#shit on a waffle and call it syrup
STILES: "Well, shit on a waffle and call it syrup, she just—"
DEREK: "Don't ever say that again."
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silverhairsimp · 8 months
who's gonna take care of you? k. bakugou
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I am sicker than sick and couldn't sleep last night so here's some bakugou fluff.
Pairing & CW: Bakugou x f!reader. Reader and Bakugou have two kids. Brief mentions of pregnancy from Mitsuki (Reader is not actually pregnant). pure, sickly sweet fluff.
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Katsuki looks at the clock hanging above the kitchen sink, 7:24am. Usually you’d have been up for at least a half hour by now, maybe more. The kids have to be to school at 8:30, it’s only a 12 minute drive, but they like to get there early and play with their friends before their day of learning starts. He looks at the two of them sitting at the counter, digging into their fresh pancakes and waffles with a variety of fruits. They were similar in a lot of ways, but your daughter refuses to eat pancakes, the same goes with your son and waffles. And what kind of number one dad would The Bakugou Katsuki be if he didn’t make his brats happy?
“You two stay here and finish eating— gonna go check on your ma’,” he calls out to them before heading down the hall, only to stop with a hand on the doorframe to look back at them. “And no eatin’ spoonfuls’a syrup this time! That shi— crap’ll give you diabetes.” 
The two of them laugh at their dads empty threat, knowing they’ll at least sneak one or two spoonfuls before he gets back. 
He has an office day today, full of paperwork and unfished reports that need to be submitted by the end of the week. He’s been working overtime, which means you have too. Working overtime at your own job and taking care of the kids when he gets home too late or leaves too early for work. 
“Baby—“ he calls out when he pushes open your bedroom door. Your cheeks are flushed red, your brows are knit together, you’ve got a mound of blankets on you, yet your feet are sticking out from the bottom. “Hey, y’doing okay?” He asks as he gets closer, sitting next to your sleeping form on the bed when he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek, followed by placing the back of his hand to your forehead. “Jesus babe, you’re burnin’ up. Might be running hotter than I normally do…” 
His words are laced with concern as he heads to your shared bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with as cold of water he can get before wringing it out. For good measure, he grabs the thermometer and to confirm his suspicions.
“Open up for me, baby.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek and your eyes finally open when you bring your hand up to touch the cold cloth on your forehead. “‘Ts cold…” you mumble and he slips the thermometer underneath your tongue. “Yeah and you’re hot—“ he waits for the thermometer to finish rereading before he adds: “101.9 to be exact.” 
You try to sit up, “I’m fine…”but the pressure in your head is too much so you flop back down into the pillows. “I don’t know what year you think I was born, but I know what fine is. And you, are not fine.” 
“But the kids— they have school, you have work— I have things to do around the house.” You try to protest in between a fit of coughs, but he plants an arm against the bed, palm down at your side caging you in. “you know the hag— my mom,” he corrects when you give him the glare, “she loves taking them to school. Eijiro too. I could call either one and they’d drop ‘em off. And with work, that’s one of the perks’a bein’ your own boss.” 
He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek, trying to hide the wince at how warm your skin is. Gods you must feel like shit. “Lemme call my mom—“ he steps out of the room and gently closes the door, calling in a favor to the woman who always saves his ass. 
‘Yeah, y/n sick, real sick. Need someone to drop off the beats at school. What? Morning sickness? No she’s not pregnant again. She’s sick sick. Got’a fever of almost 102. Yeah, they ate. Yes, lunches packed. Ugh— what kinda father do you think I— mmgh. Thanks ma. They’ll be ready for ya.’
He comes back in the room slight shake to his head as he thinks back to the conversation he just had with his mom. Your youngest is 6 and she’s been itching for another grand baby, but that’s too bad. She’s got two good ones to love on anyway. “Moms comin’ to pick em up in 15.” 
The two of you can hear the padding of feet running down the hall and your two replicas appear in the door frame. 
“Mommy what’s wrong? Did you catch a bug?” Your 8 year old son asks you as he pushes his hips to the bed. He may have his fathers eyes but he’s got your color hair and the sweetest personality to match. 
“Ew! Why would mommy catch a bug!! That’s so yucky!” Your daughter chimes. She’s got that ash blonde hair to match her fathers and definitely gets his personality. 
“Yeah, squirt, mama’s not feeling great so your Gramma Mitsuki is gonna take you to school.”
“Katsuki— you really shouldn’t have asked your mom to come all the way here.” 
“You say all the way here like she doesn’t live 8 minutes down the road.” He smirks at you, knowing damn well she wasn’t gonna miss the opportunity to be involved in your kids’ lives. 
“Daddy, why can’t we stay and take care of mommy like she takes care of us when we’re sick?” Your boy asks with those gorgeous ruby red eyes peering down at you. “You guys have to stay in school and get good grades. You wanna have your own agency and be the number one hero like your daddy don’t you?” You smile at the two of them and lift your hand off the bed to cup their cheeks one at a time. 
Your daughter flexes her little muscles and grits her teeth. “Yeah mommy! We’ll get strong so we can take good care of you some day!” 
Each of your kiddos leans in to place a kiss to your cheek, it’s no use trying to stop them either. They’re both stubborn, just like you and Katsuki. 
“Go get cleaned up before Gramma gets here— and don’t think I can’t smell the syrup on those sticky fingers, you little shits!” 
It’s no use trying to protest the language when you hear the fit of laughter and screams as they run back down the hall. 
Katsuki gets up to make sure they’re heading out to wash up and grab their school bags while he makes another call to the agency, letting Mina know he won’t be in. 
You’ve nearly fallen back asleep by the time he comes back with a hot bowl of homemade soup, a freshly squeezed cup of orange juice, a ginger shot and two pieces of toast. “They’re right ya know. You’re like super woman to them— and even she needs help sometimes.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and turns on the tv for some back ground noise before he grabs his computer and sits next to you in bed. 
“Katsuki. You’re gonna get sick if you stay here—“ you try to protest and he just smiles and puts the cold rag on your forehead. “Yeah… and when super man needs help; I know you’ll be there too..” He lands a fat one right on your lips and smiles. The two of you share everything together. Even the cooties…
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classyrbf · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, nanami x reader, nanami acts ooc for the plot, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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The smell of food filled your nostrils as you stirred in your sleep. The softness of the sheets wrapped around your skin, only tempting you to stay in bed longer. A soft groan left your lips, prying open your eyes to find the sun shining through your room, peeking through the curtains. A yawn escaped your lips as you stretched, sitting up in bed to find that you were completely rid of your clothes. Events from last night played back in your head like a movie, reminding you of the confession you shared with your ex husband. A small smile plastered on your face when you looked over to the other side of the bed only to find it empty. Brows furrowed, quickly whipping your head to the other side to find it was nine in the morning, way past the kids time for school. “Shit!”
You scrambled to your feet, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you snatched your robe from your clothes, tying it around your waist while you practically ran out the room. “Naya, Megs!” You yelled, knocking on their bedroom doors before opening it. You stopped in your tracks when you were met with a neatly made bed.
“Hey,” a voice called out to you. You turned around, there standing before you was a shirtless Toji, a plate of food in hand along with a glass of orange juice. “Good morning.”
“Where are…where are the kids?” You cleared your throat, slowly shutting Megumi’s bedroom door. Toji looked at you for a few seconds before laughing. “What?” You asked, confused.
“I brought them to school this morning. Got ‘em up and everything. Don’t worry, mama.” He licked his lips before letting out a sigh. “Come eat, will you?” He turned away from you, heading towards the kitchen table where he had his plate of food ready.
You breathed in deeply, the scent of freshly cooked eggs, waffles and syrup made your stomach rumble. “Thank you, Toji. You didn’t have to—”
“I wanted to.” He slides his hands over your waist, pulling you into his chest, hands now resting on the small of your back. He stares into your eyes for a few moments, getting lost in them before speaking, “are we gonna talk about last night or…?” He says in a playful tone, dipping his head into the crook of your neck.
“What about last night?” You let a small giggle when he presses kisses against your skin. Your arms naturally found their way around his neck, pulling his larger figure closer.
“I want you to know I meant every word. I swear to you.” His tone is serious and empathetic. A small sigh escaped his lips when he lifted his head to look at you, taking in your beauty even if you’d just waken up. One of his large hands cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing it. You could feel your heart beating against your ribcage, butterflies in your stomach like you were some high schooler with a crush.
You don’t understand the relationship between you and Toji, you don’t know why you two are always so drawn towards each other no matter the obstacles that get in your way. Just when you think it’s over for good, it not. It’s either you or him clawing your back up the walls that you both build until one of you are finally ready to give in. But you can’t deny that you love him—you always have.
“I missed these type of mornings with you, mama. I just want us to be a happy family again. Wanna do right by you and the kids, you understand?” His brows pinch together. His kisses your forehead as you both embrace each other, enjoying the silence.
“I understand, Toji,” you mumble into his broad chest, closing your eyes, rocking back and forth on your feet. “But I need you to understand something for me.”
“Anything,” he’s quick to respond, rubbing your back.
“We can’t just rush into the whole process. Trust me, I’d like too, but I think taking things slow and working everything out will help us realize what we need to fix,” you explain.
“Yeah,” he nods his head, “yeah, of course.” He takes in a deep breath. “Why don’t you go and freshen up before we eat?”
“Good idea.” You look down at the robe that was barely covering you, and you were afraid to look at your hair. He watches as you walk into the bathroom, smiling to himself. Ever since yesterday he can’t stop smiling like a kid in a candy store. He’s finally making progress, showing you that he can be better, that he’s changed. It’s all he’s ever thought about since the divorce, and quite frankly, he’d never thought he’d see this day come. He’s a lucky man, all thanks to you. He doesn’t know why you even still give him the time of day with the way the end of the marriage was going, but he’s grateful you’re still here.
Toji grabs two sets of forks, setting them down at yours and his plates. He could hear the faint sound of water running in the bathroom before the doorbell rang. His eyes wandered over to front door, confusion plastered across his face. He made his way over to the door, unlocking it, expecting it to be a package maybe or a salesperson, but no, it wasn’t anything like that. It was Nanami.
Toji finally got a good look at the man, the scar on his lip quirked when he saw how put together the man was for it being so early. Hair neatly place, business casual clothing, and gold watch adorned his wrist. Just as Toji was taken aback by Nanami, Nanami was taken aback by Toji. When he knocked on the door, he didn’t expect a shirtless man who looked like he had just rolled out of bed to open your door. “Uh, good morning.” Nanami awkwardly cleared his throat.
Toji leaned against the doorway. “Morning,” he simple responded.
“Is y/n here?” Nanami asked, raising a brow.
“She is.” Toji gave blunt answers, eyes narrowing as he wondered why he couldn’t possibly want to talk to you. He couldn’t be trying to win you back? Right? Unwanted jealously bubbled in his chest, his jaw clenching at the feeling.
“Can I speak with her?” Nanami’s questions sounded unsure given Toji’s attitude.
“She’s busy.” Toji went to shut the door before Nanami spoke again.
“Well can you tell her to call me?” Nanami was becoming irritated. He couldn’t quite place it but the man standing in front of him sounded familiar, looked familiar. Though they’ve never properly met, was this Toji?
“She won’t be doing that—”
“Toji, who’s that at the door?” You walked up behind him, the cold air from outside sending chills through your body, goosebumps littering your skin. Over Toji’s tall stature you could see familiar blonde hair and you got closer it felt like your heart dropped. “Kento.” Slightly shock riddled your voice.
“Y/n, can I speak with you?” So that is him. His eyes shifted from you to Toji, glaring. “Now, if you don’t mind.”
“I, uh…” You blinked, stuck on what to say or even do. “What would like to talk about?” You crossed your arms over your chest, Toji standing behind you like he was some sort of assigned bodyguard.
“Our last conversation. On the phone. I…I shouldn’t have been that harsh about it. I regret what I said to you,” he sighed.
“What exactly do you regret?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“How I…ended things,” he admitted. “It was a heat of the moment type of thing—”
“Kento,” you held you hand out in front of him, “I appreciate you coming to speak me in person, I really do. But, I think it was better thar we ended things. You made me realize the truth about—”
“So you are still in love with him.” He interrupted, sharing looks between you and Toji.
“I am.” You nodded.
Nanami let out a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. He didn’t want to believe he was right, maybe he was just overthinking, seeing too much into it. But no, he wasn’t. “So you were just using me?”
“God, no! You’re a great guy, and I enjoyed the moments we spent together, I didn’t want to end things with you, but when you ended it with me, said those words to me, I started to think that maybe you were right. He was my husband for years, the father my children, I can’t just forget about that so easily.” You nervously bit the inside of your cheek. “I’m sorry, Kento. There’s still so many things I need to work on within myself, I wouldn’t be right for you.”
“And when things don’t work out between you and him? When he ends up treating you the same way? Then what?” His tone was harsh.
“The fuck are you talking about?” Toji moved you to side, a mix of confusion and anger in his voice. “Wanna say that shit again?”
“You’re telling her what she wants to hear and she’s believing it. You’re so fucking predictable, it makes me laugh,” he chuckled.
“Kento, I tried to be nice about it, but now I need you to get off my doorstep. Right now. I’m not doing this. I don’t need no one fighting at nine in the fucking morning.” You stepped between the two. “Get inside, Toji.”
“You already let him fuck you, right? That’s all he wants to keep you around for—” Your palm connected with Nanamis cheek.
“I tried explaining to you, I tried asking nicely, and you still have the audacity to speak to me like I’m not gonna do shit about it.” Your nostrils flared in anger.
“I feel bad for the kids, truly.” Barely even two seconds after those words came from his mouth, Toji pushed you aside and swung at Nanami, his fist connecting with his jaw. Nanami fell back on the floor, grunting when his back hit the ground. You didn’t dare to step in, afraid you’d accident get hurt in the process.
Toji kept swinging, taking a few hits himself but was quite literally unfazed. “Don’t ever mention my fucking kids again!” He shouted.
You anxiously looked around, your neighbors running outside to see all the commotion, a few of them already on their phones—most likely with the police. “Toji, they’re gonna call the police!” You shouted. Your words went in one ear and out the other. “For fucks sake,” you mumbled under your breath when you heard the sirens approaching in the distance. “Toji, stop already!”
The cars came to screeching halt, police running into your yard and dragging Toji off of Nanami, forcefully pushing him into the ground. “Get the fuck off me!” He yelled as they placed the cuffs around him.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” you sighed deeply, running your hand over your face. Nanami stood to his feet, blood trickling from his nose and lip. Another police over came rushing over to him, asking him if he was okay.
“Ma’am, can I ask what happened here?” A police officer walked up to you.
“Um, he,” you pointed at Nanami, “came to my house this morning to have a conversation about our relationship—he’s my ex and—”
“He’s your ex?” He pointed to Nanami.
“Yes,” you nodded, watching as he scribbled down words on his notepad. “The other man, he’s my ex husband and me and him are on the verge of working things out and it’s just they both were here at the same time, and…and”
“It’s okay, take your time,” the officer assured. “So you and your ex husband are working things out…okay. Was this a jealousy thing or what?”
“Well before me and him,” you pointed at Nanami, “ended things, he said I still loved my ex husband. So he did end things and he showed up to my house this morning trying to fix it but I explained that I couldn’t personally because…you know.” Your voice was shaky.
“Okay,” the officer nodded. “Anything else.”
“He started making weird remarks. Saying thing are gonna end the same with me and him, that he only wants me for sex, and then he mentioned my kids—”
“Your kids?” The officer furrowed his brows.
“Yeah, me and my ex husband have two kids.” You pursed your lips.
“And that’s when the fight broke out?” He asked, clicking his pen. You nodded, glancing over at Nanami who was getting his nose cleaned up.
“Alright,” the officer sighed, “so we are gonna have to take both of them in for questioning, your ex husband might even end up in jail for aggravated assault since he started the fight.”
“What?! I’m sorry, but he mentioned my fucking kids! Do you have kids?!” You angrily shouted.
“I do, yes,” he responded.
“Then you should know what I’m feeling right now, what my ex husband is feeling right now. He’s talking about our relationship, about me, trying to belittle me! It’s fucking ridiculous!” You shouted, eyes wide in disbelief.
“I understand your anger, ma’am, but there’s not much I can do besides my job. I can’t just go off one side of the story. But I will keep in contact with you just in case. Name and number?” He casually asked.
“Y/n l/n, 234-567-8910.” You rolled your eyes.
“Thank you.” He walked away, getting into his car, driving off with Toji in the back of it, the others following behind shortly after.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” You stormed back in the house slamming the door shut. Your eyes landed upon the now cold and uneaten breakfast Toji had prepared for you. What a great start to your morning.
a/n: aye long time no seeee pookies!! Yes I know I made Nanami act so out of character but it’s for the plot yk lmaooo
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songmingisthighs · 6 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. lxx - good girl
neurosurgeon!hongjoong × reader
buy me coffee ?
where love and peace is held, i never expected for this to happen. i planned and i planned, i expected, and i hoped, but it was never you. you held what i wanted hostage to make room for you, the thing that i needed but has no means of acceptance. deny me, live your best life.
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At this point, you found yourself in somewhat of a choreographed dance with the father and son duo manoeuvring the child in question. Usually, you would have to move quickly between taking Kijoong's things out of the car and making sure that he wouldn't make a run for it, even going as far as installing a car seat, iPad holder, and small containers of cereal and snacks, effectively turning your car into a mom car. Now, you simply needed to focus on Kijoong because Hongjoong would instinctively take your bag and any of Kijoong's belongings with him. Then, the two of you would basically lock Kijoong's hands in each of yours and making sure that Kijoong wouldn't have any means of escaping or running away as your bodies would block his sides.
You both call it "inmate transfer" and others pointed out that it's actually called "the family hold". You both were confident that "inmate transfer" is correct.
"I think I stuffed myself stupid," Hongjoong huffed, taking a moment to readjust his pants before resuming the walk back to the elevator from his dedicated parking spot. You couldn't help but snicker in amusement at the way he was so comfortable with you, totally different from the person you first knew less than three months ago. "I told you not to get a second plate, Joong, this is all on you," you teased which caused Kijoong to chirp, "Yeah, Joong," he teased, sticking his tongue out at his dad. Hongjoong squinted his eyes at the two of you, "Hey, I finished my main course, I EARN that dessert. And you had some, (y/n), you can't talk shit about my decision," he huffed before crouching down to Kijoong's height, "And that's daddy to you, mister," he said, poking Kijoong's nose.
Teasingly, you raised an eyebrow at Hongjoong, "You asked me to spend my day off with you and Kijoong, I think I reserve the right to call you out for eating a plate of two waffles drenched in maple syrup and ice cream after finishing a whole ass pasta by yourself. And while we're on the subject, who eats carbonara at 10 am?" "Yeah, Joong, who?" Kijoong teased again, this time drawling to poke fun at his dad even more. "A hungry man using food as a reward for a week of hard work," he said in a mocking tone, causing you to raise an eyebrow, "So is this your way of telling me that I've done a good job?" you teased.
"Do you think you've done a good job?"
Suddenly there was a wave of seriousness over the two of you (Kijoong was blissfully unaware, of course, what with kicking pebbles around as he held onto your hands). You momentarily stop in your steps to look at Hongjoong, "What?" Hongjoong stopped in his tracks as well to look back at you, "Do you think you've done a good job so far? Are you satisfied? Are you happy working here?" Already had a feeling that the discussion was coming, you wasted no time in going straight to the point, "Is this about my employment ending?" Hongjoong was kind of glad that you brought it up first as he didn't really know how to say those exact words (In all honesty, Hongjoong didn't know how to say a lot of things to you but one conversation at a time). "Kind of, yeah," Hongjoong confirmed.
For a moment, you pursed your lips and resorted to continuing your walk to the elevator as Kijoong, still in his own world, tried to get you to kick the pebbles with him.
Feeling obligated to explain, Hongjoong opened his mouth again, "I should clarify, I'm not asking you because I'm reviewing your work or anything. In fact, I just want to know if you're happy which I think is the biggest factor in sticking with a job." You could tell that he was trying his best to not be confrontational and your lack of answer would soon make him cry. "Good because if that was your way of firing me after all that we have been through, I would be so pissed, I'd actually give Kijoong back his toy gun." Hearing his name and toy, Kijoong perked up and started jumping excitedly, "MY GUN!?" he exclaimed, hopeful but you immediately shot it down, patting his head with your free hand, "No sweetie, and please don't interrupt your daddy and I are talking."
Relieved, Hongjoong chuckled and shook his head, "At this point, it would make more sense if you leave in the middle of the night and move away to Antarctica or something. But I know you wouldn't," "Hey, I might," you pointed out, rolling your eyes, "Push my buttons enough times and I'll pull a disappearing act so fantastic, it would get Best Performance award at the Grammys or something." Hongjoong's eyes widened, thinking that you were serious, "What, you mean to tell me that you'd consider leaving us?" there was a slight panic in his voice that made you crack out rather loudly, "Oh my God, Joong, calm down! I was just joking! You know I love working with you and I'll be honest, I'm kind of attached to the cutie pies of apartment 801 so it would take a lot for me to not want to continue working with you," you said lightheartedly, pinching Kijoong's cheek affectionately.
It was only when you both stepped inside the elevator that Hongjoong realized what you just said. "Wait, did you just say 'cuties'? As in plural?" Confusedly, you raised an eyebrow at him, "Um, yeah? Why do you think I keep feeding you? You're basically Kijoong-sized XL and I love the boy to bits," this time, you couldn't help but scoop Kijoong into your arms and blew a raspberry on his cheek, making him giggle from the ticklish feeling. There was a mix of feelings that surged through Hongjoong's body and he couldn't pinpoint on the cause as the giddiness was so palpable he could taste it at the tip of his tongue. The sheer feeling rendered him speechless and he could only find his voice when the elevator door opened and the three of you stepped out.
"So... You love me?"
In all fairness, Hongjoong meant that as a joke. Or so he said. He so totally doesn't lowkey hope that you'd say yes. But he was totally expecting you to roll your eyes and call him stupid.
The last thing he expected was for you to step closer to him, nudge his hip with yours and grin, "What do you think, Joong? What do your own feelings tell you?"
A sudden wave of excitement-induced nausea washed over Hongjoong, his body forcing his brain to prepare to have the talk. The one talk he knew he had to have with you considering the revelation he made (through Seonghwa pointing it out but he was not about to give his friend the credit).
You saw that his brain was trying to connect the dots and it was entertaining, to say the least. But at that moment, it dawned on you that you had just opened the door to a conversation you had only planned to have but even that plan was not solid. So to feign being coy, you took quick steps to get to Hongjoong's apartment first. "Hey!" Hongjoong exclaimed when he realized that you had taken off on him and he followed suit. While the distance from the elevator to this unit was not long, he caught up with you quick but it was because you had stopped in your tracks in the middle of the hallway, eyes trailed forward which caused him to look in the same direction.
It was like seeing a ghost. Well, a ghost from his past. Because out of all the moments in the timeline of his life, he would never have expected to see the person he was seeing. Not after what happened in the past.
"Minhee?" he called out.
Minhee, his ex, pushed her body off of the door and smiled gently, eyes looking over to Hongjoong before it settled on you and then on the boy who looked at her confusedly, not knowing who she was but he was intuitive enough to sense that there was something going on. You took notice of this when Kijoong suddenly turned around and clung on your body, refusing to look at his birth mother.
You, on the other hand, couldn't help but stare at her. She looked like the pictures you had caught glimpses of when you were cleaning but... Happier. She looked pretty and well-kept, exactly like how a young lady from a respected family should what with her all-white get-up and expensive bag. The nasty side of your brain immediately made comparisons and you came to the conclusion that you and her were vastly different and though momentarily, the thought of her being the kind of person that made Hongjoong commit flashed, leaving a nasty remnant that felt itchy.
"Well, aren't you going to let an old friend in?" she smiled.
Hell, even her voice sounded nice.
How were you going to fare?
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eyesofshinigami · 7 months
Eddie and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Rating: T
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, very very mild sexual content (blink and miss it)
Prompt: For @lihhelsing "Love is helping them unwind after a rough day"
WC: 852
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 19
Eddie knew it was going to be a bad day as soon as he woke up. He managed to stub his toe twice on the way to the shower. His waffles got burnt in the toaster and they were out of syrup. He missed the bus by a minute, watching it drive away from the stop just as he ran up to it. It started raining while he was waiting for the next bus, so of course he got drenched.
He hoped that it had ended there, but no. Eddie got to work fifteen minutes late due to a traffic jam, wet and hungry and already done with today. His boss yelled at him and put him on tape-sorting duty, marking down the new shipment of tapes. Of course, halfway through, his pen exploded and covered him and the sheet he was using, so he had to start over.
By the time the end of his shift had rolled around, Eddie was tired, had a headache the size of Montana, and he was ready to throw himself into the void. Mack, the other guy on shift, patted him on the back and all it did was make his skin crawl. 
The journey home wasn’t much better. The bus was late again, and Eddie couldn’t find a seat so he had to stand. The bottom of his sneaker apparently acquired a random hole and he had to walk back to their apartment with wet socks.
Eddie was done. He was so fucking done that all he wanted to do was crawl into the bed and cry until he couldn’t anymore. He also hoped that Steve wasn’t home yet from work; he was scared that something bad would happen, like they would end up arguing or not speaking to each other.
What Eddie didn’t expect was to come home to a house that smelled a little like heaven. It was warm and he called out, “Steve? That you?” 
“Yup! In the kitchen!”
Eddie toed off his shoes and stripped out of his still damp jacket and hung it up on the rack. He still felt really keyed up from the day he had, so he steeled himself against his own feelings and headed into the kitchen. 
Their table was set. A lasagna was cooling in the center, set on a potholder right next to a spray of daisies. Two beers were set beside their plates, still cold enough that condensation was gathering on the glass. 
Steve himself is dressed in comfortable clothes, bent over the oven and pulling out what looked like cheesy garlic bread. Fuck, if it wasn’t all of Eddie’s favorite things wrapped up in one beautiful little scene. “Hey! I must have timed it just right!”
Eddie felt tears starting to gather in his eyes. “How… how did you know?”
Steve set the garlic bread down on the stove and pulled off his oven mitts before he reached up to cup Eddie’s cheek. “I heard you this morning. And then Mack called me before you left, saying you’d had a pretty shit day. So… I got home a little early and wanted to surprise you with something good.”
Okay, yeah, Eddie was absolutely going to cry now. “For me?”
“Of course, baby. After dinner, I figured we could take a bath together and I could wash your hair? Then we could crawl into bed and watch that new Beetlejuice movie? I grabbed it on the way home.”
“Steve… that…” It sounded incredible. It was perfect. So why was Eddie blubbering like he’d just been told his dog died? 
But Steve, wonderful, beautiful Steve, seemed to just understand. “Because you deserve it. You had a bad day, and I just wanted to make it better. You’d do the same for me, have done it in the past. Let me take care of you, okay?” 
What else could Eddie do but nod?
Dinner was delicious, Eddie ate until he couldn’t anymore, realizing he’d forgotten to eat lunch in the midst of the rest of his terrible day. He listened to Steve talk about what he’d done that day, letting his boyfriend’s words wash over him. 
The bath was just as nice. Even if they were two grown men, they managed to squeeze themselves into their tiny tub. It was ridiculous, but it made Eddie laugh and he felt light for the first time since he’d woken up that morning. Steve had washed his hair, took his time rubbing conditioner through Eddie’s curls, and then it ended up with them wrapping hands around each other’s cock and Eddie panting into Steve’s mouth.
Fuck, but he loved this man so much. 
Loose from the bath and from his orgasm, Eddie crawled into bed with Steve and curled up as the movie started.
“Love you, Eds,” Steve murmured, kissing the top of his head. He grabbed the remote from the bedside table to fast forward through the previews.
Ed smiled into Steve’s collarbone. The day might have started pretty fucking awful, but Steve had turned it right around. Now, it felt like the best day ever.
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Rocky: Well, shit on a waffle and call it syrup, she just—
Mordecai: Don't ever say that again.
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Carpe Noctem 7
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulatin, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You make yourself leave the bathroom, the smell of maple greeting you as Lloyd sets out the cardboard containers at the end of the bed. There's not much in the room besides the bed and television. He smirks as you elude his gaze.
"So, you a waffle girl–"
You take a container without concern for the contents and catch the plastic-wrapped cutlery as it rolls off the top. You turn your back to him and sit on the side of the bed. He sighs, his soles shifting as he slowly struts around the corner.
You flip open the box, balancing it on your lap as you open the fork and knife. You juggle awkwardly to pour the container of maple syrup over the French toast. He looms over you, a hand in the pocket of his powder blue pants.
"You put some ice on that?" He points to your cheek.
"I'm fine," you insist and cut into the eggy bread, "please, just say whatever little speech you have prepared and go."
He walks in front of you and clears his throat. He tugs on his pants before he sits beside you. You scarf down a mouthful, trying to focus on the food over him.
"You really gonna go back to a jackass who would do that to your pretty face?" He leans back on his arm, his shoulder behind yours. Too close for comfort.
"So you came to gloat?" You scoff.
"I came to repay the favour and let me make it clear, I don't do that shit. Favours, what the fuck ever. But baby, most women would left me stewing in that gin–"
"I should have," you scowl.
"But you didn't," he leans his shoulder into yours, "so the least I can do is offer you a place in your time of need."
"Uh huh, you seem like the generous type," you poke at a piece of crust.
"I brought you breakfast," he intones. You look at him sharply and he snickers, "alright, it doesn't come without some… terms."
"Terms?" You frown.
"Look, I don't do that pining bullshit. Sexual tension makes my balls ache, they fill up like pendulums and I can't walk straight–"
"You're disgusting."
"Sure am," he pulls his arm out from behind you and leans his elbows on his legs, "but I'm not gonna lie to your face then bash it in. I just want a little tit…" he looks you up and down, "for tat."
"Don't think of it too deep. We both got needs, even if you can't see it now but I know for a fact you haven't been fucked the way you should and I can do just that. Plus give you a nice room of your own and a place to get away from that man child you call an ex."
"Ex? We didn't–"
"Ugh, don't make me say all that sappy shit but you… don't… he doesn't… deserve… whatever. You know that old cliche."
"Wow, very moving," you close up the box, your appetite shriveled.
You get up, trying to make space between you and him. You put the box down and brace your hips.
"You got your work and life, I got mine. I'm just looking for some stress relief at the end of the day. It's nothing serious. Fuck, high five, go on our way."
You chew your lip. You don't even want to acknowledge the offer. It's gross and slimy. Just like him.
"And I'll help you get your shit from the dickless fuck before he destroys it. Make sure he doesn't go for round two on your mug."
You huff, blowing out air until your lungs thrum. You shake your head. You can't really be considering this.
You could call the twins and… they live with their parents still. Coworkers… they all have kids and families… your mother lives in a totally different city and you can barely be in the same room for more than an hour before you're ready to bawl.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Right," he pulls out his phone, "I'm looking at listings. Nice bachelor for, hm, 2400 a month. Good deal. Oh if you want a one bedroom that'll be another three hundred…"
"Stop. Stop," you face him, "I get it. Okay. I fucking…" you flinch and touch your cheek as it throbs, "I get it."
"Aw, baby face," he stands and nears you, surprising you as he nears and cradles your chin, "you just wait until I meet this fuckboy."
You look at him, defeated. You can't say it. You can't admit it. You're at a dead end and he's the only way out.
"Nah, you don't gotta say it… yet. But we both know the facts. So, you get your stuff, check out, and we'll do this step by step."
He spins and goes to the bed, scooping up your cell phone. You follow him as he keys into the screen and you try to take it from him. He keeps it out of your grasp and grins triumphantly.
"Alright, so my address is in there," he throws it onto the pillow, "I'll meet you there. Also, key code is on there too. Let yourself in."
"What? Where–"
"I got business, we'll debrief later," he winks at you, "in a manner of speaking."
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sailorwritesstuff · 8 months
California girl. Jane Hopper x Fem!reader
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Summary: El mets someone new in California and doesn't understand how her actions affect other people.
Warning: period typical homophobia, internalized homophobia, bullying, reader being called lesbo, cheating, lying, angst, slightly stalkerish behavior (but not in a bad way reader is just observate about El/Jane and nervous to talk to her.)
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'Jane...' you watch closely as the girl passed you in the hall, her tranquil presence invading your personal space but you couldn't seem to make yourself unsettled by it. If anything the smell of Fresh linens, Maple Syrup, and slight undertones of smoke made you want her to come closer. It was peaceful. An aroma that had began growing more familiar by the day after sitting behind her in class for so long.
She stopped walking and her head turned around quickly to see who could possibly be calling for her. You stood completely frozen hand slammed over your own mouth. 'That wasn't supposed to happen' holding in a groan at your own idiocy you watch as her eyebrows knead together in confusion, her head tilts to the side, and her wide eyes wonder a little longer around the hall. Her Brother, Will, seemed to noticed she'd stopped walking and back tracked to check up on her. Placing his hand on her arm and pulling her over to the side of the hallway out of on coming traffic.
"El. Are you ok?" He mumbles gently, not quite a whisper but just loud enough that you could hear from the short distance between you. El. Learning something new about her made your stomach twirl. Maybe it was her middle name. Jane Elle Hopper? Perhaps it was short for something though...Jane Eleanor? Eleanor Jane? Your mind couldn't help but wonder off completely.
Unfortunately, The Warning bell sounded pulling you back to reality.
The rest of the day was blandly normal until your third period English. Your favorite class of the day where you got to sit behind Jane sometimes hearing her talk to her brother about their history class next . Or small things about home. Over the months you'd slowly been soaking in small details not completely on purpose you weren't necessarily spying on her you just happen to be right there. You had learn that they had an older brother named Jonathan, she really REALLY liked waffles but her favorite dinner was cheeseburgers so she got excited on days when her brother got fast food for dinner. They never outright said it but you learned that Jane was adopted by the numerous times she mentioned never having tried something and Will furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her as if she was crazy or the few times she referred to her mom as Joyce by accident. You learned that she loved the colors yellow and purple (much to teachers annoyance because she only did her homework in purple pen) but she hated the color red. All of it, every shade, but especially the dark ones. just small things you picked up were your favorite part about her.
But today was different, Will was gone from class which wasn't uncommon. He often went home due to bad headaches but Jane never stayed alone. The image of her sitting all alone at her desk was enough to throw you off when you came into the room. You pause In the doorway and stared at her for a moment but Jane always seemed to have some kind of sense. She always knew you were staring. she turned and met your eyes and flash you a smile. You felt relief, at least just a bit, she was so pretty. Your admiration for her had been cut off very quickly as you were pushed through the door by another rowdy teen and you quickly stumble to your seat apologizing to the person behind you class started normally nothing seemed wrong other than will not being present there was no talk between the two siblings but the chatter around you was enough to distract from the silent Jane. He wasn't until a few moments before the bell rang that everything went to shit. There was a tack on your shoulder and turned around to be met with a pretty girl with curly hair and a pair of glasses purse on her bulb shaped nose.
"Can you pass this to Jane?"
You took the note cautiously it wasn't a secret that Jane had been bullied often but the girl gave you a smile and winked, "it's good I promise."
You sigh and feel the strange inkling that you might regret this but you pass the note forward anyway and just a few seconds later there's cluttering and there's the sound of backpacks zipping and feet shuffling as most kids rush out of the classroom but Jane remains and her face turns bright red as she turns back to look at you packing your things.
"You think I'm pretty?" She whispers meekly staring at you with her big doe eyes.
You did think she was pretty but how did she know that? had you been obvious in your staring? No, that didn't make sense Jane was a pretty oblivious girl, naive in nature, she was very blunt and didn't understand things unless you said them to her directly. So how did she know? you fumble through a few phrases before you managed to get out
"I um...I...what?"
"The note? You said I'm...pretty."
"The note is-..." You felt your face get warm as you become overwhelmed you had gone from contently being in the background of her life to suddenly feeling like the center point of an episode in her show. You glance at the note hanging loosely Jane's hand. 'i think you're so pretty,Jane. I'm a huge lesbo for you." And in a handwriting not like your own at all was signed your name A couple of snickers could be heard from the door returned and see the girl from before the one with the glasses standing next to the asshole and mythic bitch that was Angela.
"aw look. They'll be on a date in no time." She smiled and it was wicked and sinister one of those looks that made you just want to wipe it off someone's face. filled with both embarrassment and rage you quickly collected your things, spilling a few empty papers for being too upset to go back as you roughly push past Angela and her posse and make it halfway to your locker before you could feel the tears in your eyes.
They'll be on a date in no time... The phrase rattled around in your head. You couldn't date Jane it didn't work that way. You'd gone quickly into the bathroom hiding away from the world... from Angela... from her.
You tuck your way into a stall and let the tears fall down your face with hush breaths and chest hiccups why did they have to say that why did you have to be involved? Jane probably thinks that you sent it to fuck with her. Your brain begins convincing you she probably thinks you're gay and in love with her. The realization makes your body shake. Were you in love with her?
"Y/n?" A voice called out from the door. "Are you in here? It's...Jane."
You hold your breath and wait hoping she'd leave. "Ok I guess not..."
"wait." Your voice is wet with tears and doesn't sound quite like you but you slide your body closer to the stall door and lean your back against it "Don't go."
Jane clammers down in front of the door and you can feel the heat of her back pressed against yours at the small opening at the bottom. "Are you...ok?"
"why not?"
"the Note." You grumbled. She really didn't understand.
"I think your note was very nice. I think you're pretty too." She beams.
"I...I didn't write the note."
The bathroom grew silent and then Jane let out a small "oh."
"not that I don't think you're pretty. I think you're gorgeous. Just... That word they called me."
"Lesbo?" She sounds innocent about it and you get a feeling that she doesn't know what it means but her tone seems displeased about it. Likes she's upset that it's upsetting you.
"is a mean word. For girls who like girls." You say and did silent for a while your brain starts to wander 'great now she thinks I'm weird'
"that's stupid." She finally decided
"why can't girls like girls?"
"because..." You start. Why COULDN'T they? Because they couldn't have kids? Good you didn't want any anyway. "I don't know."
"I'd like to go on a date with you."
"Angela she said we'd be on a date soon" she stopped as if to let the information sink in "I'd like to go on a date. With you."
You push yourself away from the door quickly and unlock it forgetting that she was leaning on the other side. She falls inward and her head falls into your lap. She gives you a cheeky smile. "Hello."
"did you mean it?" You don't smile back and instead wipe away at your wet face in an attempted to look pretty for her.
"yes, a date! For cheese burgers."
"I...i think I...I'd like that." You manage slowly
"We are very late to class." Jane hums thoughtfully
"Maybe we can...skip?" She looks at you nervous as if not sure that that was the right word. But you just look at the "good girl" Jane in disbelief. "Hello?"
"y-yeah! We can go get freezy drinks from the corner store and be back before your ride is here to get you."
"you're going to love them!" The two of you pick up your things off the floor and scary to the entrance to the bathroom, you stick your head out and look both ways before pushing the door open grabbing Jane's soft hands and pulling her towards the school exit. Running past lockers and classrooms to make it out the door without being spotted. To your left you could hear Jane laughing once you made it outside of the building and you glace to see her head thrown back in genuine happiness she looked beautiful. The rest of the Walk was filled with banter. Jane trying to get to know you through her limited understanding of social norms asking things like your favorite color and what you liked to eat until you made the short walk from school to the nearest 7-Eleven just a few blocks away.
"ta-da" you wave your hands as if you cast it some sort of magic spell in front of you I should showcase the slushy machine filled with four flavors, the mandatory blue and red accompanied by Cherry Coke and green apple. "Freezy drink machine."
She seemed almost captivated by the way that the liquid swirled in the little containers. "Green is very pretty." She muttered. Tapping the plastic with her finger. You grab a cup from the sleeve on the wall and press it into her hand.
"here you just pull this down like this" you demonstrate carefully watching her face light up at the task. It was wonderful how she found joy in the mundane. You pick your own flavor and find the lid and straw before helping her do the same. "there. Perfect. Want a snack?"
Jane looked thoughtfully around the store until her eyes will be under rotating hot dog station. "Hotdog."
"one hot dog for the lady coming right up." You smile venturing up front to talk to the cashier a polite older lady who found the two of you cute. It wasn't often that she seen a kid at your age that hadn't tried a slushie before. She was a bit chatty but not nearly enough to stop you from smiling. You were on a sorta date.
The weekend that passed in anticipation of seeing Jane the following Monday was excruciatingly slow.
Weeks pass and new partnership became almost routine. Jane met you enthusiastically everyday at the front entrance of the school the two of you ate lunch together in the corner of the cafeteria just the two of you and her brother, Will. Sometimes in the morning you brought her a slushie. Blue or green but never red, Jane didn't like red. Sometimes in the morning she brought you a toasted waffle stored in a ziplock bag 'to keep the warm' she'd said. But everyday now you chatted in class instead of listening to her chatter with her brother. Everyday you walked her to her ride home.
And on the weekend you went to 7-Eleven. You had been planning to make time for a real cheeseburger date just like she had requested. But it seemed between the two of you something was always coming out if you were free Jane was busy hanging out with her brother if she was free you were busy with your extracurriculars it just never seemed to be a good time but this weekend you knew it it had to be perfect Jane hadn't expressed having any plans begin and you hadn't either
That's how you found yourself fidgeting on the Byer's front door anxiously holding three nearly perfect daisy's. It wasn't chained that opened the door what her older brother Jonathan met a couple of times when you walked her to his car. He looks high.
"Uh..." He glanced over his shoulder, you wince, he was definitely high. "Hey man."
"is Jane home?" You decide to play along talking to him as if you didn't know he was absolutely blitzed.
"Yeah...yeah she's got um....guests from back home though..." He explains with an empathetic frown. She hadn't said anything was happening this weekend a friend coming from home seemed like something you tell your girlfriend.
"Oh that's okay." you lie through your teeth. "Tell her I dropped by?"
"Yeah, yeah...I will."
"Jonathan, Will says who's at the door? Is it pizza..." A boy says he's tall, with long hair, and a face like he's hiding a frog in his mouth. He's holding hands with a girl. He's holding hands with Jane. Your brain swirls.
Jane comes around the corner holding hands with a boy you've never met before. He must be their...guest.
"Jane." You smile. Despite everything, upset she hadn't told you she had plans and being sad you hadn't been spending a lot of time together recently, you smile. She smiles back and gives a meek wave.
"y/n!" She rushes to hug you and the smell of maple syrup and markers is comforting.
"oh oh!" She pulled back excitedly once again grabbing the boys arm and pulling him towards you. "You have to meet Mike."
"This is Mike, my boyfriend. Mike this is Y/n, my Girlfriend." And your world shattered around you. Suddenly there was only Mike and El and how close they stood together. Your finger twitched in anger but your eyes felt heavy. It bugged you that you could tell Mike didn't feel angry, but maybe he just didn't understand. Maybe he thought girlfriend like friend who's a girl. they hang out they must be the best of friends. But you knew that wasn't right. There had been no way Jane only saw you as a friend. She had kissed you. You were meant to go on a date...for cheese burgers.
"hi, Mike." You extend your hand. "I'm sorry I must have gotten the wrong day I didn't know Jane had friends over. I thought we were supposed to hang out today...my mistake."
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slutforsnow · 8 months
His Sunflower
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Chapter 4 :3
CW/TW: murder talk
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As the next 3 months went by, they were semi-peaceful. Sunni was happy, floating between her friend groups/study sessions and painting in her free time. When Sunni wasn't around Festus, Arachne, and Clemensia or Sejanus and Coriolanus, she'd be painting in her room or the empty art classroom after school.
Coryo and Sej were constantly following Sunni when she announced she was going with the girls, which almost always included Festus. They'd pretend they were doing school work for photography, when in all actuality, they were taking pictures of the 4 together to make sure Festus or the girls weren't getting handsy. It was unlikely for Arachne or Clemensia, but the duo had a feeling they two girls had something going on. If they were caught, which only happened twice, they claimed it was part of a club or taking photos for the art classes to use as references.
On the morning of 4th week's Sunday, Sejanus and Coryo agreed that it was time to tell Sunni why she shouldn't be sound the other 3.
"Morning, Sej!" Sunni greeted, sliding down the railing that led into the foyer as Sejanus trudged his tired body to the kitchen.
"Mornin', Sunni," He greeted with a yawn and stretching. "Listen, we gotta talk."
"About what?" She asked, grabbing a bowl of fruit from the marble and gold lined countertop. She grabbed herself a plate and began to add some waffles to it.
"About your... friendship... with Festus Creed," He told her, grabbing a plateful of pancakes that the Avoxes had made. Sunni giggled as she poured syrup on her waffles.
"I think you mean relationship." Sejanus almost choked on his pancake from how hard he had coughed. Her what now?
"Your... what?!"
"I'm dating Festus!" She exclaimed, beaming up at Sejanus before grabbing a fork and beginning to dive into her breakfast.
Sejanus had never been more horrified in his life. His cousin is dating FESTUS??? He'd rather her date his best friend over Festus.
"Tell me you're joking."
"Nope! He asked me out a few days ago; he asked me not to tell you or Cori—oh by the way, I gave Snow a new nickname! Better than calling him Coriolanus, ya know?" She began to ramble, and Sejanus felt like he was going to explode. He was going to wring Festus' neck like a wet rag.
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"She's WHAT?!" Coriolanus yelled before Sejanus cover his friend's mouth.
"Shut up!!" He hissed, looking around to make sure no one heard him
"Sorry, but she's dating Festus?! The dirtbag player?!" He asked, lowering his voice.
"Yes, unfortunately! I'm gonna wring his neck out-" Sejanus began before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. No one needed to hear his murderous thoughts yet.
"I'm getting the shovel," Coryo stated, standing before his icy stare landed on the couple. Sunni was giggling and laughing as Festus was pressing kisses all over her face. Jealousy shot through Coryo's body like caffeine. He was going to kill him.
"As much as I want you to, no. We can't go to jail," Sejanus replied, pulling Coriolanus down again to sit.
"Jail will be fine-"
"Bail fees. Remember what happened last time you went to jail?" Sejanus inquired.
"Shit. Well, what do we do then? Wait it out?" He asked, hoping Sej would have a plan.
"Double down on our... protective measures. But we can't do much without the possibility of Sunni catching on."
"Wait, isn't Clemmie hosting a party next week? To celebrate the end of mid-terms?" Coryo asked, getting an idea.
"Yeah, why? You got an idea to expose them for the phonies they are?"
"Yeah, it'll take a bit to put in motion, though. And before you ask, no, there's no murder. That's plan C."
"What's plan B?"
"Your idea."
"What idea?"
"Whatever idea you think of during midterms."
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 24)
Tw: Yves is fucking fuming, jealous n shit , mentions of cheating, Montgomery being touchy
part 25
Another day has gone by. You collapsed on your bed again, only to be woken up by Evangeline's incessant calling.
It's morning already? You groaned and kicked your legs in the air, throwing a tantrum that you couldn't sleep in.
You didn't even pick up the phone, you went straight to freshening yourself up. Not realizing that you received a missed call from Yves instead.
"Mx. (name), we are here!" You choked on your own snore. You must have fallen asleep in Mr. Jones's car.
You shook your head, muttering thanks as you got out of the car, all bleary and groggy. You skipped breakfast again. The extra meals Yves made all went to your housemate's bottomless pits they called stomachs. You're sure the breakfasts he prepared ahead of time were as delicious as his lunches or dinners, but you couldn't be bothered to eat them. It's not like you're starving in the morning anyway.
Mr. Jones drove off leaving you to yawn and scratch your back in peace.
But you let out a scream when a car blared its horns at you.
You turned around to see Montgomery sticking his head out of his car, holding something in his hands while the other was on his steering wheel.
"Mornin' sweetheart!" He greeted, beckoning you to come closer. "I got ya' breakfast!" He lifted up the paper bag with edible oil stains, and you stared at it.
"C'mon, baby. I ain't got all day." He waved it up and down. You took a couple steps forward and grabbed it with great hesitance.
"Have fun at school today, honey!" He reached out to pinch your cheek. Montgomery gently shook your head by the mass of flesh he was holding. You swatted his hand away, but before you could complain, Montgomery already drove off. Leaving you to eat his dust.
You noted that his car looked a lot better than it was. He had a new paint coat done and his bumper was fixed. How much did Mr. Jones give him?
You sniffed the item he gave you. It smells... greasy.
You opened it to see fried chicken and waffles, neatly wrapped in a piece of baking paper. You noted the lack of drinks, but there was $10 next to it and a note that said:
"4 ur drinks XOXO"
You grimaced, why did let the cash directly get into contact with the food? You picked it out using your thumb and your forefinger, flicking off any maple syrup before walking away.
You pulled your phone out to check the time. You're actually early for once! With half an hour to spare too.
Your eyes then widened at Yves's missed call. He didn't send any good morning texts today.
So you called back as fast as you could. It didn't take more than a few seconds before Yves picked it up. You began apologizing profusely, telling him how busy you were in the last three days.
"Of course you were." He replied, his tone was cold. "I am glad you are enjoying your time with your new... friend."
You scratched the back of your head. He's upset and you don't know what to say. You didn't have to, because Yves continued talking.
"...so much so, that you've been ignoring my texts, my calls... all in favor of Jones's daughter."
You stayed silent and so did he. There was no shuffling of papers, clinking of utensils, or busy chattering in the background. He must be standing or sitting completely still, alone in his hotel room.
That is true. You haven't seen all the pictures he sent from Monday. You remembered you promised to call back on Tuesday, but it's now Wednesday. Radio silence on your part.
You sighed and told him that you were sorry. A sense of deja vu washed over you when you asked how you could make up to him.
You heard something being poured into glassware. There were a few seconds of quietness between you two. You can hear liquid swishing around in a vessel.
You called out for Yves, asking if he's still there.
"I miss you, (name). How could you do this to me?" His voice was softer and slightly wavering.
Guilt stabbed through your chest as soon as his hurt reached your ears. You apologized once more, feeling as if the word had lost its meaning since you used it too much. You asked again, what you could do to make it okay, what could you do to make Yves forgive you.
Then more pouring of this mysterious liquid could be heard.
You pulled it away from your ear to look at the time. Three whole minutes of no verbal exchange have elapsed.
You put it back to your ear and called his name.
"(Name), I want you to do something."
You told him, yes, you would do anything.
"Answer my calls, please." You agreed and promised him that you would do that. However, he cut you off mid-sentence.
"I loved hearing you speak about your thoughts. I was heartbroken and bitter beyond belief when you took that pleasure away from me and gave it to Jones's daughter." Yves's voice wasn't raised, but you could hear the venom dripping from it when he referred to Evangeline.
You gave into your reflex to defend yourself, saying that you have a life here, you're swamped by schoolwork, and numerous other changes in your life. So you didn't have enough time or energy to spare telling him all the details.
"Must I remind you that I do not take too kindly to disloyalty? I only have eyes for you, (name). But it seems like you have eyes for someone else."
You let out a gasp and panicked. You assured him that there wasn't anything going on between you and her. She's just your friend, well your only friend so far. You just didn't want to bore her away!
He hummed in response, ominously. You felt like you were in a block of ice, You have never heard Yves sounding this steely.
You were speechless. Yves has nothing to say, but he still wants to be on the phone with you.
"Hello, (Name)!" You inhaled sharply when you saw Evangeline cheerfully greeting you. Her voice is loud enough for Yves to pick up.
He did not say a word, instead, opting to wait and see what you would do for him.
You froze, alternating your gaze between her and the floor and the sky. She looked confused as to why you were freaking out right before her very eyes.
"Is that Sir Yves?" She asked loudly. You pressed your finger to your lips, gesturing her to be silent.
"Is he mad at you, (name)?" This girl cannot read the room! You mouthed at her to go away for a while, you need some privacy with Yves.
"I could talk to him if you want. I'd say I'm a good mediator myself." She smiled and tilted her head to the side.
You looked at the screen. It's deathly quiet, you thought maybe he hung up and you could deal with him later at home. But to your dismay, the call is still going.
"Hi, Sir Yves! This is Evangeline, how was your day?" She tried speaking into the phone, but you pushed her away and said that it wasn't an appropriate course of action.
You took a couple of steps away from her and pressed the phone back to your ear. Yves did not respond to Evangeline's polite yet strange behavior.
You gulped and asked him if he wanted to talk to Evangeline.
"(Name)." He finally spoke. You responded with a 'yes'?
"I want you to think about this from my perspective."
You waited for a few seconds for his next instruction or piece of wisdom.
"Reflect on all the things you did or did not do for me since Monday." Yves gave you a minute to let his words sink into your psyche.
You fidgeted in place uncomfortably, you were definitely neglecting him although he did everything he could to ensure your well-being was taken care of, even if he was a whole continent away from you.
"(name)." He demanded for your attention again. You ensured he knows that you're giving it to him now.
"Think about the reasons behind your recent behavior."
Evangeline. Mostly. You felt the need to please her as your only friend. But your exhaustion was due to Montgomery's antics.
"Think about how I must have felt." You felt the shame sear through your entire being. Yves must have felt betrayed by you. To the point that he thinks you're cheating on him with Evangeline.
You let an apology slip your lips once more. But Yves ignored it and proceeded with his lecture.
"Now, base your answer on what you have gathered." There was a beat of silence.
"Do you think I have any desire to speak to her?" Some hostile inflections within that sentence sent shudders throughout your body. You should choose your words very carefully.
You took a few moments to think over the facts before replying to Yves.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation - Part Seventeen
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Request: yes but I have lost it
CW: pregnancy, doctors, a lil spicy, oral and breeding kink kinda vibe, nothing like crazy
A/N: sorry for the wait I was on a trip to see my familyyyyyy I forget who requested this :):) but someone wanted more about the pregnancy and I needed something light and easy to get back into the swing of things - gonna get maybe 3 parts this week !!!!
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After the discovery of your pregnancy, you both waited to tell anyone outside of immediate family for several weeks.
Of course, that was the intention.
But things never go according to plan, do they?
Obviously, as your doctor – Shoko found out first. Well, technically – Gojo was the first, then you, then Shoko. Then Nanami walked in and found out. You obviously couldn’t keep such huge news from Megumi, so you told him after a few days.
“Hey ‘Gumi, can you pass me the syrup?” You say to the boy beside you. It had been Saturday morning tradition to have waffles (the only thing Satoru exceeds at making) for about 7 years by now, you no longer had Tsumiki – but it was still important to gather together, you hoped you could still do it every few weeks once Megumi starts at Jujutsu High in a few months. Today though, you and Satoru had made extra tiny waffles and put out a small plate and a small cup. Megumi, never the best in the morning, had yet not noticed the odd place setting and ill-fitting waffles.
But it didn’t take long.
“Why are the waffles so small?” He sleepily asks Satoru.
“For tiny hands, Megumi! Duh! Silly sausage!” He laughs at him, with a wink at you.
“Gotta gets practicing, good sizing ‘toru.” You say, winking back.
Megumi looks so confused between you both but brushes it off as the fact that both his parents are insane.
He eats another waffle (he’s a growing boy), and watches Satoru pile fudge and syrup on his and you put crushed Oreo’s and white chocolate sauce on yours and then moves to grab the coffee pot, when he sees the tiny plate and tiny cup.
“Are you two trying some Alice in Wonderland shit?” He says, completely aware of the harebrained schemes you both concoct.
“Nah.” Satoru says, shaking his head.
“Just getting used to having a little one at the table is all.” You shrug, as if this is a totally casual thing to say.
Megumi’s face remains uninterested if slightly irked for a few seconds before his eyes widen and jaws drops.
“Wait – mom, are you pregnant?” He asks staring at you.
“Yeah, sweetie.”
“Holy shit.”
“That’s what I said.” Satoru chimes in.
“Are you like – okay?” Asks Megumi and you nearly giggle at his awkwardness.
“A little nauseous and tired, but me and the baby are super healthy. You’ll have a baby sister or brother in 7 months' time.” You lean back in your chair with a hand on your slightly bloated belly.
“It’s definitely a boy! And we’re gonna call him Megumi 2.0.” Satoru chimes in.
“No, we’re not.” Megumi replies – sterner than a 15-year-old should be.
“Okay then how about Satoru Junior?” Suggests your husband.
“No.” You mutter, giggling at your boys.
Silence falls as you laugh.
Megumi is looking at the table, and you worry he is unhappy with the news.
But that’s swiftly assuaged.
“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl - it’s gonna be really cool to have a baby around. I always liked the idea of being a big brother.” He shrugs, still looking at the table but you can see a small smile on his face and you and Satoru exchange smiles because for Megumi, this is the equivalent of jumping up and down in happiness.
You asked Megumi to keep it to himself until you were 3 months, he wasn’t really your concern – Satoru was the issue. He could barely contain himself.
At week 14, you were sitting waiting to hear from Shoko whether the little one was a boy or a girl, Satoru had taken to calling the baby ‘lil’mochi’ and you just about melted every time.
“Gojo, Y/N – I would like to formally introduce you to –” Shoko says as she turns the screen of the ultrasound machine toward you.
“Your son.”
You let out a sob and Satoru let’s put a cheer as you leap and wrap your arms around him.
“We’re gonna have a baby boy, ‘toru! Mochi is a boy!”
“Hi Satoru Junior!” He says pressing kisses all over your tummy.
You told the rest of the students by getting them all T-shirts with ‘Gojo Babysitting Gang’ on them, squeals from Nobara and tears from Yuuji and Panda and cheers from Inumaki and Maki rang out across the field that day.
As your belly started to grow, your family became so protective that you never walked across the school alone. Megumi was tentative around you, completely unsure of how to handle and approach you, a pregnant woman, but Satoru was the worst.
He had become insatiable. Even more than usual. The first time you turned sideways, and he noticed your tiny bump underneath your pyjamas he went feral, thighs over his shoulders and you pinned against the walls as he worshiped you like a goddess on his knees.
The bigger the bump got, the worse it got.
“Satoru – you can’t get me any more damn pregnant.” You giggled one day as he wiggled your panties down your legs.
“I’m the strongest, I can do anything Princess. Just look so damn pretty, fuck, look at ya, all round with my baby.”
He had taken to loving having you on top, swollen tits bouncing in his face with every rise of your body. There was just something about every single person knowing that he had done that, you were swollen and glowing and plump with his child – that inside you was his baby.
You of course, weren’t complaining – hormones making everything so sensitive that your husband’s already phenomenal talents were even more valuable to your heightened body.
He was so soft with you too, bathing you when you got to the end of your pregnancy, catering to any craving, he would rub Shea butter into your bump with you laying with your back to his chest every night and then he’d put his hand on your lap so he could talk to the baby as you played with his hair.
You were his world, his princess, and you were making a whole entire human – he thinks you might actually be the strongest.
The nursery you guys had decorated was perfect. Forest green walls, fairy lights and toadstool lamps decorating the room – all the furniture vintage and dark wood and the crib for when the baby was older surrounded by the softest sheets money could buy.
The day you were waiting for wasn’t coming as fast as you wanted. You were two weeks overdue now – it was June, it was hot, it was humid and you were getting miserable. You were heavy and sweaty and tired and this damn baby was as stubborn as it’s father. You had taken maternity leave from teaching at the school a month ago but you still somehow ended up there daily. Today, loose flowing maternity dress decorated with strawberries swaying around you, you carried a basket of goodies toward the training field where you knew your husband would be with the first years.
“Guys! Stop! There’s a goddess on the field!” Satoru shouts at the kids, dropping to his knees in front of you and pressing kisses to the bump – receiving a few kicks at the sound of their papa's voice.
“Hi Y/N!” Yuuji says.
“Y/N! You’re the most stylish pregnant woman I think I’ve ever seen, omg!” Nobara squeals.
“Hey mom.” A shrug from Megumi.
“I brought snacks, I was bored as shit at home - there’s mochi and candied fruit, some sandwiches and lemonade.” You say, placing the picnic basket beside you.
“You okay, Princess?” Satoru rises and pulls you into his chest and kisses the crown of your head and you melt into him, feeling at ease now he’s with you. A twinge in your tummy, another Braxton hick's contraction.
“It’s hot and your baby is stubborn.” You mutter, pouting.
“He’s like his momma.”
“He’s like his papa.”
“He’s like you both.” Comes from Megumi who has opened the sandwiches.
He might be right.
You both sit and rest with the first years when you begin talking about your cursed technique and its effects.
“Vine whip? That sounds awesome!” Yuuji shouts.
You stand (with a lot of effort and help from Satoru) and reached out your arms, pointing it at a distant training dummy and using your technique to wrap a vine around them and then smack it to the ground.
You froze.
Cheers erupted from your tiny audience.
You slowly turned.
“‘Toru.” Your eyes widened.
“It’s time.”
“Time for what?” He cocks his head – the kids are looking between you both.
“‘Toru, my water just broke.”
A beat of silence as everyone’s eyes drops and see the little wet patch of grass by your feet.
“Holy shit!”
And with that you were lifted bridal style and sprinted toward Shoko’s office – choruses of ‘we love you!’ And ‘you got this’ echoing from the field.
Akio Ryu Tadashi Gojo was born 13 hours later.
And welcomed by the most adoring, loving, doting parents the world had seen.
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unforgettwble-sumii · 2 years
BLUFF ଓ ˖˚⊹
[ Wednesday x Fem!reader ] PART - 1
> The reader trying to hide her feelings from Wednesday, in fear of rejection. However, little does she know that her one and only true love reciprocates her feelings.
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🔵 [ Swearing/cursing | talking cat (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ | I think I'll have to do parts, this was supposed to be a short oneshot but I got ahead of myself]
[Monday, 5:30 a.m]
It was a typical morning in Nevermore. It was actually a beautiful sunny day today. Some of the light from the sun shined through your window.
The birds on the trees were chirping and you could hear some chattering noises from a few of the students outside your dorm.
Actually, probably all of the students were up by now.
Except you. You pulled an all nighter last night to study for an exam in miss Thornhill's class.
"ughhhh...shit. my head aches soooo baddd" You woke up groaning. You turned to the other side where your nightstand was.
"5:35 a.m!? Shoot, I'm gonna miss breakfast!!!" You said jumping off your bed and sprinted to the bathroom to get yourself ready.
To be honest, you really didn't want to get off of your comfortable bed, I mean who would want to??? It's literally still 5 am in the morning. But, you had an exam at 7:30 a.m and missing it would cause you to get an F on your report card.
And since you were classified as one of the top students, you wouldn't want that now would you?
You wore the typical black and blue uniform, You styled your hair in an easy but quick hairstyle and placed a white bow on it to add a bit of personality.
You looked over to your roommates bed, Yoko. "Of course she isn't here" you playfully rolled your eyes.
You got your school bag and waved goodbye to your black cat. "Bye Selvester. I'll be back later, don't get into too much trouble, okay kitty?"
You said waving to the adorable yet grumpy kitty that was sitting on an open area infront of your window.
"yeah yeah, now go run off kid. You'll be late." The black cat said with a meow in the end. The adorable thing yawned and continued his disturbed sleep.
"hehe" you giggled. And with that, you ran of to the quad to get breakfast. Or at least you hoped that there was still breakfast.
[5:50 a.m]
When you arrived at the quad you saw some of the students had finished eating and was going over some lessons for Miss Thornhill's exam.
You quickly went over to the table where your friends were sitting.
"hey, guys!" You said with a closed eye smile.
"heyyyyy, Y/N!" Enid said with her usual smile.
"Y/N how was your sleep? Actually, I guess it was good since you over slept" Yoko said as she and the others laughed and giggled.
"heyyyy! It isn't funny" you said with a fake pout that turned into a laugh after.
"I gotta be fr with you guys but my sleep was really meh" you sighed.
"We can tell with the dark circles under your eyes." Wednesday said, she was right behind you.
"AHHH- WTF-!? oh, hello wen!" You said with a smile, and scratching the back of your neck. You really didn't mean to scream.
"Don't call me that unless you want me to tear your larynx off." She said with her usual deadpanned expression.
"oh right... hahahahah" you said with an awkward laugh. Your cheeks were lightly coated with pink blush.
"oh Y/N? Where's your food?" Enid asked concern lacing her voice.
"Oh, right. Uhm I kinda forgot but honestly I think that they already ran out and all they have is rancid cereal, yuck" you said cringing at the thought of it.
"I think I'll skip it today" a sheepish smile plastered on your face as you said that.
"No don't." Wednesday said handing you a tray of your favourite breakfast foods.
A blueberry waffle with syrup, white frosting sprinkled with blue and white sprinkles. And ofcourse, a medium sized cup of hot cocoa.
"....woahhhh!!! Wen, how did you know this was my favorite??" Your eyes twinkled in excitement.
"First of all, the nickname. And second, you eat it every morning. I figured since I knew how....chaotic and very annoying you get when you didn't get to eat in the morning, I got you breakfast." She said as her eyes focused on your face the whole time.
"thankyouuuu!!!" You said practically jumping up and down in excitement.
Wednesday quietly sighed and watched as you ate your breakfast.
[7:26 a.m]
"Hello everybody, today as you all know, we'll be having a very big exam. It'll contribute 70% of your grade in my class. So I hope you guys studied well." Miss Thornhill said with a smile as she placed the copies of the exam on her desk.
She handed out the exam papers and made it clear to use a pencil incase of any mistakes.
You were rummaging through your bag for your pencil pouch but to your dismay, you couldn't find it. You then remember where it was. It was on your desk.
'shit' you mentally cursed at yourself. How could you be so forgetful? At this point, you were practically sweating.
A certain someone beside you noticed your distress and slided you a pencil.
You noticed the pencil roll to your side of the desk and you picked it up. You were about to turn to your side in order to thank the person who gave you the pencil but, they beat you to it.
"You don't have to thank me. I just thought of giving it to you since you looked like an idiot about to cry."
"thankyouuu so much Addams!!!! I was about to cry myself shitless" you exclaimed about to hug her but then you realized that it would make her uncomfortable so you stopped yourself from doing so.
"Yes, I saw and didn't I just say not to- nevermind." She happened to notice that you didn't call her by the usual stupid nickname that you gave her. 'weird' she lightly frowned.
She rolled her eyes and noticed that you were about to move closer for a hug, but you stopped yourself. That made her lips curl up just a little, not too much for you to notice though.
She was glad that you remembered that she doesn't enjoy skin to skin contact. She felt like there were disgusting butterflies in her stomach.
She didn't understand why but, everytime she sees you she feels the same way everytime. Confused, happy and other disgusting emotions.
You made her feel things. Things that even she didn't know she was capable of feeling. You were her love, and she was yours. However, both of you failed to recognize each other's feelings.
"Alright everybody, it's already 7:30 a.m which means, exam time!!!" Miss Thornhill said throwing her hands up in the air to show how excited she was.
"I wish you guys well and I hope everybody passes with flying colors! You each have 1-2 hours to complete this exam since it's a little long. Oh and before I forget, no cheating or talking to your seatmates please." She said glancing over to a certain student, that caused them to giggle.
And with that everyone started to answer their exam, some of them already being stuck on the first question.
Before you started to answer your exam, you quickly looked at her, flashed her a smile and a "Break a leg, Addams." You said with a grin on your face.
"You too, L/N"
Okay, this took longer than expected. I was just gonna do a small and short oneshot however, my brain had different plans. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
I promise to make Part - 2 as soon as I can : *
But for now, that's all. Thankyou so much for reading and I also appreciate the love and support on my previous oneshots!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
luv u all, xoxo!! ♡ - unforgettwble-sumii
©unforgettwble-sumii's work. Pls do not repost, steal modify, or translate.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Snippets of the Travis Stoll fic because i need motivation:
“I’m mature because you left me to take care of an entire cabin of people when I was twelve.” Travis rubs his arms self-consciously. “I had to grow up. Kids would die if I didn’t.”
Travis Stoll loses his virginity when he is twelve years to a sixteen year old daughter of Demeter on the grass behind the Ares cabin, and honestly, he wishes that their landmines had blown him up.
He is twelve years old and a counselor now, and Tammy is in charge of the camp store.
He's counselor now. The children shivering on the floor of cabin eleven, they're his responsibility.
But he doesn't have enough money for blankets and toiletries, and Tammy-- Tammy tells him that if he comes with her and does what she asks, she'll give both of them to him for free, so he does.
He goes with her.
He's twelve years old. He knows what rape is. Knows this isn't it, because he consented, right?
Travis’ leg is bouncing up and down. It’s a bit rhythmatic, and calming, if anything could be considered calm.  He’s tense, and stiff, and the sound makes him wince every once in a while, when he forgets it’s his leg that’s tapping on the cool flooring, and not someone else’s winding footsteps. Malcolm would just pop! Into existance, scaring the shit out of Travis, but at least letting him know it wasn’t someone else, but… Travis doesn’t want Cecil, or Connor, -or anyone else really- to see him like this. 
Not now, when they’re all so scared- when he’s so scared. 
“Come on,” Travis fake whines at one point in an attempt to forget everything, “Drop the illusion! Become your true self!” He pouts, as Malcolm continues to ignore him, typing something without looking, at a speed that most would probably consider fast.  “Your authentic identity! Drop all pretences in a society that worships fakeness! Embrace your realist inner spirit! Should I go on?”
Malcolm sighs, and while he rolls his eyes, he mutters, “You’ve been spending too much time in Cabin Ten.”
“Have not,” Travis scoffs.
“Have so,” but he shifts anyway, ceasing the- admittedly childish- argument (which was not cool, thank you very much, some of us have bad and annoying coping methods, Malcolm-), the short blond hair shifting to a slightly longer, curlier brown, and the grey eyes turning green. 
It didn’t change much, really- Malcolm was still incredibly short- seriously, 5’2?-  but Malcolm now had two bandages around his mouth and nose which were slightly wrinkled due to his mouth being shut. 
Travis assumed Connor put them on. Malcolm often didn’t bother with bandages, and Drew was more clinical in her approach. It didn’t matter, really, except it made Travis wonder if Malcolm was missing them. His friends. His friends Travis has taken from-
Malcolm nudges him, whispering, “Hey. You alright?”
Travis opens his mouth to respond, but the only thing to come out is a strangled sigh. 
Travis is prone to wandering. He thinks it might be a Hermes kid thing, the reasoning spread somewhere in between the cabin being so incredibly small that you share bunks and sleep on the floor, and that if you ever have to go to the bathroom in the night, chances are the entire cabin knows about it because they either get stepped on, or move, or the fact that Hermes is the god of travel.
Travis doesn’t really like either explanation- he was selfish like that, wanting one thing to himself, just one thing, but, well. He was counselor, wasn’t he. Chiron always said, counselors have to share, counselors have to–
Why isn’t he allowed to be selfish?
Travis started in on the waffle fries, drizzling them with syrup first. 
 “You know they’re called waffle fries,” Malcolm pointed out, looking slightly disgusted, “because of the shape, not because they’re actually made of waffles.”
“Don’t limit me.”
“It’s another cabin eleven thing, isn’t it?”
“Camp thing, really. Surprised you haven’t noticed yet- you’ve been here, what, two years now?”
“It’s not like I often go to the dining pavilion,” Malcolm retorted, and Travis gives a Cheshire Cat grin at the opening Malcolm has given him.
“So you admit you never eat? Cause you know what that sounds li-”
“I do not have an eating disorder, I simply prefer eating in the kitchen before everyone else.”
“So what problem did this come from- ooh, wait no, let me guess- it is because,” Travis waved his arms for dramatic affect, “you were having too many sensory overloads so you got permission to eat in the kitchens, come on, Mr. Pace, congratulate me!” Travis half bowed in his seat, but Malcolm didn’t seem to notice, staring at his own hands a moment too long. 
“Hey,” Travis tries. “You okay?”
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headcanonthings · 25 days
Richie: Well, shit on a waffle and call it syrup, she just— Eddie: Don't ever say that again.
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snowdepths · 21 days
It was another beautiful summer day in Forest Hills with the sunshine beaming in through the venetians and the smell of cigarettes lingering from the ashtray on the bedside table. And Eddie was about to lose his cool first thing in the morning.
"Turn it down, now! I'm serious!"
Moments passed. The music got louder.
Eddie kicked his sheets off and stumbled into the living room. This was the last fucking time he was getting woken up by Joey Ramone. Eleven was upside down on the couch, with her feet in the air and her hair brushing the floor. He slapped one of her feet.
"Turn this shit off, are you for real right now?!"
"What! I can't hear you, Eddie!"
The little brat was laughing at him. She'd just blasted his eardrums out of slumber at twelve o'clock in the goddamn morning and now she was laughing at him.
He slammed the eject button on the tape deck and the trailer became blessedly silent. Eleven let out a little huff, and Eddie was sure she was just going to press play again as soon as he walked away. He cased her tape back up and grabbed the tape deck. He deserved a little Iron Maiden time.
"If Uncle Wayne was home he would yell at you, you know." she called after him, and he snorted. "I walked so many dogs to pay for that."
It was true, El had been picking up odd jobs here and there and storing away the cash in the little piggy bank Wayne got her that was shaped like the cheshire cat. When Eddie had asked her what she was gonna spend her hard-earned money on and she'd said 'music', he'd never felt prouder of her. He thought about taking her straight to the record store and letting her pick something out, but she was insistent on paying for it herself. When she had come home with a Ramone's casette and announced she had discovered she likes punk rock, Eddie decided he was going to put her on some other family's doorstep and they could take her in instead.
"Wayne just takes your side all the time 'cuz you're the little kid, not 'cuz you're always right."
When Eddie looked back at Eleven, he was shocked to see her upset. She was glaring up a storm in his direction. She did that sometimes and he'd stopped being freaked out about it a long time ago. Mostly.
"Whatever, dork, play your pretentious ass music and see if I care. Just keep it down. And stop looking at me like that, what the fuck..."
He let her set the album back up again, careful and gentle when touching the tape deck. She rewound the tape and played it from the beginning. Eddie rolled his eyes. "Of course you would do that, you basic wench."
He dug through the cabinets in the kitchen in search of something to cook and found… not much. The fridge was not much better. He was really going to have to do something about that soon. In the freezer there was a pack of frozen peas and some eggos. Well, eggos were better than nothing.
They came out kinda burned and underdone at the same time, but they had syrup which could mask many things and solve many problems.
Eleven was back in her previous upside down position when Eddie went to go check on her, and she had her earphones plugged into the tape deck. He felt a surge of affection for her and then rolled his eyes at himself. He slapped her foot again.
"What? It is quiet now."
"I didn't know if you were hungry or not, so I made us both waffles."
She followed him into the kitchen in that mouse-like way she had, and considered the eggos. "It looks wet."
Eddie barked out a laugh, "Not the worst thing you could say about my cooking, honestly. Just taste it, though."
She did, and Eddie held back his remarks because he could tell she liked it. He was going to bask in the feeling of being a good brother for a bit longer before he bullied her more. It was his job.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Btw i’ve now given u the title: Babes bc u radiate those vibes (idk u just do(personally think it’s a good nickname)) so immma be calling u that from now on (unless you tell me not, i do respect boundaries)
now onto a headcannon i have for ur neglected turtles:
as a kid in a shitty situation i made breakfast for my family and made it all pretty and shit (it was waffles and kfc biscuits stacked up on a plate with kfc butter and syrup packets at the bottom of the bread pyramid) and my dad eventually walked in and i showed it to him. He was high as balls (red eyes and everything, absolutely zooted) and looked at me with a blank face before walking out of the house (it was a small trailer so the entrance was in the kitchen/living room) and i felt super invalidated, like my heart sank and shit. And my mom walked in and saw the whole thing, told me not to worry about it, chased my dad down and started yelling at him in the street. I ate a lil of the breakfast by myself and that was that. I mean it’s not a super bad memory but it happened yk?
feel like a similar thing would happen to Mikey and Raph would get pissed @ Splinter, and Mikey would just have to eat the damn carb plate while Don just walks in and is like ‘what’s up? are those waffles?’
Raph is perpetually pissed at Splinter, but also yields to his authority (and is afraid of him), so he wouldn't say anything about it TO splinter. I think Raph would focus more on thanking Mikey for making/helping with breakfast, despite little Mikey's clear disappointment in their dad not caring (this would be when Mikey's a little guy, and hasn't learned to hate his dad a lot yet)
you know what this reminds ME of? once when we were younger (young enough that we still went on field trips with the homeschooling group before it imploded) my mom woke us all up really really early in the morning.
Now, my mom would make home made granola bars (they were really good, if I recall) and she thanked one of my siblings for taking them out so that they wouldnt burn. and my sibling was like "uhhh I didn't take them out" and after asking around we found out that my YOUNGEST SISTER was the one who took them out. which was insane, cause she was super fucking tiny!! She shouldn't even have been around an oven unsupervised !! but no one else was around so she just ??? grabbed some mits and did it herself?? and we were like super proud of her but also like HEY MAYBE DON'T DO THAT AGAIN HAHA???
also yeah donnie comes in like "woah are those waffles. nice"
edit: oh yeah, and i don't mind Babes. i like nicknames, but dont think i've ever actually gotten one. fun!
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