#sky from fate the winx saga
A little danger, pt. 9
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A little danger - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy
———— PART 9 ————
Stella: So, tonight’s split into two events. The mixer is where the alums and the students chat, and then the banquet itself, which is just alums and VIPs.
Y/N: Why am I being told this?
Stella: Because you’re part of both events.
Y/N: No.
Stella: You know that’s not a word in my vocabulary.
Y/N: I refuse. That should be somewhere in there, or did Solaria not teach their heiress anything?
Stella: I’ll need your support. I can’t be left alone with Bloom and my uncle.
Y/N: Knowing Bloom is going to be there only reinforces my previous statement. Besides, Sky would kill me if I agreed to this.
Stella: If you come, I won’t tell Rosalind you snuck out of campus with Sky.
Y/N: You wouldn’t dare!
Stella: Don’t underestimate my desperation.
Y/N: Fine! But I’m not happy about it.
Stella: I don’t need you to be happy, I need you to attend.
Y/N: What can you tell me about your uncle? Is he on our side?
Stella: Yeah, he sees people for who they truly are. And he’s not afraid to say it. There’s no love lost between him and Rosalind.
Y/N: I hope you don’t mind if I do some digging about that myself.
Stella: Like…digging through his brain?
Y/N: Perhaps.
Stella: Just don’t leave him like a zombie.
Y/N: No promises.
Sky stands nervously outside Y/N's front door, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn’t keen on spending the evening in his suit, the tie choking him to death for hours, but Y/N seemed excited for it and it’s the first time she’s been excited about anything lately. Sky wanted everything to be perfect. 
Drawing a deep breath, he knocks on the door.
After a moment, Y/N answers the door, looking stunning in a gorgeous blue gown. The dress hugs her curves in all the right places, and the color perfectly complements her complexion. Sky's jaw drops in amazement as he takes in the sight of her.
"Wow," he says, his voice barely a whisper. "You look incredible."
Y/N blushes at his words, feeling a heat rise in her cheeks at the way Sky is looking at her. She had spent hours getting ready, making sure every detail was perfect, and it was clear that her effort had paid off.
"Thank you," she smiles up at him. "I'm almost ready, I just need to grab my purse."
As she turns to grab her bag, Sky can't help but admire the way the dress moves with her, the fabric flowing gracefully around her legs. He had never seen her look so elegant and sophisticated before, and he couldn't wait to show her off at the dinner. No one will come even close to her beauty, he’s certain of it.
"You look like a movie star," he says, grinning at her. "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be going out with you tonight."
Y/N laughs, feeling her heart swell with affection for Sky. She’s so glad that she agreed to go this evening, to officially show the world that Sky’s hers, just as she’s his. Most know of their entanglement with each other, but very few can guess just how deeply they care for one another.
"Thanks," she says, slipping her arm through his. "Shall we?"
Sky nods, feeling a surge of excitement as they step out into the cool evening air. 
“I knew you’d be dashing in a suit, I didn’t realize you’ll be this handsome though,” Y/N smirks as she senses the rush of emotion in Sky. Some people call it butterflies, but for a mind fairy, it feels a lot more like bees buzzing when they find a flower and they’re trying to perform a dance to invite other bees for a feast. 
“Considering how you look tonight, I had to be worthy of you”, Sky presses a butterfly kiss to her temple before he leads her to the door.
They arrive at the event and Y/N can feel her heart beating faster in her chest. She's a bit nervous, aware it could be the night they finally get rid of Rosalind. Stella’s plan is risky, especially when it relies on Bloom doing what’s necessary, but at least they’re doing something.
Sky squeezes her hand reassuringly, and she beams at him.
Together, they step into the grand room, and immediately all eyes are on them. Y/N can feel the gazes of the other guests as they look at the pair, hand in hand, entering the room together.
The room is filled with elegantly dressed guests, and the decor is lavish and opulent. But Y/N is only focused on Sky, and she can feel his eyes on her, a look of pride and affection in his gaze.
As they make their way through the room, Y/N feels a mix of excitement and nervousness. But Sky's calm presence beside her makes her feel more confident and secure.
As they move further into the room, several people stop to compliment Y/N on her stunning blue gown. She blushes, feeling a bit self-conscious, but Sky beams with pride at her.
"Thank you," he says, his arm still around her waist. "I’m glad you talked me into coming tonight."
Y/N smiles at him, feeling her heart swell with affection. “Well, I needed arm candy and you delivered.”
Chuckling, he nods. “Always available if you call.”
“Where have you two been?” Stella’s smile is frozen and Y/N doesn’t need to use her powers to know how fake it is. 
“Do you really want to know?” Y/N wiggles her eyebrows, making Stella grimace.
“Eww! No!”
Giggling, Y/N winks. “So, what’s with the panic and the fake smile?”
“Bloom decided she wants to go by herself.” Stella waves at a guest on the other side of the room, gracious by anyone’s standards. Yet Y/N can sense her dread. It wrapped itself around Stella’s mind, twisting and turning with each passing second.
“She did what?” Sky frowns, scanning the room for signs of Bloom, making Y/N sigh. 
“She did what she always does, which is fuck up.”
Stella’s eyes widen before nodding reluctantly. “Uh, hold that thought.” Setting off after Beatrix, Stella left the two alone.
“You’ve got to be kidding me”, Sky furrows his eyebrows, squinting as if he doesn’t believe his eyes.
Standing on her tiptoes, Y/N tries to follow his line of sight. “Gonna need some context, babe. I can’t see anything.”
Huffing, Sky begins to make his way across the room. With her eyebrows raised, Y/N grabs onto him, pulling him to a stop.
“What is happening?” She hisses, looking around to make sure no one’s paying them any mind. The last thing they need now is to make a scene.
“Stay here”, Sky tries but the glare he receives from her is answer enough. Grabbing her hand, he slows down so she can walk with him and once he arrives at his destination, a quiet gasp leaves her lips.
“Nice enough to make up for burning my house down?” A tight-lipped smile appears on Saul’s face.
“Ah, your house wasn’t that great”, Andreas chuckles.
“What the hell”, Y/N looks at Saul, her confusion palpable as she processes the sight before her. She had been under the impression that Saul was on the run, not hanging out with the very man who was out to get him. Her mind races with questions and concerns, her brow furrowing as she tries to make sense of the situation.
“Oh, don’t worry. We’re all family, aren’t we?” Andreas grins, staring at Y/N. 
Staring right back at him, she didn’t hold back. Diving into his mind had left Andreas stumbling back, unable to blink as Y/N rummages through his memories. She focuses all her energy on trying to penetrate his mind, leaving no stone unturned as she searched for Saul, finding the two agreeing on working together and Rosalind giving Saul full pardon. Y/N knows finding more details can be beneficial, but as she concentrates harder and harder, she begins to feel a splitting headache forming at the base of her skull. The pressure in her head builds, and she can feel her temples throbbing with pain.
Y/N tries to push through the discomfort, desperate to understand what's going on inside Andreas's head. But the pain only intensifies, and she can feel her vision blurring as the headache reaches a crescendo.
Finally, she has to give up. The pain is too much, and she can feel her mind screaming for relief. 
With a small grunt, she breaks eye contact. Closing her eyes, she turns her head to the side, feeling Sky’s arm around her. She’s pulled closer to him, her temple leaning on his chest. Swallowing thickly, she opens her eyes slowly, focusing her vision with a few blinks. 
“Did you just”, Andreas begins and she smiles faintly.
“You thought you could train yourself to withstand a mind fairy?” Y/N licks her lips. “Maybe it would have worked on a weaker fairy, but not me.”
“Yet you seem to struggle past the surface”, Andreas reaches out to touch her arm, but Sky steps in front of her. 
“Think again”, Sky speaks, almost like he’s challenging him to try, to give him a valid excuse to punch him.
“I’m glad you’re not on the run anymore”, Y/N tells Saul. “Just wish you would have told us, instead of catching us off guard like this.”
Nodding, Saul sighs. “We’ll talk later. I can’t stay here until the pardon is official.”
Wrapping an arm around her, Sky leads Y/N away to a quiet corner where they can stop holding their breath.
“You tried to read his mind in public?” Sky whispers, agitated by her recklessness.
“Pardon you, I succeeded.” 
“This isn’t a game”, Sky frowns, his eyes alight with anger as he grabs her wrist. “What if he had reported you or arrested you? I can’t fucking lose you”, his eyes fall to his tightly wrapped hand around her delicate wrist. Releasing her, he rubs his forehead. “I can’t believe I grabbed you like that. I’m sorry.”
Leaning her head on his arm, she smiles softly. “It didn’t hurt. I’d make stop and let me go if it did.”
“Please do.” Sky’s eyes are misty as he continues his earnest plea, “I fully support you taking my mind for a joy ride if I hurt you.” 
Nodding, she realizes something. All this time, she was so focused on her own feelings and her loss of control, but this is the first time she sees that mirrored in Sky. She knows he’s been suffering ever since Andreas came to Alfea, but she never understood just how much it affected his control too. There’s an edge to him, a temper she never paid much attention to before as it was rarely directed at her.
Her cell phone vibrates.
Aisha: Looks like you three will be tied up during dinner.
Y/N: What about Bloom?
Aisha: She’s been invited by Rosalind. Good luck.
Y/N: Rosalind plus Bloom equals a disaster. Are you sure you don’t need my help? Stella will understand.
Aisha: Flora and I are on it.
“Apparently, Aisha and Flora are going instead of Bloom.”
Sky raises his brows. “Are we happy about that or not?”
“Always better to have a few cool heads on super-secret missions”, Y/N shrugs. “We should go before Stella kills us.”
They arrived just in time for the dinner to start. Sky is between Stella and Y/N who sat next to Bloom. Andreas and Rosalind are seated across from them, and a man, one she presumes is Stella’s uncle.
Y/N takes a deep breath and reaches out to place a hand on Sky's knee, feeling it bounce nervously up and down. She gives him a reassuring smile and squeezes his knee gently.
Sky looks at her, his eyes slightly widened with anxiety. Y/N can feel the tension radiating off him, and she knows that he's nervous about this. She wants to help him calm down, but she doesn't want to draw attention to his nervousness and make him feel embarrassed.
She leans in closer to him, her voice soft and soothing. "Hey, everything's going to be okay," she says. "Just take a deep breath and try to relax. We’ll be out of here the first chance we get."
Sky nods, his eyes still locked on hers. Y/N can see the gratitude in his expression, and she knows that he appreciates her attempt to calm him down. She gives his knee another squeeze and then leans back in her chair, trying to appear relaxed and nonchalant.
In truth, Y/N is nervous too. But being there with Sky makes it easier. She feels more grounded and centered when he's around, and she knows that they can face anything as long as they’re together.
As they continue to sit at dinner, Y/N can feel the nervous energy in the air slowly dissipating. Sky's knee stops bouncing, and he starts to relax a bit more. Y/N can see the tension in his face easing, and she knows that her small gesture of support has made a difference.
“At least Sky was lucky enough to be raised by Saul. Talk about the blind leading the blind”, Stella’s uncle laughs, drawing Y/N’s attention. She tried to drift off for most of the conversation, but the moment Sky’s name was mentioned, her mind couldn’t let it go.
Stella chuckles, “Uncle Arthur!”
“Oh, come on. Now, you know it’s true!” The man turns to Sky, “I mean, no fault to you, but if you and my niece had stayed together”, he drifts off with a mock gasp, “…scandal!”
Sky’s knee is bouncing again. He runs a hand through his hair, his frustration evident in the way he clenches his jaw.
“Granted, you seem to have landed on your feet. First, you dated the fairy who transformed, and then you landed the one that is quite possibly the strongest fairy in existence.” Arthur chuckles once more. “Well done.”
“I didn’t realize we were discussing our dating histories at the table”, Y/N smiles politely, but her attention was elsewhere, focused on the thoughts she was picking up from Arthur's mind. It wasn’t a struggle like it was with Andreas, with Arthur, it was like a floodgate had been opened. His thoughts were swirling around in her head, and she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was off.
And then, it hit her like a ton of bricks. 
"I know what you're doing," she said, her voice cold and steady as she chained his gaze to herself, implementing a thought in his head, so this part only he can hear. "You're cheating on your wife, and it's not okay."
Arthur looked like he had been caught red-handed, but he seems to have understood her warning. Sky is off limits.
Unlike Y/N, Bloom spoke up. “Tone it down.”
Trying to laugh it off, Arthur glances at Y/N. “Everybody’s so delicate.”
“No, you were being a royal dick,” Sky states.
“What did you say to me?” Arthur raises his voice ever so slightly as Andreas laughs heartily. 
Y/N gives him a pointed look, forcing Arthur to pipe down and this time, everyone seems to have noticed the exchange. 
“Don’t talk to my friends like that.” Stella pipes up. “Every comment out of your mouth has been a thinly, or not so thinly, veiled insult. And you’re drunk.”
Perhaps that’s what made it so easy to enter his mind.
“Your mum was right. You’ve changed. A shame, considering you really wanted that gem out.” Arthur stands up, marching away from the table as Stella looks down at her hands in her lap, too embarrassed by his behavior to face anyone.
“You can still have the gem taken out”, Y/N whispers to her. 
Shaking her head, Stella sighs. “Not like that.”
Looking at Rosalind whispering with Bloom, Y/N focuses on their conversation. She doesn’t have to hear them speak as most people think about what they’ll say moments before they speak the words in existence. It takes no effort to harness those thoughts, drifting from them so easily. No one guards the thoughts they’ll speak openly.
“He’s an absolute prick, but I need him.”
“For the vote?”
“This room is full of people who want to see me fail. I'm cryptic because every move I make has to be bulletproof or they will pounce. 
“They all love you”, Bloom states.
“Nobody really loves the powerful ones. You'll learn that soon enough, just as your friend Y/N did.” Exhaling sharply, Rosalind smiles. “Luckily, fear works too.”
“Yeah, you have a knack for it.” Bloom remarks.
“I have to have a little fun. But there’s one thing you need to know is true. You are my star pupil, Bloom. Transforming, taking down the Burned ones, that’s just the beginning of your story. A story I’m lucky to witness.”
Scoffing, Bloom glances at Y/N, nearly catching her in the act. “You and I both know I’m the star pupil because the other contestant isn’t willing to play your games.”
“And yet, you will be the one to shape the Otherworld and I’ll be on your side. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have cryptic business to attend to.”
Rosalind leaves, Andreas following her closely. Sky lets out a loud exhale as if he’s been holding his breath this entire time. 
“Are you okay?” 
Nodding faintly, he rests his arm on the back of Y/N’s chair. “Are you?”
Pursing her lips, she tries to keep a smile at bay but it’s nearly impossible. “You’re with me. What more can I ask for?”
The phone vibrates again, but not just Y/N’s this time. Sharing a quick look with Bloom and Stella, her eyes shift to Sky. 
“They’ve done it.”
Bloom and Stella rush to meet the girls, only Stella pausing. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Give me a second.”
Inhaling sharply, she takes Sky’s hands in hers. “I’ll never force you to a fancy dinner again.”
“Was this dinner not a part of the gala?” Sky’s eyes widen slightly. 
Feigning innocence, she smiles. “Maybe not?”
Lips parting, his eyes narrow at her. “You’re lucky I love you”, Sky grins. He reaches over, taking her hand, his thumb stroking the back of it gently. 
Feeling a flutter in her stomach at his touch, Y/N can feel her cheeks darkening. They both lean in simultaneously, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. Her heart skips a beat as his arms wrap around her, pulling her closer.
Resting his forehead on hers for a moment longer, their lips part. Neither move, their eyes remaining closed in this silent declaration of love they share for each other. 
Finally pulling away, Y/N can see the adoration in Sky’s eyes. What she’s done to deserve it is beyond her, but she’s grateful. 
“What do you think the girls found?” Sky asks, but Y/N shrugs.
“I don’t know. However, Bloom and Rosalind are far too comfortable with each other for me to trust them. I think she knows I would never cooperate with her, so she’s focused on Bloom fully.”
“Bloom’s capable of making her own choices.”
“Is she?” Y/N questions. “Her previous choices were all disasters. For all of us.”
Licking his lips, Sky sighs. “Let’s hope this time will be better.”
Frowning at her phone as it vibrates once more, Y/N takes a quick look at the messages only to realize she’s already missed a lot.
“Stella’s trying to vote Rosalind out.”
Standing, Sky helps Y/N to her feet. “Let’s go.”
Arriving a little late, Y/N and Sky sneak inside and stand to the side.
“After torturing him in her lab, after stealing his magic, Rosalind let that student die in her office.” Stella’s claim left everyone in shock, muttering loudly. “Devin deserved better. Solaria deserves better.”
Rosalind walks in, her head held high. I hate to break protocol, but there may be a few minor inconsistencies with Her Highness's theory.”
And right from behind her, a student walks in. 
“Devin!” Stella gasps. 
“About a month ago, my friend Mayor Quinn called me. Two fairies, recently released from their studies at Alfea, went missing in Blackbridge. They were found days later, catatonic. Bitten. I offered my help. But until we found answers, he swore me to secrecy. He didn't want to cause panic.”
Taking Sky’s hand in hers for support, Y/N ignored his eyes upon her.
“I have to admit, I was stumped until I borrowed a text from the Royal Archives, with Arthur's permission. In it, I found an ancient creature called a scraper, a native of The Realm of Darkness. It feeds on magic. I realized that's what had happened to those poor fairies.” 
Rolling in a large tank, Rosalind pulls the cloth covering it.
“What the hell is that”, Y/N whispers, her eyes wide. Y/N stands frozen, her eyes still locked on the creature. It is unlike anything she has ever seen before, with a slimy, scaly exterior and rows of jagged teeth that gleam in the dim light.
As she watches, the creature stirs, its eyes blinking open and fixing on Y/N. She feels the weight of its gaze, and a shiver runs down her spine.
Taking a step back, she is unsure of what to do. The students are gasping as the creature chitters.
The creature moves again, its body shifting in the tank, and Y/N can see the power and strength that lie beneath its slimy exterior. She knows that this creature is dangerous, and she is terrified of what it might do.
A low, guttural growl emanates from the tank, and Y/N takes another step back, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. She tries to keep her wits about her, but the fear is overwhelming.
“I've been studying a scraper here at the school since we captured it. It wasn't until Devin was found that I got the answers I needed. I was able to bring him back from near death. All thanks to Benjamin Harvey's daughter, who discovered an amalgam that was able to revive all three fairies. I probed their minds and the picture became clear. The scrapers were being called upon by a Blood Witch.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N allows Sky to pull her into his side. Wrapping an arm around his middle, she lets out a shuddered breath. 
“Our old foes have discovered how to steal our magic. If Blood Witches continue using scrapers, fairy magic, therefore fairies, will cease to exist. Clearly, despite my efforts to keep my investigation secret, some of you sensed danger and took action.”
Glancing at the girls, Rosalind then turned her attention to Y/N as she spoke. “Your courage will be needed in the coming days, as we face our real enemy.”
She expects her to take part in this fight. Rosalind’s intentions are clear – she couldn’t control Y/N before, but this will allow her to certainly try. As the moments tick by, the tension in the room mounts. 
Y/N doesn't know what will happen next, but she knows she is in deep trouble. The creature's eyes continue to bore into her, and she braces herself for whatever comes next.
“Thank you for joining us here. Students, for now, you are dismissed.”
Y/N didn’t have to be told twice. She bolted out the door, dodging the girls expertly as she ran to the lake. 
Sky followed her. Y/N can sense him near and for once, she doesn’t get the urge to push him away. She wants him closer.
“Blood witches?!” Y/N shouts, running a hand through her hair. Pacing, she shakes her head. “I don’t know how to stop hurting people around me and she’s going to try to weaponize that!”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, Sky stops her. “I won’t let anyone force you into anything.”
“That’s the thing!” Y/N chuckles dryly. “She won’t have to force me, I’ll feel obligated to help the fairies.”
Cupping her cheek, Sky presses a kiss upon her forehead. “Breathe”, he reminds her. “Breathe.”
Y/N can feel the weight of expectations that are surely to fall on her shoulders to stop the scapers and Blood witches. She is not ready for this. Her own powers are still not fully under control, and the thought of using her unstable magic as a weapon terrifies her. Y/N’s powers are unpredictable, and the consequences of using them could be disastrous.
Y/N bites her lip, her mind racing. She wants to help, and she wants to be brave, but the fear is too much to bear. If she loses control of her magic, it can go terribly wrong, and innocent lives could be at stake.
“I don’t want to do it”, she whispers. “I wish everyone would leave me alone.”
“I know”, his voice is soft as are his hands running up and down her back. “We’ll figure it out, love.”
Shrugging off his jacket, he wraps it around her shoulders and pulls her close.
“But you need rest tonight.”
“I don’t know if I can sleep after this”, her bottom lip quivers.
“I can help with that”, he teases, eliciting a quiet chortle.
Walking toward the dorms, Sky knows she can feel his worry too. Amid all the chaos in both their heads, Sky can feel the weight of his own worries and fears. He can see Y/N struggling, and he feels helpless.
He doesn't know how to help her or if he can protect her from the dangers that lay ahead. The creature is unlike anything he had ever seen before, and the thought of Y/N facing it is a nightmare waiting to come to life.
Sky’s meant to be her specialist, her sworn protector, yet he doesn’t know how to help save her from creatures that he’s never encountered before. It won’t send him running scared, he cares not for himself, only for her. 
No matter what, Sky will protect her. No cost is too great if it means she gets to walk away from this fight unscathed.
111 notes · View notes
artistamateurieuse · 7 months
May I offer you some romcom!au saundreas?
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(plus bonus ten year old Sky because I couldn't stop myself)
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89 notes · View notes
penflicks · 10 months
Prompt: Skloom and Stellatrix accidentally or on purpose go on double date. Sibling rivalry ensues
"What do you mean we're kicked out the house?" Beatrix wailed pitifully, calculated to get Andreas to relent.
"I put my foot down and we're going to have a romantic night in so you two can't be here," Saul cut in before Andreas could change his mind.
The boyfriend was onto her, and she wasn't pleased at how quickly he was learning. If he worked her out much more she'd have to admit he was her second dad. It was entirely unreasonable of him. Even worse than him caring enough to learn her was that she was starting to like him.
"I get throwing Sky out, but I can be quiet up in my room with a soundproofing spell on!" Beatrix tried one last time.
"Hey!" Sky looked up from where he was undoubtedly already texting Bloom to arrange a date. He really didn't love Andreas as much as she did.
"Little Storm, you are going out because I'm going to fuck Saul against every flat surface of this house," Andreas broke the bad news gently. Beatrix gave him her most heartbroken look.
"Not in my room!" Sky looked up again alarmed.
"Or mine." Beatrix crossed her arms over her chest and sulked.
"Agreed. Now go out." Saul shooed them out of the house and closed the door firmly behind them.
"Thrown out of my own house!" Beatrix wailed and flopped down on the front step in mild overdramatic despair.
"Come on, Bloom and Stella have agreed to have a double date out bowling with us." Sky pulled Beatrix to her feet and threw her over his shoulder while she did her best impression of a corpse. "You'll have fun."
"I wont." Beatrix decided.
"You will if you win or Stella kisses you, now stop being dramatic." Skey deposited her on the backseat where she only just managed to pull her legs in in time for them not to get shut in the door.
"Don't want to," Beatrix pouted and pulled her seatbelt on as Sky got in the driver's seat.
They met up with Stella who seemed surprised that Beatrix was in the backseat instead of the passenger's but opened the door anyway to help her girlfriend out as if she was an important dignitary and Stella her guard. Beatrix beamed.
"She acted like I was her taxi driver the whole way." Sky rolled his eyes and accepted a hug from Stella.
"You're not getting a tip with that attitude," Beatrix told him.
"I'm never explaining something to you again! Stella, Stella save me. She didn't know what a tip was yesterday and ever since she's been threatening not to tip me. That's not even an insult." Sky rested his head on Stella's shoulder while Stella patted his back grinning.
Beatrix dragged Sky off her girlfriend with a little growl and Stella used her ring to open a portal that would open near the closest bowling alley to Bloom's house.
As soon as the three of them stepped through Sky was tackled by an excitable Bloom. The two of them insisted on being so cute that Beatrix made a gagging noise and turned away. Before she could go anywhere Stella wrapped her arms around Beatrix's waist and pulled her back against her chest.
"Is my girl being a pest?" Stella whispered in her ear.
"I'm being very well behaved," Beatrix told her innocently. "Now what's so good about bowling?"
"Come on, let me show you." Stella kissed her cheek and led the way inside.
"You won't me to put on those?!" Beatrix exclaimed after Stella had paid and she was shown the shoes. Sky, the bastard, had turned up at the moment already filming her horror at the footwear. "This is a trick!"
"They're bowling shoes," Bloom explained trying not to giggle. She was failing. "It's to stop you scratching the floor which would mean the balls can't roll as well."
"This is the most evil idea for a date ever," Beatrix sulked but when everyone else had put on the shoes (and Sky had stopped filming) she did too. "Stella, please, glamour them. Just make them black instead of red and white," Beatrix whimpered pathetically. This whole afternoon was the worst she'd had since Rosalind had been killed and her magic returned. Even recovering with 14 stitches in her head had been better.
"Alright." Stella kissed her hair, pulled one of her bunches and turned their shoes black with a flick of her wrist.
"We'll get hotdogs and loaded fries and slushies after the first game," Bloom promised as she walked up to the screen to set their game up.
"I might not last that long, I've got a big appetite." Sky chucked his jacket down and went to examine the bowling balls. "You probably want to use one of these ones, Beatrix, they're the lightest."
"I'm strong!" Beatrix hissed like a fluffed kitten. She knew she'd done it because Stella was desperately trying to hide a giggle. "Wait, what's a slushie?"
"I'll get us some, you're getting blue raspberry, Beatrix, welcome to artificial flavourings - what the first world does best!" Sky darted off to join a small line as what looked like a brightly lit and brightly coloured bar.
"I'd better put him last in the turn order then," Bloom said watching him. "Do we want barriers up? It's been a while since I last played but I think my aim was pretty good."
"I have great aim," Beatrix asserted.
"Beatrix hasn't played before, and I am not getting 5 gutterballs like the last time I played. Put them up," Stella decreed.
Beatrix quickly discovered a few things about bowling, firstly that hotdogs, loaded fries and slushies were the best thing she'd ever tasted. It was so much better than what she'd grown up eating, because Andreas could cook -he'd had to learn how isolated as they were away from the world - but they never had junk food delivered. She was in heaven! It was like when she'd had a burger for the first time at Alfea and her delight at it filled her with love for everyone in the room. Then Sky had entered the cafeteria and she'd returned to normal.
The second thing she'd learnt, is that the balls were a lot heavier than they looked, Sky was very good at this game and Beatrix wanted to grind him into the dust with her victory. She also wanted to sneak a bowling ball out the building to use as a missile should Rosalind or any other nasty return from the dead or whatever pit they'd been tossed in.
The third thing was that the only thing better than getting a strike was Stella getting a strike because her firmly prim and proper girlfriend got goofy over the success. She would rush to Beatrix and kiss her in a way that made Beatrix feel like the other person who mattered.
Beatrix flopped back on the strange plastic sofas and sighed happily. Sky leaned over and booped her on the nose, but Beatrix was too comfortable to even threaten him over it.
"Bloom wants another game, and then we're all going on the arcade machines," Sky said. "I've texted Saul to make sure they'll be done by then."
"What'd they say?" Beatrix asked.
"They want to know we haven't killed each other, oh and Andreas says there's no curfew, find something else to do instead of coming back until late." Sky rolled his eyes.
"Tell them I've buried you in a shallow grave and timing how long it takes you to get out," Beatrix yawned.
Sky shorted and sent the text.
Beatrix's turn came around again and her phone rang, she frowned at it. Calling was not allo- oh it was Andreas. She should answer that.
"You normally text," Beatrix said as she answered the phone.
"Tell me you aren't burying Sky alive," Andreas grunted out. "I love you Little Storm, but if I have to come out there and dig him up you're grounded for a year."
"Oh no he was definitely dead when I buried him." Beatrix selected her ball, aimed and took her shot.
Saul squawked in horror at Beatrix's words and there was the sound of Sky's phone ringing. Beatrix shorted.
"Please play nice," Andreas said tiredly.
"Don't shag yourself to death, old man," Beatrix replied, then after a moment. "Love you too."
She hung up and turned to where Sky was promising Saul that yes he was alive, no he hadn't been buried and that yes he was having a good time." He didn't say 'love you' as he hung up because men are idiots and those two especially.
"Are you and Saul good now?" Bloom asked gently.
"Yeah, we're...finding a new normal. He's stopped staring out the kitchen window as if waiting for Andreas to return now too which is nice." Sky sniffed and looked away. "I think his heart's mending and I might finally have a proper place in it."
"Urgh, you're so dramatic!" Beatrix took the second part of her turn. A spare! "Go read his diary. He literally never shuts up about how much he loves you and how proud of you he is."
"He does?" Sky asked. "Wait you've read it?!"
"Yeah? I've read yours, Bloom's, Terra's - didn't understand most of it, too many plant things - and I'd have read Stella's too but I don't think she has one."
"You little," Bloom hissed. Her eyes sparked for a second went out and then she stood up. "That's it. You're going down." Bloom picked up a bowling ball and took her shot.
Beatrix grinned and snuggled against her long-suffering girlfriend.
"You are being a pest," Stella said fondly.
"Possibly, yes." Beatrix grinned. "I was badly socialised as a child."
"Your dad is Andreas, you never stood a chance." Stella dropped a kiss on Beatrix's lips. "Next week we're going to a family dinner and your job is to find uncle Arthur's diary. I've been dying to know what's in it since I was six."
"Easy," Beatrix smirked.
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skloomdumpster · 11 months
Sky: Stella and I just went through a rough break up and I just... 🙈Don't want you to think I'm that guy 😕🥺
Bloom: Sky we just met. 🤨 Yesterday. 🤨 I don't think anything about you. 😐
Sky: ...ok🥺🥺🥺🥺
he's insane.
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sklooms · 1 year
don’t want no other shade of blue, but you
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preciouspatriots · 2 years
what barber did everyone at alfea go to and why do they hate them?
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cherries11 · 2 years
These are all Saul's scenes from the S2 trailer, obvious ones and assumed. I mean, he doesn't appear in the trail of vehicles, but I assume he's in one of them 😁
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partiallypearl · 2 years
flora/riv + Life as We Know It (2010)
thank u jo!! i haven’t seen this movie in FOREVER so i did have to rewatch the trailer to remind myself of what happens so apologies if it doesn’t fit 100%
“This is insane.” Riven grumbles and Flora nods, her eyes remaining on the Will that’s laid out on the coffee table in front of them. “I mean seriously. What the fuck were Sky and Bloom thinking? Leaving us Marion.”
“No idea.” Flora mutters, her eyes lifting from the paper to look at Riven and more importantly, the two month old baby sleeping in his arms.
Marion - who has no idea how her life just changed in basically the blink of an eye.
“I have no clue.” She begins, standing up and walking over to Riven, gently caressing Marion’s cheek. “But they chose us for a reason. So, let’s put our differences aside and make sure this little one at least gets a good life.”
Riven looks at her, his jade green eyes basically staring into her soul. He nods and Flora does her best not to grimace at how irritated he seems. “Fine. But I’m sleeping on the couch.”
“Fair enough.” She mutters, kissing Marion’s cheek before stepping back over to the recliner and the mass mess of paperwork they had been scouring for the last hour over.
This was going to be… interesting to say the least.
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
fate the winx saga s02 review:
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theundercoversquid · 2 years
Head Scratches
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x Reader
Summary: You play with Sky’s hair while he naps
Warnings: fate the winx saga
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Sky’s head rested on your chest as he napped. His arm slung across your hips as the rest of him is laid either on you or pressed against you.
To be fair, he needed it. After all the training he was being put through. And the extra training he was putting himself through. You were happy your boyfriend was finally catching up on some much-needed sleep.
In one hand, you held a book. And the other gently ran through Sky’s hair. Massaging his scalp as you went.
Removing your hand from Sky’s head, you move to turn to the next page in your book.
But the moment your fingertips left Sky’s scalp, he let out a disgruntled sound. Grumbling in his sleep as he pushed his head further into you.
Lightly chuckling, you flipped the page before returning your fingers to Sky’s head. Causing him to let out a happy sigh as he relaxed again. Content that your hand was back on his head.
Smiling at your adorable boyfriend, you made a mental note to bring it up to him when he woke up.
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Grumbling Sky’s eyes fluttered open.
Grinning sleepily up at you, Sky moved to sit up. Shuffling around until his head was resting on your shoulder as he looked at what you were reading.
“You are adorable, you know that don’t you?” you questioned Sky. Putting the bookmaker in your book, placing it on the bedside table next to you.
“Why?” Sky questions, wary of where this was going.
“You wouldn’t let me take my hand off your head.” You told Sky, Smiling down at him. “Whenever I would take my hand off your head, you would whine and nuzzled your head into me until I put it back. It was so sweet.”
At your words, Sky’s cheeks dusted a light red and a smile spread across his face.
Leaning down, you placed a light kiss on his nose. “It was adorable.” You assure him. “After all you have been through. And are putting yourself through you need some TLC.”
“As long as you are the person giving the the TLC.” Sky grinned admiring you.
“Always.” You assure him. Placing a kiss on his head. Because you most certainly weren’t planning on going anywhere.
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The Masked Part 1
Fandom: Fate the Winx Saga
Pairings: Sky x reader, Riven x reader, Saul Silva x reader (Platonic or otherwise undecided)
Warning: Descriptions of violence. swearing and hints of childhood abandonment.
A/N: This part is based on Season 1 but the rest will be pre- and in Season 2 (Rosalind’s era). So spoilers for them.
Taglist: @v1naco | @instantplaiddream | @faithm120601 | @holyhumorliteraturelight​​
Series Masterlist
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You woke to the vibrations of their makeshift bed and the engine of the Solarian guard car in which they slept. You could hear the words of the driver and passenger of the car, a pair of fairies, one a fire fairy and the other an air fairy. The two fairies were ‘friends’ with your best friends, Sky and Riven respectively.
“You stole a car? How do you know how to steal a car?“ You heard Bloom, the fire fairy, ask Beatrix, the air fairy.
“I know how to do a lot of things.” You heard Beatrix retort as they drove off to an unknown destination. Now why you were in a Solarian guard’s car was simple... No, you didn’t sleep with a guard that arrive that morning. You didn’t sleep at all the night before and when one of the guards, an old friend called Cathán, asked you to grab something from the car, you may have fallen asleep. 
The drive went on in silence, you laid stiff with tension. The car twisted and turned, the sound of tires over gravel the only other sound. Soon the car stopped, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Bloom and Beatrix stepped out of the car, causing you to exhale heavily,
“Aster Dell was a town, right? Are you sure this is the right place?” You heard Bloom ask, Beatrix replying.
“I'm positive.” 
“How could a town be marked on a map if it's on the side of a mountain?” Bloom asked as she walked further from the car. Your hand went towards your phone and read the most recent texts from Sky and Riven.
BlueEyes: Where the hell are you?!
Raven: Fuck this! Sky is calling Silva! So get your ass back here!
Soon enough, Bloom and Beatrix got back into the car, Bloom’s face depressed. You heard them talk about Rosalind and Aster Dell... Two very familiar names.
“Dowling imprisoned her. I'm at Alfea to break her out.” Beatrix explained before exclaiming as something hit the car. “Shit!”
The tires screeched and Beatrix ran out, only to be stopped by Headmistress Dowling and Professor Harvey, who was holding her in place using Earth magic. 
“Take Bloom. We’ll handle this.” Headmistress Dowling stated, your body froze in the back of the SUV. The group began to move away from the SUV when Silva then stated.
“You know... Y/N was missing today. Sky and Riven told me they weren’t on campus. Then one of the queen’s guards, Cathán, said that Y/N was helping him with something in the SUV before he got knocked out.” Silva explained, walking towards the back of the SUV. He opened the door to your sheepish face, staring blankly at you. “Get out, Y/N.“
Meanwhile back on the Alfea campus, Sky and Riven were talking to each other. They stood in the training grounds, wooden sticks in hand as they fought.
“And you’re sure Y/N isn’t here?” Riven asked Sky, his stick spinning as he hit Sky.
“We looked everywhere.” Sky explained, before dodging a swipe and blocking another hit. “I told Silva and...”
Sky was cut off by a loud ping and Riven’s phone went off a second later.
Silva: We’ve got them.
As they read the message, another appeared from their friend.
Y/N ⚔❤: You fuckers snitched! Silva hasn’t stopped yelling at me since he found me!!
Due to your ‘actions’, Silva placed you on house arrest with a curfew. Bloom was spied upon and Beatrix led away by Headmistress Dowling. A few days passed and soon you were called to arms against the Burned Ones.
“Y/N. We need to go!” Riven called out before you grabbed your dual swords with a silver hilt and ran outside the school. Unsheathing your swords, you began cutting down Burned Ones, leaving a trail behind you. In the distance, you could make out a redhead walking towards the Burned Ones and transforming, fire swirling around her. You began walking back to the school, passing out from exhaustion.
The next day, you stood outside with Sky and Silva when Solarian troops exited their vehicles and armed themselves, glancing between the three of you. A car door opened to reveal the figure of Queen Luna of Solaria, who walked up to you and began speaking.
“Saul Silva. It's with a heavy heart I must place you under arrest.” 
“For what?” Silva asked confused, you echoing.
“The attempted murder... of Andreas of Eraklyon.” Queen Luna explained. 
“‘Attempted’?” Sky asked, bemused. Another door opened, causing your heads to spin around, and a man in a specialist uniform stepped out. Closing the door behind him, Andreas walked forwards, glancing at Sky. Silva and Sky’s eyes widened in shock while yours widened in horror, your jaw clenching.
“Hello, Sky.” Andreas smiled at Sky before turning to face you. “Hello, little warrior.“
“...Andreas.” Came your cool reply, your stomach churning as Andreas’ smile widened as he looked at you. Sky’s eyes looked at you, betrayal evident while Silva barely spared a glance at you. “I assume there will be some changes to Alfea now.”
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zaceouiswriting · 6 months
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.18
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
Whispers followed my confident question. Of course, I know the two are still on my list, but I don't care which would be my next enemy, even though I hope it will be the blonde, possibly the cruelest, who gave me moldy food and used me as a punching bag. All because he believes the rumors.
But neither seems ready to take a step forward. With a deep sigh, I stick my sword into the ground, ready to degrade the people who believe they are at the pinnacle of military power. That was until the blonde steps forward out of nowhere.
“You’re too cocky. You may have defeated Riven, but you’re just a pervert.”
At this point, that nickname doesn't even bother me anymore. I just don't like that such a lie could destroy the reputation I've built by winning a war I never wanted to be a part of. But my growing anger dissipated as I remind myself that no one there actually knows who I am.
“Can we start this fight?” I ask the instructor, to which he nods. A second later begins the fight verbally.
"You will go under, metal can never defeat plasma-"
Before the blonde could even finish his sentence, I cut the plasma blade in a single movement and held my sword to his neck. With a grin, I move my head close to his ear and whisper, "That's called the viper bite. I usually would have had a dagger in my left hand, so this snake only has one tooth."
Without waiting for a second, I stab him in the neck with the tip of the blade, only to draw out a single drop of blood before kicking his legs in and causing him to fall to the ground while also turning away in the same motion so I can would not be torn down with him. As he lies shocked on the ground, I'm standing over him with the point of my sword at his throat. A crashing sound followed his quick defeat. His weapon, which flew a few meters due to his fall, suddenly bursts as the energy crystal explodes into a thousand pieces.
Once again, everyone around us is speechless. When he looks at Saladin, it is clear that he has already resigned himself to his fate. Fully aware that his people had done something unforgivable. Now that he can see that my grandfather did not lie to him.
I kneel next to Blondie and stare into his clear blue eyes. A beauty of innocence, but they couldn't fool me. He's not the first pretty boy to try to catch me with feigned innocence, although the first one actually managed to trap me this way. His eyes were even clearer than those of the blonde below me, his hair dark and curly. I could feel my face fall. Why do I have to remember him now?
“You were so arrogant it was almost cute,” I whisper as I swallow the sadness building inside me. "Your grip is strong for a swordsman, but you are as flexible as a tree, and your footwork is almost worse than Riven's," I sigh deeply, "you have a lot of training ahead of you."
After giving him these tips, I stand up and walk away. But there's a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Out of reflex, I raise my sword again to keep it behind me. A clinking sound and the feeling of something falling to the floor unnerves me. As I look over my shoulder, my blood begins to boil. There is a small dagger on the ground. I can't believe that an honorable soldier raised with the principles of a knight would do such a thing. It leaves me speechless.
At that moment, something just snapped inside me. The anger rising within me simply broke my patience. With my fist clenched, I turn around and run towards the blonde guy lying on the ground, who is grinning at me so smugly. It just makes me even angrier.
My hand hurt and burned after just a few hits. His face is hard, the bones so strong that I may have done more damage to my hand than to his face. But when people finally pull me away from him, his face is pretty beaten up, bloody, and swollen.
It actually took the specialists five men to pull me away from the dishonorable blonde idiot. They try to calm me down, but none of their words could do anything for me as they have looked down on me the whole time and still call me a pervert just because their walnut brains can't comprehend a male magic fairy.
As I am restrained, I close my eyes and begin to breathe lightly again, soothing my own mind with memories of the warmth of my childhood. But even that can only get me so far if the same person who sparked my anger keeps humiliating me, which is what the blonde does. Even after I beat him to a pulp, he couldn't stop insulting me. Luckily, I didn't react, which shows the guys holding me that I'm no longer a threat. At least, that's what they thought.
Then, as soon as they release me, I run forward, to everyone's visible and audible horror. With my sword before me, I am ready to strike him down. His eyes were as wide as possible with his swollen, almost blocked eyes. Another man is holding him, looking pale and fearing for his own life, although my blade wouldn't hit him as my only target is the monster he is helping.
With my eyes burning and my blade inches from his face, I prepare to kill another person. In my anger, I wait for blood to spray all over me. But it didn't happen, not even a little bit.
Instead, when I come back to my senses, my blade has been stopped by another. A massive, green greatsword. The wielder, someone I never thought would do this. I stare at him through gritted teeth and ask him in a whisper, "What are you doing? Let me kill the smug, arrogant dimwit!"
“I can’t allow that,” he answers quietly, as softly as he had always spoken to me. “He is my knight.”
“Knight?” I ask mockingly. “A knight would never be this underhanded! Throwing a knife in my back? You must be joking."
The brown-haired man briefly looks back at his knight. For a second, I even imagined seeing a momentary flash of disappointment in them, but before I could be sure, he turns forward again. Instead, all I could see was his determination to protect his knight regardless of what he had done.
I try to push him away, but the only thing that happens in return is he shoves me back instead. Startled, I stare at him with shocked eyes. My gaze even involuntarily wanders down my arms to my sword. But there's nothing wrong. So, how could he push me away so easily? His attention is already back on his knight.
"I'm sorry for my knight Brandon, but you can't just kill everyone who does something to you."
I roll my eyes and could only scoff. Once again, I'm beyond annoyed by his insolence. But to calm him down, I take a few steps away, preparing for the next fight.
“If I kill everyone who lied about me or said words to me that I don't like, no one here would be left alive.”
I could see and hear a heavy swallow going down his throat, by his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Because he knows I'm right. I grin at having the upper hand and hold my sword out to him.
“A bet,” I offer him.
"What?" he asks, increasingly confused.
“A bet,” I repeat myself more slowly, “If I win against you, too, I want everyone in your group to grant me one wish.”
"Is that all?"
“No,” you smiled evilly, “I want one of you three to be my assistant, loyal and cooperative.”
“And what if I win?”
“Whatever you want,” I tell him, staring into his eyes, never breaking eye contact, which makes him visibly uncomfortable.
The brown-haired man turns to his friends. They both approach him, and as they speak quietly, I look around; the atmosphere is more tense. Many people watch my every move with a disdain I've never felt before. Why do these people hate me? Is it really just because I wanted to follow my birthright? Would they change if they realized the error in their beliefs? I don't think so, but only time will tell.
I stand there for a minute, staring at the three guys heatedly arguing about my bet. But to be honest, it has quickly become boring. I look up and stare at the sun for only a moment before just looking at my fingernails.
At some point, I must've zoned out because I have only come to my senses after I feel someone pushing me. I shake my head to clear it and see the instructor in front of me, his face twisted in disgust. He doesn't say a word. He only looks down at me as if I'm inferior to him.
Already ticked off, I feel my magic tingling in my hand, ready to bring this man back down to the ground where he belongs. But luckily for him, I catch Saladin's eye as he shakes his head. Annoyed, I let go of the magic building in my left hand, a spell that would've electrified the man to a crisp. However, when I let it go, my arm glows with lighting. It even affects my eyes, with which I stare directly into the teachers' orbs. I could see him swallowing in fear, exactly what I wanted to see.
"Let's get this over with," I mumble impatiently. "Are you ready, pretty boy?"
The brunette guy turns and looks around, but to his visible shock, my eyes are solely on him. It took me a moment too long for my liking to understand that he didn't think I could ever mean him. I call out to him, ready to pounce him, already in my attack stance. Then, and only then, it apparently dawned on him that I could actually mean him. He blushes a little but stood his ground.
Soon, the instructor begins our fight. Unlike the other two times, I don't move instantly and stare at my opponent. Strangely, he doesn't get as nervous as I thought he would. Smiling, hoping he is more than what meets the eye. After a few minutes, he still didn't make his first move, so I did it for him.
Instead of walking, I go down a little. I angle my feet and stand still for a second, only to suddenly start sprinting. My opponent's eyes widen due to my high speed. He could barely react in time to raise his sword into the sky and bring it down a moment later. Seeing this, I hold up my sword, blocking his attack with ease, holding his greatsword slightly above me. Not many people actually fight with a greatsword, as a metal sword of this size is heavy and difficult to handle. But since only the handle is made from metal and the blade comes from a plasma crystal, the weight is certainly not an issue.
I can see the terror in his eyes that even with the power he has put into his sword, I find it so easy to block his attack. Although I feel the pressure he's putting on my sword with his due to his immense strength, I don't show it to make him suffer psychologically. He is strong but not very smart. He could have tried to push me to the ground using his legs or even removing one of his hands from the hilt of his sword since I'm sure he could wield it with one hand. But he doesn't do it. His only way of fighting is direct. This is honorable, but it doesn't work in a real fight.
There were many different ways I could end this fight, even honorably. But what's fun in it? I grin because I know the third fight is almost over. But suddenly, the pressure on my sword grew exponentially. Confused, I raise my gaze up to my opponent. He wears a determined expression on his almost saintly features, portraying nothing but displeasure at the moment.
Soon, I could hear a cracking sound under my feet, and even my left hand begins to hurt from still blocking the brutes strike. I could hold the position if I have to. But to get through this fight unscathed, I really need to do something soon. 
I let my sword waver under the growing pressure, gazing at my opponent's handsome features and waiting for him to smile.
And just as I think about it - not even a few seconds later - a big smile appears on his face because he believes he will win the fight and everything he wants from me. Now that I know he's already going berserk, I can finally end the fight.
I let my sword glide down the plasma greatsword and duck under it faster than the guy before me could react since he's out of his mind. Barely past the sword hanging above my head, I hear it crash into the stone, which cracked further under the enormous pressure exerted on it. My sword helped it come down further away from me. As soon as I feel my sword release from the pressure, I pull it towards me and quickly upwards. I quickly approach my opponent, and in an instant, I am standing in front of him, the sharp blade of my sword at his throat, cutting his skin lightly to bring him out of his rage.
The guy's eyes quickly clear again. The whitish, murky eyes turn into a warm hazel brown. To say it shocks me would be an understatement. I rarely found eyes beautiful, but these? They are from a different world.
“Man, you have beautiful eyes,” I murmur. It's only when I see the increasing blush on my opponent's cheeks that I realize that I actually said those words out loud and not only in my head. Embarrassed, I turn my head away but don't step away from him. "What's your name?"
He clears his throat, trying to hide his blush and replacing it with a grin.
“Sky,” he replies politely, a certain arrogance in his voice as if he is playing a role.
"Just Sky?“
“Prince Sky of Eraklyon.“
I stare at him dumbfounded, my mouth slightly open. He must have taken it to mean that I am amazed that he is actually a prince, but why should I? Instead, I look around. For a moment too long, my eyes are focused on the blonde guy that the guy in front of me called Brandon. He must have seen me staring at him because he moves nervously on his feet.
“Are you sure you're the Prince of the Golden Lion?” 
“Yes,” he says, less confident than before.
“Okay,” I whisper back and sheathe my sword. I step back from him and bow to him mockingly with a slight wink, ready to put an end to this show fight.
I turn to Saladin and the others. Everyone is stunned. It feels good, but I'm still not satisfied for some reason. My eyes shift to Cory, but his gaze is focused on the rest of the forest and seemed struck by its beauty. But he couldn't fool me. With a furious gaze, I stare at him. It didn't take long for him to look at me, but he immediately looks away. He tries to pretend he didn't see my angry eyes.
“Let’s fight!” I shout to him.
Cory groans in annoyance, throwing his head back, refusing to acknowledge me. However, when some specialists persist in bothering him, he reluctantly looks in my direction. It's clear he doesn't want to engage in any conflict with me. All I could do is smile confidently at him.
But Corey wasn't lucky that day because, as my best friend's older brother, I know how to rile him up. I change my face to a cold facade, straighten my back fully, slam the tip of my sword into the ground, and walk towards him. I caught a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye, but he didn't move away, most likely to protect his honor. I mean, who would run away from a rookie, right?
As I approach him, I maintain a serious expression and don't even offer a slight smile. I move around him in a circle, like the superior predator that I know I am.
“I understand you’re afraid of me, Corey,” I start murmuring. Almost immediately, I could feel his gaze on me. But I don't know if he's already figured out what I'm trying to do or if I've already got him hooked. Anyway, it's just the beginning. “Since Richard's failed expedition put your family's name in jeopardy, and your little brother was never able to defeat me even when I was supposed to be a fairy, I understand you are afraid of failure. Especially now that my grandfather has taken a liking to you and your family.”
“Shut it!” Cory warns me quietly. All eyes were on us, but our voices were so quiet that few could hear our words.
As soon as those disrespectful words left his big mouth, I finally stop some distance away from him. I grin at him. It didn't take long for him to realize my end goal. His eyes widen in panic, and he tries to reach out to me to apologize, but it's too late already.
“I demand retribution for this disrespect,” I say loudly. “I demand a Dorbikurr!”
The murmuring crowd abruptly fell silent. Although most probably have no idea what "Dorbikurr" means, the heavy tone of the word is probably enough to convey that it's not something easy or positive.
For as long as I've known him, Cory has never looked so shocked.
“Are you in your right mind?” he asks me in a panic. “I am a close graduate of the Red Fountain Academy. Do you think you can beat me? You know what would happen if I win, right?”
"I have to give up everything and become your servant forever. Corey, do you think I'm stupid?" I ask him rhetorically, my grin growing wider.
Even though I would lose everything if I lose to him, he wouldn't suffer the same fate. As the one challenged to this sacred duel, he would only lose his ability to ever hurt me. He cannot fight me in the future, tarnish my reputation, or oppose me in any way, and if he learns of a plot to harm me, he must inform me. Nothing in this world or any other can break the sacred promise.
He sighs as he resigns to his fate. Seemingly confident he would win. Even though I challenged him, is he really this stupid or just too cocky. Either way, I'll be sure to wipe away the growing smirk on his face.
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hufflepuffimagines · 11 months
⋆。°✩ Navegation ✩°。⋆
⋆ About Me  ⋆
I’m Bells, I’m 20 yo and I’m brazilian, I write since I was 11, I can’t say that I do it perfectly but I try. I’m obssessed with 80s rockstar, specially Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee. I’m a swifitie and I’m going to the Eras Tour in november. I love writing fluffy stories, mostly because it makes me imagine what I’d like my life to be, with that in mind, I can say that I’m trying to shift to my Selection DR, but never made it. I love Barbie, Monster High and these things, I love pink and I can honestly say that I’m a Barbie that is obssessed with rockstars. I don’t have much friends and I’d love to get to know you if you want to talk :)
⋆ You can find my prompt list here (I’ll be adding more to it during the week);
⋆ If you want to be part of my taglist, answer this form;
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(that’s me everyday, not my gif)
⋆ Character List ⋆
Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty);
Sky of Eraklyon (Fate: The Winx Saga);
Marcus Baker (Ginny and Georgia);
Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Tommy Lee (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Edward Cullen (Twilight);
Maxon Schreave (The Selection);
Troy Bolton (High School Musical);
Paul Stanley (KISS);
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl);
Slash (Guns N Roses);
Ricky Bowen (HSMTMTS);
Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter);
80s Rockstars (You can specify which one in your request);
Jeremiah Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty) (ONLY BY REQUEST).
⋆ How to Request ⋆
In order to request from a prompt list, you need to specify the sentence number;
You can choose up to three sentences from this list;
Remember to include the character’s full name/fandom for clarification!
You can also request another sentence that is not in this list and headcanons!
• Optional: You can add ‘angst’, ‘fluff’, etc… since some can work different ways.
Exemple: Conrad Fisher, prompt 7, fluff
⋆ Rules for Request ⋆
Send requests any time, i just dont guarantee that i’ll be writing it as soon as it arrives
Send the request on the ask box;
Don’t send vague requests, be specific. I like to work with a lot of details, it makes the story more realistic;
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write;
When I post your request, I will tag you.
✔  I write   ✔
Reader insert (character x reader); Fluff, angst, crossovers, songfics, AUs; Some sensitive subjects (depression, anxiety…); Male x male, female x female or any sort of pairing. love is love, you know; Any disabilities, body types, etc. when specified.
❌  I don’t write ❌  
Smut, cheating, polyship; Anything that goes against representation; Romantic stuff with adult/teen characters;   Character x character* and other people’s OCs; NSFW themes; RPF (real people fiction); Any form of incest.
If you have any questions, DM me, I would be happy to talk to you!
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
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Nothing to see here 
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whenshesayshush · 8 months
I won't let my demons win (my only rival is within)
Fandom: Fate: The Winx Saga Ships/Characters: Musa/Riven, Sky, Stella, Marco, Male OC Word count: 6106
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“Riv, can I tell you something?” The surprise is apparent on his face and in his aura, but it’s not dismay at her having the audacity to even ask. It’s a ‘you live in a suite with four of your girlfriends but you want to talk to me?’ kind of bewilderment, from someone who’s not used to being a legitimate choice for sensitive subject matters. And he clearly knows that’s what this is, because his voice softens when he finally replies. “Yeah. Of course you can.” Her arms tighten around her knees. “It’s about my mom.” “Are you sure?” He straightens up a little. “You don’t owe me an explanation, about any of that.” “I think I’ve been wanting to tell someone for a while.” That’s not quite true, and if she’s not going to be honest, there’s no point to this. “I’ve been wanting to tell you, for a while.”
Read on ao3
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claracivry · 1 year
Whump fics masterpost!!
Do you ever want some easy, five minute whump of your boy to read? Some angst and some happy ending?? Some blood and some worry?
Maybe you'll be interested in my oneshots! Gratuitous short bits of whump with various blorbos :) which ones, you ask?
Well! Here's a top five of the people I am writing rn, and the older ones after the cut. Take a look, there's a whole bunch!
Hurt Kaz Brekker (x) from Shadow and Bone
Hurt Five! (x) from Umbrella academy
Hurt Jamie Tartt (x) from Ted Lasso
Hurt Kell (x) from Shades of magic
Hurt Eddie Munson (x) from Stranger things
Hurt Aemond (x) from House of the dragon
Hurt Sky (and a bit of Riven) (x) from Fate: the winx saga
Hurt Cherry blossom (x) from SK8 the infinity
Hurt Battinson (x) from The Batman (2022)
Hurt Jaskier (x) from the Witcher
Hurt Druig (x) from Eternals
Hurt Will Halstead (x) from Chicago med
Hurt Buck (x) from 9-1-1
Hurt Daryl (x) from Walking dead
Hurt Loki (x) (pre-show) MCU
Hurt Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (x) mostly Xmen apocalypse
Hurt Lance (x) from Voltron
Hurt Illya (x) from the man from uncle (2015)
Hurt Peter Quill (x) from Guardians of the galaxy
Hurt 10k (x) from Z nation
Hurt Dirk Gently (x) from Dirk Gently holistic detective agency
Hurt Danny Atlas (x) from Now you see me
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