#short cup of frozen coffee||Chip
helloitstsyu · 1 year
better than ice cream | Tom Cruise [18+]
my masterlist
A/N : Just a lil drabble. Cleaning up my WIP
WC : 600+
Warnings : alluded smut, oral sex, minor dni
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"Honey?" Tom's voice explores the house as he enters the main door.
"Living room, babe," you shout.
Seconds later, followed by a footsteps noise, his figures appear. Tom walks in with such a weary look on his face. He just got back from a meeting with other producers for his next movie. Despite he's still working, shooting, finishing the latest installment for Mission Impossible, he already got plenty more on his list for his futute projects. He was so eager earlier this morning when he left the house, but now when he comes home with that droopy look on his face, you know something doesn't go that well.
"Oh no, what's with the face?" You ask.
Tom throws his key to the key bowl, takes off his jacket, and with a deep sigh, he throws it to the couch. Throwing himself next to you, he landed with his face nuzzle to your chest. You put aside the cup of your favorite Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that you've been digging for. Wrapping your arms instinctively around him, you rub his back.
"What's wrong?" You ask, gently massaging his back as you keep rubbing it. "Bad day?"
"Mhmm," his voice muffled to your chest.
"Oh Tommy," you softly sigh, "Talk to me, baby,"
Tom inhales deeply, taking all of your scents. His shoulder drops as the sweet floral scent of you helps to relax him down a bit. You always help to calm him down. Tom looks up to you, "I don't really want to talk about it just yet,"
You exhale, nodding to show that you understand if he don't want to talk about it just yet, "Here, have some ice cream instead," you reach for your ice cream again, scooping the frozen cream to your spoon.
Tom's eyes shifting between your face and the spoon you're holding on. He pinches his eyebrows together at you, "Honey, you know i don't eat sweets when I'm shooting,"
You shrug your shoulder and innocently look back to him. "It's non diary,"
Tom chuckles as he shakes his head. His eyes peers down at your figure. Eyeing what you wear, Tom licks and bites his lower lip. You opted to stay comfortable for tonight. After a long shower, you decided to pick an oversized t-shirt, and you play a little cheeky too tonight, not wearing any shorts, Tom could see your baby blue lacey thong.
"Come on, one spoon won't make you gain 10 pounds anyway..." you say.
Tom titles his head to the side, and emeralds eyes look back right into your eyes. He giggles, "Are you serious?"
You chuckle, "Just want to make your day better, honey,"
Tom licks and bites down his lip. The corner of his lips curves up to a smirk, "You know what, i do need a little something..." he said, with such mischievous grin. Tom grabs your hand, putting the spoon back to the ice cream cup. He takes the cup from your hand and sets it down on the coffee table. "Something I know tastes sweeter– better than ice cream,"
Tom climbs off the couch and kneels in front of you. His hands grab your hip, and in one swift motion, he pulls your hip closer to the edge of the big couch, so you're partially laying down.
A gasp leaves your mouth.
With that look on his face, you know where's he's going. Tom begins to kiss your leg, trailing your smooth skin with his wet kisses till his face aligns with your center.
"And here i thought you don't eat sweets, darling," you chuckle.
"Oh, i do eat sweets. The one that i like is just... a little particular," his voice drops lower at the last few words, emphasizing them to you. Looking back at your eyes, Tom gives you a playful wink.
Tom pulls your thong and shift them to the side.
You giggle as you watch his head dips lower into your needing cunt. "Sure do–eeess," you hiss as his warm mouth starts devouring your clit.
The way his fury tongue rubs your sensitive clit, going back and forth between teasing your entrace and back to your clit, Tom knows how to win you over in a short minute. You moan, fingers running through his soft brunette, and when he sucks on your clit you pull on the strands.
"God! Thomas..." You chuckle,
Tom looks up at you. His emeralds eyes shines with amusement upon your pleasure. "So sweet," he whispers, then back at his work he went.
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Tags : @malavera @katherineswritingsblog @tomsf18 @moondustfairies @call-sign-shark @cruisinwithtom
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espressorry · 1 year
better together
it’s not always easy & sometimes live can be deceiving; i’ll tell you one thing - it’s always better when we’re together :)
this is pure fluff and a combination of the things i imagine when i listen to better together & banana pancakes by jack johnson :) enjoy!
She was awoken, first, by the light streaming in lightly through her bedroom curtains. She hesitated to open her eyes, not quite wanting to shake off the sleep induced haze quite yet. Blindly, she reached out for the warmth of her boyfriend next to her, but was met with only remnants of his body heat.
As Y/N became more and more awake, she could hear rumblings in the kitchen - dishes being moved around, sizzling from the stove, a soft “shit!” as Harry likely burnt his hand on something. 
Chuckling to herself, she turned her head into her pillow and stretched out her sleep-stiff limbs. This was her favorite way to spend a morning - sleepy smiles shared over good food and warm coffee, soft hugs in between bouts of conversation, and the overall comfort in being with your person on a Saturday morning with nowhere else to be. 
Slowly, she got out of bed and shrugged on a cozy sweatshirt of Harry’s and her sleep shorts, discarded hazily the night before. As she made her way into the kitchen, she was met with a shirtless Harry just in his joggers, back turned to her as he cooked something on the stove. She approached him quietly and snaked her hands around his waist, nuzzling her head in between his shoulder blades.
He flinched as he felt her hands come around him, “Your hands are ice cold,” he chuckled, and was met with her rubbing those same freezing hands up and down his stomach to tease him further. “Good morning, my love.”
She grumbled noncommittally into his back, wrapping her arms tighter around him to savor his warmth.
“Well, good morning to you too, then,” he added, pausing his cooking to wrap his hands around her wrists, interlacing her fingers with his. He turned around so he could look at her face, eyes looking up at him with love and adoration, despite the sleep clouding them. 
“Good morning,” she responded with a soft smile, reserved only for him - the only person she would tolerate before a cup of coffee in the morning. “I love you.” An unspoken rule between them, always throwing in ‘I love you’s’ at all hours of the day, not just as an obligation when leaving or ending a phone call.
“I love you too, baby. Coffee?” He asked, turning back around before she could even respond, wordlessly grabbing her favorite mug out of his kitchen cabinet and filling it from the pot of freshly brewed coffee.  
“You are the best,” she voiced as she accepted the warm mug of coffee from his hands, both hands wrapping around it to steal all the warmth she could. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Banana pancakes,” Harry responded - her favorite, made with mashed, ripe, bananas and dark chocolate chips. He turned back to the stove to flip the small pancakes over to brown the other side. “They’re almost done, there’s a small stack keeping warm in the oven you can help yourself to.”
She was frozen for a second - even after months of being with Harry, it was still these moments that shocked her the most. The joy that came from having a partner who wanted to learn your favorite foods so they could cook them, unprompted, or would be unable to resist buying something because they thought of you - these were the things that she cherished the most in life. She had never felt so loved. 
She set her mug down to wrap her arms back around her boyfriend, feeling her love for him swell up in her chest so much that she had to voice it - even without words. “Thank you,” she murmured into his back, pressing soft kisses along his shoulders. 
Though the world could be dark and depressing sometimes, she hoped she would always have these slow Sunday mornings with him in their small little bubble - nothing to do, no other place they’d rather be.
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writeblrcafe · 1 year
Fourth prompt menu for April: toppings
How would you like to enjoy your ice cream or frozen yogurt at writeblrcafé? Choose as many toppings as you like and write for the prompts!
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We encourage all forms of original writing. You can check out our other prompts here. Make sure to tag your piece of writing with #wcprompt within the first 5 tags and mention which prompts you used. We will reblog every toppings order!
Mini marshmallows: "This city is built on their bones." – "Will you stop being ominous?" – "No, literally, watch where you step." (prompt by regular @light-macadamia)
Chocolate lentils: "See, that's when you should be afraid. When it's all quiet and peaceful like that." (prompt by regular @light-macadamia)
Sprinkles: Write a short story in your native language, embrace your nationalities! (prompt by regular @charlies-storybook) Bonus: Include an English translation.
Chocolate sauce: "The hardest part about speaking to ghosts is that you can speak to ALL ghosts, and there are a lot of dead bugs out there." (prompt by regular @ashirisu)
Crushed walnuts: Character A calls Character B in the middle of the night, panicked beyond belief. Write their conversation.(prompt by regular @untethereddreams)
Caramel sauce: Write something that has to do with two words that are (in some ways) opposites, like loyalty and betrayal, triumph and loss or revenge and regret (prompt by regular @e-lisard)
Banana chips: Swords at Dawn (prompt by regular @aquadestinyswriting)
Mango cubes: “You are invisible, not invincible! Stop trying to save me, goddammit! You’re going to get hurt, and I can’t even see your wounds to heal them.” (prompt by manager @lexiklecksi)
Please reblog this post to spread the word in the writing community.
Support our work by buying a cup of coffee on KoFi.
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procalpal · 9 days
12 September 2024 | Thursday
Start: 5:20AM | CW: 52.3kg
Breakfast (6:30AM)
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Overnight oats (45g), light soy milk (50ml), light greek yoghurt (35g), chia seeds (10g), cocoa powder (5g) and some water (100ml). Plus some honey (5g) to sweeten it up.
Blueberries (118g) on the side.
Cal: 343 | Protein: 14.2
Thoughts: The day started off a little bit slow, I didn't get out of bed until 5:20, when my alarm was at 4:30am. I did, however, go to the gym and work on my some glutes training. So still successful nonetheless. Today I had work at 8 and contemplated staying at home to WFH, but I figured I'd get some sun and go to the office.
Snack (9:30AM)
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Mandarins (120g) and brown rice chips (hummus flavoured) (20g)
And a cup of coffee with sweetener and soy milk (20ml)
Cal: 180 | Protein: 4.4g
Thoughts: Because I went into the office today, I only brought with me some snacks, I decided that because my shift was short, I would go to my favourite cafe and get a drink there. I prepared for whatever I have to be sugary and high in calories so I'm saving my stomach.
Lunch (12:30PM)
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A plain croissant and iced soy matcha latte.
Cal: 338 | Protein: 12.5g
Thoughts: My god, this was my favourite cafe. It has a hidden section at the back that is dimly lit. I wasn't able to finish the matcha drink but I will still count the full drink. I sat here for almost 4 hours working on a little passion project of mine.
Dinner (5:50PM)
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Beef salad with minced beef (65g), a pinch of salt and pepper, sliced chilli, green onion and corn (50g). (Fried up in some sunflower oil (2ml)
In a bowl, I had some lettuce (57g), tomato (95g), topped with some coriander (1tbsp)
A cup of tea on the side with light soy milk (20ml) and honey (5g)
Cal: 242 | Protein: 17.7g
Snack (6:50PM)
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A bowl of frozen mango (100g) and strawberries (95g)
Cal: 80 | Protein: 1.2g
Total Cal: 1183 (Goal: 1200)
Total Protein: 50g
Thoughts: I finished up on a good level of satisfied. I did come home relatively hungry as my lunch was not the most nutritious. But that's okay. That's the sacrifices one makes in order to have a nice little treat. I also didn't eat even half of the strawberries that is in the bowl, but I will still count it as if I did. I also did not have nearly enough protein in my diet today. Do better tomorrow smh.
Tried out this new way of showing my photos, I don't know how I feel about it. It's kind of extra work and I already spend enough time working on these daily. So I don't know if it will stick.
Sleep: 8:45PM
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 year
I Never Asked For Flight
“Let me fly,” Kara says, and her mouth tastes like ash. “Let me help you.” Kal closes his eyes and takes her hand in his. “It will break you,” he promises, “in ways you will never understand.”
Post-Jerimah's death, Eliza can't handle being in charge of two girls and asks Clark to come down and watch them for a month. It would've been kinder if she just dumped Alex and Kara in a war zone instead of with Clark.
On Ao3
It would've been kinder if Mom left Alex to her own devices, she could take care of Kara easily. Kara, who she could direct everything in her body to protecting and taking care of. Instead, Clark was here. 
He felt more like a ghost than Superman in the house. Haunting Kara’s consciousness as she was confronted over and over again by something she couldn’t completely grasp compared to her past on Krypton. 
On a mission never completed.
Alex closes her eyes and drags a hand through her now short hair. She can already picture up the paper she could type up about the connection between the neural pathways and the aesthetic of oneself. Kara could type up a better one using only half-remembered concepts from Krypton and written out of rote and not understanding.
That might be why their grades differ so greatly in the science then. Memorization versus understanding. How poetic.
“Alex,” Kara says, and Alex doesn’t flinch. She’s used to Kara doing this now, used to the odd appearances, the too wide, too blue eyes and the unerring keens leaving her throat in the dead of night. “Lunch is ready. Kal— Clark made us something from Kansas.”
Alex nods and lets her hand fall from her hair. Absentmindedly, she wipes them down the sides of the jeans, the malleable and too soft fabric makes her hands tingle, and she bites back the urge to rub at it until both her hands are consumed by the feeling. She straightens her back, ignores the crack and takes Kara’s hand. It’s warm, heat radiating off it like Alex is holding a cup of coffee through a coaster and can feel the heat barely contained by the lid as the nerve ends of her tongue burn inside her mouth.
This is how Clark feels too. Like pure heat barely contained inside its vessel, like a star kept hidden by a trillion miles of empty space.
Kara leads her down the stairs in dead silence, her eyes are distant and unfocused. Like she’s not completely there— no , like she’s listening to a heartbeat. Probably Mom’s, Kara had a habit to worry if she couldn’t hear it once a day. Trauma response or so the psychiatrist that Kara had gone to told her parents.
Alex closes her eyes, gathers her feelings as her feet hit the final stair. She swallows and lets her body move forward into the kitchen.
Left, right, left, right. She pauses in at the doorway, Kara stops next to her—is frozen next to her. 
“Clark,” she says, and it feels odd after so many months of Kara calling him Kal-El. “It’s nice to see you.”
Clark smiles, his skin and teeth are as pristine as Kara’s own inhuman perfection. It fades overtime, they both had told her parents. It fades as they age, and they look more and more human. Alex isn’t sure if she buys that as she avoids Clark’s blue star bright eyes. It seems more likely a trick or a lie that the Kryptonians told themselves as they watched themselves stay the same forever. There had to be a story about that, Alex wanted to read it.
She ran the flat of her tongue over her left incisor, chipped by a bike fall and sucked on it a little as she tried to figure out what to say next. Asking what was for dinner was the obvious answer right?
“Brisket.” Clark says before Alex opens her mouth. “I made brisket with gravy and the works. Figured you’d want something to fill you up all at once.”
He even speaks in code about his heritage, Alex thinks uncharitably. Takes a second, breathes and lets herself think objectively about this situation. Luthor had bugs and spies everywhere. Clark couldn’t let his guard and tongue slip just because he thought he was with allies. She tries to convey as much with Kara, but she isn’t completely sure her sister got the message.
“Thank you, Clark.” Alex says, taking a seat. “It looks delicious.” It isn’t a lie. The brisket is cooked to perfection and must be as spiced as nicely. The gravy’s consistency reminds her of the rare few times she tried Martha Kent’s meals and the potatoes have bits of peels that wouldn’t clog Alex’s throat but still provide texture.
Kara pauses, looks up and then in a tone that could only be described as defiant says: /.Nahkluv, Kahl,ehl./ 
Clark pauses in just the same manner as Kara, their expressions eerily alike and Alex tries not to let her heartbeat speed up. /.Ni bezhgam, Kahra, ehl./ 
Kara’s eyes flash and Alex closes her eyes again, takes two careful breaths and scrapes her fork on the plate. It’s only right if she leaves. Boundaries, she had to establish them, right?
“I’ll be outside.” Alex says, already aware that she had their undivided attention after the shrill sound her fork emitted. Kara and Clark both reach out for her, but Alex is already out the door into the patio.
She might as well do something useful while the House of El hashed this out.
Kara watches Alex leave and promises herself she would not follow. She was Kara Zor-El and Clark would not cow her to his whims.
“You left me,” leaves Kara before she can stop herself. She winces in time with Clark. “I’m sorry that’s too—”
“Harsh?” Clark guesses. He shoves his glasses up in a way that if he were human it would’ve scraped his skin and perhaps left the sides of his nose bleeding. As it was all it does is make the lens of the glasses a bit looser and the knot in Kara’s throat all the tighter. She can’t do this, Kara should just go and be with Alex, it was already so hard for her after Jerimah’s death and—
Clark would not frighten her. Kara flexes her lower jaw, wishing for a bottle cap or candy to shove into her mouth to chew as she thinks about her next words.
“You were the only thing I had.” Kara replies. “And you gave me away like I was a puppy plucked from a litter.”
Kal sighs, exhaustion suddenly clear in every line of his body. “I was twenty, Kara. What did you want me to do? Take a thirteen-year-old and say she’s my daughter? Say you're a niece or cousin mysteriously never mentioned despite being known as the family guy around the office?”
“I wanted you to look after me.” Kara says through bloodless lips.
They sit in the words for a moment, both equally stricken by the truth in it. Kara flexes her jaw again, biting back tears. She lets her gaze slip from Kal’s face into the space just above his right ear where she can see Alex hunched over a dead bird.
“Let me fly,” Kara says, and her mouth tastes like ash. “Let me help you.”
She stretches out her hand. Hoping for something—anything.  
Kal closes his eyes and takes her hand in his. “It will break you,” he promises, “in ways you will never understand.”
He flips their hands over revealing scarred veins and blood dried underneath his fingernails.
Kara takes a sharp breath. Kryptonite poisoning, saving lives and self-harm are all one in the same on his body. Yes, Kara can see how this could break her.
“Be a child.” Kal says— begs. “Be something beige and safe. Find a hint of a normalancy in this world.”
“You were my job.” Kara achingly replies. “You're supposed to be my normalcy.”
Kal— Clark— opens his devastating blue star bright eyes that belonged to Kara’s father. “I’m sorry to disappoint. I never asked for flight.”
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deathvisited · 10 months
aesthetics tag -- verity williams
rules: bold all the aesthetics that your muse relates to
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neonsigns, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles.
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents.
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes.
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums.
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, stars, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses.
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings.
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies.
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones.
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zen tangling, vintage cameras.
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower.
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These tasty coffee popsicles are a great way to cool off on a hot day. They have the right amount of coffee, sweet condensed milk, rich chocolate drizzle, and crunchy hazelnuts. All of these things are frozen together to make a tasty treat. A creation by Jamie Kamber that will make you want both coffee and dessert at the same time!
Ingredients: 2 cups strong brewed coffee, cooled. 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk. 1/4 cup chocolate chips. 1/4 cup crushed hazelnuts. Popsicle molds and sticks.
Instructions: Put the cooled brewed coffee and sweetened condensed milk in a bowl. Combine well. Spread the coffee mixture out evenly in the popsicle molds. After putting popsicle sticks into each mold, freeze them for at least four to six hours, or until they are completely frozen. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave or a double boiler until smooth after the popsicles are frozen. Let the popsicles out of the molds by running them under warm water for a short time. Pour melted chocolate over each popsicle and then sprinkle crushed hazelnuts on top right away. Place the popsicles with chocolate drizzle on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Put the tray back in the freezer for a few minutes to let the chocolate set. Put chocolate drizzle and hazelnuts on top of your tasty coffee popsicles and enjoy!
Bobbi Morton
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redfeathered · 2 months
Tagged by @sarah-yyy thank you! I think this is from... some years ago, lets just leave it at that. But I feel like doing some aesthetics~
Rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles.
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, stars, damp forests, sandy beaches, oceanwaves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollypops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
honestly I don’t know if it was meant to stick to one aesthetic, but this was more fun hehe tagging @it-begins-with-rain @frankisthegod @danthebookworm @alipeeps if y’all feel like it :)
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chip-frappe · 6 years
Actual alone time?? ((C/S for Sweetly-cider))
Chip was so stinking excited! He was finally gonna get some time with Applin! He bounced happily in place as he made dinner for himself and his boyfriend. The small cup just had to wait for the bar to close. 
(( @sweetly-cider ))
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vostokovasmelina · 3 years
— 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝟑𝐂. (𝐬.𝐰.)
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢  |  𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐢  |  𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
characters: fem!reader; sam wilson; archibald the tabby cat; sarah wilson (mentioned)
word count: 2.1k+
warning: none (no tfatws spoilers yet)
series summary: after the blip, sam wilson gets home to an unpleasant surprise - his key doesn’t fit the lock anymore and his apartment is now inhabited by a stranger and a grumpy feline. however, the unusual encounter is only just the beginning of their post-blip lives and the reader soon learns that what life takes away, it can give back in the most particular ways.
a/n: if this flops, i’m quitting.
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Sam was tired. Truly, utterly tired. It felt like he hadn’t felt anything but fatigue for the last few days, the kind that seeps deep into your bones and cozies up in your marrow, the kind that never seems to leave. Like, ever again.
He knew he was probably supposed to call Sarah and tell her he was on his way. They had only talked once since he came back, right before Tony’s funeral, and even that was a rather brief telephone call. His sister had told him there was something he needed to know but Sam had said they would talk once he got to hers. First, he needed some rest. A short nap would do, really. And a cup of strong black coffee. Or maybe two.
He parked his car where he always had; the space furthest to the left, right under his favorite maple tree that looked so pretty in the autumn and kept the inside of Sam’s car relatively cool in the summer. He watched for a while as the light spring breeze played with the fresh green mane of this majestic old lady, and felt a soft wave of calm rush through every tiny particle of him. He was home. The battle was over and he was on his way to his family. He wouldn’t take that nap. He’d just get his stuff out of his car and put Cap’s shield somewhere safe - he would deal with that later.
But he would have that coffee. He did deserve a treat after all.
Sam had no trouble getting inside the building, thanks to a delivery guy leaving right when he was about to enter. He took a deep breath, just a short second before making his way up the stairs to the third floor. He had been told at least a million times that what felt like five seconds to him, had actually been five years for those left behind. And still, the dirty old apartment complex had not changed at all, not even a tiny bit. Everything had stayed the same; the chipped grey paint on the dense walls, the rusty banister, the dusty steps... It felt like a time capsule. It felt safe, it felt like home.
Except it wasn’t anymore.
As soon as he got up to his floor, he knew something was off. He didn’t realise at first but he did approach the door to his apartment more carefully, with a slight shadow of a frown on his face. Sam slowed down his last few steps and looked the door up and down, down and up again, checking every corner for something out of the ordinary, something that was not meant to be there. When he found nothing, he chuckled to himself. So stupid. He had become paranoid. It was only natural given his job but honestly, it had been high time he had calmed down. So he slid his hand into his jacket pocket to grab his keys, and with a small smile lingering in the corners of his lips, he tried to unlock his door.
And that was precisely when his smile fell.
The key just wouldn’t go into the lock. Sam tried to insert every single one of them, even went as far as attempting to force his car key through the tiny hole, which obviously didn’t work. His anxiety was slowly building up in his stomach again and just as he looked down at his key charm, he realised what had made him so suspicious the first time - his doormat was gone. His black scraper had been replaced by a dark green carpet doormat that looked like it was in desperate need for a wash. Or maybe a one-way trip to the dumpsters.
Eyebrows furrowed, Sam looked up at the rusty number 3c on the door and, once sure it was indeed his apartment, he thought he’d try his luck with the doorknob as well. His fingers were already wrapped around the cold metal when the door swung open with such force that Sam froze for a few seconds.
“I’m warning you; I’m armed!”
Sam immediately threw his hands into the air and even took a step back from your doorstep. He was frozen for a few seconds and only relaxed when he saw what you were actually holding in your hands - a tabby cat in one, and a bottle of deodorant in the other. He let out a silent sigh of relief at the sight and slowly brought his arms back to his sides, but he made sure to stay put and not to approach you just yet.
“It’s alright! I mean no harm.”
*  *  *
Several minutes later your heart was still racing, threatening to punch a whole through your chest and making a getaway down the corridor. However, you slowly relaxed your muscles as your breathing started to calm down, too, still staring the stranger dead in the eyes and making sure to hold Archie as steadily as your shaking hand could. Once you had decided you trusted the words of the man standing before you, you dropped your other hand holding the almost empty - and therefore useless - bottle. However, you did keep your distance and wrapped your now free fingers tightly around the doorknob on the inside, ready to smash it into his face the moment it would be necessary.
“Can I help you?” You asked, cradling your uninterested cat closer to your chest and burying your fingers deep in his soft fur. You raised a wary eyebrow at the stranger standing in your doorway who himself seemed just as suspicious as you were. As if he had any right to.
You watched him look you up and down, your little grey feline jumping to your defence and staring the man dead in the eyes as if daring him to spend one more second eyeing you. And it worked. With a tiny frown he looked you in the eyes again and continued. Good job, Archie.
“Who are you?”
You thought he was joking. So you laughed and then saw the man’s face and then felt bad. He was absolutely not joking. He was genuinely confused and obviously had no idea who you were. And it was not like you were a celebrity around here but you had built quite a decent following of fellow plant-lovers over on Instagram, so you were actually mildly offended.
But it was alright; you decided to let it slide and give this stranger a chance. Who knows, maybe he had been following your updates on your snake plant stories. He did look like a snake plant kind of guy.
And maybe you could also clear up the confusion around why he had been trying to break into your home just a minute ago.
So you told him your name and when he still looked as confused as ever, you looked at him expectantly, shifting Archie’s weight from one arm to the other.
“And... who are you?” You finally decided to help him out and even offered him a tiny smile, which evaporated the second you heard his answer leave his lips.
“Sam Wilson. I-”
“Sam Wilson?” You cut him off and stared at him for a few seconds, trying to process the information. The longer you looked, the more obvious the similarities got and you cursed at yourself silently for not having realised it before. Sarah had warned you about it the moment the news broke out but she had also promised to deal with it and let you know once she had enlightened her brother. You had been expecting a phone call or maybe a text, definitely not the brother himself right on your doorstep.
“Yeah. Why?”
You had already opened your mouth to answer but were interrupted by Archie who had obviously had enough of being cradled like a baby and since the drama seemed to have ended, he was no longer interested. You let him land on the floor gently and nudged him in the direction of your tiny living room before turning back towards Sam and opening the door several inches wider.
“You know, I really think you should come in.”
“No, I have to call my sister and-”
“You haven’t called Sarah yet?!” You exclaimed, stopping in your tracks and shaking your head ever so slightly. “She’s gonna be so pissed, man.”
You watched him furrow his eyebrows and do that thing again where he looked you up and down, down and up again as if you could be an alien in disguise trying to lure him into some intergalactic trap. As if you hadn’t just tried to protect yourself with an empty deodorant bottle and a kitten. Sam Wilson clearly was a poor judge of character.
“Yeah, I know your sister, get over it. Would you please come inside?”
You put on your most friendly smile just for him and stepped aside, gesturing Sam inside the apartment you both knew so well. He gave you one last wary look before stepping over the threshold, and you rolled your eyes at him behind his back before closing the door behind the two of you.
*  *  *
“Tea? Or maybe coffee?” Sam heard from behind him and did a double take before turning towards you, already making your way to the tiny kitchen area  divided from the living room only by a worn wooden table. Sam watched you take out two identical white mugs from one of the cabinets and felt his stomach jump up into his throat and fall back into its place again; that was exactly where he kept his mugs, too. Well, used to keep them.
“Oh, ugh, coffee. Please. Black. One sugar.”
He saw you nod and get to work. Sam did wait for a while for you to start the conversation and finally explain to him what was going on. When that didn’t actually happen, he turned his head to look around, trying to shake off the weird feeling he had seeing you feel so at home in what used to be his home just a few days ago. Or five years ago. Question of perspective.
The first thing Sam noticed once he had actually taken the time to look around was green. What, at first glance, had slipped his attention was now screaming at him from every corner of the apartment. The living room was filled to the brim with houseplants. There were handsome little pots of plants on the windowsills, on the bookshelves, even on the kitchen counter. What hadn’t fit higher, got place on the floor.
You had turned the apartment into a botanical garden.
“Hey, plant lady? Is this even legal? It feels illegal.” He gestured all around the room and you followed his movement with your eyes, a tiny grin creeping its way onto your face but disappearing the very next second. Sam tried his best to play along and act like he hadn’t even noticed.
“Oh would you look at that, you can actually form full sentences,” you teased, giving him a side-eyed look before handing him your mug filled with hot black coffee, which Sam took gladly, ignoring the drop of sarcasm in your voice.
“Those are actually fine,” you continued after the first sip of your tea and pointing at the cat yawning on the dirty old couch in the middle of the living room. “Archie is the only problem here. But hush, he’s a secret.”
“How can you keep a cat here in secret?”
“I bribed the superintendent,” you whispered, leaning a little closer to Sam and flashing him a perfect albeit forced smile.
“Old Charlie? No way!” Sam scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“O-ho, yes way! Everyone has a weakness and I’ve found our old Charlie’s.”
“Which is...?”
“... a secret I’ve vowed to take to the grave with me,” you replied and gave emphasis to your words with a tiny nod of your head, leaving Sam slightly disappointed but smirking nonetheless.
In the short silence that followed, he took another sip of his hot coffee, enjoying every millisecond of the burning, bittersweet sensation before finally addressing the elephant in the room. Because even though his suspicions had somewhat settled, Sam was still completely confused about how on Earth you could possibly know his sister and talk about her so casually. And you must have been thinking of the same thing because as he looked at you above his now half empty mug and your gazes met, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh, gesturing towards the small kitchen table.
“Let’s talk, I guess.”
*  *  *
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waywardmoeyy · 4 years
4am Food Coma
Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1,784
Warnings: insomnia, just some familial fluff. 
A/N: This is��as much of a feel-good story as I can write late at night. Haha. I hope you all like it! 
My Master List
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You sighed as you stared at the drab bunker ceiling. Your body was practically aching from exhaustion, but you mind was racing. Random, deep-rooted memories flashed through you, some causing your heart to pound with regret. This lifestyle had really been taking a toll on you lately, and you knew it was only going to get worse.
You pulled the scratchy, plaid blanket up to your chin and sighed. You could go back to your room, but Dean was snoring to heavily on the other side of the wall. You typically fell asleep before him, but tonight, you just couldn’t get your mind to shut off.
Grabbing your phone beside you, you unlocked the screen and checked the time. 3:34am.
“Well, shit,” you muttered to yourself with another sigh. There was no way you were going to get any sleep at this point. You had promised Sam that, in the morning, you would go with him to some outdoor clothing store a few towns over, and he was always up at the ass crack of dawn. So, that meant you probably only had an hour or so of time to get any sort of shut eye.
The tip-tap of heavy feet approached you from behind the couch. You turned toward the noise, sitting up a little to peer over the back of the couch. In the scarce light, you found your oldest brother approaching you.
“Hey, what the hell are you doing up, sweetheart?” Dean asked, shooting you a concerned look. You sighed and leaned back onto your makeshift pillow.  
“My mind has decided that now is a great time to replay every horrible thing that’s happened in every hunt I can remember. It’s making me nuts. You know me, I’m the one who is always saying that what’s in the past can’t be changed, just let it go. I’m not usually one to dwell, but here I am.” You watched Dean as he plopped down on the edge of the couch, lightly leaning against your feet.
“Sounds like a helluva nightmare, Y/N. Anything I can do to help?” That was a great question, and usually the one you were asking your brothers. You pursed your lips, then gently shook your head.
“I dunno. I think I just need some sort of distraction. I’ve tried watching TV, but my mind just drifts off into another world.” You rolled your eyes. “And I promised Sam I’d go to that store he loves. He wants to leave early. I’m going to be a zombie.”
Dean chuckled as he watched you, probably laughing at the dark rings that were undoubtedly plaguing your eyes. He patted your ankles and smiled.
“I have an idea. Grab a sweatshirt and meet me at the car.” You furrowed your brow as you watched him launch to his feet.
“Wha-wait. What? No. I’m not going out like this. Dean, it’s almost four in the morning! Where are we going?” You slid out from under your blanket. You were clad in baggy pajama pants covered in cat silhouettes, and a tank top that absolutely did not match. Not to mention the quarter sized hole under your right armpit.
“Relax, Bitz, no one’s going to care where were going. Just grab a sweatshirt and some shoes. You have five minutes.” You rolled your eyes at your big brother. He was always up to some sort of shenanigans. But, the two of you were a lot alike, so you usually trusted his crazy schemes.
“Fine, but I’m not going to say I’m excited until I know where we’re going.”
“Calm down, Bitz. You’ll like it.” Bitz, short for Itsy Bitsy, was the nickname Dean gave you when you were too young to talk. Since you were the youngest, and quite obviously the smallest, he thought it was funny. But over three decades later, he still called you by that nickname more than he ever used your real one.
One more unsure sigh left your lungs before you turned towards your room, in search of a jacket.
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“I remember there was a place just like this in Omaha. We always stopped when we drove through. I totally forgot this place was here.” You peered down at the menu of the dodgy diner. Dean sat across from you, studying the same menu.
The two of you sat in the corner of the small eatery, only joined by an older man at the bar, obviously a trucker, and a homeless man drifting off on the other side of the building, still half-clutching a cup of coffee.
Dean smiled and nodded, peering up from his menu. “Yeah, it hasn’t changed a bit. It’s like they are all exactly the same. Still better than Biggerson’s, though.” You laughed.
“Yeah, definitely. Their milkshakes are the best! I’m hoping they still are.”
Dean grinned. “Well, let’s find out. I’m not going to eat a big meal then go back to sleep. But, I’ll never deny an Oreo milkshake.” Dean slammed his menu shut and nodded. “What’s your poison? No, wait, lemme guess. Mint chocolate chip?”
Your eyes lit up. You hadn’t had a mint chocolate chip milkshake in years. Most places in the middle of nowhere didn’t have that flavor. Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry, you cold almost hear a waiter say in their ‘I don’t want to freaking be here’ tone. But this small chain in the center of the country had them, and they were heavenly.
“It’s like you know me or something!” you teased him, before closing your own menu.
Dean chuckled as he eyed the server as they approached your table. “It’s like we’re related.” He winked, before turning to the exhausted young man. He couldn’t have been older that twenty.
“What can I get you?” he droned, his eyes half open. You glanced over at your brother, then back to the young man.
“A mint chocolate chip milkshake please,” you beamed. You smiled, realizing that you were already starting to feel better. You watched as Dean ordered, feeling like you didn’t have a care in the world for the first time in a while.
You all had been hunting for months without any sort of real break. No wonder your mind was on the verge of exploding. You definitely needed to have more breaks and distractions to counterbalance the violent, crazy crap you dealt with day in and day out. But, your brothers were work horses, so that always proved a little difficult.
“Hey, do you think drinking a giant, sugary milkshake is going to be the solution to get me to sleep?” you realized, leaning back in your heavily cracked booth.
Dean shrugged. “Sugar actually helps in a weird way. You eat or drink a bunch of it, fill yourself with sugar, then crash and sleep. Or, the shear amount of food will put you in some type of food-induced coma.” You nodded slowly. It did make sense, weirdly enough.
“Do you think that’s the healthiest thing to do?”
“No, Bitz. But it doesn’t hurt every once in a while. It’s healthier than pulling an all-nighter, then running all around town the next day.” That was true. Plus, there was no way you were going to say no to sugar, whether it was just before sunrise, or sunset. You hadn’t hopped onto Sam’s kale salad bandwagon quite yet.
Within minutes, the server returned with your glorious milkshakes, and a full refill container. The moment your treat was placed down in front of you, you smiled up at your brother in thanks.
The next twenty minutes were quiet, other than the ravenous slurps that came from your straws. Dean finished a few minutes before you, instantly leaning back in his seat.
“Holy shit, that hit the spot.” He smiled as he closed his eyes, instantly in a food coma. You giggled.
“How you didn’t get a single brain freeze baffles me,” you teased, scooting your cup a little closer. A thin line of red light beamed along the horizon, reminding you that you had basically pulled an all-nighter. But, you didn’t care nearly as much as you did before. A sense of peace had enveloped you, or maybe it was the beginning of your own food coma. Either way, you felt a heck of a lot better.
“Thanks, Dean,” you whispered, offering a frozen smile. Dean returned the gesture and nodded.
“Hey, it worked when we were kids. I was sure it was going to work now.” You furrowed your brow.
“Yeah, when we came to one of these as kids, Dad would let us order milkshakes. I know you remember. But, what you probably don’t remember is that once you got back in the car, you were out like a light. I don’t even know if the sugar ever got a chance to get to you. I think it was just the comfort food or somethin’.” Dean laughed.
Now that you thought of it, you didn’t really remember the ride afterwards. You just remember waking up just after sunrise, either in the car or arriving home. And, well, that would explain why.
You closed your eyes for a minute, feeling the intense fullness in your stomach. Maybe you were skipping the sugar high yet again, and satiety was leading you straight to real exhaustion.
“Wow, you’re a lightweight,” Dean poked as he lifted from his seat, tossing some money onto the table. You huffed out a chuckle, a little too tired to come up with a witty comeback. “C’mon kid, let’s get you home. You’re going to need some sleep if Sam is going to drag you all over hell tomorrow—uh, today.”
You nodded as you slowly slid out from behind the table. Your brother was already five steps ahead of you, stomping his way towards the door. You slowly followed behind, smiling as you watched him toss a five-dollar bill onto the sleeping homeless man’s table. Then, he opened the door, and waited for you to exit with him.
The moment you settled into your seat, you leaned your head back, resting your head on the top of the back rest. Your eyes were heavy, and your body was practically deadweight. Dean peered over at you as the engine roared to life. He patted your shoulder before putting the car in gear and heading for home.
A long, shuddered sigh left you as you settled into your seat. It was going to be a good twenty minutes or so before you were home. But, your eyes weren’t going to stay open for that long. So, you closed them as you yawned. Within moments, sleep slowly enveloped you, and you weren’t going to fight.
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pomegranatebitch · 3 years
make it better, make it better
sambucky┃2k words┃mentioned civilian death
Summary: Sam comes home from a hard day of being Captain America, and while Bucky can’t shoulder the burden for him, he can take care of his boyfriend and show him he’s loved
((Just soft sambucky, Bucky taking care of Sam because he fucking deserves it))
“I can’t do it. I can’t fucking do it anymore!”
Sam came bursting into their shared Louisiana apartment at a full 10. He ripped the wings off his back with such force Bucky thought he might break them even though he knew they were indestructible. Sam practically threw the shield across the floor like it had burned him, crashing it into the kitchen table.
Bucky quickly rose from where he’d been half paying attention to a late night Golden Girls marathon while waiting for Sam to get home. Blanche and Rose bickered quietly in the background while Sam huffed out rapid breaths, desperately trying to yank the suit off with shaking hands.
“I can’t get this fucking thing off!” He nearly yelled into their otherwise still apartment.
Bucky approached him tentatively, hands out but unsure what to do with them. “Here, let me help—”
“I got it! Just don’t— I…” Sam snapped but the fight drained out of him as soon as it had appeared. He stumbled to the living room and sat down heavily on the couch, his face buried in his hands as he hunched over himself. The soft chatter of the TV was the only noise in the room as Bucky stood frozen, watching Sam’s back rise and fall with slow deliberate breaths.
After a minute of dead silence, Bucky circled around the couch slowly, clicking the TV off and gingerly sitting down on the opposite side of the couch, leaving plenty of room between them.
When Sam finally spoke, his voice cracked with unshed tears. “I can’t do it anymore.” Even with his super hearing, Bucky had to strain to hear him.
Bucky nodded slowly, though Sam wouldn’t have been able to see him, still hiding his face with his palms. “Can you tell me what happened?” Bucky whispered.
At that, Sam laughed. But it wasn’t his usually sunshine-filled, pure joy laugh. This was dark, sarcastic. Exhausted. “What didn’t happen?” He bit back.
It took a minute and several more deep breaths but he finally continued.
“I was in Dallas on an emergency call, supposedly some threat against a Senator’s life and I got called in. Fuck, it was half pony show and half media circus. They didn’t need me there. They just wanted Captain America standing behind some politician trying to pass some bill with some agenda, hell I don’t even know.
“Then they had a press conference and stuck me in front of a microphone. Some reporter…I don’t know who…he asked why I’d chosen to stay there in Dallas rather than help with the evacuations in Miami.”
Bucky made a small, confused noise but otherwise let Sam go on.
“Apparently, while I was being paraded around for some asshole Senator who probably didn’t need any extra protection in the first place, someone set off a pipe bomb in a café in Miami. I didn’t even know about it until that reporter asked. They caught the guy in minutes but fourteen people were injured and one girl—” he had to pause to collect himself, “one girl died in the blast.”
Sam finally took his face out of his hands and turned to look toward Bucky. Silent tears were streaming down his face but his eyes looked like he was a thousand miles away. “I saw the news after the press conference, Buck. She was 20. She was studying aerospace engineering, had an internship at NASA this next summer. She looked—” a sob wracked his hunched frame, “she looked just like Sarah did when she a kid.”
At that, all the fight left Sam’s body and Bucky caught him in his arms, waiting to see if Sam might pull away and when he only curled around Bucky further, he pulled Sam even closer to his chest. Bucky could feel where tears were soaking through the shoulder of his t-shirt as he rubbed one hand soothingly in circles across Sam’s back, the other coming up to cup the back of his head.
Bucky didn’t say anything. There was nothing he could say to Sam that Sam didn’t already know himself. Sam knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent the attack. Sometimes terrible things just happened, and there wasn’t a rhyme or reason why. People died in tragic accidents and no amount of superheroes was ever going to change that.
Even if he’d flown to Miami the second the blast went off, it would have taken him hours to get there and by then first responders would have taken all the survivors to hospitals and with the perp detained, there would have been nothing left for Sam to do but stare at the rubble.
Bucky couldn’t change the events of the day, he couldn’t make Sam not secretly feel guilty for the young woman’s death, he couldn’t shoulder that burden for his partner. But he could sit with him here in this moment and just hold him while he cried.
And so he did.
Neither of them knew how much time had passed when Sam’s sobs turned to hiccups turned to sniffles. Bucky just stayed there with Sam wrapped in his arms until Sam finally peeled himself off Bucky and rubbed at his eyes.
“I’m sorry I snapped earlier,” Sam whispered.
“Don’t be,” Bucky replied definitively.
“I actually…could use some help getting out of the suit.”
Bucky offered his partner a half smile and gently led Sam from the couch into their shared bathroom. He started running a hot bath, adding in the lavender oils he knew Sam loved best.
In silence, Bucky undid all the hidden zippers and buckles that kept the vibranium suit in place and slowly peeled it off Sam’s body, stripping him too of his underclothes until Sam stood naked and dazed on the cool tile floors.
Bucky stepped in front of him, studying Sam’s face, searching for every little emotion written across his delicate features. Bucky reached up, running a thumb across Sam’s cheekbone, wiping away a stray tear as Sam blinked his eyes closed.
With one last check of the water’s temperature, Bucky helped Sam step into the tub and get settled, Sam’s eyes drifting shut under the comforting heat of the bath.
Bucky dropped a single kiss to Sam’s hair before pulling back. “Come out when you’re ready,” he whispered, not wanting to break the calm quiet.
Sam just nodded and slipped lower under the water and Bucky took that as his signal to go.
It was almost two hours until Sam finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and looking decidedly calmer and more present than before. Seeing the crisis had passed, Bucky unashamedly took a minute to admire his boyfriend, the planes of his stomach cutting sharply downward, gesturing to more, and his dark skin practically glowing in the soft light coming from the kitchen. And god, those arms. The things Bucky wanted Sam to do to him with those arms…well his brain was short circuiting a bit at the moment but he’d be sure to lay kisses over every inch of them as soon as he had Sam in bed with him.
When he spoke, Sam’s voice was still a bit gruff from crying hours ago and wow it should not have been as sexy as it was but it was doing things for Bucky. “I know it’s like 2am… but any chance there’s some leftovers or something in the fridge? Between the emergency call this morning and all the meetings and press conferences I don’t think I ever stopped for lunch. Hell, I’d bite into a raw onion right now just to get something to eat.”
Bucky laughed at that. “Slow down, Sammy. I’m sure we can get you something better than that,” he said, gesturing at the kitchen table.
“Is that—” Sam started, eyeing the mound of food that he hadn’t noticed when he came in.
“Two steak burritos from Delmar’s and a metric shit ton of chips and guac. Still don’t know why you like that stuff, tastes like baby food if you ask me.”
“Hush up, Delmar’s in sacred,” Sam said, already digging in to the feast while Bucky watched him with a dopey grin on his face.
Sam cut him a side glance. “Staring,” he grunted out between bites as he’d already inhaled the first burrito.
“Get used to it, Wilson.”
“Fuck, how’d you get it this late, I thought they closed at 11?”
Bucky shrugged. “You left in a hurry this morning, didn’t even grab coffee. If you’re forgetting coffee, you’re definitely gonna forget to eat. Got it ordered to here while I was waiting for you to come home.”
Sam finally paused just before shoving a massive tortilla chip in his mouth. “You ordered it here? Like what, on a delivery app?”
“You know, technology’s really not as hard as you think it is to learn. I mean, they make it easy enough for an idiot to use.”
“Oh so you’re finally admitting you’re an idiot?” Sam grinned.
“Your idiot,” Bucky smirked right back.
“Damn straight.”
Bucky eyed the empty tinfoil wrappers and crumpled paper bag, Sam having finished the meal in record time. “You sure you ain’t a supersoldier?”
Sam laughed, once again bright and warm. “Man, shut the hell up.”
“Make me.”
“Mm, that can be arranged.” Sam got up from his seat and the table and sauntered over to Bucky, still wrapped in only a towel that was slipping lower and lower down his hips.
The kiss Sam pressed to Bucky’s mouth was impossibly sweet, all the biting quips falling away as Sam pulled away, lingering just a hair’s breadth away from Bucky’s lips, nearly making Bucky moan in anticipation, though he caught the sound in his throat.
“Thank you,” Sam breathed. “For everything.” His eyes had fluttered closed but his brow was smooth and free from any stress that had craved it’s way there earlier.
“I’ll always be here for you,” Bucky murmured back. “Thank you for coming home to me.”
They stayed there in that moment, neither wanting to break the soft thing cradled between them, until a yawn forced it’s way over Sam’s face.
“Alright,” Bucky laughed, scooping Sam up with his hands under his thighs, Sam immediately responding by wrapping his legs around Bucky’s waist and grabbing Bucky’s face between his hands. “Bedtime for superheroes.”
“Make me,” Sam joked, but the words were cut short by yet another yawn.
Bucky just snorted as he lugged his half-naked boyfriend back into their bedroom, depositing him on their bed and turning to rifle through their dresser until he found a soft pair of flannel pyjama pants and a light pink durag and tossed both to his partner. Bucky detatched his prosthetic arm as he’d recently started doing more at night and laid the vibranium arm on top of the dresser.
Crawling into bed, Sam let Bucky pull his back to his chest with one strong hand until Sam was snuggly positioned under Bucky’s chin, their legs tangled together under the covers.
“You got anywhere to be tomorrow?” Bucky asked, easily falling into their usual short nightly discussion.
“Uh, got a briefing at 2 with Torres, but I should really get up at 6 for a run and—”
“Take the morning off, Sam. You need to sleep.” Bucky squeezed the arm he had thrown across Sam’s chest a little tighter. “The world can wait for Sam Wilson for another couple hours.”
“But—” Sam started.
“I’ll make pancakes if you agree to sleep in.”
Well now Sam was backed into a corner. Everyone knew Bucky’s blueberry pancakes were things of legend. He’d once seen AJ and Cass wrestle each other for the last one before Bucky broke it up by agreeing to make one more.
“Fine,” Sam huffed, sure that Bucky could hear the smile creeping into his voice. “But I’m out of bed by 10 or you’ll pay for it, Barnes.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Bucky teased.
When Sam finally drifted off to sleep, it was with a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth and his heart feeling lighter than it had all month.
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thekidultlife · 3 years
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Plot: After an unexpected encounter with Yoon Jeonghan during a baby shower, more memories unfold from your mind, and his.
Genre: slice of life, angst
Pairing: Jeonghan + fem!reader + Mingyu
Warnings: a bit of explicit language
A/N: Many thanks to my incredibly amazing beta reader, @secndlife​, for helping me make this beautiful! Also, I would like to express my gratitude to @xuseokgyu​ for taking the time to make lovely banners and even a teaser for this series! You are both a joy to work with and I am so blessed to have you both help me. 🧡 Lastly, to our followers and readers who are continually supporting this blog despite its inactivity, thank you! More details about my future works will be addressed after this fic.
Taglist: @haotheheckk, @jeonjungkaka, @soonhoonsol, @fluffyhyeju, @minkwans​
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“If you love me like you tell me, please be careful with my heart. you can take it, just don’t break it — or my world will fall apart.”
The cobbled pavements of the narrow alley you were walking on were damp from the rain that had recently poured. It was chipped and uneven in some places, and your thin-strapped sandals would sometimes slip and get stuck between the cobblestones. Despite the imperfections of this street, you had come to love it, just like every other self-respecting college student living around the vicinity. Behind you, the signage of restaurants and thrift stores flashed in bright neon blues and violets, blending with the honey-golden glow of the lights coming from the shops and apartment buildings that rose around you.
This alley was the most beautiful place to go to in the city. 
It was a beautiful Saturday night, too, and in your opinion, you had spent it well.
You were walking back to the dorms with your friends and a couple of seniors. You were in the back of the group, where it was quieter. Clutching your arm was Jung Mirae, one of your roommates, who was struggling to walk straight after too many beers. 
In the process of half-dragging Mirae, an alarm from your phone rang. You hasted to get it switched off. 
Bright laughter pierced the stillness as the ones just a few steps ahead of you, Park Hyewon and Lee Joonyoung, your best friends besides Mirae, kept on cracking jokes that would make the whole group roar with laughter. You giggled at their ridiculousness occasionally while trying to keep Mirae on her feet. 
Hangout nights are incomplete without these two, you thought to yourself, as you studied long-legged, pink-haired Hyewon and the tall, broad-shouldered Joonyoung. You watched as they made mean comments at each other and then made up for the teasing by giving each other kisses.
“Gross!” someone called out from behind you, and you could not help but smile. 
Joonyoung turned around and playfully gave the finger to the person who had shouted out. "Go get yourself a girlfriend, Sunwoo! It's clear to me that you’re in need of love.” 
The group snickered at Joonyoung's words.
As you listened to everyone talk about how good the night was and how hellish the next week would be with final exams coming up, you felt cold fingers touch your cheek.
You turned to Mirae, who was looking up at you with quizzical—albeit drunken—eyes. 
“Hey, Y/N." Mirae’s voice was loud and clear in the narrow alley. You brushed her hand away gently. "Why are you crying?” 
“What do you mean?” You put a hand over her mouth and tried to tell her to stop spouting off nonsense, but it was then that you felt it—the wet trickle of tears on your face. Surprised, you wiped them away with your hand.
It was true.
You were crying.
The walking paused. Footsteps ceased over the cobbled pavement as everyone halted to look over at you. Your cheeks reddened at the unwanted attention.
“Y/N, is something wrong? Here, let me have Mirae.” One of your classmates reached out to take Mirae.
“Thank you.” I think I drank too much, you despaired, as you kept wiping at your face and waving people away. You made attempts to control your emotions, but nothing could stop the tears from coursing down your cheeks.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you kept saying over and over with a hoarse voice that almost didn’t sound like you. “Keep walking, please! Don’t mind me. I think I just drank too much.” You gave a shaky laugh and rubbed your eyes. “I get like this sometimes. Sorry.” 
“You did not drink too much tonight, though,” someone commented dubiously. The others agreed and continued to look at you with confused expressions. "You never do."
“Jin-ah is right. And you don’t ‘get like this sometimes,’ babe.” Just a few feet away from you and leaning against Joonyoung, Hyewon crossed her arms. Her face, full of concern over your sudden outburst of emotions, made her look as though she hadn’t spent the night drinking as much as the guys did. “What's wrong?” 
“I really don’t know, to be honest.” You pushed a strand of hair away from your face and made a poor attempt to smile at Hyewon. "I think it’s just the beer. Really."
Hyewon looked like she didn’t want to stop questioning you.
Please don’t ask me anything more, you begged with your eyes.
Joonyoung nudged Hyewon casually.
"Okay." Hyewon shrugged as she reluctantly conceded to your lame answers. She walked up to you, linked her arm with yours, and turned to grin at the others placatingly. “Let’s go home for real, gang! I think my girlfriend here just needs to sleep.”
Everyone nodded, put on happy faces, and eagerly put the awkward scene behind them. They once again started with the jokes and laughter and even managed to loop you into their silly conversations. However, their eyes avoided you most of the time, and their jokes were careful. You sensed that nobody wanted to have any part in pulling any triggers you might have. Tonight was no time to be sad. With finals coming up, no one needed any sort of emotional baggage. You felt bad for making them cautious, but you were also grateful for their thoughtfulness about your feelings.
The happy atmosphere became short-lived, though, as five minutes later, a sound cut through the alley and through the facades that everyone was putting up for your sake. It made all of them stop in their tracks once more. Even Hyewon stiffened beside you. 
The sound perfectly explained everything that was going on with you, and there was no hiding it now.
Your alarm was playing again. 
“Oh, fuck.” Hyewon let out a huge breath and squeezed her eyes shut. She looked as though she was trying to block out the sound. “Y/N, for goodness’ sake, don’t be an idiot. Don’t listen to it. Turn it off—”
But of course, like an idiot, you listened.
“Hey there. If you find yourself listening to this, then it means we have made it to Year 3. Please meet me at the same place where we are tonight: the art pier, one hour before the day ends. I'll be the stupid-looking guy standing by the yacht statue while holding too many roses. I love you. Happy Anniversary!"
This alarm shouldn’t be ringing—because you didn’t make it to Year 3.
“Please turn it off.”
Joonyoung, who was right behind you, reached for your bag, rummaged inside, and pulled out your phone. Glaring at the screen, he shut it off and dropped the phone in the bag again.
The alleyway was silent for a while.
Hyewon sighed. And then she leaned against you and said softly, “Let’s go home.”
The cobbled pavements of the narrow alley you were still walking on were damp from the rain that had recently poured. Hands would steady you from behind when your thin-strapped sandals would slip and get stuck between the loose cobblestones. No one drunk should walk on this alley with its imperfect pavements, but you had come to love it, just like every other self-respecting college student living around the vicinity. As you passed, the signage of restaurants and thrift stores flashed in bright neon blues and violets before melting into the ever-constant amber colors of the street lights.
This alley was the most beautiful place to go to in this city. 
It was a beautiful Saturday night, too, and in your opinion, you had spent it well. But you weren’t supposed to spend this night here. Not in this place, despite its beauty, no. 
You were supposed to be somewhere else. 
You were supposed to be with someone else.
“I know that everybody here is trying to be nice, but let me say it for all of you here, so you don’t have to wonder how it sounds.” Joonyoung kicked a crumpled beer can out of his way as he walked. “Fuck Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Oh, please, Lee Joonyoung.” Hyewon sounded tired. “Thank you for making Y/N more miserable.”
“What do you mean? Bubs, I’m not the douchebag who—ah, whatever.” Joonyoung shrugged and flung middle fingers up the sky. “Wherever you are, Yoon Jeonghan, fuck you!” 
“He’s completely drunk,” Hyewon said apologetically, looking around her; some of the campus seniors with you were friends of Jeonghan’s. “Sorry.” And then, looking at Joonyoung exasperatedly, she hissed, “Joonyoung. Cut it out.” 
“Let him be,” you said in a drained voice, “let him be.”
You were supposed to be with Yoon Jeonghan tonight, but you weren’t. He was long gone, and all you have left of him was something that you had somehow forgotten to remove, something you wished so desperately to forget. 
All you have left of him was his voice—frozen in time through that alarm.
The rest was memories and history. 
Mingyu sips from a coffee mug and nods in understanding as you finish speaking. He leans back on one of the steps of the townhouse, where you both sit. Cars drive down your neighborhood street, their headlights coloring the concrete road with hazy white and yellow lights. You watch their signals blink as they find spaces to park. Leaves continue to fall, and some end up in your hair. You feel Mingyu brush them away. You smile and do the same for him.
It is way past midnight, and here you both sit, snuggling to keep warm against the cold night air and talking about a love long gone.
“So,” Mingyu traces the rim of his coffee cup as he puts the pieces together, “you and Jeonghan-hyung dated during uni days?”
You nod. “Mm-hmm. We dated for two years. And then we broke up during my junior year, which was when that alley story happened.” You look at your boyfriend in mock suspicion. “Not that I’m complaining, but are you sure you want to listen to this story? Because we don’t need to talk about this if you aren’t comfortable—” 
“—No, no, baby, I’m okay!” Mingyu chuckles a little bit as he turns to you. “I’m perfectly fine. I really want to know. If you’re not comfortable talking about it, though, we could just put it behind us.” He smiles at you. “I’m okay either way.”
He had stepped onto a minefield of your past without warning. He’s not supposed to be okay either way. You keep staring at him, not believing what he said.
“But, babe…” You sigh as you look at him. “Instead of talking about how Jeonghan and I ended up dating years ago, why don’t we talk about other things first?” You keep searching his face for any sign of uneasiness, any sign of hurt or confusion. “Like, how you felt when you found out. Or, how to avoid getting ambushed by stuff like this in the future.” You lean against him. “I don’t want something like this to happen again, no matter how great we both are at handling surprises. I think this is a good time to talk about things we haven’t talked about yet. Exes, our most embarrassing moments—” you giggle as Mingyu laughs at your last words. “Hey, I’m serious here!”
Your mind recalls the events of the night. You remember twirling in front of your full-length mirror to admire your new dress. You remember how perfect Mingyu had looked when he stepped out of his car and walked up to you. You remember the car ride, the conversation that you had about meeting his family and kissing underneath the porchlight of Aera’s house. You remember the baby shower: meeting Mingyu’s parents, Kim Aera, and Mingyu’s other friends. You remember how happy and secure you felt with Mingyu beside you as he introduced you to his family and some high-profile friends. You remember the crib and the games.
You remember Choi Seungcheol’s surprised expression and shaking Yoon Jeonghan’s hand for the first time in years. You remember Kwon Soonyoung’s drunken announcement.
“So, the former flames have finally met!” 
“Well, I guess I got surprised when I found out that you guys used to date,” Mingyu clarifies, “but if we will talk about whether I had strong, negative feelings about the whole thing...” his voice trails off as he looks at you.
“...Uh-huh?” you prod.
Mingyu shakes his head. “I didn’t have any.” He squeezes your hand reassuringly. “You don’t have to worry about me. To be honest, what surprised me the most was the fact that I handled the situation pretty well. Back when we were still at Aera’s house, I really did my best to be careful with how I took in the whole thing. I took care not to show how surprised I was with my expressions, my words...”
“Mm-hmm.” You nod along with him as his voice trails off. “Yes. I agree. You handled it pretty well. But I am still so sorry for dropping that bomb on you that way.” You look up at him with an apologetic expression. “We haven’t really talked about past relationships that much yet, so...” 
“Y/N, please don’t overthink.” His face hovers inches away from yours as he looks deep into your eyes. “See?” He makes all sorts of cute expressions, and you couldn’t help but smile. “I’m okay.” 
You become willing to believe him, but then you catch him looking at you with a twinkle in his eye.
“Although,” Mingyu adds, “I did feel a bit self-conscious.” He sighs dramatically, and he pouts—adorably. “I mean, he’s the Yoon Jeonghan. You dated the Yoon Jeonghan that most girls nowadays are swooning over. Who am I compared to that?”
As he continues to make such cute faces while saying the most outrageous things, you stare at him, open-mouthed. “What the hell.” You had seen through his joke, of course, but you could not help but look at him incredulously. “Is my boyfriend actually saying this to me right now while looking so drop-dead gorgeous beside me? Is he really comparing himself right now to someone else?”
Mingyu ignores your words and continues. “Yoon Jeonghan, actor extraordinaire, ranking twentieth at this year’s Asia’s Sexiest 100. Hmm. Yes.” He considers his words and nods. “I did feel intimidated. He’s good-looking and is amazing at acting and—”
“—Whoa, whoa, whoa.” You put your mug down beside you, and you giggle as you take Mingyu’s face in your hands. “You are one gorgeous person, too, and I am so, so in love with you. Stop comparing yourself to him.” You nuzzle his face, smiling. “I know you’re just joking about this, but please. Stop.”
He continues to look at you with a playful pout, but his eyes turn darker voice drops a notch lower. “Make me.” 
You feel him grin against your lips as you make him stop speaking.
At the back of your head, you remember Kim Aera’s words when she talked about her husband.
“Not all women are as fortunate as I am, you know? Some of us meet such crappy guys that it’s a miracle I ended up finding someone worth the wedding vows.” 
You aren’t one to believe in fortunes, so you try to think about all the things you must have done right to deserve a man such as Kim Mingyu. More importantly, you wonder if you would be able to keep him by your side. 
Too much thinking, too much thinking, you chastise yourself as you kiss Mingyu harder, wanting to erase everything from your mind.
“I love you,” you say after a while.
“I love you, too. But where were we with your story?” Mingyu lets go of you and takes his mug once more. Leaves still fall from the trees. The streetlights glow brighter as midnight darkens. A green sedan stops directly across you both, and you watch as a man staggers out of the driver’s side. 
“Well, if you really want to hear all about it, it would take us all night.” You look up at him with an enticing, hopeful smile. “Do you want to stay the night here? Hyewon and Joonyoung would be thrilled to have you. We can do storytime together with them.” You shake your head. “I still haven’t said a word to them about meeting Jeonghan again because we only went upstairs to get coffee. Hyewon will get a kick out of this.”
Mingyu laughs softly. “I can imagine.” He kisses your forehead before taking your hand. “Let’s head back inside.”
No more cars drive down your neighborhood street. No more hazy yellow and white headlights color the dark concrete road. Mingyu takes your hand and pulls you up from the steps. You feel him brush away some leaves from your hair once more. You look up at him appreciatively, and you do the same for him. Across the street, a glaring woman opens the front door for the drunken man from the green sedan.
You retreat indoors for the night. You think about how to tell Mingyu everything. And when Hyewon opens the door to greet you both, you wonder if she and Joonyoung would help you get the facts right about how you and Jeonghan started and how you and Jeonghan eventually ended.
With all these thoughts in your head, you faintly hear your phone ring in your purse. Getting a sense of déjà vu from the story that you had told Mingyu earlier, you feel chills run up and down your spine as you pull your phone out.
“Who’s your midnight caller, girlfriend?” Hyewon goodnaturedly teases as she takes your empty mug from your hand. Her face looks flushed, and you remember that she and Joonyoung had been drinking when you left them earlier. “Joonyoung! Mingyu’s here!”
“I have a confession to make,” you say as you look at the caller ID. “Mingyu and I ran into Jeonghan and Seungcheol at his cousin’s baby shower.”
Hyewon’s face pales at your words. “You what?”  
“We did,” Mingyu says softly, scratching his head while smiling at Hyewon. “He’s a good hyung of mine and Aera’s in the industry. We’ve been friends for a long time, but I didn’t know that he and Y/N used to date.” 
“Huh,” Hyewon breathes out. “All these years, the only way we could see him was on TV. We never ran across him, ever. And now we find out that he’s good friends with your boyfriend’s family.” Hyewon raises her eyebrows and shakes her head. “Imagine that.” 
“You met Jeonghan?” Joonyoung bounds into the foyer, which suddenly becomes crowded with the four of you there. “Was he with anyone else?” 
“Just him and Seungcheol-hyung,” Mingyu answers.
“Let’s not talk about this here. Come on in, you two. We still have some pizza, chicken, and beer.” Hyewon manages to push the two guys into the living room. She turns to you, clearly wanting to talk to you in private, but you put up a hand. 
“Hold on.” Your phone is vibrating in your hand, and you hastily answer the call. “Hello?”
He leans on the railings of the rooftop bar, a drink in one hand and a phone in the other. As he gazes at the city below, he knows that he has had too much to drink. The lights have started to pulse too much. The numbness inside him has finally reached his fingertips. He considers stopping to drink this last glass, but his call finally goes through. 
At the sound of the voice on the other line, he decides that he needs this one last shot of bourbon.
“I know that it’s too late to call you now,” he whispers almost inaudibly, “but if I don’t say this tonight, I probably never will.”
He lets go of the empty glass in his hand, and he watches as it shatters on the ground. 
“I miss you,” he says, oblivious of the curses and complaints from the people around him. “And I know that you’re in a happy place now, but I—” A painful pause ensues as he stands there, lost for words. Shifting his weight from one foot to another, he tries to ignore the ache in his throat and the burning in his eyes. “—I just wanted you to know that. Everything about this call feels wrong because I know that I am not supposed to and that I have no right to call you anymore, but I will never stop wondering how these words sound like if I don’t say it right now.” A tortured grin spreads across his lips. “I miss you.”
The phone falls out of his hands, and he blindly falls to the ground to pick it up. Sharp fragments from the broken glass cut through his skin and the material of his pants, but he doesn’t feel the pain. He is too numb right now. He couldn’t even feel his legs. As he futilely tries to smoothen the cracked screen on his phone, he hears a loud voice coming from a megaphone. 
“And cut!” The director’s voice rings loud and clear throughout the rooftop bar. He walks over to Jeonghan, who is still trying to bring his phone back to life. “Okay, did I suddenly step into some shitty romance movie after the break? What was all that?” The director impatiently turns around and gestures to the crew behind him. “I need a medical kit here; and another phone, please. Geez. What has gotten into you tonight?” 
“Sorry,” Jeonghan says apologetically. “I just got too immersed with my role.” He shakily stands up. “And I can’t feel my legs.”
The director shakes his head. “Look, Jeonghan, I know that you love ad-libs. I love your ad-libs, too. You know that. But your last lines threw me off.” He squints his eyes suspiciously at Jeonghan. “Where did you go tonight? You were fine the whole day, and then you suddenly get picked up by your friend. The minute you come back to work, you’re a different person.” He shakes his head again and walks away. “Read the script and pull yourself together. We’ll be taking a short break. And apologize to your co-star for spouting out all that mushy stuff!”
“What was that about?” Seungcheol has appeared from out of nowhere, arms crossed. “Why were you telling Jihoon that you missed him?”
Jeonghan laughs. He gestures weakly with his hand as he answers, “It’s the bourbon.”
“Who on earth actually drinks half a dozen shots while filming?” Seungcheol pauses as he studies Jeonghan’s face. “And why are you crying?” 
“I’m not.” Jeonghan wipes away something wet from his face. “Stop bitching, Cheol, and just help me sit down somewhere.” 
“Oh, Yoon Jeonghan.” Seungcheol sighs as guides Jeonghan to the nearest steel chair. “You said you would be able to come back to work after the baby shower! God, I was an idiot for believing you.” 
“This is not about the baby shower,” Jeonghan protests weakly as he leans back against the chair. “Leave me alone and let me rest. Please.” He closes his eyes. 
“So," Seungcheol fishes around for words, "what was that about?"
Jeonghan doesn’t answer. 
Seungcheol sighs again. “Was she the one you were ‘talking to’ in that phone call?” 
“—She looked happy.” Jeonghan’s voice is calm, but tears still escape his closed eyes. He leans to the side as though he wanted to sleep. “They looked happy. And when I saw them kiss by the front porch when we got to Aera’s, I felt funny." He grins. "I felt funny because a part of me got hurt—” He pounds his chest. “—Right here.” His grin widens. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just like this because I haven't seen her for a long time."
The rooftop bar is buzzing with activity: the director is making changes with the camera angles, someone is adjusting the brightness of the floodlights, and the extras are practicing the not-so-easy art of blending in with the scene. Jeonghan hears someone sweep the broken glass from the tiled floor.
“Mingyu is a good guy,” Seungcheol offers sympathetically. “At least we can both be sure that she will be alright.” 
“Mm-hmm.” Jeonghan continues pounding his chest with his bandaged hand. “I know.” 
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“You are my first romance, and I’m willing to take a chance that till life is through, I’d still be loving you.”
The cobbled pavements of the narrow alley that he is walking on are still the same. It feels damp, even though no rain had poured that night. It is still chipped and uneven in some places, and he remembers how your thin-strapped sandals would sometimes slip and get stuck between the cobblestones. Despite the imperfections of this street, he knows that you loved it. But while you had loved this place for its bright lights and broken cobblestones, he had loved it for what it contained: the restaurants and thrift stores, all of which still had signs that flash in bright neon blues and violets. 
And he loved them because of the memories he had created inside them—memories that he had made with you.
He vividly remembers the first plate of spaghetti that you shared at Georgie’s, a quaint restaurant that would have been considered Italian but for the sweet spaghetti sauce that it serves. He has not forgotten the taste because he still goes there on Thursdays. And he has never forgotten the way you had laughed while eating spaghetti as he confessed that he wanted to date you.
“You have no idea how ridiculous that sounds coming out of your mouth,” you had said while pushing away your plate. Your eyes had been gleaming with humor then, but your voice had been guarded and careful. “To put it simply, sunbae, I am not going to date you.” You had shrugged, and locks of your hair had tumbled across that denim jacket that he had loved seeing on you. “You know why.” 
He had known then.
You had never fallen in love before. That knowledge should have made him cautious, but he admits to himself now that it had made him all the more desperate to snag that spot in your heart marked, “First Love.” 
It was at Georgie’s that you had first rejected him, but it was there that you also said yes to him a few months later. Twirling pasta in your plate, you had murmured, “Okay. Let’s date. But Yoon Jeonghan—” Your voice had shaken. And then you had looked at him. 
“Please be careful with my heart.”
He had answered that with your first kiss.
At signless thrift stores that are scattered a few stalls away from each other, Jeonghan remembers patiently waiting for you as you picked clothes for him and art supplies for yourself. He remembers how you would stand to the side to let Hyewon and Mirae haggle with the storekeeper. He remembers your apologetic expression when you felt like Hyewon or Mirae had taken the bargaining too far. He smiles as he remembers how embarrassed you would be during those times.
And then he smiles wider as he remembers Hyewon’s sharp fingernails that had dug on his shoulder when she pulled him aside during the first time he tagged along for the shopping. He chuckles as he remembers how menacing she had looked. 
“If dating my goody-two-shoes Y/N is payback because I broke your best friend’s heart a few years ago,” Hyewon warns darkly, “then you’d better know that I’ll be coming for you. And I have no qualms whatsoever about tearing you to shreds. You got that?” She had dug her nails deeper at that point. 
“I don’t care what history you had with my best friend,” he had answered calmly. “I am dating Y/N because I love her. That’s all there is. You’re reading way too much into this, Park Hyewon.” 
“Am I?” Hyewon had scoffed, clearly unconvinced. “Yoon Jeonghan, why are you dating Y/N? The real reason, please."
"I love her," he repeated. "That's all."
"No. That's not it. I refuse to believe that’s your reason. And we both know here that you can’t fool me with that crap.” She had let go of him then, but not before throwing out a few more words that sounded like a prophecy. Throwing up her hands in the air and rolling her eyes, she had said, “I’m calling it: you’ll only break Y/N's heart.”
Funny how Hyewon turned out to be right. 
“This alley is the most beautiful place to go to in the city, isn’t it?” 
At that moment, Jeonghan stops in his tracks. He stops reminiscing. 
He whirls around, his eyes wide and almost sober, searching for the owner of that voice. His heartbeats quicken. He clenches his jaw as another knife of pain stabs through him at those words. 
You used to say the same thing to him. You used to say those words while holding his hand or whenever he would kiss you unannounced while you walked this street. You used to say those words while looking up at him. He would never get lost anywhere in the world, but he used to get lost in your eyes when you did so.
He squints his eyes, certain that it had been you who had spoken. But as his vision focuses on the owner of the voice, he feels his heart sink inside him. 
Of course, it wasn’t you. Jeonghan laughs at himself and his stupidity.
It wasn’t you. It was some stupid co-ed echoing the words that any college student would say about this street. It wasn’t you because you were long gone from him now, and he had nothing left of you but all these memories that still plague him in this fucking alleyway.
It wasn’t you because Jeonghan had done what Hyewon had said that he would do. 
A hand grabs his arm. “Let’s go, Yoon Jeonghan. You shouldn’t be here.” 
Jeonghan recognizes Seungcheol’s voice. He grins at his friend’s frustrated face as he trips on a stupid loose cobblestone. “Hello, there. Why do you keep appearing out of nowhere? And did you also think of Hyewon while following me along this legendary street? You only loved this street because of Hyewon, but you still feel it, right?” Jeonghan helps himself up and absently studies his dirtied pants. “The nostalgia this place evokes?”
“Shut up,” Seungcheol snaps, “just shut up. You know, I expected you to act more maturely than this, Jeonghan.” 
“What?” Jeonghan laughs. “Can’t a guy walk in peace?” 
Seungcheol stops walking. He lets go of Jeonghan’s arm, and he faces Jeonghan with a furious expression. “You have no right to get hung up over Y/N,” he says with a poisonous tone. “You have no right at all.” 
Seungcheol’s words slice through Jeonghan like a blade he didn’t see coming. He wasn't able to brace for it. He didn’t expect those words to come, especially from Seungcheol.
“You broke her heart.” Seungcheol’s tone is more fit for a eulogy than for a conversation with his best friend. “You made a choice years ago. What did you expect the ending to be? You can’t cry now.” His face softens. “Be a man. Accept that she’s moved on. Did you see her face earlier at the baby shower? She didn’t even look at you with any hurt or anger.” He presses a hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder. “She looks happy. Was she surprised to have seen you? Yes. But she has clearly moved on, and so should you.”
There is silence for a while until Seungcheol hands him a face mask. 
"Spare yourself the hell you'd experience from gossip rags and wear the fucking mask. You look terrible and stupid, coming here without any disguise at all. These aren’t uni days anymore, dumbass."
The cobbled pavements of the narrow alley that Jeonghan and Seungcheol are walking on are still the same. It feels damp, even though no rain had poured that night. It is chipped and uneven in some places, and both men could still remember how easily one could trip and fall on the slippery cobblestones. But despite the imperfections of this street, they both know someone who had loved it for what it was.
Yes, you had loved this alleyway for its bright lights and broken cobblestones. Seungcheol had loved it because of your friend Hyewon, but Jeonghan had loved it for what it contained: the restaurants and thrift stores, all of which still had signs that flash in bright neon blues and violets. 
And he loved them because of the memories he had created inside them—memories that he had made with you.
But now he realizes that this alleyway is a literal Memory Lane, bringing him back to the past and clouding his judgment of the present. 
As he walks past Georgie’s, He remembers your words again. 
“Please be careful with my heart.” 
Friday has barely ended, and Saturday is just about to begin, but when Georgie’s fades behind him, he laughs. He laughs like the idiot that he is, and tears pour out of his eyes as he does so.
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“I will be true to you—just a promise from you will do: from the very start, please be careful with my heart.”
The truth has finally hit him.
Everything that he had with you—all of it—is now just memories and history.
And his conviction that he should stop riding this rollercoaster of emotions about you becomes even more pronounced when his phone vibrates, and he picks up a call.
“Where are you?” a woman’s voice asks, worried. “I’ve been up all night waiting at your apartment.”
Seungcheol mouths, Who is it?
Jeonghan flashes the phone at Seungcheol.
It was Jung Mirae.
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“I love you and you know I do—there’ll be no one else for me. I promise I’ll be always true, for the world and all to see. Love has heard some lies softly spoken, and I have had my heart badly broken; I’ve been burned and I’ve been hurt before.”
Mingyu stops staring at the ceiling and turns to look at you. You are sleeping beside him, tucked under his arm, and he is happy. He had spent the night with you, going through your memories and learning from them. He had spent the whole night immersed in the past that you had inside you.
Yes, indeed, he had learned a lot about you tonight. And as he presses a tender kiss to your forehead, he whispers something that you did not hear. He whispers words that he just wants to prove to you with actions.
“I’ll be careful with your heart,” Mingyu whispers as he kisses your hair, your neck, your bare shoulder, “because I know how it feels to get hurt, too.” If you had been awake at that point, you would have seen the pensive, faraway look in his eyes as he walks down his own cobblestoned path—his own Memory Lane. If you had been awake, you would have worried about his expression like he knows you would. So he quickly smiles at your peaceful, sleeping face.
“I have a story, too,” he adds softly, “but I’ll save it for later.” He hugs you close to him. “For now, I’ll just be content with taking care of you.” He kisses your lips, and you stir. “Of us.”
When your eyes open, he shyly ducks under the covers, his twinkling eyes peeking at you. And as you protest that it was late and that he should sleep, he laughs softly, and he nods. “Okay, okay. I’ll take care of you.”
“What?” you ask, uncomprehending. “Say again, baby?”
“Nothing.” He hugs you close again. “Just that I love you.” 
You fall back into sleep at his words, and he keeps watching you until his eyes close on their own.
“I love you,” he whispers again. 
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“So I know just how you feel: trust that my love is real for you. I’ll be gentle with your heart—I’ll caress it like the morning dew. I’ll be right beside you forever, I won’t let our world fall apart. From the very start, I’ll be careful with your heart.”
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Author’s Note: Thank you very much for reading! I know that I have been very slow and inconsistent with my updates, but as long as there are unfinished WIPs on this list, please expect me to keep posting, no matter how sporadic. Tell me what you think about this part on the askbox, comments/reblogs! Thank you! - Leanne.
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naceisonthecase · 3 years
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Summary: Basically, red string of fate but make it supernatural.
Word Count: 5,218
[Read on AO3]
@aceandnancy @bughead-bones @ismokechurros @nacegolden @nocturne-alley
The Red String of Fate: Fact or Fiction? The title of the article read. Nancy couldn’t read anymore, not even if it was Bess who had sent it and was most likely going to broach the subject as soon as she came downstairs. Grabbing her bag off the hook she left her room and headed down the stairs.
“Good morning Nancy!” Her dad and Ryan echoed as she entered the kitchen. This was still taking some time to get used to, her two dads side by side drinking coffee and cooking breakfast as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Which, Nancy thought, would explain the state and smell of the kitchen.
“Morning,” Nancy replied. She moved through the kitchen toward Carson, letting him wrap his arms around her. As he moved away Nancy spied a circle of red around his pinky finger. “What happened to your finger?” Her eyes wandered away from the mark on his finger, the same size and shape of his wedding ring, scanning his face for any sort of incriminating clues.
“Must have burned it when helping Ryan cook.” He said, nonchalantly. He shook his hand as if that would erase the mark.
“That’s unusual for a burn. It’s a perfect circle.” Nancy had grabbed her father’s hand and was turning it back and forth to observe it more completely. “Does it hurt?”
Carson wrestled his hand back. Placing both hands on Nancy’s shoulders he held his daughter at arm’s length. “It’s just a burn, Nancy. Nothing serious, nothing supernatural.” Another thing that would take some getting used to -- her dad knowing about the weird, paranormal happenings around their seaside town. “And, no it doesn’t hurt. Not even a little.”
Nancy nodded at her father, not quite convinced, and he released her. She wandered over to a cabinet and grabbed a mug to pour herself a cup of coffee. The action caused a small red object to be knocked off the countertop. Her coffee momentarily forgotten, Nancy bent down and picked it up. A spool of red thread. How did it get there? Who did it belong to?
“What’s this?” She showed the spool to Carson. He had started dishing himself up a plate of food and squinted at the object in Nancy’s hand.
“It's a spool of thread. Probably belonged to your mother.”
“Mom didn’t sew.”
Carson shrugged. “We’ve reached our before breakfast question quota. Can we discuss it after we eat?”
Nancy put the spool back on the counter and turned to Ryan. He was wearing an apron and a gaudy chef’s hat standing by the stove with a spatula in hand.
It would have been comical if it wasn’t so disastrous.
“You want some,” Ryan asked proudly, showcasing his burnt scrambled eggs as if they were a masterpiece.
Nancy screwed up her face. “I think I’ll pass.” She said, finally pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“They aren’t as bad as they look or smell.” Nancy turned to see Bess seated at the breakfast table. She had a plate of burnt eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her and was smiling around a mouthful of food.
“Nancy, you have to eat something,” Carson said, passing by Nancy to seat himself down by Bess.
“I’m fine with just coffee. I’ll just get something at The Claw,” she said, shrugging off her father’s recommendation. She snuck a look at her phone to check the time. “Speaking of, Bess, I think we should get a move on. You know how George is when we’re late.”
“You think it’s a good idea to go back to work so soon after…” The rest of Carson’s sentence faded away, the implication of after hanging heavy in the air.
“Yeah, Nancy, George ok’d your extended absence. Just as she did Ace’s.” Bess was quick to add, filling the silence.
At the mention of his name, Nancy’s hand tightened around her mug, her stomach spinning. She put the mug back down on the counter. She hadn’t mentioned her dreamscape or the part each of them played in the journey to any of her friends. The closest she had come was Ace, and that hadn’t gone as planned.
“It's been weeks. I need some semblance of normalcy back in my life, and that means,” Nancy swung her bag over her shoulder so it hung across her body, “returning for my usual shift at The Claw.”
“Remember, you can come home at any time.”
The smoke alarm chose then to blare its angry head. Carson rushed off to the smoke alarm, ordering Ryan to begin opening windows around the house.
“And, I think that’s our cue to leave,” Nancy said to Bess, speaking louder over the wails going off in her house.
Bess nodded, just as happy to escape the chaoticness of the household as Nancy was. She reached for a napkin that was laying on her lap, dabbing at her lips politely as if she were dining at a fancy restaurant, and quickly went off to get her belongings.
“Don’t you think it’s quite romantic though?” Bess said, continuing the conversation they were having on the ride over about the article she had sent Nancy.
“It sure is something.”
Bess gasped, a hand flying to her chest in shock. “You don’t believe in soulmates?” She nearly screeched.
“Love I believe in,” Nancy said, approaching the door to The Claw, “but soulmates…there’s no proof.” Nancy pushed open the door to The Claw. Her gaze travelled over the room -- she spotted George and Nick at the bar. With Ace.
Ace was home? He wasn’t supposed to be home for another two weeks.
Nancy felt her throat constrict, she stood frozen in place. She thought facing him with these new fully realized feelings would be difficult enough standing on his front stoop, a rehearsed speech at the ready, but that didn’t hold a candle to seeing him unexpectedly here amongst their friends in a familiar environment and completely lost for words.
Ace looked up at the door at the sound of the chime. He beamed when he saw his two friends but his eyes remained on Nancy longer, Bess having already sauntered into the restaurant and over to the bar, wrapping her arms around Ace from behind, Ace’s hand coming up to pat her arm. His concentration broke off Nancy for the time being.
Nancy took a deep breath, then crossed the threshold.
Out of Bess’s hold, Ace was off his stool and was coming towards her before Nancy was even halfway across the restaurant. She froze in her tracks.
“Hey, Nancy!”
“Hey, Ace! Uh, how was your trip? How is...how is Amanda?” She felt a sudden prick against her finger, nothing more than a needlepoint but it made her look down anyway. Her finger was snagged in her bag buckle and she yanked it free.
“It was great.” She heard Ace saying And looked back up. “Amanda is good too.” It was as if he wanted to say more but shut his mouth instead.
They were such simple answers but it made her heart ache. The throbbing in her finger intensified and she jammed her hands into her coat pockets, slowly moving away.
“I should put my things in the back,” Nancy announced, walking away.
“Wait, Nancy.” He reached out a hand to stop her progress, his hand lingering on her arm. “How are you doing?”
She took a deep breath in before answering. “I’m alright.” She nodded, a faint smile tracing her lips. “Just recovering from nearly dying. So, you know, the usual.”
Ace nodded, not taking his hand or eyes off her. The pain in her finger had subsided, it was nothing more than pinched flesh after all. She was only thinking about it because she couldn’t allow her thoughts to settle on how Ace’s touch felt on her arm. Like his touch was meant to be there.
She gulped, trying to find her voice, and pulled away. “Ace, I need to go.”
She saw visible disappointment, concern, and curiosity flash through his eyes. Then she turned and disappeared into the kitchen. He stood there watching after her until Bess called him back to the bar to fill them in on his romantic getaway, and as a loyal platanchor he willingly obliged.
Nancy sat on the bench in front of the set of lockers. The kitchen was empty and she could spend the short time before her shift alone. And, Ace wasn’t yet in the kitchen, watching her from above.
He was with Amanda, and according to him, they were doing good. She couldn’t have these thoughts. She had to forget about this crush, or whatever it was, and move on. No matter how much she wanted to run her fingers through his gorgeous locks, again, or kiss him, and not an almost dreamscape kiss this time, she couldn’t act on it. She wouldn’t. She would just have to figure out a way to get through this shift without these feelings interfering and then figure out how to get over him.
“Drew, get your ass out here. We need you.” George called from the dining area signalling that her shift had begun.
She stood from the bench and smoothed down the front of her uniform, composing herself before heading out into the thick of it. Her first day back in weeks.
Ace was entering the kitchen as she was leaving, the two were in a dance for access to the door. He moved to his left, she moved to her right. Then vice versa. Eventually Ace allowed her enough room to scoot by, laughing. She felt his eyes on her back as she moved past. What greeted her on the other side was the typical Saturday lunch rush. She did want normalcy, she remembered, as she dug into her pocket for her notebook and flipped it open to a clean sheet to begin taking orders.
From there the hours became a blur of jotting down orders, filling and refilling water glasses, and polite smiles that she didn’t wholeheartedly feel. It was filled with lobster rolls, fried calamari, fish and chips, and The Claw’s famous clam chowder being passed from the kitchen to the awaiting customers. She was more or less in a state of workflow uncommon to her gig as a waitress when Nick stopped her, pulling her aside.
“Nancy, your hand looks serious.”
It had begun to hurt more, a constant pounding but she continued to play off as best she could even though the pain was getting to her. She looked down and saw that her finger was scratched up and bleeding, and a rash was beginning to spread through her entire hand.
“I must have been itching it. Not a big deal.”
George and Bess had gravitated towards her too and Ace had moved to the serving hatch, a cloth hung over his shoulder and his arms resting on the ledge. Great a full audience!
“I know first aid,” Ace piped up eagerly from the hatch, “I was a Boy Scout”
Nancy’s heartbeat quickened but she kept her voice steady as she said, “as much as I appreciate your concern, and I do, it’s just a few scratches. I can easily wash it up in the bathroom and be back in a minute.”
“You are not serving food with that,” George pointed in the direction of Nancy’s hand, a look of horror on her face.
“Oh, Nancy, it’s dripping!” Bess exclaimed, hands fluttering to her mouth. A few patrons close enough to be in earshot turned to see what the commotion was about.
Sure enough, during the few seconds of the conversation, it had gotten worse and now a green goo was emanating from the wound.
“Oh, ew,” Nancy said, extending her other hand quickly just in time to catch a glob before it fell to the floor.
“Take Ace up on his offer,” George ordered, nodding towards the kitchen, “then go home. The rest of you back to work.”
Nancy sighed. Keeping her mind preoccupied and not focusing on her crush on Ace hadn’t worked and now she was going to be in a room alone with him. Unprepared and in unknown territory. Then she winced and pulled her hand toward her chest. Her hand was in excruciating pain and she had to admit that it needed tending to. So, with a groan, she turned to meet him.
Ace was sitting on the bench searching around in the first aid kit when Nancy arrived in the back room.
“Let me take a closer look,” he said when he saw her paused at the top of the steps. He tucked his hair behind his ear, watching her descend the stairs and closing the distance between them.’God, that hair!’ she thought as she sat down beside him and extended her hand for him to inspect. “It looks like an infection. A gnarly one.”
“Gnarly?” Nancy said an awkward laugh in her voice. He smiled. She looked away. She couldn’t fall back into their usual behaviour no matter how easy and familiar it was.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing we can’t fix.” Ace said, picking up and ripping into the small packet, unfolding the wipe into the perfect square with such care.
She found herself staring too long at his hands as he took her own and wiped away the blood and grime from her skin. She flinched, shaking herself away from the memory of those fingers entwined in hers.
“Does it sting?” Ace’s hands slowed. Nancy shook her head. “Good,” he said, ripping into another packet. “Because this isn’t a one-and-done job.”
In the end, it took seven of the tiny wipes to clean the blood and green goopy mess. During which, Nancy had gone through all the symptoms she’d experienced with the lust butterflies, many times over. Although, fortunately for her, under better control. By the time Ace was applying a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment to the scratches she was wondering if he could feel how fast her pulse was racing, how sweaty her hand was in his or if he could see the heat upon her cheeks, and if he did, did he assume it was just a side effect from the infection or something more? After he secured the bandage in place he dropped his hands to his lap.
“All done.” He said, proudly. He admired his handiwork for a moment then looked up, meeting Nancy’s eye.
The two of them shared an extended moment of eye contact, his eyes so blue and portraying a deepness that many didn’t know the extent of, an ocean she was falling into. She scrambled to her feet at once conscious of how close she had gravitated to him. She had been practically sitting in his lap.
“Uh, thanks, Ace. It feels better already.” She felt herself falling back into those eyes, and pulled away before it could last any longer by heading for her locker. “I should be getting home.”
“I can give you a ride.” Ace said. Nancy popped off her lock and turned to look behind her. Ace was still on the bench, his hands balled together in his lap. He was rubbing his thumb against his other hand, watching her, eager for her to accept.
“It’s fine, Ace,” Nancy said. “I can walk. Bess can drive my car home.” She proceeded to shimmy into her jacket, careful not to upset her bandaged finger and fanned out her hair that had been trapped behind the collar. She then reached into her pocket for her car keys, putting them into her empty locker and writing a quick note, slipping it through the slates of Bess’s locker.
“Are you mad at me?”
Nancy faced Ace, her hands stilled on her coat buttons. “No--no I’m not mad at you.” She couldn’t take that sad, puppy dog-eyed look and busied herself with her coat.
“Then why have you been avoiding me all day?”
Nancy thought back on her shift as she continued with the buttons. When Ace was at the serving hatch she would wait until he was back at the sink before continuing her job. When she was in the kitchen she would ignore his calls and waves for her attention, And, if he was out in the dining area fetching something or chatting with George, Nick, or Bess she would take the longer route to where she was going. It hurt to stay away. It almost felt as if she was being pulled in his direction but she fought against that feeling.
“I--I wasn’t -- I haven’t been avoiding you.” Nancy lied.
“And, you’re letting Bess drive your car? She still drives on the wrong side of the road.”
“You should keep Florence here,” Nancy said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “For when you pick up Amanda from the hotel.”
“Um, Nancy, actually about that.” Ace started. He stood from the bench in an attempt to stop her but she had already made her exit through the back door.
Outside, Nancy leaned back on the wall of The Claw. Her eyes shut.
When did this become so hard?
Ace was her best friend. But she had to put a kibosh on these thoughts before it ruined what they had. And, luckily for her, she had a mystery on her hands to do just that. Literally.
Nancy hadn’t walked home. Instead, she had made the trek to The Historical Society. She had let herself in and found Hannah doing inventory.
“I need your help,” Nancy said after acquiring Hannah’s attention. She had her bandaged hand raised. When she had left The Claw it was, as she had told Ace, feeling significantly better but by the time she had reached The Historical Society the pain level was off the charts and the green goo was seeping through the bandaging. And, she was beginning to feel faint.
Hannah was at her side at once, immediately leading her over to a chair. She re-cleaned and bandaged the wound and handed Nancy a high-strength painkiller and a glass of water, which dulled the pain a bit. Hannah sat down across from her to hear the events that lead to this predicament.
“Hand me your bag.” Hannah requested after Nancy finished detailing the story. “I’m going to test the buckle for any supernatural or natural causes of this infection.” Nancy did as she was told, but the short litmus paper-type test turned up nothing of concern.
“Could it be something from the lockboxes, something I let out when I got the shroud? Which, again, I profusely apologize for.”
Hannah was silent for a moment, in thought. “This is nothing like anything I recall seeing or hearing about before. But we can take a look.” Hannah got up from the table and returned with an armload of gathered papers, records, and books that could be of use.
That had been four hours ago and still, there were no answers. And, her finger was again protesting loudly.
“I’m sorry, Nancy.” Hannah placed a hand on the younger woman's uninfected hand and squeezed it.
“It’s alright. We tried.” Nancy reassured her. “Actually, Hannah, while I’m here could we discuss something else?”
Right now Nancy needed motherly advice. And, after losing a mother, a grandmother, a potential step-mother, and learning about her biological mother’s death all in less than a year, Hannah Gruen was the last maternal figure she had.
Nancy took a deep breath, letting it out in a slow exhale. “Have you ever had a crush on someone that wasn’t available?”
“Yes, I have. My best friend.”
“What did you do about it?”
“I told them.”
Nancy’s eyebrows shot up. “You told them?” She said in disbelief. “Even though there was no chance you’d be together? Weren’t you worried you were risking your friendship?”
Hannah shook her head. “I was at the beginning. But, it ended up being better for the both of us that I told the truth. The truth holds power.”
The truth holds power, that was something Nancy believed too.
“Thanks.” Hannah gave Nancy’s hand another squeeze, then she got up from the table to return to her work.
Nancy felt a sudden weight in her coat pocket. Reaching in she pulled out the spool she had found in her kitchen that morning. She stared at it for a few seconds in bewilderment. How had it magically appeared in her pocket when she had left it on the counter before she left for The Claw? The longer she stared at it the object and the colour became familiar for some reason, something that Bess was talking about. Nancy dug her phone out of her other pocket and opened it. The article that Bess had sent her was still on the screen. The red string of fate. Nancy scanned the article.
‘According to Japanese legend,’ she read, ‘there is a thread that originates from the heart and extends through our pinky finger connecting us to those that we are fated to meet.’ Nancy looked down at her finger. The infected finger, the one now covered in bandages, was her pinky. The red mark her dad swore was a burn wound its way around his pinky. ‘It is said that no matter how much you stretch or tangle the invisible red string it can never be broken.’
Nancy recalled how her finger felt better when feelings of attraction were coursing through her body when she was in the back room with Ace and had gotten worse when that attraction was being suppressed, as she was trying to do the entire day. How she had felt that strange pull whenever she was near him as if being pulled closer by a thread.
So much for forgetting these feelings. They were as much a part of her as her traumas.
“Hannah,” Nancy called, and the owner of The Historical Society appeared in her office doorway, “I think I know what this is.”
Nancy placed the spool on the table and handed her phone to Hannah so she could read through the article herself. She recounted for Hannah finding the mark on her dad’s finger. Him downplaying it as a burn.
Nancy’s eyes widened, as a thought occurred to her. “I need to see if he’s alright.”
“You check on your dad, and I’ll look further into this,” Hannah said, handing Nancy her phone back. “I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
Nancy grabbed her bag off the table and ran out of The Historical Society. Her phone clutched in her hand, she dialled her home number. Carson didn’t answer after the first or second ring and the worry began to build in Nancy until her stomach ached. When he did pick up on the third ring he could hear him talking to someone in the background. Ryan she presumed.
“Did you happen to touch the spool? The one I knocked off the counter this morning.”
“Hello to you too,” Carson replied sarcastically. He covered the receiver but she could still make out him saying “It’s Nancy.” to Ryan. They had a snippet of a side conversation and then she could hear the sound of the speakerphone being turned on.
This wasn’t the time for the speakerphone.
“What were you saying?” Carson asked and Nancy repeated herself. “I kicked it off the stairs by accident, picked it up and put it on the kitchen counter. Is this important for something sleuthing-related?”
“I’ll get back to you on that,” Nancy said, putting an end to that line of conversation. She decided to change her tactic to avoid his growing suspicion. “Hey, by the way, how’s your hand?”
“Same as the last time you asked.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you soon.”
“You’re coming home?”
“Yeah, I’ve had a long day.” Nancy ended the call and dropped her phone into her pocket. She slowed her pace, suddenly feeling weak and dizzy. Her worry catching up to her.
She had nothing to worry about. Her dad was fine. Good even, he seemed to enjoy having Ryan around. Maybe she was wrong about this lead and the spool hadn’t caused the infection. But that still brought to mind why she had found it in her pocket. Nancy caught herself itching her finger over the bandage as she thought this over. The wound had begun leaking through the bandages again and she stopped her itching.
Suddenly her phone began ringing and she took it back out to answer the call.
“Nancy,” it was Nick who answered the phone, “you have to return to The Claw ASAP.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
There was a shuffling as the phone was passed between hands. Now it was George’s voice on the other end. “It’s Ace, he’s caught whatever weird finger fungus you have.”
No, this was definitely the spool.
Nancy got back to The Claw in record time. Although it was not yet eight o’clock the restaurant was empty of patrons and only Nick and George could be seen in the dining area.
“They’re in the back,” Nick called as soon as Nancy passed through The Claw’s doors.
Ace was sitting on the bench, Bess knelt in front of him pressing a damp cloth to his face. “Oh, Nancy, you’re back!” She exclaimed once she saw her.
Ace turned. He was pale, too pale, showing off dark bags under his eyes and a sheen of sweat glistened on his skin, soaking through his clothes. And, his pinky was just as green and goopy as hers was. Despite this, he smiled at the sight of her. Nancy threw her bag to the side and knelt beside Bess.
“I’ll give you two some time alone,” Bess said, handing Nancy the wet cloth, then she exited the backroom.
Her phone then decided to ring. She snuck a look at the caller ID. “It’s Hannah.” She said to Ace. “I should take it.” Getting to her feet she walked a few paces away to take the call.
“I was looking through my photocopies of the Women in White’s spellbook,” Hannah explained after Nancy accepted the call, “and found a spell similar to this red string of fate curse.”
“This isn’t exactly the Women in White’s MO.” The moment she voiced it she knew. “It’s Temperance’s.”
“I was thinking the same thing. She’s changed the spell in some way. To only hex those who haven’t found or confessed to their destined partner. If they have it shows up only as a red mark around their pinky, no infection.”
The red mark showed her dad had met his soulmate, her mom, and even though she was gone she was still his soulmate.
“The bad news does remain the same,” Hannah continued, “when the infection gets to the heart both destined partners die.”
Nancy swallowed hard and looked back at Ace. He was looking back at her. This time when they shared a long moment of eye contact she didn’t avert her eyes. Her heart pounded. “Is there a cure?” Nancy felt her voice crack on the final word.
“Nothing that I’ve found yet, but I’ll keep looking.”
There was no discernable cure. Ace was running out of time. And, because this curse had connected the two of them, so was she.
Nancy thanked Hannah and hung up, gravitating back to Ace, and sitting by his side. She entwined her hands with his cold, clammy ones. Not caring how the goop squelched between their fingers. It had made her feel better when she was at her worst when they were unattaching the wraith from feeding on her life force, and she wanted to show the same compassion to him. The longer they sat there, the worse her symptoms got until she was the same feverish mess that he was.
She held his hand as tight as she could, ignoring all the butterflies fluttering inside her. “This is my fault,” Ace parted his chapped lips to protest but Nancy silenced him. “No, that’s the truth.”
This reminded her of what Hannah had told her back at The Historical Society. Truth has power. Maybe confessing would lessen the curse.
She couldn’t look at him as she spoke instead looking over his shoulder as she recited a modified version of the script she had planned weeks previously. “In New York, I had this dreamscape experience with you at the bluffs. It was -- it was powerful and I felt things. For you. At first, I thought that it was the wraith manipulating how I felt but it wasn’t. I-- I know that now. And, I know you’re with Amanda and I don’t want to ruin that. And, right now I should be my first priority and put relationships on the backburner. And, I know this could risk everything we have, but, I needed -- I needed to tell you.”
Ace was silent, and he removed his hands from hers. Nancy was preparing herself for the worst, for Ace to say that he didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. That she should stay out of his and Amanda’s relationship. She frantically wiped at her eyes, trying to compose herself for what was coming.
“And, you don’t need to reciprocate. You’ve--you’ve become very special to me and I--I can’t lose you.”
“Nancy, slow down,” Nancy looked tearfully into his eyes, stopping her unconscious stream of thought, and he grabbed her hand again. Some of his colour had returned and the dark circles under his eyes weren’t as pronounced. “Amanda broke up with me.
Nancy gulped. “She did what now?” She hadn’t expected this.
“She said I wasn’t all in. And, she’s right. I’m not. So, she stayed behind in Portland.” Ace squeezed their conjoined hands. “And, you’re right too. Your first priority should be yourself right now. You shouldn’t be jumping into a relationship with me or anyone else until you're ready. But, I’m always going to be by your side. Nothing will change that.”
A sudden green smoke filled the room making Nancy and Ace cough. When enough smoke cleared away, and they were able to get a good look at each other, Nancy noticed Ace’s pinky had healed, good as new, and quickly removed her bandages. Except for the line of scratches, it was as if nothing had happened in the first place.
George, Nick, and Bess rushed into the back room, waving the smoke away with their hands that was drifting towards them as it drifted to the kitchen windows.
“What the hell is going on back here?” George said, “We smelled smoke.”
“It’s the tail-end of Temperance’s soulmate curse,” Nancy responded.
When each of her friends looked back at her with confused and shocked expressions she unclasped her hands from Ace’s and stood to face her friends. She had another truth to reveal.
“Temperance is back. She used my blood from her machine to return. Now, she’s somewhere in Horseshoe Bay. Waiting. Trying to learn about me. About us. About this town. So she can destroy it.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Ace said, coming up to join her. “How are we going to kick this bitch out of our house?”
Nancy smiled at him.
Maybe there was something about this soulmate thing after all.
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bokubonk · 4 years
i think i’m in love
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content: fluff, coffee shop au
characters: sugawara x reader
date: 2/9/21
word count: 1.5k+
notes: this was inspired by “action!’ by DPRLive. It’s an amazing song so you guys should definitely give it a listen if you haven’t already. Also I’m not really satisfied with the way this turned out but I put way too much effort in to just not post it so I hope y’all like it even if it does suck. 
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He didn’t know how many days it had been. All he knew was the smell of coffee, the scent of your perfume that lingered every time you passed by, the colorful nail polish that never seemed to chip even though you spent hours tapping away on the keyboard of your laptop. All he knew was that he was in love and the one who irrevocably stole his heart was you. 
You can’t really remember when the first time you came to the coffee shop was. It all happened in a blur of rainy days and the countless nights you spent awake studying for your finals and soon, you couldn’t imagine not stopping by and visiting what was now your favorite place to spend your free time. 
It was a little shop, located in a corner that not many people knew about. Mostly, those who came wanted to keep the shop a secret, it was a sort of escape from the real world for those who visited. Anyone who stumbled upon the coffee shop inevitably fell in love with not only the coffee and the pastries, but also the owners: a married couple that had been together for over 20 years and were still as in love as they were when they first got together. 
You always came to the shop to get coffee before going off to school and you would visit whenever you had free time, always wanting to be on top of your assignments. Anyone who saw you knew that you were more interested in getting your daily dose of coffee and focusing on your education than anything else, that’s why no one ever bothered you. 
Although, you would still occasionally get a few numbers here and there, no one ever stuck out to you and their offers always ended up in the trash can. You didn’t want to waste your time on a relationship that would only end up going downhill when they realized you would never have enough time for them. 
That is, until he came. 
It was a pretty windy day and you settled into your usual seat next to the door despite the cold breeze that would hit you every time the door opened. Unsurprisingly, the cold weather brought in more customers and the door opened every few minutes, the sound of soft chatter filling the coffee shop. 
By the sixth time the door opened yet another shiver wracked your body and you had had enough. You were began packing up your things to leave. It seemed as though this was going to be one of your worst days of the year. It was bad enough that your hair refused to listen to you and you had to resort to tying it into a ponytail in hopes of masking the huge knot that had accumulated overnight. You also forgot your umbrella since you woke up late and had to rush out of the house. Even though there was only a light drizzle, your clothes were still soaked and the constant wind coming your way wasn’t helping. 
You hoped your usual cup of coffee would help but at this point you were too uncomfortable to enjoy it and it didn’t seem as though your mood would lift anytime soon. 
The door opened for the seventh time, the jingle of the bell alerting everyone of a new customer walking through the door. You scowled, your frozen fingers gripping your assignment as you struggled to shove them into your bag. 
You heard a laugh and you froze. Your gaze flickered in the direction where it came from and your eyes widened. 
Grey hair, hazel eyes, flushed cheeks, and a mole under his eye.
His soft voice could be heard talking to his other companions: a tall, blond with glasses, a short, orange-haired boy, a scowling boy who’s eyes reminded you of blueberries, and a freckled boy who was laughing at something the blond had said. 
You moved your gaze away, not knowing that his eyes were now on you. A part of you regretted having packed up your belongings but now it was too late to sit back down and you had no other choice but to leave, taking small sips of your last bit of coffee and bidding the owners of the shop good-bye. 
It would be another week before you saw him again, and time seemed to hiccup once more. You wondered why you were so captivated by him and you found your attention lingering on his voice and the soft smiles that accompanied his small conversations he had with his friends. 
As the weeks flew by, you began learning more about him through the loud chatter of his companions. He played volleyball. He was a third-year at Karasuno. And his name was Sugawara.
But there were also things you noticed about him that no one had to tell you like the little furrow in his brows when he concentrated or how he always seemed to forget that the coffee was hot, burning himself every time he took his first sip. In between sips of your coffee, your gaze always wound up on him, but you never expected that his eyes would lock on yours and he would send a smile your way. 
A blush painted your cheeks and he would sigh, a chuckle slipping past his lips as his friends teased him, not missing the way he would stare at you while you worked. But surprisingly, you never heard them, even though they were quite loud. 
The wordless glances and small smiles exchanged for quite a while but the distance between the two of you never seemed to shorten. And you never bothered making a move, not quite ready for rejection and still apprehensive about starting a relationship with all the other priorities you had on your plate. 
Yet, a small part of you hoped for more. 
It wasn’t until one rainy day that your relationship finally seemed to shift. You were unlucky enough to have forgotten to check the forecast and didn’t realize it was supposed to rain until it was too late. 
You gazed out at the rain pattering against the window. The steady thrum was soothing but it only reminded you of how you would have to walk home and risk getting sick. You had finished your coffee a while ago and now you were only waiting for the rain to ease before leaving. 
The coffee shop had mostly cleared out because of how late it was and there were only a few others lingering but the one person you noticed was him.
These days, you saw him coming with his friends less and less and nowadays he would spend his time at the coffee shop like you, alone and on his laptop, typing away at one of his many assignments. You noticed that on the days that he came, he always stayed late. Never once had you seen him leave before you but you didn’t pay the fact much attention, assuming that he had a lot of homework to catch up on. 
You zipped up your jacket, waving good-bye to the owners and you felt the words clinging to your lips as you stared in his direction but you decided against it. You had never talked to him before so it would be strange to start now. 
A sigh escaped your lips instead as you pushed open the doors, shivering at how cold it was outside. You reached out a hand to catch the rain, feeling the droplets slide past your fingertips. 
You rocked back and forth on your heels, standing on the steps of the shop, unsure of what you were waiting for but when the bells on the door rang from behind you, you were glad you had stayed. 
Sugawara stood in front of you, a smile on his lips and a scarf wrapped around his neck. 
“Hey, y/n, right?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Are you heading home, too? It’s getting kind of late.”
“Yeah,” he said, before bringing his hands out from behind his back and shoving an umbrella in your direction, his cheeks flushing. “I was waiting for you to go home, actually. I noticed you didn’t have an umbrella and I didn’t want you to get caught in the rain.”
You reached out to grab the black umbrella from him, his hands brushing against yours. 
“Thank you,” you murmured, watching as he beamed, the wind lightly brushing through his gray locks. 
“It’s no problem,” he glanced down at his watch, his eyes widening once he saw the time, “Wow, it is pretty late. I should get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You didn’t usually go to the coffee shop on Sunday’s because you always tried to finish your work the day before. It was sort of your routine and it was one you liked to stick to but the thought of seeing him again tilted your world on its axis and for once it seemed like changing your routine wasn’t that bad of an idea. 
After all, it wasn’t everyday that you would get to talk to the boy you admired so much. “Yeah, tomorrow sounds great.”
You waved at him and watched as he ran home, using his bag to shield himself from the rain. Your fingers tightened around the handle of the umbrella, warmth spreading across your cheeks as you made a mental note to return it to him.
i think I’m in love.
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deathvisited · 10 months
aesthetics tag -- sebastian morrow
rules: bold all the aesthetics that your muse relates to
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neonsigns, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles.
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents.
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes.
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums.
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, stars, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses.
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings.
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies.
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones.
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zen tangling, vintage cameras.
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower.
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