#slender gundam
retroanimechris · 6 months
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Gene x Slender making custom Legos!!
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fredwkong · 1 year
Himbo Maker: Jean
Jean was deep into muscle. Ever since he’d been the smallest kid in his class every year in school, he’d felt an intense need to someday become the kind of guy who could really dominate a room with his body.
However, even as an adult, he was still a little guy. He’d tried for years, but no matter what, his dark-skinned body stayed slender. So instead, he spent all his free time on forums dedicated to muscle growth, living vicariously through the experiences of others as they gained muscle and posted pictures.
One day he received an unusual message request from another guy on the forum. He’d never seen him in the threads before, but his username was Himbo_mkr so Jean assumed he was probably here for roleplay.
Techie_jean: Hey man. What’s up?
Himbo_mkr: Not much bro. Just been chilling and looking at pix of muscley dudes. I noticed you don’t make many posts. You good?
Techie_jean: Guess I’ve just never done the smart thing and gotten myself a plan.
Himbo_mkr: Brah, you don’t need a plan! I can help you get big in just a few minutes! Wanna give it a shot?
Jean chuckled. Yep, this guy was looking for some roleplay. He looked around his room. Well, it wasn’t like he had anything else to do this afternoon but play video games and build some Gundam. He may as well have some fun with this guy first.
Techie_jean: Sure! What do I have to do first?
Himbo_mkr: The first thing you gotta do is get dumb, bro! Muscles aren’t made with smarts, you need to have nothing in your brain but flexing, eating, and fucking to really build hot muscle.
Straight to the point, huh! Jean was about to type a message in character as a dummy when he felt a tingling in his head. His brain suddenly felt like it was full of cotton, he was having trouble putting thoughts together. Slowly, he made his fingers move. He had to really focus to string the words together.
Techie_jean: Bro… What’s happenin to me?
Himbo_mkr: You’re getting dumb, bro! When a guy gets really serious about getting big muscles, the power to do it comes from all of his useless brains! The smarter he was at the start, the bigger and dumber he ends up.
Jean… supposed that made sense? He couldn’t figure out how this guy could be wrong. He wasn’t really the smartest guy, after all. He scratched his head and looked around his room. It was like it was changing before his eyes, but that couldn’t be right either. No more video games, just a pile of gay muscle pornos. His gundam and other dolls replaced with sex toys and gear that he used to show off his skinny little body. Jean was definitely not smart by any means.
Dummy_jean: Yeah bro, I’m pretty stupid. What were we talkin about?
Himbo_mkr: Getting you swole, huhuhu! Now that you’ve drained your useless brain, your muscles are gonna get huge, bro! You’re a big thick muscle bro!
Jean gasped as an indescribable warm sensation overtook his whole body. With a crack, his back, arms, and legs extended, making him a towering beanpole of a man. His muscles started to vibrate, and then expand. His legs jerked as his quads and then his hamstrings inflated, and were quickly balanced by a thick, jiggly muscle ass. His pecs burst forth from his chest to form a sturdy shelf, and then his back thickened along with his lats, belly, and growing arms.
Looking around, Jean took in the changing space. There was a new dent in his dirty mattress from his huge body, and a weight bench and rack in the corner. Of course, he had to lift all day every day to keep up his bulk. The walls and ceiling were covered in pictures of all Jean’s favourite bodybuilders, his inspiration and his jerk material.
Dumbro_jean: Whoa, bruh, my muscles are gettin huge!
Himbo_mkr: That’s not all, bro! That thick Quebecois cock of yours is keeping up too!
Quebecois? Jean was a bit dumb, sure, but he was pretty sure he’d grown up in Atlanta… Quebec City, right. His dick lengthened and lightened at the same time, and the pale skin tone rushed over his still-growing body. A healthy layer of fat followed, leaving him looking absolutely enormous. Above the blond behemoth’s bed, a Quebec flag unfurled on the wall, showing his national pride.
Jean could barely remember who he’d been before. He knew he’d been smaller… smarter? He’d been American. The idea that he’d so quickly become this huge pale Quebecois stud had him grunting and palming his dick. Soon he was close, cursing quietly in his deep new Quebecois accent.
QC_jean: Calisse, bro, gonna cum!
Himbo_mkr: Yeah brah! Shoot that musky hockey bro load.
Hell yeah! Jean grabbed a used athletic jock that had just appeared next to him. He remembered: he’d worn it for practice this morning, and it was still warm and wet with his sweat. He loved being on the ice, and being around a whole team of big, dumb, sweaty Quebecois hockey players meant he was always leaking in his jock. He held the pouch up to his nose to inhale the musk of his sweat and precum permeating the jock.
His whole room was ripe with used hockey bro gear. Jean hated cleaning any of his equipment while he was on a points streak, and it’d been a few weeks since he’d failed to score in a game. The hockey stuff scattered on the floor was ripe with stale sweat. Being a hockey bro was so fucking hot.
Jean’s thick cock unleashed a torrent of cum as he continued to curse in Quebecois. When he came down, he gave himself a sniff and looked back at his battered old laptop. It was only good for porn and surfing forums, but a bro like him didn’t need it for anything else.
Right now, the browser was open to one of his favourite sports jock forums. He had a post all ready to go, a pic of him after the last game, half undressed in his sweaty gear with his hair stuck to his face, looking like a perfect dumb hockey bro. Quickly, Jean also snapped a picture of his spent dick and sent it to his friend.
Hockey_jean: Include this too?
Himbo_mkr: Definitely, bro! You love showing off your hockey himbo body.
Yeah, this guy was right about everything. No one loved to show off that he was a hot hockey bro for the bros more than Jean.
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Inspired by a chat with a bot of my own creation. Format inspired by Codename: Bear_mkr by @biggerchanger
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Watching Gundam now, starting from the ‘79 series—did they really name a team of Zeon MS pilots Slender, Denim, and Gene?
Like, a pair of pants?
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paxesoterica · 1 year
Some Thoughts About the First 3 Episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam [0079] Part 1
*There are spoilers for 0079 (obviously), but also a few for The Witch from Mercury as well, so bear that in mind.
*For folks who have only watched The Witch from Mercury, and no other Gundam shows, you should be aware that in 0079, the space colonies are rebelling against the rule of Earth, and that the Gundam in this show does not have systems that hurt its pilot.
*The opening is "Tobe! GUNDAM", and while the lyrics and tune are obviously different, the music has an anthemic quality that reminds me of the GUND-Arm, Inc. promo video, and I wouldn't be surprised if the former inspired the latter.
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*“A half century has passed since humanity began moving…its burgeoning population into space. These gigantic space cities orbiting the Earth…became a second home to humanity…where people were born and raised…and where they died.”
*I think the opening for Mobile Suit Gundam is strong, and still holds up well today, though I wish it wasn’t repeated in future episodes (it’s understandable though as a cost-saving measure).
*The space colony cities in the show are based on O’Neill cylinders; they, and a lot of Gundam’s other space colonization concepts, such as Lagrange points, are based on the work of physicist Gerard K. O’Neill and his book The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space (written in 1976, so about 3 years before MSG).
*The Principality of Zeon, who initiated the war with Earth and committed multiple atrocities, are mentioned as being headquartered in Side 3, which is located at Lagrange 2, behind the moon; while it's not mentioned in the wiki, this is also where Quiet Zero is located in The Witch from Mercury (and I'm sure that's definitely not a cheeky reference to it being the 'dark side' of the Moon/ sarcasm).
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*We start in space, with three mobile suits headed toward Side 7 to conduct a raid (a stark contrast to Suletta's start in The Witch from Mercury). These suits are of the MS-06 Zaku II model, and bear a resemblance to the MD-0031 Dilanza, both in terms of appearance, and in the sense that they're the 'grunt' suits of the show.
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*You may have heard that MSG has some...interesting name choices, and this is already shown with two of the Zaku pilots being named 'Slender' and 'Denim'. Regardless of how silly they might sound, it does make them a bit more memorable than you might expect, given that one of them ends up dying at the end of the episode.
*The civilians of Side 7 have mostly evacuated, with a few exceptions.
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*This is Fraw Bow, Amuro's friend, who will end up joining the White Base crew soon. Unlike some of the characters in 0079, I haven't encountered any major spoilers on her, so all I currently know is that she's both concerned about Amuro, but also exasperated by him.
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*Also, it's Haro! (I had no idea they could do that). Haros are to Gundam what Chocobos and Moogles are to Final Fantasy; in the OG show, this one was invented by the main character, Amuro Ray. Speaking of...
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*So, Amuro's the first Gundam pilot, which means that you'll see a lot of spoilers about him if you hang out long enough in any Gundam fandom space. All you need to know about him right now, is that while yes, he will become a famous pilot, at this time, he's a technical genius (with a strong interest in mechanics), who has no piloting skills, and a very messy room. So, basically the opposite of the latest Gundam protagonist, Suletta...but *very* similar to another character...
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*It's been mentioned by others before (@daisukoth in particular, has done multiple posts about it) that Amuro and Miorine have a number of qualities in common, so I'm making it a point to note whenever I observe similarities between the two, such as not being very observant of their surroundings when they're focused on work (Miorine is *very* lucky that she's not *quite* as disastrous as Amuro is in terms of love, but we'll get into that more later on).
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*This is Hayato Kobayashi. I know even less about him than I do about Fraw, but he'll also be joining the White Base crew. He might have some resentment toward Amuro, since Amuro's dad is a military engineer working on a secret project that's attracted hostile attention from Zeon soldiers. And since we're talking about Amuro's dad:
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*Yup. Amuro and Miorine both have distant fathers who are bad at communicating with their child. I'd *like* to believe the elder Ray isn't as bad a father as Delling, but we'll get into that next time.
...to be continued in Part 2
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turkeyinnovember · 1 year
Since the start of Recreyo, the member’s monster/villain count:
Curt 4: demon slayer, catherine(?), slender, kingdom hearts (?)
Ivan 9: highschool, cabin1, raptor park/gundam, sweet home, ace attorney, demon slayer, wednesday, mandela catalogue, scream, 
Den 7: willy wonka, alien imposter, Invincible, final destination, squid game, would you rather, the menu
Chilly 4: demonic possession, sweet home, pirates, dead by daylight
Christian 3: blackmail, spyxfamily, impossible quiz, 
Kristine 1: another
not counting: 
home alone- a weird one to place
batman webtoon- kinda wonky too
scott pilgrim- dude c’mon how am i supposed to place that
(?) = i don’t know the fandom so i can’t be sure
conclusion: ivan is statistically most likely to turn out a villain
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screaming-skvll · 2 years
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RE/100 Gundam Mk. III
I hadn't even heard of this mobile suit until I came across its model while exploring what else was in the RE/100 lineup after building the Efreet. It embodies everything I like about the distinct design style of Gundam-type suits from the Z Gundam and Gundam Sentinel era, without being burdened by excessively cumbersome equipment or elaborate transformation gimmicks.
The suit is lean, mean, and striking, so I decided to paint it in no-nonsense colors. I chose battleship grey with a few elements offset in darker shades. While planning this color scheme I was worried it might look flat or drabby, but I ended up very pleased with how it turned out.
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Although very slender, the suit has considerable stature. Its sense of presence is heightened further by its elegant wing binders.
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By the time I built this one, I'd given up my aversion to using fixed hands, and accepted the ones included with the kit rather than trying to substitute third-party articulated hands. While I still prefer fully posable hands in principle, I admit good fixed hands are much more practical. These hold the Mk. III's rather long beam rifle quite easily.
To this kit's further credit, it includes back plates for all three pairs of fixed hands. You can simply switch out the hands as desired rather than having to partly disassemble them to swap the fixed finger parts with a single set of hand backs and wrist joints.
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burying-brightness · 2 years
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So this is my first plamo model kit i’ve ever build, just finished today after starting a bit last night. I definitely liked doing it and i had fun, i fucking love me some mechs. I think i need to get some higher grit sand paper or just a glass file, or both. I am not getting very clean removal of nubs and i only got up to 800 grit sand paper so the finish is very rough. I still loved making it. I have another 30 Minute Missions kit, a Hexa Gear kit, and an actual Gundam gunpla kit. I might start the other kit tomorrow but i think im also gonna order the file at least if not another 30MM kit lmao. I want the Spinatia/o models so bad, i love their slender humanoid designs and focus on melee weapons.
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
You mentioned a while ago a Gundam Eligos. I’d love to hear about your… process I suppose (how did you go about thinking it up, what influenced you decision to make it the Eligos, to arm it as you did etc.).
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I mention it because I suddenly remembered a little while ago the existence of these two fake Ibo Gundam’s (I think that became popular around the second season) and I got curious on what your perspective would be on them, if any.
I apologise if you already mention this in one of your fanfics. I’m afraid Iron Blooded Orphans just isn’t really the sort of series I seek out fan fiction of (though if that ever changes, your stuff’ll be top of the list).
Oh, yeah, I quite like that fan-art (original links are these, I believe https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/60410296, https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/58286615?), though I feel the aesthetic skews away from IBO's baseline. Halphas in particular doesn't look right to me and I think that's because it's aping UC or 00 style 'suits too closely.
Anyway - no need to apologise; I get having things you don't seek fan fic out for, I'm the same. I'll note for the record that what I'm going to say contains spoilers but with one (highlighted) exception, they're broadly unimportant.
In total, I made up two Gundams, four pseudo-Gundams, and one adjacent 'new' mobile suit for Wishing on Space Hardware. If you'll indulge me, I'll go through the logic behind each of them in order of appearance.
The first Gundam is little more than a placeholder. I literally needed something to fit between Barbatos and Gusion in a line-up of frames for two characters to walk past. Due to misreading a wiki page, I originally labelled this Seere, which obviously is a Gundam that already exists, at the other end of the number sequence. But then I found this list which is easier to follow and renamed it Paimon (ASW-G-09). I described it as a scout model, slender and winged, which doesn't quite fit with the description of Paimon the demon. However, since that demon's rank is King, like Bael, describing it as similar sort of works. Clearly, my thought process on this one wasn't especially deep! The background I gave Paimon was that it had been in a private collector's war museum in a non-operational state. Some rich guy bought it from salvagers and put it on display. This seemed like a reasonable fate for a Gundam frame to have suffered and I used it later to bulk-out a list of extant frames.
The psuedo-Gundams are all copies of Flauros. Very easy! The idea behind them is that following The Incident, Gjallarhorn authorised an attempt to reproduce the Gundam frame with a view to better controlling the technology. A recovered Flauros was used as the template owing to the transformation mechanism, the Dainsleifs, and the fact that Shino very nearly killed Rustal Elion with it, which created a lot of shock-waves (it's a thread in my fics that this has as many long-term consequences as Barbatos' final rampage, while everyone kind of forgets about Gusion).
I hand-waved the difficulty of building new Gundam frames on the notion that 1) nobody ever tried before, 2) the problem of running two reactors in parallel gets solved over the course of the fics, and 3) the resulting 'Flauri' are technically inferior anyway, being less powerful and less resilient compared to a real Gundam frame (a fact that, as of writing, is about to become extremely important). All this said, the chief reason for making them Flauros-copies is thematic: this is a story where Shino narrowly survives and is taken prisoner. It's a big part of his arc that Gjallarhon takes everything uniquely 'his' and twists it for their own ends.
The Flauri start out as unpainted copies of Flauros' short cannon form, using Gjallarhorn railguns. F-4 remains more or less in this configuration throughout; F-3 switches out its guns for a laser cannon and an electro-harpoon weapon designed to disable enemy 'suits; F-2 is given the full original Flauros weaponry; and F-1 is refitted for melee combat with a set chainsaw/claw weapons in place of the stabiliser feet on the arms. Then, as the story progresses, F-2 gets outfitted the same as F-1, which in turn...well, that actually is a spoiler I don't want to share just yet! Point is, Gundam Flauros has a nicely 'neutral' design compared to a lot of the IBO 'suits, so it was very easy to picture how different weaponry would be bolted on. (Also, while Flauros becomes the template for the completed 'suits, development of the frame was based on an impounded Dantalion, so the idea of switchable equipment is there from the start.)
The long and short of this segment: I started with the thematic idea and thought about how far I could stretch it, following the logic I'd established in the story.
The 'new' mobile suit is another output of the above project: a Reginlaze-like frame that incorporates Flauros' transformation gimmick. The Leopard (named for Flauros the demon's common form) is basically an IBO equivalent of a Guncannon and sort of a joke that swings around to being serious. They were rolled out quickly as a way to shore up Gjallarhorn's relationships with the Earth blocs and Mars when there was a risk that the above Gundam-replication might be publicly exposed. As such, they've got a massively sub-par performance compared to actual Reginlazes. However, this doesn't stop a couple being stolen by terrorists and used for long-range sniping operations, or Gjallarhorn deploying their own, higher-spec models as fusiliers. The high-brow justification for this is as an illustration of more consequences of Tekkadan's actions, but honestly? I just thought mashing Flauros' design elements into a Reginlaze would work nicely.
And finally - to address your actual question! - Gundam Eligos.
OK, so, context: Eligos is not actually called Eligos for the majority of the story. It goes under the pseudonym 'Skoll', as in 'Hati and Skoll', the wolves who chase the sun and moon in Norse mythology. Being a 'moon-chaser' is a loaded double-meaning given that its pilot is one of the Tekkadan survivors. Likewise, due to who it is fighting for (a different terrorist group, apparently headed by a new 'Montag'), its modern appearance is patterned on the Grimgerde: red armour, swept-back fins, shields on its arms. That is principally why it has the armaments it does: shorter versions of the rare-metal blades built into the shields (which themselves flip around to reveal guns are the other end, because seriously, how many of those rifles did Mackie throw away?). It's also fitted with a booster pack for the majority of its appearances: big, triangular wings loaded with additional reactors to allow it to move incredibly fast compared even to normal Gundams. This thing is built for hit-and-run, designed to cut through enemy lines as swiftly as possible, because for a long time it's functionally the only mobile weapon this group has at their disposal. While it is later joined by 'Hati' (a Schwalbe Graze variant), that 'suit serves a very different purpose.
[To whit: Hati is equipped with the combination of a Dainsleif launcher with a beam-weapon, intended to negate the resistance effects of nano-laminate. The javelins it fires are hollow and filled with reflectors, creating a path for the beam. As you might imagine, this is a precision weapon to a frankly ridiculous degree, so Hati is functionally static while in operation. Ergo, Skoll has to handle any mobile suits in play while Hati targets enemy ships.]
The reason I'm starting with all this is because it's what came first. I made Skoll up before I picked which Gundam frame it was built around. I wanted a Grimgerde/Gundam hybrid that ran with Tekkadan's 'one man commando unit' concept. I decided it had been recovered with very little of its original armour intact, so its original identity was irrelevant in terms of what it could actually do.
However, obviously I couldn't leave it there! So: which to use?
I wanted a relatively low number, because the backstory I settled on was that this Gundam had been involved in the battle that left Barbatos (ASW-G-08) abandoned on Mars. Strictly, there was no reason to focus on the low-end of the sequence since I roped Flauros (ASW-G-64) into the same scenario, but it was a way to narrow things down. Another thing I used was association with the colour red (because Skoll is very much the 'rival' machine for these fics).
This led me to the page on that same roleplaying wiki I linked above for Eligos. Which is absolutely not an academically rigorous source. I spent a good fifteen minutes just now tracing the source for describing this demon as wearing a red coat (apparently it's from 'The Red Book of Appin' though I don't have the energy this morning to confirm the exact quote). Fortunately, it doesn't really matter because Crowley's edition of the Ars Goetia is sufficient to explain my final reasoning:
ELIGOS — The Fifteenth Spirit in Order is Eligos, a Great Duke, and appeareth in the form of a goodly Knight, carrying a Lance, an Ensign, and a Serpent. He discovereth hidden things, and knoweth things to come; and of Wars, and how the Soldiers will or shall meet. He causeth the Love of Lords and Great Persons. He governeth 60 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc.
I'm not wedded to the idea that the demonic descriptions need to be a one-to-one match for the machines or the pilots, but there's some fitting stuff here. First, it's 'goodly' as in 'handsome', which is beautifully ironic for a variety of reasons. Second, the lance. As I fleshed out what had happened to this frame, I realised I needed to have it use a spear or lance, because while I'd decided the katana was Barbatos's original weapon, the circumstances I was inventing required it to wield a longer weapon at a dramatic juncture. Therefore, that needed to come from another Gundam. And third, there were the references to knowing the future and matters pertaining to wars.
(Due diligence note: slightly more major spoilers for the fic follow)
This is what solidified the pick. You see, something I omitted from my description of Gjallarhorn's Gundam replication project is that the frames are only part of it. They also wanted the means to reproduce the piloting abilities Tekkadan showed. This led to the creation of the 'Alaya-Vijnana Type Zero', an AI model fed on battle data from people (Shino) who used the A-V. This enables the creation of new Type E systems sans the necessity of wiring dead people's brains into a mobile suit. As a concept, this met with mixed success but it's relevant here because the group operating Skoll got their hands on a copy of the specs and incorporated it into their Gundam alongside a standard A-V. This ramps up the information processing capacities of the system so it can very precisely identify incoming threats and respond accordingly, allowing someone with only a single whisker to operate at the level of someone with two or three. It becomes a 'sixth sense' for the pilot, which fits Eligos' realm of knowledge perfectly.
(And to confirm the obvious: yes, it's a Gundam Wing reference.)
With this established, I back-filled what Gundam Eligos (ASW-G-15) had been like. In appearance, it takes cues from 00's Gundam Zabanya, having an articulated 'cloak' of shield panels used to deflect incoming attacks and let it muscle in close to its target. Its primary weapon was designed for skewering and it would probably have had beefed-up thrusters to enable this mode of combat. For its original incarnation, the connection to 'knowledge of wars' is that its pilot was strategist for Gjallarhorn's Mars contingent.
To summarise the finalised backstory: Barbatos, Eligos and Flauros were deployed to the Chryse Planitia to combat a squadron of Hashmals, but the mobile armours split up, forcing the Gundams to do the same. Flauros ended up using its Dainsleifs at very close range, burying itself along with the Hashmal that would later reactivate thanks to Iok. Barbatos and Eligos fought the remainder but were overwhelmed. In a last-ditch effort, Barbatos used Eligos' abandoned lance to puncture the Ahab reactors on one of the Hashmals. The resulting gravitational upset blew Barbatos into the middle of the desert and ripped the armours to bits. Eligos was caught in the blast and crushed by the wreckage, the frame left repairable but its equipment written off.
And to summarise the answer to your question: there you have it. A mix of ideas that I then matched to the entry in the Ars Goetia I felt fitted best with where I was going. I'm both a 'what would be cool' or a 'what serves the plot best' writer when it comes to creating stuff for fanfic/fanart, but I do like to work through a justification for whatever I invent, even if it doesn't get much focus.
Thanks for asking! I know I've rambled on a lot, but that's simply because it was fun to collate my reasoning in one place.
[Addendum: There is one additional 'new; 'suit I included (past obvious things like Shidens using the two-horned alternate mask from the options set and that one random Hloekk with forklifts for arms), which is the J-class Reginlaze, a high-mobility variant that's basically a normal Reginlaze with Julia-style wing-thrusters on its shoulders. This is mainly by 'rule of cool' logic: overall, I have been trying to resist throwing in new 'suits at every opportunity because I really enjoy IBO not doing that. But sometimes, the urge to be self-indulgent is hard to fight!]
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fatrocka64 · 8 months
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Full Name : Cujo "Nutkiss" West Meadow
Nicknames: Fright Zone Casino Cat
Gender and Sexuality: Female Lesbian
Voice Actor choices: Amanda Michalka or Sigourney Weaver
Favorite food and Drink: Seafood Alfredo from Olive Garden Prime Ice Pop
Favorite Desserts Blueberry Cheesecake with Whipped Cream
Height: 6 foot 3 (Taller than Creed)
Weight: 75 pounds
Combat skills: High
Body type, slim and slender
Behavioral Path, Chaotic Neutral
Personality, Quirky, Seductive, Gluttonous, Joyful,
Bust Size, E Cup
Nationality, Canadian German
Stomach Capacity, Extremely High (She has a stretchy gut)
Fertility Rate: Extremely High
Kanohi Mask: Gulzigheid - Mask of Gluttony (if she plans on using it)
Powers and Abilities: Spawning Junk Foods and Merchandise, Reality Warping Dream Manipulation, Multicolored Pryokenisis, Blueberry Transformation (On a Full Moon) Invulnerablity to Tattoo Pain, Levitation,
Date of Rebirth: July 22nd 1929 (has Immortality)
Newer Birth Home: Niagara Falls Ontario Canada
Age: 94 years but stuck at 24
Jobs and occupations: CEO and founder of Fright Zone Casino Activity Centre
Factions, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Dawngaurd, Stormcloak Rebellion (after she joined the dark brotherhood)
Favorite Fandoms and Interests: H.R Puff n Stuff, Battlestar Galactica, The 3 Stooges, Star Trek, The Legend of Zelda, Hazbin Hotel, Friday The 13th SML (Super Mario Logan) Mobile Suit Gundam, Mrs Kobayashi Dragon Maid
Favorite Songs: Kickstart my Heart by Motley Crue Hooked on a Feeling
Species, Khajiit Dragonborn Spirit
Original Birth Home, Whiterun Skyrim Tamriel
Likes: Seafood (mostly Shrimp Lobster and Crab) Cylons War Axes, Collecting Gundams, her Plush toy of Tohru
Dislikes: Pistachios (Allergic) Stella Goetia (Helluva Boss) Clowns Crocodiles Snakes Needles (except for Tattoos)
Phobias, Coulrophobia (Clowns) Trypanophobia (Needles) Herpetophobia (Reptiles)
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satohqbanana · 1 year
11, 12, 17, 18!
(Questions from the 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥)
Apparently I had to consume more media so I can have good answers for two of these questions.
11 - number of fandom-related words (and tags) you've filtered
(General) Most of my filtered words and tags are either ships and titles of media.
12 - the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
(Aveyond) The only one I can think of right now is Lars VIII. The why is a good one: It's a free sandbox! You can write literally ANYTHING about this dude and why Mel liked him.
17 - there should be more of this type of fic/art
(Gundam 00) There should be more exploration of Fem!Tieria in the fandom. An unknown source said his character was originally a woman in disguise, but I latched onto that idea quickly because of how his very bulky mobile suits hide this smaller, more slender suit within. There are a good number of reasons why one must not genderbend Tieria, but I personally love this trope.
(...until someone in-universe makes it all about gender-specific roles, like a lot of the popular genderbend stories on many publish-your-own-novel stories do. That aspect I heavily dislike.)
18 - it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
(Ergo Proxy) The possibility of the Creators arriving dead or getting off the ship and dying to a disease brought about by a virus/bacteria they didn't evolve with. It'll be hilarious to have Ergo/Vince and Re-l prepare themselves for a huge battle against the (descendants of the) people who was the root cause of the mess they got themselves in, but then it doesn't come. Never comes.
Cue Ergo/Vince briefly having a 9S-esque breakdown because his purpose had been for naught, before looking at his ragtag crew and deciding, "No, I will decide on my own reason d'etre."
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I’m just starting Mobile Suit Gundam, and I’m wondering if there are meanings behind the characters’ names? I noticed Char’s soldiers are named Gene, Denim, and Slender, so I wondered if they’re supposed to sound like pants. Is there a list of the characters’ name meanings somewhere?
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reversemoon255 · 3 years
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XXXG-01L2 Gundam Livelance Heaven
This was an oddly hard model to photograph. When taking photos, you don’t want there to be a ton of negative space, and that can be an issue when what you’re photographing is long and slender. Pole arms fall into that category, and the fact that the Livelance comes with a very long beam effect doesn’t help. I only photographed it at full length four times (three of which were in Scythe Mode), and ended up cutting off the end of it in three of those to keep a balanced composition, with the only exception being held incorrectly in order to fit it in frame. I suppose I could have had it lancing another unit to fill that space in, but that might have also taken focus away from the Livelance. Tricky business, it is.
The Good: This is a fairly posable kit, with a lot of extra joints; a sliding shoulder joint, an extra waist joint, and the knees are detachable to increase their range. That extra range is very helpful since it’s using a two-handed weapon, and can achieve a decent number of poses that utilize it effectively. It also has bent-wrist holding-things-hands to help with that as well.
Also, while the Helios had a ton of new parts, the Livelance is a good example of reuse of old parts, with very few extra parts in comparison. It even took me a day or so after its reveal to figure out what it was based on, and the pun in the name, which is a sign of a good revision.
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The Bad: One of the advertised gimmicks is swapping parts between kits, but since the Freedom and Deathscythe are from different lines, there’s some looseness that makes it not really work. Also, since it reuses parts, there’s some stickered detail that isn’t sculpted.
Biggest issue is the pearlescent white isn’t great. Especially on the head, I had several issues of marring, staining, and cracks formed just by piecing things together, so be very careful when assembling specifically the head.
Also, would have liked it if the cape had a lock when not active.
The Details: Apart from the black panel lines and fill, I added a number of metallic blue details (some of which replaced stickers) to the head, shoulders, scythe, and the front of the cape, as well as under the translucent blue on the forearms to embolden the color choice while retaining the details, unlike what I did with the Helios where it was directly under the plastic. I also added some yellow paint to the front and back of the back skirt, and to the inside of the cape (where the aforementioned missing detail was).
Overall, I like this kit, and if the other recent Wing kits are anything like it, I might have to try them out. But it’s also very creative in its own right, and makes me excited for the other Breakers kits I plan on building in the future.
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weirdunclegamer · 3 years
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Updated my so called SRW shelf!  Added the red EVA in there, and had to kind of rearrange some of the stuff on the sides to make it all work better.  I wish liger zero there was up higher but no can do for now so this is how things be.
I really WANT to add that Sgt.Frog combiner bot I showed off in a Stuff post a bit ago but uh... kiiiinda don’t have room for something so bulbous to fit XD the EVAs are nice and slender, taking up much more vertical space then horizontal, so it’s a lot easier to add them in.
And to think... I have some OTHER non-gundam kits that are supposed to go on this shelf too... and one of them is very big.  Oh well.
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suzukiblu · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by my dear @dancinbutterfly, and like, obviously I will take any excuse to talk about writing.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
168, although a few of those are podfics that the podficcer credited me as a co-author on. Actually less than I would’ve expected, tbh.
2) what is your total ao3 word count?
1,431,989. Honestly also kinda less than I would’ve expected at this point. I will blame all those old fics I never brought over from LJ and ff.net for this expectation.
3) how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I literally cannot tell you, the ancient ways have been lost to me. I can give you my Ao3 fandoms, though!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Witcher (Netflix)
Young Justice (Cartoon)
Star Wars
Good Omens
Fantastic Four
League of Legends
Care Bears
World of Warcraft
Slender Man Mythos
Additionally, long ago: Naruto, Gundam Wing, Digimon, Ranma ½, Bleach, Inu-Yasha, and many scattered other fandoms of my youth. So, so many others. So I’ve written for 25+ fandoms, at least.
4) what are your top 5 fics by Kudos.
a mark, a mission, a brand, a scar (13004)
I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn (8450)
it’s a long way forward (so trust in me) (6965)
oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me (6818)
if the bad times are coming let ‘em come (5362)
5) do you respond to comments?
Not really these days, though I hoard and treasure them like a freaking DRAGON. I used to respond to all of them but sometimes I’m just not around and then it becomes awkwardly late to reply and also they kinda . . . pile up a bit. I do try to answer all the comments with questions in them, at least, as long as the questions aren’t literally spoilers or anything like that.
6) what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t usually write super-angsty endings, I think? I don’t FEEL like I usually write super-angsty endings, anyway, at least not these days. I think I did it more often when I was more into, like, drabbles and shortfic. Now I just spend way too long on stuff to give it a downer ending.
The most recent angsty ending I can think of is wanna hold him, maybe I’ll just sing about it, though eventually I did write a sequel to that to soften the blow a bit. And also torment people a bit. Both, technically. Technically both.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
blondes really do have more fun, definitely. It’s very . . . giddy, I guess? What with the gender euphoria and all. There’s angst and heavy emotions in the actual plot but the highs of the happy parts/ending are probably the highest/happiest ones I’ve written, and Supergirl gets everything she wants without having to compromise or give up anything else.
8) do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I write fusion fic more than crossovers, really, but I have written a LOT of fusion fic. Some of it has been weirder than others, tbh, but probably the Avatar: The Last Airbender/Animorphs fusion that I have been lovingly slaving over deserves to be this answer if only for how much extremely sincere effort I have put into it over the years.
9) have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mild hate, but occasionally. I don’t really tend to remember negative comments, tbh, though it does sometimes make me not want to reread the comment section I know they’re in. But a lot of the hate I’ve gotten in the end just seemed like socially-awkward people being unnecessarily blunt instead of just hitting the back button, so I try not to take it personally. Can’t please everyone. Don’t WANT to please everyone, frankly.
10) Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, and the kind is “a lot”. Sometimes I don’t really feel like it but definitely I have done a lot of it. I try for Feelings and also to be safe, sane, and consensual as much as I can.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
I . . . am not sure? Though probably, after being at this for all this time. Someone once told me that someone picked up a fic I’d (at the time) abandoned and just started writing/posting more of it without asking or telling me about it, but I never actually found said fic and I don’t know if that technically counts as “stealing” anyway.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, yup, it’s pretty gratifying! I also like to run them back through Google Translate and see what they say, haha.
13) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yoooo @dancinbutterfly, @rainnecassidy! Also done it with a few other people long, LONG ago, but that was back in the LJ era. Don’t think I’ve technically collabed with anyone else lately, although sometimes people will give me ideas for stuff I’m writing or offer suggestions when I’m stuck on a thing, which is very helpful.
14) what’s your favourite ship?
Like . . . per fandom? ‘Cuz we could be here a while. Most recently it’s Jaskier/Geralt, for a while it was Aziraphale/Crowley, DEFINITELY for a while it was Steve/Bucky . . .
You know, I guess technically my all-time favorite ship is actually Naruto/Sasuke, because I made a LOT of friends in Naruto fandom and it actually hugely influenced the end of my teenage years and beginning of my adult life and so, SO much of my writing. So like, if nothing else it wins on influentialness.
15) what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Let ‘Em Come. @rainnecassidy and I wrote that AU a long-ass time ago now and I never did my half of the sequel fic because I got too distracted with another longfic I was working on at the time and then took a real long fandom break. I always felt kind of bad about it because people seemed to bother her for said sequel more than they bothered ME for it, since her fic was the last posted part. Unfortunately I just don’t have the spoons or the MCU-focus for the research and effort it’d take anymore. Also, like . . . it’d probably be pretty long, so unless I was REAL obsessive about it it’d take a good long while.
Basically I think its time has just passed at this point, alas.
16) what are your writing strengths?
Sex, action, snark, and weird fusion fics. Also making people love things they usually hate, that’s one I get told a lot.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Fitting physical descriptions of . . . literally ANYTHING into the story. Just, anything. Physical descriptions are hard.
18) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I try not to do it, personally, because I know soooooo very little about other languages. Sometimes I’ll sprinkle in a little bit of it, but usually I feel like it’s better to avoid it, personally.
19) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
I literally could not even tell you. The first fandom I REMEMBER writing proper “fic” for was . . . Ranma ½, I think. I thiiiiink. But that was a long-ass time ago and I never even posted it anywhere because those were the days when I despised typing things up beyond all measure, hah. And before that I remember writing Animorphs . . . comics? Storyboards? Something like that. Kind of a cross between the two.
20) what’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I do not know! There’s really just too many, tbh. Some top options are you found me when no one else was looking, best friends means you get what you deserve, clay kids, Avamorphs, handmaiden!Anakin, oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, and . . . and I could go on for a dang MINUTE, honestly, haha, I’m just gonna stop myself here before I get too carried away.
I tag whoever happens to be reading this that wants to be tagged; have fun with it!
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jasonsha77 · 3 years
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HG F91 Gundam. Seems kind of comparable to X1 Crossbones for build. Both are more slender, and bit smaller, compared to some form of RX-79's.
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guidedbygunpla · 3 years
Gundam Redux Prequel Chapter 4: side 7
“continue pursuit, this ship is willing to continue the fight well beyond its own means….I am intrigued” Char said, resting against the captains post aboard his Musai. On the screen in front of him, a great two hulled battleship roared towards Side 7’s Green Noa.
             “captain, heat scans show large hollow areas aboard the ship, think this one of the transport ships like Prince Garma took out on Earth?” one of the crewmen called back to his captain
             “it’s possible Slender, though what a cargo carrier would be doing this far out……no, that couldn’t be possible” Char said, shock showing in his eyes as he began to ponder what this could be
           “crew, we are likely going to need to launch mobile suits, its possible that, because this suit hasn’t launched any mobile suits yet, and the carrier earthside that Garma was able to knock out was a mobile suit carrier ship, we might’ve caught this thing before it was able to pick up its cargo compliment…we might be able to stay a great victory for Zeon today soldiers. Keep our distance from that ship, let it dock, once its docked, launch in mobile suits and prevent from what its trying to onboard from leaving that damned colony!” Char called out, his crew cheering him as he called out. _________________________________________________________________________________
Denim Launching
Slender Launching
Gene Launching
Char watched the 3 Zaku launch from the Musai and approach the sunward airlock of the colony.
           “keep me posted on what you see in there boys, send back video if at all possible”            “sir___ble to send__ideo____minovski densi____ery high” Slender called back
           “sir….minovsky density is incredibly high within the colony super structure, it cant just be all from the Trojan Horse” Darius called back to Char, just as a burst of pink light fired inside the colony
           “Darius what was that?” Char called back            “ugh…..judging from the minovski signature, a mega particle burst….inside the colony”            “that’s impossible, it didn’t pierce the structure in any way so it couldn’t have been from the Trojan Horse…..theres no way, Slender, Denim, Gene, report”            there was a long silence
             “theres a ______ite Mobile Suit, four of ______ an’t sto_____” followed by static            “Ramirez, get the Musai over the main window, I need to see whats going on” Char yelled at the man at the helm of the ship.”            the Musai moved up, and over the great window of the colony. Light from the sun blasting through the Musai as the giant mirror arms hovered over them. Below them they could see four figures overtop of 2 Zaku, and an exploded husk of another. One looked like a tank, another a great red mobile suit, and then two slender suits, one carrying a sword and a great red shield, and the other a beam cannon as long as a Zaku was tall.
           “shit, captain Char those are mobile suits….like the ones Garma met on Earth”            “hush, Ramirez, move the ship back to orbital distance, I am going to go in there and see if I can get a few pictures of what is going on. ______________________________________________________________________________
 Char floated in through the open hatch of the sunside dock of the colony, air rushing out at him as the door on the other end of the dock had been left open by the zeon troops he had sent to their death.
           “Ramirez, Darius if you can hear me, I am now entering the Colony, I can see the suits from here, they appear to be lifting pieces of the Zaku, and of additional mobile suits similar designs to themselves. I will get closer to see if I can take photographs directly of these suits
 Char continued down the hallway, and out into the colony proper, he slowly allowed adjusted his jetpack, so that he matched the colonies rotation, and began to fly towards the ground,making a less than dignified landing, rolling in the dirt near the outskirts of town.
             He could see the great mobile suits working away to lift parts of the suits that had been laying out on carrier trucks onto a great conveyor belt, heading towards one of the other docking bays, likely the one where the Trojan Horse was docked. Char grabbed the camera he had brought with him, and began to snap away at the suits. Adjusting the lenses and settings to get heat, and minovski readings of the suits. After he had been taking pictures of them for a while the suits themselves made their way onto the belt, and they too were loaded aboard the ship. A few dozen jeeps and ambulances coming down the ramp and going out into the city            “well, Darius, Ramirez, if you can copy me…I have taken around 100 pictures of the four suits and I am heading back to the dock. Luckily it looks like they are also loading a lot of refugees onto the Trojan Horse, so I should be able to make my escape through the dock without too much worry, see you guys in a few” Char said, putting the camera back into the small case on his belt loop. He turned and began walking towards the great faux mountain at the edge of town that lead to the dock. A staircase rose all the way up its side for emergency situations when the roads or conveyor were turned off, unsafe or simply down for maintenance.            “stop right there….drop the gun and take that mask off” Char heard call out to him from the bushes as he made his way to the exit. A woman holding a revolver looked out at him as she stood from behind the bushes and approached him            “….you’re pretty brave ma’am, you don’t look like a soldier, and you definitely aren’t a guerrilla” Char said walking towards her
           “take one more step and I’ll shoot, I swear it!” she said cocking the gun. Char stopped and stared at her, she looked familiar, like a memory, someone from a past life
           “take the mask off, and turn around!” she said again, motioning with the gun for him to turn around. Char undid the clips to his normal suits helmit and slid it back onto its resting position above the normal suits backpack. And undid his mask, sliding it off his head the red tint of the lenses fading allowing him to see the world in its true colors for the first time in weeks.
           “wha…..what?” the woman said as char did so, a look like she had seen a ghost across her face, char smiled. Lunging towards her, kicking the gun from her hand.            “nice to see you too, Artesia….it’s been too long” Char said standing overtop of her, just then a Jeep drove up, and one of the soldiers riding in it fired a shot at him. Char pulled his mask back on, as he used his jet pack to launch back towards the Dock, another shot firing up at him, cutting through his side, piercing his kidney. Pain rocking his body. He made his way to the docks inner wall, and once he saw that no one was following him, he reached into the pouches around his belt and injecting himself with pain killers, and then covered the area where the shot pierced his normal suit with a bit of 0G tape to prevent air loss.            “Ramirez! Darius! Fire up the engines! Catch me, and begin pursuit of the Trojan Horse!
   a zaku launched from the front of the Musai, and grabbed Char just as he launched from the Dock, the fuel in his Jetpack largely spent. The Red Zaku grabbed him, and then turned to head back towards the Musai. Once aboard they felt the ship launch forward, lunging towards the Trojan Horse, as it began to leave dock. Char Stumbled onto the bridge, looking at the great view screen ahead of him, the Trojan horse moving far faster than they were.            “Darius, track the ship, follow its heat trail, and ready the med bay, I got shot….think its bad” Char said clutching his side
             Char awoke in the medbay hours later, an IV pump next to him whirring away slowly pumping pain killer into his vains.
           “ugh…..Where are we?” Char groaned out, the intercom in the room, mounted near the door called back            “we’re nearing Luna 2, looks like the Trojan Horse is trying to get repairs or something near the Federations last real strong hold near earth.”
             “do we have reinforcements in the area? We aren’t going to be able to take those suits on, even with my Zaku” Char called out, sitting up on the operating table, pulling the IV line out of his arm, bubbles of fluid floating freely out into the room
             “well…Captain Gadems Papua should be in the area, we could radio for assistance”
             “call him, we’ll need more Zaku, those Federation suits are monstrous”
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