#slibbs challenge
I made a thing. I’m not really sure how I feel about it but since it’s been a long time (read as: too long) since I made anything I’m actually pretty glad to be producing stuff again.
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The Scents of Things
For the Slibbs Challenge! :) (If you like my stuff and want to buy me a coffee, feel free to donate! https://ko-fi.com/coolbyrne Thanks to all who have supported in the past.)
<p>As a psychologist, she knew the power of the olfactory memory, was well aware how smells played a part in memories. She only had to smell fresh garlic to be reminded of her mother's kitchen where she would roll out homemade meatballs. The smell of the ocean would forever remind her of California just as sure as diesel oil would never be associated with anything other than Afghanistan. </p>
<p>He had his own scent, too, of course. Mostly soap and wood and strong coffee, though it would be sawdust that she'd connect with him, its smell warm and pervascent and the reward for a job well done. Well, sawdust and- she looked at the small but heavy bottle in her hand and smiled. CHAZ for Men. He wasn't inclined to wear cologne except when they went out, when he was Jethro Gibbs, Husband, not Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS. When she had insisted, early on in their relationship, that he dispose of all remnants of at least the last 3 wives, a box of bottles of various emptiness was the first to hit the curb on garbage day. Which was one reason she jokingly gave him the cheapest, 'manliest' cologne she could find. And if the only thing she had gotten out of it was his laugh when he opened it on Christmas Eve, that would have been more than enough. But he did more than that- he wore the goddamn stuff. Even more surprisingly? <em>It smelled damn good on him.</em> Like his skin and his will turned the rankest, nose-wrinkling odour into something that made her want to curl up into his neck. Every damn time. </p>
<p>Tilting up the bottle, she felt a pang of impending loss. When the bottle had gotten below the half line and she realized how attached she had become to the scent, she rushed to the discount perfume store… only to find it was discontinued. ("Ma'am," the lady had told her, "that brand was discontinued <em>ten</em> years ago." The petite salesgirl whispered to her on the way out, "We had an office pool to see how long it would be before we sold it. We were all off by at least 2 years.") The tablespoon of amber reflected in the light and she flopped onto the hotel bed with a sigh. She was Day 5 into a week long conference in Seattle and she could do nothing but pout into the empty room.</p>
<p>At precisely 9pm, her phone rang, as it had done the previous 4 nights, and she muted the TV before answering. </p>
<p>"What's wrong?" was his immediate response. </p>
<p>How could she explain the melancholy that had settled in her heart over something as simple as cheap cologne? "Nothing." Knowing he wouldn't believe her, she clarified, "Just bored. Tired. I was fidgety in the conference today."</p>
<p>"Didn't you bring that fidgety thing I got you?"</p>
<p>"You're my fidgety thing," she all but whined. "It's not the same." Softer, she said, "I miss you."</p>
<p>"I thought that's why you took 3 of my shirts, my red hoodie and my cologne."</p>
<p>"I'm 2 steps away from eating through a container of Ben and Jerry's, and this is the support I get?" His laugh softened her self-pity, until she replayed his words. "Wait. How did you know I took your cologne?" </p>
<p>"Fornell invited me to that new steakhouse in Georgetown. Couldn't find the cologne."</p>
<p>"What'd you need it for?"</p>
<p>"It's a steakhouse. Where else am I gonna wear it?"</p>
<p>She took his teasing in stride, feeling her mood lift. "Shut up. You wear that everywhere with me."</p>
<p>"Because you like it."</p>
<p>"Because you love me."</p>
<p>"Mmm." There was a softness that sanded the edges of an otherwise Gibbsian grunt. </p>
<p>She was having none of his feigned dismissal. "Same reason you call me despite the time difference even though I keep telling you it's not necessary."</p>
<p>He really <em>was</em> sanding, because she heard it get louder, no doubt in an attempt to mask his confession. "Maybe I miss you, Sloane."</p>
<p>The use of her maiden name always sent a warmth through her, like the verbal equivalent of his scent. </p>
<p>"I'm wearing your shirt, your red hoodie and your cologne, if that helps." </p>
<p>"How the hell is that supposed to help?"</p>
<p>Burrowing into the bed and his hoodie and his scent, she mused, "You've got great hands. Put them to use."</p>
<p>Her coy attempt at knocking him off-balance didn't work because all he said was, "Tried last night. Didn't do a damn thing."</p>
<p>His brazen honesty made her laugh even as it sent heat between her legs. "Yeah, I know what you mean."</p>
<p>That attempt worked.</p>
<p>"Shit!" he exclaimed, and she could hear something clatter to the floor. "Godammit, Jack. For that, I'm throwin' out that cologne," he warned. "And the hoodie. And the shirts."</p>
<p>His threats meant nothing, especially when he never completely hid the fact he liked her in any combination of the 3, and his disapproving hum fooled no one.</p>
<p>Still, she felt compelled to say, "You wouldn't. You may have 11 more Marine hoodies and 34 more shirts, but you can't find this cologne anymore. Believe me, I've tried."</p>
<p>"You've counted my shirts."</p>
<p>"And hoodies. How else am I suppose to rank them in order of my favourite?"</p>
<p>"Didn't realize there was list.”</p>
<p>“Oh, there are <em>many</em> lists. Which sweaters are my favourite. Which pants your ass looks best in. Which boxers-” She was sabotaged by her own yawn. “Sorry.”</p>
<p>“You tired yourself out by fidgeting.”</p>
<p>A sleepy smile spread across her face. “I did. See? You should’ve been there.”</p>
<p>The soft scrape-scrape started again. “I’ll be there in 2 days. The airport, anyway.”</p>
<p>She sighed, a touch of melancholy returning. They hadn’t been apart for more than a few days since they’d gotten married and she was finding out how little she liked it. “Promise?” The question was unnecessary but the distance encouraged her small pity party.</p>
<p>“Promise. Whattya want me to wear?”</p>
<p>“Really?” She brought the hoodie’s sleeve up to her nose while she contemplated the offer. “Those blue jeans with the hole in the pocket where your wallet goes. And that grey cable knit sweater with the wool coat?”</p>
<p>“It’s June.” He must’ve heard her little resigned sigh because he said, “Fine. Blue jeans. Hole. Sweater. Coat.”</p>
<p>“I promise you won’t be wearing them long once we get home.” The bounce in her voice brought out his laugh.</p>
<p>“Go to sleep, Sloane.”</p>
<p>“You, too, Cowboy.”</p>
<p>She was right. He didn’t wear the clothes very long. In fact, half of them were gone by the time they’d stumbled to the couch and she had been so focused on getting the rest off (to be fair, he wasn’t taking much time with hers, either) that she had missed the wrapped box on the table. It wasn’t until the air started to cool the sheen of sweat across her back and her heart returned to a less feverish drumbeat that her brain kicked in to the new thing in the familiar room. Lifting her head from his shoulder, she peeked over hers.</p>
<p>“What’s that?”</p>
<p>It was taking his heart a bit longer to slow, and with his head back against the couch, his Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed. “A box?”</p>
<p>“Smart ass,” she accused, nipping his chin with her teeth.</p>
<p>“Why don’t you go look?”</p>
<p>“You just want to watch my ass as I walk away.”</p>
<p>His honesty got him another light bite, but also got him what he wanted, because she slid off his lap and sauntered to the table in all her naked glory. </p>
<p>“How’s the six, Gunny?”</p>
<p>“Lookin’ pretty good from here, Lieutenant.”</p>
<p>She picked up the box and weighed it in her hand, tilting it back and forth in an attempt to divine its contents.</p>
<p>“Or you could just open it,” he suggested.</p>
<p>“Did I mention the smart ass thing?” It was a rhetorical question as she sauntered back to the couch.</p>
<p>“I like watchin’ you leave, but I love watchin’ you come back.”</p>
<p>“A sweet smart ass,” she amended, returning to his lap with a sigh when his hands automatically went to her hips. She shook the package again until she saw the impatience narrow his eyes. “Okay, okay.” The paper was barely ripped away when her laughter filled the room. “Where did you find this??”</p>
<p>“Somethin’ called ‘ebay’.”</p>
<p>She scowled at his sarcasm, but held up the bottle much in the same way she had in the hotel room; only this time, the bottle was full. He shook his head at her beatific smile.</p>
<p>“I have no idea what you get outta that.”</p>
<p>“I get you. I get a memory.” </p>
<p>She uncapped the bottle and sprayed a short burst under his upturned chin. Their eyes met, blue on brown, full of promises that were punctuated by his kiss.</p>
<p>“Good," he breathed against her lips, ‘cause I got 4 more bottles in the basement.” </p>
<p>She squealed in delight as he twisted her onto the couch, letting the bottle gently hit the floor.</p>
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jenni3penny · 5 years
I little something to carry us along during the slump...
(Apologies, Anon. It's still not all that smutty. I got caught up with the wordplay instead. 😔 )
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paulanna · 4 years
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oh god 😭😍😭
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sooooo is ellie not coming back????? did ncis pull the first kiss is the last kiss for the third time????
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Tagged by @kassiesfandomtrash for this fandom challenge:
List your top 10 ships without saying which show they’re from, and tag 10 people who have to guess where they’re from.
1, Callanna
2, Densi,
3, Langer (yeah, I know that one’s been dead for 3 yrs, but hey.)
4, Neric
5, DelEddie
6, Slibbs
7, Tiva
8, Ellick
9, Ezria
10, Shamy
Tagging: @mashmaiden, @shipppphappens, @cool-nick-miller, @typingtess, @hellokaelyn, @ejzah, @bubblegumorthemoon, @ncis-ncislafan, @romancemedia, @ishiptoomanypeopleontv
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rainedamodred · 5 years
Merry… holidays(?) @thenicecheese, I hope you like your Slibbs Secret Santa gift!
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This is such a heartwarming picture and I can only dream I managed to do it justice. 
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spacecowboybriony · 5 years
Me? Write and post a chapter of a fic every day this month? Well, I’ve survived 10 days, we’re a third of the way there, and it feels so good to be writing so much again. I used to write this much back in high school/early uni but it’s been so long since those days. So I’ve been enjoying the challenge.
And writing stupidly sweet Slibbs smut is helping me stay sane right now I think 😂
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writingherhope · 5 years
My two sense, that no one asked for; I dont care who you ship, truly. But lets not pretend that rule 12 wasn't oblierated by Tali's arrival. I mean, yeah that happened after she left but come one, they loved each other for longer than the time it took to conceive her.
And yes, the rule was mentioned by Ellie once when she was with the translator (I always misspell his name), but Gibbs didnt seem to mind it did he? Also, he has burned one rule, which I still don't think was necessary because he has rule 51(?)-Sometimes your wrong. To me that negates him having to burn a rule. The rules seem to have become guidelines after he wrote that one, at least the ones that are in question the most; 12, the one about telling only one person a secret, not getting personally involved on cases, etc.
So while I do sorta ship Ellick (I need to rewatch their seasons to make sure it isnt just because of Tumblr lol) and I do ship Slibbs (I mean, I want Gibbs to be happy and not alone at the house with his bourbon and his boat, he can still be grumpy but with someone who challenges him, right?)-I do hope that of they actually go down these routes, they do it off-screen (I know, we had enough of that with Tiva) or they do maybe one off-screen with little hints or just maybe dont do both at the same time...? I dont know, I just dont want them all to be paired off at the same time; isn't the UST part of the fun?
Oh well.
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redpinkdots · 5 years
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For all the Slibbs fanfics writers out there, there is one of my Slibbs artworks up for claiming at the 2020 NCIS Reverse Bang Challenge on Live Journal. You can see the artwork here above.
Please, spread the words! Because we always need more Slibbs fanfics!
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31 Days of Fic-mas
Alrighty, I’ve been wanting to challenge myself to write a mini fic every day for a month for quite a while now and I think December is the perfect time to do that. So below there is 31 prompts, most of them Christmas or winter related but there are a few more general fluffy ones in there too. 
I’m posting the list now in case anyone wants to do it with me. I’m doing it for Slibbs (NCIS) but the prompts are vague and should work for any ship, friendship, or character from any fandom.
For the Slibbs shippers who’ll want to read them, I’ll be posting them here on tumblr (as they’ll be too short to justify posting on AO3). They’re not gonna be set in any specific timeline, they’re just random fluffy things lol.
Anyways, click the read more thing if you want the prompt list. 
31 Days of Fic-mas Prompts
1. Decorating
2. Peppermint latte
3. Snow
4. Fireplace
5. Mine
6. Office Christmas party
7. Ice skating
8. Candy canes
9. Secret Santa
10. Christmas lights
11. Hot chocolate
12. Christmas cookies
13. Christmas sweaters
14. Christmases past
15. Homemade
16. Mistletoe
17. Dancing
18. Christmas carols
19. Gift wrapping
20. Christmas movies
21. Gingerbread house
22. Tradition
23. Santa Claus
24. Naughty or nice
25. Gifts
26. I love you
27. Starry night
28. It’s freezing
29. Thank you
30. Resolutions
31. New Year’s Eve
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Building a Ship
My goodness! I’m just about to post my 100th NCIS fic, but wanted to make a quick post about the milestone. 
As many of you know, I was a Kibbs fan and hadn’t watched NCIS since Sasha Alexander left. They were my straight OTP and when Kate died, that was the end of it for me, too. Then, two things happened: I got into a Kibbs fic binge by reading all of @unreliablenarratorink‘s Kibbs stories and got pulled back into the fandom. She had an unfinished fic that she invited someone to complete, and when I asked if it would be okay if I took a crack at it, she agreed. That led to my first NCIS fan fic, “Back Steps”. (I posted it 4th, but it was really the first NCIS fic I finished.) The second thing that happened? Maria freakin’ Bello. I wasn’t ready for how gregarious and wonderful Jack Sloane was going to be, and I definitely wasn’t ready for the chemistry between her and Mark Harmon. One hundred (!!!) stories later, here we are.
Started posting: Feb.11th, 2019
Total words: 424318
Longest fic: “Oklahoma Skies”, 36 554 words
Shortest fic: “D is for Drawer”, 100 words
My first fic: “What You Give”. I wanted to do a Kibbs fic, but I also wanted to do a Gibbs introspective story. I will probably go back to that one day and edit it a little; I don’t feel I have Leon’s voice right. But it was a good warm-up for what was to come, and thanks to people suggesting it, I later added a chapter involving Jack, and that was the real jump start to Slibbs.
My current fic: “O is for Opera”. When I told my wife I needed 17 fics to hit 100, she gave me an Alphabet Series challenge. (Side note- my wife has been such a trooper through all of this. Slibbs, Kibbs, and Gibbs just aren’t her thing. But she has no problem giving me fic ideas! Half of what I’ve written wouldn’t have been done without her input.)
My favourite fic: You know that’s impossible to say. There are certain things I love about every one of them. I will say I love the little bits of fic canon @unreliablenarratorink and I have created that we often weave through our stories. The ‘Be safe’ I have Jack say to him. The fact that Army always beats Navy. And, of course, $15 cheese.
Thanks to all who have supported my fics over this last year and a half, either through kudos and reviews, public reblogs or private words. It all means a hell of a lot to me. And if you want to sent a bit of coffee, feel free to visit my ko-fi page. My thanks to those who have done so in the past. It’s just caffeine to get my creative juices flowing!
Onwards to the next 100! (*silently shakes head*)
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jenni3penny · 2 years
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The NCIS Summer Bingo Challenge ends in the next day or so and I was feeling bummed about not being able to get to everyone's requests so @the-last-rat-standing had a great idea!
How about a Leftovers Bingo Challenge?! I have moved the remaining challenges to this card, including the double Slibbs request that I had. I also gave myself a Free Space and an Author's Choice so that I can cheat should I have an idea that doesn't fit well anywhere.
There are four corners for pairing requests from the four mutuals (@the-last-rat-standing @tangocharliekilo @thenicecheese @hoffnungswolke) I trust most with my fics before I post them. These guys are the best beta readers or prompt givers in the fandom!!
That leaves seven blocks that can still be claimed by request. Once again, feel free to Anon or message your request. You do not have to stick to these three pairings. If there is another pairing we have discussed or I have reblogged, I can give it a try.
I will keep doing my best to get to everyone's requests! I'm still chugging along! 🤣😂
(Post/claims will be pinned for reference!)
Slibbs/Late Night Phone Call (Coolbyrne)
Jilius/Band aids (Hoffnungswolke)
Slibbs/Cancelled Plans (Tangocharliekilo)
Slibbs/Injury (x2)
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hpfangirl13 · 6 years
Shipping Questions Challenge
I saw some other people answering these questions so I figured I would. This is basically everything ever about my shipping history.
Talk about the first ship you ever had.
My first ship was Bellamort. I was 11 and was in the process of reading Harry Potter for the first time. Something about them both intrigued me and despite Voldemort supposedly not being able to love, I always felt like he had a soft spot for Bellatrix. After Cursed Child, turns out I was right. ;)
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
Bellamort is definitely one of them because they were my first ship, not to mention the first fanfic I ever read was about them. Jamko is probably the biggest one because ever since I saw them for the first time, I have been obsessed with them. They made me feel like no other ship ever did. The night they became canon was the best night of my life, hands down. Joe and Mika from Morning Joe are probably my third because they gave me the same effect Jamko did. I was obsessed with them the moment I saw them. Something about the way they interacted on screen made me love them. Now they’re married so woohoo!
What’s your current OTP?
Thomas Magnum and Juliet Higgins from the new Magnum P.I. They are my latest obsession and I love their will they/won’t they relationship. “Day of the Viper”, the newest episode, was huge for their relationship development. They’re completely adorable.
What’s your current NOTP?
Erin and Anthony from Blue Bloods. I love them both individually and working together as a team but I can’t stand that people are shipping them romantically. He’s more like an uncle to her, he’s just WAYYY too old for her.
Do you have any poly ships?
No. I’m not into that stuff.
How do you feel about love triangles?
Not into these either. They’re pointless and we usually already know who’s going to end up with who anyway.
How do you feel about RPF?
I ship a lot of real people and celebrities. I think it’s fine as long as people don’t get creepy about it.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
The only one I can think of off the top of my head would be Captain America and Black Widow. They vibed all through Winter Soldier, but Marvel had to kill their potential relationship so that she and Hulk could be a thing. I’m still holding on to hope for them in Endgame though. I also have a lot of ships that are currently in the will they/won’t they phase.
Do you ship any characters that have never met?
No. I can’t ship people who I haven’t seen together.
Talk about your favorite first kiss.
Jamko’s first kiss back in season 4 of Blue Bloods. It was a little awkward but my 13-year-old self was losing her shit. I also had to wait a week after that episode aired to watch the episode. The struggle of having a flip phone and being on vacation was real.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?
YES. Jamko has been a complete mess all season 9.  I’m not sure what the writers are trying to do with them, but they’ve completely killed their chemistry. I thought this season was going to be iconic, but it’s honestly been such a letdown. I wanted them together, but not with this sappy writing.
Has a ship ever broken your heart?
Jamko is kinda breaking my heart because they’ve been so out of character.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they?
It’s the best kind of ship tbh. There’s nothing better than the week to week anticipation of wondering if that week will be the week they finally happen or make progress. I love a good slow burn. You can’t say you’ve truly shipped something unless you’ve shed tears and felt pain because of the frustration of waiting.
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
Definitely. When you know you know. I fell in love with Jamko the minute I saw them.
Talk about a ship you initially disliked.
Initially, I hated Reylo. When Force Awakens came out I was 100% a Finn/Rey shipper. I thought her and Kylo were gross. But that all changed in The Last Jedi. Their “force Skyping” converted me. I love a good AU Reylo fic.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.
I guess I would have to say Finn/Rey. He’s with Rose now, and as dumb as that ship is, I honestly think Rey and Kylo have more of a connection now. I also used to be really into Weller/Jane from Blindspot, but that pairing and show are shitty now.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
This season when Jamie and Eddie were playing mini golf and Jamie revealed that he had proposed there, I was baffled. I simply don’t want to believe that he proposed to her there right after she saved him from being shot. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?
There are a few ships that I kind of don’t advertise that I’m in to. Joe and Mika and Bellamort would be a few examples.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
I feel like I’m the only person who ships Joe and Mika. I feel like everyone hates their politics and judges them because of what they talk about on their show. Also, they’re like 50-year-old news anchors and most of my friends think I’m pretty weird for liking them anyway. There’s probably someone out there who likes them as much as I do, I just haven’t found them yet.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
I guess Samar and Aram from Blacklist. They’re ok I guess, but I don’t really ship them. I don’t have anything against them though.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
Currently? Higgins and Magnum no question. But Ellick, Slibbs, and WonderBat are some of my other favorite matches in terms of overall chemistry.
Which of your ships deserve better writing?
Do you mostly ship canon pairings?
Many of the ships I have have become canon since I started shipping them. I find myself beginning to ship people, and then they get together down the road. There’s honestly nothing that I ship that I believe has no chance of getting together.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?
Yes. This is what prompted me to start watching the new Magnum P.I.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
Yes. I love pairings where both people are very strong and independent, but unstoppable together. I pretty much exclusively watch crime dramas, so I especially love police and military couples. If they have obvious sexual tension, I’ll probably be drawn to them.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?
I guess my longest ship would be Bellamort, which I started shipping when I was 11. I’m 18 now, but 7 years is a pretty good amount of time. I’ve also shipped Jamko for 6 years now.
Does shipping come easily to you?
It’s like breathing.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?
This depends. In some cases, yes. But I love The Blacklist and I haven’t really shipped anyone on that show.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.
I think Blacklist is kind of it… although I may be putting my Keenler hat back on soon.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
The “sharing a bed in a hotel” headcanon is an all-time favorite of mine.
Name your favorite fan artist(s).
To be honest, I don’t really know any fan artists by name.
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.
For Jamko, the entire “The Block” album by New Kids on the Block. It’s not exactly a fanmix, but it’s a perfect album for them. I have made my own playlist for Magnum/Higgins recently:
“Juliet”- LMNT, “We Went as Far as We Felt Like Going”- Pussycat Dolls, “Big Time”- Big Time Rush, “7 rings”- Ariana Grande, “CRZY”- Kehlani
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for your ships?
Sadly no. I don’t have the talent or time.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?
Not really. I have to be in a certain mood to read AU fics anyway.
Do you like and use ship names?
I love them and use them frequently, as illustrated by this post.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?
I live vicariously through Eddie Janko. In middle school, I literally tried to act and dress like her. So that should tell you whose relationship I wish I could be in.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
How Jamko has been written this season. Go back to season 9 episode 1 and start over.
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sweetdreamszizzi · 5 years
Just a little something I’ve attempted to write for the Slibbs Challenge on here. Give it a read if you like, hope you enjoy!
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ao3feed-ncis · 5 years
What's in my mouth challenge #SLIBBS (DIRTY)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QjdtTM
by Candyheart6
Gibbs and Jack take turns in blindfolding and tasting things. No one knew while playing this game, it will get so intimate ;)
Words: 1089, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NCIS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane, Jethro Gibbs
Relationships: Jethro Gibbs/Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane
Additional Tags: bed, #SLIBBS, blindfold, sucking, Guessing, laugh, Smile, Food, dick - Freeform, pussy, cock - Freeform, Nipples, Moaning, Breasts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QjdtTM
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