#slight demus
thatonelesbianfander · 8 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Chapter 1
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Blood/Gore, Death mention, Murder mention, Weapons, Yelling/Screaming, Swearing, Strong emotions, Fire, Homophobia
Word count// 2242
Description// Janus is one of the many reapers whose job it is to reap the souls of the dead and help them ascend to the afterlife. After one assignment, the spirit they reaped, a 23-year-old nonbinary person named Remus, refused to ascend. Now, Janus is stuck with them following it around wherever they go.
Characters// Remus Sanders, Janus Sanders, Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, C!Thomas Sanders
Pairings// Slight Demus/Dukeceit mention
AUs// Found/chosen family Creativitwins & C!Thomas, human!sides, they/them Remus, it/they Janus, he/she Roman
Masterpost // Next
Janus looked at the sight in front of them, a solemn expression on their face. In front of them laid a man, multiple bullet holes in his body. Around them, people walked off, their voices clashing together. Janus didn’t really worry about the other people that much though. Silently, they took a handle out of the pocket of its pants, the handle extending itself out and turning into a scythe. Janus raised the scythe above their head, about to strike the man’s body before they were interrupted.
“Whatcha doing, JanJan,” a voice asked. Janus backed up a little, startled by the sudden unexpected noise. They looked back to find Remus, a spirit they had reaped a few months earlier. The sight of Remus wasn’t really a great sight to see. Their whole body was covered in scratches. One of their legs was covered in blood with only a few pieces of skin visible, and the other leg was practically all gore. The one side of their head was covered in blood and a part of their brain was visible. Their one eye socket was missing an eye, blood dripped out of it instead. It was not pretty. Remus floated behind Janus, seemingly sitting on thin air.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Remus! What the hell?! Don’t do that!” Janus yelled, startled.
“Jesus! Sorry!” Remus said. Remus looked off behind Janus, seeing the guy behind Janus.
“Woah, what happened to him? He has to have like 20 bullet holes in him,” Remus said, looking at the guy.
“Execution via firing squad. Apparently, this guy abused his wife and kids and then snapped at a party they were having for his eldest daughter’s birthday. Ended up murdering everyone at that party except for his eldest daughter, and a few of the cousins before being arrested,” Janus said.
“Damn, what an asshole,” Remus said.
“Yes, I agree. Now, go away and let me do my job,” Janus said, swiping his scythe at the guy’s body. The guy’s spirit rose from his body, the guy stumbling back a little before regaining his balance. He looked at Janus, falling to his knees and clasping his hands.
“My lord, Jesus! It is an honor to be in your presence! Though, you do look a little different from how I thought you would look like…” The guy said. Remus started to laugh, Janus glaring at them.
“You really think, they’re Jesus?! This dork, with their stupid suspenders and nerdy glasses!” Remus laughed.
“Remus, shut the fuck up,” Janus said, glaring at Remus.
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” the guy asked, looking over at Remus.
“I’m his boyfriend~” Remus said, making kissing gestures towards Janus.
“The fuck you aren’t?! We’re not even friends?! Besides, both you and me don’t even identify as male?!” Janus said, annoyed.
“Ew! Gay people are disgusting! You two are sinners! I-” the guy started.
“Alright, enough of this. I’m not going to listen to the rants of a disgusting murderous homophobe. Go to hell,” Janus said, swiping the guy with his scythe. The guy immediately burst into flames, screaming in pain as he disappeared. Janus adjusted its hat before turning towards Remus.
“Now, why the hell would you tell him that?!” Janus asked.
“Because, annoying you is funny?” Remus said. Janus sighed, retracting their scythe and putting it back into its pocket. The two looked at the guy’s body.
“This is pretty messed up,” Remus said, floating over to the guy and kicking his arm with their foot.
“Eh, your death was probably worse, considering all the screaming and crying and shit,” Janus replied, pulling a screen up and swiping through a list. It crossed the guy’s name off their list.
“Besides, after doing this for 5 years now, you kind of get desensitized to everything,” Janus continued.
“Oh yeah, I forgot you became a reaper after you died at 18,” Remus said, “Damn, that’s crazy to think about.”
“Died at 19, but yeah, I guess it is pretty crazy,” Janus said, looking at the screen and swiping through the list of names.
“So, where to next?” Remus asked.
“Well, I need to visit the graveyard, apparently a few spirits are having trouble ascending. I also have one more spirit I need to reap before I can break for the day,” Janus replied.
“Then, let’s head over to the graveyard,” Remus suggested.
“You mean, let me head over to the graveyard, and you just follow me to annoy me?” Janus replied.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Last one to the graveyard is a loser!” Remus said, fading out of view.
“Oh, you little-” Janus started before also fading out of view.
Janus reappeared in the graveyard, Remus floating in front of it.
“Lmao, loser. I win,” Remus said, Janus glaring at them.
“Fuck off, you cheated,” Janus said, adjusting its suspender straps. The two heard talking off in the distance.
“That must be them. You stay here, don’t get in my way. Just let me do my job, so we can get out of here,” Janus said.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Remus replied, rolling their eye. Janus walked off, out of Remus’s sight. Remus leaned back, crossing their legs and looking up at the sky. The sun shined brightly, but it didn’t affect Remus’s eye. Clouds moved throughout the sky. Remus looked around at the clouds, seeing what shapes they could find. They smiled sadly to themself, thinking about their twin sibling, Roman. Nothing could describe how much they missed him. He was basically their other half, and they never really felt full without her. Remus looked over to the side, seeing a person wearing a green vest walking towards them. They jumped a little, the person walking right through them and sitting next to a nearby grave. The person put the flowers they had been holding down in front of the grave, sighing.
“Oh, Remus… I’m so sorry…” the person said. Remus floated down, standing on the ground and walking towards the person.
“Roman…” Remus said under their breath. They walked closer to Roman, reaching their hand out before they heard Janus yell.
“Remus! What do you think you’re doing?! You know the rules! You don’t touch the living!” Janus yelled.
“Oh, so what?! I can’t comfort my sibling when she’s in distress?!” Remus replied back, annoyed.
“Literally, the whole point of that rule is so that the dead doesn’t interfere with the living! There would be drastic consequences if you did!” Janus said, walking over towards Remus.
“And what if the people who told you that are wrong or lying?” Remus asked.
“And what if they’re not?” Janus replied, glaring at Remus with their arms crossed.
“Whatever. You said so yourself, you’re not my friend, so why should I listen to you?” Remus responded, rolling their eye.
“Because I’ve been doing this longer than you! I know things,” Janus said. Remus rolled their eye, starting to float again.
“Now, come on. Let’s go get this last assignment over with, so I can go back to my apartment and chill,” Janus said, fading out of view. Remus looked down to their sibling, tears falling down their cheek. Remus plucked a leaf from the tree nearby, letting it fall down in front of Roman. Roman picked the leaf up, looking around while holding the leaf. Remus smiled softly, looking at their sibling while fading out of sight. They reappeared behind Janus, Janus talking to the spirit in front of them.
“So, what happens now?” the spirit asked.
“Well, it looks like you have some unfinished business, so you’ll need to finish that before you’re able to ascend. I would recommend starting with the smaller tasks first, and working your way up,” Janus said, handing the spirit a slip. Remus floated over to the two, hovering behind Janus.
“Alright, thanks,” the spirit said.
“No problem. If you ever need me, you can just call my name on that slip, and I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Janus replied.
“So, who’s this?” Remus asked.
“Oh, I’m Patton, and you are?” Patton responded.
“Remus, nice to meet you!” Remus said.
“You too!” Patton replied, smiling.
“Alright, we better go. Have a nice night,” Janus said, waving and fading out of view. Remus followed suit.
The two reappeared in the living room of Janus’s apartment. Janus put its scythe on the table near the door, walking to its room.
“I’m getting changed. You find something to do,” Janus said, closing the bedroom door behind them. Remus floated over to the couch, sitting down and turning on the TV. They watched the TV as Janus changed into more comfortable clothes. Janus walked out of the bedroom, sitting down on the couch next to Remus. Remus looked away from Janus, watching the TV.
“Hey, I…” Janus started.
“What?” Remus responded, cutting Janus off.
“I’m sorry about yelling at you in the graveyard, it’s just…” Janus started again before trailing off.
“Yes?” Remus asked, looking at Janus angrily.
“Look, you know the rules. You know why we can’t interact-” Janus said.
“Remus…” Janus said, reaching over to Remus.
“Why did I have to be so stupid… I died and I couldn’t even say goodbye to them… I had to watch as my twin sobbed in the back of that stupid ambulance and begged me to stay, and I could do nothing to comfort her! I had to watch as his whole world was shattered to pieces, and all I could do was lay down on that stupid cot and bleed to death,” Remus sobbed, rocking back and forth. Janus frowned, moving closer to Remus. They put an arm around Remus as Remus sobbed.
“Hey. It’s going to be okay! You’ll see them again eventually!” Janus said, trying to cheer Remus up.
“You’re not helping,” Remus said, pushing Janus away.
“I-” Janus started.
“Don’t start. I’m just going to go to the graveyard for the night. I don’t want to be around you right now,” Remus said, fading out of view. Janus sighed, putting a hand to its face. They pulled the screen back up, scrolling through the list of names again and crossing Patton’s name off the list of names that needed to be reaped. It pulled up another list, writing Patton’s name down. They looked at Remus’s name, tapping on their name to pull up a little profile.
“Remus Sanders-Kingstone, Aged: 23, Death date: June 4, 2023, Reaper on duty: Janus, Ascension status: not ascended” the profile read. Janus sighed, scribbling a note down on the notes section of the profile before swiping it away. They put the screen away, turning the TV off and laying down on the couch. They closed their eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Remus reappeared in the graveyard, angrily kicking at a tree.
“Stupid Janus! Stupid rules! I wish I had never died in the first place!” Remus said angrily beating against the tree until they had let their emotions wear out. They looked over towards their grave to find their sibling, who still sat at their grave. Another man walked up to Roman, sitting down next to him.
“I figured I would find you here…” Thomas said, looking towards Roman. Roman looked over to the man, looking back down at the ground.
“Hey, Pa…” Roman said.
“Roman, you’ve been out here for an hour now… Why don’t you come back home? It’s almost dark out…” Thomas said, putting a hand on Roman’s shoulder.
“What’s the point of going back home, if they’re not going to be there?” Roman said, still looking down at the ground.
“Roman…” Thomas replied. Tears started to fill Roman’s eyes. Thomas pulled Roman into a hug, Roman sobbing into the man’s shoulder. Thomas rocked the two back and forth, holding Roman in his arms.
“I miss them so much, Pa! It’s so difficult without them here!” Roman sobbed.
“I know, buddy… I know… It’s okay… I’m here…” Thomas said, holding Roman close. Remus stepped closer to the two, a sad expression on their face. Thomas stood up, holding a hand out to Roman.
“Come on, buddy. Let’s go home,” Thomas said. Roman took Thomas’s hand, holding it as the two walked away. Remus floated above their grave, watching as the two walked out of their view. Remus looked down at the flowers Roman had placed at their grave. Green roses, Remus’s favorite. They picked up one of the flowers, holding it close as they floated in the air. They leaned back, closing their eyes and falling asleep with the rose in their hands.
Masterpost // Next
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sandersidesbigbang · 2 years
French Kiss
Writer: @edupunkn00b
Art link here
Art link here
Rating: Mature
Not all romantic relationships are mutual, and some are background/past/future
Primary: Loceit, Dukeceit/Demus,
Background: Royalty (may be platonic)
Possible hints at other legal pairings
A stilted string melody assaulted Janus’ ears before he’d even passed the guards and set a toe on the grand staircase. The twin princes' Versailles renovations included steep, rickety stairs leading to the vestibule, forcing unsteady guests to sweat and huff their way up. Then, trembling with anxiety and exertion from their climb, they were left on full display as they teetered down wide, curved steps with an uneven rise before reaching the red and green marble dance floor below.
Logan’s research had prepared him for the twin’s sadistic design and he walked with confidence. Resplendent in his ‘borrowed’ heavy silk brocade breeches and cloak, Janus was the picture of courtly elegance.
With a fanfare, gilded ceiling-high doors opened and the light of several dozen lanterns poured into the dark ballroom. Two figures of identical height and silhouette appeared, framed by the bright, flickering glow. Backlit, it was nearly impossible to distinguish between the two, only the slight twitchiness to one brother’s movements a clue that he might be the elder brother, the crown prince.
Their voices rang out in unrehearsed unison. “Isn’t this meant to be a celebration?” The court’s musicians took their cue and launched a raucous tune, guests moving to the music in ways certain to make Bishop Jeanne blush at Sunday’s confession.
The Princes had arrived.
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Drift Away
Summary: Happy to listen, Happy to stay...or What happened after the recent episode. 
A/N: possible spoilers ahead so scroll away if you haven’t watched the recent episode yet. also enjoy my crappy writing! It’s been a while since I wrote shit. Especially for this fandom. 
Warnings: none but possible spoilers and a lotta angst
Ships: Slight Demus
Taglist: @enigmasalad
It had been two days since Deceit, or Janus, had been accepted by Thomas and the others. Janus was now too busy to spend time with Remus who had no idea that his partner in crime was no longer a dark side. The lack of time together upset Remus. He tried to be patient. He really did but Janus would come join him less and less. The lying side barely spent time with him when he asked, always having some excuse. They didn’t play as much they used to and it made Remus feel lonely. Sure, he could conjure up a playmate or ask someone in his own part of the Imagination but there was no fun in that. No one was snarky or witty like Janus. No one put up with him and ran with his ideas like Janus.
So Remus laid down on the dirt ground of his barren imagination, watching the clouds up in the dark sky. He’d been there, waiting for Janus but it’s been an hour. He decides to get and go find him, standing up from the ground and pulling himself free from some overgrown roots that must have randomly sprouted while he was playing with the dirt. He picks up his Morningstar and heads out of the Imagination and ends up back in his own room. No one’s here but him. It’s awfully quiet. Sighing, he decides to go to Janus’ room. He was the only one other than Patton and Logan that was allowed in.
“Janus! Are we going to burn the village down again yet?” Remus asks as he sinks up into the side’s room.
Remus froze, his Morningstar clattering to the ground as he takes in quite the scene before him. Janus’ room was almost empty. The yellow glow gone and replaced with an orange hue. The pet snake was gone and the bed was empty save for one white pillow. Then there was Janus…holding a trash can and tearing down all the drawings and cards that Remus gifted him all these years.
Janus drops the trash can, balls of paper rolling out of the trash can and old papers fluttering out. He turns to see Remus standing there in shock, eyes wide.
“R-Remus, I can explain!” the former dark side stammers.
“Explain what? That you’re leaving?!”
“Remus, please, listen to me!”
Remus only screams and it shakes the room, making Janus stumble.
“You promised, Janus! You promised! After Virgil left us, you said you’d still be here with me! Now you’re just going to leave me?!” I thought…I thought you loved me!”
Janus takes a step closer, hands moving to touch Remus. He’s startled as Remus suddenly pulls him close.
“Remus, I…I…” he tries to say but Remus shake his head.
“No! I don’t want you to go! You’re all I have left! I-If y-you go, I’ll be alone! I don’t want to be alone! Don’t leave me here, Janus!” Remus cries.
Janus sighs, gently pushing Remus off of him.
“I’m sorry, Remus but Thomas needs me now. I have to help him.”
Remus shakes his head in denial, trying to hug Janus again only to be held back.
“S-So you’re just going to forget me like that? You’re going to leave and that’s it?” he chokes. “W-What, are you going to replace me next? Huh? Are you going to hang out with…with Roman now? Is that it?”
Janus’ eyes widened and he shakes his head in a panic.
“What? No, no! I…I really have to go help Thomas. I promise to come back to you. I do!” he tries.
“No! First, Virgil left us. Now, you’re leaving me!”
Janus shakes his head once more and cups Remus’ face.
“Remus, look at me.”
Remus sniffles and looks up at him with a frown.
“I will come back. I mean it. But until then, I need you to do something for me.”
“Like what?”
“Something simple. A fun game. You’ll like it, trust me.”
The lying side sighs, moving his hands away from Remus’ cheeks and taking his hands in his own. He picks up Remus’ Morningstar and hands it to him before leading him to the bed.
“Sit down.” he tells him.
Remus does so, tilting his head when Janus lets go of him.
“I want you to stay here and wait for me, okay? If you’re still here by the time I get back, we’ll do whatever you want for one day. You have to promise me that you’ll stay here and you won’t move until I get back, Remus.” Janus explains, giving him a small smile.
Remus sniffles but nods.
“Okay. But you’ll come back right?” he asks.
“I will, I promise.” Janus lies.
Janus then stands and heads for the door.
“Yes, Remus?”
“You’re still one of us, right?”
“Of course, my wretched one.”
With that, Janus left and Remus sighed to himself. The dark prince huffed and played with his Morningstar, running his fingers lightly over the spikes. It had only been a few moments but…well, he’s bored! It’s odd, he thinks, how Janus didn’t need his help with Thomas this time or the few times before that. Now that he really thinks about it, Janus has been with Thomas a lot lately. Why would Thomas need a dark side’s help? Doesn’t he usually go to Logan or Patton or the other two for help? Remus doesn’t know and turns to look at the window beside him. Maybe it’s just a quick thing and Janus will be back soon. Remus then decides to conjure up random things while he waited.
Days. Weeks. Months. No Janus. Remus kept waiting and waiting and waiting. He didn’t move. He didn’t stand. He didn’t do anything else, only conjuring up whatever his mind could think of. Soon he’d grow bored and made those conjured things disappear.
Another month passes and it’s now been six months since Janus told him to wait. Remus is really bored now and he hasn’t left the room or bothered Thomas in forever. Maybe Janus won’t mind if he had a little peek outside? Breaking the rules, Remus stands and heads for the door. When he opens it, he doesn’t expect to see Roman on the other side.
“Ro? What are you doing here?” Remus asks, looking his twin over.
Roman looked awful. His hair was a mess and his princely outfit was gone, replaced with one of his Broadway t-shirts and pair of sweats. He looked like he’d been crying a lot too, eyes red and all.
“I was looking for you, Rem. I thought you’d be scorching the peasants with Janus again.” the light prince replies, his voice lacking its usual dramatical tone.
“No…Janus told me to wait here until he gets back. It’s been months. Have you seen him?”
Roman shifts hesitantly at that, arms crossed and gripping at his own shirt.
Roman sighs and takes a deep breath and swallows.
“Janus is a light side now.”
Remus’ eyes widened and his heart shattered. His body trembles as he processed what he just heard. Janus…Janus is a light side. The snake broke their promise just like that. Tears well up in Remus’ eyes, the Morningstar in his hand falling to the ground again.
“No…no…he promised me…He said he’d be back…He promised he’d be back!” he mutters.
Roman sighs, reaching over to touch Remus’ shoulder only to feel his twin flinch.
“He told me not to tell you but I wanted to. I’m not happy about this either.”
Remus shakes his head, the lights flickering above as his eyes turn black.
“No…no…Isn’t that lovely? Isn’t that cool? A-And…And isn’t that cruel?” he mutters. “Well…aren’t I fool to have listened and stayed?”
“Re- “
The room shakes and the walls start to crack. Laughter echoes from somewhere and Remus screams as he falls to his knees. The sound of Janus’ voice soon joins in.
I promise, I will come back.
Roman sighs and kneels down, opening his arms to his brother. Remus looks up at him and throws himself into his brother’s arms, breaking down with a scream. The room shakes some more and the walls crack more, the windows threatening to do the same.
“Remus…shh…calm down. It’s okay.”
Roman comforts Remus. The two of them may often not get along as much as they used to but they would always be there for each other during times like this. They stay there for a few silent moments until Remus can’t cry anymore, the shaking slowly coming to a stop. The lights flicker back on and the cracks on the walls soon mended themselves. Silence soon falls in and the brothers don’t move for a moment.  
It’s funny how Janus of all people brought Remus to his brother like this. They haven’t done this since…well, they don’t really talk about that side. They just both know that they never really liked the color orange…
Sniffling, Remus sighs and looks up at his brother. He’s crying too. He knows why. He knows how hard Roman tries to show the others that he can help Thomas too. He’s stayed up with his twin, bouncing ideas back and forth albeit their different mindsets. He remembers the night after the wedding and the video shoot when Roman stormed into the imagination in tears. He remembers him telling the story of how Janus stole all the attention and how Thomas accepted someone like him. At first, Remus tried telling him that he’s still loved and needed only to find out that Patton had done that already. He tried offering his side of the imagination to Roman as a way to let some anger out through destruction. Roman had been too upset and said no. His brother never said no to that. He remembers helping Roman back to his room before going to talk to Janus.
Remus had tried to talk to Janus, telling him that they should talk things out about what happened earlier. Janus growled at him that he ‘didn’t want to talk to that overly dramatic, attention-seeking, selfish fool’ before leaving. They didn’t speak for the whole following day. Then later that evening Janus apologized…to Remus. He was still upset at Roman. Since then, Remus had been stuck between them. He loved Janus but he also cared about his brother. But after what just happened, Remus made a choice.
“Hey, Ro?”
Roman looks down at him.
“Yes, brother?”
“Let’s be The King again.”
Roman’s breath hitches. They hadn’t re-joined in years. The power had grown to be too much for one being as Thomas grew over the years so they split. Remus couldn’t trust himself with one of the crowns so he asked Roman to hide them. Roman agreed and left with the crowns. Then they chose their sides. The King hadn’t returned since.
“Remus…Are you sure you want to be him again?” he asks after a moment of silence, squeezing his brother’s shoulder. “It’s been a while and we might end up becoming unstable.”
Remus sighs and nods.
“I’m tired of being alone, Roman…I want to be…better. Needed. Don’t you?”
Roman sighs. He’s got a point. Things were…better before they split. They had always needed him and everyone loved him. Maybe…maybe he should. Then he’ll be enough for them. They’ll be perfect and they won’t have to hurt inside ever again. They’ll be…loved again.
“I do. Let’s be The King again.”
So they leave the old bedroom and head into the imagination. No one sees them for a week. When Patton goes to check on Roman, there’s no answer at his door. His bedroom is empty. He’s not even in Virgil’s room. So, he asks Janus to check Remus’ room. He’d go himself but Remus’ room is…not exactly safe for work.
Janus heads down to the basement of the mindpalace where the dark sides reside. He hadn’t been down here since he left to help Thomas and join the others. For some reason, he had a feeling he’d forgotten something here. He walks down the steps and things are oddly…quiet. This is usually the part where Janus sees his door blown up and Remus causing chaos out of impatience. But now it’s just…silence. Nothing more. It makes Janus a little uneasy. Taking a deep breath, he gently opened the door.
“Re-…Oh no.”
“Oh yes, my dear Janus.”
Remus was gone. There on the bed was The King himself, smiling as he sat calmly. His outfit looked like Roman’s but it was black, a bright red sash laying over it. On his head was a gold crown with bright green and red jewels, glinting under the light. The King had returned. He grinned and began clapping slowly.
“Bravo, Janus. Bravo! Best actor! Alfred Hitchcock would be proud.” The King says sarcastically. “Why, it’s even better than your role as Patton! Far more believable, don’t you think so?”
Janus couldn’t believe it, unsure of what to say as The King stood up. He was a lot taller than the two princes.
“Please, I can explain! Just un-fuse!” he pleas.
The King chuckles.
“Now, now. Why would I do that? It’s lonely being apart. Besides, this room was…getting crowded. Besides, I doubt any explanation you can give me is true. You can take your gloves off and hold up your right hand but deep down you’re still just a snake. A lying snake.”
“Remus, please!”
Janus tries to touch The King but he’s ignored.
“Remus doesn’t want to speak to you. He says he’s done playing with snakes.” The King hisses.
“You said didn’t want to talk to him. So, he’s not going to talk to you.”
Janus sighs, moving to stand in front of The King only to be lifted by his magic and set aside.
“Please, Remus. Let me explain.” the lying side tries again.
The King pauses.
“Oh, I’ve heard enough. I don’t need another bullshit explanation.” he glares at Janus.
Janus is a light side…
Janus freezes up. He knows now. Remus knows everything. He stands there as The King moves past him.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to give Thomas some…creativity right now.”
“Farewell, Janus. Thank you for helping me re-form.”
Happily watching him drift away...
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princeanxious · 4 years
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So in trying to answer this ask Tumblr just decided to eat the damn ask instead of putting it into my drafts so here we are!
So. This got out of hand very quickly..and i ended up spending two days on these. They were supposed to be Doodles!! And thats not what happened!! Im not really mad tho bc they turned out very well but like....... my idea was that one dragon defends and the other protects? So, obvi Remus ended up w/ Dee and Roman and Logan ended up doing the ‘fighting’ but it really panned out as a ‘heated’ game of consensual glorified Cat and Mouse. All of this taking place as a mock adventure in the Imagination.
I’m well aware this was supposed to be light hearted and funny and sweet, and the first piece(Demus) is! The second piece(Logince) tho.. it took on a mind of its own. So. Deal. And accept two days worth of complex work pls ;; (give em a tap for better quality!!)
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Bonus close-ups because I PUT SO MUCH DETAIL INTO THESE DANG IT:
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vampirebriar · 4 years
Okay so like...this is my first time posting one of my fics...it’s only a bullet fic so it’s not super in depth or anything but I thought it was cute...so here it is...I guess 👉👈
Also I apologize I’m on mobile so I can’t do the cut thingy
Romantic Demus/Dukeceit (Nothing too extreme though), Background Prinxiety (I guess?), Warning for spoilers, and trigger warning for snakes and swearing and slightly OOC Janus and Remus
-Takes place after FWSA
-Janus has been avoiding the other sides (mainly Ro and Virg for obvious reasons)
-He’s been hanging with Remus mostly
-And when he’s not he’s all alone
-Remus has to practically drag him out of his room because he’s booooooooored goshdarnit
-Janus is not amused ™
-Anyway, Rem and Jan are walking around the mindscape, taking little detours.
-Janus keeps subtly (not very subtly cause Rem can see right through him) trying to nudge away from the areas the light sides usually occupy.
-Remus thinks ‘fuck it let’s go to the imagination’
-Janus and Rem are exploring and Jannie is keeping an anxious eye out,
-He gets distracted by snakes
-Usually he wouldn't let his guard down but they’re snakes and ‘aww look how cute Remus’
-He gets pulled away by Remus after placing the snake around his shoulders (Her name is Cleo!!)
-Remus is glad it cheered him up a bit
-Then they hear footsteps
-Oh shit it’s Ro AND Virge?!
-Can’t Janus catch a break???
-Janus pulls Remus this way and that, desperately trying to avoid the pair.
-Remus gets annoyed after a while
-”You can’t avoid them forever, Jan.”
-”I can try!”
-Cleo and Remus are done ™
-After another failed escape attempt and then getting nearly caught (or actually caught and Roman and Virge leave) Remus finally confronts him.
-”Enough is enough. I like dicking around, but this is too much.”
-”What do you mean?”
-and Remus is DONE ™
-he goes off about: “You really hurt them.” “You’ve been avoiding all your problems.” “And you’ve been a TERRIBLE friend...to Thomas...to Roman...to Virgil………
-....”to me”…..
-oh shit
-Janus is surprised and offended and...guilty?
-huh...that’s new…
-He doesn’t get a chance to apologize, because Remus is already running away.
-And now he’s alone.
- fuck
- He has to get out of here with only Cleo for help
-And she can’t even talk…
-after some reflecting and struggling to get out of the imagination he finally realizes how much of a jerk he’s been
-Before he reaches the end of the imagination he spots Remus in a tree, sitting on a branch for support.
-Janus doesn’t really want to get his clothing dirtier but Remus is more important
-He climbs up with as much dignity and grace a thirty year old half snake man can have while climbing a tree
-Remus isn’t looking at him
-”What do you want?” It comes out more strangled than angry
-Janus feels terrible
-”Someone told me that it’s better to face your problems than run away from them.”
-He laughs...Remus doesn’t respond…
-Well plan B it is
-Janus says he truly regrets what happened between him and Roman and Virgil and...well…
-Guess that brings the total of people Janus has hurt to...everyone
-Remus turns to him
-”You really fucked shit up, huh?”
-Janus lets out a small chuckle
-There’s a few seconds of silence that stretch between the two
-Janus sighs and decides to break it
-”Look...I don’t know if Roman or Logan or…”
-Remus smirks at him
-”Oh shut up. You get the picture!”
-Remus laughs
-Well...that’s certainly a good sign
-”I don’t know if I’m ready to apologize to them...and even if I was...I’m not sure they’d even want me to.”
-Remus frowns
-”But...there is someone I am ready to apologize to...even if they smell like a sewer rat.”
-Janus laughs and then turns to Remus
-”I’m sorry, Remus. I truly have been a terrible friend.”
-Is he…
-Is he crying?
-uh oh this is weird
-Janus doesn’t cry
-While Remus is having a mini freak out Janus starts to as well...but for a different reason..
-”Y-you don’t have to forgive me of course...I understand why although I hope I can make it up to you...but take your time and ohgoshi’vebeentalkingfortoolong,”
-Remus gives him a freaky look. Like he’s holding back so much laughter he’s choking on it.
-Janus flushes
-”Stop looking at me like that! I’m trying here!”
-Remus finally lets out his laughter and lays a hand on Janus’ arm
-He looks at him with a soft smile
-and wow Janus’ face is still completely red
-He looks like a tomato
-Remus almost bursts out laughing again but…
-”I forgive you.” He says instead.
-Janus’ eyes light up and he gives the faintest of smiles
-Remus feels an unfamiliar flutter in his chest
-oh noooo
-now who’s fucked?
-Pushing those mushy feelings down for a later date
-He grins
-”Want to go play a prank on Patton?”
-Janus’ soft smile turns into a devious smirk
-what a bastard
-”It wouldn’t be my pleasure…”
-and everything is good...for now..
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nochill-artz · 5 years
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Some fanart for Time Heals by @misplaced-my-notes!!! This fic is fricking amazing and I'm so glad I listened to lemonismyorange on Insta and actually checked it out-
This is based on a part of chapter 10, I immediately had the idea for this piece when I read it and couldn't get it out of my head!!
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
The Deal Ch. 3
Chapter 3: A Spade’s a Spade
Summary: Nate and some of the Light Sides go to retrieve Logan’s camera.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Nate and Logan made up the lion’s share of the conversation as they took Logan’s car. He did his best to answer the logical Side’s questions. Roman and Patton occasionally chimed in with questions of their own.
“It’s a soul splitter but it doesn’t work,” Nate had initially explained. “Probably because it’s Wil’s. I’ve never heard of a soul splitter not making demons but apparently, with Wil’s magic, bullshit is always possible.”
“None of us are demons,” Roman reminded. “If I was a demon, I would know.”
“Exactly, you would know,” Nate agreed. “Or you’d at least pass the aura test and Marvin conducted one on Virgil months ago. Either you’re all the weirdest demons I’ve ever seen, or you’re just perfectly weird humans.”
“We’re obviously humans,” Logan summarized. He was driving, so he had to keep his eyes on the road.
“Yeah, so as long as we keep it away from the other demons in the city, that apparently don’t live in the base already — I can’t believe King had a kid — it should be more than alright to keep it in the base.”
“Lunky’s so adorable,” Patton smiled.
“They eat glass,” Logan reminded.
“Least I know why Mare didn’t want to get near the base, that kid eats demon aura, they freak Mare out,” Nate commented.
“Really, that’s fascinating,” Logan commented. “Is it an issue of territory?”
“No, Lunky is to Mare, what Bim is to us,” Nate answered. “Spawnlings eat their weight in aura. Mare will probably be leery of being alone with Lunky for another two months.”
Silence crashed down in the car.
Logan didn’t quiet have the words to voice his thoughts. When he did he said, “That . . . is that what he’s doing?”
“Bim?” Nate asked. “Yeah, different demons collect aura differently. Bim just decided his way of collecting aura was by physically eating it.”
Then they reached Nathan’s neighborhood and even before Logan pulled off to a stop, they knew something was wrong.
The door was wide open.
“Shit!” Nate jumped out of the car the instant he could. “My dog.”
Logan was slower to respond and Roman pulled out his sword.
The heroes carefully stepped into the house. Nate was relieved to find his dog in his kennel.
“Did anyone hurt you?” Nate asked as he looked the dog over.
“Was it the hunters?” Patton asked.
“Probably,” Nate said and looked in a drawer to find a stack of magic books. “Maybe?”
Then he went to a separate drawer and found all of his supplies still there, “No. They haven’t been here yet.”
Logan looked around and saw all of Nate’s musical equipment and game consoles still in the house and unmoved. “Who breaks in and takes nothing of value?”
Nate thought for a second and went up to his office to find that something had been taken. On a small table was a broken protection circle. He called back down the stairs, “The camera’s gone!”
“What?” Logan demanded.
Nate checked through the top floor again, “It’s the only thing taken.”
“You were targeted,” Logan realized. “My outburst outside the bar may have contributed to that.”
“The Host must have known,” Nate guessed. “I wouldn’t have come back home for another couple hours if he hadn’t said something.”
“Is there any way to track it?” Logan asked.
“I need time to get enough residual energy to pick up a trail, hopefully there’s enough of that left,” Nate said.
“Maybe that snake took it,” Roman suggested.
“Now kiddo, we shouldn’t just go around accusing people,” Patton replied.
“But we should rule him out,” Logan realized, recalling that Janus had threatened to steal and destroy it several times.
Patton sighed in disappointment, and they finished locking up and Nate fed his dog before they left. Nate gathered the materials to perform the spell as they drove over to the Sides’ home and Logan rushed into the house. He found Janus and Remus packing up their stuff into boxes.
“Ahhh, Logan,” Janus greeted. “Just in time for the good news. We found a nice place out on the outskirts of town. Tell Virgil I am taking my Chicago record player back. No, he can not debate me on this.”
Remus poked his head out from a large box with a smile on his face, “I’m going to get to go skinny dipping with the gators.”
Janus rolled his eyes, packing up the box with Remus inside of it, but not taping it shut. “Yes, yes, just make sure you do it at night.”
“That is amazing and we advocate you finding your own place,” Logan started. “But have you seen the camera?”
“Which camera?” Janus asked, his tone guarded.
“Thomas’s,” Logan qualified.
There was a disgusted groan that came from Janus, he already turned away to start packing something else, “Logan, I have not seen that wretched thing since you brought it to your base. And if I ever see it again, it will be too soon.”
“Swear to me that you have not seen it,” Logan demanded quietly.
Janus made a scoff but when he saw Logan’s face he paused and put down what he was working on to take off his right glove off of his more human hand and raise it up, looking Logan dead in the eye, “Logan, I swear on Thomas’s good name that I have not seen it. I did not take it.”
“Alright,” Logan nodded.
“Alright!” Remus burst out of the box, extending out his arms.
“If I help you find the blasted thing will you let the matter rest?” Janus offered.
“I was not expecting your assistance but that would be appreciated,” Logan said.
“Good, now let me finish up here and make sure Remus doesn’t eat any packing peanuts and I’ll help you look.” Janus dismissed.
“Too late, snack mamba,” Remus winked and immediately coughed up a packing peanut.
Janus rolled his eyes, “Go, I’ll be along shortly.”
Logan thanked him again and left with his group to start the search, on the lookout for any hunters.
By the time Janus got out of the house, he almost debated not going to even look for it. Hoping that Logan had already found it.
He was poking around and asking some of his contacts, using the cover that Remus wanted a new rare trinket to destroy. So far he wasn’t having any luck.
Then he got a text from Logan: “Meet me by Helyx Bridge. Urgent.”
Janus quickly left the dive bar and headed for the location. Thankfully it wasn’t that far away.
Close to the bridge was Logan, facing off against a couple hunters. One of them was already knocked out while two of them were encroaching on the logical Side.
“Logic!” Janus called out, running over to him, when he was close enough he whipped out his shepherd’s staff and struck one of the hunters in the head. The hunter dropped to the ground and Logan dispatched the third.
“How fortuitous,” Logan commented, taking a second or two to catch his breath. “Were you following me?”
“No, I was merely in the area,” Janus confessed, watching Logan turn around and pick something up.
It was the camera.
“You found it,” Janus studied the camera for a bit. It seemed to be in the same condition as the last time Janus saw it.
“Yes, you must have come to a deal with Dark because he simply gave it to me,” Logan told him.
“Oh?” Janus managed. Something about that statement seemed off, he didn’t know what it was, but there was something . . . false about that statement.
“Yes,” Logan started walking towards the hero’s base and Janus followed him. “We can finally be done with this mess. This never should have been left at the base but if we must keep it there at least it will be safe with the Host.”
The two decided to leave before more hunters showed up
Janus kept Logan talking, being put more at ease the longer he did so. This was Logan, so what if he wasn’t completely truthful with the manner he procured the camera? That was none of Janus’ business.
They stopped right outside the Sides’ home. Janus happy to be leaving the place if Logan was bringing the camera back in.
Logan reached into his pocket, and Janus noticed the new wrist communicator on the logical Side’s wrist. The screen was thin and in the shape of a black spade symbol.
“New tech?” Janus could help but ask.
“Oh yes,” Logan answered, a slight smile on his face.
. . . Lies . . .
“I see,” Janus could help but respond, “your design?”
“No, Bing’s,” Logan’s smile widened as he started to draw on the camera.
“My old suit was having some problems so I decided to try something else,” Logan continued to explain.
With that lie, Janus finally saw little holes in what he was fairly certain was in illusion. Or at least the illusion was dangerously strong or aided by something else because Janus couldn’t see through it.
Then Janus actually saw what Logan was doing with the camera, what he was drawing on it, and it was the final nail in the coffin.
Those were magical spells, he was laying a spell on that camera. Right where Janus could plainly see and with no attempt to keep him from seeing it.
Even if Logan knew what sigils to place and how to use them, they wouldn’t do anything without magic.
This wasn’t Logan! It wasn’t him! Logan couldn’t do magic, he was the only Side who couldn’t.
“Why don’t you let me hold it,” Janus offered, trying to sound as calm as possible. “We can head back to the others together.”
The imposter let out Logan’s throaty chuckle as he calmly capped the pen and looked at the deceitful Side. “You know Janus, everytime I leave you be, you never cease to amaze me. So, here’s how this is going to go—”
Logan was frustrated as they kept walking around. He was flanked on either side by Nate and Patton. Roman at the rear of the group to keep an eye out for hunters.
“We’ll find it,” Patton tried to offer confidently.
“It has been three hours,” Logan reminded morosely.
“I’ll have Mare keep an ear to the ground if someone tries to pawn it off,” Nate decided.
“That’s not the part that worries me,” Logan grumbled. “Nothing else was taken, whoever stole it wanted that camera for what it was, not what it was worth.”
Then Logan’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out to see it was a message from Janus: “I found the camera. Meet me outside of your base.”
“It’s Deceit, he found it,” Logan announced.
“Really?” Patton let out a sigh of relief. “That’s so good.”
“Let’s get to the base before he breaks it,” Logan insisted, taking off in a sprint. “If he hasn’t already.”
When they got to the base, Janus was leaning against the closest street lamp to the base. In his hands was the camera. He spared them a quick glance. “I don’t know what’s worse: the sheer incompetence of how this thing disappeared or you leaving it in the storage room to begin with.”
Then he held it out and Logan accepted it quietly. He, mostly by luck rather than fate, noticed that the Side was wearing a wrist-communicator with a large blade spade-shaped screen.
“Now if my good deed for the day is done, I’ll be off,” Janus walked away, heading down the street and eventually turning out of view.
Logan waited an extra second, before holding it out to Nate, “Is this the same camera?”
Nate took it for a couple seconds, before passing it back, “Feels like it. I didn’t draw these symbols though.”
“What do they do?” Logan studied them.
“It’s a really high level containment spell, if anything was awake in there, it’s asleep now. The only thing that could probably wake it up is if we cracked the camera open.”
“I don’t understand,” Patton interjected. “Is there something wrong?”
“Something’s always wrong with him,” Roman added.
“I didn’t tell Deceit how exactly I had lost the camera. Only that it was taken by Nate in the base. Did you, Ro, or Virge tell him?”
“No,” Patton frowned. “At least, I didn’t.”
“I would never tell that jerk anything,” Roman defended. “And Virgil would never.”
“We should get this inside,” Nate interrupted.
Logan stopped, taking a deep calming breath, “You’re right, let’s go.”
The heroes rushed into the base to place the camera in lock up. Nate had one key, and Logan had the other so they could both access the camera anytime they needed or wanted to. Then the Light Sides, Virgil tagging along this time, rushed back to their home.
Only to find Janus, Remus, and all of the two Sides’ things gone from the apartment. Only a little bit of a mess, a couple flat boxes, and spare packing peanuts left in their wake.
And Logan failed to locate them for the rest of the day afterwards, realizing too late they didn’t even have the Dark Sides’ new address to track them down.
On the swampy outskirts of Gainesville stood a run down house that had been almost completely abandoned because it was said to be haunted.
Which was exactly why Deceit and the Duke had managed buy the property in the first place.
Deceit, or at least someone that looked like him, walked down the overgrown driveway with Janus’s shepherd’s crook in one hand and Remus’s octopus belt buckle in the other. He was humming a tune to himself. The instant he was through the front door and closed it, his wrist watch vibrated and instantly Deceit’s image blinked out of existence and there stood a figure in a full black suit, covered head to toe. A silvery-brass emblem of a spade on his chest.
The Spade walked past all the boxes of Janus and Remus’s belongings before he headed to a closet that led to a small elevator and took it down to a room a floor down. A workshop had been hastily assembled in the space and Spade placed the staff and the buckle in a magically warded case. The instant the case door was closed a force banged on the glass, as if trying to get out.
“Don’t worry, Janus, I won’t leave you in there forever, after all,” Spade smiled, his voice heavily distorted by a voice box, “we have work to do.”
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Stealing Kisses and Stealing Bones: Flying Dutchman AU.
Fandoms: Sanders sides and technically the lore behind the Flying Dutchman.
Characters: Virgil, Roman, Remus, Janus
Relationships: Roman/Virgil, Remus/Janus Main
Additional tags: Mer AU, Pirate AU, Human AU, Siren!Roman, Siren!Virgil, Mer!Janus
TWs: Slight Rape (there’s a forced kiss.)  Harpooning
Word count: 1347
Summary:  How does a mer come about with a name and a lover?
Notes: So mer and sirens don’t actually have names.  Some do take names, like how Roman did, but others, like Janus don’t.  Also, Happy Birthday Steve the Stove, this is your gift!
He floated lazily under the ship, counting the barnacles that had collected under it.  Fallen Atlas was an old ship, probably the oldest still on the seas, despite the fact that she was barely twenty five years old.
But he’s been following it for a few years now, the captain and his husband were a strange couple, both had seen him at some point in time and yet had made no move to catch him.
Strange indeed.
The golden mer sighed softly.  It felt like time to find a new ship, there wasn’t really anything waiting for him here, and the direction that the Fallen Atlas was heading indicated a port where they were to stop.
He decided on one more voyage.  Then he would find a new ship to follow.
The mer looks up at the grinning pirate.
“Hello fish.”
The mer can feel his eyes widen.  It has almost been two years since someone acknowledged his existence and he’s not ready for that.   So he bluffs his way through a conversation and leaves.
It was high time to go anyway.  He dives deep, intent on starting a bone collection, perhaps he can show his collection to the purple and black siren that he had heard singing recently.
Roman has taken a mate when the golden mer visits him, bringing a string of bones and pearl to gift them.
“You should take a name.”  Roman wraps an arm around him and he shakes his head.
“Names hold power siren.”
“Indeed, but I am tired of singing loudly when I desire conversation.”
“You?  Sick of singing?”  Roman’s mate teases, his storm grey eyes glittering.  Roman rolls his eyes and shoves back gently.
“Hush Virgil.”
The pair look so happy and the gold mer can’t help but feel like the one who’s stuck in the third navigator’s seat, completely unneeded.
He ends up leaving after a bit, promising to return.  
Remus may be the captain of The Dutchman , but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t make it so the crew takes breaks.  Currently the crew is below decks and they are anchored far enough from shore that it doesn’t violate the ship's curse.
“Hello?” Remus looks over the side of The Dutchman.   “Hello fish.”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”  The gold mer is looking up as Remus climbs over the ship’s railing, a rope securely in one hand.
He thinks back.  “Five years almost.”
The mer tilts his head.  “You changed ships.”
“Indeed!  I’m the Captain now.”
“Can I get a name, my vision of the deep?”  Remus coyly winks and the mer seems unimpressed.
“I don’t have one.”
“Excellent, I shall give you one… Darian.”
The mer wrinkles his nose.  “No.”
Then he’s gone, diving down and under the ship, leaving Remus to go back to the deck of his ship.
Damien, Dee, Deceit, Jeremy, Ethan, Evan, Snake, Scales, Fish, even for one horrifying time, the dreaded nickname of Tiddyliscious are all words that Remus cycles through and the mer rejects it.
Until the fateful storm where he saved the drowning captain and the latter called him Janus.
It’s a pretty name and the mer rolls it over his tongue as he leaves the ship after a few hours of tailing the ship.
He tells Roman and Virgil of it and they both seem to like it.
Janus himself finds it mysterious.  It fits, considering he has gold scales up one half of his face and the older sirens sing of the god of lies, a two faced being.
Janus starts bringing Remus bones.  Some are from sailors that he finds, others are from fish and one is a lucky bone from a leviathan.   The captain takes them with a grin and Janus can’t help and blush at the things that the other teases with.
He’s never desired a mate, not like Roman with his fancy whimsy, but being able to tease and have a creature to bring gifts to is addicting and as the weeks pass, he finds himself following the ship more.
It’s nice.
Until he slips up.
Remus can feel the burning hot anger coursing through him as he slams a knife into the table in front of him, his first mate sighing and pulling it out.
“Do not tell me to be calm Ange.”  Remus growls.
He saw it happen, of course he did.  The Dutchman is hardly seen, constantly treading the mortal world and the spirit world and so when regular mortals are near, it’s hard to see the ship.
Of course the other ship had to be pirates.
Of course they had decided to take his lover.  Remus looks back up from his pacing.   “I’ll kill them all.”
“Captain, isn’t that excessive?”  Ange asks and Remus whirls.
“No.  A mer should not be hunted for sport.  And they left him tied to the deck of their ship.  We protect the souls we ferry and we are going to extend that to mer.”
“It’s not just because you like him, right?”
Remus grits his teeth.  “Tonight we take back what belongs to the sea.”
After all, Remus has respected the sea and her children since he was a child.
Janus is delirious.  He can feel his gills weakly moving against the sides of his neck, and he knows that he’ll be dead by morning.
He wasn’t expecting the harpoon.  Most pirates don’t believe in mer and sirens anymore and Janus had gotten careless, coming up during daylight with some bones to give Remus.
Instead he had been harpooned and dragged up here, tail bleeding profusely.  The captain of this ship had gripped his jaw roughly, planting a claiming kiss on the mer’s lips, to which Janus had responded by biting the latter’s bottom lip so badly it had almost pierced a hole in the man’s mouth.
Unfortunately it hadn’t and the man took a sharp knife, dragging it across his cheek and through the gold scales on his face.
If he survives, which is unlikely, Janus knows that he’ll never be as hauntingly pretty as he used to be.  Many mer were scarred, but defacing was rare.
He’d cry, but he doesn’t have the energy to.
When Remus storms the ship, he lets the crew slit the throats of the pirates, instead heading to Janus and gently untying him.
“Fish?  I’m lifting you up now.”  Remus carefully brushes the matted hair out of the mer’s face.   “Will the water help?”
Janus blinks up at him, gold and green eyes unfocused.  “Yes.”
“Okay.”  Remus lifts him and carries Janus until they’re both at the side, dark water fifteen feet below.
Remus kisses him, a warning before he falls over the side, protecting Janus as they hit the water so the other can breathe.
The harpoon scar heals into an ugly ropey thing and Janus hides his face from Remus for a long time afterwards, embarrassed by the scars that clearly show his weakness for the captain.
It’s not until one night when he jumps from the water to the deck of the ship that  Remus captains that the other gently grabs his webbed hand.
“Look at me love.”
Janus turns his face.  “I can’t.”
“It’s about the scars, isn’t it?”
One of Remus’ hands rests itself on the harpoon scar and the one that was holding his hand travels up to the scales on Janus’ face.
“Love, you could never be ugly.  I promise.”
Janus finally looks up, gold and green meeting hazel.  “You’re not lying?”
“I never would.”  Remus leans forward and kisses the corner of Janus’ mouth, where skin, scar and scale meet.  
There will be more moments like this, stolen hours.  There will be times where Janus leaves, after all he is a mer and they belong to the sea before belonging to a human.
But Janus will continue to steal bones to give as courtship gifts and Remus will continue to steal kisses from him.
It’s a precarious balance, but one that works for the pair.
The captain and his mer, stealing kisses and bones.
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jackalopes-pen · 4 years
Roommates Part 3
Secrets and Lies ( In two parts because this is loong )
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
TW: detailed dysphoria | Swearing | Mention of ‘period’ products | 
Characters: Asexual Pan-romantic Janus Sanders | Gay Remus | People walking on the street, for like two sentences |
Summary: The two have enjoyed each others company immensely however, Janus neglected to tell Remus something for quite a while. He’s hidden it well but Janus may not be who he seems.  
Author’s Note: Wow, again with notes. Super impressed. I’m glad series has support here on Tumblr. Again, I am starting a taglist. Just use the ask box and I’ll tag you in this and future installments.
Janus woke up that morning to... an alarm? He usually didn’t set those, unless there was something important like a morning shift or birthday or something. He rolled over and terror filled his body. Why today? why now? It had to happen eventually but, now? The discomfort was already starting and getting worse. Janus headed toward the bathroom praying to someone, anyone, that it was late.
In Janus pants was a big, red, stain. He mentally kicked himself for his own anatomy and pulled out a bag of pads. Today was going to be difficult since Remus didn’t know about the whole situation. Should he know? Well, he didn't need to know before, but now was not the time to worry. 
But then again, why would Remus not be okay with it? He’d only known Janus as Janus, the guy who was obsessed with snakes and a compulsive liar. He didn’t know about Janice, the strange little tomboy who was somewhere between a masculine girl and a feminine guy. That was of course far behind him, after starting T in his junior year of high school, getting a hair cut as a sweet 16 present and undergoing top surgery there was no way to tell if he was once she. Remus is gay, he likes guys and only guys, so what if stops liking Janus because of this?! He not have any other options. So, what to do?
Remus woke up to the now familiar smell of breakfast being made. It’s surprising how fast 4 weeks came and went. Remus dug around in his messy dresser until he found something was decent-ish. He learned quickly that Janus preferred him to at least have something resembling a shirt on. That little asexual can’t even handle him being shirtless without being uncomfy. 
Remus walked into the kitchen and- somethings different. He didn’t know how, but he could tell something was up with Janus. As the good boyfriend he is, he had to figure out what was upsetting Janus and fix it by any means. But, despite his lack of knowledge, he was going to have this smartly if he wanted information. Lure Janus into a comfortable state and then ask the question and hopefully get an answer. It was fool-proof. 
“Good morning JJ!” not suspiciously said at all. Mental High-Five! Fuck yeah.
“Oh! Hey Rem, how are you?”
“Why talk about me? You’re much more interesting.” Yes. Yeeessss!! Lead into the question and get the answer. He is just so good at this.
“Oh really? What makes so interesting? Being a smart-ass?”
“Well you’re interesting cause you’re acting different. Why?” Come on Janus pleaseee! His plan is brilliant.
“Ha! Nice try.” WHY WOULD DO THIS?? Crushed, defeated, humiliated. The master plan from like 5 seconds ago failed!!! Well, might as well be blunt now, since his absolute genius was foiled.
“Jan, I know somethings up. You can tell me anything.”
“I’m fine Remus” 
“Jan, I didn’t want wanna have to do this.” he said as a mischievous smirk made it’s way on his face.
“What are you- REMUS!” IN one swift motion Remus plucked Janus from the ground and swung him into the embrace of the mustached wonder himself. Of course, Janus tried tried to struggle. He always struggled whenever he was confined in anyway. It was just like holding a real snake. Remus kept his grip strong and eventually Janus gave up, after like 5 minutes and a close-call.
“I hate that you know this is torture for me” Janus was glaring at Remus. Remus was just smirking though, he knew exactly what would happen next. See? He is smart, and bookey or whatever.
“Tell me what’s wrong right now, or I’m going to pin you to the couch.” he threatened jokingly.
“Fine. Just... put me down.”
“As you say~” Remus let Janus fall to the floor with a plop. The snake glared back at him while malice but Remus knew he won.
All Remus had to do was sit back and wait for the beans to spill like puss from a cyst. Actually, he’d before it to explode like a whale carcass, like would be exciting. Just watching a cacophony of rant and- is Jan about to cry?
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d-c-it · 5 years
Just go with it Au where:
Roman was getting married and discovered his fiancé cheated on him so he left, spent time doing the ring thing.
Virgil is his assistant (at what job is your choice) and they are friend (ish) towards eachother. Their interactions are just like canon, Roman gives him nicknames and Virgil makes fun of him when he outsmarts him. He has twin sons named Remy and Emile.
Remus is a constant in Roman's life, he goes to visit a lot.
Roman meets Patton and falls hard, things get messy when Patton discovers Roman is "married". Just like in the movie:
Roman tells him he is getting divorced.
Virgil accepts begrudgingly to help him.
They meet up, Patton discovers the kids.
Emile is a sweetheart.
Remy is a little shit.
Remus comes into the picture getting Logan into the mess (Logan is "the other man")
It's vEry awkward.
Virgil and Roman fall in love.
Then comes Deceit (who is basically Devlin) and there's fun virgil/deceit animosity.
They end up good pals.
Virgil and Roman get together.
Remus makes eyes at Deceit.
Deceit makes eyes back.
They try to convince Logan to join but Logan is like NOPE.
Logan and Patton stand awkwardly next to eachother.
Patton: There's a waffle house close, wanna grab a bite?
Logan: I don't know...
Patton: I heard they have crofters as-
Logan: LET'S GO-
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marbarwantsbacon · 5 years
Roman and Remus's sibling relationship in a nutshell
YouTube link
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
Wing au. Headcannon: When Deceit is expecally upset, he wraps his wings around himself, almost creating a cacoon, and cries for hours on end. Imagine Remus wanting to comfort him, but doesnt want to force Dee into it cause he knows how sensitive he is about appearing classy and evil. Imagine Remus just gently stroking Deceits wings till he calms down enough to open his wings. Imagine Remus just holding him and gently stroking his wings while Dee cries into his shoulder
Remus hated seeing a cocoon of half and half wings in the living room of the dark sides house. That meant that the discussion went badly for his friend and Deceit was currently upset.
He sat down next to the cocoon of dragon and bird wings and he ran his fingers through the yellow and black feathers on the bird wing and his other hand ran careful fingers over the hollow bone in the dragon wing.
Deceit lifted his face to show him very clearly that he was crying. Remus intercepted a crying snake as he got tackled and gently held him by the upper back to keep him steady.
The intrusive side couldn’t help but feel an ungodly amount of rage filling him as he heard his best friend crying out of frustration. His wings curled around Deceit’s own, protecting him in case another dark side came downstairs but also comforting him in his continued presence.
And he swore he’d torment the light sides tonight and tomorrow for making his snake cry.
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Bad Things Happen Bingo: Sanders Sides
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Wiping the Other’s Tears Away
[Creativitwins, Remus angst, slight Roman angst, slight Demus, soft Janus]
Pairings: None
(A/N: card provided by @badthingshappenbingo​)
It’s a lot colder than Remus remembers as he entered Roman’s kingdom. He came here for a reason though. Roman wanted to see him. It’s a surprise to hear that but it’s also not the first time. Still, he accepts as he’s eager to have an opportunity to see his big brother. He won’t admit it to Roman’s dumb face but he thinks he’s super cool. Roman can create beautiful things and he can fight any big monster in his way. Remus wishes his brother wasn’t so dumb and constantly hurting himself when he does fight. Even though it’s kinda funny. 
Remus walks down the road towards Roman’s castle. It’s eerily quiet. It’s usually never this quiet. If the dragon witch isn’t flapping her wings overhead and roaring, the people in the nearby village are usually clamoring over the sounds of nature in the Imagination. And…was it always this dark? Remus isn’t sure and he feels a little wary. He rarely feels wary. Maybe sometimes he’ll avoid Patton or shrink a tiny bit when Logan gets too loud and glares but nothing really makes him this wary. Especially here in Roman’s side of the Imagination.
Of course, it doesn’t help that Remus is greeted by howling winds and thick fog by the time he’s arrived at the gates. When he walks through, the gates groan as they open and shut. Like they were old and rusted. Remus walks on, shivering a little. The courtyard is empty too. No guards or nobles milling about. Not even a single maid or servant. Through the fog, Remus can make out the little features of the courtyard. 
The courtyard is dull. No bright colors or lively sounds. The big fountain is dry like the dead grass on the ground. The dead flowers match the grass, wilted and shriveled up. The trees around the place are bare. Not a single leaf remained on the branches. It’s also cold. Very cold. Maybe Roman was trying something new? Yeah, that has to be it.
Roman’s fine.
He’s fine.
Remus doesn’t feel a painful throbbing in his chest. 
Nope. Not at all.
What if he isn’t? 
What if he’s hurt?
Body split in half.
Blood on the floor.
Head on a spear.
Knife in the heart.
Limbs torn apart.
Guts on the walls.
Dead on the floor. Dead on the floor. Dead on the floor. Dead on the-
Nope. Nope. Nope. 
Roman’s fine. Roman’s fine. Roman’s not dead. 
Remus tries to ignore the voices in his head for once. He heads up the steps and enters the castle. It’s a little dark. Remus can still see but he doesn’t recall it ever being less than blindingly bright in here. And…it’s quiet again. So quiet that the sound of his echoing footsteps are painfully loud. But it’s fine. Everything’s fine. Maybe Roman’s in the throne room? Yeah, that’s it. Roman’s not dead at all. 
…Even if Remus has a dreadful feeling inside.
The walk to the throne room is filled with tension despite Remus being the only one here. It’s just very odd to hear his twin’s castle be this silent. It’s usually filled with lots of noise. Like the sound of the knights and guards passing through. Or the sound of the maid rushing through halls to get their tasks done and attend to their prince when called. Or the sound of the instruments on nights when Roman would hold his fancy royal balls. 
…Roman hasn’t thrown any of those in a long time.
Shut up, he’s fine. He’s fine.
Remus shakes his head clear again. Or, as clear as it can be with all the voices whispering in his mind. He walks on and looks around. Even the castle is dull. Maybe even more dull than the courtyard. There’s barely any color. And it’s even colder than it was outdoors. It actually makes Remus shiver. But it’s fine. Maybe Roman was feeling hot and needed to cool down. That’s all. Then…Remus reaches the throne room.
Gray. That’s all he saw. There was no other color but gray. It made the room feel…lifeless. Frozen. Emptier than it looks. It made Remus shiver again as he peers around. Not even the stained glass windows had any color left. And they were the most colorful. Curious and even more wary, Remus steps in. His stomach turns. Something didn’t feel right. 
Of course it didn’t.
Because the first thing Remus sees is his twin brother.
Dead on the floor.
Remus rushes to Roman’s side, falling beside his twin’s body. He doesn’t know what to do. Shaky fingertips can only brush the hair out of the fallen prince’s face. And…it’s so pale. Roman’s skin is so pale. It’s not supposed to be pale. It’s supposed to be sparkly and shiny and covered in his bright makeup but it’s not. And it scares Remus. But his face isn’t the only thing that scares the duke. It’s the fact that Roman looks nothing like the dumb brother he knows and loves.
Roman is devoid of his bright colors just like his kingdom. Little tiny cracks litter his face and hands. There must be more under his clothes. Darker shades of gray stain his skin. Like colorless bruises for an oversized ego. Blank gray eyes stare at nothing, never blinking and never moving. But…then…Roman’s head lolls and stares at Remus.
Remus blinks.
Roman doesn’t smile or frown or anything. He remains expressionless.
“It hurts, Remus.”
Before Remus can ask, Roman’s head lolls again. Then Remus sees red. Red on Roman’s clothes. But it isn’t his sash. Red blooms all over Roman’s torso. He’s bleeding…Roman’s bleeding. Blood on the floor. And Remus doesn’t know what to do. He’s actually horrified. So he tries shaking Roman, grabbing his body and holding onto him.
“Roman? What do you mean it hurts? Roman?!”
Remus shakes Roman again.
Roman doesn’t reply or move. The red on his body just grows and grows.
Remus grows frantic, shaking him harder.
“Roman, this isn’t funny. Wake up, dummy! Wake up!”
Nothing again. It’s like Roman’s dead…just dead.
But that can’t be. Roman’s cool and brave.
Remus sniffles, tears rolling down his cheeks as shakes his head in denial.
“Please, please! You have to wake up! Wake up, Ro! Roman! Roman!”
Remus shoots up from his spot in bed, panting as he tries to catch his breath. His eyes dart around the room, searching for Roman. But he’s not there. He’s not there. Roman could be anywhere. He could be hurt. He could be dead on the floor for real. He needs to find Roman. He doesn’t even notice a worried Janus trying to calm him down.
“Need to find Roman. Where is he? Where did he go? Could be hurt. Could be bleeding. Could be dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. No, he’s fine. He’s fine. Not bleeding. Roman. Need to find-”
Remus trembles.
“Remus, look at me.”
Remus trembles and looks up to see-oh. Janus is here. Maybe Janus knows where Roman is?
“R-Ro…” Remus manages to gasp out.
Janus gently squeezes Remus’ hands.
“I know, dear. But you need to calm down so you can tell me about Roman.” he replies. “Can you do some breathing exercises with me?” 
Remus swallows and nods.
Janus smiles softly.
“Okay, follow my lead, dear.”
Janus counts 4…7…8…
And Remus follows.
Janus counts again 4…7…8…
Remus follows again.
Janus counts once more 4…7…8…
Remus follows once more.
“There we go, Remus. Are you feeling calm enough to talk now?” Janus asks.
Remus nods after another deep breath.
“I…I had a really bad dream. I went to RoRo’s castle and I found him dead! So I need to go see him! What if he’s really dead? I don’t want my big brother to be dead!”
Janus gently squeezes Remus’ hands again.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright, Remus. If it’ll reassure you, we’ll go see Roman, okay? I’m sure he’s okay and he’s safe in his room.” he assures him. 
Remus sniffles.
“No lies?”
“No lies, my dear.” Janus replies, wiping Remus’ tears away.
“O-Okay. Let’s go see Roman and make sure he’s not dead.”
“Of course, dear.” 
Janus then helps Remus up and leads him out of their room. He feels sad for his love. This wasn’t the first time Remus has had nightmares about his twin. Janus had seen Remus through many of them ever since the twins have been separate. They haven’t been happening as frequently as they used to since the twins have started bonding again but what Remus sees in them gets more and more morbid each time.
Remus had said he doesn’t know why they keep getting worse. Maybe it’s his own thoughts? Who knows. Still, poor Remus. He’s been worrying about his twin lately. Then again, Janus was concerned too. Something about Roman is different now. Janus knows it by the taste of the bitter lies in Roman’s mind. A concern for later.
Remus follows Janus through the dark side, down the hall that splits both parts of the mindpalace, and into the light side. It’s quiet and dark here too. The living room is empty. Everyone must be asleep or up in their rooms. Remus wouldn’t be surprised if he saw Virgil lurking around. Virgil lurks around a lot. Especially when he can’t sleep. But as they head up the stairs, Remus doesn’t spot Virgil anywhere. That’s not important anyways. He’s here for Roman, taking a deep breath as he and Janus stop in front of his twin’s room.
“Are you ready, dear?” Janus asks, stepping back so Remus can take the lead.
Remus nods, breathing again.
With a nod from Janus, Remus knocks on Roman’s door. He’s surprised when the door immediately opens and-
“Remus, Janus, what are you doing here?” 
Roman stands there with stained hands, messy hair, tired eyes, and in a white shirt and a pair of red sweats.
Despite that, Remus is relieved and tackles his twin into a hug. 
Roman grunts and catches his twin.
“Woah! Is everything okay?” he asks, pulling his twin into his room. 
Janus follows, shutting the door behind him. Him and Roman have been patching things up recently for Remus’ sake. Surprisingly, it’s working well. 
“Remus had a nightmare about you and wanted to check on you.” the snake side replies.
Roman softens, hugging back.
“Oh, Ree. I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere.” he says.
Remus pulls back to look Roman over. He’s not bleeding or dead. Good.
“I-I know but I keep having nightmares of you leaving and dying or being mangled or being taken away or just disappearing a-and I-I keep thinking it’s real. I don’t want it to be real. I don’t want to lose you, Ro…I…I don’t want you to go!”
Then Remus wails, sobbing again.
Roman cups Remus’ face, wiping his tears away.
“Ree, look. I’m right here. I’m okay, see? No injuries or blood. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Remus blinks and sniffles, staring up at his twin.
“Royal promise?”
Roman smiles, forming a crown above his head with his crown.
“Royal promise, little brother.” 
Janus smiles softly but deep down he can taste the bitter lies from Roman’s heart and mind. They sounded so painful and strong. Janus had to give him some credit. Roman was quite the actor. Still, Janus holds his tongue and remains quiet, watching the twins. At least they’re together again. They need each other even if neither will ever admit it. But Janus gazes at Roman, smiling sadly.
“I wish I could wipe your hidden tears away too.”
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sandersidesbigbang · 2 years
French Kiss
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Not all romantic relationships are mutual, and some are background/past/future
Primary: Loceit, Dukeceit/Demus,
Background: Royalty (may be platonic)
Possible hints at other legal pairings
A stilted string melody assaulted Janus’ ears before he’d even passed the guards and set a toe on the grand staircase. The twin princes' Versailles renovations included steep, rickety stairs leading to the vestibule, forcing unsteady guests to sweat and huff their way up. Then, trembling with anxiety and exertion from their climb, they were left on full display as they teetered down wide, curved steps with an uneven rise before reaching the red and green marble dance floor below.
Logan’s research had prepared him for the twin’s sadistic design and he walked with confidence. Resplendent in his ‘borrowed’ heavy silk brocade breeches and cloak, Janus was the picture of courtly elegance.
With a fanfare, gilded ceiling-high doors opened and the light of several dozen lanterns poured into the dark ballroom. Two figures of identical height and silhouette appeared, framed by the bright, flickering glow. Backlit, it was nearly impossible to distinguish between the two, only the slight twitchiness to one brother’s movements a clue that he might be the elder brother, the crown prince.
Their voices rang out in unrehearsed unison. “Isn’t this meant to be a celebration?” The court’s musicians took their cue and launched a raucous tune, guests moving to the music in ways certain to make Bishop Jeanne blush at Sunday’s confession.
The Princes had arrived.
@edupunkn00b I live to write. Unfortunately I do not write to live, so my stories are fueled by caffeine, mania, and a completely normal level of emotional attachment to these characters.
@8beez What is there not to love? Royalty, incredible outfits, so exciting!
 @to-junipterandmars I'm Jun and if i see 'Royalty AU' I'm like a fly to honey
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nonbinaryroyalty43 · 3 years
Civility!Janus, royality, banish
Characters: Civility!Janus, Remus, Anxiety, Morality, mentioned c!Thomas, mentioned Roman, mentioned Logic
Pairings: Romantic Royality(hinted), platonic demus, platonic anxceit, platonic dukxiety.
Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton, slight unsympathetic Roman, neutral Logan(not really mentioned). Panic, Intrusive thoughts, eating deodorant, love, influencing others, banishment, blackmail
Summary: Remus may not be the most helpful side, but Janus loves him anyway. He won’t let anyone hurt his friends, especially some self righteous Side.
Janus loves Remus. 
Not romantically, which would be kind of weird, but their platonic love is just as strong. That love insures that Janus will do anything for Remus and vice versa.
Janus can still remember the first time they really talked. Remus was being annoying, swinging from the chandelier and eating deodorant. The other Sides had all tried to find ways to get him to calm down, but nothing was working. So, they begged Janus to give it a try.
He did.
He borrowed a book from Logic that contained disgusting facts about the world. He then approached Remus.
“Hello,” Janus said pleasantly, tilting his head up to see the other Side.
“What’s up, Civility?” Remus put the cap back on the deodorant and hopped down from the chandelier, landing lightly next to Janus.
“I found this in my room and thought you might want it.” Janus held out the book to Remus. Remus froze, his eyes searching Janus’ face. Janus’ heart broke a little. He looked so suspicious.
“Thanks,” Remus finally said, making no move to take the book, “but that would just be wasted on me. I can’t sit still long enough to get through a book.”
Sensing that he was losing Remus’ interest, Janus thought fast. “Well, how about I read it to you while you work on something that will keep your hands busy?”
Remus gave him an incredulous look. “Are you serious?” At Janus’ nod, he shrugged. “Okay.”
Janus settled himself on the couch and Remus summoned an inappropriate coloring book and some colored pencils. 
The spent a few hours in that room, Janus reading and Remus coloring. When Janus’ voice started to go hoarse from all the talking, Remus snapped his fingers and a glass of water appeared. Janus sipped from it gratefully and continued.
They began to meet once every week to read and color. Janus found himself enjoying the time with Remus, as he was very intelligent and often provided perspectives Janus hadn’t considered. The two balanced each other out, the most polite side with the least polite.
When Remus wasn’t with Janus, he often hung out with Roman. The two enjoyed working and playing together. Unfortunately, Remus and Janus were not the only two Sides getting closer. It became very common to see Roman and Morality walking hand in hand, something that made Janus’ skin crawl. Nothing good was going to come from those two being together.
Janus found himself seeking out Remus more often, not wanting to read, but just enjoying his company. They watched horror movies, played board games, and just generally had fun with each other.
It wasn’t all perfect, however. A couple months into their new friendship, Remus came to Janus’ room in tears. Janus immediately opened his arms for a hug, staggering back slightly when Remus practically threw himself into Janus’ embrace.
“It’s alright,” Janus crooned. “Everything’s okay.”
When Remus’ sobs died down, Janus pulled away slightly and led Remus to the bed. He kept a comforting arm around the other’s shoulders. 
“What happened, Rem? I thought you were hanging out with Roman today in Imagination?”
Remus sniffled. “I was going to. But he showed up mad, saying I was hurting Thomas and should be slayed. He said he hated being my brother.”
Janus pulled Remus in for another hug as the darker side broke down. He whispered assurances in his ears while his mind raced. Nothing Roman had said sounded like something Roman would say. Someone else had told him those things and Janus had a feeling he knew who it was.
Despite the frosty relationship between Remus and Roman, life continued on as normal. Thomas reached his first year of high school, meaning everyone was working overtime to make it a success. 
The appearance of a new Side was ill timed, but not shocking, especially as this Side represented Anxiety. True to his name, Anxiety was worried about everything, from the way Thomas dressed to how he did on the latest test. The other Sides mostly dismissed his concerns, but Remus, recognizing a fellow outcast, made a great effort to include him. Janus didn’t mind; the new Side wasn’t bad once you got him calmed down.
The Mindscape’s fragile balance came crashing down Remus sent a particularly horrible thought to Thomas. Anxiety, who still hadn’t shared his name with them despite both Janus and Remus doing so, got really worked up about it, giving Thomas a slight panic attack.
Morality was furious. “Look at what you two did!” He would have sounded like a dad scolding his kids if not for the ice in his voice. “You ruined everything. Enough is enough. You have to go.”
“Go where?” Anxiety asked nervously. His arms were wrapped around himself in resemblance to a hug and he seemed to be trying to disappear.
“You can’t be with us anymore. You’re hurting Thomas. So leave!” As he spoke the words, Anxiety and Remus disappeared. Janus surged forward, panicked. Logic and Roman had both been trying to help Thomas, so Janus was the only one to see what Morality had done.
“What did you do?” Janus practically screamed. “Where are they?”
“Where they belong,” Morality said with a satisfied smile. “They won’t be able to hurt Thomas anymore. You don’t have pretend to like them! It’s a win win.”
Rage bubbled up in Janus and he didn’t even try to push it down. “You had no right to do that. Who made you leader of the Sides?”
“Someone had to do something. They were bad!” He fixed Janus with a stern look. “You can’t see them anymore, or try to get them back. You’ll regret it.”
Janus smiled darkly. “Oh, Morality. I have more power over you than you have over me.”
Morality suddenly looked less sure of himself. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, it would be a shame if Thomas suddenly had no manners, wouldn’t it, Morality? If he was mean and nasty to all his friends and teachers? That goes against what’s right, doesn’t it?”
Morality paled. “You can’t do that.”
“I can and I will. I know you were the one that convinced Roman to stop hanging out with Remus and I know you’ve probably done worse. I won’t make you bring them back since they shouldn’t be subjected to living with you. Now tell me; where are they?”
“Banished to the Subconscious,” Morality said, defeated. “There still present in Thomas’ mind, he just doesn’t know about them.”
“Good. Now, I will come back here occasionally to do my job, but don’t expect me to hang around. I want nothing to do with any of you.”
Before Morality could respond, Janus sank out. He needed to get to Remus and Anxiety, but first, he needed to stop by their rooms. There were a few things the two would definitely miss if they were left behind.
The three would make a new home, away from the others and everything would be fine.
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