#since he’s closer to adora’s form
thegoldfishkid13 · 10 months
Revenge part 4
Tw:swearing, blood,kidnapping and yelling
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Y/n’s pov:
I was about to break lose from the chains that had bounded my wrists together. When my legs hit the floor I fell. Being chained up and having your legs in the same position for hours and hours isn’t a pleasant feeling. I felt around the wall behind me for a light switch. The room was dark and the wall was damp, meaning I was probably in a basement or something. I knew Maverick and Ice were worried sick and trying to find me, but I had to prove to them that I can handle the line of work even when tragedy strikes. I found the light switch and turn it on to find my shoes. The heels I was wearing were broken. The strap was cut on one and the heel snapped on the other. I sighed not knowing how I was going to do this barefoot. I open the door and walk through, nobody is out there so I head and run towards the exit. I need to get out of here and home as fast as I can, I need my husbands and my daughter. I burst the doors open and continue running to our office building. It’s about a 30 minute run nonstop. I open the office door and the receptionist looks at me.
“Mrs.Mitchell? Where have you been?” The nice lady looks at me and smiles. I look at her and nod.
“I wish I knew. Do you know where Pete and Tom are?” I ask, my breath shaking from running. She looked stunned by my response. She took an audible gulp and nodded.
“Last I knew they were in the conference room, and Mr. Kazansky and Mrs. Bradshaw were in the cafeteria.” She grew worried and had sweat forming in her forehead. I nodded and headed towards the cafeteria, as I grew closer to the doors I heard yelling. It was Tom and Pete arguing. I stood outside the door and listened to what the men were saying.
“What if we never find her Ice? Do you know how that would end for use?” Pete yelled. His words made my blood boil. Why would he ever say anything like that? He has no right to say anything like that. I open the doors and everyone turns and looks at me.
“ Quite arguing I’m fine. Now what the fuck is going on down in here? We are a team and we are supposed to be working together.” Everyone gives me a shocked look, almost as if I had just walked in on them doing drugs or something.
“Y/n….?” Tom stammered out. Nobody knew what to say. I nodded, that is who I am.
“Why are we all standing here? Isn’t there work to be done?” I spoke my voice stern and cold.
“Y/n….honey we need to get you cleaned up, let the boys take care of this.” Carol suggested. She knew what I was talking about when I said that things needed to be done. I nodded and agreed with her. I picked at the dried blood that sat on my skin.
“Just find the son of a bitch who took me, I want him in the conference room by tomorrow morning” I spoke and turned to walk out…. Pete spoke but I aunt able to hear what he said as carol walked with me. Tom still had Adora, but I wasn’t sure how well she would be watched if I had her. The drive back to the house me,Tom and Pete share was short but quite.
“Love, I’m sorry i wasn’t watching. It’s all my fault” Tears pricked in the corner of her eyes, this wasn’t carols fault, it’s nobody’s.
“It’s okay carol…things like this happen to the best of us. It’s unfortunate but unavoidable. There was nothing that you guys could have done to stop this from happening, I was just lucky to get out when i could.” My voice was horse and scratchy.
“Do you wanna stop anywhere and get food or something?” Her tone was soft and sweet. I shook my head no since there was food at the house and I just wanted a shower.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 2 months
Alliances of the Heart
A She-Ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
For centuries, the All Princess Ball has been a time for the nobility of Etheria to let loose. Flaunting their power, prestige, and fashion for all to see. The ball had always been politically neutral, but, as tension from the war rises, not everyone is so keen to forget what happens beyond the walls of Castle Chill.
Lord Hordak, along with Princess Scorpia and Force Captian Catra, have come to the party to make alliances and find out everything there is to know about their enemies. Careful to not arouse the suspicion of the Princess Alliance.
Princess Entrapta, being the scientist she is, decides to come to the party to decode the secrets of body language, despite getting the same data from every other party she has ever attended.
When the two rulers cross paths, their plans flip on their heads as the two grow closer. Now it is up to Catra and Scorpia to push the two together as Adora and Glimmer stick their noses where they do not belong.
Okay, I know it's been a couple months since I posted another chapter, but life has been hectic lately and creativity is a struggle. Hopefully, as the school year winds down, I can find the time and creativity to write.
As always, thank you for reading!
Chapter 9: A Gift
Adora paced around her room, muttering to herself like a madwoman. She had miserably failed to get Entrapta to join the Alliance, and she had spent most of her time beating herself up for it. 
In the days before the Ball, Adora had crafted a master plan to grow the membership of the Alliance (despite Glimmer telling her she was supposed to have fun). She was going to go after Entrapta first, but Hordak snatched her up before Adora could have a real conversation with her. Adora hoped she could change Entrapta’s mind about joining the Horde; however, because Entrapta and Hordak were nowhere to be found last night she was already too far gone. Thus, that left Princess Frosta and Prince Peekablue (if he ever decides to show up); therefore, right now, Frosta is her biggest target.
As Adora paced up and down her room, a plan was forming in her head. Based on her past interactions with Frosta, Adora needed to handle this carefully. She clearly can’t treat her like a child or someone her age. Right now Princess Frosta is her superior. It’s her castle, so Adora has to play her game.
Entrapta checked to see if she had everything she needed in her pockets; they were. She wiped the smudges off her goggles and mask until they were as clear as they could be. She ate a small snack and she checked her pockets again. She looked up at the digital clock on the wall;  still, 30 minutes till the party started again. The princess sighed and flopped back on the bed. 
Since her interaction with the Warlord earlier, she had been itching for the party to restart. She couldn’t exactly explain why she was so eager to see the warlord, but she hoped with time, that would be revealed to her with more research. However, for now, she will use friendship as a band-aid for her indecision.
Suddenly, there was a knocking at the door, snapping Entrapta back to reality.
The princess shot up from her bed and stumbled towards the door. She ripped open the door and looked up to see- nothing. Her shoulders slumped and she looked to her eye level, seeing one of the guards clad in a giant coat making them look like a giant marshmallow.
“You’re Princess Entrapta of Dryl, right?” They asked with a voice akin to stale crackers. 
Entrapta nodded as her confusion grew.
“Then this is for you.” The guard shoved a box into the princess’s hands and turned away to walk down the hall.
Thankfully, Entrapta didn’t give much thought to the guard’s attitude; instead, she focused on the box in her hand. The box was a deep plum with a thick, silver ribbon wrapped around it and forming a bow on top. Entrapta flipped the package around to see there was no note.
She sat the box on her bed and tugged at the end of the ribbon. She gently lifted the top of the box, revealing another package wrapped in tissue paper with an envelope sitting on top. Eyes widening, she half-hazardly ripped into the envelope. 
“So you don’t get cold.”
A smile painted Entraptas face as she reread the sharp cursive, running a gloved thumb over the lines script.
After reading the note for a final time, she turned her attention to the paper package. As gently as her excitement would let her, she pinched the paper in the middle and tore it apart. Her eyes widened when she took in the sight of a neatly folded coat.
Like the box, the outside was a deep plum, while the lining was a perfect white that looked like lamb’s wool. Entrapta took off both gloves and ran her hands over the fabric. The plum fabric was smooth and silky while the lining was impossibly fluffy and scratched an itch in Entrapta’s brain she didn’t know she had. She gingerly picked up the coat, noticing how the bottom hem was shorter in the front than in the back. She continued her examination, noting how, despite zipping in the front, there were buttons that could only be for decoration. She noticed the large, enchanted hood that could fit the tops of her twin ponytails, and it could easily be detached! Entrapta slipped on the coat, which was perfectly tailored to her, feeling all the various pockets until a small zipper at the hems caught her attention. She unzipped the hems and discovered the white fluff was removable, creating a lighter coat!
As Entrapta admired the craftsmanship of the piece, her earlier ponderings crept up her spine and into her mind.
It was obvious that Hordak was responsible for the gift, only serving to complicate Entrapta’s already confusing perception of the warlord. However, Entrapta’s rationality was firm in the notion this was an act of friendship, despite the fact this was the most thoughtful gesture someone had directed toward the princess.
Before she continued down that mental rabbit hole, Entrapta caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. It was rare Entrapta would stand infront of a mirror and scrutinize her outfit. She saw how grubby her overalls and top were compared to the lavish coat, and she started to regret her fashion choices. Not because she felt insecure, but because she felt bad she could get the coat dirty. 
She looks over her shoulder and eyes the suitcase thrown into the corner of the room.
Before Entrapta arrived in the Kingdom of Snows, Morrella visited her and, upon seeing what the princess was packing, insisted she bring along something fancier. Entrapta, of course, insisted she wouldn’t need them, but Morella insisted. Eventually, the two met in the middle, and Entrapta packed a couple of blouses and trousers.
Now, she was thankful Morella was so insistent.
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spike-dearheart · 4 months
For the WIP ask game, the (nearly) mile high club? 👀
OOOOOOHHHH I would love to talk about this fic, thank you for the ask!!
So, this is one that's been vaguely puttering around in my head for a WHILE now and I've been finally getting something down on paper for it (not a LOT so far, but SOMETHING).
Basically, it started out as me being like "if I've already written Moist and Adora making it in the Postmaster General's office, then what about ADORA'S workplace? What about Clacks Tower Sex?" but then from there it evolved a bit and I was like "I have the opportunity to do a dumb joke and also talk about Adora's psyche" which meant it was automatically a great idea!
Or it will be a great idea as soon as I iron out the bits I need to...
(but without further ado, I give you snippets under the cut! it's nothing nsfw, because I haven't gotten there yet in my bajillion words of setup lmao)
The thing about it all, Moist figured out quite quickly, was that there was a saying about Clacksmen for a reason. Well, there were several sayings, really, and most of them were about a certain amount of thrillseeking and a more than certain amount of obsession driving otherwise sane folk to work on a Clacks tower. It was quite a lot like the Post Office, really. The longer Moist spent with Clacksmen the more he recognized the manic eccentricities mirrored in his own staff… And unfortunately he recognized this in his beloved Adora Belle Dearheart, who was otherwise quite sane, extremely non-manic, and eccentric in only the best ways. Because the real thing of it all was that when he’d invited Adora to dinner and she’d said yes, conditionally, he really hadn’t expected the conditions to be quite so… Eccentric. “You can bring some dinner after the Hour of the Dead.” To which Moist had replied, delicately, “In the Clacks tower?” “Well, yes, that is where I’ll be working,” she’d replied, as if he were dense.
Okay so the next two bits are where I have to iron out some things, because I really really desperately want to make a Pratchett-esque joke about "Mile High Club" except I want it to be like... well...
The Clacksman who looked more like a boy sniggered. “You’ll ‘ave some fun checkin’ his height, then.” Sane Alex cuffed the boy upside the head, muttering at him to keep his mouth shut, but not before Adora turned a severe glance on them. She raised an eyebrow and took a single step closer, her sharp heels seeming to ping maliciously against the floor. “And what does that mean?” she asked. The boy, who looked rather pale, replied, “Nothin’, ma’am.”
“It’s an old Clacks myth,” Adora muttered, very red in the face even as she continued in an intensely businesslike tone, “Of course it doesn’t have a single foothold in reality, but that’s the way it is with myths. They say there was a man called Miles and he…” She cut herself off, cringing. Moist didn’t think he had ever seen Adora Belle cringe, and his mouth fell open in surprise as he stared at her.
It's the "About Miles' Height Club" and it's about a Clacksman myth about a man doing no doubt obscene things in a Clacks tower, which he's only capable of doing because he's very tall, so if you manage it then you're in the "About Miles' Height Club"... and there's lots of jokes among Clacksmen about "checking his height" and I haven't figured out all the details yet but I think it will be very funny if I can get there and also it means that Adora Belle absolutely heard this myth at a formative sexual awakening type age and has been lowkey fantasizing about sex in a Clacks tower ever since SEND TWEET.
Lol thank you for the ask!!
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Meet Charlatan, my Double Trouble fankid! He’s trans, bisexual, and 13 years old. He’s best friends with Finn (Adora and Catra’s kid, for those who don’t know), who is 15 years old in this timeline.
He’s adopted, but used shapeshifting to resemble his moddy better. In my lore, I go with the AU where DT is the long-lost ruler of Green Glade, thus getting their power from a runestone and being able to share that power with Char. However, if that’s not your vibe, he could also probably use sorcery to shapeshift. Either way, he’s only able to shapeshift partially so far, so bits of his original form peek through (he’s based on a gila monster, hence the coloration, pattern, and thicker tail). 
–More character info and another drawing under the cut–
DT found him as a baby in the Crimson Waste. His mother had just been murdered in a mugging-gone-wrong, and the baby lizard was left in her cold arms, crying and wailing. He was left there for a while before DT happened to pass by and noticed. They took pity on the poor creature (in my lore, they were in a similar situation as a baby when they got taken from Green Glade to the Crimson Waste, so the whole ordeal reminded them of themself, which compelled them to go against their instincts and do something). They tried to find some relative, someone to take care of the orphan, but no luck. Since they’d recently discovered through being Finn’s godparent that they didn’t mind kids, actually kind of liked them, and was rather good with them, they decided to raise the baby as their own, with help from Casta (yes, this is in the Castaspellma AU too–my mind works in crossovers). 
Although Char lost his mother when he was a baby, he still gets anxious when alone and doesn’t like being separated from DT for too long. DT was his first source of comfort after his mother’s death, and their heartbeat became his favorite lullaby. He likes to hug them and rest his ear against their chest to listen to it and know that he’s safe when in their arms. It’s the surest way to calm him down during a panic attack. Most often, he hugs them koala-style so they can still walk around and do stuff while he clings to them.  It was a little easier when he was still a small toddler, but even though he’s getting too big at age 13, DT still holds him and lets him sit in their lap. They’re completely used to it at this point.
Char grew to be one of DT’s biggest fans and attends every play they have (so long as they’re PG-13 or under). DT tried to get him into acting, but they both learned the hard way that he gets terrible stage fright. Thankfully, his first role was as a tree, so freezing up actually helped in that case. He didn’t move, didn’t even blink, and searched the audience until he found the first familiar face. He locked eyes with Glimmer and stared at her the entire time, in desperate need of moral support. Ever since then, he only helps out behind the scenes; building sets, helping tech master Bow with the lighting, making props, and assisting Finn in watching and critiquing DT’s rehearsals to ensure they’re at their best with each performance.
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Speaking of Finn–I’ve seen lots of interpretations of them portraying them as DT’s protege, learning acting from DT, or otherwise being closer with DT than anyone else, so I thought, “Wouldn’t it be funny if DT’s kid was like that with She-Ra?” Everyone jokes that Finn’s and Charlatan’s personalities were swapped at birth. Whereas Finn’s quite the budding actor, Char’s been obsessed with She-Ra ever since he first learned about her. He’s been studying sword-fighting under her wing and is getting decent at it, but still has a ways to go. He even made a DIY She-Ra sword bracelet to match how Adora used to carry her sword around. He has big dreams of becoming a hero like She-Ra, and he knows all the legends and stories surrounding her. Because of this, sometimes the crew jokingly refers to him as “Flutterina.”
Everyone expected Char to turn out more like DT. Some thought he’d be an exact copy of them, and his striking resemblance to them didn’t help. Even DT expected they’d rub off on him a little more. Char chose to rebel by not rebelling. Everyone thought DT’s kid would lie, steal, cause mayhem and chaos, and get into all sorts of mischief. Therefore, Char tells the truth, gives people gifts, does favors for free, follows rules, and is a relatively quiet kid who rarely gets into trouble of his own accord, though often gets pulled along with Finn’s schemes. DT will often say things like,
DT: Okay, bedtime is 8 PM. I’m going to be out until midnight and definitely wouldn’t know if you stayed up late.
Char: Ok, 8 PM it is.
DT: I mean really, I would have no idea if you disobeyed me and, say, invited Finn over and ate junk food and broke something.
Char: Is that so?
Char: Then I might go to bed early.
DT: Listen here you little shit--
It’s not that Char has anything wrong with how his moddy acts–he loves his moddy more than anything, but he’s just not the same person as them, and he doesn’t like the pressure other people have inadvertently placed on him to act just like them. That’s why he sometimes goes out of his way to do the opposite of what they would do, and he struggles a bit to find himself. He changes his appearance here and there in an attempt to find what feels like him rather than DT. The pink hair was one such thing. Sure, he based it on Glimmer’s hair color, but it still feels like something that’s his and helps set him apart from his moddy. In adulthood, he’ll differ from them a bit more, but still resemble them enough. I don’t have a solid design yet, but I imagine he’ll let more of his gila monster traits shine through and will have built more muscle than DT has since he’s more of a fighter.
Thank you so much for reading all that! I know it was a lot. Let me know if you want to see more drawings of Char, or have me write a scene with him, or if you have any questions about him! I’m happy to talk about my OCs any day. If anyone wants to draw him, you can--just tag me!
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
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Almost done re-watching, so I doodled some Catradora kittens 🥺 why cat if no litter right?? Finn deserves siblings~
Left to right; Juliano (Juli) - Finnegan (Finn) - Maralita (Mara)
Spop (c) Netflix
Art: me
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turtletotem · 3 years
Domestic Bliss
This isn't even a headcanon, just an idea that sparked joy so I ran with it. Call it a canon AU.
"You're getting married?" Adora repeated, looking back and forth between Bow and Glimmer's beaming faces.
"Yep." Glimmer bounced a little, swinging her and Bow's clasped hands. She looked too deliriously happy to form further words.
"You're getting married," Adora said again, glancing aside at Catra, who raised an eyebrow at her.
"Getting married means you promise to love and take care of each other for the rest of your lives," Bow began, in that gentle, hesitant tone he usually used to explain something that was obvious to non-Horde people.
Catra waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, and never be with anyone else, and your wife gets your stuff if you die. We know that."
"We actually thought you were married already," Adora said sheepishly. "Like, ages ago."
Glimmer and Bow blinked at her.
"What, did you think you just didn't get invited or something?" Glimmer said. "When did you think we got married?"
"Before I showed up," Adora said.
"Before you—Adora, I was sixteen when you showed up!"
"We were sixteen," Adora shrugged, and smiled at Catra, reaching for her hand. Catra rolled her eyes, cheeks coloring, and laced their fingers together.
Bow and Glimmer stared.
"You were sixteen when what?" Bow finally said.
"When we got married," Adora said impatiently.
"We could have done it as early as fifteen," Catra said, "with our commanding officer's permission. But of course that was never going to happen."
Adora grinned. "We had to go over Shadow Weaver's head and get married by Hordak himself."
"Hordak." Glimmer looked like she might have swallowed something with spikes on it. Bow sat down on the floor.
"Don't overdramatize it," Catra scoffed. "Hordak didn't marry us, that was Commander Cobalt. Hordak just gave the order."
"He ordered you to get married?" Bow's voice was an octave higher than usual.
"Shadow Weaver was traveling for a week," Adora explained, "inspections or something, and left us under Cobalt's command. Officially! Which meant he could authorize the marriage!"
"But he wouldn't do it," Catra sneered. "Too scared of how Shadow Weaver would react when she came back."
"So we persuaded him to go to Hordak. If Hordak authorized it—preferably ordered it, so it wasn't even Cobalt's choice—Shadow Weaver couldn't do a thing. I guess he got Hordak in a good mood, or annoyed him just enough that Hordak gave him whatever would make him go away."
"I'm actually not sure if Shadow Weaver ever knew about it," Catra said. She had snaked an arm around Adora's waist; Adora pulled her closer. "Cobalt sure didn't tell her. Neither did we. I doubt Hordak ever thought about it again, much less brought it up."
"Some kind of paperwork about it must have crossed her desk eventually," Adora said. "Maybe she didn't notice it was us, since it was under Cobalt's name. Or maybe she thought if she ignored it, it would go away." She smiled ruefully.
"So wait," Glimmer said. She was sitting on the floor next to Bow now. "Adora, is that why you never showed any interest in dating, during the whole war?"
Adora blinked. "Of course I wasn't going to date. I was married!"
"Your wife was regularly trying to kill you!"
Adora couldn't understand this reaction. "Still my wife."
"Damn right, still your wife," Catra muttered, rubbing her face against Adora's shoulder to leave a scent-mark.
"And you," Bow said, looking at Catra, "you never—you were never with anyone else either?"
"I was married." Catra looked exasperated. "What kind of wimpy marriages do you have in Bright Moon, where you can just pretend it never happened as soon as you hit a bump?"
"Hit a bump," Glimmer repeated faintly. "The war was a bump."
"The war was a bump," Adora said confidently. Now they were getting it.
Bow cocked his head. "So all that time, you knew—or at least hoped?—that you would be together again someday?"
Catra grimaced. "Oh, no, I was pretty sure we'd die hating each other."
"Yep," Adora said shakily, and pulled Catra closer, kissing her temple. "Not good times."
"And you didn't consider… ending the marriage?" Glimmer said. "Surely if the Horde has marriage, they have some form of divorce."
Adora and Catra stared at Glimmer, stared at each other, back to Glimmer.
"Why would we do that?" they said, nearly in unison.
"Well," Bow said after a pause, "I guess it all worked out."
"It sure did," Catra said, marking Adora's shoulder again. "Congratulations to you guys, on finally getting married yourselves."
"Thanks," Glimmer managed. "And congratulations to you two as well. Belatedly."
Bow stood up, and pulled Glimmer to her feet beside him. "We wanted to tell you guys in person. Now we need to get started on the official announcement."
Adora released Catra long enough to pull Glimmer, then Bow, into a firm hug. "You're going to love being married. It's great."
"I'm sure it will be," Glimmer said, some of that half-drunk happiness returning as she looked up adoringly at Bow.
As the newly-engaged couple left the room, Adora could just hear Bow murmuring to Glimmer.
"Will you stay married to me even if I try to kill you?"
"How about if I steal that last piece of cake you hid on the top shelf?"
"Definitely not. Don't be ridiculous."
Catra chuckled, low and sultry, as she pressed up against Adora's back, arms around her waist. "Being married is great, huh?"
"It sure is." Adora smiled, wrapping her arms around Catra's. "Let me show you what I like best about it." She locked the door behind Bow and Glimmer, and turned around to kiss her wife.
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mercymorn-was-right · 2 years
I think it’s great when crews talk about behind the scenes stuff and discuss their thoughts about what they’ve created and all that
but I loathe this culture of taking authorial intent as 100% canon
like not to mention that there are very few times there is actually one single ”true” author of a piece of media
but it also ignores the point that what is canon is what’s in the text
authorial intention can certainly inform our reading and interpretation of a text
but it isn’t law, it isn’t “canon”
and this culture I’ve noticed of attacking other fans because they interpret something in the text differently than what the/an author has stated was their intent (or even their own thought of what might’ve happened that they haven’t even decided on!) — it’s harmful to media analysis, but on a smaller level it’s harmful to fans and fandom spaces
like, one example of this would be in one of my own fandoms — She-Ra (2018)
none of the characters have outright stated sexualities in the show — something the crew has even commented on that there wouldn’t be labels on Etheria as everyone is just taken as they are
like yes, you can certainly see hints in the text to some characters attractions: Bow pretty explicitly has a crush on Sea Hawk and later gets into a relationship with Glimmer, so it’s not fa-fetched to say he is canonically bi or pan — it exists in the text of the show! Similarly, Adora shows explicit attraction towards women at numerous times while being portrayed to be pretty indifferent towards men, meaning there is good evidence she is canonically a lesbian. Scorpia is portrayed this way too, being completely unimpressed when Sea Hawks tries to charm her in season 1
but for others, it’s not as clear
Catra, Perfuma, Netossa, Spinnerella etc
they are certainly sapphic — that much is clear, but we know nothing (in the text of the show) about what their attractions look like apart form this
for Catra, it’s by virtue of her obsession with Adora — unlike Scorpia and Adora herself, Catra never shows interest in anyone but Adora, and so we really can’t speak on what other attraction or capacity for attraction she has. It’s just Adora.
for the others, it‘s by the virtue of being side characters. Spinnerella and Netossa was a couple since day 1 so really, it’s irrelevant and the text doesn’t give us any indication of attractions outside their very happy marriage. Perfuma goes to prom with Bow, but it’s unclear if it’s in a friendly way or if she’s into him, and later she has a flirt with Huntara, and eventually gets with Scorpia. Because she‘s a side character her attractions aren’t pondered on any closer
and yet I see some fans hound other fans because they headcanon Catra as bi, or any other “infraction” on what the crew has said in panels or on Twitter
and like I get the urge
because the common argument is that you are “harming/erasing X sexuality”
and like, in some contexts that’s certainly true
for example, it would be helluva lesbophobic leap to call Adora a straight woman
but while bi Adora isn’t my cup of tea, and it goes against canon (which I agree with in this instance bc I like it), as a lesbian myself I don’t really see an issue with it
because it’s not erasing queerness or Adora’s queer attractions — it just shows a different flavor of queer that that particular fan vibed with more, maybe cause they are bi themselves and see themselves in Adora. Hell, I headcanon Adora as a demiromantic lesbian because that’s what I am and I recognize myself in her character
and so it really astounds me when some fans vigorously hound others for “erasing canon lesbians” because they headcanoned Netossa as bi when she isn’t even explicitly anything but sapphic in the text, and furthermore it doesn’t even harm queer people as a group
it only furthers separation between queer groups when we are all truly better of together
and not only does this have implications on queer issues of solidarity which is a big important topic
but on the interpersonal level, it works to make fandom a less welcoming, more hostile place for (queer)people wanting to be creative and play with characters they love
and it’s a damn shame
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jboofan · 2 years
Chapter 15 revised
YN's about to find out that sometimes a gorgeous man can come up with a plan all his own, and it's a given that it'll mess hers up.
Jungkook x YN
Chapter 15 The Alley
Jungkook swung around, searching for her in the dark. Bodies gyrated against each other, but even in the dark he could differentiate between her and everyone else.
"YN!" he kept calling out in vain.
The last thing he saw as he drained his champagne had been watching her excitedly scream and hug Adora, as they stepped off the podium and walked back into the audience.
Looking for her in the club was like trying to find a needle in a haystack of scantily dressed women. He messaged several times, but no reply. Frustrated, he headed back to their booth.
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He finally found her in a further booth elsewhere, popping her heels back on and reaching for her handbag, by the looks of it as though she was leaving.
"Hey," he called out to her, for a moment forgetting that they had had a fight. "Fuck," he managed under his breath as he took her in, and so did half the male population in the nearest fifty mile radius it seemed.
YN didn't even bat an eyelid and carried on, for the door.
"Hey love," smiled Adora as YN came into view, "Ready to go? The others are waiting."
"Hey you," she smiled back at her warmly, Jungkook still staring blankly. "Yeah, I'm ready."
"Going somewhere?" he asked annoyed at the silence and wanting her to answer him, to acknowledge him mere existence.
"Let's go," YN smiled at Adora, who looked a little confused at Jungkook but understood where she was coming from. Trust was imperative. Without it we have nothing.
"Look can we talk?" He grabbed her hand.
"Oh here we go," Jimin pushed his phone back into his jeans, grabbed some snacks as he swung his legs athletically over the sofa, Jin putting his drink down.
"Wait wait, I don't wanna spill my drink."
Both watched as YN felt beyond uncomfortable to be reacting to Jungkook in such a way that they felt it was entertainment, that her feelings, her emotions, her principles were entertaining.
"Am I the running entertainment in your house?" she looked at the gathering six, excluding her new mortal enemy. "Apparently you've all got too much time on your hands if you are all suddenly so invested in my personal life.." she cut through them like a sharp knife, "Should I start selling you tickets since you all so fondly wish to bet upon me?"
Guilted into silence, YN refused to further react to any of them, and kept walking.
"I suggest y'all get some lives," she shot back one last time angrily, her natural New York accent pushing through thickly. "Because I'm getting sick of you all."
Jungkook sighed, following after her calling out her name.
"Baby, you gotta talk to me sometime," he sang nervously trying but failing to inject some humour in the situation.
YN stopped, swung around and gave him a scoff and a roll of the eye. All things he was getting used to as a form of competent communication from her.
"If you weren't so emotionally damaged, maybe instead of acting like a child, we could discuss this like adults."
That was enough to light a stick of dynamite now.
"Oh shit..." Namjoon rubbed his temple, "JK's got a death wish doesn't he?"
"I'm emotionally damaged? I'm emotionally damaged?" she stepped closer and pointed to herself as she said the words slowly, enunciating every syllable.
"I'm emotionally damaged because I don't bat my eyelids at the Golden Maknae? That I don't fall in a bumbling heap at your over shined boots? That I don't blush everytime you look my way?"
"I didn't mean it like that—" he was flustered, and for someone eloquent in the Korean language it sure didn't feel like his first language all of a sudden.
"Then how did you mean it? Because I don't sit here sharing my deepest darkest thoughts with you? I'm not allowed to not talk to you if I don't want to? Right about now, I'd rather be hanging out somewhere else."
He'd hurt her feelings, and it upset her that her feelings could be hurt in the first place, by Jeon fucking Jungkook of all people.
"That's being a bit dramatic isn't it?" he smiled in the way he did for ARMY and the public, looked around the room for a consensus but no one was giving it.
Seeing him smile like that, in that fake way he put on for others riled her up even more.
"So I'm emotionally unavailable and I'm dramatic now as well? Because I'm a woman? Or some other chauvinistic reason you wanna throw my way? I don't have to talk to you. I don't even have to acknowledge your existence. You know why? Because I still have that goddamn right not to asshole."
He watched her blaze up with all this pent up anger, frustration and it was so unexpected he didn't feel he could move from this very spot or say something. Jungkook didn't want to admit it, but he cared what she thought, cared that she felt she could come to him for help.
"It doesn't matter to me that to everyone else you are BTS'S Jungkook, this embodiment of masculinity with his chiseled physique, physical prowess, and steadfast morals and patriotism," she said so sarcastically, waving her hands in front of her.
"YNah, unnie let's go—" Adora pleaded for her friend's hurt heart.
"Aniyo, Na-ri yah," she replied back in Korean, laughing bitterly, "let's get this out the way, since apparently I don't say how I feel."
Her eyes focused back onto Jungkook with laser precision once again, and his feet felt like they were stuck in cement.
"My concern is that I made friends with Jungkook, not the Golden Maknae and you think it's OK to break trust. Break your word. I thought you stood for something different, but I guess you're just like every other guy. The sad thing is, I thought you were different Jungkook-ah. But you ain't, you're struggling with emotions and how to express them in a healthy manner, or accept that once in a while you're not so perfect as you think you are, and even you can be wrong. Even you make mistakes."
"Healthy manner? Have you seen the way you're acting with me right now?!"
"In nearly all my cases, it's been the right thing to do," she said calmly. "Don't raise your voice at me, improve your argument but I know you can't."
"Look why isn't the right thing to do right now to forgive me?" he held onto her hand, rubbing circles into it, trying to calm her.
"Not when you won't even acknowledge what you've done is wrong, and the only reason you're approaching me is because one of your hyungs probably tried to talk some sense into that empty head of yours," she waited, crossing her arms.
"That's not true," he said it as convincingly as he could.
"No," she decided, "Newsflash Jeon Ssi," as soon as his name left her lips he knew he was right back at the bottom of the never ending mountain that was Bang YN.
"I'm gonna change your life. I'm THAT girl. The one that doesn't fall for that wayward fake smile the rest of the world is so ready to accept, not when I know it's not real. Don't give your word to someone if you can't keep it Jeon," she said it so sadly.
Jungkook watched YN and wandered how many times she had walked out of a person's like that way, and never came back.
"Jungk—" Hope tried to get his attention even after she had become smaller as she disappeared off into the distance and she was no longer standing there. Everyone heard everything, and there was no joke or smirk he could give to make them forget either.
"I'm gonna take a walk, I'll see you guys back at the hotel."
How dare he! After everything, he was pulling out all the stops, with the innocent flirting and the touching.
Oh my god his touch, she sighed as she padded back to her room quietly, in the early hours of the morning.
"Attachments are dangerous. They mean that you care about someone or something. Which makes you vulnerable. Which gets your heart killed. Do not form attachments Bang YN."
"I must no longer get attached.. especially not to him. He'll get me killed or vice versa, and I like being alive," she chanted the mantra as she shook off the words, dismissing all thoughts hopelessly out of mind.
Not that it helped. She saw the yearning in his eyes, the way his lips parted involuntarily. She wasn't blind. She knew that Jungkook wanted her. And she wanted him too. But things had changed, after Kai, no one was worth more than her career; her goals; her happiness.
Chalking this one up to an experience gone bad, it’s become apparent that there’s more than just lust still lingering between them and that isn’t a good thing. Lust and sex he could handle since he met her, but he wanted the pain to end, the misery between them to end. This emotional rollercoaster was one he could do without. If she didn't want to be with him emotionally, maybe physically she would still want to? Any other emotions would only muddy the already murky waters between them.
Jungkook took in the night air, stopping by a lamppost a moment to close his eyes and take in her beauty without it being so obvious that he was staring at her. He wasn't afraid to admit that he was still enough of an dick to obsess over the flesh coloured bra he was licking his lips over, under that lace dress she wore this evening.
Not to mention the tips of her hard nipples that strained against the fabric. In his mind, he told himself that part was because of him.
Jungkook adjusted his now too-tight pants, deciding that coming here was a bad idea. He couldn't continue to torture himself this way. It was time to tell her his idea, he'd been thinking about it since he had stayed over at hers with Bam.
If it works? Fucking fantastic. If not, he'd move on. Maybe move to Siberia.
Walking slower than he usually did, he spotted her up ahead, walking alone. He waited to get her attention but she never looked to his side of the street. Pouting, he stood there wondering why.
Never short of admirers or dance partners. He felt overlooked, watching her from afar like a creep wanting to beat up anyone that came near her and claim her for his own.
Detouring from his side of the road, using its busy queues to slip away, Jungkook followed her to the alleyway behind the club, especially reserved for staff.
YN smokes? She'd never had a smoke in front of him, yet here she was, taking a drag, her head against a brick wall and her eyes closed.
“Hey!" her eyes flew open as someone grabbed the cigarette cleanly from her hand.
"Yah whaddaya doing out here on your own?" he looked to his right, a dead end where the staff smoking area was, and his left that was a dark long alley leading back out to the main road.
Not bothering to open her eyes to him again, she picked the cigarette off him and took a deep drag, blowing out smoke rings, finally responding with a “none ya business Jeon. Goodbye."
“How about the way you were dancing in there?" his voice was clipped, barely holding steady.
“I'm not answering on the grounds I don't give a shit." She opens her eyes and stands up, as if preparing for a fight. There goes that somersaulting feeling in his heart he ignores again.
“Be careful who you're with," he tells her, carefully setting the stage and trying not to ogle her gorgeous tits in that sexy-as-fuck dress. “I say it because I care.”
“Is this a joke? Are you seriously fucking with me right now. I made it crystal clear in there, leave me the fuck alone!"
“I’m not saying that your safety isn't important to me, I can assure you, it is.”
“I just can’t believe you came out here to tell me I can't have fun, dance with anyone even. What you drinking these days??”
“Me?” he asks, feeling his own face turn red in the dark. “Look at what’s happened to you. Never would you have let anyone close to you so readily, yet you let those guys paw at you, touch you like they mean it. You wouldn't take the shit those idiots were telling you to get into your knickers. Not the babygirl I knew.”
“Sweetheart, you have never known me," she says, each word forced out, brave as she says them. It has Jungkook staggering back, a shot to the gut, she may as well have put her fag out on him. YN seemed so brave, indignantly she stands in front of him.
Is she like this because of me?
Walking off, still smoking she finds herself a new cubby hole around the corner and finished her cigarette. Closing her eyes, she finally figured that he took the hint and got lost.
Jungkook couldn't understand it. She was telling him to basically go fuck off, yet she’s still the most gorgeous thing he'd ever had the privilege to see. Now he couldn't fucking stand it. For the first time since he was a scrawny high school kid he wasn't going to listen to anyone tell him YN wasn't his. He remembered every memory they shared, the way she set his heart on fire. Thoughts turned to the men dancing with her in the club.
He struggled, unable to push these dark thoughts out of his head; maybe it was the dark out of the way spot they were standing in, the fact he was here, that she was here and no one else. He shook his head.
"What the flying fuck is your problem?" she could still hear him breathing close by as he turned up. Again.
"No matter how much I try I just can't. It's been months and I'm struggling, I need you."
"So does everybody else. Nothing original."
Sad for an instant, YN looks away, the whole time he's trying to find the words to say, standing there, trying to figure out how to bring her comfort with his words. To take away whatever the hell had her feeling so different she had to go dancing on other men tonight. He swore if they weren't wearing clothes on the dancefloor she would have become pregnant by now.
Pregnant by some other pabo.
Before he could stop himself, instinct takes over. The heat burning in his gut bubbles up, not just the heartburn he feels from all that champagne.
Jungkook's movements are no longer his own as he possessively stalks over, pressing her up against the wall with an insatiable need to cover, protect, to heal her. Taking her arm he pressed a wet kiss inside of her elbow. Her sweet taste stirs something in his groin and suddenly he's ravenous, like he's never eaten before; biting down her arm to her wrist. When he reaches her fingers, throwing the out of character cigarette butt away, he draws each one into his mouth, sucking one, savoring her flavour.
"I want more, baby," he growled. "I can't control this any more. I'm not strong enough."
“Ya Jungkook,” she whispers, as her pupils dilate, not understanding him. "What the hell."
His next actions were far from romantic, or polite. He knew that. But he was all about adapting to the situation, and this one required it. Jungkook would have, if they were back at her hotel room or her apartment, pulled back, moved slow or been more gentle with her, but he tried to hint previously but that just brought him a one way ticket to ghost town with her. No. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.
But now it was too late. Tugging on her short dress, an outfit he would never have let her leave the house wearing, if she'd been parading in that in front of him he would have done to her then what he was about to do now.
Sudden voices nearby had him out of his red mist as he realised they were in an alleyway. He pulled her further away from the street.
Jungkook pinned her up against the wall, bunching up her dress so he could reach underneath. This is better; he had more room to work his way up the inside of her legs. More room to test her, to feel her. It’s almost too much, this raw chemistry that wipes everything out of his head but her. At the same time, it’s not enough. YN holds her breath, making him stop.
"Don't do this," she grabbed his wrist powerfully. Shoving him off her, pulling her dress down she walked away catching a taxi back to the hotel as fast as she could.
YN tried to wipe tonight out of her memory as the taxi hurried to her hotel. Thankful he wasn't following, she was in the lift in a few minutes and then to her hotel room in five.
She'd only just managed to remove her shoes when the door rang.
Jungkook shoved a foot in the door, ready to fight any resistance tonight, shutting it gently and locking it behind him.
Cap removed, jacket off he watched her again. Two large strides and he was back in his favourite place; up against YN.
"Don't," she reprimanded him again as he again went to work, pinning her to the wall, pushing her dress back up, without the fear of any passersby.
"You scared of what I can do to you?" he licked his lips.
She chuckled, staring right at him. "You're not man enough to take care of my needs. I was telling you don't waste my time."
"No knickers?" he states simply, jealousy was no longer in check as he squeezed her thighs making her struggle against him.
"I'll walk around naked if I want," she confidently bit back.
Jungkook locked his eyes on her, she was still pushing back against him, pushing every button on him she knew how. Buttons only she knew how to press so well.
Just for that he was going to pause. Not go any further yet. Instead, he moved to the outside, toward her lush hips. He traced her amazing curves, before wrapping his hands around them, gripping down hard, and forcing her still in his grip, forcibly tilting then open. Selfishly this was more for him, opening her up to him, knocking down the walls between them. Even if just for tonight, he was ready to pull down every layer, every wall, brick by brick till it was just them two left.
Once his breathing finally settled, his thumb began to trace tiny shapes on her sharp hip bone.
"Let me. Let me show you I'm man enough for you."
"Real men talk less, and do more," it was like she was teasing him right back, and it turned him on even more. "If you're just going to talk about it, then step off and let a real man do me. If you say you're going to do something, then do as you say. Jeon."
YN moans at his touch, so he held on tighter, almost rough, wanting to mark her, let every bastard know that she only gave it to him. Without a second thought, he looked at her darkly, this is what they both need.
Oh, how her body is on fire under here! She moves ladylike so her legs are no longer outside of his, his hips knocking into hers, knowing she's not wearing anything underneath make him begin to drip down the front of his boxers, all before he feels how hot she is down there.
Jungkook pushed her dress up higher, exposing her to the cold AC air, the insides of her thighs slick with her arousal. Jungkook is excited, and worried that he'll come all over himself before the show even gets started.
Body shuddering, biting down on his tongue to keep his hand from shaking he knows they're having a moment. One of those things he's seen in the movies and read about; where no one but them exist. He can’t mess this up. He knows if he does, YN might never give him another chance again.
His girl didn't even seem embarrassed, and that makes her even more appealing to him, he grows harder. YN holds his gaze as his fingers come in contact with her soaking folds, and any last thoughts of apprehension either of them have dissolved.
“Just as I thought,” he roughly pushed her neck aside with his mouth, “You’re so wet for me, baby. So fucking wet, so tempting.” Her folds are swollen and heated, but they separate easy, allowing for more access.
"If you're gonna stand here talking your erection down, move out the way and I'll get someone else to take care of me. I've got a flight to catch in the morning."
That was all she needed to whisper in his earlobe to tip him over the edge, pulling her folds with his thumb and forefinger, pushing his middle finger into her. Then another one.
Lips opened for him, as he pushed his lips harder onto hers.
"Baby, I'm sorry," he finally admitted, "Baby. I'm sorry for everything. My need you so bad," he pleaded again, he was so full it was painful.
That shut her up.
YN's head almost fell back against the wall. “Baby you okay?” he asked, still a bastard, but a caring one.
Her lips part before she answers, “Please don’t stop," she gulps back.
"Fuck no," he smirks, dick starting to tingle as he continued sucking at her big bottom lip, pulling it out before attacking her tongue with a ferociousness he didn't know he possessed.
Jungkook the Gentleman, a national sweetheart who might ask for permission to enter her mouth and invade her with his tongue wasn't here right now.
Dirty, fucked up and possessive Jungkook however was sloppily landing spit covered kisses all over her mouth and was fucking loving it. Not wanting to stop, afraid of breaking the connection between them, he pushed three fingers into her, and continued to suck her face. Nothing seemed more intimate than what they were doing right now and he wasn't going to break that spell.
YN felt the world spin out of control. Here was Jungkook, angry, passionate, jealous and taking control. Showing her that he could be a man. Fingers in her, his mouth all over hers, his hand gripping her throat masochistically, telling her how difficult it was to function without her these months was what it took for YN to give up all her power in this moment to be in his capable hands.
All she knew was him. His rough, deep voice. His stormy chestnut eyes. His sandalwood, masculine scent. All YN felt was the heightened sensation of his touch, his fingers slowly stroking up and down, working their way deeper.
It was goddamn paralysing. But though her body might be tight and rigid on the outside as she stood up propped between Jungkook and the living room wall, her insides were melting for him. And the voice in her head was screaming for more.
Fuck Jungkook, I need more dammit!
On some subconscious level, Jungkook must known because he continued his glorious assault on her body without faltering. He knew what he was doing, knew how he’s making her feel, and YN was so sure he was getting off on it.
In a moment of clarity, YN decided to test her theory. She dropped her hands from his heavy neck, letting her hands wander. Not wander so much as head straight for the prize. She zoned in, palming him lightly over his pants, happy beyond comprehension that he’d filled out so well, so she squeezed his thick length. Then squeezed again, and again with both hands now. Over his pants. Under his pants.
Then undoing his belt and button, unzipping him and pushing her hand into the flap of his boxers. Roughly she fists one hand down, and under, to cup him, whilst her right hand continued to stroke him rapidly as he began to whine at her touch. He was beyond sensitive right now and he didn't know what he was going to do.
At this point YN's dress was wrapped around her stomach, her right leg is up and over his shoulder as Jungkook pumps his fingers in and out and she is bringing him past the brink of no return.
Alternating the pressure and speed almost brings him to his knees, and YN felt lost in his reactions, wanting to bring him closer. Jungkook begged his body to give him release, giving up all control to YN as she over stimulated him.
Jungkook hissed, his head floppy against her neck, tensing as she worked him. Soon he's thrusting into her hand, and she's rewarded with him yanking down his boxers and picking her up with ease.
YN instinctively hooked her legs around his waist and he lowered her onto him.
"That okay baby?" he moaned, pumping deliberately faster as she gripped his shoulders, and he nipped at her neck, whilst moving through to her bedroom.
"Yes," she managed, "faster baby," she begged.
Another hiss, and he's squeezing her ass hard. She knows he's gonna leave marks but that's something to deal with tomorrow morning. For now it's about getting off on him as hard and fast as she can manage.
"Fuck baby," Jungkook growled at YN.
Jungkook receives the message loud and clear, understanding the assignment - he's pumping into her faster than he thought he still couldn't. They'd been fucking for at least ten minutes before they got to the bed, YN recieving dessert in the form of the most guttural sound she's ever heard a man make. It vibrates low in her core. And now it’s Jungkook's head that lobs backward. It’s the strangest sensation.
"Baby it hurts," he almost whined.
"Do you want me to make it stop?" she teased as he shuddered, gripping her bare neck as his thighs jolted the more her hands went to work.
She's despised this guy for so long – for everything he’s said and thought about her. For hurting her. Yet being with him like this, giving and taking pleasure, it’s such a potent drug.
YN feared why it felt so natural or right. The power she felt in the moment was extraordinary, yet difficult to fully understand. That intense feeling of control doesn’t last though, and she's sure that’s by his design. Because in the very next moment, his thumb snakes down between her legs, rubbing and pushes down so hard it makes her lose her breath for a second or two.
Jungkook neck tenses as he's about to see the light again, and she patting his shoulder to be let down to take it all as quickly as he can supply it. He couldn't find it in his right mind to object, neither did he want to. Carefully he deposited her back to the bed where she got down on her knees and held his throbbing member in her hand as she swallowed all she can receive. Soon he's into her mouth epically, strands of goodness erupt, as she swallows as much as she can, head bobbing back and forth.
"Fuck baby, that's so good," he's somehow managing to string more than three words together, eyes watery from his sweet release.
He watches as she spits her dessert seed back onto his dick, Jungkook on his back as YN begins to give him another handjob, his essence smeared across his thighs. Not even down from his current insane high, YN forces more out of him, one after the other, his legs shaking intensely from the overstimulation, as he whimpers for her, begging her to stop.
"Baby— Ahh," he tried to grip her wrist, begging her to stop as she continued to squeeze him until he was screaming out in an ectasy he never thought he would ever dream of reaching.
Reduced to a complete mess, feeling completely violated by YN, he licked his lips as she swallowed the last of him, hungrily wiping her lips as he watched on.
But that wasn't enough to satisfy this insatiable appetite he now had for her. Fingers continue to work their magic as again YN is on her back spreading her legs for him. One turn of his wrist and she gasped. Another finger. Another turn. Three whole fingers in there and he still manages to push in a fourth, so deep she can feel the pressure pushing against her belly.
There's panting and thrusting until her legs spasm out of control, and she is literally seeing stars flash behind her eyelids. Jungkook holds her legs steady, and wide as he drinks hungrily from her; as though she was his salvation, his tongue splashing unapologetically against her skin.
YN arches as he works diligently, reaching across a tattooed hand to squeeze her sensitive breasts until she screams, as she clearly hears his appreciative moans as he drinks, thirstily.
At the height of it all, she can barely hold onto him, fingers gripping his freshly washed hair as she realised that this is the best feeling in the world.. And she knows without a doubt. She is his. And it frightens her to death.
Jungkook couldn't think of anywhere he wants to be but here with her, as he smiled up from the end of the bed, lapping up her juices, his turn to dominate, in complete control of YN. In this moment. In this place.
But who am I kidding?
He nuzzled deeper into her folds, she owns me. Despite everything, he wants to be hers and only hers. As he continues to make her come apart in his mouth, he uses his hands to continue its exploration of her body – snaking under her breasts, the same nipples that were driving him insane in the club.
Inching up across her stomach, across her ribs, he grazed a thumb over her breast. He could see them in his mind, a memory from the nights he dreamt of her; they were everything he wanted and more; an image he could never forget. Full and heavy with deep caramel accents that were so responsive. They still are; welding to his touch. So he squeezes one and then the other, driving a helpless moan from her with each electric contact. Finished with her clit, he's back on his feet, leaning over to get them into his mouth to taste, but he isn't a complete bastard, and wants to savour both her taste and image to his mind, scared it might never happen again.
"I'm so glad we didn't fuck in that alley," he kisses her again, as she pushed back his slick hair. They both know they're running out of time too quickly. YN's raw nerves won’t last much longer, but he just wants to make her come again, saying his name before it's over for now.
It’s time to push her over the edge, and over stimulation was the key. Just as she edged him to the end of his body's ability, he gladly returned the favour.
YN's mouth now sits on his palm and he can feel her silent scream, and he starts to unravel. The throbbing stops and Jungkook holds YN until she floats back down to Earth.
YN really isn't the let's cuddle after fucking kinda girl. More hit it and quit it, slowly realising that he's now holding her, something she really didn't want to do. There was no need to have any more emotions tied up in this, but she had the strange feeling it’s been a long time since he's had any emotional release, so she let it go, cradling him too until he calms.
YN looks up at Jungkook but he watches in horror as those dreamy eyes harden. Her face tightens and her chin tips up and out. The mask is on and the cold Bang YN is back.
“Now that was, wow," he tried lightening the mood with no luck. "I don't think there is any other way to have lost my virginity."
“You are truly depraved,” she tells him, straightening herself in the bed, fluffing her hair again.
“Babygirl, you have no idea.”
She laughs then, a deep belly chuckle that absolutely charms him. He even saw a dimple - fuck those things are rarer than a falling star. She’s still coming down off that high.
Now is my chance. Say something Jeon.
“God, I can’t believe we did that.” Jungkook shakes his head in awe, almost as if he's proud of his walk on the wild side. “Here’s the thing," he stops her saying anything, running the back of his hand along her sharp as a knife jaw. “I want to do it again.”
She slaps his arm, pushing him away from her. “You’re crazy. No f-ing way. You are so lucky someone didn’t see us in the alley, or you turning up here. Not just that, but I don't wanna do it again with you. You scratched an itch that's it."
“I don’t mean here," he calls out to her, signalling around the hotel room, "not like this baby"
“Where then?” she asks, curious. God she knew she shouldn't have asked, but she suddenly had to know where she could get it again.
Jungkook licks him lips moving closer as he sees that he's got her wheels turning. “Your apartment.” His eyes don’t stray from hers. “Whenever you can make time for me.” A strange silence and uneasiness consumes the space between them. The heat has fizzled and the raging emotions have slid back under the surface.
“Let me get this straight. You want me to be your dick appointment every whenever at my apartment.”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that way. I’d call it an arrangement between two consenting adults. We can do in the dorm but I thought you'd prefer your apartment, by the way.” She ignores him in order to think.
“What makes you think I wanna do it at my place?” she asks. All her spunk has returned, furthering his resolve. He knows he can give her what she needs.
“I figured you'd prefer the privacy. Besides, we clearly can't figure out a relationship but there's no reason to not sleep with each other. It’s safe, it's good and it's me. I've never slept with anyone except you. Between our schedules couldn't we work it out baby? I want to figure this out, you can't kiss me like you did in that practice room and not expect me to survive my life on that memory alone did you? Baby, imagine what it’d be like to have sex like this every week?”
“Who says I’m not?” she asks.
Shit. She's right.
"Wait," he furrowed his eyebrows, territorial now, "who the hell is screwing you? Actually fuck that, I don't give a shit who you've fucked. I wanna fuck you. If you agree, and I know you enjoyed this right now as much as I did, so there better not be anyone else in the picture."
"What if there is someone else in the picture?" she is already walking towards the bathroom for her dressing robe.
“Come on, don’t even think about lying to me, I know you enjoyed every damn second of that," his face hardened as he grabbed her hand pulling away from the door and towards him, hugging her tightly.
“If there's someone else, then I'll have to forcibly remove them from the picture.”
She doesn’t say another word for what feels like hours, and begins to blink up at him, hand rested against his chest.
“Well, YNah baby?" He asked, unable to wait another second. “What do you think? Forget it all and become mine? On the bed, in the shower, over everything and anything."
Suddenly, he wants this more than anything. He wants it so bad, he's ready to beat up some hapless idiot, that's how bad he wants it. YN leans into him, and in a surprising move, she brushes her plump lips over his.
"You're welcome to shower before you have to go back. I wasn't lying when I said I have a flight in the morning."
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Korra x She-ra!Reader Part 2
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You looked at Swift Wind in confusion, "Vaatu? Who is that?" "Back in Adora's time, their was a great evil that went around the universe and would take over plants... After a long struggle over Etheria, She-ra managed to defeat Vaatu, or Horde Prime as he was called in our time, but some of his dark power was left and has been regenerating itself ever since. Growing stronger each day." You sit and consider what to do with this type of information.
"So if he's out now, that means he had to bond with someone... Who would want that type of power?" Swift Wind shook his head, "Someone crazy but we need to speed up your training, you need to be able to change to She-ra if you want a chance to defeat Vaatu."
So you worked hard, day and night. Mastering the sword and its other forms and trying to turn into She-ra. "The time is coming..." Swift Wind said to you as you walked up for your daily training. "I can feel Vaatu's power growing... It's almost time for you to return, your friend will need you help." You felt your heart drop to your stomach with dread. You had been trying to push Korra to the back of your mind since you left the South Pole. You felt terrible for ghosting Korra, not even at least telling her you were okay. You gathered yourself and pulled out your sword, "Let's do this."
You were woken from your slumber, feeling Swift Wind's horn poke you repeatedly in the back. "Hmmm... What?" You mumble trying to shake yourself awake. "It's time, y/n." "What? Five more minutes?" Swift just continues to poke you, harder this time. "It is time y/n!" You sit up immediately, letting the blankets fall off your body. "What but I haven't even been able to transform yet!?" You said worriedly as you scrambled around to dress yourself, hopping on one foot as you try and put on a boot and follow Swift Wind. "Well..." Swift Wind shrugged, "You're just going to have to use what you know. Who knows maybe you'll transform once your in the heat of battle?" "In the heat of battle!?" You gaped at Swift Wind, who in turn rolled his eyes. "Duh."
You ride Swift Wind towards where he felt movement and were surprised to see 6 benders fighting against an army of evil spirits. "Fly me over and drop me!" You say to Swift Wind as you get closer. "You sure?" "Yeah... It's what you've been training me for right?" Swift Wind nods his head and speeds up over the spirit army. You take a deep breath and let yourself slide off of Swift Wind. "For the honor of grayskull!" You yell and almost laugh out of joy for finally being able to transform.
"Who is that!?" A earth bender below you yells as he watches your form fall from the sky, a bright light surrounding the body for a few seconds before hitting the ground. The benders stop for a second, to catch their breath, as all the spirits turn on you as you slam into the ground. You spend the next 5 minutes cutting through the spirits, gaining only a few cuts and scratches, none of them fazing you.
You cut through the last one and let yourself take a breath and look at your new form. Your hair was super long and blonde while your body was covered in a white and gold body suit with a gold crown. "This is so cool!" You exclaim before looking at the benders that you had helped. "Are you guys okay?" A boy dressed in green nodded his head as a bald man seemed to be in a more defensive stance. "Great... Swifty!" You yell out and feel the alicorn land behind you. "Okay, now we need to find Korra... You guys don't happen to know where she is, do you?" This time, before the boy in green could speak, the bald guy spoke. "And what business do you have with the Avatar?" You give the bald guy a fake pout, "Come on Tenzin, I know we only met a handful of times but I'm not one to be forgotten." You transform and watch as recognition shows in Tenzin's eyes. "Y/n?" You smile, "The one and only."
After greeting Tenzin and getting a brief rundown of what was happening, you and Swift Wind were flying above Republic City, watching a giant Korra and Vaatu fight. "You know this it not what I imagined the city to look like." Swift Wind commented and you rolled your eyes. "I haven't been here before but I am sure it isn't usually covered in vines." "Yeah, well-" Whatever Swift Wind was about to say was cut off by a bright yellow light. "What is that?" You ask as Swift Wind flies closer to the source of light. "It looks like a girl..." "Holy shit is that Jinora!? Aww, she's so pretty."
"Y/n, focus." "Yes, right, focus. What is she doing?" You ask as you finally collect yourself. "By the spirits, she's holding Raava!" Swift Wind yells out and you look confused, "I really should have payed attention." "She is trying to put Raava into Vaatu but it seems like she can't get through." "Well that's were we come in." You say, confident in your ability as She-ra after transforming the first time. "Fly me over and drop me" Swift Wind looks concerned, you were pretty high up. "And then catch me before I hit the ground." Swift nods in confirmation and flies above Vaatu, where Jinora is still trying to insert Raava into Vaatu's body. "Lets do this." You say as you let yourself slide off of Swift Wind's back again, kind of wishing you could fly. "Incoming!" You yell to get Jinora's attention so you don't accidently stab her or something. Jinora's eyes widen as she watches you seemingly fall from the sky. "For the honor of grayskull!" You transform and stab your sword into Vaatu's chest, letting your momentum carry you and cut through the spirits body.
You didn't return to the spirt world with Korra and Jinora, instead you had Swift Wind drop you off at Air Temple Island with Pema, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan. Swift Wind had deemed that you were ready to be She-ra on your own and that he could finally move on and be with his She-ra. You would miss Swift Wind. You spent the time until Korra returned, catching up with Pema and getting to know Rohan. You almost cried the first night catching up with Pema, seeing how motherly she was towards her children made you miss your own mother.
"Now Korra, I do have a surprise for you when we get to the island." Tenzin announces as they get closer to Air Temple Island. Bolin and Mako both holding small smiles as they remember how sad Korra was when she learned that you had disappeared and how happy she will be when the two of you get reunited.
Everyone got off of the bison as soon as they got to the island. Some of the people were confused as they saw you in your She-ra form, playing with Tenzin's children. You stopped playing with the children when you felt eyes on you and turned around. You gained a huge smile when you saw Korra and turned back to normal. Korra's eyes went wide when she saw you transform and she immediately ran towards you.
You let out a laugh as she wrapped you in a hug and swung you around. "Spirits! You're here and you were blonde! Wait, were you that person from the battle? That doesn't matter, where have you been? Why didn't you tell me your mother passed?" Korra rambled out as she held you and you laughed into her shoulder. "I missed you so much." You tell her as you pull back from the hug some to make eye contact with her.
You expect Korra to repeat the sentiment but instead she just holds eye contact with you quietly. "Korra I-" You get cut off as Korra presses her lips to yours. Your eyes widen for a second before letting yourself relax and return the affection. You both pull away when you hear someone clear their throat and you then remember that everyone was still around and watching your reunion. You blush heavily and pull away from Korra. "I... Um..." Korra on the other hand, ignores the fact that people are there and pulls you in for another kiss.
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fannishcodex · 3 years
More Bat adora and her papa please, just to tied us over while you are making the story.
@thehumminbrawler So this actually inspired me to write a like ficlet oneshot. ^^; May be out-of-continuity with the mainline AU, but was neat to put it down and I kinda just needed to put it down due to some stuff going IRL right now, I'm like coping with fandom even more right now.
Notes: While spacebat!Adora was a baby, Shadow Weaver tried to kidnap her and take over the Etherian Horde. Hordak managed to protect Adora, escaping with her and Imp as well as those that remained loyal to him/didn't want to follow SW, while SW took over the Fright Zone and created the Shadow Horde. Hordak and co.--pretty much now the Renegade Horde--fled to the Crimson Waste, and their presence started to stabilize the region. The Renegade Horde fights more with the Shadow Horde now, and tries to negotiate for allies more. The Renegade Horde has an ongoing and tense negotiation effort with the Royal Alliance against the Shadow Horde. The Valley refers to the Valley of the Lost, still a major settlement in the Crimson Waste and now more of a bustling center of commerce and community. Just quickly named Dryl Baker "Bekka." Due to Hordak's background of being surrounded by brothers as his own family and society, he perceives Adora and Imp as his younger siblings, but after Later Events he'll start exploring the terms of 'parent-child' and may think that fits their relationship better. (It's an AU Prime in this though the differences don't really come into play here.) There is a little Entrapdak.
Fic under the cut:
following his brothers while sneaking glances out the window at all the stars
all four eyes bearing down on him and pinning him in place
futilely holding a dying brother's hand on the battlefield
"--well I'm very happy you've got it all figured out, Imp." Hordak's ears twitched at his younger sister's grumbling, making his heart slow down. He clung to the sound of her voice, a refuge from nightmares and poor memories even if she obviously sounded irritated, though with an edge of self-reproach. The elder clone began to gingerly sit up, monitoring himself while slipping off the blanket. What could his younger siblings be squabbling over? What could be troubling Adora? How long had he slept?
Fortunately Hordak hadn't fainted, but he had felt weaker, tired earlier--enough so that Adora and Imp caught him and made him lie down and rest. As they had gotten older, his younger siblings had a habit of ganging up on him when they put their mind to it, and their teamwork always proved to be formidable. But Hordak had planned to search for some materials down in the Valley today, and he still saw no reason why he couldn't do so. He felt groggy, but also like some of his energy had been replenished. Adora's reasoning and Imp's insistence that he should rest had been sound.
Imp gave a warning screech, clearly spotting him, and Adora was immediately at his side. Though still...wobbly, irritation didn't flash through Hordak (he was getting better at accepting help from those he cared about). Instead, a fond smile slipped onto his face at his sister's presence. But when he caught her eye, his smile faltered slightly. They were blue and alive with concern--but he again stumbled on the dark slit pupils she had been blessed to inherit from their oldest brother and genetic template. Blessed. She had been blessed...it was his own weakness and cowardice that made him unsettled sometimes. But these were rare flashes for the differences always asserted themselves--Adora's eyes were a bright blue just like her fangs, and more significantly they were always warm and open, she had not the necessary detachment of Horde Prime. (And yet it had been a long time since Hordak had talked about Horde Prime with either Adora or Imp.)
Hordak felt his own self-reproach cloud his mind when Adora frowned, but felt it retreat when she only said that maybe he should lie back down, and asked how he felt. She apparently hadn't realized Hordak foolishly misdirected fear toward her eyes and the unintended offense. Adora had thought his faltering smile and proverbial wince was due to his physical weakness, not his mental one. The elder clone took a breath and shook his head. "I'm fine, Sister. I've rested enough--" Adora glared, and her ears gave a warning flick. "You shouldn't go to town today--" Hordak opened his mouth, then his eyes landed on a tray of tiny soup mugs. He decided to switch tactics. Sometimes it was necessary in the face of Adora's determination. "Entrapta made soup?" It wasn't really a question, and he reached out a talon for a mug. Though he hadn't seen her before Adora and Imp had convinced him to rest, he assumed his partner must've come while he slept, made something for when he awoke, then took her leave. They were all busy with impending negotiations and the...local customs that were apparently necessary. (He still didn't understand "parties," while Adora tackled them with dedication, almost always open to finding the value in anything.) Imp passed him a mug, and Adora absently nodded. "Yeah, she came while you were out and whipped them up." Then she shook her head, re-focusing. "She said--"
"--tell Hordak to feel better and sorry I couldn't stay, Cobalt needed some time-sensitive wrangling with the delegation from Thaymor--but I'll be back later tonight!" Entrapta's recording filtered out once Imp opened his mouth. Hordak smiled at her bright voice. Adora laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Right, that. Thanks Imp." She slid the tray of soup closer to Hordak, where it had been placed on a small table next to his bed. "You like it? Entrapta said she tried something different, added a new herb or something that Bekka told her about," his sister remarked, and Hordak nodded around a sip. Then Adora's ears snapped down, nearly horizontal, and her eyes narrowed. "Eating your soup doesn't mean you should go out right now." "I'll have been fed and rested," Hordak pointed out after finishing his second mug. Adora's ears pricked up to their usual stance, and her eyes were no longer narrowed. "Hordak, I can just go into town for you--" His sister was apparently trying to change tactics too. The elder clone shook his head. "I am looking through updated inventory, not picking up something I know they already have." He downed another mug of soup. "If you just described what you're looking for--" "It's not that simple, it's..." Hordak shook his head. "It would be easier if I did it myself." "...You're just browsing, aren't you?" Hordak nodded, realizing Adora had articulated what he meant. "Yes, that." His sister blew out a frustrated breath, her ears giving an irritated flick. But she still didn't look convinced. "You can always accompany me to the Valley," Hordak finally said after he emptied another mug. Usually Adora loved exploring the merchants' wares in the Valley markets; it was what he had come to learn was called a "hobby." "My formal dress got wrecked when the Shadow Horde tried to kidnap Prince Peekablue." Adora's disappointed voice crackled out as Imp played the recording, while the present Adora's ears pricked up in surprise. "We can look for something new for you in town," Hordak added, seizing on Imp's opening. Adora's eyes darted between her brothers, frowning. Imp looked smug and far too satisfied, while Hordak tried not to grin at his younger brother's demeanor. Hordak and Imp could form their own effective team as well. Adora shook her head, but hesitantly. "That's fine, there's still time before the talks and the delegates' ball, I can go when you're feeling better--" "I feel better now," Hordak insisted. Imp chittered cajolingly as he climbed up on his shoulder, but Adora favored her fellow hybrid brother with a glare. "Backstabber," she grumbled at Imp, who just chirped teasingly. Then their sister rolled her eyes. "Fiiiine." Imp theatrically scrunched up his face in faux disgust, then played back a recording of one of Princess Mermista's signature groans. "Woah no, I'm not--don't even joke about that--" Adora snapped with wide, alarmed eyes while Imp snickered and Hordak slid a hand over his growing smile. ___ Since the fracture of the Etherian Horde and their exile into the Crimson Waste, the desert region had been changing with the influx of now branded Renegade Horde members who rejected Shadow Weaver's command. The place had become more stable, and in that stability it had found a new profitability in more consistent commerce. After examining scrap yards and mechanics for new goods and finding some promising materials that went straight into Adora's shopping pack--she refused to let Hordak carry anything, and Hordak refrained from resisting as long as she agreed to let him carry whatever new dress she picked--they went to the merchants selling various garments and accessories. Adora tried to efficiently and quickly select something, and while Hordak could see her reasoning, he instead told her that she could spend more time looking. "You normally enjoy the markets," he pointed out to her. Hordak still had mixed feelings on the place, which was especially dependent on how tolerable the crowds were. But he felt satisfied when he found particularly useful tools or supplies there; he enjoyed it more when he hunted for supplies with Entrapta and shared conversation with her; it brightened his mood when he watched Adora bounce happily between the stalls and eagerly browse while Imp flew around her head, orbiting her like a moon.
His sister sighed. Imp plopped on her head, pouting, and Adora stumbled a little under the sudden weight of him. She frowned and glared up at the boy, but then stared back at Hordak. "Yeah, but--" "I'm fine, Adora," Hordak repeated. Then he hesitated, and continued, "We...could use a break, and that can take the form of an afternoon in the market stalls." It was difficult to learn, but Hordak had been learning. He had been learning from his younger siblings, when he found he liked letting them play, and continued to desire seeing them enjoy themselves when they could. He had learned from Cobalt, Grizzlor, and Octavia once he realized he could trust them more. He had learned from Entrapta... (Hordak tried not to think of his oldest brother wreathed in light and consumed with purpose.) Adora blinked, and gave a soft smile. Then she giggled as Imp mussed up her snow white hair, and Hordak led them to the dried fruit stall they all favored. ___ Adora examined various dresses and talked to some eager-to-sell merchants while her brothers stood back. Imp ate the last of the dried apricots while he sat on Hordak's shoulder, and though the risk was minimal, Hordak wanted to ensure he did not make a mess on the shop's inventory. When Imp finished, Hordak nodded to him, quietly giving permission, and the boy immediately launched himself off and flitted around Adora's head. Locals used to Imp were able to mind the boy's flight path.
"Hey, Hordak, you already have an outfit picked out like Imp and Entrapta, right?" Adora called out from behind a shelf of scarves and jewelry, with only the tips of her ears poking out. And then they ducked out of sight while she was clearly on the search for something, or examining something more closely.
"Yes," Hordak said, while he glared at Imp and gave a warning flick of his ears when the boy started playing with a scarf, wrapping it too fast and roughly around his body. The boy stuck out his tongue, but began to disentangle himself.
"Okay, so I'm looking for a dress, but I thought I could accessorize too because something just caught my eye--but maybe I should find a dress first--but this accessory could help me narrow down on a dress that could pair well with it--"
Hordak actually felt the urge to laugh, but he fought it down and only allowed himself a smile. (But he questioned himself--why not laugh, a chuckle in the Valley's bustling market would not be out of place--the silence of his brothers while on guard shift, four eyes staring down--but he had already broken so many edicts--the cold click of a talon guard--)
"Are you asking for input, or brainstorming?" Hordak asked, shoving back thoughts of his original home away. It was a question he had asked Adora before, wishing to determine when she wanted his thoughts or when she wanted someone to just listen.
"Brainstorming! And I'm also prepping you because I want to show you and see what you think, and I think I found something you might like too--" And then Adora stepped out and gestured to her ears with a smile.
Hordak looked, and he felt something rise up in his throat, and he hated himself. The metal clasps wrapped around Adora's ears were bronze and they didn't even reach the tips of her ears--but in his mind's eye he saw Prime and silver clasps perfectly fitted to his ears, and the dark slit pupils of Adora's bright blue eyes were swallowed up by vivid green and lacking in all warmth...
Hordak flinched, his eyes squeezed shut. And then it registered with him that it had been Adora's voice filled with concern, obviously not Prime's. His self-loathing grew. He opened his eyes just in time to see Adora close the gap and lay a supporting talon on his arm, clearly worried he might stumble. Imp clung to her shoulder, with part of the scarf he had been playing with still wrapped around one of his arms.
"Hey, are you okay? Do you need to sit down?"
"I...yes, I just need to take a seat," Hordak said, thinking pretending he had felt a little faint was better than admitting to the awful and confusing thoughts that plagued him. Adora promptly and politely asked the merchant's assistant if they had a stool, and he immediately provided one.
Adora thanked the assistant, then looped an arm around Hordak's, clearly wanting to help him sit. Normally he would've resisted, he would've insisted that he could sit by himself at least, but shame and guilt made him comply. But then he saw in his sister's face that his easy compliance had not been reassuring to her.
"When you're ready, we can go back--"
Hordak shook his head while Imp switched to his shoulder. "I'm fine now; I can wait here while you find your dress." Avoiding her concerned look, Hordak unwrapped the final piece of scarf away from Imp, then carefully began rolling it up.
The elder clone glanced up at Adora's ears--now dipped low with worry, he noted with another stab of guilt--and forced himself to review the new accessory by its own merit. Despite his efforts, he felt it still looked eerily similar to Prime's; but its bronze material seemed to go well with the reds Adora tended to favor.
His ears flicked in the direction of her new jewelry. "Their color suits you," he murmured with muted but genuine fondness. This was his sister, her own...truly her own person. Her capacity for mercy marked her as distinct.
Adora's ears pricked up, and she ran a talon self-consciously across the length of a clasp adorning one of them. "You really think so?"
"Of course."
She smiled softly back. Then she startled, as if remembering something. She raised her other talon, closed in a fist. "This is the, um, thing I thought you might like." She unfurled her fist and let a single, red diamond earring dangle from her carefully pinched, taloned fingers. "I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be by itself for an asymmetrical look--at least that's what the note next to it said--"
When Hordak reached out a talon, Adora dropped it in his waiting palm. He rubbed a thumb over its surface, still warm from his sister's touch.
"It's exquisite," Hordak said, and Adora softly chuckled, pleased. Then after again asking Hordak if he was fine and Hordak again insisting he was, Adora went back to looking. Soon she amassed a pile of clothes and claimed one of the dressing stalls. By the time she came out wearing the first dress, Imp was settled in Hordak's lap, and Hordak had tried on the red diamond earring.
"Too long," Adora muttered. She went back in, and came out again in a new dress.
"Too much...um, ruffles?"
Dress number three. "This color's not working."
Back in, back out. "The embroidery's kinda too much."
Next. "Okay guys, what do you think of--?"
"You look like you got run over by a tank." Imp used a recording of Grizzlor's voice, and Hordak gave a scolding hiss.
With a flush running across both her ears and cheeks, Adora immediately ran back into the stall and snapped the curtain behind her. Imp glanced up at Hordak with a guilty look, realizing his joking had gone too far. "You will apologize to her later," he told Imp with a glare.
"Um, so I actually like...kinda like this one..." Adora's voice filtered out from behind the curtain of the stall, and the hesitancy in her voice made Imp's ears lower even more, and Hordak did not relent in the glare he favored him with. "But I dunno, it's...well, look--"
And Adora stepped out, with one talon gripping her other arm while her cheeks and the tips of her ears still flushed blue. Adora favored red, and all of the dresses she had tried on were different shades of it, but this one was the right sort of crimson that went well enough with her blue skin. The cut of it was simple, from its torso to the way the edge of its skirt flared out, but the structure of it suited Adora in his mind. Its belt was just as simple, and with an amber color that paired well with her bronze ear clasps.
"It's kinda basic, but..."
"You look lovely, Adora," Hordak said, and his sister's ears perked up.
"Beautiful." Imp conveyed with a recorded excerpt of Entrapta's voice.
Adora smiled, her blue fangs beaming.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Comments/reblogs/likes are deeply appreciated!
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ferretandtheweasel · 3 years
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What the heck was his problem? No seriously, Ginny Weasley wanted to know. Granted, she was in the wrong class (by mistake, mind you!) and she was just as embarrassed as anyone would have been in her situation but that hardly warranted the scornful look he had on his face upon seeing her. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be in Malfoy's company either, Merlin knew the memory of that day tortured her as much as it annoyed him but she didn't go around acting disdainful towards him. Okay sure, it had been a brief connection, eye to eye, steely grey met her own honey brown, but his look stung her in her chest for some reason, it was a look accusing her of being in the same room as him, as if she wanted that! Leaving potions class, after quickly making apologies before Snape could use her momentary blunder to take points off of Gryffindor, she tried to make sense of her dilemma.
So yeah, why was Malfoy being an utter twat, more than usual, you ask? Well, it all came down to that one fateful day when she was out with her class in the forbidden forest. Dumbledore had announced a compulsory program for year 4 and aboves, they were meant to form groups and with teachers' supervision, would have to spend 5 days learning camping skills. Apparently the ministry of magic thought that students had become too "lazy" and needed more outdoor activities. She didn't even know what Draco was doing there in the first place since his class was supposed to have their camping exercise later but who cares now. All she remembers is that somehow she'd walked right into him sitting near a lake reading a book. And before you ask, she was initially going to ignore him and walk back to the camp, because believe it or not she wasn't particularly interested in talking to him, plus she had wandered off a bit too far in her search for food, and she wanted to go back to her friends when he spotted her and made a rude comment.
Here's the thing you should know about Ginny Weasley, she had that infamous Weasley temper (which she's working on, come on now give a girl a break please), but yeah she can get exceptionally hot headed when she's hungry... and she was very hungry that day hunting for food, so she may have been particularly nasty towards him and may have said something about his upbringing. Listen, he was rude first, she just returned the favour. That kind of started their age old tradition of insulting each other and somehow she and Malfoy ended up in close proximity, somewhere during their shouting match. She doesn't really remember how but it's possible that she may have been the one to shove him first, in her defense, he had insulted her mother's annual Weasley jumpers so she had to do something. That is definitely how both she and him, ended up in the lake and here's the thing, she kinda doesn't recall much of what happened afterwards, because he did look like a snack alright. It's because his white shirt was wet and it was see through, so she had a moment of weakness, may her ancestors forgive her. So yeah, she may have looked at him a certain way, but he was at fault too, he was giving her looks that did things to her heart and elsewhere in her body, his cool silver locks fell over his molten grey eyes and she was sure her heart probably stopped beating at the sight. She can't explain it.
Merlin knew that moment is exactly where her mind was wandering off to, when today she had accidentally, walked into professor Snape's potion lecture when she was meant to be attending charms for year 6 in a different building! No no no, this would not do. Ginny would have to take control of her mind that kept wandering to that day- ugh! There it was again, she was trying NOT to think about it but somehow the memory of Draco's soft lips descending upon hers, his slender hands slowly making their way down her body, her arms pulling him closer and their tongues locking in a passionate embrace.... yeah, that memory won't leave her alone.
It... It felt like he'd done something to her, like that kiss had changed something fundamental in her, she couldn't look in the mirror without thinking of his kiss. She could still imagine it, picture it, taste it even if she closed her eyes long enough... It felt as though he had tattooed that kiss on her lips and it will never go away.
The point is, yeah, she had been affected by that sudden kiss, but she wasn't going around the school being grumpy and passing him dirty looks. She was feeling tortured inside but she was acting indifferent and trying her hardest to forget everything that had transpired between them because unlike a certain irritating man, she didn't want people to suspect anything. She was sure he was disgusted by their kiss, but could he act more mature about everything please? Because she was trying her hardest to ignore him but his constant remarks every time they crossed paths, his eyes which dug holes in her back and his scathing looks were making it very difficult for Ginny Weasley to forget what they'd done in forbidden forest.
Just last evening she was trying her hardest to concentrate on her homework in the library, she had to read each sentence several times to get it through her head, that's how much Malfoy's presence had started to affect her. As she was trying and failing to concentrate, a loud thud from the other table rang throughout the quiet room, making everyone snap their heads in his direction. Malfoy was grumpily packing his books to leave the the library, giving her a murderous look as if everything was her fault somehow he left. She wished things could go back to normal somehow, but what was normal for them, ignoring each other? Or going back at each others throats? It was all very confusing.
Merlin! She was doing this on purpose wasn't she, "accidentally" walked into potions, yeah right! How was he supposed to forget the mistake they'd made if she kept showing up everywhere, looking like... that! What was wrong with him? She must have put some kind of spell on him to torment him. Yes, that made sense, because why else on Merlin's earth would he, Draco Malfoy, find her agreeable. It was worse, he found her more than agreeable, those damn red hair, they enchanted him how they flew with the wind as she rode her broom during a match or when they partially covered her face in the dining hall while she would talk to her friends, tempting him to abandon all common sense and run his fingers through them to tuck them behind her ears. Fascinating, how those silky strands danced on her button nose when she was working on her homework in the library until she ended up putting them in a messy bun, which made her look adora— Mental!
She looked mental, she was a weasel afterall. Draco was frustrated, he was tired and most importantly he was angry, how was it that one kiss, one moment of relapse in judgement on his part could change things between him and a nobody like her so much so that here he was, all rewired somehow sitting in potions thinking about her red hair!! Was this how it was going to be from now on, she would just walk into a room and just like that, all logical thoughts in his mind would go out of the window, he would be transported to that singular moment of his life when her honey brown eyes looked up at him right after their kiss, in surprise and... shock. When she had moved her fingers to touch her lips in astonishment, innocent brown eyes looking up to him in confusion, hesitation, wonder? and then they had heard Pansy calling out for him which had made them both snap back into reality. Within moments, they were out of the lake, unspoken agreement that whatever happened, didn't happen.
And now here he was days, weeks later trying his best to be the old Draco, except it seemed like he didn't know what in the name of Salazar he was supposed do in a situation like this? All he knew was that she was suddenly everywhere, in the dining hall, on school premises, in the quidditch training pitch but most importantly, on his mind! That was the worst place she had occupied, it made it impossible for him to function anywhere. She had ruined his peaceful quiet reading spot because he couldn't go there anymore without thinking back to what they did, without imagining 'what if' scenarios, what if Pansy hadn't come to looking for him? What if Ginny wasn't a Weasley, what if he wasn't a Malfoy? Merlin! His ancestors were all probably rolling in their graves right about now.
"Weasley's sure got a nice arse"
Crabbe's loud observation almost made him want to hex the guy but miraculously, at the last minute his self preservation skills kicked in and he was able to keep his cool. He wished Ron Weasley had heard it right now, he would not only shut them up but also provide quality entertainment while doing so. Seriously, if Merlin was about to put him through Crabbe and Goyle's disgusting comments about Ginny Weasley's arse then, he would have no other option but to jump from the astronomy tower maybe, because no way in hell was he going to sit here as Crabbe and Goyle discussed her. Besides, her arse was just okay, like it wasn't all that special or anything. It wasn't big or small, just the normal size... if he was forced to comment on it, he would say it was pert, well-shaped probably because of all the quidditch training she did, it was perfectly round and firm, and frankly speaking, made to fit right in his palms. It wasn't his attraction speaking, no, it was just an objective fact that her arse fits in his hands, he knew that because he'd had the chance to grab it when they had kissed that day. Of their own accord, His hands itched to do touch her again —
"Woah, relax mate, you're gonna break that thing."
Draco looked at where Blaise was pointing and realised he was about to snap the beaker full of potion, he relaxed his hands and exhaled a sigh he didn't know he had been holding. What was that bint doing to him, he was going insane. Zabini didn't press him on what was going on and he was grateful for that. Instead he read more instructions and kept on working on THEIR class project, something they were supposed to do together! Had Draco not been so out of focus lately he would have helped out, but as it happened, a certain foul-mouthed, red-haired, brown-eyed gryffindor was on his mind and everything in life was upside down.
When Draco and Ginny fall into a lake in the forbidden forest, it ends up in an unexpected event. One moment they're arguing, honouring their ancestral family rivalry... the next they're locked in a passionate embrace neither saw coming. What happens now? Where do they go from here? How the heck did it even happen? Merlin, help them.
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catracorner962 · 3 years
Beautiful Children Ch. 2
Warning this chapter contains a flashback with both Adora and Catra being abused physically, emotionally and mentally! If you do not want to read this feel free to skip the all italicized flashbacks. Sections are broken up by "---" marks at the center. Skip these sections if that abuse is not something you want to read. Adora's flashback starts with "E...everyone accounted for?" and Catra's starts with "Catra bit her tail, stifling a sob."
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“Let me get this straight,” Glimmer rubbed her temples. “Catra found a baby? And no one on this ship has claimed it as there’s?”
Adora nodded, holding the little infant to her. It has ceased crying and finally slept in the poorly made swaddle Bow had fashioned for it.
“Not one person?” The queen demanded.
“Honey,” Bow consoled from his place in the captain’s chair. He put the ship on auto-pilot and put an arm on his wife’s shoulder. Glimmer relaxed a little under this touch but eyed Adora sharply.
“And where is she now?”
“Catra!” Glimmer suppressed a hiss of irritation.
“Oh, she’s….she’s helping Perfuma and Frosta make people comfortable.” Adora couldn’t help a swell of pride in her chest.
“She is?!” Bow visibly gushed, “that’s sooo...cute!”
“Bow! Can we get back to the matter at hand?”
Bow nodded, regaining his composure though he glanced at Adora, beaming.
“You found a baby, and it doesn't belong to anyone here?”
Adora glanced down at the sleeping thing, baby, kitten, kit? What were baby magicats called? It’s little mouth puckered, sucking on nothing but hope for some milk. Her chest warmed, watching it sleep and gurgle. She held the kitten closer to her.
“No, I went around and asked twice. So did Catra, it doesn’t have any parents.”
“It’s parent’s mustive….” Bow’s look of joy diminished for a moment, “must’ve died in the bombs or…” he didn’t finish the sentence but Adora knew, her stomach churning with disgust.
They could’ve been chipped by the Brotherhood, we could’ve killed them….
Her fingers tightened around the blanket that held the baby.
“...and Catra said it’s a magicat? Like her?”
Glimmer asked more quietly, coming around to peer at the sleeping infant. Her face turned up in the slightest of smiles.
“She didn’t but it must be. It’s got ears and tail just like her.”
Glimmer reached out, touching one hand to its smooth cheek. A little too hollow for what should be a pudgy baby, but still adorable.
“How old do you think it is?” Bow asked, leaning over Glimmer to get a better look. Adora shrugged, adjusting the baby in her arms. It stirred, all three of them holding a collective breath. They watched in suspense, as it’s face scrunched up,  brows furrowing. A short little mewl escaped it’s mouth before it settled back down, snorting a little and finally falling to silence.
It’s so cute, so precious. Poor thing.
She leaned down and placed a kiss upon its forehead, inhaling the smell of the battlefield and still somehow fresh life. Destruction and birth. Adora shuttered. Looking down at that new face, so oblivious to everything around it, content in sleep. Thick blonde eyelashes, pink little lips, perfect small brows, each finger curled into a little fist, it’s...
“Catra! There you are, get in here!”
Adora looked up, sucked from a daydream.
“We got any more food in this joint?” Catra glanced at Adora and made a beeline for one of the storage units in the cockpit.
“Catra,” Glimmer raced after her, grabbing her by the shoulders all but dragging her over. “This baby is it? Is it like you? A magicat? What do they eat, how old is it?”
Catra blinked, face drawn. Her eyes flicked from Adora, to the baby and back to Glimmer. She glared, folding her arms across her chest.
“There weren’t exactly any other magicats in the Horde!”
Adora watched her visibly flinch and moved to stand beside her wife. Holding the baby with one arm and putting a hand to the small of Catra’s back with the other. She stiffened but didn’t shy away.
“I just thought, since you are one….” Glimmer pressed, leaning closer to an ever flustered Catra,
“You would know! What they drink, how much sleep they need, how long they stay with their parents after birth?”
“Fuck should I know Sparkles?!” Catra’s tail bristled, “my parents abandoned me when I was a baby! Dumped me outside the Fright Zone in a fucking box.  They didn’t want me and I don’t want anything to do with them!  I don’t know shit about magicats and I honestly don’t fucking care alright?! Now where do you keep the extra food, we have people out there who need it!”
This baby needs someone to take care of it… . Adora thought
Glimmer stumbled backward, Catra’s ears pinned to the side of her head as she strode forward rummaging.
“It’s, it’s okay,” Adora began slowly, swaying from side to side as the baby slept. “We just...we’re trying to get more information so we can take care of it,” she reasoned, smiling looking at the little thing sleeping in her arms.
Catra stood stick straight, ears pricking up.
“Take care of it?”
Bow looked between them,
“What...what else are we supposed to do?” Glimmer asked quietly.
“Take it back to Etheria!” Adora announced.
“Leave it there!” Catra huffed.
Bow, Glimmer, and Adora snapped around, eyes wide. Adora swallowed her shocked gasp, adjusting the baby to lay against her chest, instinctively closer. Bow’s eyes nearly bulged from his head. Glimmer’s lips only tightened. Though the ship moved gracefully through the sky, everything else seemed to go still.
“.....L...leave it there?” Adora recovered lamley.
“But we already took off,” Bow offered, nervous, “we can’t turn around and leave it there on an abandoned planet.”
“Are you crazy?” Glimmer demanded deadpan. Catra snorted, pulling out tins of perishable food from the storage cabinet. They could be put into the re-hydrater in the kitchen and served in no time.
“We’ll find the nearest habitable planet and leave it there.”
Before Adora could retort the magicat turned on her nimble heel, arms full of food and punched the door lock with her elbow, all without sparing a glance at the little baby in her wife’s arms.
They exchanged a look after the door slid shut.
“Well….whatever we do with it, we better figure out fast. We’ll be back in Brightmoon by this time tomorrow,” Bow answered reviewing the flight map.
Adora mustered a nod, her heart sinking with pity at the little baby smooshed against her. It’s warmth radiated, the feel of it’s small form against her’s. Fluffy and light, so….trusting and pure somehow. Innocent.
She kissed the top of its golden head again, relishing in the touch. She closed her eyes,
“Adora?...Adora! Earth to Adora!”
“AAAhh!” Adora screamed, Glimmer manifested before her surrounded by pink bubbly magic. She instantly bit her tongue, looking down at the peaceful baby. It’s face scrunched up once more, it’s little mouth turning to a frown.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay! It’s…”
“Ehhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!”
“Oh no, no, no it’s okay, shhhh,” she attempted to soothe, rubbing circles on its back and swaying to and fro.
“I was going to ask what you think we should do,” Glimmer began, even as Adora started to pace the small cockpit.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, walking rhythmically, feeling the baby’s tiny body expand each time it let out a pitiful wail. She should feel it’s lungs working overtime, it’s stubby tail twitched.
“Shhh you’re alright. You were having such a good sleep!” She cooed, patting its back.
“I need to get out there and help the others,” Adora could sense the lack of patience ebbing at the queen’s voice. She may have larger duties to attend to, other priorities but Adora could only think of one thing at the moment. The thing that cried into her ear, the thing with little fingers grasping at her skin.
“I know, it’s...it’s okay, I can take care of the baby. You go see how everyone else is doing.”
Glimmer bit the inside of her cheek before she could verbalize any rebuke.
Probably something about SheRa and babysitting duty, Adora guessed.
“I need to go assist the others. Once it’s asleep come find me. We have lots of people we have to figure out where they are going once we get to Brightmoon and make sure they have all necessities. And we will want to question some of them about the brotherhood. Just...just come find me as soon as it’s asleep okay?”
Adora nodded,
Hope it takes a while, that way  I can spend more time with them,  she thought fondly, continuing to rub circles over it’s back. Her hands knew the repetitive motion well. Catra continued to get nightmares at least three times a week.
Glimmer stared at her a few more seconds before shrugging and going over to give Bow a quick kiss. The door opened, then slid shut again, and Adora was left with the small kitten.
“E...everyone accounted for?” Adora wheezed, rubbing the bruise on her left cheek. Rogelio growled, nodding from where crouched, rubbings his tail.
“I...I think so,” Kyle panted, he moved mechanically on his hands and knees, wincing as he picked up his staff and collapsed it into his holster.
Adora looked around the area, scanning the large circular room for any splattering of blood or broken equipment. A large black screen loomed down over them from the right side wall. Even without Hordak’s impossing image, Adora’s stomach tied in knots. He didn’t need to be on the screen in order to see them.
We failed, she sniffed, fighting tears. She rubbed them away with the back of her hand, the skin red and hot.
Probably burnt.
She fought another round of tears.
No.  Don’t cry. Shut up. Who else is left, who else is hurt? You are not what’s important right now.
Adora swallowed the tight lump in her throat.
“Catra? You okay?”
“Hmmmph fine,” the younger girl answered, she licked at her right forearm. Face stuck in a scowl.
Adora crouched down to see under the metal beams.
“Lonnie you okay? I saw you really took that last hit hard!”
She held her breath, anxiety hinging on the other girl’s answer.
“I’m okay.”
Adora deflated with relief, watching Lonnie limp out from behind one of the metal beams.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Must’ve banged my ankle.”
Adora glanced down at the cadet’s red boot. It wasn’t falling off, her limp wasn’t that bad.
“Okay. Just take it easy I guess.”
Lonnie eyed her with quiet resolve but nodded and slunk over to Rogelio.
“Adora! Get up!”
Adora sprang from her bed that evening, heart hammering in her chest, body suddenly drenched in a cold sweat.
Two vacant white eyes, soulless and blank stood over her.
“Sh...Shadow Weaver!”
“Shh! Do not wake the other cadet’s. Come with me now.”
Adora nodded, still shaking. Rising from her bed. She spared a look over her shoulder. The top bunk still appeared to be occupied.
Good Catra’s still asleep.
It wouldn’t be the first time Shadow Weaver had woken her at some immeasurable hour only for her to find Catra restrained in the Black Garnet chamber to teach the two of them “a lesson.” Adora put a hand to her chest, trying to calm her heart as Shadow Weaver led her down the empty echoing halls of the Fright Zone.
“Umm...Shadow Weaver... where are we going?”
“Shhh! Did I permit you to speak?”
The sorceress demanded without turning towards her. Adora sunk her head low. Allowing her golden hair to hide her face.
“No ma’am.”
The sorceress nodded, motioning for Adora to come with her as they rode down one of the many elevator shafts. Adora stood silent, straight.
Don’t ask questions.
Only speak when spoken to.
Follow orders, don’t disobey.
You’ll be punished.
Or more accurately, Catra would be punished.
The elevator stopped, Shadow Weaver exited, gesturing for her to follow. With dragging feet Adora continued down the lengthy hall. The red emergency lights cast an eerie glow. Illuminating the walls.
“Infirmary,” with an arrow pointing further down the corridor.
Who’s in the…?
They stopped, Adora craned her neck to see through the glass window, into the sick bays.
“Who is that?” Shadow Weaver pointed one grey finger at one of the beds.
Adora jumped up, trying to see, then gasped.
“Who is that cadet speak quickly!
Shadow Weaver demanded, leaning forward. Shadows rippled from her robes.
“Lonnie! It’s Lonnie! Is...is she okay?”
“I don’t know cadet, you tell me! She was in your training exercise this morning.”
“I ...I know!” Adora spluttered, ringing her hands through a lock of hair. “She...she was! She took the last hit from one of the bots! I asked her if she was okay but….”
A shadow leapt from the sorceresses robes, Adora shrieked, flinching as it zipped toward her, through her fingers and into the strand of hair she fiddled with. It sizzled and smoked, a fowl stench filling Adora’s nose.
‘Don’t play with your hair!” Shadow Weaver thundered, “look at me! Lonnie is in your squad! You were in charge of the drill. She is hurt.”
“I...I know!” Adora’s voice cracked, tears pressing at her eyes. She wrung her fingers together watching nervously as the shadow drifted through the piece of hair, pulling it back, against her head. She pinched her eyes shut in discomfort at the tense yank of her scalp.
Shadow Weaver crouched over her.
“I...I asked her if she was okay! I asked her if it hurt! She said it would be fine!”
“And you took her word for it?”
“Y...yes!” Adora broke down in sobs.
“Why didn’t you bring her straight here?”
“I….” she looked up, over at where Lonnie lay asleep on a cot. “I didn’t know,” she whined, tears streaming down her face.
“She had to be bright here on stretcher, after waking some other cadets earlier. Crying in pain Adora and now she’s out of commission for a week while the leg heals. A week!”
Adora’s chest cracked with guilt.
Poor Lonnie. She was in so much pain! She should’ve told me! I should’ve helped her! I should’ve made her get it looked at!
“Lonnie is in your squad. You protect people in your squad Adora. That is the job of a leader. Protecting people and making sure they are not harmed. You must always look after those in your care. Who’s fault is this?”
“M...mine,” Adora whimpered. A hot runny line of snot snaking from her nose.  “Louder cadet!” Shadow Weaver snarled. Her shadows rising around her.
“Mine!” Adora shrank back against the wall. “It’s my fault Shadow Weaver! I should’ve kept a better watch on her, I should’ve made her show me the wound. I...I should’ve protected her more!”
“Very good Adora,” the shadows dissipated.
“While Lonnie’s out you will take over her latrine duty for the next week.”
Adora knew better than to show objection on her face. She only sniffled, pulling up her shirt to wipe her nose, wishing she could bury her face inside it forever.
“Y...es Shadow Weaver.”
“And?” The sorceress asked.
Adora drew a shaky breath, finally managing to meet those gaping eyes.
“Th...thank you Shadow Weaver. For teaching me. For this lesson. I’ll...I’ll be better.”
“Indeed you will.”
The sorceress took off down the hall once more. Leaving Adora in the black cold hall. She watched Lonnie sleep until she too dozed off, curling up on the metal floor.
I’ll be better.
I’ll be better at protecting.
Protecting Lonnie….
Protecting Catra
“Thank you Shera, thank the stars!” Adora grinned awkwardly at the woman, helping her sister to wrap the elder in a blanket.
“We’ll be on Etheria soon.”
The woman nodded eagerly, but the exhaustion was not lost on Adora.
She parted ways with the family giving a nice pat on the shoulder and moving along down the rows of people now displaced from their town. The baby had finally gone back to sleep, after walking herself dizzy.
“Adora!” Glimmer’s sharp voice found her through the throngs of people.
“Glimmer hey! Sorry the baby took longer to get down than I thought.”
The queen smirked,
“They usually do. But you should go rest for the night you look beat. We can...we can talk infant stuff tomorrow before we land.”
“That’s okay!’ She waved Shera’s glowing, gauntlet hand. “I can do more! I haven’t finished passing out the blankets! And… and people are wanting to know where they can make a new home once on Etheria! That family over there…” she gestured to a family of five, “they lost their house and their shlooping business! We’ll need to help them get back on their feet! I need to find out what shlooping is!”
“Adora,” Glimmer  “it can wait. We have plenty of volunteers to help with supplies and there is a whole team already in Brightmoon working on helping people once they arrive. Please rest. You need to rest.”
She’s right. Once I transform back I’ll be exhausted, her mind whispered to her. She learned the hard way that while Shera could heal herself no problem, the Adora of afterward still felt fatigued and sore.
“You sure?”
“Yes,” Glimmer gave her a grateful sigh. “Please go rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” Adora nodded, leaning down to give her friend a tight hug. One large hand rubbing her back.
“It’s been a hard day for you too! You should also rest! If you need me to be on flying duty so you an Bow can get some time together…”
“That’s what autopilot is for,” Glimmer gave her a knowing wink, slowly withdrawing from the embrace.
“Goodnight, Adora.”
“Goodnight Glimmer.”
Adora slipped into the room with practiced stealth, holding her breath at the sliding door as it closed. She turned, taking in her and Catra’s tiny room on the ship. A storage compartment, galley bathroom off the side one plain table where Adora placed her sword and one large cot. If by large you meant barely enough for two women. She sighed, breathing out the day, her body rippling with the transformation from glorious warrior woman to…
Just Adora.
She straightened, closing her eyes and rolled her neck through the dulling ache in her joints. It was inevitable now everything she changed back to herself. But it was worth it of course.
Adora changed, quiet as could be. Tip toeing around the confined space to pull off her jacket and into her simple nightwear, a white little gown that Bow got for her last New Moon Day. She let her hair fall down, cascading around her shoulders in straight blonde locks and edged towards the bed, smiling. Cramped as it was, the little room did offer a perfect view of the stars before them. The entire ceiling and one of the walls made of pure glass. The eternal stream of stars glistened against the purple black of the universe, bathing their room in a cool tranquil shade of deep indigo shadows.
Catra rustled from her place on the bed, eyes slits of glowing gold and blue in the night.
“Sorry! Did I wake you? I tried…”
Adora crouched over her, the woman only smiled sleepily shifting beneath her. Adora shivered feeling Catra’s tail wrap around her leg.
“Mmmm no love,” Catra rasped through half conscious daze. Adora couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat. Of course she treasured every moment with Catra but this….these sleepy half-awake moments might be her favorite.
She’s so soft when she’s sleepy.
Most people only knew Catra as prickly at best and outright aggressive at worst. Even towards Bow and Glimmer Catra retained her aloof pessimism but here, cloaked in darkness, she was always able to reveal the truer deeper parts of herself. A part of her only Adora was privy to. The Catra that purred, the Catra who sang to her, the Catra who could be so vulnerable and soft and even sometimes romantic. Only in the darkness, only in secret, only with her.
Been that way since we were kids. Just the two of us huddled up in my bunk terrified of being caught. Risking it all the same.
Of course except the night we did get caught….
Adora’s stomach tightened at the memory, her hands clutched at the sheets, she bit her lip.
You should’ve thrown the blanket over her, lay down on top of her the second you heard footsteps! You should’ve pushed her off like every other close call! If you’d been more alert Shadow Weaver wouldn’t have caught you. She would’ve dragged Catra by her hair to the Black Garnet Chamber and…
“You gonna kiss me or what?”
Catra’s low voice purred, carrying Adora from that terrible night. She obliged, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. Warm and smooth, her breath full and humming. Adora almost fell on top of her, though by the way she purred, it’s not like Catra would probably mind. Adora kissed her again, this time longer, running her fingers through the brunette’s hair.
“Mmm you smell nice, like Shera,” Catra murmured, planting more sweet delicate kisses on her lips.
“That’s why you married me isn’t it?” Adora whispered, returning her kisses. She let her hips drop lazily against Catra’s. Her wife let out a hitching gasp, one hand coming up to caress Adora’s cheek. She drew back only slightly, breath whispering across Adora’s lips.
“I married you for power. Being Shera’s wife? You can’t get any higher up then that.”
Adora giggled, her fingers carding through the messy brown hair towards Catra’s ears.
“Are you sure?” She teased, allowing her hips to roll over the other woman’s. The scratchy gray blanket easily gave with the weight and Adora raised her brow as Catra let out a loud satisfied humm, her heavy lidded eyes closing.
Adora’s smile widened,
I could watch her like this forever.
She kissed Catra once more, this time deeper, breathing her in. Tasting her.
Close your eyes, relax, un-tense your shoulders. Let this calm you. Let her make you happy just the way she is.
Adora sighed into another kiss, undulating her hips again. This pulling a husky moan from Catra who tightened her grip on Adora’s shoulders. Her claws retracted, thankfully.
“Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish,” Catra breathed, planting kisses all along Adora’s jaw.
“Oh I fully intend to. Finish that is. Get it?”
Catra rolled her eyes, but her back arched upward hips thrusting into Adora’s. She kissed her fervently, lips tracing over the mark of the Heart of Etheria. Adora groaned, inpatient. She carelessly tossed the flimsy blanket to the ground and leaned over Catra, her hair creating a golden curtain around  their faces. She thrust again, their hips bumping through thin nightclothes. The arm that wound through Catra’s hair now reached downward, running over the contours of her wife’s lithe sides, over her jut of her hip bones to the slight  bulge of her stomach and lower.
“A...Adora,” Catra whimpered, kissing at her neck her fingers clutching to Adora’s back.
“I….I...should go check on the baby,”
“What?” She felt Catra stiffen against her.
“I think I heard it crying,” Adora protested, withdrawing her hand from it’s position right above the line of her wife’s pajama pants.
“I have better hearing than you,” Catra grumbled, ears pinned backward to her skull. “I would know if it was crying. It’s not crying. Even if it is, who cares?”
“Who cares?” Adora cried, gaze turning fierce. “Catra it’s alone and abandoned on this ship with no family. No parents! What if it needs something? What if it’s in danger?”
“Who cares? I care! We’re all alone on this ship, finally! What if I need fucking, what if my labito is in danger?!”
“I….I just need to check real quick I promise!”
Catra changed tactics, sitting up and kissing at Adora’s chest, at her breasts through her slim nightgown. Hands coming up to rub circles over her sides.
“There are plenty of people on this ship,” Catra’s voice fell back to it’s lazy slow rasp. “Let Bow or Sparkles or any of the other princesses or volunteers take care of it.” She kissed Adora’s sternum, nibbling a little at the silk gown.
Glimmer and Bow probably moved it from the cockpit where I laid it down to sleep. Who knows where they put it? Bow wouldn’t endanger the baby. He’d put them somewhere safe. But where? It could be crying right now. From all the way across the ship tucked into some compartment? Even Catra’s hearing isn’t that good!
“We’ve been fighting and going for days. You’ve been taking care of all these people. Let me take care of you now okay?” Catra asked softly, she held Adora’s face with her hands, fingers carefully rubbing into her wife’s temples.
“I  just need to see the baby and make sure they are okay!”
Adora tossed her head from Catra’s grip.  
Her pupils narrowed to tiny slits in the dark.
“No Catra. We found it, it’s our responsibility.”
“No it’s not! What are you….”
Adora jumped from the bed, getting her jacket.
“Adora it can wait! Please! There are other people who can…’
“No it can’t! I have to do this. Just...stay here!  I”ll be back soon. Then we can do whatever you want.”
Adora punched the door key, dashing down the dark corridor.
Catra bit her tail, stifling a sob.
Can’t wake Adora. Not again.
In a fog of half-consciousness the little magicat’s tears ran down her face. Her little bum ached against the shabby cot. Long worn from years of use and reuse. She shivered, her thin coat of fur doing little against the dank bone chill of the Fright Zone barracks.
She heaved for breath,
It was just a dream. A...a nightmare...it...it’s okay.
She let go of her tail, laying down carefully and stuffing her face into the fraying pillow. Her body trembled with chill, her head stuffy from sleepiness combined with her snotty cries. Her eyes burning.
Don’t wake Adora.
Shadow Weaver will get mad.
Go back to sleep.
Go back to sleep.
Her belly squirmed with hunger. That relentless pain, combined with her nightmare of Beast Island had awoken her.
Catra heaved for more air, choking through the wracking sobs. She kneaded at her own tummy.
Don’t cry. Hold your breath. Don’t cry! Don’t…
The magicat’s alarmed scream cut short as a tendril of shadow magic sealed her lips shut.
“Do not wake the other cadets. Come with me.”
Catra let out a whimper, scaling down her bed. Adora slept soundly beneath her.
Good, she won’t wake up and try to be the hero.
The magicat followed Shadow Weaver from the sleeping quarters down the halls to the Black Garnet Chamber. Despite the spell, silent tears streamed from Catra’s eyes. Her fur bristling.
She’s going to hurt me, she’s going to hurt me. She heard me crying and she’s going to hurt me or say I can’t eat for another day.
No, no, no no, no no.
They stepped into the harrowed chamber, the door slamming shut.
“If I take that binding spell off of you will you continue your yapping?”
She shook her head furiously, gasping as the shadow removed itself from her mouth. She heaved for air, tears trickling.
“I said quiet!” Shadow Weaver snarled, seizing Catra’s skinny arm in a vice grip, forcing her to her knees.
“Why were you causing such a fuss?!”
Catra opened her mouth and let out a wail.
“Answer me!” Red electric magic pulsed in the sorceresses palm.
“I….I had a bad d...dream!” Catra managed through her tears. “I was on Beas...beast...beast...beast island and...the...there were phookas...and and and…”
The fingers around her wrist tightened, sharp nails digging in.
“Ow! I had a nightmare! And...and ...and I woke up...it was cold and dark! AndI was hungry and ...th...thirsty! I ...was thirst…”
The smack cracked, worse than magic across her face. The back of Shadow Weaver’s hand burning through her cheeks and over her nose in a swift sharp pain.
“Ahhhhhhh!!” Catra shrieked, hands flying to her face, covering her throbbing nose.
No blood...n...not this time…
“You were thirsty so you began to cry waking the others?”
“I didn’t!” Catra tried, little fists balling. How quickly hurt hardened to rage.
“You could have! Hear me now you little brat you are to keep silent. Especially at night. Some of the cadets among you have potential and they cannot achieve that if they do not get their rest. If you are restless and awake at night keep it to yourself.”
“I was thirsty and hungry!”
Shadow Weaver’s magic crackled close to Catra’s aching  face. Sending a fresh round of tears flooding her eyes. She pinched them shut, trying to keep them from leaking out into the sorceress’s view.
“Then starve! Do you think I care what happens to you at night or otherwise? You lost your meal privileges for keeping Adora from her chores. You will keep your needs and wants to yourself because they do not matter. This is an army not a nursery. Your malcontent is selfish and no one’s problem but your own. Be silent. Do you understand me?”
“Mhm,” Catra sniffled refusing to meet her gaze.
“Speak up you little wretch. Or I will make you speak.”
Panic fluttered through Catra’s heaving chest.
“N...no! I...I won’t I promise! I won’t cry at night. I’ll….I’ll be quiet...I’ll be good.”
The sorceress turned, casting a cold glare over her shoulder.
“We’ll see about that. Now get back to the barracks. And don’t even think about scratching the walls on your way. Or I’ll have you de-clawed again.”
Ice formed in Catra’s gut. She clutched her right hand to her chest, tucking it in so Shadow Weaver couldn’t see the still healing claws protruding at her fingertips. Her chest pricked with the agony of that particular ordeal.
“I...I won’t! I won’t!”
“Good. Then get out of my sight.”
Catra sprang forward, dashing on all fours out of the chamber. She hurried back to the barracks. Creeping quietly past the rows of bunk beds.
Good, Adora’s still asleep.
Catra noted the little blonde girl. She’d kicked her blankets off  in her slumber. The magicat climbed up to her bed, pushing her sore face into the scratchy pillow. Trying to calm herself.
“Pst, Catra. You awake?”
Oh no.
“I’m fine, Adora go back to bed!”
As usual her friend would not be deterred.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I thought I saw Shadow Weaver leave with you.”
“I’m fine idiot just go to sleep!”
Please, please go back to bed, she’ll hurt me again if you don’t keep quiet. please . Please just sleep.
“Catra are you really, really sure?”
The magicat didn’t answer again. Nor did she ever answer from then on whenever Adora climbed up to her bunk to ask if she was okay after another midnight beating. She learned how to lick her wounds in silence. Rub her tummy without scratching through her shirt, swallow her parched throat without coughing. Stealth was one of her more animalistic qualities by nature. From that night forward Catra learned to cry so no one, not even Adora could hear her.
The baby was safe.
Adora found them sleeping soundly where Glimmer had tucked them against one of the corners of the main sleeping areas. Swaddled in a lilac purple blanket. Adora crept among the sleeping refugees only to nearly sob in relief upon seeing the little thing. It’s lips sucked soundlessly for milk that wasn’t there. It’s tiny tail curled as much as it could around its stomach. Adora had undone the swaddle blanket, to redo it herself.
Glimmer might have tied it too tightly. Not that she can’t take care of babies, of course she can. But I better check, just to make sure they are comfortable.
Sure enough the little kitten did not make a peep.
Adora reached forward, holding them in her arms, tucking them against her chest. Unable to resist the urge.
They look like Catra when she was a kitten.
Adora recalled fondly. That day, in hindsight was one of the happiest days of her life. When a little box was brought to the nursery and inside huddled a very emaciated little kitten. Angry and hissing. So adorable.
But from day one Shadow Weaver hated her. I...I couldn’t stop that hurt. I couldn’t protect her.
“But I can protect you,” she whispered into one silken ear. “I’m going to take care of you.” She rocked the baby back and forth. Their small fresh breath tickling her chest. Their weight just right in her arms. Adora hummed gently, swaying and bobbing to soothe them.
“When we get back to Etheria I’m going to keep you..”
The magikit gurgled in response. It’s eyes opening a sliver of pale blue in the moonlight. Adora felt her heart melt. She gazed, smitten down at the perfect bundle. She kissed their cheek, infant fir still a fuzzy coating over their skin. Adora breathed it in, sighing.  There was nothing else in the universe at this moment. Nothing so absolutely perfect. Nothing so treasured as the kitten she held. Overwhelming, terrifying and all consuming with devotion.
I can do this. I can protect them. I can care for them. I can be there for them. Be what they need. And Catra, she’ll make a great mother too. She just needs to get used to it. This...this is something I can do. Not a battle for Shera to win. Something for me, Adora to do. Something I have to do and this time, I  finally want to do. 
Something glowed, Adora glanced down, mouth parting in astonishment. The Heart of Etheria still etched into her chest glowed with blue light.
She shivered, spine threatening to melt, the sensation of Finn’s  little fingers carefully grabbed at the mark as if to pull it from her skin. She watched their eyes widen in fascination, gleaming brilliant blue with the light. They flexed tiny fingers, pressing into her chest at the mark of the Heart.
Adora laughed, giddy, lifting them up over her face.   “I’m going take care of you Finn,” the name bubbling to the front of her mind as she kissed them all over.
“I promise.”
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Alliances of the Heart
A She-Ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
For centuries, the All Princess Ball has been a time for the nobility of Etheria to let loose. Flaunting their power, prestige, and fashion for all to see. The ball had always been politically neutral, but, as tension from the war rises, not everyone is so keen to forget what happens beyond the walls of Castle Chill.
Lord Hordak, along with Princess Scorpia and Force Captian Catra, have come to the party to make alliances and find out everything there is to know about their enemies. Careful to not arouse the suspicion of the Princess Alliance.
Princess Entrapta, being the scientist she is, decides to come to the party to decode the secrets of body language, despite getting the same data from every other party she has ever attended.
When the two rulers cross paths, their plans flip on their heads as the two grow closer. Now it is up to Catra and Scorpia to push the two together as Adora and Glimmer stick their noses where they do not belong.
Hello fellow humans. My new fic is finally here, and I hope you enjoy it. Like my other fic, this will gain new chapters weekly on Wednesday and be posted on AO3 on Thursdays. Btw, the fic will be only available to registered users on AO3 due to the whole AI situation. Thank you for reading!
Also, I'm aware @kuurankaiho has a fic similar to this, but I promise they are very different stories (kuura if you're reading this I love your work).
Chapter 1: Fashionably Late
Lord Hordak stood at the front of his ship, the hull cutting through the icy waters; Castle Chill appeared on the horizon. Hordak took a deep breath, he did not want to go to this frivolous, flowery party, but it would be necessary for the cause of the war. It is the perfect time to identify exploitable weaknesses and find people willing to form alliances. Princess Scorpia and Force Captain Catra were also accompanying him, Hordak was less than enthusiastic about their presence, but he could deal with it for now. He needs to mentally prepare himself for the hellscape he was already late for.
Princess Entrapta sat in the rafters of the ballroom; her eyes zipped from person to person, trying to decode the secrets of body language. While she was supposed to interact personally with the other partygoers, this was more practical and scientifically sound. Even if she did try to “mingle” with the rest of the nobles, it wouldn’t do much good. Most of the time, when Entrapta talks to anyone, they either don’t care or just get up and walk away. Like a good scientist, Entrapta attempts to collect data on social behaviors to better communicate with others. 
She was also trying to avoid anyone from the Princess Alliance. Ever since the Alliance reformed, they have begged Entrapta to join. Right now, she had no intention of joining the princesses, who were elitists who only focused on their capital cities rather than their nation as a whole. By siding with them, she would also be seen as an elitist, completely going against Drylian views of politics.
Entrapta watched as people began to spin around with each other, somehow being able to gauge the next move of everyone around them,  fascinating. She then observed the people around the snack area who only took one miniature snack at a time almost like taking more would be disgraceful, odd. She then saw various couples hidden away in corners smashing their faces together disregarding everyone around them. This is especially confusing when Entrapta had always been told by adults and colleagues to ALWAYS be aware of everyone around her. People are such a hypocritical mystery.
She relayed all this information to her recorder, one of the few things she could talk to. She sighed, bored already after 45 minutes, and to think this was a week-long event. She wished she was home in her lab discovering something new instead of observing the same things she had seen at every party. They were all the same, the dancing, the food, everything. If only something interesting would happen then maybe this week won’t be such a waste.
Just then, the ballroom door opened to reveal three dark figures. Entrapta recognized one immediately as Lord Hordak, ruler of the Scorponi Kingdom. He was tall, to say the least, eight feet if her estimation was correct. His hair was curly and deep indigo, the sides were braided and tied into an elegant ponytail. He wore a white button-up shirt and black pants topped with a black cape that looked like the flags used by the Horde when they claimed new territory. Behind him were two women, one Entrapta recognized as Princess Scorpia, the last living relative of the former royal Scorponi family. The other woman was some cat girl, most likely a plus one.
Even with her limited understanding of social graces, Entrapta knew it was bold of the Lord to come to this event. The man has more enemies than anyone could count and statistically, the chance of assassination is sky-high.
Now this will be fun!
Hordak walked across the ballroom, all too aware of the terrified and disgusted whispers from the crowd. He reveled in them actually, as many say fear equals power.
The three made their way to Princess Frosta of the Kingdom of Snows. The three bowed just as they practiced.
“Lord Hordak, Princess Scorpia while I am glad you two have come I must say I am surprised to see you two,” said Frosta with her air of regality.
“You will find I am full of surprises, and thank you for your invite, Revered Hostess,” Hordak retorted.
Before the three could join the crowd they were stopped by Adora, or as most know her She-Ra.
“Revered Hostess, excuse me but you can not seriously let these people in this party. They’re part of the Horde.”
“Princess Adora, silence. This has been a politically neutral party for centuries, don’t go against prom policy. While you see me as a child I have worked hard for the respect I have gained, and the traditions of this party, like I, will not be disrespected.”
“Oh Adora, I didn’t think you were the type to disrespect the rules.” Catra put her hand on her heart and batted her eyelashes that hid the snide glimmer in her eyes.
Before Adora could say anything else she was dragged away by who Hordak recognized as Princess Glimmer of Brightmoon.
“My apologies Lord Hordak, some individuals can’t put their grievances aside for a few nights.”
“I take no offense Princess Frosta, people have said worse to me.”
“Enjoy the party.”
As the three turned on their heels to join the crowd Hordak then took the two women by the shoulder.
“Now you both know your jobs: find out as much about our enemies
 as you can and do not attract any suspicion, we already have someone down our back.” The three broke away from each other to mingle. 
Half an hour ticked by and Hordak only discovered trivial things about people from listening in on their conversation, nothing useful at all.
Hordak took a glass of wine off of a table and moved to the outskirts of the crowd. He spotted Scorpia by the snack table helping herself to all the tiny treats. Then he spotted Catra on the upper level talking to Adora. Hordak groaned internally, what part of not incriminating yourself to those who are suspicious of you does she not understand? Whatever, maybe after she talks with Adora, Catra’s obsession with her will subside. Then a thought popped into his head, maybe it is a good thing she was with her. If Catra were to distract her Scorpia would have more room to work. Not bad Force Captian, not bad at all.
Hordak then looked up to see a small figure sitting in the rafters. At first, he thought it was some assassin or thief using the chaos of the party to distract the guards. Then he saw how the figure’s hair was a long lavender color that bent to the will of its owner and identified the figure as Princess Entrapta of Dryl, or, as others call her, the hermit princess. She sat up there, eyes darting across the ballroom talking into a small metal box. Then a thought struck him: what if I engaged in a political alliance with her? It certainly wasn’t a bad idea, both kingdoms have similar political structures, and her supposed prowess with tech was nothing to sneeze at. Hordak also secretly wanted an excuse to leave the party so he might as well talk to her now.
As a slow dance began Hordak made his way to the upper level of the ballroom, using the darker parts of the room to climb his way up to the rafters. Carefully, he made his way over to the princess and sat behind her. He didn’t know how to get her attention so all he could do was tap her on the shoulder. In doing this, the princess yelped causing Hordak to almost fall to the ground.
“Oh, Lord Hordak, did you need something?”
Hordak straightened his cape, regaining his dismissive calmness.
“I only wished to make you an offer.”
“I would like to formally ask you if you would be willing to make a political alliance between Scorponi and Dryl. Both of our kingdoms are constitutional monarchies as well as more tech than magic-based; furthermore, I believe combining forces will give the Scorponi kingdom an edge in the war and your kingdom protection from the Alliance.”
Entrapta paused to consider this, aligning with the Scorponi Kingdom was not a bad idea. For one, the other princesses will stop bothering her and the tech they have is amazing. Oh, the tech! Entrapta had gotten her hands on some of the technology from the Fright Zone and it was magnificent. How all the machines’ inner hardware was so organized and the efficiency of their programming and their powerful, tanky designs.
“I’m in!” Entrapta thrust forward a hand-shaped piece of hair which Hordak took in his hand, sealing the deal.
“Excellent, once this party is over I will draft a treaty and send it to Dryl for you to sign.”
“Or” she scooted closer, “ I could come to the Fright Zone and sign it there because I’ve been wanting to speak with the person who designs all of the Horde’s tech. I’ve gotten my hands on a few specimens and I loved the simplistic efficiency of them and how only a few could level an entire village, it’s so fascinating!”
Hordak felt like his body had been split into a million pieces. Sure his work had been complimented before but never like that by a like-minded individual.
“I am the one who designs all the tech within my kingdom.” Hordak scooted closer to her.
“Oh my moons, really!” she scooted even closer, “Wow I didn’t realize you were the one who designed everything, but you have to show me everything you’ve done. Also, imagine what combining your tech and the first ones' tech could do!”
“First ones’ tech?”
“You know, the tech left behind by the first civilization of this planet that makes what we do child play.”
Child play indeed, while Hordak forsook the wider universe as well as his father's empire he still wished he could have access to the tech he had before. As for the first ones’, they were most likely the Eternians who originally colonized Etheria before it blipped out of existence.
“Perhaps when you visit the Fright Zone you could tell me about this first ones’ tech.” Hordak scooted close enough that both their thighs were lightly touching.
“Oh sure that sounds great!”
“Thank you for your time, princess.” Hordak stood, gave her a bow, and left as soon as he arrived.
Once he made contact with the ground he went to check on Catra and Scorpia who were congregating at the chocolate fountain.
“Have you two been able to find anything out?”
“Nothing useful, that's for sure,” Catra’s face then twisted into a smirk, “What were you doing with that princess up there.”
“I was able to ally with her to strengthen both of our kingdoms. Once this party is over she will visit the Fright Zone and sign a treaty making it official, so do not under any circumstances give her a reason to reconsider.” Hordak then turned on his heel leaving the two women once again.
“Twenty ration bars says those two get together.”
“You sure about that?”
“Let's just say those two were sitting way too close to call that a political agreement.”
Catra then spotted the elusive princess descending from her perch to another snack table.
“Let’s go talk to her.”
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riceccakes · 3 years
for @savethewaffle (we won’t talk about the prompt you sent me in my inbox😅)
She planned everything, down to the pencil she would use to write notes during the orientation. It was the only way Adora could maintain her stress, the only way to ease her anxiety, and while it helped, the pit in her stomach only grew heavier as she neared the university.
No amount of mechanical pencils could calm her down now.
She studied the orientation agenda, prepared her answers for all the “Get To Know You” questions, Adora even knew what she would order in the university cafeteria. So, how could she have forgotten to look at the school map?
After stepping foot on the campus center, Adora looked left and right, noting the millions of signs saying all the same things: “This way.” This way to what? How could there be so many arrows? Which signs was she supposed to follow? How was everyone else not as stressed as she was?
Adora checked the time, orientation check in would start soon. Coming early was out of habit, needing to maintain her schedule and follow her checklist bullet point for bullet point. Now, it was a blessing because the extra time would be used understanding where the hell she was going.
Her heart rate was increasing, if she didn’t move, Adora knew she would explode. She let her feet guide her, walking down the concrete path until it rounded a corner. Ahead of her were a group of girls. Their relaxed expressions and comfortable laughter let Adora know these girls were older than her. She looked at the time again, she wanted to be one of the first people on the check in line; she needed to know where to go.
Mustering up all the courage in her system, Adora walked up to the girls just as they finished laughing again. Each one of them turned their heads towards her, a silence fell over them.
“Um, hi, I’m Adora,” she began, losing focus as she eyed one of the girl’s biceps, “do any of you know where to go for orientation?”
They exchanged looks, a particularly mischievous smile grew on the girl in the center. She was much shorter than her friends. Adora’s breath caught in her throat, did all girls have smiles that pretty? She saw the girl’s tail waving behind her.
“Yeah, Huntara, she needs her Orientation ID number, right?”
“You’re absolutely right, Catra, that’s all she’ll need.”
Orientation ID number? Did Adora miss an email? How could Adora have forgotten so much? She didn’t know her Orientation ID number, she didn’t even know she had one.
“Oh, I, uh,” Adora felt her tongue dry up. Catra draped a piece of her hair behind her shoulder, how could something so simple be so beautiful? “I don’t, um, I don’t think I know my Orientation ID number? I must have missed something or It....”
Huntara and Catra bursted into another fit of laughter while their other friend rolled her eyes.
“I’m sorry about them, they always mess with the freshmen on Orientation day.”
“Oh, you’re no fun, Scorpia,” Catra stepped forward, putting a hand on Adora’s wrist. She whispered, “I would’ve kept this up if that weren’t the cutest reaction from a freshman we’ve seen.”
Catra’s hand left her skin but her tail wrapped around her fingers for just a second before she stood again with her friends, “If you go through these doors, follow the hallway all the way down and take a right, you’ll see a table with a big Orientation sign, check in there.”
Adora stood there for a second, staring at this group of girls, at their smiles (warm, strong, alluring), at their eyes (friendly, powerful, mysterious), at their demeanors (welcoming, dashing, confident, self-assured, Catra, Catra, Catra). Suddenly, Adora realized her mouth was hanging open.
Catra laughed again, her head falling back. Adora didn’t even know she walked closer to them until she felt Catra’s touch again, blessing her shoulder, “Go on, dummy. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” Adora felt her squeeze her shoulder lightly, why did her arm feel like jelly now?
Had Adora completely lost her mind? Before she could even say goodbye, the outside campus turned into concrete walls covered by posters and sign up sheets and Adora desperately wanted to get one final look at Catra. She looked down at her feet, they were clumsily moving, one in front of the other, following the directions Catra gave her. 
Catra; The velvet sound of her voice echoed in Adora’s mind, the way Catra’s head fell back when she was laughing played over and over. The universe must’ve loved Catra, as it had sent a perfect gust of wind to blow through her cascading hair. The tingling sensation in her arm hadn’t gone away, but what even was this tingling sensation? 
“Your name?”
“Huh?” Adora looked down at the table in front of her, Adora looked at the woman sitting with a clipboard and glasses resting on her nose. “Oh, sorry, uh, I’m Adora,” the woman continued to stare at her and Adora’s felt her tongue dry up, “Grayskull. Adora Grayskul?”
The woman checked her in, gave her a name tag, and a university tote bag before sending her through the double doors on the left. Adora found an empty table and started looking through the tote bag. Some pens, a pair of university sunglasses, and the upcoming semester’s directory. Adora had to do a double take, wholeheartedly believing Catra was on the cover in a cheerleader’s uniform. Upon second glance, the girl looked nothing like Catra.
What was going on? Why couldn’t she think straight, why could Adora only think of Catra?
And why did Adora keep breaking her pencil lead? All during the orientation, Adora would be ready to write down whatever the speaker said but slowly found her mind wandering back to the little fang that hung outside Catra’s mouth when she wasn’t smiling or laughing or doing anything for the matter. She thought about her jelly arm, how even after Catra’s been gone, the lingering sense of her touch etched itself into her skin. How could one encounter, especially as short as theirs, short circuit Adora’s brain? 
The pit in her stomach was no longer from anxiety but rather, the pit in her stomach grew out of aching to be near Catra again. Just thinking of Catra’s tail lingering on her fingertips, of her soft hands on Adora’s skin, of the way her eyes captivated Adora beyond compare; it made the pit heavier and heavier and Adora couldn’t bear to carry the weight, so why couldn’t she stop thinking? She imagined getting to be the one whose hand touched Catra, watch her fingers gently flow through her hair and twirl a piece in hopeless spirals until it fell out of her hand. Could she hug Catra? Just a quick embrace? Could she bury her head in the crook of Catra’s neck and take a deep breath of her scent she wished she knew? (All three girls smelled wonderful, as much as Adora didn’t want to admit she had been taking deeper breaths the closer she was to them.) Could she hold Catra’s hand, let their fingers intertwine, have Catra show her around campus and bring them to the back corner of the library where no one could see them and push her up against the books and-- 
What was Adora doing? Half the orientation had gone by and all she had written down was the date and a few scattered lines from when her pencil point broke. This needed to stop, but how? Perhaps, seeing Catra again would help. Maybe it would stop her brain from grinding its gears and she could get her final taste and then get a grip. Even if just to see her for a moment, in passing, in a glance; her daydreams were too much for her to handle. 
Paranoia wasn’t the right word, was Adora having delusions? Some sort of foolish fantasy that made her think Catra was around every corner, behind every open book, sitting in every chair of the classrooms they visited on the campus tour? Her heart rushed everytime she thought she saw Catra, any time she thought she heard that angelic laugh, and everytime she learned it wasn’t that godforsaken girl, her heart twitched and panged and fingers desperately wanted to find the girl for just one touch; couldn’t they make it even?
She wasn’t even sure how she answered the small group questions, she couldn’t even remember the other students’ names. She wished she could, it felt incredibly rude not to, but Adora was far too occupied with how Catra would look next to her in pictures. Too much, Adora thought, too fast, let’s scratch that. Instead, she thought of Catra in front of a camera, that smize being the perfect picture to capture, how that one look could say the million words Adora needed to clear in her head. None of her thoughts formed sentences, everything was hazy, she was too entranced with Catra’s whole entire being to even try and sort out what was going on.
It had been a few hours since she ate breakfast, maybe all she needed was food. She was thankful for the lunch time, grabbing every boxed lunch that looked good to her and found a seat in the corner. It faced away from the general crowd, her mind needed to rest, it needed to refuel; eating the Italian sandwich, chicken nuggets, burger, slice of pizza, cookies, chips, salad, grapes, and four juice boxes would help, right? It would be enough food to last her the rest of the day, through the night, hopefully through the rest of her existence because if this didn’t stop her from thinking about how beautiful Catra was, nothing would.
“Hey, Adora.”
Mid bite on her burger, Adora stopped and looked up. She blinked and blinked and blinked until Catra’s eyebrows furrowed and her face frowned. Was it really her, was she not dreaming? 
“How do you....”
Catra’s head twitched in confusion, “You told me earlier? And,” she pointed to the nametag on her shirt and Adora thought she would pass out right there. “Okay, dummy, why don’t we put this down,” Catra said, taking Adora’s arms and helped place the burger back down on its tin foil and taking a seat next to her. “Do you always eat this much?”
“I,” Adora just finished the third juice box, how was her throat dry? “I’m just hungry.”
Catra snorted, crossing her arms, “Clearly.”
Adora stared at her, her memories hadn’t done justice. Did she even actually look at Catra the first time they met or did Catra just get more beautiful in the few hours they were apart? Adora couldn’t breathe, her face felt hot, her hands were clammy, hell, even in her tee shirt and leggings, Adora felt like she was in a sauna with no way out. Catra stayed with her arms crossed, surveying the cafeteria around her, effortlessly looking like she had walked out of a fashion magazine. Was she even real? No one else in the cafe joined them, and Catra and her friends looked like Greek goddesses, could she be dreaming? What if she was still in bed, curled up in a little ball, drooling on her pillow while her mind decided to be a big asshole and make her think her cause of death would be heart failure from meeting the prettiest girl on Etheria.
What a jerk her brain would be.
But, another student passed the table, saying hi to Catra before walking out the door. Catra only waved, bringing her eyes back to Adora and smiling, “You gonna keep staring? Maybe I should charge you if you’re gonna stare at me like that.”
“What? I,” Adora tried to break the eye contact but she was drawn in, far too deep to return to reality. 
Catra exuded confidence, like she didn’t give a single fuck about what anyone would think of her. In that moment, Adora decided this was why she was fawning over the girl. Adora had never been the confident type, she never walked into a room like she owned it. It was something she’d wanted since she was a little girl, to be looked at and think, “She knows what she’s doing.” It was why she planned for hours, days, weeks for this Orientation that would only last a couple more hours and still, she failed at following through with her hopes. Catra wouldn’t have, Adora thought, Catra couldn’t.
Catra laughed, leaning forward and pulling her phone from her back pocket. She cleared her throat, placing her hand out. Adora stared at it and almost gave Catra her own hand but was thankfully stopped when Catra passed her phone over. Adora found hers and put it in Catra’s hand, watched as she typed and snickered and took a picture of herself before giving it back. She looked at her own phone and gestured to use it, Adora shook her head and wiped her hands, putting in her contact info. 
She passed the phone across the table, Catra frowned and Adora thought she was about to die and that wasn’t what Catra had wanted.
“No picture?”
“Oh! I, well,” Adora tried to push a piece of hair behind her ear but there was no such piece to do so; her ponytail was perfectly kept and there were no loose strands. What was she doing? She looked like a complete fool in front of Etheria’s most beautiful person, what kind of first impression was that? Adora gulped, wishing she could start this day over and prepare herself to be an idiot. “I’m not the best with photos.”
Catra waved her off, pointing her phone towards Adora. She scooted some of the food further up the table and leaned back, smiling as she brought her phone back down. She showed Adora the picture, it was awful and embarrassing and Adora wished she could erase it but Catra’s smile was bigger than she’d seen it earlier and it was everything Adora had wanted to see for hours.
“Gosh, you’re such a dork,” Catra laughed, locking her phone. “Good for pictures, though.” She got up, pushed in her chair, leaned over and placed her hand on the side of Adora’s chair, “Text me, okay? I’ll give you the real tour of campus, I’ll even pay for lunch.”
As Catra turned around to leave, her tail lingered on Adora’s hands in her lap before she disappeared through the doors and out of the building. Adora stared at the doorway, suddenly understanding why honeydew and mint would be her new favorite scent.
Catra was beautiful, Catra was breathtaking, Catra was everything Adora wanted and fuck, did she want to kiss her.
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kittyprincessofcats · 3 years
She-Ra S5 E07 - Perils of Peekablue
There might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post!
I’ll start by saying upfront that I pretty much consider this to be the weakest episode of season 5 (or at least one of the weaker ones), even though it does move the plot along significantly. The main reason is that, as I said before, I don’t care about the group on Etheria as much as the group in space (with the exception of Scorpia and possibly Spinnetossa), so an episode like this - even though I get why it’s important - just won’t interest me as much as what the gang in space is up to.
That said, it’s not a *bad* episode or anything. Let’s get into it:
- The entire beginning scene where Adora tries to transform into She-Ra and the others keep interrupting her is absolute gold and I love everything about it. Especially Catra, OMG! The way she shows up and actually asks “Are we messing with Adora?” - She’s not even pretending to be helpful and I love that she’s bonding with Glimmer and Bow over “messing with Adora”. And how she then just flings herself onto Adora’s lap and brushes Adora’s face with her tail while cheekily saying “Yeah Adora, concentrate!” - brilliant, absolutely brilliant 🤣. And I also love how Adora doesn’t even try to push her off and actually holds her. These two are too cute.
- I also wonder if the “You can’t let distractions keep you from transforming” line was intentional foreshadowing for Shadow Weaver telling Adora that Catra’s a distraction.
- I like Catra’s new outfit! Well, it’s pretty much just her old outfit with a few adjustments. But still, nice! And she looks really cute with short hair.
- I feel like this beginning scene is pretty much here for two reasons: It sets up that Entrapta is trying to reach the rebellion on Etheria, which will be relevant at the very end of the episode, AND it shows Catra’s new outfit, so we can have a new opening now.
- Changes in the opening: Time for some really exciting mid-season opening changes! Catra’s missing from the villains’ card for the first time ever. Instead, Horde Prime’s hands are now closing around a glowing orb (I assume that’s meant to be the heart of Etheria). At the part where Catra and She-Ra fight, Catra now has short hair, She-Ra is in her new form, and instead of a snarl the fight ends with a soft smile between them (I’m not crying, you’re crying. Best opening glow-up ever! 😭). In the final heroes’ shot, Adora back to being She-Ra instead of Adora, but this time in her new form. And Catra is *finally* in the heroes’ shot as well. GOOD STUFF. (In general, I just LOVE that they actually kept updating the opening in the middle of the season. That is SO cool. But the change that really gets me is how they updated Catra and Adora’s fight, because that’s been the same since the beginning of the show and now it’s SO SWEET.)
- Okay, so my biggest problem with this episode is that the plan to find Prince Peekablue seems... kinda dumb? So they’re planning to sneak into an underwater soiree undercover and abandon everyone else at the camp to find a “hermit” no one has seen in ages because he might know where Adora and the others are? As a plan it just seems far-fetched. I get that they want to warn Adora and company that Prime is chipping people (they don’t know that Adora’s group already knows that), but how would finding Peekablue even help them achieve that? He could tell them where Adora and the others are, but... that’s it. It’s not like he can also magically communicate with Adora or anyone else. And didn’t Swift Wind tell the others last episode that Adora’s coming home and that he can feel her coming closer? So shouldn’t they already know that the group in space are on their way home? (Granted, Swift Wind told that to Micah, Frosta, Spinnerella and Netossa - but I’m assuming the rebels communicate with each other and Micah would have also told Mermista and the others?) I mean, idk how much time supposedly passed between these two episodes, so maybe it’s been a while since Elberon? Also, when did they even figure out that Horde Prime is chipping people? Last episode, Micah still said they had to “figure out what that was”. And if they know about the chips now, it might have been a good idea to check the necks of everyone at camp right away - though to be fair, they maybe didn’t realize how the chips work yet. And yeah, I am nitpicking here (and obviously the rebels have to mess up so things can go south this episode, so I guess they have to make some bad decisions.)
- That said, I love all of their outfits! And I like that Scorpia’s alias “Lynda D’Ream” is a reference to the 80s cartoon.
- Netossa’s lucky that she wears an outfit with such a high collar - makes it hard to put a chip on her neck. (Also, idk if I’ve said this before, but I love Spinnerella and Netossa’s character designs and outfits. They’re both fashion queens.)
- Just the fact that it really is Spinnetossa’s anniversary and Netossa thinks that’s why Spinnerella is acting strange - I mean, what are the odds?
- “They are my people! Which means that most of them have sworn revenge against me at some point.” Okay, that is pretty funny. And getting to meet all of Sea-Hawk’s exes was pretty funny, too. (Yeah, officially they’re not his exes but just people whose ships he set on fire... but come on, the subtext isn’t really subtle here.) And I love the whole running gag of him and Mermista fighting all of them behind the bar counter with Mermista doing most of the work and getting more and more annoyed with it - but when they’re finally done, it turns out there’s also someone there that *she* doesn’t want to see, because she set their ship on fire. Comedy gold.
- Scorpia is me at a party :( I also find it super hard to socialize and get into conversations with strangers. Very relatable there.
- I also love how the sweet flowergirl Perfuma has absolutely no problem blending in with a bunch of criminals.
- “You’re amazing. You have the biggest heart and you could do whatever you put your mind to.” Aww. I’m glad someone told Scorpia that!
- “You should do things not because you’re good at them, but because they make you happy.” That actually is some really good life advice. People should keep that mind in general.
- (I love how Sea-Hawk and Mermista are carrying Admiral Scurvy away in the background while Scorpia and Perfuma are having their heartfelt talk 🤣.)
- “Repeat after me: I can do this. I can do this.” “Perfuma can do this.” 🤦 I feel bad for laughing, but... gosh, Scorpia has some serious self-esteem issues.
- Okay, time for an unpopular opinion: I’m... not that into Scorfuma. There’s nothing wrong with it and I’m not against it or anything, but it just doesn’t particularly grab my interest. That excited feeling you get when you ship something just... isn’t there for me with them, sorry.
(I kinda felt like I had to explain/justify myself, so I started to write a small essay on my ships here that doesn’t really have anything to do with the episode. Feel free to just skip this part.)
I consider myself a multishipper and while my #1 OTP is definitely without a doubt Catradora, I also really have a soft spot for Scorptra (to the point where I’d say it’s probably my #2 after Catradora). And, to make it short, Scorptra vs. Scorfuma is one of those “fanon vs. canon” things for me, where what you want to see happen in canon isn’t necessarily what you find exciting or interesting to explore in fanworks. Obviously Scorptra was never going to be canon because Catradora is a thing, and I’m perfectly okay with that. And in canon, Scorpia getting out of a toxic friendship, moving on from her unrequited feelings, and finding love with someone else (who treats her right) is the right message to send, so I’m glad that’s where the show went. But when it comes to enjoying a ship in fanon (which is what I consider “shipping” to be), then I don’t pick my ships based on how healthy they are in canon, but on how much their dynamic fascinates me and just on whether that certain spark that makes me like a ship is there or not. And in that sense, Scorpia’s dynamic with Catra, which was explored over the course of 4 seasons, is just infinitely more fascinating and spark-inducing to me that her relationship with Perfuma.
And even beyond Scorptra - if I had to ship Scorpia with someone other than Catra, my first pick would be Entrapta. (Yes, I do ship Entrapdak, but like I said - multishipper here. Also, Entrapta has two hands!) And my first pick for who to ship Perfuma with would be Mermista because I like their bickering and I have a thing for opposites attracting.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling about ships for too long now. The bottom line is: I’m fine with Scorfuma being canon and it makes sense that they fit together since they’re very similar people. I don’t dislike it, I’m just not as hyped about it as many people seem to be. On with the episode now, please!
- “I guess I don’t know what a hermit is after all.” Yeah, Peekablue was giving off Double Trouble vibes from the beginning, tbh.
- I love how Netossa is competitive even at planning anniversary surprises.
- Perfuma loudly supporting Scorpia when she ends up on stage is a super nice moment, though. And Scorpia’s performance? Amazing!
- I wonder if Double Trouble made up that whole “She-Ra in space” vision because they were pretending to be Peekablue and just got it right by accident, or if they actually knew that much from their time pretending to be a clone. I wonder how much time they spent as a clone and what exactly they saw.
- Scorpia realizing it’s Double Trouble and then tricking and unmasking them was an amazing moment. So much for Scorpia not being smart!
- I was so excited to see Double Trouble again! Tough it makes me a bit said that they refered to Catra as their “cash kitten”. While they never made a secret out of being in it for the money, I kind of like the idea that they did care for Catra after all. (Do I just ship everyone with Catra? The answer is yes.)
DT: “I know where your friends are. And I’ll tell you - for a price, of course.”
Perfuma: *grows flower arm canon*
DT: “... Fine.”
😂😂😂 Love that.
- “It makes for a very dull audience when everyone’s mind-controlled.” Okay, but that really is a good reason for Double Trouble to help the heroes out without really changing their motivation. They’re still a Chaotic Neutral who doesn’t particularly care about morals - but it would make for a very dull audience if everyone was mind-controlled.
- “Prime is angry. She-Ra showed up and stole his little kitten away.” Like I said before, I LOVE that that’s the reason why Prime’s so pissed in the first place.
- The confrontation between Netossa and Spinnerella is so heartbreaking, but when she said “show me your neck” it again made me wonder why they didn’t check everyone’s neck at camp before.
- “What a shame we can’t be together... in Horde Prime’s light!” Ooohhh, it’s so creepy and angsty, I love it!
- And Mermista’s chipped as well because obviously things have to go south here.
- The parallel confrontations at camp and at the soiree are really cool scenes. I especially like the Spinnerella vs. Netossa fight. And Micah’s chipped as well, because things have to go wrong and Glimmer mentioned being “a day away from meeting her dad” - so obviously that has to be ruined now, too.
- “A little help? I need to lift my hand to the heavens.” Gosh, I love DT.
- Scorpia’s sacrifice made me tear up 😭. (When I first watched it, I was scared she was actually going to die and not just get chipped - I’d never have forgiven the show for that.)
- Can we talk about how strong Netossa actually is? She fought off both Spinnerella and Micah by herself, made a big enough net to cover all the chipped people, and got herself and Frosta out of there safely - I don’t want to hear anything about her powers not being strong again.
- “Happy anniversary.” Noooo, now I’m crying again... 😭😭😭 It’s so sad, but so romantic... (I really love that this season gave Spinnerella and Netossa more screentime. And I’m always here for some angst!)
- And finally, Perfuma is able to contact the group in space and warn them about the blockade. I really like that scene. I like that Perfuma specifically says “You need to stay away”, since we know what happened last time someone told Adora that. And the whole grim mood of Perfuma apologizing and saying the rebellion is compromised, the shaky pictures, the connection cutting off, and then the shot of the ship all alone in space and the silence - amazing. Basically, this episode was “things go very wrong on Etheria, and now the group in space has a serious problem”.
This was a good episode, overall. Like I said, the main reason I consider it weaker is because I care more about the group in space, and they were only here for one scene in the beginning and one in the end. But this was still pretty solid. It had some funny and sweet moments, and then some really cool and dramatic scenes in the end. And of course, it was a very important episode for the plot because things are now really not looking good on Etheria. My favourite moment was Catra sitting on Adora’s lap in the opening scene, though.
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evelhak · 4 years
The Princess and The Pauper AU part 2
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Catra’s ride seems to be the kind of person who looks real cool until she opens her mouth.
But they can’t seem to not flirt all the way to the neighbour kingdom and Catra figures, what’s the harm, since she really isn’t the princess, she can seduce a hot guard if she wants to, right?
They even end up stopping at some party and dancing, because we can’t leave THAT out.
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When they reach the castle, Catra is in for a big disappointment, of course.
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It sure is a problem, and in her head Catra is begging Bow to find Glimmer fast and get her out of here because she’s been stupid enough to fall for a princess, even if she didn’t know any better.
And Adora’s parents are totally Mara and Light Hope (in some form?). Though Mara is still dead. : /
They have awkward dates like walks in the garden and Adora can’t help but wonder why the “princess” seems like a completely different person now, since she already had thought she was totally awesome.
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Adora thinks that they’re both more comfortable in a less formal setting and attempts to cheer Catra up by taking her on an adventure, which works and they start becoming closer again, and sometimes Catra forgets to wish that Bow wouldn’t make her wait for another day.
Of course there’s no way to skip this epic song:
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I mean what could be cuter than Catra giving emotional support to her emotional support cat?
Then they have a ball and it’s one of those things where you start to believe the lie yourself! The night is magical, and they have the outfits from the future vision because those seemed like a good fit. Catra makes her outfit from some old rags she finds in the castle, so she doesn’t have to wear Glimmer’s gowns that are so not her and don’t even fit that well.
But guess who barges in??
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Lord Prime of another neighbour kingdom! With Queen Angella. Obviously Prime is behind Glimmer’s disappearance, and has informed the queen that her daughter has been found dead and one of the suspects is the person pretending to be her at the moment.
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Also Prime has suggested the queen should marry him, and he’ll take care of her kingdom’s problems, since he has something better than magic, which is technology ofc.
Prime takes Catra to the same place where he keeps Glimmer (if he might still have use for them both) and it’s a crystal cave underground (or something like that). Once Catra finds Glimmer she finds a bunch of other people are with her too, including Glimmer’s dad who was supposed to be dead, and also Prime’s twin brother Hordak, who explains to them that his brother is planning to take over all the kingdoms. The reason magic is fading in Glimmer’s kingdom is that Prime convinced Adora’s kingdom to protect their magic by shielding it somehow, which disrupts the natural flow on magic. The crystal cave goes underground between all three kingdoms’ borders and keeps the magic from mingling, and Prime mines the crystals for his experiments because he can only touch crystallized magic.
Catra confesses that she was supposed to use Madame Weaver’s energy sucking necklace on Glimmer. She says that she used to fear that the world was like Madame Weaver said, that people couldn’t be good, but now she thinks that instead of the people she met, Glimmer, Bow, Adora, she was the one who failed to be a good person. She knows that if she disobeys Madame Weaver, she’ll find Catra, so she gets it in her head to use the necklace on herself. Maybe the others can bargain with Madame Weaver to get them out of the cave once she comes to punish Catra?
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But the necklace doesn’t suck energy, it controls minds! (Obviously.) Prime has been exporting mind-controlling jewellery all over Glimmer’s kingdom but it wasn’t until he used it on the queen who had a magical connection to the crystals that they would start working. However, now the queen has agreed to marry Prime and is mind-controlled by the ring Prime gave her. Madame Weaver came upon one of Prime’s necklaces and had figured out Prime’s plan. However, unlike Prime, she knew that the princess was actually even stronger than her mother, so she modified the necklace so, that she herself would control everyone once the princess was wearing it. After what Catra does, Madame Weaver withdraws her magic and Catra ends up being controlled by Prime and attacking everyone.
Meanwhile Bow and Adora have run into each other while looking for Glimmer and Catra, Bow explains to Adora the whole wrong princess thing, and I didn’t work out the details, but they end up finding the crystal cave and everyone just when Catra puts the necklace on. Hordak recognizes his brother’s work in the necklace, and Adora saves Catra by getting it off of her.
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Glimmer feels a connection to the crystals and ends up being recharged by them, getting back her old teleportation powers that were lost when the magic started fading.
Everyone retreats to another castle in Adora’s kingdom to plot against Prime. Also, they have time for this song, of course!
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Then they hear (not sure how) that Prime is making citizens attack Glimmer’s home castle so that it looks like an uprising when the queen is killed, and Prime takes over, and since Hordak has figured out they can stop the attack by freeing the queen from the ring, Glimmer and Bow start rushing into action with her reawakened teleportation.
Meanwhile, Adora goes missing. She has gone home to convince Light Hope that it was wrong to shield their kingdom’s magic. (Mara died doing it/trying to undo it, ofc.) She finds Mara’s old magical sword that she apparently used when shielding the magic and I dunno how exactly she figures out what to do, but she needs to undo the spell in the crystal cave, because, well, something like this just needs to happen, I didn’t spent too much time thinking about this part. ^^’
Glimmer, Bow and Catra come after her too late, but they figure out what she’s doing and that she’s probably in mortal danger. Catra tells Glimmer to take her back to Madame Weaver’s place, before Glimmer and Bow go save the queen.
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In the end Catra convinces her to give her magic, because, well, freeing the magic has been what Madame Weaver has wanted all along even if it’s for completely selfish reasons. So she gives Catra an elixir that should make a person strong enough to survive the burst of energy from the crystal cave. And she has a spell to take Catra there.
But Adora has already broken the spell when Catra gets there, and is unconscious. So, Catra needs to do some mouth-to-mouth action with the elixir. Which shouldn’t be funny or hot when you’re about to die, but Adora is Adora.
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Everyone is saved and I don’t know what they do to Prime this time, I’ll leave that up to your conscience. :’‘D
Everyone is free to marry whom they choose and Catra is free from Madame Weaver.
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She travels for a few months before she understands when she was the happiest and comes back.
And one more song!
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It was a tiring trip but doodling this made it worth it.
I probably forgot to mention something, and the story is full of holes but I didn’t want to dwell on the details because I was just amusing myself and to be honest I enjoyed imagining the songs the most... ^^’
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