#big brother namor
Imagine being Nemor’s little sister and secretly seeing Peter.
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Age: 18. You are Namor’s younger sister, he is very protective of you, one day you two got into a bad fight and you ran away to New York.
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This is what you’re wearing I made it on Gacha life 2
* Your older brother, Namor has always been very protective of you ever since your mother died years ago.
* You were the physical age of 8 when she passed away and it was a devastating blow for you.
* You are the princess of Talokan, you love your home but you always wondered what it’s like on the surface but everytime you asked your brother he would change the subject.
* One day you had enough and decided to get a real answer from him but it turned into a fight and before you knew it you swam away from Talokan until you ended up in Manhattan.
* You couldn’t believe how much the world has changed since last you visited the surface for you saw buildings touching the sky, metal birds, people wearing strange clothes while looking at little boxes and strange metal fish on land.
* You saw that there were even moving pictures but one caught your curiosity on a man in red and black saving people trapped in an elevator.
* As your intrigued by the moving picture you didn’t notice the giant metal fish (truck kun) coming until you heard loud blaring and the next thing you know, you’re swooped off the road by the man on the moving pictures.
* Peter was shocked to see a young girl wear strange attire that looked like something out of Aquaman with tiny wings on her feet and a strange mask over her nose and mouth with water in it.
* He put her down and she thanked him in Spanish to which he replied back, she introduced herself as Y/N McKenzie and he introduced himself as Spider-Man and told her to be careful.
* Later as your at the docks Peter now in his Citizen attire came up to you and asked where you are from, you two introduced yourselves then started talking and hitting it off.
* You couldn’t help but be found of the young human man as you two talked about stuff and he introduced you to social media, memes and YouTube until you realized how late it was “I have to get back home.” You said taking off your masked and diving into the ocean to swim back to Talokan but you promised Peter to meet you back at the docks by tomorrow.
* For the past few months you have been sneaking out to New York to see Peter while running into Spider-Man on a few occasions.
* One day, Namor started wondering where you’ve been going for the past few days after your fighting lessons so he decided to follow you.
* He had a tsunami when he saw you and Peter talking and went to confront you “This is where you’ve been going? You know that the surface is forbidden.” He said angrily.
* You were tired of Namor being very overprotective.
* Ever since your mother died he’s never let you leave the palace to the point you didn’t want to be a princess anymore.
* So you told him straight on that times have changed and that humans aren’t like how they use to be anymore and that you’ve developed feelings for Peter.
* Namor is speechless but when he saw Peter he saw that the boy was really well mannered and nice to you so with a heavy sigh he said “Fine I’ll give him a chance, but it won’t save him from my wrath if he hurts you.” He said placing a kiss on your head.
* And so you and Peter have been seeing each other without fear and Peter was happy that he meet new people after everyone he knew and cared about had to forget about him after the whole secret identity reveal back in 2018.
I hope you all like it. Again I haven’t watched Wakanda forever yet.
I don’t own the MCU but I do own the gacha picture.
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M'Baku being the ruler Namor now has to play nice with does have comedy potential, but also a lot of dramatic potential. After Riri points out how Namor resembles a love-sick antagonist a la Beauty and the Beast, I expected Shuri to be proposed to by M'Baku too. Not necessarily a marriage proposal because Namor didn't put a name to it either. I'm glad they didn't go that route, but he is her closest confidant with political power within the nation
Me, the whole movie: Namor's going to request a marriage alliance isnt he noooo
Me, searching for fics: i want a fic where Shuri is approached with a bunch of political marriage arrangements and she has no clue Namor's isnt for political reasons he just has a giant crush on her
Me: i will also settle for the angst of Namor assuming King M'Baku of Wakanda is Shuri's husband and that he's too late
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
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Wave sees through his bluster, lol
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thebrofriends · 2 years
Who the fuck gives a shit about avatar 2 when Black Panther: Wakanda Forever exists
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known
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pairing: spiderwoman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: after miguel’s fight with miles, you confront him in his office
warnings: this whole thing is basically one big argument there’s SO much angst, implied suicide attempt, HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, im projecting a little in some parts of this ngl (i cried writing a certain section of this, you'll know it when you read it lmao), mentions and descriptions of blood, gore, and death
word count:  4.1k
notes: i watched the movie yesterday…and miguel is on my mind. but i remember reading this namor x reader fanfic after i watched wakanda forever of a similar idea to this and i loved it so this is HEAVILY inspired by that fic, but just make it miguel. i would link it but ngl that was so long ago and i dont remember the author. if i end up finding it again ill put it here. also, just pretend miguel has been doing this whole spider society thing for a couple of years at least, it just needs to work like that for this ik its probably not canon but just roll with it lmao. and yes the title is a taylor swift lyric im so glad you noticed (im so sorry she's in my brain rn with the eras tour)
The anger boiled up inside your chest as you stormed your way across the lobby. Hundreds of different Spider-Man variants were scattered across the area, some more injured than the others. It sickened you sometimes. How he had so many people under his grasp and just decided to throw some of them at the walls sometimes, not caring how hard they hit the floor because they were all just ammo to him. How despite his denials of it, that’s probably what your role was to him as well. Nothing more than a bullet in his massive machine gun.
You normally tried not to think about it, how his determination towards his goal sometimes meant lack of care for others. But this time he had just gone too far. You always had a soft spot for Miles, watching closely on him whenever Miguel would let you go though scanners of all the different variants. You admired his struggle, but eventual success to taking up the previous Peter’s mantle, and always hated how Miguel talked about him. You knew there was no way Miles could’ve asked for any of this. For the pressures and struggles of being a Spider-Man, for everything causing such a strained relationship with his parents, for the death of his uncle, and for what will be the eventual death of his father. You definitely didn’t.
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Ok lets do this one last time. Eh, whatever, there’s probably gonna be 50 other introductions after this one so it doesn’t really matter.
Being Earth-837’s Spider-Man has never been easy. Especially since you were bit when you were only 13 (another reason you sympathized with Miles and Gwen). Your life had followed the order of canon events to a perfect T, your older brother killed in a fight with a robber only two months after you were bit. You tried to overcome the burden of your powers by trying to live as normal of a teenage life as possible, but it was mostly in vain, having to give up multiple friendships and relationships in fear of those you love getting hurt. This was only elevated when your boyfriend Peter was murdered in the crossfire of an encounter with Doc Ock. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t. What you had done to deserve all of this. All you did was just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You wonder sometimes what would happen if someone was in the same place you were when you got bit. If someone else went to the closed down area of that museum and ran into that spider. That stupid spider that ruined your life. Those thoughts slowly started to disappear for a bit. For a few years things were easy. Things seemed like they were finally going in your favor.
You were 25 when it happened. The last canon event. Ever since you were a little girl you hated your mother’s job. Losing nights of sleep over if she would come home or not. She always did though. She was good at her job. Too good though. Good enough to get promoted to police captain, which for who you were, was basically sealing her fate. She saved so many people that day. You were too busy fighting Venom to notice how much collateral damage you were causing in the process. Your mother’s job was to evacuate all the citizens away from the fight. She died shielding a child from incoming debris. A noble way to go. But god was it gruesome. You found her after the fight was over, two metal poles impaling her. One through her stomach and one straight through her face, pools of blood growing bigger below her as she was left there, all the paramedics busy trying to save the heavily injured. You froze when you finally recognized her, unable to at first due to how mutilated her face was from the pole. Suddenly, you were transported back to being a six year old, falling asleep outside the door to your mother’s bedroom so you would know exactly when she would come home. Purposefully falling asleep in her arms so that she couldn’t go anywhere.
When you used the key she had given you to get into her apartment that night, and you slept in her room, desperate to intake anything left of her before she was fully gone. You doused yourself in her perfume so it still felt like she was standing right behind you. You had always loved her smell. The smell of vanilla, curl product, and fancy perfume. They were attached to memories you had of her. Trying on her heels when you were a kid to try and be fancy like her. Smelling her hair in the morning before school to comfort you before she left for work. Despite all of this bringing you comfort, all it really did was cause further denial in your heart. That one day you were gonna hear the keys clacking in the keyhole to your apartment one more time. That’s all you really wanted. You would give everything up in a heartbeat just to hear her police scanner go off one last time. But it wasn’t going to. And it was your fault. Deep down you knew it was. You should’ve done a better job controlling the debris. You had always been a messy fighter, but you didn’t know it was going to mean anything until it was too late. 
How you got up to the top of that building is still a blur to you to this day. But next thing you know, you were looking at the New York City skyline from the very top of the Empire State Building. And at the very edge too. You heard some sounds behind you, but you just decided it was the wind howling from how high up you were. You were just so tired. Everything and everyone you loved was cursed all because of you. And with your mother as the most recent victim, you decided you finally had enough. You took a deep breath, eyes overflowed with water, as you set your foot forward.
Your plummet was interrupted by a sudden contact you felt to your forearm. Shock filled your body as you turned around to look at what had stopped your attempt. The blue hand was massive, nearly wrapping back around onto itself as it held onto you for dear life. You finally looked up at face that the hand belonged to. The mask that covered the massive figure was a strange one. Blue with strange red silhouettes for the eyes. It kind of reminded you of…your own costume? That couldn’t be though there was no way. This must be the afterlife or something. You already jumped and that's why you didn’t remember your way up to the top. This was some kind of creature trying to stop you from jumping down to hell below. His breaths were heavy and loud, almost like he was desperate to stop you. This convinced you that this was real, which caused you to try to escape from his grip. He was stronger than you, and was putting up a huge fight. You were slick though. Once you were out of his hand, you closed your eyes and quickly made your jump. Everything flashed before your eyes. Your brother, Peter, your mom. You were hoping to see them soon. This was very quickly interrupted again when you suddenly stopped falling. Something had attached itself to your stomach. You opened your eyes. A web? This web was much different than yours though. It was glowing a bright, neon orange.
The man was holding onto the end of it tightly with both hands. His mask then disappeared to show his face. His was long, matching how big the rest of his body was, defined cheek bones sticking out. Brown wavy hair slicked back with a few loose strands flying out in the wind. The look of desperation on his face stook out most of all. Why did he care so much? He didn’t know you, and you definitely didn’t know him. “Let me pull you up. Please,” he said to you between shaky pants. You stared at him for a bit before nodding. He slowly pulled you up with the string of his web, each move more careful than the last. As soon as your feet were planted safely back on the roof of the building, he wrapped you up in his massive arms. You appreciated the gesture, but you didn’t return it, still very confused about why he was so concerned. He was so big around your body though, you couldn’t help but feel a little comforted, feeling his still shaky breaths against the hairs of your neck. Soon after, he clicked on some buttons on his neon orange watch and led you into a portal.
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The rest is history. You’re grateful he found you that day. It allowed you to meet so many people, Peter B., Jess, Gwen, Hobie, Ben, Pavitr, Margo. They all related to you and you felt like you could share things with them that you couldn’t do with anyone else. You had grown especially close to Peter and Jess, both of them having been in the game for a long time, just like you. They both knew how you felt, having lost so much and growing so tired after so many years. Peter even named you as Mayday’s godmother when she was born, a gesture that caused you to nearly kill him with your hug. Miguel though was different. He wasn’t nearly as social as the rest of your friends, but you found yourself having much more intimate moments with him (in more ways then one). You eventually found out why Miguel was so concerned for you the day you met. He had taken interest in your abilities early into looking for variants for his little “project”, but refrained from roping you into something so dangerous while you were still in your teens.
Once you were old enough though, he started paying more and more attention, hoping to catch you in a fight and recruit you then. But he was always pulled away with more important duties to attend to. That was until he witnessed your canon event. He had seen it happen so many times before through his scanners. It was going to happen. It had to in order for your universe to not collapse in on itself. But for some reason, yours hurt more than the rest to him. Especially how you coped with it. Seeing you wrap yourself up in her blankets and clothes broke his heart. He knew where this would lead to. That’s why he was there that day. To save you. He had to, or he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. You got your own watch immediately, along with your own room in the Spider Society headquarters. He stayed close with you for the first month of you being a member of the team. When he wasn’t out on missions, he was with you. You didn’t really know what to label you two as, but whatever was going on, you liked it. And he did too.
That is until Miles came into the picture. Once Miles was bit, all hell broke loose for Miguel. He was always in some alternate dimension catching some Spider-Man villain who got out and rangled them back over here, falling back over to you more beat up and bruised than the last time. You couldn’t imagine how much stress he was under, the fate of the entire multiverse up to him. You had some ways of helping him relieve his stress, but you wish you could convince him that he wasn’t alone in this. But nothing ever got through to him. He had become distant, aloof even. You tried bringing it up to Jess every so often, but she would just brush it off.
“That’s how he’s always been.” Not to you he hasn’t. This week has been hell though. With Spot making it over to Miles, Miguel had been going into rages all week. You had put up with it for now, but that was all about to stop. Watching how harsh he was being on Miles, throwing so many Spider-Men at an innocent boy, risking all of their lives in the process. Disregarding everything Gwen and Peter were feeling and then throwing Gwen back into her broken world with nothing. He had gone too far. No one else was going to stand up to him about it, so you knew it had to be you. Maybe he would listen, maybe he wouldn’t. It didn’t really matter. He just needed to hear it.
“It’s not worth it you know.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, stopping you in your tracks. “You know how stubborn he gets over these things,” said Jess, trying to convince you to save your breath. “I don’t care. I have to at least try,” you responded, monotonically. “I just don’t understand how you can follow him so blindly and not see what he’s doing is wrong.” “Because he isn’t wrong. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just gonna stand by and let some kid’s stupid decisions destroy another Earth,” Jess argued. “He’s just trying to save his dad, I can’t understand how that makes him such a bad person,” you said, finally turning around to face her, shocked when she was closer to you than expected.
“You know exactly why. Don’t be so naive, y/n,” she shot back. “You can’t stop me,” you said staring straight into her. She shrugged. “Then I can’t help you.” She began to walk away. You did to, until you heard her say. “You don’t know how much he cares for you.” You turned around to face her again, but her back was still to you, her head tilted ever so slightly to look at you. “If you really do care for the kid, watch what you say to Miguel right now. Cause you might just give him the final push he needs to do what needs to be done.” You didn’t give her a response, and just simply kept walking. You felt Jess’ eyes on your back as you entered the elevator to get up to Miguel’s office.
The elevator ride up felt longer than it should’ve, as you tried to gather all of your thoughts and emotions together so even if he didn’t listen, your words would still stick with him in some way. You didn’t necessarily want to hurt him (though your fists were telling you otherwise), but you did want him to be aware of what he’s done. Once the doors finally opened, all of that work flew out the window as rage took over your body again, seeing Miguel up there looking at the scanners. The fact that he looked just as normal as he always does made you furious. It’s like nothing happened.
“You know, I could hear you coming in from the lobby,” he said, almost stopping you in your tracks. You hated when he did that. Claiming that he knew what your every move was going to be. Like you were under his control or something. “Yeah, well then you must’ve heard me talking to Jess, which means you know exactly what this is about,” you shot back, stopping to where you could see him perched up there. “Why don’t you just save me the conversation about morality and just come up here and kick my ass already. It’ll save both of us time,” he said, not even taking his eyes off the scanners to look down at you. This only added to your fury. “That’s not what I’m here for Miguel, so don’t you dare try to twist my words here. What you did to that kid was fucked up and you know it.” “Oh yeah, then why didn’t you try to do anything to stop me?” he questioned.
“Because I’m not stupid Miguel. I’m not gonna try to take down hundreds of Spider-Men at once.” “Oh, cause you’re so much better than that?” This wasn’t like him at all. That gentle, kind, and caring Miguel you once knew was gone, taken over by some sort of personal vendetta he had against Miles. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this all needs to stop before it gets taken too far. You’re getting into a fight you can’t win. That kid’s strong and so are his allies. And if you go any further into this, I won’t be here to help you.” He stayed still and only turned his head to look at you. “And what makes you think that you’re so important to my plan that it’ll fall apart if you leave? Have you really become that pretentious?”
Your body froze. Have I really? No no no, that’s exactly what he wants. If you begin to doubt yourself now, you’ll stay and nothing will change. You knew you were right. He was trying to crumble you down, but you wouldn’t let that happen. “And you really think that one kid is going to ruin something that you’ve been working for for years? How insecure you’ve become.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, turning back away from you. You did the same, wiping off your face in anger. “I hate it when you do tha-,” you said as you turned back around, but were cut off to find Miguel standing there right in front of you. He was close. Too close to your liking, although in any other circumstance you would’ve found this attractive.
He tilted his head up, but his eyes were down staring daggers into yours. You hated how much he tried to make himself seem more superior to you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he repeated, this time slower as if you were a child. “He’s just a kid Miguel,” you said in a low, quiet voice. “An anomaly. And a dangerous one at that.” “God Miguel, all he wants to do is protect his dad, do you know how insane you sound right now?” you said letting out a slight laugh when you finished. You backed away from him a little. “He doesn’t know how much damage he’ll do with this. Saving his father will only prolong the inevitable. His world will be gone within hours if he does this. All I’m trying to do is make him understand,” he tried to explain. “By trying to kill him.” “You always have to exaggerate the situation,” he said palming his face. “But that’s essentially what you’re trying to do isn’t it? Why not snuff out the problem entirely by taking him out!”
He signed and began to walk away while you were talking, bringing up your anger even more. “Yeah, use all the power you’ve accumulated over the years and just take out the small problem! Except this isn’t just a fly on the wall Miguel. This is a child! An innocent boy who didn’t ask for any of this to happen to him, just like how we didn’t. I get it, I’m sorry that this job is stressful, I really am. But that gives you zero right to act the way you are!” You were screaming at him at this point. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want your emotions to get the best of you. But he was being too stubborn. This was the only way you thought you could get to him. You might not have wanted to, but you needed to hurt him now. It was the only way.
“You can’t be so power blind that you refused to accept the fact that there could be a way around Captain Davis’ death. You said we saved Earth’s before, I’m sure we could do it again.” Your anger only kept rising when he kept walking away and didn’t respond. “This is a personal thing isn’t it?” you asked calmly. You knew it was working now when he stopped walking. “Yeah, it it. You won’t let Miles get his happy ending. Because why should he be pardoned of his burden while the rest of us have suffered so much. While you’ve suffered so much.” The answer to your question was confirmed when Miguel stayed silent. “Just because you didn’t get the life you wanted Miguel, doesn’t mean you have the right to stop other people from getting theirs.”
You knew you overstepped the line when Miguel turned around and started walking towards you, fury burning in his crimson eyes. “Yeah, so what! What if that is what this is all about! You should know better than anyone how much this job takes away from you!” he screamed at you, backing you up into a wall. “Why should he get to be let off so easily, while people like you and me have to suffer so much? Don’t try to turn me into the villain here when I know you’re thinking the exact same thing, y/n.” He wasn’t entirely wrong. You had wondered it at some points. “I won’t let you turn this onto me Miguel, this is about you,” you fired back. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily. I know you’re thinking it. And you’re right. Why should Miles get let off so easily when you’ve lost so much.” He held your hands in his, trying to connect to you. “And you have mi vida. You’ve had so much taken from you and it’s unfair. Why should he only have lost one person when you’ve had three taken from you. Your brother, Peter, your moth-.”
He was cut off by your hand striking against his face in a harsh blow. “If you’re smart, and I know you are, you’ll keep those three out of them. I won’t let you drag their names through the dirt for something as stupid as this.” You both stood there for a while, both of your eyes looking towards the ground, hoping it would open up to swallow you both as an escape from this god awful conversation. You never wanted it to come to this. In all honesty, you cared for Miguel. You might’ve even loved him, if you were even capable of doing such a thing. You hoped he felt the same way about you, but in a job like this, he always had at least one wall up around you. It just wasn’t worth it anymore. You were too tired to keep trying for something that was most likely going to fall apart in the end. 
“You’re still going after him aren’t you?” you asked, finally breaking the silence. Miguel looked back up at you. “You can’t ask me not to. You know better than anyone why this is so important to me.” He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed your forehead gently. You let it sit there for a minute out of habit before pushing it off your face. “And you must know why I can’t stay anymore then.” His shoulders dropped. “Whatever this thing between us is. It’s over. I can’t stay beside someone who can’t see what he’s doing is wrong.” Miguel’s dropped hand turned into a fist of anger. “Fine,” he spat in your face. “I don’t need someone like you in my way. You’re just a liability to this anyways.” He began to walk away from you back to his scanners. “Just don’t come crying back over to me when your little plan doesn’t work out, cause I won’t help you.” He used his webs to pull himself back up to the platform to keep looking for Miles. You stood there for a second, gathering yourself.
Five years. Out the door just like that. It bewildered you how easily a bond like you two had could be broken all because of one teenager. You began to make your way for the door before you said. “When this is all over…don’t try to find me.” He didn’t respond. Once the elevator doors opened, you rushed inside, desperate to get away from him. So many thoughts rushed through your head as the doors closed and you sunk down back to the lobby to leave. You didn’t have much of a plan. This could end up being a horrible idea. Your gut told you it was the right thing to do though. And that was enough for you. You walked out of the headquarters lobby with a new heart and a new mind, ready to take action for your new plan.
First though, you had to find Gwen.
a/n: god that took longer than it should've. dw dw i'll do a part 2 if enough people ask for one. im not 100% sure how im gonna do a part 2 cause yk....idk how beyond the spiderverse is gonna go so tbh, we're just gonna make it go the way i want lmao. thanks for reading, ik this was kind of a long one lmao
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Pulchritudinous Promises
Summary: Sometimes, love can be found in the most unexpected places
Pairing: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x reader
Fandom: Marvel- Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 8,262
Warning(s): !!There are/maybe spoilers!!, canon divergence, violence, slight/sort-of Hades-Persephone trope (I hope ☹), fluff
A/N: There are details in the story here that don’t exactly follow canonically, per se but I hope I got this right! I came across this post by @beautybyfire​ and I thought of giving the idea a shot. This is a very loooong piece too.
A/N 2: I hope I didn’t overdo it on the suit because I tried my best to keep it true as to the movies. And tbh, this isn’t exactly my best piece. But, enjoy and comments are appreciated! ;-;
Taglist: @beautybyfire​
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The day was solemn, the skies were shining ahead brightly yet the air was heavy. [Name] hung her head low, the white veil covered her expression from the others. Mother held Shuri as she sobbed on the black casket before them. She felt the tight squeeze in her heart, eyes closed as she took a step forward. A hand placed on Shuri’s shoulder while another on her brother’s casket. “Death is never the end, brother. May Bast grant you peace in the afterlife with the ancestors,” She muttered. Mother wrapped her arms around both of her children, gently tugging them back as the Royal Ship took away T’Challa’s casket. Mother moved a hand to [Name]’s chin, her eyes filled with so much sadness after the loss of her son. The princess leaned into her mother’s shoulder, her cries silent as she mourned for the loss of her brother.
Life has to go on. T’Challa would want that.
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A year has passed since T’Challa’s death. Everyday, by the river of her getaway home, [Name] prayed to Bast, praying that her brother was well with the ancestors and that She gave her the strength to push on every day. Life was hard after T’Challa’s death but she had to move on. As the middle child to Queen Ramonda and the older sister of Shuri, Princess [Name] was next in line to be Queen and the next Black Panther. She felt that it was too quickly for her to take up the mantle but she cannot leave Wakanda defenceless. So, she and Shuri got to work over creating a synthetic heart-plant. The siblings would spend days and weeks on the creation and even with the help of Griot, it was time consuming and everyday, [Name] prayed that their formula would work.
Her prayers did not fall on deaf ears because when they finally got the right formula, Shuri immediately instructed Griot to print the plant. Mother was present too and [Name] thanked Bast for the absolute miracle, Shuri bringing over the plant that was cupped in her hands.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Mother asked and the princess looked up. She nodded, shedding her coat and folded it on a nearby chair.
Mother pulled away, taking the plant from Shuri. “I will get the plant ready for the ritual,” she said, leaving shortly.
“I want to, Mother. T’Challa made me promise him. A promise that I would always keep you, Shuri and Wakanda safe. How am I to fulfil his wishes if I do not take up the mantle of the Black Panther,” [Name] replied softly and her Mother smiled. The Queen moved around the table, bringing her daughter into a hug.
[Name] sighed softly, returning the hug. She didn’t want to break her promise to T’Challa. After all, she was ready. All of her time spent training beside her brother led to this moment.
“To me, you will always be that adorable little girl,”
[Name] sat on the bed and Shuri approached her with a sad smile. The elder princess took Shuri’s hand, recognising the look on her face. “I know that look, Shuri. What’s wrong?” And at that, the genius woman sighed.
“I’m just..I’m just afraid that I would lose you too. Taking up the Black Panther mantle..it’s a big responsibility, you know? What if you run into battle and never return? What if you fought and didn't survive? You and Mother are all I have left,” Shuri confessed. [Name] smiled widely at her words.
“Shuri, little sister. You won’t lose me. I promise you this. Whatever happens in the future. Whatever threatens our kingdom in the future, I promise you this, Shuri. I will never leave you or Mother alone. Okay?” [Name] gently pinched her sister’s cheek and the princess grumbled at the gesture.
“Why do you keep doing that? I am not a five-year-old anymore,” Shuri rubbed her cheek and [Name] laughed.
The siblings shared a laugh as Mother returned with a bowl in her hands. Shuri stepped back and [Name] laid on the bed, exhaling deeply. “You know what to do if this doesn’t work, right?” she looked at Shuri. The young princess nodded, removed her Kimoyo beads and placed them on her sister’s chest. Mother brought the bowl down onto [Name]’s lips and as the liquid seeped past her lips and down her throat, Mother and Shuri began chanting.
[Name] shut her eyes, praying to Bast that this would work.
[Name] awoke with a loud gasp, looking up into the purple skies. She swallowed, the sound of water caught her attention first as she stood up slowly. She noticed she was dressed in white, raising her head to face the river. [Name] took a step into the water. It was cold and shallow and the peace she felt was beyond anything. She wondered who she would see. Would it be an ancestor? Her father? Or perhaps her brother? She leaned down, her fingers dipped into the cool water. Her eyes fluttered shut, easing her mind and body.
But the silence was soon broken by a low growl behind her. [Name] furrowed her brows, regaining her posture as she turnt. A tall figure stood before her, a goddess, one with the head of a Panther.
“Bast!” [Name] gasped, moving to kneel before the Goddess but she was stopped by a hand under her arm.
“Please, my devoted child. There is no need for that,” The Panther said and the woman stood back up.
“You have suffered greatly, [Name]. The loss of your father, losing your family to the universe cleanse and now, you have lost your brother. Yet, with each turn, you sought me for help. Child, I admire your strength and your devotion towards me. You seek power in the heart-shaped plant and I am giving you so much more so you shall keep your promise to your brother. Your protection to your family and your kingdom will last endlessly,” Bast said, laying a hand on [Name]’s head. At her words, the princess allowed her tears to fall, tearing down her walls as she silently cried.
“Thank you, Goddess..Thank you..,” She wiped her tears, closing her eyes.
“My brother..is he with the ancestors?” Her voice was quiet.
“Yes, my child. He rests with the ancestors. He is very proud of you and Shuri, little one. Though he may have left the world, he still resides in all of your hearts. Never forget that, child,” Bast’s voice faded, leaving the woman alone.
[Name] sat up from the table, gasping hard. Mother and Shuri had their hands on her as the princess slowed her breathing.
“Who did you see? Did you see T’Challa?” Mother asked and she shook her head.
“No, Mother. I saw our Goddess. I saw Bast,”
Shuri gasped.
The mannequin was shoved backwards, hard, wedged into the wall.
“But how is that possible? How could you see Bast?”
[Name] swallowed, shaking her head.
“I don’t know either. I thought I would see our father or our brother but Bast herself came to see me,” The woman moved, swinging her legs off the bed. She flexed her fingers, feeling normal so far.
“If I met Bast..this would mean that the ritual worked, right?” [Name] questioned, approaching a mannequin. Examining it to ensure it was sturdy, she gave it a hard kick.
[Name]’s jaw dropped, snapping her head towards Mother and Shuri.
“Woah..,” she said, attention turning to the small glass of water on the table. She furrowed her brows, moving a hand up in the direction of the glass. [Name] moved her fingers and the contents within the glass moved along with it.
“But…But that is impossible,” Shuri tilted her head. Mother too had a shocked expression but it returned to a smile.
“Bast has granted you the power of the Gods indeed. The Black Panther lives!”
“The Black Panther lives!” Shuri copied and [Name] knew this would be the beginning of her heroic life.
The testing lab was bustling with technicians and engineers, Shuri’s minions, of course. The youngest princess was busy working on the final touches of [Name]’s new Vibranium suit while the newest protector had spent her time assisting both her mother in the royal duties as well as her sister in testing out the new suit. Truthfully, apart from her new strength and enhanced abilities as well as water manipulation, she did not know what else she got.
“The suit is ready,” Shuri set down her holo-tablet, picking up the metal bangles from the table. [Name] approached the table as well. “This is still very new but I can promise you that this suit is perfect,” Shuri fastened the Vibranium bangles on each of her sister’s wrist. She stepped back, activating her Kimoyo beads to record.
“How do I activate the suit?” [Name] adjusted the bangles, stepping back just in case anything happens.
“I simplified it. Cross your arms over your chest,” Shuri instructed.
The princess nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. The bangles touched and soon enough, she felt her body engulfed in the nano-suit. The helmet covered her head and [Name] opened her eyes. They widened, looking down at her hands. Shuri was cheering loudly, ending the recording momentarily.
“Damn, sister. You look good,” Shuri took one of her sister’s arms and dragged her to the mirror.
Shuri clicked her tongue. “Anyway, I designed this suit specifically to match your abilities. Strength, agility, durability, all the usual stuff. Flick your wrist for me,” [Name] did as she was told and claws shot out from the nails as well as her toes.
[Name]’s jaw dropped, looking at Shuri’s new masterpiece. Her suit reflected most of the past Black Panthers but it came with many modern twists. The nano-tech was the first example but the colours, while it was traditional, instead of the usual black and gold or black and purple, her suit was black, blue with some bits of silver-white. There was a short cape that connected to the fur around her neck.
“You know, maybe I should start getting you to design everything for me because Shuri, by Bast, this is amazing,” The nano-helm retracted back to reveal the wide smile on [Name]’s lips.
“The suit is water-sensitive. Which means, once it touches water, it will power up the suit. You will get stronger. Of course, in addition to your new water bending powers,” Shuri chuckled as the older princess relaxed her fingers. The sharp vibranium claws retracted. She brought the bangles together and the suit quickly disappeared back to the metal bands.
[Name] exhaled softly, the excitement slowly dying down upon realising that the first anniversary of their brother’s passing is in a few days time.
The younger stopped, turning around.
“Do you remember what’s coming up soon?” Her voice was quiet as she approached her sister. Shuri’s expression faltered, a frown clear on her face.
“One year since brother’s passing,”
“Yes..Do you have any plans for the day?”
Shuri pursed her lips as [Name] took her hands. It was clear the pain still rests in her heart.
“No. Not at the moment. I’m afraid that If I do something, I will reopen the wound,”
“I know. I’m afraid too. But Mother says she has plans and she wants the both of us to come with her,”
Shuri gave a muffled reply.
Shuri raised an eyebrow. “Where?”
The older one shrugged. “Mother didn’t say,” And Shuri nodded, leaning in for a hug. [Name] sighed softly, returning the tight hug. She knew how Shuri felt, sympathising with her sibling. “I love you, Shuri. I won’t ever leave you, okay?”
The fateful day arrived and Mother had brought them to the Wakandan Rivers. Shuri had started a fire while [Name] gathered the stick for burning. The skies were dark but the moonlight above shone bright. The sound of nocturnal animals was somewhat comforting during this dark time.
Namor approached the three, Mother and Shuri had the spear tip pointed towards him.
[Name] stood by the water, kneeling before it as she prayed silently to Bast. Mother was speaking to Shuri. [Name] felt minor vibrations from the water, looking up to find a small herd of elephants approaching the water for a drink. She moved a hand into the water, feeling the vibrations. The water was calm, ripples light until the ripples got faster and heavier. Her head snapped up, a figure hovering over the water.
“Mother!” She called out, alarming the older women and Shuri. Both moved to grab their spears and [Name] stood guard as the figure hovered to land. Water dripped from his body, the jewels he wore glinted under the pale moonlight. [Name] wore a calm expression, studying the potential threat before her. His ears were pointed, wings on his ankles which gave him flight. He wore nothing but a green short decorated with gold. His pectoral, a gorgeous shade of blue and gold, fulgent under the moon. He glanced over to the woman, his own eyes studying the woman’s form.
“Stop right there!” Mother hissed. Namor raised a hand up, running his fingers through his dripping hair.
“Who are you and how did you get in here?”
Namor inhaled deeply, looking around. “This place is amazing. The air is pristine,” He faced the river. “And the water..,” The King turned back to Mother.
“My mother told stories about a place like this. A protected land with people that never have to leave, that never have to change who they were..,” Namor turned to [Name], keeping his eyes on her momentarily before returning to Mother.
“What reason do you have to reveal your secret to the world?”
Mother gripped her spear, [Name] was ready to defend her in case he decided to attack.
“I am NOT a woman who enjoys repeating herself. Who are you?!”
Namor had a smug look on his face.
“I have many names. My people call me..K’ul’ulkan. But my enemies call me Namor,”
“I need your people to do something for me. It is something..important to me and my people. Surface dwellers intruded my waters, bringing their technology to my sea in search of Vibranium. They talk of a scientist in America. I want you to bring her to me,” Namor stepped forward, placing the conch shell down.
“Should you have acquired this American scientist, speak into the shell. I will come. I leave that in your hands,”
Namor gave one last look to [Name], jumping back into the water.
The tension in the air left as soon as he swam away. [Name] looked ahead, a large piece of equipment sat on the grass. “How did they do that?” Shuri thought aloud as she laid the spear down.
“Mother, what should we do?” [Name] turned to the Queen, who visibly relaxed. The silence indicated that she was deep in thought, possibly planning out future situations should they not comply.
“We will take the device back to Shuri’s lap. Both of you will work on this together. This changes everything,”
Work could never be finished especially when the many lives within Wakanda are under threat. Shuri took apart the machine, examining each part closely to find out more about the device. She was impressed at the fact that this machinery was mostly made out of everyday materials. Garbage, to say the least. ‘Whoever made this is a genius and resourceful,’ Shuri made a mental note, pulling up the protective goggles as the piece of metal she was cutting fell off the side.
Meanwhile, [Name] was working on decoding the device’s internal drive, digging deeper on where the device came from.
“This is some impressive coding. Whoever did this..it’s clearly above their paygrade,” She told Shuri. “The codes are simple but they work so perfectly in what they do. How is it possible that that piece of junk can even detect Vibranium?” [Name] leaned back on her seat, tapping the tip of her pen against her lips.
“All of this is made of..trash,” Shuri set down a piece of equipment. She hadn’t realised Mother had entered her lab and was talking to Okoye. [Name] wheeled herself over to the big machinery, looking up.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
Before Shuri could reply, both had turned to the siblings.
“Okoye is insisting that she takes the lead in the investigation in America and she wants to bring Shuri and [Name]-,”
“When are we leaving?” Both asked, interrupting Mother. The older woman sighed, lips pursed as she turned to Okoye. She worries for the wellbeing of her children going on his mission but she trusts the General and her oldest daughter.
“We leave as soon as possible,” Okoye nodded.
Just when [Name] thought things couldn't get any worse..
The trio had managed to track down Riri Williams, a student studying in MIT who had apparently made the Vibranium detection device. Shuri managed to persuade the young girl to follow them to Wakanda and she had agreed, not wanting to succumb into the hands of her supposed water hunters.
The team hid in Riri’s warehouse, red and blue lights flashing through the tinted windows.
But, she snapped back into reality when a sudden force struck the car.
“We meet at the rendezvous point. Shuri, get in the car,”
“No, sister. I think it’s best if we separate. Don’t make us easy targets,” Shuri reasoned. [Name] thought her reasoning. It was true. Okoye was about to protest but the older princess raised her hand up. “General, take the wheel. Shuri, ride safely. Riri, watch the skies. Let’s get out of here,” [Name] got into the car with Okoye, the car revving to life with the help of Griot. Shuri had rode off with Okoye’s car following suit. The American authorities were hot on their tails. “Griot, follow Shuri. Don’t let her out of our sight,” Okoye instructed. A HUD formed on the windshield of the car, directions to their rendezvous point clear on the screen. [Name] turned around, bullets struck the back of the muscle car.
“We have to get clear of their guns,” [Name] turnt back, her hands moving around the HUD screen to find their next best route. “Take a hard right into the alley. There’s a road on the other side that leads towards the bridge,” She swiped the GPS back to Okoye. The General swerved the car, the wheels skidding hard against the asphalt as she turned into the alley. [Name] was focused on her sister and planning on their escape route, the bridge was in view and the authorities were falling behind.
“Shuri!” [Name] screamed, the impact threw the bike mid-air. The car overturned, slamming down on the hard floor with a loud bang. The princess groaned, knocking her head to the side of the door upon impact. Something felt damp on the side of her head and she knew it was blood. “Shuri!” [Name] groaned out, tugging on the seat belt. It wouldn’t budge. In the distance from Shuri, she could see the authorities had stopped, guns in their hands as they approached the site cautiously.
Okoye groaned, lifting her head to assess the situation. “[Name], are you hurt?”
“I’m good. Check on Shuri,” Okoye carefully crawled out. A hook grabbed onto Riri’s unconscious form and the warrior woman didn’t hesitate to cut the wire with her spear.
The wire was pulled back over the bridge. Okoye rushed over to Shuri, shoving the helmet off her head. “Griot?”
“The princess is well, General. She should return to us in a few minutes,” The AI confirmed, the Kimoyo beads on the woman’s hand lit up, showing Shuri’s stable heartbeat.
“Call for extrac-,” [Name] stopped, the sound of water splashing harshly. Five Talokanils jumped off the back of a whale and onto the bridge, weapons ready. The princess stood, rushing over to defend her family with Okoye doing the same.
Meanwhile, [Name] still couldn’t get the seat belt off. She growled, flicking her wrist. The nanotech formed around her hand. She flexed her fingers, blue claws ripped through the belt easily. She fell with a soft groan, slowly crawling out of the car. Her eyes looked around, the cold wind bit on her skin. Shaking her head slightly, the princess moved to Riri, cradling the young girl’s head on her lap. She felt a pulse on her fingers and sighed in relief, turning to Okoye.
“She’s well, princess,” Okoye reported and she nodded.
[Name] had her eyes on the pair of blue-skinned people, studying them. They certainly did not look like some common soldiers. They wore elaborate garments and guessed that they should be Namor’s champions.
The large male looked at the woman, speaking in a language she didn’t understand. The female nodded, joining the other three soldiers to fend off the authorities. Okoye raised her spear. “How should we do this?” Behind, Namora and her soldiers easily incapacitate the men. “I’ll take on the four. Can you take the big one?” [Name] crossed her arms. Okoye removed her coat and threw it aside. “I got him,” She held her spear in a defensive position as the two circled one another.
[Name] had to help the Americans. She ran towards the four Talokanils, her suit wrapped around her like a glove. She lept in the air, swinging a kick to one of the unsuspecting warriors. He was knocked back, slamming on the side of the bridge. The next noticed her presence, twirling his own spear towards the Black Panther. She knew better than to hurt them so knocking them out was the better option. The second warrior yelled, jabbing his spear forward. It grazed [Name]’s side, her heart racing with adrenaline pumping in her veins. She grabbed the spear, pulling the Talokanil forward towards her. Then, she dropped the spear, a foot on it to prevent the Talokanil warrior from taking his weapon back. She rammed her shoulder into his chest, knocking him back with ease.
The third warrior lept in the air, slamming the spear on [Name]’s shoulder. She hissed, leaping away and landed on the hood of the car in a stalking position. The female spoke in her language but the Panther waved her hand, a wave of water grabbed the three and threw them into the water, hard. She doubted it would do much but hoped it was enough to stun them.
Namora whipped the end of her spear onto the last American, turning to the Panther. [Name] flexed her fingers as Namora slammed her spear down, both women facing one another.
“Túun, k'a'abéet a beel le leti'ob guerrero Wakanda,” (So, you must be Wakanda’s own warrior?),” Namora spoke, her head tilted, anticipating the fight to be a good one.
“K ilej bix a meetik justo ti' jump'éel ba'ate'el,” (Let’s see how you fair in a fight).
[Name] circled the Talokanil woman and she mirrored the Panther. Namora ran to [Name], twirling her spear in her direction. The Panther kneeled down, narrowly dodging the tip of the spear as it brushed the pointed ears of her helmet. She twirled around, spinning backwards to get up. A leg hooked onto the Talokanil’s spear, pushing her down from the force. The Panther hadn’t expected Namora to recover so quickly, already whipping her spear in her direction. The hits were sure to cause bruises but her training allowed her to take in every hit. Namor slammed the back of the spear into the Panther’s chest, slamming her down harshly into the asphalt road. [Name] groaned, hands on the body of the spear and lifting it to try and ease the pressure. She growled, waving her hand. 
Water slammed into Namora’s side, sending the Talokanil woman hitting the side of the car. Namora seemed surprised at the unexpected attack. The Panther jumped to her feet, turning around to find Okoye on the floor with the male warrior approaching her. She ran to Attuma, jumping on his back with ease and had both arms squeezing his neck. The Talokanil thrashed around, hands trying to pull [Name] off but she refused to let go. She flexed her fingers, claws on her hairs and dangerously close to Attuma’s neck.
“Enough!” [Name] growled. Okoye slowly stood, grabbing her spear as her chest heaved from exhaustion. Attuma stopped moving, head tilted back and away from the shining claws. Namora and the three soldiers had seemingly recovered and ran towards the end of the fight, the Panther getting off Attuma’s back. The helmet pulled back to reveal [Name]’s damp face, claws retracting back.
Shuri let out a soft groan, carefully standing up. The elder princess turned, running to Shuri to catch her sister in a hug. Shuri let out a soft ‘oof’ as she returned the hug.
“You’re alright, sister. You’re alright,” [Name] patted Shuri’s back as she pulled away. The younger looked behind to find the five Talokanil soldiers.
The Panther turned, looking at Attuma and Namora. She raised her wrist up, activating the kimoyo beads. “Griot, I need translation,”
“Did I miss something?”
“No, not much. I want to make an offer with them,”
“I am a Wakandan royalty. I have an offer to make to your King. Take me to your King but let them go. Namor has no more quarrel with the girl. I wish to make a peace offering with him,”
Attuma and Namora turned to one another.
“Leti' le realeza Wakanda,” (She is Wakandan royalty?)
“Míin le ajawo' aceptaría u ti'ibil óolala',” (Perhaps the King would accept her offering)
Namora turnt to the princess.
“Le ajawo' taak le ch'úupalo'. Yaan k bisikech ta yéetel le ch'úupalo', chéen ba'ale' P'at bin a kiik yéetel a guerrero,”
“The King wants the girl. We will take you and the girl but let your sister and your warrior go,” Griot translated and just as Okoye was about to protest, [Name] held a hand out to prevent her from furthering her actions.
“Fine. We will come with you. My sister and my General will return home. Take us,” [Name] flicked her bangle, her suit disappearing into the metal completely. Shuri grabbed her hand and tugged her aside.
“What do you think you’re doing?! You want to willingly give Riri away? He will hurt her, sister,” Shuri frowned.
“Shuri, please understand. We don’t fully know Namor’s capabilities. For all we know, his army could best us in every fight initiated. I want you to get ready Wakanda just in case my peace offering does not go as expected. I promise you that Riri will return safely to you. Okoye, take Shuri back. I don’t wish to discuss this further,”
[Name] turnt to Namora, a mask held in her hand. She placed it over her mouth and nose, a soft hiss emitted from the mask itself. Attuma had picked up Riri, making his way to the edge of the bridge. The princess felt her vision blur, Namora quickly catching the woman before she could fully pass out.
She could hear Shuri’s faint scream and that was the last thing she remembered.
[Name] felt hands on her, eyes fluttering open to the soft, blue light. Slowly, she sat up, finding Riri in front of her with a worried expression.
“Oh, I thought you were dead or something,” Riri heaved a sigh, sitting on the hammock. She pursed her lips, unaware of their whereabouts. It scared her.
“Where are we?”
“What happened on the bridge?” Riri turned to the princess, awaiting some answers.
[Name] rubbed her head, shaking it.
“I..uh..I don’t actually know,”
[Name] furrowed her brows, recalling the events.
“A fight with the people who wanted to take you. I had to end it,”
“A peace off- Are you serious, right now? Man, you are crazy, seriously,”
“And..exactly how are you going to do that?” The young girl crossed her arms over her chest.
“An offer of peace,” She said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck gently.
[Name] laughed nervously. “Yeah, maybe I didn’t really think this through properly but this man..he has the power to hurt my people and you and I had to do something. What better way to talk, right? War and violence isn’t always the answer..,”
“Oh, I’ll show him violence,” Riri mumbled.
A pair of Talokanil maiden approached the two, one carried a basket of fruits and another held a garment in her hands. The second maiden held up the garment.
“Nook' teechi', princesa. Bey teech u le realeza, láayli' k'a'abéet a beel tratado bey tal way te' Talokan,” (Clothes for you, princess. As you are royalty, you are still treated as such here in Talokan)
[Name] took the garment, the material was soft but the dress itself was hefty.
“K ajawo' k'áato' wilech,” (Our King wishes to see you) The maiden gestured for [Name] to follow her but before she could leave, Riri grabbed her hand.
[Name] was led to a small area where she could change out of her clothes and into the dress. She had to admit, it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. A white and blue garment decorated with jade. She inhaled deeply, following the maiden once more towards a secluded part of the cave.
“Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave me here!” She squeezed her hand. [Name] smiled softly, gently taking her hand.
“I won’t be long, Riri. I will be back soon,” The princess released Riri’s hand, following the maiden deeper into the cavern systems.
In the middle, was a small hut of sorts. Inside, she could see Namor with his back facing towards her. The maiden left the two alone. [Name] looked up, glow worms lit the cave gorgeously. There was a pool of water by the step stone and it looked very deep. She slowly made her way across towards the hut, swallowing as Namor slowly turned to face the princess. He had donned a cape to cover himself mildly. He was distracting but the art behind her pulled her attention fully. “It’s beautiful..,” She acknowledged the mural. It was painted in various colours and it told a story, one she couldn’t exactly figure out.
Namor moved to the princess.
“I thank you for your kind words, princess,”
[Name] tilted her head down, eyes meeting Namor’s.
“Thank you for agreeing to this meeting, Namor. I’m just disheartened it had to be under tense circumstances,” She began. Namor gestured for her to sit and she did.
“I don’t want war, Namor. I bring the girl to you to show that I do keep the end of our bargain. But I cannot willingly give her over to you. She did no wrong, Namor. It is her country’s people who have acquired her project for their usual selfish usage,” At this, Namor lit up. Her views were similar to that of his own. He felt his own heart skip a beat at that.
“My warriors told me of a peace offering you had,” Namor adjusted his cloak and the woman nodded.
“I’m doing this for the benefit of your people and mine, Namor. I hope you understand that I would do anything for peace and for my people. As a king to your own empire, I’m sure you share this with me…,” She trailed off, reading Namor’s expression.
“My views are the same. Surface dwellers are the true monsters of our story. They are selfish, destructive and they cause harm to everything they touch,”
[Name] had to thread carefully now. She didn’t want to give Namor the wrong idea.
“What I’m trying to say is that, you have no quarrel with the surface world-,”
“No, princess. I bear hatred towards the surface dwellers,” Namor’s eyes darken and [Name] leaned back, afraid he might do something irrational.
He reached towards the table, picking up a jaded bracelet.
“This belonged to my mother. She gave it to me before she passed all those years ago,” Namor held the bracelet out to [Name] and she took it. She brought it up closely, examining its own beauty. “It’s so pretty,” She smiled softly, fingers dragging to study each carved jade.
“We were not always who we are,” Namor began, looking at the mural on the wall.
“My mother and her tribe were born human, living on the surface world where they thrived greatly. Then, one by one, they fall ill. Strong men would grow frail and die. Children barely reach the age of maturity, dying in the arms of their mothers and fathers. Their tribe was stricken with a sickness brought in by the colonists. As a final resort, the tribe shaman sought help from the gods, seeking for a cure to their ailment. The gods gave him signs, where it led him to a water hole,” Namor moved a hand over the mural of the depiction.
“The Shaman found a blue plant beneath the water hole and made a cure for the tribe. The plant alleviated the sickness but it left them with a gift. A gift you see before you,” He paused, turning to the princess.
“At that time, my mother bore me. Despite her wishes not to consume the plant, the shaman had begged her to do so, foreseeing that the child would not survive if she did not consume the plant. So, she did. I was the firstborn son of Talokan, a hybrid that gave me powers beyond anything imaginable. I was a mutant,”
[Name] stood, joining Namor by the mural.
“But my mother, over time, grew sick. She couldn’t bear the thought that she could not live on the surface anymore. She longed for it. She died not long after and as per her wishes, I buried her on her land. But, what I saw was the seed to my hatred towards the surface dwellers. My mother’s people became slaves, treated poorly beyond anything I have ever seen. So, I killed them all, burning everything to the ground and killing everyone,” He paused again, looking at [Name] in the eyes.
“A Spanish man of faith cursed me as he died by my hand. He called me, ‘El Niño sin Amor’. A child without love. And I took my name from there. Namor. Because I have no love for the surface world,”
[Name] understood his feelings. He was the ruler of a hidden tribe, one hidden for very good reasons. If she were to be placed in his position, she would have done the same thing.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Why? Because you and I are the same. We would do anything to keep our people safe from the outsiders,”
Namor’s hand moved to [Name]’s, fingers moving to tie the bracelet around her wrist. Her heart raced at his sweet gesture, cheeks reddening under the blue light. He was such a strong warrior but his hands felt nothing as such. They were soft, warm and large enough to cover her own hands.
[Name] was taken aback by his words but then, a smile formed on the King’s lips.
“Thank you, Namor,”
Their eyes meet momentarily, until Namor pulls away.
“Talokan is a beautiful city. I want to share it with you but the water down there..it’s enough to kill you,”
“We have a diving suit for you,”
Oh, she couldn’t wait to see his world.
Talokan was unlike anything [Name] has seen. To see a home thriving under the sea, she fully understood why Namor was so driven to protect his people.
She sat by the water, Namor beside her.
“Namora told me of your special abilities. Do you love the water?”
She looked over to the King, her lips pursed to bite back a smile.
“I do. More than anything. When I took my own version of the blue plant, I was met with our god, Bast. I was a devoted pupil of hers and that pleased her. In return for my devotion, she granted me the power of the Panther, alongside with a few extras,” She waved her first finger, a small wave of water brushed against her bare feet.
She hadn't realised that Namor was staring at her, one filled with admiration and adoration.
“K’uk’ulkan, there’s a reason why I offered myself here. I want to have peace between our kingdoms and there has to be a less violent way to do so. Riri, she’s only a child. What she made was merely for a school project. She had no way of knowing that her country’s government had intended to use it for their own. There has to be some other way, K’uk’ulkan. I am willing to offer a peace offering in return for peace. But, you should pick whatever peace offering you wish to have. I believe it’s only fair,” [Name] turned to Namor. He looked relaxed but behind those brown eyes, he already knew what he wanted.
“Anything?” He repeated.
She nodded. “Anything,”
She gasped, wanting to pull her gaze away but kept it firm. Her cheeks were hot and reddening.
Namor leaned forward, a hand moving to cup the woman’s jaw.
“In that case, I believe the best and most traditional way for two kingdoms to form an alliance would be a marriage, no?”
A marriage?
“The marriage is one thing but the other thing..I want you to stay with me,”
Namor wanted a marriage..with her?
The King of Talokan wants to get married to the Princess of Wakanda? What would mother think? What would Shuri think? [Name] closed her eyes, calming her erratic mind. She parted her lips to speak but Namor beat her to it.
Namor gently gripped her hand.
“K’uk’ulkan..,” She began, taking a deep breath. She moved a hand over his, the one that laid on her cheek. She took his hand, placing her palm on his.
“This marriage, I can agree to. But to stay with you? Please, Namor, I cannot simply abandon my family and my people. I am still their protector,”
“Then for six months, stay with me. The remaining half, you may return to your kingdom but once it ends, you stay with me again. Do you agree?”
[Name]’s eyes met with Namor’s. She knew what she was walking into. If she had to do this for the safety of her people as well as form an alliance with Talokan, it would be a win for both parties.
Namor leaned in close and she did the same. Their foreheads meet, eyes fluttering close at the intimacy they shared. [Name] will learn to love the King.
She nodded, a smile on her lips.
“I agree to your terms,”
The times the princess had with the King were well spent. Namor was relaxed around her and [Name] opened up to the King. He became her listening ear when she had to release the emotions she withheld about her late brother. He understood perfectly what it was like to lose a family member. He sympathises with her.
When Namor was busy, [Name] had Riri to go to. Riri eventually eased up around the Talokans but there was still some form of tension between them. She didn’t tell Riri of her arrangement with Namor.
The princess was unaware of the fact that Nakia had infiltrated Talokan. Her eyes darted to the silhouette beyond the far edge of the caves and she stood immediately, stopping her conversation with Riri.
Nakia had a rifle up, pointing to the Talokanil guard.
“Nakia!” She rushed over, the guard held her spear up.
“They’re friendly, Nakia. They are friendly,”
Nakia furrowed her brows. “What? But I was briefed-,”
“Nakia, I have established an alliance with their King,”
At that, the other woman froze. “An alliance? The Queen told me they were dangerous beyond anything Wakanda has faced,”
“Yes, they are but trust me on this..please?” [Name] begged, approaching her friend slowly. Nakia lowered her rifle and the guard, her spear. The princess nodded to the guard, who stepped back. She rushed to her friend, hugging her tightly.
“It is so good to see you, Nakia. I know you have your orders but take the girl,”
“Take Riri and bring her to Wakanda. Namor has agreed to let her go and our alliance in exchange for a peace offering. I will stay here but please, tell mother and Shuri that I am safe and I will return soon,” [Name] gestured to Riri to follow Nakia. Nakia wanted to say more but the princess urged them to leave. Soon, the two disappeared from sight. [Name] knew better than to argue with the princess. A soft, sad sigh left her lips as she made her way to Namor’s home. She allowed her mind to drift as she sat on a stool, staring up at the painted murals, thoughts filled with how she yearned to return home and to reveal to Wakanda of their newly formed alliance.
[Name] wore a wide smile on her lips as Wakanda came into view. She wore her suit, protecting herself from the water as she swam. With the aid of her powers, she moved quick, though Namor was quicker. The princess had got into contact with her Mother a few days back and the worries the older woman had almost drowned the princess. She had to assure Ramonda that she was alright and that Namor had done nothing to hurt her. He had finally agreed to go to Wakanda with [Name] and her kingdom prepared for their arrival. Talokanil soldiers rode on whale-back into the Wakandan waters, royal ships hovered overhead to lead them to the palace. [Name] resurfaced, jumping out of the water and onto land. Namor returned to her side.
“Are you ready, sthandwa?,” (my love)
“I am, princesa,”Namor nodded as a royal ship brought them to the palace.
[Name] could see that Mother, Shuri and the Dora Milaje were waiting for their arrival. The ship landed shortly. [Name] was out of her suit, running to her Mother and Shuri.
“[Name]!” Shuri caught her sister in a tight hug, faces buried in each other’s neck as Queen Ramonda approached her children, hugging her eldest tightly. Behind, Namor stood by the ship, his soldiers behind him. The Queen pulled away, her gaze dark as she glanced at the King.
“Nothing is more important than the safety of my child,” Mother cupped [Name]’s cheeks, her shoulders visibly eased up knowing her first daughter had returned.
[Name] pulled away.
“Mother, Shuri, I know you have questions but we have more pressing matters. It is related to the future of Wakanda and Talokan,”
“I know, Mother. I have missed you and Shuri so much. I miss home so much,” [Name] turned, Namor had approached the family.
“Mother, Shuri, you know K’uk’ulkan. He isn’t here as a threat but as a friend to Wakanda,” She moved to Namor, arms brushing against one another.  
“Let’s talk inside, Mother,”
Mother glanced between her daughter and Namor, a frown clear on her lips and an obvious displeased expression. Shuri was confused, following Mother into the gathering hall.
“I hate to see you unhappy, Princesa,”
[Name] turned to her lover.
“Thank you..,”
“For what, my love?”
“For bringing me home. To see Mother and Shuri again,” [Name] reached up, arms around his neck as she pulled the King down for a hug. His hand gripped her waist comfortably, lips brushing her neck as she pulled away.
[Name] smiled widely, turning to follow her family. Namor gestured for Namora and Attuma to stay with the other soldiers as he followed his lover.
Mother sat on her throne, Shuri beside her as [Name] and Namor stood before them. The elders were all here in the citadel, surrounding the pair.
“I know you have a lot of questions, Mother, Sister, Elders but what I did, I did it for a good reason. What reason do we have to seek war with Namor and Talokan? Yes, his motive at first may be unjustified but he did it to protect his people, to protect his kingdom from the touches of the outside world. Are we not the same? We protect Wakanda and her resources from the touches of the outside world and we would do anything to keep us safe, don’t we?” There were murmurs going around the hall. It seems the Elders were agreeing with her words.
“Did he force you to stay?” Mother asked, her voice was firm and hard.
This time, it was Namor’s turn to speak.
“No, I did not force her to stay. At her own will, she chose to stay with me in Talokan so we may talk about peace between our worlds. What she speak, is true. Princess [Name] has opened my eyes to the surface world, helping me see that there is more than just war, violence and greed. We share the same vision and the same mission. She made a peace offering with me,”
“And what is this peace offering exactly?” Mother hissed.
Silence fell on the Citadel momentarily.
“To ensure an alliance between Wakanda and Talokan is forged..I have agreed to marry K’uk’ulkan and to stay with him for half of the year,”
Loud gasps and louder whispers went around the Citadel. Mother stood up, horrified.
“What?! No, absolutely not. I am not losing my child again. I will not agree to this peace offering,”
“Mother..,” [Name] approached her mother, a small smile on her lips as she took Ramonda’s hands in hers.
“Mother…K’uk’ulkan has agreed to this alliance. Think about how it would benefit our people, how an alliance would mean that Wakanda would grow stronger. This marriage is for all of us, for both Wakanda and Talokan. I will come back for the next half of the year. I will always be your daughter, Mother..I will always be the protector of Wakanda. You will never, ever lose me. I promise you, Mother. I promise you, Shuri and the people of Wakanda,”
Queen Ramonda looked defeated, clear tears pricked her eyes. Her heart grew heavy, turning to her daughter. Her hand cupped her cheek, tears threatening to fall.
Tears fell as the Queen stroked her daughter’s cheek.
“Is there no better way?” Her voice was soft. The princess smiled sadly, shaking her head.
“I..share feelings with K’uk’ulkan, Mother. He has treated me with nothing but kindness and my heart is for him,”
“I always told T’Challa that you would grow up to become a strong, independent woman who would be fit to be Queen of Wakanda one day.. If your brother could see you right now, he would be so, so proud of you,”
This time, it was [Name]’s turn to cry at the mention of her brother. She hugged her Mother tightly, sniffling into the older woman’s shoulders slightly. Mother gestured for Shuri to join and she did, hugging her family as tightly as she could.
The elders looked at one another, nodding in agreement.
[Name] pulled away, wiping her tears with her sleeve. Mother took in a deep breath, quickly wiping her tears.
“Are there any objections to this alliance?”
All eyes were on M’Baku, the Jabari Clan leader, who inhaled sharply. If all of Wakanda would benefit from this alliance, then it would be the same for his clan.
“There are no objections from the River Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Mining Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Border Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Merchant Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Jabari Tribe,”
“Then it is agreed. Wakanda sees Talokan and her King as our allies. Therefore..this marital alliance shall be the beginning of our endless alliance,” Ramonda announced.
[Name] turned to her mother and Shuri, a smile on her lips.
“Thank you, mother,”
Ramonda cupped her daughter’s cheeks.
“Will you be staying?” Mother asked and she shook her head.
“It would be wrong of a mother to hinder her child’s fullest potential. It pains me and Shuri to be separate from you for six months. I know you’ll return but the hole still burns in my heart,”
“I know, Mother. I feel it too but I know you two trust me on this. This will work, I know it will..,” [Name] trailed off, glancing at Namor.
“No. There are some matters K’uk’ulkan and I have to attend in Talokan but I promise to keep in touch,” She brushed her fingers on the Kimoyo beads, smiling as she pulled away.
[Name] gave her family a last look before leaving the Citadel.
She found Namor speaking with his people and her presence made him stop.
“Don’t stop on my account, my love,”
Namor wore his beautiful smile, one she grew to adore so much. Her cheeks felt hot.
“Why don’t you start by giving me a kiss and then..we can continue once we reach Talokan,”
“In yakunaj, words cannot express my adoration for you. My heart races whenever you are around and there is so much I wish to do to you,”
[Name] gasped at his words, not expecting his confession. She smirked, leaning close to the King. An arm snaked around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair.
Namor didn’t hesitate next, capturing his future queen’s lips in a soft kiss.
This was a start of a new chapter for both kingdoms and a start of a beautiful relationship between the King of Talokan and the Princess of Wakanda.
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did-he-freeze · 9 months
Ororo hears T'Challa scream and runs into the torpedo loading area of the submarine, "what's wrong, dear husband?!"
Namor had heard of their plans and was upset for two reasons, one that they hadn't run their plans by him since they're traveling through his domain, and two that they had gotten the information from one of his spies and he was the last to find out about it, but all that aside he was upset that Shuri was headed into a fight without him to protect her.
He'd climbed into the torpedo launcher and knocked on the door to get in, immediately hearing screaming from the other side and assuming he'd started Shuri or Ororo
“Something just knocked from the torpedo bay. I think it is inside… stay back. I will protect you.” T’challa replies, gently standing between Ororo and the door.
“Oh shit… move over you big baby.” Shuri replies, shoving her brother out of the way. She opens the door and looks up at Namor.
“I didn’t think.” She says before he can speak.
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shurisasthmaticgf · 2 years
i will do anything for you, my love: shuri x black fem! reader
warnings: implied death/murder, mention of kidnapping, mention of blood, scars and bruises
translations: isithandwa- darling | ndikuthanda kakhulu- i love you so much
authors note: i’m not gonna lie yall i don’t know what i was thinking when i thought of this but here…pleasedontjumpme 😋 feedback is always welcome and appreciated
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when shuri and the rest of the warriors returned from the battle with namor you were expecting some kind of triumphant entrance. however solemn faces and a decimated head count was what you were met with.
shuri didn’t even come to find you upon your return instead she was taken straight to the medical unit to treat her wounds. instead, the first person in your arms was riri—
the student let all of her weight rest in your grasp as you practically held her upright. you held her close to you with your hand rubbing on her back soothingly for a moment. her heart was racing a mile a minute all while her body remain sluggish. you held your friend in your arms as she was practically dead weight in your embrace. for a moment you didn't speak in case she wanted to be the first one to talk. however, when riri remained silent you asked cautiously, "are you alright?" riri nodded weakly and rasped out, "a lil beat up but yeah im straight." before you could even ask about her, riri answered for you, "shuri getting treated upstairs. she got banged up like the rest of us but she told me to tell you she ain't want you around yet."
you deflated at your girlfriend's request but you knew that she tended to want her space when she was injured, not wanting you to see her in a physically vulnerable state. in most cases you would be quick to disobey shuri's orders but something in your gut told you to just leave her be. carefully you helped riri to her room so she could lay down and let her body rest. when you tried to leave her room she stopped you, "wait...don't leave. please. ion wanna be alone right now." so you sat beside riri on her bed and made yourself comfortable before asking, "do you want to talk about anything?"
it was evident from the look on her face that the wheels were turning in her head and she wanted to say something. you added on kindly, "this will stay between you and me. i promise." riri looked at you cautiously and you placed a hand over hers, "you can trust me, always." that was all it took for riri to start talking about everything she just experienced.
"i'm worried about shuri bro. we was together for a little but up on that ship but then she went off and was doing her own thing with namor. then she come back but i ain't even realize cuz i was tryna fight off them blue people from above right? then all the sudden i see all them blue people retreating and saying it's over n nakia calling me back to the ship. i ain’t even see namor or namora or that big dude that be with her too. they all was just…gone. " your brows remained furrowed and a deep crease formed on your forehead as you carefully asked, "do you think she..." riri answered immediately, "ion know man. it's possible but it's shuri, she wouldn't do that kinda thing....but since i seen her she been acting like really happy. at first i thought it was the adrenaline rush but nah it's sumn different." you remained silent and riri added sleepily, "just keep an eye on her cuz she acting...off."
from the very beginning of your relationship shuri promised you that she would do anything to protect you. for the most part it was having a dora or two by your side at all times. but after shuri lost her mother and her brother she became increasingly overprotective. of course she didn't control your every movement, what you did, or who you talked to. instead she kept her eyes on everyone around you, through herself and other security detail within the palace walls.
everything was relatively okay until you got kidnapped by namora and attuma three weeks after the attack on wakanda. you were on the river's edge while visiting your childhood home. you thought it would be safer for you to stay away from the city for a bit and shuri agreed as well. this was a trip you had made time and time again alone for years. after a day shuri decided that for her own piece of mind she would send for a few dora to protect you on the off chance namor knew where you were. unfortunately, you were captured right before the dora reached you. you fought with all your strength to get away from namora and attuma but it was to no resolve. one moment you were almost out of their grasp, and the next you were being held in talokan in a room alone.
when shuri found out she was prepared to find namor and kill him on the spot. with the strength of the panther it was nearly impossible to calm her down but okoye got through to her eventually. you were rescued once more by nakia with the help of okoye and aneka. the three women were finally able to get you after a week of you being in talokan alone. most of your injuries were self inflicted as a result of trying to escape over and over again. they were mostly bruises on your hands and small scrapes on your knees from falling. with the exception of the cut on your temple earned from namor, and the scar from namora. both marks earned from you trying to attack them when you thought they weren't expecting it.
once you were back in wakanda and in shuri's arms she swore to you that she would ensure it would never happen again. you weren't sure what that promise entailed but you never thought for a moment that it alluded to shuri killing someone.
you nodded silently and stayed with riri until she completely dozed off which only took a few more minutes. just as you exited the bedroom, a palace worker found you, "the queen requests your presence miss y/l/n." you followed the worker quietly while your thoughts ran wild and your heart pounded so loud you were sure the worker could hear it too. he stopped in front of shuri's chamber door and opened the door for you. when you stepped in you saw shuri standing in the center of her room looking out her window.
in a gentle voice you called out, "shuri? shouldn't you be resting my love?" shuri turned around slowly and you saw a small smile on her lips. it was not the one that she usually wore when she saw you, this one was different but you couldn't put your finger on why. the queen walked over to you with a slight limp, "isithandwa, please i am better than ever." her words were probably the biggest contradiction you'd heard in a long time. dark circles and heavy bags hung under her eyes while her cheeks were slightly sunken in compared to months before. the love and joy that used to make her eyes sparkle was replaced with something dark, something you couldn't even recognize.
shuri noticed the look on your face and held out her hand for you to take. shakily you reached for her hand just to notice the dried blood under her fingernails, around her cuticles, and in the grooves of the prints on her fingers. it was clear that there were multiple attempts to get it off of her hands, but there were still residual stains on her skin. her touch was gentle as she guided you beside her, facing the window once more. shuri stood behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist then placing a kiss on your shoulder, then neck, jaw, and cheek. under different circumstances you would enjoy this moment but unkind chills ran down your spine at the feeling instead.
the view from the window overlooked the entire city, the sun was starting to set which dyed the entire sky hues of tangerine and gold. shuri sighed and told you with a deep voice, "ndikuthanda kakhulu." you swallowed thickly and answered, "i love you too."
once again you began to get lost in your thoughts of the conversation you shared with riri only moments before. the concern in her voice and the gut feeling she had that something was wrong now settled in your own mind and body. a soft caress against your bare bicep pulled you from your thoughts as shuri told you with a hint of pride in her voice, "i have a gift for you."
you weren't fond of receiving gifts without warning since you also liked to give when you received. shuri was well aware of this and respected it but every so often she would surprise you with something as a token of her love. curiously you hummed, "hmm?" the queen walked you to her vanity and let you sit on the bench in front of the mirror. there was a twinge of excitement in her voice as she told you, "close your eyes first." you followed her instructions without question, as this was something that she often said when giving you gifts.
there was a small jangling sound of metal then you felt a weight against your collarbone. whatever it was, was soft like some kind of hair or fur. your eyes fluttered open and you looked at your reflection in the mirror. shuri smiled in her own twisted form of satisfaction as she fastened the necklace around your neck. she looked down at your reflection and placed her hands on your shoulders. shuri pressed a kiss to your temple and said, “let this be a reminder that i will do anything for you, my love.” you winced slightly when her lips touched your skin, the scar the submariner left you with was still healing despite all shuri had done to speed up the process.
your nerves started to fade slowly as this interaction felt the most genuine and normal. you smiled softly and leaned into her touch, replying, “thank you darling. i love you.” shuri told you warmly with that same smile, "i will be back, i need to check on the others." you knew there was no point in trying to get her to rest as she would insist that 'a good queen takes care of her people before herself'.
she left her chamber leaving you alone and you waited until the door was completely closed before pulling off the necklace. you turned the feathered pendant over in your hands at least three times as you tried to figure out what the hell it was. a pointed triangular object hung next to a small orange and white piece hung next to it, slightly curled up, presumably dried out.
it looked somewhat familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it until you brushed your nose with your finger to stop a sneeze. the smell of salt water and iron filled your nose and everything around you seemed to freeze. your blood ran cold as you slowly held the pendant out in front of you then tilted it vertically. the sound of your heart racing in your chest echoed throughout your ears and your hands shook in horror.
memories of shuri promising you she’d do anything to protect you, that she’d burn the world for you all came back. the memory of riri telling you "it's shuri, she wouldn't do that kind of thing” when you asked what happened during the battle with Talokan came rushing back. the blood in the grooves of shuri’s fingerprints flashed through your mind.
looking at the necklace in between your fingers you saw the familiar shark teeth that resembled the ones that belonged on the hammerhead skull attuma wore on his head. the orange and white that was identical to the lion fish spines on namora’s collar. your fingers froze when you recognized the feathered tips that originally belonged on namor’s ankles. everything came rushing back as you recalled the look on shuri's face when she found out namor, attuma, and namora were most responsible for your capture and more obvious injuries. how your girlfriend promised you with utmost sincerity that they would never lay a finger on your again.
your breath hitched in your throat and your stomach lurched at the thought. with shaking fingers the pendant fell to the floor as you clasped a hand over your mouth in absolute fear and shock.
‘it’s shuri, she wouldn’t do that kind of thing’ oh but she did.
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Crashing Waves // Chapter 5 // Namor
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Pairing: Namor x POC Reader
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 4 // Chapter 6
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Namora stood before me with a scowl. "Do we have a problem or something? Every time we're in the same proximity you have this scowl on your face." You asked her in confidence and she scoffed. 
"No problem. I'm not about to let K'uk'ulkan become bewitched. Take that as a warning surface dweller." She said with malice in her voice and I crossed my arms.
"It's Y/N. And why would I bewitch him, when it was you guys that brought me down here, fish head." You spat and she stepped towards you.
"You don't want to do that missy." You warned as a green hue engulfed your hand ready to defend yourself if need be. At that moment she readied her spear before dashing towards you and you deflected her attack with a manifested shield. You quickly threw some energy spheres at her but she was quick to dodge them all. You eventually manifested a dagger in which the two of you fought for at least 5 more minutes. 
"He shouldn't have brought you here! You should've died with the rest of them." She sneered as the blade of her spear caught your cheek. You could feel the blood running from the wound before you shot a full blast at her and she flew backwards. She broke a couple of icicles on impact but your stance never faltered. The big guy from earlier walked into the room before holding Namora back. 
"Relax Namora. This one is no weakling." He said to her before turning to me. "I am Attuma. Apologies for Namora. We just want what's best for K'uk'ulkan. The surface world hasn't been too kind." 
You frowned as you wiped the blood off of your cheek and turned away. They left soon after and you took the chance to reach out to Shuri. Closing your eyes, you did your best to clear your mind as you thought of the princess. When you reached her you felt sadness and guilt. She sat with the queen on the shoreline in front of a fire. You saw them both clear as day. 
"My brother is dead. He is not in the wind. It's just your imagination to help you cope, mother." She said to the queen and you sighed. 
"Shuri-" You mumbled and her head snapped up. She glanced around the river with wide eyes. Unsure where your voice is coming from, she stood from her spot still searching.
"I'm here princess." You called out again and she gave a small smile. 
"Y/N?" She called out again to make sure you were really there.
"Yes I'm here." You smiled as she stretched to stand. 
"Where are you? Why are you not here?" She questioned as you frowned.
"Listen to me Shuri. Someone is coming to you. Through the river border." You informed her and she shook her head.
"It's sealed, no way anyone is getting through there." She debunked as you sighed.
"Shuri you don't understand. He travels through water. Unseen by the surface eye. His army is like no other. A military rig got attacked because they found vibranium out at sea and they are blaming Wakanda for it." You stated as you felt his energy grow closer to the two women.
"Wait what are you-" 
She stood with her mother as the animals began to run out of the water. And I knew Namor had reached them. They held their battle stance as he stepped out of the water looking around in amazement. 
"Stop right there! How did you get in here?" The queen questioned but Namor paid her no mind. 
"It's beautiful here. And the air is so crisp. I've heard stories about how amazing this place was." He pondered aloud until he was completely out of the water. 
"I am not a woman who likes to repeat herself. Who are you?!" She began to grow impatient as the underwater king introduced himself. 
"My enemies know me as Namor. I stopped a military operation from recovering Vibranium out in the Atlantic."
"Atlantic?! Impossible, vibranium only exists here! In Wakanda!" The queen said with anger across her face. 
"Mother look at him, he's covered in it!" Shuri stated and he nodded.
"The surface world had a machine built by a scientist. One that tracks down vibranium on land and in the ocean. I've come to offer an alliance. To burn down the outside world before they come to you. All you have to do is bring me the scientist."
"We do not need any help with our affairs. Leave at once!" She shouted and he frowned. 
"I have an army larger than you can imagine. You don't want to pick a fight with me." He warned the two women who refused to stand down.
"So I've been told." Shuri said in a low voice.
"So the little one is listening." He said with a grin and you froze. He knew? How could he have known? 
"Where is she? What have you done to Y/N?" She asked and he ran a hand through his hair.
"She's alive for now. That's all you need to know." He told her and Ramonda pushed Shuri behind her.
"Here's a better proposition for you, bring me the scientist that built the machine and I won't bring my army to Wakanda. That shell there, use it to call out to me and I will come shortly after." He left without another word but not before the machine used to locate vibranium appeared behind the wakandans. Confused by what just occurred, Shuri put down her spear as she and her mother ran out of there. 
"Y/N! Can you hear me?" She shouted out loud.
"I'm here but not for long. He will soon return here."
"Where is here? Where are you?
"Somewhere underwater. How deep I don't know but I have to go now. I'll stay in touch."
"Wait Y/N-" You cut off communication with her before Namora and Attuma walked into your space. You had a feeling they weren’t here to share water breathing tips.
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Taglist: @missdragon-1 @zooni92802 @22carolina08 @bonnapple @arcaerin @bontensbabygirl @simpingfor-wakasa @secretpostts @gardenof-venus @batfam-sitcom @caldodemazapangourmet @naiomiwinchester @moneteguiza @gnkkstarz @aut0matic-supers0nic @historygeekqueen @violet-19999 @euphoricsirens @emberfulclass @pixiest1ckz @randomtumblerusersblog @tired-hungry-angry @aykxz98 @yepimthatperson @hangesbaee @aeilani @juicyj28 @astrospunutt @natalia-rmnva @stitchattacks @xxmusic13luverxx @usernamelotus @euphrosyn3
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banjoro · 2 years
shuri udaku x poc reader
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summary: shuri been working hard to defeat namor and y/n did a chill day for her.
a/n: we all know i write more over on wattpad @BANJORO. vote or like if u read please. leave feedback. be interactive.
warnings: sex, gay stuff lol, 18+ , mentions of nudity, harsh words, bdsm kinda.
song advised to play: Meet Me in Amsterdam- RINI (preferably sped up)
Shuri was working non-stop in the lab so she can defeat Namor. I was there for her every time she needed me. I'd always bring her food, give her massages, give her love etc. Sometimes she doesn't like to take it but most times she does.
I prepared to pamper her today. It was Sunday and as i call it, a "Self Care Sunday". Planning out everything to get it done for her, I got dressed and headed out the door to the market in the village. Sun blazing in my face, I stopped by some family and great friends. After finishing up in the village, i headed up to her lab.
"Queen,-" Griot began speaking before i interrupted "Hush. Do not announce my arrival." I commanded him. Shuri programmed him to take commands from me as well Oh how sweet! I got off the elevator entering her lab and she had yet to notice me. She was staring at her brothers DNA.
After altering the little circle, she plugged it back in and it all turned green. I screamed out in excitement knowing that meant it worked. She jumped around excited till she heard my scream, getting a little startled not knowing i was there. "Baby!" i exclaimed and ran to her. She engulfed me into a huge hug and twirled me around.
We shared a long kiss. "You did so good, my love. I'm so proud of you and that big brain up in this big head." I joked. She made a tiny frown but soon replaced it with laughter. "Thank you, baby. You're always there for me. I thank you for checking on me, bringing me food, showing me affection and not giving up on me all while i'm down here. Thank you for your patience." Shuri said holding my hand and rubbing my matching tattoo with her thumb.
"Anything for you, baby. I love you." I smiled and she followed suite. We shared another kiss. "Wrap this up. Meet me upstairs. I have something for you. Give me like 𝟥𝟢 minutes though." i said with a sneaky smirk on my face. She shook her head and agreed. I gave her one last kiss on the cheek and left.
I rushed into our apartment in the palace. I turned on the stove and got to cooking. I wanted to cater to my girlfriend. She's been working hard and haven't been her best self lately. Too many things has been going on in her life and I know she deserves a break. I had some of my music going in the back as I plate her food.
I was alerted that the door was being unlocked and came in was my beautiful girlfriend. She dressed in a a two piece gray set. Placing her keys in the basket and taking her shoes off at the door, she took a big whiff of the air. "Is that my favorite?" She exclaimed walking over and rubbing her hands together. Her tongue swiped over her lips as she towered behind me looking at the plate of food.
She placed her hands on my waist and placed a kiss on my neck and cheek. "Hi baby and yes i did make your favorite." I said as she went to the sink to wash her hands. I sat our plates on the island in front of the stools along with a drink. I washed my hands and accompanied her in eating.
Once we finished, i picked up our plates and threw them in the sink. Beginning to wash them, she placed a kiss on my cheek. "I'm going to take a bath." she said walking away. "Wait for me." I said shooting her a wink and she laughed me off.
She walked into our room and I seen her clothes flying. I finally walked in and seen her standing in front of the mirror with only underwear. I walked behind her and hugged her waist. I could read her like a book. She was thinking hard about something. "Baby stop all that worrying." i assured her.
"You'll defeat him. No doubt." i rubbed her belly then detached from her. She stripped out the rest of her clothes and i couldn't take my eyes of her. I looked like a hungry lion looking at her physique. "Can you not stare so hard? I'm not a piece of meat." She said with her back turnt. I looked around because how the hell she knew i was looking?
That's them panther senses she got from her sweet brother.
Little did she know, i had our bathtub filled with hot epsom salt water, bubbles, rose petals, candles lit and my music from earlier connected to our speakers in the bathroom. "Y/N... No you didn't." She said from the bathroom. I walked in naked as well and giggled. "Yes the hell i did. Why not? You deserve it." i said shrugging then looking into the mirror that spread from one wall to the other.
She came behind me and cupped my breast in her hands. "Look no touch eh? My goodness." i said using my fake wakandan accent since i wasn't from here. She laughed at me and let me go.
Once she sunk into the water, she looked at ease immediately.
OMNISCIENT POV (play song)
Once Shuri sunk her slim body into the water, she stared at Y/N thicker figure while Y/N stared into the mirror oblivious to her staring. Shuri fell into a trance and her eyes filled with lust but that quickly disappeared. Shuri knew Y/N was trying to do something very sweet for her but she couldn't get her mind off of defeating Namor. It was on her schedule ever since she lost her mom.
Trying her best to make the thoughts disappear, she stared back at her girlfriend and just admired her beauty. She began thinking about how good Y/N been to her and her mind overflowed with lustful thoughts. Y/N turned around to face Shuri sitting in the tub and began speaking but Shuri heard nothing but sex, sex and sex.
Y/N joined Shuri in the tub and she then snapped out her trance. "You ok, Baby?" Y/N asked as she sat on the lap of her girlfriend. Shuri bit her lip still looking at her melanin coated girlfriend. "You look so good mama. You do something to me." She said, snaking her hands around Y/N waist.
Y/N got to blushing and snuck her arms around Shuri's neck. She planted a kiss on her lovers lips and laid her head on her shoulder. They sat in the water with one's chest against on the others. Shuri caressed Y/N behind as she played with bubbles on her lap. She stared in awe at her girlfriend being so joyous.
Y/N found a safe place in Shuri. They made each other feel complete. They were like the missing puzzle pieces. They were also inseparable. Y/N found Shuri in her darkest times which is right before she lost T'Challa. Shuri values her so much since they met in such a shaky time.
They played around in the tub together. Splashing, Putting bubbles on each other head and just had a great time together. It was a memorable time for them both. The love they were in is something that takes years to look for.
𝟐𝟎 minutes passed and they got up and into the shower. Y/N stood behind Shuri in the shower as they washed off. Admiring her body from behind made her stomach tickle. Shuri turned around to face Y/N and took her bottom lip under her teeth. She snaked her arms around the smaller girl's waist. She bent down and gripped her ass also giving her a deep kiss.
Y/N hands laid on the back on Shuri's neck as their tongues fought for dominance in the kiss. Shuri pushed her lover under the water and pinned her against the wall. The water ran on the two as they engaged in a make out session. Shuri pushed her two slender fingers inside Y/N making her gasp in her lovers mouth.
Shuri detached from the kiss, pulled her fingers out and pushed them in her mouth tasting her girlfriend on her tongue. "Mhm fuck girl. Get yo ass out this shower and on that bed right now." Shuri growled and smacked Y/N ass on her way out to the walk in shower.
Y/N giggled and grabbed her towel slightly drying herself off as she ran into the shared bedroom. She sat on the bed, legs open waiting for her panther to arrive. Shuri's tall figure appeared in the doorway and had lust and hunger in her eyes. "Just sitting pretty waiting on me hm?" she titled her head looking at Y/N heat.
Shuri approached the bed and engaged in a long kiss with Y/N. She took her hand and rubbed on the others clit making her moan in Shuri mouth. Shuri stuck two fingers in her and she detached from the kiss as her head flew back. She loved Shuri's fingers slipping in and out of her as whatever pace she feels is right. Y/N was all under Shuri's control.
Shuri's eyes filled with hunger and she slipped her fingers out and threw them in Y/N mouth. Her fingers between those two pink and brown lips did something to her. She snatched her fingers back and lowered herself to Y/N womanhood. They stared at each other while Shuri ate like she never ate before. Y/N moans filled the room as her lover went to town on her.
Y/N head flew back as she felt the immense pleasure from below. "Keep fucking looking at me." Shuri demanded and Y/N whimpered. She longed for her mouth on her again. Y/N looked back down and Shuri went back in for her meal. Licking and flicking her tongue all through Y/N folds made her go crazy. Her moans got louder and louder as she attacked one sweet spot.
Shuri removed her mouth and climbed on top of Y/N. Pushing her on her back and positioning herself on top of Y/N, she began rocking her hips. They both moaned out being filled with extreme pleasure. Shuri held onto Y/N leg while she rocked her womanhood against her lovers. Shuri wrapped her hand around Y/N neck and sped up her rocking.
Their juices audible sounding like mac & cheese. Y/N flipped shuri on her back and took the control ... oh well so she thought. She sat on top rocking her hips as Shuri demanded her to rock faster. Y/N whimpered as Shuri tightened her grip on her neck.
"I'm going to cum, baby." Y/N managed to get out. "Cum all on me." Shuri said. Shuri held in her moans to maintain dominance but she just couldn't. They screamed out for each other as their climax's approached. Y/N came first as her legs began slightly shaking.
Y/N kept rocking as it was now Shuri's turn. Y/N sensitive bud made her go into a state of euphoria. Shuri's bit her lip as she felt herself having an orgasm. Dirty words flowed out her mouth as she rode it out. Y/N fell tirelessly next to Shuri. They both started laughing.
"I love you, Shuri."
"I love you more, love."
holy fuck because i never wrote gay sex before
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siancore · 1 year
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After the Smoke Settles | Attoye | E | 2.4k words | AO3 Link
For Attoye Week 2023 @attoye-week
Day 2: Alternate Universe - Biker!Attuma and Party Girl Okoye
Summary: Attuma is the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Talokanil War Gods M.C. There is a tentative alliance between his M.C. and local Wakandan crime boss M'Kathu AKA The Chief. Both organizations are celebrating a year of successful partnership with one another. Attuma, new to the local chapter, sees Okoye at a party at his M.C's clubhouse. He wants to get to know her, but she is The Chief's daughter. Namor warns him not to go near Okoye because her father is overprotective and it would surely sour their alliance, but Attuma won't say no if the Wakandan beauty is interested in him -- even if it is just for one night.
Content: Unprotected sex; oral sex; hooking up; recreational drug use; drinking; drunk sex; dirty talk; language; minor violence.
The sounds of laughter and clinking drinks filled the space of the club room. Attuma stood next to his friend and new President, Namor. Ever since Attuma had come over and joined that chapter of the Talokanil War Gods Motorcycle Club as their Sergeant-at-Arms almost two months prior, he had been fitting in well. Namor ran a tight ship. They were working on forming alliances with other outfits in order to continue their operations. Having grown up together, Attuma and Namor knew and trusted one another. It was the reason why Attuma came to work with him.
They glanced around the club room, watching their brothers enjoy the party. Namor did not often throw parties, but they were celebrating a year of an alliance with the Wakandans. A year of prosperous partnerships for both outfits.
Both parties were having fun. The mood was light. Drinks were flowing, the music was good, and a few people were dancing. Attuma’s eyes fell on a group of young women at the edge of the makeshift dancefloor. A couple were Sweet Butts, and the rest were Wakandan. He watched them dance and laugh, enjoying themselves, until another young woman from the Wakandan group ambled over – scratch that – glided over.
Attuma was certain his jaw dropped at the sight of her. Big doe eyes; long braids; dark skin; and a blinding smile. She was breathtaking. She danced her way into the center of the circle of girls, twirling as she went. The yellow form-fitting dress drawing attention to her slender body and round ass. Attuma was practically salivating.
“Sakun winik,” said Attuma to Namor. “Who’s that?”
“Who?” Namor replied.
“That goddess in the yellow dress.”
Namor looked over at the dancefloor and then back to Attuma.
“Don’t go there, itz’in winik.”
“Why not? Is she someone’s Ol’ Lady? I’ve never seen her before. What’s her name?”
“Okoye,” Attuma repeated, enjoying the way her name felt on his lips.
“And she’s off limits. That’s the Chief’s daughter. He’d probably bury anyone who even looks at her.”
“I’m serious. You know Long John Silver over at the shop?”
“Yeah, that white boy with the eyepatch? Wait, you tellin’ me the Chief knocked that kid’s eye out for lookin’ at his daughter?”
“Nah, he got into a hunting accident or some shit and lost it. But, the Chief cut off his trigger finger ‘cause he was in the club and tried to touch Okoye’s hair without her permission.”
“Fuck,” said Attuma before laughing. “Silly prick deserved that.”
“Right,” Namor replied. “No more hunting for his ass.”
Attuma laughed once more and then said, “If he even looks at my future wife, I’ll take his other fuckin’ eye.”
“Attuma,” Namor warned. “Leave her alone. We’re celebrating a year of peace with the Wakandans. Don’t fuck it up over a pretty girl.”
“Christ, brother. I’m not gonna fuck anything up. It’s cool. I won’t go near her.”
The party was in full swing and Attuma needed some time on his own away from the revellers. He stood out in the high-walled yard and lit a joint. A bike’s engine revved outside the gate before it opened and let someone in. A girl shrieked and then laughed off in the distance. A beer bottle smashed nearby.
Attuma took a long pull at his joint and then leaned his head against the wall of the clubhouse. The door nearest to him flung open and two people stepped out. The sound of footfalls on gravel caused him to look over in their direction.
“You need to stop!” said a young man.
“Fuck you,” the woman replied.
Attuma straightened up and narrowed his gaze. It was the Chief’s daughter, Okoye. She was being followed by some guy, who then reached out and gabbed her by the arm.
“Don’t touch me, W’Kabi!”
“We’re leaving, now,” said W’Kabi firmly as he tried to drag Okoye away.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Stop being such a brat and move your ass!”
Attuma eyes narrowed even more, he flicked his joint to the ground, and then walked towards the pair.
“Hey, Okoye, right?” he asked when he got close. “Are you okay? This asshole giving you trouble?”
She turned her head, then looked up at Attuma’s face. Before she could answer, W’Kabi spoke up.
“Fuck off and mind your business,” he spat, tugging on Okoye’s arm once more.
Attuma stared him down and then looked back at Okoye.
“You wanna take your hand off o’ the young lady?” said Attuma, inching closer.
W’Kabi let go of Okoye’s arm and poked Attuma in the chest.
“I told you to fuck off –”
Before he could finish his sentence, Attuma grabbed W’Kabi’s wrist and twisted it, causing him to groan loudly in pain.
W’Kabi bent over as Attuma leaned down and said, “Nah, I think you need to fuck off before I break your arm and your face, lil’ bitch.”
Attuma then pushed W’Kabi away, causing him to stumble, before he righted himself, threw Attuma an unimpressed look, and walked away. Attuma watched him leave, before turning to Okoye.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice softer than before.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah. Thank you.”
“I don’t usually step in when couples are arguing –”
“I’m not with him,” she replied quickly. “He’s just some asshole who works for my father.”
“Why was he putting his hands on you?”
“Because he thinks he has the right to as my bodyguard.”
“That bitch made motherfucker is your bodyguard?” asked an incredulous Attuma.
“Not anymore,” Okoye replied as she grabbed her phone and started to dial a number. “Hey, what’s your name?”
“Hi, Attuma. Sorry, excuse me a sec. Hello?” she said into the phone. “Baba? Yes. Everything’s fine. I don’t want W’Kabi on my security detail anymore. He put his hands on me. Yes. Yes, I’m okay.”
She looked down at the small patch on Attuma’s vest and then said, “The Sergeant-at-Arms of the TWG stepped in and helped me. New guy. Attuma. Yes. Baba, I’m okay, really. Attuma’s going to look after me. Sure.”
Okoye removed the phone from her ear and then looked at Attuma.
“My father would like to speak with you,” she said handing the phone over.
Attuma knit his brow but answered.
“Hello, sir? Yes. Well, the guy was yelling at your daughter and tried to forcibly drag her away. Yes. Yes, sir. I stepped in, roughed him up a little, and made him leave. No need to thank me, anyone would help like that. Yes. I appreciate you saying so. That’s fine. Happy to help. Thank you, sir. Goodnight.”
Attuma handed the phone back to Okoye. She bid her father goodnight after reassuring him she was safe and well.  She looked at Attuma who stared back at her. He ran his fingers through his hair and gave her a small smile, which she returned.
“My father asked if you would wait with me until his driver picks me up. Is that okay?”
“Of course,” said Attuma.
He gestured for her to follow him to one of the picnic tables that stood over near the high wall. Okoye walked beside Attuma, and they both took a seat beside one another.
“So, how did you know my name?” she asked while positioning her body so that she was facing him.
Attuma placed both of his legs astride the bench seating. He licked his lips absently and said, “A lady like you steps in the room and a man like me finds out your name pretty quickly.”
“Alright then,” Okoye replied with a nod and a smile. “Thanks again for what you did.”
“It was nothin’. I hope these guys who work for your father all don’t think they can treat you like that.”
“They don’t,” she proffered sincerely. “Just W’Kabi. He thinks because we grew up together that things are different between us. They’re not. He’s still one of my father’s shit kickers.”
“Yeah, well, fuck him,” said Attuma, as he reached in his pocket to get another joint and his lighter. “I’m done talkin’ about that asshole.”
He lit his joint and took a deep drag before holding out to offer Okoye some. She gave him a crooked, devilish sort of smile and leaned forward. Okoye placed both hands to Attuma’s thick thighs and shifted closer. Their faces were close, and heat was radiating from both of their bodies. When Okoye’s lips neared Attuma’s, she licked them and said, “Shotgun me.”
Attuma placed his hand to Okoye’s slim waist to hold her in place. He then released the smoke from his mouth and blew it between Okoye’s lips. She closed her eyes and drew the smoke in. The effects of the drug and the headiness of being in such proximity to Okoye made Attuma’s head spin. He didn’t know how long he had been staring at her, but suddenly realized the young woman had climbed into his lap, with her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms draped over his shoulders.
“You’re pretty,” said Okoye as she ran her fingers through his long tresses.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” Attuma replied, staring into the darkness of her obsidian eyes.
“We don’t have much time.”
“For what?” he asked, tightening his grip on her hips.
Okoye leaned forward and pressed her lips to Attuma’s. He deepened the kiss immediately. She pulled away slightly, and he followed her, craving more.
“For me to show you how grateful I am for you stepping in to help me.”
Attuma brought his hand up to cup Okoye’s face before he said, “You don’t have to do anything to thank me, Sweetness.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” she asked, a conspirative expression crossing her beautiful face.
“Hmm,” Attuma nodded.
“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do,” she whispered close to Attuma’s ear. “And I really wanna do you.”
As far as bad ideas went, the one that had found Attuma and Okoye in the small office felt way too fucking good. After shoving most of the papers from the desktop, Attuma laid Okoye down and sunk to his knees. She hiked her dress up and placed her legs over his shoulders.
Attuma ran his hand over the lace panties Okoye was wearing and she shivered. He stuck his fingers under the garment and then tore them from Okoye. She let out a little welp.
“I’m keepin’ these,” he said as he shoved the torn panties into the back pocket of his jeans.
Before Okoye could reply with a smart answer, Attuma had began to suck kisses to her inner thigh as he toyed with her clit. He hummed against her skin as he peppered biting kisses there. Okoye let out a moan when his lips made their way to her glistening pussy. Attuma ran his tongue over her slit and up to her sensitive nub. He sucked her clit into his mouth and hummed once more. A wave of pleasure washed over Okoye. She laced her fingers through Attuma’s hair as he ate her out. She came moments later with a shudder and his name on her lips.
“Fuck – Ma, this pussy so tight,” said Attuma as he sheathed his impressive length inside of Okoye.
He had her bent over the desk with his raw dick deep between her swollen folds.
“You gonna do something about it or just stand there looking pretty?”
“You got a smart mouth on you, Sweetness,” he said sharply, as his hips snapped forward. “Won’t be so smart with this dick in it.”
He thrust forward again with more fervor, causing Okoye to whimper and curse.
“Shit – shit.”
“Wish we had time for that,” said Okoye as she threw her ass back, drawing a loud moan from Attuma’s lips. “Really wanna choke on it.”
“Fuck,” said Attuma as he grabbed at Okoye’s throat and pulled her head back while he rammed his cock into her again and again. He lifted her leg so that it was rested on the desktop as he wrapped a hand around her chest to draw her back to him. Attuma kissed Okoye’s neck and then bit down onto her shoulder, all the while he kept driving himself into her.
His orgasm was drawing nearer, and he could feel that Okoye’s was, too. She was almost crying out in pleasure as her walls clenched around his dick. Soon, she was creaming over his length and coming hard. Her well-fucked cunt drew Attuma’s aching cock deeper inside and he finally came. He didn’t pull out, but both of them were too fuck-drunk to care.
After a moment, Attuma withdrew himself and found something to clean them both up with. Okoye was still bent over the desk as Attuma fixed her clothing, and then his.
“Damn,” she said, all breathless and beautiful. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.”
Attuma let out a little laugh and then wrapped his arms around Okoye. He turned her so that she was standing and facing him. He captured her lips in a slow, sensuous kiss before running his hand up and down her back.
“That was fun,” she said, threading her fingers through his hair again.
“You were amazing,” Attuma replied.
“We should do this again some time,” said Okoye as she rested her hands on his firm chest.
“Definitely,” Attuma offered as he dipped down to kiss Okoye again. “Let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.”
The meeting was almost at its conclusion when Namor poured himself another drink and said, “One last order of business.”
The brothers around the table gave him their attention even though some were watching the clock.
“The Chief wanted to give his formal thanks to our brother Attuma for lookin’ out for his daughter last weekend at the party.”
Some of the men patted Attuma’s shoulders.
“You did a good thing, Attuma,” said Namor. “His girl is his pride and joy. You did both of them a solid by takin’ care of her when she was on our property.”
“Any of us would’ve done the same thing,” Attuma said, leaving out the part where he had fucked Okoye within an inch of her life. “Just glad we’re in their good books.”
“You definitely are,” Namor replied. “The Chief wants to hire you as his daughter’s bodyguard. Interim bodyguard, actually.”
“What?” asked Attuma, genuinely shocked.
“Apparently you made a real impression on her,” Namor explained. “She asked her father for you specifically to look out for her until they hire someone else. You up for it?”
Attuma thought about the offer for less than a beat before her said, quite enthusiastically, “Yeah. Fuck yeah. I’m up for it. Sign me up.”
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Prove it
Version of my only other Namor x reader one shot with the dialogue in English.(spanish dialogue)
Gif by @unicornspwnall
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You weren’t born yesterday.
There was no possible way for this fucking historical hotel was truly haunted.
There was no cool poltergeist, no ghost ladies giggling in the floral room where the hacienda’s owner’s daughter died suddenly in the eighties, and there was no fucking way there were Mayan Warriors with blue skin led by fucking K’uk’ulkan himself to pay homage to the big rock in the garden.
That had to be some idiot they had hired from town.
You bet your shitty paycheck you knew that dumbass in the slutty green shorts.
“How much are the paying you to do this bullshit every December?” you ask as the man stares at you in horror.
“What?” the man asks before cursing you in Yucatec Mayan, an older type with like no Spanish in it whatsoever.
But it’s still the same language, so you insult him back, which makes it worse.
Especially when you slip back into Spanish and he acts like you just spat in his face.
“This is my mother’s sacred grave!” he shouts at you in Spanish, but you don’t buy it. He is too real looking to be a ghost, that vein popping out on his forehead and the way he gets close enough for you to feel the warmth of a human being lecturing you on your rudeness.
“Yes, I know that is the grave of a woman, but I seriously doubt a woman in the 16th century has a , I don’t know, thirty year old son in the year 2020.” You cross your arms and stand your ground.
Would he be offended if you ask him out for drinks at the shitty hotel cantina once you two get over this?
“And if I told you I am over five hundred years old?” he continues with the farce, and you wonder if its worth it to have another wannabe actor fuck buddy here.
“I’d say you look pretty fit for a five-hundred-year-old geezer, but I’d sooner believe that you get five hundred pesos to show up in such little clothing every fucking winter.” You answer with a scoff, five hundred pesos was a shit rate, that was barely fifty dollars. The cute girl from the local University got paid twice that to do her fake shaman tarot reader bullshit every month.
This fucker should ask Rigo the Owner for more.
He laughs, a slightly bitter thing that tells you he is this close to just killing you outright.
He is handsome, you give him that. And well endowed, which is probably why Rigo’s slutty much younger wife chose him.
The feathers and his outfit look legit, too real, especially the fake jade jewelry. You had to hand it to him, the nose plug and the earrings looked pretty fucking good.
“I would kill you, but I wouldn’t dishonor my mother’s grave with the blood of an idiot who can’t see the difference between a human man and the god, K’uk’ulkan!” he exclaims and you think he may be right.
If the Norse had sexy Thor and whatever his goth brother was, if the Americans can defrost Captain America like frozen meat, maybe, just maybe the weirdo standing here was the Serpent God of Mesoamerica.
Could explain why he looked the same in all the photos since cameras were invented.
Could the man you’ve infuriated so much that he stands there breathing hard and clenching his fists to avoid hitting you be the god, K’uk’ulkan?
“If you really are a god… then prove it.” You say goading him into proving he was fraud. If he is a fraud, he will do anything to make you forget it, like kiss you in anger and get the two of you fired for hate fucking where some of the guests can see you.
You hope he is a fraud; it has been so long since you’ve had a good fuck.
He smiles, one that makes you shake in your metaphorical boots, as he took you by the waist and flew with the weird little wings on his ankles.
“Holy fuck.” You utter as he flies you to the beach.
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s10127470 · 25 days
Marvel Rivals Animated Series Concept
I know this sounds odd to say, but I legitimately want to see an animated series based on Marvel Rivals.
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Like, this literally has all the makings to be adapted!
Plus, it would be pretty cool to see a Marvel video game being adapted into television, which has never been done before.
As for how it would play out.
Essentially, it follows the same plot as the video game, but a little more expanded.
Basically, after Doctor Doom and his 2099 variant caused the Timestream Entanglement, Doctor Strange and The Fantastic Four knew this would have disastrous consequences (given their experience with the multiverse)
It created new worlds out of old ones, which obviously cause pandemonium among the inhabitants.
With the existence now being known by….pretty much everyone in the multiverse, you know damn well that there's gonna be a lot of villains trying to use this knowledge for their own nefarious goals.
So, the five decided to recruit the heroes of their world to help keep the balance of this new universe intact and prevent any villains from making anything worse.
In terms of the art-style, it would essentially be the same as the game, but translated into 2D.
As for the animation, I can think of two studios that could do it.
Flying Bark Studios (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Monkie Kid, Glitch Techs) and Titmouse (Motorcity, Black Dynamite, Ballmastrz 9009).
Also, in terms of the universe our heroes (except for Peni) are from, it's essentially like an ideal version of the 616 universe.
As in, the heroes have actually reached their proper conclusions that people have wanted for years, while still going on their adventures and being heroes.
-The X-Men have actually made progress with human-mutant relations and DIDN'T get genocide'd into oblivion. Nor are they on the verge of extinction every other goddamn week.
-Bruce Banner has finally made peace with The Hulk and is now able to control him. Plus, he's finally with Betty. Yeah, remember her?
And best of all….
-Spider-Man is HAPPILY MARRIED to Mary Jane and is a father now, along with being a goofy but still mature superhero instead of an emotional-stunned man child who gets cucked on a regular basis.
Two of the best elements I could think of for this series are…..
The interactions between the heroes. We've never really had a Marvel cartoon with a cast that big, so it would be cool to see this diverse cast of characters bouncing off each other.
Some of the interactions I could see include….
-Captain America and Namor being brothers-in-arm and often bonding about not quite understanding or even hating modern trends (and rightfully so in some cases).
-Storm and Thor being best friends.
-Iron Man and Peni being friendly rivals.
-Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch being the sorcerer buddies.
-Rocket and Magik being the resident partners in crime and agents of chaos.
-Hulk and Groot being buddies.
-Luna and Star-Lord geeking out over music together.
-Spider-Man being the absolute heart of this team and essentially being everyone's friend.
-Venom and Scarlet Witch flirting with each other (I was kinda split on this one. Originally, I was gonna have SW married to Vision. Since this universe, the Marvel characters actually allows stay in relationships. However, I really like the trend of shipping Venom and SW together. So I figured they'll be an item in this universe. Actually, what other new ships could you see in this universe?).
And best of all….
-Jeff being a good boy
2. The variants the heroes will meet. This would be the Kingdom Hearts of Marvel: you never know who you'll meet next. There would faces from all forms of Marvel media. From the comics, to the cartoons, to the video games, etc. And nobody's off the table. Anyone will get a chance to appear, no matter how beloved or hated they are. However, they will be treated accordingly depending on their reputation. There would also be a lot of original universes to this series as well, in order to help diversify things.
And finally for the voice cast, it's largely the same as the game but with a few exceptions.
Cap would be voiced again by Roger Craig Smith.
Storm would be voiced again by Danielle Nicolet.
Iron Man would be voiced again by Mick Wingert.
And Spidey would be voiced again by the one….the only…..Josh Keaton!
Anyway, that's all I have.
Let me you know what you think about this concept.
I'm planning on doing a pitch bible to give a more-fleshed out version of all this.
And also, what are some variants you would love to see in this series? And if so, what kind of interactions would they have with the heroes?
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livstarlight · 2 years
I don't know but the idea of Shuri and Bucky having that kind of bond where they wouldn't hesitate to drop everything to help and be there for the other is so precious to me.
Bucky being the type to ask how she has been doing, if she has been eating, sleeping, what has she been working on lately. Almost thinking of himself as a self appointed protector/big brother surrogate (even if Shuri doesn’t need protection and could most likely crash him in a blink if she wanted to now)
And Shuri loving the normalcy of spending time with him like one would with the fun uncle who comes to visit from time to time (even if above mentioned old uncle used to be a supersoldier killing machine she helped getting out of brainwashing and built a vibranium arm for) teasing him and trying to convince him to give up on his utter refusal to adapt to the modern world and use anything remotely newer than the 90s.
Add to the mix Namor being jealous of how close and familiar with each other they seem to be. Just livid because he can't wrap his mind around the fact of someone else. A foreigner, a white man. Being able to make Shuri smile and feel understood aside from him.
He has no idea they see themselves as just friends, borderline family on occasions. The annoying-affectionate type.
And also that what Shuri enjoys more than anything, is roasting the asbolutely living headlights out of Bucky, and him letting her get away with it, ("You do know that if you want something to happen between you two, you actually have to do more than stare until he gets the message and asks you out... these aren't the 40s anymore. People actually don't wait around for the other to start noticing they like them... and it’s not like you are getting any younger." "I just asked you to take a look at my arm, Shuri.") for his not so subtle growing crush for his flying partner.
("By the way, who's shirtless guy with wings on his feet?"
"New ally. Temporary one hopefully."
"He has been glaring at me since the moment I stepped foot in here. Thought was gonna jump me when you said you wanted to show me something in your lab."
"He's more of a nuisance than anything, really. But we need him. Just ignore him, like I do."
"Right... does the nuinsance know that you want to be more than temporary allies?"
"Don't you know that you should talk to people, instead of staring at them at council meetings..."
"I do not-"
"... and asking friends to come your lab in front of everyone as an excuse to just spite them?"
"Shut up, Bucky."
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
Superstition: Chapter 1
Namor x oc/reader (female)
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(Currently PG-13, but likely heading towards very adult content, so read with that in mind.)
A/N: So, ya'll liked the teaser, eh? Here's a full chapter!
Tagging: Tags break my post, but I reply to comments on each new chapter when I post. Think of it as a personal, hand-written note.
Chapter 1
They said women of her kind should never touch the sea before they fell in love, that they’d lose their hearts to the waves. A forfeit to destiny or some such shit.
It was an old wives’ tale. A superstition.
But as the car careened towards the edge of the pier, rocketing over splintered wood without a hope of stopping before it hit the water, she kinda wondered if it was true. Just a little bit. The idea popped into her head like a bubble, random association as her brain fizzled through shock. Pain. Panic.
A bullet caught the driver’s side window, and it exploded in a rain of glass. Flinching away with closed eyes, she instinctively threw an arm across the wheezing, blue-skinned child in the passenger seat. The wheel jerked with the motion, and the car went over the side of the pier.
Freefall stole her belly, her sense of time, her understanding of gravity.
She had a suspended moment of clarity to reflect on her life choices, on her chances of surviving all this. In summary: she was an idiot, she missed her brothers, and she would not be seeing this adventure to its end.
None of it mattered. She had to escape, and she wasn’t about to leave the little girl with her big, terrified eyes floating in the tank beside her cell. Fuck that. The car, the pursuit, and the bullets were probably inevitable, anyway. At least she’d get the kid back somewhere she could breathe.
One of them would make it out alive.
And she’d rather bleed out from the bullet she’d caught than end her days in that cage. Or under a curious surgeon’s knife.
Better to give the ocean her heart.
They hit the water, and all was pain again. Saltwater gushed through the broken window, and the waterline climbed up the windshield much faster than she’d anticipated. But the kid looked better already. Less blue where the water swallowed her legs and chest.
Unlocking the girl’s seatbelt, she grabbed her by the arm, dragged her across her lap, and started stuffing her out the window. Hopefully she wouldn’t cut herself on the glass, but she needed to be out of the vehicle and on her way out to sea before the men with guns left their cars and started spraying the water.
“Go. Go on.” The water lapped up to kiss her chin, and ominous bubbles billowed from under the hood. She only had a few more good breaths before the car went under. “Get out of here, go.”
The kid reached through the window, pulling her arm, like she could return the favor. Scrambling to unlock her own seatbelt, she shook her head, trying to push the girl away. “I’m fine! Go!”
But as she tried to work the seatbelt free, she realized with dawning horror that the button wasn’t working. The mechanism must’ve jammed in the crash. She was anchored to her seat, and it was sinking fast.
She tipped her head back, neck straining as the surface moved up, and up, and over her face. Salt burned her eyes, and she barely saw anything beyond vague shapes in the dark water. The only light came from the full moon, and that was dwindling fast as gravity pulled her deeper. She ran her hands over the console, along the side of her seat, and along the edge of the window, looking for a shard large enough to cut herself free. But the window had shattered into diamond-sized fragments. Nothing big enough to save her.
The pressure roared in her ears, the ache bad enough to draw tears – not that she or anyone else could recognize them in this salty hell.
By the time car settled on the seafloor, about a dozen yards below the surface, she could see a faint cloud of red leaking from her side, and her brother’s taunting voice rang in her memory. “Don’t go swimming with a papercut or the water will get in, and it will get infected, and you will die.”
Well. This was no papercut, and she probably wouldn’t live long enough to get an infection, but she probably would die.
Wouldn’t he be so pleased to have been right?
She wanted him. She wanted all of her brothers. If any of the bastards shook her awake and laughed at her for being a big baby crying in her sleep she’d hug them, thank them, and never run off alone again. Or. She’d at least try. She’d really, really try.
She’d do anything.
She didn’t want to die alone.
Thrashing in her seat, pinned as the burn in her lungs turned into frantic spasms, she clawed at the safety belt poised to end her life. Her chest was on fire. Her head felt like it might explode. How long before she broke? Before she had to breathe anything at all, even water?
Little hands clamped around her wrist, tugging.
And the damn fish kid still hadn’t left.
Fucking fuck.
The child was trying to say something. Her voice carried through the water, but she didn’t recognize the language, and it wasn’t like she could answer. Bubbles crept out her nose and she gestured out, away, towards deep water where the kid could escape their pursuers.
Shadows interrupted the moonbeams dancing over the wreck.
Gunfire, muted by the water, just barely cut through the thump of her heartbeat in her ears.
Another good tug on the seatbelt. Nothing.
She didn’t mean to open her mouth.
But she did. And the last of her air rose to stick on the roof of the sunken car in uneven bubbles. Her diaphragm jerked, inviting the sea into her lungs. It didn’t feel like water. It coursed through her like lava, an alien pressure with the soothing touch of an electrical burn.
Every limb took on a life of its own, a last ditch animal reaction to scramble for oxygen. A slow-motion blur of terror and agony as her brain shut down.
The last thing she felt was the seat belt’s sudden release, weightlessness, and hands on her shoulders.
Hands much too large to be a child’s.
She dreamt of cold and dark. The maw of the ocean rising to swallow her as a jellyfish pasted itself over her face.
She dreamt of fire in her lungs and strangers’ voices as swirling black swallowed the moon and stars. No lights to guide her home. No wind to breathe.
Drowning – in water or in air. It didn’t matter.
Shivers quaked through her half-conscious mind as she floated towards awareness, and a sharp pain nearly brought her round. Fingers pushing through the hole in her side conjured iron on her tongue, and she writhed against the weight of hands pushing her down.
But she didn’t wake enough to hear her own screams, though they burned in her throat, and she drifted again.
Soft voices carried through the grey. She didn’t understand them, but a matronly hand pressed to her forehead once, blessedly cool against the fever turning her body into a cauldron. Thick wrinkles and shushing whispers. When it left, she might’ve cried, but without strength to reach for the hand, she could only sink back from the edge of light.
The dark promised peace. Quiet. Recovery or a final end, she wasn’t sure, and if she could resist, she would. She’d call for her brothers, swim back to them, find a grip and never let go again.
But she had nothing left beyond nightmares.
She was a child again, bare feet along the cool stone of a rath’s passage – a fortress made a home, full of places to explore and trouble to find. Tired of her brothers and her cousins, she followed the dim hall alone to the golden light of the crafting room.
Her mother’s work always inspired reverence. Her dexterous fingers wove the future, capturing fate and fortune in her patterns. At play, over breakfast, when she tucked her children in at night, the stately woman with whisps of grey threading stories through her hair was Mam. At the loom, she was the Weaver, and a Weaver deserved respect, so right now she was Máthair.
Máthair made the most beautiful things. Told the most beautiful stories. Wise men turned to her for advice, like her father, and strong men followed her words in war, like her biggest brother. She listened because the Weaver was her Mam, and Mam loved her children very much, even at her loom.
“Here, Caoimhe.” Her Máthair took her little fingers and pressed them against a silver line dancing between colorful strings. A moonbeam, or a wave, alive and whispering a tale in a voice like her own. She bit her lip, smiling as she traced it, oh-so-careful not to snag the delicate pattern with her broken nails – she played hard, and her brothers played harder.
“This is your thread, a stór. Do you like it?”
“Yes, Máthair.”
But as she spoke, the thread wobbled under her touch, turning wet. An ocean seeped free, pouring from the line like a waterfall, and she took a quick step back, gasping in her high, childish voice as the water pooled quick and cold around her ankles.
The rest of the woven threads burst into flame, and the whole piece peeled off the loom, sinking with churning bubbles as the water rose.
She looked, but her Máthair, her Mam, had disappeared, and when she turned back to the loom, it had gone, too, replaced with a windshield webbed in cracks.
Trapped. Sinking.
Bubbles rose like a wall, screaming in a discordant choir as they climbed towards the surface, more ghosts than air.
She whined, tugging on her seatbelt as her hands became a woman’s again, and she called for help.
Salt water sloshed past her open lips, and she choked, pleading.
“Cabhair liom.”
No one heard, and the sea rushed in, eager to claim its forfeit. It would serve her heart to sharks and sea lice, to the blind things in the deep, deep dark that didn’t know of the sun, or the moon, or the stars. Her family would never find her bones, and her soul would be lost to those sunless places, crushed and alone forever.
The water closed over her. The world turned blue.
And she opened her eyes.
The fish girl sat beside her, a transparent mask over her nose and mouth like the jellyfish she’d dreamed of. Once she realized Caoimhe was awake, the kid snatched her hand from where it rested in a … hammock?
Bouncing on her feet, holding Caoimhe’s hand in both of hers, she chanted, “Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!”
Which was interesting because she knew for a fucking fact the girl didn’t speak a lick of English before the accident. She’d tried entertaining her when they were trapped, and she tried explaining her plan when they fled, but no one could fake the blank, confused expression she earned for her efforts.
How long had she been asleep? Or was she still unconscious? Was this the figure her subconscious had chosen to guide her towards the afterlife?
Half convinced she was still dreaming, she croaked a raspy, “Hello,” of her own, and the flinching pain finally convinced her she’d really, truly woken.
In a hammock.
With the fish girl.
Who suddenly spoke English.
The fuck?
Nothing else in the space made any more sense. It looked like a cave, full of stalactites and stalagmites, some of which looked like they’d grown more or less naturally into screens. Or bars.
Another cage?
Just as her breath caught on a hiccup of fear, figures moved on the other side of the apparent bars and opened a door. They looked like the kid. Blue-skinned, wearing the gelatinous face mask and similar clothes. Two women and a man. She thought she recognized the wrinkled skin on the elder woman’s hands, and when she settled one of those hands on Caoimhe’s forehead, she was sure of it.
The woman smiled, pleased by whatever she’d found. When her hand dropped, Caoimhe checked her head herself, like she’d grown letters there she could read with her fingertips.
Had she developed a fever maybe…?
While her hand was by her head, she checked to see if her hair still covered her ears. It did. Thank Danu. She lowered her arm back to her side before anyone noticed.
The woman – the kid’s grandmother? – addressed the other two adults, and a drop of relief soothed their tight expressions. Though hardly relaxed, the good news lifted at least one of their many concerns, and they hurried to move forward.
“It’s good you’re awake.” The younger woman brought a stool beside the hammock, and the child rested her head against the woman’s knee as she sat. “We did not know if your fever would break.”
“Thank you,” Caoimhe said in her rough voice. Had she screamed a lot in her sleep, or was it a consequence of drowning? “For pulling me out of the water.”
Very carefully, she sat up, mindful of the pull in her side where the bullet hit. Something soft and a little slick rubbed over her skin, wrapped tight to her wound, but she couldn’t bring herself to look. Not yet. She didn’t want to see the damage. She didn’t want to see some strange thing she didn’t understand holding her together. Not yet.  
The light, she realized, came from overhead. Glowworms. They cast an eternal twilight through the space, and she swallowed reflexively, wondering what in the fuck she’d gotten herself into.
“Where…” She looked back to the woman, probably the child’s mother. “Where are we?”
Inclusive language. Non-accusatory. No need to ruffle any feathers. Great damn need to orient herself, though.
Stiffening even as she tried to keep her face placid, the woman shook her head softly, saying, “I will do my best to answer your questions, but our king must speak with you first.”
Her turn to stiffen. Her breathing kicked up a notch, and she wrestled against the urge to hyperventilate.
The time had come to talk of many things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings and why the sea is boiling hot.
She’d never heard of these people. They dressed in a fashion she might call Mayan, but she’d never heard of blue folk who breathed water, and she was getting the terrible, pressured sensation of being underwater. Like the ceiling would crack and the entire ocean would drop on her head at any second.
The little girl, still holding her hand, must’ve noticed her pulse jump, and she asked something in her parents’ language. The woman put a reassuring hand on her wrist, just above her daughter’s double grip.
“You saved our child. Our king will explain. Then we will talk.”
Caoimhe floundered, wincing as she strained to rise. “Can I – can I get up for this?”
The woman had eyes like Caoimhe’s oldest brother. A warrior’s eyes, looking within while analyzing without. She listened to the reason behind the question, the request for assistance, the desire to face their king out of bed, with a little more dignity and control than she’d find in the hammock.
Nodding, she rose from the stool and supported Caoimhe’s elbow. “Here.”
The woman helped her up, assuring she wouldn’t fall as she used her legs for the first time in…? As she gained her balance and cautiously assumed the seat with the little girl mirroring her mother’s support with much less efficacy under her other arm, the old woman Caoimhe assumed was the grandmother swooped a blanket over her shoulders, murmuring something under her breath.
Smirking, the mother said, “My mother says you look cold.”
Was she? She looked down and found gooseflesh creeping down her arms. Sometime between her rescue and recovery, they’d changed her into a simple white dress like the women of the family wore. Now that she mentioned it, she could definitely feel the damp air of the cave leeching heat from her skin. She’d been too uncomfortable to notice much besides the thrumming ache in her side and the fear stewing in the back of her thoughts.
“Thank you.”
The woman nodded again, but Caoimhe had a point to make. If things went poorly with their king, as the mother’s posture suggested it might, she wanted to make sure they knew she appreciated what they’d already done for her. “Really. Thank you. All of you.”
Regret flashed through the mother’s expression, followed by a wave of steely determination. She set her hands on Caoimhe’s shoulders, demanding her focus before she spoke. “We will speak again soon.”
Already feeling the weight of her own body, worn out by the effort of sitting up, she conserved her strength. She took her cue from the woman, nodding her agreement.
The woman straightened, her hands slipping away, and Caoimhe pulled the blanket tighter around her neck. Physical proof she wasn’t alone, that someone in this place wished her well. It immediately became the first comfort blanket she’d indulged in since she was six. Maybe, like that one, woven through with her mother’s magic, it would keep her safe.
The family left, and she summoned an anemic smile for the little girl before her parents towed her around the corner and out of sight. They closed the door as they went, and she sat in the cell, shivering and focusing on her breaths.
In and out.
Still alive.
In and out.
Her breath caught. Fell out of rhythm.
Out and in.
At a stranger’s mercy.
Her half-drowned thoughts from the sinking car echoed in the present. She didn’t want to die. Not alone. Not so far from her family, her only real home. She wanted Eóghan to cluck over the bullet wound and put her together while Aodhfin called her twenty kinds of stupid. She even craved Dara’s disappointed glower, the weight of his brows dipping low with responsibility as he tried to express the gravity of the situation. Explaining everything she might’ve lost, what that would mean for the ones she loved.
And now she’d gone and lost herself, and once again she sent up silent prayers full of promises she knew she couldn’t keep.
Danu, Mother, let me go home and I’ll never wander again. I will be calm and still and –  
The door opened.
Her heavy thoughts had pulled her eyes to the floor, and she jerked to attention, startled to find a man watching her from the entrance to the cell.
His golden skin lacked the blue tint the kid and her family had out of the water. His ears narrowed to sharp points, and when he continued into the space, she saw the wings on his ankles.
Even without the heavy ornamentation he wore, he was every inch a king. Tall. Proud. So confident in his control of the situation he took a second stool and sat across from her.
No need to tower. To posture.
She was no threat, and he wanted her to know.
“What is your name?”
An inquisition, then. Not a friendly chat. Not yet at least. His measured tone left no room for anything but a truthful answer.
Fortunately, she had no good reason to withhold her name. The mother had given her the impression everything would be alright if she cooperated. She could give this much.
His chin angled up, and though he didn’t say it out loud, she could see him repeating her name in his head.
“My people call me K’uk’ulkan.”
A name she’d seen on paper. Never heard aloud. She remembered finding it in old books of mythology Dara collected. He always said their people were proof there was more to legend than empty stories. The name belonged to a fierce entity, something to be worshipped. More than a king, then.
The man named for a god observed her, gave her a moment to process what she clearly knew. Then he let the other name fall.
“My enemies call me Namor.”
The sharp dichotomy disturbed her, and she recalled the concern in the mother’s eyes. A diplomatic policy dividing the world into those he was sworn to protect and those he had reason to kill did not leave much room for negotiation. It also explained why she’d never heard of his people beyond the faintest trace of myth.
She tried not to pull away. Tried not to let her shoulders bow in an attempt to look smaller. She was what she was. She couldn’t change for this king. She shouldn’t give him the impression she could be forced to.
“And anyone else?”
His eyebrows lifted, and his eyes pierced hers. A note of challenge. “There is no one else.”
“Where does that leave me?” She often played word games with her brothers. It was fun to twist the truth to dance over a lie, to angle shadow and light in new ways across old ideas. But this wasn’t a game, and she needed answers. In all her years of play, she’d learned the bluntest tools sometimes made the best weapons. “Last I checked, I don’t turn blue.”
His tone didn’t change – this was still very much a matter of life and death – but cool amusement glittered in his eyes. “Where do you think that leaves you, surface dweller?”
She shifted, not quite squirming, keeping her eye on him. Holding still never came naturally to her, and now it was absolutely draining. He definitely noticed, and she hated it. “I’m not dead yet. Someone’s gone to great lengths to keep me that way.”
He flashed a grin, and she found he had a charming smile. Ridiculously charming, considering the circumstances. His confidence here was not at all a show. The consequences of this interaction would not touch him long, and he could afford to treat her blithely.
“Not such great lengths, but yes. Atziri wouldn’t leave your side, and her mother is one of my warriors. She argued it was a matter of honor, so I pulled you from the wreck, and her family has cared for you.”
He’d given her more information than the child’s family seemed comfortable giving. That was something. “The kid’s name is Atziri?”
A drop of warmth swam through the amusement in his eyes. Either he approved of the question, or the girl had carved out a soft spot in her king’s heart.
“I’m glad she’s alright.”
It wasn’t a ploy. She was genuinely glad. Just as she would’ve been genuinely pissed if anything happened to the girl after she lost consciousness. Dying a hero and dying an idiot rode the same thread of fate.
The king huffed, white teeth gleaming as he only half-repressed his laugh. “She is much… hardier than you.”
But probably true.
“Of course, I couldn’t help noticing you’re no ordinary surface dweller.”
Two long fingers reached out towards her face, and – bemused – she let them. She didn’t understand what he wanted, what he was doing. She hadn’t hurt her face as far as she knew, and her puzzled frown grew as the fingers passed her cheek –
And smoothed back her hair to touch the delicate point of her ear.
Fight or flight instincts carried her out of the conversation and a few steps across the cell before his hand could lower – or touch her again.
Her back met the wall as her stool clattered to the floor. Not nearly far enough. The damn stone felt maliciously designed, like the glass of the laboratory cell. And of course it was. There were bars, weren’t there? This was a prison.
Her heart kicked in her chest, the extra oxygen and adrenaline flooding her system as muscles tensed for a fight and her vision narrowed to the immediate threat.
He hadn’t moved. Hand still suspended, he drank in her reaction, studying her in a new light with a determined focus that swallowed the scraps of playful warmth he’d shown before. She told him things. With her wild eyes. Her desperate breaths. Her swift and sudden fear at being noticed. At being found out.
Clearly, he knew the ways of hidden things. He followed a very different path to secrecy, but one of his own ended up in the same hands that took Caoimhe, so even if they followed different routes, they forded the same rivers. They faced the same obstacles. The same consequences greeted their mistakes, and this – proving whatever suspicions he already had – must be another misstep.
She’d told him too much, and she rushed to banish her instinctive reaction, to distract from the cool calculations turning in the man’s eyes.
“Do you always touch women without asking permission?”
It was like slamming a door in his face. Don’t look here. Don’t wander in. Recognize you’ve strayed where you are not welcome and take a step back for both our sakes.
And, to her great surprise, he did.
The hand fell so he could rest an elbow on his knee, head tilting a fraction. Mischief twinkled through the curiosity in his eyes. No one with his kind of power should be able to summon such boyish charm. It was damn dangerous.
“May I touch you?” He smiled. A beautiful man used to getting his way.
“No. You may not.” She drew herself up. A determined prisoner prepared to bite anyone who dared breach her consent.
She wasn’t flirting. He might be.
Still grinning, like her diversion was a game he enjoyed, he lifted his hands to his shoulders, palms out, before dropping them to his knees.
She tried to think of a distraction from the distraction. This was not a very safe topic for an injured woman kept behind bars to banter over with a king. When she drew boundaries, only his honor and tastes prevented him from stepping across.
“Atziri greeted me in English when I woke up.”
His grin slowly closed, though a curl lingered at the corner of his mouth. “I ordered her mother to start teaching her. You are her responsibility now, and she must acknowledge that burden.”
Learning one of the least sensical and most unnecessarily complicated languages on the planet wasn’t a short-term investment. He called her a burden. She imagined she could feel the weight of seatbelt across her lap and chest again, anchoring her to the bottom of the sea.
Maybe she didn’t escape her death. This didn’t sound like rescue.
As she came to that realization, he read it in her face.
Once again, she shared too much, and he nodded as her expression fell towards despair.
“There was a choice to make.” His eyebrows lifted, just a little, opening his expression so she could read him in turn. Earnestness. It had been no easy decision, and her situation was urgent. Hadn’t she felt herself slipping towards the world of ghosts?
He continued, lancing the wound so as not to draw out her suffering.
“We could not leave you on the shore. You would be found again, and besides, you’d already seen Atziri.” 
She closed her eyes, wondering how she could still breathe as the gravity of his words gathered like rocks in her stomach.
Fine. Danu heard her. She didn’t die alone. But she’d never be with her brothers again. Judging by the cave and the people who needed water to breathe, she’d probably never see the stars again either.
Fucking fuck. This couldn’t be right. It wasn’t what she meant. Not at all. At the gates of death, she wanted her family. She wanted the sun.
This was all wrong.
Her knees buckled. Brought low by physical weakness and the king’s blow to her hope, she sank down the wall.
“You will stay here, the permanent guest of Atziri’s family. They will return the life they owe you, and you will keep Talokan’s secrets.”
Resolute. As hard as the polished jade in his ears. The decision had already been made, and her only choice was whether to let her tears fall now – in front of him – or later – alone. Opening her eyes took courage. And it took skill to pull the water back, to flutter her lashes just so, banishing the drops before they fell.
He approached on his winged feet as she pulled herself together, taking a knee just far enough back to not let her keep her personal space. Apparently he’d learned after touching her ear. He didn’t want to set her off, an unnecessary kindness that looked pallid in the shade of the entire life he’d just taken away. There was compassion in his gaze, but not enough to save her.
“I can always give you a quick death.”
An offer of mercy, but the finality of her only available alternative sent chills flooding down her spine. Under her blanket, she shuddered.
He picked up each hint to her thoughts, collecting the pieces of herself she so carelessly dropped, and grew a new smile.
“Though, after all the time and effort that my people have invested in your recovery, that would be a terrible waste.”
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thislilstangirl · 2 years
not the editors trying to remove overt romantic tones from namor and shuri, but keeping in the scene where namor gives her his mother’s bracelet and them realising there are big romantic-marriage-proposal symbolism attached to it.
not the editors trying to posture namor as a big brother figure, but still admitting that there are always going to be romantic undertones because they are able to relate to each other.
…knowing i’m not delusional, but also realising how close we were to committing to a complex, romantic direction….ROBBERY.
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