#shes not straight btw i refuse. i simply refuse.
spoiledsprings · 4 months
i hear people on tumblr like this robot
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assorted mirage doodles. she is like a dress-up doll to me.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
So.... Hear me out..
Cuz like what if like ever since reader beat Vox at that videogame he started training practicing idk to prepare to beat reader again until reader goes to erm reverse heaven
So then reader brings it up and Vox gets pissy (as usual) but then she recommends multiplayer, like those games that have a storyline and bosses, so they try it out and it ends up being one of their pass-times
Then when they finally beat the final boss after like a billion attempts, reader gets a lil too hyped and like kisses vox all over the screen which of course causes him to blue screen like a love-sick-idiot-in-denial (official term for Vox being a river in Egypt) while reader is just bouncing off the walls unaware of what they did
(could be before or after they start dating though I think it'd be a lot cuter when they're still friends)
(P.S: remember to drink water and rest properly!) -🥭anon
Video Gaming, Competitive Raging
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Heeeey! You're back 🥭 Anon! Nice to see you! Also yes, I love this idea lmao- it's not something I wouldn't put past Reader cuz they're just like that HAHAHAHAHA- the story itself is a little deviated from the prompt but the idea is the same XD- maybe after this I'll stop bullying these two and actually write a confession scene because damn they just runnin around in CIRCLES LMFAOOO. Send me ideas for how you want to confess to the Picturebox y'all cuz I'm kinda pulling blanks XD. Yes I'm saying Reader's gonna confess first, Vox would end up bluescreening in his attempt to even take initiative. I might write a few more interludes before the confession but yeah- I WANT THEM TO SMOOCH- SIKEEE NAH IT WON'T BE THAT EASY HAHAHAHAHAHA- But do pls send me ideas I am in a funk whdksjdjsksj-
A/N: Btw I'd imagine they're playing a game kinda like cuphead? Cuz that game was the fucking BANE of my existence when I played it. I didn't want to accept I was struggling and continued to play on the hardest difficulty right off the bat cuz I was so sure I could handle it HAHAHAHAHA.
No one at the hotel could've honestly expected whatever was going on to happen.
You and Vox were practically screaming at the TV screen in sheer rage while replaying a level in a game you'd both been stuck on for hours.
Charlie didn't know if this was slightly her fault or not for even suggesting game night.
Hell, nobody knew you'd invited the technology overlord until he showed up at the door and you simply pulled him inside as usual.
He was roped into most of the games you guys played-
Well, except for the trivia ones because you quickly pointed out he had the internet quite literally an extension of his mind.
So any niche fact or trivia that was asked- he could just search it up which was straight up cheating.
But everyone had severely underestimated just how competitive you and Vox could become as a duo.
From constantly teaming in the board games to immediately getting invested in the co-op video game that they switched to.
Charlie and Vaggie had leisurely enjoyed the game-
Angel and Husker didn't really play much and instead made jabs at each other's skill-
Alastor and Lucifer couldn't even get started with their confusion on the controls-
And you and Vox decided to play the game on the hardest difficulty because it didn't seem that bad in Charlie and Vaggie's playthrough.
Oh, it was that bad.
But the both of you refused to admit it and switch it back to the easier mode.
Vox and his huge ego, you and your pride as a gamer.
"You actually practiced ever since I beat you that one time??"
"Didn't I mention that I would? I'm getting that rematch eventually dollface."
"PFFT- Bro I didn't think you were serious!"
"Why you little-!"
Though, this was totally and entirely different from the PvP game you and Vox had played prior.
This game actually had a storyline and plot.
That neither of you gave enough of a rat's ass to pay attention to.
The hardest difficulty was pretty much just a consistent boss rush, and as if you weren't both always on low HP-
Someone was always dying every level.
Admittedly, it was extremely entertaining to watch you both go up and down with your moods whenever anything happened.
Alastor couldn't for the life of him understand most of your gamer gibberish and slang though-
The rest of the gang had just taken seats on the couch behind you both and made silly bets on who would go wayside from frustration first.
Either from the level's sheer difficulty or the puzzles themselves that were a bit too convoluted for their own good.
"No- NO! Move that cube to the right!!"
Everyone else was already starting to guess some mishaps that would happen from you two raging.
Like who would break a controller first-
Vox did, but there were thankfully a couple spares anyway and he'd just replace the broken one soon.
And who would get mad enough to break the TV.
Which in a hilarious twist of events- was actually you.
In one of your expletive filled episodes you threw your controller at the screen hard enough that it broke the screen and your controller.
Everyone kind of thought you and Vox would be done with the game after that.
But nope-
Come tomorrow there was a new VoxTech TV shipped to the hotel to replace the one you broke.
At first, it seemed like it was because Vox was simply being courteous-
Well Charlie thought that.
Everyone just guessed he wanted something in the hotel he could use to spy on everyone-
Still, the actual reason was somehow entirely disconnected from that.
"Egh. He sent over a new one."
Of course Alastor would notice the device and hate it's existence immediately.
"Aww! How nice of him!"
Charlie- bless her heart- she really only sees the best in people-
"Not really, I'd bet it's just so he can spy on us."
Hahaha- now that's a more realistic view from Vaggie.
"Wouldn't put it against him, especially after what he had pentious do before."
Angel still never forgot that, he sometimes even made jabs at Vox for it until now.
"Oh! It's here! Yo help me set this up!"
"Well, somebody's excited."
Husker just came over to check what the commotion was, he didn't realize what he was getting into though.
"No DUH. I've been wanting to finish that game with Vox!"
"Wait- what game? The one where you got so angry you broke the TV?!"
"Uhhh, yeah? What else?"
Your reply had everyone just dumbfounded.
Why would you subject yourself back to such clear torture-
Actually Alastor just found you going back to playing that game entertaining, especially after it was clear that it had sadistic levels of difficulty.
After that, the others would often catch you and the TV overlord continue your playthrough as a pastime-
Either online or when you were both physically there in the hotel lobby.
And every session was possibly just as explosive as the last.
Curses were hurled around, screaming, throwing things-
Angel couldn't help but realize just how similar you were to your flatscreen companion in this regard.
That or you both had spent enough time with each other that the habits and mannerisms of one bled into the other.
Vox definitely became more docile- and you...
Actually no one could tell if you were already that wild or not.
The both of you didn't mellow out at all after any of your shared gaming sessions.
In fact, everyone mostly steered clear of you afterwards because of how snappy and irritable you were.
The only one who could put up with your grumpy sarcasm was Angel or Lucifer.
Alastor would often just come in to bother you more while you played-
Which would soon turn into both you and Vox absolutely screeching at him for throwing you both off when you were so close to winning.
Neither of you were close to the goal at all-
Which the radio demon could tell, and he found your fits absolutely hilarious.
Though eventually, after pouring so many painful hours into the game-
Both you and Vox predictably got better at it.
But that didn't stop either of you from getting stuck at the final boss level.
And that absolutely made both of you raging so much worse.
You died again, but the retry button was once again slammed because both of you were stubborn.
Neither of you were willing to give up so easily, especially when the game's end was in sight.
So near but yet so far-
But that wouldn't stop you guys from trying.
Everyone else in the hotel was just waiting and watching to see what would happen next.
After all, it became so interesting to watch what you two would do next.
Eventually, Vox took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves while you somehow ended up with his hat on your head.
Common sense and sanity was starting to become a little less common when the game was taking up so much energy and focus.
It took another hour of frustrated screaming and cursing before you both eventually managed to beat the final boss.
And to say you two were over the moon was an understatement.
You threw your arms around Vox as you both jumped up in place and shouted in excitement.
Your enthusiasm was so contagious it unintentionally spilled over to your overlord buddy.
The grins on your faces were so wide as you both just celebrated and cheered for a hot minute.
Vox completely lost himself when you finally let go and just ran around the lobby screaming.
Of course that winning high was searing through his circuits, it was well fucking deserved after all the painstaking effort he put in!
Everyone, aside from you, gave him an odd look when he flipped off the TV screen and said that.
It was still displaying the victory menu even-
It was so unprompted and out of left field which made little to no sense even with context-
Not that anyone expected you or Vox to have any marbles left in your heads after that intense gaming session.
So imagine everyone's collective surprise when you suddenly tackled the taller TV overlord and peppered kisses all over his screen from joy.
You were just so pleased with yourself for finally beating the game that you didn't realize what you had done.
Especially when you quickly got up and started running around the room again too.
All that sudden affection from you spiked Vox's emotions almost immediately-
So it was expected that his screen very swiftly overheated and glitched.
And in no sooner than a few seconds, the man also bluescreened.
But you were too busy bouncing off the walls to even realize!
Everyone else just shared a laugh at how stupid the whole situation was.
But knowing how your relationship was with the TV overlord-
This kind of chaos wouldn't ever be a rare occurrence again with you two around.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 10 months
So my little brother went to see the Barbie movie today (fantastic film btw). Bc he has taste, he planned on wearing a pink skirt I offered to him for the event. He got all dressed up and tbh he looked v dapper — but when he asked our mom to drive him to the theater, she flat out refused to allow him to go until he changed.
There was nothing inappropriate about the skirt. It nearly reached his knees. He had shorts on underneath it. He was very much upset to be forbidden from wearing it to see this movie. He planned on simply hiding it in his bag to change into, but our mom straight-up confiscated it from him.
Afterwards, my brother confided in me and expressed that he wouldn’t be telling our mom about what he wants to wear again. Now he wants to wear skirts even more, out of rebellion. He’s going to shove them into his bag and change later.
Something something Barbie movie something something young girl experience something something seems really fitting in quite a sad way, huh?
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
Revisiting a distant memory but its ex lovers with Price. Maybe some yearning? And incorporating "for the old times sake"? Thanks and happy writing!
1k game here - no more please!
GOD this one is hard!! i lovelovelovelove second chance romances (it's my favorite romance trope lol) but i really have absolutely no idea if i'm any good at writing them :')
2k of price x reader ft. reader mourning her marriage at a friend's wedding and price trying to be a good future ex-ex-husband. (btw this is laswell's wedding so we're all pretending that she says "girlfriend" instead of "wife" in game to make this work) no smut!
It's difficult not to drown your glass of wine in one long swallow, the déjà vu an almost overwhelming feeling.
You know it's not fair to Kate, but God did she have to have her wedding in the same venue as yours? Everywhere you look you're reminded of the best day of your life, and the subsequent worst months.
You take a deep breath, and try to shove all thoughts of the past out of your head.
It isn't easy these days. Even though you were the one to ask for the divorce, you've never stopped loving - stopped wanting - John. You feel the loss of him everyday, just like you had the endless weeks and months he spent deployed.
It wasn't the time away that did you in - it was the secrecy of it all. You maintain that you could've made the relationship work had you at least known where he was, or even been afforded texting rights. But it's hard to pretend you're living a normal life when you haven't heard from your husband in six weeks and you have no idea whether he's even alive.
The day Kyle came to the door instead of John, you knew you couldn't stay married to him.
He was lucky - John had been injured and sent Kyle to bring you to the hospital since he was already back on base, but you'd seen the man and broken down into sobs before he'd even managed to get a word out. The poor soldier had tried his best to tell you that your husband was alive and would be fine, but you were inconsolable.
Once you'd realized what was going on you realized the truth of your situation. John's death would break you, and you'd never recover from it.
That moment where you'd thought he was gone... it was like a part of you had died, like grief had swallowed you whole and refused to let go.
You were scared when Gaz finally explained to you what was really going on. And all at once, all the pieces of your life started to click together.
When you served John with divorce papers you told him that you couldn't handle so much time apart anymore, that you wanted more stability in your life than he could give you. But the truth is you were scared, and a growing part of you thought that maybe if you distanced yourself before he got himself killed, the inevitable grief would be easier to swallow.
You think he saw through your bravado and straight to your fear. You've never known John Price to be anything but a fighter, but he hardly hesitated when you gave him the papers with shaking hands. He raised an eyebrow, said are you sure this what you want, love? and hugged you after he signed.
You'd cried more than he had, had sobbed into his chest and clung to him to hold you together. Looking back you're embarrassed of your reaction, but at the time it truly felt like you were cutting off half of your soul.
It still feels like that most days. Sometimes you lie awake at night, haunted by the idea that you've only caused yourself more grief, that you're going to feel hurt and terrible until something or someone kills John, and then you'll have to experience that grief you fear anyways.
But you've made your bed, and now you're laying in it, cold and lonely and missing your husband.
You take a deep breath and a small sip of your wine, try to center yourself. It's difficult not to dwell on your own mistakes - perceived or real - but you're determined not to cry at Kate's wedding. You are not going to be that divorced woman. You simply refuse.
Still, it's a close call. You close your eyes and drain the glass before your fingers stop shaking, and you hate that you've got nothing to do with your hands, nothing to distract yourself with. The deep breaths don't help, and the idea of getting a bit wine-drunk looks more and more appealing.
When you open your eyes again, John stands in front of you, holding a fresh glass out in offering.
He looks good, but you already knew that. It was difficult to look anywhere but him during the service, and he caught you enough times for it to become almost humiliating. You've been telling yourself all night that you could pass the flush in your cheeks off as the heat of an outdoor ceremony, but you know he noticed.
Still, he doesn't look smug about your obvious discomfort. Silver lingings, and all.
You take the offered glass after just a moment, deciding that it might be better to bite the bullet and invite John back into your space rather than keep trying to avoid him all night. It's not like your divorce is a secret - every person in this room saw you two attend countless events together, the tension between you two is probably painfully obvious.
John steps to your side as you take a small sip, heart skipping a beat at the taste of your favorite wine.
"Where did you get this?" It's not what they're serving, or you'd probably already be well on your way to wine drunk.
He smiles softly at you, dimples covered by his beard. "I can't give away all my tricks. Then what would you keep me around for?"
You laugh a little sadly at that, and his smile grows.
Honestly, you've missed John enough that you don't even really mind if he keeps your wine hostage for the rest of the night. You're willing to keep up the facade if he is.
You take another sip and stand a bit straighter, try to prepare yourself for another conversation with your ex-husband. None of them have been easy, but it gets less and less painful to see him every time. You know he goes out of his way to make this easier on you, never once showing any hint of animosity. Besides the lack of PDA, he's hardly changed his behavior from when you were actually married.
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
He shoots you a look, one that says he remembers exactly how much you always hated small talk, but he indulges you. "It's a beautiful ceremony."
"It is."
He cocks an eyebrow. "But...?"
You sigh, gesturing with your glass as the wine loosens your tongue just enough for you to be a little too honest with your ex-husband. "It's all a little too familiar, isn't it? I mean, I haven't been back here since our... well, you know."
He snorts. "Yes, I do remember our wedding day."
You flush, elbowing him playfully. "Don't tease."
His smile is familiar, everything you've missed from him, when he looks down at you. "Can't help it, love." He lifts a hand, one big palm cupping your cheek and running a thumb over the apple of it. "You're just too pretty when you blush."
You can't help but close your eyes, leaning into his rough palm a bit. God, you miss him so much. Having him here, feeling his touch, and knowing that you'll go home tonight to an empty bed...
It's almost too much. The tears come entirely against your will.
"Oh, sweetheart," he coos, other hand cupping your cheek and thumbing away your tears. You blink up at him, free hand wrapping loosely around his wrist.
His eyes bore deeply into yours, and you see everything you feel reflected there. The memories, the pain, the yearning, the love that just refuses to dissipate.
"John," you whisper, voice shaky.
His head dips forward just enough to rest your foreheads together, breaths mingling. Despite the music still playing and the sound of conversations all around you, you can't help but feel like the world begins and ends with the man in front of you.
That's always what John has been for you - everything. Even now, months after your separation, you haven't figured out how to live in a world that isn't defined by John Price. You're not sure you really want to.
"Oh, love," he sighs, grip just firm enough to make you feel held. "When are you coming home?"
You bite your lip to hold back a sob, face crumpling. John coos a little, pressing forward just enough to kiss the tip of your nose and using his thumb to coax your lip from between your teeth.
"It's alright," he soothes, rubbing soft circles into the indention your teeth left in your lipstick. "We don't have to talk about it now, alright? You can take all the time you need. I'm a patient man."
You nod a little, taking in another deep breath. His patience was always something you'd admired, considering your own patience is horribly short. You can't stand to wait, and despite the many times he'd try to help you see the beauty in delay (both in and out of the bedroom), you'd only become frustrated.
Like now. Here John stands, poised and put together and nowhere near tears, and you're the exact opposite. It would be embarrassing if it wasn't one of the main reasons you fell for him in the first place - he's always balanced you out where you need it most.
You take another gulp of your wine, the glass half gone already. John chuckles a little as he stands up, hands shifting to rest on your upper arms and giving you a comforting squeeze. "Might have to get you another glass sooner than I expected."
You consider him for a moment, thoughts slow but a bit erratic, and then drain the rest of the glass in one go.
His eyes widen a bit as you nearly slam the glass onto a table, looking up at him with determination.
"No more wine - for now - but how about a dance?"
You wouldn't be asking if you hadn't had three glasses of wine already. But you have, and you're just inebriated enough to say screw it. As long as you don't wake up next to John tomorrow, nothing you do at the reception can really hurt your progress in getting over him too much.
But God when he smiles at you like that, soft and loving and just sweet, you want to forget completely about the divorce and go back to the life you'd had.
Stress and fear and separation pains regardless, you want John Price with every bone in your body. But you can't help that your mind convinces you otherwise, whispers all the reasons being with him can only lead to pain.
He shakes you out of your musings by offering a hand, stepping away just enough to make you reach for him.
"For old time's sake?" He asks when you take his hand, letting him pull you onto the dance floor with the other couples happily dancing together.
You nearly giggle at the poor excuse, knowing you can both see right through it. Still, you agree with him.
"For old time's sake."
You both know it's a lie, know that there's something more to a slow dance at a wedding, but you're not ready to say it yet. For now you'll hide behind the mask of nostalgia for better days.
Someday you'll be able to move forward. But that's a mission for post-wedding you to figure out, a plan for future-you to construct. Wedding-you, almost-wine-drunk-you is more than happy to let your ex-husband tug you close and trail his hands almost inappropriately low on your waist.
You tell yourself that you can worry about John's words, about his tone and his touchiness, in the morning.
For now, you bask in the presence of the love of your life, and try not to think about how much it will hurt when you leave him all over again at the end of the night.
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aphroditesswan · 10 months
pink dolphin sunset
stoner suna rintarou x latina stoner reader 
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warnings : weed usage, mention of lighters and smoke cuz well,, it’s weed. implied underaged smoking also terrible google translate spanish cause i didn’t grow up latin i grew up filipino so i’m a no sabo kid 😭🙏 
notes : book of life ref if u haven’t seen it go see it NOWWWWW. all lowercase is intended btw.
summary : suna had invited you on a date, just to lounge around and smoke in his car late at night and wow, how could you ever possibly refuse that offer?? 
genre : mostly fluff i think 
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suna was always plain faced. he always had this look in his eyes that could only be described as empty but not in the sad way, in the way that there simply wasn’t a thought behind those dark, almost beady eyes. 
well, except for when he looked at you. 
the eyes that showed nothing but boredom would suddenly soften at the mention of you, at the sight of you, at hearing your voice or even catching your eyes in a brief meaningless glance across the room. 
you don’t even know how you got here. you’re sitting in the front seat of his car, some tory lanez song playing cause you shuffled his playlist, one he totallyyy didn’t make in advance for when this happened, talking and sharing a bong with a bowl that’s been packed maybe ten times. 
it’s safe to say the both are high and throughly dumbed out. suna’s ignoring the vibrating messages from his pocket, only staring into your eyes as he holds the light to the bowl to light it up for you like any good man would do. you wait, sucking up the smoke once the time comes, throwing your head back to make a couple ‘o’s with the smoke. it’s the best you can do for now, a bit too focused on the lovesick eyes the man in the drivers seat is giving you.
it’s not his fault you’re nothing but perfection in his eyes, he can’t help but admire how nice you look sitting in the passenger seat of his sleek black challenger with the seat of his black fabric on the passenger seat covered with the fluffy thulian pink colored cushion he had bought just for you once you agreed to do this with him. he had been practically waiting, begging any and all gods above for this moment since he heard from your best friend and the annoying atsumu that you smoked. 
he was so focused on your pretty face that he hadn’t noticed you took the lighter from him, taking another hit from the bong while he was distracted. as you went to take yet another hit, he snapped out of his daze and narrowed his eyes at you. 
“aw come on, with all you’re smoking you owe me some weed. plus, it’s not your turn. hand it over, pretty.” 
he held onto the bottom of the bong, smirking a bit as he gentle took it from you, searching the cup holders for the small lighter when he looked up and saw you holding it with your index and middle finger out to him. he snatched it, both of you rolling your eyes at the behavior of the other but really he was soooo entrances with you. he lit the bowl up, sucking up the smoke and inhaling, turning his head to blow it at you who blew straight air back at him and swatted his second hand smoke away. 
“so you can blow all your smoke in my car but when I blow back at you, ‘s a problem?” 
“I never said it was, estúpido. I just don’t want you blowing your dank ass smoke en mi cara.” 
the side of your lips pulled into a small smirk as she leaned sideways toward you, smirking up at you as he tilted his head down. 
“you know… I think ‘s sooooo nice hearin you speak spanish. can’t understand a think y’ say though.” 
you stayed silent as you looked down at him with narrowed eyes, a giddy smile tugging at your lips upon hearing his words. 
“mhm… go on…?” 
“cocky now, are we sweetness? i’d say… you just sound sooo much more… magnetic. don’t get me wrong, hearing you speak normal is hypnotic in itself but something about the natural you voice when you speak spanish… it’s so much better.” 
“maybe you should learn if you’re so desperate.” 
“will that win you over? or was book of life too much for you to handle still.” 
“He died for her!” 
“n’ came back to life, pretty thing. I can’t do that. trust me, if I could I would for you, doll.” 
“aw how sweet, hand me the bong.” 
He chuckled a bit as he handed the bong back to you, the bowl nearly empty now. he lit it up, and you repeated the motions from earlier, except you blew it in his face this time. 
“wowwww, how mature of you.” 
“why thank you rin, i try.” 
he takes it back from you yet again, setting down the now empty bong in a cup holder. 
“sooo… what’s the plan?” 
“ion know,, what you tryna do?” 
he jokingly moves the drivers seat back, smirking a bit but behind it was a stupid, giddy smile. as he goes to put his hands behind his head, you hit him in the arm to which he breaks his front and laughs out loud, leaning away from you and holding his hit arm. 
“ouch, that hurt you know. maybe you should be on volleyball instead of me, huh sweets?” 
“i swear there’s something so wrong with you. estas absolutamente loco.” 
“not my fault you’re so pretty.” 
he shrugs, putting the seat back into its original position and his hands on the steering wheel as he stared at the small empty gas station a couple yards from the car. you two were parked at the very end of the small parking lot, music blasting and smoke spilling out of the slightly open windows of the small sleek black car. 
maybe dates with the ever so “stoic” suna rintarou weren’t so bad.
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FIRST FIC JITTERSSS AAAAA i gen hope you guys like it this is like my first fic in so long that i’m actually proud of and i hope this gets me more confident and helps me write more :DD
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teasel-backatitagain · 4 months
Hello! Do you have any ReiJean Valentine’s Day headcanons? 👀
Hello!! Thanks for the ask!!
I’m not big on Valentine’s Day in itself but I’m big on being super corny so here we go!!
Neither of them have really celebrated before they got together, Reiner because he was a child soldier and then a depressed and suicidal teenage soldier, and Jean because Valentine’s Day was simply not a thing on Paradis (big fan of any kind of situation involving the Paradis natives learning about Valentine’s Day, Christmas or the different iterations of the Tooth Fairy or any other widely known celebration btw). They do celebrate every year, but it’s usually nothing big and happens in the morning. Jean likes to get Reiner a bouquet of flowers, different ones every year, and Reiner gets Jean a breakfast in bed if they’re off that day. I like imagining them and the rest of the Alliance celebrating platonic love and friendship on Valentine’s day, something they caught on during their travels as peace ambassadors. They try to meet up with Levi, the kids and Onyankopon, have a meal together.
I got even more carried away/ drafty thinking about how it could go when they’re not together yet so more under the cut I guess.
They’ve been staying at a town that has barely been spared from the Rumbling east of Fort Salt and where refugees have been gathering for a couple weeks when Jean learns about Valentines Day. Falco barges into the kitchen one afternoon, with teary eyes and troubled breathing, goes straight to Pieck, and asks her what he could do for Gabi for Valentines day. There isn’t exactly florists around anymore, food is tight, nature is definitely not healing, and, and, and… Pieck holds him tight, gently stroking his hair until he calms down. Jean watches as she teaches Falco how to fold a page of a book into a flower.
A couple of days later, one of the women that has been working with them on cleaning up the outskirts of the city asks Reiner if he’d be her date for the Valentine’s Day. Reiner turns beet red and says he already has plans.
Reiner has a date then. It’s fine. Jean is cool with it. Really. It’s not like him and Reiner are an item. Sure, they’ve been sharing a room (well, it’s more a glorified cupboard, but there isn’t exactly any room to spare these days). And sure, some nights when Jean wakes up screaming, Reiner is there by his side. And yes, some nights Jean soothes Reiner to sleep. And… Alright. Alright. Maybe he was starting to entertain the though that there could be something more than mere camaraderie between them. But, according to Reiner, there isn’t. That’s perfectly fine. They are friends and Jean will get over his unrequited crush. It’s not his first rodeo. And what if he was trying to muster the courage to properly ask Reiner out? He spent the past 22 years not celebrating Valentines Day (and not being in a relationship), he doesn’t need to start now.
Jean wonders who it is. In a curious way, not a jealous way. He considers asking Reiner about it, but the man refused to answer any of Connie’s questions about it, and Jean respects his privacy. Still. It’s highly unlikely to be someone they both know. But Jean is also doubting Reiner’s capacity to score a date with a stranger. The man is unbearably hot, and while he’s not Yes-Beat-Me-Up-I-Won’t-Fight-Back-Reiner he’s not Cadet-Days-Reiner either. Maybe it’s no one? Maybe Reiner is not into women and tried to turn her down gently? That’d be great. That’d be so fucking lovely.
On Valentine’s Day, Reiner comes into their room around 6. His shirt is ironed (who the fuck finds the time and the iron board to do that nowadays?) and open one button too many, his hair freshly washed. He looks nice. (He looks gorgeous. Jean is fucked). He smiles warmly.
— Hello Jean.
— Hi.
(Jean swears he is trying not to be curt. He might be kind of failing.)
— Any plans tonight? Reiner sits on the edge of Jean’s bed. He smells like Cologne. Where the hell did he even get Cologne?
— Why? Did your date cancel on you? Jean says pointedly as he sits up from the bed.
Reiner furrows his brows and sits up too.
— Anyway, he continues, I’ve got to go. I’m on schedule tonight.
— Connie is keeping watch tonight.
— No he isn’t. Connie was on two days ago.
— No, remember, I was on two days ago. I took his shift. Took the one he has next week too.
Jean looks at Reiner suspiciously. It’s depressing, patrolling the outskirt of the city at night, watching the barren wasteland and waiting for people to appear on the horizon. Especially when there has been no new arrival for a week and that they have to face that they might be all that is left on this side of the globe. But they’re all adults and they all need sleep. There is no way he is gonna let Reiner be a sleep deprived self-sacrificial -
— You took two of Connie’s shifts so I wouldn’t have to work tonight?
Reiner nods, his cheeks turning pink. Jean’s stomach does a flip. Oh. They stare at each other in silence, Reiner’s blush deepening.
— Well are you gonna ask me out or what? Jean finally barks.
Reiner widens his eyes, and lets out a full belly laugh.
— Fuck, he says, You’re the actual worst.
Jean crosses his arms on his chest with a smirk. Reiner shakes his head.
— Jean. Would you like to be my date tonight?
They both smile earnestly.
— Very much yes.
Jean picks a clean shirt (it’s not ironed but it will do) and combs his hair the best he can. Reiner holds out his hand, and Jean takes it, letting Reiner leads him to the main square, where people are slowly gathering. There’s colorful paper garlands hanged up, a woman is playing a boxed shape thing Jean has never seen before and Falco and Gabi are sitting on a low wall, fifty centimeters apart but feet touching, a paper flower tucked in the buttonhole of her dress.
They dance for a long time. Well. Reiner tries to teach Jean how to dance. It’s a lot for Jean, because not only is Reiner a pretty good dancer but he also has his hand on Jean’s waist.
They take a break, their shoulders touching. Reiner’s hair is a mess, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his soft gaze on Gabi and Falco, who have joined some other kids and are doing a weird jerky dance. Pieck is slow dancing with a lady in a periwinkle dress who’s at least three time her age. Connie joined the celebration after watch was declared cancel for the night, and is having an animated discussion with people Jean has never seen before. The air is warm, the Sun just setting. Jean takes it all in, carving the moment in a corner of his brain.
— This is nice, Jean says softly. Thanks Reiner.
— I’m glad, Reiner says, taking his hand. Jean squeezes it.
— Do you want to make out? Jean blurts out, at the same time Reiner asks:
— Do you want to take a walk?
Reiner blinks.
— Same thing, Jean mumbles.
— You’re a piece of work Kirstein, Reiner says. Let’s go.
— I’m a piece of work? Jean protests as they leave the square. Very rich coming from the man who -
Reiner doesn’t give Jean the opportunity to finish his sentence.
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class-1b-bull · 10 months
Class 1b and their ideal date!
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he prefers simple dates like walking around in a park or going to an arcade maybe but hes pretty chill with anything
Sen - his ideal date is the both of you in the middle of nowhere having a silly little photo shoot. Bonus points if you bring multiple outfits!
Kamakiri - bro really cares about presentation. He will wake you up in the middle of the night, take you to the middle of nowhere just so you can have a picnic under the stars <3
Kuroiro - what do you mean playing dungeons and dragons for 7 hours straight doesn't count as a date? He prefers just staying home and watching a movie and cuddling for dates
Kendo - she loves going to any type of festival for dates. Amusement parks, fairs, random renaissance festival that she didnt know existed til 5 minutes ago, things like that
Kodai - any kind of date where she gets to listen to you tell stories about random things. She doesn't care whats going on around her she just wants to hear you talk
Komori - going to random wooded areas just to walk around and look at mushrooms and moss and stuff.
Shiozaki - ya know those nature reserves or plant parks that have tons of different plants and flowers that you can just walk around and look at? Thats where she wants to be.
Shishida - all he wants in life is to hold your hand and take a nice walk through the park <3
Shoda - his ideal date is just hanging out with you at a small cafe that no one really knows about while you both share some silly life stories <3
Pony - she wants to dress nice and go eat at a restaurant honestly. It doesnt matter where yall eat as long as she gets to dress up and feel pretty! Let her wear her prom dress to taco bell!
Tsubaraba - ideal date is honestly staying up all night together and just building pillow forts and playing videogames
Tetsutetsu - he wants to find something you both like to do and just hang out with you for the day <3
Tokage - does her ranting to you about dinosaurs for an hour and a half count as a date? Because thats her ideal <3
Manga - bros a hopeless romantic ngl. He wants a candle lit dinner in a dimly lit room while you both eat pasta
Honenuki - he prefers things more on the simple side. He just wants to sit in a garden with you and talk over tea <3
Bondo - anything calm and casual is what he prefers. From simply eating out at a hole in the wall type cafe or even staying home and watching a movie. Ykyk
Monoma - hes taking you to some lavish five star restaurant where the food is made by Gordon Ramsay himself (idk if I spelt his name right lol) he will refuse to let you pay btw. (Even if you wanted to)
Reiko - imagine you and her just laying on a pile of pillows inside of a pillow fort and just talking over tea <3 she likes small hole in the wall cafes as well
Rin - ideally he goes out and spends all day doing something fun (like bowling or hanging at an arcade or stuff like that) then he goes home with you and the two of you just snuggle while wrapped in a warm blanket <3
Rin could beat my ass if he so wanted but that wont stop me from calling him a cutie patootie
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Omg i havee SOOO much to tell and ask you its both sad and fun stuff, First off i wanna tell you that you are such an amazing person like seriously omggg how do u even exist like you must not be allowed away from heaven. Btw random: i heard u mention abt u in university so hows that going and whats ur majorr???? :)) And now the very very bad stuff: i messed up. not very uncommon you see, but very bad. my cousin whom i rllyyy love shes amazing shes like the andromeda to my sirius. nd my dad's side is very cruel to my mom before i ws born and they also shamed her for having a kid (my sis) that has problems (they refuse to tell me what it is but she has 2 problems idk the first one she has since birth and the second is that she had um.. men parts but when she was around 4/5 we founf out shes.. female? im a minor i rlly dont undersrand how ths works so..yeah. shes 8 now btw this year shes gonna be 9 y/o) basically very cruel people very very bad and so my cousin, whos from my dad's side, she came for like a sleepover thingy and my father commented on my mom's side and how they arent close to me even though they are my basucaly everything.. and in reply, i said how i like them and they are good and i said "my mums side is great... better than father side atlst" and she said "i can hear u yk" and i said that shes a excpetiion but when she wnt home she really felt upset and she had an exam but she stll didnt come to my house (my house is closer to her school so she stays here in exam time so it takes less tme in travelling) so my father cmpletly blamed me and now im so upset idek what to do i dont wanna apologize to her cz she doesnt know that i know that she said shes upset. my father confronted me about it and he got to jknow from my cousins mom so there was no direct contact but basically yeah thats it. i need help in what i should do to fix things again :( but this is the reason that simply talking wouldnt work and its rlly hard :( btw random: how do i start my microfic thing like do i just upoad a micfic or do i post smgthn else first if ykwim? another thing:
yeah idk but i think m bisexual and i have a bestfriend shes straight and supports lgbtq+ community but i rlly like her and cz were besties i dont wnanna ruin anything at all and im cool with how we r rn but at the same time i want more ykwim? and.. were like the touchy-feely kinda bestfriends so we hold hands n stuff as a joke nd people ship us and its so asdxdfgkhljhxx idek if i rlly like her as a frnd or i like her as in like like her.. but i also have a crush on a boy but it only lasts for 2 secs but when i see him again i start to thibk i like him again but my other rlly gud friend likes him so is it that i like hm and ignore my feelings js cs my frnd liks him or do i just like him as frnds,, idek were close we play games togheter n stuff but thtas about it..
also have i mentioned how much of an angel you are??? i literally scream and jump off a cliff casually when u reply to my texts <333 ilysm ur such a great person <333
xoxo, sweet potato <33
Aww you're so sweet! I'm not in university anymore, at least not in the traditional sense: I'm working on my master's degree. It's going.....not terrible lol. I'm majoring in ESL Education (English as a Second Language).
For your first question: I think this is a really good example of how talking through other people isn't the best solution. Do you have any way of getting in contact with your cousin directly? Because things are definitely going to be changed and exaggerated if you are talking through your aunt and dad. Once you talk to her, be truthful. Be sincere and tell her how important she is to you. I'm betting she'll come around.
For microfics: Nope, just go for it! You don't have to do anything beforehand, just start! I can't wait to see what you write!
For the last part: First, are you sure you friend is straight? If she definitely is, then yeah, it might not be worth it to say anything? But I mean, you could always try bringing it up casually. Like "Oh, I think you're really pretty!" and see what happens?
With the guy- I know it sounds cliche, but if your friend likes him, stay away. I've been there. I've seen friendships fall apart. It's not worth it, especially since you're not even sure of your feelings. I know I probably sound like a parent, here, but there was a full-on FEUD I experienced in eighth grade because two people were fighting over a guy and....yeah.
Thank you so much for the compliments, you're so nice!! <3 I hope you have a great day!
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hozaloza · 5 months
Cool little predict/scenario (spoilers ig)
What if the group escapes with the help of the Crane group (except Ashlyn ig... she'll be going through some shit with Maverick kind of staying by her side, evil or empathy idk), and each kid is with the Crane Group member who matches them the best: Ashlyn- Maverick
Aiden- Mr. Thomas
Ben- Blondie (that is, if he does get his name drop, btw I'm gonna consider a character having a name mean they are important to the story)
Taylor- Jasmine
Tyler- Ryan
Logan- Alex
And they're all just kinda on the run from the bigger organization. I like to think each kid has different feelings based on who they got with.
Ashlyn is stuck in this strange comatose phase, following phantoms around to figure out how to get out of this sleep. She senses Maverick nearby but can't do much about him. Although, she senses strange calmness every time he's around (He's speaking comforting words to her, hoping she could hear them, and let it be known he's there for her... omg uncle figure y'all?? FOUND FAMILY AU BABY-). Maverick is just sort of sitting by Ashlyn, observing her to see when she'll wake up, wondering why he came to this point in life (redemption arc baby).
Aiden doesn't trust Mr. Thomas at first, refusing to believe he and him are similar. But after some exposure, he finally understands the similarities, and feels seen by the teacher. They do... a lot of stupid shit while on the run (All those poor billboards man). Thomas also has to keep Aiden close to him in case the phantom tries taking control. Although he does treat Aiden to skateboarding and cool events (which they half the time end up having to leave early because Crane members)
Ben is hesitant to talk to Blondie, not wanting to speak to him. But he notices how Blondie doesn't really look like he wants to talk either, but forces himself to so he could communicate important information either way, and starts to slowly communicate with Blondie (with paper). They bond over the fact that they both don't like communicating with their voice, and Blondie thought giving Ben some speech therapy could help him out. He works with him often, while they relax in calming picnic spots or fields.
Taylor literally will refuse to talk to Jasmine the first 3 days, both out of fear and frustration (She probably has PTSD bc of this woman). Jasmine won't force her to talk, simply asking questions that require head nods or shakes. After 4 days, Jasmine gives Taylor a nice little trip to the Mall Of Georgia, seeing if there was a possibility to contact her brother (who was with Ryan) so they could talk after so long. She let her roam a little bit, with a good amount of cash to treat herself. Taylor does some shopping, not really having fun since she was alone, but she overall got a good change of clothes, meaning she didn't have to wear Jasmine's stuff anymore. While exiting from the food court, she stood there for a second, observing a group of friends having a fun time, not having to go through the hell she was in. She pulled the hood over her head, just wishing things could go back to at least the simpler times. However, she was unaware of the fact that a Higher-Up crane was attempting to sneak up on her. But luckily, Jasmine had been driving up the car to the entrance and planning on waiting for Taylor, when she saw this. Without thought, she drove full speed and hit the Crane Member. Taylor was caught off-guard, and realized what had been happening. "Get in!" Jasmine yelled in a panic. Taylor quickly threw her bags inside, closing the door, and Jasmine sped off. [Side note- Some kids who knew Taylor recognized her, and it spread around the school like crazy]
Tyler is straight up being sassy with this man. Insulting his bald ass head (Insults is his coping mechanism fr), and not really cooperating half the time (Phantom is starting to affect him, so). Although, when he is calm, he generally learns about Ryan, and they discuss about their similarities (Like them being both Hispanic, although Ryan is also mixed Vietnamese). He takes Tyler around the state, giving him a little break from the madness, also making sure he has a safe place to be at night for when it hits 12:00am. (He took him fishing once, safe to say he's never doing it again.)
Logan already got along with Alex, so he's just discussing about plans to get back with the group. However, Alex encourages him to take breaks every once in a while, by taking him stargazing on multiple occasions. He also does calming activities with Logan, like touring museums or having nice little snacks by ponds. They also grow close to each other, treating one another like family (FOUND FAMILY AU BABYYY)
Yes, Taylor's was kinda long. I thought of this concept bc of her, let the child have it. Anyways, hope you like this little ramble I had that actually involved all the kids 💪💪 Bye bye (Prob more coming soon, lmao I'm gonna go insane this hiatus. Red hope you're doing good though, take a break if you need it)
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renisfan · 1 year
In addition to the lolcalizations I mentioned in previous post, here are some less lol but imo still rather important differences from the Tailtain battle:
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Shut up! There's no way a future built upon corpses and tears can be a good one...!
Yeah he's not happy about how this future is built, but they removed (or at least made it very blurred) the part where he questions the future itself. So no he doesn't "agree with her just don't like the method", he thinks the outcome of such method will be a f*cked one too.
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All those things you have taken, trampled, and kept moving your eyes away from...
I'll make you give all of them back, right here...!
It's understandable they didn't direct translate "give them back", since it doesn't feel making much sense in the context. The meaning is close to "(make you) pay for them" so "have vengeance for what you've done" isn't wrong. But I think this choice of word says a lot about his personality. It matches that he asks Cornelia to "return everything" in Fhirdiad as well.
What's more lol is '''the truth'''. While the jp ver is clearly him criticizing Ed & co for having hurt so many people yet refuse to look straight at what they've done, the en ver took a turn to talk about ~the truth~, which can mean the same thing but can also be anything else. Certainly not helpful that some stans love to claim that only she knows all the truth™ while everyone else are either stupid or lying.
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I won't let anyone die again... I won't allow you to take one more thing.
This time...I will protect them.
This line breaks my heart every time knowing this route will deny his wish and make him feel powerless watching everything he cherished being destroyed again :(
Really a shame they took away the reference to his previous trauma, which is an important part of his core motivation, and shows how desperately he really is to win this battle. But welp can't make the player feel too bad I suppose :(
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Please watch over me. I promise I'll take it back.
This may actually be a lolcalization. Can't have Faerghus BaD without some Rhea BaD too!
Rhea making promise to reclaim SotC? No no let's talk about restoring ~balance~ instead. Also how about we make her simply ask her mother to "observe", like she's her boss?
Btw for her generic engage line, while the jp dub also has some anger in the voice, the en dub went so extra it doesn't fit the portrait at all lol
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metal-requiem · 2 years
If you would please give us divine intervention au plot!!
i ABSOLUTELY will thank you SO MUCH for asking (not sarcasm). sorry in advance but i have been unable to think about literally anything else for three days. i cannot stop rotating these two in my head. long post so buckle up
As for Elesa and Emmet, they were kind of just dragging along and keeping each other afloat for a few years. Emmet was running himself ragged keeping both the singles and doubles lines running, because if he stopped moving he knew he wouldn’t be able to start up again. Elesa was taking on extra work and occasionally running the multi line with Emmet. If she’s not working, she’s thinking, and if she’s thinking, she’s spiraling - so she keeps working. They were mostly both just trying to keep busy while holding out hope that the cops would find Ingo. Both of them refuse to grieve for someone that isn’t dead. At some point around the eight-ish month mark Elesa just sort of. stopped going home and informally move into the twins' house. She starts to hate quiet (the kind that comes with being alone, at least). She stays on the couch. (i see the trio as more of a sibling dynamic btw so that’s what everything should be read as)
The day the officials closed Ingo’s case and declared him dead (which went much longer than usual - around 4 years - just because of how high profile the case was), Elesa came home to Emmet working on research on multiple possible leads at once and didn’t think twice before taking some off of his hands. Emmet is the one who realizes (two days into their bender) that they should call out of work. It’s the first time either of them have used extended vacation time. Also, it’s worth noting that Emmet has not gone nearly as batshit as like, common fanon (which I wholeheartedly support btw i DO think he should be allowed to make his way to heaven through violence to fight god) because Elesa is right there with him from the start. He’s living with another human who has ALSO been steadily reaching the end of her rope at the same time as him. So, like, they’re socialized. More or less.
So basically, Zekrom tunes in to these two humans running entirely on ideals, spite, and coffee and decides this is absolutely a storyline it wants to follow. It's like a shitty soap opera you start watching simply because it's on, but then twenty hours later of straight consumption later you've become irreversibly attached to these characters and fully immersed in their drama. It has a selfless reason for everything it does, including (especially) the more selfish-appearing acts, such as annoying Emmet or purposefully withholding information, since despite its more chaotic nature, it DOES wish to see these two succeed in finding their brother. Especially after it starts to actually like them.
I’m thinking Zekrom is just kinda vibing for a couple weeks, keeping the two on track while also subtly slowing them down. It tries to kick Elesa off the couch and she wins THAT fight by a landslide, to which Zekrom pretty much just goes “okay you’re my trainer now. now find me somewhere to sleep.” Then when the lake trio show up in Unova, Zekrom puts Emmet and Elesa on their trail. It can’t like, straight up tell them where Ingo is (because it doesn’t know) or send them back in time (because that isn’t within its power and also it doesn’t know), but it CAN be a homie. A bro. It’s got connections.
Shenanigans ensue. At some point, they stop thinking of themselves as “Emmet and Elesa” and they become “Emmet and Elesa and Zekrom”, just in time for Bad Things to happen :)
This isn’t actually like, a plot thing, but I like to imagine that Reshiram feels Zekrom disappear from the timeline and goes, “oh you have GOT to be fucking kidding me.”
Which reminds me; clarification, just because I know what the expectation is: Reshiram isn’t involved in this. I see Zekrom as the more social of the two, so it has no problem hopping on board another human’s train so soon, but Reshiram got woken up and then immediately had to work with some kid to keep some OTHER kid from using Zekrom to end the world. It’s on good terms with the champion, but it has no interest in interacting with any humans for the next century, except for like, Sunday afternoon tea with the champion. So, no, Emmet doesn’t get Reshiram. Elesa grabs the Zekrom aesthetic as soon as humanely possible (she needs a new outfit for travel anyway), and if need be, they say it’s her pokemon, but it’s more the third member of their little group rather than one of the humans’ pokemon. The pokeball is just for convenience’s sake, and the moment Zekrom wants to leave it, it will. So think of it more like “creatures of various levels of deification keep moving into Emmet’s house and NONE of them are asking him first” rather than “Elesa gets one of the legendary dragons and Emmet gets jack shit”
Fuck this got long lmao. Anyway, they’ll find Ingo, and it’ll have a happy ending. Eventually.
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dungeonpuppykai · 2 months
Small World anon here again,sorry. I can't believe I left out one thing in that long ass ask of mine,where Bucky wouldn't ate without Reader. Like- That is so- 🥺 *sniffs* I know that you wrote that she's the homerunner so that means she's the one who cooks & do all the other houseworks,I understood it but it's still so cute and all the more heartbreaking,you know? 🥲 I also understood it as he wouldn't eat WITHOUT her. He wouldn't eat if she's not eating with him,like a proper family (married couple/old married couple) type of thing. Like even if the food's ready,he's not eating and refuses to eat if she doesn't too,WITH HIM 🥺😭 Does that mean Bucky refuses food when he's in jail the first time they served him after he got caught? Cause he was in bliss & on cloud nine for months living a normal domestic life with her that it's hard to let go even though he's mad at her for thinking she reported him so he refused eating the first time they gave him food in jail right after he got caught? Back to their domestic phase! That is so cute tho! He wouldn't eat without her,awww! 😭 He's tired and beat coming home from work and he's starving after a long shift and he's about to eat but he sees that Reader's not eating and now he's not eating either. They both need to be at the table EATING together for him able to eat AWWWWW 😭💕
Okay,okay,I'm done gushing about Small World. I'll stop being annoying now,seriously 😭 Btw,I wrote that very long review/feedback ahead so I can truly express every single thing on how I feel on each plot/scenes in Small World so I didn't notice that you've changed the picture you photoshopped to the one of a gif of Bucky from CA : TWS. In fact,it's still showing the photoshopped picture in my reblog lol. But my point still stands,I felt bad that you had to so much work for my request,including photoshopping. Just know that I really appreciate every single thing you do to perfect my fic request in such a short time,thank you so much again 🙏🏼❤❤❤ A million times thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🫂🫂🫂🫂
I also saw your posts and #kai rambles that I've missed. I'm so sorry for everything. I still felt bad about my late feedback but I understood you meant in general. Yeah,it sucked that people couldn't take the time to leave a feedback,a short comment,a reaction anything to a work that an author/writer put so much work and effort into in such a short time for our reading enjoyment. It's especially even more of a shitty move if it's a request a writer decided to take up and then there's just silence afterwards once the request is written...... Forever. Crickets,nothing. The writer doesn't even get paid for writing these requests. The least they could do is simply give a feedback,a short simple straight to the point feedback accompanied with a thank you. It's not that hard. I don't know. People need to be more appreciative. It's not easy at all to write,I tried and it's hard asf. Don't just go complete silence after a completed request,it's not too much to ask at all. It's the bare minimum. I know that a fic you've written have gotten 1k notes,prob reaching 2k now as we speak. I'd love nothing more than to see that kind of interactions happen again with every single one of your work because a talented,kind & humble writer like you is more than deserving of it ❤ I can try to be interactive but I'm one person. But try,I will. Cause it feels like the only way I can give back the same way writers like you put your heart & love into all of your works for our sake. So we would surreal reading experience. And it's really not asking much at all when the writers's the ones doing all the work between writers & readers.
Are you okay btw? I saw your #kai rambles,what's going on? If you need someone to talk to,you can vent to me,I'll dm you. If that's crossing the line,then you can just vent to me through these anon asks instead. You wrote that you felt insecure about your writings,that this app made you feel that way and that you might chuck it all one day. I want to plead to you please don't but this is YOUR blog and all the fics you wrote are YOUR works,YOUR properties so I have no say to say what you can or can't do with your own work. Your own blood,sweat & tears. But I will still have hope that you'll stay 🫂❤ I've found works from deactivated writers (and they're really good too) where I try to find that maybe they left their work up on AO3 but nothing. Can't find their full works anywhere,it's like they disappeared off the radar completely. And I've seen some talented writers deactivated and deleted all of their works from all the sites they posted them on. It truly felt like you just lost something important in your life,especially when you've been following their works for years and suddenly one day,they just disappeared. It's an empty feeling of loss that can be filled or replaced. Every writer is unique and has their own style. No 2 of them will ever truly be the same. It breaks my heart to know that such a creative and talented writer like you feels insecure about your own work and view them in a different light than your readers do? I'll convince you that your writings are perfect a million times if I have to. I'm so sorry that you still felt this way. Idk what to do to make you change your mind. The least I can do is offer support and tells you how much your writings meant to me. How happy it makes me. How it stayed in my mind for a long time afterwards 💜 Your writings are beautiful ❤ They're perfect 💕 And I'm not telling you what to do but I hope you'll stay here for a long time 🫂 Your writings are not how you see them at all. They're freaking amazing 🙏🏼 Also,I saw that you're taking a break from writing for a while,is that correct? If that's so then take care of yourself,honey ❤ Hope you'll feel a lot better once you return 🫂 I'll miss you but I understand 💜 Take care of yourself first 💜🫂 Lack of interactions can really be grating. Take care of yourself properly,I'll still be here if you ever want to talk 🫂❤ Sorry again for writing so long.
First off, I love the chokehold that Small World Bucky has us in 😂🩷
YESSS! Lord knows how I sobbed writing it because fuck if someone cared for me and my presence like that 🥺 (and I literally enjoy eating alone lmfao). No, you're right. It doesn't matter whether she has cooked or not because some days she can be sick and surely hubby isn't so heartless. It is totally that he DOES NOT eat without her regardless of whether it's take out or home cooked. After all, what kind of a couple doesn't eat together? 🥺❤️
I see Small World Bucky as a rather chill and laid-back kinda guy (I mean that isn't much different from canon Bucky I think) but you best believe the first few days of his prison food (if he even went there, that is 👀) was eaten by the walls and the floor. He just got betrayed by his future wife who he cannot eat without. Of course he's not just gonna say grace and enjoy the shitty slammer food 🙄
Thank you for your kind words, they are really heart warming and definitely uplifting. I do have to agree with you about what you said about response and feedback. But I also kinda dislike my writing and don't understand why people like it 💀 I've tried to stop many times but I can't. It's probably because I am a literature major and I compare these to the stuff I study and of course fanfic can never compare to those and English isn't even my first language but I can't help it still.
I am not sure about a 'break' because sometimes I feel like taking one but then I come back because I enjoy writing stories and being delulu hehe. Your words really do mean a lot to me and thank you again for taking the time to write such a sweet ask to me ilysm 🩷🩷🩷
You can interact with me however you feel comfy, I don't mind. Although I am not someone who likes to vent or talk about things because I feel like it doesn't actually solve anything 💀😂 yeah I am a pessimist like that. That's one of the reasons exactly why I stress rant in a cryptic way so it's not so out there but I can still get it out of me. Though the fact that you said you'll miss me is making me so 🥺🥺🩷🩷
Also please never apologize again for writing a lengthy ask to me. I am the same way and I do not mind it at all 🩷
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jerryboo · 2 years
DLS Characters and their love languages! (BONUS) Vlad and Leo (poly route) <3
(Vlad - physical touch, Leo - acts of service)
- The three of them consider themselves quite the team, seamlessly giving and taking but it wasn’t all that easy in the start.
- Like once when Laia absentmindedly gave Leo a head scratch instead of Vlad  and Leo had to remind her his daily scheduled dose of ‘Laia love’ isn't until later.
- Laia then quickly realising her mistake, scampers away to look for her other love lest he feel neglected while reminding Leo she will be back later for his scheduled ‘daily gossip dish’ while they do the dishes.
- When Leo and Laia have their ‘daily dish’ session, Vlad subtly listens in from where he sits in the living room hearing for signs on whether or not he needs to use any intimidation tactics on those who offended the two dearest people in his life.
- As more time passes, they eventually get better at recognising each others needs and soon find no need for schedules.
- Once Cathy enters her busy teenager phase, she often ends up unavailable to take the puppy for walks and Leo being the doting brother that he is volunteers to take the puppy on walks instead despite being no less busy himself.
- Vlad gets to know about the arrangement and immediately volunteers to take the puppy for walks instead
- The arrangement works well, Vlad gets to spend time with the puppy who absolutely adores him btw and occasionally when Laia and Leo are free, they get to take evening walks in the park together. Talking about everything or sometimes simply walking in comfortable silence.
- However, the puppy ends up getting so attached to Vlad it refuses to go home with Cathy which breaks her heart.
- Until the ever strategic Noe gets her a guinea pig and the puppy gets to go home to Vlad.
- Leo and Laia love to tease Vlad that he loves the puppy more than them to which he goes off on a tangent about how the love he feels for the puppy is different from the love he feels for them.
- They obviously know that but watching him speak on a subject so silly is extremely endearing and they can’t help it.
- With Vlad’s mentoring, Leo actually becomes quite the decent cook. They try to teach Laia who instantly gets frustrated.
- “We really don't need so many spices, why are there so many??”
- “That pan has something against me, there’s no reason for it to burn my food EVERY TIME”
- “I swear I can see it smirk and after everything that’s happened, a pan holding a grudge against me doesn't seem that crazy boys. You have got to believe me!”
- Vlad and Leo obviously expected this reaction and have a great plan under their sleeves.
- They turn their charm on!
- Heaping Laia with compliments every time she does good in her cooking journey
- Leo’s a natural, he compliments like it's his sole purpose in life.
- Vlad however needs some tuning before he gets it
- “Laia you marvellous being, you look as hot as the pan in that apron. Look at you go! Never seen anyone look this pretty while they cook”
- “Um yes Laia, your onions look perfectly browned indeed. Y-you’re also really pretty, that apron absolutely becomes you, yes yes it does…”
- Until Laia gets overconfident…
- It's an absolutely hilarious sight
- “ Oh boys, I know I'm good, I know I'm good. Look at that salt sprinkling method. Salt bae who?? I only know Laia bae, get it guys?”
- Leo struggles to keep a straight face, his facade almost breaking every two seconds as Laia continues to ramble on.
- Poor Vlad on the other hand doesn't get a single reference and just happily nods along to whatever she says.
- One day, Leo finds a movie on the Ottoman empire and picks it for their Friday movie nights unbeknownst to Laia and Vlad.
- They sit on the couch with Vlad in the middle, Leo and Laia on his sides.
- They put him in the middle because they claim, “He needs the most snuggles to make up for all the lost time”.
- Vlad loves it but of course never admits it.
- They start the movie and of course Laia and Vlad are immediately puzzled
- Imagine that Leonardo Dicaprio pointing at the tv meme, yep that's exactly what's happening at that moment.
- While Leo initially played the movie as a joke, they all end up getting pretty into it.
- Vlad whispers a silent “not true…” every two minutes
- Laia nods off halfway into the movie and they gently move her to the bed.
- Leo and Vlad, who aren't that sleepy, decide to finish the movie for the fun of it.
- Leo who’s now feeling cheeky (and a little flirty) decides to do that discreet yawn placement of hand thing that he always saw in movies
- It doesn't escape Vlad who looks at Leo puzzled
- “You know I am dating you right? You’re free to put your arm on my shoulder even if you just feel like it. I quite like it actually”
“Oh I know, I just thought you'd like the change it was supposed to be cute…” and with this Leo moves to remove his hand, feeling slightly disappointed
- Vlad however immediately moves to stop his hand from moving and holds it there
- “I never said I didn't like it…just wanted you to  know you could hug me whenever, I-I really appreciate it”
- Vlad’s lucky the room is dark because by now he has a full blown blush on his face and he would sooner eat dog food than admit he likes the cheesy antics of his partners.
- Leo can't stop the wide smile that’s spreading across his face and he pulls Vlad in closer before settling in for the movie again.
- The both of them feel comfortable and safe in each other’s embrace, happy and in love but most importantly appreciating everything they do for each other and Laia.
- (bonus) Laia stumbles out a little while later half asleep and complaining that they left her out of the snuggles before somehow finding her way into the snuggle.
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lunarcry · 5 months
anyway i was reading nene & ruis cards from this event ('only now?' yes.<3) but emus voice line at 34:48 always makes me ssooo emotional.......like the way its performed....the 'dakara'.....i tear up every time<//3 (tbh her entire part starting from 34:18...) also how they dont use the Actual happy face expressions for her, so its so clear that shes faking it. ough. something something about the times emu shoulders stuff herself (but also this is about the park and her brothers...also another line she has about not being sure if it was okay for her to try to keep her promise with her grandpa....
first of all ichika lending nene an ear cuz she notices nene seems down...nene knowing she goes to the same school as emu & doesnt want to worry her, proceeds to go "uhhh someone i know has a friend.." to which ichika ALSO ends up going "my- no, someone i know..." T_TLOL i like nene & ichika a lot and seeing 1) nene talk about emu and how she does it 2) opening up to ichika about it......well "opening up" LOL
Nene: (She always says or does weird stuff, and gets everyone mixed into her antics... But I've enjoyed every minute of it so far... I want Emu to keep doing outrageous things with Tsukasa. I want her to keep concocting crazy ideas with Rui. And... I... I want her to laugh and smile like always...)
the expression the choose for this was unreal btw. so tender. her lil smile...
also rui knowing emu only knows 2 places in their school. nenes classroom and tsukasas classroom (rui's next to it). skull emoji
AS FOR RUIS...the way he immediately goes to the mascot(emus bodyguard) AKDJADBKJ HE RLY GOES STRAIGHT FOR THE PROBLEMSOLVING. they dont tell him anything but
Rui: In truth, I am incredibly thankful for Emu. Her determination to save the Wonder Stage and her will to not give up allowed me to meet the wonderful people I am with now. And we're able to put on shows that deliver smiles to countless people.
Rui: I... No, we, as WonderlandsxShowtime, want to keep putting on the best shows possible, together. Which is why if anything that would rob us of that opportunity were to arise, I will refuse to simply let it happen. And I will not let my friends be openly insulted either. Even if it's Emu's family we're dealing with.
unreal things to say knowing the current arc btw.
emu then proceeds to chase tsukasa with a caterpillar cuz "lets find out what kind of butterfly it turns into". tsukasa runs to nene. nene gets roped into it (does not want the bug near her either). rui just laughs. peak
Tsukasa: It looks like she's back to her usual self, but doesn't something still seem a little off...? I feel like she hasn't been adding Yahohoy! or Zoom! or any other nonsensical words to her sentences lately...
Rui: Ah, I see... Some time did pass before we heard her trademark Wonderhoy! again as well. Tsukasa: Exactly. The last time she said that was... When we all put our hands together and shouted that on stage, right? Nene: Now that you mention it, she always said stuff like that every day... Rui: Yes... Well, this is just me speculating but... She has a tendency to emote using her unique vocabulary when she feels absolutely compelled to do so... Tsukasa: Hm? Wait, that means she... Rui: Hasn't been able to feel that way lately. She may be choosing her words more carefully than normal.
-> they then put on a special show for her that essentially just bullies tsukasa and she starts saying nonsense again but ughhhT_T this group... when she says wonderhoy again nene & rui comments on it too... but in general things i will think about for the next ten years
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happyinjection · 1 year
Ep 10 has the most expected unexpected development I’ve ever seen lmao… Now that all cards have been laid on the table (pun intended), I guess it’s clear what Chris is going to do next.
It doesn’t seem like Chris was planning to finish off Finn (indestructible card in pocket cliche btw) but he still shoots him, so I think it’s more of a “stay out of this!” than anything. It hurts though🥲 Cuz all the SS and dramas are literally “hehe funny onii-san Chris is here to rescue Finn and fool around with him”… Finn cares about Chris, even if he won’t admit it. So last week’s motivational speech was really Chris talking about himself huh.
“On a scale of 1 to Chris, how much of a show-stealer character are you?” Lmao. I can’t believe the legendary ep 11 is legit titled “CHRIS” as if the staff’s saying “we pretend to be a show about cards, but it’s actually about… Chris” 😂 I do love Chris though, so I don’t mind. As long as there’s gonna be a 2nd cour (fake it til you make it fellas).
Chris matter aside… I adore Arya, A LOT. Cool powers. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for middle-aged women. And I found Finn’s answer to Arya really endearing, I’d burst into laughter like she does too. So next ep we’ll see what Finn is gonna do about Chris, and hopefully the whole gang too? (please) I like to believe that Chris must have a plot armor, even though it’s gonna be somewhat boring, but the only other option I see is Michelle is more than the sweet little girl she acts out to be, and all the roads lead to heartbreak 🥲
That reminds me, before the show started they had a promotional seiyuu event in which each was asked to introduce their respective chara, but Massu (Chris’ VA) straight up refused to elaborate, simply said instead “he’s a good-looking guy” and later faked surprise “eh? Am I not the protagonist?” 😂 I thought he was being in-character (which isn’t at all unusual for him) but yknow what, I got it, got it.
Speaking of VA, apparently Tyler Redgrave’s VA is Tori-san, and yeah the character is also literally Tori-san, complete with a fedora lmao.
Let’s just see what’s gonna happen next week… and although I won’t be sleeping well until Friday… I want to finish posting the rest of the hehe funny materials before Monday…
Oh and also. Turns out a pissed-off, non-smiling, cold-blooded Chris isn’t a guy to mess with huh lmao (RIP Jasper).
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Observation 5: they really drilled in the dehumanisation and the fact that Wilbur is no longer his own person, but belongs to Clara deep huh? [“His life wasn’t his own. It was Hers.”] It’s drilled into him so hard he’s beating himself up over ‘failing’ to obey Her will. He’s calling himself a coward because he’s scared she might forfeit his life when he should have unwavering faith in Her will and trust that it’s the best option. He’s so fucked up someone save him.
Number 6: the fact that Wilbur keels referring to his name as [that name] is slowly killing me, but it’s going to be worth it when he finally refers to it as his name.
7: I live for Wilbur being petty and not responding to his name. It’s actually this really fun dynamic where Wilbur isn’t outright refusing his name or fighting against it, but he’s not accepting it either. He’s refusing to fight for 2 reasons. 1. he knows Tommy is too stubborn to drop it, so why tire himself out by constantly telling him off? Though he does try every once in a while, just less and less. 2: Wilbur likes hearing his name, so he can’t tell Tommy of because part of him doesn’t want to, but at the same time he can’t accept that he wants to hear his name and that it’s his name because of the trauma connected to the last time(s) he heard it + all the religious trauma from being the Pythia for so long.
8: Tommy isn’t scared of Wilbur not wearing the blindfold because he full-heartedly believes that sending people to an early grave is part of Kristin's domain, not Clara’s. Therefore he probably believes that either 1. The entire blindfold thing is bullshit (which I think it is, btw) and/or 2. That him seeing Wilbur’s eyes and getting cursed is Kristin’s domain and thus her will, making it okay should it happen because she then chooses for him to die and She’s in control. Actually, it could also be that he just straight-up doesn’t fear Death, so he’s not scared of getting cursed and dying.
9: Wilbur has a headache from the moment he wakes up. Yet he still puts on the blondfold knowing that that will make it worse because not wearing it simply is not an options. Honourable mentions: he doesn’t ask Tommy for painkillers despite Tommy telling him that he should last chapter, probably for the same reasoning of “I am your prisoner, why should you care of I have a headache” or whatever the exact words were. Wilbur also lets Tommy stay with him while wanting to be alone despite that meaning that he has to continue to wear the blindfold and have a headache. Now he might wear it regardless of people being in the room in case anyone comes in, but still.
he's insanely fucked up the dehumanization has been drilled in so hard
do you know how many times I've had to retype that because I keep writing 'his name' by accident when I know that right now he's only thinking of it as 'that name'. it's gonna be so worth it when it finally switches for emotional reasons but also thank fucking god I won't be two seconds away from screwing up
yuppp it's both those reasons! he's too tired to keep telling tommy off, but also a part of him does want to hear it even if he can't admit it to himself. so he's not really accepting it, but he's not completely denying it either. he's slowly getting worn down.
actually the reason tommy isn't scared is a mix of that but also he's seen how horrified wilbur has gotten even at the idea of cursing someone by accident. even if wilbur tried to choke him, he's still clearly terrified of the idea of someone seeing his eyes. tommy knows that and trusts that if he's going to try to kill him, it won't be with the curse.
:)) he still puts the blindfold on of course and he doesn't ask for painkillers and he wants tommy to stay in the room with him even if he can't outright admit that to himself gaaaaa he's got so many problems
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