#shizaya all things considered
shigaeru · 1 year
Do you have any of your own ACI headcanons?
Not many! But I like that they're both unreliable narrators and that a lot of things are implied, so some of my interpretations could be considered headcanons? See under the cut
I like to think that the moment Izaya realizes he's in love (and he's been in love with Shizuo for a long time) is at the end of chapter 15. When Shizuo saves him and Izaya have a little breakdown because he didn't know he was capable of THIS. Maybe it's my non native english speaking ass, but to me "this" doesn't refer to anything explicit, it's not about the physical sensation. It's a sort of continuation of his thoughts in chapter 7 when goes "my love's always been grand and all encompassing, it was never directed toward One Individual, but now I've broken my principle, I can't love Broadly like that anymore, what else does that mean for me?"
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To me it's "he didn't even know he was capable of Having These Feelings" and "oh god of fucjk these feelings are called having a crush" and "wait how long has it been there what the fuck"
In the body pile, Shizuo sees a watch and suddenly feels very sick, and I find it funny that the Only other mention of a watch was when Mura showed them his watch to bargain. I like to think that Shizuo thinks it's Mura in that pile, and even if he didn't like him, knowing he's walking on the corpse of a man he talked to only a few hours prior makes the situation Very Real and horrifying.
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Izaya is so very touch starved actually and I think they should hold hands a little more than ONCE in the entire fic. After the 48 hours have passed and they're walking next to each other and Izaya's hand keep brushing against Shizuo's. In the cave when he's sick. When're they're rescuing people and talking about that date at Russia sushi.
Other than that, it's my usual shizaya hc that have traveled to aci. dimpled izaya AND shizuo (izaya has one on each cheek, shizuo only has one close to his mouth). trans izaya (the numerous dick jokes? he's compensating). There are others you'll probably see in the comic bc my hc influence the way I portray things, but there are not so much headcanons as artistic liberties at this point lmao
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 9 react
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since when did shinra have blue eyes though
actually i just looked up images of him but what fucking color are those?? blue?? gray?? brown??
shinra is benedict cumberbatch i guess
also shinra beating izaya at cards (and especially poker) is hilarious i need more of that
shinra please tell shizaya to kiss. do it for me
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shizuo and izaya agreeing with each other when it comes to preventing shinra from straight up killing them lets go!!!! plus shizuo asking if shinra cheated because izaya lost ashdkgjsdkjghdssd
izaya totally cheated and still lost he's so pathetic <33333
the way he says "then" after that though like. he was actually considering dissection and money laundering PFFF
yes eat lunch together i promise it wont go horribly wrong
they've really never done this in canon though?? maybe i just read too much fanfiction about it
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oh i guess they definitely havent done it before 😭
maybe this is a start. maybe they do it every day after this
izaya's cat face is so cute rhfhrgjhhjgh
only shizuo and izaya would be so baffled at the idea of eating lunch together help
like if these were ANY other people they'd be like oh sure why not! not these losers
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watch the entire chapter just be them stalling help
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THEY FINISH EACH OTHERS SENTENCES!! married couple behavior fr fr (<-delusional)
they havent argued once in this chapter yet so im taking everything i can get ok
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the only things that will get shizaya to be on the same wavelength are eating simon's food and being afraid of shinra
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THEY'RE SO CUTE!! the holy trio of malewives
i choose to believe that was both of them saying 'shinra shut up'
meals for the family man because they're going to start a family together (<-delusional but like. more than usual)
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i sense a food fight incoming
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oh yeah this is going on my twitter banner
cant believe we have two whole chapters of shizaya cooking together in the minidura manga. out of ten chapters. probably representative of how the mangaka was cooking fr
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izaya would be the one out of the two of them to make moe anime girl noises (my entire friend group)
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honestly how has shinra not gone insane from dealing with these two for the entirety of high school
scratch that he is insane my bad
it's like herding cats, not because they keep going in opposite directions, but because they keep fighting
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of course they disagree on food tastes too. someone's leaving this kitchen with a broken spine
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ive just stopped screenshotting and started posting entire pages because everything is gold
"are you that confident in your tongue" i bet you ten bucks that i could find that line in a shizaya smut fanfiction in less than 20 minutes
at least shinra's having fun
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married couple behavior for sure. who doesnt bicker while cooking together
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shizuo would be good at cooking if izaya wasn't provoking him 😭maybe. idk the milk drinker genes might hinder him actually
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for a moment there i thought they were going to have no food at all bgkjgsjsgdk
izaya and shizuo look so cute in the back thoughhhh look at themmm
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shinra. shinra why would you say that they're going to kill each other. shinra. SHINRA
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oh nvm i guess they were too tired to argue 😭being in forced proximity for this long is literally harder than chasing each other
wait whats that psychology term for it again. group. something. group goal SUBORDINATE GOAL thats it. a goal given to two opposing groups that forces them to cooperate and will usually eventually make them like each other more (it has never worked for shizaya. see the simon chapter) (also excuse the psychology terminology i have my final test in a month or so and this is the only way i can force myself to study)
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so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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shinra sitting between them pfft
izaya's cat face actually kills me every time
either the food is amazing or the food is dogshit and i dont know which one would be funnier
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ok thats better than either of those options
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this chapter has literally just been shizuo and izaya Going Through It
"everyone should get along like me and celty" is he saying shizaya should date. yes he is because i said so
also izaya moving even further away from shinra LMFAO he'd rather be in hitting range of shizuo than have to deal with shinra's celty shpeal
there's so many good reaction pictures with shizaya this chapter ill definitely be cutting them out to make into a banner at some point
im convinced this serves as a precious memory for both of them even if they dont realize it >:)
99999/10 chapter i enjoyed every second of it
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shizuostrans · 2 years
do you think izaya is transphobic for calling him shizu-chan?
ANON I AM SO SORRY FOR ONLY NOW GETTING TO YOUR MESSAGE AFTER 3000 YEARS. Not so chill events have transpired lately and it's made me scattered enough that I kinda forgot. :X *aheeem*
I should probably clarify that my trans Shizuo theory is not in any way tied to Shizaya but like... what’s presented in canon. Where they explicitly hate each other despite Narita bending so far backward to underline it that their reasonings make very little sense. So I'm going off that, with a heavier emphasis on the novels which paints their relationship in a lot less "playful" way than in the anime.
STILL, I don’t think Izaya would be purposely transphobic. Don’t get me wrong, he says some truly despicable and uncalled for things to Shizuo, like the p*do thing, but I honestly believe Izaya doesn’t know.
He vocally hates knowing shit about Shizuo, and the majority of the time he only wants to know enough to do his business without him interjecting. The other times where he is interested in figuring out what's going on with Shizuo are because he's focused on orchestrating plans to take him down or much less often use Shizuo to his advantage (in spinoffs and their early years anyway). I think it’s pretty common for the fandom to think Izaya knows everything about Shizuo, but that’s not quite true. He knows a good chunk about him from all their time together and keeps tabs on him, sure, but gathering intel to get a leg up on Shizuo isn't the same as getting to know him.
What I mean in this context is that it’s easy for Izaya to pick up on the frailty of Shizuo’s masculinity and even easier to pick at it to get a reaction out of him. On the surface it’s a straightforward answer – Shizuo is a personified brutish male power fantasy and suffers from a deep set case of male fragility. There’s nothing too surprising there or worth looking further into. More importantly it's a weakness of his, and it seems fitting for someone as juvenile as Shizuo to be pissed over something equally juvenile. Their relationship revolves around seeing the worst in each other, and any other reasons why Shizuo could get riled up by being called a girly nickname an old classmate referred to him as aren’t really considered.
The last thing imaginable for Izaya to want to do through the main series is humanize Shizuo (or vice versa) when dehumanizing Shizuo is the very foundation for his hatred. He wants to know what makes him tick, not why it does because there’s little point in figuring out the mentality of a monster. Things like his childhood, his life journey, and his gender identity (moreso if Izaya himself is trans) are all surefire ways to do so. Unless Shinra blabbed about it or he heard it secondhand, it’s not something he would actively dig into or have the desire to? Maybe before he met him, but Shizuo has a knack for stockpiling unbelievable rumors, both credible ones and ones that aren’t. He has a whole thing about not being apprehended because everything he is and does is unbelievable to other people, and that includes Izaya. He didn’t believe most of it either until he witnessed it firsthand.
Shizuo also has a rather uhh effective way of dissuading people from outing him or bringing doubt to their claims by instilling the fear of god into the general populace. With the looming threat of bodily carnage if anyone tests his microscopic tolerance threshold. Naturally. It’s practically in the users’ guide to Ikebukuro, and it tracks that using that infamy to identify himself to keep people from picking fights with him or even looking at him funny doubles as a way to cement it into people’s minds. Of being known as the strongest man in Ikebukuro rather than the previous identity he was known for. He weaponizes his own identity, and it adds another layer to his dependence on violence to solve his problems. ANYWAYS.
Do I think Shizu-chan is a type of deadname for him?
Yes. Insisting someone you have a hostile relationship with call you by the name you want to be called when it hasn't been respected for seven years is pretty much that.
Do I think Izaya calls him that to deadname him?
No. Izaya calls him Shizu-chan because he believes Shizuo’s a monster with a stupidly fragile ego, not because he’s a transguy who’s insecure about how people perceive his masculinity and identity. And boy does that man have the fragilest sense of masculinity that I will 1000% get into in the future.
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happyandticklish · 1 year
Can we have the Director’s Deets on What He Wants? 👀
[Send me a fic for the director's cut!]
You can absolutely have all the Director's Deets~ I do love how everyone keeps sending in their own fics, like I love it, I just think it's funny asjgjki
So I'm pretty sure this one was written in like,,, a night because I wrote a paragraph at the beginning of December and then writer's block clocked me over the head with a wooden bat. But I got my inspiration back a couple days before the deadline of Christmas so it was chill. But because of that, most of the fic was written off of a vibe more than any actual outline that I had for it
Most of the fics I've written with lee Izaya in them are ones where he's physically restrained in some way, or Shizuo's being an ass so he can get his tickling fix without any real work on his part. I can't imagine Izaya ever asking for it, at least not in words, so it's usually easier to do something like that for the fic to be in any way plausible lol. However, I wanted something softer for the holidays so I was brainstorming ways for him to ask without asking. Which meant that most of the fic was me trying to get Izaya to hint at the fact that he wants that without genuinely hinting that he wants that, which was difficult to figure out.
Because usually all the signs for that kind of stuff requires the other person to know their partner's signals for it ahead of time, and I just don't think Izaya would have asked for it enough that Shizuo would have an indicator for it. Plus, he's not really provocative in the, "oh, I'm gonna gently make fun of you and be annoying on purpose" kind of way, he's more the "I've hid your car keys and if you figure out exactly what it is I want without me telling you I'll consider giving them back before work tomorrow" kind of way. And he isn't super touchy-feely either, so it would be hard for him to hint that way
So I eventually landed on the idea of it being a way for him to destress, because Shizuo would have at least picked up on the idea that tickling tires him out and briefly shuts off that ever-calculating brain of his. And since Izaya isn't one to show his emotions freely even if he is in a relationship with something, then him openly demonstrating his stress would be as close as he would be able to come to directly asking for it.
I also like the idea of Shizuo being so unfazed by the puzzle aspect of it all, because he's just used to it after knowing Izaya for so long. He's just gotten used to having to deduce whatever it is Izaya wants/needs in the moment, because the info broker will be damned if he gives up that information willingly, even if it's something as simple as being out of the particular brand of tea that he likes
In addition, I fucking love domestic Shizaya regardless of how unrealistic it would be, so I had fun throwing in random tidbits of information about their lives together into it, like the bit about Shizuo making him tea amongst other things.
I do feel like if I went back through it and re-did it I could bring these ideas to life more successfully, but I was strapped for time so I did the best I could under the circumstances lol
Thanks for sending in the ask!! ^^
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demytasse · 6 years
[Shizaya] All Things Considered - Ch 1
Summary: What happens when Shizuo uses Celty's party for Shinra as an excuse to invite whom he supposedly hates, while Izaya creates his own fun from the situation. 
Preview: After one interaction, Shizuo considered himself unlucky and desperately tried to replace that luck with anything that he could, but suddenly there was so much to consider. Vague swirls of mixed feelings, unnecessary connections to daily happenstances, nebulous definitions to what each sporadic meeting meant. He became obsessed with considering the root of their relationship, buried deep in fertile soil, in support of a surfaced weed.
Chapter: 1/5; Chapter Index
A03 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15924572
Shizuo was really only on pleasant terms with a dismal few. It was something that city dwellers often assumed upon first glance, as was it common knowledge among seasoned and nubile members of Dollars, thanks to a sticky-post of rumours atop the forums.
The near-thirty roughian had grown to appreciate his rather lone wolf lifestyle and regarded it as a blessing in disguise, the silver lining of his unfortunate nature. With little to no social obligations he was allowed his idyllic life of peace and simplicity. At least that's what he believed would come of his future, while his present awkwardly flirted with the dream.
Really though, Shizuo wasn’t entirely without people that weren’t an aggravation to him, more that the list was stacked fairly short. Even shorter were those he interacted with on a regular basis; and those few all fell within a web of eccentric friends and odd acquaintances, all mutually connected whilst baffling that they all belonged to the same group.
In short, Shizuo didn’t have more than two that were specific to him, and parents hardly counted… So that totaled to a underwhelming zero.
Hence, it came without a shock that all those friends of his were already invited to a party of an annual occurrence. Asocial event that was set to start in a matter of minutes, rather it was minutes grouped together in batches of sixty, as if anyone ever counted time in minutes unless it fell under an hour. Shizuo wasn’t even happy to constantly calculate that total, but his anxiety kept him to a countdown that added necessary pressure for a deadline that quickly approached. That and his current fixation wouldn’t allow him to consider how unconventional and inconvenient the method of telling time was.
As it were, Shizuo had started a war with his phone, in a continual raid of his laughable list of friends in order to find someone, anyone, that he could add to an already abundant and hilariously dysfunctional lot of partygoers. The task was near impossible and went alongside the party coordinator’s insistence not to, Celty being too considerate of Shizuo and his easily triggered bullheadedness.
In opposition, Shizuo felt it was his duty to go against her insistence with said bullheaded persistence; he too was overly considerate of his friend’s well being, which had him jump into chivalrous action once Celty mentioned she felt she’d already failed as a decent host.
They were a nervous pair, those two, that danced around their will to do right for the other, quite similar to a younger pair of individuals still donned in their Raira blues. Though the connection to Mikado and Anri would surely upset a certain obsessive doctor who’d appreciate any comparison other than a duo whose hidden romantic feelings for each other weren’t hidden at all.
But that was hardly a topic that Shizuo would ever humour, and certainly not presently as another sixty-six minutes had ticked by with only failure to speak of. He’d already been drawing from a dried well, but even looking beyond those of his friends he couldn’t even muster one that he didn’t consider a friend.
     ...Fuckin’ hell...
Of course that was a lie. There was a specific someone that he wouldn’t classify as a friend, yet he knew quite well...
      ...it better not come down to...
…a shared contact between the bodyguard and courier alike.
However their perception of the shared contact differed. Celty had long blacklisted the individual from her thoughts unless otherwise prompted, while Shizuo…
Maybe it was a bit more complicated than succinct, but essentially it meant that Celty hadn't even considered to invite whom Shizuo had.
And he most certainly had considered them.
A lot.
Too much.
Way too much.
In fact, the subject of Shizuo’s toil wasn't exclusive to the moment nor event, but a moment from a week back and at least several times since.
It went back a month...rather a year. At least.
Really, it all traced back to their introduction. It was prompt and came uninvited, but Shizuo inexplicably fell into a pattern of constantly considering something of the parasite, to which he always forced the blame on the other, never himself.
After one interaction, Shizuo considered himself unlucky and desperately tried to replace that luck with anything that he could, but suddenly there was so much to consider. Vague swirls of mixed feelings, unnecessary connections to daily happenstances, nebulous definitions to what each sporadic meeting meant. He became obsessed with considering the root of their relationship, buried deep in fertile soil, in support of a surfaced weed.
And it had annoyed the fuck out of Shizuo for about a decade; his trademark scowl a consistent expression, almost a tattoo by now.
To which that regrettable tattoo now reflected back onto Shizuo from his dark phone screen, seconds in lag of its boot up. It’d been the tenth time he’d flipped open the battle-scared device to begin yet another monotonous scroll through his modest catalog of contacts, frustrated and desperate, eyes narrowed in scrutiny.
Nothing changed.
While he was a fool for hoping that something new would appear, a completely hopeless fool he wasn’t. He knew that a miracle wouldn’t magic up a solution for him.
It was just like he knew that another nervous assault of his fridge, door nearly pulled off its hinges, would still offer a distinct lack of his favourite brand of pudding, while presented with the same disappointing milk that he'd almost drank dry and an assortment of leftovers he’d brought home from tried and true fast food joints.
He groaned, as did the unfortunate door that he slammed behind him. His phone, however, was brightly lit and chipper in mock of him as it spilled a glow over his glum features, especially so when he focused on the current spot of his opened address book.
Each and every time he dug back into his contacts, the highlight of a particular name would have his thumb hover over the send button. Each and every repetition his hesitation grew a fraction longer before the clack of folded plastic jostled him out of his trance.
      ...that’s the last time.
The name in question shouldn't have been there at all, given that he hadn’t been the one to type in the aggravating string of kana, rather it was the work of a prankster.
A simple distraction, swift hijack, and a glint of satisfaction placed his first phone of many into the hands of a devious brat who typed so adeptly that Shizuo hardly knew it ever left his pocket.
For six years, eight different models, twenty destroyed phones, and way too many data transfers later the parasitic name of his foe nestled itself comfortably between those of his friends, while it stood out just like the asshole to whom it belonged.
Whenever he went to dial his brother, he was reminded of the jerk. If he needed to reach his middle school chum turned boss, that bastard came to mind. Perchance he needed a patch from his unofficial doctor, the antagonist was probably already mid-attack of his thoughts, but would stab with more gusto once the sparse list was summoned.
Eventually he’d built up a tolerance for the pretentious name, but still decided to edit the title to one that better resembled the prick.
It was a nickname that was familiar to his vocal chords and could’ve mistakenly pegged Shizuo as a pet owner with a rather unfortunate pest problem, so much so that he needed the number of an exterminator at the ready.
In nature of the unflattering nickname, that flea popped its way back into Shizuo’s thoughts to become a nuisance that only increased as time went on, yet he considered the pest as his inevitable solution.
Yet, fucking, again.
He wasn't even looking at the name and it still burned his cornea and unsurprisingly his temper.
     It’s his fault. It’s always his goddamn fault. Why is it always his fault!?
A reel of his arm nearly had him pitch his phone to the floor, just before he caught himself.
Shizuo’s deliberation had grown ridiculously long while he repeatedly paced the circuit of his constrained living room, his hand cramped from a tight clutch of his phone for roughly 246 minutes. Really, he wasn’t counting.
All he needed was a definitive yes or no: should or shouldn't he invite Izaya?
What little patience he owned had finally wore down to his nerves and pleaded help from his instincts. In light of his predictable trend, his gut lurched him into action well before he could weigh how much of a mistake it could be; more apt, would be.
He thumbed the send button and the phone obeyed.
     Shit… I didn't want to do that…Shit! SHIT!
Juggled between his hands the ringing of his phone bounced in surround sound before he got control over it, nervous to put the speaker up to his ear.
It was an accident, a slip of his thumb, a hiccup in his concentration, it was anything but a conscious desire. That's what he would tell the others in response to why he did it. As if anyone within his circle of friends would believe him. For that matter, no one familiar with the ongoing of Ikebukuro would be fooled by the half-baked cover up.
Because why wouldn't he just stop the phone call from going through if he didn't mean for it to happen? It was just as easy to make a mad jab against the red button as it was to hit the green.
Clearly he let the ring continue just to keep his pride intact. Not because he wanted to hear the voice that broadcasted from the district over from his own, and especially not because he wanted to hear it in person again.
Though all mad consideration stopped the second the line connected and forced him to initiate conversation.
He nearly ended it there, too dumbfounded to compose a sentence. It was a chuckle that inspired him to continue, and he'd be damned if he’d admit how kind it was to his ears.
   “...it's Shinra's birthday.”
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izanyas · 3 years
Could you dive into the deeper more meta-like reasons for shizaya too
ok so if you want to consider shizuo and izaya's relationship in depth and within the confines of canon, the main axis of it is actually shinra.
shinra is an extremely important person to izaya. you can interpret it in a platonic or romantic way, it doesn't change much—altho imo it definitely is romantic attachment. shinra is implied to be the first person to come up to izaya of his own volition, without izaya expecting (or wanting) it at all, and he becomes the most important part of izaya's life almost immediately.
izaya obviously has issues with attachment as a whole, altho they aren't developed in canon because narita is a lousy writer, so you could say he fixates on shinra and idolizes everything shinra says and does. shinra is an odd guy who says mysterious things, he's a fucked up kid of his own because of abuse he went thru (watching his father vivisect celty as a little kid is not a very healthy experience, u might say), and izaya finds that amazing and decides that shinra is the person he wants attention from the most and that he doesn't really need anyone else. shinra says he doesn't love humans, only celty? well, izaya decides that he loves all of humanity and hates monsters. this is very simple jealousy, an excuse to contradict shinra and get attention, and in my opinion, a closeted way of dealing with same-gender attraction.
so here comes shizuo: a former classmate of shinra's, a friend that shinra has mentioned several times already. shizuo is someone shinra pays special attention to because he is inhuman in his own way, what with the incredible strength. shinra has spent a lot of time with shizuo trying to figure out the mechanics of his body and just hanging out with him in general. and izaya doesn't like that at all, once again out of simple jealousy.
it's not even very deep. izaya likes shinra and wants shinra's undivided attention. but not only does shizuo take away from that attention by being shinra's friend, he has the audacity to be of special interest to shinra, who cares about the inhuman. you never see izaya getting mad at shinra's other friends like kadota, because kadota is just a normal kid. but shizuo's importance in shinra's life? the special interest shizuo gets out of shinra that the plain human izaya can't get for himself? now that's unacceptable.
so izaya fashioned shizuo into his enemy before even meeting him in person, and made absolutely sure to become shizuo's enemy as well. i like to think that he was doing that because he hoped shinra would "pick sides" between the both of them. he keeps calling shizuo a monster in shinra's presence and out of it and saying how much he hates him... until that famous scene on the rooftop where shinra prophesizes that one day shizuo and izaya may truly destroy each other; and which has izaya wondering about only one thing.
would shinra care if izaya was destroyed?
so at the start (and for a long time), izaya doesn't even see shizuo via the connection they share directly—he only sees him via shinra. on the other hand, shizuo, who is completely unaware of all that jealousy, truly sees izaya as a direct opponent of himself. this is the main reason why shizaya is interesting when you dig into canon: at first, shizuo was the one to care about izaya in the most direct way; and at the end, izaya was the one to care about shizuo, whereas shizuo had become completely indifferent to izaya's existence.
things remain the same for a long time: izaya is jealous and provokes shizuo, shizuo responds with violence because of how much he hates this random guy who won't leave him alone for some reason. and then as the story begins with mikado's arrival, things start to change.
i've said many times before that izaya is not an antagonist in the series. in fact, he doesn't occupy any significant role plot-wise or thematically. narita begins each volume with "this is a story about love": indeed, all characters are moved by love (twisted, violent, genuine, weird...) and are the recipient of love... except for izaya.
izaya claims to love humans, but this love is meaningless; what he wants via this love is to contradict shinra, nothing more. the misdeeds he accomplishes never truly turn canon events on their heads except at the beginning, and in fact, the more time passes, the less of an impact izaya has on anything. people who were afraid of him become indifferent, people who were close in some way forget about him... izaya gets his comeuppance not by being beaten into a pulp by shizuo, but by disappearing entirely to general indifference. no one cares or notices, not even his sisters, and not shizuo—his makeshift worst enemy.
and yet izaya had started to see shizuo in a much more direct way, and i would even say in a sort of needy and desperate bid for attention—because the worst blow came to him: shinra has completely cut ties with him, doesn't visit him at the hospital, barely responds when izaya is the one to call him to inform him of his injuries. of course, izaya doesn't know what the reader knows from shinra's side of the relationship and which points to anything but indifference. but that would be another 10000 words of meta so let's go back on topic 😔
izaya is left bereft of any attention, and he clings to what he knows for sure will get him some: shizuo's hatred.
but the scale has tipped the other way. shizuo doesn't care about izaya at all anymore. he has gathered more and more friends and people he cares about, he's grown accustomed to using his strength to protect others... he doesn't have time to care about the guy who insults him by calling him a monster, because shizuo knows, now, that he's not a monster at all.
that last fight between izaya and shizuo is just another push for attention on izaya's side... direct and raw attention from shizuo who has the audacity to ignore him nowadays, and a deeper and more intimate cry for shinra's attention, by realizing the prophecy shinra gave so many years ago as a joke—that the both of them would end up destroying each other, and that shizuo would come out on top.
shizuo does come out on top, physically and thematically. which makes it even more 😍 if you're into them when shizuo talks about izaya to celty out of nowhere in the sequel novels.
so these are the reasons why shizaya is interesting... but if you want to be faithful to all the themes and entanglements of canon, shinra has to be at the center of the equation. izaya wouldn't even have noticed shizuo existed without shinra there.
you don't HAVE to write all shizaya fics with izashin in the middle of course, you can do whatever you want and expand on shizaya in whichever way you want, i just think personally that shinra is the reason shizaya's relationship is so delicious to think about.
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minizayas · 3 years
I've had this post in my drafts since the beginning of quarantine and when i first made it i was scared that it might be too much, considering the situation, but now that it's been about a year?? I'm just gonna post it. It's cute. Enjoy some quarantine shizaya.
But like, Izaya and Shizuo ending up accidentally quarantined together after one of their "one night stands" and then the next day everything is on lockdown, no one can really go out. So Izaya is stuck living with Shizuo until it's all over.
Like this is around the time where they still "hate" each other, but like, after being forced to live together for so long, Shizuo starts to find things out about Izaya that he can like. Actually. Like. Along with Izaya feeling the same. And one night Shizuo's just watching tv and Izaya decides to annoy him by flopping down next to him, but extremely close, and Shizuo is. Definitely annoyed, but he just. Deals with it because at that point he's learned at least somewhat that it's best to just. Let Izaya have his fun until he gets tired. And tired Izaya does get, he ends up falling asleep on Shizuo's shoulder, and Shizuo just wraps his arm around him and is like "damn, why is he so cute like this?" And they end up sleeping together on the couch that night.
Shinra calls every so often and his first words are "hey, so, have either of you killed each other yet?" In the cheeriest way that slightly annoys them both.
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lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
Pirate Shizaya headcannons. I preferably love the idea of Izaya being a coordinator that Shizuo has practically kidnapped because Shizuo held the damn map upside down and is know lost(he is the captain) also I love everything u do
Aaah okay I had to think long and hard about this because really I have TOO many ideas. I’ll preface this with saying that the Golden Age of Piracy actually coincides with the Edo period of Japan where the country was ruled by the Shogunate and was generally closed to outside politics, influences, etc. So with these two periods overlapping there is so much room to play with. I for one am losing my mind about samurai pirates.
Orihara Izaya, Captain of the Dragon Zombie Pirates.
Alright alright. So I think Izaya was probably born in a noble and well respected samurai family of Japan. However this boy craved adventure and to the see the world and to meet all that it had to offer. Not a fan of Japan’s anti-foreign involvement (open the country, stop having it be closed), he led a group of revolutionaries out of Japan to the seas.
During this time I can definitely see Izaya finding his way onto a pirate ship and manipulating everyone in sight until there’s a mutiny and he becomes the new captain, because of course that’s what our boy would do.
However despite this, and after proving his worth, his intelligence, his skill, I think his crew would be fiercely loyal to him. I can see him keeping a few of his original Japanese crew around too. I think Mikado would be his right hand man, Mikage and Ran his enforcers, Shinra the ships doctor, and his childhood friend who followed him out to see in search of ‘true love’. Simon I can see maybe as the quartermaster, I think he’d be good at rallying the crew. Overall I think there would be a mismatch of people from all over the world, because Izaya loves picking up strays.
Izaya is a cunning and intelligent captain. He uses wit and no small degree of charm to achieve his goals. He's fascinated by the occult, especially myths and legends. I feel like he'd love to hunt for the fountain of youth and see the kraken with his own eyes. He dreams of bigger prizes than just the usual gold.
Izaya is showy af and definitely has all the flashy pirate coats, not mention a penchant for ridiculous hats (Captain Barbossa’s hat anyone? And all the tricorns). I think he’d be an adequate warrior, trained with a samurai sword, but his weapons of choice are two daggers and close range where he can use speed, agility, and intelligence to outwit his opponents. (I imagine he fights like Anne Bonney, who I love, from Black Sails). I also kind of think he’d be a pirate like Calico Jack Rackham (also from Black Sails, look I love BS there’s gonna be a lot of BS references). Also our boy is talented as parkour and can parkour around a ship like a motherfucker (thank you Black Flag).
Heiwajima Shizuo, Monster of Caribbean, Captain of the Beast Pirates*.
Shizuo is a powerhouse in the pirate world. Where Izaya is all brains and cunning, Shizuo is brute strength. I actually like to head canon that his violent ways got him cast into indentured servitude and he was sold off across the seas and ended up in the Caribbean. Due to his strength he made a good labourer for the British but also fuck the redcoats. I think Shizuo would have led a revolt against the slavers and started his own pirate crew after that. He would’ve given his fellow slaves the option to go where they want or join his crew and a few probably did.
Tom’s of course his right hand man, they are brother’s in arms and have fought many battles together. I think Vorona would be a good enforcer and I definitely want Kadota to be his quartermaster (with the rest of the van gang on the crew as well - those four are a fierce raiding party). Though Shizuo is 100% hopeless at navigating so he's gonna need a good one on board.
Shizuo is definitely a brawler with his insane strength, and the thought of his weapon of choice being this fuck off massive Warhammer is just too good to pass up. I want Shizuo bare chested with high-waisted pants, pirate boots, half shaved head, long blonde hair in braids basically just looking like an absolute barbarian beefcake. ALL THE TATTOOS. He is the definition of a rough, fierce pirate.
He likes hunting prizes and spending his gold on drinking, gambling, and fucking, really any pleasure he’s for, but his favourite thing is a good old fashioned fight. I think he'd do very well in slave fighting pits and probably even had some experience with them in the past. Though he is adamantly against slavery and has been known to hunt slavers and free slaves (any pirate who engages in trading slaves is not considered a pirate to him but a blight to be obliterated from the map). Because of his past he absolutely despises the British and really any kind of authority. While not on Izaya’s level of intelligence he’s got great instincts and can almost seemingly sniff out a good prize.
* don't sue me Oda
Rival Captains
Izaya and Shizuo both meet in Nassau in the Caribbean. They are the definition of brains VS brawns. These two crews are always running into each other and fighting. While Shizuo is ferocious and terrifying, when in the same room as these two pirates one would consider Izaya more menacing. Shizuo's and Izaya's rivalry is well known throughout the seas and seeing them fight in person is the stuff of legends.
They're constantly going after the same prizes and then fighting over them. Though there are a few times they do team up for an alliance when it's a very delectable prize. Also they will unanimously team up against the British, the Spaniards, the French, the Dutch, etc, because as much as the loathe each other they hate anyone who would try and encroach on their freedoms.
Basically they are both stubborn as hell and don't like being told what to do.
For their ships I can see Izaya having a Brigard, something swift, that at Izaya's hand can outmanoeuvre and outwit any foe. Of course his ship has a dragon as the figurehead! I haven't thought much in the way of a Jolly Rodger, but maybe a dragon skull and instead of crossbones it is crossed samurai swords??
Shizuo on the other hand has a British Man-O-War that he no doubt won after he and Izaya teamed up to launch an attack on British settlement when both their crew-mates were captured and sentenced to death for piracy. Izaya lead an assault on land while Shizuo and his crew snuck onto the Man-O-War in the port and captured it, then turned it's guns on the settlement. For his jolly rodger I think it would be the usual skull and crossbones with maybe his infamous Warhammer running through the center line.
The sexual tension between the two captains is a painful to watch for their crews and each crew even has a betting pool going on when they will eventually get it on. The crews actually get on relatively well during alliances, and the parties and feasts they throw together after a successful hunt is wild. Though they'll easily go back to trying to kill one another one the alliances end.
Also a lil Shinra add-on. In Izaya's quest for the occult they find Celty and Shinra falls in love with her. I haven't thought more past pirate dullahan asgdfhdhjsjf.
And yeah that’s all I have so far. I also had an idea of Izaya being like the son of an important person (governer, prince? Prince Izaya is good) and being captured by Shizuo’s crew. And while they are pursued by multiple pirates, nations, etc, because Izaya is priceless, he learns to love life on a pirate ship and bonds with Shizuo and his crew. So eventually when it does come time for Shizuo to hand over his bounty he doesn’t want to let Izaya go. (He’s gonna, and then he and Izaya will turn around and rob the fuckers blind and sail off into the sunset together). Also Izaya memorising a treasure map and destroying it so he becomes the map and Shizuo has to put up with him. TOO MANY IDEAS.
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nyanzaya · 3 years
30 day ship prompt challenge
Day 1/ Prompt: Being close on a rainy day
Words: 1000
Pair: Izawan (technically Shizaya in a Au?)
Rainy days were never kind to felines of any kind and a certain black feline was no exception. The pouring rain had come out of nowhere, catching those who were unprepared stranded under roofs.
Iza leaned back against the wall, full of annoyance as the rain continued it’s hard onslaught as he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
He closed his eyes as took in the brisk scent of the rain fall. If he didn’t hate the rain and how it made him feel weak he would enjoy the smell.
“Queen, don’t tell me you went deaf.”
Iza jumped, startled before he composed himself. To think he would have to run into him of all people.
A grin crossed over Iza’s face, putting up a strong front, “Sire, I didn’t expect to see you here.” He spoke to a dog hybrid named Shizuwan. It could be said that they were enemies, or at least rivals. Even looking at him made Iza’s fur begin to stand on end.
Shizuwan had quite a formidable appearance. Piercing olive eyes, brown hair with the tips dyed blond to give an ombré appearance when clearly he hadn’t bothered to dye his hair for months. His clothes were casual under the coat he wore with a collar around his neck and he had the one thing Iza didn’t. An umbrella.
“You’re up to something again, aren’t you?” The canine spoke, a frown on his face as he looked at the feline who laughed.
“Caught in the rain like this? Please. I couldn’t bring myself to even if I wanted to.” Iza waved a hand.
A huff came out of Shizuwan as he looked away for a moment. Despite the reputation the pair had there wasn’t anyone around as far as he could tell. Surely, helping a cat that was helplessly at the mercy of the weather wouldn’t be a bad decision right? With little thought Shizuwan offered his umbrella, “You want to go home right? I’ll help you just this once.”
Iza’s ears leaned forward at the offer. Did he hear that right? “Just this once?” He laughed. How many times had Shizuwan lied whenever he would say that?
“Look, do you want to go home or not?” Shizuwan growled, his ears turning back. It wasn’t like he liked to help this bastard. He was simply good natured and couldn't let someone he knew be stranded under a roof.
With a small hum, Iza pushed himself off the wall and went under the umbrella. He hooked his arm around Shizuwan’s, “Alright, I’ll accept it, just this once.”
“Shut up or I’ll push you into the rain.” Shizuwan spoke as he began to walk with Iza by his side.
A small tsk came out of the feline as he relented. He knew Shizuwan had the capability to throw him into the nearest puddle and he wanted to stay dry. The feline pressed against Shizuwan as they walked together.
Sometimes, the black feline was cute when he wasn’t plotting. Especially with how his face was red, but Shizuwan assumed it was because the feline was cold. There was no point to misread the closeness, even if Shizuwan had wanted to. He wanted to think there was something more to the closeness, but giving himself high hopes about someone like Iza wasn’t a good idea. Despite what he was thinking to himself, he still held the hope it meant something more. He didn’t care if they were meant to be enemies or rivals or whatever other label there was.
The pair was quiet as they walked close together under the umbrella. What was there to talk about when moments like these were uncommon? Rare would have been the wrong word considering Shizuwan had always seemed to find Iza whenever he was in trouble. Iza had always found it to be of annoyance whenever the canine would appear. The bigger question Iza wondered was how did Shizuwan always find him whenever he was in trouble anyway?
It was a question he wanted an answer to but he chose to be quiet to enjoy the canine’s company. A small laugh came out of him thinking about future events of Shizuwan saving him.
A hum came out of Shizuwan and Iza simply shook his head, “It’s nothing. I just thought of something funny.” Iza admitted.
“Is that so? What made you laugh then.” Shizuwan asked, though it was more out of curiosity of what mundane things would make Iza laugh.
A shrug, then Iza spoke. “You, mostly. How many more times do you intend on saving me?”
Shizuwan was quiet. Their relationship was complicated and yet it was so simple. It wasn’t as if they were romantic in the slightest, but Shizuwan wanted nothing more than for Iza to be safe despite the moments the feline would act out and provoke the canine into a fury.
“Well, Sire?”
The canine’s tail was down as it wagged. “Really, you’re a pain in my ass. The real question is why do I even bother helping a dumbass like you.” A small laugh came out of him. He didn’t know why he even helped Iza in the first place when he knew better.
Iza didn’t need someone to protect him.
The feline shook his head, “You didn’t answer my question at all.”
“Do you even need an answer?” Shizuwan avoided the question again. He didn’t have an answer and thought it would be better for Iza to figure it out on his own.
Iza went quiet. He supposed he didn’t need an answer even if he wanted one. All that he really cared about was being close to Shizuwan.
The silence was comfortable as the pair stayed close as the end of their journey was near.
Standing outside of the apartment Iza let go of Shizuwan and walked toward the entrance. “I’ll see you around, ne?”
A small smile was on Shizuwan’s face. “As if I have a choice.”
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sachigram · 4 years
((In standard me fashion, I picked a prompt from Shizaya Week, weeks late, and have no intention of doing the others, lmaoooooooooo)) 
Prompt: I can’t sleep so will you hold me?
Shizuo doesn't think he could ever get used to Izaya and his bat-shit flea antics entirely, but Izaya has proven to be easier to deal with than Shizuo ever would've thought before. There are often hidden truths in Izaya's actions, things ordinary people who don't deal with him often enough would think to look for. Shizuo doesn't consider himself an expert in anything, but he thinks he's become a decent flea-to-human to translator.
Izaya will cook, but not without making snide remarks about Shizuo's inability to cook. Izaya will do laundry, but will refuse to fold it. If Shizuo asks for Izaya to come home early, Izaya will do so, but he'll still arrive later than Shizuo requested. Sometimes it still annoys Shizuo what a brat Izaya is, but he can see Izaya is actually trying, and that's enough to keep Shizuo from flying off the handle.
Izaya's sleeping habits, however, remain a constant source of contention between them both. Shizuo has a regular sleep schedule and always has. Even when he's angry or upset, which is more often than not, he finds sleep easily. It's taken him a long time to wrap his head around Izaya's sleeping habits, which are all over the place. Truly, Shizuo still doesn't get it.
Izaya will be up all night and then wake early in the morning, even without setting an alarm. He'll pass out at his desk and be dead to the world, but wake up a mere hour later and go right back to work. Sometimes he'll be out after Shizuo goes to bed and already be gone in the morning before Shizuo wakes up. It drives Shizuo insane, especially when Izaya will have dark circles and bags under his eyes but still firmly refuse to lie down. Izaya always says he has too much work to do to sleep like a normal person, and then he'll make some scathing remark about Shizuo having a caveman sleep cycle, and they'll end up arguing. It's always the same song and dance, but Shizuo is getting fed up with following Izaya's lead.
Today, Izaya is at his desk, clacking away at his keyboard. He has a humongous coffee cup next to him, which he will occasionally reach for and sip from, and he has a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He looks cute, and Shizuo hates him for it, because Shizuo wants to be mad at him.
“Why are you staring at me, Shizu-chan?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo glowers up at him.
“You didn't come to bed last night.”
“What's wrong? Are you worried I was out being unfaithful to you?” Izaya bats his eyelashes playfully, and he grins at the expression on Shizuo's face. “I told you, I have to work.”
“All night? And you're still at it. What are you even doing?” Shizuo grumbles.
“That's top secret! I don't ask you about your work, now do I?” Izaya keeps typing even as he speaks, barely glancing in Shizuo's direction. “I'll sleep when I'm done.”
“You're never done. As soon as you finish that one, you'll think of something else to do.”
“No rest for the wicked,” Izaya sings, still not looking at Shizuo. “It takes a lot to be as efficient as me, you know? I rest for one day and suddenly I'm out of the loop.”
“I'm not asking for an entire day! I'm asking you to sleep when you need it!” Shizuo snaps, and Izaya finally frowns up at him.
“Your nagging is unattractive.”
“You—!” Shizuo stands and stomps over to the desk, looming menacingly over Izaya. “Turn off. The computer,” he hisses through clenched teeth.
“I'm not tired, you idiot! Damn it, just—“ Izaya lifts his hand as if to wave Shizuo away, and Shizuo growls before grabbing Izaya's hand and tugging him. “Stop it! Shizu-chaaaaaaan!” Izaya wails as Shizuo drags Izaya, swivel-chair and all, towards the stairs. “Shizu-chan, you're hurting me!”
Shizuo freezes in his tracks and releases Izaya, who glares up at him, cradling his hand to himself. Shizuo feels guilty, feels like lead is in his stomach. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he especially never wants to hurt Izaya, even when the fucker deserves it.
“Sorry,” Shizuo mumbles.
“Oh, relax, I was kidding. You weren't hurting me; I just wanted you to let me go.” Izaya scoots himself back towards the desk, and he lifts his coffee cup, grinning at Shizuo over the rim. “What an expression you're making! I bet you wished you hurt me now, huh?”
Shizuo takes a deep breath, cracks his knuckles by one, and then moves towards Izaya again, who only looks up at him smugly. Shizuo leans onto the desk.
“You wanna work? Fine. But tonight, you're going to bed when I do, and you're not leaving the bed till I do,” Shizuo says.
“That's not happening,” Izaya says, taking another sip of coffee. Shizuo slaps the coffee out of his hands, and Izaya looks from the shattered cup to Shizuo, clearly irritated.
“Yes the fuck it is happening, 'cause if you refuse, I'm gonna throw your computer out the window, and then I'm gonna tie your scrawny ass to the bed for a week.” Shizuo smiles, but there's nothing pleasant about it. “What's it gonna be, I-za-ya?”
“You're going to tie me down? Kinky. I don't see how turning me on is going to get me to sleep.”
“Keep it up and I'll tie you upside-down.”
“Whoever would've guessed how high-maintenance you are?” Izaya sighs loudly and then shrugs. “Sure, what do I care? I'll just watch you sleep and do creepy stuff to you until morning. Will that placate you?”
“Yes,” Shizuo says, not threatened in the least. Izaya scowls, but doesn't argue, and that's a victory in Shizuo's book.
Hours later, after they've both eaten dinner, (Izaya at his desk, eating while working) Shizuo stands from the couch and yawns. He looks over at Izaya, who is pointedly ignoring him.
“Bedtime,” Shizuo announces.
“What? Now?” Izaya asks, looking from the monitor to Shizuo. “It's not even ten!”  
“I'm tired now,” Shizuo says. “Besides, you look like a zombie. You need it more than me.”
“I'm not tired!” Izaya whines, his legs kicking out a bit. Shizuo withholds a grin at Izaya's antics, finding them cute. Before they got together, he never would have guessed how childish Izaya can be. Izaya doesn't throw tantrums, but he does pout and whine when he's not getting his way, and his surly attitude will persist for a long time afterwards until the opportunity to be a vindictive little shit comes along. “Shizu-chan, I'm still not done!”
“A deal is a deal. Come with me, or I'm tying you down, and you'll miss even more work.” Shizuo crosses his arms and watches Izaya, who rolls his eyes, sinks into his chair, and glares at Shizuo with his bottom lip poking out.
“You're being unreasonable.”
“I'll count to three.”
“Shizu-chan, I just—“
“This is really important. My life could be on the line if I—“
“I hate you. I detest you! You're horrible, absolutely the worst!”
Groaning loudly, Izaya pushes himself up, slumps his shoulders, and makes his way up the stairs, grumbling the entire way about Shizuo. Nodding to himself, Shizuo moves to Izaya's computer, shuts it down, and turns off all the lights before joining Izaya upstairs. Izaya is in the bathroom, cat ear headband pulling his bangs off his forehead, and he's brushing his teeth with his narrowed, catlike gaze settled on Shizuo.
“Keep sulking all you want. You not sleeping isn't impressing anyone. You're lucky you haven't passed out in the path of one of your enemies,” Shizuo says, pulling his shirt off. He unbuttons his pants and steps out of them, and when he looks up, Izaya is still glowering at him. Sighing, Shizuo walks into the bathroom, shoving past Izaya to get to his own toothbrush.
When Izaya is done, he moves on to his skincare, an extensive process. Shizuo finishes brushing his teeth and then leans against the counter, simply watching Izaya apply serum after serum to his face.
“You know, you could put less shit on your face if you'd just sleep sometimes,” Shizuo says, amusement clear in his tone.
“You sound like a broken record,” Izaya says.
“You sound like an asshole.”
Clearly fuming but not wanting to show it, Izaya slams the container in his hands onto the counter, not bothering to look at Shizuo. He moves on to the next step of the process, and Shizuo reaches out to tug on the hem of Izaya's shirt, pulling him closer.
“Let go of me. You're lucky I haven't kicked you out,” Izaya huffs, but Shizuo pulls him in anyway.
“I wouldn't have to nag you if you'd bother to take care of yourself,” Shizuo murmurs into Izaya's hair.
“I take care of myself just fine,” Izaya argues.
“You don't. Being clean and having good skin isn't taking care of yourself.”
“Neither is punching people. Neither is being a stupid, simpleminded beast of a man.”
“I think that's enough skincare. Clearly you're getting grumpy from lack of sleep,” Shizuo says, unaffected by Izaya's sharp tongue. Usually he'd be enraged, but the sight of Izaya in the cat ears is too endearing. He'll yell at Izaya later, he decides, and in a swift motion, he throws Izaya over his shoulder and carries him towards the bed. Izaya curses and squirms, his bony elbows digging into Shizuo's back, and Shizuo tosses him down onto the bed, grinning triumphantly down at him.
“At least let me get undressed,” Izaya grumbles. He pulls his shirt off, pulling the headband off along with it. He looks up at Shizuo expectantly.
“Oh, you want one of my shirts?”
Snorting, Shizuo tosses a T-shirt at Izaya, who pulls it on with a pleased expression. Izaya is just squirming out of his pants when Shizuo turns out the light, bathing the room in darkness. Izaya sighs again, flops back into the bed, and relents to being held, though he doesn't relent quietly.
Despite all of Izaya's bitching, he falls asleep within the hour. He's soft in Shizuo's arms, his leg wedged between Shizuo's, and he's breathing evenly, dead to the world. Shizuo smiles and runs his hand through Izaya's hair before he closes his eyes and lets sleep take him as well.
When Shizuo wakes, it's still dark.
It takes him a minute to figure out what exactly woke him, but then he realizes Izaya is moving around, muttering little things under his breath.
“Flea?” Shizuo asks softly. Izaya doesn't respond, and Shizuo realizes Izaya is dreaming, talking in his sleep.
“Need to...work...” Izaya says something else after it, unintelligible, and he swats at Shizuo, who is beyond amused. “Brute.” Izaya finishes.
“What's that? You dreaming of me?”
“Hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shizuo says. He lifts his hand to wipe some drool off his chin, and Izaya makes an affronted little noise, pawing at Shizuo's chest. “What?”
“Want...want Shizu-chan...”
“I'm right here.”
Izaya whines and burrows closer, still swatting at Shizuo.
“Flea, quit it, I'm right here!” Shizuo huffs, though he's finding it hard to be annoyed when Izaya is being so cute. Izaya makes another anguished sound and presses his face into Shizuo's neck.
“Hold me...” Izaya's words are muffled, barely audible, and Shizuo wonders if he imagined them. Izaya is never this clingy, this open with his desires.
Gently, Shizuo wraps his arm around Izaya, who makes another noise, this one sounding happy. Izaya stops squirming and the room grows quiet once more, save for the pounding of Shizuo's heart. Izaya is a pain in the ass, and he's hard to deal with, and he's stubborn as all hell, and he's the last person in the world who should feel safe with Shizuo, but he does. He's here, sound asleep in Shizuo's arms, asking to be held, and Shizuo feels a lump in his throat.
Izaya hums in reply, clearly contented, and Shizuo kisses Izaya's forehead, pulls him closer, and dares to hold him a little tighter.
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worseandworser · 4 years
Ship: shizaya
Rating: T
Warnings/tags: omegaverse with a twist, possibly OOC, alpha!Shizuo, sigma!Izaya (lol)
Izaya Orihara had no scent. Nothing. Not a whiff of it.
Shizuo was taken aback the moment they met — he heard the sound of clapping, saw crimson eyes matching a red shirt and pitch-black hair, but he couldn't smell anything. He couldn't sense anything. The only feeling that boy inspired was a strange perception that there was something lacking about him. Shizuo could recall the growl forming in the depths of his own chest, the mind-wracking wave of rage tangling around his heart like a vine, and then jumping into a fight that would seemingly have no end. Izaya Orihara had no scent; just a smile. Cunning, knife-sharp lips twisted upwards. He dodged Shizuo's attacks and stood unfazed by the intimidating effect Shizuo's anger brought out in every single person he had met in his life.
Being an alpha implied heightened senses, and being Shizuo Heiwajima implied taking that to a whole new level. He could smell a beta — the soft, monochromatic buzz they exhaled — from across the room. Omegas or alphas — depending on the scent, from across the block. Shinra had once theorized that the range of pheromones Shizuo can perceive could be the cause of his temperamental outbursts, as if he was living in a constant state of emotional overload, or something like that. Shizuo didn't really pay attention, much less understand. Though he did get that Izaya Orihara was not alpha, nor beta, and much less an omega.
Sigma, Shinra had said. He can't release or be affected by pheromones.
That alone had sent Shizuo in another surge of anger.
And after that, he went back home and asked his mother about it.
She frowned at him. "Sigma? Do you know someone like that?" Then, at Shizuo's explanation, she shook her head. "Stay away from him. That kind of person is not to be trusted."
In the beginning, Shizuo agreed with her. Not only that, but he thought it'd be easy. No scent meant he wouldn't be walking around Raijin under the constant awareness of Izaya Orihara and pretending he didn't exist would be the easiest thing. It'd be the first time Shizuo wouldn't have to worry about the pheromonal shadow of a bastard who pissed him off.
But of course, Izaya Orihara had different plans.
* * * *
kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill
* * * *
The next morning, the asshole was hiding on the school's roof, arms splayed over the railing and the devilish smile plastered to his face.
"You sent that gang after me," Shizuo accused.
With an almost-perfectly crafted innocent expression, Izaya Orihara tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck, but the wave of pheromones Shizuo expected never came. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Shizu-chan."
Shizuo's hands closed in tight fists. "Don't call me that!"
"Ah, since you're asking so politely," said Izaya. "What would Shizu-chan prefer, then? I'm thinking of 'Beast'." He grinned. "Or maybe Monster."
After that, everything became a blur of red, red, red — and black hair tousled by the wind, and the silver gleam of a knife, and the chirping tone of taunting, and crimson eyes that followed Shizuo's every movement like they could eat him alive. And no scent.
Nothing. Not a whiff of it.
It was disturbing, distressing, disconcerting: how could someone who could not feel others, who could not assess their intentions or states, be so quick on his feet and escape Shizuo's grasp like he was made of butter? How could he dodge Shizuo's strength, surpass his speed, predict his strike before even Shizuo could know himself? How could Izaya Orihara, when he was lacking? How could Izaya Orihara know Shizuo Heiwajima, when Shizuo Heiwajima couldn't smell a whiff of Izaya Orihara himself?
He was always so close, Shizuo's hand reached just right next to the black middle-school jacket, and Izaya slipped away by the width of a hair.
And then he laughed, tilting his head to the side, and the sharp breath Shizuo would take as a reflex brought nothing but the scent of their surroundings.
* * * *
Over the years, Shizuo learned more about sigmas. They were rare, extremely so. Izaya had been the first one in Raijin in years. Perhaps, one of the few in the entirety of Tokyo. And just like Shizuo had noticed on the first day they met, sigmas are lacking — no pheromones, no glands, no receptors. If betas are considered to have mild, flexible scents, then sigmas have nothing to show. No pheromones meant they couldn't communicate normally, they couldn't sense you and your needs and you couldn't sense theirs, so all the books, and pamphlets, and late-night TV shows said the same: therefore they can't be trusted.
"I'm always alone no matter what I do," he groused to Celty, after one of his and Izaya's fights. "I guess Izaya is the same as me. That bastard probably doesn't have anyone he can call a friend."
Must be a lonesome existence, that of a sigma. If Shizuo, with his heightened senses and all, had such a hard time with people, he couldn't imagine what it would be like. To not have the confirmation that he wasn't unwanted — to not have the soft sweetness of Celty's scent, in that specific brand that spoke of companionship.
But yeah, that flea did not deserve an ounce of his sympathy.
He is nothing like you, Celty's PDA said.
Shizuo nodded, with an odd hesitation almost weighting his head immobile.
* * * *
One day, Shizuo had his nose buried in Izaya's neck, right where the glands should be, and Izaya still had no scent.
He smelled of skin, sweat, fancy soap, and shampoo. Coffee. The city's traffic. But all of those were neutral, they were supposed to be background noise to the idiosyncratic experience that Izaya Orihara should be but there was nothing. Not a whiff of it.
"Stop slobbering all over my neck," Izaya snapped. "If you bite me, I'll stab your eyeball out of the socket. But thinking better, with your monster healing, you might as well grow a new one in—"
So Shizuo moved back to his lips. To shut him up, of course.
Shizuo wasn't one to sleep around — or better yet, with his particular strength, he couldn't be one to sleep around — but he had tried before. Two omegas and a beta. With the first two, he had felt intoxicated, out of control, it was like losing his temper except that it was good actually, and both smelled like strawberry cake and sweet vanilla, mouth-watering and mind-blowing. The second was an unlucky drunk night, red-dyed hair and a loud, obnoxious laugh, and rain and saltwater and whatever nostalgia he could get from Raijin's library. They all had scents, strong ones, and Shizuo knew what to do simply by breathing in and following his instincts.
But Izaya — just like everything about him, this was also difficult. When Shizuo breathed in, he was left on edge. The oddity of the lack of pheromones struck him over and over, as it did every time they met, as if Shizuo could never be truly prepared for the lack of instinctual balance, of communication, of that irrational connection he had no idea he needed until he met someone who couldn't create it.
To guide himself, Shizuo had to pay attention to other signs. The hitch of Izaya's breath, the twitch of his hips and thighs, the gasps, the whimpers, the moans. The bossing around — Shizu-chan touch here, right there, yes, faster, harder, don't bite don't bite — the way Izaya clawed at his arms and back and chest and did exactly what he told Shizuo not to and bit down, right on Shizuo's neck, right where it mattered, where it would matter were Izaya anyone but himself. But all they got from the bite was blood, the smell bitter and heavy, sending sparks of heat down Shizuo's spine.
Shizuo growled and Izaya let him. Let him. His body bending to Shizuo without the need for words. As if Izaya could sense what Shizuo wanted, as if he could feel it, and accommodate it like he was made for it.
* * * *
In the aftermath, when they laid down on Izaya's expensive sheets, Shizuo curled an arm around him to pull him close. This time, Izaya didn't slip away, no; he hid his face in Shizuo's neck, nosed the bite he left there, and breathed in deep.
Shizuo's hold tightened.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 2 react (izaya has stopped functioning)
i already forgot what i named the last post whoops
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shizuo jumpscare
as a psychology student who is also taking sociology goddamn do i love the whole community aspect of durarara and the forms. wish i could start a festival in my town just by suggesting it online somewhere. it's so cool how you have no idea of the qualifications of the people you talk to (just like on tumblr except this is all ikebukuro people. and izaya)
i wonder if izaya being the only member of the cast (afaik) to not live in ikebukuro is symbolic of how he feels has to distance himself from the chaos at least a little bit in order to not get swept up in it himself. it's like a self restraint type thing
that's probably really obvious though forgive me im still dutsing off my character analysis lack-of-skills ANYWAY
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tom is such a malewife honestly
i dont think ive ever had chocolate bananas before. huh. strawberries sure bananas nah
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he looks so cute in that last panel ghghghjhhrhghgghjf
i dont get to see enough of normal laid back shizuo behavior with all the shizaya art i look at lmfAOO
i swear to god if celty's in a kimono 💀 shinra is about to be the most annoying man alive
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stupid puns my beloved
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the way tom's eyes are drawn in that last panel reminds me of like. american cartoon but i cant put my finger on it
is it arnold from the magic school bus or is it arthur from arthur. who knows
"you absolutely cant get into a fight today" ah so the peace wont last. damn
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i cant wait for izaya to show up this chapter and annoy the living hell out of shizuo
maybe i should make eggplantzaya my profile picture (i wont because im too attached to rantaro. not even him as a character just the profile picture) (also because i cant remember where i found the profile picture and im too scared to let it go)
i see that blurb with the really cute izaya picture on the left and im assuming it's just a "this is orihara izaya btw. he's really annoying and shizuo hates him for ruining his life" type thing but god i wish i could read it anyway ill take any crumbs
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oh nvm he's getting shafted for now, we transition to-
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celty in a kimono is inevitable. you cannot escape
she is cute though <3 this might be her first festival since she's irish too damn
that just reminded me god i wish celty talked in a super thick irish accent. some people have already mentioned that but im reiterating it because maybe some abridged series will consider it
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wait oh my god is this gonna be another hotpot party type "izaya organized all this because he's lonely and wants an excuse to hang out with people that tolerate him" thing. amazing wonderful i love the izaya slander going on in this manga today
and i was about to say "oh i guess that wasnt izaya's silhouette in the shizuo-tom panel" but he's holding a chocolate banana 💀rip tom's pay i guess
i can imagine how that went but i dont think ill have to imagine for much longer
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oh yeah it was right in the next panel lmAO at least you got free food izaya dont complain
"he looks like he's having fun" awwwwwwwwwwwww nothing more fun than ticking off shizuo and not getting hurt in the process
just realized he has the constantly closed eyes pff gin ichimaru lookin edgy ass bitch
he opens his eyes like it's a dramatic supervillain reveal but it's really just him being lonely. thanks for always exposing him shinra mwah
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WHY IS HE ACTING SO EVIL. doing the fucking arm spread like this is a bad thing what is wrong with him
i love how mikado shinra and celty are looking at each other like "this fucking guy. cant have one normal conversation"
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i know shinra is laughing his ass off beneath those glasses rn
izaya's face is amazing actually. you know that one scene in bungou stray dogs wan where atsushi gets dazai a gift and dazai glitches out and stops processing information because he doesnt know how to handle appreciation. this is literally that scene
huh. now i understand why durarara and bsd always get recommended together
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literal proof that izaya ceases to function when someone actually likes him. idc that this isn't canon it's canon because i say so
(side note MAN did they have to give airi noticable cleavage even in her chibi form. come on. you didnt do it for celty you dont have to do it to her 😭 the amount of fanservice with her drives me nuts in the main series)
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my man is BROKEN just look at him
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local gay baby realizes he accidentally made everyone happy. oops
walker and erika in the background too <3 they're so cute ugh
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i knew itd be another hotpot thing oh mygod he's so. fucking idiot you couldve just tagged along with them 😭
it's only once he imagines shizuo that he snaps too pffffffffft
also namie appearance!!!!!!! hope she appears more in future chapters
10/10 chapter would bully izaya again
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oops almost missed the ending drawing!! so cuteeee <3333
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Another thing ive been thinking of is why had the fight between dabi n hawks soured me on the ship so much when for example shizaya fights all the time n i love them. N i think its cuz in all their fights one never felt like the others victim. Like no matter what they did it always felt like they were equals choosing to participate in this twisted game they made between the two of them, no matter what one did the other would be ready to return it. While during the raid, with Dabi absolutely ready to kill Hawks and Hawks curling up on the floor trying to protect himself, unable to fight back, it really did feel like Hawks was Dabis victim n that was a step too far.
N like you said, they just arent on the same wavelenght as the others are, they might be purest form of enemies but because of it they lack that key to make them lovers at least in my opinion. The problem really is that hawks isnt an asshole lmao XD
Also!!!! About being made for each other!!! With satoru birth kicking off more powerful curses being born n then suguru being born two months after satoru in a non sorcerer family with an ability to literally consume curses, you can take the 'suguru was literally born to balance out satoru' out of my cold dead hands.
God dont you just love ships that balance each other out even in their differences ;^;
Yeah, Dabi and Hawks fight has a very different tone to Shizuo’s and Izaya’s usual fights (even their “final” death match considering that fight was still a personal matter between the two of them and not something that could cost the lives of millions of innocents) so they really can’t be compared in that sense.
Dabi and Hawks really are just pure enemies (or at least that way in canon at the moment) with no connection beyond Endeavor and the fact Dabi slandered Hawks and tried to kill him. With Hawks focus still on helping the public at large, with Endeavor and Dabi only taking up a fraction of his attention, and Dabi only caring about ruining his father and killing his brother, I doubt they’re ever going to develop the connection that other enemies to lovers pairings will get (we can still explore in fanon but canon... nah T-T).
I think you actually showed me a twitter thread in DM and I (somehow???) forgot about it T-T It’s such an amazing theory and it really wouldn’t surprise me if Geto was literally born to balance out Gojo’s shift in the world. The yin to his yang and all that XD
Amazing T-T
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Methods Of Persuasion
Shizaya Week - Day One (accidental love confession)
Notes: So I decided to join in on ShizayaWeek, and threw together a drabble for the first prompt. It is hella late, but still technically within the day, so I’m gonna count it. I don’t know if I will at all keep up with this for the rest of the week, but... here’s this! 
“Just tell me, you bastard!”
Izaya couldn’t have said how he got himself into this situation. This was, unfortunately, often the case when it came to Shizuo. What had started as simply meeting up with Shinra for club after school had quickly ended with Izaya pinned to the couch, Shizuo’s fingers dancing a waltz up his sides that had him in stitches.
Shinra had taken off already once he decided that tickling was not a threat to Izaya’s life, the traitor.
Izaya closed his eyes, trying to block out the sensations, but it was a failing effort. The tickling was clumsy in and of itself—unsurprising considering Shizuo was the one doing it—but it hardly mattered. With each awkward hand squeezing his side, or unsure finger tapping out an unsteady rhythm against his skin, Izaya felt sensation zip through him and send laughter tumbling from his throat once more. He threw his head back, kicking his legs out in a desperate attempt to free himself.
“I-It dohoesn’t mahatter!” Izaya insisted for the fifth time now, a stammered attempt at pleading mercy. “W-Why dohoho yohou e-even cahahre?”
“Because,” Shizuo replied tersely, trying to avoid the way the other’s uncharacteristically cute giggling was making his heart do cartwheels in his chest. “I heard you mention my name. If you two are keeping secrets about me, I want to know what it is!”
It had just been an innocent conversation in the halls as they walked, Izaya casually teasing Shinra about tripping and falling on his face after Celty had unexpectedly dropped by to say hi in the middle of class. Shinra had fired back the unfortunate comment that set off this whole business, and to Izaya’s dismay, Shizuo had happened to be passing by at the time. Izaya had managed to stop him before he could get the full thing out, but the damage was done. 
“ ‘Ironic, because you think Shizuo’ what?” Shizuo demanded, his face flushed from the exertion. He didn’t know why this mattered so much to him, only that it did and he was determined to unearth the information through whatever means possible. “What exactly do you think about me?”
“W-Why ahahaharen’t yohou quehehehstioning S-Shinrahaha—ah! No! Wait!”
Izaya squeaked, jumping as Shizuo grabbed hold of his hips. The other raised an eyebrow, repeating the action experimentally. Izaya broke into a series of wild cackling, his body writhing and squirming underneath the other boy.
“It’s more fun this way,” Shizuo explained simply, smirking as he watched the other unravel at such simple touches. “Who would have thought—all that arrogance and you get taken down by something as simple as tickling?”
Izaya attempted a witty retort, but Shizuo’s thumb dug in at just that moment and he let out a frankly embarrassing shriek instead. He wished to any deity that may exist to smite him right then and there, because there was no way he was going to be able to face the other the next day. Not that he didn’t like the tickling better than Shizuo’s other usual methods of tormenting him, but at least then he had some kind of dignity.
“All you have to do is tell me and I’ll let you go,” Shizuo offered, half-hoping the other didn’t. For some reason, it was oddly addicting making the flea giggle and squirm like this. He tried not to delve into that too much.
“Wait what? You’re going to have to speak up, I can’t understand what you’re saying through all the laughter.” 
Izaya’s mind was fuzzy from the tickling, a dizzy euphoria taking over his usual rationality. That was his only explanation for what came out of his mouth next. “I-I’M IHIHIN LOHOHOVE WIHIHITH YOHOHOU, YOHOHOU AHAHAHASSHOLE!”
Shizuo jerked back in surprise, instinctually letting go of the other. Izaya instantly brought his arms down, rubbing away the phantom sensations leftover on his hips.
“You’re… what?”
Izaya blushed violently, his words catching up to him all at once in the moment. “I—ah, that is, I have somewhere to be.” He stood up suddenly, tugging his shirt down further and forcing a breezy tone. “I’m… meeting up with someone. Right now. Not that you would know what that’s like, not having any friends.”
Shizuo stared at him as he walked towards the door, his mind lagging as he tried to comprehend the last several minutes of his life.
Izaya turned on his heel swiftly, throwing the other a brisk wave. “Goodbye, my dear Shizu-chan! Try not to get run over on your way out!”
Shizuo blinked, alone suddenly, in the Biology Clubroom.
What the hell just happened?!
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monopsys · 4 years
The Curse
Day 3 ingury/ hurt & confort/ vampire!au
Summary ( Shizuo and Izaya finally discussed the curse that had bound them together for a lifetime.)
On Ao3
Notes: Since the start of this fandom we had created so many names of each persona of Izaya and Shizuo. So I will return this fic to the roots of 2012 where we used to name our Shizaya's personas. An easter egg if you will! I had fun with this fic so I hope you do also!
  "Do you think she will know?" Shizuo casually said as he looked down at the road.
  At that specific moment, Celty moved past the road they were watching. Izaya smirked at Celty while he held his knife closer to him. 
  "Perhaps. She must have obtained her head. So I believe sooner or later, she will remember both of us. Celty is not stupid and she knows damn well who is with her and who is not. Another piece of our plan goes as we wanted."
  Shizuo threw his cigarette inside his small bag and put it in his jacket. He sighed but nodded. Today was the perfect day for them to give Celty her head back. The moon was full and her powers would return shortly back at her as well as her memories.
  "Do you regret it?" Izaya asked finally as he stood up from where he was sitting and turned at Shizuo. Brushing his neck.
  Shizuo looked at the moon, avoiding Izaya's gaze at him or rather... the motion and after some time, he shook his head.
  "If it was someone else, I wouldn’t. But it was you so... yes."
  "Then why you did it?"
  "I didn't care then, but now I do."
  Izaya turned at the edge of the roof and looked down.
  "Is that so? Then why don't you leave me be? Have your ways elsewhere and also me having my ways elsewhere?"
  Shizuo looked at his hand for a moment. Then turned at Izaya who had turned his face and watched Shizuo.
  "You know damn well that I can't. And also that means you. We can't...part ways."
  Izaya looked at him and he smirked looking up. He was looking so hurt and Shizuo wanted to help him. Make him feel better. But he knew that he couldn't. He had chosen this. He had made that mistake and knew what would follow.
  But sometimes he wished he could change the past.
  Shizuo looked at Izaya who finally smirked normally again and walked closer to Shizuo. Shizuo would back away but he knew what Izaya wanted him to do. And with that, he turned his gaze at Izaya's eyes. They burned when he observed them with emotions. So many and all of them directed to him. Yet some of them were new. Perhaps because they had finally found out a way out of this. A new hope. Yet Shizuo didn't want it but Izaya needed it. 
  He wanted to scream at him, telling him his feelings but he knew how Izaya would react. He would react like the first time he had done... this to him.
  Shizuo sighed. It was so many years ago yet he remembered it that damn well. 
   He was...a priest. And a popular one too. He had his church, his own house, his people to help, and of course, his own life. Yet some things come to an end. He was assigned with something to destroy. Something unpleasant. A witch.
  He had managed to defeat her and had returned without problem. Happiness and cheers were what he remembered last before he woke up again. This time his hands were bloody, he was hurt and the village...was destroyed. And anything was inside it was...dead. He remembered crying and knowing that he wasn't the murderer but also knowing that he was the cause of this disaster.
  He remembered going elsewhere in another town. Yet again another massacre with only him alive. Everyone saw him as a monster, the murderer, even if he wasn't. Rather no one could see the true cause. The one that caused this. But it was clear.
  Shizuo was cursed.
  So, he disappeared and had managed to find the cause of this curse. The witch had cursed him to live for eternity and whichever place he went to would suffer the fate of the witch's demise. It would be destroyed beyond repair. 
  Shizuo had tried to kill himself but anything he did nothing was killing him. Nothing. He was for the first time in his life...lost. And the church couldn't guide him. It rejected him.
  With that Shizuo tried to find a cure, yet nothing was helping him. He was on the verge of hiding, finding a place without anyone before someone approach him. A weird person but full of wisdom. They had told him to find a village and there we would join the vampire hunters. From there, anything else would be clear to Shizuo.
  So he did. He went to the village, became their priest, and became a vampire hunter. From there he waited for the sign. And it came.
  It was an ordinary day. Raining as always. And there in his church benches, he saw a small figure. Shizuo went closer and he finally understood what he needed to do. That figure turned at him and smiled weakly yet his eyes showed fear. His face was bloody and he had moved up from the bench and looked behind for a moment. Considering leaving.
  Shizuo wouldn't let him.
  "What can I do for you, my child? Don't be afraid. We are here to help." Shizuo’s voice turned friendlier and lifted his hand.
  The man looked between the door and Shizuo, yet as Shizuo knew, he turned at Shizuo.
  "I...I am kinda lost, father." He said. He was so innocent, so pure. and Shizuo considered leaving the man. 
  Yet...he wouldn't.
  "Of course my child. I can help you find your way. But let me help you. What is your name?" Shizuo said and moved his hand at the man who looked at it.
  The man slowly touched Shizuo’s hand. "I... I am Izetsuki."
  With that Shizuo took care of the man, letting him stay at the church. Shizuo learned his history, who he was, and what he did. Izetsuki was a good man, a duke. Yet a disaster had taken everything from him. Shizuo wondered if that was him yet the village and place where the man lived were unknown to him. 
  Izetsuki was getting beautiful as the days passed or Shizuo thought at first. He started to fall for the man and that would be a sin if he hasn't already fallen deeper. He started to have fun with the man, spending more time with him. Making him regret what he was about to do. 
  And what he wasn't supposed to do.
  Shizuo had thought that if he was the cause of the disaster before the curse took part, he would be free of it. So he started what he thought was his freedom. He was about to kill Izetsuki. Izetsuki just smiled when he saw Shizuo approach him. That smile turned into an agate mouth as Shizuo was starting to choke him to death. Izetsuki's eyes turned empty making Shizuo stop what he did and looked at him. Izetsuki held Shizuo’s hands and more tears started falling from his eyes. And then he said it...
  "...w...why...you.. you monster!" And with that Shizuo felt it.
  The curse took place and when he woke up he was inside a burnt church. In his arms was Izetsuki's corpse. He had managed to choke him to death, had started the disaster. Yet his curse was intact. He held Izetsuki's body closer to him and cried. What did he do wrong? 
  Why this time it hurt more?
  Was it because of Izetsuki? He hugged Izetsuki as he brushed his hair. Shizuo cried more this time feeling empty for the first time in his life.
  "You can save him." Someone said.
  Shizuo looked up and saw the weird person that guided him here in this city. He was angry at them and yet he couldn't turn his anger to them.
  "If I do, he will be cursed as well. Not just by living an eternity by also from the curse each vampire has. And mine is more painful than life itself."
  The person nodded at them.
  "That's true. Yet...how long were you with him?"
  Shizuo grieved more with this simple sentence, getting angrier. "ARE YOU TEASING ME?" He yelled at them but the person shook their head.
  "It was a question, not a mockery."
  Shizuo started thinking the question. He was with Izetsuki for a long time. They had spent their time together and after some time they had chosen what Shizuo thought was a sin a long time ago but now was fully accepting it. Living together. Loving each other.
  Shizuo’s eyes shined. How long was he with Izetsuki truly? When he had met Izetsuki, he was...a mere teenager. And now he was an adult. He gasped at his thoughts and realized. He was with Izetsuki for so many years and yet he hadn't noticed it.
  The person nodded. "Your curse can't be lifted but...it can be stopped."
  Shizuo looked at the person and then at Izetsuki's body. He looked so pale and yet it was liked he was sleeping in his hands. Like something, they used to do. Shizuo looked away frustrated.
  He was stupid. He hadn't realized what had happened blinded by his curse to see that he had found the solution.
  "If I...bring him back....will his curse have the same solution?"
  He asked the figure in front of him. It moved slightly but stopped in front of him finally changing its form, making Shizuo realized to whom he was talking.
  "It will... with something more added to his."
  Shizuo moved back slightly, opening his mouth and showing his teeth, and moved Izetsuki's head so he could have a better angle. With that he was ready. 
  "And what is that dullahan?" He asked and moved his head biting Izetsuki, bringing him back to life.
  Celty looked at the moon and smiled sadly.
  "To live forever with a monster you hate."
  Shizuo looked away from Izaya finally breaking their eye contact. 
  "That’s new. You never looked away without saying something." Izaya commented while Shizuo turned completely away from him. 
  He looked away yet again at the moon, feeling the moonlight shine down at his skin. Making him stronger. He tsked. Only in strength. Not in what he wanted. He made his hand a fist, clearly troubled by his emotions. He should do this. He needed to do this. With that he said it.
  "Do you remember the past?" He asked Izaya still not facing him.
  "What a weird question. I can't forget it, can I?"
  "Do you Izetsuki?" He asked and before he said anything else he felt a strong slash being created at his back.
  Shizuo had touched a nerve. He sighed. 
  "Don't call me that. Don't ever call me that!" Izaya yelled at him with a steady voice. "Only one could say that name and that man is now dead to me!"
  "What if..." Shizuo turned and looked at him. "...he is still here?"
  Izaya moved back, away from Shizuo. His eyes burned and yet his face was emotionless like the mask he always wore around.
  "He...is dead...to me!"
  "Is he truly Izaya?" Shizuo asked and Izaya finally tsked.
  "What do you think? Do you think I like the life he created for me? To be with him always. With the one who cursed me to live this life? With the one who killed me?"
  Shizuo held eye contact with Izaya wanted to prove to him what he felt towards him. After everything had happened Izetsuki wanted to leave but Shizuo had explained everything to him. On what he did, why he did, and what curse Izetsuki would have. It was...a really intense memory. Shizuo had noticed that rather than the vampire curse giving him strength, Izetsuki got a sharper mind. His inhumanly kindhearted, patient and understanding persona changed and he became the exact opposite. His strength was at the words. Winning Shizuo at everything.
  So after everything that happened, the fights and the separation that made Izetsuki understand what the curse meant, they had found a way living like this. Both would live apart yet they would meet up when they notice the curse took part. This way both of them were saved from the curse and Shizuo gave space to Izetsuki. Yet this wasn't enough, Shizuo notice. Izetsuki was unhappy and finally, he snapped and fought Shizuo. 
  It was the best he ever had.
  Izetsuki continued fighting him and Shizuo let him do it. That at least made Izetsuki have some control over the curse. And Shizuo wanted him to. With that, they continued.
  After some centuries they changed places and names. Izetsuki became Hibiya, Psyche...Izaya. Only one thing didn't change and that was Shizuo’s emotions towards Izaya. 
  So he needed to express them. He needed to show what he felt.
  "He was blinded..."
  "Excuses!" Izaya barked back, smirking at him.
  Shizuo was in the loss here but he would make it count.
  "HE was blinded and didn't see what was important to him. Not then. But now he can see it. He can feel it now."
  "Then why he didn't leave the person dead if he knew what would happen."
  "Because he didn't understand the consequences."
  "That's why he is getting them now! Can you see it?"
  Shizuo punched the wall next to him, finally feeling his full power getting back to him. His teeth had appeared. Izaya on the other hand didn't have strength but speed in his arsenal and his vampire feature was his eyes becoming readers well as vampire wings appearing behind him. 
  "I always saw them. And yet I endure them! But I can anymore deny my feeling for you. Not deny but hide them. I am in love with you Izaya!"
  Shizuo yelled at Izaya who looked away. Shizuo stopped dumbfounded. Izaya never avoided eye contact. Only Izetsuki did it when he knew he was wrong somewhere.
  Izaya looked back at him. He looked once again broken and yet that damn smirk was on him. Shizuo showed his teeth and finally, he moved near Izaya hugging him. He knew he would be hit, stabbed, or something.
  Yet nothing happened.
  Izaya let Shizuo hug him. Or rather he hugged him back. Shizuo relaxed at it and smelled finally Izaya's smell. It was the first time after this damn curse they shared that they hugged. They let each other get embraced in silence.
  Izaya started shaking finally and Shizuo hugged him closer, feeling protective once again after so damn centuries.
  "I hate this..." Izaya whispered and Shizuo felt his heart drop. Izaya's voice was so empty, so different.
  "I do also." Shizuo said and whispered at Izaya's neck. "But we can change it. We can find another way."
  Izaya laughed as he used to and Shizuo tightened his hold.
  "Can we? Truly, Pritzuo?"
  Shizuo felt himself fall at this. He felt tears fall down his eyes. Izaya had said his name. His real name. He moved back and looked at Izaya who had also teared up. His eyes were like they used to, that innocent Izetsuki. Shizuo understood what Izaya gave him. 
  Another chance.
  And he would take it, embrace it. Shizuo nodded at Izaya who gave him that smile that he had given him before his death. That easy-going innocent smile.
  "Then...my monster, let's us do what we had created to happen here...."
  Shizuo held Izaya's hand, finally feeling the burden he held so long being lifted off him. "...Together." He smiled back at Izaya finally free from his curse and this time being the one controlling it.
  Izaya tightened the hold and smirked at Shizuo. "Together."
  With that they kissed, lifting their curse.
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kannra21 · 4 years
Shizaya is a toxic and abusive ship tbh, but the Durarara!! fandom is weird so they ain't ready for this conversation yet.
There is no denying that Shizaya is toxic. The thing is, the two are the main characters who're always chasing each other around and people find that amusing bc they're often shown together in a negative way. But I guess the fandom doesn't rly care bc mutual hate is considered love in fujo world so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think they're aware that it's toxic but they don't care bc they like their fanon version so much better. I've read some fanfic and Izaya is very ooc btw.
I don't deny that there are fics in which Namie is also ooc. Tbh I like Namie's and Izaya's canon versions v much bc Izaya deserves all the gloating that Namie puts him through but she never let him down otherwise. I like how they trust each other despite their differences, Namie is the first person he calls before passing out and Namie canonically trusts him with protection. He always makes fun of her weird attraction towards Seiji but his love for humanity is also weird so they're on the same page. I'm in love with the dynamic bc if he had someone by his side who's worshipping him like the rest of the girls coming from abusive families or relationships it would be boring. They're just making fun of each other and they're not lying which is funny bc they're both despicable. Izanamie is toxic bc Izaya's payment is the only reason why she hadn't poisoned him yet.
Let's say different strokes for different folks. I think that Narita leans more towards Izanamie bc his friend ships it so yea. He also said that he doesn't understand Shizaya hype.
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