#sixth student slot
sornasaur · 4 months
On this day in 2023, we got the sixth student slots. So happy birthday to Aina’s Kazuma, Taigo’s Itto, Haruna’s Reza– (Razor) and to Gailardia’s Raven.
Now to wait another five years for the rest of them 🙄😑 Probably.
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whereonceiwasfire · 9 months
If you're game to write a cheese melt (Vlad & Dani father-daughter dynamic) ficlet, I'd love to read one. If not, that's cool :)
*vibrating with excitement* My friend. Your cheese melt art has been living rent free in my head for WEEKS. It's my sincerest pleasure to write a ficlet for this. I hope it's okay that it's an outsider POV, I just had an idea and my brain went brrrrrrr LOL
May I offer you a dysfunctional parent-teacher interview?
Parent-teacher interviews are always a nightmare, but there's one in particular that’s making Amity Middle School’s beloved Ms. Burnell sweat through her shirt. As the time slot nears, her gaze keeps flickering to the clock, her classroom door, back to her nervously interlaced fingers on the desktop.
It’s going to be fine. Perfectly fine.
“This one! Over here! Dad! This is my class!” The excited words, shouted in the syrupy sweet voice of a little girl, sets every nerve on edge, Ms. Burnell’s heart plummeting straight into the pit of her stomach.
Oh lord. Maybe it’s not going to be fine. 
Her student comes bounding into the classroom, eyes bright and excited, oversized blue sweater sleeves slipping over her hands, even as she gestures emphatically for her father to follow. Black hair spills out of her ponytail, whipping across her face as she throws herself into a desk across from Ms. Burnell’s with a bright smile. 
Her father, on the other hand… 
The heel of his expensive Italian loafers strike against the linoleum as the man stops at the threshold of the classroom, cool gaze doing an assessing sweep of the space, expression crinkling in distaste as it does. He doesn’t say a single word, doesn’t make any move to actually step inside the classroom. 
Ms. Burnell is the one who clears her throat, pushing to an awkward stand as she extends a hand out to the man. 
“Hello, Mr. Masters. Thank you for making the time to come discuss your daughter’s education. I know you’re very busy.” 
The man’s eyes slip to her outstretched palm, and for a motifying second, she doesn’t think he’s going to take it. When he finally does, he just gives a brief, cursory shake before swiping his palm off on his suit jacket and striding past her toward his daughter. 
Ms. Burnell’s face is all kinds of warm, chest tight with embarassment as she fumbles back to her desk, trying to wrestle herself back into some kind of composure. Still, she barely looks up as she pulls out a folder with Danielle Masters scrawled across the tab.
“Dad! Dad! That one’s mine! Do you see it? Do you like it?” Danielle calls proudly, tugging on her father’s suit sleeve and pointing toward the paintings that are spread out beneath the windows to dry, paper wavy and crinkled.
“Oh, er. That’s actually a good place for us to start,” Ms. Burnell cuts in apologetically. 
Mr. Masters gaze snaps from where he’d been examining his daughter’s project, over to her, brows dropped low. 
“Why? Is there a problem with my daughter’s work?” The question is sharp, accusatory, and she’s pretty sure her soul shrivels up a little bit at the unguarded disdain in the man’s eyes.
Swallowing hard, sweat beading against the back of her neck, Ms. Burnell resists the urge to immediately take it back. Surely he can see the problem with the piece—isn’t going to make her say it? 
It's too scary.
When his challenging gaze doesn’t waver, she forces the words out. 
“Uhm. Well. It’s just. Not quite. Appropriate for a sixth grade class?” It pitches up into a question as she gestures vaguely toward Dani’s painting. 
It’s a bit sloppy, the layers of paint caked upon each other, the lines hasty and uneven, but the scene itself is clear enough—a little, smiling, white-haired girl in the shadow of some kind of hulking creature, its skin blue, eyes red, sharp fangs bared as its cape flares out to take up the rest of the page. 
Ms. Burnell almost set up an appointment for Danielle with the school counselor when she saw it, wondering if Dani felt like she was the little girl, trapped amongst nightmares and “monsters.” She decided against it for the time being, until she could speak with the girl’s father, but that’s proving rather unhelpful so far if the contemptuous way the man is looking at her is any indication.
“Did Danielle complete the assignment?” he asks finally. 
“Uhm. Yes.” 
“And adhere to the grading criteria?” 
“Sh-she did,” Ms. Burnell answers reluctantly.
“Then I don’t see the problem,” he answers, finality in the words as his gaze turns to his daughter. He takes a much softer tone with her, brushing the disorderly strands of hair off her face, an absent domesticity in the way he straightens the ponytail gone lopsided. “I think you did a lovely job, dear.” 
“Thank you! I used Alizarin Crimson,” she answers proudly, hair flopping right back into her eyes.
“Excellent choice.” 
“Uhm. Well, there’s also the matter of Danielle’s conduct,” Ms. Burnell cuts in.    
The man lets out an irritated sigh, arms crossing over his chest as he leans back against one of the desks, one ankle crossed over the other, unimpressed gaze finding Ms. Burnell once more. 
“What?” he says, like it’s an inconvenience.
She swallows hard. “She’s been…uhm. Not getting along with some of the other girls.” 
“That is so unfair, Mackenzie started it!” Danielle shouts abruptly, popping up to her knees on her chair, palms slapping down against the desktop. 
“Well that’s not what Mack—” 
The girl keeps going, cutting Ms. Burnell off. 
“She said the only reason Eli agreed to play with me at recess was because Joshua dared him too, and I said nuh unh and she said yuh hunh, and I asked how she knew that, and she couldn’t even prove it, it was so obvious she was making it up!” 
“Mackenzie told me that you said some pretty unkind words to her, Danielle.” 
“Barely! I just said it was a bad look for her to be so jealous of me and just because she looks like she fished her outfit from the same trash bin she got her personality from isn’t any reason to be a jerk.”
Her father’s expression twists into a sharp smirk, amusement lighting his blue eyes, and Ms. Burnell thinks she’s starting to get a better sense of why Danielle is proving to be one of the most challenging students in her class this year. 
“We treat people with kindness and respect in this classroom, Dani. Do you think what you said to Mackenzie was kind and respectful?” 
“Well…” Dani’s gaze drops, expression pinching in thought, and Ms. Burnell thinks she might actually be getting through to her.
“It doesn’t sound as though this other girl was treating Danielle with kindness and respect,” Mr. Masters answers, the words coming out with a mocking turn, like he finds the concepts incidental at best.
“That’s true. She did start it,” Dani reasserts, turning her gaze up to her dad.  
“I’ve spoken to Mackenzie about her part in everything,” Ms. Burnell answers tightly. “But we’re here to talk about Danielle’s conduct. That’s not the only incident of its kind that’s occurred this year and—” 
“You know, it sounds to me as though Danielle’s doing just fine,” Mr. Masters says, pushing up to a proper stand, tugging the bottom of his sleeves and smoothing the dark, wrinkleless fabric.
“Did she make this girl cry?” 
“Well. No, but—” 
“And how are my daughter’s academics?” he asks, gaze fixed on hers, sending a chill creeping down her spine. 
“Fine, but—” 
“Has she gotten into a physical altercation with anyone?” 
“Not exactly, but—” 
“Started any fires?” he asks, sarcasm and derision dripping from the words. 
“No, she hasn’t started any fires.” 
“Then I believe this meeting is finished. Thank you for your time, Ms…”
“Burnell,” she answers weakly.
“Thank you for your time, Ms. Burnell. Danielle, are you ready to go?”
“Yup!” She pops up to an enthusiastic stand, rushing over to the windows to snatch up her painting, twisting it toward Ms. Burnell. “Can I take this home?”
She gives a heavy sigh, massaging her temples with her fingertips. “Sure, Dani. That's fine.” 
“Thanks, Ms. B!” As the girl traipses after her dad, a bounce in her step, horrifying painting swinging at her side, Ms. Burnell can hear the girl still chattering away, even as they pass out of her classroom, voices growing distant. “Do you think I should have made Mackenzie cry?” she asks.
Ms. Burnell is glad she can’t hear the man’s response—she doesn’t even want to know his answer.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Amongst the buttercups
Part 2 of Out of bounds - ao3 link for all parts
Garreth Weasley x f!reader
Tumblr media
Tags: explicit | fluff | first date | outdoor sex | multiple orgasms 4.9k words
Summary: After sharing your first kiss the week before, you finally go on a date with Garreth. As it turns out, he's quite the romantic.
A/n: There's not much plot-wise so could be read as a standalone.
Had you imagined it? You were pretty sure you had spent an evening sneaking into Professor Weasley's chambers last week. You were almost certain you'd kissed Garreth Weasley and agreed to go on a date with him. So the question remained; why hadn't he asked you yet?
You'd been waiting for days for him to arrange the fabled excursion into Hogsmeade, nervously casting him glances during your shared lessons. On more than one occasion you'd caught him looking and he'd blushed and looked away when you met his eyes. Something was wrong and you had decided to get to the bottom of it.
Cornering him after Herbology, you pulled him spluttering and mumbling to the huge tree that stood between the greenhouses, surrounded by a lily-filled pond. Tucked out of sight, there sat a stone bench often frequented by couples looking for a little privacy between lessons, though it was thankfully empty at this pivotal moment. Your heart hammered in your chest as you came to a stop next to the seat, immediately rounding on Garreth who looked back at you with wide eyes.
"What's going on, Garreth?" you asked.
"Hah, what do you mean?" he replied, smiling warmly in an attempt to feign ignorance.
"You know exactly what I mean. We…kissed. And now you're just ignoring that it ever happened. Do you…regret it?"
His eyes widened even further, practically bulging out of their sockets as he shook his head frantically.
"No…no! Of course I don't. Honestly, I just…don't know what I'm doing," he sighed, looking distinctly uncomfortable and lacking his usual self-assuredness.
"I thought we were just going to go to Hogsmeade. We've been there dozens of times," you said quietly.
Garreth cast a glance around to make sure there were no stray students around to catch snippets of your conversation before stepping closer to you. The movement caught you by surprise and you inhaled sharply, taking in his usual scent now blended with the earthy smell of the soil he’d been handling moments ago. 
"We've been as friends,” he sighed. “Merlin…I don't know the etiquette. I asked Leander about it but he's even more hopeless than I am. Then I asked my brother but he hasn't replied yet and…"
"Garreth, you're overthinking it,” you said, cutting across his monologue. “I just want to spend time with you. Alone. Hold hands and…you know..."
Garreth smiled, his eyes glittering as he watched you blush under his gaze. He was close enough to touch, and close enough to hear when he whispered next to your ear.
"Want to do that now?"
Your reply was a whimper as he closed the small gap between you, the grin falling from his lips as his face set into a serious and intense expression. His lips were on yours before you could answer his question; purely rhetorical, then.
Your hands flew to his hair, always so soft and tempting, as you melted into the kiss. You’d missed his lips. The past few days had seemed like a confusing, frustrating eternity full of vivid daydreams and unbearable tension. Finally, finally his hands encircled your waist, pulling you against him with a strength that betrayed his desires as your mouths met in a heated exchange of tongues.
Kissing Garreth was effortless, your mind and body relaxing and completely giving over to the moment—your bodies fit together so perfectly, your lips slotted against one another and tongues moved in sync. You were so absorbed in pressing yourself against him as closely as humanly possible that you failed to notice the approaching sixth years until it was too late.
“Oh! Sorry, didn’t mean to…intrude,” the girl spluttered, taking in your dishevelled and flushed appearance.
“No problem, we were…just leaving,” Garreth said, adjusting his robes and smoothing his hair.
“We were?” you asked, slightly miffed that he’d let a couple of younger students spoil your fun.
Garreth gave you a cheeky smile and winked, setting your heart racing and skin tingling as he laced his fingers with yours to guide you out of the greenhouses. He had no intention of stopping, merely finding somewhere more private to continue your entanglement.
That kiss had opened the floodgates. Every spare moment you had, you now spent glued to Garreth's lips, anticipating your official date at the weekend. Could you call yourself his girlfriend yet? You didn't discuss it; there was little time to talk when your mouths were so otherwise occupied.
When the weekend finally came, Garreth had channeled his nervous energy into pure enthusiasm. You walked into the common room in the morning to find him waiting by the portrait hole, dressed in casual breeches, a cotton shirt and waistcoat and clutching a colourful posy in his hands. He looked casually handsome, and oddly clean—his hair freshly washed and brushed and not a speck of potion residue or soot on him.
Garreth grinned, his gaze drifting over you slowly and incredibly obviously as you approached him.
"You look beautiful," he said, holding out the wildflower posy.
"Thank you. You look very handsome," you replied shyly, taking and smiling fondly at his gift.
You wondered if his brother had suggested the tiny hand picked bouquet or whether it was something he'd thought of, but the way he watched you nervously as you sniffed the flowers made you think it might have been the latter.
“They’re beautiful,” you smiled. “I’ll keep them next to my bed.”
With a swift kiss on his cheek which left him grinning and glancing around the common room, you ran up the stairs to your dormitory to deposit your flowers into a small vase on your nightstand, admiring the display with a fuzzy warmth in your chest. Hurtling back down the steps, you bounded up to Garreth who captured you in his arms.
“Ready?” he asked.
Would you ever be ready for a first date with your best friend of several years? Probably not, but the nervous anticipation was eating at you. You nodded and he swept you out of the room and once safely past the portrait he clasped your hand in a firm grip. It certainly felt strange holding his hand, but immensely comforting—you were practically giddy, trying hard to suppress the grin you felt tugging at the sides of your mouth.
The weather was glorious, the conversation much as it always was, with the slightest hint of hesitation. Garreth seemed to be contemplating something—most likely he was overthinking, wondering what piece of stifling courting etiquette he should be following at that precise moment. Were they walking too closely? Should he be holding your hand?
"Want to erm…have some tea and cake?" Garreth asked nervously as you crossed the bridge into the village.
"Did Leander suggest that?"
"Well, yes, actually."
You sighed and shook your head with a reassuring smile.
"Let's have a look around Zonko's, there's something I've been meaning to show you."
Garreth relaxed slightly at the suggestion, clearly not keen on the idea of the stuffy little tearoom when there was a joke shop to peruse. His hand was slightly sweaty as you guided him towards the cheerful shopfront, stopping by the window to admire the colourful display of boxing telescopes.
The item you were looking for was situated at the back of the shop, amongst the more serious items that didn't cause mild injury or a fire hazard. Garreth's eyes drifted over the display of fireworks with interest and you smiled fondly, tugging his hand to the shelf in front of you. 
"A…quill?" Garreth asked, scanning the shelf.
"The ink turns invisible after a short time and can be revealed with a simple incantation. It's meant as a prank but I thought if you're going to write notes on dubious potions, maybe use this so it doesn't get confiscated again?" you suggested, picking up a box.
"Brilliant! But having those confiscated worked out pretty well, didn't it?" he said with a cheeky wink.
You tried not to smile too widely, looking away and smirking. "I suppose it did."
Garreth's eyes lingered on you as you pretended to read the back of the quill box before placing it in his hands. You met his gaze and couldn't suppress the blush that crept across your cheeks or the way he made your pulse race. Merlin, if all he had to do was look at you to make you feel this way, you were doomed.
After a detour to the display of fireworks, marvelling at their ability to shapeshift into different creatures, Garreth paid for his new troublemaking aid and suggested a trip to Honeydukes next. The sweet shop was a short walk away through the main square, which was humming with activity as patrons enjoyed the sunshine and spilled out of the tearoom onto the cobbles.
The cake did look delicious, but you'd rather procure some chocolate and enjoy it somewhere a little more quiet. The air was filled with the scents of the various shops surrounding the square; sweets, tea, cake and even shoe polish. Your senses were bombarded, the musician making an almighty racket above the excited chatter so Garreth had to shout into your ear to be heard.
"Want to dance?" he asked.
You'd thought you'd misheard him, so you asked him to repeat the question, but he really was asking you to dance. A wide grin broke out on your face at the ridiculous request, but his earnest smile and excited eyes had you melting into submission—with a theatrical roll of your eyes and small giggle, you agreed with a nod of your head.
"I can't dance, you know," you shouted.
"I'm not fantastic, but it's fine. Come here!"
Garreth pulled you towards him, looping a hand around your waist and pulling you impossibly close to him. You stumbled, trying to avoid stepping on his toes, placing your free hand on his arm, slightly distracted by his firm muscles underneath the thin cotton.
The music was jaunty, definitely not made for a waltz, but Garreth spun you around the cobbles with enthusiasm, narrowly avoiding the crowds. It was ridiculous and exhilarating—you barely stopped laughing for the duration of the song, your cheeks hurting from smiling. Both out of breath, you came to a stop as the music died and onlookers rushed forth to tip the musician, casting amused glances your way.
Garreth was flushed across his cheeks, blowing stray hairs out of his face with a puff of his cheeks. Not letting your hand go, his other slipped from your waist to undo the top buttons of his shirt in an attempt to cool down, having the absolute opposite effect on you. His pink tinge continued down to his chest, covered in freckles and a smattering of copper hair that peeked out of his shirt.
"I don't think we'll be winning any competitions anytime soon but that was fun," he said, breaking you out of your stupor.
"It was," you agreed, fanning yourself with your hand. "We should tip the musician, come on."
A few sickles poorer, you departed the square for the slightly quieter refuge of Honeydukes sweet shop. You'd been here dozens of times with Garreth and knew his favourites, and he yours. Whilst he made a beeline for the chocolate frogs, you picked up a box of honeycomb and perused the lollipops with different magical effects. You were contemplating one which made your tongue tingle before you were interrupted by a familiar face appearing at your side.
"Oh, hello Natty!"
Natty had an armful of treats and a wide smile plastered on her face; a knowing smile that made you narrow your eyes. 
"Hello…having fun?" she asked, scanning the shop floor.
"Yes, thanks. And Garreth is just getting some frogs, if that's who you're looking for."
"Mhmm, how's it going? Your date?"
You shushed her, furtively glancing around to signs of the redhead as you moved closer to Natty.
"Very well, I think? We just…danced. It was silly, really, but…"
"Well, you're blushing and haven't stopped smiling since I asked you about him so I had assumed it was going well," she said, her dark eyes sparkling.
"I'm just blushing because we were dancing! And it's very hot…"
"Oh, you're smitten! I'll leave you to your date, then. Have fun," she said, turning to take her bundle of items to the till without giving you a chance to reply to the accusation.
Smitten? Is that what you were? The thought didn't have time to fully form before Garreth appeared out of nowhere with a stack of frogs and a small box in the shape of a heart. You looked at the little box of truffles, blinking dumbly until he spoke.
"Thought I'd get something a little different for our first official date. I might be useless at this sort of thing but I assume you still like…fancy chocolates?" he asked, jostling the box.
"I…of course, but I don't want you to spend money on me."
"Come on, let me treat you a little!" he said, a pleading look in his brilliant green eyes.
"I'm starting to think you're a hopeless romantic, Garreth."
He chuckled and shuffled the boxes around into one arm, scooping up your hand with another and planting a gentle kiss on your knuckles. 
"Maybe I am."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing, the skin on your hand tingling.
"You can buy them if I can get my own treats. I'm not having you spending all of your money on me."
"Deal," he agreed, slotting your fingers together and pulling you off to pay.
On the way, your eyes lingered on the lollipop display, deciding to pick one up to try later and adding it to your pile. The sugar-filled treats you left the shop with were likely enough to slip you both into a coma, but it didn't stop you from popping into The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer.
The buzz from the weak alcohol settled both of your nerves—the day felt like any other of your trips into the village with the bonus of Garreth's ridiculous flirting and being able to kiss his soft lips whenever you liked. Which happened to be a lot. The haze of the stiflingly hot pub seemed to help the alcohol work quicker, or perhaps it was simply the heat making your head swim.
"Shall we sit outside?" you suggested, running a slightly sweaty hand through your hair.
Garreth sipped the last of his drink, peering over the glass at you as he nodded in agreement. The day was drawing to a close by the time you left the pub, happily tipsy with a fuzzy warmth that may have had nothing to do with the drinks. You let Garreth lead you to wherever he wanted as you talked—whether he was wandering aimlessly or having a destination in mind, you weren't sure.
Once out of the village, he led you through a kissing gate into an overgrown field turned to meadow, clearly the destination he's used for flower-picking for your posy. The long grass was full of poppies, cow parsley and buttercups in full bloom and the hum of the busy town had dissipated into a buzz of bees and butterflies feasting on the abundant flora. 
Garreth was absolutely an unabashed romantic, bringing you to such a beautiful place at the end of a perfect date. He pulled out the heart-shaped box of truffles from his bag, dumping the satchel on the ground and settling into the grass. He patted the ground next to him and offered you a warm and slightly wonky smile and you threw yourself next to him, immediately enveloped by his arm.
"Chocolate?" he asked, offering the delicate little dusted truffles to you.
Picking one at random, you popped it in your mouth and hummed as the oozing centre covered your tongue then started crackling. Smiling at the popping candy hitting the roof of your mouth, you savoured the creamy chocolate before swallowing and immediately sticking your tongue out at Garreth.
"Can 'ou hear ih?" you asked him, pointing at your tongue.
Garreth laughed and dipped his head towards you, nodding as he heard the soft crackling. You were so busy being unreasonably excited by the surprise addition to your sweet that the addition of Garreth's tongue to your mouth took you completely by surprise. A muffled 'oh' was captured by his mouth as he cupped the back of your head before you melted into the kiss.
The sweet kisses tinged with chocolate and butterbeer in the fragrant meadow were the best of your life. They weren't awkward first kisses or frantic ones exchanged in dark corridors or empty classrooms; they were full of affection, slow and exploratory and completely perfect. You were only aware of the sun setting by the dimming light as you opened your eyes slightly, the sky turned a warm orange.
Garreth made a small noise of disappointment as you pulled away, making you chuckle as you regarded him in the glow. The light suited him, intensifying his copper hair and warming his freckled skin. You were incredibly thankful for the long grass and dimming sky as your stomach fluttered and core ached for him, throwing yourself back into his arms with reckless abandon.
He moaned in response and held tightly onto your waist, laying you back gently on the grass as his leg slotted between your own and he positioned himself half on top of you. His hand drifted to your hips, continuing its journey down your thighs and slipping under the heavy fabric of your skirt, and as his warm hands met your bare skin, you shuddered with anticipation.
"Sorry, got a little carried away," Garreth mumbled, his cheeks flushed and a sheepish smile spreading across his face.
"I don't want you to stop," you replied, completely seriously.
A fire ignited behind his eyes at your admission and he kissed you again with a fervour that took your breath away. His hand left your thigh to fiddle with your blouse and you joined him, making quick work of the buttons and shrugging out of the top, moving onto his own waistcoat and shirt.  Garreth broke your kiss to glance down as you undid the laced ribbon your stay, letting the corset fall open to expose your breasts as you ran your hand over his broad chest, eyes following the trail of hair down to the bulge in his trousers.
A hungry growl left his throat as his strong hand gripped your breast, his palm kneading and thumb brushing your peaked nipple as he kissed you again. Your hips ground together, the friction you found against his thigh creating a pool of slick in your undergarments as his erection pressed painfully into your own leg. 
The heat between your bodies radiated and became trapped, your skin burning with arousal and glistening with sweat. Your head was spinning as his hand slid around your behind with a bruising grip, pulling you against him harder and harder with every movement of your hips. Garreth felt good pressed against you, but you needed more.
You slipped your hand between your bodies to tug at his waistband, frantic and buzzing with tension. Sensing your growing frustration, he took his weight off of you, allowing your fingers access to undo his trouser buttons. You muttered an expletive as you looked down as he sighed, his erection finally released from the pressure of the fabric, growing another inch in response.
"Yes, I don't tend to, um, wear underwear. Chafes, you know," he replied, slightly abashed.
You certainly weren't complaining at the fact as his freed erection fell into your hand. Fuck, he was big, you thought, feeling the weight. You noticed he curved upwards slightly as you ran your fingers along the length.
"Shit," he muttered.
Part of you revelled in how easily he was wound up by your purposely gentle touch, whilst the other, altogether more vocal part of you wanted him to take you right here and now. Teasing was fun, but Merlin, he was irresistible. Grasping him firmly, you moved your hand slowly and steadily, Garreth letting out a deep and satisfied moan that made the ache between your legs pulse needily.
Garreth still had his hand clamped firmly on your backside, gently massaging your flesh in time with the tugs you gave with your hand. His eyes were half closed as he looked upon you, dazed and in a blissful world of his own.
"That feels…so good," he sighed.
The moan you let slip seemed to awaken him, his grip on your behind releasing and hand drifting round to your hips, skimming the sensitive skin of your pelvis under the waistband of your underwear. Whether he was teasing or nervous, you weren't sure—he hesitated, fingers stilling as your hand slowed in response. 
"Please touch me," you all but begged, your hand still rhythmically pumping.
Garreth slipped his hand under your garment, between your thighs and pressed roughly through your folds to find the pool of arousal that drenched the cotton. He mumbled something you couldn't quite make out, but it sounded like a prayer. His surprisingly soft fingers glided over your clit, swollen and achingly sensitive to the touch, sending shocks through your abdomen.
"Stop…," he muttered, and you searched his eyes questioningly. "Your hand. Unless you want me to..."
You loosened your grip and pulled your hand away gently, the teasing thumb you ran over his dripping head seeming to ignite something inside him. He fell to your side, his cock pressing into your thigh once again as he picked up the pace of his fingers, tracing small circles around your nub. You were surprised at his dexterity, his hand working you in a steady rhythm as he placed gentle kisses on your neck, absolutely concentrated on your pleasure.
You sighed his name softly, captured by the swaying grasses surrounding you. It was better than anything you could have achieved by your own hand, because it was him. You let yourself become absorbed by the sweet and slightly musky scent of his sweat-laced hair until he felt your face turning towards him, meeting your lips with his in a breathy kiss. You were teetering on the edge, ready to fall at the merest suggestion.
"Garreth…," you whispered into his mouth.
"Mmm, are you close?"
You nodded and whimpered, your lips brushing together as you did.
"That’s it…let it go."
You tensed before your orgasm crashed over you, your hips instinctively pressing into his hand to the rhythm of the pulses of pleasure rippling through your body. You held him tight, kissed him fiercely and fought for breath against the tide, entirely consumed with pleasure. Slowly, your senses returned as the waves ebbed and you sought his eyes, telling him wordlessly how incredible he'd made you feel.
Your heart swelled, ecstatic but your appetite not entirely sated until you’d had all of him, and to be completely his. Pulling him by his neck, you guided him back on top of you, his glittering eyes searching yours for an answer to a question he so desperately wanted to ask.
"Are we really…?" Garreth mumbled.
"Yes, I want you," you whispered.
"Shit. I mean, I-I want you, too. Have you ever…"
"Yes. Have you?"
"Erm, yes. Once…who with?" he frowned.
"Really? You want to have this conversation now?" you asked incredulously as his erection pressed painfully against your hip.
"No!" he said, shaking his head with wide eyes.
Garreth looked nervously around the meadow, but you were completely and utterly alone. Apparently satisfied that weren't about to expose yourself to the village, he got to work unbuttoning your skirt and slipping it down your legs. He ran his hands over your exposed hips, utterly entranced as his cock twitched needily.
Your drenched undergarments came off next, and you bit your lip nervously at being laid so bare before him, though his reaction settled your nerves quickly. He muttered a string of expletives that would've made his mother blush as he drank you in. His hand found his swollen and dripping erection as you salivated at the sight of him gripping himself whilst towering over you.
He lowered himself between your legs gently, lining the tip of his cock up with your soaking entrance and meeting your eyes. You nodded, prompting him to continue and he pressed his head inside you, slowly. The gasp you let out was muffled by his mouth, and you wrapped your arms around him eagerly, lacing your fingers through his soft hair as he pushed deeper.
He felt incredible, sending a pulse of pleasurable anticipation through your abdomen as your stomach twisted and heart ached all at once. You'd wanted him for so long it felt like it would never happen. Friendship was fine, but there was no going back from this.
He pulled back almost completely before plunging into you again, moaning into your mouth as your tongues wet each other's lips in a sloppy and heated kiss. You drew your legs up as he settled into a rhythm with his thrusts, pushing deeper each time, testing how much of him you could take. Every time he drove into you, your head dizzied and body shivered. 
"Mmph-...oh darling, you feel amazing," Garreth groaned.
His pace quickened steadily, leaving no time for recovery; your body building to its peak again so quickly you were unable to control the loud moans leaving your mouth.
"Someone'll…hear us," Garreth said between shuddering breaths.
"How can I…be quiet…when you're fucking me like this?!" hissed back at him, staring into his eyes with an intensity that made his own bulge in surprise.
You pulled his hair hard as he bucked his hips, thrusting into you with so much force you felt the ground underneath you shift. His grip on your backside was deliciously bruising, kneading your flesh in rhythm to his movements. Your gazes were still fixed on each other, the swell of emotions his emerald eyes brought forth threatening to overwhelm you as you fought back tears.
"You feel s-so good…so good," you stammered. "I'm going to…oh, yes."
Your walls clenched around his cock as you climaxed again, the orgasm so much more satisfying with him inside you to share the pleasure with. His arms began to shake as an intense frown crossed his face, his thrusts becoming urgent and rhythm breaking down.
"I'm going to…"
"Don't you dare come inside me, Garreth Weasley."
"You're not…?"
You shook your head at his unanswered question—you had not expected to end up having intimate relations with Garreth in a meadow when you agreed to come on a date with him. Not that you minded at all, but you hadn't made certain…preparations.
"Shit," he whispered, hips still thrusting.
His legs followed his arms and began to quiver as he approached his climax and you smacked his shoulder in warning. He pulled out of you, ripping a regretful moan out of your throat as you yearned for the fullness he'd given you. Garreth was already grinding against your hip, desperately seeking his release as you met his thrusts, his slick cock sliding between your skin. 
You took his face in your hands, fingers gripping the flyaway strands of copper hair as you looked into his eyes, full of something that felt suspiciously like love.
"Come on, Garreth. Come for me."
That was all the encouragement he needed as his orgasm exploded between your bodies. You gasped as he finished, the first pulse of his cock shooting his load over your breast, then more and more spilled from the tip, covering your stomach. Garreth's moans eventually softened, his thrusts slowing as the waves subsided. You reached down, wrapping your hand around his length to squeeze the last drops onto your skin, never breaking eye contact as he hovered over you, breathing heavily. 
Garreth looked around, his eyes widening as he remembered where you were, but you were thankfully still alone. He returned his gaze to you splayed out underneath him, your chest heaving and covered in his seed. You followed his eyes, whimpering at just how messy you were, trails lacing your skin and pooling in your contours and belly button. 
"You look…incredible. Just…," he muttered.
Smiling up at him, you sighed, placing your hands above your head and unashamedly let him take all of you in. He blinked, as if snapping out of a trance and inhaled sharply. 
"Oh…Godric. Sorry…"
"You need to stop apologising after something amazing happens.”
“No, I wasn’t sorry for that. I am for the uh…mess,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“Well I might need a little help cleaning up," you replied, gesturing to your torso.
Garreth tore his eyes away from your body, giving you a quick nod before pulling out his wand from his discarded clothes and vanishing the offending mess, though your skin remained faintly sticky. You pulled your clothes back on as Garreth did the same, both absorbed in your own thoughts. There would be time to wash later, remembering and contemplating under the hot water—for now, you needed Garreth’s embrace more than anything.
He seemed to feel the same, laying back on the grass and opening his arms for you to crawl into, meeting him in a sweetly passionate kiss as his strong hands enveloped you once again. It was nighttime now, the air getting chilly with only your body heat to keep you warm, but neither of you suggested leaving. Something groundbreaking had happened and you wanted the moment to last forever—there was now no doubt in your mind that you were in love with your best friend.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A02] Welcome to the Mammoth School
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede enters Hama Asunaro High School. When entering the school, he stumbles upon students arguing with a rough atmosphere around them. Then, he sees a familiar face…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School
Kaede: This is Hama Asunaro High School huh…
As you would expect from a mammoth school[1]… It’s big.
Umm, Kafka’s message saidーー
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Kaede: He still has me left on delivered…
He’s probably purposefully ignoring the messages.
(The school’s already been informed I’m coming… right?
First, let me find a security guard or a receptionist robot. )
Student A: You guys should get lost already!
Kaede: (Hm…?)
Student A: We of “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory[2] Club” already reserved the time slot for this spot!
Student B: Hah? I haven’t heard anything about that though.
ーーWell, it’s not like whatever you’re saying matters in this situation. You know what this is, don’t you?
Student A: That’s…!
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Student B: Yuuup~. That’s a Class 3 badge~.
Everyone on the soccer team here is a Class 3 or higher. Aren’t you guys Class 2 or lower? You sure are acting all high and mighty.
Why don’t you and your lower Class club go play around in the Old Building?
…Ah wait, that just exploded the other day though.
Student A: Guh…!
Kaede: (The atmosphere’s kinda rough over there…
That conversation had a bunch of dangerous words like Classes[3] and explosions too…)
(I’ll just stop eavesdropping and leaveーー)
Student B: Uwah…!? What’s that, all of a sudden!?
Kaede: (A volleyball got spiked from above…)
Student B: Hey, watch it, Volleyball Club!
You have some nerve underestimating people from Class 3… Come out already!
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???: It is not just the “Volleyball Club”.
It is “The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies”.
Kaede: Sa-Sakujiro-san!? Wow, that was a sharp spike considering how close to the edge of the roof you areーー Wait no, what are you doing here!?
Student B: Karigane-sensei…!
Kaede: Huh? S-Sensei…?
Sakujiro: Hup!
Kaede: Wow, what a beautiful jump and landing… I mean! Why is he being called Sensei…?
Sakujiro: I could hear your conversation all the way from the roof.
That Class badge, did you obtain it for the sole purpose of belittling the people around you?
Student B: Uu…!
Sakujiro: You did not, correct? Thenーー
Both of you, please put your hands together and make up with a handshake.
Student B: M… My bad.
Student A: Nah, I was going a bit too far.
Kaede: (Seems the issue got settled… somehow. But, calling him Senseiーー)
Sakujiro: Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend. I hope you’re able to get along well with each other.
Now! Members of the The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies, I shall return back to the rooftop, so please wait for me!
Kaede: (As expected of Sakujiro-san. Dashing right back to the sceneーー)
No, hold on a second. Sakujiro-san, don’t leave!
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Kaede: So in other words, you’ve been working as a part-time undercover teacher for the past 3 months?
And Kafka didn’t order you to, you chose to on your own?
Sakujiro: Correct. I’ve been preparing for a situation such as this to occur.
After knowing the Young Master for so long, I’ve developed something of a sixth sense for these types of situations.
Kaede: Amazing… Even though they’re happening separately from each other, everything ends up connecting back to Kafka.
Sakujiro: Much obliged. 
ーーWell then, this way if you please. Let us make haste to the principal’s office.
While en route, I shall tell you more about this school.
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Sakujiro: Hama Asunaro High Schoolーー Currently, there are 10,000 students currently enrolled.
It is a very big mammoth high school, with around 83 classes per grade level.
As society develops at a high paced rate in technology, the school prides itself in believing that human value is found in “spontaneous individuality”. Therefore, in the early stages, it focused on developing this through professional education in club activities.
Kaede: “Spontaneous individuality”...
Sakujiro: It is the individuality one gets from honing themselves while receiving guidance from their teacher.
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Sakujiro: In Asu High, there is a system in place where that motivation is channeled into club activities and thus evaluated.
Various results were received, and thus a variety of different students with a range of personalities gathered all over the country to attend here.
The enrollment rate is said to be 80:1 compared to other schools.
Kaede: It’s a pretty difficult high school huh…
(Now that I think about it, didn’t Yuki-nii and the others graduate from Asu High? As I thought, they’re amazing…)
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Sakujiro: After graduation, you can pursue many different careers. Such as politics, baseball, academics, and a variety of others.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that earning a degree at this school is synonymous to a better life.
And the person who’s at the foundation of the school of such a unique system isーー
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Sakujiro: Please excuse me.
The man who runs such a school has worked in HRD[4] jobs at widely renowned IT companies across the globe. He has been described as a coaching god and a prophet in human resources.
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Sakujiro: He has a background that can only be described as one of the best in human research development. That is our principalーー Principal Naoe.
Principal Naoe: … Please excuse me, due to various circumstances, we will only be able to talk via audio. Thank you for meeting with me. I’m sorry for making you come all the way over here.
Kaede: Please don’t worry about it. …Nice to meet you, my name is Kaede Hamasaki.
(His icon in the call says “love”...)
Principal Naoe: Hahaha… There’s no need to be so worried. Let’s talk casually as people who share the same ideas.
Kaede: Ah, yes…
Principal Naoe: I received a call from the president at the place you workーー Kafka-kun. It seems he wants to select the next ward mayors for HAMA tourism from the younger generation.
That is a brilliant idea. I strongly agree with that decision.
After all, I believe the future lies with the younger generation.
Young people should want to shape the world that they live in. It falls on us as adults to lend them the support to do so.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Kaede: Yes, I believe that’s true.
Principal Naoe: Haha, that’s good. As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough. I have high hopes when it comes to what you can do.
Then, as for students who may be candidates for ward mayors, we established a club called the Community Revitalization Club and have gathered potential students already.
As for you, you will be enrolled as the club’s outside club instructor.
Kaede: In-Instructor!? That’s a big role…
Principal Naoe: What of it? You have Karigane-sensei to lend you a hand as well, so there shouldn’t be any issues.
I’ve already told you, haven't I?  As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough.
Kaede: …
Sakujiro: Principal, if I may?
Principal Naoe: Go ahead, Karigane-sensei.
Sakujiro: If I’m not mistaken, the students who are enrolled in the Community Revitalization Club were Class 1 students, were they not?
Kaede: (Class 1 students? Oh right, the kids outside were also saying something about Classes…)
Sakujiro: Although Kaede-san is someone with strong ambitions, and I hope I am not being frank when I say this, he is still an amateur at teaching.
I fear that if he were to be put in charge of Class 1 students, he would become overwhelmed.
Principal Naoe: Ah, now that you mention it, you’re right. Butーー
Here’s what I think. The Class 1 students are diamonds in the rough.
Kaede: …
Principal Naoe: From here, they could become gemstones which shine a variety of different colors. To put it in another way, there are endless possibilities with them.
When you see the possibilities they hold, the lovelier they are. I’m sure that Kaede-san will come to realize this. 
Kaede: Yes…
Principal Naoe: By the way, Karigane-sensei.
What do you say? Will you finally accept my offer of the position to be a full time teacher?
Sakujiro: I thank you for the opportunity, but I’m afraid I will have to refuse that offer yet again.
Principal Naoe: Hahaha! You’re as cold as ever aren’t you?
Well then, as I recover from the heartbreak of getting rejected for the 67th time, feel free to show him around.
Please excuse me.
Kaede: Yes! Um… Thank you very much!
Principal Naoe: Good luck, young man.
Kaede: (He left… He was a little strange…)
Sakujiro: Let’s hurry to the club room, shall we?
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Notes — ✈︎
A mammoth school is a huge school that has an enormous amount of students and classrooms. Sakujiro explains the size of Asu High, but “mammoth school” isn’t the most common phrase ever so I thought I should explain
Ptolemaic theory is the theory that Earth is at the center of the universe while everything else revolves around it. “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory” is a fancy way of saying they’re just using the shadows and sunlight to test this theory.
Sure you’re aware by now but just in case you're not! Classes in this case are basically referring to social classes. In Asu High, there are Classes 1-5, 5 being the highest of the Classes. I’ll always capitalize Classes when I’m talking about the hierarchical system as opposed to the regular school classes.
HRD - Human Resource Development, IT - Information Technologies
The chat image has a description in case you can't read it! I'm not sure how that looks like on tumblr so I hope you're able to access it! If needed, I can add the transcript here as well.
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rendy-a · 1 year
I love reading ‘A Blooming Romance’ that you did. Can I request a similar situation but with Riddle, Silver and Deuce?
Hope you have a good day❤️
Thank you for the request.  I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed my flower piece enough to ask for more. I hope you enjoy this one just as much!
Another Blooming Romance
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Forget-me-nots: Faithful love, undying hope, memories
You see Riddle pick up the package of stationary from his mail slot and turn it over.  He fingers the delicate blue blossoms lightly.  “Prefect,” he calls to you, “do you know who sent this to me?”  Of course you do, it was you but you don’t intend to tell him that.  “Ah, no.  I didn’t see anyone come in with that.” You lie so smoothly that the dorm leader doesn’t question you.  He purses his lips and regards the package one last time, “Forget-me-nots.  How shall I remember them when I don’t even know who they are?”  He does not wait for an answer but turns sharply and walks from the mail room with a sharp click of his heels echoing along the corridor.
You felt a brief wave of guilt for having been dishonest with Riddle.  Ah, Riddle.  You smile as you think of the studious dorm leader of Heartslabyul.  You had admired his determination, both in class and with his personal growth, seeking out ways to become closer to his dorm students.  You’d watched from the sidelines as the earnest dorm leader had become more friendly with Ace and Deuce; but not much with you.  Not that he was rude, it was just that you had limited reason to interact outside of the few brief moments you might cross paths; mostly in the common room of Heartslabyul when you visited your first-year friends.
So, it was a relief when Crowley placed another odd job on your shoulders; to sort and deliver the school mail.  You might think that a magical place like Twisted Wonderland would have magical mail service but surprisingly, you set out each morning from Ramshackle with a cart to the front gate to collect a bin of letters from a postal worker.  Then you hauled the load back to the main campus building where there was a small room filled with numbered cubbies for each student to receive mail.  You had struggled at first to learn the system but, over time, you’d gotten the hang of the organization.  You could now quickly tell from a letter what section it belonged to (the second for Savanahclaw) and what rows (sixth through eighth for a second year) and sort your mail out before classes even began.
You never did though.  Crowley had given you permission to miss the first period study hall and attend to your mail delivery duties instead.  By lingering all period long, you’d discovered you had the opportunity to be in the mail room after first period when HE arrived.  Riddle lived by a schedule so consistent that you could set your watch to it.  Every school day, he arrived five minutes after the end of first period to collect his mail.  It was the highlight of your day.  You watched him with a secret smile as he entered the small space and ran his gaze along the rows of cubbies, searching out his box.  Riddle was always polite to you, greeting you properly each day. 
“Good morning, Prefect.” Riddle greets you with a small smile.  “Good morning, Dorm Leader Rosehearts,” you greet him in return.  You aren’t as close as you’d hope but each day you try to learn a little more about him.  “How is the rose-painting going?  I hope Ace and Deuce haven’t slacked off on you!”  Riddle gives you a long-suffering sigh, “I wish my own dorm students were as hard-working as you, Prefect.  We could certainly use some of that spirit when preparing for an Unbirthday Party.” 
He hadn’t exactly said he wanted your help but he also hadn’t said NOT to help either.  Only, you pondered throughout the day, how could a magic-less student possibly assist a great mage like Riddle?  The answer had come a day later when Riddle had off-handedly commented on the need to go to the school shop on the weekend to replenish his stock of stationary.  He lamented the need to delay until the weekend, at all times preferring to accomplish tasks with utmost promptness, but his busy schedule had not afforded him time for idle shopping until then.  You agreed with Riddle that it really was QUITE a shame but secretly were overjoyed at the prospect of finding a way to help out your crush.
On the way back from the school store, you took a short cut through a field of wildflowers and came across some small blue blossoms.  Forget-me-nots.  You smiled at the little familiar flowers.  So, they existed in this world as well.  It was like a gentle wish from your past not to forget all of the good moments.  On a whim, you pulled up a sprig of flower and tucked it in the wrapping on the stationary.  You hoped that Riddle would receive the sentiment as you had, and not forget the good moments you shared together. 
That first special delivery had left you conflicted.  You’d been too shy to give your gift in person, instead choosing to leave it as a secret admirer.  Only, Riddle had seemed so troubled by the idea of receiving a package from an unknown sender.  “I don’t understand,” he told you the next day, “why wouldn’t you sign your name so the recipient can properly thank you?”  He sounded so forlorn.
“Ah, maybe they are too intimidated to talk to you.  You are the one who represents the great spirit of the Queen of Hearts, after all.” You try to encourage Riddle to a better mood but your attempt only makes him frown at you.  “Is that how you think of me?  Like some unapproachable figure?  I’m just a person, Prefect.”  You are left gaping at his response as he turned heel and left you alone to contemplate your situation.
Had you mis-stepped?  You had not intended to confess to Riddle, but rather to just admire him silently during your morning rendezvous.  Are you wrong?  Is it selfish of you to leave him wondering about you while you sit on your secret alone?  It was a thought that stayed with you all day and into the next.  You think about this as you return to the school store.  Ace had off-handedly mentioned that Riddle had a torn glove on his riding uniform and you wanted to help him by gifting him a kit to mend it. 
On the way back to the mail room for your daily shift, you grab another sprig of forget-me-nots and add them to your gift.  Perhaps it was a bit hypocritical of you, but it was your special thing now.  You looked sadly at the blooms that represented all your hopes for your relationship and yet knew when you arrived, you’d slide the package into the mail cubby anonymously again.
You waited guiltily until Riddle arrived to pick up his mail, as reliable as always.  He sees the package and tenses, an angry expression crossing his face.  “Prefect, I though I had made myself clear,” he speaks to you in a heated tone.  “Wha…What do you mean?” you ask nervously.  He looks at you with a disappointed look, “I live in a dorm with Cater.  Did you really think you could keep this secret?  Rosaria had been so eager to gossip about it.”  You flip your eyes to the painting that hangs across the hall and notice the occupant of said painting was eating up this drama like it was high value entertainment.  You suppose that when you are stuck in a painting, any drama is probably high value.  Of course, she would have taken the opportunity to mention it to her acquaintance, Cater, and hope for some additional amusement.
You shoot the painted girl an annoyed look and shut the door, depriving her of the satisfaction of a scene.  You cast your eyes downward and turn to face the angry Dorm Leader.  “I’m sorry Riddle.  I just didn’t think it did any harm.  I could help out and you could still be free to study and complete your dorm responsibilities.  That is all I wanted, just to help.” His brow furrows but his color returns to a normal shade, indicating that while vexed, he was considerably less angry.  “All my life, decisions are being made for me.  First by my mother and now by you.  All I want is to be able to make my own choices for once.  Is that too much to ask?” 
You gasp and look up at him, shocked by his admission.  And really, he was right.  This should be his choice.  “Riddle,” you shakily start, “I like you.  I like you a lot.  You are so smart and brave and…and…I just can’t forget you.”  Then you bow your head and wait for his response.  He lets out a little huff.  “Straighten that posture, Prefect.”  A hand enters your vision holding the spring of flowers.  “Forget you?  How can I when I have this?”  He gestures for you to take it.  You blush and accept the flowers.  “Meet me later for tea?  Don’t forget.”  You flash him a beaming smile and tightly grasp the stem.  No, you wouldn’t forget.
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Heather: Protection, wishes will come true
There was something about Silver, you thought as you picked a sprig of wild heather and handed it off to a bird.  He was charming and kind, just like the princes of fairy tales you’d read as a child.  You liked to walk with him on your way to class when you could.  He was naturally quiet, so you chattered away at him instead.  You once asked him if he minded the way you monopolized the time and he told you that he was actually grateful for your company; it keeps him awake!
Not only was Silver charming, but he was also safe.  A magic-less student in a school like NRC attracted a lot of unwelcome attention.  Your first week had been a nightmare; students from many dorms had sought you out to gawk at the odd student.  Some had done more than gawk; causing you to take more than a few bruises.  That was how you’d first met Silver. 
“Where are you going little mouse?” mocked the brawny student stalking you.  You had ducked into a closet and waited, hoping he’d overlook your hiding spot.  You’d hoped in vain.  With a sudden jerk, the door flew open.  You raised a hand, blocking the light that blinded you, only to have the student grab that hand and use it to pull you out of your hideaway.  You’d cowered, waiting for a blow to fall but it never did.  When you dared raise your gaze, you’d seen a vision straight from a tale.  A silver-haired knight standing between you and your attacker. 
And from that day on, that was what he was to you, your Silver knight.  His mere presence was enough to intimidate most students and, for those foolish enough to challenge him, his skills proved worthy of his reputation.   You still fondly remember the panicked look on that student’s face as he ran down the hall.  Silver never gloated though, he only turned to you with that calm look and asked if you were alright.  Yes, you thought, you were more than alright. 
You handed off another sprig of heather off to a squirrel as you remembered the soft, sleepy look Silver had as he escorted you to class that morning.  He had taken it upon himself to guard you in addition to his young master, when he was able.  There was little you could do to properly thank him for such a service.  One day, you’d asked a small songbird that you felt followed Silver around to deliver a wildflower you plucked to your knight.  The bird had given you a proud shake of feathers, as though thrilled to be chosen for such a mission.  Then, it took the flower and flown off.  When you encountered Silver later, he had tucked the flower behind his ear.  Maybe it was wishful thinking, but you thought Silver had a small smile upon his somewhat stoic face.
From then on, you took to picking and sending Silver flowers via the cute forest creatures that had befriended him.  Rook had come upon you picking flowers one day and joined you.  While choosing flowers, he had regaled you with the many meanings of the wildflowers you’d found.  One had especially caught your attention.  Heather was a perfect flower for your knight.  It expressed the appreciation you had for his protection and your secret wishes that you’d manage to someday make him your own Prince Charming.  You usually sent a variety of flowers but always included a sprig of heather.
A cold wind tousled your hair and caused you to frown.  An owl gave you an inquisitive hoot and you turned to him, “Fall is coming.  Soon the last of the wildflowers will be gone.”  You hold a flower in your hand and regard it with a melancholy expression.  “I’ve sent him these flowers all season long but soon I won’t be able to anymore.  I wonder if my feelings will continue to reach him then.”  The owl gives you another hoot and you take it as encouragement.  “I know, I believe that too.” You smile and hand off the last flower to the owl.  “Go and deliver him my flower and love.” 
You smiled gently as you watched the owl fly off and then set off back to Ramshackle.  You wandered slowly, enjoying the last of the warm weather on your way back.  Before making it back to the dorm, you were surprised to hear a fast packed clipping of boots on the cobbled path.  It was rare to see other students on this out-of-the-way path.  You paused and turned to see who it might be and were surprised to see Silver hurriedly striding your way. 
Your heart started pounding; there was little reason to be coming down this path if not to see you.  You look at him expectantly and, sure enough, he comes to stand in front of you.  “Ah, Silver.  I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight,” you offer in a questioning tone.  He smiles a small sheepish smile and places a hand to his temple.  “Mr. Owl gave me your message and I had to come.”  You looked at him confused but then noticed the flower in his hair.  It was the same one you’d handed to the owl before coming home for the night. 
“The…the owl.  Right,” you add nervously.  You vaguely remember saying some embarrassing things to that owl.  Surely, the owl couldn’t have actually TOLD Silver what you’d said, could it?  Silver blushes a small amount and pulls the flower from his hair and hands it to you.  “I feel the same.”  You only hesitate a moment before accepting the flower.  “You, you do?”  Silver smiles at you gently.  “Yes.  I’ve been hoping for you to confess for a while now.  Fa..Lilia told me it was best if I waited until you were ready.  I’m so glad you finally decided it was time.” 
You glance around and see the owl looking at you from a nearby tree.  When you meet its eye, it raises its wings as though to say, ‘Good for you two!’  You turned your attention back to Silver, who was patiently waiting for your response.  You hesitantly hold out your hand and Silver grasps it and tugs gently, inviting you to come closer.  So you do, leaning gently against his chest as he wraps his arms around you.  “Is it really ok to be this happy?” you ask him in a dreamy voice.  Silver’s voice reaches you ears, “Yes, for now and ever after.”
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Gladiolus: Strength of character, sincerity, generosity
You and Deuce were a lot alike.  People were always telling you that.  Perhaps it was the earnest spirit you possessed, the one that made you want to work hard to prove yourself as the magic-less Prefect of Ramshackle dorm.  Or maybe it was just how naïve you were.  You and Deuce had secretly smuggled the eggshells out of the Heartslabyul kitchen the last time you helped Trey bake.  Deep in the rose maze, you held a little funeral for the chicks who might have been before burying the shells in the compost heap.  You felt like you might cry and turned to Deuce to see he was already letting heavy tears fall upon his cheeks.  You had smiled and held his hand, knowing you had found a kindred spirit.
There were some differences though.  While Deuce was athletic, you were sort of clumsy.  Which felt really unfair; you already had no magic and now you suck at the regular portion of gym class too!  Deuce was always supportive of you, even when you fail miserably.  “You can do it, Prefect!  FIGHT ON!”  You turn and look at him, “Deuce, I appreciate the cheer but I’m only waist height up this rope.  I don’t think I’m going to make it to the top.”  Deuce gives you a startled look before putting his fist to his chest and very seriously remarking, “Don’t worry about it, there are plenty of fish in the sea.”  It made no sense really, but somehow, it still makes you feel better.  You give your dear, dear friend a gently smile from where you cling desperately to the rope, “Thanks Deuce, I needed that.”  He perks up happily, always pleased to have assisted you.
You just wish that you could find a way to help him out too.  It felt like he was always the one encouraging you and never the other way around.  At least once, you’d like to be the one cheering him on, helping him find that extra oomph to pull through.  Only, you were barely in the same lessons.  Coach Vargus was always giving you remedial tasks for your class while the athletic Deuce was running laps or taking flying lessons with the rest of the students.  You could shout from across the field, but how would he know the shouts were for him? 
“I’m just here to help you stretch,” Jack says to you with some confusion as to why you are saying all this aloud.  You look up at him and sigh, “I know but you are such a good listener.  I just can’t help but want to talk out my problems when you are around.”  Jack looks away and puts a hand in his hair, rubbing his head in embarrassment, “You know you could always come to our track meets.  I’m sure Deuce would like to have you in the stands cheering for him there.”  You jump up and clasp your hands in front of you, “Jack!  That is a great idea!”  You give Jack an enthusiastic hug and then bound away, your spirits mightily lifted.
You spent that night thinking about how to best show your support for Deuce and came up with an idea.  You vaguely recall that the way to congratulate a race winner was by putting a wreath of flowers around their neck.  You were a little unsure if this was just for horses but figured that it was the thought that counted most.  You weren’t entirely sure where you could come up with a flower wreath but figured you’d go where everything was…
“IN STOCK NOW!!!” Sam assures you when you tell him of your needs.  You were relieved that Sam seemed to understand what you’d been going for when you explained your idea to him.  He even gave you some helpful suggestions on flowers based on flower language, which was a mystery to you.  Sam asked you to tell him about the person the flowers were for; not just his personality but what he meant to you. 
You had tried to capture the feeling, but it was difficult; how do you describe a person who is like your best friend, brother, and partner all in one?  You tried though.  You told Sam about how Deuce always tried his best, even when it was something he knew he wouldn’t succeed in.  You told him about how Deuce isn’t afraid to tell you about his mistakes.  You value his honesty and feel inspired by the way he looks forward to how he plans to improve rather than dwelling on his failings.  Lastly, you tell Sam about the events that inspired your gift; the way Deuce always goes out of his way to give you support.  Sam smiles at you kindly, “So you need a gift for your boyfriend.”  You jump back, “N.N.NO!  He’s not, I mean we’re not…Ah, it’s not like that!”
Sam chuckles at you mischievously but let’s your awkward denial stand.  “Of course, little imp.  I have just the thing to encourage a…special friend and it’s IN STOCK NOW!”  Your relief was palatable; both because you’d found a way to encourage Deuce and because you hadn’t been forced to look too deeply at your relationship with your friend.  Because you were just friends and…and that is all you want…right?  You shake your head, banishing any wayward thoughts and smile at the suave businessman, “Yes, I’ll take it.  Thank you, sir!”
When the day of the track meet arrived, you returned to the Mystery Shop to retrieve your item.  When you saw the bright red flowers braided into the wreath, you gasped in delight.  “Sam, this is perfect!  He’s sure to notice me from the stands now.  I’m sure my feelings will reach him!”  Sam passes you a knowing smile, “Good luck, little Imps.  And if you need anything in the future; notebooks, shoes, …rings; you know where to come.”  With a last wink, Sam withdraws into the shop and you jog off. 
You arrive at the track and field area where bleachers have been set up to hold spectators.  You climb up to the very top of a set, hoping the height will make you even more visible.  Your gaze scans the students warming up below, searching for Deuce.  “You came to my meet!” an excited voice exclaims to your side.  “Ack!” you yell in surprise, nearly taking a tumble off the back of the bleachers.  “Whoa!” Deuce exclaims as he grabs your arm, steadying you, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
You laugh sheepishly, clutching your gladiolus wreath before realizing you were perhaps crushing the flowers.  “Oh, OH!  This is for you!” you say as you thrust the wreath out to him.  “Ah!  Thanks?” Deuce says in confusion.  “I wanted to congratulate you on your win!”  Deuce seems satisfied with your answer but rubs his head and remarks, “But I haven’t won anything yet…” You jump in surprise, realizing you’ve made a silly error after being startled.  You pull the wreath back into your hands, “Ah! Then, then I’m just going to hold it here until you do.  So go win and then come back so I can congratulate you!”  Deuce gives you a beaming smile with his fist to his chest, “That’s right!  I’m all fired up now!  Just you wait!”  Then he runs off, still smiling, to join the rest of the runners.
You were hoarse from shouting your encouragement by the end of the event.  Both Deuce and Jack do well but Deuce only manages to take home second place in the sprint.  You find him afterward leaning with his forehead against a wall.  “Deuce,” you call out uncertainly.  Deuce doesn’t look at you and instead slides down into a squat.  “I didn’t win.  I disappointed you.”  You hurriedly rush to his side, “Not at all!  You did so well!”  With a flip of your wrists, you toss the wreath over his head.  “Congratulations Deuce.  You didn’t win the race but I’m sure you’ve won something.” 
Deuce looks up at your suddenly with a blush settling on his cheeks.  “Did I?” he asks nervously, “I’ve been trying to for so long that I’d almost given up.  I thought you didn’t think of me that way but now,” he slides his hand over the bright flowers, “I see I was wrong.”  He gently takes your hand and lets out a breath that is have laugh and half sigh of relief.  When he squeezes your hand, your heart thumps wildly, turning your feelings into a pit in your stomach.  Then Deuce laughs again and this time it is fully joyful, rising all the way to his eyes, crinkling up his cheeks and showing where he will someday have laugh-lines.  When you hear the sound, it settles in you and suddenly you no longer feel confused.  You find yourself laughing with him, squeezing his hand back tightly.  Ah, so that was it.  You were in love with Deuce; your best friend and partner.  You wonder mildly if anyone else noticed.  Probably not.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Are you ok with writing alcohol related stuff? I think it would be funny to have a drunk headmaster complain to reader about all the work and mischievous students while reader tries to calm him down and just get him to drink water because fae apparently do not have a superior tolerance. OR on the opposite: reader gets drunk and Crowley has to deal with us now maybe we get him flustered too >:)
(hey nonnie I finally finished it. I seriously debated waiting until my birthday so I could be like, "the US government says I can drink now!" But luckily for both of us, I got hit with the inspiration bug. I hope it's everything you dreamed edit; I just realized I combined your two ideas into one...oops I went flustered crowman route)
Drugged Up Reader Addition from 300 Followers event
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
CW: excessive drinking, black out from drinking
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Fae were known to hold their liquor extraordinarily well. A bottle? Three? Bah! That didn't matter at all to the fae! Besides, he deserved to treat himself after putting up with shenanigans all day.
Four bottles……
Yeah, so Crowley was on his sixth bottle of a 300 year old wine of excellent vintage, when fate decided it was time for you to come to his office. Naturally, as the cool, collected, fabulous headmage he was, all he had to do was play it cool, and you'd never know.
"Greetings Prefect! What can I do ya for?" Yep. You'd never know.
Had he been more sober, he would have noticed that you were soaking wet and covered in dust and plaster bits. But since he didn't notice, he was able to not notice this fact, as you sat across from him with a frustrated huff.
"The shower in Ramshackle exploded," you scowled. "Any chance, in all your generosity, that there is some budget for a new one?" 
"But of course!" He stood up, gesturing wildly. You couldn't hide your shock, which made him laugh, as he leaned over his desk to squish your face between his palms.
"My dearest, squishiest, prefect. Whatever you want, I shall give you!" 
Suddenly, you gasped. "Are you drunk?"
He let go of your face and scoffed, illustrating the six empty bottles on his desk.
"Nonsense, my dear, the fae don't get drunk. As you can see, I have only consumed ten bottles…"
"There's only six here, though," you interrupted, becoming nervous for his health.
"Ah! You're right! I still have four more bottles to consume! You must join me Y/N!"
"I don't think I should…."
He kept over his desk with surprising dexterity, and gently slotted himself in your lap, nuzzling his cheek against yours like a cat.
"C'mon Y/N, I'd hate to drink alone. I'd be sooooo lonely without you…like before…" his eyes were suddenly elsewhere, and he froze in your lap.
Then he started tearing up, crying into your collar.
"Please don't leave me, Y/N!" He sobbed.
You began running your hands through his hair worriedly, trying to calm him down.
"Do you mean, like right this moment, or in general?" You asked, mildly amused with yourself.
"Yes," he whimpered. You had no idea how the giant crow man was able to make himself look so small in your lap, but it was making your heart melt.
"Okay, I won't leave then," you said, hoping that it would calm him a little.
He looked up at you, suddenly no longer crying, eyes full of total adoration. 
"I love you Y/N. It's time you know that," he breathed, moving closer to your lips.
Then he blacked out.
Crowley opened his eyes, and immediately shut them again with a groan. The lights in his room were too bright, and his head hurt, and….wait. He didn't remember going to his room last night.
"Ah, sleeping beauty has finally awoken," that was your voice, but what were you doing in his room?
He opened his eyes, and slowly sat up. You were sitting in a chair next to his bed, holding a book and, great sevens, wearing his clothes.
"Why are you here?" He asked cautiously.
"You blacked out on me, and I had to drag you to your room. You're surprisingly heavy, you know. Are you hiding muscles under all those layers?"
He scoffed, ready to tell you about how someone of his station had to stay in good shape, until he fully processed what you had said.
"How generous of you to bring me to my room," he croaked. "But why," he swallowed thickly, "why are you wearing a set of my clothes?" Not that he'd complain. They looked good on you.
You raised a single eyebrow. "My shower exploded, remember? My clothes were all wet and dirty, and I didn't want to ruin your furniture, so I kind of just grabbed something from your closet." Your grin turned downright evil. "Wait, do you not remember anything from last night?" 
You giggled. He loved that giggle, but right now he was filled with pure terror.
"I have an excellent memory, prefect," he scowled, trying to play it off. But it was clearly too late. You knew.
You stood up, and approached him. You squished his cheeks with your palms.
"So you remember this then?"
He loved your smile, but right now he wanted to wipe it off your face. You'd left him in his clothes, thank goodness, so you couldn't see his reddening cheeks under his mask. He'd never been more grateful for anything.
"Of course I remember," he said, composure disappearing fast.
"Then you remember this?" You crawled into his lap, and buried you face in his collar. He stiffened, afraid if he breathed you would disappear.
"Okay," you grinned wickedly, "so you'll remember this then." You leaned into his ear and whispered, "I love you, Y/N." 
He was going to have what humans called a heart attack. Had he really said that last night? He'd kept it buried for so long….
"If you remember that, you'll definitely remember this," you leaned in as though to kiss him, but pulled away and left his lap at the last second. He involuntarily let out a whine, making you giggle. 
"And that's when you passed out."
He was on his feet in seconds pulling you tightly to him, directing your chin so you face him.
"Kiss me," he whispered breathlessly.
"That's not what happened," now that he was fighting back, you were starting to look flustered. Good. You deserved it.
"I'll give you whatever you want if you kiss me," he said, confidence steadily growing now that the ball was back in his court.
"Whatever I want? Hmmm…" you said thoughtfully, then leaned in to kiss him. He nibbled along your bottom lip, causing you to gasp, and allowing him to deepen the kiss. After several breathless moments, you pulled away from him entirely.
"Whatever I want," you muttered to yourself, and made to leave the room. As you pulled open the door, you called over your shoulder, "Fix my damned shower."
Tag list: @stygianoir
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Thoughts on Benny and Smith intimacy when they eventually do get together??
Ooh so many and yet not enough. Ha. I do wanna explore it and chat about it and eventually write fics for it.
Here’s a ramble.
I got to thinking, she is so very sheltered in this department, young, religious and a student, so has she even been romantically kissed? Like, beyond a regrettable smooch during recess in the sixth grade kinda thing?
So has she gone through what she’s gone through with truly no romantic connotations with sex, etc? There’s the movies that truly make her feel funny and fill her with yearning, there’s Maureen and her unabashed thirst for Gale Cleven that Lu occasional stokes, just to hear an anecdote that’ll make her own heart flip flop. Truly she doesn’t think very hard on what her assault means for her in this way, not for a long while. Not until after the war when she tried to settle back down in her hometown and it simply feels like everyone knows.
And the shame returns.
Worse somehow are the folks who don’t seem to know, who tisk at her being out in a podunk Texas town after dark. She wants to laugh, instead it hurts somehow. The realization she doesn’t think there’s anything to preserve from harm anymore. Because while she imagines she might be loved, someone might want her, she feels compelled to tell them. And she isn’t sure how, and she isn’t sure she wants to, and so she turns down the few dates a Brady Banshee gets asked on. And life goes on and for once she’s a little genuinely sad and lost. 100th buddies and all.
Because she didn’t join the air force to pave some path for women or even to make a career, it was for her country and then she wanted a job and kids and a man who came home to her and now- she finds there’s not much need for female engineers.
But Benny Demarco has been at the occasional wedding, reunion, one of the Brady’s uncountable christenings. And he’s older, as is she come to think of it, and suddenly the gap between them isn’t so stark, it’s merely promising now.
Benny Demarco with his kind eyes and lush lips dragging on a cigarette at all times. It just sort of happens, but maybe he saw her grown up, or maybe he saw her sad, either way he didn’t exactly anticipate courting Tallulah Smith, but that’s because he didn’t expect taking an old friend for dinner would make him fizz and laugh and enjoy it like she did. Benny not only does not require explanations, he doesn’t even need them, he knows. And still he is a romantic fucker and before either of them knows it, he’s wining and dining her and in the drive-in movies, he’s drinking from her milkshake. Washing down the cigarette and when she kisses him he tastes like strawberry’s and it’s everything the movies swore it would be and more.
When this becomes more, when marriage becomes a likely thing they seem to be headed toward -and why not? She asks Ida. There’s so many things to ask and Ida is candid, more than she’s ever been with the girl before. Admits she still fights Rosie sometimes when she forgets herself, admits that she wishes he’d been more insistent and taken her to bed sooner. Might not have helped but she wonders, if the option hadn’t been there to wait, maybe she’d have managed it sooner.
Lu thinks on that. Her upbringing suggests a wedding is needed before she sates her curiosity. But im not sure they wait for a ring. First time she lifts her skirt for him she’s utterly shocked when Benny doesn’t slot his hips there, instead it’s his face and it’s glorious and she cannot believe he didn’t invent it. Altogether I think she has a rather happy sex life, even if it’s timid and takes some serious guts to initiate. I think she enjoys riding him. Positions for awhile where she can see him and it’s at her pace, she does the impaling. She may not find pleasure in it at first but she enjoys it. And she wants children.
And Benny, nothing about Benny is cruel or mechanical or removed, it’s always warm and ardent and she is so hungry for him that when he relents and plunges in she’s anything but dreading it. Nothing compares, it’s a new thing entirely.
It’s how it should be.
I think years later some things might hit her? Not surface and ruin things so much as just really hit her. What happened to her. But generally she’s happy.
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Boarding School for Giants (10/25)
------ Chapter 10 ------
My thoughts were in a frantic whirl as I raced to my next class. Human trafficking was a very scary idea in itself, and thinking about being kidnapped made me feel vulnerable and helpless, but it was a remote possibility, and I didn’t want to delve into it too much. My more immediate concern was with my homework assignment. I wouldn’t be able to type up my essay on a giant computer by myself. Such a herculean feat would take hours, if it were even possible. I needed help. 
I pulled into my next class a mere minute before the bell rang and hurried to my seat to avoid unwanted attention. My next class was chemistry, which was far from being my strongest subject. I should have been paying close attention, but I couldn’t focus with all the stress I was under. How the heck was I going to accomplish this task?
I considered asking Mr. Henderson for assistance, but I really didn’t want to bother him more after he had already gone so far out of his way to help me.  Besides, I knew I would eventually have to get to know my peers. I wasn’t going to survive at this school without any friends, and I couldn’t rely on the vice principal for everything. At some point I would be forced to interact with giant students, so why not now? Keeping a low profile, I subtly glanced around at the giants around me. I was strongly intimidated by their grand size. None of them looked very approachable. I slumped down in my chair despondently. 
The problem was only compounded when the chemistry teacher assigned homework too. Now I had two homework assignments that somehow would need to be scaled up to giant size. At least I only had two classes today, since my sixth slot was empty. The bell rang and I waited for a good opportunity to leave, making sure the chemistry teacher didn’t harass me on the way out. I went to the dining hall and found a brown bag lunch waiting for me, with a ham and cheese sandwich, some carrots, cookies, and apple juice. Not bad. I decided to be brave and ate my lunch in the cafeteria like a normal person. Nobody bothered me, but I also was too skittish to interface with anybody. The lunchroom environment was too crowded and noisy, dampening my spirit further. Being such a coward left me downright miserable. I felt pathetic. 
Procrastinating on the inevitable, I reasoned that my next course of action should be to finish the assignments before I asked any of the giants for help. That way, when I worked up to that point, I would be fully prepared. I would use my time efficiently, get all my work done during sixth period when all the other students were in class, and then I would have the whole weekend to manifest the courage to speak up, since I wouldn’t have these classes again until Tuesday. Resolved, I headed for the library. 
I didn’t want to get yelled at again, so I kept a wary eye out for the strict librarian as I slunk over to the human tables. Thankfully, I was left alone this time. The library, in stark contrast to the lunchroom, was deathly quiet, except for the bell signaling the beginning of sixth period. The hush allowed me to focus, and I slogged through my essay fairly quickly. The final product was a bit sloppy, but I was past the point of caring: I just wanted to get it done. The chemistry homework was harder, especially since I hadn’t paid any attention during the teacher’s lecture. I had to read through the class material, and I didn’t fully grasp some of the concepts, but I answered the questions as best I could. 
The time slipped by, and before I knew it the school day had ended. The easy part was done. Now for the hard part. I felt a surge of misery as I heard all the giants tramping through the halls, talking and yelling, happy and carefree, glad to be done with their school week. I wished I could be that blissfully unaware, but my disquieting obstacles were only growing larger. 
One of the giant students entered the library. At first, due to his incredible height, I didn’t see his face, but I did recognize his shoes. He wore black and white sneakers, and I wracked my brains trying to recall where I had seen them before. Then it hit me: He was the giant whose shoe I had collided with the other day. My knees still ached as a painful reminder. A spark flamed within me. This was my chance! He would be the perfect person to ask, since technically we weren’t total strangers. Plus, while I had freaked out at the time, he seemed harmless enough. 
I jumped up from my chair, full of determination, and followed him in between the rows of bookshelves. As I approached, however, and saw his tremendous size close up, my throat started to close up, and I labored to breathe. How did I know he wouldn’t take the chance to do something terrible if he saw me? The giant history teacher’s ominous warning had been burned into my psyche. The library was mostly empty, since no students wanted to be here on a Friday afternoon. Glancing about, I suspected even the librarian had called it a day and dipped out early. I couldn’t forget the terrifying experience of being eaten, or picked up and taken against my will. My chest hurt as my heart palpitated frantically. 
I took measured breaths, trying to keep myself from hyperventilating. I needed to do this, if not now then I would still be forced to later. I couldn’t back down and be cowed into submission. My famous temper flared up as I started to get frustrated with myself, my circumstances, everything. I was tired and fed up of being weak and scared all the time. Before I could back out, I forced my legs forward, toward the giant. My legs wobbled like they were made of jello. The giant took a leisurely step away and I hurried to catch up. 
My nerves were screaming at me to turn and run, but I ignored the impulse. “Excuse me,” I whispered. Of course, the giant couldn’t hear me, and took another massive step away as he examined the books on the adjacent shelf. “Um… excuse me,” I uttered again, slightly louder, my voice an octave higher. He still couldn’t hear me and continued to move, making me run to keep pace. 
“Hey, you!” I finally cried out, kicking his shoe to get his attention. I clapped my hand over my mouth as I realized what I had done. At long last, he looked down, seeming puzzled before he saw me. His eyes lit up with recognition. 
“Oh, it’s you!” he said with surprise. He squatted down, holding a book in one hand. “How are your knees? I’m sorry about the other day.” 
“F-fine,” I mumbled. Reason left me, and my mind went blank as I forgot what I was doing. I could only gape at the monumental being leaning over me like a skyscraper. 
The giant sensed the tension and fumbled with the book in his hand clumsily. “Um…” He didn’t know what to do. There was an awkward silence. I licked my lips nervously and struggled to talk. 
“You owe me a favor!” I blurted out. By this point my voice was shaking as much as my body. 
His eyebrows shot up over his glasses. “I suppose I do, don’t I?” He smiled sheepishly. “What can I do for you?” 
“Well…” I pulled the crumpled pages of homework out of my pocket and held them up above my head to show him. He squinted, confused, and leaned forward, straining to see what I was holding. 
“What’s that?” he inquired. 
“It’s my homework,” I responded. 
He laughed. “That? Let me see.” He held out his huge hand. I placed the papers on the tip of his finger. He lifted them up to his eye to get a closer look. “Why… it’s so tiny! Nobody would be able to read this!” He let out another hearty laugh, a deep, jovial sound that warmed my insides, even if he was indirectly laughing at my size. I had to admit the whole situation was farcical to begin with. 
“That’s my problem. I need someone to type it up for me so the teachers can actually see my work,” I explained smoothly. I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed around him. “Can you help me? Please?” 
“Well, sure! Of course!” he answered enthusiastically. “Here, I’ll take you over to the computers.” He offered me his free hand again. The papers looked so preposterously insignificant in the landscape of his hand, like little scraps of pencil shavings. My pulse tripled but I obediently climbed into his palm and gathered my papers. To my surprise, his hand was vibrating slightly. I wasn’t sure why but I settled in anyway and prepared myself to be raised up. 
“O-okay, I’m going to pick you up now, is that okay?” he asked. I detected a light tremor in his voice. I gazed up at him and nodded. Very slowly, as if handling something fragile, he carefully stood up and took gradual, timid steps towards the computers. I appreciated his attempts to be gentle and waited patiently. His palm, much to my discomfort, started to get damp. What was wrong with him? Was he sick? 
“Are you feeling alright?” I asked him as he set me down on the desk next to one of the computers. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” he replied, a bit flustered. “Sorry if my hand got a little sweaty.” He self-consciously wiped his moist palms off on his pants. “I-I just… you know… get a little nervous around girls sometimes. Especially… um… holding one?” He blushed bright red.  
I couldn’t help but giggle. He was precious. “Imagine that! A giant being scared of a tiny little girl like me!” I teased him. He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Suddenly, I felt a lot better as my fear melted away. 
“Alright, enough fooling around. Let’s get this homework typed up,” the giant said, flopping down into a chair. He pulled up a blank document on the giant screen and got ready to type. “You’re going to have to dictate to me, because I can’t read your small writing.” 
I started reading my history essay out loud to him. His fingers, despite their size, were remarkably fast and efficient, dancing across the keyboard with satisfying clicks at every stroke. I was impressed to see he was able to keep pace with my words as I read. Admittedly, I was a little embarrassed at the poor quality of my writing, and having to read it out loud, but I knew I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. We finished the essay and moved on to the chemistry homework. The formatting was more of a challenge here but we got it done. 
“What’s your name?” the giant asked me. “Uh, so I can write it at the top of the page.” 
“Eren Brooks.” He filled it in on the digital documents and hit print. “What about you?” I questioned him. 
“Oh, me?” He turned red again. “M-my name’s Joey. It’s nice to make your acquaintance.” 
I giggled again. “Thank you, Joey. Likewise.” He swiftly stood up and turned away, ostensibly to fetch my homework off the printer, but I suspected he wanted to hide his burning face. He returned, papers in hand, with his face a normal color again. 
“Um… what are you planning to do with these?” He brought up a good point. The papers were too large for me to hold. How would I carry them around and turn them in to the teacher? 
“Let’s see if we can fold them up small enough to fit in my backpack,” I suggested. I pointed off in the general direction of the human section of the library. “If you could transport me over there, that would be most helpful.” 
“S-sure,” he agreed, laying his hand flat on the table. When I pulled myself up into his capacious hand and moved to the center, in the curve of his palm, I observed that he trembled, ever so slightly. For his sake, I pretended not to notice. 
“Okay, I’m ready,” I informed him. The giant—Joey—cupped me in his hand and gently carried me to where I had left my bag. His skin moistened with perspiration again, and I was grateful to get off his hand when he lowered me to the floor. He folded up the papers as small as he could and I managed to stuff them inside my bag. I shouldered the bag and gazed up at the giant. 
I let out a shaky sigh of relief. I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. “I really, really appreciate your help, Joey. You have no idea. Thank you so much.” 
“It was no trouble. I’m glad I was able to help.” He smiled shyly. 
“Can I count on you to help me again?” I asked timidly. 
“Yes, absolutely! I hang out in the library a lot, so you can usually find me here,” he said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. My goodness, he was such a huge nerd. Literally. 
“Okay,” I replied. I stared up at him for a moment. I could scarcely believe I had finally made a friend. A giant friend. “Well, see ya!” I hopped on my bike and rode away. 
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731605156194615296/boarding-school-for-giants-1125?source=share
1st chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
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rphunter · 1 month
Hogwarts: Institute of Spellcraft and Sorcery, in partnership and trust with The Ministry of Magic, is delighted about your interest in our Institution. DISCLAIMER: The admins will personally fight JKR Street Fighter style with zero hesitation any day of the week. No TERF or Trans-med/Truscum mentality is allowed here ever, both admins are nonbinary and won't tolerate a word of it so don't even try.
⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡
Hogwarts: Legacy of Magic is an 18+ only LGBTQIA+ friendly and owned discord roleplay that is going to have it's grand opening soon, and is looking for interested folk to come join us!
This RP is OC only, no canon characters will be allowed.
The story takes place 26 years after The Battle of Hogwarts that brought the world to a screeching halt in the aftermath– Taking place in 2024 in Great Britain. Following the death and defeat of Voldemort, the parents of Hogwarts students banned together against the Ministry in the aftermath of the tragedy to insist that their children's education is safer.
As a result, young sorcerer's under the age of 18 have their magic bound by Aurors from The Ministry of Magic as soon as they manifest, a charm that is only undone once the individual reaches eighteen. Following the unbinding of their magic, individuals are then given the freedom to enroll in any Magical Institute of their choice– Which brought all of you to receiving acceptance letters to Hogwarts: Institute of Spellcraft and Sorcery this summer.
⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡ THIS IS AN INTEREST CHECK, PLEASE LINK THIS POST IF YOU'D BE INTERESTED IN JOINING! We have multiple playable positions, and muns get 3 open character slots for free. More slots must be purchased with in-server currency that you collect but first character applications MUST be for a first year student. I'm also not one of those admins that have everything in the item store coast thousands upon thousands of server coin, the highest price is 500 Galleons and that's a sixth character slot. We also have species options for applications, so you aren't just stuck with a silly ol' human sorcerer. ⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡ CURRENTLY CLAIMED POSITIONS: - Minister for Magic, played by Steve Toussaint - Headmaster of Hogwarts, played by Manuela Mandracchia - DADA Professor, played by Chris Motionless - Muggle Studies Professor, played by Shemar Moore - Dueling Instructor, played by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan - Owner of The Three Broomsticks, played by Danny DeVito
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loststarphounix · 1 year
Soudam Week 2023 - Day 3: Celebration
A/N: minor spoilers for the Danganronpa 3 anime. Fic takes place after it, so if you didn’t watch it…eh
Day 3: Celebration
It was maybe a couple of minutes when Kazuichi realized that Gundham wasn’t with them. A sixth sense that developed and matured ever since emerging from the Neo World Program. It eased his anxiety when he knew his chosen family was all together in one place.
They had started a little “yay the Future Foundation didn’t kill us when we went to help Makoto” celebration after they returned to Jabborwock. As modest as it was, it didn’t deter them from going absolutely crazy and making fools out of themselves.
Making his excuses, the once mechanic began to search for his wayward lover. He found him not too long after midnight. It wasn’t like it was hard.
Almost five years of being together, three on this island and nearly two of them drenched in despair meant that they knew their tells and hidey holes by now. But this seemed like Gundham wasn’t exactly hiding from anyone, less of him.
Humming a long forgotten song from a long gone band, Kazuichi leisurely made his way over to his boyfriend. The sand muffled his footsteps, but the taller man still looked up, as though he could sense him.
“Hey,” he called out, a soft smile on his lips that only widened when the other returned it. “You left just as the party was getting started - Ibuki and Hiyoko somehow found some liquor and was bullying everyone to play Shots or Dare.”
Gundham waited for the other to take a seat beside him before he spoke. “I unfortunately do not find myself possessed by the spirits of revelry this night.”
Kazuichi gave an assenting noise, before bumping their shoulders together. When it was returned, he felt himself relax. 
They all had some kind of hang up or three - things that were broken thanks to her and could never be made whole. But the once renowned animal breeder wasn’t a party animal - Kazuichi snorted -, even when they were students. But he did liked putting on a show when he was around their friends. After it all however, he couldn’t bring himself to put on his mask and airs. 
Kazuichi knew how that felt, even if he still liked their little parties and get togethers. It was only when alcohol and rowdiness became the staple more than the ornamentation, that he made himself scarce.
“Me too.” He yawned, cuddling closer to the other, who gladly accepted both his presence and body heat. He felt more than heard the taller’s hum.
They both sat there like that, listening to the waves beat against the turf and sand, their only light the distant stars and waning moon. After what felt like forever, Kazuichi spoke again.
“We did it. We’re all together and alive.”
“Fate seems to favor us.” Gundham nuzzles into his hair. 
It was longer now, brushing just shy of the middle of his back. The pink is starting to fade and the dirty blonde roots are beginning to show. He’ll have to decide wether or not dye it or cut it all off.
That was a problem for another day.
Leaning down to slot in the crook of a pale neck, he gave a very fleeting kiss to the pulse. He felt it jump and quicken under his lips, felt the heavy exhale Gundham sighed, before pulling away just enough to stare up at the grey eyes he dreamt of ever since he first placed in the Neo World Program and Remnant Despair.
They were all survivors. They beat the odds and came back together. Kazuichi was so damn proud of all of them for coming out of it on the other side.
“I love our family.” He whispered.
“As do I.” His boyfriend replied, before leaning down to press their lips together in a gentle kiss.
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hullosweetpea · 1 year
hello friend!!! for your plot bunnies list, 1 and/or 22 please!!! 💛
how about both!
1.) baby stobin series ❤️
baby stobin, my beloved 🥺. this is just a series of one-shots based on my stobin month prompt “birthday” wherein stobin meet at age six and become the cutest bffs. in a perfect world, i work on this whenever and just surprise drop stobin moments. i just have a lot of emotions of stobin going through the growing pains of childhood 🥹I’ve being going back and forth on if i would write the series to overlap with the show or stop where s1 starts. The current one i’m working on is middle school stobin, so here’s a snippy snippy:
Steve watches Robin ride up the sidewalk of Hawkins Middle School. “Robbie, over here!”
She coasts to the bike rack —barely stops her bike in a slot— and tackles Steve in a hug. “I missed you, Stevie!” 
“I wanted to call, but my Mom wouldn’t let me.” Steve pushes Robin off of him and stands. He holds a hand out to her. “Come on, I want to show you all the cool stuff.” He pushes through the front doors and the student body is a mass of limbs. A large banner that reads “Welcome Back!” hangs above the hallway. Steve shoulders his way through the crowd and stops at a wall of lockers. “This one is mine.” He spins the lock and opens the door. “Look, I’ve already put our pictures up.” He points to a row of photo booth film. “Your locker’s going to be in the sixth grade hallway.” 
“Slow down! I’ve barely got in a word and I haven’t seen you since the end of July.” Robin places her hands on Steve’s shoulders. She frowns and tilts her head from side-to-side. “Still, tragically, 30% hair and 70% dingus.” 
Steve laughs and bumps his shoulder against hers. “So are you.” 
Robin blinks and squishes Steve’s face between her hands. “When did you get braces?” 
Steve feels his face flush. “Around the middle of August. I can’t eat gummy worms now.” He pouts. 
“No! Who’s going to eat my green gummy worms now?” Robin shuts Steve’s locker and pulls a folded paper square from her pocket. “Can you help me find Mr. Clarke’s room? He’s my home room.” 
22.) TikTok Stobin
So this is v much just an idea that was written down, but this one is based on a TikTok that was shared in the server a hot minute ago and I would have to track it down. It shows a woman knitting and she talks about how she can hear her apartment neighbor through their shared walls and he tells all his dates the same really cute story about himself and his grandma. and then it cuts to like a year later, and the woman is knitting something else and she tells the story about how she left her window open that looks out into the complex’s hallway and she totally flashes her neighbor and his date and she’s just like “what’s the appropriate apology for that” and the whole thing is v stobin coded.
send me a number between 2-40 and i’ll tell you about a stranger things prompt
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saiikavon · 1 year
The lovely @mediocredoots tagged me for this one!
peeps I know have some ocs they might wanna share and also peeps I just love in general. No pressure!: @gemscales-and-tea, @eeriedeer, @sesshy380, @alectoperdita, @chesacakeripper, @coffeebanana; anyone else I forgot!
✨ favorite oc ✨ and ⏳ oldest oc ⏳
Giving both slots to my lovely Eris; she’s gone through almost as many changes and life journeys as I have and she’s finally fully coming into her own. I adore my sad vampire child and I really hope to give her the fully-fledged story she deserves one day.
❣️newest oc ❣️ 
I think that would have to be Luthas? Made him as the mc for the Obey Me mobile game, but I like him so I'd like to use him elsewhere, too. Was debating on making him Eris’ friend, actually.
💥 meanest oc 💥
She’s still sort of a loose concept, but Hespera. The kind of story I want to place her in, ideally I’d have her be fairly sadistic, stomping on people while wearing a manic grin the whole time.
💘 softest oc 💘
Have to go with Casey - originally he was going to be in the same story as Hespera, but I started using him to play Stardew Valley and he went off the rails a bit, got a little too gentle for the role I originally wanted him to play. He’s a love, though, so I might find another place for him.
☢️ most aloof/standoffish ☢️
We going back to high school for my sweet Jaylin. Well, sweet as in I love him, but he’s not much for warm-fuzzies. To be fair, he’s got a strong case of middle child syndrome despite not technically being the exact middle - he has three brothers - and he has a hard time feeling special.
🎉 dumbest oc 🎉
Bless his heart, Rael is a terrible student and has almost no common sense. The very definition of himbo, but he’s a sweet puppy-dog.
✔️ smartest oc ✔️
I mean I don’t think I have any super-geniuses running around in my head or anything, but as I recall, Jaylin’s oldest brother, Jude, did very well in school and even seemed to have a sixth sense about people. He’s also kind of an asshole tho XD
👼 ocs i’d be friends with 👼
A lot of them, I think! Casey is very calming to be around, Luthas is kind and easygoing; there’s a number of others like Alys or Birch who are good listeners and are kind of ‘team mom’ in a sense. Though Alys is more of an overworked single mom and Birch is kind of a chill hippie mom. XD
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institute231 · 6 months
How to Prepare for MMS Entrance Exams in Mumbai
The admission season is upon us, and if you’re looking to apply for MMS at the top MMS institutions in Mumbai, Here is the complete admissions guide.
Master of Management Studies (MMS) is a postgraduate two-year course that can be split into four sessions. It covers all elements of business management. The program is structured to include leadership, management capabilities, and other essential management skills required by an organization’s operations.
MMS, located at Aditya Institute of Management Studies, is affiliated with the University of Mumbai and is recognized by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Govt. Of Maharashtra. The course has gained popularity for all students interested in business management and is among the most desired courses. Employers also prefer applicants with an MMS qualification because it proves they are knowledgeable and can manage any organization.
Admission Process- Before enrolling, ensure you know the admission process, as schools that offer MMS classes in Mumbai may differ.
The admission process is based on the marks you score during entrance examinations. There are numerous entrance exams that you can apply for. MH-CET, CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, etc., are among the entry examinations, but the MH-CET score is the most popular entrance test score institution within Maharashtra.
When the results have been announced, the participants are provided with the opportunity to fill out the forms of their choice for the institution of management.
The DTE issues CAP round seat allotment, where students can verify whether they’ve secured a seat in the college they prefer. In general, there are three CAP rounds. Candidates need to go to the DTE website to verify their details, confirm the slot, and pay the fee for acceptance. Group discussions and individual interviews then follow the CAP rounds. The final decision was made in the aftermath of the counseling provided by the university. The allocation of seats is dependent on the cut-off.
 MMS program: Candidates must have earned their bachelor’s degree in any area from any institution recognized by the government of India. The score must be a minimum of 50% for aggregate in the Open category and at least an aggregate of 45% for SC/ST. Number of MMS Seats at AIMSR- The total number of seats available comprises 120 of the 59 seats designated for round seats of CAP and 61 for the Speaking Minority Community.
MMS at AIMSR- Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research is among Mumbai’s most prestigious MMS schools. It was ranked as the sixth-best private B-School within Mumbai in The Times of India Survey in 2022. The MMS program in Mumbai provided through Aditya Institute combines practical and theoretical techniques. Teaching methods include case studies, role-plays, and industrial tours, as well as workshops, live projects, and internships that increase the participation of the students and assist them in getting a better understanding of the subject. The program will teach essential qualities needed by an executive to lead a company’s operations. Learning this course will help build your character and prepare you for the business world.
If you’ve been informed about the admission procedure, make sure you are prepared for your entrance exam and secure a place at the Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research.
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mmscollegeinmumbai · 8 months
Your Admission Guide for MMS in 2024
The admission season is upon us, and if you’re looking to apply for MMS at the top MMS institutions in Mumbai, Here is the complete admissions guide. Master of Management Studies (MMS) is a postgraduate two-year course that can be split into four sessions. It covers all elements of business management. The program is structured to include leadership, management capabilities, and other essential management skills required by an organization’s operations.
MMS, located at Aditya Institute of Management Studies, is affiliated with the University of Mumbai and is recognized by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Govt. Of Maharashtra. The course has gained popularity for all students interested in business management and is among the most desired courses. Employers also prefer applicants with an MMS qualification because it proves they are knowledgeable and can manage any organization.
Admission Process-
Before enrolling, ensure you know the admission process, as schools that offer MMS classes in Mumbai may differ.
The admission process is based on the marks you score during entrance examinations. There are numerous entrance exams that you can apply for. MH-CET, CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, etc., are among the entry examinations, but the MH-CET score is the most popular entrance test score institution within Maharashtra.
When the results have been announced, the participants are provided with the opportunity to fill out the forms of their choice for the institution of management.
The DTE issues CAP round seat allotment, where students can verify whether they’ve secured a seat in the college they prefer. In general, there are three CAP rounds. Candidates need to go to the DTE website to verify their details, confirm the slot, and pay the fee for acceptance.
Group discussions and individual interviews then follow the CAP rounds. The final decision was made in the aftermath of the counseling provided by the university. The allocation of seats is dependent on the cut-off.
Eligibility Criteria-
Candidates need to meet the criteria listed below before applying to the MMS program:
Candidates must have earned their bachelor’s degree in any area from any institution recognized by the government of India. The score must be a minimum of 50% for aggregate in the Open category and at least an aggregate of 45% for SC/ST. Number of MMS Seats at AIMSR- The total number of seats available comprises 120 of the 59 seats designated for round seats of CAP and 61 for the Speaking Minority Community.
MMS at AIMSR- Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research is among Mumbai’s most prestigious MMS schools In Mumbai. It was ranked as the sixth-best private B-School within Mumbai in The Times of India Survey in 2022. The MMS program in Mumbai provided through Aditya Institute combines practical and theoretical techniques. Teaching methods include case studies, role-plays, and industrial tours, as well as workshops, live projects, and internships that increase the participation of the students and assist them in getting a better understanding of the subject. The program will teach essential qualities needed by an executive to lead a company’s operations. Learning this course will help build your character and prepare you for the business world.
If you’ve been informed about the admission procedure, make sure you are prepared for your entrance exam and secure a place at the Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research.
post graduate in management
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i-am-nickelbolt · 9 months
Bronze to Mythic: Khans of Tarkir, draft #1
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I'll take a 6-3.
Pack 1, pick 1 the meme, the myth, the legend, Siege Rhinoceros. In other sets, getting married to the busted 3 color rare is a recipe for a trainwreck, but the fixing in Khans makes the exciting multicolored cards higher picks. The only other card in the pack I considered was Mystic Monastery. I'm considering Siege Rhino to basically be a black card, I will look to end up BW or BG and I'll probably have a white land at some point. I'm likely to pick lands pretty aggressively anyway.
Pick 2 Debilitating Injury over Bear's Companion and Hordeling Outburst. Red is a little far off what I'm doing right now, and Debilitating Injury is a premium tempo play in the Morph format. Pick 3 Bitter Revelation over Mardu Roughrider. Mardu Roughrider is good but there's a lot of action at 5 mana with morphs. I just don't prioritize this kind of thing. This is a disappointing 3rd pick out of a pretty bad pack. Pick 4 easy Blossoming Sands over nothing. Pick 5 Scoured Barrens over Bloodfell Caves and Burn Away. See? Siege Rhino mana easy. Pick 6 Rite of the Serpent over Goblinslide. Pick 7 Mardu Hordechief over Swiftwater Cliffs and Force Away. Pick 8 kind of a brick, Unyielding Krumar over Dragonscale Boon. I will say I got hooked up on the wheel: Rakshasa's Secret 9th, the Mardu Roughrider came back 11th, followed by Bloodfell Caves 12th. Perfect mana!
Aside on Rakshasa's Secret: this card is awesome. Mind Rot is awesome in this format. Khans is a little on the slow side and cards tend to sit in people's hands a little longer because they're flipping morphs. The mill 2 is also excellent with delve cards and Dutiful Return.
Pack 2, pick 1 Windswept Heath, which is fine ,but admittedly a bit of a rare draft. It's probably not better than Scoured Barrens, the other card I considered. The pack was good for others: Temur Charm and Jeskai Charm were kind of far from what I could do. Pick 2 Abzan Guide over Force Away, Feat of Resistance, and Bloodfell Caves. There was a sweet Jeskai deck I could have been on but I don't think there was ever a definitive way in. Pick 3 Blossoming Sands over Dutiful Return. Pick 4 Alabaster Kirin over Jeslai Student; the Kirin looks mopey but 2/3 vigilance blocks morph, Flying helps trigger raid, and 4 mana curves you from morph on 3 to unmorph on 5. Pick 5 Abzan Guide over Hooting Mandrills, Glacial Stalker, and Bring Low. Pick 6 pretty easy Feat of Resistance, I'm very interested in keeping my quality creatures alive. Pick 7 easy Dutiful Returned, with Jeslai Elder still there. That Jeskai deck is mocking me at this point. The rest of the pack was basically junk.
Pack 3, pick 1 Jungle Hollow over like 5 other medium playables. The Savage Knuckleblade kind of mocking me in the rare slot. Pick 2 Dead Drop, love to see it. This isn't the *best* Dead Drop deck, but it's pretty hard for it not to be good. And the ceiling is 1 mana Plague Wind. Pick 3 Alabaster Kirin. Pick 4 Abzan Guide. Pick 5 Mardu Skullhunter. Pick 6 Ponyback Brigade, which is exactly the kind of card I want to splash, and Bloodfell Caves came back from pick 1.
First loss, I just threw the game away by not reading/remembering my cards. Rush of Battle is a Sorcery, and I just chump attacked my team where every one of those blocks would have resulted in at least a trade. I still almost came back with Rush of Battle but they had Thousand Winds. It should have never gotten to that point but you know, busted rares do the thing.
Second loss, I'm still trying to figure out how... They were on the play, mulliganed to six, I hit them with Rakshasa's Secret *and* Dead Drop. But I never drew green mana to deploy Siege Rhino or Abzan Guide.
My sixth win was pretty epic. I went from getting to parity, but my opponent was sandbagging. I thought I couldn't win, then I sorta drew out of it to parity again. Then I saw the line to win but I needed my opponent to brick for a couple of turns, and at that point they had way more land in their deck than I, so it was just a probability game at that point where I was favored. It was a sick long game win.
Then I was rewarded with never drawing a black source and drawing 4 black cards in a row.
I love this set.
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Driving Lessons Delivered By Leading Instructors In Camberley
According to recent research by the RAC, 50,000 UK driving tests a year are taken by learners with at least five fails.
That means 50,875 practical tests taken in the 12 months to the end of March were the candidates’ sixth attempt or more. Since practical tests cost between £62 and £75, repeated failures can end up being extremely expensive.
Furthermore, due to the backlog of people wanting practical tests, some people are accepting slots whether they are ready or not.
Research also found that many learner drivers have been paying double the going-rate for tests on the secondary market. Meanwhile, due to a backlog due to the Covid pandemic, others have been struggling to find an instructor, according to reports.
Choosing instructors in Camberley with a great track record will make a big difference.
An independent driving school with a high first-time pass rate, Pass My Way regularly supports learners in Camberley, Surrey. We helped hundreds of learners to ace their practical and theory tests.
Lessons start from £34.50 an hour and include discounts for students and nurses. We provide a driver’s log book to track your progress along with free theory training and mock tests.
If you’re looking for driving instructors in Camberley, don’t hesitate to contact Steve for more information.
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