#should I make a tag for this au???? probably lmao
tiddygame · 16 hours
Ghoap god type au part 4! Now on Ao3!
part 1 /// part 2 /// part 3 /// part 4
I have not slept in A While because meds are meds so I don't know if this makes sense! Let's Go!!!
And shout out to these people for making me happy stim by requesting to be tagged! I hope this chapter is worthy of such an honor lmao:
@imjustheretofightforlove / @pieckyghost / @life-as-a-gamergirl
Ghost doesn’t know why he continued to give offerings to the god. He should have stopped when he had the chance, but he didn’t. Flowers, jewelry, rocks he thought looked cool, even an entire wallet he stole from a soldier who got on his nerves; It all went on the offering table. 
Something had changed. He doesn’t know what, but there was a difference. And not knowing was terrifying. Ghost liked to compartmentalize, to think things through and sort them into organized boxes. Decluttering the unknown was how he stayed sane.
If there is a problem, do not panic, just figure out what you can do. And if you can do nothing, then you have no reason to panic. The rigid line of thought was the only way he could trick himself into thinking he had any control over his life, that fate hadn’t already woven her strings.
So how do you think through something beyond your comprehension?
Try as he might, he could not and would never be able to truly understand divinity. There was no rationale he could apply to Soap that didn’t make his ears ring. It was all well within arms reach but firmly out of his grasp.
He shouldn’t continue to show patronage to something so unpredictable, so volatile.
“Besides,” Soap said, making eye contact once more. He grinned. It didn’t look human. “I’m not letting you go that easy.”
And yet, every night he would take his dinner to whatever lousy altar he’d created and sit down to eat with an entity that could kill him without raising a finger, would eat and talk to him like they were friends. He’s not sure of when he lost his fucking mind, but it was certainly long gone.
Everything about the god terrified him. It was ancient, domineering over one of the most prevalent parts of humanity. Everything had to die someday, and at the end of it all, Soap would still be there, even as it died too.
So when he appeared behind Ghost at a bookstore of all places, he damn near shit himself. 
He just wanted a book to occupy his time between battles, a distraction from the boredom of downtime. It was the same town as before, barely a few weeks since their impromptu meeting in the temple. He had been perusing the shelves and grabbed a book that caught his eye, some book about the history of the town, and was reading the back of it when someone was very suddenly right next to him.
“Anything interesting?”
Ghost flinched, reaching for a sword that wasn’t there as he turned to face the person who somehow got the jump on him. And just like everything else with the god, he doesn’t know how he knew that the person was Soap in disguise.
He looked nothing like the renditions he’d seen of the god; The man before him was short and had pale skin, light brown hair, and brown eyes. He looked about as non-descript as a human could get. Yet, he still knew that the man was no man at all, but a god that came from the heavens just to make his life miserable.
“Why are you here?” Ghost was too on edge and confused to put the fearful respect in his tone that he normally used when speaking to the god.
“I just came here to look for books, the same as you,” he replied, trying to keep a straight face and play it earnestly but smiling far too much.
Ghost didn’t dignify that with a response, continuing to stare down at him, book still in hand.
Soap sighed, “Alright, alright Mr. Grumpy, maybe I wanted to talk to you again.”
Ghost asked, “Why?” But he realized that probably wouldn’t get him the answer he wanted, “What do you need to talk about?” He was hoping to cut through the small talk and jump right to the essentials.
“I said want. Not need.” Soap corrected. When Ghost looked even more exasperated, he whisper-shouted, “I’ve been stuck in limbo for who the fuck knows how long! I need stimulation! Interaction! Conversation! Anything!”
Oh, gods above, this is the worst torture the god could have devised. He’d rather take eternal pain and misery over becoming a chatty god’s only conversation partner. Fuck, he’s done a lot of bad shit, but nothing to deserve this!
The god grabbed the book out of his hand from where he was still standing petrified and dumbfounded. Soap looked at the book, hummed, and then began browsing the aisle himself.
Soap mused aloud, “I’m not surprised you’re a history nerd… Is there anything else here that’s more interesting?”
A few weeks ago, the god had been so weak he could barely conjure a physical form, now he was in a bookstore to make fun of him?
“The god of death is calling me a nerd with shit taste.” Ghost hadn’t meant to vocalize that thought, but he was still trying to mentally catch up. 
It seemed to catch the god off guard as well, with him snorting as he tried to cover his mouth to stop from laughing, “I didn’t mean ye’ have shit taste, I meant history isn’t an interesting read when you lived through it.”
And at Ghost’s core, he was nothing if not a pain, so even as he was scrambling to figure out what was happening, he pointed out, “But you weren’t alive. You said you were in limbo.”
“Okay, smart-ass. Alive, limbo, whatever. I need a story — one I haven’t heard before.”
“Do you even know how to read?”
His accent became thicker with indignation, “‘Course I do!” 
“This language?” Ghost asked, gesturing to the shelves.
Soap immediately responded, “Ye—,” he cut himself off, looking at the book he grabbed from Ghost. It was upside-down and he twisted his hand awkwardly to have it back upright, squinting at it as he answered, now positive, “Yeah!”
Ghost mumbled, “Hmm, I figured you’d only be able to read dead languages.”
That one got a full laugh out of the god, he desperately tried to quiet his chuckles before they were told off for being too loud. Ghost isn’t sure why, but he felt oddly proud.
Soap was still smiling in an effort to stop laughing as he said, “That would make sense I suppose.” It seemed that not being able to laugh only made the situation funnier, huffing air out of his nose in a quiet giggle. “Well! What book would you suggest?”
Ghost pointed to the other side of the bookstore, “I’d suggest you stop looking in the non-fiction section.”
Soap looked around, muttering a curse under his breath. Seeing where Ghost had pointed, Soap grabbed his hand and dragged him along. Ghost was too surprised by the sudden contact to fight it, which was probably for the best. He may love his personal space, but he loved not getting smote even more. 
“Okay, well, now what book would you suggest?” Soap repeated himself, this time not bothering to browse the shelves as he looked at Ghost for a recommendation. 
Sighing in resignation, “What genres do you like?” If he could get this done with quickly enough, he might still have some time to himself before he had to return to camp. 
“I don’t know. All of them I guess.”
He is not going to get this done with quickly enough to have some time to himself before he has to return to camp.
Ghost let out an even longer sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose before coming to a solution. The store had their books sorted by genre, so it would be easy enough to grab one or two from each and then get Soap to pick one. 
The god of death’s personal shopper. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Luckily for both of them, Ghost has had an exorbitant amount of downtime and knew of a few popular ones that weren’t complete garbage. Death seemed content to trail behind him as he picked out the books, admiring the simple building.
The store had large windows facing west, golden light stretching over the shelves and reaching across the floor to tell Ghost how much time he was wasting. The smart thing would have been to just grab a random book, sing its praises, and hope he didn’t get called out on his bullshit. Of course, that would require being smart, so instead Ghost went through almost the entire fiction section, ending with a total of seven books. 
The stack of books was ridiculously tall as he set them down on a table at the back, intending to explain them to Soap and let him pick a couple. 
“This is everything, one book each from most of the genres.” Ghost backed away when Soap stepped closer, looking like an owl as he turned his head sideways to read the spines. Ghost gave up trying to understand the god. 
He pointed to the one on top, “This one is—“
“Fantastic! I’ll take them all,” Soap said, completely ignoring what Ghost was about to say. 
“I’ll take them all!” Soap repeated, as if he hadn’t been clear enough the first time. He grabbed the stack of books, adding the one he’d snatched from Ghost to the pile as he walked to the counter.
“But… You don't have any money…” Ghost’s quiet protest went unheard as Soap walked away. He had a small existential crisis as he wondered what mistake he made that led him to this exact moment. He decided the mistake was being born as he followed after the god of death, knowing he probably wouldn’t have enough to cover the books.
Soap set down the books next to the cash register and gleefully asked, “How much for all of these?”
The shopkeeper looked a little surprised at the size of the stack but began checking them and adding up the cost. Even without seeing the number, Ghost was already bemoaning having to explain to a divine being how the economy and poverty work.
But apparently, Soap wasn’t done confusing him as he grabbed a wallet out of his pocket and began pulling out credits as the shopkeeper gave the total. 
At first, Ghost checked his own pocket thinking Soap had managed to steal his wallet and was in for a rude awakening when he found out Ghost was broke, but his wallet was still there. He wasn’t going to ask in front of the shopkeeper where he got it, but curiosity was eating at him. 
Ghost stared at the wallet. He recognized it vaguely but didn’t know from where. It was only when Soap was putting it away that he realized it was the one he’d stolen from that annoying soldier and offered to the god.
And who said your misdeeds come back to haunt you?
Once the books were all bagged, Soap gestured towards it and Ghost sighed as he grabbed the paper bag, supporting the bottom as it was lifted off the counter. Mirroring the same motion, Ghost gestured towards the door. Part of him was curious if the god would pop back out of existence when he walked into the light like he did last time.
Ghost whispered once they were far enough away, “You know I stole that wallet, right?”
Soap snorted, “That’s what made it one of my favorites.”
Ghost let go of the handles of the bag, only holding it from the bottom, and opened the door for Soap. Soap nodded in thanks like everything that had transpired over the last two or so hours was a normal interaction. 
Fortunately, the god did not vanish upon stepping outside, disproving his theory.
No, it was unfortunate. He wanted this to be done with. He didn’t want to keep talking to Soap.
His mouth didn’t seem to get the memo as he started to ask, “Why did you actu—”
The shout from someone behind him immediately sucked out any positive feelings he had. His usual glare was back as he turned to face the voice. There were two soldiers, a miserable little search party that looked disgusted at even having to go near Ghost.
“The General needs you for something.”
Of fucking course he does. He risked a glance to where Soap had been standing, unsurprised to see that he’d vanished. Ghost didn’t give them a verbal answer, just glared at them until they both began shifting where they were standing.
He felt a little relieved at being able to put the threatening tone back in his voice as he informed them, “I’ll be back before dinner.”
The one that spoke before looked to his partner and tried to forcefully say, “He needs you now.”
Ghost stepped closer, looming over them as he repeated, “I said I will be back before dinner.” He waited a moment, making sure they were properly threatened before he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of camp.
“Why were you at a bookstore?” One of them called out, almost accusatory as if it would stop him from leaving. He had forgotten about the rumor that he couldn’t read; He doesn’t know how it started, but it was a favorite amongst his fellow soldiers.
“What bookstore?” Ghost yelled back, not bothering to turn around.
The forest looked beautiful in the orange light of the setting sun. He was heading back to the temple, not because he missed Soap, but because it was the only place they wouldn’t be able to find him. If he really was needed, there would be soldiers crawling all over town searching for him.
He didn’t like going somewhere so secluded without his sword, but it was back at camp and he was not going back yet, wanting to piss off the general as much as he could. He hadn’t wanted to walk into the village with such an obvious weapon on his hip out of respect for the residents, but now it meant he only had a hunting knife to defend himself with. Nothing to sneeze at, obviously, but he would have felt a lot more comfortable making the hike through the forest with a heavier weapon.
A chill began to take hold as the sun dipped below the horizon. A cold front came through a few days prior that made sure the days were a lovely charming example of the upcoming fall weather and that the nights were frigid enough to make anyone regret not being on a tropical island.
He made the trek much quicker this time, now knowing the path. Which was a very good thing as the shadows grew stronger as he made his way through the trees, trying to make him trip on roots that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
When he got to the temple, he set the bag down and made quick work of gathering a small amount of firewood and kindling with the last of the waning sunlight, the chill turning into a freezing wind. His fingers shook slightly as he made a small campfire near the empty doorway to the right of the statue, paranoid about proper ventilation even with all of the cracks in the roof.
Using the light to see, he pulled down some of the vines, setting both them and the greener wood near the fire. Hopefully, they would dry quickly enough to be used later in the night. He quickly sorted through the books, taking them out and setting Soap’s collection to the side. 
He was trying to read the first page of his book when Soap appeared again. He didn’t look up as he greeted, “Good evening.”
“I do not like the way they treat you.” The god was blunt and Ghost couldn’t help but huff a small laugh at the amount of simmering anger the god held over what was a standard interaction for him.
“No?” Ghost asked, wondering why being told to return to camp was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
But he may have underestimated Soap’s anger as the god answered, “No. They don’t get to speak to you like that.” The sentence was punctuated by the campfire flaring slightly, the flames suddenly rising higher, illuminating more of the temple before they rescinded.
Ghost looked up at that, moving the book away to stop it from getting singed. He was not ashamed to admit that he was nervous, he just would never tell Soap that. To have him suddenly swap from someone friendly and charming to an undeniably pissed-off god was alarming.
“They treat you like a fucking dog and can’t even speak to you with a shred of respect?”
The god’s form was flickering. This is what Ghost wanted, to know the tipping point for the god, but he wasn’t sure if this was the scenario in which he wanted to find out. He’d prefer for it to have been on the battlefield, the god having lost its patience with protecting him, not next to a campfire in his own temple.
“Why do you fucking stay? They have no fucking right!”
The flames flared again and Ghost grabbed the handle of his knife. Just like the last time he was at the temple, he knew it would do nothing, but he could at least find comfort in the lie.
Soap noticed the movement, making eye contact. Soap was still breathing heavily and Ghost was doing the same, albeit for very different reasons. The god heaved a sigh, slouching over as he covered his face with his hands.
Once more, despite all rationale screaming otherwise, Ghost stayed. There was a long silence, the only noise being the crackling of the fire and the whistling of the wind. 
The god was sitting with his legs crossed, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands propped up his head. He was still staring at the ground when he asked, “Why? Why do you stay?”
“It’s complicated.” 
Soap looked unimpressed, “No, it isn’t.”
“No,” Ghost agreed. “But it’s a story I don’t like to tell.”
The god let out a long breath like he was trying to calm himself down as he rubbed at his eyes, “Didn’t you say you’d be back for dinner?”
“I lied. Late morning at the earliest.” Soap chuckled, much more tinged with defeat than it had been a few hours ago. The silence was back and Ghost hesitated before grabbing his book again.
“Thank you.”
Ghost wasn’t expecting that and felt a bolt of panic strike through him, not knowing what the god was thanking him for. 
Soap gestured towards the stack of books, “For humoring me today. I haven’t laughed in a long time. Thank you.”
The somber tone settled over him, the emotional whiplash from the past ten minutes alone was enough to make his head spin. Unsure of what else to say, he stuttered, “You’re welcome.” It sounded a lot more like a question than he intended.
Soap nodded and let his head fall again. 
And, just like that, he was gone, fading away with the wind. He stared at where the god sat, ruminating over his words. When he came back to the present, he saw that the books were gone as well.
He would have laughed, Death having grabbed his haul of books and scurried off in the breeze, but the honesty behind the god’s not-quite confession weighed on him. He tried to read, but was only flipping pages as his eyes ran over the words, not taking anything in.
He’s been in this situation before, waiting out time to piss off the general and he knew how it went. Sleep wasn’t an option; He always found something to occupy himself with to stave off the inevitable boredom. He was lucky to have a book this time, but try as he might, he couldn’t focus on it.
He gave up on reading and instead turned his focus to the campfire in front of him. He added another log carefully, taking care to not smother any of the other sticks. He didn’t have much fuel and he’d need to make it last until sunrise. 
Ghost woke up to light streaming in through the open doorway and birds chirping obnoxiously loud. He grumbled and tried to go back to sleep before remembering that he was never supposed to be asleep in the first place.
He tried to get up quickly, to stand to attention and scan for any threats or changes that indicated someone had come in during his nap. Instead, he sat up slowly, having to prop himself up on his arm to not lie back down.
His fire was miraculously still burning. The temple looked the same, there weren’t any assassins hiding in the corners, and his stuff hadn’t moved. It took him an embarrassing amount of time to remember that he never went to sleep with a blanket or pillow, yet now had both.
Instead of thinking about that, he stood slowly, his joints popping along the way. He yawned as he gathered his stuff, smothering the fire and folding up his bedding. Still not even half awake, he dropped the pillow and blanket at the base of the statue.
He grumbled out what was meant to be an expression of gratitude, but he’s not sure he got any of the syllables out. Taking as deep of a breath as he could to try to wake himself up, he began the walk to the river. 
It’s a miracle he didn’t get lost as he stumbled through the woods, listening for the sound of rushing water. When he finally got to it, he was sure to avoid getting too close to the slippery bank, not feeling like drowning so early in the morning.
He walked over the ramshackle bridge that crossed the river and led into camp in the early afternoon. Just like last time, most of the soldiers quieted upon seeing him. And, just like last time, the general came stomping out of his tent, though this time significantly angrier
“I need you to listen to me carefully,” he began, seething with so much anger over Ghost’s disobedience that he was twitching. “I am going to give you ten seconds to explain yourself. If you do not have a good reason for why you went AWOL, you are going to wish you had never been born, am I understood?” 
Ghost had mastered the voice of false innocence and remorse, “I’m sorry General, I wasn’t paying attention and got delayed by an hour.”
“An hour?” The general had a deceptively calm tone, one that spoke of being on the edge of doing something drastic. But the general was no god and Ghost had no qualms about giving him a shove.
“Yes sir, I know I said noon. I’m sorry for being late.” Ghost hung his head like he was ashamed. He was already mapping out a lie to explain why he arrived almost a full 24 hours after the search party said he would.
“Noon?” The general asked. Both of them were playing a very dangerous game, weaponizing an unstable but calm facade and putting on a little show for the rest of camp to sit back and watch.
“Yes sir.”
“I was told that you said you’d be back before dinner.”
Ghost lifted his head and glanced around, furrowing his brow in faux confusion, “Before dinner? No sir, I was trying to hunt for something to bring back to camp. They caught me right before I went into the forest; I might have said I was trying to find something for dinner, but I knew it would take me much longer than that.” Oh, how Ghost loved gaslighting.
The general’s lip curled, thinking he found a thread to pull, “Do you normally go hunting at night, son?” The words were full of poison, but Ghost already had an excuse.
“No sir, I looked for tracks yesterday afternoon, set up camp, and woke up early this morning to hunt. Unfortunately, I was no—”
“He’s lying!” One of the soldiers shouted, walking closer and shaking off his friend trying to pull him back. “He was walking out of a store! He wasn’t hunting!” Ah, that must be one-half of the search party.
Now emboldened, the other half approached from the stables, and joined in, “Yeah, he was leaving a bookstore with some guy.”
Uh-oh, that’s not good. He didn’t realize that they saw Soap. 
He was trying to figure out if he should outright deny it or try to claim that he, the notorious loner, had made a friend in town. A friend that just so happened to leave that day so they couldn’t ask for him to verify Ghost’s story. Hmm…
“What? No, he was alone.”
Never mind, that’s perfect; Only one of them saw Soap.
The two began arguing over whether or not Ghost had been alone and Ghost “timidly” chimed in, “Bookstore?”
The first one that had spoken paused his argument and turned back to the general, “He even had a shopping bag!”
Adding fuel to the flames of their anger, Ghost made a point of looking at his hands to show they were empty. He gently corrected like he was just trying to help the two remember, “I was walking out of a general store. Alone. I needed berries for bait.” 
The rest of the camp gave odd looks to the search party, the rumor of his inability to read not helping their legitimacy. Now he just had to hope they didn’t ask why he didn’t have any camping or hunting supplies aside from a small bag. 
The general looked more irritated than irate, “That’s enough. All three of you are being punished for insubordination. For now just get the hell out of my sight until tomorrow morning.”
Ghost tried not to smile too wide as he nodded and walked away, very happy that the general reached his limit before more glaring holes could be poked in his story. The other two looked offended at getting punished with him, one standing slack-jawed as the other even tried to argue before getting dragged away by his friend before he could dig himself a deeper grave.
Ghost was going to be punished regardless of what he did or when he returned, but dragging the other two down with him was well worth it. Plus, the rest of the camp would now think they were liars as well who tried and failed to get him punished.
All in all, it was a rather successful trip to the bookstore.
Had he been paying more attention, thinking more clearly, he might’ve thought to hide his tracks, to not leave an obvious trail to where’d been, to hide the evidence of his time spent at the temple of the god of death.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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⚠️WiP again⚠️
You ever get so stuck in the flow that when you finally get a chance to step back and oh my god it’s been an hour where did the seventeen new reference tabs come from
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fiery-emblems · 5 months
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Uuuuuh...it's HE
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hypogryffin · 1 year
Do you have any plans to continue anne falling into the tv world? 👀 im v invested (only if you are wanting to continue it tho ofc, im going to be happy w whatever you post lol its always fun to open a new post notifi of yours!!)
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wazzappp · 25 days
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One fun little idea I love to pull off the shelf every once and a while: mutant Lisa with ice powers
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liauditore · 10 months
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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The second ask i've ever sent lets gooo
Doodled the funny guy. he's so silly wacky so funky weird (he's in immense pain)
(Was kinda hard making out certain details so I hope that he's. mostly accurate) /lh
Also bonus I doodled him with my Mandela Prophet Adam. they're hanging out. chillin
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AAFDUCGJXGJDG I. GOT SO EXCITED OVER THIS I ALMOST RAN INTO A WALL THANK YOU I LOVE HIMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ggh I love how u drew his ribs and his teeth!!!! Staring at this so hard I'm going to EXPLODE. THANK YOUU!!!!
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merwynsartblog · 4 months
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just gonna drop these and uh tag the au creator of this @grimm-hunter
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dittobooty · 10 months
I haven't written a fic in at least 8 years but a really good AU does something to a man so have this little ficlet I wrote in like 15 minutes and didn't even bother to read back over for mistakes and don't even have a title. I just didn't feel like drawing a whole comic for this okay? This is inspired by @charliethechandelure's Weird Summer AU. Hopefully it's not too messy, enjoy.
The news about Pedro was only given to them after everything was said and done in Wano. Franky sobbed for the boy they had only known one summer. A tear sprang to Robin’s eye and she silently wiped it away. That night they would grieve in each other’s company but on the Grand Line there’s no time to properly mourn a loss before you have to keep going. So they decided after that night to accept his passing and move on. That was until Egghead brought them back in the company of two people they never thought they’d be close to again. The truce with Lucci and Kaku was uneasy but necessary. To annoyance of Lucci, Franky was as boisterous and friendly as ever, as though their circumstances had never ripped the pairs apart. It wasn’t until after they had dealt with York and the Seraphim that there was a moment of peace to truly reconnect but, more importantly, to break the news to them. “May I speak with you both for a moment?” Robin asked, calmly approaching the two. Kaku barely remembered anything from the time that they had spent together that summer. He was so young at the time that all he could recall were like snapshots in a hazy dream, the feelings remaining more than any actual events. Lucci on the other hand could remember everything but he never spoke of it, almost as though it was a point of shame in his life. “What do you want?” Lucci replied, never even looking in her direction. “It’s Pedro, he…” “He’s dead isn’t he?” He responded with a voice that felt like ice. “Yes…” This was how it was on the Grand Line. People came and left your life regularly. People died regularly. Kaku struggled to remember the boy that they were speaking about, finally recalling the young leopard mink. He instinctively traced his fingers along the beads of the now too small friendship bracelet that he still kept on his wrist and watched Lucci for any reaction but there was none. “Sorry for your loss” Kaku decided to say. He supposes it was his loss too but it doesn’t feel right to claim it since Pedro was a ghost to him long before his actual death. Robin nodded. “Thank you” she said quietly before leaving them alone. Lucci was always a hard character to read, even for Kaku who had known him for so long, but there were always small signs. Right now the man was looking down with a slightly furrowed brow and a clenched jaw. This was the most grief he’d allow himself. Kaku wonders if the young mink haunted Lucci long before this moment given his devil fruit. There was no way of knowing, but if the loss hurt him, he would be there to help him heal.
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threeais · 8 months
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little dof kiyoka doodle i did at school [sorry if the crutches look bad, didnt have refs w me]
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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It's all fun and games until it isn't
#dumb doodles#master m au#1) i think it'd be neat if he tagged along with the other minions sometimes not to help but to follow around the hero(s) to make them laugh#the princess and the green guy are doing this hero thing all WRONG#they should be happy and smile because that's what heros are supposed to DO#the turtle gets it; he seems thrilled as heck during all this#plus....there's just something extra annoying about greenie not enjoying being the main hero and being so /miserable/ looking....#2) ....does. anyone else think mario might... subconsciously internalize his image as a hero?#like; don't get me wrong; he loves helping others and is by default; a happy lil guy#but...it probably is a lot of pressure to be that constant rock and source of comfort#he's probably mostly okay with it and it probably doesn't cross his mind to be resentful or bitter about always being the hero#there's just this small small; easily ignorable part of him that's tired of it#that the mister m persona brings to the forfont in a kinda ugly way if you crack that mask hard enough#in other words; if he drops the smile; then i think his more bitter thoughts and feelings he hides both as mario and master m#are a bit more...obvious if that makes sense#ANYWAYS THOSE BOYS ARE GONNA NEED SOME THERAPY AFTER THIS#3) i. honestly forgot if the mimi fight was before or after the first mr. l one lmao#i just wanted to do some silly puns before the sucker punch#anyways; it's an au; luigi probably isn't collecting hearts in the proper order chaotic lil man he is#super mario#mario#luigi
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lightfulonion · 1 year
hello @skijjiki!!! thanks for tagging me friend!!!!
Favorite time of year: every single day that i grace this beautiful planet ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I unironically love Christmas so much. I love the cold and I love the fact that we can slack for a little bit and I love having an excuse and indulge myself by seeing and meeting with my loved ones. I also love spring! (<- spoken with the privilege of someone who only has mild allergies) And summer when it isn't boiling outside!
Favorite drinks: boba, COFFEE, ginger ale, wine (the semisweet ones and especially semisweet red wine ❤), fresh squeezed orange juice, HOT MILK WITH HONEY and generally whatever has sugar in it
Collect anything?: Littlest Pet Shop!!! When i was in kindergarden there was that one kid that had SACKS of lps and from then on i decided that it was my fate to defeat them... (i just said to my mum to buy me lps whenever she could and i also asked her every christmas to tell santa claus i needed the big packs with them) I also have collections of rocks and shells from different beaches that i went to! Lately i try to collect stickers from cons and such (<-literally has went to one (1) con so far) and chupa-chups cans bc they look pretty 👉👈 (not sponsored)
Favorite fics: OH BOY OH BOY! DO I HAVE THE FICS FOR YOU! I'll try to be brief: 💼 OK NO JOKE, I'll try to be brief: (in no particular order, except for the first one) 1) it's not living (if it's not with you) by brella (hq!!) TOP 1!!! IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS FELLAS! Legit, tsukkiyama isnt even my thing but this one ticks all my boxes: desperate lead? check. the grumpy one mellows out for the sunshine one? check. the inherent value of change and becoming better by loving and wanting to express it properly and by that becoming a better person? check. GROUNDHOG DAY AU?? YES PLEASE! It's.. It's very good. Please give it a read if you want. (brella has written many good hq fics btw please check them out!) 2) Work-Related Risk Factors by parkernoir (mp100) Case fic, angsty and probably my favourite mp100 ever! It has Serizawa! It has Tome! It has Reigen trauma! It made me cry my eyes out in agony! I have a very soft spot for this. It has serirei in it but mostly it's gen if i remember correctly? yeah 3) beginners by silvercistern (mp100) fair warning it's about sex and it doesn't have just steamy scenes, it discusses generally sex and stuff. That being said it has ace Reigen in it and it made me cry 👍 4) The Negligible Self by ch_am (mp100) anything and everything by camp is a gift honestly. Angsty generally, full of whump specifically, it makes the soft, tender moments hit better and it's still in progress! Join the fun as i lose my mind with every single update! Yay! (people in the comments in ao3 are also trying to find out what is going on and it's fun) (it has a prequel too which is really good and canon-adjacent) 5) Kintsugi by SpicyChibi (mp100) it took me a week to recover from reading this. mp100 fanwriters have a way of capturing the vulnerability of serirei in a way that physically hurts me. Tender, good, I love them, I love them, I love them. Ongoing and 90,000 words so far. 6) Like A Cheap Suit, You Can Wear Me Out by Vulcanodon (mp100) written like a romantic comedy and made me laugh at every twist and turn of the plot. The last scene is forever ingrained in me and it actually makes me emotional. Case fic again and a very fun one 7) Heart Rate Rapid by Justkeeptrekkin (mp100) teacher au, all the children in one class, ongoing, literally finshed it yesterday, ACE REIGEN BELOVED. (so far no explicit content so don't pay too much mind to the rating, there are discussions of sex but only briefly and on a surface level) I love their banter and the transition from friendship to something more... sigh 8) where the night goes by bigspoonnoya (hq!!) 'the sad gay with the happy ending' tag got to me. I love bittersweet stories with happy endings (can you tell) and this one has kagehina in it.... utterly head over heels for stories where they meet many years later. 9) fake it, make it by zadderlee (hq!!) FAVOURITE KAGEHINA FIC RIGHT THERE! ongoing since good old 2019 but the author has said they are going to continue it at some point! good characterisation, i had forgotten how good it is but i keep getting back to this. 10) That Baby Does Not Belong to You (But It Could) by multifascinate (talkativelock) (hq!!) bokuaka with baby hinata. need i say more. oh, yeah and they are 20-somethings. And in college. the romance aspect is there but it mostly focuses on other things. And i love it.
anyway these are my ao3 recs bone apple teeth (pay attention to the content warnings and the tags. thanks!)
Favorite video games: i am an awful gamer but generally the story-based ones intrigue me and the ones that are fun to play together with friends! Disco elysium, Ace attorney, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and animal crossing!
i tag @livingonyoghurtandspite @horson @raph-red-fan and whoever wants to do this ✌ ( cough please give me fic recs i beg cough)
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curejiraiya · 8 months
I just took a fever nap and had a really bizarre dream that I need to write down
So the dream took place at a WITH concert that I was at. The venue was a huge stadium and it was PACKED. I was like second or third near the front and I specifically had the Waccha PriMagi penlights with me to cheer.
During the break at the end that usually happens during PriPara concerts the voice actors for WITH and the rest of the DanPri guys came out and said their piece. But then the creative director of the pretty series (not the actual one a completely made up person in my mind,) came out on stage and was answering some FAQs about the franchise going forward. It was mostly like "yes WITH will make an appearance at the winter live." "Maybe the boys WILL get official mascots, stay tuned 😉."
One of the questions was about the DanPri stage shows, and the director went on a long tangent about how he didn't feel like they properly portrayed PriPara and for this moment they weren't continuing to make more of them. He specifically had an actress in a Laala cosplay come on the stage and act really dejected and sad. Then he explained that there wasn't a good place for Laala and the rest of the girls during the show and he didn't feel like live action was their medium.
Finally he paused to stare at the crowd and said "with that being said, we are pursuing a new 3.5d stage show for another pretty series property so stay tuned 😉" and then he turned to walk off the stage.
From where I stood in the second row but basically in front of where he was standing to answer questions I yelled "KING OF PRISM!" and suddenly the whole crowd started screaming KOP. On stage a projector screen decended from the ceiling and it turned on to reveal the King of Prism logo and the entire crowd went CRAZY.
It flipped to a second slide and it showed a cast listing page, that like I can remember pretty vividly. It was a set of 3 collums 6 rows with a green boarder on a tan background. The first column had new art of some characters, the second column seemingly had IRL actors but all of them were blacked out photos and blurred names. And the third column was a little wider and it had shorter text briefs about the characters.
There weren't a ton of characters listed. At the top was Kazuki with new art of him seemingly now 20 years old. He was in a green tank top with a university logo on it and had a ton of beers in his hands. His blacked out actor photo seemingly was in the exact same pose beers and all, though you couldn't guess who it was. I don't fully remember the text but it said something like "Kazuki Nishina is a world famous member of Over the Rainbow, but sometimes he just wants to be a regular college kid! Join him on his adventures at Avocado U dorm and see how he manages to keep up with old friends and what new friends he makes along the way."
Next was a new character that I don't remember. I vaguely remember them holding an art easel? It was definitely a masculine silluoette. Not much else. Their description was "?"
After that was another new character, it was a man dressed in a red Ninja costume, with long yellow hair. Sort of like Ushimitsu but it was clear he was supposed to be a red character. He also had an aggressive smirk. His actors blacked out photo was at a 3/4th profile and holding throwing stars. I don't remember his description but I think it brought up Leo's sisters by name.
After him was a tiny 4-6 year old Taiga. He was sitting on the floor and had on a green T-shirt with a dinosaur on it. He also had black shorts. He was making a XP kind of face. His actor was seemingly not a child. He was very cute. His description was like "Who's that? Does Kazuki recognize him? How did this child get on campus????? And why does he look so cute?"
After him was some type of sports bro who wore olive green. He had on a hoodie with the same logo as Kazuki and a football helmet. He also had a bandaid on his left cheek. He was a bigger guy and had a HUGE fucking smile like big himbo vibes. I instantly liked him. His blacked out actor photo held a football. His description was also "?"
The final row had another child character who was standing and looked a little bit older, it was Alec! Alexander didn't look like his dumb canon child form because my brain retconned that racist mess a long time ago. Instead he looked like Alec actually looks just smaller. He still had on a leather jacket and held a really aggressive glare. He was wearing a navy blue backpack that seemingly had a Dorachi plushie in it (the one that was in the Prism Stone inventory photo they tweeted yesterday.)
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His actor was also seemingly an adult. His description was just the Japanese onomatopoeia for stare, which I'm pretty sure is "chiiiii."
As I get down near the bottom of this post the dream is starting to fade. There was a short animated section they showed that was mostly rough animatic with a single finished section. The finished section was Taiga sitting on the floor playing with a ball in Torachi's colors. I got the impression that Taiga and Alec were going to have a Tommy and Angelica-esque vibe.
The last thing I remember is in the dream I thought "this is cool I want to write this down," and I started jotting notes like these on a fucking white piece of printed paper. With a blue pen. But like holding the paper so I'm using the palm of my hand to brace it on lmao.
What a weird fucking dream.
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artekai · 1 year
God I'm kind of a genius sometimes 🏆 Only for things involving my OCs which means the target audience is very small but y'all are gonna have to trust me on this one :)
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fauxridium · 2 years
Does necrotavo always have Link on a leash? Im new here, whats their story
he does! its a way to show that link is His
basically, their story starts during the main story of the game, while octavo is doing his whole thing, link is woken up by cadence and starts collecting the instruments he needs to get into the castle, though about halfway through he ends up finding a portal in a crypt and decides to go thru it because you know, why not, this portal ends up taking him 20 years into the future where it is now technically the octavo's ode story, where octavo goes unopposed and eventually turns into the necrodancer, who, at this point has lost touch with his humanity and is Mostly insane due to isolation and power going to his head.
in the necrodancer's timeline (who we are now just going to refer to as nd just to make this easier) link died at the hand of monsters, and thats a regret hes been living with since it happened, as he never intended for link to die, since, as octavo, he had been nursing a crush on link as they both worked in the castle, octavo as the court musician and link as zelda's personal knight, so they would see and pass each other often, and despite nd's waning sanity, still held onto those feelings, so, as you would expect, when a portal opens up in his throne room and spits link out onto the floor right in front of him, hes more than a little surprised, thinking he might have finally gone completely insane.
this link is real though, and nd quickly figures out that hes from the past after a short exchange of questions, nd also quickly begins feeling Things (being alone in a castle for 20 years makes you Starved), and so does link (because giant unhinged octavo hot), one thing leads to another and lets just say they paint the floor white.
on link's side, hes also had a crush on octavo, though due to his upbringing being solely focused on becoming a knight at the hands of his father, he was never able to learn about or explore his feelings, otherwise he would be met with punishment, same with doing anything else that didn't pertain to training to become a knight for that matter, which, only became worse when they realized link was the hero chosen by the goddesses, so he never realized what his feelings really Were, but when he finds himself in the future and has this Encounter with nd, he finds it extremely freeing.
hes never had free will or the ability to make his own choices in life, he was always told what to do, he Must train to be a knight to follow in his fathers footsteps, he Must be the hero as he was chosen by hylia to be, no matter his feelings, but being with nd opens his eyes to the fact that he Can have his own free will, and he Likes it, he Likes how nd makes him feel, he Likes being with him, so he finally decides to take control of his life and stays in the future with nd.
the collar comes a bit later, but again its to show that nd owns link, that link is his and his alone, but even still nd will Always give him a choice, he will Always make sure that this is what link Wants, if link didn't want to wear the collar, nd wouldn't make him, if link didn't want to stay, nd wouldn't make him, it is all of link's own choice, because nd wants link to gain his own autonomy and know that his worth doesn't come from doing what hes told or following the path others made for him, but rather his own wants and the path that He wants to follow, so even though nd is always the one holding the leash, link is always the one in control.
and on the flip side with nd, having link with him helps him regain his own humanity, he softens him and melts him and calms him, and while link doesn't completely undo the damage nd has done to himself mentally, he tames his heart, and eventually link still ends up being the hero and saving hyrule, because nd forgets about the whole Being Evil thing, he has more important things in his life now, he has link now, he has Love now, and thats really all he ever needed.
SO BASICALLY think of it as a master/slave au but more loving and enthusiastically consensual, and still filled to the brim with Activities tumblr would take me out for saying lmao
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astonmartinii · 7 months
spice up your life | lewis hamilton social media au
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem horner!reader
slam it to your left and fall in love with your dad's team's main rival, shake it to your right and cause chaos
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liked by christianhorner, lewishamilton and 1,093,448 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: matcha only soz babe
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user4: they're so aesthetic i love them
user5: i need these f1 connections so my desk can look like that
lewishamilton: in matcha we trust - and almave, check it out at www.almave.com
yourusername: get that bag queen?
lewishamilton: i am just a cog in the capitalist machine
yourusername: babe you are the capitalist machine mr. millionaire
lewishamilton: all i'm gonna say is let's make sure we're in monaco when the inheritance comes in
christianhorner: i can see this?
lewishamilton: is this the point when i'm meant to say sorry?
yourusername: considering we're on the way to his house yeah probably
lewishamilton: sorry i guess
christianhorner: i'll take it for now
user6: the way dads are usually mean to their daughter's bf but it's just on crack with christian and lewis
user7: all i can think is that it must have been hell in 2021
user8: i mean lewis and y/n have been together for years so like it's probably just a running joke (for now)
maxverstappen1: i will fight you if you dare bring me a matcha latte again - I ASKED FOR A RED BULL
yourusername: girl.
maxverstappen1: don't think i can't unseat you for christian's favourite
yourusername: if it's a scrap you're asking for you're gonna get one
maxverstappen1: bring it on
lewishamilton: are you sure you guys aren't related?
yourusername: as if i'd want to be related to THAT
maxverstappen1: babe you WISH you had looks like this
lewishamilton: okay....
user9: someone free lewis
user10: i know he regularly questions how much he can take
lewishamilton: y/n is worth it :)
yourusername: love you babe x
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 1,400,331 others
tagged: yourusername, christianhorner & gerihorner
lewishamilton: no more racing means i'm stuck with this lot
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user11: imagine getting on the tube and it's lewis and christian
user12: clearly the biggest deal here is GINGER SPICE
yourusername: you love us really
lewishamilton: i love YOU really
christianhorner: i know you love me deep down lewis
lewishamilton: i'll say yes but just because it's that time of the year
yourusername: that's the spirit !!
christianhorner: you should keep me on side you never know who is picking behind you in white elephant
lewishamilton: you WOULDN'T
christianhorner: it is my job to be able to read you and i know for a fact that you come to white elephant with the intentions to just claim the gift you bought. and because i know this i have correctly deduced the gift you have brought every year. i will claim it this year just to spite you
lewishamilton: damn. toto isn't even this level.
user13: lewis is so real for claiming his own gift at white elephant
maxverstappen1: YOU RIG WHITE ELEPHANT????
yourusername: lMAO
maxverstappen1: he is disrespecting the horner christmas traditions
lewishamilton: you're not a horner bro
maxverstappen1: @christianhorner MAKE HIM TAKE IT BACK !!! TELL HIM I'M A HONORARY HORNER NOW
christianhorner: max is a honorary horner
maxverstappen1: see !!!!!!!!! @lewishamilton you're not even a horner STONES AND GLASS AND HOUSES OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT
lewishamilton: *not yet
user14: idk about you but i actually live for the lil spats between all of them and y/n just watching with popcorn
user15: is he teasing an ENGAGEMENT
user16: i mean they've been together for years we've been waiting
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton and 781,223 others
tagged: lewishamilton, maxverstappen1 & yourusername
christianhorner: happy birthday to one of the greatest of all time in our sport and the love of my daughter's life. i can't say i was overjoyed by her choice in a boyfriend when i first found out, but you guys are perfect for each other! happy birthday and don't have too much fun
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user17: annual toto and christian truce on lewis' birthday
user18: i know lewis and y/n are just chuckling to themselves when they once again purposefully sit christian and toto together
user19: plus george and max together
lewishamilton: thank you christian, i hope to annoy you on track as much as i do off track this season!
yourusername: i don't think his blood pressure can take that babe
christianhorner: i am not that old
yourusername: if that's what you wanna hear... sure!
christianhorner: i wanted this to be a happy post don't make me call in max
yourusername: ... you wouldn't?
maxverstappen1: i'm already here dumbass
lewishamilton: of course you are
maxverstappen1: i was going to say happy birthday but i'm always down to tussle with y/n
yourusername: i will read your ass for filth
lewishamilton: and i will help :)
maxverstappen1: fine. you win this round birthday boy and other one
user20: i hope they keep up this bit forever
yourusername: *happy birthday to the sexiest guy in the world. there fixed it for you
christianhorner: that would be quite inappropriate for me to say
lewishamilton: i see how it is christian
yourusername: don't worry babe the most important horner thinks you're sexy and that's all that matters
lewishamilton: i love you too, you're definitely the sexiest horner
maxverstappen1: max verstappen erasure
yourusername: FUCK OFF
user21: can christian just adopt max already?
lewishamilton: don't give him any ideas
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liked by georgerussell63, alexalbon and 2,311,044 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: can you guys stop fucking yelling at me now. jokes, i just got engaged to the love of my life, it doesn't get any better than this (though if your dad and quasi-brother wanna let me win a race i'd be thankful)
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user25: crying like it's my own two kids getting married oh my
user26: the dress is going to be so fucking beautiful i can't wait !!
yourusername: haven't stopped crying, i love you so much
lewishamilton: i love you more
yourusername: NOT POSSIBLE
lewishamilton: i'd be prepared to swear it in a court of law
yourusername: i'd be prepared to literally carve it into my body
lewishamilton: .... babe
yourusername: too far?
lewishamilton: probably, but i appreciate the notion
user27: do we wanna put bets on whether max is going to be nice or a goblin?
maxverstappen1: congratulations assface i guess you really are gonna be a horner before me
lewishamilton: your happiness is really translating through the screen
maxverstappen1: despite popular opinion, i am very happy for you guys and i am very grateful that you treat me like family xoxo
maxverstappen1: okay that's enough being nice, save me a slice of cake or your ass is grass
yourusername: awwww maxy i knew you loved us really!!
maxverstappen1: maybe enough to make me best man?
yourusername: not best man... but you could be my man of honour
maxverstappen1: WHAT ??? FOR REAL ??? DON'T FUCK WITH ME Y/N I'LL CRY
lewishamilton: as much as you annoy me, we'd love you to be part of our day
georgerussell63: max in the wedding party and i'm not... i won't hesitate to get toto on the phone
user28: so real of you lewis
christianhorner: congratulations!! i can't wait for the big day and for you to finally be a part of the family - JOINT CHRISTMAS I EXPECT EVERYONE THERE THIS YEAR
user29: okay someone check this man's tea
yourusername: thank you dad xxx love you lots
lewishamilton: thank you christian, i will pass on the christmas message
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liked by maxverstappen1, lewishamilton and 1,224,551 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: *fiance
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user29: the first pic? she on f1 twt or what?
lewishamilton: biggest honour eva
yourusername: nuh uh i'm marrying a knight DOES THAT MAKE ME A PRINCESS
lewishamilton: you're already a princess to me
yourusername: yeah i love you and all that but will the crown recognise me
lewishamilton: probably not ...
yourusername: lol screw them team diana forever
maxverstappen1: insufferable as always
yourusername: i will DESTROY you in a tickle battle when i next see you, consider that a warning
maxverstappen1: i'd like to see you try
yourusername: my new ring makes my slap a hell of a lot stronger btw
maxverstappen1: we get it you're getting married gosh
yourusername: you better get used to it unless you don't want to be man of honour anymore...
maxverstappen1: NO I DO
lewishamilton: this is great i'm gonna hang that over him every time he fucks me over in qualifying
maxverstappen1: UGH
christianhorner: do NOT forget dinner tonight, everyone has come (even the distant ones you didn't know about)
yourusername: we'll be there
lewishamilton: how many are we talking?
lewishamilton: i mean... i can't wait!!
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourusername and 2,410,551 others
tagged: mercedesamgf1
lewishamilton: finally got the 104 - i think the ring was good luck xx
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yourusername: falsehoods it was all you baby
lewishamilton: maybe it was the fact you had a merc cap on rather than that nasty ass red bull hat
yourusername: lewis !!
christianhorner: back winning and immediately on the offensive, i see
lewishamilton: i am ... sorry. got a lil excited - y/n does look best in my colours
christianhorner: i am obviously going to disagree
yourusername: can't we all be happy !!
christianhorner: after debrief and out of a 60 mile radius of toto wolff then yes
user31: can they get engaged every week please?
georgerussell63: so like i defended for you... can i be in the wedding party now?
yourusername: no?
maxverstappen1: HA
georgerussell63: lewis???
lewishamilton: i do what y/n says soz
georgerussell63: traitor. can carmen and i at least get front three rows at the ceremony?
yourusername: keep your nose away from any red bulls and maybe
christianhorner: that's my daughter :)
user32: imagine going into a coma in like 2015 and seeing brocedes is dead and buries and lewis and y/n HORNER are engaged even despite AD21
user33: why isn't this the focus of drive to survive?
yourusername: we're too sexy for netflix .... but we would do our own limited series for a price
lewishamilton: and you called me the capitalist machine ... ok
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note: here it is my last WIP !! i haven't written for lewis in so long and i loved the dynamics in this (i think you can tell that i love max, considering he ends up in everything i write lol). so this also means... the requests are open !! i've already had exciting ones but feel free to send in more. also mamma mia p6 is now in the works as well. december is gonna be super busy for me (it's my birthday on the fifth) but hopefully i'll get some christmas themed ones out for all yall that celebrate !!
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