#shin and keng
lucacatatumbo · 1 month
I just watched The Effect and absolutely loved it. As an SA survivor i hate how the BL genre romanticizes rape and perpetuates the stereotype that gay men are predatory and can’t control their desires, and The Effect does an amazing job at showing how rape and bullying on social media actually effects the victims of it.
The way they depicted the aftermath of Shin's SA is surprisingly accurate. The way he reacts when Keng tries to talk to him and basically basically tries to blackmail him into getting back with him with the video of Shin being raped is so real thats its haunting. And the fact that he tried to commit due to him feeling like what happened to him was his fault.
Also the fact that Keng seems like a great person at first is also really accurate. Rapists usually don’t look like someone who’s scary and evil. It’s usually someone that the victims trust that end up doing it to them and I like that they showed that.
Whenever i saw how supportive and caring Bright and Pramote were to Shin it almost made me cry. You can tell how much they care about him and I never had ppl who were supported me after i was raped so (even though hes just a fictional character lol) I'm glad that Shin had that. I also feel like it shows people who might have a friend who is a survivor how they could be more supportive.
Overall 10/10 absolutely adore it. If yall have any recommendations for similar BL series that deal with darker subject matter id love to hear them cuz im js getting into the genre.
(Also Brimote best ship)
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Thai BL Favorites List ~
I was tagged by the lovely @thatgirl4815 thank youuu!! 🥰 I haven’t done one of these in a while lol. 
Favorite Thai BL: So we’re going with the hardest question first, great djkghf. I can’t pick one all-time favorite but my current top 3 are The Eclipse, Lovely Writer and Not Me I think.  
Favorite Pairing: FK are my main babes but I also love JaFirst, EarthMix, JoongDunk and a few others. 
Most underrated actor: never gonna shut up about how versatile Tommy S. is and how the world has been sleeping on him for years lol but unfortunately he’s kind of retired atm so yeah. a crime. 
Favorite Character: Again, can’t pick one but at the moment Max & Pisaeng from BMF are my spirit animals lol the writers did a fantastic job with them and Gawin and Aou are mastering the portrayal imo. 
Favorite Side Character: Jade from Bed Friend. 100%. He’s my best boy. Can’t wait for Middleman’s Love 🥺 
Favorite scene in a BL: One that's been living in my head rent-free for 2 years now is the piano scene from Lovely Writer ep12. Them sitting by the piano in matching outfits and Gene telling Sib “I keep loving you more, more than you love me” is my cue to sob fjdkgkdf I love that part so so much. 
Favorite line in a BL: “keep looking at me like that..” HAH just kidding. I can’t think of one right now.  
Most Anticipated BL (& why): Only Friends for very obvious reasons djkghdf. I’m also really excited for Dangerous Romance though!!! I feel like PerthChimon are a good match, I just hope it won’t be bro central station lmao. 
Healthiest relationship in a BL: I always thought LeoFiat from DSN had a very green flaggy relationship lol - I really appreciated their levels of communication and mutual respect. 
Most toxic relationship in a BL: Shin and Keng from The Effect. Not only is this easily the worst bl I have ever seen but the level of toxicity and the romanticization of ass*lt, r*pe and gaslighting is beyond my understanding. Stay far away from this drama please. 
Guilty pleasure series: At the moment Be Mine Superstar lol it’s so trashy and full of crack but I’m obsessed with it lmao. Highly recommend. 
thanks again for the tag this was fun! I’m passing it on to @leonpob @boun-prem @laowen @firstkanaphans @firstkpp @akkayanmisser @firstyok @khaotunq @k-white and everyone else who’s in the mood!! 
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truckreincarnation · 7 months
You're telling me a SHRIMP fried this rice?! || Perry || 5-3 || RE: Germain, Manami, Shin
Oh, hmm... Actually! Something was coming to mind. Perry clasped one fist and smacked the bottom of it against her own hand. Right!! She's got it!!
"Oy! Bu', Germa, ya saed tha' tha keng probably though' he was goin' on a da'e weth Felyn, aye? So there had ta be a reason how he caeme ta tha' aidea, righ'? Laike Mana saed, Felyn was en on tha plan an' wan'ed ta help! So, hwa' ef Mana talked ta Felyn an' had her wri'e a le''er ta tha keng? He was clearly stuped as fuck, bu' ay'd thenk he'd at leas' know hwa' his fiance's handwritin' looks laike, aye? How could ya ge' somethin' laike tha' ef Mana wasnnae envolved, though?"
Ah! Perry felt like she was really onto something here! Though it did seem like only half of the group believed her that Manami was at least involved, there was still another half to convince on this, and Perry would do her best as long as it would take. Perry was hardly the most charismatic or bright person in the room, though.
And on that very note... Well. As Germain was proposed as a possible suspect, Perry looked Gobsmacked. Really? Reaaallly? She blinked a few times, ears flicking back and forth in confusion as she peered at Germain's general... position within the room. Huh.... Huh?
"GERMA??? R-Really?? Bu'...."
And Manami's whole.... sermon. She couldn't say that she understood all of that, but...
"Ay mean, ay wellnnae lie en tha' ay was suspicious of Vee ta some exten'. An' at some poin's ay was convenced et was them, bu'.... Mana, arennae ya leavin' ou' a naeme? Ya dednnae mention Meili, ded ya?"
Oh. That sure was.... a theory, wasn't it?
"Thenk abou' et, though. Meili's whole... theng was abou' how tha world was cruel ta them, an' they ne'er fel' laike they could figh' back agains'  tha people hwo told them ta do thengs. An' tha fac' tha' he was alwaes so ensesten' tha' he was tha vectem en any setuation, no ma''er hwa' kaind o' wrong he's done an'.... Well. Ef there's anybody hwo screams 'self-sacrefaice' ta ya, wouldnnae et be tha person hwo maede herself taeke on a puneshmen' she dednnae wan'?"
Perry had a rather negative view on Meili's specific form of self-sacrifice. A hypocritical one, at the very least. But... Well. Perry seemed nearly convinced that this was the case.
"Bu' really... How would we know ef a domain es common? We only me' so many people hwo had them. We donnae have records o' tha mos' common domains, an' ef we're lookin at Ocelo's room... They clearly had a domain tha' maede them wan' ta be ou'saide. Wouldnnae Sunligh' fi' tha' box?"
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gay-meowmeow · 5 years
Me when Man started spittin straight facts to Keng:
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geekygirl24 · 4 years
Prompt from partizano_marcus20: An AU fic of "The Effect" where Keng and Shin had a happy ending, rather than the original, twisted one. Where Keng and Shin communicated properly and figured out their feelings for one another and a happy one for them. A smut would be good but your choice hahahah loving your prompts uwu. 
This is a NSFW Chapter!
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ohm-pawat · 5 years
i just watched the second episode of “the effect” and on god. what . was. that. 
i hadn’t watched the trailer, i didn’t know anything about it, i just watched the first episode- and even though i got weird feelings from how keng was treating shin so quickly- i decided to continue because the actor who played pond in lbc who’s name i currenlty cant remember was in the show and i wanted to support him but that was genuinely something i wasnt anticipating and i dont understand ?? are keng and shin the “main couple”?? bc there is absolutely no way shin can be together with keng after what he did to him?? that would be a mess???
i’m in shock.
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75chem · 5 years
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exodusmusing · 4 years
below the cut you will find 140 korean surnames!! all of these names are taken from kdramas and a list of surnames i have found on internet!! please like or reblog if you find this helpful!!
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zykatekb · 2 years
Boys Love - Series and Movies.
The Effect
🏳‍🌈  BL - Thaïlande
⚠ La série comporte certaines scènes qui pourraient            heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes et des plus                                                           sensibles ⚠
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Synopsis : Alors qu'il est en retard pour un examen, Shin, un étudiant de première année timide et réservé. bouscule malencontreusement Keng, un quatrième année qui n'est autre que l'ambassadeur de l'université, populaire et aimé de tous.
Shyn a vraiment une profonde admiration pour Keng.
Au fil du temps, les deux jeunes hommes vont se rapprocher, et très vite de mauvaises rumeurs vont fusaient sur le campus.
Malgré les sentiments qu'il ressent, Shin va tenter de s'éloigner un peu de Keng, mais ce dernier continu a vouloir se rapprocher encore de Shin.
Fiche et lien de visionnage (Vostfr) sur mon blog => ICI
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=> Au total la série compte 3 épisodes de 50 mins. <=
Wouahhh! J'ai pas les mots exacts pour décrire mon ressenti après avoir regarde cette histoire.
Beaucoup d'émotions, beaucoup de tristesse.
Un traumatisme violent venu d'une personne que j'avoue ne pas a voir soupçonnée. Vraiment l'histoire est brutale, pas de romance a proprement parler mais un énorme message envoyé.
J'ai vraiment eu mal au cœur après avoir visionné cette série.
            🔴Histoire non adaptée aux plus jeunes et aux plus sensibles🔴
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sparkie-2 · 3 years
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Hace unos días vi The Effect: The Series. La verdad es que la vi solo porque leía opiniones de personas que decían que era un drama el cual te dejaba “traumado” por como se desarrolla, que no tubo que ser cancelada y me dio curiosidad. Mi opinión ante este lakron es que es muy buena, no es la típica historia cliche que todos conocemos, no es para nada explicita y no es una historia color de rosa; ya desde el tráiler nos muestran que no será como las otras y que no esperemos un final feliz (aunque abierto).
Esta serie consta de solo 3 episodios, muy resumidos diría yo, nos cuenta la historia de Shin un estudiante universitario de primer año al que le cuesta socializar y no le gusta llamar la atención; por otro lado tenemos a Keng un estudiante de cuarto año que para los ojos de los demás es la persona que mas se asemeja a la perfección. Por cosas del destino un día chocan, así empezando la peculiar historia de ambos; en un comienzo todo parece normal para luego pasar a tocar un tema que creo que es lo mas importante, la obsesión y la presión social. (Nota: hay dos versiones de la novela en las que se basa este drama. Uno es oscuro y puede no ser adecuado para ciertas personas. El otro está en el lado más claro)
Así como del amor al odio existe un solo paso y viceversa, del amor a la obsesión también existe un solo paso. Me hubiera gustado que el drama se desarrolle mas, que nos cuenten un poco mas de que pasa después de ese hecho, pero no se pudo ya que la audiencia pensaba que era muy fuerte y tubo que ser cancelada y muy resumida.
Resumiendo; diría que vale la pena ver, te enseña que las personas no son los que dicen o muestran ser, que la presión social nos va llevar a cometer muchos errores, algunos asta imperdonables. Me gustaría una nueva adaptación con mas episodios o de las dos versiones.
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gravity-knight · 4 years
So um yeah I was right The Effect did make me cry
Not in the way that I thought. I was pretty angry
And I was correct about this being a cautionary tale.
I do hope more people watch this and see how they can make other people’s lives a living hell. And how they’re never really held accountable and can go on and live their lives with no repercussions.
People don’t understand the power of words. And some don’t care. And I feel that this is a good example of how people in fandoms can take things too far.
That is my personal opinion and how I chose to apply it to fandoms. More specifically people who tend to ship nonfictional people. Remember that they are humans too, just because they’re attractive and played very relatable and convincing characters does not give you the right to say hurtful things about them or their loved ones because it makes you unhappy.
Back to the show,
First show recently where I didn’t feel like their were unnecessary characters. Everyone played a part and didn’t go overboard.
I wished Man was dealt some punishment. At least Keng had a mental toll taken in him and I’m convinced that ending was for him. At the risk of sounding like a villain lover, I do feel bad for Keng. He had no one, and no example of real love. He felt that no one cared about him genuinely and so when he first heard Shin, he took that idolization and received it romantically. In the end he was very selfish and spoiled and I liked how it was slowly revealed.
I mentioned once how I didn’t like Shin being so shy. That hasn’t changed. He didn’t have a voice, even in his own story. So much could’ve happened if he was allowed to speak. I’m glad he had his friends there to help him though. And I’m glad I didn’t imagine PramoteBright from the beginning. These two were the light in all this darkness.
I do like how the show framed things as sweet and romantic. It made me believe that things would eventually work out. With the help of Boy. But it didn’t.
Wished we got a bit more info on everyone’s ending
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blmasterposts · 5 years
The Effect Links
The Effect is a short BL series which focuses on multiple Trigger Warning Topics. It is not for those who struggle to deal with certain topics and is different from other BLs in that it focuses solely on the effects on the victims after certain things happen. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE double check that tags on MDL or at the bottom of this post before deciding whether or not to watch it. 
Synopsis (Credit to MDL): Shin, a shy and reserved 1st-year university student, admires from afar his senior Keng. Keng is tall, handsome, smart and owns the heart of many girls on campus. But what others don't see is the pressure to be perfect from his family that weighs on Keng's shoulders.  Due to Shin's clumsiness, he becomes acquainted with the handsome senior. As Keng takes a liking to his junior,  jealousy from peers makes the cyber world a breeding ground for hate and nasty rumors. The sourness of mental instability crowds Keng's mind, while Shin wants nothing more than to not be noticed. Shin falls a victim not only to strangers online but to Keng as well. For nobody but Shin can overcome the trauma that will be placed upon him. All he needs is for the strangers to listen. Because only then can they understand "the effect" that they have on others. 
MDL Link: https://mydramalist.com/32424-the-effect
OST: https://youtu.be/CHnDRYmT9Rg
Novel: The novel itself has two endings, which you can choose which one you would prefer to read - the happy ending or the sad one. I will link up a translation of the novel below, but I am not sure which ending they decided to go with because I haven’t read it as of yet. 
BL Discord: https://discord.gg/hp6Kw59
Series: Line TV provided official subs on the episode, which I will link below. The first three special episodes were the BTS episodes that they aired before airing the main series.
Special Episodes: Special Episode 1: https://tv.line.me/embed/9911351 Special Episode 2: https://tv.line.me/embed/9988474 Special Episode 3 / Episode 0: https://tv.line.me/embed/10255240
Episode 1: Part 1: https://tv.line.me/embed/10372516 Part 2: https://tv.line.me/embed/10372518 Part 3: https://tv.line.me/embed/10372520 Part 4: https://tv.line.me/embed/10372522 Part 5: https://tv.line.me/embed/10372524 Episode 2: Part 1: https://lin.ee/zfqEGI6/qmnd/INT Part 2: https://lin.ee/tnnUO29/qmnd/INT Part 3: https://lin.ee/nINqwai/qmnd/INT Part 4: https://lin.ee/ifkf4BB/qmnd/INT Part 5: https://lin.ee/HOoOpG/qmnd/INT
Episode 3: Part 1: https://t.co/cFbUVVmP7a Part 2: https://t.co/jgpcplHKl3 Part 3: https://t.co/M2pT4g9Iml Part 4: https://t.co/0bhXaowzHc Part 5: https://t.co/AoqhLoFQqL
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truckreincarnation · 7 months
Koufuku Savings || Perry || Trial 5-1 || RE: Harriet
Well that sure was a lot to happen at once, now, wasn't it? Perry couldn't hide her distrust and distaste for amalgamation of Lioness as she departed. She had no reason to trust anything she said or did, did she? Not when Amber herself had said all of those horrible things. Her ears fell flat on her head, eyes hazy with distrust, yet almost relief to see her go. And Perry would never have to deal with her again. They'd never cross paths again.
Though... Perry also couldn't bring herself to believe that the Calamitans, filled with a hatred and fear of bound, would be willing to trust Lioness, either. There was a high chance that the fort she built would not have too many residents outside of incarnates.
Man... Perry trudged over and plopped down in her seat between Shin and Vee, a place she didn't really want to be at the moment. Granted, she didn't want to abandon Shin, even if she didn't really want to sit next to Vee in the moment. But!! Getting up and sitting somewhere else would cause PROBLEMS!! And the last thing she wanted was for people to be mad at her and hate her for causing any problems, right?
Thus, she sat down silently and just hoped someone would invite her to sit elsewhere so she had an excuse to move.
Still... How the HELL do you start off some kind of nontraditional trial like this? Perry blinked, rattling her largely-empty brain for anything of value she could even provide. Let's see....
"Actually, Harrie', ya seem ta be egnorin' somethin' convenien' ta ya ta egnore, aye? .... Sence there was tha' one le''er en tha fountain room, righ'? Ay'm pre''y enclained ta believe tha' Mana was at leas' there, so ya cannae sae somethin' laike she had nothin' ta do weth et at all, aye? Af'er all, Mana was mentioned en et by naeme, aye? As somebody hwo could help ou' weth abili'ies."
Perry had no reason to believe that Manami wasn't there, even if Harriet would fight tooth and nail to disbelieve anything that Manami said. Which, well. Was admittedly REALLY annoying. Perry furrowed her brows in Harriet's direction, trying her best to withhold her anger and frustration verbally. It would suck to re-ruin a friendship she JUST fixed, right? Perry's ears pushed flat towards the back of her head.
Anyway... There was something Perry could tack on here, too.
"Also, ay personally noteced somethin' back at tha ball. Ya remember tha' fuckin' helarious prank ay pulled on tha nobles? Ay tried ta geve somethin' ta tha keng FERS'! Bu' nothin' happened hwen ay ded. There was somethin' stoppin' my abili'es fae workin' on him, too, bu' dinnae ef tha' has somethin' ta do weth me bein' an encarna'e o' hwa'. Et covers more than jus' tryin' ta kell him."
It wasn't like her prank was physically harmful or anything, just annoying.
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gay-meowmeow · 5 years
Me after watching ep.1: Omg, Shin and Keng are gonna be my new soft bl ship😍😍❤️❤️
Me after watching ep.2:
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blfanfest · 5 years
The Effect - The End
Pardon, but this is an unedited and unfiltered episode review/commentary/reaction/summary of The Effect the series final episode. Will contain spoilers.
- Keng, I almost felt bad for you however you are an a**h*le to force yourself to Shin and thought you can get away with it. You lived in a focked up delulu world where you think Shin loves you and will forgive once you apologize and promise it will not happen again. However, that is not how the real world works. Man up and be accountable.
- Pramote has the best lines in the series and by far the most sensible character. Also Bright and Pramote are too cute together, glad they ended up together. Sad we did not get to witness their slow burn, dating moments.
- Pramote and Bright are the best of friends anyone could ever have.
- Shin, Pramote and Bright are my new holy trinity.
- Shin, bub, the amount of pain you went through had me crying the entire series. I am just glad you have supportive family and friends throughout your life.
- who got hit by the car? Was someone hit by the car? Is there a continuation?
Okay, i need to breathe. This series had me on a real emotional roller coast with a lot of crying and heart ache. I will post another review because by far, The Effect the series is in top of my face series list.
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sweetscribber · 5 years
The Effect the series - opinion
I won’t lie, the story is very interesting although it’s very deep and brutal! A university student who has no many friends meets a senior that is popular and everyone likes him and his personality apparently normal. When they get close as “friends” each other, people start looking around their lives and create rumors.
The part I most like about this series is how the reality is related with cyberbullying. The society want to know about the life of the other person without asking his/her/their profile and talk to everyone what can affect in so many ways.
It can be noticed that the first episode starts with a normal and apparently good relationship between the main characters Shin and Keng, who fell in love for the junior. There are nothing anormal until the people started stalking their lives because of the Keng’s popularity. 
When the rumors about Shin and Keng dating started trending on internet, many people ask to the students about their relationship wanting know their private life making a uncomfortable situation to both.
When came the second episode, I shocked too hard (I can’t find a good english expression to describe, so I’m so sorry about anything). It was too creepy to see that scene and discover the Keng’s true personality. But I can’t say it surely, because he was changed by the internet and rumors. I think he’s egoist, thick and stalker. He can’t be defended about what he did.
I liked how showed the Shin’s psychological state. He is changing slowly himself thanks the family and friends he met on school those are people who never gave up care about him. It was the most beautiful scene for me. The moments the family and friends helping Shin was the most emotional things to see in this series. Mainly when Shin asks his mother why didn’t she let him die. 
Well... what I have to say after all? It is a emotional series, I cried, got angry and cried again lol. Shin changing his personality during the series was a moment that I smiled very much, showing he’s not alone in this world and can be listened and saved. I think it is important mainly when there are people who is suffering depression, anxiety, bullying or any psychological problems. I have anxiety and a bit of low self esteem, so I’m trying overcome this.
As I’m a sensitive person, I shocked in many parts, fortunately, it didn’t affect me me psychological. But I recommend this drama because this topic needs to be mentioned more times to alert people who suffers of these issues mainly in Thailand, Asia in general or any place of the world
I don’t write things too serious in my blog, but I thought it is necessary write this review! See you later, people! And always be healthy and fine :) ❤
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