#size 40 sweater
susoriginals · 3 months
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Vintage Navy Blue V Neck Cardigan Wool Blend Elbow Patch Sweater Military Equipment Corporation Mehlin Estey Medium Size 40R Only $7
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magicalshopping · 6 months
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♡ Mickey Turtleneck Sweater (0X-4X) from Forever 21 ♡
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
overthinking myself into a moral dilemma that doesn't need to be one but honestly, its so on-brand for me it's almost funny
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leapdayowo · 2 years
One of my problems is dealing with 10-20 degree Fahrenheit weather and then when it goes up to 30-40s I think “oh it’s warmer? Practically tropical? Let’s wear much fewer warm layers!” And then it’s still cold and I freeze :| This behavior has gotten better, but two days ago I almost decided not to where a winter coat because it was almost 40 outside (warmer than it had been)
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goatmilksoda · 1 year
I was GOING TO write and play minecraft tonight but some drunk kid decided to start crushing cars in his MANLY RAM TRUCK on our street (including my dads!) So we've been dealing with that.
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
periods w/ choi san
so i said a while ago about san being a human hot water bottle right? and i’ve just started my period and the cramps are cramping… for some reason the first thought to pop into my head was boyfriend san just being so cosy to cuddle up to. let me just…
so periods suck and they hurt and they make you feel like shit for a few days but san is a gentleman and if he notices his partner in pain, goddammit he will do everything in his power to fix that. and while he cant magically wave a want and make it all go away, he certainly can help with the small things.
“you still hurting, sugarplum?” he coos as he walks to the sofa with two mugs of cocoa in hand. he sets them down on the coffee table before flopping down onto the couch beside you and wrapping you up tightly in his thick, cosy arms. you let out a contented moan as you snuggle further into his chest, finally letting yourself relax now your love is close. “you took those painkillers 40 minutes ago… they should have kicked in by now, right?”
you nod against him as you let your eyes flutter closed. his warmth sinks into your skin, settling deep within your muscles and taking away some of the aches you’ve been feeling all day.
“don’t know why they’ve not worked,” you slur against his chest, face pressed too firmly against his pecs for any of the words you’re saying to come out comprehensible. you hear san chuckle above you before pressing a firm kiss against your hair. he holds it for a few seconds, inhaling your scent deeply as if he’s trying to fill up all his senses with you. “you help, though.”
“oh?” he queries as he pulls away, “i help, do i?”
you nod, “you’re warm… my own boyfriend-sized hot water bottle.”
there’s a rumble through his chest as he chuckles. it’s a nice sound, lulling you deeper into the state of relaxation you’d found yourself in. it’s even more soothing when he slides a hand between your bodies, resting it on your lower stomach where he knows your cramps hit the worst. your body practically turns limp in his grasp as he gradually begins to massage the flesh that sits there.
“does that help?” he asks as if he doesn’t already know the answer. as if you’re not acting like a kitten in his lap, curled up and purring as you bury your face in his soft sweater. he laces his other hand through your hair, petting you like he would a real cat.
“helps so much,” you barely manage to mumble out.
“then i’ll carry on…”
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2001hz · 10 months
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Maison Martin Margiela fall/winter (1990-1991) first lining washed cotton and shimmering viscose punk light-blue mohair sweater (1990)
Inspired by punk’s style, the sweater had uneven sIeeves and a relaxed funnel neck. Having no sweater manufacturer on hand, Margiela's mother did the knitting. With the help of some friends, she made 40 or so pieces in three different colors- light blue, deep red, and blacklight-blue mohair sweaterz. Instead of knitting needles they used broomsticks shaved down to size by his father to ensure that the stitches would be wide and uneven. The men's removable white poplin shirtsleeves -seen in the first collection-extended out from under the sweater's sleeves.
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nehi-soda · 5 months
Bedroom Ceremonials - Joel Miller x Female Reader No Outbreak AU
Explicit; Minors DNI 18+ only.
“You walk a fine line between god and animal
You’re just a feral dog I worship in bedroom ceremonials”
- Dog Days, Ethel Cain.
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Summary: His warm eyes were now stormy with frustration and concern, raindrops clinging to his dark hair, and his chaahart jacket soaked through from the rain. He doesn't waste a moment before unleashing his pent-up emotions, his breathing ragged as he towers in the doorway.
"Where the hell were you?"
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: P in V sex, ANGST, rough sex, smut, jealous!joel, established relationship, mention of violence (not directed at reader), alcohol, praise kink, dirty talk, size kink, makeup sex, oral sex (female receiving), au!joel, no outbreak!joel. Legal age gap (reader is mid 20's Joel is late 40's). No use of Y/N.
A/N: This is my first time writing any kind of smut or fan fiction. I just had to get some ideas out of my system. Joel is just so Ethel Cain coded.
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As you step inside, the weight of the day's stress seems to cling to you like a heavy coat. It's been a rough day, and the unfamiliarity of your new job and home is only adding to your apprehension.
You can't help but feel a pang of longing for your dad's company, and you miss the comfort of having Joel just across the street.
You walk through the door, feeling like a soggy mess after getting caught in the rain on your way home.
Although you've been living there for four weeks now, the space still feels new. You do love it. You enjoy having your own space, being surrounded by your belongings, and having total control over the decor. Joel has personally assembled nearly all the furniture. No longer are you limited to just decorating your childhood bedroom.
However, you're still finding your feet in this new chapter of your life.
After dumping your bag in the hallway, you sigh deeply and release some of the tension that has built up in your neck. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror - your mascara is smudged, and your hair is plastered to your face.
You quickly change out of your wet clothes and head to the bathroom to run the shower. As the steam begins to fill the room, you can feel yourself starting to relax.
You're already wrapped in your towel, pacing around your bedroom, when you grab your phone. It's been a busy day, and you haven't had a chance to check your messages. You see that Joel has sent you a few texts that you haven't had a chance to respond to.
Joel: hey baby, hope you have a good day at work x
Joel: hey, me again. Everything ok?
Joel: I figured you’re probably caught up in work stuff. Call me when you’re home.
As you toss your phone onto the bed, your face pulls into a guilty frown. You make a mental note to call Joel as soon as you're out of the shower, but right now, all you want to do is snuggle up in bed. Even though you crave to hear his southern drawl pour out of your phone's speaker like honey, exhaustion had taken over.
You head into the bathroom and swiftly lock the door behind you. You let out a sigh of relief as the hot water from the shower caresses your neck and chest. As you lather up your hair and body, you feel the day's stress slowly melting away.
Emerging from the shower, your hair still damp and clinging to your back, you tiptoe to your dresser and fish out a pair of checkered sleep shorts and an off-the-shoulder grey sweater, which you've cherished for years, proudly displaying "Texas" in bold across the front. You decide to complete the outfit with a pair of comfy cream knee socks for added warmth. They hug your thighs as you towel off your hair.
As you sink into the plush comfort of your bed and listen to the rain beating down on your windows, your thoughts drift to the soothing sound of Joel's voice.
You imagine the reassuring thump of his heart beneath your ear, the scratch of his unshaven jaw grazing the top of your head, and the comforting sensation of his work-worn fingers tracing hypnotic circles on your shoulders.
You yearn for more time with Joel, but it's hard to make it happen with busy schedules. He's been spoilt having you for nearly the entire summer break after graduating from college and now you both are feeling the strain.
Fortunately, he's devised a thoughtful solution - offering to pick you up after work to drop you home to squeeze in some extra quality time. Only this inevitably ends up with him just taking you to his house so he can tangle his fingers in your hair and fuck you senseless all night. Smart plan.
You wake up in his sheets, smelling like him. You always wake up first. You start to get ready for work, stealing glances at him sleeping in the sheets. Vulnerable and quiet. Such a contrast to his demeanour the night before when he gripped your hips so deliciously hard he left bruises, and pulled the fibres of pink tissue from your lips into shreds with his teeth.
You savour a warm cup of his coffee as marmalade sunlight seeps through the curtains, casting golden rays across his head like a halo. A glint of silver is growing up the side of his hairline. He thinks it makes him look distinguished, and you can’t help but agree. He loves to be so much older than you. He thinks it makes him wise.
You recall your fingers tapping against his bare chest like a spider's legs as you undo his flannel buttons one by one, revealing a glimpse of his toned torso from his physically demanding job. He listens intently as you ramble on about your day, content to let you have the floor. He's not much of a talker, but you don't mind. You love the way he watches you. His eyes glitter like a lake catching the glare of the moonlight, and he smirks when you get flustered. He knows the power he holds over you, and he lets it all go to his head.
He's a man of simple pleasures- clean socks and messy hair. He writes his name in the fog on the mirror from where he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pressed your face against the glass. The memory still makes you feel dizzy.
You believe he walks a fine line between god and animal, like a feral dog you worship in bedroom ceremonials.
Just as your saccharine memories of Joel have lulled you to sleep, you hear a loud hammering at the door. You jolt awake, panicked and disorientated, feeling like you’ve been ripped away from paradise.
Groggily, you fumble around the sheets for your phone, finding it still in the same spot where you tossed it earlier. Your eyes are still heavy with sleep; they peer at the illuminated screen displaying 11:11.
You see a barrage of missed calls from Joel. Your heart races as you wonder what could be so urgent. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks - you’d forgotten to call him….
You take in your surroundings- the deep blue hue of your room and the persistent pounding at your front door. You scramble out of bed and rush through the hallway.
You fumble with the lock and swing the door open to find Joel standing there, his gaze fixed on yours with an intensity you've never seen before. His warm eyes were now stormy with frustration and concern, raindrops clinging to his dark hair, and his chaahart jacket soaked through from the rain. He doesn't waste a moment before unleashing his pent-up emotions, his breathing ragged as he towers in the doorway.
"Where the hell were you?" he demands, his voice sharp and accusatory with a southern edge. “I've been callin' and textin' all day, and you couldn't even bother to respond?” He barges past you. The sound of heavy footsteps resonates through the living room as Joel paces back and forth. The tension in the air is palpable, hanging thick like the storm clouds outside. You watch him, tugging on your sleeves and shuffling your socks against the wood floor.
“Joel, I'm sorry. It was just a hectic day, and I lost track of time. I didn't mean to ignore you." You answer, still caught off guard by his unexpected visit.
His expression tightens, and he steps closer, invading your personal space. “Lost track of time? Or were you with someone else, huh? Is that what's goin' on?"
Your heart feels heavy with hurt. "Joel, no! I would never—" He cuts you off, his frustration escalating.
"Don't give me that. You've been distant lately, and now this? I'm not stupid. If you're messin’ around, just be honest about it.” The faint scent of alcohol lingers on his breath. Whiskey you guess. Tears well up in your eyes as you try to make him understand.
"Joel, I'm not cheating on you. It's just been a tough transition with the new job and all. I've been overwhelmed." Your heart pounding now.
He carries on prowling around your living room.
“What, you think I’ve been fucking one of my co-workers on the side?” you continue, struggling to focus on his face as your vision blurs from the tears.
His face is shrouded in the darkness of your living room. He casts a long shadow on your walls. “Overwhelmed or not, you should have found a moment to let me know. Ignorin' me ain't fair.” His words come out with a coldness that makes a lump develop in your throat. You nod, a tear escaping and trailing down your cheek. "You're right. I should have communicated better. I didn't mean to hurt you."
He sighs, running a hand through his wet hair. "Damn it, I care about you. I can't stand feelin’ like I don't even know where you are."
"Joel, please," you plead, trying to sound calm, but your voice comes out strained. You can’t help but feel pathetic. "Let's talk about this. I don't want things to be like this."
He halts his pacing, shooting you a glare that cuts through the air like lightning. "Talk? We've been needin' to talk for a while now. You've been avoidin' it”.
You take a deep breath; your lips tremble now. "I know. I've been caught up in everything; I don’t want to think about anything when I'm with you. That’s why I don’t bring it up.”
Joel's gaze narrows, his lips forming a tight line. The room feels charged with his lingering anger. He releases a sigh and his eyes soften slightly.
"I get it. Life can throw a whole mess of things at us; sometimes it feels like we're drownin'. But keepin' things bottled up and shuttin’ me out ain't the answer baby girl," he says, his Southern drawl carrying a touch of sweetness. You nod again the tears are now streaming down your face.
“I just… I don't want to burden you with my problems. I want our time together to be a safe space from all the chaos."
He lets out a heavy sigh. "Look, I ain't sayin' it's gonna be easy, but we can't keep playin' these games. I ain’t one of your lil’ college boyfriends, okay. If you got a problem, we face it together. That's what bein' in a grown-up relationship is about." His tone bites.
You nod again, a heavy weight settling in your chest. "You're right. I messed up. I want to fix it, Joel." The desperation in your voice echoes, and you feel like a rabbit pleading into the blinding headlights of an oncoming car.
He steps closer, his hand warm on your cheek as you lean into his touch. "I appreciate that, darlin', but we're in this together.” His words are unexpectedly soft.
"You're right. I shouldn't have shut you out,” you mumble.
His darkened eyes threaten to swallow you up as they gaze into yours. He makes you feel… nervous. His mere presence has this effect, leaving you feeling exposed as your emotions betray you, slipping from your eyes and staining your cheeks. In this vulnerable moment, you're reminded of how much he loves it when you’re so needy. The contrast between your sleep clothes and his work attire makes you feel small. You wonder why he hadn’t changed out of them before coming over?
Joel had been back from work hours before he arrived at your apartment. He paced anxiously in his living room with a glass of whiskey in his hand, work-worn jeans, and boots still on. He pours himself another whiskey and slams it down on the coffee table as his mind swims with thoughts of you with another man. Joel knew he was jumping to conclusions but how else could he explain your distance lately? He knew you were too good for him. He just knew how everyone turned to look at you when you entered the room. You were too damn pretty for your own good. His jaw clenched at the thought of another man’s hands roaming over your perfect body. His grip tightened on his whiskey glass before smashing it against the wall in frustration.
He storms outside into the rain to his truck.
On his way to your apartment his eyes are wild on the road, knuckles turning white on the wheel.
“God, you drive me fuckin’ crazy,” he hisses between his teeth. Joel's hands, calloused and strong, cradle your face delicately.
“We'll figure it out, darlin'. Together. No more keepin' things from each other. Deal?" His voice warm and husky.
You smile as he buries your face into his still-wet chest. "Deal." You sigh.
He withdraws from you and firmly holds your chin, trailing kisses over your wet cheeks. He finds your lips and presses his mouth against yours. He dips his tongue into your mouth and you let out a soft moan. He tastes like whiskey.
Joel switches his grip from your chin to the back of your thighs as he lifts you in his strong arms. You feel his muscles flexing, and your legs instinctively wrap around his waist as he carries you towards your bedroom. When you’re in his arms you’re convinced that nothing in the world could harm you.
Your heart races against your chest as he navigates the familiar terrain of your room. He places you gently on the bed, and the mattress yields to the shape of your body. Joel hovers above you, his eyes locked onto yours, dancing a shade of midnight. The soft illumination of moonlight casts shadows on his face, emphasizing the strong contours of his nose and face.
You can hear the muted sounds of rain outside, the creaking of the bed beneath you, and the rhythmic cadence of your breathing.
Joel's hands, now free from supporting your weight, shed his soaked jacket. You peer up at him as you work on your own sweater and discard it over your head. Your skin erupts in goosebumps with the exposure of your breasts. Your chest rising and falling steadily, nipples puckered like rosebuds. His eyes skate over your body with glint of hunger. You snake your hands underneath his shirt. He gets the idea and pulls his shirt off too.
You pull him closer into you with your legs as you writhe around underneath him, heels digging into his lower back. He leans over you, trailing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and neck. Profanities escape his breath as he ruts his hips into yours. The undeniable hardness beneath his jeans becoming more prominent.
His kisses are now nips, blooming blue and violet markings along your throat and collar bone. You grip at the roots of his hair, and extend your neck further to give him some extra room.
“Joel, please,” you wimper as you throw your head back into the bed.
He hums against your throat, and it sends tingles down your body.
“I want you,” you continue to whine.
You feel him grin and pull back. He shuffles himself off the bed and kneels on the floor. You take a hard swallow as he works at the waistband of your shorts and pulls them off along with your panties in one swift motion. He runs his hands along your knee socks playfully.
“These can stay,” he declares with a deep voice that reverberates across the room.
His head is low and in line with your bare throbbing pussy. You chew your lip as he settles down between your thighs.
His hot breath ghosts across your needy clit as he holds your thighs in place.
He starts sucking on your clit and your eyes roll to the back of your head. Little breaths escape your mouth.
“Fuck Joel.” You let out, gripping at the bed sheets.
He continues working at your clit. His beard on his chin pressed firmly against your entrance. The scratch is almost sore but mixed with the waves of pleasure emitting from his lips, you don’t care.
“Jo- Joel,…I-,” you can no longer string a sentence together.
“Use your words baby,” he mumbles against you.
"I-I don't even… want you to e-eat my pussy. I just… want your c-cock in my pussy," you whine, eyes pressed shut. Head thrown back in ecstasy.
"Huh? Well, what do we say when we want somethin’?" Joel teases, glancing over you, observing your growing distress.
“P-please,” your lips quiver.
“Good girl.” He coos, shifting to stand over you like a phantom in the dark.
You hear the clink of metal as he undoes his belt and unzips his jeans to step out of them. He returns to the space between your legs reaching into his boxers to free his cock. The head looks angry and is leaking precum. He leans over you, and lines up to your entrance and pauses.
“Are you going to be good and answer your phone when I call?” He spits. A sheen of sweat forms on his skin, making his hair cling to his forehead.
“Huh…yeah…. I’ll be g-good I promise.” You moan, desperate for the stretch of his cock.
He slides into you, and you can't help but gasp. You're always so surprised by his sheer size. You wince as you try to adjust to accommodate him inside you.
“Ah…fuck.” He grunts, slowly building momentum in his thrusts. “Always, so tight for me baby.”
Your mouth falls open as the familiar swirl of your release is already growing in the pit of your stomach. Your nails carve small crescents into his sides as you clutch onto him.
Fuck, you needed this. You needed the stress to be fucked out of you.
More mumbles and moans slip from your mouth as you’re rocked into the bed, becoming more and more cock drunk.
“Such a good girl takin’ all of me.” Joel grits. His southern twang stronger when he's all riled up. His thrusts hit deeper, hitting a spot inside you so delicious it threatens to push you over the edge.
You pull your legs up higher around him, your hands cradle your toes just to give you something to cling onto. He felt like he was splitting you open. Filling you to the hilt.
The filthy sound of the bed creaking and the slapping of skin filled the room.
His hand moves to clasp around your throat, and you blink up at him, pupils blown out wide.
"Tell me you're my lil’ slut.” he spits.
"I-I'm your lil' slu-slut,” you cry out, your words catching in your throat.
“um…yes, you are darlin’, and don’t you forget it,” Joel whispers darkly in your ear.
“Now cum for me.” He grunts.
“Cum-for-me-prin-cess.” Each syllable punctuated with a hard thrust. His hips meeting yours. You were definitely going to feel it in the morning.
You feel your climax edging to the forefront and his words are enough to send you spiralling.
“Joel-fuck!” You pant as your muscles pull taught in your stomach, and your legs shake.
“That’s my baby.” He encourages you past the point of no return and you sink into your orgasm. You grip his cock tight like a vice and it’s too much for him. His orgasm spirts out hot. His cock pulsating inside you as he collapses his head into your neck.
“Oh fuck, baby, so good!” He exclaims- emptying his balls into you. You feel his spent spilling inside.
He peels himself off you and pulls out with a wince. You feel so painfully empty without him buried deep inside you, occupying every one of your senses.
He pulls you into the duvet and holds you close. You feel his warmth seeping into your bones. You both lie there with ragged breaths and oxytocin coursing through your veins. With a gentle touch, he swipes some stray hairs from your face as you nestle into his chest panting.
You lie there for a while watching the raindrops race each other on the windowpane, each tiny droplet leaving a fleeting mark on the glass. You can hear the steady beat of Joel’s heart under you. You were wiped out, eyes beginning to flutter closed.
In the quiet of your little cocoon, the minutes stretch like molasses until Joel breaks the comfortable silence.
With his arms wrapped around you, he whispers, “We'll face whatever comes together, darlin’," and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. You feel his warmth and love, and you know that you're not alone.
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divider credit to @saradika
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 7 months
I'm settling into middle age and I kinda hate it. I know there's some guys who enjoy the struggle though. So, could you maybe swap me with an old man who wants it? The fatter, the better, the balder, the better. I want to skip straight to retirement.
Woah for real ? I mean. Id that’s what you want I won’t judge. I’m sure I can convince some old man to swap plac…..oh look I found one.
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You’re sitting on the couch while I finalize the paperwork needed to make this happen and then I look at you. “ you sure you want this?” I look you up and down and you just look back same and with out hesitation you say “yes. Make me an old fat bald fuck!” I just laugh and tell you that you won’t be bald exactly but you will be…well. You’ll figure it out. “So my dear man. What I’ve done here is a bit of a trait swap of sorts. Over the next day or so you’re going to be going through some massive changes. And I mean MASSIVE. You’re going to be swapping traits with a man I’ve had on a wait list for a while. Someone who wanted to be younger. I would offer more information but… well you’ll find out”. You stand up and instantly sway on your feet. “Woahhh” you say as you head is dizzy. I just laugh. “Yeah…that happened to him. It also doesn’t help that you’ve failed 10 pounds since I started this..”. You feel you stomach and it feels a larger than normal. “I would buy some larger clothes. … I would suggest ….lets just say the biggest they have. And I’d get them before you go home…”. Leaving my office you take my warning and go to the clothing store next door and you buy the largest clothes they have. 5xl t shirt and a pair of since 60x30 pants. The cashier was wondering why you were buying them since you were so tiny and you just laughed and said “I plan to gain a little weight” you were both laughing at the joke. Her note realizing how serious you were but it needed when you laugh turned to a raspy cough and when you said goodbye your voice was older. Like that of a 62 year old man. Leaving the store your shirt is tight and your stomach is already poking out in Front of you. But the time you make it home your shoes are already time. Damnit you forgot to get some shoes. Goes by the way your gaining weight you should have got some crocs or something. Your shirt feels as though it’s suffocating you and you take it off. Only to be met with an extremely hairy torso. Everyone of you is covered in hair now. Arms. Chest. Shoulders and back. It’s like looking at a sweater. One you can’t take off. One that the kids made fun off all the time. And under it all was a protruding gut that wasn’t there before. And some saggy moobs.
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You can’t beleive this is all happening and so fast!! You take off your pants. Because they are so tight and uncomfortable. Even doing that proves to be a chore for you at this size. You sit down on the couch and you can feel you back hair filling in. You look down and see the hair on you stomach turning. Grey and you can’t help but get hard. Taking your socks off you can see that your feet are getting older and it looks like some varicose veins are showing up on your legs. Hard to see under the thing hair that is turning great but it’s there. You scratch you face and you can feel that your face has gotten fatter. You guess that you had to be at least 50 now or so. Far from the 40 you previously. But that’s all. You wait for more changes to happen but it doesn’t seem like anything is happening. You keep going to the mirror to check but you do t see anymore changes happening. Every time you are disappointed and cuss. “Damnit I thought there would be some more changes by now!” You decide to go outside on your patio to sit in the sun. Annoyed that the changes have stopped. Still you are please with the 10 years you were able to gain. Sitting in the chair you lean back and you fall asleep. But that’s what it took. You body needed to rest. It takes a lot to change a man. When you wake up you look down to see that nothing else has change but when you feel it. Leaning forward you can feel you stomach slowly pushing you backward. Looking down you are shocked. It’s happening! You stomach is literally growing right before you eyes!! You neck gets fatter as you body continues to swell. You gut grows so large that it will cause you to waddle for the rest of your life. Sweat stains will be on everything. You really should have got some slip on shoes you think to yourself because there is no way you’ll ever be reaching you old man feet again. And your snitch now as the fat continues to swell and hair continues to grow. You eye site turns to garbage and you’ll need glasses from here on out. When you feel the changes stop you’ll be lucky to fit on those 5xl shirts.
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You manage to get out of the chair with great struggle. And waddle to the house. You’re so large with all this added fat. You sit on the couch and struggle to put one day leg in each hole. You stand up and struggle. Struggle with all your might to pull the once oversized pants up. And you find that they are too small. Your mouth falls from shock realizing that you now have a waist size larger than 60. And even though you could see it. You could feel it. You were dripping pre cum on you feet from being so horny from all the changes you went through to be this old fat fuck of a man.
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susoriginals · 3 months
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Vintage Navy Blue V Neck Cardigan Wool Blend Elbow Patch Sweater Military Equipment Corporation Mehlin Estey Size 40R Only $5.55
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magicalshopping · 2 years
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♡ 90′s Angels Sweater (Large) from squidsvintage ♡
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.⋆。Lost Souls Part 1。⋆.
The Lost Princess Chapter 8
Jotun!Loki x plus size reader
With the discovery of who Loki really is, Y/N returns to the avengers determined to forget him, but things are never that simple
Warnings: violence, arranged marriage, angst, enhanced!reader, swearing, unhealthy relationship, age gap, some Steve x reader, Steve is an asshole in this chapter, making out, angst, depression, drugging, sickness, flashbacks, almost smut
WC: 3.9k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It was raining. Fat droplets of water splattered on the thick glass panes of the tower's windows, joining together and falling when their weight became too great. Dark clouds hung over the city like a curtain, concealing the light of the setting sun.
Y/N was alone in the sitting room, her eyes fixated upon the horizon, waiting. The mug of tea cupped in her hands had long-since gone cold but she didn't bother getting up to make a new one, instead she just sat patiently.
There was a flash of silver in the distance and FRIDAY chirped. “Arrival in two minutes ma'am.” Silently, Y/N rose to her feet and placed the mug to the side. She tugged down the sweater she was wearing, once again concealing her scarred skin.
The elevator hummed beneath her socked feet as she stepped inside. Without needed to be commanded, the doors shut and began to move upwards. Each floor that she passed, the elevator dinged.
By the 10th ding, she forced her body to relax, shoulders slumped down, her jaw unclenched. And when the doors opened once more to the empty landing pad, she was smiling brightly.
The wind picked up, sending the rain straight into her face but as the drops of water touched her skin, they evaporated away. The quinjet slowly came into landing, the wings folding with a series of mechanical hums, the engines shutting down as soon as the wheels touched the ground.
Her stomach churned as the plane opened up, revealing a lone figure. The blue of his uniform was dulled by the grey skies behind him and he was slightly dishevelled but he was fundamentally unchanged from when Y/N greeted him that morning.
As soon as his gaze was set upon her, Steve beamed. “Doll!” She knew he loved when she waited for him to return home, he said that it reminded him of the 40s when wives would wait on their husbands.
She braced herself as he ran at her, dropping his shield at her feet before wrapping her up in his arms. Her smile faltered just for a second as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I love coming home to you.” He muttered into her skin, his lips grazing her pulse point.
She didn't answer with words, instead she hugged him even tighter, pretending that what she was supposed to be feeling in the arms of the man who loved her was real. Steve rewarded her with a kiss to her throat before he pulled away. “How about I go shower and then we can have some dinner and cuddle.”
“That sounds perfect.” She cooed and cupped his square jaw, her thumb softly brushing the apple of his cheek. He dipped down and captured her lips in a soft kiss.
“Then let's go, doll.” Steve grabbed his shield and swung it onto the holster on his back. With a hand on the small of her back, he led her into the tower, wilfully ignoring the way that the light in her eyes dimmed.
She let him lead her, it was easier that way- she did not have to think about the months before, simply washing them away in his caring embrace.
Y/N could feel Wanda's eyes follow them as the pair walked past the kitchen and to Steve's room but she refused to waver, keeping her head high and her eyes on the ground.
It would be enough, it had to be enough.
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The rain on Jotunheim was unlike anywhere else in the Nine Realms. The freezing temperatures froze the drops as they fell, turning them into crystal clear ice that shattered into millions of tiny pieces as soon as they struck the ground.
The sound had been jarring to Loki at first but after years, it was comforting. A drumming tempo played upon the windows of his isolated cabin, lulling the god into a peaceful trance as he read the same passage over and over again. Normally, he would have been finished with the entire book by now, and the one after that and the one after that but these were not normal circumstances.
He felt his mind failing him, crumbling before him but he had no motivation to even attempt to put it back together. There was truly no point since everything he had worked so hard for was destroyed.
His crown was gone, stripped from him by his father for being a traitor to his own kind. All of his comforts were taken away and burned save for his books and his wedding ring. It was not a sentimental nor a pitying action but a reminder, as his father had told him, of what he had done, of who he had hurt with his selfish actions.
The black metal had been enchanted to remain upon his finger no matter how hard he tried to take it off, not that he had ever even thought about removing it.
And her.
She ran. She was taken. She chose her brother. She didn't know everything.
He loathed her. He loved her.
With a heavy sigh, Loki shut his book. The gold lettering on the leather cover yet again reminding him of what he had so foolishly lost. “To sleep, perchance to dream.” He muttered softly, recalling Hamlet's own strife.
Loki rose to his feet, his body weak. “Perhaps I will dream of her.” The rain never stopped as his eyes slid shut, plunging him into peaceful nothingness.
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“Do you ever dream about me?” Her voice was distant, wavering like TV static during a storm.
“Always. You consume my every thought little star.” She scoffed, looking back at him from over her shoulder. Her eyes were shrouded in shadow, her skin so much more dull than he remembered.
“That's bullshit.” She hissed. “It's been months since you last visited. I prayed to you everyday but you never bothered to show up until you wanted something from me.” He glanced down at the necklace in his hands, a promise he wished to form with her.
“I cannot always leave my home, they will get suspicious.” He attempted to make her understand. He stepped closer but she pulled even further away. A tear rolled down her full cheek.
“Yeah, I know.” She turned away from him, fixing her eyes to the growing storm clouds on the horizon. “I need to go home now.”
“Goodbye Loki.”
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The smell of coffee and bacon filled the small kitchen, providing a comforting warmth to Y/N as she stood over the stove, mindlessly cooking breakfast. Her dream was still so vivid in her mind.
It made her chest ache with betrayal and confusion. She had known him, or at least she thought she did, and he had turned into a monster. It was because of him that Hydra had taken her, because of him that she was tortured, because of him that she was forced into a marriage she didn't want that warped her own self view to the point where she couldn't even remember who she was before.
And yet, her heart still yearned for him.
She wanted to cry, to scream, to do something other than becoming some obedient girlfriend to another man who only loved the idea of her. But she did none of that, instead she kept her mouth firmly sewn shut and her hands busy.
“Well this is certainly a good morning, doll.” Strong arms wrapped around her thick waist as Steve laid his chin upon her shoulder. Her smile was soft but it didn't reach her eyes.
“I just wanted to surprise you.” She responded as she flipped the bacon. He squeezed her even tighter and kissed her temple.
“Mmm you spoil me. Maybe tonight, I can spoil you too.” His lips travelled downwards, causing her to sigh as he reached her neck. His palm spread open along her soft stomach and pushed her body further into his own, allowing her to feel his hardening length against her back. “I'll grab some wine and dinner stuff when I finish my run and you can be my dessert.”
Y/N internally cringed but quickly tamped that feeling down. “I would love that Stevie.” She purred, intentionally rocking back into his cock. Steve hissed into her skin, laying one more sloppy kiss to her throat before he pulled himself away from her reluctantly.
“Tease.” He snipped and with a parting squeeze to her hips, he left the kitchen, adjusting his sweatpants as he did.
There was a beat of blissful quiet and then another set of footsteps approached. “How long are you going to continue this?”
“What are you talking about?” She replied to the witch but didn't turn around, knowing that if she did, Y/N's will would crumble. The edges of the bacon curled, turning black as they burned but she didn't pull them off the fire.
Wanda's eyes stared into the back of her skull. “You can pretend all you want but it won't work, you will return to him.”
Anger flared inside her. “Wanda.” She warned, her voice dropping dangerously low. The steel pan handle began to bend in her hold, the metal starting to melt.
“You're bound to him, not just by marriage and the longer you reject that, the longer you and him will suffer. You're already suffering, how long has it been since you used your powers? You're either numb or angry all the time, you're killing yourself! But you can fix all of this, if you just-”
“Enough!” The pan was slammed back onto the stove, its contents now entirely charcoal, smoke steadily rising from it. Y/N snarled at her friend. “What I do or do not do is none of your fucking business and you certainly have no right to tell me to return to a man who blatantly manipulated me just for his own gain. And for once, I would like to make my own fucking decisions and have at least one person fucking support me- god knows my brother doesn't considering that he hasn't talked to me in a week. So either you be my friend or you leave me the fuck alone.”
Blinded by her rage, she stormed from the kitchen, not noticing the way that Wanda smiled knowingly at her, waving off the small cloud of smoke she left behind.
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Loki's vision was blurred, coated with sleep that he couldn't quite wipe away. Taking in a laboured breath, the giant turned to lay on his back, easing the growing pain in his limbs.
It had been days since he last left his bed, letting his body and soul rot into the silk sheets he had stolen from the palace. He thought they still smelt of her but as the days continued, he knew that it was only his mind seeking some sort of false comfort as his body slowly began to fail.
Long blue fingers curled into the pillow beside his head as cold tears dripped down his cheeks. “My little star, I am so sorry.”
His eyes shut once more.
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Y/N didn't mind Steve's bedroom, it was homey and a little old fashioned but he always kept the ac on and it was tucked away from the rest of the residential rooms so it was quiet. Without the super soldier there with her, she felt like she could breathe given how private it was. But that was not the case at that moment.
Still wound up, she stormed into his room, slamming open the door as he pulled his running bottoms on. “Take those off, you won't need 'em.” Steve easily obeyed, letting his hands drop in favour of grabbing at her, pulling her into a needy kiss.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm ready Steve.” She breathed against his lips and his eyelids fluttered as he let out a deep groan. His head dipped down in favour of lathering her neck with sloppy and uncoordinated kisses that sent the wrong kind of chill down her spine.
She would forget Loki, that's what she was ready for and if Steve could accomplish that, he deserved to take what he wanted.
“I can't believe this is actually happening.” Steve's voice vibrated through her skin as his hands clamped down onto her hips, keeping her in place against him. Her head was tilted back, eyes shut and lips parted with her soft breaths.
She couldn't believe it either but she wouldn't say that out loud, instead, she sank into his arms letting him feel the expanse of her body against his.
His hands slipped down to her ass, holding the flesh slightly too tight as he bit down on her neck. She winced but swallowed it down, happy enough for the distraction. That ache in her chest had yet to dissipate, in fact only becoming stronger with each passing moment.
“Steve.” She forced the moan from her throat, just barely biting back the name that constantly sat on the tip of her tongue. He responded with a roll of his hips.
She let his touch wander beneath her shirt. This was normal, it was expected. Boy meets girl, girl and boy get crushes on each other, they kiss, then they sleep together. That was the natural order but everything about this felt so wrong. All she could think about was him: about the mark that he left on her soul, the ring he had put on her finger, the promises he made to her.
Just as her doubts began to take priority on her mind, she was suddenly bare before the super soldier, her shirt dropped unceremoniously to the floor and everything stopped.
Steve's blue eyes went wide as he took in her naked torso but not out of lust. “What did he do to you?”
“It wasn't-” She tried to get out but was quickly cut off by Steve grabbing her hips in a vice-like grip but somehow not touching any part of her scar.
“That fucking monster, look what he's done to you.” He scoffed in disgust. “We'll make him pay, I promise. We- we can fix this, you can go back to normal, I promise.”
“Excuse me?” It took barely a flick of her wrist to push the man away, sending him sprawling onto the floor of his bedroom, his face now fixed with a look of bewilderment. “Fix me?”
The air began to shimmer around her as her anger once more made an appearance. The floorboards groaned as Steve rose to his feet, his stature was supposed to be imposing she thought but she could only see a boy attempting to throw his weight around.
“I can help you, I'll help you forget him and we can properly go back to the way things were.” His voice was so full of pity that it sounded disingenuous.
“Like getting rid of my powers?”
“Yes!” He said before he could stop himself.
Everything froze in that moment and for a second, Y/N found herself tempted to agree with him, to let him strip away everything that had happened to her over the past 7 months. But then, Steve spoke again.
“Don't you want that? We can be together, like we're supposed to.” He reached out for her but she flinched away, her hand automatically reaching for her necklace. His nostrils flared.
“This is what's best for you.” He snarled but it wasn't Steve's voice that echoed that same phrase in her mind.
The regret set in almost instantly from the moment she turned her back on Loki but he had broken her heart and her trust. The tears started as soon as she stepped through her front door.
“Oh my sweet girl.” She collapsed into her mother's arms, sobbing loudly and staining her shirt with hot tears. Her mother cooed, rocking her gently as she attempted to comfort her heartbroken daughter. She held her close, even as the storm closed in on their small home and the light of day gave way to the blackness of night.
It was only when she finally fell asleep, exhausted and burnt out, that her mother let her go, gently laying her on their small but plush couch to sleep away her tears.
Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the living room in a bright white. A huge clap of thunder startled her awake as it shook the house. Slowly, she sat up, rubbing at her sore eyes while attempting to get her bearings.
Her stomach turned with anxiety as she looked around the shadowy room, unable to make out any defined shapes in the darkness. “Hello?” She croaked out but nothing changed.
Just as she sighed and laid back down on the soft cushions beneath her, the room lit up once more, revealing a man standing in the corner by the window. Then darkness consumed them once more.
Frozen in fear, she could only stare, wide-eyed, at the place she saw the man, hoping that it was just some figment of her tired mind. The thunder that followed was more distant than before, a mere groan as opposed to the roar it had been only seconds before.
Then, lightning struck once more and the man was standing beside her head. He was tall and had all white hair but what caught her attention the most was a golden eyepatch that perfectly reflected the powerful storm outside.
Her jaw dropped, about to scream but a huge palm over her mouth forced her to remain silent, effectively muffling any sound she could make. “Stay silent child, this will be quick.”
With his free hand, he reached into a small bag that was tied to his hip and pulled out a small vial half-filled with a dark liquid. “You have become a nuisance, a distraction and I will not have you disrupt my plans.” The hand over her mouth then darted to her jaw, forcing her lips apart with a bruising force.
“You will forget him and he will forget you.” The liquid was vile as it touched her tongue and she attempted to squirm away but the teen was no match for this man and the foul concoction was forced down her throat.
As soon as the glass container was empty, he released her. She sagged back down, her eyelids suddenly weighing a tonne as the man stepped back, slipping back into the shadows. Her memories of the boy she loved, slipping through her fingers like sand, tumbling away into nothing. “You will thank me for this one day. This is what's best for you.”
Y/N stumbled back, her hands flying to cradle her head as if it could ease the painful migraine overwhelming her senses. The room spun and she struggled to catch her breath. Everything, she could remember everything.
“It wasn't his fault.” She whispered in shock. Her eyes fluttered open to meet Steve's gaze, pinning him in place with a glare. “I did this to myself. I had no control over my powers and I was foolish enough to literally play with fire with no one around to put me out. Loki saved me, not only from Hydra but from myself and he did it long before I even met you.”
“You have never once bothered to ask me what would make me feel better, only assuming that you were the solution to all my problems- that your love,” she hissed this last word, “could somehow cure me of who I've become. And I'm fucking sick of it. I've tried this my way- training and constantly forcing myself to relive my worst moments, I've done this your way- pressing all my emotions into a tiny little box so I'm just a doll that can be kept locked away for your enjoyment. Maybe it's time I try my husband's way. And that's right, Loki is my husband and will remain to be until the end of our days.”
“Y/N-” Steve tried to stop her but quickly retreated, the heat radiating from her skin far too hot for him to endure.
She scooped up her shirt and slipped it back on, the special fibres created by Tony withstanding the flames threatening to burst from her, and looked at the soldier with pity. “Thor told me that Loki was an oddity, a strange man but he was no monster. I should have listened to him, I should have told him to bring me back to Jotunheim the moment I found out who he really was but I didn't, instead I squeezed myself back into a roll I outgrew months ago. I regret that the most, that I turned my back on the one person who could possibly understand my pain. Hopefully, there's time to make this right.”
Her steps from his room were slow at first, shaky with her nerves but with each muffled thud of her bare feet meeting the floor, her confidence grew. Embers flew behind her as she began to run, gunning right for the front door.
FRIDAY chirped from somewhere behind her, yet she continued to run, her smile growing wider the closer she got to the outside.
“Stop!” Tony slid in front of the door, his chest heaving with laboured breaths. Y/N slid to a halt a metre away from him, her heart pounding loudly in her ears. “I can't let you go.” He practically begged.
“I have to.” But he shook his head. “Tony.”
“No. I cannot lose you again. I'll- I'll build you a huge building so you can destroy it, I'll engineer some kind of robot boyfriend that'll obey your every command, it worked with Wanda! Just please, don't go.” He sounded so tired, so worn down and unlike himself, it made her chest seize for a moment.
She stepped closer, the fire inside dulling enough that she could touch him without hurting him. “You have done so much for me Tony. You've become the grumpy father I never wanted and I don't think there's any way that I can repay you.”
“You could stay here.” She smiled sadly, placing a hand on his chest. The low hum of the arc reactor sent a soft vibration up her forearm.
“I need to know who I am and I can't do that here. I can't do that surrounded by people who only see me as that innocent assistant who could do no wrong. I know you may not like it, but Loki is my way back and I have to follow that path.”
Sighing heavily, Tony's shoulders sagged. “You know I hate admitting that other people are right.” He murmured.
“So I won't make you say it. But you need to trust me, I'll come back. I still need my healthy diet of burgers and trashy TV.” His breath hitched before he pulled her into a fierce hug and then quickly let her go, swallowing back his tears as best he could.
“If he so much as looks at you wrong-”
“I know, I know. He'll have me to deal with.” She smirked, making Tony beam.
“That's my girl.” He stepped aside, albeit with some hesitance, to let her pass. The doors opened to her and with one last look at the man she had come to see as a father, she ran outside.
“Heimdall! Take me to Loki!” The last thing Tony saw of her was her bright smile as the rainbow light enclosed around her body, taking her to a place he could not follow.
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Roommate!Jongho x Fem reader
Word Count: 790
Warnings/tags: mentions of porn, masturbation, protected sex, strength kink
@anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Tell me if u wanna be added to my taglist❣️
The fact you were so turned on ALL damn day was so frustrating. At work, on the way home and even the sight of your roommate Jongho cooking pasta was reason enoufh for you to start dripping between your legs.
You watched as he prepared the red pasta sauce, making circular motions with his hands while stirring the sauce. You rolled your eyes and laid yourself on the couch, turning on the TV.
"Did you want some pasta, Y/N?" Jongho asked. "Yeah, and a fat cock in my hole," you mumbled. "What was that?"
"Yeah, sure," you sighed.
After dinner you made your way upstairs to your room, trying to find a moment to relieve yourself. If you were correct Jongho had a soccer match tonight so he would leave soon. You decided to watch an episode of your favourite hour to stall before helping yourself out.
The sound of skin slapping against each other and the sinful moans coming out of your laptop filled the room. The woman in the video was getting railed so hard you thought she might be split open by the huge cock the man possessed.
You had two of your fingers deep in your cunt and no matter how wet and horny you were, you couldn't cum. You let out a frustrated groan. "Why the fuck can't I just cum," you whined out, rubbing your clit.
You were fed up, pent up and so needy and yet your hand was getting so tired you were gonna give up. Until there was a knock on your door. Wasn't Jongho supposed to he out?
You quickly pulled up the duvet to cover your body, but forgot to pause the video. When Jongho stepped into your room the sounds of the woman screaming out startling him. Your cheeks flushed and you closed your laptop with a loud clap.
"Wow, are you okay?" He asked, not even being that confused by you watching porn. "You sounded surely frustrated. Can't cum, huh?" he asked.
You were surprised with how chill Jongho was, so much more chill than you were. You were nearly shaking with anxiety and excitement.
"Jongho, you should probably go," you said, "I am naked under here." "So?" "Well if you don't want me to rip off that ugly sweater and those way too tight jeans and jump on your cock you need to leave."
He smirked, surprised, but into it. "Well I am not stopping you. I don't mind helping you out with your little problem."
You licked your lips as you were quick to strip him from his clothes, revealing your two naked bodies. It wasn't the first time you saw each other naked, but this was a whole new setting, and you were more than impressed with the size of Jongho's cock.
"Pegged me for a... kinda-small-dick-kinda-dude, Y/N?" Jongho smirked. "Hm, this is not the biggest I've had, mister," you teaser him. "Well, I'll fucking show you what it can do."
You grabbed a condom from your drawer and handed it over to him. "Damn, hasty," Jongho scoffed, putting the condom on.
"I've been fingering myself for 40 minutes, I just want your cock, idiot," you mumbled. Jongho laughed,"I know, I could hear everything. Sucks that your vibrator died, my condoleances," he grinned.
"Yeah, thanks," you rolled your eyes, "now put that dick of yours to work." Jongho scoffed. "You're annoying, now shut up."
Jongho pinned you down, holding your arms above your head with only one of his hands, as he guided his cock into your wet, pleading hole.
You gasped as he stretched your pussy walls, clenching down on him immediately. "So eager," he breathed into your ear, "so needy for some cock, aren't you?"
"Y-yes, oh god," you moaned out as he pistoned his thick cock in and out of your pulsating hole.
"You're so tiny underneath me baby, I could fucking break you in half," he smirked, picking up the pace. You moaned loud as he rocked his hips into you, breasts bouncing along with his sharp thrusts.
"Yes, Jongho, fuck!" You whined, feeling the familiar warmth in your lower tummy. "Is my little one getting close? Gonna cum on my cock? Such a little slut, only needed some cock in her pussy right? Tell me how good I'm making you feel. Only me, hm?"
You shivered, body trembling as you moaned out, releasing and clenching on his length. "Yes, only you, Jongho!"
It didn't like long before Jongho spilled in the condom. He rode out your highs before pulling out and throwing away the condom.
You panted softly, fixing your hair. "Yeah, uhm, that surely helped," you admitted giggly. Jongho smirked. "I am happy to help."
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 7 months
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Y2K!Steve Harrington x MallGoth!Reader headcanons
You can find all things y2k Steve on the Masterlist.
This a lil joint AU me and my bb @reidsbtch have been cooking up you can find all of her y2k Eddie works here. Divider used is by @firefly-graphics.
Your relationship:
• You and Steve met on Halloween and have been inseparable since, you pretty much just started dating after that.
• For you first date he picked you up and surprised you with a picnic in the cemetery and then took you to see Queen Of The Damned. You swooned so hard and he asked you to be his official girlfriend that night.
• It didn’t matter how long you and Steve had known each other it’s just a “when you know you know.” Kind of relationship. He tells you he loves you two weeks into knowing you.
• Steve will do anything for his girl. He knows you don’t like to drive so whenever he’s not working he takes you wherever you need to go. He loves running errands with you.
• He LOVES to spoil you. Whenever he sees a vampire book or a plushie you’d like he always picks it up and surprises you with it.
• He calls you “angel” and the first time he called you that you laughed because it didn’t seem very fitting for you, but always he says “you’re his beautiful dark angel.” And it gives you butterflies every time.
• He absolutely has a Polaroid of your butt in his wallet.
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• He makes pretty good money working as a bank manager, his grandpa helped him get the job before he passed.
• His grandpa also left him his lake house. It’s a decent size and he fantasizes about starting a family with you there.
• He loves chick flicks. (Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, etc.)
• He loves boy bands and top 40 pop music but he loves when you dance around to nu metal in his kitchen in just his polo. It always makes him smile. You listen to it so often he’s learned a lot of the words and he will sing along with you.
• Wears pink on Wednesday’s, even when he works he puts a pink button up under his suit jacket.
• Plays Guitar (Eddie taught him.)
• Is still really close with Robin and the kids but Eddie has become one of his bestfriends as well.
• Drives a red 2002 series 3 BMW
• Wears Abercrombie and Hollister but also wears cute pretty little sweaters
•Wears glasses
• Definitely has a blackberry - His ringtone for you is bad girlfriend by Theory Of A Deadman
• Your contact in his phone is My Dark Angel <3
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• You work at Hot Topic in startcourt mall but you’re going to school to become an art teacher
• Your favorite bands are Korn and Deftones
• You love horror movies but the Chucky and Scream franchises are your favorite
• You’re a huge nerd. You love lotr, Star Wars, Batman comics etc.
• You play D&D and Eddie let’s you join his collage Hellfire group
• You have a few tattoos and your eyebrow and nose pierced.
• Your ringtone for Steve is A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn
• Steve’s name in your phone is Pretty Boy <3
• You have a little black cat named “Wednesday”
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mayakern · 11 months
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in fun news, we got a new sample of our collared sweaters!
i’m really happy with a lot of the changes we’ve made, including making the sweater longer and bringing the neckline up and i really like the way the printed collar is looking. i think we’re getting really close to finalizing our prototype!
there are a few changes that need to be made:
first, we’re gonna add a couple more buttons to the back of the neck so that it has an adjustable fit, since not all necks are built the same
second, i actually need to size down. the material is pretty stretchy so even wearing the size “40” (sized for waist measurement, mine is 42”) it’s too loose in the waist and there’s still stretch left in the bust, so i’ll be trying a 38 and maybe a 36. (it is very normal with stretchy fabrics for the resting measurement of the fabric to be significantly lower than the intended fit). you can tell, esp in the tucked in photos, that this size just doesn’t fit me properly.
third, the shoulder seam is quite low even on me and i have somewhat broad shoulders, so we’re gonna bring that in a bit
fourth, we’re gonna also try another fabric. i like the ribbing on this knit, it has a really nice look to it, but it gets a liiiittle itchy in the arms. this was mostly mitigated by putting the sweater through a single wash cycle with gentle detergent on cold and honestly i don’t think it would bug most people, as i am extremely sensitive to textures and it was still absolutely wearable for me, but if i can have absolutely no itchiness that would be my preference. unfortunately this does mean we’ll be looking at thinner knits with smaller ribbing, so they may not work out, but we’ll see!
and last, we’ll be changing the lace… at some point. we haven’t gotten there yet haha
(also please ignore the red and blue stripes, this is just what our manu has lying around in this weave)
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itscomingupaces · 6 months
We all know Dylan has his cat Schrödinger, do any you think any of the other counselors have pets, either pre-canon or in the future? What kind do you envision for each of them? (I feel like surely Laura the pre-veterinary student would have some critters at least!)
ooh this is a good ask, thank you!
I love pets, so this might be more biased towards having them than not.
Laura: She always had pets, that's a big reason she wanted to go into veterinary medicine. I can see her having a hamster or pet rats in undergrad. When she gets into vet school, she adopts two of the teaching dogs when they retire. By the time she's a full veterinarian, there are like 3 rabbits, two cats, and two dogs in their house. How do they feed them all? Don't question it.
Max: Max grew up with little dogs, and not much else. He now has a small zoo with Laura, see above. His favourite is the big fluffy orange cat they adopted after finding him under their porch with no collar or microchip. They had to shave him down due to mats and then dressed him in little sweaters and Max fell in love.
Dylan: Dylan has Schrodinger, of course. I see him as 100% a cat guy. After the events of the Quarry, he fosters a pregnant cat for a shelter and names all the kittens after famous scientists to keep the theme (Einstein, Oppenheimer, Bohr, Franklin, Curie, etc). He keeps Oppy for himself <3
Ryan: I don't think he grew up with pets, and he wasn't sure if he really wanted any. I can see him inheriting a little Betta fish in a bowl from a roommate in art school, and he researches how to properly care for it. From there he gets into fishkeeping. It starts with that betta in a 3 gallon tank, then 5 gallons, then he gets a 40 breeder off like marketplace for $20 and he discovers live plants and tropical schooling fish. If he and Dylan get together, he spends too much time trying to keep the cats away from his tanks lol
Emma: I'm not sure what Emma would have. Maybe something like an Italian greyhound, it sits in the background of videos like a little derp. Or she ends up rescuing a bunch of mutts from the shelter.
Abi: I can see Abi having a bonded pair of rabbits! Or a medium sized dog like a Labrador Retriever. Something soft and friendly that can help her with her anxiety if she gets overwhelmed at home.
Kaitlyn: I love the idea of Kaitlyn having a big pittie or Rottweiler or Doberman, something with scary dog privilege but is really a big baby
Jacob: He gets a golden retriever because he is a golden retriever boyfriend.
Nick: I think he would have something more exotic, like an iguana or a cockatiel.
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