#sixth form college
ashleigghh 4 months
I've been finished with college lessons for 22 hours and I have spent every single one of them overturning every single interaction I've ever had and screaming about how fucking awkward I've been I hate it
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nonsenseflower 10 years
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2014 | Froud Faery 馃挏
Froud inspired fairy for AS level Art coursework. Pen, pencil, and coloured pencils.
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caramelcoeur 3 months
help do i actually submit a 'passport style photo' for my student id and look incredibly deranged and depressed or am i allowed to wear my glasses and look slightly healthy????
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student userboxes! 馃摉
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(good luck to anyone studying/doing their exams right now!馃崁)
feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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stevie-is-spiralling 11 days
today was my first day back at college and i rocked up with an mcr shirt and smudged eyeliner i fear i have set the standard
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gay-classics-student 19 days
Manifesting a good year of school/ sixth form / college , academically, socially , creativley, health ,extra curricularly and ACADEMICALLY
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scleracentipede 1 year
1st day session of my scarecrow sleeve was complete yesterday but the lovely CurlyHorns at GhostShip Tattoos
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So tired to today but so worth it! It was first day session (6 hours of tattooing with like a 20 mins break) and I鈥檓 sore af but so hyped about the tattoo and about continuing with the sleeve
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Study: 16/09/2024
- Maths: Practice paper to see what topics to focus on for my test next month
- Biology: Chapter 5 review and practice questions
- Worked on my personal statement!
Hope everyone had a productive start to their week! 馃摉
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trans-cuchulainn 5 months
todays haircut was not as fun as the last one. the barber was weirdly rough and my sensitive scalp didn't really enjoy it. also fascinatingly he didn't know what a masters or a phd is, seemed not to have heard of them at all, which, like, wouldn't be as remarkable if he didn't work in a city that probably has one of the highest concentrations of people with postgrad qualifications in the country. maybe none of them get haircuts
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yourstrulyarrow 2 months
i'm gonna get no responses to this but if anyone reads this and likes giving advice PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
so i just finished my GCSEs, and i can't decide which school i want to do A-levels at (for non-brits: did qualifications after turning 16, U minimum grade, 4 pass grade, 9 max grade. i can't decide what school to go to for my pre-uni qualifications). doing psychology, biology, maths, and further maths.
OPTION A: my current school. i'm pretty out about being trans, and although i went around asking teachers to use different pronouns for me 2-3 years ago, most don't because they keep forgetting (i don't pass, and the picture of me on the school register they see every day is when i was 11 and very fem-presenting). i have 1 teacher that uses they/them for me (i only use he/him pronouns, they/them is ok because it's not she/her, but i don't like it much). they were okay with my name change, but my school email has my deadname's initial since you can't change an email. i haven't gotten a response yet about whether i can have a new email for sixth form (i'll update when i do). they have zero clue what a trans person even is, they "officially" think i'm non-binary (i'm not, i'm a binary trans guy) but zero teachers were informed of this hence the issue with pronouns. my head of year didn't know i'm trans, and he was awkwardly trying to not offend me by "not assuming" i'm trans. i've been there 5 years and i generally have not had a very nice time, BUT they did let me use the disabled changing room rather than forcing me to go with the girls or the guys back when PE was mandatory (in year 11 they let everyone change in the toilets/whenever during lunch, so no issues there). they're understanding and sympathetic i think, just a bit ignorant. they refused to let teachers sign my deed poll to avoid "getting between [me] and [my mum]", despite using my preferred name in all correspondence anyways (so if there was a problem they would know... ironically all correspondence misgenders me). they give year 12s/13s detentions (which i disagree with... if a sixth former is late or doesn't do their homework that is THEIR PROBLEM and they should be left to deal with the consequences. if they're not responsible enough...), don't let sixth formers attend only for lessons (i.e. 8:30am start even if you don't have lessons until 9:50am or 11:30am, can't leave if you don't have a lesson. can leave for lunch but not break, and only once you gain permission). their school counsellor found about about my mother's abuse of me, and decided to get a social worker called to my house, creating huge problems for me, and when the social worker decided the situation was "resolved", she decided to send the document with EVERYTHING I SAID ABOUT MY ABUSIVE MOTHER... *TO MY MOTHER*. it was hideous. i really really like the maths teacher here, the way he explains things is top-tier, but i'm not guaranteed to get him. i'm attached to the psychology teacher (and she's very lovely, i've had issues with splitting where i swap between "she's my mother" (positive, as in "i wish i was her kid") and "she's the worst teacher and a backstabber i hate her". but after some careful analysis i was greatly overreacting, she's amazing). i like my biology teacher (also not guaranteed to get him, he's very nice though and he likes me and is supportive of me being trans!!). they also have 1 trans teacher (i think he does maths) who could be helpful to me when i do my EPQ, as i'm definitely going to do it on some kind of transgender topic. i'd also have already-established friends, i'm okay with most of the girls with my year but a lot of the guys don't like me much (trans and i was very annoying when i was 11 and they never forgave me). the guys who are chill with me are mostly going to option c school :(
OPTION B: school near-ish me with same sort of grades as current school. they're about the same grades-wise and in terms of oxbridge offers (i want to go to cambridge). their psychology spec is the same as my gcse psychology spec, which you'd think is a net positive but oh dear lord it is so boring. i don't want to re-learn some gcse content. we had our induction day and i don't like the psychology teacher :(. also i got called out for being autistic as fuck (not diagnosed, but peer-reviewed) in our induction day session because she made us do a thing about recognising facial expressions and i got it completely wrong. it made me feel really shit and stupid because i'm not diagnosed or anything ://. i also don't really vibe with the biology teacher, the maths teacher seems chill though. this school is a LOT bigger than my current, and they have a whole separate building/cafeteria/etc. for sixth formers. good because it means i dont have to see the little kids but also there's wayyy more people, kinda scary :/. also i have 1 friend who says she'll go to either option a or b depending on where i go so we can be together (if i choose option c, she'll go to a as one of our other friends is going to a). they have really good lab facilities for the sciences though so i'm not sure?? also public transport is better to there, but distance is similar to option a. big thing for me driving me to consider this school is they have a "transition policy" for trans kids, they know what transgender means, they have a whole system, they understand having the wrong name on exams and stuff can be distressing, etc etc.
option c: amazing school, slightly far. ok so omg i REALLYREALLY want to go to c but the problem is my first mock grades weren't good enough :(( 999988876 + L2D (btec is in business). in last mock, i got 999999996 + L2D. also a distinction in english speaking. so clearly i'm academically capable enough to go there, right?? the 6 is in art, i recently got my raw mark back and it's an 8 (1 mark off a 9). my coursework for business i got 107/120, that's not amazing but i think i can maybe maybe get a L2D* in it anyways? they don't have a very casual atmosphere, it's very much study study study, but i don't mind because the school gets such amazing grades. really good maths department, but they make kids learn all of maths a-level in year12 and then all of fm a-level in y13 (if doing both), treating it as 1 combined a-level. routinely 20+ oxbridge offers every year. a few of my friends are going to option c as well, including a guy who got about the same grades as me in the first mock but lives closer so he got n offer :(. no policies on trans kids so i don't know how they are in this regard. i don't have an offer for this school, i'm on the waitlist, but ppl who got rejected were told if they email on results day with much higher outcome grades than their application, they can get in (subject to spaces left). so there's a small chance if i get all 9s and an 8 or something maybe i can go there??? i'd have to basically get on my knees and beg though.
so anyways, option a, b, or c, and why??
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lazy-toad 5 months
I think my worst essay habit is that I absolutely write them like I'm writing an analysis post on Tumblr about some little detail or parallel that I really like in my latest podcast obsession
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adelaidebeorna 1 day
Today in my health and social class we were covering the effects of pregnancy on health and well-being and I actually participated for once (raised my hand at least seven times) which is ironic considering I鈥檒l probably never get pregnant (mixture of health reasons and just being gay asf and also scared of pregnancy)
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nonsenseflower 10 years
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2015 | Girl representing the colour Yellow in pastels from when we were looking at colours and their meanings in AS Art 馃挍
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i will be feeling lovely
and then remember that four years ago i used to infodump about fucking Danganronpa IN MY CLASSMATES' DMs (note. CLASSMATES. not FRIENDS) when they clearly did not give ANY shits. and were already hating me behind my back (which i didn't know until like a couple years later)
what was i fucking thinking (i was not)
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cleaned my bedroom & i feel so at peace now 馃
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gay-classics-student 28 days
I'm going to sixth form next year and have made a new friend (?) Whilst registering for classes over the most niche intrest ever.
A joint love and respect for Colin Firth
Like we are teenagers in 2024 ,
And we both bonded over COLIN FIRTH
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