#she's been my special interest since I was like 12-13
ateawithoney · 6 months
Try not to hyper fixate on Harley Quinn again, challenge impossible
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lorarri · 5 months
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summary , after 12 year's Y/N's parents finally divorce leaving Y/N in a tough position when he mothers new boyfriends comes into the picture
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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liked by nanayn leejunho 87,662,787 others
yourinstagram no matter what goes down I know I'm safe with my girls
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MUM ❤️
hi baby
are you excited about your special day?
hi ma
I'm so happy I get to spend it with the girls
MUM ❤️
Y/N I thought we agreed that you would spend your birthday with me and Lewis
we booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant
the one that we used to go to all the time with your father
sorry mum me and the girl's have already have everything planned out
and it's to late to cancel
why don't you and him go instead to the reservation
make it a date or whatever
MUM ❤️
he has a name Y/N
and the day isn't about me and Lewis
it's about you
which is why I want you to spend the day with me
with us
you can't avoid him forever
please Y/N Lewis is a lovely man
if you just talk to him
I think the two of you would get along
and what play mom's new boyfriend and daughter?
I'm not interested in playing house with the man who destroyed our family
MUM ❤️
me and your father had been talking about divorce since you were 12 sweetheart
Lewis is not the reason we split
then why does it feel like it
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liked by hanni danielle 98,787,787 others
yourinstgaram sweet 16 with the people I can trust 🤍
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yourinstagram . 10min ago
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seen by nanaln minji haerin 435 others
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dad please come pick me up
mom's boyfriend is staying at the house I don't like him
dad please
I miss you
lewis just proposed to mom...
I don't know what to do
dad please
did I do something wrong?
do you not love me any more?
please say something anything
I'm sorry read
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liked by nanaln charles_leclerc 89,672,156 others
lewishamilton my one and my wife to be 🤍
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─ requested by . . .
anon ─ Hi, I was reading your stories and I have a request/idea for your F1 stories that I was wondering if you could do only if you’re comfortable doing it. Basically the readers mom splits from her father for whatever reason you choose and then she marries Lewis making him the readers stepdad who is like 13 or 12 and they just have a hard time connecting and interacting because she misses her biological father but over time they start to bond. And her mom is happy or something idk. (female reader btw) This is it really, if you need to add or change anything then go ahead but yeah that’s it really.
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rapha-reads · 4 months
Things from Interview With The Vampire s02e04 (ep11) I noticed:
[Edit 1: Actually this turned into a live-commenting, sorry]
[Edit 2: Keep in mind, I haven't read the books, so all of these observations are born from the show itself and the few (lots of) spoilers and narrative plot points I've gleaned here and there.]
Both Claudia and Louis are so bored with the coven. Or maybe bored isn't the word, but... Done? Frustrated and annoyed? Restless? Louis because he never intended to join and so cares not all for all their internal affairs. Claudia because she thought she'd finally have the life she wanted and instead is being forced to relive the tragedy of her life day after day.
And Armand rejoices in drawing them further apart, scolding and punishing Claudia while begging scraps from Louis.
And he's soooo jealous. The face he makes when Louis starts explaining what Dreamstat feels like is priceless.
Also, personal theory: either Louis is indeed suffering psychotic breaks after psychotic breaks, or just manifesting his own version of Lestat because he doesn't want to let go. Or Lestat can astral project and has been stalking Louis from the moment they left New Orleans.
The coven is tearing itself apart. And normally I'd add "and Armand isn't even seeing it/taking it seriously yet" but given that the whole of them are unreliable narrators and that Armand is a shady ass bitch whose only agenda is himself, I'd say he's well aware and purposefully making it worse.
I can't make sense of Santiago yet, though. Is he jealous? Ambitious? Is he fond of Claudia? Does he hate her? He definitely hates Louis, but is it just jealousy or real antipathy? Oh, but Louis is still my precious special kitten and that speech about Paris, art and modernity, as a contemporary culture student, made me vibrate a little out of my chair, and Santiago clowning him makes me want to claw his face. We get it, you hate him and you think he's pretentious, now can you shut up and let us talk a bit more about the art scene in Paris post-WW2 and why Louis is absolutely right, Picasso isn't all that impressive in the end? Thanks. Bacon tho, Bacon is interesting. My contemporary art teacher last year was excruciatingly boring, but he had a boner for both Louise Bourgeois and Bacon and we spent several hours on them (and not nearly enough about Mapplethorne, alas). Anyway. I feel ya, Lou. I have been called pretentious too for simply getting excited about art, culture and folkore.
I'm rooting for Louis and Claudia to kill them all off and run away to Italy. I know it won't happen, but one can dream, eh.
Is Armand messing up with both Daniel by getting into his mind and Louis by switching the photos? Interesting. Two people who have a shitton of issues stuck with a sadistic, insecure and bitter control freak who's been pulling the threads since way before anyone realises. And Louis is so lost in his trauma and grief and anger, he trusts Armand and doesn't see what's happening and been happening to him for 70 years, while Daniel is just a sad, sick old man who thinks he knows his life and what his future entails. Armand is definitely having fun.
"Je n'aime pas fenêtre quand fermée" is NOT FRENCH, MY EARS. I will be picky, I don't care for artistic licence. Correct sentence would be "je n'aime pas les fenêtres quand elles sont fermées". Admittedly, if it goes into a song, you'd have to respect the length of the line and all those musical measures. But still. You could shorten the numbers of syllables by dropping the language register: "j'aime pas les f'nêtres quand elles sont fermées" ; from 12 or 13 to 9, the original line being 8 or 9. Depending on whether you say "je-n'ai-me-pas" or "je-n'aim-pas" and "fe-nê-tres" or "fe-nêtres". Anyway. I'm sure the writers had those discussions (I hope; hey, AMC, hire me, I'm a good proofreader and I speak 5 languages).
Me: oh, Louis isn't even bothering now, he's directly talking to... Wait, is Lestat eating that photo? If it's Dreamstat: the hell is going on in your head, Louis? If it's Astral Lestat: that is certainly a choice, my friend.
"Barely Balthasar", LMAO, Lestat I fucking love you. Poor Balthasar always gets forgotten in adaptations. Nope, we're not here to talk R&J, moving on.
Armand: "this is my tragic backstory. Feel pity for me. I'm the good guy." Me: yeaaah, how much of this is actually real? And, uh, no, like Lestat said: ha! You're a storyteller and a conman, Armand. You weave your story to pluck at the heart's threads of your audience, modulating it to their sensibilities to better serve your own interests and your plans. What are those interests, these plans? Hell if I know. But I absolutely do not trust you at all.
"The wilderness that is our daughter" have I said lately how much I love Lestat.
Oh, hello, the Loustat scene on the bench just broke my heart, which is funny if you consider that that's just Louis breaking up with himself. Also, do we consider Louis knew about the initials in the pocket, and Dreamstat is saying what Louis wants him to say, or is it another unreliable narrator Louis, or is it Lestat himself...?
Aw, going from the Loumand scene on the bench to "toxic gay divorce with body count" sure is a tonal shift. Lmao. You're losing your touch, Armand. Louis' awakening. Daniel's awakening... San Francisco next, that will be fun. Excited to see how they've changed that part, knowing it's the red thread of the first book.
Oooh, that got long. Apologies. I really need to sit and read those books.
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verai-marcel · 9 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 15 of ?)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Act I - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Act II - Part 13 | Part 14
AO3 Link is here, my dear.
Word Count: 3268
Act II, Chapter 3 - The Rescue
Being within the soft silver glow of Isobel’s shield, the party felt less of a need to keep watch, but Astarion still stayed awake out of habit, only needing four hours of trancing to feel refreshed. So it was in the pre-dawn hours that you found him in front of his tent, reading a book.
“Awake so early?” he asked as you passed his tent.
“Old habits,” you mused.
He only gave a small “hmm” and continued to read as you walked away.
You were heading towards the cave behind the waterfall, notebook in hand. It had been so long since you had practiced aloud, and you were scared you would forget the songs that your mother had taught you. The old songs, the ones that she said were special, were part of her lineage.
We come from the eladrin, not the ones from Toril, but from the Feywild. Long ago, an eladrin came to this plane and stayed a while, and had a child. So our lineage continues to this day, fey blood in our veins.
You took a deep breath.
And sang.
You weren’t sure how long you sang this song or how many times you repeated it, but when you finally stopped, you still felt the same as before, just with a sore throat.
Mother said this song could bring out the fey in my blood. But nothing ever happens, no matter how many times I sing it. Maybe I don't have enough power in me. 
Sighing heavily, you closed your notebook and left the cave. Your companions were already up and about, getting ready for the day.
And unfortunately, Volo had found them first.
“If I could just get a few quotes about your adventures—”
“Not interested,” Lae’zel snarled. “Be gone. We have enemies to kill.”
“Ah, but only a sentence or two—”
You gently took Volo by the elbow and guided him towards the pathway away from camp. “I’ll regale you with some of their adventures back at the inn. I need to help them get ready, and then I’ll join you there.”
He brightened. “Oh, that sounds lovely, I will see you soon!” 
As he jauntily headed away from your camp, you heaved a sigh of relief. Turning to the party, you noticed that they also looked relieved to see him gone.
“We owe you,” Wyll said with a grin.
You gave him a small salute. “Just doing my duty to protect the camp,” you said with mock seriousness, earning you a few chuckles.
You walked with the others to the bridge, and wished them well as they left the safety of the shield. Watching them disappear from sight, you silently wished for their safe return.
Then you turned to the inn.
Sigh. Guess I better face my own battle.
An hour felt like an eternity with Volo asking question after question. It felt more like an interrogation rather than an interview. As you finished answering yet another follow-up question, you peeked at his writing. He was clearly embellishing and exaggerating nearly everything you said.
“That’s not what I said,” you finally pointed out.
“I’m punching it up a bit, making it sound more exciting to the average reader,” he explained. “You have to make them cling to your every word!”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Eventually you caught the eye of Alfira, who came up to you and asked for your assistance in the kitchen. Excusing yourself, you followed her until the two of you were safely out of earshot.
“You looked like you needed an escape route,” she said with a knowing smile.
“I did, thank you so much.” You looked around. “I guess I’d better actually do something in here, so it’s not too obvious that I ran away from him.”
She giggled. “Well, we could use your help preparing the midday meal.”
As the two of you chopped ingredients and cooked, she shared some stories of her past.
“I’d love to hear one of your songs,” you said after she mentioned how she had met the others.
Alfira looked at the pile of peeled and chopped potatoes. “Well, I think we’ve prepared enough for now. Let’s go out back, I can sing for you there.”
She grabbed her lute and the two of you went out the back door to the shoreline behind the inn. Strumming the lute a few times to tune it, she began to sing.
It was a beautiful song, and her voice was soft and warm, wrapping around your heart and making you feel every note like a gentle caress. Unable to stop yourself, you began to sing with her.
Without missing a beat, she harmonized with you, and together, the song grew stronger. You created a verse in response to hers, and though she looked a bit surprised, she smiled and let you sing. Before long, your song began to gather an audience.
When the two of you ended the song with the last few notes sung as a complement to the other, applause suddenly burst out around you.
Unused to the attention, you froze up. Beside you, Alfira bowed gracefully and you quickly followed suit, your movements a bit stiff. She turned to you as the crowd dispersed. “I didn’t know you could sing so well.”
You shrugged. “I don’t do it often in front of others,” you replied. At least, not if I can help it.
“Well, could’ve fooled me. You’re a natural. I can’t believe you came up with that verse so quickly.”
“Just felt… inspired, I suppose.” You smiled. “Thank you for sharing your song with me. It was brilliant.”
She smiled back, and together the two of you walked back into the inn to finish preparing lunch.
It was very late. You had taken an afternoon nap so you could stay awake to watch for the group, but even so, you were starting to feel sleepy. And yet you continued to stare at the pathway, willing them to come back safe.
They’re on a rescue mission. In enemy territory. There’s a very high chance something has happened.
You shook your head. You didn’t want to think about that. Getting up, you cast the hot water rune under the waterfall, and then decided to distract yourself by practicing your old songs and dances.
A few hours passed in this way until you felt exhaustion sink into your bones and drag you down to your bedroll. And still, you stared at the pathway, laying on your side, unable to sleep, anxiety gnawing at the periphery of your mind.
Finally, amidst the soft rustling of the trees around the campsite, you closed your eyes.
It’ll just be for a moment.
Memories this far back were more like impressions, feelings, colors splashed onto a snow white canvas.
Your mother, the color of warmth, of autumn, of the sun.
Your father, the color of the earth, of summer, of the sky.
They were happy together, always smiling at one another. And they always smiled at you, as if you were their shining star. They would always love you. They would always be there for you.
Until they weren’t.
The village was peaceful, quiet, tucked away in the mountains just south of the Spine of the World. Far from the chaos of the cities, where devil-worshiping cultists summoned infernal creatures to take over the continent.
And yet, somehow, these far-reaching plots and conspiracies touched even your miniscule spot in the world.
Somehow, the snow white canvas you loved so much became drenched with red.
But before the crimson stained your life, it was full of songs, of dance, to celebrate the change of the seasons.
You always thought your mother looked the most luminous during the harvest season. Her cheer was infectious, spreading throughout your small village. Everyone knew her. Everyone loved her.
Of all the people that died that day, you missed her most of all.
The soft chime of the alarm bells woke you. Pushing yourself up with some effort, you saw your companions returning, looking fatigued and covered in grime and blood. 
“If you’re famished, there’s some snacks near the campfire,” you told them. You had set up a platter of nuts, dried fruit, and meat jerky before you went to sleep, just in case. “I’ll go renew the hot water rune,” you added before heading off to the waterfall.
You could hear someone languidly following you. You expected Gale, who enjoyed observing your magic. Perhaps he wanted to make his umpteenth attempt to guess where it came from.
Instead, you were surprised to glance behind you and see white hair stained with blood.
“Are you alright?” you asked, turning towards Astarion.
“I’m fine, go on,” he said, waving his hand at you dismissively. “I need a shower.”
I would too, with all of that blood. Stepping into the water and casting the rune as quickly as you could, you realized the water was going to be hotter than usual. Shit, I sang the song too fast.
You tentatively stuck your hand into the heated shower to check. You quickly pulled your hand out and stepped back, only for your back to slam into Astarion. You turned and, looking past his bare shoulder, realized all of his clothes were on the shore.
Is he…? Oh. I should not have looked down. Immediately focusing your gaze to his face, you blurted out, “The water is too hot.”
He raised an eyebrow, then walked past you. Before you could stop him, he stepped into the hot water and sighed happily.
He turned his head toward you. “Yes, darling. A few of us think the rune is never quite hot enough.”
You gawked. “Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
Astarion shrugged. “They probably didn’t know it could be changed. And it felt good regardless.”
You made a mental note to tell the others that you could adapt the temperature. You also realized that Astarion was still showering in front of you as if you weren’t there. Quickly turning around, you stiffly marched back to camp.
“Not even a goodbye?”
You waved back to him without turning around. That view is going to haunt me now.
Back at camp, some of them were snacking while others had broken into one of the wine bottles and were drinking casually. You asked what had happened, and quickly you learned that because of the worm in their heads, they could easily pass through the towers. After they were interrogated and then tasked with finding the whereabouts of Bal-something, they were left alone. Unsupervised, they were able to track down the tieflings and gnomes and escaped via an underground dock. 
“Wow,” was all you could say. No wonder it took them so long to get back.
Astarion returned from his shower, which reminded you of the temperature. “Right, so, just in case any of you prefer hotter water, just ask me to adjust the rune next time. It’s a bit hotter this time since I rushed the song, but hopefully it’s still suitable.”
Gale immediately turned towards you, academic interest brightening his expression. “So the speed of your song dictates temperature?”
You shrugged. “To some degree. Pun not intended.” Gesturing towards their tents, you continued. “I adjusted all of your tents to your comfort level as well, after talking to each of you.” You stared at Gale with a grin. “I’m surprised you hadn’t noticed.”
Gale opened his mouth, gave you a look, then scratched his chin. “I thought mine was fine.”
Interesting, I saw you sneak into Shadowheart’s tent. Perhaps you were too distracted to notice that her tent has a higher temperature than yours. But I won’t say anything. You snickered to yourself.
Gale raised an eyebrow at you, but said nothing.
One by one, everyone took their turns in the shower and headed off to their tents, until finally, it was just you and Astarion, sitting side by side, staring into the dying embers of the campfire.
“You aren’t going to trance yet?”
“Not yet. I… I need to process something that happened tonight.”
You recalled that he had just stripped and gotten into the shower while you were still there, as if he was desperate to get clean. Your hackles raised. “Did someone try to hurt you?”
He let out a small huff of laughter. “Someone is always trying to hurt us, darling.”
“I don’t mean in battle.”
He was quiet for a little while before he spoke again. “There… was a blood merchant. She wanted me to bite her in exchange for a potion, but…” He looked sick for a moment. “Her blood smelled foul, rank. And the way she leered at me… I can’t get it out of my head.”
You remained quiet, letting him continue.
“But the others… they didn’t force me. Gale asked me if I wanted to, and when I told him I didn’t, all he said was, ‘then don’t.’ Like it was that simple.”
You nodded. You were glad that everyone was growing closer together, and could trust each other.
“I’m… grateful… that they told me it was my choice,” he said quietly. “It’s been so long since I’ve had to make these decisions for myself. I won’t lie”—he looked away for a moment—“it’s a daunting prospect.” He looked down, his expression darkening slightly. “If they had told me to bite her… I would have just gone along with it. A moment of disgust to force myself through, and then I could have carried on, just like before.”
You frowned. “One potion isn’t worth it.”
“Then what is? Two potions? A moment of unpleasantry doesn’t matter if there’s a fine reward, right?”
“Not if it means giving up something you don’t want to give,” you replied. 
“But we could have used that potion,” he argued. “Perhaps I should have just gritted my teeth as always and let her”—his voice caught, his expression pained—“have me, for a bit.”
“Absolutely not!” You turned your entire body to face him. “You’re not some object to be passed around.”
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes widened with momentary surprise before he looked back at the fire. “You’re right. I’m more than that. More than a thing to be used.” 
You watched him as memories seemed to play across his vision. He let out a huff. “Being forced to lure pretty things back to my master, what I wanted be damned, was my entire existence for two hundred years.” He frowned and took a breath. “I had nothing at all for so long. Not even my body.”
He turned back to you once more. “Today made me realize that I never stopped thinking like I was still his slave, even in freedom.”
You reached out with the intention of hugging him, but you pulled back. You didn’t want to force anything on him, not now. You put your hand back in your lap. “I’m glad you’ve realized that,” you told him. “Whatever happens, whatever is asked of you, you can always say no. I’ll never judge you for it.”
He nodded. “Thank you,” he said, the sincerity in his tone marking your heart. “You can too, you know.”
You looked at him in confusion.
Astarion smiled. “You can say no to me as well. You don’t have to feed me every night.” He gently brushed your cheek with the back of his knuckles. “You’ve looked more tired since we’ve come here.”
Your eyes widened. Ah, so he’s noticed.
“I can go for a while without a meal. I’m not so weak that I can’t hold back until you’ve recovered.”
“And I’m not so weak that I can’t handle a bit of blood loss a few days in a row. I am a woman, after all.”
He chuckled. “Fair point.”
You looked back at the fire, letting the silence simmer over the flames as you digested the conversation. It was… a lot. Quite the catharsis and revelation for your poor vampire spawn.
Looking back at Astarion, seeing his contemplative expression as he stared out into the distance, you wondered when your heart had claimed him as one of yours. 
You knew you had been staring at him for too long when he glanced back at you. He gave you a flirty smirk. “Admiring my beauty?”
“Just… just wondering if you wanted a hug,” you mumbled, feeling lame. “But not sure if you were comfortable with that,” you added sheepishly.
He sat up and smiled. “You are such a little sweetheart,” he said as he opened his arms. “Come here, darling.”
As you snuggled into his embrace, you felt something strange when your skin made contact with his.
It was faint, but it was there. You honed in on it, even as your body was reveling in physical contact. 
Why does he feel this way? Godsdammit, nothing is ever simple with this man.
You pulled away, unable to get your head out of your own, well, head. “I think I’d better get some sleep now,” you said, stuffing your own thoughts deep down for later.
“Of course.” He stayed where he was for a moment, looking at you with a slightly pained expression before he got up and gave you a slight bow. “Sweet dreams, my dear.”
As he left for his tent, you crawled into your bedroll and tried not to ruminate on the reasons why he would feel guilty.
A trance for an elf was more a meditative state, a reverie to refresh the mind and body. So when Astarion went to lay down in his tent, he expected his subconscious to run through his usual mental training exercises.
Instead, his mind decided to replay the scene from this morning.
After seeing his sweet treat walk past him with a mission in her step, he waited a few moments before quietly getting up and following her. It took a moment for him to brave the running creek and peek into the cavern behind the curtain of water.
There, he could hear her sing a song in a language unknown, and yet it felt familiar. It had been decades, over a century even, since he had spoken Elvish with any regularity. And yet… even after so much time, he still understood that the witch was singing something similar, yet different somehow.
She read the lyrics from a worn notebook in her hands, her attention completely on her song and not on anything else. She has zero awareness, dammit. Astarion stayed and watched, keeping one ear out for anyone who may approach.
Not that he was guarding her or anything. He was just… listening.
The song ended, and he started to move away from the cave entrance, but then he heard her sing again from the beginning.
She’s going to sing herself hoarse.
Shrugging, he continued to walk away, but he paused when he heard her cough violently.
She’ll be fine.
Her song continued, her voice cracking in places.
Damn foolish witch. Why should I care?
But he did care. And he wasn’t happy about it.
Shaking his head of the memory, he turned over and tried to go back into reverie, but his thoughts turned to how delightfully sweet she looked when she asked him for a hug, how nice she felt in his arms. The conflicted feelings he had, both wanting her and not wanting her, stemmed from the same reason. A reason that was growing harder and harder to deny.
Godsdammit. This is going to be a long night.
Act II, Chapter 3 End notes: Oh dear, Astarion is starting to catch FEELINGS. Whatever will he do? As always, thanks for your continued interest in my little story, please let me know what you enjoyed by leaving a comment!
Tag List: @numblytemporary @xalphafox @avitute
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5, 12, 13, 21, 28, 42, and 46! :D <3
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Indeed I do! I’ve had her ever since I was five :) She’s pretty worn down now, but still very special. I honestly struggle to fall asleep when I don’t have her in the bed with me!
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
In no particular order:
my dear friend Pinestripe :) I want to hug you and close my eyes and bask in the happiness of being with you okay
Ghostbur!! It actually pains me that I will never be able to hug him. Like. Pains me. I want to hug him so freaking bad
a good irl friend <3 I haven’t seen him in months and I miss him badly
another good irl friend! I’ve known her the longest out of my friendgroup and I just. want to hug her again :’)
yet another friend! Online this time! It’d be so exciting to meet her in-person & hug her tightly oughhh
Two words: automatic toilets. They are DISTURBING. I have been deathly frightened of those things ever since I was six years old, and the fear really hasn’t lessened over time. I cannot explain this fear because it really doesn’t make any sense ajsgajgsjsgsjsg but I Do Not like them and I am Quite afraid of them.
How was your day today? 
Pretty good! I ate so many muffins at church :) And I had chicken nuggets for dinner yay!! I also drove for a bit and that was (surprisingly!) nice :0 Before that, I finished watching a Dream SMP stream that included Ghostbur, and it was so… 😭 Gahhhhhhh ordinarily Ghostbur is so sweet & caring & kind, but in this stream he was honestly pretty selfish :( It was sad to watch!!
But also really interesting! Ghostbur is a very sweet character, but he’s also… human. He still messes up a whole bunch and hurts peoples feelings. It’s super interesting to see all the complexities of his character, even if he isn’t acting in a very honorable way :’0
How are you, really?
Not bad, but… tired. I feel like I’ve been tired for months and I really don’t know why :/ I wish I could feel energized again.
But I have been writing more! Writers block seems to be fading away, and I’m very grateful. I’ve also decided that I want to track down & watch every single Ghostbur stream, which has been quite fun >:D It’s something I look forward to doing!
OH OH episodes of season two of The Wingfeather Saga are releasing every Friday :D That’s fun!
Mentally, I definitely haven’t been in a bad place, but I also haven’t really been in a super good place? Kinda neutral. Not exactly fun, but y’know. Could be worse.
I’m looking forward to seeing all my irl friends soon :) I seriously haven’t seen them in months and I miss them. They’re gonna stop by my house in a few weeks!
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
:0 :D
(I know I’m not mutuals with all of you guys, so let me know if you would like me to not tag you here! I just wanted to let y’all know that your blogs are lovely <3)
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Depends on what I’m sad about!
If I’m sad over a fandom/media thing, then I need to be able to sit with my sadness alone. Being able to work through my thoughts by myself is really helpful, and I honestly enjoy it whenever it happens!
If I’m sad over real life stuff, I need to talk to people. Mostly I need to know that I’m not alone—that other people have experienced what I’ve experienced, that I’m human, etc. I tend to self-isolate whenever I’m depressed/anxious, so hearing someone tell me that they can relate to my struggles is really really important.
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prongsfish · 5 months
thank you @fandom-trash-goblin for the tag!!
1. Are you named after anyone? nope :)
2. When was the last time you cried? i'm not sure actually, but definitely within the last 24h. i cry very easily
3. Do you have kids? noooo. i'd say i'm too young but actually i'm not all that far off from how old my mum was jeez... i don't exactly plan on following her lead in that though, she was quite young and atm i don't ever plan on having kids. i don't think i'd be a very good parent and i don't think i'll ever be ready to make a commitment that big.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? i do sometimes but i'm not a very dry type of sarcastic, i usually over-exaggerate to extremes
5. What sports do you play/have you played? i played netball as a kid but i'm not very sporty... i also played a bit of volleyball in hs
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? i'm not sure honestly. just, their appearance i guess? i have a bad habit of judging people very quickly based on their appearance and other similarly shallow factors, so i guess the first thing i "notice" is just whatever category i put them in inside of my head
7. Scary movies or happy endings? these are two entirely seperate things, but in general my favourite movies have ambiguous or bittersweet endings so probably scary movies? i don't watch a lot of horror because i prioritise an impactful story over anything else and i don't like realistic scary stories, but i like general scary atmospheres and some of my favourite pieces of media are horror (donnie darko, the haunting of hill house)
8. Any special talents? not really? idk, there are things i'm good at, but not any interesting talents that come to mind
9. Where were you born? australia. that's the most specific you're getting sorry
10. What are your hobbies? doomscrolling, listening to pretentious music, consuming + talking about media, reading/writing fanfic, drawing, and... not much else really lol. i don't do much, and there are more things i'd like to do but i barely have time to do the hobbies i already have lmao. maybe someday i'll finally learn guitar...
11. Do you have any pets? none of my own but sue me i still think of the family pets as my pets, so two dogs and three cats :)
12. All-time fave piece of media? this is an insane question but okay uhh. i seriously don't know if i can choose... i think i have to say the social network, it's my favourite movie. normal people by sally rooney is close behind (the book, i haven't seen the show yet)
13. Fave subject in school? i pretty much hated everything until i understood what was going on and then i loved it until i didn't again, rinse and repeat. but probably economics or english lit!
14. Dream job? realistically, i'm on track to becoming something in finance, probably a financial advisor or an accountant of some kind. that's kind of my "dream" field because i've been set on it since i was like 13/14, and i enjoy it! but it's definitely a compromise between enjoyment and money. for a real dream job? if i had my way i'd be a uhh professional analytical thought haver. thesis statement writer, perhaps. unfortunately it seems like there is no demand for that kind of career so i will just stick with finance LMAO
15. Eye colour? brown
no pressure tags: @crackeds0b @xeme-starx @sapphos-queer-kid
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c0zmo-writes · 5 days
Stuff in my room I think is sort of interesting
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Janet (I think that’s her name??? I cycle through a new one every time I refer to her. She’s been through a lot.)
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Some FNAF drawings that I replicated from the game. I might have made these in 2022. That feels right.
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This random woman’s face that I cut out from a magazine last year (maybe more??). I have no clue who this woman is. I have several more random human faces scattered around my room. It’s like a surprise scavenger hunt but just a bit scarier. And yes, she does in fact watch me sleep.
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Kandi shirt!!! I think I might have spent 12 hours on this one. I can’t remember. Maybe it was 13? It’s my magnum opus.
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Pumpkin Rabbit mask! I dressed up as Pumpkin Rabbit for Halloween in 2022.
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Unusually large amount of space in my closet. I used to curl up in there and cry/sleep/study, but I don’t go in there much anymore. There’s still blankets and pillows inside. It’s surprisingly cozy.
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My trinkets and critters!! Also the entirety of A Series of Unfortunate Events. Those books hold a special place in my heart <33
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The Beetlejuice shelf!!! This is absolutely not my full collection, it’s just whatever fits.
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Bonz, aka Withered Bonniecorn. It has no face, hence the name.
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Dusty water bottle that’s been in my room since August of 2021. I wish I was lying.
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Fox (??) with a very long tail. My sixth grade English teacher gifted it to me a long time ago. I love that woman. She used to spray kids with water when they misbehaved.
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50 Fun Facts About Viper!!
"but wait wasn't this going to be 25 fun facts?"
Yes but I wasn't expecting this option to win the poll so I originally lowballed the amount of fun facts
1: When I first wanted to participate in Pokemon Roleplay I was originally going to play a different character. She would've been my player character OC from Brilliant Diamond and Legends Arceus. She was the former Sinnoh champion, had a connection with Dialga, was sent to and back from Hisui, and became a Pokemon groomer after experiencing all those horrors and coming back home. I scraped the idea because it felt too "mary sue" and I didn't know if people would be too critical of her or not.
2: Viper was originally an OC before she became a role play character, surprisingly I haven't made too many character changes when deciding to role play as her. Except for her connection with the Subway Bosses, which changed a lot. Originally they were her surrogate uncle figures, but I changed the relationship they had because I wasn't aware if there were any Ingo or Emmet roleplayers. Even after meeting [TAG INGO AND EMMET] I feel like the whole surrogate uncle thing wouldn't work with their current relationship 
3: earlier Viper character designs had a lot of Scene and Scenecore influence. However these were scrapped because they looked bad and I hope they never see the light of day
4: Viper has really sharp teeth, similar looking to Iono's. There's no real reason for why they are so sharp other then I thought it looked cool
5: I have never actually played any Gen 5 games. A lot of my knowledge comes from Bulbipedia, my experience with the Gen 5, anime, and my Submas hyperfixation
6: Viper is autistic, because the mod is also autistic 
7: Viper's current special interest is Poison types. But when she was a kid she had a train and Subway Masters special interest, and after that she had a botany special interest. 
8: Viper currently lives in Virbank, but she was born and raised in Nimbasa and spent some time living in Driftveil 
9: when Viper lived in Ninbasa she befriended a Trubbish who she would eventually reunite with. This Trubbish became Viper's ace Buttercup the Garbodor 
10: Viper's Mom is a Flouriest and her Dad was a mechanic at Gear Station but he has since retired
11: Viper was bullied a lot as a child 
12: Viper's parents divorced when she was in middle school. She chose to move with her mom in Driftveil
13: Viper is a Highschool drop out
14: Viper started her Pokemon Journey because of her Mom insisting that "if you're gonna drop out of school you might as well become a trainer". She even called Professor Juniper to send a Snivy as a starter. This was how she met Oleander the Serperior
15: Viper really likes camping, it makes her nostalgic for her times traveling Unova doing the gym challenge 
16: Viper had two pokemon on her gym challenge team that are she no longer owns, they're Stamp the Swoobat and Dribble the Vaporeon. They were donated to Professor Juniper a little after she started working at the Virbank Gym.
17: Dribble was caught in Castelia as an eevee roaming the streets
18: Stamp was caught as a woobat on Reversal Mountan
19: Viper never grew out of her admiration for the Subway Bosses, she's just better at hiding it now.
20: Viper only caught a Litwik and a Joltik because they're prominent pokemon on Ingo and Emmet's teams. They're even named after them
21: Emmey was caught in charge stone cave
22: Ingrid was caught in the celestial tower
23: Viper absolutely despises any and all evil teams, this stems from an incident during her travels. Viper was walking out of a pokemart late at night with Emmey out of her pokeball, when a team plasma grunt ran by and grabbed her. Viper started physically attacking this grunt out of fear to get Emmey back, which was successful. 
24: Viper was inspired by battling Roxie to become a Poison Type specialist
25: Viper completed the gym challenge and had the chance to fight the Elite Four, but decided against it because she had no desire to become champion 
26: Viper caught her Scolipede Belladonna as a Whirlipede in Lostlorn Forest after she finished the gym challenge bur before applying to work at the Virbank Gym. She remembers this day fondly.
27: Viper works part time at the Battle Subway, she just gets called in to battle trainers on the lines when no one else is available.
28: Viper has made a kid cry before after beating them in a pokemon battle at the Virbank Gym
29: Dripple the Vapoureon was eventually donated to a swimming school to help kids learn to swim. Viper visits her often.
30: Viper has a kitchen cabinet in her room dedicated to Ingo and Emmet merch, both official and unofficial. If you ask her about it she'll deny it's existence.
31: Two Ten the Arbok was found as an ekans in Floccesy Town. It was believed to be released by a trainer and was considered invasive in the area, so Viper decided to investigate it. 
32: Cyanide is Viper's most recent pokemon, they were originally an egg gifted from someone at the gym who acquired it in Galar. 
33: When is comes to @lostlornghost Viper originally started bickering with them as a way to prove her superiority after their altercation in the Subway tunnels. But now she fights with them as a way to show her affection.
34: Outside of team skull business, Viper wants to know @team skull unova better 
35: Viper would've probably participated in the Team Skull raid on the Plasma Castle regardless if she was a team skull member or not
36: Viper recently started to keep her personal life a secret from the people at the Virbank Gym. She doesn't want anyone to know about her wacky, cosmic horror filled RoTumblr adventures.
37: personally I believe that Viper putting on the @liminal-station head and getting possessed by Virus was really out of character her to do. I feel like she would've been more adverse to putting on an inter dimensional severed head. I only did it because of my love for the trope of characters getting possessed and evil shadow selfs, and I think I made it work.
38: from Viper's perspective, she was trapped in a room of static during the Virus arc. Viper still has nightmares of this place 
39: Viper was semi-aware during the Virus arc. She she had the energy for it she could sorta tap into her senses and see what Virus was doing in her body. 
40: despite everything, Virus doesn't blame the Liminal Subway bosses for what happened to her. They had no idea any of this would've happen, she knows it wasn't their fault.
41: Ever since the Virus arc Viper has been suffering from Post Eldritch Madness. That head flooded her 3rd dimensional brain with knowledge from a world without knowledge, indescribable things she does not fully understand. And despite everything she's expecting to return to her life as normal.
42: Viper gained some unintentional side effects after taking off the head. These include being able to understand and speak Binary Code and her voice sounding like it's on a bad discord call when stressed 
43: Viper also developed a fear of the Porygon line after the events of the Virus arc.
44: Viper is so confused about the Garbodor doll with a mohawk given to her by @doll-anon because she has never had a mohawk in her life
45: Viper keeps the Garbodor with a Mohawk plushy in a bin because she's a little convinced it's haunted.
46: if you were to ask Viper what type she would specialize in if she wasn't a poison specialist, she would say grass
47: If Viper was a monster, she would be a Mummy
48: If Viper was a card suite, she would be the club
49: Viper has a cabinet in her house dedicated to Subway boss memorabilia, both official and fan made. 
50: Virus never left(╹◡╹)
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ask-carmenpondiego · 7 months
Chapter 12: When the past comes back to haunt
The child, no more than 14, watches Carmen from behind the topiary, still cloaked in a pseudo invisibility. This ability made it look like he was part of the background, not just transparent, as if someone painted him. The effect moved with his body, so he stayed rather successfully undetected by normal folks who were not paying attention. Carmen kept her gaze on him and reached out her hand, “Hey, its ok, I won’t hurt you..” As soon as her hand got too close, the child darted off, easily lost in the crowd with his camouflage. “Blendin! Wait!” She cries out, reaching for him. “I just wanted to see you..”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat back down at her cafe table, the letter blowing off the book and onto the cobblestone. She picked up the letter and wiped her eyes, opening the wrinkled envelope. She sat and read the letter, written in teenage chicken-scratch handwriting. It read that he read all her letters that she had sent, and that he still keeps in touch with his sister at Warehouse 13. He does not understand why it is taking so long for her to come get them, and that Adora is having a hard time accepting that Carmen loves her at all. He goes on to write about how he got a job as a junior Librarian and he will be training for his own missions in a few short years. He looks forward to all her letters. He even wrote about Adora’s 16th birthday. She keeps the small obsidian dragon statue Carmen had sent still in the box, half opened and left in a corner in her closet.
Carmen frowned slightly, dismayed at how much her daughter sounds like she hates her. Blendin however still has hope to see his mom again, he writes. And maybe she will be able to answer all their questions. He hopes they can be a family again. Carmen smiles at the letter and folds the letter carefully, keeping it in her book as she closes it and makes her way to the alley with the portal. M met her on the other side with crossed arms, “You went over your time, you’re lucky I fuckin kept it open fer ya.” Carmen looked up at him and had a wide smile he hasn’t seen in years. “I saw Blendin. He came and visited me. He knew where I was and met up with me..” she handed him the letter. “Well, not officially, he was hiding from me but he was bold enough to give me this letter and I saw his eyes! He got his special talent I think!” M looked at the letter with mild interest, “Oh yeah? Horse powers or changeling powers?” She punches his arm, “He was invisible but.. not. He used camouflage like a cuttlefish! I barely saw him in the first place! It was amazing! Oh I don’t know anything about him but I’m so proud!” She swoons over the letter, and goes to one of the storage rooms to find a picture frame for the letter. “I need to save this! Ooh I wish I still had some of their baby drawings!”
Over the course of the next month, she kept with her letter sending schedule, but have not been able to spot her son since. One night, as she lays in bed, she starts venting, “He’s getting older, I’m getting older.. Did he think I was too old to be his mom?! What do you think? Did I screw up my only chance to see him?” The covers rustled and down from below her hips, Lekir’s head popped up, licking her muzzle, “Maybe you’re reading too much into it. Relax, babe, let me take your mind off of things.” Her head disappeared under the covers again, Carmen blushing and squirming a little with soft moans. She lifted her head, “What if he’s in trouble? What if I get so old that I can’t protect him?!” A disgruntled sigh came from the covers and a thin ring of ice grew around Carmen’s muzzle to get her to stop talking, Lekir’s head popped back up, the sheet falling over her shoulders. She placed a finger on Carmen’s hard clit, rolling it around idly. “Carm, if you really are that paranoid about aging, I have a solution that won’t make you younger but it will extend your current youth for at least a few more centuries. That and it could make you stronger and possibly give you elemental abilities if lucky.” She gives the little nub a flick, before slipping two fingers in deep, curling upward to her g-spot, grinning as she hears the thief moan and writhe. “So there you go, problem solved and now… I need you to cum.”
The next day, after some well needed rest… and clean-up, Carmen sits in her office, going over the recent mishaps and redirections from the previous heists with M, since he was the expert in such accidents. “It don’t make sense Red, we went over these top to bottom and fuckin sideways. How are these changes happening as soon as we get there? We don’t give any hints of where we will hit.” Carmen rubs her temples and tries to look at any consistencies. “I doubt we have a mole, we’ve had the same team for years now and I’ve given no reason for anyone to double cross.” M shakes his head, “It aint a mole, everyone is clear from day one. I say it may be something bigger, but what I don’t know. There doesnt seem to have any connections, its all individual targets from what I could tell.”
Ninoga knocked on the doorframe and peeked his head in, “Hey, is it cool if I have a friend crash with me on the couch for the afternoon? He just wanted to rest while he was on this long trip finding his family.” Carmen sighed and shut the book she was looking in. “Yeah, thats fine. Let me start up the oven for whatever snack you two may want. I think a well needed break is in order anyway.” Carmen makes her way to the kitchen and starts preparing a rather large snack tray, knowing Ninoga’s appetite, they may need refills in just under an hour despite the tray size. She was just on the stepladder in the dry pantry, reaching for a dried slab of meat to slice for the meat board, when a voice from behind her made her freeze in her tracks, “Hello? Ninoga said someone was preparing food.. Is there anything I can help out with?”
The mare turned to look over her shoulder, unable to believe her ears… or her eyes. “Are.. you.. Wally?!” She turned too quickly on the ladder and stumbled to the floor. The pale blue stallion had caught her before she had fallen too far. “Its ok, I gotcha!” He looked in her green eyes and grinned, his own blue eyes admiring her from behind his glasses. She gripped his striped sweater and looked back at him, blushing. “Hi, my light. I made it home..” Carmen immediately started sobbing and clutching him tightly, sinking to the floor. They both knelt in the dry pantry what felt like hours, Wally stroking her hair as she held him as if never to let him go ever again. She lifted her head and put her hands by his face, cupping it and caressing out of disbelief. “It really is you… you’re alive! And you’re home! Oh Wally, don’t ever leave me like that again! I was told you were dead!! They took the kids and threw me in this asylum just to get rid of me!!” Wally’s eyes went wide, “Who did that?!” Carmen shook her head, “I don’t know but the kids are at the Warehouse and Library like we planned if something happened to us. After the fire, the police arrested me for it and my past warrants and took the kids away.. and-“ before she could finish, tentacles had grabbed Wally from every limb and thrown against the wall outside the pantry. Wally winced and was immediately punched in the face bare knuckles by M. “You fuckin dirty lying cunt! You were alive all this time and you just now fuckin show yer face?! You fuckin had 15 goddamn years to even call!” M gave a couple more punches before letting him go. Wally staggered and chuckled, wiping some blood from his mouth. “Yeah.. I deserve that. My bad.. I didn’t mean to be away this long. I just need some help and I’ll leave after that if you want me to.”
Carmen rushed past M to Wally’s side, “Here, lets clean you up, and you can tell us everything.” She showed him to the bathroom, giving a glare to M. Ninoga poked his head in, “Heeey so, is everything ok? I didn’t know he knew you guys.” Carmen and M just look at Ninoga, then to the family photos that have been hanging up in the hall that show Wally and the kids, and then look back at Ninoga. “This is a neat place, you have a lot of art replicas here, doncha? I remember you always liked the arts…and Marehem! I didn’t know you knew Carmen! Thats a neat surprise!” Wally chimed in, trying to be cheerful. M groaned and rubbed his face, “Fuck.. theres two of them now.. Moron, you specifically told me to watch over her if something happened to you. And I did, thinking you were fuckin dead!”
Wally laughed and shook his head, “I wasnt dead, silly! I got knocked out in the fire and had amnesia for a little while!” Carmen frowned, “How long is a little while??” Wally thought a moment, “That depends…What year is it?” M growled, “You’ve been gone for 15 fuckin years! Where the hell were you?!” Wally blinked, “Wow, thats a long time.. I was at this cute little commune in the woods with this sheep leader, it was a little weird but they treated me well. They kicked me out when I got infected by something… which is why I need your help.” Wally took of his striped sweater and small clusters of sores littered his back and chest, from the sores, looking like dark green crystals growing out from beneath the flesh. Some looked like they were broken off and others grew around it.
Carmen tapped her glasses frame to magnify what she was looking at. She took some tweezers and plucked a shard out, with slight yelp from Waldo. “This is Vivianite.. it’s the only crystal known to grow on corpses. Wally, did you see what infected you?” He shook his head, “It’s just been growing non stop, and it’s from deep inside too, I can feel it in my muscles. It still lets me move, but it does hurt after a while. I think it’s called Vivian’s Burden or something. I’ve had it for about a year, I think I may have maybe three years until it’s too late to cure.” Carmen sighs and cleans each sore and takes out as much crystal as she could, “M, have you seen anything like this in the changeling cultures?” M just stood on the doorframe, cross-armed, “The fuck I look like? The village medicine man? I ain’t seen shit like that. Not everything black and green fuckin associates with me. I just like this fuckin color scheme.”
Carmen deadpan looks at him, “I wasn’t going by color, dumbass. I was going by the crystal’s natural matrix and place in geology. This crystal pretty much originates near a bunch of ancient changeling hives, does it not? Changelings used to hunt and gather food, sucking the life and emotions from its victims, leaving a nice environment for the crystals to grow.” Ninoga peeks in again, “You know your pretty rocks.. but if they grow on corpses, are you sure he’s not a zombie?” Wally pats himself over and feels for a pulse, “I don’t think I’m a zombie. Should I test it out when we go to the grocery store? Maybe I need to eat a brain?” There was a resounding “NO!” From the three of them towards Wally.
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Today (12/16/23) is the 10th anniversary of one of my favorite comedy specials—
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Yes, it's been a whole decade since Bo Burnham graced the world with his YouTube special (and now major comics are following his model lol). While people think of what. as a Netflix special, Bo's plan was to distribute it freely via the internet on 12/17/13 (and he took a pay cut to make it happen!).
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Here are some other fun facts about Bo's second comedy special:
1. The trailer is filmed in the Ruhm, Bo's guesthouse and studio that makes an appearance again in Make Happy and in a little special called INSIDE 😉
2. This comedy special was Bo's first professional collaboration with Chris Storer (creator of The Bear) after they met on Adventures in the Sin Bin and it marks Bo's first time directing. They would go on to co-direct Make Happy together and Bo's obviously directed MANY items since, including his incredible story about a teenage girl called Eighth Grade!
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3. Bo begins the special wearing three pairs of pants—two red ones and one black pair—a white tee, a dark gray hoodie, confetti in one pocket, a pack of playing cards in his OTHER pocket, and his mouth is full of water. Damn, that's a lot of stuff! 🤯
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4. But he doesn't have the water IN his mouth for the stool scene! That was spliced together with the live performance footage (and pretty seamlessly, clearly, since folks asked him about it online).
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5. The song Repeat Stuff has a brilliant music video that accompanies it. And the girl that Bo murders at the end is none other than the Vice President's stepdaughter! That's right, Ella Emhoff is Kamala Harris's daughter through marriage, and she is a famous model and artist.
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6. Speaking of that music video, the exterior of the house Bo breaks into at the beginning is Bo and Lorene's own home at the time. And that house was used in The Nightmare Before Elm Street franchise (a fact the realtors emphasized when selling the place in 2021—I would have focused on Bo's studio personally haha).
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7. The music video also has a cameo from one of Bo's friends, Paul Scheer, as the manager! I actually met Paul at a Human Giant event back in the day, and he was very nice (along with Aziz Ansari and Rob Huebel).
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8. While Bo released his special entirely for free, he did have two other items that were for sale at the time—the what. CD (recorded in Madison, WI, thus he says "Get on my level, Madison" in Sad) and his book of poems Egghead. I own the poetry book, obviously, but I cannot find the CD for sale anywhere.
If you or someone you know is willing to sell their copy, PLEASE DM me! It's the only item he put out that I don't own in some capacity—and I would love to complete the collection! 🥰
9. Egghead is amazing in both its print and audiobook versions. In fact, the latter is like a whole separate comedy special and well worth the price to hear Bo reading so enthusiastically and with different hilarious voices. Highly recommended...and I have a kid-friendly list of poems here if you're interested.
10. Finally, what. features two of my favorite subversive bits: Andy the Frog and the Fishing song.
I was thinking a fun video idea would be to create a Bo Burnham "Kids Show" with all of his darkest routines that seem like they came out of a demented Sesame Street (so like Wonder Showzen haha).
Here's the potential order:
-Disney Lessons (Words Words Words)
-what. Intro (starting with "melted into childlike wonder" to Lizard)
-How to Make the Perfect PB Sandwich
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-A Slow Joke
-Andy the Frog
-The Squares poem
-Fishing in the Park
-How the World Works (can include Outtakes Bo and Socko as well)
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-YouTuber Thank You
Anyway, I just think that would be hysterical if any editor wants to take a crack at it. Please give me credit tho! ✌🏼🐔
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jovenshires · 9 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
What are your top 3 fave clothes, that you currently own? (can be faves for any reason, like comfort, smth you love to wear on special occasions, etc. 🤗)
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave accessories? (like jewelry, belts, bags, etc. 👜)
oh my god....... this is so hard bc i am a Fashion Girlie. but i digress. have some gpoys as well to showcase the Fits bc i am Proud of Them
the first is this cropped sweatshirt that says practice safe hex. i love her. SO much. i study witchcraft (one day ill practice. one day.) and i think this shirt is so funny and the and when fall hits? im a menace this is all i wear. (bonus shoutout to the patterned jeans in that pic bc they'd probably be my fourth pick for this list i LOVE those jeans.)
second is this brown corduroy skirt!! this is a more recent addition to my closet (i think i got it like last year?) and i wear it all the time. it is sitting on my bed to be put away from the wash rn. it's so cute and simple and goes with so many different things. ive got this outfit i really like to do with it (but no pics of the full thing unfortch) i call my shaggy fit where i wear this with like a lil green tank top sweater combo and its SUCH a cute winter/fall fit. (also this picture peeps one of my weeb tattoos so enjoy xx)
third and finally i cannot believe this is the best picture i have of this stupid thing (censored the face and an identifying landmark in the background LKNFKNSFLKNR) BUT this lil plaid overshirt? i have had that thing since i was literally... 13. so like 12 years and i STILL wear it ALLLLLL of the time. showing my arms makes me Uncomfy so this thing is a lifesaver. and i also wear a lot of plain black clothing so if smth needs a lil spice? ya just throw this bad boy on. plain black dress? plaid overshirt. lil romper? plaid overshirt. plain t-shirt? plaid overshirt. she's everything to me.
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OH BOY OH BOY okay so two of these are like. staples to my wardrobe and the other one is. just for fun!
so the first one - my best friend handmade this for my birthday. this is my very own clown collar!!!!!! katie lore drop incoming - i am obsessed with clowns. i have a clown collection and a clown tattoo. so of course when she went to knit me smth she made me this!! i have not had the occasion to wear it but. im manifesting it soon (i will say she gave me this While i was dressed as a clown)
the second picture is of my class rings. (don't worry they've been heavily censored i'm not doxxing myself <3) the lighting is terrible and they also. don't leave my hands so the gems are grody as hell but the gems are blue zircon (my brother and mother's birthstone) and amethyst. im not even like. very proud of being an alumni from my schools but they remind me how hard i fought and all i learned to be where i am today and honestly. i love a ring! i love a ring moment and i wish i wore more so. class rings stick around.
and FINALLY. oh Boy oh Boy. i can talk about this thing for hours. this is my backpack. it is Covered in pins and keychains (spot all my special interests in there....... so many things....) and i take it Everywhere with me. this is actually the Third iteration of this backpack - i had a black backpack that all these pins were on (it broke tragically), then his white backpack had different pins, and now we've moved the black backpack pins onto the white backpack. im a bag enthusiast and a pin collector (i have so many pins....... so many) so i have multiple bags with pins all over them but. these pins are my faves.
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ANYWAY. sorry ab being so extra but i love all these things soooo yeah <3<3<3
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sweetsimapples · 2 years
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I was tagged by the lovely @damseljamsel This is my first time being tagged in one of these and I’m so excited! Thank you!  Jamsel posts awesome diary entries for her sim, Cher. If you haven’t seen them I definitely recommend checking them out!
I don’t know if this is what I’m supposed to do but I’m going to answer this for both my favourite sims since they are co-founders of my legacy. 
"Allow us to introduce ourselves, 'cause we’re new here!  We are Leo & Elsye Smith!”
Are you named after anyone?   Leo & Elsye are a variation of my grandparent's names which are Lionel & Edith. They lived on a farm too!
2.  When was the last time you cried?  Leo: When our rooster, Visery’s was taken by a fox!  Elsye: When my friend Sara gave me a beautiful homemade gift. I’m so lucky to have made such a thoughtful and kind friend in the short time we’ve been here. 
3.   Do you have any kids?  Leo: Not yet *winks*  Elsye: We would both love to be parents someday. 
4.  Do you use sarcasm?  Elsye: Never.  Leo: If I think it will get a laugh then sure. 
5.  What's the first thing you notice about people?  Elsye: Oh that’s a tricky one...their hair or maybe their clothes.  Leo: I usually notice if they need a hand.  Elsye: Like he means if they need help, not if they’re an amputee or anything.  Leo: Yeah, though I’d give an amputee an extra hand if I could.  Elsye: *laughs* I know you would, honey. 
6.  What's your eye color? Leo: Blue  Elsye: hazel
7.  Scary movies or happy endings?  Leo: Aw everyone loves a happy ending, right?  Elsye: Happy as long as it doesn’t make me cry! 
8.  Any special talents? Leo: probably gardening.  Elsye:  Actually, Leo’s talent is the gift of the gab.   Leo: Ok, true. Elsye’s talent is catching the stove on fire though so ... no talking your way outta that one.  Elsye: I’m getting better at cooking, I promise!  Leo: Nah she is improving a lot and her cross stitching is looking pretty nice too. 
9.  Where were you born?  Both: Windenburg  
10.  What are your hobbies?  Elsye: gardening, I love flowers!  Leo: I love gardening too and anything to do with animals. 
11.  Have any pets?  Leo: Oh yeah! We’ve got a super cool dog named Max and cows, chickens and a wild rabbit that likes to hop by.  Elsye: Max is the sweetest dog, he absolutely adores Leo. 
12.  What sports have you played?  Leo: I played some football in High School, I do believe that’s what made Elsye fall for me.  Elsye: No, it was because of your jokes! I’ve never had any interest in sports. 
13.  How tall are you?  Leo: I’m 7 foot and Else is a nice 5 something.  Elsye: Actually we’re the same height, 5′10. 
14.  Favorite school subject?  Leo: Agriculture. I’ve always wanted to be a farmer.  Elsye: I loved science! 
15.  Dream job?  Leo: Farming! I love that we have made the move to Henford-on-Bagley. Elsye: I love the farming life too! Cooking with homegrown ingredients is the best feeling. I would also love to own a little shop someday selling candy or treats to locals. That would be nice. 
This made me smile! I get really emotionally invested in my sims and their lives!
  I would like to tag @pixelbasil  @chickenome  @psychotic-sims  @desimetto and  @keiyad  
As always, no pressure to do this!
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blubushie · 7 months
JESUS, your dad got his head stuck between two boards? That must've been traumatizing, god, I can't imagine going through something like that! I get you're lenient with your blog but that needed a trigger warning or something! Give your father my deepest condolences... everything else is fine, though, I guess.
[Animal Fact Anon holy shit your dad is so cool, talk about a reputation like hello??? The fucking zebra shark?? 2x malaria?? Broken ribs and a collapsed lung???? Maybe 'cool' isn't the right word but ?!?!!]
Yeah he's a bit of a mad cunt and I'm cut from the same cloth. (Also he's glad you think he's cool—"At least someone does!")
Every bloke in the family is a little... off, really?
You've got:
• Me (I don't need to explain)
• Dad (don't need to explain)
• My younger brother who branded himself with the family cattle brand. I witnessed this when I was 12 because my brother is insane and decided his little brother with a medical special interest should witness and doctor his severe burn. He also lives in Texas. The branding thing has stuck with me enough that when I was a stockman and cattle were being branded I had to stay back because I couldn't watch it without getting queasy. Not cuz I felt bad or anything it's just that the smell of burnt hair and flesh brought back memories.
• My eldest brother who dances to Billie Jean at literally every fucking wedding he's been to for the past 30 years. Also he doesn't like me. His wife REALLY doesn't like me (she thinks I'm dangerous cuz I've taken the kids shooting). He just doesn't like me cuz our dad dumped his mum for mine and had me though, so I'm the kid who had it all (ignoring how the divorce left Dad in poverty so I also grew up in poverty WOOP)
• My maternal uncle who's an ARA antivax hippie vegan and hates me. Also he's gotten COVID more times than I can count so I avoid him like the literal plague. He gives me creepy vibes.
• My paternal uncle who, as a teenager, let his dog loose so it'd attack my aunt's dog just for an excuse to talk to her. Her dog damn near killed his dog. Then they started dating. His dog got a steak for being such a devoted wingman. This uncle also REALLY fucking hates lettuce and none of us know why but he will have an absoute meltdown if it touches food on his plate. No one, not even my aunt, has gotten an answer as to what the fuck's up with the lettuce thing.
• My youngest maternal cousin who was an alcoholic surfie who died of diabetes before he reached 25. He was convinced he'd die before he reached 25 but he literally drank and ate himself into an early grave knowing he couldn't be doing that shit with his diabetes. I have one memory of him showing me how to catch minnows with my bare hands, and I still use that trick for catching bait fish.
• My oldest maternal cousin who's a deadbeat dad and I hate him because he doesn't do right by his son or daughter. He's all they've got since their mum is institutionalised for mental issues. My aunt and uncle raise his kids while he lies on the couch smoking hooch all day (I really do NOT like him).
• My maternal second cousin who's nonverbal autistic, but both his deadbeat stoner dad and hippie antivax grandad refuse to get him tested. This boy suffers in school and my heart breaks for him. I had no idea what this kid looked like from 3-5 because he always wore an Iron Man mask all day every day, and he stopped speaking entirely around 6. He's now completely nonverbal and despite being about 13 years old he has the functionality of 6 year old. Last I saw him, he still tries to conversate with me when he sees me though, and he'll sit down and pet Misty and he knows I like talking so he'll pick from a few topics I write down for him and have me talk about them. He understands speech just fine, he just doesn't talk himself. And also really really really hates seatbelts so I knit him a seatbelt cover and now he uses them (turns out he just didn't like the raw edge of the belt). His little sister has some behavioural issues but she's genuinely a sweetheart and seems to be the only person who always knows what he's thinking, so she acts a mediator for him a lot.
• My paternal cousin everyone is convinced is either gay or autistic or a trans woman or all of the above. Him and I get on fine so I'm also on the bandwagon of That Boy Ain't Right cuz there's something in him I recognise, I just don't know what. Don't reckon he's a woman or gay though, and if there's anybody he'd come out to it's me cuz the family is conservative but he knows damn well I won't judge. I'm pretty sure he's just on the spectrum.
• My paternal nephew who's the only bloke what came out normal. He's going to uni in a few years and GOD do I hope he comes back normal. He's spoilt but he's a good kid.
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Special Delivery for Gia and/or Vivienne! (sorry it's a lot)
Appearance: 2, 5, 11, 19, Objects: 5, 14, Food and Drink 7, 15, 17, Weather and Nature 4, 11, 16, 18, Community and Relationships 3, 10, 11, 20, Mind, Body, and Soul 9, 13, 18 Hobbies and Activities 7, 12, 17
AHHHHHHH thank you so much!! And I think this is the first ask I've gotten for Vivienne, so double thank you!!
My Super Long Hopefully Fun Ask Game
2. What would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
Gia: Almost certainly a dress, probably an above-the-knee cut (so she doesn't feel like it's tangling up in her prosthetic) in a darker, solid color (so it shows off the vibrancy of her tattoos). I could see her wearing a jewel-toned purple, maybe something with a peekaboo slit in the sides or up one of the thighs, and rose-shaped jewelry.
Vivienne: If it's out at sea, it'll probably just start laughing its ass off. Gussy up? Seriously? Anything that doesn't smell like sweat and fish is gussying up. While on land, though, she tends to dress pretty nicely regardless of circumstance, just because of societal expectations.
5. What are your character's opinion on scars?
Gia: They do still remind her of everything she went through, and that's painful, but for the most part she's gotten used to them.
Vivienne: Doesn't mind them, and they're part of the trade - though she'd rather they not be visible when she's wearing normal clothing, since shark-bite and rope-burn scars are probably pretty hard to explain for the otherwise-demure sailor's wife.
11. Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Gia: She really likes that soft two-toned pink of a fresh carnation, and she does wear a fair amount of pink in her clothing.
Vivienne: I'd say her favorite color is that "wine-dark sea" color, where it's sunset or sunrise on the open ocean and the water turns this interesting purple-red color. That's kind of a difficult color to find in clothing, especially for that time period.
19. If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
Gia: She has a lot of tattoos! Most of them are botanicals or various insects :D
Vivienne: Probably a traditional sailor's tattoo, and it was probably a bet. It would probably get a sea turtle - historically, signified a sailor being welcomed into "King Neptune's Court", which for Vivienne is effectively how it became a siren.
5. Would your character ever try to haggle?
Gia: Not usually. She gets anxious when she's away from the house, so even if she does manage to get out to a craft fair or farmer's market where she could haggle prices, she's more likely just to find what she wants, pay, and leave.
Vivienne: Oh, for sure. It's practically an art form, and haggling was much more of a common thing in those days than it is today.
14. Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Gia: She's probably a little embarrassed at the extent of her home security, especially given she's just a single person running a marginally-successful flower shop with no major assets, but it makes her feel safer to have those measures in place.
Vivienne: Nope. It doesn't really carry a lot with it, since most of the time it's swimming through the open ocean. Anything particularly valuable is left onshore, or she asks Wojchek to keep a hold of it for her, but she's not a material person by any means.
Food and Drink:
7. Is there food that has made your character sick?
Gia: Ground hamburger meat. She's never been a big meat-eater in general (not a full vegetarian, just doesn't enjoy eating meat much), and it was one of the main things HYDRA fed her because it was a cheaper source of calories and protein to keep her going. No seasoning, no sauces or anything extra, just cooked hamburger meat on a bun. To this day, it makes her stomach turn, though she only vaguely remembers eating it while in HYDRA's capture.
Vivienne: Frequently... it's the 1890's, there's not much in terms of food preservation and especially out at sea. Sometimes she can swim out to a shoreline and find some fresher food, or even fish herself, but there are definitely times it's gotten sick from spoiled food.
15. What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Gia: She's a sucker for gimmicky desserts like rolled ice cream or those novelty milkshakes that are impractically decadent, and that's a treat because it's something she physically can't get from home so she has to leave the house.
Vivienne: Any kind of fresh fruit or vegetable. It sounds simple enough, but when you've spent a month at sea and finally take a bite of a fresh strawberry...
17. What kind of drinks does your character prefer?
Gia: Iced coffee, peach tea, diet cola, or horchata from the Mexican restaurant down the block from her flower shop.
Vivienne: Honestly... I don't even know. I think it pretty much takes what it can get.
Weather and Nature:
4. Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
Gia: Not really? She actually finds the weather more calming that anything manmade, I think. And sure, fire tends to worry her, but any fire she'd experience in the middle of NYC is by no means a natural phenomenon.
Vivienne: She definitely develops a greater appreciation for sea storms once she develops a fondness for Wojchek - sometimes it even worries the storm is a warning from Poseidon himself. And she's terrified of being caught in a feeding frenzy while out at sea (this will actually play into a future scene in the fic... once I write the fic that is)
11. What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
Gia: Plant growth, particularly new growth or recovery after a storm.
Vivienne: Just the will of the ocean, how it can be calm one moment and tumultuous the next
(funny, you picked 2 of my OCs that actually have very strong nature themes lol)
16. What celestial body would interest your character the most?
Gia: Charon (Pluto's largest moon). Can't explain it, she'd just think it was interesting.
Vivienne: Polaris. Wojchek taught her how to navigate by the stars, and that was the first one she learned.
18. How willing would your character be to nap outside?
Gia: Not willing. She has enough trouble sleeping in her own bed, at night, thirty feet away from her clover.
Vivienne: Oh, sure. She does it all the time!
Community and Relationships:
3. How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Gia: Actually, she'd be fine once she gets going. It might take a bit to get her up on the metaphorical "stage" to start, but she could have a lot of fun with it after the initial push.
Vivienne: Totally comfortable. She's actually got a lot of confidence and bravado, and her persona on land is more the restraint of that than her persona at sea is the magnification of it. Plus like... you're asking a siren to sing. Its only hesitance would be whether or not it would hurt someone, but it has no problem with the singing itself.
10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Gia: She will sometimes swear in Greek under her breath - she doesn't even remember that much Greek, it's just a habit she learned from her parents and grandparents when they were trying not to openly swear in front of the younger kids.
Vivienne: A lot of her habits while working on a ship are echoes from her first husband (who taught her to sail), like the way she does certain tasks or ties certain knots, and how she moves about the ship.
11. Does your character have people they think would worry about them if they got injured?
Gia: Kate would worry, she knows that much. And she knows her family would worry, which is exactly why she hasn't told them about what happened with HYDRA - somehow it's easier to believe they'd grieved for her and moved on, rather than having to see everything the experience made her into
Vivienne: Wojchek, of course. He's her husband, after all. And it's made friends with a few of his regular crewmates too, and it's sure they would express sentiment if it got injured (though maybe not complete worry)
20. What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
Gia: If she's attacked and there's no other way out, she'll fight back. Otherwise she's pretty nonconfrontational.
Vivienne: She's actually fairly mild, both on land and at sea. She can throw a punch when she needs to, but she doesn't have much of a temper that would get her into fights.
Mind, Body, and Soul:
9. Does your character have any allergies?
Gia: When she was a kid, she was sensitive to pet dander and tomatoes, but those were both mild enough allergies that her clover makes them basically negligible (though she still avoids tomato-heavy dishes out of habit)
Vivienne: Not that she's aware of.
13. How does your character relax?
Gia: She likes painting, embroidery, and crochet in her downtime, and watching cheesy movies :D
Vivienne: I think it has a real fondness for storytelling, actually. It started with her first husband, since he had no patience for doing the captain's log every night and would push the duty off to Vivienne instead (who found she actually liked recounting the day), but later it becomes weaving dramatic tales to rally the rest of the crew on a tough day. Wojchek has tried repeatedly to convince her to write a book, but Vivienne usually brushes the idea aside.
18. How often does your character have nightmares?
Gia: Very often. The worst part is that she doesn't even remember them when she wakes up, since it's from the part of her memory she blocked aside - it's really awkward to wake up crying and call your girlfriend in the middle of the night, only to realize you don't even know what's wrong when she asks you about it.
Vivienne: It's a mix. Most of the time she doesn't remember her dreams at all, but sometimes it dreams of how it became a siren, and that's... dramatic, to say the least. I'll just leave it at that for now.
Hobbies and Activities:
7. What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Gia: She actually thinks she's a pretty good painter, and she does a lot of still-lifes of plants or arrangements in her shop.
Vivienne: See above answer about storytelling. It's really proud of the stories it creates.
12. What kind of music does your character enjoy?
Gia: She's the most "pop" of any of my OCs, so... pop stuff. I do think she's pretty open when it comes to music, though.
Vivienne: She does enjoy a good live orchestra on the rare chance she gets to see one, and also really loves the energy of a whole crew singing shanties together. Really, it just likes powerful music, whether that power is a hundred expertly-trained musicians or a six-man band of tuneless crewmates. And sometimes it does write its own songs to include in its tall tales.
17. Does your character prefer music or silence?
Gia: Music, absolutely. Silence makes her skin prickle.
Vivienne: It's never really silent, there's always the sound of the ocean or the bustle of people around her, but she definitely prefers music either way.
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thecrazyneographist · 2 years
Pinned post
Hi! My name is Arcee and I am a worldbuilder with a BIG interest in neography.
This blog is nothing more than a stash of ALL of my neographies that I have documented since I began doing neography by the beginning of 2022. You can view the scripts faster by using the archive.
Mainer blog is @thecrazyworldbuilder, visit it and also my other blogs, @444names, @cryptolangsguy, @schooloftieflings and @verical.
I will begin listing my neographies from the very beginning of the documented list, tagging each with the blog's tag, as well as couple more.
I have open commissions for artistic designs using my neographies, or I can create a neographic script for you!
If the project takes less than an hour to finish, you get the end result free of charge (accepting tips, you pay what you think the script is worth), longer than that depends on the amount of symbols and time spent designing the script; the standard English alphabet cipher with 26 symbols costs 30$.
On my pfp is Ahimiko, the mascot of this blog. She is an anthro canine of mixed heritage, and is a powerful symbolomancer (mage specializing in casting via projecting symbols of different kinds: the stronger the symbolism, the deeper the mysticism, and the more complex the symbol the more precise and specific is the spell she casts). Say hi! :D
Most of my scripts are purely ciphers for English. I do not care to make conlangs for every single one of them, for I enjoy the act of creation.
On creation: Some anon asked for the methods I use to create cohesive and constant-style scripts. A good post on my other blog might help, listing the methods.
As well - feel free to ask for assistance and guidance in usage of my scripts in DMs; Some of them lack explanation, and might be bit confusing.
And finally, please, if you like my work, spare a bit of money for my Ko-Fi.
Refrain from using anonymous asks, since it cuts off the possibility of me responding more directly into your DMs if I deem them impossible to answer via post and won't be able to notify you about it, making me look rude.
You can send positive feedback - it will be stored in the bottom of this post (see below).
You can send requests for scripts, like "Futhark but more like Ogham", or "a Katakana chart inspired by Klingon". Those are free, unlike the commissions, hence I am not required to do adjustments, follow the idea 1:1, nor I am required to make them in the first place.
Don't ask for tips, guidance, or tutorials: This blog is purely an archive of my works. If you need help, go to @conlangcrab where I will answer your asks directly, just remember to address them to "Arcee", since the blog is run by two people there.
Updates on this post below:
I make neographic scripts for already existing writing systems (like Latin or Katakana) because I can't create a conlang for every single aesthetic I can come up with for a writing system.
By Ides of March, 2023, this blog has 350 distinct scripts documented, all created by me.
A pinterest user has been repeatedly stealing my works I've posted on Reddit without notifying or crediting me.
By 4/4/2023, there are over 400 scripts documented.
By 3rd of May, there are over 500 scripts documented.
By 27 of June, there are exactly 600 scripts documented.
By 7th of July, there are exactly 700 scripts documented.
By 25th of August, there are exactly 800 scripts documented.
Another pinterest user has been stealing my works from Reddit.
By 17th of October, there are exactly 900 scripts documented.
By 12th of November, there are exactly 1000 scripts documented.
By 23rd of December, there are exactly 1100 scripts documented.
By 2/10/2024, there are exactly 1200 scripts documented.
By 3/29/2024, there are exactly 1300 scripts documented.
By 6/13/2024, there are exactly 1400 scripts documented.
By 8/12/2024, there are exactly 1500 scripts documented.
Positive anon asks under the cut (you are encouraged to send more!)
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Sure thing! Thank you UwUb
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Thanki ;w;b Well, I do have some WIP or UFO (never meant to be finished WIPs) conlangs, but I don't have scripts for them really. I do ciphers because they are A) Simple to make, B) Are a good display of just enough symbol styles for a demonstration of an idea, thus, a good "advertisement" for my product, which are neographies.
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QoQb I will never stop indeed, as long as I can move my hands xD
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In fact I answered this one, but didn't say thanks for the warm words Q~Qb
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Sure thing liege, all free-to-use :D
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
can we get uhhhhhh some hibiya thoughts
yes. yes. yes. i fucking love hibiya. he's LITERALLY A LITTLE GUY when i got into kagepro he was one of my faves actually cuz he was the closest to my age at the time. i was 13… im 22 now! lol thats not weird at all *eye twitch* sry ive been weird abt the passage of time lately. erm wait this isnt my therapy session <- doesnt go to therapy
HIBIYA. LITTLE GUY. my thoughts on him………honestly, i recently reread all the novels and god his intro chapters were HARD to read. all the creepy stuff abt hiyori yknow. i was cringing so hard. i kinda wanna ignore it bc i'd rather do that with the weird bits kagepro has to offer, but not to get rid of it completely. like id take away hibiyas whole thing abt a collection of hiyori pics but still keep the aspect of him that worships her. and how that dynamic would COMPLETELY go away post str.
post str hibiya is VERY different from how he started out. i mean. 10 year old timeloop…. he hasn't grown at all mentally like he has to process all this with his 12 year old brain, but going through all he did he just kinda looks at things rly differently now. not obsessed with hiyori, for one…. and she's also different to him. their relationship changes drastically bc now they both respect each other LOL listen i know im annoying with my codependent relationship headcanons but… eyes hibiya and hiyori
these bitches are 12. spent 10 years watching each other die over and over and literally die for each other. AND THEN THEY GET EACH OTHER BACK? ERM. yeah theyre NOT letting go of each other. its not so much codependency as much as it is awful awful awful separation anxiety. god are there any fics of hibiya and hiyori going back home and having a breakdown at having to separate and go to their own houses (bc in the city they were living together so it doesnt hit that they need to separate until they go home)???
hiyori would still be kinda bitchy and bossy but definitely not horrible to hibiya. and also her attitude hits different when she's also always holding his hand and refusing to go anywhere without him and throwing tantrums when any of the dan members even imply any activity that would require to separate them. and she wouldnt rly be embarrassed abt it i think hiyori would be super open and vocal abt HIBIYA HAS TO BE WITH ME ALL THE TIME !!!!!! and hibiya isnt even flustered hes just like *NODDING NODDING NODDING* bc he's the same with her. girl… SEPARATION ANXIETY HIBIHIYO<3 mekadan so sick in the head <3 they have 78 undiagnosed mental illnesses <3
not to make it abt my future headcanons of psych major hibiya but. new generations man. hibiya is 10000% the one in the dan going like GUYS WHAT HAPPENED TO US WAS SOOOO MESSED UP and everyone's like lol yeah !!!! and he's like DONT LOL ABOUT THIS IM FUCKING SERIOUS??? especially since he's such a fucking outsider to everything like everyone else's been experiencing all these tragedies since they were born and he just kinda. had a normal life before? and like i said NEW GENERATIONS MAN THEYRE PSYCHOANALYSING THEMSELVES AND EVERYONE AROUND THEM…. the dan is so used to this shit that they kinda lmao rock and roll thru it and hibiyas like NO. NO. NO. EVERYONE. THERAPY. NOW!!!!!! it becomes his special interest he starts getting all into psychology and when he comes back to the city for his visits suddenly he's diagnosing everyone with stuff and the dans like *shaking* MAKE THE KID SHUT UP also realises he has separation anxiety with hiyori and works on it. hiyori is surprisingly the one most terrified of letting go. and like i said…. 10 year long time loop being processed in a 12/13 year old brain.. hibiya is SUPER self aware. he makes sure of it
ok and. heh. haruka. THE WHOLE HIBIYA HIYORI AND HARUKA THING COULD BE ITS OWN POST… SO… IM LEAVING IT HERE CUZ THIS IS ALREADY SUPER LONG but im just gonna say. hibiya's IN DENIAL of konoha being gone. he keeps expecting haruka to go away. hibiya THINKS he's super mature, and he is for his age bc of all this shit and his willingness to understand his problems and everyone else's. and everyone else also think he is mature, but this is just something he can't stop being a 12 year old about. his friend is gone! WHY does it have to be gone!?!? especially in an ending where hiyori is back. if she wasnt, then he'd be more accepting of the losses bc there were 2 both konoha and hiyori and like it becomes another whole thing abt letting go and mourning but if she is back…everything is supposed to be perfect!! everyone made it back!! why couldn't konoha? why does it have to be gone? its not fair! he doesnt care this haruka was the body's true owner!! konoha was his friend! it also deserved to live as much as this haruka guy!!! why is HE more important!!!?!?!?!? and he just. he's just insanely immature abt it. and he knows he is but truth is he's just really fucking sad and regretful about konoha being gone. i could also talk about hiyori and harukas feelings abt it but heheh yeah this is super long. erm. hibiyita el chiquito <3 hibiya throwing a tantrum in front of the whole dan abt how it isnt fair and how he wishes haruka would just die. LMAO. he is 12. if anyone has fic commissions open Eye eye
also erm wholesome one before i end it. he makes little miniature dolls of the whole dan<3 he's BAD at typing on his new smartphone but since he lives away hes always texting in the gc<3 he gets super into mobile games<3 amongus fan hibiya asking all his grownup friends with jobs and no time for amongus if anyone can play with him<3 they do bc theyre busy but there will always be time to amongus with friends<3
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