#si punk rock
adistidaramutia · 9 months
Binar Bulan Baiduri
Tanggal 18 September 2023 saya berhasil melahirkan anak kedua. Kenapa saya katakan ‘berhasil’? Karena sebelumnya saya pernah mencoba dan gagal. Dua kali saya keguguran. Kedua janin itu gugur ketika usianya masih hitungan minggu. Tapi sedihnya saya pendam berminggu-minggu. Mungkin itu juga yang menyebabkan ketika ada orang yang melihat perut buncit saya kemudian bertanya, “Ini hamil anak…
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celestie0 · 6 months
sighhj should i finish choso x reader punk rock au or should i finish gojo x reader babysitter au
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digitalcarcrash · 5 days
i love the subtle implications abt randy and benson's tastes in music... randy flipping through radio stations and stopping when steal away by robbie dupree plays vs benson blaring by moistboyz in his car + the motorhead tshirt
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a-na-dhil · 1 year
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im so not ready for this
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cuartoretorno · 2 years
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Habla Malón! parece que hay algunos eventos interesantes cosa de coordinar! habla mañana como es? bajamos a Lima! rota el Vodka (Ruskaya) con su Tampico y su hielito! habla? avisas al Face! hablamos Bro! 
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“Volver al baile” by Buenos Aires, Argentina-based dark post-punk band Devoran entre sí off of their self-titled 2020 EP
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madeintumbl · 5 months
"fa male... di meno" Questi vengono su bene. Tenere d'occhio anche Naska.
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stevenvenn · 1 year
House of All - There’s More (s/t) The original members of The Fall have reformed (of course without Mark E. Smith R.I.P.) and put together a new debut as the band House of All. Going to be a great listen for those of us who have been missing The Fall. Bandcamp audio here. Nothing on Spotify yet but the album’s being released in May. You can also watch this video of the guys getting together in the studio here.
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o-sachi · 1 month
Rose Colored Boy - Punk Rock Band AU
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ଳ Punk Rock Band AU! Michael Kaiser Route - older brother's best friend ଳ tags; lead guitarist! kaiser, isagi's sis! reader, college au, fluff, afab reader, no y/n
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Part One: Still Into You 5.7k words
There was something alluring about starting from a clean slate. Without any threads of the past holding you down, it makes it feel as if you could be anyone and that you could do anything. That’s exactly what this new chapter of your life has to offer. You were certain that college would be the ultimate turning point.
It’s not like you had any bad habits—unless being stuck in your safety bubble would be considered one. By all means, you were comfortable with how your life was. But whenever your brother showed you how fun his life at college was, your desire for the preconcerted way of living was slowly being chipped away. 
Perhaps the unconscious longing for a different—more thrilling life—was what determined you to change your ways. But then again, the past cannot be totally left behind. It’ll always find a way to worm itself in the present.
That worm in your life happened to be your brother’s little punk rock band.
Well… to be fair, they’re not as little as they used to be when they started in their high school years. You’ve heard the talk around the campus, but DEVOUR’s a pretty big deal now. And that’s exactly the problem. It would have been fine if it was just your brother—no way of avoiding him. But the rest of the band? You had history with them and it was highly likely that you’d have to encounter them A LOT.
Of course, there was also the thing about him.
Who would’ve known they would cause you more problems than one? When Yoichi dropped the bomb that you’d be staying with him at his studio apartment it already gave you a huge headache. But now that you were suffering the consequences of sleeping in the room next to their designated band practice location—this was more than a mere headache. It was a real fucking nightmare.
If Yoichi thought he could placate you by soundproofing the practice room, well, he’s dead wrong. You could still hear the music, though faintly. But the real issue was all the thumping. As a light sleeper, it was nothing short of torture for you. 
Although, it did come as a shock when the disturbance eventually died down. You were expecting them to go at it until the wee hours of the morning. But it was good to know that they still had some sense in them. Checking your phone on the nightstand, it was around 11 PM. Not too bad.
You close your eyes and let sleep overcome you. Lately, your dreams have been about college. Even your subconscious was brimming with excitement. Tonight was supposed to be one of those dream-filled-deep-sleep kind of nights. But not even an hour later, you were awoken in the worst way possible.
You were sure something made its way in your room because how else would you explain the thing that just slammed into you—knocking the fucking air outta your lungs? You didn’t even stir when the door open and closed. But as you looked to your side, you could make it out in the darkness—an unfamiliar figure lying next to you with an arm draped over you.
Of course, most people’s first instinct would be to scream. And boy, did you scream like a banshee. Unfortunately, your room wasn’t soundproofed so Yoichi, who’s room was next to yours, was alarmed. Your door swung open, letting the light from the common room filter into your darker one. Yoichi stood by the door, groggy and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What happened?” he asked, a bit too calmly for someone who just heard their sister scream bloody murder.
You wondered how he hasn’t noticed the hulking figure next to you until you realized that the sneaky bastard hid themself under the covers, blending in with the pillows. Now, how were you going to respond to his question? On one hand, you were fucking disoriented by the issue at hand. On another, it wouldn’t look good if you somehow had a person in your bed literally the first day you moved in.
You had your suspicions about who it might be, but even then, it was still a questionable position to be in.
“Uh… I think a cockroach landed on me or something,” you lied. Gulping down the guilt, you hoped that he’d go back to his room. Then, you felt a sharp poke to your side causing you to yelp.
Yoichi sighs, unamused. “Seriously. Do you want me to help you kill it or what?”
“No! No… um… I’ll be fine.” Poke. “Eurgh… I mean, sorry to wake you up.” Poke. Poke. Poke. You weren’t even sure why you were covering up for this annoying asshole. But whoever this was, they kept poking at your side, trying to elicit another reaction. Clearly, they were getting a kick out of messing with you. Jerk.
Your brother nods, displeased at waking up for nothing. “Weirdo. Alright, I’ll spray some insect killer in here tomorrow or something.”
With that, Yoichi was finally gone and so was your fear of getting caught. But there was still a pressing issue. Hearing the door click shut, you immediately stood up and stomped your way to the light switch. It took you a while to adjust to the sudden brightness. Things were blurry for a moment, but you were certain about what was right in front of you.
Oh… you were so damn sure who it was.
The tips of his hair were now colored and he had a massive tattoo that ran from his neck and down his arm. Sure, he was more muscular than the last time you saw him. But despite all that, you were sure. There was no mistaking that it was him.
Him. The thread of the past that threatened to hold you back. You couldn’t put a finger exactly on your relationship. Perhaps you were close before, but did those sentiments survive the test of time?
It was none other than (your sworn love of your life at the age of 12), Michael fucking Kaiser.
“So I’m a cockroach now huh?” At least the cocky smile of his hasn’t changed a bit. You’d know because you’ve seen it a million times before. It was the same kind of smile he’d have while teasing you all those years ago.
You crossed your arms, glaring at him for the stunt he pulled earlier. “You’re worse than a cockroach; that’s for sure.”
“You’re saying you’d rather sleep beside a roach than me?”
Yes, you answer in your head. But your honest answer will only serve to inflate his already gigantic ego. “Enough of that—what are you even doing here?”
He laughs a bit. Kaiser found this strange reunion quite fun. “I crash here sometimes after practice and I may have forgotten that Yoichi’s little sister was moving in today.”
The intruder seemed way too relaxed on the bed as he propped himself up on his elbow. The cocky smile morphed into a lazy grin as he continued to look at you.
Somehow your annoyance melted away. You were reminded of all the times he’d stay at your house for hours on end. As a kid, you thought nothing of it. In fact, you were jealous of how permissive his parents were. You’d have to go through a whole spiel just to get your parents to agree for you to join your friends at the park—while Kaiser was allowed to stay and sleep all the time at your house.
But growing up, realizations were made and maybe it wasn’t something to be jealous of.
You took a few steps over to the bed, still with your arms crossed. As serious as you made yourself out to be, he only found it endearing.
“Don’t you have a place to stay at? Like a dorm on campus?”
The concern in your voice puzzled you a bit. Even though he was a pain in the ass, you cared for him regardless. The way his smile disappeared heightened your worries.
“I could go back to my place with my parents…” he muses while lying flat on his back. “But you know… practice drains me so it’s better if I can pass out in the room nearby.”
He could play it cool all he wants, but the way his voice and expression changed couldn’t fool you. There was no need to pry in his personal business. If he wanted to tell you the truth—he would. “You can take the couch… I’m sure Yoichi won’t mind.”
A smile returns to his features, albeit a smaller (less cocky) one. “The question is—would YOU mind?”
Right. Well, you may have had a crush on him for all these years since you were in middle school and high school. And you may have wished that he would stop seeing you as his best friend’s little sister. Aaaand you may have promised yourself that you would end this little crush of yours in college—even if you happen to stumble upon him.
Which you did and it just so happens that you encountered him in your bed of all places.
When he and Yoichi graduated from high school and went on to go to university, you haven’t seen Kaiser since. You haven’t heard from him except from the little snippets Yoichi would tell you about his band.
So you were sure that your feelings had faded along with his memory. But then why is your heart still beating so fast? Why couldn’t you take your eyes off of him?
You chalked it up to the earlier adrenaline of having some unknown presence break into your room. But now that the presence is known… Why do you still feel so nervous?
The simple and glaringly obvious answer was: you still liked him. A lot, to be exact. But you wouldn’t let yourself admit that. Despite pining after him all these years, you were aware of how much it hurt. It pained you to know that he’ll always see you as his best friend’s little sibling. And now seeing him with his new appearance—tatted and in a punk rock band…  you were certain that he had no slim pickings when it came to women.
Once more, you felt the familiar pang of disappointment in your chest. But above all that—you couldn’t deny that he mattered to you.
“No… I don’t really mind. The couch is yours for all I care.”
Kaiser sits up straight, still keeping his gaze fixed on you. “Sweet. You’re the best.”
The best huh? It was like a knot had formed in your stomach at his words. Dropping your arms to your sides, you gave him a tristful look in exchange. So many thoughts ran rampant in your head that it barely registered to you that he had already dragged himself out of your bed and was now standing in front of you.
He still towered over you like before. Did he always go to band practice shirtless or was God messing with you right now by shoving this awful coincidence at your face (quite literally). A cold sweat ran down your spine as his scent permeated your nose. His presence alone was intoxicating.
Kaiser placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair a bit. “Good night then. I’ll see you in the morning.”
With one last smile, he was gone the same way he went in. He was even kind enough to switch the lights off for you. 
Like a drain, the thoughts that had swirled in your mind slowly vanished. Out of sight, out of mind—you figured. You slowly got back into bed, pulling the covers just below your chin. Your fingers bunched the fabric tightly enough that your knuckles went white.
You could finally sleep… but maybe in a few more minutes because now you have to deal with your covers smelling like him.
— — — — —
“I told you she was moving in yesterday. Is your head full of air or what?”
“I just fucking forgot. Get off my ass will you?”
“For fuck’s sa—Hey, morning.”
You weren’t sure what they were mumbling about. You weren’t the most coherent after waking up. Though, this did feel like a familiar scene. You, waking up later than usual—still yawning with eyes half-lidded—while your brother and his best friend were already at the table eating breakfast. And most often than not, they’re going to be arguing about something stupid.
“Morning, Yoichi… Morning, Michael.”
“Heh, you must’ve slept well. You still got marks all over your face from the sheets,” he teased. 
Kaiser was only met by a scoff. “Shut up.”
You made a beeline for the fridge, grabbing a carton of milk then making a bowl of cereal. Sitting at the table, you began to eat quietly from across them. 
“So,” Yoichi starts. “I have something important to talk with you about
Your brow quirked, piqued by your brother’s sudden shift to seriousness. “What?”
He sighs, seemingly frustrated about the impending discussion. “I’ll be straight to the point. Can this fool stay with us? Like on the couch?”
Your chewing slowed, eventually coming to a complete halt. “You mean like… indefinitely? I thought he had a place to stay though?”
Yoichi glared at the man next to him, confirming your suspicions that perhaps the things he said last night weren’t factual at all. Was he occasionally crashing here or did he actually live here? Kaiser simply held his hands up in defense, an uneasy smile to boot.
“I don’t know what this idiot told you but he’s been living with me since we got here,” Yoichi explains. You drop your spoon in your bowl causing a bit of milk to splash out. This was the first that you heard of this arrangement.
“But… does Mom know about this? There wasn’t even any sign of anyone else living here with you?”
“Nah, she doesn’t know,” Kaiser coolly replies. “Plus, all my stuff’s in a duffle bag and some of it’s in the band room. It’d be a hassle to put away all my stuff when your parents visit.”
You should have been worried about a plethora of other things, but for some reason, all you could think about was why he had to live with your brother. Just what is going on in his life?
You cleared your throat. “Are you freeloading off of my brother?”
“Ouch. Do you really think I’d do such a thing? Don’t worry. I have a part-time job so I can pay half of the rent.”
Half? For a studio apartment? Whatever part-time job he has—it definitely pays well. You could see why Yoichi would agree to it and halving the expenses was cheaper than getting a dorm. Seeing as how he’s diligent about their living situation and Yoichi isn’t refuting his claims… you feel oddly calm about it. Besides, you were sure that your parents would be fine. It’s not that different from when he’d sleep over at your house when you three were younger… right?
You scold yourself internally for being so chill about this. You were too accepting of his presence. Bad habits die hard it seems. 
But the discussion wrapped up quickly and not long after that—the two men were already deep into their discussion of the band. Yoichi and Kaiser are like the heart and mind of the band after all. This was originally their dream and somehow they roped in other guys to be a part of it. You’d never admit it to them, but you were proud of how far they’ve come.
Once you finished your breakfast, you stood to wash the dishes while they were already heading for the door.
“Hey. Come to the freshman party later. We’ll be playing and you need to watch or else I’m telling Mom.”
Kaiser chimes in. “There’s going to be a surprise too~”
Not a hint of trustworthiness could be seen in that mischievous smile of his. You had your hunch on what that surprise might be.
“I swear if you shout me out I will ignore you for the rest of the year.”
“Heh. No promises! But you should still come, alright? I’ll be waiting for you~” “I’m fucking serious. Don’t even think abo—”
And just like that, your brother and his menace of a best friend were out the door. Seems like you have something to keep you busy tonight then. Besides… you can’t disappoint someone waiting for you, right?
An act of courtesy was all it was.
— — — — —
Even without your brother’s earlier threat, you would have still come to this party. As a matter of fact, you’ve been mentally preparing for this night for about a week now. You were dead set on mingling with your fellow freshmen, getting loose, and having the time of your life. But you weren’t expecting to be overwhelmed to such a degree. The flashing lights, the huge crowd of dancing people, and the blaring music—you’ve never seen anything like it before.
How you would even get to talk to anyone here was beyond you. But perhaps you were looking at it the wrong way. People talked with their bodies here, but you couldn’t imagine pushing yourself between them—dancing and letting that speak for yourself. 
You were getting cold feet. The urge to just turn around and leave was strong. However—as much as you loathed it—his words kept you anchored in your spot.
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
Sure, he was. They have a whole crowd out here; there was no way he’d be able to see you among all these people. The better part of yourself knew he was buttering you up, helping Yoichi into coaxing you to come here. But you let yourself be swayed.
Desperately, you tried to weave yourself through the throng of people blocking the path towards the stage. For a freshman party, the size of the place was impressive. Though that didn’t help when it took forever to get a good spot near the stage. If you weren’t going to socialize—might as well watch your brother and his friends perform.
You’ve mostly seen their band through videos. Whenever Yoichi sent one to your parents, they’d watch it on the living room TV. But now that you were about to see them live, the atmosphere was totally different. Maybe watching it on the TV wasn’t as excessive as you once thought.
As the DJ’s music died down, people—including you—were forced to direct the attention to the stage where they had already set up shop.
“Mic check… mic check… 1, 2, 3…”
An uncharacteristic smirk crosses your face. Your brother didn’t seem so lame when he was up front and leading the band. They were quite cool, holding their instruments and wearing black outfits with hints of red. Of course, you recognized most of them from high school, but there was a new guy sitting at the drum set.
Their last drummer was a bit of a lunatic… maybe this guy won’t be so bad.
“Alright. Sorry, Mr. DJ, but you gotta pack up ‘cuz DEVOUR is in the house.”
The crowd goes wild. If they’re this pumped—what more if they start playing? Guess Yoichi wasn’t lying when he said they were a big deal now. Even the university new bloods were howling for them.
“My name’s Isagi, your vocalist for tonight.”
“It’s Kaiser. Better keep your eyes on me, a’ight?”
“Sei…I mean—Nagi… Nagi Seishirou.”
“And last but not the least! I’m Shidou Fuckin’ Ryusei. Make some noise, fuckers!”
By all means, that new drummer surely is the flashiest of the bunch. With an introduction and dramatic bow like that—there’d be no shortage of eyes staring at him all night. But, of course, your eyes immediately went to a certain tattooed man. Sure enough—Kaiser wore the (sexiest) black tank top. Of course, he did. And no, you were adamant that you were merely admiring his tattoo in its full glory. Definitely not his bulging biceps. You wouldn’t dare.
They start their set with one of their louder and faster songs. Yoichi has gotten better at singing and it never fails to amaze you how his demeanor changes once he gets ahold of a microphone. Rin and Nagi are… well, they’re still laid-back as ever. And the drummer’s really going all out. They had the crowd jumping, going wild along with the music. It was insane.
Although, one of them seemed out of it. It looked as if Kaiser was finding something amongst the crowd. His eyes darted from side-to-side in the large function hall, obviously distracted. But best believe he never missed a beat; Kaiser was as  flawless as ever. He prided himself in being an excellent performer through and through.
His hunt only ended when his eyes zeroed in on you. His expression softened—you swore it did. The corners of your mouth tugged, wanting to match the smile that was plastered on his face. You were no lip reader, but you were certain that he mouthed those words to you.
“Watch me closely, okay?”
You wondered if the words he uttered in their introduction were meant for everyone or if it was addressed to someone specifically…
Whatever—you found yourself getting lost in the rhythm of their music. Sure, you were staring at Kaiser for half of their set, but the entire band caught your attention down the line. They were really really really good. There was no stopping the amused smile from creeping on your face.
Alas, they slowed after some time, signaling that their set had ended.
“How are we doing so far?”
Your brother was met with the enthusiastic roar of the crowd. Huh… well, ain’t that neat? He flashes a grin. “How about we end the night with an encore? A cover? What do y’all say?”
Again, another wave of agreement.
Safe to say—your expectations were curbed when Kaiser gave his guitar to Yoichi and took his spot at the mic. He taps the mic once, then twice. “Yoichi, take care of my baby for me. Will you? I just have a crowd to wow right now.”
Cocky. But you had to admit—strong stage presence.
The tune started and your expression quickly changed. Seriously? Of all songs to cover… they really had to go with a song that resonated WAY TOO MUCH with you. But then again, seeing that stupid shit-eating smirk on his face tells you this was not much of a coincidence.
“Can’t count the years on one hand that we’ve been together…”
Hell, you promised that you’d start this new chapter of your life like a clean slate—nothing should be holding you back. Especially not some dumb-unreciprocated-childhood crush. But could you still call it a childhood crush at this point?
“I should be over all the butterflies, but I’m into you…”
Perhaps it was your mind playing tricks or you were actually going crazy and suffering hallucinations—but you promise that his eyes were fixed on you as he sang the lyrics. 
Well, shit.
“Yeah, after all this time… I’m still into you.”
Seems like you’re not over him at all.
At the last note of the song, the crowd cheers for them—energized even after dancing for an hour now. Kaiser flashed his million dollar smile, leaning into the microphone.
“Thank you! You’ve been an awesome crowd. Again, we’re DEVOUR.”
The crowd swoons and they bow, concluding their performance for tonight. As the other guys began walking off the stage, Kaiser quickly added one last thing.
Your heart dropped when he pointed a finger at you. “And shoutout to our first and biggest fan, Yoichi’s little sister!”
While all eyes turned to look at you, your own gaze was fixed on the infuriating man on the stage. Something about those eyes were telling you that you’ll be alright.
— — — — —
It felt strange on your walk back home. After their set, you would have never thought that you’d actually find yourself with a group of people, talking and hyping each other up for the coming semester.
Well, they did approach you because Kaiser pointed you out. But a win is a win in your book. A small part of you was thankful for him. He gave you that little nudge—the boost that you needed to jumpstart from that clean slate of yours.
As you stood at the door to the studio apartment, you could hear muffled voices coming from inside. Pushing the door, you were met with the entire band. So it seems that this isn’t just their designated practice location… but also their hang out space.
How troublesome.
Yoichi and Rin were too busy arguing about something that they failed to greet you. Kaiser was nowhere to be seen, so it was only Nagi and the drummer aware of your presence.
“Yo,” Nagi greets you.
“Hey, Sei. Nice to see you again,” you wave back. Nagi only nods. Actually, you were expecting him to drop like a fly after the taxing performance they just did. But it was a pleasant surprise to see him wide awake.
You felt the drummer’s eyes on you as you made your way inside. What was his name again? Shidou was it? 
“Uh… hey, Shidou, right?”
He grinned like the Cheshire cat. “Yeah, that would be me. You Isagi’s girl?��
That seemed to catch the attention of the two men arguing. “Dude, what the fuck.”
“Did you not hear Kaiser introduce her earlier as his sister? She’s literally an Isagi too, dumbass.”
At least Rin and Yoichi can agree on some things. 
Shidou shrugs. “Must’ve missed it ‘cuz I got off the stage first.” He sat up straighter, a determined look on his face. “In that case, can I shoot my sho—”
“Hey. Shoot your shot somewhere else, you pink haired freak.”
A familiar voice made itself known as an arm draped over your shoulders. Kaiser pulled you into his side, acting all protective. “She just got here and you’re already scaring her off.”
“Pink haired freak? We got our tips dyed together, man.”
A short “pffft” comes from Nagi.
“Besides, what gives?” Shidou asks, an eyebrow raised. “You got an arm over her. How’s that any different?”
Oh how you wished your brother would come to your rescue, but he was just sitting there—bickering with Rin again. Jesus. How do they function so well on stage, but they’re like this behind the scenes?
Kaiser scoffs. “I’ve known her even before she could walk, alright?” He sets down the can of beer he was holding on his other hand. “Anyway, I’m heading out to get some more.”
But you swore the beer can was still full with the sound it made when he set it on the table. The reason behind his lie became apparent as soon as he dragged you out of the apartment with him. 
“I can’t go out alone, can I?”
Soon as you two were out the door and out of sight of the others, he removed his arm from you. It seared where his warmth lingered. You wanted to ask why he retracted, but that was too much. Kaiser shoved his hands into his pockets and walked a few steps ahead of you.
“How was the party? Had fun?”
“It was okay,” you downplayed. “Met a couple of new people.” 
He looked back at you to see what kind of expression you were making. It was rather flat—not what he was expecting. But your outward appearance betrayed the brimming excitement that threatened to burst out your chest.
He sighed before turning to look back at the path in front of him. “Glad you did. Aren’t you forgetting something though?”
“I dunno—maybe a ‘thank you’ for helping you out.”
“Usually people don’t ask for anything in return when they do good deeds,” you retort.
“Then what’s saying ‘thank you’ for?”
“It’s for genuine people who don’t smile cocky at you while putting you on the spot.”
— — — — —
Thankfully, the convenience store wasn’t too far away. He pulled the heavy glass door for you—the hinges of which put the doors of a bank to shame with how difficult it is to open. It sure made potential robberies difficult. The cold air of the store hit you in the face causing you to squint.
“Good evening,” says the cashier. He was probably a student at his part-time job. You could tell—not because he was young—but because he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else on the planet than behind the grimey register of the store. 
He didn’t even spare you a glance until Kaiser entered the store himself. His eyebrows raised despite his deadpan expression.
“Yo, Kaiser.”
“Hey, Raichi. Working late hours again?” he asked while making his way to the fridge.
Raichi clicks his tongue. “What’s it look like?”
The dryness in his response earned a short chuckle from Kaiser. Raichi grumbles. “Heard you guys had a set today at the freshman party.”
Kaiser surveyed the different brands of beer that stared back at him through the glass of the fridge. “Yeah. Sucks you couldn’t be there.” He opens the fridge, finally having made a decision. Although he pulls out a six-pack of the same brand he was drinking earlier.
He stops and turns to look at Raichi. “This is Yoichi’s little sister, by the way,” he says while pointing to you. Suddenly, you were obliged to wave awkwardly at the other man. The lazy look remained on his face as he nodded at you.
“Knew she looked familiar.”
You were growing concerned with how more and more people were starting to know you only as “Yoichi’s little sister” —that and how Raichi basically implied you looked like your brother.
Kaiser closed the fridge, directing your gaze back to him.
“Why are you getting a single six-pack?”
A look of disbelief crosses his face, paired with an uneasy smirk. “Oh are you a drinker now too? Want a whole pack to yourself or something?”
“No, dumbass. You brought me all the way here so I thought you needed help bringing back stuff.”
He laughed louder than he was supposed to. “Can’t I bring you along as company? Besides, I’d never let you carry shit.”
You only let your gaze follow him as he carried the pack of beer to the register. As the cans made contact with the counter, Raichi had already placed a pack of smokes along with it. Kaiser stiffened, silently telling Raichi with his murderous eyes to put the fucking thing away.
But it was too late.
“Woah. You smoke?”
Raichi makes a look of realization before slowly sliding the box off of the counter. It wasn’t his fault that he had learned Kaiser’s routine like a waiter at a diner learning their patrons’ usual orders.
Kaiser shook his head while pulling out some bills from his wallet. “Psh, nah. It’s just common that when people buy booze—they also buy smokes. Force of habit huh, Rai?” 
Kaiser smiled while handing him the money, as if telling him to agree. Raichi sighed, dropping his shoulders. He doesn’t get paid enough for this shit. “Right. My bad, dude.”
It was rather… suspicious. But you thought nothing of it as Raichi shook his head incredulously, scanning the barcode plastered on the plastic wrapping of the six-pack. The cash register slides out with a bit of a hiccup. He grabs a couple of coins and hands the change to Kaiser.
“Thanks, man. Take care. Also, liven up.”
Raichi holds up his middle finger as the two of you make your way out of the store. “Yeah, take care and fuck you too.”
— — — — —
This time he walked beside you. Although, you preferred it when he walked in front of you. Staring at his back was better than feeling his presence way too close like this.
He was unusually quiet. Kaiser wasn’t bugging you or enticing you with a random story—He was just right beside you, walking silently. It only made you more nervous.
But when he spoke, you felt that perhaps his silence was better.
“What do you want to accomplish in your time here?”
That was… deep. Certainly, you’ve never spoken to each other like this before. But it felt as if he finally saw you as an equal—that you were “adult” enough that he could ask such questions to you.
He glances at you, noting your long pause. “I don’t mean boring shit like graduating. None of that. What’s something that you REALLY want to do this time around?”
“I guess…. I want to have fun.”
“No shit. Everyone wants fun. But how do you want to do it?”
He was putting you on the spot again. “I-I don’t know… I just want to do things I normally wouldn’t do without having crippling anxiety. Y’know? Like—like escaping my comfort zone or something.”
It was a shitty answer, you knew. But he nodded his head in acceptance. He halted, resulting in you doing the same. He was looking at you with that smile he had when you found him in your bed yesterday.
“Want me to help you have fun?”
“What do you get out of it?” 
“I get to have fun too. Duh.”
If anyone knew how to have fun—you would guess that it was him. His logic didn’t make perfect sense to you, but then again, Michael Kaiser never made sense to you either. It was that mystery that surrounded him that captivated you.
Pursing your lips, you eventually relented despite not knowing what was in store for you. Kaiser’s smile grew wider. “Great. I’ll look forward to making the next 4 years of your life the best you ever had.”
You were glad he started walking in front of you again… otherwise he’d see how hard you were trying to keep a straight face. This man—he was going to be the death of you.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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pink-saalt · 5 months
Since my other Hobie rant got a lil bit of attention I have another one 🥰
Please stop taking everything he says literally !! I'm so tiredd of seeing Hobie HCs or bots or fics that rely so heavily on his "I don't believe in labels"/"I don't believe in consistency" line. It was one line out of all his dialogue, and throughout his 5 minutes of screentime we see that Hobie definitely has things he believes in. He is distracting the viewer from his true intentions !!
I rock back and forth and mutter and go insane when I see someone say some shit like "He wouldn't call you his partner, he doesn't believe in labels" SHUT UPP, if anything I think he is implying things like gender roles, labels that people have for some reason made political. Not romance. Come on. QPR n shit is a different story because then you're are in a PLATONIC relationship. Ofc he won't call you his partner if it's platonic.
People use those lines to make him an asshole low-key. I've seen people use it to justify him being a cheater, justify him playing with people's feelings, all sorts of shit. ALSO. "I don't believe in consistency" is not an excuse to erase the basis of his character which is the fact that HE. IS. PUNK. Punk is a political and musically based subculture. Yess he will listen to things outside of punk music, but the majority of his playlist will be punk music. Not only is he punk, he's an ANARCHIST. He's just being annoying and fucking with Miles 😭
Please watch schnee's video on Hobie because goshh here's the link https://youtu.be/GQ90GIuawAo?si=9ZMLKDYPBTYDRF1S
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temyteabag · 6 months
🔥Ablaze - from Kismet
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I loved Kismet! even if they apeared like, 4 mins. I would like to write something about this fellas but first I think I need to put some more personality so let's start with Ablaze.
I think Ablaze would have like a Pop-Punk vibe (I drew him while I was lisenning to this playlist "it's not a phase, mom. it's a lifestyle" || Pop Punk Playlist of sinpai https://youtu.be/Wp_VrvtGjqE?si=KUtVonJOiF3Izf8q and I was like, "yeah, this can fit him")
I have this head-canon that his parent could have come from the Rock territory and ended up in the Troll Tree but was picked up for not being like the rest of the Trolls in the tree, alas, leaving Ablaze orphaned or smth like that.
I think that he could like the energy drinks like gatorate or monster and maybe have a thing for smoking.
I also have this idea of him being the guitarrist of the band and the oldest member and I'm still trying to figure out more little details for his persona.
Also, I'll stick on my head canon of Ablaze being, if not a Rock Troll, at least half Rock, so like, a Pop-Rock Troll based on this point of his trivia in the Trolls Trollpedia:
In the Spanish dub of Trolls Band Together, Ablaze said "¡Qué se arme el rock and roll!" roughly translating to "Let the rock and roll happen!/Let's make rock and roll happen!" or "Let's create rock and roll!/Let rock and roll be put together!" so he's basically saying, "Let's rock and roll", which could hint to him being a Rock Troll. If this is to be true, then we can assume Branch joined Ablaze and Kismet after Trolls World Tour.
Also just a little something, in the drawing I tried to put some more color into Ablaze's hair and it ended up having a lot of blues and turquoise colors, but I promise is a pale yellow, orange, a red-magenta and a more reddish purple.
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digitalcarcrash · 10 months
hola !!! just dropping in to say i made an awtto playlist and personally i think it's quite swell. idk i just wanted to share it
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could u do something about thalia never showing up for jason? in the end of tlh he was hoping she’d show up for the counselors meeting and she didn’t so maybe a series of him making plans with her/trying to get in touch with her and just being disappointed every time… not thalia hate i love u thalia she just is too busy for him (while doing it during the months between tlh and son could be cool i think in between boo and toa would be more angsty bc u know he’s going through a breakup!!! he’s all alone in this random private school he isn’t familiar with the mortal world and he just wants his sister but she isn’t there!!!)
Two times Jason Grace wrote Thalia a letter, and the one time he didn't send it.
author's note: Ah this is so angsty and perfecttt :( The Grace siblings deserved more…they're my faves fr.. anyway, I hope I did justice to your request anon! Thank you for requesting, it made my day! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. I just finished my exams and I'm back to having more time for writing :) you guys can send me more angsty jason prompts like this one if you want to, I'll write them with the best of my capabilities, I'm quite new to heavy angst like this so I was surprised when I was able to finish this within an hour. Jason Grace does this to me.
TW: severe angst. I mean it, very severe, character death, mentions of sacrifice, no happy ending. I went all out, I'm sorry. I was just way too into this.
Jason traced his finger over the glossy photo frame in his hands, which encrusted a picture of his older sister, Thalia. He had requested Leo to help him with the framing, the edges were made with a mahogany coating. He smiled at the lovely picture of his sister, her hair being held together by her silver huntress circlet, wearing her punk rock clothes. 
Over the course of the summer, He had finally gotten the chance to take a good picture of Thalia for a family keepsake, he had held on to the tattered, torn picture of Thalia that annabeth had given to him before his first quest, and he still treasured it greatly. But he insisted that Thalia and him take at least one good picture before she disappeared with her maidens into the world, for months. 
“And then Leo said-” Jason was cut off by thalia’s fellow maiden Phoebe, rushing towards them, yelling for thalia. 
“Lady Thalia, lady Artemis is heavily in need of your assistance immediately!” Phoebe said panting. Thalia frowned and her eyes apologetically turned back to Jason. “I'll be there” she told her fellow huntress, before giving Jason a strangling hug. “I'm so sorry Jason, we'll talk later yeah?” Jason swallowed his disappointment after he saw how truly apologetic Thalia looked. “Of course, stay safe for me?” Thalia smiled sweetly and nodded at that before trudging up the path.
That was the last time he had seen of Thalia in months, and there was only one way to settle this. Jason decided to send in letters to his sister, that way, she could read it and keep them with her, and he could tell her everything without getting interrupted by anyone. He soon learnt to cherish this hobby alot. He loved his sister, and writing to her gave him a warm sense of comfort. He needed that, especially after Leo's death.
“Dear Thalia,
How have you been sis? I hope your mission with Phoebe to help Artemis went well! It's been pretty tough lately. My nightmares are plagued with pictures of mom. I know you of all people would understand how horrific that feels. I miss Leo, and piper's been acting a little strange around me lately.. but Leo's disappearance is taking a toll on her. So I get it. Nico is finally staying in camp half blood, isn't that great?? That boy deserved a break for once. Anyways, write back if you can, but if you can't, that's fine, I know you're busy.
–love, your annoying little brother.
Weeks, and months flew by, but still no response from Thalia. But he knew better than to take it seriously. Jason knew that she had gotten the letter, and that was enough for him. Well, that was enough, until things went downhill for him very quickly. Piper had approached him in the school corridor and thought it was a great day to end their year long relationship, shattering Jason's soul to pieces, this, coupled with the immense amount of pressure he had to build the minor god shrines, Jason felt numb, and he did what he usually did. He poured his heart out to Thalia in another letter, seeking comfort in his ink and paper. Longing for thalia’s presence once more.
“Dear Thalia,
it's me again, I hope you're doing good, atleast better than I am. I've been feeling terrible lately, Piper ended things with me, i guess we finally know why she was acting the way she did around me, huh? She said our relationship was only hera’s illusion and didn't feel that way about me anymore, which sucks, since I'm still very much in love with her. The pressure has increased tenfolds on me these days, the minor gods are heavily anticipating the promise I told them I'd keep. I'm planning on moving schools so i don't have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing Piper in school anymore. Anyways, I just wanted to write to you since it makes me feel better. Sending you lots of love from California.
— love, Your annoying little brother 
Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. 
Jason knew. The moment the sibyl told him about looking for the third emperor. Jason knew, that his doomsday was going to knock on his doorstep very soon. He was going to sacrifice himself for Piper. And nobody was changing his mind. Jason stared out his dormitory window, the outside mortal world looked a little too cheery for the melancholic thoughts that were chasing his mind. He averted his gaze to the person in the picture frame hanging at his wall. Thalia had always been too busy for him. They had never had a proper full conversation together, one on one conversations getting disrupted, iris messages wearing out within a few minutes, even his letters never got a reply, or even a single acknowledgement. 
Yet jason knew, that Thalia Grace was the only one who loved him more than anything in the world. She didn't have to spend time with him for him to know that. He knew by the way she had only left their childhood home after Jason was deemed “dead”, he knew by the way she had picked a two year old jason up  after he injured his mouth with that stapler,he knew by the way she played hide and seek when they were little, he knew by the way she had told no one about him, not even annabeth, since he was a memory that she held close to her heart. So subconsciously, his hands wrapped around the pen he always used to write with. With shaky hands, and teary eyes slowly dripping in the paper, he began to write.
Thalia was resting on the rocks, thinking of how Jason was doing, she had recieved all his letters and read them through atleast 2 times. She wanted to respond, but it kept slipping her mind. Something had always come up, but now, she was finally free. Just as she was about to pick up her pen, she heard her name being called.
It was Reyna. She was holding an envelope, Thalia’s spirits skyrocketed at the thought of her brother sending her another letter. But.. why was it being sent through Reyna..? It was usually always sent by Jason's wind manipulation. Those letters would float towards her. That's how she always knew it was from her brother.
She was expecting Reyna to tease about Jason's cheesy letters to his sister, but what she wasn't expecting, was for Reyna to start sobbing on the spot, breaking out the news that her younger brother was dead. 
Jason. Her little stapler eating brother. Was dead.
“This was found by Meg in Jason's desk.” Reyna shakily handed Thalia the envelope. It was a blue envelope, the usual colour that Jason always sent to her. And on top of it, was his smudy handwriting that Thalia could recognise from a mile away. The letter was signed “To Thalia Grace”.
Thalia opened it carefully but tears were leaking out of her eyes.
“Dear Thalia,
there's something that I've been keeping for a while now, but I know it's finally the time to tell you this. I met the sibyl in the labryinth who had told me that my life would be cut short. if went looking for the third emperor, Caligula, either me or Piper would be killed. There's no point denying the inevitable is going to happen. Prophecy's can never be thwarted, after all. I've made my choice, I'm not letting Piper die. I've decided that I am going to use myself as a sacrifice. I'm writing you this, to let you know, that, I love you. I love you so much sis, I hope you know that. I know we've never got to see eachother much, but I don't want you blaming yourself in any way for this. I hope you know that, writing to you, even without a response from your side all these months, has helped my life feel a lot more meaningful. the mere thought of you taking the time to read my letters makes me feel so loved. So happy. Now that I know that I might be meeting my end, I'm letting you know, that I've cherished every single thing you've ever said to me. Including the fact that you hate tomatoes on your sandwiches. Take care of yourself, sis, I'm always with you.
  — love, for the last time, your annoying little brother :)
Thalia clutched the letter with her heart, screaming in agony. Thunder boomed angrily overhead, almost as if her father could feel her rage. Her heart strings were tearing apart. She sobbed, as she looked up at the blue sky, the same blue as Jason's darling eyes.
“I love you too. My annoying little brother, always”
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1hot-mess-express1 · 5 months
The Girl at the Rock show
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Choso X Punk!Reader
Summary: Choso is dragged to a house show by Yuji, but he can't seem to be upset about it for long
WC: 680
CW: none? Mention of alcohol like once? Choso being cute and flustered and big bro and and and
A/N: I wrote this V quickly, not proofread. I'm just obsessed with tiny awkward Choso and his big goth mommy, sue me
Choso doesn't know why he let Yuji convince him to come to a house party. He's not antisocial, per se, but he's an observer, content to be in the presence of others while remaining on the outskirts of whatever antics his brother and his friends have gotten into. However, it is incredibly hard to peacefully observe the actions of others when you're stuck in a sea of sweaty bodies all shouting over one another.
Choso grimaces as he gets pushed around in the sea of people, the occasional drink spilling onto him as he tries his best not to lose his brother in the swarm of people surrounding him. Yuji must have noticed his uncertain pace because he quickly whips his head around, offering Chosos a comforting smile before grabbing his hand and helping to lead him through the crowd.
They stop just before the basement door, and Choso can hear the powerful thrumming of music through the door. Yuji grins at him before opening the door, "This is why I really brought you here, big bro."
When they start making their way down the basement steps, Choso immediately covers his ears at the loud music playing before he looks up to realize that it's a band playing, not just something out of a speaker.
They push their way through the crowd to be in front of the makeshift stage as Yuji waves up at you, offering one of his signature smiles. You wave back at him before crouching down on the stage to talk to him, "Yuji! I'm so glad you could make it," you take a moment to glance over at Choso, and he feels himself heat up under your inquisitive stare, "Who's the cutie you brought with you?", you say to Yuji through a cheeky grin.
"That's my brother, Choso, the one I told you about? He's never been to a concert, and I'm broke, so I brought him here." Yuji laughs at your expression of mock hurt.
"Are you saying you would have taken him to someone else if you had money?" you offer him a dramatic pout, to which he's quick to deny your accusation.
"Wha-No, that's not what I said at all, y/n..." He grumbles slightly at your teasing before shooing you away. You go back to tuning up before playing the next set. "What do you think, Cho?"
Choso doesn't respond too busy staring at you to pay attention to his surroundings. You might be the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Everything about you screams powerful, from the way you hold yourself to the clothes you wear to that unshakable gaze of yours. Yujis laughs to himself, realizing what's going on in his brother's head.
Just when Choso thinks his little crush couldn't get any worse, you take your place on center stage and come alive, playing for him. He knows this room is packed with people chanting along to your singing, but the way you pin him down with your gaze makes him know you are singing for him, and he can't help the little blush that creeps across his face.
Choso was an observer, but it seems tonight he'll have to live with being the observed.
Bonus "Cho, what is this?" Yuji asks, shuffling through Choso's newly acquired stack of CDs. Choso quickly moves to snatch them away from Yuji, a heavy blush painted on his face. "Ohhh... I get it...Someone has a Cruuuuussshhh." "Shut up, I do not! I-I just thought...maybe I should know the songs they play, that's all." Choso is now beaten red as he tries desperately to deny his little brother's allegations. "Oh really? So if I asked y/n to go on a date with me, you wouldn't mind?" Yuji asks, pulling out his phone and dialing your number to make his threat seem as real as possible. As soon as you answer, Choso tackles Yuji to the floor, trying desperately to hang up the phone as you sit on the other end, incredibly confused as to what it is you're hearing.
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pav x spider reader who is from spider-punks world and is like a little sister to hobie but likes Pav cause I need more Pav fics 😭😭
I gotchu anon ;) I'll probably be asleep when this uploads but just so you know I was rolling around in my bed writing this simply because Hobie's British in this is so bad so please forgive that little...thing.
Synopsis/Feels: Reader is Hobie's little sis but not by blood but u can't rlly tell, bad British slang beware, clueless Pav, mentions of Tom Holland(TW), etc.
Word Ct.:667
Without further ado...
Spider-Who?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
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"Woah, he's awesome..." I sigh in amazement as I watch Pav swoop through the streets of Mumbattan.
"Mumbattan has the worst traffic I tell ya...aye, wot er you lookin at, kid?" Hobie asks as he realizes I've got my eyes focused on the streets below.
"Just...stuff..." I dodge his question as I take a bite of my scone, courtesy of your 2nd favorite Brit. It's me, I'm the 1st favorite Brit of course.
"Too right...you ready to skedaddle back to our universe kid? I miss me guitar." Hobie shrugs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Er...yeh, I guess." I sigh, watching as Hobie opens a portal(idk how the portal thing works Sue me).
"Hey guys! Leaving so soon?" Pav suddenly lands next to us, looking flawlessly perfect despite fighting a whole villain just a second ago.
"Yeh, sorry mate but yer universe is borin...right kid?" Hobie asks me. I barely hear him and decide to disregard it in favor of staring at Pav.
"Kid? Hello? Yer brain get hit with a rock...?" Hobie asks, popping me in the back of my head.
"I'm good! I'm great. Sorry, were said what you?" I immediately realize my sentence makes no sense as Pav and Hobie both look at me in confusion.
Hobie locks eyes with me.
Don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav...
My eyes dart to Pav and quickly go back to Hobie's.
"Oh, I gotcha...lil bugger's got a crush. Ain't that a bitch...wild how he ain't even from your own universe." Hobie says casually.
"What? Is it someone from the Spider Society?! Miles? Or Gwen?" Pav starts throwing out random names of teenage Spider-Men from the society.
"Wait...don't tell me it's....Miguel?!" Pav looks at me in disgust for a second before I shoot a web at his mouth.
As I watch Pavitr try to pry the web off Hobie pulls me to the side.
"C'mon, you gotta pick another. Love Pav, but he's...y'know....Pav." Hobie trails off, assuming I understand him.
"Well yeh, but he's also...Pav, y'know?" I argue slightly.
"Right and I get that...but he's Pav." Hobie complains to me, his grip on my shoulder tightening.
"I'm not gonna have this conversation with you Hobart. Don't you have taxes to file?" I ask with an eye roll.
"Fine, fine!" Hobie holds both his hands up in surrender. "You gonna tell 'im soon? Might have to spell it out since he's...Pav." Hobie shrugs.
"You mean you don't care?" I ask with a raise of my eyebrow.
"Course not kid. He might be Pav, but 'e's also Pav." Hobie emphasizes his words like it'll magically make sense.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Pav asks, finally joining us.
I give Hobie a silent plead.
"Nun much...I was bout to head back. Kid said she wants to stay awhile though." Hobie lies.
For reference I was thinking it but I didn't want to say it.
"Oh, great! I can show you my favorite street food stands and where the stray dogs are and where all the traffic is!"
"Oh. Where all the traffic is...great. Can't wait." I try to fake being excited.
"Catch you later, bugger. Try not to get pied off loser!" Hobie does a small salute before stepping through an open portal.
"Huh...? What does pied off mean?" Pav asks with an eyebrow raise.
"Nothing! Nothing at all...honestly it doesn't mean anything." I lie straight to Pav's face.
"...I don't believe you." Pav replies with suspicion in his eyes.
"Uhhhh....oh my god, is that Tom Holland?" I gasp loudly and point at the streets below us.
Pav's neck almost snaps as he looks.
"What?! Where?!"
Phew. Safe. Nailed it.
I watch as Pav swings down to the streets to find Tom Holland, who was never there in the first place.
I'll tell him. One day. But today is not the day.
TAGLIST: @ihearthxh @sweetheartlizzie07 @the-vulcan
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diceriadelluntore · 14 days
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Storia Di Musica #340 - INXS, Kick, 1987
La band di oggi, a metà anni '80, era tra le più famose del mondo. Ma credo che anche all'epoca pochissima sapessero che il nucleo centrale di questo gruppo australiano fosse formato da tre fratelli. tutto inizia a Perth, nel 1979: i fratelli Farris, Tim, Andrew e Jon che avevano già un gruppo dal nome, inequivocabile, di The Farris Brothers, aggiungono al nucleo fondativo Kirk Pengilly, Garry Beers e un cantante, amico di liceo di Tim, Michael Hutchens. Si spostano a Sydney, dove cambiano nome in INXS ( da leggere come "In Excess") dove ottengono un contratto con una piccola etichetta indipendente, la Deluxe, con cui pubblicano il primo singolo, Simple Simon. Erano gli anni della pulizia dal rumore del punk, dell'arrivo della elettronica "dolce" e della new wave. È in questo solco che la band si muove, ma si apre in maniera piuttosto originale al funk e a piccoli innesti dance. All'inizio concentrano le energie nella nativa Australia, dove ottengono un buon successo con il loro primo disco, del 1980, intitolato INXS, che si ripete nel 1981 con Underneath The Colours, con la prima hit, una cover di un classico della musica australiana coverizzato, The Loved One, successo del 1966 dei The Loved Ones. Nel 1982 tentano il grande salto. Vanno in Inghilterra, dove li scrittura la WEA e la Atlantic li distribuisce negli Stati Uniti. Shabooh Shoobah del 1982 ha il primo singolo di successo mondiale, Don't Change, e il seguente tour internazionale al seguito di The Kinks e Adam And the Ants li fa conoscere in mezzo mondo. Nel 1984 ancora maggiore successo ottiene The Swing, trascinato dal singolo Original Sin, prodotto da Nile Rodgers. Il successo è sempre crescente: nel 1985 partecipano da Sydney al Live Aid, nel 1986 suonano con i Queen alla Royal Albert Hall, Hutchens addirittura esordisce come attore protagonista in Dogs In Space, film che lo vede interpretare Sam, il frontman avvezzo alla sostanze di una band post punk nel 1978 a Melbourne.
Dopo un tour lunghissimo, e con il management che ne programma uno nuovo in Europa, la band torna in studio. Guidati dal produttore Chris Thomas, uno dei grandi produttori inglesi (a lavoro con The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Procol Harum, Roxy Music, Badfinger, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Pete Townshend, Pulp, The Pretenders) le prime prove avvengono addirittura nella spettacolare Sydney Opera House. Il suono è più maturo, gli innesti da altri generi eclettici, i riff invidiabili e la voce di Hutchens è ormai una garanzia. Thomas però vorrebbe più canzoni, anche in previsione dell'atteso e imminente tour europeo, quindi manda Hutchens e Andrew Farris a Honk Kong, dove i due acquistarono un appartamento. Un giorno, mentre è in attesa di un taxi, a Andrew viene in mente una melodia, proprio mentre il taxi è arrivato. Chiede al tassista di aspettarlo cinque minuti, ma lui sale nel suo appartamento, scrive e registra i demo di una canzone, la riporta sulla cassetta e 45 minuti dopo, nonostante la furiosa cazziata del tassista, la porta a Hutchens che lo aspettava in un bar, e in dieci minuti ne scrive il testo, per quello che sarà il singolo di apertura, e hit mondiale, del nuovo disco.
Kick esce il 19 ottobre del 1987, un mese prima, il 21 Settembre, fu preceduto da quella canzone: Need You Tonight, dal ritmo funky, la voce sensuale di Hutchens e un bellissimo video musicale (che vinse nel 1988 5 MTV Video Music Awards) trascinano il brano in cima alle classifiche (primo negli Stati Uniti e secondo in Gran Bretagna) e proietta il disco e la band in una nuova dimensione. Tutte le canzone sono scritte dal duo Hutchens - Andrew Farris, che mediano tra il suono molto funk dei primi dischi a quello mainstream rock dei primi dischi a distribuzione internazionale. Più che altro, hanno il tocco magico di scrivere canzoni che diventano famose per come rimangono in testa: New Sensation, Devil Inside, Mystify, la toccante Never Tear Us Apart, la ripresa di The Loved One ne fanno un disco di grande qualità e di grande successo, con una serie di ganci musicali memorabile. Il disco venderà milioni di copie e li fa diventare rockstar.
Arriveranno anche al Festival di Sanremo del 1988, però perdono il tocco magico: nonostante tour seguitissimi, in studio perdono la magia e X (1990) e Welcome To Wherever You Are (1992) sono accolti con freddezza e non regalano grandi canzoni. Parallelamente, Hutchens diventa molto più famoso dell'intera band, complice anche la relazione con Paula Yates, giornalista musicale famosa per le sue interviste particolari fatte in programmi come The Tube o The Big Breakfast, dove intervistava gli artisti in un letto e dal 1986 al 1996 moglie di Bob Geldof. Hutchens pensa ad una carriera solista, ma il 22 novembre del 1997 viene trovato morto impiccato in una camera di Hotel in Australia. In un primo momento si scatenano le voci incontrollate di un tragico gioco erotico, in seguito un'inchiesta medico legale, contestata da Yates, accerta che la morte del cantante è suicidio, cosa che non interrompe minimamente il gossip sulla vicenda.
La band, scossa dall'accaduto, sostituirà per un tour celebrativo Hutchens con Terence Trent D'Arby (che fu amante di Paula Yates quando era ancora sposata con Bob Geldof), inaugurando il nuovo stadio Olimpico di Sydney, e nel 2000 alla chiusura dei Giochi Olimpici nella città australiana del 2000. La band continuerà in maniera discontinua anche a suonare dal vivo fino al 2012, ma senza mai arrivare alla qualità di questo disco. Ci sono da raccontare ancora due aneddoti: Hutchens era probabilmente molto simpatico, perchè era amico di tantissimi musicisti. Simon Le Bon dei Duran Duran, scrisse per lui prima della sua morte, Michael, You've Got A Lot To Answer For dall'album Medazzaland del 1997, canzone che Le Bon non è mai riuscita a cantare dal vivo per l'emozione. E Bono dedicò all'amicizia con Hutchens un brano molto famoso, Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of, da All That You Can't Leave Behind del 2000, che immagina un impossibile dialogo tra i due con Bono che cerca di convincere Hutchens a non farlo:
I never thought you were a fool
But darling, look at you
You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere, baby
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