#since. again. i have not watched wakanda forever.
Every issue the MCU has ever had stems from the fact that they were, are, and will continue to be completely unwilling to commit to the bit!
Let mfs be evil! Let mfs be unrepentant! Fuck the justifications! Doom is gonna suck unless they cut that out
YEAH like i do hate the "oh all the villans have to be Sympathetic" trend so much, combined with the. they still have to be The Bad Guys. like its... trying to be complex and interesting while also disallowing your heroes to ever have to deal with the fact that they are maybe not always the best people in situations
like you CAN do good villans with justifications - like, victor DOES have his justifications, he just also doesn't ever pretend to be anything he's not. does he have his reasons? yes. are some of them even like... good reasons (protecting his country, trying to save his mom, also protecting. all of earth (mcu adapt dicks out for bast challenge 2k23)) but that doesn't mean he doesn't do horrible things about it.
like im litterally So afraid of what mcu could do to victor because he IS incredibly complicated and he is an evil manipulative bastard but hes also incredibly complicated and CAN very much be a good person and do good things and mcu is good at Fucking None Of That. like!!!! there's so many things about victor that can even seem contradictory at times and there's so many parts of him that are Essential to who he is as a person (childhood as an outcast even within a persecuted group of people, experiencing a tremendous amount of violent oppression, the murder of his parents, the drive he has to save his mother's soul, the drive he has to save his country, the fact that he's a magician and a scientist and genuinely almost unmatched at both of these, like so many victor adaptations just... drop the magic thing entire) that i do not think mcu will do well with at all! fucking for all we know they're gonna make him sokovian and like NO! FUCK YOU!
like, god stane was an incredible villan for a lot of reasons and they have, genuinely, not done anything even close to him since. which makes me worried for anyone who is a villan going further in the mcu. also REALLY not feeling good about you know, the general treatment of romani people after everything to do with wanda, and i'm not saying that is the kind of villan victor is at all because it's really really not but like, still.
hopefully i will be pleasantly suprised and they do a good casting of an actual romani actor and make him as evil and complicated and weirdly altruistic as he should be
but likely... no
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ackermental · 2 years
I've just seen Wakanda Forever and despite its few flaws it was a great movie expierience. It made me truly tear up at the end.
Best thing about this event though, was at the very beginning when this French lady of the UN showed up on the screen, and I shit you not, before she even opened her mouth the whole cinema was laughing out laud and we were pissing ourselves when she started talking about solidarity 🤣🤣.
It was a fun night!
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known
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pairing: spiderwoman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: after miguel’s fight with miles, you confront him in his office
warnings: this whole thing is basically one big argument there’s SO much angst, implied suicide attempt, HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, im projecting a little in some parts of this ngl (i cried writing a certain section of this, you'll know it when you read it lmao), mentions and descriptions of blood, gore, and death
word count:  4.1k
notes: i watched the movie yesterday…and miguel is on my mind. but i remember reading this namor x reader fanfic after i watched wakanda forever of a similar idea to this and i loved it so this is HEAVILY inspired by that fic, but just make it miguel. i would link it but ngl that was so long ago and i dont remember the author. if i end up finding it again ill put it here. also, just pretend miguel has been doing this whole spider society thing for a couple of years at least, it just needs to work like that for this ik its probably not canon but just roll with it lmao. and yes the title is a taylor swift lyric im so glad you noticed (im so sorry she's in my brain rn with the eras tour)
The anger boiled up inside your chest as you stormed your way across the lobby. Hundreds of different Spider-Man variants were scattered across the area, some more injured than the others. It sickened you sometimes. How he had so many people under his grasp and just decided to throw some of them at the walls sometimes, not caring how hard they hit the floor because they were all just ammo to him. How despite his denials of it, that’s probably what your role was to him as well. Nothing more than a bullet in his massive machine gun.
You normally tried not to think about it, how his determination towards his goal sometimes meant lack of care for others. But this time he had just gone too far. You always had a soft spot for Miles, watching closely on him whenever Miguel would let you go though scanners of all the different variants. You admired his struggle, but eventual success to taking up the previous Peter’s mantle, and always hated how Miguel talked about him. You knew there was no way Miles could’ve asked for any of this. For the pressures and struggles of being a Spider-Man, for everything causing such a strained relationship with his parents, for the death of his uncle, and for what will be the eventual death of his father. You definitely didn’t.
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Ok lets do this one last time. Eh, whatever, there’s probably gonna be 50 other introductions after this one so it doesn’t really matter.
Being Earth-837’s Spider-Man has never been easy. Especially since you were bit when you were only 13 (another reason you sympathized with Miles and Gwen). Your life had followed the order of canon events to a perfect T, your older brother killed in a fight with a robber only two months after you were bit. You tried to overcome the burden of your powers by trying to live as normal of a teenage life as possible, but it was mostly in vain, having to give up multiple friendships and relationships in fear of those you love getting hurt. This was only elevated when your boyfriend Peter was murdered in the crossfire of an encounter with Doc Ock. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. What you had done to deserve all of this. All you did was just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You wonder sometimes what would happen if someone was in the same place you were when you got bit. If someone else went to the closed down area of that museum and ran into that spider. That stupid spider that ruined your life. Those thoughts slowly started to disappear for a bit. For a few years things were easy. Things seemed like they were finally going in your favor.
You were 25 when it happened. The last canon event. Ever since you were a little girl you hated your mother’s job. Losing nights of sleep over if she would come home or not. She always did though. She was good at her job. Too good though. Good enough to get promoted to police captain, which for who you were, was basically sealing her fate. She saved so many people that day. You were too busy fighting Venom to notice how much collateral damage you were causing in the process. Your mother’s job was to evacuate all the citizens away from the fight. She died shielding a child from incoming debris. A noble way to go. But god was it gruesome. You found her after the fight was over, two metal poles impaling her. One through her stomach and one straight through her face, pools of blood growing bigger below her as she was left there, all the paramedics busy trying to save the heavily injured. You froze when you finally recognized her, unable to at first due to how mutilated her face was from the pole. Suddenly, you were transported back to being a six year old, falling asleep outside the door to your mother’s bedroom so you would know exactly when she would come home. Purposefully falling asleep in her arms so that she couldn’t go anywhere.
When you used the key she had given you to get into her apartment that night, and you slept in her room, desperate to intake anything left of her before she was fully gone. You doused yourself in her perfume so it still felt like she was standing right behind you. You had always loved her smell. The smell of vanilla, curl product, and fancy perfume. They were attached to memories you had of her. Trying on her heels when you were a kid to try and be fancy like her. Smelling her hair in the morning before school to comfort you before she left for work. Despite all of this bringing you comfort, all it really did was cause further denial in your heart. That one day you were gonna hear the keys clacking in the keyhole to your apartment one more time. That’s all you really wanted. You would give everything up in a heartbeat just to hear her police scanner go off one last time. But it wasn’t going to. And it was your fault. Deep down you knew it was. You should’ve done a better job controlling the debris. You had always been a messy fighter, but you didn’t know it was going to mean anything until it was too late. 
How you got up to the top of that building is still a blur to you to this day. But next thing you know, you were looking at the New York City skyline from the very top of the Empire State Building. And at the very edge too. You heard some sounds behind you, but you just decided it was the wind howling from how high up you were. You were just so tired. Everything and everyone you loved was cursed all because of you. And with your mother as the most recent victim, you decided you finally had enough. You took a deep breath, eyes overflowed with water, as you set your foot forward.
Your plummet was interrupted by a sudden contact you felt to your forearm. Shock filled your body as you turned around to look at what had stopped your attempt. The blue hand was massive, nearly wrapping back around onto itself as it held onto you for dear life. You finally looked up at face that the hand belonged to. The mask that covered the massive figure was a strange one. Blue with strange red silhouettes for the eyes. It kind of reminded you of…your own costume? That couldn’t be though there was no way. This must be the afterlife or something. You already jumped and that's why you didn’t remember your way up to the top. This was some kind of creature trying to stop you from jumping down to hell below. His breaths were heavy and loud, almost like he was desperate to stop you. This convinced you that this was real, which caused you to try to escape from his grip. He was stronger than you, and was putting up a huge fight. You were slick though. Once you were out of his hand, you closed your eyes and quickly made your jump. Everything flashed before your eyes. Your brother, Peter, your mom. You were hoping to see them soon. This was very quickly interrupted again when you suddenly stopped falling. Something had attached itself to your stomach. You opened your eyes. A web? This web was much different than yours though. It was glowing a bright, neon orange.
The man was holding onto the end of it tightly with both hands. His mask then disappeared to show his face. His was long, matching how big the rest of his body was, defined cheek bones sticking out. Brown wavy hair slicked back with a few loose strands flying out in the wind. The look of desperation on his face stook out most of all. Why did he care so much? He didn’t know you, and you definitely didn’t know him. “Let me pull you up. Please,” he said to you between shaky pants. You stared at him for a bit before nodding. He slowly pulled you up with the string of his web, each move more careful than the last. As soon as your feet were planted safely back on the roof of the building, he wrapped you up in his massive arms. You appreciated the gesture, but you didn’t return it, still very confused about why he was so concerned. He was so big around your body though, you couldn’t help but feel a little comforted, feeling his still shaky breaths against the hairs of your neck. Soon after, he clicked on some buttons on his neon orange watch and led you into a portal.
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The rest is history. You’re grateful he found you that day. It allowed you to meet so many people, Peter B., Jess, Gwen, Hobie, Ben, Pavitr, Margo. They all related to you and you felt like you could share things with them that you couldn’t do with anyone else. You had grown especially close to Peter and Jess, both of them having been in the game for a long time, just like you. They both knew how you felt, having lost so much and growing so tired after so many years. Peter even named you as Mayday’s godmother when she was born, a gesture that caused you to nearly kill him with your hug. Miguel though was different. He wasn’t nearly as social as the rest of your friends, but you found yourself having much more intimate moments with him (in more ways then one). You eventually found out why Miguel was so concerned for you the day you met. He had taken interest in your abilities early into looking for variants for his little “project”, but refrained from roping you into something so dangerous while you were still in your teens.
Once you were old enough though, he started paying more and more attention, hoping to catch you in a fight and recruit you then. But he was always pulled away with more important duties to attend to. That was until he witnessed your canon event. He had seen it happen so many times before through his scanners. It was going to happen. It had to in order for your universe to not collapse in on itself. But for some reason, yours hurt more than the rest to him. Especially how you coped with it. Seeing you wrap yourself up in her blankets and clothes broke his heart. He knew where this would lead to. That’s why he was there that day. To save you. He had to, or he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. You got your own watch immediately, along with your own room in the Spider Society headquarters. He stayed close with you for the first month of you being a member of the team. When he wasn’t out on missions, he was with you. You didn’t really know what to label you two as, but whatever was going on, you liked it. And he did too.
That is until Miles came into the picture. Once Miles was bit, all hell broke loose for Miguel. He was always in some alternate dimension catching some Spider-Man villain who got out and rangled them back over here, falling back over to you more beat up and bruised than the last time. You couldn’t imagine how much stress he was under, the fate of the entire multiverse up to him. You had some ways of helping him relieve his stress, but you wish you could convince him that he wasn’t alone in this. But nothing ever got through to him. He had become distant, aloof even. You tried bringing it up to Jess every so often, but she would just brush it off.
“That’s how he’s always been.” Not to you he hasn’t. This week has been hell though. With Spot making it over to Miles, Miguel had been going into rages all week. You had put up with it for now, but that was all about to stop. Watching how harsh he was being on Miles, throwing so many Spider-Men at an innocent boy, risking all of their lives in the process. Disregarding everything Gwen and Peter were feeling and then throwing Gwen back into her broken world with nothing. He had gone too far. No one else was going to stand up to him about it, so you knew it had to be you. Maybe he would listen, maybe he wouldn’t. It didn’t really matter. He just needed to hear it.
“It’s not worth it you know.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, stopping you in your tracks. “You know how stubborn he gets over these things,” said Jess, trying to convince you to save your breath. “I don’t care. I have to at least try,” you responded, monotonically. “I just don’t understand how you can follow him so blindly and not see what he’s doing is wrong.” “Because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just gonna stand by and let some kid’s stupid decisions destroy another Earth,” Jess argued. “He’s just trying to save his dad, I can’t understand how that makes him such a bad person,” you said, finally turning around to face her, shocked when she was closer to you than expected.
“You know exactly why. Don’t be so naive, y/n,” she shot back. “You can’t stop me,” you said staring straight into her. She shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.” She began to walk away. You did to, until you heard her say. “You don’t know how much he cares for you.” You turned around to face her again, but her back was still to you, her head tilted ever so slightly to look at you. “If you really do care for the kid, watch what you say to Miguel right now. Cause you might just give him the final push he needs to do what needs to be done.” You didn’t give her a response, and just simply kept walking. You felt Jess’ eyes on your back as you entered the elevator to get up to Miguel’s office.
The elevator ride up felt longer than it should’ve, as you tried to gather all of your thoughts and emotions together so even if he didn’t listen, your words would still stick with him in some way. You didn’t necessarily want to hurt him (though your fists were telling you otherwise), but you did want him to be aware of what he’s done. Once the doors finally opened, all of that work flew out the window as rage took over your body again, seeing Miguel up there looking at the scanners. The fact that he looked just as normal as he always does made you furious. It’s like nothing happened.
“You know, I could hear you coming in from the lobby,” he said, almost stopping you in your tracks. You hated when he did that. Claiming that he knew what your every move was going to be. Like you were under his control or something. “Yeah, well then you must’ve heard me talking to Jess, which means you know exactly what this is about,” you shot back, stopping to where you could see him perched up there. “Why don’t you just save me the conversation about morality and just come up here and kick my ass already. It’ll save both of us time,” he said, not even taking his eyes off the scanners to look down at you. This only added to your fury. “That’s not what I’m here for Miguel, so don’t you dare try to twist my words here. What you did to that kid was fucked up and you know it.” “Oh yeah, then why didn’t you try to do anything to stop me?” he questioned.
“Because I’m not stupid Miguel. I’m not gonna try to take down hundreds of Spider-Men at once.” “Oh, cause you’re so much better than that?” This wasn’t like him at all. That gentle, kind, and caring Miguel you once knew was gone, taken over by some sort of personal vendetta he had against Miles. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this all needs to stop before it gets taken too far. You’re getting into a fight you can’t win. That kid’s strong and so are his allies. And if you go any further into this, I won’t be here to help you.” He stayed still and only turned his head to look at you. “And what makes you think that you’re so important to my plan that it’ll fall apart if you leave? Have you really become that pretentious?”
Your body froze. Have I really? No no no, that’s exactly what he wants. If you begin to doubt yourself now, you’ll stay and nothing will change. You knew you were right. He was trying to crumble you down, but you wouldn’t let that happen. “And you really think that one kid is going to ruin something that you’ve been working for for years? How insecure you’ve become.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, turning back away from you. You did the same, wiping off your face in anger. “I hate it when you do tha-,” you said as you turned back around, but were cut off to find Miguel standing there right in front of you. He was close. Too close to your liking, although in any other circumstance you would’ve found this attractive.
He tilted his head up, but his eyes were down staring daggers into yours. You hated how much he tried to make himself seem more superior to you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he repeated, this time slower as if you were a child. “He’s just a kid Miguel,” you said in a low, quiet voice. “An anomaly. And a dangerous one at that.” “God Miguel, all he wants to do is protect his dad, do you know how insane you sound right now?” you said letting out a slight laugh when you finished. You backed away from him a little. “He doesn’t know how much damage he’ll do with this. Saving his father will only prolong the inevitable. His world will be gone within hours if he does this. All I’m trying to do is make him understand,” he tried to explain. “By trying to kill him.” “You always have to exaggerate the situation,” he said palming his face. “But that’s essentially what you’re trying to do isn’t it? Why not snuff out the problem entirely by taking him out!”
He signed and began to walk away while you were talking, bringing up your anger even more. “Yeah, use all the power you’ve accumulated over the years and just take out the small problem! Except this isn’t just a fly on the wall Miguel. This is a child! An innocent boy who didn’t ask for any of this to happen to him, just like how we didn’t. I get it, I’m sorry that this job is stressful, I really am. But that gives you zero right to act the way you are!” You were screaming at him at this point. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want your emotions to get the best of you. But he was being too stubborn. This was the only way you thought you could get to him. You might not have wanted to, but you needed to hurt him now. It was the only way.
“You can’t be so power blind that you refused to accept the fact that there could be a way around Captain Davis’ death. You said we saved Earth’s before, I’m sure we could do it again.” Your anger only kept rising when he kept walking away and didn’t respond. “This is a personal thing isn’t it?” you asked calmly. You knew it was working now when he stopped walking. “Yeah, it it. You won’t let Miles get his happy ending. Because why should he be pardoned of his burden while the rest of us have suffered so much. While you’ve suffered so much.” The answer to your question was confirmed when Miguel stayed silent. “Just because you didn’t get the life you wanted Miguel, doesn’t mean you have the right to stop other people from getting theirs.”
You knew you overstepped the line when Miguel turned around and started walking towards you, fury burning in his crimson eyes. “Yeah, so what! What if that is what this is all about! You should know better than anyone how much this job takes away from you!” he screamed at you, backing you up into a wall. “Why should he get to be let off so easily, while people like you and me have to suffer so much? Don’t try to turn me into the villain here when I know you’re thinking the exact same thing, y/n.” He wasn’t entirely wrong. You had wondered it at some points. “I won’t let you turn this onto me Miguel, this is about you,” you fired back. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily. I know you’re thinking it. And you’re right. Why should Miles get let off so easily when you’ve lost so much.” He held your hands in his, trying to connect to you. “And you have mi vida. You’ve had so much taken from you and it’s unfair. Why should he only have lost one person when you’ve had three taken from you. Your brother, Peter, your moth-.”
He was cut off by your hand striking against his face in a harsh blow. “If you’re smart, and I know you are, you’ll keep those three out of them. I won’t let you drag their names through the dirt for something as stupid as this.” You both stood there for a while, both of your eyes looking towards the ground, hoping it would open up to swallow you both as an escape from this god awful conversation. You never wanted it to come to this. In all honesty, you cared for Miguel. You might’ve even loved him, if you were even capable of doing such a thing. You hoped he felt the same way about you, but in a job like this, he always had at least one wall up around you. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. You were too tired to keep trying for something that was most likely going to fall apart in the end. 
“You’re still going after him aren’t you?” you asked, finally breaking the silence. Miguel looked back up at you. “You can’t ask me not to. You know better than anyone why this is so important to me.” He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed your forehead gently. You let it sit there for a minute out of habit before pushing it off your face. “And you must know why I can’t stay anymore then.” His shoulders dropped. “Whatever this thing between us is. It’s over. I can’t stay beside someone who can’t see what he’s doing is wrong.” Miguel’s dropped hand turned into a fist of anger. “Fine,” he spat in your face. “I don’t need someone like you in my way. You’re just a liability to this anyways.” He began to walk away from you back to his scanners. “Just don’t come crying back over to me when your little plan doesn’t work out, cause I won’t help you.” He used his webs to pull himself back up to the platform to keep looking for Miles. You stood there for a second, gathering yourself.
Five years. Out the door just like that. It bewildered you how easily a bond like you two had could be broken all because of one teenager. You began to make your way for the door before you said. “When this is all over…don’t try to find me.” He didn’t respond. Once the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside, desperate to get away from him. So many thoughts rushed through your head as the doors closed and you sunk down back to the lobby to leave. You didn’t have much of a plan. This could end up being a horrible idea. Your gut told you it was the right thing to do though. And that was enough for you. You walked out of the headquarters lobby with a new heart and a new mind, ready to take action for your new plan.
First though, you had to find Gwen.
a/n: god that took longer than it should've. dw dw i'll do a part 2 if enough people ask for one. im not 100% sure how im gonna do a part 2 cause yk....idk how beyond the spiderverse is gonna go so tbh, we're just gonna make it go the way i want lmao. thanks for reading, ik this was kind of a long one lmao
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legends-of-apex · 2 years
Heaven is Here | Namor x Reader
Rating: M (implied smut, implied nudity, intimacy)
Word Count: 1,150
Summary: Just a short little slice of life fic in which Namor finally has the time to pay the reader, a surface dweller, a visit for the first time in months. Some fluff and implied smut. No spoilers for Wakanda Forever. Reader is gender neutral.
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You could never tire of seeing him emerge from beneath the rolling waves. The ocean clung to him as an old friend, sticking his dark, water-laden hair to his scalp. He raised a hand, his golden bracers glinting off the sun at his back, and ran his fingers back through his hair. As his hair parted between his fingers, saltwater streamed down his neck to pool in the dips of his collarbones and make a riverbed of his torso.
The water lapped at his waist now, twinkling off his golden waistband as his spear sank into the sand with each firm step. When his chin tilted, eyes adjusting to the scorching light of the sun instead of the darkness of his home, you began walking toward him with barely contained restraint.
He strode with strong steps as he always did. He had the walk of a king, a man with the weight of an entire people on his broad shoulders. By some miracle, he was strong enough to bear that weight. As the sweet sound of you calling his name reached his ears and your blurred figure became clear he started walking more quickly, forcefully towards you. The water parted with each forceful stride of his thighs, sending sea spray along his warm skin.
He reached you just as the pads of your feet began to slap against the shallow water and he gathered you into his arms before you had a chance to say anything. He hooked your knees over his hips to anchor you to him, so he could bury his face in your shoulder and hold you against him as firmly as he dared. His green and golden spear lay abandoned in the shallow water, forgotten in his eagerness to hold you in his arms.
It was so long since you’d last seen him. He told you if not this waxing crescent then the next and you’d watched the moon more than you’d ever care to admit every day since he left.
“I have missed you, my love.” He spoke into your neck between feverous kisses.
“I’ve missed you too.” You replied with a shaky breath, his hair glided through your fingers at the back of his head, too slippy to grip from saltwater.
You wrung your arms around his neck for balance and clung to him like a vine upon an ageing tree. You pulled back from him for a moment to look him in his beautiful brown eyes but he barely let you for pressing his warm lips to yours. You felt the cold jade of his septum piercing against your cheek, its perfectly polished surface contrasting with the soft prickle of his facial hair upon your skin.
Oh, how you had missed the sweet sound of his voice and the slight taste of salt upon his lingering lips.
He carried you a few feet until he could shake the water from his wings and lay you back against the soft golden sands. As the waves kept rolling in, he knelt between your legs and kissed you again so passionately you could barely breathe. You were both so needy, so hungry for one another that the setting almost escaped you.
“Not here,” You whispered, as his lips trailed down your neck so cherishingly. “Once you start I won’t want you to stop.”
"As you wish." He replied with a smile as he lifted you back into his arms again and began walking in the direction of your quaint seaside home.
He’d have had you on that beach for the blue skies and the sun to see if you’d asked. He’d have pushed back the tide, let it swallow all but the altar of dry sands you lay upon and the grains that filled your grasping fists. You’d have laid there for hours uncaring even as the sun began to scorch your skin. It wouldn't have mattered so long as you were together.
When you reached home he made love to you as sweetly and as gently as he had the first time. He always did when he’d been away for so long. Despite his need for you, all he ever wanted to do was cherish you having not had the pleasure of feeling your flesh on his for so long. When his head wasn’t buried between your legs his forehead barely left your own, only to kiss your lips or your neck.
When you were finished, laying there basking in one another, he tugged you into his lap and enveloped you in his big arms. Those arms that wrenched sunken ships from their watery graves and tamed orcas now held you so delicately. These were the moments he craved the most when he was away from you. There was something otherworldly about the peace that washed over him as he heard your breath return to normal, your heartbeat evening out.
"I've really missed this with you." You told him as he trailed his lips along your bare shoulder, treasuring every inch of your skin.
"I can’t apologise enough for leaving you so long.” His voice grew quiet so he barely spoke. His mind weighed heavily with guilt.
“There’s no need to be. Your people need their king. I know that.” You settled back against him even more in an effort to console him, a hand on his upper arm, his broad chest at your cheek. He held your face and encouraged you to look up at him, to gaze at his watering eyes. You covered his hand with your own out of habit and he hummed a sound so deep it sent a shiver through you.
“And their king needs you, my love.” He brought your knuckles to his lips before pressing your palm flat against his chest, right over his heart, so you knew he meant it, “I’ll always come back to you.”
His warm hand moulded your hand to his chest, his heart beating slow and steady. You may not have been one of his people but he loved you and wanted to be there to protect you just as much. The tides would have to carry him home again soon, back to his duties and his people who he loved so much. He’d leave just before morning light and be back before anyone would even notice he was gone. But for now, he was happy just laying with you and holding you in his arms, free of the oceans weighing heavy on his shoulders.
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syrma-sensei · 1 year
→ Love Underwater.
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gif credit.
pairing: namor of talokan x queen!reader.
rating: fluff.
warning: spoilers for black panther: wakanda forever.
The King lets out a light grunt when you slip his large necklace off after you took his cape off of his shoulders, revealing the gills on the two crooks of his neck. He tilts his head, cracking the bones of his neck, and you giggle when his lips graze the knuckles of your fingers. Then, you click each of his arm bracelets open, removing and putting them on the adorned tray for the servants to pick up later when you're done.
You massage the muscles of his arms and shoulders, and he groans approvingly. Hands trailing down to his abdomen, unclasping his large belt from around his refined waist. You never let the servants undress the King when he retires to his chambers; a job you've taken it upon yourself since the day you married the King of Talokan; a sweet and intimate gesture of a wife to her husband. When you're done, Ku'kul'kan whisks you playfully to his lap while he's sitting on the large bed. He kisses your neck fondly, while you kiss the crown of his head, then you rest your cheek on his shoulder.
“Namora came to me today, my love.” You say idly, “Again.”
“Oh,” He raises an eyebrow, “Did she?”
“Yes.” You answer, drawing your head back so you can look at his face, “She's expressed her worry about you, my King.”
The latter regards you with gentle eyes, “And you share the same sentiment as well?”
You cup his cheek, your palm pressing lightly on the three marks left by the three scars.
In the recent weeks, the King has spent most of his time drawing the murals at his memorabilia cave —his sacred shrine as you call it— where you're used to watch him flicking his brush nimbly against the wall, recoding history. The latest of his works is The Battle Between The Serpent God and the Black Panther, the first time your husband lost.
“Our King chose peace over slaughter.” You told Namora, when came to you sulking, in her rough way of speeech, about her king cousin, your husband. The seasoned warrioress still can't digest the defeat of Talokan — of her king... god. In all honesty, neither could you, but as the queen, it's your duty to calm your subjects' qualms down, even if you have some of your own.
You glance down at his wrapped ankle, the slightest frown on your face; you've never seen your husband wounded in such a grotesque way. Despite your displeasure, the King seems to wear it with pride. Your eyes flit back to his face again.
“I did.” You answer frankly, “But not anymore. My trust in your judgement never wavers, my King.”
Ku'kul'kan cradles your cheeks in his warm hands, pressing a smooth kiss on your forehead, “Sometimes, I wish they had a piece of your wisdom, my love.”
You hold his hands, pressing kisses to his palms. “You flatter me, my King.”
“I only speak the truth, my Queen.” He smiles, thumbs gently stroking your cheeks.
Even after hundred years of marriage, you can't prevent the blush from smearing your cheeks red, and your husband laughs, flicking your cheek with his fingers.
“But the Panther Princess ought to be true to her words.” You say stubbornly. “Should she break them, and I'll be the one to bring her head on a spike,”
Ku'kul'kan smiles. “I'm counting on that.”
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A/N: Erik takes over the throne after killing T'Challa. T'Challa was your husband. It's a whole thing. Go to part one because this is the sequel.
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As Killmonger talks military advancement without the help of Princess Shuri, who is MIA, your mind drifts. It's been two weeks since that incident, and you're still beating yourself up mentally. One time is an accident, but three? You went three sweaty rounds with the man who killed your husband. You feel despicable.
The worst part? Part of you is ready to do it again. He warned you against crossing a line you'd regret. Now, every time he licks his lips...
"What do you think," one of the scientists asks. You don't recall the question.
"She's a little tired from coaching me all day," Killmonger covers, gesturing to Aneka. "Would you make sure she gets somewhere to rest."
You leave with Aneka and ignore her concerned questioning.
"Are you going to ignore us forever?"
"Yes," you nod, then continue brooding as if she isn't there. Every now and then, you fall into a grief that's hard to pull yourself out of, but now you've added guilt.
"Not today, not now," your leg rocks. You tell yourself to pull it together. You have more responsibility now. You're an advisor. You need to be sharp. Get it together.
After regrouping, you're able to return and hear explanations of the new weaponry and armored suits. T'Challa used to handle this with his little sister. You were never this involved, with anything, really. You barely recognize yourself these days.
At the palace, you walk the courtyard for some air and think about T'Challa. What would he say to this new Queen? 'You're much harder on yourself than I ever was' sounds like him. You smile with sadness. You've been lonely, and loneliness will make anyone do things they typically wouldn't, like having sex with your husband's killer. You imagined T'Challa all three times and the time before that when you received oral sex. It made sense in your head, but no one would understand. No one could know.
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Watching you from an above-floor window, Erik glows in his accomplishments. You've been losing focus but ultimately falling in line. The Queen at his side brings a legitimacy to his rule that ritual combat alone does not. With you there, people move easier, more willing to comply. They see you and feel safer, more trusting of him.
At his desk, he inks out more of his plan to turn wardogs into agents who will topple their respective countries from the inside using chaos tactics as he's been taught. Blood, trickery, and deception in trade for global freedom. Wakanda will be the new Mecca.
As soon as you come back in, he can bring you up to speed and ease you gently into his real plan. Bit by bit.
Signing off, he sets it aside.
"Has the queen returned yet," he asks Ayo who mans the door. She comes inside to check, looking out the window.
"No, she is outside."
"What's she doing?"
"Just... lying on her back in the grass."
"Go get her," he nods.
"Yes, my king."
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"You sent for me?" You enter the office and your eyes zero in on the walls. Your jaw drops.
"You're quick."
Your head tilts as you try to comprehend what you're seeing and why. You close your eyes, and they open on Killmonger.
"The past kings' pho-tos are miss-ing," you say very slowly, looking at that face of pure ignorance and disregard. "Namely, my hus-band's."
That was the first spot your eyes traveled. There's no reason for him to take that specific one down. He knows how important T'Challa's presence is to you.
"Where did you put it?"
"Oh, right here. Just some redecorating."
He produces the frame, pulling it from under his desk and presenting it to you.
Your lids droop. You grasp it, suddenly just as distrustful of him as the day he showed up. You put T'Challa's photo back on the wall, making sure it hangs straight.
"What is it you want, Killmonger?"
Eyeing T'Challa's picture to ensure there are no marks or tears, you clasp your hands behind your back to listen.
"Well... Now that you're back, I can tell you all about the new plan and shoot some things your way." His pen clicks.
You turn back and take the page from him as though you're looking it over.
"Overall," he continues, "What's your predicted outcome should we pit our warship against a Navy vessel?"
Rip. Tear. You shread the page into pieces that you drop all at once.
To his raised brow, you ask again. "What do you WANT?" You feel like he's been bullshitting you these past few weeks, taking advantage of your emotional state.
"I told you. I want to run these ideas through you before I do it."
Your lips thin with tension. You're not stupid. You can feel his dishonesty. Little by little, you've been dragged into his web. T'Challa's picture being taken down makes it absolutely clear.
"You want to replace T'Challa in more than position. You want to replace him in memory."
He looks confused.
You shake your head evenly. "I won't let that happen. I told you. As long as I live, so will his legacy!"
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"Wait," Erik chuckles. He has to stand for this, surprised at your nerve. "While you iced your wounds, I talked to the scientists alone. You don't want people to think we're together? Ok. Out of respect for your marriage, I defended that. Now you accuse me of trying to erase your husband's memory?"
Your eyes don't waiver.
With a scoff, he shakes his head. His fist hits the desk in frustration.
"This is why I know you're the only one who can serve as my Queen." Chef's kiss. "Now I can stop pretending."
"I knew you were a low-down, slimy bastard and I should have killed you when the opportunity presented itself."
"May I ask, what are you gonna do NOW that you know I don't give a fuck?"
"I won't make that mistake again," your nose scrunches.
Picking up the stack of frames, he tosses them onto the desk like old junk.
"Fuck these niggas! I'M the king now," he growls, no longer pretending to care about the disgust manifesting in your deep brown eyes.
"It's over with! He's dead. He ain't fuckin coming back."
That one hurt your feelings.
He snorts and spits on the stack of frames before him, looking you in the eyes as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Now take that shit and get it out my office," he waves toward T'Challa's hanging photo, dismissing you, his back turning as he faces the window.
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You wish you could push him through, but the glass is thick. Instead, you step outside and snatch Ayo's spear from her grasp, threatening her with it so she backs down.
You march back into the office and with both hands, drive the point directly through his armor and through the center of his back. It takes you multiple thrusts, all of your energy each time. His palms are planted against the window as you attempt to nail him through it.
The few Dora in attendance finally take advantage of the moment, yelling their battle cry as they attack.
Erik's black and gold suit materializes on his body as he backhands you out of the way, down to the floor. You roll from the force, but Aneka's spear would've knocked you out in her desperate attempt for a headshot.
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Block. Block. Dodge. Attack.
Erik's strength, combined with the strength of the black panther, has him slinging Aneka and Okoye across the room like rag dolls, ultimately sending them both through a wall.
"Shake it off," Erik teases.
Wobbly, they stand and let the plaster fall.
The spear in his back is the motivation he needs. With a heavy sniff, he pulls it and calculates the Dora's incoming attacks.
Okoye's coming at his right side. Ayo, though weaponless, is coming at his left. He uses force to blow them both back, leaving Aneka to come for him head-on again. Getting behind her, he twists and drives Ayo's spear directly through her body, watching Ayo and Okoye as he does it.
"No," Ayo gasps.
"Oh yes," Erik smiles, waving her forward to be next as Aneka thuds to the ground, lifeless.
Okoye charges with tears in her eyes, a noble suicide, but you jump in with Aneka's spear.
Again, Erik knocks you out the way. Now, he has to dodge and fight.
High on adrenaline, Erik battles her spear to spear, distracting her to slice her face with his claw. In that moment, he gets the gut shot.
As an insult to injury, he rips the spear out of her body and stabs through her back when she falls.
"You standing there powerless. COME DO SOME," he looks to you. Scowling, he tosses Okoye's spear at Ayo and gets into position.
"For Wakanda," she announces, running into a quick death. He slashes her throat easily.
"YOU HAPPY?" Erik turns to you. "LOOK WHAT YOU CAUSED."
He sighs, seeing you fearful on the floor, and quickly checks his anger. Losing a few Dora is nothing in the grand scheme. Losing you would be an issue. The blood all over the room can and will be cleaned, but as for you...
"Go to your room."
"Don't talk to me like I'm some child," you stand, suddenly rediscovering your boldness.
He holds the bloody spear in his hands casually to your throat.
"I won't kill you. I will, however, knock yo ass out if you EVER... do that shit again."
You glare at him with easy eye contact, and you are definitely planning your next attempt for some time soon. The instant look of defiance is his weakness.
"You know, the more you rebel, the sweeter the reward in breaking you."
He lowers the spear from your neck and lets it clang to the ground.
"Fuck T'Challa. All this shit is mine now, including you," he points.
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Stepping over Aneka's dead body, you stand inches from him, looking up into his eyes. Your finger digs each time it taps his chest to drive your point across.
"You may have the title, Killmonger. You may have the power. You will never have the honor. You aren't half the man T'Challa was, and you'll never replace him in the hearts that matter. I swear to you... You will die by my hand, and I will dance on your unmarked grave."
"I look forward to it." He closes the distance. You can feel his erection pressing against you. Appalled, you nearly trip over Aneka to get around him, leaving the room and feeling his eyes on you.
For the next few days, you avoid Killmonger. The Dora are lesser in number. You wonder if sense will ever catch on, but don't hold your breath.
Killmonger leaves you alone until it's time to make an appearance to the Jabari. He sends for you, and when you refuse, he comes to get you.
There's no knock. He lets himself into your quarters as you're journaling in front of the vanity mirror.
"Tantrum over. It's time to go."
You ignore him and continue writing, the sunlight bright and pouring in through the large window.
"So you ain't leaving?"
You tune him out completely. Your mental and emotional state has been everywhere lately. You need some calm and stability.
He closes and locks your door, still in the bedroom.
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When you finally do look at him, Erik has passed annoyed and gone into petty. He reads over your shoulder, kissing his teeth and moving on.
"Still crying over T'Challa," he scoffs. "But fucking me. What would he think seeing his wife in that position so soon after his death?"
You're still silent, but your pen stalls. He smirks, knowing what buttons to press as he paces the vast bedroom.
"I bet he turned in his grave that night you reached for me, wanting me, pulling me closer. The man who defeated him in ritual combat and took his life. I took everything from him just like this place did to me. And you thanked me."
"That pussy was wet and waiting. Wasn't it?"
"Shut up," you growl, slamming your pen against the table. "You're vulgar, and you're wrong. I wasn't thinking about you. I was missing my husband! You wouldn't understand."
"You were using me to get off," Erik nods, stopping at the window. "To ease your loneliness, thinking we're the same. We're not the same. You grew up in a cozy little castle. I grew up scraping for everything I got in Oakland. You had a silver spoon while I got mine out the mud."
"Silver spoon?" You laugh bitterly, turning to follow him with your eyes. "Don't assume you know anything about my life."
"But I do," Erik smiles wryly. "You're from the Water tribe where food is plentiful. Mommy and Daddy only had to worry about you and your sister."
"Say one thing about my family and I swear," you threaten as he plays with the pattern of the thin veil of a curtain. Hand-stitched.
"The biggest threat you've had your entire life was a lion or something local that was taken care of within a matter of days, weeks, months... You don't know the definition of grief, pain, loss, or oppression you spoiled brat," he turns back, pulling the thread.
It's sturdily made and doesn't unravel.
"That's where you're wrong," your eyes narrow, full of anger. "Thanks yo you, I now have personal experience with ALL of the above."
"I can't feel sorry for no rich kept lil girl when niggas like me who put their life on the line die every day."
You toss a glass vase of wild picked flowers that he easily dodges. It smashes on the wall, leaving flowers, glass, and water scattered. Another tantrum.
"How dare you come into my country and presume to know about me and my family when you couldn't even save your own. I heard about your mother," you smirk evilly when you see you've got your in. "People talk. Your mother died in jail. Like mother, like father, like son!"
Erik's jaw clenches, his eyes darkening as he struggles to find his restraint quickly.
"I'll do you a favor and end your miserable bloodline myself," you sneer. "Then you can reunite with your criminal mother and your treacherous father."
"You seemed to like it when I buried this criminal, treacherous dick inside of your pretty little kept warmth. 'You're a monster! You're a villain!' But my dick was inside you. I killed T'Challa with these two hands," he grins, holding them up to you.
These hands that touched you. These hands that rubbed every inch of you and held you at night when you asked.
"Oh, T'Challa, T'Challa," his head rolls, mocking you. "All that and you still coated my dick in cum. I made you taste it, just to show you. What does that say about YOU, Ms. Perfect?"
He awaits your reply with a raise of his brow.
"You stuck?"
You look away, turning back to your journal quietly.
"Uh, uh. You don't get to talk shit and back out. I want all that smoke you had."
You jump up and come at him with your pen as he laughs.
"What's that supposed to do."
You stop on his foot and jab it in the side of his neck. He chuckles, grabbing your fists and throwing you. Immediately you get up looking for something. He watches you find the big piece of broken glass on the floor.
"Don't cut yourself," he cautions, interested in your next attack. He smirks as you come up him high, but drop low.
"Aye," he jumps back. "That's my dick. I use that."
It's what you were aiming for.
"You a lil dangerous," he concedes, grabbing your hand to shake glass out. He kicks it away.
"But, baby, I'm hard to kill. Your nigga couldn't even do it. What makes you think you can?" His hand cradles the soft skin of your face though you turn away.
"You're getting used to me."
"No, Killmonger, I never will," you combat, but in the scheme of things, things are still going pretty well.
He shrugs, a smug dimpled smirk still on his face.
"Ok. Then you won't."
Erik heads to the door unbothered, unlocking it on his exit. As he walks through the corridor, he can't help but reflect on the fun he's had.
The more you fight, the more he wants to conquer you and claim you for his own.
He snickers, what you did with the glass sticking with him.
Sooner or later, just like that vase... you WILL break.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Fatal Obsession
Pairing: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x mutant!reader
Fandom: Marvel- Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 4,505
Warning(s): 18+, Dark Namor, !!MAJOR SPOILERS!! Violence, really dark themes, mentions of repeated non-consensual intercourse, forced pregnancy, yandere behaviour.
A/N: This is a requested fic and I really hope I tackled it well. The amount of research I did was craaaaazy and I really hoped I didn’t get anything wrong. Personally, I think the ending was terrible but other than that, please enjoy this fic with the cheesy title :0.
Taglist: @oyasumimosura​
Wakanda has been [Name]’s second home since she lost her brother. The pain became unbearable and unable to face the truth, she walked away from the Avengers to find peace and solitude. She met T’Challa on her journey, seeking help from the then prince on mending her emotions and her mind. Their friendship would escalate and he granted her safe isolation in Wakanda.
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Then came the Civil War. [Name] wanted to walk away. She really did. Even though her control over her powers were much better than her sister’s, she didn’t like using it offensively. Her reunion with Wanda eased her worries about her sister. The news was cruel but [Name] understood why they were as such. Wanda didn’t exactly have good control over her powers.
[Name] knew she owed T’Challa so much and more, especially for helping her get back up on her feet. Shuri has been another helping hand too and living Wakanda has been such an eye-opener.
Everything went well for so many years even after all that has happened.
But nothing lasts forever.
[Name] had planned to leave Wakanda for a bit, to seek out her and reconnect with her sister. Until she sensed something amiss with her friend.
T’Challa had a hand on the wall, hunched over and coughing.
“T’Challa? Are you alright?”
The King didn’t stop his coughs, wheezing as he turned to face the woman. He looked sickly. “[Name]-,” He choked out, dropping to the floor with a loud thud.
“T’Challa!” She screamed, running over to him. Her hands moved to his cheeks, cold sweat coated her palm. She could see specks of blood on his bottom lip and his pulse was frantic.
[Name] flicked her Kimoyo beads, calling for medical assistance.
“Please! We’re in the gym. Something is wrong with the King!” She cried. T’Challa coughed again, more blood splattered onto the floor. She moved a hand to his chest, her palm glowed red as she searched for the cause of his illness and what she found was so much worse than she had expected.
The doctors had rushed in with the hoverbed, carefully putting their King on it as the nurse guided the woman back.
[Name] watched, with teary eyes as her friend was taken away.
She visited T’Challa everyday with Shuri. The King laid on the bed, tubes connected to him along with the steady beat of his heart. Her heart clenched again, fearing deeply that she was going to lose T’Challa too.
[Name] held a bowl of soup, sitting closely to the King as his eyes glanced over to her
“T’Challa,” She leaned closely, slowly stirring the soup.
“[Name],” He smiled weakly and it pained her again. He looked nothing like he did the first time she met him. He was so thin and so sickly. She could only give him a weak smile.
She brought the spoon up to his lips as he slowly sipped on the warm liquid.
“How are you feeling?”
The King swallowed and she could see it was a struggle to do so. But, he smiled. “Never better,” He cleared his throat, inhaling deeply.
“Is Shuri back to her work?” [Name] nodded. “She hasn’t left her lab in days, still working with Griot and her lab techs to find a cure for you.  The Queen and I are worried about her..,” She mumbled.
At this, T’Challa frowned. This was the third time he has heard this reason. He has tried to stop Shuri and reason with her but she wouldn’t give up.
He was dying and that was it. It was the true reality.
[Name] kept feeding the King until he shook his head and she set the bowl away. He raised a hand up, she took it without a single word.
“You have grown up so much since the first time I saw you. You are so much stronger than you know,” He squeezed her hand, a bigger smile on his lips.
“I want you to promise me something,” “T’Challa, no-,” “Please, [Name]? Consider this my last few wishes before I join my ancestors,” He pleaded, locking eyes with the young woman. She swallowed, eyes faltering as she nodded.
“I want you to take care of Mother and Shuri for me. I want you to protect Wakanda and keep her people safe. And I want you to find your sister. I want you to-to go back out and find your sister. Can-,” T’Challa coughed a little, [Name]’s head snapped up.
“Can you do that for me?
“ T’Challa, please. I can’t leave you-” “Please, [Name]?” He breathed out heavily.
Her eyes could see just how serious the King is and could only nod.
“Okay..Okay..I’ll..I’ll do it,” She nodded. T’Challa released her hand, giving her a nod.
She thought she had time. Time to recollect herself and plan out her new journey of finding her sister. But…
[Name] made her way to Shuri’s lab. T’Challa had been relocated to her lab so the princess could work easier. Silence filled the air. It was thick and dreadful and she knew what was going on. She made her way down the stairs, listening to Shuri’s cries as the Queen hugged her child tightly.
[Name] dropped her bag, hands covering her mouth as hot tears pricked her eyes. Queen Ramonda looked up at her and [Name] knew she was staying strong for Shuri. Her own tears fell and the Queen extended her arm out. She didn’t hesitate to join in the hug, sobbing into the Queen’s shoulder at the loss of her best friend and brother figure.
So, here she stood, among the Wakandans and the elders, dressed in her funeral garment as Shuri wailed on her brother’s casket. [Name] looked away, letting her tears flow while M’Baku had a comforting arm on her shoulder. The royal ship took the casket away. [Name] was beginning to feel the weight of her new duty on her shoulders.
She has lost too much now.
However, T’Challa’s passing was hard but the hardest had yet to come. [Name]didn’t give up on finding Wanda. She met up with Wong, Stephen and the new girl, America. Her sister was hunting down the girl just so she could find her sons in other universes. Grief held onto her heart tightly and it held on even tighter upon realising the ending to their final fight.
“Wanda, please! Don’t do this. I can save you. Just-Just take my hand, sister. Please, I can’t lose you too,” [Name] had her hand stretched out but Wong and America were pulling her back. Wanda gave her a soft smile, shaking her head. “No, [Name]. I have to do this. You’ll learn to survive without me, malo jagnje. You’ll find someone who’ll love you and care for you, just as Pietro and I do,” Her sister wore her smile but [Name] knew the impending doom. The childhood nickname Wanda gave her ever since she was a young girl was like a stab to the heart. She watched helplessly, as the castle walls toppled on her. The portal closed and [Name] dropped to her knees, allowing the tears to flow freely while America held onto her in a comforting manner. [Name] was beyond exhausted, more than her body could take on. She just wanted to return to Wakanda and never to leave again. So, she did and didn’t return.
[Name] returned to Wakanda, to find them in shambles. Exhaustion was heavy on her bones. She had used too much power during the last fight and she needed rest.
But, new circumstances didn’t grant it.
Okoye had grabbed her, tears in her eyes.
“Okoye? What’s wrong? What-,” “Please, you have to find Shuri. She was taken,” The witch furrowed her brows, confusion clear on her face. “What?! What happened?” “I-,” Okoye swallowed, wiping her tears and regaining her strong composure once more.
“A week ago, Queen Mother and Shuri had an unexpected encounter with a..to crudely put it, a man who came from the water. He threatened the Queen and he demanded that an American scientist be handed over to him. There was a research ship in the middle of the Atlantic. They were there to search for Vibranium with a device made by this American scientist. Authorities found the ship adrift with nobody on board and they are blaming Wakanda for the attack on the ship,” Okoye paused.
[Name] noticed something was different about the General.
“Okoye, what happened to you? Where is your..spear?”
“The Queen demoted me for my carelessness. I..I was the reason the princess was taken away. Three days ago, I convinced the Queen to let me handle this American scientist with Shuri. American authorities were chasing us as we got to the extraction point. But we were ambushed by his warriors. They took away Shuri and Riri, [Name],”
The woman swallowed, absorbing the new information. Shuri was taken. Shuri was taken without her knowledge. Her jaw clenched, fist tightening.
“Where can I find her?” “I don’t know. But find Nakia. If I know the Queen, and I do, her next move will be to find Nakia to track Shuri down,”
Red swirled between the woman’s fingers.
“Sit tight, Okoye. I will get the princess back,”
[Name] adjusted the sleeve of her wetsuit, looking over at Nakia. Her eyes were planted on the holo-screen of her kimoyo beads. “She’s here. Griot, can you verify?”
“Affirmative,” The AI replied, a red dot blinking steadily. Nakia turned to [Name]. “Are you ready?” and she nodded.
The women held onto the aquatic vehicle as it was brought to the secret cave that led to Talokan. [Name] worried about Shuri’s wellbeing, on top of her piling exhaustion. She shook her head, fist clenched tightly. She failed to protect Shuri and the only way to make it up was to save the Princess and the scientist.
The darkness engulfed the duo, the only light emitting was from their aquatic vehicle. The radar read that they were getting closer and closer to Shuri’s position. The duo resurfaced, their helmet scanned the depths of the cave.
“Princess Shuri’s position is 500 metres to the right. There are two other beings with them,” Griot informed.
“I’ll take point. Cover our backs?” Nakia held up the rifle. “Go. I got it,”
The caves were well lit, glowworms hung from the ceiling of the caverns. Soon, they heard voices and [Name] recognised it to be Shuri’s. Nakia sneaked into the cave prison, knocking out the first guard with the back of her rifle and pointing it back to the other.
“Shuri!” [Name] ran to the woman, hugging the princess tightly before pulling away.
“We don’t have much time. We’re getting you out-,” The Talokanil maiden shoved Nakia’s rifle away and grabbed Riri, a knife to her neck. The maiden spoke in a harsh tone and judging by it, it was not friendly words. [Name] clenched her jaw, clenching her fist. A red glow curled around the maiden’s hostile hand, forcing the blade away from Riri’s neck. [Name] shoved the maiden back and Nakia took this opportunity to shoot her. Shuri grabbed Riri, keeping her close. The mutant woman felt her shoulders become heavier.
“Come on! We have to go! We don’t have much time until he returns,” Nakia urged the two women out, [Name] behind as they made their way to the aquatic vehicle.
Once resurfaced, [Name] felt something was wrong. The vibrations in the water were erratic. “He’s coming!” The royal ship hovered over the four women, transporting them up.
A spear shot out of the water, aimed at the ship.
“Look out!” [Name] screamed, using her magic to deflect the spear. Nakia, Riri and Shuri were safe in the ship. “Griot, get them out of here. Now! I will protect them,”
“Understood, [Name],”
A figure hovered over the water, a raging expression clear on his face. The ship flew off. Her kimoyo beads beeped. “[Name]! What are you trying to do?!” Shuri yelled.
“What I should have done. Protect you. Don’t worry about me. Just get to safety. I will handle him,” [Name] flexed her fingers, magic swirled between each digit. She ended the call and briefly, she could see Namor’s expression shift.
“Who are you? What are you?” [Name] questioned. Namor had his spear in hand, the metal glinting at the woman under the bright sun.
“My people call me K’uk’ulkan..But my enemies call me Namor. I am the firstborn son of Talokan and a mutant,”
A mutant? He was like her. [Name] was surprised, eyes widened at his words.
“You are like me..?”
The corner of Namor’s lips curled into a small smirk, head tilted down in a menacing way. “I am nothing like you,”
The battle shook the waters, eventually going back to land where unfortunately, the King had the upper hand this time. Each shot the woman took, Namor dodged it. However, she was not going to make this as easy as it seems. She used her magic to freeze the wings on his ankles, sending the King plummeting into the sand. He managed to catch himself, unable to move freely. Running to the King, she grabbed his spear that was stabbed into the sand and whipped the back of the spear on his face. The King growled, cutting his cheekbone with ease. His hand caught the spear and pulled the woman down, catching her by surprise. The magic around his ankles disappeared and he grabbed the woman’s armoured collar. [Name] was panting hard, pushing herself to the extreme limit. She had to escape his grasp. The woman gathered her strength, magic swirling her form and with a shout, the remaining of her magic pushed both of them apart. Namor’s eyes widened in shock, the force of the magic pushed him back far from the woman.
[Name] landed on the sand, struggling to stand back up. In the distance, Namor approached, spear in hand. His chest heaving, tired from their fight. He understood her power but he did not know the full extent of it. The King knew he had to get her in every way possible. The witch could be his greatest ally and a powerful Queen to his people. He could see the two of them ruling Talokan together, watching as the surface world burnt with their combined strength.
He wanted her
He needed her
The witch could hear her heart pounding in her chest, dragging herself back with a hand outstretched. Light red swirled between her fingers, clear indication that she was weakened and pushed to the limit. Namor shoved her hand down with the bottom of his spear, foot on her wrist. [Name] screamed in pain as he pushed down a little.
“You fought well despite your weakened state,” He kneeled down, hand grabbing her neck. He lifted his foot off, easily picking the woman up by the throat. [Name] choked, fists slamming on the King’s arm.
“Perhaps with a bit more strength, you may have bested me. But perhaps that day is not today,” His hand squeezed her neck. [Name] wheezed. “P-Please..Mercy..Mercy,” She forced out, gripping the golden-green brace on his arm.
Namor leaned in. “You have failed your people, little witch. You belong to me now. If Wakanda wishes to have you back, they would be forced to meet my demands. But no matter. I am not interested in the scientist anymore. I just wish to seek vengeance on Wakanda,” He reached for the kimoyo beads, breaking the connection before throwing it away.
[Name] felt the world spin, struggling to breathe.
Her world turned black and as it did, Namor leaned in even closer.
“I will have my every way with you. I promise you,”
Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and days turned to..[Name] didn’t know. She couldn’t grasp her surroundings, her body beyond weakened. Her world was a blur and she didn’t know what was happening. Her mind was blank.
Everyday was the same. She would wake up with her feeling cold, a thin cover to blanket her from external eyes. She could see the King briefly but then, it went dark again. She could feel something being forced down her throat each day by a maiden. It was sweet at first but then, the taste instantly turned bitter. A drug to tame the witch. After that, the mutant woman would be left alone.
She needed to feel pain to feel something.
She had to escape.
[Name] awakened once more, being met with silence. Namor was nowhere to be seen and she didn’t sense any guards outside. The woman pushed the blanket off, the cold wind bit her bare, naked body. She swung her legs off the bed, a soft whimper left her lips. She squeezed her eyes shut as she froze, feeling pain between her legs. The more she moved, the pain worsened. But that was enough to get [Name] to think straight.
This was the perfect chance!
[Name] moved on shaking legs, grabbing whatever garment she could find to put on. She shook her head, clearing the blur from her eyes. She didn’t recognise the cavern area she was in but she knew she was back in Talokan.
Tears pricked her eyes and they fell, leaning on a rock as she sobbed quietly.
“Sister..please..give me strength,” She whimpered, eyes closed shut as she gathered whatever strength she had left. A faint shade of red swirled on her hand, leading towards the way out.
[Name] wiped away her tears furiously, carefully following the wisp of red towards her freedom.
It was a bunch of twists and turns and with her magic, she got out of the water and back onto dry land. She had to contact Shuri..or someone from Wakanda.
[Name] wandered aimlessly until she heard voices. The sound of children giggling and locals going about their day. She emerged through the greens, leaning on the wooden hut.
“Por favor…ayúdame. Por favor…,” (Help me, please..help me) She begged, dropping to her knees. The locals surrounded immediately, moving to help this strange woman.
She lost consciousness once more, tired from everything that has been happening to her.
[Name] gained consciousness the next day, laid on a bed in a hut. It had others on the same bed too and could only conclude she was in their local hospital. She had some rest but the effects of the drugs were still strong. On the plus side, she could feel her magic was a little stronger than it was. She had to leave but not without thanking the locals for their hospitality. She could see their faces change as she left, knowing they wanted her to stay longer to ensure she was fully healed but time was not on [Name]’s side.
She had to go back to Wakanda.
Everything else was a blur and a breeze.
The beeping of the heart monitor woke [Name] up from her slumber. The light blinded her eyes as it slowly fluttered open, trying to adjust. She realised she was on a bed and the surroundings looked familiar. Turning her head, she was alone. But not for long because frantic footsteps rushed over to her and the witch recognised the form.
“S-Shuri?” “[Name],” The princess rushed over, hands on her best friend to check she was uninjured. The woman sat up instantly, wrapping her arms around the new Black Panther.
“We thought we lost you..[Name], you went missing for almost a whole month,” Shuri adjusted the bed so the witch could sit up with ease. [Name] felt hotness behind her eyes, tears threatening to flow again. “How..How did I get here?” She asked, glancing over to the cup of water on the nearby table. Shuri took the hint and took it.
“The border guards found you, [Name]. You were gone for a whole month and..and we thought you were dead! We sent out soldiers to find you but with the threat from Namor..,” Immediately, the woman froze as the princess trailed off.
“What happened after we escaped, [Name]?” Shuri asked, seriousness in her tone.
[Name] swallowed, looking up at her best friend.
“Our fight..it went horribly wrong. I thought I had it but my powers aren't as strong as they usually are. After what happened in Manhattan a-and losing Wanda and..,” She trailed off and Shuri understood immediately. “So much has happened, Shuri and I-I..I’m so tired. Namor..he..he bested me in the fight and took me to his empire. I tried to keep track of my time there but they fed me something. Everything became a blur and I kept passing out,”
Shuri felt her heartbreak. [Name] really didn’t know. She took the witch’s hand, lacing it together. “Do you..not remember anything about what happened in Talokan?” And the witch could only shake her head.
“Oh, [Name]..,” Shuri sniffled, pulling the woman in another tight hug. She pulled away first, eyes looking away and head tilted down. [Name] knew that look.
“What? I know that look, Shuri..”
The princess moved a hand to her kimoyo beads, and a pair of holo-screen emerged in front of the bed. It was the medical status of her body.
The witch took her time to read her stats. The drug was no longer in her system and her body was healing itself up at a steady pace.
Shuri swallowed. “Do you feel pain..here?” She gestured around her thigh and lower waist area. [Name] winced when she moved her legs a little, nodding.
“Oh, [Name]..I really don’t know how to tell you thi-,” “Just say it. Please? I..I can take it,”
Shuri swallowed again.
“You’re pregnant, [Name],”
[Name] froze, the grip on the cup loosen and it fell to the floor, shattering with a loud crash. The silence that came was deafening and she felt light-headed once more. Shuri’s words played on repeat.
She was pregnant..with a baby. With Namor’s baby. She was going to carry a baby.
Tears flowed freely, a hand moved to her abdomen. [Name] sobbed hard, head hung as the salty tears fell to the medical gown. Shuri wrapped her arms around the woman’s crying form, gently rubbing her back until she calmed. [Name] didn’t speak a word, her mind racing with so many thoughts. Did she want to keep the baby? If she did, where was she going to hide? Namor is going to search the world for her and he isn’t going to stop until he finds her and their child. Wakanda was not safe for her anymore.
This leaves with Kamar-Taj. She could ask Stephen for help and seek refuge whilst she goes through her new life.
[Name] wiped her tears and inhaled deeply, holding both of Shuri’s hands.
“Shuri..I want to keep the baby. But if I’m going to do so..I have to leave. He..He’s going to find me and I have to keep running to make sure he doesn’t catch me,”
Shuri’s eyes widened. “But..where are you going to go?” “Kamar-Taj. I’m going to Kamar-Taj. I-I can see refuge under Stephen Strange and Wong and hide from..from Namor. I’m sorry, Shuri. I’m so, so sorry,”
Shuri shook her head, gently squeezing the witch’s hand. “No, please. Don’t be sorry. I understand. I will help you from Wakanda and if you ever need anything, anything at all..,” Shuri removed her own kimoyo beads, slipping it on the witch’s wrist. “You know who to call,”
[Name] sniffled, adjusting the beads and nodded. The two shared another tight hug.
This wasn’t the end.
There was still so much to do after all.
[Name] smiled widely, a finger gently caressing the baby’s nose. Wrapped in a soft blanket, Rodavan slept peacefully. She sat on her bed, humming quietly while the baby slept. She knew she made the right decision to keep the baby because he was a miracle despite what had happened. Rodavan inherited so much of Namor’s looks. His nose, eyes and the pointed ears.
When [Name] got to Kamar-Taj, Wong was there to greet her. She told him everything he needed to know, holding back the darker information and Wong didn’t hesitate to grant her refuge. Her home was far from Kathmandu but a door connected her home to the sacred grounds. Wong had fortified the magic around her isolated home, ensuring both the mother and son were protected.
[Name] sat on the rocking chair on the porch of her home, leaning down to plant a kiss to the baby’s head. She was glad to find peace in Nepal, letting her guard down a little.
Soft rustling pulled [Name] out of her thoughts, head snapping up towards the trees surrounding her home. The sun would be setting soon.
The leaves rustled again. [Name] stood, clutching her baby closer to her chest as her heart raced. She was sensing potential danger but she didn’t know what it was. A twig snapped made the woman jump, hairs standing on end as she pushed her front door open. Leaves crunched behind her and that’s when [Name] knew something or someone was behind her among the trees.
Slowly, she turned towards the darkness. Her chest heaved quickly and Rodavan awoke, sensing his mother’s distress. His lower lip trembled and he started to cry.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay..Shh..,” [Name] swallowed, gently bouncing the baby while she still stared among the trees.
Then, she saw it.
She saw him.
Namor emerged from the darkness, Talokanil soldiers behind him with their weapons in hand. [Name] gasped, clutching her baby closer to her chest as he cried. He tilted his head back, inhaling deeply before returning his stare at her.
How did he find her?
This area was protected!
[Name] took a step back. And another. And another. All while keeping her eyes on the monster. Her fear was eating her up but she had to care for Rodavan. The Talokanil warriors had surrounded her home now. She shook her head frantically.
“You won’t get me or the child easily!” [Name] screamed, covering Rodavan’s face with the blanket.
Namor scoffed, a dark and dangerous smirk spread across his lips.
“We shall see about that, In yakunaj,” (my love)
With that, [Name] immediately ran towards the portal door as the water grenade struck the beam of the home, narrowly making her escape as the wood shattered and splintered behind her.
When she got to Kamar-Taj, the horrors she found were beyond anything she had seen. Fires spread from house to house, dead bodies littered the streets and the training grounds of the sacred land, the whole temple was left in nothing but debris. She forced back a choke, running towards safety.
No place was safe, [Name] knew this.
It was only a matter of time until she was found again.
After all, she was the source of the God’s dangerous obsession.
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willowsnook · 8 months
Hi dear ❤️ I thought about an idea where you’re a technician and you get send to Wakanda to help Shuri with Buckys new arm. During the time there you get really close to Buck and he starts opening up to you and recovers really fast. One night he sees you then sitting at the lake where his cabin is, watching the stars, so he joins you and you end up sharing a meaningful kiss and maybe mooore? 😏😏😏 The next morning Shuri looks out for you and sees you both coming out of his cabin with a grin and barely clothed? (he's sooo Fucking hot during his time there, I couldn't resist to think about that idea haha)
Bucky Barnes x reader (Wakanda) 18+
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You'd watched Bucky come a long away since he first arrived in Wakanda. When you first met him, he literally grunted at you in greeting causing you to question how much you really owed Shuri. In your normal life, you worked in a bio-research lab in Virginia; Shuri had called you a couple of months back begging you to come help on a project in Wakanda. That project was Sergeant James Barnes.
The two of you had grown close since your rocky start, mostly due to being around each other all the time. You definitely didn't mind, Bucky was very easy on the eyes and his whole broody attitude was intriguing. At this point in the process, you and Shuri had managed to get the new arm connected. Now it was just a matter of him getting used to it. It had been hard; Bucky was getting frustrated about not being able to jump right back to where he was but he trusted you. Today had been a particularly difficult day that resulted in him storming back to his cabin. You tried not to take it personally but you seemed to be extra sensitive around him.
After dinner you found yourself wandering towards the glimmering lake lost in thought. You were terribly homesick. Sitting down on the dock's edge you let your legs hang loose above the water. After a while you heard someone else walking down the dock and take a seat next to you. You pulled your legs up and held your knees to your chest.
"I'm sorry about earlier," he murmured staring out at the water.
"It's okay," you said.
"I don't want to go back to what I was like before, but not being able to do basic things has been hard." You nodded at him, understanding and he went on. "I miss Steve, and I miss back home. In the real olden days."
"I miss home too," you sighed. "As much as I love Shuri and this project has been a once in a lifetime opportunity, I'm starting to miss my life." He looked at you sadly.
"I'm sorry to have taken you away from it," he said and you smiled up at him.
"Meeting you has made it worth it," you confessed, shocking him and yourself. He looked at you for what felt like forever before reaching over to push your hair behind your ear.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked and you nodded. You felt his lips softly graze yours and you reached up to cup his face. You deepened the kiss and moved over to straddle him, his hands resting on your waist. Breathing hard you pulled back and his mouth attached to your neck causing you to let out a small moan. Tangling your fingers into his long hair you pushed your body down trying to get as close to him as possible. This caused him to let out a shaky breath and his eyes came to meet yours.
"Do that again doll and I won't apologize for what happens next," he said. You thought about it for a second before grinding your hips into him once more. Before you knew it you were being flipped over and Bucky gently laid your back against the wooden dock. He pulled his shirt over his head in one fluid motion and tugged on the bottom of yours. Once it was gone his mouth attached to your nipple and you arched your back off the dock moaning. You could feel him pressed against the top of your thigh so you knew he was just as affected as you were. You pulled his head off of your chest.
"Please, I need you," you whimpered and his hands found the top of your pants, starting to shimmy them down. He kissed the inside of one of your thighs before moving towards your center.
"So wet for me doll," he mumbled, moving your underwear to the side before taking a long lick up to your sensitive clit. You squirmed as his new metal arm held you down while he assaulted you with his mouth. You could feel an orgasm coming on quickly but that came to a stop when he pulled his head up with a smirk.
"I want to feel you finish around me so just hold for a little bit." He pushed himself up and started to unbutton his pants, much too slowly for your taste. You sat up and pulled them down along with his briefs before taking him in your palm. Bucky let out a groan as you lightly stroked up and down. You liked seeing the effect you had on him.
He pushed you back onto the dock, lifted your legs up, and starting rubbing his head against you causing you both to moan. Your eyes were begging him and he got the message as he slowly pushed in. He was definitely bigger than anyone you had been with before and you felt your body tense.
"That's it baby, take a little bit more now okay," he coaxed in your ear, pushing until he was all the way in. His head dropped to your shoulder as he took a deep breath before moving. Slow and sweet he pulled out and pushed back in all while rubbing his hands up your shoulders and back. As he picked up the pace you started to moan louder and dug your nails into his back. This made him groan and start grunting as he would pull out and slam into you.
You were getting close and when he brought his lips back to your neck you were done. You clenched around him as you cried out, yanking on his hair. A couple of strokes later you felt him finish inside of you before slowly pulling out. He hovered over you staring into your eyes as you both tried to catch your breath. He slipped off of the deck into the lake and turned to you.
"Let me clean you up doll," he said holding his arms out. You let him gently catch you and wrapped your legs around his naked waist, lying your head on his shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for a while before you broke the silence.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" you asked him with puppy dog eyes. He smiled down at you.
"You can stay with me any night you want," he replied, kissing your lips gently. You waded out of the water and grabbed your clothes before heading to his cabin to cuddle up and sleep.
You woke up from your deep slumber to someone pounding on Bucky's door. The Winter Soldier groaned next to you and you slipped out of bed pulling on one of the shirts he had lying around. You opened the door to see a wide-eyed Shuri staring back at you.
"You know I'm here because I was going to ask Bucky if he had seen you since you weren't in your room," she smirked and you blushed. "But I'll be on my way now." You hurriedly closed the door and joined Bucky back in his warm bed.
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neo-nomatrix · 2 years
Namor x wakandan!reader
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“Calm yourself Luna, I'm here.”.
Your arms wrapped around Namors shoulders as you pressed your body against his back and kissed his neck, taking in his smell of fresh rainwater. This wasn’t where you wanted to be right now.
It had been a year since you last saw Namor in person. When you left your home, your family, you found solace in him. At first it confused Namor, he never saw himself falling in love with a surface dweller.
“You’re telling me you’re from the ocean? How bizarre.”
“Well, just imagine how I feel, Yakuntik.”
Yakuntik. A nickname he had for you that made your knees absolutely weak. Whatever kind of siren trance he had on you seemed to be taking affect. You hate to admit it but, your time away from Wakanda was some of the best years of your life. You immediately fell in love with Namor and his life. You loved the people of Talokan. But, no matter how hard you try, nothing lasts forever.
You hated yourself for this. You hated that you allowed yourself to be pulled back into your vengeance and grudges. You vowed to never hurt Namor, but that was before he hurt your home. You may be his wife, but you were Wakandan first.
When you agreed to help trap Namor along with Shuri you were hesitant.
“We don’t know for a fact that this will stop him. Shuri, it could kill him.” Your eyes plead with her, putting all your hope that Shuri would have an ounce of mercy with you.
“He should have thought about that before killing my mother. Don’t let him make you forget about your queen,” she reminds you.
You could nearly feel your heart breaking as you kept Namor in place, trying to calm him down.
“You have to leave, Yakuntik,” he warns you.
“If I leave she will kill you!” You yell at him.
“Or I might just kill her,” his last words to you are ones you won’t forget.
He uses a spear to crack open a window, and puts a mask over your mouth to make sure you’ll survive in the water. The last you see is Shuri trying to take down Namor.
You know the last thing he wants is for you to come after him, but he also knows how stubborn you are. When you reach the small island Shuri has him at, you see Namor limping to get some source of water. He looks in dire need of it. A wing from his foot ripped off, claw marks on his cheek and body, eyes heavy, chest moving rapidly as he breathes.
You’re about to reach him before Shuri submerges him in flames from the jet. Having him drop to his knees. Your heart finally shatters in two. You watch as the love of your life begins to slowly fade away, you can’t help but think it’s all your fault.
“Do not come closer to him! There is water on you!”
Simultaneously you want to stop yourself and keep pushing ahead. You watch as Shuri takes a spear and presses it against Namors neck. The same neck you were kissing just a little while ago. She starts talking to him, most of it passing directly over your head. It wasn’t until you heard him say something in his mother tongue.
“I yield”.
At the same time Shuri lifts the spear she has on his neck you go running towards him. Placing his head on your lap. Your tears being the only source of water to him.
“Help me get him to water! Help me!” You scream at Shuri as your motionless husband lays there.
Once you get him to water you start brushing through his hair, mumbling about how you’re sorry and regret what you’ve done.
“Uthando, I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me.”
“Yakuntik, you could never hurt me. You know that.”
As Namor starts to build his strength once again he begins assuring you none of this was directly because of you.
“My love. Don’t you understand? I could never be upset with you, no matter what. I would give up the oceans for you. I brought you the sun, and I have no intentions of taking it back.”
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
Pain: Namor x reader
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When Namor's pain becomes too much for you, you pass out
Warnings: swearing, injuries, passing out.
When you were ten years old your best friend had fallen over and cut their knee at school. It was bad. A teacher had run over to help while students watched on, but you? You had kneeled over in pain holding back the tears that threatened to spill. Why were you feeling pain in the exact spot they were, and why wouldn't it stop?
That day you got home you told your parents what happened. The color drained from their faces, and they exchanged looks. Your dad had kneeled in front of you, and sighed.
"We need to tell you something."
They had gone onto explain how you have an ability. You are able to feel people's pain, though only certain people such as those you are close with, or are thinking about. You can also feel it where they are hurting, that's why you could feel it in your knee.
It was hard to process at first but as you got older you got used to it.
It has been half an hour since K'uk'ulkan had left to deal with the Wakandan's. You pace the room praying that he will return to you soon, that some sort of agreement will occur, and this will all be over.
When he had told you about his plan, you were- are- hesitant about it. The Wakandan's aren't dumb, they most likely have a plan already made, and that scares you.
What you would do to help K'uk'ulkan but since you aren't in the shape to help out, as a result of being knocked when that woman, Nakia, had taken the black panther and the scientist, you stay.
Thankfully you can tell he hasn't been hurt as much as you would have thought, though it still hurts to feel that he is in pain. With the idea to go to the mural room and focus your mind on that instead, you turn and walk out the door.
The Black Panther is trapped by the spear stabbing through her abdomen. Shaky hands move to the spear, but she doesn't do anything yet. It's too painful. She looks forward, her eyes falling on Namor again; he's stumbling towards the water in desperate need of it.
Shuri lets out a shaky breath, grounding herself. Closing her eyes she thinks back to that conversation she'd had with her cousin. How he had smirked, circled her, and how she had stared at him with such a glare that made the room stop.
"So..." he begins . "Are you gonna be noble like your brother?"
Shuri looks away not wanting to even stare him- Kilmonger- in the eyes. He continues:
"Or take care of business." he approached. "Like me?"
Shuri finds herself clenching her fist in anger. She loves her brother dearly but he's gone, like her mother, like everyone she has ever loved. They are gone. She looks at him again, but this time? This time he could see that look in her eyes, the one he used to similarly hold.
"I'm not my brother.", she shook her head, fighting back the anger more. "Namor will beg for mercy, as I stand and watch as he dies."
Shuri snaps out of it, adrenaline taking over. She sucks in a sharp breath and proceeds to snap of the end, sliding her body off the spear, letting it fall to the sand. Then she scoffs and runs, flipping, and landing in front of Namor.
Too out of it he brings his fists up as defense, muttering the words "imperius rex." Shuri simply flicks on her helmet so quickly "Wakanda forever." and he can barely register when she sets off an explosive, burning Namor up, sending him falling to the ground.
A burning sensation covers your body sending you falling to your knees in pain. It burns everywhere and the pain is indescribable. What's happening? Light-headed you close your eyes shut to try and help subside the pain.
Then...it just stops, but you can barely focus and you remain on your hands for the time being.
He's alright, though. He isn't dead, which doesn't hurt less knowing how hurt he was, but it is a relief to know that he's still alive. Whatever happened must have been planned by the Wakandan's, but only one person would be able to do this. Your guess is the black panther, in revenge of him killing her mother.
The pain remains but you force yourself up onto your feet to stand up straight, trying to make sense of what happened- "what the hell." stopping, you bring a hand to your head, trying to fight back the lightheadedness that lingers.
Then you turn around, deciding to go and sit and maybe that will help. Slowly you start walking while the pain still remains...and then you stop in place. Standing still you close your eyes in hopes it will help, but rather than the pain disappearing, white floods your vision.
It's still hard to make sense of anything, hard to do anything. Like before your knees hit the ground, but instead of being able to stand up, you pass out on the floor.
"I'm back in yakunaj (my love)."
Sporting 3 large scratches and a sliced off ankle wing, K'uk'ulkan enters the room. He had searched the other rooms but you weren't there, so his best bet was to search in the mural room.
No, that's weird though, you're not answering.
"(y/n)...?" Namor's voice softens slightly, his head moving to the right. Nothing. Then he looks to the left...his heart stops, and he limps over to you. Thankfully you're already waking but it still doesn't hide the fact that you were just passed out.
Muttering your name, his eyes search yours. You can see him but it doesn't register in your mind. Instinctively you mutter 'K'uk'ulkan?' but only because he's the last person who was on your mind, and the first person to come to mind. Even if your mind is pretty foggy at the moment.
"Teene', táan in waye (It's me, i'm here). Are you hurt?"
Able to make out the last part of the sentence you mutter a 'no' so he sighs in relief. Good. He presses a soft kiss to your temple, wrapping his arms around you, picking you up so carefully in case you have been hurt.
Then he starts to limp towards the bedroom to lay you down. In and out of consciousness you try and focus on him, hoping that you'll be able to stay awake.
"It's okay."
Despite trying to fight against the sleep you end up losing and falling asleep in his arms.
Namor stays by your side until you wake again. You wake four days later. Unlike K’uk’ulkan you don't have a healing factor, you're fully human, so while he was hurt, he was still able to heal. You have to wait for however long for your body to heal itself.
He hasn't slept, or eaten, despite his cousin's concerns. He only stays by your side and prays that you will wake up soon enough. He talks to you and lets you know how sorry he is. He tells you about the agreement, and he tells you that when you wake he will be there to help you get through your healing process.
Day four
Every day is the same. He stays by your side and speaks to you, but you don't wake up. You remain in your sleep, but it's not a coma. You remain asleep...until that day. That day is different and when you open your eyes, you realize.
The bright light blinds you. Out of habit you move to shield your eye but the sudden movement earns a groan from you and you drop your hand. Groaning in annoyance you decide on keeping your eyes closed for the time-being. You hear shuffling sounds, and then when you feel something in your other hand, it seems to bring your eyes open again.
This person is shielding the light with their body. It's K'uk'ulkan, who’s now sitting down next to you, and while his eyes usually hold light, they hold tiredness. He’s drained, it's clear to you that he hasn't had a good night's sleep for days and the dark circles underneath his eyes add to that.
K'uk'ulkan sighs in relief hearing you speak. Dropping his head for a moment, he breathes another sigh of relief.
"Níib óolal (thank you)." he mutters. "Níib óolal"
He had prayed for you countless times. There had to be someone out there who could help. He hadn't given up and now you're awake and it worked. He lifts his head to look at you, a weak smile making it's way to his lips.
"In wojel volverías tin wiknal (I knew you would come back to me)."
Pressing a kiss to your hand, he then squeezes it.
"Because of you, K'uk'ulkan."
You remember everything he had said to you. From talking about the agreement between his world and the surface world. From him waiting for you this whole time and not giving up hope. From the quiet cries. He'd just been there.
"You're the reason I woke up. Thank you." and oh how he wishes this was true, but it was all you. He may have gotten help, but it was you who was strong enough to wake up.
With a "Thank you, but that was all you." he moves on to asking you what he had been meaning to.
"How did this happen?"
You remember that he still doesn't know. You had heard him talk about that. Now you know you have to tell him but at the same time you don't want him blaming himself for something far from his fault.
"You know how I said I could feel people's pain, but not everyone, only certain people, or if I’m thinking about someone?”
He nods, so you continue.
"When you had been hurt, I had felt it." it doesn't hurt anymore but it still feels like it, if that makes sense. "...and I think because the pain was too much, I passed out."
And, now, it all makes sense.
"I'm sorry."
Though he doesn't have anything to be sorry about. You wish he would see that.
"...it wasn't your fault."
He furrows his eyebrows, wanting nothing more than to apologize for not being there for you and for this even happening, but when you bring a hand to the side of his face and make him look at you. With those eyes that hold so much love and kindness, care. He can’t help but soften once again.
"It wasn't your fault."
"Thank you in yakunaj. U agradezco (I appreciate that)." and when he leans forward pressing his cheek to yours, nuzzling you, you sigh softly.
"And I appreciate you." you smile softly, taking in this moment with your beloved. When you part you're still smiling: K'uk'ulkan's eyes soften and he stares at you...he just stares at you because for the first time in four days he can actually look into your eyes. "I love you, K'uk'ulkan."
"I love you too." more than anything. He brings your hand to his heart and keeps it there.
Smiling from ear to ear, you lower your head. The way he makes you feel is indescribable. You're beyond happy it was him that you woke up to because as much as you love Namora and Attuma, and the other people you consider close, K’uk’ulkan means the most to you and you love him the most out of anyone.
"...más u mixba'al (more than anything).”
Namor presses a kiss to your head again, smiling, and when you look at him again, you can’t help but smile either.
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seattlesolace · 1 year
at the cinemas with enhypen
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Heeseung - Wakanda Forever
He’s been watching all the Marvel movies with his friends before he started dating you.
Since then, you’re always his first choice to take to watch any new release.
You ask him about “the second Black Panther movie” and he corrected you by saying “it’s called Wakanda Forever” /eyeroll
“Okay, King,” you replied.
Doesn’t even let you get snacks or drinks because he wants you to focus.
Questions your loyalty when you start falling for the fishman.
Gets choked up during the scenes when it’s silent and a tribute to Chadwick Boseman.
You hold his hand in an effort to comfort him and he squeezes your hand.
Not even five minutes after the movie, he’s already asking you to watch it again next week.
Embarrassingly says goodbye to you by doing the Wakanda forever gesture.
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Jay – The Menu
You’ve mentioned repeatedly how you wanted to watch The Menu because you saw the trailer.
Hesitates at first, but then agrees once he sees that Anya Taylor-Joy starts in it.
The beginning of the movie got you both questioning your comprehension skills.
“Oh, are those her parents?” “Are they actually dating?” “What’s with those three dudes?” are some of the questions he would carefully mumble to you.
Gets immersed whenever the scene shows the details of each dish since he loves cooking so much.
Flinches whenever the chef claps his hands for attention. (You flinched too.)
“What genre is this movie actually?” He asks when you begin closing both your ears and slowly facing away from the screen, afraid of a jump scare.
You were both in awe and left speechless once the movie ends.
You go to a café after to sit and have a drink and discuss all the symbolisms and plot of the movie.
“I don’t remember what they ate, Jay.” / “You have to remember, Y/N! I even remembered that the fish was halibut and NOT cod!”
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Sunghoon – Glass Onion
You made Sunghoon watch Knives Out on Netflix before actually going to the cinemas to watch the sequel.
Initially seemed disinterested but became amused once he heard Daniel Craig’s accent.
Attempts to imitate the accent as soon as he meets up with you at the cinema.
“My God, Y/N, this dress on you---” / “Stop it.”
Before the movie even starts, he makes a bet with you and whoever guesses the murderer right gets treated to dinner.
Changes his answer three times throughout the movie.
Gasps at the exact same time as you do once you both realize something.
Synchronized gasps again when the movie reveals a plot twist.
Both of you end up guessing the wrong culprit.
You then have fun discussing the movie while having dinner, splitting the bill at the end.
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Jake – The Greatest Showman
You knew you wanted to go on a date at the cinemas, but neither of you knew what you wanted to see yet.
Once he sees the poster, he becomes excited and asks you to just watch this movie “because Hugh Jackman is in it and he's an Aussie like me.”
He holds the popcorn the whole time, almost hogging it and not letting you eat.
Bops his head whenever any of the characters break into a song.
“Zendaya is so pretty.” / “Yeah, you wish you were Zac.”
Holds a hand over his chest during This is Me because of how touching it was.
When Jenny Lind appears, he says he doesn’t trust her because she wears red lipstick and all villains wear red lipstick.
Catches you tearing up during Never Enough, so he coos at you and intertwines his fingers with yours.
Both of you remain immersed throughout the rest of the movie.
You walk out of the cinemas with a huge grin on your face, excited to look up the soundtrack so you can listen to them together.
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Sunoo – Avatar: The Way of Water
He has been actually, genuinely waiting for this moment.
“Y/N, you don’t know how excited I am for this sequel!” / “You were 6 when the first movie came out.”
Initially wants to watch it in 4D, but he knows how much you hate the glasses, so he gives in and says he can rewatch it later.
Because you both took too long having lunch, you missed the first few minutes of the movie.
“Wait, Kiri is adopted?” / “I know as much as you do, Sunoo.”
Lets you put the popcorn on his lap and cutely uses the lid to get some for himself.
Forgets to chew whenever the scene shows something breathtaking.
Sympathizes with the alienated whale, holds his breath whenever there is an underwater scene.
His lips tremble when it shows someone dying towards the end.
“Promise to watch the next sequels with me again, Y/N!”
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Jungwon - Zootopia
Watching animated movies with him is like a routine for the two of you.
When Zootopia came out, you both texted each other at the same time.
Immediately chooses the fox’s side while you sympathize with the bunny.
“Wait, you kinda look like Judy Hopps, Won.” / “Ha-ha-ha.”
Keeps his laughter to small giggles and chuckles while you cackle.
Loses it when it came to the DMV sloth scene.
Mentions that the song sung by Gazelle sounds like Shakira. (it is Shakira)
Comments on how all the voices suit the animals really well.
Is not fazed at the huge plot twist in the movie.
Completely loses it again at the last scene with the sloth (again).
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Ni-ki – Jumanji: The Next Level
Has an odd admiration for Dwayne Johnson, will watch anything with him in it.
Claims he enjoyed the first movie, so he was happy when you asked him to watch the sequel.
Immediately asks you what happens in the first movie, mentioning how he has forgotten about it already.
Completely amused at how The Rock was possessed by an old man.
“I’d actually play Jumanji if I had the game.” / “Riki, no. What would I do without you?”
Cackles when Spencer shows up in Awkwafina’s body.
“Look, he can talk to animals, like you.” / “Riki, I swear to God…”
Says how the villain in this sequel looks familiar but can’t seem to know from where.
Almost yelled out Jumanjiiii! at the climax if you did not hold him back.
“OH, HE’S THE HOUND FROM GAME OF THRONES.” / “You watch Game of Thrones???”
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© seattlesolace 2022
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a/n: hope you like this third installation of ...with ENHYPEN! most of these are based on my experience and some spoil a bit of the plot of the movies, so I'm sorry about that 😭 do let me know if you end up watching any of the movies above and what you think of it!
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pebble-of-gold · 1 year
WOO 2023
Lets talk about my top 10 films that came out in 2022! I watched a lot of films last year!
1. Everything everywhere all at once
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I could write essays on this movie but putting it simply I watched this film in theatres 5 times. There was nothing in this movie that dissapointed me. Its an incredible example of nihilism vs existentialism and I cried 3/5 times i saw it. I now own it on dvd.
2. Bullet train
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Bullet train I saw ever so slightly less coming in at 4 cinema visits! Fantastic visuals and soundtrack. Wonderful casting and a fabulously written script! One of my favourite examples of a film that is just fun to watch. I'll be honest on the 3rd and 4th time I was a bit bored but theres not as much going on to rewatch as EEAAO.
3. Black panther: Wakanda forever
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I started crying and I dont know if I stopped? An incredibly touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman and a heartbreaking reminder of who we've lost. I think this is the best marvel movie since endgame honestly.
4. The unbearable weight of massive talent
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Nick Cage is unironically one of my favourite actors and him and pedro pascal have created an amazing piece of media here. It is so funny and thats all it needs to be! Its just 2 guys getting to know eachother. Fair enough theres some action and spy shit going on but with that removed it is just pure fun.
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A slightly controversial one I know, However, I will never get over the wacky inflatable arm tube men. Im not even joking. They are what made me want to see the film in the first place! No but an excellent example of terror vs fear and a perfect film to discuss questions like "how far should you go for the shot" and issues like exploitation of animals.
6. Three thousand years of longing.
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First and foremost its Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba enough said. This movie is gorgeous. The cinematography is beautiful and the costumes the makeup the set design the props my word they did not dissapoint! The message of the film is largely isolation but also behind that theres a sense of love is eternal and how much would you do for love. I couldn't recommend this film more.
7. Matilda
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Ok this one is the music and choreography for me. It's a fun film and i loce the set design for it. The costume for mrs wormwood is to die for and I want it all. Theres not a huge moral like the others on the list its a good example of what goes around comes around and good prevails. The camerawork is amazing too.
8. The Menu
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Everyone in this film is an awful person EXCEPT Anya Taylor Joy's Character and I live for it. The pacing is wonderful, the camerawork again fantastic and the characterisation!!! There is so much tension and it keeps building until you reach the climax its a wonderful. I like to think the film is about anti capitalism and the death of creatives due to the preassure of critics.
9. The banshees of inisherin
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My favourite type of media is where nothing happens but SO MUCH happens. (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is a wonderful example of this) and Banshees is an amazing example of that. At its core its about loss and lobelyness. Plus It has a RELATIVELY ACCURATE autistic character and thats my favourite part.
10. Don't worry darling
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DON'T BOO ME DON'T YOU DARE. OK I ENJOYED IT. SOMEONE HAD TO! HARRY'S ACTING WASN'T EVEN THAT BAD YES IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH SHIT GOING ON CAN YOU BLAME HIM! plus I was living for the drama of DWD and no it was not at all about feminism or the female orgasm but it was about control and it was a fantastic film to showcase that.
Honorable mentions go to:
Where the crawdads sing, Batman, The bad guys, Sing 2, violent night, JJK:0, Multiverse of madness.
Thor does not get an honorable mention and I will not see avatar 2 because I want it to flop.
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
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↳Part III
: slight smut,angst & fluff
:ntm on the smut yall this is my second time. First time went terribly
^pls play the song if you can, it rlly resonates with me and I think it matches the storyline
Two months later
-"IS that the last of your bags, ma'am?" The worker asked you as he finished loading the last box into the truck.You nod slowly and give him a tight lipped smile. He smiles back and closes the trunk to his truck.
"These will be shipped back to the US as soon as possible." He tells you. "Thank you." You reply. It's true; you were moving back to the US. You felt as if you didnt have a purpose here in Wakanda ever since..you and Shuri broke up. You wanted to go back to school and resume your studies in marine biology.
You took your phone out to look at the time your plane was coming to get you. You only had two hours left until you left this beautiful place with beautiful people forever. But what mattered is that you're doing this for yourself-you weren't running away. Though the only thing was you didnt tell Shuri.
You sigh as you reach out to touch your necklace anxiously, only to realise its not on your neck. Your eyes widen as you look on the ground and all around the place, its not there. Someone very special gave that to you - Shuri. But yet it had meaning to it. It was something she made for your late sister, but was gifted to you instead.
"She would've wanted you to have this."
Your eyes started to well with tears. You missed her, though you wouldn't admit it to anyone- you longed for her touch and missed her presence. Whatever, it isn't that deep its just a necklace..You blink back the tears and look in your suitcase beside you; maybe you didnt put it on after all?
You looked up at your apartment complex and sighed. You had to go up there again, after packing all of your stuff. You went over to your car and loaded all of your stuff in for a minute and went up.
You took the elevator up and looked at the empty spaces. Where your couch and TV used to be in the living room, your kitchen..whenever you looked around you saw Shuri. Everything reminded you of her, even when you were trying to forget.
You remembered the time you guys tried to make cookies.
"Shuri, you're supposed to watch them, they're burning!"
"What? Oh shi-"
You laughed at her as she opened the oven and suddenly a puff of smoke came out of the place.
"Ahh!!" She screamed as she grabbed a cloth and started waving it around. You laughed hysterically at her.
You sighed and looked away. You made your way to your empty bedroom. You went on all fours and started looking for it. Nothing, of course.
You searched and searched for it and after all that time you couldn't find it. You muttered curse words under your breath and realised it could only be in one place.
Shuri's damned apartment.
You shut your eyes and put your head in your hands. "Ughh, oh my gosh" you mumbled as you got up once again.
ᘛ ᘚ
You stood at Shuri's doorstep as you tapped your foot anxiously. Its fine, you can just replace it. Its just a stupid necklace.
That had meaning to it.
You checked the time on your apple watch, you have one hour to get it, so you might as well just get this over with. You knocked softly on the door as your hands slightly trembled. You heard footsteps coming towards the door, she looked through the peephole and then opened the door with a click.
"Y/n..I.." her voice trails off. "Wasn't expecting you." She sighs shakily as she takes a good look at you. You wore a grey sweatsuit, the zip-up showing a bit of your cleavage.
"Yeahh..I can't stay long. I'm leaving today, soo.." you gave her a tight lipped smile. "I think I left something of mine here." You gulp as you look into her eyes to see hurt, loneliness and despair.
"Leaving? Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice cracks. She really didn't look in good shape. She wore a hoodie of yours and some boxer shorts. The eyes that were once full of love and life, were now empty black pools.
"Yeah..Im gonna be continuing my studies again." You add. Shuri nods slowly as she gives you room to come in. You walk straight into her bedroom and look in her jewlery box. You sigh as you realise its not there. "I..it's not here." You mumble as you close her jewlery box and put it back where you found it.
"Its fine. I can always get it replaced." You say to her. You fiddle with your fingers nervously. "Y/n, we'll find it, okay?" She says reassuringly, reaching out to touch your cheek. You shut your eyes and give into the comfort. She comes in to hug you and you give her the tightest hug. You wrap your arms around her neck and she rubs your back.
You missed this comfort and love. You breathe into her neck and let the tears fall on her shoulder. It was not because of necklace, its because you missed this. Though you broke up with her - that doesn't mean you can't miss her.
"I missed you so much." Her voice cracks once again. You pull away from the hug and look into her eyes, your hands still around her neck. She looks into your eyes for a minute and before you knew it your lips crashed onto hers. It was a loving and passionate kiss. She picks you up and puts you on the bed as you get deeper into the kiss.
She continues to kiss you softly as you both smile throughout the kiss.
Gosh,you're 100% gonna miss your flight.
ᘛ ᘚ
YOU woke Shuri up by planting kisses all over her face. She scrunched her nose softly and opened her eyes, smiling when she realised its you. She grabbed your waist and pulled your naked bodies closer together. You kissed her lips, but then realised you forgot about your flight. "Oh no." You say as you turn around and grab your phone. "Whats wrong?" Shuri asks you as she looks over at your phone.
You jump out of bed and grab your outfit, throwing it on. "I am..going to miss my flight." You mumble as you grab your clothes off of the ground.
"I'll call when I land." You grumble as you attempt to grab your glasses from the nightstand, only for her to put your hand on top of yours.
She instantly notices your nerves calm as you look into her cocoa brown eyes. "I can't stay. Nope, I'm sorry." You whisper. She removes her hand from yours and her eyes soften.
She gets up from her bed and throws on a cropped tank top and her shorts from before, and walks over to you. You get up on your tippy toes and kiss her on the lips, for the last time.
"I'll come to visit, promise."
She smiles softly at you.
ᘛ ᘚ
-𝖳𝖧𝖤 sunset in Wakanda was always so beautiful, too bad you were leaving it. You were in the mood for some music so you grabbed your duffel bag that was sitting beside you - and also had your airpods in it. You shuffled through the bag to find the case, in which you did, and so you put on your Spotify playlist.
As you were zipping up your bag, you noticed something was stuck between the zipper.
The necklace.
You chuckle lightly and grin as you close your duffel bag up again. Your phone suddenly vibrates, interrupting your music.
I love you, safe journey.
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milf-mira · 1 year
Watched the black panther wakanda forever movie a second time and I finally understood the back story of talokan and what namora told Namor at the end of the movie. During the fight btw shuri and Namor, when she had the spear on his throat she was having flashbacks of both wakanda and talokan which made her hesitate but the strangest thing was how she first thought about her mother and then Namor laughing popped up in her head ?! We never actually saw that footage .... Probably a scene that was cut. He wasn't just smiling he actually laughed and we heard the laugh. So she was hesitating not only Because of the beauty and the people of talokan but also because she grew attached BRIEFLY to Namor ? Again BRIEFLY cuz we really don't know what else happened in those caves. Namor also saw his mother through her, he gave her his mother's bracelet, and shuri's outfit was said to be specifically made for her ... Strange. What are the similarities btw shuri and his mother ? Tbh i can't think of any except them being scientists ?!
Another thing, when Nakia came to save shuri, both shuri and Riri were wearing a different outfit. They really were treated as guest since riri was with the the little girl that brought her food at first and they seemed to play ?! Shuri's outfit was gorgeous tho it had a lot of sparkles and beautiful embroidery and a see through cape ?! Or chains with beads ?! It was quite dark i couldn't see well. When Nakia came, she killed the guard and the little girl wasn't really armed. As a defense she put the knife on shuri's neck. Nakia told shuri to move away her arm to strike her but shuri didn't?! Nakia still succeeded to put a blow on the little girl. Shuri was the only one trying to save her cuz she knew it will be war yet nobody listened. The queen didn't care about the outcome and sorry to say this but she could only be blamed for her own death. Both Nakia and Riri said they should just leave and let the girl die, Shuri at that point said to her that she doesn't understand how grave this is cuz it means war. The queen should have carefully thought about her plan to save Shuri. But then again it's a mother who lost her husband and son, it's understandable she went to that length to save her daughter but some of y'all need to understand why Namor did what he did, she faced the consequences of her plan. When shuri came back to the lab the first thing she did was to try and make sonic defense barrier ?! She was the only one preparing for war. And when aneka came, she mentioned how she still keeps the bracelet, Shuri was actually smiling and she mentioned how beautiful talokan was to aneka. I t doesn't make sense that she grew so attached to talokan right away, I'm pretty sure she stayed there at least a week or something.
In the cave, Shuri opened up to Namor and Namor opened up to her. It wasn't easy with her mother yet she seemed more comfortable with Namor. When she refused his request he seemed so disappointed yet he still tried to listen to her. When he went up to the shore to meet Ramonda he said that she will remain there the time being and when he threatened he said that he will kill both shuri and her yet he still only killed the queen why ?! On the ship with shuri he only attacked the ship and spared her.
To me it seems that a lot of stuff happened in that cave which made shuri bond with both Namor and Riri. To me it didn't make sense she was protecting Riri "a stranger" and how she hesitated to kill Namor thinking about her mother and HIM when he murdered her mother.
I'm not an avid shipper or Namor x Shuri but the dynamic was so good and intimate to over look this. The thing is that they should have kept those scenes in the cave. Shuri sparing Namor would have made more sense because tbh i was angry she didn't get her revenge. She repeated many times that her plan was to kill Namor risking eternal war, she told N'jadaka she wanted to see Namor beg for mercy yet at the end she hesitated. I don't have a problem with her sparing more like we needed more content to back it up. Cuz for her to hesitate to kill the person who murdered her mother, it could only mean that she grew attached to that person. She said she wasn't noble liker her brother T'challa sparing the guy who killed their father. So if she didn't spare him because she was noble she spared him cuz she cares about him ? She grew fond of him ? They got close ? We will never know i guess.
I have more stuff to stay about namor's backstory maybe I'll make another post.
Can't wait for a Namor movie and or black panther 3.
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Nightmares and Love
Summary: Shuri has been having panic attacks and bad dreams after the events of Wakanda Forever, and her seeing Killmonger in the Ancestral Plane. But luckily, Riri is there to comfort her and love her when she needs it.
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Warning: Mentions of death, panic/anxiety attacks, heartbreak.
NOTE: This took me forever to write, and I DIDNT PROOF READ IT! So please bare with me, hope you enjoy it!
“Good to see you again little cousin. Even though I’m disappointed in you,” Killmonger said in my dream. I’m confused as to why I keep seeing him after everything I’ve been through. I mean I did the right thing to save my people, to save my nation, to prevent an eternal war. “I thought you told me that you was gonna handle business, like me,” he continued. “You said that Namor would beg you for mercy, as you stand and watch as he dies. Whatever happened to that?” he asked.
“I did it to save my home. My people, my nation…everything I have left. It was my duty to do what’s best for those things, rather than myself. No matter how much I wanted to do it, I couldn’t.”
He scoffs, and sucks his teeth, shaking his head as he condescends me. “This is exactly the problem with you and your family. Y’all try to be so noble, always thinking about other people who probably don’t even give a damn about you. Weren’t one of the tribe leaders trying to give your right to the throne to Okoye behind your back? Ha, yeah, they ain’t worth shit. Everytime your family tries to do something for their nation, or some righteous shit, they end up in the grave. It’s only a matter of time you’ll end up just like them. Your already alone… and your weak. So let me ask you this, was letting him live really worth it?”
He says all this as he’s walking slowly towards me, as I take steps back. I’m on the verge of tears, and my breathing pattern increases more and more. I’m sweating profusely. My heartbeats out of my chest and then…
I’ve always been a light sleeper ever since I was a kid. At times I could even hear a pin job, or my brother stealing snacks from the kitchen during the middle of the night. Which is why it didn’t take a lot for me to hear a scream from another room. I immediately shot up, and rushed out of the room to see where it was coming from. I knew that scream from anywhere, it had to be Shuri. It was a raspy, deep voice filled with heartbreak and fear. Dashing through the hallways, I decided to check the lab, since she spends most of her time there. Sure enough, when I opened the door, she was right there. Her back was faced towards my direction. Rocking back and forth, breathing as fast as a person who had just run a marathon.
I dash over to her, noticing she was definitely under distress. “Shuri, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” I say as I reach to put my hand of her back, but she quickly turns around to reveal the tears in her eyes. She frantically backs away from me, as she then places her hand over her heart, sweating, heavily breathing, and sobbing all at once.
This absolutely broke my heart to see her like this. In pain, in panic, in grief. Tears started to form in my eyes and my lip begins to quiver. She now has her eyes close shut, and I take the chance to move closer to her. Sitting down at her level, I take the hand on her chest off as I replace it with my head. I then wrap my arms around her waste to fully embrace her. I can feel her heart beat now, and it was loud and so fast, I fail to comprehend how she could survive off of this much distress. I bury my head in chest, and the world just pauses for a moment. It’s just us two, alone together, being there for one another….that’s how I’ve always wanted it to be like.
“It’s okay Shuri, just breathe. I’m here, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Just keep breathing,” I say. And she follows, breathing in through her nose, and out through her mouth. I notice that her breathing and her heart beat begins to slow as she wraps her arms around me now. I feel warm, cozy, and most of all loved at that moment. But all I could thinking about is if I’m giving the same feeling to Shuri right now.
I’ve never felt so safe in someone’s arms since my mother was still a live. Riri gave me this sense of peace, just by her presence alone. Her slowly caressing back back with her hands, her head on my heart, as she calms me down. But I can hear her small sniffles along with mine. And now I feel even more bad than I did before. Not only did I wake her up and made her feel obligated to comfort me, but now my negative emotions and grief are rubbing off to her. Bast, why am I like this? What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be as strong as my mother, my baba….my brother? Or maybe it’s my want to be as strong as them that will eventually be my downfall. Maybe Killmonger was right. Maybe I am weak.
I shift Riri off of me slowly, not to be aggressive. She looks at me in my tear filled eyes. I could help but to continue sobbing, no matter how hard I tried to hold it back. “I’m sorry,” I cry with a short pause afterwards. “I-I’m sorry, Riri.” She grabs both sides of my face and wiped the tears from my face with her thumbs. We make eye contact. Those deep, dark, brown pools that are her eyes giving complete attention to my tearful ones.
“Shuri, don’t you dare apologize. I know a lot has happened to you this past year, and you’ve suffered too much in such a short amount of time. You’re still so young, and you’ve lost so much. The world hasn’t been kind to you, and you’ve still been juggling your grief while handling this new responsibility of being Black Panther. It’s a lot, and I know it is. But I promise whatever it is you’re going through, or whatever triggers you, we’re going to get through it together. I’m gonna be there every step of the way. And that’s a promise.” she rambles.
I’ve never heard those words said to me before. Not like this at least. Her voice was so sincere, and smooth like honey. She made me feel so warm and safe inside. My heart started beating fast again. But not out of fear or panic this time. It was different. Something I’ve never felt for a person before. Could it be… love?
I meant every single word I spoke to Shuri. I wanted her to believe that she could trust me, and allow me to be there for her. I wanted her to let me be by her side in anything that she may need. I just… wanted her. But this isn’t about me, or my wants, it’s about Shuri, and what she needs. She held eye contact with me, her eyebrows are raised in wonderment, and her lips slightly parted. I remove my hands from her face, and grab her hand, rubbing it with my thumbs.
“C’mon, let’s get you back to your room, in your real bed, so you can get some real rest,” I say to her. I begin to stand up to help prepare myself to get her up, but she pulls me back down before I could. I’m confused, yet a bit intrigued.
“Riri, can you sleep with me tonight? Please? I’d feel more safe,” she said earnestly. I was shocked, she really wanted me in the same bed as her? Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “Of course,” I answer as I nod. I finally see I smile on her face as well as we still maintain eye contact before slowly rising up to walk to her bed room together.
When we arrived to her room, she noticed how she was still in her lab clothes, and she needed to change in her pajamas. She went over to the draw to grab some, and started changing….right in front of me. I can feel the blush on my cheeks appear when I saw her toned abs, and muscular arms. I didn’t want to look away, but I didn’t want her to catch me starting either so I just looked on the ground until she was finished. After she was done, we both made eye contact for a minute, until we both finally walk over to the bed.
The bed was a huge king sized bed, and while she was near the center, I was near the edge. I never slept in the same bed with someone that I loved before. Wait? Did I really just say that? Love??! No, it’s just all in my head. Besides, even if that were true, it’s like she would want me any clos—
I needed her by my side. I need her with me. I needed her closer. And so I found this new sense of confidence, and I asked. “Riri, you can come closer. You don’t have to be at the edge.” It was silent for a minute, her back faced towards me. I thought I may have just made her more uncomfortable. Bast, why would I even ask that? She doesn’t feel the way I do about her. She finally responded after an uncomfortable silence.
“Are you sure? I wanna make sure you have enough space. I don’t wanna crowd you or make you feel uncomfortable.” I realized that maybe she did feel the same, and she was just as nervous and as awkward as me. But no, I’m not giving my hopes up. But, I will be honest, I still wanted her closer. Maybe like…cuddling? The words that came out of my mouth next were words I didn’t think of, but that came from my heart.
“Riri, you could never make me feel uncomfortable. You make me feel more safe than anyone. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I want you close. Really close…”. She slowly turned around with an almost astound look on her face. My heart started beating faster again, and I started to sweat out of nervousness. But then I saw her smile…her beautiful wide smile, that gave me the reassurance I needed. She scooted closer and closer, until her thigh was right next to mine. I wrap my arms around her, and pulled her really close, until her head was on my chest. “Is this too much?” I ask to make sure she was okay with this. “Not at all,” she responds as she removes her head from my chest to look into my eyes.
The world pauses again, just like when she was comforting me. But this time, neither of us hold back. She leans in first, then I follow, until our lips finally connected. It was better than I could ever imagine. Her lips tasted like cherries, and were so soft. The kiss was long and slow, and I wanted to savor every moment of it. My stomach was filled with butterflies, and my heart soared. This is amazing. This is love.
I’ve never has a kiss like this in my entire life. It was filled with so much passion and bliss. Shuri’s lips were like Heaven on mine. I could feel my stomach swirling when she wrapped her arms around my waste pulled me even closer. I was now on top of her, still passionately kissing her, when suddenly I felt her tongue in my mouth.
I pull back for a moment out of shock. She looked nervous, as if she was afraid that she went too far. When it reality, she did exactly what I wanted from her for so long. I dive back in, connecting her lips to mine as a slide my tongue in her mouth. She lets out a soft moan, which makes me smile into the kiss. I never wanted this moment to end. I could kiss this woman forever and never get tired of it. And it made me feel good that I was making her feel good. That was all the satisfaction I needed. God…I love this woman.
For the first time in a long time, I felt good. Like…really good. This was a feeling I can’t describe or have ever experienced. I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone the way I love Riri. After a passionate 15 minutes of making out, we stopped and looked at each others eyes. Both of us trying to catch our breathe, I whisper to her, “I love you, Ri.” She grins from ear to ear and places a kiss on my forehead as she said, “I love more, Shuri.” She rests her head on my chest, as my arm is wrapped around her. She found a way not just to calm me down, but to make me feel like I’m not alone. And she said she loved? This is the happiest I’ve felt in forever. I am so lucky to have her. She’s mine, and I’m hers. I caress her shoulder as we both drift off to sleep.
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Imagine being Nemor’s little sister and secretly seeing Peter.
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Age: 18. You are Namor’s younger sister, he is very protective of you, one day you two got into a bad fight and you ran away to New York.
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This is what you’re wearing I made it on Gacha life 2
* Your older brother, Namor has always been very protective of you ever since your mother died years ago.
* You were the physical age of 8 when she passed away and it was a devastating blow for you.
* You are the princess of Talokan, you love your home but you always wondered what it’s like on the surface but everytime you asked your brother he would change the subject.
* One day you had enough and decided to get a real answer from him but it turned into a fight and before you knew it you swam away from Talokan until you ended up in Manhattan.
* You couldn’t believe how much the world has changed since last you visited the surface for you saw buildings touching the sky, metal birds, people wearing strange clothes while looking at little boxes and strange metal fish on land.
* You saw that there were even moving pictures but one caught your curiosity on a man in red and black saving people trapped in an elevator.
* As your intrigued by the moving picture you didn’t notice the giant metal fish (truck kun) coming until you heard loud blaring and the next thing you know, you’re swooped off the road by the man on the moving pictures.
* Peter was shocked to see a young girl wear strange attire that looked like something out of Aquaman with tiny wings on her feet and a strange mask over her nose and mouth with water in it.
* He put her down and she thanked him in Spanish to which he replied back, she introduced herself as Y/N McKenzie and he introduced himself as Spider-Man and told her to be careful.
* Later as your at the docks Peter now in his Citizen attire came up to you and asked where you are from, you two introduced yourselves then started talking and hitting it off.
* You couldn’t help but be found of the young human man as you two talked about stuff and he introduced you to social media, memes and YouTube until you realized how late it was “I have to get back home.” You said taking off your masked and diving into the ocean to swim back to Talokan but you promised Peter to meet you back at the docks by tomorrow.
* For the past few months you have been sneaking out to New York to see Peter while running into Spider-Man on a few occasions.
* One day, Namor started wondering where you’ve been going for the past few days after your fighting lessons so he decided to follow you.
* He had a tsunami when he saw you and Peter talking and went to confront you “This is where you’ve been going? You know that the surface is forbidden.” He said angrily.
* You were tired of Namor being very overprotective.
* Ever since your mother died he’s never let you leave the palace to the point you didn’t want to be a princess anymore.
* So you told him straight on that times have changed and that humans aren’t like how they use to be anymore and that you’ve developed feelings for Peter.
* Namor is speechless but when he saw Peter he saw that the boy was really well mannered and nice to you so with a heavy sigh he said “Fine I’ll give him a chance, but it won’t save him from my wrath if he hurts you.” He said placing a kiss on your head.
* And so you and Peter have been seeing each other without fear and Peter was happy that he meet new people after everyone he knew and cared about had to forget about him after the whole secret identity reveal back in 2018.
I hope you all like it. Again I haven’t watched Wakanda forever yet.
I don’t own the MCU but I do own the gacha picture.
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