#since he kinda looks like kokichi
just-null-cult · 4 months
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Kokichi, similar to Noritoshi in the sense that they're analytical and kinda tsun, but that's mostly it. This is another Megumi and Noritoshi situation where, on the surface, they appear to be very similar, but you squint and realize they're extremely different.
Whereas Noritoshi isn't as bold because he still holds remnants of pride, Kokichi is just shy about it since it's so new. He won't back down from it, just hesitate.
[Long ass rambles under the cut! + bonus doodles.]
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When referring to shyness, Kokichi leans into the awkward and stiff type. There's always confusion and slight fear in his eyes when he's experiencing something new or romantic. He doesn't want to mess up, but if he does, he just hopes it works in his favor.
Being born in a body where he was under constant pain and stress, someone touching him was the last thing he wanted. He'd never known the loving touch of another because the heavens decided he wasn't allowed to.
After meeting you, that yearning to be next to you became too much. To hell with his restrictions. He'd to do whatever it takes to be able to be with you even if he had to sacrifice others to do it.
In retrospect, he feels like he should've done it sooner. Being touched or even grazed doesn't feel like his skin is falling off anymore.. Plus having both arms and working legs is always a good thing. It's new and odd, but not terrible. His mind never once wandered back and regretted those he's thrown under the bus because why would it?
Unfortunately, when his body was being healed, Mahito made him healthy.. and that's all. Knowing Mahito, he'd leave Kokichi to struggle with catching up to the rest of his peers by working for his own stamina, weight, and strength from square one. Though Kokichi isn't complaining much about it. He'd still take this rather than being stuck in that god forsaken tub for a second longer.
He used to hate being fussed over because of his illness. He prefers to do things on his own and now he can. Yet, Kokichi still gets pitiful looks on other's faces when he's too weak to carry something. It makes him want to spit at them, he can use Mechamaru to do his heavy lifting for now. He doesn't need a beefed up body to do it.
Unless you're the "beefed up" one fussing over him.. He doesn't mind it when it's you. In fact, Kokichi feels grateful when it's you, endeared even. He never feels belittled or pitiful when its you.. Only you.
Judging by how he treated panda for having the ability to interact with others in person despite being a cursed corpse, Kokichi has a number of insults and creative verbal abuse he's ready to spew out once someone tries getting a little too close to you. Scratch that, he's rude in general to those he isn't familiar with.
Kokichi has a lot of anger for those he deems ungrateful. What do you expect from someone who thought he was gonna rot in a bathtub for the rest of his life to do? Not harbor resentment? Luckily, he holds just as much, if not more, love for you who he's unbelievably grateful for!
Your affection is so odd to him, a new experience that he never knew he could grow to yearn for. It's not terrible, quite the opposite. It's so wonderful he can't get enough. Every time you're around, he wants to have at least one hand on you at all times. Doesn't matter where, just as long as he feels you're around. Safe to say, he's extremely touch starved.
Oh how Kokichi would drop everything for a walk with you. He'd use every Mechamaru he had just to make sure no one disturbs either of you. Murder is just a side effect if they get too persistent. He just wants to spend time with you!
Though he likes walks, he still gets out of breath easily. Walking is nice, but he still needs time to get used to it. Offering to help will only cause him to lean against you, it's not too difficult, he doesn't weigh much for better or worse. He loves when you lend him a hand, it's just another reason to get close to you.
When you part, it's only natural that Kokichi gifts you a little trinket he made. Rejecting it will only reward you with the most devastated frown, so just accept it. If you get rid of it when coming home, it somehow always finds its way back to you? Destroying it will lead to Kokichi giving you another one.
Yes, it follows and watches you, but it's just to keep you safe! Who knows what could happen. Whether or not the little trinkets are subtle, all depends on how you reacted to him asking if it was alright to know your location at all times when he's not around. Kokichi is understanding if you're not okay with it. He'll just make his gifts extra subtle so you wont know he's watching.
He just wants to be by your side constantly, even if he's not able to be there in person. Watching you through a screen gives him a sickly familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach, but it's better than not knowing what you're doing. He can even pick up little things about you this way for when he sees you next time! This is nothing but a win-win in his mind even if others beg to differ.
Kokichi never felt blessed. Not once since the day he was born, not until he found you. You who he feels is truly a gift from the heavens. You who he would give up everything to have. In a way, Kokichi is delusional. He sees you as the reason he got a heavenly restriction. It was as if other worldly forces tried to keep him at bay from pursuing you, but you're also the reason he broke his restrictions. He now has the body he wished for thanks to you, his drive, his motivation, his purpose, his love.
[extra shit]
Kokichi’s so fucking low key about being a chuunibyou. you're telling me he named his mech after an anime he watched. half his attacks have ultimate or ultra in the name.. HE MADE A FUCKING MECH. Your ass can't tell me he didn't watch anime while growing up and got inspired to make it a reality. He probably watched Evangelion or something.. Woah, anime dates with him where he makes your favorite creature and uses it to his advantage.. woah.
[Bonus Kokichi verbal abuse]
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
I just very self indulgently spent most of today making every V3 character in this awesome picrew!! Forcing you all to look at them
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First I made training trio!! I love big goofy poofy jackets for Kaito, I need to draw him in something like this some time. Also I actually remade Shuichi, since he was the first one I made and I had a lot more practice with this picrew by the end of it and wanted to improve it.
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Then here's the case 1 trio!! I adore giving Tsumugi really long skirts, and also Rantaro's outfit was fun to play around with
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For these three I'm actually in awe of how well Kokichi turned out. Like. That works INSANELY well. On the other hand Kiibo was a bit of a nightmare as a robot, but I think I managed to figure something out that worked pretty well!
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Next the ch3 girls!! I'm kind of obsessed with this outfit for Himiko. Tenko was super hard to get right but I'm happy with how it turned out
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Korekiyo was SUPER fun to make an outfit for. What can I say, I love the colour brown. Ryoma kinda just ended up in the outfit I draw him in in canon, but it worked out I think
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Last but of course not least- Kirumi and Gonta!! I gave Gonta a little wolf pup :]
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yanderehsr · 8 months
ALRIGGHTTT!! Now that you will also write for Danganronpa, can you write Hajime and Kokichi hcs? You can ignore the request if you want to.
Have a good day <3
Of course you can, I'm kinda excited to write this😆
Danganronpa was the fandom that got me really into yanderes, it holds a special place in my heart
Anyways, Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Hajime Hinata: He is Protective, Obsessive and Manipulative as a yandere
Hajime feels like you are the only good thing that has happened in his life, you are just so sweet, so perfect for him, he looks up everything about you, how can he protect you if he doesn't know every single piece of information about his beloved.
Hajime will ignore all his other relationships, you aew just so important to him, his life revolves atound you. If you ever notice his darker thoughts then he will guilt trip you, he uses anything to get you to feel pity, everything from his lack of ultimate status and his loneliness is used to make you stay, to not break up his perfect relationship and in turn, his life.
"So, what do you wanna eat, I know a good place that serves your favorite food... how do I know your favorite?... Let's just go, shall we"
Kokichi Ouma: He is Possessive, Clingy and Sadistic as a yandere.
You are his, no matter what you say to Kokichi that will never change, no matter what others say it will not change his mind. He doesn't even try to hide his darker tendencies, he will always have a hand on you, he just needs to touch you at all times, it makes him feel whole, he isn't even afraid of clinging to you like a koala.
Kokichi doesn't care how you view him, you can hate him for all he cares, that hate means that he is on your mind. His sadistic tendencies isn't physical, he likes to tease, taunt and do stupid pranks on you, he loves seeing you cry and he loves it even more since he made it happen, not anyone else.
"He he he~, Stop being such a crybaby... Just know if someone else makes you cry I'll break their bones. Okay, Sweetheart"
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hello! I saw you were into v3 and came running! Could I get K1-B0, Kaito and Kokitchi with a Reader who likes to gossip? Love your writing btw!
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(I couldn't find any canon pictures with all of these people)
- He's... Not the happiest?
-It doesn't change the fact you guys are dating, no,no,no.
-Just doesn't view gossip highly.
-He's kinda insecure about himself, of course he's confident, but he fears you're talking about him behind his back or people are telling you things that would majority effect your relationship.
-(or you heard something "robophobic")
-Remind him you still care, and you aren't going to leave him.
-It helps, but hearing you and your friends giggle makes him nervous.
-The best way to fix it would be to get him to meet your friends.
-Once he starts to really know them, that's when the fear dies down.
-Realizes, "It's more of a chatty group than people that talk behind you."
-He feels a lot more comfortable around them and you now.
-Again, just make sure he's ok every once and awhile.
Kaito Mamota
-"Really Y/N, your into that stuff?"
-He's more respectful of your boundaries and enjoyment than Kiibo. (Sorry Kiibo)
-"Look, Y/N I personally don't see the point in it, but you do you, I guess."
-As much as he says he doesn't like it, he asks quite a lot of questions about it.
-Most of the time its to see if Kokichi is planing something. Since Kaito wants to step in and be the hero...again.
-If you're regarded high in the world of gossip, he might ask for you to start a teeny tiny little rumor.
-He does it trying to help maybe Shuichi or Maki gain confidence. However, he is unaware of how big it can backfire.
-I advice you don't start it and tell him flat out its not a good idea.
-"What! Of course its a rumor, but it can't be that bad! As long as it's in the name of good will!"
-"Kaito, it's a horrible idea. Rumors are still rumors, even in the name of 'good will.'"
-His opinion doesn't waver from before or durning the relationship about the topic.
Kokichi Oma
-Loves it.
-I could see him starting rumors and gossip for chaos and pranks.
-"Awwww, Y/N, could you do me an itty bitty favor?"
-He often gets his way since he is the "Ultimate Supreme Leader", after all.
-Your gossip could be very small, maybe just local gossip. His is more "world wide" as he put it.
-"Aww, poor, sweet, Y/N. You couldn't possibly be able to understand the amount of power I hold. I control the media, the countries, and most importantly, the entire world."
-(even though that's not even close to true.)
-That's why he tells you to start rumors or gossip with others.
-I mean, sure he's bit of a jerk but he cares about you. So, don't think he's just using you.
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nmakii · 3 months
Yandere Nagito, Kokichi with Demon Overlord Mastermind! Reader.
— yandere!nagito + kokichi x overlord!mastermind!reader
— gn!reader, spoilers for danganronpa! nagito and kokichi in general are warnings
wrote this immediately after my religion class bc lol! i hate my teacher!!
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— yandere!nagito
quite confused by how often you squabble with chiaki since she is generally a girl who is easy to get along with. it seems as though your very presence gets her in a bad mood…
a little bit into the fact that you’re quite cold to the rest of the group. sometimes, nagito just follows you around the island like a lost little puppy
often distressed by the fact you are dismissive of nagito’s dreams for hope. it’s hope! it’s the manifestation of absolute good, how could you not believe in it?
finds you quite useful in trials, it’s almost as if you already know what happened!
generally, nagito has positive views of you. until he went into the final dead room…
at first, he was confused at by your student profile; there was no written date of birth, no ultimate talent written— general info that is important in hope’s peak… because of this, he was able to piece together though that you were the traitor.
after leaving the funhouse, nagito established a rendezvous with you at night in the hotel.
“why, hello there, s/o.” nagito snarled at you, a certain type of fury in his eyes. “what is it, nagito? it’s kinda late. and, after that funhouse, i want nothing more but to eat and sleep…” you pouted
“haha… it’s okay, s/o, really! you can drop the act already. i know you’re the traitor.” nagito laughed, waving his hand as he walked towards you. “traitor? don’t be stupid, nagito.” you huffed out, just about to leave the hotel.
nagito pulled out the book of student profiles as a ball of anxiety set itself in your stomach. nagito flipped to the page with your student profile on it, a photo of you in the hope’s peak uniform on the top left corner. “would you care then to explain why so much information is left out?” he tilted his head.
you remained silent for awhile, a million thoughts running through your head before you sighed out. “can’t believe i got caught so easily…” nagito’s eyes widened. “so i was right, huh?” you rolled your eyes at him before answering him. “not exactly… i could tell you everything if you were to say… sell me your soul..?” you subtly raised an eyebrow to him.
“sell… my soul? what are you talking about?” nagito awkwardly laughed, clearly confused by what you meant. “look… i’m not exactly the mastermind. more like… an accomplice? i was summoned from hell and we made a deal~…” you calmly explained. “if you were to give me your soul’s eternal enslavement… i’ll tell you anything you wish to know” you grinned, reached a hand towards him.
nagito thought about it before his hand locked with yours, a colorful aura filling the hotel, the glow reaching even the cottages. “deal.” plenty of information immediately filled nagito’s head as he finally started to piece it all together.
the tragedies were truly horrific, not to mention junko enoshima’s constant interruption with the future foundation’s plans, causing this awful killing game; nothing but pure and utter despair. the look on nagito’s face was one of pure horror, a panicked look all over his face as he had a cold sweat. “haah… haha…” he huffed out, his muscles stiffening in fear. “i see… i..” a despairful look filling his eyes.
and that was the night that nagito disappeared, beginning to work on his master plan.
nagito hid from the rest of you, carefully stalking you and making sure you wouldn’t ruin his plan.
he’d begin to fall back into his ‘servant’ persona; creating the bomb and creating that fake threat.
fueled by his hatred for you, he’d hyper-fixate on everything you do; making sure that despite his classmates’ atrocities, you wouldn’t hurt them.
and as he lay there on that cold floor, spear cord in hand, he made a promise; he’ll do whatever to make sure that he’d get you and the mastermind killed. even if it meant killing his classmates. and, even if it cost his soul.
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— kokichi ouma
curious of you… fascinated by your cold demeanor and your distaste for chit-chat… you’re quite similar to maki, huh?
and because of those, he’s able to conclude you’re hiding something as well.
he can feel something is off whenever you talk about your ultimate talent, but he just can’t figure out why. why would anyone lie about their ultimate talent?
it is not until late one night. kokichi was skipping away from kiyo’s lab, caged child book in hand, that he sees you and tsumugi talking in one of the dark empty rooms.
‘curious… why would that be?’ he wonders, as he presses an ear close by.
“tsumugi… this plot of yours is getting complex. you’re deluding the students with too much truth and lies bullshit. at this point, it’s not danganronpa anymore.” you protested. “enough already… you promised to aid our team, so long as you get my soul when i die.”
soul? what’s that supposed to mean? were you some kind of superhuman?
“even you have to admit, this is really meta…” you muttered. “it’s okay, we have scriptwriters to fix that! now, i need to request something of you.” tsumugi started. “i need you to put a stop to kokichi. his character is getting out of control, make sure that he doesn’t do anything to reveal the ending.” she stated. you huffed out grumpily. “understood…”
kokichi’s eyes widened, running off as quietly as he could as to make sure he wouldn’t be caught.
put a stop to him? would he be killed? kokichi thought rapidly about the possibilities.
as a result of that, he started to become more unhinged as to keep himself safe from you. all of this ending up getting miu and gonta killed…
kokichi knew he was in danger, he’d have to hide to keep himself safe. any minute now, tsumugi would have you kill him…
in the end, he decided to lie, as per usual. he lied that he was the mastermind after all!
“soo, the mastermind you’re looking for… is me!” a monstrous look on kokichi’s face. as kaito attempted to attack him, the many exisals surrounding kokichi, prepared to attack.
you held kaito back, an angered look on his face. “s/o! what the hell are you doing?! we have to kill the mastermind to finally end this killing game!” he shouted. “kaito! listen, we have to be careful…” shuichi sighed out, grippinghis chin thoughtfully. “shuichi’s right, we shouldn’t act so brashly. if kokichi really is the mastermind, he’ll be—“ you sternly said before being interrupted, grabbed by the legs by an exisal.
“yoink! s/o, you’re coming with mee!!” kokichi sang happily. shuichi grimaced, looking kokichi in the eye. “this isn’t over, kokichi.” kokichi grinned as he walked away. “oh, but it is over! when i play a game, i intend to win.”
when you woke up, you were in the exisal hangar, a red bean curd bun and a box of milk in front of you.
“tell me what you are.” kokichi frowned, him beside your body, crisscrossed legs beside your head. “well uh… my name is s/o… and i was just knocked out by the mastermind.” you snidely replied. “don’t give me that bullshit, i know you were told to keep an eye on me.” kokichi’s eyes glared at you.
your eyes widened before you sighed, sitting up on your butt. “guess the cat’s out of the bag…” you laughed. “well… i’m a demon overlord from hell… i was summoned by team danganronpa to help with their killing games. i have to admit though, recently… it’s been getting a bit dry.”
“then… would you like to… make a deal?” kokichi questioned hesitantly, unsure of how this would work. “interesting… do tell me, what are your terms?” you leaned forward.
“you help me execute my plan, in return… i’ll give you my soul.” he said. “ah… this would be breaking my terms with tsumugi… oh well, i can’t resist a good deal.” you grinned, shaking your hand with kokichi’s, effectively sealing the deal.
“so then, what is it you need?” you tilted your head, finally taking a bite of the food before you. “i need you.. to kill me.” kokichi said, the most serious you’ve ever seen him. “this means you’ll be the blackened, okay?”
you nodded you head. “how exciting… i can’t wait to see how i’ll be executed.” you said, wondering out loud. “no, i want to make a case where the mastermind can’t know who the victim is. i’m sure that… this will end the killing game for sure.”
you thought about it, before nodding. “alright then, where should we begin?”
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yuutsunaoi-writes · 9 months
Saiouma is basically right person, wrong situation, not enough time. Technically, wrong situation for obvious reasons but like hear me out-
Right person: Shuichi's the kind of guy to search for the truth while Kokichi's the kind of guy who lies yet holds the answers Shuichi's looking for: the truth. They're opposites but kinda complement each other.
Wrong situation: Both met in a killing game - which is not the most ideal situation for people to meet and get-to-know each other anyway. If both are not so pressured to 'beat' the killing game, they could've used the time to understand each other.
Not enough time: If there were more time and less pressure, Shuichi would've been able to try and understand Kokichi better by picking apart his words and lies piece by piece. He could've understood Kokichi more. On the other hand Kokichi could've had someone he could rely on since he himself had shown multiple times how he considered Shuichi as someone 'trustworthy' eventhough he still kinda doubt it.
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lowcosmic · 7 months
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—— jealousy, jealousy . pt . 1 ; kokichi ouma
— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : kokichi being jealous ( and a little shit )
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : angst, fluff in next part
— 𝐜𝐰 : mentions of cheating, cussing, emotional stuff, small; teeny bit of implied saimatsu. you and kokichi ( as well as like the whole cast and whatever ) use a dorm system , gn! reader ( on most parts )
— 𝐚/𝐧 : a sort of imagine, just different formatting . my brain has been a rotting mess lately . not proof read , kinda self indulgent , kinda ooc for some characters . you’ve been warned .
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you were with shuichi in the library for a project.
this time around, you actually got to choose your partner. because kokichi looked like he was going to choose someone else other than you, you quickly snatched shuichi before he was taken ; guaranteeing a good grade.
kokichi, actually, was pining for you. but he didn’t wanna seem too desperate, since you’d teased him the day before for being clingy.
after you and shuichi made arrangements, kokichi approached you asking if you were with shuichi already — your answer being yes.
he tried everything from guilt tripping to fake about - to - cry - watery eyes to make you change your partner from shuichi to him. but your decision was final, mostly not wanting shuichi to think you changed your mind because of something he did.
so, kokichi decided to make sure you two weren’t doing anything other than working. so he watched from behind a bookshelf in the little gap between the books.
you and shuichi spoke in hushed tones, working side by side in close proximity.
even worse ( to kokichi at least ), you seemed so happy.
not miffed or annoyed like you were most of the time with kokichi, even if it was just playful.
kokichi felt anger boiling up. especially when shuichi's hand grazed over yours in that annoyingly gentle manner of his.
you both looked like a couple to anyone who passed by, which by the way, wasn’t much since it was sort of late in the day.
probably the only reason why no one caught kokichi being a creep —
anyways, he was pissed. but that pissed off mindset slowly began letting in some other thoughts - mostly of insecurity.
what did he do wrong? why didn’t you ask him first to be partners? is he overthinking? why are you smiling like that? why don’t you smile like that around him? why was he - that stupid, dumb detective - better?
kokichi left with muddled thoughts, as the sound of you and shuichi laughing at something echoed in his ears.
for the next couple of days, kokichi ignored you and went to kaede to hang out. “take out two birds with one stone,” he’d thought to himself.
your expressions of confusion sparked a pang of guilt, but kokichi stomped them down. you could go be with shuichi for all he cared.
you gave up the day after that, going to shuichi for company.
and that went on for half a week, until kokichi decided to confront you.
he knocked on your dorm room and waited. when your face appeared after the door creaked open, you were met with kokichi’s expressionless face.
“can we talk?”
you let him inside, and he cut to the chase.
“are you cheating on me with shuichi?”
you’re just … kind of shocked he would propose that idea. of course, you deny it.
kokichi shrugs. “oh really? well you two are being so awfully mushy with each other i just figured that maybe you both were making out behind my back! or worse!”
“the fu - ” you rolled your eyes, thinking that maybe this was just him seeking attention again or just some prank to make you feel guilty so that he could get something in return.
but another look at his face made you rethink that. this wasn’t a lie. he was really serious.
“kokichi. i would never cheat on you.”
“well, you looked soooo much happier with that bozo! you might as well, go on, go hook up with shuichi! i know you want to!”
you scoffed unintentionally. “you really think that low of me? are you kidding me, kokichi?!”
he raises his voice. then you raise your voice. both sides make ( some ) valid points, yours accusing kokichi of being a crap head and kokichi accusing you of being gushy and kissy over shuichi.
then the more hurtful stuff comes out. things that anger had coated that just come out for no reason, just to be able to hurt the other person and stop the fight for a momentary break.
“i don’t even know why i dated you in the first place, you’re ugly and you have a shitty personality!! even kaede looks better than you!!!”
silence. the most choking sound when applied in certain situations.
kokichi’s eyes widened as he replayed what he’d said.
that big bullshit comment that made the firing stop.
he saw tears forming in your eyes. “so, all those times where you told me i was the most beautiful in your eyes was all a lie, huh?” you said bitterly, shoving back a sob from escaping your mouth. not now. “go … just go away. i don’t wanna see your face ever again.”
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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dragondemoness · 1 year
A Hopeful Future - DV3 Cast x Ultimate Cuteness Reader Finale
Ten years since you graduated Hope’s Peak Academy.
You stand on the balcony of the house you shared with your significant other, who was standing right beside you.
At your beloved plush bunny’s request, you passed him down to your child, if you had one.
He was just as attached to the rabbit as you were when you first received him from your grandmother. It was an endearing sight.
But that didn’t mean the bond you shared with Mr. Bunny ever went away. He continued to give you any kind of support you needed, and sometimes, you had time to spend alone with him. He still loved to hold you like a baby, even though you were fully grown.
If you had any children, you’d best believe the rabbit does the same thing to them too.
When they were born, you handed them to Mr. Bunny to hold them, and he held them so gently, as though they were made of glass. And instead of cowering away from him, they curled into his soft chest, and you saw his black, beady eyes shine with tears.
He basically became their third parent, and sometimes, you had to pry the child away from him because he refused to leave their side. Then you would laugh as he got grumpy and pouted at you.
He was like the family’s bodyguard, and he did his job well. Not only was he very difficult to damage, but his keen senses did a great job at sensing danger, then getting rid of it before you or your family could find out.
Anyway, you watched the sunset with a peaceful expression, on the warm cottage property you always dreamed of living in.
Seeing you lost in thought, your significant other gets your attention by placing their hand on yours.
“Are you alright?”
You snapped to attention and gave them a warm smile and nodded.
“Just thinking about the past, and how we ended up here. It’s kind of weird to think about, but I couldn’t be happier.”
Your significant other nods and mirrors you, watching the sunset as well.
Shuichi Saihara
He smiles and chuckles at you.
“Yeah, kind of. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
After graduation, he received a letter from one of the best detective departments in the city
He spent many nights working, and often struggled to come to bed with you
But he still assured that you meant everything to him
Together, you had one child
They took after your appearance, but was shy, like Shuichi
You find them absolutely adorable
Shuichi smiles and takes your hand in his, as he turns back to the sunset
Rantaro Amami 
He chuckles at you and nods.
“It kind of is, huh? But hey, I’m not complaining.”
He still loved to travel, so he found a job where he could take business trips often
So sometimes he would leave for a while, but he sent postcards and gifts he knew you would like
Anything to let you know he was still thinking of you
You have at least two children with him
He loves taking care of people, but if two is enough for you, it’s enough for him
Sometimes he and Mr. Bunny argue over the children’s affections
It’s pretty funny sometimes
Rantaro smiles at you once more before slinging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to him
Kokichi Oma 
He tilts his head and gives you a look of mock confusion.
“Hmmmm? What do ya mean ‘weird’? Are you calling me weird??”
His face changes to a look of playful sadness before smiling at you.
“Yeah, I guess it is kinda weird. But at least we’re here now, right?”
Thanks to him and his organization, he earned a lot of money
He worked too hard to let it go, even after all these years
But he did promise not to do anything too evil
He’s not a fan of kids, so he doesn’t enjoy the idea of having one of his own
But if you really want a child, he might consider it
He hopes they’ll at least have a fun attitude and won’t be super boring
In the present, he wraps his arm around your waist and leans into you
He may not have gotten that last growth spurt, but at least his attitude matured
Kaito Momota 
He looks at you and grins widely.
“Maybe a little, but I’m happy to be where we are!”
He achieved his dream and got a job as an astronaut
Similar to Rantaro, he often leaves home to go on space expeditions
But he’ll bring you back souvenirs from the places he visits
He loves the idea of having kids, so you’ll probably have at least one
He’ll teach them about his passions, hoping they’ll take interest in it
As you sit together, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him with a smile
Gonta Gokuhara 
He turns and gives you a warm smile.
“Maybe, but Gonta is glad S/O stayed by his side for so long.”
He found a job where he could talk about bugs all day long
Some people found the way he talked to be weird, but he was improving
And he was at least able to talk about something he loved
He would love to be a dad, so you might at least have one child
Most you'll have is three
He'll introduce them to all his bug friends, and hopefully they won't be afraid of them
In the present, Gonta grins at you and pulls you into a soft, but tight embrace
Korekiyo Shinguji 
He looks ahead with a thoughtful hum before turning to you with a smile.
"Hm. I suppose you could say that. But I wouldn't dare rewrite history if it meant that we wouldn't be together.
To continue his passion for humanity, he started studying archaeology
And he no longer covered his face with a mask, since you being with him finally helped him to let go of his sister
He's not big on the idea of having children, but he's open to it if you want to
He'd prefer to have just one partially because he doesn't want a repeat of him and his sister
As you sit together on the balcony, he gives you a soft smile and takes your hand in his
Ryoma Hoshi 
"Yeah, kinda. But hey, at least we're here."
After leaving high school, he continued with becoming a tennis player
He hoped it would help him find himself, discover what he wants to do
It does help, and he remembers what he enjoyed so much before he lost it
He doesn't plan on having any kids, but maybe
He certainly wouldn't mind playing some tennis with them
Plus, his cat and your bunny have developed a loving relationship
If you do have a child, forget a third parent, they'd have a whole other set of parents
He smiles and takes your hand and pats it
He nods at you while admiring the sunset.
"You could say that. But I wouldn't change a thing!'
I mean
He's a robot
There's a lot he could do
When Miu began her robotics company, he became an employee and worked alongside her for a while
And once he got enough money, he started one of his own
He was determined to show off the power of robots and what they can do when working alongside humans ahaha...
Having children is... Kind of difficult
But he would love to adopt one with you
He wants to experience what it's like to be a father, and to experience parental love
In the present, he takes your hand and squeezes it
Kaede Akamatsu 
She nods with a soft smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad we're here."
She became a professional pianist
She started piano lessons for those who wanted to learn, and she played at big events
She would love to have a child with you
You'll have one, maybe two
She would love to play them soft, classical songs to help them sleep, and maybe even teach them
She leans against your shoulder with a small smile as you enjoy the moment together
Maki Harukawa
She nods and gives you a small smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad it turned out this way."
After high school, she ditched her job as an assassin and went back to child caregiving
She wanted to leave that part of her life behind and pursue a more wholesome career
Although it was frustrating at first, the kids always liked her, and she started to warm up to them
She's still hesitant to have a child of her own, because she doubts if she can be a good parent
But she would love to have one, to give them the loving home she never got
And she'd do a damn fine job of it
While you sit together, she scoots closer to you and takes your hand while leaning on your shoulder
Miu Iruma 
She lets out a chuckle and watches the beautiful sight ahead of you.
"Heh, kinda. But hey, I managed to find your fine ass. I gotta say, that's pretty damn good."
She got a job as an engineer
Even started her own robotics company to show off her skill
She's still vulgar, she's still flirtatious, she's still Miu
But she has matured quite a lot
She doesn't really want kids, honestly
But if you do have one, she'd make them a bunch of cute toys for them to play with
As you sit together, she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close with a grin
Himiko Yumeno 
She blinks sleepily and gives you a small smile.
"Nyeh... A little. But at least we're together."
She'd still give magic a shot, even after high school
She wants to prove that her "parlor tricks" are real magic
Mr. Bunny has actually been rather helpful in helping her achieve this, so she showed even greater skills to the world
She even started taking aspiring magicians under her wing and training them as apprentices
She doesn't love the idea of having a child; you and Mr. Bunny are all she needs
But she miiiight consider it if you really want one
She wouldn't mind teaching them magic if they were interested
In the present, your sleepy mage leans against your shoulder as you watch the sunset
Angie Yonaga 
She hums and smiles brightly.
"Indeed! But I'm glad that Atua put me on that path! It guided me to you, after all!"
She became a professional artist
She did commissions, sold art online, even sent some of her art to a museum
She even did art classes for anyone interested in learning from her
She would love to have a child with you, if you want
She'd teach them all about art, and she'll hang up everything they make on the fridge, even if it sucks
In the present, she giggles and pulls you close to her in a soft embrace
Kirumi Tojo 
She hums thoughtfully and gives you a small smile.
"Indeed. But I couldn't be more glad that we're here."
She still did work as a housemaid
People could call her and hire her whenever they needed
Only this time, she valued herself more
She doesn't take nonsense from anyone, nor does she allow anyone to take advantage of her
And it's all thanks to you
She would love to have a child with you
She would be strict at times, but also give them all the love and care they could ask for
As you sit together, she takes your hand in her gloved one and squeezes it
Tenko Chabashira 
She turns and gives you a smile.
"Yeah, a little bit. But at least I'm with you."
She became a Neo Aikido instructor
She taught people all over how to master it
But although her master did help her become strong, she didn't poison her pupils' opinions of men like she did
She didn't want them to become bitter and hateful
She wouldn't mind having a child with you if you wanted to
She'd love them with all her heart and soul, and might teach them the art of Neo Aikido when they're older
In the present, she grins and wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close
Tsumugi Shirogane
She hums thoughtfully before facing you with a warm smile.
“Yeah, it is. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
Her talent for cosplay expanded into designing actual costumes
People commissioned her for her talent, and she even had her costumes sold in stores
You'd best believe she'd make a billion different outfits for your child
She would love to have one with you
She would shower them with soooo much love
As you sit together, she smiles and takes your hand before leaning against your shoulder
As you two enjoy your moment, Mr. Bunny comes out with your favorite hot drinks and sets them on the table before sitting right between you two.
Any children you have, if any at all, come rushing out to you, causing you and your significant other to let out a laugh. Now all together, Mr. Bunny wraps his arms around you and pulls you both close to him, as your little family shares this loving moment together.
The End of the DV3 Portion of the Ultimate Cuteness Series
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Okay so I just read your post with the danganronpa 2 cast with finding put the reader has a crush on them so I'd like to request a danganronpa v3 cast with reader that has a crush on them
Rantaro isn’t dumb and has had many girls like him before so he’ll be quick to catch on. He doesn’t mind of course, and once he’s sure he returns the feelings he’ll probably confess or .. wait for you to confess. It really depends on the kinda person you are and if you seem like the kinda person who’d want to confess first. He’s a considerate guy after all.
Kaede doesn’t catch on I’ll be honest she’s oblivious, she just doesn’t have a lot of experience in this department. She might ask if you’re hitting on her a couple times but if you say no she just believes you tbh lol but she will take notice to how nice you are to her and she appreciates it.
Ryoma doesn’t catch on, he’s not an idiot it’s mainly due to his self loathing tbh, he cannot fathom the idea of somebody liking him romantically for so many reasons. He doesn’t understand why you’re so nice to him and gush over him and his talent, but he can’t help but get flustered about it.
Kirumi is smart enough to catch on but it’s more so of a sneaking suspicion rather than her being absolutely sure. She is pretty straight forward with you though and asks you if she’s looking too into things or not.
Angie will surely catch on! After all, she has atua on her side! She may not be able to notice but he sure will and will guide her towards you! She will debate asking you out for awhile, since she’s the kinda person that wants to date “the one” so she’s sitting for awhile deciding if you are truly her soulmate.
Tenko will always get flustered by your compliments and how you are but she doesn’t really notice you like her. It’s probably because she’s too caught up in being embarrassed and flustered to honestly notice something like that. Though she’s pretty similar in this manner, she does not approach you about her feelings.
Miu notices, but she’s not sure what it is. She’s unsure if you just see her as a friend or if you see her as more and it seriously pisses her off! However she loves your compliments so she does things in order to get more from you like making new inventions. Eventually though she gets sick of hiding her feelings and yells at you for making her feel these emotions, and demands you tell her if you return her feelings at all.
Gonta doesn’t notice things like this, he will take note you seem to appreciate him and that the two of you are very close at the very least but he doesn’t suspect you like him. He isn’t sure how to figure that out honestly, gonta doesn’t even realize his own feelings for awhile but once he finally does he’s quick to confess them to you. He can’t really keep a secret from you anyway.
Oh boy, kokichi catches on. He’s not an idiot and is easily able to catch on to other peoples feelings if they’re obvious enough and you’re certainly obvious with your constant compliments and gushing. He honestly wonders if you even bother trying to hide it or if you’re being obvious on purpose. In any event, he waits for you to make the first move, if you take too long though he goes for it.
Kaito won’t catch on, in case you haven’t noticed he’s not the brightest guy around. He will sense a closeness between you two, and there are times he wonders if you return the feelings he shares for you, but he doesn’t really.. think you do…? Yknow? Like he’s just kinda oblivious to it.
Kiibo is completely new to this stuff. He will sense something is off with you, and that you definitely interact with him differently than you do with the others, but he doesn’t suspect it’s cause you like him or anything. He’s certainly not dumb but he can be a stereotypical robot that has trouble understanding how people feel at times.
Maki is oblivious to your feelings even if you’re extremely obvious about it. Maki is far too focused on her own feelings and trying to hide them, since she hates these feelings she’s having. She doesn’t completely understand them, either.
Himiko doesn’t really catch on I’ll be honest she probably just thinks that the two of you are good friends and she’s stuck in a friendzone and she has no idea how to get out of it.
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[DRV3 Postgame AU Masterpost]
Sorry it's taking me a bit to answer asks, I read every one and cherish them -! I'd figured I'd doodle a bit in the answers, but then ah. This one changed course from 'whats up with shuichi' to 'actually we're overdue for exposition'.
Oh, backstory?
Since Class 79 is at Hope's Peak For Real in this AU, Danganronpa can't very well be like canon. Our solution: infighting, sabotage, and plenty of Drama! Discussion under the cut.
I'd call it a non-Despair AU; the world's not over, and I'm currently thinking V3 is the only killing game at this point in the timeline, catalyzed by good old-fashioned envy (and, truthfully, indignation that strangers get to live out your fantasy while you and your friends are stuck in the building next door... the nerve!) Our mastermind isn't exactly a master hacker, but she's also not working alone. This Team Danganronpa isn't trying to physically harm anyone, but showing off their collective capacity to coordinate and maintain a takeover like this is bound to catch the administrator's eye. All press is good press, and there's a lot (of investor funding, mostly) riding on stories of TAPP's success, so HPA is incentivized to intervene ASAP. The team did not account for the aftershocks of making their peers virtually kill each other. Rantaro is having memory issues, Miu has to catch her breath (to her chagrin), Kiibo doesn't have a body, Kokichi has his cane... and that's just the beginning.
TAPP is kind of like "what if instead of synthetically pouring all of the talents into just the one dude, we experimented on some charity cases to see if we can just artificially build an Ultimate from the ground-up". The tech in the flashback-lights is definitely at play here, though HPA proper wasn't planning on a full memory wipe/personality override (but kept the theoretical capability in their back pocket in case things went south as Advanced Gaslighting) but uh. A bunch of highschoolers took hold of the controls, which is how you get a bunch of kids that sound like characters. They still are.
In this case, Team DR is like at least 3 at most 10 disgruntled teens in the Reserve Course tired of being overlooked. More looking for mischief than harm, but hey, if they can convince the interlopers being Ultimates isn't worth it and they should leave the school after all this and free up the floorspace? They won't argue. One of the things that strikes me about DR as a series is how its internal logic is less concerned with logistics than matching the emotional weight of what it can be like to be growing up and going through high school, so I'm trying to lean in that direction. I'm not completely sure what all this means for the THH and SDR2 crews, precisely, but we'll cross/burn that bridge when we get to it I guess!
This comic taught me a lot of new tools and techniques, hence it feels to me like it took forever but I am super stubborn and couldn't work on something else until the script in my head was actualized, which turned into 'the whole thing being done'.
There's a lot of easter eggs and little jokes in the first page in particular, should you seek them! Consider this another 'cut' in case you want to try and read the Small Handwriting on Rantaro and Miu's desks for yourself.
I already brought up some of them in the WIP so I'll try not to repeat too much and just link here
Kokichi could join the toast, but doesn't (and yet he still sits with everyone). Kiibo doesn't drink anything at all but does want to be in the toast, so he gets a bluetooth speaker. Surely he will blast some vocaloid shortly.
That's Kaito's notebook Kichi is doodling in; Kaito draws a bunch of stars, and I tried to sort-of-almost emulate the drawing on Kichis whiteboard and also get across that it lacks line confidence (sketch over and over the same lines) and he keeps creasing the paper because post-press it doesn't take much activity for his hands to hurt. Also kinda wanted to imply that Kaito not only knows Ouma has his notebook, but probably gave it to him because he's learned it's inevitable Kichi will tease him and draw in it and at least being upfront about it he won't manage to hurt himself trying to steal it (phantom thief or not!) Kokichi's pride is a little hurt at first, but it becomes another of their small routines they don't acknowledge out loud that nevertheless are a kind of familiar comfort for both of them.
Space debris at terminal velocity is no joke man even a paint chip won't just crack your helmet (which you'd only survive via cartoon logic and presumably-magic duct tape) but easily crack your skull at least. I did a project on it in high school once, I should really look for it tbh
Rantaro’s To Do
Set up weekly meeting
Check what is up w/ Kiyo
Make sure Kichi goes to therapy this week
Call Rillianne
Rantaro’s Reminders
Blue: Class
Red: Study
Cyan: ‘Council (or w/e)’
Green: ‘Travel Nerd Time >:P’
Purple: ‘Hang out w/ me ~!’
Orange: Group Project
Yellow: ‘Call ur family this week, srsly’
Miu’s Notes (“Polygraph Improvements”)
Before install into K1-B0’s new body, improve algorithm for fig. (figurative) speech.
Consult Ishimaru?
- Gonta can get in contact
I really did make some actual charts based on data from the character bios comparing things like height, birthdate, etc. vs. victim, killer, or survivor status (tho that is a gantt chart template and not filled in, oop). TL;DR the most interesting one to me is this:
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Where basically when you account for how many students across the games are stated to have each blood type and the proportion of those students in a certain role, things are pretty even (AB has so few students its bars arent really representative of a trend, I just included them anyway) the type Os are disproportionately likely to be killers. For the record, there's one confirmed type O victim, and it's Nagito. I have no idea what this means. But if I am blursed with this knowledge, now you are too!
The code in tsumugis glasses isnt an easter egg bc i was getting tired and frustrated but the pods are roughly (no kiibo shifts things a bit) in class trial configuration, and on the base layer before all the Rest Of The Panel got added you could kind of tell who's who. Not so much anymore, so: Saihara has his hat on, for the record, and Kokichi is on his side while everyone else is on their back. Might even be a little restless, the feeling of underlying unreality playing substitute for some of (only some of, they're still being monitored) the surveillance anxiety. Fun!
And hey, as always, and especially if you've gotten this far: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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silicon-tmblr · 5 months
Do go off about the logical fallacies in Chapter 4, I always thought something was off about it. I'm curious to know your thoughts
Oh... if you insist... (currently bouncing off the walls with excitement ask??? I love answering ask—) ahem.
I suppose I can categorize my perceptions of Chapter 4 into levels of objectivity, with the highest being "I'm sure anyone with reading comprehension can understand the point I'm making and how this logic plays out" and the lowest being "I'm just petty about this"
Disclaimer: I'm a Kokichi liker but I kinda bash the guy in here. I insist it's out of a sense of love, as in "why the hell did you do that you little—" (my point is maybe don't read this if you're too too attached to Kokichi and don't like the insinuation that he did some bad stuff. Generally I assume this is a safe topic though.)
Let's start with my most objective take!
The murder setup was kinda garbage (might rephrase this heading later) (I didn't. fight me)
I know this sounds like opinion but hear me out. This is where the phrase "logical fallacy" really comes into play.
Let's outline Chapter 4 real quick. Miu is planning to kill Kokichi, and obviously Kokichi doesn't want this.
What are Kokichi's options from here? Apparently, one of them is reusing the motive from earlier in the chapter (the truth of the outside world) on Gonta to convince him to kill Miu under the guise of a mercy kill plan. This way, Kokichi doesn't die. This is what happens.
There's a lot to be speculated about regarding Kokichi's motivation for enacting this plan, but let's take the view that, first and foremost, Kokichi did not want to die to Miu.
With that out of the way, let's move on to the next piece of this defective puzzle: Miu's motive. We can cover this in two parts:
Part 1: Miu wants to kill Kokichi to escape the academy.
We can assume this much because she tried to set up a murder that would be near impossible to solve, as she would have had power over all the information available regarding the workings of the virtual world.
Kokichi makes the point in trial 4 that Miu coerced everyone to enter the virtual world so that she could manipulate the setting of the crime completely. She wanted to set up a murder that looked like it could only have happened in real life, while withholding the information that would reveal it was possible in the virtual world.
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Kokichi was the only one who knew quite a few of the finer details that allowed case 4 to be solved, and she planned to kill him anyway, meaning these details wouldn't have come to light. Since her intent was an unsolvable murder, she wanted to get away with it and escape.
Part 2: For what reason did Miu want to escape?
We can see that she wanted to change the outside world with her inventions based on her own words in Chapter 4. In a flashback of the moments before she was killed, seen in the Chapter 4 post-trial, she explains this explicitly.
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Her belief is that the outside world can be saved if she can only escape back out into it. She believes this is her duty as the Ultimate Inventor.
And finally, we reach the point that the logical fallacy falls into place. If we first assume that Kokichi Oma is a cunning individual who plans things out meticulously and considers all possibilities (thus allowing him to do ridiculously clever things like plan his own, truly unsolvable murder and write an entire script of dialogue for Kaito to use in trial 5), then we can assume that his actions in Chapter 4 are reflective of what he views as his optimal plan.
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And yes, in-game evidence shows that we are, in fact, to believe that Kokichi Oma is inhumanly smart and analytical. A script. A SCRIPT, with lines for every possibility he could possibly envision. It's a freaking tome of borderline clairvoyance ahksfwosfawei (as you may notice I do not like the existence of Kokichi's script. A SCRIPT. I may be a Kokichi liker but am I really supposed to believe he's a freaking clairvoyant????? like can't you clairvoyant the end of the killing game bro????? and I adfkaweoiefdfshkj)
See, the thing is... Kokichi's optimal plan, having Gonta murder Miu... is... not... optimal...
There's an alternative solution. All the pieces are in place for it to work. And the salt in the wound, the twist of the knife...
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...Is that Kokichi himself already knew the mechanism I'm about to propose.
If Kokichi wanted to survive Chapter 4, he could have removed Miu's motive to leave.
Using the already planted Flashback Light in the Virtual World which contained the memories of the true outside world, Kokichi could have demotivated Miu from even killing him. Her motive was saving the outside world, and Kokichi had what would have been irrefutable evidence that the outside world was unsaveable.
This logical fallacy could be explained by reasoning that Kokichi's motive for having Miu killed was not only to survive, but what then? What would Kokichi's motive have been otherwise? Maintaining a mastermind act?
Why would he even need to do that if he could have lobotomized the killing game by letting everyone find the Flashback Light in Chapter 4 to begin with?
Maybe that means the logical fallacy stems from the ultimate use of the outside world motive in Chapter 5, when the truth of the outside world is used by Kokichi to demotivate the entire group. If, say, seeing the outside world led everyone to become bloodthirsty for some reason (?) then I guess that dodges the fallacy?(??????) It's just kind of a garbage motive in general... it didn't even work as a motive when Kokichi used it, and it demotivated the others. Makes you wonder why it was even included.
I guess my point is that the logic really doesn't add up in Chapter 4 and 5 in exchange for some thoughtless added drama. Y'know, typical writing issues stuff.
Um... I spent quite a while writing this one part up, and this is the view that I care about most, so I might split the others into another post, if I even do another one.
In case I don't, I'll just do a quick overview because they're really not nearly as necessary to explain in depth:
The cord switching bit. With the rest of the Virtual World segment riffing off of games and gaming knowledge, the dissolution of suspension of disbelief hit me like a truck when I was told to believe that Gonta reversed the cords and the whole thing basically ran fine, with just the one issue of memories not transferring back. I... am a modder. I type C007_Ki-bo instead of C007_Ki-Bo, the game crashes. Hell, even without being a modder, I have a drawing tablet with 3 cords and if I don't plug them in right, it won't do anything (duh). No way am I buying this.
Not a logical fallacy, but more of a story writing shortcoming. It kinda sucks that Gonta barely had a substantial role in this chapter despite being the culprit. He didn't plan the murder he committed, and he didn't defend himself for the murder he committed. I get that the idea was probably to make a case centered around Kokichi more than Gonta, but (and I say this as a Kokichi liker) we see enough of Mister Oma as it is. Too much, maybe even. (I mean Kokichi has Chapter 5. He DIES in the Chapter 5 case but still plays a role in the trial. And we're really gonna just have him take over trial 4 when Gonta isn't seen for the rest of the game?)
(content: discontent towards Kaito) Also not a logical fallacy. Maybe not that much of a fallacy at all. I might just be petty but I thought Kaito was cringe the whole time. (okay me and Seb literally had to get up, close the game, and go take a walk outside because we were losing it from everything Kaito was saying. DO YOU???? NOT KNOW WHAT A HYPOCRITE IS????????)
A bit of a shill I guess, but I did write two fanfics which were heavily influenced by my views on chapters 4 and 5, which tried to remedy these fallacies and others in V3. Canon-compliant Bloodied Hands renders Tsumugi the ultimate mastermind behind every murder (not just Rantaro's) with her dramatic meddling leading to the emergence of V3's logical fallacies, while The World is His takes the same premise, just diverging from canon such that Kokichi lives.
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Ddlc and Danganronpa Characters with a Tall S/O.
As someone who's 5'11 or so, I'm tall. And us tall people don't get as much recognition. So here y'all go!
Characters: MC, Sayori, Kokichi, Akane, Mikan, and Nagito
He's kinda used to tall people as he's in a club with Yuri and I'm sure some of his classmates are in fact taller than him. Does this make him embarrassed? Yes it does. But it's not in a ashamed way. He's just embarrassed since you being taller then him gives you the choice to mess with him. But sometimes he asks if you can grab something for him if he's unable to.
"hey,,,, can you help me get that? I can't reach..." "Couldn't hear you 🤭 speak up please" "I asked if you could help me 😭 I can't reach!" "Of course! 🥰"
She jumps on your back,demands that you carry her to school and back. She says she'll walk but she never does 💀 some days you don't mind because she has P.E but it hurts your back 💀
"Sayori. Your gonna break my back." "No I'm not! 😂" "Yes you will. I'll have the body of an old person before I'm even in my 30's 😶" "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *donkey wheeze*"
This mf calls you a giraffe. He has no shame doing it either. One bitch slap from you shuts him about the giraffe comments for a while. He demands you carry him everywhere. He will cry and have a fit if you say no. Im talking crocodile tears,fake sobbing, having tantrums ect. You have to pick him up before people start looking at you like your his parent and call child services or something-
"S/O~ will you carry me? Neheheh!" "no <3." "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH YOUR SO MEANNNN *ugly fake sob* WAAAAHHHHHH" "OKAY FINE!- SHUT UP!!!!!" "Yay! Thanks Giraffe! NEHEHEHEH!" "I'll drop your ass in a river if you keep testing me today."
She takes your height as a fucking challenge 😭. She will challenge you to a fight and beat your ass 💀. Then y'all go for food.acting like nothing happened even though everyone can clearly see you limping a bit from her beating you up 🙂 your scared of Nekomaru because he'll beat your ass way worse than Akane 😭.
"Your fine! Just walk it off." "That's easy for you to say. You didn't even get a scratch." "That's because you didn't fight back" "that's because I was taught not to hit a girl and your were beating my ass so I couldn't 😶" "well anyways, eat your food before I steal it 😊" "already ahead of you." "Also, Coach Nekomaru wanted to train with you- hey where ya going!?-" "Love you but Nekomaru will kill me!😭😭"
I headcanon her to be kinda tall too. Not as tall as you though. So she still would need a stool to get stuff. But because that's dangerous for her you offer to get it. She cries and thanks you so much you can't even tell what she's saying.
You sometimes put small stuff out of her reach so she'll have the courage to call you to help. But it's just stuff that she doesn't find super important. You wouldn't hid her medical stuff because why the fuck would you need to.
"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThank-" "it's okay, you don't need to thank me. I'll grab you stuff anytime!" "*Ugly sobs*" "*pat pat*"
He's already a simp for you. But he find your tall legs beautiful 💀 he says some poetic stuff he found in a book and then y'all eat bagels together. He always cries when you tell him he can lay in your lap. He's mentally and physically not well nor okay so you really don't mind.
"really?,, You wanna let me lay in your beautiful long legged lap? 🥺" "Yeah sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" "but I'm such a loser,,, you deserve a better person😭" "get over here hope weirdo 🥺🥰" "coming! 🐶"
Hope y'all liked these 👩‍🎤
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Official Miu Iruma Post
[contains debate about the 4th case & trial of v3, post-game irouma, a dating show au with saiouma & kiiruma, talk about her abandonment issues, parental HCs and toxic yuri, just the normal way conversations in the Pit go, I simply cut out some of the screaming, distractions and put displaced replies closer to what they're replying to]
Hina: Kokichi’s Chapter 4 plan right It’s to do two things: Save him from Miu Make himself the villain Right Cause if that’s the plan WHY PUSH MIUS BODY OFF THE ROOF Clown: That was gontas idea!! Hina: No I’m blaming Kokichi for this fuck you Ves: i think he actually meant to kill everyone but that's an unpopular opinion sndhsgfgfh Hina: THEN HE SHOULDVE LET MIU KILL HIM IM SORRY MIU HAD THE BEST MURDER PLOT IN V3 AND SHE DIDNT EVEN GET TO USE IT BECAUSE KOKICHIS A FUCKING MINDREADER Apollo: LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW? WHAT. SHE WAS ACTING WEIRD SO HE CHECKED THE COMPUTER CODE? [yes. I assumed that this was just. canon] Sini: HE COULDN’T LET MIU KILL HIM Ves: NO?????????? THAT WOULD BE FUCKIGN STUPID???????????????????? Hina: No but if his plan was to kill everyone, Miu probably could’ve gotten everyone killed Ves: "i COULD convince the strong one and the detective to help me and carefully manipulate the trial til the end, but why don't i just throw it all to the wind instead-" miu was VERY OBVIOUSLY gonna kill someone dude Clown: MIUS SO BAD AT HIDING HER INTENTIONS BUT ITS OKAY I LOVE HER
Hina: Okay no I’ll give him that But Kokichi makes a lot of assumptions Like the “He’d be frozen in a touch” thing That’s a big assumption to make Ves: NO IT IS NOT THAT IS JUST ASSUMING MIU ISN'T COMICALLY STUPID IF SHE DIDN'T THINK OF THAT SHE WOULDN'T DESERVE TO BE CALLED A GENIUS if miu has control over the virtual world, then of course she'd add some way to stop him from resisting. that's an educated guess Clown: He didn't think he was going to be frozen but I think he assumes Miu was smart enough to make a fail safe!! She needed to do something to make him killable. I don't think he knew what it was but he knew she did something! Especially since she's openly telling everyone that she took away all dangerous objects and diminished their strength?? What are you scheming queen?? Apollo: I get he's smart but can he even read code because I doubt it was just written 'freezes when Miu touches' [with what monokubs pulled up for them. it was kind of written like that] Hina: No code is usually written very fucking simple Me: It wasn't an assumption? He knew. Because he looked into what she was doing.
Apollo: I still think he should have just 'decided to piss her off' and not show up to the meeting on the rooftop. Either that or he acts real sus so someone follows him up and sees her about to murder him Clown: I think he did act kinda suspicious! Like actively making a show of needing someone to watch him or clearly getting pulled off to the side so Miu could talk to him. Chee: He was being more sus than usual and that made V3 think “someone needs to watch him” Idk why they sent Gonta over when its Kokichi actually Clown: I like to think he gave her a chance to back out. If Miu had seen him act this way and still proceed with her plan. Well that that was that. Again. Probably not what they were intending BUT LET ME BELIEVE THEY WERE FRIENDS AT ONE POINT SOBS Chee: DUDE NO I ALSO LOVE THINKING THEYRE FRIENDS THEY FUCKING WORKED TOGETHER FOR FUCKS SAKE Tehyre friends to me fuck whatever canon goes against that!! Ves: she picks him because he's one of the only people who would conceivably go to a secluded place with her and that Hurts me Me: With his views on killers he most likely thought that Miu will go for a kill no matter what and will do something else if she's not forcefully stopped. Plus, he was pissed off first, she betrayed him and he was especially cruel when talking about her after that, some elements of the plan were going out of the way to say "fuck you" to Miu (and using that to draw more suspicion to himself, but that was not necessary to do that), I think he wanted Gonta to be the winner, as somebody who stayed on his team, making it his victory, but then Gonta wasn't following the plan, meaning that he must have betrayed him too, and then Kokichi lost it
Sini: OOOOH! You mean the interpretation of him killing everyone… Let’s be real, if that’s the case, then yeah, he was dumb. Cause even with what Ves said, HE STILL FUCKED UP! FUCK REVERSE PSYCHOLOG! WHY TF WOULD YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH SM YOU DUMB BITCH!? YOU’RE GIVING OUT MORE EVIDENCE He was so dumb for it, idc. Bro, stfu….Saying Gonta is the culprit!? WHY!?!? SHUT UUUPPPP I get the logic but fuck man! It’s so risky and stupid! Why would you do that!? Ves: OH I DON'T THINK THAT WAS PART OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN CAN YOU IMAGINE LMAO that's BEYOND "risky and stupid" sini did you think i thought this the whole time HE'S BETRAYING GONTA AT THAT POINT I- Chee: YEAH I THINK THAT WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN Me: It definitely wasn't part of the original plan, that was the moment he snapped Sini: Oh. I knew that too but I forgot how you interpreted it. But he does similar shit even in the beginning of the trial. I just….I think it’s dumb. This is part of why I don’t think he planned to kill everyone Oh yeah, I know that. I just wasn’t sure what they meant, there are many ways you can interpret this theory. But yeah, I agree that he thought there would be no reasoning with her and she would kill him regardless. While he could’ve let Miu kill him, keeping Miu alive is good in case the plan were to ever fail. Her plan was really good, even Shuichi noted that without finding out about the secret of the virtual world that they would’ve been fucked. She could’ve very well won had he just let her kill him, but still, it’s better he have control over the situation than potentially die for no reason while the game continues. I get that. But like….What did Gonta do to not follow with the plan? From what I remember, by the time Kokichi outed Gonta….He didn’t do anything?? No one suspected him until he brought it up. Gonta became suspect because of him. Why would he do that? Are you saying he got so pissed that Gonta was good at not being sus that he changed his mind? Cause I honestly find that ridiculous. It is literally essential that Gonta not be suspicious so that they win…. Was it a method to make Gonta not suspicious by making him suspicious? But again, why? No one was ever suspecting him and he should know that most of everyone would never suspect him as the culprit at that point because it’s Gonta. Yes, they’ve suspected Gonta plenty times before and you could say they only reacted that way cause Kokichi was the one saying it, but…I feel at that point everyone grew closer to Gonta and would have that genuine bias. Kokichi outing Gonta just led to him spewing more evidence that got them fucked even before he snapped at him. He was basically giving hints since the beginning of the trial. I always read it like he was doing what he usually did until Shuichi and the others pissed him off. Then Gonta pissed him off by denying everything and everyone believing him despite the evidence. Ves: it's not that gonta didn't follow the plan, it's that he followed it too well. you have to remember that kokichi had no way of knowing about the cord mixup; from his perspective, gonta was just lying his ass off. and he was lying so well kokichi wouldn't've been able to tell if he hadn't seen him kill her. even in an interpretation where he planned to betray gonta from the beginning, i think that would've freaked him the hell out
Sini: But he wasn’t really lying before…. He wasn’t doing anything. He was barely present in the trial until that point. Ig that’s a form of lying, maybe Kokichi expected him to be all nervous and shit?? But….Is that good enough reason to out him and abandon your plan??? I see some people say how he could’ve suspected Gonta as the mastermind, but I can only see him suspecting that after he outed him. And even then…If he was the mastermind…Why would he follow his plan in the virtual world in the first place? Surely Kokichi must’ve thought of that. To think he’s the mastermind based off of good lying alone, while understandable, is also a bit of a stretch. Kokichi knows there is more to Gonta than what people see, he’s seen him lie before. It’s just at that moment where it’s taken to a whole other level that even rivals his own (at least that’s what he thinks). But still…I just….He said that unprompted and I can’t think of a good reason as to why he’d do that after planning all this out There is Gonta debating Shuichi before I think but that’s still not enough to do something like call him the culprit I feel…. I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m giving Kokichi too much credit, but it’s weird. Ves: gonta has repeated that he doesn't understand over and over in a very convincing (because it's true) way by that point tho idk ch4 doesn't make a lot of sense to me without the idea that kokichi was originally planning to follow through TBF though it's the clearest example of kokichi being a microcosm of v3; it's meant to be up to the player to decide what they believe, and that means there's evidence both ways. it's definitely a weird way to write a character Sini: But again, Kokichi knows he isn’t stupid. He must know he can probably pull off just saying “I don’t understand”. Not to mention, I don’t think he’d do something like this at all. Chapter 1 he acknowledges how if they die, they can just bring in new people and the games will continue. While everyone dying is a unsatisfying ending, it’s not enough to end the game. It has enough entertainment value and not enough scandal where it could do that much damage. Kokichi must still think this is all a show even if at that moment where he believed what he saw in the vault was real. Is it really winning the game and bringing justice to those who died if he follows the rules practically to a T and kills everyone? It’s not that much of a satisfying ending for him either. Ig he could’ve not known what else to do and was overwhelmed with despair, but I personally don’t think he’d want things to go that way. But that’s just me. I agree that it’s written in a way where you don’t really know what’s the truth. I understand the theory and I think the idea is cool, with enough evidence to support it. To me though, it just doesn’t jive
[I just got hit in the face with a crack theory: What if he made it so it looks like he gave in to the motive and wants to kill everyone so the mastermind doesn't intervene before he gets to flip the switch on them?] Ves: that's a totally fair interpretation!! i haven't asked - do you think he believed what he saw at the end of the tunnel :o? oh and also. i think believing what he saw would undo his ch1 belief about them just bringing more people in..? where would they get them from Clown: I guess that's assuming he'd believe the world really did end. But thats vauge too, how much did he believe it? How long? Did he even believe it in the first place? WHO KNOWS Ves: i think he did believe it. i mean, he was THERE. he saw the broken world stretch out to the horizon, he felt the air leave his lungs that's very different than a flashback light Sini: Well, that’s the thing. I feel like he believed what he saw but soon afterward started to doubt it given everything else he witnessed. Why things are the way they are…It only makes sense if it’s a show. Kokichi himself acknowledges that in Chapter 5. The flashback lights….There’s so many things to not be trusted here. If they can pull off crazy rooms, executions, and robots, could they fabricate what he saw and experienced? Maybe it is real but there are survivors out there. I think Kokichi was in constant conflict about it Ves: it could be a show for just one person. i think that'd haunt him and yeah i agree about him being in constant conflict Clown: I do think he believed it for a good while!! It's hard not to. It probably effected him more than he realized. But at the same time the world around his is changing in completely unnatural ways, he acknowledges that it feels as though they're following a script sometimes. So that gave him room for doubts. But he couldn't really be sure Kodaka was a coward for not giving us a bonus unlockable scene where ouma sees the world end, BY HIMSELF, ALL ALONE, and just implodes in on himself for a little while I wanna see how he reacted!!! I wanna see why he even managed to get up again!! Ves: MAYBE I'M ALSO A COWARD JESUS Sini: I’m fine with not getting anything. The whole point is that he’s a mysterious character. The way we see him is supposed to be somewhat similar to how Shuichi sees him, constantly questioning wtf he is up to and how he feels But that would be cool tho Clown: I can agree with that! I do love that there's so much room to theorize about him This is entirely self indulgent askshjdh WHERES THE POV SWITCH KODAKA?? WHERE?? Sini:Yeah, same. I indulgently want a Kokichi Ouma novel but writing wise that’s a shitty idea Clown: Yeahhh, unless their willing to break away from the embodiment of a lie thing, at least a little, than i wouldn't have high hopes Or they could evilify him more thats also something that could happen
Hina: Me writing a whole Kokichi Miu fight scene be like Chee: no dude I actually enjoy that BC THERES NO WAY AFTER ALL THAT HAPPENED IN GAME THEY WOULDNT FIGHT Im just still praying theyll be friends after the fighting or something [sob emoji]
[conversation went into detail about how fucked up Kokichi novel could turn out to be if we got it (and so it's best it doesn't happen)] Clown: Miu and kokichi get an explosive divorce Ves: okay no i want this actually that sounds HILARIOUS Sini: That already happened in V3 tho Me: they are SO divorcecore <3 /pos Ves: they are the OPPOSITE of the "i don't argue with beautiful women, my wife hits me with a hammer and i walk it off" tweet Me: and I love that for them! frenemies irouma is nice, but they could take that to a higher level Ves: IT IS romantic iruma is just so inherently hilarious that "higher level" is divorce court Sini: “My wife tried to hit me with a hammer, that bitch got strangled” Clown: It's like the ending of one of those shows where they try and pair everyone off into couples but they explode as a result Maybe literally Miu puts a bomb in oumas cereal Sini: It’s their love language, dw Clown: They only got married because the people of their affections also got hit with the straight people ray and they're mourning together/hj Shuichi should marry maki to make it worse Ves: they're all cheating on each other Worst Suburb Of All Time Me: this gave me a VIOLENT flashback to that one hamilton songfic (Say No To This? I think) where Miu wrote Saihara a threathening letter bc Ouma was her husband and saiou was having an affair
Sini: Salmon Mode: Love is Blind edition Ves: hold on i've got a better one the ultimatum …actually hold on maybe i'm NOT joking an ultimatum au would kinda slap… are saiou in preexisting relationships or did they come together shuuichi issuing the ultimatum to kokichi would be TASTY but so would them falling in love and leaving their unhappy relationships for each other,,,, one person in a couple wants to get married, the other isn't so sure. they go on the show where they pick another person to be in a 'trial marriage' for a couple weeks, then go back to their original partners, then decide 'the ultimatum' is 'marry or our relationship is over' Clown: Oohh man I dunno. Them as a preexisting couple is ANGST AND PAIN and ✨️ drama ✨️ But them coming together is [teary eyed cat emoji] Hina: Okay but that's so good if they're preexisting in a relationship Me: the "getting back together" energy (despite there being no break-up and only a threat of it) is definitely up your alley and it could be neat, but them getting paired up for a few weeks fake relationship that's not intended to last should be injected in my bloodstream immediately or I'll die Ves: they're meant not to last, to be a test before they go back to their Real partners, but they find themselves happier than they ever were AUUUUUGH Hina: If we're being realistic though wouldn't Kokichi bail the moment Shuichi offers an ultimatum like that? Ves: IF WE'RE BEING REALISTIC NEITHER OF THEM WOULD GO ON REALITY TV IN THE FIRST PLACE THIS EXISTS SO I CAN HAVE FUNNY SAIOUMA COUCH ASIDES AND ENDGAME SMOOCHES Clown: Can't remove brain from shuichi giving the ultimatum because ouma is a flighty nerd- NEED THERE TO BE A SWEET SCENE WHERE GONTA AND KOKICHI BOND BECAUSE OF THEIR SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES BUT ON OPPOSITE ENDS. Gontas straightforward point of view seems illogical, it doesnt even take into account how much could go wrong, but its suprisingly comforting. Maybe ouma shouldn't focus on the fail safes… AND HE GAINS PLUS 1 BUDDY OLE PAL [I skipped a big part of the conversation suggesting other couples, but one of them was Gonta and Kirumi] Ves: gonta and kokichi come out Best Friends he's the best man at the saiou wedding unsure if kokichi gets this privilege also because. kirumi. but STILL Clown: She doesn't want his greasy face in the wedding party thats understandable If you wanna add some ✨️ drama ✨️ maybe shuichi is just a tad jealous over seeing ouma so genuinely connect with someone. After such a short time too?? Shuichi goes "this is fine" as if he isn't iron gripping the table Ves: he thinks kokichi's left him for bigger tits greener pastures meanwhile gonta is patting his back while he wails drunkenly about shuuichi inevitably leaving him he's NOT jealous he is a responsible partner he does not feel Bad Emotions he does NOT- he's not coping and seething that gonta is better at protecting kokichi from spiders
Ves: who is shuuichi's partner. rantarou is Not Allowed it hurts my brain Hina: Wow smh Miu/j Ves: he'd never pick her but GOD it'd be funny Clown: MAYBE KIIBO, FOR THE EXTRA LACK OF BRAIN CELLS Did Miu drag kiibo there?? Ves: love hotel abandonment issues flashbacks Clown: She would vent this in a completely public scandalous way I love that for her Miu iruma the walking disaster beloved Ves: why doesn't kiibo want to get married? is it just bc miu's being Like That about it or does he have his own issues Hina: What if their relationship is still fairly new Like less than a year Clown: "We aren't financially stable and the average expectancy of dating years before marriage is 4-6 years, we haven't yet to agree upon how many kids we would have because 8 is illogical. I think we should wai-" and Miu is throwing a tantrum Ves: i don't think i've ever seen kiiruma as anything but a fluffy side ship this is spinning in my brain oughhh miu iruma you are the worst gf of all time i love you messy bitch she's gonna key his car they are neurodiverging in opposite directions kiibo's autistic robot ass is planning things out according to nothing but logic meanwhile miu is traumatized and brain damaged and putting beans in all his shoes he doesn't Get why she's so sensitive about this he's said he's not going to leave her, and he's never proved himself a liar, so why doesn't she believe him??? actually on that topic. why do u guys think miu is Like That?? she apparently has very severe abandonment issues but they're brought up ONCE and NEVER EXPLAINED it bothers me i need to fill that gap with hc
Sini: Miu [handshake emoji] Kokichi Crippling trust/abandonment issues. Your love? They do not see Ves: and that's why they make such inch resting friends :) Sini: I hc her mother left her and her dad. Perhaps she also had a childhood friend who abandoned her since in the Love Hotel she sees you as one Ves: i'm inclined to say someone (a parent?) just BOOKED it while she was in the coma Clown: Oohhh!!! Similar hc!!! I also think she was raised by a single dad. Mom was too focused on her career Ves: i gave her a single mom LMAO does she just radiate Divorced Kid Energy??? Sini: SHE DOES HONESTLY What if they left after her coma? I can imagine it going like that…. Ves: i mean her personality was probably different by then maybe they just…didn't like her anymore…… Clown: Ahsgshwhs, I just think part of her sense of humor comes from the fact that her father was like…one of those drunk uncles who gives you shittiest dating advice and has been divorced 3 times and is not at all a bad person but has clearly made far too many mistakes. And he's her MAIN caretaker. And so he talked to her more like a friend than a daughter and so she really was craving some sort of bond she considered unbreakable, someone to take care of her. AND WHATS THAT?? ON TV?? YOUR ROMANTIC ENDEAVOR WOULD DIE FOR YOU?? YES PLEASE??? Ves: SHE JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR FOR HER, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK Sini: Men these days, smh Hina: Easy, don't date men Ves: WOMEN WILL NOT FIX HER ISSUES HINA Clown: WOMEN COULD MAKE HER WORSE, TOXIC DOOMED YURI WHEN Ves: her and ouma, if you're not a COWARD Sini: Toxic doomed yuri fem!Kokichi/Miu. 100k words- Me: where [and I still don't see a fucking link] Hina: Ever female Kokichi I've seen scares me So yes I am a coward Me: multigendered Kokichi then, it can still be yuri and that's my preferred hc anyway Ves: kokichi's already a girl to ME. multigender queen Hina: I mean Big boobs Heterosexual Female Kokichi Sini: The big boobs are a red flag Me: I can excuse heterosexuality, but I draw the line at Kokichi with boobs /ref Sini: YOU EXCUSE HETEROSEXUALITY!?
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duckiemimi · 9 months
thoughts on episode 30:
-i didn’t catch that ozawa was that tall in the manga omg
-“so, the theme is love!” that nod to one of jjk’s biggest themes (through earthworm man 4, no less) was fun
-ozawa’s “i won’t choose those who won’t choose me” is reminiscent of gojo’s “i can only save those who are already prepared to be saved by others.” i’ll sleep on this and maybe write a post about it later.
-nobara’s “arrhythmia?” 😭 and then her conclusion about it being her fear of yuuji getting a girlfriend faster than her getting a boyfriend 😭 very gojo-coded methinks,,,,also, it’s kinda refreshing to see an implied “romantic moment” between two characters and not have it actually become borderline canon. her heart skipped a beat and that’s that!
-god, utahime’s face when she realized it was actually mechamaru,,,i have a theory that the first episode of the season was actually her grade 1 assessment (meaning a grade 1 or higher recommend her and mei mei, who wasn’t the one to recommend her, supervised her) and like since then, she’s stayed a semi grade 1 bc of the nature of her CT. but add the decade of her staying in that grade and young gojo’s remarks about her being weak, i wonder how utahime feels about herself. i hope she didn’t take mechamaru’s betrayal as a personal fault of hers,,,,
-mahito saying mechamaru’s place is musty as if he isn’t a creature of the sewers is CRAZY
-look, i know i mentioned not being into gojoken, but like,,,,kenjaku and mahito,,,,something about it,,,,,,,,,,
-i used to have a small mechamiwa phase (i still love them) and seeing kokichi in his mecha/gundam makes me soft and sad,,,they would’ve loved watching giant robot movies together
-megumi liking taking pictures canon
-wait a minute,,,that one picture of everyone except yuuji in season one’s ending,,,,this ending being itakugifushi taking pictures,,,,,what does this mean in the grand scheme of things
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reddowind · 8 months
Who named the kids? Their mother? Or their father? Which one?
Saihara Family
Both Ayame and Shinki were named by Kaede. Because I have a head canon where between Shuichi and Kaede, Kaede will be the one who (already) had a list of names inside her brain that she'll give to their baby. Shuichi just sweatdropped at her 😅
Meanwhile Koharu was named by Shuichi, since Kaede was the one who persuaded him, yeah. She named their 2 children so Shuichi must be the one who named their youngest children! ....She thought
Momota Family
Kaito was the one who named all of his and Maki's children. Though before he do so, he always asked Maki's opinion first. I think Maki is the type who disagree first at name that kinda weird in her opinion, such as at the moment when they named Kaima and Mako.
But Kaito just "Kaima means Kaito and Maki's child! Meaning our child! Maki roll! Our C H I L D !!"
Or "Makiko suits her! Cuz I think our daughter will really looks like you, Maki!" And turns out, Kaito was right all along, Mako did really resembles Maki.
....And so, Maki just decided to agree with her husband.
Ouma Family
Himiko, Himiko was the one who named Shokichi and Yuno. Because when they discussed about what name that they'll give to their baby.
"What about Monkey D. Sasuke Uchiha Kurosaki Ouma? I think it'll be so cool!!"
"....Why do I fell in love and decided to married you, Kokichi?"
That leads her to discuss with her mother instead. Not forgetting Kokichi who was scolded by his mother in law
((might edit this later cuz I'll add more fankids here))
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lowcosmic · 7 months
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Trigger Happy Havoc | Goodbye Despair | Killing Harmony
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—— Kaede Akamatsu .
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—— Shuichi Saihara . — sweet dreams . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi has a dream and you help him.
— shuichi ns.fw headcannons ( ns.fw )
synopsis : headcannons about shuichi during the do.
— stay with me .
synopsis : shuichi loves you tons. so of course, he’d never want you to be hurt. but when he sees those scars on your arm, other people hurting you may be the least of his worries.
— fluffy kisses .
synopsis : you and shuichi watch movies together in the av room. as you start to doze off , shuichi can’t help but admire …
— shuichi w/ a bimbo s/o ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi and his hot gf bang.
— smothering love . ( kinda ns.fw )
synopsis : you pin shuichi to the wall and hickey - fy him.
— shuichi meeting your younger sibling
synopsis : shuichi's heard a lot of good things about your “ sweet little sibling , ” but his first encounter with them is quite different than what he was expecting.
— yandere shuichi headcannons
synopsis : sfw ( ? … ) and ns.fw headcannons with shuichi and hajime.
— shaking to the core . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you use a vibrator on shuichi.
— pizza delivery !
synopsis : shuichi , your boyfriend , works part time as a pizza deliverer ; which coincidentally brings him to your house one day …
— stir and mix .
synopsis : shuichi was your all - time crush since … well , a long time. you , as the ultimate patissier , decided one day to start showing your affection by leaving a gift on his desk.
— xoxo = medicine .
synopsis : you catch a cold and shuichi appoints himself as your caretaker.
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—— Maki Harukawa .
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—— Kaito Momota .
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—— Rantaro Amami .
— stare don’t touch . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and rantaro do a challenge — no touching each other ( wether sexual or not ) for a month. the end result is … well , interesting.
— killshot .
synopsis : you’re in love with rantaro amami , so much that you feel his simple presence isn’t enough and that your heart can’t take the overwhelming need anymore.
— rantaro fluff alphabet .
synopsis : fluff alphabet for rantaro amami.
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—— Angie Yonaga .
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—— Kirumi Tojo .
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—— Ryoma Hoshi .
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—— K1 - B0 / Kiibo / Keebo .
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—— Miu Iruma .
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—— Tenko Chabashira .
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—— Himiko Yumeno .
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—— Kokichi Ouma .
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 1 )
synopsis : kokichi being jealous , fight ensues.
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 2 )
synopsis : you and kokichi make up with each other.
— hazy love . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and kokichi bang in and out of his dream.
— kokichi ouma with a s/o who’s a pathological liar
synopsis : ( read the request ) kokichi with a s/o who can’t differ between their lies and actual feelings for others.
— lovebites .
synopsis : vampire kokichi feeding on his favorite life source.
— kokichi with a calm amab reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a very calm and patient male reader who defends kokichi after he gets bullied.
— kokichi with a cute but super strong reader
synopsis : kokichi with a gender neutral lover who seems harmless , but looks can be deceiving. especially when he catches them one day …
— roommate headcannons with kokichi
synopsis : platonic and romantic headcannons of you and kokichi as roommates.
— kokichi with an ultimate psychologist reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who’s the ultimate psychologist.
— kokichi with a s/o who has an identical twin
synopsis : ( read request !! ) headcannons of kokichi with a s/o that’s so alike with their twin that they feel absolutely replaceable. your ultimates even connect , and everyone always mistakes you with them and them with you. except for …
— repudiation .
synopsis : kokichi really likes you ; and you , as arrogant as you are , like him back . but the thing is , you both are in denial. though , with the help of a couple of your friends , maybe that’s subject to change.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s really clingy when jealous
synopsis : kokichi with a s/o who’s excessively clingy when jealous out of possessiveness or simply on impulse.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s 6~ feet tall
synopsis : headcannons about kokichi and his 6 or so foot significant other being silly y’know.
— as long as i’m with you .
synopsis : kokichi comforts you after a breakup.
— anniversary in a haunted house
synopsis : kokichi has the genius idea to spend the night of your guys’ anniversary in a haunted house , also inviting some other people to tag along. what’s the outcome?
— because nothing compares to you .
synopsis : kokichi messed up , you’re temporarily gone , and he has to spend that time alone.
— admire .
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who always admires his words.
— ice cream troubles .
synopsis : you drop your ice cream and kokichi comforts you.
— random act of appreciation .
synopsis : fuzzy romantic moments were never really kokichi’s thing. but he can make an exception for you.
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—— Tsumugi Shirogane .
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—— Korekiyo Shinguji .
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—— Gonta Gokuhara .
Tumblr media
none of the header art is mine , i only edited it to be a header. i mostly got the drawings / icons from pinterest & manga shit! ,, so thank you to them (^*^)
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