him?” Shownu was the oldest in this group and the wisest. 
“Wonho.”Jooheon tapped him on the back “Deep down you know Shownu is right.I know how you feel, it pains me too.But let’s just let it happen.” 
“Fuck!” the boy yelled out turning his back on the whole lovely scene. What a mess happened just by one fateful meeting.
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Happy Birthday, bandathebillie!
Apologies for the short delay in posting your fic, @bandathebillie! We hope you had a wonderful birthday, and celebrated in style! To keep your party going a little while longer, the lovely @herainab has written a story just for you!
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Title: The Relationship Plan
Gift for bandathebillie who requested Catching Fire AU. This is part one with more to come.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy a sweet hit of Everlark!
Premise: Peeta proposes a relationship plan to Katniss leading up to their Victory tour to try and beat President Snow at his own game. But there is more behind the love timeline than Katniss realises.
Thunder booms and the lightning lights up the late evening sky in the far distance.
The tears stream down my face.
There's a massive delivery sitting on my front porch. Packages covered in the official Capitol seal. Boxes filled with unimaginable things. Winter clothing that isn’t threadbare and worn. Food that could feed all of The Seam residents. There are things in there that I never imagined I'd own. 
This is my second delivery from The Capitol after being home for just 8 weeks. The first was just food and gifts from admirers. This is the first full package filled with our talent items, more clothing, food and anything else my mother ordered after I threw the forms at her.
I have electricity constantly. Running hot water. A fireplace to keep us warm with firewood cut and at the ready when the winter chill fills the air.
I have a house that could fit my home in the seam inside it several times. My own room with a soft mattress. A pillow that is not too soft but not too hard. Sheets and blankets that are made of the most beautiful silk.  
I don’t deserve any of this.
I stare at the boxes left on the porch, and I see them all. Rue, Thresh, Foxface, Glimmer, Clove.... they died for me to have this. To live a life of luxury. I don't have to worry about how I'm going to feed Prim. How I'm going to clothe her for the winter. What items I'm going to need to trade.
Mom and Prim are in town assisting in a delivery. I’ve been at our Seam house hiding out, unable to face my District. The fence has been on since we’ve returned. The children have just returned back to school after a happy summer. Families have been well fed and are enjoying extra portions of their rations.
But it’ll come to an end when a new victor is crowned, and the extra rations are delivered to a new district, and everyone will be left to starve and struggle. There'll be an influx of babies born but nothing to feed them with. Babies will cry in hunger, their mother's milk will dry up quicker than they wish, siblings will stand hollow-cheeked in the streets looking for food, father's wages won't be enough to cover daily expenses of food, the district will be exposed to a simple cold that will wipe a fair few citizens out, young and old.
They'll look to me for hope, but I have no hope to give them. All I can give them is a broken 16-year-old girl who is trying to keep her sister alive while still playing the game.
I can’t keep playing their game.
I turn on my heel, a knot of pain forming in my stomach, the rain has started to fall. I pass his house; he's just returned home from Town and to has received his package.  
“Katniss?” He calls out to me. “Katniss, stop!” He yells after me and gives chase.
“Would you just leave me alone?” I call back to him, tears streaming down my face. I’m hoping I can beat him and put some distance between us.
“Katniss!” He calls after me, chasing me through the Victor Village and towards the fence line.
“Just leave me alone?” I cry as I run, the knot in my stomach is slowing me down, and I'm feeling winded. Thunder sounds close to the District.
I have to keep running. I need to breathe. I need the woods. I need to not be here.
“Katniss, don’t!”
The fence is in my line of sight, and I reach out to duck underneath it, but he catches me, pulling me back before my hand touches the fence.
The electrified fence.
“Stop!” He tells me as I fight his hold on my body. He’s keeping me anchored to his body, trying to calm me down as I thrash in his arms.
"Let me go!" I cry, trying to break free from his hold. "Let me go!"
“I can’t.” He tells me as the thunder roars.
“Please!” I cry. “Just leave me alone.”
A bolt of lightning strikes a tree just inside the fence, splitting it cleanly right down the middle.
I’m too stunned to move and feel Peeta drag me away from the fence towards the safety of one of the empty houses.
We’re in the safety of the house when another strike of lightning hits the place where we were just standing next to the fence, the tree falling onto the fence as well, sending sparks flying and the power in Twelve sparking off.
He breaks a window, unlocking the door and dragging me down into the dark basement.
He allows me to cry it out while we wait out the storm.
I cry, trying to get the big knot out of my stomach but it just aches even more.
“Katniss. Talk to me.” He coaxes, crawling towards me. He's found a torch to light up the basement.
We're soaked to the bone. Covered in mud from head to toe. I'm shivering, but I can't focus on that.
“Katniss, please.”
I cry out a no and hold my knees to my chest.
He doesn’t stray far from me.
I can see he’s conflicted as to whether he should comfort me, wrapping me in his arms or let me cry it out.
I sob, hiccupping, before I bury my face into my knees as the rain continues to fall, the thunder and lightning right on top of us.
The thunder sounds like the canons in the arena.
“No, stop! Stop.” I cry, rocking as the thunder rumbles. “Please!”
I feel my hands pulled from my ears, my face brought towards, and he does the only thing he can think of.
To kiss me.
I focus on his lips. The way he squeezes my wrists and holds me steady as he kisses me. Trying to bring me back to him.
He pulls away slightly, looking me in the eyes and gripping my cheeks. “Stay with me.” He murmurs.
I look into his beautiful blue eyes. Settle on the calming color of the blues and exhale. “Always.”
He brings me to his chest, letting me rest against his chest and holds me as the storm passes. We don’t say a lot but being in each other’s arms is enough to get through the storm.
“What happened?” He asks me.
“I just saw the packages on the porch, and all these emotions filled me. I saw all their faces." I admit to him. "I don't deserve this."
He rubs my back before pushing my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.
“Nobody does.” He answers. “All I can think about is the blood on my hands. I can hear the screaming. The pleading to not be killed. The careers laughter. It’s like I’m reliving the arena in a waking nightmare.”
We’ve only been home for eight weeks. The scars may have been polished, but the internal scars will never heal. We'll be able to hear the screams for years.
"That's why Haymitch drinks," Peeta whispers. "To numb the pain." He exhales. "He sleeps with a knife under his pillow, and he doesn't sleep in the darkness because it's all too real for him."
“Will we ever leave the arena?” I ask him.
“No.” He breathes out. “This is our life. Expensive gifts, food to feed us for a lifetime, an allowance and everything else to try and hide the fact that we’re broken inside.”
“How do the other Victor’s survive?”
“I think they just hang on. Get through one day at a time.” He says. “We have to do the same just try and live each day.”
The storm passes, but we stay locked in each other's arms. Our clothes are soaked still, and I start shivering.
“We should get out of these clothes. Your mother will be worried.”
"She hasn't seemed to show a lot of that since I've returned."
“She might not show it or say it, but she does care for you." He reminds me. "She cares about you more than my mother does."
Which is true. I think his own mother was shocked to see him return home. I thought she'd ride alongside him on his win, but she's all but shut him out. They decided before we were even out of the arena that he was moving out on his own.
“Come on.” He says.
I stand first and help him up. We exit the same way we entered the house, and we study the damage done to the window.
“We should probably report the damage.” He says.
"Or it could have been a kid with a ball," I suggest. "We just stumbled across it."
“I’ll go and see Darius tomorrow then.” He says with a slight smile.
He walks alongside me, avoiding the puddles of mud and water.
“Did you want to come over for some stew?” I ask him. “I don’t know how long Mom and Prim will be with the delivery.”
He looks up at me and nods. “Alright.” He smiles slightly. “Let me get changed and I’ll be right over.”
I watch him walk into his house, and I go into my house, avoiding the delivery on the front step and focusing on the stew on the stove while lighting candles around the house.
Peeta arrives with a loaf of bread under his arm, and I watch him slice thick pieces for us to dip into our stew.
The one good thing about having him across the way was the abundance of fresh bread.
“Do you mind watching the stew while I quickly get changed?”
“I’ve got it.” He tells me with a smile. “Take your time.”
I nod, thanking him and heading up to change out of my muddy, rain-soaked clothes.
I dress in flannel pyjama pants and a sweater, knowing Peeta won’t mind the very casual look. I let my hair out of its braid, ridding of any tangles and letting the curls hang over my shoulders and down my back.
I find Peeta has begun to unpack the packages, especially the food and filling our cupboards.
I watch him from the doorway, watch as he quietly works, humming to himself as he flits between the package and the stew on the stovetop.
“You didn’t need to do that.” I say softly, startling him.
“I forgot how light on your feet you are.” He chuckles as he places a small package of flour in the cupboard. “I didn’t want any mice getting into it. Or the food especially.”
“They may as well, there’s more than enough to feed my family for years.”
He nods, and I move to help him unpack the last of the food.
The rest of the package is waiting in the living room. I know Prim will be excited to rifle through it all, trying on clothes, using the pens, claiming books and anything else that we've been gifted.
Peeta dishes up our stew, and we sit across from each other in the kitchen. Our only source of light is from candlelight.
“The last time we sat in near darkness was the cave.” He mentions.
“Hard to believe that was two months ago.” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“I feel like I’ve aged 5 years since we left.”
“Me too.”
It’s mostly silence. We’ve hardly spoken since we’ve returned. Unsure of what to really say.
The train didn't leave us on the best of terms, and I've been cautious of how to broach anything with him. I hurt him. I know that.
But I hope he realises I did it to save his life. To bring him home, despite it not seeming as glamorous as people imagine.
We tidy up, Peeta washes, and I dry the dishes, putting them away.
“What’s the Victory tour going to be like?”
“I’m guessing a lot of speeches, dinners, balls and smiling.” He replies. “People will want to see us.” He swallows the lump in his throat as he hands me a plate. “We’re going to have to present ourselves as being in love, you know?”
I take the plate. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
“They won’t let us go that easily.” He sighs. “Katniss, I wanted to speak to you about my behaviour on the train. I shouldn’t have shut you out. You saved us. I know that.”
“You have nothing to apologise for.” I tell him.
“Katniss, I don’t think you lead me on either.” He whispers.
“I know you felt something in that cave.”
I blush slightly. There's no denying that I felt this stirring when we kissed. I felt this type of hunger. I felt my soul awakening. Despite the heat of his fever and blood poisoning, we shared moments we'd never forget.
"It's fine to not understand your feelings." He reassures me. "I don't even think you're certain what was real and not real in the arena, but I feel like most of the kisses weren't for the cameras." He grips my hand, squeezing it and forcing me to smile at him. "We're under a lot of pressure.” He says. “But I hope you know that I’m here beside you through everything we’re going to be going through in the coming months. You can talk to me. Indulge me in those thoughts in your head. Lean on me when you’re scared. Ask me for advice.”
"I won't break. I think to survive this, we're going to need each other." He sighs. "Only we know what we've been through. Only we understand what we've been through. Those nightmares, dreams, and tears, I'll ward them all away if you ask me too." He tells me. He pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiles at me. “Don’t shut me out and I won’t do the same.” He leans closer towards me and presses a kiss to my forehead.
I look up at him, staring into his eyes, our hands still connected and I watch as he licks his lips and I lean forward to press my own lips to his own.
“Katniss, you home?” Prim calls out, kicking her boots off in the hallway and coming rushing in. “Oh, Peeta, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” Peeta and I step apart from each other. Prim looks between the two of us.
“Oh, he dropped some bread off, and I invited him to eat with me." I tell her. "I wasn't sure how long you and Mom would be."
“Oh, the labor is going to last a bit longer. Mom sent me home because I have school tomorrow.” Prim tells us. “Is there any stew left?”
“Yeah, I’ll heat you up some. Why don’t you go and shower and it’ll be ready when you get out?”
She nods, giving Peeta and I one last look before she heads off upstairs.
“I should be getting home.” He tells me. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for saving me tonight.”
“I’ll always save you. In this lifetime and every other lifetime.” He tells me with a small smile.
I follow him to the front door, watch him put his shoes back on, and when he stands, I pull him towards me, pressing a kiss to his lips. Just a soft kiss but a kiss to tell him I appreciate his help today.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiles at me. “Have a nice evening.”
“Night, Peeta.”
I watch him walk home before stepping inside, closing the door behind me.
“You like him!” Prim squeals from the top of the stairs where she’s perched herself to spy on us.
“Prim! What did I tell you about spying on people’s conversations?”
“Oh, lighten up. I was just coming back down for my pyjamas.” She tells me. “I just caught the tail end.”
“You could at least pretend you didn’t hear any of it.” I scowl.
“I think you like him more than you want to admit to me.” She pokes me.
“Prim, just drop it.”
“Ok.” She smirks. “For now.”
“Prim.” I groan as she rushes past me upstairs. “You like him, you like him, you like him.”
I much prefer her childish behaviour than the words she speaks in fear. She's thriving since I've returned and looks like the girl that never spent a day starving in her entire life.
If she had won the games, she'd never survive the life of a victor. She might for the first few years but the Capitol was attracted to beautiful things, and Prim would be one of them. She'd be defiled, used, abused and have her innocence taken away. She wouldn't return as my Little Duck, she'd be this broken
I wanted to keep her innocence as long as I could because having a broken sister would kill me.
“Fine, I do.”
She squeals and embraces me before running upstairs to shower, and I just shake my head with a slight smile on my face.
“Hey, thought I could accompany you two beautiful Everdeen girls into town?” Peeta calls out to us the next week. I said I’d walk Prim to school as I had to get a few things from town.
“Sure, Peeta.” Prim smiles. “What are you up to today?”
“Going to help dad out for a little while at the bakery." He tells us. I look at him with a worried look.
“Oh, are you decorating any cakes?”
“Well, I might be able to make you one especially, Miss Primrose.” He smiles at her.
Prim and Peeta chat mostly, and I feel like the third wheel as we head to town. We both say goodbye to Prim at the crossroads, and she catches up with some of her friends before we head on down the road to town.
“You know this is probably setting an impression on the townsfolk." I comment, noticing how close he is to me.
“Well, we need to keep up with appearances.” He tells me through gritted teeth. We greet a group of children on their way to school.
“What, why?”
“He’s watching us.”
“Haymitch caught wind that a whole new team of Peacekeepers are being deployed in the coming week.” He tells me. “He’s also recruiting the help of a lot of cameras, locals and our homes are bugged.”
“Last week after the storm, when the Capitol technicians came to fix the power, they added a few features to our homes.” He tells me. “Don’t worry, just the downstairs.” He tells me, shushing me to keep quiet. “Haymitch gave me the heads up.”
“What does this mean?”
"We continue on with our lives the way we have been. We watch what we say inside our homes. We ensure we're careful on what we're doing out in public. We just be on guard as much as possible. Anything relating to the Capitol we don’t speak of in our homes or around anyone we can’t trust.” He tells me.
“And what does that mean for us?”
“Well, if we continue visiting each other, going for walks together into town, keeping up those appearances then I think he should be happy.”  He smiles at me. “Haymitch told me Snow’s not convinced of our love story.”
“Oh, he told you?”
“If we continue the way we’re going, I’m hoping we’ll get him off our back.”
“So you want to continue a fake relationship?”
“I don’t think it’s fake, Katniss.” He says stopping me and grabbing my hands. "I do feel genuine feelings from you. And I hope you recognise my feelings for you are truly genuine." I nod as he cups my jaw with his hand and smiles at me. "No rush or pressure but I want you to know that you are looking quite beautiful today.” He brushes his thumb down my cheek and then presses a quick kiss to my forehead. A small group of peacekeepers are heading along the path towards the school. “Shall we continue into town?”
Peeta nods at the peacekeepers and grabs my hand as we head into town.
I had to admit, it wasn’t so bad. There could be worse people I could be engaged in a fake relationship with.
A group of merchant women have gathered outside the greengrocer. A toddler runs between the women, chasing his older sister who’s not yet school age.
They turn to look at us, noticing our fingers entwined and stop their conversation.
“Good morning to you all.” Peeta greets them as we head for the door of the grocer. He kneels down to be eye to eye with the two kids and smiles at them. “Morning Miss Penny and Mr Darcy.” He greets them, ruffling Darcy’s blond curls and smiling at him. “Hope you are good."
They both nod enthusiastically and Peeta plays a magic trick of pulling a coin from behind their ears. They’re entranced with the trick and Peeta gives them a small coin each.
I watch their mother roll their eyes at the ‘charity’ her children have just received but what Peeta has given them is enough for one sweet each.
I try not to scowl too much and watch as Peeta interacts with the children. My heart flutters inside my chest. I hope he'll one day get to become a father. A father to beautiful blonde haired and blued eyed children.
The women look up at me with the mother reaching down for their hands.
“Come on, Penny and Darcy, we better leave Mr Peeta and Miss Katniss to go about their day.” She reaches down for their hands, pulling them away from us. “We have work to do unlike others around here.”
The women stalk off, their noses held in the air like they’re something of importance.
“They really don’t like the idea of a Seam girl being a Victor do they?”
"No." Peeta replies and opens the door. "But they better get used to it. You are part-merchant."
“That I am.” I agree. “But also someone with a lot of spare change." I say a little too loudly for these women to hear me. "Worth a try." I shrug my shoulders.
Peeta carries the bag, and he accompanies me for the rest of my errands. We call into the bakery for him to say hello to his family and he collects some ingredients from his family, slipping some coin into the register and bidding them goodbye. His mother has just ducked out, and I know he doesn't want to subject me to her.
But we aren’t so lucky.
“Peeta, what brings you here?” His mother asks, stepping through the door. She looks me up and down and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Just saying hello.” He tells her. “How’ve you been?”
“You know, fine.” She purses her lips. “Katniss.”
"Hello, Mrs Mellark."
“What are you doing with my son?”
“She had some errands to run, and I thought I'd help her carry her things back.” He tells her. “Since we’re neighbors now.”
“Right, neighbors." She states. "How is Victor's Village? Cozy I bet?"
“It’s very spacious. You should come and see it for yourself one day.” He tells her. “I’d happily give you a tour of my new home, might even invite you over for dinner. Katniss makes a wonderful stew.”
“Why would I want a meal made by Seam Scum?”
“Mother, I will not have you insult my girlfriend like that.” He tells her, reaching for my hand. I watch the color drain from her face. “And she’s not from The Seam, she’s from Victor’s Village.” He reminds her.
“Just because she’s moved out from The Seam doesn’t mean she’s still not that scum.”
“Mother, I will not have you insult Katniss any further. If you wish to visit us for dinner one evening, you have my number.” He tells her. He takes one of the bags from me. “Come on, Katniss, we have to pick supplies up from the apothecary." He lets me leave first. "Goodbye, mother."
“Slow down, Peeta!” I call after him. We’ve just finished the last of the errands, and he's made a beeline to head back. The conversation with his mother upset him.
But she was insulting me more than him.
“Peeta, just talk to me.” I beg. He shakes his head and walks faster. I try to keep up, matching his strides.
Anytime before I’d had run out on Mrs Mellark. Let her words get to me and would have made my way to the woods.
But I don’t want that woman to reduce me to nothing. Not reacting was the best defence against Mrs Mellark.
I grab his arm and steer him towards the old rotunda. I check to see if it’s been bugged before I speak.
“Peeta, you’re mother is just wicked. She’s a sad woman who will never change." I tell him. "If I had almost lost my son in the games, I'm sure my attitude would change, I'd see this as a second chance to make my amends, but she's not like that and really, you don't need a woman who doesn't care about you."
“She’s my mother.”
“I know but the things she’s done to you, I don’t believe she should get to call you her son.” I tell him. “There are a lot of other people out there that care for you and want to love you." I squeeze his hand. "I can take her insults, Peeta. Her words mean nothing to me. They don't hurt me. I know where I came from, my heritage and all. People just forget that because I favor my father in looks."
“It just hurts that she doesn’t believe you’re worthy of me. That I can’t be with a Seam girl. She’s so caught up in the old ways that it’s scandalous of me to be interested in you.”
"Who cares what they all think. We're alive at the end of the day, and I think they should be celebrating that more than where we come from." I remind him. “Come on, let’s get these groceries home.
He goes to his own home, and I go about unpacking the groceries, making lunch and wandering the house bored out of my mind. I nap on the couch, read a book and braid my hair over and over again.
I decide I might walk into town to meet Prim, but I find Peeta at the front door, cake in hand and a notebook in the other.
“Hi.” I greet him.
“I have a proposition.” He tells me.
“I think we should go somewhere else.” He tells me.
He places the cake on the bench with a note for Prim and takes my hand, leading me through the Victor’s Village towards the gardens. We find the stone bench and take a seat. Peeta shows me what he’s been working on and it’s in a lot of depth and detail.
The Relationship Plan
“You’ve planned out our relationship?” I ask him.
"It's about being three steps in front of Snow." He tells me. "We have to be on our toes so I thought if we have a timeline to follow, we can be smart and ahead of Snow. He won't predict our moves, and we're winning."
“I don’t want this to be about winning. I just want to keep Prim alive.”
"I know you do, but we can't protect Prim if we're dead." He reminds me. "We just have to be smart and on our toes."
“Don’t you think Snow will pick up that we’re following a timeline?”
“We’re madly in love, Katniss.” He smirks. “We’re just doing what they expect us to do but a little more prematurely than they expect. It’ll work, even Haymitch thought it was a good idea.”
I look at the timeline and see what he’s planned out from now leading up to the games and a little beyond.
“Peeta, they’re going to expect children from us.” I whisper.
He wraps an arm around my shoulder and scoots closer to me. "I won't expect us to anything you're not comfortable with.” He kisses my temple.  
It’s brilliant what he’s planned out. Every little bit of detail. It's a master plan, and I feel as if we can pull it off.
“So, if you agree we’ll start the ball rolling tomorrow.” He tells me. “I’ll call Effie and get her to organise some jewellery catalogues to be sent out. That will get the gossip started.”
I look at the timeline and study it. Peeta has thought of every detail, right down to the little things and people whom we’ll get to help us pull off our plan.
"We're going to have photographers in our faces and watching our every move."
“That’s alright. I suppose it helps Snow keep an eye on our every move.” I respond. “I won’t be able to hunt though.”
"Yes, you will, just limited trips." He smiles. "I'll be the diversion, and they officially can't step inside Victor Village so you'll sneak out and I'll head into town. It'll work."
“I won’t be able to see Gale.”
He frowns slightly. "I think it'll be best for you to step away from him, especially if Snow thinks something is going on between you two." He grasps my hand. "It'll be hard I know but think of Prim."
It’s true, anything to keep Prim alive will be worth it.
“Alright, let’s get started.” I smile at him.
“When will these photographers leave?” Prim asks, peaking a look out the living room window.
They've been camped out for nearly 8 weeks, and Peeta and I are planning our engagement to happen in a matter of days. He's ordered the ring, and it's arriving today on the train. The photographers have died down in numbers, assuming an engagement wasn’t going to take place but if one photo of Peeta carrying a small parcel from the train will set off the rumors again, and more photographers and possibly film crew will head on out.
"Soon." I tell her. "I know it's hard, but they just want to be here in case."
"But you and Peeta aren't planning an engagement are you?" She asks me. We hadn't informed her of the plan, and I was playing dumb.
“I don’t think so Prim. If Peeta is he hasn’t let on.” I tell her. “Come on, I’ll walk you to school.”
Peeta would leave just after us, the train arriving at 9 where he’ll pick up the ring packaged in the jewellery company seal and he’ll walk on home with the package on display.
I put my head down as we walk by the press and Prim and I chat quietly as we head to school.
I kiss Prim goodbye and turn on my heel, heading back home with my hands buried deep inside my coat pockets.
Peeta comes over an hour later, and we remain in the house together.
“Peeta, I need a hand down in the basement to move a few things.”
He follows me down the stairs, and we take a seat on an old chest.
“Did you get it?” I ask him.
I notice him beaming and he nods. "Yeah, I did. It's beautiful."
I decided I didn’t want to see it, I trusted him to pick something for me.
“We’re doing this?” I confirm.
He nods and smiles. "We're doing this." He squeezes my hand and leans over and kisses me.
In the last few weeks despite following the planned timeline, our relationship has bloomed. I’ve tried to focus less on saving my butt and actually enjoying time with Peeta. On learning everything there is about him and letting my attraction grow.
If we’re going to be on this train forever, I might as well get to know the man I’ll be spending my life with.
We pull apart breathless, and he smiles at me, brushing his thumb over the corner of my mouth and smiling.
“Can’t wait to get fake engaged to you.” He laughs.
I laugh too, and he kisses me again before he leads me up the stairs.
Two nights later, I'm standing in his kitchen where we've just eaten roast chicken and danced in the kitchen to some music before dessert when he gets down on one knee and professes his love as he flashes an emerald stone ring at me.
The ring was gorgeous.
"Emerald for your birth month and for your favourite color.” He tells me, slipping the ring on my finger and kissing me.
He spins me around the kitchen, and we dance the night away.
He walks me home quite late where we share the news with my mother and sister before he leaves for his house.
“It’s beautiful.” My mother comments. “He did a marvellous job.” She had helped him pick a few out. He also asked for Haymitch’s opinion.
I smile. I've been gushing all night because he genuinely does know me and picked something for me and not for show.
“Can I tell my friends at school?”
"Of course you can." I say as I embrace her.
We were relying on a few people to spread the news while I hid out for a few days.
Prim would go to school telling her friends who’d spread the news like playground gossip. The children would go home and tell their parents the news who'd have hopefully already heard.
I'd tell Madge when she comes around for an early breakfast, one we'd been sharing for the last 8 weeks. She'd hopefully bypass home and tell her father before rushing off to school. Her father would notify the staff in the house and then the team at the Justice building who'd tell everyone who'd step foot into the building. Commander Cray would hear, telling a few peacekeepers who'd then share the news amongst the barracks. The peacekeepers that hung out at The Hob would spread the news to all those in the Hob. Then those in the hob will share the news with their customers who'd later go and tell their families.
Peeta would inform his family first thing in the morning and hoped they’d display a picture of us in the window congratulating us. This notice would catch the attention of the Merchants and word would spread amongst them all and their customers who’d tell their neighbours and friends. By the time the notice goes up, Madge should have told her father who’d be on his way to work.
And finally, Effie we'd tell her during a phone call. She'll tell her friends who'd then spread the news to everyone they knew, and it’d quickly make it’s way to the President and the press. The press would camp out, knowing we were leaving for the tour very soon and knew they'd see the ring on my finger hopefully before we leave.
We'd step out first thing Saturday morning, Peeta picking me up and accompanying me into town. The press would have a shot of the ring immediately, and by the time we returned home, it'd be confirmed and Peeta and me on every Capitol TV program and front cover of their newspapers and magazines. The press would then head on back to the Capitol to ready themselves for our Victory Tour, and a Capitol TV crew would arrive early on Monday morning for our lead up interview of the Tour, and we'd speak officially and exclusively of our news. Our news we'd hope would set the tone of the Victory Tour.
And our plan is executed perfectly.
“Katniss and Peeta, we must know, how did he propose?” Caesar asks us through the camera.
We’re due to leave for District 11 in 15 minutes.
I'm standing with my left hand on his chest to show off the ring as we embrace. Snow flurries are in our hair and on the fur of our coats. My lipstick is slightly smudged, and Peeta has a little bit of pink on the corner of his mouth after our kiss in the snow.
"We had just eaten roast chicken, and I invited her to dance in the kitchen with me before we had dessert." He tells them. "I whispered in her ear as we danced how lucky I am to have found someone like her and how I don't want to live without her. I've almost lost her once, and I wanted her to know how much she truly means to me in case something does happen.”
“He got down on one knee… his good knee.” I laugh which causes Caesar to laugh wildly. “And then said, ‘Katniss, I don’t want to spend another day without you. I want to make you my wife and stay with you always.’” I recall for all of Panem, staring into Peeta’s eyes.
“And she said yes.” Peeta smiles, staring back at me. “She made me the happiest man in the world.”
"How exciting!" He gushes. "Am I right folks?" The crowd agrees with awes and coos. "Well we better let you be, and we'll be checking in on your throughout the Victory Tour. Thank you Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, we’ll be seeing you two here on this very stage in less than a fortnight.”
We wave goodbye and stand there until the lights on the camera go off. I brush the snow from his hair, fix his collar of his coat and smile just before I lean in and peck him on the lips.
"No time for that, we have a train to catch." Effie barks, stepping down from the porch of my house and leading everyone to the cars that will take us to the train station.
“You ready for this?” He asks me with a questioning look.
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stormquill · 5 years
mahpiohanzia | chapter five [Remus Lupin/Reader]
You are an Animagus-in-training nearing the end of your education. He is Generic Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher Replacement #7. Your final year at Hogwarts couldn’t possibly be any stranger than the previous six...but seven is one of the most powerful numbers in magic, after all.
Author’s Notes: Co-written by Andrew. Follow the blog @mahpiohanzia.
Notes: march's update is late, but I'm hoping to still have april's out on time!
we're still on a canon timeline at the moment, starting of course with Harry's very rudely interrupted Quidditch match. i love the idea of you finishing up your animagus training by exploring with mcgonagall and i could probably write a whole series alone about your misadventures tbh. a lot of stuff is happening in the next chapter (December), there's a slight chance I might have to split it in two? but we'll see. what do you think our dear Professor Lupin should get for Christmas? :3c
please let us know what you think! your absolutely lovely, fantastic reviews are what keeps us going, and we cherish each and every one!!
The weather remained stormy throughout the first week of November.
After Halloween night’s break-in, the atmosphere at Hogwarts grew tense with rumors. Sirius Black had somehow managed to get into the castle and attack the Fat Lady—Gryffindor’s common room portrait—when she refused to grant him entry to the dormitories.
As a result of the incident, dementor activity increased tenfold.
Though the dementors weren’t supposed to cross into the grounds, they disrupted Saturday’s Quidditch match mid-game, making Gryffindor’s seeker pass out on his broom a hundred feet in the air. If Malfoy hadn’t still been milking his injury and gotten Slytherin’s match rescheduled, the victim that day could have just as easily been a Quidditch player from your house.
How could such an accident have been allowed to happen?
The incident made you even warier of the dementors’ occupation; you never felt safe from them, especially not when you could still catch them out the corner of your eye, drifting aimlessly like enchanted smears of ink across the distant landscape. Even from afar, they filled you with unease. You were finding it more and more difficult to concentrate.
On the night of your first Animagus transformation with Snape and McGonagall, returning to your human form took an hour of careful focus. Not being able to use your wand to revert back made the task exponentially more difficult; though you were warned of this beforehand, it didn’t make the inability to change at will any less terrifying. You needed practice, practice you couldn’t do on your own, as you had to wait for your Ministry of Magic registration to go through before transforming without supervision.
In the meantime, you trained with McGonagall as often as her schedule would allow.
The exhausting drills of transforming from one form to the other and back again took place in her office. Once you got the hang of it, she started transforming alongside you, leading you on excursions on lunch break or between classes. As a raven, you would follow her around the school grounds, through small spaces and crevices you would have never noticed otherwise, mapping out shortcuts around the castle. Sometimes, you even got the chance to terrorize Mrs. Norris. McGonagall would pretend not to notice.
McGonagall’s Animagus was that of a sleek grey tabby cat. Her movements were graceful, postured, and sure, which was a stark contrast to your novice, unwieldy handling of your own feathered mass. You were still getting used to maneuvering properly—sometimes, you would clip a pillar mid-flight, or misjudge your landing and fall off a given surface. On one occasion, you flew straight into a library window and shattered it into a thousand pieces; when you heard Filch’s curses of frustration approaching from a distance, you and McGonagall exchanged glances, and ran.
Above all, you found the hardest thing to reign under control was the powerful animal instinct nagging at you from inside your head. If the voice wasn’t trying to get you to fly higher or draw your attention to random shiny objects, it was alerting you to McGonagall’s presence.
Fake cat. Fake cat. Fake cat.
‘I know,’ you kept telling yourself. ‘Shut up, already, I know.’
The most memorable outing occurred the following week.
To familiarize you with navigating natural terrain outside the castle, McGonagall took you just outside of Hogwarts grounds, where you found a dementor floating directly in your path. It was the closest to one you had ever been—the massive black wraith hovered in place, wearing cloaked, tattered robes whose edges faded into billows of ever-moving smoke. Whenever a human passed it, you noticed, it would give a slight turn of its hooded head, like a dog checking a scent in the air.
You and McGonagall walked directly in front of it.
The dementor did not notice either of you.
You couldn’t get your mind off the revelation throughout the remainder of your classes. Strangely enough, being in your Animagus form was the one instance you had ever felt safe around a dementor. You did not ask McGonagall about it, lest she suspect you of wanting to sneak away from the grounds on a regular basis&mdash. Somehow, the discovery felt like forbidden knowledge you weren’t supposed to have.
Dementors could not tell the difference between Animagi and normal animals.
You were still thinking about it when Defence Against the Dark Arts ended. By the time you handed in your spell theory essay, you were the last person in the classroom.
“Just the Slytherin I wanted to see,” Lupin spoke up, taking the parchment from you. “You seem a bit distracted, today. Everything alright?”
You'd let idle thoughts cut into your attention in-class. That was a problem. “Sorry, Professor. Lots of studying this week. I feel like the moment I stop, everything I’ve learned will come pouring straight out of my ears.”
“The joys of seventh year. Might I recommend earmuffs?”
You smirked, and he smiled up at you warmly.
“Well, now I feel terrible asking this of you,” he started, “but would you be able to meet me after classes this evening? I was quite ill last weekend and could do with some help catching up.”
The request took you by surprise—his proposition to have you as an assistant had only come a little over a week ago. “You’ve already spoken to Professor Snape?”
“Oh, yes. Seemed thrilled with the idea, actually. Did he not tell you?”
“It...must’ve slipped his mind.” You knew full well that was a lie.
To say you were astounded was an understatement. Though you picked up on Lupin’s sarcasm—it was impossible to imagine Snape being ‘thrilled’ about anything—the fact remained that Snape had given Lupin his approval to take you on as his teaching assistant. No summoning you for a meeting in his office? No passive-aggressive remarks during Potions? No pushback at all? You couldn’t imagine what Lupin may have said or done or promised to get Snape to agree so readily. The thought alone was oddly terrifying.
“I know you’re busy,” Lupin winked. “Think you can pencil me in?”
The wink he shot you was like an arrow to the heart.
How could you say no?
Being a teacher’s assistant was dreadful work.
As November trudged on, you were visiting Professor Lupin’s office after school two to three times a week. Half of your time was spent helping him organize sixth-year curriculums, while the other half was spent grading assignments to his unreasonably thorough specifications. Terrible as it may have been, you couldn’t help but think that if Lupin's standards for helping his students were just a little lower, assisting him wouldn’t have proven to be so tedious; you hadn't realized there was so much work behind the skilled instruction he made seem so effortless.
Still, you had accepted the position for completely selfish reasons, and those reasons were proving worthwhile.
You enjoyed receiving the random owl at lunchtime asking if you could help him after classes. Grading through twenty essays on the same topic was just another form of rote repetition for your own studies. Marking sixth-year answers wrong, but also having to detail why they were wrong, did much to help cover the gaps in your knowledge from your academically void year with Lockhart. The trouble was worth seeing what pun would appear on Lupin’s tea mug that day, and the stolen glimpses of him at his desk, focused, nibbling at the end of his quill as he read across parchments.
The bits of colour you had during your week made the rest of it feel that much more desaturated.
Today, you were studying outside, a large table all to yourself due to the colder weather keeping everyone indoors. You were running through multitudes of steps and ingredients for Potions, your many notes spread across the wide stone tabletop. Before your N.E.W.T. classes, you had always thought Potions was an exact science with no room for variation or interpretation, but Snape had done well to prove you wrong. Skipping a single one of his classes would have proven disastrous to your studies, as the majority of the material he provided had absolutely no mention in the assigned textbook; it was frustrating, but following Snape’s generous liberties to the book’s instructions yielded flawless results, results he would be expecting you to replicate from memory.
You looked over the Shrinking Solution recipe for the thousandth time, seeing but not reading any of the words.
You’d rather be flying.
Being an Animagus was invigorating in ways nothing else was. Everywhere you looked, the world around you was recontextualized with new possibilities. What would it feel like to fly over there? Could you reach that point without getting tired? How long would it take to touch that tree in the distance and come back? Five minutes? Ten?
McGonagall had warned you of this, of how addicting your Animagus form could be at first. She told you it was important to regulate your thoughts, to have strict control over your random urges to transform and escape. You had the rest of your life to fly, after all. You just had to stay grounded for another couple of weeks.
Another couple of weeks...
Breathing in a lungful of crisp autumn air, you tried once again to focus on your Potions studies. You realized Snape’s in-class instructions for the Shrinking Solution was almost completely different from the textbook’s—quite literally, all they had in common were the damned ingredients.
Already overwhelmed, you glanced up from your notes.
You spotted Lupin across the field.
He was clearly in a hurry, carrying stacks of parchment and fast-walking down the corridor, when a first-year stopped him to ask something. A split-second of exasperation flashed across his face before melting away, all at once—then, he was talking, his explanation to the young student full of kind smiles and enthusiastic hand gestures. Even when he was stressed, he was happy to be helping.
You found his unbridled enthusiasm enchanting.
To your surprise, you sensed someone approaching you from behind; the sense itself was a weaker, more diluted version of the same instincts you had when you transformed.
“Afternoon, Professor Snape,” you greeted without looking.
You felt a swell of pride at how you managed to give him pause. All it took was years of study and the ability to turn into an animal to keep him from sneaking up on you.
“Afternoon,” he said, flatly. “How is the assistant’s position faring?”
“Very well, I think. Unless you’ve received news of the contrary.”
He acknowledged your attempt at humour with a sarcastic little hum. “You may be wondering why I approved the request.”
“I’ve learned not to question your judgement, sir.”
“Though wise of you, in this instance it would be useful for you to know my reasoning.”
You were both watching Lupin from across the field, now. At this point, Lupin had taken a seat on a nearby bench with the first-year, placing his papers aside completely to review something in their textbook.
“I trust you are familiar with the recent incident involving Sirius Black.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Suspicions and security alike have been heightened across the board,” Snape continued. “As Professor Lupin’s aide, I will need you to keep an eye on him. Report to me of anything...suspect you may find. Understand?”
You kept your reaction neutral, though your mind began racing at once.
So Snape approved Lupin’s request just so you could spy on him? This seemed to be coming out of nowhere. Yet, if Snape was resorting to asking you for help, it meant he had suspicions that weren’t being taken seriously by other members of the faculty. That included the other teachers. That included Dumbledore. Though you had no idea what led Snape to believe Lupin had anything to do with Sirius Black, Snape would not have brought his concerns to you lightly.
He also would not have trusted you, lightly.
You had several questions. Now was not the time to ask them.
“Understood, sir,” you said simply. “I’ll keep you informed.”
To your mild frustration, being mysteriously enlisted to keep secret tabs on Professor Lupin only served to make the man more attractive. Snape would not have levied his wariness without good reason. You always had the sense there was more to him than he let on—now you were sure of it.
But what on earth could he have been hiding?
Several days had passed since your conversation with Snape, and all you saw of Lupin thus far was one severely overworked teacher trying to manage way too many students at once. Were all the teaching positions at Hogwarts this strenuous? McGonagall’s iron temperament and Snape’s perpetual state of irked impatience suddenly made a lot more sense—it was a wonder any of your professors had free time, at all.
You were grading papers at the small side-table and extra chair Lupin had brought into his office for you. Your stack of assignments was running as thin as your tea was empty; it was getting late, and you were on your last paper. Quill in hand, you read the next answer on the exam before you.
You snickered, louder than you intended.
The sound of your laughter put a reactionary smile on Lupin’s face. “What is it?”
“‘Why are they called The Unforgivable Curses?’” you read aloud from the parchment. “‘The Unforgivable Curses are named as such because they are curses that are unforgivable.’”
“Well. It’s not wrong.”
“It’s not right, either,” you said, marking the paper. You flipped through the textbook beside you to cite the exact page where the proper answer could be found. “You’d think being thrown into Azkaban would be a more memorable punishment.”
“Things like the Unforgivable Curses and Azkaban are abstract concepts to those who have no knowledge or experience with them. They're little more than scary stories, to most.”
“I never thought of it that way,” you admitted. “I suppose most people have never seen an Unforgivable used, before. I know I haven’t.”
Lupin made a thoughtful noise. “Pray you never have to.”
You glanced at him. This was the second time you’ve heard him make a vague reference to some terrible experience, voice laden with an unexpected severity that carried an unspoken weight. He had some personal experience with the Unforgivable Curses, that much you could gather. The morbid curiosity of the revelation had you treading lightly.
You tried to keep your tone curious. “Don’t you think it’s something we should see?”
“How do you mean?” he asked, still scratching at his parchment.
“You’re the most practical Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher I’ve ever had, Professor. Wouldn't you agree that we should see every spell and its effects, so we would know how to recognize them in a duel?”
“You’re suggesting I ask for a volunteer?”
There was a gentle edge to his voice that wasn’t there before.
“Well, not a student,” you said. “Maybe a Doxy, or something.”
“No living creature deserves to suffer an Unforgivable Curse. Not even a Doxy.” He sounded final. “Ethical considerations aside, there’s a certain level of intent required to cast such spells—an amount of darkness within you needed to make it work. To speak plainly, I don’t believe myself capable.”
You raised an eyebrow. “How do we defend against them, then?”
“You run.”
The sudden ice in his tone made your blood run cold. You wanted to ask him of his experiences. You wanted to ask him what he’d seen. With a few well-placed questions, you had stolen a glance into a depth of him—the same depth he kept well-hidden, the same depth that drew Snape's suspicions.
Lupin suddenly looked rather tired, as if he knew he’d revealed too much, and you realized too late that you had given him the wrong impression. You had no interest in the Dark Arts, yet your house colours betrayed you; if your questions had come from anyone else, it was curiosity, but because they came from you, it was a warning sign.
“It’s getting rather late,” he said, rising from his desk. “I need to return some creatures to the lake before it gets dark. We can finish up next time.”
“Would you like me to come with?”
“No need. It’s a simple errand, I can manage on my own.”
Lupin had his back turned to you as he gathered several large glass jars from his bookshelf, a large cloth draped over each to shield their inhabitants from direct light. You had encroached on a sensitive topic, and now he was trying to put distance between the two of you to dispel the awkwardness.
You didn’t like how that felt.
“I’m sorry, Professor, it was ignorant of me to suggest—” The apology tasted too much like self-pity, so you stopped yourself and rethought your words. “Like you said, Unforgivable Curses are just scary stories for people who have no experience with them. But I’m sure they’re nightmares, for those who do. I should have kept that in mind before speaking of them so lightly.”
You noticed he stopped shuffling through his shelves.
Getting up from your desk to approach him, you made sure your hands were outstretched by the time he turned to face you.
“Let me help, Professor.”
He stared at you for a moment before handing you a jar.
The walk down to the Black Lake was cool and quiet; the temperature continued to dip as the sun lowered, the slight breeze now biting against your exposed face and hands. You carried two large glass jars apiece, with each jar containing a different-coloured Hinkypunk from third-year lessons from the previous weeks. Hinkypunks were somewhat dangerous pests that were easy enough to dispose of, and though you didn’t question his decision, you were surprised Lupin was going through all the effort of returning them where he found them. Somehow, you imagined he was also the kind of man who escorted wandering spiders from his home without harming them.
One at a time, you released the creatures with no issue. Though they were normally aggressive little tricksters, the Hinkypunks didn’t seem too keen on attacking you once they were set free, instead taking their miniature lanterns and disappearing with a puff of smoke and a squelching shriek.
On the way back to the castle, through the thin layer of fog floating above the Black Lake, you spotted a large cluster of what appeared to be slimy balloons floating in the water.
“What are those?” you asked.
Lupin peered over to where you were looking. “Plimpies, I reckon.”
You approached the waterside to get a closer look. You were familiar with Plimpy eyes as a potion ingredient, but you had never seen the whole animal before. “What happened to them?”
“Merpeople handiwork, from the looks of it. They consider them a bit of a pest, so they tie their legs in knots and let them float away. As you can see, Plimpies inflate when they get stressed—they gather along the shoreline, eventually, and are left to the mercy of nearby predators.”
You thought getting the opportunity to see the Plimpy close would make them look less like balloons, but it had the exact opposite effect. They looked like regular fish hit with Inflating Charms and frog legs cobbled to their undersides—only, their long, skinny legs were tied up in complicated nautical knots that shouldn’t have been possible with organic appendages. There were about twenty of them, give or take. The longer you stared, the creepier the scene became.
Rolling up your sleeves, you squatted by the shoreline and grabbed the one nearest to you. You pulled out your wand from your inner robe pocket. “Deimplicitus.”
The Plimpy’s tangled legs untied. You tossed it back into the lake. It bobbed around for a bit before deflating with a very rude noise and disappearing beneath the water.
You grabbed another Plimpy and started over again.
Lupin called at you from a distance, a small laugh in his voice. “What are you doing?”
“You go on ahead,” you called back, throwing the second freed Plimpy into the lake. “I’ll catch up.”
“It’s nearly dark. If you’re caught outside the castle without a teacher at this hour, you’ll get detention.”
“It’s alright, just go back without me. I won’t be long.”
Unable to leave you alone in good conscience, Lupin watched as you repeated your process, over and over again, with several more of the magical fish floating helplessly at the shoreline. You would grab a Plimpy, perform a Detangling Charm on it, and hoist it back into the water, where it blew a giant raspberry before sinking below the surface. You were ankle-deep in the lake. The bottom of your robes were getting soaked.
Burying his hands in his pockets, Lupin walked over to you. “You really should just let nature take its course, you know.”
“I doubt I’ll disrupt the magical ecosystem by doing it just this once.”
“But why bother?”
“Because I saw them. So I can’t just leave them.”
To your surprise, Lupin pulled up the knees of his trousers, and he knelt down to help.
The two of you continued the task in silence, the quiet broken only by the occasional, hilarious sound of a Plimpy deflating. The sun had already dipped below the horizon by the time you cleared out the cluster. The last fish in sight bobbed in the crook of a large log nearby. You leaned further into the shore, reaching out to get it.
The log moved.
In an instant, the large, wood-like creature rounded on you and snapped at your outstretched arm, sinking its teeth into your wrist. You shouted in surprise—the shock of it sent you reeling backwards, and you landed on your bottom as the creature waded off into the fog.
“Are you alright?” Lupin asked, already at your side.
“I’m fine,” you hissed, quickly getting back on your feet. “Just a Dugbog, I think.”
“Probably here for the Plimpies. We appear to have interrupted dinnertime.”
“How rude of us.”
“Not to worry, Dugbog bites aren’t venomous,” he said, already reaching for your arm. “They tend to get a little nasty if not looked after properly, though.”
Lupin held your wrist in his hands, rotating your forearm to examine the wound. To both of your surprises, there didn’t seem to be any blood or broken skin.
That’s when you noticed what saved you.
You cursed. “The bloody thing made off with my watch!”
“Quite quickly, too. Perhaps it was on a time crunch.”
The snort of laughter you gave was most unbecoming.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar giant of a man approach the two of you from afar.
You turned to him and smiled. “Evening, Professor Hagrid.”
He called you by name. “And Professor Lupin! Blimey, it’s after sundown. What are yeh doin’ out ‘ere so late?”
“My assistant and I were returning some creatures to their natural habitat,” Lupin explained. “What brings you to the lake tonight, Hagrid?”
Hagrid raised the net he was carrying. “Harvestin’ Plimpies.”
You paled, but Hagrid misinterpreted your look of shock completely.
“Now, don’t you look at me like that,” he said defensively. “They make a fine soup.”
Lupin leaned towards you so only you could hear. “Told you we should’ve let nature take its course.”
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter, which was met with Lupin trying—and failing—to hold back the cheekiest grin you’d ever seen on the man. Unconsciously, perhaps, he hadn’t yet let go of your hand, and in a rush of fleeting courage, you let yourself curl your fingers around his own for a moment.
Just a moment.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
rNani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 28: Finally! Some Good Fucking Food!
It’s a month into the second term and a whole lot of technical things were studied. That all changes when the second wave of villain attacks affect the school.
-Intel dorms, Saturday evening-
“I’m getting real fed up with these hero kids fucking everything up!” huffed Mimi as she threw herself on the common room rug “we can’t do shit on this fine Saturday night!”
“It’s not that bad” Hansai raised his voice from the kitchen “we can still turn up in our dorms!” he opened the booze cupboard but was greeted by Jin holding a paintball gun.
“Not so fast bucko!” Jin cried out as he cocked the gun “we gotta ration the booze! It’s only been 3 days since the word on the house arrest for all dorms” he hops out the cupboard “think this through! If we drink all the booze now, how are we going to get more if our rules don’t change?” he turns to the others “we all have to wait it out until we get house arrest lifted on all intel.”
“I hate that you’re right on this one” I groan from the couch “we don’t have a choice, its operation: Sober Waiting Game” I lazily levitate myself to the window and see the security robots on high alert patrol “stupid hero program and their public displays of quirks! Yall aint shit!” I shake my fist at whoever was peering through the other dorm’s window.
Meanwhile, at the hero dorms
“Hey I think the intel kids are mad at us” Kaminari said as he was looking out the window.
“How do you know?” asked Shinso as he walked up to the window.
Kaminari points to the second floor window to see Palma-san shaking her fist at them “I’m 90 percent sure that’s Palma-san cursing us out.”
“It was uncalled for that the school put them on the same house arrest” Uraraka meekly said as she walked up to the window to see “none of them were involved.”
Shinso gets sees an opportunity to get closer to Palma-san “Well in whatever case, I’ll be in my room” he turns to leave the commons room “don’t disturb me.”
Everyone that was in the commons room see him walk in his room and looked at each other in confusion as he never said anything like that before. But they shrugged it off and didn’t question it further.
Shinso:[Hey, how are you holding up on your end?]
Palma:[Not the best, we’re bored]
Shinso:[Wanna come over to my room? Just us?]
He didn’t have to wait for a text back, she teleported in with a beanbag and a bag of hot cheetos.
“Sup” she uttered as she crunched on a cheeto “hope you don’t mind my beanbag chair, didn’t have the will to get up from it.”
“Not at all” he chuckled “you look awfully comfy.”
“Yea, there’s not much to do but laze around in our lounge wear” she sank farther in the chair “we usually have parties or go out to downtown on nights like these” she sighed “and like, we could all say fuck the rules and Jin could teleport us to wherever we want to go or disable those security bots, but we promised no hijinks until the house arrest gets lifted.”
“Well, I guess we could just hang out and get to know each other better” he said as he sat on his rug to get on the same level as her “I don’t know much about you or your many talents.”
“You want to get to know me?” she gave a face of doubt “why though?”
“I hear about all your feats and triumphs” he praised “but I want to know the real you, the side that doesn’t get announced.”
She crunches on more cheetos “Well, I’m some Cali girl that’s gotten into some deep shit” she pauses a moment to think of the next thing to talk about “I’m just trying to be happy with what I’ve got.”
“But what about all your talents?”
“I’ve just gotten lucky” she picks up another cheeto “it’s always been like that.”
“Do you want to be here?”
“Heh, nope” a longing smile spreads across her face “I wanna be back home with my family, eating carne asada and frijoles. I want to be in the arms of my love, I want to cause chaos with my friends at the local swapmeet” she sighs “so many things I want to go back to but I can’t because I’ve committed myself here.”
“So what’s making things worthwhile?” he asked confused “you don’t seem totally miserable.”
“Well, don’t know about you” she put her cheetos beside her beanbag “but my sense of adventure and spry nature is what makes things interesting” she gently levitates Shinso “aren’t you a little curious to run your little paws on me, kitty?” she smirked as Shinso responds eagerly “aww look at you! Kitty wanna play with me? Kitty wanna cuddle up and have some fun?” Shinso obediently nods “come here then.” 
The moment she puts him down, Shinso crawls on to her and starts to softly feel her features. He felt the soft texture of her curly hair, the exaggerated curve of her waist to her hips, her sweet little hands and her.... oddly muscular calves? Her scent is what really got him, like a flower garden and a hint of something sweet.
“I have to say” he cooed as he sniffed her shoulder “I like your scent, er I mean, is that too weird?” he instantly took back his creepy comment.
“A bit? hehehe” she giggled “you’re not the only one, Tenya always deep sniffs me when we hug” she ran a hand through his hair “it’s mostly the dried sachet I carry to suppress my quirk.”
He gives a weird face “That’s new, why the heck do you need your quirk suppressed?”
She explained everything “...I don’t really like the other methods” she sighed “honestly having telekinesis feels like a curse.”
“Why does it feel like that?” he was confused.
“Well it’s so hard to control and delicate” she closed her eyes “I haven’t had a proper nights sleep since I was 5 years old, when my quirk manifested, and I have so many quirk related health issues that have no remedy” she floated up with Shinso and the beanbag “if I get too stressed, I lose control of it and I could die! It’s fucked up but I just accepted it to be my fate.”
“That’s heavy, I’m sorry to hear that” he struggles to find the right words to say.
“Yup, I hope if I have kids, they’d get their father’s quirks” she opens her eyes “so they don’t have to bear the burden that’s my quirk” she scoffed at herself “bold of me to assume that I’ll live or keep someone long enough to have children with me.”
“Whoa that got dark” he tried to change the subject “but why think that you’ll never get there?”
“I’ve just given up on the prospect that I’ll find my one and only” she turned to look out the window “I came here alone, I’ve suffered alone so I’ll just die alone too. And it’s not like I’m sad about it” she tried to reassure Shinso “I’ve cried my tears and I planned out my life as a single woman.”
“What if you get a boyfriend?”
“Coolio, he can stay in my house if he doesn’t mind my floating.”
“What if you do get married? Children?”
“I’ll just have to figure it out from there!” she giggled “I didn’t factor in those things, it just feels like something out of my dreams that seems unattainable” she turned to face Shinso “it’s going to take a very strong and patient man to be my life partner.”
“You’re pretty, smart and strong” he grabs the floating bag of hot cheetos “you have boys fawning over you! Any one would be a fool to not keep you in their lives!” he eats a cheeto and instantly regrets it “oh fuck hot, hot HOT!”
She bursts out laughing “pendejo! can’t handle the spice?”
“NO!” he chugs his cold tea after she sets him down “you ate these like they weren’t spicy!”
“I’d been eating spicy since I was old enough to get solid food” she floated everything down and crunched on some cheetos “hot cheetos are snack spice! You should taste what we eat on a normal basis.”
“Hard pass” he pants with his tongue out “I’d kill for some of that rice milk drink you made though.”
“Go drink some milk fool!” she teased as he ran out to the kitchen “what a wuss.”
“AHHH SHINSO-KUN! ARE YOU OKAY?!” cried out some of the boys that were in the kitchen.
“Oh my God he’s drinking all the milk! Ew” gagged Jiro “that just the nastiest thing I’ve seen in a long time.”
I float out to where everyone was “Sorry yall, Shinso couldn’t handle the spice.”
“Palma-san? What were you doing with Shinso-kun?” asked Sero as he wiped the sweat and milk off of Shinso’s face.
“Just talkin’ and floatin’” she crunched on some more cheetos “Oi Bakugo! Get in on this shit.”
“Fuck yea!” Bakugo aggressively gets some and munches on them “that’s some good shit! God I miss eating your cooking” he gets more cheetos “you’re the only one that gives a spicy option to meals and your ethnic snacks and candy are the best!”
“Aww you miss me miss me?!” I teased to a very laxed Bakugo. He didn’t get irritated at the comment, just kept getting cheetos and crunching on them. “Anyways, fuck y’all for the house arrest” I spat out to really voice the feelings of the intel program “Now WE have to be on our best behavior to get considered for ban lift.”
“But can’t you just teleport anywhere?” Mineta spoke up “and what about your skinny friend with the portal quirk? Seems like you didn’t have a problem coming here.”
“Stupid they’ll get caught anyways!” Sero said as he finished cleaning up all the milk “they have earpieces that have a tracker so they can communicate and find each other” he turned to Palma-san “thats how they warned the school in time for the villain attack.”
“It’s true” I sighed “we were only involved in the communication part of the villain attack, things could’ve gone south if we weren’t coming back early from off-campus training.”
“We are very fortunate Ita, thank you” Iida stepped forward and bowed “on behalf of our class, I apologize.”
“Oh jeez Tenya no need to be so formal with the apologies” I cringed upon his gesture “but I should be warping back, looks like Shinso is pleading me to leave with my ethnic snacks from hell.”
“NO please stay!” Iida reached out to stop her “lets have a nice chat over apples.”
“Depends, will you let me eat unpeeled apples?” I arched my eyebrow.
“Yes, like the heathen you are” he cringed at the compromise “I’ll even slice them for you.”
“Oh fuck yeah!” I yelped as I give the bag of hot cheetos to Bakugo. Everyone was too weirded out by the idea of unpeeled apple eating, so they went about minding their own business. I sat on the floor, against the bed, of Iida’s room and I wasn’t thinking much about his sudden want for me to stay until he entered the room. Once he closed the door and locked it, his whole body language changed from ‘affirmative’ to ‘distressed’. “Tenya? You good?” I asked in a very concerned tone “you didn’t ask me to stay just to chat, did you?”
He sits in front of me, setting the bowl of apples down with a hard sigh “I’m not okay Ita” his voice was cracking a bit “this attack has been taxing me emotionally and I get that I’m the class rep and it’s my responsibility to keep everyone together and be strong but I-”
“But you’re at your limit huh” I finished his sentence and he nodded as he took off his glasses. “You poor thing” I softly spoke as I crawled over to hug him “tell me everything that’s bothering you, I’ll listen.”
He proceeds to talk it out with some tears as she lets him lean on her. Her back rubbing really helped him calm down and get comfortable. “...thank you for listening to me” he turned to make eye contact with her “I haven’t had time to myself and I don’t really trust anyone else with these things.”
“It’s no problem” I smiled warmly to assure him “you always listen to me and my problems, it’s the least I could do.” I start to rub is temples “when was the last time you just relaxed?”
He closed his eyes as he felt the her touch worked it’s magic “I don’t even know, it’s been pretty tough since starting school here” he moans softly “can you just keep doing that but all over my head?”
I giggled “you mean a head massage?” I switched to scalp rubbing “sure, just relax and let me work my magic.”
After a thorough head massage, he sits up and pulls her closer. Before she could say anything, he embraces her in a very needy way. “I wish I could just keep you close like this always” what is this boy trying to get at? “I’ve grown accustomed to your company and...softness.”
“My softness?” I uttered confused “has nobody hugged you as a child?”
“Rarely, your embrace feels like a mother’s love and the comforts of home” his hands shift on her back “do you ever feel like you found something you didn’t know was missing from your life?”
“I have yet to find it” I relax into the hug “but I have a feeling that my life is going to fall into place once I do.” I levitate an apple and take a big bite out of it, making the most wet sounding crunch.
“Okay, hug time over” Iida almost ejects her out of his arms “you might be cuddly but you’re also a skin-on-fruit eating heathen.”
I let out a cackle “nobody’s perfect Tenya” I take another bite out of my apple “these are some juicy bois.”
He couldn’t contain his laughter “you’re so silly Ita! Apples don’t have genders!”
I bust out laughing at that dumb retort and we spent the rest of the evening in that silly mood. Just being ourselves again and forgetting about the conflict that’s going on.
-Fast forward one week, Monday in homeroom-
“Okay everyone I have good news and two pieces of bad news” Diya announces to the class grudgingly “GOOD NEWS, the ban has been lifted on all intel” we all cheer but he waits for us to finish to give us the rest of his announcement “bad news 1: our activities planned for this term have been for the most part cancelled until further notice and bad news 2: we have to train the 1st years to be on par for full program defense in case of another villain attack.”
We groaned and cried out in disappointment as a class, the activities planned were a beach training day and other off-site weapon training. Plus the 1st years aren’t on par for anything really, unlike us, they have terrible team chemistry. We’ve seen their weapons training sessions and they end in disaster and most of the class in the nurses office. Jin raises his hand.
“Yes Matsui?”
“You mentioned full program defense, does that mean we not only have to learn another formation but also add more protocols?”
“Yes, it means precisely that” he exhales stressfully “from now to the end of the term, we’ll be all hands on deck and drill in another 10 protocols.”
I raise my hand.
“Put your hand down Palma, you can’t file a complaint over what our ‘Supreme Rat Overlord’ ,as you put it, called into action.” Diya wasn’t having any of our sass today.
I huffed as I put my hand down to cross them “Well that wasn’t very cash money of the Rat.”
“But you do have more liberties Palma” Diya says as he shuffles through some papers on his desk “since you’re in the hero program as well, you’re providing us with intel on them and increasing their chances of safety when you’re with them.”
“Oh so she’s like plain clothes security for them when it’s class time!” Yuka blurted.
“I guess that would make sense” Hansai thought out loud “those students really like your company regardless on if you have to be there or not.”
“Ugh that’s mega annoying” I groaned as I slid lower into my chair “that means I have to learn their new protocols too.”
“Oh man, press F in the chat for Palma-san’s sanity” Mimi bellowed for the class to participate.
“F” the class chanted in unison.
-After school, in the hero wing-
“Hey Palma-san” waved Shinso as I turned out of the classroom “that was quick, I thought you’d take more than 10 minutes.”
“Naw” I responded as I rubbed my face “unlike other teachers, Aizawa gets shit going if they need to be done.”
“What did you need to submit to him anyways?” he asked as we turned toward the front entryway “you were so stressed out over it that it concerned me.”
“Protocol conflicts” I sighed harshly “since I’m in both intel and hero programs, I abide by both of the given protocols for whatever situations. If I find a conflict that can’t be worked around or get technical, I have to report it so when the time comes neither group will get reamed for breaking protocol.”
“How many did you find?”
“Nearly all 10 new protocols conflict with intel’s new ones” we cross the school gates and into the sidewalk “If we got attacked again before I noticed the conflicts, yall would’ve been fucked because all I could do is rescue Bakugo and Todoroki because they aren’t hero license holders for more than 5 months!” I let out a giggle “imagine the rage Bakugo would be throwing when I have to get them to a safe area.”
“That does sound bad, you have a good sense of logic” Shinso pondered on my explanation “can’t believe the school is trusting you with that information.”
“Well, it’s not like I’m going to run off with these protocols” I smirked “my schooling is being paid for by the government that I’ll eventually have to work for and it’s not like I can leak this info to anybody in the United States, because there’s no hero schools out there” I look at Shinso “so by being responsible with this information and being proactive in the resolutions, I prove to them that I’m a trusted asset and they’re investing well in my education.”
“No hero schools back home? Hmmm” Shinso starts to connect the dots “does that mean that you did a full year of high school before coming here?”
I nod but also start sweating ‘oh crap I think I said too much’ I think to myself.
“Wow, I’m sorry you had to leave like that” his tone changes to something more empathizing “leaving your friends behind and family to a country full of strangers, I see why you feel the need to do things on your own” he stops walking just before the dorm perimeter “you feel abandoned and scared since you stepped foot here, you’re trying to mask all of that with your capabilities to keep everyone away from your past.”
I turn pale, he clocked me for everything I thought I was doing a good job at doing! He steps closer to me and I flinch, reflectively stepping back and put my arm up to block an attack, bad move on my end. He stops to put his hands out, like he was taming a wild animal. He takes another step and I don’t move but I don’t move my arm away either. Another step, I wonder why isn’t he using his quirk to freeze me in place? And what is he trying to do? Why here? Why now? My questions distracted me from him and his arms gently wrapping around me snapped me out of my thoughts.
“What are you-”
“Shhh, Ita” he softly spoke “I get it now, why you are the way you are and the pressure put upon you. It’s not fair and whoever hurt you so you had to ripped away from home, may the universe punish them!” I didn’t know what to say, I just stood there, dumfounded by the near accuracy “you don’t have to tell me the full story right now but know that I care about your wellbeing. And that’s rare for me to say.”
“Hitoshi” I broke my silence and hugged back “thank you, I’ve been waiting for someone to just stop trying to pry and just be understanding that I’ve been through my worst nightmares and barely survived” my face starts to creep up with a hard blush “it’s comforting to know that you care.”
“Why?” he asked as he pulled away from the hug and caught sight of my flushed face.
“Oh, uhh” I start stammering “no particular reason-” I lock eyes with a familiar item thats poking out of Shinso’s backpack, a fucking pill container with a full nug of weed inside! I can’t let him know that I know what I saw so I blurt “hahaha good talk BYEEE!” and I teleport to my dorm. I peek from the common room window a perplexed Shinso walking up to the dorms and disappear inside.
“What the hell was that?” Yuka asked me when I turned to walk back to my room “don’t try hiding it Palma-san! I saw you do your little panic run-turn-to-teleport!” she narrowed her eyes and got snarky “you like that purple haired boy, don’t you?~”
“Ah fuck you caught me!” but right when I said that, Tetsutetsu jumped out from behind the couch.
“I KNEW IT!” he yelled “my boy finally warming up to you, I’m abouta cry some manly tears!”
“What the hell? Yuka are you trying to get us in trouble?!”
“Take a look at the full ban rule” she pointed to a packet on the counter “Jin did some snooping to get the full tea on our liberties.” She made 4 of herself to prevent me from changing the subject “so~what did you say that made you panic?”
I sighed and snickered “Okay so like, he almost clocked me on my past and was like ‘it’s ok I get it now and I care about you and thats rare’ right” I hold it together for the next part “and I’m like ‘oh I’m so glad that you care’ because I’m that bitch and I start blushing and he saw and that got me a lil fucked up that I looked away from him and saw that he got some of that good good” I pause to let Yuka gasp “yeah and I’m like damn he’s tight as fuck if he sparks up like me but I looked sus and I panicked a bit.”
“Thats cute though!” Yuka exclaims “OH you should drop in on a roof sesh and be like ‘oh? you’re here too?’ and see where the night takes you.”
I didn’t want to hear anymore Yuka date ideas “I’ll see BUT I wanna know the hot tea on this ban and where the hell it says the tin man is allowed to be here.”
“HEY!” Tetsu yelps at my comment.
“Oh sorry, Tin ADOLESCENT” my retort made Yuka laugh as I made my way to the packet. I spent about an hour on the 5 page with size 11 font packet to find every work around and liberties we could hark on. “So the ban was only for the dorm students, not because we were involved” I ponder a bit more “if they made a huge deal about us too, why wasn’t this packet made available to us sooner?”
Jin turns to place a cup of cucumber water in front of me “re-read the bottom of page 3″ he said as he turned the page for me and points at the section “it says something about targeted students and the students associated with them are to be under surveillance until ban is lifted.”
“Yea, it’s to prevent kidnapping and negotiating with the enemy right?”
“Not only that” he takes a sip of his cup “the school knows what we did at operation Lion’s Den. We put an authoritative eye on our class because of it” I stressfully put my head in my propped up hands “hey don’t be hard on yourself! The blame for any of this was that broccoli lookin ass and the aggressive twink.”
“I guess but that doesn’t make me feel less bad about it” I softly slam my head on the counter “and I assume that you found that I have to prevent them from any sort of recklessness on our off-site training?”
“Right on the money!” Jin finger-gunned at my guess “but you’ll have Mimi and I to help you with that since we’re the team with the most experience.”
I wasn’t liking all these changes but it was relieving to know my friends are going to be by my side. The days pass and I get more and more curious on Shinso’s weed preferences and routine. With some careful observation and some bribing of the 3rd year intel students, I’ve gathered that his dealer is some 3rd year business student and he smokes 3 times a week. He’s always alone when he does with occasional company from Aizawa, uses a glass piece to smoke out of but no intel on his choice of strain. Also, the more I notice, Shinso has warmed up to me to the point where he doesn’t chuckle at my wit but instead laughs genuinely. He’s given me more affection by giving me hugs and wiping the sweat off of my face when we do training. Much to my relief, nobody is noticing all this and I find the right time to wiggle in that I also smoke.
-After school, on the way to the dorms-
I do a deep sniff of the air “hey you smell that?”
“Smell....what?” asked Shinso, visibly panicked.
“That smell” I do some quick sniffs like a dog finding their bone “the smell of that sticky-icky” I sniff toward Shinso “hmmm, well wherever it’s from, disappointed to know that they didn’t invite me.”
“Wait, you know it’s weed?” Shinso asked bewildered at my coolness “but how?”
I giggled “Silly Hitoshi! I came from California, weedtopia of the United States!” I pointed at his bag “also I took a lil peek at your bag and I can’t believe you just carry your nugs in those pill bottles” I make a hand gesture “at least put it in a rolled up pair of socks until you get to your dorm.”
Shinso stood there with his mouth open and red faced, he could not believe that I knew so much. “S-so hmmm” he stammered “you wouldn’t happen to smoke yourself...do you?”
“I do, who wouldn’t after dealing with those kids all day” I sighed “invite me to your smoke sesh sometime, I’d love to show you a good time.”
He caught on to my flirt and just turned more red “Umm yeah for sure” he tried to be cool about it “how about tonight? On the rooftop?”
“I’d like that” I responded with out breaking a sweat “see you later~” I turn and teleport out into my dorm. I start freaking out a bit because I can’t believe I just did that. I walk out to the commons room to express my freak out “guys I’m fucking reeling! I got myself in the infatuation zone with that purple haired boy.”
“The one with the eye bags and brainwash quirk?!” Mimi exclaimed “you got a smoke sesh with him?!” I nod and everyone squeals in excitement “when for?”
“Tonight at usual getting high hours on the hero rooftop”
“Bitch what are you doing telling us?!” Yuka scolded me “you should be getting ready! it’s T-minus 3 hours until real getting high hours.”
“It’s just a smoke sesh Yuka”
“Don’t you want to get in the commitment zone?” she made a good point “didn’t you tell us that what’s his face isn’t interested in what you’re dropping?” she pushes me to my room “it’s time to get pretty and forget about that goody goody glasses boy!”
As I get ready, I start to recall all the times Iida didn’t pick up on my advances in comparison on how Shinso picked up on mine right away. If I play my cards right, Shinso is the one, no doubt about it. I check the time, it’s nearly 7pm, he’s probably on his way to the roof but I didn’t want to seem desperate so I waited until he got there to teleport over.
“Hey~” I say as I teleport in sight.
“Hey yourself” Shinso responded “you look really cute.”
“Oh thanks” I may have tried too hard to get in the commitment zone, I wore my finest sporty capri leggings and a cat crop top “it’s just my comfiest sesh wear.”
“Thats what I like alot about you” he said as he pulled out a few pill bottles out of his pencil pouch looking bag “you don’t try hard to look cute or pretty, you can pull off anything and you’d get complimented.”
“Thanks...so what you smokin?” I tried to change the subject “are you a sativa lad or indica enthusiast? or a hybrid edgelord?”
“What’s your favorite?” he sneered at me “since you know so much?”
“Pues, I smoke indica to help me sleep since my quirk can activate while I sleep” I start explaining as I pull out my pill bottles and rolling papers “but I love to smoke hybrids when I’m with others.”
“Oh you’re a joint girl” he oogles my variety of rolling papers and blunt wrappers “can’t say I can roll to save my life, so I’m a piece person.”
“Figured that much about you” I pick up a pill bottle “but you have some nice ones, back home the boys usually just have the cheap ones and they break in your hands” I grind a chunk of nug “it totally kills the mood! Thats why I took the time to perfect the art of joint rolling.” I start rolling up a joint on my thigh with grace “see? can’t ruin the vibes if you know how to roll” I lick the edge to seal and twist the end to finish the joint. I hand the joint to Shinso and he gives me a surprised look.
“For me?” he takes the joint from my hand “what’s the strain?”
“One of my favorites, Pineapple Kush in a pina colada flavored rolling paper” I get giddy to explain it “it’s an indica that has a pineapple-y taste and with the flavored paper, it’ll taste like summer! Plus the indica will help you knock out if you’re having trouble falling asleep.”
He palms the joint “Wow you really know your stuff huh?” he tucks it in his pouch “I’ll save it for a sleepless night, but I show you my favorite” he picks up one of his bottles “OG Purple Kush, semi grinded in the bowl.”
“OH! Have you ever mixed it with some Purple Paralysis?”
“With what now?!” he asked as he popped open the bottle.
I scan through my bottles to find it “this one, Purple Paralysis” I hand him the bottle “its a sativa and it’s not the strongest but mixed with OG purp, it’ll make you inspired to do some song writing or poetry.”
“Hmm, I’m intrigued” he looks at me with curious eyes “grind some so we can smoke it, I really want to feel what you mean.”
We combine the two in Shinso’s piece and smoked, the effects hit and we started to really have a good time.
“What are you thinkin’ about?” I asked as I poked his forehead “you look like you have an idea.”
“I was just thinking that I was wrong about you” he smiled and made eye contact with me “you know your stuff and I should listen to you more” he smirked “actually I think everybody should, you’re amazing Ita.”
“Oh stop it you!” I blushed and playfully pushed him “you talk me up too much but I feel like that sometimes” I lay down, resting my head on my bag “that everyone should listen to me because I do know a thing or two about the given situation but I don’t know” I sigh softly “I never wanted to be the leader but the leader isn’t doing anything either so I’m just stuck as the voice of reason.”
“You don’t want to be a leader?” Shinso lays next to me “is it because of your family dynamic?”
“Not really, it’s more that I don’t like authority and I don’t want to be hypocritical and be an authority too.”
“Oh damn thats deep” Shinso looks up at the night sky “I should write that down and pin it to my wall.”
“Oh lordt que de dije that mixing the two will result in this” I giggle “I’m glad that you wanted to smoke with me tonight” I look up at the sky “it’s a lovely night to get high with someone and get lost in thought.”
“Yeah, a lovely night” a silence followed, just vibing and stargazing. Shinso turned to her “you know, you’d make an excellent wife someday” their eyes met, her’s having a confused look “you’re beautiful inside and out, anyone would be a fool to not keep you around and make you happy.”
“I believe you” I smiled and blushed “you told me sober and under the influence, it must be true.”
We spent hours just talking with some flirty undertones, plans for more sessions to come. I go to bed feeling happy that finally I have someone that’s interested and responds to my advances. Not only that but I really feel that Shinso is going to be endgame with me. I could genuinely say that I am falling for him.
-Chapter 28 End-
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