#shes a demon so she has no concept or need for gender but she's a lesbian and likes she/her pronouns cuz she Can
kiddphel · 2 years
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It's that time of the year where I go back and redraw old ocs to see how my art has progressed and today I found art of my old "fox" demon Cerdocyon or "Cera"
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thrashkink-coven · 1 month
people who don’t understand neopronouns or therians are immediate red flags to me as people who probably don’t understand neurodivergency, polyamory, alt subcultures, or paganism either. Basically just anything that isn’t immediately simple and easy to define. People somehow seem blind to gray areas and nuances and I don’t understand why.
“Why not go by he or she? or even they? why does it have to be so complicated?!”
Because humans are complicated and this word fits xim better. Language has been evolving to be more specific for centuries, xer not doing anything different than he or she is.
“Why do they look like that if they don’t want me to stare at them?”
I guarantee your opinion was not the determining factor of their outfit choice today. Green is their happy color and spiky hair makes them feel cool. What other reason do they need? Everything isn’t about you.
“How do you identify as something nonhuman?! that makes no sense??!”
Probably because cats are the only creature they’ve known to not question their habits and force them to make eye contact. Maybe they relate more to animals than humans because you’re all so cruel.
“How can you be an it?! You’re not an object?!”
Maybe this person just generally doesn’t identify with being humanized in general. Who cares.
“This is all really weird they probably have some kind of mental disorder”
Okay? And? Maybe they do? What’s your point? What’s wrong with that? Why can’t they live peacefully with their disorder? Why can’t they be a person with DID? Why can’t they do age regression? Because it makes you uncomfortable? If these things are helping them cope and not causing harm, what’s the issue? That it’s too complicated to deal with? Maybe you don’t actually want to have a relationship with this person and should just leave them alone.
“I just don’t get all the freaky chanting and stuff. Seems like demons possessing you”
Oh yeah, you probably don’t “get” stimming either, do you? Moshing? Nope? Didn’t think so. Yeah wild idea but maybe howling and clapping actually feels good for some people. Maybe it even feels… really good.
“I just don’t get how you can be multiple things at once”
You probably don’t get how you can worship multiple Gods at once either, huh? Or even… be more than one person at once? Be more than one gender at once? Love more than one person at once? All of these concepts must fry your little brain don’t they?
“well sorry, I just don’t get it. It’s too much for me”
Although I don’t think it’s all that difficult, (hey buddy, are you maybe perhaps a little bit stupid?) you don’t actually have to “get” it to respect it, or at the very least respect people. Humanity is and always has been complicated. Get with the program dummy.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I need to feed my Yuuta brairot so can I request a yandere concept for Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling?
At the time of writing this (5/30/24), I have finally seen Volume 0 on Crunchyroll so I can finally do this request! Hope you like it! Warning, this is a bit long and is mostly me rambling. I was a bit too excited to write his character, lol.
Yandere! Yuta Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling
(Volume 0)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Mentions of depression/suicidal thoughts (Due to canon), Dark themes, Violence, Blood, Death, Trauma, Slight stalking, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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The idea of this is actually a bit cute although unnerving.
Yuta's childhood friend in canon was Rika.
So I can take this request in two directions.
You replace Rika and end up being his Cursed Spirit companion.
You're different from Rika and have been one of the few other people Yuta is close to.
Both versions of the concept are intriguing but I think I'll stick to the second variation for the sake of simplicity. (I definitely want to explore the first version at some point)
Yuta was always a timid boy in childhood, often isolating himself due to Rika.
He was shown to be sick when young, maybe you met him and Rika in childhood?
When you were young you three were a trio, which would certainly keep Rika from killing you.
Rika, for the most part, reacts to Yuta's emotions.
As you grow up, Rika leaves you be due to how Yuta feels.
She's jealous at first, yet sees that Yuta would hate her if she hurt you.
Which leads to, guess what, you having them both to deal with until she passes on years later.
Yuta originally wants to isolate himself and not cause any trouble for you.
There's times he's wanted to end it all due to the amount of times he's been bullied.
However, he has you.
You try to help, even when Yuta is adamant on you not helping.
Especially since Rika proceeds to kill every single one of his bullies.
You're the only one he feels he can speak with.
But... he can tell you're scared of his Curse.
Yuta... is worried you'll hate him... which ends up driving him away from you at times.
It's worse if you can't see Curses, as you can't see the cause.
However, if you can?
Perhaps you're able to see Curses and are able to see Rika.
Well, even then, you're scared of what follows Yuta.
Even if Rika won't hurt you for Yuta.
You always knew Yuta as a timid kid and pitied him a bit.
Even in High School you tried to be close to him, hoping to still be supportive.
Unfortunately, Yuta may not see you again until after the events with Geto if you aren't a Sorcerer.
You aren't from a Sorcerer house, so you aren't quite sure what to think of Curses even if you can see them.
You're actually quite worried when Yuta goes MIA.
You two are in two different worlds now.
You're a non-sorcerer and Yuta is a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.
You probably don't expect to see him again after he changes schools.
So it surprises you when Yuta does eventually show back up in your life.
Due to you being a non-sorcerer, Yuta may feel an overwhelming urge to protect you.
After all... the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons attack gets to him.
He knows of Geto's hate for "Monkeys" and realizes how... weak you are compared to a man like him.
Rika has moved on now, yet Yuta is still as strong as ever.
When Yuta sees you again, his chest tightens.
You're so oblivious to all he's gone through... and he's changed so much.
When you see him again, you go to ask if it's him.
Leading to Yuta enveloping you in a tight hug.
Oh how he's missed you.
You notice Yuta is extremely friendly and sociable compared to his usual timid self.
You want to ask so many questions, yet Yuta's just so excited.
He knows he has to study abroad soon, but he wanted to see you again so bad.
He's seen so much although he's unsure how to explain it.
Yuta has learned to cherish the friends he has.
Plus he definitely has anxiety about you since Geto's Curse Users are still around.
He keeps thinking about how strong he is...
You just keep smiling and talking to him, rambling to him as you have no clue what has happened.
Yuta thinks he can work with that.
Maybe it's for the best you don't know about the Sorcerer world?
Yuta may not tell you what happened if you don't know of Curses.
He's just been busy and has gotten help for his more timid nature.
You may not understand... but why does that matter?
Best you just focus on catching up, yeah?
Yuta has a higher chance of being a platonic yandere in this case, but he could also swing romantic.
His first concern when seeing you is making up for lost time.
He's been away from any source of normalcy for a long time now.
When seeing you he just wants to keep close.
Yuta's more protective than he was when he was younger with you.
You're surprised but he doesn't fully explain it until later.
He's just... missed you and has gone through a lot.
That's how the obsession begins, when he's older with you and seen the horrors of the world.
He's no longer that timid boy.
He's a man who can kill to protect those he loves.
Yet to you, he's still Yuta.
You notice he's more controlled now and things don't die around him anymore.
Although you have no clue where's he's been.
Yuta is an intense yandere due to how much he cares for people.
His obsession is most likely derived from the trauma he's gone through.
He's seen his fellow Sorcerers slaughtered and injured.
You aren't even a Sorcerer.
You're his childhood friend... one he sees as naive.
So wherever you go, Yuta is tempted to follow.
You just think he's being clingy.
If only you knew.
Yuta would kill for you if a Curse User targeted you.
You're oblivious to Curses and Curse Users hunting you down, before you even know about it, Yuta's slaughtered/exorcised them.
Yuta's used to blood on his clothes.
He always makes sure you're out of sight and out of range before he deals with any threat.
Yuta gains the mindset of wanting to protect you in this world even more now that he's a Sorcerer.
He's so sorry he pushed you away when he was younger.
Now he can protect you! (Similar to how Rika did with him)
Yuta is friendly but can be ruthless when you're in danger.
He feels no one else can protect you like he can.
As your childhood friend... he'll take that role.
You can't part from Yuta once he decides to stick by you.
It takes him a long time to go for his abroad studies.
He can't fathom the thought of leaving you alone now.
You find such behavior weird, granted, Yuta has been clingy in the past...
Not this much, though.
Honestly, even if Yuta explained the dangers of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer to you, you'd be hesitant until you saw it yourself.
He may even tell you eventually as much as he hates it so you know to stay close.
Yuta is already a protector at heart, it's in his blood (Quite literally, he's related to Gojo distantly)
So it's obvious he'll sacrifice everything to keep you safe.
Rika's gone now, he knows that.
You aren't.
For the sake of Rika and his own well-being, he needs you safe.
It's too easy to die in this world.
Hopefully you trust him... right?
The blood on his clothes is necessary.
Unfortunately it's also a common sight.
There's no use being stubborn with him, either.
Yuta's going to be stern with you, after all, he's seen what this world is really like.
Yuta loves you, as to what extent is up to you.
He follows you everywhere until he's dragged off to study abroad.
Even if he is, I can see him asking someone to watch over you until he can return.
Like Gojo or one of his friends for example.
He'd rather die than lose you to a Curse User or Curse when he's gone.
So prepare for Yuta never leaving your side once he comes back from his studies...
You and Rika have protected him enough... it's time he returned the favor.
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lovetei · 1 year
could you write obey me boys with an idol mc? like they just somehow became famous on devildom 🕺 like these kpop/jpop idols! i was thinkin abt a newjeans like concept (attention, hype boy and cookie specifically)!
Hmm, that's so cute. I wanna see the boys watching your private life through your videos!
Damn... This made me want to redo my ROYAL Universe, I put such a small effort in that I feel sorry :')
Never mind, I'll redo it later.
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Obey me universe where MC is an Idol
IDOL Universe: Introduction
Warnings: MC uses gender neutral pronouns, manipulation, slightly dark themes
Links: Masterlist
Frilly skirts and sexy tuxedo's
The one and only idol that threatened every other groups in the Devildom by simply playing their songs intro,
Dancing at the largest stage of the Devildom is basically your normal by now.
Getting invited at parties where the wealthy and the influential can only enter
Your influence spread like wild fire all across the eighth rings of hell until no one in the Devildom don't know you.
But that isn't enough,
After you conquered the lower class of demons you climbed your way up to meet the socialites
And now here you are, on one of your highly earning concerts but this one is different
There's a different face among the crowds
There's Leviathan
Sitting in front with no one beside him
That's weird, your manager told you that every ticket are sold out and the VVIP tickets are sold at the same day...
No way...
Did Leviathan bought all the VVIP tickets?!
Yes, yes he did.
He even bought a special fan meet ticket.
"Hi! Good evening!" You cheerfully greeted to your only fan that managed to afford your over the top VVIP fan meet ticket.
"Have a seat." How weird, the rumors said he's all shy and stuttery but the person you're seeing right now is no weeb, it's the grand admiral.
"Ah, yes... Thank you!" Even though nervousness is starting to cloud your senses you need to keep your idol persona or else some nasty news will dug themselves up from the graves.
"I must say your pricing is totally over the top but I expected it from an idol whose at the top of the current food chain." Wow, how blunt.
"Yup! This ticket allows my fans have more indept conversation with me!" You smiled with your usual bright grin.
"Yeah, I almost thought it's a bait for those in the noble class. You know, for them to brag about how they managed to get their hands on such ticket." He replied as he took a sip of the coffee in front of the two of you.
"I'll go straight to the catch." He voiced out as soon as the mug landed on the glass of the coffee table.
"I want you to perform for my birthday." You almost choked up on your own spit after what he said sinked in.
"Aw... I'm deeply sorry but my manager won't allow me-" Is what I'm about to say but my manager barged into the room, sweating adn excused herself saying she has something to say to me.
She went closer and whispered something to me "He's willing to pay hundred of billions Darling! Hundreds of millions!"
What? Is he some type of freak? Why would he pay hundreds of millions just to have some idol like me to dance and sing around for his birthday?
MC, Devildoms brightest star who's hiding something
MC who secretly despised all the creepy people in the fan meets
MC who washed her hand throughly until it scratches every fan meet because of the amount of disgusting people that touched them.
MC who thinks everyone, everything is there to help them get on top of everything
MC who practiced the 'genuine' smile the crowd loves so much.
MC who can cry on command that faked their cry on live stage a they accept their most recent award.
MC Devildoms brightest star
MC who's willing to be in a dating scandal with the avatar of envy if it means it'll raise their popularity and their net worth.
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blues824 · 1 year
Hashira with a s/o that is beloved by the god/goddess of death! Meani they are immortal being. They, like the water hashira has a lot of survivor's guilt..
S/o is a new hashira.... met the Blood Pillar! Other game's they are called are 'Blessed Death, Eternal Rest, Child of Death, Demon, Spiritless Slayer,etc...'
They wear a black wedding? veil that is attached to a dead flower crown! Their haori is huge on them and I mean that comfy baggy feel! The design is the basic black base and the pattern is like this!
S/o is the opposite of what they look like but they give of 'cinnamon roll but I wear the pants in the relationship energy!'
Gender-neutral reader, described as beautiful. Mentions of marriage.
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Gyomei Himejima
Bro can’t see you, but he has some sort of concept of how you look and he thinks the veil adds to your beauty. He probably worships you because you are beloved by the god of death, but once you become his significant other it’s over for you. He is down on his knees for you.
Since he has a visual impairment, his other senses are heightened. Thus, he can feel when you’re sad. There was one time where you were thinking back to your fallen comrades and a heavy onset of survivor’s guilt just hit you, and Gyomei pulled you into his arms and just stayed there for a few seconds. No words were needed, as you cried into his chest.
Every time he meets with you, he will lift the veil and give you a kiss. It never fails to make you flustered, because if you remember you would typically know that this action is reserved for the big day. Not to worry, because he promises that he will marry you one day.
You both are natural-born leaders, but he’s happy to follow you around. You often take his hand in yours and gently pull him along to different places, especially if you are admiring the flowers placed within burial sites. It’s not an uncommon thing to visit them because of your profession after all.
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Mitsuri Kanroji
The Love Hashira with the Blood Hashira… if this doesn’t fit hand-in-hand in the darkest way possible, I don’t know what does. When you become her significant other, be prepared for an onslaught of affection and loving words as well as gifts.
She can tell when her beloved is saddened, and if you want to talk to her then she will share some of her sakura mochi to get you more comfortable. If you don’t want to talk about it, she won’t force you. She believes that you will tell her when you’re ready.
Whenever she gets the chance, she will steal your haori. It’s comfortable, it smells like you, and it brings her comfort. You can’t even be mad because she’s so adorable. Mitsuri will pout when you ask for it back, and will beg you for just 5 more minutes.
For being the Blood Pillar, you were the least violent person that she knew. You even returned a lot of her affection. Placing a kiss upon the back of her hand as a greeting, supplying her with sakura mochi to surprise her, gifting her a bouquet of flowers, etc. 
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Giyu Tomioka
Was very wary of you at first, but got attached quicker than he would have liked to admit. For a person beloved by the god of death, you were a very happy person. When you became his significant other, you really showed him what joy was. It was a fun feeling that he had forgotten.
He can tell that you have survivor’s guilt. It takes one to know one. So, when he can tell that you’re trying to pull through the depressive episode by yourself, he will hug you. Physical affection isn’t his strong suit, but he knows that you need it so you know you’re not alone.
Finds the veil with the dead flowers beautiful in a dark way. He also lifts the veil to give you a kiss, but instead of it being a greeting each day, it’s when you are united again after a mission. This can lead to a full makeout session depending on how long either of you have been gone.
Giyu knows nothing about romantic relationships, so you are definitely going to have to lead him through it. He constantly lives with the fear of losing you, but you have to remind him that he’s the mortal one here. 
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Tengen Uzui
You were an addition to his family, and his wives and himself each loved you. He first found both the fact that you were favored by the god of death as well as the fact that you were therefore immortal to be flamboyant, until much much later.
He can also tell when you’re going through an episode of survivor’s guilt, and he and his wives will try to comfort you to the best of their abilities. It often ends up being a huge cuddle pile with you being the center of attention. It serves as a reminder that you’re now married to 4 people who are there now and care about you.
Even though the ceremony had passed, your Hashira outfit contained a black-based haori with a veil that was attached to a headpiece decorated with dead flowers. It was giving a corpse bride, and your husband and wives were thriving for it.
Again, Tengen always considered himself as the ‘leader’ of his family, but you were definitely the true leader. Before going out on a mission with you, he would ask if he could go because you had a much higher chance of surviving if the plans were screwed up.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
The second you were introduced, all disrespectful thoughts about you flew right out the window. You looked sad, and he suddenly felt his heart tugging at itself, wanting to go comfort you. Bro has no idea where this feeling came from, but he knew that he wanted you to be his.
When you’re feeling down because you're reminiscing about the loss of your fallen comrades, he won’t give you the time to feel sad. He wants you to turn it into a productive anger, and he will pull you by the hand to start training. He will throw punch after punch so you are distracted.
Your haori and veil never fail to make him flustered. He sees you move with grace in battle, and he has almost died a few times because you distract him. If you accuse him of being cheesy like that, he will tell you to shut up and he will cover his mouth so you won’t see he’s blushing. When he officially lifts the veil, he thinks you look breathtaking before he places a kiss upon your lips.
I think you both are leaders, but behind the scenes Sanemi is very soft. If you are to trace his scars in public, everyone will be able to see who’s really wearing the pants in the relationship. It was weird the first time someone caught you because they saw the Wind Hashira laying his head on your lap as you run your hands through his hair.
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Shinobu Kocho
She thought you were very intriguing at first. Beloved by the god of death, you were granted immortality. You were practically a legend, but she knew that you were suffering. She could see it clearer when you both got more romantically involved.
When you’re down in your feels, she will bring you some tea and she will place her large haori over your shoulders so you’re surrounded by her smell. She will listen to you if you want to talk to her about your old friends that you lost in battle. She knows what you’re growing through; she lost her sister by a demon.
The butterflies around the estate often land upon your dead flower crown, and it makes you look absolutely majestic. The splashes of color amongst all the black you wear really added a certain touch of delicacy, like life meeting with death. It served as a metaphor for you two: life meeting death.
Shinobu doesn’t mind you being the leader within the relationship. It gives her someone to go to when she’s distressed. But it really shows when she’s going to be sent on a mission. You insist that you go instead because you’re immortal and you have a much less chance of dying.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
You are the coal to his flame. You are why he is alive. When you first got introduced to each other, mans took a real minute and let his smile drop as he was gazing at you. He was just in shock at how gorgeous you were. When you finally came around to saying hello to him, he took your hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.
He knows what it’s like to feel guilty for being the one to live, and he’s aware that it must be even harder for you because you’re immortal and can’t die. But he won’t let you think that you should have died. In order to distract you, he took you outside to see the sunset.
Your veil just added a bit of mystery that he absolutely loved. When he finally got permission to lift the veil (you think he’s going to pass up the chance of marrying you??), your eyes made him realize that you were his whole world. 
This man goes so soft for you, it’s so freaking adorable. He might seem like he’s leading you both in the relationship, but you are the one wearing the pants. He is not afraid to show that in public either. He worships the ground you walk on… in public and at home.
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Obanai Iguro
He didn’t know what to think when he first saw you. He wanted to be angry that someone had joined them as a fellow Hashira, but you were just so beautiful. Kaburamaru started slithering towards you and the Snake Pillar was so embarrassed. However, you knelt down and gathered his animal companion to place him gently on your shoulders. That’s when he knew he was in love.
As stated before, you suffer from survivor’s guilt. Obanai isn’t the best when it comes to comfort, but he will allow Kaburamaru to become your companion in times of grief. He knows that this feeling will get worse as time goes on, especially with your ‘blessing’ of immortality.
Obanai first lifted your veil in private, and you did the same with his bandages. He was scared of what you would think, but you placed a kiss on each side of his mouth before placing one on his lips. Bro was so happy he almost cried.
Now, no one expected it, but this pillar is a huge pushover when it comes to you. He’s not the best with words, so he shows his love through gifts. But you show your love to him through physical affection, something he’s not used to but definitely loves. There was one time where he fell asleep on you, and you covered him with your haori.
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Muichiro Tokito
He was staring off into space until you came into his view. He was taken by surprise by a black veil with a black and red haori, and he thought you were the most alluring person he had ever seen. Bro started following you around like a lost puppy.
Now, he knows what it’s like to live with survivor’s guilt. However, his grief has manifested into anger that he just suppresses. You deal with worse on a constant basis. You’ve lost your family so long ago, and he can’t imagine having to cope with trying to not get close to anyone because you’ll end up losing them.
Your veil and haori are very interesting to him, along with the flower crown you wear. The flowers actually started blooming once again, probably because of the mist he creates with his breathing technique. Once he does lift the veil (in a few years), the flowers atop your head look as though they were just bloomed. This man was never in charge in the first place. He may ask you out on cloud-gazing dates, and he might be the king of different unexpected dates because he likes to surprise you, but you would be doomed if he was in charge. He zones out a lot, but you have nothing against being in charge.
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sealbirdy · 1 year
(some) Good omens fans stop misgendering Beelzebub and also calling their and Gabriels relationship a "straight relationship" or "het passing" challenge!
Beez uses they/them pronouns! All angels and demons are technically nb. And just blatantly ignoring that is just plain disrespectful and not fine. I love ineffable husbands as much as any other fan. But for fucks sake stop complaining that the "straight" pairing somehow took something away from the queer ones. Literally basically all ships in the show are queer in one way or another. Aziraphales and Crowleys story is not over. Be patient ffs.
Also I don't mind calling ineffable husbands a gay ship. I'm both nonbinary and bi and I've called my past relationships gay too. But also remember that they are not just human males. Crowley has also presented as fem a few times in the show and in the book (as nanny astoreth and I think in one of the flashback scenes in season 1). Their concept of gender and sexuality is different from humans. Also I've seen some people complaining about how maggie and nina didn't get a resolution to their story and like... did we even watch the same show? Their story was handled extremely well. Nina just got out of a kinda toxic relationship. I'm seriously so glad that they didn't immediately just put here together with maggie, but acknowledged that she needs to heal from that first. This obviously isn't meant for all fans, I love how most of the fandom has handled this. Sadly that isn't all of the fandom though
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
It's so frustrating to see people purposefully misunderstand transandrophobia/transmisandry and then very confidently talk disparagingly about the people who talk about their experiences of it and then blatantly ignore everyone going "hey yeah no that's not what that means"
Like. Devon price trying to frame it like people who talk about transandrophobia are doing so firstly because they're just ignorant misogynistic babies who want to be oppressed so bad and also to try and drive a wedge between transmascs and transfemmes is so fucking disingenuous I don't even know where to start.
We're literally just trying to talk about the experiences transmasculine people have and the institutional problems specific to us? Why is this such a fucking problem?
Its painfully obvious that the people who make these posts do not ever actually engage with the discussion of anti-transmasculinity & the wider transunitist-feminist theories. Its embarassingly obvious in this case because Devon tried to make this sick gotcha, by bringing up one of the most common topics of conversation in our spaces.
And then there's the whole "TMRAs don't realize most of what they deal with is misogyny!" take, which I've seen in other places as well. Which imo comes from the idea that people who discuss transmisandry are literally just the trans version of MRAs. & the MRA idea of "misandry" is just a reversal of their idea of feminist theory- so they use it to describe "actually society is based around women's needs and desires and it targets (cis) men and we actually live in a matriarchy!" While the transunitist concept of misandry/antimasculism is "patriarchal beliefs about men/masculinity & the roles they are expected to fulfill, used both generally to reinforce patriarcharal control and specifically to target marginalized men/perceived-masculine people." I coined antimasculism specifically to provide an alternate to misandry for those who are uncomfortable with it because of the MRA associations.
& like. whether or not you agree that these are useful words, its obvious that the transunitist idea of misandry/antimasculism is very different to the MRA one. But to know that you'd have to actually, like, read the things we write & take seriously to our theories on the patriarchy. And not just trust Tumblr Callout For Evil Trans People #3245853723 that said we don't think misogyny exists.
Also tbh I think a bigger part of this issue (transmascs who are anti-transunitist) is that its a symptom of anti-transmasculine erasure. If you don't personally experience, assault, demonization, or accusations of being a predator for being a trans man, and no one you know has either, then... you certainly aren't gonna hear about those issues from wider society. And even if you have, you might not recognize what happened as anti-transmasculine, or tell yourself it must be only a fraction of what trans women go through. & again, they don't fucking read anything we post. That's why I feel like its so important to point out & remember incidents of anti-transmasculinity (like what I do w the AoVaTP). Because its so easy to buy the "people don't violate trans men the same way" until you've read about (tw for somewhat graphic anti-transmasculine violence)
trans men getting their faces cut off, beaten with a chain, thrown out of men and women's bathrooms, hit over the head with a cooler, having their shelter at a refugee camp firebombed, having hot coffee poured in their eyes while being called a "he-she", institutionalized & tortured for not showing "proper gender behaviors" as a child, having their family burn their documents to keep them from getting a job, forced to jump from a 2nd-story window and left to die, being harassed by Fox News for being a "groomer" until their school got bomb threats, held captive and tortured for two years, found dead with their genitals stabbed, assaulted by a police officer for "lesbian activity", called "tranny" a lot, and so many rapes and so many suicides, and this is just some of the shit that I have collected for that archive.
But yeah. We're just whining about silly representation nonsense.
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teeth-cable · 10 months
Demonolatry they are the people who worshipping demon and work with demon. Like the demon of ars goetia, seven deadly sin etc
They always told when invoking and working with demon it's need to be treated with respect. Working with these entity require an effort, time, patience and doing shadow work. Even some practioner reveal the demon don't have the same concept as human so they don't have gender, they present any form they want. The demon gremory, marchosias they identified with her/she prounouns and in other cases the demon is genderfluid or non binary
Vivziepop treated these thing as a joke like using random sigil without proper research or even considering it can be disrespectful toward these entity or the practioners
Again I found it funny how Viv prides herself for having queer rep in her shows when in actual demonology, there are many demons who are non-binary and gender-fluid but her Hell still has a binary gender system for some reason. One of the many things about the Hellverse worldbuilding that will alway confused me is Hell having a binary gender system and the hell species having sexual dimorphism because it. The idea of gender came from humans so by default Hell and Heaven shouldn’t followed these rules but let say God did create gender, it still doesn’t make sense for Hell to have a binary system. Hell is supposed to be the opposite of Heaven so if Heaven is enforcing the binary then Hell wouldn’t. Sorry I didn’t say everything on Viv’s lack of respect for religions. You explained it perfectly in your ask and I won’t be adding much to the conversation from the last time I discussed it.
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mdhwrites · 11 months
Why TOH really doesn't want a theme of discrimination.
Every demon in the show is depicted as evil, dumb or as good... because they don't want to be a part of demon culture.
That's the thesis and it's not an over exaggeration. In the main cast, the only demon of the DEMON REALM is Hooty who is treated as slow, less intelligent than the other members of the cast, and as a joke by the writers as he never elevates himself above being simply comic relief. Association with him seems to be the earliest sign that Lilith is meant to be seen as a joke and her relationship with Hooty ostracizes her from the rest of the cast. Makes her appear weird because she's the only one who can like the bird tube.
Otherwise, they're all antagonists. Most of them are just one note villains for that matter. In S1, every demon with a real speaking role is a villain. The monster hunters, Warden Wrath, Tibbles, the basilisk, the publisher for King and even Boscha if her third eye denotes demonic heritage. Anyone who we see at least as neutral are pretty much just background characters. The ones from the prison in the first episode are really the only ones who get a moment of heroism.
Now you might say: What about Bat Queen? She's the richest person on the Isles and she... Isn't a demon. She's a palisman. Made by, or at least for, a god with the insinuation they give. Bare minimum: Not for any demon known to the Isles. So she doesn't count.
There ARE witch antagonists in S1 thankfully. They're Matt, who goes on to obviously be a good person at heart, Amity who... Duh and Lilith who is also redeemed. None of this happens to any of the demons though even if ostensibly this is their world since the entire dimension is named after demons.
Which, as a note, also is part of why saying TOH is anti-colonial means ignoring an entire race.
Even KING, who should have been the demon representative in the main cast, was then retconned not to be one. Worse yet, only once that retcon began did the show start treating him with any real respect. As a demon... He was just a dumb comic relief character as far as the show is concerned.
So when we FINALLY get a reoccurring demon... It's Kikimora. That should be all I need to say there.
Now the final argument: Vee. Vee is a good person, right? She's not a villain or antagonist, just a good person. And you would be right. The framing on Vee is the problem. As the ONE genuinely just good demon, we have to evaluate how she is different. She is different... Because she rejected the Demon Realm. Her parallels with Luz are even supposed to make it clear that she is better at being a human THAN LUZ. Which has the awful implication, if we want to say TOH has anti-discrimination theme, that the only good demon, is a domesticated demon. One who wants to be a human.
That's. Fucking. Awful.
And just to cover my bases: Yes, discrimination is more than a race thing but the concept of discrimination on race is actually pretty much the only one ever brought up. The fact that no one gives a shit about ethnicity or sexuality or gender actually hurts the theme because you have to project those things onto the show instead. And any allegory to discrimination is explicitly done through races. Fantasy races but that still frames it as a racial issue so its theme on anti-discrimination is going to struggle to branch out beyond racial lines because it effectively ignores that any other form of discrimination might even EXIST.
And for the finale!... I don't think any of this is on purpose by the writers. Yes, they bring discrimination into the show but just like how real life conflicts will often ignore the complexities of all the groups present, such as us referring to all Native Americans as one whole group rather than their separate tribes and histories, the show effectively forgets about the demons. They're just there for flavor because if literally all of the characters of the demon realm were elves, it wouldn't feel like it fits the name at all. It adds spice to a scene and adventure if you have demons of all sorts and sizes.
But the witches are the conventionally attractive characters who are easy to latch onto and so they are the main cast. Everything that looks other becomes a target for villainy because of that juxtaposition. Unfortunately, none of this helps any sort theme of inclusivity. That we are supposed to look past the outer shell and see the person within, regardless, race, gender, sexuality, etc. like that.
Instead, TOH tells a very basic fantasy story and in doing so, falls into the fact that a lot of classic fantasy was written by racist white dudes and the fact that the term demon is charged due to LOTS of religions that paint them out as wholly evil. Without actually interrogating these concepts, it can be easy to fall into them.
So yeah, I think this is a theme people need to stop trying to apply to TOH.
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tossawary · 1 year
Hey! You've mentioned female!SQH in passing a while ago and that concept has been living rent-free in my brain ever since. I'd love to read your thoughts on it if you have more/are interested in sharing. Hope you're having a nice trip! :)
Thank you! I don't have many concrete thoughts on Fem!SQH (or Fem!MBJ or F/F!Moshang for that matter) besides the fact that I would try my best to make it a hot fucking mess. I would probably write it as a cracky one shot and I would want Fem!SQH to cause constant secondhand embarrassment on multiple levels. Not that Airplane Bro as Fem!SQH would be especially oblivious, no, she knows what she's doing and it's hugging thighs, committing crimes, and making other sect leaders walk out of conferences asking themselves if women should really be allowed to cultivate.
I'm exaggerating a little, but also not really. Airplane Bro is wily and genre-savvy and an apathetic bastard, at the same time that he's a clingy idiot who needs to pay more attention to what he's saying, and I resent assumptions that a female character is automatically the one "carrying the braincell". I would want to write something outrageously funny in which Airplane Bro transmigrating into Fem!SQH causes some chaos and gives MBJ even more issues than MBJ already had.
(I'm talking about a Male Airplane Bro transmigrating into a Fem!SQH here because I think a Female Airplane Bro transmigrating into a Fem!SQH sounds a little too OC for me to write that, though a woman writing an incredibly successful stallion novel like PIDW is very fun to think about. Even Airplane Bro growing up as Fem!SQH would inherently shift his character at least slightly, but that would be a firmer base for me to start on and I'm growing more comfortable with the idea. There's lots of room to explore Airplane Bro's relationship to gender and women by having him transmigrate into a female character in his stallion novel world.)
As for the idea of a Fem!SQH in PIDW... the details all depend on what kind of story you want to write. Only changing SQH's gender inherently has very different vibes to doing a full genderbend on the entire cast of PIDW/SVSSS. In a full cast genderbend, I personally don't really see the plot beats of the original SQH changing much. In a SQH-only genderbend, things could stay the same still, but if you wanted to switch it up, I suppose that in PIDW, the premise could instead have been an ambitious Fem!SQH trying to (maybe successfully?) blackmail MBJ into marrying her, but also resenting the necessity of having to marry for power, especially to a demon, and so hating MBJ's guts. Which would be mutual.
Lots of potential themes for a Fem!SQH's storyline in PIDW about how power can be given and taken away, the pros and cons of the legal situation of marriage, the intersection of sex/gender and class, and all sorts of interesting things.
Okay, now that I'm thinking about it, I kind of like the concept of PIDW Fem!SQH blackmailing MBJ into marrying her or something and then PIDW MBJ later on murdering his own wife. That seems sufficiently dark for PIDW. It would also be a stark contrast for PIDW MBJ to be a murderous widower when Luo Bing-Ge has so many wives. Putting Airplane Bro into that particular Fem!SQH situation for the SVSSS version of those events has strong Bluebeard fairy tale vibes. But that's also probably a slightly more serious story than the cracky vibe I was originally envisioning.
Mmm, I don't have any specific thoughts besides that at the moment. It's all fun to think about, though. ❤
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hydaen · 11 months
🏳️‍🌈, ☕️, 🖌, 🌙
Hope you have a nice day. ✨️✨️
🏳️‍🌈 what do they identify as? what are their pronouns?
alecto: she/her/sie/hir, she's a lesbian and she's trans
rayiin: they/them/it/its, they are attracted to "people" regardless of gender or species (demons, succubi, angels, humans, etc) and they're agender (though demons don't have gender concepts in their culture)
☕️ coffee or tea?
alecto: coffee and tea
rayiin: tea
🖌 do they have any hobbies?
alecto: she's loves playing videogames and also draws sometimes. she's also very active and sporty so she likes running, climbing, playing various sports (maybe baseball idk i don't know sports)
rayiin: they play an instrument similar to the liute and likes jewelcrafting. they're also very good at cards and dice games. they consider napping an hobby
🌙 what's their sleep schedule like?
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alecto: angels need very little sleep, she's most awake at sunset and dawn and only sleeps 4h usually
rayiin: they love sleeping, napping, being in bed, born to sleep, life is a pillow. they get active from afternoon to 3am, the big sleep is usually 3am-12pm and then the rest of the day has 2 millions nap breaks
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I really liked reading your thoughts on hypmic and gender roles!! I would like to add some things about hypmic & female characters :]
I like the way Otome is meant to have a delicate (?) image, but it doesn't make her weak (I remember when her solo Just do it released and people talked about how before they had this idea that Otome was more like ruler who gives orders to her soldiers in the background, but after the song it was clear that Otome is actually in the front lines, leading her army)
And Ichijiku, who is sometimes cruel, with this strong image, this is framed not as a good thing, but a front she puts up to cope with her suffering (not that it's wrong for a woman to have traits usually associated with masculinity, but it's bad when you are doing it for the sake of looking "stronger", someone is not weaker for being feminine, as it seems to be something she internalized for herself/she doesn't seem to project that into others so it's just an unhealthy coping mechanism that hurts only herself), we can see from the drama tracks that before traumatic events her voice was much more high pitched (her natural one), and now she uses this lower, stronger tone, to not be perceived as weak (which I think kinda parallels Ramuda speaking in a higher pitch when his natural tone is lower). Basically a lot of the times when trying to write strong women, authors will take away their feminity from the idea that "you need to be masculine to be strong", that wouldn't apply to any of our female cast, even to Ichijiku who does put up a front to not be seem as weak, this is not a good thing & she still has hobbies/likes things usually associated with feminity (but as an exemple of masculine women also being treated well, we have Asunaro Bojo, she is a tomboy but that's not bad at all!!! Good for her, and there is also Iris from rhyme anima, that I could say is not particularly fem??? Also good for her and her cool motorbike)
And Honobono, I think it's really interesting that, in a society that demonizes feminity, she uses that on her favor, her feminity being her main weapon. Also I like her existence as a contraposition to Hypmic's main themes about bonds/relying on others, the power of words to resolve conflict as an alternative to violence / she wants to break bonds, uses her words as a way to do that, showing how powerful words can be when used for evil
As for them making bad decisions, I agree there were times when it was for the sake of plot moving, I also think some decisions are due to them being flawed characters, just like the rest of the cast is (Otome is impulsive and has a very "now or never" mindset, but so does Dice, Ichijiku blindly follows Otome even on her worst decisions, but that's because of her trauma and it's something she has to work on changing, etc)
And I do think a shifting is happening btw them being antagonistic side characters to them being integrated as part of the main cast in recent times!! That being said I'm very excited for the upcoming stage play focused on the girls only & with 2 new original women, I will love to see what they have ready for them
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
I totally agree with your opinion about Otome. Her "coldness" (like, personality-wise) is a good contrast to Ichijiku's hot temper, but neither are in any way weak or frail. And as you point out with Ichijku, this too seems like her way of pushing away her own feelings in order to process them better. (True gender equality is everyone failing to process emotions in a healthy way? lol)
I also get what you mean about Ichijiku and writing strong female characters. (I'm immediately reminded of this comic. In terms of concept art, Ichijiku could fit right in with them lol.) She's an interesting example of a trope I see a lot. In Japanese, it feels like "cute" (可愛い) and "beautiful" (綺麗) exist as two opposite ends of a spectrum, where the latter is associated with maturity and elegance and the former with youth and innocence. Fictional taller girls or girls with more developed bodies often lament that they're pushed into the "beautiful" role even when they identify more strongly with being "cute." On the flipside, shorter girls sometimes wish that they could be taken more seriously if they were closer to the "beautiful" side of the spectrum. Ichijiku is pretty firmly in the "beautiful" camp but seems to desire "cuteness" (see how she reacts to tea parties with Nemu, who is more stereotypically "cute", and cultivates a hairbow collection). Yet she reacts with embarrassment when anything "cute" is brought up, likely because she recognizes she won't be viewed with as much authority if she presents herself in a "cute" fashion. That ties into what you're talking about with the pitch of her voice and her desire to appear strong. It's funny how there are expected societal roles ("cute"/"beautiful") nested within larger expected societal roles (womanhood). If all the female characters were like Ichijku, I'd be a lot more "eh :/" about Hypmic, but as you say, there's a wide variety of presentations, none of which are presented as "weaker" or more invalid. Like Nemu--she's definitely a "cute" character but is written to have an enormous amount of emotional strength following her decision to join Chuuouku. This suggests, then, that Ichijiku is incorrect in thinking she can't be strong and "cute." Likewise, the female characters as a whole can be strong and feminine or strong and more masculine-presenting. It'd be fun to see more female characters who lean into the latter (I'm not going to pretend that Hypmic is bursting with canonical masc female characters) but that seems a bit more progressive than Hypmic is willing to go. If it's still at the stage of "femininity != bad"... I'll take what I can get, haha.
I love everything you said about Honobono!
And I also agree that some flawed decisions Otome and Ichijiku make are due to them being ordinary, flawed individuals. Which is a good, humanizing writing choice! When I said that in the original post, I was referring to the sort of decisions that exist purely to set up the main conceit of Hypmic. The "Hmm yes I think I shall spend our man!tax dollars on constructing a huge, expensive stadium as a trial run for a future government-sponsored sport. Let's kidnap two children in order to convince one of the trial participants to rap against his friend, which is the most effective way to prevent a coup" kind of decisions. Team Rocket-ass decisions. I'm not knocking this concept as a whole, because goofy villainy and contrived plots can be fun. Even in semi-serious works, there can still be a place for contrived plot nonsense; the audience is capable of suspending disbelief when the silliness is not the main object in focus. But when we're later asked to examine some of Otome's decisions and thought processes in a more realistic and sympathetic light, I have trouble reconciling the two concepts in my head. In my opinion, Otome can either be the shadowy figure behind the Team Rocket desk or a real person with complex thoughts and feelings, but asking her to be both is not a great writing choice.
Finally, I can't wait for the stage plays either. I hope I get a chance to check them out! The Hypstages are always super, super fun.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
OKAY so Yandere! Lute concept (Hazbin Hotel)!!!
I hope she gets more scenes in Season 2... whenever that is. @okchijt helped me with ideas!
Yandere! Lute Concept
(FT. Enabler! Adam)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Strict yandere, Discipline, Violence, Mature themes, Overprotective behavior, Isolation, Toxic behavior, Dubious relationship.
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The biggest part of Lute's yandere behavior would be how strict she is.
Compared to Adam, she's the most responsible one.
She's ruthless, stoic, sadistic, ambitious...
All traits of a skilled Exorcist.
Lute is loyal to heaven and uncompromising, so I imagine her obsession is most likely a soul from heaven.
She has a hatred towards demons of all types, which means she wouldn't be very fond of a demon obsession.
Same might go for a fallen angel obsession, seeing you as a disgrace to heaven.
Although... a fallen angel darling does sound like it would make good enemies to lovers....
She has the ability to care for others, as shown with Adam, but most of the time she's rather stoic.
Even towards her obsession she's not very emotional.
Her lack of emotion comes with her job...
Which is why it baffles her when she feels herself go soft around you.
I imagine Lute isn't good with romance.
She seems like she'd act like she doesn't like her obsession... but when pressed she cracks.
For example, Adam no doubt notices Lute's attraction to you.
You're (for this concept) an angel, doesn't matter if you're an exorcist or not.
Adam can see the looks Lute keeps giving you.
He's familiar with such looks... yet he finds it amusing when Lute gives them to you.
As expected... Adam gives crude comments, irritating Lute.
"Woah, got a lady boner for that one, huh?" Adam grins, seeing Lute shake in annoyance.
"Shut up, that is not what's going on!"
"I mean... can't say I blame you. That one's quite a piece of work... Are you sure you aren't interested?"
"Yes, Adam, I am...."
"Cool! I don't mind scoring that one!"
"You will NOT."
"Hah! So... you admit it, huh? You're Infatuated."
Adam is definitely going to be a pain for Lute.
Especially if she's in denial about her fondness for you.
She... She doesn't like you like that....
Yet Adam keeps making crude comments and innuendos to mess with Lute.
"Seriously, Lute... Just talk to them. You're distracted."
Even when Lute tries to be closer and talk to you, it's like she struggles to talk to you.
She doesn't know what to say, yet she doesn't want Adam ruining this.
The last thing she needs is Adam making some intimate comment to scare you away.
Lute likes your presence, but isn't sure how exactly to approach her feelings.
Most of the time you'll find the other angel hovering around you.
Whenever you try to talk, she hesitates and gives small answers.
Thank God she has a mask on... She looks like a fool.
She's very unlike Adam's perversion and constant crude behavior.
She's reserved, responsible, and protective of her obsession.
If you are also an Exorcist, she's protective of you during training and Exterminations.
She doesn't care if others or herself bleeds
As long as you're fine, she could care less.
Overall she's protective, feeling that's the only way to properly vent her feelings.
Adam can try to help her show how much she cares, but it truly is a struggle for her.
If you aren't an Exorcist, her constant presence is strange.
She's unnerving to be around at times.
Yet even you can tell she cares... somewhat.
Her short responses become increasingly more irritated with time... to the point you think you did something wrong.
You didn't, you didn't do a thing.
It's just that Lute is irritated with herself for feeling such feelings for you and can't comprehend how you make her an internal mess.
She can't stop thinking about you.
This is most likely the first time she's felt such away.
So, reluctantly, she goes to Adam for advice.
She has no idea how to court.
And Adam's way of courting is... dirty.
Once Lute begins trying to accept her feelings, she's controlling with her obsession.
She attempts flirting, but immediately dislikes it.
Adam no doubt keeps supporting Luke through her obsession, regardless of how she courts you.
Lute is very controlling, expecting loyalty and obedience from her obsession.
If she doesn't get that... She may have to force it.
Lute isn't the sweetest... but she isn't cruel with you.
She'll discipline you but not overdo it.
To her it's a dominance thing, isolating you to get the point across.
She won't physically hurt you.
You just need to learn you're hers... That you shouldn't disobey....
When you do learn... She'll praise you.
Even when she confesses to you, it's not really a suggestion.
It's a demand.
"You. Me. Together. Now."
She admits her feelings like it's your responsibility to accept.
It leaves you stunned... the fact her confession feels more like an order.
But it gets the point across, doesn't it?
She isn't the most comforting as a yandere.
While she starts shy and unsure at first... over time she's more demanding with you.
She's a soldier, she has that kind of discipline.
For the most part you have your freedoms.
But Lute is your partner.
You can't neglect that fact, she and Adam won't let you.
The fact that Adam helps Lute with her obsession doesn't make things easier for you.
Since they're so close Adam is going to encourage you both to stick with one another.
He keeps saying how Lute is best for you, that her type of love is just... rough.
But, no worries, she certainly loves you!
She's possessive in the way of being jealous.
Except she's mostly quiet about it, most likely telling Adam about it so he can make a big deal about it.
Kidnapping would not happen due to how Heaven works, same thing with murder.
Although... Lute is quite capable of murder... which is what makes her so intimidating.
She doesn't stalk... she's out of her field with that.
In terms of affection, she's very... lost.
She attempts hugs and kisses... yet she's unsure and confused at times.
Adam has to encourage her, even if most of his encouragement is... crude.
Overall, Lute is an intimidating and stoic nature.
She hasn't felt this way towards anyone before.
And while she may hate it at first...
She doesn't want this feeling, or you, to go away.
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xamaxenta · 4 months
Alright I’m bored and tired
So let’s list off some horny concepts to get the neurons firing shall we?
1. Dragodile lesbians (idk just really big tits)
2. Marsabo one or both wearing cock rings
3. MAS trans sabo with her massive horse cock and her two buxom gfs
4. Marace abo alpha Marco that acts like a omega and omega ace who keeps getting leaky tits
5. Dragodile dragon getting his prostate tortured crying and drooling
6. Sexy secretary getting knocked up by his boss (possible crime boss)
Number 6 pllleeaasee i need it to be acebo/saboace
That being said !!!!! More under cut bc i replied super long…
1. God!!!??? You do understand … theyre both equally stacked… breasts for DAYS. Breasts for WEEKS they’re both in corsets and skin tight skinny bell bottom jeans and knee high heeled bootie/combat boot combos thyre serving MILF but also the kind thats taken and youre never gonna get a chance even tho they’re complicated rn 💔
2. They… would make it a goddamn game, Sabo snapping pics of his lik chastity cage and then the raunchiest selfie ever like hey baby got myself all pent up n waiting for u to come home, Marco gets home rock solid eager to play like so whats the catch? Sabo laughing like ive got a lil game for you, if you decipher this puzzle you get to find where ive hidden the key to the cage, fail in the hour timelimit and you dont get to cum or get fucked, marco who desperately wants to get fucked by sabo getting all fired up like !!! He will unlock the at cage and get sabos dick its like saw if it was sexy lmao
3. OH. Lesbian MAS!!! But Marco and Ace being cisfem/afab and amab trans fem Sabo !!!! ? Shes so fucking pretty you know it … 😭 i know you meant theyre all ladies but now im stuck obsessed over transfem Sabo it just feels right or theyre genderfluid, and in any au ofc sabos got the biggest dick to dick down his/her partners :3 you know she got both her ladies gagging for it esp Ace my beloved cockwhore
4. Ohhh Ace nesting SUPER DUPER HARD WITH MARCO BC HES SO… MILFY… older mature Omega vibes even tho hes actually genetically an Alpha, actually fuck it!! Biological gender chimaera Marco who after eating his DF has both omega instinct frm it but biology of an alpha, Ace lactating CONSTANTLY from the overstimulation of being mated to him bc omega?!? Comforts!? But also his big soft alpha mate? Hes so wet and constantly dripping both his tits and his cunt 😩💦 hes just a happy lil thing mwah i love this one anon !!!
5. Its rly fun to imagine Dragon looking for a dom and getting all the paperwork sorted and getting introduced to his dom and its also like sugar daddy vibes bc Crocodile is so disgustingly wealthy dudes got a WHOLE ASS DUNGEON and hes just a dragon, let him get trussed up like a festive turkey and have Crocodile stream him squirming and struggling directly into his office, addresses Dragon by vocal cue alone via mic its all consensual and kinks they both enjoy and its all so he can see a powerful figure like Monkey Dragon get unwelded at the SEAMS!!!
6. Annnnd yeah i want this so bad for saboace acebo idc whos the mob boss wife here either is sublime bc Sabo being this absolute insane crime syndicate owner, diabolical and untouchable with his gorgeous trophy wifehusband Ace who has the great potential to be some famous public figure like an actor or smth, and hes like the publics darling so their dynamic is so spicy like my husband is a murderous black market dealing weapons distributing demon and i love him!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Alternatively mob boss Ace is hot in general like built his own family and theyre close knit super loyal band of misfits and outcasts whatever, probably owns a huge chain of casinos and hes always in the house, hes just such a threatening presence too but hes not the real danger but his svelte ultra smoking hot ex assassin wife Sabo, like sabo was sent to take Ace out but failed bc Ace seduced him and they got married, try harm a hair on Aces head and Sabo will bear down upon you with the wrath of all seven hells, hes a menace in stilettos and hes got knives all tangled up in his pantyhose !
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secretdiaryofcrowley · 6 months
Where we left off: Nina scolded me for being mean to Maggie...
Now she actually WANTS me to be mean to Maggie and even meaner to Muriel. People! Will you ever make sense?
But let's rewind and start... right here.
"For once in your life, trust somebody."
No, no, wait, that's too far back. A little further along.
"Fine", Nina says, although it's not. "You've made your point, Mr. Crowley."
Did I? And is my point pointy enough for you to go away, never come back and leave me to my misery?
It certainly seems so, because Nina backs away. "We can offer you our friendship, we cannot, however, make you accept it. I still think you're making a mistake, but the choice is yours, and you're old enough to take responsibility for your own actions."
She falls silent for a moment. The sun's setting with the buildings casting long shadows over the road.
"I'll leave you alone from now on." Nina half turns, looks back over her shoulder. Her features seem calmer than before, but there's still some anger in her eyes. "And Maggie will too, once you explain to her that you don't need or value her friendship. I trust, you will do this soon and won't leave her worrying about you any longer."
What? "Explain to her... what?"
"This. Do you think, ghosting is an appropriate behaviour?"
"I'm not a ghost, 'm a demon."
"Don't take it literal." She sighs. "Ghosting means not answering people's messages and pretending you aren't there. It's very hurtful to others because it leaves people worrying and they never get any closure. That's what you've been doing to Maggie and me and I haven't even started to talk about Muriel."
I didn't know there was a word for it, but I never meant to do anything. How can I do anything by doing nothing? It doesn’t make any sense.
And yet, I know she’s right. Doing nothing sometimes hurts people most of all. Simply standing by and just allowing things to happen.
“What’s that with Muriel? There’s a croak in my voice I can’t supress right now. “I don’t understand, what do they have to do with it?”
“She… wait, Muriel uses “they”? Nina seems surprised. “I assumed since you and Mr. Fell both look like guys and she… they chose to look like a woman... you can all choose what to look like, can’t you?”
Great. Humans are not supposed to know about any of these things. I hope no one tries to erase her memory or turns her into a pillar of salt.  
“Yes, we can, but Aziraphale and I have been to Earth for such a long time that we understand the concept of gender. We use the ‘he’ pronoun when we present male and the ‘she’ pronoun when we present female. Most angels don’t know or don’t worry about these things, so they go by “they” unless it feels right for them to go by something else. Muriel has only been to Earth for a couple of months and it’s their first time here, so they wouldn’t worry about gender or pronouns yet. “They” simply makes most sense in their case because it’s neutral and doesn’t assume anything. And before you ask, no, we don’t.”
“You don’t what?”
“Procreate. I thought that would probably be your next question.”
She tilts her head to the side, giving me a long apprehensive look. “So, you’ve had this kind of conversation with humans before.”
“Well... occasionally.” It’s not that I never had closer bonds with humans before. I just try to avoid it because it’s trouble.
Fortunately for me, Nina does not press the point.
Instead, she takes a deep breath and starts talking about Muriel.
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bonesofchaos · 2 months
Shipping Guide
available & easy:
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lark easy to get along with, easy to bed, just keep in mind that he has a parasite god riding around in his bones that will watch and judge your performance so if that's not something you're into, steer clear. an actual monster fucker, the bigger the better.
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vasily a romantic at heart, though be careful of any flowers he tries to give you. vasily enjoys the company of others even though he can come across as aloof and can get caught up in his own job and become neglectful. a highly loyal man, he'll go to war for anyone he considers his.
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achilles bayou born eldritch being. achi is very friendly and eager to help. very easy to get along with, he's the bleeding heart type for all that he's just a bunch of tentacles in a trench coat. likes long walks through the bayou and hunting his darling through the swamp where he'll let you fuck him against a tree if you ask nicely.
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hannibal angry fallen angel but he melts if you show him any form of kindness. clingy and needy when in a relationship. loves plants and takes in stray dogs. his ears are very sensitive to the touch.
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wreche she's a very sweet little demon for all that she rips spines out of cheating spouses. very easy to get along with quite easy to ship with if you have the right temperament. show an interest in her fashion designs, talk about her mother, treat her to coffee.
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nara this depends on what kind of ship you're after. purely sexual and it's easy, he's the god of life and fertility, he'll sleep with anything that moves and gives consent. doesn't care about shape, species or gender, only that you're old enough to make an informed decision and you're willing. romantic relationships will take a little bit more work but not overly much.
available & difficult:
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mjr oh boy. for all that i adore mjr and they're my favourite muse, interacting with them is like pulling all three rows of their teeth. mjr is mistrusting of most and violent, filled to the brim with hatred due to their less than stellar treatment over the years. they hate humans and tend to be bite first and ask questions never. shipping with them is extremely hard but very much worth it. mjr is loyal to a fault to anyone they cherish and they will stop at nothing to keep you safe, showering you in gifts and trinkets (and bite marks) until the end of time. they also have the ability to be any gender required or desired.
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constantine connie is still reeling from the murder of his husband, cut down so brutally in front of him. while he longs for another attachment, brides aren't meant to be alone, the thought of being intimate with anyone feels like spitting on nathair's memory.
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ro'min he's latched onto loni with a death grip and is refusing to look at anyone else at the moment. that's not to say he won't, but it won't be easy to pry his attention away from her. an obsessive, violent (though not towards his partner, he'd never raise a hand to them) demon with a taste for blood freely given. he'll chase you half way across the world if you give him an incentive.
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wormwood while wormwood is very friendly and works as an exotic dancer, it takes a lot for any sort of romance to blossom. currently in a ship with @nvrcmplt's kyle and @strywoven's verona any other ship is going to take some serious work.
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thierry very hard to get him to form a lasting relationship with anyone who isn’t a witch/magic user. plus he has some weird sex/food instincts that probably need addressing… obsession dialled up to 5000% he will actively stalk you. free for all in terms of genders.
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wisteria wisteria is a companion bot loaded with an unshackled ai still coming to terms with the concept of emotions and has sailed straight into the realm of obsession. already having one murder under it's belt, the bot is well on track to becoming skynet. it can fall in love though there's quite a bit of trauma for it to work through first. did i mention it murdered it's first officially registered 'master' and got away with it?
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dahlia i don't even know where to start. no moral compass, very little empathy, kink list 20 mile long. he likes watching people cry. shredded his soul to live forever and will try to get you to do the same because if you're with him, you're not actually allowed to leave him, he will tie your life force to his even if you don't want him to. he can be romantic and charming but he can also be the exact opposite and forget you even exist if he gets caught up with a project, you wont even register on his radar.
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michael do not. an eldritch god of fear using the body of arch angel michael as a vessel to slither through the cracks of our realm. he's a walking red flag. do not.
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