#she's fluent in both English and Spanish as well as German
iolypse · 1 year
has anyone petitioned for niki nihachu to be invited to the qsmp if new members ever get added because I think she would be an absolutely fantastic addition
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somanywips · 14 days
Silly headcanons I have for Sanji and other strawhats:
Sanji has Terrible handwriting. He writes solely in cursive and he writes as if he has milk on the stove (aka really fucking fast) so his handwriting is almost unreadable. Robin is the only one who can read it, mostly because her own handwriting also fucking sucks.
Nami has the prettiest handwriting you've ever seen, but she writes So Fucking Slow and that's because she draws her letters.
Ussop's favorite art media is actually gouache paint, but he doesn't use them much because the humidity made them basically melt so he mostly uses acrylics and oil paints, as well as pastels.
Everyone has touch related sensory issues, with the exception of Franky. However, most foods just have really icky texture to him, and he didn't manage to fix it when he became a cyborg, but he's always down to work with Sanji to try out new foods so his diet isn't just burgers and cola.
Zoro is, for whatever reason, really good at embroidery. Like, he can make really intricate stuff but usually gets bored halfway through and goes back to training. It comes in handy when he's injured tho!
Sanji has this really really thick North Blue accent (either Spanish or Polish) when he's just woken up and not even because He's originally from the North, but because Zeff is, and Zeff has the heaviest accent in the world. It's kinda funny cause his accent sounds Nothing like the one from Germa (French)
Robin's the one who speaks the most languages out of all the Strawhats, having a good understanding of about 10 different languages and being fluent in other 6. Nami and Sanji tie in second place being fluent in four languages each, English, German, Polish and the common language in OP (aka Japanese) for Nami and French, Spanish (from Spain), Portuguese (from Angola) and the common language for Sanji, Franky's in third with 3 languages (English, Spanish [mexican]) with the other members only knowing 2 (Yoruba for Ussop, Russian for Chopper, Portuguese [Brazilian] for Luffy, Korean for Zoro, German for Brook and Swahili for Jimbe, all of them speak the common Japanese as well).
Zoro helps Nami with the accounting of the ship. They're both scarily good at maths (not even like basic maths, no, they both be doing integrals and shit). Ussop and Franky are also very good at it, but on a more practical sense, Franky is also really good at physics, while Ussop should be getting a masters in chemistry. Chopper is obviously very good at biology and (organic) chemistry.
Sanji is Not good at maths. He knows the basics, enough to do what he need to do, but put anything more than a simple equation (the ax+b one) and he's gone -> he actually didn't get any formal education besides the one from Germa, but he couldn't keep up with his brothers (aka they were teaching a toddler in the same pace they would adults, and the Vinsmoke children are basically copy machines) and his time in the rock severely impacted his development. Zeff taught him what he could, but he himself also didn't get any formal education. They both never really needed it, so it wasn't really an issue. They both know a Lot about nutrition and anatomy, tho (they just don't use technical terms).
Nami also didn't have any formal education, but she taught herself a lot of things from books and sheer stubbornness. All her knowledge of climate, weather patterns, and navigation are 100% self-taught
Sanji is a walking fish encyclopedia
Zoro is a walking Sword encyclopedia
Ussop can solve rubiks cubes in less than 1 minute and refuses to tell Luffy and Chopper how he does it
Luffy has a really good nose, he can pick out individual smells really easily so he always knows when Sanji bought more meat and what kind of meat he bought
Robin is Really bad at dancing, like really really bad, but she makes up for it with enthusiasm
Okay that's it for now kswkoqql. I have a lot more, especially for Sanji but that's because he's my wife
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my personal marauders hcs 😁
James Potter
desi and greek (or hispanic) (desi monty & greek (or hispanic) effie)
trilingual - (english, hindi, and greek)
born and raised in okara, pakistan for about 5 years, left for athens, greece and lived there until 10, then moved to scotland after getting his acceptance letter from hogwarts.
grew up speaking both hindi and greek, but started to learn english around 6-7, and ended up fluent by his 6th year of hogwarts.
trans, ftm (i have no reason for this, i just enjoy the headcanon)
his accent is almost indescribable, but isn’t hard to understand.
has ADHD + bipolar depression.
talks in his sleep.
mid-length black curly hair, dark brown eyes, and freckles/birthmarks ALL over his face.
Sirius Black
french (both walburga and orion are fully french)
born and raised in chamonix, france. moved to scotland after narcissa started hogwarts.
bilingual - (english and french) but knows some latin, thanks to remus :)
genderfluid, goes by he/they specifically, but does present femininely.
hates dresses/skirts, tho. makes him think of all the weird balls walburga would make him sit through.
LOVES makeup!! will sit down for hours and try new things, but will always have lipgloss, mascara, and eyeliner on.
has OCD, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder.
long curly black hair, grey eyes that look a lil green and blue, soft freckles dusting every part of him, and lots of soft scars.
Remus Lupin
welsh and irish (lyall is irish, hope is welsh)
born and raised cardiff, wales. left after “the bite” for dublin, ireland and lived there until his hogwarts acceptance letter came in.
trilingual as well - (english, latin, and welsh) but rarely ever speaks anything but english.
enjoys wearing mascara and eyeliner, and he and sirius do each other’s in between classes (he/they, presents masculine).
has really bad insomnia, restless sleeps.
has anger issues, PTSD, and social anxiety.
soft curly chestnut hair, soft green eyes, and a BUNCH of scars everywhere (obvi).
Peter Pettigrew
british (both of his parents are british)
knows only english
lived in london, but moved to scotland after his acceptance letter.
Lily Evans
scottish and dominican (mother is scottish, father is dominican).
trilingual - (english, latin, and spanish).
born and raised in scotland, first language was english, but she was learning spanish at the same time.
goes by she/they, and presents femininely.
has POTS :D
soft red waves, tan-ish skin littered with freckles, and bright green eyes.
Mary Macdonald
Irish and African (mother is african, father is Irish)
bilingual - (latin, english)
born and raised in Ireland, and lived there throughout her entire hogwarts career. moved to london after graduating.
goes by she/her and presents femininely.
has extreme OCD and social anxiety.
has 3c black hair, dark brown eyes, and soft freckles littering her face.
Marlene Mckinnon
french and irish (mother is french, father is irish)
bilingual - (latin and english)
born and raised in london, but moved to scotland at around 8.
goes by she/him and presents androgynous.
has depression and anxiety.
light blonde hair with dark roots, light blue eyes, and dark freckles littered everywhere.
Pandora (Rosier, Lestrange, or Lovegood [personally it’s Lestrange, but these hcs go for whatever last name i choose lol])
german and french (mother is french, father is german).
trilingual - (german, french, english).
born and raised in france, then moved to germany at 5 and lived there until she moved to scotland for hogwarts.
she/her and presents femininely.
has schizophrenia and OCD.
platinum blonde hair (almost white), purple eyes, and soft pink blushing her skin. (she’s albino).
Regulus Black
french (both walburga and orion are fully french)
born and raised in chamonix, france. moved to scotland after narcissa started hogwarts.
quadrilingual - (english, french, latin, and russian).
trans ftm (he/him, presents masculine).
PTSD, depression, and ADHD.
dark curly black hair, gray, greenish eyes, soft freckles littered everywhere.
Evan Rosier
french and italian (mother is french and father is italian).
born and raised in italy but started to stay with a family friend in scotland after his acceptance letter came in.
bilingual - (italian and english) but he doesn’t know the TINIEST bit of french.
he/they, presents androgynous.
terrible ADHD (me too, evan).
wavy, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and dark beauty marks spread across his face.
Barty Crouch Jr
italian and spanish (moms spanish, dads italian bcs c’mon… look at crouch sr and tell me he’s not italian?)
born in spain, lived there until Barty Sr got his promotion, then moved to london. lived there until the 4th movie, lived in scotland in the 4th movie.
bilingual - (spanish and english) but he does know some italian.
he/him, presents violently masculine.
mixed curly hair of blonde and brown, green-blue eyes, and tan skin with beauty marks covering his body.
Dorcas Meadowes
nigerian and egyptian (mom’s nigerian, dad’s egyptian).
born and raised in great britain, lived in london her whole life.
bilingual - (latin and english) but she knows a little bit of french thanks to reggie :).
she/they, presents masculine.
long dark braids with gold pieces wrapped around some of them, dark brown eyes (with little specks of green), and a soft blush covering her face all the time.
this took so long omg 😭
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thefencertf2 · 6 months
just Kennedy things
ooc / third person 
written like headcanons except she's my oc / basically just me so it's canon
— Has no sense of direction
— Like literally none you could lose her in an elevator
— An absolute idiot when she gets tired or excited
— Walks spectacularly in heels but absolutely WILL trip while wearing the flattest shoes
— When she's not in uniform, her fashion style is heavily influenced by Audrey Hepburn 
— She can sing, and isn't afraid to show everyone that. She'll sing while she's working, training, showering. Whatever. 
— She is an absolute disaster when it comes to animals and feels the need to love all of them and adopts everything she sees. She baby talks to Acero a lot
— She is apt at languages and linguistics; fluent in Spanish and English and fascinated with learning others such as German, French and Latin if she could. BLU Kennedy learned German and RED learned French. Both also dabbled in Latin.
— Her favourite foods are empanadas and cinnamon buns, her favourite drinks are hot tea and horchata
— She was raised to be an assistant like Pauling and Bidwell but ended up escaping early and then being hired as a Merc. She feels guilt over this.
— Demiro/Ace
She was a Chicana brown beret, an activist who would regularly attend Latin heritage events. She was not that big on protesting, but as someone who already passed pretty well, she'd occasionally disguise herself, with a blonde wig, and change her accent, so she could more easily communicate with bigger names. She wrote letters and wrote telegrams to people in advocation for education and healthcare rights.
— Kennedy seriously lacks a sense of self preservation. She is extremely injury prone as well. While she does have common sense she'll often underestimate the amount of injury an activity could give her, and she rarely cares about said injuries until it gets really bad. This is likely a side effect of the pain resistance training she was put through. She tends to ignore her pain, considering it noncritical until it actually makes her completely unable to complete her duty.
— Has regular dreams where she is caught or tortured, but that is not what makes her afraid. What makes her afraid is the fact that her siblings and loved ones are usually in those, and she is undergoing it to protect them.
(reminder that Bidwell & Scout are brothers in my AU)
— Both Kennedy's love interest is Scout, of their respective colours
— Both Kennedys are good friends to Bidwell as well
— Both RED and BLU are ambidextrous, but RED Kennedy prefers her left hand and BLU prefers her right
— Both are best friends with Miss Pauling 
— Both RED and BLU love Scout's parents ( and know who they are ), but RED loves to hang out with his Ma ( I call her Marie ) and BLU likes to hang out with Spy.
— RED's ferret is Acero, BLU's is Florete
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quietquaking · 1 year
my personal Batfam headcanons-updated to include languages, birthdays, and a few extra notes!
- English
- Arabic
- Mandarin
- rough German**
- French
- rusty Russian
- Urdu
- lil bit of Gaelic**
- French**
- easily fluent Russian
- Latin
- Urdu
- basic Nepali**
- German**
- some forms of Japanese*
- Cantonese
- Japanese
- French*
- basic Latin
- Turkish
- easily fluent Spanish
- Urdu
- Pashto**
Cass: (understands/writes)
- Russian*
- Pashto
- Cantonese
- German**
- Latin
- Pashto
- lil bit of Gaelic* from alfred
- German**
- Russian
- Urdu
- Pashto
- Nepali
- Japanese
- Spanish
- backstory/hero history (opt)
- job (opt)
- hc’s
- mental illnesses/neurodivergencies
- gender/sexuality/pronouns
- race
- bday
- age
- height
Alfred Pennyworth
- born 1925, accidentally drank from a Lazarus pit in ‘88, has been bouncing around the globe fucking with Ra’s since then
- well actually bruce’s parents died right around then so he had to take care of him, didn’t notice he wasn’t aging until early 1990’s
- perpetually like 63
- has an extensive history in secret service and espionage
- sassy bastard
- the real man of the house
- was definitely sleeping with both elder waynes (late 1960’s-mid 80’s)
- they had bruce in ‘80 (in their early 40’s) died late 80s
- Bday: aug 16, 1925
- age: ??
- 5’10 ish
Bruce Wayne
- actually a disaster
- has acting stupid down to a science
- and fear tactics as batman
- radiates either boyfriend and father vibes depending on the person
- slight british accent when he’s tired/relaxed thanks to alfred (jl flipped the fuck out when they heard it)
- probably autistic tbh, used to live life in perpetual panic attacks
- he/him, disaster bi
- jewish by race, not religion
- bday: april 7, 1980 (early millennial)
- age: 40
- 5’11
Dick Grayson
- ex robin, now nightwing
- police detective (sort of a ‘fix the system from the inside’ type of thing)
- splits his time between bludhaven and gotham, has his own apartment, but still kinda lives in the manor
- at least proficient in all gymnastics-type activities (tramp, bar, beam, silks, ballet, ballroom, and more)
- floor routines/flippy shit and trapeze are his specialities
- anxiety galore (being on the trapeze calms him)
- he/him, bi
- Romani (not at all connected to it tho)
- Bday: march 20, 1992 (late millennial)
- age: 28
- 5’9
Barbara Gordon
- ex batgirl, now Oracle
- mostly paralyzed from the waist down bc joker shot in the base of the spine
- computer hacker
- just does oracle stuff and helps her dads with cases
- Commissioner Gordon’s foster daughter
- ADHD probably
- she/her, pan
- white
- Bday: sep 23, 1994 (late millennial)
- age: 26
- 5’9 when standing, 4’4 (?) in the chair
Jason Todd
- ex robin, now red hood
- he’s a teacher! honestly any grade works
- died and came back. fucking lazarus pits.
- has the white streak goddamnit
- everyone is scared of him but it turns out he’s actually a sweetheart who loves to bake
- he puts on a tough face but he actually cries really easily and frequently. that’s part of why he wears the full-face mask- no one can see the way his face twists when he’s disguising the difference in his voice, or the tears leaking out from under the domino
- alfred and jason share a bday, so he always comes to the manor to see him, even if he’s currently a villain
- ex theater kid lmao
- absolutely wears reading glasses, not many people know that
- swears in a variety of languages thanks to the loa
- some blend of adhd/autism but he’s so entrenched in masking that he really doesn’t know anymore
- any pronouns, doesn’t care about labels
- some kind of (south american?) mixed race, no one’s quite sure what (including himself)
- Bday: aug 16 1997 (technically gen-z)
- age: 23
- 6’1
Timothy Drake
- ex robin, now red robin
- helps run Wayne Ind.
- owns Red Robin restaurant chain
- sleep-deprived coffee-addict
- seriously someone please get this kid to a bed before he passes out standing up again.
- autistic
- he/him non-binary, bi
- pale ass white thing
- Bday: july 19 2003
- age: 17
- 5’5 (max 5’6)
Stephanie Brown
- cluemaster’s daughter- became Spoiler to fight him
- ex robin (brief)
- bounces between various coffee shop jobs before getting a job in a nice restaurant and eventually rising to be top of waitstaff
- loves purple
- ADHD magpie
- she/xe but really any pronouns, lesbian
- white
- Bday: aug 11 2002
- age: 18
- 6’0
Cassandra Cain
- used to be Orphan, then batgirl for a hot minute, now she’s Black Bat
- daughter of cain (the batman villain, not the biblical figure. looking at you, spn)
- trained to be an assassin from a young age
- designer for Wayne Ind.
- mute cause her dad fucked up her vocal cords, but she was mostly nonverbal before that anyway
- badass and yet adorable
- adhd/autistic
- she/they/it, demi lesbian
- chinese (region is up for interpretation)
- Bday: Jan 26, 2003
- age: 17
- 5’4
Damian Wayne
- robin
- bruce’s only bio son (talia r*ped him)
- bruce does make him go to school, but lets him choose between private and public (he chooses private to keep up appearances)
- i feel like he’d be a librarian eventually
- raised traditional european/middle eastern until he was ten, is very proper and very stabby
- also has earlobe piercings from early childhood
- plays violin cuz i said so
- very very autistic but refuses to acknowledge it for a while (would have been diagnosed with asperger’s in the past)
- he/they, agender, demi and gay
- spanish/middle eastern blend (unclear what exactly, Ra’s’ original country probably doesn’t even exist anymore)
- bday: jan 5, 2007
- age: 13
- 5’1 (max 5’10)
Duke Thomas
- The Signal
- has powers from a genetic variation
- moves through light and shadow
- a cinnamon roll
- he patrols during the day so he and the rest don’t interact much at home but he’s always welcome in the manor
- audhd
- he/she (still a boy)
- black
- bday: aug 13, 2001
- age: 19
- 5’10
Harley Quinn
- went to med school with bruce! since figuring that out they’ve actually been close
- such a fuckin mess of mental illnesses lmao
- doesn’t remember her original race, now her skin is just sheer white
- bday: july 20, 1982
- age: 38
- 5’5 ish
Ivy (Pamela)
- she’s shy so she doesn’t actually show up much but she’s still part of the family
- she grows the weed, harley sells it
- race? she’s green and an orphan, idk what to tell you
- intense social anxiety and rejection-sensitivity
- bday: may 14, 1979
- age: 41
- 5’8
- Kate
- Harper
- Selina? on occasion ig
- Ace the bathound (B’s)
- Titus the greyhound (Dami’s)
- Batcow (Dami’s)
- Alfred the cat (Dami’s)
- Goliath (Dami’s)
- Steve the samoyed (Dami’s)
- Goldy the goldfish (Steph’s)
- Jason Jr. the frog (Jason’s)
- Lacey the orange tabby cat (Dick’s)
- Edwardina and family, the ducks that now live in the pond in the garden (Dami+Alfred’s)
- William Snakespeare (Dami+Jason’s)
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meglyfer · 3 months
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When Horror and Dust had Drew, they actually didn't know how to name him. They were this close )( of naming them "Mistake" (because they had an instant regret of being parents once the child was actually there), but then Cross was like "DO NOT NAME YOUR FUCKING CHILD MISTAKE", so he was the one that gave Drew her name
Her name "Sasha" is a chosen name, and she stole it from Sasha Waybright from Amphibia because he is a huge kinnie of her. Also related to this, they canonically have Sasha (from Amphibia) set as their pfp on his private account on whatever the Undertale equivalent of Twitter is
If you've seen my art about horrordust, you'de know me and Xomma agree that they are so fucking toxic and, although they truly love their kid and treat him as such, their relationship with each other affects Sasha in a way they had not expected. Because of their awful relationship, Drew is afraid of falling in love, because he thinks he would end up like their parents; always fighting, arguing, telling each otehr "I hate you" as much as they say "I love you", etc. Because of this fear, she has cut off her friendship with a bunch of people, realising that he was starting to develope romantic feelings for them. Most of the times they did it unconsiously
He does love his parents though, a lot, they mean everything to her, and he know that they love them too, never even doubted it, but she is fully aware that things would be way better if they divorced and were away from each other
When someone asks Drew about how their parents are, he replies with something along the lines of "They aren't the best parents out there, but they try really hard to be good parents, so I guess that makes them just enough"
When Sasha was a kid (about 6-10 if I remember correctly) he gifted her parents one of those "world's best dad" mugs, but she crossed out the "world's best" and replaced it with "Decent". Horror found it hilarous and immediately became his favourite cup. Years later when Drew came out of the closet, their parents gifted her a cup that said "I came out to my parents and all I got was this mug"
HE HAS A GIANT HAMMER COLLECTION. Some hammers she buys, others are gifts, and others they make them themselves, often based on AUs she visits from time to time (Example: they have this Outertale themed hammer with stars and all that shit)
Originally when we had just created Drew, Xomma and I had agreed that he would be besties with Paper Jam and be in a queer platonic relationship with him and Lux. That was until we found out that canon Paper Jam is currently a grown adult. Idea was immediately discarded because, YOU KNOW, THAT'S A CHILD AND A GROWN ASS MAN. After that we started checking the characters ages before deciding if they'd be friends with the kid so that we don't go through all this again
Drew's best friends are Lux and Shino (one of the hundreds of afterdeath kids out there), but of course they have many other friends. Just like a good anime protagonist, he would force friendship into every single person she comes across
He knows SO MANY LANGUAGES Like, you know how people headcanon characters to speak the same language as the creator? Well, WE DID A SLIGHT MISCALCULATION They of course speak English, she also speaks Spanish, a mix of an Argentinian, Peruvian and Venezuelan accent (I'm Argentinian and Xomma is Venezuelan and lives in Peru, so the accent kinda sticks). And you'd think that'd be it, right? WRONG We both know a bit of Portuguese (me more than Xomma), and I know a little bit of Italian, and Xomma suddendly surprised me telling me that they also know a bit of GERMAN AND FRENCH Which means Drew speaks fluent English and Spanish (With an amalgame of accents), can hold a simple conversation in Portuguese, and can throw at you some random words and phrases in Italian, German and French, JESUS CHRIST I SAY If you ask where did he learn all those languages from, let's just say random people on the omega timeline taught her. "Where did you learn Portuguese" "Fabiola from the Omega Timeline taught me" who is Fabiola? WHO KNOWS!
She is a menace to society
Her place in the school hierarchy is difficult to point. They are a bit of a weird kid, so he sometimes gets bullied by other kids, but as I mentioned, he's also a menace, so there are a lot of kids that also fear them for how feral they are. Though she does have a fair amount of friends and from different years and ages, so he's also kinda cool with a bunch of people (???
Master of blackmail
When he's a grown teenager's a bit older (about 16-18 I'd say), she starts taking little "jobs" some people give them in exchange for some money. At first they have to do pretty normal stuff; help someone with some boxes, look after a kid for a few hours, deliver something to someone, etc. But as time passes some of this requests start getting darker and darker, to the point where it's nore rare for him to be asked to beat up someone (they always ask why they are requesting said stuff, and will only agree to the job if she thinks the person deserves the punishment)
He is a sugar addict. As a kid she would often still candy from people on the Omega Timeline. Horror and Dust had to explain to her that he couldn't keep doing that or else they would end up being kicked out from there, aka, kicked out of one of the few places where they would let in the child of two serial murderers. She stopped doing so after that, and instead now they carry a bag of candy with them everywhere he goes
His favourite pastry are cinnamon rolls
She knows how to cook (Horror taught him), but choses to be attrocious at the kitchen
As I mentioned before, one of Drew's best friend's is Lux. And if you've seen my art of them, YOU'D KNOW THEY ARE A BIT MORE THAN JSUT BESTIES. At first they really are just friends, but as they grow older and their friendship becomes deeper they start falling in love with each other. Lux is well aware of both her own feelings, and Sasha's feelings (comes with being daughter of the guardian of positivity I guess), but chooses not to do anything about those feelings because she knows about Drew's fear of love, and doesn't want to push him into something he's not ready for, so she is happy to wait for as long as she has to. Meanwhile Drew, while he was the first to fall, takes the longest to realis about her feelings and do something about them. It takes them SO MANY FUCKING YEARS for him to do something about it, to the point where they finally get into a relationship when they are in their early twenties. Before that it was all gay tension and Sasha convincing himself that all the stuff they do with Lux is "Perfectly normal friend things to do" and there is nothing more to it (They were not, in fact, "Perfectly normal friend things to do", and there was actually so much more to it)
Since I'm talking about this two I might as well jsut dropped this chart we did the other day about them
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If you want the original chart, sorry, I lost it :(
Might add some more stuff later though, I told Xomma about this ask I got and I'm waiting for them to reply to see if he wants to add anthing else
Edit: forgot to say that me and Xomma are working on a playlist about Drew, so if you want to hear it and try to like, analyse or something, here you have it
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faccal · 8 months
Wanted to share the two OCs I'm currently obsessed with rn and their picrews I used to make them.
Sergeant Scott "Scotty" MacDonald, member of Task force 141.
His picrew is here.
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He's like a little brother to Soap, and is an only child. He joined the team sometime around or after Ghost and Roach, and while I haven't settled on an exact age, he is around his late twenties/early thirties.
He has curly red hair that his typically wears in a mullet style if he can get away with it. Heavy Scottish accent.
The languages he speaks are English, Scottish, and German.
He has a fear of drowning due to past trauma, does not like physical contact, and is Aromantic Asexual.
Captain Aline Araujo of the Federation forces.
Her first picrew is here. I made these both so long ago I don't know what the second one is.
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She is Captain of a spec ops team designed to be like an "anti-Ghosts". They are the Federation's best of the best. She is a 6'4 Brazilian Captain, and her little brother is her Lieutenant. He is all she has left in this world besides her team and Logan.
She, much like Rorke and Logan, was thrown into the pit except she was thrown in at a younger age.
She has a vendetta against America as they're the reason her mother, her last remaining parent, died. (Or at least she blames them.) She doesn't get along well with Rorke, and sometimes throws their one inch height difference in his face if she can.
Her code name is "Mama Bird" and she often calls Logan "Perro". For a while after everything he was called Rorke's bitch, and other cruel names. Mama Bird told him to take back the name, to be her "Perro" and she would make sure he was kept safe. They have a bond like no other, and Logan really did gain a second mom. She is somewhere between her late thirties and mid forties, and it is never explicitly stated as of right now.
She speaks fluent Portuguese, Spanish, English, and learns ASL to better communicate with Logan. She is an aromantic lesbian, and her family is her team. Nothing is more important to her than her family.
If anybody sees this and wants to share your OCs using this, I'd love to see them!
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I'll do it on my hcs of the marauders ethnicities and nationalities hehehe since we were talking about it earlier
starting off with the girls because LADIES FIRST/lh
Marlene— I see her as German or Korean (maybe both for that matter) I saw her as German first originally, and like I love it
I also saw her recently being hc as Korean and I thought that was fitting as well
and I think she was born and raised in England, but her parents always took her on trips back to Germany or to Korea to learn about the cultures and see their extended family as well
she would definitely be bilingual, but no one would realize until one day she just whips it out, and everyone is stunned
Dorcas— Haitian/cuban, she is a Caribbean girlie all the way
Dorcas can fluently speak créole and Spanish, French as well
She was born in Haiti and her parents had her live there until she was like 5 and then brought her to live in England with them
Lily— English/Irish, born in england
but I like to think that her father was born and raised in Ireland and had the thickest accent and so because of her growing up with her mother's English accent and her father's Irish accent, she has this combined accent from the both of them
Mary— I think she could be Nigerian, though I haven't thought too much about Mary (Shame on me ikik 😔)
She was born in England but she lived with her grandmother for a while bc maybe her parents died(?) and then when she got older she moved back to England for school
Emmeline Vance— I actually know nothing about her so I'm open to whatever hcs ppl have for her
I usually see her fancasts being Asian but I'm not sure where in Asia I think she'd be from
Pandora— Mexican/French or Brazilian/French
u told me about Mexican rosier twins earlier and I can't not get that out my mind
I love it sm
they were born and raised in France though, moving to England when they were 12-13 maybe
Sybil— I got no clue here, I'm thinking maybe polish? I'm not sure
she was born as raised in England tho, that's for sure
Bellatrix— Haitian/French
Cygnus had an affair(a one night stand) and the woman got pregnant and then came bellatrix, and because she technically had Cygnus' blood, she was partially "pure" so he had to take her in
but the rest of that family is white(you can't convince me that the older generations of the Black Family weren't racist— ironic bc of the name but I digress) and therefore Bellatrix always stood out yk
but she could fluently speak French, her French is honestly better than her English (bc she wanted to be accepted so badly she leaned more into learning french bc it was what her family valued)
she was born and raised in England
Narcissa— French, born and raised in England
Druella was french, Cygnus was French and there you get Narcissa (this sounds so plain after every I wrote for Bella but 😭)
Fluent in French and English
Andromeda— French, born and raised in England
Can speak French, but not as well as her sisters, but knows more than enough to get by
Alice— Italian, born and raised in Italy but moved to England for Hogwarts
idk why but she just seems Italian to me
Rita— kill me but she's so american, in terms of nationality
I think she'd be Greek and dutch ethnically though, but can't speak either of those languages (she can read and write Greek tho, just can't speak it well)
BUT SHE'S SUCH AN AMERICAN 😭😭😭 IM TELLING I (sincerely, an American)
she moved to England though, cause 1. her parents are loaded and 2. she begged hard enough
okay I think that's all the girls (I will sob if I missed one—)
now for the dudes
Remus— Welsh/English, born and raised in Wales
Idk where I got this from it's just always been there
but if I may
can I propose German Remus? cause I can see it yk
Sirius— French/Italian, born in italy and lived there for a bit, then moved to England
Idk which parent would be which bc I honestly don't care enough about Orion or Wallburga, but I have converted to Italian Black brothers and I couldn't give it up Im telling you
it's just too perfect
Sirius would lean more into learning Italian than French but would be fluent in both, as well as English
his accent is strong but he's good at covering it
Regulus— same as Sirius, French/Italian, but born and raised in France
Id like to think Orion and wallburga were separated for a bit bc they couldn't tolerate each other's bullshit LMAO so they both separated(without anyone knowing ofc) and took the boys to France and Italy for a bit until they had to show their faces together a couple years later
So regulus is ofc fluent in French, as well as Italian, but he doesn't have as strong of an Italian accent, as well as English ofc
he also stopped using Italian a lot more after Sirius left
there's no in between for me he's either Desi or Hispanic LOL (I mean he can be both ofc he can but I always see him as one or the other)
He's fluent in Spanish or Bengali and knows some hindu (but his parents were from West Bengal and Bangladesh so they mainly speak Bengali) and English
But sorry y'all, despite this, his spice tolerance is not great, sue me(/lh)
he still eats it all anyway bc all that food is DELICIOUS OMG(I love food, can you tell)
he was born and raised in England tho
Peter— I think he's Scottish for some reason, born and raised
and he has an accent too hehehe
sorry Peter, you're quite simple when it comes to this imo 😔🎀
Barty— we've all decided he was Italian haven't we
but but what if I hit you with Italian/German barty
I saw it in a post the other day and I loved it LMAO
he was born and raised in Italy but moved to England in his teens
can speak Italian, and German fluently, his English is good but his accents are all over the place at times
Evan— exactly the same as Pandora, Mexican/French or Brazilian/French
Frank— tell me why I see him as Asian (probably bc of Frank from Percy Jackson but that's not my fault—)
but he'd probably be half Chinese and half English
born and raised in England
Lucius— Russian or French, or half and half
it just seems right to me
he was born in raised in Russia until he was ten, then he moved to France, and then finally, they ended up in England for him to go to Hogwarts
fluent in Russian and French, and his English is good enough to get by, his accent is THICK though
Snape(I just realized.... we don't call him by his first name do we 💀)— but ummmm hm
born and raised in England and does not speak Italian
Xenophilius— french, born and raised
can speak French fluently as well as English
Rodolphus(Lestrange)— I can't remember what exactly me and my friend hc them as but ik he was half Romanian
(I think the other half was Russian)
Rabastan(Lestrange)— same as his brother
and... I think that's everyone
everyone that we rlly talk about anyways LMAO
this was a long one hehe
I agree with a lot of these hehe
I get where you're coming from with Bellatrix, I've somehow always seen her as part italian for some reason lol, cus of the whole affair thing that I completelyyyy agree withhh
And yeah rita is Definitely American, any idea what state she could be from? I feel like she could also be german/American just for fun
I think xenophilius would be French but I also think he'd maybe be some other European country, maybe like Belgium or maybe Greece? hehe
but sadly I kinda don't think it fits a bit ? IDKK
but yes it absolutely works I'm just veryy used to French black brothers loll
hehe ^_^
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driedupeyeballs · 6 months
Hi! So! Remember Spider? Yeah? Did you know he’s… not my only… Yuu… OC…
Fox! Fox Peterson! What a dude! Uh! Yeah!
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Yeah! So them and spider grew up together, and despite being pretty different in most things they’re practically inseparable. They met when they were both around 7-ish because they lived in the same neighborhood, eventually Fox moved to a different state but they kept in touch and never drifted apart. They got isekai’d into Twst on the same day once when Fox was visiting. Fox had come down to where spider lived because a band they both liked was playing a concert in the area, and the carriages came when they’d gotten split up before the show started. It took them a while to find each other in tw but once they did they made a promise that when they finally got out of tw, they’d see that band in concert someday
They have a lot of pets! Idk if I’ve mentioned this but Spider has a gray cat named Smoke in his homeland, and a tarantula named Willow that he has in tw and keeps in his dorm. Fox has three dogs and two cats in their homeland, the dogs are Solar (Golden Retriever), Cielo (German Shepard), and Wisp (Husky), and the cats are Sophie (Russian blue) and Howl (Himalayan)
Fox joined the fencing club at Royal sword academy as they’ve always had an interest in sword fighting and similar things, they have a small sword collection in their homeland.
Fox is trilingual, they speak English, Spanish, and Japanese. They speak a little bit of French but isn’t fluent
They befriended neige fairly quickly, as well as a few of my rsa OCs, namely Dove (twisted from prince Florian) and Elis (twisted from Alice.) Jasper (Jasmine) takes a liking to Fox fairly quickly, but Jasper has a tendency to take a liking to everybody and has gotten into some bullshit bcuz of it, so his vice housewarden is a bit (VERY) protective of who he hangs around with. Che’nya likes messing with Fox cuz he knows they’re too nice to bite back.
Speaking of that, generally Fox is too nice to bite back. They’re extremely logical, calm, and collected in any given situation, which is one of the reasons they work well with Spider, given that Spider has a very short temper and tends to blow a fuse at a lot of things, so Fox can always mediate. There are very few occasions where Fox would ever raise their voice, they always try to be a voice of reason in every situation.
Fox is an ENFJ, which is almost the complete opposite of Spider’s INTP. Also, in the subtlest of Nice moments I could possibly add, Fox’s birthday is exactly 69 days after Spider’s birthday.
I have a third Twst OC who isn’t a Yuu, but he’s an NRC student that spider and Fox befriend, making my main Twst OC trio. Also that oc’s birthday is 69 days BEFORE spider’s birthday (so his is April 7th). Can you tell I’m bad at coming up w birthdays 😔 anyway third little shit is Calliope Mavros (he/she/they), they’re twisted from the hydra from Hercules. Theyre Ignihyde’s sole jock
Floyd’s nickname for them is Garibaldi, which is this funky guy. He calls them any variation of it, but usually “Gari-chan” or “Lil’ Garibaldi.” Unlike Spider, Fox loves their Floyd-chosen name and actually has a little garibaldi plushie that they sewed because of it. Spider is jsut salty he didn’t get called a shark and is instead stuck as Little Koifishie lmao (also shoutout to person from discord server for coming up w Garibaldi for them I could not figure out a good Floyd name for them)
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Rook had a hard time coming up with a nickname for Fox bcuz there’s rlly no gender nuetral anything in French so monsieur doesn’t have a neutral equivalent, he ended up just landing on maître des lames, which, if google translate isn’t failing me, is Master of blades.
Also their dynamic with Jade is very silly!!! I shall ramble about them for a moment. Spider works at mostro lounge so Fox and Calliope were chilling there one day, and it was one of Fox’s first times at NRC, and their first time at Octavinelle. Spider warned them to steer clear of the leech twins, but Fox is one of those ppl that can literally make friends with anyone so they often don’t heed such warnings. Spider had to go do some work and told Calliope to make sure Azul n the twins don’t rope Fox into anything. Fox is a bit gullible, but they’re still logical, so Calliope didn’t think it would be a massive deal for her to leave Fox unattended. It’s not like they’re a child. So Calliope went to grab some stuff from his dorm that they’d forgotten, leaving Fox alone. Didn’t take long for Floyd to sniff out the fresh meat, and Floyd was already messing with them from the bat. But Fox wasn’t getting annoyed by his attempts at getting under their skin, they were just doing their thing of being way entirely too nice. Now, Fox is also a big fan of mushrooms, and Floyd noticed the fact they were wearing mushroom earrings and he somehow verbally rolled his eyes, groaning abt how he didn’t need more mushroom lunatics in his life. As if summoned by some godly force, Jade materialized behind Floyd and complimented Fox’s earrings, to which the two began discussing mushrooms and Floyd immediately left the room, groaning as loud as he possibly could. And through the power of fungi and mostro discounts Jade managed to accidentally win over this idiot, then he ends up falling head first soon enough
Thanks for dealing with my rambling
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Fairy names in different languages part 1: movie fairies
(Disclaimer: I’m not fluent in all of these languages (not even proficient in some), so a native speaker may be able to correct my translations. Also I did find the voice cast lists in Chinese, Japanese and Korean but sadly because I have pretty much zero experience with the characters I don’t feel confident enough to put that up here. Feel free to add on any language you’re missing/correct me on the ones you speak!)
I got this information from reading/watching/playing the books, movies, video games, magazines, colouring books etc. in different languages. For some languages I have more resources than others, which is why some languages may be featured more prominently here.
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Brazilian Portuguese, English, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Tinker Bell (I know in the movie logo her name is stylised as TinkerBell, which I personally prefer. But the official spelling from the books and J.M. Barrie is with a space in between, so I’ll keep that here.)
Czech: Zvonilka
Danish: Klokkeblomst
Dutch: Rinkelbel, Tinkelbel or Tinkerbel. Both mean something like jingly bell, so it’s not too far from the English name. In the Peter Pan-era Tink was called Rinkelbel, which was later changed to Tinkelbel when Disney Fairies became a thing and even later to Tinkerbel, likely to minimise the difference between her Dutch name and the original English one.
Finnish: Helinä-keiju
French: Clochette. Translates to little bell (cloche = bell; the suffix -ette makes it little).
German: Tinkerbell. Note the lack of space and capitalisation of the Bell.
Italian: Trilli
Hungarian: Csingeling
Norwegian, Swedish: Tingeling
Portuguese: Sininho
Romanian: Clopoțica
Slovakian: Cililing
Spanish: Campanilla
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Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Fawn
Czech, Romanian: Fauna
Danish, Slovakian: Faunia
Dutch: Fauntje or sometimes Faun. Could be derived from either faun or fauna, both words meaning the same in Dutch as in English -- so the latter seems the most logical option. The suffix -tje means little (rather like -ette in French), and is not uncommon in names, especially in the North.
German: Emily, a name originally derived from the Latin Aemilius, meaning rival.
French: Noa, a name originally derived from the Hebrew נֹעָה (Noah), meaning motion.
Hungarian: Gida
Italian: Daina
Norwegian: Fie
Polish: Jelonka
Swedish: Vinka
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Brazilian Portuguese, English, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Silvermist
Czech: Mlženka
Danish: Silvia
Dutch: Zilverdauw, meaning Silver dew. I don’t really know why she couldn’t just have been named Zilvermist, as the word mist has basically the same meaning in Dutch as it has in English, but well. At least it’s close and makes sense.
German: Silberhauch, meaning something like Silver breath or Silver breeze. Still logical. At least here I understand why they couldn’t name her Silbermist: in German the word mist roughly translates to shit.
Finnish: Silver
French: Ondine, meaning wave.
Hungarian: Ezüstcsepp
Italian: Argentea
Norwegian: Sølvdugg
Polish: Mgielła
Portuguese: Neblina de Prata
Slovakian: Strieborná hmla
Swedish: Silverdagg
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Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Finnish, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish: Rosetta
Czech: Rozeta
French: Rosélia, a name which is derived from the Latin rosa (rose), just like her original name.
Hungarian: Rozetta
Polish: Różyckzka
Portuguese: Roseta
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Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish: Iridessa
Czech: Iris
German: Klara, a name derived from the Latin name Clarus, meaning bright.
Hungarian: Szivárványlány
Polish: Iskierka
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Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Finnish, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish: Vidia
Hungarian, Portuguese: Vídia
Polish: Widia. The standard 32-letter Polish alphabet does not have the V.
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aroacemisha · 1 year
[Updated OCs & world/setting info post]
The universe these characters are in consists of our regular world and a magical realm, with travel between the two being possible, increasingly so in recent times. Some people and descendants of people originally from the regular world live in the magical realm, enough to populate at least one city.
(Here's some info about various characters)
Yevgeny "Zhenya" Tsaritsyn (he/him, she/her, it/its): early 20s, Russian, ambiamorous pan aegosexual, demiboy. ADHD.
He comes from a religious conservative family, and as a teen, he was kicked out of home when his parents found out he was queer and an atheist. Through pure luck, Lev happened to come across him and brought him to the magical realm and helped him get a place to stay, where he still lives to this day. Meanwhile, Lev has become a mentor and a father figure to him.
At one point later in life, Zhenya lost his entire left arm, which is now replaced by an advanced prosthetic. He has been working out and doing combat training for a while now, and after losing his arm he has been training both with and without the prosthetic, so if he ever has to work without it, he doesn't become lost, not knowing what to do without both arms.
He also plays bayan (a type of accordion).
Joseph "Joey" Lebedenko (he/him): early 20s, Ukrainian American, omni demisexual, cis. Autistic.
He's studying culinary arts, and he's also good at drawing. He speaks Ukrainian fairly well and loves to visit his Ukrainian grandparents. He's also Jewish, and he plays ukulele. He's friends with Zhenya.
Lev Sapozhnik (he/him): 40s (technically much older), Russian, achillean arospec asexual, trans. Autistic.
He's a powerful magic user, who was born in the mid 1920s and used to be a Soviet supersoldier known as the Red Hope (ru: Красная Надежда; translit: Krasnaya Nadezhda), mainly serving during WWII. He defected in the mid 1950s and later went missing during a storm at sea. He was presumed dead for decades, until he was found in the late 2000s in a sort of "frozen" state and then unfrozen. The reason he wasn't found sooner is because he was only searched for in the regular world, while he actually ended up in the magical realm.
In present day, he's not affiliated with any nation state in the regular world, and he lives in the magical realm. He explicitly opposes the current Russian government, which they are unhappy about, since they want him back in their military, and they don't want him to potentially inspire currently depoliticized Russians to actively oppose the government.
He's fluent in Russian, German and English, can speak some Georgian, and is learning Spanish. He also plays guitar and is skilled at drawing and sewing. He's a regular at the cafe Cyrus works at and is friends with him.
Desmond Yang (he/him): 40s, Chinese, bi, cis. ADHD.
He's a mage. He's multilingual. He's a historian and a linguist, and he's the owner of a library in the magical realm, which contains books in several languages. He has translated multiple books into other languages, and he has some original writing projects of his own. He's also friends with Lev.
Marco Gromov (he/him): 31 y/o, Russian Argentinian, bi aceflux, cis. Autistic, ADHD.
His name is technically Marcos, but he has largely dropped the 'S' at the end. He wears glasses with purple lenses. Technology and clean/renewable energy are big special interests of his, and he's currently trying to create more efficient solar panels, being quite skilled with tech. He's also dating Luna.
Luna Rosado (they/them, she/her): 30 y/o, Dominican, pan, transfem non-binary. Autistic.
They're a mage, and they're also a pretty good artist. Their special interest is astronomy, and they know how to find out what position stars and planets were in at different points in time. Another interest of theirs is plants, particularly flowers. They have a few fidget necklaces. They're also dating Marco.
Reynaldo Rosado (he/him): early to mid 50s, Dominican, aroace, cis. Autistic.
He's the father of Luna. He realized he was aroace after he and Melania already had Luna, and while they chose to get divorced, they remained friends. Luna largely stayed with him, and he's a kind and supportive father to them. He's also good at cooking.
Melania Espinosa (she/her): early to mid 50s, Dominican, straight, cis.
She's the mother of Luna. She remained in Luna's life after the divorce. She eventually got married again, and her new spouse turned out to be a trans woman. They chose to stay married, since both still found their relationship fulfilling, and she still loved her wife despite not normally being attracted to women. They have two daughters together.
Lilah Swift (she/her): late 40s/early 50s, Australian, sapphic cupiosexual, trans. Autistic, ADHD.
She's the wife of Melania, who she has two daughters with. She chose not to do voice training and has a higher masculine voice. History has always been an interest of hers, and she has a PhD in it, but in recent years she has also become interested in specifically Russian history, in part due to meeting Lev.
Samantha "Sam" Espinosa (she/her, they/them): 14-15 y/o, Dominican Australian, omni, demigirl. ADHD.
Daughter of Melania and Lilah, half-sister of Luna and older twin sister of Viv. She works out, and she likes to play fight and compete with her cousin Howie.
Viviana-Rocio "Viv" Espinosa (she/her): 14-15 y/o, Dominican Australian, sapphic, cis. Autistic.
Daughter of Melania and Lilah, half-sister of Luna and younger twin sister of Sam. Wears braces. She loves frogs and is generally interested in learning about nature.
Cyrus Swift (he/him): mid to late 50s, Australian, gay demiromantic asexual, genderqueer/genderless, intersex. Autistic, ADHD.
He's the older brother of Lilah. He can shapeshift into a cougar. He retains his sharp fangs and ability to purr even in human form. He has scars on the right side of his face and his right arm, which he got during a fight in his cougar form. He's partners with Steven and they have two children together. He works as a bartender at a café, and he sometimes performs as a drag queen.
Steven E. Burns (he/him): mid 50s, Jamaican, pan acespec, trans. Autistic.
He's Cyrus's partner. He has been living in the magical realm with Cyrus and the kids for many years. He enjoys working out and is still in good physical shape. He works as a P.E. teacher at a local school. He also plays guitar.
Kimberly Swift-Burns (she/her): 18-19 y/o, Jamaican Australian, lesbian, genderqueer. Autistic.
She's the daughter of Cyrus and Steven. Her main interests are history and literature, with her picking up the former from her aunt Lilah.
Howard "Howie" Swift-Burns (he/him): 16 y/o, Jamaican Australian, achillean aroacespec, cis. Autistic.
He's the son of Cyrus and Steven. He has an interest in mechanical engineering and tech. He works out and is practicing hand-to-hand combat. He also plays guitar, having learned it from Steven.
Melissa "Missy" Ito (they/them): 28 y/o, Japanese American, bi, genderqueer, intersex.
They're a journalist working for a reputable small to mid size left-leaning outlet, and they are also a good photographer. They have interviewed both Lev and Marco before.
Harley Fisher (they/them, ze/zir): early to mid 20s, Canadian, aromantic bisexual, transmasc genderfluid.
They're a small to mid size streamer, mainly streaming video games. They're also Jewish.
Andreas Marinos (he/him): 31 y/o, Greek, ambiamorous gay, cis.
He can transform into a mermaid, and he has water powers (hydrokinesis), as well as magical singing. He has a passion for theater and is himself an actor/performer. He's also dating Lorenzo and Ozan.
Lorenzo D'Amore (he/him): 30 y/o, Italian American, polyamorous omni, cis.
He's fluent in both English and Italian. He's a singer and theater actor/performer, working alongside his boyfriends Andreas and Ozan. He also plays the saxophone, and he's into 70s fashion.
Ozan Yilmaz (he/him): 31 y/o, Turkish, polyamorous gay, cis.
He's mainly a DJ and generally works with sound equipment, though he is also a singer and theater actor/performer. He works alongside his boyfriends Andreas and Lorenzo. He's a lover of light up shoes and tacky colorful clothes.
Brenda O'Connor (she/her): 50s, British, aromantic, cis.
She has healing powers. She's also a highly skilled surgeon, specializing in several kinds of surgery. She was the one who performed Lev's top surgery.
[This post may be updated later]
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Funny I also had the similar idea on languages and that Barbara is somewhat confused since her kingdom speaks its own language (heavily based on Scots language) so she often asks for translations.
Barbara and her sister are Scottish in Rayman Retold, though I think she's supposed to be based on Norse culture canonically with the viking motif. I could be wrong though.
The glade is a melting pot of various cultures and languages and since Humans do exist in Rayman's world, a lot of their languages and cultures also melted into the glade.
Rayman in particular is fluent in French and English in Retold. He can also speak Spanish, Italian, and German, but not very well.
Rayman's Multilingual, but even he needs help getting stuff translated for him. He'll usually turn to Murfy or Raymona when he needs something translated. Same for Barbara.
Murfy is also multilingual due to his work at the council. Raymona also picked up various languages while she was studying at the magic academy, not just Fay Latin. While she took a class for Fay Latin, she studied others in her spare time.
Raymona is a fast learner so half the time whenever the gang get together to learn new languages it turns into that scene from the Owl House where they are all learning Spanish
Ales Mansay and Murfy both like to use the languages they know to hide insults or jabs at people if they know they don't understand.
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donut251155 · 21 days
Introducing post because I'm bored 🎉🎉🎉
You can tell ⅞ of this stuff from my bio but I'll get more into it ig???
I'm Italian and a MINOR!!! Ew adults 👎👎👎 (everyone in my family (both immediate and not) is over the age of 18 ☹️☹️ I'm fine with adults being on here, as long as you act like normal human beings)
My pronouns are she/her, but if you call me by he/him or they/them I won't incinerate you (I got used to he/him pronouns and masculine compliments in a stupid way but I don't think anyone gives a shit how I did so I won't bore you with it)
I'm currently learning Spanish and German at school >:D I'm better at German for some reason tho,, I can understand written Portuguese because I'm fluent in Italian (🤯) and I know Spanish moderately well, so I mix those two and that's how I read it (I learnt a few words from context too)
I wanted to learn Japanese too but I paused it after learning the alphabets and a dozen kanji (and fuck) because I'm learning too many languages at once and my brain is staring to mix them up asfsdjs
My favorite manga is TBHK (🤯🤯) and it was also the 2nd manga I've ever bought :DD the first one was From The Red Fog (the red fog is, in fact, blood), while my second favorite is Hell's Paradise (I'm making a TBHKxHP AU, I just can't understand how to make a few characters but I've had INSANE ideas) >:D I really like Aragane no Ko too, I think it's the 3rd??? Who cares (not me) ((I also know some not-so-famous manga I've found by browsing in a store, if you want to read something that's not too famous to avoid spoilers lmk))
Talking about TBHK, my favorite ships are Hanakou, Mitsukou and Hananene (in order (both for how much I like them and their silliness), I also find Kounene cute but I'm not really cheering them on, even tho I think they will eventually get together because I'm 99.9999% sure Mitsuba will die again and they'll both be lonely and fall inlove but they're so cute I'd cry
I actually have TBHK in FOUR LANGUAGES and I'm planning on getting it everywhere I go!! I wanna travel the whole world so I'll need a TBHK shelf (I have it in Italian, English, Spanish and Japanese so far. No I haven't been to Japan yet BUT I've been to England and Spain (also Ireland but the place I went to was so little they didn't have TBHK so I picked the one I liked the most out of the ones they had))
My favorite mobile game is Touhou Lostword for now (Yukari and Eiki save me). I have HSR too but ehhhhhhhhhbjhgb idk I haven't played it in days
Idk what else to say so if you have any questions feel free to ask 🐳🐳 feel free to DM me btw (I will feel free to BLOCK AND REPORT YOU in case you're the bad kind of weird)
Fun fact I don't proof read I hope you understood even just half of what I just said
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handsomehasun · 5 months
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» MEANING: Yeong [From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", as well as other hanja characters that are pronounced similarly. It usually occurs in combination with another character, though it is sometimes used as a stand-alone name. This name was borne by Jang Yeong-sil (where Jang is the surname), a 15th-century Korean scientist and inventor.]; Ha-Sun [derived from the hanja 河 (ha) meaning "river, stream"; As a family name, Seon may be written with either of two hanja, one meaning "to announce" (宣) and the other meaning "first" (先). Hasun is also an Arabic name that has multiple Islamic meaning, including "strong." It could also mean "a good-looking, handsome and pretty man."]
AGE: 35-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1988 April 8th, Friday, Year of The Dragon.
OCCUPATION: Chef at Sunwoo Ha-jun's restaurant, GOCHUGARU [고추가]; influencer by accident...
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual; Heteroromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
VERSES: The Game.
POWERS: He's also a badass. And he's very handsome.
STRENGTHS: Courageous, Determined, Confident, Honest, Passionate,
WEAKNESSES: Impatient, Moody, Short-tempered, Impulsive, Aggressive.
FACE CLAIM: Lee Soo-hyuk.
HEIGHT: 6′0″ [183 cm.]
WEIGHT: 149 lbs. [68 kg.]
BUILD: Athletic. He goes to the gym regularly.
GAIT: Confident.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
» SCARS: Various.
» TATTOOS: None.
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea.
RESIDENCES: Seoul, New York, Philippines.
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate.
DEGREES: Graduated under the Department of Food & Nutrition at Hanyang University. Studied Culinary Arts in France and Italy.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Ha-sun is fluent in his native Hangul. He speaks Japanese, Mandarin, English, Italian, some German, Arabic, Spanish, and French.
PARENTS: Both alive. TBD.
SIBLINGS: Younger siblings.
CHILDREN: A three-year old son.
PETS: Cats.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: Hasun married into the conglomerate Sunwoo family. He met his late wife, Sunwoo Hye-jin while studying at Hanyang and fell in-love [Ha-jun's first cousin.] They were married for five years before she passed due to complications of severe Covid during the height of the pandemic. Hye-jin was already sickly to begin with but her passing was unexpected and Hasun truly hasn't fully recovered from it.
» Since his wife's death, Hasun spent most of his time raising their son and working. His parents-in-law love him and would like him to re-marry but he is not ready. He also has been spending a lot of time with his parents and younger siblings, helping them a lot and taking care of them.
FAMILY HISTORY: Hasun came from a working class family. His mother is a homemaker and his father is a public servant. Education is important and his parents made sure that he went to the best schools so he could have a good future. His parents are loving and his siblings, a younger brother and a sister, are also loving and supportive.
Although Hasun was married into a rich family, he never relied on them financially although they insisted. He's a very talented chef which Hajun recognized and gave him a chance at one of the man's restaurants. Hasun could've easily opened his own with his wife's money and influence but he chose to work from the bottom up. He has been working at Gochugaru for about seven years and he loves it. Hajun has offered Hasun to be partner and there is talk of opening a new chain focusing on Asian and western fusion as Gochugaru focuses on authentic Korean dishes and also bringing regional dishes into mainstream.
Hasun has been dubbed "Cinderalla" as his story resembled the fairytale princess or so netizens claimed minus the evil step-mother and mean step-sisters.
He has many critics and people that doubt his true intentions and credibility - many said he married for money - but public support outweighed all the trolls' negative comments and drowned the haters' opinions. It helped that he married one of the public's sweethearts.
Hasun also
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Was married for five years. Hasn't dated in the last four years since his wife's death.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: He is good friends with his wife's cousin, Hajun. He's a good friend of the musician K; he used to cook for the artist. He still does on special occasions. More to be added.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: Hasun was very much in love with his wife. He's not ready to move on.
PHOBIA(S): None.
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auranova26 · 1 year
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling Lore Bits 2
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling are polylingual. Both sisters are fluent in Manchu (their first language), Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.🗺️
Mei-Ling can also understand well enough Burmese, German, Spanish, and Japanese. This comes down to mostly because of allies and friends over the years who speak these languages.
Both sisters can read the writings of the Crylesh and Ech Tung languages.
Both sisters have an accent to the way they speak outside of their native Manchu. However, due to being alive for so many decades and exposed to many cultures in their travels, they are fully capable of masking their accents when needed.
When speaking with each other, Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling will default to Manchu.
During their travels, Hsien-Ko likes to wind down by doing a bit of artistic hobbies. From ink sketches to wood carving, Mei-Ling likes to see her sister find a way to express herself and encourages her.🎨
Yes, Hsien-Ko will have her big sis be a model for her when she wants to practice painting people. As her skills and techniques developed, her paintings of her sister got more and more beautiful. This makes Mei-Ling very bashful of seeing herself being painted in such a way. 😊
The coffin that Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling use can fly relatively quicky. However, it is limited by the energy that Mei-Ling can put into it via her Qi. To combat this, Mei-Ling goes through exercises of a mental and physical nature to help her.
Via training, she is able to further efficiently channel her Qi to help fly the coffin for longer periods of time. Of course, there are nights where Hsien-Ko will let Mei-ling rest so she can build up energy for when it is needed.
Also, Hsien-Ko pulling the coffin still helps her build up strength and stamina as the bed/storage unit of the Shao Sisters is still heavy. Plus, she wants to help her sister out whenever possible plus see the sights of the world as they explore.
There are the rare times when Mei-Ling will pull the coffin herself by hand. While not able to pull it physically for the long distances that Hsien-Ko can, it is needed when going through a settlement. Plus, further helps her build stamina and strength.💪
Sometimes, Mei-Ling will do it purely to help her train when she and Hsien-Ko are already far out of the range of human settlements. Hsien-Ko will cheer on her big sister, which Mei-Ling appreciates.😆🙌
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Deniz Melissa Benetton
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Rocco Benetton is the son of Luciano Benetton, one of the four founders of the Italian fashion brand Benetton. He met Bahar Boyner, the sister of Boyner Holding's founder, their distributors in Türkiye, in 1995. They got married in 1998, and in 1999, their daughter Deniz Melissa Benetton was born.
Deniz spent half of her childhood in Italy and the other half in Türkiye. The excitement of Formula races in Italy and his father's F1 background drew her into the sport, and at a young age, she developed an interest in it. Deniz participated in regional karting races and achieved unexpected success. In 2015, she joined the Ferrari Academy, where she won 1 Formula3 and 1 Formula2 championships. In 2018, she took his first step into Formula 1 by becoming a test pilot for Ferrari. In 2019, she filled Kimi Räikkönen's vacant seat and finished her first season in Formula 1 in 10th place. In the 2020 season, she had a victory in Canada and finished the season as 8th. In 2021, she moved to McLaren and ended the season in 5th place with 2 victories. In the 2022 season, she finished 6th. At 2023 season, she moved to Mercedes, she is currently racing for this ream.
Deniz considers Türkiye as her second home. She is native at Turkish and Italian, fluent in French, and English, and she speaks German and Spanish midly . Also she tries to learn Russian and Japanese.
Thanks to her achievements in the lower category series and her family's business, she didn't face many difficulties in finding sponsorships. As the only female driver on the grid, she receives both strong support and negative reactions from different groups. She responds to the sexist questions with a sharp tongue, and during these moments, her friends like Vettel and Hamilton also defend her, and she appreciates these moments.
Being the only female driver on the grid, Deniz is featured in more programs on SkySports and the F1 YouTube channel compared to others. She is close friends with Lando Norris, and she tries to get along with everyone on the grid, admiring Vettel and Räikkönen. She feels happiest and pushes herself the most during races in Italy and Türkiye. When she won in Türkiye in 2021, she couldn't hold back tears of joy.
Deniz is known for being sarcastic. When she first appeared in front of the cameras, she was perceived as insincere and faced criticism, but over time, she got used to being in front of the cameras and felt more comfortable as she established a genuine connection with the people around her, leading to more positive feedback. Of course, there are still some misogynistic detractors, but there is also an army of supporters fighting for her on the internet.
Above all, she is a nerd, geek, and fangirl. She knows even the smallest details about various subjects, from superheroes to Eurovision history, from old Hollywood sci-fi movies to astronomy. Sailor knots, morse code, origami, sign language... She doesn't stop until learn everything about a subject she interested to. If she doesn't wear F1 merchandise, she's probably wearing Star Wars or Marvel merchandise because her wardrobe consists mainly of that. After learning to read and write, she researched F1 history and documented every significant event in an old notebook. She has an extensive F1 almanac that starts from the first race in 1950 and covers scandals like Spygate and Crashgate, as well as details like Nelson Piquet's race rankings in different races and the rules that applied in different years. She was also successful at school lessons until she fully concerned to F1. She thinks about studying astrophysics after her retirement from F1. Also she writes various fanfictions on Tumblr and AO3, but her account is unknown.
Her favorite sport after F1 is swimming. While she's swimming, she doesn't think about anything else. There's nothing better for her to clear her mind and relax before and after races.
She actually loves Turkish cuisine more than Italian cuisine. She spent all her summer holidays in Turkey during her childhood and holds a deep affection for the country. She shares celebration messages for national and Islamic holidays on social media.
Sometimes, she sees videos that edited in a romantic way about her  and other pilots. And although she was embarrassed by them at first, she no longer cares. She maintains a professional attitude towards her work. (No one knows that she constantly listens to War of Hearts by Ruelle and thinks about Mick Schumacher.) Her closest friends on the grid are Lando, Carlos, Charles, and Mick. She spends most of her time with them during events and F1 media department chooses her with mostly these 4  to make content.
She is a huge fan of literally every driver that she watched at her childhood; Vettel, Raikönnen, Schumacher, Button, Webber, Rosberg, Alonso... She thinks that she is the luckiest person because she was reserved pilot at Ferrari while Vettel and Raikönnen racing. She had biggest crush on Sebastian and Jenson when she was a child. In 2019, while playing an ask game, Seb asked her who was her childhood crush is. She immediately blushed and started laughing while throwing hinting looks at Seb, after he understand, he started laughing too and said that it was cute. She covered her face with her hands and stand up by saying that she needs to find someone to hit her with a car. And everyone knows about her crush on Jenson because she revealed this in her very first interview made by Jenson Button's himself.
Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc are like brothers to Deniz. She loves spending time with them. Charles is always so kind to her, and a photo of her sleeping on Carlos' shoulder after FIA's prize night is wandering around the internet.
Mick Schumacher and Deniz know each other since they were babies. She found a photo of them with pacifiers in their mouths, for Netflix show producers from their infancy. She posted the photo on Instagram and got a response from Mick, another babyhood photo. They didn't grow up together, just 2 people who knew each other but lived far away. After the accident of Michael Schumacher, they made a phone call, did not speak, just cried loudly. They met at some karting races and had a little chat while their mothers taking photos. Years passed without intimate acquaintance until they met again at the F1 paddock. Mick's kindness and endless radiance of sunlight drew her in immediately as it evoked some warm childhood memories. She tries very hard to keep things professional. But some fans on the internet are catching how she acts different and timid around him. How she blushes and laughs awkward-long after she making him laugh. No, she should keep things professional.
She started a campaign to get women's attention to motorsports with Susie Wolff. Also, she attends to some activities for protecting environment. She posts some campaigns and news about global warming at social media. After his retirement, she started supporting Sebastian Vettel's bee campaign. She also fights for homophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, sexual discrimination, racism, animal rights... She just tries to make the world a better place.
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