#sir pinel
queer-ragnelle · 2 years
Arthurian characters I believe in my soul are gay
Agravaine: He is just such a gay man whether he’s cis or trans or single or married to Laurel doesn’t matter he loves men end of story
Galehaut: You’d think it’s a given, but Lavinia Collins wrote him straight with sons, so he has to be mentioned and it’s non-negotiable
Bedwyr: He is Kay’s companion, they come as a set, the better half of married couple middle management, nicer of the two but he will support Kay’s antics so tread carefully
Percival: Pronouns irrelevant—they are a big fat gay who turned chivalry into a butch gender
Galahad: Straight people don’t act like that even if they’re Catholic actually especially if they’re Catholic
Sebile: One lesbian to rule them all, I mean, she hit the jackpot with Morgan obviously come on
Kay: See Bedwyr, also the nickname thing just has vibes, why you thinking so much about other men?
Sagramore: He and Agravaine are ex-boyfriends obviously
Gromer: Specifically if we assume the one from Turk and Wedding is the same guy, involvement with Gawain plus invisibility cloak potential is just so fruity
Lionel: Hand to god I can’t think of a time he was associated with a lady I don’t think he even knows knights are supposed to perform feats for them and I’m not going to tell him
Yvain: The marriage to Laudine was a fluke they divorced amicably and he’s living his truth now and that truth? Pet play
Laurel: “Wife” of Agravaine shut up it’s a piece of paper she wouldn’t touch a man with a ten foot pole it’s called lavender marriage sweaty look it up
Lucius: That man wants Arthur so bad it makes him look stupid
Pinel: Yeah the poison apple guy he has the same vibes as Gromer the obsession with Gawain comes with cannotations
Brangaine: She’s not upset Isolde drank the love potion because she was trusted with it, she’s upset they didn’t drink it together
Tor: My friend Tor told me he likes men, hope that clears things up
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joemerl · 1 year
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Yeah, that's not suspicious. "Here Lies Sir Patrise, QUEEN GUINEVERE TOTALLY DIDN'T KILL HIM, HONEST!"
Anyway, I'm sure Sir What's-His-Name would be thrilled to be such a minor character on his own tombstone.
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oneshoulderangel · 1 year
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A moment of silence for Patrise here. Not only was he the victim of a murder plot that wasn’t even aimed at him, but his tomb stone was used to clarify and emphasize Queen Guinevere innocent instead of…I don’t know, his great knightly deeds or something. I’m not sure if this is standard practice or something, but even a footnote would have been nice.
Also is this guy the only Irish knight of the round table? There might be one in the Mabinogion. I can see why there wouldn’t be more, but still…tough break buddy.
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fecto-forgo · 1 year
pinels assassination plan will always be one of the funniest arthurian stories that arent actually relevant, yeah some guy with a serious personality issue once tried poisoning sir gawain by just poisoning one (1) random apple in a feast and hoped REALLY hard gawain would just eat the first apple and it surprises nobody that shit didnt work and some random guy died instead.then the shit all goes to guinevere because she cant catch a break.
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rjalker · 6 months
With that came the eleven kings, and there was Griflet put to the earth, horse and man, and Lucas the butler, horse and man, by king Brandegoris and king Idres and king Agwisance. Then waxed the meddle passing hard on both parties. When Sir Kay saw Griflet on foot he rode on king Nentres and smote him down, and led his horse to Sir Griflet and horsed him again. Also Sir Kay with the same spear smote down king Lot, and hurt him passing sore. That saw the king with the hundred knights, and ran unto Sir Kay and smote him down and took his horse, and gave him to king Lot, whereof he said gramercy. When Sir Griflet saw Sir Kay and Lucas the butler on foot, he took a sharp spear great and square and rode to Pinel, a good man of arms, and smote horse and man down, and then he took his horse and gave him unto Sir Kay. When king Lot saw king Nentres on foot he ran unto Melot de la Roche and smote him down horse and man, and gave king Nentres the horse and horsed him again. Also the king of the hundred knights saw king Idres on foot; then he ran unto Gwimiart de Bloi, and smote him down horse and man, and gave king Idres the horse and horsed him again; and king Lot smote down Clariance de la Forest Savage, and gave the horse unto duke Eustace.
Just start killing the horses at that point
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 5 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I have a question I hope you can answer, since you are an expert on the subjecy. I found this passage in La morte d'Arthur: "for Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature" and I cannot understand what it means, and I can't even find a translation in my language! Apparently it relates to the fact that he likes fruit? Do you have any idea? Not to exclude everyone else, but you can explain in italian if it's easier for you. Thanks a lot anyway.
That’s such a wild sentence!!
This is the whole passage:
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruit, and in especial apples and pears. And therefore whosomever dined or feasted Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him, and so did the queen for to please Sir Gawaine; she let purvey for him all manner of fruit, for Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature. And this Pinel hated Sir Gawaine by cause of his kinsman Sir Lamorak de Galis; and therefore for pure envy and hate Sir Pinel enpoisoned certain apples for to enpoison Sir Gawaine.
I sadly don’t have my Italian edition with me and I don’t think there’s any online, but it would help to know how other languages translated it. 
The only thing I found in English version was the change of the comma and the end of the sentence. I think it makes slightly more sense this way, were the hot knight comment is connected with Pinel hating him:
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So in this case it’s: because sir Gawain was a hothead and because Pinel hated him for reasons, then Pinel decided to poison the apples.
I hope this helped!
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gawaincomic · 7 years
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  But Syre Gawayne had a customme that he vsed dayly at dyner and at souper, that he loued wel al maner of fruyte, and in especial appels and perys. And therfore whosomeuer dyned or feested Syre Gawayne wold comynly purueye good fruyte for hym, and soo dyd the quene for to please Sir Gawayne; she lete purueye for hym al maner of fruyte. For Sir Gawayn was a passyng hote knyght of nature, And this Pyonel hated Syre Gawayne bycause of his kynnesman, Syr Lamorak de Galys; and therfor pure enuy and hate Sir Pyonel enpoysond certayn appels for to enpoysonne Sir Gawayn.
- Sir Thomas Malory,  Le Morte Darthur
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nelfs · 4 years
Then was Sir Patrise buried in the church of Westminster in a tomb, and thereupon was written: Here lieth Sir Patrise of Ireland, slain by Sir Pinel le Savage, that enpoisoned apples to have slain Sir Gawaine, and by misfortune Sir Patrise ate one of those apples, and then suddenly he brast. 
god damn what a way to go. the other knights get to go out in a blaze of glory and you eat one apple at a feast and all of a sudden? you brast. Patrise really took the L on this one
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the-baddest-fish · 5 years
So the quest for the Holy grail had been fulfilled, and the few knights that had been left alive returned to the round table, and there was great joy in the court. To do them honor the queen made them dinner; and there were four and twenty knights present, and among them Sir Patrise of Ireland, and Sir Gawaine and his brethren, the kings nephews, which were Sir Agrawaine, Sir Gaheris, and Sir Mordred. Now it was the custom of Sir Gawaine daily at dinner and supper to eat all manner of fruit, and especially pears and apples, and this the queen knew, and set fruit of all sorts before him. And there was present at the dinner one Sir Pinel le Savage, who hated Sir Gawaine because he and his brethren had slain Sir Lamorak du Galis, cousin to Sir Pinel; so he put poal in into some of the apples, hoping that Sir Gawabe would eat one and die. But by ill fortune it befell that the good knight Sir Patrise took the poisoned apple.
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wheremyhotchocolate · 6 years
All the Knights of the Round Table I could remember ranked
Because I was bored and need to express my love/hatred for these characters.
NOTE: I am well aware that there are a shit-ton of Knights, but I decided to just work with 50 because I’m supposed to be asleep and some of them don’t have enough of a personality for me to make accurate judgments on them
Also, I gave a brief description thingy of them for reasons.
1.       Sir Mordred (I have a thing for questionable morals and misunderstood characters. I could write an essay on my love for him)
2.       Sir Galahad (pure boy. Deserved better. I also ship him with Mordred)
3.       Sir Gareth (SUNSHINE BOY)
4.       King Galehaut (underrated and probably definitely gay for Lancelot)
5.       Sir Kay (lovable asshole)
6.       Sir Gawain (“and Sir Gawain lay in his gay bed”)
7.       Sir Dinadan (”he probably walked across the channel”)
8.       Sir Palamedes (most relatable)
9.       Sir Percival (other sunshine boy)
10.   Sir Ferifis (sunshine boy the third)
11.   Sir Bedivere (he yeeted the sword back into the lake)
12.   Sir Yvain the Lion (lions are cool, much like Yvain)
13.   Sir Astamore (underrated bb…plus his name is cool)
14.   Sir Lamorak (didn’t deserve this shit)
15.   Sir Dragonet (comic relief)
16.   Sir Balin (he’s trying, ok??)
17.   Sir Brunor/La Cote Male Taile (everyone thought he was a joke till he saved the queen from a lion)
18.   King Pellinore (He’s funny in the movies)
19.   King Leodegrance (was entrusted with the table after Uther’s death)
20.   Sir Ywain the Bastard (needs better)
21.   Sir Daniel (defeated Gawain, that be cool)
22.   Sir Agravain (less-lovable asshole, but still lovable)
23.   Sir Tristan (that love story tho)
24.   Sir Lancelot (overrated, but still cool)
25.   Sir Lucan (loyal wingman)
26.   Sir Hector de Maris (doing his best)
27.   Sir Caradoc the Younger (that moment when you were named after your dad but he wasn’t really your dad)
28.   Sir Ector/Hector (Arthur’s foster dad, congrats on sticking with him this long)
29.   King Bagdemagus (he was important once)
30.   Sir Aglovale (overshadowed by Percival’s glory, good boy)
31.   Sir Morien (Aglovale’s son and a POC)
32.   Sir Tor (wants to be cool)
33.   Sir Ironside (underrated ex-murderer)
34.   Sir Safir (#makeSafirpopularagain)
35.   Sir Pelleas (married Nimue and I’m jealous)
36.   Sir Sagramore (angry and virtuous, much like me)
37.   Sir Gingalain (he gave up his love and his name is amazing)
38.   Sir Elyan (needs more love)
39.   Sir Segwarides (you banged my wife but it’s cool)
40.   Sir Bors the Younger (only grail knight not to die and now he’s sad)
41.   Sir Lionel (he has a cool ass birthmark)
42.   Sir Constantine (succeeded Arthur which are some big shoes to fill)
43.   Sir Griflet (also yeeted the sword into the lake)
44.   Sir Adragain (was a Knight of the Round Table before it was cool)
45.   Sir Ulfius (Uther’s wingman)
46.   King Uriens (a bit of a dick to Morgan? Not cool)
47.   Sir Mador de la Porte (kind of an idiot)
48.   Sir Gaheris (I have this weird hatred for Gaheris after reading The Idylls of the Queen, so F him)
49.   Sir Maleagant (evil)
50.   Sir Pinel (FUCK this guy. Like Gaheris, The Idylls of the Queen made me hate him. I could make an essay on why I hate him. He’s such a dick)
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cyanpeacock · 5 years
Realtalk(tm): Midnight Edition
MAN all that psychosis was some Seriously Weird shit . i keep thinkin about it
an d yet. im like, well, shit, in some ways, I Needed That? 
long Trauma Processing Post under the cut
a whole bunch was very, Oh, Okay, So I Was Right, and those General Things from Before (i.e. when I was a child) WERE serious mental health concerns, that still exist, that I need to not do a Mother on and go “it’s probably nothing/overactive imagination/just acting out for attention”
and a whole bunch was very, like, well, just straight up disturbing frightening psychosis, of a duration and intensity new to me, and despite the bizarre and at times inappropriate content, it brings me a weird kind of relief to know i went Totally Batshit outside in broad daylight and nobody ever laid a hand on me? nobody smacked me? nobody yelled at me or got REALLY funny with me? they just, uh, let me go batshit off on my own? i almost certainly disturbed and/or offended some people, but no Punishment was dealt??????
like... the only people who spoke to me were (retrospectively obviously, at the time not obviously) concerned about my wellbeing, rather than trying to berate me and shut me up for their comfort? although i did still react internally as though that were the case. but like... How Delightful! the world i was walking through is MUCH kinder than my “family” ever was!!! those guys just saw a sick person? and not somebody being “difficult/playing up/bratty/childish”??? wtf. i’m still kind of like, is that for real???
and a whole bunch of the Episode was also “oh. okay. that was TOTALLY actually about this SPECIFIC thing from my past that is not always in my accessible life memories, but That Fucking Happened, And Its Processing And Integration Are Incomplete, because my parents were emotionally constipated and didn’t remotely know the meaning of Mental Health”
some of it is Specific Incidents. a lot of it is about like... alternating fucking, like, total abandonment, then Absolute Surveillance And Control “We” Have To Monitor Your Every Action And “We” Will Punish You If You Do Not Comply To The Restrictions And Regulations
like ahahahha. okay backstory. as a kid-kid i had literally No supervision on the computer, no like, web filters, no time locks, stumbled across 4chan and whatnot far too young, nobody noticed for Years. which, uh, that is BAD parenting. that is REALLY bad form, and i was made to feel like that was My Fault, somehow. but hey! to me, this was normal! there was a whole bunch of weird interesting stuff on the internet that really distracted me from how shitty Coming Home felt! the computer is Fun!!!!!
and then!!! while i understand the INTENTION of this -- later on “They” brought in a whole fucking load of surveillance, moved me to the bedroom next to my mother’s so they could “keep an eye on me”, put software on MY school laptop to kick me off the machine, software on the router that monitored every single webpage i went on? i was in my mid to later teens by this point??? like, the point where most kids get MORE freedom and trust, not less?! literally i heard shit from adults like “we can’t trust you” and now i’m like. oh. oh, okay. yeah. that’s... not right.
now i was a quick boy and made myself a workaround in the form of an Ubuntu LiveCD, disguised as a blank disk that i kept with other CDs, and that lovely beast TOR worked some miracles for me. but like, what the fuck?? i was going to all those fucking lengths just to try and get some human contact with people who actually did care about me, Away from my hellhole family and equally hellish school. all the fucking Being Watched made me feel sicker and sicker, i was self harming more, hiding it better, hurting other ppl increasingly because i was acting in reaction to my own pain. 
like. you can’t like... go from total neglect, to fucking CIA levels of invasion of privacy. like, that’s abuse, that’s just going from one extreme to the other. 
that’s what was so jarring about it all? like, sometimes, there would just be Nobody emotionally available at home. that sucked, but hey, it’s what i grew up with, i was used to it. then other times, it would be TELL ME EVERYTHING. I HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. EVERY INTIMATE DETAIL. NO SECRETS ALLOWED. TELL ME EVERYTHING. still with No emotional capacity there. and i was NOT used to that. that shit made me “paranoid”. uh, fucking YEAH? 
like... anybody would get paranoid in emotional solitary confinement with people watching their every fucking move. shit felt like being in a cell with the guards walking past glaring at you through the food slot periodically. “come out of the corner so I can see what you’re doing” and all that. i developed like... so many sides. to deal with it. constantly fucking flipping over. 
the priority was and is Maintain The One That Can Do School. Maintain Him. He Can Get Grades, He Satisfies The Mother, He Can Get Away From This. and i guess i did? and i’m gonna get a degree, like, a real one, a fucking good one if i keep working as hard as i have been, which... well, shit, what else can I do? this is what i am Built For. but i’d be like, flipping over with a side that is literally a terrified child that bolts to its bedroom and hisses and growls at threats outside the door. and my mother would say shit like “i think it’s just your hormones.” what kind of wack-ass shit. denial levels over 9000.
man like i’m angry but numb to it? in a sort of, oh, okay, woah, is this what i was dealing with? is this the shit i was living through? and this was denied and minimized so many times, and so many people said “well I’m sure she loves you really,” that i’d learned to say to myself “it’s not that bad, she loves me really, she’s doing the best she can” when i was literally like... cutting so much i was bleeding thru my trousers at school? i’d been trained to just like, dissociate so hard i couldn’t actually name or talk about ANY of the things that were happening to and around me that were making me feel so shitty?
YEAH so . that was Also Fucked Up.
and s///pinel like....... wsdfsjdghhjd what the fuck. huge mood. wanted while I was a fun little entertaining creature that could do Tricks and Impress and Make People Laugh!! and then i got Difficult To Deal With. Too Much. Annoying. and wasn’t emotionally valued any more! And I Turned Into A Fucking Unstable Destructive Maniac. 
yyyyeeeuuup i definitely totally did the I HATE YOU WHY WON’T YOU LEAVE ME BUT I LOVE YOU WHY AM I LASHING OUT AT YOU SO MUCH DON’T LEAVE ME I HATE YOU thing. it was not fun for anybody (understatement). and i have No Intention of living in the “grown up” version of “I hate you but we’re ~family~ so I’m going to politely tolerate your presence while I’m numb or miserable.” i’m not about it. no sir no way no how.
YH. yeah. okay i’m gonna end this post Here because if i keep goin i’ll get so mad I give myself a migraine RIP. that’s kind of a Whole Bunch huh.
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the-paintrist · 7 years
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Tony Robert-Fleury in his studio, from the Frick Collection
The Frick Collection is an art museum located in the Henry Clay Frick House on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, New York City at 1 East 70th Street, at the northeast corner with Fifth Avenue. It houses the collection of industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849–1919).
Tony Robert-Fleury (1 September, 1837 – 8 December, 1911) was a French painter, known primarily for historical scenes. He was also a prominent art teacher, with many famous artists among his students.
He was born just outside Paris, and studied under his father Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury and under Paul Delaroche and Léon Cogniet at the École des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts) in Paris. His first painting at the Salon de Paris, in 1866, was a large historical canvas, titled Varsovie, Scene de l'Insurrection Polonaise, recalling the events of April 8, 1861 in Warsaw, when Russian troops quenched riots by force. In the following year, his "Old Women in the Place Navone, Rome" was purchased by the Musée du Luxembourg.
In 1870, he painted a canvas of Le Dernier Jour de Corinthe (Last Day of Corinth), which depicted the last day before the Roman legions looted and burned the ancient Greek city, according to Livy. This painting was also purchased by the Musée du Luxembourg, it is on display at the Musée d'Orsay. In 1880, he painted a ceiling for the Luxembourg Palace in Paris, representing "The Glorification of French Sculpture." Robert-Fleury painted Pinel a la Salpêtrière (1876), which depicts the famed Father of Modern Psychiatry among the inmates of the asylum. Philippe Pinel in 1795, had been named chief doctor at the asylum, he had instituted more charitable and rational treatments, without chains. In 1875, Robert-Fleury painted Charlotte Corday at Caen, which shows the woman coming to the passionate conclusion that Marat needed to be murdered. In 1882 he painted Vauban donnant le plan des fortifications de Belfort where the celebrated engineer is represented in Louis XIV costume reviewing maps and designs, while in the background laborers engage on building. Robert-Fleury taught as professor for many years at the Académie Julian in Paris. Robert-Fleury became president of the Société des artistes français in succession to Bouguereau. He was honoured with Commander of the Legion of Honour in 1907. In 1908 he was elected president of the Taylor Foundation, a position he held until the end of his life. He acquired a great reputation and is renowned for his historical compositions, portraits and genre scenes; at his atelier he taught several well-known painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries from various countries, including Lovis Corinth, Édouard Vuillard and Sir George Clausen.
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bookinghotelsbg · 5 years
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The Queen was so sore abashed
For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell poisoned certain apples for to poison Sir Gawaine withal. And so this was well unto the end of the meat; and so it befell, by misfortune, that a good knight, named Sir Patrice, cousin unto Sir Mador de la Port, took one of the poisoned apples: and, when he had eaten it, he swelled till he burst; and there Sir Patrice fell down dead suddenly among them.
Then every knight leaped from .the board, ashamed, and enraged for wrath nigh out of their wits; for they wist not what to say, considering that Queen Guenever made the feast and dinner, they all had suspicion upon her. “My lady, the Queen,” said Sir Gawaine* “wit ye well, madam, that this dinner was made for me: for all folks, that know my conditions, understand well that I love fruit; and now I see well I had been near slain: therefore, madam, I dread me least ye will be shamed.”
Queen Guenever
Then the Queen stood still, and was right sore abashed, that she wist not what to say. “This shall not be ended so,” said Sir Mador de la Port; “for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood: and, therefore, upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the uttermost.” And thereupon Sir Mador appealed Queen Guenever of the death of his cousin, Sir Patrice.
Then stood they all still, that none of them would speak a word against him; for they had a great suspection unto Queen Guenever, because she let make the dinner. And the Queen was so sore abashed, that she could none otherwise do, but wept so heartily, that she fell in a swoon. With this noise and sudden cry came unto them King Arthur, and marveled greatly what it might be; and, when he wist of their trouble, and the sudden death of that good knight, Sir Patrice, he was a passing heavy man.
And ever Sir Mador stood still before King Arthur, and ever he appealed Queen Guenever of treason. For the custom was such at that time, that all manner of shameful death was called treason. Fair lords,” said King Arthur, “me repenteth sore of this trouble, but the cause is so, we may not have to do in this matter; for I must be a rightful judge, and that repenteth me that I may not do battle for my wife; for, as I deem, this deed came never of her, and therefore I suppose we shall not be all destitute, but that some good knight shall put his body in jeopardy, rather than she should be burnt in a wrong quarrel.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-2/
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bookingoneway · 5 years
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The Queen was so sore abashed
For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell poisoned certain apples for to poison Sir Gawaine withal. And so this was well unto the end of the meat; and so it befell, by misfortune, that a good knight, named Sir Patrice, cousin unto Sir Mador de la Port, took one of the poisoned apples: and, when he had eaten it, he swelled till he burst; and there Sir Patrice fell down dead suddenly among them.
Then every knight leaped from .the board, ashamed, and enraged for wrath nigh out of their wits; for they wist not what to say, considering that Queen Guenever made the feast and dinner, they all had suspicion upon her. “My lady, the Queen,” said Sir Gawaine* “wit ye well, madam, that this dinner was made for me: for all folks, that know my conditions, understand well that I love fruit; and now I see well I had been near slain: therefore, madam, I dread me least ye will be shamed.”
Queen Guenever
Then the Queen stood still, and was right sore abashed, that she wist not what to say. “This shall not be ended so,” said Sir Mador de la Port; “for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood: and, therefore, upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the uttermost.” And thereupon Sir Mador appealed Queen Guenever of the death of his cousin, Sir Patrice.
Then stood they all still, that none of them would speak a word against him; for they had a great suspection unto Queen Guenever, because she let make the dinner. And the Queen was so sore abashed, that she could none otherwise do, but wept so heartily, that she fell in a swoon. With this noise and sudden cry came unto them King Arthur, and marveled greatly what it might be; and, when he wist of their trouble, and the sudden death of that good knight, Sir Patrice, he was a passing heavy man.
And ever Sir Mador stood still before King Arthur, and ever he appealed Queen Guenever of treason. For the custom was such at that time, that all manner of shameful death was called treason. Fair lords,” said King Arthur, “me repenteth sore of this trouble, but the cause is so, we may not have to do in this matter; for I must be a rightful judge, and that repenteth me that I may not do battle for my wife; for, as I deem, this deed came never of her, and therefore I suppose we shall not be all destitute, but that some good knight shall put his body in jeopardy, rather than she should be burnt in a wrong quarrel.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-2/
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hutupistravel · 5 years
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The Queen was so sore abashed
For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell poisoned certain apples for to poison Sir Gawaine withal. And so this was well unto the end of the meat; and so it befell, by misfortune, that a good knight, named Sir Patrice, cousin unto Sir Mador de la Port, took one of the poisoned apples: and, when he had eaten it, he swelled till he burst; and there Sir Patrice fell down dead suddenly among them.
Then every knight leaped from .the board, ashamed, and enraged for wrath nigh out of their wits; for they wist not what to say, considering that Queen Guenever made the feast and dinner, they all had suspicion upon her. “My lady, the Queen,” said Sir Gawaine* “wit ye well, madam, that this dinner was made for me: for all folks, that know my conditions, understand well that I love fruit; and now I see well I had been near slain: therefore, madam, I dread me least ye will be shamed.”
Queen Guenever
Then the Queen stood still, and was right sore abashed, that she wist not what to say. “This shall not be ended so,” said Sir Mador de la Port; “for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood: and, therefore, upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the uttermost.” And thereupon Sir Mador appealed Queen Guenever of the death of his cousin, Sir Patrice.
Then stood they all still, that none of them would speak a word against him; for they had a great suspection unto Queen Guenever, because she let make the dinner. And the Queen was so sore abashed, that she could none otherwise do, but wept so heartily, that she fell in a swoon. With this noise and sudden cry came unto them King Arthur, and marveled greatly what it might be; and, when he wist of their trouble, and the sudden death of that good knight, Sir Patrice, he was a passing heavy man.
And ever Sir Mador stood still before King Arthur, and ever he appealed Queen Guenever of treason. For the custom was such at that time, that all manner of shameful death was called treason. Fair lords,” said King Arthur, “me repenteth sore of this trouble, but the cause is so, we may not have to do in this matter; for I must be a rightful judge, and that repenteth me that I may not do battle for my wife; for, as I deem, this deed came never of her, and therefore I suppose we shall not be all destitute, but that some good knight shall put his body in jeopardy, rather than she should be burnt in a wrong quarrel.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-2/
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bookingpackages · 5 years
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Sir Lamoracke de Galis
For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell poisoned certain apples for to poison Sir Gawaine withal. And so this was well unto the end of the meat; and so it befell, by misfortune, that a good knight, named Sir Patrice, cousin unto Sir Mador de la Port, took one of the poisoned apples: and, when he had eaten it, he swelled till he burst; and there Sir Patrice fell down dead suddenly among them.
Then every knight leaped from .the board, ashamed, and enraged for wrath nigh out of their wits; for they wist not what to say, considering that Queen Guenever made the feast and dinner, they all had suspicion upon her. “My lady, the Queen,” said Sir Gawaine* “wit ye well, madam, that this dinner was made for me: for all folks, that know my conditions, understand well that I love fruit; and now I see well I had been near slain: therefore, madam, I dread me least ye will be shamed.”
Queen Guenever
Then the Queen stood still, and was right sore abashed, that she wist not what to say. “This shall not be ended so,” said Sir Mador de la Port; “for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood: and, therefore, upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the uttermost.” And thereupon Sir Mador appealed Queen Guenever of the death of his cousin, Sir Patrice. Then stood they all still, that none of them would speak a word against him; for they had a great suspection unto Queen Guenever, because she let make the dinner. And the Queen was so sore abashed, that she could none otherwise do, but wept so heartily, that she fell in a swoon. With this noise and sudden cry came unto them King Arthur, and marveled greatly what it might be; and, when he wist of their trouble, and the sudden death of that good knight, Sir Patrice, he was a passing heavy man.
And ever Sir Mador stood still before King Arthur, and ever he appealed Queen Guenever of treason. For the custom was such at that time, that all manner of shameful death was called treason. Fair lords,” said King Arthur, “me repenteth sore of this trouble, but the cause is so, we may not have to do in this matter; for I must be a rightful judge, and that repenteth me that I may not do battle for my wife; for, as I deem, this deed came never of her, and therefore I suppose we shall not be all destitute, but that some good knight shall put his body in jeopardy, rather than she should be burnt in a wrong quarrel.
S: https://private.ensartourguide.com/launcelots-tourney-part-2/
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