#it is absolutely so unfair that the world doesn’t have her in it any more
bincliff · 10 months
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
Steve comes home from a few hours of running errands with his and Eddie’s one-year-old daughter Moe to find Eddie pitching an absolute fit to his beleaguered book agent Paul over the phone.
Given how Eddie’s third book is about three months away from its release date, Steve has a pretty decent idea what the fit might be over.
The dreaded book tour.
Look – Steve doesn’t like it either. He didn’t like it back in ‘95 when Eddie’s first book came out. He didn’t like it in ‘99 with the second one either. He definitely won’t like it this time around, especially now with Moe in the picture. He actually likes having his partner around, believe it or not (and, if he’s honest, there’s still some baggage surrounding work-related travel and his parents’ relationship that he’s still trying to shake).
Still, he knows it’s a necessary evil of Eddie’s success and they’ll all survive it.
That’s Steve’s perspective anyways, even if Eddie doesn’t share it with him.
Eddie looks over as Steve drops a few bags of groceries onto the kitchen counter.
“Hang on, Paul – Steve just got back from absconding with my daughter,” Eddie says, and then he pulls the phone away from his ear, “Don’t put her down for a nap yet.”
Steve only shakes his head.
“Sorry, Paul,” he says, not raising his voice quite enough for Paul to actually hear him (Eddie hears him though, and that’s what matters) as he continues on his way up the stairs to get Moe ready for her nap (he’ll drag out the process as long as he can for Eddie’s sake – he’s not a total monster).
In the end, Eddie’s phone call ends no more than five minutes later.
“So what’s the damage?” Steve asks when Eddie makes his way into Moe’s room.
“Five weeks,” Eddie grumbles as he pulls Moe out of Steve’s arms. He presses a kiss to her chubby cheek and then adds, “Stops goddamn nation-wide.”
“Maybe stop writing so good and you wouldn’t have this issue,” Steve points out.
“Shut up – I’m not gonna do it. Paul can drop me, see if I care.”
“You’d care.”
Eddie’s shoulders slump.
“Yeah, I’d care,” he mutters, and then he shakes his head, “It’s entirely unfair that he’d expect me to leave home for over a month when he knows I have a little baby at home. I’m not doing it. She’ll be a whole teenager when I come back, Stevie.”
Steve looks at him, “It’s five weeks, love. She’ll probably still be the same shoe size.”
“I’ll miss our anniversary.”
“No, you won’t. It’s not ‘til the month after.”
“Okay, who’s side are you on here?”
“Paul’s, obviously.”
Eddie’s jaw drops as he feigns an affronted expression.
“I cannot believe that my beloved, my betrothed–”
“–would side with my traitorous agent over–” 
“Ed, Paul was pretty forgiving when you slowed down writing for six months for the foster training stuff,” Steve points out (and it’s a point that actually manages to stop Eddie’s tirade – an impressive feat, he’s well aware), “And then he was really forgiving when you stopped completely for almost a year when Moe was born. Wasn’t this book supposed to come out, like, over a year ago? I feel like the least you can do is put up with a book tour given everything you’ve put him through.”
Eddie only blinks at him a moment – clearly trying to fathom any kind of counter-argument and coming up empty.
“Damn you,” he mutters.
“Can’t believe you used to be the guy who wanted to be a rockstar and go on year-long world tours,” Steve laughs, “Now you can’t even handle a month of the continental United States.”
“Watch your mouth, Harrington. Hey – maybe you and Moe can come and be the world’s cutest groupies.”
“We’ll see.”
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felis-rach · 4 months
This world needs more bowsareach! So here's a little something I wrote for them! (It was part of a bigger fic I didn't finish, but it doesn't need context)
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Mario was starting to think that all the “hero” thing made him forgot how to deal with mundane challenges.
He realized that when he saw himself using the cat-bell to climb up the wall and get a book from the top of the shelf. And when he tried to explain the claw marks to Peach, saying, “but what ELSE could I have done?” Her answer was silently pointing to a chair.
Bowser thought this was all hilarious, of course. And Mario had to remind him of who breathed fire into the oven when it wouldn’t turn on. And the reason they had to eat microwaved food for a week.
It was just a simple memory of some random day, but it made Mario feel so nostalgic. Their little home, hidden in a hill on the edge of the kingdom and accessible through a warp pipe they built, was no less than a dream come true.
After all, dating two monarchs meant that the three of them couldn’t simply rent an apartment together. Peach had to stay at her castle, and Bowser, at his, and when they eventually arranged the marriage that would unite the two kingdoms, it would be time to live together and Mario would come along.
But for now, the three of them settled in getting a little house to be the place they could run away to when Peach and Bowser got a moment of peace. It was great, especially when they managed to spend a whole weekend there.
Mario had the time of his life watching The Royals get used to the cottage. Peach, as a regent who always placed herself at the same level of her people and hated to be perceived as superior, gave her best to act naturally, so Mario tried to hide his laughter when they sat down to eat and her face just read “Oh, indeed, this table has but four chairs and doesn’t occupy the whole room.” He could see her dying inside a bit when all the plates and cups got too cramped up.
Bowser, on the other hand, being made of ego as he was, absolutely made sure he was seen as superior by his subjects (which never prevented him from being a caring ruler, going personally to a civilian’s house if they had any trouble, and screw his schedule). So he didn’t even pretend to be comfortable there. It was such an ordeal to prevent him from turning the house into a second palace. The most that Mario and Peach gave in was to make a living room big enough to fit a grand piano. Even so, he complained at every possible time about the house’s size.
“Pff. The fifty-second heir to the mighty koopa empire, living on an ant’s house like this… Of course, we left it to Mario to lead the project. He measured the house based on his own size.”
And Mario simply answered by sitting on the table in front of him. “Truly, I am so very small.” He placed Bowser’s hand on his back. “Look, I even fit on this huge and scary koopa’s hand. Oh, my stars! I sure do hope he doesn’t take advantage of all this size to grab me and kidnap me to some dark castle. Poor me!”
His voice was casually innocent, and Bowser’s face was on fire since he was still a mess whenever Mario and Peach gave him attention like that (and the two of them abused the heck out of it).
“Don’t you tempt me, plumber.” Bowser warned, holding his breath.
“Your hand is still around me.”
“Oh, no! That terrible monster is kidnapping my Mario!” Peach entered the room, and Mario fondly smiled with the “my”, dumb as their playing was. “Will I have to rescue him? But what if he kidnaps me, too?” She threw herself at Bowser with a hand dramatically at her forehead.
“STOP THAT!” Bowser jumped out of the chair, like Mario and Peach were contagious. “You two, you’re… you’re unfair, that’s what you are!”
“Weeeeeee?” They got closer, blinking innocently at the koopa, who got all the more red.
“…Dddddon’t you blame me when I actually kidnap you.” He turned to leave, visibly wanting to die in some corner and regain his dignity before he could even think about flirting back. And hit the doorframe with his shoulder. “STUPID small house! That’s YOUR fault, Mario!” They heard, as he ran to the room. And just laughed together.
“I definitely won’t mind if he goes through with this threat.” Mario smirked. “What about you, Peaches?”
“Not at all.” She agreed, before placing herself in front of her boyfriend, pinning him to the table with both arms. “Just beware, or I might take you first, sweetie.”
And she kissed his nose. Yeah, he’d definitely not mind that too.
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weirdsht · 1 month
What es up 👾
What if totcf with transmigrated!reader that barely says anything about themselves but they know so much about the others, they think it's kinda unfair how easy they are to read to reader (reader has read the novel so they're like a piece of cake to reader) and then one time everyone was drinking, some were drunk, some were dead on the floor or couch, then reader says "I miss my husband..." With such a solemn expression and everyone is shocked because wdym u have a fockin husband????
Rosalyn: *sees reader crying their eyes out* you... You have a husband?
Reader: yes, Rosa sob I miss him, my kids, too!
The gang: Kid? Wait, kids? Plural...? How come we never knew of this????????????
Reader was actually referring to their fictional boyfriend and characters they grew to love that they knew about from Earth, but reader is like, crying like it's the saddest thing as if their spouse went to war
…Seriously? - LoTCF & Reader
a/n: a/n: not me sneaking my lads obsession in here, also I had to choose 1 LI so the gig isn't out of the bag so soon but I don't have a bias there... so i used the usual roulette lol, find out who won as you read the story
tags: earth timeline doesn't make sense. transmigrator reader, love and deepspace mentions, platonic, fluss
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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[Name] was an enigma to Cale’s group. They know that she’s not from their world. Know that she can predict the future to a certain extent. However, beyond that information, they don’t know much about the transmigrator. 
They barely know anything personal about [Name].
Which is a bit unfair if one thinks about it deeply. [Name] knows everyone like the back of her hand, but they don’t even know if the name she has given her is her real one.
But it doesn’t matter much. Cale’s group is not one to pry information that could possibly be sensitive out of a comrade. They all have their secrets after all, maybe [Name] was uncomfortable talking about her previous life.
Well, that was until Rosalyn saw her crying one day.
It was a normal day, a good one even. For the first time in a while, there’s absolutely nothing to do. Even Rosalyn’s research has been put on hold. And so she decided to find [Name] so they could try to newly opened cafe in town, and have a girl’s day.
“[Name] are you busy–”
The mage stopped in her tracks as she heard the transmigrator sob from the other side of the door. [Name]’s cries were quiet but it caused a loud concern to ring in Rosalyn’s heart.
“Why are you crying? Did something happen?”
Rosalyn opened the door, panic spread through her body as [Name] is known to never cry.
[Name] looked up as the door opened. Her knees touched her chest, her head resting on top of it. Tear stains could be seen on her clothes, it looked like she had been crying for a while now.
“I’m fine, don’t worry nothing happened.”
She reassured Rosalyn as she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. Her voice was wobbly, not helping her case and certainly not making the ex-royal believe her.
Rosalyn took [Name]’s hands on her left hand and wiped the transmigrator’s tears with the handkerchief she bought with her right hand. Concern is etched on her face as she gives [Name]’s hands comforting strokes.
“Tell this unnie what’s wrong.”
Both have forgotten about the door being wide open. Making everyone, the three kids and Lock, hear everything they are talking about.
“It’s a silly thing… I just realized it’s been so long since I saw my husband…”
Rosalyn fought the urge to overreact at the news that one of her friends had a husband she didn’t know about.
“From your previous world?”
“...Yeah, it’s been so long since I saw him. It doesn’t help that when I last saw him it looked like he was going on a very dangerous mission.”
[Name] was crestfallen as she spoke. It was clear just how much she missed him.
“My children too, I only saw my twins for a short while!”
The whiplash Rosalyn is getting from these shocking pieces of information is too much.
Good thing another redhead arrived to save the day.
“Why are you four hiding over there?”
Cale asked the four children and only then did the two women realise how the door was open. Rosalyn shot [Name] an apologetic look. She didn’t mean for her personal life to be broadcasted like that.
“No need to be sorry, it wasn’t really a secret. There wasn’t just a chance to bring it up.”
[Name] assured the mage as she gestured over to the five outside her door. Beckoning them to go inside.
As Cale and the children walked towards the transmigrator, they updated Cale as to what they heard.
“So you had a husband before coming here?”
“Yes, my husband Sylus… I didn’t even get his limited card before I could… huek!”
The transmigrator teared up once more and every one pitied her despite their confusion. Just what card is she talking about? Maybe it’s an earth thing they don’t know about.
“[Name]-nim are you talking about a credit card?”
Choi Han peeked from outside. He was just passing by when he heard the children updating Cae about his fellow transmigrator’s life.
“Huh? Oh no, I mean he did have a black card but that’s not what I’m talking about.”
Now Choi Han was part of the confused crowd. If she didn’t mean a savings card what could she be talking about then?
Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, Cale squinted his eyes. That man knows for a fact that [Name] hasn’t even had her first kiss yet. What are all these lies about a husband? 
…Plus the name she said sounded very familiar.
“Could you tell us more about him?”
“Yeah tell us please nya!”
Raon and Hong encouraged [Name] to talk more, interested in the slightest information about their mysterious friend’s personal life.
“Well, his very tall. Around 187cm I think? He kind of looks like a vampire with his white hair and red eyes. I can confidently say that his one of the most handsome guys out there.”
Everyone became even more intrigued. Just how great was this husband of hers? [Name] sounded very in love with him. He also sounded well-off based on Choi Han’s explanation of how a black card is like the equivalent of a golden plaque.
“Oh, he also has this thing called Evol. Basically he has powers, his power in particular is controlling energy. His super strong, he can even heal wounds.”
From the corner of the room, Cale suppressed a sigh as he placed the pieces together. Instead, he opted to silently facepalm.
The conversation about [Name]’s supposed “husband” lasted for a few more minutes before everyone filed out of her room. Leaving only her and Cale behind.
“What was your affinity level before you got here?”
“Affinity 60… But omg, you play love and deespace too!?”
[Name] looked at the redhead man who was finally letting out that deep, imparted sigh he had been holding in since earlier.
“No, I just saw forum leaks about your husband Sylus.”
“Ohhhh, I was wondering how you knew when he was barely out when I transmigrated…”
An awkward silence lingered around the two. Both of them don’t know how to proceed with the new information. In fact, [Name] didn’t know that game existed on Cale’s earth.
Wait was it possible that they were from the same earth?
But he had powers…
[Name] decided to not think about it.
“Next time, refrain from speaking about your fictional husbands as if they’re real… I think you nearly gave Rosalyn a heart attack?”
“Wait really!?”
[Name] looked at Cale who was on his way to go back to his room. She didn’t know the repercussions of casually speaking about her otome game. The redhead only looked at her as if she was a lost cause. 
“Yes, really.“
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incase you were curious about the roulette lol dont mind me using the jp names im just more used to that
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lacy-oh-lacy · 9 months
Sidney Prescott ・゚: *✧・゚
NSFW Alphabet
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CW: Fem!Reader, general smut, praise kink, oral, bondage, edging
Even if you had the most vanilla sex in the world, Sidney understands the importance of aftercare. She wants you to feel loved and she wants to feel loved back. Cuddles and pillow talk are vital.
Body part
On herself: She’s never given it much thought but she does like her body in general, she appreciates how athletic and durable it is, and she certainly enjoys how much you like it.
On you: She really loves your mouth. Your smile still gives her butterflies, she can’t see you without kissing you and yeah, feeling your mouth work her into an orgasm is her favorite kind of pleasure.
When Sidney’s in the moment she doesn’t mind getting a bit messy but she does want to get cleaned up soon after you’re finished. Which means post-sex showers together.
Dirty secret 
She’ll eventually open up to you about any dirty secret she has. They're mostly just sexual fantasies that make her blush.
Sidney had a couple experimental hook ups in college but you’re the first girl she’s gotten serious with. She is a quick learner and the two of you have good communication so you’re definitely kept satisfied.
Favorite position 
She likes to see your face and make eye contact during sex, so she tends to go for simple things like missionary or cowgirl. Besides it’s not like she needs a complicated position to give you a mind blowing orgasm.
Sidney can be pretty silly, especially as you’re getting started, but she gets more focused and intense as you really get into it.
Shaving down there isn’t much of a priority for her. She has a bush most of the time.
Intimacy is very important to her. Sure, sometimes you have heated, hormone-driven sex that would appear straight out of a porno, but sweet and romantic sex where you can really feel your love for each other has a special place in her heart.
Jack off
Not often. She’d rather get off with you even if that means waiting a while. 
Sidney likes experimenting with different kinks but she does usually lean vanilla. Her regularly occurring ones are mommy kink, praise and edging.
Pretty much only your home, but not just the bedroom. You have your share of fun on the couch, in the bathtub, up against the wall and so on.
A lot of the time Sidney wants to have sex to express her affection, so in that sense loving you is what motivates her. On a more carnal level though when you act flirty or walk around in nothing but one of her shirts, that really turns her on.
Well, she’s got a lot of trauma so things like choking, blood or the hard forms of pain play are out.
Giving and receiving oral are two of her favorite parts of sex. She usually opts for giving but of course you reciprocate plenty because she absolutely deserves it.
Slow and soft sex definitely happens but she actually loves fucking you hard and fast a lot of the time too, she still has a way of making that feel loving though.
It’s not proffered but she does like them. She’ll take any chance to get your hands on each other and it is kinda fun seeing how quickly she can make you cum.
Not her thing, Sidney rarely takes unnecessary risks. She doesn’t need an added layer of excitement anyway, just having you so close thrills her enough. 
You can’t survive multiple serial killers without having some serious stamina. Sidney can be hard to keep up with sometimes.
She probably doesn’t suggest any herself but if you want to bring some sex toys into the bedroom her curiosity is peaked and she’s happy to try them out.
She can definitely be a tease but more often than not it’s in a playful way. 
She isn’t usually that loud but her voice does get pleasantly high pitched as she gets close to coming.
Wild card
You’ve experimented with bondage during sex a bit, but less to be kinky and more as a trust exercise. Sidney does like it but it’s rare she feels comfortable enough to do it.
Sidney’s body is athletic but also so soft, spare the rougher patches of scarring. 
She doesn’t have the highest libido in the world. She can go a while without having sex but she does get pretty needy when she’s in the mood.
She loves falling asleep with you so she definitely pulls you into her arms and drags you to bed if she’s feeling dozy after sex.
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princelylove · 10 months
Synopsis: Post-canon vento aureo, you are Giorno Giovanna’s bodyguard, and his obsession. 
Warnings: typical possessive yandere behavior, reader is trapped later on, not sfw later on but it’s just masturbation, I’m a Giorno pussy truther it’s not explicitly stated but I want you to know
Length: A little over 2k.
Giorno Giovanna is something out of a dream. It’s difficult to not stare. His presence itself is enchanting, although often overwhelming.
He’s often misunderstood. Misrepresented. He’s a complex individual, it’s unfair to put his psychology in the same category as someone more simple-minded.
You can’t think of why his presence overwhelms you. His perfume is subtle, he’s well mannered, well spoken, well educated and cultured, well groomed, and relatively charming. There’s just something off about him, in your point of view. 
Giorno is naturally graceful, he’s only become more pleasing to the eyes as he’s gotten older. The way he holds his fingers up for birds to rest on him is something out of a fairytale.
You took this job because of the pay. Never mind the fact that your client is handsome, and generally pleasant to be around. His other bodyguards aren’t so bad either- Guido’s a nice man, when he’s not working. Sheila E seems fine to be around as well, but you haven’t really interacted with her much. They’ve both warned you about how Giorno is to be your absolute top priority- you’re not a mafioso, you’re just a bodyguard. It must be nice to have someone’s absolute loyalty like that, you think.
The way Giorno asks to be taken home to his room… It almost makes you believe that he really does need you. He seems soft compared to the others- like he isn’t hardened by the burden of life, or whatever that ‘Murolo’ guy was on about. 
Giorno’s voice is comforting and refreshing. His tone is quiet, and soft. You’re only really certain he’s speaking when he makes harder sounds, such as ‘t’ or ‘k.’ The way he looks at you with his doe eyes, and soft tone… it eats you alive to not succumb to his will. 
This misinterpretation would cost you your life, as Giorno falls head over heels at such a romantic, protective gesture of guiding him up his own staircase and reassuring him that all is well, you’re right there. 
He smiles. You can’t help but watch his lips as he speaks in that same soft spoken manner.
“Thank you, but you’re dismissed for the night.”
Giorno’s obsession drives him. He is nothing without hope, there is always a way for him to achieve his goals. He doesn’t really understand why he keeps getting off track- his only love is justice, and hope, it doesn’t make any sense for his mind to cling to a human being. 
Humans are vile things, really.  His stepfather was evil, his mother was evil, his peers were evil- there was no good in humanity besides from him.
There are humans who are good, there’s just a lot of problems that need fixing before he feels comfortable saying that all of humanity hasn’t failed him. 
Giorno is often well intentioned; It kills him to see people go through what he did. If he had the ability to protect others from the fate he once had, why not? He just knows he can do better. There is always more to be done, always more to improve upon. Self betterment is the path to freeing the soul. 
That has nothing to do with his methods, or his real opinion on the majority of people.
Giorno’s dream is to protect the innocent, above all else. 
His misanthropic point of view still seeps into the way he handles most situations. Passione hasn’t had a single slip up in many, many years. Having faith in your own men, and having faith that everyone other than your possessions will do what they can to get up in the world is a bit depressing, but it’s been working. 
As long as his possessions adore him, they won’t leave for something better. Not that you could leave Passione, betrayal means death, but Giorno will do everything in his power to not feel the sting of being left alone.
Giorno is most comfortable when he knows he has everyone in the room wrapped around his well manicured pinky finger. He doesn’t particularly mind playing into their fantasies, or allowing them a sense of control. You can think that you’re the boss in your relationship with Giorrno, but that’s never going to be true, even if you’re physically stronger than him. 
You probably think you are, too. Bodyguards are meant to be strong, it’s a part of the job description- why would someone strong hire three bodyguards? Giorno’s lack of height and subtle muscle make him look like he isn’t a threat, you might compare his body to a ballerina. A weapon would work against him, maybe… if it didn’t turn into a small animal every time you picked one up without asking for permission first. 
Giorno will often play damsel in distress to get what he wants. Even if it isn’t his preference, he’s fine with taking on whatever role he needs to take in order to maintain control. 
He keeps Guido happy by pretending to be considerably more delicate than he really is. He’s easily frightened, and happy to play into Guido’s need to be needed. He showers him with praise fairly often- and will do the same to you, if you react well enough. 
Giorno keeps Sheila E happy by allowing her to ask him as many questions as she’d like. She’s still young- a little bit of curiosity won’t kill him. Why, when he was her age, he was probably more curious. No harm done, it’s nice to stimulate himself with questions he normally wouldn’t think of. 
Those two are easy to please. He… doesn’t know how to keep you happy, yet. The last thing he needs is a resentful bodyguard. Attention, money, affection, and basic human needs are all bartering chips to Giorno. 
He doesn’t want to kiss you on the cheek, it makes him feel easy, but if you want special attention, and that’s the way to get you obsessed with him, fine. Run your hand over his stomach and watch him purr. He’ll fool around with you for a little bit, but he stops you before it can go any further. You’re his bodyguard, this is so inappropriate… If you think you can move on from this and go back to just watching him, let’s just pretend this never happened.
When you come in the next day, he trails his index finger down your spine, and smiles at the way you shiver for him.
He seems like the prissy type, you think. Like he’d die if he got dirty or his hair was out of place. You’re just joking, it’s a way to pass the time while you’re at work… you can’t help but smile at the lack of dirt under his fingers despite handling plants all day. 
Giorno smiles back, eager to know what could possibly be making your lips curl up into a smile. 
“Do you like her? She’s gotten so big, lately. I think it’s all the attention I’ve been giving her.” 
Giorno is referring to the philodendron in his arms- a rather large pot with a clingy pile of vines sitting in the dirt. It’s his favorite at the moment, seeing it sprawled out always seems to put him in a good mood. 
“She’s great, sir.” You respond. You’re not really meant to talk to him too much- a bit of advice from Guido rings in your ears whenever Giorno attempts conversation with you.
‘When you’re watching him, you should watch the room, rather than him… it’s kinda easy to get lost in staring. Dude’s pretty.’ 
… You kind of see his point. 
Giorno has all the power in the world. He is life itself. He forbids evil from reaching the truth. But he’s soft, isn’t he. He needs someone to watch over him, to protect him. 
Maybe you’re content with a job like this. It’s not like he’s an awful boss. 
Giorno has always felt like a bird in a cage, placed next to a big window. Just out of reach of his fantasies. He won’t allow anything to be out of his reach, now that he’s free. 
Giorno won’t take what is not his. You have a choice, even if it’s clear what you should be picking. 
His hand rests on top of yours. You’re holding his fingers, and just placed a kiss to his porcelain skin. It’s meant to be symbolic- becoming a formal member of passione and a long-term bodyguard instead of part time is a fairly big deal. 
The words ‘freedom’ and ‘fate’ ring in Giorno’s ears. They aren’t foreign subjects to him. Fate has always been his, and freedom is something he’s always wanted. 
“You’ve become mine, my beloved.” He coos. You might feel your face heating up at such a statement. 
He plans on keeping you now that you’re officially one of his possessions. Your owner is not the one who rests in your bed, but the one who disrupts your sleeping schedule. 
Giorno isn’t sure what to do with himself when he finds himself wanting to be yours instead of the other way around. 
He’d let you take him. He fantasizes about it often- sometimes while you’re on the other side of his door, unaware that he’s touching himself to the thought of you being even slightly possessive towards him. 
You’re already his. He owns you, body and soul, there’s no question about it, but he wants you to want him, and not just in the physically attractive sense. Well. Right now he means in the physically attractive sense. 
What does it matter, though? Of course you’re his, you’re a living being. As far as Giorno’s concerned, life is his, and he is life’s. 
Oh, God, shut up. He can’t think about the technicalities, he’s too busy shoving his fingers into himself and trying to imagine what sort of tone you’d take with him- Would it be loving? Would you be firm? Would you scold him for looking at another? He needs it, he can’t live without it, devote yourself to him and expect a level of access to him in return, he’d happily slut himself out if it was for you and you alone-
You knocking takes him out of the mood entirely. His hands shoot out of his pants, and he backs himself up against the door to make sure you don’t come in.
“Yes, dearest?” He’s trembling. 
“Just making sure you’re alright, I haven’t heard you make any noise in a while…” 
“Oh! I’m fine, I was just… reading, and now I’m getting changed…”
Giorno has a habit of talking when he’s nervous, on those rare occasions, so him choking up like this is entirely unprecedented.
He makes a mental vow to never let you witness him like that again. 
You’re not really sure how you ended up moving with him into his new house.
It’s not like you’re the best person for the job. A live-in bodyguard is a lot more than what you originally signed up for, and when you voice this complaint, Giorno doesn’t seem to take it into account. 
He sighs a little, and makes a gentle reminder: You do as he says, and this is what he is commanding you to do. 
It’s not so bad living in a big house where all you ever do is make sure Giorno doesn’t drop dead. You’ve adjusted well to it, but it’s had it’s ups and downs. 
He’s gotten a lot more attentive, something you have mixed feelings on. 
Should you choose to hide from his ever-present stare, Giorno would pretend to not be able to find you, but speak.
“It’s instinct to fear what you do not understand. Your body serves you very well, darling.”
He opens the closet, where you obviously are not. 
“But I mean you no harm. You are very precious to me.”
The door shuts, and he flicks the lamp off- the only non-natural light in the room. The moon is full, and the curtains are always pulled back- Giorno loves the sun.
His eyes have already adjusted, but he’s sure yours have not.
“Let’s stop playing for tonight, dear. I’ll let you keep that hiding spot provided you return to me in ten seconds. I’ll even close my eyes.”
He starts to count out loud.
“Ten, nine…”
Oh God. What should you do? He’s pissed- you know it.
“Eight, seven, six.”
It’s better to obey. Just give in. You’re not risking his stand pulling you out by your hair again.
“Five, four…”
As you start to crawl out, you wince at the light coming back on.
There’s nothing on his face, not even a smile. The way he looks down at you as if it’s his rightful position is something you’ve become accustomed to, but it still hurts.
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aria-greenhoodie · 2 months
Yknow I was mentioning “A World Without Wordgirl” earlier to my boyfriend and it’s honestly such a fucked up episode if you think about its implications for more than like, 2 seconds.
Like, Becky Botsford aka Wordgirl is 10 YEARS OLD and she has to CONSTANTLY leave behind her friends and family and miss out on fun, normal kid activities to take care of some mess a (usually grown-ass) villain made. We see this happen in plenty of other episodes, but “A World Without Wordgirl” makes it even more obvious.
It’s this kid’s BIRTHDAY, and her parents decided to go all out for her. They brought her best friends, got her a bouncy castle, got her ponies to ride, did all these really sweet and amazing things for their daughter, but she didn’t get to enjoy ANY of it because she kept having to zoom off and fight crime as Wordgirl. She’s just a KID! She is a 5th grader for goodness sake, she shouldn’t be sacrificing her BIRTHDAY, the single most exciting and highly-anticipated day of the year for a kid, to clean up after criminals that the local law enforcement couldn’t handle. And she isn’t forced to interrupt her party once, no, she’s forced to interrupt her own fun SEVERAL TIMES to the point that every single nice thing her parents did for her she misses, doesn’t get to enjoy any of it. So of course, she’s so fed-up by the end of the day, so tired of having to pick up after everyone, she makes the wish that she wasn’t Wordgirl, and that Wordgirl never existed… just like ANY EXASPERATED 10 YEAR OLD MAY DO IF THEY WERE IN HER SITUATION!
And what is she given in response to her extremely understandable angst? SHE IS IMMEDIATELY SCARED STRAIGHT BY EVERYTHING AROUND HER FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGING DUE TO WORDGIRL BEING ERASED FROM EXISTENCE (courtesy of electrified magic birthday cake).
In the universe without her, CHUCK of all villains is running the city, allowing the other villains to run amok as well, under his rule (sans Twobrains). Becky is shown that if she DOESN’T continue to sacrifice every single nice thing that happens to her in order to clean up messes that ADULT LAW ENFORCEMENT SHOULD BE HANDLING, the city will fall to villainous hands. She’s shown that she HAS to be a savior, a protector, a hero above anything else. She’s not allowed to be a kid, she’s not allowed to have a carefree childhood and leave larger issues to the adults, she’s not allowed to enjoy herself without the anxiety of another crime taking place that she has to stop.
And you know, this would be bad enough if this was the only episode that touched on this, but it ISN’T. This type of shit has happened to her SO MANY TIMES. The people of Fair City are absolutely HELPLESS without her, a 10 YEAR OLD GIRL. she’s not allowed to be a kid for more than 5 seconds without hearing some alarm in the distance! Sure, she chose to be a super hero, but she made that choice when she was still VERY YOUNG, and even if it was her choice, it’s still completely unfair that her entire childhood is marred by constant interruptions from villains and constant anxiety in anticipation of the next crime, not to mention the physical danger she’s put in nearly every day by (again, usually GROWN-ASS) villains who hold no care for her well-being!
She doesn’t even have a trusted adult figure to really confide in, either. The only adult who knows her secret identity (as far as I’ve gotten in the show) is her grandfather, but he doesn’t live with the Botsfords and seems to be perfectly ok with his granddaughter throwing herself into dangerous situations for the sake of others. Sure, later in the show Scoops figures out her identity, and I’m pretty sure Violet does too (Haven’t gotten that far yet though), and while it’s great that she has peers to confide in after all this time, she still really needs an adult in her life who can shield her from some of the sacrifices she feels forced to make.
I know this is a kids show and her being frustrated with villain interruptions is usually played up for laughs, but as an adult watching the show I can’t help but feel kinda angry on her behalf at the adults around her if I think about it too hard. Yes, she’s capable and strong, but that doesn’t mean that the adults in her life shouldn’t be protecting her anyway. Has no adult in Fair City worried about Wordgirl, the 10-year-old heroine? Has none of the local law enforcement questioned why they keep letting a 5th grader do their jobs for them?? I guess it’s in-character of cops to be incompetent and selfish, that’s definitely realistic, but what about the other adults who know Wordgirl? Hell, Sally Botsford, Becky’s own MOM, has said she sees Wordgirl almost like a daughter, but she still has little to no problem with her constantly being the city’s only defense against crime both big and small. Sure, Kid Math is now able to help out, BUT HE’S JUST A KID TOO! And Becky/Wordgirl is still doing a LOT of the work! She’s never even had a proper mentor who knew of her superheroism. Her LAST hero-mentor was fucking MISS POWER, and we all know how that turned out.
This is why I’ve been writing a fic about Becky (and Tobey because I’m a sucker for Tobecky) 15 years after canon dealing with her mixed-up feelings about her childhood and her superheroism. It must be such an angering, terrifying feeling to grow up thinking that you can’t be allowed to be a KID, to have FUN for too long, because a villain might rob a bank, or steal an artifact, or turn the city into cheese, or WHATEVER. Imagine Becky as an adult, imagine the anger she must feel, and the guilt because of that anger. Someone give this kid a hug and a proper mentor figure. And some THERAPY.
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neptunescore · 5 months
Literally started this blog just to say how hypocritical F1 – both the people working in it, and the sport itself – is becoming. The main 3 things I want to address is: no.1 women in motorsport, no2 the ongoing genocide in palestine and no3 F1's disallowance of anything political, yet enabling the absolute political shitshow that was the 2024 miami gp.
Numéro 1: I just think its absolute bullshit that the FIA genuinely created a whole ‘Women in Motorsport Commission’, assigned SIX STRONG ambassadors to it, and THEN proceeded (come 2023) to launch a wholeass unfair investigation onto one of them, based on the MOST groundless claims?? Like wtf?? (Talking abt Susie Wolff here). Also, the whole Cristian Horner situation really showed just how much they care about women working under them, bc tell me why the possible victim in his situation was the one getting SUSPENDED, while this possible filth of a man is still parading shamelessly around the paddock?? Like??? AND SOME OF THE DRIVERS COMMENTS ON THE SIRUATION?? pissed me off so much u dont even understand. Anyway, my last point on this convo is how women should ALSO be taken accountable of their actions, and not just glossed over because they’re ‘women’, over here im specifically talking abt Bianca Bustamante and her liked tweet which calls lance stroll autistic… girl :| and her apology was so atrocious as well. T-T
Numéro 2: The fact that not ONE driver (excluding Lewis Hamilton — that man is so much more than a driver) has spoken up/ posted about the situation pisses me off SO much bc?? THOUSANDS of people are dying, and with the platform you have, the fans you have, you could have such a positive effect! This is ESPECIALLY targeted on the drivers so I FULLY KNOW have control of their accounts (Charles Leclerec, Esteban Ocon, Lando Norris [GOD DO I HAVE ALOT TO SAY ABT HIM], Pierre Gasly, etc) bc tell me why drivers are fully capable of uploading a post 2 years ago stating how the WHOLE of F1 stands with Ukraine (which i do applaud them for) but cant say SHIT abt the same situation occuring in Gaza, but SO much worse?? Lando can genuinely go f himself, bc as much as i used to adore him there’s no way he did NOT know abt the atrocities happening in Palestine, no way he did not know abt the company boycott when he decided to fully display that Starbucks logo on his little reel. And IF (literally a 0.0000001% chance, bc by then a 1000 articles were already written on it and the WHOLE world was aware) he genuinely didn’t know, then that is just ignorant as fuck. Icel. Anyway, literally all drivers should be held accountable, no matter if they’re ur favs or not; I like Carlos a lot but that doesn’t mean i dont get the ick every time i think abt the fact he’s stayed completely silent on the matter. OH MY GOD, DONT get me started on lance stroll and his confirmed (yes, i DO fact check) Zionist girlfriend, like?? Ew.
Can i also just say, that if any of u are gonna msg me saying ‘oH bUt NeP, thE FIA BanNeD AnY anD aLl PoliTiCaL StAtEmEnTS’ Shut up. If you guys could just READ the rest of the statement, you'd know that this rule only applies to when the drivers are ACTIVELY in the paddock. The FIA has literally included the fact that driver can do WHATEVER the want, stand up for WHOEVER they want in their personal lives – which brings me to my next point,
Numéro 3: The FIA bans any and all political statements in the paddock, (without their written consent) YET INVITES TRUMP (a man who has been charged with EIGHTY EIGHT criminal offenses) to the race, is the most disgusting and hypocritical thing ive seen in all my years of watching F1. And don't even get me started on all the shit lando said abt him, like bro?? What are you saying?? Why are you saying these things?? I get u cant speak bad abt him, but that does NOT mean u need to praise him to the sun and back. T-T
That's my rant! Additional reminder abt ppl bringing up how '*retired driver (insert name)* would NOT stand for this, and would post and talk ALL abt palestine if they were still racing,' this is a reminder that those drivers are still alive and well, with WORKING platforms and can STILL do all those things now if thry CHOOSE to :]
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zentriii · 3 months
Keiji lightly runs her fingers across smooth skin, lingering on the not-so-smooth parts with equal parts love and longing. Hitoka’s fast asleep, oblivious to the world around her. She snores softly and has drool leaking to a puddle on her pillow and Keiji can’t help but kiss her cheek, heart bursting full with her girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside her.
She’s so lucky, she thinks as Hitoka shuffles towards her, to find love like this.
“Keiji?” Osamu mumbles blearily, lifting his head from the other side of their bed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she apologizes softly, mindful that their partner is still asleep between them. She thought she got to bed earlier than this. Osamu works early, she shouldn’t be ruining the little sleep he gets to have because she forgot the time while working. Keiji doesn’t know what the exact time it is right now, but she can tell it’s far later than it should be.
She’s used to pulling long hours, but today she only closed her laptop when her room started spinning around her. Keiji barely managed to stumble into their bedroom and toss her clothes off before getting into bed.
“Nah you’re fine, it’s about time for me to get up anyways.”
Keiji watches a dark Osamu-shaped blob toss the covers off, turn off his phone alarm, and head to shower with a towel grabbed from their closet.
Her gaze shifts towards their alarm clock, it reads 3:18 in bold and unforgiving red. Shame rushes up Keiji’s chest, crushing her lungs under their weight.
She can’t turn her mind off. Osamu’s been sleeping less and now she’s taken even more time from him. Sleep evades her fitful attempts to grasp it in her hands.
She closes her eyes and shoves everything to the side but all she sees are lines of SFX running through her sight, labelled incorrectly. Keiji's helpless to do anything but fix one but as soon as she moves onto the second, the original turns into something else entirely. It’s maddening and her heart goes out Sisyphus.
Keiji rolls away from Hitoka and shoves her face into her pillow. It would be unfair to disturb Hitoka's sleep too.
The alarm clock reads 3:31.
She isn’t sure if she’s going to be able to sleep tonight.
A door clicks open and Keiji peeks over towards to sound. Osamu walks out of their bathroom, freshly showered and carefully padding around their room, pulling on his work clothes. Keiji quickly pretends to be asleep when he looks over, absolutely not interested in being caught. She already woke Osamu up earlier than usual, she doesn’t have any interest in worrying him about her sleep even further.
She hears a soft kiss and gentle words whispered beside her and Keiji can’t stop her lips from curling with satisfaction as her heart flutters waiting for her own turn.
A rough and gentle hand brushes her bangs back followed closely by warm lips pressed gently on her forehead. “If you're still up in a few, I wouldn’t mind some company with my pancakes. Love you.”
Keiji blinks and gives her rouse up before she realizes. She squints at Osamu’s small satisfied smile. “How did you–”
“You're not slick babe,” he chuckles. “You gonna come eat with me or?”
Face flushing, Keiji doesn’t have anything better to do than accept. She’s hungry and she loves eating with him. “Okay okay, aren’t we out of whipped cream though?”
Osamu’s face twists in exaggerated disgust and she carefully memorizes every line of it. “You're a heathen for disrespectin’ pancakes with that wad of fluffed up sugar but whatever. I think we still have a little left but you're adding it to the list if ya want me to grab s’more.”
“Thanks, Samu.” Keiji knows Osamu would remember to grab some for her anyways.
“It’s nothin’.” He leans down for another kiss and Keiji meets him halfway. She watches him head off for the kitchen in silence. She hasn’t got her internal balance back quite yet, there’s still a whirlpool of emotions under her skin, but for now, this is enough.
Keiji crawls out from under her blankets and as the cool air hits her skin, she still feels warm inside. She follows Osamu to their kitchen, looking forward to sleeping better with a full stomach.
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Donnie x fem! Reader The little merturtle 3
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Summary: Prince Donatello was the third of four brothers, the prince of an underwater yokai city, but he has always been searching for something else far more interesting than the mystic arts he is used to, he wants to know everything about the human world, their traditions, their creations... But when he finds himself entranced by a human princess it might just be the last push he needs to make his dream of exploring the land a reality.
"Without listening to Raph trying to stop him, Donnie hurriedly gulped down the fuchsia liquid, it went down quickly to his brothers' dismay, and he left half of it untouched.."
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, tooth-rotting fluff
The alchemist and the queen
A pair of eyes stared at Donnie as he sobbed at the bottom of his treasure cove, now only filled with piles of dust and burnt memories, the gargoyles slowly came out of hiding, swimming in circles around him.
“Oh, poor guy” Huginn said “That was really tough, don’t you think?”
His companion nodded sympathetically while Donnie raised his head to see them, a glare prominent between his brow “Oh, yes it was, I didn’t expect king Splinter to treat one of his children like that! It was so unfair.”
“Yes! So unfair!”
“What do you want?” Donnie snarked “That was private, don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong” He growled.
“Man, sorry! We’re being rude Huginn” Muninn said, and Donnie heard Huginn apologize “We don’t have any ill will, we were just passing and hear the whole thing, it sounded like someone was in trouble.”
“Yeah, and after what we watched we just wanted to see if you were okay” Huginn finished, Donnie loosened his guard slightly, he was way too tired to fight them now, the crying had taken away all his energy and he just wanted a long nap.
Before he could tell them to leave again Huginn spoke once more “The collection you had was incredible, oh I love human stuff”
“Yeah! Master Draxum has a lot of their things lying around” Muninn said happily, grabbing Donnie’s attention.
“Draxum?” The turtle asked.
“Oh yeah, you’ve heard of Draxum right?” At Donnie’s deadpan look that said he absolutely didn’t or he wouldn’t have asked Muninn continued “He’s a great warrior alchemist! He has been experimenting with human DNA since forever, he and Big Mama used to work together but that was, well, it was when Big Mama was still queen.”
Donnie raised an eyebrow, he had heard about Big Mama, at least briefly, but she had been long since dethroned by his father when Donnie was just a guppy, the only thing he knew about her was that she was dangerous and had been exiled because of that.
But of course, he thought bitterly, his father didn’t tell him many things it seemed.
“Why would he experiment with human DNA?” Donnie asked.
“Well usually Big Mama would give favors to her most valued subjects and a couple of times the requests were for them to be able to walk on land with the humans, with her magical powers as an energy source and Draxum’s alchemy they managed to find a way to give yokai the ability to live up top and vice versa, it was a time when both humans and yokai coexisted!”
Donnie’s eyes widened and he could have gotten whiplash with how fast he looked back at the gargoyle; the words that had just been spoken to him seemed like an impossible fairytale, it couldn’t be true, could it? A time when humans and yokai interacted together.
His mind went into overdrive, piecing all the puzzle pieces together, the mandate for yokai to not get in contact with humans was only put in place when his father acquired the throne, maybe that was how he himself had learned of yokai while being a human?
Donnie gulped loudly, his father had said he was ‘turned into this’, maybe the two of them had done that? And maybe that was why Big Mama had been exiled.
His eyes shifted between the gargoyles “So Draxum could help yokai walk on land?”
Huginn nodded “Definitely, why? Are you curious? It’s only natural, humans make so many cool things, it just makes sense.”
Donnie hesitated for a moment, he looked down at the pieces of debris covering the floor of his cove when he found it, his eyes paused wide on a piece of rock that had been separated from the rest, your statue had broken mostly in tiny pieces, except for your face, it lay there right in front of him sending a pang through his chest again, of both sadness and anger.
It pushed him to make a choice.
“Guide me to them” He ordered.
Huginn and Muninn smiled at him “Sure buddy, come on! Follow us.”
Swimming around in circles somewhere still in the reef were Raph and his two brothers.
“I didn’t mean to tell” He swore, “It was an accident!”
“We know, big guy” Leo said, kicking a pebble with his tail.
“We just need to give Donnie some space, what happened was…” Mikey cringed “Devastating to him, to say the least” He muttered, it didn’t make Raph feel much better.
He was about to say something else when they both heard Shelldon calling out to them, they turned to see the little turtle hurrying their way.
“Dudes! It’s Donnie! He’s going with some gargoyles far away from the limits!” He explained rapidly.
The guys all looked at each other worried “Which way was he going?” Leo asked.
They soon caught up to their brother who was swimming along the gargoyles, Raph recognized those gargoyles, he’d heard tales from the castle’s servants when he was little, of a banished alchemist and his subjects, it made him hurry as his mind alerted him of danger.
“Donnie!” Raph called swimming close to his brother “Where are you going?!”
“I’m going to see Big Mama and Draxum,” Donnie said in a monotone, a firm frown still set on his face that told his brothers he didn’t plan on changing his mind or listening.
Raph still tried “What?! Donnie no! Draxum is dangerous, he’s a demon!”
“Why don’t you go tell father Raphael?” Donnie bit back, looking at his brother for just a moment before continuing on his way “You’re good at that.”
Raph faltered slightly but Mikey gave him a reassuring look and the three all followed their brother into the lair of the exiled queen and warrior.
Donnie shivered and swam faster, wanting to get to the end quickly, maybe this was a bad idea.
“Wow” Donnie winced once they reached the entrance “Stunning choice of décor,” He said sarcastically, looking at the dry algae laying around the unkempt place, he saw then something that petrified him, in between the algae there was something else, something alive and looking dry, many of them shriveling where they stood stuck to the walls of the cave, some beings with eyes, staring straight at him.
One of those things took grasp of his arm and he gasped, pulling rapidly, grossed out by the thing, and feeling nauseous, he managed to unlatch it from his wrist, and without looking back he reached the end of the tunnel as fast as he could.
“Come in, come in~” A feminine voice called out to him, Donnie breathed heavily after the experience but turned to see a yokai with pink skin and white hair looking back at him with a sweet smile. “Oh my, you look so white! Such worry is not good for your emerald complexion, here, sit, sit, I’ll get you something to drink.”
The woman guided him to a seat and Donnie by reflex sat, now holding a flower in his hands as a cup, he recovered from his panic and looked attentively at the woman with skepticism “Are you Big Mama?” He asked.
“That I am turtley-boo, oh look, your brothers are here” She said smiling at the other three turtles that swam in with caution. “come, come, I do not bite, oh it’s been so long since we’ve had guests” The woman hummed, her attitude and his brother’s presence –Though he’d deny it— calming Donnie slightly and apparently his brothers too who while still weary sat down next to him.
Before Donnie could get to the point of his visit she spoke again “Now, you’re here because you have a thing for this human, a human princess at that! You certainly know how to choose them, darling, she is quite a catch.” Big Mama said nodding her head approvingly but making Donnie tense up once again.
“How do you know that,” He asked with his eyebrows furrowed, Mikey was surprised he didn’t deny it.
“Oh dear turtley-boos it used to be my job, as you might know, to know everything about my subjects, to help the hidden city prosper! And of course, you do not remember me, but I was right there the day you were all created” She hummed knowingly making them all look at her questioningly “Oh you were such adorable little turtles just before Draxy made you into what you are, better, stronger! So powerful and intelligent!”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, that’s nice and all, uh? Auntie? I guess, can I call you auntie? But I’m sorry, you just said we were ‘created’? As in, you know, do you mean born? “Ok, no, I’m confused about whatever you’re going on about” Leo blabbed looking for an explanation for this whole entire messy affair.
Big Mama hummed “You’re right, that’s so rude of me, perhaps Draxy can help me explain, Oh Draxy~!” She called out and from another room inside the cave a goat yokai walked out, firm in every step he took, way more serious than the old queen attending to them.
He didn’t have a friendly look to him, Raph thought, no wonder Big Mama was the one greeting guests with that attitude.
Draxum greeted them all as if he knew them personally to their shock, the two gargoyles hanging from his shoulders “It has been too long, my warriors.”
“Thank you, yes hi, this only raises more questions” Leo groaned loudly.
It wasn’t for long, the two exiled yokai used a magical orb to show them the day of their ‘mutation’ is what they called it, or bits of it at least, not that the boys would know.
It was explained to them how with Splinter turned into a merman they were mutated from mere turtles to merturtles and how Splinter was accidentally mutated into a rat afterward, what was left clear was that Draxum had created them, to Mikey that essentially made him their second dad and Big Mama had been there that day, working as the power source that helped in their creation.
“Your father and I had our disagreements” Big Mama looked sad, only Leo wasn’t buying it “After he was rejected by the human world he started going against all of our work in uniting both worlds, Draxum and I were exiled out here because we were the last connection between both” Big Mama lamented but then smiled softly at Donnie “Poor turtley-boo, longing to be understood, for a world he cannot have, humans are so full of curiosity aren’t they? Just like you, is that why you crave it so much? But thankfully, you found us, and what could be better for the relations between humans and yokai to thrive again than an alliance between the royalty of both worlds? Oh darling, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”
Donnie’s heart was beating hard in his chest with those suggestions, was it possible? Or was it dumb for him to believe? But his mind kept telling him that everything was right there in front of him! Draxum and Big Mama had just placed all of their cards on the table, while his own father had hidden the truth from them for their whole life!
His chest filled with hope when he saw how Raph and Mikey were much less tense, processing the situation with softer eyes, he could even see Mikey smile slightly.
Leo though wasn’t buying it at all, he could tell something wasn’t right.
“Donatello” Draxum spoke this time taking Donnie’s attention “Follow me for a moment will you?”
Donnie looked from the yokai who stood up to walk through one of the halls to his brothers, Leo was about to stop him but Mikey spoke first “Go! We’ll be right here!” He said cheerily and Raph agreed hesitantly, they were right there after all.
Donnie followed the yokai and they walked silently for a moment “Child, your curiosity is not a fault, in fact, without people like you our world would never get anywhere” The yokai assured finally looking back at the merturtle who was giving him his complete attention, his words reassured Donnie, no one had ever truly understood his fascination with the human world but this yokai had been working with humans before he was born, and Donnie, well Donnie craved the approval, he started smiling smugly at the older yokai’s words.
Draxum continued speaking “It is the intelligence you were blessed with that would make the world you seek a reality, do not let anyone fool you, here” Draxum stopped in front of a table filled to the brim with colorful potions, shining bright with unnatural colors, he took a fuchsia-colored one that reflected its light on his skin.
 “This is the potion that you need, the only way to get what you want is to become human yourself, it requires a strong energy source which Big Mama will help you with, after finishing the correct ritual you will be fully transformed.”
“A human?” Donnie was hesitant before questioning “I heard you helped yokai walk along humans.”
“Well that is true” Draxum agreed, Big Mama and the rest of Donnie’s brothers entered the room then, listening by the door “However I fear humans have not seen yokai for decades, it might be dangerous if you kept your form, looking like a human would help you socialize with them,”
Donnie nodded his head and his father’s words from before were back in his mind.
“That human you saved may have been grateful the moment she breathed, but once she realizes who saved her, she won’t look at you as a hero but a monster.”
It pained him slightly to think it might be true, a new insecurity had made its way into his mind, turbulent as it was already through so many events, but with that potion, he wouldn’t have to worry about that, if he could meet you as a human then –his heart beat a little faster— his chances with you might be much better, and eventually, he could tell you who he truly was, once he knew you’d be open to it.
Donnie nodded taking the bottle in his hands, Big Mama placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Now, before anything you must know this first, every spell has to be extremely specific and it has a cost as you boys may know” She began explaining “The potion and my magic will make you human for one month! It is very important that you keep track of the time because before the sun sets on the last day you need to make the princess fall in love with you.”
“What?!” There was a chorus of the four turtles exclaiming at the same time.
“But why?” Donnie asked blushing wildly.
“Well, the terms and conditions settle with a true love kiss as many do, I’m sure you know, but don’t worry I am sure you can do that!” Big mama pinched his cheeks, and he batted her hands away “The reason for that is the cost of the wish, to keep the form and remain on land for more than a month would be too expensive, only the true love kiss may seal the magic then.”
Donnie grunted in acceptance, he knew how costly spells could be and this wasn’t a simple one, his request was huge.
“If she does kiss you before the end of the month you may remain human, permanently! But if she doesn’t, you’ll turn back into a merturtle.” Big Mama finished.
Raph looked like he was about to say something, to pull Donnie away and tell him he shouldn’t go through with it, Leo beat him to it.
“That’s it?” He asked doubtfully “He’ll just be back, no other consequences?”
“Oh Poseidon, no” Big Mama assured, “Just like that! The only thing I ask of you Donnie is that you reunite our worlds, after all, you wouldn’t want to leave your brothers behind surely, nothing would be more perfect than that.” She said, turning to Donnie.
He was excited, a moment ago all his dreams seemed to have shattered into a million pieces and now he had a chance to explore the human world and its wonders like he had wanted his whole life and he could meet you! Properly, like he had wanted, there was only one more thing he needed to ask, even if he just wanted to dive right in for the potion before his brothers decided to pull him away.
“What is the cost to transform in the first place?” He asked and the attention of his brothers went back to the exiled.
“Your voice” Big Mama answered easily.
Raph gasped “His voice?! How is he even supposed to make the princess fall in love with him in a month if he can’t even talk?”
Donnie winced, his brother did make a good point, of course, the situation couldn’t be so perfect.
“Oh don’t worry, there are so many other methods of communication my dear! I am sure you will figure one out, and if she truly is worth it, I’m sure she won’t mind! So, whenever you want turtley-boo! You only need half of the potion and I’ll make the contract.”
“Donnie” Leo spoke quietly close to his twin “I know you want this but I don’t trust Big Mama, there’s something they’re not telling us.”
Donnie rolled his eyes “Oh come on Leo, this is my chance! This is the only way I would ever get to see the human world!” Donnie’s voice made Leo deflate “If I tried anything else dad would chain me down to the castle’s floor, I’m ready.”
Without listening to Raph trying to stop him Donnie hurriedly gulped down the fuchsia liquid, it went down quickly to the dismay of his brothers, and he left half of it untouched.
Rays of golden color started enveloping him, coming out of Big Mama’s hands, her eyes now glowing white, and a piece of paper floated right in front of Donnie, he took the pen in front of him and quickly signed his name on the paper, he tried to read its contents while doing so but only got so far because once his name was fully signed in it disappeared, the golden light turned green and Donnie started feeling a scratch on his throat, he coughed loudly before feeling like the water left his body.
His brothers looked at him in panic and determined Leo took the bottle with potion out of his grasp, chugging a whole gulp of it in before reaching out towards Raph and forcing the drink on the eldest’s mouth who coughed wildly after that having been taken by surprise, Leo did the same with Mikey and pulled them both toward were Donnie’s transformation had just begun.
“Wait!” Draxum yelled but the three other turtles were engulfed in the light too.
Mikey watched in terror as Donnie yelled, his tail separating in an instant and suddenly there was a pair of feet where it used to be.
He himself started feeling weird, but on his upper body, before he could think about it though Mikey felt someone pulling him to Donnie and he realized then that his brother could not breathe under the water anymore.
Donnie’s lungs felt like they were on fire, he was clawing at his throat and realized his gills were gone, he tried to pull himself up, but thankfully he was dragged up out of the cave by some pairs of…fins?
They reached the surface and Donnie gasped, breathing heavily, the air was sweet salvation from all the pain he’d just endured, two bodies pushed their way under his arms, pulling his tired body toward the shore, belatedly, he realized the fish pulling him forwards were his own brothers, transformed into fish, or well, Mikey was a fish, an overly grown goldfish.
It made Donnie wonder if they were more related to Piebald than they’d originally thought.
Raph however, looked like a full-grown alligator snapping turtle, it must have been the effect of drinking just a bit of the potion without the contract Donnie had made with Big Mama.
Donnie was deep in his delirium, trying to make sense of what was happening to deviate his mind from the pain he had just experienced, so he looked for Leo, assuming surely that like his tail he’d become a sailfish after the spell.
They were about to reach the shore, but Donnie couldn’t stay conscious any longer, unable to find Leo to distract himself, he blacked out.
You were walking outside the castle, the building lifted from the sea but overlooking it by rocks and pillars, you rested your back against one of its walls while Mayhem played around close to the water, Mayhem had always seemed to love the sea as much as you did, sometimes it seemed like if you left him alone he would swim deep into the waters like they were home.
Your smile was soft but was soon eclipsed by your thoughts as they wandered back to a couple of days ago, your mind kept repeating the words of your savior over and over again, it made your heart flutter, what you remembered him saying about wanting to know your world and you, you wondered what he meant exactly.
You were snapped out of your daydreaming by a bark from Mayhem, sighing softly you pulled yourself away from the wall and started walking away from the castle.
“Do you think Casey is right?” You asked your companion with a small frown “Maybe a did drink too much seawater? I mean I swear I saw a tail disappear into the water” you chuckled humorlessly, worried that so many mermaid tales had just messed with you that day and you had just imagined an impossible romance.
Mayhem’s bark in response made you smile again “You’re right, I can’t just give out hope already, right? I know what I felt that day” your confidence returned, at least slightly, maybe you should go around town again. You weren’t able to see him properly that time but you were sure you’d recognize his voice anywhere.
Donnie felt the beginnings of a headache and groaned while recovering consciousness, he must have been laying on the beach because he could feel the sand beneath his…actually, his back felt weird over the sand.
His hand reached up to his head to get rid of the headache when he felt it, Donnie jumped up to sit up straight at the feeling of five fingers on his forehead instead of three; his eyes examined the foreign hand in front of him with fascination and his expression turned gleeful at the realization of what he was looking at, a five-fingered hand in golden brown that was his own.
His gaze went down quickly to where his purple tail would rest to find in its place a pair of legs the same color as his arm, he was human! He was truly human! He moved his feet in fascination, the fingers moving almost one by one while his hands were flapping rapidly; he was so excited he could scream!
No sound came out of his mouth, but he was too elated to care or notice at that moment.
Mikey gasped with sparkly eyes “Donnie! You’re human!” His little brother screamed like he hadn’t noticed already “Ohmigosh, you look so weird but so cool! But what will dad say?! Oh what if he finds out, wait of course he’s gonna find out, oh and I’m a fish now, he’s gonna be so pissed, maybe he’s worried already! What if he comes looking for us? What if he mobilizes everyone and—”
“Mikey!” Raph called out beside him “Calm down! We can’t panic now! No one panic!” He said, already panicked, his eyes barely leaving Donnie who still looked too excited to care about what was happening around him, he was trying to stand up on both legs, at first, he almost fell down, but he managed to hold himself up, even though his legs trembled under his body.
That was until he heard Raph’s next words.
“We need to go back and tell pops, I should have done that the moment you started swimming to Draxum” Raph’s words sent Donnie into a frenzy, he reached out to his now more of a turtle brother, shaking his head over and over to express his discontent “Don’t shake your head at me, young man! Look at what’s happening! Maybe we can get Big Mama and Draxum to turn you back and give you back your voice! We’d go home and back to normal, then you’d just be…”
Raphael’s rant stopped slowly while he stared into his brother’s eyes which were just the same despite his human appearance, Donnie looked pained and it sent guilt straight into the core of Raph’s being “Just be…miserable for the rest of your life” Raphael conceded looking down at the sand and sighing, yes, he was worried, but it wasn’t fair of him to take away his brother’s final chance at everything he had ever wanted. He sighed before looking back at Donnie “All right all right, we’ll find that princess and get you that kiss.”
Donnie grinned wildly, his legs unconsciously moving up and down under him, making him unstable for a moment before he steadied himself again, he only then noticed one of his brothers must have covered him up with an old boat sail while he was unconscious because it was tied around his figure, ignoring that, for now, he instead punched the air to show his excitement, his brothers chuckled at him looking much calmer now.
“All right! We’re getting Donnie his smooches and giving dad a vacation, let’s go!” They heard Leo’s voice call out and looked around but couldn’t see anything “Right here big guy, ugh it’s weird calling you that instead of Raph” The merturtle mumbled.
Instead of what Donnie thought he’d find his eyes stumbled into a tiny red-eared slider turtle looking at him from over a rock and the now man couldn’t stop himself from falling backward on the sand as he tried to recover his breath, laughing soundlessly but wildly at the appearance of his twin brother.
Raph’s and Mikey’s laughter was much louder, and Leo only rolled his eyes “Oh give it a rest, would you?! I do all of this so we can help Donnie out and all I get from you guys is mocking!”
“You turned us into turtles and a fish!” Raph exclaimed “We don’t even know how to get back to our bodies! And how is Mikey going to follow Donnie on land?”
“Well yeah, I didn’t know what exactly the effect would be on us” Leo mumbled almost in a whisper “But! We do know when we’re going to be back to normal! We didn’t make a contract and only took a small dose of the potion, in a month regardless of what happens the three of us will just be back to normal no worries! Right, Donnie?” Leo said confidently and Raph looked from him to Donnie with skepticism.
Donnie who’d just recovered his breath looked thoughtful, he considered what Draxum and Big Mama had said and it seemed about right, he nodded in reply and started looking around for his mask which was nowhere to be seen, while he marveled about it being gone and realized finally that there was hair where it usually rested on his head Raph sighed and Leo looked smug.
“All right fine, now, how do we find this princess?”
You were still walking close to the shore when Mayhem suddenly started jumping around you, barking and trying to pull you further away “Woah, what’s up Mayhem?” You asked the pet who kept making motions for you to follow, and you gave in with a chuckle, following Mayhem as they ran far away from you.
“All right Donnie, can you just tie that better? It’s gonna fall any moment now and I really don’t wanna see THAT” Leo groaned pointing at the cloth over Donnie’s body who was trying to hold it over his shoulder and waist.
A familiar bark took their attention, nearing them quickly.
Mayhem rushed over Donnie’s way and not knowing what to expect he hurried over to a rock, trying to hide from the creature behind it, Mayhem jumped close to Donnie who looked back in amazement before he heard your voice, repeating the scene back at the ship when he had seen you for the first time.
Donnie’s knees wobbled for a moment but he stabilized himself again quickly seeing you reunite with your pet before your eyes went up and clashed with his.
You seemed to pause in surprise and he wondered for a moment if you had recognized him somehow despite how different he looked now.
Mayhem went back to Donnie, jumping around and turning back to look at you like he was saying ‘Here! He’s right here!’, when you looked at this man you had the same feeling from before with your savior, you were confident Mayhem was right, this was him, it had to be, he looked shipwrecked, his hair drenched and he was covered in only a battered sail that had probably belonged to your own ship.
“Are you okay sir?” You asked as you neared him, Donnie’s eyes never leaving your face as he smiled and nodded rapidly at you, you smiled back before looking back at Mayhem and reaching out to hold them in your arms “I’m sorry if my, uh, dog, scared you, they’re harmless, just a bit hyperactive sometimes” You chuckled trying to avoid his gaze, it made you a bit nervous, you wanted to ask, you really wanted to ask if he was whom you thought, but if your eyes crossed with his again you were worried you’d stutter your question instead.
If you could only hear him speak it would confirm everything.
“Have I met you before?” You asked still petting Mayhem “You seem very familiar to me” That wasn’t true, you had never seen his face before but the feeling wouldn’t leave your body.
Donnie’s eyes seemed to sparkle when he heard you say that, he wanted to answer ‘Yes! That was me!’ but knew he couldn’t, if you just looked back up, he could nod in confirmation.
As if you had heard his thoughts you looked back up at him again allowing him the chance to nod in response, your smile seemed to widen impossibly and he could have swooned, feeling dizzy from your reaction “We HAVE met! I knew it!” You said letting go of Mayhem to get closer to him, forgetting how nervous you had just been a moment ago at the confirmation “You’re the man who saved me, I had been looking for you! What’s your name?”
Donnie faltered, realizing he couldn’t tell you his name.
Your smile dropped slowly “What’s wrong?” You asked worriedly and Donnie tapped his throat with his hand, trying to explain he couldn’t speak, you caught on “You can’t speak?” Donnie nodded and noticed you looked surprised then a bit disappointed “Oh, then you couldn’t be who I thought, I’m sorry for mixing you up” You smiled in apology and Donnie felt like smashing his face on the sand, no! He was! This was recent, his mutism happened just now! Oh, but how could he tell you so? How would you even believe that?
Donnie could hear the groans of his brothers coming from behind him and felt the need to groan too, instead, he leaned over the rock he had been standing behind and tried to make signs with his hands, there had to be a way for him to explain this!
You looked up at him curiously as he once again tapped his throat trying to communicate something, he waved his hands away from his throat in a leaving motion, trying to explain his voice had left, your head tilted to the side in confusion “Your breath?” he quickly made a dismissing motion, repeating the signal from before and then making a wave with his hand to simulate swimming “You need help?” you asked and his movements became wilder, in his frenzy he leaned over too much and almost fell, you gasped but managed to catch him quickly before he did.
Donnie was shocked at realizing he was now in your arms, his movements halting while you tried to lift him back to his feet “Woah careful!” You said worriedly but his cheeks felt really warm and if he could speak he would be completely unable to form a coherent sentence, for once he was relieved for his mutism if only for a moment, how were you so strong?! Despite lacking his tail he knew he couldn’t be too light.
“You really must have been through something” He tuned back into reality when you spoke, you looked worried about him but then smiled reassuringly “Don’t worry! I’ll help you” You said, with him standing up again you still laid one of his arms over your shoulders thinking he might need help walking since he seemed to have trembling legs.
Donnie was surprised but happy, you were taking him to the castle! He looked back over his shoulder towards his brothers with a grin, Mikey and Raph were making signs of approval and smiling back at him, but Leo was once again nowhere to be found.
Or so did Donnie think before realizing there was a weight on the sail covering him, he looked down to see Leo sitting on it, traveling along without doing anything and smiling lazily back at Donnie, Donnie rolled his eyes at his brother, secretly thankful that he was small enough to follow along.
He kept walking with you, his legs a bit wobbly but you helped him keep steady all the way to the castle.
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kore-pythia-hayashi · 3 months
Chris: I’ve been thinking a lot about gods lately.
Chris: *giggles, smiling bitterly as he averts his gaze* Yeah, I know, very hypocritical from someone who insists that he wants to keep a distance from the godly world. But I’ve been wondering… Luke always talked about how much Olympus is tied into the past, how unchanged its unfair cycles have remained over the centuries. How the gods can’t and won’t ever change. For the longest time, I believed every word he said, and I still do to some extent. It’s true, the gods have always used us to their favor. They have always repeated the same mistakes over and over again, gave us the same empty promises. But there’s also an interesting thing you mentioned and Luke doesn’t seem to know about.
Chris: *his soft brown gaze fixases on yours* You said that your father…-the ever so egotistical Apollo- will be turned into a mortal. And will be changed by this experience, for the better. What would you say about that? Is there any hope for these scumbags? *smiles* Is an immortal being capable of change?
[She was sharpening her blade, the bronze she had unknowingly heated shone as if threatening to melt in her hand, - Kore looked at this action distantly and the dull burning in her hand did not bother her, it was nothing compared to the cruel touch of the sun itself.. She raised her face to Chris - it was absolutely serene and the light pouring from below made her look like a priestess of Hestia or the very goddess of the hearth if anyone dares to think so brazenly]. If you temporarily make him mortal and torture him as cruelly as possible. [Her voice sounded calm and quiet, as if she was talking about something ordinary and familiar - it was an eerie and vivid contrast to her usual behavior].
[Kore put away the sharpened blade - it was so sharp and Chris felt a phantom pain just looking at it]. Remind them of the two most beloved belover - who died through his fault, a lot and vividly, he will cope with the accusations perfectly himself. [She lowered her head and her really shining golden hair fell over her shoulders and back, Chris felt like they were moving like they were alive… like snakes]. Let him fully feel the helplessness and impotence of mortals, their despair, their tears and pain. let him find really real friends and lose them - they die protecting him by helping him. [The eyes of Kore twinkled and shimmered - various shades of blue and a depth of poisonous green]. May he lose his brother, the only brother who is trying to protect you in front of your father, who stood up for him in front of Zeus himself. [Her voice was deep and old, but feminine and smooth like the voice of an elderly singer, Chris wondered if it was Kore herself or an oracle mixed with her resentment and anger? He was more inclined to the latter].
[She put her hand on Chris's shoulder - her grip was firm and a little painful, as if she was trying to dig her fingers into the flesh of the son of Hermes, fortunately her nails were short] The gods can correct themselves, but for this they need to be made mortal and be merciless to them. [Her eyes were deep and poisonous green, and her smile was sharp, full of fangs and beautiful].
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x F!Reader
Genre: Crack, fluff
Word count: 1K
Warnings: Canon divergent, OOC, Shin is insufferable, mentions of domestic abuse
You were born rotten, but he had a chance.
pt. 1 | previous | playlist
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Shinichiro almost begged you not to go, or to at least take him with you, because he knew.
He knew that as soon as you left a mess will erupt in the house.
Three words in, Izana already managed to talk you into teaching him and Kakucho some muay thai, and Emma has made you promise to take her out for a ‘Girl’s day’ with Tomoe, complaining that she’s always surrounded by men and that they all suck.
Which leads us to right now.
“It is so unfair you got to meet her and I didn’t!” Sulking on the couch, Mikey was pouting with his arms and legs crossed, glaring at his eldest brother, “Why didn’t you bring her when I was around?!”
“I didn’t plan for any of you to meet her at all!” Shinichiro sighed, exasperated.
“Don’t gatekeep your girlfriend from us just because she’s cooler.” Izana quietly noted, already looking over his schedule for when he’ll have time to do lessons with you.
Emma nodded, standing over Izana to peer at what he was doing.
He moved his chair a little, giving her space to climb into his lap and look over his schedule together.
Shinichiro was silently glad for that, and that you so readily accepted to teach his brother martial arts.
Izana didn’t like a lot of people, and he didn’t have a lot of patience for people, so the fact he seemingly wanted to spend more time with you made Shin infinitely happy.
“What a wonderful girl! So polite, too! Shinichiro, I hope you’re not just wasting her time, she is absolutely too good for you.” Shinichiro’s grandpa hummed in satisfaction from the kitchen where he was washing the dishes.
“Do you think we could replace Shin with her?” Mikey asked, looking to his brother and sister for approval, but they merely shook their head.
“Already asked, she said her younger brother wouldn’t like that.” Emma sighed, now doodling in Izana’s notebook.
“Still unbelievable that she chose to date you of all people.” Izana threw a look at his older brother, who at this point looked on the verge of crying, “Her tattoos are cool.”
“She let me colour some of them in!” Emma perked up, grinning at Manjiro in mockery.
Mikey let out a prolonged whine.
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If you weren’t mean enough to laugh at Kazutora’s new style, Baji was.
In fact, he laughed so hard, tears formed in his eyes as he bent at the waist, clutching his stomach.
“That doesn’t suit you, what the hell is that?! You looked way more handsome before!” Pointing at his friend, Baji almost choked on his laughter, “And what’s with that tattoo?!”
“Shut up! None of your damn business!” Scowling, Kazutora tried to deny his heart skipping a beat at his friend calling him handsome.
“Alright, alright.” Still grinning, Baji wiped a tear from his eye, “Let’s go meet my middle school friends!”
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Kazutora didn’t like Mikey.
Mikey was spoiled and demanding, a whiny little brat with no cares in the world, and Draken, Mitsuya and Pah answered to his every whim and demand in a heartbeat, and Kazutora just couldn’t understand why.
Mikey was selfish, and it reminded Kazutora of his father to the point of his skin crawling.
It angered him.
It angered him to no end because it made him think of his sister, of the long hours you worked just to keep a roof over his head, the bags under your eyes, the way you worked day and night and still made time for him, still ensured he got all the love and attention he needed.
You always had a kind word and a soothing touch in store for him, pushing money into his hand even when he told you he didn’t need any, buying anything his eyes lingered on for a beat too long, even when he demanded that he didn’t want it.
“I’d buy you the world if I could.” Is all you’d say with a soft smile, ruffling his hair, “Just smile for me Tora, okay? You’ve got such a pretty smile.”
It made him think of when your body was perpetually bruised, strikes that should have landed on his face ending up on yours, words his parents should have told him being whispered in your voice instead.
There are people in this world who only take and take and take, while you had to break your back and kick and scream for anything you ever got, and it made him so, so angry.
“THIS DOESN’T HAVE A FLAG!” Screaming now, Manjiro furiously stared at the kid’s meal in front of him.
“Why does it even matter?” Draken asked, quirking an eyebrow, but Mikey merely shook his head, standing up.
“It does! Now I don’t have the energy to live for the day…”
Dramatic ass.
“I’m going home now.” Head hung and with a pout, Mikey left.
Kazutora felt his eye twitch in annoyance.
“Hey, you serious?!” Protesting, Mitsuya, Draken and Pah got up to follow Mikey, “I said hold on there, Mikey!”
“You know, why do you guys even care so much about a guy like him?” Kazutora comments from the side, gaze fixed on the three boys leaving, “Doing that… It makes it seem like you’re his underlings rather than his friends.”
“Hey, Kazutora, watch it!” Keisuke warned, sending Kazutora a glare, but Draken interjected.
“It’s fine, Baji, I am somewhat of a Mikey’s underling.”
“I don’t know how you see Mikey, but we all like to hang out with him. Even if you’re Baji’s best friend, if you’re going to pick a fight I’d be on board anytime.” Mitsuya comments, before following Draken and Pah outside, leaving.
Kazutora’s stomach twists.
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“What don’t you like about Mikey?” Baji asks, kicking rocks as he walks with Kazutora.
“I just hate selfish people.” Kazutora shrugs, guilt biting at his throat.
You were so excited that he was meeting new friends.
Baji looks up in thought, humming, before shrugging, nodding his head.
“Yeah, Mikey can be a bit selfish.”
Kazutora and Baji turn, and Kazutora’s blood runs cold.
His sister’s eyes look back at him, but they’re not her eyes, it isn’t even her face, it’s a face so clinically cold, wearing a pristine suit.
It’s his sister’s eyes, but she’d never look at him so cruelly, so coldly, like he was nothing more than an ant, nothing more than a vague inconvenience.
His sister never looked at him with anything less than adoration.
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. . . next
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a/n: sorry not sorry :))) most of this chapter is based on kazutora’s backstory from the booklets!
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hawkogurl · 10 months
in the genuine way possible, Why do you like Raimi verse MJ?
Would like a description of your thoughts.
So I just woke up (I know it’s 6PM I work night shifts) so this might not be as well verbalized as it could be. (Update: I put this in drafts and am now adding to it at midnight but I have had a day so prior warnings apply)
But for me, she’s a nuanced and flawed female character who isn’t given the credit for that she deserves and I think she kicks ass as a result. I don’t need characters I like to be good people, I need them to be interesting. She’s interesting.
But in terms of what people normally hate her for, I don’t really tend to agree for a variety of reasons. The main thing people get on her about is cheating, which is very much true, but that feels unfair when Peter also cheats! And he doesn’t see nearly the same amount of shit thrown at him that MJ does! (Wonder why that is?) Hell, he hits her while he has the symbiote but I barely see people bring it up. But on the note of her cheating, I don’t mind it because we’re given a reason as to why she’s got such bad commitment issues that I find interesting. She grew up in an extremely unstable home with a seemingly chronically ill mother and a verbally and likely physically abusive father. She’s a dysfunctional person for sure, but we as a community are more than willing to read into and analyze far worse behaviors in Peter, Harry, hell, people outright ignore Norman being an abusive father. It’s bs to me that she’s not given the same treatment. Shes someone who grew up in an unstable environment. Shes used to that. Her entire life in her formative years was that. As a result, the way I see it, she either gets into relationships with people who tend to continue not treating her well (Flash and to a degree Harry.) and when she’s in more stable relationships that hurt her less, (like John) I theorize that the reason she does so much to put them in jeopardy is that her, stability with men in her life is always something that has ended inevitably, but abruptly and probably violently. Being the one to destroy a relationship her trauma screams at her will inevitably end with her being hurt again gives her a sense of control.
And on top of that, I find her emotional responses to Peter’s behavior while he dates her extremely human! Sure, she definitely makes mistakes in how she handles it, but I personally absolutely hate the degree to which people ignore Peter’s own mistreatment of her. I’m not gonna claim she did nothing wrong, but people in this fandom have a tendency to remove responsibility or the ability to have done something wrong from Peter. At that point in the movies, Peter has everything going for him. His life is finally going well and as a result of his own inflated ego and the fact the world has revolved around him he sort of seems to forget that she has her own life and her own problems that she wants to be heard and understood and supported through. His ability to do that is one of the things that drew her to him in the first movie and she’s watching him as it becomes apparent he doesn’t really have that anymore. Everything in his life revolves around him and has for years, so when her life problems get brought up and he makes them about himself and remains somewhat unempathetic and so absorbed in his own joy he doesn’t notice how poorly she’s doing, I find it personally hard to deny that’s exactly how I would feel in that situation. I hate that people refuse to empathize with her, or when they do on a surface level they still refuse to acknowledge any blame Peter has there. Hell, I find it hard to deny that I’m irritated that it’s basically overlooked that Peter kissed another woman in front of her face but people will rip her to shreds for kissing another man one time. I’m not gonna say she didn’t fuck up, but I find the way she’s treated unfair and I frankly think the opinion wouldn’t skew the same if she was a man for both of these topics.
I also just like that she’s a person? She has emotions that feel real, she has a life and a career outside her relationship with Peter, she has compelling trauma that informs her decisions. I frankly find her to be a more nuanced and interesting character than MCU MJ or TASM Gwen simply because she feels more well rounded and flawed. They’re better and more likeable love interests, but I frankly think she’s a better character. Everything that people praise in them as something that makes them Better Than Raimi MJ either feels like rather shallow traits or things that feel somewhat misogynistic towards Raimi MJ, a character who they claim they don’t like due to misogynistic writing. No hate to those to ladies, I see the appeal to them and I think people should like them, but Raimi Mj has more depth to me.
In conclusion: To like a character I don’t need them to be a good person I need them to be interesting. Shes interesting. Also everyone in this trilogy, including Peter, is at least somewhat a bad person. So I don’t know why she specifically is being treated with so much less grace other than the obvious reason.
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terriluvss · 2 months
Anyone else miss when Fairytail used to take it self seriously? Back in the early manga days, Mashima went absolutely hard on the world building. Establishing rules and keeping power scaling consistent somewhat; even having darker themes to the show. Characters had more emotional weight to them, with them actually taking each other seriously.
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This moment, there’s no tears involved but you can tell how much impact it has on the characters. Especially Gray. Natsu doesn’t kick Gray to the side and takeover the fight in a comedic way, in fact he even tells Gray to use the spell if he wants to. He’s not smiling, there’s no exaggerated goofy expressions. Instead his expression is the focal point of the panel, we see the conviction in his eyes. That he means what he says, he doesn’t want his rival at the time, Gray to die. Yet in this moment, he turns away entrusting Gray with the choice. But this time he’s reminded that there are people who will be affected by his decision to use the spell or not. Without the use of any tears, we can feel how hard this moment hits for Gray. Someone who has felt like he never deserved to live in this world. The arc take itself seriously and we see Gray remember Natsu’s words. They hold value to him and he chooses to fight for himself as well.
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In these panels, we focus on his expression. There’s real stakes in these fights and this was back when there was no healer too. We get to see real wounds and what happens when wizards take on more than they should. They get hurt. We even see this in the first trip Natsu and Lucy go on together.
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We see the guildmembers lives are taken seriously, that there is real consequences to them going on jobs. That being a wizard is dangerous, theres so much camaraderie and emotion shown in the early manga we really get a feel for just how much of a family Fairytail is to each other. They’ll even scale a snowy mountain littered with monsters just for the slim chance to drag them back to magnolia town. Betraying their pride to admit to their rivals they care. Aka Natsu and Gray. But you know what was great about it? It wasn’t all dark Fairytail knew when to be funny too, there was many light moments. Fairytail has always been fun goofy adventures but it knew when to take itself seriously.
Then we have 100yq…
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This is supposed to be a serious moment. Lucy was literally burnt. Natsu’s arm is torn to shreds, we see his eyes wide and sweat trailing down his skin. This is obviously not a comedic moment. So tell me why… instead of getting to focus on the characters feelings and how this may affect them. We get this…
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There is no detail to the expressions, their very simplified and cartoony. And we also have, Lucy being treated as fanservice… again. But the worst part about it is this is so out of character for Natsu. The way he looks at Lucy here, its as if she’s a bother to him. He completely disrespects her and downright sexually assaults her. They dumbed his character down to… this. This is the same Natsu that shed tears at the idea of Gray dying for his sake, the same Natsu whos blood boiled to see Erza scared, the same Natsu who took on an entire guild because of the unfair treatment to Yukino.
Yet he can’t even treat Lucy fairly here. This is something the old Natsu would not do, it’s so out of character. And Lucy is out of character here too, the old Lucy would’ve punched him square in the jaw for trying this.
In fact in the past she even threatened to leave the team because she thought he was only having her on the team for her blonde hair.
Lucy isn’t afraid to hold him accountable and we see Natsu reassure her feelings and take them seriously.
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If this was 100yq her feelings wouldn’t have been taken seriously. They would’ve been played as a joke, they would’ve said something like. “What do you mean it could’ve been anybody? You’re the only girl in the guild with blonde hair, I doubt Laxus would wanna do the job.”
But Natsu didn’t say something like that, we see Lucy’s conflicted expression at knowing he chose her because of her personality. And we’re shown that her feelings here are serious. Whereas in 100yq we don’t even get to see her face/reaction to his careless disregard of her burns. All we see is the side of her face, all the focus is on her chest for the joke.
Bonus Last point. This here is an exact example of what I mean. The serious weight of this situation we get to see clearly. Their expressions are the focal point, were shown this is a moment with weight to its whereas in 100yq the panels focus is on Lucy’s chest. We were robbed.
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 221 Thoughts
The question on everyone’s minds, including the main characters, is will Gojo come out of the box crazy? Signs point to no so far, but we’ve only seen a little of what he’s like now that he’s back.. Thoughts and speculation on Gojo’s return and what it means for the story underneath the cut.
1. Nah, I’d Win. 
If I had to say what Gojo’s greatest weakness was, I’d say it was his strength. To be more specific, Gojo is hypercompetent at one thing at the expense of everything else in his life. That’s not to say he’s untalented, Gege’s confirmed in interviews and side amterials that he can cook and take care of himself, that he’s basically good at any hobby he picks up. Its more that Gojo fits so perfectly into the role that society has made for him, that he’s never tried to be anything else, because he doesn’t need to be. 
Gojo is amazing at one thing, and that’s killing curses, and sometimes other sorcerers. He’s the absolute apex of the world, no one will even come close to competing. It doesn’t matter that Gojo might be a good cook, or a good dancer, because the only thing he needs to do is kill what the higher ups point him at. He completes every mission successfully and has almost never had any insecurity or trouble about that. He is at the undisputed top position. 
There’s an interesting parallel between Sukuna and Gojo, where Sukuna similiarly only lives for the pursuit of his own strength. All of Sukuna’s power and confidence comes from the fact that he only cares about winning sorcery battles and that’s it. To lose, to not be the strongest, is tantamount to death to him. A person like Sukuna is baffled that Gojo isn’t running the show. 
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Sukuna existed in the Heian era where sorcerers had free run of the place, and people constantly flattered him and paid him tribute so he wouldn’t kill them on a whim. Gojo exists in a much more complex world where sorcerers work in secret, and politics is what largely determines the lives of the sorcerers he works with. 
Gojo’s attitude of strength being the glue-all the fixes everything is very similiar to Sukuna’s, however he exists in a much different era. Gojo is like, a last hurrah to the sorcerers of the Heian era and the peak of sorcery. Kenjaku implies that modern day sorcerery is kind of at a lull and hasbeen for generations, and that a sorcerer like Gojo has not been born in awhile. So, it makes sense that Gojo is the only modern day sorcerer Sukuna seems to care about fighting. 
If Gojo existed in Sukuna’s era he probably would have a lot more political power, and could solve mostthings with a fight, but he doesn’t, and Kenjaku in fact took advantage of that thinking Gojo employs where he has to solve everything himself with his own abilities to trap him in the first place. 
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Gojo is strong and competent enough to do practically everything on his own, as long as it’s a problem that can be solved with sorcerery. However, he’s so good at this, so necessary to his society, and everyone around him flatters him so much that Gojo assumes that he can now solve everything on his own even things where sorcery does not matter. 
Which is where we see his failings, because he uses the same strategy for everything. He wants to raise kids to replace the elders? Just teach them how to be strong, that’s all they need to know. 
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However, Gojo is raising children for the sake of having political allies to enact his political reform, and yet not a single one of his children even care about the politics of the Jujutsu World. Yuta himself remarks to Geto that he has no idea what’s going on or if the Jujutsu World is unfair he just wants to fight for his friends. Yuji constantly calls himself a mindless cog that only needs to kill curses without thinking. Megumi has the same fatalistic attitude. Maki’s even done the thing Gojo explicitly said that he wouldn’t do, which is just massacre all the higher ups that got in her way. 
Not a single one of them has ever questioned the system they are in or even thought about political reform, because Gojo didn’t raise them to be free thinking people, he raised them to be strong because that’s Gojo’s solution to everything. 
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Continuing onward a lot of people have pointed out this parallel, or the tragedy of it, that the first kid Gojo ever took in was Megumi, and now he’s fighting Sukuna in Megumi’s body. However, they haven’t pointed out why it’s so tragic. 
Gojo is the one who recruited Megumi to be a sorcerer. He was a vulnerable orphan with no money before Gojo came into his life. Gojo was supposed to be the one protecting Megumi, that was the deal more or less, Megumi become a sorcerer for Jujutsu High and let Gojo foster his growth, and that will give protection to both Megumi and Tsumiki as they grow up. 
Gojo is the one who got Megumi involvedin the world of sorcery, and look at where it’s led. Megumi hates being a sorcerer, and the reason he let Gojo talk him into it is because Gojo promised Tsumiki’s safety. Now Tsumiki is dead by Megumi’s own hands, and Megumi is possessed. This kid is in danger because Gojo actively got him involved and decided to scout Megumi to his cause. 
When Gojo tries to do things that’s more meaningful than what the higher-ups tell him to do, he fails. He may have had better intentions for Megumi’s life than what ended up happening, but he basically wasn’t anything other than a teacher who came into his life to raise him as a tool that he needed against the higher ups.
If Gojo tries to be anything other than the weapon he was born and groomed into being this is the result. Ideologically, he’s subversive and different from the elders. However, his methodology is pretty similar. He’s slightly more benevolent because he doesn’t actively want children to get hurt and he’s not indifferent to them, but at the same time he’ll also use them as a part of his plans.
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 Gojo’s just so indispensable to the society he’s a part of that his entire identity is formed around what his role in that society is. Even when he’s trying to subvert that society he can only go so far. Gojo, much like Sukuna has totally bought into and accepted the idea that being the strongest at Jujutsu makes him isolated, and more special than others, when really he’s the king of a very small kingdom. His entire identity is so entrenched in being the best, that he’s completely blind to his own shortcomings. 
“Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo, or are you Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” 
If his entire identity derives from being strong, than if he were to ever lose that strength, then he’d be nobody. Which is why we see Gojo fail so hard in situations where the solution isn’t killing someone or executing a curse. 
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Sukuna himself says as much as well, if he loses then he’s dead, and even if he survives afterwards he’s reduced to a corpse and he doesn’t care what would happen to him. They are simultaneously the two most selfish and egocentric characters, and yet characters with very little sense of self because they don’t see themselves outside of their abilities and their predetermined role in sorcerer society. 
Which works out fine for Sukuna, because Sukuna’s not interested in the world, or other people at all, he just thinks that the strong should live as hedonistically as possible dominating others by their will. Gojo’s actively trying to do things that require him to be a person, and he’s failing at those things because he’s not enough of a person. 
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As I said Gojo’s students reflect Gojo. Yuji says out loud multiple times that he has no purpose in life, that he doesn’t need to think about anything other than following orders and exterminating curses. Gojo has not raised a student that’s going to try to defy the elders or make anything different, he’s raised another Gojo. Someone who is really good at exorcising curses and getting stronger at the expense of everything else. 
So, to return to the original question do I think Gojo’s going to come out of the box crazy? We don’t know yet. However, I think it’s important to look at the fact that Gojo is coming out of the box now to see that all of his methods have failed. The first kid he took in Megumi is now possessed. A lot of the children he took in are either horribly maimed or maybe even dead. Yaga is dead. The elders are either in Kenjaku’s pocket or turned against him and made him a scapegoat. 
Gojo’s failed pretty significantly here, but how does he respond? 
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Despite being shown clear evidence that he has messed up and his methods don’t work all the way, it doesn’t look like Gojo is going to reflect on that or change the way he does things. 
Which means we might see Gojo even double down and get worse, on the way he uses his power to try to solve things. After all, we’ve already seen Maki slaughter the Zen’in. What if Gojo loses his patience and decides to rid the elders of Kenjaku’s control in the quickest and bloodiest method possible, going back against entirely what he said in the first ten chapters about how massacres won’t accomplish anythig. 
Gojo says that he has a lot of things to take care of now that he’s unboxed which is why he set the date of the final showdown weeks in advance, here’s my prediction now that he’s been shown that power doesn’t work to solve everything he’s going to double down and for the first time in his life exert his power to try and take control. 
The problem might not be that Gojo came out of the box a different person. The problem may be he came out of the box the exact same before, and he’ll try the same thing even when he’s shown it doesn’t work. 
If this isn’t something that can be settled with a fight then what good is he? 
Who is Gojo Satoru if he’s not the strongest? 
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pbear · 2 months
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Review - Episode 3
Some interesting stuff this episode. The start was a little anticlimactic with the Dragon Eaters being whisked away from a fight, but we got to it at the end.
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This guy is hellbent on dying. I’m curious why he can’t control his own power. It doesn’t seem like it being stolen has anything to do with the problem either because he still wants to die after he gets it back. Also, what’s going to happen to the civilization he’s built when he dies? Sure, the town will go back to normal, but the Water Temple won’t have anyone to take care of it. All the good things he’s been doing are beneficial. And they introduced Karameel this episode. She’d be devastated if Suijin ends up dying. He probably hasn’t told her any of this.
Suijin also brought up another interesting topic, which is why Elefseria wants the Dragon Gods sealed. He assumed it could be a result of all the people he killed in the past, but are the other Dragon Gods this dangerous? Suijin also changed over the years, so I’m wondering if Elefseria really knows anything about the Dragon Gods. This is an old quest that’s been around for years, so what if he doesn’t know the current situation?
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Touka becomes even more intriguing this episode. On the same level as Zeref? And she has Suijin’s power? I’m curious if she goes around collecting powerful magic which is what makes her so dangerous. The Dragon Eaters are also going after her now. Honestly, if they manage to find her, I could see her just wiping them out based on how she’s been built up.
I still don’t know why Jellal is after her. He confronts her at the end of the episode and I’m like, do you have a plan, sir??? You’re just going to walk up and say you know her true identity? Not going to tell Fairy Tail before this?
Also, Blue Pegasus and Mermaid Heel shoutout.
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Okay, so Levy’s PREGNANT it seems? That dropped out of nowhere. She’s mad Gajeel isn’t picking up on that, but honestly, you don’t look pregnant and you should know by now that he’s not smart enough to pick up on that, so just tell him.
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The fight was a good display of Diabolos' powers, although Fairy Tail gets absolutely wrecked. (Realistically, they should've stood a better chance. Erza and Natsu were the only ones that got nerfed. Lucy, Gray, and Wendy can hold their own.)
Kiria's so overpowered if she can just change people's personalities by cutting down their traits. I thought that was a little unfair to Erza. Also, how is this going to be undone? Either, they find a way to undo the magic or Erza's going to have to build her strength back up over time which will definitely hinder them a little.
Skullion was overpowered in a more believable sense. The scale of things he can turn to ash was crazy. He could literally destroy the whole world if he wanted. And then Armor Dragon guy just can't be hit because of how strong his defense is. Might need to get a little more creative there instead of just punching him.
I'm interested to see what will happen next week. Is Fairy Tail going to continue engaging the Dragon Eaters? I don't really have any other ideas for what they'll have to do next.
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