#signs of future hades of future
pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Let's Break Up (I)
summary : you try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s : Jason Grace / Percy Jackson / Nico Di Angelo x Reader
warning/s : none
here is my masterlist! Part II is composed of Leo, Frank, and Will.
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Jason Grace
"Let's break up."
Jason is formally trained to remain calm and level-headed in the most drastic of situations ever since he was young.
So if you're expecting him to look surprised or upset, he won't.
Don't be fooled though, he may look like he's listening as you explain but deep inside this electric boy is panicking! 😂
"Okay, Jason. What in Jupiter's name have you done to make (Y/N) upset? Think! THINK!"
It might take a while for Jason to respond because he is torn between asking you what he can do to fix it, what he did wrong, or just be desperate and beg you to stay with him.
So he does what any Roman would do in his place. Accept his fate.
He fixes his composure and coughs a little to avoid his voice from cracking.
"If that's what you think is best, I understand-"
"It's just a prank, love."
"Thank the gods."
You never knew your boyfriend could sigh that hard.
Jason laughs in relief and hugs you tightly, like he wasn't thinking of crying his heart out and eating ice cream alone in the Zeus cabin later.
He'll never tell you that though.
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Percy Jackson
"I want to break up."
Percy just can't see the two of you breaking up. No matter how much he tries, he knows it's literally imposible.
He already has a list of plans; when he will propose, where to get married, where you'll spend the rest of your lives together, how many children you two will have, and their names. Even the number of pets allowed in your future home.
But you don't give up easily.
"What do you mean, no? Isn't that my decision?"
"OUR decision, (Y/N). And I say no."
"No buts, baby. If you're tired of this relationship then rest. We'll try again in the morning."
You just pout in defeat, taking a bite of the blue chocolate chips cookies his mother made for him before he left for Camp Half-Blood.
He smirks like the handsome devil he is, pulling you into his arms and lays his head on your shoulder.
"There's no getting rid of me, (Y/N). You're stuck with me forever."
He doesn't notice the small smile on your face, preferring not to have it any other way.
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Nico Di Angelo
"I was thinking of breaking up."
He would shadow travel even before you could say another word.
Good luck trying to find him because he would be nowhere to be found. You already asked everyone yet nobody knows where he is.
Hours passed, no sign of him. You got truly worried that you can't even fall asleep.
You were just laying on your bed, staring into nothing when you hear a knock on your window.
It's Jules-Albert, holding a bag of McDonalds with your favorite foods and drink. It also has a note.
"Just think about what you said with a full stomach. You do stupid shit when you're hungry."
You don't know if you should be offended or laugh.
Still in your pajamas, you run to the Hades cabin and knock on his door. No one answers.
You do feel a pair of arms around your waist and cold nose nuzzling your neck.
You turn your head to kiss Nico's cheek as he leans more into you. He then whispers in your ear-
"I love you, tesoro mio. Don't scare me like that again."
Gods, you didn't have the heart to tell him it was a prank.
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gracieeegleegal · 7 months
Omg please do an angsty imagine where we are the daughter of some god (maybe Zeus or hades) and find out about Luke’s betrayal and he tries to recruit us but it only ends in arguments
Betrayals embrace - Luke Castellan
pov - Luke Castellan was the lightning thief all along and you the clueless girlfriend who never knew better.
Pairing : Luke Castellan !femoc x Zeus daughter
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In the heart of Camp Half-Blood, under the watchful eyes of the gods, a storm brewed within the soul of y/n, daughter of Zeus. Her relationship with Luke Castellan, once filled with laughter and affection, now teetered on the edge of betrayal and heartbreak.
Y/n stood, tears in her eyes as she stared into the eyes of her lover, eyes that now held the truth of his actions and the haunting revelation that had shattered her world—Luke's treacherous plan to free Kronos and destroy the very gods they were supposed to honor and serve.
More tears pricked at her eyes as she recalled the countless moments they shared, the promises of a future together, now tainted by lies and deceit. She clenched her fists, feeling the crackle of electricity surging through her veins, a reminder of her divine heritage and the weight of responsibility that came with it.
She had trusted him, loved him dearly and all she got in return was the inexorable betrayal that had shattered her heart.
"Y/n," he whispered, his voice smooth like honey,a certain nervousness hanged in his tone. In the 10 minutes they had been in the forest, y/n stayed silent through it all. Not knowing what to say or do after Luke admitted to his actions.
That he tried to drag Percy into the pits of Tartarus. That he had lied about it all.
"Luke," she replied, her tone laced with bitterness and hurt.
Luke stepped forward, his eyes searching hers for any sign of wavering resolve. "I know this is difficult for you to understand, but we can change the world. We can free ourselves from the tyranny of the gods, create a new order where demigods are no longer pawns in their games. We can be free, you can kill your father after all the pain he’s caused."
Y/n shook her head, a humorless laugh escaping her lips. "And what of the innocent lives that will be lost in the wake of your ambition? Have you no conscience, Luke? Do you realize that if you go forward with this, you’ll lose your family here. You’ll lose me.”
His expression hardened, a flicker of anger betraying his calm facade. "You were always too soft, y/n. Too blinded by your loyalty to those who have treated you as nothing more than a pawn in their own schemes. Why do you defend him? After he killed your sister! After he killed Thalia. He could’ve stopped it.”
He reached out to her, his touch a cruel mockery of the affection they once shared. "Y/N, please understand. This is our chance to make things right, to rid ourselves of the gods who have only brought us pain and suffering."
But even as he spoke, the truth of his betrayal cut deeper than any blade. Y/N recoiled from his touch, her eyes filled with tears she refused to shed.
She backed up at his words, the sting of truth laced with venom. Memories of Zeus's indifference and neglect flooded her mind, a painful reminder of the fractured relationship she shared with her divine father. She was transported back in time when she had arrived at camp for the first time. A reminder of the sister she lost, the sister who sacrificed herself for her sisters.
A painful reminder that no matter what, the gods will never care enough to save their children. If they did, things would be a lot different.
But even in the face of betrayal, y/n couldn't bring herself to abandon her friends at Camp Half-Blood, the only family she had ever known.
"I may be the daughter of Zeus, but I am also a daughter of Camp Half-Blood," she declared, her voice trembling with emotion. "I will never betray them, Luke. I understand you better than anyone, I really do. But I can’t do that to them. I can’t, and you know that. "
Luke looked shattered, he would have thought that the girl would side with him. After all she was the one who understood him the most, understood his reason. “I didn’t wanna have to do this, y/n, I’m sorry. You have given me no choice.”
“We always have a choice.” Without warning, Luke lunged forward, his movements fueled by desperation and rage. Their clash was fierce and unrelenting, the crackle of lightning mingling with the clash of celestial bronze. Each blow exchanged was a testament to the shattered bonds of trust and love that once bound them together.
Luke’s attack got harder and harder, as their swords smacked together in the night. The fireworks covering the sound of the lovers fighting each other.
“Luke! You don’t have to do this!” Y/n struggled against his attacks. She didn’t want to hurt him, but Luke was so blinded by rage that he couldn’t seem to care that he was hurting her.
“Luke!” This time the screaming had come from another voice. Percy and Annabeth were running towards the scene.
In a moment of distraction when y/n turns her gaze towards the two teenagers, she feels pain in her abdomen. She glanced down, Luke’s sword had stabbed her in her stomach. She gasped softly, tears forming in her eyes as she held onto the sword that was still pierced in her flesh.
“Y/N!” Percy and annabeth screamed her name but her focus was stuck on the man that had betrayed her
Red was gushing from her wounds into her hands that were now touching Luke’s. The boys eyes widened. What had he done? The girl dropped to the ground, blood running everywhere. Her shirt was now tainted red, as well as her hands and her lovers hand.
In the end, it was y/n who lay battered and broken at his feet, her resolve unbroken even as her body screamed in protest. Through tear-stained eyes, she watched as Luke cradled her frame. Regret and sadness reflected in his eyes.
“Y/N..” he whispers softly, he gripped her body tighter. Not wanting to let go of the woman he loved. “I’m sorry. Im so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”
Percy and Annabeth after standing still watching the scene with tears in their eyes finally approached the couple. Swords in their hands.
Luke glanced at the couple, then back to the bleeding girl. “I’m sorry.”
With a heavy heart, he turned away, leaving her broken and bleeding in his wake. Percy and Annabeth running to her aid.
As darkness threatened to claim her, y/n whispered her final words into the cold embrace of the night. "I love you, Luke."
When she awoke, it was to the sterile scent of antiseptic and the gentle touch of familiar hands. Percy Jackson and Annabeth stood at her bedside, their expression a mask of concern and sorrow.
"You're going to be okay, Y/N," Percy reassured her, his voice a soothing balm against the ache in her heart.
But the pain of loss was a wound that ran deep, one that no amount of time or healing could ever hope to mend. With a broken sob, Y/N buried her face in the boys shoulder, mourning the loss of the love she had once held so dear.
And as the tears fell like rain, she couldn't help but wonder if somewhere, amidst the echoes of betrayal, there was still a glimmer of the boy she had loved, lost, and ultimately, forgiven.
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catdemondez · 1 year
So my autistic ass was OBSESSED with The Titanic as a kid and one thing I keep thinking about with this whole lost submarine incident is the “name curse”.
White Star Line, the company that produced the Titanic, made three Olympic class ocean liners: The Olympic, The Titanic, and The Britannic.
(Seen in order top to bottom. Picture stolen from reddit. X )
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The Olympic is the only of those three that did not sink.
Now, the “name curse” that comes in to play here is related to greek mytholoical races from which each ship has supposedly taken its name: The Olympic Gods (also just called Olympians), The Titans, and The Giants. The giants are involved due to a claim that The Britannic was originally called The Gigantic, based on an unofficial poster featuring the ship with the supposed name above it, as well as a contemporary newspaper stating that the company announced a ship with said name three years before The Britannic was launched.
Both The Giants and The Titans were races that were vanquished by The Olympic Gods in what are called the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy, with the latter event being less well know.
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Another race of gigantic beings seen in greek mythology is The Cyclopes. The Cyclops were never vanquished by The Olympic Gods as they were never at odds with the gods, even crafting artifacts for the gods themselves, namely: Zeus’s thunderbolts, Poseidon’s trident, and Hades’s helmet of invisibility. 
The submarine that went missing is part of the Cyclops class submarine line produced by OceanGate Inc., probably called such due to the design. Two vessels of the class have been produced with two more planned following a naming scheme of Cyclops I, Cyclops II, and so on. Cyclops II however was renamed to Titan specifically for its use in touristic viewing expeditions of The Titanic.
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Now, more about the submarine itself;
Cyclops I performed well for its intended depth, Titan however has not, with OceanGate having lost track of it before. This is due to the vessel lacking a tracking beacon, as well as navigation controls and communication devices, relying on a support ship to text Titan’s captain its directions, as revealed by Journalist David Progue, who also said that they “turned off the ship’s internet to prevent tweeting.” Also, due to the lack of these features, Titan was denied official certification by ship classification societies for not meeting safety standards of ANY society. Problems started long before this, though.
During the testing of Titan’s design, OceanGate claimed that the dimensions and structure were partly designed and tested by NASA, Boeing (the plane company) and The University of Washington. All three of which have denied this. In fact, when Titan was first built, it was handed over to the company’s operations department with no testing whatsoever as well as an insufficient monitoring system. The Director of Operations, however, saw this and submitted a negative quality report, for which he was promptly fired. When they DID finally test it over a year later, the vessel resurfaced with signs of cyclic fatigue, which is the near microscopic bending of metal that happens before cracks appear. Instead of changing the design to prevent this from happening in future expeditions, the company simply replaced the damaged parts and called it good.
All in all, its just so funny to me that OceanGate used the same supposedly cursed naming pattern for its ONE safety violation riddled submarine only to send it to a lethal depth its not equipped to handle AND SOMEHOW not expect it to eventually crush like a soda can under a semi.
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mrynnn · 2 months
Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung ship
When I read the novel I used to ship Joongdok and thought Han Sooyoung loved Kim Dokja by the end of the novel. Now that I’m rereading the novel to enjoy the side stories thoroughly, I don’t think Han Sooyoung’s love is unrequited. The signs are subtle but I think Kim Dokja is also at least slightly interested in her. after Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung’s first parting (when HSY ran away leaving her avatar corpse) I could feel Dokja’s panic and sadness at that moment before he could think and Han Sooyoung’s expectations and thoughts on meeting him in the future (that was the first of it)
There was also that time when Kim Dokja was missing Han Sooyoung mid scenario soon after. The two were clearly interested with each other from the beginning and had some sort of tension. While Han Sooyoung’s feelings were comparatively more evident in the novel, we should agree that by the end that she did have some feelings for Dokja. As for Dokja, that dense bastard who didn’t even consider that his companions loved him and even when they showed clear affection towards him, he would get helpless as to how to respond to their affection, I doubt he actually caught on to Han Sooyoung’s feelings for him and actually started liking her without realising it himself, plus all the WOS coming to life and scenarios one after the another, I doubt he even had the time to care about who he has feelings for (and even if he did, his fourth wall or even his own personality would try to self rationalise to convince it to be something else)
The whole Kaizenix arc, the promise between Sooyoung and Dokja that Dokja wanted to read a 3000 chapter romance novel she wrote , the epilogue chapters, the 1863rd arc and literally every arc where both Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung play a major part and actually spend time together they have some tension between them. Personally, I like their relationship a lot and I think it plays a major part in the story, way bigger then some might realise other like realise cause yk… a female character getting between the more popular male x male ship…
The romance aspect of the story is really vague (except Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung, Hades and Persephone and Yoo Joonghyuk and Lee Seolhwa, even 999 Uriel and 999 Yjh)
in general but you cannot turn a blind eye to their relationship.
At the end what do y’all think ??
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togetherhearted · 8 months
Could I request Nikola, Qin Shi Huang and Hades with a s/o that's from another universe :D? she can travel through universes and can collect the history of the universe in her books/scrolls and write something to change it and erase things to remove them from history/the future
Sorry if this requests is kinda cringey, but I'm sort of a nerd for space :)
Naaaah,you're not cringe come on! It's a love that you have. Nothing wrong with it!
I took some freedom to change a couple of things. But the core is the same. Hoping it's still ok
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Nothing was better that landing inside what it looked like a lab. Your eyes scanned projects, blackboards, all full of formulas. The twinkle in your eyes brightening up at all you could take with yourself. It was time to hide though, footsteps echoed in the corridor. You flinched and tried to hide in time but those steps were fast to come. The door slammed open and you were caught;projects under your arms. There was silence between the two of you. tThe tall man noticed the warp behind you, then looked better at you, at what you were wearing. -Are you perhaps?- He started -F-from the future?!- He shouted with enthusiasm. -I..uhhh- -Oh no, no. Don't tell me. I'll figure it out!- You watched him circling you, a smile on his face, muttering about science. Was this the sign to flee? As he kept circling around you you smiled amused;no matter the universe Nikola Tesla was Nikola Tesla,your over excited lover.
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Where did you land this time? Judging by how comfy you were it was probably a cushion;no wait,too big to be just pillows. As per always you didn't recognize the place, warping from the past to future and vice versa was still troublesomea nd let's not talk about universes jumps.  You hopped from what happened to be a bed; your figure searching for something to take away with you. Though your lookout was stopped once you heard a male voice from behind. -Looking for something?- Your head snapped at the young man. The blood washing away your face as you recognized the first China emperor. -Oh no no...I was...- Words died in your throat as he walked towards you with confident steps. He didn't seem that pleased to have visitors. Only one solution was possible;warping again but this time without a single piece of paper. Mission failed. Time to go to the Qin of your universe.
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Another day, another jump between the fabric of times and reality. Where were you this time?And why did it look so dark? Luckily you always had a backup plan. You lit up a light and walked down a narrowed corridor. You entered a room. A man was hunched on a desk,his mind seemingly too focused on what he had under his nose to even notice your entrance. This was risky but you liked the risk and your mission was worth it. You took little steps towards the pile of books on the corner. You just had to take a look at the covers, grab one and warp away. You were now close enough to read the titles when a hand grabbed your wrist. -So, you wanted to steal from the king of the underworld...- His deep voice gave you the chills. That was the place you warped in;Hades domain and he didn't look happy to see you,of course he wasn't;he wasn't your lover here. You were in big trouble now.
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justanothervigalanty · 3 months
You were sat on Jason’s lap on the couch traysing the scars on his arms and he was playing with your hair. Bruce was scribbling some work stuff on a notebook in his armchair, Damian was sat with titus and ace drawing on his hands. Stephany was reading her school book and cass was studying for an upcoming exam when Tim came running in.
“Jason it’s on!”-tim
Jason signed siting up still holding on to you to look at what tim was on about tim showed Jason his laptop
“Holy shit put on the Tv!”-jason
Damian picked up the remote and put on the news everyone looked up to watch what was happening it was Batman, red hood and robin on the news fiting the joker. Everyone was fixt on the scene when the joker through some knife’s at them you looked up to see Batman grab robin and cover him with his cape but red hood was left to doge them leaving a cut acros his chest
“Well that was visibly favouritism” you said (you don’t know anyone’s vigalanty job’s identity)
everyone looked up at you even Bruce looked up
“What do you mean by favouritism y/n?”-bruce
“Well you all saw it Batman new red hood was there and robin was visibly ablaze to hide behind that garbage truck but red hood was out in the open and had no chance of dogging all of those knives but still Batman went to protect robin who didn’t need it when red hood was In Visible danger.”-you
Jason looked down holding you closer
“It did look like that knife hurt”-Jason
which was his way of saying ‘y/n is right it was favouritism and that knife really hurt!”
“Well yea I guess it would of”-Bruce said
“Hay y/n who even is your favourite hero?”-tim
everyone looked at you
“It’s robin right?!”-damian
“Umm not really robin seems a bit spoiled same for nightwing”-you
Jason sniggered as his glancing over at a secretly very offended dick
”how about red robin or spoiler or many batgirl?”-cass
“Umm no probably not red robin is all brans no brawn and spoler and batgirl don’t normally show up.”-you
Jason turned your face to look at him
“Ok time for the million dollar question ready babe.… what are you thoughts on red hood!”-jason
“Oh umm wow he is actually pretty cool! Ha that’s actually pretty funny!”-you
“Um god this is embarrassing. When I first met red hood when I was 13 he was kinda still a criminal but he stopped the joker from throwing a load of grenadines at me so I wow um this is awkward, I had this massive crush on him it was probably stupid I mean dating a vigilante wow that right there is death sentence!”-you
Jason just smiled at welst the other ps looked at you in disbelief. When the news finished Tim put on back to the future in the back round as everyone continued their stuff. At some point you leaned your head on Jason’s chest which made him flinch
“Oh god jay I’m sorry did I hurt you!”-you
“No I’m fine just-ow crap I’m fine it’s all good!”-jason
“Um no it’s not! i’l be right back”-you
“Shit!”-jason Said covering his face with his hands “babe-
before Jason could stop you. You hade left the room and he folded after you. He found you in your shared room where you where looking through your mind frige in the corner of the room.
“What are you doing?”-jason
you pulled out a ice pack and towel of the floor
“This, here it should help.”-you
“Thanks”-Jason sat on your bed and placed the ice pack on his chest.you just stood there knowing he was hiding something
“I feel like you’re starting at me?”-jason, he smiled at you at you sat down next to him.
“Jay it’s an ice pack it goes on your skin not shirt”-you said taking of his shirt to show a massive gash across his chest lit looked like a knife cut.
“Jason what the hell is that!?”-you
“Oh um I just I was-“-Jason
“Your red hood aren’t you.” You said standing up
“Shit. Babe I was going to tell you just oh god I’m so sorry”-Jason walked over to you and took your hand
“That’s why you come home late and how you got all those scars isn’t it?”-you
Jason didn’t speak he just nodded when he looked up he saw you trying to hold back tears
“Ho god n/n I’m sorry.”-Jason , he hugged you so tight and you just leaned your head on Jason’s shoulder crying.
“Hay baby it’s ok why are you crying it’s all ok”-jason
“I-I , you a-almost died yesterday!”-you
“Ho babe. Y/n I’m so sorry I”m here it all going to be ok”
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vandal-flower · 1 year
Forged Contracts
Ror men with a male s/o who was the god of contacts and faked their death to become mortal.
Requested Characters: Poseidon, Hades and Buddha.
Warnings: Faking one's death.
Notes: Basically Zhongli.
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First of all. Why?
He questions you on why you would do such a thing. You abandoned god hood in favor of being a human? To test your people?
Trying to reason with this man becomes harder every time you try. He constantly shuts you down, basically interrogating you.
When he finally listens to your reason, he gives you a weird look, but ends it that.
When other deities try to mock you for your actions, he comes in your defense.
Saying at least you have some pride and know when to admit your mistakes, unlike them, pieces of filth.
He may not look like it, but he genuinely loves you. Doesn't approve your decision, but understands.
"Even if you under the disguise of a mortal, maintain your pride."
Like his your brother, he is confused.
Why did you, of all gods, abandon your duties? You're the god of contracts for Heaven's sake!
Unlike Poseidon, he listens to your reasoning, giving you a chance to defend yourself.
In the end, there's nothing he can do other than accept what happened. He can't change the past or predict the future.
Even if someone tries to insult or shame you for your actions, they end up regretting it after realizing you're Hades' s/o.
Even if you may feel bad about your actions, he supports you and makes sure you're all right.
Also, he wants to get some help from you to form some...business deals with some of the gods.
"As the former god of contracts, can you show me some tips and tricks for someone to willingly sign a contract?"
My guy here doesn't question you about why you faked your death.
He understands why you did it. To test your followers, abandon god hood, give humanity a chance to fend for themselves.
He is sure it was a hard decision for you, I mean, you love your followers despite their mistakes.
He much rather listen to your stories about your life as a god than the things that make you guilty. He knows how it upsets you.
However, he is proud of your ability to still remain among your people.
If anyone dares to even try to insult you, he always stands up for you. He is a chill guy, but doesn't tolerate nonsense.
Either way, he's pretty okay about it.
"Anyways, can you tell more about that monster you fought a thousand years ago?"
Oof. I'm back.
My inbox is open. Check out my Rules.
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lunamond · 6 months
The argument that the switch-up between Tamlin and Rhysand as love interests was SJM making a clever commentary on the inherently problematic nature of the Beauty and the Beast tale is actually really annoying to me.
I'm absolutely not above being critical of this story.
However, just because there are problematic aspects in the foundational version of this story doesn’t mean that modern iterations automatically possess these as well.
So let's look at how modern retellings deal with the most commonly criticised element of the story: the kidnapping.
For me personally, the most important thing to look at when judging how "problematic" the kidnapping in any given Beauty and the Beast story is, is to look at what the actual power dynamics at play are.
Most of these stories tend to feature some inherent power imbalance between the Beauty and the Beast characters. However, most retellings also feature a curse/curser who puts pressure on the Beast to kidnap Beauty in the first place. This means there is always some kind of higher power/authority who holds significant power over the Beast as well.
In the og Fairytale version, we have a scorned Fae/Witch who curses the Beast. The stakes for the Beast are to find a woman, make her fall in love with him, or stay a Beast forever.
How much this gives the Beast a pass for the crime of kidnapping is, of course, sth each person has to decide for themself.
However, most modern retellings tend to significantly increase the severity of the conditions and consequences of said curse, often times putting many lives outside of the Beast's own at stake.
This increase in stakes, at least for me, significantly impacts how much I condemn the actions of the Beast character.
We see this in the Disney version were all the people living and working in the castle were turned into animate objects and risk turning inanimate once the time-limit for the curse runs out, which is essentially a child friendly way of saying that they will all die.
In the YA novel Cruel Beauty (which I already compared to Acotar in an older post), the Beast character is forced to take a new bride every century. Due to the specifics of the curse, the safety of an entire country is dependent on his compliance with the conditions put on him. So, despite the fact that he initially appears much more powerful than the Beauty character, they are essentially both stuck under the same curse.
The first Acotar book works the same way. Tamlin kidnaps Feyre, not because he wants to but because the conditions of the curse put not just the fate of the SC but of the entirety of Prythian at stake.
That's, of course, not to say that this isn't a violent experience for Feyre and her family. But it does mean that Tamlin isn't the instigator of this violent act, but the person responsible for the curse, aka Amarantha.
The attempt to turn this into a subversion of the BnB story by revealing Tamlin as a violent and abusive partner becomes incredibly frustrating, because most of the violent undertone present in the 1st book, that fans like to point towards as an early sign of his future abusive behaviors are not caused by Tamlin himself but by Amarantha (and her batwinged lackey).
But SJM's attempt is especially nonsensical because Feyre's new romance with Rhysand is just a worse version of BnB.
I am aware that the second book, Acomaf, is most commonly marketed as a Hades/Persephone retelling.
But here is the thing; the modern interpretation of Hades/Persephone as a romance is much more akin to the story of Beauty and the Beast than the hymn to Demeter (the og source text featuring the myth of Hades/Persephone), which as the title suggests is much more concerned with the feelings of grief and rage a mother feels in response to her daughter's abduction than anything else.
So, let's judge Feysand's story with the same standards we just used for other modern BnB retellings.
Immediately, we run into the issue that Rhysand doesn't have a higher power above him forcing him to kidnap Feyre (unless you want to count the mating bond, but that is clearly meant to be seen as a positive so that doesn't really work, Amarantha doesn't count either).
However, it gets worse.
He is the one who forces the bargain on Feyre, ensuring she has to spend 1 week in the NC for the rest of her life. When he later kidnaps her, he is fulfilling the curse he himself put on her.
In this version, the Beast character, Rhysand, is not the cursed but the curser. So he is at once the kidnapper AND the higher power enforcing the curse/the cause for the kidnapping.
In a direct comparison between the way Tamlin and Rhysand each fullfill the Beast role, it becomes pretty apparent how utterly SJM's supposed criticism of the BnB story has failed; Tamlin kidnaps Feyre because he is forced to, Rhysand does because he WANTS to.
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genericpuff · 5 months
Hello! Recently got into your lore rekindled series and as a (used to be) fan of lore Olympus I LOVE what you have done to the world and characters. Everything flows so naturally and you actually made Persephone a cool protagonist.
One question I had (if it will come up in future episodes no need to answer) is will Persephone’s interest in law school be a thing? When I was rewriting my own AU of lore Olympus I used Persephone’s interest in law to be the reason why she went to the Underworld and met Hades. As in the original comic it says that the underworld creates the finest lawyers in a throw away line. I also used Persephone’s love of law to be one of the major reasons why she and Demeter being to have conflict. Demeter wanting her to be into agriculture and horticulture like her and seeing Persephone becoming a soulless lawyer creating one of the driving conflicts of their relationship.
Heyo! Thanks so much, I'm glad you like it! <3
There won't really be a law school interest in Rekindled as that already felt like a half-thought-out plotline in LO with very little foundation (and honestly I always saw that mention about the Underworld having the only law school as a throwaway joke about lawyers being terrible people from hell LOL)
HOWEVER she still does have her own motivations for wanting to work in the Underworld that remain to be fully seen. There are lil' hints here and there that have been dropped (and more on the way, esp in the next couple episodes) but I'm waiting to see who pieces the puzzle together by the time it's revealed ;)
That idea you just pitched though for Persephone wanting to pursue law instead of agriculture would have been really interesting! I feel like if Rachel had actually planned out that plotline more she could have definitely gone at it from that angle. Couold have even set it up in the beginning for her to go to law school in the Underworld instead of university in Olympus which could have created an interesting scenario as that would have explained a lot more why Demeter didn't want her to move away.
I still would have been annoyed at the rift between them existing at all but it would have made more sense than "mom signed me up for the virgin club and now she's mad that I'm running off with the 2000+ year old man >:(" LMAO (or at least the way LO writes it, bleh)
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rookiesbookies · 9 months
Seeing your hc of greek god!ghost made me think of how much of a disaster it'll be if he found someone he's into only for them to get cold easily and wears like 5+ layers everywhere they go
So I have bad circulation and a neurological condition that makes my extremities get very cold, which is why I believe I am qualified to write this. There’s nothing I love more than grabbing my partner with my cold fingers or touching him with my cold feet, my friends are also victims. As I write this one of my hands is ice cold and the other is a completely normal temp. Wish he was here so I could rub my hands over where he’s ticklish and make him shiver (im evil)
I had a lot of fun writing this ask, I do want to do more with this AU later so I love getting asks about it but I do need to clean up my master list😭
Fic under the cut
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
Price was sent a younger maiden one other time. She had been just under the age he liked and he truthfully believed she would work better with someone else.
SO he delivered her to Simon’s doorstep in the underworld. Simon looked through the peep hole to see you holding a pie and a note from Price. When he opened the door and read the note (something along the lines of : she’s too young for me but seems more like your type) he tried to shut the door. Luckily for you, the future mother in law was there - Persephone was not having any of her son’s shit.
She quickly read the note herself and set you down, sending Simon to go make tea while she got a good look at you. Poor thing, so nervous, dropped on this doorstep, she wasn’t having any of it.
Then she noticed how cold your hands were and cursed her husband for giving their son such cold hands, he was always so clammy he just had to pass it on.
She quickly yelled for Simon who rushed in with the tea, telling him to start a fire.
You tried to tell her it wasn’t a problem with a nervous smile and laugh but she wouldn’t listen. So you told both you didn’t want to be a bother.
“Ya think yer cold?” Simon said sharply before grabbing your ankle with an ice cold hand from the floor where he was sitting trying to start the fire, the sudden chill made you let out a soft shriek. He giggled behind the mask.
Persephone saw that. She heard it too.
“I'm calling Hades and we’re planning the wedding!”
Simon’s eyes bulged out of his head.
“I can’t marry someone I’ve just met,” you awkwardly laughed between sips of tea.
“Well it takes time to plan a wedding, you’ll both know each other quite well by the time it comes around!”
Simon groaned, “just because you and Hades-”
“Shush!” And Simon shut up quickly.
And with that, Persephone fled the house.
“I would have thought because of how she was taken by Hades-”
“Stockholm syndrome, I'm sure of it,” Simon grumbled. Pulling off his fur cloak and throwing it over you. “I’ll sleep on the couch until I can sort this out.”
“Oh but I can’t take your bed from you-”
“Did I ask?”
You shake your head and quietly sip your tea.
Now lets time jump just a bit. Assume they both bond at some point and a month or so passes, they’re trying to cuddle, right?
There’s nothing that brings Simon more joy than torturing you with his cold hands. Making you whine and shove them under your arms to warm them.
“You’re colder than a dead body!”
“Why do ya think the lads call me Ghost, love?”
After more time, he chooses a new favorite place to warm his hands.
“Simon, we are at dinner! You can’t do that in front of others!” You hushly yelled at him.
“Come on, they’d be jealous that's all, not judgin ya!” He laughed.
“Simon this is so embarrassing,” you mumbled. His hands gently holding your tits. One hand over each.
“It’s my favorite place to warm em.” He shrugged then grumbled. “Plus Johnny made a comment about ya rack and I gotta remind him whose it is.”
You let out a whine, “your hands are so cold! I didn’t sign up for temperature play!”
He chuckles, “here, I’ll distract you. Two goldfish are in a tank-”
“You’ve told me this one so many times,” you giggled as he massaged your chest with his cold hands. You smacked his hand, “I'm only doing this to warm up your hands, this isn’t touchy time.”
He groaned in disappointment. “Price wouldn’t notice or care!”
“Oh he definitely would, especially if it was at his dinner table!”
“What are ya love birds whisperin on about?” Johnny holard from the other room.
“SHUT.” Was all Simon had to yell back.
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ladymonterosa · 20 days
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"Kaos" is a Netflix series that promises to offer a dark and modern reinterpretation of Greek mythology. Created by Charlie Covell, the same mind behind the hit series "The End of the F***ing World", "Kaos" mixes mythological elements with contemporary themes, exploring issues such as power, family, politics and disillusionment.
The series stands out for its bold approach in reimagining the stories of Greek gods and heroes, presenting them as complex and vulnerable characters struggling with their problems. This mix of myth and modernity creates an intriguing world, in which the deities are no longer omnipotent figures, but entities struggling with their own existence and the change of the human world.
Visually, "Kaos" is a work of art: the aesthetics are taken care of in the smallest details, with sets that mix ancient and modern, and a photography that enhances the mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere of the series. The actors' performances are convincing, with interpretations that manage to give depth and humanity to mythological figures often perceived as distant and inaccessible.
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The plot revolves around Zeus (played by Jeff Goldblum), the King of the gods, who spirals into paranoia after discovering a wrinkle on his forehead. This simple imperfection convinces him that his downfall is imminent, triggering a series of actions that threaten to destabilize the entire pantheon. To complicate matters, a prophecy states that the appearance of a “line” will lead to the fall of a family and chaos, pushing Zeus to see signs of his fate everywhere.
Hades (David Thewlis), the King of the underworld and once Zeus’s reliable brother, finds himself losing control of his realm, exacerbated by the growing discontent among souls waiting to return to Earth through the process of Renewal. The Queen of the gods, Hera (Janet McTeer), manages the Earth and Zeus in her own way, but her husband’s growing paranoia threatens her power and pushes her to take drastic measures.
Meanwhile, Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan), Zeus’s rebellious son, is out of control and ready to clash with his father, while Poseidon (Cliff Curtis) is completely indifferent to the common good, obsessed with his luxurious lifestyle and parties on his megayacht. However, the increasing discontent among mortals threatens to become a concrete danger for the gods.
The true heart of the story unfolds through four human characters: Riddi (Aurora Perrineau), short for Eurydice; Orpheus (Killian Scott), a pop star and Riddi’s boyfriend; Ceneus (Misia Butler), who was raised among the Amazons; and Ariadne (Leila Farzad), who has always struggled with the guilt of her twin brother’s death. These characters, despite having very different lives, are cosmically linked in their fight against Zeus, each with the potential to contribute to the downfall of the gods.
The series uses Greek mythology as a pretext to explore the theme of religion and the limitations it can impose on our lives. "Kaos" poses provocative questions about how religious beliefs can condition our existence, pushing us to live for an uncertain future rather than in the present. The mortals in the series find themselves trapped in a kind of Matrix where their actions are guided by the awareness of predetermined consequences. Covell reminds us that this mindset risks making us forget the value of the present and that the real chaos begins when people start to live in the moment, threatening the very existence of the gods.
Ultimately, "Kaos" is not just a modern reinterpretation of Greek myths but a sharp reflection on the nature of faith and authority. The series challenges viewers to reconsider the role of beliefs in our lives and reflect on how willing we are to change to live free from the constraints imposed by ancient narratives.
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sigynpenniman · 2 months
- MCO Orlando. My love my queen. Platonic ideal of airports. All the other airports wanna be her.
- MSY New Orleans - I have only seen your beautiful face once but your vibes were just impeccable. I miss you beautiful
- LHR London Heathrow - you’re so chill and sweet to be such a major airport. Weirdly calming somehow. Sterile, but the big boy of London airports. When you’re here you’re in London. Smells like joy.
- CDG Charles DeGaulle Paris. Dripping in stunning retro futurism and has a Concorde on stands by the runway. We love her
- DCA Ronald Reagan Washington DC. So pretty. So clean. So easy to navigate. Prevented from S tier status by being one long skinny thing with no way to get quickly across it.
- DEN Denver Colorado. Architecture for the gods but somehow the vibes are off. I’d fly through you again happily but I don’t feel especially warm when I think of you.
- FLL Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood. You’re permanently attached to very warm memories for me because of the trip I took from you but you’re just kind of there. Vibes are off. Meh.
- ORD Chicago O’hare. Aesthetic perfection but weirdly stressful. While I had a great time on this trip I do not think warmly of the airport other than the rainbow lighting. Jules got yelled at here. -10 points.
- CLE Cleveland Ohio. Another airport that is home of warm memories due to loved ones but just really not the vibe as an airport.
- LGW London Gatwick. I don’t like you for no reason. Like a disappointment, you’re in London but not at Heathrow for some reason.
- PHL Philadelphia. Again, weird aimless dislike. I cannot justify.
- BNA Nashville. Meh. Fine, which may be the worst insult I can lob at an airport.
- LGA New York LaGaurdia. Fuck you and your tiny spirit terminal in the middle of nowhere and your hard to access rental cars and your poor road signage that sent me round and round on the New York interstate in my rented Corolla. The bigger terminals are pretty though, and anyway. New York City!
JAX Jacksonville. Ew.
BOS Boston Logan International Airport. I loathe you. Less busy numerically than ATL and yet somehow even more spread out. Signage is bad. Directions unclear. Nothing makes sense in this alternate reality. Labyrinthine building designed by the god Hades. Never again would be too soon.
ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta. The biggest and busiest airport in the world. When you buy a ticket on Delta a box pops up that says “by buying this ticket you agree to see the inside of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.” Not actually a real place, but a floating parallel dimensional space you enter when you walk through the doors. When you get off the Plane Train at terminal D a sign to the left points down a hallway and says “Walk to Terminal E. Time: 45 minutes.” Bigger than many cities and some European principalities. And sometimes you’ll be forced to run clear across it when your gate gets changed. Send every domestic flight that goes near it and many that don’t through it for a completely unnecessary 45 minute layover and sautée until golden brown to birth this unholy god of a space outside all time. They have CPR training machines. They have bathrooms too rarely. They have a whole other airport underneath for international transfers. Don’t die before you see it. Everyone should, at least once. 🎶Welcome Aboard the Plane Train!🎶 next stop: the 4th circle of hell. Walk to purgatory: 45 minutes. Moving sidewalk out of order.
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cafeinthemoon · 9 months
Ruins - Part XXI + Extra Content
Chapter 22
Wordcount 3,3k
Title Part XXI
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: none
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko @shirayuki-ayumi @telvess (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: I'm glad I can share this chapter with you bc I couldn't wait to post it anymore! I wanted this moment between them to be special not only bc it is, you know, they honeymoon, but bc what it will mean for both of them in the future: the trust, the intimacy and the respect they have for each other can be sensed in each second, and it's expected to grow stronger. I really wanted to depict what a healthy relationship means when I had the idea for this story, and that's why I'm putting such effort in these things.
Also I wanted to include some humor in it as well, so I hope you enjoy the content by the end of this chapter as well haha
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Your face warmed up when the god revealed his identity.
So, the doctor of the gods is Apollo’s son.
You would still need time to conciliate it, since Asclepius looked like a twin of his own father, but despite your surprise, you soon caught up with the good manners and greeted him with the owned respect.
– It is an honor for me to finally meet you as well, Asclepius-sama – you gave him a fainting smile – I apologize for my first reaction, but you really resemble the God of the Su…
Your last word was interrupted by a sudden decrease on your blood pressure, and your head fell back on your pillow. Hades rushed to your side.
– Y/n? – he helped you to sit and adjusted the pillow behind your back – Are you alright?
– I am – you sighed – For a moment, my body felt heavy again and my sight got dark, but it’s coming back again…
When your sight was finally reestablished, you looked at Asclepius and noticed he had a serious expression. He approached your spot and sat on the bed, placing the cane beside him and taking off the bag from his shoulder.
– These episodes of weakness… when exactly did they start?
You made an effort to remember, but even this was painful for you.
– One or two hours after I drank the ambrosia, I guess. But it was easy to handle... at least until I sensed the beginning of a headache. I passed out for the first time in our way here, on the corridor. But this isn’t everything: while I stood here, waiting for you, my Lord, I noticed my senses... increasing – you indicated the opened balcony with a frail hand – I’ve been hearing the nightly animals as if they’re close to this room, but they’re actually miles away, and all these sounds make the headache worst.
Asclepius thought of this for a moment, a hand under his chin. Then, he took out a strange instrument from his bag, something that resembled a portable mirror.
– Please, put your palm over the lens – he asked and you obeyed, putting your hand over the place where the glass would be if it was a mirror – Keep it there for a few seconds.
You sensed a cold upon your skin, as a glowing light appeared and vanished, little by little until everything was dark again. The exam was finished. Asclepius thanked your collaboration and analyzed the instrument. You glanced over the lens and noticed a purplish glow over them, in a shade that resembled the one of your hair now.
– It is just as Zeus-sama said – he started – You are on the growing spectrum. The blessed fluid is slowly assimilating your natural characteristics and expanding them beyond the human limits. However, your body is still mortal, and this is the cause of the uncomfortable symptoms: your immune system still views these changes as signs of sickness and it’s trying to fight it, but as the ambrosia takes over your cells, turning them into divine ones, they will become the majority, and your body will no longer react as if you were sick.
You swallowed. Knowing what was going on with your body was somewhat relieving, but you were still worried about the possibility of the symptoms increasing, and you exposed those preoccupations to him.
– About this, I might have a solution – he replied with a kind smile – Just give me a second.
He turned the instrument off and put it back in the bag and started searching for something else inside it. Finally, he took out a small bottle from it and handled it to Hades, who received it with a frown.
– Don’t tell me that it is what I think it is…
You leaned to your husband, trying to observe the bottle, then turned to the other god.
– What is this?
Asclepius had a curious expression that deepened his resemblance with Apollo: the grin of someone who had the undivided attention of powerful beings.
– Hades-sama may tell you this story later, when you have more disposition to listen to it – he replied – But to summarize, it is the medicine I created to cease a terrible plague that almost ended humanity in the past. I don’t want to brag about it, but its effectiveness was such that some men became immortal, and Hellheim lost potential inhabitants thanks to it.
Hades sighed by your side.
– Those were chaotic times, in fact, but I’m glad everything was solved – he gave the bottle to you.
You turned to the doctor.
– If this was the effect on human beings, how am I going to react to this medicine now that I’m already becoming a goddess?
– It will diminish the discomfort caused by the metamorphosis – he explained – And it will do this without interfering in the process, like other substances would do, which would be too risky. You see, you’re not really sick, y/n-san. You’re just changing. Then, I recommend you to take it only when you feel you’re not going to stand the symptoms for any longer. Small doses are enough to help you.
Asclepius’ last words sounded as comforting the ones of an adult who was trying to console his child about growing up. You didn’t find it offensive, though: being someone who was used to observe how the living beings’ bodies work, maybe it was exactly the way he thought of the situation; you were leaving the childish state of being a mortal and was now entering the adulthood of existence by becoming a divine being. Of course, the process would be scary and even painful at some point, but it was also a wonderful experience.
Suddenly, you remembered something you’ve been wanting to ask to the gods you were more familiar with, but haven’t had the opportunity.
– Ah, about this, there’s something I’d like to know, Asclepius-sama – you observed the bottle in your hands – Is it possible to tell what type of goddess I’m going to be?
He thought of the question for a while.
– According to what Zeus-sama told me, you’re on the growing spectrum. I don’t know how much he told you about this, but your side on the spectrum of transformations usually determines what types of power you might hold. Gods with the same process as you use to have familiarity with wildlife, the cycles of nature and rebirth. Demeter and Chloris, though they were divine since the start, are this type of goddesses. It’s too soon to tell if your powers are going to be similar to theirs, but they will work under the same principles.
You pondered for a moment, then turned to your husband.
– It makes sense when we remember our dreams about the ruins, Hades.
– Indeed – he agreed – A living human visiting the world of the dead really seemed to be a sign back then. Now we need to observe the development of your powers to reach a better understanding of it.
Asclepius, who was hearing the conversation in silence, stood up put his bag back around his shoulder and grabbed his cane.
– Hades-sama, y/n-san, my sincere wish is to see you reach the referred understanding. It will be a great achievement for yourselves and for the world of the gods – he bowed his head – Now, if you excuse me, other matters demand my attention.
Hades stood up right after him.
– Will you stay in Valhalla, then?
– Yes. Usually, I would visit Valhalla every six months to check on the girls’ health, but personal problems prevented me from coming in the last semester – the doctor explained; and, turning to you, – This is why you’re only seeing me for the first time now, y/n-san. Finally, try to take as much rest as possible. This is as important as the medicine I gave you.
You gave him a cordial smile.
– I will do this, Asclepius-sama. Thank you for everything.
The god bowed for the second time.
– It’s good to hear that. And, if you need me, I will be in the chambers besides Hermes’.
– Thank you for answering our call, Asclepius – Hades replied – I will accompany you to the door.
The two men left and your husband closed the door behind him. You observed the small bottle in your hands for a while before putting it upon the night stand at the left side of the bed and letting your head fall on the pillows.
Hades came back to your chambers after a few minutes, stating that he was going to take a bath himself.
– Are you going to be alright while I’m there? – he asked while caressing your hair.
– I am – you smiled, still lying your head on the pillow – If things get complicated, I’ll be following Asclepius-sama’s instructions.
– Good – he bent down to kiss the top of your head – I’ll be right back.
You never had a clear memory of what happened after he left you, but you were inclined to think you just stood in bed, in the dark, your consciousness slipping out as you listened to the murmur of the shower somewhere near you. You were tired and weak due to the transformation, but you were in peace: you had a medicine to lean on, the man you loved was close and your family was out there having fun.
Everything is in its right place.
It was impossible to measure how long you stood in that quiet, peaceful state, somewhere between asleep and awake, but it changed when your body began to feel cold; this cold appeared first in your feet and spread to your legs, then to the rest of your limbs as you pulled the sheets more and more against yourself, but your efforts to keep the warmth were useless, for the cold didn’t come from the outside, and soon you were taken over by successive shivers. You tried to move to your side, but felt your body heavy, as if your blood pressure got suddenly low again; this time, your head started spinning. You knew your situation were getting more serious, and couldn’t help feeling anxious.
You tried to move back to your previous position, to reach for the medicine on the night stand, but your attempt failed: your body barely obeyed you. Now you were really scared, and before you did anything to avoid it, you were already breathless and crying.
What’s going on? What’s happening to me? Am I going to...
A yellowish light appeared on the wall above your head, illuminating the headboard and the painting over it (you opted to keep the art with the fawn and the nymphs). With one last effort, you moved the sheets away and saw the bathroom’s door opened: Hades’ silhouette was stepping out of it, wrapped in a robe. You couldn’t keep looking, because the headache increased, forcing you to close your eyes.
Apparently, your bad state was evident from far, because soon he rushed to your side.
– What is it, y/n? What’s happening?
You tried to sit on the bed, but your body didn’t obey you. You only managed to change your position with his help.
– I don’t know... – you whispered, covering your forehead with your hand – My head hurts… And I couldn’t even reach for the medicine…
Making you look up to him, he moved your hand away and put his palm over your forehead, then on each side of your neck.
– You got a fever – was his worried answer – And a bad one.
Your heart jumped at those words.
– It explains this cold I’m feeling… It’s so scary… – you sighed and passed your arms around yourself as another shiver spread through your body; you raised your eyes to him, raising a trembling hand to hold the sleeve of his robe – Can you stay with me?
Hades stared at you for a moment, a glimmer of compassion in his eyes. Maybe he was thinking the same as you: that was going to be the first time you were sharing a bed; of course, none of you expected this moment to be like this, but it was there before you, and both of you sensed the importance of it.
Your husband sat by your side and wiped your tears, involving you in his arms and kissing your forehead.
– Of course I can, little one – he then grabbed the medicine and opened the bottle, holding it close to your lips – Take it.
You accepted the remedy and, after a small dose, he put it back on its previous place, then turned around the bed and took off his robe; he left the piece on the back of a chair beside the bed and finally took the place by your side.
– Come here – he passed his arms around your body and placed you between them, your head leaning on his chest, your legs folded between his.
You moaned when a new, stronger shiver spread all over your body.
– I’m so scared...
You felt the warmth of his hand massaging your back and curled yourself more on his lap.
– I know – he whispered – But I’m here with you – and, kissing your hair, – And if things get tough, we have a doctor nearby, okay?
– Okay – your voice faded as you replied; and, with an attempt to laugh, – You know… I’ve been wondering how our first night together would be like… And, among all the possibilities, I’ve never considered something like this… I’m so sorry for ruining it...
– What are you apologizing for, little one? – you felt his fingers fondling your hair – You’re turning into a goddess. The most beautiful one. There’s nothing to be sorry about.
– But I wanted to give you… to give us better moments… It’s our honeymoon, after all…
He strengthened his grip around you and kissed you again.
– Each moment, and each night we will spend together will be better than the other. This is just the first one. You don’t have t lose your head over it.
You spent a moment in silence, gathering strength to reply.
– I see…
In fact, you were anxious about that night for weeks, so when it finally came, it was only natural that you felt frustrated, even disappointed with yourself, to see things happening in an uncomfortable, unplanned way. But another thing you weren’t expecting was to find relief while speaking about your feelings and then being understood by your husband: perhaps you’ve been putting so much expectation in your own part in this that you forgot you weren’t going to take care of it by yourself; yet counting on each other was a golden rule of relationships, even more in romantic ones.
I still have too much to learn.
Fortunately for you, you had a reasonable partner, one who have learned the art of patience for centuries and who would teach you in this sense for the next ages. Ages… when you remembered that this was going to be your lifespan, your heart ached, and more shivers hit your body, but guiding your thoughts away from it would calm them down, and with effort you trained yourself in this sense.
That night was long. You spent all of it in the arms of the King of the Underworld, alternating between moments of dreamless sleep and tired consciousness; this extended as the transformation went on, and the fever diminished as the hours passed. During those painful hours, Hades was always there with you, whether talking or just caressing you; as you got used to his warmth, you noticed the cold ceasing, and as the metamorphosis became more tolerable, your body relaxed more and more in his embrace. Slowly, as the new day approached, you were recovering the sense of control over yourself, and the fear of the future diminished, until it completely disappeared.
The first hours of the next day were something between dream and reality, for you witnessed – well, you listened to – curious things, but had no ways to decide if they indeed happened or if they were just your imagination.
At some point, you woke up, but didn’t open your eyes. You sensed you were alone in the bed, but it was still warm, and you supposed that Hades might have left moments ago. Though the room was quiet, you had the impression that your husband was in the living room with a visitor – paying close attention, you recognized Poseidon’s composed tone. They had a brief talk when most of what was said was in a foreign, ancient language that, thanks to the lessons given by your husband, you identified as Greek.
Apparently, Poseidon was going to leave Valhalla that day and came to see his brother before the travel. Besides the rapid, murmuring exchange of words in Greek, there was some chuckling, so you had no idea of what was being said (and you'd rather remain oblivious to it).
But then the conversation turned to a language you were able to fully understand.
– You don’t need to worry about that – Hades was saying – She wasn’t in conditions anyway. The changing is being successful, but it has been taking too much from her mortal body. She had a bad fever during night, but it was gone last time I checked.
– Did you call Asclepius to see her? – Poseidon inquired.
– Yes. He gave her a potion for her discomfort, but she wasn’t really medicated – your husband replied – The process of having your biology rewritten, according to him, can take longer or shorter depending on your body’s conditions, and cannot be interrupted or altered by the ingestion of medicine. Besides, as the altered cells become the majority in one’s body, the process becomes easier, and their immune system no longer recognizes the mutation as a problem. I talked to him moments ago to keep him in touch with the situation. He believes that she will be one of us by the end of this day.
– I see – his brother said – If this is the case, then she has suffered less than Heracles, who almost had his body swallowed by fire.
Hades laughed at this.
– Yes, but, please, don’t say this in front of her next time you see us.
– Alright – Poseidon’s voice softened – Send my regards to her when she wakes up.
They exchanged a few words in Greek, then said their farewell in the common language.
– I must go, now. Goodbye, brother.
– Goodbye. Be well.
A door was opened at the distance, a few steps were heard beyond it, then the door was closed, followed by utter silence.
Extra content
This is part of what was said between the brothers in ancient Greek, alternated with laughter and inner jokes that are impossible to translate:
– Good morning, elder brother. I came to say farewell. Some things demand my immediate attention in the Seas.
– I see. Truth is that I was expecting to have your company during our breakfast, but I knew that it wouldn’t be possible.
– You and your not-so-subtle way to call me antisocial. Anyways, I would have communicated my intentions sooner, but we haven’t the chance to speak yesterday and I didn’t want to interrupt your moments together. So... I am not interrupting anything now, I hope.
– Absolutely not. But if you’ve showed up earlier, you would’ve found the doors locked.
– I wouldn’t judge you. Not after what we saw at the party. You would be a fool if you didn’t take measures to keep your runaway bride safe.
– Please, don’t say these things about her. With that gaze of yours upon me, I would’ve run if I was a human girl too!
– Watch your mouth, old man! She only ran after she saw you. She was perfectly fine with us.
– Hey!
– Speaking of this, how is she doing?
– A bit tired, but well. Sleeping like a little lamb.
– Hm... You already reached the phase of the ridiculous nicknames, brother?
– Everyone reaches that phase, sooner or later. Just wait.
– Hmpf. I won’t have you cursing my fate, old man.
– It’s not a curse. You’ll thank me later.
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Back with event with Crewel daughter after the guys trying to steal Persephone gem/crown, she still invite what limited guests she can for the Plentiful Harvest at her school, where her dorm and villainess school ( Black Cat Academy) have plenty of harvest of Persephone and Nyx as the two dorm from opposite schools are in a good relationship for centuries, and also Crewel daughter is very popular with the villainess school to the point she sometimes get invitation to go there
Let's say Ruggie, Malleus, Lilia, Idia, Rook, and Vil went to the harvest festival
( now separately pls for this ask )
Let's say they see her wearing a toga that looks liked a wedding dress as it's represented how Persephone return to the underworld with Hades, and they teases her making her blush, but she did admit she wanted to married someone who she love and doesn't mind if the person who she love have flaws, rich, or poor, as long as he's educated, able to listen, and make her happy and to not cause her harm she be happy to married them, just need her father and grandparents approval as it's custom for her home
Well first and foremost Crewel’s daughter doesn’t blush and if you do it's only lightly because you can keep your cool like that
Who’s daughter do you think are 
And the Princess academy you attend would not be welcoming to your Night Raven friends 
Especially friends that have already been found to cause trouble 
Hence your own punishment and double crossing in the first place
But let's say we pick a different venue 
A neutral ground for both the Black Cat and the Princess Academy 
inviting RSA and Night Raven as well (and maybe Noble Bell if their students cough cough Rollo behave)
To celebrate a day for a Plentiful Harvest the schools will choose their patrons to represent a greek goddess or god depending on the artifact or descendent that’s present
While Harvest isn’t the typical time period to celebrate Persephone you still maintain her image
If only to honor the surviving relative of Demeter who is the main focus of the event
Thus you fashion yourself in a form fitting white dress only slightly modernized from the Ancient Greek bridal dress
Finally able to pull away from the various rituals and festivals  
You sit and relax as you watch different students compete in a retelling of Demeter and Persephone’s story letting the lucky few from Night Raven slip:
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Ruggie Bucci
“Nishishshi is the lucky bride not happy with her groom? Maybe trading him out for me?”
As happy as he is that he’s getting free food all throughout the event he’s not happy you’re wearing the equivalent of a wedding dress and hanging on the arm of someone who can barely stand to look you in the eye Idia
You tell him about your preliminary wants in a husband 
skillfully dancing around who in your circle could fit that description
He’s slick in his own way and notes that you weren’t necessarily excluding him 
It bothers him but he’s not discouraged
You quite clearly informed him that you have options and last he checked he fit all those things just fine
Not that he wouldn’t mind changing anything about himself to do that
But it seems he won’t have to 
“Well if you ever decide to really be a bride one day it wouldn’t be too much trouble for the lucky guy to be me.”
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Malleus Draconia
“You look divine, (Y/n) more so than usual. In truth I plan to see you in the position of a bride, any requirements suggestions?”
Unlike you he has one requirement and that's you
He takes you telling him this as an obvious sign that he’s allowed to court you
Blatantly revealing your requirements automatically has him especially excited 
He’s heard humans recently haven’t been fond of long term commitments so this is reassuring
It helps with any lingering desires to burn the the crops away out of sheer spite
He doesn’t love that you're pretending but if it means the real wedding is with him he can stomach it
“Then for the future do you favor this style? Me? I could hardly care what you wear for that day it’ll look gorgeous because its on you…but in the end it will be coming off anyway.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Enjoying your play-marriage?” 
He’s a seasoned fae and he’s pleased that you know what you want
Not to worry about your family’s approval that he’s sure he can easily win
A general knows how to negotiate
a parent knows how to offer the illusion of choice
He knows how to do both on the daily
Not to mention the fact he knows he’ll be a good husband for you 
Or at least he will make sure you believe that before he gets that ring on your hand
Either way is fine 
it's up to you
not really
“Hmm do you want a Winter wedding or a Summer one?“
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Idia Shroud
“Uhhh-so being married, huh? Like the highest tier in a love simulator, huh?”
He’s been overwhelmed with all the extrovert activities he’s had to take part in today and all without getting to rely on Ortho
You were there but he could barely think straight before his hair was turning pink and he felt like passing out
Too many times had he actually touched you today within the rituals of the Plentiful Harvest
So to hear you so easily lay that out…he’s writing that down 
This obviously means he’s gaining favor with you for you to so clearly lay out what you desire from him
He’s most definitely the smartest guy you know 
And he’s well-versed in how to respect women cringe compilations told him so 
Now to marry your teacher’s daughter that's like the pinnacle of the forbidden lovers trope
The perfect game with Professor Crewel as the mega boss
It wouldn’t be easy but it sure will be interesting
He just has to get the right strategy down 
And Idia Shroud is never one to back down from a good game
“Just wait for it, (Y/n)! I can be the ultimate groom for you!”
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Rook Hunt
“Madamoiselle Crewel you resemble a goddess in all your beauty!” 
Ever prepared to listen to you he’s pleased with what he’s hearing
It's been euphoric watching you all throughout the day for the event 
Your beauty is next to ethereal when you reveal something about yourself
And he’s swooning 
Despite his incessant devotion to you he can’t help but watch stalk from afar only to discover something new about you
Its always exhilarating 
It’ll be even more so when he makes you aware that that's exactly his prerogative
“Madamoiselle Crewel your hand is a prize for those who should earn your love! Those willing to persist in the hunt for the beauty you hold within and out. Shall we commence in a life-long chase?”
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Vil Schoenheit
“As expected you look gorgeous, I only wish I could have taken the my place by your side.”
He’s already on it
Even working your family relations has been something he’s working to gain
His beauty stems deeper than just looks
All he’s waiting for is you
And while that may take awhile he’s aware this is a marathon 
not a race
So as long you stay within reach and never forget how perfect you both are for one another
He’ll be fine with that
“Surely, you’re aware of what your words mean to a young man like myself? Now I can’t have you off with anyone lesser, now can I? Not that I’d let you anyway but decorum is something we both have an affinity for.”
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melthehoneybee · 17 days
A God’s Best Friend
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First of all, I’m not a writer so be kind 🥲
I decided to finally write a Hades fanfic based on a little story I’ve had in my head for years now.
This is a Hades x Reader fic centered around an adult aged reader who works in an Auradon animal shelter when the God of Death walks in looking for a new pal.
This is completely SFW and have no warnings. I hope you guys like it! I may continue it in the future depending on if it’s well received. Enjoy!!!
Another night stuck alone at the shelter, counting away the minutes while listening to the chatter of all the rescues in the back of the building.
Of course you loved helping the stray animals of Auradon, but this place is not your passion.
Your parents were just one of the many royals with a whirlwind, magical romance back in their younger days. Your father was a dashing prince and your mother was a lonely princess who animals flocked to when she sang. Once the king founded Auradon they gave up their titles to help the animals without homes find a place of comfort, adopting them out to loving families. Eventually you came along and they forced you in to the dream they had created, letting you work in the shelter once you were old enough. The years have flown by and, despite being a full grown adult, you are still stuck here’s
All was quiet, peaceful, and fully predictable.
Until the barrier dropped.
Most of the kingdom were on board with the decision made by Queen Mal and King Ben. The children over on that island deserved a fair chance at life, despite the decisions their parents made. It was an event that carried plenty of promise, but it wasn’t without its hitches.
Of course most of the Isle children needed to adjust to their new normal, but they had the youth of Auradon to help them. The problem were the adults on both sides. Plenty of villains were set free and all of the adults of Auradon still held on to their fears and anxieties of the past.
Your parents are no different. They are able to accept some of the villains have changed during their imprisonment without magic on that rotten spit of land. However, they were still plenty wary of the handful of the more powerful antagonists, none more so than Cruella De Vil.
It goes without saying, but running an animal shelter with that mad villain on the loose caused your parents to increase the scrutiny of the process of adopting pets.
Before the barrier dropped, they would allow most anyone to adopt simply by paying a small fee and signing a couple of papers. Now they demand to verify the person has no connection to Cruella and they require an inspection of the home the animal will be going to both before adoption and a couple of weeks after adoption.
So far, there have been no issues with the process. There was an influx of adoptions now that the people of the Isle could own pets, most seeking a fresh start with a new companion. All of the homes you and your parents have inspected were suitable to take care of whatever they may be adopting and there have been zero signs of Cruella intending on starting up her fur habits again.
You liked to think her kid Carlos maybe got through to her with his love of animals.
After a couple months of the barrier being down, the rush of adoptions began to slow and life returned to a steady pace of one or two adoptions a week.
The seasons were changing and the days were getting shorter, meaning you would be put in charge of the closing shifts. You often locked up and left well after the sun went down. Very few, if any, customers show up when night arrives. However your parents insist that at least one of the family members are present as often as possible to keep the animals company.
You sigh, tapping your pen on the desk and resting your head in your hand in boredom. Your mind drifted to your own dreams, wishing you weren’t tethered to this place and hoping to have a taste of freedom to explore your passions in the future.
Instead here you are, the clock loudly ticking away the minutes, broken up by the bark or meow of a rescue in the large kennel room behind you.
It’s been days since the last adoption, only a few people coming in to visit the animals and look around to break up the monotony.
You glance up at the frosted glass doors of the entrance to see a tall figure silhouetted in the glass. You sit up and put on your best “I’m ready to help” pose.
The silhouette reached for the handle and popped open the door, the bell attached to it tinkling with a friendly chime. In walks Hades, the villainous god of the Underworld.
Your smile immediately fades and becomes forced to avoid showing fear, looking closer to a grimace.
Sure you’ve helped plenty of VKs but this is the first VILLAIN to walk in to this building.
First he glances up at the tiny bell signaling his arrival then looks around, clearly uncomfortable with the bright surroundings. Finally he locks his eyes with yours. Your heart skips a beat and adrenaline causes a dull roar in your ears, flooding your face with a slight shade of red.
“Is this the place to get a dog?” He asks, his voice firm.
You sit there a moment, your mouth open in slight surprise and your brain trying to process how to handle this. You’re here alone and no one would be close enough to get to the shelter in time if you called for help.
He stands there, his hands finally softly shrugging out in confusion at the lack of answer.
You finally stutter out “A-ah yes this is the local animal rescue.”
He steps forward, his heavy boots sounding extremely alien to your ears “Ok, and you have dogs?”
All you can think to do is follow the script you had been taught to go through “If you’re looking for a dog, we are required to ask if you have or will have any connection to the villain known as Cruella De Vil.”
Your heart is pounding and you shrink a bit when he curls a lip up and narrows his dark eyes.
“Do you Auradonians just think all villains know each other or something? No, I don’t associate with Dog-Nappers.” He growls, rolling his eyes.
Your face turns red in embarrassment “S-sorry I just… it’s something we ask everyone now…”
An awkward silence fills the air and you can’t believe you break it with the question of “What sort of dog are you looking for?”
“I’m not sure yet, I used to have one before the barrier and now I’m looking for a new one.” He says with an air of exasperation, looking around the friendly lobby area.
“We… don’t have any with three heads if that’s what you’re looking for.” Comes out of your mouth before you can stop it. You scream inside your mind, wondering why you keep making presumptuous statements to the literal god of death.
He raises a brow in confusion “I didn’t say I was in the market for one of those did I?” He pauses and shifts a bit “So you already know who I am then?”
All you can do is feebly nod.
He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets “So I take it I’m not welcome then. Fine.” He spins on his heel and steps for the door.
You aren’t sure if it’s shame, embarrassment, or something else entirely, but you launch up from your chair and call after him.
“No no, wait… s-sorry… you are welcome to look at our dogs if you’d like. Everyone is welcome here.”
He turns and glances back “Everyone except Cruella.” He says sarcastically.
“W-well yeah… everyone but her for obvious reasons… we don’t want to risk the safety of our animals.”
He turns and crosses his arms “You don’t see me as a threat to your animals then?”
“So far so good.” You say nervously.
He accepts this answer and walks back to the desk, resting his leather clad hand on it.
“Alright, show me the dogs then.”
Every fiber of your being is screaming not to go further into the shelter with this intimidating figure, but your instincts of doing your job have kicked in and seem to be carrying you along on autopilot.
“Of course, right this way.”
You push open the small door to the side of your desk so he can walk around and join you. You sort of awkwardly shuffle backwards to the door that leads to the kennels, not particularly comfortable with turning your back to this man yet.
“Listen I’ve got basically 20 years of catching up to do on my work. I’m not going to add more to my plate by sending you to the Underworld. Especially when I don’t know you.” He sighs, clearly annoyed at the guard you have up.
You stammer a shaky apology and open the door for him.
“It’s alright. I get it.” He says, a bit less anger in his voice. He walks past, the smell of leather and some sort of cologne following behind him. You look him up and down, your eyes particularly interested in his tall, blue hair. You had always heard Hades had a head of hair made of fire. It certainly seemed to reach skyward in a wavy stance like flames, but it seemed like entirely normal hair to you.
You follow in behind him, the kennels suddenly eerily quiet. All of the animals have stopped chattering and are now pushed to the backs of their kennels, clearly terrified of the dark figure before them.
He stays silent, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes flicker a brief emotion. Disappointment maybe?
He slowly walks down the line of kennels, glancing back and forth at all of the animals who cowered away from him. They all clearly sensed that he was an ancient soul with the task of manning a place like the underworld. You always knew animals had a weird sense when it came to this stuff, but to see it so clearly in action made you shiver.
Despite how this should reaffirm some sort of discomfort with him, watching his reaction actually lowered your walls a bit. The man seemed to sink lower into himself, clearly hurt by the fear of all the animals.
“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea….” He finally sighs, stopping in the middle of the kennels.
You look around, silent and feeling a strange sense of pity for the villain.
Suddenly you’re hit with an epiphany. Your instincts kick in again.
“No hold on. Follow me down this way.” You stride forward with focus now, not fearing putting this man behind you.
You hear his heavy steps follow you as you lead him to the back of long line of cowering animals.
It’s a long shot but you have to test it.
Finally the last kennel lies in front of you and, to your elation, the dog within stands happily looking up at the two of you. The dog is a sort of dark grey-brown, scraggly patches of wiry hair poking out on top of his head down his spine, looking like some sort of excuse for fur. His mouth is open in a friendly grin, its long spotty tongue hanging out of the side. His tail is wagging and he watches you eagerly, eyes looking between you and Hades.
“What the heck is this…?” Hades asks with a tone of disgust.
“This is a Xolo Dog. The only one we have ever rescued actually. They’re kind of rare around here.” I say proudly and look back. He is clearly unconvinced.
“He doesn’t seem to have the same instincts as every other animal here. Is he… I dunno… broken?” He asks, unconvinced that this dog was even a dog.
“It was a theory, but I thought maybe he would be the best option for you. I guess there’s an ancient legend that these dogs were guides for souls in the afterlife. Given that, I thought maybe… he would be… comfortable…” you trail off nervously.
Hades is silent for a moment and he finally steps forward, towering over the dog behind the metal gate.
“What’s his story?”
“His dad was a dog named Dante. I guess when the litter of puppies was born, this one here was kind of the outcast. The other two puppies of the litter were a bit stronger than him. The family that owned Dante thought he might have better chances elsewhere. He’s been here a while… unfortunately, since they aren’t the prettiest dogs to look at, they aren’t exactly sought after.” I explain, crouching down and sticking my fingers through the kennel to let the dog lick them.
“Outcast huh…?” Hades asks, his tone shifting.
I reach up and open the gate, so there isn’t a barrier between the two. The dog happily steps up to Hades and looks up expectantly.
Hades crouches down and looks him in the eye. Rather than shrink in fear, the dog jumps up slightly to lick his face.
Hades flashes an expression of disgust but you swear you see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Does he have a name?” He asks, not taking his eyes off of the animal.
“Ah… not a OFFICIAL one but… we um-” You pause, feeling a wave of embarrassment “we sort of took to calling him Cerb. Short for Cerberus, given the whole afterlife story. I totally understand if you’d prefer something else given the history.”
Hades snorts a scoff “Cerb? Really?”
The dog’s eyes light up and he jumps softly at Hades again, bumping his head against his chest.
Hades rests a hand on Cerb and thinks to himself for a moment.
He finally softly speaks “Well hi there Cerb.”
You smile to yourself, a sudden warm feeling flooding your chest. Just like you had seen a million times with other customers, you were seeing this dark, leather clad villain connect with their new friend.
You let them have a few moments and step back. Hades begins petting and looking over Cerb while Cerb happily pants away, his eyes staring off into space.
You kind of snort to yourself “I won’t lie, his dad wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb and it’s rubbed off on Cerb. He’s got a lot of heart though and you’ll never find a more loyal friend.”
“How does this all work?” Hades finally asks, standing up and facing you. Cerb steps up and leans against his legs, grinning up at Hades.
“Adoption? Well we get donations here so we don’t charge any fees. You just sign a few papers and you have to agree for us to do an inspection of your home at the time of adoption and a little bit after, to make sure the animal is comfortable.” You explain.
He raises an eyebrow and his expression sours “Really….? Is that the normal process or the villain treatment?”
You raise your hands in defense “I promise it’s the normal process now. We want to make sure the animals are just as happy with their owners as the owners are with them. It’s all about making sure they’re where they need to be.”
He sighs and taps his foot, thinking for a moment. He glances down at Cerb who looks back excitedly. Hades then locks eyes with you. It’s the first time you’re really looking him in the eyes since he arrived and you feel a momentarily rush of adrenaline. His icy blue stare analyzes you and his eyelids squint subtly.
“You’d do the inspection?” He asks.
“Myself or another staff member.” You answer, the idea hitting you that you’d be going to his lair when you’ve never left Auradon before.
He thinks for another moment “I want it to be you, since you know him so well.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks but before you can think about it too much you nod in agreement.
He smirks a bit and looks down at Cerb “What do you think? You ready to go home?”
Cerb, who clearly has no idea what’s going on but who’s happy to be included in the conversation, wags his tail fervently.
“So, you’d like to adopt him?” You ask, a smile breaking out over your face. Despite the situation, you still feel a rush of satisfaction when you pair an owner with their new friend.
“Someone’s gotta take him.” Hades says with a shrug. He’s clearly covering up the fact he truly did bond with the dog on some level.
“Fantastic! Let me get him a leash and we will get the paperwork finalized.” You say excitedly, heading back to the front desk with Hades and Cerb following behind.
It only takes a few minutes and one flourished signature on the adoption certificate to officially hand Hades the leash for Cerb.
“Congratulations on your new friend, Hades.” You say with sincerity.
He smiles down at the dog and looks back up at you “So… this is the part where you come see my digs and try to see if I’m unfit for the task huh?”
Your heart suddenly stops and you feel a chill. Sure you’d brought it up several times and agreed to be the one to inspect his place, but now that the time had come it made you freeze.
He smirks when he sees the obvious hesitation on your face.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be back in Auradon safe and sound before you know it. I have no plans to do dastardly things… at least not tonight.” He says cooly.
“Alright … let me grab the keys and lock up.” You say, watching Cerb for any sign of discomfort or unease. You trusted the dog to protect you if Hades DID try anything.
Hades leads you to the door and holds it open for you, an unexpected gesture from someone like him. You feel a blush crawl up your cheeks for some unknown reason.
You jingle the lock closed and stare into the shelter for a moment, as if taking in the sight for the last time.
“Ready? It’s a bit of a walk. Unless you want me to magic us there.” He says raising his palm, blue flames erupting from it.
You jump a bit at the small roar the fire makes and you shake your head “N-no… walking is fine. Cerb needs it.”
Hades shrugs and gestures his hand to dismiss the fire “Suit yourself, Princess.”
You awkwardly begin the walk, feeling extremely small and fragile next to the stomping frame of this god. You know that, if he wanted to, he could just make that fire come back and poof you out of existence in the blink of an eye. You were no stranger to magic, given where you’re from. However, dark magic was an all new thing to witness.
You glance down at Cerb who is happily trotting next to Hades, leaning over to bump onto the side of his legs every once in a while. You smile and look up at Hades again, who’s staring straight ahead calmly.
Maybe he’s more like Cerb than you initially thought. A being that is easy to judge based on looks, but is just like everyone else deep down.
He looks over at you while you stare “Something up, Princess?”
You blush and quickly avert your gaze “S-sorry, I’m just-“ you pause for a moment and quietly continue “I’m not used to seeing someone who looks like you.”
He chuckles “Someone who looks like me? You mean devilishly handsome right?”
You feel another wave of heat rise in your cheeks and you stammer as you try to dismiss his comment “I-I mean someone who dresses like some sort of rock star I guess.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Listen Princess, the world is much bigger than the kingdom of Auradon. There are lots of different ways of doing things. This is just how I like doing it.”
You nod and timidly speak up “I just haven’t ever really been outside of Auradon. The barrier dropping is such a big change. I barely remember the world before it went up.”
“It’s been a change for all of us.” He replies solemnly.
You arrive at the bridge connecting the mainland to the former Isle of the Lost.
“You still have your place over there?” You ask.
“Yeah well… you get used to a place when you’ve been banished there for 20ish years. I’ve spruced it up with my magic and it works for what I need.” He responds, beginning to lead the way over.
As you walk, you take note of the way the permanent gloom that was once clouding the island has dissipated. You’ve never been this close to the island before and you stay keenly alert to your surroundings as you step on its land.
Compared to Auradon, it’s a vibrant mishmash of color, spray paint, and patches of junk holding it all together. It has a sort of charm to it. It’s a place a child would love to freely explore, if the island hadn’t been a prison for so many years.
You look around in wonder but catch Hades subtly grimacing.
“It’s not as fancy as you’re used to, I’m sure.” He says, almost apologetically.
“I mean it’s not what I’m used to but… I dunno… I like it. It feels very free over here.” You say, seeing troupes of VKs sitting around lazily and chatting.
Hades snorts a laugh “Free huh? Not the word I would use to describe it.”
You realize what you said and frantically apologize “No I mean… sorry…. I meant it seems like you can be yourself over here. Auradon has a lot of-” you pause to find the right word “-expectations when you’re there.”
Hades nods and smirks “You’re a prisoner of rules and societal pressures there. Trust me, I remember.” He looks around “We may be a part of Auradon now but I think this island will stay sort of separated in that sense. You’d be hard pressed to find a villain or VK who would want to give up EVERYTHING this Isle once stood for.”
You look around as you listen. You can’t help but wonder what your life would’ve been like if you had lived here all that time. Would you still be following your parent’s plan or would you be following your true passions?
As you navigate through a tiny marketplace, you look in awe at all the little items and trinkets for sale. Small Knick Knacks made from junk litter tables and shelves. You see a few of the younger crowd from Auradon browsing the shops mixed in with the VKs. It’s fascinating to see how quickly some people have adapted to the barrier coming down.
No matter if it’s a VK or an Auradonian, the site of Hades tromping down the walkway makes everyone move to the side and dart their eyes to look at anything but him. You somehow feel incredibly small and yet hugely noticeable walking alongside him. A few people whispered to each other once you got past, surely speculating what you’re doing with the God of the Underworld.
“Don’t mind them. Reputation goes a long way on the Isle. Most people know to stay out of my way.” Hades says, waving his hand dismissively.
This should justify your apprehension of accompanying him, but you find yourself wondering if he still lives up to his reputation at all. So far, the god has seemed almost tame.
As you walk along, looking at all the shops, you slow your pace to admire a rack of sheer scarfs. Each one has a unique pattern on the fabric and is obviously only meant to only act as a visual enhancer, rather than keep the wearer warm. You have never seen fabric like this before, it’s obvious each one is hand made and no two are alike.
“Bet you don’t have anything like this over on the mainland.” Hades remarks, looking back to see why your pace slowed.
You shake your head “Not really. Everything here is so unique… all the stuff in Auradon is usually pretty similar to each other, outside of the dresses Evie makes of course.”
Hades looks a moment between you and the scarfs, he finally pulls a bluish one off the rack and flicks a coin to the eager vendor.
“Here. This one suites you.”
You feel a slight head rush from the unexpected move, your hands grasping the gift before you can truly process it.
“A-are you sure…?” You ask.
He waves his hand again and turns to continue walking “Yeah yeah. It’s repayment for the long walk.”
You smile to yourself and drape the fabric around your neck, admiring the colors and patterns.
“I have one from them myself. I like their stuff.” Hades states. “We aren’t far from home now. The entrance is just up ahead.”
The two of you round a corner and your met with a large, sinister looking gate decorated with scrap pieced together to spell “GET LOST”. Behind the barrier is the entrance to a cave. You look at Hades, feeling that twinge of apprehension come back.
He chuckles to himself and unlocks the gate “It’s all for intimidation. Don’t worry.”
Cerb happily bounds inside the cave which is the biggest factor that pushes you forward.
“It echos a bit in here, just a heads up.” He warns, leading the way inside.
You wind through dark tunnels, illuminated by scattered lighting strung together up on the walls. The ground where you walk has a small track system, indicating this used to be some sort of mine before Hades settled in.
“Nearly there, I promise.” He says almost apologetically.
At long last you enter the main chamber of his lair. It’s a large room where the floor rises and lowers at random places in separate tiers. The place is decorated with everything from old looking Greek statues to vintage music equipment. The walls are scribbled with various designs and writing, one notable wall clearly being a tally of his time trapped here. The sheer number of tally marks puts into scope just how long the barrier was up.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before, things seem to be covered in a layer of dust and an eerie blue light glows throughout the room. In one corner is an old dusty sofa, in another is a large bed covered with tattered blankets.
“I know it’s not pretty to look at but… I am sort of used to it here.” He shrugs, taking off his large overcoat and tossing it on a coat rack absentmindedly.
You look around in awe, somehow fascinated with the lair. However you’re here to do a job and you carefully watch Cerb.
He already eagerly navigating around the room and sniffing at his new surroundings. He hasn’t seemed to have lost any sort of enthusiasm.
“It seems safe enough in here for him but-“ you pause and feel your heart race a bit, scared to offer any sort of critique.
“But what?” Hades asks, leaning against the wall and crossing his large, freshly exposed arms.
“Dogs need to go outside often. There isn’t really-“ you trail off feebly.
“Don’t worry. I already thought of that. Look over here.” Hades beckons.
You follow up to a large door with a doggy door carved out of the middle covered by a flap.
“Open it.” He says.
You reach forward and push against the heavy door, suddenly daylight spills in to the room. A beautiful grassy meadow greets you, a slight breeze tickling your cheeks and birds tweeting away. The faint smell of the ocean radiates through the air and you look at Hades in shock.
“I thought we were in a cave!”
He smirks, clearly impressed with himself “We are. As a god one of my powers is to make myself present wherever I wish. I put a spell on this door to open up here.”
Cerb bolts passed us and zoomies his way through the grass. This place is even nicer than the field you have for the rescues back home. You step out into the grass, feeling a nice warm sunlight hit your skin. Cerb is now on his back and thrashing around happily, clearly enjoying the way the grass feels on his skin.
“Not bad for a dusty old villain huh?” Hades asks, joining up next to you.
“It’s beautiful…. I’ve never seen magic like this before.” You respond, looking back at the door.
In the middle of the field is the doorway, inside is clearly the lair, but nothing appears to be holding the doorway in place.
“Thanks… there is an invisible barrier around the area that will influence anyone outside of it to stay away and for Cerb not to wander too far. I just have to teach him to use the door is all.”
You nod, clearly satisfied with the surroundings.
“I think I’ve seen everything I need to see. I assume you have food and water for him?” You ask, signing off the paperwork you brought while you all walk back into the cave.
Hades snaps his finger, a flash of blue sparks erupting from them, and a bag of dog food and water dish appear in the corner of the room.
You smile widely and hand over the adoption papers “Alright then, Hades. You’re officially Cerb’s owner. We will check back in about a month or so from now just to make sure he’s settled in and you’re used to his personality.”
“We? Or will the inspector be you?” He asks, looking over the papers.
You feel your heart skip a beat “D-Do you want it to be me?”
“Yes.” He answers firmly.
“I-I can make sure that’s notated for you. Um, can I ask why?” You can’t help but probe as to why he’s so specific to get you to help.
“You actually helped me. Sure you judged what I looked like right off the bat but… you changed your mind. It’s refreshing.” He says, crouching down to scratch Cerb’s head.
“Well you seem… nice.” You say softly.
Hades laughs and straightens back up, crossing his arms “Is that what I seem like? I guess I need to work on fixing that”. He winks at you with a cheeky smirk.
You laugh nervously “As long as Cerb’s safe and happy I suppose I don’t mind what you do.”
You look around the lair again and bring your gaze back to Hades, whose eyes are locked on to you.
“If you need anything make sure to reach out. I guess I should get back home, it’s probably super late.” You say, preparing to turn around and go back the way you came.
Hades steps forward a bit “Wait-“ he seems to stammer while finding his words “ah, are you hungry?”
You furrow your brow in confusion “Am I hungry?”
Hades nods, clearly angry with himself for blurting out such a random question.
“I mean it’s late and I haven’t eaten for a while, so I’m getting there. Why?”
��I just was about to cook something up if you wanted.” He says, scratching the back of his head.
If it wasn’t his treatment of Cerb or when he bought you the scarf, it would be this moment that fully convinced you this man was no longer the villain everyone made him out to be.
“Sure I could eat.” You finally answer with a smile.
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janesgms · 10 months
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Proserpina & Persephone
✨️ What the asteroids Proserpina (26) and Persephone (399) can indicate in one's natal chart ✨️
For this post, you can analyze the natal sign, house, degree and aspects to the planets of these two asteroids, as well as their persona charts in case you know what you're doing, to interpret you own asteroids, just search about the energies and meanings of these, I'm gonna make a guide on how to interpret any asteroid, planet, angle, persona chart easily without headaches in the future ♡. You can ask me if there's a difference between the two asteroids and, honestly, I didn't find anything about it so they're basically the same, do with that what you want. Asteroids you may use: Hades, Zeus, Ceres and Demeter. Planets you may use: Jupiter and Pluto. Just maling clear: Proserpina/Persephone was daughter of Jupiter/Zeus and Ceres/Demeter, and married with Pluto/Hades.
Where and how you fall to tempations (and which temptations)
Where and how your beauty manifests
Where and how (if) your fertility manifests
Where and how your passion manifests
Where and how you're pure that people want to take it away
Where and how your chastity and innocence will be taken away from you
Where and how you're so enchanting that catches the attention of even the least probable and "womanizer" men
This one's more specific but it also shows your relationship with fruits, harvest, the seasons of the year specially spring, flowers, herbs and agriculture, and how you're born with these abilities. A heavily aspected Proserpina/Persephone can indicate you're really fond of these subjects naturally
In contrast, it can also show your relationship with occultism themes like necromancy, ghosts, talking with the deads and reincarnation and how you develop these themes throughout your life. Again, heavily aspected Proserpina/Persephone can indicate you're really fond of these subjects, with the difference that this is something you're gonna work in improving
Where and how your mom is overly protective and attached with you
Where and how happens the transition between your virginity and protectiveness into a phase of discoveries about your body and romance. In some versions, Persephone goes willingly with Hades.
Where and how people fight over your attention
How you blossom and rebel from the wings of your mom and become more independente, even if against her will
How you manage your duality of embracing both light and darkness. Persephone was the goddess of two opposites spectrums: the underworld and the spring, and she still could reign both in an unusual combination
Where you feel you're stuck. Wanting or not, Persephone is always stuck with someone like a prisoner, be it her husband or her mother, she's always restrained
Where and how you're manipulated. Persephone was, in some versions, manipulated by Hades to eat the fruit and stay forever in the underworld. Also, in some versions, she's indirectly manipulated by Aphrodite to fall in love with Hades and not become a lady like Athena and Artemis
Sadly, this asteroid can also talk about abusive relationships with men. I mean, rapturing someone because you feel in love with them is not the most healthy and romantic thing in the world, is it? But it can also talk about taboo and prohibited relationships in general
Where and how you can ascend socially through your romantic relationships
Where and how you can transform yourself through your romantic relationships
Where and how you can sacrifice parts of your life to keep the peace between the ones you love
Where and how you're more known by your personal relationships than anything. I mean, people focus more on this than in the own Persephone
Where and how you can transform dark places and make them flourish
Where and how you can soften the heart of cold, dark and mysterious men 🦭 (this one's a shot in the dark but it makes sense for me hihi)
Where and how you activate your initiation the expression of your feminine energy
Where and how you evolve into the next chapters of your life you never expected
Where and how you express your royalty energy through light and darkness
An aspected Proserpina/Persephone can at its worst, indicate a cold relationship with your father and a suffocating relationship with your mother, in contrast
An aspected Proserpina/Persephone can indicates you've earned some gifts from your mother and you can even have a similar job to hers or a similar personality. But at the same time, it can indicate you don't want to be attached/related to your mother in these matters
I've already talked about that but I'm gonna reinforce it, an aspected Proserpina/Persephone can indicate a toxic relationship with your mother, where you're attached with her but at the same time you wanna leave
Where and how you can use your powers to create adoration and fear at the same time
Where and how you can use abilities related to life and growth
Where and how you can find love in an unexpected way
Where and how you can benefit the souls who deserve happiness and blessings but at the same time condemn the ones who deserve suffering
Where and how you can conjure growth and new life but pain, madness, destruction and death as well
✨️ Proserpina & Persephone's symbols ✨️
Some of these symbols can have some meaning to you if you have an aspected Proserpina/Persephone or just attract you
The promegranate
The narcissus flower
Flowers in general
Seeds of grain
The deer
The garnet
Iron crown
The waxing moon
The high priestess and ace of pentacles cards in tarot
Dark chocolate
The color red (in my opinion)
Virgo or capricorn
✨️ Persephone: The Making of a Queen ✨️
"Most do not understand the darkness of its gifts. Most prefer to avoid such raw truth, intense passion, and the deep, dark mysteries of the unbridled feminine.
Before embracing the dark, I was limited to spring. I was an adolescent, a maiden, an innocent. Not a sovereign woman in my fullness and certainly not a Queen.
Before I could come anywhere near putting that crown on my head, I had to make the journey into the underworld to face my demons, my skeletons, my untruths and my insecurities.
It was only after this, that I was able to claim my rightful place on the throne... The Throne of Self... Full Self, Sovereign Self, Authentic Self."
— by Sabrina Lynn
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fun fact that no one asked buuuuutt anyways: last year i've had a dream with persephone and hades and it was so real i could almost swear they really exist lmao. and when i was smaller i actually believed in greek gods and mythology, i was really fascinated with it (blame percy jackson), but who knows loool
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