#shout out to isa
kitkatperce · 5 months
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lazy comic thing.
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freakurodani · 1 year
Akaashi Keiji has repressed his romantic feelings for Bokuto Koutarou for 6 years now. He's so normal about it. DONT pay attention to the limited edition MSBY pin up calendar in the corner of his apartment. It has been on September of last year since January of last year. That is by design. It's to support his friend. You see.
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nite-puff · 1 year
Tonight’s one of those nights where i can’t fall asleep unless I jot something down.
So here’s my long list of Takemichi Yukimaru headcanons! Because he’s nothing if not free real-estate for them.
This will mostly be backstory with some smaller, more light-hearted, headcanons interspersed throughout. Enjoy!
(cw for mentions of abuse. he’s still a danganronpa character) (this is also my longest post. by a long shot. i just have a lot of thoughts on him)
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- my intense desire to make my favorite characters latino in some capacity out of self-projection is very real. so in my mind, michi’s half-japanese, half-latino (whichever region is up to you. he doesn’t really know himself, but i will always be compelled to say mexican because i am biased). (edit: also because “michi” is a term of endearment for cats in some latin american countries. so that makes the nickname itself a little cuter. he’s like a little cat guy compared to the owadas, who are strongly associated with tigers.)
- his father was born and raised in japan and his mother moved from overseas to japan out of desire to travel during a gap-year from college. the two met during her stay and had a very explosive and passionate start to their relationship. like a long honeymoon phase. his mother actually decided to stay longer than her intended visit after she found out she was pregnant with michi, and the two were soon married. the rose-tinted glasses were still in full effect at this point in their relationship.
- michi’s hair color is naturally dark brown, like his mom. he actually inherited a lot of his mom’s physical features, including her short stature. what he got from his dad were a couple a facial features, but most notably his yellow eye color.
- also transmasc michi is so real. he doesn’t realize it until a little later in his life. a little while after meeting mondo.
- while things started out fine after michi was born, things were bound to turn sour. the honeymoon phase ended. the added expenses of a new baby along with the already poor state the family was living in raised a lot of tension in the household, and his father quickly became abusive toward his mother. michi didn’t remember much, either because he was very young when it all happened or because his brain did a good job at repressing some of the memories, but what he does remember is particularly bad.
- The only good memories he has of his childhood are with his mother. like her reading him stories or teaching him some simple words in spanish. and her favorite songs, which she would play to him a lot. the reason why he doesn’t have many memories of her is because she left when he was five. neither him or his father know her whereabouts, but michi likes to believe she’s back overseas with her family. she left behind her old cassette collection, something that was largely untouched until michi got a little older.
- michi actually really liked school. he’s described as being a smart kid, so i like to think that he did well in his classes. while he still did well as grew older, his studies took a major backseat after he met the owadas.
- he met mondo first. they went to the same grade school together and mondo was a grade higher than michi. i think that their initial meeting went something along the lines of michi witnessing mondo deck a kid who was picking on a girl classmate of his. michi is immediately enamored by this boy who wasn’t afraid to fight against bullies like that. he is less enamored by the fact that mondo immediately scared the poor girl away as well after trying to talk to her. he was an interesting character, and michi really wanted to be his friend. they proceed to do that little kid thing where they hang out for like 15 minutes, like each other’s vibe, and then say something like “we’re best friends now.” and the rest is history.
- to harken back to trans michi. mondo is taken aback by this supposed girl who wasn’t scared of him and wanted to actually be friends with him. his small naive kid-brain at first thought this could be his shot at a relationship, but 15 minutes into knowing michi and mondo abandoned the idea because michi was perfect best friend material. and because he kinda got scared at how much this kid wanted mondo to teach him how to sucker punch someone.
- mondo and michi’s friendship took off like it was nobody’s business. They were hanging out anytime they could see each other on campus and quickly got to learning about each other. mondo talked a lot about daiya and how cool he was. he mentioned how his older recently got into motorcycles and even got one from one of his friends, and how michi should come over to his house one day to check it out. michi shared a lot of his favorite music with mondo, which mainly consisted of that old cassette collection mentioned previously.
- michi doesn’t actually meet daiya until a year or two into him and mondo knowing each other. he randomly picks mondo up from school on his motorcycle. the gang had already started then, so he had his hair and makeup done and was wearing his gang jacket. michi would probably still say that it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen. mondo asks if michi wants to go with them, and it’s the first time michi doesn’t immediately go home after school. he’s in his last year of grade school at this point.
- another year goes by and michi grows closer with the brothers, basically becoming the honorary third owada brother. he gets to learn a lot about the gang, motorcycles, fighting, etc. he even starts learning how to ride his own motorcycle after daiya mentions that he may or may not be fixing one up for him. he still hasn’t joined the gang at this point because daiya won’t let him. he’s too young and has to be at least the age that mondo was when he joined. which meant michi had to wait until his next birthday.
- while all of this is happening, tensions are brewing back at his home again. michi was a able to avoid his father’s abusive tendencies for the most part because he’s at work when michi is home from school/hanging out with the owadas. but he later had a change in work schedule and soon found out about what michi had been out doing using context clues. the diamonds have also gotten some traction, so the larger population of their hometown are starting to know about the new gang, including michi’s dad. michi elects to ignore this and just doesn’t acknowledge his father when he sees him, but things all come to a head one day and the two of them fight. not physically, verbally. it’s very ugly and it ends more or less with his father telling michi that he can go join the gang if he wants, but he’ll never be allowed to live in his house again if he does. michi storms out and goes to his room, and it’s the last interaction the two of them have. michi is gone with his belongings the next morning.
- he is welcomed into the owada’s home with open arms, joking about how he practically lived there already. though he does sleep on the couch because the small apartment the brothers rent out only has two bedrooms. he doesn’t mind this.
- michi officially joins the gang on the day of his birthday because he is so excited to do so and can’t wait another day. he is also given the motorcycle daiya mentioned as a present.
- he gets the makeover! complete with bleaching his hair, doing the makeup, getting a couple piercings! and getting his new gang jacket courtesy of mondo.
- michi was picked on by some of the gang at first, mostly because of his height and softer features. not much happened outside of that because it was established upfront that michi was close to the brothers, but most importantly, close to daiya. he also shut the naysayers right up after his first gang fight with them. he displays some unnaturally good skills at fighting other guys twice his size.
- michi grows to be a great fighter, even surpassing the owada’s in that regard. he’s the leader of the elite guard and Mondo’s bodyguard for a reason. mondo taught him the basics when they were younger, daiya taught him some of the more higher-level stuff as he grew older, and michi perfected his technique with the sheer amount of practice he did. it was a lot. all so that people wouldn’t pick on him or abuse him anymore.
now for some random, not that important headcanons as a break from all the story:
- michi is allergic to dogs. that made living with chuck very awkward when the little guy was still around. he’s perfectly fine around cats though
- his fan club is very quick to form. it started out on school grounds with some girls who found him cute following him around. news gets out that he joined the crazy diamonds and he gets more attention the higher he climbs up in the ranks. daiya jokes that michi is the most popular crazy diamond member, second only to himself. he teases mondo with the notion as well. michi avoids all interactions with his fan club and is greatly embarrassed by it. to the point that he gives them dirty looks if he sees members following him.
- i cannot for the life of me decide if i want michi to be homoromantic asexual or aroace. so i just combined the two. he’s asexual and arospec and if he were to pursue a romantic relationship, it would be with a guy. he’s thought about this more than he’d like to admit.
- mondo being genuinely curious as to why michi hates his fan club so much leads to michi clumsily coming out to both of the brothers and admitting that he doesn’t really like girls like that (also that he just finds the fan club annoying). they ask how he feels about guys, and he genuinely can’t give them an answer because he doesn’t know how he feels about guys. daiya tells him not to lose so much sleep trying to figure it out. he’ll know when he knows.
- michi sometimes likes to collect more cassette tapes for his collection. he can’t waste too much money on them but he’ll sometimes buy a couple if he thinks it’s music his mom would’ve liked.
- michi never forgot those small bits of spanish his mom taught him. his pronunciation is shoddy and he’s not by any means fluent, but he knows what they mean.
- when daiya and mondo are talking about the switch in leadership, michi is the first to come to mind for mondo’s right-hand man. it’s a no-brainer there.
- he’s been to juvie the same amount of times mondo has. the two are just always together when they’re caught.
- he continues to be more intelligent than what he lets on. this mostly shows through his more level-headed personality because he doesn’t fall for the things that are clearly meant to get a rise out of him. mondo does though, so it’s good that he can be the reasonable one to drag him out of a situation like that.
back to the story:
- on the night of the race, michi can’t stop himself from following after the brothers some time after their race started. he’s always had a strong need to protect people, and he’s scared of what mondo could do while that angry and recklessly driving his motorcycle. he doesn’t see the accident happen, but he’s the first to show up to the scene after it occurs. he’s the first person mondo tells his lie to.
- the weeks after daiya’s death are rough. michi isn’t as bad as mondo was, but he’s still grieving. he doesn’t expect mondo to be back on schedule as quick as he is and even encourages him to take a longer break. he’s ignored.
- michi is uncomfortable having to be back to the gang so soon, but he has to because he now basically has the highest non-leader power. at this point, he is immensely respected by the rest of the gang, and new members who try to make fun of him are shut up by the older members.
- mondo at first doesn’t plan on going to hope’s peak when he is given the invite and even starts writing the letter telling them such. michi convinces him to go, telling him it would be stupid to give up an opportunity like that. that serves as excellent angst material after michi learns about the killing game and mondo’s death.
- michi is left in charge of the gang when mondo is gone and can be considered the third leader of the crazy diamonds, even if it’s not official.
- kinda random, but michi is jealous of mondo and taka’s friendship at first. like, who’s this other guy claiming to be mondo’s best bro??? this hall monitor, straight-laced, son of a cop no less. that period of time doesn’t last very long because michi is quick to figure out mondo’s more than friendly feelings toward taka. before either of them do. jealousy becomes pity with a side of secondhand embarrassment from watching mondo deny his feelings for taka then witnessing his terrible attempts at “flirting” when he does realize said feelings.
- then he’s kidnapped, demon game, library, gontakerus, yada yada yada. we know this.
- there’s something so cool about thinking of michi as “the last crazy diamond.” idk maybe the title is just cool. but he still holds hope that some of the other members are alive and out there somewhere. he makes it his mission to find them and restore the gang. he kind of blames himself for not being there to protect them when the tragedy does happen. he doesn’t think about how he really had no choice in the matter.
- also michi, takaaki, and hiroko found family dynamic is so real. let that boy have a loving mother and father figure in his life. he needs it.
- he never really gives up his goal to find some crazy diamond members, though it becomes less about restoring the gang and more about wanting to see his old friends again. but that mission is put in the backseat after he’s found by the future foundation.
um that’s mostly it, but here’s a non-despair universe thing:
- the tragedy never happens, and mondo hands the gang down to michi after he graduates from hope’s peak. michi is an awesome leader and hands the gang down to his successor because he wants to try his hand out at getting a higher education. what he wants to be, he has no idea (because i have no idea).
- also michi is mondo’s best man at the ishimondo wedding. because why wouldn’t he be?
i love michi, i wish he was real.
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citylawns · 10 months
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The first journal page I ever wrote, around October 2014 when I was sixteen years old. I remember how embarrassed I was writing something so emotionally vulnerable, but now almost a decade later I can look back and feel so much compassion for what I was going through. This journal was one of the most liberating and important things I have ever done.
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meerkeri · 1 year
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Isa and Logan look so cute together 😭😭
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cyberbonded · 2 years
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#𝐊𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝟏 - 𝟐𝟎𝟒𝟎 𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍’𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀; saskia sarkisian in gucci, photo credit: novus museum
saskia sarkisian appeared at robert buchanan’s annual in a vintage, gauzy green gucci dress and matching floor length box braids. noticeably, she did not pose for photographs with her famed superhero family members. - kristian meltz for e!
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byreticence · 2 years
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#𝐊𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝟏 - 𝟐𝟎𝟒𝟎 𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐍’𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀; cecil royce in bespoke, photo credit: novus museum
cecil royce made a rare societal appearance at robert buchanan’s annual gala. the 48-year-old royce sported an all black three-piece suit and was accompanied by emerald savoya in red. - jessica logan for e!
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oblivionscience · 2 years
Little boy, getting Axel's autograph: I hope I can be as good a wielders you are in fifty years.
Axel: Aw, thanks kid-
Axel: You think I'm fifty?!
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isastrxnd · 2 years
Does anyone know if you can Dm people on a private insta account and if they will be able to see it
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lyricaste · 1 year
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Lil goober only exists from this song
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lecsainz · 1 year
can you make another story about the leclerc twins? i love your blog ❤️
Wedding to Remember
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: the leclerc family heading to a wedding where the twins are the flower girls, everything being chaotic as always.
authors note: I LOVE writing about these two, they really know how to drive Charles and the reader crazy.
word count: 925
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Charles struggled to strap the car seats into the back of the car as Rylee ran circles around him, giggling uncontrollably.
"Stay still, Rylee." Charles said, trying to hold onto her as he fastened the seatbelt.
"But I want to run around!" Rylee protested.
Y/n stepped out of the house, checking the doors and windows before joining them in the car.
"Are you excited for the wedding, girls?" Y/n asked, looking at the twins in the backseat.
"Yes! We get to be princesses!" Amelie exclaimed, clapping her hands.
Rylee continued to run around the car, dodging Charles' attempts to catch her.
"Come on, Rylee, get in the car." Charles said, exasperated.
Y/n chuckled at the chaos in the backseat, "Just wait until we get to the wedding."
Charles replied, his voice filled with amusement. "It's going to be an adventure, that's for sure."
Amelie turned to Rylee, "I bet I can get in my seat before you!"
Rylee stopped running and bolted towards the car, determined to win the race.
Charles managed to strap Rylee into her seat and breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally."
Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile, "Just wait until they're teenagers."
Charles groaned, "Don't remind me."
Rylee leaned over to Amelie in her car seat and asked, "Do you think we're going to have to wear those puffy dresses like the bride?"
Amelie shook her head, "No, silly. We're the flower girls. We get to wear pretty dresses and toss petals down the aisle."
Rylee looked relieved, "Oh good. I don't want to wear anything that looks like a marshmallow."
Y/n chuckled from the front seat, "You girls will look beautiful in whatever dresses we choose."
Charles nodded in agreement, "And you'll both do a fantastic job walking down the aisle and tossing the petals."
"Mommy, Daddy, why do people get married?" Rylee asked, her head tilted to the side as she looked up at her parents.
"Well, sweetie, when two people love each other very much, they want to spend the rest of their lives together." Y/N explained.
"Yeah, and when they get married, they make a promise to love and take care of each other forever." Charles added.
"But why did you guys get married?" Amelie chimed in.
Y/N smiled at Charles before answering. "Because we love each other and wanted to make a forever promise to always be there for each other."
The girls thought about this for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Oh, okay. That's nice." Rylee said.
As they arrived at the hotel hours later, they walked into the hotel lobby Rylee and Amelie spotted Carlos and Isa across the room. "Uncle Carlos!" they squealed and ran towards him, causing a few heads to turn. "Hey, little troublemakers!" Carlos chuckled as he scooped them up. "How are my favorite little ladies doing?"
Charles and Y/n exchanged a knowing look and followed the girls, amused by their enthusiasm. As they approached, Carlos scooped the girls up into a bear hug, spinning them around as they giggled uncontrollably.
"Looks like the girls are happy to see you." Charles quipped.
"I can't blame them, I'm pretty lovable." Carlos joked, earning a laugh from everyone.
Isa smiled warmly at the girls. "Hi there, cuties! Are you excited for the wedding?"
Rylee and Amelie nodded enthusiastically, still bouncing in Carlos's arms. "We're gonna be the flower girls!" Amelie declared proudly.
"Wow, that's a big job!" Carlos said with a grin. "You two are gonna do great."
As they walked towards the elevator, Rylee and Amelie kept turning back and waving goodbye to Carlos and Isa. "Bye bye, Uncle Carlos!" Rylee shouted, waving her hand frantically.
Amelie chimed in, "Bye bye, Auntie Isa! See you later!" The girls continued to wave until the elevator doors closed, and Charles and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at their daughters' excitement.
Charles, Y/n, Rylee, and Amelie were getting ready for the wedding in their hotel room. Y/n was doing her makeup while Charles was helping Amelie with her dress.
"Look Amelie, I'm going to cut my hair!" Rylee exclaimed.
Charles gasped in surprise and said. "No, Rylee, don't do it!"
Charles panicked and tried to grab the scissors from Rylee's hand, but she was too quick. Amelie, on the other hand, found the whole situation hilarious and started cheering for her sister.
"Go Rylee, go!" Amelie shouted, clapping her hands.
When Charles managed to take the scissors away from his daughter, it was too late. Rylee had already snipped a chunk of her hair off.
Y/n turned around from her makeup mirror and and her eyes widened in shock as she saw Rylee instanding over a pile of hair on the floor.
"Oh no, Rylee, what have you done?!" She exclaimed.
Rylee looked up at her with innocent eyes. "I wanted to look like a Mulan." She pouted.
Y/N sighed, trying to keep her cool. "Sweetie, cutting your hair won't make you look like Mulan. And please let's not play with scissors again, okay?"
"But Mama, she had short hair!" Rylee insisted.
Charles chuckled from where he was tying his tie. "She's got a point, mon amour."
"Wow, Rylee! You look so cool with short hair!" Amelie exclaimed. "Can I cut mine too?"  
Y/N looked at Charles with a look of desperation, silently begging him to take the scissors away before Rylee could do any more damage.
Charles laughed, shaking his head. "Just another day with the Leclerc twins."
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liked by pascale_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 328.086 others
yourusername Such a beautiful day celebrating the love of our dear friends! And we couldn't be more proud of our little ones, Rylee and Amelie, who were the cutest flower girls ever! 💕
tag: charles_leclerc
view all 4,610 comment
y/ncharles oh my goodness, the leclerc twins are just too adorable!
f1updates OMG, Rylee is so cute with her new haircut!
yourusername Oh, and for those wondering about Rylee's haircut, let's just say she wanted to be a hairstylist for the day... 😂
charles_leclerc Haha, our little Rylee is quite the adventurous one, isn't she? But she still looked absolutely adorable as a flower girl, even with a new haircut
arthur_leclerc Rylee's haircut is a bold fashion statement! 😂
pierregasly the girls are growing up so fast 😭
landonorris I know, right? Time flies! 😭
georgerussell63 I just remember when they were just tiny little ones 😭
carlossainz55 They really are! It feels like just yesterday they were babies 😭
alex_albon stay little, Rylee and Amelie! 😭
lilymhe Oh my goodness, Rylee and Amelie are the cutest little troublemakers!
susiewolff The Leclerc family just keeps getting bigger and better! Congratulations on a beautiful wedding, and on raising such amazing daughters, Charles and Y/n. — Toto and family.
isahernaez the leclerc twins are so adorable! and y/n, you look stunning in that dress!
mercedes.amg Oh no, poor Rylee! At least she still looks adorable in that dress 😍
scuderiaferrari Aww, the Leclerc twins look so adorable in their little dresses!
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winterstorm032802 · 7 months
"What do we do if one of us... you know... dies?"
[You've heard Isa say this before. You hate it. You have to pretend that you don't hear them. That the adults aren't talking a few feet away as you prepare snacks.]
[But you're an awesome chef cooker. You know...]
"Bonnie. Are you listening?"
[You freeze. Frin has never... why is Frin asking..?]
[Isa, Mira, and 'Dile look shocked as they realize it.]
[He never asked that before...]
[Did you mess up somehow?]
[Why does Frin know?!]
[Why is Frin asking?! You've seen them! You've seen them all die right before you! WHY IS SIFFRIN ASKING?!]
[You've had to run away when they all die in front of you. They shout at you to get away as far as possible from the Sadness or the King!]
"I... why are you all talking about it?"
[You disregard the snacks.]
"What's wrong with you all?! Why are you all so stupid! No one is gonna die! No one will die!"
[You freeze as tears fall from your eyes.]
[Why did Frin ask...]
[Siffrin glances at your direction. Before they can open their mouth.]
"Are you guys done talking? It's snacktime!"
I had to get this one out. Something about Bonnie looping has me in a grip. I made this edit.
Bonnie looping au is made by @startagainaprologue
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archerinventive · 1 year
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Thank you to the crew!
Hi all. I hope you've been doing well this month.
As I start to play catchup on archiving recent faire season shenanigan's, I wanted to first and foremost start with a shout-out out to the crew that joined me at this years Midsummer Faire.
Every year comes with new challenges and obstacles to overcome, and this year was no exception, but through it all, it was the team that made it as fun and memorable as it was. ❤️
I feel truly fortunate to have found the squad I have, and I'm so grateful to have had their help and support this season and the days outside of it.
Thank you all so much. You truly add the feeling of family to faire. ❤️
More event photos coming soon. ^^
Crew: @unicorn-shieldmaiden , Rae, Liv F.H, Loni, Emma R, Alexis Baker, Anthony Orange, Ila Belle, and friend Isa L. :)
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boinin · 6 months
Blue Lock volume cover analysis
An examination of unusual features and chains among the 28 volumes released to date. Subject to revision.
Like this? Want to reference these points in your own analysis on Reddit, YouTube, wherever? Go ahead! A shout out to this post is appreciated. Straight up plagiarism isn’t.
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Volume 8: Mikage Reo
Reo's chains are noticeably shaded green. Guess whose eyes glow green when they're fired up...
In addition, @thyandrawrites has a theory that Reo ties/reties his hair up as a way to maintain emotional composure. The volume covers tend to represent the character's personality or struggles in some sense. If so, this is an early nod to the emotional trials Reo endures during the series.
Volume 10: Tokmitsu Aoshi
No chain weirdness here, but Tokimitsu is surrounded by black gunk in his cover. This may be a visualisation of his anxiety and the way he copes with it: running at speed and bulldozing through his opponents.
Volume 11: Ego Jinpachi
Ego's cover depicts him totally immobilised by the four chains bound to his neck. To date, no other character has been more restrained by the chains. This likely represents that Ego's fate is utterly dependent on the outcome of Blue Lock. His cover also suggests that Blue Lock (and football) consume Ego's life.
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Volume 12: Shidou Ryuusei
Shidou's chains have a blue glow, much like Sendou's in volume 27. This glow is far closer to Shidou's collar however. It could imply that Blue Lock is the beginning of Shidou's pursuit of football.
He's also depicted with demon wings. The collar or chains don't impede his movement significantly, unlike other characters. In addition to portraying his incredible physicality, this could also visually represent how Blue Lock has failed to subdue Shidou.
Volume 16: Oliver Aiku
Aiku's chains are wrapped tightly around his arm and he's pulling them taut. The chains themselves appear rusted and cracked, most notably on his collar. This could represent Aiku's relationship with football. He grew jaded with being a striker in high school. Becoming a defender, then the match against Blue Lock, revitalised his enthusiasm. Hence, the chain is holding fast: he's just as ensnared by football (and Blue Lock) as the others.
Volume 17: Itoshi Sae
Sae and his chains are bathed in radiant gold light, which is associated with both divinity and wealth. His chains crumble in one place, and remain barely intact. I offer two interpretations for this. Firstly: unlike the others, Blue Lock does not have a strong impact on Sae—his success as a footballer is completely independent of it.
Secondly: if we take the chain to represent Sae's footballing career, the crumbling chain could allude to a time when football negatively impacted him. Perhaps whatever happened in Madrid? But he came back stronger, as the rest of his chains appear even more golden.
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Volume 18: Teieri Anri
Anri is the only character depicted without chains or a collar. While working with Ego is a prison sentence in its own right, the artwork suggests that her ambition and future isn't connected to the outcome of Blue Lock. It can also be interpreted as a nod to the hierarchy within Blue Lock. Anri is Ego's boss and thus, she is free while he is constrained. However...
Zoom in on the reflection on her phone screen. It appears to reflect a wide grin—which can only be one person's. Taking into account her passivity in chapter 247, this detail positions Anri as Ego's accomplice: willing to do his bidding, no matter how amoral.
Volume 19: Michael Kaiser
Kaiser's collar and chains are made of glass, through which his blue rose tattoo is visible. As chapter 243 told us, a blue rose represents the impossible to Kaiser. Glass chains suggests that his ego or ties to football are fragile, and could be broken easily. Symbolically, glass can also represent transparency. As a character, Kaiser is upfront about his talent and desires. Nobody is in doubt about his footballing mantra or his intent to undermine Isagi.
Volume 20: Alexis Ness
Ness's chains are entwined with blue rose brambles, all but for a short length to the top right of the image. While Ness came to love football independently, seeing it as magical, the rose brambles show that his connection to football is now inseparable from his devotion to Kaiser. It also reflects that Ness would not be a professional footballer without Kaiser, as per chapter 242/243.
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Volume 24: Hiori Yo
Hiori is the only character shown holding the end of his chain, which is secured by a football-shaped weight. This suggests that Hiori himself is the one in control of his career, rather than external forces. Football is a burden to him, albeit something he can carry. Therefore, Hiori is not ensnared by the chains (or Blue Lock) to the same extent as other characters. Appropriate for a character guaranteed to succeed as a footballer, but who ultimately may not choose to pursue it.
Volume 25: Niko Ikki
Niko's volume cover is hilarious. I'll leave the explaining to Tomo-tan, who lays out the humour and genius of Niko's cover in this great Reddit post.
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Volume 26: Don Lorenzo
Members of the New Generation World XI have no chill when it comes to their covers, and Don Lorenzo is no exception. His collar shows bite marks, as though chewed through. Gold teeth are good for more than caramel popcorn, apparently.
Lorenzo's chains are accompanied by what looks like electricity. This suggests that football reanimated Lorenzo from near death, as per chapter 216. It's a visual nod to his playstyle, which resembles the incessant pursuit of a zombie. Guess we can call him Snuffy's Monster.
Volume 27: Sendou Shuuto
A blue glow appears on Sendou’s chains, halted from travelling further by his fist. This may represent the threat Blue Lock poses to Sendou's footballing career. He's already been kicked as the striker of the national team; now in the Neo Egoist League, he must battle for a place on the new U20 line-up. No easy feat, as his sweaty face implies.
Another detail worth mentioning is that the trajectory of one of Sendou's chains appear to align with the chain Aiku's pulling in his cover. This similarity, and the fact that they're both holding their chains, may be interpreted as a nod to their status as former U20 teammates—likely the only ones that will make the new team, going off the latest NEL auction table.
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squoxle · 4 months
Sweet Like Candy ~ S.JY
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pairing: bf!jake x gf!reader | wc: 500 | plot: you and Jake finally go on a date to the movies. but don't be late, because he wants to see the previews. | cw: pure fluff and a few kisses hehe
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“Babe! Come on, we’re gonna be late,” Jake yelled as he grabbed the keys in his hands.
“No we’re not,” you shouted back. “The most we’ll miss are the previews.”
“Okay? I wanna see the previews too,” he pouted as he walked into the room to see you putting on your jewelry.
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“Hmm, okay fine. I’m almost done. Just go wait in the car for me," you said as you saw a bright smile grow across his face.
You rubbed your lips together as you applied your candy-flavored lipgloss before tucking it in your purse.
You slipped into a pair of white tennis shoes before joining your boyfriend in the car.
"You got everything you need?" he asked as you buckled your seatbelt.
"Yup," you smiled as he pulled off. He was taking you out on a date to the movies. It had been a while since you guys did something alone together as a couple so he was really excited about this. To be honest, he was more excited than you.
He drove into the parking lot of the venue before hopping out of the car and coming around to open your door.
"Come on, let's gaurrr," he said, playfully pulling you out of the car as he grabbed your hands and took off running straight for the entrance.
"Hey d'you wanna go pick out the snacks while I get our tickets?" he asked giving you that confused puppy look he always had whenever he was feeling a bit indecisive. "Or I could go get the snacks while you get the tickets. Or umm..."
"I'll go get the snacks," you chuckled. "You just worry about the tickets, okay."
"Okay, thanks babe," he smiled before kissing you on the lips. His eyes widened as your lips parted. You watched as he licked his lips with one eyebrow raised.
"What?" you asked as you covered your mouth slightly with your hand.
"Your lips are sweet," he chuckled. "Sweet like candy."
"Oh," you sighed in relief. "I just tried out this new lipgloss I bought at the mall the other day."
"Well, I like it," he bit his lips softly before leaning in to kiss you again.
"The next viewing will start in 15 minutes," an announcer's voice said over the speakers.
"Oh, shoot!" he spat, raising his wrist to look at his watch. "I haven't even bought the tickets yet. You go get the snacks and I'll meet you back over here as soon as I finish, okay."
"Hehe, okay," you smiled as he ran off.
You grabbed a large popcorn, two sodas, and a couple packs of candy before meeting up with Jake under the stained glass dome in the middle of the cinema.
"Did you get extra butter?" he asked as he saw the large tub wrapped in one of your arms.
"Yes," you chuckled.
"Oh my god, yes babe," you laughed, handing him the bucket of extra buttery popcorn.
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[a.n.] This short fic was inspired by a post on my girl's page @addictedtohobi (link to post)
❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @mimikittysblog @nikisvanillaccola @wonbinisbabygurl @mrswolfhard3 @laylasbunbunny @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmoa
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 10
ISAT spoilers below! CW: Uhhh... talking to your family? That's pretty traumatizing right?
"30 YEARS?!" (You flinch as you hear everyone shout in unison from the other side of the wall. It took everything in you to finally tell Isa the truth, so thankfully he offered to explain it all to the others for you... Oh Isa... I swear I don't deserve you... You lay your head against the wall, pressing your ear closer to try and hear their muffled chatter.)
"So how many times has he looped this go around?"
"... He said only one but... I don't know, I don't think he's ready to talk about that yet..." (...)
"... Does he know what caused him to loop again?"
"..." (The goes silent... it seems Isa didn't want to say it either.)
"... Ah..." (Odile pipes up, having gotten whatever hint Isa was giving.)
"So does this mean Frin is the oldest now?"
"We are NOT going to discuss that Boniface." (You can't help but give a little chuckle at that, despite the overwhelming dread washing over you.)
"Let's just be sure to take it easy on him, okay? It took a lot for him to admit that... we should try our best not to overwhelm him. Let him go at his own pace, yeah?" (Oh Isa...)
"You're right, this is... a lot, for all of us I'm sure..."
"S-So this means that... Sif knows the future?! Like THAT far in the future?! Oh no this is bad, that NEVER goes well in the books! What if we mess up the timeline or something?!"
"Well the world isn't falling apart yet... I don't like the idea of simply ignoring this but... it's not exactly a rush either, now is it?"
"I guess it's not... b-but if anything weird starts happening, we should be careful!"
"Definitely, but for now, we should just be here for Sif. He must be really going through it right now..." (You sigh as you pull your head from the wall... You suppose it's time to face everyone, for better or worse. You stand up, leaving the room, and knocking at the door. You wait nervously for what feels like an eternity, terrified to face this moment. Finally the door slowly opens to Isa... just seeing his sweet smile calms you down.)
"Hey Sif... You ready to talk for a bit?" (You nod, entering the room as he steps aside. Everyone is standing there... staring at you... You retreat a little behind your cloak and hat.)
"Oh Siffrin... I can't imagine what you must be going through..." (Odile starts, Isa approaching from behind and placing a hand on your shoulder. You lean back against him out of habit and need for comfort. The rest of your family start to approach, and you give a light nod of approval, being encased in a wonderful hug from everyone. Safe, Loved, Safe, Loved...)
"Th-Thank you... Okay... I'm ready to talk." (You sigh out, trying to keep from crying again. You know they'd support it but you're just sick of it at the moment. You walk over to the nearest chair and flop down into it... just sitting in awkward silence until-.)
"So when do you two finally kiss?"
"DSKALJDSAJLSDAFJLSF" (You face burns darker, looking away as you hear Isa's very flustered noises. You take a moment before deciding to answer.)
"two months..."
"HAH!" (Odile can't control herself for snorting, Bonnie giggling to themself as well while Mirabelle looks mortified at their behavior. You don't even need to look at Isa to know he's absolutely writhing, but you do since it's fun to watch.)
"Do I become a head housemaiden?!" (Mirabelle shouts out, as if having been holding it back this whole time. You open your mouth to answer-.)
"NO WAIT SPOILERS! DON'T TELL ME DON'T TELL ME SORRY!!" (She panics, covering her ears as a precaution.)
"So much for not overwhelming him..." (Odile sighs, rubbing her temple before continuing.)
"Well, since you have some of foresight on the matter, do feel free to keep us informed of things to avoid. Especially for your own sake." (You nod in response, sharing that familiar appreciative look you both are used to.)
"Do I become a master cooker?!" (Bonnie's eyes light up brightly, leaning closer in awe as they await the fated answer.)
"Hehe... Yup, got a famous cook book and everything." (Bonnie raises their fists in triumph, running around excitedly and shouting about their future accomplishment. They help break the tension as always.)
"Uhh... Sif?... Uhm... A-Are we... Y.. Y-know..." (Isa begins, trailing off as he can't seem to find the words. You just blush some more and giving a light nod. You reach for your earlobe and rub it a bit, helping ensure you're on the same page. His face grows several shades darker.)
"Alright everyone, let's not get too focused on our futures. The more we know the less likely things will play out the same anyways. As I said Siffrin, if it feels important then please bring it up. Otherwise I think we're all best off knowing as little as possible..."
"Y-Yeah, probably a good idea..."
"Awwww, no more future secrets?! No fair, Dile!"
"Heh, sorry Bonbon, granny's orders." (You tease, thankful that you don't have to divulge your entire previous life.)
"But you're older now! That means you're in charge!"
"I said we're not discussing that Boniface!!" (Bonnie just snorts and sticks their tongue out.)
"Regardless, there's still an important detail we haven't discussed... What are we going to do about this?" (Odile asks in a serious tone, looking directly to you for some sort of answer.)
"... I... I don't know... now that Loop is back, I-"
"Loop? What do you mean they're back?" (… Crab.)
"... Right... I forgot to mention that.." (You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.)
"I can't... I can't explain everything right now, but Loop never showed up again in all those years. B-But as soon as I looped back I heard them! They're here, I saw them, b-but..." (Your voice trails off. You realize you were starting to sound desperate, everyone giving you those same concerned looks they always did whenever you got rather frantic... How do you explain this? What CAN you say?...)
"... I'm sorry... I-I just can't explain it right now..."
"Well, I suppose telling us at all is a major improvement from before, so we'll take that victory where we can." (Odile teased as she walked over, lightly ruffling your hair some.)
"And no matter what anyone says, I'm the elder around here." (She added... you weren't quite sure if that was a joke, or some sort of threat.)
"But it's been a long day for everyone, let us get some rest and maybe we'll figure out what to do about this in the near future. For now, our plans remain the same, off to Bambouche to find Boniface's dear sister." (Stars, you completely forgot...)
"Uhh… actually..."
"... She left to try and find us, didn't they?"
"... I don't remember where they ended up either..." (Odile pinches her temple and gives a long sigh.)
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