yoikami · 2 years
fucking stop giving disabled people healthy people expectations.
Stop telling us more sport will make us lose weight or be healthier, our bodies do not function regularly anymore and should not be treated without accomodations, moderations and care.
Stop fantasizing that efforts always bring good results, learn about listening to your body.
We function differently and should receive different care methods, and none of your half-assed misinformed ideas that mostly apply to able bodied people.
Our progress is never enough for you, our happiness is less important than your views on what's best for us. Stop ignoring our limitations only to complain our health is stagnating when we push harder.
Stop thinking less struggles or improvements mean we can go back to a trouble-free or pain-free life. We'll just step back again if we get treated "normally" in your invalidating sense of normal.
Accept that our normal is different and deserves to be acknowledged and treated as such.
We shouldn't be held to the same standards as someone who's able to live their life without needing to slow down, stop, recover and crash down or full on break down when it's too much.
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azspicegirlstimeline · 9 months
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8/7/96 - the spice girls arrive in stockholm and are photographed by lars sjögren.
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yuriprince · 15 days
i do have a dr appointment for my stupid fuckoff salivary gland next week tho. that’ll be fun /s
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wuppydog · 8 months
ok so this might be really specific to just me idfk
but does anyone else diagnosed with Sjögren’s Syndrome have these moments where your mouth is super dry and you go to swallow what little spit is in there & it’s like your throat closed up & it feels impossible to swallow & like you’re either gonna choke or suffocate until you then take a drink of something & then it’s fine?!
bc that’s been happening to me a lot lately (been taking my thorazine more frequently & a major side effect is dry mouth so it’s made my Sjögren’s flare up really badly).
it gives me so much anxiety & I have a mini panic attack every time it happens bc it literally feels like I’m gonna die cause I can’t swallow, thus I can’t breathe.
pls someone tell me I’m not alone with this lol 🥲
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tactical-whorefare · 1 year
Gym Beasts
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Doll and König are absolutely the gym couple that work out near each other and drink out of each other's water bottles to assert dominance. They're getting a quad order of Butter Chicken with garlic Naan after this.
Commissioned from the lovely @pluckyshroom as always, please go check out their page!
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crippleprophet · 8 months
seriously though it is kind of terrifying looking at how much i’m sweating rn versus how much i decidedly was not under the same conditions 16 months ago. like i was definitely aware of the risks at the time & yk i misted myself like a plant & shit but i was a little too busy telling myself nothing was actually wrong with me for the horror to fully sink in to scale.
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svanverse · 3 months
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Rasal thinks how cunning it was of Ingrid to place her in a psychiatric ward. Losing sanity was what Rasal feared most.
Even closing her eyes doesn't offer solace; monsters sneak beneath her eyelids, scratch and wet them. In the light, they disappear, but something else materializes — the cold walls of the room, the stained tiles, and the bright, artificial light from the window.
"I can definitely handle it," Rasal lies, "I have to."
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Emil Sjögren (1853-1918) - Poeme in C Major, Op. 40: Poeme (Lento e molto espressivo) , Op. 40 ·
Per Enoksson · Kathryn Stott ·
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enfreakment · 2 years
inaugurated the sjögren’s syndrome tag on ao3 because my only modes are religious trauma and chronic illness and i’ve already got an exvangelical wip going. link in reblogs + i’m always taking disability prompts & headcanons!
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 10 months
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El 23 de julio se conmemora una patología que afecta a miles de personas en el mundo, caracterizada por la resequedad de las membranas mucosas y las glándulas que producen humedad en los ojos y la boca. Se celebra el Día Mundial del Síndrome de Sjögren.
¿Qué es el Síndrome de Sjögren?
El Síndrome de Sjögren es un trastorno crónico del sistema inmunitario, que afecta a las glándulas exocrinas, generando inflamación de las membranas mucosas y las glándulas salivales, produciendo menor cantidad de lágrimas, saliva, mucosas en la laringe y tráquea y secreciones vaginales.
Asimismo, puede ocasionar dolor articular y erupciones cutáneas. Esta patología reumática e inflamatoria puede estar asociada a otras enfermedades, tales como esclerodermia, artritis reumatoide, lupus eritematoso sistémico y cirrosis biliar. Afecta a las articulaciones y algunos órganos como hígado, riñones, piel, pulmones y tiroides.
Los síntomas del Síndrome de Sjögren varían en cada paciente, dificultando su diagnóstico oportuno e incidiendo en mayor proporción en mujeres y personas mayores de 40 años de edad:
Resequedad en los ojos y la boca.
Aparición de caries dentales.
Dificultad para masticar y tragar alimentos sólidos.
Enrojecimiento de los ojos y lagañas abundantes.
Sensibilidad de los ojos al sol y la luz artificial.
Diagnóstico y tratamiento del Síndrome de Sjögren
El diagnóstico del Síndrome de Sjögren debe ser efectuado por un médico especialista, mediante una evaluación física y la aplicación de las siguientes pruebas y exámenes:
Análisis de laboratorio.
Exámenes oculares: prueba de Schirmer y exámen con lámpara de hendidura.
Gammagrafía, sialografía y centellografía de las glándulas salivales.
Biopsia del labio.
El tratamiento de esta enfermedad está orientado a controlar la sequedad ocular y bucal del paciente, con las siguientes recomendaciones:
Aplicación de lágrimas artificiales.
Uso de humidificadores ambientales.
Aplicación de ungüentos oculares.
Utilización de gafas de sol.
Revisiones oftalmológicas periódicas.
Uso de pilocarpina para estimular la producción de saliva.
La higiene bucal con dentífricos especiales y que contengan flúor.
Uso de aerosoles nasales con solución salina.
Visitas periódicas al ginecólogo y utilización de lubricantes vaginales.
Aplicación de cremas humectantes para la piel.
¿Cómo prevenir este Síndrome?
A continuación mostramos algunas recomendaciones para la prevención y detección precoz del Síndrome de Sjögren, así como el manejo de los síntomas en pacientes diagnosticados, para el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida:
Acudir al reumatólogo para chequeos médicos preventivos.
Efectuar regularmente alguna actividad física.
Beber agua para mantenerse hidratado durante el día.
Procurar una dieta alimenticia equilibrada, evitando el consumo de alimentos secos, picantes, ácidos, salados o a temperaturas extremas.
Acudir periódicamente al odontólogo, limitando el consumo de alimentos y bebidas ácidas o con azúcares refinados.
Evitar el consumo de cigarrillos y bebidas alcohólicas.
Utilizar jabones y gel a base de avena, para la piel.
Comparte información útil e interesante sobre el Día Mundial del Síndrome de Sjögren en las redes sociales. Utiliza los hashtags #DiaMundialSjögren #WorldSjögrensDay
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lesbidykez · 2 years
I seriously wish Sjögren’s Syndrome was talked about more. I’m in the diagnostic process right now and can hardly find anything on it, especially things in plain language instead of hyper medical terms and phrasings. Or just people talking about living with it. Why are we so silent as a community?
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artristica · 1 year
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El autocuidado es un hábito y una cultura de por vida siendo un conjunto de acciones que se toman para proporcionarnos salud mental, física y emocional esto hay que tenerlo en cuenta, por eso, debe adaptarse a tus necesidades. Una de las principales excusas que nos decimos para no persistir en el autocuidado es: simplemente no tengo tiempo, afortunadamente hay un gran número de cosas que podemos hacer por nosotros y ninguna de ellas es especialmente difícil o requiere mucha planificación, el truco es encontrar algo que realmente disfrutemos y que se ajuste a nuestra vida y valores. #artritisreumatoide #fibromialgia #esclerosismúltiple #sjögren #hipotiroidismo #cáncer #artrosis #diabetes #crohn #hipertension #dolorcrónico #dolorneuropatico #fatigacrónica #saludmental #salud #bienestar #autoinmunes #autocuidado https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqRLulLoQS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janersm · 1 year
Driving or Existing Outside with Light Sensitivity During the Daytime
When it’s sunny: I wear my sunglasses.
When it’s cloudy: I wear my sunglasses.
When it’s raining: I wear my sunglasses.
When it’s dusk: I wear my sunglasses.
When I drive through shaded places: I wear my sunglasses.
When it’s snowing: I don’t wear them. I develop a bad migraine. I have no one to blame for this but me.
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tactical-whorefare · 1 year
A bit about Doll
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Illnesses/Diseases: NA Medical History: Trauma surgery 06.04.2021, Wisdom Teeth Removal 12.22.2020, Fractured Arm, (left) 03.12.2020, Gunshot Wound 03.12.2020 Broken Femur (left) 05.15.2015, Lacerated lung via broken ribs 05.15.2015 Addictions: NA Allergies: Latex Allergy Medications: NA Blood Type: A+                                     PERSONALITY INFORMATION
Name: Sara Aurora Sjögren Nickname: “Doll”
Birthday: May 1st, 1995
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Single Children: None.
Unit: Royal Norwegian Army Medical Service, Forsvarets Sanitet Women’s 1st Medical Battalion “The Valkyries” Rank: Stabssersjant OR-7 (Staff Sergeant E-7) Role: Combat Medic
Nationality: Norwegian Faceclaim: Dove Cameron                                             PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
Height: 152.4cm (5’0”) Weight: 61.23kg (135 lbs) Body Type: Mesomorph Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Hair Length/Texture: Length is to lower-back, Wavy/Braided into double braids, Skin Color: Fair Scars/Marks/Distinguishing Features: Freckles across face and shoulders. Tattoos/Body Piercings/Body Modifications: Ear lobes pierced.                                             MEDICAL INFORMATION
Likes: She plays airsoft and paintball in her time off (and is a remarkably good shot), Gardening (Fall gardens are her favorite!) and is definitely a drink girlie. (One for energy, one for hydration, one for fun at all times.)
Dislikes: Coffee and other bitter drinks, Pork in every sense, and Dishonesty (like lying even about very little things). Strengths: 
-> Resourceful - Whether it being ways to carry enormous Operators off the battlefield to simply knowing who is best to ask for certain tasks, Doll has a great range of internal and personable knowledge at her disposal to get the job done.
-> Humorous - A social butterfly by nature, Doll has never known a stranger in her life and happily gets on with a menagerie of soldiers, civilians and other branches by the power of good humor. Quick with a come-back, mental sparring with her usually leads to a quick friendship. Weaknesses: 
-> Stubborn - A true Taurus, she is hard-sold to be swayed from what she deems as truth, and ever capricious atop that. Once given a proper fact that disproved what she might have thought was true, she just as quickly changes her mind and holds hard-strung to her new hill to die on.
-> Nitpicky - While not a perfectionist by any means, she’s as close as they come to tripping over the line head over heels. Her clinic area is religiously cleaned, her personal appearance is painstakingly ‘dolled’, and you better believe every get-home bag is filled to the gills after every mission. There is just a certain way things are done and that is how they are meant to be done! Fears: Snakes and Good liars (She trusts easily.) Pet Peeves: Stubborn patients who don’t obey medical orders. Traits: Sara is generally mild-mannered and polite to a fault, having never known a stranger in her life. She is warm-hearted and maternal. And while she is strict in her professionalism, she always makes time for her friends and fellow officers alike, allowing them space to vent and talk. In that way, she makes for a good sounding board for those who take her up on the opportunity. But that is not to say that she doesn’t have her negative attributes. Just as easily as she could have been painted a patron saint for the calming tides of kindness and understanding, she is also a horribly stubborn woman with a trigger temper and a surprisingly vengeful side.                                                         GEAR
Loadout of choice: (Primary) STTB 556, (5 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) P890 (3 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) SOG Tactical Knife Combat Medic Ruck Pack IFAK Thigh Harness
Body Armor Battlevest-Plate Carrier + Name, Medic Cross and Country Patches. COMTAC V Headset with Mic Forearm Gauntlets Rothko 1185 Tactical Kneepads Oakley Coyote Tac Boots Anti-slip Half-finger Hardback Gloves.
                                     ��       BACKSTORY
Sara was born on Lofoten Island, Norway, technically the ‘second’ to oldest child of thirteen children total due to her twin brother Seth being born eleven seconds ahead of her. Life was always hectic and busy, no more so than playing ‘Army’ in their huge field of a backyard with the literal army of brothers and sisters she had. Even despite being one of the oldest, one should think she would be one of the lead commands, right? But Seth certainly would never have it. He was Captain, She was Medic- That's just how it was. But it ultimately fostered a rivalry between them that would last well into adulthood. Kids play rough and usually that was the way many games of Army ended was with a crying younger sibling and Sara patching wounds at the kitchen table, undeniably proficient despite her want of being in charge. Both parents thought this was a pretty standard play considering their father was a Marine himself. Seth desperately wanted to be just like him..and Sara did too.
It felt like a race to the top between herself and her older brother, a competition that always seemed to strain on the precipice between good, fun rivalry and actually throwing hands. They had both signed up for the armed forces as soon as they were of age, Seth having originally kept intentions of joining the police force, but with instigation to agitate his sister, instead joined the Royal Marines, and Sara, the Royal Norwegian Army after failing the Marine PFT. It was a devastatingly bitter pill to swallow knowing that her brother, who never had intentions of joining had done so with ease while she having wanted it more than anything was ripped away from her. It has taken several years for Sara to even talk to her brother from this. But her proficiency and determination was valued greatly in this field, allowing her to become sharply skilled and proud- determined to be more than just ‘playing nurse’ like her childhood games.
Sara was accepted into the Norwegian Military Academy in Oslo to take her NCO courses before formally enlisting into the Norwegian Army Medical Service in 2013. While in the NAMS, Sara took on several specialized training courses surrounding her homeland, namely, cold combat and survival and tactical combat casualty care. After thirty weeks of intensive training in her specialized area of care, Sara graduated and was expeditiously placed on a joint Norway/Sweden medical alliance MedEvac team (Forsvarets Sanitet 22nd Medical Battalion/ 12th Combat Aviation Brigade) set out of Mali during the later end of the insurgence and were initially to be integrated into Sweden’s Takuba contingent. During the very brief stay in Mali after having been part of the leading force in setting up the MASH unit, The Norwegian Defense Minister pulled the plug on the operation after being unable to reach an agreement for the safety of their medics as the war took on an increasingly violent swing. It was at the end of their six-week tour when they were given orders to head back to Oslo to await further orders when their UH-60 MedEvac Black Hawk was shot down by enemy fire over a mountainous region of the neutral zone, crash landing in one of the many desert ravines nearby. Several people jumped from the burning, spinning Black Hawk, one of them being Sara who had jumped while holding tight to an injured German Lieutenant, whom she may or may not have had a relationship with, who had been hitching a ride back to NATO territory. The Lieutenant quickly died of his injuries from the fall that left Sara and two others as the sole survivors despite grievous injuries. Sara had broken her femur in the fall along with several other injuries that prevented her from being able to move her more seriously injured survivors. With broken leg and all, she administered life saving care to her two battalion members, the three of them stayed downed in the desert for a solid 22 hours as they defended themselves from active fire against the armed insurgents that surrounded them while foot-backup arrived- Per one of Sara’s panicked radio transmissions that any air Evac would have been promptly shot down. To their rescue as the 24 hour mark hit was a regiment of German Bundeswehr who had responded to their SOS on foot. Once arrived, they disposed of the rogue insurgents in short order and rescued Sara and the other two survivors before quickly laying claim to the area, further decreasing the neutral zone size. 
Sara was an emotional wreck following the crash, overnight shootout and subsequent injury, and was unable to continue her tour due to the emotional and physical toll it had taken, but on a positive note was given a Silver Star Medal along with the other two survivors for being Wounded in Action as well as an invitation to join and train with one of the elite SpecOps of the Norwegian Army, the Women’s 1st Medical Battalion, the Valkyries. But the invitation would have to wait until she healed. From 2015 to 2016 she was placed on light duty, transferring to a UK joint base as a Norwegian Army Representative for the bilateral training co-op of combat medics following her treatment and release from the Oslo VA hospital. Once placed back on active duty, Sara was expeditiously placed onto The Valkyries training team, their first order of business being to set up a MedEvac station near the security force center of the Anbar Province where the majority of injuries were coming from, they would also frequent Baghdad serving something as a supply Heli as well. Sara worked and trained the Valkyrie Battalion clear until the Afghanistan war had ceased in 2021. Post war, the Valkyrie Battalion was put on OC reserve, disbanded for the time being and her soldiers split up.   This would be Sara’s first encounter with KorTac. Upon examination of Sara’s skills and aptitude and a few weeks after the Valkyrie Battalion was put on reserve, Sara was offered a contract with KorTac as a combat medic once more. Initially, Sara declined, unsure if she could manage herself without the structure of the Army she had known for so many years, but after a peek at the pay, she was suitably convinced by KorTac’s recruiters to sign the dotted line.                                         HEADCANONS -> Is unusually quiet and nervous inside transport Helis. She could really do with an anxiety pill. -> Surprisingly vicious in hand-to-hand- she does not have the weight or strength to make hard hits, so she is ruthlessly brutal the first time so she doesn’t have to fight long. -> Wants to be married and have a family some day. She knows it won’t be any time soon, but her end goal, if she doesn’t die on a mission first, is to retire out from the military, marry and start having children.
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crippleprophet · 2 years
hello fellow chronically dry mfs what eye drops are we using
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digitaltariq · 2 months
Starbreeze CEO Tobias Sjögren abruptly leaves studio following Payday 3's tough launch
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Starbreeze CEO Tobias Sjögren has departed the studio as the corporate searches for "completely different management". In a press release shared on-line on March 12 (through Game Developer), the Payday 3 developer introduced that after three years as CEO, Tobias Sjögren can be stepping down from the position. Board member Juergen Goeldner will take the interim place of CEO whereas the corporate appears to be like for a everlasting answer. "The corporate has a transparent technique centered round creating enticing video games on our personal and licensed IPs," mentioned Torgny Hellström, Chairman of Starbreeze. "The board’s consolidated evaluation is that the execution of technique wants a unique management. Juergen Goeldner has been a part of the board since 2023 and, with over 40 years of business expertise, is a robust interim answer." Starbreeze notes that Sjögren can be out there on the studio for a clean transition and thanked the now-former CEO for his work in the course of the previous three years. "Tobias took over the helm of Starbreeze in a difficult part of its journey and we want him properly in his future endeavors,” Hellström continues. Goeldner additionally shared an announcement saying that after launching Payday 3 "the corporate is well-positioned to leverage the strengths of the group to monetize and develop the IP portfolio" and is "trying ahead to assuming an operative place and, along with the administration, make sure the execution of this technique." Though Payday 3 wasn't talked about in relation to Sjögren's departure, it is troublesome to not correlate the 2, contemplating the sport's disastrous launch solely six months in the past. Payday 3 launched in September and was met with problems with server instability and matchmaking issues throughout all platforms. The issues had been so unhealthy, the sport needed to be quickly taken offline to be fastened. After weeks of ready for the primary main replace, some issues nonetheless caught round, and it wasn't till November that Starbreeze addressed the issues and shared its plans for the sport going ahead. Final month, Sjögren lastly shared an announcement on the sport's scenario, revealing that though the sport’s gross sales and participant exercise “are presently at considerably decrease ranges than we want,” its “absolute precedence” is ensuring it “lives as much as expectations.” For extra, make sure you try our roundup of the greatest co-op video games, in addition to the greatest FPS video games. Read the full article
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