#show canon compliant
magimerlyn · 10 months
Until the End
An Ever After High prequel fanfiction
Chapter 1
The Wrong Roommate
It was the beginning of the school year at Ever After High, and students were beginning to move onto campus and into the dorms. A girl with pale, milky skin and long, cream colored hair went to the bulletin board to double check the dorm assignments. She wore a pink knee-length skirt, and a white blouse with lace sleeves. Her pink kitten heels had a small pearl dangling from each buckle. She wore a white pearl headband and carried a small, square white handbag with a light pink rose in the center.
Pearl White, the descendant of Snow White, sighed, seeing that the headmasters had not honored her request for a fellow princess as her roommate. Well, that wasn’t quite accurate. They had decided to room her with Victoria Hearts, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, an exchange student from Wonderland who was there to take advantage of the princess class track at Ever After High.
Pearl had hoped to room with one of her friends, like Helena or Cynthia. The three has met in middle school, when Pearl had all but begged her mother to let her go to public school. The girls had quickly become friends. They bonded over and daydreamed about their destinies, and their bond had lasted for years now. And it would for ages to come.
The heavy doors of the school slammed open with violent purple magic. In strode Adrian Queen, the son of the Evil Queen, with Ragnar Huntsman following a step behind him. Pearl quickly averted her gaze, hoping to avoid his notice. This was why she had wanted to room with one of her friends, so she wouldn’t be alone when he inevitably decided to hurt her arbitrarily.
She could feel the moment when his alexandrite eyes landed on her, could see in her mind’s eye the cold, cruel smirk that spread across his face. She heard the click click click of his heeled dragon-scale boots as he walked across the polished wooden floors, coming to a stop right behind her.
“Hello, dear sister,” a black velvet voice purred from behind her. Slowly, she turned, looking up at the boy standing a few feet away. His black hair was swept to one side of his face, an iron crown sitting upon his head. He wore his royal wealth with pride, a deep purple stone hanging from one ear, and a black cape trimmed in gold and lined with indigo off one shoulder. His high-necked black shirt tucked into high-waisted tailored trousers. An iron corset encircled his waist and he wore a matching bracer on each arm.
“Hello, Adrian,” she said, barely keeping her voice steady. “Is there something you needed?”
The smirk widened into a cold grin, showing far too many teeth to be anything resembling friendly. “I just wanted to know who your new roommate was. It would be best if I took care of any misunderstandings early on, don’t you agree?”
Pearl sighed, glancing back up at the board. “I’m roommates with Victoria Hearts of Wonderland. She’s an exchange student.”
Adrian looked pensive for a moment, before saying “Ah, the future Queen of Wonderland. Good, I had worried it’d be someone I’d need to talk to.”
“Talk to” would have meant threatening Pearl’s roommate to not get involved in their affairs, but since everyone knows that villains all have an unspoken agreement to not get involved anyway, it would be unnecessary.
“Where’s your luggage, Ragnar and I will help you bring it up to your room.” That predator grin was back. Sometimes Pearl could swear that Adrian was part dragon, the way he played with his food. She nodded demurely and the three of them walked out to where her carriage had dropped her and her friends off. Her luggage was piled next to her friends’, where Adrian’s magic wrapped around it to lift into the air.
Ragnar nodded at the two girls in greeting. He didn’t often say much, in fact all most people ever heard leave his lips was a reverent “yes, your highness,” always directed at Adrian. His chestnut hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, choppy bangs framing his face. His almond-shaped eyes were like pools of emerald, and just as hard. Pearl noted that his bow and sword were missing from his back and side, though the rest of his outfit was the same as always: a studded leather pauldron over a deep blue shirt, a few belts that would ordinarily hold his sheath and quiver, and dark brown pants tucked into leather boots. The only thing on his belt right now was Adrian’s Token: an iron dragon curled around a piece of cut alexandrite.
Helena Rose, a dark-skinned girl with onyx eyes, looked up from the book in her hands. Her black braids were pulled into a half ponytail and she wore a yellow sundress paired with a flower crown. Her wedge sandals matched the woven straw purse slung across her body. She was sitting next to Cynthia Ella, a girl with dark brown hair and tinted skin. Her sapphire blue eyes sharpened when she saw Pearl’s luggage starting to float. She stood up, brushing down her deep blue skirt and glared at Adrian from behind her wire-rimmed glasses.
“What are you doing?” she demanded, one hand resting on her hip.
Adrian briefly glanced over to the girls before turning his attention back to the suitcases. “It’s nothing to concern yourself with, Cindy. Don’t you have some laundry to do?”
Cynthia fumed as Pearl spoke up. “He’s helping me get settled in. Everything is okay, I promise.” She gave a reassuring smile. “You know how it is.”
Her friend looked like she wanted to say something, but she sighed, relenting. “So I’m guessing we’re not roommates?” Pearl shook her head regretfully. Cynthia cursed under her breath before her eyes flickered to Pearl’s brother. “They didn’t put you with-“
“Of course not!” Pearl tried to soothe her friend. “After what happened in middle school, there’s no way they’d try putting him in the girl’s dorms.”
Adrian laughed from where he was standing. “Who could have guessed that preserved Dragon’s Breath could be so volatile?” Ragnar cracked a grin at that, his gaze softening as he looked at the smirking warlock.
Pearl offered Cynthia a reassuring smile. “They have me rooming with Victoria Hearts. Adrian is just helping me with my luggage. He insisted.” She shrugged, trying to convey a “what can you do?” It didn’t seem to work, judging by Cynthia’s expression.
“Pearl.” Adrian called sharply. She jolted, before shooting a last smile at her friends and hurrying over to her brother. He strode forward, his knight at his right hand and his sister at his left. The crowds parted on their approach, previously spoken conversations hushed down to a whisper. The three of them climbed the stairs of the girl’s dormitory. When they finally reached the door with Pearl’s name on it, Adrian knocked imperiously before having Ragnar open it.
Half of the room was already decorated in red, black, white, and gold. A black vanity with gold on the edges stood a few feet down from the tufted red and white bed frame. The bed was pushed against the wall, and a shining black nightstand stood beside it. There was a large red armchair positioned next to a small bookshelf by the window, already set up with bright red drapes.
Sitting at the vanity was a girl with long black hair. When the door opened, she turned her pale, heart-shaped face to the intruders, her garnet eyes looking them up and down. Her makeup was simple, but harsh, her lips painted into a small, blood-red heart. She had blunt bangs cut just above her eyebrows, and half of her hair was tied up in a heart-shaped bun. She wore a golden tiara with heart-shaped rubies and oval-shaped pieces of jet. She wore a high-necked, tight-fitting black shirt, with a red corseted skirt reaching just below her knee. A red, heart-shaped purse with a golden chain was slung over the back of her chair.
“White knight, moonshine, a place, a face, I have mine?*” she asked. Pearl and Ragnar shared a look of confusion, while Adrian laughed.
“Well then, that certainly clears up any question of this being the right room,” he smirked, leading the trio inside. “I am Adrian Queen, son of the Evil Queen. I’m helping my sister move in. And you must be Princess Victoria Hearts of Wonderland.”
Victoria nodded. “And I presume you are my roommate,” she said, turning her gaze over to Pearl, who nodded.
“My name is Pearl White, daughter of Ivory White. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She looked around the room. “I… like your room. It’s very… fitting.”
“Clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds all ten,”* Victoria said, turning back to her vanity and the cards she had set out.
Adrian set down the luggage. “Well then, Ragnar and I will be off. Pearl, I’m sure you’ll behave yourself.” With that, he swept out of the room, leaving Pearl to unpack on her own, with a villain on the other side of the room.
*Riddlish translations:
“Hello, what is your name?”
“That is very kind of you.”
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vayalda · 2 years
Snow – The True Beginning
Summary: The Lady Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Brienne of Tarth, is on the way north on the behest of Jon Snow, the King of the Free Folk. But even in these icy lands, where spring never seems to reach, she’s being followed by a shadow from her past...  
Pairing: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Link AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44175265
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al-luviec · 18 days
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sensei morro ref (is it really an au if it's part of your personal canon)
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myimaginationplain · 11 months
On one hand, I think that Kiyi is actually a wonderful idea for a character; you can get a lot of interesting stories out of inserting this innocent, guiless little girl into such a fraught & complex pre-existing family dynamic.
However, some mind-numbingly bad storytelling decisions surround Kiyi's existence in canon. Ursa's magical amnesia chief among them; it is so goddamm boring to take a character with as much baggage to chew on as Ursa has, only to make it so she has to grapple with literally none of it.
No Ursa looking at baby Kiyi & mourning for the two babies she was forced to leave behind, grieving children who are still alive. No Ursa looking at Kiyi grow up & seeing Zuko & Azula in her, equally as happy as she is afraid for her. No Ursa trying to give Kiyi as normal & happy a childhood as she can, while constantly looking over her own shoulder, praying that she won't be recognized. No Ursa hearing wild rumors about her older children's whereabouts & actions, not knowing what to believe.
No, instead of any of that, we just get Ursa becoming a blank slate who can now go off & live a blissfully ignorant happily ever after with her (equally blank) high school sweetheart, forgetting the very children whom she risked everything for in the first place. And that sucks.
Also, if I were writing Kiyi, I'd just say fuck it & make her Ozai's kid. That's a thousand times more interesting.
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synonymroll648 · 2 months
headcanon that the reason sophie still has eyelashes to pull on the regular is that grady and edaline worked something out with the dizznees to get a tasteless formula to help eyelash growth specifically to put drops of in her bottles of youth. because there’s no way her ptsd-induced trichotillomania (oversimplified definition for those who aren’t familiar: hair pulling disorder) is gonna die down during the war, so they’re trying to make sure she doesn’t move from eyelashes to eyebrows or her Hair hair by giving her More Eyelashes
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h-didanart · 4 months
I could try to make this a whole comic, but I don’t have the patience to. So….
Bloodmoon giggled to himself as he scurried away. It wasn’t always that he could get such a good glance at the Daycare idiot’s daily routine, but when he did, boy was it a blast.
Some odd creature emerged from the portal and some confrontation took place, he was excluded from it, having been up in the rafters and all, so he had been in a perfect position to see the absolute frustration in the Sun-Man’s face as the creature toppled over his precious barrel towers, and then, and then— he snorted just remembering— and then the Sun-Man chased around the creature screaming every single swear word that could ever be said.
He had almost fallen off the rafters from laughing too hard, which had sadly gotten him spotted by the computer, which meant he had to leave. But still, it had been very amusing, so now he was on his way to the place he and the little Pumpkin Sprout usually met at— the theatre basement, with its infinite food supply and stuff— and he was going to talk to them about it, because they had to know.
He entered the space, bouncing in place at seeing the pumpkin bot already there, and he approached them.
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Hmm, Little Sprout didn’t usually go for knives that quickly. Nor did they usually tackle him that quickly, nor would they aim for his eye, nor would they be the ones to start a sneak fight, nor— okay this was just not how Jack normally acted. Which meant…
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fistfuloflightning · 8 months
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It was a slip of the tongue, Shen Yuan screamed internally. He’d been thinking of—well, it didn’t matter what he was thinking of! It just slipped out and now Jiu-ge was laughing at him behind his fan and thinking all kinds of awful ways to mock him for those three words.
He risked a glance back up, only to catch Shen Jiu’s fleeting smile before it hid itself again. He closed his fan with a snap before using the end to tip up Shen Yuan’s chin. “Took you long enough,” he murmured. Lips pressed to Shen Yuan’s cheek, dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. “I love you too.”
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
thinking non-canon luke thoughts because i just remembered the story of orpheus and eurydice and i had to take a breather
im thinking about how when luke was starting to have doubts about kronos’ plan; when he was slowly realizing that what the titan was planning was not going to fix everything the way he thought it would, kronos could feel luke slipping away.
im thinking about how it probably wouldn’t have been too late for luke to turn back and return to his friends, his family, and beg for their forgiveness, had he just not shown kronos his weakness, his achilles heel; but he did.
it was in a dream, it started out comforting, like it always did. luke was cleaning up after some of the younger campers in the hermes cabin. no matter how many times he told them to not leave their things on the floor and to throw away their snack wrappers, they wouldn’t listen. luke didn’t know why he wasted his breath reminding his siblings.
you were leaning against the door frame, a mischievous smile on your lips. “what’s up, cinderella?”
luke, startled, dropped the pile of dirty laundry he was holding. when he realized it was you, he rolled his eyes playfully, shaking his head, “i told you to stop calling me that.”
when you first called him cinderella, he was a little confused. the disney princesses all blurred into one entity in his mind. was she the one who ate the poisoned apple? the one who pricked her finger on the needle? there’s no way she was the mermaid, right?
when you returned the following summer, you managed to smuggle in a dvd of cinderella and one of those portable dvd players. the two of you watched it in secret while the rest of the campers were away at the bonfire.
at first, luke scoffed at the comparison, “how am i cinderella?”
“you always clean up after your siblings, silly,” you laughed.
he was still a little hurt by it, especially since he harbored a massive crush on you. why couldn’t you see him as a rugged prince or something? he thought maybe wishing that you saw him as a knight would be too cliche; but he accepted the kind-hearted pet name because it made you laugh. it was luke’s favorite sound.
the scene in his dream changed quickly after that. your mischievous smile turned into something more sinister as the darkness from outside trickled into the cabin. the pile of clothes he dropped on the floor disappeared and the floor began to crack, as if trying to swallow him whole. then the voice came.
luke knew that kronos knew about you then; how luke felt about you, how if there was anything that could stop him from joining, it would be you.
as the days went on, the pull to return back to camp was getting stronger. luke wanted to see you. he needed to see you. so he did.
behind the trees of your cabin, he stood there, watching you talk to your siblings. if he concentrated hard enough, his mind could replay the sound of your laughter. he was too far to actually hear it then, but he thought of it. he imagined it.
he even let out a silent chuckle when he thought about how badly you would tease him for spying on you like this; in another life, you’d catch him and joke about how he couldn’t get enough of you. in another life, maybe, he’d hear your laugh again. maybe he’d be the reason for it.
when kronos learned of luke’s escapade, the titan grew angry. the nightmares felt more personal after that. kronos seemed to know all of luke’s weak spots and threatened to act on them if luke disobeyed again.
there was one night that was particularly difficult. the titan was growing stronger and it was the first time luke couldn’t fight him off, the first time he felt himself losing control over his own body, his own mind. luke tried to wake up from his slumber, but it was no use.
kronos dangled a promise in front of him; a promise that if luke continued with the plan, a promise that if luke didn’t look back, kronos would leave you alone, that you’d survive. luke agreed to it. luke would do anything to save you.
but the pull was still there. kronos was right. luke wanted to leave, this he was sure of now, and the night he saw you just made it more difficult to follow through with the plan. he missed you.
in the final battle, luke was too weak to continue fighting. there was so much blood on his hands that he lost track of who he had hurt. he was tired. as he was about to succumb to his fate, he heard it.
“cinderella,” you called out. “hermes cabin is a mess. they need you back.”
luke was distracted by you. only you would be making jokes at a time like this. luke sent you a crooked smile and he received that mischievous smile of yours right back. he thought that it might morph into something evil, like it was one of his dreams, but it didn’t; it turned into something worse.
there was blood spilling out of your mouth. you froze in your spot before falling to your death.
“you looked back.” that voice.
he found enough strength then to do one last thing; with a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, luke stabbed himself in his mortal spot.
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autistic-katara · 2 months
being a fanfic writer is rewatching part of ur fav show and taking notes
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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smoke and mirrors
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
Have I mentioned I HATE the way I outline??
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Why do I always have to figure out the plan? Why can't past Sarah figure out the plan for once???
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thunderstomm · 3 months
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I’m nothing without you
Well maybe not nothing, But a whole lot less - It’s true…!
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Buck and Eddie pretend they don't go to the gym together only to check each other out. Sometimes it's at the firehouse, sometimes it's the actual gym, but the motives are consistent.
Buck has been lying for months to do the same routine as Eddie, he's even had to snuck to the gym alone a few times to complete his own workout. He's so tired of doing abs, but it's worth it. When he sees the man on the mat next to him flex and sweat, it feels like a treat. A delicious, low on carbs treat.
They take turns on the machines and stare awkwardly at each other while the other does the set. Eddie almost always has to turn partially around to hide the growing hardon on his pants as he sees Buck do literally anything with his arms.
It takes nine whole months before Buck breaks and tells Eddie he has a leg day coming up that doesn't align with their program. The puppy eyes on his buddy are almost enough to make him take it back, but his doctor urged him to distribute his workout evenly. He's still on bloodthinners. Kinda, sorta.
So the day arrives and it feels like the end of titanic as they march to opposite sides of the gym. Buck does what he needs and feels good about it, although he can't shake the feeling that there's something missing.
Next time he sees Eddie it's when they go back to the showers at the very end. It's late and only a few tired voices can be heard through the walls and stalls. They chat momentarily, a stupid eye-to-eye smile on both on them, but the conversation is shallow and dull, and truly, Buck can't do this anymore so he closes the distance and kisses him.
Eddie is shocked only for a few seconds, but then he grabs Buck's waist and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss. It's sloppy and it tastes like sweat, but neither of them pull back until the lights of the bathroom flicker.
"Wanna go home and make up for the time we didn't spend together?"
Truly Buck cannot grab his shit fast enough.
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crownedwille · 2 months
#some thoughts incoming idk if i should share but i need to put them somewhere#it's hard being in the yr fandom since the finale when you don't share the same vision and opinion as the rest#and people make future wilmon posts or write post s3 fics (which many exist now) they just don't align with your idea at all#and they're not exciting to me at all and the whole concept just makes me upset#i don't wanna imagine Wille as a 'normal' person (not that that's ever possible anyway which the show loves to ignore)#like I'm sorry but i didn't come to the show to watch an ordinary love story and have them lead an ordinary life#the idea of Wille being a future king and them navigating that royal life together is so much more interesting#i hate that that isn't canon anymore and when ppl make posts about them it's not about that or that would only be seen as a negative thing#i don't wanna imagine a life where they are 'normal' that isn't appealing to me at all and it sucks seeing everyone embrace it#and it's like you're not allowed to want something else or think differently bc that makes you the bad person and you're just wrong#i can't be excited about their future (also bc i don't really see them going strong in the future with how they messed them up in s3)#(i also didn't want to know what could possibly happen in the future i wanted that to stay open and just be in the present)#and seeing everyone else excited and happy about it makes you feel horrible and very alone and disconnected in the fandom#i don't wanna take it away from them but i also would love to see other takes but that's basically impossible now#am i the only person who feels this way or are there any other who can relate? pls let me know#i already feel like ppl are gonna attack me for this but it's been hard especially now with Simon's month and seeing so many interpretation#navigating ao3 has also become difficult now#it's hard finding fics to read where wille stays crown prince and you don't have to be scared for that to change#i just can't read any canon compliant fics anymore and i hate it bc i hate to disagree with canon#i normally don't do that bc canon is important to me and i don't want to reject it and create my own fantasy#and that's what's upsetting#anyway sorry i had to write this#personal
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lokiusly · 9 months
When Mobius didn’t go to the bar, he’d stay home, streaming movies all night. This week, he felt inclined to explore the rom-coms.
As he watched on: the witty banter, the loving looks, the subtle caresses, it dawned on him…
Mobius needed popcorn. And M&Ms.
He mixed the two together and ate the combination while he watched on.
Elsewhere, Loki watched his reactions to the movie’s jokes. Every time Mobius grinned ear to ear, every thoughtful head-tilt, every hearty laugh.
The ending approached. The characters hadn’t seen each other in so long. It was pouring rain and yet the lead characters were in a trance. They confessed their love and embraced.
Mobius paused the film and sat up on his couch. Loki too sat up on his throne. It had dawned on Mobius.
“Am I… Am I in love?” Mobius chuckled. “I’m in love with Loki.” he whispered but the god of stories heard him loud and clear.
It took everything in Loki to not let go of the branches.
Loki and Mobius, though far from each other, smiled widely, & just as quickly, their smiles faded & their frowns formed.
Outside, the rain began to pour.
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mayasaura · 27 days
The Crime of Loyalty - BBC Merlin
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And so the last page shall remain empty until you write the rest Yes, some may say that I'm a fool.... A fool for waiting for you
An attempt to capture the feeling of watching the BBC Merlin finale
Avalon - Blackmore's Night
"Back to the days of Avalon where magic ruled as king," Ambiance; A promise left unfulfilled.
No Rest - Dry the River
"I loved you in the best way possible." Arthur's perspective.
We Belong - Pat Benatar
"Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for better," Merlin's perspective.
Servants and Kings - Radical Face
"But you'd become my candle in the dark, and all through that hell you were a shield across my heart." Back to how Arthur sees Merlin.
Born To Be Yours - Kygo
"I know I was born to be yours." Merlin's special kind of fealty.
South - Sleeping At Last
"That's how I lost touch of who I am .... and who I was." Merlin's fatal flaw.
Driven By You - Brian May
"Everything I do, I do for you." "Everything I do is for him," something Merlin literally says more than once.
You're the Voice - John Farnham
If you know, you know.
Two Sides Of Lonely - The Love Bellow
"I had one chance to tell you I was worth it," The magic reveal, almost too late to matter. "One's in the grave, and the other should be."
Til Kingdom Come - Coldplay
"Hold my head inside your hands. I need someone who understands .... just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me." Arthur's perspective, acceptance.
Measure of a Man - Heather Dale
"Push the prow. Let him lead the final charge again, where all will follow soon." A funeral.
End of Innocence - Kamelot
"Why must a hero die young? Not to be gone and forgotten." What the fuck. That can't be the end! It's not fair.
Kingdom of Your Own - Matthew And The Atlas
"The ghost of you I've felt within my dreams that I will find you." A old man walks along the road at the edge of a lake.
I'm Gonna Wait - The Temper Trap
"I'll be your fool, a fool who waited for you." Merlin, choosing hope.
Who Wants To Live Forever? - Queen
"Who waits forever, anyway?" Is it worth it?
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