star-wars-forever · 2 months
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adriansvetozaroff · 5 months
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It's revenge of the 6th! And some CIS propaganda for another Star Wars day
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piermanwalter · 11 months
Skakoans as watches
Given that Skakoans and watches are both fragile parts in heavy cases, it's surprisingly easy to find watches that look like them.
Wat Tambor: Tissot Titanium T-Touch Solar Expert ($1300)
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Withstanding 100 meters of water pressure while somehow having a touch screen and solar power at the same time, this watch is seriously well-engineered while being comparatively affordable. Perhaps even over-engineered. With calendars, timers, alarms, compass, altimeter, and barometer, AND iOS, Android, and HarmonyOS compatibility, who could you possibly be trying to impress? For all our sakes, please take a break.
Jul Tambor: Rolex Gold Daytona ($80,000)
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With a name linked to wealth and prestige and to pointless death and destruction, how long can you keep coasting off brand recognition? Is your successful micromanagement admirable, or proof that you have nothing better to do? Withstanding 100 meters of water pressure is the only thing you have in common with your predecessor. Even the most outrageously frivolous things are valuable investments when your survival depends on flexing on gangsters as hard as you can.
Kul Teska: Casio Resin G-Shock GA700UC-3A ($100)
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Every timekeeping feature expected from a watch, withstanding 200 meters of water pressure, as well as a blindingly powerful LED flashlight, looking like a grotesque tacticool monstrosity and being pretty cheap prevent this watch from being worn in prestigious company.
Clongor: Hublot Carbon Fiber MP-09 Tourbillon Bi-Axis ($200,000)
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Purposefully unreadable, ergonomically terrible, withstanding 30 meters of water pressure, exposed screw heads that look one hard hit away from falling out, five times more expensive than the second most expensive watch on this list, the few timekeeping features this watch has beyond the absolute bare minimum make it even worse. If you thought all luxury watches are tastelessly impractical displays of wealth, take a look at this fucking thing and be grateful at least they aren't all this bad.
Hallio Bas: Skmei Plastic 1698 Digital ($5)
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You tried.
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dougielombax · 1 year
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*incoherent warbling noises*
My guy got a whole fucking sound system in his life support apparatus.
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purgetrooper77 · 1 year
Star Wars: Trails of Red Episode 7: Strangers in New Land
I am so sorry this was late, I was occupied due to Friday being the last day of school for me, but I am back. Without further ado, here is the fanfic
Rated: T
tw: mention deaths of Astromech and protocol droids
Dr. Gikon's gunship made it to the planet Habon which was in the Geonosis System, which contained the planet Habon. Habon is a gas giant that has twenty-one moons. One of the moons is named Kaliga, a dark blue moon that has a breathable atmosphere and dark gray trees filled with purple leaves. The gunship flew around Habon and set their course to Kaliga. Norzan and Gideeva were standing behind Gikon as the gunship got closer towards Kaliga. "What are we doing in Kaliga?" Norzan asked. "There is something I must grab there. An old item I left behind." Gikon answered. "So we're not going to stay there for long?" Gideeva asked. "I assume." Gikon answered. The gunship entered Kaliga's atmosphere which allowed it to land on the rocky surface. The three aliens got out of the gunship and looked around. "Now remember, I don't exactly know what lies here so please don't cause any trouble." Gikon said. Both Norzan and Gideeva nod their heads at Gikon. Gikon walked away and searched for the item he lost. Gideeva looked at Norzan. "So are we staying with him now?" "Just for a little bit, I need to pay a debt I owe to an old friend." "You have the credits?" "This debt is not a payable debt, it is a service debt. I'm helping him clean droids. You can tag along if you wish." "Where do we need to go?" Gideeva asked. "Golfax, it's in the Taanab System." Norzan answered. "Golfax? Isn't that the planet where your father was killed?" "No, that is Gondarr you're thinking of." Norzan corrected. Gikon made it to a small village only to see a small crate with a note on it. Gikon approached the note and read the following words. "Hey, you left this stuff. Thought you want it." There was no name on the note. Gikon looked around and grabbed the crate with all of his hands. He rushed back towards the shuttle not long after. "This old friend of yours, how many droids does he have?" she asked. "Not many, just a few." Norzan vaguely answered. Gikon returned as the two friends were done talking. "I got my belongings." Gikon said. "Good, we need to stop by Golfax. I'll explain on the way." Norzan told him. The three aliens went back into the gunship and took off from Kaliga. The gunship jumped to hyperspace and ended up in the Taanab System three hours later. The ship arrived at Golfax. Golfax is a yellow planet filled with dark golden clouds. The ship found the spaceport and landed next to a separatist starfighter. "Thank you, Gikon." Norzan said. "How long is this going to take?" he asked. "No more than three hours, why?" "I would like to get back to my job. I assume you're taking a different transport?" Gikon asked. Gideeva looked at Norzan with great concern. "We will." Norzan said with determination. "Then I bid you farewell and wish you luck." Gikon said. "Goodbye, Dr. Gikon." Norzan bid farewell. The two friends got out of the gunship and headed out of the spaceport. The gunship took off from the spaceport and flew far away from the planet. "How are we going to get transport?" Gideeva asked. "I built my first ship when I was sixteen years old. I can build another one." Norzan answered. "You can build ships?" "Yes, I can teach you if you want," he offered. "I'll think about it." Gideeva responded. Norzan headed east to a planet where both friends found a speeder shop. There they encountered a purple skinned male Skakoan with two Confederacy of Independent Systems. One on each shoulder. The Skakoan turned around and saw Norzan and Gideeva. He was happy to see Norzan. "Norzan, it is so good to see you again." he said enthusiastically. "Same to you. This is my newest friend Gideeva. Gideeva, this is Lozz Settco. From the planet Skako." Gideeva focused her eyes on the separatist symbols. "Pleasure to meet you." she said in a soft voice. "Likewise, how can I help you?" Lozz asked. "I am here to pay the debt I have to you." "What debt?" "The debt you told me two months ago." "Oh that, forget it." "Forget it? What do you mean, forget it?" Norzan asked. "Some of my droids malfunctioned due to their age. There is nothing much to clean up." "Oh... I see." "Yeah, but these things happen. Besides, those droids have seen better days." Lozz said. "Yes, they have." Norzan awkwardly replied. "So, there is nothing we have to do?" she asked. "There is one thing you all can do. I need to close shop before I tell you." Lozz said in a suspicious manner. Three other Skakoans left the area as soon as Lozz stopped talking. "Why do you need to close up shop?" Gideeva asked. "Trust me, it is better when I tell you the favor when the shop is closed." Lozz answered. Norzan backed away and so did Gideeva. Three minutes later the shop was closed and the three friends headed northeast. They were far away from town so that no one could see or hear them. "Alright Lozz, what is the deal that you dragged us here?" Norzan asked. "It is the Empire, they destroyed my Astromech." Lozz confessed. Gideeva covered her mouth in disbelief. "Your Astromech, why?" Norzan asked. "The droid wouldn't submit them. They destroyed him and stole his dome to make new droids. After that they shut down my uncle's business and fried his protocol droid." Lozz explained. "This is unlike the Empire, frying down droids." Gideeva said after she uncovered her mouth. "It gets worse. They fried four other Astromechs for disobeying them and used them as an example to the people who don't welcome the Empire warmly. Last night they sent Brimarch Stormtroopers to execute two probe droids that were reprogrammed by my cousin. Thankfully that never found him." he added on. "They should pay for droid abuse." Gideeva said. "What do you want us to do?" Norzan asked. "I want you all to join me in helping my family to take down the Empire. To give them a taste of what it is like to have something taken from them." Lozz said. "I'm in." Norzan said. "So am I, we will fight like no tomorrow." Gideeva said. "Good, I'll tell my mother and father. They will be pleased to hear." Lozz replied. Nightfall has arrived to push the daylight away. An Imperial shuttle filled with Stormtroopers with dark cyan stripes covering the center of their chest, part of their arms, their right eye, and their middle lower back. The town was empty as a ghost town. Gideeva was breathing rapidly. She calmed down when Norzan put his hand on her right shoulder. "We're going to be okay," he assured. Gideeva smiled and nodded at Norzan. A Pantoran man approached the Stormtrooper squad and looked them in the eye. "What do you want?" he asked the leader. "We have heard reports of a droid that betrayed us. Get out of our way or face the consequences." the lead Stormtrooper warned. "You took away enough droids from us. Tell your governor we had enough." "Our governor is dead." the lead Stormtrooper revealed. The Pantoran was shocked to hear the news. "We won't say it again, get out of the way." the second oldest Stormtrooper ordered. "No," the Pantoran male said. One of the Stormtroopers was shot and killed by a Rodian sniper. The Stormtroopers readied their blasters and shot the Pantoran down. One of the Stormtroopers pointed his blaster upwards and killed the Rodian sniper. A Zabrak soldier fired his blaster only to kill two Stormtroopers. The lead Stormtrooper shot down and killed the Zabrak soldier. The Skakoans were hiding behind walls. Norzan and Lozz were taking the lead as Gideeva was moving left and right. Three Imperial attack shuttles arrived at Golfax to drop out reinforcements. The other Stormtroopers reported to the leader. "Listen up men! There is a rebellion on Golfax. Wipe out the entire town and kill their leader. That will teach them what happens when they mess with the Empire." the leader said. "Sir yes sir!" yelled the other Stormtroopers. The Stormtroopers ran into the town only for six of them to be shot down by Skakoan rebels. Norzan jumped forward and shot down four Stormtroopers. Gideeva shot down and killed five Stormtroopers. The lead Stormtrooper shot down and killed four Skakoan soldiers. Lozz shot down and killed two Stormtroopers. Three Stormtroopers fired their blasters and killed two Skakoans. All the rebels that were left were Gideeva, Norzan, and Lozz. Gideeva turned slightly to the right and shot down six Stormtroopers. Lozz shot down and killed three Stormtroopers. Norzan picked up a knife from a dead Skakoan and threw it at the chest of the lead Stormtrooper. Gideeva shot the leader in the head, thus killing him swiftly. Two Stormtroopers fired their blaster only to kill Norzan. "NOOOOOOOO!" Gideeva yelled as Lozz shot down the two Stormtroopers. Three Stormtroopers rushed forward only to be killed by an angry Gideeva. A Stormtrooper was able to shoot Lozz in the head. Lozz Settco fell out of the building and hit the floor dead. Gideeva spun around and killed five Stormtroopers. She already knew that Lozz was dead when she heard the body drop on the ground. The remaining battalion of Stormtroopers stopped themselves and aimed their blasters at Gideeva. She roared at the Stormtroopers as she fired her blaster constantly. Two Stormtroopers were killed as the rest of them fired their blasters at Gideeva. Gideeva was killed in three shots. Two shots were in the chest while the other one was in the head. Gideeva's dead body hit the ground as more attack shuttles dropped off Stormtroopers, thinking that the battle was still happening. Two hours later Golfax is now officially under the control of Darth Sidious' Galactic Empire.
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momojedi · 11 months
Echo, getting out of the carbonite when they arrive at the Citadel: Man, I never want to be frozen again.
The Skakoans: Boy, do we have some news for you.
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lonewolflupe · 16 days
For All One's Worth (One-Shot)
Here's another request for my friend @welcometo79s <3 She asked me to write about Echo's insecurities and Reader being there to reassure him, to spoil him with compliments, and maybe making some sort of confession. Oh Maker, Echo is the most badass trooper of the GAR, but I can't stop thinking of him going totally soft whenever someone shows him some affection. So have another super soft Echo boi!
The first part (struggles/insecurities/triggering) was inspired by @isthereanechoinhere96 's post and by @/YubNubHub 's (YouTube) shorts on Echo's PTSD overanalysis (part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5).
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Summary: when Echo takes a break from his frustrating brothers, you're there to make sure he doesn't need to spend it in solitude Rating: Teen and up Tags: emotional hurt/comfort (insecurity/light triggering of PTSD), fluff (kissing), SFW Words: 2.053k Pairing: TBB Echo x gen!reader Read this one-shot here on AO3
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Echo loved his brothers, he really did. But sometimes they made it so hard on him. He was fully aware they didn't mean it like that; they probably didn't even realise the impact their remarks had. He was ever grateful they got him out of his physical and mental prison back at Skako Minor, and his choice to leave Rex for them really meant something. Loyalty was everything, after all.
But some days, Echo wondered if he had been better off staying with Rex. Any shinies might think him a freak, but at least Rex would appreciate his skills, his abilities; his worth. Now he felt like he was stuck with hurtful pun after derogatory remark.
For instance, the one time where Crosshair had made an unsubtle remark about the so-called incompetence of having just one hand. They were setting up for a mission and some crates needed to be loaded onto the Marauder.
“Gonna need some help with these,” Crosshair had shot at his brothers, not really being a question, but more of a statement. When Echo had volunteered, Crosshair granted him an almost scornful look, silently turning the toothpick around in the corner of his mouth before continuing. “Yeah, gonna need two hands,” was his sneering reply before turning around and leaving Echo behind in astonishment.
During a recent mission in some seedy city, it had been something Wrecker had said. The squad was chasing down a Palliduvan bounty hunter to avoid a suspected assassination attempt. Even during nighttime, her chalky-white skin was hard to miss in the neon-lit streets and alleys.
When they nearly lost her in the crowd, the uncanny reflection of the lights on her skin revealed her position. A rumble from Wrecker's throat gave away his amusement before he shouted the words: “She's even paler than Echo!”
Echo's helmet concealed his unamused expression, but he made his feelings clear by bumping into Wrecker and granting him a frustrated shrug. “Come on Echo, snap out of it,” Wrecker huffed in amusement, before continuing his pursuit.
Another time it had been Tech, whilst the both of them were waiting in the ship's cockpit. With his best intentions, he had triggered something in Echo; something he wasn't keen on recalling.
“Do not move,” Tech’s voice, suddenly obnoxiously close to him, came out of nowhere. Before Echo could realise what his brother was up to, Tech was wielding a tool towards his scomp. A flash of blue light and a hissing sound made him relive Skakoan moments he would rather forget.
In shock, Echo pushed Tech away with a crude movement, making his brother look up in irritation. “Kriff, Tech, you could have warned me,” Echo shot at him, his voice higher than usual, a slight tremble in it. Tech readjusted his goggles whilst granting him a serious look. “I did. I said, ‘do not move’,” he elaborated, not sure why his words had been unclear.
Echo was trying to regain himself, but his chest was still heaving from heavy breathing. “What were you even trying to accomplish?” he asked his brother, blinking his eyes to forget the images behind them, to get a grip on reality. “I was merely trying to improve your prosthetic, so it might be in better use to aid the squad,” Tech stated, before turning around to work on some other project. Ah yes, always putting the squad ahead of oneself; how considerate of Tech.
And just now, it was Hunter. Echo couldn't even remember what it was he needed from the sergeant. He blamed himself anyway, because it was probably bad timing on his part; Hunter had retreated inside the Marauder for a reason. His enhanced senses would often cause a sensory overload, causing him to withdraw to recover and reclaim himself.
It was probably the sound of Echo's leg prosthetics that triggered the sergeant, resulting in a low groan. “Just.. need some solitude, Echo,” he grunted at his brother, making Echo stop in his steps. He could understand Hunter’s reasoning, but the thought of solitude made him stiffen.
Despite Hunter's migraine, he noticed his brother's shift in demeanour. With visible guilt written on his pained face, he turned around and tried facing Echo from behind a tensed frown. “I'm sorry, it's just- it's like electroshock torture,” he attempted describing his pain through gritted teeth, trying to push back the headache. “I'll, er- leave you to it,” Echo replied softly, slightly taken aback, before turning around and leaving the sergeant alone - and being plagued with his own thoughts.
Echo found some place away from the ship and the squad. Not because he wanted to be alone in particular, but because he just needed a break from his brothers. The night sky was clear, painted with dark shades of blue and purple, adorned by brightly shining stars; but its beauty was currently lost on Echo.
“Need some company?” Your soft voice startled him, and he looked at you warily, as if you had shaken him from his thoughts. He was still searching for words when you continued, not wanting to put him in any discomfort, since it seemed he was already struggling enough. “I can just sit here in silence with you, if you'd like.” His face softened before he allowed a faint smile. “It's alright. I've spent enough time alone with my thoughts.”
Unlike his brothers, you understood him immediately. “Well then, anything you'd feel like sharing? Something you want off your chest?” you said softly, not trying to push him, but you wanted to let him know he wasn't alone - and didn't need to be. And when he looked at you, noticing the most comforting smile on your face, he instantly knew he wasn't.
“It's just the boys.. They.. They don't understand sometimes. They-” He interrupted himself to cast a glassy look at his mechanical arm, turning it in front of his eyes without really taking it in. Until you gently put your hand on it, snapping him from his thoughts.
“You know what? We all go through different ordeals, experiencing different hardships, and we all respond to them in our own ways. You cannot blame them for that, but most importantly, you shouldn't blame yourself for it,” you tried comforting him. He looked at you, his brows in a furrowed frown, his lips slightly parted, his eyes taking you in as you continued.
“Don't take it so hard on yourself. We all know what a formidable ARC trooper you are. What a considerate brother, and the best friend one could wish for. There is no need to prove yourself every minute.” You smiled at him, gently squeezing his mechanical arm where your hand still laid, although the gesture was lost on him. “Besides, they're not perfect either; none of us are. But you're too good to point it out to them. I really appreciate that about you.”
For a moment, you noticed a blush appearing on his pale cheeks, before he turned away his gaze and shook his head in denial. “At least they don't have any prosthetics or implants holding them back. And apart from those, what else am I besides just another clone?”
“Let me stop you right there,” you said sharply, cutting off any more negative thoughts that might haunt him. His eyes widened when you briefly cupped his chin in your hand to turn his gaze back at you. “As far as I’m aware, there is only one hero of Anaxes,” you smiled at him, the corner of your mouth almost curling into a smirk.
He chuffed, nearly certain you were just bringing it up to make him feel better. “I wouldn't have been if it hadn't been for Rex and the squad,” he mumbled softly, almost unintelligible, but you noticed he wasn't sounding as gloomy as before. You softly bumped your elbow against him. “Yes, but your actions made it possible to secure the shipyards. You saved a lot of brothers that day, Echo.”
He blinked at you for a moment, as if he didn't believe the sincerity of your words. But you weren't done yet. “And you know what? I think after your bumpy start and struggles, it is most admirable you've made it to ARC trooper. And let me tell you: you're an example and inspiration to others.”
Echo looked at you in silence whilst you expressed your admiration for him, describing your favourite moments and movements as him being an ARC trooper. As your face was radiating and your eyes shining, making wild, enthusiastic gestures with your hands to support your ardent speech, his lips slowly slid into a discreet appreciative smile.
You turned back towards him when you were finishing your passionate speech. "So no, you're not just another clone. You're ARC trooper Echo, and the best thing that could have happened to this squad and the Republic. The best thing that could have happened to me," you smiled at him, and when you realised you said the last sentence out loud, a warm feeling washed over you.
Echo looked at you for another silent moment, the corners of his mouth pushing his cheeks slightly upwards because of the smile he could no longer hide. You noticed a flicker in his eyes, as they finally shone in confidence again. "You mean that?" he asked you softly, without averting his gaze from yours. “Every word,” you replied in a whisper, before moving closer.
His heartbeat rose instantly; this time not from triggering memories, but because of your presence, you closing in on him. “You know, I, er- No one said something like.. Like that to me before,” he stammered nervously, his eyes darting around restlessly. You put your hand on his cheek in an attempt to ease his nerves. "Do I.. Do I need to repeat myself?" you asked slowly, your lips sliding into a playful smirk. “Not sure if I can handle any more praise,” he chuckled at you, as you felt him relaxing below your touch. You gently caressed his cheek with your thumb before continuing: “Too bad, because you deserve it.”
You moved in a bit closer again, whilst your gazes were still locked. “Have I ever told you about your eyes?” you whispered, the planet around you starting to blur as you had only eyes for him. “What about my eyes?” he replied softly, blinking a few times, afraid something was wrong with them. You chuffed amusedly before continuing. “I’ve never seen another clone with such eyes. Yours have the most beautiful golden glow, and I love how you make them shine with determination. How these little lights dance in them whenever I talk to you. I could just.. Just watch them forever.” You slowly tilted your head, even more mesmerised by his eyes than usual, now that they were this close.
Echo swallowed, making your focus shift to his mouth. “And those lips, you know..,” you smiled at him. “What.. What about my lips?” he muttered, not daring to make any movement, afraid he would spoil the moment. But you had his back. “Not sure yet, let me check,” you whispered, before wetting your lips and leaning forward, closing the gap between the two of you.
Your heart skipped a beat when your lips touched, how they briefly brushed against each other before you finally pressed them together. You felt how all the tension left in him melted away in a heartbeat as he indulged into your kiss. Your hand, still on his cheek, slid to the back of his head when you felt him wrapping his arm around your lower back to hold you, to move you closer. Everything around you just disappeared.
After the most soft and tender kissing, you both pulled away hesitantly to look each other in the eyes again. “So.. What do you make of them?” Echo asked softly, the tips of your noses almost touching, as the both of you weren’t ready yet to pull away any further. “They’re perfect. I could.. I could just kiss them forever,” you replied with the most genuine smile on your face. Echo swallowed before mustering the courage to continue his questioning. “Could you.. Could you repeat that?” You chuckled softly before wrapping your arms around his neck. “With pleasure,” you whispered before you moved in for more.
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Please put me in Reader's position here? Please?
Echo taglist: @welcometo79s @covert1ntrovert
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pandoraslove · 2 years
Neteyam x reader 
A/n: I really wasn’t sure about posting this because I don’t know how to feel about it. This is my first time writing for Neteyam, but definitely not my last. 
summary: you seek help to save your people and make an unexpected connection. 
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I sought refuge with the Omaticaya clan. I was honest and told Toruk Makto and Neytiri everything the moment I arrived on my Ikran, Malu. She was a sweet Ikran that could kill you in a mere second, she was purple with rosy hues. My mother was a beautiful na’vi, she loved our people, her name was Minotaur. My father, Skakoan, was brave and courageous, he always did what was best for the people. He kept us safe. They were both murdered protecting their people, us- my brother and I. Selkath, my brother, betrayed them… me. Our people. Eywa. He betrayed us all.
“Toruk Makto,” I greet standing in front of him and his wife, “I have come in search of sanctuary. Please.” I say the plea quietly. Luckily it was only, Jakesully, Neytiri, and I. My people, Kekunani, are warriors, who show little emotion. It is common for it to be said only for the weak to show emotion.
“Why do you seek shelter?” Neytiri interrogates.
“ I am Y/n of the Kekunan clan, daughter of the Skakoan Olo’eyktan and Minotaur Tsahik. I was next to be Tsahik. My brother Selkath tried to kill me simply for trying to save my people, our clan is small, but strong. I tried to save them. I cannot help them if I am dead.” I explain to them.
“How is your clan in danger?” Jake asks.
“My brother is blinded by rage, as if he’s been taken by a demon. He- he murdered my peoples Ikrans, he set fire to their homes because they disagreed with him. He is using fear to control them. He has betrayed our parents, me, my people, and Eywa. I am here to ask for safety, but I will not ask for you to help me in this war with my brother.”
“How old are you, Y/n?” Neytiri asks while observing me.
“I am 17,” I tell her. From the stories I've heard, she was only a year older than me when the Great War happened.  
“You are so young and in a war with your own?”
I smile sadly, “I would love nothing more than to change it all, but my brother, Selkath, he is beyond salvation. I have asked our great mother to guide me, help me, help him and our people.”
“You can stay here, If you’d like we can help your people as well.” Jake says, looking towards Neytiri for approval.
“Thank you. This will be temporary, this is between my brother and I and I will stop at nothing to put a stop to him.” I tell them, It pained me to say. Maybe I won’t have to kill him, but I have to put a stop to my brother.
Jake and Neytiri introduced me to their kids the next day. Neteyam, who was a year older, Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk, the youngest of their daughters. I hung out with Kiri for a while and Tuk reminded me of a lot of the kids in my clan. Lo’ak was funny, he reminded me of Selkath when we were younger, when he hadn’t let the rage get to him so deeply. Lo’ak would never turn into Selkath. And Neteyam, Neteyam was a lot like me. He reminded me of myself, at least partly. He was kind.
I’d spent most of the morning along with them before I left to look for my Ikran. My clan wasn’t too far. I’d done this for my people’s sake and my own. I made sure to take in everything, every little detail what was different, if my people seemed more hurt. every little detail was marked in my head. When I returned I went to my tent. I was startled to find Neytiri there.
“Are your people okay?” she asks in a way of greeting.
“As okay as they can be.” I responded.
“When Selkath is dealt with, what will you do?” she asks.
“I am not fit to be Tsahik, I would not be good. Maybe I will give the role to someone Eywa leads me to.” I sit down across from her.
“You are young, you will learn.” she encouraged me. “You have my Jake and I to help you, if you’d like.” I smile and hold my hand out to her.
“Thank you, Neytiri.”
That night I went out with the Sully kids. They’d convinced me to go with them to see the forest at night. It was a beautiful sight. The animal and plants had a glow so beautiful that it felt as if it were all fake. near my clan the forest is not as bright, more dull. but it also had its beauties.
“Are you alright ?” Kiri asks from beside me.
“Of course,” I tell her, giving her a small smile.
“you seem to be stuck in your head.” Neteyam says from beside me as well.
“I am… just taking in the beauty.”
“my father told me a little of why you’ve come,” Neteyam exposes, Kiri was now with Tuk, Lo’ak and the human boy ahead of us.
I sigh, “it’s only a matter of time before he comes looking for me or I go to him for a duel.”
“If he lives he continues to lead my people down a path they will not survive, If I live I save my people,” I explained quietly.
“We can help you,” he says. We stopped walking, Kiri and Tuk being entertained by a bioluminescent creature.
“You already are, you’ve given me a place to stay.” I say sincerely to him, my hand on his arm, as I give him a small smile.
It was almost dawn, I’d been with the Omaticaya clan for nearly three weeks. I was sitting in front of the spirit tree sending up a prayer to protect my people, to protect me. Yesterday evening, just before eclipse, Selkath approached me on his vicious Ikran in the forest. I was alone, thankfully. I no longer could recognize my brother and it pained me more and more everyday. Our duel is set for tomorrow at eclipse on the Hallelujah mountain at the highest point. I had yet to inform the Sully’s. I don’t want to worry them, i’ve grown so close to them in such little time, I cannot imagine putting them in danger. As the sun rose I walked back to the clan i’d grown to care for. I met the Sullys in their tent as it had now become mandatory that I show up for at least one meal a day. Neytiri and Jake’s orders. I sat beside Neteyam who gave me a playful nudge and smile.
“How are you?” he asks.
“good,” I tell him. I felt light today. knowing no matter what my people would be safe after tomorrow.
“good.” he says with a smile. Over the little time i’ve been with this family I’ve grown close to Neteyam. unbelievably close.
“do you want to go fly together after breakfast?” he asks.
“i would love to,” I responded with a smile.
Neteyam and I left the rest of the Sully’s once we both finished. The excursion was… magical. we laughed and flew together and I was truly happy. I hadn’t felt like this in what felt like years. I allowed myself to let go of everything even if it was temporary. Neteyam landed down below near a river. We got off our Ikrans and sat with our feet inside the water.
“Thank you, Neteyam. For everything.” I tell him after a moment of silence.
“Always,” He says looking me in the eyes. “Y/n?” The way says my name makes me wish he was the only one allowed to say it.
“go on a date with me.” he says, I was slightly taken aback. but happy nonetheless.
“Of course,” If I survive tomorrow, “I do have a pretty busy schedule…I’ll have to check when I am free.” i tell him half jokingly. He laughs and comes closer to me tickling my sides making me burst in a fit of laughter.
when he finally stops his attack on my body and allows me to catch my breath I look at him, actually look at him taking in every detail. My hand rest on his cheek as I lay on my side with him next to me.
“I see you, Neteyam.” I say gently.
“I see you, Y/n.” He says in the same gentle tone. I lean closer, but he’s the one to initiate the kiss, a kiss so gentle I felt as if I were floating.
I spent my time leading up to my duel with Selkath with the people I’d grown to love. I gave Tuk my necklace that my mother had gotten me for my 12th birthday. She’d give me many growing up. I gave Kiri my beaded bracelet. I left Lo’ak my small dagger. I left Neteyam, another of my daggers with a note. Neteyam and Lo’ak would find their gifts if neteyam were to look for me in my tent. If I made it back they wouldn’t know they existed.
I readied myself as eclipse settled closer and closer. I steadied my mind and heart, sending a prayer to Eywa. I grabbed my remaining daggers and my bow and arrows before calling Malu to take me up to the place I would meet Selkath.
He stood at the peak, his body rigid, and back towards me. I studied him before calling out to him. He turned to me and I no longer recognized him.
No words were shared before he charged at me. Knife in hand, he aimed directly to my heart. I moved under him, deflecting the hit. It was a dance, a beautifully tragic dance once. My daggers hit his body as his hit mine as well. Maybe it was from the blood loss or the overload of emotions I've been able to feel in the last few weeks, but I could not kill my brother and live. It would haunt me and possibly kill me as well. Tears and sweat mixed together each move brought us close to the edge of the mountain.
“I cannot kill you, I will not!” I shout over the wind.
“then you will die.” He responds in a cold tone.
“You hate me so much ?” He stayed quiet. I hit him hard enough so that he’d drop his knife. “Is this what you wanted?!” I ask, grabbing onto his shoulders, moving us closer and closer to the edge of the mountain.
“I will kill you!” he yells. I could feel him trying to push me but I held my grip on his arms.
“Let my people go!” I yell, both in prayer and to the man who caused this all to fall from the mountain, fear flashed in his eyes, I closed my eyes accepting my fate.
I thought it was the end, that I would see Eywa when I opened my eyes again. Instead I found Neteyam, Neytiri and Jake. I gasp and sit up remembering the events before I closed my eyes.
“you’re okay,” Neytiri says, laying a hand on my back. Neteyam was holding my hand. small sobs shaking my body.
“Selkath?” I ask.
“Eywa heard you Y/n.” Neytiri says.
“A swarm of Ikran saved you and my dad banned him from ever leading any people.” Neteyam says. I nod my head in understanding and send up a prayer to the Great Mother, thanking her for not making me do something I would not be able to live with.
“Thank you,” I muttered.
“Jake,” Neytiri says nodding her head towards the entrance of the tent signaling to give me and Neteyam so moment alone.
“What were you thinking? you should have told me, Y/n.”
“I was thinking about my people,”
“Well they are here now, they are our people,” He says, his eyes on mine. I smiled at him sweetly. And in this moment I knew Eywa has blessed me with the best things I would've never thought of.
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flowerparrish · 9 months
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[Podfic Link] | Fic by @cacodaemonia | Length: 7 hrs 46 mns
Star Wars: Waxer/Boil
Rated: Explicit
The Cyclone Initiative is an experimental GAR program that enlists clones who have sustained fatal injuries—specifically catastrophic brain injuries. With the help of Skakoan cyberneticists, Kaminoan engineers replace the damaged components with cybernetic analogs to bring the new 'cyclones' online. Most cyclones cannot recall episodic memories from their pasts but this does not impact their utility. Not only can they meet the same physical demands as standard clones, but their cybernetic neural augmentations allow them to perform complex calculations that make them ideally suited to complement clone CMDs, CPTs, LTs, ARCs, and ARFs. In the first stages of the program, completed units are placed throughout the GAR, and the 212th Attack Battalion is about to receive its first cyclone.
Podded for lattice_frames for ITPE! Thank you to @seascribbling for encouraging me and featuring heavily in the bloopers, and @cacodaemonia for being the best beta listener in the world.
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redsandspirit · 9 months
Matthew Stover ruined Dooku
It is perhaps generally accepted that Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover is one of the best books ever written in the Star Wars universe, if not the best. It's not hard to see why, since in many ways the story is head and shoulders above the movie, and Anakin Skywalker is, in my opinion, better captured by the author than anywhere else in the Expanded Universe. Still, I can't say that I was completely satisfied with the novel. Count Dooku is one of my favorite EU characters and I was saddened by how he was portrayed by Stover.
Matthew Stover's Darth Tyranus is a terrible xenophobe, who never fails to remind the reader of this even during conversations with his colleagues such as Grievous and Darth Sidious. He deeply believes that creating the Empire of Man is what he was born to do? Seriously? Dooku is so evil in this book that it seems as if he would have been able to carry out all of Palpatine's plans exactly to the smallest detail without the participation of Palpatine himself. I think Stover here erases the complexity of the character that Jude Watson and Sean Stewart were able to create, and that's something we'll come back to.
A government clean, pure, direct: none of the messy scramble for the favor of ignorant rabble and subhuman creatures that made up the Republic he so despised. The government he would serve would be Authority personified. Human authority. It was no accident that the primary powers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were Neimoidian, Skakoan, Quarren and Aqualish, Muun and Gossam, Sy Myrthian and Koorivar and Geonosian. At war’s end the aliens would be crushed, stripped of all they possessed, and their systems and their wealth would be given into the hands of the only beings who could be trusted with them. Human beings. Dooku would serve an Empire of Man. And he would serve it as only he could. As he was born to. - Revenge of the Sith, 2
In the novels written before Revenge of the Sith, we saw many important episodes from Dooku's past, and there were no premises for xenophobia. As a child, he was constantly dealing with other sentient species in the Jedi Order, and his father figure was a literal gremlin. One of Dooku's childhood friends was Eero Iridian, who is also not human. Darth Tyranus shows some remorse due to the fact that he and Darth Sidious took advantage of the Troxans (a non-human species) to drain the Republic's resources. This definitely doesn't fit with the way in RotS Dooku gleefully imagines crushing non-humans under the new government.
“These are the envoys from Troxar,” his Master said. How could he know? Dooku didn’t ask. Darth Sidious knew. He always knew.“They are considering surrender,” Dooku said. “They claim they have a resistance planned, ready to rise in insurrection when the clone troops withdraw.” “No!” the flickering figure said sharply. “The war has already damaged the planet too much to make it worth saving. Its only value now is to chew up more troops and resources. Tell them they have to fight on. Promise them reinforcements—tell them you will be deploying a new fleet of advanced droids to retake the whole system within a month, if only they can hold on. Explain that such weapons will not be put in the hands of those who surrender.” “And when the month passes, and no reinforcements arrive?” “Help will come within another month at most. Promise them that, and make them believe it. I’ve shown you how.” “I understand,” Dooku said. How casually we betray our creatures. The hooded figure cocked its head. “Having an attack of conscience, my apprentice?” “No, Master.” He met the hooded figure’s hideous eye. “It was their own greed that brought them to you,” he said. “In their heart of hearts, they always knew what they were getting into.” - Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, 1
The next uncharacteristic trait that was added to the character is technophobia. Anakin Skywalker's prosthetic arm disgusts Dooku, and he almost spits bile while talking to Grievous. The aristocrat hates not only cyborgs, but also ordinary droids, calling them “repulsive” and hoping that they will be destroyed along with the General.
“Which is precisely,” Dooku said meditatively, “why it might be best if I were to kill him, instead.” “Are you so certain that you can?” “Please. Of what use is power unstructured by discipline? The boy is as much a danger to himself as he is to his enemies. And that mechanical arm—” Dooku’s lip curled with cultivated distaste. “Revolting.” “Then perhaps you should have spared his real arm.” “Hmp. A gentleman would have learned to fight one-handed.” Dooku flicked a dismissive wave. “He’s no longer even entirely human. With Grievous, the use of these bio-droid devices is almost forgivable; he was such a disgusting creature already that his mechanical parts are clearly an improvement. But a blend of droid and human? Appalling. The depths of bad taste. How are we to justify associating with him?” - Revenge of the Sith, 2
Dooku nodded judiciously to himself, frowning down at the translucent blue ghosts slinking toward Palpatine. “Sound the retreat for the entire strike force, General, and prepare the ship for jump. Once the Jedi are dead, I will join you on the bridge.”“As my lord commands. Grievous out.” “Indeed you are, you vile creature,” Dooku muttered to the dead comlink. “Out of luck, and out of time.” He cast the comlink aside and ignored its clatter across the deck. He had no further use for it. Let it be destroyed along with Grievous, those repulsive bodyguards of his, and the rest of the cruiser, once he was safely captured and away. - Revenge of the Sith, 3
Why doesn't this make sense? As with xenophobia, the previous books and comics do not contain any hints that Dooku has disdain or hatred towards people with prosthetics and cyborgs. Moreover, when Grievous proposed using Geonosian technology on the Jedi Padawans for experimental purposes, Dooku approved the idea. Not to mention, the Sith Lord enjoyed Grievous' training.
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Grievous had been a delight to train, as well. - Labyrinth of Evil, 22
Love and friendship
Next, Stover gaslights the reader by talking about the friendship between Dooku and Lorian Nod. Because if we go back to Legacy of the Jedi, it turns out that Dooku wasn't such a bad friend. He cares about Lorian and tries to be careful with his words so as not to hurt his feelings. Then after Lorian betrayed Dooku by blaming him for stealing the holocron, did Dooku worry about his reputation? Sure, but what unsettled him was that he was betrayed by someone so close to him. Even after what happened, he considers Nod his friend and cannot decide to refuse his request.
He doesn’t remember quite when he discovered this; it may have been when he was a young Padawan, betrayed by another learner who had claimed to be his friend. Lorian Nod had said it to his face: “You don’t know what friendship is.” And he didn’t. He had been angry, certainly; furious that his reputation had been put at risk. And he had been angry at himself, for his error in judgment: trusting as an ally one who was in fact an enemy. The most astonishing part of the whole affair had been that even after turning on him before the Jedi, the other boy had expected him to participate in a lie, in the name of their “friendship.” - Revenge of the Sith, 3
His best friend had betrayed him. Throughout the years at the Temple, he could always depend on Lorian. They had shared jokes and secrets. They had competed and helped each other. They had quarreled and made up. The fact that this person could betray him shocked him so deeply he felt sick. Legacy of the Jedi, 3
Dooku didn't know what to say. He wasn't prepared to lie, but he couldn't say no to his friend. So he said nothing, and, after a long while, the two friends fell asleep. Legacy of the Jedi, 3
Was Dooku the perfect friend? Of course not, and his pride played a role in escalating the conflict, as did Lorian’s envy, but to reduce everything to the words that “Dooku was different and did not understand friendship” I think is a monstrous simplification. The loss of his friend played a big role in Dooku's life, and that's how the story ends.
Lorian had been wrong. Dooku's heart hadn't been empty. He had loved his friend. But he had changed. Lorian had betrayed him. He would never believe in friendship again. If his heart was now empty of love, so be it. The Jedi did not believe in attachments. He would fill his heart with nobility and passion and commitment. He would become a great Jedi Master. Legacy of the Jedi, 6
We further learn that Dooku cannot care about the feelings of other beings and does not even see those around him as entirely real. Now, I don't by any means think that characters with these traits are a bad thing, or that you can't do something interesting with them, but that's not Dooku. We've seen how important his relationships with some of the other characters are to him (there's a whole novel written about him and Yoda), and that he cares to some extent about the feelings of those around him. Moreover, Stover will not explore these new traits, because Dooku will die in the next chapter anyway.
He is entirely incapable of caring what any given creature might feel for him. He cares only what that creature might do for him. Or to him. Very possibly, he is what he is because other beings just aren’t very … interesting. Or even, in a sense, entirely real. For Dooku, other beings are mostly abstractions, simple schematic sketches who fall into two essential categories. - Revenge of the Sith, 3
Jedi Order
Stover's Dooku ideal Jedi Order would forcibly remove Force-sensitive children from their families. Perhaps it's just my opinion, but it seems strange in light of the fact that his rejection trauma, as described by Sean Stewart, is related to his parents and the Jedi Order.
And that Fist would become a power beyond any Jedi’s darkest dreams. The Jedi were not the only users of the Force in the galaxy; from Hapes to Haruun Kal, from Kiffu to Dathomir, powerful Force-capable humans and near-humans had long refused to surrender their children to lifelong bound servitude in the Jedi Order. They would not so refuse the Sith Army. They would not have the choice. - Revenge of the Sith, 2
Ultimately, I can make the case that the ending of Yoda: Dark Rendezvous may have served to develop Dooku and make him even more bitter, but that doesn't justify the radical personality transplant Matthew Stover performed. And now, I often see these lines used to say that Dooku was always pure evil, had no good intentions and was always pretending, and also see questions like "as a human supremacist, what did Dooku think of Yoda?" And how can we know? All of these things were added to the character at the last minute and didn't match anything we'd seen before. This is not my Dooku.
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 months
👀👀 I want to say all of them but!!
bounty hunter fives?????? Also Horror Batch fic - Luna Daemonium?!?!?!!
Very intrigued very intrigued
waaaaaaaaaaa you're so sweet!! I love these two wips to death and will gladly spill everything about both lol
Ok wait actually not EVERYTHING.... bounty hunter fives has some super secretive Secrets to it and I honestly don't want you to recognize it when you read the real thing lol BUT! To start with that one, it is essentially what it says in the title! And also totally not!
In an Empire-controlled world, Fives' work (hiding from said Empire as a bounty hunter) leads him to take a slightly sketchy job: recover a rogue operative that has escaped from ✨ The Techno Union ✨ :D
Upon capturing his (very scrappy and annoying) target, Fives lets his guard down when he sees that the man is a fellow clone. But when he removes his helmet, the man knows him. The man knows his name and says that he's Echo and that's the cruelest joke Fives has ever heard so he slams his helmet back on and ignores the target all the way to the drop-off point, no matter how he tries to convince him.
But when they land, his buyer isn't content with just taking the target. The skakoan double crosses him upon realizing that Fives is a clone, and captures them both together. And suddenly, in those unfeeling labs, the other clone stops trying to convince him that he's Echo. In fact, he seems like he wants Fives to ignore him again, at least whenever Tambor is around...
(AKA an Echo and Fives reunion fic where Echo is once again doing everything he can to resist Wat Tambor's digging for information, only this time, that includes ignoring his back-from-the-dead twin to ensure he can't be used against him. Yes I am Evil :D)
And moving swiftly on from that nightmare, here's the next one!!
Based HEAVILY on the horror game Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Luna Daemonium is set on an abandoned moon base, with the Bad Batch being sent in to discover why it went offline. They split up in an effort to get it running again when Echo, having scomped into the systems, suddenly seems... sick. He's distant and mumbling to himself but Crosshair can't deal with that right now because the droids that had once been operating this place have come back to life and are hunting them down. They all end up pinned in the main control center, droids clawing at the doors while Echo shakes to pieces on the floor.
They don't know what to do, he's not responding to anyone and while the others hold off the droids, Tech decides to plug into Echo's headpiece to try and fix it.
This is a bad idea. Before he can do anything, Echo is off the ground, scomp ripping the cable from his head while his other hand presses his blaster against Tech's.
So! It’s essentially your classic possession trope where Echo is cybernetically "possessed" by a sort of living code-demon and puppeteered to hurt his brothers, all while they try their best to free him. Lots of Echo whump, murderously protective batch, and Latin, because why the hell not? Trying really hard to write it as actual horror, so that’s been fun too. :D
tysm for asking about these!!!!! they're like.... my favorite things ever. I'm obsessed w them. I want them to exist already and it's devastating that i actually have to WRITE them ugh.
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adriansvetozaroff · 2 months
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CIS Last Honors (commission)
"Here lie the members of the Separatist Executive Council, who on this day were viciously murdered. Despite the fact that they were my superiors, I will not conceal the ill will I hold towards them; they were greedy, narcissistic plutocrats in life. They beggared whole planets to live lives of obscene opulence, causing many millions to starve and suffer.
Nevertheless, they threw in with our mission to ensure galactic freedom, giving us the resources we needed to oppose the increasingly corrupt Galactic Republic. All they asked in demand, was power. We did not think much of it, for we knew that Count Dooku had power over them in turn, and we were confident that he would keep them in line.
When our illustrious leader died, along with our boldest general not long after, this council was all that stood in between the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and disaster. Needless to say, we were doomed. When the Republic’s agent swooped in like a gundark among nerfs, he hammered the last nail in the coffin of the Separatist Alliance by shutting down the droid army galaxy wide.
Sirs and Madame of the Council, I’ve asked myself why I would even bother giving you this final tribute, but as poor choices as you were for the authority over the armed forces of the Confederacy, you were still our leaders. Whatever you had done in life, you did not deserve such an ignoble end, butchered and left to rot.
I believe everyone is capable of redemption, and that no one should be denied that chance. I cannot sacrifice this belief, especially for the likes of you. Rest easy knowing that I will continue our struggle for freedom.
Long live the Separatist Alliance."
- Admiral Halna Gowen's eulogy to the Separatist Council, composed on Mustafar, circa 19 BBY
Commission for NPlaysMC from DA
Episode from the story of his original character, the Separatist commander Halna Gowen.
Full view, please.
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piermanwalter · 2 years
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It’s astonishing how unlike his remorseless freak of a grandfather Jul Tambor turned out to be. Jul is the least Wat-like Skakoan we have ever seen, in behavior and appearance. Aside from being 2 generations apart, most physical differences are probably because of age and, presumably, not growing up in an offworld flaming poisonous garbage dump like Wat did.
When Darth Vader #31 comes out, it’s probably going to contradict everything I just said.
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kark-trooper-echo · 1 year
I wanted to asked, if you have or found any side effects of your implants (especially some weird once)?
A friend of mine got a split personality thanks to cheap replacement parts. Never buy cheap replacement even if you're low on credits! Never!
After I got the implants, a few other personalities did show up. I thought they would leave after the GAR replaced the Skakoan implants with the Republic hardware, but thankfully they stayed with me through all of it. Those boys are family now. 😉
And don't worry about any replacement parts I might need. Tech is a stickler for quality, and if a part isn't good enough he'll work on it until it is.
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cacodaemonia · 9 months
I'll just be screaming over these podfics by @flowerparrish for the next decade 😭😭🧡🧡 It seriously blows my mind that ze thought some of my fics would make good gifts in an exchange and then spent so much time and skill on turning them into amazing podfics! 🥺
All Waxer/Boil, naturally:
🪙 Trapper demonstrates the value of a credit.
🐺 After an odd mishap at the ruins of an ancient, forgotten temple, Waxer seems totally fine—until the 212th deploys to another planet where a full moon is rising.
🤖🧡 The Cyclone Initiative is an experimental GAR program that enlists clones who have sustained fatal injuries—specifically catastrophic brain injuries. With the help of Skakoan cyberneticists, Kaminoan engineers replace the damaged components with cybernetic analogs to bring the new 'cyclones' online.
Most cyclones cannot recall episodic memories from their pasts but this does not impact their utility. Not only can they meet the same physical demands as standard clones, but their cybernetic neural augmentations allow them to perform complex calculations that make them ideally suited to complement clone CMDs, CPTs, LTs, ARCs, and ARFs.
In the first stages of the program, completed units are placed throughout the GAR, and the 212th Attack Battalion is about to receive its first cyclone.
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rendomski · 5 months
Spoilers for episode 14!
Drabble, Emerie and Echo.
Warning: medical details, rather specific Emerie's PoV.
Echo is so obviously defective.
Omega told Emerie about the extent of his injuries. But to be told is one thing, and quite another—to see with her own eyes the absence of limbs, the heavily scarred tissues, the chemically discoloured skin stretched taut over the facial bones.
In the Imperial Army the clone trooper with such injuries would have been disposed of on the spot. Unless some medic would have sent him to a research lab to study how a human body, even that of a clone trooper, can possibly survive such numerous and elaborate cybernetic modifications.
At the same time, Echo is incredibly competent. He already infiltrated this facility on his own. Quick to take in all Emerie’s explanations, he puts up the plan of action and adjusts it when she points out the drawbacks. The more she talks to him, the stronger is the feeling that he is one of the smartest people she has ever met—and in her line of work, that says a lot. She goes once more through his plan and actually believes it might work.
This is so bewildering. All her life, she was taught to spot the defects, correct them, or eradicate. To strive for perfection. Her eyes keep wandering over Echo's scars. Here's a laceration that was simply taped when it should have been sutured first. And this port would better be made an inch lower and to the left, it clearly disrupts the proper circulation. Skakoans lack the knowledge of human anatomy to make things right…
They don't talk much about the experiments conducted here on Tantiss, but when they discuss the escape plan, the schedules and details of some medical procedures come up inevitably.
“I could do nothing to help them,” Emerie blurts out, and she cowers under Echo's stare. He doesn't look angry or judgemental; but it seems he wants to verify, didn't you, really?
All of a sudden, Emerie feels so defective.
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