#sir Agravain
queer-ragnelle · 8 months
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Morgawse, Lavinia Collins | The Book of Mordred, Peter Hanratty | Knights of The Round Table (1953) | Under Camelot's Banner, Sarah Zettel | Arthur Rex, Thomas Berger | In Camelot's Shadow, Sarah Zettel | The Road to Avalon, Joan Wolf | The Story of the Grail and The Passing of Arthur, Howard Pyle | The Queen's Knight, Marvin Borowski | Camelot's Blood, Sarah Zettel | Morgawse, Lavinia Collins | F/GO: The Sacred Round Table Realm: Paladin; Agateram | Perceval 4th Continuation | Vulgate Cycle Lancelot III | Stanzaic Morte Arthur | BBC The Legend of King Arthur (1979) | For Camelot's Honor, Sarah Zettel
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Round 1 Bracket 6
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myths0f01d · 1 month
i had to take a moment to calm my anger because i wrote a whole post with swear words and stuff for a i hate Agravaine party. we hate on Agravaine on behalf of Arthur and his injustices.
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poleenopoleeno · 2 months
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— a dance I never got from you
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caer-gai · 4 months
Should I draw Aggravain shirtless answer quickly
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arthurian-aita · 2 months
AITA for snitching on my friend to my sovereign king about an ongoing affair with his wife? (accidentally started a war)
Me (1541M) and my colleague “Aggie” (1544M) found out our other colleague/fellow knight, “Lando” (1548M), had been in a long-term love affair with the queen, “Jen” (1544F), wife of our boss/sovereign king “Anthony” (1546M). At first, we thought, okay, it’s the lusty month of May; maybe this is just a fling. Turns out, everyone knew and just hadn’t said anything, despite our knights’ oath to the king. It felt like a betrayal of our duty to continue harboring a traitor to the king in our midst, even if he was our best knight. Some of the more experienced knights said telling Anthony would cause a war among the knights because of all the times Lando had rescued the king and queen, but I couldn’t stand to sit by and watch Anthony’s honor be diminished behind his back. 
Aggie and I went to his chambers, but at first, the king didn’t want to believe us, so I offered him a proposition. I was certain that if Anthony went hunting, Lando wouldn’t go with him to be able to spend more time with Jen. Anthony could send word back to the castle that he wouldn’t be back that night, guaranteeing Jen would send for Lando, and Aggie, me, and 12 other knights could catch them together in her bedroom. 
Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. But Lando, cornered, fought back, slaying every knight but me. He fled, caught. 
I rode to my king as quickly as I could. Anthony declared the order of knights permanently sundered, as many would side with Lando for his strength and nobility. He declared Jen guilty of treason and sentenced her to burn at the stake, though people tried to talk him out of it. Lando showed up moments before she was to be burned, slew more knights, including the king’s kin, and rode off with the queen. 
Anthony went to war against Lando and lost many good knights in his quest to bring Lando to justice. 
It seemed like the right thing to do, but AITA for accidentally starting a civil war by telling my king that his best knight was sleeping with his wife instead of letting it go? 
EDIT: I’ve received some very angry comments asking me to “tell the whole story.” Fine.
Anthony put me in charge of the kingdom and the queen while he was off fighting Lando because I’m technically his son, but don’t think too hard about that or how it happened. I received a letter from across the sea, informing me Anthony had been slain by Lando. Sad, but that’s war. The parliament chose me to be king, but I needed a queen. So I thought, who better to be my queen than the queen? She had experience, the people already knew her… it would’ve been a great match. 
Except, when I let her out to buy wedding decor, she locked herself in the Tower of London with enough supplies to withstand a siege. 
Then I got word that Anthony was still alive and coming back to depose me. I met him on the shore, but he pushed my forces back several times over the coming days. We’re set to do battle tomorrow for the throne. 
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oneshoulderangel · 1 year
Agravaine: Perhaps this is a job for the favorite child.
Gawain: You think you’re the favorite child?
Agravaine: Heavens no, I was referring to Gareth.
Gawain: You think Gareth is the favorite?
Agravine: He’s the baby.
Gawain: But I’m the first child!
Agravaine: And first disappointment. Just accept it.
Gaheris: what about me?
Gawain and Agravaine:…
Agravaine: Anyway…
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mat2modblog · 5 months
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Sounds more like the opening narration of an old RTS campaign mission like in Warcraft Orcs & Humans to Warcraft III TFT or Zeus+Poseidon.
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Who the fuck mentioned Poseidon?
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liminalpsych · 3 months
Once and Future Court - Lou Duffy | Agravain
Welp, because I reblogged a post about Agravain and rambled about his character sheet, now I actually feel the need to post his sheet.
Modern life: Lou Duffy
Bouncer at a New Jersey biker bar, enforcing with a watchful and calculating eye. Deals with bar drama too, the stuff that you can't just kick people out for; has learned more subtle ways to handle it. Rides with Liam Sinclair on evenings/weekends.
Past life: Sir Agravain of Orkney
The second-eldest of the Orkney brothers, sons of King Lot and Queen Morgause of the Orkney Isles. The surliest and worst-tempered of them, jealous and prideful, yet still known for chivalry, skill of arms, and a quick tongue.
The road became home when home kicked you out. You said "no" one too many times, "fuck you" a bit too loudly, pushed back when you got pushed. You stood between your parents and your two younger siblings with your head held high and an unwavering stare, and you didn't let anyone see how your hands shook. "Get out," they said, outraged at your defiance. And they were more outraged still, unanswered phone calls and stalking your workplace, when you actually followed their angry command.
(Always insecure in your role as eldest child, an inadequate protector, too reactive and temperamental to be effective. Drawing ire through acting out, an old familiar pattern, protect by being the more visible target. Someone was supposed to protect you, too, a sword at your back, shields against the world but there's no one, only fantasies of camaraderie.)
At least you were prepared. You had a bag always packed, saddlebags ready. You were of drinking age, a bouncer at a bar, freedom in a motorcycle license and an old bike in an ongoing cycle of breakdown and repair. You only stayed at home because of your siblings and now they were on their own; you had to believe they'd be okay.
You crashed on your bartender's couch until you found a place you could afford. Mostly you hovered around the bar and the bikes. You started watching, listening. Thinking hard about alternatives to curses and fists. Reacting wasn't enough, reacting lost you one family and didn't protect your siblings; you had to learn strategy, skill, anticipation. You talked a lot with your bartender, an experienced hand at managing the personalities that frequented her bar. She taught you the fundamentals, and you taught yourself the rest.
(If you're watchful enough. If you're clever enough. If you speak the right words and convince the right people and convey the right plans, then maybe you can protect them. Maybe you can protect everyone. In your dreams, no one believes a word you say until it's too late. In your dreams, a kingdom falls because the king didn't heed you sooner, your brothers disregarded you, and everyone thought more highly of an exalted adulterer than you.)
And then Liam found you. You clocked him as a potential danger the moment he walked in, all roving gaze and deceptively easy manner. He noticed you within five minutes, raised a glass with a grin to your deepening scowl. You weren't usually the target of someone's focus, and you didn't particularly care for it. Something in you said to trust him, something in you yearned towards him like you've always yearned towards family—and that put your defensive walls up more than anything, all barbed wire and fury.
It took him months to win you over. You still don't know that you're there, not really. You're still wary of him, even as you ride miles together, even as you follow him from location to mysterious location. Looking for someone, he says, strained, and you don't know why you accept it with such ease. You follow his lead with relief, except for the times when something like memory threatens to blacken your vision, a terrible pressure you know will consume you and you fight it back with a furious outburst, obscenities and sarcastic rebellion at his every direction.
(He only looks understanding, and sad, with a strange nostalgia that enrages you all the more. He doesn't know you. He can't know you. He wasn't there when you needed someone and he can't make up for it, not ever, not then or now or in the future—and the pressure threatens to burst into an awful knowing, you can't, your head is going to explode—)
(You gun the engine. You roar away, away, until the wind and the road blows you back into yourself once again.)
A note on gender
I've run this larp twice so far. In the first run, Agravain's player asked for a male modern character. In the second run, Agravain's player asked for a modern character with Gender Stuff.
So the "gender stuff" note in the Costuming Hints section of the character sheet is below. It's the version of Lou Duffy | Agravain that I prefer, and I'll probably steer towards that when casting future runs of the larp.
A note on gender: Lesbian bars became home when home kicked her out. Not for sexuality or gender or anything like that, but for standing up one too many times to her parents, for being too aggressive and direct in defense of herself and her siblings. Still. Exploring gender might mean losing another family. She can be some flavor of butch, she doesn’t have to look deeper than that. (She’s avoiding looking deeper than that. Gawain Liam mentioned something once about a fantastical past and she nearly punched him. Stomped away instead, shaking. That’s too closely entangled with too many things she’s kept safely locked away and isn’t going to touch.)
It does significantly change the vibe of Liam | Gawain tracking down Lou at the bar... but Gawain really is that oblivious sometimes, and the players leaned into it. ("Gawain. A lesbian bar. Really?? What were you THINKING. You're lucky no one punched you.")
The Once and Future Court is a mid-transparency litform larp where participants play  modern reincarnations of characters from Arthurian literature, invited to a gathering to renew the bonds of fealty and family . . . or to forget the past for a quieter modern life.  The goal of The Once and Future Court is to explore relationship rupture and potential repair, ripples of past actions, and effects of returning memories, along with themes of belonging, identity, and choice.
Have a link to the Once and Future Court description for further context.
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
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What if I cried
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Reading Morte Darthur chapter 8 in this edition which is chapter 10 in mine, part 1:
If Malory hasn’t changed to much from the source material, Gawain saying he’s not going to turn on Lancelot is very ironic.
Agravaine had a point. They are Arthur’s nephews and shouldn’t be turning a blind eye to the Lancelot-Guinevere situation
Gawain seems to be acting very maturely here. Pointing out that if they do this it will cause a schism in Camelot between them and Lancelot’s friends and relations. He’s thinking long term consequences and not about any slights to their family honor
I can’t tell if Arthur doesn’t know or if he’s just pretending he doesn’t know
Lancelot is a dumbass. His nephew basically said “don’t go to the Queen. Agrivaine’s sniffing for your head. You’ll get caught.” And he goes anyways
Lancelot and Guinevere need to stop trying to die for each other, and focus on the immediate problem
Lancelot: “Arthur has betrayed me! It’s like he’s got a problem with me having a long running affair with his wife!”
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queer-ragnelle · 4 months
on one hand, you can’t really generalize mythology. especially one with as long and varied a literary tradition as arthurian legend has.
on the other hand, agravaine is gay in 100% of retellings. i don’t make the rules. i’m simply presenting my findings. a safe assumption going into any story. you’re probably correct.
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[Loser's Bracket] Round 1 Bracket 3
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gawain-dolls · 2 years
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I’m ready to show Agravain to the world XD!
I have a real love-hate relationship with this doll. His expression is exactly what I want from a Boy Agravain, but his eeeeeyes are so laaaarge. The eye thing didn’t strike me when I bought him - I adored this sculpt - but in the meantime I’ve realised that pretty much all my dolls have a more realistic eye size and D.i.M. Jullis is the odd one out.
Agravain’s tunic is a bit short because he’s growing quite fast... Morgause will need to make him a new one soon!
*I* still need to make him a small dagger and scabbard to hang off his belt.
So - that’s three out of four Orkney boys done! Only Gawain still left to dress. Of course he is the most difficult. I don’t have a clear notion of the look of his clothes yet...
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morganaconda · 9 months
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ripmyfictionalfriends · 3 months
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