#signs of employee burnout
employeetrackpro · 4 months
Kindling Hope Practical Tips For Addressing Employee Burnout
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In today's fast-paced work environment, Job exhaustion has become a significant concern for organizations worldwide. The constant pressure to meet deadlines, coupled with long hours and high expectations, can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Job exhaustiont not only affects individual well-being but also hampers overall productivity and morale within the workplace. Addressing this issue is crucial for creating a healthier, more sustainable work environment. Here are some practical tips for mitigating employee burnout and rekindling hope within your team.
Recognize the Signs of Burnout
The first step in addressing Job exhaustion is recognizing its signs. Burnout can manifest in various ways, including chronic fatigue, irritability, decreased performance, and a sense of detachment from work. It's essential for managers and team leaders to be vigilant and proactive in identifying these symptoms. Regular check-ins and open communication can help in understanding employees' mental and emotional states.
Foster a Supportive Work Culture
Creating a supportive work culture is fundamental in preventing and addressing burnout. Encourage a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their challenges without fear of judgment or repercussions. Promote teamwork and collaboration, ensuring that no one feels isolated or overwhelmed. Recognize and celebrate achievements, both big and small, to boost morale and show appreciation for employees' hard work.
Promote Work-Life Balance
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One of the primary contributors to burnout is the lack of work-life balance. Encourage employees to set boundaries and prioritize their personal lives. Implement workplace policies that support flexible working hours and remote work options. Encourage staff members to take regular vacations and breaks so they can refuel. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, you can help prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction.
Provide Resources for Stress Management
Equip your employees with the tools and resources they need to manage stress effectively. Offer workshops and training sessions on stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and time management. Providing access to counseling services or employee assistance programs can also offer valuable support. By investing in your employees' mental health, you demonstrate that their well-being is a priority.
Set Realistic Goals and Expectations
Unrealistic goals and expectations can create immense pressure and contribute to burnout. Ensure that workloads are manageable and that deadlines are realistic. Communicate clearly about priorities and avoid overloading employees with excessive tasks. Regularly review and adjust goals to align with employees' capabilities and available resources. Setting achievable goals helps maintain motivation and reduces stress.
Encourage Regular Breaks
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Encouraging employees to take regular breaks throughout the day is crucial for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Short breaks can help employees recharge and return to their tasks with renewed focus and energy. Encourage practices like taking a walk, stretching, or having a brief chat with a colleague. These small breaks can significantly reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Provide Opportunities for Professional Growth
Stagnation in one's career can lead to frustration and burnout. Provide chances for employees to advance their careers and progress within the company.  Encourage employees to pursue additional training, attend workshops, and participate in conferences. Providing a clear path for career advancement can boost motivation and engagement, reducing the likelihood of burnout.
Foster Open Communication
Open communication skill is vital for addressing Job exhaustiont. Create an environment where employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and suggestions. Regularly solicit feedback through surveys, suggestion boxes, or one-on-one meetings. Act on the feedback received and implement changes where necessary. By fostering open communication, you can identify and address issues before they escalate into burnout.
Lead by Example
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Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for the workplace culture. Model healthy work habits by taking breaks, managing stress effectively, and maintaining a work-life balance. Show empathy and understanding towards employees' challenges and provide support when needed. Leading by example can inspire employees to adopt similar habits and prioritize their well-being.
Implement Regular Wellness Programs
Incorporate wellness programs into your organization’s routine. Activities such as yoga sessions, fitness challenges, or mental health days can promote physical and mental well-being. Regular wellness initiatives can serve as a reminder of the importance of self-care and provide employees with opportunities to relax and recharge.
You can also watch: EmpMonitor: Manage Remote Work Easily
Final Verdict
In conclusion, addressing employee burnout requires a multifaceted approach that focuses on creating a supportive and balanced work environment. By recognizing the signs of burnout, fostering open communication, and promoting work-life balance, organizations can mitigate the effects of burnout and improve overall employee satisfaction. Implementing these practical tips will not only help in combating Job exhaustion but also in building a resilient and motivated workforce.
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teamtrackmaster · 4 months
Recovering From Burnout: A Guide For Employees To Restore Energy
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Burnout of employees is a prevalent issue in modern workplaces, characterized by chronic stress, exhaustion, and feelings of inefficacy. It arises from a combination of factors, including heavy workloads, long hours, lack of autonomy, and insufficient support from management. 
Burnout not only affects individual well-being but also has significant implications for organizational productivity and morale. Addressing employee burnout requires proactive measures from employers, such as promoting work-life balance, providing adequate resources and support, fostering a positive work environment, and encouraging open communication. 
Implementing flexible work arrangements, offering wellness programs, and promoting mindfulness can also help mitigate burnout. Additionally, managers should regularly check in with employees, recognize their contributions, and provide opportunities for growth and development. By prioritizing employee well-being and creating a supportive work culture, organizations can prevent burnout, enhance job satisfaction, and improve overall performance.
What Is Employee Burnout? 
It is a state of chronic stress and exhaustion resulting from prolonged exposure to demanding work conditions. It's characterized by feelings of emotional depletion, reduced motivation, and a sense of inefficacy in one's job role. Burnout typically arises from a combination of factors, including high workloads, long hours, lack of control over one's work, and insufficient support from colleagues or management. Individuals experiencing burnout may exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, cynicism, and a decreased sense of accomplishment. 
Left unaddressed, burnout can lead to serious consequences for both the individual and the organization, including decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and diminished job satisfaction. Addressing burnout requires a holistic approach that involves providing support, promoting work-life balance, fostering a positive work environment, and offering resources for stress management and coping strategies.
Signs Of Employee Burnout?
Physical Exhaustion: Employees may exhibit signs of fatigue, frequent headaches, muscle tension, or other physical symptoms due to chronic stress and overwork.
Emotional Distress: Burnout often leads to emotional exhaustion, causing individuals to feel drained, overwhelmed, or detached from their work. They may also experience mood swings, irritability, or a sense of cynicism towards their job.
Decreased Performance: Burnout can result in decreased productivity, difficulty concentrating, and lower quality of work. Employees may struggle to meet deadlines, make more mistakes, or show disinterest in their tasks.
Withdrawal And Isolation: Burnout can lead to social withdrawal and isolation from colleagues. Employees may avoid interactions, decline invitations to social events, or become increasingly distant in the workplace.
Increased Absenteeism: Burnout often contributes to higher rates of absenteeism as employees may feel physically or emotionally unable to cope with work demands. They may frequently call in sick or take more time off than usual. It can also happen due to lack of workload balance.
Employee Burnout Solutions
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Addressing burnout of employee requires a multifaceted approach aimed at both preventing burnout and supporting employees who may be experiencing it. Also analyzing the Employee Activity is essential. Employers should prioritize creating a positive work environment that fosters open communication, trust, and collaboration. 
Providing employees with autonomy and opportunities for skill development can also help reduce feelings of being overwhelmed and increase job satisfaction. Implementing flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can promote work-life balance and prevent burnout. Additionally, offering wellness programs, mental health resources, and stress management workshops can equip employees with coping strategies and support networks.
Is Employee Monitoring Software Worth It For Employees?
Whether Employee Monitoring Software (EMS) is worth it for employees depends on various factors, including how it's implemented and its impact on the work environment. When used responsibly, EMS can provide benefits such as increased productivity, improved task management, and better accountability. 
It can also help identify areas for improvement and streamline workflows. However, concerns arise when monitoring software is used excessively or invasively, leading to a lack of trust, privacy violations, and increased stress among employees.  Also Watch: Leading Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity Tool
In conclusion, addressing employee burnout is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. By recognizing the signs of burnout, employers can implement preventive measures and supportive interventions to promote employee well-being and prevent negative consequences for both individuals and the organization. 
Strategies such as promoting work-life balance, fostering a positive work culture, providing resources for stress management, and offering support from management can help mitigate burnout and improve overall job satisfaction. Prioritizing employee well-being not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to organizational success by enhancing productivity, morale, and retention. Therefore, addressing and preventing burnout should be a priority for employers seeking to create a sustainable and thriving workplace.
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rurinnfane · 2 months
There’s so much that I have to address today — getting closure from the 55-60 hour work week, finding out why all the office door/gate codes changed without my knowledge and how I was able to get locked in, holding my grandma accountable for her cruelty towards me when no one else in the family will, figuring out lunch when I’ve been too busy to go to the grocery store for over a week + still being prepared for a post-lunch meeting ?????
I feel like I just can’t keep up with my life and I’m barreling towards important events lacking any sense of preparedness, because I’m honestly still trying to mentally recover from my work trip……………. that was in May
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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take more breaks while working
don't believe me?
have a read of this article by michican state university. or this one, by the university of north carolina. regardless of the evidence you consider, you will discover that it is preferable to take breaks when working.
for many of us, being productive means spending more time working. it would seem sense that we can do more at work if we dedicate more time to our tasks. not surprisingly, there is no shortage of advice on how to make the most of work time. for instance, the "daily routines of CEOs" frequently involve things like working on the weekends, rising at four in the morning, and even being "strategic about how often you go to the bathroom." many employees decide to put in long hours, skip lunch, and hammer through an ever-increasing burden.
taking regular breaks during the workday is essential for several reasons:
research shows that periodic breaks can enhance well-being and overall performance. when we step away from our tasks, we recharge mentally and physically, leading to better focus and productivity.
skipping breaks can lead to faster burnout and higher stress levels. taking short breaks increases productivity, job satisfaction, and mental health.
breaks help us avoid boredom and maintain focus. they also allow us to retain information, make connections, and reevaluate our goals.
here's the science behind taking breaks:
studies show that when we pause our learning activities and engage in no specific task, the neurons responsible for memory and learning become hyperactive, firing up to ten times faster than when we’re actively engaged in a task. this phenomenon is simply called 'hyperactive neurons' - have a look here, at sciencecafe.co.uk.
breaks refresh the mind, replenish mental resources, and enhance creativity. those “aha moments” often occur after strategic breaks, allowing us to see situations in new ways.
frequent decision-making throughout the day can wear down willpower and reasoning ability. taking breaks helps prevent decision fatigue, leading to better choices and productivity. see this psychology today article for more information.
when should you take breaks? and what is a strategic break?
a strategic break is a purposeful pause taken during work or study to optimize productivity and well-being. it involves stepping away from tasks to recharge mentally, prevent burnout, and enhance focus.
there are many techniques to help you decide when to take breaks - and each have their own benefits and losses.here's some of my favourites:
time-based breaks: consider taking short breaks every 60 to 90 minutes. this interval aligns with our natural ultradian rhythms, which affect focus and alertness.
pomodoro technique: try the pomodoro technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. after four cycles, take a longer break (15-30 minutes).
task completion breaks: take a break after completing a task or milestone. celebrate achievements, even small ones, with a brief pause.
signs of fatigue: listen to your body. if you feel mentally drained, fatigued, or distracted, it's time for a break.
remember - breaks aren't a luxury. they're an essential part of maintaining focus and well-being!
further reading:
the science behind taking breaks at work | the right staff
the science behind taking breaks while studying: why you should embrace "take a break" moments | science cafe uk
how to take better breaks at work, according to research | harvard business review
breaks during the workday | michigan state university
the science of taking breaks at work: how to be more productive by changing the way you thing about downtime | courtney seiter, buffer
why and how you should take breaks at work | angela grippo, psychology today
taking breaks | the learning centre - university of north carolina at chapel hill
end notes:
thank you for reading! i hope today's post was helpful!
please let me know if you have any feedback for these posts. additionally, you can suggest new post ideas or interests through my ask box.
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Also preserved on our archive (please let me know if you've seen the preprint the article mentions. I'd like to read it and I'm having a bit of trouble finding it--and it's not linked in the article... XP)
By Greg Toppo
New working paper is believed to be the first to link weaker memory and diminished ‘flexible thinking’ skills to the pandemic’s academic downturn.
New research may help educators and families zero in on exactly how the COVID-19 pandemic caused such an unprecedented academic slump, suggesting that the culprit lies in something basic and crucial: children’s ability to think, remember and problem-solve.
And here’s a twist: The same core difficulties are bedeviling teachers too.
The findings, contained in a new working paper, are believed to be the first to identify brain changes as an explanation for why students have suffered, both inside and outside the classroom, since the pandemic drove millions out of the classroom.
Nancy Tsai, a Harvard University psychologist who studies the effects of stress on executive functions and who is the study’s lead author, said the new findings offer the first evidence to help us “understand the ‘why’” of the pandemic downturn — “what is actually causing all these issues that we’re seeing and talking about in the news.”
The paper, from the private tutoring firm MindPrint Learning, examines the cognitive skills of students nationwide and finds that, simply put, over the past several years, kids’ famously ever-changing brains have changed for the worse.
Since the pandemic’s onset, students across all ages and economic levels have begun to demonstrate weaker memory and “flexible thinking” skills — those represent the mental bandwidth needed for multitasking, shifting from one activity to another and juggling the day’s demands. But for a few groups, such as younger and lower-income children, the changes have been more profound.
They also show that their teachers’ brains are weaker in almost identical ways, which could help explain high rates of frustration and burnout. They suggest school districts have their work cut out for them if they want to keep their best employees on the payroll and returning to the classroom each fall.
Understanding the ‘why’ of pandemic downturn The data come from a large, widely-used assessment, the Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery, developed in 2013 at the University of Pennsylvania. It consists of a series of cognitive tasks that measure subjects’ accuracy and speed in several major cognitive domains, including working memory, abstraction, sustained attention, episodic memory and processing speed.
MindPrint has administered the assessment periodically to its clients over the past decade. The most recent rounds totaled 35,000 students and 4,000 teachers in 27 states.
By most measures, U.S. students are suffering. Last year, NAEP scores showed the average 13-year-old’s understanding of math dropping to levels last seen in the 1990s and reading levels dropping to 1971, when the test was first administered.
More recent research has shown that while older children are showing encouraging signs of academic recovery, younger kids aren’t making the same progress. Many students who weren’t even in a formal school setting when COVID hit are already falling behind — especially in math.
The Penn assessment found that children who attended elementary or pre-school during the pandemic and who are now 8 to13 years old showed the largest declines in memory.
“Younger kids haven’t really developed a lot of these core cognitive skills,” Tsai said. “It hasn’t solidified for them, either through development or just through practice in the classroom. And so younger kids are more vulnerable to these pandemic shifts.”
But students across all age groups showed worse flexible thinking, which researchers now theorize contributes to lower academic performance — as well as challenging behaviors.
Tsai said kids from lower income backgrounds were more vulnerable to these changes, specifically in verbal reasoning and verbal memory, than their higher income peers, with bigger declines in verbal scores, which are highly correlated with academic achievement in all subjects.
Adults in the study had similar declines in both memory and flexible thinking, possibly explaining higher reported levels of teacher dissatisfaction and low morale.
Nancy Weinstein, MindPrint’s CEO, said weaker flexible thinking isn’t necessarily a problem for experienced teachers who have developed strategies to cope with stressful situations and can modify plans on the fly. But those with less experience may be unable to change gears when lessons go astray or students act out in class. That may lead to higher teacher burnout.
Across the board, teachers’ skills suffered in areas such as verbal and abstract reasoning, spatial perception, attention and working memory, but they saw the greatest losses in verbal memory and flexible thinking.
“If we care about that, we need to know how to help them,” Weinstein said. “And there are some tried and true things you can do.”
She said schools should consider sharing data like this with teachers so they can understand that their frustration in class might not be due to students alone. That could make a big difference, she said, in “their willingness to put in the effort to change, as opposed to saying, ‘Why bother?’”
For students, Weinstein said, offering them more opportunities to practice skills with breaks and rest between study sessions could help. Schools should also consider “scaffolded memorization” techniques that break learning into chunks and address each individually.
Could such techniques help students — and teachers — regain a measure of pre-pandemic skills? Weinstein suggests the answer is “Yes.”
“The environment will matter, but certainly we can regain some of that if we do the right things,” she said. “And we know what the right things are to do.”
Crystal Green-Braswell, coordinator of staff wellness and culture for the Little Rock School District in Arkansas, said offering the Penn assessment to teachers and staff has helped many think more deeply about their work — and about their own thinking.
“People who have had the assessment will say, ‘Now, you know my processing speed is slower — y’all are going to have to give me a moment,’” she said.
That’s a huge change in a profession in which most workers have been asked “to take ourselves out of the equation and just get the work done,” Green-Braswell said.
She sees offering such insights to educators as part of “rehumanizing” teaching. “When we provide this kind of assessment and we provide this kind of space for folks to actually get to know themselves, we are humanizing this profession and helping people to realize, ‘You play a role. You play an active role. You matter.’ ”
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
tbh i'm actually kind of pissed at larian. regardless of if it's sticking it to hasbro or not, they're leaving the game in a potentially awful state and not delivering on promises they made, like the upper city. You also have SWEN talking about shit that could have been like ketheric's recruitment and what not, which stirs the pot even more and makes me angry. Like stop talking about it. we're already upset enough.
These are all very valid critiques, anon! I have many thoughts but I’ll put everything under the cut since I got a little long-winded because I’m passionate about video games in general.
I do play a bit of Devil’s Advocate here but please note I am not attacking you personally or trying to direct any hate towards anybody at all! This ask honestly gave me space to vent some thoughts I’ve had for months about this game. I did my best to offer nuanced perspectives and acknowledge my own biases. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including their own disappointments and praises for Larian, Swen, the actors, and all involved in the making/maintaining (or lack thereof) of BG3.
TLDR: We shouldn’t put Larian on a pedestal as the Best Studio Ever, but we don’t have to grab our pitchforks and say they’re the worst studio ever either. If BG3 is a disappointment it might be because Larian flew a little too close to the sun trying to squeeze 80% of a functional D&D experience into a digital video game package, when (in my opinion) those two game genres are almost inherently designed to not mesh well, disappointing one fan while satisfying another.
Point #1, Idk how much Larian is sticking it to Hasbro but Hasbro IS a greedy corporation who has no idea how to make video games and I very highly suspect they’ve been making demands of Larian’s team that are impossible to meet without destroying the work ethic (and health/mental health/financial stability, etc) of Larian’s team. Hasbro just sees dollar signs. Larian isn’t necessarily as interested in milking BG3 for all it’s worth.
If they were, we’d be paying for Upper City in a DLC, and we’re not. Instead they’re choosing to pivot to a fresh new project that isn’t beholden to Hasbro or the demands of WOTC. Does it feel like they’re abandoning the game? Yeah, kinda. But if Swen says that his team looked visibly relieved to move on to something new, that gives me warning bells. Not against Swen, but about the crunch standard of games industries as a whole and possibly against Hasbro or WOTC. I’d much rather his team take care of their very human selves than grind themselves to ultimate burnout working on a game that is functionally complete, if buggy in places and not satisfying for some players because they didn’t get the content they wanted.
There is no perfect game, after all.
And honestly I’d say the same of any AAA studio too. I am consistently frustrated with game studios firing whole departments for the sake of retaining profits and treating their employees like content robots. Games should not be made at the expense of anyone’s physical or mental health, but unfortunately that’s The Industry Standard. (And personally I think Larian or at least Swen is uncomfortable with that.)
(Also I think people forget that making a game the size of BG3 requires the talents and hard work of hundreds of people. Larian was working with, what, 400 people? And that was after they hired like 250+ to even rise to the challenge of making BG3. Who are we even pointing the finger at for all these issues? Swen? He’s one man.)
Should they have promised something they couldn’t deliver? No. But also, I have no idea what issues led them to cutting the content, either. What’s done is done.
BG3 will be an obsolete game in a year or soon anyway, not because Larian isn’t working on it anymore, but because the games industry is just So. Freaking. Big. and pumps out thousands of games a year. Like, I hate to say it, but people are already dropping BG3 for other games like Dragon’s Dogma 2 because DD2 is shiny, new, and has a bonkers character creator.
And there’s nothing wrong with that! We’re not built to play (or work on) a narrative-focused game for 5-7 years, regardless of what any die-hard Destiny fan tells you (note: multiplayers without narrative get a pass purely because the focus isn’t on the narrative, but on collaborative play).
If a game is no longer fun to play, move on and find something that scratches your itch. Go back and play old games! There are so many things out there to explore. I have a To Be Played pile literally right now, a backlog of games I haven’t tried out yet. I’m sure many others do too.
Point #2 (and here I could be wrong, if I’m not already wrong in my opinions above), but they’re not entirely abandoning the game like…at the drop of a hat. They’re still promising at least a handful of hotfixes and at least one more patch with new evil epilogue endings (among other things).
Does that get us Upper City? Likely not. Does that add enough content to give Wyll a more well-rounded storyline, elevate all the romances to Astarion levels of cutscenes and dialogue, and finish Karlach’s questline with an actual solution for her heart? Also likely not. Is it precious to be mad about these losses? No! Be mad!! Wyll deserves justice!!!
I’d love to explore Upper City. I’m a huge advocate for Wyll getting more/better representation. If I could save Karlach without throwing her into Avernus I would in a HEARTBEAT. But these things aren’t in the game, and they likely won’t be. Larian made decisions to meet a (self-imposed? Hasbro imposed? Industry-relevant?) deadline that are ultimately disappointing. We can absolutely acknowledge that we’re disappointed.
But I don’t necessarily think Larian is just being lazy about these decisions, though. At the end of the day we have no idea what contracts Larian is under, what hell the developers have been through, either from the game industry, Hasbro, rabid fans, or excessively cruel critics, or what technical/gameplay/scheduling/financial issues they ran into at various parts of development.
Like the Ketheric thing (Point #3). Was it bad PR to bring up that Ketheric was a “kill your darlings” decision late in development around the same time you’re openly promoting the end of your relationship with BG3? Yeah. Totally. But I’m not surprised they had to cut something like that. Games, movies, books do that all the time. How many deleted scenes from movies have we seen where it could have changed the whole narrative (maybe even made it better) if it had just stayed in? I can think of a handful. It sucks, but trust me, it hurts the writers and developers way more to cut content they’ve poured money and time and heart and soul into than it hurts us, the players who would never know the wiser if they hadn’t said anything.
But also, the game is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE. On PC you have to have 150GB free just to install it. Can you imagine how big it would be if they had shoved everything they wanted into it, even if they had delayed the game a while to make it happen? 150GB is a lot.
For perspective, that puts it on par with a very, very, VERY tiny sector of PC games at about the same level (or higher) of GB requirements, including Red Dead Redemption 2 (a fantastic open world game that still holds up in 2024), Microsoft Flight Simulator (which requires 150GB because it’s literally just flying through high quality renders of actual Earth), Forspoken (everyone says all the GB went to graphics here and I believe them), Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (which only has about 50 hours of playable content, allegedly), basically any VR game, and ARK: Survival Evolved which comes in at a whopping 400 GB mostly because of DLC. In other words, games that big get that big either because of graphics or like a hundred DLCs.
BG3 manages to fit in gorgeous cinematics, a super complex spell-combat system, a more or less streamlined video game build for complex D&D combat rules and mechanics, 10 potential companions, 8 romances among those companions, several large maps to explore, and branching narratives that would take you days to read every scrap of dialogue for (I’ve downloaded the datamined files for Patch6, and there are whole leagues of dialogue, encounters, and bits that are in the game, unbugged, that most of us pass by because we don’t explore enough). You want to know where most of the GB goes? It goes towards sustaining a D&D combat/narrative structure that was originally never built with video game constraints in mind.
Do you know how many conditions/status effects there are in the game? Over 1100. 1100+ unique descriptions and titles for conditions that debuff or buff your character or your enemies, granting hundreds of actual gameplay affects. Do you know how many spells there are across the 12 playable classes and all unique spells for enemies and allies? Like 400, if we’re getting picky and splitting hairs over stuff like Rolan’s Magic Missile being different than the usual Magic Missile or if we’re splitting out something like Disguise Self into its 32 different variations. Each spell needs a different icon, a different graphic effect, and it needs to do the right kind of damage and cause the right kind of condition or effect, some of which are immediate, others which linger.
We can speak with dead with hundreds of characters. That’s a lot of dialogue. We can talk to ANY named NPC. That’s a lot of dialogue! We can talk to any animal, with or without speak with animals enabled. That’s a lot of dialogue!!
A single playthrough where I try to explore as much as possible takes me 150 hours or more. I have 500 hours in this game and I’ve only got 4 characters and I’ve only finished 2 of them. This game is mind-bogglingly big. Even if it’s not the biggest game in history ever, or even the biggest game by the time of its release, its BIG.
The biggest critique I would have here is one that I’ve had since I first started playing the game, and it’s that D&D systems and video games don’t mesh comfortably well. I think that Larian got distracted trying to make the ultimate D&D experience, catering to a demographic that is known to ignore plot and pursue shenanigans, and Larian felt the need to build in a lot of shenanigans.
I think they got a little overzealous about it, and that’s where we have missing content, and a lot of fluff that isn’t always plot-relevant. If the game feels unfinished, it’s because Larian started too many threads, and while there are endings to all of those threads, many of them feel rushed or unsatisfactory. Why do they feel unsatisfactory? Because we’re offered so much freedom early on, only to be pulled back into the much more limited narrative constraints of a video game at the end. Because the game has to end eventually, unlike a D&D campaign which could go on or explore many other possibilities. But by act 3 in a 150 GB game, we’re running out of time and space.
And yes that’s disappointing as hell and Larian could and arguably SHOULD have made different decisions on what to focus on.
But ultimately, you just can’t fit a full-on, any-choice-goes D&D experience in a game that needs to be packaged neatly enough to run on most PCs or consoles, and Larian was ambitious as hell to try. Contrary to popular belief, I think they did pretty freaking well given the challenge, and no, it isn’t perfect, and no, to confess to my own bias, I don’t have the same complicated history with the game that early access or release day players have because I bought the game like 2 months after it was out and patched twice. But they’ve clearly built a game that people love so much they’re upset there isn’t more of it, or at least upset it isn’t the best it can be.
But sometimes we have to be realistic too. I can only imagine how many more bugs or render issues we’d get if they did try to shove in Upper City at this point. Games can only be so big before they start to become too much for the systems that try to run them and I don’t want the games industry veering towards making games an elitist hobby for only the rich and elite who can afford expensive rigs and $100 games.
(And also, I’m not at all upset that for $70 bucks I got 500 hours of gameplay and I’m not 100% sick of it yet. When EA and Activision are getting players to pay hundreds in micro transactions and DLC and dangling extra maps and new missions behind paywalls? Bish, please, I’m good. You want to talk about an unfinished experience? Dragon Age: Inquisition made us pay for our epilogue content as a DLC. At least Larian built theirs in for free from the start.)
All that said, I’m sure if Larian could turn back the clock and start over, they’d make different decisions about what to keep, cut, and refine. But we’re here now.
If I want to see anything from Larian right now, it’s a dedication to fix ongoing bugs that make the game unplayable or that block the narratives that they have built so that they play correctly (like with the Minthara romance). IDEALLY I’d like to see them add more content for companions other than Astarion, to equalize the romance experiences, but I’m not holding my breath (again, considering things like game development, actor schedules, contracts, etc).
While I’m sad about the permanent loss of stuff like the Upper City and disappointed by all the rushed questlines, I’d rather them fix the bugs that make the game un-fun to play and bow out gracefully once they’re sure the game won’t need constant supervision.
Besides, they’re working on cross-platform mod support, and mods are gonna add and mess with the game for many years to come, so we can pivot to support them instead while Larian works on its next game (and hopefully learns from its mistakes with BG3).
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plasticflwrs · 7 months
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★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀CAN PLASTIC FLOWERS BEAT THE SEVEN YEARS CURSE? published on february 11, 2023.
With the debut of Belladonna this week, fans of Superbloom Media have been wondering what will happen to Plastic Flowers as they enter the final year of their contract. Many believe that Superbloom was trying to secure their companies future by signing the next winner of Superband, something that helped project Plastic Flowers into their current popularity, and they will not be able to retain their cash cow into 2025.
The topic always comes up during Plastic Flowers few months of hiatus as interactions with fans from all five members become less common. With how many albums they are tasked with creating each year along with working with their junior artists, many fans believe they are on the brink of burnout, especially after releasing multiple full studio albums and mini-albums within three years.
Confirmation of new contract negotiations came just a few weeks ago as an actual employee, only known as CHU, shared what was being discussed in a very long thread. The biggest discussion surrounds solo opportunities as all five members seem to be desperate to make their individual mark on the world. Junyeong is still stuck on his debut that was cancelled in favor of Oliver's last year, Jiyeon wants to make something completely different than the Plastic Flowers sound, and Deurim asked how they could debut solo and release their annual spring and fall albums without harming their creativity.
Salem, as the founder and leader of Plastic Flowers, stepped into her usual role of peace maker, according to the thread. When the members seemed to make very little sense, she was quick to redirect their questions and make Superbloom's representatives be perfectly clear in their delivery as well.
Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Oliver's name was not mentioned throughout the entire thread, making many wonder if he already resigned with the company or is just skipping in favor of his party boy life style. It seems that Korea's Golden Boy is losing his luster these last few weeks.
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phellycheesesteak · 8 months
Forces everyone to sit and listen to me explain the closer the sephriot gets to needing a suppression, the closer they are to being human and the line between robot and human is so blurred, thats why the suppression is needed
Malkuth showing more and more signs of burnout, yesod becoming more and more empathetic and kind to the dreams of his employees, the twins acting more and more like scared children, etc.
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missafricauae · 6 months
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Improving the mental health of the working class is crucial for overall well-being and productivity. Here are some tips to help support mental health in the workplace:
1. Encourage work-life balance: Promote flexible working hours, encourage employees to take breaks, and discourage overtime to prevent burnout.
2. Provide mental health resources: Offer access to counseling services, mental health hotlines, and employee assistance programs to support those struggling with mental health issues.
3. Foster a supportive work environment: Create a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or discrimination.
4. Promote physical health: Encourage regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep to improve overall well-being and reduce stress.
5. Offer training and education: Provide mental health awareness training for managers and employees to recognize signs of distress and offer support.
By implementing these strategies, employers can help improve the mental health of the working class and create a more positive and supportive work environment.
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yourlilkaiju · 3 months
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Ok, I am going to get political here and I really need you guys to bear with me. If the sign doesn't say enough, then this should. Project 2025 was created by the heritage foundation and it is a document that is intended to support what is viewed as the "American Dream" and "Strong Family Values". However, the American Dream does not support marginalized groups nor does it aid those in distress or in need of financial assistance. Ergo, if you are poor, you're on your own. The Family Values they are referring to does not include anyone who has melanin in their skin, does not practice Christianity and essentially is not of the cis or straight and narrow. So what does this mean, for the rest of us?
Well for starters, let's begin with the folks who are poor.
Those who are poor and are barely making ends meet are often disabled, unable to keep a job due to overstress and burnout. Which is often led to developed mental illness and can even intermingle with anxiety. Because of this the production of serotonin in the brain can even cause a negative impact on job performance. Especially given the low wages that will eventually lead to the employees inability to make ends meet without obtaining another job. However, as of recently, it has gotten to a point where it is a crime to be homeless in public. And part of Project 2025 is the decision to cut the section 8 program.
So as you can see, that quarter million people as mentioned will only get larger due to the growing cost in food, unregulated rent, cronyism and bribes from major corporations. With that being said, how will we speak up? What can we do when we are so hell bent on just complaining about a situation and doing nothing? We protest and say vote. Voting in a two party system has gotten us absolutely nowhere. In the past four years, the LGBTQIA had their rights held hostage and threatened by the DOC as a means of voting for them in the next election. Police have received qualified immunity across the board and have even received pardons, not punishments for their actions against BIPOC folks and other marginalized groups of people. Educational programs have been cut and reformed into a nightmare and social systems have slowly been chipped away by small government systems for the sake of saving money. Doctors now have a right to turn people away for being unable to afford treatment. Doctors also have a right to turn patients away if their lifestyles do not match their political beliefs, despite their Hippocratic oath. I can rant and rave about how the MTV website was completely deleted off of the Comedy Central platform. I can tell you how 30 years of queer history just disappeared at the drop of a hat. I was born just at the end of the AIDS epidemic. Music was still going strong and I remember dancing around in front of my grandma to the colorful pop videos as a kid. I remember the silly and weird Bumble Bee music video and the Captain Jack stuff that was not quite appropriate for television. I even remember Daria.
That was thorough documentation that was gone in the drop of a hat. Namely due to the fact that much of it was crucial to human history that needed to be observed, studied and matched to our culture today. To see how we interact with eachother and learn from the past. Also to learn how we dealt with LGBTQIA identities and the losses that occured in the fifteen years prior to 1995. At the same time, it is a history that was wiped out as a means of rejecting diversity and protest against a system that does not work for the people.
Gen Z, I am looking at you on this one. You focus too hard on being an adult and on superficiality. You need to knock it off. You act like you are against the system and yet you play into its hands just to look like old money. You make fun of millennial's constantly and hardly know the the world history that we picked up and grew up learning in high school. Namely because before you got there, small government cut funding. We don't blame you for that. We do blame you for educational negligence and wanting change. You don't even know what it is you want to change. You only know that you don't want to be poor. And it pisses you off that you are. Which I totally get. But you need to work within your means and get creative, babe. Stop selling thrift shit online. You're ruining goodwill for the rest of us. It's not cute and we miss our gucci bags and louis vuiton sun glasses. You little shits aren't going to get those with a side hustle, unless you marry a slum lord that you hate. So stop playing into the system. Get weird and go repurpose a barbie doll like the rest of us. I made a lot of fae and pirate outfits that way. I even made a freaking belly dance outfit like that.
That and I went to micheals and joannes...
a lot.
Circling back.
Be Gay, Do Crimes, Burn the entire Establishment Down to Make Way for a More Equitable Means of Government that is not only by the people, but of the people and for the people. Project 2025 is not only dangerous but it is a threat to those of us who want to live and prosper. I want to have children and become an actor. I want to have a long life and grow old enough to see my grand children live out their dreams. Or at least see my children live out fruitful and happy lives.
I'm sure that many of you want something similar.
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chuuyascumsock · 3 months
hey snookums 😋
how are you? i hope youre being the baddest bitch that ever bitched out there. i know you're definitely an amazing person to interact w :D
i know i said that burnout was gone but like... summer blues, i dont know- does anyone else get that? T-T
BUT i'm going to try coming back more bc i miss you and my other moots :')
im trying to write things OTHER than comfort but like... idk how.
Anygays, i love the small drabbles you've been doing!! they're healing my soul fr. and i remember the first drabble of yours that made me in absolute awe of you my dear.
so thats when i started religiously becoming your #1 fan def.
(also i kind of want to rant to someone but at the same time i dont bc its just random but also i dont want to put my stuff on anyone else you know? because everyone has their own stuff to deal with and it would be horrible to add onto anyone else's stuff)
im doing great (real)
sorry this was a dump kind of T-T i love interacting w you, makes me so happy knowing i get to interact w someone i respect and admire a lot!!!
with love
sugar tits
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Hey Pookie <33
I’m doing pretty good, I’ve been writing Drabbles as of lately to keep the babes at bay as I work on my fics. I felt bad for not giving anyone anything to hold over on because I was working a bunch (which I got my hours fixed, but it burnt me out to the point I went nonverbal for awhile because I was so exhausted mentally interacting with customers all day— who don’t read the “be nice to our employees” signs btw so there’s some assholes for sure and I have to be nice even though I want to tell them to suck a dick 😭). But since I’m feeling a little better, I’m trying to give you guys something at least. (I also plan to draw a pride picture with my insert, Fem Chuuya, and Fem Dazai in honor of the lesbians because we love women 😩).
Anyways, if you’re having trouble wanting to write things, you could always brainstorm with me, I don’t mind. I find that I have a ton of ideas that I don’t put to use, so I wouldn’t mind sharing them and I’d love to see them in someone’s writing (only if you want to though <33).
Also, I loooove, love, love— when you guys like my writing at all, it really boosts how I feel about my own writing. I get scared to post something sometimes because I don’t think that it’s good enough for you guys, so it’s a relief when you guys do 🫶
If you need anyone to rant to, I’ll be here btw, the second thing I love most is hearing about people’s problems or getting to know all about them. If I wasn’t an art major, psychology was going to be my next pick and I would be a therapist. I only chose art major because interior designers make bank where I live and I like decorating, so :]
Thank you for the ramble, my dear, I hope you have a nice day ❤️
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mintymemesandrpshop · 7 months
'What would you Do?' inspired topics meme For starters or drabbles, feel free to include or make up NPCs if needed! Take care, some of these can be dark/upsetting, as they are real conflicts, and are meant to be uncomfortable and challenging. They can be played by the muses, or by NPCs in simply in the same venue/space as them.
💼 A person is discriminated by a hiring manager/boss 🍇A restaurant/business refuses service to a homeless person 🍼 A parent experiences burnout/postpartum depression 📸 A creep is sneaking pictures/peeking without consent 👠A person is criticized in public for prostitution, onlyfans, etc. (slutshaming) 💦 A person is crying in public 🏳️‍🌈 Someone is harassed for being LGBTQIA+ 🎀 A parent is criticized in public, or is harping on their child 💤 Someone has fallen asleep in public 🧸 A child is being bullied by their peers 💵 Person dealing with addiction 🛒 Someone is fatshamed in public, or their food purchases are questioned 🪢 Divorced parents trash-talking their ex in front of their child 🍺A person is intoxicated in public, and needs to be 'cut off.' 🍻A person is intoxicated while babysitting/with their children ⚽ Discrimination in sports 🎈 Nobody shows up to a person's birthday party 🩼 A person is rejected/discriminated against for ableist reasons 🪧 A child is wearing a sign/shirt, or other form of punishment 💔 Waiter or staff member flirts with someone's s/o 🚗 A driver is stranded and needs help changing a tire/a tow/stuck in a ditch/etc. 💊 A person is about to be drugged without their consent/urged by peer pressure to take some 📋 Staff or Waiter are having troubles concentrating 💍 A Spouse is criticized for her dress choice by family/their partner 🧤 A Parent can't afford a toy or nice meal for their child 🗣️ Partner/Child/Family Member verbally abuses someone in public 🥖 Grocery store employee is bagging carelessly, at risk of breaking/contaminating food 🕶️ Attempted kidnapper is goading someone 🐕‍🦺 A service animal is being questioned, and possibly distracted from their job 💅🏼 Person is trying something new, and gender nonconforming ❓ Stranger by their lonesome asks for help/reccomendations 🗑️ A brazen litterbug is lose on the streets 📱Person completely ignoring their company/parents/family/friends/etc. while on the phone 🎉Children wreaking havoc in a store 🩳 College students are hazing/partying 🧷 Brand new parents are criticized for having a baby in public (breastfeeding, baby crying, etc.) 💋 Parents/Peers disapprove of a new couple 🧶 Caregiver or child/elderly abusive to each other
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Destigmatizing Mental Health: The Urgent Need for Government and Corporate Action
Mental health is an essential aspect of an individual's overall well-being, affecting their thoughts, emotions, and behavior [10]. Despite its importance, mental health remains stigmatized in many societies, causing individuals with mental health issues to face discrimination and isolation. This article will discuss the critical need to destigmatize mental health, emphasize the importance of government and corporate support, and propose 10 programs to address the mental health crisis in the United States.
The Importance of Destigmatizing Mental Health:
Destigmatizing mental health is crucial for creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns and seeking support [1]. Dr. Dennis from Landmark Health emphasizes that while stigma still exists, awareness and understanding are increasing due to collaborative efforts by healthcare providers and specialists [1]. By destigmatizing mental health, we can improve access to care and create a more inclusive and empathetic society.
The Role of the Government and Corporations in Addressing Mental Health:
The United States is experiencing a mental health crisis, with a majority of people believing that the country needs to take action [15]. The government and corporations have a shared responsibility to create and support programs that address the mental health needs of their citizens and employees. Almost 60% of employers are starting to have conversations about mental health and proactively addressing burnout, fatigue, and workplace stress [12]. However, more needs to be done to fully integrate mental health support into the fabric of society.
10 Ideas for Programs to Assist with Mental Health:
Mental Health First Aid: Train employees in mental health first aid to recognize the signs of mental health issues and provide initial support to colleagues [6].
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Offer free and confidential counseling services for employees and their family members, covering a wide range of mental health concerns.
Mental Health Days: Encourage employees to take mental health days to rest, recharge, and prioritize their well-being [11].
On-site Mental Health Services: Provide on-site mental health services such as therapy or support groups to make it more convenient for employees to access care.
Mental Health Education: Incorporate mental health education and awareness programs into employee training to foster understanding and empathy.
Flexible Work Schedules: Allow employees to have flexible work schedules to better balance work and personal life, reducing stress and burnout.
Peer Support Networks: Establish peer support networks where employees can connect, share experiences, and offer support to one another.
Stigma Reduction Campaigns: Implement campaigns to raise awareness about mental health and reduce stigma in the workplace.
Wellness Programs: Develop comprehensive wellness programs that include physical exercise, mindfulness, and stress reduction techniques to promote overall well-being.
Employee Feedback: Involve employees in workplace decisions related to mental health policies and practices, as this can reduce stress and increase job satisfaction [21].
Destigmatizing mental health and providing adequate support for individuals experiencing mental health issues is a pressing concern for both the government and corporations. By implementing programs that promote mental health awareness, provide support, and address the unique needs of employees, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society. Removing the negative stigma around mental health is essential to ensure that those struggling with mental illness are not treated differently and can access the care they need.
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aester · 2 years
A look at RT from a fellow digital media employee
Oof, so RT scandal am I right?
I haven't been in the fandom since ~2018 but following all of this (and specifically the alleged workplace conditions) I thought I'd throw in my two cents as someone who grew up idolizing the company, has chosen to go into digital media because of them and now works in the industry (thankfully not for them).
This will be a long boi (organized into a tumblr-friendly numbered list) based on what I know of the industry in the US, both my own experiences(all thoughts and opinions are my own) & what I've seen of my peers' experiences.
This is also useful info for those interested in pursuing a career in studio-based anim, vfx & game design fields.
To throw in my own cred, I was a member of the RT (and specifically AH & AH art) community from about 2014 to 2018, Monty's work inspired me to pursue my own interests in digital media in a professional sense. I went to uni with my dream internship/job being RT (thankfully that didn't come true). Since then I've graduated and got a job within the industry. So, thanks to having a pretty nice sample of recent grads joining the industry as well as doing my own research on wages and positions before graduation in prep I wanted to take a look at some of the claims and numbers I've been seeing mentioned in this whole mess.
None of this is in defense of RT or in contempt of the ex-employees. RT is a company. People deserve other people's support against a corporation.
Starting with the most quantifiable thing: ✨wages✨. Digital media encompasses a variety of fields - animation, gamedev, vfx, ux etc. & salaries will vary based on both the location and the field that the job is in. From what I've seen among my peers, the avg pay for an entry-level position is about 50-60k for non-LA Bay area jobs(for those add ~ extra 10k from the cost of living). This is not counting additional pay such as overtime, relocation, severance(although I don't know a single person in the field with this condition), or bonuses. Adjusting to what I know of Texas industry salaries, I'd put a good starting industry salary for Austin at 40-50k a year (~20-~25 an hour). Motion Graphics and editing usually pay a bit less than 3D anim positions so the pay could be 5-10k lower than that, which would fucking suck when it comes to cost of living but still doesn't reach the 20k mentioned by Kdin.(20-40k for an LA-based position is just disturbing). Remember that digital media is considered a specialized occupation and generally requires a bachelor's degree (doesn't mean you HAVE to have one) to enter a field so that should be reflected in the salary.
Now onto the most unfortunate part of the industry: overtime (OT) is an industry standard. Everyone joining the industry knows that going in (at least coming out of college). The difference here is that companies should be open about the expected OT/month. My employer for example (all thoughts and opinions are still my own btw) was very clear on how much OT I'd have per month before signing a contract and I am compensated for it. Usually, those who don't get OT comped get higher starting pay. VFX (especially compositing dept) has infamously horrible conditions with insane levels of un-comped OT, crunch, low job security, burnout, and low wages but that at least is an open secret.
Crunch is not just overtime, crunch is sustained OT that exceeds usual expectations. It is more prevalent in studios that have to answer to a client & haven't heard that much about crunch from anim houses now that I think about it? if someone has more experience with serialized anim prod & conditions i'd love to hear from a more reliable source.
To address people's concerns about why certain people(current employees) don't speak up I've seen people bring up NDAs.A Non Disclosure Agreement covers sensitive & internal data (both company secrets and personal identifiable info). An NDA break can be litigated so it's obvious employees don't want to break it. That wouldn't be what is stopping people rn, commenting on this situation would probably fall under some sort of employment guideline. Digital media companies often have extensive guidelines as to what an employee can and cannot say about the company, things that happen in the company, the employees of the company, and other things like this. Now, a breach of guidelines wouldn't be a legal issue, it would just be breaking the contract and be grounds to either have some sort of action against the employee or termination of the contract. It's understandable why folks don't want to lose their jobs for speaking up but the "trouble" they'd get in wouldn't be as big as THE COURT.
I saw someone (don't remember who because of how much info has been coming out) mention offhand RT promising assistance with a work visa & not delivering on the promise & I wanted to quickly bring that up because of my own experiences with this. What they're talking about here is an H-1B lottery application(yes in order to get a work visa in the US you need to win a lottery). This is a process in which the employer(!) petitions the gov't for a non-immigrant work visa for a prospective (or current because these fuckers expire & you have to do the whole lottery all over) employee. There is a lot of documentation, applications, and fees involved, which is why few companies undertake trying to hire international employees. Those who do are at the scale where they have their own immigration attorneys and the H-1B application process is outsourced to a separate law firm. Financially I don't know enough int'l employees to give a blanket statement, but for me, the H-1B application cost was covered by the company and was written into the contract. The records for what companies entered the H-1B lottery are available online & I think like 3 years ago I remember seeing RT having 2-3 applications total?
Union efforts. I don't have a single acquaintance who works under a union in the industry because no one is unionized. I'm not saying RT shouldn't unionize, but their issues seem so far beyond what I've seen at any other company that it's not even comparable to some digital media startups I've seen.
Lastly, I wanted to bring up something extremely subjective when it comes to the field. Any sort of decision of staying or leaving a production company relies on the people you work with, the creative fulfillment, and the stability of your position. Unfortunately, the industry is full of short-term gig positions & project-based contractors. The projects you work on won't be yours, the length of you having a stable income is always up in the air, while the industry is mostly located in the most expensive cities in the country. It's a tough one.
So tldr; the overall digital media field is not peachy with its work conditions but holly fuck what the fuck RT.
And remember kids:
If a potential employer promises something, make sure it's stated in your contract~ otherwise, the promise carries no weight.
Always negotiate the terms of employment! You might not get a higher starting salary but you might get a bonus or some other benefit!
If you want to earn a lot of money in digital media become a tech artist or a rigger.
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adw520 · 1 year
for this ask game! and the current information posts about Dylan
🏙: How was your farmer's life like before moving to Pelican Town?
While Dylan was once very close to both her parents, she and her dad moved to Zuzu City when she was young as Grandpa's health began to decline. Being in the city meant better access to healthcare, but it also meant stares, jeers, and thinly-veiled insults. Though she figured out how to hide her fins, she was still obviously something Not Human, at least not completely. Being in the city also meant she couldn't see her mom nearly as often, since the trip from there to the east coast was too long to make regularly.
By the time she remembered Grandpa's letter in her desk drawer, she'd been a low-level JojoCo employee for years without any sign of advancement. Her paycheck only covered a tiny studio apartment that didn't actually meet her needs. Worse than being on the receiving end of discrimination by her coworkers, she didn't even know them, their company-mandated breaks not offering enough time to socialize. Every day was an isolated slog from home to work and back again. Dylan was rapidly approaching extreme burnout. She was ready to pack it up and head back to the coast to reconnect with her mom, but the deed to Blue Moon Farm offered a better option. A house she didn't have to pay rent on, a job she didn't have to hunt for, in a little town on the south coast her grandpa loved to tell stories about. The decision was an easy one.
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paramores · 1 year
the funniest thing about corporations acting like they care about their employees is how they go on and on about preventing burnout and how to deal with it but then as soon as one of their employees speaks up about burnout or shows signs of it, they just turn to the "they're just lazy" conclusion
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