#should i tag kai? he's mentioned here in the tags a lot
elderwisp · 4 months
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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lactoseintolerentswag · 11 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 6!!!!!!
After the turtles and Splinter, here we have the girl Ever. She's pretty spunky, I had fun analyzing her for writing.
April O'Neil Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Uses bae/aave, something she could have passed on down to Raph and Mikey as they also use bae/aave
Most notably uses "mm-kay" in place of "okay"
Uses a lot of filler language, interjections, or onomatopoeia. Think "mhm", "uh huh, uh huh!", "oh yeah!"
"Ah nuts" is her go-to disappointed phrase
Grits and or strains her teeth when she's frustrated
Uses her own name (the full "April O'Neil!!!!") as a battle cry, or brings her name as a motivator i.e. "the one and only April O'Neil will solve this case!"
The more worked up she the louder she tends to be, this extends to stronger emotions such as passion or panic
Over text uses emoticons
Refers to splinter as "splints"
Refers to the turtles as "the fam"
Refers to villains/antagonists through insults rather than their names
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Adrenaline junkie, as she's often the first to jump into a fight. She also laughs in the face of danger, and was seen maniacally laughing and smiling the entirety of the gumbus episode
Jack of all trades. April has a lot of skills she's picked up from various jobs or personal adventures she's seeked out (like canoeing through the sewers in a hazmat suit and earning a crane license)
Wild and blunt. April is Loud, and rarely ever afraid to share her opinion. This can either make people draw back from her bluntness or be drawn in by her excitableness
Self-conscious. Despite her strong sense of self-esteem, April is still often motivated to impress the popular kids at school or at least fit in. She doesn't want to be seen as the weird kid, or associated with the weird kids
Persistent. April is always quick on her feet to hit back whatever comes at her. She has a good set of problem-solving skills that she's gained from all the skills she's picked up
Loyal. She's always willing to back up the turtles, and goes out of her way to keep Splinter happy with her company. Once she finds a friend it's hard to pry her away
Unlucky. Mostly in absurd or mundane ways. She has that whole curse with her birthday, but things don't often tend to go right for April O'Neil, which contributes to the disasters that cause her to get fired all the time
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Code-named "yellow submarine" by raph
Tends to have information on wifi passwords, secret exists, and access to keys from all the jobs she's been hired and fired from
Has a preference for blunt objects as weapons (most commonly bats, clubs, pipes)
Uses the environment in a fight in general
She's been part of the "warren stone fanclub" since 2010, and keeps all her ids in her wallet
Likes unicorns and cats (as seen through her brief texts with sunita and her pajamas)
Loves laser tag
Can beat Donnie at video games (if he didn't use cheat codes)
"sherlock_corn" is her handle online
Lives in an apartment/flat with her mom (showed onscreen briefly), that has its own bathroom
Has a subtly mentioned interest in fantasy, as noted by Donnie she tends to download fantasy rpgs and freaks out over cosplay wizards
Just an end note to all of you who aren't black, some offensive tropes I would stray from is making April the angry black girl. This is one of the most common stereotypes of black women in media. I wouldn't mistake April's passion or loudness for aggression. It would be a disservice to dilute her lively character into familiar but ultimately harmful tropes in media.
I am in no way saying you cannot portray April as angry, this is a powerful emotion and it should be explored with black characters, but I am saying that should not be the base of her character. Because well that's not even April's base. She's centered around fun and thrill-seeking.
Wikipedia (yes I know, But they have proven to be more dependable these past years) has a good article on the angry black woman stereotype, so that would a good place to start research on what to Avoid. In my splinter post I also provided some links on doing research on writing poc.
Anyway!!! We've ended our analysis trip of the main cast in s1. Next I'm thinking of picking apart our antagonists :]. Gonna take a break to work on my own fic, but stay tuned if you found any of my other posts helpful! It's been a fun ride with you all <3
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lambtotheslaughterr · 8 months
Rise - Part Three
A Rafe Cameron Series
Chapter Three
WC: 3.1k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
note: i am cracking down on my taglist. if you're not following my blog or interacting with the work you want to be tagged in, you will not be on a taglist (i have already removed those who don't follow me or interact with my work). i'm not going to supply lazy supporters with convenience. so if you want to be on a taglist, follow my blog & interact with the work you claim to love. it's the least you can do. thank you.
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            The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Everyone spoke in hushed, harsh whispers, arguing about what to do. You said nothing, just sat with Kai new Luka as Luka groaned in pain.
            “We’re already sick.” Micah pointed out, stopping the conversation.
            “That’s not true.” Nuha debated, “You heard Severson. It would take more than Luka being sick for us to get it.”
            “Then how did he get it, Nuha? Explain that.” Micah raised his voice, to which Millie put her hand on his shoulder to calm him.
            “Guys.” Adrianna grit her teeth, looking pointedly at Luka, “Maybe we should talk about this not here.”
            Reluctantly, you rose from your spot on the ground to follow the others out into the hallway. Kai stayed behind.
            “Regardless of what Severson said, we still don’t know anything for sure.” Sayyed picked up, “Chances are we’re definitely carriers so the most we can do is keep an eye on each other & be honest about any symptoms we have.”
            “And what about Luka?” You questioned, feeling your eyes grow wet with frustration. It was only a week ago that you all were camping in the woods, the future expected but predictable. This wasn’t supposed to be happening.
            “He’s dying.” You whispered, “And there’s nothing we can do about it.”
            Sayyed tugged you closer to him, kissing the top of your head. The group was momentarily silent until Adrianna cleared her throat.
            “That… may not be entirely true.”
            You stared at her, as did others.
            Adrianna shifted her feet uncomfortably, glancing down the hallway before stepping closer & lowering her voice, “There may be a cure. A temporary one, at least.”
            “What?” Millie spoke for everyone, “What the hell are you talking about?”
            “Last night, I was with Tobias.” You could tell that Rafe wanted to make a quip but before he could you gave him a warning glare.
            “When he was on the brink of passing out, he mentioned a shot on base that could prevent symptoms temporarily until a more permanent one was developed.”
            “Prevent?” Micah sighed, “As in before getting symptoms? It’s too late for that.”
            Adrianna rolled her eyes, “Yeah, maybe, but it’s an option, isn’t it? We give some to Luka to at least help with the pain until he… ya know.”
            Rafe chuckled darkly, “So this cure is a painkiller, too, huh? You sure know a lot.”
            “Hey.” Sayyed butt in, “It’s more than you’ve offered.”
            Rafe turned towards him, his expression souring. You jumped in, “It’s worth a try. Thanks, Adrianna.”
            Adrianna nodded, “I’ll go talk to them then.”
            “Wait, what?” Rafe stepped forward, stopping her in her tracks, “Ask them? The trigger-happy idiots?”
            “Rafe.” You shook your head, “Quit it.”
            “No, we don’t know them. We can’t trust them. Besides, am I the only one that was listening to what he said last night? You have to kill the carrier, that’s what he said. We tell them that Luka is sick, then we’re all dead.”
            Silence returned with a vengeance. You swallowed, your throat dry. Sayyed frowned. Rafe was right. The ten of you were nothing to Tobias & Severson. They would kill you in a second if it meant saving themselves.
            But Adrianna disagreed, “Then they’re carriers, too. They can’t kill us without killing themselves.”
            “Which means we’re already dead so what the fuck are we arguing about?” Micah seethed, “It’s a lose-lose.”
            “Guys, can we just stop? Please, for a second. Let’s think & catch a breather.” Millie, the always calm & reasonable one spoke up.
            Rafe shook his head, slapping his hands against his thighs, but he didn’t argue further. For the next few minutes, everyone discussed calmly about what to do, different plans to take, consequences. You were relieved you were facing the end of the world with people who thought first & acted later. But it eventually came down to two options: steal the cure & escape with Luka or tell Tobias & Severson, trusting them to help you all.
            “So we vote.” Sayyed announced finally. Rafe scoffed in response.
            “Rafe, c’mon. We need to stick together, alright?” You told him. He shook his head but finally rejoined the circle.
            “Raise your hand if we should take the cure & leave with Luka.” Rafe, Bear, & Micah raised their hands.
            “Alright, now for telling Severson.” Sayyed, Adrianna, Millie, & Nuha raised their hands.
            Everyone then looked at you. You bit your lip, “I don’t know.”
            “_____.” Sayyed started but you stopped him.
            “We need to tell Luka. He deserves to have a say in this.”
            It seemed only then did it dawn on your friends that Luka’s vote mattered, too.
            “Fine.” Rafe spit, going back to the room, “Let’s find out exactly how Luka wants to die.”
            You winced at his comment. There were times when Rafe really annoyed you, but you didn’t know how cruel he could be. But cruel circumstances bring out the worst in people, you reminded yourself.
            Back in the room, Kai stood up, shaking his head, “I don’t think he’s going to make it much longer.”
            “Well that’s easy.” Rafe commented under his breath.
            “Dude.” Bear, who usually agreed with Rafe on most trivial matters, was the first to reprimand him, “He’s our friend, our brother. For once, stop showing off how much of an asshole you can be.”
            Rafe closed his mouth. You could tell he was stewing, but Bear’s comment must’ve gotten through to him as he finally looked at Luka who was sweating through the sheets.
            “Luka, hey.” Millie kneeled next to the bed, “I know you’re in a lot of pain. But we need to ask you something. If you have the energy to respond, please. We need your help on this.”
            Sayyed then stepped closer to the bed. He spoke quietly, just enough for Luka to hear. Kai, who was beside him, stared at Sayyed in horror as he heard what he said. Then his eyes bounced from friend to friend.
            “So, if you want us to steal the cure & get out of here squeeze my hand.” Sayyed met your eyes. You pressed your lips together, apprehensive.
            “If you want us to tell Severson, let go of my hand.”
            You felt like you were having an out-of-body experience, floating above the heads of your friends as Sayyed waited for Luka’s response. It felt like time dragged on & you only became dizzier, the room around you coming in & out of focus.
            Luka let go.
            Kai hung his head, tears falling onto his knees. Rafe shook his head before storming off, punching a wall on his way out.
            “Okay.” Sayyed stood up, looking at Adrianna. She nodded, spinning on her heel & racing out the door.
            “We don’t have much time.” Sayyed told the group. Then he faced you, “Get Rafe, will ya? He’s a dick but he should be here. We all should.”
            You frowned at his words, sensing a grim undertone, but nodded.
            Exiting the room, you saw Rafe leaning against the wall a few feet away. You slowly approached him. His back was to you, but you heard a sniffle. You hesitated. Rafe wasn’t the kind to be emotional in front of others. Maybe you should turn back…
            Rafe turned then, his eyes meeting yours. There were no tears, no evidence of any. But he did look tired, drained. You all felt that way.
            “Are you okay?” You leaned against the wall next to him.
            Rafe rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets, “They’re gonna kill him.”
            “No.” You immediately replied, pushing the possibility from your mind, “They won’t. They’re military, they’ll help him first.”
            “God, you’re so fucking naïve sometimes, you know that?” Rafe faced you head on, “They shot at Micah yesterday. They threatened to put a bullet in your boyfriend’s fucking head, _____. They won’t think twice about putting one in Luka’s.”
            You didn’t have the energy to argue, mostly because you were scared he was right. But you shook your head anyway, “So our other option would be to sneak behind their back? Do you see how large this place is?! Rafe, we wouldn’t even know where to look first.”
            “Then we should just leave.” You couldn’t help the gape of your mouth at his bold comment. “We’ll leave right now. Me & you. We won’t go back to the room & we’ll leave.”
            For the first time in the three years you knew Rafe, you stepped back, staring at him. Who was he?
            “Oh, don’t look at me like that.” Rafe glared at you.
            That’s when you saw it. His pupils.
            It was all making sense. His agitation, his fight or flight kicking in so severely that he would abandon his friends. You closed the distance, gipping his jaw & bringing his head down to yours so you could look closer. Sneering, you shoved his face away before ripping his hands out of his pockets. A sandwich sized plastic baggie fell to the ground.
            “You fucking…” You stared back up at him.
            Rafe didn’t show any remorse, “What? Not like I’ll get arrested for it anymore.”
            “Luka is in there dying & you’re out here doing coke?!”
            He smiled, licking his teeth, “Want some? Maybe it’ll make you think clearer instead of following behind in that genius boyfriend’s plan of his.”
            “The only moron here is you, Rafe. You wanna leave, leave. You won’t last long out there & you know it. You need us, much more than we need you.”
            His gaze darkened, “You’re in shock, _____.” He bent down to retrieve his baggie, dangling the substance in front of you, “And once the shock wares off, you’ll be begging for this.”
            “Fuck you.” You spit through gritted teeth, “I’m going back. You can be a loser out here all you like.”
            With that, you spun around & began walking away.
            “Don’t come crying to me when I’m proved right.”
            You ignored him, relieved to be back in the room with the others. Sayyed approached you, a deep crease between his brows, “Rafe?”
            You shook your head, unable to trust yourself to open your mouth.
            Not long after you entered the room, the sound of multiple footsteps met your ears. You clung to Sayyed, feeling as secure as you could with his arm over your shoulders.
            Adrianna entered first, Tobias & Severson behind her. Tobias was expressionless as Severson glared at everyone in the room. His face was red with anger as he slowly crossed the room to where Luka lied. You watched as your friends moved out of the way for Severson to look Luka over. Luka’s eyes were closed shut, his arms circling his own body as he shook. Tobias remained near the door, blocking the doorway. You felt your gut twist.
            “Sayyed.” You whispered, wanting to point out to him that Tobias was blocking the exit, but Sayyed kept his eyes on Severson.
            “Can you help him?” Kai asked, finally standing up so Severson could have more room.
            Severson shot him an irked look.
            “Kai.” Sayyed caught Kai’s attention, nodding for him to move further to the side.
            You glanced from Sayyed to Kai. You & Kai both shared looks of confusion.
            Severson stood over Luka for a moment longer before sighing. Finally, he turned around to face the group. Adrianna narrowed her eyes at him, “What are you doing? Help him!”
            “I knew I shouldn’t have let you kids in.” He sighed, hanging his head. “’Cuz now I have to do this.”
            Before you could close your eyes, Severson removed a handgun from his hip, pointed it at Luka’s head then pulled the trigger.
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            “Oh, my god! What the fuck?!” Kai screamed out, jumping toward Luka, but Severson turned the gun toward Kai next.
            You covered your mouth, burying your face into Sayyed’s chest. He held you tightly against him. You could hear his heart beating rapidly.
            “You said you’d help him!” Adrianna cried out.
            Severson held his aim towards Kai, “I did.”
            Then he slowly turned his gun on everyone in the room, “Who else is showing symptoms?”
            A yelp escaped you, unable to get the image out of your head.
            Rafe was right, Rafe was right… now he was gone.
            “No one, man! C’mon!” Micah hollered, shielding Millie who watched from over his shoulder.
            “That’s what you said last night; now look at your friend.” Severson glared, “Want to keep lying?”
            “We didn’t know.” Bear claimed, “We didn’t, okay? We only found out this morning.”
            Severson cocked his head, “Can’t take the risk.”
            “If we’re sick, you’re sick, too.” Nuha pointed out, her voice shaking. Sayyed yanked on her arm to push her behind him.
            “But we have preventatives.” Severson smiled smugly, “You don’t.”
            Bile rose in your throat. This wasn’t happening. None of this was happening. You were still camping, just having a horrible, awful nightmare. You’d wake up any second. Wake up. Wake up!
            But Severson gestured to the furthest wall, “I want everyone to line up. Now.”
            “Fuck that.” Micah spit, “You’re not gonna waste us.”
            Severson inhaled sharply, “I tried asking nicely.” Then he aimed his gun at Micah.
            A buzzing shot rang out. A scream tore through your throat.
            “Holy shit!” It was Micah. You stared wide-eyed.
            Severson was on the ground, his body shaking.
            “What…”  Words escaped you as you all turned to the doorway. The Taser gun Tobias held was still aimed at where Severson was lying.
            The room was eerily quiet, a few quiet cries here & there, but mostly everyone was standing in shock.
            Tobias finally lowered the Taser, returning it to a holster on his hip. In a strained voice, he finally looked around the room, “He won’t be down long. I’ll get you what you need then you need to leave immediately.”
            “What about Luka?” Kai questioned, though his attention was on his dead best friend.
            “Kai…” You made to step forward, but Tobias stopped you with words.
            “I can’t help you with that. You must leave him.”
            The finality he spoke with left your heart shattered. Like his parents, Luke too must be left behind.
            “We have to.” Sayyed finally spoke, his voice was soft but firm, “I’m sorry, Kai.”
            Kai was the last one to leave the room, more tears threatening to fall. Nuha & Millie flanked him on either side as you all followed Tobias through the compound. He led you all to a stairwell that led underground, taking you to a secured room. He hit a button on the wall, the gate to the room grating open.
            “Jesus.” Sayyed said under his breath.
            The room looked like what a doomsday prepper would keep under their house. Guns & artillery weapons lined the wall. There were a plethora of MRE cases. Military grade backpacks & protection were piled on a table in the center. Tobias stepped out of the way, “Only take what you can run on foot with. Anything more & you’ll only slow each other down.
            Everyone glanced at one another before the chaos started. Sayyed & Bear collected bags, filling them with survival needs. Adrianna & Tobias picked out weapons for the group. You & Nuha began putting a few MRE cases on a rolling cart, having seen an elevator just after the stairs ended. Millie consoled Kai, talking to him with hushed words. It was quick. Surreal.
            “Finally.” Tobias caught everyone’s attention as he opened a fridge that everyone seemed to miss. He pulled out a case of what looked like insulin & needles.
            “This is all we have.” There looked to be only five doses. “And I’d be lying if I said they’ll help. We don’t know a lot about them. So. Be careful.”
            He then handed the case to Adrianna.
            “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek.
            Tobias then led everyone to the elevator, guiding them to the main floor of the compound & out of the doors. You all ran towards the gate where the wrangler & Rafe’s truck sat. It was only then that you remembered Rafe. He hadn’t been in the room when Luka was murdered, & he wasn’t with the group up until that point. Though you were angry with him, you were instantly saddened by his lack of presence. If only he had stayed.
            “You fucking asshole!” Sayyed ripped out of your grip then, surprising you as he charged towards the vehicles. Rafe stepped out of the driver’s seat.
            In a second, Sayyed laid a punch to Rafe’s face.
            “Hey, hey!” Millie ran forward but Micah hooked an arm around her waist, stopping her. You leapt into action next, no one stopping you.
            “Sayyed! No!” Sayyed got in one more punch before Rafe returned the favor, knocking Sayyed down & climbing on top of him. “Fucking stop!”
            Bear fell next to them, shoving Rafe off & pushing Sayyed in the other direction, “Now’s not the time!”
            “He was gonna leave us!” Sayyed pointed at Rafe, a trickle of blood on the corner of his mouth.
            “The fuck I was!” Rafe shouted, wiping blood away from his nose as he paced, his heated gaze locked on Sayyed.
            A shot rang out, making everyone duck. Tobias held a gun pointed into the air, “I don’t want to hear anymore bitching! Get in the trucks! Now!”
            Everyone scrambled, Bear & Micah emptied out a few useless items from the cars, making room for what you all took from the compound. Sayyed & Rafe continued glaring at one another but got behind the wheel in their respective vehicles. You climbed into the passenger seat of the wrangler.
            “Leave it.” You told Sayyed as he watched Rafe closely in the sideview mirror.
            “We can’t trust him.” You didn’t argue his point but shook your head anyway.
            “Doesn’t matter. Right now we need to get out of here, alright?” You grabbed his face gently, turning it towards you, “Look at me. Okay? I need you, we all need you.”
            Sayyed pressed his lips together but nodded.
            Nuha, Micah, & Millie climbed into the backseat. Only person not in a car yet was Adrianna as she spoke to Tobias.
            “Come with us.” You heard her say. But Tobias declined, “My station is here. In case someone else needs help.”
            Adrianna sighed heavily but nodded. She kisses him once more before getting into Rafe’s truck.
            Sayyed began to pull through the gate as it started opening. Tobias nodded as you passed through.
            “Thank you.” Sayyed said, earning a firm nod from the soldier.
            In a minute, the compound was in the past as you & your friends drove further away. Nuha was crying silently in the backseat.
            It was then that you realized ten of you came to that compound. And only nine were leaving it.
Luka Steele
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a smaller chapter but one filled with action. i look forward to hearing your thoughts! i'm feeling really motivated these days so let's hope part four comes soon.
please talk to me ya'll! comment, reblog w feedback, drop an ask or PM me. i welcome it all.
thank you for reading!
Requests are CLOSED.
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taglist: @superbreadsoul
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Melody : Otona Blue
February Filth Fest Special
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Yandere Kang Yeosang x fem reader
a/n: i'm such a baby for these two i had to write more.i was giggling like crazy while writing this. happy(now late) valentines <3
"Maybe- maybe the way that you held onto his shoulders as you moaned, so tightly that your nails left indentations for two whole days?" -Otona Blue
✫彡wordcount: 7k
(>ᴗ•)♡´・ᴗ・`♡genre: smut w plot, yandere, story extension
ಠ_ಠwarning/contents: ONLY FOR THIS CHAPTER ; the smut hinted at in 'Otona Blue's main story (you don't have to read that story to understand but i'd really appreciate it because it's my all time favorite), build up and plot because i love them sm but also lots of smut like so much smut, emotional vulnerability, yandere tendencies, age gap (19-23/college freshman-college senior) — first time together, hickeys, making out, dry humping, hand&blow job, throat fvck, spit as lube, spit in general, cum eating, masturbation, fingering&cunilingus, literally so needy, discussing saftey and consent&contraceptive(YAY!), cream pie, praise, multiple orgasms, crying very very briefly — after care and short epilogue — there is definitely typos i'm sorry
ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪ song recs: Close by Han Jisung - "You, who's shining among countless people. You became clearer bit by bit and now I can only see you."
Kiss Me Until My Lips Fall Off by Lebanon Hanover - "I've tried everything to block out the pain, but it just seems to haunt me in every possible way. Kiss me until my lips fall off."
You're All I Want by Cigarettes After Sex - "We fucked so hot it left me faded. For all you are, you're all I want. There is no other love, it's only yours."
FFF tags: @cherryxsang @k-drizzle
Otona Blue tags: @thatswhywerefever
"You look fancy." Kai mentions as he pauses at Hiyyih's open door. You chose to get ready there, because she had many more shades of makeup than you did (and as you said twelve times, definitely not because you were nervous for your date with Yeosang and needed her to calm your nerves).
It was a simple one, that you had planned. Just to go down to the instrumental store a little outside of town and pick out some new sheet music, maybe spend some time learning it together.
"Fancy? Hiyyih, I'm not supposed to be fancy!"
She looks up from her phone and gives Kai a death stare. "I've been spending the past two hours getting her to calm down, look at what you did. You went and sent her into a spiral!" He chuckles as he comes into the room, sitting at the double bench next to you and inspecting you closer in the mirror.
"Where are you going?"He asks, taking a small sip of his drink.
"Yeosang and I have a date," you state proudly, wiping away the dark shade of lipstick and picking up the shoebox filled of you and Hiyyihs shared collection.
"No shit! Since when?" He's slightly shocked, to say the least. When he approached Yeosang undercover, he seemed like a shut-in. "Damn, Hiyyih was right. When does that ever happen? Ow!" He slaps her foot away as she kicks him, leaning into you and cowering from his little sister.
"It's our second date," you smile fondly, looking over at the clock on the pastel wall. "And he'll be here in like ten minutes?! Oh, no, no. Hiyyih, I can't do it! I should call and canc-"
"Not on my watch!" She stands up, snatching the box and dumping it on the bed in her place. "You will not cancel your date with Kang Yeosang because you can't find the right shade of lipstick! That man is in love with you, and I won't let you ruin this for me."
"For you?" You ask with kitted eyebrows.
"Yes for me! I have to live vicariously through you, so get your cute dress out of the top of my closet before I beat you silly."
Kai laughs, standing to get said dress for you. You take a sip of the smoothie he leaves behind sneakily and offer it up to Hiyyih, who holds back a laugh and turns back to the pile of makeup. You set it back where he left it and fix up your hair one last time as he turns around with the dress. "Think it still fits? When was the last time you wore it, might have outgrown it by now."
"Psh," you chuckle, taking it and laying it next to the pile as he turns to face away. "You know your track shorts from twelfth grade and they still fit?"
"This dress is my track shorts. It always fits, it's my fashion soulmate. Zip me up?" He help you zip it the rest of the way and makes you do a twirl for the both of them. "See? S'Like my glass slipper, but it's a dress I got from the Goodwill."
The three of you let out a laugh, and Hiyyih slaps a gloss into your hands. It's a pretty pink, and it goes well with both your dress and your complexion. "This one."
"Are you s-"
"Yup!"She pushes you to sit at the bench and leans over one of your shoulders, Kai hunching over the other as the watch you apply the gloss. "Jesus, feel like a beauty pageant princess with over bearing parents."
"You are, now chop-chop. We've got four minutes 'till noon and that psycho will probably be right on time." You go to scold her for calling him a psycho when your phone dings with a special message tone. You yell, and so does she. Kai looks on in confusion as the two of you grab each other.
"Oh my god!" He comes to the realization, rolling his eyes slightly. "He has his own ringtone? I don't even have my own ringtone!" He swipes up the phone and unlocks it with the same password you've had since middle school. "Yeo," he sing-songs, "blue heart emoji. Wow. He gets a heart emoji, I'm kind of hurt, (Y/n)."
"Don't be dick," Hiyyih yells at the same time you ask what he said.
"I'm a few minutes away, he said. With a blushing smiley face." The two of you freak out, Hiyyih scrambling to the dresser and grabbing the necklace she placed out for you as you grab at Kai's sleeves and mumble incoherently.
"It's just a smiley face, damn!"
"You don't get it," she speaks as she drapes the jewelry over your neck. "It's not just a smiley face. When was the last time you sent someone a blushing smile emoji unironically?"
He thinks for a moment as he picks up a handful of makeup and drops it back in the box. "When I was trying to flirt with - oh my god! He's totally in love with you! My baby's growing up so fast," he fakes a pout, yelping as you smack his shoulder.
You unscrew the cap of the gloss and apply it with a shaking hand, smacking your lips lightly and smiling at your reflection. "See? Looks perfect! Right, Kai?"
He nods, sipping his drink as he inspects you."I think you look great. He's going to be on his knees,(Y/n)."
"You think so?"
"Know so!" The siblings chime, and Hiyyih messes with you hair mindlessly trying to fix it even though it's as perfect as can be.
You give her a big smile in the reflection and thank her. The smile is replaced with a look of terror as the door bell rings. Kai, funnily enough, is the first one to dash out of Bahiyyihs room and to the door.
"Hey!" You hear him greet as you whisper-yell at her to kill him after you leave. "C'mon in. Yeosang, right? She'll be right out."
You can feel your heart beating in your throat. You don't know why you're so nervous. It's just Yeosang. You've known him for almost five months. You've already been on a date with him. Two, if you counted the one time he came over and burnt made homemade pizza with you.
"You got this, sister. You don't have to be so nervous," she shakes you by your shoulders and tells you to, "snap out of it."
When you round the corner with Hiyyih, he doesn't even notice that she's there. All his attention is on you. He hasn't seen you for a few days and by God he missed you. You look so pretty and soft and you've clearly done yourself up to impress him.
"You look nice."You say as you take in his shaggy mullet, straightened down his neck. He has on a few dainty necklaces and a ring on his thick middle finger.
"You too, Petal." You hear Hiyyih squeak from her spot beside Kai, and your look over yours shoulder and give her a side-eye.
"We'll be on our way!" You grab Yeosang by his hand and all but drag him out of the Huening residence. You mumble a sorry about their weird behavior and pull him along as he laughs.
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You had successfully completed your trip to the musical supply shop and made your way back to his apartment, now sitting down at the table with him as he flips through the book of songs.
"What about that one, do you know it? I've heard it a few times." You stop him at a particular song, tapping on the title.
"No, I haven't. Should I learn it?"
"I bet it would be beautiful," you smile at the thought, and he asks you to go and grab his violin from his bedroom. You've only been to his apartment thrice before, and it somehow means something to you that he trusts you to go into the place which is most him.
You grab the case from the chair in-front of his small desk and smile down at the picture he has of you and himself, taken by Soobin. It was taken after the concert, and he couldn't help himself but place the fond memory somewhere he could easily see it.
"Here you go," you snap it open and slide it in-front of him, besides the book. He offers you a smile and a forehead kiss, giggling as you pout when he pulls away.
"Will you warm up my fingers?" He asks shyly, but he knows you will. It's become a sort of tradition between the two of you. You take up his hand in both of yours and rub his highest knuckle gently.
"What did you think of the store?" You make small talk as you go from finger to finger, crouching beside his chair to get a good grip.
"I liked it. They have a lot. I don't think I've seen so much sheet music in my whole life. And for so many-sorry." He stops himself from ranting as he sees your growing smile.
You look up from his finger with a bit of wide eyes, "oh, my bad. My bad. That was just cute. I barely see you get so excited."
"Mhm. You're so passionate about music. It's so... endearing? And not like, in the 'that's a weird little quirk that's not weird enough to call it weird but I need to let you know I find it strange way', in the 'oh, wow he's so interested in this and it's so refreshing to see someone st-"
He stops you with a quick kiss, smiling into your lips. He pulls away, leans back into his seat with a small smirk. "What was that for?"
"Just cute." He mimics your words form before and you drop his hand dramatically. He eyes you in his peripherals as he pretends to read over the notes.
"Yeo," you pout, leaning closer to him. "You can't just tease me like that."
"Can't I?"
"No, you can't! Give me a real kiss, Babe." The nickname slips past your lips before you have a chance to stop yourself. "Sorry, was that ok-"
He slips off his chair and falls ontop of you, wrapping his arms around you head and pulling you into his chest while you laugh. "Yeo!"
"Oh, Petal," he hums happily, "you have no idea how long I've waited for that!" He grabs your face between his hands and pulls you in to give you an aggressive forehead kiss, making it a point to make a smooching sound as he pulls away.
"Can I have a real kiss, then?"
It's small, almost fleeting. But his lips are so soft and warm against yours. You don't find yourself minding as he pulls away, leaning his forehead against yours. "My beautiful flower."
The next kiss is feverish, much like the one you shared in the library. Softly animalistic in the way your lips mesh together gently, but with the intent to devour one another. The way his tongue pokes out and slides against your lips is new, but you don't mind. You open up your mouth and let him in, moving your head slowly and wrapping your fingers up in his hair as he explores everything his tongue can reach. He moans into the kiss.
This feeling... this feeling. What even is it? He doesn't know and he can't bring himself to care as you maneuver into his lap and bring yourself closer. Just like how it always is: he's filled with a peace he's only ever know when he's with you. But as you start to moan back, that peace is mixed into a pot full of passion.
When you pull away to finally breath, you see the glaze in his eye. It's the darkest and most noticeable it's ever been. And he doesn't bother to blink it away or try to hide it from you. He looks right at you, letting you get a good look at how much you affect him.
"Is it too soon to say I love you?"
"No," you hum, tracing the collar of his sweater.
"I love you," he mumbles as you scoot away from him and stand slowly, leaving him on his knees below you. He looks up and follows your movements as you turn and walk away, making it a point to sway your hips as you look over your shoulder on the way to his bed room. He trips over himself as scrambles to his feet, all but running after you.
You've settled yourself on his bed, facing away as you move your hair out of the way of the tall zipper on your back. "Will you, Yeo?"
"Oh, Petal..." He crawls on the bed and comes up behind you, his hot breath fanning over you. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Im sure. I'm really, really sure." He leaves a short kiss on the back of your neck, reveling in the way you lean closer to his touch as he plants his hand on either of your shoulders. "I wan... I wanna go further. Do you?"
"God, yes, I do." He slides one of his hands to the zipper and slides it down slowly, breath catching in his throat as it rolls past your bra and exposes it. He pulls it as far as it will go and then leans back as you let it pool around your thighs.
"Here," he softly pulls you up and out do the dress, laying you on his soft sheets. He pushes it off the bed and climbs over you, taking in every little detail and committing it to memory.
"You're so beautiful," he admits lowly. He's never seen someone so precious. He would scoop you up and keep you in his pocket if he could. "Could you- can you say it again?"
"Wh- Babe? So you liked it? That's okay?"
"Yes, yes," he whispers, holding you closer. "It's okay, it's so okay, Petal."
"Babe?" You test it out, grinning into his sweater. He purrs contentedly, stroking his hand up and down your side.
You stay there for a moment, basking in each others hold until you whisper. "Can I... Can I give you a hickey?" He grabs onto your hips in shock, looking down at you to see you staring at his neck like a sort of predator.
"What?" He needs to make sure he hears you correctly. There's no way you just out and said that... right?
"Please, Yeo. I want to give you a hickey."Yeosang has officially lost his self control, opening gawking at you as he bites his lip and thanks God he chose to transfer to your class all those months ago.
"You wan- You want to give me a hickey?"You nod, dragging your hands around his hips and caressing the small of his back. "You drive me crazy, Angel. You know that?"
You smirk up at him with a new found confidence. No body has ever shown so much unfiltered love and admiration towards you. Yeosang is the first who's ever loved you enough to stand up for you (besides they Huenings, but they stood up for everyone). He's the first person you've felt so deeply about. And you want to show him off to the world.
He straddles over you, knees on either side of your thighs and hands on the pillow besides your head. Your hands grab the edge of his sweater and you look up at him. "You can give me one, too."
He all but tears his top from his body, leaning back as he throws it to give you a view of his toned body. "Can I touch you?" You ask, nervous now that he's finally in front of you, now that it's so real.
You've been fantasizing about him for months, not that you would ever admit that out loud. Lusting after your senior before you were even friends? It was strange, sure- but you couldn't help it. Yeosang had burrowed his way into your mind since you handed him his book that very first day.
"Yes, touch me..." he looks down, eyes dark as they track your every move. "Touch me, please. Don't make me wait any longer, Petal." He's been wanting this for months. Not that he'd ever admit that out loud. Ever since he switched classes and accidentally sat in your seat. Chasing after your junior? Doing anything for her? Threatening people to stay away from her before you'd even kissed? He knew it was unhealthy. But he didn't care.
He really didn't care as your hands finally made contact with his stomach and roamed up slowly, avoiding his nipples and gently scratching down his shoulders. "You're so pretty, Yeosang."
The sound of his name falling past your lips makes him hold back a shiver, smiling down at you. "My pretty boy," you speak lowly, like you didn't even mean for him to hear it. But he did. And it lit the sparks in his stomach fully ablaze.
"Your pretty boy?"
"I'm your pretty boy?"You can feel your face heating up, but you don't let it deter you as you lean up and wrap your arms around him and feel his smooth back. "Am I?" He asks, voice tight.
"Yes. My pretty boy...all mine." You claim before pulling him back down with you and latching your lips onto his neck.
He lets out a sigh, melting onto you and propping himself up on his forearms as he elbows give out. "God, oh my god." His voice is frenzied, wavering as he reaches his fingers out and catches your head in them.
You detach from his jugular with a little wet pop, smiling in bliss as you see the small mark that's forming from just the small amount of work you did. "More, Baby," he whispers into the pillow, breathing heavily as he tries to control himself. "Want more."
You comply, leaving opened mouth kisses all over the side of his neck and latching onto a spot just below his ear when he lets out a small moan. He tests the waters with a small grind down on your core, and when you moan against his neck and wrap your legs around his hips, he doesn't dare stop. You suck and suck away at his smooth skin, nibbling gently. He moans quietly into the pillow,rolling his hips lightly into yours as his blood rushes down.
Your tender biting makes his brain fuzzy, and he can't help but sigh contentedly as you continue rubbing up his back as you leave your marks. His heart is racing out of his chest, and he's shocked you haven't heard it with how close to his pulse you are. Your hands settle just above his hips, smirking as you slide one between you and dip your finger tips just into his jeans. "Fuck, fuck, please."
"Take them off, Babe," You whisper as you breath heavily onto his neck. The way your hot breath hits the cool saliva on his neck and the new nick name, it all makes his body feel light. He hurries away from you and stands up, unbuttoning his pants and kicking them away to get back to you as quickly as possible.
You smile at his eagerness, sitting up with your legs folded under you. He joins you again, copying your stance right infront of you as he smiles at you. He cups your cheeks and smooshes them together as he leans in and kisses you. Short and sweet.
"I want you so badly."
Your skin heats up at his confession, sucking in a breath before you even think of responding. "You got me."
He turns and hangs his legs off the side of the bed, then grabs you and leads you to sit on his lap, grinning up at you. "I got you," he says- like he can't believe it. "My flower, I got you." He laughs in disbelief, kissing down your jaw. "All mine." He licks a stripe up from you collar bone, making you shiver. "All fucking mine."
He wraps his lips on your skin and sucks harshly. You whine, grabbing onto his hands as they rest on your thighs at either side of him. His lips keep their suction as he parts his teeth, swirling his tongue around on your hot skin.
"Ah, Yeo!" You grind your hips down on him, groaning as the small button on his boxers grazes over your covered clit. You continue to mumble, drifting into meaningless nonsense as he slides his hands and grabs your ass through the fabric of your panties. His touch only serves to make you more and more worked up, grabbing his shoulders and digging your nails into them. He groans into your neck, pulling away to lean his head back in ecstasy while you swirl your hips on his covered cock.
You take the opportunity and weave you lips into his, smiling as you swallow up all of his small moans. You steady yourself with one hand on his shoulder as the other reaches between you. You take the button between your thumb and index, pulling away to look at him.
He says nothing, only nods and bites his lip as you slide the button undone. It's a bit strange to you, unfamiliar as you take him out and glance down. You never did anything like this with your past partners. But they weren't Yeosang. And you wanted to spend as much time as much time as you can with him. You want to be as close as possible. You want to become one with him.
When he notices your unsure of what to do, he takes your hand and brings it up to his mouth, letting spit dribble into your palm as you watch intently. He holds the back of your hand and wraps both of your hands around his girth.
He openly shivers at the feeling, and you can't help the small smile the tugs at your lips as you watch him closely. He mumbles under his breath, and you can't quite catch it. You lean forward and connect your foreheads, kissing his lips gently and pulling away quickly to get his attention.
He opens his eye and moans at the sight of you, hand tightening around yours over his dick. He keeps one hand planted firmly just behind him to keep him upright as you lick your lips.
"Just like this, Baby. Okay?" You nod with a small smile and lean into his hand as he wraps it in you hair.
You continue just how he showed you, sliding your hand over him with just as much pressure he left you with. His chest rises and falls heavily, eyes dropping as he keeps his gaze on you.
"So good," he praises, fueling the fire in your gut as he strums his thumb across your jaw. You break your eye contact and look down, getting a good view of him as your hand slides up and down slickly. He's big, but not intimidatingly so. He has a long, thick vein on the side of it which branches out. Your hands slows as you inspect it, feeling his breaths against your face.
You withdraw your hands and he watches your thumb run over it. "Oh my - God!" Your mouth waters at the sight of him twitching, cunt leaking as you hear his moans. You haven't been this worked up in your life.
"Can... I can- uh."
"What, Petal?" He asks softly.
"I want to suck you."Your low eyes meet his, wide once again.
"Yeah- yes, Baby, yes."
You slip off of his lap and kneel between his legs, reaching up and grabbing the elastic band of his boxers. He lifts his hips and his heart swells at the way you look at him as you throw them to join your dress. He leans back on his hands, watching as your tongue falls from your lips. You leave a fat kitten lick from the middle of his length to his leaking tip. He bites back a moan as you swirl your tongue.
"Yeosang," you look up and ask, "do you want to be rough with me?"
"Are you sure?"
You nod enthusiastically. "We can start slow, and if it's too much," you think for a moment, "if it's too much I'll hit you a few times. Is that... is that okay? I want to make you feel good, Babe. You can be rough, I can take it for you."
"I don't deserve you, Petal." He scoots to the very edge of the bed and wraps both of his hands in your hair, pulling you up gently to give you a long kiss. "Too good to me." He lowers you back down to your knees and smiles sweetly before he speaks, "open up, Baby."
You drop your jaw as far as it will go, flattening your tongue as he inches his way inside of you. He moans as the warmth of your mouth envelops him, pulling you further and further onto his cock. You grab onto his knees and look up through your lashes to watch his lips part with a sigh.
"Doing so good. So good, Baby." You gag around him and he stops, sliding one hand down to your jaw and massaging gently. When your breathing even out he asks, "ready?"
You tap on his leg gently, following his lead as he buries his cock in the depths of your throat. He sighs deeply, committing the view to memory. "Fuck, Baby."
The tip of your nose presses against his smooth pelvis. Your lips stretched out around the base of him. One hand dipped in your panties, toying with yourself. Closing your eyes only to snap them back open and focus on him.
You must be a God. You have to be. You are.
His God.
"Look so pretty. My pretty girl."You swallow around him and he nearly ascends. "Oh, fuck!" He holds onto your hair tightly as you twirl your tongue around as much as you can. He uses it as leverage to pull your head back just a small bit, before slamming his tip to the back of your throat. You sputter around him, moaning and gagging and making a mess.
He continues to buck his hips into your warm, wet mouth, nearly panting as he uses his hand wrapped up in your hair to pull you closer. Your spit slide down your chin, soaking his underwear and making his shiver.
When your close your mouth just a fraction of an inch, the edges of your teeth scrape against his veins and he has you pull you away frantically.
You swallow thickly, rubbing his thigh. "Why'd you stop?"Your rasp, soothing the indents on his thighs.
"Gonna cum," he moans with eyes closed, mouth parted.
"Can I taste it?"
"Fuck, oh my God!" His arms give out as your words float around his mind, laying flat and moaning loudly as you wrap your hand around him. He feels like he could cry as you take his tip and suck it like it's the sweetest lollipop in the world.
"Ah- Oh, fuck!" He has a death grip on the sheets as you work him with one hand and slide the other up his clenching stomach. "Oh, please," he whispers, teetering on the edge of pure bliss. "Baby, please, don't stop. Don't stop! Fuck!"
It feels like he's died and gone to heaven as you continuously swallow up his release, moaning as the warmth settles in your belly. A string of broken curses leaves his mouth as he's dunked into a tank of pure pleasure. He needs you more than he needs oxygen. He doesn't bother to pull you away until it physically hurts.
"Fuck, Petal..." he huffs out, guiding you up and wrapping his big arms around you to pull you flat against his heaving chest. "So good." He feels almost numb, floating on a cloud of peace that only you can provide. It's the welcome feeling you always offer him, but it's multiplied by a hundred. Any doubt, any worry, any voice nagging in the back of his head- all of it is gone as you kiss him and let him taste himself on your swollen lips.
"I love you." He prays, eyes closed: that he will never have to live another day without you.
"I love you, Yeosang." Your voice is slightly hoarse, raw with both emotion and dryness, and your words make his heart skip multiple beats. He opens his eyes and sees yours right above him.
It's the first time you ever said that to him. He said it everyday. All day. Ever since he confessed to you. And to hear his words returned in earnest makes every thought fly away from his mind. He flips your positions and pulls you to the edge of the bed, reversing your roles from just a moment ago. He kneels in front of you like you are a precious, breathtaking, art.
"Please, please, let me make you cum, Baby. Let me eat you out, please!" He seems more desperate than you are, grabbing the little lace edge of your panties and begging for you to let him tear them away.
"Ye-" the second a single sound of confrontation falls past your lips, he has the garment thrown far away and has his mouth wrapped around your weeping cunt.
He dives right in, eyes closed in pure joy as your slick coats his tongue. He swallows it down like he's dying of thirst, with his mouth wide open, scooping up as much as he can with his tongue.
"Holy shit, Yeo!" He steadies himself by lifting the back of your thighs onto his shoulders, letting your legs dangle on his back as he pulls you inhumanly close. "D-don't stop, please!"
He would never dare. He hums into you and it brings you to a mumbling mess. He forces his eyes open as he places a finger at your entrance, watching for any signs of discomfort as he presses them in slowly. But all his finds is unfiltered pleasure as your back arches up and you throw your head to the side.
He moves it in and out slowly, giving it a few good moments before his middle finger joins it. When his palm connects to your dripping core, he can feel you clench around them. He curls them inside of you, smirking against you as your arms spread out beside you, one gripping at his pillow and the other at the end of his blanket.
When he spreads his fingers out inside of you, you nearly faint. Holding back a scream and looking for anything to hold onto as your hips jerk. Your fingertips find his pillow and bring it to your face, screaming into it to muffle yourself for the sake of his neighbors. He laughs against your cunt, pulling away with heavy breaths to speak, "is it that good, Petal?"
"Yeah," you groan from below the pillow, "so fucking good, Yeosang." His cock twitches to life between his folded legs as he hears your muffled praise. He knows exactly what you said, but he asks anyways, "what? Does it feel good, Baby?"
"Yes! Please, keep going, Babe! It feels so good, s' so good, I love it!" Content with the praise you've flooded him with, he slips his mouth lower. The tip of his tongue joins his eager fingers and his nose rests against your clit, making you moan every time he moves his head on the slightest.
You mind is gone by the time you realize. He's about to be the first man to ever make you cum. Wether its because you're so emotionally attached to him, or the way he's so feral to please you, you have no idea.
"Yeo!" You cry out, legs gaining a mind of their own and wrapping around his head. He doesn't complain, nor would he if he could. He only leans closer and looks up to watch your chest rise and fall violently as your reach your peak.
When he gets the first taste of it, he hums contentedly and it breaks the wall holding you back. You cum, and you cum hard. You subconsciously toss the pillow away from your face to get more oxygen and you meet his eyes- it feels like you cum again before it's even over as you see his eyes peeking out from being buried in your pussy. His pupils have completed taken over his brown eyes. His beautiful, shaggy blonde hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. His hands dig into your thighs, the cold metal of his ring brings you back to Earth as you're tempted to float away.
You suck in a small breath and slump onto his bed, completely fucked out. His fingers leave you with lewd noise, and you can barely watch as he sucks them clean without combusting. When he's had his fill from there, he turns his attention back to your cunt as it drips slick onto his knees and slides to the floor. He kitten licks as gently as he can, holding your hips still as they twitch and writhe.
"Yeo, s'too much!" He pulls away with a small smile and climbs over you, "taste so good, Petal. I could get addicted if we aren't careful."
He scoots you up so that you lay in the middle of his bed, albeit sideways and with your feet dangling off the side. You swallow thickly, biting your lip as you look between you and see how hard he is. You know you want to keep going, and it's clear he does as well. But you can't take it just yet. So you grab onto his neck gently and bring him down to your face, face burning hot as you stick out your tongue and lap at his chin, cleaning up your own arousal.
He has to catch himself from falling straight onto you, making both of you laugh lightly.
"You want me to clean you up, Babe? I made such a mess on your face, m'sorry." No, you aren't. That was the best orgasm you've ever experienced. You can still feel your clit buzzing between your legs.
He hums in response, wrapping his arms around your head and letting you lick his chin, his jaw, his cheeks, his nose.
You smile up at him with your mission accomplished and push his hair back out of his face."Want you to fuck me now."
Again, he finds himself shell shocked. He wants nothing more than to oblige and fuck you silly. But he asks first, "are you on the pill?"
You stretch out your arm and show him the little bump on the inside of your bicep, "implant. Do you want to use a condom anyways?"
"No, do you?"
"Fuck, no. I want to feel you as close as possible."
"Good Jes- Baby, dotn talk like that, we'll never leave this room if you keep this up." He slides his hands to your thighs and spreads them, pumping his cock a few short times before he inches his way into you.
"Tell me of you want to stop," he whispers as he holds your hands at your hips, slowly sinking into you and stretching you out deliciously.
"Don't," you moan, licking your legs around him, "don't you dare stop." When his hips finally collide with yours, you both can't help the pornographic moans that rip though you.
You fit together so perfectly. Like no body has ever fit together before, like you must be the first to be so undeniably perfect for each other. Your warm, gummy walls hug him so beautifully, he fears he might go mad without you after feeling you so intimately. The tip of his cock rests right up on a spot that makes you feel dizzy. It feels so right. And so, so, so good. "Give me more, Babe."
He starts a languid, almost massaging pace, grinning like an idiot as he rests his head besides yours. "Why're you looking at me like that," you manage to ask between your deep breaths.
"Fucking love you." He states simply, letting go of your hands to caress your jaw. "And you feel so good." He kisses your shoulder, rolling his hips. "Can't believe I've got you all to myself." He draws out and pushes back in quicker, making you grab onto his shoulders, nails digging in deeply. "I'm so fucking lucky."
He stops as he sees your tears welling up. "Did I hurt you?"
"No! God, fuck," you wipe the wetness away aggressively, going back to holding him quickly. "I'm just so happy. I love you. I do." The tears you had just wiped away come back to mess with you. Yeosang wipes them away, cursing them for blurring your beautiful eyes. The kiss is soft. Almost ghostly in the way your lips graze together. "Keep going."
You wrap your arms around his back and latch on- legs and arms now keeping him close as he resets a tender pace. "Feels so good," you mumble against his lips, smiling as his forehead rests against yours. "Love it, love your cock."
He can only moan in response, lifting your shoulders gently to wrap his arms around them. Your chest presses against his, nipples pressed together and making the both of you groan at the friction. "Faster, Sangie." Before he even has a moment to register the new nickname, his hips respond for him, picking up the pace and building up a rhythm until his all but pounding into you. "Fuck, ye-yeah!"
He groans into your neck, eyeing the forming hickey. The next noise that comes from him makes your lists clench around him. He growls. "My Petal." "My girl," he speaks softer. "My fucking girl."
"M' gonna cum, Sang."
"Wait for me, Angel. Can you?" He looks up and you swear you see the Devil behind his lustful eyes.
He must be a Devil. He has to be. He is.
Your Devil.
"Yes, yes, I- ah!" Your hands find their rightful place on his shoulders, digging into the indents you've already left and making him hiss. You bite your lip, closing your eyes as your orgasm gets closer and closer with the way he's fucking you to another universe.
"Let me hear you, Baby."
"C-" Whatever words on your tongue fall short, cut by your loud moans as he reaches down and swirls on of his fingers around your sensitive clit.
"I can't, Yeo! I'm goi- fuck! I'm gonna cum, please, please," you grab at his head wildly, bringing his face right up to yours, "cum inside me. I want it! Want it so bad, Sangie!"
His unoccupied hand grabs yours and that's all you need to gush around him, cunt clenching and unclenching. Pulsing around him, trying to pull him inside you and make him apart of you. He releases deep inside of you, whimpering and closing his eyes as you cradle his face. You both stay there for what feels like hours, but in reality must have been only a few minutes.
When he pulls away, your legs fall limp and you groan at the ache in your hips. The warmth of his cum dripping out of you makes you shiver in his arms as he curls up next to you. You place your hand over his which rests on your sweaty stomach, "I love you."
"I love you... was I too rough?" He rubs circles on your hip bone gently, reveling in the way he can see his handprint in your skin.
"No, perfect." You lean into his warmth as your adrenaline settles. "Never," you laugh, "never been with some one so good. I feel fucking faded."
He laughs with you, sharing the sentiment and telling you that that's probably the hardest he's ever came. You laugh again, smiling over at him. He leans forward and leaves a quick peck on your lips, acting shyly like he wasn't just balls deep inside of you.
He rubs your hip, leaning in and kissing your neck before you pull his head away by his mullet. "If you get hard again, you're on your own. I love you, but I also love my ability to walk."
He chuckles, nodding. "Told you I'd get addicted, Petal."
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"Have a good shower, Baby?" He asks as he hears your padded footsteps behind him.
"Your water pressure is amazing, I might have to move in." You toss fix up your wet hair as you sit across from him at the small table.
The sun is setting behind him through the cracked blinds, casting shadows on him. "Well, I'm not complaining but one Mingi gets home, he's be pissed I've found a new roommate."
He slides you a pair of chopsticks with a smile and takes in your appearance as you eat. You're wearing one of his orchestra shirts as a night gown, towel across your shoulders to catch the drips from your hair. You fumble a bit to get your chopsticks situated and take a big bite of the food he prepared. You look at home. Like you truly belong here infront of him. And you do.
"I love you, Petal."
You smile, swallow you food quickly and speaking as you gather up another bite, "so you've said." You offer him the bite, hand under the chopsticks as you hold it out. He leans in and takes it as you speak, "I love you too, Yeo."
Even if you don't... he'll make it so.
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vannahmontannah · 10 months
It was really late in the day and Duke and Eisley decided to stop by Chick-Fil-A to get some food. They ordered what they wanted and parked in the lot and chilled for a bit. It was a warm, cozy night as the nightfall overshadowed the Earth. The wind was smooth, sky was clear, moonlight was pushing its light, and the stars worked its magic.
"By next year, imma already have the house set, so that way I already have ahead start. I move out, got my own crib, my own car, and from there I get to work. Not sure if I wanna go all the way to play professional though," Duke said.
"Why not? I think you should! You are the most popular player right now—you and Kai! Don't just take that for granted,"
"I'm not, but then that's going to be a lot. I mean the money and the attention will be good, but...that's a big step. I'm out there on my own, leaving you behind—"
"You don't gotta leave me behind!"
"Not like that. I'm saying like, imma be out there you gone be here waiting for me to come back and I could be gone for months. Long distance is a lot of discipline,"
"It is, but I will be here to support, you know that,"
"I know. I just came and did football for fun. Ian think I was going to be this big. I'll think about it soon,"
"Dude...you got offers from hella teams already. Go and take that opportunity!"
"I'll think about it Eisley,"
"You can be so fucking difficult sometimes,"
"You can too. You get so stubborn half the time,"
"Only because some shit is actually insane as hell. You over here contradicting yourself and shit! Just go!"
"My decision, my choice. Now be quiet and eat your food!"
"Duke, you can be so unsure of yourself sometimes and no matter what anyone tells you, you double down. Why?"
"I don't know...I don't know..."
"Does anyone else know?"
"Only told my parents about the offers, but not anyone else. Just you and my parents know,"
"Duke I'm gonna always be here for you, okay? You don't need to feel like I'm holding you back. We gone be locked in and imma be here when it's time. But like you said...your decision, your choice,"
Duke sipped his drink and scrolled on his phone. Eisley noticed he was going through his tags and peaked at his phone. It was just a bunch of mentions from a lot of people. He noticed he was on that fan page that she saw earlier. She frowned and tilted her head.
"Do you know who runs that page? You're always liking their posts,"
"No I don't. I just be liking it because I appreciate the support just like I like some of the other mentions I get,"
"Don't you think it's just a bit weird though? Like, they have to know us by now and this? This is kind of creepy,"
"Yeah, but I just like once in a while and keep going. If it bothers you, I can stop,"
"Yes, please? That is getting out of hand? 500k followers? That's insane,"
"You want someone to make a fan page of you?" Duke laughed.
"You jealous?"
"Of what?!"
"I got fans,"
"Duke, please do not play with me right now,"
Duke laughed it off and continued to mess with her. Although they were playing and such, Eisley was getting bothered by this fan page. They had a new post almost everyday. She had no problems with him having fans, but this was out of hand. Who is this?
It's a week before the homecoming and the morning before tonight's game and all the students are running around like chickens without heads trying to get the perfect pieces for their outfits. Things like this can be stressful for a lot of reasons and it can be hard to handle! Kassy and Jacob are waiting in the day of the homecoming because they have big plans! All the fraternity and sorority members will also be at the big game which is taking place at CAU.
Patricia, Dia and Charity and were at the mall looking for jewelry to finish off their outfits for the dance. Patricia was going with her boyfriend, Kai and Dia were going as dates, and Jawan and Charity are going as dates.
"I feel like this is just not it though, like, just look at it," Dia said, staring at the material in disgust.
"Yeah, let's pass on this one. It's giving granny," Patricia added.
"They need to put this shit away," Dia said.
"Well, it's not for us. It's for a certain type of consumer. Old people..." Charity said.
"But why is it in the young adult section?" Dia asked.
"This look like some shit you would buy," Dia laughed.
"Why would you say that?"
"You're just...different,"
"Who are you going with again? Jawan? Why Jawan?"
"I mean, he just asked. Is something wrong?"
"You should give him a chance. I don't see why not. You think he's ugly? Is his dick small?"
"Jesus! No!"
"So you've seen it?"
"No! I never seen it! I don't know what it looks like! He was nice enough to ask me and I said yes. That's it. What is wrong with you?"
"Jawan likes you IF you haven't noticed by now," Patricia said.
"Yeah, I know. He knows I don't like him back anyways, so,"
"And you two are going as dates? Wow," Dia said.
"Well, again, he asked. Enough about me. What about you and Kai?"
"We are best friends, so why not? Plus, he's the most fun person I know and I know imma have a good time at the homecoming,"
"Do you like him?"
"No. And he don't like me,"
"Ronnie just texted the chat," Patricia said.
"What'd she say?"
"She said Duke hurt his knee,"
"What?! Bro! The big game is next week!"
"They're at the hospital right now. I got what I need, so imma go,"
"Imma go too,"
"I wasn't done shopping—"
"Girl, we'll finish later!" Dia said.
"Ahh!" Duke screamed, positioning his knee.
"You thought it was okay to do a backflip off the fuckin bleachers?!" Eisley yelled.
"Eisley, please don't start!"
"Fuck the game tonight—the big game is next week! What are you gonna do!"
"See how far my knee is fucked up!"
"Ugh! Duke...you can be so goofy sometimes to the point where it hurts,"
"I do backflips off the bleachers all the time though,"
"But you never did from the seats have you?"
"I was supposed to hit the ground,"
"Well, you didn't! Your foot got caught in between the seats and your knee is messed the fuck up!"
"Okay, let's all just calm down," Ronnie said.
"I'm calm. She's just yapping,"
"I should really sit on your knee—"
"Okay! Let's all take a breather! Let's take a woohsah!" Ronnie said, breathing in and out.
"Hey, we made it!" Patricia said.
"Hey!" Dia greeted.
Charity waved at everyone in the room and put on a shy smile. She looked at Duke and waved. He waved back and smiled. Chills went down her spine as she can't believe she is in a room with him again! And the fact that he is noticing her!
"What's all the ruckus?" Dia asked.
"She's yapping on about how I shouldn't have flipped off the bleachers. I know it was dumb, but I should be fine," Duke said.
"It's just...the game is next week, baby,"
"I know. But I will be okay. Promise. Won't do another backflip til next year," he smiled.
"Okay," she cheesed.
"What they say about your leg?" Charity asked.
"They said it was a lil out of place, but I should be fine,"
"They said he tore his ligament and it's gonna take 6-12 weeks to recover,"
"Damn! I mean, that's honestly sad, man," Patricia said.
"Imma still be playing though. Don't worry bout it,"
"I don't know. Them coaches don't be letting they injured players play," Charity said.
"Not to be cocky or that guy, but my coach gone give me a pass," Duke said.
"How many more games you got left?"
"Like five,"
"You ain't gone make it. Lord, help me!"
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ageless-aislynn · 10 months
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Title: “Recreation” (3/?) Author:@ageless-aislynn​ Characters/fandom: Kai-125/M!Reader, Halo the series Summary: You wanted to take Kai on a date that she would love but your ideas are running a bit thin. Don't worry, though, ODST Jerry is here to help. 😉 Rating:  T (PG13) Length: 3,405 Spoilers/warnings: Set in the Silver Timeline of Halo the series, not the games or novels. No show spoilers. Disclaimer: Definitely not mine but I do enjoy borrowing them just for a bit! 😉 A/N:  Annnnd it's been a while, friends. Since the last update, life has been all about stress, health issues and writer's block but I'm trying to get things back on track again. 🤞😣🤞
Thank you to @mrtobenamedlater for the suggestions on what sort of dates to not take Kai on. See, I was paying attention, lol!
If you also read "15 Minutes" (or you're checking to see if I'm going to mention anything about it 😉), the next chapter on it is also in progress. Ideally, it should also update at some point this month but I make no promises.
If you've been reading since the beginning, thank you for sticking around. If you're reading this at some later date, thanks for giving it a chance. However it goes, I hope you enjoy! ⭐💖⭐
Taglist: @laurenstacy610 @sporadicbelievernightmare @sarnakhwritesthings
I tagged everybody I tagged last time but, as always, if you'd prefer not to be, just let me know! And if you would like to be tagged in my Kai/Reader fics, just let me know! At the moment, I also write John/Reader, John/Kai and John/Cortana, so I’m glad to tag you for whatever you’d like. Also, if you’d like to be removed, just let me know as well, no hard feelings. 😉 💖
Halo fic masterlist ⭐
"So, what's the plan?"
You looked over as ODST Jerry fell into step with you. "Plan?"
"You know, for when your Spartan honey gets back from extended deploy."
Your I'm thinking over my options face clearly looked a lot like your I'm completely at a loss face. Wait, now that you thought about it, they really were one and the same in this case.
"Come on, man, you need a plan," he bemoaned. "You can't just try to wing it with a Spartan. Not a Spartan. She's worth the time, the effort, the thought, the whole thing. Don't you worry, though. Jerry's got you covered. Give me a few hours and I'll be back with some options."
He strode away with great purpose, leaving you staring after him, a bit flummoxed at having somehow gained an ODST Fairy Godfather.
All considering, though, you could definitely use a little of that "feet first" attitude when it came to dating.
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You were on your way to the mess for lunch when, as if by magic, Jerry appeared next to you once more.
"I've been going over the options, running the numbers, all that," he began without preamble. "You know that big amusement park that opened a few weeks ago, tallest roller-coaster on Reach, guaranteed thrills for all?"
"That's where I should take-?"
"You should absolutely not take her there. Think about it, she can jump from orbit without so much as a pod! How exciting is some plain ol' roller-coaster going to be to somebody who can orbital jump in just her armor?"
You nodded slightly, conceding the point.
"Same thing with the games. Punch a bag to show your strength? She can punch the whole machine onto the next continent. Hit a target? She's a sniper, my man. Even with the lousy 'guns' they use for those things, I'd bet you a whole year's salary that she'd make every shot. That's no fun for her. She'll want to be challenged, she'll want excitement! You've got to give her something she's not going to get any other way or why would she bother, right?"
You went from nodding to shaking your head to finally just doing a circle with your chin. "But I'm not that exciting," you said. "That's going to be impossible."
Jerry whipped out his padd. "I made some notes," he said and flipped it around so you could read the screen.
You leaned down a bit, squinting at the print. "Um, you know I couldn't survive that one, right? And I'm just straight-up not doing that one, that one or that one," you said, pointing at the corresponding bullet points.
"If you're worried about where to find a marching band, don't sweat it. I know a guy," he said confidently. "I can even convince him to throw in the venomous carnivores for free."
"I don't know," you said with a slight grimace. "None of this is my style."
"Really? Not even number 15?"
"Yeah, I'm definitely not doing battlefield karaoke. Besides, where would I find an Elite who could sing?"
"I know a guy," he repeated even more confidently.
"Maybe some other time. But thanks."
He waggled a finger at you. "I'm not going to give up on you, buddy. Not after you opened my eyes to the wonders of yoga."
"Are you feeling more centered and enlightened?"
"Eh, that, too," he said. "But I'm going to make sure that you show that Spartan the time of her life, even if it kills us both, don't you worry!"
He gave your shoulder a friendly punch and disappeared into the crowd before you could respond.
You were on an early shift today, so you decided to do some recon in the city. There were a few fancy restaurants there, would Kai like something like that? There were also movie theaters, some quite elaborate. That movie in the park you'd been about to see before the emergency deploy, she'd said she liked it, so was it playing somewhere? She might like the chance to see it in a more elegant setting. Or what about live performances? Did she like plays? Musicals?
You realized you had no idea about her taste in music or entertainment. Or food. Or pretty much anything important, the more you thought about it.
Frustrated, you let your feet carry you out of the city into the outskirts. There was one place you could go to clear your mind for a while. Maybe some fantastic, Spartan-worthy idea would come to you, then?
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Not long into throwing balls for the pack of rescue dogs, you'd gotten the feeling you were being watched. Surreptitiously, you'd scanned the wooded area beyond the fenced-in yard but couldn't spot anything suspicious. Even after casually checking out the buildings of the animal sanctuary behind you, you didn't spot anybody watching you from a window or around a corner. Often, some of the other volunteers would gather to watch you playing with the dogs but you really didn't know why.
Deborah, one of the other volunteers, approached after a while, calling your name in greeting. "Want a break? I'll take a turn if you want to go visit your best girl. She's in her usual place."
"Sure, thanks," you said, tossing the ball to her and giving the dogs still clustered around you fond scratches. You headed back to where you'd left your shirt hanging on the porch railing but it was warm enough you'd worked up a light sweat, so you left it off. You found a place in the shade on the ground next to the steps to sit, letting your hand turn palm upwards on the grass.
You caught a glint of eyes beneath the steps but didn't say anything, knowing it was better to wait.
It didn't take nearly as along as it once had before there was movement from the corner of your vision. You still didn't react, keeping your gaze forward, but when a slightly cold, damp nose skimmed your palm, your mouth twitched.
It wasn't until the furry body sat next to you, close enough for the wiry fur to brush your arm, did you look at the small, gray dog. "And how are you today, Gigi?" you asked very softly.
You moved your hand up onto your lap and waited until she shifted to lean against your leg before slowly and gently petting her back. She sat there stiffly for a few more seconds, then finally sighed and laid down with her head propped onto your thigh.
"You know, you're welcome to play ball with the rest of them," you suggested and she rolled her dark eyes to look skeptically at you. "Or not," you concluded.
You both watched Deborah and the rest of the dogs for a while, then Gigi abruptly tensed and darted back under the steps a heartbeat before you heard the crunch of footsteps.
"Hey, marine," Kai said as she came around the corner of the building, dressed in dark civvies, the streak of red in her hair barely peeking out from under her black knit cap with the tear on the edge. "Got room for one more?"
You were on your feet and striding towards her before you even realized it. Halfway there, you realized you didn't know what you were going to do when you got there but fortunately, she didn't have the same problem.
As soon as you were within reach, she grabbed you into a massive embrace. For a long moment, you just closed your eyes and held onto her.
"When'd you get back?" you finally asked into her muscular shoulder.
"Couple of hours ago. Been in debrief for ages. Though poor Chief is still there, so guess I shouldn't complain."
"You all right? No casualties?"
"Silver's in one piece," she said which wasn't really an answer but you figured that was all she could say.
When you leaned back, you expected her to let you go but instead she shifted her hold so to touch your face.
"I'm glad to see you," she said, her tone husky.
"Yeah. Yeah, me, too," you stammered out, feeling tongue-tied.
And then she kissed you and, in addition to feeling bereft of words, you had your breath stolen as well.
You heard a faint growl come from under the porch and Kai released you, murmuring, "So, who's your friend down there? They sound like they're considering biting my ankle."
It took a few blinks before your brain resumed functioning again. "That's Gigi," you said. "She's had a rough go of it, doesn't trust very easily. Usually she wouldn't call attention to herself like that, though."
"She must like you, then," she said with a slight smile, "considering that she's warning me to back off."
You turned, finding that Gigi actually had her head poked out from under the porch, her lips curled and showing teeth. "That's not very nice," you admonished in a gentle tone. "You're both Spartans, you should stick together."
Gigi gave a displeased barky growl at that and vanished into the shadows once more.
"She's a Spartan, huh?" Kai remarked, biting her lip as if to restrain a grin.
"Well, she came to the sanctuary already answering to Gigi so they didn't want to change it," you explained. "So, I told her that it was short for Gorgo, you know, the Spartan queen? I thought she should have a strong name, something to give her courage when she needs it."
Kai looked at you as if you were too precious to be real. "I like it," she said. "Well, Queen Gorgo Gigi would be a welcome part of Silver Team, if she ever feels like joining."
"One day," you said. "Or at least I hope one day that she'll feel safe enough to come out and play ball."
"You'll get her there," she said confidently.
"You think so?"
"Yeah," she said with an encouraging nod. "You're good with her, I can tell. She trusted you enough to come out from her hiding place and sit with you. That's a big deal."
You arched an eyebrow. "How did you know that? Can Spartans see around corners now?"
It was her turn to look a bit sheepish. "I saw from the woods." She jutted her chin in a direction across the yard through the fence. "I, um, might've been watching you running around, playing ball."
She gave a huffing laugh. "Probably for the same reason why you watch me do my deadlift routine."
"Because it's an impressive display of strength and agility?"
She waggled her hand to indicate you were close.
You thought it over for a second. "Because you're hot?"
She did an on the nose gesture. "You didn't answer me before: you got room for one more or do you think it'll upset Gigi if I sit in her space?"
You glanced back as if the small dog would offer a comment. Her eyes glittered in the darkness, which told you she hadn't completely withdrawn. "I think it'll be all right," you finally surmised. "If she seems to get distressed, we can move."
Kai nodded and the both of you took a place on the ground with you the closest to the steps. You sat there in companionable silence for a while, watching Deborah throwing the ball to the pack of dogs.
Eventually, Deborah came your way, gesturing to Kai. "Want to take a turn? They've about run me out but I'd like to give them a little while longer to play."
Kai bounded to her feet. "Sure," she said eagerly. "Just… throw the ball for them?"
"Just throw the ball," the other woman confirmed.
Though you had no doubt that Kai could've thrown it three days' drive away even for the speediest Mongoose, she tempered her strength to mimic approximately how Deborah had been throwing it. Soon, she was laughing at the antics of the pack as they raced around. You noticed that she would also deliberately throw the ball to some of the smaller or slower dogs, giving them their turn as well.
She also paid attention to when they began showing signs of being tired. "Should I let them rest now?" she asked.
Deborah had found a place in the shade to sit far enough away that Gigi didn't withdraw further. At Kai's question, she pushed to her feet. "Yeah, they seem good. I think they'll all have solid naps now, thanks."
Then, as Kai approached and gave her back the ball, she went on, "We're always looking for people for play time like this, or even just feeding and filling water bowls. If you'd ever like to spend more time with them, please feel welcome. I know they'd love it."
"Thanks," Kai said with a broad smile. "I'd love it, too."
"You'll make sure she gets in?" you asked, inclining your head towards the little gray dog under the porch.
Deborah gave a wry smile. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets that spot she likes tucked away in the linen closet."
You turned to Kai and gestured for her to proceed.
"You don't tell Gigi goodbye?" she asked, arching a brow curiously.
"Gigi doesn't believe in goodbyes," you returned, partially because you thought it would make her smile.
The toothy grin she gave you went straight to the center of your chest. "Something else we have in common, then."
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The walk back into the city was much more pleasant now that Kai was at your side. She couldn't tell you much about the mission Silver Team had been on but that was all right with you.
After she told you that she hadn't had time to grab anything to eat, you diverted your course to find the little out of the way diner you often frequented when off-duty.
As it turned out, Kai had never before had the chance to discover the wonders of the classic hamburger. The elderly owners were quick to ply her with every conceivable variation they could concoct.
Kai's enthusiasm was contagious and her appetite was indeed Spartan-sized. In the time it took you to eat three generously sized burgers, she'd gone through perhaps a dozen. The happiness radiating from her made it difficult for you to not grin like a fool.
She waved them off when they offered to grill up another. "I'm stuffed," she demurred. "Couldn't possibly fit in another bite."
"But," the silver-haired woman asked, "what about dessert? Do you like pie?"
"Pie?" she asked, her tone perking up. And, as it turned out, yes, she did.
When you requested the bill, Kai snatched it off the table in a move so fast you didn't even see a blur of motion.
"My treat," she said. "You can pay for the next date."
Her casual choice of words surprised you. Once you were outside, having promised the owners that you'd come back soon, you fell in line beside her.
"Was this a date?" you finally asked.
"It was to me," she said with a tiny smile and threaded her fingers through yours. "It was actually the most perfect date I could've imagined."
For a moment, you couldn't seem to remember what words were. Then you cleared your throat and said, "I have something for you."
"Did you knit me a gun cozy?" she asked eagerly.
You gave what you hoped was a mysterious smile. In truth, you probably just looked besotted. That was okay, though, because it inspired her to kiss you again.
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Kai had remained outside of the marine barracks as you went in to retrieve her present. As you joined her, you noted about a dozen ODSTs and marines lurking none-too-stealthily nearby. One of the privates took a step in your direction and, from out of nowhere, ODST Jerry intercepted him, steering him back into the crowd.
He gave you a covert thumb's up, then disappeared again.
You'd thought you'd done a decent job wrapping the present in plain gray paper, tied with a silver ribbon, but when you actually saw it in her hands, you couldn't help but notice how it looked like a lumpy mess.
You should've put it in a box and had somebody professional do the wrapping. It was too late now, of course, but as she stood just looking at it, you wondered if you should offer to take it back and try again.
But then she glanced up at you and her eyes shone with a surprisingly wet sheen. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I love it."
"But you haven't even seen it," you protested mildly.
"Don't have to. I love it already."
You would've expected her to tear through the paper in a split-second but instead she carefully slid the ribbon free, then undid each seam with careful precision. It was almost as if she had never been given a--
The thought hit you as if you'd walked straight into a wall.
Then the thought made you want to punch the wall. She had never been given a wrapped present before.
It was a good thing she was preoccupied with the wrapping paper because you'd never been that great at concealing your feelings, especially when something made you see red. Scuttlebutt about how Dr. Halsey had treated the Spartans had never been particularly kind but you suddenly had an inkling of just how very unkind the treatment had been. Spartans weren't unthinking, unfeeling machines, no matter what anyone had ever said. It was true that they seemed more… animated since Dr. Keyes had taken over the program but maybe that was merely because she was allowing them to be?
It was all way above your pay grade but your feelings for Kai—
Okay, yeah, you had to admit it at least to yourself: you had feelings for her. Pretending to be in a relationship had been only been pretend for you at the very start. Kai was easy to care about, easy to admire, easy to want to be around.
The kissing was also a fantastic perk to the pretending, of course, but even if that had never been a thing, you would've still wanted to spend time with her.
As she undid the final piece of tape, she glanced up at you again and whatever she saw this time made her straighten. "You okay?" she asked.
"Sure." Your attempt to clear all of those feelings off your face was obviously an abject failure, so you went with it. "Hoping you like your gifts."
"There's more than one in here?"
"Finish opening and find out."
She slowly peeled the paper back, as if loathe to have the experience end. Oh, you were definitely getting her more wrapped presents, ASAP.
"I noticed yours was torn," you said as she gently lifted up the black knit cap from the rest of the bundle.
She made a surprisingly squeaky sound as she turned it and the metallic thread of the embroidery along the wide brim caught the light. "Is this my sniper? And a Needler? A MA5C? These are all my favorite weapons!"
"I know," you returned, then grinned as she actually spun in an excited circle.
She yanked off her old cap and put the new one on with reverence. "I just wish I could wear it and look at it at the same time," she said and you gestured at the package she still held in her hands.
She lifted the scarf out next, making another squeaky sound as she took in the matching embroidered pattern across both ends. After throwing it around her neck, she looked at you, this time with heat. "Would you want to come back to my room so I can model these for you?"
You stared quizzically at her, about to point out that she was modeling them, wasn't she?
But before you could speak, she leaned in closer to murmur, "So I can model only these for you?"
You blinked. It took two tries but finally you got out a heartfelt, "Ma'am, yes, ma'am."
As she grabbed your hand and pulled you away, you passed ODST Jerry now in the middle of the group of rapt onlookers.
"I taught him everything he knows," he was saying with a proud sniff. "Now, c'mon, everybody pay up. Yeah, and maybe if you're lucky, ol' Jerry here will help you make a Spartan love connection, too."
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lacreni · 13 days
Speaking of picrews if you looked at my drawing of Kaios and were like 'man how is this funky five-foot-nothing old man constantly getting laid':
I am SO BAD at drawing
He's a celebrity
He's marked by a cool, sexy goddess
He makes this face:
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I made picrews of all the Champions but in the meme they're going to be tiny so if you want to see everyone big they're below the cut.
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Ollie and Rai, the cutest and most excited to meet you! I might photoshop Rai's eyepatch a little bit to make it cuter and green. She loves shiny trinkets and embroidery.
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Xeria and Gwotbir: child traumatizers extraordinaire. Xeria is supposed to be chubby and Gwotbir is basically a brick wall, so just unskinny them in your head. Fun fact! Xeria is wearing a piece of Zabri's old vestments as her neck scarf.
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Cira and Veq: they don't know you but they already hate you. Veq should have a little lion nose but when I put it on it was too cute, lmao. The dogs tags and jackets are from their time serving in the army.
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Camrys and Nejen: the WORST to make in any picrew. For Camrys I have an obnoxiously specific idea of what his horns and glasses and default expression looks like, so I switched to a tiefling maker but he came out SO YOUNG. I shall need to tinker more. When it came to Nejen, every picrew either made him too human or too dragon so his icon is just going to be played by this photo of a horned lizard, lol. I might photoshop a little suit and a hat on him.
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Chesa, Champion of Atera (goddess of luck) and Maja, Champion of Varn (goddess of war). They're in lesbians with each other <3
It's been mentioned a few times but there are a LOT of younger Champions we haven't met yet. These two cuties are my favorite of the whippersnappers. Chesa is the MOST PRECIOUS SMOL BEAN and Maja will kill you if you look at her wrong. They don't get to work together often, so they make sure to get in a lot of hand holding and smooches when they do.
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Efren, Champion of Uena (goddess of the mind) and Lynn, Champion of Risa (goddess of healing)
Efren and Lynn are both Champions that specialize in helping people rather than fighting, but Efren is an absolute cinnamon roll while Lynn was trained by Rai and has the same 'listen I don't want to kill you but I do have a Very Big Knife and limited patience' approach to dealing with difficult cultists. They've met and are friends, but they don't usually work together.
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Rasse, Champion of Shura (goddess of atonement), and Jian, Blessed by Isata (goddess of ceremony and ritual)
Rasse is Orin, which are a four-armed yeti-type deal, so I probably shouldn't have tried to make her in the same picrew but she came out really cute. Jian is her Companion, and if he looks a little like he might be about to cry it's only because he realized he's out of cigarettes. These two are the oldest of the young Champions, both in their thirties. Much like Kai, Rasse had a whole family before she took up divine arms. Much like Camrys, Jian was training to be a priest before he became her Companion. Fortunately they are NOT in a torrid romance. Jian calls Rasse 'Big Mama' and views it as his solemn duty to make sure she always gets home safe to her kids, atonement of sinners be damned. If only he felt that kind of protectiveness about his lungs...
Picrews are from iamthetwi's creator here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/111486
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
Mad Guerrila and Irritatingly Logical Commander
Part two of my Commander and Guerrila story. Corrections were made because Tumblr hates me
Summary: Armin comes back half a year after the encounter with the guerrilla. He misses them, but not the only one who does. Tags: mentions of political persecution, mostly light hearted and attempt to be funny, just a sprinkle of angst, Armin fakes confidence a lot, Armin is a little sassy, reader is chaos, reader is conflicted, reader has a fake name (Kai), Arthur is a father figure for everyone, you love the braus family. Jean and Connie (they are TW)
Armin watched as the ship docked and the eager passengers started to leave in a chaotic hurry. Eldia was never crowded with visitors, but the amount of ships was still bizarre for such a small and extremely vigilant island. Armin could never really say that he missed that place, it had lost the sense of home years ago, when all the ties to that land left him wounded. The only reason he was still stepping foot there had to do with Mikasa, to check on her safety and well being. Of course, he also had the agreements to fulfill and the endless reports to narrate to the army. He hated that every visit had his neck on a rope, but there was nothing he could do about that.
“Hey, we should hurry” Jean stopped beside him “the sooner we report, the faster we get to visit Mikasa”
Armin nodded, sighing deeply. He went to his private and small room on the ship to collect his luggage and walked towards the ship’s disembarkation spot. Jean was already waiting for him, alongside Reiner and Connie.
“Pieck and Annie?” the blond asked.
Connie pointed to the pier area, where the two women waited for them. Armin could not blame them, crossing the ocean for so long was taking a tool on all of them. That three month trip back to Eldia was the longest they ever went through. Armin joined his comrades, leaving the ship and heading towards the two women. A few employees of the small harbor were beside them and soon the workers were offering to put their belongings in a relatively new auto.
“Queen Historia’s guests, am I right?” one of the men asked “we were requested to take you to the main headquarters”
Armin tried not to grunt out of frustration and let go of his luggage so the man could take it. He was hoping that the army would not ask for more than a few hours of his attention, but Armin guessed that luck was never on his side. He motioned for Annie and Pieck to approach and the group divided themselves into two autos. The trip was short, about 15 minutes, but enough to irritate the former commander since the engine was too warm and noisy. Also, the driver seemed to make everything on their power to shake the auto around and hit every bump on the street.
“Here we are” the driver said, with a strange voice.
Armin left the car, adjusting his clothes. He turned to take his luggage and almost had a heart attack once he glanced at the driver’s profile. Whatever noise of surprise he was about to let out was strongly drowned.
What are they doing here?!
“Thank you” Jean said to the driver, oblivious to Armin’s sudden frozen frame.
The driver had a thick beret and a standard harbor staff uniform. But Armin could recognize that profile in an instant, never able to forget that face.
“Armin, you’re okay?” Jean touched his shoulder.
Snapping back to reality, he took his luggage, eyes deviating from the not-really-stranger.
“Thank you” he said to the driver.
Armin wanted to scream. How was he supposed to concentrate on anything knowing that the guerrilla was his driver?
He saw the small and discreet smirk on their face before they restarted the engine and left. Armin shook his head and entered the building, feeling like his feet were made of clouds, the companions giving him concerned looks but not asking anything. The army greeted them and directed their belongings to the many rooms in the headquarters. Soon, they were locked in a meeting room, where everyone spent the afternoon giving a report. Armin had to focus really hard not to be incoherent, mind still on the driver, while Jean gave his report of the latest agreement with the south meridian countries. Armin could only think about how to find the guerrilla again.
Did they work as a driver or…was that just for Armin? He wanted to believe the latter, but there was no way they knew his party would arrive today.
Were they insane? Probably yes. Parading themselves into military territory as if they were not a political enemy, one that almost died from a bullet wound months ago.
“Mr. Arlert” a voice brought him back. The eldian army’s commander looked at him as if he was a stupid little insect on his way.
Armin had memorized the auto’s appearance, maybe he could find them by searching for the machine? He had to. Now that fate gave him a sight of their face, Armin had to see them again.
“Yes, sir” Armin replied, trying to play the usual composure.
“We must have a response from the east islands as soon as possible, look into that”
Armin nodded. Holding his tongue to not insult the man in front of him. Finally, the meeting was declared finished when the last sun rays were already leaving.
“We should eat something” Pieck suggested “maybe going out for a homemade meal nearby, I genuinely don’t want to have dinner with the soldiers”
Armin nodded, the other ones also agreeing. A few minutes later, the group of six were sharing a meal in a small inn, where a young girl was singing and playing some percussion instrument that Armin was not familiar with. The ambience was calm and the group could almost forget about their tiring day and heavy burden of duty. The former commander could say he was finally enjoying a meal for the first time in ages, watching as Annie and Pieck made fun of Connie’s lack of table manners, even if they were both just as bad. Jean was calmly eating, Reiner laughing at Connie’s antics but also keeping a calmer stance. Armin never grew close to Reiner or Pieck, but he could recognize their effort. Mostly, he was closer to Jean and maybe Annie, when she was not being insufferable with him. Looking at his comrades, he imagined if the mad-guerrilla had moments like these.
Did they have occasional dinners with their comrades?
Are their friends still alive?
Are they able to just be publicly laughing and enjoying music like Armin was?
He imagined many of those answers were a dry and sad No. He looked around, hoping that any moment he would see that familiar face come inside the inn, sit beside him and talk the night away. A delusional part of Armin wanted to take them to dinner, only the two of them, sharing things about themselves and laughing. Armin wanted to know their favorite food, the books they liked the most, their saddest moments, the happy memories. That was so stupid, he should not be so attached to someone that still remained unnamed to him.
“Come on, let’s head back” Jeans voice brought him back “You’re getting too wild, Connie”
Their journey back to the headquarters was filled with Connie and Jean’s bickering. Armin could not help but remember a third person in between them, a sad reminder that things were incomplete. He accompanied Pieck and Annie to their room for safety measures, wishing them a good night and rest, and after making sure the others were safe in their rooms he finally headed to his own. It was small with no windows, probably nothing more than a regular captain’s room, which Armin was not upset about but he could see the mockery the military made of him. Every time he came to this forsaken island, the extremists made sure to humiliate his revoked status. Armin shook his head, choosing not to dwell into those thoughts, he opened his bag to fetch some sleeping clothes and found a piece of paper inside.
You look very handsome in tailored clothing. It was nice seeing you again. Don’t look for me!!
When did this happen? How did they even slip a paper inside his bag? And how dare they just appear in Armin’s life, completely spin his world, and just say “don’t look for me”?
Armin changed his clothes and laid in bed, taking the piece of paper with him. He looked at the handwriting, not dainty but not bad either, just a common handwriting. The ink had horrible quality, which made Armin fear that the message would not last much longer on the paper. He wanted to keep it forever. Turning the paper, he almost missed a faint scribble mark on the back. Now, his years sending small letters to Mikasa during cadet training were enough to teach him some things. He took a small piece of charcoal from his writing kit, softly gliding it on the surface of the paper, revealing a hidden message.
What’s the dumbest place to die?
He smiled, too big of a smile for his own good. That guerrilla might be mad, but he was the one losing his mind.
You were feeding Pots when the young boy called you.
“Dad told me to warn you that they arrived”
Ivan left just as quickly as he came, leaving you an anxious mess.
“Wish me luck, roommate” you said to the horse.
You closed the horse stall, slowly making your way to the front of the stable. You did not come often to Arthur’s farm, but when you did he always left the horse feeding duties to you.
“payment for the blood I had to clean” he told you when you visited him after the incident.
You gladly did it. Whatever payment you could give Arthur would never compare to the mercy he offered not only to you, but to many other people. He had a long history of harboring runaways there and he had been doing so for a while. You tried to visit him as much as you could, warning the Braus family of any attacks your people were elaborating, making sure they were not harmed. His big family never asked about your alliance with the rioters, but you knew they were aware of it.
“You grow taller every time I see you” Arthur’s voice could be heard from the stable.
He was speaking to a tall man, with dark blond hair and a rather sparse beard. He was indeed very tall. Beside him, there was another tall and large man, with lighter blonde hair. You did not recognize them at all, but they had the physique of soldiers. You were never enlisted in the corps back in the day, but you saw their training enough to understand how hard it shaped them.
“You’re probably shrinking, old man” the tall dark blond man said.
From the auto parked in front of the house, two beautiful women left alongside a buzzed headed man. The women were on the shorter side, one blonde and the other brunette. You recognized the blond woman, she was one of the reasons your district was ruined years ago during a titan fight. Such a small person and that much damage. You always found it odd how she roamed free amongst her enemies, but you had your fair share of ‘working with the devil’.
“Commander, it’s been a while” Arthur’s voice was excited.
The man that haunted your thoughts was there. Pretty as ever, and handsome at the same time, he stood in an elegant and casual outfit. He looked good in blue, too good for your focus to work properly. You observed as he greeted Arthur, speaking something you could not concentrate on enough. The group entered the home, but Arthur stopped Armin from going inside, whispering something to him. Armin looked in the direction of the stables, nodding to the older man and quickly walking over.
You felt like your heart would give up any moment. Arthur, you son of a-
Trying to calm your drumming heart, you waited for the man to enter the stable. Your eyes refused to leave his beautiful frame while he got closer and closer. He finally opened the wooden gate, looking around and spotting you leaning on the wall.
“Hello, Commander. Good to see you alive” you said.
He just stood there, looking at you as if you were a ghost. Was he always that awkward?
“Did you unlearn how to speak?” you said again.
His surprised expression soon turned upset.
“Are you completely and utterly mad?” he finally replied.
Excuse me? What the actual fuck?
“Excuse me?”
“You are literally a target and the first time I see you again is when your mad self drives me directly into army territory?”
“Oh, that? I do that all the time. How do you think I gather information?”
He threw his hands in the air, flabbergasted.
“You do this often!” he exclaimed.
“Um, yes! That’s exactly how I am able to watch them without being noticed. People don’t look at their drivers” you explained.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, but the smile betrayed his upset feelings.
“This is exactly why you end up bleeding in stables” he mocked you “I received your note, by the way. How did you even slip that into my bag?”
“I have my ways” you said “Did you like my note?”
You could see his cheeks and nose get progressively more red. For someone as handsome and seemingly confident you did not imagine him being so shy regarding compliments, especially when he was so quick to scold you for doing your literal job!
“It’s good to see you well” he said “how’s the wound?”
You lifted your shirt a little, showing him the faint and jagged line that adorned your skin.
“It’s ugly, I filed a formal complaint about the nurse”
He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Formal complaints require a name and, if I recall well, you don’t have a name, Guerrilla”
“I do have one, and stop calling me that!” you complained.
“When you give me a name” he replied “even a-”
“Even a fake one” you completed “not happening, Commander. Besides, I am hungry and Arthur owes me food”
You walked past Armin, making an effort to bump into him, smiling annoyingly once he complained. He soon followed you into the farm house.
“You’re visiting him often?”
“Not really, I still keep a good distance between my visits” you said “just to make sure nobody is on my shadow”
“You had any troubles with the soldiers lately?”
“Not really, I was laying low for a few months. I returned to my duties a few weeks ago” you replied “and what about you? It’s been almost half a year since I saw my personal nurse”
“Diplomatic trips. Always takes too long and the ship trips are endless” he complained, rubbing his neck as if the tiredness still clung to him.
Even in your feverish state a few months ago, you could see he was a very tired man. A tiredness that was not only physical. You knew he was only one or two years older than you, but he acted as if he lived so much more. You guessed it was understandable, sometimes you also felt like you lived too long.
“That seems awful” you were not certain of what to say “but at least you’re back”
He was about to open the front door to you when you stopped him.
“Um, your friends are there. Let’s not mention my…political status?” you said “me and Arthur have a lie made up. I’m his occasional employee”
“Oh, alright” he said “I assume I should keep my nurse activities in secret as well”
He nodded and you let him open the door.
“Excuse me for a moment. I’ll be right back” he said, disappearing into the home.
Odd. You thought. You went to the backyard, where Arthur was preparing the table for dinner, Nicollo nowhere in sight, probably still cooking in the kitchen. You greeted a few of his kids, whose names you never remembered well, but they were nice enough.
“So you decided to join us for dinner this time? I wonder why” Arthur said to you, a stupid grin on his face.
“Shut up” you mouthed to him.
He laughed. You helped him prepare the table by placing all the plates and cutlery. You never stayed for dinner and usually ate whatever plate Arthur gave you on the stables or front porch. He would always invite you to join the table, but you were scared of getting even more attached and always declined. Your gratitude towards the Braus family, Arthur in particular, was already more than enough. The old man seemed to never take it personally though, which you appreciated.
“All done” Arthur said “let's bring the food and call everyone”
Soon enough, dinner was fully set and everyone was already taking their seat. You saw as the other new faces arrived, their eyes focusing on you. Looking at your plate, you avoided looking up and tried to remain as invisible as possible. Joining for dinner was a mistake, all for a boy you were stupidly infatuated with. You had a complicated enough life, adding strange romantic feelings was stupid.
“How rude of me” Arthur’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts “everyone, this is Kai, my helper from time to time”
He put a hand on your shoulder, patting it slightly. He pointed at the new faces, presenting their names to you. Knowing your wonderful memory, you would probably forget or mix them up soon enough.
“Nice to meet you” Armin said “Kai”
He had a very innocent and warm expression. Piece of shit, you were going to slap that pretty face when opportunity came.
Armin had a hard time keeping his attention on other people. He wanted to speak openly with one specific person, ask them many questions and sit by them. He could not do it, of course, not without raising any suspicion. Glancing at them from across the table, he noticed that they seemed shy, which was not something Armin expected from them.
Kai. Was it their real name? It did not matter, he thought it fit them even if it was fake.
Mikasa kicked him softly under the table. He looked at his longtime friend, her face questioning and her eyes slightly moving to Kai. Was he that obvious? or just enough for Mika to notice? He just shrugged, turning his attention back to Jean and Connie’s bickering with Ivan.
“Kai, right?” Mikasa’s voice was low, but clear “I saw you around a few times, but I never presented myself. Mikasa”
Armin tried not to choke on his food. He had the sensation Mikasa would make him pay for all the teasing regarding her and Annie’s situationship.
“Pleasure to meet you” they shook Mikasa’s hand, face a little stunned.
Thankfully, their initial conversation was ordinary. He noticed Kai would give many vague answers, probably to preserve their identity, but enough to engage Mikasa. He was slowly dragged into conversation.
“So, are all of you old comrades?” Kai asked at some point.
“Most of us” Armin replied “we all joined in the same year. Although me and Mikasa know one another the longest, about…twelve or thirteen years”
“Wow” Kai replied, face slightly thoughtful.
“A blessing and a curse” Mikasa broke the momentaneous silence “he can be irritatingly logical sometimes”
Kai laughed, agreeing. Anyone outside would not read too much into it, but Armin knew they were recalling their first meeting on the horse stall.
“I also happen to be a very good friend” he replied to Mikasa, slightly kicking her under the table.
Dinner lasted for a few hours, Arthur sent his kids to the main home to prepare for bed while the older ones carried all the dishes back to the outside kitchen. Armin saw as Kai took washing duties. Arthur tried to argue that it was his turn to do it, but they shooed him away.
“Leave, old man” they said “they’re my dishes now”
“Dishes are not a part of your labor contract” he argued.
“We don’t have a contract, besides I’ll be nice and do it for free” Kai replied “to relieve your old knee articulations”
Armin smiled watching the interaction, already aware of the stubborn behavior they sported. He soon took place beside them, with a cloth in hands.
“Let me dry and put the dishes away” Armin whispered, already taking a few plates.
Kai nodded and Armin was the happiest man on earth at that moment. The two stood there, one washing and the other drying the dishes. The kitchen was getting empty, with the others going inside the house, most likely taking their catch up conversations to the living room. Mikasa was still there though, stacking the last dirty dishes next to you.
“Can you two handle it? I’m a little tired today from all the errands” she said.
“Yes” Armin replied “have good night, Mika. Make sure Annie sleeps or else she gets insufferable in the morning”
She pinched him on the side, with enough strength to bend him a little. He could not help tease her about Annie, though. He smiled at her in an apologetic way, wishing her a good night.
“Hi” he said once Mikasa left.
“Hey” Kai replied.
The only sound was the water flowing from the tap and the laughter in the distance. Occasionally, Armin’s elbows would brush on their arms, sending stupid warm sensations to his body. Once the dishes were done, he leaned on the counter, not sure of what to do.
“We should go back to the house” Kai said.
“I know” he said.
None of them moved. He was looking at his shoes and glancing at Kai from time to time. Everything was so stupid and awkward and pretty. He hated it.
“It was fun” he finally said “to be able to talk to you again”
“Yes” they said.
He stood straight, slightly bouncing on his feet and thinking about getting closer. Kai seemed to read that and spared him the decision, stepping in his direction.
“Are you…staying?” they asked.
“A few weeks probably” he said “I'll leave for some representative meetings but I’m always coming back here whenever I can. To check on Mikasa”
“You two are very close. That’s nice of you, visiting her”
“I suppose, but considering that she is too distracted flirting with my team mate I kinda feel left out” He said “jokes aside, I’ll be around more often”
He wanted Kai to know how much he longed to see them more often.
“Then you’ll probably see me a few more times” Kai said.
“I am counting on that”
The two fell silent again. Armin wondered if he said too much, if he crossed any limits with that. He was not dumb, he was confident that they at least had a small interest in him, but doubts were always a presence in his life.
“Armin…” they paused, looking down at their feet. Their hands moved strangely, as if they did not know what to do with them.
He encouraged them to speak. Kai lifted their head, looking Armin in the eyes and stepping closer again. He felt his breath trap within his chest, his heart drumming.
“I never properly expressed my gratitude the first time. I know I called your sewing abilities ugly, and they are, but I am genuinely thankful for what you did”
He smiled. He wondered if they did that on purpose or if brutal honesty was just their personality. It did not seem intentional sometimes.
“Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I would be glad to…know you more”
“So do I” he said “as long as you want to, of course”
A few long moments passed, where both just stood there facing one another.
“We should get inside, It’s getting colder” they said.
“We should” he agreed.
Nobody moved. Armin had been much physically closer to Kai before, when they were injured, but that moment felt too intimate. He felt a strange trance that would not let him move away, but only push them closer.
“Wow. You’re very close” Kai said.
Armin immediately took a step back. Feeling like he did something wrong.
“I’m so sorry-”
“No, No, you idiot. I didn’t mean-” Kai sighed loudly, stepping closer again “How many more signs I’ll have to send you?”
Signs? Were they thinking the same he was thinking? Or was Armin foolishly delusional and thinking something completely inaccurate?
“Do you know what a kiss is or you’ve been too long in the military?” Kai spat, crossing their arms.
Armin held no single coherent thought in his head. They were thinking what he was thinking, but what would happen then? He had never daydreamed this far. He was not stupid, he had a few romantic interactions before, but none had the same connection he was building with Kai. Armin lacked any substantial flirting abilities.
“I think I broke him” they said again, waving their hand in front of Armin’s face.
“Sorry, I just…” Armin stuttered “Um. You’re just very bold and I’m so lost”
“Mikasa said you were irritatingly logical” they replied “what would the next irritatingly logical step now?”
He was a disaster. The chance to woo gracefully was already destroyed, he might as well be awkward.
“I would ask you politely if I can give you a kiss”
Kai grinned, trying to hide it behind their hand.
“You’re so stupid, but so so adorable” they said “I demand a kiss on the lips, Commander. Now”
He chuckled, cooling his warm and red face with his hands. It did not help and his face was still very much red when he softly kissed that absolutely mad guerrilla under the orange lamp of the outside kitchen.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
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Hilary folded her hands tightly around her chest, rubbing her palms against her arms to spread as much warmth as possible across her body. She glanced sideways and saw that her best friend was in the same boat, or maybe feeling much worse than her since she had decided to don a sleeveless top while a portion of Hilary’s arms were still covered. Today was supposed to be just another girl's day out for the two of them, a little bit of shopping and some gossiping as they stuffed their faces with dessert and frappes. Until the usually sombre July sky turned dark and unleashed a torrent of rain down upon them without a warning. They had been indoors so thankfully the two hadn’t gotten drenched, but the cold winds that tagged along with the rain didn’t do them any good when they’d dressed for a breezy summer day.
“How long do you think he’ll take?” Charlie asked, her teeth chattering slightly as she spoke.
“The speed at which Tyson prefers to drive, he should be here in the next few minutes,” Hilary murmured, unable to hide her disdain towards her boyfriend’s speeding habits from her voice. 
“Great, I wouldn’t mind if he skipped a few signals either.”
“Charlie!” Hilary shot an indignant look in the blonde’s direction, she wasn’t much fond of her friend’s driving habits either she realised.
They’d made the decision to wait in the parking lot together since the air conditioning of the mall above seemed to be running at max capacity, but once the winds outside picked up the pace again, a strong chill passed through the dark and damp basement, making Hilary miss the bright surroundings of the shopping mall. Just as she was about to suggest that they were better off heading back upstairs, a flash of light up ahead alerted her of a car entering the lot and Hilary’s mood perked up instantly. She’d explained exactly where they were waiting to Tyson on the phone so when the red hood of his classic Cadillac came into view, she breathed a sigh of relief and heard Charlie do the same next to her. She had never been happy with the amount of money Tyson had spent in remodelling this old car, especially when he could’ve just bought a new one by spending much less, but currently, she rejoiced at the sight of it being parked in front of her.
Tyson got out of the driver’s seat which was expected but Hilary did a double take when she saw the door from the passenger side open and Kai stepped out. He shut the door behind him and walked around the car to join the rest of them. Hilary glanced at her friend to see that she was equally surprised by Kai’s appearance.
“Thank you for coming at such short notice, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.” Hilary turned her attention back to Tyson, passing him a grateful smile.
“Just a very long game of shogi.” Tyson shrugged as he returned her smile.
Over the years Tyson and Kai had found many other games to compete over as they slowly outgrew the beyblading phase, with their current obsession being shogi or traditional Japanese chess. Hilary had to admit, however, that she was a little jealous of how the two had quickly picked up on the complicated rules while she and Kenny had struggled to finish even one game without turning to the rules booklet for help. Rei had mentioned something about the attack and defence strategy in the game resembling beyblading but Hilary found that hard to believe.
Before Hilary could explain just how badly the two girls needed to wrap themselves inside a warm blanket, she found Tyson’s brown eyes studying her carefully. It didn’t take him too long to guess that she was cold and he instantly took off his denim jacket, draping it around her shoulders with a smile. Hilary didn’t waste a minute putting her arms into the sleeves and wrapping the jacket tightly around her chest, letting Tyson’s warmth wash away the numbness that the cold air had left her with. She whispered another thank you as Tyson shook his head dismissively, putting one arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer towards him.
Her eyes then fell on Charlie who was still standing with her arms crossed across her chest as an occasional shiver passed through her body. Kai stood next to her, watching her with the same look Tyson had held a few minutes ago, but not moving forward to help her. When Charlie noticed that Hilary had managed to cover up thanks to Tyson, she looked up at Kai and narrowed her green eyes at him. It was obvious that Kai knew what Charlie was trying to say but Hilary almost rolled her eyes as she noticed a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Well?” Charlie asked, her voice reeking of impatience.
“Well, what?” Kai responded in his usual monotonous tone.
Charlie shot a pointed look towards her and Tyson but Kai stood still, challenging the blonde’s request with a poker face. Next to her, Hilary heard Tyson stifle a snicker but she didn’t really understand why either of the boys would think this was funny. Charlie seemed to agree with her because she could only hold Kai’s gaze for a minute before she threw up her hands in frustration and tugged at his sweatshirt.
“Give me your sweatshirt!”
“Give me your sweatshirt, please,” Kai repeated her words dryly, emphasising his addition with a smirk.
“Oh for god’s sake Kai, she’s freezing!” Hilary knew that there was no point in trying to get in the middle of a conversation between these two but she also lacked self-control when it concerned her friends.
She watched as colour flooded Charlie’s pale cheeks, though out of anger or embarrassment, Hilary couldn’t tell. While for a minute it did seem like Charlie was considering Kai’s request but it didn’t surprise anyone when instead of yielding she pushed Kai away with the unusual amount of strength she possessed despite her petite frame and yanked open the car door of the back seat. She climbed in without sparing any of them a glance and slammed the door shut, at which Tyson protested for her to be more gentle with his vehicle.
Kai looked stunned that Charlie hadn’t played along with his stupid request and when the realisation that he’d made a mistake dawned on him, he slapped a hand to his forehead and hurriedly walked around to get in the car from the other side, possibly hoping to do some damage control.
“Guess who’s sleeping on the couch tonight,” Tyson muttered in her ear and despite of how annoyed she felt with Kai, Hilary cracked a smile. She looked up at him and when their eyes met, they came to a silent agreement that they’d wait outside and give their friends some time to make up.
Their consideration wasn’t needed however as in just a few minutes, Charlie rolled down the window of her side and shot the two of them a dangerous glare.
“Do you lovebirds need a special invitation to get in so we can finally head back home?”
Tyson and Hilary shook their heads in unison and Charlie rolled the window back up.
“Oh, he’d be lucky if he gets to even sleep inside the house tonight,” Hilary said quietly after Charlie’s angry face disappeared behind the glass.
“I’m so glad I brought him along, he makes me look like the boyfriend of the year in comparison.” Tyson grinned at her as he removed his arm from her shoulders so the two could settle inside the car too.
Before Hilary turned away from him, she got on her toes and rubbed her nose playfully against his, clutching onto the jacket that she was snugly wrapped in.
“Trust me, you’d win that competition effortlessly every year.”
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gummybugg · 11 months
🎉Get to Know my OC!🎉
Trying to get back into posting again! Thank you so much for the tag, @sender-paulson here <- go check it out right now!
I will gently tag a slew of people to try this out for funsies: @pigeonedoesstuff @tearsofperseides @whats-on-your-mind-then @asterhaze @anoelleart @theimperiumchronicles @acatwrites @lassiesandiego @frostedlemonwriter @moonluringfrost @lalalovezfrenchfriez @bilbotargaryen @angie-j-kay @hydrangea-gas @nightinthebuilding @rachaellawrites @crowandmoonwriting & anyone who wants to hop in (just say I tagged u)
Alright, let's start! The victim: Elijah from my WIP Crater City
This interview makes a tad more sense if you go read Blair's here. Just for things like context & why Blair is in Elijah's interview.
[warning: brief mentions of blood]
A tall man wearing all black save the peak of yellow under his patch-covered jean jacket steps into the room, careful not to smack his head in the doorway. The clunking of his eight-inch platform boots echo against the walls of the small, white concrete room. He is covered in freckles and sports a curly brown undercut with a star shaved above each ear on each side of his head. He eases himself down in the low chair in front of an old wooden table. The only source of light beams from the hanging lightbulb, which swings lazily a few inches above his head. A large one-way mirror is placed in front of him where Blair and I sit watching from a small office. Elijah knows this, and, at Blair’s persuasion from the last interview, decides to give the interview a try. “Are you ready for the interview?” I ask.
[1.] Are you named after anyone?
Elijah: No. Blair: Well, that’s a boring answer.  Elijah: What do you want me to say? Blair: Uh, I dunno, lie and said you were named after someone from a war or something.  Elijah (laughing): Why would I lie about the origin of my name?  Blair: I’m just sayin’, people eat that stuff up.  Me: Perhaps I got his name from a waiter at my favorite restaurant. Or maybe it was Maybelline.  Blair: Who tf is Maybelline? Me: Next question!
[2.] When was the last time you cried?
Elijah: Hm, you know, I actually can’t remember. I think I’m too busy trying to keep myself together for those around me.  Blair: You say that, then turn around and cry when you find a moth in your bathroom. Elijah: Do you have any idea how unpredictable moths are? Anything that can fly instantly has more dimensions it can attack you from, as you stand defenselessly in your shortened range of motion. Plus, that one BobSponge episode.  Blair: It was a butterfly in that episode.  Elijah: Don’t get me started on those. I don’t think any living thing should possess a tongue that long. For what? Making every time I see a butterfly sipping from a flower feel like I’m barging in on something inappropriate?  Blair (laughing): Good God, Elijah, is that really what you think about when you see a butterfly?  Elijah (touching his forehead): Yes, unfortunately. 
[3.] Do you have kids?
Elijah: No, I’m 24 and I’d like to keep it that way.  Blair: Aw, c’mon, I’ve seen you get along well with my little cousins. In fact, their parents keep asking for you every time I attend a family reunion because you’re such a good role model. Elijah: That’s on you, because you keep instigating the children and I’m the one who has to pull you aside and remind you that they’re only, like, six and have no concept of the law.  Blair: Ok, fair point. 
[4.] Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Elijah: I used to be told my deadpan reminds people of my uncle. So, I try to steer clear from that. Or, I try to act more obviously sarcastic.  Blair: Elijah gives a mean death glare. Sends shivers down my spine. Elijah: Yeah… Elijah (fidgeting): … Elijah: Can we move on to the next question, please?
[5.] What's the first thing you notice about people?
Elijah: If they are someone I should be extra careful around. I check for badges, patches, weapons, and body language.  Blair: Damn, really? Elijah (chuckling awkwardly): Oh, no, like, yeah…? Doesn’t everyone do this? The city is a dangerous place…!  Blair: Yeah, I can agree with that. 
[6.] What's your eye colour?
Elijah: Brow– Blair (interrupting): Brown but like in a caramel way right before you overcook it and it boils over.  Elijah: Thanks, Blair.  Blair: You’re welcome. No need for a mirror when you got me.  Elijah: Why would I need a mirror to remind me of my eye colo—oh, nevermind…
[7.] Scary movies or happy endings?
Elijah: Scary movies. But nothing like true crime. Slashers or movies with crappy special effects are fine. Blood on TV doesn’t bother me like it does in real life. It’s the true crime that does.  Blair: But I thought you had homophobia? Elijah: Hemophobia. But no, it doesn’t bother me because I know it’s not real. And I can’t smell or feel it through the screen, thankfully. 
[8.] Any special talents?
Elijah: Well, I am the most indecisive person on the planet, I can make the most gucci powerpoints you have ever seen (complete with special effects and animations), I can type at around 200 wpm, and I can down six energy drinks in one sitting without dying.  Blair: All I hear is computer nerd in four different languages.  Elijah (laughing): You act like you haven’t done the same. I’ve seen you the night before finals. Blair: I’m actually surprised you haven't combusted into 57 varieties and flavors from all that caffeine yet. Elijah: Took me years to get where I am now. You are but a young grasshopper in comparison.
[9.] Where were you born?
Elijah: In Crater City in a well-off neighborhood. Born to a father who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about me as a person and a mother who just went along with whatever he said. They spent more money on vacations than my childhood expenses, while leaving me to hang with my uncle, who I also blame for my shitty upbringing. They all owe me therapy. Blair (suddenly with popcorn in his hands): Tell ‘em, Elijah!
[10.] What are your hobbies?
Elijah (listing off): I like coding, playing video games, skateboarding, playing my guitar… Blair (mimicking his cadence): He even writes his own songs, but every time you ask him he acts clueless… Elijah: I never told you I wrote songs. Blair (continuing): Maybe I accidentally read his music book and a slip of paper fell out… Elijah (turning red): Hey! Me (suddenly eating popcorn): What does he write about? Blair: Oh, you know, like childhood angst. And women with red hair. And sentimental songs about-- Elijah: Enough! Enough! Next question, or I swear to god--!
[11.] Do you have any pets?
Elijah: Yes! My hamster No-Clip. Blair talked about him in his interview. He’s a little guy who has a thing for cheddar chips and making a nest in my computer monitor. The hamster, I mean. Not Blair.  Blair: Yeah.  Elijah: It’s gotten to the point where I have to put away my entire computer set up or else I find chip crumbs on my equipment because of him. Blair, I mean. He’s the one feeding No-Clip too many treats.  Blair: Elijah now has a no-chip policy in his apartment. 
[12.] What sports do you play/have you played?
Elijah: Badminton, tennis, volleyball, soccer, archery, martial arts, and… (mumbling) esports Blair (laughing): What was that last one? Elijah: Esports, ok! Don't you laugh at me like that. You’re the one who talked me into it.  Blair: Elijah would have won an entire tournament if it weren’t for the power going out that one time.  Elijah: I forgot to pay the bills once. Blair: Man was ruthlessly beating these plebeians. It was like going up against my little cousins. Well, if my cousins had beards and lived in VR.  Me: You played so many sports! Elijah: Huh? Oh, yeah. But it’s not like my parents paid for any of it growing up. Or showed up to any of the matches for that matter.  
[13.] How tall are you?
Elijah: Five feet and eleven inches.  Me: Fun fact: Elijah is one inch below the average height in his universe! Which is much taller than the average in our universe.  Elijah (laughing): Must be all that “meat” they fed us as kids.  Blair: Remember “real meat” day in high school? Elijah (sarcastically): What a delicacy.  Blair: Yeah, but they were really just serving us whatever leftover “meat” they had from that week with extra spices to cover up the texture and flavor.
[14.] Favourite subject in school?
Elijah: Math, because of how easy it is. I don’t care if a problem has one or fifty solutions, at least I know there is a promised way to get there. Well, for the most part. Elijah: It also lets me do this. Elijah: Hey, Blair. Blair (snapping out of a daydream): Huh? Elijah: Are you part of a group of primes that differ by six? Blair (confused af): What? Elijah: Because you are a sexy prime. Blair (confused whether or not to blush): ???
[15.] Dream job?
Elijah: To be a teacher. There’s just something about giving back to children to make sure they don’t grow up with a messed up life like I did.  Blair: I thought you said you hated kids a minute ago.  Elijah: No, I don’t hate kids; I just don’t want to have any. I don’t think I could have any, given the life I have. It would be too dangerous. 
Me: Well, that wraps up this interview. Thanks for your participation, Elijah! Don’t forget to pick up your brass knuckles on the way out!
As the lights dim and the rooms empty, I check off another name from the list. It seems we are diving deeper into the “lore” as they say. The next interviewee seems promising. I just hope they can find their way here. Though the interviewing room is located inside of an abandoned bunker underneath a minefield, you have to cut me some slack. The rent is cheap and there are still a lot of people left to interview.
🚗 Crater City Taglist (dm to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23 @talesfromtheunknowable
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 months
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It's Six Sentence Sunday - the first one for a while so here's a couple extracts for you! The first is from my 'Tory is a Barnes' AU, because spite is a powerful motivator and Tory deserves better.
Tory should’ve been in jail.
She sure as hell didn’t want to be, but she knew, without a doubt, that she should be – she’d been the entire reason the brawl had kicked off in the first place, she’d personally hospitalised a girl and led to Miguel…to Miguel…
She’d been horrified. Minutes beforehand she had gleefully snapped another girl’s arm before the princess tackled her down the stairs, the bitch, and after the random putting up such a good fight Tory hadn’t had the energy to get back up, and then Miguel had fall—
(She couldn’t think the words, but the images would never, ever leave her.)
There’d been anger, at first – pure, unadulterated fury, because the person responsible was Robby Keene, a Miyagi-Do and LaRusso’s boyfriend and the reason Cobra Kai had started turning soft before Kreese set things right, because he was Sensei Lawrence’s son, and he’d lost the AVT because Hawk and Miguel had been true Cobra Kais. They’d told her all about it, and so Tory had hated him even before he’d started dating the princess.
Tory's feeling a lot of guilt and she hasn't even found out Elaine's her cousin in this 'verse.
I started another Cobra Kai fic as well - initially intended to address (and poke holes in) Mike being a Sensei because that makes no sense whatsoever, but it's kind of morphed into something else, so we'll see where it goes.)
Mike had never expected to see Daniel LaRusso again.
Even when Cobra Kai had been brought back, he’d resolved to keep out of it. He’d been kept aware of what was happening due to his kids, who tended to let him know what they’d heard on the grapevine, and after everything he’d heard he’d once again been eternally grateful that he was no longer involved in that mess.
Course, that didn’t mean he hadn’t been worried about the situation - he’d been convinced that kids were gonna get hurt again and he’d hated, absolutely hated the fact that he’d been right. LaRusso’s daughter maimed by a Cobra Kai, a Cobra Kai kicked over a balcony and almost killed by Lawrence’s son, a bunch of kids from both dojos sporting less serious injuries but still proof that this should never have been allowed to escalate the way it did.
And the fact that Elaine could’ve been caught up in it if she hadn’t happened to be ill that day…
I can tell this fic does build on the scenario mentioned in protecting our family (and calling you out) - as Mike's first meeting with Daniel is a chance encounter in the street and it goes very badly.
I've also been working on another Zelda fic as part of @genworkjune (though as you can tell, it's a little belated 😅😅). This time it's a tale of two Links as it's from the POV of the Hero's Shade (OOT! Link) as he trains TP! Link, and reflects on his past. This is working in two prompts - Character Study and Mentor-Mentee Relationship - and an interesting one for me to write because my headcanon is that OOT! Link did not live his entire life full of regret that he wasn't remembered - it was only in his last years that it started to truly weigh on him.
The boy is young.
That is his first thought on seeing him and it's perhaps a little unfair - after all, he himself was even younger when he started his quest.
But maybe that is why he looks at this nineteen-year-old and sees him as a youngster. That, and near to a thousand years remaining tied to the mortal realm, catching glimpses of his descendant but never able to truly interact with them until now. And while he does want to move on, he dearly wishes his descendant didn't have to embark on such a dangerous quest.
But there is nothing to be done about it.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @ofbriarandrose
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starglaee · 3 months
Cobra Kai and Cold Hearted (my fanfic on Wattpad) characters and plotlines as folklore songs. Cold Hearted spoilers below. Feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions!
Tag list: @secretsandwritings-blog
the 1
Cobra Kai: Lawrusso. Easily. Every time I listen to this song I can’t help thinking of them: “ And if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you. In my defense, I have none for never leaving well enough alone. But it would’ve been fun if you would’ve been the one.”
Cold Hearted: Elion and how I feel from writing them: “I persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different would everything be different today?”
Cold Hearted: No matter what happens, Robby is there for Zion. They know each other, they trust each other, and confide in each other. This is especially true post season 3. There’s no other couple in the show or my book that really fits this song like them: “When you are young they assume you know nothing. But I knew you.”
the last great american dynasty
Cobra Kai: Tbh this song gives me Sensei Kim Da-Eun vibes. While I’m still waiting to see what they do in season 6 with her character, I think she fits the depiction of a badass woman coming to town and turning it upside down: “There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
CH: This is the title of my playlist for Elion (Eli and Zion). The angst fits them so perfectly. Also, the mentions of violence and clear jealousy illustrates these two in season 2 and 3 in a way no other song I’ve found can. Taylor’s writing makes me so happy, and Bon Iver’s voice makes it that much more heartbreaking: “I can see you standing, honey, like he’s just your understudy. Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me.”
my tears ricochet
CK: This very much applies to Johnny and Kreese. Kreese made Cobra Kai a safe space for Johnny in his childhood only to abuse him and shut him out. Johnny grew but brought back Cobra Kai then Kreese tries to join again. Once he did, he stole it from Johnny. I have too many quotes for this one so here’s a few: “And if I’m dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name wishing I stayed…” and “And I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home.”
CH: Zion and Terry and Kreese are exemplified beautifully in this song, too. Like Johnny, they used her for their own gain while mentally abusing her in the process: “And you’re the hero flying around saving face.” and “‘Cause when I’d fight you used to tell me I was brave.
CK: Samantha LaRusso is a mirrorball. In season 1, she did anything to fit in and be popular like endure what Yasmine and Moon said to her and her former friends and classmates. In season 2, we get a glimpse of her changing herself to be with Robby and try to push Miguel and her feelings - both anger and love - away. In season 3, she’s masking her PTSD. In season 4, she does all she can to be the Bonsai Badass for her dad and the Miyagi legacy. In season 5, she finally breaks down for Miguel and says she can’t do karate anymore until she really knows who she is and overcomes all the mental obstacles still waiting for her. She also lets Daniel and Chozen in over the course of the show, letting the mirrorball crack more and more. (I love the exploration of her PTSD, if you can’t tell): “The masquerade revelers drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten.”
CH: Tbh I think this only fits Jess and Zion since we don’t know a lot about anyone’s childhood except Anthony and Johnny, but they don’t have any friends that would fit this song. Jess knows from an early age that Zion’s mom is bad, though they can’t put their finger on it. It’s such a sweet and haunting song about childhood that only they can really express: “Your dad is always mad and that must be why. And I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates then you won’t have to cry.”
CK: This is an accurate song for SamRobby. The summer romance, the angst with the Miguel of it all, and the whispers of hiding it from Sam’s parents: “‘Cause you were never mine.”
CH: This song heavily inspired the prequel chapters with Zobby (Zion and Robby): “August slipped away into a moment in time.”
this is me trying
CK: Johnny’s relationship with Robby is beautifully detailed in this song. It’s about overcoming alcohol and peaking too soon. Johnny won 2 AVTs in high school before losing to LaRusso. After that, he let it and his trust issues overtake him and thus drive Robby out of his life. When he finally gets his act together, it’s for Miguel. But he keeps trying for Robby at the end of season 4 when he tells Robby they’ll save Kenny together (though I still wish Johnny would prioritize Robby over Miguel more and actually help him rather than depend on Robby helping him but that’s another rant): “At least I’m trying.”
CH: This is also about Zion in season 5 to everyone she loves while she does all she can to recover from the addiction: “Pouring my heart out to a stranger, but I didn’t pour the whiskey. I just wanted you to know that this is me trying.”
illicit affairs
CK: Samiguel, duh. It’s not as beautiful of a story as Taylor describes because it’s just them kissing at a party while actively having their respective partners: “It’s born from just one single glance, but it dies and it dies and it dies a million little times.”
invisible string
CK: This may be a weird take in a non-romantic way, but the invisible string is for Julie Pierce and Daniel. The string is actually Mr. Miyagi. But regardless I think this is a cute way to think about it, like karate has bonded them even if they don’t know it yet. (This is also my official prayer and plea and whatever that Hilary Swank will be in season 6. I guess we’ll see): “Isn’t it just so pretty to think that all along there was some invisible string tying you to me.”
mad woman
CK: aka Tory. The woman is always mad as hell (/lh). She’s always called crazy and manipulated by some old Cobra Kai war veteran. Just give her a break, man: “Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy.”
CH: Yeah, it’s the same with Zion tbh. But I also pose the idea of it being Zion’s pov on the Demetri rivalry. He calls her crazy, initially had Yasmine on his side, and she reacts the only way she knows: “What did you think I’d say to that? Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill, and you know I will.”
CK: Is it weird to give this song to Silver? (I guess it also applies to Kreese.) He’s a war veteran with very obvious and untreated PTSD that he uses to mold an ideal version of the world for himself where Cobra Kai rules and he doesn’t have to answer for his heinous and violent actions. He also hid away from the karate world after the AVT in ‘85 with his money, business, and rich friends, which was where we found him at the beginning of season 4. He even repressed those memories until Kreese brought them out, thus also bringing out the monster: “Just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you’ve seen.”
CK: This song is a poor apology, kind of like what Miguel gave to Tory. It reminds me of that scene in season 3 when Miguel is at Tory’s work accidentally and they talk and she calls him out on just wanting Sam back (despite that being her initial suggestion for the relationship anyway (also another topic for another time)): “I thought of you all summer long.”
CK: Daniel’s song for Amanda. She’s such a catch, amazing wife, fabulous mother, and whatever. But Daniel can’t stop the karate villains from his past from emerging or from engaging with them. He may never “give her peace,” but he tries to be upfront about it. In season 5 she really snapped when rival after rival showed up and how Terry manipulated and divided them, but after he got hurt and she talked to Jessica it seemed better. And at the end of season 5 she gets it. So I feel like this song was a conversation at some point offscreen, and it helped their marriage significantly: “I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me.”
CH: Zion to Robby. Rumor after rumor, fight after fight, manipulation after manipulation, and breakup after breakup. He’s still there for her. Like Daniel, she’s desperate to get her partner to know that she does all she can for him despite the drama the real world brings in. She acknowledges her trauma, and Robby acknowledges his. Because of this it’s a bit healthier than the song depicts where Taylor’s lover is on a pedestal in comparison to her. Let’s just say Robby lets her bejeweled (iykyk): “All these people think love’s for show, but I would die for you in secret.”
CK: I kind of feel like this is Robby’s song for his mom. He loves her and is so protective of her, but she keeps choosing alcohol (and drugs?) and men over him. Even though she makes him sad, she’s the person he goes to after kicking Miguel. Even though she’s not the best mom, she’s all he has. He let her do whatever just to keep his mom around: “Don’t want to know other shade of blue but you. No other sadness in the world would do.”
the lakes
CK: This one is for Miguel. He suffered in silence during season 4, doing what Johnny asked and supporting him when he was the one who needed that. He wanted to run away to Mexico because he felt he didn’t belong in karate anymore (and because of his dad but for these purposes it’s just because of karate): “What should be over burrowed under my skin in heart-stopping waves of hurt.”
CH: This one is also for Zion, the girl who always fantasizes about running away and finding a better reality than the Valley, especially with Robby: “I don’t belong, and my beloved neither do you.”
Fun fact: my Zobby playlist is called My Beloved. I’ll share the songs if you’re interested. It’s a long list, though.
Let me know your thoughts on this if you have any! Please remember this is just my take on things.
It’s fun to do these, so feel free to request more things. I’m most familiar with Taylor’s music, but I’m open to listening to new music or doing non-Taylor related content.
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shxwstxpper · 7 months
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❝ why don't you sit right down and stay a while? we like the same things, and i like your style! it's not a secret, why do you keep it? i'm just sitting on the shelf! ❞ - WHY DO YOU LET ME STAY HERE?, SHE & HIM, 2008
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hey everyone! it’s been a while, huh? :]
i missed being me! being stuck in that void SUCKED. it was dark, cold, the passage of time was irrelevant, and for some reason hamilton was always playing??? it sucked. i almost went insane. might actually be a bit crazy…
i forgot a lot of things while i was in there, including a few things about myself, so forgive me if i’m a bit slow :]
so, to remind me who i am, as well as to reintroduce myself: have an intro!
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hello there!!! my name’s Kai Drew!
im 17 years old! i’ll be 18 in august :]
im aroace, im agender, and i use she/her pronouns! :D
im a professional singer and dancer! i also really like doing theatre, and I love mechanics!
i have a slew of mental issues that don’t need naming (just think of that one image: “he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces”), and i have fibromyalgia + narcolepsy! :]
Update: ...it turns out i am autistic. goddamnit
my favorite food is grilled cheese sandwiches, and my favorite drink is strawberry lemonade!
i like psych, ride the cyclone, some commentary youtubers, and anything 1920’s!
I guess that’s all from me :]
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Yeah that’s right!!!! I’m still hereeee!!!
You think I’d leave????? HA!!! laughable.
Never would I be so stupid to let my leading lady go (fully)! You all should know better.
I need no introduction, you all know me.
the apotheosis is upon us + it’s inevitable + L + ratio + come to the starlight!!! :3c [EDIT: DON’T?? PLEASE??? ] DONT LISTEN TO THE EDIT!!! [EDIT: Ignore him.] NUH UH
why is this blue asshole still here. SHUTTUP!!!
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blog ran by KAI! and POKOTHO! stop.
for more information about Kai Drew, read The Kai Who Didn’t Like Musicals. whats that? don’t worry about it.
for info regarding the upcoming production of TKWDLM, look here. for info regarding the cast of TKWDLM, look here. for info regarding the timeline, look here. for info regarding ‘Save The Children’, the charity which Kai concert proceeds are going to (EDIT: recomends you donate to!) [ooc: a charity mentioned within rp that you can actually donate to!], look here. ^WHY’D YOU CHANGE THAT?!? I’M NOT DOING A CONCERT??? for info regarding acknowledgments, look here.
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TAGGING SYSTEM: #kaiposting - posts where Miss Kai Drew is talking! #posts from the black and white - posts where ghost!kai is talking! text in these posts will be in small italics and signed with her name! #apothoposting - posts where infected!kai/Pokotho is talking! text/dialogue in these posts will be colored blue, unless i forget! #pastriiposting - posts where the admin, @pastriibunz, is talking! text in these posts will be italicized (unless i forget), and the ‘ooc’ + ‘ooc post’ tags will be alongside it! #answers from the black, white, and blue - posts where asks get answered! the proper tags for which character is speaking will be added! any tag before/ending with ‘~ Kai’ - in character tags! these tags are how Kai communicates while Pokey controls her account fully. #starlit songbird - the tag I will be using for the TKWDLM rp! feel free to use it to categorize the TKWDLM rp from your own rps! #[username] - these tags are used to categorize rps!
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
every book i read in september 2023
i did in fact bring this back because i thought it would be fun and all my followers should know that before everything, i am a book nerd. i genuinely think i only feel like i'm alive when i'm reading regularly. no spoilers for any of the books i talk about because i can only have one cut per post
before i get into the books here's some general info on reading stuff this month. so i read 9 books which i'm really proud of myself for after being in a reading slump for ages. i was still reading then but i really was not enjoying myself nearly as much as i was in previous months and i'm really enjoying myself now. 5 of the books i read were physical copies of them, 1 was an ebook, and 3 were audiobooks. my average rating was 4.29/5 and read a total of 13.78 hours on audiobook and 2476 of pages shout out to storygraph for all this info i am telling you use storygraph if you want to track your reading its so great
the cruel prince. i really liked this surprisingly??? the worldbuilding was great and i loved all the political aspects of it. jude was a really interesting main character and i had a lot of fun with the story (especially the plot twist/s, no i'm not saying if there's more than one). i liveblogged a couple parts of the entire series this month so you can check my tfota tag for more in depth thoughts
the lost sisters. it was pretty interesting to see the plot of the cruel prince from the perspective of a different character but i didn't think much about my enjoyment of it since i was just reading it for more info on the series lol
captain stone's revenge. so i went on a nancy drew diaries binge once and i've been keeping up with the series ever since then just because, and i had a hold on this book for like 2 months at the library and i finished it in a day lol. it's a short book and definitely not as good as other books in the series but yk it wasn't awful still had fun reading
we are okay. this is one of my favorite books and i cried for 40 minutes straight as i finished the last like 50-80 pages. it's a really great exploration of different kinds of grief that are complicated and how it affects people. i posted while reading it "every chapter there's something that makes me take psychic damage" which was very fun but also deeply painful (in a fun way most of the time, sometimes i was in public trying not to cry). the ending is so hopeful it made me cry for a different reason why i was crying for the past 35ish minutes. it's a great book i highly recommend it it's only like 230 pages.
the wicked king. sequel to the cruel prince, i also really enjoyed this but i don't think i enjoyed it as much as the cruel prince. still well written though and i have more in depth thoughts under my tfota and/or reading commentary tags
queen of nothing. 100% my favorite from the trilogy i loved it i thought the characters and plot in this one were all super great and i loved the ending especially. i do have more detailed thoughts that i wrote down for me personally but this is a no spoilers section so i won't share it unless someone asks
cress. this is the 3rd book in the lunar chronicles series and aaaaaaa i loved this so much i had so much fun reading it i love the alternating povs and how they all end up clashing with the dramatic irony in that one scene i loved kai's povs i wanted to keep reading constantly i love these characters so much go read the lunar chronicles please
chalice of the gods. uhhh so i finished this in less than 12 hours i liveblogged it all i really enjoyed it you can see my thoughts there go check it out (cotg or reading commentary tag). a lot of cringe moments (WHY does he mention boomers so much) but i am choosing not to see it i only see percabeth and percy grover friendship content again and i enjoyed reading it
daisy jones and the six. i listened to this on audiobook and it was incredibleeeeeeee the voice actors were amazing it was so entertaining. another taylor jenkins reid book about the drama between famous people and it was very entertaining to read about. stressful at times but overall i liked it. once again there are some notes in the reading commentary tag
i also started winter this month but i am definitely finishing it in october so i don't count it lol
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
B, N, U and Z for the fandom ask game please 👀
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Harrisco actually. Its so obvious to me now, but it was seeing the fandom edits and the like here on tumblr that made me go 'huh, I should check this ship out' and then I went and devoured basically everything for the ship on Ao3 at the time. And then started writing for the ship myself.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Well, in general terms, I wish I saw more aro headcanons from non-aspec people. I'm starting to see more of that to some degree but when I'm in the mood for aro characters the pickings are slim in fandom even when there's a canonically aro character. Or possibly especially when there's a canonically aro character? It's kinda gotten to where every time we get a canonically aro character in a show I wind up avoiding that fandom for a while because there's an uptick of allos going 'well actually what if i ship them romantically and ignore their queer identity anyway because fandom is boring without shipping' and well how dare I want representation that isn't erased by the fandom huh? (*insert big sigh here*) And that's not even touching what happens if you happen to mention headcanoning as aro a character who is popularly headcanoned as gay/lesbian but doesn't actually have a canonical sexuality mentioned. (Looking straight at Luke Skywalker and Queen Elsa.)
I think another thing I wish I saw more of in fandom was acknowledging character faults without it turning into character bashing. It's something I try to balance out in my fics, making space for character flaws to be called out while still showing them learning and growing from that. But I see a lot of fics out there where a single mistake in canon is the basis for damning that character forever and clearly they're secretly an evil monster. Its a phenomenon that happens more in some fandoms than others, but it does pop up everywhere and can be exhausting to run into. Cobra Kai seems to suffer from character bashing a lot in particular, which made my foray into that fandom rather short lived.
In the Flash fandom in particular, I wish there were more Gideon fights back against Eobard fics. It's a fun premise to write and Gideon deserves more love than canon gives her. So I'm always excited when I find that someone else has written her as more than a passive background character. (And then maybe Ao3 would finally stop conflating tags for Gideon on the Flash and Gideon on Legends as being the same character when they aren't...)
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia - He's a vigilante trouble maker who encourages delinquency in his friend Estelle (the Princess) and helps save the world because he's a good person who just wants to protect the people he loves and the world they live in. He's snarky and probably has a jail cell in Zaphias reserved specifically for him and has canonically shoved knights into the fountain for various reasons that had Karol going O_O why??? upon hearing it recounted later. (Yuri - I forgot about that. Still hilarious. *snicker*)
Cisco Ramon from The Flash - Genius mechanical engineer whose greatest power is his imagination because what else would let him create so many amazing inventions? He's steadfast and loyal, probably the kindest person on the show. His hair is amazing - which he knows quite well - and he gets flustered when complimented on it by cute guys. (Leo - Love the hair. Cisco - *blushes*). It's amazing when oblivious show writers think they've written a straight guy, but it's actually a character who is intensely bisexual.
Atton Rand from Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - Snarky former Sith accidentally finds atonement and joins the rebooting of the Jedi. Or rejoins the Sith depending on the path you take in the game. Are you good or evil? Atton Rand is ride or die for you either way. Also there's a chance that he'll make fun of the 'are you an angel' line from The Phantom Menace and that cracks me up.
Bastila Shan from Knights of the Old Republic - She's very much the stereotypical uptight Jedi and it's actually no real surprise when she falls to the Dark Side (briefly or not depending on your actions in the game) but she's a lot of fun when she actually lets loose. It's interesting to see her learn to relax and make friends and drop the holier than though attitude the Jedi hammered into her. She just very much wants to be a good person and protect others. And if you play with her as the love interest (default love interest for guys, mods to unlock her for the ladies) then it is absolutely hilarious to hear her say 'shut up and kiss me, you fool'.
Zelos Wilder from Tales of Symphonia - Tragic backstory? Check. Covering his crippling depression with jokes and innuendoes? Check. Struggles to open up to his friends and be honest about his feelings? Check. Triple agent causing headaches for everyone? Triple check. But if you get him the highest relationship values he demonstrates he may actually be gay or bi as he hits on Lloyd ("put on a show that'll make me fall in love" is not a straight thing for him to say to Lloyd... at all) and there a scene that will only change if he has the highest values at that point in the game - the rest of the scenes are different depending on every character, not just him.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
Tales of Symphonia was the first game I played where player choices affected the game itself. While the game's ending doesn't really change, there are scenes in the game itself that are different based on the hidden relationship values system. I had no idea about this first time through and got Colette every time, but I learned about the hidden system as I started branching into fandom spaces and did replays with Raine, Genis, Presea, Kratos... and Zelos (sorry, Regal, I was just... uh, not super interested in you, my dude) and it was really Zelos who captivated me the most. And he's queer coded, heavily so, so I suppose it's really no surprise I adore the redheaded, gender non-conforming menace.
It was really my first real venture into fandom spaces beyond just fanfic too, so Tales of Symphonia is very near and dear to my heart for all sorts of reasons. I read a lot of fan theories about the game, but was still at a point where I was way too timid to really contribute my own too much. High school me was definitely struggling with self confidence at the time.
I've got a lot of headcanons for the game which have changed to some degree or other over time, so with the game's HD re-release happening in, like, three days, I've decided the time has come for a replay and I'm really hoping to see a bit of a fandom boom happening as new players discover this game and people who haven't played in a while rediscovering their love for it. Might be time to dust off my old fics, go on an editing spree, and start posting them on Ao3.
(So if you're reading this and considering picking up a new game to play... Tales of Symphonia. You know you wanna.)
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usaonetwothree · 2 years
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What other examples would there be of the LaRussos' communication skills falling apart to create drama?
I spent way too long on this, but here we go!
Right off the bat, how they handle the pool party at Sam's, but I think my gripe with that is how Amanda is every more of a caricature of a cool mom in the first few episodes than them directly addressing the issue. (Also does Daniel ever find out that Johnny was telling the truth about Sam and her friends wrecking his Firebird?)
Season two is largely fueled by their lack of communication as well, both at work and regarding Kreese, which have two different motivations from Daniel. At first, he's teaching his students to stop Johnny's Cobra Kai (no Kreese involvement yet) causing him to skip meetings (the whole Anoush situation). Amanda reams him out for having a midlife crisis and makes some disparaging remarks about getting it out of his system, instead of sitting down and figuring out how they could manage Daniel being gone during certain hours (because in reality, they couldn't and shouldn't be training at the dojo all day, just for a few hours, especially to start), and maybe him making up the time by coming in earlier/later. It all could have been managed (because they're somehow doing it three seasons later without another comment about it). There's also the bit about Daniel making the commercial with the dealership's funds without consulting Amanda, which is the real start of their season fight. It takes them until 2x8 to really sit down and talk about the root of Daniel wanting to open the dojo. Realistically, that conversation and a sit down with actionable ways to balance the dojo/work should have happened a lot earlier. (To be fair, it takes Amanda a handful of episodes to reveal to Daniel it's their marriage she's worried about and how she feels lonely/abandoned, which she also should have brought up to him much earlier, instead of letting it snowball.)
Then comes the Kreese business, which in 2x3, Daniel tells her flat out that Kreese is a psychopath who faked his own death and Amanda doesn't believe him. Literally one comment there about how Kreese tried to murder a teenager back in '84 would have probably had her just as concerned as he was. (I've already stood on my soapbox about that, about Robby not being told, about it being mentioned in passing in front of an entire group of dojo kids but never fully addressed, and won't go into that again here, but I'm so bitter.) Amanda doesn't get on board with how serious Kreese is until the laser tag fight all the way in season 3. She then doesn't reveal to him that she confronted Kreese at the dojo and slapped him. This is found out at the police station.
Also off the top of my head, Daniel lies to her about going to the jail when he and Johnny are chasing down Robby in the start of season 3 (though it's done for comedic effect).
And at this point, we're back to season four and the Silver drama. Daniel also doesn't tell Amanda about agreeing to a sensei-on-seisei fight for true leader of the dojo, and it's again found out by a third party and sadly played for comedic effect with the arrival of Anoush and Louie. Amanda has her tragic backstory reveal and how she is helping Tory on the side, creating tension with both Daniel and Sam. Lastly, does Daniel ever reveal to Amanda how exactly he got Anthony to be so helpful and supportive? It's certainly not done in canon, but I think she'd have feelings about Daniel breaking his tablet and the way he handled the entire situation.
Miscommunication/no communication is pretty much the name of the game in this show. It would be so much easier if 1) everyone was in therapy and 2) they all talked things out.
Also I really miss the plot, tone, and stakes of the first two seasons. The other three just aren't the same.
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