#slight naruto
watermelonsloth · 7 months
I think the reason why Naruto fans get so passionate and upset about the series is because of how real it can be. Naruto isn’t about paragon heroes outdoing dastardly villains. It’s about human beings fighting tooth and nail to survive in a world surrounded by death. It’s about broken systems made and perpetuated by broken people.
The Hyuga clan isn’t just antagonistic or pretentious, they practice slavery.
The Uchiha clan weren’t just killed by some raging psychopath, they were systematically massacred.
Itachi isn’t just cruel to Sasuke because he’s a bad brother, he’s cruel because he’d been told time and time again that you can only survive by being cruel and he wants nothing more than for Sasuke to survive.
Nagato isn’t trying to take over the world just for the sake of power, he’s trying to take over the world because it beat him down to the point of believing that the only chance at peace there is is the world being forced into compliance through fear.
Iruka isn’t hard on Naruto just because he’s a strict teacher, he’s hard on Naruto because he knows from experience how unforgiving the world is towards orphans.
Kakashi isn’t just some silly and slightly lazy teacher, he’s a contract killer still grieving his loved ones and struggling to do better without knowing how he’s supposed to.
Sakura isn’t just a fangirl, she’s a normal girl in a very dangerous and abnormal world constantly being made to choose between what she’s supposed to do and what she feels.
Sasuke isn’t just some edgelord, he’s a survivor who lost everything then gets repeatedly told that he has to choose between keeping what he’s gained and doing better than his brother.
Naruto isn’t just trying to be the best Hokage there ever was, he’s trying to prove his worth to a society that abandoned him just for existing and, in a way, confirm his worth to himself.
The Naruto story is about humans trying to force themselves into the role of weapons because that’s what they were told they had to be. It’s a story where everyone is a perpetrator but no one is trying to do wrong. It’s a story where everyone is a victim but no one is a perfect victim.
The world and the characters aren’t simple and trying to simplify them only takes away from them. So of course we get passionate about showing off all the reasons why they shouldn’t be simplified and all of the ways they’re complicated. Of course we get upset when we see others simplifying them or selling certain aspects of their characters short. Of course we get upset when the series itself simplifies them. Of course we get upset when the series chooses to abandon them. Because it not only feels like the characters are giving up, it feels like the series is betraying anyone who chose to get invested in its complexities.
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sketchz · 9 months
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odile odile odile odile odile
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sucker-for-yanderes · 8 months
Yandere x Reader
Contains: gn!reader, sub!reader, dub/con, yandere behavior, forced orgasm.
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yandere who makes incredibly emotionally vulnerable and insecure reader cum even though reader thinks they don’t deserve that type of pleasure.
reader denying yandere’s advances continuously, all failing of course. all of that effort, for what? right. yandere pins reader down forcing them to take it, forcing pleasurable reactions out of reader, and eventually, forcing reader to cum.
but it’s mostly to let reader know that they do deserve that type of love! they deserve to feel pleasure on all levels. only the best for you, pookie. the other reasoning being that they want to make you happy, as happy as you can be.
yandere wiping reader’s tears of happiness as their high fades. they’re ready to give you that same high time and time again. yandere will always be there for you, my dear. they’re not going to let you go. they won’t let you pass up on the same feeling that you give them.
yandere massaging your back, adoring you as you fall asleep on them, mindlessly drooling on their shirt. but they love it. you’re so cute. they love you so much. goodnight.
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basilsimp43 · 2 months
Tsunade: It’s funny how well you and Orochimaru get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Jiraiya: Orochimaru hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
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pr1ncessasuke · 5 months
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YouTube dudebros cooking 🤣🤣
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
God. The thing abt the uchiha is that. Yes. It was fucked up that no one trusted them and they got pushed further and further from the village center. However. They were also a clan of ninja cops with fucked up magical eyes that they supercharge by getting horrifically traumatized. So like. I also would not fucking trust them.
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x-emeraldsky-x · 11 months
Naruto x Demon Slayer au: Sand Siblings
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evilkitten3 · 11 months
the concept of orochimaru and sakumo having been a thing is so funny to me, especially from kakashi's perspective. imagine your government-assigned babysitting charge runs away to go live with an evil scientist war criminal. who is also your stepmom. you speak of this to no one
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therealmofamorus · 8 months
Sakura, Hinata, Ino and Tenten was on a B-rank mission and was eating rations
Tenten: Kami-Sama. This food tastes like Naruto cum!
Sakura: *Disgusted* Why do you compare our ration to Naruto-Baka semen?!
Ino: *Smirk* The real question you should be asking Forehead is how do Tenten even knew about how Naruto cum taste~?
Hinata glaring at the multi-weapon user with her active Byakugan and emitting a lot of killing intent.
Tenten: *Sweating Profusely* I-I can explain…!
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brokenolivejar · 5 months
Some eldritch hunters au (EH AU)
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Basically this au is like… mild fantasy au where they’re monster hunters and ect and yeah… idk how to explain it lmao
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Here’s a height chart btw (reason why Sasuke is shorter is bc he’s a different species) but Naruto is the average height of a 25-30 year old man so crazy how large they are
This au is mostly in fact centered around Naruto, shikamaru, choji, sai, and Kakashi shenanigans while they hunt monsters and eldrich creatures
Hinata also
Is a god in this au bc ermmm I said so…
But on one of the gangs hunting escapades go slightly wrong Naruto gets separated from the group but prior they were sneaking by a monster festival/traditional thing and he accidentally made eye contact with hinata while she was doing a ritualistic dance and hinata in this au has more of a malicious tone (backstory reasons) and she finds humans really entertaining and loves screwing with them soley for entertainment purposes. So hinata ends up circling Naruto when he’s isolated from the other guys and they end up having a moment (explains the first drawing in the right hand corner where hinata shapeshifts herself to look human to screw around with Naruto)
Other details included under cut
Hyuga branch members in this au dont sport a seal (since chakra isn’t necessarily real in this au) they’re horns are shaved/cut down to signify that they aren’t the main family or the royal blood of the family. but depending on how short the cut is tells what they do.
Only the tips are cut - medical or assassin type
Only a quarter cut - regular member or elder/fresh parent
Half cut - body guards main soldiers and fighters
Cut to skull - outcast/seen as useless/rejects/exiled
No cut - royal/main family
There’s so much lore I cannot just like explain 😭😭
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reinherz · 24 days
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i’ll never not laugh at this. i absorbed him. that’s all….
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sea-owl · 1 year
You know, I still want an AU where Mebuki and Kizashi become the team parents for team 7. I have only found one so far and that's Rays of Spring Sunshine by sparklyfaerie over on AO3.
So let's add some more to the internet, lets make a childhood friends au for team 7. For shits and giggles we could also potentially add Sand Cousins to this AU later, also Merchant Haruno clan. (For those wondering what those are here's a link or two or three)
Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. We have merchant Kizashi Haruno who moved to Konoha to help expand business. Mebuki, who was originally from Suna, was a chunin level ninja during the war but retired after and moved with her husband. After the move to Konoha they have Sakura.
Mebuki has gotten a job in the village as a social worker or the equivalent to that. Because of her previously being a shinobi, a lot of her cases are children whose ninja parents died on missions. Most of them being clan kids, it was easy to find new living situations for them with other clan members and then do check ins. A lot of clans already had procedures put in place for this, too. Then, one day, she got her newest cases with a muttered good luck. Mebuki looked them over, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. The only survivor of the recently massacred Uchiha clan and the vessel for the nine tailed fox.
Oh dear god, what the hell?! The mom in Mebuki was ready to fist fight someone. What moron deemed it okay to let two little boys who are obviously traumatized live on their own? Nope not on Mebuki's watch.
As the new case worker for each boy, Mebuki does have to go make house calls. She takes Sakura with her, so not only will Mebuki stay calm, with several little eyes watching her, but sometimes having another child there will relax the other, and having them play together gives Mebuki more insight.
"Sakura, be nice to these boys," Mebuki tells her daughter. "Life has not been kind to them, so we must."
The little girl nodded as she followed her mother to the first apartment.
Mebuki almost fainted at the state of the apartment she entered. Does no help this boy clean? Or at least show him how?!
"Are you my new social worker?" Naruto asked, recognizing the symbol on the file in Mebuki's hands.
Mebuki nodded, getting down on the boy's eye level while she talked to him. "Yes, I'm Mebuki Haruno, and this is my daughter Sakura. May we come in?"
The boy was on edge which Mebuki didn't blame him for he has gone through almost as many social workers as he had years on this earth. But after a gentle nudge to her daughter Sakura got him to relax a little. The way he bombarded her daughter proved Meuki's suspicions true, the boy was starved for attention. It was partly why Mebuki brought her along, and her daughter's empathy was sometimes needed to help gaining other children's trust.
Sakura spending time with Naruto also gave Mebuki an insight that this boy was indeed left to fend for himself. Well, she'll have to change that. One of these days later this week, she'll have to come back with Sakura to start teaching Naruto basic life skills. She'll be damned if this boy is only surviving off ramen.
The next stop was Sasuke Uchiha's apartment. This one Mebuki was more hesitant on bringing Sakura to. Trauma and the reaction to it is unpredictable, especially in ones so young. Mental health is also often ignored among shinobi and ninja clans. Mebuki highly doubts Sasuke has received anything in healing besides his physical body.
Unsurprisingly, the boy is angry and demands they go away. Unfortunately, Mebuki is just as if not more stubborn. She's a former shinobi. Does he really think a locked door is gonna stop her?
She makes a deal with Sasuke, if she can get in then he'll work with her since he'll be seeing a lot of her in the next few years. Sasuke snorts but takes the deal thinking she won't get in, after all this women is just a civilian.
30 seconds later, Mebuki Haruno is standing inside his doorway file ready in hand.
Mebuki is right that this visit was completely different from the one she had with Naruto. Sasuke kept his focus on her with maybe one or two glances at her daughter after introductions. Sasuke seemed more interested in getting them out as soon as possible and isolating himself. Well, that won't do either. Mebuki makes a mental note to make frequent visits to Sasuke's place. According to his file, the last social worker didn't even try to help this boy with his isolation issues. Guess Mebuki will have to go the exposure therapy route. Even if it's in small bursts with her or with her and Sakura, the boy needs some sort of human interaction.
Maybe she can get him and Naruto to hang out one day? Though they may need Sakura there to buffer out the two as a middle man.
So Mebuki got to work. The Academy was currently on a break for two weeks, and Kizashi was currently away on business, so all of her visits she did have to bring Sakura. Naruto liked having her around. Sasuke seemed to tolerate it. Naruto eagerly took to learning from her, whether it's because he was learning with Sakura or Mebuki actually took the time to patiently explain things to him, she wasn't sure. She still had to break into Sasuke's apartment every time, but she actually got that boy to go out into the world even if it was just errands. And he's acknowledgumg Sakura more on the visits even sorta speaking to her. So that's a win in her book.
It was during this time that Mebuki learned the boys were actually in the same class as Sakura in the academy. She knew they all went to the academy but not the same class. This info from Sakura and the information on how they're treated helps Mebuki adjust on what she needs to do with the boys.
"Mama, Naruto, and Sasuke are lonely," Sakura stated to her after one of the visits.
Mebuki nodded. Her daughter was sharp minded. It did not surprise Mebuki Sakura picked up on the boys' loneliness.
"I want to help them."
"Continue being kind to them Sakura," Mebuki instructed. "They both need it, and maybe a friend."
When the academy started again, Mebuki wasn't surprised to hear the kids didn't interact much. The classroom and children themselves have their own social rules they tend to follow. Sakura was also friends with Ino Yamanaka, one of the most popular girls in class. So by proxy, Sakura was in the middle of the social circle, too. Sasuke wouldn't dare get close to it, and Naruto wouldn't have the chance.
What did give Mebuki some surprises was her first time checking in on the boys without Sakura. Kizashi had recently returned home and was gone again with Sakura on a daddy daughter weekend trip. Naruto, being disappointed that his new friend was away, didn't surprise Mebuki much. But it did hurt to think he thought it was because Mebuki or Kizashi didn't want her around him. Surprisingly the boy let Mebuki comfort him saying no they weren't forbidding it, this was just a planned trip before Naruto became Sakura's friend.
"Where's Sakura?"
Sasuke's question would have thrown Mebuki off had it not been for her ninja background. But she had seen the boy slowly warming up to her daughter.
"She's with her father right now."
This gives Mebuki an idea. On Friday afternoon, while children were in school, Mebuki had placed a sealing jutsu on the boys' apartments, one that locks them out. She also left a note saying they are to come over for dinner. After she sends Sakura to go get Naruto while she goes get Sasuke, and Kizashi starts on dinner.
Sasuke was glaring at her when she got to his apartment. "How did you do this?"
Mebuki smiled, with that pout he was trying to hide Sasuke almost looked his age. "Just because I retired being a ninja doesn't mean I still don't know how to use jutsu Sasuke. Now come on we have some things to pick up before dinner."
And that's how Friday dinners started, leading to weekend sleepovers after Mebuki and Kizashi insist that it was too late for the boys to be wondering in the dark. Kizashi's jokester nature warmed Naruto up to him fast and she swore she saw Sasuke smirk once or twice at one Kizashi's awful jokes. After a while Mebuki could stop putting the sealing jutsu on the apartments when the boys just started following Sakura home on Fridays but she kinda wants to see who figures out how to break the jutsu first.
They still don't interact unless they have to in the academy but Mebuki is starting to suspect that's more on the boys wanting this friendship to be private. Sasuke is naturally a private person and Mebuki suspects that Naruto is afraid of the public either turning one of his friends away from him or that they'll be ostracized like he was.
Mebuki knows this is technically crossing some professional boundaries but honestly she does not give a damn. And technically they're over at her house as Sakura's friends. Good luck trying to deny these boys one of their only two friends.
Mebuki can do without the pranks though. Naruto may be the only one the village blames for them but she knows better. That is not Naruto's handwriting and Naruto was never that detailed before.
It was around the time of graduation that Mebuki was starting to become a little worried. She was excited for the kids don't get her wrong but the politics of the whole thing was a pain in the ass. Newly graduated genin in Konoha were pretty much considered emancipated minors. Genin who were wards of the state like Naruto and Sasuke would be aged out of their social workers care. They would then be put on teams based on skillset. Mebuki was worried how well that was gonna work out for the children. The only ones she can see them working well with is one another but likely hood of all of them ending up on the same team was not very high.
Well she might as well start preparing. She'll have three jonin showing up soon. One to talk to the parent of Sakura and two to talk to her as the social worker to Naruto and Sasuke.
Mebuki couldn't help the laugh when she learned that all three meetings would be with Kakashi Hatake. Oh is he gonna have his hands full, she hopes her little brats gives him hell.
I'm imagining after the war team 7 stumbles into the Haruno's house at some point because Mebuki put that same damn sealing jutsu on all of their apartments. Mebuki starts chastising Sasuke like "Where. Have. You. Been?!" like he's a teenager who missed curfew and not a wanted missing ninja for the last three years. Later on when Sasuke and Sakura start traveling together Mebuki and Kizashi have a bet on how many grandchildren they'll have by the time they return and what the genders will be.
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sucker-for-yanderes · 9 months
Yandere!Naruto Headcanons
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You get injured in a battle:
~ Of course, Naruto immediately gets worked up and goes after the enemy who hurt you and makes them pay the consequences of their actions. But depending on how badly hurt you are, he might even summon the nine-tailed fox.
~ He might even let the nine tails take full control of him.
~" How dare he hurt my (Name)... You'll pay with your life!"
~ You'll go to him and calm him down.
~ When the coast is clear, he immediately tends to you and carries you in his arms.
~ He's nagging at Sakura to come and heal you.
~ He watches eagerly, squeezing your hand as Sakura heals you; making sure you're okay.
~ Every time you wince in pain, Naruto gives Sakura a nasty look.
~ He knows it's wrong and he shouldn't be thinking this but... how come he also likes seeing you in pain?
~ Despite his inner feud, your moans and winces of pain gave Naruto a special high.
~Perhaps some day, he'll be able to hear those sounds again mixed with pleasure by his fault.
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peppermint-monster · 2 years
Itachi Uchiha X Hussy. Chubby Reader!
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Warnings: Slight Yandere!Itachi, Stalking-ish (Watching her every move by his crow), Blackmail-ish, Manipulation…?, Unprotected sex, Dirty Talk, DDLG, Strangers to Lovers….?, Blowjob, Protected Anal sex, Praise kink…?, Caught-ish, Public Display, Confession...?, Possessive!Itachi (Just can’t handle seeing his boo with someone else), Size kink...?. Basically, NSFW. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also be mindful that I didn’t really mention much of the reader’s appearance (Besides she’s female) since I wanted to keep it vague for everyone to relate as much as possible, though it is definitely for the more voluptuous side of ladies. 😊
Please be mindful that all photos are not mine, but the making of the collage is.
MINORS DNI!!!! 🔞🙅🏻‍♀️ If you’re not comfortable with this, please ignore!
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Itachi Uchiha x Hussy. Chubby Reader! How she happened to stumble across the strange man one night while engaging in a late-night activity. Calmly waited in an empty cubicle while checking herself in a little pocket mirror, with a lack of a bra, she wore a size smaller crop top tee, low waist booty shorts that did little to conceal her pudge's tummy and obviously fat fupa, and thigh-high socks with the sexiest high heels that highlighted her legs. Personally, she looks hot.
When she hears knocking, she smirks, smugly licking her lips.
"Right on time," She murmurs, making her way to the locked door and opening it to grab the strange man's sweatshirt, yanking him inside and pinning him to it. Now, the dude was an average person in his early twenties who appeared to be a boring guy.
"You know the rules," She said, slowly backing away and promoting the hem of her shirt in a teasing manner. "Anal only."
Before fully lifting up her shirt til her breast slips out. 
Quickly they lock lips with each other, tongues wrapping around one another while caressing his cheek.
“Ahn~!” She moans, drawing away when feeling her sensitive nipples being pinched. In a split second, she wrapped her arms around him, her shorts around her knees as he rested his hand on her chubby hips.  
“Mmm… Fuck, my ass is aching for your dick.” She pants out, drawing a hand behind her and to her ass where she stuffs two of her fingers inside, prepping herself. She continues to kiss the man, slowly pulling him close to her wanting him.
Sitting on the toilet seat legs wide, ass and pussy on full display with no pants on, she seductively taunts the guy, “Alright cutie, shove that thing in me~”
Prompting him by using her hands to spread herself wider to see her gaping hole. 
“Mmm… Show mommy how big you are~” Licking her lips at the sight of the tent in front of his pants, fantasized about how big his cock is until… “Oh… Wow…”
She was not expecting it to be so small much to her disappointment, quickly changing her demeanor as a fake smile spread on her face.
“You like that?”
“Oh yeah…” She plainly said over the guy's ear. With a neutral look on her face as he fucks her. “You’re so good...”
What was supposed to last 30 minutes ended up finishing 5 minutes after sensing he cum. Pulling out and discarding the used condom, she seductively goes and toys with her ass.
“You still got 25 minutes left. Don't you want to keep going?”
“Nah, I’ll be late for my next mission.”
“Oh okay.” She disappointingly said as he get ready before leaving.
After a few minutes of refreshing herself, she walks out of the bathroom stall and heads to the mirror to reapply her lipstick.
Well, that was boring, another day and another boring guy using her for his own sexual pleasure. Sure she likes being used and all, but she just wishes she could find someone who was more…exciting. 
Quietly wondering if what she was even doing was worth it.
“Pardon me, but what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” Suddenly sensing a shadow towering over her she quickly turns around.
Standing in front of her was a handsome-looking man with enchanting crimson eyes that almost seemed like they were glowing underneath them were long tear troughs. Having as well long jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail with long center-parted bangs. Overall he looks casual wearing a black shirt and pants and sandals with white leggings over them. Yet strangely he seemed to be wearing a black cloak with red clouding on them.
“My apologies, sir. I guess I was in a rush and went the wrong way. Silly me. Well, I should be leaving!” Trying to compose herself from being caught she cheerfully puts on a fake smile switching to her fake innocent persona before quickly grabbing her things and walking past the cloaked man.
“I see you put a front wherever you are. Always so polite and helpful to others. But then again, I doubt being so naive enough to make such a silly mistake.” She pauses for a moment, turning around to meet those eyes again, making her take a step back.
“How dare you speak to me that way!”
“You’re in the business of serving people, arent you? Giving them what they want. And I want something.” He said, ignoring what she said.
“Hey, listen to me! You don't know the first thing about me! Thinking I’m some hussy.” She screeched out, stomping her foot as she slowly lost her temper. 
Yet he remains calm.
“Oh really?” 
In a blink of an eye, he was close to her, leaning over and whispering in her ear, “You’re right. I don't know the slightest thing about you. Besides the fact that you live two different lives. One of them is helping your parents by working in your family's Dango shop, acting all sweet and innocent with a lovely smile on your face. And the other…” He pauses for a moment. “Hm. A naughty side, that would bring shame to one's clan.” She gasped, seeing the once crimson eyes with black comma patterns were now changing right in front of her eyes into a pinwheel shape. 
Suddenly she could see everything he was saying, whispering every single detailed description in her ear of what no one should know yet she could see it play out in front of her. It felt like she was in a dream, one so real she thought she was really there. 
Until finally coming back to reality, “How did you know it was me?”
"Let’s just say you stand out around here." He indicates while trapping her against the counter his hands resting on each side of her head. Watching her eyes wander to and away from his stare until eventually, with begging eyes and her hands clasped in a pleading stance, "My family - They can't know. It would ruin them, our business, and my family's name. Please, I'll do anything."
When she felt this strange man move close to her, placing his hands around her waist and down to rest on her ass, she gasped but cut herself off.
"I'm not one of those delicate chunin boys you select. I don't want a piece of the full thing, no-I want the entire thing."
She bites her lower lip as her body starts to tremble from the proximity of his body to hers, from him fondling her ass, and from his shameless statement.
“Where do you want me?” She shyly asked, clinging to his arm.
He backed away from her just enough to glimpse those innocent, doe-like eyes of hers and said, "On your knees."
Crouching down on her heels, she was met with an undeniable erection that was pushing against the fabric of his pants.
She gasped as she scooted closer, unfastened his belt, and saw the length slip effortlessly out in front of her.
So close to her face, and close enough that she could lean forward and use her lips to touch the quivering member if she wanted. And believe me, she does.
"I’m safe." When she looks up at him with lust-filled eyes, he utters it out while turning away. "I-I may not be big like the man you've slept with, but I will satisfy you." He spoke tentatively, still not looking at her surprised expression.
"W-Who hurt you?" She murmured this while stroking the thick member as she heard him sharply draw in.
Was he a moran? He had such a magnificent dick, so long and fat with him only being a foot away she could just lean forward and kiss the flush head. 
Closing her eyes, she moves in close to the length and kisses the leaking tip before trailing kisses here and there all around the girth until finally reaching the base of his cock while looking up with those innocent eyes.
She drew away and gulped down the lovely man's entire length till it reached the back of her throat and back out after keeping him in for a solid minute with saliva trickling down her chin. As her tongue aggressively travels out, lapping his balls while deepthroating him, he couldn't help but lean on the counter to steady himself. The delightful heat travels up his body every second as he attempts to relax himself.
He was a patient man by nature, but his curvy beauty always puts him to the test. While he longed to appreciate this moment, he also sought to maintain his cool so that he didn't lose control.
Yet he has no shame.
The way her eyes rolled to the back of her head when he grabbed the back of the curvy beauty's neck as she continued to sloppily deepthroat the strange man's dick while grazing the member here and there made his mouth drop open slightly. Secretly loving the roughness that added to the sensation and brought him closer to the edge.
However, as much as he would have liked to cum in the curvy beauty's mouth, he refused.
"Ahhh~" She breathed out, her eyes rolled back, and a satisfied smile spread across her face.
Taking her by the hand, he sat her down on the counter and fondled her breasts, making her gasp.
"It appears you like it when a man takes advantage of you, exploiting you in ways you could only think of. Isn't that why you're here? You don't want just any man to ruin you. No. Just that special one." He muttered huskily over her ear, his hands expertly wrapping around her plump hips and settling on her ass.
"That’s not true, that's not true at all -!" She gasped, cutting herself off from the feeling of thick fingers kneeing her cloth cunt, rubbing into her wetness before drawing back and holding it up.
"Completely turned off, huh?" He scuffs lightly.
"Be quiet." She panted weakly.
She wanted to get even with him and was about to smack him but was stopped by him catching it and pinning it above her, trapping her between him and the cool sink.
"You're in no position to make any demands." 
"And you are." She fires back.
When she noticed a little grin on his face, she gave her best bitchy face. 
"I believe so. If you'll allow me, that is." She experienced a chill when he moved in close to her ear and spoke in a gruff, naturally deep voice. When she doesn't respond, he gently lifts her chin to face him, and she swallows hard. 
"Hmmm... perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself." He said aloud as he started to pull away but was abruptly halted. He was delighted to see the curvy beauty holding onto his robe with tears welling up in her eyes.
"No! It’s alright!"
Her eyes widened from her unexpected outburst. She covered her mouth as humiliation overtook her. He chuckles, his hand failing to hide the faint smile appearing on his face, sending her heart racing. He draws her in close to his broad chest.
"Well then. Who am I to object to your wishes?" He commented, peering out from under her neck with a smug smile on his face.
Suddenly and expertly, the strange man flipped her over and had her lean against the sink counter with her shorts hanging around her buck knees, exposing her throbbing ass and sopping pussy.
"Even though you've made this unavailable to your customers, you want it, don't you?" 
"I've never felt this-," she said, trying to glance back at him in a haze. 
She abruptly cuts herself off, gasping at the startling sensation of something thick slipping in between her folds.
"Keeping this all tight for me?"
Itachi took cruel pleasure in watching her shake at the slightest brush of his dick running down along her entrance and pressed in hearing her yelp every time his tip brushed against her clit. “Do you think you're ready to take me, my pretty?”
She honestly doesn't know what's wrong with her. It’s not fair how her hands can't help but get sweaty when not even a few minutes ago she was cursing at this attractive man and now her heart is fluttering by that stupid pet name as she begs him to fuck her while trying to lift her hips so the heaving rod can just slip inside.
"Yes, sir." She eventually blurts out.
Not fair that he stands so close behind her with such a low voice grazing her ear while without warning, he thrust into her, slow and deep. Plunging full-length into her warmth and all the way down til it brushes against the entrance of her cervix.
"AHHH!" She moaned, back arched and eyes slowly rolled to the back of her head as she unknowingly was seized by the strange man's muscular chest, trapping her between the cold counter and his hot body while he slowly thrusts his hips against hers as one of his hands travels up and caresses her plump face before leaning it against the bathroom mirror. If anyone was around, they could have heard her loud, enticing shrieks, leading them to their fuck fest.
Finally pulling his upper body away, he began to move his hips faster watching the way her cunt gobbled down his dick over and over again.
‘It’s official, I’m a slut.’ She thought to herself. Believing that she hit a new level of low, allowing this attractive man to have his way with her, free of charge to keep his mouth shut. And right where any man could come in and see. She was scared to be caught yet also excited.
God, every time he slides in it felt so fucking good~ 
She cries in ecstasy from the sudden smacks her ass was receiving. Smack after smack echoes through the empty room and not too far along her whines and whimpers. Shockwaves after shockwaves of her pussy spasming around his length making the silent man grunt at the tightness as he tries to pull out.
Wrapping their hands together, he brought them up to knead her breast while he caress and toyed with her doughy side.
“Ahn!” She gasped, suddenly feeling the stinging of him giving her what no client is allowed to do. “Noooo…” Give her hickeys.
She could feel her thoughts numbing and fading into bliss as she continued to make sounds that a stupid bimbo is meant to make on her night out, which is getting her brains pounded out in a cramped public bathroom.
“-Nngh!” She lolled out, eyes slowly crossing. 
The mysterious man began to move his hips faster watching through the mirror the way her free breast swayed by the force of his thrust. She felt so good, the way he rolled his hips against hers caused her greedy cunt to leave a nice ring of cream around the base of his cock.
“Already creaming? Well, aren't you a dirty girl, huh? A slut disguised as a lady or is it the other way around?” His vein hand that was teasing her other breast slowly made its way up and around her neck in a nice firm grip tight enough for her to understand he was the one fucking her, no one else but him.
“Yes, I-I’m a dirty girl! I’m daddy’s dirty GIRL!” She suddenly screeched. The tears that glossed over her eyes slid down her cheeks, smearing her caked face.
She was a mess, her once dolled-up face was ruined with tear streaks running down her cheek, and her once glossed-up lips were now swollen and smudged from the passionate kisses they’d shared, and from sucking this beautiful man off, she must look like a mess to this man. If only she knew how pretty she looked in his eyes.
Until unexpectedly, the strange man pulls out and turns her plump body around, setting her down on the counter with her lower half hanging off, setting one of her legs over his shoulder and spreading the other as far as it could go to get better access.
"Mhm!" As soon as he slipped in, they both gasped in ecstasy.
Hours passed as they made sweet, passionate love, taking her in many positions that made her question her flexibility. Pulling out, he turns her around to face the mirror again before wiggling her backward to snuggle up close to him. Catching a whiff of his cologne she felt herself becoming hazy as he lifted one of her legs up on the counter for support and lined her on top of his length. Shushing her gently as he heard her faint whimpers, he held her chubby waist for support while massaging her breasts and leaving trails of sloppy kisses all over her neck and bare shoulder as he made her cum once again. 
Before taking her in another position. Still staring ahead in the mirror, she notices multiple hickeys on her neck, shoulder, and breast, but she doesn't have time to react because he cups her face, linking their lips together as their bodies remain intertwined together.
"Bend over, beautiful." He instructed.
Guiding her forward and face away from him, he bent her upper body down till she could see her knees, restraining her arms behind her back with one hand while sliding his cock back inside her eager hole.
She couldn't take it anymore, stuttering out how lightheaded she was while feeling the blood rush to her head and how deep he was penetrating. Having to loosen herself from his grip to support herself by touching the cool restroom floor.
Begging and panting for more.
Until finally being in a carrying position. She clings to the attractive man with nothing on except her thigh-highs and a barely hanging heel. Though he was in no better shape than she was, with lipstick marks on his neck and shoulders and around his mouth and lips, his pants hanging around his ankles, his cloak and shirt discarded somewhere, leaving him naked with arms around his neck and legs wrapped behind him, he lifts her completely off the ground while thrusting inside her.
‘Yes, this is what I want. This is what I need.’ She thought and kissed again. Each kiss feels better than the last, and their kiss grows deeper.
"My girl," The handsome man declared, making her pussy flutter around him at the idea of being his girl, his good girl. And he was aware of it.
"Yeah? Like being mine? My good girl. How about that? My good girl, my good girl, my good girl…" He chanted as he dragged his cock into her writhing walls, making sure she felt every inch of his length.
She nodded, feverishly nodding her head in approval, whines pouring out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her tongue lolled out as drool dripped from her mouth.
She couldn't envision this man saying these embarrassing things, but he did, and he said them deliciously with pride.
He paused, smoothing aside the damp hairs from her forehead before continuing.
"Do you want me to cum inside? Speak up, like a big girl. Daddy loves it when you use your big girl words." He purred, stroking her cheek and staring into her sex-dazed eyes.
“Y-YES! Yes, Daddy, I want you to stuff me full of your load -Nng!” 
He chuckles as he hears her feeble whimper and sees her teary eyes. Her arms clutch his shoulders as she looks him down with gritting teeth and tears-shedding eyes before eventually feeling shy and attempting to avert her gaze yet he didn't allow her to, cupping her face and keeping her gaze on his.
"Cum with me," he huffed, drawing her face close as she nodded. They were in a trance, staring into one other's eyes and panting as he looked between her eyes and lips, touching her bottom lip before gripping the back of her neck and drawing her close for a passionate kiss.
Bouncing her on his cock, over and over again, until she notices his heartbeat rising, his length throbbing, and his breath quickening when he rips away. Fucking her fast and hard, growling in her ear about who treats her well, who fills her up like this, and who makes her cum this fucking good. And all she could say while sobbing against his mouth was that it was him, and only he could make her feel good, and of course, they both ate it up.
Their bodies stutteringly clung to each other as he thrust into her slowly and deeply, cumming. She brushes his wet bangs away and puts his face in the crook of her neck, watching his body heave as his hips thrust lazily upward while firmly holding her body close to his so she doesn't collapse.
Slowly setting her down on the counter after a few minutes yet she still clung to the man in front of her with those big flirtatious eyes, peering naively up at those glowing red ones while pouting.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” Looking down to hide her embarrassment, but he reaches his long finger out and beneath her chin, gently lifting her face to look at him. Silently ordering her to speak.
"So that's it then. What’s the point of all of this? For you to just leave?" It’s so unfair." She murmurs while clutching his cloak and turning away from him, not wanting this man to see her cry.
"Enough now. Have I not tormented you enough?" He was hesitant to turn her head to face him, gently cupping her chin, seeing tears running down her cheeks and staining her once dolled-up face, and he wiped it away with the sleeve of his coat.
He focused his entire attention on her. He’d never witnessed her being that submissive. Her lips were swollen from kissing, and her face was heated to the touch with half-lidded eyelids. In all honesty, she was a mess, but to Itachi, she looks absolutely stunning right now.
"Will I ever see you again? -Only if you want to...! She paused before continuing, suddenly aware that she was yelling at the stranger. " I-I mean…"
He pulled away from her to redress himself. He smiled apologetically, occasionally massaging the side of her thighs just in case she had a cramp. "We'll have to wait and see. Until then, take care of yourself."
She cries out to him just as he is about to take another step. 
"Wait! Before you go, what is your name?" As she waited for his response, she sheepishly covered her chest with her discarded top.
"It's Itachi," he said, casting a side glance.
‘Itachi~’ She touched her chin and nibbled her bottom lip. 
She liked how his name sounded coming out of her mouth.
Itachi made his way to the door of the restroom, where he stops to clarify something. 
"By the way, no fooling around. If what you said is true in the heat of the moment, then your body belongs to me. If I find out you forgot, I won't hesitate to remind you." He said, exiting the restroom, leaving the curvy beauty speechless and awestruck after him.
Did that just happen? She had never experienced anything so vivid, yet so dreamlike at the same time. It felt so amazing that she was already missing the mysterious stranger.
As she was getting dressed something slips out of a piece of clothing and fell to the ground leaving a clinking sound after it. Kneeling down and picking up the object she observes the metal ring with the crimson center with the writing “Shu” on it. Flashbacks of the familiar ring flood her thoughts from when Itachi had his hand wrapped around her neck as she face the mirror.
He wouldn't mind her keeping the ring as a memory of their nightly passion, would he?
“There you go, enjoy your meal.” She said, bowing with a kind smile on her face before leaving. 
It had been weeks since their encounter, and she had returned the next night, waiting for hours to see whether she would see Itachi again. She eventually gives up and realizes that she will never see him again.
Carrying the tray of Dangos, she headed to where the cook said the diner sat until noticing the familiar ring on her right ring finger. 
She had been so attached to him in such a short time that she did not dare or intend to revert to her old self. Surprisingly, swearing not to sleep around. Sure, it was entertaining for a time, but when Itachi claimed that she was his, she couldn't help but smile.
"Sorry for the wait! Please enjoy your..."
Moving aside the short noren curtains, she abruptly halted in her tracks and noticed the familiar red cloud pattern noir cloak on the person she had assumed she'd never see again.
‘No way... It’s him. Itachi!’ She dashes back inside, hiding behind a wall, nearly knocking the sweets off the tray she was holding.
‘Hopefully, he didn't see me.’
She wants nothing more than to run up to the mysterious man with open arms and kiss him passionately before clinging onto him while telling him how much she missed him and how she's been such a good girl since their lovemaking.
But she can't be ecstatic, at least not in front of everyone. Yet, if Itachi truly wanted to see her, he knew where she worked and where she met for pleasure, but he didn't, leaving her to wonder if it was all a dream (when it wasn't).
Easing her nerves, she took a deep breath before making her way toward him.
“H-Hello,” Showing her best fake smile, she places the sweet treats down next to him, before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. If he wanted to keep what they had a secret, so be it. She was used to this.
“Enjoy…” She mutters out, giving a faint smile before turning back so he couldn't see her smile fall. 
She'd never felt so nervous before. The suspicion that he is lying to her in order to get his way with her and, as a practical joke, going where she works and claiming not to know, it hurts. However, before she could go, her hand, which was holding the crimson ring, was seized, keeping her motionless.
"So, as you predicted, we meet again." He whispers in her ear, causing her to gasp and hide her heated face with the tray in her hand.
"I-I should leave since others are waiting for their meals." She averted his eyes as she said that.
But Itachi would not let her.
"Look at me." He coos, his breath tickling her sensitive ear as he drags his finger up the side of her face, bringing her close to meet his.
Taking the dish from her and dumping it someplace near them, he immediately had her under his spell.
“What’s the matter? Why is the pretty girl pouting?” He teases, showing a faint smile. “Don't play with me, Itachi-sama. I thought we wouldn't see each other again and that what we did was just a one-time thing.” She hissed out, struggling to get out of his grip. 
That made his brow twitch.
“Don’t you miss me?” He smirked, ignoring her feeble attempt and comment. 
Which only seems to irk her.
“Did you?”
If only she knew, how long Itachi had been silently yearning for the curvy beauty. Observing the way she works at a local Dango shop and how she approaches every customer's table sensually, swaying her hips from side to side as she sets their treats on the table while wearing a smile and innocent-appearing eyes, and then makes her way away to take the order of another customer. 
He wanted her to leave lose the phony image and show her true self. The confident, brave, and sexy woman who does not take crap, is an overly eager hussy and appears to become bashful and pouty when her Daddy is not there.
Or so she thinks. 
For Itachi, he kept assuring himself that what he was doing for months was for her sake and would not interfere with anything she did, only observing her every move. Keeping one of his crows following her wherever she went.
I mean, was she that gullible?
She didn't seem to care about her personal safety.
Wearing the sexiest, tightest-fitting clothes imaginable so late at night. What if something went wrong? He’s not shaming her in what she wears -no, he just doesn't trust the outside world. If you think this man is insane now, just wait till something intervenes with her safety. 
He'll be there in a heartbeat.
It was almost as if this was a test. A test to see who could deliver her the pleasure she wanted and deserved. And a test to see how long she could tolerate being with other men before being taken away by him. 
To bind her solely to one dick.
So, when she asks if he misses her, the answer is yes.
He was drawn to her piercing gaze, then to her lush, slightly parted lips in a cute pout, as she bit her bottom lip as noticed where he was looking.
"How about I show you how much I miss you?" He charmingly smiled, leaving her flustered and stammering.
"If you think you can just walk into my life and expect me to just-" She abruptly responds, slamming his chest to vent her annoyance, but stops as Itachi clutches her wrist. "W-what are you doing?" She stutters, feeling his warm fingers trace her arm till they lock hands.
"I believe this belongs to me." He stated this while staring her down and bringing their linked hands between them, revealing the silver ring she cherished.
Of course, he would change the subject.
“I found it.” She calmly said, trying to regain herself by pulling her hand away and behind her body.
“Of course you did.” He grins, surprisingly leaving the ring on her finger. “Keep it. I have another one.” Itachi already knew she'd take the ring, deliberately leaving the silver ring where she could see it, imbuing it with a very special seal.
“And let not forget you putting the honorific ‘sama’ after my name. It hurts my feeling when you said that…” He said, drawing her close and seductively whispering her name with the honorific ‘chan’ right behind it.
“S-Stop it, Itachi! I’m working right now. Everyone could see-” She whispered shouting while backing away from him.
"-that didn't stop you last time. Remember, pinned down on the counter while-"
“Shut up!” 
He can't help but tease the curvaceous beauty. It's amusing to see her become flustered and embarrassed while attempting to fight him back. It's cute.
“Ssshhh…Relax.” He cuddled her and brought their foreheads together to soothe her down. Of course, it eases her. She clung to his cloak and gradually gave in to her loneliness and longing for him.
"I really miss you." She whispered sheepishly, biting her lip and looking at him with hungry eyes.
"I'm sure you did, Love. Have you been a good girl since I left?" Itachi knew the answer but wanted to hear it from her.
"Yes." She pants out, already forgetting where she was as she clings to Itachi's arm.
“Well... Are you going to let me reward you for being my good girl, or are you going to be a brat once again?" He stated this while arching his brow, but before she could speak, he cut her off. "I'll give you two options: tell them you're on your very long break or go back and serve with me gone." He left it at that.
Itachi slips the dango from the dish and begins to walk, leaving her there with no time to evaluate her choices.
But you already know which one you'll go with, right?
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midna-chavelink · 5 months
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biteable-pink-pixie · 6 months
If you ever find my tinder profile this is how I want to be messaged if we match
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