#shit was back to back I cannot catch a break fr
shadowjen · 2 years
Just spent the last thirty minutes throwing up and then shitting myself right after 😔
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miryum · 3 months
☆ 18+ minors dni ☆ (ish. Not descriptive at all)
So I’ve done Brother’s Best Friend!Jason Todd, right? Well, what about Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd?
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd would have a totally different vibe and I will die on this hill
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, instead of playing the long game like Brother’s Best Friend!Jason Todd, would think to himself, right when he met you, “that’s who I’m gonna marry”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, from the moment you entered his home, would have his eyes set on you because holy shit you were so innocent and lovely and had no idea what you were walking into 
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would be envious of his little sister, Stephanie, for being friends with you, but also extremely thankful that you two were friends because it’s how he met you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would hang around Wayne Manor more and more often just for the chance of seeing you. Of course, Alfred was the first to catch on. Then Steph, then Bruce, and slowly the rest of the family
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who didn’t care that you were only in college and he was nearing thirty – you were his
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would stare at you when you and Stephanie were studying together in the Wayne library. He would literally just stand in the doorway, arms crossed and staring in your direction, a deadly smirk on his lips. How else was he supposed to flirt with you? Ever since the Lazarus Pit, his perception of… social awareness was off
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would contemplate whether or not he should ask you out because you were Steph’s best friend and he didn’t want to insert himself into your friendship
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would take his contemplations out on one of the punching bags in the gym. Dick eventually had to come in and check on Jason after he had broken two punching bags
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who hung around Steph for days on end, gaining up courage to ask her if she was okay with him asking you out. Steph was definitely suspicious and finally just bluntly asked him what was wrong
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who breathed out a sigh of relief when Steph squealed happily and cried out, “of course! Oh, you two will be perfect together!”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who then waited two and a half more weeks to ask you out because he was too nervous. He would send you winks and even drove Steph back to Gotham University after break just on the off chance of seeing you. He did and he had never smiled more widely in his life
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who groans and burrows his head in his hood whenever Steph teases him about you or when Dami asks, “I do not see the problem. If you cannot ask a girl out, Todd, then perhaps you are not fit to fight villains”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who finally asks you out after you and Steph had a sleepover at Wayne Manor. He got up extra early that morning and began stress-making pancakes, as any rational person does
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, after sliding you a plate full of pancakes, stutters over his words and scratches his neck and heat fills his cheeks, is relieved when you’re the one to ask him out
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, later, would insist that he wasn’t nervous and would tell everyone, even your grandkids, that he was the one to ask you out
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who caved under your smirking glare and eventually admitted to your grandkids that he didn’t have the courage to ask out the love of his life
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who takes you wherever you want with Bruce’s money – even if you only ask to go browsing at the bookstore, he would buy you any book you looked at
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, as I’ve said earlier, doesn’t really know how to act at first and doesn’t know how to show his affection. So, he buys you gifts and gives you the key to his apartment two months in
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, after spending the first (non-sexual) night with you, suddenly realised how touch starved he was
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who then did not spend another second not touching you. Whether it’s an arm over your shoulder, holding your hand, or pulling your feet up onto his lap when you two are sitting on the couch
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would slowly move you in without you even knowing. At first it was a couple clothes, and then a book or two, and then a couple picture frames here or there, and then oh well, it just makes sense that you move in
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would decorate your skin with open mouthed kisses after your first (sexual) night with you, whispering over and over again how much he loves you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who wouldn’t have to introduce you to his family because luckily, you already knew them all! 
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would join you and Steph for girls night and paint his toes and gossip and let you run your hands through his hair (and maybe braid it)
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would be the epitome of a gentleman and open doors for you, stare down other guys who looked at you, and gave you his leather jacket when he took you out riding on his motorcycle (and if you got a little handsy, he wouldn’t mind)
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who didn’t dare get you into the Red Hood/vigilante business and god forbid a villain got ahold of you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who threatened your safety and then afterward hold you close, whispering sweet nothings as he lets Tim and Cass take care of it
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, even after years of being together, would still kiss you like there’s no tomorrow and remind you that he loves you every five minutes
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tarthole · 10 months
thoughts on bride of reanimator:
-they gave my boy a gun lets go
-giving a heart to someone is definitely not gay
-fucking hill why is he back
-why is cain flirting with the patient (herb is so jealous)
-the lil eye finger thing was so cute
-also upgraded house nice
-while franscesa or whatever her name is and cain were busy fucking ma boi herb made a hand and a foot connected wow thats called productivity
-why did he tickle the foot
-why did the foot arm thing attack him and why is he losing to it
-dan gets conveniently naked during the fight scene hmmm
-first a cat now a dog can animals stop dying for gods sake
-there is nothing straight about saying your better off without her herbert im sorry
-herbert is so silly when sneaking around body parts
-yay they made a woman
-i love this movie series when herb loudly proclaims something like I MADE HER and BY GOD THEYRE USING TOOLS. i eat that shit up
-BLASHPHEMY? BEFORE WHAT GOD? that monologue was fire, love you herbie fr
-also hill upgraded from talking head to flying head
-herbert is so proud of his creation its adorable also he talks about it like he and dan are the gay dads of the creation lol like our girl is superior ok
-i swear herbert curses every one of dans girlfriends
-my boy is quick with the glock slay
-my boy also has to "die" in the end of every movie this man cannot catch a break
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muffinbeliever · 2 years
Say It to My Face
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Dean and the reader confess their feelings for each other as she’s dying, but when she wakes up, he is perfectly fine with acting like it never happened.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 3294
Warnings: angst, elements of fluff, dean needs a hug fr, blood, mentions of death, canon-level violence
A/N: here is a little angsty flangsty hea one shot with our favorite angsty flangsty man dean winchester ! i’m not loving the ending but i also literally cannot get anything else out for the life of me and its kinda frustrating ALSO theres a little mention of jo because their story breaks my heart every time and i love her sm 
You were bleeding out when it happened. It was so quiet, you almost didn’t hear it, but you did, and the words shook every bone in your body to their core. 
It was a witch hunt gone wrong. From the start, it was a shit show. You had anticipated three witches only to find there were actually five. Sam had managed to kill one right off the bat, catching her off guard. But in retaliation, Sam was the first to be knocked out— hit with a spell, crumpling onto the floor in an unconscious slump. 
You shot the one that had thrown Sam with a witch-killing bullet straight into her throat, but you were pulled into a tight headlock from behind. Your gun was knocked out of your hand, and you watched it spin across the floor. As black dots began to spot your vision, you kicked the witch in her knee, hearing the pop! of her kneecap and she let go of you as she stumbled back in pain. You fell to your knees, gasping for breath, and scrambled to your gun, barely grasping the hilt before you were thrown into a mirror. It shattered upon impact and large shards fell to the floor, leaving you suspended in the air. 
“You’re going to pay for that, bitch,” the blonde growled, as she limped toward you. She picked up a pointed shard from below you. You desperately looked for Dean— your heart sinking when you realized his fight against the other two witches had moved into the next room. Sounds of punches being thrown and the occasional gunshot filtering throughout the large house.
“I’ll kill you and that giant over there,” she said, gesturing towards Sam’s body. “But don’t worry, I’ll leave your little boy toy alive. He’ll be delicious entertainment.” She laughed as she traced the curve of your face with the sharp edge. 
“He’ll kill you,” you promised. “He’ll kill all of you.” Your voice was strained as you struggled against her magic’s powerful grip. 
“I’d like to see him try,” she snarled, moving to plunge the glass into you. At that moment, a single gunshot rang out, and the witch looked shocked as you watched the light fade from her eyes. You felt the magic release, and you fell from the wall. Dean stood in the doorway, holding the still-smoking gun. He swiped at the large gash on his forehead, soaking his sleeve with blood. 
“Took you long enough,” you teased, giving Dean a small grin. “Let’s go wake up Sammy.”
You pushed on your hands to stand, but stopped at the sight of Dean. He was rooted in his spot as he stared at you— or rather, your stomach— in horror. Your smile fell from your lips as you slowly tipped your head down, following his line of sight. The wind was knocked from your lungs as you stared at the large piece of glass protruding from your stomach, blood already seeping through your clothes. 
“Oh,” you whispered, in shock. Your hands brushed the tender spot, covering your fingertips in the warm blood steadily leaving your body. As the last of your adrenaline left your body, you became hyperaware of the searing pain in your stomach, causing you to slump back onto the floor. Your movement seemed to have broken Dean from his initial shock, and he rushed over to your side. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispered, his eyes darting frantically between your wound and your face. You were beginning to get lightheaded from the blood loss, feeling yourself growing weaker each second. You began to fall on your side as you lost the strength to keep yourself upright. 
“Woah there, Y/N,” Dean said, catching you before you could hit the ground. “I’m gonna have to prop you up, okay sweetheart? This might hurt just a little,” he warned before gently bringing your body upright. You groaned as the movement shifted the skin around your wound. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry,” he kept whispering. He quickly took off his jacket, wrapping it into a ball. You tightly squeezed your eyes shut as he applied pressure, only opening them once the pain stopped spiking and was reduced to a constant throbbing. His eyes were lost, and you knew he was unsure of what he should do.
While Cas would normally have been the best bet in this type of situation, the angel was currently powerless, going under an alias of Steve who worked at a Gas-n-Sip in Idaho. 
The only angel that could help was Ezekiel, but Dean had no way of reaching out without alerting Sam. Dean had once tried praying to see if he could communicate with Ezekiel, but it hadn’t worked.
Dean could move you to the car, but that meant dragging Sam to the car too, and you knew that despite how strong Dean was, he didn’t have the strength to carry an unconscious 6’4 man.
Realizing he wasn’t going anywhere, Dean decided to do assess the situation rationally, endless possible solutions running through his head as he removed his blood-soaked jacket and gently cut away at the bottom of your shirt to inspect your injury better. Your head pounded from the pain, and your breaths were shallow. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sam’s head move as he began to stir.
“De,” you whispered, “Look.” He stopped the poking and prodding and followed your line of sight to where his brother was slowly rising to his feet. Sam’s eyes swept the room, taking in the dead bodies and shattered glass. They widened in shock at the sight of you bleeding out in the corner. 
“What happened?” Sam asked, quickly making his way towards you. 
“No time, we gotta take her to the hospital,” Dean said, relieved Sam was awake to help. He had no doubt his brainy brother would come up with something. Dean tried to get his arms positioned to scoop you up, but you flinched at the slightest movement, feeling the glass shifting. 
“Dean,” you gasped, as another stab of pain shot through your body. He froze, taking in the pain etched on your face and the tears in your eyes. 
“Sweetheart we gotta move you,” he said, knowing this was the only way you could be saved. 
“Dude, she’s not going anywhere. Moving her will just make it worse,” Sam reasoned, and you saw anger flare in Dean’s eyes. 
“We’re not leaving her here Sam. This isn’t happening again. I won’t let her die this time.” Desperation clung to his voice, and you knew he was thinking about that hardware store four years ago. When Jo had thrown herself to the hellhounds to save Dean. When she had been severely injured just like you. When she sacrificed her and Ellen’s lives to buy the brothers more time. Sam’s eyes were glassy as he also thought about that night. He shook his head.
“No one is dying today. Keep pressure on it. We’re surrounded by powerful spell books and ingredients, we have a whole library on speed dial— I’ll put Kevin on the search for a spell or something. He’ll be happy to have new reading material,” Sam said, leaving no room for argument. He pulled out his phone as he raced up the stairs in search of a spell book, leaving you and Dean alone on the floor.
The blood loss left you cold and clammy, not even Dean’s warmth helped at this point. You knew you were going to pass out soon— it was a miracle it didn’t happen sooner. Dean was staring at your wound with worry in his eyes. 
Your heart hurt at the realization that this would probably be the last time you would ever feel his touch. You had harbored feelings for the hunter for so long, but never acted on them, and now you had run out of time. As much as it hurt you to tell him, you knew that it had to be done.
“De, look at me,” you whispered. He shook his head in defiance when he saw the sadness in your eyes. 
“No, Y/N. No chick flick moments,” he said sternly, and you smiled at him sadly as a tear escaped your eyes. 
“Dean, I’m not going to make it.” He cupped your face and wiped his thumb across your cheek. His eyes were shiny with tears.
“Sweetheart, don’t say that. I can’t lose you. Sam and Kevin are gonna find something. You just gotta hold on, okay?” He insisted, and you sniffed as more tears fell. 
“I just… I—,” you sighed, not being able to find the right words. But fuck it. It hurt to breathe. You were fading fast. You stared into his deep green eyes that were clouded with anguish.
This is the only time you’ll be able to do it, so just say it.
“I love you, Dean Winchester,” you whispered. You watched the words hit him. His eyes widened a fraction and the corner of his mouth twitched, but then his face fell.
“You can’t just say that and then leave me here.” He blinked back tears.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, as black dots began to spot your vision. Dean could see you slipping away, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He pulled you close despite the blood staining his clothes, and you were so far gone you barely felt any pain. It was quiet— just a breath of a whisper— but you caught it as your vision and the rest of the world faded from your mind. 
“I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.” 
The first thing you noticed when you came to was the familiar smell of your room in the bunker. Your eyes were still closed, but you could tell it was dark. Your soft sheets rubbed against your fingertips and if you strained your ears, you could hear the quiet hum of the bunker’s generator.
A bit confused as to why you were in your bed at the bunker rather than a hospital, your eyes fluttered open when you realized you were no longer in any pain. Your hand automatically went to your stomach, pulling up the bottom of the old t-shirt you assumed one of the boys had changed you into. There was no wound, no stitches, not even a scar. It was like your injury had never even happened. 
With a slight frown, you slowly got out of bed, flicking on your bedside lamp. There was no sign of soreness or fatigue as you rose to your feet. If it wasn’t for the dirty hunting duffle next to your bed, you could’ve been convinced that you had dreamed the whole thing. 
Determined to find answers, you stepped into the hallway, listening for any indication of where everyone was. When it was all quiet, you turned left, figuring the best place to start would be the library. Even if the boys weren’t there, Kevin definitely would be. 
True to form, there was Kevin, hunched over the table as he frantically scribbled away. He was surrounded by books of varying sizes and as you got closer, you realized half of the texts weren’t even in English. In the center of the organized chaos sat the Angel Tablet in all its glory. 
“Hey Kev,” you said softly, not wanting to startle the young prophet. It may have been too soft though, as he had continued writing symbols without any indication to your presence. You stepped closer to the boy, realizing why he wasn’t responding when you heard the faint sound of heavy metal. 
“Kevin,” you said, placing your hand on his shoulder. He jumped, turning to face you quickly as he pulled earphones out. His face morphed into surprise when he saw you. The drums were louder now, but he quickly turned the music off using the iPod stashed next to him. 
“Y/N! You’re up,” he said, excited.
“Yup,” you nodded with a faint smile. “How’re you doing?”
The boy shrugged, gesturing to the numerous books and papers around him.
“How does it look like I’m doing?” You studied his face, taking in his tired eyes and dark bags.
“When was the last time you slept?” You asked, concerned. He shrugged again. 
“Dean got me a twelve pack of RedBull on Thursday, and I’ve been drinking that since then, and today is Saturday, so…” He was quiet as he calculated in his head. “Forty-one hours give or take.” Your jaw dropped.
“That explains the heavy metal,” you muttered to yourself, before focusing back on the boy.
“Kevin that’s not healthy at all. You should go take a nap or something.” You made a mental note to yell at Dean about this. He can’t just keep pumping Kevin like a machine. 
“No, I’m good, Y/N. Great, even,” Kevin reassured, “I’ve been getting so much work done— I should’ve been drinking RedBull to study for my SATs.” You gave him a look.
“I’ll take a nap once the caffeine wears off, I swear,” he compromised, and you sighed before agreeing, knowing there was no point in him trying to sleep while being hopped up on RedBull. 
“Do you know where Sam and Dean are?” You asked, still having seen no sign of either brother. Kevin nodded.
“Sam’s in his room and I think Dean is in the garage.” 
“Alright, thanks Kev.” You watched as he reinserted his earphones and covered his hand with yours before he could turn the music back on.
“I’m serious, though. Get some sleep.” He gave you a smile in agreement and started his music. You began to walk towards the garage, but looked back once more at Kevin, his pencil softly tapping in time with the music as his eyes skimmed the page before him. You shook your head in disbelief at the sheer amount of motivation he possessed before turning. You grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge before heading towards the garage. 
Baby’s hood was up while Dean tinkered away. His head was ducked and his back was towards you. He had one arm leaning on the edge of the car, and you shamelessly watched as his muscles rippled underneath his black t-shirt with every movement. The soft guitar strums of Stairway to Heaven echoed throughout the garage accompanied by Dean’s quiet hums. 
“Want a drink?” you offered, not knowing what else to say. Dean stood quickly, muttering a quiet “fuck” when his head hit the hood. He faced you, rubbing the top of his head, and his eyes skimmed your body. Satisfied that you were truly alright, he smirked at the beers in your hands. 
“You’re a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart,” he teased. You shrugged.
“Forty hours of beauty sleep does that to a girl,” you joked, as he walked over. He grabbed the two beers from your hands, setting them down on the workbench next to you before engulfing you in a tight embrace. You breathed in the familiar scent of his cologne and laundry detergent mixed with a tinge of motor oil, burying your face into his chest. 
“I was really worried,” he admitted softly, the vibrations of his deep voice resonating through his body and into yours. You tilted your head back until your eyes locked with his beautiful green eyes and you smiled. 
“I’m okay now,” you reassured. 
“How’d you bring me back?” You asked, curious ever since you awoke. He shrugged his shoulders.
“Sammy found a healing spell, so we just laid some mojo on you and let you rest,” he explained plainly. You nodded— it was really quite simple. 
His gaze subtly dropped to your lips and your breath hitched. You tilted your face up and slightly leaned in. Your stomach dropped when he leaned away, filling you with hurt and confusion. He stepped out of your embrace, creating distance between the two of you before grabbing a beer and chugging half of the bottle’s contents. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried thinking of what you did wrong. He said he loved you, but he doesn’t want to kiss you? Maybe it was a pity thing? Should you bring it up? 
He had gone back to working on Baby, and you took that as a sign of dismissal. For a second, you contemplated leaving the garage and crying in your bed for a good hour or two— heaven knew that’s what you really wanted to do— but you were also angered by his callous reaction. 
Fuck it.
“Dean, I heard you say it back,” you said, an accusatory tone twinging your voice. 
“I don’t wanna talk about this, Y/N,” he said, sternly. You rolled your eyes.
“Why not?” You were annoyed now. “I almost died and yes, it’s on me for not telling you sooner but at least I’m willing to talk about it now.” He huffed before setting his tools down and turning towards you.
“We’re not doing this,” he insisted, causing frustrated tears to well in your eyes. 
“Fine. Good to know that the only time you remember your feelings for me is when I’m dying,” you spat, tear spilling down your cheeks, before adding, softer, “I just wanted us to have more time.” 
You turned away, moving towards the door when you felt a warm hand on your wrist. You spun around, wrenching your wrist from his grasp. Your defiant eyes met his hesitant ones. 
“I want us to have more time too, sweetheart,” he started, and you scoffed in disbelief.
“Clearly,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “That’s why you pushed me away instead of kissing me and won’t even talk about whatever it is between us— so we could have more time.” 
“I just don’t know if us being together is the best idea,” he stated and anger flared within you once more. 
“And why not?” You pressed. 
“Because everyone I care about dies, Y/N,” he said, quietly. “If we were together, it would be dangerous for you. I’ll put a target on your back, and especially with all of the angels roaming around, I couldn’t handle something happening to you because of me.” 
“Dean, that’s bullshit and you know it,” you argued.
“Is it?” He cut you off. “I’m the one who cast all those angels out of heaven. You think they’re happy being trapped on Earth? We don’t even have Cas on our side this time.” 
“You’re acting like you’re the only one who took part in casting out the angels, but you weren’t. Sammy and I were right alongside you,” you insisted. “And you ‘putting a target on my back’ is a load of crap. I’ve been hunting with you guys for over five years and I was hunting alone for six years before that. You don’t think monsters wanna gank me too?” 
His intense gaze faltered, but you continued your tirade.
“If you don’t wanna be with me, then just say that. But don’t make shit up as an excuse, trying to turn it so that it’s in my best interests,” you stated with finality. 
“I want to be with you, Y/N,” he whispered. “God, I want to be with you so bad it hurts.” His large hand enveloped yours, and his thumb traced comforting circles. 
“But I want you to be safe, and you’ll never be safe with me.”
“Dean, I’m a hunter. I’ll never be safe, period,” you reasoned. He groaned, resting his forehead against yours. 
“At least give us a chance,” you pleaded, knowing his resolve was close to crumbling. 
“Alright,” he whispered. Your heart raced as you leaned in, and this time, he leaned in too.
Taglist: @akshi8278 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @lanea-1 @slamminmine @bluedragonflylady @cevans-winchester
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mousesquared · 7 months
hiii its me your favorite borderline chronophobe back to interview you again :3 !
Do you like soft pretzels ? If yes , what do you like to have with them ? Whats your favorite animal ? Second favorite animal ? Favorite song ? Favorite colors ? Ideal pizza ? Do you like calzones ? Whats the worst thing someone can name their kid(s) ? Favorite shoe brand ? How many kandi singles do you think you could make in one sitting ? Do you like fairy lights ? Would you want to live in a tiny home ? Do you like pancakes or waffles more ? Do you think time should stop for me and only me so i can catch a Damn Break ? If you had the power to do so , what would you make illegal ?
( gender-darling 🦭 )
we do! but only a specific brand which i cannot say or i will doxx myself hfjkds
just plain!
ahhh favorite animal is hard! i dont think we have one! it used to be aardvarks
also cannot choose a second fav i feel bad :(
fav song well MINE is I Can't Decide (that tells you who i am right away fhdsjkf)
urple duh but uh collectively we like green and yellow!
ideal pizza is dominos with pepperoni, italian sausage, and jalapenos PLUS id love stuffed crust with that!! (we dont get it as stuffed crust irl tho)
CALZONES yes yes
uhhh probably like ...malibu barbie COUGH COUGH who said that /silly /lh
crocs duhh
one sitting is how long? cause that really depends! in like an hour if we were just pumpin them out probably like 30 idk its been too long since weve pumped out singles we shoudl do that again
YES we have fairy lights over our bed
id say i want to live in a tiny home but id probably dislike it after a while (btw im assuming you mean like a TINY tiny home like ones that that sims 4 expansion pack was basing it off of) cause sometimes we just go into other rooms when we get bored so like id go crazy. i could survive though of course! like if we had to for some reason
ahhhhhh it really depends on how they are made! cause sometimes waffles can suck and sometimes pancakes could taste like shit... also it depends on my mood... probably pancakes like from a coney island? those are usually a safe bet
i think you should have a time stopwatch like in that one episode of ducktales (87) :) they go to a baseball game i think time should stop so you can go to a baseball game but also i wanna go with you cause we like going to baseball games
id make CRINGE PEOPLE ILLEGAL :000 but uh fr idk i mean ig id just make bigotry more illegal and like make it actually enforced fhjdks but also like cops are shit so idk what the enforcement would be i am not a govermenty person :)
bitches and hos, bitch's nose, bitches and hos..................... /ref
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aqueeracademic · 2 years
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt5:
season 2, episode 1, “Trove”:
- alright season two‼️‼️
- give me some gay stuff
- mrs. thursday noticing that fred is more chipper because morse is returning is so personal
- even bright is glad to have morse back i love him
- bright DOES care about morse i do not care what a single fucker has to say about him ✋🙄
- Mr. Yelland deserves better i feel awful for him
- the body falling on the car is so uncalled for
- “you’re a sight for sore eyes”
- naur he failed his sergeants 😔😔
- if i’ve said it once, i’ve said it a billion times, oxford is gorgeous
- DEBRYN!!!!!!!
- “off heights, are we?”
- he pays so much attention to morse he loves him so much
- the SMILE he gives him when he said goodbye 😭
- leaving morse all blushy and shit
- i love them
- “splendid youre settling back in!”
- bright is SO SWEET
- so jakes says “absence makes” about bright being so nice to morse, which is obviously short for “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” while he is referencing bright’s kindness, the look he gives morse after he says it implies that he’s actually talking about himself, and how his own feelings for morse only grew in morse’s absence. in this essay i will-
- jakes there is NO NEED to stand so close to morse in thursday’s office
- “just like old times!”
- platonic or not (it’s not) jakes LOVES MORSE i don’t care
- “as a matter of fact, miss, i do, probably better than you.”
- she shut RIGHT up
- i do agree with her tho, just to be clear, i just also think firing a gun isn’t the best way to go about it
- debryn and morse r so comfortable around each other i can’t handle this today
- he stands up like morse is a lady walking into the room
- so respectful
- “who was in charge there?” “strange. although i’m NOT saying that he-“
- morse is a good friend
- a good friend with PTSD resulting in a poor reaction to loud sound that needs to be addressed
- jakes is so careful with morse when he comes back because he KNOWS what having PTSD is he literally can’t stop looking at him i’m sick
- love of my life.
- why is the medieval studies guy so rude 🤨
- the other dude is fine as hell tho i don’t care if he was my teacher i’d be down bad
- it’s prolly the glasses and soft voice
- his lil smirk
- “that’s my man hoes” 🥰🥰
- “you don’t have to prove anything.”
- thursday trying to make morse okay with his PTSD is something so personal
- just gets off light duties and is immediately beat up
- thursday is fucking incredible for immediately going after the men who beat up morse
- thursday treats morse so well monica straight up thinks he’s family
- morse’s bruising under his eyes suggest his nose is indeed broken PLUS he has a concussion. the fact that this man is walking around is absolutely batshit crazy of him what’s his problem
- i’m watching all this on soap2day btw and there isn’t captioning. i am fighting for my LIFE trying to understand everything thursday says
- morse pays enough attention to everything debryn says to remember exactly how both bodies were injured ‼️
- this man was an incredible father and he deserves better 😐
- morse is petty about lack of punctuation which makes him gay
- morse doesn’t vote which means he’s an asshole in case anyone was wondering
- go. vote.
- it is his socialist agenda jumping out again tho ‼️‼️
- literally why is this professor man such an asshole like what if he died instead
- id love that
- “don’t lose your way. it’s easily done”
- take your OWN ADVICE MORSE
- morse in a wife pleaser agenda ‼️‼️
- the daughter doing handstands in the back 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
- jakes fr 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
- morse embarrasses me and everyone around him
- jakes fr tryna watch his back tho
- “morse remember who you’re speaking to.”
- he’s like “babe, please shut the fuck up.”
- monica is SO GOOD TO HIM i hate everything
- morse on a moped ‼️‼️
- morse, babes, that is breaking and entering
- case = solved but someone ofc had to shoot at morse first
- “so what’s the caper? dragging us out of our kip at sparrows?”
- jakes, honestly, what the FUCK does that mean
- i love random incest
- like yeah, just throw that in
- jakes is the only one who turns to look at morse as they all leave
- never thought i would say this, but morse looks awful
- these poor women oh my god
- i hate men
- “i feel like i’ve missed something.”
- at least he’s back to remembering what thursday’s sandwiches will be
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rozcdust · 2 years
Ahem encouraging Jas hours no mf can become this helpful like me. Back to doing what i was doing.
Ahem now thats over with how you been doinggg.
I FEEL YOU SCHOOL IS FR SO- AHHHHHH 💀 the manic energy during this ask is saying it all tbh 😭
catch me printing out and framing this entire school rant 😩 AND CATS ARE THE BEST YOU ARE RIGHT THO MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO A LIL EASIER ON THE BIRDS 💀
oh how have i been?
let’s not talk about me 😇😇
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Gregory is my baby thank you for letting me talk abt him whenever humanly possible
- This kid is so touch starved. He has been deprived of affection so bad. Freddy is usually ice cold to the touch thanks to the whole ghostly possession thing but if he so much as gently touches Gregory, he is never getting that hand back. Gregory just clings to him so much. Even when Michael doesn’t seem to be there, it’s hard to pry Greg away from him.
- He is scared! All the time! So much repressed fear. He gets so many physical symptoms of anxiety and shit all the time. He’s so restless, can’t sit still, body constantly going numb and feeling pins and needles, random heart palpitations, breaths are always so shallow that taking proper deep breaths feels like he’s gonna pass out, gets sick so easily, constant stomachaches, extreme fatigue. Any feeling that something is gonna go wrong has his fucking arms numb sick to his stomach feeling like he’s gonna pass out he cannot cope with ANY stress
- He can only fall asleep if he feels safe to do so. Usually if he feels completely physically safe and is totally alone. Unlike Cassidy who sleeps a lot and prefers sleeping over being awake to cope with his depression, Gregory hates sleeping due to anxiety. The first time Gregory fell asleep in Freddy’s stomach hatch he didn’t have the heart to wake him up, he was just so comfortable, even though he was curled up in a tiny hatch right in front of an animatronic mech that he had recently worried was going to crush him.
- That being said he’s very prone to bad dreams and nightmares. Kid just can’t catch a break. Michael probably helps ease it a bit as a protective figure in his life as well as a ghostly presence that serves to aid and protect him.
Brooo, I fr kin your Gregory, the touch starved bit hit a little close to home lol-
yw <3, now I will be bombarding your inbox with headcanons of the funny old man x robot bear ship-
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berryunho · 1 year
i’m sorry but WHAT.IS.THIS FICCCCC AAAAHHHHH. everything about it is so ugh and agh and oooohhh and huh. pls lauren, author-nim i’m ITCHING IN MY SLEEP to read the next chapter. the gore, the eerie atmosphere, the love quarrels, the death and manipulation. I FUCKING LIVEEEEE. ngl it took me like 2-3 nights to read all of this and now my sleep schedule is ✨nonexistent✨ but like it’s so worth it. the way i was glaring throughout most of it i— it took me a couple of pauses to not dash my precious communication device across my room but now i’m just intoxicated. i love the way i couldn’t totally guess what was going on cuz mc wouldn’t read the part of the ANSWER that has to do with her and nobody told her until woo gave her the gist of it. i just want mc to use her favouritism to at least taunt hwa a little like “i know your mans wants me over your lame ass” ya know? anyways rip Haseul she a real one but Mingi!!! wait wait real it back cuz the Choosing ceremony oh lawdddd the way i wanted to reach across the table and stick a fork in HJ’s neck!! rah and when they drugged the fuck outta her and— look. you’re an amazing writer even though mc made me want to question how slow ppl can be cuz hellooooo are we colourblind?? don’t you see these fucking flaring red flags??? now mingi??? after Haseul’s incident… he is dead to me! period point blank! i wanted mc to just turn to him and spit those words but ofc that wouldn’t happen in this CIRCUS. now San… i’m biased cuz he my hubby but i really don’t have any objections. again cuz i’m San biased. i love the level of crazy, ambitious, manipulative and also sorta deranged his character has like i personally wouldn’t mind cuz low-key that’s rizz to me. jongho. he… has composureeee. i just want to see him snap fr can’t lie. not a tiny bit but pure “all i see is red” type of shit, you get me? hwa can die in a ditch atp i don’t really care. and i just want to snuff joongie in his sleep. now in terms of relationships, matz… yeah respectfully i’m exiting left cuz man i just can’t. partially cuz i can’t see joongie in any other light but cute. however coma, with the way you’re describing his sizzling touch and haunting smiles i think that my skin could crawl inside out in itself. uh huh pennywise could neverrrr. mc and mingi, idk wagwan but all i can say is that mingi is beyond not okay atp like… bipolar doesn’t even cover it a third of it pls. i honestly cannot deal with the barn scene cuz i would have walked tf out. it’s literally joongie’s personality ctl + c, ctl + v but with emotions and whatever soundness there is left. now… i can see mingi dying. oops sorry not sorry cuz have you seen the way man is moving. in my mind i see it as: the more you weaver in my eyes (in terms of keeping yo shit in check), the closer to death you are. so don’t come rock my shit plssss ty. mc and san… sigh… like somebody said ain’t no way this relationship is going anywhere and i agree cuz… side eye. woo snapping at mc had my somewhat excited bones jiggling so pls author-nim i need woo to break composure again pls. now yeo and yuyu… i want them to come and catch me off guard pls. this is toxic but i want issues left and right. NO SLEEP, JUST STRESS. yessir. in terms of the sexual scenes, i’m going to go back to hwa and mc getting off on hatred towards each other but author-nim~ i want hwa to have drastic mood swings while railing her into Universe One pls😭 and i want joongie to catch them or at least watch part of it. also, san needs to learn how to pull out cuz oral ain’t gonna cut it for very long. tokens of appreciation, joongie being vulnerable at times, hwa’s calling mc ‘sweetie’ all the time, mingi showing emotion once he crosses a line with mc, san being super protective and sweet of mc, woo’s bright self cuz i can actually hear him being like that. yeo henchman purrr and jongho buff self yasss. also yuyu just being there hehe. OTHER THAN my murderous thoughts towards most of these fictional personas, i’m STOCKED to read chpt 30!!! and ily unconditionally for making this masterpiece 😘😘😘😘😘
THIS ASK ADLSFKASDLFKJSFKJFS THIS IS SO CRAZY !!!! THANK YOUUUUU !!!! KLJFD;KASJDF i litcherally dont even know what to say aside from thank you sm for reading and sharing your thoughts lkajflkajsdfk this is so insightful to me as a writer like knowing what sticks out to you is so interesting and really helps me figure out what im good at accentuating and LKAJSDFLKASDJF yes just thank you very much ily mwah
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Phil visiting Wilbur!!!!!!!! Holy shit this is so. Before the point it was all Wilbur going to see Phil, never the other way around. Phil could have just easily summoned Wilbur to his office or the throne room but instead he went out of his way to go to Wilbur's room himseld and didn't leave until he had to. That is some strong parental behaviour there Phil, better put a cap on it before you piss yourself realising what you're feeling again. But!!! I do think that Phil has thought abt it seriously and is more at peace ig??? with his relationship with Wilbur. He offered to mentor him, which alone shows how much affection he has for Wilbur and I don't think he would do this if he was having a crisis over the care he feels for Wilbur.
Their whole conversation is so heartbreaking because we as the audience know that to some extent, Phil *does* care about Wilbur and Wilbur knows it too but that terrifies him. It probably terrifies Phil as well because fuck he wasn't supposed to get this attached to one of the princes, it was supposed to be the other way around.
Wilbur's paranoia is back, itching at the back of his brain when Phil threatens Quackity for him. The doubt, the questioning that was present throughout their stay in Zephys IV is back and it's breaking down what trust Wilbur had just started letting himself feel for Phil with a sledgehammer. The games are back, the anxiety and constant doubts crawling in his skin because if Phil never gave a shit about him, why the hell was he going this far?
The guilt Wilbur feels is crushing because he notices that Phil probably does give a shit about him, that he's believing the words that come out of Wilbur's mouth and that he's checking up on him because he *cares*.
THE HUG!! THE LACK OF HESITATION!!! They're gonna kill me fr. The comfort Phil offers is so genuine and I just :((
Could this all be a manipulation tactic, yes 100% and it would rip my heart into shreds if it is and Wilbur's paranoia would once again be proven right but I think one W for the mental illness is enough. He wants to trust Phil so badly despite everything and it is gut wrenching watching him struggle with it and go back and forth between listening to his head that is telling him Phil cannot be trusted and listening to his heart that wants to let Phil in so badly and wants to be comforted by him, to be safe with him and to be mentored. To feel like he can be more, an opportunity that no one but Phil has given him.
If (big big if here) the boys actually manage to escape or Phil catches them as they're trying to leave, Phil's reaction is going to be very telling about the whole situation. Ofc he's going to be mad that they're trying to leave or have already left but I am putting my money on heartbreak and the anger that comes with it because 'Quackity what the fuck did you know about this' and he just had a conversation with Wilbur about how they're not going anywhere, after all, they can just go with Phil.
Just ugh :((
You see how Tommy and Wilbur are struggling, you see how much of a toll this is taking on them and you know it's stupid and not going to end well but it's like watching an accident, you just can't look away. They need a break, a long one.
PHIL GOING TO WILBUR!! it's such an interesting turn that wilbur doesn't know how to deal with, but the concern is obvious and right in his face. wilbur is planning to leave, but there's phil, and he's so blatantly worried and trying to help and is it real? is it fake? he doesn't know but it's so so painful to think even a scrap of it could be real. because if any of it is real, wilbur is betraying that by leaving. just... that's such a sad scene
the hug and lack of hesitation just aaaaa
wilbur desperately wants to be able to trust phil. he wants that support figure in his life so badly and phil seems so genuine but he just can't trust anything anymore. the minute he lets his guard down, he seems to always get screwed for it.
the boys really need a break :(
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vampiricliquor · 9 hours
6/24/24 entry so far
today was fucking awful so far. i got like three hours of sleep and showered right before going to the bank to set my account up. i fucking hate hyperhidrosis this shit is literally fucking awful oh my GOD, why is it i have to basically choose between TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM HELLA BALDING HAIR LOSS EXTREME WHICH MAKES ME SUICIDAL, OR EXTREME HYPERHIDROSIS THE WORST ITS EVER BEEN! I CANNOT!!!!!!! CATCH!!!!!!!!!!! A BREAK!!!!!!! so ive been even more autistic at work because i HATE MYSELF and my sweating, i wish i could emulate how i was when i started that job, talkative and friendly w coworkers. but now im just. me i guess. lol. i have to get back into the headspace of "I AM A FICTIONCL CHARACTER NOT ME" so that i dont have probelms w social interaction, but obviously viewing myself as not a real eprson isnt ideal. although it was pretty great when i was like, 14/15 and in constant psychosis (that part sucked) and dissociation to the point where i felt SUCH REDUCED DYSPHORIA cus i was so detached from reality and my body. that shit SLAPPED, it was AWESOME not being dysphoric!!!!!! i miss it lmfaooaooaoao. i miss being a hot goth girl, i hoep the mfs that think being trans is a choice PUT GUN IN MOUTH AND FIRE because NO ONE WANTS TO BE A GIRL MORE THAN TRANS GUYS OK! YOU THINK I WANNA BE AN UGLY DICKLESS BALDING SHORT CREEPY AUTISTIC MAN?!!?!!? NO!!! II LITERALLY JUST HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITYIOIN, FUCK DYSPHORIA, I HATE THIS SHIT, STILL PISSED ABT IT 8 YEARS AFTER COMING OUT! and vice versa for trans girls w wanting to be ur agab! i mean my sister was the same way, lol she literally said when she came out "id rather justd live as a cis man if i could" AND IVE NMEVER RESONATED HARDER TO THAT LAWLL. (btw im so glad that i have the connections to the gender study program at unnamed ivy league school lol because that means she can get on hormone blockers and hrt very quick!!!!! im really happy abt that and that i could inadvertently help her with that.)
anyways what was i talking abt??? oh yeah. idk i just need to start viewing myself as a fictional character and not a real person again and then POOF my anxiety gone bc if peopple find me weird THATS NOT ME, THATS THE CHARACTER THEY FIND WEIRD! my brain is truly a sight to behold
oh yeah speaking of brain, lmfao we finally contacted an ACTUAL eye doctor today and got set up, i swear to fucking god if i actually have eye cancer im gonna be so pissed off!!!!!!!! if it has to be cancer i HOPE its a brain tumor that is SO MUCH BETTER than having this kind of eye cnacer(or eye cancer in general) OPBVIOUSLY I DONT WANT ANY CANCER. BUT I MEAN, AT LEAST ID GET TO SMOEK WEED LMFAO BEFORE I GO FULLY BLIND AND KILL MYSELF. but yeah, in a month if it progresses like it is, ill have worse eyesight than my sister (LITERALLY AN INCH THICK GLASSES YIKES) im just saying if it progresses at the same rate of deterioration. it gets so much worse every day, adn the dark and brownspots in my irses are GROWING SO MUCH LIKE OMFHGFG WHAT!!!!! THIS IS LITERALLY BE CAREFUL WHAT U WISH FOR. I WANTED BROWN EYES SO BADLY AND NOW I HAVE CENTRAL HETEROCHROMIA BUT ITS PROBABLY FUCKING OCULAR MELANOMA! IF IT IS, IM LITERALLY GONNA KMS CUS ID PROB BE DEAD FROM METASTATIS IN LESS THAN 5 YEARS. I CANNOT CATCH A BREAK FR, LIKE BRO GOD HATES ME. even typing this, i canBARELY read the words :((( good news is the nurse seemed pretty concerned about it, so hopefully i get taken seriously. god i hope its just like, diabetes or some bullshit. i really really dont want eye cancer, and while some sick part of me with that martyr attention complex is like "I WANT A BRAIN TUMOR I HOPE I HAVE CANCER I HOPE I HAVE IT I WANT CANCER" (i know. i fuckign know its awful and im going to hell for it. its just that fukcing 11 year old part of me trying to kill mysefl and overdose for attention so people would actually act concerned abt me. and also i just want to be able to get away with fucking smoking weed and doing nothin . i am a terrible person. its just a little voice ok. jesus i suck so bad.) i just really dont want eye cancer because I MEAN OBVIOUS REASONS!!!!!! I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN THAT GOOD AT ART YET. i would rather be deaf than blind :((( god, i cant even MAKE OIUT MY FACE IN THE NMIRORR BC OF SO MANY GRAY BLURRY SPOTS ALL OVER MY SIGHT :((( LIKE ITS LITERALLY SHIFTING IN FRONT OF ME, I CANT EVEN SEE A FOOT AWAY AT MY OWN FACE: (((
ok i have to WRAP this up, tldr i sweated so fuckign much at the bank making my account today , probably the worst its ever been, i am so miserable bruh. im so creepy :(( i hate myself LOL im so gross. i hope i dnot smell. i took a shower so hopefully that should sort of staunch the bo. anwyaysysdgjyhdfgkdfkgjfdg i have work at 3 today and its 12:00 rn and i have to set up my direct deposit thing. god i hgope i dontr have eye cancer :(( at least let me keep ONE EYE!!!! ugh:((( thats ALL I NEED, JUST ONE EYE PLEASE :((( i just dont know what else this could fgucking be!!!!! all my symptoms match up!!! this sucks so bad. well we will see. i will update with the results (HOPEFULLY NO CANCER AND HOPEFULLY MY EYES STOP GETTING WORSE!) that is if i remember this blog even exists, lmfao last time i wrote in thsi was fucking april. brain tumor activities. ok that is not ok to joke about BUT IT WILL BE IF I ACTUALLY HAVE ONE SOOOOO.
Note to future jeremy: How bald have you gotten? What hair color do u have? how long is ur hair? (ok these questions are so dumb and vain it rly shows my fgucking character. MORE VAIN QUIESDTIONS) have u lost weight/gained muscle? have u GAINED weight (god please no) ? did u end up havin cancer? did u kill urself lol? hopefully ur eyes havent gotten that much worse :( this sucks. hey maybe if it is a brain tumor (heres hoping LMFAO) it's causing the sweating and if they can remove it itll go away!!!!!!!! lol if u had cancer, did u go thru chemo ? how pissed were u at losing ur hair if so? (illprobably look like a DICKHOLE when it most likely turns out i dont have cnacer and just bad eyes from t. i have the worst luck w hrt :((ugh) fucking imagine all my hair grows back finally and then i end up having cancer and do chemo LMFAOOO that wopuld be the irony to end ALL IRONIES. at that point i woudl fucking like. idk. whats the reverse of buying a lotto ticket. id do whatever that is. ewrmm id try to NOT become a billionaire ;3 gottem fro sure with that one.
ok im gonna wrap this up and rest my eyes. because shit is not looking good :( i hope this clears up somehow. hopefully i dont sweat that much at work, and hopefully i can act normal during it (relatively) luhghkghlgjh
0 notes
hyuneluvbot · 2 years
skz when y/n kisses them in an argument
pairing: stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: descriptions and mentions of kissing, if that makes you uncomfortable please do not proceed to read.
word count: 2387
author's note: hello my darlings <3 thank you so so so much for being so patient with me yet again, i know i have absolutely no posting schedule :/
-i have intended for the "arguments" here to be just misunderstandings or bad days, because idealistically this isn't how i believe you should be solving serious issues.
-i wrote this over the span of three days during study breaks, i'm still v v caught up in exam prep so please excuse my errors if i've made any :D
-as always, i hope you enjoy reading! take good care of yourself y/n, i'm cheering for you!
-look, he's not usually the type of guy who'd let something as ❛stupid❜ [i hope u read that in his voice] as an argument let him get carried away enough to say some dumb shit he probably doesn't mean.
-but it was a really bad day and his head's in too many places, too many things clouding his head and he cannot focus, so he ends up saying something he regrets, but when he regains focus and pays attention to what he said, you're already walking away from him.
-its not that you don't want to get this argument over with, its just that right now is not the time, you can clearly see he has too much going on and he needs to think properly before he talks to you.
-he's following you though, trying to tell you he didn't mean what he said and "oh wow i should really start paying more attention to what i say" and "oh god this was so dumb of me" and now he's overthinking.
-you don't really see any other way to get him to stop talking for a second, so you cup his face and plant a big fat kiss on his lips.
-he's shocked, eyes wide, but he soon relaxes, and right before you know it he's holding onto you so tight, refusing to let you go.
-"i really hope you know i didn't mean that, really had no clue what i was saying" still a little upset, gives you a sad smile :( [chris and a sad little smile is giving me major heartache i will never type this sentence out again]
-"everyone has bad days, i know to not take it to heart, don't beat yourself up,"
-no more work for him tonight, spends the rest of the day with you doing whatever you want to do, giving you lots and lots of kisses throughout, making sure to prove just how sorry he is for all his harsh words
-chrispy my precious he has every little bit of my whole heart i will say this again & again.
-atp this blog is just me tryna find excuses to mention how much i love chan and everything he does, down bad fr.
-it was a stupid argument, really.
-but it was definitely starting to get heated.
-minho is such an amazing person, but his tendency to get possessive really gets to you sometimes.
-you love him; so much, and when he complains to you about how "you're being affectionate with so & so" it only gets to you because you feel like you haven't done a good enough job with showing him just how much you love him.
-its probably not the best idea to shut him up with so much so a kiss, especially when he's "getting his point across because no you are not listening to him y/n", but you shall do exactly that.
-you're on the kitchen counter and he's standing in front of you, so tug him down to you by the end of his shirt and kiss him.
-it takes a second to register, but the moment he starts to feel himself lose control and kiss you back; he's pulling away and staring down at you trying to catch his breath.
-"you should not cut people off when they're talking, where are your manners y/n?"
-& before you could process his words he's capturing your mouth with his again, kissing you longer and harder this time, biting down on your lip as his anger vanishes. [a man who always wants the last word]
-a good 20 minutes later does he finally pull away, letting you reassure him by telling him you love him, and only him.
-he's a sucker for your lips.
-even if you give him a peck while he's sleeping, it is enough to wake him up and make him ask for a proper kiss.
-so you get the memo, he's probably going to give you a good reaction.
-this wasn't even an argument, it was just a shitty day for the both of you and trying to talk to the other person to confide in them all the while their emotions are still lingering; only resulted in both your emotions letting out in a wrong way.
-you're both prideful, but not enough to let it cloud your judgement so you're soon to realise this was wrong, and frankly not going anywhere.
-he's starting to talk again, to apologise this time, but you don't get to hear the rest of it when you cup his face and smash your lips against his.
-let's out a shocked little "oh" against your mouth but nonetheless melts into your embrace.
-very touchy and grabby now, hands all over any body part in his reach, your shoulders, arms, waist, thighs, and you can feel his satisfaction with how this turned out with the way his kisses start to intensify.
-you have to really pull away and place a hand between you to stop him from kissing you again, offering to heat up some dinner so you guys can eat properly without screaming at each other this time [how dare y/n deny him a kiss]
-"only if you give me one more kiss here" points to his nose :(
-"and here" forehead this time
-"okay okay last one, on my lips again" makes kissing sounds
-now *stretches and cracks knuckles*
-unlike chan, someone does have an attitude.
-the argument couldn't have been dumber, but homeboy is petty and will roll his eyes so hard every time you tell him he's wrong he's probably seeing his brain back there.
[so dramatic, we love to see]
-you're both just really throwing petty remarks at each other at this point, but you're the first to realise this is going nowhere and you need to apologise in a mature way.
-he's standing in front of you, pacing back and forth and making these extravagant hand gestures to accompany his elaborate speech on how wrong your attitude is right now.
-so you intertwine one hand with this and wrap the other around his waist to pull him to you.
-when you kiss him he gasps so loud and tries to pull away in shock, but you tighten your grip on him and slowly put your hand inside his shirt, rubbing little circles on his back to encourage him to calm down.
-is a little hesitant to kiss you back but you can easily feel his attitude start to lose away the longer he kisses you, his mouth against yours soft and delicate now, contrary to all his actions before.
-once you're sure he's calm you slowly pull away, reaching upto push his hair behind his ears. you bring your hands upto his face and ease the wrinkles formed from the tension resting there.
-"let's talk properly, yeah?"
-"one more kiss and we'll do just that,"
-he says the first thing that pops in his head and he might unintentionally get really mean sometimes, but you already know he has no filter when he's annoyed, so you make sure to not take his words to heart.
-you're just trying to end the conversation, very well aware this is becoming pointless, but its really starting to tick you off how he's huffing and puffing, mumbling under his breath, doing everything but listening to what you have to say.
-you decide you've had enough of his attitude and this argument, so you lean down to his face and give him a kiss.
-did i mention he is an absolute sucker for kisses? anytime, anywhere, pretty boy just wants a kiss :(
-takes a solid minute to process the moment so he doesn't really respond to the kiss; but hey he's finally not talking, so you back off and leave the room.
-afterwards he's all red ears; pink cheeks; big round eyes & hands by his sides, doesn't know what to do at all.
-mindlessly follows behind you and turns you to face him, argument long forgotten by now.
-"o-one more kiss, please? i mean only if you want ahahha you don't have to, i'm sorry i was being mean i don't want you to be mad at me i love you darling :("
-very hesitant because he knows he was being a little meanie back then, but knows its best to apologise right now than to delay it and possibly piss you off and spew another argument.
-"you silly boy, come here,"
-will not let you go the moment you do kiss him; you can breathe sometime later you're supposed to be kissing him rn
-he is very very calm in an argument; i cannot peg him for the sort who would raise his voice or talk over you, so really, an argument with him is just like having a conversation.
-but of course, everyone has bad days. on bad days, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes he tends to lose his cool too.
-you're sitting across from one another on the dinner table, and this conversation is absolutely going nowhere because he's not letting you speak and is only jumping to his own conclusions.
-you reach out for his hand that's sitting on top of the table and tug him closer to you, meeting his lips halfway.
-no matter how pissed he is, there's no way he's denying a kiss.
"kisses make everything better" in his own words :(
-besides, this is just an argument. a stupid little argument, no way its going to hamper your relationship.
-he has faith in you guys, he knows this is going to be over before you know it; so really, a kiss sounds very nice right now.
-he's definitely smiling against your lips as you're kissing,,
-he slowly starts rubbing small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb as he starts to forget about the argument more and more.
-"i needed that, i was starting to lose control of my thoughts right there," he is the bestest boy to ever exist i will scream it to the world lix. best. boy. nobody's got anything on my precious :(((
-"do you wanna go on a date? i still feel bad for being mean to you," still a little shy and refuses to look you in the eye properly until he knows for sure you've forgiven him.
-one more kiss for lix so he knows the only emotion you feel is adoration for him :(
-he's really always such a sweetheart, but the moment he's pissed, a switch flips; he is not ready to let go of the situation or how he feels about it until he's ready.
-he's sitting on your guys' bed, still grumpy over the argument, and you're trying to make him atleast acknowledge what you're saying because his blank expression is really giving away nothing.
-you jump to your very last resort and straddle him, grabbing his face and kissing him, pecking his lips over and over. you then move over to the rest of his face, placing gentle pecks in hopes for him to atleast crack a smile.
-instead of smiling like you'd hoped, he scolds you even more for kissing him out of nowhere.
-"you weren't even looking my way and i didn't know if you were listening to what i was saying,"
-"so you'll kiss me? you really are something y/n,"
-he felt like it was obvious he wasn't pissed anymore, but to you his 'scolding' made it seem like you pissed him off even more so you just back away to your side of the bed and sit facing away from him, leaving him dumbfounded.
-takes him a few minutes to understand why you did that, but he proceeds to apologise for his actions properly.
-gives you a huge hug and explains to you [in a very very hushed voice] how he only responded like that because he was caught off guard and flustered, not because he was mad at you.
-"wouldn't want you to know i was shy and my ears were red, right?"
-kisses you once again, longer this time to prove he's anything but pissed at you.
-lots of cuddles by the end of the night, might even sing you to sleep :((((
-arguments rarely ever happen, he's a very calm and understanding person, always willing to listen to whatever you have to say.
-he just came back home in a shitty mood today and it was very prominent, so you made an attempt to try to ask him what was wrong, and if there was anything you could do to help.
-his head was too clouded and he wasn't thinking straight, so he didn't even realise when he snapped at you, and just when he kept going.
-ended up pouring out all his frustration on you, and the moment he realised what he was doing, he started apologising.
-he thinks he's hurt you and the thought of you being hurt, because of him? waves of guilt washing over him as we're speaking :(
-one second he's profusely apologising, taking back all his harsh words and the next second he's not.
-all his apologies fall against your lips as they reach to meet his, your hands circling around his neck.
-he's stopped talking, but he's in shock and not responding to the kiss. it makes you think he's still feeling guilty and maybe this wasn't the best idea so you slowly try to pull away from him, arms still resting on his shoulders though.
-before he himself processes it he's brainlessly pulling you back to him and kissing you.
-you start to toy with his hair as you ease him into the kiss, knowing he's still hesitant.
-you only pull away once his arms are holding onto your waist and his kisses have a rhythm rather than being sloppy and all over the place, and you offer to run him a bath so he can properly unwind.
-"can we talk too? i want to tell you about my day," :(
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og-danny-dorito · 3 years
[ 𝕊𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 ]
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heyyy i'm back with more content :) also trying out different fonts n formats??
⚠𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤⚠️: mentions of sexual content but other than that none this shit wholesome
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𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕙𝕞𝕤: - forehead kisses are pretty regular before you meet him since it's mandatory to give him a goodnight kiss
- it's only when brahms starts demanding them AFTER he revealed himself that they probably get less frequent and thats because the forehead kisses get replaced with cheek and mouth kisses
- or sometimes full-on makeout sessions
- kissing him on his forehead is usually something he gets as a reward for doing something good like picking up after himself or helping you around the kitchen
- it becomes so normal to give him a forehead kiss after he does good that every time he completes a task he leans down/leans forward and taps his forehead so you can give him a kiss
- he just wants your love and approval don't @ him
- 10/10 needy boy
𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝: - how tf did you get up there - no seriously he's almost taller than a door how did you...? - okay well, regardless of how you reached this bitch's head your forehead kiss is most likely going to earn you a rough grip on your arm if you don't warn him - the most likely situation that this would happen is late at night when you haven't fallen asleep yet with mikey curled up to your side with your head in his chest - if it weren't for the fact that he sleeps like someone's going to attack him in his sleep you might've been able to get away with it, but the rough hand on your shoulder preventing you from moving any closer is proof of being caught - he eventually lets go and lets you kiss him because he's too tired, but he isn't too cool with intimacy that he doesn't initiate - if you've been together for a while and you do it it's cool, but your best bet is to do it while patching him up form being hurt or when he's too tired to deny you
- 8/10 you might get your throat crushed but its cool 𝕁𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟:
- i don't know how you got up there but he is WRAPPED around your finger - like he already loved you more than his undead heart could manage but when you tenderly kiss him on the forehead so casually while ya'll are just laying around or doing normal tasks? yeah mans might shut down
- nonsexual intimacy just makes his heart explode PLEASE - if you pull this shit on him you're gonna ether get attacked with kisses in turn, forced into a bearhug, or all of the above - 100/10 do it all the time please he loves it 𝔹𝕦𝕓𝕓𝕒:
- give him ALL kisses he gets so upset if you don't give him at least a thousand a day
- like it's started to become a game to him. where are you gonna kiss him next? the temple? the hand? the cheek? he gets so excited just thinking about it!!! - kissing him on the forehead while bringing down some food and sweet tea while he works will make him a blubbery and squealey mess - like you love him that much that you'll just kiss and love on him whenever?!?!
- he starts doing it in turn because it makes him so happy when you do it to him. that or he starts hugging you and babbling happily whenever you're within 5 feet of each other - 1000/10 loves all affection 𝔹𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕪 & 𝕊𝕥𝕦:
- billy pretends to hate when you do it because he's "not a fucking kid" but he starts to get upset when you give stu kisses and don't give him any like a jealous child
- stu will literally take any sort of positive contact with open arms but he makes it weird by saying "thanks mom/dad/parental figure" - billy's kinda hesitant with being affectionate since he's kinda traumatized but after a bit of warming up to it he actually kinda likes random acts of affection?
- like he has this mentality that if you're being affectionate you want sex but after he realizes that you can be intimate without getting down and dirty he ends up liking it more than he likes sexual intimacy since it means more to him
- stu will literally kiss both of you any chance he gets with no hesitations
- and he will kiss EVERYWHERE. like don't be surprised if this man just kisses the back of your neck out of nowhere okay he has no self control
- its good there are three of you because just one person wouldn't be able to handle all of the love stu has to offer
- 7/10 for billy since it needs progress but 8/10 for stu since he makes dumb jokes but means well
ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕟:
- he's so awkward forgive him
- no like he literally doesn't know what to do when you first do it so he just kinda stands there for a second before nodding a "thank you" and leaving the room to recuperate
- on the outside he's all but on the inside he's like - he likes it but like? doesn't know?? how to ask for more??? - you can usually tell that he wants more because he starts nudging his head into your shoulder and waiting for you to give him kisses - a better option is to give him kisses on his mask filter! it's kinda like a lip kiss but not quite, and it's wholesome enough to make him have a good mood for the rest of the day
- like he might let a few victims die faster just because you gave him mask kisses before he went out - 6/10 he's awkward as all hell
- bro,,, thomas is so sad bro
- like,,, he just doesn't feel like you really care about him a lot of the time and doesn't feel like you deserve him and it gets him down so PLEASE show him affection
- like on the outside he may seem scared of it and might push you away, just be patient with him
- thomas ESPECIALLY doesn't like his face so kissing his face and telling him he looks handsome kinda makes him want to break down in tears right there
- like bubba he loves affection, but he's more timid and nervous about asking for it
- you can usually tell that he wants your attention from his nervous glances at you across the room and his sudden close proximity when you're walking around, so just turn around and hug him every once in a while!! or give him some smooches
- he might not offer them back but he returns the sentiment by nuzzling into your neck and humming if you play with his hair
- 9/10 just because he's super hesitant but needs it regardless
𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕪: - y'all bacon bits cannot take one fucking thing seriously
- SKJDFN like if you give him a forehead kiss he'll try to lick your chin or push you away he's such an ass
- it's honestly just because genuine heartfelt affection brings up emotions he's not good at dealing with so he avoids it by counteracting with stupidity but whatever
- do not give him forehead kisses or you'll get your neck bitten i mean it
- 2/10 he's a dumbass
𝕍𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣:
- this man is BUILT for forehead kisses. look at that forehead. look at that sittable lap. look at those hugging arms.
- vincent will literally accept any sort of positive contact as long as you warn/ask him beforehand
- asking to kiss his forehead will earn you a shy nod, and doing so will result in a very blushy and embarrassed wax man
- FR THO like he will still get flustered and loose track of what he's doing if he thinks about it for a month after
- the fact that you kissed his face really sells it considering (like thomas) he's never liked his face
- kissing his BARE face for the first time though? oh my god he's going to start crying
- 10/10 he just,,,, loves you so much PLEASE
𝔹𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣: - c'mon now y'all really think he's gonna let you do that
- as soon as you lean in to kiss his forehead he's gonna push you away like "what are you doing" and go back to his business okay this man doesn't do intimacy
- unless he's in the safety of his room though
- if y'all are 100% alone it's okay even though he's kinda hesitant, but he's awkward and doesn't know how to return it in a way that isn't sexual
- like everyone paints him to be smooth n shit but i know for a FACT he doesn't know how to deal with genuine intimacy and it's because he's never had a healthy relationship in his life
- so you presenting that is weird and foreign and will take a lot of time for him to get used to
- 4/10 don't do that unless you're like a few months in
𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖! 𝕐𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕛𝕒:
- what are you doing
- why are you doing that
- wait no don't stop-
- yeah soft intimacy is something he's still kinda getting used to. he doesn't hate it, but it still catches him off guard since he doesn't?? really know??? what to do????
- kinda just coos affectionately into your chest and holds you there for a second before placing a kiss (or like the closest he can get to one with those tusks and lack of lips) on whatever exposed area of skin is the closest but he gets an A for effort
- 9/10 doesn't know what to do but still enthusiastic!!
- while he PREFERS hand kisses cause he's classy, he doesn't mind forehead kisses at all
- in fact, if he's taller than you they're really common for him to give!
- if you return them he's pleasantly surprised and can't help but get all soft because of it
- 11/10 not much else to say here just a wholesome man
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[ 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘! ℝ𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕. :) ]
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widowswineapologist · 2 years
Hello again and I hope your 2022 is happy and healthy!❤️ I am in self-shipping hell (Tank and Edward are playing tug of war and I’m stuck in the middle of it help) Could you please write Ultimis Tank and Primis Richtofen mushy headcanons of their s/o cheering them up on a bad day?
warnings: uhhh depression nd slight suggestiveness. Also i did not proofread bc fuck that
Ultimis Dempsey:
- Okay honestly I think he's such a bitch whenever he's having a bad day. His sarcasm and overall assholery is amped up to 10. Probably gets into a lot of arguments with the crew too.
- Luckily for everyone else, you're Dempsey's pride and joy whether he's angry or not and he literally cannot help but smile at you whenever you try to cheer him up.
- He'll try to keep that gruff, tough dude persona when you start cracking jokes or being extremely sweet to him but the facade will just break after a few minutes.
- Tank totally does that thing where he cracks a smile and gets mad about it so he looks away from you.
- Literally say some stupid shit and he'll lose his fucking mind and then his mood is back to normal. You could just do some absolutely god awful impression of somebody and he'll straight up bust out laughing, it'll be cute. Do a horrible impression of one of your teammates and he'll join in. Needless to say, you both will throw SO MUCH SHADE.
- I think he would appreciate being distracted rather than directly comforted when he's having a bad day, yknow? But that isn't to say he won't appreciate a good hug or two. Just...not too many, okay? He's got a reputation to uphold.
- I personally think he's a little awkward with comforting people but he will definitely try to return the favor, to show his appreciation because we all know for a fact this motherfucker will be caught DEAD before he says "thank you for cheering me up" out loud.
- Also also,, there's another way to cheer him up if you're up for it 😳
Primis Richtofen:
- okay but when is he not having a bad day fr fr
- I imagine he's a lot more somber than Tank, but that isn't to say he ISN'T snappy. You know how bo4 Primis Richtofen is just a dick to everyone? He's prolly like that (cant blame him tho. imagine finding out everything u've been working so hard for is worthless nd ur crew wont care abt u even if u sacrifice urself to save their musty asses)
- He canonically has meltdowns (would they be called panic attacks? I've never had one b4 so I wouldn't know--) so I imagine he'd probably try to hide how he's feeling from you for the longest time bc he has to keep up that facade of he knows everything and has to do everything.
- You'd probably find out when looking for him around the grounds and you find him huddled in a corner sobbing and hyperventilating.
- Surprisingly, he'll let you hug him then. But get ready to be nearly crushed bc he's clinging to you and wont let go until he has no tears left to cry.
- Cheering him up is a difficult task bc he'll never truly feel better, but indulging him in his scientific ramblings, joking around with him, or offering to lighten his workload will make him feel better.
- But I think he'd catch onto what you're doing real quick, especially if you start asking abt wonder weapons to him so he can ramble his little heart out.
- I swear if he didn't love you before then, he would fall head over heels now. You're...going out of your way to cheer him up? When you have your own issues to deal with? Brb he's planning a impromptu wedding rn
- He won't ever forget it, and though he may be a little awkward himself, he'll definitely try to be there whenever you're having a bad day too <3
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
How about they all go to a hot spring and they realise that mc has a bigger slong than Diavolo.
Undateables-- luke of course, and brothers reaction.
I thought you said to include Luke at first and I-
These are getting way too creative tho. What y’all smoking to think up these??
Brothers + Undateables Reaction to M!MC Having a Bigger Dick Than Diavolo
That’s my MC~
Honestly quite surprised but sorta proud too?
He won’t be able to keep his eyes off your cock for the rest of the night
If Diavolo is talking to him, he won’t be able to concentrate
Shifts closer to you and subtly puts an arm around your shoulder
Perhaps you two should go... elsewhere?
Woah wait WHAT
He’s fucked and so is his ass
He goes bright red and refuses to even look at you
He’s not having a fun time, especially since the water is see through-
Crosses his legs and acts cool, putting his hand over his face, but his constant stuttering ain’t fooling nobody
He cannot wait for you two to be alone at home...
It’s how big?!
He looks like he’s going to pass out. Fr
The meer size of your cock makes him feel dizzy
His blush is covering his pale face in a deep crimson red and he is very quick to put his hands over his crotch
Can’t look at you even if he tried, he’s too embarrassed
He can’t help but fantasise about you fucking into him though...
He doesn’t know whether to be bothered or not
On one hand, you’ve got a massive cock... On the other, you’ve got a massive cock
You thought he’d be able to keep his composure? Try again
He’s flustered but he won’t admit it and will probably decide to make a few sneaky moves on you throughout the night
He’s marching into the house with you in tow straight into his bedroom when you both get home
It’s his lucky day~
If he was sitting opposite you, he isn’t now
He’s right next to you, hands wandering all over your body as he hums to himself
Slips a hand around your waist and to your stomach, not caring that literally everybody can see
Likes to see his brothers get ridiculously jealous
I think you know what happens after ;)
Chokes on his food
Can’t help but stare at your cock until you catch him lookin
Finds it difficult to talk to you without his cheeks glowing red
He’s got a cute little stutter going on
Goes over and sits by you and maybe holds hands or something
He’s eatin good tonight...
Immediately awake when someone points it out
Smirks directly at you and makes sure you can see his eyes checking out your length
Scoots over to you and rests his head on your shoulder, making himself comfortable
Wraps his arms around your waist and begins to fall asleep on you
Sneakily places his hand on your cock while he’s ‘sleeping’
Straight into bed and straight into your boxers when you two get back
That’s one long fucking shlong you got there-
Laughs it off but honestly, his egos hurt
Looks you up and down, comparing
That’s kinda hot actually-
Personally moves away from Lucifer to sit next to you and smiles deeply
Tonight’s going to be eventful...
Can’t help but chuckle at the commotion you’ve caused
Finds this whole thing amusing
He’s respectful enough to not look
Reminds Diavolo and the others that it’s rude to stare when he catches any of them looking
He won’t look at you while the others are there, of course, but when you’re alone with him; that’s another story
You’re about to get your shit rocked, sir
Oh dear lord-
God first
Averts your gaze, can’t look at you without blushing
Of course, he does laugh at the sudden commotion you’ve caused
One of the only ones who can ignore your dick though
Perhaps he’ll test out that cock of yours later...
Oh is it now..?
Who let this sneaky bastard join?
Can’t last 5 seconds without sneaking a peak at your junk
He’s subtle about it, sure, but the way he just... watches you from afar... creepy shit
He is sorta blushing though. Even he can’t help himself from getting flustered
He’s got a plan to break your bed tonight ;)
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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