#she'd definitely kick it around like a cat though
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Thoughts? yes? no?
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👍 - though maybe not for the same reasons lol.
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alkhale · 9 months
that bit of manu being the helicopter parent is so funny when you consider their lineage to the popoki goddess. if a feline cub is near u, the parent is definitely nearby watching u 😂 what i would give to see an au of manu and mahina living and manu is not so lowkey watching asl when the 4 become friends like a wild cat hiding behind the bushes, he did not let up the 🤨 expression even when hoku gotten older and there are more men than he like for them to be around hoku
Mahina stopped just short of bringing her hammer down onto the slab of metal sitting over her workbench.
A loud rustle from the front of the house caught her attention. The older woman blinked, tilting her head curiously as she set the metal aside and kept the hammer in her grip, twirling it around her fingers out of habit.
Her long white braid swung easily against her back. An ocean breeze tickled the ends, bringing Mahina's gaze outwards to the coast. Her workshop sat right beside their little house on the cliffside hill, looking right out to the ocean before them.
A short, familiar curse reached her ears and she grinned now, slinging the hammer lightly over her shoulder. "You moving the furniture again?"
Manu frowned. He'd been letting his hair grow out a bit this time, silken ends tied off just at the base of his neck with an old ribbon—one of Hoku's, she realized fondly. Their usual patio furniture sat in a cultish huddle around him, rocking chairs gazing back as Manu crossed his arms over his chest.
"Do you think they looked better where they used to be or how I had them yesterday?"
Mahina tipped her head to the side.
"How did they look yesterday again?"
Manu sighed, shaking his head. Mahina grinned cheekily, almost skipping over to her dearest friend as she came up to the steps of their home. "Are you going through your mid-life crisis now? Hoku won't mind them either way, you know."
Manu scowled, looking at her like a cat caught getting wet. Mahina laughed, coming over to help him move the chairs back into place as she set the hammer down. "What made you think she'd care if you moved them?"
"At first I wanted to move them to do something different," Manu explained slowly, evenly as he carefully polished off each chair and Mahina idly checked the wood for stray splinters. Not a single one to be found, of course, because the two of them were damn good at what they did. "But then I woke up last night—remember when I went down and started painting?"
"Of course I do, you almost gave me a heart attack."
"You? Right, Hina," Mahina laughed and Manu continued, "But then I woke up and realized, what if she's expecting everything to look the same way it did when she left? What if seeing it different will make her sad? Shouldn't I just leave it the way it was then?"
"But it's still the same chair," Mahina said, taking a seat in one of the rockers once it'd been moved. Manu immediately took up a seat beside her. "I don't think she'd mind how you moved it."
"You think?"
"Mmm, she's a funny one, that girl. I don't think she'd mind much at all unless you did something more drastic... like changing the paint or putting it on the roof?"
"Hina, why on earth would I ever—"
The sound of a car engine slowing to stop brought the two of them to a halt. Mahina and Manu froze, blinking in confusion at each other as they immediately shot their feet, rushing over to the pathway leading down their hill.
A car they did not recognize sat at the base of the hill, parked along the grassy edge. Mahina frowned in curiosity while Manu looked thoughtful, glancing to his watch. "Hoku's supposed to get picked up from the airport tomorrow—"
Both of them stopped as a familiar face appeared at the base of the hill, kicking the door to their rental car open. Manu caught a brief glimpse of a smooth hand reaching for her, as though in concern, but she was barreling out of the car before they could touch.
It was a face Mahina and Manu would know, in their dreams, every waking moment, and up to their last breath.
A happiness Manu had once never known and now could not fathom otherwise flooded his chest. Mahina's eyes sparkled, bright with mirth and love and the two of them began making their way down the hill as their daughter rushed to meet them.
"Mama! Papa!"
Hoku's arms wrapped around her parents. Manu and Mahina embraced her in an instant, completing their circle of three. Snow white hair mingled with each other, a sense of perfect peace settling for a moment in unison as Manu shut his eyes, breathing in the familiar scent of their daughter, carding his fingers through her hair. Mahina's hand moved over her back, down the side of her arm—their daughter, theirs.
(Their beautiful baby girl.)
"Maka, it's been too long," Mahina murmured sweetly, eyes full of warmth as she pulled back, only an arm's length away to get a full view of their daughter. "You look good."
"You could afford to eat a bit more," Manu said, briefly pinching Hoku's arm to test for her weight. Hoku laughed, rocking back on her heels and almost taking her parents with her. "You're early! Why did you come without telling us? I would've gotten everything ready and—"
"He's had everything ready for weeks," Mahina said. Manu gaped at her. "He's still getting more ready. I haven't seen the fridge this full since—"
"I haven't heard you complain about it since you've been snacking plenty on the—"
"I wanted to surprise you guys!" Hoku said happily, positively glowing at her parents. Manu and Mahina quieted, hands still rubbing up and down their daughter, mapping the shape of her, how she looked now, her face full of life, content.
"I always had the flight booked a day early, just wanted to make it a fun trip," Hoku said. She turned over her shoulder, grinning down at the base of the hill. "And well... maybe introduce you to a few new faces?"
Mahina raised a curious brow, slipping her arm through Hoku's as they made their way down the hill. Manu looked skeptical, walking right at their side and absently nudging Hoku away from any dips and rocks.
Mahina looked amused while Manu snorted in disbelief. Luffy appeared around the other side of the car, almost leaping into the air as he jumped up and down to wave to them. "LONG TIME NO SEE!"
"That boy isn't a new face," Manu said, watching Luffy run around to the trunk now. "I didn't know he was coming. I would've doubled the fridge—"
Mahina noticed the two men stepping out of the car before Manu, her raised brow raising even higher as an amused whistle sat on her lips. She turned now to where Manu had frozen stiff, staring in cold, incredulous silence at the two men standing at the base of their hill.
Two dashing young men stood beside the rental car, watching the three make their way down the hill. Mahina realized who they were in an instant, as she was sure Manu did as well, despite his cool silence. She could hear the judgement in his gaze as he skimmed the more tan one up and down, from his sandaled feet and board shorts to his open chest and unbuttoned shirt. Mahina like the wild way the wind tousled his black hair—this one was Ace.
The more respectable blonde man was Sabo, she realized. He stood instead of leaning against the car like his brother, hands clasped politely in front of him, a small smile already on his lips, but Mahina noticed his eyes never left her daughter, watching and tracking her steps down the hill with practiced ease. A sort of softness.
"I wanted to introduce the two of you!" Hoku said as they drew nearer to the car. "I know I always talk about Ace and Sabs, but you've only ever known them in photos and stuff... so when they mentioned they were able to get some time off work..."
"I think the photos are fine enough," Manu said simply. Hoku laughed and Mahina grinned. Her daughter was sharp, but she wasn't Mahina's sharpest creation in certain aspects, that much she was sure.
"I know it's sudden, and they don't want to bother," Hoku said. "But they've always wanted to meet you guys, they almost beg me to be honest. I thought, eh, might as well, right?"
"They seem fun," Mahina managed.
"That one doesn't know how to button his shirt," Manu said.
Hoku grinned, tugging her parents down the rest of the way. Up close Mahina could see clearly just how handsome these two young men were—fit, chiseled, matching better than the strange, blurred photos her daughter would send from time to time. They both straightened in unison at the sight of Manu and Mahina, rushing forward with outstretched hands.
"Mama, Papa, this is Ace and Sabo!" Hoku introduced proudly, nose somewhat thrusted in the air with a bright grin. "Ace, Sabo—my parents!"
"Hoku's mom and dad it's nice—"
"Miss Mahina, Mister Manu—"
Ace and Sabo stopped, looking at each other with round eyes. Sabo's expression instantly schooled into a cooler one, motioning quickly with his eyes while Ace gaped until his brother blinked, nodding.
"Miss Mahina! Mister Manu!" Ace and Sabo said in unison this time, beaming politely and widely at the two of them. "It's a pleasure and an honor to finally meet you!"
Mahina decided slyly to follow in Manu's steps, glancing sideways as her friend's face became one of quiet politeness—she knew this expression of his like the back of her hand, a frigid sort of coolness beneath its quiet.
"...It's good to meet the both of you as well," Manu said simply. Hoku positively beamed between her mother and father. Ace and Sabo continued to smile, a crooked grin and a polite upturn of lips respectively. Mahina took that as her cue and shook their hands first, both their gazes flying to her.
Mahina watched Ace do a double take, a soft redness coloring the tips of his ears at the sight of her. He bowed especially deep when she took his hand, "Mama—Miss Mahina, thank you for leaving Hoku in our care."
"Well, she's always got some fun stories to tell thanks to you lot," Mahina said slowly, a bit of a tease to her tone. She turned to Sabo next, considering this upstanding looking young man and wondering what little thoughts he kept hidden behind those quiet eyes. "Thank you for looking after our daughter."
"Hoku's very dear to us," Sabo said sincerely. Hoku made a face, looking at him. Dramatic, Mahina heard her think without saying. "She's always speaking so much about the both of you, it's a pleasure to finally—"
"What were your names again?"
Ace and Sabo blinked, looking back at Manu. Hoku didn't even seem the slightest bit bothered, swaying happily on her feet until she noticed Luffy by the trunk. Hoku quickly scampered off, shouting something about not eating the gifts.
"A-Ace," Ace said quickly, offering his hand. Manu considered it for a second longer than most and shook it silently. "Ace, uh, Mister Manu."
"I'm Sabo," Sabo repeated as well, extending his hand. Manu considered it just as long before shaking it briefly. "Thank you again for—"
"That's... polite of you to drop Hoku off," Manu said. He pulled his hand away, facing both Ace and Sabo. "What time is your flight home?"
Ace looked dumbfounded, blinking repeatedly. Sabo looked a bit perplexed, blinking at a slower pace at Manu as his lips parted to respond. Mahina withheld her grin, offering instead and politely curious expression.
Maybe she was being a bit mean, but she didn't get to see Manu like this often—it'd be too fun to tease him later.
"Uh, well," Ace started. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his brow. "Tuesday... when Hoku leaves..."
"I see, quite some time then," Manu said smoothly. "Where will you two be staying? Somewhere close? We're quite a ways away from the nearest hotel where most have to stay."
"Oh, well," Sabo began gracefully, an easy, polite smile settled over his lips. Mahina understood the situation instantly and had to give it to the young man for recovering as quick as he did. "Yes, we were planning on booking over by—"
Ace looked confused, snapping his head to Sabo. "But we're supposed to be—"
Sabo's heel smacked into Ace's shin, a quick, efficient kick. Mahina did her best not to laugh when his eyes bulged. "Excuse me, we're booking by—"
"I told them they could stay with us!" Hoku called over, appearing over the popped lid of the trunk, her arms wrapped around one of the suitcases while Luffy hauled a box over the top of his head. "There's the spare bedroom in mama's workshop if that's okay?"
Manu quietly tipped his head to the side, considering the new development in silence. Ace shifted unsteadily on his feet, looking quite a bit out of his element while Mahina simply allowed her lips to curl into a grin, lightly touching Manu's elbow. He glanced to her, meeting her gaze for a moment before he looked back at the two men.
"Yes," Manu said, clipped. "I think that'll be fine. Luffy can stay in the guest room in the house."
"Thanks Papa Hoku!" Luffy shouted, racing past them and up the hill toward the house with the box over his head.
"Thank you so much for your generosity," Sabo said quickly, smiling brightly at Manu. His expression remained unchanging and Sabo continued, "We don't mean to impose, we'll make sure we handle everything on our side and—"
"That's fine," Manu said.
Sabo's words fell to a quiet, polite silence. He continued to smile, a bit strained at the corners as he lightly adjusted the cuff of his sleeves.
"Oh, maka!" Mahina called, deciding to throw the two a bone. "Wait, let us help you with that."
Ace and Sabo turned on their heels in an instant. Mahina almost choked on a snort. Hoku looked up from where she was wrestling with one of the suitcases to get the handle up. "It's alright! We brought a ton of souvenirs over! It'll be a few trips."
"Aw, come on, let me get that for ya," Ace said, stepping over to the trunk. Hoku made a face and Mahina watched an easy grin slide across his face, expression suddenly far more confident than it'd been second ago, teasing. "You'll take the entire trip to get it up the hill if we let you."
"You're exaggerating that isn't gonna—"
"You almost broke your nose pulling it off the carousel," Sabo added, easily lifting one of the suitcases up with one hand while Ace grabbed the other. Mahina watched this interaction with curious eyes. Sabo's hand dropped and lightly touched Hoku's lower back, guiding her with practiced fingers to the side of the car. "Could you grab—"
"I can get this for her."
Mahina pressed her fingertips to her lips, hiding her expression. Sabo and Ace looked startled, blinking like deer in headlights as Manu easily took Hoku's bags from the two of them, one in either hand—and promptly began to make his way up the hill to the house. "It's my daughter's things after all."
Ace opened his mouth, closing it abruptly. Sabo looked momentarily stunned, staring after Manu—
"Thanks, Papa!" Hoku said sweetly, running around the side of the car and almost tripping over the lip of the hill. Ace and Sabo's arms shot out, a practiced move to Mahina's gaze, but Hoku easily rightened herself, almost skipping over to Manu's side.
Mahina watched with fond eyes as they shared the weight of the larger suitcase together, Manu turning to Hoku with affection in his gaze.
She glanced back to the two young men looking lost at the base of the hill.
"Don't worry," Mahina offered, almost sang as she took another suitcase from the two of them. Ace and Sabo watched her almost robotically as she hefted it over her shoulder with ease. "I think you two did just fine."
the entirety of this trip is Ace and Sabo trying to win Manu and Mahina over, only to find themselves at the constant mercy of Manu's scrutiny
Manu's never too mean to them, but he sure does make them sweat
Sabo's a bit hurt because he can normally charm most parents and Hoku's won't even give him an inch
Ace starts to think that maybe he did do something wrong, he tries not to show it but starts to freak at the thought of Hoku's parents actually hating him—what the hell is he supposed to do if that happens?
He starts to limit physical contact with Hoku—which is nowhere near normal for him, Ace holds back bear hugs and noogies and chokeholds because he grabbed Hoku, swinging her up and Manu had looked at him as though he'd just thrown up all over his hand-embroidered rug
Even Sabo gets caught, an arm around Hoku's waist when he helps her down the steps to the beach—he respectfully keeps it hovered over Hoku's lower back instead when Manu stares him down from the top of the hill
Manu and Mahina treat Luffy normally, and Luffy does the same to them—they've become acquainted with Luffy and like him quite fine, after all
Hoku's just happy to have a good time with everyone
It's Luffy who gets Manu to act just a liiiiitttttlllleeee bit nicer when he notices Manu and Mahina standing by the hill, watching and talking about Hoku and he says:
"Shishishi, Ace and Sabo can handle it, they're tough!" Luffy promptly spit out a mouthful of watermelon seeds. Manu and Mahina watched them scatter to the ground. "Besides, they know Hoku loves it."
"Loves it?" Manu repeated.
"Sure," Luffy said, unbothered. "You guys havin' a say. I dunno. She's probably just happy she gets to grow up with ya this time."
Manu and Mahina look at each other, expressions soft and full of love for their daughter as Luffy walks off, sandals slapping in the sand. It takes them a moment before Manu suddenly looks a bit confused, glancing to Luffy's swaying straw hat in the wind.
"Did he say this time? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Who knows," Mahina says, looking curious, maybe a bit mystified. "He's always been a curious one, hasn't he?"
Luffy eats the entire watermelon rind in front of them and Hoku's parents decide to just have fun the rest of the weekend
-i decided to do a modern au for this one because an au where mahina and manu live in the memos storyline... :'( they'd probably want to hear all the news possible about their daughter, so an interaction of them scrutinizing all the boys would probably go something like them sitting around the table talking about their wanted posters and making judgements based on that
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crushedsweets · 9 months
tumblr user crushedsweets i am here to ask you another question about toby nat and nina. if nina was able to convince them into having a sleepover, how do you think it would go. what games would they play? what snacks would they make? who would inevitably wind up passing out on the floor with the other two comfortable on the bed? who would fall asleep first? i love them so much and i love your hcs for them
tumblr user anon i am here to cry because this is the perfect ask.... ok im starting now. this is mostly nina-centric cuz toby and nat are just following along. much more playful type headcanons
ok. ok.
toby would totally let nina and nat stay the night at his cabin if the other proxies were gone, he wouldn't need much convincing cuz nat already stays over a lot and ninas ... sweet enough. but in that case he wouldn't let them do any sleepover type stuff bc 'its my house im not watching twilight' (twilight reminds him of lyra). it wouldnt really be a fun sleepover or anything, but they'd bake cookies or something with nina for sure. prob got high/drunk too
now for more cutesy less edgy stuff...... i will be babygirlifying them all for these hcs... sorry not sorry. not canon to creeped(MAYBE).
BUT she'd definitely have to do more coaxing to get toby to come to her apartment. she lives in the city and that's not really his thing, but nat works over there so it's whatever to her.
assuming jeff is gone (only way tobys coming over), nina would be so cute about it. she'd have a blow up mattress set up in the living room, brought several bags of different candies and chips, put up random fairy lights, lit some candles so it smells sweet. her apartment is usually a little messy cuz she's a busy girl but for them . . she cleaned.
i could see nina being a really touchy person, constantly hooking arms with people and hugging them and playing with peoples fingers and stuff. it would take toby and nat forever to get used to it bc its admittedly kinda weird and invades personal space but she's so genuine with it and sweet and like :D theyre like OKAY FINE . so they'd just be walking around doing whatever and nina would pop up grabbing them like 'what r u doing in my kitchen :) the movies still playing :) youre missing the climax :) theres food out there :) youre making me mad :)'. or sitting watching a movie n she dozes off on their shoulder. etc.
nina would be swapping movies between things like 'to all the boys ive ever loved' to like... saw. oddly enough nat and toby are more likely to sit still and watch the romcoms just cuz they get invested in the plot ... LMFAO
i cant see nina actually getting them to play any sleepover games, BUT she'd hook up a switch. she'd try to play smth like overcooked with them but they rage too fucking hard and she has to swap to like. a mario game.
ok maybe she could get them to play like 2 rounds of truth or dare or never have i ever.
nat would like sour and hard candy... toby would like chocolate candy and baked stuff.... so nina would get the candy together and make them all bake some brownies.
she'd also make them make normal sugar cookies and try to decorate them but toby would make the ugliest fucking cookie possible and give up and let the girls decorate.
realistically nat and nina would end up on the air mattress and toby on the couch, BUT if they were stuck with just a bed, toby would take the floor. he'd offer cuz he's not about to share a bed with either of them.. but he'd prob wake up with nina on the floor too cuz nat KICKS in her sleep. nina curls up like a cat
nina falls asleep first. toby falls asleep last.
nina would try to convince them to let her do their makeup but toby would get irritated that she'd even ask. .
she'd defintely make them do skincare with her though .. nina uses snail mucin and the other two think she's weird.
the next morning ninas awake first and making pancakes. she walks away to go to the bathroom and gets distracted by washing her face and doing her hair and stuff and burns them so bad it wakes toby up... he comes in and turns off the stove and just waits for her to come back to call her dumb.
nat wakes up last and is so disorientated for like 30 mins after waking up... she just eats the food like a zombie until nina makes her wash her face again and shes up properly.
she'd try to get them to stay as long as possible, but theyre exhausted and as sweet as nina is, she's a bit much . . so they go home LOL. but nina would send them the cutest little "thank u for coming over i had fun i love u guys :3" text the next day and theyll feel kinda bad for leaving.
nina is just such a genuinely nice girl .... she just wants to live the teenage dream well into her 20s because she was um. Um. she behaved in a way. that um. highschool was not the most pleasant. and threw many of her teen years away for Um. a man. of sorts.
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casolitaire · 4 months
A Proper Introduction To All You Lovely Circusgoers!
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The PC that the circus is installed on has more than just the simulation, you know. The company that created it, C&A, had included a solitaire app that came pre-installed on the computer. The game came with a mascot by the name of Cardlan, who would commentate on your gameplay, or even play against you, though many players complained that her AI was too difficult.
Cut to the modern day of the circus, and Caine's AI shenanigans had begun to spread to other facets of the computer. One day it reached solitaire, and Cardlan came to life. She initially spent many years alone in solitaire (going somewhat insane), but she eventually figured out how to leave and discovered the circus.
Cardlan's entertainment comes from breaking into the circus and interacting/toying with the members. Butting into adventures, making her OWN adventures, causing chaos, and generally just aggravating Caine. Whenever she showed up however, it wasn't long before Caine would find her and firmly kick her out back to solitaire, where she'd wait for him to let his guard down before coming back.
This time after an especially long excursion, Cardlan returns to find... several changes. The original cast is all but present, there are multiple new faces, and the simulation has expanded tremendously.
"Ohoho... This is going to be fun!"
I'm gonna be completely honest, Cardlan is kind of a jerk. She's somewhat insane, she's definitely narcissistic, petty, teasing, and she has an insurmountable ego and superiority complex. Her showman-like disposition prevents her from being entirely insufferable however. Does she have a softer side, you may ask?
Not yet, at least. She'll probably gain one after some time. Either by friendship, or uh... trauma. Because what kinda tadc oc would she be if there wasn't potential for that?
Her pronouns are she/her. She can technically be classified as an "it", but it ticks her off.
Sexuality? The mirror.
Nobody knows her age, not even Cardlan herself. If you can find out how old the computer is, that's how old she is.
Despite her ego's size, her height is incomparable. She's 5’3”.
As an AI, she has powers similar to Caine, such as flight, teleportation, and AI creation (in the case of Sweep). However, she's weaker than Caine when within the circus.
She's immune to abstraction, but she can't undo it on others.
She tends to use her flight to make herself appear taller than others.
Cardlan's cards are items that can be used. I'm talking about the big ones that make up her torso. You can attain them by being gifted one, winning a game of hers, or you can be a jerk and steal one. They can do many things, and it all depends on the card's icon. Just don't take the heart card in the center of the deck. She needs that one to live.
Cardlan has her own realm in the computer within the Solitaire application. It's quite difficult to access, but one of her cards is a door that'll take you there.
Sweep is Cardlan's cat. He's from minesweeper, and was Cardlan's only companion for years. She's quite fond of him.
Be careful around his tail though, it's explosive.
If Sweep likes you, Cardlan likes you.
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
I desperately need more of Misty as Ghostface killing people and obsessing over reader!
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this was requested alot theres so many other asks like this so of course! ghostface!misty is something so personal to me now <3
there's a part one here!!
tw: misty is ghost face, so like, all warnings under the sun kdskfkd
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she can definitely be a clumsy ghost face (this isnt born from a lack of trying to be discreet, misty is very thorough in her cover ups and murders) its just sometimes when she's half way through a kill/chase she thinks of you and can't help giggling like an in love sick freak <3
definitely kicks her feet on her bed in her ghost face get up when she calls you. twirls the phone chord around her finger all 'hiii miss you :3 what are you up to? wait no dont hang up-"
she's very much into presenting her kills to you like a cat with a bird in its mouth. you never know how to truly react to them (equal parts disturbed equal parts uh, touched?) you don't want to encourage her, but she always seems so proud of herself for killing someone whos hurt you, and you dont have the heart to shut her down
she likes it when you pull her mask up and kiss her. if she quickly puts it back down and blushes, thats for only misty to know
even after knowing who she is, she still will come through your window to watch you sleep; cross legged on a chair and twiddling her thumbs in her costume. she just wants to know you're safe, and she likes how you make these noises in your sleep, and say her name so dreamily
"please please PLEASE dont be mad, but i got blood on your carpet last night :( its okay i can clean it!!"
she has your phone tapped, tracked, and wired. everything. she needs to know she's the only one in your life, and will get very jealous very quickly if you talk to anyone else the way you talk to her
yes, also so many cameras. she gifted you a stuffed animal bugged with one (unknowingly to you) and you honestly swooned at the gesture. how she fixed her glasses and said "i know you like this animal so i thought, why not!"
BEFORE knowing her identity though, on that night in your bed, you did scream and try and out run her. you didn't get very far, and misty caught you around the waist and straddled your hips, very surprisingly strong for being so tiny. she had her head tilted, knife out, she was very much pouting beneath her mask.
she would not understand why you're so scared of her, or how you don't see she'd never hurt you, and all of this has been for you. she just wants you to yourself. "no no no, dont run, you're being so dramatic. i just wanna hold you!"
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how do you think luke would be with pets?
Thanks for the ask, anon! I don't know if any canon or legends material really touches on this, which is such a shame because I think he would be so good with animals!
Luke has always been a fan of all sorts of creatures. As a little boy on Tatooine, he loved playing with and riding his friend Windy's dewback. He did have a pet of his own growing up: the Lars family owned a spotted sandhound named, you guessed it, Sandy. Even though she was an old girl, Luke would always run around the farm with her and try to teach her tricks, and she'd always do her best to keep up with him.
Sandy was extremely protective of him, to the point where it cost her life; when he was around thirteen years old, a group of womp rats ambushed him while he was tending to some moisture vaporators, and she immediately rushed in to take all the fatal blows. It was absolutely devastating, but in a rare moment of vulnerability, Owen used the situation to teach Luke about the inevitability of loss and the importance of appreciating those you love in the moment--a skill that would ultimately be very relevant to his jedi training.
On the topic of jedi training, animals are naturally drawn to him due to his strong presence in the force. Sometimes this means an entire flock of jubba birds will land on him and all start singing, other times it means large, predatory creatures will locate him very easily and try to eat him. Luke absolutely hates fighting or attacking animals. He is forever haunted by the time he literally disarmed a wampa--he was only trying to scare it away, he didn't mean for it to actually make contact with his lightsaber. You remind him that even though he didn't have a choice, he still did the right thing by giving it a chance to live.
I know I've talked about this before, but Luke would be a total horse girl (boy). He's great with dewbacks and he's great with tauntauns, so he would definitely also be great with equinoids like pulgas, orbaks, and guarlaras. Even though horses are usually extra skittish around men, they're perfectly fine around him because they can sense just how kind and gentle he is. They especially appreciate that he's intuitive and empathetic enough to know never to raise his voice or make sudden movements around them.
After noticing Luke's knack for critters, you decide to get him a pet of his own. You end up getting him a rescue tooka cat you found in a shelter at Mos Espa: it's a playful, snuggly orange tabby that's missing its right paw. What a strange coincidence, you thought, gently picking it up. Luke deserves to know he's not alone.
When Luke came back to your shared quarters on Home One and saw a kitty on his bed, he was ecstatic. He literally started crying--thankfully, you had R2 there to record his reaction. Because you found it on Tatooine, Luke decided to call it "Lars" in honor of his family. They end up doing everything together: he goes to briefings with Lars stretched out on his shoulders, they go on joyrides in his x-wing together, etc. People get a huge kick out of how close they are--"guy who blew up the Death Star crying over a cat" ends up becoming a huge meme in the Rebellion.
Tagging: (comment if you want to be tagged or you want me to stop tagging you)
@dailydragon08 (happy birthday!)
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2manyfandoms2count · 8 months
The Spirit of Competition
Me? Back for a second chapter almost a year later? Looks like it! Sorry for the wait, this year has been kicking my ass on a certain number of levels, but I'm finally getting into a decent rythm that fits a bit of writing here and there - hopefully this story will get its end before the end of the month!
Hope you like the new chapter <3
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Chapter 2
“Maman, I’ve got it!” Marinette jumped up and down excitedly with her notebook in her hands, sending a couple of loose pages flying in the process.
Sabine smiled at her daughter’s enthusiasm; she’d spent months brainstorming ideas for this year’s Halloween contest. Her daughter was nothing if not dedicated. 
“I can do this,” Marinette said quietly, as if to convince herself, frowning as she revealed her sketch. 
“I know you can,” Sabine replied, pressing a kiss to Marinette’s forehead. “Did you make a list of what you need to make it?” 
Marinette ripped out a page of her notebook and handed it to her, as if it would answer her question — and it did.
Polka-dotted fabric. Lots and lots of polka-dotted fabric.
Marinette strode through the Exposition hall with a proud smile, a few gasps sounding in her wake. Her polka-dotted Victorian dress was definitely a success with the audience; her tachycardic heart hoped it would be with the jury, too. 
She slowed down when she reached the competition stages. She kept an eye out for the 8-12 year old age bracket line, which was far shorter than that for the younger demographic, and suddenly regretted leaving Sabine behind at the welcome desk to deal with signing up. 
She sighed in relief when she finally caught sight of the sign, picking up her pace in its direction… and skidding to a halt when she saw the last person standing in line.
To someone looking quickly, the blond boy’s outfit was a classic Victorian suit, the black jacket cut in a thick, velvet-y fabric, which contrasted nicely with his silk almond-green waistcoat. 
Marinette’s trained eye picked up on the jacket’s silky background below the discrete burnout cat-paw print of the coat, matching the waistcoat’s pattern.
Could it be?...
A disbelieving chuckle escaped her lips as she approached, making the boy turn around, and she got her answer. Him .
She hadn't seen him since her first costume contest, despite her yearly participation in the previous six years' editions of the contest; his face and name had already faded by the following year, although she'd held onto the idea that she had a friend potentially waiting for her at the Halloween exhibition for a couple of years. The boy had soon become a distant memory, and yet she continued to make ladybug-themed costumes so he’d recognise her, in case he'd show up again, hopefully in a cat-themed costume.
And he had. 
His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he scanned her, his features finally brightening when his eyes reached her face.
"You!" He beamed. 
His face had obviously changed with time, but the boy’s kind, green eyes definitely rang a bell. As did the literal bell he wore in lieu of a tie. 
"You're back!" She grinned excitedly.
“Yes, finally!” He mirrored her. “My parents kept planning trips for the Toussaint holidays, but this year I convinced them to stay. I’m so glad you’re here too!”
“I’ve come here every year since the last time, and I’ve won every time,” Marinette announced proudly.
“I’m sure you’ll win again this year, your costume is beautiful.”
The boy solemnly inspected Marinette’s dress, walking around her to look at it from all angles. 
“Thanks, I made it myself,” she replied, bashfully playing with the fabric of her skirt. 
“Seriously?” His eyes met hers, full of wonder. “That’s so cool! You should definitely mention it to the jury!”
“You think?” 
“Yeah! It’s a lot more impressive than having someone else make it for you.” He tugged on his bell. “Even though my dad did work hard on this costume.”
“It shows! Did you work with him?” Marinette asked curiously.
“My mum and I went to pick up the fabric, he worked from that and the theme.”
“I had to look up Victorian in the dictionary,” Marinette admitted conspiratorially. “And then I spent some time at the library to find inspiration.”
“My dad made me study everything related to that era when he received the theme.” He rolled his eyes. “Some of it was cool, but I wish we’d at least done a Victorian seaside retreat to be thematic, it would’ve been more fun than sitting in a dark room to watch slides all summer.”
“That sounds intense.” Marinette grimaced. 
The boy was about to answer when Sabine came to join them in the queue.
“You’re all set, my love,” she said as she pinned her daughter’s number sign  on her. 
“Thanks, Maman!” Marinette stood on her tiptoes to kiss her cheek. “Look who’s here!” 
“Hi, Ma’am.” Adrien shuffled shyly as Sabine turned towards him. “I don’t know if you remember me…”
“Adrien, right?” Sabine smiled warmly. Adrien nodded excitedly, and Marinette silently thanked her mother’s great memory with names. “Look at you, you’ve grown up so much! And that costume looks great, I think you two will be each other’s main competition this year once again.”
“Oh, I don’t know, a contestant-made costume is a lot more impressive.” He blushed.
“It’s true that my Marinette worked very hard on her costume.” Sabine stroked her daughter’s hair affectionately. “Is your mother here this year as well?”
“Yes, she went to sit down already, she was feeling a little tired.” Adrien smiled.
“Well then, I’ll see if I can find her. See you two later! Try and stick together if you can.”
“As if I’d stray away from my only friend here,” Adrien whispered as they watched Sabine walk away.
“No way I’m letting you go, I can’t remember much from last time, but I know it was a lot more fun than the other years!” Marinette laughed.
“Really?” Adrien looked at her with eyes that reminded her of a kitten. 
She nodded, about to expand on the thought, when one of the organisers started calling the contestants to the stage.
“May the best of us win!” they both said at the same time.
“In second place, please welcome Adrien Agreste!” the jury’s president called out. 
Marinette turned towards her friend, clapping excitedly. He smiled at her as he got up, and winked, but she didn't notice, too focused on the roaring of her pulse.
Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. If Adrien's costume had only gotten second place, then maybe…
"And the first place goes to… Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" 
The laureate squealed and squeezed Sabine's hand, making her mother wince through her congratulations. 
On stage, Adrien hooted. 
Marinette sprung out of her seat and all but skipped towards the stage.
“I told you you’d win!” Adrien beamed at her from the second step of the podium.
“Thanks for giving me the tip,” Marinette answered. “About telling them I’d made my costume,” she clarified for his confused frown.
“I’m sure you would’ve been fine without it.” He waved her thanks away, before posing for the customary podium picture. 
They didn’t get a chance to talk about it again, as Sabine and Emilie swooped in after they were done receiving their prizes, and they visited the other stalls, like they had six years prior.
“So…” Marinette looked shyly at her feet later, as the four of them stood in front of the exhibition hall, the Agrestes waiting for their car. “That’s one victory for you, and one for me.”
“You said you’d won all those other times, though?” Adrien interrupted her.
“It didn’t really count. You weren’t there.”
“Anyway, we’re tied now, so you better show up again so get a clear winner!” She looked at him with a slight frown. 
“Okay, I promise we’ll meet again.” He held out his little finger, and she held it wit hers.
“I’ll hold you to it!”
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grabyoursaintsandpray · 9 months
Crack fic - Too many beds
This isn't the strangest thing I've ever written but it's definitely up there.
The blame for this is because of a ruined trope prompt of 'Too many beds' and being egged on by @bluemoonperegrine who suggested what if they were trapped in a haunted IKEA, it made me laugh and while not haunted I absolutely ran with the IKEA prompt.
This was entirely written on the notes in my phone (which has no spell check) while in the back of someone's car over the course of an hour because I couldn't shake the idea. So excuse any typos or grammar.
Read on for an accurate layout of IKEA (I feel like I lived in there a few years ago when I moved house, this brought back bad memories honestly)
Did I mention crack fic? 1600 words of crack. This isn't making it onto AO3 😅
It seemed easy and that should have been the first clue really she thought. Her and Jack had been chasing a witch and they had tailed them to IKEA of all places.
It was closed for the night but the witch had unlocked the doors and turned the lights on so they followed her in.
"Why would she come here?" Elsa questioned to herself but she saw Jack shrug beside her.
She'd definitely chased bad guys through scarier places than this, it would be a walk in the park and maybe she'd get some ideas for her bedroom while she was at it.
They prowled through the living room layouts but the witch was nowhere to be seen.
Strange she thought to herself as she crouched to look underneath a fake mahogany table just in case.
"Elsa!" Jack called excitedly and she turned to see him holding up a purple throw pillow "This would really set off the colour of the walls"
She blinked blankly at him, had he been reading housekeeping magazines without her noticing?
She checked under more tables and behind sofa's to no avail all the while Jack kept up a constant stream of chatter about things he liked.
"This rug would look great in the hall" He called as she angrily slammed a drawer shut in frustration.
Nothing in the workspace area, though there was a desk she thought she might come back for at a later date and Jack helpfully span around on a multitude of computer chairs.
By the time they'd made it into the kitchen setups she'd kind of forgotten why they were even here. That was soon brought to the forefront of her mind as she narrowly avoided a chopping board to the head.
"Shit!" She yelled as she ducked just in time, the wooden board slamming into a row of taps behind her.
"You'll never take me alive!" The witch screamed popping up from behind a marble counter, cutlery floating around her head.
Jack was busy opening and closing a cabinet door so didn't spot the danger, she grabbed his arm and yanked him to safety just as knives and forks clattered around them.
There was one last smash of glass before Elsa deemed it safe to stand back up, Jack was looking forlornly at the shards on the floor and didn't join her.
"I really liked that caffetier" he told her dejected before he too stood.
The witch was standing in the arch leading to the next area cackling wildly "I'm more powerful than you can even imagine" she pointed at them menacingly then fled.
Weird but what about this wasn't honestly.
Elsa made to follow with Jack trailing behind when she heard rattling and then a horrid scraping sound. Almost in slow motion she turned in time to see a kitchen drawer squealing along the linoleum towards them.
"What the" but she didn't get time to finish her sentence as it leaped towards her head like a cat.
She yelped in surprise as she weaved and it clattered to the ground in front before scuffing it's way in a circle almost like it had turned to look at her, before it moved with shocking speed towards her ankles.
"Jack little help?" she asked wondering if he could see what was happening while she kicked the sentient wood away from her.
"Busy!" He called back and she glanced at him to see he was holding a toaster at arms length while the power cord attempted to wrap around his neck like a python. Alright then, he really was busy.
In her distraction the drawer had gotten closer and she felt it ram into her kneecap "Son of a bitch!" Right that was it, now she was pissed.
With a shout of fury, she jumped landing inside the drawer and causing the flimsy chipboard to crack beneath her weight. Wasting no time she began stomping the stupid thing to death, until it was just chunks of material and dust.
She heard Jack yell in pain and had no time to revel in besting kitchen furniture as she ran over to help him. She swiped a thankfully inanimate frying pan from a display and like a cricketer going up to bat, took an almighty swing and sent the toaster flying across the room.
"Thanks" Jack croaked, rubbing at his reddened neck.
She nodded before sprinting to the next room, dreading what new horror awaited her.
She let out a sigh of relief as she realised they'd made it to the bedroom section, beds were far less scary than knives.
The witch was easy to spot on account of her still cackling manically but on seeing them she waved her arms around and Elsa heard more ominous banging and scraping.
"Oh give me a break" she grumbled as the witch darted away and her path was blocked by an angry bunk bed. Elsa had no idea how she knew it was angry, it was more of a feeling.
It moved with a grace that belied it's sheer size and she was struck with the realisation that this hitting them would hurt a hell of a lot more than a toaster.
She made a mad dash towards it and climbed onto the bottom bunk, trying to scramble through the gap and to the other side. She hadn't thought about sentient mattresses but soon did as she felt it moving below her, the side tilting up to stop her escape.
She managed to get through even as she felt it enclose around her ankle but with a swift tug she pulled it free landing onto the floor with a thump.
She sprang to her feet, looking around wildly for Jack.
"Up here" he called to her and she found him holding to the top of a sturdy oak wardrobe for dear life, two single beds banging into either side.
There wasn't much time to stare as she felt something collide with the back of her knees causing her to fall backwards onto something soft. Silk sheets soon started to try and mummify her body as the mattress undulated beneath her.
She tipped herself forward, taking joy in ripping the silk that gripped her. She'd never understood the urge to use it, it was so slippery to try and sleep on.
It was a short-lived victory as she eyed more beds and loose mattresses getting closer. Outrunning the one on her heels she quickly scrambled up to join Jack using a doorknob as a foothold, thankful that this bit of furniture wasn't currently alive.
She watched heart sinking as more and more beds came from all around the room, circling their lone wardrobe like a pack of wolves. The ones closest banging into it and causing it to rock, it would tip over sooner rather than later and she dreaded to think what would happen when it did.
"There's too many beds!" Jack yelled voice tinged with terror.
He was right, she knew it but she couldn't face this being their last stand. Maybe she could buy him some time so at least one of them could make it out of here alive.
"Jack you have to run, I'll distract them"
"What? No, we go together or not at all" he told her shaking his head in denial.
"We'll never make it, this way you have a chance" When he looked about to object again, she shoved him backwards with a palm on his chest "Go Jack!" She told him firmly as she leapt down from the wardrobe they were clinging to before he could change her mind.
A queen size bed was there to catch her fall and the others quickly gathered around her like hungry lions.
She watched as the corners of the fitted sheet started to curl in towards her and Jack looked down at her sadly before she saw him leap to freedom behind the distracted beds "I love you" she muttered while tears tracked down her face.
As the mattress folded over like a clam trapping her within its depths, she screamed and flailed her arms in sheer fright.
Suddenly she was awake, in the dark and on her back looking at the bed that she had just flung herself out of. Her throat hurt so she must have been screaming in her sleep.
"Elsa?" Jack queried sleepily before his head appeared over her side of the mattress "Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?"
She stood up and god her arse ached so she'd most likely landed funny and no doubt it would be bruised in the morning, there was something to look forward to.
"I'm fine, just a bad dream" She told him before sliding back into bed, his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.
"I'll keep hold so you don't fall out again" He mumbled already starting to fall back to sleep. She smiled a tiny heartfelt grin, he was such a sap.
As she settled down heart slowing back to normal, her dream came back to her in flashes. A strange consequence of spending so many weekends furniture shopping in between monster hunting as they redecorated the manor together.
"Jack?" She began softly and he hmmed quietly "I don't think we should buy any more furniture from IKEA"
"M'okay" He agreed easily and she knew she'd have more of a fight on her hands tomorrow when she'd have to explain further because for some reason Jack loved the place, her dream self hadn't imagined his enthusiasm but for now it was enough to put her mind at ease.
She still eyed the mattress with a touch of suspicion before sleep claimed her once more.
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eluvixns · 13 days
no one asked for it but since i am trapped beneath a cat who is biting me every time i try to end this cuddle session here is some haylin lore
- comes from a pirate hyur mother and an elezen gridanian father
- has an older brother that got smoked with their father during the calamity when he was fighting on the frontlines
- has no contact with ma bc ma abandoned them
- came to gridania hoping to find some sort of life and home but instead found ghosts and ruin
- would never have gone down the path of adventurer if she wasnt so in need of a few bucks
- only went with yda and paps and to the waking sands bc she needed that cash money your girl was BROKE
- stayed with the scions bc of minf and her understanding of the echo
- got super attached to alphie bc she missed the sibling feeling and only continued to stay for him
- and bc she thought thancred was tasty
- and bc where else would she fucking go at this point
- DEFINITELY had a few choice words for lahabrea when the big reveal happened and definitely told alphie if he strayed too far from her side she would drag him around by his ankles
- definitely wanted g'raha during the crystal tower quests and definitely cried a bit when they were over
- canonly bothers urianger when she's bored and he knows this but humours her anyway bc he eventually peaks her curiosity and he knows this dumb bitch cant resist acting on it so now he can infodump all he wants and shes just chin in hands the whole time bc shes basically learning history tea
- definitely has not recovered from the vault and the crippling guilt
- definitely cornered hancock when he first showed up and told him if he fucks with tataru shes gonna serve his balls on a kebab skewer seasoned and fried to him
- the scions have definitely come to her room to go out on jobs and she's definitely opened the door butt ass naked. now they just call over link pearl ( and when she doesnt answer they send y'shtola )
- has thought about how she'd kick the asses of every scion except y'shtola bc even she knows better
- tried to be a white mage like dad and it didnt fit. tried to be a dragoon like brother but it didnt fit. tried to be a warrior to try and connect with her mother but it didnt fit. became a dark knight when the anger she held after the vault kicked in. became a reaper when she figured out being a real warrior of darkness has more appeal than being the golden child of a god who was never there
- the only reason she isnt a mercenary for hire for the highest bidder is bc she loves the scions too much and alphie is her north star
- that being said if she ever lost him or g'raha or thancred or estinien she'd probably kill the source herself bc whats the point in living in it if they're not there any more?
- is v adventurous though like DO NOT ENTER signs are like moth to flame for her shes just too curious she HAS to know
- flirting with nero so he gets uncomfortable and weirded out is her favourite hobby
- she does the same to estinien and this is my reasoning as to why he took so long to join the scions it it wasnt the commitment issues it was fucking haylin lurking in the shadows ready to tell him he holds his rod well
- is alisaie's number one fan she would kill for this kid she would fight anyone
- insists g'raha goes with her everywhere they're joined at the hip she wants him bad
- her crush on thancred turned into 'this is my partner in crime my best friend my brother in arms'
- urianger is her person though
- worships the ground y'shtola walks on like her word is law
- scar across her nose is from wandering too far into the forests alone as a kid and getting smacked by the beasties in there before her brother came to the rescue
- has a multitude of scars from various things and her story for each one is never the truth ( it's easier and better that way )
- you can bet ur ass she tried to see where things would go with aymeric but stopped when she realised he really is that kind and noble and she didnt want to ruin that bc she is utterly convinced she's not worth a damn thing
- which is probably why she throws herself into harms way so willingly. not just for the scions, or the people, or the weak. but bc she thinks she deserves whatever pain is coming
- and because she KNOWS she can take it. she can withstand it
- she's just too stubborn to not stand up again after it
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tarmac-rat · 3 months
6, 13, 17, 23 for Riley beloved!!
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC?
Black-eyed Susans and Star Cacti! Black-eyed Susans are symbolic of survival, strength, and justice, and Star Cacti flowers represent resilience and endurance. Riley's personal favorite flower, however, is a California Gold Poppy.
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13) Does your OC have a good relationship with their parents or no?
Riley had a consistently good relationship with her mother Ivy up until she split from the Bakkers when they dissolved into Snake Nation. Riley and Ivy were virtual copies of each other in appearance and personality and folks in the Bakkers used to call Riley "Lil' Ivy" as a joke when she was growing up and going through her training. They were consistently each other's partners on raids and Riley spent many years worshipping the ground her mother walked on, pretty much accepting that her path in life was going to lead to her inheriting her mother's position as head of the Bakker's scouts. When the clan dissolves (in part due to Raffen raiding and killing a good 80% of them in a surprise raid), Riley and Ivy have a huge 3-day fight regarding the Snakes and the pair of them don't talk for a good three years, only meeting back up well into a planned fix-it. They're very close overall, but with them being so similar in personality, it was inevitable that something as earth-shattering as that would cause them to be at odds with each other, especially since Riley basically saw it as her life as she'd known it ending. Riley never knew her father-- a smuggler on the Texas-Mexico-New Mexico territories named Felix Moreno-- growing up and only encountered him after actively seeking him out in 2080 when she was around 27. Felix and Riley are about as opposite you can get in terms of personality; he's very theatrical, easygoing, quick to trust, something of a wisecracker, and does not know how to keep his mouth shut when he probably should, so Riley was naturally going to not really get along that easily with him right off the bat. They warm up to each other after a while, but Riley doesn't really ever take to Felix in the way she took to Ivy, though she definitely does like having him in her life.
17) Does your OC have a pet?
Johnny Nibbles! Nibbles is a male in my canon and Riley's first ever real pet. She never really intended to adopt him, she just kinda took him in for a night and gave him half a burrito and a pile of clothes to sleep in, but then the morning came and her bleeding heart couldn't bear to kick him out. She's pretty careful about NOT letting people see him, though, since she doesn't have the money to pay a $40k penalty if someone realizes she has a pet without a license, so when people are over she relegates the cat to the ammo room and hopes against hope that people don't want to check out her guns lol. Post-Temp, Johnny and Nibbles go through some...ups and downs together, but he eventually does hold onto the cat and lets him stay in the apartment at West Wind Estates. The closest thing she ever had to a pet growing up was this one time her brother caught a king snake when they were eight and they kept it in a plastic tub and fed it scop-SPAM for a week. Ivy was NOT jazzed when she found out lol, and they were forced to release it back into the wild. Riley wanted to name it Wiggles but Kai named it Sammy (after Samurai, go figure) and because he caught it, his choice won out.
23) Is your OC religious and what religion? If it’s a fictional religion for your story please give a summary of the core teachings of their faith?
Riley isn't religious at all. The closest thing to a religious belief she subscribes to is belief in the cycle of karma and that every wrong will eventually be righted by the universe/a higher power, but there isn't an organized religion she herself belongs to. Riley didn't even realize how widespread religions in the NUS even were until she moved to Night City and started living with the very Catholic Welles family.
Thank you again for asking!
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yakool-foolio · 10 months
What do you say to these Vivia ships?
Vivia x Yakou
Vivia x Worried Man NPC
Vivia x Shinigami
Vivia x Fubuki
Vivia x Desuhiko
Vivia x Halara
Vivia x Yuma
Vivia x Melami
Vivia x dying
Vivia x pillows
Vivia x Wince Media
Vivia x boxcutter knife
Vivia x nobody
Hoo boy that's a lot! Well, if ya wanna mess with the bull, you'll get the horns. And by that I mean you'll get my serious and/or non-serious reaction to all of these so enjoy!
Vivia x Yakou - Ah yes, the og otp, ever since me and my boyfriend wanted to cosplay our respective favs before the game even released. Suffice to say were we ahead of the game on that one so we were pleasantly surprised it has some canon footing and it's simply sweet as hell! I personally love how this ship symbolizes that no matter how much you've lost, there's always something to gain and you still have the capacity to love.
Vivia x Worried Man - I won't lie this side quest completely caught me off-guard. My thought process went from 'aw he's in love' -> 'wait that's gay' -> 'WAIT THATS GAY WITH VIVIA' and I have never been the same since. It's pretty cute ngl, even if it's just a little side quest. Aaaaand then the rest of chapter 4 happened and I went right back to loving Viviakou, sorry Worried Man but you've got a lotta competition.
Vivia x Shinigami - Before the game released I theorized that Vivia could see Shinigami and I was so damn proud of myself to find out that I was right. Besides that, I always associated them as friends pre-release, but with chapter 4, their dynamic is very interesting. Vivia put her in her place throughout the entire labyrinth. He was more in control of the situation than she was cause he held more knowledge than any other assistant ever had before. He wasn't stuck in there with her, she was stuck in there with him. Anyways yeah I think they'd be platonic buddy ol' pals
Vivia x Fubuki - The 4-panel comic of them was adorable! I see them as friends but I can certainly see why people may view them in a more romantic light. They definitely paint each other's nails.
Vivia x Desuhiko - Another case of them being more like pals than a blossoming bromance. However, I do have a good platonic headcanon that Vivia knows how to play piano and has studied music theory as part of his endless reading escapades, so he'll sometimes help out Desuhiko when requested for assistance with practicing on his guitar. They're both very musically-inclined I know it in my heart.
Vivia x Halara - AKA the badasses. I don't view them as romantic personally, but I love them being the duo who kicks ass and takes names. Additionally, I'm sure Halara appreciates having a metaphorical cat around when they can't interact with actual cats.
Vivia x Yuma - Not uncommon for the protag to slip his way into every and all angles of ships, but I think this one works especially well. Yuma and Vivia have a very strong and well-written dynamic thanks to our lord and savior chapter 4; they develop alongside each other. It's just like Vivia said, they're accomplices, they have to fight for the truth together in order to clearly see eye-to-eye. We love short king with tall ghost guy! The appeal for this ship is very much apparent.
Vivia x Melami - I fought so hard for these two to interact and what did I get? Nothing! So, I wallow in my headcanons of them having a perfect partnership since their Fortes bounce off each other so well. Melami would absolutely despise Vivia's choice of 'clothing' though, she'd try to give him a makeover but he'd slip right out of her grasp before she could do anything.
Vivia x dying - As much as he adores the idea of death I don't think he's dying any time soon. The grim reaper plays hard to get.
Vivia x Wince Media... hey wait I know that guy from Twitter
Vivia x boxcutter knife - It's a cut above the rest [laugh track]
Vivia x nobody - Privacy is very important, I'm sure he enjoys his time alone just as much as he's grateful for attention. It's a good balance!
BONUS: Vivia x Zilch (yes the real one)- I'm inclined to bring this crack ship up cause I've been pioneering it for a long time. Heck I'm even trying to write an AU one-shot about it, I find their potential relationship so intriguing. I love my literal and metaphorical catboys!
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simplynotcapable · 8 months
How much of her will Alyssa’s younger siblings remember? What will first come to mind when her older siblings think of her? Will anything get past the grief?
Legitimitely, I love the ten of them so much. You have no idea. I could write an entire fic about them on its own and have an absolute blast. I don't get to go into detail about them a lot because dragonglass and gold is about Baelon and Visenya specifically, but Nyra and Daemon's kids are so special to me. Aegon and the Youngers are so parentified, and the kids are so loyal to each other, they're so great, I love them all so much.
Aemma at least will have solid memories of Alyssa. Valaena and Baela will both have less but they will remember her, if a little more vaguely because they were around seven and eight when she passed. Baela and Alyssa were close, though, which will help her hang onto her, I think. Naerys probably won't remember her at all, Vaeron definitely won't.
Daemon the Younger has trouble sleeping. He thinks about the nights when he'd wander around their home in Pentos when they were younger, and he'd find Alyssa asleep over a pile of old books in the library, or slumped in the window because she was watching the dragons fly, or beside the burners in the nursery because she always worried their little sisters' eggs wouldn't hatch. She would just kind of slap him away when he tried to wake her up, so he'd call her a brat--but then he always carried her to bed.
Viserys thinks about when she was eight and he was eleven. They were arguing over something--he can't remember what, doesn't really want to remember--and they were both getting louder and louder, waving their hands in their air, and her face was bright red. He said something--he doesn't remember that either--and she hauled back and kicked him so hard in the shin that he yelped. She hauled ass immediately after, of course, as all little sisters do after launching a physical attack, and he chased her through the house three times before he caught her. They were both laughing by then, but he still sat on her until she apologized because it was the principle of the matter.
Maelor thinks about her laughing. Not specific instances, not really. Just 'Lyssa laughing, because she had the nicest laugh he thinks he's ever going to hear, and, when she really meant it, she always made a snorting noise that just made her laugh harder. Sometimes, if he's drunk or already sad, he thinks about the last time he ever kissed her--right before she walked into the Dragonmont. The way she grinned, lopsided, her eyes all bright, and said, be right back, Mae like they had all the time in the world.
Aegon tries to think about the way she used to run to his room when they were little and she had nightmares. He tries to think about the day they were all climbing trees, when she fell and broke her wrist, when he had to carry her back to the house while she cried and hid her face in his neck. He tries to think about how she sounded like a dying cat when she tried to sing, about what a rat's nest her hair was in the mornings, about the funny voices she did when she read stories to the little kids.
He thinks about running. About how he thought he could make it, that Maelor said she'd only been gone a few minutes, and that he almost did. About how if he'd been a little faster, he might've. About the sight of her, so small and so young, looking up at Vermithor, and the way her head turned to look at him when she heard his footsteps. The way her eyes went round. The way she said Ae-- but didn't have time to get the rest of his name out. Then, he thinks about the heat, how he had to stagger back even though it wasn't coming for him. The smell, burning flesh and burning hair. That split second of time where she managed to scream.
He thinks about Maelor's face when he came out of the tunnel, his hands covered in ashes because he knew the song, his father taught him the song and taught the Youngers the song but hadn't yet found time to teach it to Maelor and Alyssa. He thinks about singing it all the way into the cave to try to find something of his sister to bring back for his mother. He thinks about Maelor, saying Aegon, saying where is 'Lyssa, saying no, no, we cannot leave without 'Lyssa, and the way he had to catch him when his legs gave out. We cannot go, we cannot go, she said she would marry me, and then he stopped speaking at all. He thinks about the last time he ever flew on Stormcloud, the way his entire body shook when he dragged Maelor into the saddle, the nausea and the wrongness, and he would not have mounted at all if he did not think Maelor would have killed himself if he let him fly alone on Garnet. He thinks about the flight, about every time Maelor tried to tip himself from the saddle, about holding his little brother so hard he heard something crack.
He thinks of Maelor falling into Visenya's arms, he thinks of Baelon's face, he thinks of his mother screaming, he thinks of his father turning and walking from the room. He thinks of holding his mother up, holding her together until exhaustion finally sent her to sleep. He thinks of Daemon and Viserys, white faces and open mouths, and how he finally got to break because they reached for him, and he reached for them, and they were breaking, too. He thinks of telling the little ones, because Rhaenyra could not do it and Daemon could not be found, about the the three of them trying desperately to comfort five wailing children--hardly more than boys themselves. He thinks--
He catches himself.
He tries to think about the face she pulled every time she smelled cinnamon.
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foolish-fitz · 1 year
fool's errand first thoughts
warning: this is not really a structured review, more of a ramble
I finished Fool's Errand a few days ago, and couldn't even fathom writing any sort of review because I was sad, okay. I managed to convince myself that the way Hobb was setting up Nighteyes's death throughout the whole book meant that someone else would die first, and then. nope. after the climax I felt so relieved, because everything was okay, Nighteyes was going to make it to the next book, Fitz and the Fool were together and going back to Buckkeep... and then Hobb did what she'd been promising to do all book, and Nighteyes died. it was a really beautifully written scene but it made the ending of the book feel a bit hopeless to me. (it didn't help that I wasn't in the best mood when I finished, and was also in the middle of another hopeless, depressing book.)
I do really love Fool's Errand though, and I love it for very different reasons than I loved Liveship. it was so nice to come back to Fitz and reconnect with some of our old cast of characters after what was for me a few month gap. (Kettricken!!! we saw Kettricken!) the first part of Fool's Errand feels so nostalgic, and it's so easy to pick up where we left off with Fitz. it's interesting because Fitz has changed, as would be expected in fifteen years, but those changes are easy to fill in because we already know Fitz. he still feels familiar to us, and we can see how his solitude has changed him, but it also is perfectly logical when he decides to re-enter the action and we see that side of him again. Fitz is just such a great character.
the pacing and plot structure of this book was... funky, in a good way. Fitz didn't leave for Buckkeep until somewhere around page 220 - that whole first third of the book was just for readers to re-acclimate to Fitz (and Starling, Nighteyes, Hap, and the Fool), and read the domestic fluff Fitz/Fool fanfiction of our dreams witness his slow realization that he's dissatisfied in his current life. I think this was my favorite part of the book, honestly. (I tend to love Hobb's beginnings, at least so far.) no plot? no problem!
but then once the plot did kick off, I thought it was compelling and was very interested in the tensions between the Old Blood, Piebalds, other Witted folk, and non-Witted people. lady-in-the-cat plotline was solid, I forgot her name already but oh well. I’m not a huge plot person but this one kept the story moving along just enough, and left lots of room for character moments. and humor! there was a lot of humor, which I didn’t expect. I live for Tom Badgerlock and Lord Golden’s antics.
there are so many standout emotional scenes in this book too. one was at the end with Chade. their dynamic was so great and it’s so interesting to see how Fitz has changed (specifically how his view of loyalty has shifted) and also how he’s stayed the same. also the very last scene was so bittersweet, when Fitz was at Jinna’s and was reflecting on how he never really got to fuck around and make mistakes in the way that young people should, bc of all the pressures on him, and how Dutiful can’t do that either but Hap is able to. the Fitz-Dutiful parallels were really well-done and his line about Hap being free was so touching.
overall, this book just felt very tidy. everything was pretty nicely wrapped up at the end, and I felt like it was a logical place to stop (I don’t usually feel like this with Hobb books, so it was a nice change). after getting over my initial sadness about Nighteyes, I think this was definitely the easiest RotE book to read so far and is one of my favorites. can’t wait for Golden Fool!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Prepare for the duo of your dreams -Danny
Words: 2,293
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Pierre’ -by Ryn Weaver
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xvi: Peter Benjamin Parker
"Alright, Mousy, tell me what's good..."
"Nothing new, boss."
"C'mon! There's gotta be something..."
"I'm sure something will happen."
"The first time I'm out in months and nothing's going on! No robberies, no crazy-looking shiny stuff falling from the sky, no enhanced bad guys..."
"There's an octopus man causing disturbances— but Spider-man's fighting him."
"Very funny, mouse."
"Not a joke."
"I asked you to inform me of any disturbances!"
"You asked for unresolved disturbances, Spider-man has this one under control."
She felt thrilled at the revelation. "Atta boy! Show me!"
Cat shot her grappling hook to a nearby building to watch the city from its rooftop and find in which direction she needed to go, she'd never been good at understanding streets. The mutant missed being able to move fluently through the air, she could only glide if she threw herself from tall spots.
"The man vanished from his location along with spider-man."
"What do you mean vanished? Was he arrested?"
"He disappeared through a portal."
"I— what are you talking about?"
"Spider-man spotted near our area."
"I think you're glitching," she replied in annoyance. "You must've lost signal or something, I'll check you once we're back in the apartment, as for Peter, he's probably coming this way to tell me what's going on..."
"Height and built don't match. I think we're dealing with a copycat."
Cat glided across the streets until she found Spider-man in a corner, they seemed lost. She landed on a fire escape above him, ready to land on his shoulders, but the guy moved out of the way at the last second. Cat rolled over so she wouldn't hurt her ankles and then pulled out her spear.
"Impersonating is a serious crime," she said.
"What? What the hell are you talking about?" By the sound of his voice and his heartbeat, he was a relatively young man. Cat tried to hit him with the spear, but the stranger dodged her. "Who are you?!"
Cat teleported leaving the smell of brimstone behind and pressed her watch, activating the tranquilizers. She pulled the trigger, and he shot a web blocking the projectiles. He moved fast, shooting a second time but holding onto the web and pulling. Cat tried to kick him and he stopped it with his forearm.
"I've had it!" He snatched the spear, she tried to push him off, but he was strong, really strong— and the webs were pretty similar to Peter's though these ones were definitely thicker. "Stop!"
The stranger hit her in the face and Cat gasped. Not that it'd hurt, her mask had gotten the full blow, but she was shocked at the fact that his powers seemed legit.
"You gotta be kidding me..." she panted, having a guess of what was happening but refusing to believe it.
The guy lifted the spear and pointed it at her face. "If you don't tell me who you are, I'll stick this down your throat."
She frowned. "That's no way to talk to a lady!" He pressed the button of her spear to fold it and moved forward with the weapon firmly held. "Stop— STOP!" She raised her hands in surrender. "I'M NOT TRYING TO KILL YOU!"
He came to a halt and stared. Or at least it looked like it, he was wearing a mask extremely similar to Spidey's but this one had bigger lenses. "Where... where am I?"
"Mouse," she spoke shakily. "Update."
"The Octopus man and Peter are nowhere to be found, but there is a man dressed up as a green creature flying around the city. Should I call for backup?"
There was a Spider-man in front of her that looked alike yet completely different, and he seemed quite sure of his identity. Cat stared up (up!) at this other spider-man, her hand moved forward, and she was expecting him to move away, but the guy stayed very still. Her hand came into contact with the neck and found the seam, she started to pull the mask off but then his hand stopped her.
"That's not a good idea."
She hesitated. "Peter?"
It had to be him. It had to.
He shook his head. "Do... do we know each other?"
"Peter Parker..." she muttered in horror. "But not my Peter."
He looked around. "Maybe? I'm... I don't know what happened."
"Come with me."
"What— why?"
"You're in danger."
"I'm not going anywhere! You tried to kill me!"
"I thought you were using Peter's suit to incriminate him!" She replied. "He's already having a shitty time!"
"You're talking about the wanted stuff I just saw? That happens all the time—"
"It's not just bad publicity, I'll explain better in a few but we gotta go somewhere safe." She seized his wrist. "Close your eyes or you'll puke." Cat teleported to her apartment.
"Holy shit!" He coughed. "How do you do that?"
"Take off the suit."
He looked down at his body. "I've got nothing under it."
"I need to see you," she urged him, stepping closer to him. "Please."
Spider-man moved reluctantly, his hand went up slowly, still in a defensive pose. Cat guessed it would make him feel better if she gave the first step. Her suit removed itself and went back to her watch, still covered in the web. He stared down at it. "Focus big-bug," her mask also went away. "My name's Copycat. Peter Parker is my friend."
He tilted his head. "I don't know you."
She pulled out her phone and quickly searched through it, showing him a picture. "This Peter Parker."
A seventeen-year-old C.C. had her arms wrapped around a brown-haired boy, she was smiling. The Spider-man in front of her stared at the image, she had the feeling he could see himself in the boy, but not entirely.
"He... he's Peter?"
"Peter Benjamin Parker?"
"Ye—" She stopped. "No. Peter Parker."
"That's what I said."
"You said Peter Benjamin."
"He's not Benjamin?"
"No, his uncle was."
Spider-man placed the phone on her coffee table and seized the back of his mask. With no hesitation, he took it off. His face made sense if she looked at it by parts: Eyes, nose, and hair. He had the same moles on his cheek... all the same... but wrong.
"Woah," she said in surprise. "You're kinda cute..."
"String theory," he looked around her apartment in awe, not listening to her. "Multi-dimensional reality... and matter displacement... all real?"
Cat, who'd never been a fan of science but understood one of the things he'd mentioned, nodded. "I mean... I think so."
He smiled. "I knew it!" Then he looked at her in confusion. "But why the hell did it happen?"
"Sit down," she pointed at the couch. "Tell me about you, then I can fill the gaps."
"Why won't you explain to me what's going on?" He asked back.
"I would if I knew it," she replied with annoyance, then her frown slowly went away. "Wait, I think I can figure it out..."
"Stay put!" She rushed back to her room and grabbed a box from her closet. She came back and placed it next to him. "Change in the meantime, I promise it won't take long—"
"Call me Cat," she replied, already making her way to the door.
"You're gonna leave me here?" He followed her to the entrance.
"It'll be just a moment! I'll come back with an answer!"
She rushed out of the apartment before he could reply, but as soon as she closed the door, a portal engulfed and she was back in the Sanctum's basement.
"Oh, hi!" She smiled at Strange. "I was on my way here and— the octopus guy!" She turned and found Peter, she also saw a giant lizard held up next to the man with the iron tentacles. "Can someone explain what's going on?"
The spell had pulled people from other universes that also knew Spider-man's identity. Strange captured the lizard guy and Peter caught the octopus, but there were still a few more on the loose. One of them was sitting in her living room, but at least hers wasn't a bad guy.
"Okay," she nodded. "What do we do?"
"Er, we need MJ and Ned— and we start looking."
"Are they all evil... things?" She glanced at the lizard.
"I don't know. Does it matter?"
"If some of them are good they must be lost and scared. Maybe I should look for those?"
Peter turned to Strange looking for advice. "Do whatever you have to, just do it quickly," he said grumpily.
"Okay okay! Anyone that looks out of place, or confused—"
"Which is most of the inhabitants of New York, but sure..."
"If they come from somewhere else you bring them here, alright?"
"If I don't find any I'll join your search, okay?"
"Thank you, Cat, you didn't have to—"
"It was me who told Tony your identity," she said. "It's because of me that you're trapped in this nightmare."
Peter looked at her with softness in his eyes. "It wasn't always a nightmare. Go ahead, I'll bring the others."
"One last thing," she turned to the man and the lizard-looking creature. "Why are your bad guys always dressed up as animals?"
"See you." Strange pushed her through a portal.
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She opened the door without announcing herself, the other Peter was half-naked and about to take off the lower half of his suit.
"Holy—!" He tripped and fell on the couch, Cat rushed to help him.
"Sorry! Next time I'll knock!"
He sat up rubbing the back of his head. "Did you find out what's happening?"
Cat sighed. "Yeah."
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The young man was sprawled on her couch looking up at the ceiling, he was whispering things to himself.
"Is this a lot to take in?" He made a brief sound that she took as an affirmation. "If your universe isn't as hectic as mine... I mean... we must have something in common, right? Peter?" She cringed. "Oh, I can't call you that, it's so weird! How about Ben?"
He looked at her with a scowl.
"No." She agreed. "Doesn't suit you... Parker? I rarely refer to Peter by his last name so that should work—"
"Can I ask you something?" He sat up.
"Go ahead."
"Are you his girlfriend? Like, the me in this universe, I mean—" he shook his head still looking confused. "That's the only way you could've known my identity, right? And you have pictures together."
She blushed. "We were friends before he vanished, you know, like half of the universe..."
Parker stammered out his question. "Excuse me?"
"That didn't happen in yours?" She frowned. "Well... my world has a batshit crazy history. I can give you the short version, but I can't promise that'll clear your head—"
Her phone buzzed and she looked at the screen. Matthew was calling her.
She got up. "Whatever you do, don't make a sound! I mean it!"
Parker looked at her in bafflement but stayed in place, Cat answered her phone.
"I was starting to think you were ignoring me."
"You never answered my text."
She hit her forehead. "Sorry, something came up with Peter and—"
"Yeah, I heard. Is he okay?"
"I don't think I'll make it to dinner tomorrow, Matt. Is that okay?"
"It's fine, I get it," and it sounded like he did, but he also sounded worried. "Are you okay?"
Her eyes went to the young man on her couch, half-naked and with the lower part of a spider-man suit as a pair of pants. The world was falling apart.
"Everything's okay. I'll call you this weekend, alright?"
"Sure. Be sure you text me."
There was something she's always liked about Matthew: he could read a room even if he wasn't in it. He was a capable man, but working together had always been push-and-pull, they could never tell which method they would end up using cause it depended on whoever acted first. She needed to have full control this time.
"Man, I thought the courting phase was only getting started..."
"What? I think it's only fair you try to set up a date next time."
"Alright, I'll call you."
"Let me know if you need anything."
She would not.
"Don't even think about going home just because I said no, go have fun with your friends—"
"I'm not a kid, Maxwell, I don't need to be told what to do."
"You may not be a kid, but you're still a man," she taunted. "I really gotta go. Bye."
"Take care."
She threw the phone away hearing it bounce off the couch, her hands went up to her hair. Parker looked at her. "That was your boyfriend?"
"That's none of your business," she snapped.
"I'm just trying to make conversation..." he muttered.
Cat grabbed her laptop and unlocked it, then placed it on his lap. "My world's info is on the internet. Google exists in your world, right?"
"Yeah..." he stared at her laptop. "This thing is... I know it's a laptop but this one's..." he looked up at her with a bit of fear. "What year is it?"
She told him the year. "Is it not the same where you're from?"
"Yeah, it's the same! That's crazy!" He leaned forward to read the logo. "Stark?"
"Tony Stark," she said. "Does he exist in your world?"
"I don't know."
"You would know if he did."
"Maybe not?"
"Steve Rogers."
"Captain America?" Cat frowned. "Black widow, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye— none of them?"
Parker blinked. "Are they a big deal here?"
A world without the Avengers sounded... lonely.
"They were my family." She shook her head and put on her suit and mask. "I'm gonna look for other multiversal guys around the city... stay here."
"I should help," he put the laptop aside.
"Absolutely not," she stopped him. "Another Spider-man is just a target for the bad guys... and you're half naked."
"Okay, but one of those has a solution—"
"You don't know my city as I do, you don't understand it," she tried to make him understand. "We got this, my Peter and I. Trust us..." he had to be in his twenties, but his youth didn't hide the fact that he looked fatigued. "You've been alone this whole time... that has to be exhausting. Consider this a holiday?"
He was tempted by the promise of a full night's sleep. "I... are you sure you don't need me?"
Cat stared at him intrigued. "I'm dying to know... but that'll have to wait! Look after my cat, if you leave I'll teleport you back and I'll lock you up in my bathroom."
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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albatris · 2 years
hello! I invented Georgia Blue, like, yesterday and am Wondering which oc of yours she would get along with !!
she's 14, does ballet, autistic + semi-verbal, going thru the onset of a psychotic disorder (i have not picked Which One yet), likes cats more than people, really misses her sibling (who is. a ghost now), is afraid of cars (because projection), and watches horror films alone at night because she's on another level entirely
she sounds v cool!!! I like her already!!
if you think she'd get along well with someone who'd be a sort of goofy older brother type I think she and Tris would vibe together!! as long as she's okay with endless terrible puns :P
he's a sweet kid, very earnest and cheerful and excitable, will be anyone's hype man, but due to his monotone and flat affect he's also an excellent choice for not being an Overwhelming And Loud hype man lmao. he has an anxious streak and doesn't like loud noises or the outdoors, BUT around anxious friends he does his best to override his own anxiety to be there for them
he's been through (is going through?) the wringer of a psychotic disorder that kicked in young (schizophrenia), and is a little awkward and clumsy when it comes to advice-giving but definitely knows the importance of a good support system, n fellow psychotics gotta watch out for each other. he's happy to offer tips or an ear to listen or just to simply vibe in solidarity
but ye, he also likes cats more than people so no problems there, would probably love to just hang out together with some kitties or talk about cats if she's feelin it. since he likes cats more than people, he's also very used to hangouts being just "vaguely vibing in the same space without talking" which I feel like is something she'd maybe also enjoy? parallel play my beloved
and he would absolutely bug her for horror movie recommendations hahaha. he wasn't allowed to engage with a lot of horror/fantasy/etc media growing up because his parents thought he was too ~impressionable~ and ~prone to getting reality and fantasy mixed up~ and he just sort of stayed away from it until Shara one day was like HOW HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN ANY X FILES and made him watch her favourite episodes
he's very squeamish and anxious but watches horror stuff anyway because he's like. haha. look at me making my own media choices. I'm so powerful *hides behind seven cushions every time the killer comes on screen*
that being said, anywhere Tris goes there is at least a 60% chance Shara is there too, and I feel like she and Shara might vibe also, though Shara's a bit more bouncy and hyperactive and intense...... she's a fellow semi-verbal autistic horror movie buff (n likely schizotypal too) :3 also a very passionate kindhearted person, but with wacky mad scientist vibes and ms frizzle outfits and an adoration for puzzles and the paranormal :P
Tris Greer 🤝 Georgia Blue: capital s Stuff happening to their siblings and having to deal with the grief and confusion of missing them
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Himiko Toga
Looking For:
Open to others!
(Strip-Club): Himiko Toga. The blonde villainess that used to terrorize the masses along side the Leage of Villains. Well, the League of Villains had been disbanded for quite some time, the villains she once called friends having all scattered to avoid capture, though most ended up locked away. She was one of the lucky ones who escaped. She'd kept out of trouble since then, doing her best to get a job and even get an apartment. Thankfully... her employer, the owner of the lesbian strip club, didn't care much about the pasts of her employees and let Toga have the job. She lived in a shoddy apartment, the landlord never being around even to fix things, she hardly had warm water, but, it was better than her landlord finding out she was an ex villain and getting her locked away.
Tonight, Toga was at work, dressed only in black short shorts and a black top bringing drinks around to the patrons as other girls put on a show up on the stage. Toga had some money tucked into her shorts and a tray of drinks in one hand as she bumped into (your character). She said a small apology and turned towards them with a smile. "Hey, my bad, can I get you anything?" She asked. It was obvious who she was, her voice, her eye, the scars, everything. Though most people who went in and out of here didn't care much, especially since she didn't seem to be hurting anyone and she was pretty hot. It was dark and the music was fairly loud, so the blonde had stepped a bit closer so she could hear the other if they had any requests, her yellow eye slightly narrowed at them like a cats.
(Coworker): It had been a few years since Toga turned herself in... She helped with the downfall of the league and gave up the hideouts location in return for mental help and no prison time despite her own heinous crimes... She was let off with only a year in jail and still often had therapy appointments, on top of that, she now worked at a hero agency. Not as a hero of course, instead, she helped target where crime rings might be and gave her... unique.. insight as an ex villain.
Of course, she still had trouble socializing with people, especially when everyone knew her name and face. There were actually times when people on the streets had attacked her... mostly the family of past victims. As for her own parents... she had no clue where they were... the only she knew was that they'd changed their names and moved... which was definitely a sore spot for her. Despite everything though, she had made some real progress, and had been friendly enough with her colleagues that she'd been invited out for drinks after work. She was hesitant at first, but had eventually been coaxed into coming along.
One thing led to another, and after a few hours of drinking and chatting... she was ready to go home. She'd stood up, excusing herself from the table, and stumbled a bit just trying to step away from the table... she was a lightweight it seemed. Instead of letting her continue home like this, (Your Character) got up and offered to walk her home. She was quick to accept the help, and leaned on (YC) quite a bit as they took her home. When they got to her apartment, she paused, turning to face (YC). She threw her arms around them in a hug, the still tipsy blonde seeming a lot more affectionate in this state. "Thank you.. I wouldn't have been able to get home... do you.." She hesitated slightly, taking a step back. "Do you wanna come inside..?" She asked, her face a bit flushed from the alcohol.
(Late Night Surprise): It had been a few years since the league of villains was disbanded, leaving Toga without a place to go. She’d wandered around, minimized her crime, and even had a job, but of course everyone eventually recognized her and she was always on the run. She had just been kicked out of her apartment that evening after she’d been recognized, having to flee with only the clothes she had on and a, rather small, pocket knife that she never really used. Even if she was armed, when she heard a police officer call into the pitch black alley she was in before turning away to say something into his walkie talkie, she panicked. She looked around before slipping into the first open window she found so she wasn’t out in the open, the girl landing on (Characters) bedroom floor with a loud thump and a little groan, the now black haired girl leaping to her feet to close the window, startling (Character) from their sleep.
(Pet.): Himiko Toga. It had been a few years since she'd quit villainy, but she'd only gotten caught up in a certain predicament recently. After years of being on the down-low and avoiding being caught by heroes... (Your Character) recognized her in the streets. Not only that, she'd recognized them as well. She'd tried to run at first, but had ultimately been cornered... instead of turning her in (YC) made her a deal. If she went home with the other... she'd be taken care of and wouldn't be turned in... but she'd become (YC)'s pet. She was hesitant at first, and almost outright denied it... but she ultimately decided that it might be better than being locked away..
So, that's where she was now... kneeling inside (YC)'s home, her hands cuffed behind her back, a muzzle over her mouth to keep her from biting, and a red collar wrapped around her neck, with her "savior" of sorts holding onto her leash. She looked up at (YC), a small frown on her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit. "So... what now..? You want me to bark for you or something? Or would you prefer meowing?" She was being a bit of a smart-ass, but mostly she was just trying to settle the nervous feeling inside of her.
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