#she's a nice lady but she gets frustrated quickly and then she raises her voice which scares the shit out of me
munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hi buggy!! I had an idea and I feel like you are the perfect person to give it to (as you know I have way too many WIPS)
Okay so -Drama Club!Reader taking a nap on the couch in the room they use for Hellfire- She’s got headphones on so she doesn’t hear them come in- Halfway through the game Eddie realizes ? There’s someone in the room? And then he drives her home? Run with it honestly! Also ILY!!
You know I love any excuse to write fluff 🥰 for you, my dear.
Warnings: none really, just tooth-rotting fluff and the Hellfire boys teasing Eddie
WC: 1.5k
Sleepiness hits you like a truck. No matter how many plays you do, no matter if you have a leading role or you’re part of the chorus, post-show exhaustion is real. There’s no break between the infamous “Hell Week” and opening night, and you are feeling it.
Your knees buckle like your legs are going to give out. Despite the upbeat tempo of Joan Jett’s I Love Rock ‘n Roll blasting through your headphones, which typically puts some pep in your step, you’re about to fall over.
As you pass by the drama room, it dawns on you: there’s a couch that’s perfect (or at least feasible) for a quick little nap.
Luckily for you, it’s completely empty, and sleep quickly overtakes you. No lines to memorize, no scrambling to stage left when Mr. Underwood calls for the Mad Hatter. Just pure, uninterrupted–
“Oh, come on!”
You’re jolted awake by the sound of a group of guys shouting at each other. As your vision focuses, you can see that they’re all wearing matching shirts, proudly proclaiming themselves to be the Hellfire Club. You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep, but your cassette is no longer playing music, so it has to have been a little while.
The voice that had woken you from your nap belongs to Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother, Mike, who is currently raking his hands through his shaggy hair in frustration. 
“Okay, okay, just focus.” Will Byers, ever the voice of reason. He was one of the set designers for Alice in Wonderland, and his kind disposition effectively made him the adopted little brother of most of the upperclassmen. He picks up a die, takes a deep breath, and rolls, letting out a disappointed groan as it clatters to the table. “Shit!”
“That’s…a…miss!” Your attention is immediately drawn to the man sitting in a throne-esque chair at the head of the table, cackling at Will’s misfortune. You nearly fall off of the couch when you see that it’s Eddie Munson, the guy you’ve had a crush on since you’d started high school four years ago.
“Careful, Eddie,” one of the younger members–Gareth, if you’re remembering correctly–goads the Dungeon Master,  “you’d better be nice to him, or he won’t introduce you to your lady love.”
The rest of them oooh and make kissy noises, laughing amongst themselves.
Eddie slams a fist on the table, silencing them immediately. “Shut up!” he roars, scrunching up his nose in anger. His sudden outburst startles you; luckily, everyone is too engrossed in the game–and teasing Eddie–to notice the way you twitch on the couch.
The game continues for a few more minutes, punctuated by cheers and irritated grunts, before Will speaks up. “She’s really nice, Eddie,” he starts, “I could see if she’d wanna talk to you—”
“Enough!” Eddie hisses through gritted teeth. “I swear, I’ll end this campaign right now.”
“Hold on,” another freshman, this one with curly hair, chimes in. He raises his forefinger as he contemplates the situation. “You’re telling me that you went to see Alice in Wonderland–twice, I may add–stared at her the whole time, and you don’t even wanna know if she’s interested?”
That gets your attention—what drama club actress does he have his eye on? Probably Chrissy Cunningham, the blonde beauty who’d snagged the leading role. Cheerleading, acting, all-around nice person; who wouldn’t have a crush on her?
Eddie shakes his head, frizzy curls brushing the shoulders of his denim jacket. “You idiots are driving me crazy.”
Jeff, who happens to be in your English class, throws him a knowing smirk. “Don’t you mean, driving you mad?”
His pun earns him a round of high-fives from his friends, but Eddie is less than enthused. 
“That’s it; we’re done here.” Eddie smacks his palms to the table, rolling his eyes when the guys groan. “I’ll clean up, just—get out of here. Go!” He yells the last word when no one moves, and they all scramble for their backpacks and out the door. 
Once they leave, he starts tossing game pieces back in the box haphazardly, mumbling to himself. 
“Fuckin’ kids, think they know everything just because they have girlfriends—Jesus Christ!”
Your eyes flit over to see him staring at you, hand pressed to his chest as he catches his breath. 
“Wh-What the fuck are you doing here?” he stammers, trying to catch his breath. “When did you even get here?”
“I, um, needed a nap,” you admit, “and I knew there was a couch here, but I dozed off for too long…I didn’t mean to crash your game,” you finish lamely.
“Oh,” Eddie grins, relieved that you’ve been asleep and blissfully ignorant of the ribbing he’d received during Hellfire, “yeah, I mean, no worries. ‘S, uh, comfy.”
You wrinkle your nose. “Not really. I was just tired.”
“Yeah, makes sense,” Eddie sputters with a forced laugh, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Just finished the play and everything. ‘S a lot of work.”
“Yup.” There’s an awkward pause before you speak again. “Well, I should probably head home before my mom reports me missing or something.”
“I can drive you!” Eddie blurts out, cringing inwardly at the abundance of enthusiasm in his tone. “I mean, ‘s cool with me if you wanna…bum a ride.”
You tilt your head with a small smile. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to go out of your way…” You know that he lives in Forest Hills Trailer Park across town, and you don’t want him wasting time and fuel when you could easily walk.
“No, yeah, I don’t mind.” He rocks back and forth on his heels nervously. “I, uh, actually wanted to ask you about the play.”
You nod, grabbing your backpack from the side of the couch. Before you can sling it over your shoulder, his hand shoots out to catch the strap at the top. 
“I can carry it.”
“Eddie Munson…chivalrous gentleman?” you tease, unaware of the shiver coursing through him when you say his full name. “Full of surprises today.”
You follow him to his van, smiling politely when he opens your door for you with a small bow. He jogs around to his side and climbs into the driver’s seat.
“Where to?”
You give him your address and offer a general direction. “So, what did you wanna ask me?”
You raise your eyebrows. “You said you wanted to drive me home so you could ask me about the play.”
“Oh, yeah! Right.” Eddie fumbles for his words. “Is it hard remembering all your lines?”
You shrug. “Not too bad. Kinda like studying for a test, y’know?”
“Uh, sure.” He puts his hand on the back of your seat and turns his head, tongue poking out from between his lips as he concentrates on backing out.
Another pregnant pause fills the air, and you rub your palms along your jean-clad thighs. “What else did you wanna know?”
He wracks his brain for more questions, but comes up short. “That was pretty much it, I guess.”
“Eddie!” you scoff playfully. “I wouldn’t have had you drive me if you only had one question!” Without thinking, your hand swats at his chest.
“Ow! Damn!” he laughs, using one hand to tend to his ‘wound’ while keeping the other on the wheel. “I’m gonna have to tell Byers that you’re actually really mean.”
“Mhm,” he confirms. “Violent, too. ‘S probably gonna leave a mark.”
“Poor baby.” You jut out your lower lip in an exaggerated pout. “Need someone to nurse you back to health?” You take a beat before proposing, “Maybe…Chrissy Cunningham?”
Eddie coughs out a laugh. “Chrissy Cunningham? Yeah, no.”
“Really?” You furrow your brow in confusion. “Then who were the guys talking about?” The question comes out before you can stop it, and you feel your face heat up with embarrassment. “Sorry, I–”
“‘S fine,” he mutters, drumming his fingers on the wheel. His ears tinge pink and he gnaws on his cheek, but doesn’t say another word.
Something dawns on you; a comment he’d made earlier in the drive. “I’m gonna have to tell Byers that you’re actually really mean.” And back at Hellfire, Will had said that Eddie’s drama club crush was “really nice.” And then there was Jeff’s comment about them driving him mad…
“Do you wanna get some pizza or something?” you ask, the words spilling from your lips. You peer at him hopefully, trying not to sound overzealous. “Y’know, just so I can make sure your injury isn’t fatal.”
He nods. “Yeah, sounds awesome. I like pizza.” His gaze flits over to your hand; he reaches over and timidly gives it a small squeeze. “Like you, too.”
Your body fills with warmth, and you settle back into your seat and smile. Yeah, that nap was definitely a great idea.
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taeyongsfemdom · 4 months
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The sun was setting as rays of sunshine were shining into your office, Taeyong laying his head on your thighs while you were finishing up a phone call with one of your assistants, he always caught you when you got busy.
"Yes, yes we'll talk more on this tomorrow Norilyn" your red nail was swirling in his silver hair, his eyes looking at all of the large custom made pictures of him from his 2019 SuperM mini album photoshoot that was one of your favorite shoots of all time that was plastered all over your walls.
"Okay, okay! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" you hung up the phone as you took a long sigh "I'm sorry about that, you always come in here at the wrong time, little rose " the phone getting thrown on the other side of the couch, your hand running through his hair while you smiled at him.
"It's okay goddess, I wanted to see you though, I missed you"
"I was just downstairs an hour ago, sweetheart"
He giggled and played with one of the rings you bought him as he looked at the pictures again.
"I never realized you had so many pictures of me in here, I don't come in your office too often since you're always busy with business stuff and I'm always cooking and cleaning"
"You know that you're always welcome in here! Surprised you didn't know about these pretty pictures of you in my office"
"I remember the day these pictures were taken"
"Oh God, please don't bring that day up, it was pure chaos"
Your finger ran over his gorgeous scar under his right eye, bringing back a memory from that photoshoot "I hate to bring this up, but do you remember that lady who made that nasty comment towards you?"
His brows furrowed in confusion until he realized what you were talking about "Oh yes yes! I don't remember exactly she said but you weren't very happy about it"
The shoot was coming to a close while you watched Taeyong do a bunch of sultry poses in front of a grimy bathroom wall while Norilyn was standing next to you, noticing how your eyes were glued to him.
"He looks great"
"Make sure that jacket gets packed up and put in the car, i'm taking it home with me! And these pictures are going up in my office"
“Boss, that jacket is $4,000!”
“They can bill me. $4,000 is nothing”
Taeyong gave you a shy smile as you looked at him, you kinda went a bit dramatic with your outfit and hair to match the vibe of the shoot theme. Not only were eyes on him but they were on you as well since you always wanted to make a statement everywhere you went.
"OH TAEYONG YOU DID A WONDERFUL JOB!" A young woman said while walking over to him, fixing the studded Celine jacket and other parts of the outfit.
"Oh thank you!"
"Pictures came out very nice except for one thing…" her eyes go to the scar on his face.
"This scar you have, it makes you look ugly. You have a gorgeous face and everyone loves it, but this scar is an issue" Norilyn's ear perked up when she heard the lady speak with an attitude in her voice.
"Oh but don't worry, we'll fix in editing" she gave an evil giggle before walking away to the back, Taeyong's eyes glued to his white boots.
"Oh y/n is gonna flip" she said as she watched Taeyong walk toward her looking upset and his eyes just staying toward the ground.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay"
"You don't look like it...did that woman say something to you?"
His head lifted as he heard heels clicking, your eyes already knowing something is off.
"What happened?"
"Tell her! If not then I will!!!"
"Heard what?" Your brow raised in confusion as you watched him shuffle his feet, Norilyn turning to you quickly before he good open his mouth.
"This woman was talking about his scar, she said it made him look ugly and how it'll be taken out with editing"
"She. Said. WHAT!?"
Your mouth fell open as you took a double take to what you just heard, rage started filling your eyes as you looked around you, trying to find who said the comment, then looking at Taeyong with pure frustration.
"Taeyong, who said that to you? Tell me right now"
"Boss, let's not get hostile now" she tried to touch your shoulder, but you pulled it away.
"NO NO NO! Nobody isn't gonna make snarky comments towards my clients, especially not towards him! Taeyong you have five fucking seconds to tell me…WHO TOLD YOU THAT?"
A photographer came over wanting to take a few more photos of Taeyong before ending the shoot, a perfect time for you to find who made the rude comment. You asked him where and who she was, she was his boss who had stepped away from the chaos of the shoot, she was in a room that was down the hall.
"Stay here with him, I'm gonna go find this bitch"
"PLEASE don't do anything crazy" Norilyn knew how aggressive you can be when you were pissed off, especially if it involves your #1 client.
"I'm just gonna go talk to her, after this is over, bring Taeyong to his dressing room and I'll meet you in there" she looked at you as you walked down the hall to the door appearing right away as you banged your fist hard against it.
The woman turned in her chair as she watched you walk in, closing the door behind you.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Y/N L/N, Taeyong's manager" you crossed your arms as the woman gasped and laughed shortly after "So you're the one who was bossing people around when I wasn't here! How are you? Also I didn't know that his manager dresses like a whore" you rolled your eyes at the weak dig she threw at you.
"Oh don't start that shit with me, I came here to talk because I heard you made a sly ass comment toward Taeyong, something about his scar? My assistant heard the whole thing"
"Hmmmm oh yeah! I told him that we were gonna edit out that ugly scar, it's gonna ruin the picture" your eye started to twitch severely as you stared at this vile woman. Taeyong was insecure about his scar, he thought that it was ugly until he started getting many sweet comments from his fans about it looking like a rose or a butterfly, you actually forget that he had until you look at him dead in the face and you thought it was beautiful. It was also one of the reasons why you called him "little rose".
"I just wanted to come in here and ask that you apologize to him" the woman laughed as she got up from her chair "And what if I don't? You gonna do something about it, bitch?" You took a deep breath as you pulled her arm and pulled her back toward your chest.
"HEY! LET ME GO YOU-" the woman stopped talking as she felt something sharp poke her back, figuring out it was knife that you had hidden on your thigh under your black body-con dress.
"Listen here cunt, I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you. I recommend that you walk your frumpy ass out of this room and apologize to my little rose for that comment you made or I'll slit your fucking throat"
A smart ass chuckle left her mouth "So you're gonna kill me if I don't apologize? Does Taeyong know that he's managed by a psyc-" the knife poked her back a little more "Okay okay okay okay! I'll apologize, take it easy with the knife"
"Don't let what she said get to you, she's just jealous" Taeyong sat in the chair looking upset still from the comment, messing with a eyeshadow brush while Norilyn stood by him, waiting for you to come back.
~"Where did she go?"~
Norilyn thought as she heard a knock at the dressing room door, running to go answer, then opening it to see you standing there.
"There you are! Did you find the lady?"
"I did"
You smiled as you pushed the woman into the dressing room, your assistant moving out the way as he turned in the chair facing you "Norilyn, can you step out for a minute?" She nodded as she walked out the room, your hand nudged her shoulder to get her to speak, hoping no poisonous words leave her mouth.
"I'm very sorry for making that comment towards you. It was very inappropriate and rude of me to say that, kinda showing how unprofessional I was, if you don't accept my apology then I understand"
You nodded your head as you glanced at Taeyong, his pretty face looking at her with confusion, not knowing that you had a knife poking into her back while she apologized to him, still keeping your promise that you would kill her if she did or said anything stupid.
"She won't be editing out anything off your pretty face, isn't that right Francesca?" She nodded at the question as she gulped from the pain of the knife in her back, a small smile appearing on Taeyong's face as you let the knife up off her back "How about you be a good girl and get out of here and start working on those pictures, hm?" Francesca gave you a fake smile as she walked out of the dressing room, the knife hiding behind your back as you watched her walk away.
"I'll be back, Taeyong!"
"Now was that hard to do?"
"Good, Now I just wanna set one thing straight with you. If you ever hear you say something about Taeyong again, I will have you killed on the spot, are we clear bitch?" The knife poked into her stomach lightly "Nobody and I mean NOBODY threatens my rose…I'm not the bitch that you wanna fuck with" Francesca gulped lightly as you turned your back away from her, going back into the dressing room while giving her a nasty glare, the knife going back under your dress.
"Psycho bitch….nobody fucking threatens me”
Back in the dressing room, you counted down from ten to regress your anger from Francesca. You were happy that she gave an apology but you knew that Taeyong was still hurt by it, which was totally understandable. You took a seat on the counter of the vanity, your finger going under his chin to make him look at you.
“Little rose, now I've taught you to always speak up if something happens, okay? You don't need to keep your mouth shut if someone is being disrespectful towards you. Do you understand me? I'm not gonna let people treat you like shit, you don't deserve that”
Taeyong was still quiet after hearing you speak, you looked at the Celine jacket and was just amazed by how unique it was and how good it looked on him. Trying your hardest not rail him on the couch.
“Answer me, little rose”
“Yes ma'am”
“That's my good boy, also can you get up for a second?”
Once he got up, you pushed his whole body against the couch and your lips crashing into his in a split second, the both of you in a flutter of messy kisses. Your lips going down the side of his neck and sucking hard to make sure you left a hickey or two. Pure terror appeared in Taeyong's chocolate eyes as he looked at you.
"Love it when you get all scared when I do things like this to you, little rose"
"G..goddess, s..someone could walk in!"
"Relax. I'm just gonna mark you a little bit so everyone knows that you're mine. And if we can't make it till we get home, then we'll fuck in the car. You look too good in this jacket for me to not ruin you"
The blush on his cheeks made you smile along with the knife appearing in the mirror that just made you realize you would do ANYTHING to protect this boy.
The End.
Fun fact: I was originally gonna post this mini on October 4th of last year which is SuperM's debut date for their anniversary but I never got around to doing that 😂😂 I really do feel like tyongfs would root for this woman honestly 🙌🏾 she fuckin threated to stab a bitch for Taeyong...that is CRAZY 🤯
Anywho! Hope ya'll enjoy 💋
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inkovert · 10 months
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➳My Dearest Enemy | a re-introduction
Genre: YA literary fiction Status: Writing second draft | read here Themes: coming-of-age, friendship, healing/forgiveness, death/grief, identity, love, family
People often say, “You never forget your first.” First love. First kiss. First time. In a warped sense of logic, the same sentiment applied to loss. After becoming intimate with death, it pervades every cell in your body, clouds every aspect of your life. Your existence is suddenly split into Before and After. And like a newborn tasting the world for the first time, you become painfully aware of all your firsts without them. First birthday. First Thanksgiving. First Christmas. The first meal, first breath, first sunrise that you experienced in this new world to which they are unknown. 
Cami has one wish. To get accepted to the arts program at her father’s alma mater. But after facing constant rejections from magazines to publish her work and being told her drawings are “too detached” and “impersonal”, she decides the time for idealism is over. Convinced to give things another chance, she enrolls in an art class to improve her skill - but lack of talent isn’t what’s blocking her art. It’s everything she’s locked inside her. 
The loss of her father a year prior. Suppressed resentment toward her mother. Guilt. Refusal to let anyone close. On her journey to find what’s missing in her art, she’s forced to confront everything she’s been burying within herself for the last year. She crosses paths with Spencer, a troubled teen who may be more similar to her than she initially believes; Vince, who hides his complex character behind a promiscuous front; and a girl who curiously keeps showing up to Cami’s work place. Before she knows it, she’s taken on a transformative emotional journey that leads to the discovery of a shocking truth. 
(characters below the cut)
Main characters
Cami Meyers (she/her): can typically be found drawing in her sketchbook or hanging out at the Vinyl Yard, where she works, fawning over new records. insists she's fine if anyone asks, but she's stopped talking to all her friends (except Mira) because she knows they expect her to be normal and she no longer knows what that means, and whenever she goes for a run she ends up pushing herself past her limit in order to feel something other than guilt and grief. those who've encountered her can tell she has a big heart, which is probably why she guards it so heavily.
Mira Fakhoury (she/her): falls quickly and uncontrollably head over heels for girls and wonders why the male species even bothers trying. loyal as hell when you earn her trust. views Cami as her long-lost sister and is ride or die for her. acts tough, confident and free-spirited but if you raise your voice at her or direct your anger/disappointment toward her she will freeze and turn fragile due to past ✨ trauma ✨ Spencer Henderson (he/him) pisses off everyone he talks to. either gives direct/blunt/sarcastic responses or answers a question with a question because deflection. can't be asked to be nice to anyone because what's the point. usually has his head buried in a book and/or earphones in. feels hopeless about his life and future. hates depending on people and believes no one out there cares whether or not he's alive. grows frustrated and confused when Cami suddenly shows him compassion despite the fact that they've constantly been at each other's throats since day one. irritated that she keeps catching him off guard and that he doesn't totally hate talking to her...
Vince Garcia (he/him): resident himbo. doesn't take himself or life too seriously. known around town as a ladies man and it's certainly possible that that has earned him a slap in the face or two. but maybe that's what he wants. it's so much easier to self-sabotage when you've convinced yourself you don't deserve to find love again. not after what happened. Cami is the first to see through his facade; she's cute and intrigues him and he's determined to wear her down whether she likes it or not. he may be a little too carefree, but no one can say he isn't persistent.
Side characters
Eli Owens (he/him): best friends with Cami's brother. has had a thing for Cami since he first met her. thinks she's the coolest girl he's ever met and the fact that she's so elusive only increases his interest. golden retriever type guy.
Noah Harris (he/him): doesn't like labeling his sexuality. mutual friend of Spencer and Vince. fools people into thinking he's kind, polite and charismatic. is actually manipulative, deceitful and gets bored of people easily. good at reading others and gravitates towards people that intrigue him. while everyone else is playing checkers, he's playing chess, and moves people around the board as if they're merely a means to an end. actually deeply cares for Spencer and is a bit hurt that he doesn't view him as a friend.
Jeremy Meyers (he/him): Cami's younger brother (by 1 year). eats, breathes and sleeps soccer. has always had a strong sibling relationship with Cami, and greatly admires and cares for her, so much so that he gets hurt when she hides things from him or doesn't come to him when she's going through a tough time.
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sunshiline-writes · 10 months
A Rose Amidst Thorns #12: The Beginning of the Nightmare
This chapter took me a while to write because I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with it. Well... I have a few ideas. Things are about to get REAL wild now. Thanks for reading!
CW: POC whump, Lady whump, Caretaker whump, deaf whumpee, mentions of hand whump, creepy/intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, crude language, guns, defiant whumpees, broken nose, blood, thoughts of death, fear of death, beat down, punching and kicking, bruised ribs.
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The cicadas sang in the heat, a loud communal hum. A coyote sat under the mezquite tree, blood coated its mouth. Its pelt was almost a sickly grey color twinged with yellow. It was emaciated, bones nearly sticking straight out of its skin. Underneath its paws was another coyote, and golden coat, well fed. Somehow the starving coyote had ripped out its throat, half of it on the dirt in front of it, the other half was hanging from the other's jaws. 
The coyote opened its jaw, tongue hanging out, oddly shaped. It looked awkward but a voice came from its mouth, hoarse and raspy. Like it couldn’t quite get out the words. 
Never underestimate a starving dog, Solomon. 
Solomon woke in a cold sweat. Breath catching in his throat. His mouth felt like cotton. He sat up from his place on the floor, running a hand over the different indents in his braid. Counting them. Taking a few deep breaths. How long had it been since he had a dream like that? Something that had spoken to him, some sort of warning. It was still so clear in his brain. He still felt like he could reach and touch the coyote in front of him. 
He stared at the ground for a moment longer before a sound made him look up. Miguel was watching him. His eyes were less far away and they were filled with concern. He was here, at the moment. Solomon wanted to keep it that way. 
“I’m okay,” he signed quickly, offering him a small smile. “You’re awake early.” 
Miguel frowned and simply shrugged. Solomon started to stand, pushing himself up, using the bed as leverage to help him stand. His body ached. His joints in his knees cracked as he moved them. He was getting too old for this. 
 “Would you want to come downstairs and eat breakfast with us?” 
The boy shook his head. Swinging his legs over the edge and getting himself up. He’d been needing less and less help lately. Sturdier on his feet. His left hand was getting stronger, but his right was still splinted and in the sling. In order to communicate he was rendered to single handed signs and spelling out his answers. Which frustrated them both greatly. But one of his exercises to strengthen that left hand was to sign the alphabet. Some of the letters were easier than others. He was trying at least and at the moment, that was all Solomon could ask of him. 
“I think you should join us for breakfast. It would be nice to have you there.” 
Miguel stared at him for a moment, pausing from making the bed. He chewed on his lip and Solomon sighed softly. Lately, it had been frustrating dealing with Miguel. His mind was far away half the time and the other half, they spent arguing. Solomon was so tired. He was half sure that Miguel was arguing for the sake of arguing. Probably because he wanted some semblance of control back. 
Most times when Solomon asked Miguel to join them at the table, Miguel refused. But today, Miguel nodded. Sitting down on the edge of the bed and looking up at Solomon. His hair was getting long again, waves going past the bottom of his ears. 
“Hen?” the boy asked, shifting in his sling slightly. 
“Yeah she’ll be down there too. Why wouldn’t she be?”
Miguel made a frustrated sound, rolling his eyes. 
“Oh. About last night? She asked me to do her hair. I just did her hair.” 
Miguel made a face, raising his eyebrows and then offered a small smile. Solomon couldn’t help but be endeared. He was still so young. To him there was no difference between platonic and sexual intimacy. He’d never really had a friend his own age that didn’t want something from him. 
Solomon pressed his index and middle finger on his thumb, shaking his head. No. 
“We aren’t like that. It’s.. difficult to explain. But we’re friends. She asked me to do her hair and she fell asleep. Nothing more.” 
Miguel kept smiling, nodding his head. Solomon put a hand on his shoulder and gently shook him. He was at least getting his humor back a little. Which was a good sign, he wasn’t shattered. Well he had been, but Solomon was helping him piece together the broken parts. That was his job. Putting back together the people that Xavier broke. He wanted to do more. He wanted to be the person that could save them. But he was just as trapped. 
Solomon nodded toward the door, and Miguel got up. They made their way down the stairs. Today’s breakfast was pancakes. The table was already set, Xavier at the head of it, and there were two more plates. Henrietta placed another one when she saw Miguel was with him. Smiling softly at him. 
“Well, look who decided to wake up from the dead,” said Xavier, taking a sip of his coffee.  
Miguel refused to look him in the eye. Sitting down in his seat quietly, shifting in it idly. Solomon rubbed the bridge of his nose and moved over to where Henrietta was preparing to give out the pancakes. 
“Do you need help?” he asked, taking the milk that was on the counter and starting to pour it into everyone's cups. Xavier was the only one of them who drank coffee anyway. Solomon was more of a tea person himself. But still, they set the table together. Solomon served himself and Miguel. Xavier watched, the tension in the air thick. 
“So, he’s feeling better then?” Xavier asked, looking pointedly at Solomon.
Solomon nodded, picking up his fork and starting to pick apart the pancakes. 
“Yes. He’s sturdier now. Still weak, he's been doing exercises to strengthen his left hand. He should be out of the sling in a month or so. Then he would work on strengthening his hands more.” Solomon took a bite of the pancake, trying to ignore the growing anxiety pooling in his gut at the sight of Xavier’s darkened expression. 
“Good, that's good,” Xavier said, sipping his coffee again. 
Solomon didn’t say anything in response, letting the silence reign supreme. There was something different in the air today, it tasted stale and dark. Xaviers mood seemed to be in the same way. They ate mostly in silence. Until Henrietta stood up to take everyone’s plates. 
“Leave them.” 
“Sit down Etta,” Xavier said slowly. “I want to talk to you both.” 
Solomon shifted in his seat, hands placed on the table. Taking a deep breath. Wondering what this could possibly be about. What was it that he had done that could warrant such a foul mood? Solomon replayed the past few days. Could it have been his conversation with Henrietta the night before? It had to be. There was nothing else that could warrant this sort of reaction. 
“Xavier.. What is this about?” 
Xavier raised a hand, and Solomon stopped talking. Talking would do nothing here. 
“I want to know how long.” 
Henrietta spoke next, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “How long?” 
“Do not fucking act stupid with me. How long have you two been fucking each other?” 
“We haven’t-” Solomon and Henrietta said at the same time. A fist slammed on the table, shaking the utensils, making them clatter. Miguel flinched, staring at the table. Not daring to look up. But he was starting to shake and Solomon looked at Xavier. 
“We have never slept toget-” 
Solomon should have seen it coming. He should have known better, but he was still surprised when Xavier grabbed Henrietta by the back of her head and slammed her face into the wooden table. The cutlery clanked again and Solomon heard her gasp. Xavier let go of her head and her head popped up. Hands going to her nose, which was now certainly broken. Blood streaming down her face, over her mouth, through her hands that were now trying to staunch the blood flow. 
“Xavier, stop! We haven’t done-” 
“Shut up Solomon,” Xavier said darkly, now focusing on Henrietta. “How long Etta?” 
“You asshole! We haven’t” “Then why were you in his room last night? Why were you there?” Xavier said, grabbing one of her wrists and wrenching it away from her face. Twisting her wrist and Henrietta whimpered. 
“I didn’t do anything wrong! We were just talking!” 
Xavier growled and Solomon started to stand. The click of the gun stopped him in his tracks. His eyes glanced down to the gun in his other hand. The simple revolver that was cocked and ready. 
“Don’t fucking move, you stay right there Solomon.” 
“You’re a big man aren’t you?” Henrietta said, voice nasally and tense with pain, “Threatening him with a gun? What are you? Afraid of him?” 
Xavier laughed, dark and loomed over her, changing the gun's position from pointing at Solomon to pressing it against her forehead. Solomon felt like his breath was in his throat, choking him. He only stared, terrified, as Xavier grinned manically down at Henrietta. 
“What is it darlin’? Cat got your tongue?” 
Henrietta growled slightly, it sounded gurgly like blood was inside her throat. Solomon's hands twitched. Eyes glancing at Miguel who was watching the scene unfold in front of him with a blank expression. He was far away again, that was probably for the best. It meant Solomon could focus on what was in front of him. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. 
“Xavier put the gun down,” he said calmly, surprised at the way his own voice didn’t even shake, “You don’t need it. Hen asked me to braid her hair, she wanted it out of her face.. Please. Just.. the gun..” 
Henrietta whimpered as the gun pressed harder into her skin. Then the gun uncocked and Xavier put it back in its holster. His grin died. His grip on her braid lessened and he instead ran his thumb over it. Staring at it. 
“You know.. I never quite liked the idea of braids,” Xavier said, untying the hair tie at the end and undoing it. “I do like the smell of her hair though. Even if it does smell like you, Solomon.” He ran a hand through it idly. 
“I just did what she asked..” Solomon said cautiously. 
Henrietta still had a hand covering her nose, even though the blood had slowed, it still dripped onto her blue dress. 
“Fucking,” the hand fisted her hair again, and he pulled Henrietta close to himself, nuzzling his face into her jaw, “Just shut the fuck up Solomon. Stand up Etta. Stand up.” 
“Xavier you’re going too far okay.. It wasn’t anything like you’re thinking. She fell asleep. I didn’t want to wake her.”
“I saw that. I saw it. She was asleep in your arms like that. Fucking stand up,” he shoved her forward, and she stumbled to stand. “Clean yourself up.” 
Then he looked at Solomon, working his jaw, as Henrietta took a rag and pressed it to her nose with a soft whimper. Solomon laced his fingers together and squeezed, as if the pressure would help. Their gazes met. Xaviers eyes were filled with hatred, burning with fiery rage. He leaned forward to Solomon, grabbing a hold of his jacket, and pulled him forward. Their faces almost touched, he could smell the coffee on Xaviers breath. 
“If you ever touch her like that again, if I even think that you two have talked without my permission. I’ll cut out your tongue,” Xavier pressed his forehead against Solomons, making Solomon shiver. “I don’t think a doctor needs his tongue to do his work. Yeah?” 
His stomach was pressed into the edge of the table, and one of his hands was on a plate. Solomon wasn’t sure if he was supposed to respond to this. He was actually quite sure that it was a rhetorical sort of question. But Xavier didn’t release him yet. The man sighed softly, and coffee and shit wafted in his nose, and Solomon fought the urge not to gag. His world spun as he was thrown to the ground. He tried to scramble backwards, but Xavier was on him in seconds. 
Pain exploded in his cheek bone as Xaviers knuckles connected. Solomon raised his hands to cover his face as more punches were thrown. He heard Henrietta scream at Xavier to stop, but Xavier kept going. His vision went blurry as the assault stopped for a moment, his entire face was pulsating. He realized that Henrietta had tried to stop Xavier by grabbing him, but she was thrown to the ground too. Hitting her head against the cabinets. Her eyes glazed over slightly as she groaned. 
“Xavier.. Please stop. Just stop. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.” 
A fist connected with his mouth and Solomon tasted blood. He choked on it as he was hit again and again. He was going to die here. Beaten to death by Xavier for something he didn’t even do. It was bound to happen eventually. He’d do something wrong and Xavier would lose it. 
A crash interrupted his thoughts and Solomon attempted to open his eyes. Only his left one would open. A plate was shattered on the floor around them. The assault stopped, Xavier stood up slowly. Turned around and Miguel was standing on shaky legs. Had he thrown the plate at Xavier’s head? 
Solomon groaned and turned to the side to spit blood on the floor, tongue going over his teeth. He had surprisingly not lost any. His head was filled with cotton and his world spun as he tried to push himself to his knees. A kick to his ribs knocked the wind out of his lungs, and he coughed. Falling to his side and curling up, hands over his stomach. 
“Please..” he begged. 
Xavier laughed, “You’re lucky Solomon. I think someone wants me to stop. Guess he’s feeling good enough to throw things at me. He has to be feeling well enough to sleep in his room now. And to take a punishment.” Another well placed kick to his ribs had him wheezing. There was the sound of more cutlery clanking as it bounced off Xaviers back. 
“Enough, Miguel.” 
Solomon didn’t look up, but Xavier was walking away. Solomon didn’t have the strength to stand or try to stop him. It was useless anyway. He couldn’t save him. Solomon couldn’t save either of them. 
Time flowed differently when someone was in pain, Solomon realized. His body ached and he barely registered that he was alone in the kitchen, surrounded by the broken plate. He didn’t try to get up or move. Solomon was unsure as to what was broken or bruised. 
It wasn’t long before Xavier came back and put a hand on his head. 
“You know, if you just minded your business instead of stickin’ your nose where it doesn’t belong, this wouldn’t have happened. You should have just left her alone. Next time.. You know better right?” Solomon groaned and Xavier grabbed his face, which throbbed, and clicked his tongue. “Hey, hey, look at me.” 
Solomon opened his eyes as far as they would allow him. Xavier was a blurred mess and he winced as Xavier squeezed his thumbs into his cheeks. 
“Now you know better right? You don’t touch Henrietta without my permission. Yeah?” Xavier was grinning at him. He looked wild. Like a coyote. 
Never underestimate a starving dog Solomon. 
“Ye..s” he slurred, and Xavier released his face. 
Solomon was unconscious before his head hit the ground. ***
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@flowersarefreetherapy @badgerwhump @whumpbees
ask if you'd like to be added or removed!!
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ar-agon · 1 year
The Princess
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Note: Hallo, this is for one of my lovely mutuals. @uniquemekylieb
Summary: A medieval au
Length: 2707
Characters: Dwayne x Kaya (OC)
He was the sworn sword of Princess Kaya since he was eighteen. His only job was to follow her around and ensure she was always safe. So, that was why he was standing off in the corner during a royal ball. His hand held the hilt of his sword, always ready to defend if needed. His eyes followed the princess on the dance floor. She was dancing with some High Lord of a neighboring kingdom. A fine suitor. Seeing such a beautiful woman dancing with someone so unworthy of her made him clench his teeth. He always felt he could be a much better match for Princess Kaya. After all, he spent every waking moment of the last ten years protecting her, and he was always willing to put his own life on the line to defend her. He couldn’t help but wonder why she didn't see how much he cared about her. Was it simply that he was just her loyal knight, and she couldn't see him as anything more than a servant?
He continued to watch as the princess danced with the High Lord, feeling more and more frustrated with each passing moment. Once the dance was done he watch as the Princess took her rightful place next to him again. He looked down at her as if waiting to hear her thoughts of the Lord. It was something she had always done. He was always curious to hear her thoughts about the men she had just danced with. She had been his lady for years, and he knew that she always had something to say about everything, so it was surprising when she didn't say anything now.
   He waited for her to say something, wondering if she was just tired from all the dancing or if there was something else on her mind. However, she just continued to stare ahead, silently watching the other dancers.
“Are you alright, M’lady?” he asked her softly.
He glanced over at the princess to find her staring silently in front of her, as if deep in thought. She didn't seem to be paying attention to anything around her, and he couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about.
  "My lady, are you alright?" he repeated, this time with a bit more concern in his voice.
   At the sound of his voice, Kaya looked up finally, seeming to come out of her thoughts. "Oh, yes, I'm fine," she said quickly, as if trying to downplay whatever had been on her mind.
"Do you wish to get some air?" He questioned. "I'm sure the party will not miss you for a few moments."
Kaya looked up at him for a moment and then nodded slowly. "I think some fresh air would be nice," she said.
"I can escort you outside, my lady," the knight said, offering her his arm.
She took his arm and let him lead her outside, where the air was much cooler and quieter. They soon found themselves alone in one of the garden pathways, away from the crowd inside the castle.
"Are you positive that everything is alright?" He says once they were out of the ballroom.
"Yes, I'm fine," Kaya said quickly, but he could tell there was something wrong.
"Kaya," he said, stopping in the path and turning to face her. Dwayne only used her first name when they were alone. She had told him years ago that was what she wanted rather than hearing her title all of the time. Her eyes were downcast, as if trying to avoid meeting his gaze.  
"You can tell me if you're worried about something," he said gently. "You know I would never judge you or think less of you."
  Kaya raised her head, and he saw a tear in her eye.
"M'lady what is ever the matter?" he asked concern lacing his voice.
"It's just-" she said, then cut herself off as she tried to find the right words to express how she was feeling.
"I just feel like..." Kaya let out a sigh as she struggled to articulate her feelings. "I just feel so alone, you know?" 
She looked up at him, her eyes still teary, and he was reminded of the little girl he had sworn to protect all those years ago. The scared little girl that used to hide behind him whenever nobles visited. The one that used to put flowers in her armor. The girl he had sworn to protect.
"You will never be alone," Dwayne tells her as he takes her hand in his, "not when I am by your side."
Kaya looked at Dwayne, and for the first time, she noticed the way he was holding her hand. It was gentle and caring, as if he really meant what he said. The two of them stood there in the garden path, and she felt safe and protected in his arms. The knight's words rang true now, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had been blind to something right in front of her this whole time.  
"You're right," she said softly. "I will never be alone as long as you are here with me."
"Would you like to walk the gardens?" he asked her. He did not want to think about what the look in her eye meant. Not now. Not when she had so many worthy suitors still in the ballroom waiting for their chance to dance with her. Wanting to marry her.
"Yes, I would love to," she said, relieved that he didn't try to press her for information. She walked with him, taking a deep breath of the crisp night air. She felt calmer and more relaxed than she had in a long time, as if all of her worries had dissolved away in the cool night breeze. "Thank you for taking me out here," she said after a while. "It's so peaceful compared to how rowdy things were inside."
"Of course, Princess," He says with a bow of his head, "You've danced with quite a lot of men already. No harm in taking a moment to yourself."
"Yes, and I'll have to dance with many more," she said lightly, but he could hear a hint of anxiety in her voice.
"You do not seem very enthusiastic about the idea of dancing with anyone else," he said, turning to look at her with concern in his eyes.  
She was quiet for a moment, before she finally replied, "I just..." she said, stopping and taking a deep breath. "I just don't want you to be offended if I dance with another man."
"Why would I be offended?" Dwayne tilted his head as he turned to look at her.
"I'm supposed to be looking for a suitable husband," Kaya said, seeming nervous even to discuss the subject.
"I've been invited to dance with several other men, and I wouldn't want you to feel upset if I accepted a dance request from one of them."  
She looked at him, worried about his reaction to the idea of her dancing with someone else. He was, after all, the one whom she was closest to at this ball.
"I am your worn sword, m'lady. Your protector. It is your duty to find a suitable husband and that can never be me," he tells her, "so, you must dance with every noble to see who is your perfect match."
"I know, and I will," Kaya said, still feeling uneasy at the thought of him seeing her dance with someone else.
"I'm just glad to have you on my side," she said, smiling at him earnestly. "I always feel safe when you're near.” They walked in silence for a few moments, savoring the peace of the night sky and the quiet beauty of the garden. The flowers were blooming and their sweet scent was in the air.
"Can I ask you a question?" she finally said, after a while.
"Of course, Princess," he nods.
"Do you think it's possible for someone to feel a true and deep love for another person without ever getting married to them?"
Kaya looked up at Dwayne, waiting for his answer with bated breath. She didn't know how he would respond to her question, and she was terrified that he wouldn't understand what she was trying to say. She hoped he would understand, because she felt like he deserved to know how she really felt about him.
"Yes," he nods, "I think it is possible. Why do you ask?"
A smile spread across Kaya's face, as if she was relieved to hear him say that, "I guess," she said, "I was afraid that if I married someone else, I would be abandoning the person I truly love." She looked at Dwayne, seeing the expression of confusion on his face. He was clearly confused by her words, and she realized that she had to be more clear. "I think I love you."
"M'lady," Dwayne whispered. He stopped walking and turned to face her. He took her hands in his gently. "I will follow you anywhere you go. I will not leave your side for my love for you runs too deep for me to leave you alone." He confesses.
Kaya suddenly felt her cheeks turning red as she took in Dwayne's words. He was confessing his love for her, and it was almost too good to be true. "Dwayne, I-" she started to say, but was cut off as he leaned in and kissed her. They stood still for a moment, both of them frozen in shock. Kaya felt as if she was in a dream. She had never thought that she would find someone who loved her like this, and she was so incredibly happy that it turned out to be the one she had been with all this time.
"Will you dance with me?" he asked. They were in the middle of the garden now. A spacious place surrounded by hedges to keep prying eyes away. Candles that a few servants lit at the beginning of the night still cast a soft glow around them.
Kaya smiled warmly at his question, feeling happy and excited as she took his hand and allowed him to lead her towards the center of the garden. The sound of the nearby fountain could be heard, and the candles in the area cast a warm glow over everything. The air was still, and there was no one else around, creating a peaceful and romantic atmosphere. "Yes," she said, turning to face him. "I would love to dance with you."
Dwayne placed his hand on her hip as the other hand laced their fingers together, "Forgive me if I fumble. I am not as graceful as your other suitors." He pulled her close as he moved them around the garden slowly. They could still hear the faint music coming from the ballroom that they had just left.
Kaya let out a soft laugh as he began to move her around the gardens. "Do not worry, Dwayne," she said as she placed her hands on his shoulders. "You're doing fine. You're a much better dancer than most of my suitors." She looked up at him, feeling happy to be spending this time with him. She could see the passion in his eyes as he danced with her, and she felt like they were sharing something special. "You know, I'm beginning to think I already found the man I wanted to marry."
"M'lady, your father would never approve," he tells her softly.
"I know," Kaya said, feeling a pang of sadness as she remembered that her feelings would never be approved of by her father. "He's always wanted me to marry someone from a powerful family," she said bitterly. "He's never cared about what I wanted or who I loved. He just sees me as some kind of pawn in his political games."
  She looked up at Dwayne, feeling a tinge of sadness as she thought about the situation. "I'm sorry, Dwayne. I know I shouldn't be talking about this."
"You are not just a pawn Kaya," he tells her, "You are a princess. A highborn who should be marrying someone with the same status. I was never worthy of you but being by your side is enough for me." He twirled her around as he continued to lead their dance.
"You've always been worthy of me, Dwayne," Kaya said, her voice taking on a tender and sincere tone. "Just because you weren't born into some noble family, it doesn't change who you really are." She looked up at him, feeling happy as she continued to dance. "You're the most selfless person I've ever known, and you always put my needs and feelings above your own. If anyone is worthy of marrying me, it's you."
"I wish I were able, M'lady but I cannot ask you to leave everything behind just for some lonely knight," He tells her.
"Dwayne, I would leave everything behind for you," Kaya said, feeling a tinge of pain in her voice as she remembered that her father would never approve of her marrying someone like him. "You're not just a lonely knight, you're the man I love," she continued. "I don't have a choice in who I love, and I can't make myself stop loving you just because of our difference in stations." She looked up at him with pleading eyes, trying to make him understand.
"Princess," Dwayne whispered, "we would always be on the run. Do you think your father is ever going to stop coming after us if we do this?"
"I do not know," Kaya said, feeling a pit in her stomach as she realized that she was proposing a radical idea. "But I also know that I can't keep pretending to care about those pointless political games as if they matter more than my own happiness," she continued. She looked up at Dwayne, realizing that he was right and that they would always be on the run. But she felt like it was something she had to do. "I refuse to let my father dictate how I live my life anymore. I'll do whatever it takes to be with you."
"Princess," He stops dancing with her for a moment, "this will be dangerous but... if we pass the boarders of the neighboring kingdom he would have no power to stop us."
"Then let's do it," Kaya said, feeling like she had made a decision that she wouldn't regret. She took Dwayne's hand and pulled him towards the edge of the garden. "We might not get a chance like this again," she said, looking up at him with a determined expression on her face. "Let's take this chance and run away together."
"You will have the luxuries that you have now, princess," he warns, "we will be peasants and we will have to find work." 
"I don't need luxuries," Kaya said, feeling more and more certain that she was making the right decision. "All I need is you."
She looked up at Dwayne, feeling a newfound sense of freedom as she finally left the life of a princess behind. They were going to make their own way in the world now, and she felt like they could do anything as long as they were together. He wrapped his arms around her before he kissed her pouring all of his love into the kiss. Kaya felt her world melt away as Dwayne's arms wrapped around her and she lost herself in the passion of the kiss. She knew that they were taking a risk, but she didn't care. All that mattered to her right now was being with the man she loved. She pulled away from the kiss eventually, looking up at Dwayne with a dreamy expression on her face. "Let's go," she said. "Let's run away together."
“Come we can take a horse from the stable,” He pulls her out of the garden away from the castle, away from her father, and away from her duties. He led her to their freedom. To their life where they would be able to love each other without worrying about status. Where their love would be able to flourish.
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topaz-eyes · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Meme
Nicked from @shes-a-voodoo-child
rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. then tag ten people.
tagging: not tagging anyone--meme, don't meme, it's all up to you!
Midnight At The Lost And Found (Emergency!, Johnny Gage/Roy DeSoto)
“Yeah, I do.” Johnny paused for another lathering up, then continued in a carefully controlled, matter-of-fact voice. “The second is… man, I don’t know why it’s so hard to say this, but--” Johnny’s voice faltered, but recovered, and he plunged forward. “The second thing is that I love you, Roy, like, really love you, with everything I have. My heart, my soul… and yeah okay, that includes the physical way too. I’ve always liked the men as much as I like the ladies, and I figure we’re compatible in every other way, so it was easy to, uh, extrapolate…” Johnny cleared his throat; Roy could almost see the blush rising in his cheeks, as surely as he felt his own redden.
2. Watching You, Watching Me (House MD, Gregory House/Lisa Cuddy)
"Now remember the last time."
She concentrated, and suddenly she was back to eighteen years ago: back to the days when they were Greg and Lisa instead of House and Cuddy. Back to that sultry June afternoon in House's studio apartment; the day before House was to set off for Baltimore and his fellowship at Johns Hopkins. In the small, cramped room that had no air conditioning, stacks of books piled on the desk, music scores scattered on the floor by his guitar leaning against the wall; back to what turned out to be the last time.
3. Let Be (Torchwood/House MD, Jack Harkness, James Wilson)
"Now that's a nice greatcoat! God, it's gorgeous! Where'd you get it?"
Jack looked down and brushed its wool fondly. "It's an heirloom."
"It's perfect on you. You look like you stepped out of Twelve O'Clock High."
Jack grinned. "Yeah? I know a bit about that era."
James peered at him. "Are you sure you're not Gregory Peck? 'Cause you sorta look like him."
He stared at James' well-manicured hand, sobering slightly as he thought of the Captain reaching for his own. "I'm positive."
4. Home For Christmas (House MD, Gregory House, James Wilson, Blythe House)
"Don't cause a scene, House. Open it," Wilson hissed in House's ear.
Wilson glanced at Blythe, whose gaze darted everywhere across the room except where her son sat.
"If you won't do it for yourself, at least do it for your mother." He plucked the envelope off House's lap and pushed it against his hand.
5. Downpour (Lie To Me, Cal Lightman/Gillian Foster)
Soon enough the air temperature decides to drop and the breeze picks up. "Finally," Gillian sighs a few minutes later, when the first drops of water patter onto the gravel of the rooftop. She raises her face skyward in relief.
The rain steps up quickly, from sprinkle to steady. The next thing she knows, Cal's stepped up close too, his hand splayed on her waist; his breath is hot in her ear.
"Ever shagged in the rain, Foster?"
6. Stranger Cures (Strike Back, Thomas "Mac" McAllister/Samuel Wyatt)
Wyatt heard a soft, almost resigned exhale from Mac’s bed. Maybe he should just bunk down in the main room the rest of the night. But after a moment, he heard the cot springs squeak as Mac rose, followed by two creaks of wood as he crossed the floor. His mattress dipped on the edge as Mac sat beside him.
Mac laid a warm, broad hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “Will you trust me?” Mac said.
Wyatt drew in a quick, deep breath against an oncoming spasm and held it in, but it didn’t succeed, and he expelled it in frustration. “I just want this to stop, man,” he said, not bothering to hide his exhaustion now. “I don’t care how anymore.”
7. One Safe Place (X Company, Tom Cummings/Neil Mackay)
“Shove off,” Neil murmurs, not unkindly. Tom mumbles something incoherent and hooks his leg across him too.
“Fantastic,” Neil says, and rolls his eyes, but he doesn't have the heart to push Tom away. That's decided then, he's obviously not moving anytime soon. (And again, being honest, he really doesn't mind.) He settles back down, adjusting just a bit to rest his cheek on Tom's forehead to help keep the heat in (or so he tells himself). Lulled by the warmth in the shared sleeping bag, the rhythm of the rain, and the easy weight of Tom resting against him, Neil's eyelids droop, and he begins to drift.
8. Reunion (24, Jack Bauer/Tony Almeida)
Jack lived on his senses. He trusted his instincts. He knew Tony Almeida more than anyone alive, knew him down to his touch and taste and smell. But the stench of Tony's current anger and bitterness in the FBI office had overwhelmed any hint of him that Jack had filed away. He'd seen Tony frustrated and despondent, but this--
It was obvious that Bill Buchanan trusted this man implicitly, to the point of Deep Sky. But Bill too had been misled before, had placed his trust in the wrong person; hell, they all had. Double, even triple agents weren't unheard of: appearances could be surgically altered, voices re-trained, operatives conditioned. Jack had made enough mistakes today already; he couldn't afford to make another.
He had to know.
9. On The Shoulder Of Orion (Elementary, Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes)
She looked up from the eyepiece to find Sherlock rocking back and forth on his heels, a pleased expression on his normally dour face. Joan smiled softly at him. “You’ve picked up a lot of incredibly detailed information in a very short time,” she noted.
“I promised Arthur I would assist him with his astronomy project on the evolution of stars,” Sherlock admitted, rather abashed; and he cleared his throat, looking away towards the horizon. “I believe the history of Betelgeuse makes a most excellent illustration of the concept.”
10. A Kinder Fate (Doctor Who 2005, Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Sister-of-Mine)
Once a year, every year, that had been the arrangement; but after the first year he'd forgotten and hadn't visited her since. He rushed to the mirror that hung across from the entrance to the library. He straightened his bow tie though it didn't need it, and waited.
And soon enough there she was, peeking from a crack in the door, the alien who usurped Lucy Cartwright and wore her face. "Hello, Sister-of-Mine," he greeted.
Lucy hung back by the door, her brow furrowed; gripping her balloon string tight, she shook her head.
"Yes, it's me," the Doctor said. "I've changed my appearance from the last time you saw me, but I'm still the Doctor." Still your jailer, he thought, wincing again.
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thechaospossum · 3 years
Got yelled at by my teacher today ;) she was trying to justify it by saying that she's training me to "overcome hardship" and "get out of the shell". Bitch I almost killed myself this year I know how to overcome hardships. Do not flatter yourself by thinking that you can fix me.
0 notes
globetrotter28 · 2 years
Another Cover Up (Part 4)
Fandom: The Boys
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Herogasm, Butcher, Hughie and Soldier Boy realise they might need more reinforcements. After doing more research, they discover the woman who was also injected with Compound V alongside Soldier Boy back in the 40’s. Everyone also thought she was KIA that day at Nicaragua. But if Soldier Boy was still alive… maybe she was too?
If you DO wish to be tagged for future updates, please let me know.
If there is a line, the tag didn’t come up for you.
Tags: @msbadgirl @queenofspades20 @mimzy1994 @erinnkenobi @goldngguk @ateliefloresdaprimavera @roseblue373 @acarboni21 @sexyvixen7 @buckybarnes-1917 @valkyrie418 @multishipper @bxwitched @capswife @bluedragonflylady @leigh70
Chapter Warnings: language, discussion of previous character’s sexual assault
Yes, Butcher will come off OOC this chapter.
Series Masterlist - Part 3
You and Butcher left at 6am sharp the next morning.
You had barely slept since arriving Stateside, so although Butcher was walking out to his shit box of a car, attempting to sneak off quietly, you were already sitting in the front seat.
He didn't see you until he opened the driver's side door and huffed a heavy breath as he sat in the seat and you made your presence known.
"Nice try." You said.
"Bollocks!" He shouted as he jumped in his seat, turning his widened brown eyes to you. He saw a wicked grin on your face, one that matched his own when he was up to something.
"Is that any way to talk in front of a lady?" You sass.
"Jesus Christ...," he took a deep breath to steady his beating heart.
"Are we going or not?" You say, pulling the temperamental seat belt down from over your shoulder and clicking it into place.
"You're a bloody Supe and you still put the belt on?" Butcher asks, confused eyes staring at you.
"I may be a Supe, but I still feel pain. And let's be honest, William... you know I don't have reason to trust that you won't try and throw me through that windshield." You say as you point to said windshield, eyebrow raised.
He only grunts as a response before turning the engine over and pulling away from the house.
You both drive in silence for almost three quarters of an hour before you reach to turn the radio on. Although you didn't care too much, Butcher's mind was quite a fucking mess and you didn't really want to listen to it much more.
"You ever heard of asking?" Butchers gravelly voice breaks through the tune of an old song crackling through the speaker.
"Control your thoughts better and maybe I would." You quip, side eyeing him. "Besides... didn't think you'd care too much if it took my focus of your fucked up brain." You look out the window seeing shades of green pass you by.
"Hughie said you were having some troubles." He mentions.
"Hmm... it's not easy when they fuck with your brain... sometimes feels like they were trying to scramble some eggs."
The song on the radio changes to one you were very familiar with. The high pitched piano notes send chills through your body taking you a second to recognise the song. The melodic male voice singing 'turn around' before Bonnie Tyler's distinctive husky voice joins in, and you're quickly reaching for the tuner to adjust the station. 
"As lovely as she is," Butcher says, gently tapping the dashboard of the vehicle, "the radio is on the blink." Butcher says with a severely sarcastic tone.
You reach for the volume to at least turn it down as low as possible, but it only gets louder.
"You're joking?" Your voice is thick with frustration as you look at Butcher, turning it the other way to turn it back down, but it only goes to the same volume it was when you first started.
"Nah, not too much of a joker, love." He smirks at you. "Her audio settings are simple; one station, on, off, loud or louder." He chuckles as he looks at your face that you can only imagine is one that looks like you would readily kill him. He only laughs heartier. 
You go to turn it off then, but he smacks your hand away.
"Un-uh! You wanted it on, princess, it's on."
You look at him, flabbergasted that he just smacked your hand. The chorus is playing now and to your utter shock, Butcher starts belting it out in his cockney voice.
"Oh my god, fuck me..." you mutter in frustration as you sink into your seat.
You knew Butcher was doing this to annoy you, but he starts doing air drums and is very clearly getting into the song. You know you could easily turn it off, but you can't help but feel your frustration slowly morph into enjoyment at his terrible singing and just start to giggle, soon joining him in the love ballad.
By the third verse you're singing by yourself. What you didn't realise was that Butcher was listening to the lyrics. He was picking up that they clearly meant something to you as your voice was becoming extremely emotional, even cracking on the odd occasion.
As the song was fading out, Butcher reached forward and clicked the radio off.
"Gotta love me some Bonnie." Butcher says somewhat jokingly before switching his tone quickly. "A'right. What was that?" He presses you.
"What was what?"
"Why didn't you want to listen to that song." He gestures to the radio, his left hand still on the steering wheel.
You release a large sigh, trying to find the words. You soon settle on, "I helped write it."
It's quiet for a moment, you sensing Butcher's complete and utter confusion. He really didn't see that one coming.
"You helped write that?" He clarifies.
"Yep." You confirm, glancing at him.
"No you didn't." He looks at you, eyes furrowed in disbelief.
"Get your little device out and look it up." You suggest.
"Yeah... yeah a'right, I'll do just that."
Butcher reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out his phone, keeping one hand on the wheel and looking at his phone as he attempts to type on it.
"You've got to be fucking joking...!" He bellows, glancing at you briefly in disbelief.
"Told ya." Your smirk.
"'Total Eclipse of the Heart' was written by Jim Steinman [and Y/N Y/L/N] and released by Bonnie Tyler in 1983."** Butcher reads. "This has gotta be one of the most famous love ballads..."
"Glad it did well." You say.
"Supe's don't have talent like that." Butcher states.
"Ha! You're not wrong... have you seen any of Ben's movies? Or heard his songs? Fuck, they're terrible!" You laugh.
"You didn't have any- well..."
"No, I refused to be a dancing monkey. This was the only one I co-wrote and produced." You tried not to, but you could hear Butcher questioning why you were even a Supe. So you decided to answer him. "I saw these... powers... as a way of me actually trying to make a difference. I never wanted to be in front of the camera. I never wanted the notoriety." You pause for a moment. "This was meant to be a gift. I was turned into this... thing... what I was sold is not what it was... they wanted a weapon that would easily be turned into a profit for their convenience."
"You sound like bloody Starlight." Butcher grumbled.
"Starlight?" You questioned. "Oh... Annie..." you can't helps but see this Starlight in his mind, recognising her from Hughie's visions. "At the risk of you getting pissed, what is your issue with Supes? At least the good ones. This Starlight seems pretty alright."
"You lot can't be trusted." Butcher's tone quickly turns sour.
"Fair statement." He looks at you confused once again. "Hey, from what Hughie has told me about him getting into the game, they haven't really changed much in forty years. Vought's still blowing that smoke up their asses, covering for their idiocy. But you know... before they were injected with that poison, Compound V... they were human. Just like normal humans... not all of them are winners. But there are some... like Hughie, who aren't so bad." He only grunts. "Maybe Starlight isn't so bad."
The silence is deafening. Well... at least if you couldn't hear Butcher's thoughts. But again, they were a fucking mess...
Butcher soon breaks the silence with, "Are you..." he coughs. "Are you in me head? Right now?" He glances over at you then back at the road.
"Not really. I'm trying not to be. I wasn't fucking around when I said your brain is pretty fucked." He scoffs, what you believe to be in agreement with you. "But it's hard hearing everyone's thoughts. All the time. Before Russia, I could turn it off in a way. It's taking me some time to get that skill back." You explain, not only for him but also for yourself. "So I'm trying. I wouldn't appreciate someone plying around inside my fucked up brain either." You say, truthfully but also trying to make it not so serious. Butcher seems to appreciate that, if only a little.
It's silent for about a minute before he breaks it again.
"I never really understood Supes." He says, bringing your focus back to him. "Never got why they were always put up on this bloody pedestal." He scoffs scornfully. You don't say it, but he knew you already agreed with him, which he only confirms. "Always thought they'd be better off actually being heroes, out there really saving people. Not profiting from it. But my wife-" he clears his throat. "My wife actually worked at Vought Tower. She was in the Media and Communications team. PR, did their social media."
You were about to ask what 'social media' was, but decided it'd be better to ask Hughie. You didn't want to interrupt Butcher sharing his story.
"She was fucking good at it too." He smiles gently, a flash of pride colouring his harsh features. "Was the best bloody woman I ever knew." His voice tightens.
"Knew?" You ask gently, having a pretty good idea where this was going.
"A Supe hurt her. Raped her." You swallow thickly and look down at your lap. "She disappeared for years. I never believed she was dead, but... a part of me always thought..." he stops for a moment before continuing. "But she wasn't. Turned up just over a year ago. Vought had her as a prisoner in a fake town with her son."
"Son?" You question, thinking only for a moment how that was a nightmare of yours. Getting pregnant from such an act of violence.
"Ryan. Actually a sweet kid. I see so much of my Becca in him." His voice is slightly watery from his sadness. "He accidentally killed her. Trying to protect her from Stormfront."
"Fucking Nazi bitch..." you sneer under your breath. "It was Homelander." You state, already figuring out the monster that did that to Butcher's wife. "That's why you want Ben to kill him."
Butcher's eyes stay glued to the road, but he swallows thickly before nodding once. Although it was clear from the beginning in exchange for helping Soldier Boy kill the old members of Payback, he would kill Homelander, Butcher was still worried the original Supe would feel used.
"Then I'll do whatever I can to help put him down." Butcher's eyes turn to meet yours, seeing the anger and sincerity in your face. "He deserves what's coming to him for all the pain he's caused."
Butcher nods once again in a silent thanks.
Turns out three of the safe houses were a complete bust. You still had eight to go, but both you and Butcher were fed up with the day. So you made the long drive back to Legend's house.
Butcher's phone starts to ring, so he puts it up to his hear and you can hear Hughie's voice make it's way through the speaker. Your enhanced hearing makes it easier for you to hear, but you try to tune it out.
You focus on the passing trees again, a field soon breaking through. You see a large property with a beautiful country style home sitting in the middle. There's a few cattle off to the side in one of the paddocks and you see two adults, the woman holding a young child on her hip as both her and the man point at the animals.
You can't help the small smile that breaks out in your face as you imagine what your life might have been like if you had never been injected with V. Maybe you would have got married, had a family of your own. You always imagined it would have been with Ben, but... you decided it was too late for you now.
"Have to make a small supply run, love." Butcher's voice breaks you from your thoughts and you realise you're looking at a forest of trees once again.
"Yeah. Okay."
"Won't take long, only a few things for your- ah for Soldier Boy." Butcher cuts himself off, realising that what Hughie asked him to pick up was not being used between you and Ben.
No one ever really described Butcher as an 'awkward' man. But he certainly felt awkward in that moment. He didn't have to be a genius to know that you had a hard on for the original superhero. He could read between the lines that you wrote those lyrics to that Bonnie Tyler song about your relationship with said hero.
To be honest, Butcher was pretty surprised you and Soldier Boy weren't actually an item with the way he coddled and nursed you since finding you in Russia. Which is why he felt pretty shocked that Soldier Boy was wanting to screw the women on Legend's staff with you right there. And having Hughie ask him to pick up more Astroglide only added to his bewilderment.
Part 5
** https://genius.com/Bonnie-tyler-total-eclipse-of-the-heart-lyrics
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fangurk · 3 years
Puppy Love (The Cullen Family x Child! Werewolf! Reader)
Y/n - Your Name
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color
Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Y/f/c - Your Favorite Color
Y/f/f - Your Favorite Flavor
Prompt (given to me by @inrice): but could you do something along the lines of the cullens (mainly alice) takes upon the job of raising a werewolf!reader? who's a child of course.
Summary: Alice Cullen stumbles upon a very strange, very lonely child while out on a hunt and, in true Cullen fashion, decides to take them home. Nobody knows how to take care of a werewolf or a child, but when they put in a collective effort (and bring in the help of Bella) things start getting easier...
Warning: Is this kidnapping? It might be kidnapping, fluff, slightly angsty at some parts, AU because Caius is cruel, and potentially odd genderless terms of endearment.
A/n: family fic makes the brain go brrr. so like i didn't really know how to handle the whole werewolf thing because the twilight lore is so... bare... and i wanted to write more on the family parts so it's not like a real focus but it is mentioned quite a bit. I hope that's okay! /gen
Word Count: 1.2k+
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Alice wasn’t able to foresee you.
She simply stumbled across you one day on a hunt, your tiny body curled up at the base of a tree. You smelled so much of dog she almost mistook you for one, and then you looked up at her with big y/e/c eyes and she knew.
Carlisle wasn’t very happy when she brought you home.
“The Volturi will have a field day with this.” He says as he repacks his doctor bag. “The child is dangerous to have around.”
“But they're all alone, Carlisle. You said it yourself, they looked like they were out there for days— and I waited there with them until nightfall, no one came…”
Her shoulders fall and she looks at the door separating them from the rest of the family.
“Oh please just let them stay, we’ll all take care of them— if anything we’re better suited for it than anyone!”
Carlisle opens his mouth to protest but is interrupted by Esme opening the door, you asleep in her arms. All of his hesitance melts away at the sight, and at the sound of your small snores.
He sighs. “Fine, the child can stay— but we have to be careful.”
Alice nearly erupts with her joy, and Carlisle tries to hide a smile.
They give you a nice bedroom.
Rosalie, Alice, and Esme take an entire day to shop, nearly clearing out three children’s stores in the process. They build you furniture and they paint the walls a pretty shade of y/f/c; you now own more toys and clothes than a kid can possibly comprehend.
You spend the day with Emmett, the only Cullen boy who’s comfortable getting close to you, and he introduces you to the wide range of children’s cartoons. Your browsing ended with Crashbox, something that had the big man far more into it than you, but it was fun nonetheless.
“Want to see your room, Y/n?” Rosalie hums, poking her head around the corner and flashing you a dazzling smile.
The ladies let you wander around the new space, excitement brightening your features.
Emmett is still enraptured by the TV long after you’re put to bed.
Most days are good days.
Even if two of the family members seem a little afraid of you, you’re happy. You’re fed and clothed and loved.
But then there are bad days.
You wouldn’t eat. Nothing Esme made you was satisfactory and you were too upset and overwhelmed to let anyone know what you wanted; everyone tries to comfort you, even Jasper with his powers, but none of it really seems to work.
And then Edward comes home.
He left at some point during the crying and everyone figured that he was just bailing ship like he usually does when it comes to you. But, in reality, he somehow managed to get a cohesive reading of your mind and immediately went to someone who could help him.
“I brought Bella.” He says, gesturing awkwardly at his equally awkward girlfriend when five sets of frustrated eyes land on him.
“And I brought chicken nuggets…” The brunette human raises the bag up with a smile.
Everyone watches in confusion as you perk up a bit.
“Uh, here.” Bella crosses the room and places the bag down in front of you.
You open the bag and immediately start eating, sniffling but no longer upset. Every Cullen is reeling in shock.
“Well. What do you have to say to Bella?” Alice clears her throat, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you, Bella.” You mumble, mouth full of food.
“Oh- it was actually Edward’s idea.”
You turn and thank him, beaming, and he gives you a crooked smile in return.
Afterward, Edward doesn’t really avoid you anymore.
‘Children of the Moon’ don’t pass their lycanthropy onto their offspring.
Alice doesn’t like to think about it, but sometimes the implication that someone bit and infected you consumes her mind and it makes her want to cry.
On the days they go to school, you do too.
They figure it’s good for you to spend time with other kids your age, and it seems to be. You always come home with crazy stories of playtime adventures and smelling of paint and crayons; the teachers love you, or more so the bright little woman who picks you up from school.
“Draw your family.” The teacher encourages one day.
You draw the Cullens.
When you proudly hand it to Alice when she picks you up from school, she lifts you up in a hug. Jasper frames your little drawing and puts it up next to all of their graduation caps.
The full moon is pretty horrific.
In order to keep everyone safe from your tiny claws, they keep you in the basement. For hours before the transformation, you just lie down there and wail-- you’re only little, it’s only fair.
Alice sits outside and talks to you the whole time, her voice wavering and her hands shaking.
She doesn’t move after the wails turn into howls, even if it would be safer to do so.
“Does Jasper hate me?”
You’re wrapped up in bandages, sitting on the picnic blanket with your adoptive mother and eating a sandwich too big for you as her husband pretends to do something down by the water. Alice is completely blindsided. They’ve sort of explained what they are to you, and you’ve kind of filled in blank spaces to the best of your ability, but she’s still unsure how to explain Jasper’s hesitance.
She doesn’t wind up having to.
“No,” He says, sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “I don’t. I’m actually quite fond of you darlin’.”
That alone seems to satisfy you and, over time, he loosens up a bit.
Jasper seems happier than he has in a while, listening to you talk about things little kids talk about, and Alice watches fondly with a smile.
One of them reads a story and tucks you into bed every night.
Most times it’s Alice, sometimes Jasper joins in.
Tonight is one of those nights. You’re clean and showered, dressed in a cute little pajama set, and nestled under the covers; she’s lying down next to you, Goodnight Moon open in her hands, and he’s in a chair next to the bed.
“... goodnight noises everywhere.” She finishes, smiling at your drooping eyes and lulling head.
Carefully, she unwinds herself from you and, with the help of her husband tucks the blanket under your sides. You tug your favorite stuffed animal close to your chest, y/e/c eyes closed, and a smile on your little face.
“Goodnight, y/n.” “Night, kid.” They each say, Alice bending down to kiss your head and Jasper opting to stand there and smile.
“G’night mom and dad.”
Jasper’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head and he turns to face his wife quickly.
Alice Cullen, the girl who forgot half of her life, never felt more whole than she did standing in your room, holding her mate’s hand, and turning off the light as the hushed sound of a cricket’s song filled the big house...
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theanonymousloser · 3 years
frozen in time
pairing: Peter Pevensie x fem!reader
requested: on wattpad
word count: 3.8k
warnings: none
description: the reader wakes up from a deep sleep which lasted 13 centuries only to find that narnia has been overrun by telmarines
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Y/n L/n met the Pevensie siblings on their first trip to Narnia. She was supposed to have dinner with the Beaver family on the night that the Pevensies arrived in Narnia, and Mr. Beaver, having forgotten this, invited the Pevensies to dine with them.
Peter and Y/n immediately hit it off, being similar to each other in many ways. Susan and Y/n also quickly became very close friends.
Soon after, Y/n saved them from the White Witch's wolves before taking them to meet Aslan. You see, Y/n is what most would call a werewolf, but she can control it. She decides when she switches between being a human and a wolf.
To sum it up, the White Witch was killed, the good guys won, and they lived happily for a long time, well, until the Pevensies accidentally went back home. The thing is, they left Y/n. Aslan knew that the Pevensies would return and it would be too heartbreaking for them to lose Y/n, so he froze her in time, made her look the age she would have been if she had gone with the Pevensies, and put her in the centaurs' care until the Pevensies returned and she would awaken.
This, however, was 1303 years ago.
Y/n woke with a start. She sat up, she didn't recognize her surroundings. She blinked her eyes a few times, trying to remember what had happened, but all she could remember was Aslan's voice saying, "You'll see them soon, Y/n."
She looked around the room, well, it was more of a tent. There was a trunk, a bed (which she was sitting on), and a mirror. She walked over to the mirror.
"I- I'm young again!" she gasped. Now she was extremely confused.
She looked down at what she was wearing. It was a simple nightgown. Y/n walked over to the trunk and peered at all of the gowns inside. She went for one on the simpler side, but one that still looked nice. She also grabbed her sword and belt. She wanted to be safe, seeing as she still had no idea where she was.
She left the tent and was met with a large group of centaurs.
"Where- where am I?"
"Your Majesty," a centaur said, bowing. The others followed suit. "I had no idea you were awake."
"That doesn't answer my question." She stated.
"If you're awake, that means..." he trailed off.
"Can someone please tell me where I am?" She raised her voice, frustrated.
"You, my lady, are in the Southern Woods of Narnia, the current home of the centaurs." Another centaur explained.
"What is the year?" She asked.
"It is currently 2303." The same centaur said.
"But that means-"
"Yes, my lady, you were asleep for 1300 years." A centaur confirmed.
"You look pale, maybe you should rest." A female centaur stepped forward.
"I did rest," she scoffed, "I rested for 13 centuries. I'm fine."
The centaur stepped back, understanding.
"You started saying something. You said that me being awake means something. What?" She asked the first centaur.
"I don't want to get your hopes up, but if it means what I think it means, then you are going to be very happy very soon. For now, we must move. We can not stay put for long in fear of the Telmarines."
"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Y/n asked. A few centaurs let out bitter chuckles, wishing they too had known a free Narnia.
"Yes, now we must go." The centaurs began packing up the tents and the others gathered the children.
The first centaur, Glenstorm, crouched so that Y/n mount his back.
The next few days rushed by. A young man named Caspian met with the centaurs and other creatures of the woods to try to recruit them to help him against the Telmarines. During this time, however, Y/n stayed with the younger centaurs to keep them out of the way of their parents during the meeting. She told them stories of the Narnia of old and, seeing as it was getting late the centaurs fell asleep, Y/n did as well. When she woke up, everyone was gone. She saw some hoof prints and followed them.
The prints led her strait to-
"Peter?" she asked, not believing her eyes. The boy's head whipped up to where he had heard her voice.
"Y/n?" he asked, blinking a few times.
"Peter!" She exclaimed, running towards him and embracing him. As soon as she had seen him, she had had a strange feeling in her stomach. It felt like butterflies flying around in her stomach and when she hugged him she felt sparks wherever they were touching. She had never felt this way around him. She ignored the feeling, there was already enough going on.
"Y/n!" Lucy exclaimed, running towards her and giving her a large hug, Susan and Edmund followed suit.
"We- we thought you were dead." Peter began, his eyes began to water but no tears fell. "How are you not dead?"
"I don't actually know," Y/n said, looking to Glenstorm to see if he could explain.
"Aslan thought it would be too heartbreaking for Y/n to be without you when you came back, so he froze her in time, she was asleep for 1300 years," Glenstorm explained.
"Y-you're Queen Y/n?" Caspian asked, stepping forward. The two hadn't officially been introduced.
"The one and only," she nodded.
A while later, everyone was just hanging out around campfires.
"Susan, can I talk to you?" Y/n asked Susan, who had been talking to Peter and Edmund.
Susan nodded, standing up. Y/n pulled her away from all of the others.
"I- I think I like Peter." She said, stuttering and stumbling over her words, which, by the way, was nothing like the normally confident Y/n.
"Really?" Susan had always thought Y/n and Peter would end up together. "I didn't tell you, but I think he likes you back. When we learned that we had been gone this long, I am almost positive I saw a tear slip."
The two girls continued their gossip, moving on to talk about how Susan had an obvious crush on Caspian.
When they went back to sit with Peter Edmund, and now Caspian, they were both giggling uncontrollably. They managed to compose themselves, but Y/n still had a huge smile on her face as she sat down next to Peter.
"What're you so happy about?" Peter asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Y/n said.
"Well yeah, that's kind of why I asked."
Y/n looked at Susan and the two burst into another fit of laughter.
"Lucy, you're staying," Peter stated. The group was discussing who would go to attack the Telmarines and who would stay.
"But-" she sighed, stopping herself, figuring it was probably for the best.
Peter looked to Y/n, wanting to tell her the same thing.
"I'm going and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
"Em-" Peter started.
"What? Because I'm a girl, I can't defend myself?"
"What? No, that's not-"
"Peter, I am part wolf, I think I can handle myself," Y/n said, standing up and leaving. Peter looked at Susan as if to say 'what do I do?' Susan, however, simply smirked, rolling her eyes, and shaking her head at the two.
The defeated Narnians walked slowly back to the others.
"What happened?" Lucy asked, motioning to a nearly dead Trumpkin who was being carried by Edmund.
She rushed toward him, pouring a few drops from her cordial in his mouth.
He sat up, "What're you all starin' at?" He asked. Everyone smiled, thankful that he was alright.
"Where's Y/n?" Lucy asked, fear prominent on her face.
Y/n stepped forward with a bloody arm.
"Right here," she sighed.
"What-" Lucy began.
"I'm fine, just nicked it," Y/n said with a strained smile.
"Come 'ere," Lucy said. Y/n stepped forward, crouching so that Lucy could give her a drop from the cordial.
"Thanks," Y/n said, standing up, her arm already feeling better. She began walking toward the girls' tent.
"Where're you going?" Peter asked, worry still evident in his voice.
"To change, my dress is still bloody." She motioned to her sleeve.
Peter nodded and she continued walking. She smiled to herself, finally believing what Susan had said about him caring for her.
Y/n, Edmund, Glenstorm, and Wimbleweather hiked toward the Telmarines' camp, bearing news for Miraz.
When they reached the camp, they were guided to Miraz's tent, where Edmund read a letter from Peter.
"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender."
Y/n bit her lip at that last part. She knew it was for the best, but still, she couldn't help but worry.
"Tell me, Prince Edmund-" Miraz started.
"King." Edmund corrected, cutting him off.
"Pardon me?"
"It's 'King Edmund' actually. Just king though, Peter's the High King."
"What, and I suppose you're Queen Y/n?" He scoffed.
"Yes," she nodded.
"I know, it's confusing," Edmund said.
"Queen Y/n the Beautiful," a soldier stepped forward. "You really do live up to your name." He raised his hand to her chin, turning her head towards him. Edmund drew his sword and the soldier stepped back. Y/n gulped, but couldn't help an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. She stepped away from the soldier. Miraz rolled his eyes at the Telmarine.
"Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?"
"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers?" Y/n asked, stepping forward, "I mean, only a week ago, Narnians were extinct."
"And so you will be again," came Miraz's snarky reply.
"Then you should have little to fear," Y/n smirked. Miraz laughed.
"This is not a question of bravery."
"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" Edmund asked. Miraz paused, leaning forward.
"I didn't say I refused."
"You shall have our support, your majesty," one man began, "whatever your decision."
"Sire," came another," our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be..."
"I'm not avoiding anything!" Miraz stood up, drawing his sword.
"I was merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse." The man defended.
"His Majesty would never refuse." A man said from behind Y/n and Edmund, "He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their new king."
"You," Miraz pointed his sword at Edmund, "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen." He said, causing Y/n to gulp.
Edmund helped Peter put his armor on.
"You need to tell her," Edmund encouraged his older brother.
"I know, I just-" Peter began but stopped himself as Y/n walked in.
"I'm going to go find Caspian," Edmund smirked at Peter.
"I have something important to tell you," Peter said.
"Tell me when you get back safe and sound," she said, kissing him on the cheek.
Y/n stood with the archers, watching the sword fight from afar. She saw Miraz step on Peter's shield and even she winced, 'that's gotta hurt' she thought.
She saw Caspian and Susan on a horse.
"Lucy!" she gasped, fearing the worst. She ran down to where the battle was taking place. As she got there, she noticed there was a small break.
Edmund grabbed Peter's helmet for him and helped him over to Susan, Caspian, and Y/n.
"Lucy?" Peter froze.
"She got through... with a little help," Susan said, looking to Caspian.
"Thanks," Peter panted.
"Well, you were busy."
"You'd better get up there, just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." The group looked back to where Miraz was sitting.
Susan stepped forward and gave Peter a hug, in the process, though, she touched his hurt arm.
"Sorry," she said as he winced.
"It's all right."
"Be careful." She said.
"Keep smiling," Edmund said, looking back to the Narnians. Susan rushed back to the archers and Peter gave the Narnians a large smile. Y/n was about to follow Susan when Peter called her name.
"Y/n?" He asked.
"Yes?" she said turning around. However, when she did so, she was met with a pair of lips on hers. Peter pulled away.
"I love you." He said, fearing he wouldn't have a chance to say it again.
"I- I love you too." She said, before running off after Susan.
Caspian helped Peter take his shield off and Peter sat down.
"I think it's dislocated," Peter informed his brother. He looked back to Miraz, "What d'you think happens back home if we die here?" Edmund stayed silent, grabbing Peter's injured arm.
"You know you've always been there, and I've never really-" he started, but cut himself short when Edmund popped his arm back into place.
"Save it for later," Edmund stated simply.
Caspian handed Peter his shield while Edmund gave him his sword and the battle was back on.
Susan and Y/n looked fearfully at each other. The two couldn't clearly see what was going on, but they knew it wasn't good. After a few minutes, Miraz was on the ground. A few words were exchanged and Peter began walking away. Miraz grabbed a sword when Peter's back was turned, and he stood back up, about to attack Peter from behind.
"Look out!" Edmund yelled. Peter jumped into action, spinning around, taking the sword from him and stabbing the Telmarine king.
Miraz fell to his knees and Peter hesitated in killing him.
"What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" Peter lowered his sword.
"It's not mine to take," He turned, holding the sword out for Caspian, who stepped forward.
"Perhaps I was wrong," Miraz taunted, "Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all." He lowered his head, awaiting the blow.
Caspian yelled before stabbing a patch of grass with his sword. Miraz looked up, confused.
"Not one like you," Caspian said, "Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." He walked away and the Narnians cheered.
Caspian, Edmund, and Peter looked up to where Susan and Y/n were standing. The girls smiled, both sighing, relieved that it was over. The boys looked back to Miraz, having heard him gasp. He had an arrow in his side. Their faces fell.
"Treachery!" said the Telmarine who had been helping Miraz up, "They shot him! They murdered our king!"
"Be ready!" Peter shouted to the archers (but more specifically to Y/n and Susan).
"Peter!" Caspian called, pointing out to him a Telmarine who, like Miraz, was about to attack him from behind.
There was a lot of commotion and the Telmarines fired their catapults. The Narnians didn't yet attack.
The Telmarines rushed toward their enemy.
"Archers to the ready!" Susan called. Everyone grabbed an arrow, preparing themselves for that which was about to happen.
Caspian and Glenstorm ran to the underground cave-like area where the rest of the centaurs and animals were.
"Narnians," Caspian called, turning around, "Charge!"
"Take your aim!" Susan shouted, all of the archers following suit.
"Stay with them!" shouted Trumpkin.
"Get ready!" shouted Peter.
"Now!" Caspian shouted, still underground.
Those with him began swinging at the column-like figures, causing the ground beneath the Telmarines to split.
"Now!" shouted Susan, releasing an arrow. All of the arrows flew and it was almost calm for a split-second before the arrows met their targets.
"Charge!" called Peter. The Narnians were all around the Telmarines, well, one army of them. However, there were still many armies that continued to advance.
Y/n saw Peter freeze. He looked up, his lips forming the name of his youngest sister. Susan shook her head.
"Brace yourselves!" Y/n shouted as boulders shot through the sky at them.
Susan fell, Trumpkin grabbing her hand, but struggling to hold her up. She fell, not far, though, and landed on what was left of the collapsed archway of Aslan's How. Y/n jumped down to join her and the two ran to meet Peter, Caspian, and Edmund. The five silently nodded at each other before running forward. Y/n switched into her wolf form, figuring it would be easier to run into battle as a wolf, rather than a girl in a dress.
She neared a Telmarine and quickly shifted back into human form.
"You're a girl!" he exclaimed, shocked at her change in appearance.
"Really? I hadn't noticed." Y/n rolled her eyes, drawing her sword.
Y/n heard a roar come from the woods. The young queen smiled to herself, knowing that Lucy had found Aslan.
"The trees!" She shouted, running toward Peter. He looked around, noticing the trees had come back to life. He smiled and kissed her cheek before running to help Caspian out of the ditch he had fallen into.
"Lucy," Peter said, proud of his sister.
The trees' roots began taking out the catapults.
"For Aslan!" Peter shouted and the Narnians rushed forward once more.
The Telmarines ran to the river called Beruna and the Narnians followed. However, when the Telmarines arrived, they froze seeing a young girl, Lucy, on the other side of their bridge. They turned around, only to see the Narnians already behind them.
Lucy smirked and drew her dagger. The Telmarines looked to the Narnians, then back to Lucy. However, when they looked at Lucy, they saw another figure.
"Aslan!" Y/n gasped.
"Charge!" a Telmarine shouted and the others ran towards Lucy and Aslan.
Aslan roared and the Telmarines stopped. The water began to ripple and the Telmarines looked upstream, where they saw a huge wave approaching. The soldiers went running back to the dry land, but they were too late. The water took the form of a man and lifted up the bridge before breaking it with his head.
The Telmarines were defeated. They went back to shore, dropping their weapons as they went.
Peter, Y/n, Susan, Edmund, and Caspian walked through the, now shallow, river. They approached Aslan, bowing before him.
"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia," Aslan said. Peter, Y/n, Susan, and Edmund rose. Caspian stayed put.
"All of you," Aslan said. Caspian looked up, confused.
"I do not think I am ready," he admitted.
"It is for that very reason I know that you are." Caspian stood up slowly.
Narnians and Telmarines alike cheered as the Kings and Queens of Narnia paraded on horses through the streets.
Peter and Y/n smiled at each other, happy to be safe at last.
The next day, Aslan, Peter, and Susan, walked together around the castle grounds, deep in conversation. Caspian and Y/n walked together to tell the trio some news.
Caspian paused, not wanting to interrupt. Susan gave him a sad look. Peter gave Y/n the same.
"Your majesties?" Aslan asked.
"We are ready. Everyone has assembled." Caspian said.
"Narnia belongs to the Narnians, just as it does to a man." Caspian announced, "Any Telmarines who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to, but for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers."
"It's been generations since we left Telmar," a man from the audience said.
"We're not referring to Telmar," Aslan started, "Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them from their world. The same world as our kings and queens." He looked toward the four Pevensies, "It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."
"I will go." A man from the audience said. He was high up in the army, and therefore close to Miraz. He did not wish for that to be held against him, "I will accept the offer."
"So will we," said Miraz's wife.
"Because you have spoken first, your future in that world shall be good," Aslan informed them.
A tree began to untwist and there were some gasps heard among the crowd. There was now an opening in the tree, which the small group began to go through. They disappeared, having gone through the portal.
"How do we know he is not leading us to our death?" A man shouted from the audience.
"Sire," Reepicheep began, "if my example can be of any service, I will take 11 mice through with no delay."
Susan and Peter looked at each other.
"We will go," Peter said, stepping forward.
"We will?" Edmund asked.
"Come on, our time's up. After all," he walked toward Caspian, "we're not really needed here anymore." He handed Caspian his sword.
"I will look after it until you return," Caspian said, taking it from him.
"I'm afraid that's just it," Susan began, "We're not coming back."
"We're not?" Lucy asked.
"You two are." Peter said, "At least, I think he means you two."
"But why?" Lucy asked Aslan. "Did they do something wrong?"
"Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own."
"It's all right, Lu. It's not how I thought it would be, but it's all right. One day you'll see, too. Come on."
"Aslan?" Y/n spoke up, however, only to Aslan. "Would it be alright if I went with them this time?" Aslan nodded, explaining to her that she would not be able to shift forms in their world.
"It's worth it." She said.
"I think you mean 'he' is worth it." Aslan smiled.
Y/n waited for the Pevensies to come to say goodbye to her before telling them.
Peter approached her first, Susan still saying goodbye to Caspian.
"I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Peter looked down.
"What? That you loved me or that you were leaving?" Y/n asked.
"Both." He admitted.
"Well, it's alright." She began, "Because I'm coming with you."
"What?" He asked, finally meeting her eyes. He looked to Aslan, who simply nodded.
"You can't get rid of me that easily." She said before Peter pulled her in for a kiss.
"I'm sure when I'm older I'll understand," Lucy said to Edmund, referring to Susan kissing Caspian and Peter kissing Y/n.
"I am older and I don't think I want to understand," Edmund replied.
Y/n and Peter walked over to them, hand in hand.
"I guess this is goodbye then," Lucy said, looking up at Y/n.
"Nope." She smiled.
The five walked through the tree and into the train station where they had left. All, including Y/n, in their school uniforms.
"I guess it's time for a new adventure, huh?" Y/n smiled at Peter.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
hatred - Charles Leclerc
I think I might make this into a mini series with an enemies to civil with each other to friends to lovers kind of vibe but I'm still not sure, anyways here's Charles x reader wanting to rip each others throats but instead end up ripping each others clothes off
gonna dedicate this to the lovely @yungbludz​ happy birthday <33
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warnings; smut as per usual, Charles being very egotistical, choking, language, enjoy <3
2k words 
part two
It was safe to say you and Charles hated each other. You knew hate was a strong word, but you also knew that you felt nothing but hatred for the man. You hated his cocky smile and the fact that everyone seemed to be obsessed with him. You also hated the fact that you had to spend the whole weekend with him.
You worked for Ferrari, meaning that, unfortunately, you had to spend a lot of time with Charles. You were actually excited when you first got the job of being Charles Leclerc's PR manager. You had admired the driver and couldn’t wait to work alongside him, but that all changed once you actually met him and realised what an ass he really was. Everyone else loved him, of course, because he seemed to be nice to every single person on the planet except you.
You and a select number of the Ferrari team had been invited to a special charity event taking place in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. You had all decided to check into the hotel the day before the event, in order to save time and familiarise yourself with the venue. Of course, according to your job description, you also had to run through the possible questions Charles could be asked with him.
Although Charles loathed you, he had to admit you were good at your job and managed to prepare him for every possible scenario, which is why he hadn’t begged Mattia to fire you, at least not yet.
You sighed as you reached the check in desk, all you wanted to do was flop onto the hotel bed and sleep until the morning. You gave the lady behind the desk your name and watched as she quickly typed on the computer in front of her. “Ah yes, Y/N and Charles, room 506”
Your eyes widened at her words as you shook your head. “No no, that can’t be right” you pleaded as you leaned your arms against the counter.
“Im sorry ma'am, but the booking is for the both of you” she explained with apologetic eyes as she handed you the room key.
“Take your time, Y/N. Not like we aren’t all exhausted from our long trip” you heard Charles scold from behind you. You quickly turned around and shoved the room key into his chest.
“Politetly, go fuck yourself, Leclerc” you muttered as you shouldered past him and walked straight to Mattia on the other side of reception. Mattia sighed once you walked over and gestured for you to begin arguing with him, he knew it was going to happen.
“Why? Why would you stick me in a room with that-that imbecile!” you snapped.
“Listen, Y/N, i know how much you dislike him and vice versa, but everyone had to be paired with someone and I thought this was the best option for you both” he explained with a soothing voice.
“Why do I have to be with her?” you heard Charles ask from behind you. You felt small standing in front of him, his broad frame practically trapping you between him and Mattia.
“Y/N is your PR manager, it's her job to prepare you for this event” Mattia once again calmly explained
“And she couldn’t do that over breakfast?” Charles inquired, you could feel his tense gaze on the back of your head and you whipped around scoffing at him as you placed your hands on his hips.
“Don’t act like this was my idea! Not everyone wants to share a room with you Charles, get your head out of your ass”
Charles opened his mouth to throw a rude remark your way but Mattia stopped him before he got the chance. “The both of you are sharing this room, whether you like it or not. I think everyone would prefer if you took this time to sort out your problems instead of bickering like children. I’ll see you both at breakfast. Goodnight,” he scolded as he walked off with his luggage in tow.
You felt your cheeks redden as embarrassment creeped up your shoulders. “Are you trying to get me fired?” you accused Charles as you grabbed your own luggage and made way for the elevator.
He shrugged in response, “Wouldn’t be the worst thing” he muttered, stepping inside with you. You pressed your floor number and sighed in frustration. “Can you stop breathing so loud?” he groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It was a sigh, dipshit.”
“Trust me, i don't want to be near you as much as you don't want to be near me”
“Glad we're on the same page” you replied, stepping out of the elevator and storming to your room, which in hindsight was a foolish idea as Charles had the key and you had to wait for him as he took his sweet time walking up the hallway.
He unlocked the door with a smug look on his face and stepped in before you, dropping his luggage on the floor as he surveyed the room. “You have got to be kidding me” he complained once he saw the double bed in the middle of the room.
“Oh what is it now, Charles?” you asked as you shut the door behind you “is the carpet not to your liking? Is it too bright? Are there no chocolates on the pillow” you continued and slipped off your shoes, “do you want me to - oh shit” you cursed as you saw the predicament you both were in. “Looks like you're sleeping on the floor” you shrugged whilst walking towards the bed.
“I am NOT sleeping on the floor,” Charles complained.
“What? And you think I am?” you argued, once again placing your hands on your hips.
“I don’t see why not,” he commented, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Leclerc! So you,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “are going to have to step off your mighty throne and take the gentleman approach and sleep,” jab “on,” jab “the floor,” you snapped.
Charles raised his eyebrow as he stared at you. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, it was almost unbearable. You had never fought this long, somebody had always interrupted you both before you got the chance to really push each other's buttons. “I'm going to say this nice and slow, sweetheart,” Charles growled, taking a step forward, you in turn took a step back as you removed your finger from his chest, “I’ll take the high road, we can share the bed just this once, as long as you stop acting like the spoiled princess that you will never be” he continued to walk towards you as he spoke and you were eventually trapped against the wall.
Charles moved his hand to lie on the wall next to your head, the distance between the two of you becoming smaller and smaller by the second. “I might be ready to step off my throne but are you ready to be a good girl and step off yours too?” he concluded. 
“Bite me, Charles” you retorted and something in the both of you snapped as you grabbed his face in your hands and he roughly grabbed your waist. Your lips violently pressed against his as your tongues practically fought against each other. You almost moaned at the force of his kiss, but refused to give him the satisfaction.
Charles pulled away, giving your mouth a final short kiss before he moved to mark your neck. “Come on, princess. Stop being stubborn for once in your life and let me hear the noises that you can make''
You however kept your mouth shut, Charles smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “If that's how you want to play it,” he smirked before gently grabbing your breast and slipping his hands into the waistband of your leggings. He rubbed circles on your clit as he pinched your nipples. “I want to hear you, sweetheart,” he grunted.
You rolled your eyes back in pleasure and involuntarily let out a moan. Charles felt his dick twitch in his pants and cockily grinned as he kissed right under your nose. “Good girl,” he whispered. It wasn't long before his trousers were discarded as well as your own leggings. You hadn’t moved however and were still pressed up against the wall. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and although you felt your heart skip a beat you rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
“Yes, please just - just hurry up” you squirmed against the wall. That seemed to be all the validation he needed. He slowly put a condom on before easing into you. You scrunched your eyes at the uncomfortable feeling and tapped him to move. Your lips parting on their own accord as the feeling was replaced with pure pleasure. Charles forcefully grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, providing him with a better angle for both himself and you.
“O-oh shit” you moaned as you scraped your nails down his shoulders to his arms, which left harsh red marks in their wake. Charles moaned at the feeling and you were almost aroused by the sound. Almost.
One of Charles hands were digging into the soft flesh of your thigh while the other moved to wrap itself around your neck, his signature pinky ring digging into the flesh of your skin causing you to mimic his actions and let out a moan at the pain.
“You like that?” he grunted as he continued to thrust into you, lightly placing some pressure on your throat, not enough to suffocate you, he didn't hate you that much, but enough for you to enter a state of pure bliss.
“I hate you, Leclerc” you found yourself muttering but you certainly did not hate him at that very moment.
“Feelings mutual, love”
You continued to scrape your nails across his back, desperate to pull more moans out of him. Charles however, didn't like being the only vulnerable one and removed his hands from your throat, he grabbed both of your hands in his own and shoved them upwards, beginning his assault on your chest.
Your toes curled as he hit all the right spaces, you knew you were close but you really didn’t want to be the first one to let go. Charles could feel the clenching of your walls and smirked into your chest. “Are you close, princess?” he asked, bringing his mouth to your lips and for some reason you found yourself kissing him back.
“No” you blatantly lied.
You moved your head closer to him when he pulled away but he refused to connect your lips once more and you found yourself pouting at the lack of attention. God, how pathetic had you become.
“Now, i knew you were a spoiled brat but i didn't take you for a liar as well”
“Glad to know your ego has no off moments, Charles” you scoffed and were about to start an argument before he began slowly pounding into you, his precise thrusts made it extremely difficult to formulate a sentence let alone hold onto the knot in your stomach. So, against your brain telling you not to, you let go.
You would have fallen onto the ground if it wasn’t for Charles' strong grip trapping you against the wall and his own body. The noises that he made as he reached his own high caused your heart to flutter in your chest and you began to wonder if having sex with him was a bad idea.
“Are you okay?” he asked after he had pulled away from you. You nodded your head as you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked.
You were surprised the both of you were capable of having a normal conversation, but you supposed nothing could be normal between you after that.
Charles gently ran a finger across your neck and by the look on his face you knew you looked worse for wear. “I kind of lost myself in the moment, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Really I am” he clarified.
“Its okay” you sighed as you rubbed your neck, “lets just go to sleep”
“I’m still not sleeping on the floor”
“Just stay on your side of the bed, Leclerc”
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“know your place...foolish girl”
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pairing: ryomen sukuna x female reader
cw: tattoo artist sukuna, fluff, mentions of death, enemies to lovers, long fic, fluff, angst, language, slut shaming, nsfw (praise, jaw grabbing, nipple sucking, female receiving oral, unprotected sex, breeding, pet names, sir kink, finger sucking) 
word count: 14,400+
a/n: please don’t ask how i wrote this, it took like four days and I just had this urge to keep adding the points I wanted to add. posting this on ao3 later on tonight as well, so here’s the link to that. 
summary: in which one terrible meeting with sukuna leads you to be pushed into an unusual relationship with one another, with you both starting out hating one another, could you both really be friends?
↞ back to jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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Birds circled around the area; the gloomy storms ready to cascade down onto the pavement. The need for a coffee fix was evident as you walked towards your favourite café, shouting through the phone at your friend, Yui who needed you once again. You didn’t care for her next want, instead barging through the doors of the place, a warm breath of air hitting you as you smelt the crushed coffee and appetising deserts lined up in front of you. Waiting in line as you continued to hear her ramble, “I’ll think about it.”
“I’ll take that as a yes, I’ll send you the address.” You rolled your eyes as you hanged up to order your coffee, she was never close to you. But when she needed something she’d always end up calling you. This time for company to get her first tattoo, she was a sweet girl, but could be a pain when in need.
Quickly ordering you waited to get your coffee, scrolling through the text message as she sent the time for later on tonight and the address in the inner parts of the city. It was an area you hadn’t been too, google maps wasn’t helping to get a true sense of the place. You tried zooming in as you shuffled backwards for others to wait for their coffee, instead meeting someone’s back. Apologising you stood still trying to zoom in as you moved away from the guy, he glared at you, watching how you squinted into your phone.
“Watch where you’re going?” He scowls as he barges past you, hitting your elbow as you finally lock eyes with the man.
His blushed pink hair would almost make him seem sweet, but the tattoos that adorned his arms and went right up to his neck gave an intimidating essence. His eyes flashed with a sadistic glee as he raised an eyebrow at you. “Sorry.” You mutter as you grab your coffee, seeing the fury of wind bashing against the trees as it looked like a scene out there.
He didn’t say anymore leaving to go into the weather, you didn’t question the mysterious man as you went back to your own coffee and phone. The outside of the tattoo place looked decent, somewhere where the ditsy girl you called your friend would definitely never go. But what could you do, you texted saying you’d meet her as you went out into the wind, a cold breath almost pushing you back inside as you took steady steps. Walking past the coffee shop, you saw the same guy from prior, tugging at his pink hair as drank his coffee. He looked pissed at whoever he was talking too, you didn’t pay any attention to him as you walked past him.
The wind had other plans, as he felt himself being dragged by the wind pushing right into you, coffee spilling on your clothes as this time you were the one to scowl at him. “What the fuck?”
“You talking to me.” His eyes flicked to your now brown stained shirt as the wind had seemed to calm down at the second you both touched.
You gave a glare as you didn’t know how to react to something like that, “you could apologise.” It was a mutter, but he heard you well enough to give you a look of disgust.
“Know your place.” He moved closer, almost towering on top of you as he came right up into your face in an unamused manner, “foolish girl.”
Your eyes widened as you had been keeping in a harsh breath, he left you standing there in silence, coffee staining into your skin and clothes as you finally let out a deep breath. You watched the pink haired boy leave without an apology as a fear ran down your spine at this man.
Shaking your head as you made the strenuous walk towards your apartment to find clothes that you could quickly wear before you met Yui. The multiple texts you’d gotten as you put your clothes to wash, different tattoo ideas she wanted, you ignored it as you put on semi decent clothes. The flash of the time being shown on your bedside table as you ran out of your apartment right to where you both had decided to meet.
The wind had calmed down a lot more as the brisk hues of yellows and reds began setting downwards, seeing her waiting on the road where the tattoo place was. She gave you a gleam as she grabbed your hand, almost dragging you into the place. Open brick cascaded down the walls as designs scattered against it, every design was intricate, beautiful even. You both began looking at the designs as you saw someone come down from the upstairs area, the stairs open as a man with black hair arrived.
“Hello ladies, how can I help you?” His hair reached to right down his back, partially up as stray strands adorned his face. Tattoos scoured his exposed arms as you saw a significant one run down his neck to meet another one of his tattoos.
He was attractive, a sense of mystery behind those black eyes of his. Yui spoke of her appointment as you continued looking around, scrolling through a collection of tattoos on the desk. You found some designs that you liked; you had never thought of getting a tattoo but seeing all the intricate designs that brought so much passion made your heart almost burst. “Those are Sukuna’s designs.”
A white-haired man came strolling past the desk, crystal blue eyes that brought so much depth as you traced the designs with your fingers. “They’re nice.”
“You getting any?” The man asked as Yui had started filling out some forms by your side.
You shake your head going back to look at the details of each one, “Sukuna should be down any minute.” The black-haired man spoke as both him and the white-haired man left to see some other clients that had come through the doors.
Yui looked more giddy than usual, those wide eyes as she eagerly paced beside you. “Ryo.” She whines as she sees someone she recognised; you didn’t turn to meet the man as you continued staring at Sukuna’s work.
“I told you not to call me that.” The man scowls behind you, the voice felt so familiar as if you had heard it before. You start to turn around to meet the man  when you feel him almost shout to you, “this the friend then?”
“Yeah, she loves your work.” You meet the man’s gaze as both of you stare at one another, with wide eyes and unsettling confusion.
You hadn’t realised but the white-haired man had come back and had been witnessing the two of you stare at one another. “Sukuna, that isn’t your ex-fuck is it….awkward.”
“Fuck off Satoru.” His eyes scanned back at you as Yui looked between the two of you in confusion, “what? Come here to make me pay for your washing.”
“What is wrong with you? I didn’t even say anything.” You retort back eyes lazily gazing his own, you could see his tattoos more clearly, the two lines on both his wrists and upper arms, the circles on his shoulders as you could just see the start of it.
“You’re here for some reason, I should be the one making you pay for my spilt coffee.” He grumbles back moving away from your friend and closer to your own body.
You watched him move his fingers to your jaw, hatred boiling up in your skin at his touch, “you’re blaming me for the winds action, what are you 5?”
“God…both of you are giving me a migraine.” A blonde arrived carrying what looked like sliced bread  as he looked at Sukuna and you. He had been watching the performance, seeing how both of you had become frustrated in a matter of seconds.
“Whatever, come on, let’s get your tattoo over and done with.” He muttered to Yui who was still confused.
You grabbed her arm making her stop as she stared right back at you, being an airhead really must be tough for her. “Who is that guy?”
“My boyfriend, I told you about him, remember?” You blinked a couple times in confusion as you repeated the word in your head. She had spoken about a boyfriend, but you assumed she meant someone cute like her and not a man covered in tattoos with a sadistic stupid grin.
You nodded letting her go as you leaned against the counter looking at Satoru and the blond, “is he always an ass or is it a special occasion.”
“He’s an ass to us, don't worry about him.” Satoru’s words were reassuring as the blond started wanting to know your relationship with his co-worker.
You nod as you wait in the reception, there had really been no reason for you to even go with your friend. She had left to get her stupid tattoo with her stupid boyfriend and now here you were on your own trying to act like you had stuff going in your life. The two having begun to talk between one another before you saw the black-haired man come back with his client. “Is Sukuna still in there?”
“Yeah knowing him he’s getting something other than money in return.” Satoru scoffed as he went to grab some of the sliced bread that the blond had been holding. The black-haired man stared at you in confusion before asking what occurred as he had heard shouting before. “Sukuna got all bitchy again, they know each other.”
“Oh you two fucked?”
“Not that it’s any of your business but no we didn’t fuck, he spilt coffee on me this morning.” You retorted as you crossed your arms not meeting the gazes of the three men. 
Satoru looked at his two friends as he gave a smirk to them both, “I’m surprised he didn’t make you pay for the coffee.”
“Just the coffee, if she wasn’t attractive he’d make her pay for being in the same proximity as her.” The black-haired man spoke as you watched the three men chuckle, disregarding their comment on your attractiveness. You rolled your eyes as you heard him speak again, “I’m Geto, that’s Satoru and Nanami, what’s yours then?”
“Y/n.” You had sat down on one of the couches in the waiting area, after the introductions an influx of customers who came in for their own bookings. Satoru waved goodbye as Nanami and Geto seemed to be pushed with clients into the respective areas. 
All three had their own intricate tattoos and designs, Nanami with a whole sleeve across his arm that went write up to his neck. You had seen how the couple open buttons in his shirt allowed wisps of black to be shown. Geto and the scattered tattoos across his arms and Satoru with his own mix and matches tattoos of different colours and shapes. You flicked through the booklet again, eyes scoring against Sukuna’s work. For such an arrogant piece of shit his work really was divine.
You heard Yui come out with Sukuna, dishevelled hair as Sukuna wiped her lipstick from his mouth. He glared at you as you refused to meet his eyes, the urge to punch him in his stupid face being prevalent. “Y/n, look isn’t it so cute.”
She showed you her thigh where the rose was, Sukuna looking at it with a roll of his eyes. It was nothing like the intricate designs you had seen in the booklet. You may not have known the man, but it just didn’t look like something he’d enjoy doing. She pulled her skirt back down; you could almost smell sex on her as she went up to Sukuna. He had told her what to use before she gave him a long kiss. You tried to not watch them kiss but it was a whole show to watch, his hand gripping her ass as he kissed back, saliva dripping from their mouths. 
Looking anywhere but at them, you put the booklet back onto the main desk before hearing her say a goodbye to her Ryo. “I told you not to call me that,” there was no teasing manner in his words, he was dead serious, hating how his name sounded on the whores mouth.
“Ryo told me he spilled coffee on you this morning, I’ll make him apologise to you tomorrow.” You gave her a blank look as you both walked through the night sky.
“Tomorrow?” You questioned not knowing what was even occurring the next day.
She raised an eyebrow as she spoke, “Nobara, she invited all of us to her apartment, remember?” The memory of the dyed haired girl came alight, the three of you had been talking in a lecture when she told you both to come to her housewarming. She had been so excited to show you how she decorated the place and to show you everything she bought but you hadn’t been paying attention. Instead nodding at her words instead, “I invited Ryo to come with me.”
“Oh great, an afternoon seeing that dickhead's face.” You scowled, kicking the pebble into the pavement as you tried to not whine but you hated the man and you most certainly knew he hated you.
She brought her hands to her chest trying to gain warmth through the cold weather, “don’t be like that, he means a lot to me.”
“Yeah being told off for saying his name sure shows how much he cares for.” Maybe you were still pissed about what occurred this morning, he hadn’t even apologised for something so small. But your friend was too unaware to realise what you saw, a demon reincarnated.
You both parted ways as you walked the stretch to your apartment, you knew Yui was sweet, but her lack of awareness was sometimes frustrating. You had heard the moans come from the small area, heard how everybody seemed to find it normal and what could you do. Nothing, you stared blankly at the wall in your apartment, the bland cream walls encasing nothing but the sadness of uni life. Nobara was sweet enough to invite you and you knew you’d just have to ignore that bastard instead.
The next day passed without much interruption, sorting out uni work before getting ready for her little get together. You didn’t know who else was going, having spent most of your time with your other friends but the idea of having to see Sukuna made you cringe. Looking at your outfit, a casual look, not expecting anything big to occur. You made the walk towards her apartment bringing some wine with you as a gift as you finally found the tower of apartments.
Walking into the elevator you were about to press the button when you heard a giddy laugh telling you to keep the door open. “Omg Y/n, you look super cute.” The whine of her voice made you stare right back at her, so innocent but the man she had been pulling on making her look nothing more than his toy.
“Thanks.” You mutter refusing to meet Sukuna’s eyes, his arms tattoos on show as he wore a black shirt, most of the buttons undone to show his distinctive marked chest. He rolled his sleeves as you pressed the button to the floor as she rambled on about her day.
You watched her grab his hand, moving closer to his side as he looked lazily down at her. He really was a fucking cunt, with that sadistic smirk and taunting eyes. “…Ryo was telling me Satoru was interested in you.”
“That’s nice.” You muttered not wanting to have a conversation about the men you had met last night.
Sukuna finally looked at you, eyebrows raised as he looked up from the ground. His light brown eyes gazing up and down your body as he stared almost indecisively at you. She stood firm against him whining for him to apologise about yesterday, but he didn’t seem to care as he stared at you with those dull eyes of his.
“I don’t care if he apologises or not.” You finally mutter as you felt suffocated by the sheer pressure of his gaze. It was a longing and you felt uncomfortable under his eyes, she had barely noticed the significant glare he was giving to you as she flaunted herself to him. At least she had something going for her with those looks of her, her unawareness and ditsiness catched men’s eyes but the way Sukuna dismissed her flaunts made you wonder why he even bothered with her.
The door opened as you quickly stepped out, not wanting to be near either of them as you walked towards Nobara’s apartment. Knocking as her bright face emerged engulphing you in a hug, “come in, come in.”
“I got you this.” You pass her the wine as she takes it, seeing Sukuna and Yui come in, her mouth in a gawk as she eyes the pink haired man up and down.
She puts the wine down as she gives a hug to your friend, “and who is this?”
Sukuna looked to the side not wanting to speak as he scoured around the room for someone he would recognise, his eyes meeting your mutual friend Megumi’s. He gave a nod at the black-haired boy who began walking towards the four of you, “this is my boy…”
Before she could finish Megumi interrupted, arm across your shoulder with a grin, “y/n with other friends.” You rolled your eyes as he went over to Sukuna, giving him a pat on the shoulder, “and Sukuna, what you doing here? Work run out of ink, you gonna start sucking our bloods.”
“Real funny.” Sukuna’s voice was unamused as Megumi almost dragged him away from you all.
Nobara had left as you saw Yui look isolated and alone, it was weird, a new emotion you hadn’t seen as you patted her back lightly. “Let’s get a drink.”
She nodded as you took her hand moving her past others that you knew and towards where a pile of beverages were. You had to hand it to Nobara the apartment did look good, it fit her aesthetic perfectly and you could only wish for your apartment to feel homely. Looking back on your own, it wasn’t a home, it was just a convenient place to live for your university studies.
Yui began rambling about something, almost glad she wasn’t paying attention to her boyfriend who had been talking with Megumi on the balcony. You could see eyes fawn over him, not understanding how people could find him attractive. Your skin crawled as you looked at him one last time before listening to her as she spoke for the next half an hour. Sukuna came towards you both after a while and that’s when disaster struck…once again.
“I’m leaving.” He was blunt with his words as you stared at the pair's interaction.
She looked at him with soft eyes, “but you promised you’d stay longer than an hour.” You looked over to Sukuna waiting to hear what he’d say as he needed a good excuse to be a shit date for this gathering.
“Okay, and? I’m a working adult. I have shit going on.” He seemed almost tense, hand gripping his phone as his eyes flashed with a worry before a glare back at you.
She disregarded his words as she continued to whine, “we can sneak off if you want…”
“Fucking hell I don’t want to sleep with you.” He tried to speak calmly but others had heard what was occurring in the kitchen. Jaw clenched as if something really bad was happening and he needed to be there.
You rolled your eyes at the unnecessarily loud comment touching your friends shoulder to reassure her, “come on let’s go back to mine.”
Sukuna glared, not bothering to give her a goodbye as you explained to Nobara the issue before giving her a farewell. You took her back to yours as soon as she hit the couch she was out like a light. You didn’t understand how someone as pretty as her could get with someone as disgusting as Sukuna. Those stupid eyes, so intimidating and closed off to the rest of the world. You shook your head trying to not think of the devilish man as you went into your room, falling into your own slumber.
It had been a few days since the incident occurred, going to a lecture with her as she still spoke highly of Sukuna. Explaining how he had had other plans and how he apologised, it was a lie of course and you knew it. You had caught a glimpse of the multiple read messages that she had sent to him, no reply back as either he was being a cunt or something else had been occurring in his private life that he didn’t want to tell her.
She had been trying to persuade you to come back to the tattoo store, bribing you with Satoru’s number even though you had no need for the white haired man's number. She signed in defeat as you left your separate ways from the lecture.
The week continued on like this, her talking highly of Sukuna but the now unopened messages being a sign that he truly did not care. You tried to not look too long on the messages but the way you’d see her sometimes stare at her phone almost manifesting his response. It went on like this, her ignorance as it seemed she sent more than 10 messages a day in the past week. You didn’t question it, not wanting to be involved in a relationship you didn’t care for.
Having Saturday to yourself, the coffee-stained shirt is still soaking after a week due to not having bothered to actually clean it properly. Stupid Sukuna! You rubbed at your eyes wanting a relaxing evening after the studying you had done in the library most of the day. Finally getting into the blankets you sat cozied up in the covers as you put an anime on to watch.
You had only gained peace for less than 10 minutes before your phone was blaring, startling you in an instant. Your hand reached for your phone as you saw Yui’s name flash up, answering it tiredly, “hey what’s up?”
“Y/n.” Sukuna’s voice soothed out on the line, hearing your name from his mouth sending a shiver, “your stupid friend is drunk and at my place, fucking get her or I’m leaving her outside.”
“Wait? Sukuna yo…you can’t just leave her outside, and I don’t even have a car…”
He quickly interrupts, “I don’t care, we…I don’t need her right now.”
“You’re a real class a cunt.” You shout through the phone, he was cheating clearly, his misspoken words making you realise he was an even bigger jerk than you realised. Seeing the address in the chat as he had hanged up on you after you called him a cunt. It was more than a 20-minute walk and you refused to walk there, getting an uber seemed like your best bet, you didn’t understand why he didn’t let her scream or shout at him. He had been caught out and now she could see the real Sukuna that you saw.
The drive taking less than 5 minutes you told the driver to wait as you went up to his apartment, the area was nice. Almost too nice for a man with an attitude and mouth like his own, finally finding the door, you saw how it was slightly open as you heard shouting coming from within. Opening the door, you were met with Sukuna and Yui but another figure with a glum look and the exact same face as Sukuna.
“Took you long enough.” Sukuna scowled as you saw your friend in tears, instantly rushing inside to comfort her.
You glared at the boy before what seemed to be his twin or younger brother spoke up, “just make them leave Sukuna.” He didn’t seem as fuelled with anger when his brother spoke of it, but a fury flashed through your insides, tissues seemed to scatter his apartment as you finally got a look of it all.
It was a shock, pretty even something that you craved to live in, the aesthetic, the way the whole room was filled with so much comfort and warmth. Too bad a psychotic loser like Sukuna lived there. “Yo…you can’t just call my friends us..and make…make them come and get me. I…I’m not a child.” Tears flooded her face as you looked up at Sukuna ready to give him a piece of your mind.
“You really are an ass, how fucking dare you treat her like that, when all she ever fucking does is talk about how you’re such a sweet guy. I’m fucking glad she’s realised just how much of a twat you are.” His brother almost felt startled at what he was hearing looking at Sukuna for any indication of what you were talking about.
Sukuna instead grabbed your wrist pulling you towards what looked to be his kitchen, a pizza box on the side as the place was moderately tidy. “You don’t fucking get it do you?”
“What are…” He interrupted his finger on your mouth forcing you to shut up and listen to him.
You wafted his finger away waiting to hear his next words, “that guy over there is my twin, our grandfather died last Sunday.” Realisation hit you as you realised that was why he had been so tense, so on edge at Nobara’s get together. You put your hand to his shoulder to comfort him but stopped yourself waiting for him to continue, “your pathetic friend barged in here drunk and started calling us the pathetic ones.”
“I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” You whispered out almost feeling bad for the man.
He continued not meeting your gaze as he leant against the cabinet, eyes down, for a man with limited emotions he found it hard to express his next words without feeling somewhat sad. “I explained what happened to her and she told both of us to grow a pair and told my brother to stop crying like a twat, she can talk all the shit she likes about me. But about the people I fucking care about, I need the bitch gone now.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll take her now.” She wasn’t even that drunk, you could see it in her eyes, the glint of sympathy she wanted as she barged past you and clinged her arms on Sukuna’s neck. He pushed her away as she tried to go back onto him, embarrassment setting in for yourself.
“Come on daddy, let me take your mind off of your stupid gran…” His blood boiled as he pushed her away once more, you took the step between them, gripping her arm as you dragged her out.
You pulled her towards the door, looking at Sukuna’s twin who looked sad, they looked similar, but the distinct lack of piercings made him look even more vulnerable. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” You bowed your head before leaving with your idiotic friend.
“God Y/n, always ruining the fun.” She belted out as you both walked into the elevator.
“How disrespectful can you get; I know he’s an ass but to be so disrespectful to the dead.” You crossed your arms pissed at having been dragged into this fiasco as you looked at her almost gleeful expression.
She looked at herself in the mirror across from you both as you signed, “I don’t care, I was horny, and who cares, you said it yourself my boyfriends a cunt.”
“Ex-boyfriend.” You muttered under your breath.
“He can’t resist getting his dick wet, he’ll come back.” She spoke with a confidence you hadn’t seen before, as if her whole ditsy façade was to just gain popularity and attention. You didn’t look at her as you both walked toward the uber, making her split the cost of it all as you dropped her off, you hated it.
Hated how she sent an air kiss as she left, almost happy at the chaos she created. You knew what you had to do and that was to ignore her in lectures and hopefully never had to meet Sukuna ever again.
It seemed to be working, you’d sit beside Megumi in lectures now, a sadness in her eyes as you’d be the one ignoring her. Maybe it was because her comments didn’t sit right with you or maybe it was a way to leave a friend you didn’t care for. You hadn’t met Sukuna at all the week that followed the occurrence, you were glad to never have to see him again.
Walking into the coffee shop for your latest fix of caffeine, a storm has come across the horizon. An eeriness to the grey skies. You had gotten a bus further into town wanting to go to your fav route coffee store one far away from the likes of Sukuna. Eyes flicking at your drink you sat at a table pulling out your laptop to do some work as the grey skies slowly became a mist of darkness.
Time had caught onto you as you found yourself ushered outside at closing time rain pouring as you realised just how late it was and how the last bus had already left Bringing your phone as you stood under the shelter of the café, you went to get an uber when you felt a gust of wind and as a figure barged into you. “Fucking shitty ass rain.” It was a recognisable voice as you turned and met Sukuna, pink hair draped down across his face, as his coat barely covered him as he draped it across his shoulders. “For fucks sake it had to be you I met.”
“Fuck off, I was here first you came to me.” You scowled watching the rain pour as you went on the app to get you an Uber as quick as you could.
Sukuna’s eyes flashed to your phone, trickles of water on it as he stared at your screen, “I’ll give you a lift home, I don’t like being in debt to people.”
“You’re not though.” You mutter still looking down at your phone as you stared at the prices.
“You got rid of Yui,  I owe you.”
You didn’t understand his logic as it made no sense at all, “whatever you don’t owe me, and she isn’t my friend.”
He didn’t question it as he brought his car keys out, gesturing for you to follow as you did. It wasn’t like he was going to kill you and if Megumi was friends with him what was the harm in getting a free lift.. Even with his loud obnoxious almost suffocating presence in the rain it almost felt like the two of you could be civil.
He opened your door as you slipped inside the car, feeling the warm black leather seats as he chucked his coat to the back. The shirt he wore right across his skin as you stared at his tattoos, “it’s rude to stare.”
“Shut up.” You muttered looking out at the weather. It was gruesome and wild, and you could already see the evident traffic up ahead.
One hand stayed lazily on the steering wheel as he tapped on it as the other rested on the gear stick, he cleared his throat before finally speaking, “why did you stop being friends with her then?”
“Realised she was a bitch; I don’t want those types of people around me.” You continued to stare out of the window, looking up at the black sky, stars trickling through the rain.
He didn’t say anymore a tense atmosphere as you finally met his gaze again, his fingers tapping lightly to a song you didn’t know that was playing on the radio. “Why did you date her?” He moved forward as his jaw clenched checking his mirrors to see if he could go through a side street bypassing the traffic.
“I never did.” He muttered, still looking for a way out.
You rolled your eyes as you continued, “I might dislike her, but she spoke about you as if you were the best boyfriend in the world and now here you are acting like you never dated her.”
“God Y/n can you shut the fuck up?” You were startled by his words as he quickly went past the traffic indicator right as he turned into a side street making sure to not get caught in an uncomfortable situation again. “I never asked her out, it was a one-night stand, but she fucking kept coming to the tattoo place, and Nanami and Geto were getting pissed she said she’d leave only if I dated her and fucked her regularly.”
You were almost disgusting by the proposition, his agreement on it to make her go away and her own for making such a revolting idea. “You…you…” Unaware of what to say you trailed off as you refused to look back at him.
“Put your address in here.” He tossed his phone into your lap, easily unfolded as you put your address in without even questioning it. Putting his phone back up on the stand in his car, he continued, “why would a prissy girl like you ever become friends with someone like her?”
“She needed my help  studying.” You muttered not knowing how else to respond, it was true that you both had met out of convenience to one another. His finger motion on the wheel matched the rhythm of the song that currently played as you didn’t elaborate.
He turned to see what you were doing, how you stared out into the darkness all alone with nothing but an empty lonely apartment. “God you must be fun at parties.”
“Cut the crap Sukuna, what the fuck are you doing this for?”
“What’s this?” He gestured as he had seen you meet his gaze.
You rolled your eyes hating how he made you elaborate, “asking questions, offering me a lift home. What do you want? Sex? A good little cunt for you to fill, I knew I was right abou…”
“Y/n.” Your name felt piercingly loud against the inside of the car, “why do you always think the worst of me?”
“Because you’ve been an ass since day fucking one, gosh get off your high horse Sukuna nobody gives a fuck about this persona you have if you’re just going to act like a dick half the time.” Your words stung him as his jaw clenched pissed at how freely you spoke about his life.
“You’re giving me advice on persona’s; I knew from the first time you walked into the tattoo place that you hated Yui. Don’t talk to me about personas when you acted like you wanted to choke her to death.”
His words were filled with truth and malice as you looked down, “I…I did hate her…I do hate her.”
He didn’t expect your response, but your next words filled him with another emotion, “I was jealous, okay? She was so pretty to me, she could’ve had anyone, and she picked you, the guy who didn’t give a fuck about her. I hated her for it, hated how she got men left right and centre when all I got were guys interested in sex rather than a relationship.” You took a heavy breath as you couldn’t stop your rambling, couldn’t stop the freshly watered eyes from cascading down your face, “so yes Sukuna I fucking hate her, she is everything I’m not, everything a man wants.”
Sukuna didn’t know what to say as he put his car in park, grabbing your face in his hands as he forced you to look at him. “I know you don’t like me; I hate you as much as you fucking hate me. But you’re more than just a fuck to someone out there. Maybe it’s the guilt and grief I'm going through for not being around for my granddad as much but she is the opposite of you and was a cunt. You’re worth a whole lot more than her.”
You tried to turn away to stop staring into his eyes, his calloused hands gripped onto your face as you could feel just how intricate his fingers were. His grip tight as you felt his heavy breath against your own, “take me home.”
He let go in an instant not meeting your gaze as he drove in silence, it was too quiet for your liking. He stopped tapping the wheel as you just stared outside, watching how the rain pattered away against the roof. The arrival to your apartment complex seemed much faster as you looked at the gloomy elevator that would take you to your gloomy apartment. “What? Not going to invite me inside?”
“What do you think?” You muttered opening the door as you stepped into the rain.
You heard his own side open as he slipped out of the car, “well if you really want me too.” Rolling your eyes and not wanting to be around him you found yourself being followed by the boy, his eyes looking around the place. It was pretty, too pretty for someone like you, he watched you fumble to open your apartment. He expected to see your personality residue onto the walls but instead was met with nothing but a cream-coloured walls and the basic necessities. “What, you still moving in or something?”
You drop your stuff and take your shoes off ignoring his comment as you went straight to the kitchen. He quickly followed eyes widening to be met with another plainness, affectionless room. “Seriously why are you here?” You say getting some leftover food out of the fridge to warm up.
“I owe you.” He scratches the back of his head as he looks at the food.
You point at your food before speaking  again, “get two  plates.” He nodded eagerly as you pointed to where the plates were as you warmed it up on the stove. “You don’t owe me anything, you have me a lift home remember.”
“I owe you for my comment.” He doesn’t meet your gaze grabbing the two plates and putting them on the counter. “Your place, it's not very you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You question crossing your arms as you stared at the man.
He looked around seeing nothing of any value to you, “it’s not you, it’s just very plain and dull.”
“I’m plain and dull.” You bring the food over portioning it into the plates as you watch Sukuna look for forks to eat it with. If he had walked into this place without knowing it was yours he’d have thought it was a showroom.
You move and take your plate as you both go into the lounge right in front of the TV. “Yeah not with that mouth of yours.”
“Shut up.” You scowled sitting on the side of the couch as he sat on the other, you moved to put something on the TV as he watched you happily put on an anime that he recognised. He was surprised you had even let him step foot in your home but there really wasn’t anything to see of importance that he could mock.
He watched you eat and watch anime, so this is how you spent your days, uni, hanging out with friends, revising, eating and watching anime. “Y/n.”
“Yeah.” You muttered just as you put more food in your mouth.
“Why did you let me inside?”
You finally looked at him, plate empty as he put it on the table, you met his gaze, “we both hate each other, it’s not like i’ll ever have to see you again after this, and you said it yourself you owed me.”
“No, there’s something else, is it about what I said earlier.” He asked as you finally looked at him directly in the eyes.
You didn’t know how to reply as you stared at him softly, “I…I think you should leave.”
“For fucks sake, just tell me, like you said you won’t have to see me ever again after this.” His eyes looked up and down across your body. How you seemed so small when isolated, how that big mouth of yours that he wanted to shut up so badly. Had finally fallen silent.
You tried to think of an answer, but came to nothing, “I thought…that I was doing this to make me feel better, like I was getting back at her but instead I’m just being something I hate. I’m sorry, okay?”
“It’s fine, I’d have done the same, guess we’re both dicks then.” You stifle a laugh as you look at him with wide eyes.
“Maybe you’re not that bad.”
“I’m surprised I did call you a fool.”
“Foolish puppet actually.”
He chuckles as he looks at you his lip turning upwards as he looked at the anime, “you know I thought the beast titan was Erwins dad for a solid three months.”
“What? Erwin and Zeke are like 10 years apart.” You chuckle as you pause the episode on one of the many gory scenes, “let me guess you didn’t know who the female titan was either.”
“Of course I didn’t, do I look like I read manga?” He mused out putting his arm around the couch as he watched you on your knees face him. You seemed joyful talking about anime with him, as for what seemed like hours the two of you spoke about different anime’s and stuff you both enjoyed.
“…you can’t be serious you got an anime tattoo.” You had moved closer to him; his arm touched your side as you begged for him to show you.
He turned around lifting his shirt up as it remained up to his neck. That’s when you saw the cascades of different colours and pictures around his back, the hunter x hunter phantom troupe spider being under his shoulder as you moved your finger to trace it. “Number four really.”
“Don’t lie and say you aren’t another whore for Hisoka.” His skin shivers as you trace each leg, the intricacy of all his tattoos making your mind go wild. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you had initially thought, maybe there was something more to him.
He put his shirt down as he turned to meet your eyes again you had moved closer and without realising his face was only a mere centimetres away from your own. “Sorry.” You whisper moving backwards a big in a shuffle.
“Don’t worry about it, ever thought about it then?”
“Thought about what?”
He gestured to his arm and chest tattoos as you shrugged, “maybe, but I’m indecisive it’d have to be something I really liked.”
“Well Satoru was telling me you liked my designs.” Your eyes widened at how you have been practically exposed by Satoru.
He chuckles tilting his head back as you could see his neck tattoos more, “I could always give you one.”
“You sure you wouldn’t want to give me a flower one instead.” You teased as he rolled his eyes coming closer to your body.
“I know exactly where I’d put it.” His finger grazed to your exposed arm, skimming up and down before moving up to your shoulder and down to just where your neck was.
Your breath hitched as his finger skimmed past the material nearly divulging into where your two breasts met. He watched how you gave a flushed look before smirking, removing his hand, “it’s late, pass me your phone.”
“W…why?” You spoke already, grabbing it to give to him.
“So you can have my number, we should hang out again.” His fingers typed into the new contact, easily writing his name and number as he passed back the phone.
You nodded as you walked with him towards the door, he grabbed his stuff before you saw him wave goodbye before leaving. You leant against the door as you grabbed your phone seeing his stupid name with the skull emoji, quickly typing about how you enjoyed tonight you threw your phone to the side as you felt a feeling you hated entirely.
It had been a week since both you and Sukuna had met again, but the multiple texts you both sent one another had been divulging into some sort of feeling of friendship. You had invited him to your best friends birthday celebration after feeling that both of you had somewhat become friends. He seemed happy to come along a clear contrast to when he had been made to go to the housewarming a couple weeks back.
He met you outside your apartment, seeing how you came out in a thin red dress, it was short, but you looked amazing. He had worn a similar outfit that he wore weeks prior the difference being the shirt looked a lot tighter and there had been a couple more unbuttons undone. A metal necklace cascaded down his neck brushing back and forth against the air and his skin and rings embodied his veined fingers. He watched you happily skip into the car; he couldn’t help but smile but as soon as you stepped inside the dickhead in him came out. “Sure this is a birthday party and not a strip club.”
“Aww you think I could become a stripper.” You pout as you look at the mirror putting more lipgloss on too sooth your lips. He rolled his eyes reversing out as he looked behind you both, arm on your seat as you couldn’t help but stare at his chest with the black lines and his arms that had their own.
He hadn’t noticed your staring instead moving right out and making you put the destination into his phone, “how long are you staying till?”
“However long you want.” You say typing the destination before going into his camera, “your cameras better.”
You took a couple pictures as you sent them to yourself choosing which one was the best one before putting his phone back on the grip. “She’s your friend.”
“I thought you didn’t like stuff like this.”
“What makes you say that?” His arm was lazily against the wheel as he moved it at every turn.
You shrugged before answering, “it’s a uni party, you don’t seem like the type to go to ones.”
“Just because I didn’t go to shitty uni doesn’t mean I won’t fit in, idiot.”
You rolled your eyes as you looked back on the road, his other hand scratching  his jaw. “Megumi should be there if you don’t want to be aroun…”
“I'm going with you, why would I leave you?” He didn’t meet your gaze; he already knew that if did see those wide eyes and that tiny dress one more time he wouldn’t be able to help himself take you in the car.
You nodded not saying anymore as he began rambling about some client that wanted the ugliest tattoo possible, “why did you just tell him to fuck off?”
“What makes you think I didn’t, I don’t do shitty tattoos.” His grip tightened against the wheel as he turned to see what you were doing. Your dress having ridden up as your thighs were on show, he stared at them before meeting the road gaze again.
You nodded as you increased the volume on the song that was playing, “what’s a shitty tattoo to you?”
“Flowers, girly shit.”
“You literally named one thing.” You roll your eyes as he watches you change the song from his phone, your chest on top of his arm on the gear stick as he was able to see how pretty your tits sat in the dress.
He looked down before shaking his head to look outside the windows, “flowers are shitty, any shitty type of animal.”
“What so if I asked for a dolphin you wouldn’t give me one?” He raised an eyebrow as you continued, “oh come on dolphins could be a look.”
“No they wouldn’t, they look shitty and you don’t even like dolphins.”
You shrugged leaning back in your seat, “and how would you know?”
“Because I know you, come on.” He had parked without you realising as you both got out of the car. He saw the tall high rise of buildings; it was similar to your own complex but with a lot more emotion that he’d never seen from yours.
He watched you grab his sleeve to tug him along as he stood behind you, watching how your thighs moved through the thin fabric. It was almost a blessing to have to look down at you as the ability to see how your tits perked up made his head run wild. “So what’s her name again?”
“Maki, and no she already has a boyfriend.” You stepped into the elevator, as he rolled his eyes at your comment.
“I didn’t want to fuck your best friend anyway.” He muttered as he leant against the railing, eyes flashing to how perfect you looked all dolled up in that outfit. He licked his lips as he continued, “not every girl I see I want to fuck.”
“That is true, you haven’t tried to fuck me.” He didn’t know why he almost felt sad by your comment, there of course had been a reason for not having tried to fuck you but it was stupid and pushed aside.
You both walked out as his hand moved to your back guiding you in a direction even he didn’t know about. “I swear it’s on this floor.”
“You got us lost basically,” you signed as you grabbed your phone pushing Maki’s number as you heard her scream through the phone. Sukuna gave a side eye as you elbowed his side to not be a cunt for once.
“Yeah 5th floor, number 511.” Sukuna grabbed your hand as he had seen that door, forcing you to follow as even with his tight grip. You had expected his hands to feel calloused against your own, but a burst of warmth filled you as you followed him. He knocked on the door as Maki instantly opened grabbing you into a hug, “and who is this?”
“This is Sukuna, I invited him.” You say as she lets go of you, her hair up and a giddy smile at the drink she was holding.
You handed her her present before she came up to Sukuna, “I heard you were a dick by Megumi.”
“Maki you can…”
“No it's true, where is the twat anyway?” Sukuna muttered as Maki hadn’t bothered to apologise instead unwrapping her present happily.
“By the balcony, probably.” He nodded but didn’t leave to go find him, instead sticking your side.
You met his gaze as you didn’t understand why he hadn’t left to mingle or find someone to hook up with, “not going to find Megumi.”
“I said I wouldn’t leave your side.” You nod as he continued, “come on let’s get a drink.”
He dragged you to where the drinks were, passing you a cup as he filled it with some alcohol, he saw Megumi come up towards you both, already partially drunk. “Y/n, Sukuna…together in the same room, I must be dying.”
“Real funny, I don’t see you with anybody.” Sukuna mused as he took a large sip of his drink.
Megumi rolled his eyes planting his arm across your shoulder seeing how tense Sukuna became in a matter of seconds, “go on how did you end up here then?”
“We’re friends.”
“You called him a dickhead two weeks ago.”
You chuckled at your past, his eyebrow raised wanting to hear an explanation of the comment, “that’s because he is one.” You moved to his face, your hand out as you squished his cheeks with one hand, “aren’t you?”
“You better answer her.” Megumi spoke, trying to suppress a laugh at how the big old mighty Sukuna was getting his face squished by you.
Sukuna rolled his eyes as you continued squishing his face, your warmth in your fingers making his ears prick a red colour, “yeah…I am.”
“Good boy.” You giggled letting go of him as Megumi began pouring more alcohol in both your drinks. It seemed like the party would have nothing except drinking and couples making out, you didn’t care seeing how much fun Maki was having with her boyfriend.
You and Sukuna had moved to the couch after Megumi had gotten distracted by Maki’s god, he was probably on the ground letting her dog sleep on him. Sukuna’s voice ringed in your ear as the loud music had made it hard for you both to speak normally, “you were right?”
“Is the Sukuna admitting I was right?” You teased taking a large slip as the strap of your dress had fallen off your shoulder due to having been bumped into by a lot of people.
“Oh shut it.” He didn’t continue with his words, instead moving closer to you, maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just how beautiful you looked. His eyes gazed across your body, as he moved his hand to re-adjust your strap. His fingers gazing right where your arm was, “a tattoo right there.”
“I’ll have to get one there then.” You replied instantly back to him hoping he’d get the hint.
He nodded his hand tracing your skin, “I’ll give you a good tattoo, make it ruin you.” He didn’t know what he was saying, feeling you move closer to him as if you were just about to meet his lips.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” It was a shout from the doorway as you saw Yui almost jump right on you with her devilish claws. Both you and Sukuna became startled by the action as you both jumped abruptly away from one another.
Maki had come as she stood between the three of you, confusion setting in as she realised just how bad the situation was. “Yui what the fuck?”
“Why are you shouting at me, she’s the one trying to make out with my boyfriend?” The music seemed to settle into quietness as everybody began staring at the scene, you didn’t know what to say. They weren’t dating you knew that but were you really just about to kiss him, the man you had hated those weeks ago, would you have let him do more to you.
You shook your head as you were about to speak but got interrupted, “we aren’t fucking dating, god there really is nothing up there, we were never dating and you’re just a fucking bitch who sleeps around.”
“So you admit that you just wanted to fuck me.” You and Maki stared at one another as you watched what Sukuna would say next.
“Yeah, worst sex I’ve had in a while though.” Your eyes widened at the comment as you tried to suppress a laugh before she stared at you.
Her eyes flicked with rage at how you laughed at his comment, “you hated him, how could you be such a shit friend?”
“We were never friends, you tried to use me to come with you to errands and help you with shit, that’s not being friends.” You mutter crossing your arms as Maki almost looked like she was ready to fight Yui for her fake comments.
Yui looked between the three of you ready to punch you right in your face, “I fucking hate you, he’s going to realise just how boring and selfish you are, and he’ll drop you just like he did too me. You wanna know why you haven’t had a boyfriend in a whilst…it’s because every single one of them found out how dull and boring you are. He’ll see it, he’ll see how you’re a fucking cunt that just gets used for guy’s dicks.”
She stormed out of the apartment, as you let out a heavy breath. You needed fresh air as you left the silence of the room going past everybody and into Maki’s room. Knowing she had a balcony that attached to her window. Crawling out of it as you leant against the railing you saw the bright lights of the city cascade out into the sky. Cold air hitting your body as you thought about her comments, every insecurity you had had was true, you heard the window open as Sukuna stepped outside.
“You’re going to get cold, dumbass.” You don’t laugh at his comment, instead leaning  further into the balcony. “You don’t believe what she said right, she’s a fucking cunt and her words were lies Y/n.”
“You don’t understand.” You continued staring at the colourful patterns of the stars, all so pretty. He moved closer resting his shoulders against your own as he could almost see you shiver.
He met your eyeline, watching how you stared up into the dark sky, he knew you saw more than the dark. He could see it in your eyes the way you stared at the sky with such lust to explore its secrets, “explain to me then.”
“You’re you…and I’m me, I’m used to guys getting their dicks wet to me, and you use others to get your own…”
You trailed off not wanting to hear his next words, “you really are still a cunt, listen to me, Yui lied, you and I both know she’s a fucking cunt so why the fuck do you believe it.”
“Because you fucking slept with her.” You didn’t know why you shouted the comment out, it was unnecessary and made no actual sense at all.
Sukuna stayed silent, pink hair almost dropping down to his face in a type of misery, “so what you want me to fuck tou and then leave you, you want to be another one-night stand, is that all you see me as.”
“No…” you had no other words as you both stared at one another in silence, his eyes flicking across to your lips. As he moved closer, face almost touching one another’s as you heard his heavy breath against your own, mouths almost touching.
He looked down as his hands had gripped your sides ready to bring your mouth to his own, “I don’t want you to be another one-night stand.”
“Because you mean a lo…”  He got interrupted by the sound of a loud crash occurring inside, “fuck that’s Megumi.”
“We need to check on him.” Your minty breath hit his face as you spoke worried for your friend, you were the first to apart away; he had wished to feel your tender lips on his own but instead was now left out in the dark.
He watched you leave as you went to go check on Megumi, taking a sharp breath as he followed you. You both ended up finding Megumi with the dog wrapped around him, “he’s cuddling the fucking dog.”
“Sorry I need a picture of this.” You spoke fiddly as you brought your phone out taking different angled photos of Megumi being cuddled by Maki’s dog.
Sukuna rolled his eyes before he nudged Megumi with his food, “we’re gonna have to take him home.”
You nodded as you and Sukuna brought him up, his arms on both your shoulders as he stirred, “you two are such nice people:”
“Yeah yeah.” You muttered as you helped him towards Sukuna’s, both putting him in the back as Megumi looked like he was about to fall asleep again.
“I’ll take him to mine, after I drop you back home.” You nod as you both spent the rest of the car journey in silence, not talking about the earlier occurrence of you both nearly kissing twice.
The ride had been quick as you were met with the dull buildings once more, Sukuna watched how you said a simple goodbye, his hand grabbing your wrist to stop you. “Come round the tattoo shop at 8pm.”
“Why?” you questioned as his touch sent a shiver down your spine.
“Just come shitty woman.” You nodded as he let go of your hand watching you walk into your apartment.
“You really…why did you scream?” Megumi voice startled him as she shouted a fuck at hearing Megumi talk, “anyway, you really like her don’t you.”
“Is it that obvious.”
Megumi nodded leaning back in his seat, “you’re a dick to everybody it’s weird seeing you be nice to someone.”
“I’m not a dick to everybody.” Sukuna spoke as he started driving towards his apartments
Megumi rolled his eyes as he looked out of the window, “don’t hurt her.”
“I wouldn’t.” Sukuna mutters as he looks down knowing tomorrow would be the day he told you the absolute truth.
The next day came quicker than expected as you had a couple lectures occurring and some other crap to get onto. Before you even knew it 8pm had arrived as you found yourself walking the same street you had walked a couple weeks back. The same bricks and neon sign outside the place that made the place give off the vibe of a tattoo shop.
Walking inside as the bell indicated a customer had come, it seemed that they had had their influx in customers as Satoru seemed to be annoying Nanami who had ice on his head and Geto tapped away at the counter. “Y/n.” Satoru shouted as he bolted up and met you, “you never came back.”
“Yeah some stuff happened, you know where Sukuna is?” You question as all three of them became silent, probably not understanding why you would need the man you had been cussing out a few weeks ago.
“Sukuna.” Geto hesitantly shouted out as he looked at you, “you’re not going to kick him are you,”
“What? No!” You mutter as you see the pink haired man come down shirtless, his tattoos all on show as you got a glimpse of every single one perfectly resting across his body. “Y/n, you’re early.”
He checked his watch seeing the time being 7:50, as you gave him a small smile, “so what did you need me for?”
“To give you a tattoo idiot.” He spoke it as of you were the one who had been the dumb one in the situation.
The three men stared at you both as you stepped towards him, bodies too close for what they’d class as enemies. “Is anybody going to explain this?” Satoru muttered.
Sukuna rolled his eyes as he waited for your response, you didn’t think he’d actually be the one to give you your first tattoo, but you nodded never less. “Okay, but if you mess up I will stab you’ll
“If you’re into that, I don’t judge.” He chuckles as you jab your elbow into his chest, “give her the forms.”
Geto nodded as he passed you the forms you needed to fill out all three wanting to hear how the two of you had somehow become close, “don’t you three have plans?”
That’s when they realised why he had booked you in so late, all three had prior engagements and it’d leave you and him alone to your own devices. Satoru signed as he wanted to hear more but ended being dragged out by Nanami before Geto followed just as you handed the forms back to Sukuna
He remained shirtless as he took you to the back, locking the door of the reception to make sure nobody came in. He patted the seat gesturing for you to sit down as you looked hesitantly between the needles and the seat, “what you want to sit on my lap, will that make you feel better?”
“Shut up.” You muttered as you went to the black chair, instead feeling his grip on your wrist.
“What? Scared I’ll bite,” you hated how he teased you and instead of dismissing it and getting flushed you found yourself sitting right on his thigh, you could almost feel like much muscle he had under his joggers as your hand stayed on your own thighs.
He smirked seeing you shift your weight easily, “look at you, finally listening for once.”
“I listen.”
“No you don’t, now what are you thinking?” He passes the book with many designs from his coworkers scattering each page. You instantly went to his page, looking at all the intricate details of different types before you saw the designs of dragons as it breathed out fire. He watched you stare at it, finger gliding across it as he moved your hair to the side, head on your shoulder as he spoke, “you want a dragon.”
You nodded eagerly at the small design, as he put the book down and looked at you with soft eyes, “where do you want it?” You point to the top of your arm, the arm he had touched last night, the arm that still had his finger ingrained into your skin. His eyes flicked to your arm; you wore a long sleeve shirt as he knew you’d have to take it off to get right up to the top of your arm.
“This is a ploy to get me naked isn’t it.” You teased as you lifted your shirt above your head, Sukuna trying to say a word as now the two of you were shirtless in front of one another.
He tried to hide his smirk as he got the stencil ready for your arm, he knew it’d hurt, knew you’d want to grab onto something so why not grab onto him. “If I wanted to see you naked I wouldn’t do it here.”
Your eyes widened feeling the rubbing alcohol on your arm drip down to your wrist, “which one was your first?”
You changed the subject as he rubbed the area before grabbing the stencil that was to the side of you both, “the one on my finger.”
His other hand had moved the stencil up to your arm whilst your fingers grabbed his hand seeing the skull right on the edge of his right hand. “It’s pretty.”
“Yeah my parents hit me so hard after I got it done.” You chuckled lightly feeling his move his hand away from you, sad at his quick movement as you played with your own fingers. You felt the stencil being pulled away from your arm as you could see the small outline of a dragon and its fire across your arm. “Like it?”
You nodded eagerly as you watched him prepare the equipment you didn’t know what he was doing but admired each concentrated move that he had. Eyes widening when he looked up at you with a smirk having noticed your continuous looks at him, “don’t worry, it won’t hurt and if it does, tough.”
“And I thought you were going to be encouraging.” You mumble as you stare at your arm, the blue marks making your insides almost cave in at how scared you actually were.
He chuckled lightly just as he finished ready to start on the outline, he was almost glad it was just an outline with no shading knowing in an instant you’d be in much more pain. “You’ll be fine, I would tell you to hold my shirt but…you could always hold onto my thigh?”
“Just start.” You fidgeted on his thigh, legs swinging as you began hearing a low hum of a needle, feeling some other liquid go across the lines. He looked directly at you nodding to make sure you knew it was about to occur.
Your hands stayed on your lap as you felt the first mark take place, pain instantly rushing to that one spot as you grabbed his thigh, just close to where his crotch was. He dismissed how your hand was so close yet so far away from his cock instead asking if you were okay, after seeing you nod, he continued as the pain began to subdue. You couldn’t lie and say your eyes hadn’t begun watering because they had. You wiped it away with your other hand as you felt Sukuna move onto the fire part. You could never understand how he’d gone through the pain of all of his tattoos, the ones across his arm and chest, his fingers and back and most likely having some on his legs as well.
You watched how he’d occasionally look back at your gaze, see if you were doing fine with pain. Always giving him a reassuring look back to make sure he knew that you could handle it, you felt him finally relax as he the low hum stopped, your hand still on his thigh as he smiled at the design. He grabbed his phone from the side taking a picture of it before passing it for you to see yourself.
The small intricate details had done on the dragon was perfect, the way he had started to put stuff away whilst you still sat on him and the way you could still see your photos from last night in the corner. He hadn’t deleted them , kept them for some unknown reason and you definitely were not going to ask him why he still had the images.
“Let me dress it and bandage it for you.” You nodded but he remained still as you stared at the image, “I need you to get up, dumbass.”
“Sorry.” You mutter standing up and sitting on the actual chair, eyes staring at the details of it all. You had a tattoo and not just that it was a tattoo that Sukuna had designed and placed on you. It was something he was proud of, he watched you stare at his phone, probably unaware that it was on you and not just a picture.
Signing he grabbed the dressing and bandages, standing up to start wrapping it around your arm, you felt startled when his cold fingertips touched your arm. Putting his phone down as you saw the cling film around you, a redness coming from the tattoo, as he began telling you what to do every night and giving you some leaflet on it. “…don’t worry though I’ll text you to make sure you remember.”
“I’ll remember.” You put your shirt back on as you whined the comment out.
“I’ll text you to make sure you remember.” He repeats already knowing that you’d become too lazy to even bother to change the dressing every night.
“So mean.” You pout as he takes you back to the front, leaning against the counter as the dark sky stood out for the both of you to see, “so how much is it?”
You had already gotten your credit card out ready to pay for it, but his hand stopped you, “It’s free.”
“What? No, take the card.” You almost push your money onto him not wanting to take something for free. He takes the card before putting it right back into your arm, almost chucking it at you as he did, “Sukuna please just take it.”
“I will never talk to you again if you don’t take it.”
“Okay.” You both glared at one another in silence waiting for one of you to crack, it just had to be you, however.
“I hate you.”
He crossed his arms smirking as he came round to the front leaning against the counter, “no you don’t.”
“Yes I do.” He cocks his head to the side, you watch as each of his muscles tense up as he looks down to you, his face coming closer and closer each time. Hand moving to hold the side of your face, as you looked up at him.
“You can pay me back another way.” He whispers softly as his lips brushed against your own, feeling a hungry need to kiss him, his other hand had moved to your waist ready to bring you closer to him.
You felt his hot breath hit your lips, the way he licked his lips with a hunger, your face moving closer as he moved his hands moved to his shoulders to meet his eyeline. He felt pushed against the counter as he leant against it watching how you moved one of your fingers to his jaw caressing his face as you looked down between his eyes and mouth. Before finally moving your finger, mouth ready to kiss his own before both being startled by the buzz of the door opening.
“Sukuna.” It was a voice you had recognised prior, as you turned to be met with Sukuna’s twin brother.
Sukuna looked between you and his brother, signing at how this had been the third time he had been cockblocked. All he wanted to do was kiss you, was to take you out, call you his but it felt like the universe had had other plans.
You stood between the two of them as his twin stared at you, “Mum said to come and drop this off.” He showed a bag with what looked like some old clothes, you didn’t question it instead smiling at the boy. “You’re the girl from a couple weeks back.”
“Hi, yeah I’m Y/n.” You put your hand out as his twin takes it, Sukuna rolling his eyes as he grabbed the old clothes, he looked between the clothes before finding what he was looking for. It was something you recognised, as you let go of the boy's hand.
“Itadori.” You nodded as the boy looked confused as the two of you stared at the old shirt, he eyes you up and down almost admiring how you looked so sweet and sexy at the same time.
“I told you I had it,” Sukuna chuckled as he showed you the old retro Pokémon shirt he owned, it was old, something a 13-year-old wore and not a grown ass man. You had remembered a conversation the two of you had had earlier on last week where he had rambled on about how he loved Pokémon and had the biggest crush on Jessie which you never understood.
“It’s still a lame character to simp over.” He had been pointing to the destroyed Jessie as Itadori felt uncomfortable invading on a private moment between the two of you.
“Anyway, nice to meet you, Sukuna suck a dick, later.” He walked back out of the store as Sukuna gave him the finger before turning back to you, he knew the moment had been ruined but a hungry need had erupted at how he needed to have you. He had seen how Itadori had stared and watched the closeness of you both, had looked you up and down, looked at what was his with a look of hunger.
Sukuna, grabbed his shirt quickly putting it on before grabbing the bag and your hand in his other, “where are we going?”
You questioned as he locked the place up before grabbing your wrist once more and dragging you to his car. “Back to mine.”
“Wh…” He had thrown the bag in the car and pushed your back against the door, hands trapping you as he moved closer and closer to you, making you seem ever so small to him. He smirked as he interrupted, hand grabbing your jaw as he gave you a sadistic grin.
“Nobody looks at what’s mine and sweetheart…you’re now mine.” Your breath hitched as his other hand grabbed your waist arching you into the car as his lips found its way onto your own.
The kiss he had craved for so long occurred in a matter of seconds, your hands moving to his hair as you tugged at the pink locks. Your moans making his head spin as his tongue divulged into your own, gliding back and forth with your own, he brought your body even closer to his own. Mouths craving one another as you had gotten the kiss you had only dreamt about. Saliva dripped down your jaw as he let go off, thumb wiping it away as he looked at you with almost hungry eyes.
“I’m taking you back to mine and making every single fucking person know that you’re mine, okay baby.” He hand moved to your jaw grabbing a hold of it as he was waiting for an answer, waiting to hear the yes he craved.
“Okay Sakun…”
“Try again.” He moved your mouth to skim past his lips again, already seeing how much you craved to feel his lips once more as you tried to reach his own.
You took a sharp breath as you spoke to give him the power he wanted, “yes sir.”
“Good girl, get in the car.” His words were quick as you found yourself quickly entering not knowing what had gotten between the two of you as soon as he stepped inside the car, his hand rested on your thigh as he quickly drove out to get to his apartment.
A quick - most likely over the speed limit - journey later, his hand on your back made your insiders quiver at the sensation of what was to occur. Once you both began walking past the elevator, the tense atmosphere you both had gone through in the elevator having not helped, you found yourself finally getting the confidence to speak.
“Are we…”
He interrupted you as he finally unlocked the door, pushing you through as you felt yourself pressed against the inside of his apartment. His lips moving across your neck as he spoke the words you had needed to hear from the beginning, “you aren’t some fuck, you’re mine.”
“I…I don’t want to disappoint you.” You breathed out after thinking hard, his lips left your neck as he looked into those deep eyes of yours. Pools of lust and love cascading down as he couldn’t help but bring his two hands to cup your face.
“You would never disappoint me baby, after I’m done stuffing you full of me, I’ll prove to you just how much you mean to me.” His voice was a quiet whisper as he kissed you once again, your hands quickly kissing him back as he continued to press you against the door. Hands roaming your body as he brought comfort and love to every part of you.
His lips left your own as he kissed down your neck, hands moving to your thighs to bring you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Watching how you arched your neck for him, as he bit and sucked at your neck wary to not harm your arm as he walked towards his room.
Pushing you in as he threw you onto the bed, taking his shirt off as his arms moved to the side of your body. A predator ready to hunt down his prey, his hand went under your chin making you look up at him as he spoke, “I’m going to make you call me yours by the end of the night, sweetheart, make that pretty cunt drip with me in you.”
He smoothed your hair before moving his hands to your side, watching you nod at his actions. His fingers moving your shirt above your head. Even if you had been exposed to him previously, it felt a lot more intimate now, his hungry eyes wanting to encase every essence of you. “So pretty.” He mumbled as he unhooked your bra letting your tits perk up to the exposed air.
He watched how your face became flushed, as his hands roamed across his chest and stomach, leaving soft kisses down your body as your fingers outlined his tattoos. “Sir…I want you,” your whine made Sukuna look up, his mouth had salivated your nipples as a trail of spit led from his bottom lip to your hard nipple.
“Keep begging,” his words were harsh as he went back to sucking on your nipples, a need for his hardened cock to divulge right into your wet slick filled cunt made you frustrated.
“Pleas…sir,” you moaned as he bit at your nipple, watching how you arch your back into his skin, “I need you.”
“Stupid slut, can’t live without my cock, right?” He swirled his tongue against your nipple as his hands had moved your jeans down, eyes fixated on the way your pretty cunt had been covered.
“I can…’t.” Your whines filled his apartment as he moved his mouth across your stomach, feeling how your hands had moved into his hair, tugging at the strands to go lower. His teeth gripped the fabric as he pulled it down instantly seeing the slick having dampened your underwear. He pulled it away, chucking it onto his desk as his mouth instantly met your clit, spreading your legs to beside his body.
Licking and sucking at the folds that divulged into your cunt, your moans filled the room as one of his hands began kneading at your breasts, mouth covered in slick. “Mo…more.”
He listened to your babbling whines, moving his tongue right into your cunt, his other hands moving to your clit as he rubbed circles with his thumb. You arched your back as soon as you felt his tongue glide through your warm cunt, he could taste the coating of slick run down his tongue mixing with his saliva. It wasn’t common for Sukuna to go down on girls, he knew most of his one-night stands had been ones of getting sucked off and then fucking them. He couldn’t tell you the last time he had gone down on a girl, but the way you gripped at his hair, pushed him further. He knew you would be the only girl he’d ever go down on, with your swollen clit and folds that were encased in slick.
How could he not resist?
His tongue continued to lap inside your cunt, your moans for his tongue to go deeper as the bridge of his nose touched his fingers, he moved his slick covered fingers across your nipples before sticking his fingers right into your warm mouth. You easily took the two fingers sucking and wrapping your tongue around them. Sukuna knew why he was eating you out, he wanted you to feel pleasure, he wanted you to know you had his undivided attention, that he was the only man to make you feel good.
You felt a knot in your stomach already feeling cum start to gush down right into his mouth, he could sense it as his tongue movement became faster, rougher even, your moaning making his ever-growing cock become painfully hard. “Cum in my mouth.” He mumbled through his licks, on command white gushed from your cunt as he mouth was coated in a wet white liquid.
He looked up at you as his mouth remained near your cunt, his fingers moved from mouth as he licked his lips wiping the rest of the cum on his arm as he watched your dazed expression. He moved up, kneeling between your spread legs as he moved down to capture your lips, you could taste yourself on his mouth, his mouth sucking at your tongue as he moved his mouth down your neck. Giving a long lick across your jaw and down to your collarbone, “want me to stuff you now baby, make you full.”
“Ye…yes sir.” He couldn’t help but admire your expression, the way your eyes were eager as your hands moved to his joggers, already seeing his hard cunt ready for you. Mouth watering as he pulled his joggers away, his muscled thighs that could crush you in an instant between your dripping cunt as his bulge was more evident.
He couldn’t help but stop and stare as he took his boxers off, seeing how pretty you looked with the dishevelled her and look of admiration. The girl he had spilt coffee on was underneath him, begging to be filled with his cock. He couldn’t help but feel cock as his cock was in his hands, pumping his hand lazily around it before moving it across your clit and slick. “Please…put it in me.”
He smirked at your whines before aligning his cock right into your core, he brought both your legs up between his arms and chest as he stayed between your spread legs. “You want to be my good girl.”
“Ye…yes I’ll be your good girl,” at the sound of this his cock instantly pushed into your cunt, “Agh S…ir.”
Your breathing had become heavy as he groaned at the feeling of your cunt, “so tight, pretty girl.”
His hands had moved onto the bed as he encased your face, each thrust making you moan, your hands on his back, scratching against his many tattoos as he brought his face closer to your own. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
His words hit you as you looked into his eyes, love pooling from them as you kissed him slowly, each thrust becoming softer and slower as he kept a steady rhythm as you finally spoke the words he had needed to hear. “I…like you Sukuna.”
“Ryo, call me Ryo.” He whispered as he kissed your jaw, each thrust making you whine into his ear as something in your heart felt full at his allowance to let you call him a name he had been adamant against, he continued with more comforting words of, “you’re everything to me.”
His words were comforting, he would never understand why he had been such a cunt to you at the beginning. But being deep inside of you, the trust you had for him as both your foreheads touched, his eyes flashing with love against your own. It must have been fate that brought you both together on that windy night, he didn’t know what else it could be.
The full moon shone through the window, each thrust sending you a shock of love and comfort as he could feel how your legs twitched beside his own. He kissed you one last time feeling your second orgasm come through as he sloppily continued to fuck you, he saw how tears welled up in your eyes. He wiped them with his hand kissing your cheek as your hands remained around his body as he rode his own orgasm out. Your cunt stuffed and filled with his cum as he kept his cock inside of you, looking into your eyes, head resting against your chest. As he heard your heavy breathing one of your hands moving to caress his pink hair as you both stayed like this.
He would never know how this moment occurred, but he did know that the prettiest most annoying girl he had ever met was underneath him and he finally understood what paradise really was like.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and i’ll add you xx
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(originally written as part of this prompt challenge)
“Why’s your stupid brother not pickin’ the flowers for his damn wedding himself, again?”
Ian sighs. “He’s got a lot on his plate already, Mick, that’s why I said we’d do this. Figured you did such a good job with our wedding… plus, I wanted to see you in action again.” He smirks at Mickey, knowing he’s won when he sees the proud, shy smile blooming on his husband’s face.
“Alright, alright, let’s just get this the fuck over with. Hopefully there won’t be another homophobic hag serving us this time.”
Ian snorts at the notion. He’s also very much hoping they won’t have a repeat of that day.
They enter the store, and Mickey immediately seems to let go of at least some of his grumpiness. He looks at the displayed flowers appreciatively, nodding and humming to himself when he spots something that particularly catches his eye.
“I’ll tell you one thing, this wedding ain’t gonna be shit compared to ours. It doesn’t get any better than stargazer lilies and gold chiavari chairs, that’s for fuckin’ sure.”
Ian smiles, proud and fond as he remembers how pretty everything Mickey picked for them had looked. His husband certainly has an eye for this stuff. Lip and Tami should have probably asked him to plan the whole thing, instead of Tami’s uppity cousin.
They move up to the counter, where an elderly white lady stands with a big smile directed at them.
“Here we fucking go,” mutters Mickey, already over whatever homophobic bullshit this one will have to spout.
“Mick, it’s a completely different store. She might just be a nice old lady. We don’t know that she has a problem with gay people,” Ian whispers.
Mickey looks at her suspiciously and turns back to Ian. “Yeah, you wanna bet?”
Ian frowns at him, then turns to the florist with his flashiest smile. “Hi, there. We’re looking for some floral arrangements for a wedding.”
The woman’s smile grows. “Oh, we can certainly help you gentlemen with that!” She looks them over appraisingly. “Is one of you the groom, or… Oh–No, no. I can see you’re both wearing wedding rings, so you clearly already have two beautiful wives at home!” She keeps grinning, fake-pleasant as ever, while Ian tenses up.
Mickey raises his eyebrows and makes eye-contact with Ian, his face clearly saying See? I fucking told you so. Ian, for his part, is still optimistic the woman is just assuming, but isn’t actually a homophobe after all.
Or maybe he’s just petty and doesn’t want to admit to Mickey he was right.
He clears his throat. “Um, no, in fact, we don’t have two beautiful wives at home. We both wear these rings because we’re married to each other.” Ian levels her with a withering stare as he says it, daring her to make any kind of remark that isn’t one hundred percent cordial and supportive.
The lady seems taken aback at the revelation. “Oh,” she says slowly, while Ian and Mickey wait for the inevitable. “So you’re… homosexuals?”
Jesus Christ. Mickey’s heard of history repeating itself, but this is a bit fucking ridiculous.
“Yeah,” Ian says, equally slowly, this time taking the reins of his and Mickey’s joint indignation. “We are. Is that a problem?” He’s clenching his teeth now, seething with frustration, because really? How is this happening again?
She clears her throat. “In this establishment we believe that’s a sin, and choose not to do business with people who engage in that kind of lifestyle.” The statement sounds clearly rehearsed, though her voice betrays nervousness, behind all the self-righteousness.
Ian wouldn’t hurt an old lady, obviously. But he’s definitely getting the urge to do some damage to her.
“That kind of lifestyle?! Are you fucking kidding me?” he belts out, before Mickey reaches out to placate him and quickly escort him off the premises.
“Calm down, Gallagher. She ain’t worth it. Let’s just go.” Mickey thinks it’s a good fucking thing one of them’s always the voice of reason when the other one flips the fuck out at some homophobe. Otherwise, a lot more prissy old broads might have gotten what was coming to them–and the two of them would probably be right back in jail right now.
They exit the store in a frenzy–Ian still fuming and ranting irritably.
“What the fuck? Is every flower shop in this whole city a den of goddamn bigots? Are they all part of a secret society of flower-pushing, Trump-loving pieces of shit? Is it like a Mafia thing? What?”
Mickey can’t help but laugh. Ian is less than amused by this reaction and glares at him.
“I‘m sorry, ‘m sorry, it ain’t fuckin’ funny.” He snickers again, then holds his hands up in defense. “It’s a little bit funny, though! As in fuckin’ comical, just ‘cause it’s so damn ridiculous.”
Ian nods jerkily, still worked up, but then huffs a tired laugh as the absurdity of the situation fully hits him. “Like… what are the fucking chances of this happening to us twice?” He shakes his head, disbelieving.
“I dunno, man. But like I said before, how can you sell fucking flowers and not do business with the gays? Makes no fuckin’ sense to me. They gotta be losing money with this shit.”
Ian laughs harder now–a release as his body loosens up from all the tension. “It wasn’t even a gay wedding this time!”
Mickey laughs with him, then straightens up and pats Ian’s back. “Come on, let’s go sit down somewhere, get something to eat. We can Google, like, ‘gay-friendly flower shops in Chicago’ or some shit. There must be at least one left in the whole fucking city, right?”
Ian chuckles. “You’d fuckin’ think.”
Mickey grins and wiggles his eyebrows. “Then later we’ll go home and give ol’ saggy tits something to really clutch her pearls about.”
Ian smirks at his husband. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
thanks to @shameless-notashamed for reading this over!
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sleepysnk · 3 years
i finally got some time to post some Eren smut. it's fluffy and cute, i hope you all enjoy! :)
Making Love
Pairings: Streamer!Eren Jaeger x Virgin!Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW
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"Are you serious right now? This game is so ass!"
Yelling could be heard from Eren's room as he was currently streaming at the moment. He was playing a new game his fans had suggested for him to play, and it wasn't going exactly well. It was difficult and he couldn't get past certain levels because of the frame rates; it annoyed him to no end.
"I seriously need to play demos before buying it.." Eren sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration.
It wasn't pretty late, it was around 10:30 p.m. he started his stream a little earlier because he wanted to head to sleep; as well as spend more time with his girlfriend. She wanted to at least have some cuddling time with Eren before bed, and he agreed that it'd be nice. 
His attention went towards the door where he saw his girlfriend standing. She was leaning against the frame, a look of worry written on her features. 
Eren moved one of his headphones to one side. "What's up (Y/N)? Is everything okay, beautiful?" he asked, raising a brow. 
She chewed on her bottom lip. "Are you almost done?" she asked.
He looked at the time, he also took notice that she had her pajamas on; maybe it was a good time to log off. 
"Yeah, give me a minute, okay?" he replied, looking back up at her. 
jaegerist45: lady calling?
erensimp43: tell y/n hello!
jaegerbombfan20: you look tired Eren
Eren laughed a bit, "Yeah she's calling, I'll for sure tell her hey, and yeah I am pretty tired. Exams have been killing me lately.." he replied. "I think I'm going to end this one a bit early today guys.. I'll probably have a longer stream next week for sure."
His fans sent a few goodnight messages and told him to sleep well, a few told him to say hey to (Y/N). He waved at the camera before ending the stream, he could feel the tiredness setting into his eyes. 
"(Y/N)! I finished streaming!" he called, standing up and cracking a few of his joints. Sitting down in one space really made his body stiff. 
The door cracked open and (Y/N) came walking towards him, a smile on her features. "How did the stream go?" she asked, looking down at him. 
Eren looked up from his phone. "It went well, the game was shitty though," he chuckled. "Come sit"
Eren patted the spot on his lap, (Y/N) gladly sat down; adjusting her legs onto him. 
Eren snaked his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss onto her cheek. "You tired?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She drew circles onto the muscles of his chest. "Mmm, not really, I just wanted to spend time with you is all," she replied, looking into his emerald eyes. 
His hand settled onto her thigh, where he began to circle the skin; goosebumps flaring. "Come here.. I wanna kiss you," he said, turning her face to face his. 
Their lips connected with one another, Eren's lips were always so soft; they made (Y/N) dizzy whenever he kissed her. 
Eren deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping along her bottom lip; to which she allowed access to her mouth. A slight moan escaping her throat. 
"Eren.." she moaned, putting her hands into his hair. 
His body suddenly felt hot, almost feverish. He could feel the way (Y/N)'s body was getting warm, she always got warm whenever the two were like this. It was crazy to see what Eren could do to her by just kissing. 
"Fuck, you're so tempting right now," Eren said, moving his lips down to her neck; her pulse beating quickly. 
She felt his teeth grazing her skin, his tongue gliding against her sweet spot. Mewls were coming from her lips, Eren's mind was going crazy from all of it. 
"E-Eren, wait.." she said, looking towards him. 
He looked at her with blown pupils. "Shit.. did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry," he said, chewing his cheek. Eren sometimes forgot that (Y/N) was a virgin, he never wanted to take things too far. 
She ran her fingers along his jawline. "No baby you're fine.. I was thinking.. I – shit um – I might be ready," she replied, her cheeks hot. 
Eren nodded, "Are you sure? I mean.. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, or regret it later."
She smiled, "I'm sure.. just as long as you're the one who does it," she replied. 
"We'll go slow, okay? You can pull my hair if you want to stop," he said, hugging her tightly against him. 
She shook her head, "Okay.." 
Eren lifted her up bridal-style, a small yelp coming from her mouth. He carried her over to their bed, laying her down on the sheets; she looked so pretty beneath him. He wanted to be gentle with her, take his time, make her feel good for her first time; no lousy shit.
He hovered over her body, his breath fanning over her face. "I love you.." he whispered, leaning down towards her neck. He began to press small kisses into her skin, every so often he'd graze his teeth to leave a mark. 
"I love you too.." she replied, putting her fingers into his hair. 
Eren kissed down the valley between her breasts, then down to her belly and towards her navel. His lips trailing and leaving small wet patches on her skin, it made her shiver whenever his breath ghosted over them. 
"I'm going to take your shirt and your pants off, okay? If you feel uncomfortable just pull on my hair," he said, looking down at her. 
She nodded, "Okay.." she replied. 
Eren lifted her shirt over her head, her breasts fully exposed. Her nipples grew hard from the cold air, she felt suddenly shy; almost bashful. She hadn't shown anyone what her body looked like, not even Eren. 
Her arm suddenly flew to her breasts, covering them. Eren noticed and grabbed her hand, "You don't have to cover up princess, they're beautiful, just like you." 
He slowly moved her arm away so he could get a better look, he used one of his hands to massage her mound. His middle and index finger played with her hard nipple. 
A small moan escaped her mouth from the contact. "Eren.." 
He smirked, "You like that huh? I like your tits, they're cute," he said with a smile. 
She giggled a bit, that's what Eren liked to hear. She wasn't uncomfortable, she wasn't weirded out, she felt good in his presence. He wanted her at ease. 
"I'm going to take your shorts off, okay?" he said, looking up at her again. 
She shook her head, "Okay"
Eren hooked his fingers underneath the band of her shorts, he pulled the fabric down her legs and tossed them into another part of the room. She was wearing white panties, his cock slightly twitched at the sight. He noticed a darkened spot, she was wet. 
He used the pad of his thumb to lightly rub her clothed clit. She jolted a bit from the contact, Eren took notice of how sensitive she was already, it made him ache in his sweatpants.
"Can I take these off? I want to make you feel good," he asked, looking up at her. 
She shook her head, "Yes.. you can"
Eren removed her underwear, her pussy now fully exposed. She pressed her thighs together a bit, that familiar feeling of embarrassment taking over. Eren was seeing her naked, sure, he had seen her in a bra or without pants; but this was different. He was the first person to ever see her like this.
Eren was focused on her pussy, it was pretty. Her slick coated her folds and it leaked down to her ass, he couldn't wait to taste her; savor every bit of what she was like. 
"Fuck.. you're so beautiful," Eren praised, his voice coming out soothing; almost speechless.
He pressed wet kisses into her thighs, nibbling a few times at the skin. A small whimper came from (Y/N)'s mouth, her body was growing hot and she could feel herself getting more wet by the minute. 
"E-Eren, please.. can we – um uh – move a little quicker?" she asked, desperation coming from her voice. 
Eren stopped to look at her. "Oh yeah, I just want you comfortable princess. I'll get things started," he replied, fixing his bun. 
He maneuvered himself so he was now laying on his stomach, his print was pressing into the bed. As much as he wanted to get things over with, this was his girlfriend. The love of his life, it was her pleasure over his anyday; especially right now. This wasn't a quick fuck, this was him making love to her. 
Eren buried his face in between her legs, he took a deep breath; the scent filling his nose. His tongue slowly licked up her folds, a moan coming from his girlfriend. 
He put his hands around the flesh of her thighs, spreading her apart so he can reach deeper parts of her. His tongue dragged along her pussy, his eyes looking up towards her to see any discomfort. What he saw was the exact opposite.
She looked so fucking pretty.
Her lips were glossy and parted, small moans were coming out of her mouth and her eyes were shut. A sight that made Eren's cock ache even more. 
"Eren, more! More, please!" she cried, digging her nails into his scalp. 
His nose was against her clit, his tongue swirling around and savoring the taste. He slightly hummed against her, he took note on the way her face changed when he did that. 
Eren sat up for a second, his chin covered in her arousal; his lips slightly pink. "Shit, you taste good," he said, hovering over her. 
He leaned down to kiss her, she could taste her slick on his lips. She put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. 
His finger went down towards her clit, it traveled down to her hole. She suddenly felt his finger entering inside of her, a gasp coming from her throat. 
"O-Oh, fuck!" she said, grinding her hips against his hand. 
Eren curled his finger around to reach that spot inside of her. "You're doing so good for me.. you're such a good girl," he said, kissing her cheek. 
Her walls fluttered around his finger, he slowly moved in and out, her arousal coating his fingers. Eren curled around again, her eyes suddenly seeing white as he continued to finger her at a slow pace. 
"B-Baby.. oh my God!" she said, gasping a little. 
He smirked, "You like that beautiful?" he asked. 
She nodded her head, her hand going down to meet his wrist. "Like that," she said, angling his hand upwards toward her g-spot. 
He used his thumb to circle her clit, her walls were sucking his finger in and he could feel that she was getting close. He never knew she could be this sensitive let alone be this submitting to him; he liked it.
A knot formed near her belly, it was threatening to snap at any moment. "E-Eren.. I'm g-gonna cum.." she whimpered, grinding up towards him. 
Eren slowed his movements before removing his fingers away from her pussy, he didn't want her to cum just yet. He wanted her around him for that, she needed to experience a real orgasm, not from his fingers, but from his own cock. 
"I-Is something wrong?" she asked, concern dripping from her voice. 
Eren smiled, "Not at all, I just want you to experience the real thing," he replied. 
He got off the bed and began to remove his sweats, a print was prominent and a wet spot was visible on the material. Eren was itching to get them off the second he saw her naked.
She rubbed her thighs together as she watched Eren's sweats drop to the floor, his cock sprang free. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. 
"Should I..?" she asked, looking at the red tip. 
He looked down at his dick then back at her. "What? Oh, no. Not just yet princess, it's your pleasure tonight over mine," he replied, walking towards the bed. "Are the condoms in there?"
She chewed her lip, "Do we have to do it with a condom..?" she asked. 
Eren thought to himself for a moment, would going in without protection be a good idea? He's done it before, maybe once or twice, but how would she feel? Eren was going to take her virginity and he wanted to take as many precautions as possible, it was her pleasure over his.
"Are you sure you don't want a condom? I want you comfortable," he asked, cupping her cheek. 
She looked at the table beside the bed then back towards him. "I want to feel you Eren, that's all," she replied, running her nails against his shoulder. 
He looked at her, "If that's what you want then I'll go in without one, if anytime you want to stop-"
"Tug on your hair, got it," she cut him off, a smile on her features. 
Eren chuckled before leaning down to kiss her. "It's going to feel a little uncomfortable at first, but I promise it'll feel good later," he said, looking into her eyes. 
She shook her head, swallowing thickly. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, it was now or never, she was so ready for this moment. 
Eren positioned his cock at her entrance, he rubbed the tip along her slick folds; a groan coming from his throat from the pleasure. She slightly whined at the feeling, it felt so good. 
He took a deep breath before entering into her, she cried out in pleasure, Eren's cock filling her up felt so amazing. He groaned as her walls sucked him in, she was so tight and wet, it made him go crazy. 
He looked down at her face to see if she was in any pain, her eyes were squeezed shut; her teeth biting her lip. Eren intertwined his fingers with hers as he leaned down to kiss her, his hips slowly easing into her so he could bottom out. 
"F-Fuck.. you feel amazing," he said, kissing her cheek. 
She put her arms around his neck, bringing his chest towards hers. "I love you.." she said, inhaling his scent.
He chuckled, "I love you more baby.. let me know when I can move," he replied. 
Eren fully bottomed out, he gave her some time to adjust. He didn't want to move quickly, it could hurt her, it'd make Eren so upset if he accidentally did anything to make her first time bad. 
"U-Um.. you can move," she said, tugging on his hair. 
He hummed before starting to slowly thrust into her, his pace was sort of testing the waters he wanted to see if she wanted him to stop at all. All he saw was her lips parting open, small whimpers and moans escaping as he moved. 
"S-Shit.. Eren! It feels so good.." she whimpered, throwing her head back. 
His tip brushed up against her g-spot, her vision became hazy as he kept moving into her. Her walls were sucking him in, it felt so good, Eren swore her pussy was made for him. He loved every inch of her.
"Fuck, baby you feel so good.. I wanna fuck you so good," he said, his voice slightly raspy. 
His pace started to pick up, the sound of her squelching pussy filled the room, his balls slapping against her clit. 
"Yes! Eren! Shit!" she cried, digging her nails into his back. 
Eren leaned on his knees to savor the view, she looked so fragile beneath him; like an angel almost. He couldn't break her he had to control himself just a bit, as much as he would love to take control and ravish her, he wanted her to remember this. Only the best for his baby.
His head went back, eyes fluttering shut as he thrusted. "(Y/N).. princess.." he groaned, squeezing the plush of her thigh. 
That familiar knot began to form in her stomach, her legs began to tremble and a layer of sweat formed onto her skin. 
"E-Eren.. I'm close!" she moaned, gripping the sheets beneath her. 
Eren leaned down again to meet her face, either of his arms beside her head. His lips pressed onto hers, they were hot and wet. 
"Cum around me baby.. you can do it beautiful," he said, slowing his thrusts. "I love you.."
As if on queue, her walls tightened around his cock. Her thighs trembling and her moans pouring out endlessly, it was like music to Eren's ears; heaven like. 
"I love you too.." she said in between pants. 
His cock twitched inside of her, his own orgasm slowly approaching. Eren picked up the pace just a little, he wanted to pull out and finish the job that way. He wasn't ready to cum in her; not just yet. 
"I'm g-gonna cum.." he said, burying her face into her neck. 
Eren twitched one last time before he pulled out, his thick cum pouring onto her belly. He slowly jerked his dick to get it all out, her name poured out of his mouth. 
"Shit.." he said, looking down at her with a lazy smile. 
Her eyes were half-lidded and a smile was on her features. "That was great.." she said, laying her head back onto the pillow.
Eren grabbed a few tissues and wiped the cum off her belly, he then tossed it into the garbage can. A few strands of his hair were stuck on his forehead from the sweat, he could care less about how he was feeling. 
He collapsed beside her, his arm snaking around her waist. "I love you so much," he said, pressing a kiss into her cheek. "I hope I wasn't too rough.."
She ran her fingers down between her thighs, she winced feeling the soreness of her muscles. "Not too bad.. I'll be fine, but thank you, Eren." she replied, turning to face him. 
He smiled, "You're so pretty, I want to make you my wife," 
She giggled, running her fingers along his hair. "Maybe.. we need to get settled first," she said, kissing his nose. 
"I'm glad to be your first.. just know I'll be your last," Eren said, pulling her body closer towards him. 
She buried her face into his chest. "I like the sound of that."
Eren placed his chin on her head before closing his eyes, he finally made love to (Y/N) and he couldn't be happier.
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harryspet · 4 years
off to the races | s.rogers
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[Warnings] dark!steve rogers x reader, stripper!reader, ddlg, daddy!steve, abduction/kidnapping, mafia boss steve, murder/violence, a hint of peter x reader, hint of forced regression, sexy stuff, unprotected sex (wear condoms kiddos), hella angst 
A/N: I do not stan lana del rey but I do stan off to the races :)
In which you call the kingpin your Daddy. 
word count: 4.9k
main masterlist
taglist: @cherienymphe @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011 @visintaes​ 
God, do they have to play this song every night? 
You tried to tune out the annoying pop song, continuing to grind your hips against the man you were giving a small lap dance. You wondered how long you could grind against his beer belly before he finally requested a private dance. Lucky for you, you felt some cash being slipped between the lace of your turquoise, panty set. You turned around, a mischievous smile on your face, as you reached out to grab his tie. 
He was mesmerized by you as you expected, and you imagined that he was dying to see more of your scantily clothed body. A hundred dollars for fifteen minutes in a private room. If you could manage to get a few more private dances tonight, you’d consider yourself successful. 
You brought him to one of the back rooms and got to work. You let him run his hands over your bottom but once they started to reach between your legs, you knew what to do, “Ah, ah, ah, you know the rules,” You hid your frustration behind your sultry voice. You climbed on his lap, straddling him, as you reached around to undo your top. Beneath the lacy top were your breast but decorated in shiny gemstones. 
A lot of the other girls hated glitter and spending time doing stuff like applying tiny gems but you knew that it was another shiny thing for men to look at. You needed their attention. Besides, you didn’t mind the way it looked either. His eyes were wide and he gripped your bottom as you moved your breast, an inch away from his face. 
When the fifteen minutes were over, you quickly collected your top and fastened it back on, “Come and see me soon, baby,” You said something of that nature, all your words blurred together by the end of the night. 
You managed to get about four more private dances and as one a.m. approached, you were ready to be anywhere else but here. You headed underneath the neon exit sign, heading for the locker rooms, where it seemed a lot of girls were on their way out. You passed naked, sweaty bodies, and clouds of spray deodorant as you made your way to your locker, already slipping out of your tall heels. 
The first thing you pulled out was your money bag and you were careful when you were counting each dollar bill, tucking it away nicely. You felt a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see Wanda, red lollipop in one hand, and a white check in the other. Your eyes widened as soon as you read the number, “I’m missing fifty bucks,” You told her. 
She gave you a knowing look, “Late fee, Y/N.”
“I was a minute late! I even called and told him my train was late,” Angrily, you stuffed your money bag into your duffle bag.
“He’s not in a good mood, some suit was talking with him earlier,” Wanda shrugged, sensing she had bigger things to worry about. Like you, she made her money dancing and was trying to get by supporting herself, “I wouldn’t argue with him today.” 
“Screw that, fifty dollars is the difference between me making rent. He can’t do this,” You slammed your locker closed and you were about to storm off when Wanda grabbed your arm. 
“C’mon, we should go. Clint is gonna walk us to the station and he won’t wait for you.”
“I won’t be long,” You shrugged her off, making your way out of the dressing room, and toward Loki’s office. He controlled every part of the Mischief club, set the prices, chose the dancers, and even had a strict list of clientele. It wasn’t the nicest club you’d worked at but it was the closest thing to a consistent paycheck. 
You didn’t bother knocking, knowing that you had a point to make and only a certain amount of time to say it, “Fifty dollars! Are you serious-” You stopped in your tracks, realizing that your boss was not alone. Not only was he not alone, but you were also in deep shit. Steve Rogers sat across from the playboy club owner and, looking at the handsome silver-fox, you thought your heart might explode out of your chest. 
He’d found you. 
He smiled as soon as he saw you, “Babydoll,” A name you’d usually swoon at, made you cringe inside. There he was, clad in an expensive suit and dark overcoat. 
Your eyes met with those of Sam and Bucky who had made themselves comfortable by one of the tall bookcases, waiting for their boss to command them to do something. As Steve’s eyes raked over your body, you realized they’d never seen you like this. 
“You know her?” Loki leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk, an eyebrow raised, “... sir.” He added quickly. You don’t know why you were so surprised by this, knowing that Steve was feared everywhere, and Loki, no matter how evil, wouldn’t be the one to challenge him.
“I saw you perform tonight,” Steve spoke to you and, in his mind, you imagined that you were the only one he was seeing right now, “You looked beautiful.”
You hadn’t realized that you probably looked like you’d just seen a ghost. You tried to let go of some of the tension in your body, “What are you doing here?” You tried to keep your voice from faltering and, considering that you were half-dressed, you tried not to let your insecurities overwhelm you. 
“As of a few minutes ago, I am the sole owner of the Mischief Club,” Your heart had stopped its pounding and now it was sinking into your stomach, “If you have any grievances with your employer, you can speak to me-”
“This isn’t your side of the city,” Your lip trembled, anger bubbling within you, “Why … y-you . . . Steve, you can’t do this.”
“Every part of this city is mine, Babydoll,” He sighed, standing up from his chair, reminding you of his large, intimidating frame. Reminding you that you were nothing compared to him. You didn’t move as he crossed the room, moving until he was only standing an inch from you, slowly reaching out his hand until he was touching your cheek, “Chasing you made me realize that I should expand my influence. A club like this is a shit hole now but, in a few months, I’d make it a cash cow.”
“Once you run drugs through the place, you mean,” He tensed up for a moment and you realized you’d struck a chord. His hand was on your throat, his thumb brushing over your cheek, and a piercing gaze burning holes into your skin. 
“I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head over it,” For a moment, you closed your eyes, and imagined wrapping your arms around him. He’d become your haven so quickly and you’d almost forgotten how it felt for someone to care so much for you. Love you even when you didn’t want to love yourself. When you opened them again, you realized what he meant by his words. 
He wasn’t giving you a choice. 
You stepped back, letting his hand fall back to his side, before you crossed your arms, “Things aren’t going back to the way they were.”
Much to your surprise, Steve nodded, “No, I made some mistakes. Letting you go being the biggest one.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re dangerous, Steve, and I want nothing to do with it.”
“And this is safer, Y/N?” He raised his voice, “Men having their grimy hands all over you . . . I’m taking you home.”
“I can take care of myself!” 
“Really?” He smirked condescendingly, and you imagined he was seeing you as a bratty child throwing a tantrum, “He-” He stepped to the side, and pointed a finger at Loki, “-was going to lay you off a week from now. The club went under a long time ago and he was going to take your hard-earned money and run, leaving you with nothing. What would you do then?”
Loki stood up, interrupting, a nervous smile on his face, “Not with nothing. I-I pay all the ladies very well and I would like to continue to do that . . . that’s why I’m so grateful for your generosity, Mr. Rogers-” He cleared his throat awkwardly. He was lying through his teeth. 
“You won’t be paying them anymore, Mr. Laufeyson,” Steve spoke calmly, too calmly, and as his hands reached up to his waist belt, you suspected the worse. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Loki rushed out his words as Steve pointed his favorite silver handgun in his direction, “We had a deal!”
“Steve, don’t!” Panicked, you grabbed a hold of his strong arm. As soon as you saw him, you knew the night wouldn’t end good but death was not something you predicted. Before, he’d never show you the violent side of his world. Now, something had changed, “Steve, please don’t!”
“Come with me,” He spoke sternly, “Come home and I won’t.”
“Okay,” You said immediately, looking up at his unchanging expression. He didn’t move which only panicked you further, “I will! Steve, please don’t.”
“He’s not a good man. He’s been using you this whole time,” Steve said, finally turning to look at you. Your body was shaking, the idea of being so close to the gun was frightening you further, “You’d give yourself up for this scumbag?”
Though it made you more anxious, you moved closer to him, grabbing a hold of his free hand. With your other arm, you hugged his torso, and as he stared down at him, “I-I don’t want you to hurt anyone, Daddy,” You spoke softly, “ . . . please, Daddy?” Something softened in his features as you called him by his favorite nickname. He squeezed your smaller hand and, for a moment, you thought things might be okay. 
The sound was deafening when Steve pulled the trigger. Although you couldn’t hear anything, you knew you were screaming, and that you weren’t sure if you ever wanted to open your eyes ever again. He tried to wrap his arms around you and you remembered fighting it, hitting his chest, and screaming even louder. Somewhere along the line, you gave in, he was too strong, letting him wrap his long coat over your scantily clothed figure. 
You were breathing heavily and when you decided to open your eyes again, everything was blurry, “Daddy had to . . . I’m sorry . . . Babydoll,” You heard in your ear. You were moving, he was holding you . . . when had he picked you up? When did the car start driving? You wished badly that you’d listened to Wanda. 
You remembered holding onto him tighter, crying into his shoulder, “Why?” He heard the pain in your voice, felt the realization that your life would never be the same. 
“Because you’re mine,” He rubbed circled into your back, leaving soft kisses on your cheek, “And I needed to remind you of what your Daddy is capable of. Anyone who hurts you, anyone who even lays a hand on you, is going to meet the same fate.”
“I don’t want this,” You hiccuped. Steve didn’t believe you, not with the way you were holding him. “This . . . it’s so scary, S-Steve.”
“I’m sorry I had to scare you, baby,” It reminded him of last year when things were good between you two, and you comfortably moved in and out of little space. He could sense you were dying to go to that safe space and, selfishly, he was hoping the trauma of tonight would push you into that mindset, “Daddy’s going to take better care of you. You’ll live with me now, where you’ll be safe.” 
You only closed your eyes, no fight left in you. In the world of Steve Rogers, you didn’t think safety existed. 
You awoke in a pink cloud. The sheets were so soft, heavenly even, and it almost made you forget your situation. You felt something crawling on top of the sheets and you sat up quickly, almost giving yourself whiplash. Realizing it was a furry, white creature, you relaxed, “Alpine, you scared me,” The cat crawled into your embrace and you pet it gently, wondering where exactly it’s owner was.
As you looked around what you assumed was your new room, you couldn’t help but be a bit impressed. You almost forgot how well Steve knew you. Elegant white furniture, a canopy bed with white fabric falling from the sides, a huge wardrobe, a bookcase, a mountain of stuffed animals - frogs, elephants, dolphins, practically the entire animal kingdom - and the fairy lights were a nice touch. 
Maybe you were more than impressed. Astounded, actually. 
“Oh my . . . stars,” You climbed out of the queen-sized bed, cat in your arms, and quickly realized that your lingerie was gone and your glitter had been washed away. Did he give you a bath? While you were sleeping? You dressed in a large t-shirt and as you brought the fabric up to your nose, you realized it was his, “Why didn’t you warn me that he was this off his rocker, Alpine?”
The cat only responded with a quiet meow. 
You moved over to the window and, expectedly, it didn’t budge when you tried to push it open. You looked out onto the vast landscape, perfectly manicured rolling hills of green, a garden, Olympic sized pool, beautiful white statues, and armed guards to match.
It was like you remembered though Steve didn’t bring you to his “private home” often. The two of you always met in the city and, what started as an interesting sugar arrangement, quickly blossomed into a new dynamic. 
You wandered around the room, examining every detail that he had put into it. You imagined the military man had placed a lot of the objects himself, making sure everything was perfect when you saw it. 
The room is also gigantic, you could do at least ten cartwheels from one wall to the other. You’d never imagined living somewhere like this, the room itself was bigger than any place you’d ever lived. 
As the door creaked open, Alpine leaped from your arms, taking the opportunity to escape. You watched the creature crawl between Steve’s legs before slipping out, probably going to look for Bucky. As your eyes traveled up his figure, you assumed he’d be dressed down in his home but the businessman was clad in another suit. 
You were glad not to be crying anymore but seeing him now was reminding you of the horror show that was last night, “My things, I had money in my bag,” Was the first thing you thought to say, “I want it.”
“You don’t need it,” He said what you assumed he would. 
“But-” You stopped yourself, “Can you give it to Wanda, please?”
“Please and thank you?” Steve cocked his eyebrow, smirking, “I wasn’t expecting that from you today.”
You didn’t respond, only crossed your arms defiantly, “I want Wanda to have it.”
“Done,” Steve raised his hands in surrender, “Is that all you want? Can I interest you in breakfast, little one?”
He didn’t know how deeply his words cut into you. How you wanted nothing more than to forget your worries and be his little girl. How you’d probably get on your knees and kindly do anything he asked . . . if this was a perfect world. You tried to shake that feeling because this world was anything but perfect. 
“I guess,” Your hunger suddenly crossing your mind. 
He nodded, a smile threatening to form on his lips, “Do you want help getting ready?” You quickly shook your head and you assumed he knew that it would be your response, “Well, I picked something out for you. I left it in the bathroom.”
“So what, I’m supposed to  . . . wear whatever you want and be your little trophy?”
“And if you sit still and look pretty, Daddy will buy you anything you want,” Your eyes narrowed at him and you looked away, knowing you’d probably burst into flames if you looked at the annoying smirk any longer, “I’ll come to get you in ten minutes.”
You were already walking towards the bathroom, feeling his eyes on you the entire way. The bathroom was even more immaculate than the bedroom, a big chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, with sleek marble fixtures. You avoided the mirror when the thick makeup came off at the end of the day, so you were shocked seeing your bare face. It made you look . . . innocent. It was the opposite image the club wanted to present. 
You found a new toothbrush in one of the drawers and proceeded to brush your teeth, before washing your face. 
The dress he’d picked out was frilly and white, a stark but beautiful contrast to your skin. It puffed at the sleeves but grabbed your waist and then flounced out when reaching down to your knees. You did a small twirl, letting the ends of the dress softly caress the tips of your fingers. Realizing you liked it quite a lot made you frown in the mirror.
Most likely, there was no racy lingerie and tassels in that wardrobe. He said you looked beautiful last night but there was no chance he’d let you ever look like that again, especially in front of his men. 
When you left the bathroom and realized Steve had not returned, you decided to slip out of the room. You wandered down the big hallway, your bare feet padding against the carpet, as you examined each piece of artwork and decoration. Steve’s taste was expensive but his style was old-fashioned, choosing elegance over flashy things. 
You admired it for a second and then remembered the blood spilled, the money stolen, and the dirty things that funded it. 
 “I thought I said I’d come and get you.”
You turned around, noticing how his breath caught in his throat as he took you in. He was deadly, he killed a man right in front of you, yet he was like a teenager in love when he saw you. 
You mentally cursed. 
“Are you full?” He asked, looking at your plate of a half-eaten pancake. There was still a feast laid out in front of you which was tempting but you couldn’t help but see it as consuming more of his forbidden fruit. 
You only nodded and his lips pressed into a thin line. 
He was holding back, you could tell. He wanted to make sure you were fully nourished and he’d probably prefer to feed you himself. 
“Eat more,” He added, “Please-”
You stood up abruptly, “I want to look for Alpine,” You made a move to leave the dining room but, as you passed his chair, he grabbed a hold of your wrist. He gripped you stronger as you tried to pull away. 
“After you eat more,” He commanded. 
“I’m not hungry,” Your eyes didn’t meet his eyes. 
“Babydoll, can’t you see I’m trying to play nice?” He tried to hide the venom in his tone, “I could’ve bent you over my knee already for not addressing me properly. Do you want that?”
You shook your head. 
“Use your words, please.”
“No what?”
“No, I don’t want that . . . Daddy.” 
When you made a move to go back to your seat, he grabbed your arm tighter, “Sit with me,” He said but his tone was softer than before. You sat down on his knee and, instinctively, his arm wrapped around your torso, holding you in place, “Relax.” 
You turned your head closer to him, the familiar feeling of being in his arms led your muscles to relax. He brought pieces of fruit to your mouth and, as you opened your mouth for him, you heard, “Good girl.” 
When he first wanted to do things like this with you, he told you to imagine the things you liked when you were younger. You told him that you never had a lot of toys, never got a lot of praise, and that you were always the one taking care of others, not the other way around. What he made you feel was foreign but it satisfied a need you never knew you had. 
“You haven’t been eating enough,” He commented. You shrugged and he frowned a bit, “Three meals a day from now on. And snacks. And lots of water.”
“And what if I don’t, Daddy?” You challenged, more playful than you intended. 
Steve gave you a look that was much too loving for you to hold his gaze, “How about, if you do, then I’ll give you a reward . . .” His voice trailed off as he thought for a moment, “What would you like?”
“I wanna go back to the city-”
Steve smirked, “Something realistic, preferably,” It took everything in you not to roll your eyes, “A new outfit? . . . A new toy? . . . I know what you want.”
“No, you don’t,” You pouted. 
“Stickers,” He answered, proud when he saw you perk up, “Sparkly, butterfly ones probably.”
“I don’t-”
He interrupted your lie, tickling your side, and you tried not to smile, “You love those little things! You’d probably prefer it over a designer bag or a trip to europe.” 
“They’re not expensive and I like collecting them,” You tried to explain, your voice low. 
“Then that’ll be it. A week of not skipping meals will get you a special sticker for your chart, we’ll even hang it on the fridge.” 
You didn’t mind the idea . . . you could have so many stickers after a long while. 
“A week,” You repeated, “How long do you expect for me to stay here?”
“There’s lots to do, you won’t get bored,” He spoke dismissively, probably frustrated by your question. You opened your mouth to respond but was interrupted when the table started shaking, Steve’s phone vibrating on top of it. 
“Rogers,” Steve answered, pressing the phone to his ear, “Yes, I’m aware . . you told me that you took care of him . . . I don’t need to tell you how to do your job, you’re just supposed to do it  . . .  he’ll listen if it comes from me . . . i’ll handle it, okay? . . . Babydoll,” He softly patted your knee, “Why don’t you go look for Alpine?”
You took that as your cue that he was about to start cursing and didn’t want you around to hear it. 
An hour later, you were wandering around the garden and Steve still hadn’t tried to find you. You guessed that he was busy with his work now but you were more focused on finding Alpine. You’d search every inch of the inside of the house and now there was only one place left. You realized that you could also start thinking about a way out of this place. 
“Here kitty, kitty,” Your eyebrows raised as you heard an unfamiliar voice. You wandered further along the path, trying to look through the greenery, before stumbling upon an opening with a large fountain in the middle. Alpine was walking around the top of it, frustrating the man trying to get him down from such a tall height. 
He was one of Steve’s men, you could tell by the dark clothing, though you didn’t recognize him. He was much younger, and honestly, more attractive than a lot of them. You could tell the light had gone out in a lot of the people that Steve kept around. You could already tell he wasn’t like that, “Come on, dude, now you’re just messing with me!”
The cat seemed to brush him off, continuing to walk along the edge. 
“You have to be more gentle than that,” You said, knowing you would startle him. It amused you a little how he seemed to jump out of his skin. His hand held over his heart, you could tell he was a bit taken aback by your appearance. You moved toward the fountain, holding your arms out for it, “C’mere, Alpine, the scary man won’t hurt you.”
His eyes were wide as the cat easily jumped into your arms, “He obviously doesn’t like me,” He said, watching as you brushed Alpine’s ears with your fingers, “And yet Bucky always puts me on cat duty.”
“Maybe Bucky is the one that doesn’t like you,” You responded. 
He frowned, “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” You walked towards you, encouraging Alpine to climb into his arms. Alpine seemed to listen, welcoming his touch, “He’s never been this nice to me. Are you some kind of animal whisperer?”
You giggled a bit, “I’m Y/N.”
Peter’s mouth formed an “o” shape like he was connecting the dots in his mind, “I-I’m Peter . . . aren’t you like . . . not supposed to be out here?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. Am I?” He seemed to panic for a moment, “I mean, I didn’t get the brief that Steve probably gave you all.”
“Right,” He nodded nervously, “Do you . . . should I walk you back to the house?”
“Actually, can you walk me to my room? I don’t think I remember where it was,” You played dumb. 
“Yeah, sure,” He agreed.
Perfect. He was perfect. If there was a way out of here, he was it. 
You didn’t see Steve until later that night. He was right in the fact that you didn’t get bored, there were a million things to do even in your own room. You’d floated away, your mind now completely occupied by the coloring page you were scribbling on. 
As Steve sat on the side of your bed, you felt the weight of his day come down with him. Another reason he kept your arrangement before was because you provided stress relief after a long day. He touched your hair, patting your head, and you turned your head to look at him. 
“Did you have lunch?” He asked and you nodded sheepishly, “Dinner?” You nodded again. 
“Maria made sure I ate.”
He leaned down to press a kiss to the side of your head, “Good girl. Wanna show me what you’re working on?”
You sat up from your position, moving the picture book into his lap, “It’s me and you,” Steve couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked down at the picture of Belle and the Beast. 
“You’re funny,” Steve smiled, his eyes getting those little crinkles at the side.
“Did you end up handling your business?” You asked curiously. 
“I did, actually,” He responded, failing to elaborate, “And that’s all you need to know.”
You closed your book, tossing it to the side, and standing up on the bed. You walked over to the pillows and plopped down, “Don’t you think it's a little unfair to hide things? I want to hear a story before bed. Or are your stories too scary?”
You were only teasing him but as he turned over, crawling towards you, your heart began to race, “Did I ever tell you the story about the little girl who always ran her mouth?” 
You shook your head, and Steve let you stew a moment longer before he pounced. He grabbed your ankle, pulling you down onto you back, as he climbed on top of you, “Well, she was always mad at her Daddy because he was . . . very protective. Her Daddy had to fix this, of course, he couldn’t have such a naughty little girl trying to boss him around. He didn’t punish her though, he just fucked her until she couldn’t speak.”
“I don’t like this one-” You were interrupted when his lips crashed down on yours. 
You felt suffocated by him, trapped beneath his love, until you started to move your lips against his. You must’ve been just as crazy as he was for wanting this. 
You gasped for air when he finally pulled away. You watched him hurriedly take off his already unbuttoned,  button down, and undo his belt. You were sliding your dress sleeves off, trying to get your panties down your leg. When they were around your ankles, he tore them away, throwing them to the side. 
Your lips were on his again, “Steve-” He grabbed your wrist roughly, pinning them above your head with one hand, and he grabbed your face with the other.
“Call me Daddy,” He demanded, sinking between your hips. 
“Steve-” You felt a quick sting across your cheek and Steve watched a fire build in your eyes. 
“Bad girl,” He sunk his hard member into you, causing your head to tilt back. He was anything but gentle, moving in and out of you with long and hard strokes, “You’re such a bad girl.”
“Tell me you want my cum,” He grunted, breathing hard against your skin, “Tell me.”
“I want your cum,” You rushed out, an orgasm already building as he maintained his pace. You missed this so much. If there was one thing, you missed. He was the first person to ever make you cum without oral sex. Before him, you didn’t even know your body could do this. 
“Say it,” He continued, “Say it, little girl.”
He was going to slow down if you didn’t and that was the last thing you wanted, “I want your cum, Daddy,” You gasped out, your body convulsing beneath him, “I want it so bad, Daddy.” 
He finished deep inside you, your body tightly wrapping around him, and sweat covering your bodies. You were coming down from the high when the panic set in. Why did you let him do that? And why did you want it?
He was holding you and, as your tears began to fall, he pulled you into him, “It’s okay,” He cooed, “I’ve got ya’. You’re going to be just fine, Babydoll.”
part two
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bbyheedeungie · 3 years
Fluttering Machinery | Robot! Sunghoon AU
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Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairings: Robot! Sunghoon x Reader
Warnings: Character death, little suggestive content
Synopsis: Sunghoon was a humanoid built by your father, with the sole purpose of taking care of you once he passes away. But it seems like taking care of you came with discovering emotions that wasn't necessary for cooking, cleaning, and keeping you safe. What is this warm fuzzy feeling that resonates deep inside Sunghoon's mechanism?
It's been months. 6 dreadful months since your father has passed away. The doctors have warned you that he didn't have much time left, but that didn't make the goodbyes hurt any less.
You were 4 years old when your mom left you and your father for another guy. A more successful guy. Your father was bright, with an insatiable hunger for discovery and invention. But his field of work didn't always bring food to the table. And so on most days you had to, well, compromise.
But you loved your father so much, and still do. Although you didn't grow up to be a scientist like him, you knew the basics on automation and robotics. You were 11 years old when you first saw it, the humanoid that he worked on for years came to life before your own very eyes.
He had no skin nor face that made him look human yet. Just a chunk of metal with a head, arms and legs that moved mechanically. Nevertheless, you will never forget the joy and pride in your fathers' face as he watched his creation. The humanoid was a work in progress and you knew one day he's going to change the world. Unbeknownst to you, he was going to change your world.
And now here you are, years into the present as you stood infront of the humanoid who had his eyes shut. Yep, he's a he now. He is Humanoid SH-1282. Your father made him for the purpose of serving the community, to help people. But when he discovered his illness, he started making alterations to his design. He made SH-1282 to serve as the perfect companion, but only to you.
He filled the humanoid's hard drive with everything that he'll need to help you and take care of you. He input cooking, cleaning, and even martial arts. You sighed, remembering your father's last words.
"I'm gonna leave him in your care now, err leave you in his care or whatever. Take good care of each other okay? I love you both so much."
You were such a crybaby, holding on to your father's arm as the nurses were ushering you to wait outside because the doctors are about to perform surgery.
"You'll be okay." Your father mouthed as he smiled knowingly in content.
You reach for the humanoid's neck to find the power button, finally deciding to activate him after holding it off for months.
You held your breath as his eyes open, immediately scanning his surroundings. His eyes land on you, a smile forms on his lips.
"Hi, I'm SH-1282. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." He said naturally, offering his hand. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was a normal boy.
You let out a shaky breath as you accept his hand. He frowns, it seems like he is studying your facial expression and posture.
"You seem like you are in distress. Are you alright?" He asks in concern.
"Yeah, I am." You reply weakly.
"Will a hug improve your mood?" He asks. He was programmed to know about the benefits of physical intimacy, but he was also programmed to know consent and so he will not do anything unless you want to.
You contemplated, biting your lip.
"No, thank you." He simply nods, stepping out of his charging port.
"Will you show me around the house?" He asks and you nod.
"Damn this feels so awkward." You think to yourself.
"So here's the living room." You say as SH-1282 takes a good look around the area, his eyes falling to the dirty coffee table with tons of papers stacked messily. The couch looked greasy, with breadcrumbs stuck to the sides of the couch cushions. He scrunches his nose, involuntarily adding a new emotion to his database: disgust.
And as you led him to the kitchen, this emotion intensifies as he sees the containers of Chinese takeouts and cup ramen littered around the counter. He walks to the fridge and finds it empty except for a carton of milk that you put into your cereal for breakfast.
This awakens another emotion for the humanoid, frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he contemplates on what to do with the mess, aka you.
"This won't do. You have been living unhealthily which may reduce your chances of living a long life."
You scoff, "Excuse me?" He gives you a dead stare, an eyebrow raised.
"No, excuse me while I clean up all this. I'll leave you to your own devices, thank you for showing me around today." He says sassily as he goes to find where you hide your cleaning utensils. You stood there dumbfounded.
"Unbelievable." But you let him be anyway. He wasn't wrong, you've been a total mess this past few months but that was all because of the grief. You basically had no family now.
And so for the rest of the day, you lock yourself in your room and do homework. About 5pm, you hear a soft knock at your door.
"Hello, it's me. Can you spare me a minute? I have something to ask of you." You inwardly groan, not really wanting to face the humanoid.
"Can you accompany me to get groceries? I swear this will only happen one time. It is only because I am not yet accustomed to my location. But after I mentally note the directions, you won't have to come with me next time." He didn't really want to bother you, but he knew that going out by himself and getting lost will be much more bothersome for you.
"Sure thing, just let me change into— oh no, you have no other clothes. It's kinda chilly outside today." You mentally facepalm yourself. Why didn't I go shopping for men clothes first before activating him?
"That is fine, I am immune to any temperature." He says as-a-matter-of-fact. You roll your eyes.
"I know that but people will probably get suspicious to see a man walking around in a shirt and jeans when everybody else has coats on. We need you to fit in as much as possible."
You search for your father's old coat that you refused to throw away even months after he's passed.
"Sorry dad, but he kinda needs this right now." And so you dress the humanoid in your oversized university sweatshirt (which surprisingly fits him perfectly) and your father's old coat.
"How do I look? Will I fit in now?" He asks as he scans his appearance in the mirror.
"You look—" absolutely breathtaking. You had every urge to slap yourself. Your father really didn't play around when he made the humanoid's face. He could pass up as an idol. And the cute little mole on his nose was a good addition to his features that made him even more realistic.
"Great. People won't suspect a thing."
The two of you head out. Contrary to your expectations that he would marvel at everything he sees outside, he just casually looks around. You ride the bus together, and the humanoid processes everything that you do, noting how everything works.
What caught you by surprise though, is how he immediately stands up in instinct to let an old lady sit down in his place. He sure was programmed with manners and chivalry. You smiled at the thought.
You made your way inside the grocery store, only intended to grab a basket but the humanoid insisted on a push cart.
"We have so much to buy, I've taken a mental note of everything we'll need." You simply roll your eyes and let him push the cart around as you wandered behind him. You look around as he reads the nutritional facts of every single thing he sees.
"This is definitely going to take a while." You muttered.
"Y/N? Is that you?" A voice squealed. You hissed and attempted to turn away, pretending you didn't see her. The humanoid saw how you reacted and swiftly rushed to your side in a protective stance. The stranger eyes the humanoid, her eyes sparkling at the sight of such a gorgeous man.
"Why hello there. Y/N you didn't tell me you've been busy with your boyfriend, we haven't hung out in a while." Both of your eyes widened at the misunderstanding.
"Oh, no he's not— we aren't—" You tried to explain but she just laughed out loud.
"Look how flustered you are. You know what, it's okay. But we have a lot of catching up to do!" She said, squishing your cheeks in a playful manner.
"So what's your name, handsome stranger?" She asks, turning to the confused humanoid.
"I'm S—"
"Sunghoon! His name is Sunghoon." You blurted out. Sunghoon was the name of your childhood crush when you were like 7 but that'll have to do. Unfortunately, it seems that the humanoid got even more confused.
"I am Y/N's—"
"Neighbor. He lives next door to my apartment. I was just showing him around because he just recently moved into the city." You say quickly. She can't know that you're living with a guy. Even if said guy wasn't human.
"Awww how sweet of you to go shopping with your neighbor." She said, winking at you. She's definitely not convinced.
"I'm Yeonmi, Y/N's friend." She introduced, offering her hand to Sunghoon. He took her hand reluctantly.
"You mean my super obnoxious friend." You roll your eyes.
"Shut up, you love me." She teased. Admittedly, you've been avoiding her for months now. Ever since your father passed, it was as if you didn't want to deal with anyone anymore, with the fear of being left behind again. So you shut everyone out. You know it was a very selfish move and must've made everyone worry, but you have yet to figure out how to fix things back to how it is.
You said your goodbyes not without a long, tight hug from Yeonmi and Sunghoon noticed from his scanners how your vitals greatly improved from it. This made him feel another new emotion: relief. He was very thankful for your friend who made you feel better.
You continue venturing down the aisle of food, and you find the humanoid smiling to himself. He notices your attention on him and he shakes his head, as if shrugging his thoughts off.
"What?" You asked.
"You gave me a name. Although I'm unsure if it is necessary, thank you." He says genuinely as he smiles at you, your heart skipping a beat.
"You're welcome, Sunghoon." You smiled back.
He picked up lots of fruits and vegetables, with you whining the whole time. Your whines unlocked another emotion of his; annoyance.
"No wonder her father thought she is in need of taking care of, she acts like a child." He concludes, running his fingers through his hair as he lets you get an ice cream of your choice. Oddly, seeing a bright smile on your face as you show him what flavor you got seems to put him at ease.
The two of you got home at dawn, with quickly stacking up the groceries into the cabinets and fridge, with you slumping down on the now squeaky clean couch.
It had been quite a long day and you found yourself dozing off. You woke up from the light tap on your shoulder, eyes fixating on Sunghoon with your apron wrapped around his torso.
"I could get used to this." You thought, admiring how adorable the humanoid looked but quickly pushing the thoughts away.
"Sorry to wake you, it's time for dinner." He announces and you lazily nodded, not before yawning and stretching your arms.
"Uhh, what is this?" You asked, eyeing your plate.
"It's your dinner." He says nonchalantly, expecting you to start eating. Your face shows utter disgust at the plate of vegetables.
"Please don't make me eat that." You begged. Sunghoon rolls his eyes; a trait he adapted from spending just a day with you.
"Don't be dramatic, vegetables are good for you." He states, taking the plate from you and attempting to feed you.
"Come on, say ah." He says playfully. After realizing how much you acted like a child, he researched on how to take care of children and downloaded it into his database. You scrunch your nose, leaning away from the food and shooting him a glare.
"Sunghoon, I'm not a kid." You deadpanned.
"Oh, but you won't get your ice cream if you don't eat this." He says, pouting at you teasingly. He's really good at this. With a sigh, you open wide and allow him to feed you.
"Yep, definitely a kid." He thinks to himself as he smiles in satisfaction, another emotion unlocked.
That night, you decided to move his charging port (with his help) from the lab into the spare room of the apartment.
"You know, I'm completely okay with staying at the lab." He reasoned but you quickly hush him.
"Nope. That is no way to treat a person. You deserve your own room, okay? A room that you can fill with your own stuff and decorate with your own preferences. End of discussion." You sassed as you fix his charging port into place. Sunghoon blinked at you, unable to express how grateful he is of how kind you are to him.
"She wants to treat me like a real human being." He thinks, his mechanical heart overwhelmed with gratitude.
Days went on with a routine, with him cleaning all day and you attending online classes. There were occasional bumps in the road, with you getting annoyed with how much of a neat freak he is and him getting irritated with how lazy you are at taking care of yourself. You've also taught him how to watch tv, deciding not to let him use the internet yet because he might gain too much unnecessary information online.
And so on a saturday night, you sat together on the couch as you watched figure skating competitions. Sunghoon was at complete awe the whole time, studying how the skaters moved through the ice.
"I want to skate too." He states absentmindedly, attention still on the television. You smiled, thinking how it was the first time he actually said he wanted something.
"Then let's do it, let's go skating tomorrow." You say, his head immediately shot to you.
"What, really?" Sunghoon asks in disbelief, his eyes widening.
"Yes, really. Although I'm warning you, I don't know how to skate." You laughed, with him chuckling as well.
"Then we'll learn together." He promises.
What a total lie that is. He didn't need to learn, as you watched him move swiftly against the ice, the wind in his hair as he circled around, his focused eyes twinkling in the fairy lights. He looked ethereal. You could have sworn there were tears there as you cheered him on like a proud momma. Ah, they grew up so fast.
People at the park also stopped to watch Sunghoon, whispering about how talented the young man is. His eyes caught yours, and you weren't sure if you were seeing things but you thought you saw him send you a wink and smile.
"The TV been teaching him things." You muttered, blushing but not from the cold. Sunghoon skates towards you, pulling you with him. You're eyes widened in fear.
"N-no Sunghoon I can't—" but he was already leading you through the ice, eyes never leaving yours.
"You can." He whispers, taking you by the waist as he spun you around. You giddily laughed as you threw your arms out, savouring the chilly air. You didn't even notice the people watching and cooing at you as some joined in as well.
That night, Sunghoon felt something he never felt before, and you in a long time. You felt happy.
"Say aaaah~" Sunghoon said as he fed you chicken soup. You caught a cold from skating yesterday and now you're wrapped in a super cozy blanket with Sunghoon worrying about you.
"You know I can feed myself right?" You said, swallowing the food.
"I know, but I just feel responsible because I was the one who wanted to skate. You got sick because of me, and that kinda defeats my purpose because I'm supposed to be keeping you healthy." He rambled. You roll your eyes at him.
"Colds are normal, okay? Besides, I haven't had that much fun in a while. Thank you for that, Sunghoon." You say, reaching up to tussle his hair playfully. He froze, cogs in his mind unable to process as something inside him stirred, but in a pleasant way.
"So you dance while rubbing your body on a stranger?" Sunghoon questions, but he's not sure if he wants to know the answer. Tonight, you wore a simple black dress that teasingly showed a little bit of cleavage and a decent length of fabric that hugged tightly around your upper thighs but had a daringly high slit. Sunghoon approves and disapproves at the same time.
"Yeah, it's kinda like that. But don't worry, I won't be doing that. I'll just stay by the bar the whole time." You reassured as you struggled to put on your strappy heels. Sunghoon kneels down infront of you and helps you clasp the straps around your ankles, handling it very delicately. Your heart thumps as he looks up at you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" He asks for the fifth time as he follows you around the house like a puppy. You sigh, actually considering it. Although it was supposed to be a girl's night according to Yeonmi, you thought maybe having Sunghoon tag along wouldn't do harm.
But it did. It did harm to you, alright. And you wanted to harm those girls who kept on grinding their asses onto Sunghoon as slow, sexy music played. You were fuming, regretting dressing Sunghoon in such fashion that screamed big D energy. Why am I being so possessive? But then again, Sunghoon does look uncomfortable. I should go save him. Yeah, I'll do that.
"Hold my drink." You tell Yeonmi as you made your way to Sunghoon.
"You go girl! Get your man!" Yeonmi cheered drunkly.
Your train of thoughts were blurred by the alcohol as you struggled to walk straight. You had only one clear thought in mind: Sunghoon. I need to get to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon stood uncomfortably, eyeing the girls who rubbed their bossoms and derriere all over him. Is this supposed to be fun? He thinks innocently. He sees you walking towards him, swaying your hips side by side as you strode towards him like a predator.
Girls hovering around him going unnoticed as you were the only one he could see.
Stunning, beautiful. He thought.
"Hey handsome, care to dance?" You asked, pulling him to you before he could even answer. The girls spat at you, telling you to 'get in line' but you just shot them a smug look.
"Sorry ladies." Sunghoon apologized, but his smile told otherwise as he let you pull him away from them.
"You don't know how badly I wanted to get away from—" He froze in his spot as you wrap your arms around his neck, inching closer than ever before. You felt bold, but maybe that was just the alcohol in your system. And as you started moving your body against Sunghoon, you knew it wasn't just you who felt the heat. His large palms go down south, resting on your swaying hips as both of you moved to the sultry rhythm.
His mechanism was going nuts, threatening to malfunction as his sensors detected your very close proximity to him. Whatever you were playing, it was dangerous. But Sunghoon couldn't help but to want more, to desire more.
"Y/N." He whispers, and you look up at him with half lidded eyes. And damn did he find you so sexy right there, under the strobe lights. No girl in the club could ever compare.
"Home?" You suggested.
"Home." He agrees.
As you got in the cab, you immediately find yourself half straddling Sunghoon's lap as you attempt to kiss him. Luckily, Sunghoon can think clearer now and concludes that a drunk Y/N is a very horny Y/N. And though the thought that it was only the alcohol that made you want him made him feel sad, he knew it was wrong to demand such things from you.
And so with your futile attempts to get into his pants, he gently lays your head on his shoulder and hugs you to keep you still. But even that couldn't stop you from squirming to get away from his hold, trying to get some action. He chuckles as he held your hand tightly in his to prevent it from landing into his crotch.
"Now now, you have to stay put. I won't be taking advantage of your state." He scolds gently. And by the time the cab had stopped in front of the building of your apartment, you were fast asleep in Sunghoon's arms.
Times like these were when Sunghoon is glad he was made of aluminum. He scooped you up in his arms like a pillow as he walked up to your apartment. You snuggled up into his chest, looking so innocent as you soaked up his warmth. Sunghoon cooed about how adorable you are, talking to you in your sleep.
He placed you delicately on your bed, contemplating whether to change your clothes or not. He decided not to, noting how your privacy is important to you. You're too drunk and asleep to give him permission right now anyway. He took off your heels and wiped your makeup off very gently, and tucked you in properly.
Long minutes pass as he studies your face, stroking your hair softly as the corners of his mouth lift up unconsciously. He really loves taking care of you. He loves you.
This realization hits him like a truck of overwhelming emotions, but it all makes sense to him now.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before retiring to his own room.
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