#short games
gebo4482 · 5 months
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
I have ADHD and memory issues, but the _Patchwork World_ writeup seems to focus on learning the rules and chargen, which are the aspects I have the least trouble with (I can do them asynchronously, alone and between sessions) -- my main issue is with maintaining attention over the duration of a play session. Are there games designed to be played in short bursts -- maybe sessions of 10-30 minutes?
THEME: Quick / ADHD friendly games.
Hello friend! So I’m going to break down this ask a little bit to hopefully make it more helpful. I’m going to include games that can be played in short bursts, but I’m also going to highlight some games that might help in other ways.
I’m also going to include some advice I’ve picked up about gaming from ADHD - tips that I got specifically from creators who have ADHD themselves. I recognize that it works differently for everyone, so your mileage may vary, but hopefully one or two of these tips will be useful!
Disclaimer: I do not have ADHD myself. I am forwarding advice from other creators. The two creators that I took tips from are the following:
10 Tips to Make Your Tabletop RPG More ADHD Friendly, by How to ADHD.
DnD and ADHD, by Azrai.
Both of these videos are focused on D&D, but there is advice that is translatable across games.
One of the biggest helps to understanding the obstacles to gaming with ADHD is the re-contextualization of how an ADHD-brain works. As far as I understand, ADHD brains have an easier time focusing on something if it’s engaging. If it isn’t engaging, or if your brain can’t sort through the information to understand what’s going on, it just kind of… shuts off. So the biggest thing is to think about what makes playing games interesting.
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Short Sessions and One-Shots.
I can definitely understand the effectiveness of short sessions and one-shots. You don’t have to retain information from a previous session, and short games are usually rules-lite so you don’t have to keep a lot of information in your working memory.
Oh No It’s Gay, by blake stone.
a quick, single-session dice-stacking RPG about flirting, falling in love, and being super queer. rules for both two-player and multiplayer games are included.
I’m recommending this game because of the dice-stacking mechanic that I think might be engaging. The game itself is pretty simple, and I don’t see a session lasting longer than a few minutes. This game seems to work best with two-to-three players, and the dice-stacking requires you to pay attention when it comes to making sure the dice stack stays up. At the same time, you don’t have to hold much information in your head, and most of your actions are determined based on how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling flirty, then you’ll probably be stacking lots of dice!
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games.
Life is tough for the cash-strapped in Prociopolis. Ever since the secret to immortality was discovered, nobody retires anymore! With all the steady jobs taken and no sign of any new ones opening up, there’s only one sure way to make some quick cash: sign up as a Subway Runner and work for the Metro Authority to hunt monsters and repair subway lines below the city.
The minds behind Gem Room Games prioritize making games that can be run quickly, and Subway Runners is an excellent example of that. Characters are randomly generated, so you can cycle through the generator until you find one that you like. Then you can download the character sheet and print it off if that works easier for you! You roll a number of d6’s whenever you attempt to do something, with 1-3 being bad, 4/5 being a partial success, and a 6 (or more) being a full success. The staggered success is similar to the way Patchwork World works, but instead of trying to keep track of moves, you just need to find which skill of yours makes the most sense to use.
Subway Runners is a great game for one-shot play! If you hold sessions for longer than 30 minutes I would recommend having a break partway through and doing a re-cap when you come back from the break, to make sure everyone is on the same page and is able to focus on what is about to happen next. If you hold sessions for 30 minutes at a time then I can see the game as functioning as essentially a min-campaign, in which case a quick re-cap before each session is absolutely fundamental.
Finally, if you’re going to be playing shorter sessions, it might be more logical to play online so as to reduce transport costs and the amount of time you need to set aside for a game, and Subway Runners is designed to be run online!
Firebrands: Mobile Frame Zero, by Meguey & Vincent Baker.
Humanity has spread through the Milky way, using interstellar transit gate technology to colonize the galaxy. Mobile frames are the hard-working, hard-fighting combat- and labor mecha they’ve brought with them. You are romantic ace mobile frame pilots, caught up in an undeclared war for the future of the Bantral system.
I don’t know anything about how Firebrands-style games play, but I do know that they are effectively built to be a series of mini-games. You might be able to play one mini-game per session, in order to keep each session short. The biggest downside might be that each mini-game uses a different set of rules, but if you’re only doing one mini-game at a time, that might not be an issue for your group.
The Score, by Tin Star Games.
THE SCORE is an all-new kind of collaborative story game that lets you create the world's greatest heist movie with just 18 cards in under 18 minutes of game time. It's a revolutionary take on shared storytelling that needs no GM, no complex rules, no hefty rulebooks and gives you all the idea prompts you need to be the mastermind.
This game is still in funding but it's meant to be played in 18 minutes, which is probably the shortest tabletop roleplaying game on this list. You can check out the link above to find reviews, playthroughs, and a short guide on how to play!
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Visual References and Tactile Player Pieces.
A game that has a visual reference can be stimulating and can help someone keep focus over an extended period of time. This visual reference might just be pictures that you share online to help you visualize what’s going on, or it might be something that is can be seen and interacted with in front of you, to help keep you engaged and interested. This is probably a mandatory thing in games that are long, with a lot of rules.
Lancer, by Massif Press.
Lancer imagines a future where a survivor humanity has spread to the stars after weathering terrible ecological collapse on Earth - the end of the Anthropocene as a consequence of unrestrained consumption and poor stewardship. Thousands of years later, humanity lives in the wake of a desperate revolution, one where the victorious radicals now manage the galaxy they've won.  
Lancer is a mech game, set in the far future, and it has a lot of moving pieces, but it also has an immeasurable wealth of player aids. The creators (and fans) of the game have provided the Comp-Con App, which acts as a Compendium, a Character Creation Tool, and a Character Keeper all in one. The App helps you track damage, plan out your mech build, and mark off deployables as you engage in combat.
I play Lancer in person with a small play group, and we use a hex-map and chess pieces to keep track of what’s going on in combat. This gives us pieces to pick up and move, and it also gives us a visual reference to track where we are and what we want to do next. While our game has chunks of narrative play to provide plot points, the bulk of our game sessions involve combat, and the nice thing about that is that you only really need to know what your objective is, and therefore you can focus on moving across the map and wiping out your enemies. If you want to make combat shorter, you can stop partway through or break it up into smaller skirmishes with a few enemies at a time.
I’m the GM for the game, but I personally cannot keep all of the rules straight in my head - luckily I have a player or two who love rules and will happily remind me how inflicting Burn works, whether I can shoot things in soft cover, and what exactly a Veil Rifle does.
Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast, by Possum Creek Games.
Welcome to Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast, a slice-of-life tabletop RPG about a heartless witch, a peaceful house, and all the folks who have made their home inside. 
Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast is a very special game. It uses pre-set characters, quick-play chapters, and an adaptable ruleset unlike anything else out there. It takes less than a half hour to learn how to play and get started, but with new chapters and secrets to unlock folks can stick with the game for years and years.
Jay Dragon, the Project Manager for Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast, places accessibility at the forefront of all of Possum Creek’s games. Each chapter of this game has slightly different rules, but you use the same characters for each one. Many of the games use tokens, which will be earned, spent, and placed on tracks to make things happen in the story. Each session looks as if it is meant to last 40-60 minutes, which is a bit longer than you might be looking for but is certainly shorter than a typical D&D session.
Because of the token usage in this game, I can see this game having a big tactile element. The character art is also colourful and engaging, and provides you with a really strong visual reference that can help you identify with whichever character you decide to play. Yazeba’s B&B chapters also mean that not every character has to be present for each game.
If you want to check out this game, there is an Ashcan Version on Itch.io, and if you want an Online play option, you can check out Yazeba’s Online by One More Multiverse! The Online game has a whole map of Yazeba’s that you can actually move your character through, and I think that really improves how easy it is to keep engaged with the game.
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Light Rules and Communal Player Resources.
If there are not a lot of rules or math that has to be done, you don’t have to spend time thinking about how you do something and you can spend more time focusing on what you want to do. Communal player resources can also be a big boon because if the entire party has the ability to see what’s available, it’s not up to just one person to remember what kinds of tools you have at hand. I personally love online player-kits that are visible to everyone, because you’ll never lose your character sheet, and you fellow players can help you find the pieces of information that you need to figure out what it is you want your character to do next.
Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds, by Alicia Furness.
Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds is a PbtA game about teen girls at a summer camp filled with strange supernatural occurrences. Inspired by Lumberjanes, and my own experiences of summer camp, the game investigates mysteries, monsters, and teenage identity. 
You mentioned Patchwork World as a game that you felt worked for you. Patchwork World stands out to me as a PbtA game that lets you customize your character, but only really requires you to remember the moves that you specifically have to make. Camp Flying Moose is also a PbtA game and also lets you create a character by putting pieces together. You will choose a two special moves that define your character, assign numbers to five stats as you like, and answer two characters about your experience at camp.
I’ve also created a communal character keeper that you can use to track all of your character information as a group! You can check it out here.
Visigoths vs Mall Goths, by Lucian Kahn.
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a tabletop roleplaying game and dating sim about the conflicts and romances among the warriors who sacked ancient Rome and 20th century spooky teens, set in a suburban Los Angeles shopping mall during 1996. There are a lot of bisexuals.
I talk about this game a lot, and that’s because it’s good. The player aids are easy to understand and follow along. There is a map of the mall to help your characters figure out where they want to go next. There is a day tracker that the GM will move along as you play, which ensures that you finish the session within a reasonable time. And there are things that you as a character can do even when the spotlight isn’t on you to help keep you engaged even when it isn’t your turn - characters can embarrass themselves in order to give a bonus to a friend while they roll.
I also find that this is a game that encourages competition, so if you like games where the goal is to (humorously) one-up other characters, you might find this game to be up your alley! This game is also PbtA, often hailed as a hall-mark for being rules light.
I also made a character play-kit for this game, which you can find here! There’s also an Online Supplement made by Chloe Sutherland that makes it easier to play this game online.
I recognize that a number of games on here don’t look like they run in very short sessions as designed. For a lot of games, I think having a game table that is on board can be the biggest help. You want a game group that understands your need for re-caps and short sessions, and is willing to work with you. Perhaps meeting online makes it easier to schedule a short game, or maybe taking a 5-minute break halfway through an hour-long game gives you a chance to get your focus back. I’d also recommend talking to your GM about what you find interesting in play. If you’re into romance and all the group is doing is fighting monsters, I can see it being very easy to lose focus.
Some final tips:
Keep the table small if possible (only 2 or 3 players), so there is a shorter wait time between each turn.
Our table lets people do things when it’s not their turn, such as get up to stretch their legs, munch on snacks, and doodle. Keeping our hands busy and letting our blood flow gives some of us the re-set we need to keep focused.
Ask your GM to give you one piece of information or one obstacle at a time. Then you don’t have to try and remember all of the things happening around you at once.
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georgethepeach · 1 year
Five Games Under Five Hours You Should Play
I've only been playing video games regularly for the past 5 or 6 years (if you don't count my hundreds of hours in Pokemon White and Nintendogs) and I find that committing to a long game can feel like such a drag. Why should I start playing The Witcher 3, a game that will take hundreds of hours to finish, when I could just play Animal Crossing again? Through this thought process, I've come across many short games that are up to 5 hours long that I love and I wanted to share them. These are in no particular order.
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You play as two neighbours unravelling their memories through cool time manipulation mechanics. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and just adds to the overall tone of the game. For anyone who likes a bit of a puzzle and heartwarming human relationships. [3 hours - Switch, PS4, Steam, Xbox One]
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Play as a dubious penguin trying to climb a mountain for phone signal. Complete tasks for other people on the mountain to reach the peak and explore the beautiful sights. This 3D pixel art style is not one seen often in gaming right now and it's a refreshing change. While only a very short game I expect I will revisit just to explore the island again. [1 hour - Steam]
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You play as a ??? in a capitalist world hellbent on destroying an island to build a new industrial town. Your job is to save them all. A wonderful and silly adventure where you play watermelon basketball and run away from attacking toast. Happy little game! [3 hours - Switch, Xbox One, Steam]
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Despite being the shortest on this list, this game is by far my favourite. Florence is about a former artist struggling to regain her creativity while stuck in a dead-end job. It's beautifully illustrated, animated, and scored and as a creative, I totally understand the feeling of not being motivated to do what you love. If you don't play anything else on this list, play Florence! [less than 1 hour - iOS, Android, Steam, Switch]
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Many people have likely heard or played this game before but it is scheduled to release for the first time on PC so many people will soon be playing it for the first time. Journey is exactly what it says it is. You play a fairly unknown character as they climb up to the peak of a mountain. Somehow without a word of dialogue and with the music and visuals alone, you feel the emotions of the character. An absolutely fantastic game [2 hours - PS4]
Most of these games have been sat in my game library waiting to be played for so long and finally playing them and finding out I'd had this great game sitting there was somewhat annoying. So I encourage everyone to play that game you bought 6 years ago in a Steam sale that is still in your library dying to be played because it might be better than you think.
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nicohverse · 1 year
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Now Available Free On Itch: https://nhitori.itch.io/my-dreamy-darling-deathwish
A game made entirely within the span of 2023's Yandere Game Jam! All of the art, GUI, programming, and writing was produced between 1/23/2023 and 2/26/2023. Two new musical tracks were also composed during this time- The rest of the music is reused from previous projects.
A short (7,000 words) yuri VN where you step into the shoes of Jessie Hall, a young adult who's developed an obsession on another girl who goes to her university. Will you be able to curb Jessie's obsession- And should you?
My Dreamy Darling Deathwish has 2 neutral endings that apply when other ending criteria go unmet, 2 bad endings, and 1 good ending. 
WARNING: As a yandere game, this project contains themes of stalking, murder, and suicide, and includes crude language. There is no sexual violence or outright bigotry, though one character makes passing reference to her internalized transphobia. A short sexually suggestive scene can be optionally experienced (and has no other bearing on the game's plot). The in-game warnings screen also contains a full list of 'doesthedogdie.com' categories.
This project was essentially created as a skill drill to practice before beginning the development cycle of Entropic Float 2. Entropic Float is a 300k+ word ontological mystery that is completely free here on itch, and on steam as well! If you liked this game at all, or found yourself wishing it was longer, please consider checking out Entropic Float too!
If you liked anything in the game from a technical perspective- Art, UI, programming, writing, or music, feel free to reach out with business inquiries. I'm always interested in new opportunities, and everything in this game but the title screen's art was made by yours truly!
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this-curiouscat · 9 months
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Don't have a lot of time / space / equipment to play a TTRPG?
Fret not, the Lunch Break RPGs bundle is here to supply you with 62 games by 50 different creators - all of which fit the theme of a game that can be picked up quickly and played in a short amount of time. I hear some of them are also about food? Or seagulls. Or spies. Or wizards. Or characters hiding in novels. Or anti-colonialism.
Some games are for a single player, others require at least two people, some need a full group. There's also a variety of mechanics, from dice to tarot cards to journals.
My own game ImproVeto is also part of the bundle. All you need for that one is a D6, at least one other person, and between 10-90 minutes of time to tell a fun, absurd story (things tend to escalate quickly with this one!). You also get to practice narrative improvisation and the use of the X-Card and similar safety and calibration tools. Also works as a warm-up during your session zero or before a longer game.
Roll up a starting scenario like "An octopus in a shopping mall wants to find a magic item but is hindered by tribbles" - and off you go!
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beebreadgames · 5 months
I say this about everything, but I would love a longer playthrough for this one lol
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nerdsonly-kjcurry · 1 year
3 Unique Itch.io Game Reviews in 3 Minutes
A look at three very different games that I thoroughly enjoyed.
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vizcoloration · 4 months
ViZcolor's Random Short Games Jan. 2024 Playthrough Compilation
All of the short random games I've played this month. You can always check the description for my review about them. (This is a very long post btw):
a spell of snow by pke1029:
[2 Games Jan.2024] un petit noel and My Dear Adam:
Code: Laser by AtomicAnt, karelessocelot:
Pierce and Drill by GeoMont and NOxNE:
Haunted Ice Cream by DonuttyPd:
Fia's Night Out by arcadekitten:
Blast Chamber by Antonio, Rookie 1978, and Riotmode:
Arthe by Carb0ntea:
Maikoppi by Atelier Pixerelia:
[3 Games Jan.2024] Nuclurum, Celestial Catering, and Nielle's Miasma
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
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a new life.
by angela he
Genre: Visual Novel, Interactive Fiction
Pitch: College students August and May meet and fall in love. Or they don't. The choices are yours in a moving, beautifully illustrated piece of short interactive fiction.
My expectations: It got pretty drawrings.
No, for real, this looks very personal and well made. I'm looking forward to playing it.
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a new life. is the best kind of visual novel, filled with tiny choices that can drastically change the narrative’s outcome. Other decisions really are minor, but even those lead to branches with unique dialogue.
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This isn’t a game about methodically mapping out every node on the story’s flow chart. As far as I can tell, there are many bad endings and only one good ending. The path toward that goal isn’t always obvious, but make a mistake, circle back to a previous chapter, and you’ll wonder how you ever missed the clues.
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I can’t say much more without getting into spoilers. This is a terrific romantic visual novel. I’d recommend playing the game cold, with a caveat: The story goes to dark places.
If you have any sensitivities, read on for a content warning.
The romance part is easy. August and May fall for each other right away. If you only focus on the emotions, though, you might miss that a COVID-like pandemic is spreading. Throwing a lavish wedding is romantic, and it’s a quick path to death. Routine annual check-ups detect cancer while it’s still treatable. This isn’t a game about having fun and kissing girls. It’s a game with a message, and it hits hard.
+ A beautiful, affecting story of love and loss that doesn't go the way you'd expect. Powerful, important message. + Compact. Dense with little choices and unique dialogue. My first run took less than ten minutes. I reached the good ending in 30-40 minutes total. Plenty more if you want to see everything. + Gorgeous illustrations. + They explicitly identify the music as "lo-fi beats to study or relax to." It's perfectly pleasant, and it sets exactly the right tone.
– The writing is just a little cutesy and twee for my taste. I'm really close to giving this a 5/5 rating, but while the story worked for me, the writing kept me from fully connecting with the characters.
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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Spectral Filter
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Any good games for a birthday party? ie. on the shorter side, ideally collaborative/GMless, low set up time, no prep, easy to teach. Very open on themes but urban fantasy would be a plus.
I get this is a tall order so I totally understand if there aren't many options.
Appreciate what you do!
THEME: Party Games
Hello friend, thank you very much! There’s quite a few GM-less games out there but I agree that’s important to be cognizant of the birthday party setting in order to make sure a game in which everyone understands what they’ve got going on. I hope you find these recommendations useful!
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Please Report to Customer Service, by KitRole.
You are a Kid.
You have been separated from your Adult at the Store.
This is widely regarded as a Bad Thing. “Please Report to Customer Service…” is a rules-light, GM agnostic TTRPG, written  over 12 hours for the Lost Caravan Game Jam 2023. It has not been tested, needs no prep, and requires at most 2d6 to play. Gather your friends to play as a gaggle of siblings, or play solo. Either way, the goal is the same:
Find your Grown Up, or cause chaos trying.
This is a cute, lighthearted game that has great potential for silliness. You can choose whether you run this game with or without a GM: a GM would be responsible for setting the scene and coming up with encounters, but players can also collaboratively create problems for each-other. There's no inherent fantasy rules but it's easy enough to create fantastical or magical traits for your kids. Perhaps you're three elf children and a faun, or perhaps you're all secretly cryptid kiddos! If you want something that allows you to play silly little folks with low stakes, this game might be worth checking out. 
Hallow Unseen, by marymcharg
Spooky season has finally arrived, and your group of friends have all been invited to the biggest Halloween party in town. But while most invitees will be shopping for costumes, you won’t have to… 
Tonight is the one night of the year where creatures of myth, beasts of legend, and monsters of nightmare can live among humans without fear- and what better way to spend it than getting drunk at a stranger’s house, making a fool of some arrogant humans, and maybe learning a bit about yourself too?
Hallow Unseenis a Halloween-themed coming-of-age TTRPG, filled to the brim with cryptids and teen drama. This is a diceless system- all you need to play is a deck of cards!
The game is short and the character sheets are simple, which makes this game easy to learn. It makes use of tried-and-true tropes, which means that the premise of the game should be pretty understandable for new folks. It does require a GM however, so it’s probably something that one person should agree to pick up ahead of time. Check it out if you want to let everyone embrace their inner teenager, and all the messiness that brings.
Fey Critter Tea Party, by anniedisaster.
Gather your friends (2 or more) and journey through the Magic Wilderness gathering ingredients for some wonderful baked goods just in time for tea! This game is GM-less and only requires a simple D4 to play! 
It comes with 4 adventures, each with 4 sessions of play. Each session can take as little as a half hour-45 minutes to a few hours depending on how involved and how into the story building everyone is! 
There is no set DM, instead, everyone takes their turn building up parts of the story and role-playing as an NPC or an enemy, etc. The setting and the adventure outlines are simple and easy for both kids and adults to play. 
This game is cozy, cute, and with a theme of gathering ingredients for baked goods, I imagine it would pair well with some birthday cake to eat after you finish play! The game comes with 4 pre-written adventures, so to reduce prep you can simply pick one of those and follow along. 
Unlikely Ambassadors, by Luciano Correa.
The rumors circulating in the main hall are confirmed by the desperate cry of a mansion servant. The ambassador of Vol Redinjia, the country on the brink of an unprecedented revolution, has disappeared from the face of the earth, upsetting the distinguished partygoers. Nothing foreshadowed that an event like this, which would bring together important figures from the four main nations of the oldest continent, each with more conflicts than the previous one, would end so disastrously. By chance, fortune, or disgrace, nobody in this party is more qualified than you to solve the case. It is your duty to investigate every corner of the Duke of Nekronia’s mansion.
Unlikely Investigators is a GM-less roleplaying game of mystery and intrigue. Collaborate with your fellow investigators to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the ambassador; search for clues around the mansion, talk to the peculiar and distinguished party guests, and come up with a theory that explains the weird happenings around the case. The game comes in a trifold pamphlet format, ready to print and play.
Murder mysteries are classic party-pleasers. This game combines the the feel of Clue with the mystery-solving mechanics of Brindlewood Bay, which means that all of the players will get to solve the mystery together. This pamphlet comes with eight characters for your investigators to interrogate, and inspiration tables for clues and complications. There’s no demand that fantasy be present in the game, but there’s room to make things magical, eerie, and/or horrific. I think this game is very smartly put together, and I recommend you check it out!
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lorn-dreaming · 10 months
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Only a few more hours until Dauntless Devil Aviary is released on the KochoVN Heaven vs Hell site!! 😈 😇yayy!
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ireviewuread · 11 months
How to Teach Children About Business and Finance Through Free Online Browser Games
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Financial education is often overlooked in the education system, much like other crucial life skills such as home maintenance and tax filing.
This oversight poses a significant problem as children grow up to become financially illiterate adults. As a result, they face ongoing financial struggles, limited opportunities for economic growth, and vulnerability to scams and predatory practices.
Ted Beck, the president and CEO of the National Endowment for Financial Education, emphasizes the importance of financial literacy for children, as it is a skill that will serve them throughout their lives.
"We all need to know how to manage our money," asserts Beck, noting that while some fortunate students learn about it in schools, it is essential to ensure that all children are equipped to handle their financial futures.
Beck even suggests that parents should begin teaching financial literacy to their toddlers, as this skill should be progressively nurtured throughout childhood. An effective way for children to grasp the concept of money as a "medium of exchange" is through educational games and activities.
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How to Teach Children About Business and Finance Through Free Online Browser Games
It's a well-known fact that children are drawn to video games because they find them exciting and rewarding. Building on this, you can motivate your child to learn while having fun by introducing them to free online finance and business browser games available on Mortgage Calculator.
These games provide an entertaining and interactive platform through which your child can develop essential financial literacy skills.
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Free Money Games on Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator is a versatile website that caters to both adults and children. While adults can use it to budget for their mortgage, children can engage in educational play.
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The website offers a wide range of interactive money games, covering topics such as grocery shopping, cryptocurrency, software development, and real estate. This diverse selection ensures that children can learn not only about financial literacy but also explore areas like software development and block coding.
No Downloads, No Ads, No Worries
The games available on Mortgage Calculator are conveniently hosted directly on their website, allowing your children to play them directly in the browser without any need for downloading. 
These games are completely free of in-game advertisements, ensuring that your children can focus on playing and learning without any distractions. Moreover, these games are also compatible with mobile devices, allowing you to enjoy them on the go.
Additionally, after careful analysis of the website, it can be confirmed that there are no advertisements present on the entire site. Therefore, you can rest assured that your children would not accidentally click on any unwanted ads while browsing the website.
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Money Game – Grocery Cashier
I highly recommend children give Grocery Cashier a try, as it is an engaging finance game that immerses players in the role of a cashier at a grocery store. In this game, players are responsible for processing payments from customers, allowing them to practice and improve their basic mathematics skills, such as addition and subtraction while using a virtual cash register that doubles as a calculator to input the correct amounts.
To add an element of challenge, each customer has a time limit, which progressively decreases as the game progresses. This feature encourages players to think quickly and make accurate calculations within a limited timeframe.
I appreciate the fact that players have the opportunity to learn more about the game before deciding to play it. Additionally, the inclusion of basic tutorials in every game ensures that players have a clear understanding of how to play and maximize their learning experience.
Overall, Grocery Cashier not only provides an entertaining gaming experience but also helps children strengthen their mathematical skills and develop quick thinking in a simulated real-world scenario.
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Software Development Game - Code Panda
Mortgage Calculator goes beyond financial games. It also features block coding games, a prominent part of modern school curricula. These games help children understand basic concepts of coding and improve their cognitive functions.
One such game is Code Panda, where children are encouraged to use block codes to guide a panda through a grid and reach the bamboo. With 32 unique stages available, the game offers ample opportunities for children to engage and delve deeper into the world of block coding.
By playing Code Panda and similar games, children not only have fun but also develop essential problem-solving skills and logical thinking. These games provide a hands-on experience in a playful environment, making it easier for children to grasp coding concepts.
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STEM Game – We Bare Bears Develobears
We Bare Bears Develobears is one of my top picks from the game list. It's an engaging STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) game designed to educate children about the various elements involved in creating a video game.
What I particularly enjoy about this game is the inclusion of a diverse range of mini-games that enable players to progress through different stages. As you play, you'll witness the bears' environment gradually improving, which adds to the overall experience. Moreover, the fact that it revolves around my favourite cartoon characters makes it even more appealing.
I strongly believe that this game has immense value for children as it helps enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. By immersing themselves in the game, they'll acquire valuable skills that can be applied beyond the virtual world.
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How to Teach Children About Business and Finance Through Free Online Browser Games
The education system often overlooks financial education, resulting in many adults lacking financial literacy. It is vital to expose children to money management at an early age.
Mortgage Calculator addresses this issue by providing free online finance and business browser games that combine learning with enjoyment.
The games on Mortage Calculator empower children to acquire practical knowledge and develop valuable skills beyond the virtual realm. Ultimately, they equip children for a financially secure future by enabling them to make informed financial decisions.
Start your child's financial education journey today by exploring the games on Mortgage Calculator and helping them build a strong foundation for a lifetime of financial literacy.
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callmedna · 2 years
This is a indie horror game that is about looking for your missing sister in a creepy house.
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diabloku · 2 months
king of rizz™ 🥂
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itsbasil · 1 month
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this literally never stops being funny like dog they made starship troopers with the Baby's First Satire cranked up to 11 and these people are still fucking dumbfounded that the creators don't share their politics
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