cherry-misty · 2 months
Это должен был быть просто скетч.
В итоге целая иллюстрация к фанфику "Vision Quest".
Айкис пьет флегмонаду, это как лимонад из мира монстров.
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Ickis and Oblina s babies coming soon in the next part yes Oblina end pregnant from Ickis and both will face the life of students and parents as well
The entire academy want to be their cool uncles and aunts XD
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toraleistripe · 5 months
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Just a reminder that I fucking LOVE him and wish he'd made more appearances in episodes
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gingacd · 2 years
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forgot I made this meaniescomic inspired Aaahh! Real Monsters thang so here you go
My brother and I joke that the gromble and Slickis are married and Ickis still hasnt’ come to terms with it
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jergle-oopz · 2 years
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Drawings of the day 3078-3084. #drawing #doodle #cartoon #sketch #art #illustration #ink #loxiloxus #aahhhrealmonsters #nickelodeon #ickis #oblina #krumm #horrifica #slickis #monster #thegromble #zimbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CndcOsAr5aa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ryunchanstuffsblog · 11 months
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To whoever in NRS had the task of making this bastard's model, you have no right in making him this hot!
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magpiesbones · 1 year
I am actually a bit sad that they made both blackheart and goldenloin have shorter hair it changes the vibe only slightly but the vibe is changed
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erzbethluna · 2 years
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It's Baz Bitch! And he did it *again* (he's not oops, tho) This is for amazing @facewithoutheart <3 I'm having soooo much fun with all this Britney Lore we created @ionlydrinkhotwater this is for you too!! That cleavage Simon!! These two go together!! So yeah, wait for the steamy extra astronaut bit, is still in the making because *of course I will color it properly thank you very much*
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cyrilvows · 1 year
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some wizard dad au doodles from a few days ago
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bloodyblunts · 11 months
Hi I'm a dumbass and I accidentally deleted my old blog (slickypavlov) Not like it was special, but I was just starting to be social without having a panic attack and then BOOM, dumb. I guess now that I had a restart and I (kind of) know how to use tumblr now, I can thrive?
Now ig this blog can be the main and slickypavlov might make a return as my unhinged, horny sideblog? Idk yet though, I'm throwing a fit. Y'all better remember my ass or I'll cry.
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captain-amadeus · 1 year
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Cat sketches
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Au part 7 a past Trauma and the birth of the new generation on Horvark s family.
~ Flashback~
Man: Captain Parker, I order you and your man to dispose at once, by order of the King of England.
Parker: Right. You and what army pal?
Man: The British army.
Parker: Oh.
The human use Horvark eyeball as bullet as he click the gun
Horvark was tramautized and return to the academy.....
He was dating Luna, but that date will be different when she will find out he was missing an eye....
Slickis: Horvark what happened?
Are feeling ok?
Slickis notice Horvark about cry hardly.....
Sublima just left the shared room with not interest on her two roomates....
Slickis only keeps his sight on his friend Horvark
Horvak: NO!
Slickis gazes at his friend Horvark, concern etched into his features. He takes a step closer, his voice low and soft.
Slickis (gently) Hey... what happened, man? Can you tell me what's wrong?
Horvark: I just lost one eye because of a stupid human who mistake my eye with a bullet
Slickis lets out a gasp of surprise, his eyes widening as he processes the information.
Slickis (stunned) What? They shot out your eye? Just like that?
Horvark shakes again ;;
Slickis' anecdote seems to provide some hope and encouragement to Horvark. Slickis continues, recalling the tale with a sense of admiration.
Slickis (inspiringly) My ancestor lost an eye too, but he didn't let it stop him. He was a hunter and a warrior, known for his skill and bravery. He adapted his skills, learned to fight and hunt effectively with one eye, and even made weapons out of the horns and claws of the dinosaurs he hunted.
Horvark listen to him
Slickis continues speaking, his voice filled with conviction and pride.
Slickis (assertively) You're strong, Horvark. You can get through this. Just like my ancestor did.
He gives his friend a firm, reassuring look, hoping to instill some courage and determination in him.
Horvark: thanks, but i had a problem is my third date with Luna, you know the friend of Diamond the white bat monster you are dating....
Slickis nods, understanding the dilemma.
Slickis (supportively) Yeah, I remember. You're worried about how she'll react to your eye, huh?
Slickis pauses for a moment, trying to think of a solution. Then an idea comes to him.
Horvark: yes ; ;
Slickis (thoughtfully) Well... what if you take this as an opportunity to be honest with her? Explain what happened and how it's affected you, and how you're working on adapting. Honesty might be the best policy.
Horvark: ok, but how
Slickis thinks for a moment, then responds with a reassuring tone.
Slickis (gently) Just talk to her. Be sincere and open about what happened, and how it's made you feel. Don't try to hide or downplay it. Chances are, if she's a good friend, she'll understand and be supportive.
Horvark: alright
Slickis offers a small smile, trying to be encouraging.
Slickis (reassuringly) You got this, man. And I'll be here if you need me, okay?
Horvark: ok...
Horvark puts a black glove on his right hand where the lost eye was....
After the discussion with Slickis, Horvark takes some time to prepare himself for his date with Luna. He puts on a black glove to cover his empty eye socket and feels more comfortable and ready.
Horvark: well i m ready
Slickis gives his friend a thumbs up of encouragement.
Slickis (supportively) You got this, man. Remember, just be honest and open. Good luck!
Horvark nodded and go outside of the monster academy for his date
Horvark steps out of the academy, a mix of nervousness and determination on his face. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the upcoming date with Luna.
Luna is already waiting outside the academy, standing patiently and looking around for Horvark. She smiles when she sees him approach.
Horvark: hey Luna...
Luna waves, a warm smile on her face.
Luna (cheerfully) Hey there, Horvark! Ready for our date?
Horvark: yes
Luna grins and walks over to him, linking her arm through his.
Luna (excitedly) Wonderful! Let's get going, then.
Horvark nodded
Luna and Horvark begin walking together, chatting and enjoying each other's company as they make their way towards the location of their date.
They arrive to their location
The walk takes them to a cozy and secluded spot, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The sun is starting to set, casting a warm, romantic glow over everything.
Horvark: ; ;
As they arrive, Luna glances at Horvark, noticing his expression.
Luna (curious) Is something wrong, Horvark?
Horvark: 😭
Luna's expression turns to one of concern as she sees Horvark looking upset. She puts a gentle hand on his arm.
Luna (soothingly) Hey, hey... what's the matter?
Horvark: i los a eye because of a human who i was about to scare i m a phrony and dumb.
The human mistaken my eye with a bullet....
Luna listens carefully as Horvark speaks, her expression showing both shock and sympathy. She takes in the news about the human mistaking his eye for a bullet, and the pain and self-doubt it's caused him.
Luna (softly) Oh, Horvark... I'm so sorry to hear that. You're not dumb or a phoney. Losing an eye doesn't make you weak or any less scary. You've just had an accident, that's all.
Horvark: for you is easy to say that look at me, look, how you want to date a monster with one eye
Luna takes a deep breath before responding, her voice soft and sincere.
Luna (gently) Horvark, it doesn't matter to me that you have one eye... I don't care about that. I care about who you are, as a monster. You're still the same Horvark - strong, brave and caring. And I still want to go on this date, okay?
Horvark; but how you are not reacting in a negative way
Luna smiles faintly, her eyes gentle as she looks at Horvark.
Luna (sincerely) Because it doesn't change how I feel about you. I care about you, not your appearance. Your eye doesn't define who you are, and it certainly doesn't change how I see you.
Horvark: but....
Luna puts a hand on his arm, her touch soft and reassuring.
Luna (firmly) No buts. I like you, Horvark, for who you are. And your eye being gone doesn't change any of that.
Horvark: ok.....
With Horvark's agreement, Luna and Horvark proceed with their date. They chat, laugh, and explore the secluded spot, enjoying each other's company and the romantic atmosphere.
Years later both got married, their blob egg got layed after 1 week.....
As time passes, Luna and Horvark's love for each other only grows stronger. They eventually get married, a happy and joyous occasion. Shortly afterwards, Luna lays their blob egg, a symbol of their love and a new beginning.
Horvark was now a molder farmer inside the city dump as monster.
While both parents were out having a walk.....
The blob egg shakes......i had pased 30 days...
The blob egg crack open showing a little monster hatchling holding his two eyes with his two hands
The blob egg shakes and cracks open, revealing a small monster hatchling who has just hatched. The hatchling looks around with wide, curious eyes, still clutching its two eyes in its tiny hands.
Meanwhile, Luna and Horvark are out taking a walk together, blissfully unaware that their blob egg has hatched.
The hatchling monster cooing
The hatchling makes soft, sweet cooing sounds as it moves in the remains of the shell, still grasping its eyes. It looks around, its small, fuzzy body writhing slightly as it adjusts to life outside of the egg.
The parents return
Luna and Horvark return from their walk, strolling along comfortably and chatting with each other. They stop in their tracks as they see the blob egg has hatched and the hatchling is there, blinking its big eyes at them.
The hatchling made sounds
The hatchling continues making small, soft sounds as it wobbles around, occasionally dropping its eyes as it tries to move. It looks up at Luna and Horvark, its expression curious and innocent.
The hatchling stare at his mother
The hatchling's gaze fixates on Luna, its big eyes meeting her with a mixture of wonder and familiarity. It babbles and coos, its small arms reaching up towards her as if yearning for comfort and warmth.
Luna gazes back at the hatchling, her expression filled with a mix of awe and tenderness. She gently picks up the hatchling, cradling it in her free arm holding her eyes with the other hand as she looks down at it lovingly.
Horvark steps closer, peering down at the hatchling in Luna's arms. He looks at the tiny being, his expression soft and proud.
Horvark (gently) It's a boy... Our son.
The hatchling babbles and coos again, his small arms flailing as he gazes up at his parents. He seems content in Luna's arms, his big eyes observing them both with an innocent curiosity.
Luna strokes the hatchling gently, her voice soft and soothing.
Luna (gently) He's so perfect... Look at him, Horvark. We made such a tiny, wonderful little being.
Horvark smiles warmly, his gaze fixed on the hatchling.
Horvark (softly) He really is... He's got your eyes, you know?
Luna chuckles softly, gently rocking the hatchling in her arms.
Luna (jokingly) Well, he certainly didn't inherit my height, that's for sure. Look at how small and cute he is.
The hatchling lets out a small yawn, his little mouth opening wide and revealing a tiny pink tongue. His eyes flutter a bit, the exhaustion of hatching starting to take its toll on him.
Seeing the hatchling yawn, Luna smiles softly.
Luna (gently) I think he's getting tired... He needs some rest after hatching, I'd imagine.
Both named their son Krumm
Both Luna and Horvark agree on a name for their son, settling on the name Krumm. The little hatchling responds to his name with a soft coo, as if recognizing it as his own.
Luna looks down at Krumm with a warm smile.
Luna (gently) We're so glad you're with us now, Krumm. You're going to be the perfect addition to our family. We're going to take care of you and watch you grow up strong and healthy.
Horvark turns his gaze towards Krumm, his tone lighthearted but with a hint of seriousness.
Horvark (gently) Listen up, Krumm. Don't end up like me - losing an eye and looking like a complete fool. You got it? Be careful and make better decisions than your old man, alright?
Krumm responds to his father with a series of soft, adorable sounds, his expression almost as if he's listening intently to the advice. He babbles and coos, his little arms moving as if he's trying to respond.
Luna can't help but chuckle at the interaction between Horvark and Krumm.
Luna (jokingly) Oh, don't worry, Horvark. I'll make sure Krumm doesn't follow in your footsteps. He'll be a smart, careful little fellow, won't you, Krumm?
Krumm continues babbling, his small voice making adorable, soft sounds as he responds to Luna's words. He looks at both Horvark and Luna with curious eyes, clearly listening and seeming to understand the conversation, in his own little hatchling way.
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1eos · 2 years
What is even the point of straight omegaverse like misogyny already exist a cis man can already get a cis woman pregnant if the girl was an alpha that’d be SOMETHING but it seems most of it is just regular hetero sex
im saying. to me its just giving like...plot derived science that justifies misogyny? alphas can't stop themselves from fucking who they want nd it doesn't matter bc the omega will beg for it in the end like it's LITERALLY just trying to hornify misogyny? they won't even do something new and explore women blowing the backs out of men. its always just man = alpha. woman = omega. and then the alpha man saying he DESERVES a woman and that he DESERVES her body is quite literally the shit creeps say on twitter rn what's going AWN?
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blorbocedes · 2 years
its one of the unmistakeable paddock smells: motor oil, asphalt and nyck de vries bussy juice
😭😭😭 that sounds like the opening line of a novel....... all the smells that get the alphas on track acting up 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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jergle-oopz · 2 years
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Drawing of the day 3084. #drawing #doodle #cartoon #sketch #art #illustration #ink #loxiloxus #aahhrealmonsters #slickis #monster #nicktoons https://www.instagram.com/p/CncmspdvwlD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirielvairenen · 18 days
you wanna see someone have a textile sensory Thing with vague gender dysphoria, put me in the work shirt I'm supposed to wear tomorrow
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