#since they are all witches they gasp and awe and everything and make up the craziest theories on how those contraptions work
willowser · 11 months
katsuki blames the alcohol for making him stupid.
really stupid.
not that he's had a lot, but his tolerance is low for a guy of his size, and he can feel the edges of his inhibitions dulling with every drink of whatever denki has shoved in his hand. it doesn't taste like absolute shit, which is rare enough to have him indulging, just a bit, for the agency halloween party.
another sip has his head feeling a little swimmy, and before he knows it, his eyes are trailing across the room until they find you. again.
whatever the hell you're supposed to be tonight—a witch, or something else in a pointy hat—is really fucking with him, and has since you walked in. the costume isn't revealing in a sense that it's inappropriate for a work event, but it's...hugging you in all the right places. in every single one of them.
without tights, it would be on the too-short side, but—and no, katsuki can't fucking explain this—something about them is making everything worse. and your calf-high boots ain't helping, either.
it's just—your fucking—hips.
katsuki couldn't tell you what song is playing, but you're swaying back and forth to the tune and one of his canines digs into the plastic of his cup, so deeply that it makes a terrible creaking sound and dents beneath the pressure—and that's when a sharp elbow is delivered to the center of his chest.
mina is at his side when he looks, and her wide, freaky eyes scan his face before narrowing in her little shit-eating way.
"you're a pig."
katsuki chokes, and the little freak takes that as an admission of some kind.
"oh my god," she gasps, mouth falling in all her disgust and awe. "you can't even deny it!" and then she laughs, high and chirpy, and there's no way you can't hear her. "oh, you're down bad."
"cram it," he snaps, sinking his scowl into his cup. "i dunno what the hell you're talkin' about."
"you know i really thought better of you," mina sniffs effectively, turning her face up and away. "not the type to be blantly checking out somebody's ass."
katsuki bristles, and his aggrivation growns until the plastic in his hands starts to melt. "i wasn't—"
"i'm kidding!" mina snorts before flicking him in the nose, narrowly dodging the hand he swipes out at her. "quit being a baby and go shoot your shot already."
"piss. off."
but the hero is unaffected by him, simply scrunching up her face in response before turning on her heel to disappear further into the party.
she's wrong, katsuki thinks, because he's not a pig like sero or fucking dunce face or even kirishima, from time to time, who gets red in the face over a low cut shirt and a pair of tits.
fucking ridiculous, katsuki thinks, because he's way better than that.
it's just—the alcohol. that's making his lids heavy and his thoughts dark and his face hot. has him peeking at you over the lip of his cup, has him picturing you in his head when he's forced to look away.
and, well, maybe, the short cut of your dress has a little something to do with it, too—but he's keeping that shit to himself.
taking it to the grave, even.
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Fic: Something to Sink Your Teeth Into 7/?
Read on AO3
Pairing: Buck/Tommy
CW--I'm going for a little Enemies to Lovers here, and there's a little bit of power dynamics at play here, but I'm not planning on getting Stockholmy with it or anything.
Evan managed to hold it together as he followed the vampire—Tommy…what the fuck kind of name was Tommy for a centuries-old vampire?—down the stairs and into the main living area of wherever the vam—Tom—Kinard had taken him.
He held it together as Kinard sat down on his couch, seemingly ignoring Evan entirely to focus on some godawful reality show.
He held it together as he measured the distance between him and the door, before common sense asserted itself with a dull pulse of despair in his aching head. He’d never make it. He knew he’d never make it. His only choice was to play whatever game Kinard wanted until he regained enough of his strength to start casting again.
Held it together right up until he clicked the (utterly pointless, he knew) lock on the bathroom door and turned to face himself in the mirror over the sink.
His eyes fixed on the puncture wounds in the side of his neck, bare for the whole world to see, and his stomach dropped sickeningly. Somehow…somehow he’d thought a vampire’s bite would look more violent. He remembered meeting a few witches at the unbearably boring parties he and Maddie had been forced to attend as children, ones who had had violent encounters with vampires. They’d had awful scars—like they’d been savaged by a wild animal. The wounds on his throat were an angry red, the skin around them lightly bruised. A few flecks of dried blood still clung to the edges. They didn’t…they didn’t look as violent as he had been expecting.
But they were a stark, glaring reminder of just how much danger he was in.
Kinard kept saying he wasn’t going to hurt him, but he had. He had. He’d drunk Evan’s blood. He’d kidnapped him. It didn’t fucking matter what he said, Evan wasn’t stupid. Kinard wasn’t going to let him leave.
And Evan couldn’t do anything about it.
He was trapped here. Even to Evan’s mostly untrained senses, Kinard was fucking powerful, even without the boost that Evan’s blood would give him. And he had his entire coven backing him up. Evan’s memories of the night before were still muddled, but he knew that he’d thrown some of his best spells at Kinard…and he’d still ended up helplessly thralled. He’d been panicking, not thinking clearly—but there was no guarantee that even with all his magic at his disposal and time to plan, he’d be able to beat the vampire. Let alone his whole coven. He was trapped. And no one would be coming for him. Max was the only one of his roommates who’d even known where he was going and Max…Max was dead.
He was alone.
Without warning, his knees gave out, and he found himself sitting on the floor of the bathroom, his hands pressed against his mouth hard enough to hurt, as he gasped for air that didn’t seem to want to come. His eyes stung, blurring with tears that he stubbornly tried to blink away. He couldn’t start crying. He couldn’t. He had to hold the panic welling up in his chest at bay, couldn’t give in, couldn’t fall apart here. He couldn’t, he couldn’t, he couldn’t, he was lost if he fell apart here.
He wanted Sally. The quiet darkness in the back of his mind where there had once been warm light and his familiar’s soothing voice was something he’d never quite gotten used to, but now it felt like a gaping wound. He wanted to feel her silky fur under his fingers, have her nudge him gently under the chin and tell him he needed to calm down in that endlessly patient, warm voice that had soothed so many of his hurts since he was ten years old.
He wanted Maddie. Oh God, he wanted his sister. He wanted her to wrap her arms around him and stroke his hair the way she used to when he was a child, wanted her to whisper that everything would be all right so long as they stuck together.
He hadn’t seen his sister since the night she drove with him to a bus stop on the Pennsylvania/Ohio border and stood with him in the parking lot as midnight crept closer and closer. Sally had been forced to abandon him as soon as the sentence was handed down, but his coven bonds would not dissolve until the end of the seven days they’d given him to leave Pennsylvania. Tears had streamed down Maddie’s face as she hugged him tightly, promising him over and over that this wasn’t the last time they were going to see each other. That she would figure out how to leave their family’s coven without bringing the whole house of cards down on them both and she would come find him. He just had to hold on until then.
That had been five years ago, but he carried Maddie’s desperate promises close to his heart. Sometimes the thought of seeing his sister again someday was all that kept him going. No matter how terrible things got, he knew he needed to hold on for her. He needed to hold on.
He swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut as he forced himself to take one deep breath, and then another. Then another. He could do this. He had to do this. He had to pull himself together and figure out how to get away from Kinard and his coven. There had to be a way—he could not die here. Would not die here. Slowly, he levered himself off the floor, still feeling shaky and weak, but more clearheaded than he had since he’d first been slammed up against the wall at that damn party.
Okay. Okay, clearly if he wasn’t dead yet, then Kinard wanted him for his blood. He vaguely remembered the vampire trying to convince him to walk out of the mansion with him of his own free will, just play along and let Kinard take him because it would be better than whatever the other vampires in the mansion would do to him. For whatever reason, Kinard was trying to convince him that he wasn’t going to just take what he wanted from Evan. It was probably just some game, a power play, a cat toying with a mouse…but maybe he could use it. Play along like he was cowed and afraid—well, okay, the afraid bit wouldn’t require any great acting on his part—and desperate for Kinard not to kill him. It might buy him enough time to find an opportunity to escape.
If Kinard was as old as he seemed, it was probably naïve to assume he’d never had any experience with witches…but Evan very much doubted that Kinard had ever encountered a witch like him. How about that, for once the fact that he was a freak of nature, a parasite, might work in his favor.
He imagined the tsk of disapproval that would have sounded in the back of his mind if Sally knew he was thinking like that. She’d always hated it when he let those thoughts in; let them take root.
But Sally wasn’t with him. Would never be with him again, her loving presence and gentle voice just as lost to him as Maddie’s was and far more permanently. The fact remained that Evan’s magic was…unusual. And behaved accordingly.
Hesitantly, he started stripping out of the scratchy, cheap uniform the temp agency had provided him, ignoring the way the collar was crusted with dried blood. As much as the thought of wearing the vampire’s clothes creeped him out, he had to admit he’d feel better in something clean. He stepped under the hot water and closed his eyes, reaching for his magic and feeling out the edges of it, the strength. It still felt weirdly calm for the situation he finds himself in, a constant, gentle glow in his mind, the warmth of a banked fire that never goes out. It had raced through his blood like lightning at the mansion, reacting to danger he hadn’t been able to see until it was too late.
He wasn’t confident that he would be able to summon a spell strong enough to take out an ancient vampire hopped up on witch blood, let alone his coven. He was, however, reasonably certain he’d recover faster than Kinard was expecting. Especially if he played up his weakness a bit. God, he’d have to be careful about it, but it wasn’t like he didn’t have practice making himself look smaller and weaker than he actually was…hell, it had practically been a survival skill growing up.
He had no idea what time it was, but he had to have been out for a few hours at least, and Kinard said he was going to order him breakfast (which, what the fuck?) so presumably it was daytime. If he could make it out of this building, his chances of escaping increased significantly. His heart damn near broke at the thought of leaving the Jeep behind…but he couldn’t take the chance the vampires hadn’t found the spare set of keys under the floormat and he seriously doubted Kinard would give his main set back. It was more important to get out of this alive. He could almost feel the slap upside the head Maddie would give him at the thought of being sentimental over the Jeep when his life was at stake.
He washed himself quickly with the soap and shampoo sitting out, studiously ignoring the thought that Kinard might have used the very same products before he came to that fucking party. The wounds on his neck stung faintly when he ran the washcloth over them and he let the pain steel his resolve. Kinard wasn’t getting his damn fangs in him ever again. He’d fucking die first. Stepping out of the shower, he dried off quickly and grit his teeth as he dressed in Kinard’s spare clothes. They fit better than he was expecting—a little loose in the shoulders and waist, but nothing too bad. Evan was not a small man by any measure, and he worked hard for his body, but Kinard had been fucking massive when he’d been turned. Especially considering what the average person might have looked like back then, depending on exactly how old Kinard was.
He didn’t bother looking for any other toiletries, shuddering at the thought of putting something in his mouth that Kinard had used, and ran his hands through his still-damp hair, trying to restore some order to it. He’d been meaning to get a cut for the last couple weeks, the curls were getting a little longer than he usually liked. Then he took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he laid his hand on the doorknob. Deliberately, he let his shoulders slump, relaxing his posture to take whatever bit off his height he could manage. He focused his gaze on the floor just beyond his feet and pulled his magic in as close as he could. Nothing to see here, folks, just harmless old Evan…don’t pay attention, don’t take a closer look.
Sometimes he wondered what a therapist would say about how easily he slipped into that mindset. It had always seemed to upset Maddie and Sally greatly.
He took another moment to steel himself and then unlocked the bathroom door, slipping back out into the loft to face Kinard alone.
Always alone.
Kinard was standing in the kitchen area, unpacking a couple of tall paper bags with a red and black logo on them on the island. Evan paused in surprise, not having expected Kinard to actually order him food. He watched the vampire unpack foam box after foam box, confusion and disbelief warring in him. The smell of bacon and syrup hit him and his stomach let out an embarrassingly loud grumble, reminding him he hadn’t actually eaten anything since the protein shake he’d gulped down before he and Max headed out to the party last night.
Kinard had to have known he was there the whole time, but he didn’t look up until Evan’s stomach growled, amusement flashing across his face briefly. “I got a little bit of everything,” he said, gesturing to the spread of what appeared to be enough breakfast food for an entire football team. “Help yourself.” He pulled a plastic jug of orange juice out of the last bag and busied himself at the kitchen counter, pulling a tall glass out of one of the cabinets.
Evan crept cautiously closer, still trying to puzzle out exactly what the vampire’s game was. His body betrayed him a little, his mouth watering at the smells coming from the boxes laid out on the island, his stomach growling again. Things had been tight for the last couple of months…the Jeep had needed a few expensive repairs, and he’d been unable to find steady work outside the temp agency. He’d been living mostly off protein shakes, peanut butter, and ramen (which made staying in his macro goals…interesting). He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d been able to afford to eat out somewhere that didn’t have a drive-thru and a colorful mascot.
Hesitantly, he reached out and opened one of the containers to find a stack of perfectly round, golden pancakes, glossy with melted butter, a little plastic container of syrup tucked into the corner. Another revealed a pile of perfectly ripe cantaloupe slices and strawberries. Crispy bacon and sausage. Oh fuck, that cinnamon roll was the size of his goddamn face and dripping with cream cheese frosting.
“It’s not poisoned, you know,” Kinard said suddenly, still with an undercurrent of amusement in his voice, snapping him out of his slightly stunned examination of all the options laid out before him.
With a start, he realized it hadn’t actually occurred to him that Kinard might do any such thing. He’d just been trying to figure out what he wanted to eat first. Jesus. No wonder Handel and Greta (those were their names, right? His parents had never allowed most fairy tales in the house…too much evil witch propaganda) ended up almost getting thrown in an oven.
The vampire turned around and set a huge tumbler of orange juice down on the island in front of him, immediately backing away and leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest. Evan hesitated, but the sight of the drink made him painfully aware of how parched he was. Watching Kinard warily, he picked it up and took a sip. He meant just to take a sip.
The juice hit his tongue, ice-cold, and the perfect balance between sweet and tart, and before he knew it he was gulping half the glass down in one go. It hit his empty stomach, and it was like the refreshing sweetness just amped up his hunger. Fuck it, Kinard was right…if he wanted Evan dead, he sure as hell didn’t need to resort to poison. Setting the mostly empty glass down, he grabbed one of the plastic forks laid out and the container of pancakes, pulling it toward him and then spearing a couple of sausage links out of the other box.
He was aware of Kinard’s eyes on him as he tore into the food, only years of his parents’ laser-like focus on decorum and manners preventing him from falling on it like a starving wolf. He watched the vampire out of the corner of his eye, trying to read the odd expression that had settled on Kinard’s face. The vampire wasn’t exactly an open-book…but Evan had grown up in the upper echelons of witch politics in Pennsylvania. Being able to read micro-expressions was almost as important as being able to read words. Besides—he was actually a pretty decent bartender.
If he had to put a name on it, he’d say Kinard looked…conflicted about something. What the vampire had to be conflicted about, he had no idea. The idea that he’d be feeling bad about keeping Evan prisoner was laughable. He was a vampire. Having Evan here at his mercy must be like hitting the fucking Powerball.
“Do you know the name Vicent Gerrard?” Kinard asked suddenly, still regarding Evan with that strange, conflicted look.
Evan swallowed a bite of sausage and narrowed his eyes, considering. On the one hand, it felt foolish to admit anything to Kinard, no matter how small. On the other, though, he was pretty sure his only chance was convincing the vampire that he was too scared to be defiant. Eventually, he shook his head silently. Kinard nodded to himself.
“How about Olivia Ortiz?”
“No. Why, should I have?”
“Depends on how up to date you stay with the vampire covens in this territory. I thought most witch covens made sure their members at least knew who the major players were in any given area, if only to avoid hunting grounds.”
A familiar pain pulsed dully just beneath Evan’s breastbone. Yeah—that certainly was something covens did for their members. Witches who had people looking out for them, watching their back.
Witches who had people who loved them and wanted them to be safe.
He shrugged one shoulder, stuffing another forkful of pancakes in his mouth to delay having to come up with some kind of lie to explain why his (non-existent) coven had left him to wander into what had turned out to be a goddamn vampire murder rave.
God, he hoped Max had died quickly. Why hadn’t the idiot just listened to him?
His stomach twisted at the thought of his roommate. They hadn’t been especially close or anything—more acquaintances who shared a space than actual friends—but he certainly hadn’t wished any harm on him. He set the half-eaten pancakes down, his appetite suddenly fleeing.
Kinard sighed suddenly, running a hand down his face. “Evan,” he began, and Evan’s eyes snapped up at how…gentle…his voice suddenly sounded. “You don’t have a familiar. And I know that’s a fake name on your driver’s license.”
Evan went very, very still. He felt frozen, pinned beneath the vampire’s dark gaze, stripped bare and exposed. His breath caught in his throat, and he took an involuntary step backward. Kinard did not straighten from where he was leaning up against the sink, still just staring at him.
“I don’t care why you were banished; I’m not interested in the details. But I also know the fact that you still have your magic makes things…complicated.” Now, Kinard took a step towards him, still keeping the island between them, but closing the distance. “My coven master thinks it’s too complicated. That it’s too much of a risk to keep you here. But it’s also too risky for us to let you go. I don’t know if your banishment would affect how the local covens feel about me drinking from you without sanction, but the Southern California high coven doesn’t really like me being in LA. Do you see where I’m going with this?”
Kinard couldn’t keep him prisoner. And he couldn’t let him go.
Evan’s heart started to pound, cold sweat breaking out all over his body. He clawed for his magic, a sinking despair flooding through him when he felt how weak and dim his power still was. Kinard took another step towards him, rounding the island.
“My coven master ordered me to kill you,” Kinard said quietly, and Evan’s brain tripped over the fact that he sounded regretful. Actually sorry. “But—”
Evan knew he wouldn’t be able to overpower Kinard. He knew he wouldn’t…but goddamn if he was going down without a fight. If this was how he went out, he’d make the vampire work for every goddamn fucking inch, and he’d go to his grave knowing he fought as hard as he possibly could to keep his promise to his sister. He threw out his hand, summoning every scrap of his magic as the fire spell leapt to his lips.
He saw Kinard’s eyes widen, as if he was actually surprised that Evan would try to use his magic against him.
The familiar rush of power swept through him, weaker than he was normally capable of, too weak to get him out of this, he knew, but he had to try. He had to. He felt the fireball leap to his fingertips.
And fizzle out.
For a heartbeat, an eyeblink, a breath, he could only stare at his hand in stunned disbelief. The spell didn’t miss. It didn’t collapse. He didn’t lose control of it. His magic…his magic had dissipated.
His magic refused him.
The panicked thought skipped through his head and was gone. He had another heartbeat to shift his focus to Kinard just as the vampire seemed to fucking vanish from sight. He knew, intellectually, that vampires were faster than humans. That the older they were, the faster they could be. But between one breath and the next, the vampire was across the distance that separated them, at his back. An arm like an iron bar closed over his throat, the other one trapping his own arms at his sides, holding him still. He thrashed uselessly in the vampire’s grip, kicking and clawing as the arm tightened on his throat, restricting his air as Kinard simply lifted him off his feet.
“Evan…Evan! Stop. Stop, I swear, I’m not going to hurt you! I swear. You have to—goddamn it, kid, don’t make me choke you out. Please, just listen!”
Evan hauled in a gasp of air, still thrashing like a fish on a hook, a sickening mix of fear and rage scattering any thoughts of spells he might cast. He waited for the pain of fangs in his neck, and when it didn’t come, he felt somehow more panicked, damn near hysterical as he struggled in Kinard’s grip. “Fucking…do it!” he choked out. “Just…just get it…over with!”
Incredibly, he heard Kinard sigh wearily right next to his ear. The arm around his throat eased off just slightly, just enough that the black spots that had started to dance across his vision receded. “I don’t. Want. To. Kill. You,” Kinard enunciated slowly.
His grip was tight, unyielding. But not bruising.
He wasn’t draining Evan dry. He wasn’t throwing him across the room, or pinning him to the wall, or choking him unconscious or any of the hundred things Evan wouldn’t be able to stop him doing right now. He had—impossibly, unbelievably—not done a single thing to contradict anything he had said to Evan since he first woke up.
Evan’s magic had refused to attack him.
Slowly, the fight slipped out of him, until he was hanging limp in Kinard’s grip, his chest heaving, so damn confused he felt as if the entire world had flipped upside down. He felt Kinard’s arms hesitantly loosen, letting him back down onto his feet, slipping from around his neck. The vampire took a slow step away from him…and he made no move to summon another spell.
“Why?” Evan asked, his voice so quiet even he barely heard it. Kinard stepped around him so that they were face to face again, and Evan was surprised to see the same kind of confusion he was feeling dancing in the vampire’s eyes.
“I…don’t really know,” Kinard admitted. “But I’m not going to kill you. I can’t.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
Kinard tilted his head, looking him up and down, and then shook his head, shrugging slightly. “I guess—I guess I’m going to let you go, Evan.”
Evan’s head snapped up, surprise racing through him like an electric shock. Kinard seemed almost as surprised as he was by what had just come out of his mouth. His brow furrowed, and he shook his head again.
“You’ll have to leave. LA, at least, but you should probably get out of California. Or at least head north. This city is about to get very uncomfortable for our kind. But I can only let you go if you leave this place entirely.” Kinard appeared to be thinking out loud, the plan literally forming as he spoke. Evan could only watch, his jaw dropping with each word the vampire said.
Let him go?
Kinard was going to let him go?
“Also, fuck’s sake, be more careful about who you take jobs from. Vampires like Gerrard love using those temp agencies to funnel victims right into their homebases.”
At that, Evan startled. “The temp agency didn’t know it was a fucking vampire den,” he blurted. To his surprise, Kinard gave a short bark of laughter.
“Oh, whoever booked you there absolutely did. Probably on Gerrard’s payroll. What, you think it was a coincidence that every single person they staffed was young, broke, and lacking pretty much anyone that’d file a police report on them?”
Evan’s mouth worked soundlessly for a moment, his eyes going wide in shock. “What…but…but no. No, that’s impossible. Jonah knows I’m a witch. He—he’s a witch, he wouldn’t…he’s been helping me!”
It was Kinard’s turn to reel back in surprise. “Another witch booked you for that party?” he asked in disbelief.
Impossible. What Kinard was implying was impossible. Jonah had helped him, had been helping him for a couple of months now. Booking him into the best jobs he could find, helping him build a resume. He’d been trying to talk Evan into enrolling in community college or online school or something…trying to help him find some stability. Jonah had realized early on that Evan still had his magic, and what that meant for the terms of his banishment—but he’d never pushed Evan to talk. Never tried to pry or figure out where Evan had been banished from, what he had been banished for. He didn’t even know Evan’s real name. Jonah couldn’t be working for the vampire that had been in charge of that party. He just couldn’t.
“Jonah Greenway. He’s…he’s my friend. He doesn’t care that I’m banished, never asked questions…he, he, he wouldn’t…no, he wouldn’t have—”
This time Kinard surged toward him, grabbing him by the shoulder before he could even think about flinching away. As before, though, his grip didn’t hurt, didn’t feel threatening at all. The surprise and disbelief on his face melted into something else. Something more.
“Evan, wait,” he said, a weird intensity in his eyes that made Evan nervous.
Well. More nervous.
“Wait…are you telling me a witch in Athena Grant’s coven booked you into that party?!”
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Carol Danvers x reader - different with you
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Heyy, I have a request... It's where yn is a bit of a playgirl and she dates around the people Monica Rambeau knows (e.g. Wanda, she could be inside the hex too). Shes dating carol now, which Monica doesnt like, but starts to warm up to ger as time goes by thank youu- Anon💜
A/N: mentions of spoilers from The Marvels film
Standing on Carol’s chair on her ship, you looked at her as she came walking in and you smirked a little, hands in your hips.
“You know it’s rude to leave me waiting here asshole.”
Carol rolled her eyes, gesturing behind her.
“We’ve got issues.”
“That’s no way to talk about your new friends.”
You chuckled a little bit, and you jumped over the back of the chair, walking over, you ran a hand over her shoulder, and leant your back against hers.
You looked at the two staring at you and you smirked as you found a familiar face among them.
“No. No why are you here?” She asked.
“Come on Monica! Give a friend a hug!”
You grinned walking over to her and she used her powers, making you just walk right through her and you laughed a bit.
“You seriously can’t be dating (Y/N).” Monica sighed.
“Wait! Captain Marvel has a girlfriend?!” The new girl gasped.
Carol sighed, walking over she placed a hand on your face, pushing you towards the other side of the ship.
“Kamala, this is (Y/N), (Y/N), this is Kamala. And apparently you two have already met.”
“I’m telling you right now, end this relationship.” Monica said sternly.
You pointed between you and Carol.
“What? This? Nah.”
“Carol you have to end it, I know (Y/N), I know her reputation. Why are you even here (Y/N)?”
You shrugged a little bit, giving a small wave to the teenager who was still just staring at you in awe.
“Hey, you’re not the only one who walked through that witch hex Monica, I’m just lucky my powers didn’t get all screwed around with yours.”
Carol punched you in the shoulder.
“There’s a kid on the ship!”
“I didn’t even swear!”
You laughed a little bit, throwing yourself back down in her chair and you looked at them all.
“So, what’s the game plan?”
“Will you help us?!” Kamala whisper yelled.
“Do you want me to help you?”
You laughed a little, turning to look at your girlfriend who shrugged a little bit.
So, you decided to help them.
Learning everything there was about their powers, and what had to be done in order to making fighting a lot easier for them.
It had been a while, and for the most part they had begun to work as a team.
“Hey (Y/N)?”
You looked up from what you were doing, setting the screwdriver down.
“Sup kid?”
“How did you and Captain Marvel meet?” She asked.
You hummed a bit, leaning against the wall of ship.
Monica looked up from some of the research you had laying around, and she walked over, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, how exactly did you two meet?”
“Well, to put it simply, she saved my life. I was doing some work for shield, I think you may have been there actually Monica, the undercover mission I did?”
“Yeah, I remember it. You never came back after, everyone said you went straight into another.”
You laughed a little, shaking your head.
“No, I was badly injured.”
You watched as Carol walked in, trying to tend to a few of her injuries and you rolled your eyes.
Snapping your fingers to get her attention you gestured to the chair you had pulled in front of you and she sat down.
You began to tend to her wounds, and you looked at Kamala who had a few minor injuries and gestured to a chair and then the spot next to Carol.
Kamala did that, and you held up a hand to her.
“How has was it?” Kamala asked.
“The reports said it was some minor injuries, nothing much to worry about.” Monica replied.
Carol scoffed.
“Minor? I swear I have never seen someone bleed so much.”
You smacked the back of her head and went to tending to Kamala’s injuries.
“Unfortunately I’ve been stuck with her since, she just won’t leave for some reason.” Carol said.
“Alright, you know what, I won’t help you then. I’m going to go annoy fury.”
Everybody laughed.
“Keep laughing, I’ll do it.”
You gave the two a thumbs up, letting them know that you were done, and you went back to what you were working on.
You grabbed a few more things and you added them, and then you walked over to the three women.
“Here, one for each of you.”
“What is it?” Kamala asked.
“(Y/N) has a particular skill for making things, looking at this I’d guess defence of some sort?” Monica asked.
“Yeah, close. It’s filled with small particles of light I compressed. They’re designed to respond to injury, and will act as a temporary solution if you need it until you can seek medical attention.”
“Woah, that’s possible?” Monica asked.
You nodded, leaning against the ship wall.
“Her powers allow her to control and recode the construct of light. Using it to her advantage for what she needs.” Carol said.
“You’ve been studying.” You smirked.
“I’ve had no choice.”
You grinned a little, and Monica looked at you.
Usually she was used to you flirting with every woman in sight, sure you would date women but you wouldn’t be all thay committed to them when it came down to them.
You weren’t a cheater, that was one thing you weren’t.
But you were known for ending relationships just because you were bored, or just for fun.
You were the kind of woman everybody wanted, that every woman wanted to be.
You were the whole package deal.
But she did notice when it came to Carol you were different, gentle, caring, you gave her every ounce of attention you had.
“Oh, by the way, Monica, I’ve been going over your research, and I think we can find a way around it if you can tolerate to be around me long enough to go through it with me?”
She laughed a little, nodding her head.
“You two no powers for at least a few hours, I need Monica to use hers.”
With that you gestured for Monica to follow you, and she decided that you weren’t all that bad, though all the light conflict that had gone on between the pair of you had become normal for you two
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 year
Little Hunter and Caregiver Darius! I made this one up but requests ARE still open.
It was about half a year since the start of rebuilding the Isles. Hunter was still 16 and lived with Darius. The Abomination witch got a house near the market so that Hunter can visit his friends without a staff.
The house was a medium house with a small basement. Darius had known for a while that Hunter was an age regressor and decided to turn the basement into a playroom/Nursery. It had a bed with small bars on the side, two chests for his toys, a counter with cabinets, a mini fridge, a sink, colorful play mats along the floor, and a mobile hanging above the bed.
One day, when Darius went to the kitchen to get a shot of Apple blood, he heard something come from the basement. He decided to investigate and headed downstairs. He went into the Playroom and saw the place was a mess. It looked ransacked. Darius hated it when there was a mess. But when he saw Hunter in the middle of it, throwing everything around, he knew he couldn't get mad at him.
"What's wrong, Little prince?" He said, leaning against the door frame.
"I can't find him!"
"Who can't you find?"
"Lucky!" He kind of snapped. Lucky was Hunter's wolf stuffy. He named him that because he was the last one in stock when He, Camila, Luz, and Vee went to the mall. 
After throwing the last items from the toy chest, he sat down frustratedly with a 'humph'. He crossed his arms as tears exited his eyes.
"Don't cry, little one, I'll help you find him," Darius kneeled down next to the child.
"Of course. Now, where was the last place you put him?" Darius rubbed the boys back to sooth him
"I dun wemebel (remember)" he threw his hands up in frustration.
Darius tried to think of the last place Hunter had Lucky. He remembered that he had taken the wolf stuffy outside to play.
"How about we check outside? You played with him on the swingset yesterday," Darius reminded him.
"Oh yeah!" Hunter got up and Darius gave him a piggyback ride to the backyard.
However, no stuffed wolf was to be found. Hunter was really starting to freak out. His hands flapped up and down and tapped his thigh as he began whimpering.
Then Darius remembered something very important to this situation. He picked Hunter up and carried him back inside. However, instead of taking him back to the playroom, he took him to the small laundry room they had right next to it. The playroom had a curtain in its doorway and the laundry room had an actual door, making a small hallway in the basement, separating the two rooms
Darius set Hunter down in the hallway before going into the very small laundry room (it could barely hold two people). He dug through the clean laundry basket before eventually finding the stuffy. Yesterday, when Hunter went on the swings with Lucky, He fell into the mud, dirtying not just himself, but also the stuffy. When Darius gave him a bath, he had put Lucky in the washer.
He came out of the laundry room, holding the stuffy behind his back.
"Guess who I found~" Darius sing-songed. He pulled Lucky from behind his back.
Hunter gasped and grabbed the stuffy. It felt so soft and soothing. The smell was also really good. He loved the smell of freshly washed/dried clothes.
"T'ank you, Dadwius!" He hugged the man tightly.
As Hunter hugged him, Darius was in aw. As the hug stayed, all he could think of was
'This must be what parental love is like'
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llewellyn-baxter · 5 months
As he sat there in the sun, Llewellyn stared down at his hands and flexed the fingers every some... Then he would turn his hands over and back again, like he wasn't sure which part of himself was more foreign. It wasn't anything too obvious, either... Just slight variations, differences, new tiny imperfections that the witch knew hadn't been there before. And that was just in his hands... Llewellyn looked up for the umpteenth time to stare at his reflection in the window of the cafe, a tiny furrow above his brow that said he wasn't sure whether to be confused or concerned. Perhaps a little of both?
Truly, the man had yet to fully process everything he had been told in the past week since his return. So much had gone on already, it was a lot to sink in. In some respect, Llewellyn thought maybe they were all playing some elaborate joke on him-- haha, you big dolt, you'd believe you were gone for a full ten years? As comforting as that would be, he couldn't believe it simply for the cruelty that could come with them dragging it out so long. And, of course, all the sudden visible changes across his features. Llewellyn's hand pressed in at his cheek, then his fingers smoothed across his brow, making some attempt to try and pull away new wrinkles he didn't recognize. He looked older. And that was such a strange thing to come to terms with, to the point he wasn't even sure what to think or feel about any of it. Just days ago, he was a twenty-five year old man that was weeks away from signing onto his favorite NFL team-- when he smiled, the lines didn't crease that way.
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Llewellyn shook his head, averting his gaze away so he didn't have to keep thinking about these awful changes. His body said it was all true but his mind refused to catch up with this new reality. Mentally, he was still that twenty-five year old man with his entire future ahead of him. It was all slowly coming back to him, but he could even remember why he was back in Greywood to begin with. Yes, to see his family-- always, he came to visit them often and for lengthy periods of time too, and had always known he would settle here permanently again once his time in the big leagues was over. Yes, to check in on how the renovations to the home he had purchased were going. But most importantly, it was to let them all know about his plans regarding that bright future and to collect his grandmother's ring, too.
It became apparent as he sat there, that Llewellyn realized he'd been staring at someone across the street. Not intentionally-- she'd just happened into the area his eyes were already looking and well, now he focused. And sprang to his feet suddenly. "Amelia!" He gasped, loudly, and those long legs had him steps into the street before some giant van careened around him, honking madly as the driver cursed him for having chased into the roadway without even looking. With little patience or care to how close a call that'd been, Llewellyn waved them out of his way and took up a fast jog to finish crossing the street. "Amelia!" he sought after the woman, absolutely certain it was her even though she somehow looked different at the same time. He grabbed for her hand, pulling the woman back around to him and gathered her up in his arms, nearly giving her a crushing hug. "Oh my God, I missed you," his face buried into her hair as he let that relief flow through him. "It's been a crazy few days, babe, you don't even know." He was mentally stuck back ten years prior, so much so that even being told otherwise, the man had forgotten all of that immediately once seeing her. All he could think now was that it was Amelia, and he sought her comfort and kisses immediately.
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #49: “Monster Mayhem Pt. 2” Ch. 1
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Back with with our heroes, Mighton is looking at Mega Mundane Quasarblast who is still asleep. Mighton smiles Vil-Gil-An-T then came and pets his father on the forehead as he sighs sadly and remorsefully.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: What’s wrong, kiddo?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: This.. this is all my fault. I should’ve never shrunk Sisto.
Mighton gasps sadly.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Aw buddy. I’m sure you didn’t know. None of this is your fault.
Vil-Gil-An-T however breaks down in tears as he hugs Mega Mundane Quasarblast’s face.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: I’m so sorry, Korvo…
Mega Mundane Quasarblast wakes up and sees his son crying and gasp. He then pulls Vil-Gil-An-T close to him carefully and soothes him.
Mega Mundane Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Ssh. Ssh. It’s okay, my little sprout.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: tears fall down his face I should’ve listen to you about shrinking people. I am so sorry dad… breaks down in tears more as Quasarblast continues to comfort him
Mighton watches with sadness, feeling bad for his son.
Mega Mundane Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I know son, but I am so proud of you because you and your sister made these Wallians better people. Now they are our friends and the Wallians have her better lives after they got unshrunk. wipes Vil-Gil-An-T’s tears away softly I know it was wrong of you to shrink people. But, I know you want to know why they are jerks. But, you have became more responsible ever since you became Vil-Gil-An-T. And I will always love you my little sprout. kisses Vil-Gil-An-T on the forehead
Vil-Gil-An-T smiles tearfully. Then, he hugs Mega Mundane Quasarblast. Then, Mighty Pupa senses Black Mirror.
Pupa Solar-Oppostes/Mighty Pupa: Black Mirror!
The other Mighty Solars gasp.
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: Did you find her Mighty Pupa?
Mighty Pupa nods. The he points to a warehouse while five glowing lights based on elements.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: That must be them! AISHA, you can come with us! Come on!
AISHA: Got it!
The Mighty Solars then heads towards the warehouse. Meanwhile back with Black Mirror, she continues to torture Luke by messing with his mind as he screams.
Marissa: Black Mirror! Let him go please!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Never!
Marissa snarls.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Pathetic! Your affection for this beast has ruined you Marissa!
Marissa: This has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the mistake you’re about to make. The power you’re about to unleash!
Luke: You have to listen to her, Black Mirror. We’ve seen the future.
Black Mirror laughs.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Listen to her? You have no idea who she really is. Do you?
Marissa: Black Mirror! Don’t
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: The explosion that destroyed the factory! That put some of your mentors in a coma! That took your precious Will and her friends from you! It’s all compliments of Marissa and her spell!
Marissa gasps.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Marissa wanted to have power! So I have it to her! And in exchange, she didn’t know that she really bright me back to life! Marissa’s miscalculations cost her some power. So, she had to find you pathetic witches to find her in the amulet. That’s why she wrote the message and place the amulet on the shores. To earn a place on luring you all in on discovering it for you.
Luke: M-Marissa?
Marissa: Luke, I can explain.
Luke: You lied to me?
Black Mirror laughs.
Marissa: No. not everything was a lie! gets shock by Black Mirror as she screams in pain
Black Mirror then approaches the 5 KaIju Teen Witches.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: GIRLS! CRUSH THE MIGHTY SOLARS!
The Witches roar and run off.
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of-many-fandomss · 2 years
could I please request a Valentine’s Day one shot with Sam Winchester? Him and the reader would be engaged (I know you don’t do male reader but could I request background destiel? If not that’s okay!) but the reader is a witch, Hogwarts style, and she had to go help out at the school for a little bit and since her and Sam haven’t really ever done anything for it she didn’t think they would but since she’s been with the boys since end of season 1 and it’s been a while they know her parents and her dad sends her flowers and calls Sam to make sure she got them because she hasn’t sent a thank you message yet and then Sam sort of hears how big a deal it was for her before she started going hunting with the boys so he plans a surprise for her? Sorry if that’s too long or complicated
Yes, yes, thank you so much for adding destiel!!
Sam anxiously tapped his foot up and down, glancing over at Dean and Cas, who stood to the side. His brother gave him encouraging thumbs up and the angel simply nodded.
You would be back to the bunker any minute now after being called in for some last minute help at the school you had gone to to learn witchcraft at a young age. Of course, you had come out being one of the most powerful witches of your age.
You had been hunting with Sam and Dean for years, and you and the youngest Winchester had started dating early on. And though you did everything together, one thing you never did was celebrate Valentines Day.
The man never thought much of it until receiving a phone call from your father earlier that day to check and see that you got the flowers he had sent you. Soon enough, the two had gotten captured in a conversation that lead Sam to realize how much the holiday had actually meant to you before your hunting days.
Right after hanging up, he had sought out his brother and just brothers boyfriend to try and help him come up with something special he could do for you, not wanting to let another Valentines Day pass you by without some celebration.
Between the three of them, they had managed to get all your favorite foods and drinks as well as put your favorite music on. They also found scented candles to burn and were able to turn the library into a small, romantic ‘get away’ for the two of you for the evening.
“Hey, guys, I’m home!” You called as soon as you stepped through the door, only to come to a halt when you saw all three of them grinning up at you from where you stood overlooking the war room.
“Happy Valentines Day!” All three of them cheered in sync, Dean being the most enthusiastic out of all of them.
Your eyes flitted behind them to the library and you let out a gasp of joy, racing down and taking in the decorations in awe.
“What is…”
“We found out how much this day means to you,” Sam walked over and handed you a bouquet of your favorite flowers along with some that your father had gotten you, “And wanted to do something for you.”
Tears began to fill your eyes as you looked between all of them, “Guys, I- thank-“ You got choked up.
Instead, you settled on giving Cas and Dean each a hug before pulling your boyfriend in for a longer one and giving him a kiss.
“Thank you all so much.”
“It’s no problem,” Sam hummed, “I just wish I had known how much you enjoy Valentines Day sooner.”
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
ROs reaction to making the MC laugh again for the first time in a long time?
awe this ones really sweet ^^ im going to say in general this would be one of the first times the RO's realize they're falling for MC
The Loner:
They love to make little jokes, even if it only ever brings a slight smile to MC's face, but seeing their face light up, hearing their laugh... It makes the Loner grin and laugh along with them. Even if Loner doesn't know everything about MC's past they know that MC's been through hell and back, and to even bring a little light into the storm that is their emotions makes Loner so happy. They won't make a big deal of it outwardly, but on the inside Loner is very happy and wants to hear MC laugh again.
The Detective:
It was absolutely a stupid joke, some one off remark to lighten the mood, and honestly they didn't think it was that funny to begin with, but when MC starts to laugh they bewildered for a moment, blinking owlishly before laughing along, grinning and ignoring how their cheeks are flushing.
The Hunter:
The Hunter isn't really one for outward emotions, so they understand MC's demeanor, especially since they've seen MC's files. Still, jobs aren't really fun if you're serious 24/7. You gotta blow off steam and sometimes that means making jokes while you're waiting for the target to show. They're absolutely trying to not make a big deal of it when MC starts actually laughing, but it's just such a joyous sound and it makes them all giddy inside and they don't know why. They will deny blushing whatsoever, but keen eyes can see the way their eyes light up whenever they look at MC, how their smile looks a little more genuine when MC's around.
The Ghost:
They've seen MC at their worst, seen how their nightmares leave them, seen how much MC hurts inside. So, when they finally hear MC laugh after so long, after so much pain they can't hide their grin. Ghost desperately wishes they could make everything OK for MC again, but they know the most they can do is be there for them, support them when they need it, and to finally hear MC's laugh to see the way MC's face lights up, it makes Ghost so happy.
The Burglar:
The Burglar is... well themself, so they make a big deal of it all in good fun though. They gasp, and grin at MC before wrapping an arm around their shoulders like, "My my, looks like you can laugh! I was beginning to think some witch stole the ability from you, or perhaps you were born without a funny bone." They're a very dramatic person, but genuinely they're happy to see MC allowing themself to be more open, to feel comfortable to laugh again, and they're totally not committing the way Mc smiles nor the way their laugh sounds to memory. Of course not, they're just happy that their friend is happy.
The Spouse:
Spouse knows how hard it can be to find any bit of joy after everythign that's happened, they also know they had a whole team helping their recovery while MC was all on their own, so when they hear MC laugh they can't help but tear up. Spouse has always been an emotional person, and they're trying their best to not make a big deal out of this, but MC's laugh is like music to their ears and they really just want to hold MC close and enjoy the moment.
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l1teraryangel · 2 years
Halloween Haunts (Ch. 1)
Fall night winds, chilly on exposed flesh, billowed among trees and over the empty courtyard of Kobayashi High. The pathway leading to the front doors stretched before two individuals, blocked only by an iron gate and stone walls. Moonlight danced off both their hair, silvery light amplifying the colorless sheen.
The taller of the two, fair-skinned cheeks whipped red by the cool air, bounced from foot to foot and looked over his shoulder expectantly. “Where are they? Malik’s never late.”
“Calm down, Ya Amar. The tombkeeper is probably running behind thanks to Kek.” The second man, far darker despite his matching white hair, wrapped his arm around his partner’s waist. He pressed a chapped kiss on the other’s wind-abused cheeks.  “Why don’t we go ahead and climb the gate? We can get out of the wind.”
“Maybe we… No, no. It’s fine, Bakhura. We can wait a few more minutes. It’s not three yet.” He checked his phone for the hundredth time. “As long as they’re here by three… We have more places to hit up after this, so we can’t waste too much time.”
Chuckling, Touzoku-Ou Bakhura blew a puff of hot air over his boyfriend’s reddened ear, delighted by the indignant squeak he received in return. “Ryou, Ryou, Ryou… You never change, do you, Ya Amar? So worked up for one day.”
Rather than wait for Ryou’s reply, he grasped the thin wrist and slid the cell phone back into his boyfriend’s pocket. Normally, Ryou would at least feign a timid response, flash a cheeky grin, entice him into a kiss… Tonight, however, there was too much excitement pumping through his occult-loving heart.
“Habibi, it’s not just a day,” He protested and grabbed his phone back, unlocking the screen impatiently. “It’s a once-a-year opportunity for the spirits of the dead to freely roam, to reach their most powerful form. We’ve got to explore this school, go visit the morgue, get to the graveyard…”
“All within an hour? Unlikely to happen.” Bakhura lazily pulled Ryou’s head into his chest, ignoring the muffled objections. “I say we explore the school, head to the graveyard, dig up some valuables—”
Breaking free, Ryou shoved away from his boyfriend. “That isn’t a good idea in the modern world.”
“Maybe, maybe not. What if I tempt you with sex against a headstone?”
“As sexy as that sounds, it’s disrespectful,” Ryou sighed and actually looked heartbroken over his own morals. “Maybe by next year I can afford to buy a fancy coffin. We could set it up in the spare room and roleplay.”
Shaking his head, a grimace contorting his features, Bakhura muttered, “I don’t want to see you in a coffin. And I don’t want to be in one. Too claustrophobic. Maybe buy a big headstone instead? No harm in that, right?”
Over Ryou’s shoulder, a new voice piped up, “Are you two coming up with weird sex fantasies again?”
The two silver-haired men glanced behind them, and upon realizing their friends Malik and Kek were finally present, Ryou launched himself at Malik. “Took you long enough! C’mon, we gotta get in quick!”
Far less eager than his companion, Malik offered a half-hearted smile. “We come here every year. What makes you think this year will be any different?”
Ryou gasped and held a hand to his heart, slinking backwards into Bakhura’s waiting embrace. “Malik! Have you forgotten how many years it has been since the school shut down?”
“Uh, like… Three? Maybe four?”
“Four, right down to the day, you goofball!” Ryou practically vibrated, a thirst for ghouls and ghost-hunting shimmering in his eyes. “And we’re leveling up our efforts by coming during what is known as ‘The Witching Hour.’ And on Halloween! We have everything stacked in our favor!”
Kek shot Bakhura a look, somewhere between perturbed and amused. “Your creampuff gets awful excited about this shit, doesn’t he?”
Noticing Ryou’s mouth puffing into a pout, Bakhura hooked his arm around his shoulders and buried his nose into the crook of Ryou’s neck.“Mmhm, and I think it’s adorable. Ignore the pessimist, Ry.”
Elation rebounding, Ryou spun on his heel and planted a grateful kiss over Bakhura’s scarred cheek, and then he beckoned for the others to follow him. The group approached the withered stone wall, and Ryou patted the rough surface.
“First thing’s first: we need to get over the wall. Usually I boost Malik and he helps from the top, but since we have two extra pairs of hands this year…”
Malik grinned at Kek. “On your knees, handsome. Give me a boost.”
Rolling his eyes but obeying nevertheless, a playful grin tugged at the corner’s of Kek’s mouth. “So bossy, Mr. Dominant Half. Would a please kill you?”
“It might, yeah.”
Malik’s running start combined with Kek’s powerful lift launched him smoothly to the top of the wall, far smoother than years prior when he and Ryou were on their own. Laughing and whooping despite his previous reluctance to once again explore the school, Malik called to Ryou, “We should have brought them back a long time ago. That was so much easier.”
Ryou beamed, first at his friend and then at Bakhura. “You gonna give me a boost, too?”
“Me? Boost you? But you’re taller.” His boyfriend pretended to be appalled, but the mischief could not be purged from his eyes or his smirk. “Come here, cutie. I’ll toss you right up there.”
“Just don’t toss me so far I fall off the wall, you big ol’ brute.” Ryou giggled as Bakhura winked and finger-gunned him, ignoring the good-natured gag Kek mimed half a meter away. “Do I need a running start?”
“Nah, just step into my hands.”
Following his instruction, Ryou soon found himself straddling the wall beside Malik. The blonde smirked at him. “You two get more lovey-dovey everytime I see you. I can’t decide if it’s gross or cute.”
Kek cupped his hands over his mouth. “Gross, Mal. Definitely gross.”
“Like you two blondes are any better,” Bakhura snorted and shoved at Kek’s shoulder. “You follow Malik around like a lost puppy.”
Ryou glanced at his smartphone. “Guys, hurry! It’s two minutes past.”
“Oh, Ra, how did we ever let so much time slip away?” Kek dramatically swooned, but he winked up at Ryou. “Hang on, Creampuff, we’ll be up in a second.”
The two men backed up from the wall, eyeing each other with flashes of cockiness, egging on the competition as they prepared themselves. With an unspoken cue, they both lurched forward, rushing the wall like they might run through it. They dug their feet into the textured stone at the last moment and propelled themselves up through momentum.
On Malik’s side, Kek's hands slapped on the flat platform top. He heaved himself up, grunting, and swung his leg over. He grinned at Malik. “Fancy meeting you here, lover.”
“Mmhm.” Malik pursed his lips. “You two are such show-offs.”
Bakhura, exhibiting the deftness of a man accustomed to scaling buildings and braving treacherous terrain, perched on the wall beside Ryou, completely relaxed and his ego brimming. “Get on my level, tombkeeper.”
He stepped off the wall, landing with catlike grace on the other side, before turning to Ryou. “Jump, Ry. I’ll catch you.”
“You better, or you’re grounded,” Ryou teased and leapt gently off the ledge. Naturally, Bakhura caught him, and Ryou awarded him a chaste kiss. “Thank you. Can I see my bag now?”
While Kek clambered down and politely assisted Malik, Bakhura handed Ryou his backpack to sift through. Ryou dug his hand inside, searching for two key items to assist in their ghost hunt. By the time the blondes rejoined them, Ryou had pulled out a map of the school grounds and a heavily used notebook.
Peeling back the pages, Ryou skimmed his notes line-by-line. His mouth moved as he read over past entries, and he stopped once he found a page halfway through the book. “Okay, so in the past, we’ve discovered a few hotspots.”
Malik unfolded the map dutifully and motioned for Kek to bring their bag closer. “The stairwell, I remember. Also a classroom on the… West end?”
“And the roof,” Ryou replied, thumbing another page over. “We’ve seen ghost orbs through our phone cameras once in the classroom, but the rest of the places it was more just… a feeling.”
“The stairs were cold. Like… Super cold. Felt like ice crawling along my skin, but not in a good way. The roof… We only identified that spot once. What happened?”
“It was the first year after the close. We went up and, per my notes, we felt a creeping sensation like something was watching us. I wrote down how I felt compelled to walk to the roof edge. I think that’s why we stayed away after that.”
Malik winced, leaning into Kek as he pulled a full-size electric lantern from their bag. “Yeah, sounds right. It’s coming back to me. That roof was… Bad. We don’t have to go up there, do we?”
Ryou shook his head. “No. If the spirits up there are that strong on a normal night… I won’t push our luck to make contact with angry spirits. Leave them to an exorcist.”
Whistling, Kek crouched to examine the map. “Must be pretty bad if even Creampuff doesn’t want to mess with them.”
“Where are we starting, then?” Bakhura gestured vaguely over the map. “I don’t think we can explore the whole school in an hour, especially not if you really want to hit the morgue afterwards.”
“I do want to take my time here,” Ryou mused, twirling a finger through his platinum silver hair, scouring the map with his eyes. “Given the time constraint, let’s explore the school thoroughly. If we don’t make it to the morgue before four, no big deal.”
Malik and Kek stood, the former clutching the lantern like his life depended on it. Ryou and Bakhura followed suit, Ryou carrying the map and Bakhura the journal. The group ambled along the path, meeting the first challenge with the boarded up front doors. Kek slung the backpack around, shuffled through the leftover items, and pulled out a hammer.
“May I do the honors?” He chuckled, moonlight catching the glimmer of furor tucked into his irises.
Affectionately shaking his head, Malik stepped aside so his darker half could pummel the ever-loving shit out of the wood boards. Ryou giggled at the offended expression Bakhura sported, nearly bursting out in full hysteria when his boyfriend grumbled, “So barbaric… Have you never broken into a place before?”
Kek paused his hammering, shoving the last of the board off with his foot. “Now that you mention it, I haven’t. Seems like something I would have done, though, huh?”
“You can thank our sister for that.” Malik tested the doors, pleased when they swung open. “And honestly, I’m glad you don’t have a penchant for breaking into places. It’d be real hard to explain your lack of legal identity to the cops.”
“Tell me about it.” Ryou peeked over at Bakhura, who dared to point to himself with a shocked expression, though again he could not disguise the mischief present on his face. “Maybe that can be your next birthday gift.”
Bakhura scowled and stuck his tongue out. “Booooo. Boring.”
Ignoring his antics, Ryou cautiously stepped inside the building, Malik on his heel with the light source. The dancing shadows and persistent darkness brought dread to Malik’s eyes, but Ryou took his hand, squeezing it firmly.
“I’m right here, Malik. And we’ve got extra bodyguards this time.”
Kek saluted and threw his arm around Malik’s shoulders. “Reporting for duty, Sergeant Creampuff.”
Snorting, Bakhura paced a meter or so ahead of the group. “This place doesn’t feel haunted. Empty, sure, but not really—”
A BANG! from down the hall interrupted his words, shutting him up quickly. From what sounded to be farther away, the men heard a drawn out, depressed moan. 
“I’m telling you,” Ryou tapped the map, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “crazy shit goes down here. Every year, when Malik and I show up, something happens. Weren’t you listening to the stuff I wrote in the journal? And this year is already off to a great start! Here, trade with me! I want to jot this down.”
Bakhura obediently swapped the journal and map, one eye lingering at the space behind him. Unable to resist, Malik taunted, “You look more nervous than me, Thief King. What’s wrong?”
“Eh, just feels weird. I’m not used to ghosts that aren’t, y’know, family and friends.”
Ryou stopped mid-note, worry furrowing his brow. “Are you going to be okay? I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t think about what being around ghosts might do to you.”
Glancing back at his boyfriend, Bakhura grinned and beckoned Ryou closer, a new glint in his eyes regardless of the dark. When Ryou complied, a bit more suspicious than concerned now, Bakhura playfully flicked his forehead. The attack was soft enough for Ryou to doubt something actually happened, but he rubbed the spot anyway.
“I’m fine, Ya Amar. Seeing my family at peace in the afterlife did wonders for my mental health.” His joking, though tinged with some sincerity, failed to fully ease Ryou’s heartache. “Wipe that look off your face before I kiss it off. You’re supposed to be bouncing off the walls ‘cause ghosts and stuff, right?”
Biting his lip, Ryou finished the last of his notes, mostly for the sake of hiding his expression from Bakhura. It filled him with guilt to have not even considered how Bakhura might feel about ghosts after Kul Elna. Had he really gotten so carried away that he became a careless boyfriend?
“Ryou, I still see a frown.”
He ducked his head, practically nose to paper.
“Ya Amar, I’m going to tickle you in three seconds if you don’t stop.”
Malik laughed under his breath and jerked his head to Kek, silently requesting his other half follow him as they moved farther into the hall and away from the lovey-dovey threats. Ryou wanted to glare after the blondes for abandoning him to his thoughts, but that required him to lift his head away from the book.
“Time’s up.”
Bakhura tackled Ryou into the wall, brushing his fingertips over all of his former host’s most vulnerable spots. Ryou dissolved into a gasping, giggling mess, slumping and sliding down against the wall as the assault went on.
“S-Sto— No more! I yield!”
Bakhura loomed over Ryou with a manic grin. “That��s better. Now, as good as you look on the ground, out of breath, completely red in the face… We should probably return to our hunting?”
Kek suddenly picked up the pace and moved farther than the hall, catching everyone else’s attention. Malik followed him, light swinging in his hand. The two silver-haired men pursued them, confused, and only realized what drew their attention when they reached the stairwell. Ice and frost coated the stairs, rendering them a hazard and ghostly hotspot.
Ryou squatted in front of the stairs, eagerly scribbling. “This is so cool! Things have never been this active before!”
Malik hesitantly ran a finger over the ice. “Damn. Good thing you saw that, Kek. If we tried to run up the stairs later, we might have hurt ourselves.”
“Why would we go up the stairs?” Kek questioned and pulled Malik away from the ice. “You guys already said we’re not going to the roof.”
“We’re not?” Malik’s mouth hung open, a blank expression on his face. “Oh, right, we’re not going upstairs. No roof.”
Ryou exchanged a look with Bakhura, noting the other looked equally baffled by the change in their friend’s behavior, and asked, “Are you okay, Mal? Tell me if you feel off. Safety is more important than ghosts.”
The blonde waved off the concern, but he shivered and darted his eyes around. “I’m fine. Uh, can we go somewhere else? Kinda cold over here.”
Protective instincts kicking in, Kek held Malik close, taking the light from him and keeping a hand on his hip. “Don’t wander, okay? Stay with me.”
Bakhura mimicked the action with Ryou, whispering in his ear, “Something’s off. You keep close, too.”
Although he agreed, Ryou felt an abrupt urge to argue Bakhura’s words. He bit his tongue, swallowing his protests, but they’d only taken a step or two when he broke away from his boyfriend. Somewhere in the school, someone called him, cried for him to come find them. 
He heard Bakhura begin to scold him for walking off, and he heard all three other men yell out for him to stop, to wait up. He didn’t even realize he was running away from them until he heard their shouts, but his feet refused to stop.
Feet pounded the hall floors behind him, and of course, Bakhura caught up first. He snagged Ryou by the waist and yanked him to a halt.
“Ryou! Hey, snap out of it!”
Blinking away his haze, Ryou looked over to the thief holding him hostage. “What? What were we doing just now?”
Kek, catching up with them, growled, “Alright, fuck this, I don’t like it. No ghosts are separating us from our other halves. I vote we call it. Maybe we can still go to the morgue or cemetery, but this school is off limits.”
Wobbly in place, Ryou contemplated him, eyes still not entirely focused. “Where’s… Where’s Malik?”
Face paling, Kek whirled around. “Fuck! He was right behind me! Where did he—”
“Oh, loverboy~” Malik’s voice sang. It seemed to come from back by the stairwell. “Catch me if you can!”
Kek swore and glanced helplessly at Bakhura. “I think Creampuff underestimated how strong tonight was going to make the spirits. I’m gonna grab him, and then we need to leave.”
“Agreed.” Bakhura studied Ryou’s glazed expression. “Ryou, we’re going to go home, okay? We can have a horror movie marathon with Malik and Kek instead.”
Anger twisted Ryou’s tranquil features. “No! I want to stay here!” He wiggled and strained in Bakhura’s arms, kicking and scratching. “You can’t make me leave! You can’t control me anymore!”
Hurt and shock mingled in Bakhura’s eyes. “R-Ryou… Ya Amar, I’m not trying to control you. I’m worried about you.”
Flopping over, face concealed by his long hair, Ryou’s shoulders quaked. Both Kek and Bakhura stared at him, dumbfounded, as he began to wheeze and laugh. “Oh, Kek~ You’d better hurry. Malik can only dance on his own for so long.”
“What? Dance?”
“Mmhm, dancing in the moonlight. Sounds like so much fun, but the roof is a lot smaller than you realize when you’re jumping around up there.”
At the mention of the roof, Kek’s already pale face turned a shade shy of Ryou’s white. “...Fuck. Bakhura, get him out of here. I gotta get Malik.”
The blonde took off, leaving the two silver-haired men to struggle together. Ryou renewed his efforts at kicking Bakhura away while said man held him so tight he was genuinely worried about hurting his boyfriend. Though he tried and tried, the thief couldn’t manage to drag Ryou back towards the front doors, not before the lankier of the two landed a kick in the tender spot above Bakhura’s right ankle, the same ankle nearly crushed by a bear trap once upon a time.
“Shit…!” Bakhura cursed, his grip loosening, and Ryou darted away, around a corner and out of sight in a matter of seconds. “Ryou! Gods damn it all…”
He shook off the pain and chased after his former host, but it was too late. When he rounded the corner, Ryou had disappeared.
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Happy Halloween, a couple of hours early! Not sure how many chapters this will have, but it won't be super long. Just felt like writing something for the holiday.
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AO3 Link: Halloween Haunts - Chapter 1 - LiteraryAngel - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own]
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jutsei · 1 year
The Beast Sanctuary Chapter Two: Earning Your Stripes
(Finished Chapter two of my fic, of twenty for the first “season”! This one took a lot less work since everything’s established, I’ve even already gotten the third outline ready to go! I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!)
Chapter Summary: After befriending the witches of the Beast Sanctuary, Juniper is in a better place than they were before, but still finds themselves lacking in courage and conversational skills, so they attempt to improve them in hopes of inquiring about a particular book series! If it works, they may even get two new friends! Which will certainly help when two students careless mistakes result in a problem growing out of control.Meanwhile, the Witches of the Beast Sanctuary attempt to tame an unruly patient before it causes problems further down the lines, could the solution be simpler than they think?
If you’d prefer, here’s a link to the AO3 Version!
Silence filled the air of Bonesborough.
No birds chirping, no carts moving, no doors opening and slamming shut… gone was the usual cacophony. 
It was so early in the morning, that not even scammers were about! 
But as the violet of dawn began to fade, the sun in response started its rise.
The shining star hung above in the sky, bringing wondrous light to the Boiling Isles as various demons, witches, and animals roused from their slumber, shuffling out of their doors and beginning to scuttle down the stone streets, making an awful racket.
While before there was not a peep, soon, a myriad of noises began to fill the air.
Doors opening, shoes against cobblestone roads, animals chirping peacefully before cawing angrily, in a sheer matter of moments, life and movement began to pour into the town and made it feel truly alive!
 The shine of a beautiful morning peeked into the window of a red headed witchling’s bedroom, and soon, fell upon them as well.
 Letting out squeaks of annoyance, Juniper groaned, tossing and turning in their bed, hoping  to get just a few more minutes of rest, but soon, that infernal ball in the sky reflected a light off of a nearby window directly into their eye, and the young witch yelped as they fell out of their bed, taking their blankets with them
 Now firmly on the floor, they groggily sat up, poking their head out from their blankets.
“ I guess I’m up now.” They murmured to themselves as they reached for their glasses on the nightstand and gently placed their three eyed toad plush onto the bed along with the blankets.
 Letting out a yawn, they stretched and shook their head.
“Another day at Hexside! And then, after school, I can go meet my new friends…!”
 They paused, a flash of red coming across their face as they held their chest.
“Right… I-I have friends now! Actual friends! Friends who are… older than me… and who are… wild witches…” They said, their tone quickly changing from hopeful to a little worried.
 “... Th-That sounds far-fetched, am I sure I wasn’t dreaming it…?” Juniper said to themselves, flopping onto the bed and leaning towards their clothes from yesterday, feeling around for something
 “Let’s see…” They said to themselves, pulling various things from the unused pockets, lint, some gum, the Invigoration Potion…-... they didn’t use that at all yesterday…?
 Grabbing the green flask, they gently placed it safely into a nearby cabinet. “Hope I won’t forget about you….”
 Returning to their search, they paused and grabbed something that felt like a sheet of paper, nervously, they looked at it and…
… Nothing. Just a blank faded piece of parchment
 “Dang it….! It was just a dream. I’ve still got no-...” They lamented, before noticing something  visible through the other side of the paper.
 Flipping it around, they gasped.
It was there…
 The symbol of the dragon-goat, like the one on the Keeper's staff…! It was all real! This would be the symbol that guided them to The Beast Sanctuary!
 “I-I didn’t dream it! Yes!” They cheered as they hopped onto their feet and did a celebratory fist pump
 “I can visit them… I can see them!” Juniper said happily, rocking back and forth, before placing the symbol down on their bed.
 “... If Miner and Lief come back and see you, I’m worried they might think I’ve fallen in with some shady business…” They said to themselves, before placing the symbol into a drawer and hiding it away onto their nightstand.
 “So I’ll just use you after school so I can get changed!” The witchling said with a happy and cheerful tone as they got changed into their school uniform, skipped downstairs, grabbed a snack from a nearby fruit bowl, and hummed to themselves, they leaned into the kitchen to sneak a peek. Still no Aunt and Uncle present.
 But this time, they shrugged.
“Oh well, maybe in a few days, once that Conformatorium is fixed up I bet I’ll see them again…” They said, before smiling with a chuckle.
 “ ‘Sides, now I can have company out in the woods!” Juniper said as they opened the door to outside and repeated what they were instructed to do every time they left the house. Lift the rock for the key, lock the door, return the key under the rock, off on your way!
 With their guest housing safely secured, the happy student skipped and walked, weaving through the crowd as they walked towards Hexside, their heart was absolutely brimming with joy, delight, and eagerness to see  those three wild witches again!
 So merry were they, that they even stopped at the stall row of the market for once, spinning on their heels to greet the shopkeepers. A few were annoyed, most didn’t answer, but quite a few appreciated the greetings from a teenager in a good mood.
 The gray haired woman at the “Human Treasures” stall snorted and leaned onto her elbow while looking at the peculiar sight
“Well someone’s in a good mood!” She said to herself. “Shame it looks like they don’t have any snails. Ooooooooh well” . With a stretch, she resumed  her usual game of peddling glorified trash.
 Once they were past the Market, Juniper hardly lost any of their energy, and soon, they were once more at the long pathway to Hexside.
 While still brimming with happiness, as soon as Juniper saw other students pouring in, they stopped, taking a deep breath. “Right… gotta act-...” They paused, the advice from yesterday still fresh in their head.
 “... I don’t need to act normal, maybe I could act like me this time!” They said, preparing to resume their skipping and not care what other people might say about them…
 Before shaking their head, holding their arms at their side, and went back to walking normally.
“B-but maybe I’m not ready for that…” They said, their smile turning into a  more neutral expression. Though their chest was still filled with warmth, their outside appearance wouldn’t have given that impression…
 They sighed as they walked forward, but as they stepped forwards, they couldn’t help but notice there was a bounce in their step, and after just a few seconds, their smile returned. They couldn’t help it, they were happy…!
 They didn’t have to act like themselves yet… but there was no reason they had to hide their joy!
 … They were still nervous of what people might think of them, but was school so utterly crushing that they couldn’t even smile?
 No. It was not.
 So,  with that, Juniper walked up the stairs of Hexside, a smile still clear on their face, as they walked through the lobby and down the hall, they couldn’t help but hear at least one chuckle, not from a student, but from a teacher who seemed to be on the way to their own class.
 “Hahaha, well isn’t someone eager to learn!? That’s great! “ 
Did Juniper really look that eager? People might think they’re some kind of nerd who tries their best to please others… but, that was a teacher… they had to make a good impression in case they showed up later!
 “Of course! I’m ready to fill my brain with knowledge. Or. Something!” Juniper said with a slight chuckle as they entered their first room and took a seat.
 They were bouncing up and down in their chair, eager to head to The Beast Sanctuary after school, and yet. They had to calm down.
 They tried their best to try and keep those thoughts out of their head,  trying not to imagine all the fun they’d have later with their new Wild Witch friends… 
 And failed, they were still rocking back and forth eagerly, thinking of all the fun that could be had!
Looking at animals with Keeper, Zephyr showing off illusions, and Lunella elaborating on her mysterious dream magic…
 They sighed dreamily as they leaned forward onto their arms, before shaking their head and staring forward
 This wouldn’t do…! They had to calm down or else they’d miss knowledge or mess up in Potions Track later…
 With a deep breath, Juniper narrowed their eyes, clasped their hands over one another as they were placed down onto the desk, and leaned forward, trying to look as absolutely serious as possible.
 And failing, they looked more cute than anything.
With a sigh, they threw back their head in annoyance and looked up at the ceiling.
 “Sure hope this doesn’t mess up my day.” They said to themselves as the teacher for the day walked in and began talking about runes as Juniper leaned forward with interest and tried to listen
.  . . 
 Hours upon hours passed, and soon, class had ended for the day, and to Juniper’s surprise… no!
 Their boundless energy and joy did not ruin their day, in fact, they found it a little easier to focus than before. Was it their good mood? Perhaps it was the promise that they had something to look forward to once school has ended? It did not matter.
 It wasn’t a very eventful school day, regardless.
Potions Track covered how to tell if a potion was viscous, gaseous, or a bunch of other ___ouses.
General history covered the period right after Emperor Belos united the Isles…
And of course, writing class happened today. It was mostly there to increase skill for rune writing. Juniper had liked writing, but the thought of sitting still for hours breathing life into writing sounded a little exhausting. Maybe they should try it sometime?
With a spring in their step, they walked down the steps of the school and began their long walk home, brushing past fellow students, including one who wore the blue of Healing Track and had their hood held tight around their head, with hair hanging loose in front, and another with side swept hair in Abomination Track, it seemed they were chatting about something, though, Juniper could not hear it. The fact they had matching books nestled under their arms made it seem like they were talking about something…
 They were curious now, perhaps Juniper should reach out and say hello? With a bit of a stride, they got closer to the two chatting witches… only to freeze in place as a thought entered their head
 “What if they find me weird?” They thought “What if I’m off putting to them and I can never talk to them about their book ever again?”   “I need to keep quiet, three friends is enough, right?” They said quietly to themselves
 As they stood still, the other two strangers stopped and looked around, all around them, seemingly hearing something
 “Did you hear something?” The one with the hood asked “Yeah I did, maybe it was in the woods? “ The girl with side swept hair said, before shaking her head
“... Anyway.” Their conversation continued, but thankfully, it looked like they didn’t notice Juniper at all. For a moment, they were terribly afraid they had bungled it again like yesterday
 They stood there as the two strangers grew ever closer away, and soon, out of sight.
The witchling let out a sigh. “Maybe I can try again tomorrow.” They said to themselves as they returned onto their trek home.
Clack, clack, The sound of their shoes hitting the pavement below echoed around them as they walked through the stall section of the market, ducking over the outstretched arms of shopkeeps who wanted to sell them something. They waved their hands to assure the waiting vendors that he simply didn’t have any money to spend.
While some might find it annoying, Juniper did enjoy seeing what strange stuff people had to sell.
For example . . .
They passed by the “Human Collectibles” stall once again. That was odd, wasn’t it “Treasures from the Human Realm?” … Maybe that was just a mistake yesterday, or maybe the actual sign was stolen? Either way, it was “Human Collectibles” now, and while that fluffy and white haired woman was there earlier in the morning, she wasn’t here now!
 There was only a sign that said
“Special weekday and a half sale has ended, back at my usual times - E” 
 “E”? So her name started with E? Odd. Maybe on the weekend Juniper could ask her some stuff? … But what stuff?
Well, for starters, maybe they could ask if that different sign was for this supposed day and a half sale…
 With a shrug, Juniper resumed their walk, and after about ten minutes, returned home, doing the usual ritual to gain entry, and eagerly ran up the stairs to change into their casual clothes as quickly as they could!
 So eager to get changed, they noticed their shirt was on backwards, and quickly went back behind the changing cover to get everything fixed. Their heart was beating and they were humming happily as they opened the drawer to their night stand to retrieve the symbol on the paper.
 With a deep breath, they prepared themselves, and also got themselves a flask of water in case they got lost and needed a drink. Holding up the symbol, Juniper looked closely. Yep, still a goat/dragon hybrid.
 So all they had to do was follow the symbols on the trees…? Sounded simple enough.
 With a sigh, Juniper pocketed the paper, and went downstairs, before going out the backdoor and making sure to lock it
 Looking up at the sea of orange trees  in the distance, he steeled his heart and took a step forward into the woods of Bonesborough as they began the trek to The Beast Sanctuary… this time, with actual guidance!
 Carefully, the witchling took guided steps into the forest, making sure to not let panic grip them like they did the last time they were here. For every few steps they took, there was a symbol on a nearby tree that matched the one that Keeper had given to them.
At first, they were confused. There were no arrows to point them in another direction, but then, they noticed something.
 There were many trees with many different symbols, sometimes the dragon and goat were flipped, other times it was something else entirely,  and other times it was inverted, but on each tree with the proper symbol, there was some kind of arrow that led them to the next correct symbol. It made sense. 
The false symbols were meant to beguile and lead astray everyone else in circles… but because Juniper had the correct symbol, they were being guided by the correct symbols!
 Over a river, through a fallen log, past the long forgotten village, under massive trees, and once more passing through a familiar clearing, Juniper’s green eyes widened with joy as they followed each correct symbol, and soon, once more, there was one more symbol.
With a proud, deep breath, they walked forward past the last tree, before taking a small drink from their flask of water, and looked forward…
 And the familiar Beast Sanctuary came into view, all the buildings were still there, even the damaged one! (Which had a tarp hung over it). The large building, the smaller buildings, the stables… it was all still here!
 The witchling looked on with awe beneath their glasses as they walked around, taking note of all the sights. 
Some animals wandered around, the hoofprints from the boar yesterday were still there… Yep! It was all still here!
With a smile, they stepped up to the front door of the main house and knocked.
 “Lunella! Keeper! Zephyr! I’m here!” … They said,
… No response.
 … Blink. For a brief moment they wondered if they were being pranked, a chill worry washing over them.
 Turning the door knob, Juniper walked in.
 Looking around, they saw that the living room was empty, no one on the couches, chairs, or other assorted furniture, there was a note, though!
This was becoming a theme…
 They sighed, reached down, and read the note
“Rabbit, if you come to see us, we’re in the stable. - Keeper”
 Oh! That’s good then! With their smile restored, they pocketed the note, walked out the door, and held their hand above their head to get a better look
 The stable would be a long building , right?
 That’s the one you’d keep something like a wild beast! And, what luck! There happened to be a very long building right there!
 With the instructions clear in their head, the young student walked towards the Stable and opened the door, their hands held up high happily, waving it around to say “Hello!”
 “Hello, my new Wild Witch Friends-”
Only to be greeted with the sight of Keeper holding the sickly green boar from yesterday in a headlock.
 “Oh, hello Rabbit, don’t mind us, just. Restraining a wily patient” The muscular witch said as if nothing was wrong
 Zephyr and Lunella were on the side, with the lazy looking witch holding the boar down with a weight of stone on its back, and the slightly creepy one holding its other side with ghostly and ephemeral bandages.
 Upon seeing Juniper, the boar seemingly began struggling more and grunting in defiance, only for the bindings to tighten as the two witches turned to look at their guest
 “Oh! Shortcake came back!” The Dream Witch said happily
“Yayyyyyyyy…” Zephyr said casually
 Juniper could only stand there looking at the sight in shock. 
 “H-... huh…?” They blinked a few times in surprise to make sure they weren’t just seeing things.
After lifting their glasses and rubbing their eyes. The boar was still there.
 This was not a dream, but it sure seemed like a wide awake nightmare.
 So Juniper only stood there in stunned silence for what felt like hours.
 “Alright, Hamilton, we gotta go.” Lunella said as she blew a light purple mist into the boars nostrils, which caused it to fall limp as it immediately fell asleep
 All three released their grip on the boar, before leaving the magic which restrained it in place, they dusted themselves off.
 “Sorry about that, why are you acting surprised?” Keeper said, stretching out their back, the sound of bones crunching escaping coming from their back
 “I just… uh… thought you were going to relocate that boar and I’d… never have to see it again…” The witchling said, adjusting their glasses nervously.
 “Oh we tried, but it kept attacking us.” Lunella responded.
 “It’s too violent as it is right now for anywhere else, so we’re trying to tame him. Not havin’ much progress though'' Zephyr said with a sigh.
 “So it’s too violent to go anywhere else, so you keep it here where it could hurt you, my three only friends?” Juniper added with a sigh as they adjusted their glasses.
 … The three witches sighed and looked at their young fri-... student?
 “Rabbit, we’re experienced, we’ll be fine, we’ve had worse, we just need to figure out what he wants and he’ll be eating out of our hands no problem” The Keeper said as they gave a reassuring shoulder pat to Juniper.
 . . . 
 A light groan escaped them as their head leaned back
 “If you say so…” They shook their head, they wouldn’t let this undermine the first day they’d spend with the three Wild Witches who they met yesterday
 Looking up at the three, Juniper gave them a radiant smile
 “S-so, what should we do today!?” They asked eagerly.
 “Welllllll… we’ve kinda been exhausting ourselves keeping Hamilton restrained…” Zephyr added sheepishly.
 “It takes a lot to hold him in place, Shortcake.” Lunella said with a nod.
 “So there’s not a lot.. But there’s no reason we can’t show you a few things, huh?” Keeper said with a reassuring grin
The teenager’s smile faded a bit, but nodded.
 This was still more time than they ever expected to spend with friends
 “S-... sure!” They said as they walked out into the open, the three trailing behind them.
 “You’re still early on in potions, so there’s not a lot we can teach you since you’re still learning the basics, but you know what we can do?” Keeper asked, pointing towards a small bird-like creature that was simply strutting around, minding its own business.
 “What can we do?” The student asked, watching with interest.
 “Some potions require parts of a living creature, it’s not all flora, sometimes you’ll need to wrangle some, or find shed parts of the skin, and who knows? That might just make an amazing potion!” Keeper said, reaching over towards the bird-like creature and scooping it up into their arms, it did not resist at all.
“For example, this is a flightless bird, though it looks like a Roc, it can’t really take flight” They explained, reaching behind it and gently pulling off three feathers, and using some clippers after retrieving them from their pocket,trimming its talons short.
 “But both its feathers and talons can be used as reagents in potions where you’d need parts of a bird, such as slowing your fall or giving something wings so it’ll fly away from you!” The muscular one said as it put the bird down, which waddled on away.
 Juniper watched on with awe, Keeper made it look so easy!
 The laidback witch sauntered towards Juniper and handed them the feathers and the talons
“This time I’m letting you have them, but next time when we’re less tired, you’re gonna have to do it, alright?” They said, reaching forward to pat Juniper on the head.
  They allowed it to happen as their hair got a little ruffled.
 “If you’re in Potions Track, you’ll need to learn how to get your own ingredients as well, Keeper has the right idea” Lunella said cheerfully
 “Yeah, like, you could just buy all your ingredients but that’d be… really expensive.” Zephyr added. “And sometimes potions don’t sell well…” He said, noticing how both of his compatriots were now staring at him
 “I said “Sometimes!” “ His arms were raised in defense, before shrugging and letting them fall to his side.
 “Anyway, that aside, you should keep that in mind. You should always have your own supply of ingredients ready, or be prepared to go out and get some if you need it. Later I’ll also show you how to pick out herbs. You’re probably already working with those, right?” Keeper asked.
 Juniper nodded in response and held their hand to their chin.
 “I actually didn’t think about how I’d need to gather my own… how am I supposed to find them, or defend myself…? I-I don’t think I’ve seen Potion Track members do anything but brew potions!” They said, walking around as they walked
 “Well, that’s up to you, Shortcake!” Lunella said, chuckling.
 “You’ll probably have to figure something out, but it’ll be uniquely you.” Zephyr added with a reassuring thumbs up.
 “Maybe I could make a spell that enhances my senses, or bring herbs to me…?” Juniper said, thinking to themselves, before the other three witches chuckled
 “Relax, relax, you’re not gonna figure out how to use your magic in a day.. This stuff takes time. One step at a time, alright?” Keeper said with  a grin.
 “Alright, how about we head inside and chat and maybe that’ll give you some ideas for your magic~?” Lunella asked with a singsong voice
 “Plus we do kinda need to sit down. Hamilton’s a really spirited slice of meat.” Zephyr  responded punctuating it with a yawn.
 The young witchling chuckled and nodded. “S-sure!” Opening the door, Juniper held it for the other three, who went in first, and then went inside after them
 The familiar smell of well cut wood, and the sound of animals scurrying about filled the room as some palisman scurried out of the room and into another.
 With a bit of exhaustion, the three witches walked forwards, before turning around and fell onto the couch at the same time as Juniper took their own seat in a larger armchair, leaning back into it and kicking their feet eagerly.
 “Soooo… what now!?” The Red Haired Witchling asked with a grin
 “Well, why don’t you tell us how your day of school went?” Zephyr asked. “You always seem eager to run your mouth about what happened”
“Hey…” The teenager responded by puffing out their cheeks in annoyance. They sighed.
  Leaning back into the chair, they smiled as they rested their arms against the chair, holding their arms out as they summarized what had happened in the day.
 How happy they were, how they actually were able to focus without aid of the potion, and how they figured out how to find the way to the Beast Sanctuary.
 “Sounds like a slow, boring day, but you’ll look back on days like this and laugh when you’re our age. Not every school day is gonna be exciting.” Zephyr said with a shrug.
The Dream Witch was leaning forward, her eyes sparkling with delight and wonder at the story that was unraveling
 “And is that all? Just a boring day at school? Are you holding out on us, Rabbit?” Keeper said with a bit of a lighthearted accusatory tone
 The student tensed up, but shook their head. “U-um, well… actually…”\
 All three of the witches leaned forward with interest
 “U-um… there were two students that were talking about a book… I wanted to say hello to them and ask them what they were talking about in case it sounded like something I might be interested in, but…” … Juniper paused, sinking into the chair, sighing.
 “I… didn’t…”
 The Wild Witches all looked at each other before shaking their heads, groaning, and returning to their seats
 “You’re not gonna make friends like that if you just stand around waiting for other people to talk to you first… well, I mean. It worked for me sometimes” Zephyr said flatly.
 “Oh, poor little Shortcake, so nervous… but you need to remember to at least try talking to them!” Lunella added.
“Rabbit, you can’t listen to your head all the time. If you just want to ask someone about something, you can. Even if you think you’re being weird, you’re not. You’re just asking a question” Keeper said with a nod.
 … Juniper looked down at the ground, rubbing the back of their head nervously
“I know, I know, but it’s hard sometimes… I’m so used to people looking at me strangely that if I ask something I worry they’ll just remember what I said and use that against me in the future…” They sighed. “Like they’ll just avoid me forever…”
 “Yeah… sometimes that’ll happen, but you gotta at least try, Juni,” Zephyr said with a reassuring tone of voice.
 “I guess…” Juniper said, kicking their feet.
 “Well, they’re in your school, you’ll see them again! And if you make a bad first impression you can try again. If you’re nervous, just pretend we’re there by your side.” Keeper said as they rested their head against the cushions of the couch.
 “... I-...” They said, sitting upright, before looking up and nodding with a smile
“I… I will try!” Juniper said, determination clear on their face.
 “Do you want to practice with us?” Zephyr asked gently.
 “... Actually I kinda do!” The student responded
 The tired looking man’s expression fell.
“I was kind of joking but, ya know what? Sure. Let’s do it.”
 With that, Juniper stood up and approached the three witches, taking a deep breath and raising their arm to signal they were speaking... before they stood there saying nothing, they couldn't think of what to say
... Awkwardly, they returned to their seat, looking disappointed with themselves
 The three witches chuckled as they prepared, this was going to take some work...
 Thus began practice.
 Over the course of a few hours, Juniper tried to improve their conversational skills for this made-up meeting that may not even happen;  trying to keep eye contact, and often failing.
And a few times they ended up running out of the house in nervousness to eject from the conversation, and at least once began talking about something completely unrelated to the books at hand.
 Every time, one of the three would look at Juniper and tell them to keep calm, and every time, that helped just a little bit, each practiced speech going better than the last. At the very least, Juniper’s heart was no longer pounding when they said “hello!”
 By the end though, the three witches looked even more tired than they already were, and the sun was beginning to set.
 “Alright.. One more time…” Zephyr said tiredly as he turned to face Lunella.
“Oh, this book series is so amazingly charming.” He said with a flat tone. “I just want to write fanfiction about it sooooo bad.” Lunella giggled.
“And I will draw fanart for this wonderful fic of yours”
 With a deep breath, Juniper walked forwards and raised their hand in greeting
“Oh, um,. Hello! I heard you talking about a book… I was… curious about it… b-b-because it sounds like it’s…. Fun…?” They asked nervously, their expression falling
 “Oh yes, it’s like, so totally awesome sauce. There’s a dragon in it” Zeph added, their face looking dead inside.
“It’s so great! Have you read about it?” Lunella added
 “O-oh, no, I was just curious about it!” Juniper said, chuckling.
 “If you want, do you want to sit with us to talk about it?” The Dream witch said with a gentle tone.
 “I-... I… uh… yeah! S-sure. I would love to sit with you and talk about it.” Juniper said as they took a seat on Zephyr’s lap, kicking their feet, while the wild witch looked dead inside
… The Teenage Student sat here, as their expression began to fall and look quite awkward as they began to sweat and looked up at the lazy looking man, staring off into the distance blankly
 “... Was I not supposed to sit on your lap?”  They asked sheepishly.
 “No, no you were not.” Zephyr said, lifting Juniper by their scarf like a small cat and placing them down on the ground
 “Did I do good aside from that?”
 They all nodded in response.
 “P-perfect! I’ll try tomorrow…” They said, turning their head to the window and letting out a gasp
“Ack! The sun’s going down, I should get home” Turning on their heels, they ran to the door
 “Thank you so much,guys!” Turning around, they bowed their head in gratitude to the three wild witches.
 “Any time! Now knock ‘em dead and tell us about it tomorrow!” Keeper said with a  grin
 “It was fun talking to you, even if we were simply roleplaying~” Lunella chirped
 “Yeah, yeah. Next time we don’t need to practice as much… but I had fun” Zephyr said, waving his hand
 With a smile, Juniper raised his hand and waved goodbye to the witches
“I’ll see you tomorrow, good luck with Hamilton~!” They said as they ran out the door, closing it behind them
 “... Crap I forgot we gotta tame Hamilton tomorrow” Zephyr said as he groaned, falling onto one arm of the couch.
 “We’ll get him calm, don’t worry~” Lunella said, reaching out to pat Zephyr
 “I think we should rest right now to be ready…” Keeper said as they closed their eyes, the other two followed suit as they began to wrap up for an early bedtime.
. .  .
 The stars twinkled in the looming night sky as Juniper took the long walk home, doing the opposite and following the other directions of the symbols, it was disorientating at first, but soon, the young witchling returned home, they smiled as they entered the house by the backdoor after locking it, and eagerly headed upstairs to sit on the bed, kicking their feet back and forth.
 They looked over to their nearby alarm clock and noticed that there was still roughly four or so hours to go before bedtime. That was four hours to do stuff… but, what could they do?
 They held their hand to their head in thought.
“I could just… keep practicing… but if I practice too much I might mess up.. Um… I guess I could study for school tomorrow… oh, OH! Or read a  book!” They said eagerly, hopping off the bed and retiring to the study to bury their nose in books.
 In particular, they decided to try and find some books about potions, in case there were any tips about how to make potions out of bird parts, since they still had quite a few from Keeper.
While they looked and looked, there were quite a few, but  all of the potion recipes that they could find required ingredients such as Firebee Honey… and, Juniper was in absolutely no mod to go out into the woods at this time of night and grab some honey from literally flaming bees.
 They sighed and instead turned their attention to dated books of daring-do and adventure.
 It was an uneventful four hours, but soon, Juniper’s eyes grew heavy as they returned to their bedroom, changed into their pajamas, and held their beloved Kemmy tight as they fell asleep…
 With a yawn and a stretch, the young witchling stretched and greeted the ongoing morning, hopping out of their bed and getting prepared for the day ahead of them, doing all the usuals, getting dressed, making sure they got a breakfast snack before happily opening the door and heading to school!
 It was once more, an uneventful walk to school, same trip down that stone road, it was starting to become “Normal” for Juniper, not strange or scary, something that just… happened! Their heart fluttered,, because just two days ago, they were so certain this would never be normal… they were so certain they’d be gone!
 Hexside came into view, and with a smirk, Juniper nodded.
Today was going to be the day, they were going to talk to those two.. Or anyone, really, and make some more friends!
A chuckle escaped them as they went up the stairs and smiled as they walked towards potions class, taking a seat in the back as they did usually, smiling to themselves as they thought about visiting the Beast Sanctuary at the end of the day, or on the weekend, which was rapidly approaching. Other students began shuffling in, taking their own seats and looking forward.
 And not much longer afterwards, the bespectacled and beaked teacher walked in with a smile.
 “Good morning class! Today we’ll be trying something a little different!” They said, point towards the cauldrons on each student’s desk. Each of which was already filled with a mixture.
 “I’ve taken the liberty of preparing a potion mix for each of you, there’s a twist and a lesson to be had though!” They explained, holding up a finger.
 “Some potions require care and attention, others simply require the bare minimum of work…” They explained, before stirring the mixture on the desk, and there was a small pop as a black poof of smoke rose from it.
“... And a few require a fair amount of luck!” They said with a hearty chuckle.
 “So, it’s quite simple, all I ask you to do is stir the mixture three times, if you’re lucky, it will become a potion that emulates moonlight and all it entails!” Placing the stirring spoon by the side, they picked up their cauldron.
 “But if you’re unlucky like me, you’ll get what is known as a Botched Potion.” Walking towards the back of the classroom and out of sight, they gestured towards what looked like a rusted black sink.
 “Botched Potions are mixtures of items that don’t amount to anything, and are often dangerous… or simply do nothing. Because they have that potential, it is standard procedure to dump out any botched or failed potions in designated dump sights!” The teacher said as the silvery black mixture was poured down the sink. Once it went down the drain, there was a distant cough sound, like something far below drank it.
 “Do well to remember that if you’re studying potions in your home! Be absolutely certain to dump potions in designated drop-off zones. Whatever you do, do not dump failed potions out into the wild! Effects can vary wildly, but you’re best off just dumping it and letting the experts handle it!” With a smile, the teacher returned to their design
 Juniper sat there with unblinking eyes. Luck was sometimes a factor  as well…? Potions could be fickle, they assumed, but didn’t think that was actually a thing they’d have to worry about when brewing!
 With a deep breath, they reached for their stirring spoon and anxiously stirred as much as their tiny arms could, once, twice, three.
The mixture of many colors soon settled into a beautiful shade of silver and…
With a burst of light, what looked like dim, silver light shined from the inside of the cauldron, as if the moon itself was held within.
Looking down,  Juniper saw there was a softly glowing mixture in the cauldron
 There was a small clap from the Potions Teacher
 “And it appears luck is on Juniper’s side again! A beautiful Moonlight Potion has been made, well done!”’ With a bashful smile, the young student rubbed the back of their head sheepishly.
 Once more, they heard angry muttering behind them as they sunk into their seat. They honestly didn’t mean to accidentally fall upwards twice. Now did Juniper have to keep doing well? Would they disappoint the teacher and the students more if they messed up in earnest? … They shook their head and leaned back, looking around the classroom.
 Other students began to stir and mix, some lucky few got shining moonlight within a cauldron, just like Juniper, while many more were greeted with ugly black explosions and a lingering foul odor in the air.
 For those students who were simply unlucky, they anxiously  picked up their cauldrons, walked towards the station, and dumped away the befouled mixture before it could cause any trouble.
Explosion after light, light after explosion, soon, the classroom settled as the teacher chuckled.
“And that concludes that exercise, I hope this sticks with you, future mixologists!  Thankfully, only a few potions truly require luck, so this will likely not happen often. But now that you know what to do with a Botched Potion, it should help you know what to do if something goes wrong in the potion making process when you try to make your own potions! Simply dump it and all will be well!” They explained sternly before nodding and opening up a book on their desk
 “Now, we still have some time before the next class, so, let’s move onto the next topic then, something short yes? Next we’ll be covering ingredients that almost always cause a failure now-...” The teacher turned their back to the students and began drawing on the chalkboard.
 “Dang it…” One demonic student said to themselves on the other side of the room,  they had two sets of eyes, with an extra eye behind their head with a somewhat pale complexion, illuminated by the glowing silver-black mixture before them in the cauldron. “How did even the new kid get it right over me!? “ They murmured, staring at the mixture. Why didn’t they dump it? Were they perhaps nervous? Or maybe just no one told them to. 
“I shoulda just dumped this while I had the chance… I’ll get rid of it later.” They said to themselves, using every single one of their eyes darting to make sure the cast was clear.
 When they felt sufficiently safe, they quickly dumped the cauldron’s contents into a flask provided to each student, the silver-black mixture becoming a pure black pitch, which was then bottled and safely stored.
“No one needs to know about this.” They said to themselves quietly
 Juniper was too wrapped up in the lecture to notice this, they were taking mental notes on which potion ingredients to avoid using, it was so fascinating that some of these almost never worked! Who knew that the seeds of a particular type of fruit were so useless?
 Soon enough, the telltale screaming of the bell signaled the end of class, and the various students got up, dusting themselves off, and beginning to leave.
“Alright Students, I’ll see you tomorrow! For those who were lucky to get a mixture, don’t forget to bottle it up! It makes for a good way to read if all the candles are out!” The Teacher said with a smirk.
 Juniper sat up straight and made sure to store their glowing silver mixture into a bottle and pocketing it with a smile, they walked out of the classroom, pausing to stretch as a few students shuffled past them, one of which who, seemed to have purposely bumped hard into Juniper’s shoulder, knocking them off-balance and nearly knocking them over.
 The red headed student caught themselves on a nearby wall to glare at who went past them.
All Juniper could see was what looked like a literal eye in the back of their head, and the potions track uniform.
 “Wonder what their problem was…” They said to themselves as they dusted themselves off, adjusting their collar as they walked forward to their next class, humming.
They kept moving forward, sometimes bumping into people or things, and always apologizing and bowing their head in apologies
They couldn’t focus on what was in front of them, their head was  brimming with ideas of what they could do with the moonlight potion they had! Maybe they could do a Midnight Conjuring with the potion? No, probably not. Oh! Perhaps they could illuminate their room with it…?
 They kept thinking to themselves, walking past many students, and jumping over some fallen books, before looking up and noticing something odd as they shuffled towards their next class.
 Someone awkwardly stumbling from the Plant Class, holding what looked like an oversized clump of dirt, before they quickly hid it under their shirt in an attempt to hide it.
 Juniper blinked in confusion. What were they doing over in Plant Class with dirt outside?
They’d be the first to admit they knew nothing about what Plant Magic did, maybe they were keeping that clump of dirt for some personal use…?
 With a shrug, they entered their next classroom and took a seat, watching closely as their teacher walked in, and the lesson unfolded before them.
The Young Witch, as usual, had some trouble focusing in class, but this time, the subject matter at least interested them enough that they were enraptured and retained most of what was taught!
 Today’s lesson, rather than history, was focused more on early research into the magic of the coven systems, one part in particular that made Juniper lean forward with interest was how early on in the Potion Covens history, it wasn’t uncommon for many, many, many Botched Potions to be created by accident when trying to invent a new mixture. And even when a new potion was made, the only way to know if it worked was to test it, either on a test animal, by simply pouring it out, or having a brave person drink it, at the risk of their life!
 It happened so many times that some witches gave up, but those who stayed the course ended up making miraculous potions that are still used to this day, and would be remembered for eternity!
 It, of course, also covered other covens' early research, including how early plant covens had trouble controlling their flora friends, but Juniper was most interested in the potions history… well, that and Oracles, of course!
 They were a little disappointed as class ended and they went towards their next scheduled project, Lunch-....
 Wait, Lunch?!
Their eyes sparkled as they looked forward, eagerly getting up and walking as fast as they possibly could to the cafeteria!
 This was perfect! Juniper could try and find those two from yesterday and try talking to them, like he had planned to all day! Shaking their head, Juniper stared down the hallway as they walked towards the Cafeteria with clear, defined purpose in mind…
 To get a bite to eat and at least try to talk to those two about their interesting book!
At the very least, he could learn what it was about…!!! 
 And, if they didn’t want to talk, they could always try talking to someone else, of course!
  Back at the Beast Sanctuary, the three witches entered the stable, staring down their patient, the green boar whom Zephyr had affectionately named “Hamilton”, after a good’s night rest, they were ready to attempt taming, or at the very least befriending the beast once again!
 “Alright, we tried offering it treats, we tried giving it illusions of a lady boar to spend time with… that didn’t work, suggestions?” Keeper said as they sat down,  staring at the boar.
 “Have we tried other foods? Maybe it’s picky.” Zephyr said flatly.
 “Hmmm… perhaps, but no, I think maybe we’re missing something, but what? What do boars like?” Lunella asked as she looked at the boar.
 “Boars like plant bulbs and herbs. If he’s having trouble finding those in the forest, he must be a picky eater. So that doesn't help us. Do you think maybe it’s the tusks? Maybe he’s upset because his tusks are dirty.” Keeper said, shrugging.
 “Do you want to give that thing a bath, Keeper? Is that what you’re suggesting?” Zephyr said, staring at the muscly witch flatly.
 “I mean, we’ve tried a lot, have we tried that?” Keeper said with a smirk “I’ll get the suds.” Lunella giggled as she walked out of the stable
 “Can’t believe we’re about to do this.” Zephyr said, rubbing his temples tiredly
 The scruffy looking witch sighed as he went to get a brush, and soon, Lunella returned with a suds-y bucket of soap, which was splashed upon both Keeper and the Boar. Both of them groaned and spat out some of the soapy water.
 “You’re so eager to bathe a boar, so why not do some cleaning on you as well?” The brown and purple haired girl said with a wicked chuckle.
 Keeper glared at them before reaching for a brush and furiously brushing it down, every angle, every hair, it was getting cleaned as muck and dirt slid free to the ground.
 And yet, despite that, when it was all done, and Hamilton was sparkling clean despite his restraints, he was still writhing and attempting to free himself.
 “... You know, now that I think about it, he wasn’t even that dirty. Guess he got a river dirty somewhere” The Keeper said, tossing away the brush.
 “Well that didn’t work. Any bright ideas, Zephyr?” They said, shaking their hair to dry themselves off like a hound.
 “Maybe it needs some enrichment? Let’s see if this does anything” Zephyr said, spinning his finger in the air as the cat on his shoulder meowed. With a large blue circle drawn in the air, soon, a large ball was conjured in front of the boar, which stared at the ball curiously.
 Hamilton swatted at the ball while grunting. It seemed to be quite interested in it.
Then it tried to eat the ball, before it poofed into dust.
 It didn’t seem to mind , but went back to trying to free itself from the bindings that held it tight
 Once more, Zephyr created an illusionary toy, this time, a rubber fish of sorts. 
 This time, the cat on his shoulder hopped off and grabbed the illusory fish, before it mewled in discontent as it vanished
“Zack that wasn’t fo-... ok, one more”
The Process was repeated yet again, this time creating a realistic looking log which was rolled towards the boar.
 Almost immediately, it grunted and stepped into it, causing the toy to dissolve into light blue  smoke.
 “Alright, it’s not wanting enrichment. Lunella, any ideas?” The tired looking man asked
 The Dream Witch hummed loudly as she came closer to the boar, placing her head upon it.
“I think we’re not going to make any progress befriending it inside. Perhaps if we-”
 “No.” The other two said in unison with a firm tone of voice, causing Lunella to frown in return.
 “Come on, it’s worth a shot, maybe it’ll feel better with sunlight!” There was a bit of groan from Zephyr, and Keeper pinched at their forehead, before Lunella tightened the bonds on the right side, with the muscular witch doing the same as they walked towards the boar and lifted it easily with their right hand.
 “If this goes wrong, you’re on palisman duty for a week” They said
“Fair enough~” Lunella hummed in response, following the three witches outside, now with a boar in tow.
  The Cafeteria was hustling and/or bustling as Juniper walked in, looking around as various students took seats at various tables. Various groups were sitting close together, a three eyed, red haired girl sitting with a green haired one… a girl in an abomination track uniform sitting across from a young looking boy wearing illusion track colors…
 But none who were in the Abomination Track sitting with a Healing Track…
 They sighed as they walked around, trying to get a good look at everyone in the cafeteria, but also trying to look as if they weren’t scouting out for someone in particular.
 No matter how much Juniper whipped their head around in search of their quarry, they simply could not find them. Perhaps they were eating somewhere else? Or perhaps they were hiding in such a way that they did not need to be found.
 Letting out a sigh, they sighed and turned around, ready to throw in the towel and just get their lunch and sit alone. Just as they were about to give up, they walked forwards and bumped lightly into someone, they immediately stumbled back, bowing their head in apology
 “O-oh, I’m sorry! I was-...”
 Looking up, they were greeted with the sight of a girl with pink hair and side-swept hair,she had  purple eyes which were peering back at Juniper, with fair if somewhat pale skin and star shaped earrings visible, she wore the normal Hexside uniform, with a purple tunic signaling her as Abomination Track. 
 Next to her was a girl with a hood tight around her head, the only thing that could be seen was her face which was shadowed by her hood, but her two golden eyes could be seen very clearly, and from the top of her head, pastel green hair was hanging from above.
Nestled beneath her shoulder was a book
 A gasp of surprise escaped them.
 It was them…
 Juniper’s green eyes were wide with surprise … and just a bit of joy and happiness, a smile beginning to form
 He was looking at them. Perhaps for a bit. Too long
The other two proceeded to stare back, before they looked down and rubbed their arms awkwardly. Were they supposed to say something?
 “Um… “ The pink haired girl said.
Juniper shook their head, looking down in response
 ‘S-sorry… um…” They closed their eyes and tried to clear their head, remembering the lessons from yesterday as best as they could, when they opened once more, their smile became a regular small smile as they tried to look… not cool, but just natural, with their arms at their side as they looked at the others, but they were no longer staring, at the very least.
 “Oh, hello, sorry to have bumped into you… what’s that book you have there? I don’t think I’ve seen it!” They said, like they practiced. That sounded natural
 “Oh, this? It’s a book me and Marin love. It’s called "The Weeping Pelicans Cry Out"! It’s really cool!” The girl with pink hair said
 The Weeping Pelicans Cry out… Juniper’s green eyes blinked and stared in amazement
 “Wh-... what’s it about?”  They asked
 The girl in the hood blinked and looked very surprised
 “Do you really wanna hear about it?” She asked
 Juniper nodded. “I really do… u-um, if that’s fine, of course!” 
 The two other students looked at each other, then back at Juniper.
 “I suppose we do need to let more people know about The Weeping Pelicans Cry Out...” the hooded girl said, leaning closer.
 Juniper froze in fear, taking a step backwards nervously.
“Can you be trusted…?” The pink haired girl asked with a playful tone of voice
 “H-huh!? Of course, why wouldn’t I?” Juniper asked.
 “Oh, no reason, just. Worried. You know how it is. You overshare stuff about a cool book, then suddenly you get targeted insults. Happens all the time.” The hooded girl said before sighing.
A pause, Juniper stopped being frozen in place and looked at the two, nodding. “... I know,” they said with a soft tone. “I know exactly what you mean, but… you can trust me. I’d never make fun of someone for liking a book!” 
 … Once more, the two looked at Juniper, staring in deep thought, and whispering to one another, which was inaudible…  before the two turned chuckling, pointing towards an open table.
 “Alright… come on, let’s sit and we can tell you more about the mystery!” Marin said, taking Juniper’s hand and dragging them to a nearby table
“O-oh, ok!” They said with a nod
 Juniper first retrieved  a snack,  but then took a seat across from the two witch girls, before they began talking, they nibbled upon their treat on as the two introduced themselves
 “My name is Tryllis Wave, and this is-...” Before Tryllis could finish, Marin spoke up eagerly
 ‘Marin Cove!” They chimed.
 “And I’m Juniper! Juniper Sail.  “ they said, raising their hand in greeting.
 “Hello…” Tryllis said “Hello!”  Marin responded “U-um, Greetings!”  Juniper said once again They all said in short order, before chuckling a bit, before Marin cleared her throat and spoke up
 “Anyway, The Weeping Pelicans Cry out isn’t for everyone… It's a deep mystery about a powerful Human Druid who invites a family of witches and demons to their home on an island with a challenge and a riddle. To solve how Druidic Magic works before they kill everyone on the island. Time loops and the nature of meta narratives in stories” The hooded girl said quite clearly, making it evident that she cared quite a lot about this book
 “I like it too because of the Druid Characters in it.” Tryllis said with a chuckle
 “That’s still a valid reason to enjoy it, you know!” Marin said with a light tap of Tryllis’ shoulders
 “That sounds cool… I’ll see if my aunt and uncle have it in their study!” Juniper said with a nod.
 The two other students looked at Juniper quizzically
 “Your aunt and uncle? You’re not living with your parents?” Marin asked with a sly grin
 “Yeah, I moved here recently so I could further my education at Hexside…” The redheaded witchling said as they reached down to have another bite of their snack, turning their head away and once more trying to not look suspicious… and failing.
 The two others began to look down and held their hands to their chins in thought
“Hmmmm….!” It then dawned on Juniper how foolish it was to give half-answers to two mystery enthusiasts
 “Then that must mean you transferred from another school, or that other schools closer to your house were never your intent…” Tryllis added
 “And it also means that you alone moved here if your parents are elsewhere. Which means…”  Marin said as the two looked at each other and pointed at Juniper in a dramatic, yet lighthearted manner
 “You must be the transfer student we heard about!” They said, but quietly enough to not draw attention towards Juniper. Anyone who did notice shrugged and went back to their lunch or other conversations 
 “Ok, ok, yeah! I am just… quiet down…” Juniper murmured as the two lowered their hands before giggling a bit.
 The red haired child sighed as they looked down at their snack, they nodded quietly, poking at what was left nervously.
“Yes… it’s true. I recently transferred here from Glandus. It’s not because I was failing or anything. I did… alright, I guess. But Glandus is… different from here. It’s… so so so much rougher.” They said, shaking their head. Glaring at the floor, and grumbling.
“It was just rough for me because it was full of jerks, and there was a giant jerk at the top of everything who had it out for me.” Juniper said as they leaned back.
 “Is that what you wanted to hear? It doesn’t matter now, I’m here now and I wanna learn… I mean… I’ve already learned more things than I expected. I didn’t want to be in Potions Track, but.. I’m kinda having fun!”  The red haired youngster said with a chuckle. 
 The two other students across from him nodded.
 “It’s fine, I mean, Hexside has a rivalry with Glandus, I think if you stick around people will warm up to you!” Marin said.
 “Yeah, at first they’re probably distrusting you, but… you look harmless. You look like-” Tryllis was saying before Juniper interjected
“L-like a rabbit, or a Shortcake?” They asked a bit quickly
 “...I was gonna say like a rose with your red hair but that also works” The Abomination Track student said with a chuckle
 Junipers face grew red again as they looked downward, kicking their feet back and forth nervously
 “Well, what classes did you want to go to at first, Juniper?” Marin asked, leaning closer
 “Oracle” They said immediately, looking back up with interest
 “And how come you weren’t put in there?” The hooded girl asked
 “Well, Leify and Miner thought-... my Aunt and Uncle thought I’d be better off and have more fun in Potions since I couldn’t decide. You know, good money to be had selling potions. ” They explained, before leaning back.
“Well, if you’re having fun with it, that’s what matters, right?” Marin asked
“I guess so!” Juniper responded with a small smile. The two girls couldn’t help but smile in return.
 “Have you figured out how you’re gonna use your potions yet?” Tryllis asked
 “... What do you mean?”  Adjusting their glasses, the witchling sat up straight with interest
“Well, there’s lots of different ways to use magic, you don’t have to stick with everything they say you need to do.. If anything, figuring out how you’ll use magic is important. I had this idea for how I’m gonna use mine!” Tryllis said, reaching into her pockets, both of them. “Oh come on, don’t show him your doodles-” Marin said, trying in vain to stop her friend “No, it’s coo-... ah, here it is!” The girl in purple said as she put a rough artistic drawing onto the table, it showed Tryllis surrounded by…purple weapons? Axes, swords, spears, they were floating all around her.
 “... What am I looking at?” Juniper asked, narrowing their eyes and adjusting their glasses.
 “She wants to turn Abomination goo into weapons which she fires at people.” The Hooded girl said flatly.
 “Marin!” Tryllis said with a flash of red on her face. 
“But, yes, that’s what I’m going to try and learn to do once I learn the basics. Gonna. Take a while. Making abominations stay together is hard.” She grumbled, reaching into her other pocket and pulling out a small vial
Inside it was purple goo, abomination goo to be precise. Tryllis began shaking it up and down very gently, and sometimes twirling her finger to make it move.
With a blink, Juniper looked at the vial. Oh, what was she doing? It was like…
Some kind of thing to keep her hands busy, while also giving her an outlet to practice with? That was… pretty smart actually!
 They looked back down at the drawing provided, looking it over once more
Creating weapons out of abomination goo… that was actually pretty smart? It could be used to make just monsters, but if it was as malleable as slime.  . .
 After a small chuckle, the red headed youngster gave a thumbs up.
“That’s cool! I bet it’ll look awesome once you’ve practiced!” They said, with Tryllis giving a smile in return
“I’m sure you’ll make it work… what about you, Marin? I don’t know a lot about Healing, so what’s your plan-...” as they were asking, Juniper noticed that Marin’s eyes had begun to glow and soon took on a bright white hue, as if they were suddenly spotlights going up and down Juniper’s body.
 “... Your heart is beating awfully fast, are you nervous?” Marin asked
“H-huh?!” Juniper stammered, covering his chest, before hearing a laugh from the hooded girl
 “Marin’s been talking about using a type of magic to study a person’s body to see if there’s any damage before using more intensive healing” Tryllis explained
 With a smirk, the girl returned to her seat. 
Dusting herself off, Marin shook her head. 
 “That’s the plan, at least, it takes some focus, a lot of the time I can only see the insides of people for a bit, other times I see like… I dunno… lines all across. I think those are supposed to be veins but they move in a weird way” She shrugged.
 “That’s also pretty cool…” Juniper said, releasing their hands from their chest.
“I guess I should think about how I’m gonna use my potions… or magic with the potions, huh?” They asked nervously.
 “I’m sure it’ll come to you!” The girl in the hood responded.
 “Yeah, just think about it… and maybe draw art” The girl with pink hair said with a smirk
 “A-alright, I will!” Juniper said with a smile
 Soon, the bell screamed, signaling the end of lunch
“Aw dang, there’s the bell… u-um, will I ever see you guys again?” They asked, looking at both Marin and Tryllis with worried eyes
 They both chuckled.
“Hmmm… maybe, we didn’t get to talk a whole lot about the book, and we gotta remedy that!” Marin said with a chuckle.
 “Plus, I didn’t get to pry any secrets about Glandus from you!” Tryllis added.
 Juniper’s heart began to beat faster.
 They… didn’t think they were weird…?
 A wide smile came across their face, they couldn’t stop it, but they reached over their mouth with their free hand
 “S-... sorry, I just didn’t expect that… ok! Maybe we can talk again… after school? N-not for too long though, I have to visit the library” They said, quickly thinking up an excuse
 “... Alright, that sounds good, we’ll be outside of … how about bard class, and then we can go from there maybe?” Marin suggested
 “That works for me” Tryllis responded
 “Alright then.. I’ll remember that, I’ll remember that…!” They said cheerfully.
“I’ll see you then!” With their hand raised, they waved to the two they successfully talked to, and began walking down the hall, a spring in their step,
 “Kind of strange, aren’t they?” Marin said gently.
 “Yeah, but, it’s kinda charming. They didn’t really do anything… odd odd. And they’re certainly not another Glandus jerk” Tryllis said with a chuckle.
“Guess we’ll see after school!” Marin responded
 So, it was a plan then!  They couldn’t believe that it worked… they talked normally, they didn’t worry about what they would think, they just… talked and they liked what Juniper was saying! It was almost unfathomable. And now, if they did the follow-up correctly, they might gain two more new friends…! It felt like they were dreaming, holding their hand up to their cheek and pinching it. They were still here.
Humming to themselves, they happily walked down the hallway towards their next class, hearing numerous footsteps throughout the halls, but heard muttering above it. Curiously, Juniper looked down another hallway to the east. Something caught their eye. Quickly, they ducked behind a nearby locker and poked their head from around the corner, hoping to not be spotted.
 They focused their eyes and adjusted their glasses as someone came into view. A student with green sleeves and leggings-... Oh, it was that plant coven student from before!
The one with a clump of dirt. They seemed to be muttering something, but Juniper could not hear it, and it looked as if they tearfully threw the dirt pile into a nearby trash can before running off sobbing.
 The red head let out a sigh. Looks like they had to get rid of a plant they were growing, how sad… Shaking their head, Juniper stood up right, and was about to turn around, when they saw something else, a shadow cast across the wall down the hall. Someone else was coming.
Once more, they looked around the corner to be greeted with another sight.
 It was… a four eyed student with another eye behind their head, clad in the yellow of Potions Track
 A scowl came across Juniper’s face, he remembered that guy!
 That was the person who bumped into him! Making sure their glasses were on straight. Juniper had half a mind to confront him, but for now, they watched carefully.
 The student reached into their tunic and pulled out a pitch black flask of liquid, and slammed it into the same  trash can with such force that a shatter could be heard, before he quickly fled the scene
 … Juniper’s scowl only deepened as he stared at what just happened.
 What was in that vial? It was pitch black… 
 That student was in potions track, and today they were making luck based potions, and half of the students made Botched Potions which they were supposed to dump-...
 Letting out a noise of annoyance, Juniper turned around and returned to the route they were on before. It looked like a classmate had dumped a botched potion into a trash can when it was supposed to go into a designated spot, which was probably pretty bad. They wanted to go immediately to the Potions Track teacher and let them know… but, chances are they had a class about to start. They didn’t want to impose or mess up any plans the teacher might’ve had…
 And Juniper still had two classes left in the day, neither of which were Potions, so they would have to wait until the school day was over to report this to them either way.
 They hoped that nothing bad would happen to the trash and that it was just going to cause problems for the school custodian if it was found.
 Unbeknownst to them, in the trash can down the hallway, as the pitch black goo mixed with a discarded lump of soil, something began to grow, as very small roots began to burst from the trashcan where discarded items lay
   “This is a stupid plan, I’m just telling you that right now” Keeper said flatly as they gently placed Hamilton the Boar onto the ground, still bound, glaring at the Dream Witch.
“Hush hush, sunlight helps cheer up the downtrodden, even someone like me knows that~” Lunella hummed.
 “Yeah, what are we gonna do if it breaks free? Just catch it again? Juni’s at school and presumably doesn’t have a paralysis potion for this time.”  Zephyr said in boredom.
 “We’ll try and tame him out here with the beautiful sun to keep him company! Now, let us try this again.” Leaning closer to the boar, the Dream Witch reached out and patted it onto the head, it don't thrash violently, it only winced at her touch
 “See~? He’s less violent when he has the sun to cheer him up!” She said cheerfully
 “I swear to Titan if this works-” Zephyr said with a groan, rubbing his hand upon his face
 “Now, do you mind if I inspect your tusks, Mr. Hamilton?” Lunella asked gently
 It grunted in response.
 Looking closer, Lunella looked over the tusks, seeing no cracks or damage.
“Well that’s go-” When she was close enough, the boar inched forward a bit, attempting to drive its tusks into the Dream Witch’s stomach and coming just short
 ‘Hmph! Why I never…” She said, standing up and reuniting with the other two.
“Alright, I”m out of ideas.”  The girl said, quickly adjusting the silver tiara on her head.
 “Are you sure we can’t just move it to the Knee or something?” Zephyr asked.
 “It’d freeze to death there or get eaten by the Snagglebeast. We have to either get it to stop attacking us, find what it wants to eat, or we’ll just have to send it somewhere else knowing it could die.” Keeper said, leaning onto a nearby building for support.
 “Maybe it wants an education?” Zephyr said jokingly.
“Oh sure, let’s send it to Hexside so he can be classmates with Juniper. You saw how they reacted to him yesterday. They’re scared of it.” Keeper responded, their gaze turning towards the boar with an angry look. 
“It charged right at them, and it scowled. I don’t think our little Rabbit is safe when it’s around” they continued.
 “You’re getting awfully attached to that kid already,” Zephyr teased.
 “Oh, but how can they not? With the red glasses and  matching hair, they’re almost like a little rose that decided to visit our little sanctuary!” Lunella chimed
 “Look, we're getting off-track. We need to do something about Hamilton before it escapes and causes trouble.” Keeper said. “I think maybe we should inspect the body for any type of disease, it could have something that’s making it violent “ They said, holding their hand to their head in thought
 “Though, it did almost get me off guard, so the little bugger is smart!” Lunella added.
 “How smart? Smart enough to break free while we’re talking? Yeah right” Zephyr said with a chuckle.
… Before anxiously turning around and seeing that the boar was now gone
 “Oh son of a-.” He murmured.
 “Dang it!” Lunella said in disbelief
 “Did it-... oh my Titan, really? I told you this was stupid! Now how are we gonna get it!?” Zephyr said, throwing up his hands.
 “You underestimate me too much, did you really think I wouldn’t tag our guest now that we actually caught him?” Keeper said with a smirk, drawing a circle into the air and then placing their hand upon the ground, which laid out a general map of the area.
 “Alright, it’s headed … there.“ .. They said, pointing towards the North.
“We follow it, then we bag it again. With or without our Rabbit” Keeper said with a snap, as her palisman staff flew towards her hand.
 Lunella and Zephyr followed suit, a small round ghost-like staff landing into the Dream Witch’s hand, and the scruffy cat leaping off of the lazy man’s shoulder and transforming into a staff, they all sat upon their respective staffs, and flew off in pursuit of their rogue boar.
  Time passed, and Juniper was once more deep in focus during class, writing down as many notes as they were instructed to, it sounded like a bunch of nonsense, but when put together, it surprisingly all came together and the student actually kind of understood it!
 It was just a matter of catching all parts of the lesson, if they missed even one part… Well, sometimes they could fill in the gaps, but other times…? Not so much.
 They looked around their classroom while the teacher was pausing to draw onto the blackboard, as with every non-coven class, students from all tracks were here, but unfortunately for Juniper, it seemed neither Marin nor Tryllis were here, they groaned quietly, then returned to watching the board closely and writing everything down, trying to keep their focus as concentrated as they could.
 Just a bit more. After this class, Juniper could say hello to their new… well, not friends, compatriots?
… What were they exactly?
 Dang it, they were losing focus again! They shook their head and looked forward. They couldn’t lose focus now and lose the understanding that they had going for this lesson…!
 It took a bit for them to focus, but eventually, time passed, the bell rang. It was over.
 Yet, there was one more class left, and it was about practical application of magic to your day to day life!
With that they went to their final lecture for the day, and once more struggled to pay attention but managed somehow, and then, finally, as the clock struck the final minute of class for the day, the bell screamed once more, signaling the end of school.
 “Alright, that’s enough, we’re done!” The Demon Teacher said, closing the textbook and laying it down.
 “No homework tonight, and none for the weekend either, consider that my gift to you” He said with a joking chuckle as students began to shuffle out of the classroom.
 Heading into the hallway, Juniper stretched as they turned around. Most students were headed off outside to go home, but the bespectacled witchling turned around and started walking the other way! They were headed towards  the outside of Bard Class, the meeting place they had agreed on. And once they met up with their companions, they would head over to Potions Class to let their teacher know about the unethical dumping they had witnessed.
 With a hum, the young student walked past many students who were off, there were even a few teachers who were leaving for the day, but eventually, the bard classroom came into view, its door shut tight. Seems like the teacher was still in, but had other business to finish first.
Leaning against a nearby locker, Juniper tried to adjust their body posture to look as welcoming as possible, would one leg held against the locker look cool?
 … No, they weren’t cool, they should focus on looking cute, maybe sitting cross legged would do that trick? They thought to themselves as they tried out various poses before looking up, seeing no one was around. They sighed, staying still, watching as the few remaining students in school began to take off for the day. 
 Minutes passed… no one had yet arrived, it was just Juniper and the dulcet tones of music from the other side of the Bard Classroom
 “Huh, wonder what’s taking so long?” They said to themselves quietly, raising up to stand and looking inside the Bard Class, and seeing the teacher seemed to be intently focused on tuning the various instruments in there, well, they were busy. The fact they also had special headphones on to attune to the inner workings of the music meant they at least couldn’t hear anything either
 With a grunt, Juniper turned around and looked up and down the hallway.
“Where are they? Maybe they got wrapped up in class or are doing overtime…” They murmured to themselves and closed their eyes. Listening to the school
 It was so quiet, with only a few students left in the school, there were barely any audible footsteps but-... they heard something else
 Plop, plop, plop…drag. … It sounded like something heavy being dragged along the floor of the ground
 Juniper’s eyes opened as they looked around nervously
 What was that sound?
 They closed their eyes again, trying to pinpoint the sound
 It was like… something thick scraping, shambling, shuffling…
 And it was coming from a nearby hallway…
 … Juniper’s heartbeat began to quicken, but they took a deep breath. They’d just take a peek. Maybe it was just something heavy being dragged along through the hallway? That made sense, right?
 Taking very slow methodical steps, Juniper approached the sound of the noise, and peeked around the corner to see. .  .
 What looked like a horrifically overgrown tulip growing out of a trash can. It had roots underneath the can, just below the can was what looked like another part of the plant, with flowers for “arms” poking out of the top, and a stem of a tulip serving as the “head”, and it was shuffling around the hallway, sniffling around and leaving behind a trail of disgusting green and black slime..
 It was some kind of awful plant monster.
 Juniper began to scream, before catching their hand over their mouth to muffle the screen
 The plant monster turned its head towards where Juniper was, but resumed it’s dragging and plodding pace, before it proceeded to rip a piece of the wall out and chewed on it, and to Juniper, it looked as if the creature grew a little bigger.
 They gulped, taking a deep breath, trying to calm themselves
 OK, maybe they should move up to telling a teacher about this and not worry about their friends meeting. They could be in very real danger if nothing was done…! 
 “Hey, Juniper, what are you looking at?” Someone asked as they reached over to touch Juniper on the shoulder
 Juniper yelped in surprise, flailing about, before catching themselves to turn around to see some familiar faces, and exhaling in relief.
 It was Marin and Tryllis, each holding one of those books. 
“We came just as promised!” Marin chimed happily
 “We’re a bit late because I had to get my copy from my locker-. And another one of my little vials. Had a feeling I might need it.” Tryllis said, holding out another one of those small vials with abomination goo within.
 “What’s over there that’s more interesting than a murder mystery?” Marrin asked gently.
 Holding their fingers to shush them, they briefly looked a bit offended, before Juniper waved them over to point towards the hallway across form them.
 Both gasped as they saw the plant monster, which was now digging out of another trash can at the far end of the hall, its roots and petals growing bigger with each piece of garbage eaten.
 “What the heck happened?!” Marrin asked, ducking behind the wall with Juniper and Tryllis
 “I’m pretty sure I saw two different students do some unsanctioned dumping in the trash so now there’s just. That thi-.” Before Juniper could finish explaining, there was a shrill shriek not far from them, directly across from them, even. Another student who seemingly forgot their bags had come to pick them up and saw the monster just a short walk away.
 The amalgamation of trash, plants, and potion goo turned it’s head towards the source and noticed not just the student, but Juniper, Tryllis, and Marrin peeking around as well.
 With the sound of a loud, shrill scream, followed by a sharp, the plant launched a putrid green ball of slime towards the student, who dived to the side and took off running. With all the force of a splattering ball of paint, there was now a disgusting pile of garbage-like slime splattered against the wall.
 The three students let out a gag of disgust at the smell, but didn’t have long to linger on it, because now the plant monster was charging towards the other student, the two turned on their heels and fled the opposite direction, and much to their dismay, it instead decided to go after the three of them rather than the one who gave away their position.
 Juniper froze in fear, but shook their head.
“C-come on, we gotta get… I dunno, the Plant Coven Teacher!”  They said, Grabbing Marin and Tryllis’ hands
 “Right!” The pink haired one said.
 “O-of course!” Marin responded as the three of them turned around and began running with the plant monster in hot pursuit, it gagged and spat more of the horrifically disgusting garbage towards them, but seemed to have a bad aim, because it missed nearly every shot
 But every ball of slime that was shot  whizzed past them and left behind a sticky puzzle of slime made up of various tossed away pieces of garbage
 “Least it couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn…” Marin said
“Only because we’re moving so much!” Tryllis replied
 “Seriously… and why is this the second time I’ve had to run for my life this week!?” Juniper exclaimed as they ducked and weaved through the various hallways, before Marin pointed towards a door
“There it is! “ She said, immediately, the other two bolted towards the door, diving in to the left and sliding as they closed the door behind them.
 Letting out deep breaths, they looked up to be greeted with a concerned looking older student clad in green, with bright orange hair, hazel eyes, and a bracelet visible on their right hand
“And what seems to be the problem?” They asked gently
 “H-huh? Where’s the plant teacher?!” Juniper asked.
 “They’re out to the teacher lounge, I’m holding down the fort, what’s the problem!?” The Plant Student asked  with concern
  The red headed witchling took a deep breath, before pointing towards the door. “There’s a monster made from a tulip chasing us!” Juniper said between heavy breathes
 ‘Someone threw away sensitive chemicals without proper care!” Tryllis added
 “It’s well and truly awful…” Marin lamented.
 The Plant Student narrowed their eyes, before peeking out the window of the classroom and being greeted with the sight of the tulip monster, which was now trying to batter its way into a locker, which wasn’t budging.
 They let out a gasp and held their hands out
“Stay here, I’ll handle this, or my name isn’t Locke Trunk!” The Student said, throwing the door open and confronting the beast, drawing a green circle in the air.
 A light green aura surrounded the beast, and it tried to swing its leaves at Locke, but found itself struggling, it was held in place, but it could still move.
 “Something’s wrong… it’s like there’s something else here, I can’t… tell it to go back into its trash!” The Student said, only able to hold the plant in place
 The other three students watched with worry, all three looking at each other
 “It’s because of the potion in there… it’s making it more than just a plant!” Marin said with worry
 “They’re gonna get hurt…” Juniper said, looking down
 “We have to do something!” Tryllis said with determination
 “What can we do? Neither of us are skilled…” Marin responded.
 Narrowing their eyes, Juniper held their chin in thought
 “Even if we’re not skilled, we can still do something if we work together…!” They said, looking at the two to motivate them.
 For a moment, they hesitated, looking down, about to say something in response, before they both shook their head, trying to think as they became deep in thought, soon enough, Tryllis looked at the red headed witchling
 “Juniper, you said a failed potion caused this, is there any way to like… unfail the potion?” Tryllis asked
 “No… the Potions Teacher didn’t say anything about undoing it! All they said to do was to dump it into a special drain if you got one” They responded, clenching their fists in  annoyance
 “Great, what can we do, we don’t know its weaknesses…” Marin said, pouting, looking out the window of the classroom as the plant monster extremely slowly was trying to swat at Locke
 “And none of us know any real offensive spells yet…” Tryllis responded
 Juniper sighed and placed their back against the wall, sliding down against it.
“There has to be something we can do, do we really not know any offensive spells? Maybe if worst comes to worst we could use some weapons to help, there are a few inhere” They mused, looking at the various garden tools in the classroom, as their eyes locked upon a trowel.
 “That looks like a sharp weapon, at least”
 But, how were they going to know what to strike? It’s not as if they could just look at the beast and immediately know where to strike-.
 A blank look came upon their face as they stared forward. A thought hit them
 They paused, before excitedly sitting up, startling the other two.
“Wait… hang on! Marin! Your Eyes!” Juniper said looking at her
 “My eyes?” She responded
 “You said you’ve been working on a way to use your eyes to see the insides of someone before surgery, right?” Juniper asked gently
 “Yeah… but why’s that-...” Before Marin could finish, Juniper interjected
 “Could you maybe use it to see if there’s a weak spot on the plant? Or maybe where the failed potion is being stored? If we could strike that or pierce it, maybe it’ll leak out so the monster will stop moving around so much!” They explained
 … The other two students looked at each other, before briefly thinking
 “... that’s… unorthodox… but I don’t think we have many other options. If we leave that plant alone it’s just gonna get bigger and bigger and then we’ll be in trouble since we didn’t do anything to minimize damages…” Marin said
 “But what about weapons? What am I doing?” Tryllis asked
 There was a smirk on Juniper’s face
“We’re going to do what you’ve dreamed of, you can use some abomination goo and transform that into a weapon to pierce the weak point! You could use some of the goo you have with you right now” They said, adjusting their glasses
 ‘... w-wait, really!?” Tryllis said, their eyes sparkling, pulling out one of the vials and looking it over.
“... I think that might work actually!”
 “Only do it once Marin points out the weak spot!” Juniper explained “Or you might miss your chance…”
The three heard a yelp and looked outside
 The Plant Monster was now very close to striking Locke, whose face was stuck in a grimace
 “O-ok, we don’t have much choice, but what about you, Juniper?! What can you do!?”” Marin asked
 “I uh… my Moonlight Potion is only really good for light, so I can’t use that, maybe I could-... oh!”  That’s right, they saw something not too long ago! With a grin, Juniper walked over to a corner of the Plant Room, rummaged around and then walked back, brandishing a trowel as if it was a dagger.
 The two stared at them.
 “Maybe I could use this to… I dunno, slice its head off when it's stunned?” Juniper said with a small chuckle
 They sighed.
 ‘We’re gonna die if this doesn’t work.” Marin said flatly.
Tryllis looked down “Well, at least I’ll get to go out trying my technique, alright.” Reaching into her pockets, Tryllis retrieved a small vial of bright purple goo
 “If the goo gets messed up I’ll help you get more.” Juniper said, patting Tryllis after inching up to reach her
“Yeah, you gotta” She responded.
 “Alright… no time like the present!” Marin said, they threw open the door and saw that the Plant was getting dangerously close to dripping slime onto the heroic plant student, Locke.
 “G-guys? I’m gonna be real I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew-” They said with a nervous laugh
“Go get the teacher and I’ll let this thing bite me-”  Locke responded
“No need, we’re gonna help, keep holding it in place!” Juniper said “Wh-... can’t really say no I guess!” The Plant Student said nervously
 “Marin, now!” The boy in yellow said, gesturing to the hooded girl
 “Alright.. Show me… the problem…!” She said as her eyes began to glow pure white, focusing on the plant
��The veil parted beneath the plant to show what looked like endless lines going throughout its body, like muscly sinew, but with plant fiber. Marin looked up and down to try and find any kind of source, but as they went up, she saw nothing, a look of worry coming across her face, until she looked down to just below the trash can, where much of the plant was growing. 
 There, almost imperceivable, was a black pitch swirling about in the plant.
 “There, THERE!” She said, pointing towards a small boil roughly around the “legs” of the creature, it was almost imperceptible, but with Marin’s finger pointed directly at it, it could be made out, just barely
 “Alright… my turn!” Tryllis said as she uncorked the vial of purple goo, the slime plopping out onto the ground with a groan
 “Dang it, come on, listen to me,  attack that boil!” She said, tracing a purple circle in the air, and soon, the goo floated up to her side, before thinning out into an extremely dull looking cylinder. “Just a little sharper…” She murmured, spinning her finger about quickly as the cylinder soon became a pointed end, it almost looked like a sharpened pipe now
 “Yes, and now… FIRE!” She said, as the rough cylinder was shot with all the force of an arrow, piercing through the boil that Marin had pointed out, and causing the plant to stumble back as black goo bled from the  now open wound.
 Tryllis continued to twirl her finger, and with a spin, the abomination “arrow” soon drilled through the plant’s boil, coming out through the other side and resting into a wall behind the plant.
 The plant shrieked as it stumbled backwards, the pitch black mixture beginning to pour and bleed from it’s open wound, it began to shrink in size, becoming more manageable as  it returned to… well, still a large plant, but it no longer was super big!
 The Plant Student let out a sigh of relief as it released the magic over the plant, dusting their hands off
 “Thank Goodnes-...’ Locke said, before looking up
 The plant, in its dying throes, as it was falling backwards, took one more lurch forward as it tried to swing its leaves one more time at the students!
 Juniper yelped
“L-look out! “ Before gripping the trowel they were holding tight and threw it as hard as they could towards the plant with all their might!
 The Trowel landed squarely in the “neck” of the tulip, which caused green goop to spray onto the ceiling as it stumbled forwards, now with two wounds, it stopped moving, as it fell to it’s “knees”, its neck raised out in an attempt to fall onto the students with one last attack
 Locke grabbed the trowel, still firmly planted in monsters neck, and twisted it as hard as they could, causing the “head” instead to fall to the left of them, and sparing all four students from any damage.
 The Plant Track student stood there in surprise, blinking, before chuckling and pulling the trowel out.
 ‘Haha… not bad, not bad, all of you.” They said, looking at the trowel which was now covered in green goo. Dropping it in disgust, they dropped it unceremoniously and had a serious face.
 “I’m going to get the plant teacher to help clean this up. You should go get the potions teacher” They said, patting Juniper with their non filthy hand.
 “S-sure, alright!” With that, Juniper nodded as they ran to the other end of the hallway to retrieve the Potions teacher, they turned to Tryllis and Marin.
“I’ll be back as soon as possible, alright?” They said, before the two nodded and watched the glasses wearing student run off to get some help
 In the deep woods, a chase was afoot.
With a green boar which had escaped its confines…
 And three witches who were in pursuit, hoping to recapture it.
Theytried to keep up with the rampaging boar, which was running into nearby trees to cause branches to fall down in the way of its pursuers, whilst also kicking up dirt to try and cover its trail.
 Zephyr was tracing in the air, causing rocks to pop up in the way of the boar, attempting to cut off its escape route, which was doing a great job slowing it down as it kept stopping to reorient itself.
Lunella was consistently summoning round spirits in the air which latched onto the boar, which slowed it down to a crawl, but it kept shaking them off and foiling their attempts to dogpile it.
All the while Keeper was trying to get close enough to leap onto the boar to wrangle it by force, and perhaps ride it all the way back to the Beast Sanctuary, but every time they almost captured it, it seemed as if the boar got another burst of speed.
More worrying, the forest was reaching its end, the trees growing more and more far apart as the light of the sun became far easier to see, and soon, it ended as the forest parted ways.
 And soon, all three witches plus Hamilton were greeted with…
The sight of Hexside standing tall, students already seemed to have left for the day. It looked like noone was there!
Keeper smirked, that was good, Juniper must’ve already headed home, so they must’ve been in no danger.
 The Boar stopped, looking around in confusion, where had the trees gone? Where were the rocks?
 It didn’t have time to come up with another plan, because by the time it did, the Keeper had leapt onto it’s back and held its neck firm, it tried it’s very best to buck them off, but soon was weighed down by bandages and rocks.
 “Nice try, Hamilton” Keeper said as they relinquished their grip and hopped off of it.
 “But we’re not about to let you cause trouble for Rabbit’s education. I think this is the last straw. We’re gonna have to send you somewhere else.’ They said with a sigh “What a shame’ Zephyr said boredly as he landed, climbing off of his Palisman Staff and clambering onto the ground, before grabbing his staff and holding it tight.
 “We’ll be sad to see you go~” Lunella hummed, still on her staff, not bothering to get off.
 “Alright let’s… huh? What is… that?” Keeper asked, reaching towards the boar to fully restrain it before they rescinded their hand, being greeted by the sight of a twisted abomination of a plant in a garbage can being carted away in a wheelbarrow on the road leading out of Hexside. 
 “... What on Earth have they been teaching since I left? t” Keeper said as she grabbed the boar by the scruff off its neck, beginning to drag it along for a closer look, the other two followed along closely
 “... Titan, what a mess…” A man in a suit with rubber gloves said, wiping sweat from their brow  as they went down the street, before stopping after seeing three witches with a boar in tow in the middle of the road
“What’s that you got there?” Keeper asked
 “Looks like a salad….” Zephyr added.
 “It’s quite creepy, I like it…” Lunella hummed
 The Custodian sighed, rubbing his temples.
 “Hello Wild Witches, I legally should be reporting you to the Emperor’s Co-... hang on, Zephyr?” the man asked
 Zephyr paused, taking a step backwards
 “Hey, I remember you! I was in Plant coven! You were in Illusion” He said with a grin
 “Yeah, yeah. Dropped out and to be honest I’m happy with how that turned out” Zephyr responded, flipping his hand
“No, no, don’t blame you, you looked stressed all the time, now you just look… chill” the Man said.
 “Ahem. What is this?” Keeper asked, gesturing to the non-moving plant.
 “Oh this? It’s a problem. Some stupid student poured a Botched Potion into the trash right after another student dumped an inert dirt clump with a plant into it, so, it turned into this.” He said, gesturing towards the remains of the plant.
“Four students helped put it to sleep, so I’m supposed to dump it into a furnace nearby, you don’t really want this.” He said seriously, his eyes narrowing
 “You’re right I probably do-.” Keeper was saying, before they turned around
 There was a sharp grunting from the boar, which was wiggling excitedly. It was trying to struggle closer to the plant. It sounded… delighted? Happy?
“Huh?”  Keeper said, narrowing their eyes as they held the boar tightly, but moved it closer towards the plant. Hamilton squealed as it came closer and closer to the remains of the plant, and then, reached out its snout and… took a bite out of it. It swallowed the piece and then…
It made a noise that sounded… well, glad! 
 The man was so shocked he didn’t do anything, standing there dumbfounded.
But soon, he let out a laugh.
 “See, your porcine friend here likes the taste of the plant, want me to let him have it?” He asked.
 The three witches stood there in stunned silence. Keeper even let go of Hamilton, who hit the ground with a thud as the restraints vanished and he walked towards the wheelbarrow, taking more bites out of the twisted compost that was a plant.
 “He was hungry… by Titan he was just hungry! He eats tulips which come from bulbs… that makes sense!” Keeper said with a laugh
 “Can’t believe I didn't think of that…’ Zephyr said with a facepalm
 “Oh but look how happy our friend Hamilton is now!” Lunella said with a chime.
 The man let go of the wheelbarrow and simply let the boar eat away at the remains of the plant, the boar was now grunting like a pig at a trough
 “You know what? Yeah, Zephyr? Consider this a favor. Keep the plant. I think our boar friend will appreciate it out more than the furnace’ He said with a chuckle, before suddenly-
 There was a loud whistle, the three witches turned around to see a caped man with a white mask covering his face.
 It was an Emperor’s Coven  Scout, he pointed at the three dramatically
 “Keeper of the Beasts, Wild Winds Zephyr, and Lunella the Dream Witch, I have a warrant for your arrest, come quietly and-...” Before he could finish, there was a sharp squeal,, the boar turned around and grunted angrily, its hooves going back and forth before it charged at the Emperor’s Coven Guard.
It caught him between its tusks non lethally, before lifting him up and throwing him high up into the sky, with him screaming until it became distant. As if he became a star in the sky
 Hamilton grunted before it returned to the wheelbarrow and chewed at what was left of the plant monster
 “Well, I guess he’s our friend now~” Lunella hummed.
 “Hahaha… that was cool” Zephyr said.
“Alright, come along Hamilton. We’ll get you back to the Sanctuary “ Keeper said,  grabbing the wheelbarrow and pushing it out towards the forest, the two other witches, and their now sated boar friend followed close behind
 The man with gloves sighed as he released his breathe
 “Good Titan… that was scary. Guess I’ll just tell them I delivered it to the incinerator…” He said as he walked off towards Bonesborough.
Not long after everyone has made their exit…
 The doors to the school opened up as Juniper, Tryllis, and Marin walked out onto the steps alongside the Potions and Plant teacher.
 “... and then I saw them both, not at the same time, dumping things into the trash.” Juniper said, looking up at the two.
 The Potion Teacher let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, Sail. Perhaps I should be more clear on the dumping stations in the future…” They said to themselves, before reaching out to pat Juniper’s shoulder “I’ll be having a stern word with them tomorrow. Thank you for letting me know!” They said, before heading down the stairs and waving goodbye to the three students.
 The Plants teacher coughed. “And I’ll have a chat with mine about the importance of sending dead plants to the compost. “ They said, before reaching out to pat Marin and Tryllis, they too went on their way.
 The three students let out a deep sigh and took a seat on the stairs.
 ‘That was nuts…” Juniper said to themselves.
 “That garbage smell is gonna be there for at least a week.” Tryllis said, looking up at the sky
 “Explaining this to Mom & Dad is gonna be hard…” Marrin said
But soon, all three of them let out a hearty laugh
“But we did it!” They said all together, before leaning backward to look up at the beautiful sky
“We might’ve been plant chow if it weren’t for Marin!” Juniper said
 “What? No, it was Tryllis who did the hard work hitting the weak spot!” Marin sputtered
“But Juniper helped stab that thing’s neck!” Tryllis said in defense
“But Locke finished it off for our safety, they should get some credit!”  The red headed boy said
“Yeah… kinda wish he coulda stuck around, maybe we should try talking to him later…” Tryllis said, placing her arms upon the side of the steps
 Juniper looked up, then paused, looking between the two.
“Wi-wait, hang on, are we like… friends now?””
Tryllis and Marrin looked at each other before chuckling
 ‘I mean, maybe-... I guess!” Tryllis said
“You don’t really put down a plant monster together and not walk out as at least acquaintances, I’d say”  Marin added.
 A flash of red came across the witchling’s face
“R-...really?” They asked
 “Really really.” Tryllis responded
“Of course! Plus, I want to see how your magic develops since you’re encouraging us…” Marin said with a grin.
 “I-... I’...” Juniper covered their face bashfully.
“I’ll try my best!” They said cheerfully, before shaking their head and noticing the position of the sun, it must’ve been an hour or two after classes for the day finished
 “We should probably head home, huh? Should we tell our guardians about this?” Juniper asked.
“Probably not. I don’t think anyone needs to know about this” Marin said as they got up and stretched.
 “Yeah… I don’t think my parents would be thrilled to know I helped kill a plant monster” With a smirk, Tryllis got up and began walking down the stairs
“Juniper! You wanna come with?” She asked, looking at the red haired child who looked like they were lost in thought
 Snapping back to reality, Juniper shook their head
 “N-no, sorry, I got another place to be… maybe I can show you guys it soon!” They said with a smile
“... Alright, maybe see you tomorrow then!” Tryllis said as Marin followed close by
 “Byyyyye… don’t forget to read The Weeping Pelicans Cry Out, if your Aunt and Uncle have it!” The Hooded girl said.
 Juniper waved happily to the two as they walked down the street. Before suddenly, Juniper found their feet moving on their own, running to meet the two.
 “Oh, changed your mind?” Marin said playfully
“I thought  you had someplace to be!” Tryllis said
 “I do, but my house is on the way there!” They laughed as they began to walk home with their two new friends.
 It was a very eventful walk home, mostly filled by talking, but once Juniper reached their house, once more, they waved goodbye to Tryllis and Marin, before quickly heading inside, getting dressed into their casual clothes, and retreated out the back door, following the path once again, and being greeted to the sight of The Beast Sanctuary.
 And, this time, all three of their wild witch friends were there outside! They were busy practicing magic beneath them, with their hands placed against the ground.
 Happily, Juniper raised their hand in greeting to the three , who turned their heads to their visitor with a grin, standing up and dusting themselves off.
 “Hey, Rabbit! Good to see you again.” Keeper said with a smirk
“Oh man it’s good to see you after a day like this…” Zephyr added, yawning but tiredly giving a thumbs up
“Sweet Shortcake is here to make things lovely!” Lunella sang as she rocked back and forth
 “It’s good to see you too! I’m sure you’re wondering how my day went…” Juniper said “And I’ll be happy to.. Tell… you…” They were saying as they began to trail off as their head turned to the right, their expression softening as their eyes narrowed at whatever had caught their attention.
“Well, don’t leave us in suspense, tell us!” The Dream Witch said with a smirk
 “But, hey, I have a question…’ They said, pinching the bridge of their nose, their tone growing annoyed
“And what is that?” Keeper asked
 Pointing towards the right, Juniper drew their attention to the sickly green boar eating away at the twisted remnants of a very familiar looking plant
 “Why is Hamilton eating the plant I just killed with my new friends not an hour ago!?” They said, raising their voice in disbelief
The three couldn’t help but laugh
 “What do you mean “plant I just killed?!” “ Zephyr said with a laugh
“Ohhhh this is gonna be a good one, don’t leave us hanging, Rabbit!” Keeper smirked
“How impressive, our little Shortcake is already making waves~” Lunella hummed
 With a sigh, Juniper walked towards the three, and gestured to the inside of the sanctuary.
“Let’s just talk about it here, away from Hamitlon…” They said as the three followed them inside as the door slammed shut.
 There was a small grunt from Hamilton as it looked towards the house, before shrugging the best it could before resuming its ravaging of a plant corpse.
 “Rabbit, there’s a piece of plant in your hair” Zephyr said from inside.
There was a small yelp, audible even from outside
 “Lemme just-” The window to the Sanctuary opened, and a small petal soon landed onto the wheelbarrow, which the boar was happy to snack away at, as the sound of chatting witches filled the air from the open window
0 notes
nouriyx · 2 years
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Grocery shopping + the one without the grocery bc i DID NOT DESIGN THESE BANGER OUTFITS FOR NOTHING.
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brunchable · 2 years
No Other Way [Request] || Doctor Strange x BlackWidow!Reader
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Word count: 2.8K WARNINGS: Angst. Unrequited Love. Character D**th. References: DS:MoM/Vormir (Endgame) [Request]: Dedicated to @romanvffa <3 A/N: Sorry it took so long, love. Tumblr had to fix my account. ***Strictly do not: claim, repost, copy, translate my stories anywhere else*** + GIF DOES NOT belong to me. All Credits to the creator.
Stephen fell to the ground after attempting to dream walk into his variant's corpse in your original reality, however he failed miserably. You stood vigilant with the Brazier of Bom'Galiath in one hand and a candle in the other. You began to worry for him internally as he seemed to be experiencing an episode that resembled a seizure. Since Christine was already caring for him, you felt some kind of relief. She was a doctor after all, she should know how to deal with people having fits.
"Come on Stephen, fight them. You are Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, show them what you can do. " Christine gave him a little encouragement while wiping away the sweat that was dripping down the side of his head.
This Christine acted like she hated Stephen, but now she’s acting like his stupid girlfriend. Your facial muscles formed a scowl. If it were possible, your eyes would be rolling 360 degrees—You and Stephen always got along well, you share the same humour and make a great team together. At one point you thought he’d notice that there was some chemistry between you, but you thought wrong. The imagination of wanting to push Christine out the window entertained your thoughts– you wanted to be in her position right now.
If you were being absolutely honest with yourself, you'd label the awful emotion that you were experiencing, as jealousy. "Doctor Palmer, please bring him back. I really don't want to remain here forever as a third wheel," you pleaded, making it sound like a joke with just a little bit of sincerity.
"I'm trying (Y/N)—"Stephen shot up with the loudest gasp, like he could finally breathe after being suffocated. 
Both of you jumped when he snapped out of his seizures, and you watched them from the outside of the ritual circle. You saw how Christine was trying to comfort him, and you also witnessed how he responded to that: he held Christine as if she were the one who gave him his strength. Your instincts were telling you that you should go check on him as well, but you knew that it would mean nothing since he only sees you as a friend or sidekick on this journey.
You heard the sounds of crackling noises before you could even open your lips to speak, the ones you've heard in the past when America mistakenly opens her star portals, "Uh Strange, do you hear what I'm hearing?" You looked around the god-forsaken haunted house in an effort to find the location of the portal that would open up.
"Yeah… I am." Stephen stood up from the ground, holding Palmer up with him while he also tried to focus his hearing on the crackles in space. 
"You might want to take that thing." You suggested and pointed at the Darkhold using the candle. Stephen stooped down to grab the book and shut it with one hand, he extended his arms out towards you, wanting to hand the book over.
"It might be safer with you, if it's The Scarlet Witch coming for us, I'm sure she'll look for it on me first." Stephen said and entrusted the book to your protection. You approached the circle of candles with some reluctance and then cautiously grabbed the book. You decided it was best to go back out since being so close to him while Palmer was there made you feel awkward.
Stephen turned to Christine, "Just in case anything bad happens after this, I better tell you this now…" 
Christine did not speak a single word, and instead just gazed eagerly at the man. When you heard that Stephen was ready to confess something, your ears perked up, and you could tell from a mile away that it was his affection for her. 
During the whole of your trip with him and in America, the topic of Christine and everything related to her continually came up. Now, you had a front-row, VIP seat to witness this couple finally understand one another, only to have their relationship disintegrate once again because the laws of the universe dictated it. You didn’t know why you felt a sense of relief that they could never be together. You made it seem as if you were pacing about and looking at antiquities that had no significance to you because what he had to say to her was so upsetting that you didn't even want to listen to it. 
"I love you…. I love you in every universe," Stephen's eyes wandered to Palmer's visage, like he was printing it in his photographic memory, "And it's not that I don't want to care for someone to have someone care for me, it's just….I get scared." 
You gave Stephen a sidelong glance; oh, how you wished those eyes would look at you like that; you wondered what it would be like to have the warmth of his hands against your skin; you were certain that he would be able to break down the barriers that you had constructed around yourself; you had no doubts about his ability to do so. However, this admission made you feel as if someone had ripped your heart out of your chest, trampled on it, and then ground it up in a grinder. You knew this would leave you with an ugly scar. You’ve never felt so out of place and rejected in your entire life. You see now that you will never be able to fill that space in his heart because no matter how much you try, you aren’t Christine; she’s got everything that you don’t have so how could you ever compete with that? You probably just imagined or misinterpreted the look in his eyes when he got worried about you after being injured by the witch. 
"Face your fears, Doctor Strange.” You heard her say, while she placed her hand against his cheek, which he leaned against. They were too busy being disgustingly lovey-dovey that they didn’t notice the Star portal open up,
You cleared your throat to remind them of your presence, “Sorry to be the cockblocker but the portal?” 
“Right…” Stephen furrowed his brows at you, his expression looking almost worried, “(Y/N), you may want to put that down.” 
You looked at him confused, “What?” Stephen’s eyes stared pointedly at the axe of Angarrumus that you obliviously now held tightly in your hand. You looked down and chucked the blade away from you, “I don’t remember... grabbing that—anyway, we have to go.” You set the volts on your widow bite to its most lethal and highest limit of 350,000 volts of electricity. You’ve witnessed how powerful she's become and what she’s capable of. You have no choice but to be equally brutal, even if shooting her with this amount of electricity means permanent nerve damage or even death.
You all jumped out of the portal that  America subconsciously opened out of fear as Wanda began to drain her powers. Without saying a word, you aimed at her thigh and shot her with that lethal amount of electricity. In almost an instant, her body went rigid as the electricity passed through her body.
Wong emerged from the entryway of the temple and was relieved to see that all of you were there in one piece.
“Wong, I could use some help restraining the witch. I don't think I can hold her off myself.” Stephen asks and, along with Wong, uses the spell to call for the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to tie The Scarlet Witch up as she fights off the pain and muscle spasms caused by your bite. 
“You guys try your best to keep her at bay. We need to get the kid out of here first,” America fell on the sacrificial table, too weak to get up, so ran to her aid, “America, we’re here. We’re going to get you out—let’s go.” You patted her cheek to orient her a bit more.
“(Y/N)? How did you get here?” The kid asked weakly as her eyes fluttered open.
“Because of you, love. You opened the portal for us, you got us here. You may not realise it but all this time, it’s always been you. You got us exactly where we needed to go. You’ve got more control over your powers than you think, you just need to trust it and trust yourself”— You smiled at her lovingly and wiped the blood dripping out from her brows.
You and America came under Wanda's intense scrutiny as she wrung some power out of the knowledge that you had angered her. As she struggled to free herself from her confinement, she secretly energised her abilities, which resulted in an outburst of chaos magic. Stephen, Wong, and Christine were flung in the direction of the wall as the rush of force shoved their bodies aside.
You used your body to shield America as both of you got blown away by the energy. Wanda tilted her head, teeth grinding as she assessed the situation and chuckled, “Do you really think your little electric device would stop me?” She mocked, her accent becoming more audible. 
The darkhold landed on the opposite side of the temple, close to where Christine was. You engaged in direct eye contact with her and then subtly signalling her to remain completely still by placing your finger on your upper lip.
“Stay down.” You whispered to America. You groaned while you got up to face Wanda, “No, but it was worth a try. I never got to use its limits and you were the perfect guinea pig.”
“You’re going to regret that.” Wanda's hands started to glow with a chaotic energy as she began to channel it.
“Wanda, look around, you’re destroying yourself! Do you think Vision will be proud of what you’ve become?” You tried to reason with her but instead she hurled the ball of energy towards you. 
To deflect the assault away from you and back towards Wanda, Wong lent Stephen his sling ring, which Stephen then used to create a portal in front of you. She was flung about in the air by her own abilities, and this time she directed her attention on Stephen and Wong who were prepared to battle her together.
"Destroy herself?" Christine mumbled to herself as she tried to put the pieces together. While the masters of magic were fighting each other, Christine saw one of Wong's daggers near the sacrificial table and quickly made her way towards it while ducking and dodging.
While you were assisting the kid to stand, you saw Christine make a move to shatter the darkhold. During that brief moment, you noticed Stephen looking at Christine with wide eyes as he realised what she was going to do. You had no choice but to remove her from the vicinity of that book; attempting to destroy anything of such immense power rarely ends well.
‘He really can’t live without her huh?’ You reflected for a moment, then made the necessary adjustments to the voltage of your weapon, and then you blasted Christine away from the book. You released America, but she grabbed hold of you before you could get away from her.
“(Y/N)! Where are you going?” She tightened her grip on your arm, and with moistened eyes you smiled at her.
“I need to take care of the Darkhold America.” You ripped her hands away from your arm, “It’s going to be okay. I trust the strength that’s in you. Make sure everyone gets home safely okay?” While walking backwards, you pointed your hook at the book and pulled it towards you. Then, as you passed Christine, who was recovering from your bite, you ducked down and grabbed the dagger. In the past, Stephen has always been the one to protect others, and now you've decided to do the same by demolishing Mount Wundagore to protect him.
While he and Wong fought to keep Wanda under control, Stephen spotted you make your way towards the cliff of the temple while carrying the darkhold in your arms. As you sprang into the air and whirled your body around while hurling the book towards the stratosphere, the Scarlet Witch let out a horrifying scream that caused your blood to rush to your head. You used the last of your might to launch the dagger at the book, which resulted in a catastrophic explosion that was felt all the way up Mount Wundagore. 
If Christine had ripped the book to shreds right then and there, things may have turned out worse for everyone else. The mountain grumbled, which was a sign that there was only a limited amount of time left before it collapsed completely on top of itself. 
While running to you, Stephen tossed his cloak in your direction; however, a rock that had fallen from the ceiling caught the cloak and held it in place. You succumbed to your destiny by closing your eyes, a single tear escaping the inner corner of your eye when suddenly, you felt Stephen's tight hold around your wrist. 
You gasped and looked up at him, “Stephen, let me go, they need you.”
Stephen turned around and saw that Wong was having trouble and said, "What about you?!" While he was attempting to pull you up, he yelled at you, "(Y/N), take my hand god damn it!" His veins on his forehead were bulging. “Don’t—”
You studied Stephen’s features and felt lucky that his face was the last face you’ll see, “It’s okay. I’ve done my part,” You smiled at him reassuringly as you felt your body stiffening, you were slowly turning into rock as the consequence of destroying the darkhold, “You can’t save me either way Stephen.” 
You raised your other hand to show Stephen that it was beginning to turn grey and you passed him a little note, “You couldn’t think of another way?” Stephen asked, clearly frustrated with you for acting so impulsively.
“There is no other way.” You chuckled and repeated his catchphrase as his tears fell into your cheeks. You tilted your head to peer over his shoulder and saw that the mountain was beginning to crumble. You forced your feet up against the rock face, which prompted Stephen to release his grip on your wrist. While you were turning into stone, he yelled your name many times as you descended farther into the abyss.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It had been a few weeks after the battle at Wundagore, and here he was standing in front of your gravestone leaving a tiny arrangement of flowers for you. He felt the gentle caress of the cold wind on his face, and in his mind, he believed that it was you greeting him. He was holding the folded up paper in his hands, but up until this point he hadn't had the bravery to read it. Stephen took it out of his pocket and with trembling hands he opened it and began to read. Dear Stephen, I don't know how to approach you or say this to your face so I choose to write it instead. The path that led us to friendship was not exactly the traditional one, but it turned out to be successful for us. I know that no matter what, you will support me. That is one of the reasons I believe I am beginning to develop feelings for you. I am aware that you do not have the time for a relationship at the moment, and I also understand that you may be afraid about making a commitment. However, I am patient. No matter what our relationship is like, you can count on me to stand by your side. Never before in my life have I felt such a strong connection to another person. It makes my day whenever we get to chat or even just hang out together. I am also aware that it is not easy to tell another person that you do not love them in the same way that they love you. So I ask you to please, do not ever be scared to speak your mind openly to me. I will always be your friend, regardless of what you feel about me. You should know I'll be patiently waiting for you. I don't need expensive presents or your undivided attention. To know you care is all I need, and I have no doubt you do. I appreciate all of your hugs and words of encouragement, and I just wanted to say "thank you" for all of it. In the time I've known you, I've come to love you as a friend, and I want to love you much more than that. Sincerely Yours, (Y/N).
He now understood why you always stood up for him and got angry whenever someone said something bad about him. It was finally clear why you got upset with him every time he took up a dangerous mission without asking for your help, it was clear why you gave him any time of your day whenever he needed an ear to listen.
Stephen found himself sobbing at the letter as he read it, he found himself on his knees in front of your gravestone, apologising, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
TAGS LIST: @simp4fictional @praetorrara @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @elicheel @sherlux @lucywrites02 @stanny-uwu @frostandflamesfanfic @jamiethenerdymonster @oakl3y @zdhunn @captaincarmel164 @justsomecreaturewandering @soiopathicdetectivekid @fan-of-fic @levitationcloak @gaitwae @shit-post-things @seasonofthenerd @patbrdac @evelynrosestuff @singhfae @severuined @mischiefmanaged7 @farfromjustordinary @drstrangesgirl91 @spideyyhoe @lovecleastrange @jessepinkmanloml @samisubi @theactualroiana-m @mochuchi @faithinhome @ohchoices @junkertown-princess @apple-and-berry @sigyncevans @oliveoilthoughts @giorgiblog17 @dragonqueen89 @evelynrosestuff @the-royal-petals @hiddlechive @peachypie97 @ghost-lantern @sleutherclaw @the-mouse27 @zelspktr @bobateadaydreams @lykaonimagines @valbensherstep
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chuuyrr · 2 years
hey chu I have a request for you where baby fushiguiro, liking chuuya's clothes and hat a lot, decides to make a replica of this that is in his size with his magic of chaos to spend all day trying to imitate chuuya's style (I can see to dazai visibly disgusted by this XD)
when scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader imitates chuuya's style
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen (gojo's past arc), jealous! dazai, and mentions of scarlet witch's powers, major themes of fluff and crack, soukoku fighting over child! reader's favorite parent
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x reader (dazai osamu, nakahara chuuya)
this is so cute omg i love it!! thank you so much for requesting and for being patient, enjoy reading ♡
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dazai knows and despises the fact that you adore chuuya with all of your heart, his former twin dark partner back when he was still in the mafia, and he honestly doesn't understand why or how.
what do you mean by his gravity manipulation ability being cool? chuuya's ability can easily be nullified by dazai! it's not that big of a deal. your dazai-nii can also pull off suits and coats, and he's more attractive than that shrimp!
so, when you returned to their universe, dazai and the armed detective agency he was with were astounded to see you running up to them all dressed up in chuuya's clothes.
kunikida, yosano, and ranpo have their mouths agape, kyouka and fukuzawa are staring at you with wide eyes, atsushi and junichiro are screaming their lungs off from shock while dazai clutches his chest as if he had been stabbed or shot in the heart.
as the gears in his head turned slowly, dazai fell short of words, "w-what in the.."
you weren't just wearing chuuya's clothes; you were also completely imitating his style.
you wore the same white button-up shirt under a gray vest, a black choker, a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off your right hip, and black low-arch shoes.
you've even got chuuya's black gloves, a long black coat with a light-colored lining and lapels that he wears around his shoulders like a cape, and the freaking hat, except that everything is just about your size. worse, you made your hair look like chuuya's, with a longer section falling past your left shoulder framing your face.
as atsushi stared at you, he began to laugh nervously, "[name]-chan.. that's um.."
"i'm copying chuuya-nii!" you exclaimed, stating the obvious and giggling fondly as you threw your gloved hands in the air.
"that's very nice.. [name].." fukuzawa managed to say while clearing his throat and reaching out a hand to pat your head, err, hat—since you were wearing one, "yes.."
"riiight.. yes, i agree with the president, [name].." kunikida asserted next and pushed his glasses up his nose, "you look nice."
"nice? you think that's nice?!" dazai exclaimed dramatically, dropping his knees to the floor and reaching out his arms to you, "my poor, sweet little belladonna has been tainted by that hat rack pipsqueak of a mafioso with his... stupid and disgusting influence!"
"dazai-san, calm down.. you're acting as if [name]-chan died or something," atsushi said as his sweat dropped before looking down at him.
"that's it, you're taking this off!" dazai scooted towards you on his knees, grabbing the hat on your head and the long coat draped over your shoulders, "my poor sweet bella can't be wearing that awful snail's clothes!"
"what? no!" you exclaimed as you vanished into a red mist of psionics before reappearing about a meter away from him, clutching your hat and coat, "i'm not taking them off!"
"and why not?!" dazai's eyes narrowed as he gasped and stood up before placing his hands on his hips.
"because i like chuuya-nii's style and i made these with my wiggly-woos magic!" you argued, puffing your cheeks up in annoyance as you mustered a glare for dazai, but it was just too cute to be honest, "so you can't!"
"chuuya's style is absolutely disgusting! his style stinks!" dazai retorted, now folding his arms and puffing his cheeks up like you.
you held your ground, your cheeks puffing up in annoyance, "but not to me!"
as you became agitated by dazai's comments about chuuya, your [color] eyes began to glow red, as did your hair as it began to flow upwards, causing dazai's eyes to widen because it reminded him of chuuya whenever he glows red due to his ability.
dazai scoffed at this, folding his arms and sighing deeply in defeat. he didn't want to push it any further, remembering how he had already made you upset in the past once and you ended up giving him the silent treatment. in any case, chuuya's the one to blame for your new look because he's been rubbing off on you.
so, dazai was stuck with you just imitating chuuya for the entire day. from his trademark smirk to the way he acts you even mimic how chuuya rolls his letter r's as you throw glowing red punches and make yourself stick to walls and ceilings, which everyone found adorable, including dazai, but he'd never admit it.
of course, dazai would never let you drink actual wine, so the best you could get was grape juice, which you were still happy about, but dazai was incredibly grumpy as he begrudgingly held your hand while the two of you walked in public.
it just wasn't fair to him. you should be imitaring him instead. after all, he reminds you of your adoptive father, gojo satoru. unless you had a preference for someone other than gojo.
when dazai thought about it, he couldn't help but wonder if gojo had a close friend who reminded you of chuuya. but, as dazai recalled the jujutsu sorcerers you considered your family, he believes there isn't anyone who makes you think of chuuya.
it couldn't be your uncle nanami because you explicitly mention him acting like kunikida, with atsushi acting like yuuji-nii and your auntie shoko acting like yosano.
as dazai was thinking about it, he was interrupted by a familiar but irritating voice calling out to him.
"oi, dazai!"
speak of the devil.
"who the hell is that with you?"
when you and him came to a halt on your tracks to turn around, dazai was already grimacing. he couldn't have mistaken that irritating voice for anyone else's. you gasped in delight at the familiar person as dazai groaned.
"just great, it's the real deal," dazai grumbled, his gaze narrowed at the redhead.
"chuuya-nii!" you exclaimed enthusiastically, leaping to your feet and darting towards him, wrapping your tiny arms around his legs.
"c-chibi? is that you?!" chuuya's eyes widened as he peered down at you to see how you were dressed exactly like him, "why are you...?"
"[name]-chan has been imitating your style all day, and it's all your fault!" dazai exclaimed, pointing a finger at the stunned redhead, "you and your disgusting influence got to her! you tainted her!"
chuuya's temple twitched in response to dazai's remark, "HAAAAAH?!"
"dazai-nii keeps telling me you suck and all that!" you exclaimed, tugging on chuuya's pant leg and pointing to dazai, "but i told him no!"
"oh yeah, chibi?" chuuya scoffed at dazai as he patted your head, err, hat, since you were wearing one, "this simpleton is just jealous!"
dazai argued, his hands on his hips, "i'm not jealous! i'm just telling the truth!"
"yeah, you are! just look at [name]," chuuya smirked as he picked you up in his arms and replied to him, "clearly she has a favorite, and it isn't you."
you giggled as you wrapped your tiny arms around chuuya's neck, rubbing your cheek against his.
"[name]-chan!" dazai's eyes widened with disbelief. "what happened to me being your favorite?! i thought you loved me!"
it was just utterly ridiculous.
"i do love you, but i like chuuya-nii's style more!" you argued with dazai while sticking out your tongue at him.
"ehhh? what's wrong with my clothes?" dazai inquired, placing a hand on his chest, slightly offended by your remark.
chuuya rolled his eyes, "you have shitty taste in clothes, that's what."
"chuuya-nii's clothes and hat are cooler." you exclaimed with a small pout, "his power is like my wiggly-woos magic and he turns red too!"
"i couldn't agree more." chuuya smirked, a hand on his hip as he held you closer to his chest.
dazai and chuuya were eventually forced to stop arguing because the three of you were out in public and a bystander was genuinely concerned, believing your "parents" were fighting over you because it ended with dazai attempting to take you away from chuuya, who refused to let you go.
"just come with me already, [name]-chan!"
"what are you taking the kid for, huh?!"
"[name]-chan is not even your kid!!"
"well, she's not yours either, you vagabond!"
"i'm the one taking care of her, not you!"
for some reason, seeing dazai and chuuya act so amusingly yet seriously over you reminded you of your adoptive father, gojo satoru, who would act just like dazai around your favorite uncle, whom you have a limited memory of, probably because he died a little too soon for you to remember exactly, but a memory of him you significantly remembered and greatly treasured was how you would copy his man-bun.
"oi, what are you laughing at, [name]-chan?" dazai looked down at you, his cheeks slightly puffed up in a childish way. you were now walking with your hands in each of theirs.
"i just remembered something," you said as you squeezed dazai and chuuya's hands before releasing them to pull your hat down to hide your smile and laughter.
"oh, yeah? and what's that, chibi?" chuuya remarked, his arms folded across his chest.
you dangled your tongue as you lifted your head and hat to face him and dazai, "it's a secreeet!"
dazai frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly, "aww, can't you tell me at least?"
you shook your head, shoveling your gloved hands into your pocket to grin at dazai like chuuya, "nope! don't wanna!"
"heh, sometimes i wonder what it's like to have your chaos magic [name]," chuuya sighed, shrugging his shoulders and chuckling fondly at you, "none of us can ever have a penny on your thoughts, and the fact that you can easily copy someone's clothes through your ability's transmutation too."
"unlike you, i actually know what [name]-chan is thinking about," dazai spoke with confidence as he stuck out his tongue at chuuya, who looked incredibly irritated with a raised brow and nerve protruding on his temple.
"chuuya-kun reminds you of someone, doesn't he?" dazai continued talking, "hmm, actually, let me rephrase that. we remind you of two people, right?"
"did you just read my mind, dazai-nii?" you inquired, blinking and softly gasping.
he nodded his head and clasped his hands together, "looks like i did little bella!~ i'm amazing aren't i? way cooler than chuuya's shitty gravity manipulation and style, yeah?"
as dazai snickered at your reaction, chuuya exclaimed an angry, "HAH?!"
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Landing in the Ocean 1
Author’s Note: Like a lab experiment that gained sentience, this fic has grown beyond my control.
Summary: Karl has been falling from one world to the next for so long his memories have vanished into the purple haze of the void, so XD decides to jog his memory with a world of almost-familiar faces.
Karl lived a charmed existence, by which he meant that a witch had probably cursed him at some point.
He panted heavily, sprinting for his life over end-stone and obsidian. There was a maniac with an axe behind him and Karl could confirm the smiley-faced Jason ripoff wanted his skull as a doorstop.
In the corner of his eye he caught sight of purple sparks and nearly sobbed in relief. He couldn’t sob though, he couldn’t stop gasping in lungfuls of air and running for nowhere at all. The killer was still behind him.
As the sparks slowly multiplied Karl’s lungs began to burn, an awful stitch in his side beginning to grow. His traitorous body would slow down soon, maybe too soon. If he couldn’t stay out of reach long enough for the ‘shift’ he’d be dead. Desperate, Karl whipped his head around searching for a way to buy time. His eyes landed on the edge of the building’s roof, a long drop to concrete below. Hopefully the shift would come before he hit the ground. Karl darted for the edge, but the sparks had multiplied into a shimmering sea of stars that obscured his vision. That meant the next step of phasing out of existence, dizziness and nausea. He tripped and felt his open palms meet the hard ground, screaming in terror as the smiley-faced assassin’s boot pinned him down a second later.
Despite the boot digging into his back Karl felt weightless, blind and sobbing as he heard the sound of an axe swooshing through the air-
Then the lost traveler dropped through reality like a brick.
\/ \/ \/
Karl closed his eyes immediately as the cold wind of the void rushed past him, but as always he heard that awful voice inside his head.
<Still ignoring me, Karl? It’s been so long for you hasn’t it?>
Karl clenched his eyes shut tighter, only able to remember one thing about the god that taunted him between the planes of reality. Nothing good ever came of acknowledging its existence.
<Fiiine. Let’s see if this will get a reaction out of you.>
\/ \/ \/
The sensation of falling vanished as quickly as it came and Karl found himself planted in front of a sun-kissed resort, seagulls calling in the distance. He sank to his knees and panted, trembling next to a bubbling dolphin fountain. That last world had been so, so close. Had he ever come so close to dying before? Karl couldn’t remember.
After a few minutes his legs began to ache and Karl picked himself back up. He was somewhere new, and that meant something new to deal with inside this hotel. It’s hard to start walking again, Karl ended up standing lamely just out of range of the automatic sliding doors. He really doesn’t want to find out what awaits him inside.
But eventually, the same old feeling wins out. There is something, somewhere he has to find. The feeling used to be stronger, used to burn in his chest. Now he’s forgotten why and Karl moves mostly on instinct.
If he’s about as animated as a corpse the concierge doesn’t comment on it. Karl has long since learned to make the best of things and goes along with confirming his ‘reservation’ and attendance at ‘the auction’ in two hours. He’s never (to his knowledge) been here before in his life and certainly has no money to spend at an auction, but in a few days he will lose everything but the clothes on his back again and wind up in a new perilous situation. He may as well enjoy the five-star resort while it lasts.
The nice lady at the front desk hands him a room key and points him toward a ritzy reception parlor. It’s a pretty standard setup as far as these things go, and with some luck Karl will have enough time to go to his room and sleep behind a locked door before things go south. The heavenly aroma of food nearby wafts through the air and Karl’s stomach growls. Saying the previous world had been unkind was an understatement, Karl hasn’t eaten in days. The fancy little hors d’oeuvres buffet doesn’t stand a chance.
The small shrimp dipped in cocktail sauce crunch unappealingly between his teeth because Karl does not bother to shell their tails. This is because they are the best thing he can ever remember tasting, and the traveler is happy to keep shoving them into his mouth as quickly as possible. The other guests are giving him weird looks and Karl knows he ought to be mingling, but for now as long as they aren’t trying to kill him he could care less. He’s had a rough eternity. Sue him. He threw himself fully into the pleasure of filling his empty stomach at the expense of social courtesy.
A hand landed on his shoulder and Karl jumped out of his skin. His startled screech was silenced before it even began when he inhaled a shrimp. Airway suddenly blocked he began to cough, hacking as his hands flew up to his throat. Strong arms wrapped around him and Karl had just enough time to stiffen before a balled up fist drove itself up into his diaphragm. The shrimp went flying and Karl gasped as the stranger moved to steady him, the sounds of the party pausing to watch the drama unfold. He was the center of attention, along with whoever had snuck up on him.
The stranger looked more amused than anything, the man’s single raised eyebrow stretching the scar running down the left half of his face. Karl thought he saw a glint of gold beneath the divot where the old wound crossed over teeth.
“Karl Jacobs,” Karl looked up in surprise and no small amount of trepidation. The man smirked. He did have a gold tooth beneath the scar, along with an immaculate set of sharp teeth.
“You’ve got quite the appetite.”
“How do you know my name?” Karl squeaked, eyes finding the closest exit.
“I make it a point to know all my guests.” The man said, ignoring his obvious unease and offering him a handshake. “I am Quackity. Are you enjoying El Rapids?”
Quackity. Karl froze, attention snapping fully back to the man. He searched him up and down, and then over again, but there was no recognition on Quackity’s face and Karl… to Karl this man was a stranger.
“I like the food.” He said dumbly, taking the hand.
Quackity’s grip was firm, and then it was gone.
“I can tell. Try chewing next time, this is a high class establishment.”
“Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“Until we meet again, Mr. Jacobs.” Quackity purred, smooth as silk, before he walked away and at some invisible signal the reception started up again. Karl stared after him, before making his escape entirely.
The elevator doors slid shut behind him and Karl closed his eyes, counting up the floors as they passed.
Quackity, Quackity, Quackity, Quackity.
The player had been trapped for as long as he could remember, thrust from one place to the next by a the cruel god in the void. But ‘as long as he could remember’ was a flimsy measurement. Purple static obscured his memories, only the past handful of weeks remained clear. The rest of his past was a notebook written in pencil with its lines erased, and now Karl could only fumble at the pages for impressions of what had been. He thinks he used to write down everything he could remember after a shift, it seemed a logical thing to do, but he didn’t anymore. The voice had wanted him to stop.
A shiver of instinctual dread to runs through his body.
He only had two words, now. The only things he could keep between shifts because at some point he’d carved them into his body. Karl’s hand traced his right arm, where meticulous scars etched pale letters into the flesh. ‘Quackity’ and ‘Sapnap’.
Nothing more than utter nonsense to his ears no matter how long he tried to wrack his brain, and now was no different. Except now he knew Quackity was a NAME. All this time puzzling over anagrams or a hidden message and it was a name. Karl felt sick, frustration and fear clawing up his throat because Quackity was someone he SHOULD remember but COULDN’T. Purple static was the only thing left and his head ached from the effort of trying to clear the fog. All he had was the same creeping dread that followed him everywhere.
Karl had always assumed the words were important, if his past self deemed they shouldn’t be lost. Somehow, those words had to be the key to ending this nightmare. But what if he was wrong? Now that he’d met Quackity and seen the dangerous glint in the man’s eyes... maybe they were meant to be a warning instead.
The elevator let out a cheerful ding and Karl’s stomach lurched as the upward momentum halted and gravity briefly lessened. He didn’t want to feel the weightlessness of a shift ever again.
Two hours later Karl is no closer to answers, and the auction house is a large ornate room covered in gold from one end to the other. One side opens onto a rooftop bar with a crimson seaside sunset but the view was obscured by rich red curtains shortly after Karl slunk past the bouncers at the door. A relieved receptionist had shoved a placard with his name on it into his hand and told him a ridiculously high sum of money that left Karl staring like an idiot at the innocent wooden board. The fresh sea breeze died a minute later along with the guests’ chatter and Quackity himself stepped onto the raised stage in front of the crowd. His golden tooth glittered in the spotlight as a near manic grin split the man’s face and stretched his scar.
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” Quackity boomed, voice filling the room without a mic. “Tonight El Rapids hosts an array of ancient artifacts and priceless magical merchandise for sale, I’d like to give a huge thanks to Ponk for his last minute addition to the docket.”
Karl shifted uneasily. He got the feeling Quackity was angry, but as quickly as the feeling came on it passed. The man’s face hadn’t changed in the slightest.
“Please let me remind you tonight’s auction is limited to the placards present, if you want an item raise your placard! We can see everyone just fine and we know how much money is attached to it. There will be no online or over the phone bidding.”
“As always we are selling under the terms and conditions listed in our catalogue, for those of you joining us for the first time that means you pay every day. You buy an item today you write a check today. That’s just the best way to do it.” Quackity’s eyes locked with his, just for an instant, before they  continued rolling over the crowd.
“I’d also like to thank all you lovely people for your patronage at El Rapids, my humble hotel would be nothing without your patronage and support. Let us begin the 13th Sunset Auction!"
This was a cue to some men off stage to carry in a small box made of black wood, which was placed on a table in front of Quackity’s podium at the man’s nod.
“Our first object of the evening is a treasure taken from the very ends of the Nether, a prize so rare many believe its existence nothing but a wish.”
The lights dimmed at the wave of his hand, and Quackity approached and opened the box with theatrical reverence. He carefully teased a crystal star from its satin confines and raised the shimmering light aloft.
“Let’s start with ten thousand for this nether star!”
Quackity began belting out numbers faster than Karl could track, but he didn’t try terribly hard. Karl didn’t want a nether star, or a conduit, or even a pair of magical wings Quackity named an ‘elytra’. He wanted answers, not treasure.
As the auction continued Karl took a moment to scan the room. In his experience, it was always the people you had to watch out for. His eyes met a piglin’s, and to his dismay the massive hog grinned and began pushing through the crowd. Karl held his ground with some effort as the piglin reached him, the stranger’s size letting him loom over Karl’s human height.
“You’re here for the last item on Quackity’s list, huh?”
Karl gulped.
“I can tell.” the piglin continued, “You aren’t interested in all this fancy stuff.”
“Yeah.” Karl agreed with the hope of appeasing him and ending their conversation. Karl never had that kind of luck.
“How do ya feel about a deal?” The piglin’s tusks flashed as he grinned, “You see that guy over there?”
Karl followed the piglin’s gesture and his blood froze in his veins. Green. There was a man standing in the shadows at the back of the room wearing a green hoodie and a white mask, a simple smile carved into the porcelain. He was clearly not the same man, but Karl recognized that smile. That smile had nearly buried an axe into his back two hours ago.
“Yeah,” Karl said, his mouth dry. “I see him.”
“He’s rich.” The piglin stated bluntly.
“I mean, everybody’s rich here but I know that guy’s richer than me and probably richer than you. I also know he’s here with the express purpose to buy what Ponk found. In fact, I’d reckon this whole shebang is just dressing up to make the sale more ‘legal’. Dream is the type to make things stupidly complicated.” The piglin snorted, shooting the man an unimpressed look before turning back to Karl with a feral grin.
“I, on the other hand, am more partial to chaos. Wanna throw a wrench into an entitled rich snob’s plans?”
“I, um.” Karl hesitated, and the piglin plowed on.
“I’m just suggesting we make a deal, if Dream manages to beat out our individual bank accounts. I combine my money with yours, or yours with mine. Then we split the prize fifty-fifty. Deal?”
“Deal.” Karl said with no idea what he was agreeing to, just wishing the stranger would leave. The piglin shook his hand, his hooves dwarfing the other’s fingers.
“Cool.” The piglin moved off and finally left him alone.
Karl eased his way to the front of the room, as far away from the masked man as he could get, with half an ear out on the items for sale. A bunch of magical stuff Karl had never heard of flew by at the rate of Quackity’s tireless voice, the man yelled out price after price for an hour and never seemed any closer to going hoarse. As time wore on, however, Karl noticed the room begin to change. The other guests had started the auction chatting quietly among each other but that chatter was slowly dying down. The bouncers had come in at the back of the room and doubled in number at some point. Whatever Ponk had found needed extra security.
Karl had a sudden uneasy image of a warden being led on stage, just before the monster broke free during the bidding. That was how things usually went. Karl glanced back at the doors, but he certainly wasn’t going to get any closer to ‘Dream’ until he had to. A large clock on the right wall in the room silently reached ten and the piglin came to stand a few feet away from him. Karl gulped as a complete hush fell over the room.
“And now the moment you’ve been waiting for.” Quackity beamed, gold tooth flashing in a way that made Karl think of nothing so much as a snarl. From stage right two employees wheeled in a box, around two feet long and a foot tall, covered by elaborately decorated silk. With a gesture from Quackity they left the box and cart before the podium and exited stage left. Quackity walked up to the box and unfurled its covering, revealing a fish tank.
Within the small tank a flicker of living flame flashed through the water, trapped inside the glass. It stopped closest to Quackity, and Karl finally saw a tiny mermaid. The little thing glared at the man, bearing its tiny white teeth. Quackity gave the creature the smallest glance before turning his full attention back to the crowd, “Ladies and gentleman our final item. A bone fide’ mermaid.”
He turned to the mer and whispered something. It snarled and crossed its arms, to which Quackity frowned back and poked a finger into the glass, tapping out an enunciation for whatever he said next. The mer continued to glare, but Quackity turned with a smirk. His eyes were dead, and Karl decided then and there the name ‘Quackity’ was a warning. The room’s lighting dimmed, and patrons of the auction gasped in awe as the mermaid’s scales began to shine. Karl watched entranced as the faux firelight rippled over the room, refracted as if through invisible waves. Quackity continued his pitch as the colors danced.
“Smaller than the legends would portray, but nonetheless the genuine article. This creature possesses magical abilities as of yet unknown. Who will be the one to discover his mysteries? The bidding starts at twenty thousand for Sapnap.”
Every placard in the room rose, including Karl’s. The mermaid flinched, eyes darting around before snapping back to Quackity and belting out a silent string of insults. If the little guy was making a sound Karl couldn’t hear him. If Quackity heard anything he made no move to indicate it, the room had erupted into a cacophony of noise the instant the placards rose. Still, Karl would swear on his life that ‘Sapnap’ was talking.
The number he had been told at the entrance was fifty thousand dollars, but Karl’s heart leapt to his throat as the mer’s price jumped to thirty thousand in moments. Several placards fell and Karl caught Quackity calling for a raise of five, then another five. Suddenly all the other placards were down.
“Forty thousand!”
Quackity called, his pace slowing for Karl to easily keep up with. Like everyone else in the room the man was staring at him now, but while the crowd was filled with glares and amusement Quackity just looked mildly confused. Karl steeled his nerves and stared back. The money meant nothing to him, he’d lose it all in the next shift but before then he needed to talk to Sapnap.
“Do I hear forty-five?”
Karl kept his placard up, but Quackity ignored him. He guessed it was because he had the bid for forty.
The rest of the room remained empty of placards and Karl felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.
“Forty-five is out!” Quackity sang and Karl felt a moment of pure relief before the man continued, “Do I hear a forty-four? Forty-three? Two?”
At two a handful of placards rose and Karl’s relief vanished.
“Forty two! Forty two now forty five? Forty-five!”
Quackity gestured to Karl’s placard as it began to tremble, the player’s heart in his throat. No bids for fifty thousand but at forty six the same number of placards raised.
“Fifty!” Quackity finally called, indicating him again. The room had gone dead silent as the guests who had retired from the bidding war looked on, still staring at him. Fifty. The number did not seem like much now. The piglin snorted and gave Karl a shrug, before his placard rose into the air. Quackity looked at placard, then back to Karl with a second of pity, and that was that.
“Fifty five!” The owner’s voice rang out an instant later, picking up its pace once more, and a wave of dismay crashed over Karl.
The bidding war continued but he could only stare at the tiny mer trembling with rage on the podium. Sapnap’s eyes darted from the piglin to the masked man, as each named a higher number, all the while muttering darkly to Quackity or himself, Karl couldn’t tell. Quackity remained impassive beside the small mermaid, continuing to belt off numbers, and yet Karl could tell he was getting angry. Karl didn’t understand that. Surely the more ‘Sapnap’ went for the more money El Rapids made, and Quackity clearly loved gold.
“Seventy!” Quackity finally called, and the piglin’s face fell as the green man held up his placard smugly. The man had drawn a smiley face onto his placard. The piglin turned to Karl and tilted his head, hand casually outstretched as he spoke.
“Alright, spiral guy. Let’s go crazy.”
Karl handed over his placard and the piglin’s voice rose to a yell that deafened the room.
“One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand!”
At this Quackity’s eyebrow visibly twitched, before he repeated the number. Though their play had caught more than Quackity’s attention. With a shiver he realized the green man had gone still, and was staring at him through the dark holes of that pale mask. Karl squared his shoulders and stared back as the piglin grinned and patted him on his shoulder.
For a moment Karl swore the mask’s grin stretched wider, and his heart stopped as the man tilted his head and a fair voice called out, “One Hundred Twenty.”
The piglin’s grin had frozen on his face, then fizzled into a pout.
“Well that’s that then,” He shot an apologetic look to Karl, and changed from patting his back to supporting it. Karl would’ve sank to the floor without him there.
Green. Whenever he got close to an answer, or even just had a moment to breathe, Karl was always confronted with acid green and an empty smile.
<home?> The words flitted through his mind unbidden, a memory or a dream, <but you haven’t found your answers, Karl.>
<You said...> The memory laughed, it’s voice quickly fading back into static <...go back…fix the present.>
“This isn’t even my world.” Karl whispered under his breath, voice hoarse and strange in his ears, “You’re not even giving me my world anymore…”
“Hey. Hey spiral guy. Um. Yeah, that didn’t work out. You are not taking this well.” The piglin’s voice brought him back to the present, where the guests were currently filtering out the doors. Karl saw Quackity pick up the mer and carry him off stage. The nice thing about being displaced in existence? He didn’t need to worry about the long term consequences of robbery.
“W-when?” He clutched the piglin’s arm. “When is Quackity handing him over?”
The piglin gave him an assessing look. “The mer?”
“Is it happening now?” Karl pushed, but the piglin ignored the question.
“It kinda sounds like you know him.” He said slowly, and Karl’s hand clenched.
After a pause the piglin sighed. “No. You have, like, an hour. There’s this big dinner thing first.”
Karl fled. Once he exited the auction house he looked for a way to back stage and spotted a pair of double doors on the side of the hall, beside a potted palm and guarded by two large men he had no hope of slipping past.
A piercing squeal ripped through the air. The piglin had picked up a bouncer and hurled them onto the stage. The guards rushed past Karl a moment later, attempting to tackle the piglin and only managing to dangle off the hog as he rampaged. Karl slipped through the crowd of running and shouting guests and hurried through the double doors. Sure enough the other side was a service hallway. He heard people approaching and rushed into the nearest door, hearing Quackity’s voice hissing a moment later as the man ran past.
“...are you serious?! Get me...”
More people came, and Karl could hear piglin squeals and shouting from the main hall. The noise quickly ended, however, and employees began filtering back past his little broom closet while Karl held his breath. He did not hear Quackity again.
He just needed to get some time alone with Sapnap, just a few hours. Just to talk. Eventually the sounds of people outside became less frequent, until Karl felt confident he could leave and be unseen for at least a little while. The hall was indeed empty when he left it, and Karl walked as quickly as he could, glancing at green rooms and one dance studio. Then he came to a door labeled ‘backstage’ and the room next to it ‘storage’. He carefully cracked open the backstage door but only saw a small, dark area behind the curtains of the stage. Storage, however, was the room he was looking for. Stage props and items from the auction were line up from one end of the room to the other, with a pathway leading to another set of double doors labeled ‘loading bay’.
To Karl’s unease the room appeared abandoned, the only light hidden behind other objects in the middle of the space.
Karl crept inside, noting the path was lined with a strange bouncy material, and looked down to find rubber laid down to prevent scratches on the hardwood floor. The color of it was green. Of course. Swallowing his nerves Karl kept going, noting the box with the wither star as he passed it before he found Sapnap’s tank. It bubbled quietly in the center of the room just off the path, sitting on a sturdy wooden desk strewn with records and receipts. A water filter had been added to the tank along with a heat lamp bathing the cloth in soft warm light. The cover Quackity had used at the beginning of his presentation was back over the glass, hiding Sapnap from view, so Karl carefully reached for it.
“Karl from Kinoko!”
Karl screeched as the floor moved and caught him up in acid green slime. A human face materialized from the sludge and gave him a beaming smile as Karl thrashed about.
“Hello!” It said and Karl gulped. The hold was too strong to escape.
“Wh-what’s Kinoko?” He asked, “And how do you know my name?”
“What’s Kinoko?” What had been the rubber path parroted back in innocent confusion, “You must have been traveling for a long time. I am glad you still remember your name though!”
Before Karl could demand more the thing continued jovially, “My Quackity said I should kill anyone who came in here, but he wouldn’t want me to kill you.”
“What?” Karl’s heart stopped and he squeaked.
“Don’t worry, Karl!” the slime wiggled around him playfully, “My Quackity will come back soon, I triggered a silent alarm when you came in! He’ll know what to do and I’ll let you go.”
“No! I mean, just let me go now.” Karl pushed at the slime ineffectively. “I need to talk to the little mermaid, Sapnap. Please!”
“Hmmm…” The slime seemed to hesitate, before they both heard a tiny tapping sound coming from the tank. “Ok!” The slime chirped, and just like that it grew a human hand from the mass trapping Karl and lifted the cloth, revealing the mer tapping on the glass inside. Sapnap’s eyes were red, Karl saw, the same red as his firey scales. Even without the magic glow the mer’s scales were stunning, but Karl was more focused on Sapnap’s eyes as they darted over Karl then narrowed.
“Um, hi.” Karl said weakly, picking up on the distaste. “I’m Karl.”
The mer made no move to answer him.
“Do you know me?”
Karl asked plaintively and Sapnap swam to the top of the tank, splashing above the water and tapping at the closed top. A series of grating clicks came out of the mer’s throat and Charlie started.
“Oh! Of course. Just don’t jump out.” The slime replied to the strange sounds in English and unlocked the top of the tank. Sapnap pulled himself half way out of the water and proceeded to glare at Karl, spitting out a string of his strange deep clicks, vitrol in every sound. When the mer stopped the slime noticed Karl’s helpless look and said, “My Sapnap says he is very mad because you and Technoblade tried to buy him!” Karl’s heart dropped as the slime poked his face hard and added, “Buying people isn’t nice Karl.”
“I… oh.” Karl went back over the last hour and went pale. “I’m sorry,” he shrank under Sapnap’s accusing glare. “I’m so used to going along with whatever’s happening, I… I didn’t think…Oh god I’m an idiot.”
Sapnap cut him off with a trilling growl.
“My Sapnap says that is a bad excuse, and I agree with him.” The slime said, and poked Karl again while the player wished the floor would hurry up and finish swallowing him. Sadly, the green slime perked up instead and happily exclaimed, “My Quackity is here!” Just before the door opened and Karl felt a fresh bolt of fear jolt through him.
Quackity strode through the door, tilted his head at the strange sight they all must make and gave him another false smile.
“Well, well, well.” His golden tooth flashed as he closed the distance between them, “Hello again, Karl. I’m surprised you’re still alive.” Quackity shot the slime a look and it beamed back. “Hello Quackity! Look! I found a Karl!”
Quackity’s smile softened for an instant before the man sighed and gestured for the slime to let Karl go. “I noticed. Thank you Charlie.”
‘Charlie’ jiggled and receded into the form of a human, allowing Karl to stand on his own two feet. The look Quackity gave him was far less fond.
“You’re a terrible robber. You know that?”
“What?” Karl tensed and Sapnap screeched beside him.
Quackity pinched his eyebrows and turned to the mer. “How many times do I have to say I fucking know, but you’re getting sold anyway. Stop trying to make it my problem!”
“And you!” Quackity whipped back around to glare at Karl. “How did you even get here?”
Karl’s breath rushed out of him. No one had ever noticed his appearing out of the blue before.
“I memorize my guest lists.” Quackity continued, jabbing a finger at him. “You weren’t in our system last week. But lo and behold I can’t find ANY evidence of tampering, even in our physical copies. So me,” Quackity began to chuckle and Karl tried to take a step back. Charlie nudged him and he stayed put. “Being the idiot I am, thought you must be competent. And what do I get?”
He gestured to Karl with a sneer. “Whatever the hell you are. Were you even trying to keep a low profile? TECHNOBLADE was more subtle. And then you walk in here and get CAUGHT.”
Quackity spread his arms wide and cackled. “I should be happy, you know? El Rapids has a reputation to uphold.”
The rant ended as quickly as it began, Quackity falling silent with another quiet curse. He stared at Karl, the light reflecting in his retinas bouncing back an inhuman shade of gold.
“Where did you come from?” Quackity held a veneer of calm and composure that belied some danger about to strike. Karl knew with unpleasant certainty that the man was weighing up whether or not to kill him. He wished he had an answer for him. Instead, the water in the mer’s tank kept up its quiet bubbling and after a moment of tense silence Quackity lazily glanced at the mer still glaring on the lid. “Is he a friend of yours?”
Sapnap’s tail worried at the water behind him, glowering as he clicked out a reply. Behind him Charlie shifted, and Karl held his breath. Quackity and Sapnap stared each other down until the man stepped forward and the mer dived to the bottom of the tank, hissing inaudibly underwater as Quackity loomed over him.
Karl jerked forward but Charlie was there to restrain him, green ooze holding his arms and legs fast.
“Leave him alone!”
To Karl’s surprise Quackity flinched at his shout, before glaring back at him defensively.
“Shut up! If you had done your job I wouldn’t have to deal with this. God damned Hybrid Rights vs The SMP...” The man spat, turning to the tank again and darting his hand into the water quick as a flash. He grabbed the agitated mer and raised Sapnap out of the water with a grimace. This time he ignored the shrieks and chitters in favor of speaking to Karl. “The guy selling Sapnap is an asshole and the buyer is a bastard, but every fucked up thing about this is legal and done in the public eye.”
“However...” Quackity removed a length of fishing wire from his suit pocket and carefully pinned the mer’s flailing arms down.“Despite staying at the hotel Dream has seen fit to handle his own security after the transaction. He’s in room 121. Say that back to me.”
Karl glared as Quackity used more wire to gag the mer. Charlie’s slime tightened around his arms.
“Dream is in room 121.”
Quackity nodded, then dangled Sapnap by the tail and raised him above his head.
“W-wait, what are you doing to him?”
Quackity looked him in the eye and dropped the wriggling mer into his mouth.
Charlie muffled the rest of his shouts and thrashing as Quackity swallowed once, twice, a large bulge pushing out his throat and then vanishing below his suit collar. Sapnap was gone. Just like that. Quackity straightened his collar with a sigh before deigning to meet his horrified stare.
“Relax, will you?” Quackity smirked, yellow eyes glinting like a cat who just ate the canary. “He’s magic.”
With that he placed a keycard on the desk and walked away while Karl hung limply in Charlie’s hold.
“Don’t worry, Karl from Kinoko!” Charlie set Karl down after Quackity left and formed back into the shape of a man in overalls. A pair of ordinary glasses bubbled up and settled on the slime’s nose as he continued, “My Sapnap will be fine. In this reality he is mostly stomach-proof! Isn’t that neat?”
Karl did not move, still staring at the door Quackity had exited. Charlie shrugged after a moment and continued, “My Quackity just wants to hold onto him until our Dream gives us a bunch of money!”
Mind swirling, Karl finally turned and picked up the keycard Quackity had left. It was blank. All Karl wanted to do was leave but as he stepped away Charlie fell upon him again. This time the slime gave him a proper hug instead of restraining him, but the effect was the same. Karl couldn’t remember the last time he’d been hugged, even if he wished the source came from someone less threatening. “I’m so glad I wasn’t asked to kill you, Karl! I hope you are better at rescuing than stealing.”
“Um, thanks. Charlie?” Charlie beamed. “I am a Charlie, yes! Though I am not your Charlie. I should be Charlie from El Rapids, I think. To avoid confusion.”
“Ok.” Karl said, very confused.
The hug ended, and Charlie waved as Karl debated staying before the urge to flee won out and he walked to the door.
“Good luck, Karl from Kinoko!”
Charlie began melting back into a path as Karl stepped outside, and stared blankly down the service hallway he had snuck through mere minutes before. Quackity was gone, along with Sapnap.
The blank keycard trembled in his fingers.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 14 - Haunt [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: It’s always difficult to keep secrets.
Series Masterlist
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Well then.
Apparently this was how civilians dated.
You couldn’t exactly say you were very familiar with it. Your line of work didn’t exactly allow you to date and do normal couple stuff, let alone with a civilian. Spies were easier, you didn’t trust them and you knew they didn’t trust you.
Except for missions, you didn’t have any date nights unless they included going after targets.
That was why posing as a civilian was almost a relief. It was simpler, more fun, more peaceful-
Even happier.
“What do you mean you can’t give me a clue?” you asked, “It’s date night, you’re supposed to give me a clue. Those are the rules.”
“I don’t remember any rule like that.”
You slurped on the milkshake, dangling your legs back and forth on the high seat you were perched on.
“Well, how am I supposed to know what to wear then?”
Bucky tilted his head, eyeing your uniform with a grin on his face and you slapped at his arm playfully.
“Are you serious?”
He held up his hands, gesturing surrender. “I said nothing.”
“I refuse to believe you find this uniform hot.”
“Bucky, just look at this!”
“Believe it or not I’ve been looking at it for some time now.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re so full of it.”
“Oh trust me darling, I’m completely sincere.”
You raised your brows, “How?”
He heaved a sigh and looked like he was considering whether he should tell you or not while you waited patiently.
“When we were—“ he licked his lips, “When—uh, back in the 40s, one of my buddies, he had this poster on the wall of the barrack we were staying in.”
You gawked at him, “A poster of…?”
“A pin up.”
“In this uniform?”
“Almost the same, yeah.”
You let out a clear laugh, “Oh my God, that’s why you reacted like that when you first saw me in this?”
The tips of his ears went pink before he dragged his gaze from yours and you awwed.
“Then it’s only fair if I ask you to return the favor and dress up from 40s.”
“As if you know any—“
“Clark Gable.” You cut him off and scrunched up your face, “Was that too quick?”
“A little, yeah,” he said, “Do you want to try again?”
“….Yes please.”
“As if you know anyone from those times.”
You cleared your throat, trying to play it cool, “I’m just pulling this idea out of thin air, but Clark Gable.”
“I don’t think I can pull off that mustache, Y/N.”
“I mean have you tried?” you asked, narrowing your eyes and he shook his head.
“Stop imagining me with that mustache.”
“You would look good!” you insisted, grinning mischievously and he heaved a sigh.
“Clark Gable? Seriously?”
“Bucky, I’m the one who’s dressed up like a pin up your buddies used to fantasize about, so I feel like you should give me some credit here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Why thank you,” you pointed out, “So? Where are we going?”
“You can ask as much as you want,” Bucky grinned, “It’s not going to work.”
You threw your head back, letting out a whine. “But I want to know!” you said, “Okay, is it inside or outside?”
“A concert!”
“Not a concert.”
You pursed your lips, deep in thought, “…Flea market. You’re taking me to the flea market.”
He pulled his brows together, confusion written all over his face, “You think we used to go to flea markets on a date?”
“In the evening?” he asked and you pouted.
“It would be a romantic evening picnic.”
“Do you want to have a romantic evening picnic?”
You shook your head fervently, “I want whatever you have planned!”
“Nah, I’m putting romantic evening picnic on the list.”
“You have a list?” you asked and he nodded.
“Can I see it?”
You huffed out, making him laugh, “Aw, you’re adorable when you’re frustrated.”
“Bucky!” you whined again, making his smile bigger.
“Yes darling?”
“It’s not fair,” you insisted but before you could say anything else, you heard Tara’s voice.
“Hey lovebirds,” she said, “I hate to interrupt because you two make a beautiful couple, but your break is almost over and I’m going to need some help at the freezer.”
Bucky’s body tensed up beside yours but only for a second, and you pressed your lips together.
Right. Freezer probably didn’t bring up good memories.
“I can help if you want?” Bucky said slowly and you shook your head.
“Nope. Company policy, only staff can go in.” You leaned in to peck him on the lips, “What time will you pick me up?”
“Around 8:30.” He stole another kiss from you and stood up, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you tonight!”
“Have a nice day Tara.”
“You too Romeo,” Tara said as he left the shop and you followed her to the freezer.
“He is so whipped,” she commented, making you grin, “And so are you.”
Your jaw dropped, “Hey!” you said as you helped her with the chocolate milkshake container, “Not nice!”
“I can already picture how cute your children will be.”
You almost dropped the container at the mention but managed to catch it and pull yourself together.
“Oh I don’t think…” you trailed off, trying to ignore the pang at the pit of your stomach, “I don’t think he wants—um, I don’t think we—“
“Aw you really are cute,” Tara said, “Come on now. Are you telling me you never thought about a future with him?”
The image that flashed in front of your eyes was almost taunting you but you bit inside your cheek, then shook your head.
“My last relationship ended really badly,” you explained, “And Bucky has had a rough couple of….”
“Years,” you said, “And everything is pretty complicated, I don’t think that’s possible.”
“Well, do you want it to be possible?”
You pushed your hair back and grabbed the nearest set of jars to put them on the shelf one by one, just so you could keep yourself busy.
“It doesn’t really matter what I want,” you heard yourself say, “It won’t make any difference in the future either.”
“A funfair,” Chloe looked up with a bright smile on her face as soon as you jumped up to sit on her desk. “He’s taking you to a funfair.”
“Wait, really?” you let out a laugh, “Oh that’s cute.”
“Who knew The Winter Soldier could be romantic?” she said, “I’d probably swoon if someone took me to a funfair.”
You could swear Keith appeared out of thin air behind you, “What?”
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed and pressed a hand over your chest, “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Who’s swooning?”
“Barnes is taking Y/N to a funfair,” Chloe said, “Isn’t that romantic?”
“You find funfairs romantic?”
“Keith,” you raised your brows, “Aren’t you busy?”
“Nope, General is talking to Julian so I’m not busy at all.”
You heaved a sigh, “My meeting with him lasted like an hour, how did he let you go so fast?”
“Easy. I’m not the team leader.”
You sipped your coffee, crossing your legs and Keith grinned.
“So, did you tell her yet?”
Chloe frowned, “Did she tell me what yet?”
“Why Barnes stayed over at your place until midnight last night?”
“Y/N!” Chloe gasped, “You promised we would go lingerie shopping before you slept with him!”
“First of all, I didn’t sleep with him, and second of all, Keith nosey neighbor much?”
“It’s literally my job Y/N.”
“What happened?” Chloe asked, barely able to sit straight as Julian walked past you three to check his laptop on an empty desk near Chloe’s. You gritted your teeth, and turned to Chloe.
“You have to tell us!” she said and Keith laughed.
“At least give us a base.”
“Second base?” Chloe offered and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Julian clenching his jaw.
“Nah no way,” Keith said, “The guy hasn’t been getting laid since what? 40s? Third base.”
No bases. None at all, Bucky was a gentleman and seeing that you were quite shaken up last night, he had just held you while you two watched that ridiculous action movie until you could calm down a little.
He hadn’t even asked any questions.
“Do you think he—“
“Y/N,” Julian’s voice cut through Chloe’s, “Can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?”
You pulled your brows together, “About what?”
“The mission.”
You eyed him up and down, then shrugged your shoulders and made your way to the nearest empty room, which happened to be a meeting room. He followed you inside and closed the door behind him as you turned around to look at him, already dreading this conversation.
“So General agrees with me.”
Your head shot up, “I beg your pardon?”
“He agrees that it was quick thinking on my part when Barnes walked in on us arguing,” he said, making you grit your teeth, “Granted it wasn’t idea, but we can turn it around to work on our advantage—“
“Bullshit,” you cut him off, “Are you serious?”
“To repeat, an ex-boyfriend creates an environment of competition,” he said, making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
“Unbelievable,” you said, “You know, just because General doesn’t see through this whole façade doesn’t mean you fool everyone else in here.”
“What façade?”
“Oh give me a break!” you let out a humorless laugh, “This whole teammate trying to be helpful bullshit. You don’t think anyone but yourself, you’ve proven you can’t be trusted and you want to take over this mission.”
“I couldn’t take over this mission if I tried,” he pointed out “I’m not Barnes’ type.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh look at you, you got jokes now.”
“Just saying, I wouldn’t look as cute in that uniform.”
“Fuck you.”
“You’re not taking over my mission.”
“I’m not trying to take over your mission,” he explained patiently, “I’m trying to help you, is that so hard to believe?”
“I think we both know you couldn’t care less about me,” you said, “As that last mission proved.”
The amused, taunting light in his eyes was dimmed in a second as he gawked at you, brows pulled together in confusion.
“What?” he asked after a beat, “You think I don’t care about you?”
You let out a laugh, “I’m sorry, is that a trick question?” you asked, “You sure as hell didn’t care back then.”
He ran a hand over his face, “I think you and I remember that last mission quite differently,” he said, “I did what I had to do—“
“Uh huh.”
“I thought you would do the same,” he insisted, “Y/N, I was trying to get us out of there, just because I beat you to it—“
“I would never!” you snapped at him and he shook his head.
“Have you ever thought maybe that’s a problem?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Why do you think the General put me into this mission?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Are we going to pretend you’re here to do something else other than spying on me and reporting it back?”
“No, that’s not my mission,” he said, “I’m here to make sure you don’t do what you always do.”
“What, nailing the mission?”
“Running headfirst into danger,” he said, “You ran into world’s most dangerous assassin whom you’re playing the honeypot for, and any other spy would get the fuck out of there but what did you do? You taunted him. Twice.”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but I know Bucky better than you or the General—“
“You mean the Winter Soldier?”
“…Yeah,” you corrected yourself, “Yeah I know the Winter Soldier better than you two do. Better than anyone here.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, “I don’t know who told you otherwise, but not your every decision is right on missions. You keep taking unnecessary risks because you think it’s fun.”
“Maybe. But hey, at least I don’t leave people to die.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked and he closed his eyes for a moment as if it was way too difficult for him to hear and opened them again.
“I didn’t leave you to die, Y/N.”
You scoffed, “Alright,” you said, walking to the door, “We’re done here—“
“Are you sleeping with him?”
Your hand on the doorknob froze and you looked over your shoulder, “I’m sorry?”
“Are you sleeping with Barnes?”
“Who wants to know?” you asked, “You or the General?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah. If it’s you, I can ask why it’s any of your business.”
He shifted his weight, suddenly dragging his gaze from yours.
“I just…” he murmured, “I don’t like it.”
You paused for a moment, trying to wrap your head around the idea before you clicked your tongue.
“Well that’s a relief,” you stated, “I don’t give a fuck what you like.”
With that, you swung open the door and left the meeting room, not even looking back once.
In your defense, when you went to bed for a nap you didn’t think that 15 minute nap would turn into a whole two hours. You were still groggy by the time you woke up and your hair was a mess and you still had no idea what to wear and—
You were starving and way too thirsty.
You stretched out as you walked to the kitchen, still trying to pull yourself together but it was already dark outside so it was making things even worse. You flipped the switch and opened the fridge to grab the water bottle, uncapping it and taking big gulps. After you were done, you took out two slices of bread and peanut butter and jam, then quickly made a sandwich to take a bite. Leaning back, you let out a sigh and eyed the gun on the table.
You had a feeling the General would send you on another night mission soon.
You took another bite of your sandwich but your head shot up when you heard the doorbell ring and you almost dropped the water bottle but caught it mid-air.
“Shit…” you whispered and grabbed the gun to put it in the kitchen cabinet, and placed the sandwich on the plate, then made your way to the door to open it.
A fond smile pulled at Bucky’s lips as soon as he took in your disheveled appearance, “Hello there Dracula.”
“I’m so sorry,” you tried to fix your hair, “I…I was taking a nap and then I didn’t hear my alarm and—“
“Don’t worry about it darling,” he said, “You look beautiful.”
“I look like a mess,” you corrected him, scrunching up your nose and stepped aside so that he could walk in. He pulled you closer to peck you on the lips.
“Hi back,” you smiled up at him and made your way to the kitchen with him following you suit.
“I’m just going to finish this and then I’ll get ready in like ten minutes, promise!”
“Not a problem,” he said as you jumped up to sit on the counter, dangling your legs, “If you want to stay in tonight—“
“No no!” you interrupted him, “I want to go to…um, wherever it is we’re going. Do you want some?” you held up the sandwich, “I could make you one too.”
Bucky stepped closer to you to take a bite of your sandwich, making you giggle.
“I mean do you want your own?”
“You’re not good with sharing?”
“Nope,” you shook your head, still smiling as he put his palms on the counter either side of your legs, caging you in.
“Nuh uh.” You said, then leaned in to peck him on the lips again before you pulled back to take a bite out of your sandwich.
“How was your day?” you asked, and he heaved a sigh.
“Mm, uneventful.”
“Uneventful can be a nice change.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah I mean…at least your ex doesn’t show up out of nowhere,” you paused for a moment, “Or in your case, doesn’t escape from nursing home.”
He chuckled, his thumbs caressing the soft skin of your legs, making you distracted for a moment as the warmth filled you again.
“Did he visit you again?”
You tried to focus and looked up at him, “Hm?”
“Oh,” you made a face and shook your head, “No. No but something tells me that wasn’t the last time I saw him.”
“Really?” he said, “I still feel like the next time he shows up you should let me know so that I can—“
“I already know what you’re going to say, and no.”
“What was I going to say?”
“Some macho showdown nonsense,” you said with a laugh, “Seriously. I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can,” he said with a sigh, “But the guy said and I quote, he would take you away from me, so forgive me if I want to have a talk with him.”
You rolled your eyes, “No one is taking anyone from anyone,” you said, “Number one, we don’t live in Stone Age. Number two, I’m quite happy with who I am dating now.”
A small smile curled his lips, “Are you?”
“I mean,” you heaved a dramatic sigh, “I would be happier if my date told me where we’re going but can’t win ‘em all.”
You pressed a kiss on his cheek and jumped down.
“Okay, I’ll be ready in a couple of minutes, knock yourself out,” you said, “There’s beer in the fridge if you want.”
“Thanks,” he said and you walked to your bedroom to open your closet, then grabbed a dress and put it on. After quickly doing your make up, you found the lipstick you were looking for and started applying it.
“Darling do you have a bottle opener?”
“Yes, it’s in the kitchen cabinet!” you called out and checked your reflection in the mirror before your mind caught up to what you had just said. Panic crashed into you, knocking the breath out of you and you dropped the lipstick to rush to the kitchen.
“Bucky wait—“ you started but as soon as you saw the open cabinet, your stomach dropped. He looked at you over his shoulder with a frown on his face, then turned around and held up your gun, making you swallow thickly.
“So,” he said, his gaze pinning you to your spot. “Anything you would like to tell me?”
Chapter 15
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Obey me reaction to you have piercings/tattoos
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Lucifer: Having thought he noticed every little detail to everything and anything which only added on to the whole pride thing, Now only feeling flabbergasted by the fact he didn’t even realize your simple nose piercing that you’d had since you first came to devildom nor did you even really try to hide it but it was just a simple small thing you didn’t even worry about. Watching as Lucifer held a soft pout on his lips as he looked at your face before letting out a soft laugh and asking him what was his problem only for him to furrow his brows “just wanting to make sure there’s nothing else your hiding from me” then finally smiling as he watched you laugh more sure at his expense but still cute or whatever.
Mammon: Chuckling to himself as he continued to tickle you on the hard ground of outside then finally giving in while holding his hands up to show he would as you had begged him to stop, Smiling widely to himself as he watched you get your breathing back under control and wipe your eyes free from tears before looking down seeing your shirt had rode up then gripped your waist as you had try to fix yourself up more “no no no what’s that?” Pointing at the ink on you and listened as you explained it to him before his fingers started tracing over it lightly with a smile “it’s pretty just like you”he said with a soft blush.
Leviathan: Excitedly sitting down next to you as he started the newest episode to an anime you were watching together and giving some commentary inbetween breaks you both took, Looking over at you once it was over listening to you about what you had thought about it before seeing something shiny in your mouth before blushing and shaking his head at you “U-um Mc?” Listening to you hum before feeling his ears heat up as well “You have something shiny in your mouth why?” Blushing harder as you giggled before sticking your tongue out at him showing off your piercing and giggled more at his eyes widen in surprise. Stammering more over his words before taking a deep breath and smiling at you “i like it” he said before asking you questions about it.
Satan: Answering the knock on his door even though he was still seated at his desk writing notes down before looking over seeing you, Smiling at you and asking what you had needed before nodding his head until he saw something dark on your arm then asked to see it and held your arm gently in his hands as he let his fingers glide over it then looked up at you “normally i would ask what you did to get yourself in such a mess but i do believe this to be something else than something from a witch” watching as you smiled and nodded your head telling him it was in fact a tattoo then what it meant. Nodding his head as he listened to you before slowly letting go of your arm “Beautiful meaning for a beautiful soul”he said while going back to his work.
Asmodeus: Giggling to himself as you both messed around in his bed until he sat up teasing you as he moved your shirt up some only to keep it up as he saw you had a belly piercing, Letting out a soft ooh and awe with a large smile to the point his eyes closed before saying “i love it it’s so cute maybe i should get one” Letting out a gasp before looking at you “we could match them oh that’d be so cute” Getting up from his spot to grab his phone to start looking as he rambled to you all the cute ones you both should get not only to match but to show off with cute outfits.
Beelzebub: Shrugging his shoulders as he was being asked how he had never noticed such a thing about you before by Solomon and the Angels who just also noted the combo of a small tattoo and piercing, Smiling down at you “i don’t know maybe i have and just didn’t think about it much” Watching you laugh at everyone’s reactions about something so small before softly asking why you choose those things for yourself while nodding along loving how excited you clearly got about them.
Belphegor: Rubbing his eyes as everyone made their way to the dinner table for a meal together he nodded as everyone said hi before looking at you as his eyes fully cleared up, Raising an eyebrow at you but keeping quiet until you finally broke asking him what he was looking at or if you had something on your face only for him to shake his head at your question “Just never really noticed the tattoo you had but it’s delicate looking on you it’s nice i like it” Going back to eating his food as if nothing had happened and even ignored his brothers when they tried making jokes about what just happened.
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