#sjw bs
bitchy-peachy · 3 months
"That ship doesn't make any sense! 😂"
And what are you gonna do about people shipping it, bitch? Cry about people having fun with fictional characters?
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vodenanimfa · 1 year
I wish cultural appropriation was understood better by the average person and wasn't dismissed as it tends to be. I wish people were more willing to be informed of what appropriation and appreciation of cultures foreign to them actually means. It's a big gap in socialisation.
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
sometimes i forget that tumblr has conservatives on here bro
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
The problem is, I’ve seen so many accusations of fandom racism come down to shipping discourse that I kind of have boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome on it.
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they-thespian666 · 4 months
Wow rage is a really good motivator for making art
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nqueso-emergency · 11 days
Ok so some of your anons got me curious and I scrolled aaaaaalll the way back through Lou’s ig and… what? It was so inoffensive I thought I was missing something??? Sure, it’s bad dudebro jokes and the wedding meme is boomer levels of stupid, but it’s nothing egregious?? I was fully prepared for racist, transphobic, homophobic, 2016 anti-sjw bs but there’s nothing of the sort??? AND PEOPLE ARE COMPARING SHIT MEMES TO RACIAL SLURS???? DID I MISS SOMETHING??? bye.💀
Yeah. You missed that lou is white and his character kissed Evan Buckley
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
As a trans person I never could get into Dead End Paranormal Park, but not for the same reason conservatives hate it for “pushing an agenda”. While Barney’s situation with his parents is relatable, I don’t care for him that much. He looks like a right wing, blue haired “SJW” stereotype. It also reminded me a bit of Twelve Forever which I also tried watching and couldn’t get into because of some of the gross out. The artstyle made me feel like it was a cheap copy of Steven Universe. I know the whole “cal-arts” thing is BS but it kind of is true about Dead End. Aside from SU or TOH, I struggled to enjoy a lot of these queer tumblr cartoons. I don’t really agree with the “watch this because it’s gay” mindset, I just want a good show with good characters and good animation. Most of my ships are M/F and I do prefer anime over western animation, not for gross or homophobic reasons mind you. Can anyone relate to being queer/trans and not liking a popular queer show/ship/character?
Conservatives/transphobes/transmeds dni
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hey tumblr! hot tip!!! if you see people criticizing your fav actor/creator/celeb etc for a lack of support for Palestine and want to get big mad abt it:
ask yourself, deeply and truly, why this makes you angry. really. why does that make you angry? look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
Don't pull out the following terms: "keyboard warrior", "what have YOU done lately besides be high and mighty on the internet?", "double standards", "this is The Internet(tm) Of Course Words Matter More Than Actions", etc. because uh
you dont know who I am. you don't know what I'm doing. at the same goes for anyone and everyone on this site. sure, maybe they're the soyjak sjw you're picturing, marinating in sweat and dorito crumbs while they sip boba surrounded by plushies and obscure pride flags, wallowing in self-centered hypocrisy
or maybe they're not. maybe they shaved all their hair off because they had too much on-camera recognition and feared being followed home by cops, like had happened to their peers.
maybe they've been manhandled and shoved by security and police recently.
maybe they're endangering the scholarships that are their only reason to live rather than stay silent on their college's ties to the military-industrial complex.
maybe they lie to their parents and family friends and ANY older friends about where they are in the evening because they know that the truth could destroy those relationships
maybe they're Jewish and struggling to understand how their community can be so unable to see the reality of the situation
I'm not saying I'm doing The Most Ever, or even that I'm doing a lot. I'm not, not by my community's standards, not in comparison to my friends and peers, and especially not currently as im dealing with finals. I'm just showing up and doing what I can, even though it isnt much.
and I'm not going to assume that anyone saying this bs ALSO isnt doing anything for the movement
maybe you are! if so, thats great!
but fucking think before you speak because you have literally no idea who you're talking to or what their life is like. even if you're doing The Most Bestest Possible Ever for the movement rn, online and off 24/7
you have no right to pass judgement based on what you ASSUME about a stranger.
you have no right and no reason to think that anyone who "complains" online is thus inactive irl, in fact that makes literally no sense.
if you're really about genuine activism and radical action and support of this movement. why are you being a dick to people for speaking out?
and if you're not. if you just think that we're a bunch of whiny hypocrites looking for a reason to get on your high horse....
then man you are just a waste of life im sry idk what to tell u. get off tumblr, do some research, change yourself. "get better soon bestie" or something idk i dont even have words for that kinda brainlessness.
I'm just saying, I don't think the cops, or the president of my university, or the security and event staff at (REDACTED) would call me a "keyboard warrior" lmaoooooo
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antiquesintheattic · 6 months
please don’t think that ANY of that ideology has stuck with me through the years. it took way too long but i have gone out of my way to unlearn all the bs i was taught growing up and i’m normal now i promise. i also absolutely blame the youtube algorithm for constantly pushing the sjw cringe compilation rage bait shit 😭
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aemiron-main · 2 years
ahahah noo em don’t talk about the prevalence of “enlightened centrism” in the byler tag lately and the rise of it within online communities as a whole over the past few years and how enlightened centrism is awful and is defined as instead of thinking “both sides have good and bad,” enlightened centrism focuses on “both sides are bad and I am morally superior for thinking so OR taking sides is morally bad/I am morally superior for being neutral” and how the issue with enlightened centrism isn’t even the cowardice of neutrality when it comes to certain topics/when neutrality becomes too prevalent and stunts your ability to create firm arguments and cope with disagreement (which that is an issue but not the main issue), but rather, the way that enlightened centrism frames that neutrality as an inherent moral good/form of morally superior thinking.
and how THAT moral framework & the way that morality is part of enlightened centrism ties into the way that people take personal discomfort and shift it into being framed as/presented as Moral Wrongdoing/Outrage (ie how people will see something that makes them Personally Uncomfortable and try and justify turning it into a Moral Issue and try to make that thing/the existence of it out to be Morally Bad, especially when they also then try and position themselves as a Moral Good)
and how all of THAT ties into a fundamental lack of understanding of boundaries and what boundaries actually are and how that fundamental lack of understanding of what boundaries are, their purpose, and how they actually function is something that goes right back to the boomers generation & the generation raised by boomers & that generation after & how THAT is tied to the high rates of neglectful and abusive parenting amongst boomers & also genuinely tied to things like leaded gas and lead paint exposure.
and how all of that ties into why I was previously surprised that we had a huge terf in the byler tag but now am not surprised at all because even though I’m NOT saying that the majority of byers are terfs because that is inaccurate, I AM saying that centrism, especially enlightened centrism, by its very nature creates a breeding ground for fostering rightwing ideology like terfism and how it’s very much a fact that right wingers and bigots rely heavily on centrism as a shield to hide behind & how a centrist (again especially an enlightened centrist) is a rightwingers biggest unintentional (and sometimes intentional but that’s a whole other topic) ally and the whole concept of how staying neutral in times of oppression means you have automatically taken the side of the oppressor and how byler tag disagreements are far from oppression but the centrist rhetoric is the same at its core and is taking the byler tag and many other parts of the internet down a dangerous slope that unintentionally fosters terfism and rightwing bs because of how it frames all ideas as equally valid/equally supported even when not directly addressing terfism/rightwing ideology and even when the person posting that centrist stuff that fosters rightwing bs doesn’t consider themselves a terf/right winger and is in fact often the exact opposite of those but is still spouting a rhetoric that allows that shit to grow because of the fundamental flaws and moralizing involved in enlightened centrist rhetoric.
and how the “taking sides and being passionate and having a firm opinion is Bad and Hurtful and Morally or Intellectually (not always both but sometimes both) Inferior” centrist/enlightened centrist rhetoric is identical to the rhetoric that was used to demonize leftists and paint “SJWS” and marginalized people as being morally and often intellectually inferior due to them having a firm, passionate standpoint and how it promotes the removal of emotion from argument which in turn promotes the same sort of distance/emotional disconnect that allows someone to remove themselves from the concept of others’ suffering and therefore allows them to justify to themselves supporting hateful rhetoric/legislation that actively causes that suffering while STILL feeling like they are the morally superior individual. and how being marginalized yourself does not stop you from spreading rhetoric (specifically centrist/enlightened centrist rhetoric) that allows for that hateful viewpoint to fester and grow even if you yourself aren’t actively hateful/are marginalized and how it’s actually often marginalized people themselves who end up spreading that centrist/enlightened centrist rhetoric esp in online spaces and how it’s gotten worse as the state of the world has gotten worse lately & how especially with the pandemic, people feel out of control in their lives and so they seek to control others’ actions and behaviour under the guise of falsely moralizing their feelings of of personal discomfort and how that desire to control others ties into what I want to talk abt in a big post on this topic one day about what boundaries actually are and how they actually work and how boundaries do not function for you to control others but rather are about you controlling your own response, communicating what that response will be to others and allowing them to make their own choice because trying to control others by saying “you can’t do that” is basically impossible and is not effective boundary setting. (Ie me telling a client “you can’t email me on the weekends” is not setting a boundary. Me telling a client “if you email me on weekends, I will not respond” IS setting a boundary, and yes you can take other steps to prevent the person from emailing you such as blocking their address but that’s still controlling things on YOUR end rather than trying to control things on THEIR end)
ahaha nooo Em don’t let ur political science/history side and dedicated lifelong diy therapist/diy psychiatrist eldest child side jump out ahaha nooooo
(I will make my post about this one day bc I have a lot of thoughts. might even make it later today based on how much time I have today.)
But like seriously. I am Dead Serious when I say that even setting Byler Drama TM aside for a second, some of you need to think very long and hard about the type of enlightened centrist “all things are equal and thinking otherwise is Morally Bad” rhetoric you are pushing because while this is a small case of it, that rhetoric as a whole has absolutely crushing effects on the world in general and allows for bigotry and rightwing ideology to flourish- you may not be the rightwing bigot, but that rhetoric at its core is the same rhetoric that not only provides a shield for those rightwing bigots to hide behind but also actively creates a breeding ground of false moralization and neutrality and demonizing of strong beliefs that helps those bigots cultivate and grow and spread their bigotry. you (you as in people pushing enlightened centrist rhetoric) are not the farmer planting the seeds of bigotry. you are not the bigoted weed spreading its roots but you ARE the the soil in which it grows. And again, I know this sounds rather dramatic for the byler tag which is why I’ve already said that the byler tag is a small version of it/has smaller consequences but at its core is identical to that big rhetoric that has big consequences.
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
A bunch of "activists" are trying to make us all in the lgbtqia community look like a bunch of sexless virgins. Even making ourselves "sexy' is seen as crime against humanity. This is one of the reasons why these extreme sjw movements are crashing.
Some edgy fucks are also playing their hand at being modern day segregationists regarding marriage/relationships and sexuality.
Yall morality policing is also going as far as seeing interracial dating as "cultural appropiation" or a "fetish". Yes, some of you ignorant pathetic tryhard fucks are also telling adults what ethnicity/race to date. {I'm apparently a kpop "hag" fetishiizing GROWN Asian men cos my husband is half Korean according to desperate white girls that want an oppa so bad. I don't even care much for the genre and my husband makes fun of these pathetic horny brats that keep trying to compare him to a celebrity he doesn't give a fuck about because HE HATES KPOP. I said what I said. Yall need to calm your cunts and stop being fake sjw nuisances to every Asian man you see holyshit.
A friend of mine got accused of "jungle fever" which is racist as fuck cos she married a black man)
oh and raising biracial children is seen as a crime by some fucks too. And I don't mean among just white people either.
Oh and heaven forbid if you like the opposite sex. You're evil for that even if you're not straight cos bisexuals/pansexuals ain't gay or "woke" enough. Bisexual men are either "gay men that hate themselves" and bisexual women are "straight women that wanna be special".
Also gotta love the stereotypes. Apparently my first spouse was hetero even though they were into drag and got paid pretty good at clubs as well as were bi and my second husband is "straight" even though he's bi as well. I don't fuck with straight men so much that I'm called "heterophobic" for it and i'm still bi despite the girl I almost married cheating on me with her fucking ex (another effing terrible life lesson cos WOMEN CAN BE AS BAD AS MEN. GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS). I could have sworn off all women then but sexuality ain't that easy cos we're still attracted to the genders/sexes we're attracted to. That's why its called a damned "sexuality". Do you stop being gay or straight when you're not dating anyone? No? Starting to get it now?
Kiss my fucking ass with your bs "LOLgic" behind your shitty movements. Some of you are just as bad as cisgender xphobic ass people these days.
And I mean only some cos thankfully I've met plenty of people tired of your bullshit and they're not all cisgender, straight or young and moronic as you nuisances. Yall really went outta your way to make us look like morons demanding stupid shit that isn't covered by equal rights.
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papirouge · 6 months
Candace owens spent *years* accepting and working under a zionist (Shapiro), attacking everyone and everything, but only NOW she spoke against his support for Israel and wants sympathy from everyone because she got fired
The only reason I think is because recently Andrew T has been supportive of her a lot so she would probably jump on his bandwagon soon for money. Which makes no sense since her husband is supposedly a millionaire, she doesn’t like working mothers in general and believes in a trad family unit but will not stop working outside of the house despite having young kids. Does her husband not work? Are her kids being raised by nannies? She makes no sense
I watched her interview in the Breakfast Club and I couldn't help but shake my head thinking "there's no way this woman would've gone there if she didn't fall from White conservatives good graces". The BC is a popular radio show among the Black American community so this move screamed "pls Black people, take me (back) 🥺👉🏾👈🏾". Candace is not stupid - she knew what she was doing.
When Charlemagne asked her about the White Lives Matter tee stunt she simply said "I wore this tee because White Lives Matter 🤷🏾‍♀️" AS IF THAT WAS NOT EXACTLY WHAT BLACK PEOPLE SAID ABOUT BLACK LIVES MATTER AND YET IT DIDN'T STOP THOSE WHITE CONSERVATIVES CANDACE HAS BEEN SHILLING FOR YEARS TO BITCH ON THAT STATEMENT ?? She hides behind the "BLM is a money laundering scheme and there's no way Black people would be supported by mainstream medias and big corporation like that" as if it was a rational explanation to why White conservatives freaked out at Black people simply saying their life mattered.
I absolutely do not buy her narrative that the criticism of BLM came from a place of benevolence or genuine concern for the Black community. They didn't behave this way because the movement was money laundering scheme that would eventually be tokenized - FROM THE START White conservatives got mad at BLM for simply centering Black lives, and *this* was enough for them to call it an "anti White" statement. Besides, if their criticism of BLM was truly about protecting Black lives from gross corporate tokenization, Conservatives wouldn't be so hellbent to prove those dead Black people actually deserved it. I will never understand the brainrot of thinking the purpose of the police was to kill - even bad people. I know the USA is shitty country but in civilized country the police is supposed to catch and then drag people before the justice. When it kills an offender it's considered as a FAILURE. Killing ≠ justice. But USAmericans are way too barbaric and violent to grasp that. (and that's also why so also why American "Christian" wrongfully link death penalty to justice when Christianity condemns murder and asserts repentance as the real tool of God given righteousness)
So Candace can keep it with her BS excuses. I'm mad that neither of the host clocked her hypocrisy off but it's not like Charlemagne or Jessy Hilarious were the most qualified people, in terms of challenging guests intellectually....
And yeah, Candace is the typical "do as I say, not as I do" because she keeps dunking on feminism while she's basically the man in her marriage. She's the one constantly on the spotlight. Her husband did a YouTube interview lately and its title is "being Candace Owens husband" 💀 and in the thumbnail Candace face took the entire place front & center...and her husband's is like at the bottom corner lmao nobody knows dude by his name!! they need to drag Candace name to bring clicks!! isn't that embarrassing? lol
Candace went from being a leftist SJW to a rightoid SJW. She really didn't progress on that aspect. There's nothing less traditional than being a activist as a woman. Just because she's not a feminist doesn't mean she, by her status, does not go against traditional gender roles. And that's something many conservatives fail to understand. If it was about keeping gender roles, they wouldn't be so eager to elevate women to mouthpiece status (notably to bash feminism). Tradition is all about letting women embrace their softness, nurture and create - not jumping in the wolf arena to blurp political propaganda on social media 24/7. Politics is one of the most male oriented profession field. You can't be a politician/political commentator without having a very dominant male energy. So Candace being critical of feminism comes off as an absolute joke, because feminism (that enabled women to break gender norms) is what made her happen - whether she like it or not.
If she truly stuck to her word, she would've put down the cape & retired after her marriage. She had 2 kids but homegirl is still running left and right to host talk shows, crowdfund money, attend political meetings, etc. WHEN IS SHE AT HOME. HER KIDS NEED HER.
Isn't her husband milllionnaire? Why doesn't he provide?? Why doesn't she soften up her act, FINALLY embrace her traditional soft feminity and stop being a political warrior?? ...Sorry but her storytelling ain't mathing - at All.
And I'm absolutely not surprised to see Andrew Tate defend her. She made this very partisan interview of him (that's why any person saying she's lOgiCal and unbiased is an idiot) and I guess he feels like he owes her. Having such a proeminent female figure defend him is definitely an asset he's going to capitalize off as much as he can. She did the same with Kanye until he shoved her under the bus and made his techouva to the Jewish community ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ this woman never learns....
And that's what tell me, from one Black woman to another, Candace never managed to deconstruct her male identification - which is particularly strong with Black women. We are rised to defend and worship Black men, because of slavery, racism, etc. (that's why I'm glad I grew up surrounded by women bc I got sparred from having to look up for males lol)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Oh about the thing of a world where Jewish people aren’t told about what Hadrian did to Israel hence the modern Jewish diaspora
While they aren’t taught that in general schools, hmm feel like this is a sitcom joke
Jewish child: Mom why I have to deal with my annoying cousins again? What this holiday about
Mom: It’s about when people try to wipeout our tribes and we survived!
JC: Wait wasn’t that the last holiday we got together?
M: There a lot more ,but I can avoid next the family get together without your grandma guilt tripping me
Actually if I remember correctly the night in museum sequel had a pre Moses pharaoh couple in it and they mention they thought their Jewish slaves were fine.
But Ben Stiller (a Jewish man) character pointed out to them that it actually sucked for his ancestors and their former slaves made holidays reminding how bad it was.
And the hoteps-waaaaait
Oh…the Tutankhamen phenomenon, actually I saw a National Geographic magazine irrc at Walmart. And I sent it to my friend that the irony of how the Egyptian erased Tut names from records and pretend he never existed. But now millions of people had, have, and will say his name
But the Egypt phenomenon, I think people don’t really know Tut is an extremely recent find. Like only a century old. He was important to the Egyptology because he tomb wasn’t constantly looted and body barely meddled
But then we learned the truth about why he wasn’t touched. The cult of aten, the priests of Ra, why he was never brought up in previews pharaoh list. Only for most Egyptians having a vague idea that there was this heretical pharaoh prior to Rameses
But something got me wondering about people idea of Egypt…wait y’all think the Egyptians couldn’t get as corrupted as the Roman’s or Chinese? King tut is a prime example how corrupted they could be with how they exploited and treated him after death
Actually you can go to tut tomb in origins dlc and there some words on a tablet they translate to “May he be remembered!”….the tragedy it’s wasn’t his direct civilization that made sure he is remembered today. It was though who came after long after ancient Egypt died
Oh tangent, but I’m getting terrified with how so many people have a 10 year old comprehension on non white civilianizations
Also yes a lot of the slave trading African kingdoms are gone….buuuut everyone knows their descendants are running around.
Also for me, I like to sneak around without telling my identity. So I know how much horse shit most SJWs are. And while this harder, I can easily sneak into Internet forums or chat groups of native Africans and realize the tricks and exploitation. Of course not all, but I got a bitch snap of reality how they basically CRINGE when a black American comes their way
Tbf the black Americans they loathe are usually the same ones I loathe too
Also you mention the passive aggression, here the thing, if they try the con artists shit, I will hint at me going beyond the surfaced levels.
And if they don’t stop, I unleash my knowledge of the Dahomey on them.
Also which African countries asked for slave reparations?
Fuck them
No seriously fuck them on Satan cock
It was YOUR ancestors that sold my ancestors for guns. MCU Wakanda, pan Africa bs, Obama bombing the living fuck out of your ass. The Congo shit, ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM YOU!
I would rather marry a direct descendant of Robert Lee or President Davis at a confederate theme wedding than give one penny to these activists asking for refunds
Jewish child: Mom why I have to deal with my annoying cousins again? What this holiday about Mom: It’s about when people try to wipeout our tribes and we survived! JC: Wait wasn’t that the last holiday we got together? M: There a lot more ,but I can avoid next the family get together without your grandma guilt tripping me
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Really one of the best ways for everyone to keep track, Jews and Gentiles alike.
Actually if I remember correctly the night in museum sequel had a pre Moses pharaoh couple in it and they mention they thought their Jewish slaves were fine. But Ben Stiller (a Jewish man) character pointed out to them that it actually sucked for his ancestors and their former slaves made holidays reminding how bad it was.
I don't remember if I've seen the 2nd one or not, Ben and Owen get together and fart out a movie whenever they feel like hanging out for a month or so same way Adam Sandler does it, which is fun since they get to give lots of people work the same too, it's a good formula.
Nice that he tossed that bit in with the Pharaoh
But then we learned the truth about why he wasn’t touched. The cult of aten, the priests of Ra, why he was never brought up in previews pharaoh list. Only for most Egyptians having a vague idea that there was this heretical pharaoh prior to Rameses
There's a lot of stuff going round from that time, Akhenaten and all that and people theorizing connections between the cult of Aten and the Israelite's, since monotheism and all.
Hyksos is the people of the 15th dynasty of Egypt, but they were northern Egypt at the Nile Delta, 16th and 17th dynasties were going at the same time.
Theory runs with Joseph having established the area after his whole thing, not sure if the timelines work too well or not haven't read a whole lot on it, yet.
Also yes a lot of the slave trading African kingdoms are gone….buuuut everyone knows their descendants are running around.
That made me look for something and find something else I'll need to read in a little bit.
Why slave descendants want the Benin Bronzes to stay in US
TL:DR; I'm guessing is.
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Also which African countries asked for slave reparations? Fuck them
That was part of the question, looking at benin, states bordering benin might have a claim but they should make it against benin.
Also these areas
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But might be more the Afro Iranians, Afro Palestenians, and any other of those groups that may exist in MENA as a result of being sold into slavery that will want to collect from those
It was YOUR ancestors that sold my ancestors for guns. MCU Wakanda, pan Africa bs, Obama bombing the living fuck out of your ass. The Congo shit, ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM YOU! I would rather marry a direct descendant of Robert Lee or President Davis at a confederate theme wedding than give one penny to these activists asking for refunds
Harsh, fair, and funny.
Congo will get theirs from Belgium, they kinda deserve it after what Leopold did, think they've gotten some already.
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tiefling-queer · 6 months
kinda lame and irksome that the am i the asshole tumblr is blocking people for calling posts bait. like, i get that some of the "everyone clapped" crowd will call bs on totally mundane things because they dont think anyone does anything, but i worry that discouraging people from looking for the motive of posts will continue to encourage bad online habits. i can think of one ask in particular that looked like it was meant to be racist "anti-woke bait" - it's important, with those kinds of posts, to look at what the claim is and connect that to the opinon the submitter wants to vindicate.
and bait isn't necessarily claiming that something didnt happen (though that's sometimes the case) - it means it's framed in a way meant to bait a certain response (typically rage, sometimes sympathy/guilt) and going on the "sjw website" to try to bait groups into agreeing that the demands of some minorities are ridiculous just like... smacks of the old anti-sj gotchas that used to get passed around years ago.
whatever ig.
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plethoraworldatlas · 7 months
Some people have already jumped to "Hillary Clinton lost because people talked about racist things she do so anyone who talks about Biden doing racist things is a faker virtue signaller psyop Idiot Trump loving fascist".
I cannot stress enough that demanding people ignore the most fucked up shit any politician has ever done or else they are "the enemy" is 1) absolutely BS 2) creates a lose lose situation for minorities 3) preserving the racist status quo.
(Also, the "Hillary lost because people didn't want to be called racist for voting for her" is so damn dumb, you sound like a conservative who thinks democrat voters act like cartoon caricatures, and you are dancing around her losing due to her alienating entire demographics of voters out of racism/believing she didn't actually have to work to earn their votes)
If an establishment democrat presidential candidate actually owned up for the messed up shit they and the party have done and actually worked to make amends to the communities they harmed and actually committed to standing against racism and bigotry, they'd all but instantly be a more moral president than pretty any other.
Calling anyone who talks about bigoted and messed up things Biden has done a Psyop Virtue Signaller faker idiot racist Trump loving fascist is just they way you have chosen to tell minorities "I don't care about the racism or bigotry you face when it's inconvenient for me"
(This was prompted reading the posts of someone who legit believed that Hillary lost because "virtue signaling" progressives (You know they desperately want to call the SJWs like they want to call people slurs) didn't campaign enough for her for free because "they thought she was racist". Completely ignoring the fact that people DID vote for her and She WON THE POPULAR Vote, losing primarily because she lost major states because she ignored entire voter demographics and alienated them with her racist record and thus lost the Electoral College. This person also reblogged posts calling people who reblog posts about Palestine "Pro Pal Fandom" regardless of context or anything, and generally seems to consider that no one legitimately cares about the genocide, and just considers it all an "AstroTurf virtue signal Russian (or Chinese) PsyOp" designed to "cost Biden Voters" because the world Truly revolves around Biden's polling numbers to them the same way conservatives believe international politics revolve around Hunter Biden's genitals)
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You seem like you know a lot of "lore" about the anti-SJW bloggers on this site. Maybe you know the answer to something that has been bothering me for awhile. Years ago (back in like the 2015 time period I think) there was this crazed weirdo that went around terrorizing tumblr called Carlos Albuquerque. He would send hate asks to people on both ends of the political spectrum saying agitating shit like "still forced to ignore christian terrorism i see" and then accuse them of being a fascist no matter how they responded. And he actually probably harassed more people on the left than on the right, because it seemed like he couldn't tell the difference (or didn't care). Fighting Carlos was actually how a lot of these BS "anti" bloggers originally got famous among the far-right people on this site, because they would mock Carlos and make it out as if all "SJWs" were like that. Only an idiot would say such things and they convinced a lot of people that everyone on the left is like that. And because they were the ones boldly fighting back against such stupidity (and milking it for attention), they gained a lot of followers from it. But then Carlos just sort of blinked out of existence one day... and I'm honestly wondering if some edgy anti-SJW blogger like r4cs0 or Taka didn't just invent that clown as a parody account so they could prop themselves and their own ideology up by fighting a strawman of their own creation.
These people creating their own strawman to fight is not really all that uncommon so yeah, it very well could be the case here.
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