titanicfreija · 2 years
"So! You been digging with Eido for this Hall Between thing?" Freija inquired. "What's your theories?"
"Well, the main thing that's got me puzzled is the completely separate natures of their origins, in addition to the various other undead that appear with them," he said, propping his feet up. "Common elements exist, but the horrors are not replicated individually. The Vex ones were disassembled, the moon miners were. Uh." Thomas's mouth twisted as he considered his words. "I guess disassembled, and the team on Nessus," he finished. "But the miners' insomnia, the Vex obsession with the tower in the ice-- those have to stretch, and then there's the completely sideways attack from a common source of attack which for all evidence seems to be fairly typical of most events, unless there's more to it than recorded."
"So those stories are true?"
"Yep! You can track the sleeploss symptoms in the miners' accounts, there's records of the investigation on Nessus, as far as we could get back in. You've been in there before."
Freija nodded. "Got a good ways in, but I can only go so far down before the smart ones start sneaking off and stabbing me and running away until it's too annoying to keep going.
"Sunshot no good for a one on one, huh?"
"Heavy baby," Freija agreed. "So why wasn't I attacked by flaming zombie Eliksni then?" She suddenly stood up and flung her arms. "Actually, no. No, no, what I wanna know. What I wanna know-- is what the fuck is up with the confetti?!"
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numbaoneflaya · 1 year
bordering on sleeploss hysteria from getting an average of 3-4 hours of sleep a night for the last few weeks and didnt fall asleep at all last night starting new job in few hours and wont get off til 10 pm so if everyone could be very niceys and shoot me in the back of the head
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eric-sadahire · 4 years
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The Monday after day light savings time should be a federal holiday
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alexy-rose · 5 years
Awoken in the pitch black of night
Every thought like a stone in the mind
I remember the days sleep came easily
The peaceful lure of a blackened sky
The seduction of the moon
The delight in succumbing to silence
The body becomes a creation of unimportance
And the mind rides free amongst the stars
Now my mind is cluttered
Even the lull of meditation has become a twisted thing
I close my eyes, my thoughts travelling across every part of my body
I feel heavy, positive reinforcement becomes irrelevant
Small stones that hang from every finger,
I walk on hot coals,
The crushing weight of my own expectations, near has me defeated
Sleep only comes in a desperate breath
The anxiety eventually turns into desperation as my bodies last feeble attempt to sleep end in defeat
A wretched thing, I reach out and touch the portal of dreams
Only to be stunned into wake,
A bedside partner kicking in his sleep
A nocturnal bird serenading the moon
The rain, usually a source of comfort, lashing down like a whip to the skin
I long for slumber as it used to be
Before recent days that seek to destroy me
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flobuloes · 5 years
from a person who doesn't know how to sleep:
I read today that if you have a hard time sleeping/suffer from insomnia, you should never do anything else but sleeping in your bed. no being on the phone, no watching tv, no doing homework, no making calls, etc. Literally just sleeping.
And I guess it makes sense, because then your brain associates you being in bed with only one thing: sleep.
And, as good as this sounds, I'm trying to do this for the first time today and I already hate it. I am not allowed to enter my bed unless it is with the intention to go to sleep. Meaning, I go to bed when I feel tired.
Problem: I never really do feel tired. Okay, it sounds unbelievable when written out. BUT. I don't. Every night, I lie in bed on my phone until asscrack o'clock, and at some point I pass out. In the mornings, I rarely remember when I fell asleep. (I really do just "pass out". One moment I'm wide awake, the next I'm dead asleep.)
I literally forgot how to go to sleep.
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Let’s pretend
I don’t have a massive fear of people,starting school/a job, failing, losing myself so much so that not even I recognize myself when I look in the mirror, and that I’ll never have any friends.
Let’s pretend that I don’t sit alone on Pin or YouTube, buried in a book in my room because thats the closest form of interaction I’m okay with. On top of that we should add the fact that I definitely don’t watch Tv shows while doing any number of these things or any thing because without the mind numbing chatter in the background I get jumpy and anxious in the silence.
Let’s pretend that my mind and pattern of thinking is normal and healthy. That I don’t get obsessive thoughts that take over every single thing I do every single second of every single day. That it doesn’t last for weeks or months at a time, that I don’t get spontaneous bouts of anger, sadness, helplessness, loneliness, happiness, and I can never seem to juggle them properly. It’s a constant game of Russian roulette and I am not holding the gun.
Let’s pretend I get enough sleep and don’t get “woken” up by a disturbing sleep paralysis episode almost nightly. While on top of that I don’t get night terrors when I’m actually able to dream.
Let’s pretend that I’m not addicted to the way I feel when I’m high not the actual substance, not because I don’t have to think about it, not because I’m scared of opening up that door. Not because I don’t have to feel all the pain and loss while high, not because it makes how much of a black sheep I am feel okay.
Let’s pretend I’m healthy.
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akshay194 · 6 years
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#KhabarNDTV #Lifestyle #SleepLoss linked to #NightTimeSnacking #JunkFoodCravings #Obesity #Diabetes
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pr-institute · 4 years
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In the words of the sleep researcher Mathew Walker from the University of Berkeley in California... "The shorter your sleep the shorter your life."⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thats quite the statement!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Whats astonishing is that this seemingly outrageous claim, has some solid science to back it up. Chronic sleep loss has been associated to every chronic disease. From diabetes, to high blood pressure, to even some cancers. This is terrifying but enlightening at the same moment. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ What if you had control on the levers of disease? ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Sleep seems to play a vital role in disease development and progression. An easy, inexpensive tool to lower your disease risk. Not a bad deal is it?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #sleep #disease #diabetes #cancer #functionalmedicine #integrativemedicine #reduceyourrisk #health #sleeploss #epidemic #instadaily #instagram #instagramer #healthcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVq8bGhaEc/?igshid=1kq93l4cmg5gf
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homedetective · 5 years
Your Bedroom Paint Colour Can Affect Your Sleep
How Your Bedroom Paint Colour is Affecting Your Sleep
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Written and contributed by Krista Harper, a freelance writer from California, who writes about home and interior design 40% of Americans get only six or fewer hours of sleep per night. Perhaps you don't either and have tried everything to make the sandman visit with little luck. Could the paint colour of your bedroom walls be to blame? It sounds like something too simple to actually work, but the truth is the psychology behind colours has been researched for years. Different colours have the ability to make us feel particular emotions; if you've ever felt a difference in your mood while wearing your favourite hue, you know this is true. It's the reason why a dentist's office or spa may choose a soothing wall colour while a gym may go for vibrant tones to help its clients feel energized. Here's a general guide to the best and worst colours for your bedroom. First, the Worst Paint Colour When it comes to getting some shuteye, these are the general paint shades you may want to avoid. Red It's the colour of romance and heat, so you may think it's a suitable choice for your bedroom to help spice things up. But as it turns it, red is way too energetic. Red light makes cattle more aroused than blue or green light, and red is a common colour in bullfighting as it is believed to excite the bull. Another study found that when people saw red their reactions became faster and more forceful. Red has also been found to increase the heart rate. Save the colour for roses and date night, but don't paint your bedroom walls with it. Bright Colors Bright colours in general, no matter which ones they are, will stimulate and begin to energize you which is the opposite of what you need when trying to fall asleep. Vibrant shades of yellow, orange and blue are great for other parts of the house such as the kitchen and family room but may make it difficult to fall asleep when used in the bedroom. Dark Colors Any dark colours such as brown, black, and purple are usually too intense to help induce sleep. Two exceptions are dark blue and dark green, as these shades, in general, have a calming effect. Bedroom Friendly Hues Instead of bright colours, go for their opposites—lighter shades and pastels. The following colours, in particular, may work wonders in helping you doze off. Green It's the colour of nature and is known for its restful feeling. Research has also found that green improved reading ability, so if you like to read at bedtime, this colour can be a win-win for your bedroom. Blue Any shade of blue can bring tranquillity to your sleeping space. Blue has been researched for its calming effects. One study found that when blue lights were installed at over 70 train stations in Japan where people were killing themselves by jumping in front of trains, the suicide rate decreased by 84%. You can also try a deep navy or nautical blue (but avoid royal, which is on the bright side). Pale turquoise and aqua shades may also work wonders in inducing drowsiness. Light Purple Where dark or bright purple may be distracting in a bedroom, going for a pastel shade such as lavender can be very soothing. The colour brings a touch of royalty to your room and may even help boost your creative juices. Neutrals Any kind of neutral—from cream to light grey—also works well in a bedroom. A bonus is a neutral-coloured paint makes it easy to match bedding and bedroom decor. Better Sleep Is Just a Paint Can Away If you’re having trouble relaxing and falling asleep and your bedroom is coated in dark or bright colours, try toning things down with a fresh can of light-coloured paint. The change may also inspire you to give the room a mini makeover. Note: This very interesting and informative article was contributed by Krista Harper, a freelance writer from California that writes for home and interior design websites. Read the full article
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pillownegotiations · 5 years
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Why do I wake up tired??There a several reasons one can wake up tired .. a late night, alcohol consumption, blue light exposure, loud noises etc. BUT one that is often not mentioned is that your Bed-partner may be keeping you from getting good sleep. :( Did you know that if you sleep next to a snoring bedpartner YOU lose at least one hour of sleep each night? It’s very hard to stop a dead asleep partner’s snoring. .. and we dot. Want to ruin their sleep! Truth is nearly 1 in 4 couples sleep in separate beds. And In their minds they are saving their relationships by promoting a good night’s sleep. Fact is that 45% of us snore at least occasionally. And sleep is something we should never lose if we can help it! interesting Facts: There are 5 Main types of snorers: 1. Nose snorer: Blocked nasal passages which leads to mouth breathing/ snoring 2. Mouth Breather Snorer: Open mouth and a relaxed jaw. 3. Tongue snorer: Tongue drops to the back of the throat and obstructs airway. 4. Palate Snorer: Soft palate and uvula vibrating 5. Combination of any of the above . . . . #sleeploss #sleepdeprivation #snoring #ilovesleep #sleepgoals #separatebeds #bedpartner #envypillow #sleepwiththebest https://www.instagram.com/envypillow/p/By3YSRQnAuF/?igshid=1tp48uda1xu4g
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Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway I'm One, Two, Or Three Tetris Blitz Games From An Early Bedtime. @tetris_official #TetrisAddiction #Tetris #SleepLoss #Insomnia Peaceful Journeys, Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway ___________________________________ https://stormyfayethechristianrunaway.tumblr.com/ ___________________________________ #FaithForTheJourney Do you enjoy the daily encouraging messages? Please support The Christian Runaway. Use this link when you shop at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/?&tag=stofaythech0c-20. #stormyfayethechristianrunaway @stormy_faye Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway Please Like, Comment, and Share. Thank you in advance! #June8th2019 (at Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BycCSpmFAjS/?igshid=10wc6kllgioej
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marimysterymuffin · 6 years
A bit of fanfiction for you all
(Crossover here that may turn massive if I pursue the idea. Context is Star was chasing interdimensional criminal (Anti)Mabel Pines and was trapped in Gravity Falls by the weirdness magnet in the year 2013. Continuing her chase for her, Dipper and Mabel arrive in the world of Tangled the Series post Queen for a Day, where Anti-Mabel is already a wanted criminal on the charge of vandalism and potentially witchcraft. Forgive any lack of knowledge on Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, I’ve only seen a few episodes.)
The town was bustling and busy, merchants selling their wares and buskers playing their tunes. Guards patrolled the streets, hanging wanted posters as they went. ”Wanted Alive_Varian, Alchemist_Highly Dangerous” they read. Many of the townspeople whispered, in fear of such a frightening criminal at large.
A brown haired boy in unusual clothing led his sister down the street, earning some stares, but doing his best to ignore it. The Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel to be specific; they were not from that world and well aware at that point of how much they stuck out. “This place is so medieval, it’s adorable!” Mabel giggled, not bothered at all by the stares they were attracting, “I wonder if sweaters have been invented yet!”
“Mabel, we need to focus on finding Anti-Mabel and getting out of here…” Dipper said hushedly, wanting more than anything to get away from the staring eyes of the townspeople.
“Oh, but it’s all so cute!” Mabel pulled her hand away from her brother’s, bouncing towards some vendors to look at their goods.
“Mabel!” Dipper called, beginning to panic, although it was somewhat unfounded. He didn’t take long to catch her looking at the window of a Sweet Shoppe. He let out a heavy sigh, wishing she could stay focused on the task at hand. He loved his sister to pieces, but he felt she could stand to take their mission more seriously. “Are you done yet?” He asked softly, trying not to sound too irritated.
“It looks like dreams and smells like happiness here, I could stay at this storefront forever~” she sighed cheerily, either not noticing Dipper’s irritation or choosing to ignore it.
That moment of dreaminess ended soon though, shockingly so.
“There she is! That’s the girl who destroyed my lollipop display!” An old man cried, pointing the guards to Mabel.
“Freeze! Put your hands in the air and don’t move a muscle, witch!” yelled a guard, both Pines twins froze before looking to one another.
“Me?” Mabel asked, her voice innocent as she could make it.
“Yes, you!” the guard called, spear ready to strike.
“How do I put my hands in the air and not move a muscle at the same time?” she asked, looking at Dipper, her eyes asking him for help.
“She has a point” he added in, “Which do you want her to do?” “Witch!? What are you threatening?!” the guard asked.
“Um...Continue to threaten me, and I’ll-um-” she looked at the lollipop display through the window, a hole burned through it similar to the target after Great Uncle Ford’s laser gun practice, “I’ll burn a hole through your head!” she said in her best Anti-Mabel impression. Dipper’s face went pale, and he let out a small squeak.
“You’re threatening armored soldiers?!” He whisper-screamed. She continued.
“I don’t think you primitive, normal, people could stand up to me?” She grabbed her grappling hook from her sweater pocket, aiming it much like one would aim a laser gun if they had one. “See that display? You could be next” she warned, the guards stood still. She grabbed Dipper’s wrist and began backing away slowly, not moving her aim from the guards, fully intent on continuing her bluff. Once a safe enough distance, the twins ran.
“Oh my god, what did you just do?” Dipper asked, breathless and horrified.
“Um, bought us some time?” she answered, beginning to feel the weight of what she just did.
“Bought us some time? Bought us some time?! Mabel, they’re going to come after us with maybe, I don’t know, ten times their ranks? We have to get out of here, there is no way we can-” “Dipper, breathe!” Mabel took a breath, putting her hands on Dipper’s shoulders and giving him a big, bright, braces filled smile. “We’ve got this.”
“You don’t actually have witchcraft! What are we gonna do? Hit those armored guards with a grappling hook?! We’re doomed!”
“Dipper, we can do this”
“We should go back home, we can’t-”
“We can do this. We can and will catch Anti-Mabel and we can and will get her thrown in interdimensional prison where she belongs. We’ve got this.”
The positive attitude didn’t last too long as the royal guard did exactly what Dipper expected them to do. They doubled their forces and went looking for her again. After a few hours of running and hiding, the Mystery Twins were cornered, Dipper stood in front, looking for a way to escape, his eyes looking to every single detail of the street, but not able to discern a route of escape.
“There’s nowhere to run to! Stand down and lower your weapon!” One of the guards called, Mabel obeyed, pointing her grappling hook to the ground.
“Dipper, what do we do?” she asked, beginning to panic herself, they weren’t going to leave until they found Anti-Mabel, but it was looking like they would have to.
“We have to get out of here,” He answered, barely above a whisper, “I hate it too, but we can’t stay in this world another minute, we don’t stand a chance here.”
“But Anti-Mabel is-”
“Still out there, I know, but we’re about to get locked up and we can’t stop here there either.”
As Mabel reached for the dimensional scissors, the air filled with smoke, the guards began coughing, and a voice was heard.
“This way!” the voice called, male and sort of squeaky. A figure was seen through the smoke, he stood by a building with boarded windows, gesturing to Dipper and Mabel to go towards him.
Dipper began to hesitate, but his sister grabbed his hand and ran, letting their new ‘friend’ lead them to potential safety as the guards yelled and searched for them.
Once they were safe behind a back alley, finally they could get a clear look at their helper.
“Are you okay?” the boy asked sweetly, his smile made crooked by his buck teeth. He had black hair and blue eyes, and his face was nearly covered in freckles, Mabel stared for a moment at her new hero before Dipper answered.
“I wouldn’t use ‘okay’ to describe how we are, but, at least we aren’t in prison? Who are you?”
“You’re welcome.” the boy answered, earning a bit of a snort from Mabel.
“Dipper, be nice,” she scolded before smiling brightly at the boy. “Thank you so much for your help! I’m Mabel, this is Dipper, and we’re from another dimension. What’s your name, handsome?”
“A pleasure to meet you Mabel and Dipper. I’m Varian, and I’d doubt that you’re from another dimension, but with how you’re dressed....I think I’m going to just suspend my disbelief for now.”
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erwinsalive · 7 years
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Do you know when cats do the thing with the tongue? :D I'm sleeplessly stuck at a shitty hotel, doodling cat!ruris and waiting for me getting tired 😌
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soulnibbles · 5 years
#sleep #sleeploss #epidemic #wellness #health #physical #mentalhealth #emotions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByA6pm5F-eO/?igshid=ncrncgqkbs1i
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New Clues About Why Sleep Loss Is Linked To Depression, Anxiety Depression and sleep problems go hand in hand. A new study offers new insights about the connection. http://crwd.fr/2m65lYm #sleeploss #sleep #depression #depressed #depressionhelp
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joehomps3 · 7 years
We are in the Midst of a Catastrophic Sleep-Loss Upsurge
Americans are not getting adequate sleep! Exactly what are the ill impacts of insufficient sleep? (Specifically when it ends up being a regular practice). Here are simply some examples: Low energy and illness, Increased heart rate, Increased blood pressure, More possibility of heart attack or stroke, reduction in motivation, Increased risk of establishing Alzheimer's disease...
The less you sleep, the shorter your life (supported by many big scale studies). Those are scary truths!
Discover out how to get more sleep.
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