uhobbieshq · 4 months
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nami by eniaru
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elsondacosta · 2 years
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Desfrutando... #No_Comments #No_Regrets #Yonkou #Shishibukai (at Luanda, Angola) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvoIwlICyV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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perfusio · 6 months
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AU where's buggys been a shishibukai for a long time
Under the cut for some lore
Lol, I wanted to make a Yonko since the beginning buggy but I wasn't believing in it AT ALL. I kinda like the idea of a gigantic circus island like kaido had but ... Didn't believe in to much. Travelling circus Shishibukai Buggy is the solution.
Hmmm, everything goes normally but in his late twenties, he has been recruited by the newly made admiral kizaru to be a shishibukai.
Hmmm he has zero contact with shanks, pre eclipse. And Luffy didn't see him in East Blue, it's just some other guy, like the wish version of gecko Moria.
Even if I kinda of want to keep Moria where he is, just without the title.
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trafalgar-law-ask · 2 years
How if Coby and Law meet each other?
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I met that marine a while ago… I used him as bait during the time I was getting 100 pirate hearts to become shishibukai… Just for a while. I was bored, but everything was more interesting in Rocky Port, he's a more skilled marine and less stupid than he seems.
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mailamoon · 9 months
Hello !
Someone asked me for an english version of the little xmas text I wrote.
Sooooo, I'm still not bilinguist and I didn't asked anybody to edit it. Well, I meanly used Reverso to translate it... and I edited it, rewrite some part, you know... I hope it's not too bad.
And xmas is now behind us, but, anyway, it's never too late to read a little fluffy and cute little text about One Piece and Zoro and Sanji.
Please, forgive me all the mistakes in this text XD
Here we go for a little xmas special !
The woman sitting in the chair looked at the meager fire that was slowly dying in the hearth. Her eyes were filled with tears and she wiped away with a distracted gesture the wet streaks on her cheeks. She took a deep breath, tightened her shawl around her shoulders and resumed her story, the steam of her breath carrying her words in the cold.
- Since the storm, no one has been able to come to the hotel. The mountain pass is still blocked. It’s been five days already. Lydia and I are alone here. She was injured in the shoulder by a tile fall while she was going to check the building after the storm. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know how to treat her. And the cold...she got sick. She is lying in our bed and I keep the few wood we still have to heat this room. We have some stored at the bottom of the field, but with the snow that fell I can’t reach it.
The whole straw hat crew surrounded her and listened her words without interrupting. Chopper was examining Zoro’s chest. The swordsman had lost himself on the glacier and fall into a crevasse. A cigarette in the corner of his lips, Sanji looked at him with exasperation.
On that morning, covered in heavy clouds, the crew had crossed a majestic icy landscape on this winter island to arrive at the hotel. But instead of a welcoming and warm place in wich they could relax and celebrate Christmas in a cheerful way, they had found sad and cold rooms and this woman at her rock bottom.
- You know, it’s usually very joyful here for Christmas. Everyone from the village across the mountain pass comes here. We all celebrate all together. There are decorations, music, laughter and a real feast! But even if the pass was clear, Lydia is the cook. She can’t get out of bed… Oh, poor Lydia!
The woman buried her face in her hands, shoulders shaken with sobs.
The crew glances at each other. Luffy stepped forward and put his hand on the woman’s shoulder.
- Hey, what’s your name?
The woman raised her red and teary eyes.
- D… Dottie.
- Well, Dottie, we’ll help you.
Sanji stepped forward and offered Dottie a warm smile.
- Don’t worry, I’m a cook. The feast will take place!
- But… How? The pass is still blocked! The building has suffered damage, there are no decorations… And Christmas’s Eve is tonight!
Luffy burst out laughing.
- We’ll take care of it all and have a great Christmas together!
- Believe us, said Nami with a big smile.
- I will go to check the building, said Franky. In no time everything be brand new.
- Usopp, we should be able to do something about the decoration, don’t you think? asked Nami.
- Oh yes! replied the sniper enthusiastically. The fabulous Captain Usopp will prepare a decor so bright that you will have to put sunglasses to not burn your eyes!
- I’ll go see Lydia, Chopper intervened, finishing Zoro’s last bandage. I’m a doctor
- Brook, Robin, you come with me, we’re going clear the pass! cried Luffy cheerfully.
- Oi, Luffy, I’m coming with you! said Zoro.
Chopper rushed to the swordsman.
- No, no! Zoro you stay here, you have several broken ribs! You must rest. Medical prescription.
- It’s okay, I can go! Protest Zoro while getting up. He winced and raised a hand to his torso, grunting.
- Ah ah ah, Marimo, it seems you’re stuck here with me, said Sanji with a wink.
Zoro glared angrily at the cook.
- But… the pantry is almost empty…
- Don’t worry. Jinbei, can you get us some fish? Sanji asked, turning to his crewmate.
- Of course, Sanji, replied the former Shishibukai.
- See, everything is settled!
- Well... hesitated the woman.
She looked at them, surprised. Were these pirates really going to help her? She felt she could trust them and, after all, she had little choice given her situation. She cracked a shy smile.
- So... thank you! I’ll give you rooms for the night.
The first team composed of Luffy, Robin and Brook left the place. Luffy waved enthusiastically at his companions who were staying at the hotel. Zoro looked at them, sullen. Sanji approached him to give him a hug. The swordsman shrugged and sighed. A smile stretched his lips as the cook bent down to whisper something in his ear. Robin looked at them with amusement before turning around, laughing.
- Yohohoho, Robin-chan, what’s so funny?
- I was thinking about how the relationship has evolved between those two.
- Zoro and Sanji? Yohoho, I understand you, who would have thought that Sanji-kun would be more passionate about boxers than lace panties!
- I was not surprised! Said Luffy.
Brook would have looked at him with round eyes if he had still possessed eyeballs. A frank laugh crossed Robin’s lips and resonated in the snowy landscape.
- I haven’t either. They’ve been pining for each other for so long, she adds.
Brook looked alternately at his captain and the archaeologist, his jaw hanging.
- Because it was flirting? he asked, incredulous.
- For them, yes, Robin replied.
- Mm… many things have changed since my time.
They continued to walk in the thick snow. Dottie had lent them snowshoes and walking sticks to make the hike easier in this winter landscape. Brook had refused them. Light as he was, he treaded the white surface without sinking into it. They were surrounded by sparse fir trees whose branches bent under the weight of snow hanging from their branches. Higher up, a mountain range stood with its sides of rock and ice. The pass they were to reach was at the junction of two of these peaks.
At the hotel, Jinbei lost no time to go back to the coast. He plunged into the icy waters without hesitation to bring back to Sanji the fish he needed to exercise his invaluable culinary talents.
Franky took care of the wood first. He turned into an improved Franky Tank with a blade in front to cross thick white carpet of snow.
- Are you coming, Dottie?
The woman hesitated blushing. Seeing the straw hat crew take matters into their own hands had made her feel better. Someone competent was in charge and all his problems seemed to be about to be solved. She was marveled by those very helpful pirates. Relieved, her eyes sparkled again. She had put on a coat lined with warm fur to follow Franky outside. The hood over her head, she looked nervously towards the window of her room.
- I don’t know…
- Don’t worry, Chopper will treat her!
"Yes. I trust him, it’s just that..." she added, blushing even more.
Franky raised his eyebrows before smiling.
- We won’t tell her anything, he said, lifting up his sunglasses to wink at her. Come on, Dottie, ready for a snow trip?
The woman burst out laughing.
- You and your companions are a gift from heaven! Come on, take me into a wild journey!
Franky reached out to take her by the waist. Dottie flipped her head back, laughing louder as the cyborg lifted her into the air to sat her in front of him, back against his chest. Dottie snuggled against his body with an obvious pleasure and stroked his metallic forearm, amazed.
- Wow, that’s impressive! We don’t see a lot of cyborg around here.
- You have not seen everything! replied Franky maliciously. Hang on, Dottie, let’s goooo!
He rushed into the field, raising sheaves of snow and joyful laughter.
On the large desk table, Usopp and Nami looked with satisfaction at the plans they had drawn. The huge sheet on the table was covered with plans of the various rooms of the building and many drawings. The two companions had visited the entire hotel to draw these lines and had chatted animatedly about the best way to decorate them.
- That’s perfect, Usopp!
- Yes! said the sniper with a big smile. Now we have to go get all we need to prepare all this!
A loud voice echoied in the main room:
- Oi, oi! Make room!!
Franky was already back. He was carrying a small mountain of logs. Dottie, smiling, followed him. They put their load near the chimney.
- Thank you! said Dottie, giggling, it was perfectly exhilarating. Now I’ll go to see Lydia.
She left the room to went up the stairs. Franky watched her walk away with a satisfied smile on his lips before turning to feed the dying fire.
- Well, Franky, was it "exhilarating”? Nami mocked him as she walked into the room, adjusting her coat.
- Yes, Nami, that’s the effect a Franky Tank ride can have on a woman.
- Stop bragging, said Usopp, smiling. With Nami, we are going outside to find stuff to decorate this hotel!
- I can’t wait to see what you guys are up to!
Sanji’s angry voice interrupted their discussion.
- STOP stupid swordsman! Don’t try to raise your arm!
They turned to see the two men enter the room. The cook was holding a pile of white tablecloths. The swordsman followed him, grinding his teeth.
- Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do!
- You are stubborn. Ok, said Sanji, facing him, I will try to be clearer. You. Ribs. Injured. You. Stop. Moving. Right. Arm.
- Asshole, I’m not stupid! Why are you talking to me like that?
- You are not stupid? First news!
Zoro’s hand rested on the hilt of his swords.
- Shitty cook…
Sanji took a deep breath and pinched his nose. He restrained himself not to go to the physical confrontation that would aggravate the wounds of his lover.
- Okay, okay! Do what you want, he said, trying to cool down the discussion. But if you push again and I have to tie you up so you can stop gesticulating, I will!
- What do you care?
Sanji looked up and approached Zoro briskly until he was only a few inches apart. He reached out to touch his cheek and let his fingers slide down his chest to his crotch. Zoro’s features relaxed under this touch and he let out a sigh.
- I want you to heal, said Sanji in a deep voice caressing the swordsman through his clothes. And quickly. As long as you can’t move freely because of the pain, we won’t be able to do everything we wan…
- AHEM, interrupted Nami. I don’t think we need to know everything Sanji-kun.
The cook and the swordsman turned their eyes to their companions. Absorbed as they were by their argument, they had not realized that they were not alone in the room. Sanji stood up in a startle, removing his hand from Zoro’s body.
- Nami-chan! I didn’t know you were there.
- What the problem? asked Zoro with a smile, straightening up as best he could with his broken ribs.
- We don’t talk about such things before a lady, brainless mosshead! scolded Sanji.
Seeing them fighting made Nami laugh. There are things that will never change between these two.
- Aye aye, guys… Try to be a little discreet, to CHANGE! said Usopp.
- We’ll get pine cones and other little things in the area. Try to behave yourself, you are not alone in the building!
- Umf, said Sanji, given Zoro’s condition, what do you want us to do?
- Stop with that, groaned the swordsman.
- Anyway, I still have a lot of work ahead of me.
Nami and Usopp left the room laughing and headed to the stable to find a donkey peacefully chewing hay. The two friends hitched him to the sleigh in front of the building.
The sniper took the reins and led them on the path leading into the pine forest.
- I still don't know whether it is good or not that these two are together, said Usopp, taking advantage of this peaceful moment conducive to a good gossip session.
- I am happy for them! But I must admit that they are sometimes a bit embarrassing.
- You mean when they use pet names? Said a laughing Usopp.
He leaned towards Nami and advanced his lips.
- My treasure, my lovecook, I would die for you, he imitated in a sweet voice, provoking a burst of laughter from the sailor.
- Yes, it was disturbing at first, but I was thinking about their vocal prowess.
- Oooh… In the kitchen? The lookout? The storeroom? The bathroom?
- Stop, we heard them all over the Sunny.
- And you girls have a separate dorm. You have no idea what they’re capable of when they think we’re all asleep."
- NO?!
- Yes.
- Now that I think about it, I found you tired lately. You never told them that…
- No. It was nice to hear at first. It was exciting."
- That’s right.
- But I can no longer bear it. I need to sleep!
- At the hotel you will be able to rest.
- My room is next to theirs.
- Yes, but Zoro is injured. They will not be able to.... Nami stopped when she saw the look Usopp was giving her. No?
- Yes.
- Even when one is injured?
- Even when one is injured.
Franky had gone out to fix the hotel roof, Chopper and Dottie were at Lydia’s bedside.
In the main room, Zoro had slumped in the armchair by the crackling fire. He watched Sanji set the tables for Christmas Eve. The cook had already prepared what he could for the meal, now he was waiting for Jinbei’s return. A cauldron of deliciously spicy mulled wine quivered in the kitchen, filling the air in the main room with delicious scent.
Sanji had decided to set up the tables before the fish arrive. He had already put the tablecloths, plates and silverware. He was now positioning the glasses. The swordsman smiled as he saw how his lover was concentrated while carrying each glass to the light to ensure that there was no trace on it. It had the speed of the experience and the hundred seats was set up in a staggering time. To Zoro’s despair, it was not over yet. Now Sanji had grabbed the napkins to arrange them in the plates.
- Are you a waiter or a cook?
- When you start, you start at the bottom of the ladder, Sanji replied distractedly, artistically folding another napkin.
Zoro got up to join him. He slipped behind his back and hugged him by the waist. Deliberately pressing his hips against him, he whispered in his ear:
- I want you.
Sanji shook off to get more napkins. He looked at him severely.
- I have to prepare meal for hundred persons Marimo. And you are wounded.
- Woooh, I’m bored! And it gives me ideas to see you moving around like this.
- Go take a bath of cold water if you need to, but I don’t have time.
- I’m already taking too much bath now, replied Zoro, sulking.
- I hope so!
The door opened, bringing an icy wind. In the frame, Jinbei was carrying two large bags of freshly caught fish.
- Sanji-kun, here’s the fish for tonight! I just ran into Nami and Usopp.
Sanji approached him with a graceful and quick step. A big smile stretched his lips.
- Thank you, Jinbei! I will be able to prepare the rest of the menu.
- Hey, guys! Usopp shouted behind the fish man, can someone lend a hand?
- Can I leave you?
- Yes, of course, go help them! Zoro, let’s go back to the kitchen.
The decoration group had grown considerably. Franky and Jinbei had joined Nami and Usopp to help them. Then Chopper left Dottie at the bedside of a sleepy Lydia to join them.
Branches of fir trees were assembled and installed outside and in the corridors, garlands of pine cones were painted in red and gold, branches hung above the windows, candlesticks decorated with holly lit the tables and mistletoe balls hang in all the rooms.
A swirl of colors and glitter lit up the warmth interior of the hotel. The laughter of friends' conversations filled the hallways and enticing scents came out of the kitchen.
From the corner of his eye Sanji watched Zoro with affection. He asked him to decorate biscuits. It was a safe activity for his ribs. The cook felt a gentle warmth radiate in his chest while seeing this idiot swordsman, whose love had turned his life upside down, absorbed by such a calm and meticulous activity.
Sanji took a ladle to pour mulled wine into a glass. He put it near Zoro and hugged him from behind, chin to shoulder. His eyes fell on the biscuits that Zoro had already smeared with icing. Despite his lack of practice, Zoro had done a good job. The cook smiled.
- You’re doing well, he said proudly as he kissed his neck.
Zoro raised his head to kiss him tenderly.
- Take a break to drink your mulled wine, the others will soon join us to help you finish.
The cook opened the kitchen door to light a cigarette. In the outside the clouds lazily fled in the distance, tiny snowflakes falling from their fluffy sides, whirling in the icy air.
- It’s snowing! exclaimed the blond, his eyes sparkling with childish wonder.
Zoro stared at him with infinite love. The candid expression of his flamboyant lover was one of the dearest visions to his heart. He carried the glass to his lips tasting the delicious wine whose the flavor of the spices warmed both body and soul. He stand up to took Sanji by the waist and pressed himself against his body, looking with him at the snowy landscape and the sky filled with snowflakes falling softly. Sanji put his hand on his, intertwining their fingers.
In the hotel, everything was ready for Christmas Eve.
On the tables set with refinement, glasses and silverware sparkled in the warm and dancing light of candles. The fire, crackling with joy, bathed all the rooms in a welcoming warmth. In the kitchen everything was ready.
The sun went down to embrace the horizon without crossing it. In the clear sky, the northern lights unrolled their luminous green serpentines lined with pink. A few snowflakes lingered in the icy atmosphere, mingling with the mist of the breath of people approaching the building.
- FRIENDS! WE’RE BACK!! Luffy yelled.
With Brook and Robin, they led a group from the village across the mountain. All were dressed warmly and advanced with snowshoes on their feet. Many of them pulled sleds loaded with carefully packed box.
The vision of the hotel in front of them was a delight. Huge fir trees decorated with red and gold decorations framed the open door and a soft light shimmered inside.
Dottie went out to meet them. She was beautifully dressed. Her hair was raised in an elegant bun held by a golden pin. At her ears hung ruby earrings and around her neck was nested a golden nightingale. Wrapped in a burgundy cape, she rushed to hug the three pirates.
- I can never thank you enough! You and your companions are our Christmas miracle.
- How is your companion doing? asked Robin.
- Much better! She managed to get up and Nami is helping her get ready for the party.
- I told you, Chopper is the best, said Luffy with a big smile.
- Yohohoho, I am so happy that everything is over! Laughed Brook. My dear lady, could I see…
- Brook, not now! cut Robin.
Dottie laughed and turned to his friends in the village.
- I was so afraid not to see you again before the summer!
She extended her arms to greet them and motioned to follow her inside.
- Thanks to Luffy and his friends, we will be able to celebrate an extraordinary Christmas Eve. Come! Come and get warm, don’t waste any more time!
A group of about twenty people came to the kitchen to provide the service. Sanji took the lead and gave them orders for the smooth running of the meal. Zoro was impressed by the tremendous discipline in the kitchen. Everyone moved quickly and accurately and the delicacies that Sanji had prepared during the day were quickly transported to the banquet hall.
When everything was brought to the tables, Sanji took his lover by the hand.
- We’ll join them, he said with a big smile.
- I thought you were going to spend Christmas Eve in this kitchen, Zoro replied in a gruff tone.
- The proper conduct of the meal depends on the chef, I would come back to the kitchen in due course. For now, we’ll serve mulled wine, these poor people need to warm up.
A table had been installed in the middle of the hall. On it had been placed a stove and the pot of mulled wine. A multitude of terracotta cups were waiting next to them.
Sanji, wonderfully elegant in his suit, approached the table and began to serve people with a warm smile. Zoro helped him by distributing the drink. He felt his heart swollen at the sight of Sanji. His lover had eyes full of sweetness and a bright smile on his face. The blond may be hot headed but he was also endowed with boundless generosity.
Someone sneaked behind them and a cheerful voice shouted:
- Oi, guys!
The two men turned to look at their crew mate. Nami’s eyes glowed with mischievous spark. Behind her, Usopp and Chopper were giggling. Holding a mistletoe branch, Nami had extended her arm over them. Sanji and Zoro stared at the plant adorned with small white balls and their eyes met. They exchanged a smile before kissing. The kiss, rather chaste at first, deepens quickly, the two men being unable to resist each other.
- Hey, guys, that’s it! Usopp shouted to them. Someone, a bucket of cold water please! I told you, Nami, that’s not a good idea! They don’t need that!
Nami laughed.
- Oh, stop being grumpy, Usopp! They are so cute!
- I’m not cute! Zoro barked at her, turning sharply. He tightened his jaws because of the sharp pain that the movement gave rise in his chest.
- Watch out, Zoro! You must be quiet. Said he Chopper.
- Ooooooh, look! Shouted Luffy.
On the stairs, Dottie helped Lydia walk down the stairs safely. The woman, still weak, was dressed in a beautiful blue dress and her blond hair came down her shoulders in loose curls. A silver comb held a strand back. She had a sash arm and a pale complexion. Dottie held her fondly by the waist.
- Are you Chopper’s and Nami’s friends? She asked them.
- Yes, I am Luffy!
- We wanted to thank you with all our heart, she said with a big smile.
- Here my lady, it will warm you, coored Sanji as he approached to give her a cup of mulled wine, which Lydia gladly accepted.
- Hum...you’re under the mistletoe, said Robin.
The two women looked up and giggled like little girls before exchanging a tender kiss.
- Now that we are all together, let the meal begin! said Dottie with enthusiasm.
As they all headed to the main room, Lydia held Nami by the arm.
- Wait my dear.
- Yes? said the navigator.
- It’s for you, said Lydia, handing her an envelope. A news coo brought this letter for you this afternoon.
Nami took the envelope and the whole crew gathered around her.
- Move, I see nothing! Luffy protested.
The navigator opened the mail. Her face lit up as she quickly read it.
- It’s Vivi!"she exclaimed in an excited tone.
- Vivi!
- How is she?
- Did something happen?
- No, no, said Nami, with a broad smile. Nothing happened to her. She says hello to all of you.
- I want to see!
- I… Nami stopped and lifted the letter above her to prevent Luffy from taking it from her.
- Guys, guys, this letter is addressed to Nami, says Sanji. It’s probably personal. He winked at their navigator. Come on, everyone will settle for the meal, he added.
Nami looked with relief at the blond leading the whole crew to the dining room.
- I owe you, Sanji-kun, she murmured.
She approached the stairs to sit on the steps and read the letter.
"My dear Nami,
Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. The separation is long, but our hearts are bound forever. In the most difficult moments, the idea of our reunion gives me the strength to fight. I am happy to know that you are pursuing your dream in the company of the most charming pirate crew!
I wanted to wish you a wonderful Christmas.
I know and admire your strength and determination that have so much capsized my heart. Although we are far from each other, do not sink into melancholy on this festive evening. Beyond the seas, we will always find each other, my fierce pirate.
Say hello to everyone for me.
To you, forever, my brilliant love.
I love you.”
Nami’s eyes were filled with tears of joy. She carried the paper to her lips to kiss it tenderly.
- To you, forever, my untamed princess.
The villagers were happy to meet the people who had come to the rescue of Dottie and Lydia. Around the tables, conversations were going well and the atmosphere warmed up.
Brook played the violin, Franky played the guitar. Several villagers joined them and an improvised orchestra was quickly established. Everyone sang in chorus to the joyful rhythms that made the walls of the hotel vibrate.
The dishes were emptied, the glasses too. Gifts were exchanged and kisses given.
Lydia’s cheeks had regained colour. Dottie was radiant next to her lover.
Nami kept near her heart the letter of the one who had stolen it.
The whole crew had a wonderful Christmas Eve, full of joy, laughter, love and friendship.
When the room began to empty, Sanji wanted to go back to the kitchen to put everything in order. But firm hands blocked his way.
- No chef! We’ll take care of it.
- You gave us a good cooking lesson tonight, we’ve never eat anything so delicious.
- Now go and rest. We’ll take care of everything.
Tired of his culinary marathon, Sanji did not struggle. He took Zoro by the waist and they both went upstairs. Arriving in the room, the cook got rid of his jacket and loosened his tie before falling into an armchair, eyes closed.
- They are right, you know, said Zoro.
- What are you talking about?
- It was really delicious.
Sanji opened his eyes meet those of his lover. Zoro was looking at him proudly with a sparkling smile on his face. He approached him and wanted to bend down to kiss him but interrupted his movement, wincing.
- Tsss, stupid Marimo, whispered Sanji as he got up to take him in his arms. Stop pushing.
He kissed him gently and began to undress him with soft gestures. Zoro’s hands stroked him through his clothes as he slid the fabrics along the swordsman’s body. When the swordsman was finally naked, the emotion that this moment had given rise to in him was seen in the rigidity of his shaft. Sanji looked up at him with ardent eyes. He stood up to embrace him fiercely while taking off his own clothes with haste.
In the next room, Usopp turned in his bed.
- Qkske… He stammered, not understanding what had awakened him.
He listened out for sighs and grunts through the wall. The sniper moaned and folded the edges of the pillow against his ears.
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scraps-and-bolts · 11 months
One piece 1096 spoilers
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This brought memories to when Iva meet the Pacifistas at Marineford and it HURTS
Kuma has always been my favorite Shishibukai and he is just getting better, he is such a good boy,, and Ginny is definitly Bonney's mother, we love a feral child taking care of her gentle gigant
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kaigarax · 2 years
Of Knowing and Understanding
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Sabo x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with all the little things someone does.”
We are reflections of everyone who we have loved.
Sabo, someone who had certainly loved and lost didn’t always understand the meaning of the phrase. But how could he have understood the saying when he lay unmoving upon a raft, uncertain of who he was?
The strange saying had followed the young Revolutionary through his adolescent and developmental years; almost like an unwanted companion that always lingered in the breeches of his mind. Of course, he knew what the saying meant but that wasn’t the exact same thing as understanding it.
Now, in the beginning of Sabo’s official adult years, he found himself maybe beginning to understand what the strange saying might have meant after meeting you.
At first, you had been just another girl in a town that would soon pass him by. Sabo had been sent to this town, in the middle of the East Blue, in hopes of discovering some information when he stumbled across you for the first time.
Information, especially for an underground revolution, was an utmost priority. A task assigned only to the highest of those in the Revolutionary Army. Rumors of the underground Secret Keeper being on this Island had passed through the ears of the Revolutionary Army which was how Sabo suddenly found himself on your home Island.
The rumor was shaky at best and truthfully Sabo wasn’t all too sure he would likely find who he was looking for in the first place. Especially here, on this backwater middle of nowhere Island. The Secret Keeper was supposedly a figure who knew much about the World Government and had escaped years before. Some believed they were still a member of the Navy while others theorised that it might be a Yonko crew member or Shishibukai. All rumors had something to do with a notorious group of people, the only question was exactly who?
There was no way someone as renowned and infamous would be hiding here. But who was he to defy direct orders?
Sabo had begun by a scout from the outside. Curiously watching the villagers of this small town to see if anything suspicious was happening. To see anyone that didn’t quite fit in and to cross names off his long list.
You happened to fall into the category of potentially suspicious people.
Or at least that was what he told himself when he decided to approach you first.
The Revolutionary made a show of (re)sailing into town that morning. The townspeople flocked to him, curious about the strange newcomer. He supposed that not many new people came in and out of the small town. Out of all the faces of the townspeople, Sabo noted that you were not among them.
It was early into the evening when Sabo entered the tavern.
Taverns were great places to gather information, likely a place where the Secret Keeper would hang out. Though Sabo doubted that there would be much juicy information here in this small town. It wasn’t likely for the tavern to be the place where he uncovered the identity of the Secret Keeper but it was the best starting place he could ask for.
Another newcomer to the town, that Sabo had learned of, sat in the back of the room with their hood up. The Revolutionary concluded that the cloaked figure wouldn’t be handed out in the small town for very long - which made him a candidate.
There was also the new bartender that calmly kept watch over everything. Something with control over the environment and happened to know everyone here. Another candidate to keep an eye on.
And lastly, there was you. You were the center of attention with your small little band. With your voice that draws the attention of everyone towards you and a smile that makes it seem as if the person you’re looking at is the only other person in the world. Despite what every logical bone in Sabo’s body was saying, he knew that for certain that he would have regretted it forever if he didn’t at least say hi.
You, in all your elegance and glory, smiled in a way that Sabo would never forget.
Getting to know you could have easily been written off as trying to gain the trust of the people living there. As an attempt to get more information. Sticking around you was another story.
Being around you made Sabo forget about all the troubles and pressures. Pushed them to the back of his mind.
He was suddenly just a clear headed young adult experiencing a summer romance. Not a commander in the Revolutionary Army.
Never once in Sabo’s life had he regretted joining the Revolutionary Army. The idea of fighting for those who couldn’t fight for themselves made the boy feel like his life was worth something. It got his blood pumping and kept him in shape. But sometimes it did feel like… too much. Like a rubber band stretched too far.
Sometimes it was nice to be someone who had forgotten about needing to find some secret mythical agent. It was nice to just sit on a picnic blanket on a date with someone you wanted to know more about. It was nice to be able to do something that made you happy without feeling guilt about it.
Sabo was never able to enjoy his time with you. Instead he had to keep an eye and ear away. Making sure nothing suspicious was happening elsewhere.
Being on the Island for a month had begun to dwindle the Revolutionaries’ determination. He had even started to question if this ‘Secret Keeper’ fellow was even real. There was no way that someone that important would have stayed on an Island this long without Sabo even finding a smidge of a clue.
Yet he had continued to stay.
“Hello?” You waved a hand in front of the blonde’s face, “anyone home?”
Sabo smiled, “no, but if you have a message for the owner of this body I’d be happy to leave one for you.”
“Oh? And is there a limit to the kind of messages that you deliver?” You asked, tapping your fingers together and taking a seat directly across from him.
Sabo swallowed.
You leaned in close, your face barely inches away from his own.
“And what kind of message do you plan on leaving, Miss. (Y/n)?” Asked Sabo.
“What kind of message would you like me to leave?” You asked, your lips ghosting over his own.
Sabo’s eyes fluttered closed.
There was a long moment of silence as Sabo waited. His breathing slowed and time seemed to freeze.
And he waited.
Then there was a snapping of a camera.
You laughed, “hey, it looks like you’re back, Sabo!” The boy snapped his eyes open with a flush on his cheeks. The printing of the photo ended with a click as you flashed Sabo a smile. You gave a quick look at the blank photo before shaking it up and down twice and tapping your fingers together.
“Yes~” You asked, trying your best to feign innocence.
Sabo had smiled mischievously. leaning forward and towards you in an attempt to snatch the photo. You leaned back and ended up cornered between Sabo and the ground. He grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head.
“It’s not nice to take photos of other people without their permission.” playfully scolded Sabo.
You nodded.
“And are you going to do it again?”
Sabo’s free hand moved down to tickle you.
“S-Sabo! I’m sorry!” You exclaimed between laughs.
He paused, “and have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes! I promise!”
“And what won’t you do again?”
You pondered playfully, “humm?”
Sabo raised a brow.
“Okay! I won’t take photos of people without their permission!”
“Good.” hummed Sabo before snatching the photo of him from your hands. You pouted. It was cute.
You picked up your camera again, giving it a quick look to make sure that it hadn’t been damaged anyway before tapping your fingers together, “can I at least have that photo of you?”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t like it.”
“How do you know you don’t like it?” You smiled, “you haven’t even looked at it yet!”
“I don’t have to look at it to know I don’t like it. I was making a weird face when you took that photo!”
“It was a cute face~”
“You can have a photo of me when you ask nicely.”
“So then Sabo,” you tapped your fingers together, “can I have a photo of you?”
“How about we take one of us together?”
The printing of the film ended quietly with a ‘tick’.
The sky looked absolutely beautiful today and Sabo just couldn’t resist snapping a photo. Beautiful sunsets and sunrises were common when one lived a life on the ocean but it didn’t mean that one just suddenly stopped enjoying the beautiful sights. In fact, it made the Revolutionary want to capture each one more. There was a special and different moment in every day that was worthy of being remembered. There was always a part that would forever linger in the recesses of your heart and mind.
Sabo pulled the photo out before shaking it slightly.
“You know, shaking the photo like that doesn't actually make the film come out faster.” said Koala, leaning on the ledge of the balcony above Sabo. The girl’s hair hung over her shoulders and framed her face in a playful way.
Sabo smiled, “I know.”
“If you know then why do you do it?”
“Hum?” Sabo tapped his fingers together, pondering for a moment, “I guess I don’t really know why I do it.”
“Well that’s lame.” Koala sighed, “so are you excited to head back to the East blue? It’s where your from right?”
Sabo nodded.
“How long has it been since you’ve been there?”
“Eight months.”
“Oh? What mission did you head to the East Blue for?”
“I was looking for someone.”
“Ah, right! The Secret Keeper!” Koala smiled, “did you ever find him? I can’t remember if you’ve told me already.”
Sabo shook his head, “no, I never found the Secret Keeper.”
“That’s a shame. You know, I don’t even think the Secret Keeper is real. Or at least they’re not a single person. But at least you got to leave base for a while. Weren’t you gone for two months when you went on that mission? It gets so mundane here sometimes, doing the same things over and over again.” Koala sighed, “I can’t wait until we get to head to the New World!”
“You’ve been there before, right?” Asked Sabo.
“Oh course! I’ve told you so many times before!”
“Would you tell me again?”
“What ya got there, (Y/n)?” Asked Sabo, taking a seat across from you.
You opened your mouth to answer but no words seemed to come out. You eyed your mug for a moment before smirking and saying, “guess.”
“Wrong again.”
“Isn’t that a kind of juice?”
“Oh, I guess it is.” Sabo sighed, “well, I’m stumped. What is it?”
“You only guessed three times!” You exclaimed.
“And three is the total amount of guesses that I’m going to take. So tell me what’s in your mug.”
“What? Really?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, “sometimes it’s the boring things that make all the difference.”
“So why are you drinking water out of a mug?”
You eyed Sabo curiously, “what’s wrong with drinking water out of a mug?”
“Well, most people prefer to drink water out of a glass. I mean,” Sabo pointed to a pair of individuals two seats over from where the two of you sat, “those two are drinking water out of glasses right now. Mugs are usually reserved for alcoholic beverages.”
“I guess it’s because my family was never able to afford glass cups. They’re rather expensive on this side of the world. And even when we could afford glass cups I suppose we had just grown used to drinking it out of mugs.” you tapped two fingers together before holding the mug out to Sabo, “do you wanna try it?”
Sabo’s hand lingered against your own as you handed the mug to him. Your hand was softer than Sabo's but he supposed that was what came from a nice and comfortable life here in the East Blue.
Your eyes seemed to sparkle as you watched Sabo take a sip of the normal water.
“So what do you think, Sabo?” Koala asked.
Sabo didn’t respond.
“I asked what you think.”
Sabo grinned sheepishly, “about what?”
“Nevermind.” Koala looked over to Sabo, “hey, what are you drinking?”
The Revolutionary smiled to himself, tapping his finger together, “just water.”
“In a mug?” Koala shrugged, “Anyhow, are you ready for tomorrow?”
Meeting you had always been such a strange moment in Sabo’s life. So many things had just seemed different. The world seemed to have operated differently from how he had believed it had. Even after just entering his official years as an adult, there was still so much change that had occured in his life.
The last time Sabo had suddenly felt displaced in a world where he belonged was when he first joined the revolutionary army. Just a boy floating in the middle of nowhere; uncertain of where he belonged. Someone who seemed to know so little about the world and understood even less of it.
Those two moments, while similar, were life changing in vastly different ways.
Sabo had known what kind of a life he wanted to live when he joined the Revolutionary Army. He had known where in life he wanted to go. With you, he didn’t understand everything he had been feeling. He didn’t know where his life might have been heading and where he wanted to end up. But he had finally understood something very important.
Perhaps he hadn’t understood it directly after meeting you, but it came to him eventually.
He knew it to be true because he had learned it from you.
We are reflections of everyone who we have loved and who we have lost.
Fall in love with all the little things someone does.
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not-a-unic-fandom · 3 years
Doffy and Mihawk *Spanish*?
Alright, hear me out
A lot of people have this headcanon about Mihawk talking spanish, that´s fine, I mean, I actually really like that headcanon but... Have you all thought that... Dressrosa is basically a Spanish country... I mean... Doffy does also know spanish...
That´s it, I  was supposed to be studying and it came to mi mind, could you imagine two of the most feared man in One Piece  bickering at each other in spanish? like, imagine Doffy being the little sh*t he is and talking at someone´s back in spanish and the Mihawk just answers naturally, I mean, I just had the time of my life in my own head, goodbye , I hope you guys enjojed my new headcanon
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strayzinhoart · 3 years
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Alguns desenhos de 2020 e 2021 
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Así es como se imagina el almirante Fujitora a Luffy según dijo el propio Oda en los SBS. #onepiece #onepiecemanga #onepieceespaña #onepieceespañol #onepiecespain #pirate #pirateking #luffy #nami #ussopp #franky #chopper #brook #robin #zoro #sanji #jimbe #manga #anime #otaku #onepieceanime #mugiwara #sombrerodepaja #shishibukai #yonkou #shanks #shirohige #eiichirooda #fujitora #anime
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djiguito · 7 years
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One piece movie trilogy fanart
Strong world -One piece Z - One piece GOLD
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dracaryscosplay · 6 years
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Trafalgar law cosplay punk hazard
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u-knowtime14 · 8 years
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Para todos ustedes \ For all of you Trafalgar D. Water Law - One Piece #law #trafalgarlaw #onepiece #draw #fanart #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #arte #manga #anime #shishibukai #heartpirates #heart
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perfusio · 9 months
Okay fight me about it
Ace never had the level of a shishibukai. I dont believe that this dumb himbo was proposed to be a shishibukai. It was obviously a ploy of some kind.
Ace when we meet him ( showing his tricks shots to impress his brother ) is impressive okay, but I don't believe that Jimbei couldn't beat his ass to the ground. Boa would have made him a dog, Mihawk would have row his ways past him, Moira would have straight up killed him, Dodo the doflamingo brainwash him straight up and Crocoboy bury him.
At Marineford, I know it's been kinda of a long day, but he has a straight path, everyone is helping and Lu and he's still in rough state.
Ace doesn't even have ARMEMENT HAKI !????
I know this feature didn't exist at that point, but it's insane that eboy was proposed anything serious.
Ace believed in his own hype and maybe it was enough for paradise... But hot summer brother is not that strong
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pink-duda · 3 years
♡︎𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭♡︎
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐬:
💥𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬💥
Red hair pirates with a teenager! reader
👒𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬👒
Strawhats with a teen! Reader who's really smart
Strawhats with a shy! teen! reader who gives gifts as a form of love language only to people they trust
Strawhats with a child as crew member
Strawhats with an ex marine
Strawhats with a child! reader who wants to be an expert in all martial arts and be the best in the world at it
🤍𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬🤍
Whitebeard pirates with famale! Teen! Shy! Reader
Whitebeard Pirates with Teen! Reader that has trust issues
Whitebeard pirates with a teen!reader who's a stowaway and dont trust anyone
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𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫:
Some One piece characters reacting when you sleep on their shoulder in the middle of the movie
Headcanon with some One Piece characters with S/O that has scars
Shishibukai's favorite dessert
Kiss under the mistletoe
The reaction of some One Piece men when Fem! reader tells them she is pregnant
What some One Piece characters think about kissing
Reactions of some One Piece characters when you get sick
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬:
Go out with Ace and Smoker(separately)
You comforting Ace
Vacation with Law and Ace (separately)
Ace and Sanji (separately) stay at home with you having a self-care date
Ace, Luffy and Law (seperately) reaction to you sleeping almost naked
Doflamingo and Corazon preparing the letter to send to you
Crocodile and Mihawk (separately) falling in love with a drug lord
You come out as asexual to Crocodile
Doflamingo and Corazon preparing the letter to send to you
Jinbei and Franky with reader like younger sibling
Jinbei and Franky with reader like younger sibling
First date with Kid and Robin (separately)
Killer having to deal with Kid and y/n, who is hothead like Kid
Kid and Killer (separately) in a relationship with you
Kid and Killer with a teen!reader who's quiet but sarcastic
First time Eustass Kid come at your place
Killer having to deal with Kid and y/n, who is hothead like Kid
Kid and Killer (separately) in a relationship with you
Kid and Killer with a teen!reader who's quiet but sarcastic
Everything before you and Killer had a relationship
Killer with s/o is a super pasta goddess
You are no longer alone at night
Yes or No?
First date with Smoker and Koby (separately)
Koby and Smoker (separately) have a relationship with a merchant who sells his wares on the high seas and his customers are mostly pirates, and straw hat pirates are loyal clients
Law comfortin you
Argue with Zoro and Law (separately)
Vacation with Law and Ace (separately)
Ace, Luffy and Law (seperately) reaction to you sleeping almost naked
Smoker and Law (separately) deal with reader who is working non-stop hours
Luffy and Usopp having a first date with you (separately)
Ace, Luffy and Law (seperately) reaction to you sleeping almost naked
Art is life
Luffy "realizing" hes likes you
Drunk male! reader confess his feelings to Marco
Ask you to dance
First date with Mihawk
Crocodile and Mihawk (separately) falling in love with a drug lord
Edward Newgate with wife! reader who has an incurable disease
Remembering when you two met
Edward Newgate with wife! reader in a Mafia Au
Robin cutting your hair
First date with Kid and Robin (separately)
Robin with an S/O with a noticeable age difference
Smoker and Robin with a reader who sings almost every moment
Shanks sleeping with you
Smoker and Shanks (separately) having a s/o who doesn't like they own voice
Shanks fluff headcanon
Zoro and Sanji spending time with you (separately)
Ace and Sanji (separately) stay at home with you having a self-care date
Smoker and Sanji (separately) reacting to their s/o entering the university they wanted
Get out, I'm busy!!!
Sanji and Zoro (separately) with a daughter
Sanji with a fem! reader who can control weather with feelings
Having fun with family
Go out with Ace and Smoker(separately)
Smoker dating you for the first time
Smoker comforting you after a bad day
First date with Smoker and koby (separately)
Koby and Smoker (separately) have a relationship with a merchant who sells his wares on the high seas and his customers are mostly pirates, and straw hat pirates are loyal clients
Smoker and Shanks (separately) having a s/o who doesn't like they own voice
Smoker and Law (separately) deal with reader who is working non-stop hours
Smoker and Sanji (separately) reacting to their s/o entering the university they wanted
Smoker and Robin with a reader who sings almost every moment
Luffy and Usopp having a first date with you (separately)
Zoro and Sanji spending time with you (separately)
Argue with Zoro and Law (separately)
Zoro buys a motorcycle (drawing by @simpforroses )
I will be the winner
Sanji and Zoro (separately) with a daughter
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as-i-watch · 3 years
Law: calls Luffy an idiot.
Same Law: goes in a fight with an Admiral and a shishibukai at the same time.
Since he allied himself with Luffy, 2 out 2 times he went solo he got his butt royally kicked
The biggest This is unsufferable I Love It
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