#ship: bit x dum dum
orangecarton · 4 months
Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
(Sorry in advance ;-;)
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TW: Swearing
Honestly this isn't your best moment. You kinda got scammed out of 20 bucks for what you thought was a cheap cosplay of an alien soldier and when you put on said costume you got screamed at to "get back to the ship" and got kidnapped by some purple fish looking creatures. Next thing you know you're in outer space in, what you can only assume is, some sorta Ren Faire for space dorks. It looked pretty cool, but people kept trying to put you to work and getting you to larp with them, talking about some "Ruler of the Galaxy" and "Nightmare to Humanity". It was all really charming but right about now is when you were starting to get the munchies, so naturally you went on the prowl for some poor vending machine and/or food cabinet.
Without any helpful signs around to guide you through this maze of Star Wars ride at Disneyworld and Metallica's love child, you got lost. After walking for a while you start to hear shouting. A sign of life, and perhaps snacks (or at the very least water. Because GOD DAMN was it getting hot). Walking closer the shouts got louder and you could make out some words.
"Um, you did... sir."
"SHUT UP, DUM DUM! Are you calling me STUPID?!"
You reached the door and it automatically slid open, just in time for you to see one of your fellow cosplayers get zapped and turned into feathers by an extremely tall guitar monster. In this life or death situation you know it is important for you do react with dignity and poise, as to survive and stay alive. So you respond in kind,
Your panicked state causing you to just freeze in place, stuttering and mumbling utter nonsense.
The guitar man struts closer, is it wearing platforms??? He (???) Raises his hand, the one that shot the guy before you (rest in piece). You stumble back and scream,
He falters, and in this moment you take in his appearance. He had a dark robotic and skeletal build, donning some sick ass platform boots, a leather cap, a red tie, and huge shoulder pads. His face was that of an electric guitar, rocking red eyes and scarlet lipstick, and... wait is he just in his underwear?
"What the- You're a human?!"
He lowers his hand and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... I'm a human. What about it?"
"How did you get up here?! Into my IMMENSELY IMPENETRABLE EVIL HEADQUARTERS?!"
"... I walked."
You both kinda sat in awkward silence for a bit. The issue from before had presented itself once again when your stomach let out a noise that even Godzilla would be jealous of.
"You uh... got any snacks man?" You asked, the fear from before subsiding and your fallen brother in arms forgotten (R.I.P Nathan). Guitar man™ looks at you quizically, then turns around and whispers to himself (you could still hear though because he isn't a very quiet person).
"Sooooo... is that a no?"
He turns back around and smiles wickedly,
"Come now human! I will grant you snacks and in return you will become my friend, hang out with me, tell me all of humanities weaknesses and how to defeat Shred Force!"
"Yeah ok." You shrug.
He grabs your arm and just about drags you with him as he strides down the hallway. You stumble but manage to keep pace.
"Hey what's your name anyway?"
"You, my fair accomplice, can call me Nordic Bunny. RULER OF THE GALAXY AND NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY"
"Cool cool."
What the hell have you gotten yourself into (Seinfeld credits play)
(Sorry for the bad grammar, here's a little doodle for compensation)
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elfven-blog · 4 months
Complacent (3)
Summary: The storm's not over yet (ba dum tshh)
Orca!Merman!Connor Kenway x Reader A mini series. (The semi-finale)
CW: Storm, drowning
Dedication: Everybody thank @ramshackledtrickster who we all love very much for their art and amazing au!
Word count: 1.1K
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When you finally made it to the dock the sky had gone dark, the stars in full view as you stepped out the back of the truck. You took a deep breath of the fresh air and rolled your neck while you stretched. If you felt like this you couldn’t imagine how Connor felt in that tank. Faulkner’s crew pulled said tank out with their machinery and got it latched onto the ship, securing it before you came aboard. Desmond parted ways here, hugging you and forcing you to promise you’d be back safe and sound after seeing this through. 
You stood next to the tank as the ship left dock, fingers drumming against the glass which seemed to attract the merman’s attention. His fist knocking so that you’d turn towards him, and when you did you saw him in a way you never had before. Sure he had smiled, grinned and laughed in your company but nothing like this. It was like everything from the past few months was nothing but a fantasy. Like his nightmare was finally over, there was a light in his eyes that you hadn’t even realised had been missing but now that it was there? You never wanted to see him without it again.
“Nearly there, big boy” you said with your own matching smile, your words had his eyes narrowed and his brow raised before he rolled your eyes at your teasing. As the ship made it to open waters, your head turned up to the dark sky and Ratonhnhake:ton rolled himself over in the water so that he was facing the stars too. You spent some time telling him about the constellations and in return he whispered about his own people’s belief, and all the stories he had about his time under the stars.
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Ratonhnhake:ton seemed restless in the tank, you had tried to get him to speak to you but his answers were only glares and banging on the glass.
“We won’t be near for a few days!” you had told him, trying to explain that you were still miles away from where his homestead was. That the village wasn’t any closer, and that you were still too far out for him to be able to find his way.
This answer seemed to only anger him, his tail flicking and smacking against the sides. You were sure he was snarling and making those popping sounds you’d only heard him do when the director had been around. 
At one point his frustration had gotten you annoyed, you understood. He was restless, he wanted to be home but you wanted him safe. Why wouldn’t he just calm down a bit? It wouldn’t be long and you could let him out, he could swim back and you wouldn’t know where the village is. As was part of your agreement.
A few days later, you were talking to him again and noticed that his eyes weren’t on you. He was looking past you, staring at something in the difference. His hands clawing at the glass and his tail twitching as his nose wrinkled.
You turned around to see what he was looking at, your stomach sinking as you finally realised why he was so on edge. Darkened clouds rolling closer and rough waves entered your vision before you looked back at Ratonhnhake:ton “We need to get you out the tank”
It took mere seconds for the rain to pelt down onto the ship, the crew working to keep steady but you were far more focused on getting the tank opened. The glass had already started to shake and Connor was getting more and more panicked as he slammed his hands against the sides. “Stop slamming! You’ll make it worse” but he couldn’t hear you over the sound of the wind and rain.
The Orca just wasn’t listening as you tried to pull the latches but the rain had made them extra slippery and it took more time than you wanted for you to pull the lid open, sliding it off until it crashed the other side. The boat tipped causing you to hold onto the tank, and as it tipped the water soaked your clothes, Ratonhnhake:ton spilled out with it until he was on the deck. The boat righted itself for a moment but still rocked and for a moment he stayed there until you were next to him on your knees, hands pushing against his hip and bicep as you tried to get him to move.
“Go! Go!” he could barely hear your shouts over the storm but the look in your eyes and how hard you were trying to move him told Connor all he needed to know. He managed to roll himself over and started using his hands to try and get closer to the edge of the boat, using anything he could to pull himself but it was difficult to do with the boat rocking. 
When it tipped again he managed to grab hold of the railings and pull himself over, you latched onto something close, your hands curling around the rope as you watched his black and white tail go overboard. Then his head popped back up as he waved his hand for you to come over to him, you would have. You should have. 
But instead you shook your head, you just couldn’t. His eyes seemed sad now. Connor gave you a single nod before he was back beneath the waves, and you stood up slowly. Carefully begin to make your way beneath the deck, to the safety and sanctity of the inside.
You cried out as the boat tipped. Gasping as the railings hit your stomach, knocking any breath in your lungs out of you as you fell over the slippery metal. Your hands tried to grip and hold on before the battering of the rain and the water on your hands meant you found no perch.
People had already gotten below deck or managed to find something to hold on. None of them near you which meant you slipped beneath the violent waves with no hope.
Your eyelids felt heavier and heavier as you sunk, your body like led even as your mind screamed at you to move. To swim upwards and get your head above the wave. You just couldn’t do it. Then your eyelids were too heavy, your internal monologue screaming at you to not close them.
There was surely water in your lungs by now. You certainly felt like there was some in your mouth. That horrible tang of saltwater, the pressure of the ocean pushing you further down. 
The world seemed to fade around you, mind still screaming at you and blood rushing past your ears, managing to drown out the sounds of the tempest above. It was so peaceful beneath the waves, the violence of the storm having no effect on what lay below.
With your consciousness slipping away, you were sure the feeling of something wrapping around your waist and holding your head into something hard was your imagination.
Perhaps death’s cold and final embrace.
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purgetrooperfox · 7 months
HELLOOOO Desmond hours real. Des my darling my fucked up little guy. he is um. he's very much not V (cont. under the cut)
grew up in Pacifica. yikes! had connections with Mr. Hands that will come back later
got roped into Maelstrom pretty young under ripperdoc/mechanic pretenses
hence all the headgear! Maelstrom initiation involves an optic nerve operation [x] that afaik usually involves taking both eyes. Des made a case for only losing one, citing ripperdoc superstition about organics vs cybernetics, which went over like a lead balloon but ultimately panned out under the assumption that he'd just struggle more for it
did more ripping than doc-ing if you catch my drift (famously medical-tortured and forced implants on whoever the bosses targeted, killed A Lot Of People on the table, human experimentation, wrote the Maelstrom handbook on all of the above) and had no qualms about it
like I cannot stress enough that he was Bad News <3
if it wasn't for turbulence in the upper ranks, he would've gladly kept at the job indefinitely. but he and Royce had ✨️issues✨️. namely that Des was fiercely loyal to Brick and company, and by that point he'd climbed the ranks to a level where his opinion carried quite a bit of weight
so even before Royce took over, he was all worried about the discourse Des was starting about him and his posse
but shit didn't hit the proverbial fan until after the power transfer. Royce took over and stuck one of his guys under Des to be trained (a la train your replacement), Des was severely unimpressed, eventually tried to jump ship
and got caught! and got his turn on the table! lost a couple limbs to his replacement while making sure to make clear that "this motherfucker is an embarrassment to everything I built here". was probably more upset at the disregard of his legacy than the fact that he was most likely going to die very slowly
reputation is soooo important to him you see. and "Eyes" was infamous
anyway. Dum Dum busted him out (gave him an adrenaline shot and unlocked the back door)
which led to a pretty pathetic trudge through the city until he passed out on the street, and eventually got scooped up
enter Misty "we can't just let him die" and Vik "god dammit if you say so"
cue a long, slow recovery process. realization that he can't do the ripperdoc or mechanic work he knows with only one organic arm and a royally shitty cybernetic. merc work to pay Vik back (thanks Mr. Hands, hello again). Vik wants to try to teach him that he can relearn how to Fix Things. do you see my vision?
important that Maelstrom thinks he's dead so Royce doesn't keep sending goons after him. also important to build a new network
tricky to build a new network when his entire face says "I'm with famously violent gang Maelstrom" innit
but he's trying! and mostly trying to behave himself! and trying to build a new arm so he can do work he enjoys again (even if it's more doc-ing than ripping now)!
all to say I think he's neat and I think Maelstrom was woefully underexplored in the game so I'll do it through an oc 😌 the smaller details are unnecessary but entertain me deeply. he has a funny little casual on again/off again with Dietlinde (yes the Totentanz bartender with minimal canon personality). he and Dum Dum were dumbass buddies. his sense of humor is drier than the desert. he is A Junkie. nothing he knows about mechanics or medicine or engineering was learned in a classroom and you couldn't pay him to learn that way, but he picks it all up well in a practical environment. his pride will be (kind of already was) his downfall. he says shit off the cuff that thoroughly disturbs civilized company without even realizing he did it
he is. my beloved
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burnt-cookii · 7 months
heyyy!!! i just wanna say i love love love love your oc x canons they make me wanna post my own now that i think about it :3 your designs are so pretty too they have that certain charm to it!!!
a few questions i have is that, do you ever feel a bit envious seeing other people's oc x canon with the same characters you ship your ocs with? like in a sense you feel like the designs, lorewise etc. couldn't compare T_T cause i think i'm in that state rn lmao? if you do then how do you deal with it?? either way i love your ocs a lot esp starry milkshake she is very silly and cute with stardust
😭😭 hsgydbbg ahhgg thank youu!! theyre all dum n stupid thoo hhhh ngdbthyns >:0 do post them! let them be seen!!
I do feel like that quite a bit tho! Compared to others, my stuff feels very very boring in design, lore, and just the overall interactions i do. It feels like im stepping on toes and feel awful when i get inspired by others.
I dont really have a way to deal with it (´×ω×`) cause personal behavior lol
Its the usual 'dont compare yourself to others', type of stuff. Your ships/oc will have its own unique charm that someone might like! Someone might even be envious of your ship, you'd never know. Doesn't need to be complex or anything of the sort, as long as you're content with it, its gonna be just as good as theirs
y'kno if any of that made sense or is remotely helpful x'p
thanky you thanky you again thoo ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
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writernotyetauthor · 1 year
For the Ship Bingo
Lithuania x Romano
Lithuania x Poland
Lithuania x Prussia
You don't have to do all
I totally forgot about this after drowning in homestuck yesterday sorry 😅.
Lithuania x Romano:
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Contrary to the small number of boxes filled i really do enjoy this ship a lot! They probably would have met sometime before working with america together but at his house they had so many shared experiences together after immigrating. Can ppl please write more stuff just centered on those 2 please bc there’s like 6 total on ao3, I’ve written One of them, and half of them are mpreg 😫.
Lithuania x Poland:
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Ah the divorced but not quite but yes but no couple. I think their relationship is a complicated one with both good and bad aspects of it. I want to research a bit more about the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth & see more fanworks in that time period. I like to think that in modern day they’ve both grown enough to be Slightly nicer to each other, but you won’t catch them trying to live together long term anytime soon XD.
Lithuania x Prussia:
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THESE MOTHERFUCKERS 🤣. Oh they hate each other so much and that can be so personal. I think part of the reason they were able to get through the 1950s onward at Russia’s house is just Pure Spite. Because yeah this sucks but I can’t let that guy outlive me. Also I did have that whole throwing each other down the stairs teaser for Nuclear Family which I hope “landed” well ba dum tis.
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Hello im Quest and im the care taker of som of the sanscest/semi sanscest/pseudo sanscest ship children that are listed here! 😊😊😊
Before we start here are a few ruels
Please ask first before shipping them together with yours ore another ones som of them are already taken
Don't make a straight gay ore a gay straight or bi (although the most of my ships are straight)
I may give som weard ship names that is because im a bit dum sometimes and forget the ship names. And/ore their my own ship names
English isen't my first language so please bear over with me although im glad for help
Im not good at grama
You may request ships! :)
Now one to the kids oh i almost forgton
Taken, reverset, asexual & single
Chorus (Error x Chronicle) Reservet
Eveny (Driller) Reservet
Eclipse/Tipsey (Liquor) Reservet/Single?
Remedee (Kolormare) singel
Yoake & Yūguru (Afrothide) both are taken
Raspberry (musicalwaitres) reservet/singel?
Domino (Crepic) reservet
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youcancallmenoob · 2 years
hey saw your recent post! could you perhaps draw some heavy x engie? it's been my true otp comfort ship since i was just getting into tf2 like almost a decade ago haha-
thank you have a wonderul day!!:D
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Its the sice difference isn't it?
Again one that i had never tought before.
Both own way of gun lovers and find bride in their weapons. Dum goofy laughs. Can imagine them both having kinda similar jokes. Only that Engineer likes puns that Heavy don't really get and Engi needs to explain em.
Maybe the thing is that i don't like when the characters are similar??
SO. Engineer is bit crazy and Heavy needs to bit look after him so he doesn't over do it time to time.
Definetly fight now n then about how stuff should be done. Heavy hands first doing stuff the traditional ways. Use your body. Carry stuff. Walk.
While Engy comes up with all these creative ways to do things faster.
Heavy hates it.
Dont hate it. Kinda like it but wont proceed with the ship. both def cuddlers.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
You Cut A Mean Rug, Doll Face
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Bucky Barnes One Shot
Summary: It’s no secret that Bucky Barnes has women falling at his feet, but it’s very rarely the other way round. He’s the love ‘em and leave ‘em type, well according to Steve anyway. So, when you find him hiding to avoid a certain Private’s advances, it amuses you no end…until she shows up and you find yourself offering to be his ‘Fake Date’ for Stark’s upcoming USO Gala Dance.
Fake Dating in the middle of a war…what could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: Bad language words. Smut. (NSFW 18+)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N:  So this is written as part of @anika-ann​’s 1111 Follower Challenge. Congratulations darling! My prompt was Fake Dating.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
“Hey, Steve.” You greeted the blonde super soldier as you walked into the little make-shift kitchen, deep in the underground London SSR HQ.
“Afternoon, Agent.” He nodded and you rolled your eyes, picking a piece of fluff off your khaki green uniform jacket.
“Seriously, after everything we’ve pulled together we’re still at agent?” You raised an eyebrow drawing a soft chuckle from the man in front of you as he poured a coffee into one of the tin mugs on offer, holding it out to you.
“Sorry, force of habit. Y/N. That better?”
“Much.” You nodded, taking the mug with a thanks, pulling a face as you took a sip. “God, all the technology we have and I still can’t get a decent cup of Joe.”
“Maybe you should have a word with Stark.” Steve shrugged. “He seems to be able to lay his hands on most things, rationing be dammed.”
“Well, you’re the man with the plan and he’s the man that can.” A smirk pulled at your face as you watched Steve fight the urge to roll his eyes. “Anyway, where’s Barnes? Colonel Phillips is riding my ass about a report he hasn’t filed. Keeps moaning on about us being unable to run strategic operations if we don’t actually do any strategizing.”
At that Steve’s face broke into a grin. “He’s hiding.”
“Hiding?” You frowned. “Chester isn’t that scary, he’s a pussy cat if you figure out how to make him purr.”
“Okay there are so many things wrong with what you just said that I’m not even going to go into.” Steve snorted and you flashed him a grin as he continued. “He ain’t hiding from Phillips, he’s hiding from Private Lorraine.”
“Why?” You paused, mug hovering an inch or so from your mouth.
“Well according to Stark who heard from Jones who heard from-“
“Yeah, yeah, skip to the interesting bit about why Barnes his hiding like the cowardly lion” You cut him off and he raised his eyebrows, his smirk growing wider.
“She wants him to ask her to that USO dance gala thing Stark is hosting.”
At that you felt the heat in your neck, jealousy, at the thought of the blue-eyed solider you’d been harbouring a crush on for months, like some love sick teenager, dancing with someone else. You carefully held Steve’s eyes and licked your lips, hoping you hadn’t given yourself away too much.
“Of course she does.” You shrugged, clearing your throat. “But that doesn’t answer my question. Why is he hiding?”
“He doesn’t want to go with her.” Steve shrugged, taking another sip of his drink and this time you did absolutely nothing to stop the grin that spread across your face.
“How come?”
At that Steve hesitated for a moment before he popped a shoulder again, slightly avoiding your eye line. "No idea."
You knew he was lying, he was notoriously bad at it, but before you could call him out, a deep voice spoke from the doorway.
"Sure your Ma told you it was rude to talk about people behind their backs, Stevie." Bucky grumbled as he walked into the room.
"Yeah, and I'm sure yours told you it was rude to do a lot of things that you still do anyway." Steve shot back and Bucky merely rolled his eyes, walking to the coffee pot and helping himself. 
"Well, I’m astounded." You looked at Bucky as he turned around, leaning slightly against the small units that lined the room. "James Buchanan Barnes is fanning a woman away."
"Yeah, I don’t make a habit of it, Doll Face." He eyed you shrewdly over his mug.
"Still, never thought I'd see the day." You hummed, sipping your drink.
Bucky rolled his eyes and gestured with his mug towards Steve. "Now you sound like him."
"So, humour me, Barnes. What is it about her that’s making you run for the hills?"
Bucky hesitated for a moment before he winkled his nose and answered you. "She’s not my type."
"Really? I thought every woman was your type." 
At that, Steve gave a chuckle. "She's got you there, Buck. I don't think I saw you without one before you shipped off."
"Shut up, Steve." Bucky bit back before he gave a low groan. "She's just..."
"Just what?" You scoffed. "Tall, blonde with big, come-to-bed eyes and pouty red lips? What's not to fall over? Dum Dum follows her around like a dog."
"Sweetheart, Dum Dum would probably chase a pig wearing lipstick if he thought he had a chance." Bucky looked at you his eyebrow raised and you heard Steve give a little snort of laughter. You turned slowly to him, and his eyes widened a little as you narrowed your eyes.
"What's your excuse?"
"His excuse?" Bucky paused, mug poised at his lips as Steve began to flounder over his words, a pink flush spreading into his cheeks.
“Yeah, he kissed her.” You informed and Buck gave a loud groan, placing his mug down on the side. "Peggy caught them, big time."
"She kissed me." Steve protested and at that Bucky sighed. 
"What has my life become? Seriously?" He shook his head, his eyes flicking between you and Steve. "I’m hiding because I don’t wanna go dancing with some broad whilst this punks beating ‘em off with a stick."
"Shield." You corrected as Steve made an exasperated noise in his throat.
"I’m in a nightmare, right?" Bucky finished.
"’Fraid not, Buckaroo." You placed your now empty mug besides his on the wooden counter. "But I suggest that you get your report to me on the Dresden raid or you really will be in a bad dream. Colonel Phillips wants them pronto and I'm not taking the flack because you're too lazy to do it."
Bucky groaned. "How am I supposed to think about that with all this other shit going on?"
"Nice to see you have your priorities straight." Steve scoffed and Bucky glared at him but before he could reply, a loud girly laugh filled the kitchen and you saw Bucky still.
"There you are!" Private Lorraine spoke and you exchanged a glance with Steve, a look of utter glee spreading across his face at his friend's discomfort. "I was beginning to think you were avoiding me, Sergeant Barnes."
"Now what on Earth would give you that idea?" You quipped. As usual, she completely ignored you and watched as Bucky turned to look at her.
"Well, you found me." He nodded, a false smile spreading across his face.
"Yeah, I did. So, err, this dance, do you have a date or..."
Bucky took a deep breath, "well, the thing is..."
"Yes, he does." You blurted out, before you could stop yourself. You stepped forward and slipped your hand into his, ignoring the shocked look he gave you as you stood by his side. "He's going with me."
"You?" Lorraine looked at you, her eyebrows shooting up so high they almost disappeared into her hairline.
"Yes, me." You smiled. "So, you'll have to find someone else to go with. I think Duggan might be free."
"Well, suppose there's no accounting for taste." The blonde woman in front of you looked you up and down and you bristled under her glare, your nostrils flaring angrily. Sure, you might not have her model looks, hell, you might not even be conventionally pretty in some eyes, but you sure weren’t going to make her let you feel like shit. You'd been brought up by a loving family who made you realise your worth and that despite what anyone else said, you were just as good as them. You continued to hold her gaze and eventually she licked her lips and looked away.
"Well, erm, that's..." she clicked her tongue against her cheek, before deciding to cut her losses and she left the room.
The three of you stood in silence before Bucky turned to look at you, a smirk spreading across his face. "You, are a genius!" He pressed a kiss to your cheek and you swallowed slightly, feeling the heat in your neck. "I owe you, big time."
"Yeah, you do." You shrugged. "You can start by doing that damned report. And then you’re buying me a drink at the Gala, seeing as we're, you know, fake dating."
"You got it, Doll." Bucky saluted, flashing you a wink.
"Fake dating?" Steve muttered, and you turned to look at him as he shook his head, looking up at the ceiling. "I've heard it all now."
You cleared you throat, and removed your hand from where it was still in Bucky’s and swallowed. "I need to get going. That report, Barnes. Don’t forget."
"Anything for you, Darlin'." Bucky grinned.
You gave him a last little smile, and then turned leaving the room letting out an inward groan.
What the hell had you just got yourself into?
“Why did I do this?” You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror, shaking your head.
“Because you’re sweet on him.” Peggy matter of factly replied and you shot her a look in the mirror. She gave you a knowing smirk and you sighed.
“I just felt sorry for him, okay?”
“Sorry for him?”
“Yeah, you know what she’s like, she wouldn’t leave him alone.”
“Admirable.” Peggy nodded, stepping forward so she was behind you, reaching up to fix another pin into your up do. “So what’s your master plan? Act the part tonight and break up tomorrow?”
You shrugged. “Haven’t thought that far.”
“I doubt you’ve thought at all.”  The brunette looked at you, her perfectly shaped eyebrow raising slightly.
“You know, you and Steve really are a match made in heaven.” You scoffed, stepping to the side as you smoothed down the dress you were wearing. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it traced your curves perfectly and made a nice change from the uniform you spent every day wearing. “Go take your righteous indignation and discuss it with him. That is if you’re speaking to him this week, I can never keep up.”
At that Peggy pursed her lips. “We’re not discussing me and Steve, we’re discussing you and how you’re going to get through the next however long pretending to date someone you actually want to date.”
“Well, it could be worse.” You shrugged.
“I could be about to spend however long pretending to date someone I don’t like.”
Peggy looked at you for a second and you held her gaze, challenging her to say anything more on the matter. Eventually she merely raised her eyebrows before she turned and looked at the clock.
“We should go.”
With a deep breath you took one last glance at your reflection, grabbed the small clutch from the cot in your room and followed her out.
The small dancehall in London's Soho District was packed with soldiers and civilian staff alike, and you accepted the drink offered to you by a waiter as you entered the main room, the Big Band already playing a bluesy-jazz number as background music, whilst people stood around the room, chatting. It didn’t take you long to locate Bucky. He was stood with Steve and the rest of the Howlies by the bar, all of them dressed in their best uniforms. Taking a deep breath, those pesky butterflies fluttering away in your stomach, you made your way over with Peggy and she let out an annoyed sigh as the men all blatantly looked the pair of you up and down.
“You’d think they’d never seen a woman before.” She mumbled and you scoffed out a laugh.
“Well, we’ve been running missions with them for that long maybe they’ve forgotten that we actually have boobs and a vagina.”
At that Peggy stopped to look at you, and the pair of you started to laugh.
“You are so uncouth.” She shook her head at you, as you linked your arm through hers and continued your path towards your team.
“Like I said, I’ve been in the field with these bozos for over a year, guess their bad habits are rubbing off on me.”
“Well, as long as that’s all that’s rubbing off on you.”
“Agent Carter!” Your mouth fell open in mock horror, turning to look at her as she continued facing forward, her lips quirked up at one side in a barely there smirk. “Now who’s being uncouth?”
“Ladies.” Dum-Dum greeted you with a tip of his bowler as you approached and you nodded to him, smiling before you turned to look at Bucky.
“Wow.” His eyes flicked up and down your form again, and you swallowed, a warm feeling spreading over you as his eyes took in your outfit and when his eyes finally met yours he cleared his throat and you gave him a small smile. “You err, look great. I mean, compared to how you usually look.”
At that Falsworth, Dum-Dum, Dernier, Jones and Morita all snorted as Steve let out a groan.
“Thanks. I think.” You frowned.
“No, I err…I didn’t mean it like that.” Bucky hastily began to back track as Dernier mumbled something in French, of which you caught the words ‘stupid idiot’, Jones hastily agreeing. “I just, well, it’s different to how I’ve seen you before.”
“Well a tight dress and courts ain’t exactly practical for hiking through woods and mounting stealth operations.” You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink. “But for the record, you look exactly the same as you usually do.”
At that the men all roared with laughter as Bucky sighed, dropping his head. “Guess I asked for that.”
Bucky watched as you gave him a small grin, before you turned to talk to Jones, and he took the chance to observe you properly. You looked good. You always did in his eyes but tonight, you were a knock out. Your dress hugged the curves of your thighs and hips, nipping in at the waist with a neckline that showed him just enough skin to leave him imagining what it would feel like to pepper your collarbone with kisses. Your hair was set in a perfect style, your lips rouged, you looked effortlessly stylish. He swallowed, sliding his finger in between the collar of his shirt and neck in an attempt to loosen the starched material as he suddenly flushed very, very warm. He felt timid, awkward, and that in itself made him feel a strange juxtaposition of irritated and amused. Bucky Barnes didn’t get nervous around women, that was Steve’s speciality. But here he was, flapping over how best to ask you if you wanted to get a drink whilst that punk was laughing away with Agent Carter hanging off his every word.
No, this wouldn’t do.
With a small cough, Bucky cleared his throat and dropped his hand to the base of your back. “You want a drink, Doll Face?”
You smiled up at him, blinking and nodded. “Yeah, thanks Buck. A gin would be great.”
Bucky waved over the bartender, placed your orders and had just turned back to you when he spotted the woman who’d thrown him into this mess in the first place, Private Lorraine arriving with some other poor, unsuspecting soldier from the unit. Bucky didn’t know his name, not that he cared.
“Hey,” he nudged you and you turned to face him and he jerked his head, “guess this fake date worked.”
You followed his eye-line and visibly bristled a little bit before you shook your head and shrugged. “Poor bastard.”
“You really don’t like her, do you?”
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
“Just a hunch.” Bucky smirked, passing you your drink, before he gestured with his arm for you to follow the group who were now moving away from the bar to find a table. “After you, Darlin’.”
You had to admit, you’d had your reservations but as it turned out, the night was pretty fun. Whilst you’d been hyper aware of Bucky besides you, you felt reasonably relaxed. His arm had dropped round your shoulder at one point, pulling you in for a friendly hug, the way he often did out in the field, and you’d simply enjoyed being as close to him as you were.
Because, fake or not, a chance to date Bucky Barnes didn’t come along that often.
It was a couple of hours later when you both found yourself at the table with Steve who made an excuse he needed the bathroom and left. Bucky snorted as Steve headed across the room and shook his head.
“Bathroom, he must think we’re stupid. He’s gone to find Peggy.”
“Aww, don’t. I think it’s cute.” You smiled, turning to look at Bucky. “Don’t you? I mean we’re fighting a war and in the middle of all this bloodshed and horror, he’s found someone who…” you trailed off as Bucky was watching you, a strange expression on his face. “Or not…am I talking nonsense?”
“No, it’s not that.” Bucky shook his head. “I just, guess I never thought about it that way. But you’re right. Suppose none of us know how long we have left, especially at the moment.”
He trailed off, his eyes scanning yours for something, but what you weren’t sure. You felt your cheeks warm and you glanced down at your hands, before you turned to watch the dancing going on around you. It was crazy when you stopped to contemplate that, in the midst of all the devastation and destruction, life was still going on. Bucky was right, your time could be up in a flash at any point.
“Well, seeing as you put it so eloquently,” you looked at Bucky, jerking your head to the dance floor. “Wanna show me how it’s done in Brooklyn?”
“Do you mind if we don’t?” Bucky shook his head and your heart sank. “I just…well, I…”
“No, you don’t need to explain.” You hastily back tracked. “I just thought it might keep up appearances, that’s all.”
There was an awkward silence, Bucky studying you for a moment with an expression you really couldn’t place and then, well, it all became too much.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You made the same excuse Steve had given moments ago, and before Bucky could say anything, you rose from your seat and walked away, as dignified as you could, trying not to let the tears that were stinging your eyes fall down your face.
Bucky watched you walk away from him, your movements graceful as you headed round the tables placed around the edge of the dance floor, taking care to avoid the groups of guests as you went. He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. This was a mess. It had started out as a bit of fun, you helping him out, because that's what you did, but he'd been a wreck all night. Frankly, being in such close proximity to you was making his head swim.
He'd wanted to dance with you, he'd really wanted to dance with you, but he didn’t trust himself because the truth was he liked you. A lot and he had done so for a while. He wasn’t sure he could trust himself to hold you on the dance floor without trying to kiss the life out of you. So he’d said no, and let you walk away, and the look of hurt on your face was now burnt into his mind. With an angry snort he stood up and stalked to the bar, signalling for another drink.
He stood there, nursing his glass for what felt like an age, seething at his own stupidity until a familiar voice cut through his murderous thoughts.
"Did HYDRA scramble your brain or something, Buck?"
"What?" Bucky's brow furrowed as he turned to look at Steve.
"You’re missing a girl's signals."
"Signals, what are you..."
"Y/N, you dolt." Steve rolled his eyes.
"What about her?"
"She likes you, has for ages."
"I don’t think so, Steve" Bucky snorted.
Steve sighed and leaned against the bar as Bucky necked his scotch. "So explain the look she had on her face as she stalked passed me before.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. "She wanted a dance, dames love dancing. I said no.”
“And why did you do that?”
Bucky took a deep breath and didn’t answer. But he knew Steve could see right through him, the punk always could.
“Buck, what exactly did you think I meant that night at the bar when we first came to England a couple of months back? About Peggy having a friend? I meant Y/N."
Bucky blinked, his mouth dropping open. "What?"
"She's sweet on you. Falsworth told me. I was trying to give you a hint."
Utter frustration lanced through Bucky's entire body and he shook his head. "How in the name of Hitler’s left ball was I supposed to understand that?"
"Well, I thought it was obvious."
"No, no it wasn't, Steve!" Bucky groaned, his eyes flicking around, trying to locate you in the crowd but he felt his heart sink as there was no sign. "Oh, I fucked up, big time."
"Suggest you go fix it then." Steve shrugged, his voice a little slow as he himself was busy looking at Peggy as she walked towards him, smiling. He stood up straight and clapped Bucky on the shoulder, before he walked off, leaving his sergeant alone.
Bucky anxiously continued to search the room with his eyes, and felt his heart jump as he saw a flash of colour the same as your dress, and your familiar profile as you walked onto the dance floor, your hand in Howard’s as the man smiled at you, pulling you into a hold.
Oh, fuck you, Stark!
Without wasting another second, Bucky necked his scotch and moved, striding around the dancehall towards you, not watching where he was going which was why he collided straight into Dum-Dum.
"Woah, Barnes, where's the fire?"
"On the dance floor, I hope.” Bucky sidestepped round the broad man quickly, his eyes entirely fixed on you as he weaved his way round the various couples all in the middle of a reasonable slow dance until he reached the pair of you.
He cleared his throat, gently tapping Howard on the shoulder as your eyes fixed onto his, surprise etched across your face.
“Mind if I cut in?”
“Did it work?” Peggy asked Steve as the pair of them stood to the side of the hall. Steve glanced over the dancefloor, just as Howard stepped away from you, kissing your hand in an over-the-top gesture before he turned and walked away. Bucky approached you tentatively, and Steve saw you give the faintest of nods, before his friend took you in a close dancing hold.
Grinning, Steve turned back to Peggy, jerking his head to the floor. “See for yourself.”
As the pair of them watched you and Bucky for a second, Steve’s eyes then fell on Howard who had paused to talk to someone. Almost as if he could sense the Captain’s eyes on him, Stark glanced over, a smug grin crossed his face, and he gave Steve the thumbs up sign.
Steve smiled into his glass, the irony at the fact that Bucky had tried and failed many times to fix him up with gals in the past yet he’d managed to turn the tables in a single try, wasn’t wasted on the Captain.
“Funny looking bathroom.” Bucky cleared his throat as he steered the pair of you round in a gentle dance.
“Oh, well I got waylaid a little.” You replied. “And seeing as we’re not actually dating, I didn’t think it was an issue.”
“It’s not, I just…” He was quick to reply as he drew in another deep breath before he shook his head. “I’m sorry.”
 “What for?”
“Before, saying no the way I did. It was rude.”
You took a deep breath, your heart racing as you glanced up at him. “So, is that the only reason you’ve come to dance now? To apologise?”
“Yes, I mean, no.” Bucky stumbled over his words as he shook his head. “No, I wanted to dance. More specifically I wanted to dance with you.”
His admission settled like a bubbling brook in your belly. You wondered why, so you asked, "why?" 
Your mind began quickly doing the math, adding up the moments and signals between the two of you, wondering if what you dared to think was actually what he was thinking too. You were nervous but you remained close in your dance, your eyes flicking between his and his lips as he spoke, the words drowning in your ears, his voice sounding like your head was under water. 
“Because I like you, Doll Face.”
Then, you felt it, your body leaning in just a smidge as you tilted your head upward as his moved just a pinch to look down at you. Your lips brushed his and the electricity took off as he pulled you in for a deeper, slightly less modest kiss, the hand that had been curled around your waist moved upwards at the same time his other released yours from his hold, and calloused palms and fingers cupped your jaw and cheeks. Despite the roughness of his skin, his warm hands felt soft against your face like the finest silk whilst his tongue dipped into your mouth, kissing you in a way that your Pappy certainly wouldn’t approve of.
But you approved, boy did you approve.
The sounds of the big band drowned out the mewl that bubbled from your delicate throat to those around you, but not to Bucky. He heard the elicit sound clear as day, and that was enough. He wanted to get you alone, away from prying eyes.
He pulled back, casting a quick glance around before he looked down at you, "let's get out of here."
It was a suggestion as much as an instruction, and he waited as you blinked, before you gave the slightest nod and he took your hand, turned, and led you from the dancefloor.
How the pair of you made it back to your quarters, you had no idea, but here you were, stumbling into the small room, heated kisses being shared as Bucky kicked the door shut, his lips still fiercely on yours. Your fingers were now deftly undoing the buttons of his jacket before you pulled it open with a flourish, shoving it down over his shoulders and arms as Bucky was quickly pulling off his tie and opening the collar of his shirt. Before long, that was also discarded somewhere on the floor and your hands slid up his strong biceps, down his chest, tracing the taught muscle before your fingers hooked into the front of his uniform pants and you turned your attention to his belt, breaking the kiss a little so you could look down.
“Eager, Doll?” Bucky mumbled as his nose nudged at your chin, pushing your head up. His lips trailed across your jaw line, and then down your neck and you tipped your head back, your eyes fluttered shut at the feel of his lips on your skin, relishing the feel of his soft mouth and the delectable gentle scratching of his five-o-clock shadow.
His hands slowly slid up your sides, before they moved round the back, his lips pressing to yours as you felt his fingers gently guiding the zip of your dress down. Once it was undone, you stepped back and allowed it to fall into a pool at your feet. Bucky glanced down and groaned as his blue eyes scanned the stockings, garter belt, lace panties and matching bra.
“Fuck, Sweetheart.” His lips crashed back to yours as he backed you towards the cot at the side of the room.  As the back of your knees hit the metal side of the frame, he gently lowered you down, positioning himself over you, caging you with his arms and his legs as his mouth continued trailing soft kisses down your neck and her jawline.
You were powerless to stop the soft noises of pleasure you were making, try as you might, conscious of the fact the walls in the Quarter-Hall were thin, something you cursed on a daily basis as you could hear the squeak of the cot which belonged to the neighbour to your right as she turned over at night. Luckily for you, your springs were untested so to speak, therefore didn’t make a sound, unlike you at that moment in time.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Bucky suddenly stopped, his mouth hovering by your ear and you stilled, tilting your head to look at him. “I mean, this…well, it aint proper really, but…”
“Since when did you give a damned about being proper with a Dame?” You teased, fingers wrapping in the chain of his dog-tags, but there wasn’t a shred of humour in Bucky’s tone or on his face when he answered.
“When that dame was you.”
You blinked, and looked at his face, finding nothing there but a genuine softness and you were overcome with the emotions and sensations you were feeling and you yanked on the chain in your hands, pulling his head back down as you crashed your lips back to his.
“Yes, yes I do. I want this Bucky, I want it so much.” You mumbled against his mouth and he gave a groan, before he stood up, quickly, reaching for his wallet. He pulled out the small condom packet, one you recognised as the standard issued to all soldiers to avoid them catching anything when they were putting it about during furlough, so to speak, and he sat back down on the edge of the bed, bending down to unlace his boots.
Bucky was mentally cursing the damned things as he felt you stir behind him, the hard mattress of your bed dipping slightly, and he stilled as he felt your fingers gently brushing over the back of his shoulders. Your touch was feather light as your hands gently felt across his broad back and he gave a sigh, tipping his head back slightly to catch your lips in a deep kiss.
“Doll, if you want me to do anything to you tonight, I gotta get these boots off.”
“So take ‘em off.”
“Stop distractin’ me then.” His accent dripped from his tongue as he chuckled, and your lips curled into a smile against his.
“You saying you can’t handle a job with a little distraction?” You gave a tut, but pulled away a little to allow him to finally get the damned things off. “And Steve says you’re our best marksman.”
“Well, what does that Punk know?” Bucky tossed the boots to the floor with a thud, before he quickly raised his hips enough to allow him to slide off his pants. Then, in a flash he turned, pinning you back to the cot, smirking at the giggle that burst from your mouth. His hands trailed down your body, flicking open the clips on your garter straps without so much as a fumble, before the reached up and snapped the hooks at the front of your bra.
He took a moment to appreciate you, the soft, supple lines of your breasts a complete contrast to your toned shoulders and taught stomach, both the result of an extensive training regime.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He leaned over, kissing you softly, his lips tracing a track down your sternum before he softly took a nipple in his mouth, his tongue gently teasing, eyes flicking to your face to watch your reaction. 
You groaned at the sensation, rolling your head back on the pillow, hips bucking upwards as you let yourself go, barely daring to believe that his was happening, but just as you were questioning if you were in some elaborate dream, a low moan from above you caused your fluttering eyelids to jerk wide open. You could feel him hard, pushing against you and your hands moved round to his back.  You dragged your fingers up his spine, as his hand moved down, sliding into the waistband of your panties making your gasp as his fingers slipped into your folds. As he teased you, your hips began to move in time with his motions, groans falling from your lips as the heat began to build in between your legs, deep in your belly.
“Good?” Bucky’s voice was a rasp, and it was all you could do to do whimper softly, your head falling back further as your mouth dropped open, your entire body shuddering as the pleasure lanced through you. You reached down, grabbing his wrist and his eyes moved to yours, waiting.
“Want you.” You whispered softly. Almost as if he’d been waiting for that final bit of permission, Bucky’s fingers hooked into the top of your panties, gently sliding them down your legs, gathering your stockings as he went, a movement he had clearly perfected through goodness knows however many other clandestine liaisons. Discarding them to the floor, he wriggled his way out of his own underwear before he sat back on his heels and you moved, grabbing the packet he’d placed on the small bedside unit before.
Bucky groaned softly as your hands gently wrapped around his cock, sliding the condom down. It really shouldn’t have been as arousing as it was but he was almost ready to blow before he’d even started. Once it was on, he crawled back over you, his thighs gently parting yours a little further and with a steady, slow motion he slid into you, the sensation caused both of you to groan, your head falling back against the pillows as Bucky stretched you, his girth and length filling you completely.
"Fuuucckkk.” Bucky breathed out as your tight heat gripped him, his word little more than a whisper. He moved his hands to snake his fingers through yours, gently pinning your hands by the side of your head as he began to move his hips. He went slowly at first, picking up the speed slightly as you keened underneath him, his dog tags sliding in the valley between your breasts, the metal cold against your heated skin.
Your hips bumped together with every thrust he made and, with each rock into you, he was rubbing against that soft spot deep inside you. Your soft cries stuck in your throat, your senses completely overwhelmed as the fire in your body was raging white hot.
“James,” you whispered his name, and Bucky let out a low groan, his fingers tightened around yours as he gave a particularly deep thrust, making you purr in delight. He raised his head to capture your lips, plunging his tongue into your mouth before he released your hands, his own cupping your face as he continued to move.
In that moment, you could have been anywhere. In a hotel, surrounded by the finest silk sheets that money could buy or on some far away beach in the corner of the world, but instead you were led on a hard mattress in a military base, knowing full well you were in for some serious reprimand if you were caught, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was the man who was currently undoing you piece by piece as the two of you were tangled in your own private dance.
The more Bucky gave, the more you wanted, and as he hiked your leg up round his waist, his fingers curling round the back of your knee you choked out another pant of his name, “James,” as you felt yourself nearing that point where you’d drop over that oh-so-steep cliff edge. The tips of your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, causing him to groan loudly, his head tipping backwards.
“You feel so good.” His voice was nothing but a whine, and at his praise you gave another low, sultry gasp, your breath now coming in ragged gasps. “God, Y/N,” he moaned loudly as you titled your hips, pushing back up against him, his head dropping slightly. “You close?” he gasped and you nodded softly, your lips falling open and once again he kissed you, hard, his movements speeding up ever so slightly.
“Don’t stop.” You begged, shaking your head as you grasped at his back, “please, so good.”
Bucky felt you shudder underneath him and a few thrusts later your back arched and a soft cry escaped your mouth as your eyes fluttered shut and your head tilted back, mouth open in a now silent scream. He could feel you tightening, pulsing around him as you came and that was it, enough to tip him straight over the edge behind you, the surge and ecstasy of his relief causing his whole body to stiffen as his hips faltered. A groan burst from his mouth as he gave a few final, sloppy thrusts before he collapsed forward, his head burrowing into your neck.
You both lay still for a moment, before Bucky regained enough composure to prop himself up, placing a soft kiss to your lips and as he pulled away slightly, he found you looking up at him, lips swollen from his kisses, heavy lidded eyes blinking slowly in your sated state, and he smiled at the fact you wore that just fucked look so damned well.
“You okay?” He asked softly and you nodded, a smile playing on your lips before you kissed him again.
“More than okay.” You grinned, your nails gently scratching at the nape of his neck. “You got moves, Sergeant.”
Bucky let out a chuckle as he kissed you again, his lips hovering over yours. “Well you weren’t so bad yourself, Agent.”
 “Nice of you to show up.” Colonel Phillips looked at you as you walked into the briefing room. “Late night, was it?”
“Sorry, Sir. I didn’t get much sleep.” You mumbled, avoiding Bucky’s eyes as he looked down at the table, a grin on his face.
“Huh, I could have sworn I saw you leaving the dance early.” Dum-Dum quipped and you shot him a glare as you took up a seat next to Peggy who licked her lips, fighting a smirk.
“Whatever, I’m not interested.” Phillips sniffed before he tossed a file down on the table in front of Steve who reached over to take it. “We have word that HYDRA are intending to move Arnim Zola.”
“Do we know where to?” Steve asked, looking at the file before he glanced up and Peggy shook her head.
“No, this is hot off the press so to speak. Stark’s team intercepted their encrypted broadcast. All we know is that they’re nervous about moving, and that the route has been carefully planned to avoid any long, open distances.”
“They’re going through the Alps.” Phillips moved to a map at the side of the room. “Trying to maintain a cover so to speak. Our surveillance team still has Zola at his current location, but that could change at any time. Captain, I need you to co-ordinate and mount an operation to intercept that train and apprehend him.”
“If you know where he is why can’t we just bust in and get him now?” Bucky asked.
“Because you’ll never get there in time.” Phillips replied. “As we understand he’ll be moving out in a couple of hours. So we’re up against it. The window of opportunity lies about six hours into his trip where there’s a slight break in the mountain cover.”
“How do we know this is kosher?” Falsworth took the file from Steve. “They could be leaving a false trail.”
“We hacked a number of broadcasts, each saying a different thing.” Peggy answered. “But this one held the code words we know HYDRA are using today.”
“And our codebreakers have never let us down before, so I’m willing to take a punt.” Phillips nodded. “Get to it, we don’t have much time.”
There was a flurry of movement around the table as you all stood up, Steve barking instructions at you all to collect what you needed and head to the transportation hub immediately as Dum-Dum mentioned something about zip wires and ambushing the train from above. As you all sidled out of the room, a hand gently closed over your arm and you turned to see Bucky as he fell into step besides you.
“Just so you know, I don’t normally make habit of splitting before breakfast.”
“Oh, you normally eat first?”
“In a manner of speaking.” He smirked and you gave a chuckle. “I just didn’t want you thinking-“
“It’s okay, I get it.” You assured him, and you did. He’d left in a flurry that morning before he could get caught sneaking out of the small room you had in the female quarters and you didn’t hold it against him at all. 
“But, I’d really like to take you out, properly, I mean. When we get chance.”
“You asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah.” Bucky stopped, turning to face you. “A real one this time.”
You smiled and nodded. “I’d like that. Oh, but just so you know, I don’t put out on a first date.”
“No? Then what was last night?”
You hesitated, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks. In all honesty, you had no idea what had come over you last night. You’d never behaved in a reckless manner with a man like that before and taken him home so easily, for fear of getting yourself a bad reputation. That said, you didn’t really care either. You were in the middle of a war, running dangerous missions, any of which could be your last. Life was for living, and as long as you were breathing, you intended on making the most of it.
You opened your mouth to explain this to Bucky, but you stopped yourself and instead you simply smiled at him, your eyes looking straight into those steel-blues which were sparkling with mischief.
“Doesn’t count, it wasn’t a real date.”
“Oh, that’s how it is?” Bucky arched an eyebrow and you nodded.
“Yup, that’s how it is.”
“Well,” He took a deep breath as the pair of you continued walking, “guess I’ll just have to show you a real good time when I get the chance.”
You snorted and shook your head. “You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“It’s been said.” He grinned as you reached the end of the corridor. “But, first we’ve got a German scientist to catch. Think you can contain yourself around me long enough to run a mission?”
“Okay, first off he’s Swiss.”
“Zola, he’s Swiss. I don’t know why you all think differently, it’s in all the briefings and his file-“
“Yeah, I don’t read those.”
“Well you should, you might learn something. And second -“ you held your hand up, finger extended, instructing him to keep whatever wise crack he was about to make to himself, “-you’re not that irresistible.”
Bucky blinked before he gave a laugh and shook his head. “You know, I actually learned a fair bit last night.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I learned that you cut a mean rug, Doll-Face.” He glanced around, before he leaned closer, his breath hot on your neck as he whispered into your ear. “And that you look even better with your clothes off.”
With that he turned and headed off towards the equipment store, leaving you staring after him, blinking with shock, but feeling an overwhelming sense of smugness that, even in the middle of all this bloodshed and fighting, you had something to look forward to when you got back.
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randomshipperhere · 3 years
Okay but ToT fandom…
The game is an otome and all but sometimes you can’t help but ship the characters themselves.
I really ship Artem and Vyn (and they’re my top 2 as well) but what the fuck is their ship name? ArtemVyn? VynArtem? ArVyn? Vyntem?
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Here are some points. Story wise they know each other. The idea of a psychiatrist x lawyer is an interesting dynamic. We know both characters are incredibly smart and rational. I just like the idea of them trying to outwit each other or keep the other in check.
They are also a very visually pleasing couple. Black and white. Polar opposites.
Red and Green. Complementary colors.
Yellow and Blue. A stimulating and a relaxing color duo.
There’s also the fact that in a lot of art they’re on opposite sides. Examples:
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They look too beautiful together, it’s illegal!
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When it comes to their symbols as well they both have an incredible sense of balance. In fact if we merge them I’d bet it would look great. Did it quickly so it didn’t align properly but it does look great.
Vyn’s a Libra, which is also Artem’s codename. Artem’s a Taurus and the taurus symbol is similar to Vyn’s Psi symbol. This one is a bit of a stretch but I just thought it was cool.
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It doesn’t help that the courtroom looks like this so every time I go here all I can think about is Vyn’s colors and Artem’s symbol >:( I’m trying to focus on the case but my husbandos keep reminding me of them.
Last cute little detail. In ToT’s official twitter they uploaded a mini series called “A day with [Character Name]” where they showed each guy’s normal daily schedule.
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They had the same sleeping time. For reference, Luke sleeps at 11 PM and Marius at 12:30 AM on his couch sleep in your bed dum dum. Artem does wake up earlier at 7 AM with Vyn waking up 2 hours later. Also these two have pretty old man schedules lol.
I’ll take any fanfic and fanart I can get. Anyways that’s it for now from my Artem x Vyn agenda.
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alifeasvivid · 3 years
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re: “Clueless Bi Sports Dude x Manic Pixie Dream Boy”
The answer is football (known as soccer over here). Footballlllllllllll
The initial idea doesn’t specifically mention team sports, so I would also add things like archery, track and field, and tennis.
I know England has a reputation in the fandom as being no fun, being stuffy, being a bit prim, and a bit delicate but like..... why.
England (Arthur) is an archer, a soldier, a pirate, the Erotic Ambassador (god don’t you just love the intrusive thrusting energy of that phrase?), a poet, a punk rocker, a gentleman, and sometimes a bit prim and a bit stuffy ;D and all in all I see him as the sort of person who likes to balance quieter hobbies, like needlepoint and reading, with getting up and getting really active: generally this involves sports and, in the more modern day, punk rock.
For him, it’s everything in moderation. Even moderation. 
He does tend to skew slightly toward introversion, but England does not exist in isolation. No nation-tan does. What do they do when they’re not at their world meetings aka day care? They hang out with their people! What are English people into? DRINKING AND FOOTBALL. I actually think that he’d be more interesting to observe among his own people rather than around others because I think with his own citizens, he would have his guard down more and be more open to joking because he knows his very odd sense of humor will be appreciated.
England could absolutely be found just wandering onto the pitch of some semi-pro club and joining in because nation tans can do that kind of thing.
Also, I tend to think Arthur can sometimes be too cranky and done with your shit to be a manic pixie dream anything, so in relation to that ship dynamic concept I must submit this human au:
Semi-professional footballer Arthur kisses a lot of girls, fucks a lot of boys (and girls), sometimes gets into fights and is generally a pretty rough on the pitch but rather gentle in bed and he’s trying really hard to make sure no one in his family or on his team finds out that he plays for both teams (ba-dum-tish). But then he meets Alfred the twunk (who names these things I want to speak to the manager) in London in some club and he goads Arthur into a fight but deftly returns all of Arthur’s verbal jabs (“What sort of daft git wears glow sticks at a place like this?” ... “I had to make sure you could see me, babe!”) and narrowly evades most of his punches. So of course they have to do sex. Alfred refuses to just *leave* like a self-respecting one-night stand ought to and becomes convinced that Arthur needs to loosen up because when Arthur’s not thinking so hard, he’s really fun and sexy as hell. Meanwhile, Arthur’s just like fuck he’s so annoying but the gods broke the mold when they made his ass and he can’t really deny that being around Alfred makes the angst he feels much lighter. Alfred thinks Arthur should come out because clearly it’s bothering him that he hasn’t yet and in true manic pixie fashion make it his mission to help Arthur accomplish this.
For both their sakes, let’s hope Alfred’s plan to kiss Arthur live on “telly” gets thwarted and he thinks of something else >.>
probably cue Alfred making a bunch of plans that all get thwarted in a peppy montage or smth.
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
Wake Up- Alive!Luke x Reader
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You had been in a funk for over a year, you had just lost your grandmother and she was the light of your life. She spent every waking hour making sure you were taken care of, and that you had somewhere to stay and someone to love you. Your grandmother had been like a parent to you, from the moment your parents separated, she was there when they couldn’t be, and you were so grateful.
She gave you a purpose in life, and when she got sick, and I mean really sick it was hard to watch. Her dementia came on hard, and it made her forget the most important people in her life, including you. You were a light in her life and suddenly that light had disappeared over night, as her memory faded so did her body. She was deteriorating at a rate that was unbearable to watch….
The last cognitive conversation you had with her was about you boyfriend, Luke. He was the light at the end of the tunnel as you faced the unthinkable. You knew how much she loved him, and he loved her, she had become a surrogate for some of the love he was lacking at home. She wanted you to be happy and stay in love. She wanted Luke to be your endgame, and before you could make your future a reality… She was gone, like a ship in the night. It was quick but that never made it any easier to face.
The moment she left you earth side, the music stopped. You couldn’t combine a single lyric or a melody. You were sure it would come back to you one day, but as much as you and Luke tried; you just fell into a puddle of tears every time. It was like the music left the moment she did, and that was an unbearable feeling, not only for you but for Luke.
Luke Patterson was the most selfless person you had ever met, he wanted nothing more than to restore a sense of happiness into your world, but he didn’t know how. He would have given up music if it meant bringing you happiness. But your happiness left this earth, and he couldn’t bring her back no matter how much he tried and prayed.
Here you were a year later, still in a rut with your music but tried to be supportive of Luke and his dreams. You were watching the guys and Julie mess around with certain lyrics and tunes as you were scribbling in your journal.
You didn’t dare tell Luke and the guys that same amounts of lyrics began to appear in your mind, which is what you were scribbling down.
“Hey Lover, how does this sound” Luke said, drawing your attention away from your possible lyrics. They were adjusting the entrance to Bright and were just trying to include you.
You listened carefully to the beginning, “Maybe Julie should start off slow with the piano before you guys jump in at the chorus?”
You looked up from your spot on the couch, and everyone’s eyes were on you, it was the first musical thing you had mentioned in a year. It flowed out of you like it never left in the first place.
“What?” beginning to feel uncomfortable with everyone’s attention on you.
“You-you-you you just suggested something musical for the first time in a year, and it is something that we didn’t even think of. I-I- I guess we are all just a bit shocked” Reggie said, clearly unsure of what to say at your comments, you just shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s nothing, just an idea” You said, returning to your journal in front of you. It really wasn’t a big deal; they asked your opinion, and you gave it to them.
Julie told the guys to take a break before settling in the chair next to the couch, “You okay? You seem to be writing up a storm there”
You looked up at her, trying to decide whether or not to tell her the truth. You quickly looked around to make sure the boys had left, well mostly Luke.
“If you tell Luke, I will kill you… I have- uh startedwritingmusicagain” you said quickly, Julie just looked at you with this look of “can you repeat that”
Sucking in a deep breath, you said it slower. “I may have started writing music again, but you cannot tell Luke. I am not ready to share this with anyone”
Julie looked like she was going to faint from the breath she was holding, “Wait really?? This is a good thing, why not tell Luke? He would love to have his writing partner back”
All you could do was roll your eyes at her, “Because I love Luke, and I don’t want to hurt him if I can’t get back into it. I sing and I think of her, every day. That is never going to change, and I just don’t want to start something again, and then stop because it got too hard.” It was the most truthful answer you had given in some time.
She just looked at you, before releasing a deep breath, “Honestly… when my mom died, I didn’t think I would ever be able to enter this garage again, let alone play music. But you and Luke, plus tweedle dee and tweedle dum, made that possible for me. I have never felt more alive, and more confident in myself until recently. That is something the both of you brought to me, so I know it seems hard now. But in the end, it is so worth every bit of pain you are feeling. She would want you to be happy, and to flourish, and most of all, to be truthful with Luke.”
You could feel the tears springing into your eyes, Julie was right. She wouldn’t want you to be suffering, she would want you doing something that makes you happy. Something that reminds you of all the goodness in this world, no matter how painful the reality is.
You grabbed Julie’s hand, “Thank you, I think I finally remembered why I started my music in the first place. Do you mind keeping the boys distracted for a bit…? I want to write”
A huge smile erupted on her face before she headed out of the garage, she was going to give you the space you needed. You were going to find your center again, and music was something that kept you grounded. Your grandmother gave you the greatest gift, and it was time you found your way back to that.
Carefully picking up your journal, you made your way over to the grand piano. Gently you ran your fingers over the keys, it had been a year, but it was like a close memory to you. You carefully began playing scales on the piano, smiling as you did so. This was the magic you wanted back, you needed it back for you and for Luke.
Swiftly you opened the journal, holding the lyrics to the one song that meant so much. It had been a year of depression, sadness, and now you were finally back on track. You were on the one thing that made you the happiest, which was your music.
You began to play the opening notes, scanning the page of your journal before singing the part that stuck with you the most,
So get up, get out, relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Your fingers bounced along the keys, as you sang for the first time in a year. Hot tears were running down your flustered cheeks. This was exactly what you needed; this was your way to communicate with her. As you finished the last notes, a ray of sunshine highlighted the keys in front of you.
It was like her way of knowing you were okay, you just barely whispered under your breath, “Hi Grammy… I miss you”
You looked up from the keys as the sunshine disappeared and there was Luke, he was absolutely stunned. Julie had sent him out here for his songbook but instead he found his girlfriend singing, for the first time in so long. It was like Luke forgot how talented you were.
“Hi baby, how long have you been here?” You questioned, shutting your journal. He said nothing as he made his way around the piano. He picked you up from your seat, wrapping your legs around his waist as you clung to him tightly.
“You played baby, you really played” He whispered into your hair as he held you close to him. He was afraid if he let you go; you would disappear from in front of him.
“I had to, I had to play for her. I can’t walk around in this darkness anymore” You said softly, pressing a kiss to his temple. You could feel his hot tears falling onto your shirt, you had never realized how much he was hurting. All you knew was how much he wanted to take care of you and protect you from everything in the world.
“Luke, I am back… my music is back. There is nothing to wake up from anymore, I did everything I could to make her proud. I know it took a year, but I am back baby.” You said again, trying to ingrain it in his head. This was a reality, no longer a dream.
He just held you tighter, he didn’t want to let you go.
“AWWWWW THAT IS SO CUTE” Reggie squealed from over your shoulder, you just heard a smack before Alex told him to shut up.
You looked up to the group at the doors of the garage, pressing a kiss onto Luke’s nose. You jumped down from his hold, “So who is ready to work on Bright?”
You made your way over to the piano again, playing the beginning notes. Your love for music was back, and it was all thanks to your grandmother who never doubted you.
@parkeret​ @calamitykaty​ @gia-kerks​ @kcd15​ @all-in-fangirl​ @notasofti​
@julies-molina​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @crybabyddl​
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
Yandere!Benn x male s/o
~mention of previous abuse;hurt/comfort~
This is linked to Yandere!Shank x reader and it will mention some events happened in the latter
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Why, why your sister, the one that had always your back snapped at you like that? Was she jealous ? Did you do something that annoyed her? You were musing on the incident , remembering the names she had called you. A tear, followed another down your now red cheeks. You tried to be strong, to not be a burden to everybody anymore. But the thoughts that plagued your mind decided it was time to resurface. She mentioned " Dad", the one that made you what you are now. Memories of a dark, lonely room. You in chain, the beatings you received, better called by your so called dad " correctional". The screams, those primitive scream that destroyed your throat. Pain. All you remembered was pain. The sadness came after, in those moments you were all alone, bleeding, pleading your father to let you out, swearing that you had learned your lesson, that from then on you would be a good boy. Then no more. Your memomies became confused. You couldn't think but you thought too much at the same time. You were spacing yet you were aware of your surrounding. You were spiraling, you knew that much. You tried finding something useful to ground you. You grabbed the first thing you saw, and that happened to be Benn's cloak. You took it in your hands and tried some exercises that usually helped you whenever you had this episodes. But that wasn't enough. You were too far down the rabbit hole to come out alone. You were alone.
Outside, Benn was looking for you. He knew that everytime you needed to think you followed a routine. First you went to grab a glass of water. Then you could either go in the crow's nest or stood in a remote part of the ship, were the silence helped you calm down. So he did that. In the kitchen he asked yasopp if he had seen you, but when he said no, distress started to settle in. He was a calm and collected man. He recalled what happened some minutes before and tried to think about possible triggers that could make you spiral. There, the word Dad resonated among the others. He looked then at the clock. Shit, it was already ten and so minutes. That was bad. He sprinted out of the kitchen and went into your shared bedroom. There he found you huddled in a corner, cloak in hand, shaking and hyperventilating. You didn't noticed him and that was enough of an alarm signal. He approached calmly, so to not startle you, and tried calling your name a few times.
-Y/n..y/n...it's me okay, you're safe. Can I touch you? -
He was always so careful whenever you were in this state. He tried once to approach and you reacted so badly that, for once he felt guilty. When you didn't show signs of understanding nor refusing, he slowly took your hand in his, and rubbed small circle. Normally this would help you a bit knowing that he was there and you were safe, he had you. A lithany of sweet nothing spilled from his lips, telling you that you were okay, you were safe, you were there, on the Red Force, that everyone was okay too.
After 15 more minutes you started to breathe more or less regularly, taking in some shaky breath then and there. He had moved from his previous position to embrace you in a loose hug, as to not cage you, with your head in his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
A rhythmic melody, one that always shooed away your nightmares and your worries. One that was steady as the ocean you were sailing. One that told a story.
It had been almost an hour and a half before you spoke. Just one word. -Thanks-. A whisper. No more louder. He smiled a bit, relieved that you were feeling better than before. -Y/n, do you want to lie down a bit? Want me to fetch something for you? A glass of water, perhaps? -. This moment were far in between, but he had it down to a fine art. -Yes, water would be nice. And if we... if we could.... - ah, yes. That was the shy boy he fell in love with. That alone made his heart skip a beat. -Of course , darling, whatever you need-. After getting up and changed in something fresher and setting under the cover, he settled behind you, your had in his chest, and nuzzlee a bit your curly hair. There was not a word said, only small caress on your back, constant as his heartbeat that lulled you to sleep. After all, you were exhausted. He than waited a bit more, making sure that you were properly asleep. He layed a kiss on your head, then on you cheek. He slided slowly away, minding you sleeping. He needed to talk to Shanks. Now.
Outside, at the wheel, there stood the captain. He seemed lost in thoughts. - Benn. I apologize for what happened earlier. I hope y/n is okay. -, - He is mostly okay now, he's sleeping. But we need to talk. This can't go on any longer. -. Of course they knew, being together since for many years helped them develop a unique bond. - I already punished her for her behaviour, but we will talk more. She should be grateful to her brother for what she helped her achieve. We don't accept this on this ship, do we? - -aye, cap'n. By the way, what do you intend to do with her. I sincerely hope that they can sort it out, but it that's not the case? What will you do? -. That question held thousand of others. Indeed he knew that Y/n's sister captured his captain's heart. - we have to wait. Hopefully everything goes for the better. Otherwise.... - . A nod followed. It was a promise he made for the three of them, and one that was always in his heart. The wellness of the crew came first to him, and nothing could change that.
After chatting with Shanks, he went back to go lay down with his man. After all, he too needed to feel him safe and sound in his arms, his small frame that fit so well with his. They were two sides of the same coin, and no one could divide them.
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foxfics · 3 years
I Know What I Want (Chapter 5)
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x Original Female Character (Julia Gemheart)
Warnings: Angst, men acting like toddlers, sword fights
Summary: Jack’s compass is off the shits again. This time, he figures out the reason why.
Word count: 1.5 K (Very long)
"You're pullin' too fast."
"You're pulling too slow!"
"You both are giving me a headache!" Julia snapped at Pintel and Ragetti. The small dingy bobbed up and down in the clear waters, making the ride even more un-enjoyable.
"I don't want the kraken to catch us!" Pintel growled, "I'm saving me strength for when it comes!" He thought for a moment, "Don't think its even 'Kraken'. Always heard it said 'Krayken'."
"With a long A?" Ragetti huffed, "No, no no no no. 'Krocken' is how its pronounced in Scandinavian. And Kracken is closer to tha'."
"Boys, enough." Julia growled, leaning her back against Jack's. He was stiffer than a board, clutching something tight to his chest. She absently touched his leg, but he flinched out of the touch. It was worrying her how much he had avoided contact since their moment on the ship, but she wouldn't bring it up here.
Before she knew it, they had come to shore. The beach was bright and soft, the waves crashing upon it was a light blue. If it weren't for the distant storm clouds she would've thought it a beautiful sight. "Guard the boat. Mind the tide." Jack grumbled to Raggeti and Pintel. "Don't touch my dirt."
Julia gave them a confused look before following Jack. Like the others in their party (Elizabeth and Norrington) he and Julia were carrying shovels. Elizabeth held the compass, leading the way to a particularly sandy hill. Eventually, it started acting up again. "Here, you try it!" She said, shoving the object into Julia's hands.
Julia looked down at it to realize it was pointed at Jack. She blushed, the cluster of feelings she had earlier in the day rising in her chest. "It doesn't work!" She groaned, sitting in the sand in defeat. "And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most!!" She added the last bit to throw Jack off.
Jack approached her, looking at his oldest treasure inquisitively. "Yes it does." He smiled, "You're sitting on it!"
"Beg pardon?" Elizabeth laughed, raising an eyebrow.
"Move." Jack shooed Julia away from her spot, scooping up his compass before anyone could look. She smiled at him, but he kept his face on the spot as the others started to dig.
It took nearly an hour before there was an audible thump from under the ground. Jack and Julia had been sitting opposite of each other, and both perked up in excitement. This was it. They'd found it! They'd found the blasted chest.
It took all four of them to heave the chest out and sand it off. Norrington broke the lock and Jack dove to a knee to do the honors. Slowly, he opened the lid to reveal all sorts of treasures. Letters, maps, small trinkets and a small box with a heart shaped lock. No one spoke as Jack lifted it up and out of the chest. They all leaned in, holding their breaths as they listened.
Ba-dum, ba-dum...
Julia covered her face with her hands. "Oh my god..." She whispered, "You did it Jack...You found it..."
"Not me, love. Us." He smiled at her.
"It's real..." Elizabeth breathed, still in shock.
"You actually were telling the truth..." Norrington grinned.
"I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised." Jack responded, still smiling stupidly at Julia. Her smile always seemed to make everything better.
"With good reason!"
Everyone turned to see Will Turner walking towards them. He seemed mad, but perked up when he saw Elizabeth. "Will!!" She rushed towards him, throwing herself into his arms, "You're alright! Thank god!! I came to find you!" They shared a passionate kiss, and Jack and Julia shared a teasing disgusted face.
"How did you even get here, mate?!" Jack asked, breaking up the happy couples reunion.
"Sea turtles, mate." Will replied sarcastically, "A pair of them, strapped to my feet." Julia smiled and laughed at the irony behind it.
"Not so easy, is it?" the captain replied smugly.
"I do owe you thanks, Jack." Will began.
"You...do?" The captain asked, raising a brow.
"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..." "What?!" Elizabeth's gaze snapped back to him with rage. Jack mimicked her mockingly, sneering at the obvious insults to follow from Will.
"...I was reunited with my father." William finished, sounding actually happy.
"Well...You're welcome, then!" Jack smiled triumphantly, but Julia nudged him at Elizabeth. The girl was none to pleased, storming up with a fire in her eyes.
"Everything you said to me, every word was a lie!!" She accused, looking ready to beat Jack within an inch of his life.
"Pretty much." Jack shrugged, "Time and tide, love."
Julia looked at Will, who had began to unlock the chest. "What're you doing?" She asked, sitting adjacent from him curiously.
"I'm gonna kill Jones." He said. Jack's eyes widened and he pulled his sword, pointing it to the boy's neck.
"Can't let you do that, William. Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?"
"Jack!" Julia said in shock, backing away from his blade. "Jack, what are you doing?!"
"What I have to, darling. William, the key." He held out his hand. Julia looked at him in shock. This wasn't the man she loved. She took a step forward, but suddenly William had a sword to.
"I keep the promises I make, Jack! I intend to free my father. I hope you're here to see it." He growled, putting a protective arm around Elizabeth. Julia looked around in shock, wondering what she should do.
Suddenly, Norrington had out his sword and was pointing it at Jack. "I can't let you do that either. So sorry."
"I knew you'd warm up to me eventually!" Jack took a step forward to Norrington, but the ex-Commodore set his blade in Jack's direction. Julia pulled out her sword and pointed it at Norrington, Will mirroring his action.
"Lord Beckett wants the content of that chest. I delivery it, I get my life back..." He growled.
"The dark side of ambition..." Jack grumbled.
"Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption.." And then he attacked. Julia, Jack, Will and Norrington engaged in battle, swords swinging and friendships being torn. Julia was scared, scared of why this was happening, scared of why they couldn't all see they could have what they want.
Jack ducked under Norrington and grabbed the key, rushing off further inland. Julia gave chase, followed my Norrington. Jack looked back in time to see Julia jump at him, bringing him to the ground. Norrington tripped over them and tumbled, all of them now engaged in a rather stupid looking wrestling match.
They heard Elizabeth shouting at them, but none paid much mind. At one point, Will had the key. Then Julia, and then it was passed to Norrington, and then back to Will. Jack seemed to be having the least fun in this pile of free for all. Jack threw it a fair distance, giving chase while the other two clanged their swords.
Julia tackled him to the sand and pressed her arm against his throat. "Stop it! Just stop it. God, please, Jack stop it..." Her eyes were full of tears, and she was between shouting at him and kissing him.
He looked up at her, "I'm sorry, darling..." he murmured lovingly, and then promptly tossed her off of him and bounded away. Julia scoffed and chased him, running behind Norrington and Will. A few moments later she heard a bell tolling as the boys fought in the old bell tower. "BOYS!" Julia scolded, "STOP IT!"
She watched as Jack, Will and Norrington dangerously jumping around the crumbling building as if it were second nature. She watched as Jack stole the key, only to be disarmed in the process. "JACK!"
There was some arguing, before Jack jumped off the side and landed in a heap. He looked up at Julia and smiled charmingly, "Now listen, darling, I-"
"Oh, don't you darling me, Sparrow." Julia snarled, advancing him with her sword drawn. Jack scrambled backwards in fright, blinking up at her with tears in his eyes. Julia held out her hand, "Give me the key, Jack. You can all get what you want if you stop fighting..."
Jack looked up at her, before darting off to the side and running for it. This man never ceases to exhaust me! Julia growled and chased him yet again, only to stop when Jack suddenly disappeared into a shallow grave. "Jack!"
"I'm ok!" He yelled up, climbing out with a shake of his head. Suddenly, Julia heard a crack before a rumbling. She looked back and her eyes widened in fear. A water wheel, with Norrington and Will on top, was heading their way.
Jack, on the other hand, had no idea of the water wheel advancing them. Julia barely had enough time to duck out of the way before it hit her. When she looked back the wheel was rolling away, Jack caught in one of its spurs. Julia watched this scene play out in amazement, the energy to fight barely there anymore.
Thats when she heard it. Davy Jones' pirates.
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Malgon (Crossover)
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Pairing: Peter Parker (T.H. ver) x Dick Grayson (Titans ver.) and John Constantine (LoT ver.) x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: Mature Words: 1352 POV: Second Summary: The multiverse is in danger as two demons got destroyed at the same time and joining forces. Only you, the protector of the multiverse, could hope to make an end to them, but you won’t be able to do it alone.  Notes: For those that didn’t know, today is Sci-Fi Day! This is the first work in the crossover event and hooo did I get carried away. For now, I decided to just make an outline with bulletpoints, but if many people are interested, I’ll turn this into a full novel lol. Tags: action, swearing, mentioned smut, fluff, drama, angst, little bit of comedy and I now ship Dick Grayson and Peter Parker???? 
After the battle with Trigon, the Titans settled in San Francisco. Suddenly there were sightings of a Spiderman with actual spider powers and the Titans were like: wtf Spiderman isn’t real. They tried to ignore it, until they saw Spiderman getting his ass kicked on the local news. Dick coordinated a rescue for Spiderman, because he assumed it was just a kid trying to be like his favourite comic book hero. 
When the Titans brought back Spiderman, Peter finally took his mask off. He’d been teleported a while back to this alternate universe. When New York was not like the New York he knew, he tried to find anyone he knew in different cities, eventually ending up in San Francisco. Peter was definitely smart enough to figure out on his own that he was in an alternate universe or a parallel universe or whatever. Either way this was not the world he knew. 
Dick obviously believed jackshit about it, even when Peter showed him his ID card, which clearly said Peter Parker. Nonetheless, Peter was a young man with powers and he had no place to stay. Staying with them it was. 
Flashback to when Rachel banished Trigon. At that same time, in a different universe, the Legends got rid of Mallus, combining them into one being that lurked between universes. When this happened, Constantine received a vision from Y/N, also known as Elegate, the janitor of the multiverse. 
Your job was to just keep the interdimensional space clean and also ensure people stayed in their own universe, otherwise it messed up the balance. Yes, the Flash and friends were not your favourite people. 
When your space got invaded by Siamese twin Malgon (Mallus + Trigon, for those who don’t get it), you knew it would take more than you to clean up the mess. They caused quite the havoc, flinging people from one universe to the other, hence Peter’s predicament, but also making it too unsafe for you to take people back across the interdimensional space to their respective universes. You knew you needed both John Constantine and Rachel Roth to destroy both demons for good. 
You took John to see Rachel Roth, finding Peter Parker there too. Dick tried to kill both of you, but you managed to convince him that you were speaking the truth. Rachel finally then told Dick the truth about her feeling different. You explained that was the pull of Malgon trying to get her to pull them back into a universe. She was the only thing keeping them alive. Were she to lose the connection between them, Malgon would just disappear, unable to exist without being tied to at least one universe. 
While John made an assessment of the situation with Rachel, you explained to Peter how he got here. Peter asked you to bring him back, but you explained he was stuck here until Malgon was mal-gone (ba dum tss). Dick promised you to look after him. “Just make sure Rachel is gonna be all right.” Dumb Dick, that was what you were there for in the first place. 
John returned with good and bad news. Good news was that he could probably break the bond with a spell. Bad news was that this was a unique case, so he did not know which spell. Luckily, you knew the exact occasion of the biggest occult library in the universe. While you and John went off together to find the spell John needed for the exorcism, Peter needed to get out, because he felt jittery and nervous in this new universe with apparently an interdimensional demon lurking around. Dick decided to go with him to make sure he did not get into too much trouble. 
Dick watched Peter from a distance as Peter went around San Francisco, stopping petty crimes. They had a talk on a rooftop, where Peter told Dick about home and Dick wondered why Peter bothered himself with petty crimes.
“Everyone matters, Dick, and I just want to help people. That’s why I’m doing this.” 
Que Dick staring at Peter with dem heart eyes. 
Meanwhile you and John had to come to the realisation that more books was not always better. You did not know which book you were looking for, but at least you could summon all the books that had to do with Mallus, Trigon or the multiverse. That narrowed it down to a couple hundred books. You stayed day after day in the library, even getting in after closing time, because you could just portal the both of you inside. You could sense John’s frustration reaching new heights. 
Guys this is John Constantine, of course you two had sex in the library, multiple times. What else was “lunch break” for? 
A couple of days into you and John taking forever, Dick started doing more than just watching Peter patrol San Francisco. Peter’s kindness was rubbing off on him and they patrolled together at night. They were having cute banter too of course.
 One night, as they were out together, Rachel got a strong call from Malgon, demanding she opened the veil between interdimensional space and her universe. Gar and Jason both tried to stop her from leaving, but with no luck.
Meanwhile Peter was taking Dick swinging for the first time. They had fun and as the adrenaline filled his body, Dick kissed Peter when they were on solid ground again. Things got heated, but they got cock-blocked by an explosion. They saw Rachel leave through the windows, lights flickering in her wake, leaving a cold shiver along the spines of anyone she passed as she flew across the sky. 
Dick and Peter got back to find Jason and Gar near death. Just then, you and John returned. You saved Jason and Gar, but it drained most of your power. There was only so much that could fit into the mortal body you had to assume when entering a universe. You used what you had left to locate Rachel and form a portal. As you, Dick, Peter and John passed through, you were basically leaning on John. 
It left Peter and Dick to pin Rachel down, so John could perform the spell. After an epic battle, John performed the spell, but he was not powerful enough. Not knowing what would happen to you, you gave the last of your power to John to help and destroy both demons for good, freeing the multiverse of both Mallus and Trigon. 
You woke up later, John half-lying on top of you, asleep. Feeling good, you woke John up. He smiled as he saw you were alive and well. You had a sweet morning, before leaving the room together. You found Peter and Dick in the kitchen, happily making breakfast together as Jason and Gar sat pretty beaten up at the table already. You asked what happened to Rachel and Dick informed you with a smile that she was ok and sleeping in her room. 
After breakfast you offered to bring John home first, so Peter and Dick could say goodbye. Of course you knew what was going on with them, you were an interdimensional being and protector of the multiverse after all. 
You dropped John off at his home. John basically asked for one more fuck, but you refused, afraid you’d stay too long. There was a lot of cleaning up to do and you had duties to attend to. You kissed him goodbye, lips lingering and fading away, leaving John to his life. 
Meanwhile, Peter suggested staying there, Dick reasoned he shouldn’t. Peter then suggested they’d make the most of the time they had left. 
*insert very cute sex where they try to memorise each other’s body or whatever*
You arrived while Dick and Peter were still at it and so you decided to check up on Rachel. You assured her Trigon was gone for real now. When Peter and Dick were done, you went to get Peter, made a comment on how they took long and then ushered  Peter to get up and get going. 
*insert very angsty last goodbye* 
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reidingandwriting · 4 years
5 Times Tony Wasn’t There for You, and 1 Time He Was
Word Count: ~3200 words
Ship: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Daughter (Platonic), Lots of IronFam ft. the Parkers 
Warnings: Probably some swearing, not completely movie compliant but follows the general timeline ❤ Kinda unrelated gif (kind of related if you pay attention) but look how CUTE Morgan and Tony are
✨ Masterlist ✨
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As the young daughter of Tony Stark, you were used to your dad being busy with work. Meetings across the country, dinners with royal dignitaries across the globe, or simply just endless hours spent locked in his office. All of this before he went missing for three months and came back as Iron Man. 
It was your sixth birthday and Tony had planned the perfect birthday party for you, with Pepper’s and Happy’s help of course. You had recently developed an intense fascination with marine life, so what better way for you and your family to celebrate your birthday then spending the day at the aquarium? He even splurged a little extra to convince the owners of the aquarium for you to have a sleepover under the sea. But the night before your party, Tony told you he had to leave for a little while. “It’s okay, Daddy.” You said, with the most innocent smile on your face. “Can we have some of my birthday cake tonight?” And how could Tony say no to that? After birthday cake and being tucked into bed, Tony flew off in his suit for one of the first of many times. 
“Pepper, Pepper, Pepper!” You ran down the hall of your Malibu mansion, Happy trailing behind you. You launched yourself at Pepper, your little arms wrapping around her legs. “Is it time to see the fish?” Pepper scooped you into her arms and you settled on her hip, your face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. 
“It’s almost time! Are all the bags packed?” Pepper looked up at Happy, who nodded. 
“And in the car, ready whenever we leave.” Pepper smiled gratefully at Happy. 
“Wait! Forgot something, down please.” Pepper set you down and you ran off towards your room. 
“Thank you again, Happy. You know you don’t have to stay with us-“
“I want to.” Happy interjected. “What can I say? The kid’s grown on me.” The sound of your footsteps grew louder as you entered the living room a minute later, your stuffed bear and wad of black fabric in your arms.
“What’s that, Y/N?” Pepper tilted her head as you held out the material. 
“You know Teddy, and this is Daddy’s favorite shirt. He’s not here, so Teddy can wear his shirt. Almost like he is there!” Pepper bit her lip and plastered on a smile she hoped looked half as happy as yours. 
“Just like he’s there, huh? Come on, let’s go to the car. I bet the fish are so excited to see you.” 
After Tony had taken down Obadiah, who you totally never trusted by the way, and had the press conference where he announced he was Iron Man, things started to go back to normal. Well, as normal as anything involving Tony Stark can be. You spent time with your dad in the garage as he worked on suit upgrades, and DUM-E seemed extra chipper (and klutzy) while you were around. Your Uncle Rhodey visited more frequently and everything was good. Life was good, until recently. 
For the last few weeks, your dad had been acting different. “Your dad’s under a lot of stress right now, Y/N. He’s okay.” Pepper would repeat this to you every time you asked. Natalie’s addition to Stark Industries provided a distraction for you, and you found yourself growing close to the red head. 
Your dad, Pepper, Happy, and Natalie were in Monaco and you were left at home  with Rhodey. You stood in the dark hall of your house, your Uncle Rhodey seated on the couch in the living room. The television lit up the room, and you slowly tip-toed to the couch. The blanket you held in your hand dragged against the floor as you climbed onto the couch. 
“Hey, kiddo. What are you doing up so late?” Rhodey wrapped his arm around you and covered your body with your blanket.
“Lonely. Miss everyone.” You nestled into Rhodey’s side and your eyes glued to the television. “Boring movie, Uncle Rhodey.” Rhodey laughed and looked at you. 
“And what do you want to watch, little miss? Let me guess, Tangled?” You nodded quickly and sent a dimpled smile up at your uncle. 
“Please?” Rhodey groaned dramatically before he started the movie, and you giggled happily. And if Rhodey sang the songs with you, that was no one’s business but yours. 
You had hoped after the events in New York, with the team called the Avengers and their battle with Loki, things would go back to normal. Boy, were you wrong. You were on a plane with Pepper when you saw the footage of your dad flying into a wormhole, and it wasn’t until you were back in Malibu before you saw him again. Tears were shed and an endless amount of hugs were given when you were reunited. 
The changes in your dad’s behavior were subtle in the beginning. Loud noises would startle him much easier than before, and he spent less time sleeping and double the amount of time in the garage working on his suits. When he did sleep, his dreams were plagued with nightmares. On those nights, he’d check on you multiple times before morning came. “Have to make sure my best girl’s okay.” Tony would say on the rare chance you were awake before he went back to the garage to work for hours until sunrise, where he’d repeat the cycle again. Work with Stark Industries, work at home, and maybe get a few hours of sleep. 
Your dad’s PTSD got worse with each day that passed; throw in Happy being hospitalized, your Uncle Rhodey’s Iron Patriot makeover, and Pepper’s meeting with Aldrich Killian, Tony was a mess. And the threat of the Mandarin was the breaking point. “Come and find me. 10880 Malibu Point, 90265.” When Pepper heard the news, she told you to pack a bag, Christmas was going to take place as far from Malibu as possible. You stood in your bedroom, JARVIS playing Christmas music as you finished packing when you heard your dad, Pepper, and another woman yelling. You walked to the door and outstretched your hand, your fingertips brushing the handle when the first explosion went off. You went flying into your bedroom wall, and your world went dark. 
When you woke up again, you were hit with the news. The only home you had known was reduced to rubble, your dad was missing, presumed to be dead by the media, and your life as you knew it was over. You and Pepper had joined the unknown woman, known as Maya, to get the hell out of there. 
On Christmas Eve, you sat on your hotel bed, soft Christmas music playing in the room. You held your dad’s helmet in your lap, it being the closest it could be to having your dad with you. Pepper took a seat beside you, and you kept your gaze down, eyes glued to the helmet rested in your lap. 
“How are you holding up?” Pepper’s voice was quiet, hesitant. She was especially cautious with you for the last few days, afraid to further upset you. You couldn’t even count how many times you burst into tears out of nowhere, but you always had Pepper to lean on. Like now, as you leaned your head on her shoulder. 
“I just want my dad home.” Your voice cracked as the familiar sting in your eyes returned. You blinked rapidly as you tried not to cry again today. You picked up the helmet and hugged it to your chest. “I want to be on the couch, watching Home Alone, drinking hot chocolate. I want to be home. I miss him, Pepper.” Pepper’s shoulders shook as she tried not to cry, and she hugged you close. 
‘Me too, kid. I miss him too.’ 
After everything died down with the Mandarin, your dad returned to the Stark Tower you now called home. It took a while to settle in, even longer with the Avengers frequenting the space, but you had your family- your dad, Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey. Even JARVIS in his own special way was an important part of your life and family. But history has a way of repeating itself. Right as you developed a new routine and sense of normalcy, shit hits the fan. This time it was Ultron. 
You were seated beside Maria as you and the team were on the balcony after one of your dad’s parties. You watched in amusement as Clint, your father, Rhodey, and Steve attempted to lift Mjolnir to no avail. The group talked and laughed, until the battle with Ultron started. 
“Hill! Get Y/N out of here, now!” Tony yelled. 
“Dad, no!” You started to go after your dad, and Maria grabbed your arm. 
“Y/N. You can’t fight with them. I need to get you out of here, please don’t make me carry you.” You paused before nodding, and you followed Maria to safety. Hours later, you were on the phone with your dad. 
“I’m sorry, kid. I only have a minute until I have to go off the grid.” Your eyes burned as you blinked away tears. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“You promise? All in one piece?” You asked
“Maybe two.” You choked out a tearful laugh at your dad’s answer and took a deep breath. 
“I love you, Dad. Please, be safe.”
“I promise.”
You woke up with a gasp and clutched at your chest as you caught your breath. You flipped your phone over, three in the morning. 
“Miss Stark?” FRIDAY, your dad’s new AI, asked. Before the first fight with Ultron, JARVIS had been pretty much destroyed. Then FRIDAY was born. “Your heart rate has greatly increased and your oxygen levels have slightly decreased. Shall I call Ms. Potts for medical attention?”
“No, no, no. No, please. I’m okay, just... a bad dream is all. Nothing new.” You grabbed your cup of water that sat on the nightstand and took a large gulp, and tried to calm yourself down. You also turned on your lamp, the small bulb casting a warm glow around you. 
“Do you frequently have nightmares, Miss Stark?” 
“Y/N, please. Sometimes. Usually my dad is here and he helps me calm down. He’d sit with me; sometimes we’d watch the TV for a while, or he’d read to me until I fell asleep again.“ You pulled your blanket closer to you, a wave of sadness hitting you. “I wish he was here.”
“I’m positive Mr. Stark will be home as soon as he can, Y/N.” A pause. “What did Mr. Stark read to you when you couldn’t sleep?”
“We’ve been reading the Percy Jackson books lately. We just finished the second book the other night.” You laid back in bed and let your eyes close, and you willed yourself to fall back asleep. 
“‘The Friday before winter break, my mom-’” FRIDAY started to speak and your eyes snapped open. 
“What are you doing, Fri?”
“Reading book three, The Titan’s Curse.” FRIDAY answered as if it was the obvious answer. 
“But... why?” 
“You said your father would read to you whenever you had nightmares. Mr. Stark can’t be here, so I thought I could start reading the book to you. Hopefully he won’t be too upset that you started without him.” You smiled at how genuine and caring FRIDAY sounded and closed your eyes again. 
“That can be our little secret. Sorry for interrupting, FRIDAY. You can keep reading if you’d like.” 
“Certainly. ‘The Friday before winter break, my mom packed me an overnight bag and a few deadly weapons and took me to a new boarding school. We picked up my friends Annabeth and Thalia on the way.’” FRIDAY continued to read and you shortly fell asleep, a smile on your face. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
You knew things would change after the battle with Ultron in Sokovia. You had just greatly underestimated how different things would be. One change was the new additions to the team- Vision and Wanda. While you got along well with them, not even your friendships could blind you to the tensions between your unconventional family. The already seldom group meals became even more rare the silence would be unsettling. If it wasn’t silent, there was arguing that you couldn’t escape. 
Another change was the lack of Pepper in Tony’s life and subsequently your life. Pepper always tried to be there for you, even called you often and invited you to her office for lunch, but it wasn’t the same at home without her. Your dad was suffering from the loss more than he was letting on, and you had to be there for him as well. 
“I’m a grown man, Y/N. I can take care of myself.” Tony said as he looked at you, and you set a plate and a glass of water down on his workshop table. 
“I know you can, but will you?” Tony scowled at you, but you could see the gratitude in his eyes.
“Don’t know what I’d do without you, kid.” You smiled and hugged your dad tight. 
“Probably fall apart.” You said with a playful smile. “Good thing you’ll never have to find out.” You let go of Tony and walked towards the exit. “Finish up soon, or I’ll have FRIDAY shut the power off.” 
Things got worse when the Sokovia Accords were brought into play. Your family was torn apart by the decision whether or not to sign, with your dad being one of the few to sign and Cap being one of the few against the Accords. Throw in Clint’s retirement and the team you knew was no more. Tony knew this, and he made a trip to Queens for recruitment. 
“Where are you going?” You sat up from your spot on the couch. 
“Queens.” Tony walked over and took a seat beside you. “I’ve had FRIDAY tracking crime statistics, pair that with trending searches after these crimes, and I think we may have found someone in Queens that could be helpful.” Tony pulled his phone out of his pocket and projected a video for you. You tilted your head as you watched the person (definitely my age, you thought) in their makeshift suit swinging around the city, and your jaw dropped when you saw them catch a car with their bare hands. 
“And how exactly did you find out who they are? Under the suit?” 
“Classified.” Tony tapped the tip of your nose, and you swatted his hand away with a playful glare. 
“Hope you have a way to convince his guardians to speak with him, let alone go with you to fight against the rogues.” You laid back down and cuddled your blanket.
“Have we met? I always have a plan.” Tony stood up. “You’ll be okay on your own?”
“Have we met?” You copied him and Tony rolled his eyes. 
“Old man.”
“I’m running away!” Tony called out as he walked to the elevator. 
“See you in a few hours.” You closed your eyes, and let sleep take over. 
“I wish I could go with you. We haven’t been to Germany in so long.” You sat on a workshop bench as your dad finished tweaking the web shooters for Spider-Man’s new suit. 
“As soon as everything is calm again, we’ll have a vacation wherever you want. Just us, I promise. It has been too long since we’ve spent time together without work getting in the way.” You could hear the guilt in your dad’s voice and you smiled sympathetically at him. 
“I know you’ll make it right, Dad. You always do.”
Before you knew it, your dad and the remaining team members were off to Germany for the fight against the rogues. Happy stayed behind, which you said was completely unnecessary, per your dad’s request. Just in case, he had said. He’ll only be a call away. And it’s a good thing he did. 
“Happy?” You groaned and held your phone to your ear. “I think I need the hospital.” That was nearly an hour ago. Now, you laid in a stretcher, being wheeled to the operating room, as Happy waited in the lobby the emergency room. Your stomach had been aching all day and it got worse as the day progressed. 
“Sounds like appendicitis. We’ll need to remove her appendix as soon as possible.” The rest of the conversation faded into the background, as did the preparation for your surgery. 
“Alright, Miss Stark.” The surgeon spoke as she administered the anesthesia. “Count down from five for me. Can you do that?”
“Five...” Your eyes closed. “Four... three...” And you slipped into darkness again. 
(In the waiting room...)
“Guess it’s a good thing you stayed behind.” Happy held his phone against his ear, Pepper speaking on the other end of the line. “How is she?”
“Surgery should be finishing up soon. I’ll call you again when I’ve seen her. I’m sure she’d appreciate seeing you when she’s home.” Happy glanced at the door, anxious to see your surgeon again. 
“The minute she’s ready for visitors, I’ll be there.” Muffled voices in the background. “Keep me posted, please? I have to go.”
“I will. Bye, Pepper.” The two exchanged goodbyes just in time for the surgeon to walk over. 
“Mr. Hogan? Miss Stark is waking up. I’ll walk you to her room.”
“Hey, kid.” Happy spoke quietly and took a seat in the chair beside your bed. 
“Happy...” You smiled and struggled to keep your eyes half open. “You’re here.”
“Where else would I be?” Happy could see the gears in your brain working after the question. 
“Dunno. Just happy you’re here.” You giggled tiredly. “Happy that Happy’s here. Happy, happy, happy.” Your voice trailed to a whisper and you were quiet for a minute. “Happy?”
“Yes, Y/N?” You turned to face Happy, and his eyes met yours. 
“Thank you. For always being here for me.” 
“Always will be, Y/N/N.“ Happy watched as your eyes closed, the smile still on your face. 
“Like a family. You’re my family, Hap. And I love you.” It was Happy’s turn to smile, and he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you too, kid.” He hoped you heard him before you fell asleep. 
-One Time He Was There-
“Peter!” You laughed as the brunette led (dragged) you through the hall of his apartment building, and you looked at the doors you passed on the way to his. “Slow down, I’m going to trip!”
“I’ll catch you.” Peter replied but slowed down. “Sorry, I’m just excited.”
“For pizza at your aunt’s?” You stopped walking and Peter nodded. The slight twitch of Peter’s eye didn’t go unnoticed- his nervous tic. What can you say? Natasha trained you well. 
Happy had dropped you off at the Parker’s apartment last night, giving you an excuse about some business trip him, Pepper, and your dad had planned over the weekend. You insisted you could stay home alone, but when Tony mentioned staying with Peter, you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with your best friend. You two had spent all of the day together, Peter showing you around the city Spider-Man style. Holding onto Peter while he swung across the city was your favorite way to travel now. 
After the battle in Germany, the team had all gone separate ways. The loss was hard on both you and your father, and the addition of Peter to your life (and Pepper rejoining) made everything easier. You quickly became friends with the teen, grateful to have someone your age to spend time with. And he was ridiculously attractive, not that you’d say it out loud. After all the time you two had talked and spent together, you grew close to Peter and him to you. And for him right now, that was a curse. 
“Are you hiding something from me, Peter?” You asked. 
“Absolutely not. I wouldn’t hide anything from you. I’m a horrible liar, you know that. I start talking a lot, talking really fast-“ 
“Like you’re doing right now?” Peter scoffed at your question. 
“You have no faith in me. Come on, we don’t want to be late.” Peter continued walking and led you to his apartment door. 
“It’s okay if we’re late, I doubt May ate all of our dinner by herself.” You walked into the apartment with Peter, confused why the lights were off. You turned the lights on and...
“Surprise!” You jumped from the cheers and grinned at the sight. Your dad, Pepper, Happy, and May stood in the living room wearing party hats. A homemade “Happy Birthday” banner hung in the living room, and there were containers of your favorite takeout and a birthday cake on the coffee table. 
“Oh, my God.” You looked around the room. “Guys.” You whispered and your eyes watered as you turned to Peter. “This is why we spent the day in the city?”
“Had to keep you outside so they could get everything set up.” You hugged Peter tight, and Peter gladly returned the hug. “It was all your dad’s idea. He wanted to surprise you for your birthday.” Peter spoke softly as he rubbed your back. You pulled away after a moment and walked to your dad. 
“You did all this for me?” Your bottom lip trembled as you blinked back tears. 
“Of course I did, Y/N. You’re my daughter, my heart. You deserve the best, this is the least I could do.” Your dad opened his arms and you flung yourself into his arms. “I don’t have the best track record of being here when you need me. But I promise I’ll do better. Be the dad you deserve.” You let out a muffled sob, your face buried in your dad’s shirt. 
“Please, just more days like today.” You whispered and Tony nodded, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head. You stepped away after a minute and wiped your eyes. “Thank you all so much. I’ll cry all over the rest of you later.” Laughter sounded through the room as you stood by your dad’s side. 
“We have plenty of time, Y/N. Now, let’s eat dinner. I nearly had to lock Tony outside to keep him from eating the cake.” Pepper said and walked to the living room, everyone but your dad following. 
“Dad? Come on.” Your dad looked nervous and you started to question him, until Pepper yelled. 
“Anthony Edward Stark, did you-?!”
“Gotta run!” You laughed as Pepper reprimanded Tony, and you sat on the couch with Peter and May. Maybe your family wasn’t conventional, and maybe your dad was busier than most. But when he was there, you were the happiest you could be, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. Even when he stole a slice of your birthday cake before you could. Punk.
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40 @spideygirl2003 @ditttiii @missmulti @5aftermidnight ❤ Taglist and requests are open! Hope you guys enjoyed this because I loved it
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
9 from the touch prompts with Aaron. Congratulations on 1k
thank you so much!! <3
this comes from this prompt list, and is part of my 1k celebration!
Prompt: #9 - Listening to the other's heartbeat
Ship: GN! Reader x Aaron Hotchner
Word count: .3k
Warnings: Brief mention of Foyet, worrying about Aaron, a little bit angsty rather than fluffy? I'm sorry
You couldn't help it. As much as you wanted to forget it, compartmentalise it in the back of your mind, you couldn't. Flashes of it came to you at the most inconvenient times. Like now, the middle of the night, while he sleeps soundly next to you. Safe.
You could wake him up. Really, you could, and he wouldn't mind. He wouldn't even think twice about it.
It's just that you don't want to do that. Don't want to disturb his peaceful sleep to bring up the memories that keep him awake most nights.
Shifting, you turn around to face him. He always looks younger when he sleeps, face free of that frown. The Unit Chief face that you're always warning is going to cost him in frown lines. Your real concern is that it's going to cost him much more than that. Dipping your head, you burrow it to his chest.
Closing your eyes, you focus on it. The soft, steady thrum of his heart. Your fingertrips trail up his chest, pressing against the side of your face. Feeling it against your hand.
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.
He's here. He's safe. His warm body curled against you, his heart beating steadily against your hand. This moment is sacred. You open your eyes again, taking him in: the long lashes across his cheeks, the way his hair, free of gel, flops against his forehead, how his lips purse slightly as he exhales.
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.
The constant beat lulls you back to sleep. Content in the arms of the man you love. It's enough, for now.
Aaron Hotchner tagslist: @starsandshit90 @spoonielivingfree @cyanide-mustard @sunlitspence @reiding-recs @retrxbarnes @im-autistic-not-stupid @averyhotchner
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