#skekmal headcanon
Pride F/O Headcanons! (Part 1)
I know Pride is already over so I'm VERY late but whatever! Better late than never! This will just be a list of Sexuality/Gender headcanons (and some canon things) for my F/Os. I thought it would be fun to share!
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Damon Gant (Gay Man)
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Dick Gumshoe (Bisexual)
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Diego Armando Godot (Bisexual)
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Scar (Queer)
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Wolf (Bisexual)
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Gummigoo (Asexual)
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Pieck Finger (Pansexual)
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Halsin (Canonically Pansexual)
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Tiffany Valentine (Canonically Bisexual)
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Grog Strongjaw (Bisexual)
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Killer Croc (Bisexual)
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SkekMal (Pansexual and Intersex (Canon?). Uses He/Him pronouns)
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SkekUng (Pansexual and Intersex (Canon?). Uses He/Him pronouns)
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SkekVar (Pansexual and Intersex (Canon?). Uses He/Him pronouns)
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Oni (Bisexual)
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Trapper (Gay Man)
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Senshi (Gay and Demisexual)
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Hotaru Haganezuka (Gay Man)
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Krem (Bisexual Canon Trans Man)
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Cobra (Bisexual)
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Gajeel Redfox (Bisexual)
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Iskandar (Bisexual)
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Kirei Kotomine (Gay Man)
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Gladiolus (Gay Man)
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Foxy (Asexual)
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Kratos (Bisexual)
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Thor (Bisexual)
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Ford (Pansexual)
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Thel Vadam (Gay Man)
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Angel Dust (Canon Gay Man)
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Rewatching AOR again, and I realized something about the exchange between SkekSo and SkekZok when they think SkekMal is dead and deserves a funeral rite, with SkekZok being embarrassed admitting there is no rite since none of them died since the beginning
Originally I saw it as "strange", SkekYi and SkekHak did die, it was as if they ignored them. So I interpreted it as them not counting them or even having forgotten about them (after all the movie shows they did forget about Aughra too)
Then we all saw the tableboard with all the Skeksis titles on which was "Spy Master" we all suspected to be SkekUng, and there were 2 other ones, the Merchant and the Steward. 18 in total. So we supposed those were SkekYi and SkekHak. Especially since apparently in the new canon from the novels SkekHak IS still alive so who knows, AOR being even different it wouldn't be far fetched they both would be. Unless those were for flashbacks or storytelling
But upon listening to it again, SkekZok says "no Skeksis has died since-" then pauses as if self censoring or scared, and finishes more nervously and vague "the beginning...". Now sounding like it's not that no one died from the start, but no one died SINCE the start but they had at this very moment. Which is making me think that Skeksis (so SkekYi and/or SkekHak) DID die at the beginning, but it was not talked to again out of fear of death, out of censorship, and that it was so early there was no rite and they just got rid of the bodies. Making more sense why SkekSo would ask for a rite supposing perhaps SkekZok had actually done some sort of rite instead of none, rather than assuming there was one planned in case one would die which is weird from a species who refuses to see Death as a possibility
Making me also think. Everybody at this moment thought comatose SkekMal was dead. "None" of them having died, it was logical they would not know an actual dead Skeksis fall into ashes since it was not the case of other species. But if indeed SkekYi and/or SkekHak died at the beginning they should know. Meaning either they forgot/self-censored and self-convinced to forget as a denial of their mortality, OR they did not fall into ashes. Meaning my headcanon that the Skeksis originally wouldn't fall into ashes when dying but do so now only because they are very ancient and years catch up all of sudden may be true after all !
And if TDC AOR Tactics' comment that SkekMal's mask looks like a Skeksis skull is to take seriously and canon, it could truly belong to obe of them like I HC it is
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an-indecisive-mess · 5 months
SkekZok x Emily Headcanons
SkekZok first met Emily after saving her from facing punishment from the All-Maudra after stealing food to help feed a hungry childling. Posing that Emily was an esteemed guest of the Skeksis. Emily went along with the lie because she didn’t want to get into any more trouble.
When SkekZok first saw Emily, he was completely enchanted by her. Having never seen a human before, SkekZok thought that since Emily had such composure and cared not about the Gelfling around her that she was of some royal status, and wanted to exploit her knowledge to gain better control and power over the empire right under SkekSo’s beak. 
He never expected to fall in love with her as time went on. He never really thought about the possibility of being attracted to Emily and it was a bit of a dilemma at first because he could not stop thinking about her no matter how hard he tried. Even pushing his emotions deep down whenever Emily was around so he wouldn’t ruin both his plans and his newfound friendship with her.
Emily was completely unaware of SkekZok’s feeling for her until after he tried protecting her from an attack by SkekMal.
After SkekZok was severely wounded in the fight that resulted in the loss of his beak, Emily took charge and started attacking SkekMal mercilessly. Which, after seeing the pain she had inflicted upon the Hunter, resulted into SkekZok’s pain kink.
When asked about certain rituals performed on Earth, Emily gladly told SkekZok of all the different rituals that were performed through out Earth’s history. Mostly holiday traditions, the customs done in her Methodist church, and medieval torture practices. The latter SkekZok took a keen interest in.
Emily unknowingly made a big mistake telling SkekZok about how people in medieval times tortured prisoners and criminals.
SkekZok always allowed Emily to assist him with his rituals, even dubbing her with the title Acolyte, because he found her insights most endearing.
When Emily would bathe or groom herself, she’d always sing, and SkekZok would always stand outside her closed door just listening to her voice. Thinking it was the most beautiful voice he’d ever heard.
With this, he was able to convince SkekSo to let Emily be a court singer during special occasions.
Emily tends to ramble when she talks, and while most people or Skeksis were annoyed by this, SkekZok wasn’t. He found the things she talked about to be interesting and humorous. Even if he eventually got annoyed, he always made sure she was being listened to.
They were engaged to be married after being together for five tine.
When Emily was forcefully taken away from Thra after a minor conjunction, SkekZok changed for the worst. He became cold, merciless, and more of what we, the fandom, are familiar with. SkekZok didn’t just lose an acolyte that day, he lost the love of his life. The one person who made him feel like he could be better.
With this, SkekZok dealt with an 800-trine grief in a very unhealthy way. Destroying everything that reminded him of Emily, including killing choir Podlings for singing off-key and not perfect enough like his Acolyte. The only object that survived SkekZok’s grieving rage was Emily’s locket, which SkekSo had managed to keep safe and placed in a monstrance in his study.
NSFW Warning for Below.
Since Skeksis aren’t usually a sex-driven species, SkekZok getting aroused when Emily inflicted pain upon SkekMal was an unusual feeling. He was never aroused by anything before until then, and immediately wanted to do everything he could so he could experience such pleasure from her.
Emily was a little nervous the first time they did it, but when SkekZok made her an oath that he would not force her into anything she was uncomfortable doing, she felt safe and fully trusted SkekZok.
He switched between a gentle and rough lover. Depending on what Emily wanted from him.
Whenever they made plans to do it, Emily would leave a specific colored flower outside of SkekZok’s cathedral to let him know what time of love-making she wanted from him and what he should prepare for.
White = Gentle
Orange = Rough
Red = Make Me Beg for Mercy
They are lucky Emily’s room is the one of the only rooms in the castle with actual doors.
Knife play is involved, and SkekZok loves it when Emily gently traces a knife across his body. Slow enough not to cut the skin, but sharp enough to get a slight twinge of pain. It’s the rare time he likes to be the one being dominated.
Hot candle wax is also involved, but this is only for special occasions because the wax gets everywhere and is a pain to clean out of the bed sheets.
Emily has more of a bondage kink. Letting SkekZok blindfold her and bind her wrists to the bedpost, and just let him commence their own “ritual”. Hearing nothing but soft and silky words coming from his beautiful voice as he completely takes charge.
Aftercare is surprisingly gentle. They pamper the heck out of each other, giving each other small kisses, extra pillows for comfort, and taking turns massaging their muscles and using only the finest creams to make their skins softer. While Emily loves the feel of SkekZok running his hands over her body during massage time, SkekZok loves how he can finally be truly relaxed and trusts Emily with this gentler side of himself.
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Romantic SkekMal headcanons
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous; hopefully this is what you were expecting. I might add more later when I rewatch the series.)
- Okay let’s be real skekmal isn’t romantic; he’s a coolblooded butcher who barely has a heart and has only truly been interested in slaughtering things and collecting them as trophies. You were almost met with the same fate when you came across him while trekking deep within a forest.
- You hadn’t been paying attention to your surroundings, not noticing the sounds all around you although that isn’t exactly your fault; even if you were trying to listen for something you probably wouldn’t even hear him. All of a sudden you saw a streak colors and you were thrown to the floor; you scrambled, crawling backwards while looking at the attacker who loomed wickedly over you. You had heard stories of him; everyone had, but none of them compared to the real thing.
- His eyes ran over you; not Gelfling, Podling, definitely not Gruenak, so what then? Had he been hidden among the trees for so long that a new species was created right under his nose? He took a calculated step forward and you crawled back some more, nervous, afraid-no... terrified, oh how fun.
- You had pleaded then, hands shooting up, halting him even though he’d usually ignore such pathetic gestures. It was interesting hearing you speak, voice soft, a tremor running through your words. You had a family, like he cared? Did you really think that would stop him, the only thing stopping him was your intriguing appearance.
- It’s because you’re so interesting that he decides to “keep you”. You find yourself being dragged to your feet and hoisted over his shoulder as he makes his way back to his campsite. 
- You’re practically his trophy pet, a beautifully interesting capture of his that proves his excellence and skills. So basically you’re a prisoner kept locked away from the rest of the world and always in his line of sight to make sure you can’t escape. And for a while that’s all you are; that is until he begins to find you more and more attractive.
- He begins taking note of different qualities of yours he enjoys as well as the seemingly pointless yet endearing hobbies you’ve been able to keep up with while being with him. Soon enough he sees you as more of a companion then a trophy.
- He won’t outright make it clear that you’re now together but chances are he’s snuck in some Skeksis courting rituals while interacting with you; none of which you understand nor pay any mind to, so in his eyes since you hadn’t objected and just obliviously went along with them you are now his.
- Even though he doesn’t make your relationship clear he will get fiercely angry if you show interest in another or if he’s ever been around to see someone attempt to flirt with you. You’ve almost gotten a few people killed before you realized that SkekMal was trying to or had already been courting you without your knowledge.
- Chances are you were made fully aware of the predicament you were in because of his jealously. Someone had been flirting with you while you passed through a town with him which you were quite enjoying until Skekmal nearly tore their limbs from their body. When you rightfully got upset by his reaction and demanded an explanation for his behavior while he roughly dragged you away he had roared about all that he viewed as you accepting his courtship.
“YOU AGREED! YOU SLEPT IN THE BED! YOU USED THE DAGGER! YOU ARE MINE!” (I’m improvising, perhaps I’ll make a skeksis courting rituals headcanons later)
- You’re stunned into silence and he snaps his mouth shut as he studies your oddly quiet behavior, his head tilting to the side. He’s quite confused as to why you’re suddenly not attempting to yell at him.
“I’ve... I’ve agreed to be yours?” You all but whisper.
“...indeed.” And a silence falls over you two, fairly uncharacteristic for the violent creature before you.
- From then on you have a sort of unspoken relationship.
- He’s fairly temperamental; one moment he’s calm, might even tough you gently, nuzzle his face into your neck, the next he’s a flash of red hot anger or a swirl of confusion and mixed emotions, storming off and disappearing for hours.
- He gets aggravated without your presence. He never would have imagined that he would rely on another being in any way but whenever you’re gone he realizes just how much he genuinely craves your company or just being able to come back to you after hunting.
- You’re probably the one to introduce him to actual good tasting food, like homie survives on jerky and mud water 90% of the time so anything you make is delicious compared to his usual meals.
- Rough grips around your wrist, whether it be to bring you somewhere or pull you close to speak into your ear. His touch by nature is not gentle so really any time his hands are on you it’s going to be rough.
- He watches you while you sleep and once he knows you’ve fallen into a deep slumber he’ll sometimes stalks towards the bed and sit on the edge, inspecting you more closely. Occasionally he’ll drag his hands across your skin and marvel at the smoothness or curl up next to you listening to your breathing; not quite cuddling with you but not too far from you.
- Jealousy and possessiveness obviously, you’re his trophy, you’re his and his alone. Thra have mercy on anyone who dares even think about taking you away from him.
- He’ll often mark you to show his territory to others whether it be with a nip or scratch of his claws. Rumors spread and soon enough its well known that the Hunters “wife/husband” will have a certain mark on them. This also ensures you aren’t very welcome in any city if you ever try to run from him. 
- Of course you don’t look like a Skeksis so many are very confused as to why SkekMal has seemingly claimed you, particularly the other Skeksis when they find out. They can’t deny you’re interesting but they would never imagine courting something so “lowly”.
- Obviously he likes a good hunt so just try to run from him or storm off when you’re angry or fed up, it won’t take him long to find you again and when he does he’ll certainly be quite excited/amused. 
- Occasionally you’ll just play an innocent game of hide and seek just to “warm him up” when he’s about to go off on a serious hunt.
- You receive little trinkets or gifts often bones or weapons, things like that. He’s heard that you’re supposed to give your significant other gifts and even though he doesn’t quite understand the sentiment he gives it a try. He’s never around when you find the gifts  but you can be sure he’s watching you from somewhere you can’t see. 
- He gets a swell of pride he can’t exactly explain when he sees that you like said gift or finds it placed somewhere special.
- Sometimes he just picks you up and carries you under his arm when he feels like you’re moving too slow for his tastes or won’t comply with his decisions.
- Quiet campfires; he doesn’t speak very often unless you ask him something and even then he will sometimes not answer deciding to leave you guessing. Occasionally you’ll manage to get him to tell some of the stories of his hunts and you can watch him a bit nervously as he animatedly describes a fairly horrendous series of events that include gruesome murders.
-You have to have a tough stomach if you’re going to be around him, he’s a savage and gruesome killer. He finds no reason for you to be disgusted in seeing guts or entrails and he certainly wont understand why you’re acting so squeamish but if you are more weak hearted then he’ll make an effort not to turn up to your camp covered with or carrying somethings insides.
- Hes not great at accepting compliments that don’t pertain to his hunting skills, he’ll most likely tell you to keep quiet all the while his heart slowly begins to stir inside his chest.
- He’ll silently patch you up whenever you get hurt. It’s interesting seeing him so focused and quiet; no telling you how foolish you’ve been or anything, just his rough yet attempted gentle touch. 
- Hearing the incessant sharpening of his blades especially when he’s in a mood. Occasionally he’ll let you hold his weapons usually after some persuading on your side. His face softens while he observes you although you’re usually too focused on the blade in your hand to notice. If you’re lucky you’ll look up just in time to notice, if you ask him why he’s looking at you like that he’ll just shake his head and look away.
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skekheck · 3 years
Random assortment of Skeksis headcanons I had scattered in my drafts/notes I wanted to share:
SkekVar never took off his head gear which led to baldness. He tried to keep it a secret, but after he kept requesting his Gelfling guards fetch him hair remedies the word got out and the Skeksis openly mocked him about it. The General profusely denies this and threatens he'll beat anyone up if they keep going on about it.
SkekMal was always knowledgeable about hunting, but failed miserably as a hunter when he was freshly divided because he couldn't coordinate his new body well.
Same can be said for the other Skeksis. They weren't fully accustomed to their new bodies which brought out a lot of frustration and violence. They were also just as clumsy as their Urru counterparts.
SkekLi is near-sighted but refuses to wear glasses because, in his own words, makes him look like a nerd. He constantly squints in order to see faraway objects clearly.
SkekVar and skekUng were on-and-off-again friends. They get chummy at one point but then the next they're fighting each other. SkekUng usually instigates a lot of these fights because he has always eyed skekVar's position in power and believes he'd make a better general. Their friendship was usually rebuilt once they talked about how much they hate the Chamberlain's guts.
He wasn't that sad hearing about skekVar's death, but he started getting suspicious when he heard skekSil was there. Whenever the Chamberlain mentions about skekVar in conversation, skekUng gets defensive over the former General.
SkekLi needs a walking cane to get due to a leg injury that didn't heal properly. The cane is detachable and can be used as a rod which skekLi uses in performances.
Sidetic was a domesticated animal brought in by Gelfling for skekTek's experiments, possibly done to meet a quota. However the Scientist found himself suddenly attached to it when it showed him affection.
Sometimes when the Scientist is not dealing with gruesome experiments, Sidetic sits on top of skekTek's shoulder.
Although he refers to him as Sidetic, skekTek sometimes nicknames it "Meatball". He nicknamed it that because he was hungry one time.
The top of skekLi's cane is a head bust of himself. When skekLi asked skekEkt to make it for him, the Ornamentalist gave him a look and remarked "even the Emperor isn't that self-absorbed".
Much like how the Sifa use skekSa's likeness for good luck at sea, skekLi's is also used for good luck but during performances.
SkekMal's first trophy was his oldest bone mask. When he was kicked out of the Castle for his wild behavior, he was forced to wear Skeksis facial armor as to not jeopardize their alliance with the Gelfling. But since it was very reflective, skekMal had trouble catching prey. Eventually he managed to hunt down a couple of creatures to try on their skulls to see which would nicely fit him.
Although relatively attached to his trophies, skekMal will eventually discard them if he doesn't have room or it becomes broken beyond repair. He views this as him already absorbing the strength of the creature and no longer needing it. But he will quickly fill that empty space with another he finds worthy to put on his person.
However if anything happened to a new trophy he was still attached to he will go absolutely ballistic and take it out on any living thing he sees.
SkekMal has gone through several bone masks, one of which was an ancient forest "god" he killed to assert dominance as the apex predator of the Endless Forest.
SkekShod mostly lives outside of the Castle in his own private estate where he "works" (which is most of the time is just being lazy or hyperfixates on organizing random thing of the day), located within one of the Spriton villages. He dreaded going to the Castle when summoned and even moreso when he had to flee his estate to stay there permanently when the Gelfling Rebellion happened.
When they were younger, skekAyuk and skekEkt would skip work to sneak out of the Castle and roam the fields to go on romantic dates. They got in trouble, but it was worth it every time they did.
SkekLach always had allergies but she was able to tolerate them when she was younger because the symptoms were minor. Over time with her personal hygiene declining, they got worse.
SkekSa's alcoholism gradually got worse over time to the point she requested skekEkt to make a jug holder belt. A lot of her pirate escapades has her usually tipsy or drunk.
Even so, skekSa has the best alcohol tolerance out of all the Skeksis. She's beaten every Skeksis who challenged her to a drinking contest.
When he was younger, skekMal had no rules against who he hunted so he went after Gelfling and Podlings. This phased out when he established a code of honor and left them mostly alone. However, he cheated his code when he got older, sometimes having trouble taking down prey due to his old age. Sometimes he would begrudingly hunt weaker prey, including Gelfling or Podlings, if he had plenty of unsuccessful hunting attempts and he couldn't ignore the hunger anymore.
He will also ignore his code if anything got in the way of his hunts. This is what essentially happened to Kylan's parents: they were killed when they ended up in the cross-pathes between him and the creature he was after.
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byhalves · 3 years
a small small post before i pass out in response to this
urVa knows skekMal is part of him, he knows the skeksis and urRu are destined to be one again some day... but that doesn’t mean he has to like his bastard self, and there is a small part of him that every time he stubs his toe or gets whacked in the face with a branch or something just goes “well good. i hope he felt that >:I”
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troutpopulation · 4 years
The real question is are their skeksis affected by the mystics' adaptations
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You bet they do !! :y
[Mystics version]
(Adaptation headcanon originally brought to the table by @dracocheesecake )
skekGra: has a big fan like sail for blood to flow through. The large membrane helps with cooling, and his tail holds large fat and water reserves like a gila monster’s tail.
skekSa: Very very thick fur and stubby, fat webbed limbs. She has almost completely lost her back arms and they stay tucked close beneath her scruff. Her hairs provide insulation and are warm for the arctic waters she frequents. She sheds very easily to acclimate to tropical environments, and her teeth grow backwards to easier catch slippery fish.
skekMal: Long prehensile tail, back arms are long and the fingers have fused into claws. His feet are opposable, his thighs are built for jumping extreme distances. The palmaris longus in his frontal arms is huge and thick, and his hair grain grows backwards towards the spine to better suit runoff while climbing.
skekLi: His back arms are long and lots of long whiskers help with feeling his way around dark spots, something his gigantic eyes are good for too. His feet are wide and perfect for gripping slippery cave surfaces and the tendons are strong and not easily hurt by a twist or roll. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
skeksis as types of kisses
skeksis fucker this, skeksis fucker that... how about skeksis smoocher.
SkekSo: A kiss without breaking contact- foreheads pressed together, hands clasped, cheeks touching until lips meet. SkekSil: A kiss on the back of the hand that evolves to one on the lips. Its quick and gentle, barely there, maybe you imagined it.
SkekTek: A quick goodbye kiss while rushing out the door, the reality of it not sinking in until moments later. SkekVar: A shy kiss encouraged into a bolder one, a dip and arms flung around shoulders.
SkekZok: A hand tilting the chin up, slow and steady and with all the motions of the kiss simply falling into place one after the other. SkekEkt: Sweeping off the feet, dipping low, and sharing a passionate, lighthearted kiss and many quick kisses broken by laughter.
SkekAyuk: A nose nuzzle with pecks interspersed between.  SkekOk: Sitting facing each other, one in the others lap, hands on cheeks and shoulders hiked up. 
SkekLach: A tender nuzzle at the neck and cheek that travels leisurely up to the lips and back down again.  SkekMal: Strong hands on the back of heads, eyes closed, brows furrowed, much slower and precise than expected.
SkekLi: A kiss broken with laughter, having to try again and again until you get it right; wrists in hand and smiling. SkekSa: Fingers in hair, heads tilted- this kiss is dynamic and has lots of power behind it.
SkekUng: Playful and strong, some teeth involved. Its less than graceful but full of passion. SkekShod: Hands on waists and shoulders, one travelling over the back and the other staying stationary. Soft, continuous kisses that seem to last ages.
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Pronoun headcanons for the Skeksis
SkekSo : he/him
SkekSil : he/him
SkekUng : he/him
SkekTek : he/him
SkekSa : she/her
SkekMal : he/him, they/them
SkekAyuk : he/him, they/them
SkekEkt : he/him, she/her, they/them
SkekLach : she/her, he/him, they/them
SkekOk : he/him
SkekVar : he/him
SkekLi : he/him, she/her
SkekShod : he/him, she/her
SkekGra : he/him
SkekNa : he/him, she/her
SkekZok : he/him
SkekYi : she/her, they/them
SkekHak : he/him, they/them
For their Mystics counterparts it's the same
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liaswritesrobots · 4 years
may I request a scenario with Shod, Ung, and Mal with a human s/o or love interest doing a double-take and when they ask them "What?" they just bluntly say "sorry. you just look beautiful right now. Couldn't breathe for a second." Tysm! (@skekshroom)
(Gonna be headcanons format since there are 3 characters. Also love interest cause I'm a sap U_U)
💛 He's confused as to why you turned away then looked at him again.
💛 He gives an odd look, asking you why you keep looking at him.
💛 When you land the smoothest pick-up line he's heard his cheeks turn pink for a moment while his mouth keeps opening and closing.
💛 Beautiful? Him? He's not one of the skeksis that usually gets those kind of compliments so he's a bit awestruck.
💛 He finally manages to choke out a thank you.
💛 He sneaks into your room later and leaves a very shiny gem on your dresser to let you know he's down to court.
💜 He's a little annoyed that the new being keeps doing double takes at him throughout the day.
💜 When you do it while passing him in the hallway he'll pout and ask you "What in Thra do you want?"
💜 When you tell him he's beautiful and you couldn't breath for a second he looks at you confused before a smile comes across his beak.
💜 He'll hit you with an equally as smooth "Not too bad yourself, human." while looking you up and down.
💜 He's not gonna beat around the bush once you make your interest in him known, he'll likely ask you later that day if you wanna court.
💜 Once you say yes he's gonna be even more prideful than normal with his chest puffed out and a smug grin for the rest of the day.
♥️ He's angry that you keep looking his way, he's taking it as some kind of challenge.
♥️ He'll growl out if you're challenging him to fight.
♥️ Once you call him beautiful he just stares at you in confusion. He knows this? Why do you have to say it?
♥️ It hits him that you're interested in him. You. The new, taller, possibly very strong creature that's been hanging around the others and their stupid political power plays.
♥️ He admires your guts in wanting to hunt The Hunter, a dangerous game no one before has ever played.
♥️ "If you're trying to court me you need to do better than that." "What?" "HUNT ME LIKE YOU MEAN IT!"
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SkekMal reacting to someone flirting with his s/o~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Let me preface this by saying that obviously headcanons about jealous Skeksis is not a place you should be looking for examples of a perfect partner.)
- First things first, people flirting with you is going to be a rare thing because of SkekMals status and behavior. Rumors spread fast within Thra especially when it revolves around the skeksis, so if one of them is courting someone everyone or nearly everyone is going to know and no one dares defy or try in any way; whether purposefully or not, to disrespect them.
- Not to mention you are rarely around other beings since SkekMal is a hunter at heart and prefers to remain in the forests of Thra or away from civilization. There are only going to be so many chances in which someone has the opportunity to flirt with you and even then most will know who you are and not dare to. Although there is always going to be one poor misinformed soul.
- He notices nearly instantly considering he is pretty much always at your side or watching from afar. If he doesn’t notice then it means you’re not in his line of view which most likely means you snuck away from him for some reason. This will make him even more furious considering this predicament is occurring “because of your insolence”.
- His immediate thought is to have their disrespectful tongue as a trophy. It’s an insult in itself that they would even dare try to take what’s his. It’s the same as blatantly stealing from him.
- He’ll stalk behind the daring or just plain ignorant creature, towering over them as they attempt to woo you. The atmosphere will grow silent as the Skeksis shadow looms over the two of you. Soon enough the creature will notice especially as your eyes become trained above and behind him. Thra help him as he turns to see what’s distracting you.
“Skekmal please.”
- He’ll say nothing in return, the room will grow incredibly tense and the creature will attempt to leave offering his sincerest apologies. Skekmal will fix his eyes on you, tilting his head to the side and studying you, trying to figure you out, figure out “why you feel the need to test his restraint” (not like he has any).
“He meant nothing by it, I promise you. Please.”
- You pleading will only make him angrier; why are you so interested in the wellbeing of this lowly creature? He won’t listen to your attempts to reassure him and will immediately leave to find the creature all while you quickly run after him trying to stop the inevitable.
- And he’ll kill them before you, like a true cold blooded sadist while you stand in horror, eyes wide in fear. Try to run from him after that and he’ll throw you over his shoulder and take you “home” as you scream.
- If you wish to calm him and ensure that he doesn’t kill the poor fool, you’ll have to distract him. Brightly greet him, pretend as though you hardly noticed the creatures attempts at flirting, come up with some excuse as to why you left his side, do anything to keep him from acting on his feral urges. If you’re good enough than you can maybe convince him that ‘no, of course he wasn’t flirting, that’s merely how these creatures act with each other’.
- He’ll be tense all day, it doesn’t even matter whether or not he killed the creature although he will be in a worse state if he doesn’t. He’ll make you feel greatly uncomfortable as he stares at you, refuses to speak, stays just far enough from you that it feels as though you’re being stalked rather than being in the company of your beloved.
- You’ll have to soothe him, approach him yourself as he watches you suspiciously, curiously. Wrap yourself around him, praise him, insult the creature who flirted, boost his ego as you tell him how he’s the only thing in Thra that you could ever imagine being with. You might just have a chance at calming him and ridding him of his anger.
- Other times or rather most times he’ll be loud, growling, barking, bellowing out demands for you to explain yourself, tell him who you belong to,tell him that you hate him, that you prefer that dirty creature over him because it’s obvious you do. A Skeksis is above any other creature on Thra but he’s aware that it does not matter to you and that bothers him more than anything else. It’s his insecurities about his own nature that fuels his jealousy.
- He’s the hunter, skilled and beautiful and powerful but what if you do not see that? What if you wish to run from him? Surely he’d chase you, track you down and drag you back but that would never solve you losing the love you had for him. He could capture you as much as he pleases but he could never force you to feel, no matter how hard he can try.
- And what has he to offer you? Forget his status; the fact that he is a Skeksis, and think. He’s cruel, uncaring, unkind, he does not know how to love, how to be gentle and show you how much he cares, it’s not in his nature. What do you want with him? That creature, that disgusting sniveling worm could love you better than he and why wouldn’t they. If you were precious to him, he who feels nothing and has no fondness for anybody, then surely you would be precious to them.
- Don’t take offense when he insults you, his rage is ugly and you’ll see have to get used to it if you wish to be with him. You’ve effectively made him feel things he’s never felt before; inadequate, worthless, small, no matter if you meant to or not. He’s just lashing out in a way that’s normal for him, he doesn’t want to face his feelings, they aren’t comfortable and he’d like to keep them buried deep and far from your eyes.
- He’ll be rough with you, pulling and pushing, nails digging into your skin. He’ll pin you to things and make sure that you cannot escape his harsh voice.
- You will not be allowed out of his sight again nor will you be allowed outside of the campsite for quite a while afterwards.
- In conclusion having a jealous Skekmal seething at your side is not a fun time so it’s best to reject those who flirt with you as quickly as you can, hopefully before Skekmal can notice.
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magpie-allosaurus · 5 years
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inspired by a lot of baby skeksis art (including @nrrdiarts ) I did a Baby as well. 
Parents are: Skeksa and Skemal
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darkskek · 5 years
Skeksa (and skekmal) are the only skeksis who give a fuck about the status of skekso. So they treat him like every other skeksis.
Skeksa comes back to the castle and sees Skekso sick being and goes up to him, holding his face in one hand and says: "you look like shit"
And being taller than him makes it kinda intimitadet.
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grievous-writes · 5 years
Dating skelman headcanon?
Who’s Skelman? SECRET SKEKSIS WE’VE NOT SEEN YET? LOL! Sorry XD I don’t mean to take the piss out of this lol. I’m guessing you mean Skekmal? We’re gonna go with Skekmal. 
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Dating Skekmal is like having more of a hunting partner then romance partner.
He has issues showing more loving emotions. Anger and bloodlust are easy. But affection and tenderness? Very hard.
PDA? Nope. 
He’s sort of like a cat; only wanting affection or attention on his terms. 
He even does his own version of the cat head bump thing when he gets the need for touch. But that’s rare, done in private, and it doesn’t last long.
You hunt together all the time, from marks to animals. He teaches you how to fight, how to stalk, and how to preserve the kills. 
You have to have a strong stomach to be with Skekmal. There’s blood, bones, limbs, and organs. 
He makes you necklaces and charms out of the trophies he hunts. You have some matching sets. If you don’t ware them, he’ll get mad. It’s one of the few ways he shows that you belong to him … and he belongs to you.
He watches you when you sleep. And sometimes, just sometimes, when he knows you are deep asleep … he cuddles next to you. He purrs while you sleep. Or maybe it’s a growl: a warning to the world you are his prey. 
Only he can hunt you. Only he can have you. Your the most treasured trophy … and if you try and leave him, he’ll make sure your skull always stay close to his heart. 
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skekiss · 5 years
also what I personally believe to be unique about skekMal and skekGra is that I think neither share the fear of death their fellow skeksis has, which has played quite the role in how they are now
I think skekGra has made peace with the fact he may die - - he'll do what he can to be whole but, as he was once a Conqueror, he had made peace with death and the terrible things he did a long time ago, that if it comes for him he will accept it with some grace
and I think with skekMal, just his very nature as the Hunter, he understands and is well acquainted with death that its not so much a thing to fear for him, but rather something he dishes out far more than he is threatened by - - and he will throw himself into the fray, he is without fear of dying and the dead
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skekshroom · 5 years
I heard you like bathtime headcanons so could i get some for SkekMal?
i sure do!! bathing is the pinnacle of the living experience 
[SkekMal x Reader]
- In the beginning of your companionship, you demanded a level of privacy that had the Hunter dumbfounded. What do you mean you didn’t want him to look? Fool, you were in the wilderness, all of Thra could see you. But with a huff he gave you the benefit of being new to this world and sat behind a rock by the stream, sharpening his tools.
- These days, baths in rivers are often taken in shifts or together. With one of you keeping alert while the other dunks themself in the water. Never is one of your heads submerged when the other is as well, one is always above water. 
- SkekMal prefers to bathe himself, and by proxy you, with his tongue. You found it disgusting at first, protesting as his textured tongue dragged over your head. You were more willing to let him groom you, though. So long as he didn’t preen your hair too roughly. He has pulled out many a strand trying to comb knots out with his beak. 
- Baths are generally very quick and lack passion. But, seeing the hunter plant himself in the stream facing away from you is an intimate act in itself. He trusts you to watch his back. And wash it if you’re quick enough about it. 
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