#should have waited until i returned from my holiday.. ah well
bretongirlwrites · 1 year
Hope you're doing well!
From the 'nirnbuilding' prompts, how about: Mortifying table manners
(a large force from Windhelm attended the dragon attack on Kynesgrove along with the Dragonborn and co. Afterwards Ulfric put on a feast in what he thought was traditional Nordic style)
The dragon defeated, all that remained was to defeat the feast which, – at ludicrous expense and so to the extra delight of every unpaying guest, – had been prepared for us. Those remaining in the Palace that day, had been jostled about by busy servants, and tempted beyond measure by the smells of things roasting below stairs, – we however unprepared, were perfectly astounded, upon finding the hall transformed, a Nordic banquet spread before us: the sort of illustration one finds in Cyrodiilic picture-books about the extravagantly barbaric customs of Skyrim, – a thing, in short, of legend.
Arrows which yesterday had struck scales and burnt in flame, today had, less heroically, pierced grouse and deer and sparrow; servants overworked on the regular, delivered precarious plates to the table and went away rubbing their eyes; and the force of the Windhelm militia, who yesterday had sung their way into battle, now sang with more force and unison, on approaching this feast. And Ulfric Stormcloak himself, who had hardly dealt a blow yesterday, picked up his carving-knife as if it were his finest sword; and cut flesh.
There was little of the ceremony which had so elongated the dinner in Whiterun: only a pronouncement in some archaic dialect that few could understand; and we may begin. I went at once for some sort of fowl, and a tureen of snowberry sauce offered by a neighbour; but Marcurio going first for his napkin and cutlery, found himself immediately disappointed.
'Where is my fork?' said he: 'oh! I only have a knife. Do you have a fork?'
'No,' said I: 'I think the Empire brought them to Skyrim, or something, –'
'Well, at least we did something right,' said he looking piteously at his sauce-drenched trencher: 'how am I supposed to eat this?'
'Fingers,' said I.
Mine were bitten nails and fingers roughed up by knitting and gardening; but his were delicate enough, when he picked at his meat, and his discomfort so obvious, that his neighbours began to glance at him. They did not laugh, since Skyrim is no stranger to politeness, – a thing, contrary to myth, present even before the fork-wielding Empire, – but though they too were mostly used to forks, they had gone with gusto into this bygone style of eating.
'All I want,' said Marcurio quietly, upon noticing the attention, 'is a damn fork. Is that really so wrong?'
'It is that or go hungry,' said I still in the fatigue of dragon-slaying: 'oh! it's quaint at least. Like the stories...'
'Quaint!' he muttered: 'unhinged is what it is. My kingdom for a fork!'
That he had helped, yesterday, to kill a dragon, – that he had come from the battlefield bloodied and ragged and flushed as the rest of the warriors, – was quite invisible today, for sitting up straight hands hovering over his invisible cutlery, dark hair impeccably done and eyes glowering, there was a gulf between him and his neighbour. This neighbour, enamoured by the charms of barbarism, threw his scraps to a waiting dog: perhaps in the hope that the thing would be some bloodhound, some warhound; and not a sort of oversized lapdog that had been hurriedly brought in for the purpose. Regardless the creature snapped at the meat; and this neighbour, who had been proudly talking in an exaggerated dialect, was so satisfied that he became quite incomprehensible. Marcurio, – if it is possible, in a City accent, – sighed.
'I don't mean to say,' said he, skewering a sparrow with his knife, and in lifting it over, almost dropping it in his mug, 'that the food doesn't look good; or that I'm not hungry; but, –'
'Just eat the damn thing, City-slicker,' someone opposite shouted: and made a good-humoured mockery of holding a fork.
'Well!' said Marcurio, once.
'When in Skyrim...' said I: 'and we have, after all, been here for months.'
'When in Skyrim,' said he scowling.
And in an instant, turned the scowl into that same ravenous gusto which our companions possessed; covered his meat in sauce; and hands transformed as if by magic, from the careful implements of Empire, to the happy barbarism of heroic Nordic festival, – to the cheers and ancient toasts of those around him, abandoned manners both good and poor, and tucked in.
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maple-seed · 2 years
Thrown - Chapter 26: The Longest Nights
Summary: Gifts are exchanged and holidays observed.
Word Count: 2,598
Author's Note: Hey everyone! There won't be a chapter next Thursday. Sorry! The holidays are just too busy, I know I won't have the time. We will be back for the New Year on 12/29. In the meantime, I'd like to wish a safe and happy holiday to anyone who celebrates, and for anyone who doesn't I hope you have a great week!
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Recently, Thor and Loki had begun taking walks in the early evening. It was time to themselves, away from the weight of their responsibilities, just the two of them. It had been Thor's idea, therefore Loki would absolutely never admit to how much he enjoyed it. Usually they would talk, either about their recent activities or their shared past or something one had learned recently. Often they simply strolled together in silence, wandering wherever their feet happened to take them.
Today their feet lead them out of New Asgard and down the road. Loki was retelling a joke that he was sure Thor had heard a dozen times before when he stopped mid-sentence. There was a moving truck parked in front of your studio. For a split second his heart froze, but reason caught up to him shortly after. Of course you weren't moving. You would have mentioned it. The rolling door on the back of the truck was open, and as they approached you emerged from the darkness amongst the boxes and crates.
"Boys!" You threw your hands over your head as you grinned, walking down the ramp. "I'm so glad you're here!" "As am I!" Thor called. "Are you leaving?" "Tomorrow morning." You looked concerned. "Did I not tell you? I go to the Jul market in Oslo every year. It's a big earner. I'll be there for a couple weeks, but I'll be back in time for the solstice." "Ah, well we wish you the best of luck." "Hey, I have something for you guys. Do you have a minute to come inside?" You pointed toward your cottage. "Oh, certainly." Thor gestured for you to lead the way.
You brought them inside, it was bright and warm as always. The evergreen tree stood in your living room, decked out in lights and baubles. Ash happily trotted up to greet the brothers.
You bent down and drew two packages wrapped in colored paper from beneath the tree, offering one to Thor and the other to Loki. "Happy Jul!" Thor and Loki both wore expressions of surprise as they accepted the gifts. "I know, I know, it's early. I'm just impatient. I couldn't wait until I got back." "My lady," Thor fiddled with the end of a ribbon. "I'm afraid-" "We haven't anything to offer in return." Loki finished. You laughed. "Come on, you know that's not the point. I just want to see your reactions. These really aren't much at all."
The brothers exchanged a look of hesitation before tearing away the paper and opening the boxes. Each held a ceramic mug. Thor's was tall and wide and sturdy. Reds and yellows bubbled and fought on the glazed surface. It was vivacious. Loki's was elegant, with a slightly curved profile. The top half was glazed in a rich, deep green while the lower half was bare clay, a matte metallic black. Salt fired, he recognized. The handle fit his hand perfectly. He wondered how you did that.
"This is wonderful!" Thor boomed, holding his mug up to inspect it closely. "Quite beautiful." Loki looked up from his mug and met your eyes. You were beaming. "I'm so glad you like them!" "They will be treasured." Thor asserted. You smiled, then your face lit as a new thought occurred. "Oh! Hey, you guys should take my leftovers. I'll just have to throw them out otherwise." You started off toward your kitchen. Loki chuckled. "You insist on feeding us even when you are away?" You stopped short of the fridge and rocked back on your heels. "Well, if you don't want them...." "No!" Thor interjected, stepping forward and pushing Loki back. "Don't listen to my brother. It would be a terrible shame for good food to go to waste. We'll gladly take it." You smirked. "Alright then." You started pulling food from the fridge and arranging it for travel. "Will Ash be attending the market as well?" Loki was stroking the dog's fur absently. "Yes, he's coming with me. I have a friend coming by to take care of Breidr and Goat, so don't panic if you see someone out back."
The meals were packed away and you bid the gods goodbye, hugging each one in turn. Loki felt a little heavy leaving your home, knowing it would soon be empty. Later that evening, he was washing his mug and turned it over. The bottom was stamped with your bird silhouette. Something about it gave him comfort.
Loki and Thor were leaving their home with a singular mission: find a gift for you. New Asgard was trimmed in lights, they had been shipped over and festooned along the streets and buildings courtesy of Tony Stark. It was no wonder that these lights are such a significant part of the humans' festivities, Loki mused, so much of the winter's days were consumed by the dark. Your cottage came into view, the lights on your porch and tree were illuminated. Loki's heart skipped a beat for just a moment before he reminded himself that you were not home, they must be set to come on automatically. As they passed by he couldn't help but feel that the farm seemed desolate.
The town's market was bustling, and seemed to have expanded. Temporary booths were erected for an influx of new vendors here for the holiday market. Throngs of customers filed between the stalls and the air was thick with the scent of street food and the rabble of conversation. The brothers meandered from booth to booth, nothing was immediately catching Loki's eye. He felt a strange sense of pressure in choosing this gift for you. It required a very precise level of intimacy. It needed to say that you were important to him, but it shouldn't be something he would be embarrassed by once this passing infatuation had dissolved.
"She likes reading, yes?" Thor said as they stopped in front of a table filled with books. Loki looked over the titles. Every single one seemed to be a murder mystery or similar fare. "She does. I'm not sure if these are her typical sort of genre, however."
They moved on. They stopped to view some knitted items, briefly mulled over a selection of candles, and breezed right past a table full of ceramics without a second glance. Nothing was particularly standing out to either of them, and progress through the market was surprisingly slow. There were so many stalls, so many people. It was a dragging pace, and was beginning to feel hopeless. They found themselves at another booth filled with books.
"Why in the Nine are there so many crime novels?!" Loki was becoming frustrated by the grinding procession. Thor sighed, he seemed to be feeling the same. "I think we may need to split up, cover more ground." "Agreed." They gave each other a nod and wordlessly split in opposite directions with the deftness of two skilled warriors executing a crucial strategic maneuver.
It was a little easier moving through the crowd on his own, and there were booths that Loki didn't feel the need to browse that he may have had to stop for with Thor. He examined some scarves, you were always bundling against the cold, but this felt like too distant of a gift. He briefly considered a table of gold jewelry, but that would certainly be too strong of a sentiment. In his progress he passed the booth that was usually yours. There was some other vendor there, hawking some kind of street food, he was too busy bristling at the interloper to pay attention to what it was. Nextdoor Khadija and Hani were quite busy at their stall, Hani didn't even notice him passing. This was normally the edge of the market, but the temporary tables and booths continued on. It felt like wandering into unknown territory. Here he finally found something that caught his eye.
The table was filled with polished stone carvings. Some larger sculptures, some smaller trinkets. There were smooth spherical paperweights and pleasing little figurines, all in a variety of colored stone. On the far end of the table were pieces of jewelry. He was on the verge of moving on when he spotted it. It was a necklace, the pendant was a rich green stone, carved into the shape of a bird in flight, wings outstretched. It was set on a black cord, which passed directly through the back of the pendant, so the bird was fixed in place rather than dangling below the cord. It was exactly what he was looking for.
He made the purchase immediately. It was packaged into a small box, he expressed his gratitude to the vendor, then started making his way back to the entrance of the market. A warmth settled in his chest as he walked, imagining how you might receive the gift. When he reached the entrance Thor was already there waiting, carrying a large paper bag in one hand and the remnants of a waffle in the other.
"How did you fare, brother?" Loki asked as he approached. Thor grinned. "Oh, very well." He finished off his street food then reached into the bag and pulled out a blanket. It was red and white with black accents, with the typical Nordic patterns of bars and zig-zags and eight-point stars. Along the borders there were black canine figures, running. Loki supposed they were intended to be wolves, but they could easily pass for Ash. He smiled warmly at Thor's selection. "She will love that." "And you?" Loki revealed the small box and opened it, tilting it his way. Thor smiled. "Oh, brother, that is perfect." "I thought so too." He closed the box and put it away.
The brothers walked back through the town in victory. As they rounded the bend in the road your gently-glowing yew tree marked that they were halfway home. All that was left now was waiting through these long dark nights for your return.
It had been harder than he had expected. He hadn't realized how much he had become accustomed to seeing you. He did his best to occupy himself as the days passed and the nights stretched on. More than once he had started his day with the intention of walking to your home before he reminded himself of your absence. Finally, the solstice arrived and with it you were returning. Thor had made arrangements to host you for dinner. Valkyrie was procuring the food from somewhere. He was a little embarrassed by how hard it was to resist meeting you at your home and instead stay here and wait for you to arrive. Eventually his efforts were rewarded when he heard a knock at the door and Thor greeting you. As he stood from his chair in the living room he caught sight of Thor lifting your feet off the ground with a hug. Your bright laughter was a soothing balm.
"You have been missed. How was your journey?" Thor set you back on your feet before making his obligatory greeting to Ash. "I missed you too. The city is busy, it's nice being back." "Oh! Your gift is upstairs, I'll go fetch it." You smiled. "You didn't have to get me anything." "Nonsense!" Thor called, already in the kitchen and heading up the stairs.
You stepped into the living room and smiled warmly at Loki. He took a moment to simply absorb the sight of you.
"How have you been these past couple weeks?" You crossed your arms and leaned against the doorway. Loki shrugged. "It's been very quiet. Peaceful, actually. I got quite a lot of reading in, since I wasn't constantly being disturbed." You barked a laugh. "As if! You're the one always showing up on my doorstep." "Dragged to your doorstep, perhaps." He waved dismissively. "I suppose without you at home there was nothing to draw Thor there. It was a great relief. Just imagine: we were able to travel to and from town without stopping." You rolled your eyes and shook your head. He allowed a soft smile. "It is good to see you again." You returned his smile. "You too." "I have something for you." He closed the distance between the two of you and with a flick of his wrist pulled a small box from nowhere. It was wrapped in green paper. "You didn't have to do that." "And yet I did. Terribly gracious of me, I would say." You laughed, the sound sank straight to his bones, and accepted the box as he held it out toward you.
He was suddenly nervous as he watched you pull the paper away and open the box. Perhaps he had made a mistake. You gasped when you saw the pendant. "Loki!" The corner of his mouth turned up. "Do you like it?" "I love it!" You looked up at him then back down to the box as you lifted the necklace free and brought it in for a closer look. "I can't believe how perfect it is." He nodded. "I thought it would suit you." "Help me put it on?" You set the box down and placed the cord around your neck, turning around holding the ends toward him. He only faltered for a moment. "Certainly." He gingerly fastened the clasp, his fingertips just barely brushing your skin. You turned back around, adjusting the pendant. "How does it look?" He hadn't considered the length of the cord. It was short, settling close around the base of your neck. The bird pendant rested where your collarbones met. It accentuated your form perfectly. He nodded. "Yes, it suits you very well." You beamed. "Thank you, Loki." You wrapped him in a hug, which he didn't hesitate to reciprocate.
Thor appeared in the doorway holding up his box for you. "Happy Jul!" You turned to him, smiling, and he noticed the necklace. "Ah! Loki chose well. My gift, however," he held the box out to you, "is functional as well as beautiful." You removed the paper and opened the box, releasing a sort of squeal as you pulled the blanket out. "It's Ash!" You pointed at the black canines running the border. Thor chuckled. "I said the same thing, I knew you must have it." "It's wonderful, thank you." You reached up to hug him again, then bent to show the blanket to Ash. "Look, it's you!" The dog obediently gave the blanket a sniff but once he determined it was not edible he was largely uninterested.
You took a seat with the brothers in the living room and talked for a while about your time at the market and they filled you in on the goings-on that you missed while away. Valkyrie arrived with bags and boxes from a restaurant in town. Loki was relieved to see that it wasn't pizza, but rather a proper dinner with proper food. While he and Thor set the table and laid out the offerings, you exchanged gifts with Valkyrie. You gave her a bowl that was a fine shade of mottled blue. She gave you a very lovely pocket knife. She also had a gift for Ash, some type of dehydrated animal part. Loki was not inclined to ask which part of what sort of animal. The dog was delighted and immediately carried his trophy off to a quiet corner to enjoy.
Outside, a quiet snow was falling in the dark. Inside three gods, a human, and a dog were basking in light and warmth and food and fondness. It was the longest night of the year, but it didn't feel that way.
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Christmas Wishes
Part of my Christmas series from last winter.  Posted on Ao3 here.
Series: Shadowhunters
Ship: Malec
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane
When Alec came home to an apartment decked out like a window display, he wasn’t completely surprised. Magnus was fond of pageantry, after all, and he liked having reasons to indulge in it. He just wasn’t necessarily expecting Christmas to be one them, or to walk into a low hanging loop of garland when he got home.
“Magnus?” He called out, lifting the strand of evergreen and the ornaments hanging off of it out of the way, only to get shocked still by the rest of the apartment. “Wow.”
Everything was beautiful, but amped up to the extreme. Garland hung from every section of the ceiling; there were twinkling lights in a canopy over the main room, connecting to the chandelier, which had what he was pretty sure was holly stuck in it; their rugs had been replaced with burgundy ones, the glass in the doors was frosted, and if the section of the tree that Alec could see was any indication, it was enormous.
“Alexander!” Magnus swept in, looking darkly festive in a long forrest green jacket over a maroon waistcoat. “You’re home early.” He gave Alec a kiss on the cheek, and he noticed Magnus’ nails were painted a matching deep green.
“I decided to let Izzy and Underhill take the meeting so I could be back for dinner.” He let his eyes drift over the decorations. “What’s going on here?”
“Ah, yes, our own winter wonderland.” Alec’s eyebrows crooked up. “Well, Madzie’s winter wonderland. Catarina is swamped this time of year, and Madzie fell in love with the holiday, so I offered to throw a celebration for them.”
“That’s very sweet. But …”
“What, is it not child friendly enough? I could do something else, perhaps with reindeer?”
“No, it’s not that. Well, actually, that’s not a bad idea, but that’s not what I meant. I just wonder if maybe we could not have the garland so low over the door? And those lights are kinda hurting my eyes.”
“Understood.” Magnus waved his hands and the decorations disappeared. “Perhaps I’ll try again when Madzie is here to bake cookies tomorrow, she can tell me what she likes.”
“We’re baking cookies tomorrow?”
“And decorating the tree. That’ll be festive and I can show her some tricks to conjuring objects.” He snapped his fingers in epiphany. “I should figure out what presents to get her.”
“Presents?” But Magnus was already walking away, muttering about what he should get the little girl, leaving Alec standing alone and sure he was missing something
“See you this weekend!” Alec closed the door behind Catarina, waving to Madzie until she couldn’t see him anymore.
When he returned to the kitchen, Magnus was magicking away the mess they’d made baking with Madzie. Alec looked around and noticed something important missing. “Where are my cookies?”
“I put them in the oven while you were with Catarina. Although I don’t know why you didn’t make sugar cookies like I suggested. Much more festive.”
“Because I like oatmeal raisin.” Magnus rolled his eyes, then pushed up his sleeves and moved a hand purposefully over Madzie’s recently decorated plate of gingerbread cookies. “Wait, what are you doing?”
Magnus stopped, confused. “I’m fixing them.”
He started to wave his hand again, so Alec grabbed it and pulled it down. “Don’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“Because they don’t need to be fixed.”
Magnus pointed at the wonky-faced gingerbread people. “These look good to you?”
“Okay, they aren’t the best gingerbread cookies I’ve ever seen, but Madzie worked hard on them and she’s proud of them.”
“Wouldn’t she be even prouder if they looked like this?” He snapped his fingers and one of the gingerbread men with one eye and what seemed to be a row of vampire teeth morphed into a picture perfect cookie with gumdrop buttons and a cheerful royal icing grin.
“Stop that!” He turned Magnus around to face, him, hands on his shoulders to keep him from changing any more cookies. “Look, when I was a kid, my mom made me do everything over and over until I could do it perfectly - archery, training, learning how to address my superiors. I felt pressure all the time and, well, you know how that ended up for me.”
Magnus’s eyes softened. “Alexander …”
“All I’m saying is, let Madzie be less than perfect sometimes. And let her be proud of things she puts a lot of effort into, even if they don’t always turn out just right.”
“Alright,” Magnus acquiesced. “You are very wise, Mr. Lightwood-Bane.”
Alec ran his hands along his husband’s shoulders and tugged lightly at the collar of his shirt. “I learned it from you. You’re the one who taught me to stop trying to be the ultimate Shadowhunter and follow my heart instead of my head.”
“That is true.” Magnus leaned up for a quick kiss, then tapped Alec’s arms lightly. “So I will put aside my aesthetic sensibilities for the time being.”
“Thank you.”
The oven dinged, and Alec spun away, too excited to see how his own baking had turned out to see the chagrined look on his husband’s face. He grabbed a mitt and opened the oven to find the cookies looked a little different than when he’d put them on the pan.
He turned around to find himself alone in the kitchen. “Magnus!” He looked down at the metal sheet with several lines of pristine sugar cookies. “Seriously?”
While he probably couldn’t say for sure with only one under his belt, so far Alec was a fan of Christmas. Madzie was thrilled, bouncing from him to Magnus to Catarina, showing off her presents and her cookies. Izzy beamed while Simon explained Hanukkah to Madzie, and his mother and Luke shared smiles over spiked eggnog. Jace even looked like he was enjoying himself, an all too rare sight since they’d lost Clary. And Lorenzo had stopped by between hopping around multiple holiday parties.
Now it was almost midnight. Magnus had split the bed in the guest bedroom into two queens, so the passed out Madzie could sleep in one and Catarina in the other. The rest of their guests had trickled out, and it was just them, out on their balcony under the stars.
“I think that went well,” Alec said, leaning on the railing. “Not that I have anything to compare it to, but everyone seemed to have fun.”
“It was a wonderful Christmas,” Magnus agreed, but he sounded subdued.
Alec shifted so he was facing Magnus fully, studying his profile with newly critical eyes. “Okay, what’s going on with you? You’ve been off ever since this whole thing started.” When Magnus stayed silent, he leaned in closer and pleaded softly, “Talk to me.”
Magnus stared out onto the city, in a way that felt like he was avoiding looking at Alec. “I may have had an ulterior motive for having Madzie over for the holiday. Not that I wasn’t thrilled to have her and Catarina both, but … I’ve been thinking about what you said. About how we’d be good parents.”
That he wasn’t expecting. With their whirlwind marriage, losing Clary, and then a whirlwind honeymoon, they’d only just started settling into married life. While he knew that they needed to revisit their discussion on the topic, he didn’t think it’d be anytime soon. He cleared his suddenly dry throat. “You have?”
“Yes.” Though he sounded as collected as ever, Alec saw his throat bob with a nervous swallow. “I wasn’t sure before, but now … I don’t know when I’ll be ready for it, but I think I want that for us someday.”
Alec laughed, too happy to keep it in. “I want that, too. Of course I want to have a family with you.” His joy faded as his husband’s face grew melancholy. “What’s wrong?”
Magnus turned to him, eyes sad. “How do we do this, Alexander? We can’t adopt mundane children, Shadowhunters will never allow a warlock to raise one of theirs …”
“Wait, that’s what you’re worried about?”
Magnus frowned. “You’re not?”
“No, I’m not,” he said, reaching out to take Magnus’s hand. “Because I know we’ll find a kid who needs us. Like Catarina found Madzie, or how my parents took in Jace. Like I wish someone had been there for you.”
“Madzie and I are warlocks,” Magnus pointed out, eyes fixed on Alec. “We’re difficult to raise, and it might cause problems with the Clave.”
“You think after all this time that matters to me?”
“No, I suppose not.” Looking hopelessly fond, Magnus leaned up and kissed Alec gently, lingering and sweet.
When he pulled back, Alec let go of his hand. “Wait here. I want to show you something.”
He walked quickly back into the apartment, got a pen and a notepad from the desk, then returned to his husband. “Do you know about the Shadownhunter winter festival?”
Magnus turned to him fully, eyebrows drawn together. “I have, though for obvious reasons, I’ve never actually been to one.”
“We don’t really do a lot for it, but one thing is that we take pieces of paper,” he held up the notepad, “and we write down our wishes. Then we set them on fire to send them to the angel. Well, we’re supposed to leave it in a fireplace, but the idea’s the same. Izzy really liked doing it when we were kids.”
“That sounds very her. And what did little Alec wish for?”
“To be head of the Clave someday. And a better bow.”
“Of course.” The warlock looked at the paper skeptically. “So you want to make a wish?”
Alec shrugged. “It can’t hurt, right?”
Magnus made a face that said he wasn’t completely sure it couldn’t, but he held his hand out for the pen and paper anyway. Once he’d written his down, he ripped it off and handed it to Alec. He wrote down, Find a kid who needs us. Then, after a few seconds of thought added, Make Magnus happy. He wasn’t sure if it was against the rules to make more than wish, but he was pretty confident both Izzy and Jace had tried it. And in a way, it was the same wish anyway. As much as he wanted their own Madzie to celebrate Christmas with, or birthdays, or whatever holiday they wanted, he really, really wanted to make Magnus Bane as happy as possible.
He ripped off the double wish and Magnus conjured fire in his hand. They fed their wishes to the flames and watched as the ash danced out into the night.
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 4/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 4 -
Iris’ and Linda’s walk to Tiffany’s during their lunch hour wasn’t exactly the shortest, but anything to get out of the chaos that was their workplace around the holidays. Linda, as always, didn’t have the slightest problem making this Eddie’s fault.
“Shouldn’t your boyfriend be the one returning this ring, since he was the one who picked up the wrong gift?”
Iris shot her a glare.
“What? It is his fault, isn’t it?”
“Eddie is working today. He couldn’t do it.”
“Yeah, well, so are we, and look at us. What if the manager to see him anyway, since he’s the one who bought whatever the other thing is.”
Iris sighed.
“I have the receipt. That should be all they need.”
“And what if this other person doesn’t show up?”
“Um, whoever it was bought an expensive engagement ring at Tiffany’s. At the very least, I doubt they’d want all that money to go down the drain.”
Linda pursed her lips.
“Hmm. True.”
“Come on. We’re almost there.”
She looped her arm through her best friend’s, and they continued down the sidewalk the many blocks until they reached their destination. In fact, they were just about to reach for the door handle leading into the building when another hand reached it first.
“Oh, uh-”
“Sorry, you fir-”
Iris and the young man she was trying to speak over laughed. Linda watched them curiously.
“We’re going to Tiffany’s,” Linda informed him, since the two had apparently become blushing, fumbling fools.
“Oh?” He lifted his bag up. “Me too. I’m hoping to talk to the manager about some sort of mix-up I had. Hoping he can get me my-”
“Engagement ring?” Iris lifted up her bag and smiled with a slight wince.
“It’s you?” he asked, mystified.
“It’s me. Well, my boyfriend. Apparently, he wasn’t actually trying to propose.” She stifled a laugh.
He stepped away from the door and gestured for the two ladies to come with him.
“Mind if I see? Just to make sure?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” Iris dipped her hand into the bag and pulled out the blue box. “It’s gorgeous by the way, if it is yours. You have excellent taste.”
“Ah, I can’t take credit for that. I took my cousin, Jesse, with me, because her taste is impeccable.”
“I see.”
Iris’ cheeks had started to hurt she was smiling so wide, and she couldn’t seem to stop. With shaky hands she handed him the box, and he opened it and confirmed it was his.
“That’s the one,” he said. He handed her his bag. “Did you want to check or-”
“I better let it be a surprise from my boyfriend,” she said.
“Right. That’s probably a good idea.”
Linda shook her head, in disbelief that these two couldn’t seem to take their eyes off the other – or stop dropping their gazes from eyes to lips for that matter.
She cleared her throat loudly, causing the trance to momentarily shatter.
“Well, I, uh, think I actually left my lunch at work. So, I’ll see you later, Iris, okay?”
“Oh. Uh, Linda, you don’t have to-”
“Thanks for running into us…?” she waited for him to answer.
“Barry. Nice name. Beautiful green eyes too.”
He blushed slightly at the compliment, and she turned to look at Iris again.
“I’ll see you at work. Take your time.”
Grinning, she turned and started heading back the way they’d come, leaving Iris’ mouth hanging open at the audacity of her departure.
“I…uh…can’t believe she did that.”
He smirked.
“I can.”
“A little.” He chuckled.
She shook her head and laughed.
“Does this mean you’re free for lunch now?”
“Oh. I…um…”
“We don’t have to eat. We could go ice skating.”
“Ice skating?”
She caught her breath in her throat.
“Unless you don’t want to. We totally don’t have to. I know I’m not very good at ice skating. I don’t even know why I suggested it. It’s just there’s a place around the corner, and you look like someone who likes ice skating. And is good at it. Not that I know what someone looks like who likes ice skating and is good at it. I mean, for all I know-”
“Barry.” She grabbed his arm to stop his rambling, then laughed an infectious laugh that had him staring at her, dazed. “I would love to go ice skating.”
She bit her bottom lip and nodded.
“Lead the way.”
So, arm in arm, they turned and strutted across the street in the direction of the skating rink.
Barry didn’t know what had been in his head when he invited to go ice skating, but it certainly hadn’t been his girlfriend. In fact it still wasn’t, and it wouldn’t be until he saw Patty face to face later that afternoon.
In the present – now – all he could see was this vision before him.
What a perfect name for her. She was a flower, a stunning flower. He bet purple and yellow would look great on her like a real iris. He bet anything would look good on her.
“We’re here,” she announced, and he was forced to look away from her to glance at the skating rink before them. “We’ll have to rent skates, but I do have my own.”
“Me too,” he said.
“Yeah? I thought you said you can’t skate.”
He laughed.
“That doesn’t mean I haven’t tried!”
She giggled.
“Fair. Let’s go get some then,” she said, tugging at his hand to bring him along after her.
The coat on her rested just over the curve of her ass, and everything inside him was aching to touch her. She was beautiful to look at, but just the feel of her hand pressing into his threatened his sanity. He wasn’t sure how he’d manage touching her anywhere else.
“Right. Yes. Okay.”
She giggled again, and damn if it wasn’t the most glorious sound he’d ever heard.
He was absolutely losing his mind just being around her.
In time though they’d gotten their skates and were putting them on, and Barry was just grateful there weren’t too many people skating at this particular time.
“So, when did you learn to ice skate?” she asked, tying the laces on her skates.
“Oh, uh, my mom taught me when I was…six, I think? We used to go together.”
He stood up and nearly toppled on top of her but braced himself on the bench instead, making her hold her breath, not just from him almost falling but how he was suddenly very close to her face.
“Have you not skated since you were six?” she asked, bubbling over with giggles again.
He watched her face, totally enraptured, and then he started laughing too.
She stood up, getting control of herself as she balanced on her own skates, and then she took his hand again.
“Come on, we’ll take it slow.”
She winked at him, making his pants tighten below his belt.
And so they approached the ice and miraculously made it into the center of the rink without either of them falling. Then they made large strides skating in a wider circle, never letting go of each other’s hand. And then Barry fell when he made the mistake of looking at her longer than the ice in front of him.
“Oh, no, Barry!”
She crouched down and then kneeled on the ice beside him.
“Are you okay?”
She brushed some of his soft brown hair out of his face and threaded her fingers through it. He froze, only looking at her, only nodding along, hardly daring to breathe.
“Tell me about you,” he said.
She blinked. “What?”
“I want to know more about you,” he said honestly.
She licked her lips.
“Okay, uh, let’s get you up first. Then I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
And so they carefully got up, then skated over to the side of the rink and stood there for a while to chat.
“So?” he asked.
“Oh. Right. Um, well, Linda, who you met, is my best friend and co-worker at New York Times. I’ve worked there for about five years, and I’m desperate to get out of there and get on TV.”
“As an actress?” he asked, dumbfounded.
She smiled.
“As a reporter.”
“Your turn.”
“Oh, right.” He cleared his throat. “Well, I’m originally from Central City, Missouri, but I’m looking to move here. I work as a CSI at the local police station back home, so I was thinking of looking into that same position here. I’m…pretty good at it.” He smirked.
“I bet you are,” she said, and her voice ran low and gravelly, and it scandalized her seconds later, but in the moment she couldn’t get her head out of the gutter.
“So, why don’t you skate? I want to see how good you are. I bet you’re the best.”
“I’m not bad.” Her eyes twinkled. “Okay. Watch me.”
“Not a problem,” he teased, and she rolled her eyes but skated back onto the ice, doing some rounds around the rink but also going into the center to do some spins and twirling, absolutely mesmerizing him.
It completely escaped him that his girlfriend was an exceptional skater, and that he’d even gone to see her do some lower-level competitions when they first started dating. He’d probably been impressed then, but now – in the moment – he found himself so caught up in Iris, and the way she moved on the ice, that he couldn’t imagine anyone better.
And so they spent the next couple hours skating and watching each other skate, helping each other skate, walking around the park, drinking some hot cocoa when finally late afternoon approached, and almost simultaneously they realized just how long they’d spent enjoying someone that wasn’t their friend or their significant other or anyone they’d ever met before.
“I…I should go,” Iris said first, looking like she regretted saying it but that it needed to be said nonetheless.
“Oh. Right. Me too.”
She extended her hand.
“It was nice to meet you, Barry.”
He looked down at her hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it softly.
“It was nice meeting you as well, Iris.”
Reluctantly, she pulled her hand free of his gentle grasp and went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“Goodbye,” she whispered, stepping back slowly and then finally turning around and leaving.
Barry watched her until she was gone.
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bluewhale52 · 3 years
Little Black Book: Your Kindred Spirit
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Summary: There are a few names in your Little Black Book, and these seven hold a special place in your heart. Now that you are closing that chapter in your life, you reminisce the time and experience you have had with your seven favourite men, especially with Jeon Jungkook, your kindred spirit.
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Explicit. NO MINORS ALLOWED.
Genre: nonidol!au, strangers to lovers, friends with benefits, a bit of angst
WC: 6.1k (my largest so far! 😱)
Warning: talk about loneliness, oral sex by the pool, fingering, penetrative sex, protected sex, multiple orgasm, edging, sex on a chair, Herman Miller chair kink because Hybe got them chairs for their employees while I’m sitting on one from Ikea
A/N : trying some character development this time round, especially since I’m running out of ideas of ways OC can have hot sexy times with her men (3 more to go!). I like being able to explore OC’s backstory and personality more here, and I hope you as readers feel a bit more intimate too with the characters in this LBB universe. As always, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Enjoy 💜
Series Masterlist: Little Black Book
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You got off the plane, still annoyed. Five hours earlier, you had arrived in your office in Seoul, only to be ceremoniously sent off  to Jeju with the order of getting Jeon Jungkook to sign a bunch of papers as well as not returning to Seoul until Monday. You protested, only to have Seokjin, your new unbearable boss, told you that you had not taken any days off in two years and he’d be damned if those days were going to be borne by the firm again.
“It’s all paid for. Flights and hotel. Now go, I don’t want to see your face for the rest of the week.” Seokjin ordered as he pushed you into the elevator. ” But call me on Saturday, hmm?” He added in a whisper. You rolled your eyes as the doors closed.
Five hours later, you arrived in Jeju, and at the first intake of fresh air, you inwardly thanked Seokjin for forcing you to go on a vacation. Maybe, after you were all done with the Jeon Jungkook business, you’d go shopping and get yourself a new lingerie set for your Saturday night fun with Seokjin, as a thank you. MAYBE.
As you entered the arrival hall, you were surprised to find a man in full chauffeur uniform holding up your name. You bowed to him, and he swiftly took your luggage.
“Mr Jeon sent me to pick you up.” He simply stated. “He’s waiting for you at his suite.” You nodded and followed him.
The suite turned out to be a mega luxurious penthouse by the beach. Spacious, modern, floor to ceiling windows with that breathtaking view, and…. an infinity pool on the balcony? You had to stop yourself from gawking too much.
You were asked to wait by the living room as the driver went to the pool and patiently waited for Jungkook to finish his lap before informing him of your arrival. The driver then made his way back to you, to inform you that he would check you in at the hotel. He then bowed and quietly left. You tilted your head and wondered how he could even know which hotel your firm had booked for you, but you let it go- the rich definitely had their own ways.
You turned to find Jungkook getting out of the water, and you swallowed, hard. The many times you had met him, he had always worn something baggy. Never in a hundred years you would have thought that THAT body was hidden underneath all those loose clothing. Thick shoulders, even thicker pecs, and washboard abs. Then those thighs- dear God- sculpted and oh so visible with his wet boardshorts splattered tightly on his skin.
You cleared your throat, then bowed to him. Get a grip, he’s your client, you reminded yourself. “Good afternoon, Jungkook-ssi.”
He bowed back in return. “Hi __________ -ssi.” He sounded shy. “Hope your flight was good?”
“Smooth flight.” As smooth as that skin across your chest. “I’m here for you to sign the papers?”
You sat yourself down by the coffee table and took out a folder. “I’m sure Seokjin-ssi has told you about the settlement? We just need you to sign here, here and here and I’ll send them back to the office to get everything going.”
You went into your work-mode immediately. It was safe, and you knew what you were doing. You in work-mode would not be thirsting over your own client. Jungkook lingered by the door however, water still dripping from his gorgeous body.
“Um, do you need me to get you a towel?” You asked gingerly. Jungkook broke into a small smile and shook his head.
“Sorry, I was distracted.” He went off to grab a towel himself, and you breathed a sigh of relief when he came back, his upper body covered by the terry cloth. “Where do I sign?”
You directed Jungkook, explaining along the way the process of the settlement, what he should expect and what your firm would continue doing on his behalf.
“As agreed, we will not disclose the settlement amount to the media or the public, but this large sum should set off some gossip in the industry, so you’d be rest assured anyone would think twice before mooching off your AI software again.” You grabbed the corner of Jungkook’s towel and dabbed at some dollops of water on the coffee table, worried they could stain the legal documents.
“Ah, sorry, I guess my hair is still wet.” Jungkook said sheepishly. You plastered a professional smile, and resisted tucking his curly hair behind his ear.
“OK, all done, just give me a minute to scan and email these back to the office.”
You moved to scan the documents with your phone and promptly sent them to Seokjin. Jungkook left your side and you heard a splash. Jungkook was back in the pool, but he stayed by the side, head resting on his folded hands, watching you.
You gave him another forced smile. “I’m just waiting for Seokjin-ssi to confirm everything is good. Then I’ll be going.”
“Eager to start your vacation?”  He pushed his hair back off his forehead, and laughed at your reaction. “Seokjin told me you would stay here for a few days before going back to Seoul.”
“Ah yes, I was forced to go on holiday.”
“Good thing I asked for you to come here then.” You saw the corner of his mouth lifted into what you thought was a very sexy smirk.
“You asked for me?” Your phone vibrated indicating an incoming email, tearing your gaze from Jungkook and denying him the chance to answer. The email was from Seokjin, who simply replied with a thumbs up emoji. “Ah, I’ve got confirmation all is good. So I’ll get going now then.”
You froze. “Excuse me?”
Jungkook still had his eyes firmly on you. The shyness you saw earlier was all gone. “Your holiday has officially started. Have a swim with me.”
You laughed out loud at his request. “I don’t have my swimsuit with me, and your driver has taken my suitcase to the hotel.”
“So?” Jungkook smirked.
“Jungkook-ssi, I’m not going to swim with you in my underwear.” You know you needed to leave, but the temptation was getting too large to ignore.
“Just Jungkook, please.” He licked his lips. “And, you don’t need any attire to swim here. It’s very private.”
“Jungkook-ssi, are you trying to see me naked?”
“And if I am?”
You looked at your phone again. No follow up emails, no calls, no messages. Work had stopped for you. However, Jungkook was your client, a very valuable one at that. This couldn’t be good. But as he said, your vacation had started. Well, you only live once, you told yourself.
“If I’m swimming naked, so are you. It’s only fair.”
Jungkook shuffled in the water. Then his board shorts landed with a loud splat at the poolside. “It’s only fair.”
An hour or so later, you sighed as you spotted tints of orange streaking across the sky. You had to give it to Jungkook for this place- from where you were sitting at the pool, you got a mesmerising view of the sun setting, blood orange angry against the cool blue of the horizon. What a sight.
You sighed again, as Jungkook’s tongue glided against your folds. HIs tongue felt so smooth against your throbbing sex, and a flick of his tongue released a deep moan from you. You threw your head back, your body leaning back supported by your elbows, and you spread your legs even wider for him.
The flicking of his tongue went faster, no doubt encouraged by your moans and the start of your thighs shaking. You gasped for air as your climax was nearing. One of your hands shot out and grabbed Jungkook by his hair, pressing his head firmer against your sex as you rode his mouth. His big doe eyes opened up and met yours immediately, and you cursed- how could anyone who looked so innocent could be so sinful?
You ground your core harder against his mouth, and his tongue went to overdrive, determined to have you come before the sun set. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, the pink tip flicking your nub determinedly, his eyes never leaving yours. Your tightened core finally snapped, and screaming his name, you came, just as the sun set at Jeju Island. What a sight.
You raised an eyebrow when Jungkook ordered another bowl of ramen. It had been a couple of months since your Jeju fling, and you were surprised when Jungkook suddenly turned up at your office, inviting you out to dinner. Your first instinct was to reject him- you did not like fraternising with clients- but his big doe eyes did you in.
“So,” you cleared your throat, “how long have you been back in Seoul?”
Jungkook slurped his noodles. “A couple of days.”
“Oh, are you here for work?”
He shook his head. “I was bored in Jeju.”
“Well, I hope you’ll get to have some fun here.”
He nodded again, eyes still downcast, focused on his bowl. You let silence sit between you; he seemed to still be very hungry, and you did not want to interrupt him eating. He stole glances at you timidly, as if he had something to say but did not have the bravery to say it out loud.
It amazed you how Jungkook could have such a duality. The person in front of you was painfully shy, nothing like the flirtatious sex god that left you trembling throughout your vacation in Jeju. You watched him eat, and his demeanour suddenly threw you back to your university days, when you isolated and buried yourself in books, sacrificing social life for those top graduating spots in law school. You recognised loneliness, having gone through it yourself. Your heart softened even further for Jungkook. When he finally finished his meal, he wiped his mouth and smiled apologetically at you.
“You must be busy,” he said, mistaking your quietness for impatience, “I’m sorry I disturbed you and forced you to accompany me here.”
You shook your head. “I should be thanking you for getting me out of the office. I need to stop being such a workaholic. Probably because I don’t have much of a social life, I just bury myself in work.” You offered an opening to Jungkook to open up.
“I guess we’re in the same boat.” He admitted sheepishly. “It’s not that I don’t have friends, I just… have some trust issue.”
“I would be too if I were in your shoes.” You knew enough of his history from handling his settlement case. He made it big at such a young age and the media elevated him to be the next big tech superstar, which only sent sharks sniffing around him. The case you had helped Seokjin handle, the one that sent you to Jeju to conclude it, involved names of people Jungkook thought he could trust.
“What do you do for fun?” He asked.
“Uh well… I don’t have many hobbies, really.” You were a bit thrown aback by his question, “Some weekends I just pick a random line on the subway and ride it to the end and back. If I see something interesting, I stop and check it out. It’s a habit from law school, it helps me de-stress.”
“That sounds really interesting. Do you do that by yourself? Or with friends?”
“Most of the time I go by myself. I like being alone. I mean, five days out of a week I have to continually talk to and interact with people. My subway time is my time for myself, I guess.”
He nodded at your answer. “I understand what you mean. I like being alone too, especially after big meetings and promotional stuff.”
You smiled at him. “Sounds like we’re pretty similar.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “do you play games?”
“Computer games? Not really, no.” You laughed as Jungkook scrunched his nose lightly. “Just Maple Story, I guess.”
“Do you want to go to the arcade with me? There’s one just around the block.” He blurted it out quickly, as if he had been waiting for the perfect time to ask. You cleared your throat. You were happy enough to accompany him for dinner, sometimes clients expected that, but going to the arcade? It felt very personal.
“Jungkook-ssi,” you started.
“Just Jungkook, please.” He reminded you.
You took a deep breath. “Jungkook, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think I can hang out with you, like that.”
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, “I just thought, you know, we had fun and got along well in Jeju, so…” He shrugged his shoulder and looked down at his hands under the table.
“Well, we agreed what happened in Jeju stays there. And if you want to do it again, I’m for it, but we’ll have to lay down some ground rules.”
His brows furrowed. “I don’t want sex.” He sounded insulted. “I just want… your company. Not in that way. Just, you know, spend time together. With you. Because, I just think we’ll get along well. That’s all.”
You blinked at his confession, and you raked your brain to come up with a response that would not insult him any further. However before you could think of anything, he asked, “Are you not allowed to date your client?”
“Um, is the arcade supposed to be a date?”
“It could be if you want it.”
You rubbed your neck. This was going worse than you had thought. “I’m allowed to date whoever I want. I just… don’t do dating or relationships.”
“Because you’re a workaholic?”
That went straight to your heart. “Maybe,” you answered slowly, “though I think it’s more because I’m selfish. I like my free time for myself. I like not having to compromise on anything. I like making decisions by myself without having to worry about the other person’s feelings.”
“Don’t you get lonely?”
“I do sometimes, but I like being alone so loneliness is sometimes welcome.”
“And when it’s not?” He leaned forward.
“I call some…. friends.” You blushed a little. “And we spend time together, and that’s good enough for me.”
You inhaled deeply. It was odd saying it out loud, and you felt a little twang in your chest. You were reminded of the times when you returned to your empty, dark apartment after your rendezvous with one of your ‘friends’ from your little black book. Most times you were just happy to go to sleep or do whatever else it was you did at home, but there were the rare times when you wish your living room was not so sparse or your bed so cold. You had to admit it to yourself, you did feel lonely.
“Can… can I be your friend?” Jungkook asked, his voice so soft you struggled to hear it. “I do like spending time with you, and I trust you. And we had fun. And I’m not expecting Jeju all over again, it’s just… I don’t know, I just trust you.”
Your heart ached for him. He sounded so lost and so small. Perhaps two lonely people could find some comfort in each other.
“I’d love to be your friend, Jungkook.” You answered, and he gave you a relief smile in return. “Now, I need to clarify my definition of friends, just so we’re clear from the start.”
You realised Jungkook had liked too much your definition of ‘friends’, and although you had warned him repeatedly that there would be no feelings involved and no sleep overs, you suspected he had developed a crush on you. When he was teaching you to play League of Legends, he liked you sitting on his lap. When you were cooking ramen for him, he liked to stand behind you,rubbing the hem of your top. When you were getting dressed after your session with him, he would, without fail, tell you how much he liked the particular office wear you had on, which made you think that the man very likely had a business suit kink. You regularly reminded him- and yourself- that this arrangement was strictly of no strings attached, but you had to admit, it was nice to have him do all those things to you.
You also realised that Mondays were good to spend with Jungkook. The time spent with him not only chased away your Monday rage and put you in a good mood for the rest of the week. Especially when his chiseled chest was pressed tightly against your back, and his hips snapping wildly behind you, so determined to have your moans and wails travel through your apartment walls to your neighbours’. You threw your head back against his shoulder, and his hand snaked down to rub your clit as his mouth descended on your neck.
“Come on, cum for me again, pretty girl.”
You gasped for air at his hoarse voice, and you closed your eyes tightly as he pulled your second orgasm out of you, keeping his pace fast and steady as you rode it out. You panted heavily as you came down, your back felt slick with sweat against his chest. He pulled out and let you collapse onto your bed, the pure linen sheet felt so good and cool against your heated skin.
Jungkook gingerly flipped you over so you lay on your back. Caging you with his thick thighs, he leaned down and suckled on your tits, moaning against them as your fingers weaved themselves between his silky locks. His mouth left your breasts, and he straightened himself up while grabbing your ankles up and resting your legs on his chest. You shook your head.
“Kook, give me a minute.”
He chuckled. “Did I tire you out already? I remember you having better stamina than this in Jeju.”
“I was on vacation.” You hissed between your teeth.
He grabbed his cock and pushed it in you again. You arched your back when his swollen head penetrated you. “Just enjoy it, then. I’ll do all the work.” He winked. “Two more, pretty girl.”
Damned him and his competitive streak. He had sheepishly asked you if perhaps he could make you cum four times, to break his record in Jeju of three in one night. You were too excited to agree, but you were paying the price now- your whole body felt too sensitive. You wondered if you could wake up for work the next day.
He soon bottomed out in you, and he started to slowly pump himself in your hole, allowing you to recover before he sent you falling over the cliff again. He kissed your ankle, trailing his sinful mouth down towards your calf. You moaned at the sensation, and he, sensing you were more relaxed, picked up his rhythm .
You hands shot up above you to grab the edge of your bed, holding on for dear life when he began to fuck you faster. All you could hear now was the smacking of his skin against yours, and his low guttural groans when you clenched yourself around his cock. He held onto your ankles tightly, and his eyes watched your breasts bouncing in time with the movement of his hips.
“So good, feel so good, Kook.” You breathed out.
“Yeah?” He licked his lips. He pulled out until only his head was nestled in you, and he smirked as your hips writhed, wanting his length back in you. He slammed himself back in you, making you shout in pleasure.
“You like that, pretty girl?” He repeated the movement, and you screamed his name. He went a bit faster, encouraged by the slick that continued to lubricate his cock, and the tightening of your pussy walls every time he slammed into you. He suddenly leaned down towards you, bringing your legs with him, and you moaned loudly at the new depth his cock was reaching in you.
“You OK?” He asked, when he saw your face scrunching up.
“Yeah, yeah,” you hissed, “it’s just so deep. Ah, Kook, fuck me hard, I’m close.”
Jungkook was only too happy to oblige. Pounding his cock into you almost animalistically, he sucked on your ear, knowing it was your extremely sensitive spot. Your legs were soon flailing around his shoulders, and your body jerked and shuddered as your third orgasm hit you like a truck. He continued fucking you through it, but you felt his hips stuttering and he immediately pulled himself out of you.
“Fuck, I almost came.” He panted, but his finger immediately zeroed in on your clit, rubbing little circles on it, prolonging your orgasm. You squirmed under his hand, whimpering as your sex pulsated against nothing. When over-sensitivity came, you weakly pushed his hand away.
“Water.” You requested weakly.
Jungkook kissed your tummy before getting up. “Don’t fall asleep, we still have one more.”
You grabbed a pillow and half heartedly threw it at him. He caught it easily and giggled as he made his way to your kitchen. You lay back on your bed, trying to still your trembling body. It was good to be friends with Jungkook.
Jungkook’s place in Seoul was a far cry from his opulent penthouse in Jeju. The postal code was prestigious, but the apartment was modest, and in your opinion, more representative of Jungkook. He had entrusted you with the entry code to his door, so you made your way in straight from work after a particularly hellish Monday. You found him in his office slash gaming room, and you squealed when you saw him by his desk.
“You got a Herman Miller office chair?” You slid your hands over the chair, resisting the urge to hug it. “Do you know how much I want a Herman Miller chair? I sit on my ass eight hours a day, Jungkook! This baby would cure my sore back.”
Jungkook looked at you amusingly while you oohed and aahed over the chair he was sitting on. “Do you want to sit here?”
“No, no, no!” You stopped him from getting up. “I can’t. I told myself I would only sit on a Herman Miller office hair if it was mine and only mine.” You smacked his shoulder when he started laughing. “It’s my fantasy, OK! Yeah, my fantasy is to have this in my office.” You rubbed the back of the chair lovingly.
“Why don’t you just get one?”
“Jungkook, it’s $1,000 at least. I’m not spending that kind of money.”
“Well, get your boss to get it for you.”
You guffawed. “He complained about how much we spent on coffee pods, I’m sure he’d buy me a Herman Miller chair.”
“Well,” he rubbed his chin, “I can buy it for you.”
“Jungkook, as much as I want to say yes, I’m going to say no, because one, I wouldn’t even know how to report it to HR, and two, I can’t make you spend that much money for me!”
“Well we’re friends, aren’t we? Can’t I buy a gift for my friend?” Jungkook was spinning in his chair, wiggling his eyebrows. “Let me buy it for you. Just say it’s a gift from an anonymous client?”
“You’re ridiculous.” You grabbed the arms of the chairs to stop him spinning.
“And you’re hot.” He blurted out, and immediately blushed. You felt heat rising to your cheeks too. Shy guy was slowly making way to flirty sex god.
“It’s just a basic blouse and a skirt.”
He cupped your ass. “Yeah, but this skirt really makes your ass look amazing.” He moved his hands to your chest. “And your breasts look so tempting.”
You bit your lower lip as he massaged your tits and let out a shriek when you heard fabric tearing. Sex god Jungkook arrived, and he had just ripped your blouse.
“Jungkook! That blouse cost-”
You lost your voice as Jungkook pushed the cups of your bra down roughly to gain access to your nipples. You mewled when his lips closed in on one of your perky nubs, while his fingers tugged the other.  Losing your footing, you fell forward, and his free hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you on top of him.
“I’ll buy you another one.” He released your nipples and helped you hike your skirt so you could straddle him.
“Damn it.” You said breathlessly. You felt your juices soaking your panties, and more leaked out when your sex rested atop his hardening member. “How many times are you going to make me cum tonight?”
He hummed against your breasts as his hands roamed over your stocking-covered legs. He kissed and licked your breasts, before enveloping your nipple back in his mouth. You arched your back, pressing your chest closer to him.
“Maybe just once,” he said between sucks, big doe eyes looking up to you, “but I promise it’s going to be a good one.”
Your body went rigid when his large hand cupped you, his finger sliding along the slit over your pantyhose and underwear. His mouth went back to attacking your breasts, and you could do nothing but surrender to his ministrations. Very quickly, he made you a breathless mess on his lap. He chuckled at your expression, and his hands sneaked up underneath your skirt, looking for the waistband of your pantyhose. He tugged at it harshly, and before you knew it, he had torn yet another piece of your clothing.
“Jeon Jungkook!” you chastised him. “For fu-”
“I’ll take you shopping. Just relax now.” He cut you off by pulling your panties aside so he could insert a finger in. You gasped at the intrusion, and your inner walls immediately clenched around his digit. His mouth left your breasts and he was watching you. You returned his stare, your eyes focused on his face while you enjoyed the way his finger was gliding in and out. Your eyes fluttered when he inserted a second one. You grabbed onto his shoulders, and his free hand guided you to move up a little, simply so he could pump his fingers faster and harder.
“Fuck, you’re dripping.” He pushed a third finger in and you squealed. “Look at me, pretty girl.”
You forced yourself to keep your eyes open, to look at his face. How could someone looking so sweet and innocent could be pulling out moans and screams so easily. Your pussy felt deliciously stretched and he was drawing your orgasm out quickly. Your walls were pulsating erratically around his fingers, and suddenly it felt empty, the orgasm you were chasing disappeared instantly.
“Jungkook, what the-”
He smirked as he looked at his soaked fingers. You tilted your head as your heart beats returned to normal. “Are you trying to edge me?”
He laughed when you smacked his shoulder. “Hold on.” He rolled you both to a set of drawers by his desk. He pulled out a condom, placed the packet between his teeth, then shuffled to pull his sweats down. You swallowed when his cock- hard, angry and red- sprung free. He ripped the foil to get the condom out and rolled it down his dick. Your pussy was clenching hungrily, eager to take in his member.
Jungkook’s hands returned to your skirt, bunching it up around your waist. He smiled at your ripped pantyhose, then with one hand, he tugged your panties aside while his other hand held his cock. You lowered yourself onto him, you kept sinking down on him, letting out a satisfied moan as he filled you in so fully. Your torn blouse was agape, your bra pushed down to reveal your nipples, and that was where his eyes were focused on as you started to ride him, swirling your hips as you went up and down on his cock. You rode him with all your might, eager to chase and get your orgasm before he could stop you. Your clit was rubbing against his lower abdomen, and your body was heated once again. Your pace quickened, your breaths became more shallow, and you were getting close, so close.
However, Jungkook’s hands grabbed your hips and held you above his lap, snapping you out of your near-delirium. He blew at the sweat that had broken out in the valley of your breasts.
“Not yet, pretty girl.” He cooed, and you whined in protest as he pulled out.
He directed you to turn your body around, so that your back was to his chest now, and he pushed his cock into you again. He held your body down, not allowing you to move, making your pussy cockwarming him. He rolled the chair, positioning it just in front of the set of computer monitors. All the screens were black, and you could clearly see your reflections on them. He helped you shift your legs to make you more comfortable while also keeping them spread as wide as possible.
He kissed your shoulder and your neck, while his hips started to move, slowly pumping his cock in and out of you. His strong hands were still holding you motionless, and you gripped the arms of the chair, content to surrender your body to him. His cock moved faster, and your body soon tensed again. Sensing your orgasm nearing, he slammed his cock up to bury it in you. You writhed, silently begging him to move, but he kept you still, away from your climax.
“Fuck, Jungkook, please.” You felt like you wanted to cry.
“No, not yet. I don’t want this to be over so soon.” He sounded like he wanted to cry too. “If I let you cum, will you stay the night?”
You elbowed him weakly. “You shouldn’t blackmail an attorney, Jungkook-ah.”
His chest rumbled against your back as he laughed. “You always cum and leave.”
You wriggled your hips and he moaned. “Let me cum now and I’ll stay for a bit.”
That seemed to be good enough for him. He kissed your shoulder before wrapping his hands around your body tight, pressing you against his chest, as he pistoned his cock fast and hard. The movements took your breath away, your head lolled against his as you both watched yourselves on the dark computer screens. Needing to feel more of him, your hand released the arm of the chair and to reach the back of his neck. He kissed the inside of your upper arm, which made you squeal and clench around him further. He cursed at the discovery of a new erogenous zone on you, and he nipped and licked at your skin as his cock continued to pound you.
You felt your orgasm nearing, and your free hand moved down to rub your clit. One of his hands moved downwards too, pulling the hood back to give you full access to your sensitive spot.
“Rub it good, pretty girl, while my cock ruins your pussy.” He whispered gruffly in your ear. You mewled at his dirty talk, and your finger started to move eratically, certain he would not deny your climax this time. You pressed on your clit and rubbed it hard, causing your pussy walls to tighten around his shaft. You closed your eyes when the edge was finally within reach, your body shook and your hand faltered. Jungkook pushed it away to rub your clit himself while you were finally coming, screaming his name. You felt as if you were drowning in pleasure, you gasped for air and you felt a drop of tear escape down your cheek.  
Jungkook’s grip on your body became tighter, you were sure he was going to leave marks, which you normally chastised your lovers for, but this time you could barely even care. He slammed his cock into you one last time when your orgasm was ending, emptying himself into the rubber.
You both sat on the chair, recovering from the one mind blowing orgasm. Your pants made way to soft breathing. Your ripped blouse felt sticky from the sweat, and you winced as you tried to straighten your legs while he was still inside you. Content of not moving any further, you leaned back against his hard chest, and you let him hug you and nuzzle your hair. You would stay a little while, you decided, as promised. He was worth spending a bit more time with.
“This chair is worth every cent,” Jungkook broke the silence, “it didn’t even creak once.”
You burst out laughing, and you ended up laughing so much that your stomach hurt.
“Jeon Jungkook!”  You hiss into the phone. “I am going to kill you.”
You groan as he laughs at the other end. You look at the $2000 dollar chair with a big red bow in your office. You have shooed everyone away from your office, including Seokjin who complained that he should get one too since he was the one who got THAT big settlement for that ‘ungrateful brat’.
“You need to get an even better chair for Seokjin, you know. Or we will never hear the end of his whining.”
“He’s treated me to a few meals. I guess it’s only fair I pay him back.”
You make sure your office door is closed before you move to the chair to sniff it. It smells new and promising- you know the moment you sit on it, you will never have a backache ever again, your days will be brighter and you will rise up to the top. Herman Miller will unlock all your potentials.
“Sit on it and take a selca,” Jungkook suggests, “and send it to your boyfriend.”
“Why do I need to show him?” You protest, but you untie the red bow and sit on the chair anyway.
“So you know,” he clears his throat, “you guys can do fun stuff on it.” He drawls as his shyness takes over. You feel your cheeks heated too at the memory.
“Hey,” his voice takes a serious turn and you straighten up, “I don’t think I ever thank you.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “I think I’m the one who should thank you? For this amazing chair?”
“I want to thank you for being my friend,” his voice is so soft, but you can hear his emotions clearly, “it means a lot to me.”
You press your fingers to your lips, holding back a threatening sob. “Jungkook, it means a lot to me too that you’re my friend. And please don’t start crying; if you cry, I will cry.”
Jungkook lets out a gentle laugh. “If you cry, I’ll cry, so you don’t start too.”
“We are truly hopeless. But Jungkook, is this what the chair is for? Because you don’t need to-“
“No, no,” he cuts in, “it’s a just-because present. You’ve been going on and on about the chair since... you know when, and I don’t know, when I saw the latest model I just wanted to get it for you.”
“You are too generous, you know that? Don’t let anyone take advantage of your generosity.”
He laughs again. “You’re generous too. You always make time for me, even now when you don’t have to anymore.”
“We’re kindred spirits, aren’t we? Of course I’ll always make time for you. Even my boyfriend makes time for you!” You glance at the clock in your office. “Isn’t it almost time for your pilates class?”
“Yes, your man is signalling me to hang up now.” Jungkook chuckles. “Thank you for letting me be his friend too. He’s been great for my state of mind. All the pilates and the bonsai classes he lets me tag along, I’m feeling much happier these days.”
You hum as you settle more comfortably in your new chair. “I’m happy to hear that, and it means a lot to me you both get along so well. Hey, let’s do dinner this weekend? Let’s crash Seokjin’s place and make him cook for us. It’s been a while since the four of us hung out together.”
“Sounds like a plan. I have to go now, don’t forget to send that selca!”
You giggle as he hangs up. You spin once in the chair, your body and spirit feels a million times better already. You raise your phone up and move it around to get the best angle. Once you have gotten a picture you are happy with, you send it off to your boyfriend.
You [19:02] : I got a present! Come over after your class and let’s take a ride on it 😉 You [19:02] : PS: Don’t change. I like you all sweaty 😋
You smile smugly at your naughty messages, then you realise something. You immediately text Jungkook.
You [19:03] : Kook- is there a warranty on the chair? Just in case we break it.
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ikleesfiction · 3 years
Miss Americana
Fandom : Crossover Hawaii Five-0 x Chicago PD TV Word count : 5,610 words Pairing : Steve McGarrett x Danny Williams; Jay Halstead x reader
Summary :  You met Williams-McGarrett family in Los Angeles and they introduced you to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Your boyfriend, Jay Halstead, doesn't know anything about this. Yet.
Author's note :
This is the fourth one shot of "Will you follow through if I fall for you" fic continuation. It would be better if you read it first. But if you don't, here's the quick summary.
This happened after I listened to a few podcasts (1  🞂  2  🞂 3) of Scott Caan and Alex O'Loughlin, passionately talking about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 
This fic does not comply to the canon of Hawaii Five-0 or Chicago PD. So if you don't follow one of the other, it should not be a hindrance, I think. Here's hoping that I'm right.
"Would you like another cup of coffee?
You look up from the book in your hand to the waiter addressing you.
"Oh, I would love to. But it's already my fourth cup of the day," You grimace at him. "Maybe I'll take a bottle of water, please? Cold, if you have one."
The waiter grins at you, "Sure thing," then leave with your empty cup of coffee.
You are supposed to meet your friend, Tim, at his house on The Bird Streets to work on a song. However, he got a sudden appointment and asked you to wait for his call to reschedule. So here you are, sitting at a Cafe/Bistro somewhere in Los Angeles, drinking too much coffee.
You check your watch and your phone. It's almost lunchtime, but your phone is still showing nothing. Alright then, you thought to yourself, back to the book. Your eyes immediately find the last paragraph you read on Astrophysics for People in a Hurry.
Five pages later, the waiter puts a bottle of water on your table, "Here it is. You sure you don't want another cup of coffee?" He jokes with you.
You laugh in response, "No, really, thank you."
The waiter leaves with a smile and turns to the table across from yours. That's when you notice somebody's sitting there.
"Good afternoon. Only for two?" The waiter lays two menu cards on the table.
"Four. My husband and daughter are parking the car." The man answers him with a smile. He has a little boy sitting next to him. His son, you guess, since both of them have blond hair. Their noses look similar too.
"Danno, can I have ice cream for lunch?" The boy begs his father, pointing at one of the delightful pictures on the card.
"Hmm, maybe." The father hums his reply. He exchanges a knowing glance with the waiter.
"Do you want anything to drink while you're waiting?"
"Soda!" The boy yells from his chair, who laughs at his father's glare.
"How about two glasses of orange juice?" The father checks to his son before confirming it with the waitress.
"Okay, be right back with your drinks."
After the waiter leaves, the boy begins to prattle about everything to his father. About giraffes at the zoo ("They are so tall like Dad!"), about his favorite ice cream flavors ("Cookie Dough. But I like Kame's shave ice better, Danno"), about swimming at Venice Beach ("There's a lot of people there, Danno. I like our beach more")
The boy doesn't even look like he needs to breathe. You can't help but let out a chuckle. His father looks up at you and shares a grin. "That's great, Charlie," He comments to his son.
You let their conversation become a white noise while you read your book.
At your periphery, you see someone passes by. However, you don't expect a hand to suddenly sneak your phone from the table. Your hand instantly grabs that wrist, trying to stop it from stealing your phone. But the thief forcefully pulls his hand out of your reach and moves away.
Unfortunately for the thief, he runs straight to the father at your neighboring table. The man has no problem flipping the thief over and pushes him to their table. When the thief squirms away from his clutch, the man lifts the thief's elbow high up and turns it behind his back in a very painful lock. The unpleasant sound coming out of the thief's mouth proves how excruciating it is.
The man's eyes wander. Many shocked faces are staring at him, including yours. "It's okay, I'm a cop," He explains.
In contrast to the crowd, the boy looks at his father in awe, gleefully clapping his hands.
"Charlie, why are you clapping? You're not supposed to clap at this. Oh my god, you are just like your father! Happy to see any aggression," The man rants as he takes out a cable tie from his trousers' pocket. You don't even know why he got cable ties in his pocket. He efficiently ties the perp's hands behind his back and forces him to sit.
Only then, the man addresses the crowd again, "Has anyone called 9-1-1?"
"I did. The police are on the way," One of the cafe's staff squeaks from the door, with a phone still in her hand.
"Excellent! Did you hear that? Your ride would be here soon," The man tightly squeezes the thief's shoulders. The thief could only reply with an agonized grunt.
Everybody else resumes their activities with a sporadic look to their table.
The boy picks up the stolen phone from the floor. It fell near his foot during the short scuffle. "Danno," He hands your phone over to his father.
"Ah, thanks, Charlie," The man ruffles the kid's hair and kisses the top of his head.
"I believe this is yours?" The man returns the phone to you. "Hope it's still working?" He cringes at the spiderweb marks on the phone screen.
"Thanks. Probably not. But it's alright." You smile at the man and offer to shake his hand, "Y/N Y/LN, thanks again for helping me,"
The man takes your hand, "Hey, no big deal. Danny Williams. And this is my son, Charlie," Danny brings Charlie in front of him. You extend your hand to Charlie as well.
All of a sudden, you hear voices yelling from behind you. "Danno! Charlie!"
You look back to see a tall, dark, imposing man and a beautiful teenage girl rushing in your direction. Charlie shouts back at them, "Daddy! Gracie!"
So you guess they must be Danny's husband and daughter.
This new man drops down to Charlie's level and checks on him, trying to see if he's injured. "Are you okay? Charlie?"
"Dad! Dad! Danno was soooo cool! He pushing and then flipping and then that man went aaargh!" Charlie re-tells the scene to his father, holding his elbow behind his back to show him.
Couldn't really understand his son's story, the man asks his husband to elaborate, "Danny, what's happening here? Why are you arresting this man?"
"I'm not arresting anybody, Steve. We don't have jurisdiction to make an arrest, you know? Since we are in LA, not Hawaii? I'm just holding this man until LAPD shows up," Danny clarifies to his husband, Steve.
"But why?" Steve is still confused.
"This guy here, what's your name?" Danny barks at the thief. But his mouth stays glued. "Really? Would you prefer my ex-SEAL here asking you the question?" Danny gestures in Steve's direction.
Steve stands tall. His hands are folded in front of his chest. His biceps bulge in his tight t-shirt. The thief's face turns green, looking fearful. Steve's scowl was probably not helping either.
"Danny?? What's going on here?" Steve begins to lose his patience.
"What?? It's no big deal, babe!" Danny yells back at Steve. "This guy here tried to nick this woman's phone. I'm just helping her," Danny motions in your direction.
"Y/N, here's my husband, Steve McGarrett, and our daughter, Grace," Danny continues to introduce you to his family. You shake their hands and exchanging simple pleasantries.
"As I said, I just helped Y/N to get her phone back. Now we are waiting for LAPD," Danny ends his explanation.
Shortly a police car comes, and two officers quickly take their statements. Initially, the police officers are bemused to find the thief already sat with his hands tied behind his back. After Danny explains that he is a Detective from Honolulu PD and how he prevented the attempted theft, the police officers understand the situation. They ask if you'd like to press charges on Tom Norris, that's the thief's name according to his ID. Considering you're not hurt, you decline on pressing charges. The police are gone with the thief sooner than you expected.
"Can I treat you lunch for your trouble? Shoot! A super late lunch?" You corrected after checking your watch.
"Hey, don't worry, it's no trouble at all," Danny says to you with a big smile.
"No, no, seriously. You guys were on holiday, I guess. But still bothered to help me. Lunch is the least I can do."
Before long, they arrange to get a table for five and talk a lot during the meal.
"So you guys are from Hawaii? That's nice!" You tell the family.
"See, Danno? That's what you're supposed to say about Hawaii. You're the only one who describes Hawaii as a pineapple-infested hell hole," laments Steve to his husband.
"I'm just telling the truth, babe. How about you, Y/N? Where are you from?" Danny tries to find out.
"Originally from The Netherlands, Amsterdam. But I moved to Chicago last year," You reply.
"Now that, Steve, is a city that would appreciate seasonal changes," Danny nods his approval of Chicago.
"Only you, Danno, who whines about constant sunshine." Steve grumbles.
Grace and Charlie don't react much to their parents' bickering. Too used to their silliness. But you still find it quite funny.
"So you guys are here for vacation?" You ask the family.
"Kind of. We are on holiday. Also, we are visiting the colleges here for Grace, who will graduate high school next year," Steve throws his right arm around Grace's shoulder.
"Yes, we are on an excursion to prove to Grace that LA universities are not better than the University of Hawaii," Danny quips from Steve's left.
Grace whines at his father, "Danno..."
"Danny here doesn't want his children to be far away from him," Steve enlightens you. "But I think going to school in LA would be better than The Netherlands. Wouldn't it, babe?" Steve winks at Grace.
"Do not joke about that, Steven!" Danny elbows his husband hard.
Grace looks thoughtful for a moment, "Y/N, did you go to college in the Netherlands? What do you think my chance to study there?"
"Gracie, can I come with you to This Otherlands?" Charlie innocently chirps to his sister.
Steve is laughing so loud, even after Danny punches his arm.
"What about you, Y/N? What are you doing in LA? Are you on vacation too?" Danny questions you after the laughter receded.
"I'm here for work. Most of the time, I'd do it remotely from Chicago. But sometimes I have to make the trip here or to Amsterdam," You tell them.
"What do you do?"
"I'm a music producer," You give a simple answer.
"What instruments do you play?" Steve is curious. "Guitar?"
"Mostly piano and synthesizer. I do play guitar, but I'm just an okay guitar player. I wish I could play better,"
"Dad plays guitar too!" Charlie happily declares as he points at Steve.
You cheer at Charlie's enthusiasm, "Does he? That's great!"
"Yeah, he plays very well. Maybe Dad can teach you to play better," Charlie directs you.
"Oh, yes, that would be awesome," You wholeheartedly agree with Charlie, as the rest of the table laughing at the idea of Steve teaches music.
"Danny, I was wondering if you could explain something to me," You turn to the man.
"Shoot," Danny nods as he puts down his juice glass.
"The arm lock that you did to the thief. Where did you learn that? Did Steve teach you that?" You ask him, genuinely want to know.
"Well, even though Steve here was the Navy SEAL," Danny glares at his husband, who replies with a smirk, "I have been working as a cop for more than 20 years now. I know some moves too,"
"But that's not a cop's move," You contradict him.
"How do you know any cop's moves?" Danny confronts you back.
"My boyfriend is a cop in Chicago," You give Danny a sheepish smile.
"Ah, I see. Did your boyfriend teach you self-defense?"
"He did. I'm nowhere near good as Jay. But it's a start," You answer Danny.
"Of course. If he's not good at it, then he's not a good cop," Danny comments without sounding too arrogant.
"Jay also taught me about guns. Personally, I don't like it, but he needs me to know about it, especially gun safety. So..." You shrug.
Danny nods his understanding, "Yeah. Be glad that he doesn't bring home grenades or other explosives," Danny gives Steve a stink eye. "Unlike some Super!SEAL here,"
Steve is immune to that look. It doesn't seem to affect him anymore.
You smile at their interaction, "Jay was an Army Ranger. After he came back, he went to Police Academy,"
"Really?" Steve looks interested.
"Oh, here we go," Danny sighs at his husband.
Steve grins but decides not to comment on it any further. He goes praising Danny instead.
"But Danny is being too modest here. He is a great fighter. Sometimes he's even better than me. Which lots of people find it surprising, considering I was a SEAL,"
"and don't you forget it, babe," Danny smirks at Steve, who returns it with a chaste kiss.
You sigh internally. Looking at the lovely couple made you miss your boyfriend, Jay.
"In all seriousness," Danny begins, "I practiced Jiu-Jitsu since high school. That's where the moves come from," He pauses to sip on his drink.
"I got my Blue Belt when I entered The Police Academy. For me, I think, I learned how to fight better in Jiu-Jitsu than what they taught us there," Danny continues.
"Do you also teach it to Grace and Charlie?" You ask the parents.
"Yeah. Danny taught them both as early as possible. Grace already got her Yellow Belt when we first met. Now she is working for her Purple Belt," Steve brags. Danny also looks so proud. Grace, though, tries so hard not to roll her eyes at her parents.
"Me too! I will get my Yellow Belt soon! Right, Danno?" Charlie exclaims.
"Of course you are kiddo. After that, you surely can beat your Dad here," Danny ruffles Charlie's hair. Steve offers his palm for a high five, but Charlie punches it instead. He giggles when Steve is faking to be hurt by Charlie's tiny fist.
"Do you think I could learn it too?" You inquire to Danny.
Danny and Steve look at each other. You're waiting for their answer, hoping that they will agree.
Before they decide anything, Grace interrupts, "We can go check out the place that Sensei Egan told us, Danno."
"Yeah, that's a great idea," Steve agrees to his daughter's suggestion. "We can check that dojo for Grace, meeting the instructor. Maybe could show some moves too for y/n,"
"Okay then. Grace, share the dojo address with y/n. We can meet you there tomorrow morning, what do you say, y/n?" Danny asks you.
You're supposed to fly back to Chicago next afternoon, but what the hell, you are very interested in this offer. "Yes, sure. If you don't mind me crashing your holiday plan again?"
"No, not at all. We need to check out that place anyway." Steve waves off your worry.
Grace passes her phone to you. "You can puy your number there. I will forward you the address,"
You tap your number to Grace's phone before groaning when you remember that your phone is dead. "Could you e-mail me instead? I don't think I could replace my phone soon,"
Danny doesn't even try to hold his laugh at your poor luck.
The next day, you take an Uber to the gym. No, it's The Dojo. You correct yourself. When you step in, Charlie is shouting at you from across the room. "Y/N!" Standing next to his sister, Charlie crazily waves at you, worried that you could not see him.
You remove your shoes, placed them accordingly at the remarked spot. Walking towards Charlie and Grace, you see the Williams-McGarrett clan wear similar outfits with other people in The Dojo. The only differences between them are their belts. Danny wears a Black Belt with a red stripe, while Steve wears a Brown Belt. Grace has Blue Belt, and Charlie has a White one. Knowing that you will do some workout, you wear a black t-shirt and training pants. Definitely a contrast in a room full of jiu-jitsu outfits.
Danny and Steve are talking to a guy on the other side of the room. This guy has a Black Belt with more stripes than Danny's, indicating that he is the instructor here.
"Hey, guys. Good morning," You greet Grace and Charlie. They reply with a big smile.
"Just out of interest, do you guys always bring your uniform on your holiday?" You gesture to Grace's clothes.
Grace laughs at your question, "It is called Gi. Yes, we are always bringing them along on holiday," She laughs again at your shocked face. "No, I'm joking. It's because we know we will visit this dojo, so we have our Gi with us,"
Soon Danny and Steve come over to your side. "Hi, y/n. So I talked to Sensei Marcus there," Danny gestures to the guy he spoke to. "We are going to follow their training for today. You can watch from the side if you're not sure you want to do it. The first hour would be the class for Kids and Teens,"
You see Grace and Charlie lining up in the center of the room with other children. They seem to be divided by belts instead of age.
"The next hour would be the adult class," Danny pauses for a moment. "If you want my suggestion, I encourage you to join the Teens class. I hope you don't feel insulted by that."
You chuckle at his words, "Not at all. I understand,"
"If it's too much, don't hesitate to stop and move aside. Everyone will understand," Steve adds.
You exhale softly, readying yourself, "Okay," before joining the line.
The first fifteen minutes, they start with stretching. So far, you have no problems with it. You practice Yoga for the last few years. You know how to stretch.
The next one, they teach you how to fall correctly. Which turns out to be a hard thing to do. At first, an instructor's assistant helps you. After a few moments, she moves away to help others. But you're still not doing it right. So Danny pulls you aside and teaches you privately for the rest of the hour.
You fall so many times until it tired you out. You cannot even get up from the mat. Your shoulders would have been bruised with so many times you landed incorrectly.
"Still interested to learn this?" Danny grabs your hand to help you get up.
Even though the lesson exhausts you, you feel great. You learn a lot, even from doing the same thing over and over again. "Hell yeah!" You grin at Danny.
"Crazy woman!" Danny pats your shoulders. Right where it hurts the most. You can't help but flinch away.
"Hurt, wasn't it? Why don't you go sit down on the outside of the mat with Charlie?"
Charlie sits on one side of the mat, a bottle of water in his hand. He is watching Grace, who has her hands on Steve's Gi, trying to throw Steve down.
Danny silently pays attention to his husband and daughter on the mat. But you can see his hands slightly move as if he's the one sparring.
Shortly, Grace has a chance to push Steve. Steve lost his balance for a moment before countering her attack. Grace would've fallen down hard if Steve didn't hanging to Grace's Gi so tight to slow her fall.
"That's great, Grace," Steve says to his daughter as he helps her up. They bow to each other to end the spar. Danny is clapping from outside the mat, "Good job, Monkey,"
Of course, you and Charlie follow Danny's example to cheer for Grace.
You still sit on the side of the mat, now also accompanied by Grace. You watch the next class practice, where Danny and Steve spar with other students for about an hour.
After the class is done, Steve taps on Danny's shoulder, "Danny, could you help me with this move?" He nods in the direction of the mat.
Danny responds with rolling eyes at his husband's antics.
Grace runs commentary in the background, "Dad didn't actually need help from Danno. However, you're not allowed to ask a higher belt to spar with. It's a sign of disrespect. But Dad and Danno often work differently between each other,"
You see Danny and Steve taking place at a ready position. It takes time before anybody falls, or one locks each other. They move fluidly. When one throws the other, they quickly bring them down along then keep them in a lock. The locks are soon countered, and they back up again. The great thing is they look like they enjoy sparring with each other. They share a laugh whenever someone throws the other or someone holds the other in a lock. You find that very interesting.
The sparring ends when Danny makes a grappling move that Steve cannot counter, so he has to tap out.
After the sparring, Steve sits back with you and his kids while Danny goes over to Sensei Marcus. Steve asks your opinion about Jiu-Jitsu, whether you're still interested to learn it.
"Very much, yeah. The first thing I will do once I'm back in Chicago is to find a Dojo," You excitedly tell Steve.
"Well, lucky for you, Sensei Marcus here knows a lot of Jiu-Jitsu instructors," All of a sudden, Danny joins your conversation. Sensei Marcus stands beside him.
"Sure, if you want to keep learning Jiu-Jitsu, I will give you some references of my fellows in Chicago," Marcus informs you.
"That would be awesome!"
Marcus shakes your hand, "Good luck!" and moves to shake hands with the rest of the Williams-McGarrett family. "Thanks for visiting our dojo. Please come again whenever you're in LA,"
They all look tired, but their smiles beam as bright as Hawaiian sunshine.
Two weeks later, in Chicago,
You see your boyfriend's truck parked in front of your house as you walk home from the bus stop. You walk much slower than you used to. Your body is hurting all over the place, but you feel elated.
The day after you came home from Los Angeles, Jay was caught in a hard case. He had to fly out to New York and liaised with NYPD SVU to solve it.
You missed him a lot, for sure. Jay called you whenever he could for these past two weeks. Texted you every day too. But you have not got the chance to tell Jay about your new interest in Jiu-Jitsu.
After your last trip to LA, you promptly checked out the Dojo that Sensei Marcus referred to you. You were thrilled to find out that it's only fifteen minutes bus ride from your house.
You met with one of the instructors there and asked for a private class. Because that's what Danny advised you to do. "After you have a better understanding of the lessons, then I want you to go train with other people at the dojo. But for the first five or six months, you might've been better with one-on-one lessons,"
The instructor, Professor Louisa, is delighted to provide. You work on a schedule three to four times a week. The professor initially suggested only two meets in a week. But considering your occasional trip abroad for work, you prefer to do more lessons when you're in town.
This is the third week you've been learning jiu-jitsu in Chicago. Scraps and bruises are inevitable. Jay would freak out if he saw them before you could explain to him.
Jay's flight back from New York landed about two hours ago. He must've been coming directly to your place from the O'Hare. The house smells amazing when you enter the room. Following your nose leads you to the kitchen. You find your boyfriend pulling out what seems to be garlic bread from the oven, "Hey, babe. You're back!"
"Hey, you! Perfect timing!" Jay secures the tray aside before stepping closer to you. He puts one hand on your waist, the other one on your back. Moving even closer to kiss you.
His passion makes you forget your bruises for a moment. When Jay pushes you playfully, your shoulder hits the nearest wall. You instantly cry out in pain. "Argh!"
"What's wrong?" Jay stops everything he's doing to you right away.
"Nothing, I just got some bruises," You rub the pain from your shoulder.
"How come?" Jay begins to take off your t-shirt to check on the bruises, but you move away from his grasp.
"Hold on. Let me take a shower. I must've been rank from sweat. Then I'll tell you everything," You kiss Jay one more time before going to the bedroom.
As you eat the pasta primavera that Jay made, you ask him about his case in New York, "How was it?"
"It's done. We did what we have to do,"
Not interested in talking about his case, Jay interrogates you instead, "So, where did you get the bruise? I swear, I only left the city for two weeks, and you're already in trouble," Jay shakes his head.
"I'm not! I just joined this gym. Dojo, I meant. I'm taking Jiu-Jitsu lessons!" You cheerfully tell Jay.
"You what?" Jay pauses from drinking his wine.
So you told Jay the whole story. About how someone tried to snatch your phone when you're in LA. How you met the Williams-McGarrett family from Hawaii. How they got you into jiu-jitsu.
"It's so fun, Jay. Yeah, sure, I got bruises and scraps. But whenever I got stuck with my work, I go have a practice at the dojo, and then I come home feeling energized," You confess to your boyfriend.
"Really?" Jay looks at you, disbelieving.
"Uhuh," You nod as you swallow your spaghetti. "You know what, you should come and see the dojo. It might interest you too,"
"I know about martial arts, babe. I taught you how to punch, remember?" Jay reminds you.
"Yes, you did," You say in giggles, "Professor Louisa said she won't teach me how to punch,"
"Of course, Jiu-jitsu has a different approach than other martial art, say karate. Or boxing," Jay puts down his fork on the empty plate. "You sure you enjoy it?"
You hold Jay's hand and look into his eyes, "I am. This is something I want to do seriously, Jay. I admit part of it comes from you and your job. Like you always said, I need to be able to defend myself. Because you think I could get drag into your case one day,"
Jay puts his other hand on top of yours, looking somehow regretful, "Babe..."
"No, no. But I also do this for myself. Even though my body hurts, I feel great about myself. I feel more confident. It's really inspiring,"
Jay brings your hand to his lips, "Okay then, as long as you're happy with it. But I'm still going to take you to the gun range,"
You roll your eyes in response, "Of course, you will,"
A week later, Jay walks up to The Dojo on the second floor. Someone greets him at the entrance, "Hey, man. Can I help you?"
"I suppose to pick up my girlfriend. She is training with..." Jay tries to remember the instructor's name. "Louisa?"
"Ah, yes, Professor Louisa. You must be y/n's boyfriend. I'm Professor Andy, the head of this dojo," The man offers his hand.
"Jay Halstead," Jay shakes Andy's hand.
"I think she will finish in ten minutes. You wanna see her practice?"
"Sure. If it would not be disturbing?" Jay hesitates.
"Not at all. Y/n is the only one in there right now," Andy directs Jay inside the dojo. He asks Jay to remove his shoes before stepping into the room.
Jay watches his girlfriend silently. He winces a couple times when you fall down. But he is amazed to see you immediately stand up again.
"She's resilient, your woman is,"
Jay chuckles at Andy's remark, "Yes, she is,"
Shortly after you bow to your instructor, you see Jay standing on the side with Professor Andy.
You walk towards them with a smile, "I see you met my boyfriend, Prof,"
"I did, yeah," Andy nods. "I don't think Jay would be interested in jiu-jitsu, though," He comments.
"Correction, I'm not interested to see you got thrown down repeatedly," Jay points out.
"Hey!" You hit Jay's arms as both Professors laugh at you.
"But that's how we are supposed to learn. If you don't know how to fall, you won't get back up again," Louisa says serenely.
Andy hums his agreement before ushering you out. "Alright, get out of here, you lovebird,"
When you're in the locker room, changing your Gi, Jay approaches Andy again. But before Jay could say anything, Andy hands a leaflet to him.
"Y/N told me you're a police officer. You might be interested in these classes,"
Jay takes it with a laugh, "Thanks, man. I'll check it out," He puts the leaflet on his jacket pocket and pulls out his card.
"If anything happens when Y/N is here. Or if you need anything I can help with, please give me a call," Jay sounds solemn.
Andy takes the card, "Don't worry, man. We take good care of our students here,"
"I know," Jay nods.
Soon you come out with a gym bag on your shoulder. "See you next week, Prof!"
Andy waves to the couple, "Bye, y/n. See you again, Jay!"
Two years later,
You step out of the record store in Pilsen empty-handed, failing to find the vinyl you're looking for. You start walking west to the bus stop when you hear a commotion ahead.
You see a guy pushing people out of his way. He keeps looking behind his back like he's running from something.
"Police! Get out of the way!" You hear other voices shouting.
So this guy seems to be running from the police, you thought to yourself.
The man tries to shove you aside, but your reflex is much better. Your hands instantly grab the front of his shirt. When he tries to push you away, your right foot finds his inner left calf and sweeps him down.
When he tries to move away from your grasp, you lean down and grip his right wrist tightly with your right hand. You put your right elbow beside his right ear while your left elbow is placed underneath his elbow. Your left-hand moves to hold your right wrist from below his right hand. His arm is essentially locked when your left bicep snugs against his right tricep. You raise your elbow slightly from the surface. The more he wiggles his way out, the higher you raise his elbow from the surface, the more painful the lock is.
You hear an impressed whistle from above. When you look up, you find Jay and Hailey standing in front of you. Jay gets a huge grin on his face while Hailey is sporting a shocked look.
"Nice takedown, babe," Jay compliments you.
"Thanks. You might wanna take over from here, though," You say to your boyfriend as you hear few more steps rushing towards you.
You loosen the lock after you are sure Jay gets his hand on the perp. He grabs the suspect up from the floor and pushes him towards the wall.
You find a hand extends in front of your face, offering to help you stand up. You look up to see it was Hailey. You take her hand with a soft thanks.
Once you're back on your feet, you look around to see the other members of the Intelligence Unit staring at you. Adam, Kim, and Kevin are mirroring Hailey's initial look of surprise. Jay's boss, Hank Voight, looks impassive as always. But you catch an amused twitch at one corner of his lips.
"Man, at least give me time to feel my hand again! That bitch could break my arm, you know!" you hear the perp complaining when Jay prepares to cuff him.
Without saying anything in response, Jay folds the perp's wrist inside. The perp yells even louder because of the wristlock.
Kevin moves to take the man away from Jay before any further damage could happen. He ushers the perp right away to a nearby cop car.
Jay turns to check on his girlfriend, "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good." You nod back at him.
"I didn't know you could do that, Y/N," Hailey tells you. "You never tell me that your girlfriend practiced any martial arts," She continues to slap Jay's shoulder.
You answer with a sheepish smile, "It's kinda new,"
"Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu is not "kinda new" babe," Jay elbows you playfully.
The team boss pats your shoulder once before walking back to his car, "Good job, Y/LN,"
Kim, who's partnered up with Voight today, quickly follows. But not before inviting you for drinks, "You have to tell me all about this over drinks!"
"See? Even Voight agrees. We'll make a cop-out of you soon, Y/N," Adam offers his fistbump to you.
You meet his with your fistbump but shake your head, laughing, "Not in a million years, Ruzek,"
He only replies with his laugh and walks towards Kevin and the perp.
Jay puts his arm around your shoulders with a huge smile, "C'mon, Kev and Ruz can take care of the perp for a while. Hailey and I will drop you home."
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Deity!AU: Halloween Beginnings
AUTHOR NOTE: Anon asks are now active! For some reason I wasn't able to activate it from mobile and didn't realize it until now, so if you had a question but were too shy to do so, it should be working now!
Hello everyone~!
Well, Halloween has since come and gone, which means that it’s Jack’s turn to bring a winter wonderland to the world so it can rest. But as I’ve said in the last post, Lilia had some rather interesting things to tell me about Halloween when I was explaining the holiday to Grim. Turns out it has a much deeper history than I realized…although it ended up being a lot of information to listen to, so it took me quite a while to condense it into this short version.
“His stories wouldn’t end! I couldn’t even fall asleep without him pranking me awake!”
Oh come on, Grim, I know you enjoyed some of those stories too.
“Hnn…yeah, I guess. I still say it was more fun getting all that candy. Look at this haul I got from just one human town! Nyahaha~! A worthy tribute for their future god!”
[Fufufu~! Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you, little one?]
“Fygnaa!? You again! Stop doing that!!”
Hi, Lilia! Glad you could make it.
[Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!]
Awesome, I…wait a minute. You didn’t rearrange my cabinets again, did you?
[No, not this time, I’m afraid. Do you wish me to?]
Knowing you, you’ll probably end up doing it anyway. Just be careful where you stick the sharp utensils in this time, please. My ears are still ringing from the last time…
[Ah yes, that was quite endearing seeing you try to bandage Sebek’s hand even when it was unnecessary.]
“Are you kidding? His yell still caused a lightning strike and thunder loud enough to make us deaf!”
…let’s change the subject, we’re getting way off topic here.
[Ah yes, though I’m sure the creator would’ve loved to continue this little conversation.]
Huh? But…I am the creator.
[Oh right, you are too.]
[Oh look, here’s your little transcription! Let’s read it, shall we?]
Lilia, wait a--! Ugh, fine. I’ll go get us some snacks and drinks then.
“Bring me tuna!”
Many years ago—before the Great Darkness drove the gods into hiding—humans had grown wary and fearful of the world around them as the harvesting season ended, winter lurking just around the corner. With the uncertainty of whether or not they would survive the harsh winter months, the mortals began to seek guidance and wisdom from the gods in the hopes of earning their mercy. My heart always ached for the plight of those poor little children shivering under their blankets during the colder times. Sometimes I would sneak in and leave them warmer clothes and sheets, though when I would prepare a feast for them and their family none of them would touch the food. So disappointing…
It was around this time that many believed that the barrier between the land of the living and the dead became blurred, the ghosts of the deceased returning to the earth to seek hospitality from family. Or perhaps they wished to feast on the flesh of the living? Just kidding~!..or am I? Fufufu~! While many cowered away in their homes from these ghostly entities, some brave souls believed they could commune with the spirits to attain premonitions of the future…or so they were told. In actuality, the mortals were speaking to Ortho, the God of Souls, who used his processor to calculate probabilities with such speed and accuracy that they could only assume that he could see the future. Ah yes, I remember this. If I recall correctly, I may have let it slip that the “Souls” could predict possible outcomes. Apparently they took it to heart, and for the next few centuries little Ortho would answer their call. Such an entertaining sight to see their faces when they try to make sense of his technical speak!
Compared to today’s tradition of dressing up in costumes and going door to door for treats, masks and animal skins would be worn by those venturing outside the safety of their homes. The reason for this was so they wouldn’t be recognized and could blend in as one of these mischievous spirits. It was quite enjoyable having some of the mortals join me in my rounds—I simply didn’t have the heart to tell them that I could see right through their little disguises. How could I? To encourage the spirits and demons to not enter their homes, bowls of food and drink would be left outside to appease them. Those who did not would soon find themselves the target of mischief and trickery, though whether this was the work of spirits, mortals, or the God of Mischief himself is unclear. I never said I didn’t have some part in that. In fact, it was the most fun the little ones and I have had! Oh you should have seen them all dressed up in their little costumes, helping me prank the adults—they even coined the most adorable phrase “Trick-or-Treat” from me, it was so adorable~!
“Eh? Hey, wait a minute! Did you just write in this thing?”
[Why, yes I did. It seemed a little short, and I remembered she’d mentioned that Cater would be providing commentary on her posts. I wanted to try it out for myself, and it was rather enjoyable! Certainly made it entertaining while we wait for the show.]
“Wait, what show?”
LILIA!!!! Why is there a staircase inside the fridge?!
[Ah, she found my little surprise sooner than I expected. Apologies, dear readers, I must take my leave. Before I do though, here is a small list of things little Faun couldn’t add in well. Until next time~!]
Fun Facts:
When it comes to the story “Sleepy Hollow”, it’s quite surprising to learn that this was actually inspired by Idia, who Lilia had managed to convince to attend one such Halloween event and dress in costume. While he had dressed as a knight from a film well known amongst the deities as “Pumpkin Hollow”, it’s no surprise that mortals misinterpreted the costume as a spirit and create a whole new legend to the story—much to the chagrin of the God of Death. He was happy to show the original film in it’s “original masterpiece” form, though it’s also suspected that his Pumpkin Knight contributed to the connection of pumpkins being associated with him.
Soul Cakes were created in the shape of simplified flames, akin to the very same blue heart-flame Ortho has on his chest. Nowadays they’ve changed in design and ingredients, the same flame shape gaining new hues and colors as mortals got more creative with the food dyes. One thing that hasn’t changed is the center being filled with jam of various flavors. Tart jams tend to be the usual, but sweet can be used as well.
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the-tiniest-one · 3 years
Parenting Rock Lee with Might Guy :)
Note:@xemaliahrssx here ya go! I hope it tastes just like you dreamed it would!
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Sitting at the kitchen table, watching Guy and Lee devour the dinner you made, had you feeling nostalgic... You watched with your head rested on your hand. It was the little family moments that you appreciated more than anything else these days. "Yeah! and then I caught him in a cross block!" Lee said, describing their latest mission, his mouth full of food.
"Haha yes yes (y/n) you should have been there, our Rock Lee is becoming a real force to be reckoned with, much like his handsome sensei" Guy said with a wink in your direction.
"Handsome indeed" you said with a grin.
Thinking back to the days when you were a little more of a workaholic made you laugh. If you told your younger-self all those years ago that you would be Konoha's worst helicopter parent in just a few years, you'd have never believed it. Guy was a perfect match for you in that regard. You two were a well oiled machine when it came to parenting.
While Lee could do no wrong in your eyes, Guy was a bit heavy handed in his discipline of Lee's skills as a shinobi. You kissed every bruise and scrape, while Guy was teaching him how to prevent them in the first place.
Rock Lee has had more than his fair share of the short-end-of-the- shit-stick his entire life. BUT One could be forgiven for not recognizing the true level of hardship the boy has overcome in his short tenure as a shinobi. Lee is a true underdog.
Lucky for him, you've always been a bit of a sucker for an underdog.
You thought back to those early days......
Even before Lee evolved to a mini version of your childhood crush, you felt the need to protect him. Watching him fumble and practice jutsu in vain day after day.....early in the morning and into the night. You would watch him from a distance while training your own team. One early morning, you decided to check in on the boy with long black hair. He kicked at a post, counting off as you looked on...10....11.....12.....his kicks were weak even for his young age. As he got closer to 50 he fell back, overwhelmed by the pain of repetitively beating his shins into the wood without chakra to safeguard his bones.
Clearly angry at his situation, the thought occurred to you that maybe he wasn't using chakra because he couldn't....the boy had tears streaming from his eyes. It broke your heart to watch a kid who couldn't be more than 10, cursing his life.
"A kid working that hard shouldn't have to feel that defeated..." you said to yourself.
You felt conflicted. Torn between wanting to step in and takeover his training...but feeling the weight of responsibility that would come with encouraging a child to chase a pipedream that would only lead to disappointment. You knew all too well what happens to weak ninja. The reality was that it would be cruel to encourage the boy to peruse a life as dangerous as that of a shinobi. You were no slouch when it came to taijutsu but ninjas are able to compete with one another because of the advantages that come with developing kakai genki.
Could a boy with no use of chakra stand a chance against the generations of those families of ninja who use fearsome jutsu and tactics like lightning...wind....wood or even hereditary gifts like the dreaded sharingan or byakugen? The real answer was sad and harsh. No. He couldn't.
You wouldn't be so irresponsible as to tell the boy he could be anything but a failure.
If he perused that path, he would die young.
So you stood back, restraining the desire to comfort and nurture the little boy out of what you told yourself was mercy. Day after day, week after week....you watched on....until it became too much. You couldn't sleep anymore, couldn't function on missions the same way. Always thinking back to him still out at those training grounds.....always struggling.
One morning it was pouring rain. You called off training that day for your team and headed out to the place you knew he would be. He was there of course. He was doing his best to catch a cold while practicing hand signs to no avail. After watching him for a few minutes you finally asked, "What's your name kid?" speaking loud to project over the rain. Startled he looked up to where you stood, perched on a post a few feat away. "I...Im Rock Lee" he said timidly. You laughed at his shy but sweet face, "Im y/n" you said.
"Your kicks look like they could use some work", holding your palm about chest high, to show him where his blow should be landing. The boy grimaced...clearly angry with his lack of direction in training. You laughed and the both of you worked on his kicks for the duration of the morning.
"I think you'll be a splendid ninja someday" you said as you offered him a bit of lunch you packed. The boy looked up at you with the most heartbreaking fear in his eyes, "I can't use chakra" Lee said barley above a whisper, clearly ashamed to tell you the truth.
You ruffled his hair. "Look kid, life is shitty sometimes. But I can tell you are someone who will never quit. No matter the odds, and that is something worth more than all the talent in the world." He instantly smiled up at you, melting your heart for what would be the first of a million times. Laughing and showing you also first time you saw that shiny smile that you would come to love more that anything on earth.
From then on he was your responsibility. Your chest burned with pride in his concrete determination. Feeling instantly the protective burn and feral instinct to insulate him from anything that would hurt him.
It was about a year later when things evolved. You and Lee had become close. He, being an orphan as you found out he was, had taken your invitation to live in your spare bedroom. It wasn't long before you were nagging him to be sure and eat breakfast before class, take baths every night. You were often hearing your mothers voice echo in your own as you guided the child to a structure he lacked.
You even went to his parent meetings at the Academy, much to the surprise of Iruka (because he himself was 2 years older than you and had known you since you were smol) laughed when you asked to see Lee's reports.
Then one hot summer day you got the order... your team was dispatched on your first extended mission with your new genin. 3 months on a C rank mission to Suna. Your heart sank as you remembered Lee's graduation exam was in just a few days. Before you left, you kissed his forehead and promised a tearful Lee who had become just as attached as you over the last year, that would bring him back a graduation present.
You just knew he would finally pass.
Returning to the village near midnight you couldn't wait to see Lee. After giving report to Lord Third, you quickly made your way home. Quietly cracking the door to his bedroom, you peaked in to see his sweet little face. The snoring boy looked peaceful.
"He cut his hair?" you thought puzzled..."he must have done it himself, it looks a little odd." You laughed at the thought of him using a bowl to cut his hair.
Then your eyes traveled to the headband still around his forehead, "He passed!!!" you quietly celebrated, careful not to wake him up. You placed the promised gift on his dresser, a brand-new set of num-chuks you'd had made in Suna.
The next morning you were up before sunrise making a celebratory breakfast when an extreme round of knocking came from the apartment's front door.
You quickly answered, immediately flustered when on the other side was none other than Might Guy....the same Guy you'd had the hots for over a decade.
"Y/N!, I must have the wrong address! I was looking for one of my students!" Guy said in his familiar boisterous cadence. Laughing nervously you started to respond, when behind you Lee pushed his way through the doorframe. Your eyes widened at the sight.
The haircut made sense now, Lee stood side by side with his sensei. He was wearing Guy's jumpsuit... they could have been father and son.
Looking at the two of them standing side by side in front of you for the first time gave you the most jarring sense of dejavu.
"Guy sensei! Look what Y/N brought me from her most dangerous mission!" Lee brandished the weapon, beaming up at his teacher who laughed and winked in your direction. "Ah, a great choice! Only the most skilled ninja know how to use such a fine weapon! We must enlighten you at once Lee my boy!" With that the handsome jonin and your sweet Rock Lee were off to train.
You had known Guy since he was still struggling to gain entrance to the Academy, you knew that the man who radiated confidence today, only earned that ability through blood, sweat, and tears.
You apprehensively accepted that Might Guy was a good match to be Lee's sensei.
"Be careful!" you called, more than a little apprehensive at the thought of your sweet baby boy training with such an admittedly impulsive man. Feeling a small tug of sadness as you watched the two of them disappear down the street.
"Lee's getting tall..." you though as you closed the door.
Over the next few years Lee had grown into a strong young man. You felt such extreme pride in everything he did. Even though you being in your mid-twenties were not nearly old enough to be Lee's mother, he had taken to occasionally calling you mom.
Lee was never embarrassed of you as he grew into a teen like some of the other kids his age. He was always just as willing to give you a hug before a mission as the day you met him.
It would be a lie to say that the relationship you and Guy shared hadn't also matured along the way. Although you weren't Lee's biological parents, anyone would be forgiven for thinking that you were. Everything you had admired about Guy, his hot-bloodedness, his devotion to youthful perseverance, his love of his village had been passed down to your surrogate son.
It was only natural that you and Guy would become a team in raising Rock Lee. Over time after a few years of dinners, training sessions, birthdays, holidays etc...Guy decided to propose to you.
It was a literal dream come true. You couldn't say yes fast enough. But as required when two shinobi become married, when you went to sign the paperwork to make your marriage official, requesting a stamp of approval from Lady Tsunade....she extended to you a folder with a second set of forms.
Guy beamed as you read the contents. Adoption papers with Lee's name printed at the top in bold.
"He will always be our son. Since we are making it official... why not add one more?" Guy said with a laugh. The tears began welling in your eyes. "He's 17" you laughed, "I love you" is all you could think to say in response to the most kind gesture you have ever witnessed.
Guy held his trademark thumbs up high as he replied, "Lee will always need his mom, no matter how big he gets!" His words like music to your heart...
You'd never felt so complete as you walked hand in hand with Guy, on your way home to surprise your sweet son with the news.
Upon telling Lee what the two of you had done, he looked from the papers back to you. Confusion spread across the sweet ravenette's features. "But I do not understand" Lee said with a hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Have you not always been my mom?"
The innocent look in his eye and profound sincerity in his voice made tears well in your eyes for what felt like the tenth time that day. You laughed and swept he and Guy into a hug that didn't last long enough. "What's for dinner?" the two men asked in unison and in that moment you knew you were the luckiest person in the world.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #958: White Day Chocolate (Persona 5 X SSBU)
10:12 a.m. at LeBlanc Café.........
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly While Wearing a White Sun Dress) Happy White Day, Mona-Chan!~
Morgana: (Smiles in Awe at What his Girlfriend is Wearing) Wow, Lavenza! You look really pretty in that dress.
Lavenza: Why, thank you~ (Pushing her Hair Up With Confidence and Grace) I have to look my part for this special occasion after all, white attire and all~
Morgana: (Smile Turns into a Sheepish One) Well, I wouldn't exactly say that dressing in all white is the only way to celebrate the holiday.
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise and Curiosity) There's more to this holiday in particular?
Morgana: (Happily Nodded) Yep. White Day's about giving out chocolates to someone you have romantic feelings for. (Starts Smirking) And guess what I got you for the occasion?~ (Pulls Something Frkm Behind his Back Which is None Other Then....)
Lavenza: ('Gasps') A box of chocolates? For me?~
Morgana: That's right~ I made them just for you. Or.....rather....(Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Dedede helped make them with me yesterday.
Lavenza: Is that so? I didn't know the king has experience of making sweets.
Morgana: Neither did I until I told him about the holiday in general. Apparently, one of the Waddle Dees taught him how to make them in his younger years to impress the ladies.
Lavenza: Ah, so he was casanova like Mr. Sojiro was?
Morgana: (Shrugs) Probably. Though, I'm pretty sure the Boss had more success in romance than the king ever does.
Lavenza: Yes. He does seem like the type to be lacking in that aspect.
Meanwhile at the Smash Mansion's Living Room......
Dedede: (Starts Gumbling Under his Breath)
Escargoon: (Turns to The Former King of Dreamland) Something's wrong, De?
Dedede: (Comes Back to Reality) Huh? Oh. ('Sigh') Nah. It's nothing too serious. I just had a feeling of someone taking jabs of my love life.
Escargoon: Well, to be frank, your love life....(Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) hasn't always been the best over the years....
Dedede: (Glares at Escargoon) Boy, what's you talkin' about? My love life has always been solid! Remember that girl Felicia? I had a good time dating her once.
Escargoon: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Oh how can I ever the same girl who openly flirted with one of the waiters and left the restaurant with him shortly after.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait. That what happened to her that night? I thought said she left for a family emergency!
Escargoon: (Shook his Head) Nah, man. I saw the whole thing played out while you were in the bathroom that entire time. They both did ya dirty.
Dedede: Damn.......Well, about that one chick named Susie?
Escargoon: Never returned your calls.
Dedede: Uhh... Stacy?
Escargoon: Left the moment you stepped out of the table.
Dedede: Brenda?
Escargoon: Practically uses your riches and status to get what she wants until the day she broke up with you.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened Before Slowly Turning to Anger) Motherfucker! So that's why one of my debt cards was unusable at the time!
Escargoon: Yep. That girl left you down and dry.
Dedede: (Facepalms Himself While Groaning) Oh lordy......You think I should try those online dating sites everyone kept yammering on about or.....
Escargoon: (Sighs While Shrugging) I say uou're better off not signing on to any of them, but if you still want to, then go for it. I just wish you the best of luck.
Dedede: Thanks, man.
Back at the Café
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened in All at the Chocolates Inside the Heart Shaped Box) Oh my.....There's so many different designs on each chocolate.
Morgana: So.e them have different flavor to them to. Milk, Dark, White, even the Ruby one. I didn't know which one were your overall favorites, so we decided to make all of them in four of those flavors and see where it goes from there. (Looks Away in a Bit of Shy Manner) So I hope you enjoy.
Lavenza takes piece of one of the chocolates out of the box and eats it. As she tastes it for the first time, her eyes begins to glitter and shine for a few seconds before closing them and placing both of her hands on her cheeks while enjoying every second of it with a simple moan.
Lavenza: So divine and tasty~
Morgana: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Really? I-It isn't too salty or sweet for you, is it?
Lavenza: Mona-Chan. It's neither of those things at all. (Giggles Softly) I just said that it was divine and tasty~
Morgana: R-Rigjt, right. You did say that....('Sigh') Sorry. I was worried you wouldn't like it all that much.....
Lavenza: (Gives Mona a Reassuring Smile) There's no need for you to worry, my dear. I would've llove any chocolates you would give me- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Oh no.....
Morgana: (Starts Getting Worried Again) What's wrong?
Lavenza: I don't have a box of chocolates of my own to give you! (Quickly Looks and Search For Something Inside her Blue Purse Before Sighing) And I don't think I have enough money to buy you one from a nearby store. This is a disaster!
Morgana: (Gives Lavenza a Reassuring Smile of his Own) Y-You don't have to worry about all of that, Lavenza. I don't mind not having chocolates this time around
Lavenza: Are you certain?
Morgana: I'm positive. All that matters to me right now is that you would get yours, nothing else to it. Besides, there's always next year.
Lavenza: You're right......(Nodded in Determination) Very well. I may have failed to give you chocolates this year, but I will do whatever I can to make them for you next year!...With assistance of course.
Morgana: (Chuckles Lightly) Can't wait. I'm sure it'll be amazing.
Lavenza: I hope that will be the case too. But still.....Morgana.....
Morgana: Hm?
Lavenza: (Picks The Box Up From the Table, Holds it in the Palm of her Hands, and Shows it to Morgana in a Bit of aProposal Like Fashion) Would you like share this box of these remaining, delicate chocolates with me?~
Morgana: (Eyes Widened) Seriously? You sure you wanna do that?
Lavenza: (Happily Nodded) Why of course. It wouldn't feel right to eat these by myself, especially when you don't have one of your own. So there's no one I would rather share them with than with my sweetheart of a boyfriend~
Morgana: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure, Genuine Happiness His Girlfriend's Words) Lavenza.....
Lavenza: Yes?
Morgana: Have I.....(Starts Blushing Again) Ever told you how much I love you as of late?
Lavenza: You have. Yesterday, the day before that, a few more days before that...hmmm....Now that you've mentioned it, i believe that you have been telling that ever since the day we made our newfound relationship official. So much so that I'm already losing count.
Morgana: (Eyes Widened Yer Again) Ah crap. Really? ('Sigh') I didn't mean tell you that too much. I'm sorry-
Lavenza: (Immediately Grab Old of his Hands Softly) No. Please do not apologize for telling me those three lovely words. It shows how genuine and sweet you truly are. (Gives Morgana the Brightiest, Loving Smile He Has Ever Seen) And it's all the more reasons why I love you too.
Mona's heart starts making once more before pulling Lavenza into a loving hug, which she happily gives to him in return.
Morgana: I'm so glad we're together.
Lavenza: Me too~
????: (Muffled) Awwwww~
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened a Little at What is in Front of Her) Um...Mona-Chan?
Morgana: Hmm?
Lavenza: Do not be alarm, but....(Starts Smiling Again) I believe we have company outside.
Morgana: (Pulls Away While Turning to Lavenza's Direction) Compan-(Eyes Widened Before Glaring at the Sight of a Few Very Familiar Faces at the Café's Window) Are you serious right now?
Futuba/Ann/Shiho/Makoto/Haru: (Happily Waves at the Couple) Hiiiiiii lovebirds!~
Ryuji: (Smirks Teasingly at the Couple) How's it going?
Futuba: Not for too long~ (Starts Smirking) We just came at the right moment is all~
Yusuke: Your bond and care for one another have moved us so thoroughly.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) Why, thank you!~
Morgana: Lavenza, PLEASE don't encourage any of these jerks right now.
Haru: (Immediately Gives her Son a Motherly Glare) Mona-Chan! We're not jerks! We're you're friends and family.
Ren: Exactly. Buuuuuuuuut to ask for the billionth time.....(Puts on a Teasing Smirk as Well) When's the future wedding?
Morgana: ('Groans in Annoyance') Just get your butts in here before I KEEP YOU GUYS OUT THER MYSE-
Sojiro: (In the Other Word) Don't even think about locking them out, Lover Boy!
Lavenza: (Giggles Softly at Mona's Dispense)
Morgana: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, boss!....(Turns to Lavenza) Let's just get this day over with already.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) Let's!~
Happy Late White Day Everyone!!
Human Morgana Idea I'd Once Again Inspired by the lovely @soaptaculart
15 notes · View notes
It Was Always You
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A/N- HEY HEY! This was our first time writing for Coco and we had so so so much fun and we are now starting to feel our boy Johnny more. (or at least I know I am- Britt)
Cheers to Coco, the man who deserves so much more than he has been given thus far! 🥰😘😍
We also have a group chat that you can join and we will post our fic updates in that! 
Thanks so much everyone! We love youuuu!!! 
Imagine: You and Coco grew up together. The pair of you were the best of friends, inseparable right up until he met the woman who would eventually become the mother of his child. From there, you started studying hard in an attempt to get out of Santo Padre and into New York's best writing program. Coco on the other hand spiraled out of control, he was incarcerated and then later he enlisted into the marines. You kept tabs on him, but ultimately you focused on school. You got into the writing program of your dreams, you moved to New York and everything was perfect...so yeah, every now and then you had to ignore the voice in your head that told you that you missed Coco and should call him..but you leaned to cancel that voice out.
Every year for your parents birthday you would facetime them and send them a gift in the mail. As a huge editor to a very popular magazine, you couldn't afford to take time off. This year however, your father was sick, and you knew you needed to see him.
So you packed your bags, jumped on a plane and flew out to Santo Padre. The entire flight you were nervous and you kept fidgeting in your seat.
You had not set foot inside Santo Padre since you were 19 years old. You were in your early 30s now. So many things had changed, but deep down you knew in your soul that one thing remained the same....
Your love for Coco.
You parked in front of your parents’ home, letting out a sigh. Driving through Santo Padre, memories hit you left and right, thinking of shooting the shit with your cousins, sneaking out to smoke some weed at the outskirts of town around a bonfire. 
Santo Padre held such sweet memories for you, but they were also bittersweet. You passed by the park where you and Johnny used to play as children, your love for him growing from there. You passed by the elementary school where you and Johnny held each other down during the third grade, shared lunch since Celia was the worst fucking mother. You passed by the middle school where you realized you had a crush on your best friend. You passed by the high school where you and Johnny eventually grew apart. 
Coco, it was a nickname you fondly gave him, a nickname you made for him and it just stuck. You can’t even recall why you called him Coco, but here you two were now, apart and strangers. But you had to do what you had to do. Seeing Coco with another woman was hard enough, knowing they had a child? It was even worse. But in some ways, you were happy for Coco, it was his chance to have a family.
Even though your family was essentially his. Your parents adored Johnny Cruz. He was always so good with them, helped your mother whenever he was over, learned the ins and outs of car mechanics with your father. He was essentially an adopted son, but when you pulled away, your parents respectively did as well. 
You were startled by the knock on your window. You looked to the side and found your father, looking frailer than usual, but a bright smile still on his face. You returned his smile and quickly got out of your car. Feeling your father’s warm embrace, it made you regret not coming home much more often. You weren’t obtuse, you knew your time with your parents were slowly dimming, it was the harsh reality of life. But you were going to make sure your father was going to be healthy so he could come visit you as he intended to later this year for Christmas. 
“How are you?” You questioned as you pulled away.
“I’m fine, your mother was overreacting. I had pneumonia, it takes the wind out of you, but I’m feeling better. I even helped Coco with this car he got for his daughter.” Your father froze at his words and he sighed. “You know we’ve been talking to Coco.”
And you did, your parents were always honest with you and when you left, they rekindled their relationship with Coco. They excused that one kid was out of the way, at least they still had their other. It made your heart clench when they said that, it was even worse when your mother wanted to update you about Coco, but you refused. No matter how much time had passed, your love for Coco was still ever present, but you figured it would.
He was your first love, and you never had closure. 
“Pops, thanks again.” His voice made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, you almost felt embarrassed how juvenile it was. “Leticia should be coming in a few hours, if she gives you shit let me know.” He couldn’t see you since your father was blocking your way. As frail as your father was, he was 6′4, 250 pounds, he covered anyone. 
“Coco, you know Leticia loves us, she can be like you, but we’ve done well with you.” Your father moved to the side and Coco’s steps halted, stopping at the middle of the street.
“Hello Johnny.”
Coco blinked a few times as he continued to stare at you. The expression that was plastered on his face made him look like he had seen a ghost.
Your father cleared his throat and that seemed to snap both you and Coco out of your trance.
“I’ll be inside…oh and Johnny, Selena is making dinner tonight if you want to stay. It's homemade enchiladas.”
Coco let out a tiny groan that made your stomach clench as the sound made your thoughts darken to a more impure path.
You felt the blood rush to your face- you had not even been home for thirty minutes and you were already thinking about dragging Coco to your old room.
You took another kick to the stomach as you remembered that Coco never belonged to you that way, he never wanted you that way and he never would. In the past you had hoped, but almost a decade had passed by and he never bothered to reach out.
If he had truly had anything to say to you he would have at least sent you a damn text message.
“Yeah- yeah enchiladas sounds good pops… I just gotta call Letty.” Coco responded
Your dad waved him off.
“Nonsense, she is welcomed too. It’s a family reunion.”
You bit down in your jaw and tried not to outwardly cringe at your dad. He truly was making this more awkward than it needed to be.
“See ya kids inside” He said as he walked off.
Coco watches your dad for a second before he looked back at you. It seemed the initial shock had worn off because he gave you a small smile and shuffled over to you.
“Damn long time no see chica, how the hell have you been?” Coco asked
His voice sent goosebumps crawling up your arms and you couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread through your body as you locked eyes with him.
“I’ve been good, busy… but ya know. Good…..you? What’s um… what’s a Mayan?” You asked as your eyes hovered on the leather kutte he was wearing.
Coco glanced down at his kutte as if he didnt wear it all the time. His eyebrows furrowed before he looked back up at you and huffed out a nervous sounding laugh.
“Its a motorcycle uh club.” He responded
You leveled him with a look, half of you wanted to push him for more information because he was clearly hiding something, the other half just wanted to catch up with him like the old days.
“Ah… so what’s been going on with you? I see you’re still stalking my parents.” You joked as you moved to pick up your suitcase.
Coco laughed and moved quickly to scoop up your bag. As he took the handle in his hand, his fingers brushed over yours and it sent a shockwave through your body that you had not been expecting.
You let out a small gasp and Coco just stared at you with his intense, soul piercing gaze.
You swallowed thickly and moved around his body so that you could make your way to the house.
“I don’t stalk, I’m welcomed here. I’m like their son they never had.” Coco joked back
You snorted but didn't respond. How could you when his joke had landed harder than he had meant for it to.
“So you and Leticia are close huh…I’m glad to hear that Johnny. If I’m being honest I was worried about you… especially since I never heard from you after I left.”
Coco stopped walking and his actions halted yours. You glanced over your shoulder and raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
“What?” You asked as he stared at you.
“I’m sorry you know…. for like never reaching out. I-I figured you were out in New York doing big things and uh..I–I didn’t want to bring you down so uh, I never reached out.”
Your heart clinched at his words and you turned your entire body around to face him. Your feet began to take on a mind of their own and you found yourself walking over to him, stopping only when you were about a foot away from him.
“Johnny…seriously? You were my best friend, I cared about you, I could have never seen you as someone who would have brought me down.”
Coco dipped his head and stared at the ground in silence as he took in your words. You desperately wanted to know what he was thinking, but you knew you couldn’t push him, so instead you stood there in silence, waiting for him to respond to you.
You sighed, somehow you always found yourself waiting for Coco Cruz.
Coco knew you were waiting for him to respond. But where does he even begin? He was sorry he basically walked away from you after he met Alejandra? That he was sorry that he didn’t have the balls to talk to you? To reach out to you? That every day for the past decade, the itch to call, to text you was always great, but it heightened during your birthday or the holidays? It was acceptable to text people during the holidays with no pretenses besides the fact it was the holidays, but you were too special to Coco for that. 
And he was a fucking idiot. 
He didn’t know where exactly it went wrong. He just knew that after he met Alejandra, you ceased to exist in his life and he didn’t even know how to make it right. If anything, he didn’t want to make it right since he spiraled out of control. If Coco was going to ruin his life, he would do it on his own, he could never drag you down with him. It would kill him, knowing he was the reason you were stuck in this god forsaken town. He got out and came right fucking back.
But not you, you were Ms. New York now. 
Missing you never became easier, but it became easier to hide it. Though during the time he was intoxicated, where his inhibitions were low, he called out for you then, it was pathetic, but he couldn’t help it. You were the best part of his life and he was blinded by everything. In hindsight, he felt that he did it himself, to let you see your potential, but he couldn’t credit your greatness to him.
You’ve reached your dreams and it was further proof that you didn’t need him, that you were much better without him. 
You waited patiently at what seemed like forever, but Coco finally opened his mouth to speak. 
“Because after what happened, how I abandoned you during your time of need, I never forgave myself for that. You may not see me as someone who brought you down, but I did. Look at where you are now, if I stayed put, you would be stuck in this fucking town with me.” He grimaced, saying it aloud hurt him much more than he would like to admit. 
“What do you mean?” You were confused as to what he was referring to. High school was tough, but it wasn’t unbearable. 
“When your abuela died, I was so fucking high, you called me ten times and I didn’t fucking answer.” You couldn’t recall that day much, the only thing you remembered was your mother holding you, trying to soothe you the best you can. 
But you guessed that was when things changed for you two. You began to stop relying on Coco, replying to his messages, but not going out of your way to talk to him. It wasn’t all on him, losing your grandmother was hard on you and the following years went by like a breeze. You immersed yourself in school work because you knew she wanted you to further yourself. 
So you did. Trying to distance yourself from Johnny, find a way out of Santo Padre and make your grandmother proud, it was your driving force. 
“It’s fine Johnny shit happens.”
“Stop that, don’t brush it off like it didn’t mean shit.”
“It’s not that it didn’t mean anything, why am I gonna hold it against you that you had a life?”
“I was your best friend, but Alejandra just had this fucking hold on me.”
“She gave you the attention you wanted, can’t fault you for that.”
“Alejandra made you feel good about yourself, there was no pretense with her. She didn’t know you well enough so whatever you gave her, that’s what she knew about you. And she worshipped you, you were basically the greatest thing since eyeliner for her. Can’t fault you for that, you loved her.” 
Alejandra did a number on your relationship. She didn’t like how close you two were, boys and girls couldn’t be friends. They could be, but Alejandra saw how you looked at Coco and made it a mission to break you two apart. 
“I gave up Letty since Alejandra turned up to be the bitch you told me she was.” And he didn’t believe you then, he told you that you were just jealous because you had no one.
But you did have someone, you had him. When those words came out of his mouth, you realized you didn’t have him after all and it hurt you, but it pushed you away, just like what he wanted to do.
“I never cared for Alejandra, but I wanted to be there for you. You were my best friend, I could swallow whatever Alejandra threw my way as long as I had you, but you know, I didn’t.” The chuckle you let out, Coco could hear how forced it was, how you were trying to make light of the situation in some ways. “But, what’s done is done. I’m glad that you’re doing well for yourself Johnny. And it seems like you’re doing well with your daughter.” You offered him a small smile. “I always knew you would be an amazing father, you wouldn’t be like Celia or your deadbeat dad. My parents would have killed you.”
“It does matter, what happened between us, how much time I let pass, it should have never happened. It killed me that I couldn’t bite the bullet and just call you, shit,” Coco sighed. “You were the best part of my life, you gave me a family and you gave me a reason to keep pushing forward.”
“Let’s not dwell on the past, I’m just glad you’re okay.” 
If you were being honest, you just didn’t want to hash it out with Johnny in the middle of the street. Your neighbors were nosey and it was not needed drama. You also didn’t want to tell him that your mother kept you updated on the latest happenings of Johnny’s life. As much as you tried to defer, your mother knew you wanted to hear how your old friend was doing. You knew about Celia, his daughter, and how he was doing better, to some extent. You didn’t know what the hell the Mayans were, but from what you gathered, they were like a family to him. “You live across the street from my parents?”
“Yeah, your pops helped me out with it and it was easy cause I served.”
You nodded your head. “Son they never had.” You shook your head playfully rolling your eyes. 
Coco couldn’t help but look at your left hand and noticed that something was missing.
“Where’s your ring?”
At the mention of your ring your left hand clenched shut. You hid it behind your back and grimaced.
“How did you….” you asked trailing off “My dad talked to you about it??”
Coco sighed and nodded.
“He didn't mention that you broke up though… or why.” He stated
“I didn’t tell him! ” You snapped. Your ex fiance was a sore subject for you, especially since you had just called off the engagement a month ago.
Coco evaluated your body language… he knew you well enough to tell that there was a story there. He didn’t want to pry or upset you, but he also needed to know what happened.
“What happened Y/N?” He asked
“It's a long story.” You replies shortly. You didn't want Coco to find out the reason you dumped Adam. Besides, who was Coco to know practically everything about you when you knew nothing about the man he was today.
“I got time. Shit….its not like I live across the street or anything”
You rolled your eyes at his dry sarcasm as you messed with the finger that used to hold the diamond ring on it.
“It's nothing Johnny….turns out Adam wasn’t who I thought he was.”
Coco gave you that intense stare again and tgrb he smacked his lips together.
“He cheated?” Coco grilled
“Amongst other things.” You shrugged.
Coco took another step forward, effectively making the distance between your bodies smaller.
“What, is he a drunk? A liar? An addict? Controlling? Abusive?” Coco listed off all the reasons he thought you would leave someone over. He gauged your reaction for each one and then stopped when you flinched at the word abusive.
“I’ll fucking kill him.” Coco growled. 
You watched his whole body transform in front of you. He went from soft and sweet to angry and murderous in two seconds flat.
You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair.
“It's over with Johnny.” You stated
‘The fuck it is!!! I’ll cut his hands off and make him eat them, then I’ll kick his ass, then I’ll kill him.“
You couldn’t help it- a chuckle escaped your lips and you shook your head. Maybe a normal person would find this declaration insane, but you knew Coco, and you found it charming that he was so upset and ready to commit literal murder in your honor.
“I’m fine Johnny, please…please just dont tell my dad. He’s already sick and I don't need him worked up over this.” You pleaded taking another step towards your best friend.
The muscle in Coco’s jaw twitched dangerously, and you knew he was still angry, but you also knew that he would keep this secret…for you.
“Fine….but lemme see this dick on the street. I’ll have him dead on the sidewalk in no time.”
You let out a loud laugh now and before you could stop yourself you threw your body into Coco’s surprised arms. Your chest hit his firm one first , and then after the shock wore off his strong arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you to him tightly.
His chin rested on the top of your head and you both took a moment to learn each other's new bodies. You breathed in his scent, a deep cologne mixed with cigarettes and leather. You memorized it and decided then that it was your favorite smell in the entire world.
Above you, Coco’s lips brushed your head as he kissed it gently.
“I missed you…” Coco whispered into your hair
“I missed you too…” you said without hesitation.
You could feel Coco’s lips pull into a smile before he placed another kiss on your head and pulled back to look at you.
“Listen mama, I gotta tell you something…. but you gotta hear me out and promise not to get mad, okay?”
You looked up at his worried face, and nodded in confusion.
“What is it Johnny?”
He inhaled and then slowly breathed out before the words tumbled out of his mouth like a stolen train.
“"After Alejandra I…I didn’t think I would fall for anyone again….she fucking wrecked me….but the day you moved away to New York was the day I realized how badly I fucked up. I..shit…I loved you more than anyone else and I didn’t even know it, shit maybe that was part of the reason she and I broke up, because I always loved you….. and I- I still do. Ya know….love you.”
You wanted to slap yourself, pinch yourself, anything that would give you painful stimuli so that you could wake yourself up. Were you still on the plane? Was the flight attendant about to wake you regarding your arrival to the airport?
It had to be a fucking dream.
For years, you’ve had different versions of this dream, you’ve had different versions as to how Coco would confess to you. One was back in high school, another one when he came to stop your wedding and another was during your Christmas visit, which was totally out of one of those Hallmark films. Regardless, you always thought it would remain a dream. That you would never hear such sweet words come from Coco.
Coco watched as you looked at him, speechless. Dread seeped in. Maybe it was too quick, this was your first meeting in so long. Maybe you didn’t feel the same way, he couldn’t blame you. What would you want with someone like him? Even his own flesh and blood didn’t want him. He was waiting for the let down, the ‘I’m sorry Johnny, I just see you as a friend’. He felt like he was taken back to high school, to where girls made him fucking nervous. But it was the worst with you because your opinion mattered most.
Just as you opened your mouth to reply, you heard your mother shriek out your name. You turned around and caught her, wrapping your arms around her. She pulled away, pinching your cheeks before pulling you into her embrace again. Coco loved your mom but for once, he was not happy to see her.
“My baby is home.” She cupped your cheeks. She turned to Coco and she clicked her tongue. 
“Johnny, cut your hair, you look so unkempt.” She sighed. “Trying to make me bring out my scissors.”
Coco laughed and shook his head. “I told you mama, I like the wind blowing through my hair.”
“Stubborn as always.” She shook her head but had that smile she always had for Coco. “Come, I prepared snacks. And don’t you even try to get out of it, I had Bishop give you the day off so we can spend family time.”
It dawned on you that your parents were trying to set up a reunion between you and Coco. While your father was sick, he was fully recovering. Your parents were such meddlers.
“I know what you’re doing.” You informed your mother.
“What am I doing baby?” She looked at you with such innocence in her eyes, it almost made you feel bad about accusing her, but you also knew your mother.
“Don’t faux innocence with me, I see you.” You playfully narrowed your eyes at your mother.
Selena laughed. “I think you need more sleep.”
The day went off without a hitch and you met Coco’s daughter, Leticia. You were grateful that Leticia hardly had any of Alejandra’s features. She was definitely Johnny’s child. Dinner was served and the laughter and conversations you all had was nostalgic. You felt like a child again, enjoying dinner with your parents and Johnny. Having Leticia as an addition was even better.
“Are you sure you’re okay with watching her tomorrow?” Coco questioned as you two made your way towards the front door.
“Not at all, as much as I want to get my nails done, I do not want to do it alone. This town pounces on you.” You’ve been gone for quite some time, you knew the people of this town never forget and they would be on you regarding the various rumors they heard through the years. “See you tomorrow Letty!”
She waved goodbye, crossing the street to go to their home. Coco watched her till she was inside. He turned to you and smiled. His confession from earlier was still replaying in his brain but you two have had no moment alone. With your parents in bed, it was just you and Coco.
“This was nice.” You commented.
Coco nodded his head. 
“Yeah it was.” He didn’t want to keep you up, it seemed like you had a busy day tomorrow. 
“Good night preciosa,” it was Coco’s nickname for you and to this day, the butterflies in your stomach still went wild.
“Good night Coco.”
He smiled and turned to make his way to his own home. He wanted to kiss you, to finally feel your lips against his, but he didn’t even know how you felt about him.
“Wait,” you called out, going down the few steps on your porch. “About earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get it, you don’t feel the same way.” The smile on his face hurt you, it was the one he gave people to show he was okay, but he was hurting inside.
“I love you.” You didn’t beat around the bush. “It was the reason I worked so hard to leave because I couldn’t be in a place where I would have to see you be a family to someone who made it a mission to drive us apart. I couldn’t bear seeing you two together because Alejandra was right, I wish I was her, I envied her.” It felt good to let it out. “I love you Coco, I loved you then and I love you now.”
Coco froze and you watched his body transform as he took in your words. At first it didn’t seem to register with him, what you said, but then his eyes widened and a smile broke across his face making him look 10 years younger.
He let out a laugh and shook his head as he half jogged over to you. His hands came to rest on either side of your face and his thumb caressed your cheeks.
“Shit, we wasted so much time when we could have just been together.” Coco whispered
You shook your head and brought your hands up to rest on his forearms.
“We didn’t waste time Johnny, we were just getting ourselves together.”
Coco huffed but didn't disagree.
“Say it again…” He said in a way that sounded like both a command and a beg.
“I love you Johnny Coco Cruz.” You said softly while you absentmindedly traced this vein on his forearms.
Coco stared at you for two more seconds before he dipped his head and connected his lips to yours. His hands slipped down to your waist and he pulled you flush to his body while he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Coco kissed you passionately, aggressively and soft all at the same time. He took control of your mouth and he had no plans on giving it back.
Coco knew that if humans didn't need oxygen to breath, he would spend his entire life kissing your lips.
Butterflies flew in your stomach and goosebumps broke out on your skin as he traced your bottom lip with his tongue. You were trying your best to keep up with his energy but he was like a man starved.
He slowly walked you backwards, your back hit the side of your house and everything faded away. All you could focus on was Coco’s lips and how they felt so perfect against yours. His hard body was firmly pressing yours into the wall while his fingers squeezed tightly into your hip bones.
You bit down on his bottom lip and he let out a small groan. You shifted your body a tad to the left and felt a shift in the energy.
What was a simple sweet, much over do, was now quickly turning into a hot, desperate attempt to get each other in bed.
You gasped as you broke free of Coco’s lips. He tried to chase after you but you pushed him backwards by his chest.
“We need to get a room…” you laughed
Coco was quick to respond. Grabbing your hand and pulling you towards his house.
“Wait, letty….” you started
Coco ignored your question and gripped your hand tighter. He walked faster and you struggled to keep up.
The next thing you knew you were standing in Coco’s living room.
“LETICIA- I need you to leave. Go hang out with Gabi.” Coco yelled
You heard Letty open her door and listened as her footsteps made their way to the living room.
“Oh great, your having sex…. just use protection. You don't want another me.” Letty said before she smiled at you and brushed past her father.
She shut the door and left you and Coco in silence. A nervous energy washed over you as Coco leveled you with a look that sent your libido into hyperdrive.
“You sure about this?” He asked
You rolled your eyes, still surprised that he was questioning your intentions. You wound your arms around his neck and pulled him closer before you smiled.
“I’m 100% sure Coco.” You whispered before you brought his lips back down to yours.
Coco lost himself in you.
Years of longing, wanting, loving, it was all coming down. He was able to push all of this for years, fucking bitches didn’t require anything, just his dick to be hard. But with you, it was different, of course it was. He didn’t want to just devour you, he wanted all of you. The cries of pleasure, the feeling of your body in one with his, he wanted it all. He always imagined how it would be to kiss you, to be with you.
This was knocking every expectation out of the park. 
He’s never made love to a woman before and he knew if he ever did, it would be with you. For years, he wanted to contact you, to swallow his nerves, his fear, his pride, but now, the wait was well worth it. You were right, you were working on yourselves and now, he would never let you go.
He pulled you closer to him, one hand cupping your face, while the other rested against your hip. You couldn’t believe this was happening, whatever you imagined before, this blew it out of the water. You never felt this when you kissed your ex-fiance. This was something else, something more.
Coco lifted you up, carrying you to his bed, gently, he placed you down and reluctantly parted with you. He looked at you as your chest rose up and down, letting the oxygen trickle in once more. Removing his clothes, he left his boxers on, making his way over to you, causing you to move back on his bed. He wrapped his fingers around your ankles, pulling you towards him. 
“These leggings are going to fucking kill me.” His hands moved up and down your legs, shivers going down your spine. You were wet, you’ve been wet, but the way Coco’s voice dipped a lower octave, the way his hand was just hovering over your clothed core, you wanted to scream. But you didn’t want to rush through it. You’ve only had a handful of partners and you knew Coco was the far more experienced one. 
He pressed two fingers against your clothed center and you let out a low moan, which in turn made him moan.
“Fuck, I’m never going to get tired of that.” Coco’s fingers went to the waistband of your leggings, pulling them down. He threw the article of clothing behind him while you took off your shirt. His eyes roamed around you, taking in every part of you. It made you flustered, flushed, and scrambled to cover yourself. He smacked your hands and made a ‘tsk’ sound. 
“Don’t let me admire my girl.”
You smiled. You were nervous, this was Coco. This wasn’t anyone else, this was Coco.
“Hey, don’t overthink it, just let me make you feel good ma.”
He crawled over to you, hovering above you, he kissed you once again, his hands were all over you. Wherever he touched, your skin burned in the most delicious way.  He slipped his fingers under the band of your underwear, teasing your aching pearl before slipping a finger inside you. Moaning into his mouth, you arched against him, one hand caressing his cheek, while the other slid down his stomach and inside his boxers. He groaned against your lips as you wrapped your hand around his cock. 
“Fuck princesa,” you took your hand out of his boxers, spitting on it before putting it back inside, sliding your hand up and down his cock just as he added another finger inside of you. 
“Fuck Coco, that feels so good.” Your ex hardly provided foreplay. He lubed it up, condom on, and you two fucked. No emotions or regard for you, it was just sex. But this, this felt so much better. 
“Yeah, that pendejo didn’t know how to pleasure you?”
You shook your head, you let out a breathy gasp as his thumb made contact with your clit. You clenched around him and it didn’t take long for him to get an orgasm out of you. You whimpered, moving your hips down to meet the thrust of his hands. Before long, you were both naked, Coco slipping on rubber. 
He tapped his cock against your folds, the tip hitting your clit. You looked at how well endowed he was, which almost made you laugh. You always thought Coco was gifted, but to confirm that suspicion? It was fantastic. 
“You ready preciosa?” 
You nodded, never more ready for anything. He bent down and kissed the tip of your nose and then he slowly pushed the head of his dick into your wet, awaiting folds.
You let out a low, broken sounded moan. Seeing Coco’s dick had been one thing, but feeling it as it stretched you out almost to the point of pain was a completely different experience.
Coco’s left hand grabbed onto the sheets by your head and he clinched them while his other one stayed firmly on your hop- helping to ease him in without hurting you.
He was so close to bottoming out, but before he could fully set himself in you, bubbles of laughter started coming out of your mouth.
Coco moved his head so that he could look at you, his body hovered over yours and he froze, mid stride, with his dick more than 80% of the way in you.
"What?” He asked
You laughed again and pushed Coco’s stray hair behind his ear.
“My mom was right, you do need a haircut.”
Coco tsked and shook his baby hairs out of his eyes.
“Don’t be jealous because my hair is more luscious than yours.” Coco joked back
You laughed some more and Coco took this opportunity to push himself the rest of the way in you. Your laughing faded off and turned into moans and despite trying his best to make this all night, he couldn’t stop the quick pace he had set from happening.
His senses were overwhelmed by you, he wanted to fuck you deep and slow, but he also wanted to fuck you hard and quick. He wanted to kiss your lips, but he also wanted to kiss your neck and map out your entire body with his mouth. He wanted to intertwine his fingers in your hair and pull just enough for it to sting but not too hard to where it pulled out your roots, but he also needed to touch every part of you.
There wasn’t enough time.
He wanted all of you- he needed all of you but the way your warm heat wrapped around his dick and pulled him in was intoxicating him more so than any drug he had ever used.
“Fuck! You feel so good. I’m never letting you go again.” Coco said into your ear.
His breath ghosted across your skin but you were too blissed out to respond. One of your hands found their way into Coco’s thick hair and the other gripped tightly onto his forearm.
Your body bounced softly as Coco rammed into you. He kept pounding your G-spot over and over again to the point where you were now seeing stars. Your moans were now just whispers, and all you could say was Johnny over and over as if you were praying to him.
He lowered his head down and caught your lips with his. He kissed you once before you broke apart and simply breathed each other's air. Your lungs were burning and your breaths were coming out ragged.
Your orgasm was quickly approaching, and despite never having sex with you before, Coco knew you were right there on the edge.
He gripped your body tighter and forced himself to slow down his thrusts.
As he did, you let out a needy whine which caused Coco’s heart to melt. Seeing how much you needed him was all he ever wanted from you. Selfishly, he wanted you to need him so that he could always be apart of your life
“Don’t worry preciosa. I got you.” Coco whispered.
His next movements were smooth and calculated. He pulled himself all the way out and before you could complain, he grabbed your legs and roughly flipped you over onto your stomach. His hands found your hips and he yanked them upwards so that your ass was sticking out and your head was down.
You glanced over your shoulder and locked eyes with Coco as he pushed back into your pussy. He let out a groan and your head fell back onto the bed. You gripped the seats as the muscles in your stomach clenched.
You were so close, so fucking close you just needed–
Coco knew what you needed. Fuck he always knew. He moved his body so that it draped over you more, and his long arm reached under you and his fingers found your clit. He began to rub on it and press down on it while he fucked into you with a precision that was blinding you.
Your body was overheating and shaking, your mouth was spilling Coco’s name along with a stream of cuss words and you knew that if you didnt come soon, you would die from overstimulation.
Coco let out another moan and he wrapped his free arm around your waist and yanked you up, making your back flush with his chest. The new angle caused you to let out a louder scream. Coco pressed on your clit harder and started licking at your neck.
It only took two more thrusts before your body broke. Your legs shook so badly that they threatened to give out on you, your moans suddenly cut off and your breath left your lungs. Stars exploded behind your closed eyes and you realized that this is what they talked about when people said orgasms were like little pleasure bombs.
Your body was lit up with ecstasy and you rode it for as long as you could before your limbs went numb and refused to hold you up and longer.
Coco eased you down onto the mattress, still on your stomach. He pushed your legs together and straddled you as he gently pushed on your lower back and fucked in and out of you.
“Shit Y/N. This pussy is addictive.” Coco groaned out
You pushed your ass back as best as you could- attempting to meet Coco’s rough thrusts head on. Based on the way he was moaning and cursing you must have been doing a good job, so you kept doing it until you felt his thrusts becoming shaky and uneven. The fingers on your back dug into your skin causing you to hiss in pleasure.
You turned your head to the left and let out some breathy moans.
“Johnny…I… I need you to come for me. Come for me please.” You begged
“Fuuuuck, you’re sinful as shit and I love it.” Coco groaned out.
He thrusted into you a couple more times before he stilled.
You couldn’t feel his seed due to his condom, but you could feel his dick pulsing in you and your needy walls contracted around him, begging him to rip that stupid condom off and fill you properly.
After a couple of minutes, Coco gently pulled out of you. You slowly rolled over and groaned as your back popped slightly.
You tracked Coco as he made quick work of peeling his condom off and taking it to the trash can in the corner of his room.
You sat up on your elbows and admired him from afar. You cataloged every tattoo and vowed to ask him the story behind each one.
“Imma add today’s date to them…” Coco said as he caught you staring.
“To what?” You asked in confusion as he made his way back over to you.
The bed dipped as he climbed on it and crawled in between your still shaking legs.
“My tattoos. I’m getting today’s date tattooed on me.”
“But…why?” You laughed out
Coco smirked and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“It's the day you and I changed forever. The day I got to be with my true love. Why wouldn’t i want that on my body as a reminder.”
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A/N: I got a tiiiiny bit of power and my first thought was my need for validation through my fanfiction lol. Hope you enjoy!
<This is Part 1!> / Part 2 Here!
- You’re in the middle of a blizzard, reading to pass the time, the power cuts in and out- giving you just enough time to scramble about trying to make your home just warm enough so you don’t freeze to death
- You sigh when it flickers off again, taking a sip from the hot drink you managed to make while you still had electricity
- Eyes turn back to the book in your hands, with the poor cell reception, and lack of television you’ve found the only thing you can bear to do it read and sleep
- Only occasionally withdrawing from both to eat whatever cold meal you can
- You’ve settled on reading the Harry Potter books, easy enough to read, even in your current condition
- The books are waterlogged, in terrible condition, you treated them quite rough when you were a child, though not all the blame is yours
- It’s an eclectic group, some hardcover some paperback, some borrowed from friends and never returned, some you got as a good deal at your local used bookstore
- You smile when you see all the parts with Fred and George are highlighted
- They always were your favorites
- You stiffile a yawn, you’re just getting to a good part-
- But a small rest won’t hurt will it?
- You feel your eyes drift close
- When they open again you’re looking at rolling hills, a wisp of steam curling into your view every so often
- Huh what a nice dream
- You close your eyes again only to feel a sharp sting in your neck that your eyes shoot open
- You don’t feel pain in dreams
- You’re in a train compartment an empty red bench in front of you
- You’re alone, the green hills rolling by outside the window
- You’ve seen this type of scenery before maybe in a movie, or a book-
- It looks a lot like something out of Harry Potter
- Your thoughts come to an abrupt hault, the memories slowly filtering in
- You’re a witch- your parents passed away in the first war, and you were brought up by your muggle godfather
- Don’t be mistaken, this isn’t some unfortunate Harry-Potter orphan story, your god father loved you a lot
- Even though he was a bit of a sl*t, the revolving circus of women that left his room every Sunday was practically your childhood form of television
- You even did a report on it in muggle school, high left several faculty members feeling concerned
- Still he loved you a lot, and he tried to be as honest as he could about your heritage, and your parents
- But well- he was a muggle, there was only so much he could do
- Still, he took you to kings cross himself, taking you to your gringott’s safe where your parents meager savings had increased by ten fold over the years, helping you pick your wand and books
- “Now I can’t go with you onto the platform, so write and let me know when you’ve reached safely alright?” You nodded, as he pulled you into a hug
- “I’m going to miss having you home”
- “But now you can bring women to the flat whenever you want” You were only joking but it makes him sniffle
- “I’d trade all of that to have you at home for just a few more years”
- You only pat his shoulder reassuring him you’ll be back during the holidays
- You had tried your hand at a few spells, but nothing drastic
- You were excited to see what Hogwarts would bring, what you might learn, and the friendships you might build
- You were so excited that you didn’t sleep all night, finally succumbing to a nap when you collapsed in an empty compartment
- And that brings you to the present, where you’re practically sweating buckets in the red bench.
- Okay, so you’re in Harry Potter now- some how
- And yeah, you’ve always kinda wished you could go to Hogwarts-
- But not like this!
- For one every book, like 3 kids die
- Even the cute ones, like Collin Creevey-
- And honestly if a main character like Fred Weasley died, what chance do you have at surviving?
- You’re probably just one of those nothing characters that dies at the battle of Hogwarts- if not sooner
- You look down at your hands
- Not to mention you’re suddenly eleven years old
- How many times did you have a nightmare you suddenly had to go back to middle or high school again because apparently you missed a class?
- Well this is like a nightmare come true
- You look under your shirt, holding the neck out only to sigh
- It’s your body still, you vaguely remember looking like this when you were younger
- But god-
- It’s like a strangers body at this point
- Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
- your goal right now is to survive
- A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts
- “Change into your robs, we’re getting close” a muffled voice says from the other side and you sigh
- Of course you are
- You sigh as you pull out your plain black wizards robe, almost looks like a graduation gown to be honest
- And that’s the uniform here is it
- Strange
- As you tug on the sleeves you think how you’re going to get out of this
- If you’re right the year is 1990, a year before Harry Potter shows up
- Okay so as far as you know- nothing really happens this year
- You don’t have to worry about all the Pureblood crap because both your parents were wizards, so you’re a half blood at least
- Now it’s all about house-
- If the books are 100% accurate then it’s between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Snape will turn a blind eye to any of your transgressions because of favoritism
- And McGonagall would go to bat for you if the circumstances were unfair
- Still- the Slytherin house seemed problematic what with the old money in that group
- Not all of them were probably like that- just the most prominent characters- you’d really rather not get involved with all that if you could
- And then- Gryffindor was even worse, you might be safe this year, but next year you would be plagued with death flag after death flag- no thanks
- Sprout seems nice enough, but you’re not too sure about that common room, in the dungeons- hard pass
- That leaves Ravenclaw, Flitwick seems nice enough, and the dorms are in a Ravenclaw tower
- Luna Lovegood will be there soon, and well, that could be pretty fun
- So you’ll try for Ravenclaw you think- pulling on your bag and joining the horde of students
- You’re about to join the other first years when you feel a tug on your bag.
- You turn towards the feeling to see two identical boys, a splatter of freckles across their nose, and flaming red hair
- “Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?” The taller of the two asks, a grin curled onto his lips, and his eyes full of stars
- You only nod
- They’re both looking at you like they’ve just seen a movie star and you can’t figure out why
- You’re only eleven years old after all, what could you have possibly done?
- “Was you Mum-“ the shorter starts
- “Was she the famous auror?” The other finishes
- Ah- of course
- Your mother was indeed a famous war hero, known for her noble efforts during the war
- Your god father had told you that at least
- “I’m George, and this is Fred” the shorter - George- says jerking his thumb to his twin
- Oh
- So they’re Fred and George Weasley?!?!
- Honestly you should have known by the red hair
- You can’t believe you’re meeting some of your favorite characters
- You stick your hand out, hoping it’s not too sweaty
- “(Y/N),” you say, “but you already knew that”
- George grins as he takes your hand first, with Fred repeating the motion
- “What house do ya think you’ll go to?” Fred asks
- “We hope you’re aiming for Gryffindor” George adds with a sly grin
- You can feel your face warming up under their gaze
- Alright- change of plan- you’ll try to get into Gryffindor so you can be friends with George and Fred
- It’ll be a little risky, but until the end they weren’t really in any of the serious adventures.
- Besides maybe if you hang out with them, you can save Fred near the end
- “Maybe” you smile at them, hearing a voice call your name for a carriage
- “See you around!” You wave goodbye, stepping into you assigned carriage with a group of other first years
- It’s sort of a mismatch, you don’t quite recognize anyone in here
- Than again the children an age above Harry were never really mentioned
- “Ugh I can’t believe my glasses broke, what rotten luck” a girl besides you says- you turn to see a girl with long dark hair, fiddling with a pair of broken glasses in her hands
- “Ah here, can I?” You ask, holding out your hand, and the girl wordlessly hands you her glasses
- Your murmur a spell and watch as the metal expands curling until it wraps around the broken edge, resembling intertwined vines
- “It’s not the best, but it’ll do for now”
- It’s only when you look up to hand the girl back her glasses that you notice everyone’s watching you
- “How did you do that?” A boy asks, and you shrug
- “Oh well I just said the incantation-“
- “I’ve never heard that one before” another girl murmurs
- You shrug again
- “Anything can be an incarnation of you just put enough feeling into it right?”
- The children clamor at you all at once
- It turns out the two girls were Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott- both Hufflepuff’s if you remember correctly
- Guess they were a year older than Harry in this world
- And then the boy is Blaise Zambini
- You know in the books he’s in a morally Grey area at best.
- “So like this?” He asks and you shake your head
- “You have to put your wrist into it more”
- But now, as he’s begging you to teach him the repairing charm that you cast, all you see is a little boy who wants to learn
- Change of plans, if you get into Slytherin maybe you can watch over Blaise and be his best friend
- That way he won’t get all mixed up in that Death Eater crap
- Maybe you can even get him onto your side, make a coven of witches and wizards and do some non-alignment stuff during the war
- You’re all gathered in the hall, answering a roll call from a rather lithe and strict woman- professor McGonagall no doubt
- After that you’re left waiting, and feeling somewhat bored, and somewhat like you may have had too much pumpkin juice- you hobble off into the corridor looking for a bathroom
- “Hurry back I think we’re about to go into the sorting ceremony” Blaise says and you nod
- You do not, in fact, hurry back
- Because after relieving yourself- you are incredibly lost
- It doesn’t help that all the portraits keep on shuffling around, or that all the corridors here look equally dark
- It’s only on your third time around the portrait of a woman eating an apple do you see what appears to be a person
- “What are you doing in the corridor?” As you come closer you realize it’s a boy, a yellow and black striped tie around his neck. “Shouldn’t you be at the feast?”
- He’s quite pretty, with thick brown hair and rosy cheeks
- “I went to the bathroom and got lost,” you hear him murmur first year and raise an eyebrow “What’s your excuse?”
- He lets out a laugh, running a hand through his hair
- “That’s fair,” he admits. And then after a moment he says:
- “I’m hiding”
- Your eyebrows thread together
- “Like from a crazy ex lover or..?”
- He laughs again, shaking his head
- “No, from my professor.” And then after a moment, before you can ask ‘is it because you’re having an affair with them’ he says:
- “They want me to be prefect for my house next year, and I don’t know how I feel about that”
- You let that sink in,
- “I know I should do it- it would give me an opportunity to represent my house, and look out for all my friends, and I’m sure my dad would be awfully proud but-“
- But it’s a lot of responsibility
- You get it.
- You sit beside him on the floor
- “You should do it-“ and before he can give a reason why you say:
- “You would get your own bathroom and I think that means a lot in a place like this”
- He laughs again, only this time the laugh leaves in loud gaffs, somehow you feel like this is the first real laugh the boy has shown you
- “I’ve heard a lot of reasons, but having my own bathroom is definitely a first”
- He looks at you in a way that makes your hair stand on end and your skin feel hot.
- “I’m Cedric, Cedric Diggory.” He says with an extended hand
- Ah, so this is pretty boy Diggory.
- He does kinda look like a young Robert Pattinson to be honest
- You take his hand in yours giving a firm shake
- “ (Y/N) (L/N) “ and you see his eyebrows shoot up
- “ (L/N) like the-“
- “ Yeah that’s my mum, the famous Auror”
- Cedric’s mouth curls up in a lopsided grin
- “I was going to say inventor- the inventor for the portable infinity box”
- Ah yes, your dad was an inventor. You didn’t know much about it though. Just that his inventions had left you a small fortune
- “My parents were both pretty remarkable huh?”
- And even though they’re not really your parents, and this isn’t really your body, you feel a little sad thinking about them.
- Before you can give Cedric a chance to offer his condolences, you stand up brushing off your robe.
- “We’ll come on Mr. Prefect in the making, show me to where I’m to be sorted” you say with a wave of a hand
- He grins
- “As you wish”
- Maybe being in Hufflepuff wouldn’t be so bad,
- and if you can manage to get close to Cedric, maybe he’ll let you use the prefects bathroom
- Huh, that does sound enticing
- Okay change of plans, you’ll get into Hufflepuff
- For the nice bathroom privileges
- When you get into the hall you feel all eyes turn to look to you
- And even though you’re an adult, you feel awfully embarrassed
- “If you get in Hufflepuff let’s get a butterbeer to celebrate, my treat..” Cedric whispers in your ear, and you catch a glimpse of the lopsided grin curled onto his face before he pushes you forward towards the group of first years
- Your face still feels hot when your name gets called
- You gulp as you move towards the chair
- Well it’s do or die- and you don’t plan on dying here
- You gulp again as the cold wood presses against your thighs as you take a seat
- All you have to do is ask for it to put you in -
- Wait
- What house were you aiming for again?
- Logic dictates Ravenclaw, it’s your best chance-
- But well, you’ve always wanted to be friends with Fred and George it just seems like so much fun
- And then, Slytherin’s not so bad, it would be nice if you could change peoples opinions about that house
- Oh and Hufflepuff might be nice too, you would have someone to look out for you- and you in turn can look out for others like Susan and Hannah
- And so it seems you’ve made peace, no matter which house the hat chooses, you’re happy with the outcome because there’s good and bad in all of them
- These things aren’t one dimensional, they nuanced. And that’s okay
- You feel the hat place on your head, and several long moments of silence pass
- .
- ..
- ...
- ....
- Shouldn’t something be happening by now?
- Like at least whispers in your ear from the hat or something right?
- “I-“ it finally chokes out
- Ah good a decision
- Well what’s your future going to be like?
- “I don’t know” the hat finally sputters, a collective gasp filling the room
- You drop your face into your hands, as small murmurs begin to spread through the tables
- “F*ck me” you mumble
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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a/n: this piece is a lil gift for by lovely friend arina ♡ (ฉันรักคุณ & ich liebe dich!!) ♡ as well as my first submission for svtredroom!! happy valentines day to you all hehe and i hope ya remember that i love you too so! much! 
~in which getting stood up on Valentines Day goes a bit more differently than you expected 
Like the Movies 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x jeon wonwoo 
Genre: fluffy smut 
Tags: valentines day au, meet cute au, mentions of food and alcohol, sexual tension, hook-up, businessman!wonwoo, wonwoo being expensive eeee, softdom!wonwoo, sub!reader, kitchen sex, oral (f receiving), bondage, unprotected sex (stay safe!!), cockwarming hehe 
Word count: 2.9k 
Tagging: @hongnanglen-arina​ @svtredroom​
He had been sitting there for at least forty-five minutes--or longer--you didn’t quite know, seeing as you had only been there for forty-five minutes yourself. In the time that you had spent waiting, watching him had become a bit of your routine; he wasn’t watching, so it wasn’t like you had been disturbing anyone. 
You couldn’t imagine why someone like him would be sitting alone on a night like this. 
Someone must’ve been a fool to think that they could leave him at that table by himself, for at least forty-five minutes, to read over the menu for the tenth time like you had watched him do. 
Granted, you had also been sitting there for at least forty-five minutes. 
Perhaps the world was much crueler than you had expected...especially on this holiday supposedly all about love and connection. 
He had perfect posture: the kind that made you assume he must’ve been a businessman or someone else important who had to train themselves to keep a strong composure. The suit that he wore was plain, although it looked as if it had undoubtedly cost him a small fortune. Every corner and pleat of the fabric had been pressed professionally and not a speck of dust or dander seemed to cling to it. His raven black hair too looked effortlessly tussled with the stray strand here and there that must have been planned. Those slender fingers of his pushed up his wire framed glasses now and then. Under the dim lighting of the restaurant, his eyes of a dark brown reflected a color of dark obsidian: both cold and testing. 
To his side, he had a tall glass of wine that he had barely touched: you thought to yourself maybe he just liked how it looked here; like he really was just waiting, and not sitting alone. 
“Have you decided if you would like to order while you wait miss?” 
Your waiter with a wispy beard leaned in to speak to you over the noise of the room. 
“Ah-no. Not yet. I think I want to wait a little longer. I think that they should be here soon.” 
“Of course,” He bowed. 
Across the room, his waiter approached him as well, likely whispering the same question. He nodded, and shooed him with the wave of his hand. Lithe fingers toyed with the stem of his glass, he he rose his head. 
In your surprise, he had turned his head over to your direction of the room, and you suddenly became much more interested in the small assortment of white and cream colored roses on your table. You could feel his gaze, but you couldn’t bring up the bravery to meet it. 
Under the table, your watch ticked tiny and nearly silent ticks as you waited for the minutes to pass by even farther. 
How long is it acceptable to wait until you accept that they’re never coming? 
In many ways, you felt pathetic and crinkled like the browning edges of those very flowers in the glass vase before you. Who in their right mind would stand someone up on Valentines Day? Out of all days of the year? 
You thought to yourself that it must’ve taken some kind of evil and unfeeling person to do so...and you were the fool to think that you would’ve thought they would have showed up. For a moment, you had thought that perhaps it would be better if you left, marched right out of that door into the winter cold, gotten a taxi to the grocery store to buy discounted valentines day candy and cherry cola, then ate it all until you gave yourself a headache. As the night drew longer, that didn’t seem like the worst idea. 
“Ma’am? I’m sorry, but we ask that if you are going to sit that you order an item...we have a waiting list still and we would prefer if you got your money’s worth.” 
You could see the remorse in your waiters eyes. Even he felt bad for you. 
Your eyes drifted to the lobster bisque that you had assumed you would have ordered had they showed up. 
Discount candy? Or lobster bisque? 
“--One order of the Burrata please.” 
He had slipped into the chair across with you as swift as a shadow, and you hadn’t even seen him coming. From this close, he was even more breathtaking. His broad shoulders seemed to take up the whole space of the seat before you, and his creeping smile held a type of mystery that was intriguing and terrifying. 
The waiter himself looked a bit surprised. “One...order of the Burrata then.” 
The man sighed, then took off his glasses with finesse. 
“It looks like you and I are in the same predicament.” His tone was deep, but still gentle. “I don’t think its fair to be alone on a night like tonight. I hope you don’t mind that I invited myself over.” 
“N-no. Not at all.” Your throat felt dry. 
Rather than respond, he smiled out in a grin that made you instantly enthralled. Even though you didn’t know him much, you knew him to be the kind of man that could wrap you around his little finger. Had it been any other day of the year, you wouldn’t have given him the time of day, but, today wasn’t any other day of the year. 
“I assume you already know what you’d like to order?” 
“Mm. Yes. I think I’ve looked over the menu just as many times as you have.” 
He folded his arms over his chest with a little chuckle. 
“I’m Jeon Wonwoo. And you are?” 
“Seems like it there’s a reason that we’re both here at the same time, and...by ourselves.” 
“Not...anymore.” You took a sip of your own wine with heart racing. 
“You’re right.” He rose his own glass into the air which he had taken from his table. “To being alone...together.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your heeled shoes fell to the hardwood floors of his apartment with a clack. His whole home seemed to be swelling with the same energy that he held about himself. It was simple, minimal, no room for anything that looked sentimental or unbecoming for someone as proper as him. The layout was mostly open with each of the rooms connecting to the other. Every item in the apartment seemed to be either gunmetal grey, or black. His kitchen was large for a relatively small apartment, and had a centerpiece of a large black marble island. 
“Espresso?” He offered as he pulled at his shirt collar and tie. 
You wondered about you, tracing your fingertips over the leather couches and spotless upholstery of his dining table chairs. The far wall of the apartment was made of floor to ceiling windows that gave a magnificent view of the city in all it’s nighttime spectral glow. Millions of lights made up the cityscape and twinkled like faraway stars from the height of his 17th floor home. From here, you could take in the whole city fully and it filled you with an unknown sense of tranquility. 
Behind you his stainless steel espresso maker made a little humming sounds, and then the air was filled with the nutty aroma of the coffee. You walked over, feeling the cold touch of the wood under your pantyhose. He placed the small cup on a saucer and presented it to you. The smell filled up your senses and it was perfectly foamy on the top. From the quality of the brew, you assumed this must’ve been his hobby. 
The both of you drank your shots in silence, and you waited to feel the caffeine rush though your body. 
You placed the cup down, “Thank you.” 
He chuckled a little, then rose his finger to wipe a bit of the foam from the corner of your mouth. Instinctually you licked your lips after with the ghostly touch of him lingering there. He licked the remnants off his finger. All at once, you felt yourself grow weaker under the weight of his obsidian eyes. A tension too held in the air as he leaned his body lower and lower...
He tasted like coffee, much as you had expected yourself to taste as well. It was startling, but he was still gentle in the way that he had pulled your frame into his body with fingers splayed across your back. On your teetering tip-toes, you struggled to keep your balance returning the heat of his mouth. He had been smiling devilishly too as his hands explored your whole body: from the curves of your hips and your shoulder blades, all the way down to your ass which he grabbed at in handfuls. It was no mystery that he had hardened against your stomach and the feeling made you keen even further in his arms. 
A deep groan vibrated his chest when your own hands explored the width of his back and clawed lightly at the fabric of his suit jacket hiding the rippling muscles underneath. He told you to continue by kissing a trail down the side of your cheek to your jaw, then to your neck where he sucked and kissed wet little reminders of adoration into the skin. Slowly, your hands snuck under the jacket and to his crinkling shirt. 
In one motion, he lifted you by the back of your thighs to the stone counter which felt startlingly cold under your nearly bare legs. Here, you were allowed a better angle to throw your arms over his shoulders and push off the thick fabric that kept you at bay. You granted yourself one little peek between the kisses to take up the way that his arm muscles flexed the white cotton. He did the same with hasty fingers going to untie the thin bow that held up your blouse. His fingers tickled you as he tore the shirt up and off your head to throw it somewhere you had no idea where. After, he set to work unclasping your bra with ease, and the same needy hands cupped at your breasts firmly, tweaking your buds in-between his index and middle. Further, he traversed down your chest to suck harshly at your hardened nipples, not even caring when his teeth had grazed them slightly. 
Your arousal had become painfully obvious in your underwear constricted by your tights. You couldn’t help but squirm feeling yourself getting wetter by the second. His teasing gaze never left you while he looked up at you with your perky nipples on his tongue. Shameless moans and breathy gasps from you filled the wide and open apartment, and got lost in the empty corners of the room. 
You felt dizzy and breathless once he had decided to stop and opted to tear his tie off his neck. 
“Can I tie your hands with this? Please?” He kissed the words into your neck and nibbled them into your ear. 
You let out a little whimper saying “yes” and offered your wrists to him. 
You would have never imagined it, but the blue silk looked even more lovely than you would’ve guessed. His eyes darkened too seeing how helpless you had become like this. It as as if he couldn’t help himself: he held your tied hands up to his lips where he kissed at your fingers and palms, giving them gifts of his pleasure to them. 
He lowered you back to lay flat on the marble counter and the cold sensation made your whole body shiver wonderfully. 
“Just relax.” He cooed while kissing down your stomach and fiddling with the zipper of your skirt. 
The heat of your core had become unbearable waiting for him, and each of his teasing touches against your inner thighs and on your sides sent you spinning for more. 
You were colder without your clothes, but soon he had granted you the rub of his thumb on your clit over your panties and a mischievous smile spread across his lips. 
“God, you’re gorgeous.” He said, pulling your thin panties to the side to take a peek. He granted one more finger to rub over you directly and mix with your slick. 
“Mm-fuck.” Your hips twisted with each of his touches and your hands writhed in the knot of his tie. 
Wickedly slow, he removed your panties from your legs, then stopped to let his hot breath swirl over your twitching clit. 
“Such a good girl.” He permitted you one kiss which elicited pathetic and needy moans from your mouth. 
Wonwoo began his tantalizing lapping: thick and slow stripes with his wetted mouth that made you tremble. It was criminal how wet he had made you, and it was obscene how each of his kisses sounded against your clit. His cat-like eyes tested you further as if to say watch what a beautiful mess I make of you. 
The mixture of cold stone on your back and the heat of your waist was terribly confusing, but you couldn’t help but get lost in it. 
“Don’t you look so pretty like this?”  
Your voice wavered and you lost yourself further in him while he continued. Your hands did feel trapped--you wanted nothing more to mess up that hair of his, and make it all yours to take in sinfully...but he didn’t grant you that pleasure. 
It didn’t take him long to build up your orgasm, and each flick over your bud, he drew you closer and closer into melting into a shaking mess over his mouth. He built you up until you were painfully sensitive, then smiled with his gorgeously white smile when you came on his tongue, even grinding slightly to ride your release which he reveled in. 
“Did you like that sweetheart?” 
Airy chuckles shook your chest and you tried your best to calm your trembling body. 
“Here, sit up.” 
Wonwoo grabbed you by your arms to help you up, and admittedly, you felt a bit dizzy yourself. 
“Grab on.” 
He prompted you to wrap yourself around him, which you were a bit hesitant of, but his now warm smile assured you that all would be well. 
“Don’t worry.” He simply soothed. 
You did so, even getting a little embarrassed over your arousal that must’ve been rubbing off on his clothes. 
He walked the two of you over to his velvety looking couch, having you sit on his lap. Even after this while, he was still as hard as before. He returned his mouth to paint kisses into yours once more, filling your mouth with adoring comments in between each one. 
“I can’t believe that you’re all mine tonight.”  
His hands returned to your breasts to kneed over them more carefully this time. 
“Would you like to ride my dick princess?” 
It had been absentminded, but you had been grinding into his lap and against his swelling dick. 
“Y-yes. Please. I-I want to.” 
Wonwoo carefully helped you off his lap to remove himself of his own pants, then guided your hips over his hardened length which was much longer and girthier than it had appeared to be hidden under his pants. 
“Take it as slow or as fast as you want, okay? We have all night.” 
Once more his smiling kisses peppered your mouth, then you lowered yourself over him, and it was near euphoric how tightly you took him in. It was effortless in the way that the tip of his head would graze your cervix just like this. Both of you groaned out your symphony of pleasure. 
“Oh fuck--” His eyes rolled. “You’re unreal.” 
Wonwoo’s fingers dug deeply into your lower back, guiding the return of your hips over his length all the while giving love bites to the soft nape of your neck. Connected with him like this, the stranger that you barely knew, you felt a sense of closeness unlike anything you had felt before. He must have put a spell on you from the way each one of his kisses and the pull of your lip by his teeth made you fall deeper into him.
Your thighs straddled him harder in all of your want: you wanted to make him one with you, to have him all to yourself even though you knew he wasn’t yours to keep. The way that his faint grunts wavered in your ears was too much for you to handle. You weren’t alone. On the night that you thought you hadn’t been wanted, he made you feel as if you were the only one there was. 
He hushed into you, “Cum for me, beautiful.” 
Your hands now untied, you raked them though his hair just as you had wanted, chasing your orgasm roughly while you made a mess of him just as he did for you. It tightened in your core, and you used every last shred of your energy to maintain your speed over him. It was exhausting, and your legs shook the closer you got. 
It flushed over your whole body, and dripped down your legs: it was electricity through each of your extremities, and then it was heat, warm as the sun that ran from the tips of your ears to your neck still throbbing from his lips pulling there, hard, as he reached his own orgasm that was left throbbing inside your walls. 
A wave of exhaustion swept over you while you clung to him and he to you. He really was unimaginably handsome this close. The side of his hand caressed down the side of your dewy face. 
“Would you like to be alone together...more?” 
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
Huge thank you to @rumblelibrary for helping me out with this chapter!
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 5
Wanda basically threw you out after breakfast. You were at Escorpión Morado bright and early. The restaurant wasn't open for another hour yet.
It was as if he had been waiting for you. The moment you reached the door, Zemo opened them and let you in. He was smiling at you instantly.
"Good morning."
You smile back and let him lock up again before he leads you into the back. He lets you put your things down and takes you into the kitchen.
There's no one about. Just the two of you.
Suddenly you're feeling rather nervous.
On the counter is everything you needed for today, but Zemo ignored all of that as he brought in some coffee for you. You smiled as he handed over the cup, his fingers brushing against yours. You tried not to let it show that the little touch had affected you.
He had done it on purpose, not that he would tell you that. He just wanted an excuse to touch you a little. Zemo's way of flirting was less obvious sometimes.
He smiles that charming smile at you.
"I'm glad you agreed to help," he says, smile not once faltering.
"You're hard to say no to."
He likes that answer. He chuckles and sips his coffee.
"What are we making?"
"Paella! A proper paella."
"A proper paella?"
"A good paella takes a couple hours to make. I have everything I need, we just have to make it. I'm going to teach you how to cook like a chef," he winks at you.
"When is he coming?"
"This afternoon. That's why I asked you here so early."
"I don't mind. I'm happy to help, though I'm not sure how helpful I'll actually be," you offer and awkward smile. You feel out of place in his kitchen.
His kitchen. This was his domain. Helmut knew it inside and out. He knew every corner. He knew where every utensil lived, every pot and pan, every herb and spice. This was his kingdom and he had let you in.
It felt like an honour to be here.
"Should we start?" You ask, looking at the items he had set out. You felt rather intimidated.
Zemo glances up at the clock.
"Not yet. We have time."
"Alright, I trust you," you smile softly.
"Good. I have one condition while you're in my kitchen."
"What is it?" You felt even more nervous now.
"You have to call me chef. It's the only name I have in here," he grins, mischievously.
Your face felt warm.
"Yes, chef," you say, almost shyly.
"That's more like it," he says, sipping more of the delicious coffee he had made.
You had no idea how you were going to survive in here. With the constant concentration you would be putting in, to the way he looked at you, and now calling him chef, you're not sure your heart could handle it all. It felt as if there was a spell over you and you couldn't break it.
When you had both finished your coffee, he took the cups and put them to the side. He disappeared for a moment, only to return with aprons in hand. He smiles as be holds one out to you. You take it and put it on.
"Are you ready to make something so delicious, you'll never want to eat anything else again?" He asks, chuckling.
"That's quite the statement, chef."
For now he will pretend you actually calling him that wasn't sending his heart soaring and his mind racing. Instead he will act as normally as he can as he spends these next few hours with you.
"It's the truth. Until you have tried a real paella, you haven't experienced anything," he winks at you.
Helmut preps the paella pan.
"I've prepped everything, we just have to cook it."
"I've never cooked paella before," you tell him, looking at him in worry.
"Don't panic, I'm right here. I'll guide you."
That smile he gives you reassures you. You're in good hands.
He pours in the olive oil and sprinkles salt in a circle around the edge of the pan. He's smiling as he does it. You should be watching his cooking, but your eyes are drawn to his face instead. You could look at him for hours.
He knows you're looking. He can feel your eyes on him. He turns his head slightly, eyes flicking to you. His smile becomes a smirk as he meets your gaze.
You become flustered.
"The chicken and rabbit, if you would," he nods over to where meat was waiting.
You hand them over. He pops them into the pan with a flourish and looks at you with a little grin.
"We're going to brown the meat, so in the meantime, tell me what you and your friend have been up to."
"She took me bowling yesterday. She used to go with her brother."
"Ah yes, I know where she took you. I've never actually been."
"No. I have spent a majority of my life in a kitchen," he chuckles. The sound makes you smile.
"I can believe that. Have you always wanted to be a chef?"
"Yes. Ever since I was a boy. I take pride in what I do. If it's not perfect, it doesn't get served, and nothing I have ever made has never not been perfect."
You smile as he grins at you. Those are easy words to believe.
"I wish I could cook like you."
"You could if you learnt how."
"I never seem to have the time to learn," you say, softly. He glances at you, seeing a longing look in your eyes as you look at the meat in the pan.
"Would you like a go at turning them? They need to be brown on both sides."
"Uh, sure."
"Don't worry, I'll be right here."
You take over from him. Zemo stands so close next to you, eyes on the food as you turn the meat over. You're so very aware of how close he is to you. You're doing everything you can to keep focused on the cooking.
After 20 minutes pass by, he takes over again. He pushes all the meat the sides of the pan and nods over to the green beans he had prepped earlier.
"Could you pass me those, please?"
You nod and hand them over. He puts them into it the centre of the pan, right in the middle of the ring of chicken and rabbit.
He sautès them.
"I could teach you to cook. Honestly. It would be my pleasure to be your teacher."
"That's a nice offer, but I'm here with Wanda. I should spend as much time as possible with her."
"Except, you're here now," he smirks.
"Well, yeah... you asked me here."
"And I'm asking you again."
"I'll have to go back home at some point. How much could you teach me in just a few days?"
He looks you in the eye.
"A lot, but what if you didn't go home. What if you stayed here. You could find a home in Sokovia, I could see you every day."
You look away with a chuckle.
"I would say you're crazy."
"Somebody has to be. Without crazy people, nothing would get done. If you go home, I'll be left here missing you."
"You would miss me?"
"Of course I would. You're special."
He says this without looking at you, concentrating on the cooking, but you knew he meant it. It was the way he said it.
Helmut adds garlic and then butter beans.
"This already looks so good," you say, smiling at the both the look and scent of the food.
"Wait until it's finished."
It feels a shame to know this was for Tony Stark. You would love nothing more than to dig in to this paella yourself.
"Would you like the honours of adding the paprika?"
You nod and add it to his instructions. You add the crushed tomatoes and watch as he mixes everything together.
Now he adds the water. Being the professional he is, he knows exactly the ratio to add. He has very obviously done this many times before. You're almost mesmerized by him.
He lets it simmer.
"If you did move here, you wouldn't have to worry about a job. You would be very welcome in my restaurant."
"You're serious about this, aren't you?" You look at him.
You smile softly.
"I can't just up and leave everything."
"Do you have someone waiting for you back home?" He asks, avoiding looking at you. It would make sense to him that you would have. He should have checked before hand, because now he feels a fool.
Nevermind. He's over the moon.
"Then why are you hesitating?"
"Because I don't know what I would do here. You're offering me a job, you're asking me to move out here. You don't even really know me. I'm just someone you met last year while on my holiday."
"I know enough about you to know you're special and magnificent. I know enough to like you. I would hate to say goodbye not knowing when or if you would return."
"I've really made an impact on you, haven't I?"
"Sí," he grins at you again.
"Since you're being so honest with me, then I suppose it's only fair I'm honest with you."
"You have also made an impact on me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we met. I'm in love with your food, your restaurant. I admire everything you have done to keep your father's business alive. I love your country and want nothing more than to stay."
"So stay."
"I... I don't think I can."
He looks back at the food, lowering the heat to let it simmer some more. He thought he was so close to having you, but perhaps it's just not meant to be.
"Can't blame a man for trying."
You hate the way he sounded so defeated. It didn't suit him at all.
"Ah ah, what did I say?" He looks at you, turning that confidence back on.
"Chef, right."
"Yes. I only have one name in my kitchen, remember it."
Helmut adds the rice to perfection. He puts down the wooden spoon, that he had used to mix everything, and stands over it. Now it's all about the heat.
Zemo glances at you. You're looking at the pan. He uses your distraction as a moment to admire you.
You're so beautiful. So stunning.
He wants you to stay so badly. It's so very selfish of him, but he wants it. He's not prepared to let you go, not when he wants to see you every single day, speak to you every single day, teach you, work with you, be around you every single day.
You're something so special and this chef is so worried he will lose you.
You're looking at him. He turns his head quickly to adjust the heat.
He knows the exact moment it's done.
"This is a paella," he says, smiling down at the finished project. You smile at it. It smells wonderful.
Before you can day anything, Sam enters the kitchen.
"It's almost time."
Looking up at the clock, you hadn't noticed how much time had passed. Helmut had cute a lot of the time off by preparing the ingredients before hand, but cooking the paella took up quite a bit of time.
"You make sure the table is perfect, Sam. We will bring out the rest momentarily."
Sam nods and heads back out front. You removes your apron, placing it next to Helmut's on the counter and watch as he sorts himself out.
"How do I look?" He asks, looking at you.
"Handsome as always, chef."
He grins, winking at you. He swipes at your cheek quickly, brushing away something you couldn't see. He won't tell you there wasn't anything there, he just wanted an excuse to touch you in some way.
"Shall we?"
"You want me to come with you?" You ask, shocked me would even want you there.
"Of course. We did this together, we should see it through together."
You smile.
Helmut holds out his hand. You take it. It's bigger than yours, warm too. He leads you out front.
Tony Stark enters the building with another man. They both look around the place. You both stop to greet them near the entrance. Zemo doesn't let go of your hand as he smiles at the two men.
"Welcome to Escorpión Morado. I am Helmut Zemo, the owner and the chef," he smiles as introduces himself.
"We've met, but this Stephen Strange. He's investing in my restaurant. Who is this?" Stark turns to you.
Zemo let's go of your hand in favour of placing it on your back as he smiles at you.
"This is Y/N, a dear friend of mine who has helped me prepare your meal for the day."
Tony looks you up and down.
"This way, if you would." Sam guides the two men to the table that been set up specifically for them. With a nod from Sam, Zemo goes back into the kitchen to fetch the paella. Sam serves them drinks.
You stand there, looking between them both.
Both men a wearing expensive looking suits, and they smell expensive too. It seems strange to you that these two men are opening a restaurant. They didn't come off as the foodie types... more businessmen.
Sure, owning a restaurant is half business, but it should also be full of passion, love and life. It's more than just business.
"Does he pay you well?"
"I'm sorry?" You look at Stark.
"Does he pay well?"
"I, uh... I don't work for him. I'm just helping him today."
"Do you cook?"
"Not on this scale."
"At least you're good looking," he sighs, looking at you over the frame of his shades.
Sam clears his throat, looking at you. You find yourself moving to stand next to him. He smiles softly at you, so you smile back, silently thanking him.
Helmut returns.
Stark and Strange watch as places the paella pan on the table and stands back.
"What's this?"
You frown. How could he not recognise such an iconic dish. Even if you hadn't been travelling around Europe last year, you would know how to recognise a paella.
"Paella. A real paella. Dig in."
"From the pan?"
"No other way to eat it. This is traditionally how paella is eaten. You'll enjoy it."
Stark and Strange look at each other.
They dig in.
"Make sure to get some of the socarrat from the bottom. It's delicious!"
You smile at the way he encourages them, but neither man looks impressed.
Helmut stands with you and Sam as the two gentleman eat.
The seconds tick by incredibly slowly. The two men look at one another as they eat. There's a silent conversation taking place, you can feel Zemo becoming nervous the longer it goes on. You reach out and brush your hand with his. He looks down at your hands, taking yours in his softly.
You offer him a smile.
Both men stand from the table, you both turn to look at them, burrowing your brow at them. They dab at their mouths with their fancy handkerchiefs and turn to you.
"Well, that's something anyway. Good to know we don't have much competition around here. Thank you for your time, we shall be on our way now."
Stark drops an envelope on the table.
You can feel Zemo's hand grip yours a bit tighter now. He's angry.
Both men make their leave without saying anything more. Once they cross the threshold, Zemo storms off into the kitchen without a word.
He doesn't look back.
Glancing at Sam, he nods at you. You hurry after Zemo, but stop when you reach the door. Crashing sounds come from within. An angry yell. Things clattering to the floor.
You push open the door quickly.
Helmut pushes everything off the countertops, throwing dishes at the wall. He grips his hair with one hand, messing up the neat style it had previously been resting in.
You would find his Spanish endearing if not for the word itself, or the fact he was beyond angry.
Tony Stark had insulted him in the worst way possible.
He stops, back turned to you. He runs a hand down his face, using the other one to hold his weight as he leans against the nearest counter.
"He's wrong. You are competition. No food compares to what you make, and I'm not just saying that. He will never be able to make anything that compares to anything you make. Do you know how I know? Because you make your food with love. You enjoy every dish you put out. You make your own food in your own restaurant."
He doesn't say anything, just listens.
"Tony Stark has nothing compared to Helmut Zemo, and soon he will see that."
Zemo turns around slowly. He looks at you. All rage melts from his eyes when they land on you. He sighs softly.
"Thank you."
You smile.
He doesn't smile back, but you know he is truly grateful.
Sam enters the kitchen, the envelope from before now open in his hand. You look at him, taking in the expression on his face.
"I think you'll want to read this."
"What is it?" Helmut asks.
"An invitation."
You share a look with Zemo. Suddenly a cold sweat runs down your back. Dread fills every bone in your body.
Helmut steps forward and takes it from Sam.
You wait as he silently reads it.
He looks up at you.
"We're invited to dinner."
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb @my-blood-is-maple-syrup
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writinglizards · 4 years
No One Else
Summary: Jaskier hates winters and he hates Yule time, especially.
How is he supposed to spend the holidays with his loved one when his heart is in the Blue Mountains, tucked away safe in Kaer Morhen?
Read on Ao3
Jaskier hasn't spent many Yule holidays with people he cares about, family or otherwise.
As a boy, he remembers a few Yules, but mostly his parents had gone off to bigger, grander Yule celebrations at the homes of other, more influential nobility, leaving Jaskier and his siblings at home. There may have been a few, insincere gifts as a child, but even those tapered off as he grew older. Then he'd been old enough for school and he’d spent...remarkably little time at home, even on the holidays. And then he'd gone off to Oxenfurt and never looked back.
Oxenfurt is more his home than Lettenhove ever was, but his Yules here are still mostly lonely. As a student, he'd been one of the few not to return home for the holidays and had spent most of them, therefore, shut up in his dorm writing and composing as if it were a normal night. As a lecturer? It's not much different, only a nicer set of rooms. There's no point visiting siblings he hasn't seen in years or spending the night down in a tavern with the rest of the sad sacks.
The only person he wants to spend his time with retreats into the mountains every winter and wouldn't stay in Oxenfurt even as a last resort. Jaskier knows, he's offered him lodgings here over the winter before and Geralt has always been quick with a reason he can’t accept. It’s a standing invitation, but Jaskier knows he’ll never take him up on it--he’s just lucky Geralt lets him stick around the rest of the year.
This year, they'd parted much earlier than normal. Geralt had been following a contract south and Jaskier had needed to be in Ellander for a festival and things just hadn't lined up. They'd parted before the first leaves had even begun to fall and Jaskier hates that he'd missed so much time with Geralt this year. After all, it's only a matter of time until he decides he's done humoring him and letting him tag along. He's lucky to have squeezed so many years out of the witcher already--each subsequent year is a gift and Jaskier is terrified of when they will finally end.
Either way, he hasn't seen Geralt since before the first turn of fall and he's missing him terribly, not that that's new at all. He always misses Geralt when they're apart, but winters are...harder. The chill reminds him of cool evenings camping under the stars, the snow always inevitably makes him think of Geralt's hair, bright in the sun, the lit holiday candles always glimmer in a way that makes him think of gold eyes in the dark.
Winters have never been Jaskier's favorite season, but missing Geralt makes them so much harder. Yule is always somehow the hight of that pain--the holiday meant to celebrate the year, to be spent with those you love--and Jaskier spends each and every one alone.
There's a knock at the door and Jaskier reluctantly uncurls from brooding in the armchair by the fire and goes to answer to find one of the attendants that runs the building. It's bizarre to have a personal visit in general, but especially on the night of Yule.
"Master Jaskier?" He's...nervous?
"Yes, Nichol?"
"There's ah...someone here to see you? We didn't let him in because you hadn't said--"
"It's fine, Nichol," who could possibly be here to see him? "Send him up, won't you?" He moves as if to close the door, but Nichol doesn't move.
The man shifts from foot to foot. "Y-yes, Master Jaskier. It's just--" Jaskier cocks an eyebrow, "he's--it's a witcher, sir." It's like being thrown headfirst into the Pontar in the middle of spring--ice cold and shocking. Something must be very wrong.
"Is he--" but there's no point in asking this nervous ball of a man about what the witcher looks like or how he is, is there? Jaskier can tell now, the fear hiding in the set of his shoulders. That’s not the disposition of someone who could be concerned with the well-being of a witcher. "Give me a moment, I'll follow you down."
Geralt's standing at the desk downstairs, whole and unharmed, and Jaskier lets out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.
"Geralt!" He turns as Jaskier approaches and the look on his face brings Jaskier up short. There's...something wrong. "Geralt, is everything okay?"
"Hm." It's one of his cagey hums. Jaskier won't be getting an answer out of him anytime soon.
"Well, come on up, anyway. No reason to stand in the hall and talk." The attendant is visably relieved when Geralt hoists his swords back over his shoulder and follows Jaskier back to his rooms. Mentally, he makes a note to have a very strong word with the head attendant about sensitivity training the next time he sees her.
It's silent the entire walk back, which isn't new with Geralt, but Jaskier finds himself a little nervous about it anyway. What’s Geralt is going to think? He's never been to Oxenfurt with Jaskier, never seen his rooms, never met the people he works with or the shop owners that know him by name. It's...unsettling. And then there's the reason Geralt's here, which he still hasn't given an answer about.
The door is unlocked, so he shoves it open and ushers Geralt in. He ducks a bit as he passes Jaskier and enters the room and then he...stops. Freezes on the spot. Jaskier freezes in the doorway in response.
"What." He means it as a question, but it comes out taunt and frigid, like an accusation.
"Looks like you," Geralt grunts out after a long moment. Jaskier doesn't know if that's a compliment or not (probably not).
"Sorry, I can--" he starts, already darting forward to clean the loose parchment from the divan, stack the books laying haphazard all over the room, do something.
"No," Geralt interrupts, and Jaskier feels his stomach flip-flop almost unplesantly, "No, this is--it's nice, Jaskier. It's you." And that's...he doesn't know what to do with that.
"Oh," he laughs, just a little strangled, "okay then. Um. Make yourself at home, darling. Sorry there's no Yule decorations I'm...a little unfestive this year.” He’s never festive, actually, but Geralt doesn’t know that. “Have you eaten?" He doesn't wait for Geralt to answer, "of course you haven't. I'll call for something. Won't be more than a moment." He ducks out into the hallway again without waiting for an answer.
He spends the entire walk to the kitchen trying to calm his rapid heartbeat, walk off the nerves that have made their home in the set of his shoulders, the fidget of his fingertips against his thigh. It's just Geralt.
He orders a spread and doesn't let the curious look the cook gives get to him at all as he paces in the hallway and waits for her to finish.
"You know we could send this up for you, Jaskier? No one should have to pace the hallway Yule night." The cook says when she hands the plate over, finally. He smiles at her, only a little tightly.
"Oh, I know Margret, darling. Needed the walk, though. Thank you, love." She 'hm's at him but lets him go, something akin to the noise Geralt makes when he's not buying Jaskier's bullshit. It makes him a little sick, how much he both loves and hates that noise--it sounds wrong coming from someone else's throat.
The walk back to his rooms is both too long and too short--he's worked himself up into a minior frenzy by the time he's at his own door again.
He takes a moment to breathe, eyes closed, before he forces a smile back on his face and pushes through the door. "Food's here," he calls, setting the spread down on the low table in the sitting room. Geralt's nowhere to be found. "Geralt?"
He finds him in the bedroom, the spare shirt of Geralt's that Jaskier nabbed in a moment of weakness earlier just this year to keep him company for the winter in his hand. "Uh, I'm--I'm sorry that's--"
"I thought I'd been a shirt short." His tone is even and neutral and it makes Jaskier want to tear his hair out. Does he care? Does he not? Jaskier can’t tell.
"It, um, must have ended up in my pack. I meant to bring it back this spring." The look on Geralt's face says he doesn't believe a word. "Food's here!" he deflects.
"Mm." He allows himself to be redirected and follows Jaskier back into the sitting room, leaving the shirt on the bed. He settles himself on the divan after Jaskier clears him a spot and digs into the meat and cheese spread without a word. As far as Yule meals go, it’s not very traditional, but Jaskier’s sure it doesn’t matter. He settles himself on the floor by the table and picks at the spread absently, giving Geralt the time he needs to eat unharassed. He tries not to think about how this is the first Yule he's spent with anyone in any capacity since he was a boy and very determinately does not get emotional over the fact that it's Geralt here with him, even accidentally. He can feel his eyes on him as he plucks at a loose thread on his doublet and tries not to fret.
"Soooo--" he says after Geralt's eaten his fill and leaned back, kicking his legs out in front of him, "--what brings you here to Oxenfurt, Geralt?" He winces immediately, but he's already asked, so-- "Shouldn't you be at Kaer Morhen already?"
Jaskier can already tell he's fucked up.
"I won't stay long," Geralt says, expression blank the way it only is when he's withholding his true reaction.
"I didn't say you couldn't stay, you oaf," Jaskier snaps immediately, tries not to let his irritation get the best of him because he knows what Geralt’s like when he meets anger for frosty frigidity, "I would be deeply offended if you left, actually."
Geralt stares at him, hard. "I’d be...intruding," he says, no elaboration.
"What? Gods, Geralt, intruding on what? I'm--" he gestures to the expanse of his very empty rooms, "--pretty fucking far from busy, if you hadn't noticed."
Geralt's expression does pinch at that. "I noticed. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why aren't you--" he pauses, seems to be searching for the right words, "--why aren't you...involved? Doing things. It's Yule, Jaskier, why are you--"
"Alone?" Jaskier interrupts, seeing where this is going. Geralt doesn't say anything, just stares at him, steady. Jaskier sighs, hard. "Who else would I spend winters with, Geralt?"
"I don't know," Geralt says slowly, "I just...I assumed you had someone."
"You assumed I--Geralt. Tell me you didn't think I had some...some lover I'd never told you about waiting for me here in Oxenfurt every winter."
The look on Geralt's face tells him he thought exactly that.
"Melitele's tits, Geralt." Jaskier sighs, breathes in slowly in an attempt to calm himself. "So why are you here, then? Since it's pretty clear you aren't here to take me up on the offer of wintering with me."
Geralt's expression does something complicated Jaskier can't parse before it smooths out into slightly constipated indifference again.
"The passes are snowed in."
And that's-- "Yes, Geralt. I know that," Jaskier says, drawing on the infinite well of patience he seems to only have access to when trying to coax Geralt out of being an obtuse ass. "Why didn't you make it up the mountain before the passses snowed in?"
Geralt visibly swallows. Jaskier can't help but track the bob of his adams apple. "I--" the gust of breath is audible as Geralt sighs, shoulders loosening in something like defeat, "I missed you, Jaskier."
The fire crackles in the hearth. It'll need another log soon. "What?"
Geralt looks like he'd rather be hunting drowners. "I missed you, Jaskier. And I was--I was thinking about coming to see you but I--I couldn't, I wasn't sure--" Jaskier will not faint like some kind of wilting damsel, even if he feels as if he can't get enough air all of a sudden. "--And then the pass was closed and I. I don't--I won't stay if you don't want me to. I'll figure something out."
"Geralt," Jaskier says. It comes out barely audable and he has to clear his throat and try again, "Geralt, love, of course you can stay." Something in Geralt's posture loosens in relief this time, as if he'd still been afraid Jaskier might ask him to leave until that moment, "of course you can. I missed you too."
Something flashes in Geralt's eyes, something that looks a little like surprise. "Oh."
They tip-toe around each other the rest of the evening. Jaskier helps him bring his bags up after a brief visit to Roach during which he slips her a sugar cube he knows Geralt pretends not to see. He gives Geralt space and time to get settled until his armor is off and his bags partially unpacked. They don't really talk until Jaskier realizes he's going to have to either offer Geralt his bed or make up the divan for him. And. Well. He's a weak man, after all.
"Hm?" He’s taking stock of his armor by the fire when Jaskier ambles up beside him to stand at his shoulder. He tries not to fidget, despite the nerves trying to choke him. There’s no reason this should be different from any other time they’ve shared lodgings (except of course, it is).
"Going to bed soon, love?"
He stares at his armor just a beat too long before he leans back to look up into Jaskier's face, expression mildly puzzled. "Mm?"
"I--" he can feel his face heat, "I wanted to--to offer to share. You know since I--I don't have--"
"I can sleep on the floor, Jaskier."
"No! No, I--I have plenty of room. And I. I want you in my bed, Geralt." That comes out...not quite the way Jaskier meant it. Or it comes out too honest, actually. He absolutely wants Geralt in his bed like that, he just doesn't think Geralt would want it.
Interestingly, Geralt's cheeks color and he looks away. Jaskier expects him to refuse again. "Okay," he says, soft, and something in Jaskier's chest flutters.
He follows Jaskier into the bedroom and it's...almost normal. Like sharing at an inn, except this is Jaskier's room, Jaskier's space. It's as much a choice as it is a necessity.
The shirt on the bed taunts him. He wants to wear it--has been wearing it--but with Geralt here--
He’s stolen from his painful reverie when Geralt thrusts the shirt at him, gaze averted.
“Wear it,” Geralt rumbles, already slipping into bed, predictably on the side closest to the door. Something warm and bright burns through him. He does as he’s told.
The material falls to roughly mid-thigh. It fits well enough in the shoulders, but Geralt’s slightly longer and bulkier torso means it billows on him a little like a slip. It makes him feel impossibly small and it’s...nice. Even nicer to settle together, not quite touching, and Jaskier reluctantly relaxes. He's drifting comfortably but not quite asleep when Geralt shifts and tucks himself along Jaskier's side, rests his head gently on Jaskier's shoulder and it's suddenly all too much.
"Geralt," he whispers, afraid to break the spell they seem to have fallen under. They are well outside their normal playbook at this point and Jaskier has no idea how to navigate the situation, only knows he wants it to continue, wants Geralt close.
Geralt stiffens and stays still for a beat too long before he starts to pull away.
"No, love," Jaskier corrects immediately, rests his hand on the back of Geralt's neck to keep him close, tangles his fingers in his hair, "no, please stay." Geralt shivers and tucks himself in closer again, eyes resolutely closed.
"Sorry," he says.
"Don't apologize, darling. I'm--I'm happy you're here, you know? I haven't spent a Yule with anyone in a long time." Geralt makes a tiny noise of acknowledgment. He should say it, he should say it. If there's ever been a time it's now, clothed in Geralt’s old shirt, with Geralt curled along his side, the heat of him radiating through the thin material. He presses his lips to the top of Geralt's head and feels him relax slowly. His heart pounds.
"I know you're in love with someone," Geralt breathes, warm against the soft skin of the bard's throat, "I figured it must be someone you had here. But--" Jaskier's breath hitches, "there really is no one else, is there?"
"No," Jaskier says, voice just a little strained.
"Who is it?" It's barely more than a breath.
"Geralt," Jaskier sighs softly.
"Humor me," he murmurs, presses his lips to the exposed skin he can reach. Jaskier's breath punches out of him.
"It's always been you," he says, running his fingers through Geralt's hair. Geralt makes a small noise. He seems...content. Soft and quiet against Jaskier's side.
"I thought it was too good to be true," Geralt says into the dark when Jaskier doesn't think he'll speak again. "Figured there must be someone else." His chest aches.
"It's only been you since I was twenty years old, Geralt," and oh, that's a bizarre feeling, to get that one off his chest. He's very aware of the fact Geralt hasn't said it back, but...he's here, isn't he?
"Idiot," Geralt scoffs, "I should have left you behind at that inn in Posada." To the ear untrained in Geralt-isms, it sounds dismissive, harsh. Jaskier hears the fondness in it, all the things Geralt isn’t saying.
"Where would I be without you, witcher?" He breathes, feels the tears prickle at the corner of his eyes.
"Safer," Geralt says, without missing a beat. Jaskier scoffs.
"You know, traditionally Yule visitors bring a gift, not verbally berate their hosts." Geralt snorts a laugh, presses his lips to Jaskier's skin again.
"Mm, thought you might like this gift," Geralt says, spreading a palm above Jaskier's pounding heartbeat.
"Geralt, you did not wait until Yule to come to Oxenfurt so you could make a tasteless joke about gifting me your company, tell me you didn't."
"I didn't," Geralt repeats, but Jaskier can hear the smile in his voice.
"Oh, you are awful," he says, delighted.
"There's also lute strings in my pack for you," he says, "I bought them in case...well. They're yours anyway." Jaskier knows what he means. He bought them in case there had been someone else, in case Geralt had been right.
"Thank you, love," he chokes out past the lump in his throat. It's the first time anyone's gotten him anything for Yule since he was a child. "I'm sorry I don't have anything for you."
"Just you is enough," Geralt breathes into the curve of his throat. Jaskier feels fit to burst.
He may not like winter and he may not care for Yule, but this one? This one's just fine.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Baby’s First White Christmas [Spencer Reid]
pairing - spencer reid x fem!reader
type - fluff
note - because its the holidays, i have decided to get back to writing our favorite pretty boy, spencer reid. enjoy!
summary - you and spencer’s baby of 9 months get to experience their first christmas at a party with your friends
warnings - mild language 
*gif isn't mine*  (also like pretty unrelated to the story but hes cute so)
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“Are we ready, baby and baby?” Spencer asked, looking at you and your child. 
“Yep!” You smiled excitedly. You looked to the baby in your arms and bounced. “This is your first Christmas, baby!”
The little baby boy gurgled, giving you a big smile. You couldn't help but giggle at the little joy of life in your arms. 
A knock on the door sounded, which forced you to tear your eyes away from the baby. You went to open the door, but Spencer cut you off. 
“Let me do it, honey,” Spencer said. You smiled at him. Even though it was 9 months since you’ve given birth, Spencer still didn’t let you do the littlest of things. It was the sweetest thing, but sometimes it got a little excessive. You knew he meant well, though. 
As he opened the door, Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan came into view. 
“Hi!” Penelope was the first out to talk. She smiled big and went inside immediately, hugging Spencer, then turning her attention to you. 
“Is that? Oh?” Penelope stared at the baby, awe-struck. 
“Yep! This is baby Jason,” you smiled. Jason reached out for Penelope and started to babble. 
“Hi,” Jason spoke. 
Penelope and Derek awed. 
“He is adorable,” Derek smiled. “Thank you. Spencer takes all the credit for the amazing genes,” you smiled at your husband. 
Spencer rolled his eyes with a smile. “Technically it’s, uh, half of us, but it's all you, babe.”
“So, he can talk?” Penelope asked. “Not like, full sentences. He knows “momma”, “daddy”, “hi”, “no”, and “bye”,” you explained. 
“Wow, a true genius like his dad,” Derek clapped Spencer on the back. 
“Thanks, Derek,” Spencer said sheepishly. 
“Oh, he can crawl a little, too!” You exclaimed. 
“Oh! Can we see?” Penelope asked. She was putting her fingers in front of the baby, babbling with him. 
“Let’s wait until everyone gets here, yeah?” You suggested. “Sure, no problem,” Derek smiled.
Penelope looked at you and your husband. “Oh, you two look amazing! You still have that after-birth glow.”
You blushed, “Thank you, Pen. You two look fabulous, as well!”
Penelope giggled, “We have gifts!”
Spencer sighed, “You guys shouldn’t have. We got you guys gifts, too, anyways.”
Penelope snickered. She got out her purse and handed you a small red box, and Spencer a medium-sized gift bag. Derek had his gifts behind his back. He had a big Christmas bag that shared both your gifts. 
“Oh, thank you so much!” You smiled, side-hugging the two guests.
“It's not issue,” Derek smiled. “Here, I’ll put them by the tree. You guys come in, make yourselves at home!” Spencer said while taking the gifts from your hands. 
You backed away, making room for Derek and Penelope to take off their shoes and coats. As they hung their coats up, more people started to arrive. You saw Hotch with Jack, Alex Blake, and JJ with Will and Henry.
“Hi, guys!” You exclaimed. 
“Hey!” JJ and Alex smiled. You all did a group hug.  “Come in, come in! Get comfy,” you said. 
“Hi, boys,” you smiled at Hotch and Will. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Hotch smiled. You gave him a side-hug, and did the same with Will. 
“How have you been?” You asked. 
“Good. Busy,” Hotch smiled. “We’ve been good. Henry has kept us busy,” Will smiled, patting his kid’s shoulder. 
“Oh, same for Jason. Hi, Henry, Jack!” You smiled and the little kids. 
“Hi, Aunt Y/n!” They smiled up at you. “We have some cookies and hot cocoa if you want them,” you said. 
“Dad, can I go?” Henry looked up at Will. “Yeah, go ahead. Don’t make a mess!”
Henry giggled and ran over to the kitchen. Jack looked up to Hotch, to which he replied with a smile and a nod. Jack followed Henry into the kitchen.
“Is this Jason?” Hotch asked, looking at the babbling baby in your arms. 
“Yep! Say “hi”, Jace!” You said. 
Jason looked at Will and Hotch with wide eyes. He smiled at them, which earned a chuckle from the men. 
“Adorable,” Will smiled. “Oh, we know,” you chuckled. 
Alex and JJ came back over. 
“Sorry! We were putting our presents by the tree,” JJ smiled. “Guys! Don’t spend money on us! Unless it's for Jason, of course,” you smiled.
“Pretty sure most of them are for Jason,” Alex shrugged and smiled. 
You chuckled. “Ah, I'm so glad all of you us are here.”
“Um, no! I’m here!”
You all looked to the door and gasped. There, was Emily Prentiss.
“Emily!” You exclaimed. 
You went over to her, giving her a big, tight side-hug. 
“Hey, Y/n!” Emily smiled and hugged you back. 
Emily pulled back and hugged everyone else, a big smile on her face. 
“H-How? What?” You asked, beyond confused and surprised. 
“Spencer called,” Emily said, smiling to your husband who was walking over. 
“Yep. I knew you missed her. We all have,” Spencer smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek. 
You never worked with Spencer, but you had always been close with his co-works. When Elle left, Emily quickly came. You were heartbroken that Elle left. You two had had an amazing friendship, but she had to leave for personal reason. Then, Emily came and you two quickly formed a bond. Emily had a leave a year or two ago, leaving you sad and missing your best friend. Thanks to your amazing husband, she was able to stay for the weekend for Christmas. 
“You are a God sent,” you smiled and leaned over to kiss your husband’s lips. Spencer kissed you back sweetly before pulling away. 
“I missed you, but I definitely haven’t missed the PDA,” Emily snorted.  “I second that,” Alex smirked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Ha-ha. Oh! Meet baby Jason!”
You presented your baby to them. 
“Hi,” Jason spoke, smiling at everyone. 
“Oh! He’s darling!” Alex exclaimed. 
“Reminds me of Henry,” JJ pouted. 
“So adorable. You guys did it!” Emily smiled. 
You thanked everyone. “Yep, we did! Where’s Pen and Derek?”
“Over here!”  You turned around, seeing that Penelope made holiday drinks. 
“We have alcoholic eggnog for the adults and apple cider and virgin eggnog for the other adults and children!” Penelope exclaimed. 
“Thank you, Pen,” you chuckled and went over. You took a glass of virgin eggnog for you and Spencer. 
“Aw, you guys aren’t gonna drink?” Penelope said. 
“I have a baby!” You said, bouncing Jason up and down. 
“Hm, your loss,” Penelope chuckled. 
“Do you guys want to see Jason crawl?” “Yes!” Everyone answered. 
“Thank God, my arm is getting tired,” you chuckled. 
You and Spencer went to the living room, everyone following. You set Jason down on the blankets you always had laid out for him. You got on your knees, ready to get Jason if anything were to happen. 
Jason looked around and spotted his toy elephant, to which he started to crawl to. Everyone awed loudly.
“He’s 9 months, right?” Emily asked. 
“Yep,” you smiled proudly. 
“Wow, and he can already crawl?” Alex asked.
“Well, by this time they are usually excepted to crawl. Enjoy this time, Y/n. Soon they’ll be running around and you’ll be trying to catch them,” JJ said. 
“Oh, don’t remind me about him getting older!” You exclaimed, crawling over to Jason who had his elephant in his mouth. 
“Wanna go in your playpen, bubs?” You asked the baby. Spencer came over and scooped him up, planting a kiss on the baby's head. You watched with a love-filled look as Spencer played airplane with the baby, setting Jason in his playpen. Spencer put pillows on the corners of the pen, giving Jason few toys to plan with. 
“Alright, you should be set for a while, buddy,” Spencer said, patting his son’s head. 
“Well, anyone ready for dinner?” You asked. 
You smiled and went over to the kitchen, pulling out the casseroles, turkey, and rolls that were being kept in the oven to stay warm. Spencer and Penelope helped you set everything out. Soon, you all were sitting on the couch or dining table, eating and conversing. 
“Your house looks amazing, guys,” JJ said, taking a sip of her alcoholic eggnog. 
“Yes! You guys are couple goals!” Penelope sang out. 
You chuckled, leaning against Spencer. “Thank you, it means a lot. It’s taken a while to get here.”
You smiled at Spencer, who gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Yep.”
“Gah! Okay, I need to take a group picture!” Penelope exclaimed. “Guys, get over here!”
Hotch, Derek, and Will came over with their kids. Spencer went over and got Jason out of his crib. He left to go change his diaper, quickly returning back. You had located the tripod, Penelope putting her camera in it. 
“Ready!” Penelope exclaimed. You went in-between Spencer and Emily, putting your arm around both of them. You all smiled as the camera flashed a couple times. 
“Great! I will send these all to you,” Penelope said, taking her camera and putting it in her purse. 
“Yay!” You giggled. You looked to the window, your eyes widening. Even though it was dark outside, you could see the snow that was falling from the sky.
“Spence! Spence! It’s snowing! Jace, do you see that! It’s snowing!” You cooed at your baby. 
“Woah!” Spencer exclaimed and walked over to the window. 
“Can we go out so Jason can see the snow?” You asked.  “Sure,” Spencer nodded. You all got your coats on, dressing Jason up in layers. You all went outside of your house, stepping in the already snow-filled ground. 
“This is snow, baby! This is your first white Christmas!” You smiled at Jason, ticking his chin with your finger. 
“Let me get a picture of the happy family!” Penelope said. 
You stood next to Spencer, holding Jason close and smiling. Penelope took the picture, walking away to review her work. 
You and Spencer looked up at the star-filled sky. You looked at Spencer and Jason, smiling contently. 
“We did it, baby,” you said to Spencer. 
Spencer looked to you and smiled, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips. “Yeah, we did.”
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
A very happy birthday to @endrega23 🥳
Please accept my humble offering of Geraskier at Kaer Morhen! (1.6k)
Jaskier stared open mouthed at the great witcher keep of Kaer Morhen.
He’d been lucky enough to meet Geralt when he was just eighteen. His very first real witcher. Monsters were scarce these days thanks to the efforts of the witchers and most of the monster hunters had branched out, specialising in other trades to support themselves. Jaskier had even had a teacher at Oxenfurt from the School of Cat that had become a travelling bard several years before Jaskier had even been born. Aiden had served as great inspiration for Jaskier’s own chosen career path. Many of his professors had tried to get him to teach or at the very least find a cosy court to make his home. He was talented enough for either, but it hadn’t been enough for Jaskier. No. He wanted to travel the world just like Aiden had. He wanted to see what was left of the remaining monsters and immortalise them in song. He wanted to watch the monster hunters fight before their job became defunct.
Geralt had been that chance, the White Wolf, formerly the Butcher of Blaviken. Jaskier had clung to him like a leach and never let go, and after all these years his devotion had finally paid off? He was going to see the elusive witcher’s keep in the Blue Mountains. They’d met a few other wolf witchers along the way, most of their kind still returned home for winter, a tradition that had never been broken.
“It’s beautiful,” he breathed in awe. The keep was magnificent. Snow coated the turrets of the tallest towers, and icicles hung down over the doors but more than anything… it was alive.
It was bristling with an energy that Jaskier had come to associate with Oxenfurt. Torches were lit all around the keep, some witchers were leading horses to the stables, others were sparring in the courtyard. There was a witcher sharpening a sword against a grinding stone in front of a huge blacksmith’s forge and he waved when he saw Geralt and Jaskier arrived.
“Geralt of Rivia!” The blacksmith set his sword aside and strode across the courtyard.
Jaskier’s eyes widened. The man had a vicious looking scar on one side of his face, twisting the broad smile in one corner, but aside from that and Geralt’s snowy white hair…. they looked almost identical. The same sharp jawline that Jaskier had felt under his fingertips, the same crooked nose that he frequently lavished with kisses, the same golden eyes that shone brighter than the sun, slitted like a cat and so unbearable radiant in beauty.
“Eskel,” Geralt greeted warmly and pulled the man, Eskel into a hug.
Jaskier watched the two men fondly, as Geralt pressed his nose until Eskel’s neck, scenting the other witcher. It had been strange the first time Jaskier had seen Geralt greet a fellow wolf witcher, but after almost a decade of travelling together he was more than used to it. Geralt explained that the different mutagens of different schools affected each witcher differently. For the wolves it had created a high familial instinct, which was a big part of why most of them still returned to Kaer Morhen for winter. It was a time to be with their pack once more.
“Oi! Geralt!” another witcher called, bundling over. He had long dark brown hair, tied up similarly to Geralt’s. Unlike Geralt and Eskel’s pale skin, he had tanned skin and his face was covered in freckles. He had the same golden eyes, and now that he came to think of it, all the wolf school witchers had warm yellow cat eyes.
Aiden’s eyes had been a sharp emerald green in contrast, and one of the witchers he’d seen at court had had startling blue eyes not dissimilar to his own, but with slitted pupils just like Geralt’s.
“Markus!” Geralt called and waved the brunet over. Like Geralt, he had two swords strapped to his back; another monster slayer. Markus and Geralt scented each other’s necks just like Geralt had done with Eskel, and their arrival was now drawing the attention of the others.
Jaskier chewed his lip as he waited. It was a strange feeling, not being the centre of attention. Normally it was Geralt that slunk into the background whilst Jaskier commanded the room, but it was different here. Jaskier was the outsider in Geralt’s home. His heart fluttered fast in his chest and he tried to quell the rising anxiety but he couldn’t. He couldn’t get the thought out of his head that he didn’t belong.
He shouldn’t have come here.
He was intruding.
An outsider.
Witchers were everywhere and he was the only human. Gods, why had Geralt invited him? He should be at Oxenfurt teaching, adored by his students, but he hadn’t been able to resist the idea of wintering with his lover, and it would have been rude to refuse after so many years of dropping hints and quietly pestering Geralt about spending the winter together.
Geralt’s laugh rumbled next to him. and familiar calloused fingers laced with his own. He started and looked at his witcher. Geralt wasn’t looking at him but had reached for his hand. Jaskier’s heartbeat must have given away his anxiety… a heartbeat that dozens of witchers could hear.
Oh fuck.
Would they even be allowed to have sex? Unless the walls were enchanted then Jaskier couldn’t imagine there were many secrets in Kaer Morhen. Geralt was a naturally private person, would he want to have sex when there were so many witchers able to listen in?
“And this is Jaskier,” Geralt introduced him, squeezing his hand tightly.
Jaskier blinked, the mention of his name pulling him from his thoughts. He plastered a wide smile on his face and extended his hand to the nearest witcher, Markus. “Hello, I’m Jaskier, Geralt’s boyfriend.”
“Markus,” came the gruff reply. “I cover Kaedwen with Lambert and Jonas.”
Jaskier nodded. “Right, yes, yes. I think Geralt’s mentioned that. We cross into Wolf territories all the time?” he glanced over to Geralt who gave a small nod.
“I roam between the Wolf territories, sometimes I’ll get a call from the bears if they need a hand,” Geralt reminded him.
Jaskier wrinkled his nose as he tried to remember the etiquettes of the witchers. It wasn’t as political as the Royalty and Nobles of humanity but he’d grown up learning about them so that was easy. He could name all the nobility and Royal families at the drop of a hat. Witchers laws were still a work in progress. Witcher territories were there to ensure that the monster slayers all had enough work to do and there would always be a witcher nearby to help the humans should a monster problem occur. It was deemed offensive to hunt in another school’s territory without permission, a slight on that school, but nothing that would end in bloodshed.
The only exception being the cat witchers.
They were quick to anger and fiercely protective of what was theirs. Jaskier had seen that one first hand. It had been a messy affair. He’d never thought of his fun and flirty professor in the same way ever again.
If Jaskier wanted to travel outside of the Wolf School’s land for bardic competitions then Geralt had to leave his swords and armour behind. It was almost like a holiday! Not Geralt was ever very happy about it. It made him angsty to travel without his swords, especially when bandits and monsters still roamed the forests.
“You have a beautiful home,” Jaskier sang sweetly, winking at Markus and giving the witcher a cheeky smile. “Much nicer than the bedrolls we’re used to, isn’t that right Geralt?”
“Hmm… save the charm for Vesemir, bard.”
Jaskier licked his lips. “Ah, right, well… doesn’t hurt to try?”
Geralt chuckled and pulled him closer, pressing his lips to Jaskier’s temple. “We don’t want to be late for dinner on our first night, let’s go bathe.”
“Oh if you insist,” Jaskier purred, running his fingers down Geralt’s chest.
“Actually bathe, Jask.”
The other witchers roared with laughter. “You really weren’t kidding about this one, Geralt.” Eskel said in his deep bass tone that made Jaskier a little weak at the knees. Damn witchers were all so stunning. What was a bard to do?
“He’s a flirt, and he’s mine,” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier did the only thing he could think of… he jumped at Geralt so that the witcher had to catch him in his arms. Geralt grunted under his sudden weight but caught him easily. Jaskier wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck, placing a sloppy kiss on Geralt’s cheek. “Yours, my love.”
Geralt hummed, a happy purr rumbling in his chest. “As I am yours.”
Jaskier’s heart fluttered, a giddy warmth spreading throughout his body despite the winter chill. “Mine,” he agreed and pulled his witcher into a kiss. Geralt softly lowered him back to the floor. As his feet hit the ground his hand cupped the back of Geralt’s neck, gripping the nape tight between his fingers. Geralt purred loudly and melted against him. Jaskier giggled against Geralt’s lips and wrapped an arm around Geralt’s waist to support him before he slid to the floor.
Neither of them paid any attention to the protests of the surrounding witchers. It had been a difficult journey up the mountain and Jaskier was happy to be home. Not at Kaer Morhen, but with Geralt, his home.
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