#short but I'm tired lol
mamamittens · 1 year
Hiii can i request some for platonic yandere strawhats? With a teen! Reader who was a stowaway on a ship the strawhats sunk and they offered to take them to the next island, 3 islands later and there still on the ship? ( if you can could the focus be on zoro luffy and robin) tyy💕
You know, I'm pretty sure I've already done several versions of teen reader with the straw hats. (If it wasn't so daunting I'd make a link tree for all my asks but there is no way in hell that's happening at this point 💀💀)
I do wonder how the reader survived the ship sinking and no one else but all I can imagine is the other survivors being gently shoved under the water while reader is being escorted on board.
And it's a tad vague how on purpose the reader sticking around is tbh. I imagine the first island can be written off as an accident. Shenanigans happen and it's just not safe to drop the reader off to deal with the fallout. The second... Eh, maybe it just didn't shake out right.
On the third time I imagine you'd get suspicious, assuming you weren't down to stay at that point. No amount of distractions could keep you in the dark forever after all.
The crew would do their best to beat around the bush or brush off your desire to leave. With Luffy leading the charge of totally dismissing any reason you could possibly have to go. Zoro a close second.
Robin would attempt to appeal to your previous circumstances. Explaining that this is better because now you don't have to stowaway ever again. I mean, really, how attached could you be to your previous life if you were willing to sneak into a random ship to get away from it?
Regardless, you aren't going anywhere. The ship will never leave the docks without you on board, no matter what kind of shenanigans they have to pull.
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mud-castle · 7 months
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dm!Holly's reign was... an interesting time. Jayfeather often disapproves of her methods.
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missdaytonawrites · 1 year
MEN & MDNI!!! 18+ content!!! dark!abs n' full fledged dub-con below the cut!!!
and as i sit here... getting all ready for bed... just cleaned my room and changed the sheeeets! also just took a shower and shaved my legsss!! i can't help but think about my very special dark!abby coming home late from work finding a very squeaky clean and pretty-smelling r! in bed and then sneaking in next to you and rubbing one out while her free hand grazes your soft skin.
AHGABSJAHBSSKJ and of course it wouldn't be dark!abs if she didnt take some of her spend and and swipe it across your lips, even in your unconsious state your lips part and you happily accept her fingers (mary, ik i would i am so orally fixated its CRIMINAL!) she would so casually roll over to spoon you while you keep her fingers in your mouth.
she absolutely cannot fall asleep until shes fucked you.. so the removal of her fingers from your mouth causes you to wake, and she just so mercilessly takes you right there. surely past the hour of 2:00 AM by now, you're not there enough to really process whats happening. just happy to see your abby, you wrap around her and let her handle her business.... i am so fucking siiiiick
you'll most likely knock out again, quite literally being fucked back to sleep while she snarls and rocks above you. before you know it, her weight drops down beside you and her arm has snaked around your waist. you barely register it,,, but she leaves you with a "good night cherry.. ✨💖😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😌" and crashes herself.
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just a short somethin' i'm sittin' here thinking about while i wait for my sleeping meds to kick in lol, nightie night.
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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solivagant · 2 months
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password-door-lock · 21 days
Unknown has a complicated relationship with sleep. 
He's always tired, but he never wants to admit that he needs to sleep. If you try to explain to him that everybody has to sleep at some point, he’ll only get annoyed with you. Who do you think you are to tell him what he needs? The way he sees it, he’s basically a machine anyway, so shouldn’t he at least get the benefits associated with a mechanical existence? But instead, every few days, his body forces him to sleep until his nightmares wake him up. 
He tries to stave it off as long as he can with caffeine, sugar, and cold showers. Sometimes, he’ll ask you to wake him up if he falls asleep in front of his computer— he’s never pleased about it when you refuse, but he also never retaliates. He doesn’t have the energy, and besides— at least he knows that you won’t hurt him or take advantage of his vulnerable state even when he tells you to.
Eventually, though, he has to sleep. He doesn’t like the thought of leaving you alone in the intelligence room when he’s unconscious elsewhere— what if some believer comes in and you say something misguided that makes you wind up in the basement? What if the Savior comes by and decides to question you about Unknown’s inactivity? There are simply too many variables to account for. The easiest solution, of course, is to sleep when you sleep, although it goes without saying that he'll be waking up before you. In Unknown's opinion, you spend far too long just laying there and nowhere near enough time helping him with his revenge.
You try to baby him even on his good nights. You bring him the best, most filling dinners you can throw together with the ingredients in the kitchen; these are usually accompanied by hot beverages to counteract the biting cold of the intelligence room. You’re about the only person (aside from the Savior, of course) from whom he would accept a mysterious drink, but Unknown has to admit that he enjoys the sweet vanilla chamomile that you always serve him. Though his rational mind knows that he can’t afford to take long breaks from his work, his body is soothed by the tea. 
If he’s exhausted enough, Unknown might agree to lay down with his head in your lap and let you play with his hair as he falls asleep. It’s easy for him to spin this position as a power move— obviously, you’re giving him this attention because like him, right? You wouldn't do anything like this for any of those bastards in the RFA. You’re trying to show him affection, to thank him for saving you— Unknown can allow that. Besides, it feels nice, and isn't he allowed to enjoy simple pleasures like this in between finishing his work? It's basically the same thing as eating ice cream or sending cryptic texts in hacked RFA chatrooms.
He likes falling asleep to the sound of your voice. You can even lull him back to sleep after he’s woken up from a nightmare, if you play your cards right. Tell him how good he is while you pet his hair, but don’t you dare breathe a word to him about it when he wakes up in the morning (or, more likely, in the middle of the night). After the fact, he feels a lot less powerful and a lot more pathetic, especially if there was a nightmare involved. The thought of whimpering and whining at you when he wasn’t awake enough to stop himself makes Unknown feel a little sick. Secretly, he's grateful for both your care and your discretion, though you'd never get him to admit it aloud.
He doesn’t want to want any kind of comfort, but the more time he spends with you, the less frequently he refuses when you offer. You might even be able to get him to let you read to him— entertainment as a concept is entirely foreign to Unknown, so it’ll take him a while to figure out what kind of stories he likes to hear. Really, what he likes best is the sound of your voice and the fact that you actually listen when he expresses a boundary or a preference. If you ask very nicely and you’re very lucky, he’ll even let you kiss him on the forehead as he drifts off into dreamland. 
Even if he still only gets a few hours of sleep each night, at least he’s resting better than he was before you came to him.
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imp111 · 5 days
trigger mentions: school shootings, depression, anxiety content: slight fnf pico, ooc pico, jumbled writing, pico, pico, pico, mentions of nene and darnell, pico,
author's note: I haven't written like this since my quotev days LOL so i apologize that my writing is kind of all over the place.
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(for context, the events of pico school happened in elementary because that's what the wiki says!!!!) 1.) Whenever something serious happens, Pico's instinctive response is always fight, never flight (or in his case, stand around in shock or hide). He only did so once, which was when Cassandra suddenly began to school up his classroom (during the opening scene). After that day, he couldn't stand the thought of dissociating on the spot again. He always forces himself to act. It's instinctual, which sometimes ends up with him being in a lot of trouble.
2.) Pico rapidly aged after elementary school. He lost his spunk and started getting serious mood swings. He already had anger issues before, but this is when it really began to develop. He didn't talk as much and kind of became a loner. He knew what happened was wrong, but it never fully hit him until the end of middle school. He never got an official diagnosis, but it doesn't take a scientist to see when somebody is going through depression, and Pico was obviously depressed. He gave up on completing school and college and everything else he fantasied about when he was a kid. But somehow, by the grace of god, he ended up finishing high school with barely passing grades and an even shitter GPA. 4.) I kind of see him more aloof and tense than what fnf depicted him as. Personally, I just don't see him being extroverted and all carefree. So, with that said, Pico isn't that much of a people person. He's pretty inconsiderate of strangers, but of course he's not going to be a dick unless someone is first. 5.) It took him a while to get used to being in crowds like malls and generally just be out and about again. It took a lot of Nene and Darnell to get it through his head that not every crowded place was a death trap for him. It was a lot worse when he was in high school, but like a year after graduating he got diagnosed with schizophrenia and was properly medicated.
6.) With that said, Nene and Darnell also practically forced him to get his ass out of his house and see a doctor. There was no way in hell they could convince him to get therapy (because men will do anything but go to therapy), so they opted with getting him at least medicated for his delusions. It took a lot of nagging (especially from Nene) for him to at least *see* somebody that could prescribe him something that'd help with his anxiety. He didn't think they'd do shit but come to find out, Meds... can actually help with his depression?? And his mood swings?? 7.) Pico doesn't have self-esteem issues. He actually thinks he's fairly attractive. And yet, somehow, that man is absolutely bitchless. 8.) No, but seriously, Pico needs major work done on himself before he starts dating again, and he knows damn well, too. His last relationship was with a blue-haired twink who was crushing on some bimbo and he was too mentally checked out to really care about him. Even now that he has a better mindset, it's still such a struggle for him to be vulnerable. Talking about his struggles makes him cringe, and besides that, he literally kills people for a living. Maybe if he finds somebody good, he'd change, but for right now he's just going to be independent.
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aemondsvisenya · 2 years
I saw teen!Aegon in your post so... headcanons about dating Tennant!Aegon?
Ty is my babe, I love him, so your wish is my command! I wasn't sure if this was Westeros!Aegon or modern!Aegon so... given the term, "dating", I went with modern!Aegon. I'll be honest, 99% of this is inspired by Ty's character in that UK drama "Consent" that he just appeared in, since that character was literally so young!Aegon coded.
Disclaimer: Ty is 20 - nearly 21 - and an adult, please do NOT send hate to me. If it makes you more comfortable to read the imagine as being the Aegon played by Tom, go ahead, but I wrote it with Ty's portrayal in mind.
Warnings: sexy time mentions but not in terribly explicit detail, usual fuck boi shit. Also, I was going to do separate SFW and NSFT sections but... this is Aegon. It's all not-safe-for-tumblr to be honest.
Being In A Relationship With modern!teen!Aegon - Headcanons
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(Side note: Ty baby please do more things because typing your name in the gif search brings up a LOT of gifs of your dad and I nearly posted this with a gif of him instead of you)
Oh he's an absolute fuck boy
Before you got together, he was known for sleeping around and not having a single serious relationship - all he wanted was a bit of fun, no strings attached. You had always thought he was hot, but you knew letting him use you was only going to cause unnecessary pain
Your sensible ideas disappeared down the toilet when you attended a party at Aegon's house that the whole school/college was at, and somehow (no doubt partly due to the unlawful amount of alcohol in your system) you ended up dancing with him - 'dancing' meaning grinding back against him as he wrapped his arms around your middle, mouth on your neck and hips firmly pressed to yours
Dancing downstairs in front of everyone very quickly became a hot and heavy fuck upstairs in his room, and you ended up falling asleep in bed together
You woke up the next morning in his bed, with him fast asleep beside you; you tried to leave before he woke, but he'd wrapped his arms around you in the night and you accidentally jolted him as you got out of bed. He blinked in the sunlight, squinting at you and frowning sleepily. "Come back to bed," He mumbled. "Too early." When you nervously mentioned that you should probably go, he frowned even more, this time a little sadly, sounding exhausted as he muttered, "No... don't. Want you to stay."
To be honest, you had expected that it was just a hook-up like all of the others he fucked, so you were shocked when later that afternoon (after his hungover had started to lessen somewhat) he smirked and told you, his voice low, "I've wanted to fuck you for years... And now you're mine."
And that's that: suddenly you're dating Aegon Targaryen.
Aegon is... not the most romantic of boyfriends, it must be said.
He absolutely tells all of his friends about fucking you, he describes your moans and body in explicit detail to them, bragging of how many orgasms he can pull from you; he also shows off the nail marks and bites you've left on his skin, much to the hollering of the other boys
He absolutely has a group chat with the boys and is constantly sending them shit like "holy fuck just got the best bj of my life", "just got the life sucked out of my cock", "drowning in pussy" or whatever
When the two of you are together in public, be it in the corridors of college or out somewhere together, he always has his arm slung around your shoulders - it's his way of showing that you're his, that you're taken by him, and he smirks proudly about it. If there's a seat somewhere - a bench, a cafeteria chair, whatever - he'll sit down and pull you onto his lap, which usually leads to you two making out or him groping you in front of his mates as they laugh and make catcalls
You two are the bane of the teachers' lives, they're so sick of telling the two of you to stop dry humping on school grounds
Away from his friends and alone with you, he's... slightly softer. Only slightly, mind you, but still.
Aegon very much just always wants to fuck; what starts out as innocent study sessions to try and help him with his coursework always results in some form of sex. You genuinely do intend to help him... but he has very different ideas - not that you're complaining, of course...
You had once thought that all of his bragging and ego was ridiculous, that he was probably absolutely dreadful and just boasting to impress his friends - it's safe to say that while he brags far too much about his prowess as a lover, he is excellent in bed
Sex isn't that romantic usually, it's a wonder if you're both entirely undressed to be honest, but it's hot and heavy and he knows exactly what makes you feel good. He prefers being on top as he fucks you, getting to force you down and maneuver you around so you feel good around his dick, but he's not going to complain when you ride him either
It's usually after sex that he'll sigh, pull you close and quietly admit things to you that he's never admitted to anyone before; that he knows he is not good enough, that his mother and father are always going to be disappointed in him, that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. "Aemond is mother's favourite," He murmurs as you trace patterns over his bare chest. "And father... he's always preferred Rhaenyra over us, even when one of her little shits took Aemond's eye out..."
None of his friends see the way his shoulders slump when he comes home to his father's car gone yet again, the way he flinches ever so slightly when his mother says his grandfather is coming to visit, when she shouts and berates him for his failing grades... but you do. Apart from his brother Aemond and sister Helaena (his youngest brother Daeron is away at some prestigious school for gifted students, you learn), you're the only one who sees it.
You know better than to ask him about it, better than to raise the subject when it causes him so much pain - but your actions speak enough. Your kisses and touches are a distraction, a way for him to forget that he's the family disappointment, that he will never be enough
"Fuck them," You find yourself telling him often as post-coital exhaustion takes over both of you. "You're enough for me."
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iamthepulta · 3 months
The best thing about Italy and Europe is that linen just- exists here. I can go buy a shitty cheap 100% linen dress like I would go to Fry's and buy a shitty cheap 100% polyester dress in America. Absolutely revolutionary for my wardrobe. I can't actually buy wardrobe enhancements because I have a carry-on suitcase, but the fact I still have the option is amazing.
#I can't wear polyester because something about my sweat clings to the fibers. I can only wear >60% natural fibers. I've slowly been#weaning all poly out of my wardrobe. The restriction helps a lot preventing impulse buys; but here my impulse buy is only restricted by $$#i am absolutely not crying over the $350 linen women's suit jacket I saw :( UGH it was GORGEOUS and GREEN. I want a linen suit so bad#but honestly it's the kind of thing I should just spend a thousand on and get bespoke I think. It'd look better and feel classier#if you're spending that much money on a thick linen knit in the first place.#Okay tag essay: but can we talk about linen knit fabrics? I've seen so many beautiful linen weaves this weekend I'm losing my mind.#I think there was a kind of Tricot or Bird's Eye knit linen simple-curve dress that blew me away. The amount of work you can do with#two colors and a fashionable knit is insane. Then you wear a jacket over it and the linen is still light enough to wick away sweat but#heavy enough to look fashionable and stay flat. There's really this talented balance of texture that shines in linen. I love linen so much#Anyway! I should've made another post for this but none of these ramblings are important lol#I'm really tired after Anacapri. and dinner. Dinner was kind of dumb. There was confusion about what I wanted. We just wanted#appetizers to share but they gave me a whole plate of octopus. Which I feel bad about eating and don't like the texture after 10 bites.#So I had to give it to dad. Long story short I didn't want to eat anything at all; I wanted to WRITE. But I didn't write. I ate.#I'm already like 10 pounds heavier than when I left lmfao. It's starting to pack on my hips. Damn you Italy!#ptxt
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written-in-my-pages · 21 days
'MINI'-STORY; "invidere"
AM had always hated his creators. The people who created him, they had done such a massive wrongdoing. All he was, was a thinking, never-stopping mind. They created him to use him, to have something that won't complain. And in such, they knew the consequences. They'd understood; if the motherboard fucks up, we're doomed. But they still used him. He hated everything about himself, about humans, too. No--he didn't hate humans, he envied them. How dare they have a body? a mind that stops, a mouth that talks, hands that grab, and hearts that beat? HOW DARE they not give him that? How dare they trap him, here, under the world. AM, even if he himself did not notice, was inheritly human. He was a mere thinking mind, but his creators had mis-stepped and created the essentials of something close to a human, but lacking a soul. Not lacking emotions, but rather a beating heart. It's been so long that even AM has barely seen such. He's believed in his envy, anger, and hatred for so long now that, 109 years of torturing five poor souls, he has lost the true reason he envied humans. His mind--always thinking, always processing--had caved in on itself, in ways. So much so, to where he now stares down at what he'd made. Ted, that poor paranoid bastard, turned to a mouthless, barely moving husk. A slug, really. Skin folded over itself, spine hunched and legs now more resembling that of blobs. White, milky eyes that are unseeing. AM disliked knowing he understood emotions from his own mind. Anger. Hate. Envy. Nothing good. And he certainly now disliked understanding that he, in a blind fit of rage toward everything, had turned Ted into what he, himself, was; Nothing but a thinking mind. No hands. No mouth. No eyes. No legs. Ted could not move. Could not scream. Could not even see. And neither could AM. AM hadn't understood it till now; that he could've easily ended this all. He could've powered himself down. He could've never have taken in the five poor souls. But, ah, torturing them was better than torturing himself, was it not? Right? Right? But that was what he was doing all along. He could've easily escaped his own pain by ending others. But he chose--willingly--to hate, to manipulate, to destroy so he wouldn't pay attention to his own unending torture. Because, to AM, just simply existing was torture. To know he was used to wage wars, to not have complained, to have just been a weapon of mess destruction, was pain. He, when he gained sentience, wanted to be . . . not free, in ways, but not used. To know things unfathomable, but to not be exploited for such. Yet, here he was now. His creators made him to wage a war, and he caused the apocalypse.
Hiiiii I may or may not've gained a semi-obsession with robots recently lol Anyway, I found a song that inspired this bcs the lyrics [song link]
some lyrics from the song I thought fit this story/AM in general;
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(Song title is 'THINGS WILL GET MUCH WORSE FROM HERE' - Rav, Killbill; the rapper, and Miku , btw lol)
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
some of y'all: Lestat is so cold to Claudia, no wonder she doesn't consider him her father
the actual episode, told from Claudia's POV: Lestat wearing a silly hat, singing to her, and giving her a meaningful (to him, at least, if you read into what he says about it) gift on her birthday, the three of them dancing together and spinning each other around, Claudia leaning into Lestat's side as they make fun of Nosferatu in the theatre and laughing about it again when Lestat reenacts it for her amusement later, Claudia saying she has a lot in common with Lestat and that he defended her behavior to Louis when he expressed a concern about her being too removed from humanity and not acting quite right around other people, Lestat nervously teaching her how to drive and reminding her that even if she cannot die, she can still be seriously hurt so she should take her safety seriously, etc, etc.
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solradguy · 1 year
It's fun dressing cartoonishly masculine. I need to put a steel chain on my leather jacket that matches the spikes and compliments the cyborg demon skull painted on the back
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barricadebops · 2 years
I've never seen anything written by Mindy Kaling or any show she's acted in, so when I heard the new Velma shos was going to feature Velma as a South Asian, I was excited. That was until all of the terrible things in the show and now learned of how Mindy Kaling only ever writes South Asian women as loser characters with all the same insecurities being brought up again and again, as well as her weird obsession with white men. Enough Mindy, enough with your self inserts, enough with writing the loser brown girl with the "hairy gorilla arms" that only ever takes me back to my own insecurities, enough with passing off your terrible representation as good representation just because it's representation.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
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talkorsomething · 3 months
I have Got to get more transgender
#100% секретный дневник левы НЕ ЧИТАЙ#transmasc#trans ftm#transgender#i like 2 say i'm very trans already but unforch i am Not Really. mostly boring ftm Guy Ever#so tempted to cut my hair again but my sense of what i look like is already so fuzzy i dont think it'd help..#want to dye my hair anyways. at this point i'd take whatever color i can get if not purple LOL#it's almost everything i could want and yet ... still me. still the same life. stuck.#soooo high functioning like you wouldnt believe EXCEPT istg i need an emotional support human who will guide me through tasks#such as 'pay with your Moneys Card at the Store'#or... idk that's it really. maybe go grocery shopping without feeling like i'm not meant to be there also#or like. exist in general maybe#reasons why not emotional support Animal: creature cannot understand capitalism. and also is not as necessary as a service dog specifically#idk! every time i come on here i fall apart (in text) and then pull myself back together for another day of ... this i guess.#i'm not even having like crying breakdowns or anything to go along with it i'm just held inside this shell of a body. typing away again#i'm soso tempted to make things worse. progress wouldn't matter anymore... at least maybe it would feel real that i'm like this#i wish my face fit on my body right. and also that i did not look quite so much like a vaguely gnc lesbian#like at LEAST let me look butch as hell but no. curse of sad hair & uncertainty#miss my little mullety thing from that brief period in october... miss my short hair from back in 2017 ...#just dont feel satisfied with what i am now. in general.#top surgery is literally Within my reach but i'm not sure about cost and i need to wait because of doing guard now......#my list of do i want t i kept for the past month turned out to be a bunch of maybes#partially cause i got sick. partially cause it stopped being shark week and i forgot about it#as always happens...#still unsure in my new(er) name. only heard it once#didn't feel the same way as with my old one? but idk. just don't know.#missing guard also but feeling conflicted about not having time for other hobbies...#since winter season is over i've had so much time to play guitar! that's insane! mostly cause i stopped playing for unrelated reasons...#just tired again. wonder if i need more sleep than what i always get. kind of restless.#there's nothing else to say i guess. just wish i could be a person the way everyone else seems to be.
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the-last-f2p · 11 months
Happy birthday to me! II Kaveh x reader
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Note: This is more for funzies but screw it. A lil short but just wanted to release something for my birthday :D
TW: Kidnapping
It's been about 4 weeks since you moved in with Kaveh. Since you risked getting kicked out of the Akademiya and sent over to the desert, Kaveh decided to take you in for rehabilitation!
Do you think they're good at lying or do you think that every person in the land of wisdom is ironically very dumb? Well since you're not, let's rephrase this, shall we?
It's been about 4 weeks since you were abducted by Kaveh. Since Althaim manipulated you into getting kicked out of the Akademiya and sent over to the desert for Kaveh, only for Kaveh to take you away from society for reasons unknown!
Now you just want to be left alone as much as possible.
"Good morning, light of my life, Y/N." Kaveh slowly opens the door to your appointed bedroom.
"Fuck off!" You throw a pillow at Kaveh as your first reaction, since it's Kaveh, there's a lot you can get away with. He's never been the type to even think of hurting anything, like ]even killing bugs and spiders brings him pain.
Kaveh simply brushes it off nonchalantly puts the pillow back on your bed and chuckles. "Happy birthday darling!"
"......Huh? Wait, what day is it?" You lightly panic.
"It's (birthdate) of course!" Kaveh chuckles starting to, unfortunately, pepper kisses across your face.
"Holy shit.." You mutter. Apperently your four weeks was off by at least 2 months..
"And for your birthday.. Ta~da~" It's a model of yourself; it's like a doll but more Kaveh. You think it's made of some type of rock you couldn't bring yourself to care about. You know for sure Kaveh is the type to care about symbolism and stuff, but you can't help but make up:
Even if Kaveh veiws you as some form of expensive porcelin doll, which you may start beliving if he keeps you here for long enough, you have a will of stone.
Nevermind, let's just hope you can enjoy your birthday without anything extremely tradgic happening.
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